» The .Wcalhcr Crucial Weekend tean StateNews Wind*. Cmlcr Uriddfrs; Booler* Mich Today ■*'• Kan Big Tf»N l.ow Thursday .... 51 See 1'aef 7 Serving MSU For SO Yenr* I'KICK 5 CENTS >'£; 71 EAST 1.ANSING, MICHIGAN—FRIDAY. OCTOBER !». 1!>5'I ~4 fa vw Dodgers Capture Series (IIOI)Iht ^ ft lire Macmilhni Sox* 9-3* \ ictoriom In 6tb Game In lirilain Slierrt I'ilrhen l iipnTi'ilt'llli'il 2nd Belief \\ in Tltiril Term Win ClIICAliU 2/t'l——l.OH All l.oNIKIN -I'- T>u' Co'wrva- jreles' uma/inir l>oihr»»rs he tive- ed i»\ pnme Minister came the first ohih in nm • • ' ' •• .J I I • H.i. »i Macniillan scored a ilern lia#ehaU to elimh from Kivv victory in Thursday'* .sevettlh place to a world election. winning an unprece¬ championship in one year dented iturd term or' office Tin* when ihey clnhhereil the Chi ♦ I.to..- a c-moled MacmilUn rode to .• .tve Party was With British .1 routed. triumph en pros per itv foreign policy capo White Son. P-2. in Thursday's sixth WorUl Ser¬ ies tranie. A fttle ,rri/.'le sifleil down on the tleld during tin- tinal inn !u: to- forrhnght dealing ings on young Uirrv Sherry onc«- «{•> I'nion on II- w v r:t ttie S"\if! more tamed the Sex. afii*r r««- : I I- and oilier problems. having .lohnnv Pinlres in th« Trie Br dim electorate gave feurtii. It was the second vn 1 c.'-\■ at-<»I.t Prime Minister lory for the 21-year-old Sherry in four relief jotw Sherry jojn- .. \ ..if wauidemv on his plea in.,: ti.- eould Pes? represent this BRITISH PRIME MINISTER Marmillan rnmpntsns for ixl l>»s Angeles in nudseas-m niul <>stablishe<( a 7-2 record. • i.i" n at .. yiimnii* conference. his CitnsrrvnUvr purt> riiniliilnlr in llumnnTsmilh, Wrsl Iluke snldrr* 11 Hi vfrlf* Mac 1 ha- Inim the lea.i- l.nmlon nn 1 he r\r of Ihp rlpi-liun. Gcncrnl clrrliiins rpsiiils liomrr. i two-run <»tl-f«ot hla*l |if.ipniietit of summit sr.— rr-rletiiiin (or Miirmillun and his mi and Dirk Donovan for xi\ big run* in thn frantio *r Art tenter. Waters rose to cover the -lep- of the CO id ivut fourth. Ail indteti'i.-rik early Thurs¬ 1895 MAC Grad NiHin tgirker's singlt, a «ac- day were that the Conservatives and Maury Willi' single lore Showers Predicted vnice •» ouid tnnerge ft oni tinal elee- returns with a majority tar produced the first run in that fourth. After pod res douldiNl y.s.ier than the .Wsoat margin over tho head of Jlni Uuidw in Id ovei othei jNirties »n Dies in Liuising 'ie/d, Gardens IJmler Water v. •). . n;tn-.-eat ihrnse of Commons. . center, sixiring Wills, latpe/. re- s.< Conservative leaders jd.iceil Wvnn with Donovan Donovan, brilliant in hi# meniher of out* of I lie first MS1T so re talking omtidently m |Vrr>' <1 Holfli'ii, n terms |i of t( |fit)-.seat later returns, due this after- majority. irrntltiatinu i'ln#ief» ..... niul ;i pioneer in the developmenl. of ... . 'I' II... s,art <,,M' Tuesday, , I .« and .14.1 his did II. ,1 line not relief 1, 'a.... have it. 14 job II.- lie hyhritl com tiled Thursday afternoon in it local hospital As River Passes Flood Stage . t. would have to bear Wiat walked Jim GiUhnn before < 'Ut. less than a week before his tMth birthday,. Charlie Noal klasluxl ,i double perrv I (olden," to right center aeoring both Hugh fiaifkell. the Iaihor "The death of pihlre* and Gilliam. Wally Part- lea,lei wlv >u!d have President John A llami.ih *anl 'washed "!!' the band-hell was isolated a# Mooti'a 3191-fm>* homer Into the 6* «t f I'tttt i: er linte.ni In 1 win*, reported. the water surrounded it The ;iisiimr Prime Mm i<»ter had in. it. 11 statement i- ned Thnrxd.iy, r» standing defeat le** lower >t,iti«i. m right added the tiiMNl le\r! ol tlie river I* eight won, .s>ncede .1 i.i ,|M rod 'tie c.ueei i»f ' *V»» t lis Kditor -mall rapid- near the hand-hell parts i" oigs Th, {Wit Ma fifth and sixth rtinn of the inn¬ MSU feet t iifi four hour* aft the jMitls ti n,' jdolieei in ngi u ilHlir itl um.'i 1 a:.it Jem wa- -imilir to Niagara falls a* ing and Unifhed the day for the heav * -I'm. r...- • v the water fared on »•( iivbi .,! noil and :e !ing dejertixl Donovan. a - : ...is and Taut • .» .■ ■* T amount • i" U.M- we ! Ml! This *rrirs. that set new re- • r-. nl tin nigh v.gor' • I ran call an tie I'io.M'ed the wav f«»» .1 V.'Ut ut 'i a |M i1 v agrii'■iiMural incute paving S'!.i»28.973.44. appeared to ■ t . i \• • normal- t ■> i1 s' tii'A f.>iv.-d into inf'irni-e mi ag' H iilture Im- all over Hut the White Nov •»''« "Hi-; . winding it-% S< .vii' ' loMiiicrd hack with three runs f- a vote of .,(;,f throughout, the . nUJ*ed a -u ' ;■ r< li. ; - , mi a hit hatsmau. a walk and m-a* of Uom- h..im will he fell f.»« vear- to • ai" and in- M- ; ■ 1 he 11iK W» had a lie win to led Klusrewskl* three-run lino «■- Fit-' i. lh\ii- ill-tr i !: <' ' ■ • ■ their half of tho the virlnitv of Krrsge Art < en¬ Ma T ealhvt »he elect ion drive homer in a-.d :;eU1s boi- th» »'• . * ■> - lie received Id* lis degree ter where the water reached al¬ rode on the fourth. ' : IS' »!?'. .v • • •• ' tfti re. weeks ago from Michigan Agricultural Col¬ most to the building Tlie gar¬ j'v W.ive .11 Before the Inning wat over, I sod-morning the Ked ( e.|- s-i.r; crest of a (topu.ai lege illie nrrnent MM') In IkH'i den- along the art "painting wake of Pre- i dent Eiseii- I'l.ltKV «. IIOLDI.N pod com had been replaeevf by l'»wd it * •, |rrt, \ || |.(rh- « • \ . the anil .1 niavier'* degree In IH'il rutin" «rre a haven for the bower's visit to Ur itain. Slierfv and eixioh Chuck I>rex* 'htrf of the I S. Wrath- ...k,- lie earned 4 baelirlor of peil.i- leathered creature*. who found had been eha.nxl for argu¬ . ciillnr.il extension work at Iowa aen gogv from Mirhigan SUIe Nor¬ the plants delirious morsel* State until 191! when he lie* ing with llmt base umpire F.d mal college mow Western Mich¬ ".ike atld Oh • director of the agricul¬ Hurley of Um American League. Tafl-Hartlpy Gomplainl TV iiiimilU'c \dvis«> i dge tM-mfid We igan I niver*ilvi in IH94 and a came tural extension department of Onee Siierty rextnred order w.'te held dov master of pedagogv from Hie . : International Harvester rompanv making l,m.s AfMiicio (>• *|» uji same *. hoot in 191'!. -e.gh* , -»P- Au*' worldwide extension of with 'he bnovi l«Mde: '.ipse of Filed in Dock Dispute to a * 19.V.! Michigan State Urii- oiesentisl him with an d>-toi of agriculture agricultural instruction. It, 1932 h" retiie«f to a |H»ultrv Pafe to start elmmpagtie for tha' once-post* uncorking the .onoiarv I*»ti«i Iknlger victory celel/ra* • img f.ittn iie.u Whitehall and ism- -'Ml the Vie: NEW YORK t/l*» The government Thursday filed !i dei!r»«e. hi* hvbrtd corn expert* Don. •liege of Choice t.nius| Dr H"! l. n wa known : »he Village Was Taft-Hartley complaint in I-'ederal District court here# It mattered! little, except in '. M.ctit.diorl liehue moving t/» Cm f11-1 i|)l» ' and in the e.o • Tlie Brobv ti.'V n the record books, that Chuck .A J.- |{«i| « is seeking to end it week-old East and (iulf coast waterfront l!«MJ i. . .! the l orn Go,p. I « Marlevux. M.eion and Ltiisim: finally to Kssr»gi.in hit In* wxsuid pineti strike. lev injunction T' no ' ' • in-, agricultural r - In i :il 2 Dr Hoi-len was an tin* hit fioiner of the seriee with no* (Fifth of a Srrir*.) liriK off f .rm.di t-> tin farmers >r Tlie The law refjuite*i ii earalidate for the teely on and Ra\ Moore, the frenhmttn aiv automatiiMliy en- sucee fill *'.i enterinp •>'* i- Pr t-s.de* during !■.Wo. Dill /ig whistle *to|.e: with ies. perwwl of up t" Mb I'i'.'.mi- sivi-lb puiilii an nominee MXth W'hitf Sov pitcher, in tlie Ik.s-c i ollepe The Committ ec op the l uture, 4* par'. . •'a- k'»\ • ' Whien effort., will I Mfil* l«» tf.c aid of char's and germin.i- a k'zmmiioy of Iowa, 1h-x in the hmdi Ivsegtaii, a - that it is more »le»ira" c that a student r thv !■••{> rmitt't n.> »bc»n f, a T jft-lln leach .in aipeement. over eon- tion boxes, he taught to tanners If.* a i a w a: ded a medal for former Stanford !h>:e Bowl soon a- he enter# iuck The irv ieiw ir./u.'u-ti' W'hiCM »V. tract UTfr.s .'.cell die II.A ho, ' • ni iim" Irt'tter sei.-i and : o .t with a certain college ir fb-iiliKilisheO .-etviee to agru ul- player, w.e; the jjrat ever U» do HtS" gavf worru'M < hit-rid Rj.OWi tigsborr unO the klppperv ij**. higher proiluctiot. Mi .• i»v the Panama-Pacific Kx- ft, • pla bed;; fid t" p.fi* fr««rn Texas to NJ»r*• T)u- strike began Oct and Ill* nio*l notable achievement Klusiewski a tremendous piol ition ui 1914 anil a diploma was his choice at once. p-i '' '■>« enroll in the colleirct of IM additiirfi It wa* the third time since t.ed n»f»re than 2,Hi *nip* is a* a pioneer In (lie develop¬ help to the Sox who never did t*i«* new .j;» lot di.vit»ngui»hefi service I" a«- 4 rtaiting until hit* junior sear Nt»n-pr*f -tu- lie t«M»k oHIrr that liwnlmwer Norte <#f the big iwoeugi i Ibti'pi menl of liihrid corn and Ids • . 'ulliire Horn Hie I'uiver ity of pla* up to their regular season l>e enrolled in the Basic College has u-ed the Taft'llartle* law affeeu.i But thmi-'ands "torn Go*prl Train" i* pointed level except for the tirsl game l.iitl Fall for Min i S against the strthlag Interna¬ were thou;.i«w!»t ut U»ie. of cargo to a* the forerunucr of the great Wo. O'Hi ttee mtmiiepi dLsaenttnl in the major part Uferti lu 1917 he was given the Msf Hig Klu wound up with ID run* 1 ?? • t!u? ldJt day to tional |.»ng»horeitirn'« I'nion w«-?» gtratuied, »>me of s' pci- ar.rirultural extension program disliiigillslird service •* hallid In that lied an all .detujation. however, feeling that the flevibi r»*on T .«K»* .» alumni The firti time he ever invoked ■ jxhanle established in 1911. series record set ht Vogt Herra and uniformity of procedures of the Basic up (wr B»««ck S Fitly aware the law was in |953 against the ward. freshn»#« are needed ?4» Si! <>u: Before bvgmfurig work wi'h !fi wit'e the lofMi' i ( aii:e of the Tank* in 1958. ill xevcii .\d aapecta of the first two years of college. II,A Me u-ed it again against In PittMhurgii aleel tii-puUiitu . tbe block tnier«rted pcr*»n- the ('>rn r."sp«>| ' Tr nn-' tic Buin< t', «iicd m 1942 games. the same union in 1953. idly wailed I'revidenl |.i*enh«w - ,f:o ■',{ the I>*lg pointed out that fewer than 25 percent art* 4sged to sign up today 1-5 The 1I.A haa »a'd pubhev rr'% drriiion nn invoking Hie w.» a fellow and ttgricilftlltat id¬ MSU (then MAC) Surviving )um «•»■ 1 " »on-, Sherrv. 'he the field of 4 r,Ki' "Cidcnu remain pm. in the Union cooebuiwi. s' rui 'or at t :tg. D of Mad MOM, W'l .111.1 opening ptavoff trlUfiipii a' and graduate in that it will end its strike *»th Talt-Mharley law- to end the 9»i- . r initio Members may ai-*" Phi ighte; Ml Helen gifig1. of genr» relief work Aftffcrrifiis out of any curriculum, the Committee *ug- dustry kiaWry. jiupenntendr-nt of vhooh. B«'n- H«»!d» ft IhsM-mer. eight grand¬ only 'MM* run m-aed against him h^huuld require consultation by the student with his 4 Legs Better Than 2't A Pittsburgh newsfiaper suc¬ zie country, assistant pr'ifcs>->i 1(f children and 20 great grand- ll»* worked in the second, tbinl. advi.ver, a#^i#taut tlean of hi# college. Counael- cinctly headlined "Ike * Move*. soil physic* and profc*»«»r of children fourth and sixth game* in th.« T-H or Not?" agronomy, at the University of TtiC funeraf will be field a) uruMue .cries in which ncitlu i ^enterdr*n and, for freshmen and f-ophomores, with the Illinois. 1896-1900 Saturday at the Kite* team har| complete gnto4 from Brazil Elects Rhino There have been no rtecl ne- 9 30 a in .» t he Basic College. n' gotiaUoiui since Tueaduy night At the turn of the century he Lca'il'v Funeral home in Lan¬ 1'* pitching staff. ADKMIC ADVI8KR*S ROLE 8TRE8SKII when top leaders of the indus¬ workc*! on scientific brr-sniing >f sing. Burial will i>c in the fam¬ In the club bouic later. Sher¬ Advantage of early enrollment in the college of fc ones a protctM agnsnst corrupt iw and try and the striking United corn for the liiinoi Sugar Re¬ ily cemetary vi Benzie country. ry. sweating and happy, void SAO PALXO. Brazil (AV-A P- * w dream cone true I m ' threw up before leaving *^'u'iMb '-t*t the Committee feel#. a ."**nw particular of idcntlfica- arailtmic ad- rhixfxtnrt con&nued Thurwiay to pile named Skin¬ ineptneas ticiana of Sao Paulo .* poh- Steel workers their hand* in despair of reach¬ Union fining to b«come company vic«*-dean of agricul¬ so Uirilied I don't know what to college and with a ny up an lead over her t/verwhelming function two-lesged r.vaU Skinny dark hone became the pe»'i'b * candidate at the ing a new contract agreement. ture at he Iowa State college where organized the agrutiotny flp- Iraqi Rescue my than I in was tr.c a lKBe more bred other games, but _* concept of academic adviaer I* t" I** wholly fur a »ea'. in 5>»o Pauio'g munic¬ ing euggeation of univerady atu- Air Furrr iMarliint-iil partmvnt in' 1902. Dr. IIwiden was head of **H- Story Told my fu-t ball was good and t *r,;,ni that of tho former enrollment officer whoso ipal council rftamber. fimta after the city gave up d* thought I could get Diem ou' —. jnctionthemaa to aeaign atudents to cour»es. The Com- C ctkat officiaU predicted claim to her to the Rio de Jan¬ liiR|M-rlrd In Offiriul. ; BKlBtT. . tvrtwwB 'SA—Iraqi---•IKliI turt" >e* relation, in this new sense, between the with al*>ut ttwee-fourttw of Vr,e eiro gob. - Col John Robertson, assisumt Tirkcl* Slill A\uiliilili- (lUihortDM per milled Die bn»ad- who The new spaper wen t a Inn* TTiuraday night of a re¬ Hull Tivkeh On Sale fciviaer and the student "as potentially one of vote ihat Skinny, with the joke tor a tirrn? t>ut corn/nanflaiit of Uie north cen¬ Fur kingoRni l'ri» eaating weighJ half .a fc>n. would gel port that Premier Abdel K.xrim "tmificant experiences in the student's L'niver- when nomeonc printed 2">0,bo») tral area, and directly resp-jn*- Kassem escaped with his life Tickets for the annual Coro¬ •hout 110.U00 voles She had Some tickets arc still avail-! balioig in her behalf and dis¬ because .i boy and a catxlriver nation Hall gvt on sale hkiay, more than 90.000. ible to General Bell, head Of the able for the Kingston Trio eon- '• who should, according to the Committee, he Skmny'?^ ckawt extender, tributed them last Sunday, they •aid It wag time to U' serious AFRQTC units, has been ex¬ cert which will U*. Wednexday threw themMdve .between him The dance, featuring is planned for Oct. Lam Klgart, 30, from 9 °f the Adcmaf-.de Uaru*. had iiujchinegurut in •Vt'dl arol a-ssasxtrix' Tmrhhwr faculty selected by deans on re- Mayor and not to vote tor animals. amining the detachment here at at H p in- in inv Civic Center lioos from department heads, would know the 604)00. Skinny, meanwhile, ww re- Skinny Is the lecorxt arumal MSU Tickets be for .$2.10 and purchased at Par* ft AS Baghdad The radio said several per- p.ni.-t Tickets a.m. may lvi" purchaierl ■' sn individnoL Being alert to the student's per- wallowing &»numd«d!y to sweep an election in Brazil, Ako on campus are U. Cot. seal* may from Uh* Union ticket office and Shop, Landing; aona took part in the assassina¬ ■lit Charles Morat and Maj. Ken¬ amount New* eras and Via ooUif-clais problems and activities, In the cool mud of her den in A year ago, the drought-strick¬ en tov)*n of Jaboatao in north- neth Hammer who arrived pino'i in Frandor and Lansing, tion attempt and killed Kas- from any Arnold Air Society member or officer in the Army r will be better able to assist the student in the Kh> de Janeiro. The prew easterh Bra»l, elected a billy Thur«day after their inspection and the Civi<; Ccntet from 3-6 aein's driver. ]i said the car was •Peete of - Thursday called the gurpriae of the U of M detachment. pin. riddled by machinegun Are. KOTC write-in vote tor the rhinocerox goat named Stinky. 0 5 Yi'.!,. V Michigan Stale j\cws Read Daily by Ms|'\ .'.YfMMi Mintrnl* 4111I 1.1 ( fillv "YouXeGol To Admit Tlic Trains Run OuTiine*' HfltcllCV' \A.polo£fl36S <| (liter's Nnle; Ihr (ollowing mediate eMll inqtiny int.' episode and wiii * take pears aporop- .,* that ^ Oj ^ . 1'i * Miriii^iin St.it— .Nrsvs i- publc-Decl ti.v *a intent- i>i \l*« tiu*.u) Stute I'm\rrsilv, i .i* t IaiOt>ing Midi without dio*d i.u uil\ -nii'Tvi-ion. Irtter. written hv I niver-itv m( ^n.•;»ked ,.this j . , I* i.s not in* 0111. i.il volt** of til* mmri-iu or of ttir* t iih ,t hue!'-, Michigan president llarlan into the stand- Alleiid . **«-Kl»U! to M*t\c the licit interest* <>r r>oi . *tan,P remv out Willie t-i battle anv no\r vvhidi would drive .1 uetlgr In tv em, t• »- * -. llatrher. wa- sent to M*1 Pres¬ Prof Im .•n'o the tie! . ■ whetuer 11 ton es from within tin* university or Horn out uie Meu.oer ident John A. Hannah. It con¬ The t'niver-.*. o! the Auoclitiil Press Inland Dally Press and A-voii.i'od C'olirgiuie Pr*-». cerns a half-time epismle at the MSV Xleeliiif: act. and «eM v|-.| -I of M -football «*»"«■ '-t-t AieXRmh 1 •>*- - .urets to otii : Vol. 51. No. 7! Friday, October !», I !»."»!• F'a ye Tu n when -lurtenls circled il 1. * iturrt.iv. or of speech at man State l'*_ • pt.. the held with a "Hate Mate ' our honored g».. * MSI attend the annual banner. 1 It was a gre-. ee'ing of the Michig t 1 International Center n I 'A ..- d. ) d'-'.i Ob ure t«» have 1 . • , •) ,\ss.una?ion (MSAi Sat- colleagues huuulia'iHl w h« ii I U'.irri. • > '■ . u* »hc (lenerul Motors and tf •• incident Im'' vecn halves • ' •ir,• at Kisnt warm congest 1: the nerf.vtivr* the ganu* S.r '. 'v«c •v..rider v ice pre-ident of Moved—Not Lost • 1- of fhe stand.* ' ' • ' 1 11 ship v»f tr, Ms "did not sc«* it It *i( MAA. < deportment of tbe Harlan Uivu,. !•; hi y. location A -ociatmn |n»i*ted to m<' diti' .,-■«*• 1* \ President | Till: IvmiNATIOWI. rKVmt ha* heen rlottetl to Viee-Pre-ident! -Iieai* '-- • foreiyn student?* at '.MSI'. L Tbe-e student* have been yiven ulia^ wan formerly the \I si; office* on the yrotunl floor of the I'nion builriitiy. This room has heen designated the FN bninye. CAMPUS hC.WH.INKS: I p.m. Il.i* llrfiirr I'uhlirHliitn fur CLASSIFIEDS Tun... VVnl.. Ihu.. VOICICS OF I'KOTKST have heen heard #l»y a few for- .-•nil l i t. Kditiun,. |l,;irtline fur Vlun. KHilinn: | p m j r. eiyn "tuilent* who feel they were sliyhteil in the exchange. ItilU I'u>able **-li anil l-.*i Manila. Ihruuch Kridat Tlie t'niver.-ity is planning to transform what had heen the International Centec into offire* for the graduate KU 2-l.a 11 EXT. 2i.| school anil the research anil development proyram. It is important that the t'tiivrrsi.ty expands its facilities FOR SALE PERSONAL for the academic and research proyrams. Offices are need¬ AUTOMOTIVE ed. and the International t enter will nerve this purpose un¬ nyyv V\l» IHTRK -air I iu»u * r cra»1r» i iit til an addition is constructed f'» the Administration build- •• t iiiii.'s fru'n. A-K ghout .,,, ... ••••, Bt-urr K»"Ml PT- in'. W hen this Is done, the yrwlunte school and research I«ss FORD , . , »N I.. .' it development proyrum will he moved there. UlVTRi. MM Hicrn A 1V»H «• TW| t-mf 1 Ml.- V'K'UIIItt TIIK I \ I.OIM.F Mas ohtaineil hecau-e tlie Interna¬ 'erte* habe diaer- tional (enter was titil I a rye enouyh to hold a meeting of lf*5 CHtViOlF s\'ir»i <«»"«(>* v n »'i rait •-* • the International ( "lab. • , 1 \i>, • . ' ir 111*' Pli.ine When yiven a choice of tlie two places, a majority of IV • VI." ti foreiyti students favored moving everythiny to the t'N • iillit l HOMI PAHT* and tv ' Octekt* • 'I . ., *.*!.:• Ken' O'lvrt l.oiinye. - H ... IU.IC H.I F.D a l«U CHSVHOiFT All furniture has hern moved to the I/Hinge, and It has , At nrAt riFt't . » XRAT heiHnnn» all hut one feature that the International Center possessed. I 1 111 .,d'i - , ■ I'Uimuiii diamnnd- 1,1*0 - .r. *nii« On'o 11 So Phone CiiCil KM- a. That feature is cookiny, and foreiyn students who wish to ! I " " r u r-t:1. I" prepare their native meals will have the opportunity to use j • tM'I.F- OF VI.'.VtraOt'U V4ri*»ir« i •• the .Short Course cafeteria. , • ' •• > *f*»jl«'e« ' Mhoiowo ; FORD T S»»D 1 , • nir • .c ' crime iui> r I} , •, WK ACHFF with Mohammed Ilanlfl, president of the ((*tMrtrf* if mrrr ifir In i"firtt (ten it *i ff International Cluh, who feels that the FN l/oupye will pro¬ vide a hotter meetiny place for students. "The house was inadequate for the manv foreiyn stu¬ TCIF- dents on this campus," he said. "The International Center IIIC'AM A «S ^HT I was not a riyht hut a privilege " The Cluh President also feels that le-iny will result in mora niinyliny with American in the I'nion students. Lel \ Mtt in It tin Friendship in itll 1 1 VI I VII w HOC £ I II # M I S ,4- . § A.r l«- "TIIFY CSI AI.I.V would not vi-if the International HOUSING Center," lie says, "hut already mo have made many ncu r VMI'I S (((VVKItSATIIIVS mvhvimI h-.t iiiid i-< pt oltipaCable lev • i vv it ' -0» friends with Americans." too-! -tale lit t ,t Itus week over the displav • »f .1 "H.it»* We feel this is as it should he American student- should I I e new 1 i.ik ranch in it-e't'. . .state" hatiuet add other iliho-pituhle 50 t 1 *1 ademo 1111. meet people from other 1 lands and learn rImihI them. With the Center in the I'nion, I hi- tli-plav of misplaeed etit lut-ia-m b.*. « Heed-. cotideltitied in Ann Ai Im.i* :i- nnich * MM i- n.-l . k*» r* i'l itdei 1 ;,ti»di *' tins will h« «iou« to a greater extent than bHoie her 11 in F.a-t l-tn-iuv It was deiiomcd oflui. «.11. .1' uoi. . J.iM.i* jiojevl- vll'itu • hv I of M president Harlan llatchei, and liie yu»i»e .M"ie lilUll l«H» ItdiilTM .tliiileut- ■J. M. HOImtIM* somewhat le-s officially, hut 110 Irs* eto atT1 t»j r*sf iil!v f* irt icip.it mi' in op-c;impo- i I-* - m va »•» .(!' N*** Analt.l phaticallv. in editor 1.1I comment to '| he ♦ Xr'hjiI'V'r* |M "i fa'l' • Ulid -pev Ull fhlucitt iofl t ' ' .• . t ■ CSI »"•••* ... MmIi11:11 it Mailt. pn»u*i! • IV /.« ' v ' Interpreting The incident should not offer an tniutv for a to each of frieltdiv lelattor t ■ M til I H uiuver ' for everai poyv .»--•*! but tho ot ' > i» 3 ■ 11 * • ' The Bud-Ma- A;, with our ticiyhliui- down the toad, bV .» .i*-ne-» » rv »• to picv .• tho \nv. Tlie Men s rh.tnce to set aside pet tine- ami batkbi' olio • IMI'I'I til" pet o. is! •'!-' I ;i t« in I'll i MP J' oil' MSI I: • 1 oV t! ti •• 'cow liJIOU EMPLOYMENT p» D>?i •< 1 SM TH ia:«"» 1011* SdeIN » and reatlirm our tia-ic atnitv . iny KM lH£ lALiAD and Stut Soviet Rin-sig »r* hrgdtng !ti t'ir fu |.t» ..f »t,.n , lie action should he recoyni*•«I for I Mr t'H . ;< liiMi'f To in.,i'.'»!H' 1 H.I 0 IM * £ 111; . *m.I »im> * renrsiih f ..itv what they ale misplaced •>» mi-voided »• ' 1 » I ' M pop.) ;it ndi t I'll,.I Mtl» WAN'IO-MArt 0» * Phonp IV 2-042* ..■pel at* vi I ire Wm I«1 Wat II thusia-m aid 'eatti -pint I'liev .1" •»r»no(l of biyoie.i. • 1 .> w ;■ ' XPnior F.ucigv I "ie»ir *•! , REAL EStA*E . li'tui M.S. I II*. 1 hailtnstt of the I S I \H • fcNC» «i "• luore tvpital ot I of M attilioie-. Hum the fl'.it S.i'iird.iv > Sop- weir at . 1 g,•.'. p*a. < liatiyiliy 111 etliw of Ihiffv Haiiyheit. ia • .c . 1 * • ■ mri(\ to 'altatiei .1 e |tar.| oi.iiix, Ol* ;,t U-f OV »*! vear v*,i- t_vpo.il of student «Hituo«-« In n The ev hangr ggieciiietit 1* rsi»e. '»•.! lead *..• n . ;* ' 1 • ,1 «• • 1 ■-hup ( The former mm 1 1* <«iin|i|*t* r«s»|ieiatinii in the a »u■. lu-M MSI ll\SIUF\ much rnabviietl • •» • •1 ed. t he latter -i o lid be !.u the setlrl irpir»rnuii\r% in Oir IN have Juxl come luiuml milt their fiivt iutir«liuii In man* yrar* which Ins been irrrti ril pa-t as a "i"\v colleye" ami l»v oltiel * 1»- • - V » •■I.I BtTlHl H »'•' with pinnipt wgimth lit 1ml h Ihr I - and Hi Ham II it Im .01 ta-teful epithet-. (If course. \!-*l (tiien v •■•■', I hfM yi.il! tiia*. lit !»*.,» t re ii«rtM he .spa 1 tan- t VV ' MOM'XON Ji#ltl» inlrrnallonal rnnfcrrnrr umlrr I N l . I'epi; !' Wo-n ! • n -tv t>e »-CnlO * This progre->i\e iiame-ihanymy ha- re- I I -p.S ' . t tW o ;!*••' ' fleetcd the yrovvtii ami development In at lev j« -t ' Hi 1P *1. oni\er-it\. I'hv ,-u'al yrovvth ha-, at tin» m » I Mil h itbov «* - t ended to out strip the araiieum yt"w ■ I W.t olio alio! iit*r v * " !•'(« P. c I nit .uailrlii ,c statute 1- rapid \ iturea-.iv dp HoI IV- Film Fan*" 'Middle of INitflil" So-So Drama TRA v£» V'.t •* v v.' • ' • • , *•• . " *- UC'I ' ' • ' ' ' III • t • • . 1 •> .1 til - 1 , , . I'll,- . ■: > .1 .. 1 • , a .'..im.i'il nut in? a lu|i|*t ( i KuttU 1 err 1 veil itwul oitr-fiflh mI hrr ImI.iI ttar luitrntMl inrlmt lit 1II II Ol KNOX lri| a ImI m( Inillrr ahtn* vtllli-lhc (unt Hum Ihr Wrvlrrn \llir« There i«. tiuin,:. *.hc« • ! w .•« . ■■" • • MV HV ,' RfA trrr* Hut Wralrtit militart olitrnnt ttrrt lor Ihr liiuvt part h-trrril tu the ivlfa ef ' • •• «menva . t I lie new iutrre-l • 10* in tt.u mnn.cu. - • B. « »■» t* 11 (rem teeing how ihr ttar malrMr! «uih 4* ptanr« .owl lank*, linitril eixst. hliig th# HUbjts ' "t i.«il.v it form nf his 'I on uid 1 ml ir t i ;i . - ■ leMni. rut In ai-ltul n»r age UltTercsvCPs VU rvslMthti. .t iriill* tin.Mini »r. ..141» licit* ou.inevt vcup.es n !.etc iihu I- a mr— mi ..nlti-cu- t ! • a 4» •> pi I .» jt.,1 f mi r'lf thr V S :..ttl IS* * 1 . " • . ! "** "ri : ■ . . . . < 1 * \ • ft- » M>rt « ' -mv » ,0 *•• - .typrecintive o! the pewhten-* * 11..ml llle and Inir brrau-r lost F^"ND «• ' ' 1 '-r !•'.. .»•.. ••..*, i* in.1,1 >1. -pit u»t»» .c. l Is* iia unrtl tb« »*m |\»«htv hrr plrviMU- r\ pernor viltU - ... t m •• FOR RENT jfS I M.M I I II' C rhuveJ-Wv's J»tsv »>( "he 11141 it 41 iiMMiupaUbltitr I rertrir Man h pla*» Jrrrv _ ..... MfKTX N:gtvt."* drsis w .tit just »u« It 4 *: I ... ■ X'.t thro thrt *,. j., Cart takrst utu(«l the tier «.;>•:» *cc remprrhrnstv rl» and rvprilb, I ,t U.l *11 gtlu .1- I' ♦rui- lf*a»r a: f 40*1 ' « subject an«1 ba«. Quite 1 atui.c rc-tuedair. i *.» • v . and Xlbni |>rkkrr »n«e again -v *• _ -TW AT! H Hr The .4>»r>t «>n • • * t .«tir'hr* . •c'Tn e*i har.gr j^rrr- P. been uuitted a- material hu and even drmanvlrales h<- skill in ihar- l-»«*e FD- • s*e r rota thr K«»i«ni r 4*14 tihtng rXi 1 pt what go,a hint making th.n \V < m » . . \ ■ ailrr prrf»rmanre* as Turkman FO^ SA1E H iiHieimr *' vhant tfir ma "i siiate «>; S.vi(i hiU.ert® 'unryialifted f*»r and "ai.'u:»1 » * e- « k .*. •» l.lrnda larrrll as llelM't moth¬ I lUAtfAS' IONci MO V, r S • M, SIC** a . !.v:t treatmmt l,W»'!h matvii I .re (•rani a« her hr-l (rtend U* *«V * ,subject being .••• .1* er. le woi* t by the art-pubis • vf •*. were :»*,■ . lee I'hilltps as Hrr ex-husband. GOCD ' W ri» » "• t-v\Y i'«.1 gumptaw of tlie gvant tin' oe-p.:. . i Idith Netser as Jrrrv s -rslrt TtfS« *■ ~\t nA S HtU li s set Si V- t' -V -■* , gar.te "vovte men who profe s CCiin «•' '>•: ■ '.r and Joan I uprland and Marltn WiM.v •.f.-via-1 Mill undertake anything •<> . QUvX a?.. . tlirv . Balsam as his daughlrr and hrr :Ai ' *.,t A.VA'ifi A Ht". .Ai.-V-; b; ightrn the grtat.c an.i ftiurrv- her and • n.». t«s »• '•* .' •■ u- husband make imprrssivr show¬ • • _ S»u0NOr SHOR . is! uuUvK/k u( movies in ieo- r age »s the f-»i ing*. -. •> agitU 1st bit of a burr. due. riaubtu**t>, Mil >a«4l>S to the commonplace"' an.t. ttiii erad"c--mdybavg wt;--mawh, l<> DeUwfT Mann's inert d.rc - presented !n movie farm. u«- every twisty, th»: «, eveepr Jer¬ Iton ami ht> seemtttg ref.mal in w "SU. MSruuU M«FOiw[(S ivcii»*uag '.*? Mi.rtoAfv lavei* esnrthinf Uke this ry- pur'ne . t .vhk.se make °( twee respect;.* INl. «**» f!' V* ,.«* \k-,. gs- i n i w,. CN (H6USH HANOmiS! Jetrv KitlfXlrr. at SR. a wid- manUl cvditf. . , ! a- made art.- of ih*' rtnetn'a wiuch d.!t. - o.m ,-r and guccsnrsful imrtiter m j itn cntiate tl f.om ktndrrvl dramauc [»; HfCXCRM Se 3." . a |Mei«*r,v(v. :*•.., » k.hot» HOVAt BVINTAHI.F Vit'lFT U» !..»*■ 4vr*r«nv*r HUvt* trame r»ATSi>£vV-AtAVV A.*, v- gai-ment manutaclUiing^ ■o!e v»f '..it forma v TRANSPORTS 4 nvewns - . *,he 4ml )*v*l K * Rli j-XVgi u At Otx m£ A.r New York a Seventh Aven vomtorv of iHOtlHi-CnHlM* eto- Then, too, C."ha.vefsk> b dt aifvaa TMRtF-wrARTFR LENGTH MOl'- !:aa hnivse'.f tsued With h:« ilo.ve*. 'consistently bypa-s action (pt- '***• I'.Mu) "TVN r-4it ,*ncrr**t* !-,*ter*,ir* l«£w. v s-i*gotten liH. Those reprsit Ttwsujrh rcr-.e «.f uv»- rest of dulngvp- In Marty.'* this w.»* v»».-arob* \itr 14 w rddmc ringu eerie,-! ni4'*.,>ntf <*ar*!. 4II Lk« . evening* at home with the ralliihump.an c\'*ndes" r«r*, r..1 ~*• *•"*' am,. SKID GOOD RC-._* ^ . Orchera llil" .« A Prrrid. Ubc. C-rat* tai" "• the U4»- '• > d.iuyhtcr'« home for din- how tamer.tab • 'he proposal.dn rather Urveome. but the drama °n- 'nil* ^ 1 *"*■'v Chn»oen ^luceudi dance irw.a» JJSll «*«1 „• . - ,v « • their tnsd*l nupper. :*• Im- North Wulum-ion ,r-,n,-m 't ~U*i, »>** S A vous B«- IV P" c n-\4 .'h-the-fatniljr have bs- fU-t* itself is sufficient to recv»n;niend and lta»lett i*t***n vw- Pbofrr SCTOND HAND : f 1 r,... 'r . - e unlMSUable cliches in lus ly» mother and Im ad* decry it as viewing matter. Rating; 3*. Wtlhamvnn MHHK Jb . erun*s or n.4*e >n ,r>. wurnuneut b> prioi.e. a gear. Piwm KO V" "TO!* STATE NEW* [// Tours Theater — ' ' '• "j! C'tMPfs ct.ASStFtF.DS QUICK ItESULTS Ease Three . . INFORMATION SATURDAY WESLEY FORUM ALPHA PHI OMEGA |J7 Debut Tonight Open to all students from • ■ . . . FRIDAY 7 p.m., Chapel. Forma! Initia¬ Hawaii, old and new. INDIA STUDENTS ASSN. 7 p.m., 31 Union. CHRISTIAN STUDENT tion. INTERNATIONAL CLIU GAMMA DELTA 7 p.m., UN Lounge. All In¬ FELLOWSHIP OF RELIGIOUS dian students are requested to FOUNDATION .. ,3. n,.t .!<«<(roved the theater. It has stren- R p.m., 31 Union. Panel dis¬ 8 p.m., Martin Luther Chapel. 3:30 p.m.. College House. An¬ LIBERALS Card party. attend. cussion "Will grand¬ 333 Union. Abraham „;.u> immeasurably." - children live under Commun¬ your CAMPUS 4-11 CLUB SUNDAY nual picnic - vespers. 7 p m., Adeidere from Nigeria will GAMMA DELTA LUTHER AN ST DENT ASSN. ■ , ' A?LriV.'f master of latest in comedy, music. drama" "and ism?" 8 p.m.. H Round-Up. Forestry Cabin. Four Square dancing, R p.m., Martin Luther Chapel. .1:30. University Lutheran speak on segregation in the 1 Church. Supper and Bible U.S. Elections to follow* speak¬ panel ' Id'i new Nnl only has TV not riextrnv. HAWAIIAN CLIU games, etc. Open to members Cost supper followed by l\xi3y. discussion. study led by L. J. Tolle. er. ajjiV and friends. * ' _ . .iw Its 94 th* thMUr- *"»» Burll Im. 7:30 p.m.. Art Room, Union. l,fVh,* *ho,r npM itrnrration 4 - take tri f""''ies , . -ies in in *' has writer*, actor* and director* sprout up in the last m F.tA'i'ws oi This Sunday year*. jTS, * v B,- «>■ aj JSPf*- mi ' ^ \ha«c ... role /I1?'"" ls "" feed to scarry •b0»t he concludes.Broadway theater." bBMSNV XEM Attend Church * «tl! Uk* view¬ 'WWAv,wwAsrtwwvvwy; er fc •* »p*r jjorf «'U Broad- B" OPENINGS STILI. \\ UUlti.E |> EAST LANSING CHURCHES SPARTAN BELL RINGERS $ w~ ^. ne-.v play, K "' Stanley, *" f k ground ( msi "s popi un mmm mi n s 5 ^JTbiuction. I ;r-v: t play- a* o\ i:\cusii lux/mills) | EAST LANSING UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN PEOPLES CHURCH CHRISTIAN FIRST CHURCH OF jg* • ,H- r - PlWCd m 'sic iu:adix(. mum iii qi mi u \ TRINITY CHURCH CHURCH STUDENT CHRIST, SCIENTIST a; • -,**-> -hi- world regular CALL IV <).(!(,(,.•{ I t n; |\Ti:i{VIFA\ S EAST LANSING ,, • now the 1 ndennmlnattonal AND STUDENT CENTER FOUNDATION tot R. Grand Rival lliterdenomiiiiitlonal rati Lamina 170 spartan Avenue (National I nthrrn Council) 200 We*t firand River at Michigan Rev. K. Kl'GENF. MILIUMS tin ainii at Ann Street l»r. p. Marion Simma IIS W. Grand River (TinrcR' larvtaa II A.5C. Pastor (Two block* North Of Berkev Hall) Rev. Itov J. Schramm Sunday Bohool II A^X minioterg HONSHU* SERVICE* ~ Rev. Jo*«ph Porter, MlnMH S:1« It So a m. •ub|a«l "liwl's Prnonal Plan pf Action* Sl'NPAV SI RVIt K H»iv fommnnlon: -CHRIST JtOCS- 9 in Student ronim 1:.ia p.m. 9M, 10:15 and 11:00 A.M. Sermon Topic i "Commitment!** >r Hun4.iv School 9 no A 10:|S AM. Communion 5ledit.ilIon 3:1(1 Meet at ColleitO llmiao fo| Readtnf Roi ••The Meld I* the World" OTHER SERVICES annual plrnlo — Vetper* Pro*ram. III W. I Nur«er* 9:tkj A 10:11 A.M. Rev. P. Marion Nlmnu • •■14 am Sunday School with I There trill ho garnet, food and thu f»r t ntversitv Student* I nthern Student Supper Club 5:30 worship at t ranrit Park In lainatna. • jo P.M. Iliiftet Supper P.M tlinr.li School DIRTY All I'klviriliy student* Welcome "lintinrtlve faitor fharlee l.uthern Belief*" klinktlrk 9:30 A.M. t rlh room 11:00 AM. through.liiKh »i-hool ata Pvervnno W'elroma •arvtcaa, Raadlna Rttot and vltlt and as* SHEETS ST. JOHN CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH OF EDGEWOOD EASTMINSTER MARTIN LUTHER EAST LANSING PEOPLES CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN A CATHOLIC STUDENT CHAPEL CHURCH FOR US and Interdenominational aNTER WESLEY FOUNDATION 409 N ll.*gadorn Road Rev. Robert L- Moreland, Mlnltter kVNBAV SCHBDULt (3 block a north of Grand River) Morning WotAUp ibAb and UlM 519 IMvltlon Si reel Fr R. Kavanaugh »r f Zippia Wilton M. Tennant, (Mlaoottrt Synod) George I.. Jordan Rev. T'uman A. Morrlton, Mlnitier H E CO Sundaa Ma*»e# Mlnittari Wnndav Worthtp Kev. Rohlnton O. Lapp. Minltfer SIM»\V I't.. Jr liuh School, HIS PROtiRAMS Abbott Rd. I ho P«4 D HTH Service* At 9 to a.m. Clint ell School and Adult 1:10 - l;U - I" 00 * H:J4 pundav Stud vi tltahv tilling at ■ .13 A • 10 A .M. A 11:00 A M. • ill Blbto Ptndy • 10 am. Red Cedar Mrhohl jl:N Minrtl s in a m Church School and Adult One Biork Wett of 0. Harriton Kd TO... Cott snppoa. Sermon kr siuilv In nliiih tin dent* are In- un Sevar l»r. llallv Mattet HI A «:00 A M. tiled to participate, t fishery and Gamma Delta Proa ram f fAk 11 ao am. State Theatre Rev. Truman A. .M«»rrl*on pro tided Contettiant Hallv • aa AM. A Nurvty .Sorterv for both ben net 5:30 PJN. I after Rotary) w ortiilp and rnntlnnlng t'hiirrh School Gnimtr At |u mi a m Saturday «-) M A «:SS-t.ss P.M. Church School for children third Vetperc till »« Church School • :30 * II.A) A-M. grade and under. Interim Pattor Kev Donald Crib room Ihrough Junior High WORLD WHO COMMUNION CATHOLIC RTPBCNT ORGANI¬ • it am. Cwliega Cla»a R>Ucy MedilaOnri |«M4 Dean Av*. Ikiv^rsity Launderette ZATION MF.PTS Sl'NPAV -Communion m the churrhH Holt, MKhlgan Junior IIUli feiioothip, 4pm 1:44 P.M. lo to a.m. Ail Agea partonago No. OR S-l STt III NTS WI I COMS Red Cedar School Phone »lt Mill ASCENSION LUTHERAN CHURCH FIRST WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH Next To E. Lansing Bus Station AU SAINTS (MOaourl Synod i North Magnolia Ave. at IL Michigan Mluleter EPISCOPAL CHURCH JIM Hatlell Road Kev. George Sunday B Mil*on — achooi — 4,43 A.M. Cg Mile f a«t or Hagadnrn KoAd) t.avt I anting Morning WorUilp — 11:4# A.9L M Abbott Road — ID l-IHI 1 oiith Service — 4 44 P.M. Sunday School R;|A A M, E.veniiig Service — 1:44 P.M. Rev. John P. Porter - Chaplain Kev. Gordon M. Joaet. Rector SCRVICF.S Kev. Kobert Gartner. SPECIAL INVITATIONi I'umarrted Studentt to young peoptef ln» KR086W0RD No. 2 Minuter lo SI NDAV Married student HMItM lei an. ill reet Drive In day S.lioot ,lav* taught by Dr. Burton Thorn, a Michigan Stale Rd* notion t omnium. I ft >• am. at Church a oe A M. Holy t uamuniun $.49 A.M. 5 amllv bervrcea and down Church achooi Kev George W. R. Nh keUhurg Morning Pravef or Not)' U N A M Communion and Sermon kl) I-3T21 or El» MWI EAST LANSING UNITY CENTER CAN14KHCKV (LIS • to P.M. Sunday 423 W t.KAND RIVER HORIB « MILLER. PadM SI NDAV HU St HUH I 4 SIOKNINf) WORSHIP AT M A M. AAE V©UMDL Departure! from I antpn* 19.M A.M. Glichrivt Mall Parkin* FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH "The Contiurror" Sunday k>b»»l It A M, SMOUGHTO l«ot RuUerfield (Divrlple* of t hrDtl DEIRDIF r IMt I.E. Hoiolvt Mi l » N I I.AKK. organUI 19:45 A.M. Wvt|nc*dav Meeting *;04 P.M. — Study t U*i KNACK TVilS? Hnluie* 4iid I'.Uiekg Street* Shaw Hall Parking lot II XI HUM I I slit TKl III" 19 54 AM I blk South of sparrow Movpttgl 19 *i A M Mtetn Hall Parking l.ut Affiliated With I nil* school of ChrUlUtuty Lte • Summit, Mw, Krhnnl »:« a.m. Morning Worvhip 10 t'> » n Kclutm |u Same Point Allcr f hutrh 4 .49 |l H* 1.11 4 04 p.II ( hi Kho tsr III A College age) (MCI t|-I4j • CENTRAL METHODIST - FIRST PRESBYERIAN e Call EU S-9SS4 OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH CHURCH INTER-CITY BIBLE CHURCH frttawa at Chestnut CHUNUi 1927 R. MICHIGAN Rev (Elvhcr Witha in •• lliu line) Kuhen. Minuter Ditawa at Capitol ?2 IS ) Michigan Independent Eundainental Pre-MlllenMI luvid x Icaccll I'arUb yitnivtrr W or .hip Service* at • « 4hd 11M Kev- WlUiarp Harunan, Pavtof KM. «. J. Ttl.SSlKA. PASTOR Nile rper. Mlntvler of Chruiiau I do allot SC.SDAV Paul Morrlvon, preochlag Sunday Bible School lo 00 and II 14 Sunday kefcool 9.4S A.M. 9 45 am Two WuMhip Hervlre* M»rntng WorUilp IN AM. 4 II mi a m Morning WorUilp Sunday School at 5.41 II M A.M Mr Kuhen preaching at b«Hh liivik Gruupt i s p M. j U p.m Touth Groupt vervite* Service 1 P .M. 149 pin- Evening IntplraUonai Service Central U a friendly Church Club When your throat tfilk 7 kveauig * oo Sunday evetilnr t'uvln *a • -w. .n.% MIO-W49.K O.RVICI fur *inghr >nung adult*. tkur*da> 1.4# P.M. (Nurtery Re-organUed For Better Service) you its time for a change J Tranaportation leaving national Mvuae 4:M a.m. annday or en)) IV <->l«t for a ride, Interna- for feonaportaUon (all IV »-1l«l Weir onto To r* you need / ■ tlioaeil DapUat t kurch to lampun MEMOS BAPTIST BETHANY BAPTIST ( a real change... UMVERSALIST FUST (HMST1AN LANSING CENTRAL FREE CHURCH CHUKH UNITARIAN THE CAMPt• METHODIST CHUKH CHURCH . NEAR Rev. Howard Johnton, PaMoV i3M S. Penrurtvania La Annul V0U NEED THE W avkuvglon at Jrlfwta S. Holmev at Prnvpect Sunday Invite* School Km 14:44 a.m. Sunday School • U AX 411 r* Training Lai (3 block south of Sparrow Mo«p ) Church II aa ajn. Sunday. Service 1144 A.M. Wunhlp ltd ISA! AM. A IX PA Morning Worship II sap. Toung Peopleg 4 14 p.m. 344 Marvhall St. — ( hurrh School and Nurvery Sundav School — !• aJn. Adult fellow vhlp 2nd sun 7 34 p.m. Sundav NUbt Service 7 34 p m. Paul R. LUfh. Partwr Rev. John M. Mofnua. Paetof Vouth Service — •:## p.m. On I anipuv Enjoy Affiliated w Kb the Swulheth Morning Senrlre 14 A.M. Evening Wervhip — 7M pjm. an,» wfwreOi ,• ftvenlnc Service 1 P.M. fetlowvhlp of Rellglou* Liberal* frvendlln#**'good mutie*a church I RapMat Convrnllau t nion family Tampsa Religion* AdvUor: prayer Meeting Wed. Evening-7:34 Sun 7 p.m — Room M Rev Gerald ft. Wvman. Minuter -The Church of the Light and for TraaapMteHaa taM IP S-dnt a Mr. CmmSni Rorhorn Pleas* rail II) 1-nu for a rid* of WODLo iHouve IV 5-3475-SUldy IV S-3455) Qgarctt& 1M Ratley It, I- L ID Mitt e 1HI. hre»* 4 WMti—W MICHIGAN STATE NEWS October 9,1959 I'asf Four I 'Gelextial Snail' MSU Profs Russia's Lunik III ACBOXS 1. Teuton tt Fre«h supply 7. Efchrie 39. Melody To Take Part used for 40 Duty 42 Before In Convention Reduces Speed upho!»t«ry 13 Tropical rodent 43. Astern 44 Of the ear 45. Cod of It Citru* fruit lo\e f>r. C. Fred Gum ham and Dr. MOSCOW 0T»)—The* RtiMfAnV Lunik III. which rocketed IS Behold 46 On condi¬ 18 Ride Karl I. Sehulze of MSG wilt away ttorurd the moon at about seven miles a second last tion that IX Aloft 47 Column* participate in the annual meet* Sunday^w'aa reported easing Thursday to a celestial snail's 19 Italian 49 Old muvcal Solution of Yesterday's Putfl* in# of the Federation of Sew¬ coin* rote 12 Pubbc age and Industrial Waste? nssb- pace. 2iJe»e» 50 Having the 4 Kind of Tass announcer! the 614-pound to survey the perpetually hid¬ slipper esteem ciationa next week in Dallas, 22 Fr. winter den side of the m«"»oh, could be ape* 5 Philippine 17 Narrative Tex Hying laboratory, after passing re«ort rounded around the moon, has left that expected to speed up again native poem Sehulre, assistant professor of when it swings about for *he 23 Utility 52 Covered 6 Rr,din¬ 20 Substance 24 Indigo civil engineering. will report on satellite'? gravitational Held and w ,th clay active return journey Soviet scientists p'ar.t 54 Pihm used in three years of research and ex¬ is nearing the point for the element detecting have plotted. 25 Small 55 M<>re perimentation with a "tricking start Saturday <»f its return to¬ 7 Character c tfier sub¬ ward the earth. "The interplanetary station e.epre««ion profound •Carmen" filter"' which he devised for y Heap in stances will now move in a plane al¬ now* 8 Spoken treatment of sewage and in¬ "It* speed U falling Continu¬ 2* Family *>f 22 Itinerant dustrial wastes most perpendicular to that of New World I Genu* of 9 Man s merchant ously," the Soviet Nets* Acem v he Lunar ' orbit," the Soviet nickname Gurnham. head of the ••hem- monkeys pheasants 24 Related said. A eherk at I'i noon F>T News Agency announced. "It 3D Profit ; Se'f H> Article leal engineering department, was reported to have clocked it w.!l revolve around the earth < n 32 Courage 11 Large 25 Take the wilt hike part in sessions of the tropical ch.ef meal at only a half kilometer—less an elongated eclipse with an colioq. American Industrial Wastes committee an i than a third of 4 mile—per sec¬ 33 More 3 Art.final 27 Be.-.. the Standard Methods commit¬ fipoju-o (the greatest distance severe Unguace lirard eerned ond. from the earth) of 291.87*1) tee. 29 Cry of a The meeting is expert**! to The instrument-laden, radio- m.'es and a perigee (the near- dog lll'l WING IN' THE ln(fririttinnal Club*. Hr I ounce in open to till .'un, attract several hundred ex pet's euuipped space vehicle, designed • «'. distance) of 24.R40 miles 31 Sting.ng ne« (ounce in the In ion ..re IM. id KahMI. «•>' *«««e tunelum. .,. ifc.j weed- Si Stej- lion Uetiirrl. 1 iihnmmed I. Ilanifi. Interim- tionnll enter building um,1 i... 34 M - Muf- tionai (lull pre-ident. and \ an re Hyer-on. SPACE, MISSILE & JET PROJECTS fet 35 B-r.f - -r.it To Diwiiss Communism *(-•<1 or AT DOUGLAS rr et.C In'tvnmtwiuilClul> l<> HoldXvivS 3T F *. tel > action have created outstanding 3# Pert t>> the .1.. ■ 1,-tr .-t rici on the topic. "Will This - or opportunities for ii-vton career 41 H. mi -rjuiirhildrrit h\e under tempt ru i: 44 Fr • vrf national < !. 4* It* .0 SCIENTISTS and ENGINEERS i and students effort* f«o orvi i*ot- it* various live* with or working on advanced degrees Urotdnic to Sl-«h.imnir d f of OJe- tu-;i: - lljnifl pre-id ut of the Hub. Assignments include the following Areas: and All |oiis-t vire-pi#«o'lr ! J. t Transfer -- relating to missile Structures —relating to cyclic this initial program which i% to and space vehicle structures loads, temperature effects, and the he held ill I Union, «ill fr.ilure investigation of new materials, Sarvo-Mechnnisms relat mg to all methods, product*, etc. typtyfof control protdems Aerodynamic* — relating to wind lloctranlc Systems- relating to nil tunnel, research, stability and DOES YOUR RAtftCOAT of guidance, detection, con¬ control trol and communications Prapwlslaa — relating to fluid- Solid State Physic* — relating to metal surfaces and fatigue dev. mechantCH, thermodynamics, It al«<» tn-- full dynamics, internal aerodynamic*, Space vehicle and weapon sys¬ American mmi-ru u i lavlroamafital relating to air tem studies —of all typm. involv¬ — »•>;,m1 REPEL WATER LIE k SP9M6E tural. eriu< conditioning, pntsaurization and ing a vast range of scientific anil rontrihutiui., inx*r 4 oxygan ayalentt engineering skills lire \rr-.i W Get full Information at PERSONAL ON CAMPUS INTERVIEWS FBI, OCT. 23 TBfcoT|TVon to make an appointment to me* t our representative through your placement ollue. If you cannot do so, pica*) write to MSI >(*ifitli«l C. C UV.no Staff Assistant to VP Engineering Keeeiic \uj DOUOLAS AIRCRAFT COMPANY, INC. ce. v» • MOO Oc•an Park Blvd., Santa Monica, California Ameru Pants Too Long ... Sleeves Too Short ... See US For Ex;c:l Aiic:aiions FAST iES , their ; in the a wide assortment of nylon stoles. . straight, 7T white .welcome warmth lor ONE HOUR MARTitilZING late summer and early autumn's brisk LUCON BLOCK FREE PARKING l» REAR evenings; leather soft and utterly feminine, the perfect cover-ups for all your sleeveless fashions, buy now, Rinp TUP RI!MI)M» HI.I I.. A.V-IW . I'ASIOU ,u,/l' 4 ilia lJUiJ IV/ HI:, HOU \KII Y. SI I.UKN. CAMOK at this special price, and save! South Baptist Cur ruii J %S RilM'll »t SOUTH WA.MIIM.TON AT MOORE- KIN I It IMliWl — IW-IM. 4lSTa.ll' AMI M \\ I. I III-. SI VM>5 M\:» OXFORD M/r* run 1 km: ( A>iri s hmiii Kdi wn iKi k ftKN in: n.U'll SIMIAN MOIIMM. \Nli l.\ HMNi, ONLY • ■ .1 . v.. ' I i n hi>«w TRRSITY it 22* \b^>! I a Stcingli» Staple bigger th pack 011 10 A.M. HIBI.K J4 IUMH t l.ASSES r-OK YOI Ml AIHXTS SPECIAL! NQCi ANII YOUNG MAKKIMIS white 11 A..M. MORMM; XOKMII: j SERMON: -|>I0 THE 1IM1I. nylon stolos i WEt- SWMCiiNt -C Miner. If * f. 'AtU. !».!.=• — wWn SERMON: "JUDGMENT IS •nu .11—' COMING!" s—_ . woo 1 ■ 8:30 P.M. AA>LL'r VOL I II FELLUWsiltlP 10^3 >ua*: ' v "W%m. -On Campus" iliish I\:rl:r:• Hinldndit V * society Building Spree Creek Social Calendar *i tn nmn mkietv t'ONNIK 7.EKIT iDiroi; Pitflive -By CONNIE ZKKIT IU »|VI»\ Rlt/MER i October lf»39 ;•'» I- »•- • ;im»' .!? ".Mtcr'.vun S .Co—With "K" you're -i-mlinc acre>« campu- on your hot little . U'hiV it > The wr«-Ar»"i plans *«• ,ft j vr a I" ot'.e w «*M f*Ui»h day*, there are many new ..jrhts to . the-e a ^ • r,i!:trp <>! 5u livi'ic.* |»iann«fit. l.nritt'fl Af/wiiiui I nilrr it Singh' Hnof \ - •• i" ;* !T's • n; .» Farmhouse fraternity has moved into .fhr.v home situ. i-;; ■ | ,te' midway down Boitue. Then as you precariously insial . 'CT Grand River and. if you're came for dodeira . -"-.i r... frf iwlldorer* and workmen, try Haslett ana >»kr a ...» j' the new Lambda Chi Alpha addition which presentic •itr construction. While you're still in. the travelim. mood, there'- a real . I pi"'t<> coast down on White Hi! -, which lead- >0.1 I P' "*-1a ■ !H ' s.,- 1 ^r't by the very modern anil very new Pi Kappa Phi t * home. Ami then for a bit of the ol' South. oou't want to I the o ' Alpha Tail Onteca house w ! ;c> .- K'-> »mt elecant these days. t....... tv ' f A (tre..*. hi. welcome from all of u« • •••, :■, ■ y_..,^ X.«)»}'vi !»-. '.••• '• I Alpha Ma who are now living right uciv-- • , -tie,: tr.-rr Hhfther vnu like un or cUvMcal mustr. vou'lt find XNHRI"s Record shop I Berkey- state I'huiu fe» Hon X|tirra» it •as. a« : '; the record of voiir ehoire at X complete stock of stereo and llt-l i is always on fMipstulationi and welcome, a >•. r. pi. Sigma Kapp THE t.AMROA ( HI A 1-1*11 A addition, well under u;o. '' H". ' hand XX )■ % net mine in jnd hrouse around XX e are I wbo-e Bwrnbdf* are going nationa.. i:. i-r . i<:c wu th - . will include a chapter room and additional -tud* rtH»m> for "uir ■>: t:r till n Xlundat and Iridav nicht I teekend. The Phi Sigs are living on lU.gue ui :»«. house p t open exerv mem hers. ■.ir o -y :an:g'"' an.i S < »• •. • ;*e* en*A*pt;i.n:tig S..-- | , .. tre creeii roof. evening a' the *■ .• i: *1.1 a'\t-.rg mciude Ph; K • If roil haven't put your thinki"' •.. ; . ■, s s.„:na Alpha M. . I >• spiv because homecoming is onb three week- aw.,, p D«* " • s'1 S -".'..i A.pna Y - I i Iiiii/ilrtr l.inr of l.intrniiig I'lenture I S'-xl to take good ideas and lot- , :riunjnhs of last year. hard work to top t:. Engagements (tf. iPaa; • v Hi ■ a- A'v.ed a yec".. «' Ttucr JAZZ POP dir.-. now is also the time to en - , •. ; , . XI I'll X » III OMIli x XI I'll X OMK RON ri V - }'.»• adp.i 2 30-7 S-tu:- -it:.-n Ra.a Ticket* go on saio toda at tin I nk n tic-, t /oe I'eckmAit. V.» K V|oll* I einplr. I >\ i sen.'- lefftce or may be purchase-1 from mem lers . f tt. Arnold • * • M - v >•; MS'.' gradUato .«• isthvjue' s.i ^ DANCE MOOD T: Helen Stare j Society and Army ROTC. c. . .Air lar.s.hg a.'. Root. P. Ha:;it-;.. IX .■ WESTERN CLASSIC I untie the I'ail: \ ' V. hi i i x /1rx Faith Groups . - V iv .« ttAtliia smith. Utn< .nk. Jane * Rirhardson.' T. I\.\ i R.-.euK>f...»n L If It's Kecitnlril , , , II c (.of It Ileal I'oel I'latis a Set Activities . k a'.an '.!> . *;••..- ' aduati " ii.cn Kxrrx xi nix mrTx It» \lulit' Scene ANDRES . 11* t.airtr Joan or X iv H>\. ! t Ja s •• ,« rel: motif organ; •" ' '.. . s. BlSs(k'i ■; . n JvhnssHi. H.'kd and socu ,• services ttartne |lut harmr. ' • O.n v:, - .tg? x. \\ AsiiiM;roN i\ I eXV ' ! v tr e coming wee\ . t-...' K ..... ri mix nil Campus Chr-- vhtrles llmcrshath. Ui . n it • Su::<(.t'' A S;«*-<. MSI" fit a ; |»-■ s*. f? '1 d :n. at the • IV- s Pi-siioti Ruth -frrf" > diet Outer. lesriaar. kriari,-. lUpets -• u»r•- K«.hv« I'juve; • y-■xsndatton < mi'-ipi ' XJarx , (i lloushrrtA W., Tt iv.-" se;U"' ana . Pi K«t. » with v. fer.ing at H.;..'. K S'a" - . \ MttShohun XMI I'.ll lA si Ht KliXN SHOP i XX!I'ltl I I.s s| IU Kll %N s||«M' of f \\ (1A .1 TtlH-Vff rv.yrf • "TN: M fS !>* a «»ijr twitttm liuwti faximte maV' *an.slo" ;e ii.i wat' new t« ini«s| tin i;r» ice ui « grui.arv ithesl-lealer I lien he lirt'ted r- 1 - - ' '— he fiil.ivf up n.l folds (pipr*-wi|er The1 to I')lAiinpteie tlie kttd • n .ill K.ut pleat. M.S.U. UPPERCLASSMEN M> mini ■ i ■ i ii ill >■ (Tim ill iiitiiiui s ! «ierr. 1. ; dp .uti' neat InN If a o il ti'fri shiog athiiIx il ii«tti>n Xrtrotin wh.r.- h»- wining drte.| fruit ihg-rigger Then t« Ken- tufkv where he •»«•! hi>r-«* >' » breeding farm • est-t iv in lac iif« j> vti.n|» s St/r» »X to U» l-htnd where dfivMsf pnultrv to long ',<■ tdurk-|4ui'ker 1W» St f uii our lull (4«V ««'» Si S> '> Hit- i lahi* III a glillllJlhg I \ 11 « right in» A f \. S23S- Uldnd& , tmUsr (ifw .• f»r;■« * I hen • • Xl^w Aukm m here he Jm-UnI raiiierw leu*d s toyetia r ■/j - *."i ■« r S III H R I OJ E H H I m.iilv he where he W hilr . T\ weight * I he tlore with the Red lhH»r £ w- ' i t » Hi u. » i»« • % pih 04 .w >F*rrs-l fur! (!■-. .mluidm 4»- *oti can be «faring it in the important and Ar cur. trwitnwr.t inn.1. «n,| out. with If i|,I—unit li|bl«. fin»wtip «uo> r —— .ml «M) -r»lWrli.r «rmrt«i< msJvi (both colorful months ahead. 16 rameyivclcrs SUPERLATIVE o" toitiisil'jj iMilcd Ifflbll'tCiSfbtiori. NEXT TO STATE THEATRE NEW CHEVROLETS XX 'i-(grunt VMil (.sk, dul he hmf haiN'ife** at ia*i • I igl t a Aran and M irllmru, t.t*te tlHise id-tier iiiak.i ■ enp-v tluat hitei r • hk* no oilier tiller fnter*. |»e-d-* \mtr wotia ill sweat FOR 1960! that ti.f» larhtent. < jimr Idfie fat legs, ami rratJ >"■ Sett ih«.r to lu^r (Vfirerv tan* art ahnoud fn»ve nwne.| I BEL AIRS—Pricod ji»t Utov. Oi»r>"' ibriHwot mnd.li' Ijk. .11 by wgtrt named ( hunrrw i.tnruk ( himen *«• i«irik an«l white t nevife, they fixrf you the Umod Hi-Thnft or % new Kconornv ami mwrveheinlv hinged, and Alwrir si> msUnUv in love, WAKE Turbo-Ftff VI M aUndnrd oquipment. 4- A Urn- grit a brilliant idm ft who the dav 1*- for»> ti»e annual (Hnaha XhiMind i u. •., «» ever* UP one know*, all titer aiuiond grower* mi • Hnaha efitif rt.«tsi m the lag |»r;vl' TiMve f|id»ts idwatk eoMiet <>' i.rg' i*nh«»wrd *i* umitmLs fiwnguig fpmi Urge iwnilaiwrd aiinotel tr»*- H—r—t t9 frtoctoi o to+p XUnc a UoptraUon m u- to wtdr h |«e«es of |-ig-k'i> o^e«f.er- TO A MO0 CS' W COT'Of HMwf inflate tliein imtd lla » kd-aed tike lug fHUItip aim.oo »* "*1 |»ewe dure inai -k -en « i.i fwrdiamrd aiu.-.mi- mHi \ial»« lw hiiiiiwdf "Tomorpo. they will aurHy take ti»>» pr#e fur rv TIME AT . . . A • BISCATNES—Tk«» Awwot In K»h » • tho W*-t prnd ol tho I 1'b.vraloU. TW* kna( you Oo WIS bofc* brouty tod nluu) ruomineaf ■■ Abo OAMT liudlll, 4-door Bociyso (nlta Abort. Akinierw wml «iie will i«e riiine'** liny lite r*«t morning Xlaric fwrried iyN ioveiv infl;»td»f pig- ia akin alrnoiel over to i huner*. iwil *i>e, ui..-, Utd run "fl uunt t THE Uw lught wjtii XXalu r T. .swvendge, l» t hr<-ker Xl »rn- fh-w into MHrh Hie a rage ti.al he ularledl kirk.r-g lit* pig-kin aiim>od- ail «oer (iUre And wlio sie-ual la* walking i«y tiasl very instant l»ul il CORONATION Ai-lier I kaiUerlav ' Mr. rkniMeday hmJ invented I*-edou >ut to toko ontb yoo! aiwi 6> e-o. v e»«d«* Tr.rdt7 2-door Broekvood tbovo. • • • US ELAAIT I IMS OROH. Whrn go 14 §tt tn neif .Saturday's game, fake along fit# po'toct t foot bait comjNifiHAfi—.Uarllttwu f o» thihp %iarrit ; . H tickets ox sale at the l.vion GARY ROVBEP.G Sigma Nu and Delta Tau Del¬ Dob Harper scoring toss and added another a six-yard Une, picked up two Lambda ( hi .Alpha II l.irmhoutr Phi IM 91 l» K Phi • |J harriers, predicts that thi, %i| i ta opened 'h«;r IM foot br. II touchdown in the second period crisp blocks and raced 54 yards Thcta I hi 2 Sigma Mn • dav the s juads will run on the he a good meet, since I with a 28-yard aerial to Ken for the la»t touchdown of the licit a Tan llclt.1 2* Delta Sigma Phi • The cross country team starts Fc'-csf Akers Golf Course. If it \ schedules with a nair of im¬ Miller. Halftim«* found Sigma Sigma Out Chi and Nappa Sicma Katncd Its dual meet competition Sat¬ dtw-N rain, the old course on Old Michigan was second t„ ajx,' n I i''. pressive victories Thursday Nil leading, 11-0. game. The other game saw quarter¬ ATM over I'd I' forfeit urday a! 10:30 a.m. when i* College Field will be used. In the nationals last sear and !,J# night on the sonny turf of Jen.- Western Michigan, the rd strong last weekend Msu I i R Hon Field Midway through the third back Jim Draves of Delta Tau Clarence IVak« Hurt, meets that the Michigan the forver case, spectators will was running unattached in house: in the latter, by the base- team won th, :,f *f Brian Bennett fired • >, „ ?,,ue >- quarter, S.gma Nil's Don Da-n- Delta pass for four touchdowns AAU last weekend. AAV meet, so Western dii Bn, down passer and figured :n a uir.b nitchcd 37 yards to Tom as DTD blanked Delta Sigma kuwiilriitvk Mav Plav be able t«> watch from .the club¬ actually "heat" MSI for the game's third The site for Saturday's run as a Ulm of extra points as Sigma McCIinncn Phi. 28-0. PHILADELPHIA 'JN — Full- will depend uj>on the weather by.' diamond. Winner of the M:ch.-;:i- Nu dowrud Thi a f'hi. 27-0. taliv Third period score. 20-0. Draves passed 18 yards to Jim back Clarence Peaks may not Fran Dittrirh. roach ®f «»' Then, hi the fourth quarter. If it doesn't rain before Satur- in Kalamazoo last S p. started the scoring in start for the Philadelphia Eagles . Bennett VerPlane with one second re-, Nu's Jim Gersondu took the Broncos' Jerry A, li - quarter when he hit Sigma Sunday against the Pittsburgh the first maining in the first half, hit who beat MSU's Fo-fi Montreal Canadians Rody Sherrill and Bill Young Steelers in the National Foot¬ Your Kev to Bettor Value* . . . f »r scores in the third quarter ball League game between the nedy in a 20:48 »_/ nedv*s 21:00. Car! l;. f Tummt - < !e'* . . . 11 i rh Beadership and fired again to VerPlanc in two intrastate rivals^ Western, placed th.ir-, ' i the final perifnt. Longest of rhese Peaks ha- a slight musclo LATE FEATURE TONIfillT AT was rill the 39-yard strike to Sher¬ in the third A pair of safeties quarter. by Jim Dobrie and Gary Caltrider com¬ pull in his right leg. If it isn't cleared up by game time. Walt KowalczVk used mainly on de¬ fence las*, year as a rookie, will Stop Bruin leers, MONTREAL 0'>—Andre Pmnnvn.t 4-3 xnrnl ,w0 ««*on«l Ashmore had been summer, good condition Ar was third in the 19". so was t • • period jroals last niirht as the Montreal Canadians opened and the no. l man n- pleted the scoring. get the call on offense. 10:00 P.M. squad last year, w, the defense «f their N»tlnn«l Hockey Lea cue title with a liht in the A At", but is • Feature Shown • 4-1 victorv over the Boston Bruins. tia! threat. 1:00 - 3:IS - 5:30 Maurice "Rocket" Richard. 38- Other Western runner* 7:45 • 10:00 v*»*r-nid veteran, started tr.e high In the \ \i 3 Hr. off with a first period placed Wffr Canadians Don Hancock in ninth plao .if I stopped Decker's D«»: ! • . the acv'aim 13.819. Sophomore Ab Mc- pair to think all the time, .. Ron Hopkins who didn't fop., do you think Gridiron Br.«nr - Bruin who covild beat- Horvath wa- goalie Jacques I'lante His the only acrobatic goal pete last weekend. Genre? |>i|k Bronco roach, is •• \ prcted to 1 I'd be here CLEANING... bring 14-16 men now a* 15-18 of the middle period Gambles . Dittrieh said he climaxed Bost.m power play v. away like a going ui?»i Montreal short handed. 14 men that rir-. v\r. a little tramp Ry TOM DECKER The teams put on a lively, though only the f : • SHIRTS the dual me*-: f., first scrappv aame for a season open¬ for a weekend . . . Following a disastrous er and referee Eddie Powers nedy, other Sogrf.-- week of gridiron prognostication handed oul 17 minor penalties, will be Bill Reyr. with a man punctuated by a handful <•? sig¬ the AAU run. Jin-. nine aeain-t Boston. Eeudint '. three times m0n. thru sat. nificant upsets Army. SMU over Navy, etc (Illinois over u .is at is heirht in the score¬ less thini period. th. Ed ton Ward, Gray don. eiffht* - } my age!" we. along with the vanquished favorite*. hope to hit the come¬ Rocket Richard teamed up 11th and Jack t'r - • with brother Hcnr;. *he pocke' Others are T< r - back trail this Saturday Horan, Jesse F.* BARYAMES Iowa appears just a Utile too R wkct. f ir the fir-* goal at 14 *6 of the opening period. The Bryan Casth. O-: much for the vastly-improved 15 K-kr- let { H h-» k off defense- NIGHT' IIKMT SHOW TONIGHT the week's key grunes an Northwestern over Mlnnf*oU I'movm nien Ferrue Flamar. and seon-t ,i* 4 05 of the second period an i Postponed |.s|' over Miami ....... to Hnov rmittstt STATE AT : P .M. AN l» Texa« over Oklahoma McDona! i made it 3-0 a* 5 02 IJ1XINGTON K Kentucky Fu' «ATKST NEWS s\T. AT 1 P.M. (•eorgia Teeh over Irnnessee :i a ret*-ur.-t a «h-'t by Ra ph . ' • NOW thru SATI RDAY! 2 BIG ItATl'RF* ha. k-.'i *,• hard dh ve the triple cro-A-r; . Purdue over Wisconsin Luc tt: j'u: off one a-, Penn Mate over Arms cause of h«*avy rr • S. C arolina over V I arolina LAST TIMES TODAY Ohio sUle over Illinois CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS If «U 10 • . GLADMER LOW COST •he 63rd sr.- u AUDREY IIEI'ltl'KN . . Texas Teeh over T4 I HIGH READERSHIP . . 'Aorr-. §53.93'1 IN Noire liame over California »)' that goin. * - ,i - "THE MA'S STORY" Dillrr Hanoi and |..s- \ THEATRE - I'llONE IV. 2.9031 IIMICoum er Micfctgaa Slalt University IN Tl:( Hanover, each v*»th 0 MIOWN AT 8 45 AMI EXTRA F0NEI6N FILM SERIES were tion as grltinc most favorites oi it siwr SATURDAY IJbirr llan-'V ' 1-lgNGTH RUN SHOWt |»re«cnl« b« -n.an an-.i • AT I I'.M. ONLY . .1 CARTOONS J it it captured thf THE CRUCIBLE • ■ D if He. V (IRE AT SHOW *»; -ihan-rvv. FOR THE KIDDIES the harness VViMTOSfU^J 4 I.KI \I ► OR Till NIIIIU KIIHtll. (trench) he Tie wins this S.. k atabiemaie a STARllMi SUN." ~2 lllli HITS \ hrjrin-. Satage Slur) (if lilt' in the Ha well iiked f- SALEM XIIIII IRIAI.s Starring SIMONE SlUNORET YU> MUNI AND IM Schedule M;chU-t MYLENE DEMDNUEDT bi»l tMi. FaarcfciM Tbutre '.w; held Akurs g ■ b - TMI6HT - FRIDAY - 3 Feature* 7 and «) P.M. IIn» Kinihxin |1«<) X a « nnin Salurtlay • llu»k to* -* Ailiiiiouioii: dlli 6HI. II a Daton * Mitiirtln.il H«rkti« Smith a A Snsd.* smitfi sue l»orm«n a st«»rii »«i small a 1-fip.r sw OVEIt (M HOURS (IE CONTINUOUS tarl* a Incli-A %*'- > MtGatm A pxrtiirr * •ijf ENTERTAINMENT • FREE COFFEE AND DOM TS AT SRI) INTERMISSION SUrlx TODAY! til MiCHiGAN Ikkn ►'Artiivg tun.-- testa nu Sului are i-.g. SUPER BARGAIN DAY golf ^-uurse «. irig t«> make S_. AIX-DAY TWO open. The exui.v (OMEIU HITS Mm m x |. «jt TO. ILK rx _• r*v~ am cuuaumu uta _ I Qerwm- launimiBi&u I «*h AnI6«* h* « "mMmia" COWATUI rou nUOAT ONLY! — u M, M w ^ gi WiiiF"* ffHOWH MART (T ■ 1:15-1 i>l * «:•» 51 rCATVBES STAKT AT IttMU-tOI-Sl# •J.ATE SHOW STARTS SATURDAY AT 9:M P.M. •i Or'nbrr ft. I'tr.ft A»' Interna':5! Doctor Accused ....... llicht.in T,i.rh..r. M, W Her, - m.KL public -ch««*l muc This hi-art *«*«..! music IKUMC edueai:«>n «*» at MIC fill ON «tVTt] U'.V.M'MS \ in Love Slaving teachers will concentrate The Michigan Music F.ruei- VI VNI ||lt | (J Cfcito r* 'TOH! *• . LOS ANGELES •■!») Bernard Finch and — hi» D» U preM.y . ami instrumental music, curriculum and general muse ( ,-vcn'. As >f cud ten will <\r,n*>r. the in coo|M'ration with th? MKHlc ON MAjtj and Art*. Yorit NO.i-.Nisr. -rirt friend w ere arraigned education at their fall confer- Co lege of Science a y: Praised Thursday on charges they muc ilercel Jiis wife v!u" at MSI" t"dav and Satur- The court set Oct 22 for Highlightina the c-.n'^r t- - p!:t T »* new ■'nt'c-rit "c C'uu wilt* 'oe talks bv l)r Bud--It r. Finch and Carole TregolT to en¬ Vf frt 'he Union ba*etr.c".t ter pica. Droiku;-. profess «r ft pvych..i- •• i:i d ?-•*•••*!* aid A.nencan- They were indicted Wednes¬ t r* at the Chicago Medict.. f'-rci st'.|d«nt relations (Hie '1 day by the o-unty grantl jur>. Syfdiooi. and Clifton Burmeisf.i. tbf,tJ the : eo-i into-action of 'he tv . .c a , .. »lub presifh'nt M >- Hnnifl sain Tm-d.v night 7- si; dent trrfT- in the C - DANCE ion ■ .'! leaw to more stud- r ; IA ION HOARD I'RESKNTS pa'"": the lounge, he an - BIRTH OF THE BLUES" DANCE ed Fc .v student* na-«cd the i . trtrate.t "on the corn, i St It, Vnu Ori.il photo Itv Ron Nam* ».! ,.\bhott road tu.d Cirele Dmv>'. "I.AKE KRRSftR.** ft* it wns dubbed by Aud. The dotted black line shows the Red :u f center. tiiu> n »• many used th(f SATI RDAY. (MX 10 drenched, irreverent students Jiffer three r actual student use was a 1 n. economic*; in instructional living room, dinmg room, small, tvii-ement area (Which w-as big here, ill ibis while eol-1 (C'ontiimtxi fr*>ni page 1 ge*ts he he provided with a enough ' » allow five couples to PIZZA PIT lared little wool l» Mind* manual specially written for wi'hi'iit sacrifice of quahiv danco and a kitchenette. The acarii m. c ndvi«"r should guidance in this field.train¬ of instruction Despi'e much student com- make ti'<■ "f personal data "n ing program "f one »r more T'- Committee s- thai e . : ' to the contrary, the Ad- "'nmen.-R Such . tilde:.V-. the ('one? il'ee • will aid h:Mt -it sessions a *ear is also recom¬ .•»-|.;io»r,' undergraduate oui - nuni-tration actually been Ma I one! The plaiill mended. should he instituted t working closely with the clu > RESTAURANT • .("moling .* fuller rehdionTr.u Sufficient tinu- in Mihtlrl Twenty to HO students per from, the club to increase space - ■r disfipiinrs accompanied t. OI'EX 10:00 A.M. WEEKDAYS when they eek n - shadings of lirown • vi dents vt-er a desirable r;.*. • the >u.e exphiration in depth in a and from the Administration to new ?ommen(!atjon.H for jobs, «cho- Committee feels. pait.cular discipline," ga.n more office room. I:IMI P.M. SUNDAY t.ships and the 11k• • Work w;th the Court-' !.• . Citing the l.bt-ra! education''1 ft M-ire spertficaliy. the adviser's include adding to the Center in highly recommended exptuuenc- offered to outs'an •- In rr»poii*e the move ha* enrounterrd. Ilan- to the opposition ami blue. Sizes 7 In hi. f".- idviser*. whom the ("omnid- : vhificnts through Honors it rslanding of "m- ili *aid. "Any change ha* some un ?et urges to make u e • ' the C 'a'ge. the Committee !«•«•!- OUR SPECIALTY IS PIZZA and MSC ohjertion*. After all. the rluh s 17.93 , iueati »n : and other similar re-ou:. *i . •-ti.it broader exjM-rienre. cutting ■ ; helping him wi'h edu- assisting their students .'-moss flivis. (f-al and even col¬ i* more than a lelevi*ion set or .1 SIZES - 10 VARIETIES kil« hen. It i* an opportunity for Ihscussiitg senior faculty and lege » oim iaru would t>e «te- student* of different countries the teaching of freshmen and MratiU- lor more students. (rirn rtion to gain mutual understanding sophomores, the report empha¬ and to learn from each other, Org.tniuJioii.il meeting of sise* the advantages of bringing rhe I'Inn Merihiu this can he achieved better ill the tampti* I'nHeil Nations will distinguished family member* the new quarter*." h. held Iriils*. Oil. III. at K into contact with large number* !'"•» Young Democrat* ei > • of students. vv:i! hoM their first meeting The p.m., r.tlhrr than today, as was move has given the staled in Thursday's paper. High ranking teacher r e M-^-i year 7 .10 pin Al'ST. International t'oopera- IVIitlonhig will run tin tie freshman and .-ophomore evil Sund.o n ;?i t'mon. It <■ i?i t-"urn.the an additional Ihiirstlay Instead of courses will mcrea i" the f «■ ul- i»voe'f g and aii interesh'd ,n their eam|>aign for 20.1 MAC AVE ihrnii.lt open attend. argumc?.! International - DOWNSTAIRS through Tuesday. !\'s teaching proiu tiv.'v. ad - i ,iv .* m ■. building. . • planning: and helping ' i•.t no re isingly assume r* - Hradqunrlrr« for Jockey llrand Short, ■ education p.-tk ititiity for planning his own ANNUAL W m 1 ■ ■ » " The a»K"i-er should help the • : I. r eValu de his n * n pi > ■ HOMECOMING DANCE ... •'nieallv. He should *.\,i?e h n U» "fiinke w e u;v .. iwo.!unities out si to the , . • • -M (i>r intellectual, cu! - per - »•.,»; .nui social dev. •- his In duties ptr|Mre the the »ilvl«er for. CummtlUu »u«- UNIVERSITY AUOHORIl M WHSB-TY JOHNNY LONG AND HIS ORCHESTRA Schedule . I. .u of I' IV SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1959 o•> — V I" Hf.11 • M - ' *1', I iiKiwtMtrn .f Nt |mii. i O per couple «"> t • ..f * he F.-Ch Cip.ssroom Tickets (hi Snlc \t | niou Ticket Hfiire •' N 'it Itvporx / fb \ Wonders Wots mmEM 4 I".< :ab- (V«I View* V "(I •'■a, * u-sfo. mi 10 - Stien.« -i -\ . - i •' "n 1 . BT'MV.I *' ! .V IA.L.I # . . HENJCIKH) f»N THC i ui - r :•». i »i -a-v i \ tny, Ai t > « t ash JI'I \ i \ .a iill * : i -1 U.. , 4ii MJ»'* \«-w« il"l M"" < tr.r , . I' '!•.■•: ."a '• I. Ml I." I Mi. (.;»*" i-l «HAotirr I. !**'« I ''' «. cf iK* c .♦•! ■''(" ntitcr tnatotrti k ,^riJ i :ni|-.mi ■■ *»■((',:> m r I ul«U«'n>r MnUigin y.»Ni | eMim \|ti-1iig*n >A»)I.T l|*nl» i"hTi*l Rivr. Dr. Las I 1-."- WXfUj '>*• VI.»fv II-. ' Ml Na»f »:**( La.i*i»s# Bodiffw J.-.hn >' IJft.* <1 imvwmitv V* i«r». La*! di'M t»- Mi. > *»i 1 jciK.ng MtcbU i»A on'«• '-rr« »'•>•«hol,1ef .»« ,.j |i.rwNi»«n» a* »ji.» tn ae.v i-tihu ft.lsntary raUli.m Ihr no-r.* »»i Yt-r «H-r«ie i»r enrpwaUwi t>*r va-.-..-. »»K"N *nt»iro is sdinr *1M> \i., »U'r e«5», Ml t: i' Joll knew(<*'!-•■» .1 l»i . ll> VI:t dhTHMUB-.-tS - M «•>.:.!:HiW* nodef. nktu-'h #f>«< * (I. I« ■ r y-.flf UMOO lit* ImhAi nf th» «■ *rw»lee« h»l4 »«. ?( <■ a !'«<*• '*<»* ««W J TH# jn K-rare (M»mU-' ef :■* m- - t»i. r "« Uu« aul*iliaii«fl ,.r c.*»' I u*ed thrvwarh Ik# m«.!t cr ytk#!^» >*<• ' » i\»wt »u»xK'rft>wt» dufitii m# i? - avlhs nr»ce.lin« th# datf viiewi. vm. joTir v Murehv »«* »nrt nit«m1ud I'don m ♦n# jiwrtfn thu A h div td (Vtahk, IDl V#tt MH*t Nolai v put-lie, ingham tsiuntv Mi.-n Mr tffermir**A*n vpim Jul) 11 IWRI EIJZAHETII TOIW MbOc Ml IV. cr.nl Ittirr last lainsint Piano and Organ Mudut Cert if tr d Teacher <-f the M*lf % (PuMaing «*slem of tmprotr# mile MWiT lot olsific ttrtr £*** of fandaairnui train- m. CD :-4«ia TS