still Rolling The Weather Partly cloudy and warmer Spartan llootrrs Win Another IIii*l« today 7!! I,o\v Wednesday Srr r.iitr •» IMHCK .*» (TATS VtU "'I. !*"■ Gimpus Model UN Execs Sav Situation f Sols First Meeting The ,amjni> Lniti'ii Nations will hold an open ti«»n,i! meeting; Priilay at S p.m. in Lounge. the I'nion International orjraiiiza- Hopeless I V Lounge Mai ItcHort lo 1 : J ^/w/i to ill T-ll liijiiiirlion > v- MSI Shutouts IMTTSIHTUai .A'.- St.*.! re negotiators despaired \\e*!- N.-a v"'i» •1% * \\I>H \ sl^slIN The Mlioit U *«fl \ Ms" -'.mVnt.N *• invite.-' nesilay of a strike peace pact with Ihr r«»Ur. . Shown • u • * A hi'M !.?••• '.'•(*• :< la* '.'•e- |»! - -1.1* ':' : '.O e VI. I L^itint: petitions are Terry llntN (I). \ire president of \ •■'?! ** ri I !'• . i.n? i lan> ami polu-i*'- fusle.i S- • i' .-riser 1 • ■. junior cla** and Mohammad Alt Tousst. president of «*' 1 , •- .**■ n ictt It-*i upon f t' l«" •' «■ t'N m«»t!< :l O-.err w ill pi'. club. Seated at the ballot ho\ - * m Iranian Student is Pal .. -■! ^ .tb/iHt o! t amp 1 • ba.'vA it*'ner:i| meeiitiu Ijij,chairman of the Campus l'\. I fci...*t- *•:- ! ..•• r-.'vf.H-ti ,.- the future ! .11 iiKiii -a ,i ■ - p"!t.-i eomn; r • ■ •1 **t' i\. rri'N vi., \* *1 • 1,«»w V, .* TS' Net. . home Tile 'O-p st.Mtid hive liberal trls «. • * • !•-: >. ri*,v*■ : , \ • «• Sot ««' •'• ... • .«• • • !o v*o» . . uNvr.i Ie.i.iill.- p! *yer. m..teriai> piano, ar.d approve .no a* w" !"!>.- •'!*- .no *-li . ig tb* the UN * • * >1 1 . - i-mii" ii*ii -.e.len^t j . .1 si *lr n>a*n ehntu h* Klir I miclhrr** mnnittce Backs A.J t .•! r-. w ar; mSern.ili'AliJll ft-*- were .p'. lip! With "... TIN M.ISTS for the Harvest Hall queen lloilgivs, I'nrniingtou Jr.. C'herie Salislmr*. ni v- • w• ;n the pnvess- of lot ther me«''i:ik pr..-|-ee! t > were chosen last night at Ant bom Hall. Hillsdale soph., and Janice Uiggs. \\ayne ' - 1; n.H»k> ami m.«- Sealed (l r> are (ia> I ertb, Detroit soph., jr. stand behind tliein. (I'd I he er ipphtU'. Ha-.las 1• . • • *i •: ;•• .... over the world sle*-l hot"' •- lucational Goals I'aar !i v 1 ' 10 > ' o. f mov- «r»l thiuclttion—a belief in the ore . u • • i • e\eellt!\ « n ji*lt lltlWimi e Heart Attach k ills Maria Lanza .. IhinttK Ihr hr*l mrrlhis of . 'i.- the "hi lidernational which should pruperly lw. pmv ;.t« Ihr V|s| -I V .» srfri'pri t". ■ :< • i*»nip!et*,.i. thev will !»<• u.iW it* stinients ivjrardUh** of th»ir «-\« : -j .a *1.11 utll lit- rlnlril from Ihr 1 i li.-.w ■ a,«t . -a'i >'li 1 - - l»riirrjl U*rmbl». l irh drlr- Urn ••ui.'-aii'!' the vvh*»le get - ca':—an>! this phiiosnphv v • *' -'ipi'.-iT IF I - ill! . v «p e. 1 . m-Ph-'iielP s.1O011. rtimpotrtl of rrprrsrnl.*- ... . . .m.t the At'Sli •he tYmn 'tee on the Kuittiv . . ! .. • V • . tie 1 1 till '. lo VV.* Mill Inr* from all Ihr rountrie>. will I Mi i n:»t v..*.*: I'.'operation eoio- 1 I a' i'm. iunique feature- "• ■ •* h.ivr on*- voir e.lflee. W *»flivV IS l'HM'.ed !iw Ui1 !'• - 11<*,» , '• -■- i Pe.i ft I "1- .1 ft'M Ui|t i-*"... .-.* MSC in the past has >,« s, •.)« .tlenerai w : 1 mil. Me'iiOei a of this H I,. I* dp-, spi mif 1 '-ti" - <•.» «-i.• !• . < jii.'.ik "f 111 ..*;; -m-i.'. i*vully push- *1' says the Committer " t'- e t F.. M i :»n ,."«i iv e \t. t)M. ill! Ifi-P |-„.r. di. ■ •• * I. Me- i • • ' \. 1 n r,\ • ■ p; • 'in j: \tli* :mg >|nit. whieti ' . a pt\ «>k< ' ie 1 aft -II .1 '; t!-is program sh-.tUI ?•< ■ » •• .".*• *•;-!. II- 1 jiiai of it. kind on : :.l* ■ • - p.- :i ■ • e 1,. m i ..-ok- -f'M> '!»• ' ' 1 - . . a ' ■:.ts shituld U* eiH'Olira!-ts! • \*. : ■: !»*♦-.• - , ' • ' ix'votuf the P»a-a- < . t. r- n>«-i T e mv. ..ent ! .»n and Duel; Duel,nl. : ,-!• .< K11 ' - i n the t'SW mi 1. ♦ as i 1 c.*111' f Mi' '' • the liberal art- we.-e-M •; , ,.! extenchtl 1 vp.':•••.• and m- He ' .d .. ■1 Iliiiilvr Diilii'l Coll I In (hoi ■ : . ' "at a libera! art ■ »> , • ,.U*li !•' 1' >1 Jrtit |u ret to¬ \ r their t'UtUfe !'"V <> • , 1 Aro'ji. ai il : '«■ - promote. Uetlr- ' «'f Vl:i mini 1 ' :t vv .* ir. ver»f 1 ii.*', a. fro driver. the I ■ Alt Msl* Cut 011 SliclJ' . ... I -v:'* 1 ■.« e t-h'ff • oike: law *'' "<• < hanires. nr lAf „f , * t..1 • ■ n v .itual f: 1 end - 'an a r- 1' t: • • 1 i < I- • * - oi.i ' |. IIIP - - *. Mo ; -a ' Th. liv (.oimress ,*. • iteration among ali . •hkm iii! i.inpiiai ee ■ UN fjr-rra A - and ,\1.|» -.'I.*,! Id I in uipi.n til' iu.ierit? at Msr if!' F. elipovA 1" 1 '.' I t•art of the ent :r. .• ' • i»j\ ran 1 T.iC! lie ' - m-t, a ! : should be \ lew. ■ " ■ I r ;vi r- ' . ' • A 1 si; : ptlltlir lo ' -Iim (ft tit I tits Scene Altered . . m .1 . Ion le ait es-enti.;: l>.i,ii M • >-p*mMid ■• "0 :11. 'i' i • • 'tram. II, .Id !' I red ;Vei -liv c it • MM Ii Ml •I'liu Ml'-|e <|U' ki - liv Recent Dinni/omrs • ! *! • ernent ' • « • •*•»'•• I- ; . ;• ... e. • s , ■ h ' - babe Colley« The eaimr shrllrr has even ' '• VIel MP.II i III ii \nh iii l*ns || |n 1 ■ •- i. . : <■ ' t he i \>r»'e - o - - ■ Urlrd lo tnovr into Ihr niri e 1 ■ 11 le .0 'h. Pi'lii l.r.s i'm*'- ■ , hi. i'thjt'sr' • • ' ' • 1 • I : I vrrpl for our s*»kj;a **«!«' Ihr »i. pre,*-o it* ■ uppo! ' 'it!', 1' ' • shrltrr r4ii l*r rrarhrd bv w ad . • P . I ll ia,- .n :o*pi -i'lMtlf! I'm nr.' - ing onlv Lunili III In I'nss ,,.,*1 ■ . 1 i.j.i . i % • ' - •1 ik'- ; . ' • '' ,.; .. >r;.: a *d f ' • — ' are . f. tar.o • i in a n*u -1 i • ■ • • P 111 fi.' t'-e lit* "11 * . • w o I'Mrlli in II I hi vs : pom v -1 • ktr'kmc »l ' > i,. ,v ree r .0. -in Ihr most A d ' • • tis-' in hUu»r\. i- • .• . 1 1 st^riii* Lake iim bodies It - of water «*n IF* south 1* haV <• .*:>'pe-r there \U)Sr' »W U f,. Dock Strike fbreirrit • • '' •ode »f the \ii»l and roiornirni ■ • •• ■ ' ( - iimmittee'.* tee-an* Ulil ft? sho-i ' .i I ■ ■ • r- '" '' men misl of ihr rantpus outdoor*- ; p.. Uiulel To I'aet-I'inders • • o 11' I lee. • V -o-. ' ■ -a a gl-e* K h* he Heport Today ■ at .serth-r •. at' fHh hi N Kll \|. KIM CATION One f-xim pie -if earot . Siixoii Sixes I 1 "t t WOit i.i io - . m- ap|H*«U'»«d a' (» vv.vsii iNi; i' eld Tia iiilf.ep.lii !. I. i'paftment, «'r.' ' 'II Subversive . ■ . \ A . • 'ed lor •tier*st. The co rs. \ r jnnmK mite; - .Tie cm!' Ij„- prof* •! " •' ,,J| • ...o. ' , - ' ■ ' •' ideas titid -- i"t tn.ii • • ' ' ' ' - H A »■ m r. 1: ukuai AS 0.4 *|> - Ii- la. * Knirk W- iuxression • senior semi;-: •" rigid, how, th port lisr Irmpoi.irv ap|MiiolmriiLs WAsllINC P >N '• r • u«iie> on* -••• 1': I! .. . - N - ' W. ' wrir 4|»|ilovrd lis roitkren*. *worn into oilier al thr inert M. -1 ■ . '• .1 Jl 1. » ' • re* •*mmen«l.»t. • - • Norm thlirl. Wrd ■ a;I I nivet ')' ■ • irt'r ■ 4 ' Ti-tU of Foreign Ihils itu sliaw; wrir Julir I'owrr*. Unliving. i'" I'i • it,." N.ViM Hi; . .o- • • • j -1 r *11' Man \liir Ki-ll>. nororltirs. ■ eater flexibility " j,. '. ■; - I• Pain i< ••fid Darrrl Vortik. last Uaioiiiig and I'• ' Offered ia Service ' general »ihtr .t . t . Career •* / • F..e ! .. - - - dof.,. • 1.1 fl«. - . I and Itmidr. Mesl Vakrlrs with appnaches to *■" ,"-i "" . . h ■ A ' 1- • F .i* - -t adepts, jrreater fiexinpi' - 1 • • - . nwessarv." -.*• - t' » «' nv. — ■ ►- , . M".re ' ;*i: U)t) Ms HI. \s\( iiami; .that ;• * ■• ' »> r- r*;.i - ,. i , ' ' ntifdentV major depart??!*•"' in the t: ■ -< '"S' ."I V - ^ Arvh.. , j',-' 1' iVt- «f one of these appro,,* • -r ■■•-*■: •> . * * *x* • ptinsr the student fron tn« b..-a '• • ♦• lis'.. . w.Hi Id ' "f * -1itiitinjr thi* approach, but without credjt.' John !-»<♦•>' - * .-'I ! i * • * t ,r\ fire He- '■ati i. ii filV-.O III comprehension which ... sV:} !, n* a!rc.**U jh»s- «»t af.M fs »'■« ! Ii. ' • i1 ': K ' l- .ll n. ^ 'a >r more of the basic appn-*aehe> to ir«kre. fy.A- 1 !l I,!, ■ J ,.lfi Pi - ' • Til!- Ha iir'n r'•• on*PPf*'«acH most ckwel.v for exempting the stmlent from th«- ilasic aihe*i with hi- major. tJii< u.rt I . Mo:od i- Hat:,. Ji-'M.un,; 1 I 1 rt< i" the '-tofOcf v.ud ni 1 fa "h.i pt.'asts* fp-s offering this for thesei approach. t»y es- f.steri a aeftsr of hunu.i a .< s./i.irii;< : ' s . i ; fill " r' and f<*r credit." prime mju**;tr Soire former a*d *' ! , W- •' Sn.iv. c I). fslxon sj>"K> of!-! c-i'viff «• 13, ,-i.i.a 'a* 1 o11;. ' • M .. o. «> op*!n f f" ' ■•/• Ptec ibo believes that under thi- pre.Per ground* in 1 .. '.M- 1 *-''-Idldi'lg • *0 'I A ill Pi'' Urt- 1 cri n open Miti of a I:« -■ hTiuii: * oil;, *r: !»«-!; • hrlpful ho said, »> is .1 tir•<> ;h l»}*or' 'A'i'm h >• M MACI !.I- !;,i'i.c-*t,t, .i-ssioi! 'if the IW-al H"'-~ - underyradowte programs should incituie more -u tioii-i llwv ;,.i Kid Up any ai- da.v Tieaiy Or^am/atkm's o*uoci f elective^. knowifdfto at Engh»fi I-a t«:5 noon m 329, Htuderd S»-tv. •••- As M*ifi ,V. the I'I«•< o n' re- in Posti»i Tom Mid-East de- h'-ernRc wrhn was 4 student at Ms! .1. Th.1 cof-ftpkHed. prtitmtis mw* t"e to course content in the genora) education f*at- Cidvto I', he ran d..struct Atty I* ! In Uir office by 5 f. um» alliance. fortw.rIy known p.m the * , ni mil tee agree# that natural science, !«ocial 1935. ol rmphao/.eri the in vko !- a Foreign S*tvico of?,. - (; w, k »• O-' 15 v.- mem tier* (he Baghdad Pari. h«> at Iran, Paktvtan, T»ar- I II ft-m^nitien end communication ikilU remain para- Anco court injunction, pr'tstbly on '1'hr firctfOT;* coniff•< I in er\ bt-ing ablo to rrad wtU aod h i ,>,!> This would fou r t.n,- k»-> Urtd Brpain. The United 'i'i-* .SlU'l'p! S-• am* ha* JKiNI- amkrrs i>-»ck to tin docks foi StaU'. wwik* closely with tlw expire** hiimctf in writing >*r»- on mi* committee understand and become « J,dteo c,H,r^ help students KducaUuiialiy, Lacov sire KO days while cflorls art- made tlm ttUotncr I" * - jhe uae of these forms of knowledge in buikb to >otlle the dwi-puie Nixon, delivering the welcom¬ i lhat a gujd liberal aru back¬ at the fact- ing address for -U»e UntUnl i' II* p *-l ii/e end the g«aal eociety." the C ommittee* Thr' texiimouy Tn 'ta'.r.N. ground i« foreign service applicant excellent train ink ftr lind.og hearing was brief but acid llullrl Ihiniln 011 Siilr Slate*, did not mention Khrush¬ chev gr t e Soviet Union by 1 , if: B I with the principle of developing strong, four- S'iiili i Tie IDA Cuunnek Louis Wald-. name. But he spoke against rt Entry into the Forentn Service I ^^rpradqate program* in which general education is based upon competitive ex- man of New York, secured the Ticket* for thr Takaractika background recent visits to th(? United Sla'c* of. Khrushchev'r ' r a "tgnificant role, the Committee suggests that them? employer* .»f se<.'kmg wholesale DuBre Theatre go >»n sale today JOHN I.ACEY. at Mlmaa Ml. ia «>»■■ likiw' about aminaUon. Applications Ua take eluriitVitidn of longshore jobs, of and to Red China ami of Wash¬ . education courses be more widely distributed thr qaaliricalioao aa4 Jotlw of lb* f*r*iga wrvirr mrm- in to Union ington concern over Red acitvi* the student's undergraduate program. the written exarn. to be held refuving *n bargain, arul trying The ticket office on the sec¬ brr- to a n»■> af ilaJaiU (athorwl ia Um SluSrot Strv* Dec. 5 in Detroit, may be aecur- to "set the labor clock back 25 ond floor will b*' open between ties in Laos and other newly de¬ r program, the Committee believes that no icr looai*. «S at the Placement Bureau. years." — • 9 a »n. and 5 pun. veloped countries. *w. llw CMBfTB. W «• -Ml I B Artivilv Si„ni||l I Ani '"This Difurinnmrnl Tull* Sure lln?. Panicked Mielii«an Slalc News Jv. Predil'ls *>9 Sllllllllil 44W b' »«»«• hjd (loiilitiur TI.I- \\,,.J t1 »■' The Bin s I |» •iali s * li t- Read Dally by Ms|"« Miliugiin state .Nrwj )fc *itiiilrnt* and Family puOU#neu n> Madrnl* of .Micnigao Mosrow «r> Premier Nikita Khriisih-ln v - soviet Khrn-hrhrv "Mlhrr Irjnk It-Ill K.»rilh»»rr. Ul*-" wllfc **«»- «Hom l says a summit cimfrromr t ib-il J» ■ ' ni4n " „ ments will contmu. i ut l<. battle anj u'uie seeking to serve the hest ni'.cre»t* o« move which would drive •* '•'•dge tortwero tu- •' may lie ca I It'll tlw" lull or p..,. shown b> rrosi- this week m •> , w hetfjcr it come* from w ithin the umvervrv > r nor. out> \t« :?t « r " m uniting fv.o course. Signup.* {■ *> • - «•: the Associated I'if.r Inland Daily Pre** a; d Associated Cohegiatr winter Kl.rushchrv will be accepted Th»' S -\ : * p: ' • ' MtprwMB, !hc Bowling Alley R Vol. 51, No. 70 Thursday, f")ctohor 8. 10 >0 Pajre Two oavstj-j. rev: -4- -oi ,|, • • ,-v.M.c the Soviet l n- [' V c W. *• - - ' ' ' y ' l-s ion gtteats not only to his fore* - T u'sd.i\ »• V • \ -- ices., but also to the Am¬ .Michigan Sim,. \ Letters to the Editor t,.k, -s-.v Ru-.;i • t o c-.s'cr erican' people's striving lor Ml Studem Mr visited Vi.idivtuit.'k i" Publlgltea ots cm -« ea « iio'vc lr "m R.' ' t : -• (Urough Friday ii ifs'ion on which the » w.-)'. Closed Int'l House The p.." .j inter ami Tass. the official new A agency spritir v. l*nion *erk< an under- holHijvt; yyeekii Oner#" reported his remark* Wednes¬ .• mding vt'm the Americans is term and one *nec»' betyveen tumnier * ' day tn these ycords. • of durable peace T. «• sunt mi if mrt-' i... K"!'i-'i- Fntvrrd at aecond .■!*,. . .....yj world." Khru.*h- - "•"..'ighcW the tier get of March i p. j •frJ Thwarts Exchange - •# -. v •4j -4. , d .,!'ii'd i • -:,finu" • "'h - .(U'ti'V- ':»c ajHNiii- oxcha: "■ * ofbi-e. Fa*t tamstng \« vance tern* Mall subscription* for 44: one for t»-rrr , trr « V U ■ ■ The Associate,1 p-r. T« the Editor: v.-. c.i.t'T.h at Mich:gan .«*•*• e v.-w - i»r< i< eveluslvely to the Xiiihl Stuff , Ul~" Wtth the increased emphas * f'i'c i-rs.'; ■ jw-iip'.'- Fit!' f'fihj; cation of all the lotai •> Carl flriffler in tht* nev*«p.i,.< -w on inlernational «Hliu»tion an.- A P Newt Disoatc.-e, MI understanding which has taker, ".'Ji'VH", place at Michigan S'atc and * * * r S s, Uu. 1 dtior Jnd\ l.aylrka mare nir Adrlr Wellm»M. To the I dlton i.r He' MICHIGAN xr\l| \rt™ «.;ir new;%-founded sister sehm-' 11. ur-Tti Mr Mullen, sally Hun*- at Oakland, it seems highly :ri- \ •• - . j > •••*••• *■ < '' :.i:»-V ..d ' •«' " - ' * ."/to* Vp»m* f.dliof—Carolyn Valone VOI R MORMNfi HAIffl appr.uiriate that the Interna¬ tional Cent-" *Mould now i.e t - ♦ .• Ta. -« ,n 'ne st-.ic.« iv ,-?.>sed students h. - W • t k-t.y.y - se-ved Ttrat f,.r«.;gn and An.erican slude:.'-. this a building. u; n.eeling pla. e for , „ .... • hvh .....' .-a "f tr:\ es ••• uu tr- - na" ■ '.'.v.'- .»• fTV44.'- I I.K VIM.INKS: CAMPUS I p.m. CLASSIFIEDS Il.i> llOnrr I'ulillra.lon for Tin*.. W,d.. Thui. s tM .'i.: r-onvertrnl into an office .mil I ri Krtitiiin*. IIcirilmr (or M'»n. Kdilion: I p.m. I n. fa.' .* i if —'-a e ft..»r warrant* ,n- vt»s* g.itioi Ath!»**;e facilities Ilill- I'm able *•!.■ and I V Unndaj Ihrnueh Krldai he;,- .Bui that sma!i buiidtug which serve* a* a me- - .a the exotiange ideas be- Kll 2-l ."» 11 EXT. 2hIS • •>. een Afneri«ans an.i >■ no 's. '.»r between an Indian AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE PERSONAL s'uderit and .>ne fr«en tiemran" . On'"- .m u>t be converter! into one us».*«t eff.c-t ' e OPEN MEETING, -nv f. ■!" OfTl' l's' V> :5i for«"r: fing I;-*.' U- . - « • • ll.»w ran we rlaim U be in¬ AM' PORK *•:' ftion# • terested in prnmnting interna¬ .<■ ••• , .1 gtades i'.ii Ask aboii" tional understanding when v. e " f -\i er F-v-J Pn take awav a building railed, ap¬ .. u ••• ' .-i»4iera!: >u ar.,1 ,»K\\ ' o- r! IV'H » I- . • ■ . r.ef" propriately. "The International t t> J-P'.i I'll 5-as'.' I Hr. v e t enter," a place where I have tha ■long HOUSING spent man* interesting Irtdav udenS. be' ">» evenings getting an education m U'-.'.iu*'• «' err?*- : FC» tENT WiNGEO S'ir understanding .r.tegra'u.n of *' ? aPatTMf NTS Wh>-eve: is rent*»nsihie f .• -t ■.». ' nj:' :<**h ffi^VWOtF! . it\"vrRT!bl t ft- • m #-n»% it'ir tft i//«<•«■ r-.dlKMM1 I'rti:.'" K FN HAVrVAV - 1 .. k v u. h...v you can *. ■ ■ T"- " e 1 ' ' S'HRF .('t:a, In take ri-i* .„i i,. • . * wit "« s'lidrr:'- .rice-' F L) 2-IKC ! '■« 144,-m 2-3 n - . V \V . ii..i \ .U fi»\- *'!• ' • V to the i rest lltur pa.-.-Upaf. TMii J. M. Kol.n l* :■» ... .* th-* tioc.a! erlin-wtiofi at.d of our gi«*l symbol >>f ui'.en.a- f . '"I ' . PC*.ye * - V "Vs * - • *t r«'Hr» I IVW't . JK" 4 • g'S- • R ■ ''<■■ ■ he *• \ P IRTM >' N ' A> *hi>ri DEAR At. lOW U* t b-'t h« e -. A I® Ntw ** Anal> -1 '• >i tune ■ h-.\ - - visiting >'.. - - • .ysiprfd! Ha * fur us - * ■ v m-r bra»-elet .,i . , i , Tt del:''* f'.O'-i nl'H'i '.at!,'-"' •' -y :* ht p ' }**- f'trvn >' »• • Trr> .« Crand River Imr y ? • ViJ! eyening' tl !'. vvouui ' be.-n •' ■» g •••»'•.'* tasK *e" The Bud-Mcr the !• s a". fur.c . • »•' ...e I n THRFF Rinyyi I entrance *• Aqe^ctj ^jB Interpreting the News bui. Lr these oTier's '.1 ill..strive the rage: pe* ' -i''c i. • iitarrieO { Sincere:, hope that \ the *'OR«H>Nf AMY kit.-'ieo SMITH JACKMAN i 1 a unit": i act line* fc>. recfl"vd \V ' 'iim e, we 0 w*«\d . IOIIF STEVENS -*«• •• I"e IV 5-4WJ Jl base s..vr i a step backwatuf - Imernanorvl Onvr 'HftF W ANTE 0—MA; £ CI Ef MA. f THE lALLAOiER) i noon TWO-HFOROOM regarding w/e id on million* to inflr%lblr that negotia¬ We V.r hurt i «* cau-e of . - .• ,-r |«tesctv r - ea ■ piul . e»». ptary Herb farcical *V«- hav • Tc'.mgy >n Fr,.tav r 4" " •*!>#,! >;» a -11 a become* s' ••• e i Phone IV 2-C6:< • tion n at t r Wee" •< fori rv or thr i r*»allon of frrr »- HHIiiNCi «ECU •ID Hrjulio \dirmfi lit itir* which use Hrtlm s a* we:: »- • , - age j. REAL ESTATE at 4 ha»r *i.l fill Jewish (,irl Relates iw»r W hi'. \ *• ...«•; >%• ■> i't. , ... r • * • »• " ■ •• l. i e ae--wa-*-t ytAso\-*c.i u * • • ;n Beih.n t.'u«> ' Fou i bedriim >. • its- .by resent gcneral;-el »'*'«•- rrv«sHH» ONE BFDRCHtNt Out a nit r»''e • !• •* prepa:e«i e#»-t«a ta "g*t ae-se- r ■ 1 (■ 1 oe-.r anil '.en - rieenlvdise eia*"- me- •* r ie-.ise a- I *14*. - pu-' at ;n;s - .-Mldret iter* 111*15 Ft* naru \,%uro-. -. .,-r Khrushchev ytsil . • flee the Experiences in Army naiT a. ie* l-e., Prniilfnl »bvf#H«l> « THOMSON alWlltt Owner n " «>« i *\-;y c„,.. Nl<«• 11 OR «- . deal ring l«» bring puafinl i» SJTgy »•'!.- irllniUvr statement* NKU I U K IN TDK MIKIUHt inw» an» V«rl l>a*att SERVICE • bout whit might or might not Hv happen it • »ummii rattfereme. AS ut Id FuMKhlnt t onpa.iT |4}« *J F V. » .'HI i M » '.1R, s • , -- HiCKS IAvn;I • AM the I nlted *Utr* position • Unit thing* itiri (nit nr. ht tin* MMtobiofrrftphu'si nmel. V.»»i Itayuii t. * h? - C»OP Off EC" H | roirlli ha»r to remain |in««I » \l»en» tu t>* ui ti e Uruoli Anrx aiul of her intviitNfa.ii *r»i r ! , ■{ e-- 'V- .• tl«in nt.'Uotial yrow *l- INFORMATION f t '• nl . T' » i• - r • if. WE SPEC *4 ;e S :» • p»| HVi'-U PAKT-Tt'T Piy*4l*'lc\ two nri>R»yom . .i, .... •UNDLES »C» '.:«*■ A tvogn •.-• „:V ■ « . ' t k %»t% rut is and w.ckesC ... je»: V s '■ e ' y ■ • i %t.. Md - ; * - * A • . Wo* ON ii . . r e Mf.»i.1c-T-S *• BABY SIM IN . borne l>. - tt I " I I I lot MltllilN i* e tW'.a' gikci:r» sT| prv : with . II.. er tiuuyr »•'. • \ •••. Mmt\n< !»>ve i IKt t I K ' « .«vi ;y i'.v, V:VV-"''. r-o-e den I TV. RADIO Rt.Pt - Will H. - «»r radios IV o*: ■•••■ • V A <*"mhi ' > tue a: • gac.t * ■ pr .41 A ... . ?u» Idnget n fuR' FOR RENT A'-t-nrvT*; • ,»gri«- TYPIST ANN BR' 5-?4t«t Fie. *r%m %\t later, brr deep and vtnrere * ?-•:** m ivurr* and t ie* « - ir» in th»* |iuttur»t of Itrrpiiu lave f«»r aii~*»ldef man add* to FOR nto»ri on talking rtrn «itln.iit pro the pi in rs« •( alteration %hg i« •1" OiV.r fill % Ml l>l Mn Wl\»* i'w avatiab'* It dori not mean. howrtn *P» i t of %eltlrtnenW t» th »t undergoing. and ber deliberale « I I QwAV" that thrrr ran if no negotiation nrithrr *ulr *hail rslabltsti alti- - . IV. . \ ... atlentpl* l« burl the man *he FOR SALE Pt.FASAV • love* unly re*ult in strengthen¬ INSUKANCE S»t«. ' :rj|->T| ing her attachment tw him Crossword Puzzli * A C Y A 5 Ct i \io\ ttou:i> %v one of the personages sar* 1>*rinj«.«4«Mt ti-.e whtric t*>4.k. row \4 eek \rirl Roll think* she un hold .n and »»- " t-ier uv»mg Li I.Y ,•.*!•, ,t .» : 4, cv.nti. , *• 1 > SPUC-N.. T W-rov rivr j little on.hes$r* y»ith the other tver ' » '■ ' tjto-.jyr-- v ->i a •'h-.-Mtn IM>I| *11 IIIM% —. v - »iniullanrous|y she rolle*U men a >t \» i ' »'» .»••* ai« !•.»•«* ;•- MAC Or»« • a -« a a - m j.H<- i n L • W « C'i on a chatty and then hangs the t »c-men! w .- "• oJtuW's w K • i yj v . * CB PL ' ►CI SALE chain on her l«tirihmi wall as *-ha:v ••'iiMiSv :-t*. "fi..- :i •: 4- decoration Y*c. Skajiity i. .i <".» i 1421 K. M*w. Ac. , . . a - • < TtAlw|IS i c a; Mie "the 1'riWiViii Sopian «-r T«- t M Hfw IKFi) by 4 v. a • . d ' TIT M A * Aviv t*mi4»u:>'»Nt:- i „ ► ^ CO! 1 Y TIN'-: RFM RFTIFPTA 'lwcBT>N'SMv a< ' I"5»R,V FtriHll *irt4 .'to. r ;«*•• : * " >4 een ' 'I * saving*. Bm* rti* ■ F Bier , rx> n ■r-iai.d Ja*» F4a.11 T«1 Ma T'Otrr-UF'ARTtR IJ-NGTH VP*' '4.-' M.-iH'-n •mleich the tan AditHjrs, itof awvlj -.n • turn 1 >hgd tie* ED 2-JWT5 sH.".iv; ru'r ohnfh. TON »-.*•-.♦ Vtolgr- ■ «\N 4t;r\itNT. AND S IR. . f'.i.-cSi bob' -i - U '• *. • a. ' Myetr tuPiM-matift ithe w.-r .4 fna» w»- 'i Wed-.!:*-* ■ ing* »■» j»ut»}:«he*t I ke " a g,u.»w i r ft their pdsWesvencei. attempt *0 b*^ c.c-ip <-;e »fa«r> T '<» V! %3 4jc- IV I OFT found" fcm fuv.t » Qf * 4Wt - TYPING— TtHV lor- herteif criUcitv 40,1 sinveti'v yiflJS FNJOV Pit KING : ■•» ! OST ' RFN and dMaerttot- vf »•?- - ."LjOTH ■ O-. * a*. Fa*!' "1Itou-amc. Whether or fH>t ^ '.00 rt« I"- Neil Yu ■ .,rtl i-- rr> t >*> Wider Near t'lin C» r.o vlrtrief i {»* ftsrwrt " 1- J»m ra'e-* i: f \ ■**"' r-.i 'ot ■-mnaf'a minor V" 'ha:. A fj «dmc4hing S«i«ASieh-i- Oi .Aairt H'l V. A Frtrjtte*- Uho UW1 WMTTT . .4 HFAVY-FRAMC n-a A>ta-r>» ;>t fgiOwR Ris-u) <>ng <■-. !*r ... • de^irative ' 'e '-»:•>** ?f.r al. a< 4*Lf.,-* have *udJer'ett ■■ . «iiann < her tw«-y ret crcuh ;. S.fCtn Wl.U4g:-.s*c.-,.= K.«.t Ugtwae: ,, .. „,a>aiu<4. - i* I mnnnfrti a.* *':rf JUvatt R **w re- !'Terr rema.ns wvtrWielru *h>: v- r'B'a*! n, 4 ,-.I R*-t.a-» F»> ; ,, tn uni tegRUld * W -RUm«t«W «** N 1# 4-t'i t V.'Mg.n she ha* written a very uuirres** ut ii I,. *u«ark>r ateecIS ftuaarlor ateeilS F . — »,s»n>.t>.'iUe* . U.l-rli* < »"t* a* c-Hsisv >x>o:- » her (frtfio^Mttt a* tbf vu'.- • and f\ TRACTOR W ITH ROT') f ? . - •» • s:-i* * ' c. imun-lv VitUg*. » Poo- U' Pars! GUch musj# *' a ocou'ir tD T-U.*» pn.e | :s r I'V# *n.-»T bspydbwhtrra. nxytu jj E□ 31 ! r CUT* bH i. W ftS TMcrtT tKvmr k. .,«■ a»d .-b>er eonn>' h.»ht»v, *««*«er. ctuur teeter kabe. drape- 'i.vMir.g ; nervsmi <%. mora • • or . » IR»am TV t-iagf ig ( I n$y Stose* '• ?9 V- ami t'U*J bondy mortgage*, npi 17 " arnouht r 1.; "kI 3r rr 5? F 31 M» - f •"■ nl « ■ > *' «m-wnt #• ar* t'«r^gran:ui 2 ana 3 mciode. itr N'.as* 1a We sMTH F see nine CORONA FTXCTRIC tree |l»i r*ie- ptu»-r C"':N NM S' t A,-e ,A|.£ .s fe44> i' "* LE •ritzUJ ■ . *.#* where rbe »to,«h,-liter or **- - iv a-saaa ~' j f* B •rtrr tf i;-r t M Co» , ■.«- nomer acinars utx»n tha Nwslis n S»AlTAN IClt I NGEKS >EH* M'Cp C- - -.X 1 j j j p'a.nmf ■ -her •*# r«tu»v»rV oersoM ralabon, the name «*r gorpurancm for [ vyg crantrt*.« maao TA« 13> *-»T3t, Ra w Ttce ree.*rder gond »j H r dr< □ 34 fir* b r ' • s-ovb teiMde# is acitiw, a.xo WHHU IMW. FOFuiAt FIIEOtMUS fOitOw "• BPj DOMK R ART* and , stg!«b>am* iw 'ha twc> par4igr»*4»-.. • . .-4»*i»cte« of att km.l- Kg,i «»»,*#! ~ . M O^trrf aftiant't full know e«i*- ON ENGLISH HANDIEUSI F □ 34 INib'. - . -d .•.•idusots under arbwh a* to the rirtym»Mn«e.c taaa M»kcn Rg, ro 2-«a»: x, , - (a transport .I V ■ r • ■ •''er» en*t «e*-ws>tv bol-tees «.-«» OOCR FOR SALF Ubr»d..r r»- Ml Z . trtpvee ihui-p^r. *ir«d «*caUr-• _ gn D* tr r ' ■ • I ,«i»ear urswy tho Kssk, <-.f tha as trva'eea bold disk an.f -uetu* dak totesii hunter and Mas Itad'hf ApR, Ig^-ad { iir . 1,-aov w Uu »■ IT e' f*4 wtw '-ami!* Bad. ED T-TfU, ,» ■UDBW TO AKRON c v fi- ■" 41 Etbrrrai »a't »«- t.-*i y : * T»e ities 44( 4 ny .cveraae a bona hde owner cayacttv tpimber other Uva« s*f enewe* ; t'ARJJ TTt JC\*lSlOV- RFrRtr. rjt a - •>•••• iv ««aai £•» Ntgfviga ' ■E F ■B ~ / 43 ATrn<» > .i- -»■ a--. vMitribu'ed • :v*i.-e .»( this oubhs-ab-vi *. ,.t fhrvHuth the mail* or f TORS .,-» G-eetvgar # a»h#rs—range* S^nn-g Si»rg. U?8 I Frorr- gj*, f WANTED In r~ ar W 43 W i»tir r ■ 'he Sarwise. t.» o-cid vwhocrtbers during t? month* onrcesltng Ida Cta'e JiiChigar APPT JTS OF N V MEROL'b"VarvTties » to' ; fbb,K *;? _ 1 5* ha1 r T wrplarl W Hurt July® P Murpb.v r m .»* and > -»* f>P-e» Aisvet elder ft-u« tv arid ami grape luto* veaetaMe* ^Ht^n AVAILABLE et w tir-e NEED GOOD a^ouua H.rv.nesa -Mtrmttt Rbtff. auc+v jr ST 44 2+p »*;«d sworn to and awhambad Irefott tn gabion k>t* Get v.nir chon-e Hal- . -V- T, tcrate. ,.TLLV.~X^> «r.i*iu*nx,Chrl " tr- ar •• e th.» *'h da* o! (Mutwf. Is*< , -.wee-, pumpkins nun wtuie the* ?' ?* mtatatryr ef IATF TO >•; 1 _ _ mm mdb __ _ U. .4* n plant" Vu.i Xfetei V«t at Iu,* yttoTKet nrvces i ttitle* ea« nf 1. Laxuinr ItcNidMd* Farm *. V j- *^w<1 ™i nar. l ull. ■qff tioor floor a- ■ ENoole* up* oarUnent Huvngnn with . < te •* te- • Ptthlir, Ingham Counts. .V urrtv tn— or —- aatauteo from «»»«» . i i« l"S-lg at OketiMd Ruad. M AP- lo pomtinent N> .vc;'i,b>..Mi exptraa July 14. 1*1 o-Kntiiient by phone. jj ; m town. TP t-44M. Mlt llKiAN ST.Ui: NEWS Congressional Committee th'loher K. I9.\9 fage Three Honors (lollege fleeting in Union Hears More on '21' Fraud A meeting' for all Honors Col¬ lege students who are thinking David Hess, assistant to tli# provost, will be available in the Honors College office with com¬ questions and of graduate work will be held answers in ad¬ of marily in heading off unfavor¬ today from 4-5 p in in 31 Union, plete files and records of grad¬ vance their appearances able publicity. Ills firm, he said, on to discuss graduate fellowship* uate opportunities during 'he r; .. ta>, .. conjrwlonal "Twenty-One." did not tell NBC the full story. following hours: MWT. 9:30-12. and scholarships The prog-ant folded additional twtimonv up la?: When New York authorities The nature and scope of thr rr, . i-3 year while fraud charges g'C.-j,' ,h* bi|! monev being investigated wen- began probing the program. Da¬ opportunities and the plans of f". T- 3-" "Twenty- vis testified an attorney advis-d t i Honors College office to as¬ I'ttrli I'iciiii Slalt tl , i, r-.ttrtl Sltll to Ite heard are officials hi> firm no: to w\\ the truth sist _ students m the preparatio.i f -w:>. ruM* reUliww of the National Rroadcastins t o., about charges that contestants of applications for graduate fel¬ D f,r '■••• i*'1"" uhirh rarried the program, Ar¬ low ships and scholarships will A hunt pledge picnic i* being were given questions and an- f8, "Ldu.-,r* startled a thur Franklin, |>avia* public re- be di*eus#ed on*•• red by the (Jreen HcPoe" *wor* m advance and Tower Guard from 2 30 to fl (uwemt'ittce «rtlh tatton* partner: Fdnard Kletter. lie identified the lawyer only Over ,>o percent < the land area. If (he river floods the East Iain- ICE SKATING -jrt.jj; It hoard test.- SI29.000. who telegraphed Har¬ away ;>.»s*:n'e ' Weal her Bureau. KIimhI stage in Ka«.t sing area, ii will cause only minor damage. his denial He cou'd not recall whethr, ••'f3 fro"t the money wm- ris of knowledge kiitjj is s feel, and the Ketl Cedar reached No more rain i- in I he immediate offing. SK M l. the lawyer a.'Vised ho-i I'l'HI.IC SKSSION'S f Herder SVnqH'l <649.0001 there the show was anything wrong u.m h«>. i the irnln if called wit In-f-oe - h.7 at IB p.m. Wednesday nighl. Tuesday Weather Bureau oHu'ial** report. A.'TIPXOOSS M jirtt Snodgrass < $4,000 > the grand jury I he mer passed the 7 feel Hood *>iaue at .* The holding. 3H-> oar-nd H.s tirm\ reac¬ *.utrdi> A Nundat p:M-h:.i) Lj-r v«». that they received vis the D tion to 'he advice, he said, w i- IVtMMIs w«s first witness off; - t:' "Wc hedged ' Til,—la, Ii Saturday tally connected wit.i the sho.v , nviK ofessors to on admit publicly that it was not the level flb<".r. Davis the expressed integrity suspicion, of othc. S|Kiiian Wives WMSB-TY (^HCCIl (.(HltCKl xnmvrs . .«:»« kpiiiai x»t.:< television quiz show* but did Saturday afternoon 33e a day Hold '(loiinly Fair' Tonus Due llure Cook, Reed n lie said he had no reason to no', name then: The commit¬ Sunday afternoon 30e a dav belies e that NBC knew of any tee's probe is exivcted W S-. Bvs»k- to iuoaa- The Sp.n'a- Wnes then.. • Evening* 30c a dav rigging hut «a* Interested pri¬ to other I 'I candi- Skating I'nrtv iblisli Music cn jyri»grinn> . . Home Coming ywecn V; yi-,1: • ■•!>."_ hoU.*c W ' V : He: • H.* living unit* must :or I'l.KNTY Of SKATK IIKNTAI.S • - iVU'lb ...» 5o M.s '-eqlured i.irms till- Committee \ ■ |(y-/-a' cor.js-mtion* by t\\-» 1*1! 'i • ; t • \ : ,i>. Pill'l . . and return.Hi ' Mi*-- UK IIK.AN STATE IMVEKSIT3 v -;s\* tJf *h0 ntus.f \\ • ■ ,-o A umr. Office. * MSU have ju*t ■ s i, ic: bvuldii)^. '»>• ICE Alt EX A iContinued fn-m Tagc !! •n- mr ~.y.,n heard 1'sally at t n . s ii iMurs««? and for instruction Ham .. . w: Iltll 111 l,» ■* X It 11 Kl jth Cftftfregatldnnl and Social Stienn during the v•.•'*- i" such course " states thei'om- pour AND FRH I ly,A ibuT.'hrs om«Te year. !*:es dur li ¬ IMPF.RI Al. Sa ... AKKAD1A and v.*.: F.N GLAND, the junior ve.t:. a- ! " e ' *■•-... • T: SWEDF.N. DF.N- • * ni> e*pan.:e • Into an *H- c *., !-.• c\ June ti». Montreal «1.463 svorUANB. NORWAY •_-( miue>'. of 1>»I» Ma- seminar" during the \ea» w i tH' expected in the *«•>, ' MARK. HOI.UAMJ. BKUTIUM. GERMANY* fM- \ «..<•»■ T e Con-";:tee b. »-ve* • ' :hi- faculty a- m the *«•!• , ■ SWHV.EKI.AND. l.lFi ll UFA'SI'F.IN. AUS- , Caen, avi.s'.a-.t profesum- there ;> a need f r renewtvl if facuitx e,*ewh'ic m the TlltA. YUGOSLAVIA: ITALY. MONACO ..wdK, ha* had several com- e<>ntinu«Hl atteni; •: to prov • I'tvversi'y. .ilihougn the iMrtu- and FRANCE Return sailing arriving Molt* Ltocf published m sctonul eions for a liU-ral eduia'ii-n type* of qualifications ireal August 2b. "Sp«x'iali/ati>n and i-iwnpavt- hctsitd will otmouslv vary from *n--» June Hi. New lurk AH M.N II IU.K Sad on TS.S. NEW YoRK and vied F.NG- Cfcn Rmi, protCKHif of mentali/atu.n t;a\ s *- segmer.t- *:tuation to mtuatton " 1 WD HOLLAND. BELGIUM, GERMANY, ,,/iui 6923 ird chairman of theory cd knowledge that tuanv depan- Ihr (ommillee also mkcpsI* xAll'/KHl-WH, AUSTRIA LIECHTEN¬ [ -rciwluo-n at MSU. u the mental niaj"r*. even in S. ■•n. e that inlerehangr of qualitird STEIN ITALY. SAN MARINO. MONACO hr.jjc'f* C three new work* and Ar:>. demand a concentr«- faculty on a loan b*»i« between and FRANCE plus many tvoxsiblu extension*. f A Iha.r Praise." for n'v- ti»»n ot studies no' appmpriatc Basic (ollege departments and Return sailing on ARUADIA arriving M»m* ctppeila choir, ' has to some capade studit::*.'* the other department* i« to l»r en¬ Heal August a. L-, V»\ vhi? Sain Fox, re;M)i' read- x.j cxnpar.y of N«"a To pr vide t-.e grea'.e- 1r\ - couraged. June |0, New 4 oi k MKINI. Sad on NEW YORK and Visit F.NGllAND, d others, published by bi'i'v Hi pr »gr.« planen , t a n."* .•> •» ,. Bo*.. 11IKIFT Rll* svOTUXNU. NORWAY. SWEDEN. DEN¬ I.j 3L*-\ »ir The Pasting which appear* desirable, re¬ >1.243 MARK HotJ.AND. BELiilUM. GERMANY, departments v--.uid g vi . I .'*3 Backles'-rur." a wnj newed .i'tri lion s-nf t be given ewua. yyp|s' foi - SWITZERLAND. 1.1 Ef II TEN.STEIN. AUS¬ r wact, ami • Sshtrto for to the divisional major#, to de- I TRIA. ITALY. MONACO and FRANCE plut ;nve#*:gat!>>:i and rescoic: ji'.-e. and Puuo * gn.i.g ih»!:» in'erco.ivge and sr.- fv, * for .c! faculty memuei ; anv pu*; d»ic cx'.-i -mu* Return sailing «»n tracoilege curricula t-» ach»e\e Ute Committee s*v« TSS NEW YORK ai riving New York defini'e and eonsidefetl purp»»>es These Augu*i 21. faculty meutoers -h.-u d ebaters Hold Which are not currently departmental majors, and to en¬ met bv a so be members of the Inter- June U. New \ oi k Bit ( ANI.I.R 61.113 «»u Vl.'laC.ANIA and vied SPAIN. ITALY. GREECE. SWITZERLAND, PORTUGAL. dikcipiinary C'ommutee* of tn-» l.i-liion (l.illrry LIECHTENSTEIN. AUSIRIA. GERMANY, couraging liberal interpretation first Meeting of departmental requirements in the College of Science and Arts upper schools The use of Teach¬ ing Fellows m the instructional program of the Basic t'ollege fi-.ilhcr •AY A FRANCE. ENGLAND. MARK. SWEDEN, and NORWAY HOLLAND. DEN¬ Return Season and in University '* other colleges within the R'muld l»e ased where appmpi',- ate. and qualified Basic College sailing on SEVEN SEAS arriving Montreal August 24. 2.00 F*ifr Urpversit* lacuity should t»e eligitile to th¬ I Kill BAIMIK VPW* ENGLAND HOLLAND. BEl/WM. in F.?U* Along the lines of general ed- June !4 New Yutk *r • <* v y iH ation. the t umntillee helies es ree' dissertations of Teactun: Montreal $tt:»5 GERMAN 5 SWITZERLAND. LIECHTEN¬ » , Ca'v-.n Down*, thai the name. Basic t ollegr. i« Fc.iows engagrxi m :pi... STEIN. AUSTRIA. ITALY. SAN MARINO. •f deoj 4 i opportun- ditNAi'O and FRANCE Return nailing un «-. perphap* no longer approprialr iaC.l! A program ■ ' B... i ... etx ItHEMEN arriving Nw York. August It. iva.:.t: e • r studrn's Among poMihle names suggest¬ |<*r v# • Union and ed are I'nlveralljr follege. Col¬ Teaching Feilowahips should !>«• sa.l on GR« KH E HEEIl and vim' ENiil«AND, June 2T. New % ot k iitrw tv»u* Vigopouslv develope.1. pixonoteq. experience it re* lege nf tieneral >tudies and and $1,013 helgu'M. Holland. Denmark, swe¬ (General t ollegr. supivrte i to bring to «h- des Norway germ any. Switzer¬ rarer.« V wi'l ho'.d campus able graduate atudent.s, • . . interested m possible future in¬ land. I.irx HTENSTEIN AUSTRIA. J "« *r meeting tonight Accord,: '•' e Committer. MONAt ti and FRANCE . I TALY. In 13i'T Ihc Ha-. C'-'lk-gc ctnirse# should struction in general educat.i « - m) cm the continue r has*- h g.: prion'•• programs at the college and uu- .lone B. Montreal BIG TEN \. • ENGLAND. SCOTLAND BELGIUM. jMa j a *ymy** end a . vers;t v ieveic the HOLLAND. GERMANY. SWITZERLAND, V. ■ in .lo\pJ,ng the iie*' pi>ss:b.e • 61.163 tee'*- rejxirt said LIECHTENSTEIN. AUSTRIA. YUGOSLA¬ T' tyetpn-.u!** iiimposard of jnsU uchon v rrir* He - (Friday: Identifiration bv the ll.ll ll.,r VIA. ITALY, MONACO and FRANCE. IU- student with Uie Taivenlly and W.ibur end l^rnn Senior Picture* Due juni failing arriving Montreal August 19. *:1. iu rollnni. around the A X|B AXX AIHIK V.iv; ENGLAND, SCOTLAND. BE1XMUM, June ?*, Mnntieat » debate topic, reeoived. Seniors are reminded that 61.163 Hot J. AND, t.EKMANY, .SWITZERLAND, I Corgreai ».-4>ui.i be given senior picture appointments are LIECHTENSTEIN, AUSTRIA* YUCS06LA* | *'* to reverse dexnetons still being taken in the Union VIA. ITALY* MONACO. FRANCE, DSN- f1 ^P'^ ♦ Court »• -.t drwi*e nf the Concourse Monday through Ffi- MARK. SWEDE?; and NORWAY. seax.n day. 9 a m.-5 p-m. There is no oa.Ung on CANADIAN PACIFIC f '■» h# Ir-.terneuone! -D**- charge for having the pictures Montreal September 2, P MtW t*x> s'.udenta from taken. June 29, Montreal 1iirift rip Sa 1 on ARKADIA an t vlaH ENGUAN1X '■lw an earlier 166$ HOI I AND. BELGIUM. GERMANY, SWIT* ZERLAND, LI ECHTEN STEIN, AUSTRIA. JAZZ CONCERT departure an June 211 •AVA ITALY, MONACO ami FRANCE. JUttim •ailing on TS.s. .NEW YORK arriving Ktaw »AT.. OCT. 21 - - CIVIC CENTER York Auguat 21. KMturing June 39, New I oik 4 DR4EVAIHI Sail on WATERMAN an I vtait EN C.I AND, 61.243 Hoi. I AND, HE]/HUM, GERMANY. AWIT* ST I V KESTOS - Jl SE CHRISTY ZERLAND. AUSTRIA. ITALY, MONACO. •AYA FRANCE and SPAIN. Return aading on EOI R PRESUMES „ Zt'lDERKRUlS arriving New York Septem¬ TICKKTN ON SAI.I AT ber 10. C %Mf| % P.ABA1COINT CIVIC 4 I Juh 1. New Fork 3 IKINl. Sail on STOCKHOLM and vint ENGLAND, *lil( simp XTHSHOP BON E.XFI ORER NORWAY SWEDEN. DENMARK. HOL¬ ■*« C. f.K kl\ » R onitr. •It3 F Ml( Hl(i AN 61.263 LAND. BEL HUM. GERMANY. SWITZER¬ LAND. LIECHTENSTEIN. AUSTRIA, ITALY SAN MARINO. MONACO and FRANCE Return bv air arriving New York Auguat 24. pSBB MAREK July 3. New lurk ENfEORER 1633 sail LAND. II ALA MONACO. f.n TSS NE WYORK and viait ENG¬ IIOLIAM). GERMANY. FRANCE. SWITZERLAND Return mailing on ARKADIA AUSTRIA. and IBOu.;i.„rt (ENTER ar¬ rh« ,plil-l«y*l blouM, ogoin riving Montreal Augu-t 26. Julv i. Montreal i (Ron Sail on CUNARD LINE and vi»i» SCOT- STUDENT LAND. ENGLAND. HOLLAN07 GERMANY, , •» rium rmiMUPTM)*, mo.tng fa,hMITI(S val. VIENNA. YUGOSLAVIA. ITALY. BAN //"»»*« rmtai Mir SIMM a ne« lecjon! no— lot H-W* KMMM. MARINO, MONACO. SWITZERLAND^nd FRANCE. Return by a.r arriving Detroit mr LOW EI ERY DAY PRICES you' loll lepO'Ottl. a *u(» .n New York, August 28 Leader Dr. Joe La* t f'alombara. Ileud, Political Science Depart¬ und«'blou>e — Ith copped, ment, MSU. FREE ualloo emb'0ld«ry hintmed Minor cost adju-dmequ for I960 should be anticipated. ■ilk ikis ad Ml mix H"kiM *AYA - Trip* for adults under age 30. Deposit of $1.3 prior IP January 1 will hold a definite c-'biouv -hit- drip-dry place for you Optional a.r package either or both direction* available. For iieUiied iuner* and furtiier information on these and other travel bargain* contact College Travel Offkt. ORES AT HINDOI KIODII UNO an. • <»e Vital) Ottan ami* Od. IS. I»S> cotton 30 36 sic*. 7.9S OILLEIE TRAVEL RFFIQE IM WKHT CRAM) RIVKK AVEMF. STOtEHOCRS u\itv EMiKWOOO MM7 |P°« IV^ftSSS for FREE nELHTJIYj \ t Am \ October 9. 19.19 mkiiic. %\ sr.ur ntm* I'Jlif four Bo v lan's Plav Nols Honors Intramural Chisox, Dodgers Resume /)«< f0(JaY at Comiskey Park praised him following la.-t Schedule erty The spirited p!.i.\ of Spartan week's game as the nucleus of guard-llncbackcr Fred B"yh-n iiotr\II. Alston's ehoiee the Midwest's lineman of th" ★ ★ ★ series at three fame* each. Dnugherty announced at |»r.irtlce flrld /or x> Mmu I'lo Kt»»il«n I'HICAOO P If the wea' - the M-ius! in the i*lutoll pilcti- rag", if tieeessa. •. lA. V week by a major newspaper A in iv-pera';*. the !>' nj . the fifth game r j Bob Shaw and Dick Dtni- ennan wire service. Wednesday's practice that some : '5 riu lo-iii OK # lit ll \ a*■ I'irmhiiiu# World S, nisi jpniT will be pl.w- "ig lefthander from \v • ... I V1» changes in the 38-man traveling and the speetaeular run- n Boy! en, a quick-thinking, # \I4 l'*l V HTI* ed in Conuski'v Park today wit 1 'v.i- was a 4-3 winner agile (despite his stockj, 5-i:, squad would be made today, be¬ by Jim Rivera in fore the team departs for its ToUi >1 I'irlil 3!)-yeai-o!d Farl> W>nn hold- nui; \ fth game, the White game at ComiNk- p;j 205 pound frame) defenseman, ATO VN I'll l liallon i\ road game with Iowa. r. ; HI ;• Thru I'M in- #I«i«4 Nil i*i,*" *he fort f,-r the desperate Tuc A,re the 11-10 rhoice to the Dodgers rallu « •, is a junior. Coach DulTy Daugti- K ill III l» IN. IIS I'hi t'dieago \rute Sox and .! • S, \ parted for pinch s .Vi PH I'hi N» Phi IS! i The Dodger#, how- 1 in M2H1.1 'hi i». Kappa Sic Pod res trying 'o dose :t out for w ui rein am a solid 21 a -1 fav- F.sseeian. He w., , Field was unflei wafer the l/'s Angele- DtHlger*. , winner for the 1 :, series. , Thr rjt win the and name* were cancel:- Both dubs Pew into tow:: n when they rapture,: • scheduled to olav thci.- X thiee clubs mrr have t-heck with the IM the wee smai: hour- afte: , <»■ deficit World Series They re a "must'* because, u Hi night plane ride from l.o- \ ■ ed back from a 3-1 "Johnny like# lo tiitrh ai : World Championship- ( they*re the "most**! geles w here attendance record - ^ p.,-;, 'he 1903 Boston mlskey Park." said \M„n «">' •' . fell on each of the three sunn. hi# rhance of Ohio Stair Croup afternoons The weather fore- l'''d iox did it fn a best-of-nine can than use he ran at hmnr p4ff . The 192a Pittsburgh Pi- |n . :•< e.'oudy and c«h»I m r:i r.dlHii in 1925 against ( ollseum he I# reluiiam u. II ants the Parts ' ea-'t here is Insleail of the full-lhroateil ■'< , And or course the it. especially againsi rieht-h 4 "charge" cheer# from 92.000 W ,vdiing'on did it ed hatters. He U .j brtter p rof.CMHl'S. Ohm i,r» The York Yankees C»mi#krt will echo with \ n<* Milwaukee last year. er when he ha# m»re i Piper Slacks fan#. Of. > S'.fi- t'n vitm'v Athletic the "go go" scream# of 49.000 no' If Pixires fniU • - l out!' ' •' bei'i: asked to se*-k Hires was Manager Walter ^ Ihe Sox trv to level • ctislomrrs as ha* ri|fht-h,inded i> •, nut hwi'bui! Cfueti Slick slack# for that lean, mean ready for a sev-v 1 \Vo«>:■ alleged punching look! Tapered, trim and Move* Friday. Of course, th,. # pijw* slim, they fit ride real low mi real light and the hip*. No «»r i I, - Angel,-: sjKict.s write;. TN* f<»!lowed the team', Invites New Membe man at all time* w.: , I~irry Sherry . ,,,u Itelt needed; extension want* IT- ' iii'*-* ,• t>> Southern C'ah- three nf the first five gr,rcaj Volleyball (Hub Slates hand with adjustable side f.>rn:.< 'a ' Frutas night allowed only on,- a, hue kh- tab# dne« the trick. Con- K t r ll iiim, : . nsnstan? pro- innings. I mental pockets; pleatle*# fiK-.sor of agncultural econottiu s Wvnn has bee- \f,ma of the faculty First Meeting «l Year front: no cuff<. In Cotton# and and i-l'.i;rrr.aii Lopeg' money pit.. a;; Corduroy. |MT» to $6.95.. In gr»,'u:v said cr The husky right-''under J drc«* *lack fabric#, $6.95 to "The eomniitlee ■,*. expressing Nokomis, Fla j»art t,' she faeultv. , II5.UV Terrific new rnlor#. At fntere.' -n your faxorite rampu# shop. If d true, it will certainly af« Tht» Michitran State volleyball club hohl# it< tirst meetlnjf with 22 victories .q . ra] fis-t t!:e reputation of the entire- of the year tonijrht at 7:.'l0 in room 'Jo of the Men's IM only American 20-game I^ara- w-.n-r | s universnti huiltlimr. ,>< i Thw have recently elected Shaw pitched tn, w ^J the pennant. new officers for the infant or- It was Wvnn w •. -rke«f d gans/att«»n which is in its third How Long Since v cor of existence. Tho officer# for Ihl# year are: 11-0 the opening Dodgers bow tightened v g.v and .• i -1 - prevident. Joe %rm#troi»«: vleo 3 Your Eyes moved in the e;ghtn • president, (iundani strautniek#: Shoddy defen.#iv- p ., j #eeretarv-treasurer. Bernle Ml* usually alert ma:-. «#xs: .J ^ hara and family advfsoe and were Examined? J dearly Sunday w>. .. ^ roach. Itiek Nelson. moved In the r) F'adi year the club has in- mg 4-0 in a wr ■* ev-*.' ch.imnI its aetivities. won on GU H«v.„- ' Jr. Mas the club so' a new otf Gerry Michigan Stale University precedent by being the first Big 10 sehx'oi to be tTTresente,1 at Hedge#, making a r hark after « ao-so *rar tn id th»- National Collegiate Volley¬ FOREIGN FILM SERIES ball championship# at De# I# the leadinc hitter »m«a{ | recular# in the hr#t tiv* j .Moines. Iowa limu-nt* A# a result of their trip to with eight hit# in 1# trip* f«r| .444 average. ||r raoie Ur* the national#, three of the team fr reeonnltlon a# col* 1 uenday with thrrr of the i THE CRUCIBLE member# won Hodger hit#, ineludtng , leaiate all-American selection#. in the fifth game Rtmcmbtr — you can't 90# a Nelson wa# selected to the first Nellie Fox h«»• '>ee: tocond pair of oyot. tut you cmm learn and Martinson and I'ltli- CH»n.#i«tent bat:," * ( French) protect thorn by rogular oinmin* tola made the second team. with eqftit lu:.*- a - .i The squad finished third in ationt at Soar#, without waiting age. Shortatop V Si-ariii^. Saxnjje Sliirj «»t tlu- for an appaintmont. the National# and i# planning to and first T»a-enM K attend tti,« National# again th:# 6k! have SAI.KM WITCH TIUAI.S ' vea: xvbo'i they will tn* held in The While sev- > v »•.. Offiem t»f Mr. J. < liri«lic. 0|»t«»iiiflri*t Hi .a hi ;.«t,- pring Marrin-: The team tirgv# al! interestexl tore with mucf. now that the. . si mom; siunokct \u> mom ami Ojifii loniulil A Fritl;t> Till U \i>r.evb.c playet# to attend in their ihonie ;• today* meeting Any mole more comfort n- MM.KM; DKMOM.I OI Sritr* IktM'litit'k A (inM in Vntntbir undergraduate, graduate or far- lance# nit\ memtjer ;> eligible to play. Fairehild Theatre Instead of 251 ■ in left, the m.. x and FKI.! Thursday, Friday - Oetpber 8, 9 L« 352 feet I' 35J S I MM»\> . aiure 5 :V I.hI.h at I 30. 3 30 : 10, 9 « P in rciEcnaaa 7 aid 9:15 p.m. in right and 4ti ;n»n in center, li the seven home r;. ¬ • uere sluggtni a l '"-».#*ejr Mlmi—ion: .llli' fMOMEiSsdSDi Probable Lnt-.i MnoOecCot iDtv aosgyMoog BnaocUiicts *.»me will If u>\ I INIUGF.RS l.ilium SH \ par let* »* | aPri vatote . . .. .. .. CIN»m«S< i»m' «.**». Neal 2It Mean LF I .# I nidi* (F H FRIDAY IS . . . GLADMER TIIKAI IIK • I'llOM. IV. L'-Olia I snider t »" Hodge# IK l.arker Kl Ko#ebor» t Kn:*«ex»»4: I nlUf I #niilh I F Phillip* 31 J If | SIPER \)\lUiAIN \II i»\\ err DAY! two T O'DTY"C~IF R I D A Y- Mill# SS Padre# P A|< \rur. \\ »nn f Umpires — l I KIMIW . . . 3tL . . . (OMKDY HITS i.xnsin,; tiikatri: dorrs know loop km>;k- tional; first uan; second tiona!: third tw>. t- r#h,.wi, In i! I t M. : 11 p. w m —Box Office |a pm ' s * »| /I TAISMKXT WIIKN TIIKY SEE IT .. TIIOI SANDS enjoyed -Tiu: ni vs story- . , . iii t . . . tiioi sani»*-*ioue misskd it: . tield. Rice, An.-»::.- rtoH. time—1 Dixon, pjn. 1ST N. * * . its a . s & Iji«I Sumnii-r Thf I'icturf Ha, Krlr.i-i\ Series Sidelights! XV ... TtelMhAfotr •> ^ Who Wan I To Knjo, ll Xitain—Wr I l;ne •»* THR 1959 W r*»*J 0{lt'cA*:' ■ The be every? h.-'. ^ " Itonrd 'In I'uhlic Drnt.inil' not ! ^4 * "»• FHESH-att » .y classic field but i* expt#" in ** •' »• . •«» come one «»f * • -.-••• *"t, V * r> O- VOU3M Prom th# vans in sports A* No Ie*s than jf • • -a > • gripping 'r \ fc« '">• plane* carried ' " >' • #: i »# age' ^ and dramatta x»f players, wri er * ^•(•aaiiari player*' fan.; , * to !>)# Angele.*. \ ' ial planes irsad- re—~ * d •** 0 ■ f/.«M CARROLL cry Dodger owner ^ * lev TucstUy cn-'•'** of the big v ** GABLE BAKER -FreoZinnemanns out Chicago.*' of the C't... • ULL1 LEE J. VS The Nuns Stmh TECHNICOLOR "Don't ley told fnend* ^ ing be d /* "We'll rr * PALMER COBB i TtmlatMt 1 at M 1 Thursday, I' - ' PETER INCH rtUAIKTI M'GREGOR riordic Viking game *'»? d ft the national pa-' ' ■ BUT SHOWS START AT — 12:15 ■ 11:15 . »:1i5 sGlGdGg for wtar by U.S. OLYMPIC TEAM in merely a uir .*- fxw the Dodger; # ♦ • 1'KATI KHS START AT 12:15 1:35 6:30 S.25 i — - - - I NOT STAR T I M; S ' • 'SOW — Ch.apian f ..hion—f».hlon itih, Olympic ltrtl—.4,. ,:fn#d for activa man on :ha m«\,' Br.anr, huakr bland have The Los Ang. Duke Sr.- '- clean-up man, ba: - # -"yl D»r»«t D^ron plat cotton that'. f,«theri:aht and f »Bv FOR. ^.."*7 Bdf- ,d"*£h*U' h ^ *»mly T*i - Orion pila. Vinla ioftk fB,Bt plj,,i:a rtoffy Kwd patch with up the today. knee, The 1 a c..: ' ** 1 •U1I hurts, bu- ' '''r' ME pockat.. Only McGcror could comhina auch practiealita with torn advanturoua food k*>k». LitUa wondar it'a th. un't a lot to be c " * •tyla that tha US. taam wiU «„ tU forthcoiunJ L. ..I vOt.. ' CO-IIIT FRIDAY ONLY! Olympic Gamaa. How about you? —SO 4 EXTRA ruiwwi MI. ELIZABETH «*.«» I rid,, Ml, ll !:U. < «. »,JJ p m START* Sl'XDAV mtmn-mm r-j»: •MERVYNbROYi TECHNICOLOR* "■o«Wk*Bie«»ei*T.5Ku*r B KATE SHOW STARTS SAT. AT 9:35 P.M. -THE RAPE OF . -MALAYA- AXD THE BEASTS OK MARSE1LLE2T ~ SMALL'S 211 SOUTH Washington avenuc EP S^J i :sa MIC'IIKi.W HTAlt Mils IM Results III in i Eve Bivmum Leads 9-0 Rout OI IOIMM S. |(I5H Pace l ive [eron ttr\ 4ti *, fc. iir*4»i tir*an rooTHAIt. I. *• Mrs an t. n Itultrrtielit I. * Mollrrflelil t I' I'Ol .I'MHI'S Prennan. fopner Ohio V'trp* P Terr* Paine : Mn>>. me siar who 15 quaricrbark Perrf now mac.hing at lloilerfirld h •• llnllerflelil S. fl 'lalfhiu-k and hhHit f.MXtui't Fionda State University Booters Blast Calvin Kallter I I. Ralher ' ? .".'i«-h, one the prime can- holier T ! holier a. * I»a\ Flint. t'.Unois' present In. ot oil- r •• l otooiii* S ? ft., the fioid- coaching is ;>i»e.* Hi:i erlield fnrleii winovri ttollei •!. a! the rn.ViT'si'v. of It'll head coach, i* resigmng at the Held I W *h.i» I-1. |w»sl|iooed ttie SfMirt.* publicity tflicc- I'll.' of the fP.Vfl season ' I slue I l' I *li.i%» ' * P.reniian was-, fired 10*111 h * I •"T n, *♦ ,H'k • £V<- ..v dofetuter* and plan' it tin** '!■«■»» I Shaw 1-1 postponed '.h Illinois djsi'i'tsOti ?,s aanoS: ! - ?'.i! the !tm or etcht "• ** sliao * 0 'oval -ad'o spoils shoo ci'iachtng position at Notro llame 1U"V .n..rl» ller»n armnniH i • - W sit »** fir*an * i It lln hi I »• • Mi a for tun of •: rhe no' ao-i nna'H hv i"h.ii :cs Belaiti said that Brcn- ■ .I-' tiecemiier. and wa.« repute-i ^1 K , ' l *t»»« •. i* » * it e*day. tH«»T> con¬ <«one *|x ' „ the S»>;«r- verted Hfmir ( ook'n near mi** H.T'O. now h«> rIM!. Iowa llireelor with goalie 4 a*r* Tor still In- in ■ V A in- . r.-it* *\v.. game* Wt"; ■"* .• d I landed in T-lli«i* , their three - cha%in- thr *hnt -over: -Vee- *.. g... he TUv'* HAVING A .. Thm v. Tfo third quarter ho on!\ anothet hair-do/en mark- TV forward took t).i\« i"*v • - ' - v.\,t :v- »o the pre-ent eluh re- IOWA t'lTV Iowa '' -1 oM ii identica' rebound aim 'ounce i eom Al'-Amerwan A: S ve bo** four X , M.- !» ecto: Pan: Bfivhlet 1I m • !«¥>p:rii; bend TV PARTY nc *•«' .«<>• UK' u* •( :N.m. a six-game -ea- mui • T< Ha t- * r V* a* h.ilige ' r. e'.fi.g* tomgh' I 4 1 -1'"■' '',m' 'rt0:'' «ht OM-. in control •»? Ho .»'*■• ».'•■• c. ■ t- f n.V •A,) :uned up for Streiler ulio tied Art Soutlun .«« shpperv H >ck j«m!* V- »; ,.r ■ : .i-' • .-ec'.uig tn liist'Us* k »*■*<" for »rorint honor* with It ruaU f<* S' between Brech er THIS WEEK-END! Si nirt eva-iiug should I"* ••IC hardest la*« vpir. *rored on » 15->ard n-'.-in *•«•-* *hot from hi* in%idr left po*t- • . c.ct. K'' TH K\ a- tion. direct peiulti kirk •jfe* oil 4 *■" i "" o and on a *hot that ricocheted ... .»<•: » cf . Brechlei ;i:m on thr right goalpost into the i-k: lie'-Oil into the net* .•t s o -.ei B'xvhler *ani T.iie k pi-i.i!t> w Till! SIMiliX fil*(H M> ilidri'i dampen Ihe *pnit of Br*- - \ -k -r.4*:nti *'icn a! low a ami announced ht- tli.u'l |tanii- hIiiti llii' : 'i C.i!\ ill pi.4> e RW mi! .i an Six a* it rolled titer Bryitn I He. i»-n. at Jeni*on Field ' ..v her. 'ii* t'O'it; at r ot :er the t\ trie the u«M:;e hand list "jienatty area \\etlnesday night. Shown i* *tnm ot ihe action which open- ^ :«h»3, and wanted •liiitp ln>iniri.« in to •in: * -.1 no! On sue! i A cdtin - . 'he niCaii- etl this year's |X| tooth.,'I *ea*on Hiitoli llii- "Ilij- l.iiini %*k'r sh.'V iitilv • 111 goo'keeper < i(»W"t'd !o ,|i iei d whde 'Hi' te"- ve -v..?. ';re- .r ); ■ nit tour IA llii ItiMi yaul- oe.: Ltilf (lliaiiips TOM'S BARBER SHOP Kiui: (V h»M -, \« i . I'nok u : «1r e\\ tun ^ • .*e;« hiiu.,1 ■ i.tli a;ui ie-e:Ae " re Ineligilile for */» < iiilitinu in I hit /'<>;»* 'mil I'rim rtmif ft . .1 . -\ • -1. 1 M |{(»-s I ROM SK 4l!S .«• the ..:en ia.*'. .. i -Mr. a \i ,n'" ''ie Bxder (itip : siniti:s «list in u *1.1 « t: Jii-I »lorli 111, **illi |ili-iil* of lasly «uarW- 1 he viiton u.i* No Id in a N'K.'A VOBK P The I. ^ge 31102 MM St. malrrial. ami lliir>lH|ii|.|irliiii^ lu-trragr* 'A": • Uk. string in:.: which and ua* started stale 4»ct * ! Ith I" the t'n.' • S'.,V ■ i ell nils al Oaili-'n. lo-forc llial o|n oiM» kirk-off! Ti&l xtraight unheateii game since lit IHili. IT :*a;-. v. 'ho l'|; S-.CC. ♦, pla* lUlillMT-. HKl. M.-.H the* Itoaiie turned Noel varsity tlrago. with h*e the I!\ le* I no ■-* or »v lll'l S II I. thru s 11 » TO MITCH PREDICTS: shutout* in tOaS. tecoided hi* IKt! - titM whitewash ioh of the sea¬ MICHI6AH STATE - 21 SPECIAL PURCHASE son. following Slate** 4-i*. open Ptinln trie I tinrihcrj *t.»tr \ru> t»\ ing da* win over Indiana-Tech |tli il STKI.'IMIR |»fti»nd from right) mi**eri hi* goal • V ■:•'* i" rtveivisi a • . Hi ' i UNIVERSITY OF IOWA - 14 •hoi. hut *cdretl three time* hi help the Spartan* 1 . \ • . 1.1 ( a> p!.l* |'« " • led uin oier ( aBin. r«..I'-'um.i ,t:'d • . V •.!!!• > •ipm-.i't lit and H.l.t i lOW Wool Tor fet. why Ihal after Ihe game not pick-up a variet* hul- Oade'* offer a complete line of; Take-ttut Beveragea •c.!1-' ,.i a it. r.oitilie e - ■ of rold-rtit* and a**orled *ealte*t I'rodueU Tim V .1 \.ii 4* .n ,f S'.i'.i- I re*h I ruit .. for a real hunger-*l»pp«*t" 0 • r v , t.:. , ' . Midwest N T. Sp.iO.«".> I! I. A Z E RS l or *l»ree! that la«t minute xhopptiif • t»e Stmliimi lloml \K . >i/is II-10 Style: aaatast liaas batwHR ' Mt, UAI.I.A* two poials (haai to loo) ;.: . . . Tin* Word i« In IIomI !" ! •■id.iy it $■' 'IMl 011|i i"-u ■ M»o '<> i»ui!d •« Ma; »r !.• BoIh'Uc Shop if •*. "• i I J7 I . (.raiitl Itivcr l.asl Lansing \«'\l ti» I atii|Mis ImmiI* S|t»r4* >1 IIS .nil TOM'OATS SrtV - '• needed V. Mb* 39.30 lo 123.00 , V , . lA «< iO ! I I * - * III:* i I.KAMM. AT SI rt.KM IKKKT I'RIC.KS sin mi vi SHIRT 1*1 Mill. PARTY SPECIALTIES * s \ m. - ; c vi. Txittir /<««/« iuiiI UrrcMf* i, WORK IMMv 59" OPEN 7 am -2 am Seven Days A Week Mioli Mdi.m M.<.«mc ii«ir* ' wr»r .-• !i v- itn yeai*. stui; in> (././•. i v/m; seri ice "J'li# ti .e. iipluted lioeo of our |*v Howl an 'O acieiit Uhta* « of vie-and .vnur g'dui tgoteo » at Ait" extra cjiarce! RUSH SMOKER from lop to toe. f i«u* in (oda* and o« ih# >a e*per.v defignel, weli-taiii>ic\!>0\* Expect to r -Prime Minis- tor> in,'hi air WinHope '.1 dc'el- On European Ojiera ternity had some rather unusual visitors Four to their open smoker females dressed rather dubiously like males arrived . 'heir door in hopes of loin'rng. the j ,, )• row "u*n .wo ...fore Tt<*\ «d they P«'ta managed to of them in the show- u ere eould retreat. cute" Jerry •re high wrvntiv In the two ;n ' I'm r m IMP t..p e\- 1>r. Mario Otj-Ti' . Thr lectures are to b»* give imrrlmit Hnl ( r»»* a* th.rn 11'.: i serv.rtivc- a fO-i.-at maiii:: o . •r .«! u".- each Monday evening with ?'.< parties m tiie new ft'hi. Plan* Slntr Mrvlinn 'vk«MP< t.atmrites. who also all other .-eat Hot. • ••'* ('■•rmiH-i Th. exemption of the first one. whir *, Me t i "itr Frirnil» II could smell mi-- scheduled for this afterno..., mxl : kv i- Major Genera', Harold Mad- Id roprt serif a di p <>'. !: •re Ion SHOP" won no in the Music Au I "KEN'S BARBER at seat but would ■ .i ■ ■ e • . ix. l*SAF. C'ornmahlter, 10'It M is titled "I'nder the Si- \. Foret. Self ridge Air Foree lit. Holds keep rue - Maernillan addle f' one r ••»».!.>r'.u Mi ' * t ■» h ; Lllliek Orpheu**" f Monteverdi aui o.c . will keynote a statewide If Itrrr (.noil i.riiominu ttrein* ' K Pro-s conference, set for rite- v.'M v n V Wives Slarl ., T e I. The .-eeorui in the ierre-. \v." I'irsl Mrcliiiu A 2". Gailsk-i! .'I ■ . .P . ' • T . | • -«• d : ' (.'iovanni P .* Two Figar i Mozart and "Dor and Ftos -r.. Vi i'lT.'t'!" :A!ay and Tuesday at Kellogg iriKECTIA ACItOSS KIMOI Till: OVER for the it i(d\ House arid send nu'ii.rn to :n i • pi i ir; -• Ma -ent Pa I'iiil I'roifraiii '•» !».* ijr-esented Nfortday .it T" , -vain ",y»' are purpftM-s t> stimulate rn- STATE THEATRE ON AIIIIOTT HIE '. 3n ;n the C'h'oal rmtji 5:"Ml p.m. WEEKOWS . • ;»-«• Red Cross, improve urn new mpi ••••: eoMferei. ■ p. addrtioi, !«. 'he-o leeU!: • HOI'ltS s a.m. • 5,m w •it reduction Itehind t •• taeiie ... p.-d i*r -• worker - effec- [)r Teo will play a pue' »n.j increase awareness SAT. h a.m. • 1- a.m. ITS!1 ' - t • • -at. I - U:!•;: i. the ... " tu.i . r. • • • e.-ne* '* hi- w ♦rk*•'. a- -v e>" K'-Vrrri.'v fodfuil u-iv ' " trie uie importanee of 7 :tu p.-rh;.; the performance „..i.iiii.»iiMM"lii«niii| - uiic r o-yanizafmn. osid'-nt's A' O-ail ' . sMt' ijififni . |{\- !': . - ehor.d work "Jonah" He . .1 he v car with dinner av.i Fi u "• memiK*rs wiil e'»udu * ufferme. a seminar in C"f- and pane".-* I,heir first mooting at the .Vpha I P u • • 111 A-« . for graduate studen'.-. •• u«r- last n..!.' * * * UNIVERSITY G.irmna Kho house I ■ • i! even!!.;: .IIM TITLES IN -I.. , Hibbard. who was I ♦.» • >e position last nvnth. *••' ■'»*- AoTories. No I loss • ■. * • I (ju.irP en'de.iv- ■ VARSITY DRIVE IN T • ■ •(. ! Ivpe we can bu;id a b>"- PAPER . -1:.- o\ w 'i i.o\!Vi\ P f • .1 • . • :• fer foclaig of o«>'cr.if.oru-■ dent family can better m u ti i •' u t I o n t v.i I STUDENTS ,* > «a !'■• e*e' ' and iv - s-, en the t-ntite fraft rn ;v Ti at I-. m l'rd. !♦ , j , v :d. o|'|'o; - : ton rut: n\tsT - BOOK M-vsin fiis introductory re¬ marks rt it a I. •» n d .1 n s pfo-t.'oii \..• i v 1 n,M!l tronyi-r n.*A urr.ily group- - k i i! .".d : rizz \ ! 5■ i meeting pr.*n-.s«-l. . s- or Ihf Morrison, head *uild u p..- tin- d planni!..;. tnu-ie ap- • eoi Hsi 01'tuj c.-uTa .st til l*. Homecoming 'I •- sPidx laa.ivKUV service. I eh, .1 e western h«'ioe< from lint h T\ \ S ci itit skuv it 1: • • wi re gomg to In- indeed •'t ti c: "i !'*e '1 point." • STim MIX year. Ftatrrm- diIf«'*retit'y f.-s urate are going from to be judged sop* other organizations And that, pndnrr. i« r. at iltieal dynamife Kven over I;" .. , . i • .. ami . I t Kn tlis*. t book fxehaniee. r I •- s EAST I.AXSIV; Ell 24,.VI7 S I'rimt- l.rtLI nprn fare *an«itt irh au ju— • ASSKiNUi this ifctitij' larul of few ami '| ■ !.i".4 II Cid.iv program HEUIINl, Ih. v are al < going to have itr crum|H't- A.; '.'ai'-d l.i-; sprmg e\lra large |ilale—»hipped.potato—ruffee s. p.irate judge* and trophic 'A vote f -r .'a wit! .ffered again wdh class- • INEXI'INMU nrl.lil inn. !.ample lilierall.i fruni • I'hii-i- huge trophies are being milk—in tlonateii by Knapp- of inde|»eiri.lerit te!e\ia- n.' declared In p! . • . f. vnnje'i ho. I aini nrir- chihlrrw. iv care two ATTENTION or , KEI'HIYISOI Sketch nprrial appeliier*. . r- Kappa \va« voted all of !i «• I*?u Mgina an. i>r of westerns and gav yhn.vs. i v e. \ for s'\ we. " MVN1 IIM'I) to the status of « fraternity up it a notion. jungle v>h- Their against national has So»"i.'i!.-;t do-goodi their own brand is of u el imj... . < I th.e ■ . •i fir v a t fl iiul. a eharni Immu's i in-.",* 1M.S.U. STUDENTS eovEii* pianneil in align ration festivities eijlf lite plafim 'I (IMT.riHMI MAItltlEH STI DEXTS) • I.AM.I M.E M" 98c "They siieerisl at t!\e la.-k •<: Alt ; isp-s. wiI m. t ' »>n eam- i !:..*. week* till. AND HE.OKls Um ing T? ITS NOT TOO LATE euitliie in the program., v.-i .' • F.t : < The annual panHel-IfT dance ; .< ii,*dii>d for the Civic Cen¬ mantled fewer, leg sti' • .eitl western an end p. jpvean • m-.v . ' Mr* Anne ter on N'»v ?i> with the nneie f . | J. •!» K.lKThar»lt'« hand. John *juiz. «hows and s.hofhi lii-.ii.i- It-' n, tiii i*eti i f the pr - TO E.MtOIJ. IX ShoiirtT , h-ad of the Kori '1 easting hour.- PLUS HANI commit'"'. renorted that they Al l. I XIX EKSITY STI OEXT COX ERXUEXT NOTH'K: All meat* Mixed In the "IIoum» 1,1,. :il im.k-ng t *r amateur Your Key t<» I»#•?t. r \;i!{ie . talent fw fiie intermission CuliipUH t !as-ilb .l . . . Low t o>l HEALTH PUN of Beef" are I SDA Prime. Nothing hut the lee Ac C-vly Wholesale i., ,«u i M a-hu'.in Makerusi are 1h* ig re¬ tained again this term bv the K'ateindc on the tMsis of economy and ef- Buyers Avsociat." a .W.W^.VANNVW.-.NW.W.W.W.W.V.V.V.W.V.V; Ji f.GINti \\\ W THIS WEEKEND?- l*l'T vol It i \lt IN TIP-TOP Sll \PE > :• Applications Being Accepted Until OCT. 9, 1959 he-t for you from . . . more Committee head Dick rr rr :j i,m -v. SKKMCI*: .Vatford a«k.*« 1 M- in Mil M II Mill s tkii toiumn lll»l II SVIMl nrp Muede |«( J II l.llUll liOl I A 111 I'll It OjHxmrli i>| BOLD i2to THI i)unllon. Ire bifocal* avail able in rouUrt Irnvrt? Anaw er Yen We h.»\r many TKI SHAGGY pat lefts Mieee* ta'v «« *f lug h.tocai conUict le?i*c» I'tw-me are men* ,o;up \ a *11 TH.M ALL . till M*11* • their engine, tii* stnu turv ami nune rhds-r'-te ami dif¬ ficult to fit Ho»e .el. .tf'h-r One Block East Of Campus 1111. 1 .(11, HIS AHU:« nni'sHin . . . DOtlNC. II" ««il•>—" «»un* THE llhi THREE — ACROSS THE NATION e»t ur at which a pnwn can hr filled with contact Inn- "RAIMiV "HIMALAYA" "MM ALO I SH.Ast Lambda Omega Rho ROMRT RRl CI: ROCOa-RCOGKO-RORIXHORAl: 1*1 WOOL IM HIMALAYA RLAXKRT-CRARV ARI MUD WOOL MNU.,1 I ioo*un i«r~ wool g.-t.s n» re iectufrs, repi*rti. Son, tnurmtw m MkWa. RmtRM xlutea. and ttwv io indu-wt- S12.9.Y $13.95 §13.9.» ip.g crsinplcte sue. ex# lit f it¬ knw. Tka fralmitF (Mi MMXr < ting contact limxrs to in- UchMUM It ka, IMM# Mpal /5? HAMBURGERS ram. COLORS AND MORE COLOR fiisnts. babie#. and xnyaJ! rCt-Uiten of pitxehoul age. — IN ALL STA LKS — U» wekL It k« m (M —i IM Mb Um napk k* M mttflm OmO# Ml Lower tun Send inquirie# to % Mgl, ikirgUa jnw. SPORT SHOP S It. uum'LOR- Or. Joseph B.Gutsleii 1024 K. (iiMM) River Mnaplofcur. »t« orronitiitixr rradMcn HM« sen or eooo taste H. Kositcuek & Bro. IN ' II. Mtrttcan LautM. Hkb. %vc. EU 2-6647 LOCATED EXCLUSIVELY AT US N. _ LANSI>6 !•!. IVubM LA-SALU: COC.A^OLA BOTTUMi COMT.ANT