' vfjl L j Tlie Weather Sail Tali'!! Sunny, mil .parl.ih Grlddera Kail lain Sund.lv III In |n»a Clash ' High Today (,» make pearances. j ap¬ v i-ifi-c : i e.- '•he;- -tu.scnt.- CanniV ".;r?' rake*. ho',.ier- r:vK."-t- are * > are l*e Delegates Kvppv Effort iI § Predict .. § . House fmm 7- M..ster o: Ore:. : N-. ;e- h v it-r- wi! > To Get Pac t ... xi ' start the gala event \* -,! Iron De*r«»it". W.tR - • IV,i • ' iluo* ■ ." v *u?h 7 to. ■> ■■* :". • i- 1! to reach a. the • tl.Hi.t'.'. i' " M\' UN Split . •, ■ »on Free tickets ha\e been made Owe Agreement available to the men s and wom¬ uwnji attractions appearing rwill he Ml« Amrri- en's division of the I lean ot stu¬ To \uierieniiH Hiidi I " Alcad of Mis»h»- dent* office and to the ILmor* " ! >* -'.u.r.i "it: " Poland. Turkey ■ < ollege. J jrd the f our Lads of Co- WWW Washington .tv-tv- |;i 9 Rrcorti*. if Ifii t Kjs*'nh«»wer> -tool iv Athlete of M:f\ l^iek Voles > ... .. \isr • junior. Er- appear with MSI Shims. I nited Fund sttike ituiuirv Jw>arii -will tn* t»> effect a voluntary set'le- I V .. . *\:TF.1> \ATIiA> — . ; • team. h'lttritla I hi I; vs. nu»nf of the walkout while T . TV ; t-c :.,mp Club. whiWi' and the I ml li Drive Starts iv:.».g. rii-.i i ., .sunan i.r.-ilD-tinl ,t Poland ami assembling its fact report, Hand will pro- s (h-l. T. k. i < ' -m the I'M for the White Hoii-e. Council T Mid t 'jvineiS ... are MSV On ('.ampus 11 i ■ •:• * hastes *"« > .now They-" .1 : >.>•.! i ? ,i - 'a. ths L..J1- panel conveneil !••* the first 1G I' -.? " , Miss i • v. i Kund.i* •:■• .* !h» .* .! P . • T.'lkfV \ Miss Ha- a ... "h- rove-sar* two- ,iC« t.< end Artie 11. Mis- . H 1. r 'hi 82-nfctii>n .•iik. a>«en <•:: the f.r<* l».t" and think it's our respoiisiliil- r Holt sguaren from "Four "v 'AY ..! six Ihx-iUj-.Ve "I _ ft show. «*ill square It." Taylor said, "to do every¬ |v.:.:«»• m.-thes v-.»ung wvulil be is chairman of the drive, L ifii pitht downs frwm the LYNN HILL. Suttons Ihty junior and da>. Oct. 1!U (i ill thing yyithin the limits of our . • f- v\ X~ oi ituTt Aii authority to settle this dispute." Alley will with the American lied j 1 it* t low n llenry. Ihkcmu. Assistant Director of St n- held in conjunc lion T.i* St. hi- ad.lf.l entertainment. Women's League, Sno Caps w.'h wo «" ■. r |"\ ambassador* nf Pol^ud dent Affairs, examine the awards to be ( iik*. Spartan ;iiseutilli;. mdu ibst t Y*T il Marching < ' . wi'l ;u»- Hid 1 urWe* r\|*res*ed I h f nt- given tile winning campus units in the f ill and Alpha I'hi Omega. F. -ntiovve! • A": • » hopeful of e«rntuallv ronsecutivc In i-nmtnrntin* on the ram- term HRmmI Drive, which will start .Won t un ir: Hd-it.iv i.'.rtir' i'"i. w Inning the election to stwieed l. the Taft-Hart icy Law pairii In vhlormrr *aid. "The nu v » rn'-vrieadcfs Japan for a two-year term on 11.111 thr* stiike. would <*"ie faculty and stall of Ms| h.nr the 11-nation security council r.s :r Fast- " W< •. . - a nell-deser\rd repuulion with *t«itine next .Ian 1. VS ill \rri\e in Kimono- : ■•hiiiii: iMit AouSt onh pro; ••.;; Stockbrutgy. *• • respect to its acceptance of COTO - pUb in th< ,.|n( v.e announced . 1'. :• Iliunit* n sponsilulitirs . F.i cnhow»»r, m invoking ' e <>f the -mno-twilon S»v- JajMinvsv Dancers lo Perform • ■ ' fv> <-".er #-Vi- T il U*iv Firtav arc.i uppom [mmitU'f Kuport* r •- ... i • xn<1 Turkev the an- "i Britain ami ir.ii 'no inquiry tl:.' stee! iniiU-itrv V.v'-W met iMOini. sat-1 N»»h 'lid the l-niot have s- !*» «' :r.' - ttusI ':."iurc*s8 built t»» supplement the I lirtu *nie i" the star-; it* jam: iiisison mntitiu: U' r«-<-"-. ihi..*- «•* oman's Role <. - ' r-' M«e seat C,rnul theater in the little H e-" ,ii «-r ' •* A* *•: .*-:m i»e..t»ie Up see's « I,.it r Amencan gmuji r JaiM-.cs, Tai-.dG.-uk.* to** n of lakaracuka. vo.ui.ij! v ,»Me*m**tit ! jy-* -i" " Afi n ail I), T-.»ri* •:;.*• a|MW.*M-.l in The ' i*i:. oP u-.mari•■! . The inquiry- hoard met in y.r.n:j» w -p!:' « venly " I }i«? S*'Ven \V<.•>.!<•( , of err dlV!?te*i I!:'" !•■:: k.1 •.{»-, offered . rl*Hied-do*»r session say Cat XX i!d ' and inspired 'he :i »- F ■ cr- S'/. M-- "t »' S:i .v* /»«•<«' ou' r,'!>..n fu kct ■ map out procedures for hearings . "... . ilcaiaiui, Irmond tl'ti ii.*-ud- S •> tniara." an Education Ca . ... New Tfira rjMUi'fa M l fin"", a . c kit due t*i start this afternoon. Its ve cmftderve tha* it *v!M !h*» Au.i Tuestiay and' S<* tvA-.% i\ .1 W Y'.t- i4 ai .»• |V n f«>» &•- *•' jS 1" ;«■ 1«*JI - . .1 . primary Job is to sift the issues ' We- - \V> ill*—1.1 mi'llinjIS thou^u'ui* "0(1 II Hireriiw ' t» , • a ... -• . Kach yt-.ir aud ascertain the bargaining I. i: •-.«* {->" T i ke •' A ill.; •! x iM'i ous ' JHM- position, of both sides for . a re* lei". ' is iioyv 1>I VVu-miIi IG,.-! .MHlit: oil f* •!' a tf.'UlH >. . • . port to Eisenhower. «ur*vt('l *" v Iwc'UI• -(. ::' ••• Sales ISt'ing T.i* ..*b**r b-o !: io it1 or made it . Import !!»h| 1 fit 4 - -i NEWS ir*! fi-c-ls it h.cf an inj - - is' gr^up a,»i«"■■*!'.o•: tu-u a par'- •i'-.U- HI. lli'lil in I nion ! • I W-. v\', 'MVf 'i x-v* American p! •; * -1 t«*s|e i -ihilpv t.i try <■» ^I..; iritlust i y an,i *h» I oiled I oinmunil* ( hest oll»- «n.i t'aiiaui.*n tour. um-'U ' a..pes- e new ,..n- last sear 1.117 IN BRIEF . • mU report that I'hiii 'A. : (Sixth of A Serir»l \|*| students and *t|»> larult* The 75-tiieniher t r o u (t e uf v. : ii.ii' if f a' all {NiMubie hi. ibiia i'i ai>i'«-a \ ■■ .i. IV ami d.iurer* . H* LARRY Mil LI I: and staff used the wrttrr*. tnusirUii*. linirr* will arrive at krliocc < enter |oi KIMKEASINHIA complex *• ..< 7 Eillnl iii Hitil Mishap Tuesday rlad in traditional Jap¬ \'eteruiiH lutiteil Liiml from that of a .«in;p'» h« j a? «»!ie who has more tim«- ■ NACOYA •lave J.pxn '<■ tra.n Ui.se4 after ii An - anese kimono*. Vloinic Talk t-- Tf » . To I'lihli** Meeting n • • ■ I) Paul !«vicribe«t I" r...se»l individual growth an- ? m.**'- i*r» its to *<>eiet>. .-.ti * Sundav ?rw*K a" I:.eraw.i itevcn jw.sm n- hgntiu.-. «s n- v.ii,; .ctnkmg . scenery . and <*iivcn • r|*I ties. ( (' .i o f it ?*. g i isri.i; t: .» < rii a n ai i.l f'tuirlew Shite t'mn- K IV;:' potential i* t«» iw licveli'pe.j. ■' • * mm! lee a*-r- :r,r train weie s - jp»iu»d»u•• « t". •' m.iii.n-r M tir:ek.-r *.•' i>: of the Univernitv fDmt r-r/'.-er • qu »;o.w» »- ,.«•( < S**v**•'• ai*»U? -wf;-:. tOO • ■••• werd . ., Hi. ... • - " II. f •!.• sax! »r!•'.»; "iliiio' !7 too. «»f < *» ■ I-- »..r.... Hi |. • ' fche William |{tk»*r Johns*. : ekpects front her K i ,»va- • > * a brir.fcirie iciief v ► * - arid scenery to »; t.i » » - .lor V. i u JU-* H i. on Vauev ('<»ut* Ka*t L»i •• nce-una ■Tjnttfo is of the opinion that Armm.;:- • ■ . . • Nag<»*a. hard hit r.v ! yi»h- • TaaaJa/ukii wa f- .i.ii'Uit ♦.'» i i„« u,... t • .i diinng a two- i.ych- fc.*"ui.« -yIjoi, " Bing. toriigfit at H p in. ]r The |«4*0. on to the belief that coiltw eduv.it!••»! . • \r:i ' a ago- ago !<• ! into K • the "student rentereif' year- .. ■•our pi o 1 night An *'f i diN.ip.sioM of tr.e ■liuv • --.a'e-i ni 'te '* ^ r. ■, ■ injur*-'. i ,vc V. a- . fiy .UiaiuM- r.ii r-.Yl ir.- given second priority j«» v MS!? hook has planned to deyotr more of the divililefj ..a • ix WW * ., Tin pr -v: i fMi'/ht pr.hletn v-• • «sus.?rt.i,j»1, v*-.o dc-villi! to :>a •••! • A'"' • I'v'ct- -on,*., of it* page* toward the student ii.in will follow and U*e St-i'*- l'ir*l Out title Tiring *-nieni *taif• techndjuc" v. .-h • • 4? I . hod* and i(* activities this year, Ni-rv.fo I »ffi- • r ,u*.i a Vetera- HAH: RKVKAI.El) hi* ^ - !?»»• ': .cl.'.ionai J a p.* i «*•>•'- 11 ■« • * - with the feature sections also ;» r» selltatS NAHA. (K '.J a . 7' T •' A imifti .-tratioii i ' ability is erjual t<» th.r ' • l'*'* I," * Am - ai.n*'M»:"H''*d ' t ' K •« *. ,*-r». *U*Ii«-rl U.C ri." ■ . 'W •' app >•' ?< • t <* ' ' ■ expanded veil! an>wer questturm. wh". that of the brightest high, -vo -< i.. » - awl mufic *r:HK»l ur>u! his dw«t?i *i-:! the jf-uov.i ■ The Wolverine M : •'insistent- - Ming «»f mke en' .:- •it. .» J . on to college, two-third* are vsoniti fni!*d State-* Wl.l •"'< ■ <>" I!*..' IV; the j «ar of f.. •; of n'i.!< p«»Wt W: i ; i... .. un tn.- rocY ivilig end >»' UK*- Folo .Sibils Itr iii^ Solil . v •-.» Tendhtions of the I'ommittte rv.at.: •/ • • ' 100 Kvsliiuriilvms \v+ et-: of OcUtW": <* flll'M-* -! >dij! th»* grim,., pea- i.c i, en- -*-i i»v }: * tr. • "I'Vri i! . A .*'-', frv.fr; tfu- N.I- !>' 2! « a f.n-*hap*"l tar^e' ;h pi »•>*•«: im- it ion of '■ " t iV)r iv-r of A'oO.: • I tit* r - St:ts*»;UNtii- ITe.ii a.iSak-1.* - Til Mllflrill** I llfn.-Fri. 4. -aid general education are appn-pnat* p..t — p'^wilar thea'c; ,n the Uif.-i of li\ ftvi lvil lo )lii'l extending 7X mt> >1. I: for libera! anil professional •••j.om*■■ \H- d T-|. ' IliY.ng Sua Jo U'.-d a* i ?,!«' ci.n* pitb¬ !•* —» *n.e V . lj m Ptwfit in C e*4r.! Okina" ■> Owrn will give » t<»umlup of V' i r» -ei}f!v offered, basic general edma'iofi wivml W- w w ull fur the p.*-" u-vi-ii years »i. throuitn Fi ilia - m auk S* > - picture. .,nd describe •i,< x.nutelv 2't percent of thj* program tl hvtlofifi ('.enter t.iHMtih $$$ I rgrtt Kraneh Nasoya theater* aud Kyoto In Tokyo. have been the power !**•» major .projects that Alomir* • rinoa! v. .i ■ prrirntni a. i* * Aii • Af'.* rir.-»J» ,»v>, 4I-I* m <|. Al S* i.o o.-* .*.»•**.oj.. ri r riu u rant International i* umlertaking i. . WASHINGTON 17' S* I 'Ur years TtlfS »w.*i.| at "Mo f'-r Vi. Th. Th.- Sod.um Heavier *:*»*- - -.'ii-ruble tritphadi- ;»|>*>r ;:*»■?.*> pr-'gr..:: s are ea- 11 Jfthia'c (D-Tex ■ nr.,-, • ■ . . t /r.Jori «d- la-.ng t«ie ««•' -jr. a. - nr.*" . Yom Kipptn* . • ah." given »•. . ' attend the' Be*'.aur«">* rent." it f:im pr-Mucert f •' t.h" "v". competent interaction i»etweei; a «tuoenr - Stephen M Y-.ung /1>-< ■ v.« ' •>nfi-rent:v. wiil i t.'ie miibie and space ra-'c. *'• :n. ■'■*< •■••'•' • Jev*s* Holidays •- ».' r.-f Bu'i'it -* f#<*ncra! uu-'.uri ai.d ai-• K HIIZENS .MI ST l»e nv»al>- »f - i ire- de.t MM' V « *'■ WWW M«-u .v-.i *fo?.o-a vn h-iik f . -M.iUlg It . Tl., firs; .*:. '$• rx tee. a ; : tnc . lk-t. SM-.M Thus would 1h* realize*! in such field- t- a* fi'Wii t' oan * r */v, D - \ ru I.but far Kelt* The purpmse uf ' ■ i* g.-.,ns of pn:«fc>.:etna and pro- - br.i'ure. foreign *tudte». anthropoiog.. and !» oi gram," Owen •»*>*.. "is to gsv* ., ... u{ rwtaorant manaie- fuikgv*. r-m ie?_v mu*t aUo capitalize increasing!"■ uj*-n the !i -e-i* prof I'm Bagweil. director reports Soviet cbemwU duced a »Us« ha\ c pro¬ miCTocrv»tsliir.r: AtOfMRreiit. began *' sunclowo Sunday and continue-, until sun-._ down f fia» Hit* in the ' i • I'ttllrgr CuddA* a.i etlmatiun j>. atomic power. e*|Hria!iy a- d Candidates to.Attendkicli-Ojj scho-iaif-hiiw. will be gue*t materia! called that'-- ha- t-itii (x- iffti iw jwacefu! m'san- exprenkivt uualitie* of the individual It is 4%. n^aaer -h. evening a' a dinner cr than *teci. tighter than « -i ma* of '-he High Hoiidav (a-r ahich began 13 days ago a: h i bete for lloinevominii Oiieen p*Par'- recommended that the lilierai education program Use C«nt4Hin«ai t-utn num. withstand* tenijicratu.fc Ihwh Hashoruih, tnc Jt arc- N- .pation in an area such'as theater, creative eatreirs.es and ran he umv*. Tf-.riv»five eanrtidrtU-*. lepre- to the pub). ai d ah n tu*eral To I'iek up Ticket* WWW iiack to the days when Senior uf the II eel.— !,*'... ,*t»- c*din !.*l !" attefwi the A Mc«ucvo»fwf<,g queen, ru... v "I keeping with" the general philosophy of a Still Hope* la Marry gaihered at the temple in Jr- kick-off dinner the H«nr»e- n* .'-up ami eight other finaip. * e-ucation. Thn« -further liberal wlucation * A. freshmen B-oek "S" eiern- BRASSCIIAAT. C lUAAlerti The high priest would rt>.k forgiveness for himself .. 1 Senior of *h« W<> , • offiing Queen* ounte-d Thur*- •»iu,U' «. .I'-n Ttve t««sl imflt-u remtiKlcr ha take th'-ir f ^pri-e oetween one-third and one-half of the pro- ijcr. are membership cards U> Jenaon Peter Tuwruond intrwiuexsi tu> hi» people. T^iis "idea still hoi l> w ill ije avaiiabie t.«i. thraugh "di; af tM< peiU Tau Delia queen will repteterH MSU at the run¬ ynibined with the "baaic general program, this the htimmmur.g game, ' heires* finance* to reporter* ii>- Ch inber 21 in the Unitm con - •.me after 12 rw<*i todiy today. F the IJtti rori*«CUtive year ner-up whU carry the title of di all oteen over one-half of the program and any ' I to pieic up tickets for 5pec.-l . day and said they hope t«» rtiarrv I ke Miy dMl seek* repent- . i rii' st Aii Kradu4t»n»: fai'. thi- ... lection of tne tjueen and Miss Indiar*a. anintment of a woman We.lr.es-U* at 4 p. m. Anyone A commiltcr will s«ieet two <0p*-taUon of Kappa Alpha Mu, The lo finalists will be pre¬ life aUn gland m Ike Med fer a the re.ea.-soT flue t» hon¬ sented at the i>*'p rally fcwfbre Education for Women, responsible to the each week bar the honor jiai! -ru; pfaoU* jourruiUafti ,:* r uf rr-ivs.-ig senior* rebirtk af knman Mclely ac- c:&** conflict is - requested lo !'<*-»mIU will be aKTibum't'd ih the the game and the queen and I l" gain necessary resources and recognition for take hi* place in Block "5" Sat¬ I'uitmg Music Prof. rerdiag le ike nani Un. orary. Th?* eand«lafe». who must ue Miss Indiana will be annaunced *u of the profram. As in synagogue* ell over tn* stale News and ttw l^nion. urday by 12.4$ p- f» second term fr***W»;an The court cjuecn ami her . To Lecture Tonight world, services were held at- at k-ast a [ Program should not be characterize*! by a teaching with a two point aU-umvernty court will be presented in #u- T of it* 0'All< ^ certainly inclu*le an advU- - Sacrificed Everything Dr Mario CauKelnuovo-Tci- MSU Sunday evening in t h *' t umpu* T.hesUz avtruge, *l' appear before a (i'Um pre-g*me ceremonies. Ti e visiting profexw.r in the music building. .At the E v *• eieo. panel of judftai 3*10.30 p. m. new queen will receive the ™y ^ot many fielda within the University, mutie department, will lectuve Kol Nidre service, Albett Rabin, pdiliun* for chatrmpnahip* for crown from last year's queen. NEW YORK —A Pre«by- of AUStt'f Sunday in the Union. .•w,. r^n education in not tapping the intellectual poten- ter^n church official aaid Sun¬ tonight in The Choral Boom at profeaaor of psychology, deliver¬ Campus Chest, a part Glenn Hart m a n. chairman I'atricU Borgman. K a I a mag.M* ed the salmon. Services will executive branch, are available among women. In addition to program develop- day of the television quiz scan¬ 2:20 p. rr. of the Homecoming Queen com¬ junior, at the homecoming His subjects will he 'The Two also be held at 9:30 »jn. and in the Union concourse this Hw c«iUege« and univerBiUes should finds ways to^ dal that the industry sacrificed mittee, announced recently that dance. The 10 fi^nalisbt will »U Figaro*" by Mw-1 and "Don 4 p m. today in the Alumni week.. receive trophies. wonomk barrier which currently prevents many everything, including ethics, this part of the content is open ... Gtovanm" by Memorial ChapeL >- ' *chooi Cilia from going to college. morality #nd honor." for ratings. Perspective Soviet SeltQlar Saya; Michigan State News head Dalit by fnitcwly, £«ivt LanaitlS. Mich MSt"s I.VMKI Student* and Family 1 ir Michigan S'.il" .Neva > puol»•. > y ''often**- u! Mir'nen . St»'« 1' is not the nlfii uii voire «>i ti c i i • •- '• :») <•,; r:; i, t la- i'tiv i,ip< rv '-m 1 i" «-! the - 'uilf'tit nodr, Chris W hitewashed AmeriV I" ... uliili-- . >-h Am-rii-a Thr I.,... lni,r m.k.. „ Columbus knew «f the out white tteekitu* io .-m\# t»-.c •**•.♦ • ■.» iv,j• vt.inri- it*.,nv is i td'ee *d fabtilotis wealth of the Antilles In buttle anv ino-.c whether it rnmri irmn within wh» h uould • ir;vf- *>10 ui..\ • .. •»'i.»- be*-.-.. • •• ':>•• • -• ; •••• " '■"«>«• Mi ubei «a that Spaniards would settle -_.-f the Associated Press Inland D-ulv l'r< .not A- •• i.t'cii ColUpi.iio there. "N. "The ne\ Press. i .-I Av-. idvast Ml a favaiatile Ui.te Vol. 51, So. 72 Monday, October 12. 1 !»">!' Page Two »I a r, nn*mhers a i. n"itH'«f <.nly^Shy/l sailor* had e.tui'cr at the K.7>nJ life of the i-'a a Ftlilorinl • Institute. Saul pro'i-iM- . lh« famed rxtdwrer knew all ^SCu n tte s about Anierira from s.iil»t" who if. Foreign Lungiiuges it helme him. tb» H UMI iliJv had -i-ited v a \ let seholar vafd What s Spaniarh.- wSs. settle 'here tanrr t olumhTrs liked his Should lie diarie* lerdinaiut and einispiied will. Koi- and Dmen Isah.lli Sight Stuff Morenter. he rerentlv found N'uhi Kiliiiir I,.,, NKK!) FOK THK STI'DY of foreign language i< not a hp. ret letter addressed to ysshta.it . ' • Life Can 6c Wire | diior « ** American" criti¬ Iiind-i.s hi the Spanish royal i. bard cause to plead. Roistered I»y "Igly .. i Staff louple Ferdinand and Isabella. tint. Iltrk cisms of language inabilities of t'.S. diplomats and tec* - pica I assistance personnel abroad, plus the ever-increasing flow of American Pfmlsts to Europe and other cotintii»>, fii!,'-1 11 / -f ;=7 OCt 5;Tr'S.-':;.; and besides these, the number of I'.S. business commit¬ Ulk-ut A.. «. 7- ments overseas, anyone xxho exclaims "More American* GO l\*5 7i alioulrl learn to speak a-foreign language!" gets a row of approving nods . MSl"S FIlOMINFAt'K in international program* maki it an obvious target for sucli recommendation*. One might expect, considering its international role, that this area ,.7'Co ■ • ' I '» -w. • i Ui "IP - would not even need to be touched upon. Increasing enrollment- in foreign languages in the pa t ♦ wo years—II percent in I!'"•*. and an almost, amazing ! percent this year—tend to support this belief. The trend at MSl' is. of course, just part of the national •move which received a big boost when Americans learned last year that, while more than to million lttis«iaii* weie studying Rnglish, only about s.nuo Americans were study¬ ing the Russian language. SIM K TURN Russian enrollment at all levels has -K1 - ^rocketed. At .MSl' the situation was e.xen somewhat alarm- "Ing. Though the department had planned for increased en¬ rollment and hired one new teacher last year, the increase was so large that a third had t.. be hind during rep Mr;, IfarId or It dtK tn itlneii CLASSIFIEDS is mn-'tr lion week. Registration on figures showed rolled in all Russian course-, as compared with 7 1 la t 171 students en CAMPUS fall and just 22 in fall 1!»57 Fellers la lli<- F.lilar HI \1i.:l\KS: I p.m lilt ll-'l-pii- I'ulilifHlinn for Tut-.. IVnl.. Ihur- iiml •. ri. I'd11mM- I»r;i'.lin<- fur Dun. Kdi.lun: I p m I Still, many at MSI' might be orpn-td to find out that this university i* the onlv school in the l.tg to wtiieh doe, Hill- I'u.-iil-lt- « I: .mil l•'._Wiinrt.it (hriiueh Kridat not rciplire knowledge graduation with a of at lea t ..lie fomeM. bachelor's degree from 7?s i ollege of language tor Spartan Village Residents Hit Ml) 2-I S 11 K\T. 2(d Vast-Home (dune Traffic Snarl Science and Arts FOR SALE PERSONAL .Formerly foreign language-. w..i roniuoi p-i .t d«ei»»- .u AUTOMOTIVE liberal arts «»r applied sciem •• I tie »npiirenient wa dtop- ny.f! .1 .. . .11 • i • ped. however, during the w. r. Tin n. with the e-fablf (u I lie I (tma . ■ it ■ t ii.ii!^ departmootft- I f • - foe i-js-.s ■ meld of the Ra ic I olleye m R-t.l I, Ho..- ti> .... liiir.U-tit'il with n HOUSING that already their student •- were Df'AH I" ipured courses Without iddinv a h • •If ft 1.1»I. I.«:• • l'» «|Hir« EMPLOYMENT iiitnm' -i. men! A I M l i n I OMMIi II I. .1 t . i ««sii-tr»* i M rt't'iiftttni inii- AUH'HiHfS u'tei WkNTtD- M * v: C* • •*{;P in Februarv, IP'irt that tin renuireiueiit o. em fated. .V < (. n HMMirn real estate s|ie.ikiiii; for I he Mi-i le mem * action resulted. Imi* «»f this teller, we had s|»eat f • r. U:t.NC t 9fv 4 . . - tV.i • • - v i-a I I - the eatiie tiat w ith the in in a The State New*, too, sought - o.th .< We are prattd af our unnri metubei • as ImikI speniliim fuur limits rMrllenl standards and cept for one encouraging letlYr fivm .. > ta the rant rehearsini: hi the sit* line Us Iradiliaits |(u( we are al-.i there Was little resjion * inatnlnit then (•< > lai miru in the I t I |< Rt M • . ,tf' ■ ashamed a| sin h iMit manners >e\ eral'ta» toi's lo.e. weii rem » 1 hi bop. - altrintMin \lter sin l. . ti n the \\. in all for ' beatliiK stale' ing foieigti language reijiiiivu.i"' 1 o« ♦ I miiawtn;. e|tlsaile win |»ia>lt« Inil m>l hitnnt slate ' It is !>t aiimne .» ho alls the iMMMllau III tereslrd the uiuier«il> wauls ' nv ' t.eimau f al iMile.nl*" and umil i villi uietieine the Mtuti \ I niver -lt v of >o'lt beru I .. ■ * •» '- - pi.-'i M>l appoio' tw> a ishihlhii la * i salurda* 'lb I Initift here, hut al».. i tlelnt.tr nuid and cer'auM «ii nr.-hid n » ao.i- io f1- I'aut \\ It'll improipatent hi t1 >- ijimIUi of reputation of an itiiprox mg ' iaocH..- departm»'e' * * * hath The iio .h Iii Ii.uiu nirspi e id 1*1 Ink 'f nh SERVICE Almost e\er\ -futlen? - M>l «' ' •• r d uv' Irm i* i- w eitipha i -. w dl be ii'tpun d to !.»!.»• - tor» o'U Utuv •*.<»•• \> • lit'Li rets Loss -ahlllli qi alilv to itise11in.n.ite ,t\ In the at an* partii tilai artn the recent trend I. b»-.-n 11• »i• - f.-K-o .» lore, 111 language- towards echa n, ■ »e.,i prohnem and uiiderstaildliig. i wed n .»• >' I m speakm « '! i)J'Individuals In the I thiol foreign tongue. Improveinent of ft. i .t? - !•-».• •. ".iu-. 'r - HKIIMOOU lugs, and programs tt.» «icp,..i' mh-m* '• i• . •• - «• nil! is » \er\ healths si n Rem ice tb.- P-r.-e"! Li ?. v <..»• f I••»!u11'einent for Science ami \i? . i.ni -.iti • dc i is« ih.m- tax VX einroth than a little consideration I' I S i' * N| |si O M'A* I Tt1 Crossword Puzzle ky-'OU T'l ) HA NO I INFORMATION M ROsk N \ rjl.11 L .s P A I I lie harshness id the pulue US (■* N I tlfir I NT 4.1 H...I Sr.f van I Iffitahl* \»t I \N MIX I S 12 was t»,n| riia.ixli. the itiiiuiien- k Water S'J AC Ac .KHrjt^ KMrjLlH It cCj* t fall rnitr af uaititiK wis worse. |tut CT.k,\-sA\T * # (iUldll * k- a i nM^a AN n 0d— must at alt, it is 4 i Mine that sewn*| n it# S(ti wVr «1kVs. AY a. em lie is of (tie student hod*, I XI lit.hi l\ XXIX Is IJ Fruit it itai ^'u'nJt'a Stjif'w't ; prilortiiris lot thr fooltuKl It ft#f*4 *e A » TJMO T I CffTb- m* o F & liars, the p< ople tar wham the FOR RENT 14 S) (i » ii.a» 1 .fPT\' > ijAHsin'r' mtiirtsili hi* liii.lt hair (a OIO» o*4 1 ^ f.Tu • |s k » .» w S t|l. U'Ty S r ( wall lance I ta leuii thell hn.iii— • lint sound Ihr death knell for ...ppe »-1 than disinteiestril pat lies liain ini.de ru mail IriUtnls sann wf SFfr * . lief I XI til I X I I . t.i and It a puis it salutmn to I rtdai « 1'iwal# Hunt vital within him «uo*l lUNOll ' • '• If Ufa lie hai e died ludav >uu have thr FOR SATE kit t, ti Cvnouee WtivUirs t arnival ' and ( aieei I \TlltU It Ml HIM 10 lM. #>n i , * •• lUkag ICS's- > t atnival' I sen the sletiv aid 4»K,4. \N|/ X IION <«nt--'« I'lata would math .hU teeth at - yon 2J lM-t\ . at, 4 If 1* M» stale> Mi *• sin h business a t tr r husinrsa ie( it- ink •• Me at t i ♦> >«l"i i-,<| h«»ut* LOST and FOUND ?t S'S. « e 7 \ 4 AXIIM s OviCa J# Nrt-. rw ,n- Jelte € I Afhiwativ# 11 U. • . t Tf>er ; 30 ; TV PINO •s/OSuT Jf The'#lwr# i >1# '"*T it. . p *• puce f)r it i)fi Our i-«w IP--' f »l Ct p* «y UatskUk* •I » 1st ?! >*.. ■ " » -! 2i! MAC pfe* • « *> • p.-. te- un '■** ' curt n - 0 » rj W'RtNTWATl'tt Re- tuwrmf *<*■' J! Muse# Iff K In vsi * lam (dunes 1 ! Farrv tLD- nt 94 H.i » W l>. huui-eu P Hf t arid 41aiiirs It J A' e tXorn * It Sheet > f mmsi Umm Mfkfv iV 'WS .4a t;i' -T elf!•. i r Harrison kiiiDske * * ' f . .Micliigan Slate "'D ' » yvv-fR.AMr. • fne.»t I iLet man II t sev! » i a tef *' m i' Krith TrunneU e»vt.»,t»\# !•»>#. ha- 91. 5|trak hnkifte ye VC ue • •arn« K • ind Uorntt MM " lie.l Deanna TrunneU pin xi cuhYap. »• \4\ ?»:- ... Rarhar* ru J-AM" JJ T- d.«vs Vtondav u, r? ** F r T- • j— T- r- ' • * 4 * * a -'. K IUAH. t n i--JV*. " veek't UuMnw UP.** it-, ;e"wi *urt»i»»rT .»?v,; personal Ilot it Slaw' .w r 7~ T" .* Fart. • a under the ,»-t m Marru t » NMVt- SttHU s N» W »'•' Ake» ,-»d ■A - ! «' S**l*s«f ii33 Low m not AkNHip- AVAfLABLC TO* ~T~ do*. •> wh*nf» tni AT TV DOR t-v,. ; *.* Mrrvw-#. ,ueh »* ?he jmv- •*>•■** Chi (*tian eduratlou I7r , « "imaiM 4»f music See V A uy L* 7T tr\\f ->f la tti# I ditin: Iditnr-hi-t hief Hard* ( hrU| »a.r . * 4# rr-ursunt* ft ,>r -> o r Pe-M-if. w rT 4: i Ma. • *.-t \ a >• UiK'!it at "i-,0 Vu'iers • Mana# tni I dilnr Mars Muit N XTY'P it. skt2KK run e.v, r.s OtMMVt. make an an-- 12 y T" 15" W 45 l .- ■ ...J Business John Murphy Prr'nt ?<» !.»•• 'i" 4.-, mm w r X|.ina«rr _ The Bud-Mor Agency FCC; W s-i.e ji Rio., ED r-*tai }•■ 4? S, < IrcuUtlnn Dirertor FjuI leshrr r1 JT" nr W wr X . . 44 Rr..- Ui UJ " Mit-liipuu ill Stale X, SUiiletil S»u*'n ws Li.'* Mm t in Kin h»e let.o salute frice tRftairt* t buck line, met. Bttt i atlahao, Km H •llinitan, APruw eider M'wrnovs VARirrtrs Juie# , .-s-e pue\a zr 5" ST" aJT* •«hn Vamten l.ort- k fWijM.e M.rse. •» m»j»s TRANSPORT^ •a ■ y«»l »,til T »e* ' sj h > " »' eii nt\ ria»« rtai« Mon.ta# rip I -tiler Iriaa.nr SM.TH iACXMAN. I srhin- OfHra Manaccrs Itilrn M«f» e*i*t of r laihatnt so U « p iACK IkAUN. ■eg' H P . s.« en Frtda. tnetuaive. «uru-e t„;i . *- •r ami spun* i-nm rserivr *e«rts l .In,., |). Peter Hatters t«rec«t^ Pom Wtisain icisf sTgvtMS HA*us JACKSON vr 5T m* r fi En I yy w«<, ' ■ *' *.eekh dw* up hvefi-wan oi-t:mer *«. M|M ran«r ;e»v t iluors . I »nn.r Kek.i NtMroN t'naav. link ptH>m ttvwjrr Petatl Manacrr Norm lltnrs Hi- k Pert* FOX K A«Vr-. SJCTR is Of U.stor' PorvJl "h| lALLADtCts "bidh »<'■ ST JT w~ M • sU --»* «e* vial kit trttkoin sAnrtra litilUk.iit. "" " ' - Vol R, tail SI*R*tr» l- tfin . Ns'ferce B-H.it .M (iinpui Tue». « *M«i»l|er -in*, fall fi-rn,. ffhw Pursy c.her, »' Phone Est y >:iiw w w • «'■< as wwnd class matter w SMfetie harth Kim«ev. »»nr Harker- Martin National kdvertlsln* >tana«er »ac" .-v* • IV tMaft-T. Phone IV 2-0624 prp • u' Of M stvh v 1ST" St Ihe nod Fart I an-In# M . .- X»1 Nuhl F mints Holntr. Ijirn VIliter, Bill ant N«mai4t Klel- Kiei- W »l. sqwlrr 11* SSI fir a st.natrr Mary s«f IMEr .-f AND PORK i-u'nn-^rf MOe ,r*d«-v wanted ... s.-nteriotinns n«« >bie tn wautHfi anc amck dwrr A*k at*,*u- 27" 4i krhilkrr 4* ■ r t..r t»'t teem v. 101 t*.* Wire I.',"''* vtinr 'oaac«|am» Hll»«i .Xw'l ri4oi.it il Manager JAail ->to*'a«# fetalis Bru*er F-hhI Pr.i -waSPi'V**. ossc as.\o ™ JT ST * -,«• I' iih. le- n *. W-M>4V ttaines. I md, Meser D."n!Li Yo V.ii, "OI",u' ""-j, , r 1 Jfc •' • y«MH u*tc- IlltlV I li t. It | Nlrtit SjHirts tavmr. ( aral.v n »undr. Jess Miywrtl ydvertispil Vtanwrt . NMtrt! CORONA rurUTRIC wu. .Vf.KLVX GATES URi'llVKma : I - ah tf*e i-H-ai news prutisni A alone. Hen ti„rns if **,>pr i,no i>hnr< "ir.hie twvtHr with dial H und -'.Hi feeluut. Pl>4HW IV 2-147*. » hie^fao^ t;!'^n#*-ap*per «> «rd as aU i mkiik.w stAll: M:ws Page Thre« I>rtuber If. Jfl.rft Mylli Croup Cutin hi riles II eisitwer Long Featured at Homecoming .1 .nrrx l.- il tenchor afraid the hand Phi Sig's • .i .. m-vor ..ui« nt-uotig the "-.'Hue, \.i\c tic and !>• - rcstru..:t bo\VS W '.eft h ind and fingers wid Finally 'Go the • "v.. reverse of vvho' x . ■' ,-\ ci". o'l.er vmiiia ■ ■ aorid doc.* National* , ifimieeomihg dance entertain- r»—nt m iff al*« feature sinser Miller and The Glee jlSl' acquired another V*rl|cn I lull ]., rirt. national frntornitv sjtunlav niffht nt an instal¬ lation banquet In the Lait. .:n>r City CI,lib of the Hotel Old* nith the official char. I |M ! uimc'on: '.g >thiir of Phi Slirma Katme. i .'lit 'em-*!. % o. a n •>. ,r» .1 r.i -I ». II • • .- tar*.. b;iiu|UPt climaxed two * pi f idi in I t-i i:» c iticism ami ' 'ism cent rated effort on hate added to Wei-m-er's repo- • oN^ie Phi Sin's tation in Ihc stud* of mvlh and ir.i'ia'o « chapteN?n the campus ritual It also rulminaledV^veekfiiil 'I'm. -• ' <• ... ,\t St pi. ": • 1 Initiatim Period *n whlrji Ihr SHOWN \T Till! International Mr. Fredrick Kaplan, humanities and hi-* M »K w ith .• i.'t'*u;-c C.»111 -i So- Tmiht#".. Iwal chapter tXI Tetartom m is X!. .!• 1? of Mytii." del \err fin-null* Initiated by rhaptrns meetini: on l rida> niuht are. left to riu-ht. torv. The panel discussed Fomnuinism and • . *•'«• .. second c mtirc*. . ; :< from th. I of M and the t'nl- t iirl t.rilfici, Walii! Khatlduri. Ilert (ireen. it*, possible future effects on the world. Interna'fomparati'. c I.' i unity of Oetrolt. ntotletulor. t haries Ivennex. social science, • ■ ...\iie A>Mici«»tii>n at t:ic i'i.. : t v Nor: C'ai ..lit::. 'unfed at 207 -Doguo -. > • ; y ■- - $• the fraternity becomes the Kln ii>li<*lir\*M Knnarks (!ih»d In Do I ik'ilt the pa; ><•: \ ! j 32nd »\ *:'.h of the P h i Sigma the MSU campus and tjri d ' . .. App: a t: S !i a K A Communism' Subject of Talk ' a. t'u S .,i Iul\ sp< .."r a» .-.ol . | KappJ chapters across t.u- ypcan- Ms'ti.a- Modi :, jI L'r.dei Status. l aiigtou* A -•o.-i.i'! m met--,;,. V:ce pre>idcnt of the Gran I \. \ Y"fK It \. W - chip'er. Herbert L. Drown t .. ! it* turn n < k "I would like to #re a continii- ..Miter sjipki in i iu'.ii;.■ ' p'rx. Hi'-'s. Pa., and mretar ; ! #rt-d>ure; Sehuleen >f the Grand C'hapt . of St. Pa a I alioii ol tliis t«|H' tlir future, political standpoint, hut lie rdu not onlv ol program in from a \«».c Lib: ai . i o»i!c oil. „.0RiH.Y ,.... r(.p:-e«rntpd the nation k rational, social and cultural ex¬ ; -ji»:».«!.en at the program change* between American and- fur torcicn student* and amoiiK \|sf» in attendanre Mere Rev. foreign student# lliemsehe* ' Moeller. S. J.. Inivei- Vi.rman »it> of Detroit, rrofe**or Wil¬ \ friqhtrniiiK tlmuuht. * #-t llaliili added. inula X n rrirr I lie British statesman and au¬ Hunt* and mn*t prn\hrhe\ s r»- JunUM t 'i Ki¬ thor who gave hi# name to the mcnt. Dean Kldon Nonnemarher mark, frnni wliuli tin- tjo-im- ( hcsterfield coat was highh ll miNio. I i !'• i ol the Men# Division, and Wil¬ w.i* taken prn\ tiled a livid* h* regarded for his grace of ex¬ liam load, faculty advbmr for Phe disi ussion was no tinr. imitt Ihf iron p. intrrevtuiK time f' THE COLLEGE » - ,• I'' -in I: )»:•«! .« " ■ . riA >„: 'ion of hV-> efforts f.. i Mi. ..uvmu'd H.tmf.. Im>" - H« .1' ' i-mnpiiasi/tHl A ■ re:r*tnj them locate a suiUbc- ,n > ■ ' j».n ipation ' 11,1* i. r J.I i u't! |>: • -tdcli'. Wo a,.;' i ■. tv.1 JSt' ;i ' - i ,M'11►--'« ■ ■ ti ' 11.torn.itserial t'Utli. which BIKE SNOP *■- The '• ae' Her:'t-r address, was guv Drown, n.»'; ,. Stu ff lr/ll orl;s - • • • Jr. m forc.^ii A uo-t-aii student siu.'.on?,- .i u» *• ;* ,, i ■ i i - ■ tJiololV aliko fini'igli alt. A • r. i'-pr-'s.den'. •{ the Phi S., Slmini ul Krrnui' 111-11 0 a.Hj. • il |t. in. role tha' ' »• '-vrr.-*. i: • rn«t| the t..-vs play*, a* out >■ I'llil.K $69 50 ,<• it-go and untvei>it • «-\rf|(l W i-il. «X Sal. He emphasized that the fra ICE SKATING IAI N. Iliirrixm iernities art now feeling a great i \sf t.i; \M» KIIIK ON IIII « \MPI s deal of the public * mialrust lie M\ ill I'l III.IC MISSIONS 1,0 u-iii; * ausf of the adverse puhlieit* (hat is accorded them .At the \l It KMNINs vime time, he said, the north A santrd i* A Hunda* 3 00 Jt'ilO uhile projrit* in nhich Utev IWMM.s participate arc seldom given au> Tursto throufih saturdav III I k ?,3ii Hi am notice ■ ... rvaiernity bouse- ■ Wet kday.• ■ K si I DIMS spin \| K \ 1 PS >• .• can cnangt- Sltiilini* I'nrli I'l 1ST* Ol sundav (.veiling* SK ATI; IIK.NT M S attrriioon "»n« a da* a in n da* 11 Uit - e,ul\ML- °rVU t L'. v ./...pun of}., t-r, .«i > 1. . UK IIH.VN M il l: t MVkltsin a > R-K .U-sU : . N i i e. ..ten!. D«»Vc L'av. . H I; \KIAA \Urn»t, N Y ■<■ ■■, |»r'. Gt-.'igv (»• .• ■'* * . : • Hi'b. junior. -«• . , •••••• V.V.V.V.V.NWAWWMW.W.V.'.V.V.V.V, jy •5 .. A :< i!.;,. «-urt*r, be i a on II < a;M La- WlK I tRlZE APPEARANCE COUNTS' ' cA/UA. •. »1 .ii^u« ' ',»• «(>...o!. • -a M KOUR CAR NOW! • ^ •>». •*, »Cvittarv l.iH.k V.Mir • Tun«-n-T»lt #00.0* eooto .» «!i'» X Mixed Chorus • • Lupn.cat* C*«na» b«tt«cy o" ll. -l Id • Ce»c * COOiioQ Purls Offered • *'■ •#/» il.itin^ All . i-i— 4. ,,f • Ad.wC far#*#* ..—-i-'" -1 .* place in the MSP • Rotate tiraa tour laiimlrt . - U"-'* ., . .. tjriltriw V *M »rus fwi you! Open- • C..»a" po' #' •' , . V an „ trill* Aft I.tlr rf ... I API»- • Proltc' a! fioois# \111l ilmW «!«»*«• A,,uv v l;s- »'! parts, oopecially llry kli-aniiii: . . .U * •" eciaun. mufct be filled Take this friendly reminder , „kI " '""r *"*» * llune \l: 11., 2 ' two 'A t'ks from u* and don I let the ' u* meets Wednesday first freei* rateh vnu eold' I vc .v ?-.9 in the Cbora! He *ute t" drop in >«K»n to Music building T • *■;. - r .-resenU a concert .t* BUDS . I I,r 'umer «"<1 Svis'.er. Jane# who v;rcjrau"v *"■' ate »»rr* I •f the choir at the corona Queen ftJiaaheth II. 1^3 .en i Ptrlup- ';f,"T", • I «""ru the mi and chorta* ^ Magnificat'* and SERVICE GLEANER ANN SHIRT LAUNDRY T I ,un t» ^aughan, are trie I chorus will I f.rind ISiver the 633 £ 1.4,1 lid. Hi.fr Arrow. Iron Studmt Srnirr I'l.k'. jo* I * 'he Chriaima* enneef I |l 7 iI7S Wb.iU sr. .,I'*"*1 l-i*t C^irutma*.. the i/.VWMWM'rjWWMVWW.VW.'.-.V.V.VW I *ang "The Divine I - composed by Dr ' ua«d ch ■v-ordv which arc •.vaiN if kur kii.il> ami kur blirir. (.k-unril Mini I.L/nl r \r< i i' A I *** ' purchase^ • t,«»S WtU"' if VIli Mliou* a■ ■ 11 Vt.-iiiliiip •s;a- »lit 0''' 1,4 '•inn- film., "v,rr" (lumina if K;iiliriuil> Vliiilr # al«-r K'-|M-llrnl lta: Ik -»i •• aa of the—Jowa-MSU if .Siicilf 411.1 la-allirr Jurkrl- if ti¬ game will be ahown at 7.Jo p. m. in the if laundry Srrvirr cr I * ' lU.-hrtsn. Couch Buiioug if ll»-ii'» lliil* and I -a|» . '•arrate. * TMC MNItMf MIMMU. f if Sluffrd Toy* ^fJL. 1^60 Su—^ >#»lif»l #» If C. ATTth MM-k wurld-Uasrlmg, n if Throw Kup Kirn# tell mr more • «r. qii«e liftfi in ifaool a the WnnrKt Ainiv t'^Hpv. ll if J "TV fin»at m dance music" if Glim-, VS. " " ' J „r%trv '* Ve»»>* " . * ,:-k. ft m "UTH-MCniAX ■"W mrnta *»*«!» iucx »a uquoK College Cleaners u' *•<*<«" * "• rir:..—- - —-f • c»yr- (joii and rue uiunni 020 %'. .Xirliigan tint lanniuf Carry 111)2-1713 •-rJ£" - Mi «* IVMH4 Am MHIIILW UTATE NEWS Hum* »: (j October 12. I'iip Four I hi II nili' lop Honrs icrinis NFL CommissionerDies; Colt.*' Down Lions, 31-28 CHICAGO. OP' — With BiR DETROIT • V«—Johnny ITnJtas long Cassady. Wa d- h•• avi:ig three 'ourhdown Collapses During Game j The defending w o: id cham¬ v ..d Ray Berty -*v.ir ied up "» pa--« < and O.'hc Matson rut-.- pions still had v. turn back .» -n.:g f .r a t'dal of 199 yard-, i •. 54-yard scoring ?.;»» when i-.r-♦.,rv had been ill but Marl spirited desperati'm drive* bv th.? tre L" Angeles Ranis Sundae and the HaRimore ('•!!•■ I. oils before adding three more v. ia.'iv upset the Chicago Boars. 28-21. evived fur .11-24 triumph points on Steve Mvhra's 16-yard The Barn*, gaining their fir-' He said that when they was the fir*t to attend Belt a PHILADELPHIA Mh — Com¬ side ner the Detroit Lions Sunday. fi« !d goal with 61 seronds to National Football League vt< - missioner Bert Hell of the Na¬ started for the game his father when he collapsed. Berry, target for short pa sr. Play. :ri three starts, scored once* appeared in good health. Joe Donochoo, ass'stae* treas¬ •orv tional F" db.j'i League died snake - hipped The defeat was the third ir. urer !>f th- NFI. and vice nrr^i- n:! rt:5 afternoon, —» every quarter. The Beat s, Sunday • i..a heart attack. He Bell suffered a mild heart at- a row* for the winles Linns, win ' cirnt cf the Eagles, who was sit¬ through the Detroit M-condary ah orbing their second loss in tack last February. He had been cnllap.sed in the seats of the final 40 sard-- after mak¬ nearly had victory tucked away ♦ gano-s. provided cheers under a doctor's care for the ting with B"11 during 'he first lor the very st.i i ore a which he* start¬ f body catch of a stop-and- in the home opener witnessed for the 47.036 fans in WrigJe.. half of the gime. «lid that the ing a ed his ri e from college plaver past few years. His travel ha i by 54.197 Fold ordv m tie second quarter been limited and he had done Commissioner moved to the end fco pass . After spotting the Colts a 14-9 to crar of j rofe- ional football. mid¬ scored ail. their zone to "ft out of 'he sun. ; 4 The touchdown. coming when th< v Tim HA-ve.ir-oai Bell sue- a great deal of NFL work at through the final fiericd, lead Li the early going, the. point. his home in suburban Narberth. The short, energetie. outspok¬ way cumber while doing the thing ■i inert ml! I Jet i' >it's 24-21 lea d I.ions charged back and Rote • It was Ma'-'.n. a v/orkhorse he 1'vi rl t - watching, a prw Dr. Paul Sehroile. of the uni¬ en littit man* ffo— I»h;u.-i. '-v. t Lit fas ady W.th three touch¬ with 3! car«»-■.. who fired uo versity hospital, the physician acquired bv the passim; comtnri- g.irre He w.i> earned from the , of To bin Roto and It' pa¬ down passes the |tarr;>' d'auve drive at the Liiv-a-"! Pennsylvania's who was assigned to the game of the National Football League outset of the fourth quarter for an emergency, said that he Kinre 1946 Fran!;!in field where tin: Pitts¬ When Bel! took over it* mm- burgh St-' < rs and Philadelphia Two Optometrist* to Better Serve Vour Nerd* Kadi •■-. team- he once owned trti*sin»o*r from F.'mer l.avdert Big 10 Standings »,rd con-he i, were playing an Packers Post the average player salary «4« Harold A. Shaider, 0.0. NFL game . about 85 000. Most of »he 12 team* were losing leame'* money. .conference flame* Robert E. Barnes, O.D. Niirihwrtlrrn W ? I. 0 1 PI* U !0 (IP 10 He about I'* u as pronounced de.ol minute* after reaching Third Victory • The NFI. was a league fusion and red ink. of roll- IIII.I. REYNOLDS heads *1 ale N'ew* Phnlo h\ Inward Ihe finish line in d,, n>.h M,,..!,,. I'urtfor University hospital. The hospi¬ ORF.F.N BAY. We '.•*»»—'The I'nde hi- iron fi«»ed rule, fmir mile run at Saturday-* dual cross rnuntry met uin • Oplh-ul K.pnir» . • K)« Exumln.d mioim.yn *r%rt; tal i% a stone'* throw- from resurgent fJrei i B,i\ Paeke. howevt i . the 'e.igUi .>r(eifni* \\estern Mirhiaan. Kevnolds finished sixth, behind (as. • damn Fit led • fnnlHiT I'lHl where thousand* once rheered iu'vond the wildc r dreae:- Forddy Kennedy. Jerry Yuunu' and four limn.. , — (Mister their third straight Vic¬ lain NO AITOINTMKNT KWKSSABY Indian* him a* I'enn foothall raptain. the who fired Layden '•> tory by edging the previously- ni«-n MALI. I'OI'RT tRXMMlll ( I NTH! IT Mwil lilltlol. Hi it. under whose astute 'guid¬ unbeaten Sin Francisco 49ci . make Bell their »k»c* PJayer placed first, second and fourth. ance professional football ic- Sunday in a National .,i!.iiii fii.iibled, nttendance m- Open Molt.. THur.. Fri. Evening* til 9 21-20. . I (Inn *1 if hies si er r?o a road a na (or show. -port instead of i-. -i"ing in end Football league thriller. The TiTTia/ir.g Packer-, unde¬ . m m . i 100 p, rce:.! football, through Profession- Bell*. - Frige Spartans. 28-29 zone ii wibi some friend* feated under Coach Vince I»m- d.il television policy, was bean - when lie keeled ovel bardi after several seasons ;.s id into millions <-f living rooms Onler For Your Convenience Bert .Ii.. who* was .stand* with In* brother and sis¬ ter. saw an ambulance rtithing in the a league doormat, blew a 14- point lead and then roared back in the fourth period for a game- acro-s t»:c nahon each se«.sor> F'rof, -Munai fiMitiMill under the ex pi osi w Be:? Iwcame respect'd , Close Race Crucial along the sidelines- and heard winning touchdown on • : a - a maior sport, no longer ridi¬ Siiger tropic veil Bel!" He tan lo -4ns father's Beit Bell. Bert sharp-shooting of Lamar M •- Han The issue was undecided un-il culed as a road show wph thr*->' or ai ! fotu a featured supporting east of poor perform':- As Harriers Lose the closing seconds a.s t#ir» 4Hers : i-iation.-. Western Michigan tnljred the Spartans. 2M-2!'. : ' « In addition to his children. Sowing Pay More! What For! recovered a fumble on their 45 and moved downfield. Bell • survived by his widow, fir*? cros-* cnuntrv dual meet Saturday, by copp, :: ; and second jtlace in the four-mile run. Circen B ty stalled the drive on the former Frances I'pton. .» Mich. Bronco* Jerry Aihmore an* -«■*-* its 30 wi'h 66 seconds left ami one-time i mus.cal fmenv s'ur. brother, Justice John I*. t*.i.l Hffi t*"'.1! finistu.i ahead is lietter than if c- • • a fourth-down field goal at¬ ;u. a defeat and will in.;.. of the Spartan Captain Forddy Bell of the Penney J varua State .<+s. tempt bv Tommy Davis from H'iiNm continue* v - Frandor Shopping Cantor the 37 w .v shot ! and off to the Supreme Court. Kenned. A « dee ta» e f-»r fourth place, with Western'.* Art Kver- team takes tn>th fir»i •S«4 right «>«»:«• g'-mg ahead • f MS'"* Jer- place, it ma key »•: v- l i I M il MurliiiM - A 6'1-\ !«>.» wht-n a- -i advanee was \fi;liith (tropjM-.J hiic cap- NHL Standings r Young in the Ij ' tew var i-, enre. Since he said. cross pour.': Ni'M \hirlliltt* . M I, T Pt« r.F Ci \ ffipcii uix'ide trie lace f r Wc- - from the :'} .If. t pitched A .«111k■ • by tne number of • • '! 0 0 4 9 4 er.-i Michigan. From From to (bii v Knafeit in the end Toronto with the fir*t Iivm • Boston ! I 0 4 15 If Fran Dittrkh. Spartan roach, ?on» team counting, Uj DFTKOIT 1 0 I 3 9 10 said that be wa« n»t disappoint- ii w ins. Sli1),."!) X up j» Montreal I 1 I 3 9 III rri but was plrased with the A. htnore and K< > . Chicago 1 t » 2 9 II team's performance and times, /Innonnrinit . . • that spartan* fin¬ close race movt • ? •• New York ft 2 0 0 « 14 adding flic \r»\ ariinm 1 Ji'iiiHT* VMI \ • YtVt \. Huildnie ished before Western s fourth ,i fall widctit | th- mile, Kennco. a- Vour M 4 r r i 4 i r t ourse. scoring run. IkiUi behind A ■ From Marling Med., (let. II. at ■ 1.1/ Vill i II TOPI) Dit'ruh a»*erted thai Me teom •i second. Kenr,. ■ the l.ansing \ Alt \ it : pi Mudio Jtf.4 U. tirand River . :H with A SPLoll A ii|> p.m. for five weeks. 81.00 Swinglino tiling in the •• rettstrution fee. p«-r person. |.a*t I ansing a »i" and K. ' . , I'iana and tirgan Mudio Kfiti.''- 1st topic—Are l»r MarrU«r: Von Bead* Mr*. M*ve (•roind iltnniuiK Trackrr »V*lern of the MHt\ of imnrnori Stapler no Wlt'l F4* I t third mile. ].t; if Mo A Ki-moiilliK tirinirr. A limilr l.ium. Director of Home Lansing oio sir |»to<» vludv of ininliln{ fuRt^mrnnl e*er* ir*ln- biggor than a In tripped and the third Kenned, mil» t. ' Free Home |)emoii«lr;ilioii lOOfJ Wool I'uhlie school*. pack of gum! him. Beid As started the* were to ratch by 15 vartl*. m o Free Home Trial 98^' more won was ahead of Krnmd. . Blazors yard*. AM» figuring Lome in tV* Svv our ( omplctc l.inr of wer< B- New Machine* Only $24.95 : v'h place. Ii- enth and Kd • Vim •Olive •Kinds Senrers »c. I vrit Machine* v.-fii! AshmiU" I.CO hitsitchcIF* Ron ITancock in l*«r I it formal inn I Ushion Aid* SW1NCIINE "tot VARSITY SHOP •Milliom now in uve tionally guaranicexJ. Makes book Uncondi¬ Ron Hc^tkins winning turn* w m. lull Notion* fastcnt 22S Al>lmtt IM. soser*. paper*, arts and runner-tip ti • • crafix, menxts, tasks, etc Asaii- IV *.1211 Hut Ion* Last Lansing. .Mich. aM« at your college bookstore ntdv's time w— llociiusa <>f ■: r'rfniiUon.H, m.' SW:NCI»**C -C.» We*. }i ?• the oi l COUrre i. College Fuh I. meets, the si'c •, jStV&tfC&fUl e*t Aker* g<»H gives spectator* SAVE 31< 4CN3 HAS3 C('f. Ni* fan "f most of tfie i V/ 2 1 SALE FOR I Th. .Suprrli I'inno ArtMry of VERA TISHEFF MXMAREK ■ who ba* performed in Carnegie Hall, with the Boston ■ Fop* Orchestra and ha* just returned from a concert PRESCRIPTION (ENTER ■ tour of Mevico. CIVIC: C E N T E R Hill V I'l.llTEItT by FKAMIOK Dltll.s (llc\t In \illlnin.il FimnI.) COSMETICS It.MlY NEEDS I St Y. OCT. Ill 3:30 P.M. TICKETS AT l»OOK $2.50 . 11.65 . $1.1 > I'KFSCIill'TION SPECIALISTS .U.. :. II ■ i I.. ■... I.. <.1 ' - < ' 111IKII' Hi I' • t lit • • . it > I. ( 'I 11II t lllll 111 .... ..... ■ Soothe Skin Lotion ■ i f THIS WEEK S SPECIAL I 39c HOUSE PUNT FREE Si JL ■ YOUR SiAKH FOR with any |HirtlMimtHlM4lHlHlU'<;m»fUMIIUIUUfi'UUUHilMUmuU.Ui4tHM4l4mtti4lftllUtm.ltIHI4tll ■ • OVER!... whShazel MfHSMNC ^ ASPIRIN TWINS lll-POTENCY St PER. I ft A 9 IHRRICN Umimt If* *«**.<» •>«Oa« f,r p>». IWWtwe, a-rerlt^,. IMIBMI* itMw C-ttTK Cmtkt+m | ASItMCiM ■■ "*-T VITAMINS I 9* T*mr+m— M..4H «"4 ti«i»! «e mw 1 mns ItUkr* unr * lint I rn r ©p ■ BE WISE mcMTMtwuun COCKTAg IlUUt.,. ii *2.39 M Ynt Bate Rht Ftr • I*" -!'tiix«j g 100 CAPSVI.ES ZMC0XDC Y.I.* Of '.'A -MS A EAWN LOTION IM'Y ONE I THE •tszsfj1:r:"-* OINTMINT l.irr ONE FREE • *—**>fl ■*V*»'r NUeed V i > -M-' CUNT I m: TUKS Each rapnulr -URplir- 1*11 0»ili rrsuirrniral I CORONATION —< IW «.UiM. © ® i Uw" - H.N £ of *11 fMHMlial , ila- * 1^"—'• l- : tup &, ■iii*. I »• Mn. iJnSJT 1 X BALL •e »UI ••dar 4. Nr* far ,**.uu» I™"? i • TW Sale End* Orl. 31, 1959 301 N. ( lipped by Frandor | IB ELAART I MS BRQH. effort rrMarwitjr« l+nrtty WtomIiM.M . . . TAHTY rayor- 2 Fur 1 Plionr IV 5-135.4 . • • OrU« Mrip far Cknrt«a«. TICKKTS ON SALE AT THE UNION ! ^ »Citr Heron's TTil'ee-llaji^er llei|»- ridders Fail Iowa Acid Test State ;vv- News Booters Sli/) Backs 4-2 Loss M,&.„ i >HK ke>M S'.i'e triddcri 1 scored Uill.iirn on a one-card Mollis after plume I.- feter s hi." a wed 'wo &&Q&7S . • . c.t ter ■ : •> !> .• c- (i.vis'icm* s- • fasten, Lout.-, an.f TiV- ctjainst one «•.- tn U> scc .-.wt K >i • *• t, v.- Y.'n FTC-". Evwhcvkl score fur tin- Hank,-.,. ■ •::it! isoii.h s'Is * • s.iuci. M ! October 1? I'l.'dt Pari* I'ive i us th.m tfew • . .. .:•<• fH'nd.njt r«s u its •>' *v feuk on l*- ;! I'.. Soaitltl s,i!-.d c. > Indiana came r„( a'T..i mater, Michi- - • • . _ i -v. ■ ahibUIWll i" * • I... s^t .are un ipfea*.- '.[s" jmnalf* v:.rd;»g"'. !'■ allowed Shpp.-'rv 1! C'K "ri • : <■ ,'-e . h '1 -<••'- >.■! "hi fuurth year. >pr.r*dnii « ^,-jrp a • r.*!» tally in Fencers II in 2 Firsts W in«rs Stirirc .im.i sCi'.o,. •• ('.<»;i". ' ■> star center halfbac k pete Mi - • -..I..! ami a t"-sav I of the Spartan penalties _• -••■...Ik daftn,; back •« nr Kinnon who has sat out two "kT"!>'«<■• fouls. Palmer To , , ]r«. first ha'.f !»•» N"'- In (jiiunHan Tourney were l'\!r test personal was eierted from the con¬ the end of the first Dump cames muscle since in the pulling a should, r opener, will re T : Air".. ! n of I •: »» ba".!«.• itkoly fhc». • t ■' at Tues - - turn to prartiee todas car -i 0>n T-otlwav U.Ueu hall ■ t.i, K " ck- .n da ». Kelt lie* said ••• re: M'.cPvekt if t:t Nov • . . r :.i r•< . MS I >ttiiletit.-- fiiiMM hack ']*•■;!, ■ itbi.rr w it .■ r .. - : N" i.< W N'.'AA ia-.iv.uf ■• • • , - ■ ev. ...n.sl . • • •»f the first place trophies ...v.; •••;♦ \l; twe- >*«• «»« llhf af,j I n • - ; head-who! was «ei . ** ca«" His | ".-card ,r the Spartans, it proved Hero Memorial fencing tournanv up |»v hit wine m .1 n lotiu „• |>ufH l»au*hertjr hws Ju lv Goodno!'.. i.., •• . , - ■MMith.ui I ess than a minute rebuilding to do hr- liter. South.ni fed inside line¬ For l ull t( g,t tvu k to the t«P m«>ro. ct vision, won the R;:k- i .-s niiig V - _ !»* ••Mvte-l man I rich verted the pass into the txine Mrrdrr. w ho con¬ ('.urn/His l.intl; Bi( Ten- : I - a a pi aver on »\cnr i . ■ . marker cja-rsr.- , . .. ,.s„- ■ . r * j vt- • .. "fa 5cnou< made the r .:t direction the third of NY Pan-Are \ Y ■ a.-. Mi*s Goodrich went undele.it \ . . : • , - ..• .. .. •• . Hcc.es - •.. .ud Blazer Striped Cardigans • v. •• pitched it rd in seven matches ia«t spring r aroii for the to win thp Midwest women - ,•; •>. end A. * foil runt petition title tor the fifth t'-A'O*iK'ili '■ sear. In pi.'oi she placed third Sw cat IT'S are th« in the national fencing meet and •».<• k.ik"". went to Melbourne Xu-tnlii is • hlli k Ii roemhel i*t the . X'ulc lleheiitoM and Jail* .it ■ , a memhrr of the I v III* nipt, ^'*1 \arsit-. team woo the state smart new look fnr Xork in trout . Pope in go: \.u ,>v .. !rO'«l P.- team. men s epe» championship last hen. tin- XVtiiRx tied it in the Spartan one- sow snow isi, • »pnn£ hut tailed t" place in the second pc'MchI («ai* Xldcom I all. St x led h> Hex ere midwest meet Intramural slapped ot 11 the 1 shot net tinm t ti . and Jert> LUCON eeircrr . n.ru; ilae"- Mi lock got hi- firsi Nationit ami McCtPfRor lit the V'V. •i'Mng l.a* lie Throttled Highlights tlockec p. ■ 10 I on league goal late in the 1 ''i-looter I llii 15 III - •»?<» - * :.1t» • !»f popular hulk y knit «-Sort cardigan and hhawl v... m.huc a - J As Steele!"* How :• .! ••t.» moke • 2t-" Pir:.\ collar niiMlels. Stripe?* Itrtf seeand half the Hawks »t Mulid nilorn, In Intramural It.:.! -1. BBS3 I tlD \ > ti.'ir nlixe. arttx, gnk! or thru I Ml' to . p m leiitUI- 41 I ?M I ' » A i'i tan. Ml wool Schedule : :n «• to p m I'KiK.nxM I\H»KM\IIO\ (Mi III /7S A . from S 13.95 KIM FREDRIC SCREAM I NOVAK- MARCH "MIDDLE OF THe NIGHT" EAST LANSING PHONE E0.1-J8I4 Sl AIM'S I III l(> » \SI _• IIVXS HKST SHOW 7 I'M \ 1 It \IIII ION ON . \MI'I s" •'One of the best No acrcf.., this c ear' PlCs I »\I.. in:r. 21 JAZZ CONCERT 11 \n M mi it | N«nb... Md MM x THE BEASTS OF • • am CMC I auieure f|e a the 1 XI llll lldtirt *eai* MM' The To<: Shop — — I eat u rim: U^iT" y MARSEILLE f" -5L3ms ii sinione sicihhci I I 1 ON llll VII Ii III I".. - CAST LANSINIi -/1\ m \io\ - ji \i i uiti+n M I HIS I'W'KEP HITS A^tCMOLL Hit It (/(/.>//1/M THIS IS THE FACE OF WAR!!! %:wbmeh Hire. III Kits IIS s rtKAMIIIM \| I II I III' I I sill: the Rape ,r,, LlLLlf ANM A!, | Ml •!< .III IT Mil Sill II' IK IS palmer f no i sin iin. ss • >. I H I tit'*.of Malaya HOMECOMING DANCE i i i: Kill i: nVIA \t » \V VVH lee j. "* > h v \ vi mmi\t» v\i;h\»;si»\> cobb i m; W TF1*- Its %ll r<' BUT IMVKKSHV Al DIIOKIlliVI „ ^.^Snsra. ;- * -v*- * Here Intac t & . .... not ORCHESTRA t cieul" i>trybod/ M*«ts Undtr The Co:* JOHNNY LONG AND HIT (?> »• It 11."I" tl O INCUk MTU ♦o' Student* (B.M COtOti w« I' 00 0C i. II I. IM0 - i. tn NtM York UNIVERSITY . mm .BIRRYCOE ME' SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1959 Tom S6 25 (p*f pe'ic . I lllim ST 4 5 per eoiiple Tr.pie t5 25 (pec p#'*or >I:.r«- I •> i«o*rmet*n * ooo»t'K» Ceoeg ~ »«'»o STUDENTS S| I'l I! It \|((, \|V |» XX ! }> " i2 p.m. Mt*. MM! curjoftiii \t t nioii 't icket ttffiee '• »p t, TH# BoHfiM, Nta Verb te# *IIIMI«| #cceotmooat,»•*» l',N r SPECIAL [ MAf Min 't ickets rr House or Beef" M AUDITOR, WE OFFER: MARTINIZING TWNT, nr. II 113 W: XIIIJIIUAN AX'C. ► IHSCIH AT CARPS (NI.XT TO HOTEL 0l.l»S> * FREK PARMNC AT REAR cuaaawrne tTn MU. l Sal. 7 »•■«. 7 * GUARANTEED QUALITY ALL I'OWNER KEY CU B CIRCLE K MEMBERS AND MEN MEMBERS ll*ur-: Man. S»*. || a.m. - • 9 p.m. - |».m. SERVICE XI.WAYS! mmpmm ^TKRESTED IN KIWAMS P'ELIJOWSHIP i S|M-iab/iRe in: roa»t b*»f. round l*tf. rhi.krn, ? IAWT SIRVICI • LOW (11(11 A > AWE WELCOME Ruck, -Irak-, etc, LU00N THEATER BLOCK "t'oml you mhrayt remember" xntt&m. AA ii»'imti(- shows a- r mri-m in the I'kraine are re iated in a conjrressinnal report . -cording ' - iv K K ■ * ft.; jra'cmi'v muf.s t». verier.: • . t published Sunday under the title: "The Crimes of Khrtish- .-ti-'. r of ♦r.t- J'o* • T- '.' Bi: . ( 'o h:»- been booking cr.n f.v ss-a* article In the new edition .. in his rhev." .-.-• r*: 'v-v"' the University ler. • Mhwa-. fjecau-e of discontent .the *£-" >--* — P •- 'H-r- A - I* 'hf second "f a series * *y Albion. Eastern The Km. ■ -• v. is vari kind.- ««f resistance being; rcleast-ii Monda-- . ar.ct u« mm! £ r» ieaivd. by the House so the Communists in th>- The annua! i,* «-rT. -;al. ri""-- 9af> 'A'c-'orn Michic.m. be a good ,•> • >•; f*h-An crican Ac* I'kraine. r'fit niih-ai-it. tr: *' ng ' _• The agency is now trvlng thi> to oresen' ' : containing the testimony At that time, he said, Khrusn- r. .pi.rVvin-".v "• * ; form of service in the Michigan Pobinson - hear t in closed Tentative plans for at the I' ' ,.f w.me- <>- chev the l*krain«- »tate area was m »*.aiiab'.e ••-. 'he • T.an • t '•)<. o'ie of the est pern ed execute- i>.ir".e;i1 • ng <• •- pan - • MSI* the rest oi the year Include a • nv rvk Sun-iay's document presents <•'. Stalin's genori ie **f 'he possible Tom l.ehrer show tuid .... - the tmwv.y »»f nine vyitnesv • Ukrainian lyvnulatiori " •tig1- V - an entertainment package with The -• i 'udc• 21 photographs of Petro Pavlovych. former • '« - several stars for a spring con- may b- • . arm C in;» ••• w *he witnesses described it- to- of new-paper m the V.n- Cert, according to Ted Robinson. >u • N •: vie'ir.-is f.f nne-s murders and rltsa eomnvanitv of ?* e Ckrdiu . Okemo* senior, manager of the Fi-m.:!.^ •;.!)-:u.« ie famine in the 30'< in toM of thf 3949 ciiscov*. . v thc-r- In 1939-60. as in most rears Lansing branch of the agency. C' y*c: . f in the. I'iraeus, At hen's harlsir area. visit to America. promulgated," Ihivlovyrh said. in lht»sp bron/e statues of the todfless H ntsv, will S via i it in /(jii N'.i holoas Prvchodko, an en* Athena, foreirround. and the cod Artemis with S'hi c FOOT I.ONG HOT INK,- > giMTr from Tortir.'o. Canada, Pavlovych «a;d hi.-- real nan •» .pt-Ring-- Fit-"r: -; ; ••.Mf.ed he lived :n the I'kraine v is Appo!!on Tre-r -- .. and he .Hiring the 19.10-33 famine. 11*' l.ved now at Orrtann.r. fh tin .Agriculfiiriil \ isil .- eii^iMfc: .ng an I SI mi lRISE S IMHI It III* Mvkola I^Ix d b«.?if;e f that ml i tfe famine • * - u> red wh«n rof *he Ukrainian f.-xl crop in 1941 Khnwhch- v ar. i h. Th>- cherr; - >t « ofx-ni 5 Cl Itl! SERVICE DELIVERy -kri^ Colombian Deans Visiting MSU fr*ir, 396 .n 1939 ■ was ex|H»rUHl, on orders from subordinate* iv»rtations >f trie stir ted ma-« Ukrainian p". - de- year, making bp-, the EAST LANSING ED 2-6.317 ii'.ition. He *a: : ipersecutions fin -sees ■■■■■■■■■■■■la SjHiiltm Hinprrs against member- >»f ian insurg* : t arrr.v wee Ukrain¬ beg. •. By J\NT WAC'KFRBARTIf » ■> ;tr - a-.d tra.r. ; - nn«- • i ' '..* >• -.p.- ,i. tvi.i natur;.' ro- • - ure furry tut II illi Old \, - to d**f»re- - tte Ukrairu,,;. w. . Tv > dean* fr «-i the agricul¬ if. aati;-u!ture ar.d !•"• ir." te.-|.-hii;g ItldiMPi. tural culfgps of the Naticrii! .■■■ ir ts» mist the regime \V- .,-r> 'he deatr-- re'.urn to C'>nm- t*n«ver«ifv of Colmnhia «nd or <• hi pi is It 7 nidi I ion Iiticd 1 know that there* v«nccntrati*»n cam-,.. a-e i•-*- «•;-•* dean froin the Univcrri'v ' |" imant th-.t the agr> » thev w!.! repeil bj the msn- A CAMPUS-TO-CAR = ER eu 'w forestry res-ource* • <■! rriciii'ure an-i wtM prating n-ov tn tne S"Vie' Un¬ Mani/aies. S ■u'h America. .< . 1'iikn ..vn to mrtst students an >:n f ■( (>ilombia'.s }<<• i* th' piar.-. i»i- roopcra- CASE HISTORY ion." he said. t urn nt v \ utu g MSI'. iv , tradition i< pra. »k - . ♦, d Y . .! and (•'•< n'onic xtabiii'v arid - w-.-rkiiig relations Iretween The Colombia!-, agri, u.'u b *■! M eiuifan Star.-'. It i* that tlther MltnfwM Included l ev rt;e * for *he ;.vc!fare r ?earih and teaching fie •r'l.v are Dr !«:vn C.*al.»a! >■'' ••!' imiHing.ng, |l«ihrian*W>. Alexandria, Va.. I'n.'* d Sf.t'cs-' i help the P.I I)r Char'e* tUirc o* fellowships and scholarship* Moll ringing was originally th« thairnian of the Ukrainian f'on- »w'h democratic nt*igh* of Mcslellm D* an Hunrrk'n f.iu- < will he pro\ided for Colombian . {.tactwe ■>[ tne fcierwe of the urew Uommittee of \mcrira: l»r. tirr-re/ fr«vi« Mam/aU ^ students here study M !-< i.miring ii» ttie English I\an Malinin, Berkley. IV. Va.. .- For right year's MSl"s Col¬ to come to They arrived Oct. I and since and go luck to tcarh. .-Ktie-i 'oAfrs Around 1840 pathologist who said he per¬ lege of Agriculture has helped then hiu* conferred with Pre¬ r.„'.r.-j came ' • this court • formed autopsies on the Vin¬ . sident John \. Hannah. I»e.»n Colombia hut last March the 'i. WVtnevi;,;. the dear- wu* Sincc !!»'»(» V - knowledge nitsa victims; I horn is ( owdrn of AKricultiire, Contract with It \ expired «•<» be joined I-v the direct a' of r»-« .mi I throughout trio ■ •,! Constant in K*»r»'oti«*ttko, 14* Mean (ilen Taggart of Interna¬ Ketlncg Foundation granted •c tr-. u ;iiim..!»Htrii?iiin of .ur.* !'■ ' I S'a't tor., NJ . w ho ..%• i i . ' • tional Urograms and l»r. Law¬ S|.*,4.000 to continue the pro¬ i •■"'•iie H • 'hi and the Hrr*. T i :v there rue SCO set* of Ukraine duri-.g 11130-93 rence flogrr. head i»f Agricul¬ gram on a modified basis for f the uruiture c«|H-nment h.r vi-t-lU m the c unlry. Only famine; Dr. Cm g K ' tural Economics, as well as 1 ol- Hirer more years. • h.fi-oi it p-j'.Murs. The directors :i sore •»( univers.ro> and coU f.u t 78'h St . N'-w Vork i . lege o| Agriculture department ' Ihr.ng thi.< ve.«r profe*nor- in ,.r i Ifetn fiutrru-rw me support- i.f« • .lie known to have the- y. S'., New- York IV v. >*■■■ J'ii" i i.turul hi: I . ronoiJlM'S by a HockcfeUcr travel grunt i'he Soar' try IVitrmg-! <. <>n<» heads, directors and professors. . • Ivan W'^vrhuk 210 P.-.-. ■* F ur'", Tho divi.'K are viu'wig MM' .'1 of "ic u-.tny activities offered at lege* of Agti- I„iw rvb«: < . *•".'•« c o : u trf ». - • : ' n Wi'-h a_CJ»n!|.i ' •> Cii « • • '- i' • V .i •• a performing or ..an;* trai" f p.-- if! .vd F. Cinri Opentcr MJul,a Chipna" - A . N v Y..ik •' ' . tS*t« ;!! l'n»r,.''' t'ooji*'! • *.t- • -• j" -; • .• * ■ c ii- »•*' .ft the art of bcMnngimt. ,\r a ictoidi wbn.fi *> tocn be COnvertej to autoca: A ,n; *r»'.• n tv whu 'i MSI ix •• ' • ■ \ mr-fb . . fhc'- . an-ir t \1;« h» g the ( •>; •■nb;a , Ia> ' M • • it'-rgi-r M>rnt a mo-.' . it •. u i • ' * ar.n>. il i g of Khm-h, ' A. ' • n ■■ .t\r. rt. Nv.ir with the . . »,.,• ! A C-r:.st i. o pr ..r: N Meet Bob Allen—he's growing fast Hum; .uv.\ irx m.'i . „. .\t ri ,U •• e t'TU>n l"U!i for IS dftfe student--. bcatton U-i'e w snim-« WANTED with a last-growing company The 4; beds which Fie Spar« la•> t:«e were c-»s*. t>v the White* «nipe! Found rv. tn.-U.rr* of ti e TNE Students of \tivhiuuu Stole I nirersity Koltrf I \ ? i I: \ ti-gr.e jx'-r. rift jii»f a traffic si- American I.ipertv It*-'I and !>■'.• !r«t?t- \S,t; «-«ici?e Jui-. ' "I ic ab• ihi.s i-w-puny v. n, tl«? BICNELORS II ort% in l.mmim: cV* l ost l.tmnins. an b I we::t i#-pioiiie I 1= x r ■■ . k » >m ,. r I 1- . , .• .» i it -. li.e-j.dt .t I'm cqui|-iK-1 i |-o.. • a.-e laid te.it «n a • • • Set vutir own lime \ hours t . . • !>••»»•.nd.i g on t-1# 3IODKKN SOI NIW J'ay JIIhivc nvcrak't* whet*- I • "••,<'•! • >. i i.«- - »•-. f.-tt !•—^H.nsihilitit s aii the • »i|o it e »iti jd.iv »T h .* It I •-•via-, he i- \ "i litis i.i-t'gloVs |H2 • > ' Nlgn up an >min a*, possible • w.»s. • -! iff at i«:.'f thi'-e 'O C two . iiehl. tiial rnemis I iiav. m- ;• at Placemen I Hurruu Trafh' \ i-"i !;,• H< - - * in; re A few are «»js;n in A MOOIJtATC ritlfi: • - ."gan[/a:!«>n for tfmse won t-f «I\ off.cf s,ij.fi s - r . ... ,.!■ ,»r*d i" keep moving: ahead Music for All Occasions Interviews will be .alli ed lo read iwu . a boat !'■»• tcu-j-iit--* • , ■ i ii-. s. * * * t»>i runt a-. I KM 2*1113 «»r KII 2*3»>1 W. lil Wt-UsHt, tlirevto: tr.i) v WED., OCT. 14, 1959 tw<» lit '■ t:i! ii.utt-s !»;» U-1 o.e r.u ; »"• u'-s t-t W about a Bell T' !c»*T mam - pat . carmr for yon ' laii- ;;.%VSSWWASVbV.V*SSS%W.>SWASSSSNW.SSSSVb%V. HV STANLEY HOME I'ltODK.rs illij ir- lftrllf-1 and 1 «.f the tt ..>■!. •! -!* ...» y.'-ssth IV|J infervieyyer when I. • h.is.M.-- • and read the Be ;i OPCNINGS STILL AVAIUIII.K'l> ^ Millions #1 timet laniftu* — I ront 10;00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. • year ' I was Uau.<--i t • i - i !*-.• j .ii, 'tie ii.m- l-ooki'l in \ttur Pint-cult-u.' •1 drivers and students keep ij SPARTAN BELL RIN6ERS j! awake with safe NeOet (\IS( S PiH'l UK I'KRfORMKR'S o\ t:\c.usit lusimxis) Let N6D&Z* alert you )ll SIC RF iniSC AIIII ITY IRUt through college, too N«»Po* kt*j«» you alert with caf * C.AIX IV FUR IMKllMKW Icim* ttw* Kamc pUvisxct »tim uUr.t ytw i-m»v in n>fftf. Fatti¬ ;sSSSSWSSSSSV%SWSSSSVSSSSSVSNSVSV.SVSSS%SS%%SS- er. h.tnditr. nuire reliable: m»n- b.tbu Terming N«D«i «Mrvrn»..to nifiiCilc »nv»unt t,f dcjterndablc l.urin-nt Si lvrtifn I ml) r o Similr Rvof mmulaiyn t«» keep >«».ur mind atxi Ixaly alert during istudv ami evama until >*>u r«n rrwt uf hUx-p. I' S it Vn \tti ncef ,\o/4>i , -Jilnu £ *■ •*. -# prtMMihJv h> i'o/r. Play *ajr, , ir hr» i> a. uippy Awntfv. W'fk lUs. C" y.41 and Uttt Ge* C" e' Bc-b :cc-ewi t b&w-vp cf *..* 3". » *•' Cirfl «... mccftARsit B*>i i lasf &nt»M btfi.r.g, BELL TELEPHONE COMPANIES <% * ^RECORDS^ fx* *«'♦ tff teW« UbW- *«« T«N« eeerywH»'« SKCIAL PUROIASE! M he I her %op like jan or classical mush you'll find •dsn I.ihsI« 4I..I Eeculls: the record of your choice at AVDItl *» Record '•hoy. % complete si««ck of Stereo and Hi-f i i* always on dscwtsd bolarot hand, tthy not come in and browse around. We «r* open till 9 firry Monday and Iriday night. 400 look Yttur Br»l For •now wtat covrr upt b»- I Comi>li tr-Line of f iilitiiiK I'lcumrr . docltd with lo<«, pearls, THE HARVEST BALL and/or sparkles . .your prettiest protection during Bttl Don't Wall Litlil Thr I j-i llinui,- ☆ . . . sV'IAMI outturn's coolness, perfect for the gitt giving season •To Make Your , WESTERN t^CUSSIC oheod. Appoinliurul With Tin- I V. s, m, and I silts. 1/ ir« ReconM. • • We f.o# It i University Beauty Salon ANDRES (EAST LANSING'S MOST .MODERN SALON) 327 N. WASHINGTO> IV 9-912.1 i DOORS EAST OF U.CON THEATRE ED 21116 FREE PAKhlNC - U 'I ■ -- ,