| Am IViinini: Season ■J. M. Roberts" A!' News Analyst 'Rough It'.for The camp «vi:i o, iv I.ONDO.N ... . -a :'; !®—A Sruul' nl rc" lie u>h«wd in'i> • ♦he unkept grouii'! KtofKi the Crystal p, : fX.,,K here !o supervised Chatterton, commander and the Rev. J a by in gC-,. W p..-, •, \> ( - J r'« workers for refu^» ,h.. -Hl>- m re,u4-ee year* of conflict v. rh 'C- |hit< r. bail »'»- r. have lived and Vc JI "ST WHEN the I'nited States has l»e- ... - rune,*-, the Middle opened her heart and her cotters to the ugee camp-. pun to accept Indonesian neutralism, and K. K.i-' The scheme was They plan '•> u to extend military and economic aid to a. new republic. ... ' • , hv th» British C»m- refugees to lei. . .. World Rtfug.w IT COMES at a time when the Indone¬ jTtU'ernment which seriously needs it. the their stories Indonesian foreipn minister ha.- taken a sian jrovernment is very laryely controlled hiphly unneutral position with repard Jo t»s anti-Cummtinisf General Nasiition, who has turned to the I'nited States for nsiii- ■ i d Formosa. Considered apainst the,background of re¬ cent events and what seems to he the veri¬ t^rv aid in his efforts t<. tjnd the numeroii- loca i rebellion- which still plajrue him. CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS IM> 1 !»'" Drti Bcf«»rr Publiratlon tor Tu#, \\^ ties of Indonesian polities, one cannot help It comes on the even of Suliandrio vi*its PI AI»I to Japan, which ha- always opposed ar Thur* l»d lr' Fditlon*. Deadline For Mon. edition i pm f. hut wonder whether oriental courte>\ may Hill- I'aiable X-If and 1-5 Monday through lrid4» not have involved Koreipn Minister Snhan- Chinese expansionism in the far Pacific, i and tt> the Philippine- to whir Ret I < h, Kl) Z-IJI' EXT. a*t5 dria in something from \fhich he may later r need to extricate himself. n<*se on Formosa wotild represent the -an;,- IN A COMMI NNH E broadcast b\ IV i- sort of threat, as the Japanese did in WorM automotive personal pinp after .SubanrtrioV visit there, f»* an¬ Uar^I nounces support of Red China's claim- to If Su'oaitflrio's e\pre--iO! ' Peif-it ■ Formosa, apainst which the I'nited States • should pro\e to Ire .tii acta.part ot Indo has taken an unequivocal stand. In return, ro'-iau' jhii;(■ s, it woti 'i represent a A'er he receives Peipinp'> promise t,. -.ippor? ilirect and danyerou- conflict with I Indonesian claims to Dutch-held Western fadicy, w hich 1- to defend Fomio-a l.y fort" Rl'SINESS A.N • if nece-siijw ' en.' H New Guinea. This comes at a time when Indonesian IT UOI I I) REPKESEM , !«• whu- employment i »r." e-iM nnai Vr.i'nrr ' H.j. nijrt ThurMta si: nationalism has heeu workinp apainst for Imjone-ia. is unnece--.tl and uiiproti' t.I» 2-251: foreipn husine.-s interest-, especial!' af¬ fect inp Chiue-e of hot h communG? and I'erhap- wii! oe\#• op 'hat SUhandrio The Bud-mor a;»rcl nationalist persuasion*. ha- heen carried aw.ifor the moment onl> if !'«>'. -erioiis trouble seems likely to blf.' - It comes at a time when, after several SMiTH JACXMAN * years of watchful waitinp the I nited ileveb.p ?»!,'.iceii factions of t - tfoverr- BOBBV STEVENS -«A9» States, havinp pone thankless after -up. TT'♦ • 1:1 .it nome. and t*etw. ,•#-•, * ?"..*? jfovei'!#- THE IAUAO EPS pt.rtinp Indonesian independence dunnp the merit and tr.e I'nite-; pill* Iff : i Phone IV 2-062* Lcllci's to lie- I'.ililor Pnu ila, VODKRN-All!- mil'1 lJ.ir<. 1 C.luK.. F1J . • dm* r« MApibmJ Women Students Demand MFRf.YV [jani-'al.'# r • •t.tj.nd .ui4i fee ' -• \ .• ■ DON PACT. * INo Dale Set Dorm Cigarette Machines for sale t3*e tin* at) u. i.i »reh the (Tm' 2-5 n [)■ ■ -• .. 4 .. . « ION US In the I .alitor- | hate heen a resident of I .i»l UN to Delmtc1 Agression r,000 \ ■ - ' • ' I an*inx for lit 4e.trs and am * Giatid River MISH n".n «i• i\U* <.m v.»v- ' » now jii iiiv sophnniore irar »l • -• i*. and !;v.: * at Uinver- Mil liK iii I know fur a fa< t g ye* thai rim thnuch A|S| iIhjo Of Communist China in Tibet nee'rtiit- Out • "«* !,i.' srudwjt shop ,1'vare ■>( on: vol e .n the S". hold* Miehiian a* II* hiccesl • . , . IT, • W n: •• ' rival, her vtudenU ha\e alwav* Op'" M a.m.-* p" .. . of th. .!.•! . o' ■ bad the inlellixeni e and rexpn I vii t wrrrn nations, ny »*» T .? ;• • . ! <• Of riUlk.fi I In keep their 'Hell Aliih al¬ • -"Pie CN Onom! A ov m ,:.i • 1!vi i-i.i • * st ., • titude at a sportw* level J'la. I •• ' AI'SC and AWS 4 y ' ■ ■■ eule-l Morut-iv t»> *»• d .» ' •'* - M; C.U.e- •••?«: ■ ui :■ <»f l'hinr*e » |he riiwUMinft i.« Aimed at .• h*1* on . - ». 4k>-: " • '.i •' " fiw using w«»ei«l opinion on (he HI ■■ ■ \ H ifi TAHl.F U! IfT 4-.r, .4 1 munist repression in IM- ' lilwt II ko ached " Tha vote *e 4> ' • ' -ilualiuu in .4'.tetnp" • • I Pi -.4 U . K '«'• • n»r2-as«i." ilb-d |«r Ihe —without ... • Voting Tin' were • # . • . , ! .no ' ' • ■ • • • . . • COAt T*'OOR • l»| nation* • •d ltun.nes.a being *huwt» d aside to a i oil* t.«- rnHtilllif ! r •• an-t u«- vt rx.t ■ : • t c»*npl»in#d th*t tt;e Pme.: ^ Miittee—but no d^te ho set OiKHjf ru ; , . 'ft *vi. . t. nv"d « firen woii, "|V MIM 1 . \v .. .. believe that, withai :• #m-eran»ent «uuid i«»l tie pre Irr -iiul Mr i M.» .• I W ,41 re.i>on««!»ir '■><■ •*-. itie ina-]t>r.!\ .A» apolucrtie 1 of X| student -. \ r- ii\:. sK'/NK t'f ;.l, >•-«*' •ent U> wrurwer the charge* ■ •#. • • - '.4 ■.,».(£>. 1 \ «• •' e lieeiiitnf vo'e -Tisi ITS ha« refuses! to cotu.wier •dmttung it. ,I i st vOt.V X'ARII Tlt- REAL ESTATE therefore. It veeina loairat to II e/ei#«ie II rrl; In f«T»r of holding | fie lone of the drlutr wj* a«*ume thai the women vtudent* I' S Amluw«tl»r he.«ted. but less 44 riliioiiioiis N'HV I'OVTF ' vhould ln«e a rhanre In deride ('•Hal l«Hlce (old (he \* I It j it in the atarinblv * itrrring tor thrimfbe« the lour of riui' Issnr 1 riliriznl '• >' i A ' »W», S*L? t. DPI A PI I I A v service Michigan Slate New AM* I 4 »l M || \l 11A 11II * I VI t Read Dailt h* Msl "« *i <»oo siuilrnh and J a •• r .1 I OK I * 11; A t I t 15 h ' •>" ■»* I f. o ' • ' Oia 1'iev.i i \* for the leaf •»! unnrtiu • I Pre«« parental wiath hi en«uufaCl; A Ml A *TI l»» M* M IA I ■« *i arr an ri*ioi «11 h Wt A' raoro.l yiAt *, *»*• ' W('. 4 MNnma • r,e«fe 3« Nia •» ivVlBe -■t Ag aMa A nR Ald l I 11KI * 11 AN *4 II NCI l»*e*of OKI# AN1/ A HON tf t>t re o I me iTjlp ty,cvn r*y±w&iypii*wm *i#e r ' ' . . ' tf w.otet r.i 5*c o o 1 --OTUP.E "l.ii •' i ' Vu» i'i.iiei# JV Wrrd M. So* re«t . * *' i e * p,rAi' 5.P.A T I A L'Ia L,I » Lit LI ln, Lk, t % M 1*1 * 4 II i I I It *1* AR I AN VIAI.A/1M %|»A a, «r»'ai il f PI, Ai K * m HwrhNhe.1 4\ Os n •; .m p r *1 AI I I urn f > e "" ' iH <' z \ a y, .< MceHU/teow - i" a.4(f'w : wad rucw' PI** U*|os tl.A** roai.nf Il » f. ar - I'KOMI N AIM K* TYPIST 1*'- H'» VI »(>fh k n > !'« "O ■■ :«• h.*-!.:'.'" , W , W ». • » ' T-Dttw rie-.- ft fh»lifu'e U i » v i^iii," A ' i iraii wdh 4 t.-ijer* anA v e-. * . i! >4.1* •• ii' .v i*%; e.'i it , * I CHI • AI T*j, |l|*4 I *N|o\ ft Pome »tep 5 H.*.- J loheeif C'.i. dKhfrdsoi vt'ttiti a W A KrnrtOOM l* h i-e (;•••* I Wn 4 H fooRdeo, * • 4i *r- amou* !*.» IT TO V v ,-T,ri K Vi.1 i'IV« 4 AH 4: ' 11. Ihfftif DOW At • Se Ise• . t AA I *11 A OK All! All I t|RI *i AC ROB AT* t I I H eifijfefa) .<» ie-Jatnef .>;**- P------: at rwrtr« I stu| a- »-i. ,M' t' a 1 «j», ' ' .' 1 -?t p "5 . > :b '•3 >> r» & M f. 133 l>4. arrt F.l>- tie* F.D 2-R»T5 pari f W v * reiaC e Hid V.e W I tl r. a, .:.J 1 Niliia Ne.vhr KENNY DAY *" •' * -I - one ft" -: -he ., "e*1 ap**rl- fX-on T.t> 2-» • T ' hand i AAalker < ■«• Pt*t« ■ 7" T* 4 1*^ A e .-OX 'CXT-if C«Ag. £ m m 13 TYPTNtJ IMV»: f h.-.t bovw «- t Amir lie t.en-er • »*. t ' 1-vWT r^j-V Nfl --i- TVA'. . Our new 1HV fAe. i T" Nam i Ap t readle V t~ N,> * -■•f'A ^xvt&V>C fi? i» urn l«HbUC/ u :> >■ t Mrrir AAlhle w / Ac5-* - - -1-s DCi.No.' tuperuir itetmK ef f y r "T-" r* .v>« ^liclii^jii Mali* Nrw* TW. XtAiJr ATVDEVTR !»»« MtSoratiwn ED " •. L_ ♦ y7" S?r U lirww »ieep» Mt iidmt Serviie* ?S\ tc „'Kt eet»i.-« e> SI Pa/tc-xt - «..i B«taeen Jt tV 9-MlSt 2> south F»r- Kaiairadoo 16 iare Woorti. Berkei IT TM Rao- 4 fo SrotrS ■ '• t'.s «>« c.a" I'Maj- inelutlve. dvtrtnt f*i\ dav* Monde* lufM Stllllcilt APPROVLD ROOM- FOR men ' tr fT 7T r j nn 2i » bnS» it F*T4'fe*».#j t • e-- and nawktv •p'inc fertw* 4tunn( e*,wj » summer Scuds Apology •r,--.- Ff» 5-6.4.3 e* " •» iftu'w ti'e fr.n «/>ut.!a Berkei now Private available JACK S 14 N " Z <-d one mectal frvaitotan »«»..• as* Ha-let' jj - M Str aw t'' * een ».i,-imer and fait term* - tr ?r I'■■■ t#re<} a* *er*»nd rta*a ma'fef nn. •.two Btc; clostts toe ST 4 LT IT r Make (*ai 4t T: a. a 1 a -1 n| March f. Id-w at the oo-t fiirt I «ii»tnf. Mten To the laditor: . # ft*or* IV Ms *-«*« 4*-rth «ne .-ar *5 wr, J| ) ca. E® r ■ "f 42 M id uo wt t*e m v • • « - •i«,-ripUon* iMiatite tn art- .in# term. U f<-» t«-. in ieCrvthtf a io'W v • /N 5NE* VTt WAN V /NO A»«CW AC'S A 6M£> » '» RAO -*2LT»FXT far - i«'* \ISC l»r A oOOO TEVHK -S: A \ , ar ten by TAavitl •- <>i "" ' " Furni-ihert "CACmK. i c-TtAT H»«A\ m *cvf-7an. ** K5 *J t»Ht M M w • # for v-*iT,.afed mrre *erui*. %i. F*w«e <* entitled the edtnxr ttie Mivittgyn iA 6CE4T KU4U.N KN; ' Bc .-U ANC A LMh6 D3U.L FD a- isacrr a 'ice 6. Near *-»n-- 12 iAO - V' r- *r . e* -tv*!r to til# uae Rir reputs:- iT m 45 N«no.i . lxj.'v F|ID MlCH'i*- §1 • i i 1 L ~ *r L. wru» '*' in*t."aw e-n < ■«: all the local re*» printed rnrwapaper aa welt *t all Mr Utile givts -everal poms* y V of M .dvtuct w last Sat* ; -j-\ i - f*m,A r,*W»T* ,'i.i.ve r-T ' i-' Mrv UDuerf—Co-oo kit- '■ !N»"*>ng PLIAKAVT. loo Soui'i fvXiOw m iT j w *« v. t* • liMay > •,«' . 0cl IllDI . Niitrtfe Raiwirv i.H- greatly a.>'»a:nerl jH-nnit m«. I d tike to toil David If \ <*.! Will 3C Outhi V *4i4t»rii Linda I Hind* * wiirrr. heavy-nia>tp »{re Mitaf Mar* ( oniaui. Utile how highly I tvgard«M lua i &^H^»hlt*.1rcwVlv# <•***• be- TWO RIDLS » A\riD ^;j'> * \ | .. and hack Ortobe; »<4'f Haws Meier inter. i tact Brtoda Br*U at T-1 L i't MK IIK.AV STATE NEWS Quiz Contestant Dodges October 13. 1959 B ofE Group To See Latest Speak* at I AW Convention Chance to Speak of Rig Architecture MldMran school board men - Kennedy Defends Labor Connections here will view the latest ad¬ ATLANTIC CITY. N J ' P— ♦»ra! public fc. had faiPd to find an* hoodlum Kennetiv (D-Massi told day and In high "iTit-c In the I \t\ II* Doren in school architect vances Van . • the I'mteri Auto Workers' con¬ vt>ar*.' Kennedy said. said thrv iwint-d t«i investigat» end equipment at the 11th an¬ vention Monday that he did not Then referring t«• T it i»»-».tiisr it "both stimulate* *nc nua! School Board Conferee. - toriav at MSU. • •onsider i' a jwlitical liability President Janie.- H tT... Ki nm • symbolize* the liberal mov* Not Present Sidney Sixma. executive re'.ary of the Michigan Assr. - • *' I ti"-,: t— associated with ami particularly with the organized ■*a;d. •.fimniie appr ove !!••!*.« .»f ■"«•. but I d" • mcnt A" « in this country H K:I . ' Keune.r • . .. . Si hool Boards, said the a:% - LAW ' ajH)'ogi/p for riaving earned •> - ttiuii. • s. .. At Hearing tectura! disDlay about 60 p.i lures and scale r od. ei- of n^odern school plant* will fea'uie ' ' * Appearing before Jhe conven- it. e a p>tential candidate for Democratic presidential hostility "l "that realize ' the Kennedy Labor'-Mnnageii <"v avoided making any new More than 500 school bojtil .Inn quiz ih but he drew a big cheer b... the chairman of a hou*e are expected to attend the con¬ • :rn he suggested that UAW ;-re«ti?atinz committee ference. sponsored by the Col¬ President Walter Reuther "would lege of Mucation. Monday of dodfriniz an op¬ • i • verv welt" as a candidate He K«*\noting the one-day portunity to say in person n i." wilI be a talk by Dt. Le sen! * - was commenting on handbills di-trtbuted at the entrance of whether the show waa ritr. Harr.-. executive secretary • t- •• h.iii suggesting "Reuther for jeA t. • Oh.o Sch'e.l Board Asm P.esident " AMwundn* thut a rjbpwt IV >er< on the program in- l-*rlicr there had been rumors 1^ l*ued to require Van > Me !)• CI.tTord Erickson. that some delegates would walk Ptm'l teeumony. Chairman dear-. the College of Educa- out when Kennedy appeared be- Cewi Hamj (D-Arlt) drelared: ' Dr. Lynn Bartlett. State l»l£. AUJEirr SCHWEITZER, rishl. w«,vt. a Hik-h- cause of his role In labor reform my*. Van Doren has purpose- Suiwrintei.dent of Public In- mfil malTins him an legislation. But nothing like this t» avwidrd 9errU*.m hnnnrart cili/cn nf I rank furl fn.m str-.sc'.or, Har>«ld Webb, of ir.e Mayor Urrnrr llo.krlm.inn in n rrrrmon< la.t «rrk at Na* Sk't -'o! Il »ard A»r. happened. \M ivrrn tpraar to natwn- '• a ; rankfurt. ^,rrm..n^. I hr \.,l,rl pn/r »innrrX.. hr,n •«nd l>. -T.t Bu'iumg. wide f»»»a by wtantaf 'A- I ii" not intend to apologize Ito ncvsMnrl program •• r.' of Groase Point e members of organized labor •n tiAiting W Ptt l.ermanv. •Tweatr-Oa*" la 1MS-57. Oth- «• to tne members of the gen- „ rm%Mpab on lb* •*•*. not- Rscnril I.mil —— ,M» Hrrbrrt Mem pel who won KiJW hl*» *fT* ftrrn anewer* In aSranr*. and London llnrfjlnrs mM when to Strr.prl did not aay Van D^r- Roh Jritrlrrs p- "u*i5 ruched, however, and Vr !>wn telegraphed the in- LOST*".- V —A ••creating committee a reque.»- h'-n denial of trickery be Into it* record Yar. Dcren made his l«ng di*- •j- ♦ request last Wednesday, *<" home In New York U-,- *r-y v. t Wsrth'* Kama diocloMd Monday that r- •-# rsnrrrr.i'.'-ee sent Van I>">ren 9"t s»t of to get a better shave! t '.t-v tnv.ution on Thursday to * J .n person, but has heard i* nritni Quicker eloter ymoother PRZ- ELECTRIC . i. ■'.r 4 frorr. him. Then. on Friday, a aobpoena n i |! will return). . no matte' what macntne you use. 1 00 tu utaed ordering Van Doren p.... the exquisite scent of SHAVE LOTION to appear Monday, bat II a at not served SHULTON l>«*er was an EnglWh P- promises fulfilled one. » r.-o- *• Columbia University "Twenty-One" made h.n- eighth ounce perfume ond two He it still an mstruetxe- ounces eou de cologne, made ond Do \bu Think IbrYburself? v „• fne of the results ' ' « V fame was a $50.000-.i- gift pactoged in France, imported in with the Natiora: a-'^a-i.e r j Co a< a corr:-ier<- lim.teJ quantity 9.00 plus tor (put these questions on vouh brain pan and see if they sizzle*) u- • as1' «p-*o:al:s* in eduoat.«>- iXbmp i ■■■unsrt.iUf i-ek, Riding tn«* • .•- n* congressiona m- ■ e* .za* -jn. Tower Gels Fare Lifting ?-** i'iio« • T*wer'« north •*" - **•* being re-iandacapcd ' •- "» *mt t me since 192/*. M • [ Bam" assistant with the Lar Architecture Campus S te.rH the n»-.\ pia New breakfast drink '.-"'of the old •hruae a *» » ■* e~vned and low keep in room! ev»- • •* -Z v- Ea-' y and nlanta apnng other a:e rep !•>>, f.owe: „ you can your * • .» Vnj p'.antert w-1 that the ©id v «" ' I 'd evergreen* »•* V :,-e terrace and grtv* - ' .ck. making prun.rig v-..--.;r,.n* difTicui' T; • p.anta obstructod *ne - n '' Beaumont and causee; •••«*'• • * ' wtia* -• g'Mwl eri«r.gh !<• avoid •pending ni'iney * a a'a'efftaitt hgea&on of r-cUM*rian traffic r - dentfigh Uit yo . nricunacisniaiy rev-ahng an ui'r*'«on*erv- : Y j rt-' .(•c n-i .«'..ng*J«*» Father !;•«( anv* e'luude* fl>) an admis*ton thai aaaea. T;.t ult am# the t g {#r«tty lanr* * Mi * parental ir k you tjawrfv# a* big an incurca a* i'op? iandscapang «» waa in 1928 by T A B C ' *•'" Pt. head of the Cerr.- OJ [ • -J v> ? .»n at that time, • ^"idacapmg began Mon- '* •* : *nr»uui take a (■? wee* If vn-i sh* n man on h.« i* th»* he -l of iN kind e\er devefopetj. f«>r 5 lW*io Mid. : d« anil kriees ! fi Mi* finest t tFhat'F'ii f ;»*!»' 1 thini, /*•/ mgn't . ••ntfchaig f -r ta»L* IkiCft LAST MteeUTC LOUft Ptao asar OON ' f all \n«i «h'-> kn-.tw \ c'lT't" liver* «< rn-i:. Met'lin^: i- ~4 It c-aivJ -afirf -mtai 1 \.N( • n* ,n *■ :«tts X i I w. .1.-,.! i ..i- ' I an jkf - ae f st th- *«»f t«.. ... I AM. »-r.'l K ha ■ t-f.tr- to • mo I worth r- • It, >-• ing !.»-'• th »: • neverheen I Hr»t for Sf'iuum B'S f.i.F » v; .1 *moK>ng n>••' * *'«!"■ . : *■' >©t| hit|t. d« ;r,»iL k' • , • i.g r ift «»v>r tor' if c «»* T nur •: =« ndx JAVV) . tumitiC «id n i«4d *4ir^ ,»f*i •:.* ! .:> «!;«.• t.» titling ijir* \ f.iuiikinjf man'-- tiller . . , a miokin# here and the call of • t>-ff * lit! Irui, ' How ahout - re-.n's ta4le. /*<»« trying ■ • *--i aatk U aumr.iou.ng the fr-f r.tni wht-rt he find • . ' Assn, x«ac tneroys" ri •-.ivrwea. ennVi NEW! INSTANT1 A U C D •/» / O r f'F f/. ' <#«'.< 'hu lrd 1 • 'hi ♦ (Hd Just Mia ■!» cet* ■at«r' W;v*e are also gath- ithr Tr another If" ■ ' Is* ha' t <♦ . . wet-n, ji<»i ?i»i -tg pees*. o! ■*,' .''UtLjfrtk ■ r, • "" ' •• '' aa.e C«. ll #t Wuoi- ' y- " * * f'randor. i-.zl^r' ,t'. '■■-f i* » have elan scheduled t fr.i < -i» 4»r be-i* - from the Michigan i * Narcotics Burea > c o ^ ' Vl roncram u plan: ed for ..ncluduif nearly W r>JW yiri rbt*;-«• •g u i except bridge. The "sgareite A -rf J ""■• --n* ia tonight at 8 GET TANG FOR YOUR • tj*' i- »aid aiepi' 'it- V..:age " ' Haa. Wiiloar Lao* ar.d Hai on the MORE VITAMIN C bare©'* H ■ you twiki hardly - BOOKSHELF SOON !l the filler H» thefe* (€. ) f ?. ad. THAN ORANGE JUICE! ha* the n-oKi. atJvaito-l TANG ha* rrat wake-up taste, / —filler •baign* > i' cla:»»« to flJfee well became i lurfc vitamuo C tlian freab or U-':e* weak* Cr>»A*n r*4U£e tar grapriruit jure. /'?i« vitamin A. TANG k«*p* A^B C O I All rtfn*cr»i»4i su >-(ai can keep f ANG right in y«ur rtiuin- Why «io rtHtn und women who think for thi'rnsvlve* usually Mnoke Vkcroyt L«- cau*; they've fotintl out the Viceroy filter A a-»' •♦'•'•I tamm KSOawe Th# Man Who Thinks for Himself Knows— wawrao Charwcirr* and cap*»r.* far rarr.put TANG-ite* Hike Addreia-TANGCofi*geContest. Lkpt.(«RM.Poat Divi*a>n.Battle ONLY VNCNOY HAS A THINKIN8 MAN'S FILTER... A SMOKIIM MATS TASTE! f«U i '-mi r*r i azji.Ar. Must relate vj T.VNG Will pay k* every eatiy u«d. Greek, Mich. CEhUwa nr.-at t* Ufarc Lax. la, HxHrJ #«*». al rr *" i\ October 13. 1959 miciiioan state new* IM Schedule Charley Dressen Gets Fine For World Series Andes (J FOOTBALL Slated S;?« •/ * Five New Bowls „* * ISt I %K P»l vs. BT I\| J HAL s». \«;b I SI 3 sic ma chl vs. Pt Kappa Stg for making a gest... Dec. lD-^-Uberty Bowl. Phil¬ Practice Field NEW YORK >V Baseball fourth inning of the sixth and official scorer charge j f: NEW YORK - five «:*• Fbwnrth v*. Rowland the series at EV pi;, bowl football games have new been adelphia 7:?.T om sirn vs. SAF.C % Corrmssiontr — Ford Frick Mon¬ decisive game of tin with an error *:l« A*her *§. CO Vets Com is key Park. :te »•- approved by the National Col¬ legiate Athletic A«-n . making a Tex Dec. 25—Santa Bowl. Mouslon, »:.« ACS vs. Vets II t» Pi Hedritk VS. Slotts Touch Field day .-lapped a ,<300 fine on Char¬ ley Dressen. U* Angeles coach, base Dressen was while the White coaching at first Sox were Last year Ryne Dune pitcher, was fined vSL,7>;: ; a "choke-up" ge-',ur. - total of 15 at the end of th?.- Dec 215—Aluminum Bowl. Li*- ■ «;♦« 7:?5 Vlkes vs. Laternmers Vets I as. Fubjr-. for acting u^ in the final World j,. bat in the fourth. Just after ing umpire Charley Berry Series gamelast week. tie Il'Kk. Ark T. i Kluszewski, Chicago ftr-t season ha Manor Mice vs. Misfits Five howl tames were * ay I'lnskers vs. AOIS The commissioner said Dres¬ pened in the 10th inn •, b-'iseinan, had hit a three-run new Dec. 31—Sun Bowl. El Paso. 9:1# Tom's Market vs. Fvans Jdwlin approved—the Aluminum. Flow - den must pay <200 for using pn>- Tex BOM I INC. homer. Dressen began exchang¬ Blur bonnet. I.ihertv and f >ne language and threatening ing'words with Hurley, an Am¬ ii er. «:!• V- & Jan. 1 —Tangerine Bowl. 0-- Santa. The C'itirado Bowl, plac¬ Id S%F vs. Fhl Cam gestures and <100 for "show- erican League umpire. After a ed in Fsrondido, (dif., was la/ido, Fla. :t-f \f.lt vs. Chl fiema K«pp« b.Mt:ng" after he had been Jan. 1—Prairie View 'Bowl. A-it Helta Sigma Fhl a* Phi fait while. Hurley thumbed Dressen dropped. 7-1 Kappa Sig W LCA t rum bed off the field by Ed V d Prairie View. Tex. *:» off the field • Here are the bowl games ap¬ . !-? Sltmi Chl vs. Chl pelt Hurley, the first base impire. Later it wa* reported thai Jan. 1—Orange Bowl. Miami, proved for this season 1-1 V* Ci Kappa Phi a* AK Csi as. Farmhouse *%a| Thi* I* the *eeond time l>re*- Dre**en wa* ejected for yelling Nov. 21- Mineral Water Bowl, Fla AK PJ vs Thela Chi *en ha* been fined for hi* ac¬ at plate umpire Frank Daaeoll Excelsior Springs. Mo Jan. I—Sugar Bowl, New Or¬ tion* tn a World Serle*. He drew while Earl Tor*e*on wa* at bat Dec. 12—Flower Bowl, New leans ' 9IM penalty for prete«ting a for the White Sox. Hurley told I Ameriean Tennis iX a Orleans. Jan I—Rose Bowl, Pasajiena, xtrike defhhn when he wa* Dre**en to be quiet and Dresaen f Bluegrass Bowl, Calif Dec. 1? — manager of the Dodger* af snapped hack. Louisville. Jan. Jan 1—Cotton Bowl. Dallas. 2—Gator Bowl, Jackson¬ Are* Nix Aussie. Rrnoklyn tn 1953. Dressen. who missed most of Dec. ID Bluebonnot Bowl, — ville. Fla The commissioner said he had his team's 9-3 victory which Houston, Tex. Tournaments sent the news to the fiery Dodg¬ sewtyl up the series, domplained vmmfy er coach bv telegram, advising in the dressing room that he was FIRST SHOW 7 P.M. I.AST TIMK TONIGHT ' SYDNEY 1 J*1—Barry MacKi • that the sum woul 1 be deducted OHIO STATE'S JERRY FIELDS (21) races 21 yards much money and Alex banished without reason. "KAPE OF MALAYA- AT ■wan?- too Drvs-ens World Series The bench got on Dascoli for • f-F.ri around riirht end before being snared by Illinois Mel Ro- STATE K:30 _ "MFASTS OF mani (111) on (be Illinois 20-yard line, in Ibis third- isn't available. «o ni will play the Austra¬ check what we thought should have M tltsFll.l.l s" AT American;; The incident happened in the been n strike against Torgeson," play Saturday. The lllini upsel Ohio Stale. 9-0. lian Tennis circuit this year Dressen said "Hurley told us to • STARTING TOMOItltOW WEOIVKSOAY • Australian officials reported:*.- 'smit up I veiled 'What do you UNCUT! are unhappy over this turn of NT) CoatTi mean, shut up'" He thought I "IT'S Al.l. IIEItE INTACT - Go-Sox Weill With Less events. Absence of Americans i- told him to shut up. I was inno¬ CHARLEY DRL**r.\ « "I wa* innocent*'.., expectfh) *o hurt the various Makes Pitch cent of the whole thing.'' , The CHICAGO f/Pt—'"The Chicago I-u:s Apnricio walking to lead gates. Frlrk *aid World Serie* fine* entertainment "We should hovco't the next sixth game of the *<-r ^ urt off. stealing second, being bat¬ are rare hut added: "We oeea*- farther with after Beir world's most White Jess Sox went than an? club in Major Lea¬ ter) w m bv Nellie F'-x-and then i.f another three inning-. I'S Championships a* a repri¬ sal." commented one angry of¬ For Tackle «ionallA hit them for a little money." Milwaukee awarded a base on bai s to hsi M... waukee's Johnny !>.: wonderful gue baseball." Club President "We are going to find some- ficial. CHICAGO '•*'» — N'»!re Dame In 1953. in the fourth game of The most sweeping f. Bill Veeck said Monday. ho ran whack that ball." The Australian season open¬ ♦he New York Yankees-Dodgers entertainment/ New south Wales tour¬ r-i'tw.: C.*4Mcn J"» Kuhanch the $50 each a winning spirit did i' Veeck continued ly tth the scries. Dressen was fined $100 A nament m Svdtte.v in Novembe, f , ic . p tch for • "re players each of the 22 men, • - Veeck to'd a quarterback club A- foi -caking an> trades tree-. :r.. Chicago area Monday.- for arguing with plate umpire Milwaukee Braves - and wmns up with the national meeting "Balk*, sacrifices, walk* with the New York Y-nkit"- A' trie Chicago- American Art Gore over a ball thrown to W. I- i George Wei.-.-. General champion-hip- in January. Phil R i mi to The Yankees' Irv year—for premature: and steals we were familiar with , wwxh quarterback luncheon The two leading US. Junior-. ing how they were ?• didn't know about. Manage: > and I don't Krgarding fieorgc SUftiug Bed, Oct. II. at Red Hark, in lured regular* who «*ed ohIa *paringlv for the the Lansing V>l( % .it 7:38 p.m. lor the week*. !t| tut VERA TISHEFF were fir*t time thi* *ea*on in Notre Bell's Post ?«-S AietorA over Cali¬ Seen for reg lit ration I re. per person. Dame « aaImi let* nerformrd in ( arnrgie Hall- with the Ho*t»o Kuharirh »aid: no 6RAZZI MITZIGAYNOR I01IN KERR FRANCE NUYEN fornia. 1st topic—Are Vnu Read a I'op* 1 Irehmtf a ami |i.i* ju*t returned fr«»m a roncert • lzo p.aatvi an the first quar¬ *•»•"«« PAY AAISKJN ■ «*u •! ^ I or Program A»»r Marriage. Mr*. Have lour of Mexico. ter an 1 t.wsed i ttHichduwn Edwin Anderson of the lw. Granger, Director of Home PHILADELPHIA <-P — The - troubled ^0yA(*.ERii0Al0GAN'3& . i .ii i n »- .MI; A Fan its I'll bin- srlioof"* I iving. Laming Cl\ IC C K x r E It IMS- with K.s kfif »» But he -f We fret while ht t*vau-e he is far sudden shock of Bert Bell's death left National Football Lea¬ troll Lions, Athletic liirerler Frltg C'rtaler of the t'ni\et*n» of Mirhlgan and Generil Mot* SI N.. OCT. Ill 3t30 P.M. from bring »•! *.ctivv at quarter¬ gue owners without a standout ager Nick Krrhawtv rf u>« ,■inure to succeed him as com- back with th.it mjuiy TII'KKTS .AT IM MIR $-.5(1 . $!.«:, . $1,111 rnissioner. * ■ Detroit Piston - a* ere m»nllw*l A U*' Macs, m, km* gave a* possible svrrr**or- Itui U»er» H'l lbs 13 year- a- cza; of the way on was no Indlration that an* »f H gre STL were uusa one-, for Bell, percent had an inside track u Us JOB OPPORTUNITIES! •.WWWAVWMWWyV man i roge.'y !.c *» iw-t ir.vmg groun a him without tune to siuceseor. them job. Though he ha* bee , < Entrust Your Croooiinu l.< .-Hallv lemporari¬ .1 General Molars representative trill he an eampns *• -ii t phy Even the man *ho er of the Lion- ' > sV # rt- f-imww' i about ls is filling Hell* po*l. former a decade. An !«•» •• October 27.2S. 29, 20. V > ' thi n.j' .'-daa I HI agent Au»tin Gun*el. said an. active role »? • • * Other M.St 'era Hare T- f- 'Ml.1 fia t the Minr trouble l«dar he had no Idea whom the i'eneral manager Contact gonr college placement ollicc to arrange an intcrriew. m- it.: af III geltmg acciimaf- 13 owner* might select. 1958. • We r ci t txmsutinr wiiwiyrt r Gunsrl. a- league treasurer, Crisler would have f ? b» *• tor More Than 20 Years a g---' tearr- in any *jw W- became acting commissioner gurded as a real , C '* • a-. have one or two when Bell died, ■ under post since be fr«-. ?:i^ a« . Sun.iav the w i'vh a certain amciur.f of ability beep ah outspoken c • <■' pr? pr1 .vision of the NFL cmstitu- But a« *i<»pe t » improve a- we t,ri«"J in are those of Don, job of running the ri*U>n* u» K'-..e'V general managiT of the ketball team. Baltimore Colt*. J »■ iKinoghue, Marshall wa* the ' •"'* v.ce prr-iivr,' of the' Philadel¬ 1" mention a p • ? * * :: ior \rroi>TMLM Li>2-iaL> :: phia Eagles and assistant iea- k'ur iieasurer Paui Brown Gov A. B former "Happy* LL■■ r commi.**:- Cleveland FVr<»*Aus ixaMdi and ex- league baseUiii, »i*■ oil 'oMrHdlliUf. ''l|iri!!!)Midi«lfM1IIUl«ii»t»lllHH.n»iiitf|diHrbiltlM. ecutive. and i.eorge Halas and men' He ha* u»c. .»'.^1 » ll- George Preston Marshall, own¬ aeek t(»e Dctnocra'-c , >'. • ■« UNIVERSITY ers of the Chicago Bears ami Washington Kedakms. Haias arvi ponuriaUon. Gunscl alio could hs #k-* Marsha,: nave said they don't fiderexl. But his tw-•.#: ^.t - *-d t • at STUDENTS* want the pout. football is thon—dau/'g «• seven years when IW ! t at*- L* Three Michigan sports figure* SPECIAL HtltiBtflptti drew n enti.wi also. PrMidrat-G • ft • r a I Manager to protect tho leajus ocandaL ShooUmj for VOI R CHOICE OK; I'rllBF I—rf »prn f»re -..ndHuh nu ju«— | "T^e finest in NMIVII-J %CRM %N featuring^ dance music** JAZZ CONCERT ...and beyond the High ( d/xfiiM Satu Imrrfi r, *r r\lra milk Urtr pblr— — hipp—.l p»uti>—entire J %( R RR %t N RtiRRV >1 %RKI* BTtVKHA JtikMlV .SAT.. OCT. 21 - - Ktal urine CIVIC CENTEK luh M chtirt' ir, Ht fo,m (..aerai Ikn. iii> * t'\Cffitumut!\ stellar II.n.—t (htikrn—«lrr—inc—milk i»r 1HI RUI AblfR* sr.l.V KF.STOS - JliSE CHRISTY U!l'/ j'M t * fo .j ■jtod (<>i fHHtit iiitii itttui'iiue it'ijuimmnts oj husmJcs ci.ffrr ^ plu* many other* FOt R FRF.SHMF V ami no A» /v IN A00ITIOS. SWII'LK I.IIIKKAI.I.V PHONE IV 2-BB24 niacTn on MU AT KROAI ANY OR Al l. OK * SI'KCI.Al, Al'- > um< r.ARAMoi'MT nAirfTNtu *< -l< -HOP Hi I\ ' I'KTI/KRS. NKHHNOP the tton.b -I mqumoy » .«ut» I ^.'u . an grow vertic,ill* and l.ib rallv o» A-uir »mic«i at t.M Aciinall* NOW SHOWINIi si; ». <>a mm ui f wchoas mini rngiip-A'C* -lie I ill* sjMik lb ti blr»t.* th" . WtMoirf* ol loiuiifiow io tin 5i>l• .ji. ! j .) Ihiougb ttie Ibyisioii where vou woik, I od.l A limit I"! idhri ll U I. hifhh ■. in; ti I.ll M.dol* Aiho Hoik t .. ill' |H I i• I.M.kiug (of a (da. r to -k\ I- ti.e tip'»«* and oid lal'ial!* through tli»' o|hiuTH! \.»u ir in |wwlgraduale »tudie*. (inr mrat I hi- Sumiav r.faiir' Kor Ihr aI»'ad.ij' Aoiir l.ihnt . . ami let vmir Ste|» ililo a job with a rrxtJ future See finr-l rui-inc al hard In heat prim ho aaro liu.iguiation soar. nHtMujet the • am mi :amuimBm »i - tuniiie* in Mirmf an.j eti|9iietnitig »t *our |da«cit»iut .diner «»r write toOie to .kit ... rral Motor*. >alar,e»l tVf»onnei I'Uce- Gfiu-ral Motoi. woi km}* on (trmiuvt* »ti< Ii a* elr- )i, AUvtiilt r«gu»e» and Axjuijuitcnt. bent for .oo from ... rr rr I I House Of Bs 113 W. MICHIGAN AVE. I i (NEXT TO HOTEL OLDS! Hour*: Mm. . Sat. 7 ajk • 7 pja. Sua. II aja. . * pja- SpocialiaiaK in; ronat hoof, roaad hoof, rhickrn. dork, ataaka. at*. "Food yom afaraya i ."imiiuiHuiimiii.iiiiiimHiiuniiiinaiw ,v'jj MICHIGAN ST \TK NF\\* • Orfober 13.1059 Ai»i Compulsory Physical Educafi r.n Stii € Shines on Warsaw (hunh (Continued f:-.m lh'iie example, stall-- !'» -fact;.; not y-unsa!«sfaclory basis, considered in ali"t'oHeg" onerat-'.r. acader- I WARSAW f/P»—Drawn by widespread word-of-mouth re¬ In I HAT. for gradi - ooi n aye '•*<> l's trctivc . tics arc ns follows: athletic: ports of a luminous. Madonna-like fijfure appearing at the Compulsory- Percent of ma ,\< j,resen:. MSU's physical •«it> Prws.iie • ■ top of the church steeple for three nights, people (fathered , iiucation urogram requires that graduate, commis.sione.i — re-'- Council & Rr i ach student be able to swim. iiil V P h.v the hundreds nmund *h»l>l>v_St. Augustine's church ular and reservt: Army 12". A.. ni p 11't v the Foundations The t Xowolipki street Sunday Force 4 8. Navy .1" that th on police patrol* were called aud vhi: e. and complete six in- • Some of. the visit:>v- said hiey the area was cordoned off. Voluntary Percent ot ma"- -acc' una! ertdi'.- Each of these physical ""had • - en fpc m>sfer'MU> i»!o • In addition to thousand.-- .n- II % 1 - :• - 'crowned spire in davlij-ht The Committee mad use Sh caino away saying they had sc. " v'oi'eai • t.• Athletic 'As>n n The luminous fiSU.'i'. so'e information in the -tu:'. * K "i- -Mie ligan State's phy - ate T h. • tie- luminous figure, >',v• c V.L'. I •• sa-".. was id t seen last VCednc - Among Western observers \> as calion and Military l-< idership. education requirtment i.- »»*•: A'oni pubiisi- , b\ | von- an i Mas land, pilVSUMi day "H tin- feast of Oui t/idy Gov CJ. Menncn William- d unique More than 85 percent ni f ; the f{osat'i Michigan and Mrs William- erl thb pa--t May b> the Prov - -n • imiversilies sin - I'assrrsbv said tlicy tfofirrd were in Warsaw ten Cniv'ersity press '. ho on a pri¬ v, v.• ' c ' ;i" or mon? > the figure ntsnding at the pr-ik vate visit and went to lh<* Another c-onsidi ra'am ' !i < r», ■net, . aboi.f" 7" pert" <•- of the steeple where a gotten nigh'.. Committee ii-eo m b.eiit'.:-f riiuich late Saturday decision I- that the fman. require s one program 'or hall and tall, simple eross are ; seen in daytime. Pt'<»or!: of th« F'andiiig I in'inu among the praying and peviple. lx>th said '.hcv hurd<-n upon tin- University m support the Cornpulsor> ;>rogf i ,'icn. Another change »« suggested apu .• 'ii!,I see tin figure for the organization of th.- phy¬ jipread arul a number ,.f peop- M • Williams coimnenteo' la - will ijrow a- onroliment- u- sical cduration pro?rant. C'ur- turned Thursday mtjld to crea.se rentlv. (he head of the depart¬ no - . i. I've never seen anything if v.nuid o^iun Recent developmeti'- .'■ ' coH.e k • .t before in mv life " The ment «f health, physical-educa¬ f';i Fndav. i* vv.o reported the C'omm ttee in th«- RDPC -» - Governor said, 'It was fanta - tion and recreation «• rexponsd have apfieareci shortly af* r uation include a ro-i x.i.minati »o hie to the dean of the College Stale N«ws Photo lly >\! Rnvce darkness and attain on Saiurda. i.f compfilsof'y Iweu ROTC of Education. I'RKSIDKNT JOHN \. HAWAII ad- And Monday nitrhl. stressing the impor- ninth quiremcnts and fnluit <•: to, T. <• irifraoHiral urogram : dresses Army and Air force cadets in the (ante of ROTC in the university. iiji Authoritie-. the mystery and aware of i" anxious h» clear Space Kutiire fericral government to p.- 'V. meaningful -upport foi leg> i- finti authori/ing aid in construc¬ va^vmv.w.v.v,v,v.y.va>,v..a... jio-sihle impact on the doeplv KOTC Hold* Convocation relu».ous turned oir the •■'ortneitv in to Polish population, Agency Topic tion "f ROTT* facilJtu A quite drastic drop in " • •: oi'kmncs stii.i. \\ Ml '.I'l! |J I la u iid h Stresses Military Need district for several minutes - n F'riday whether it some n light in t/ie area i a h ! a to detern.i'.i" reflectuyi fr*»m num- TKK, !.ANGLEY RESEARCH Va «/P. — The Aeronautics and Space tration reported Monday on ;c- FN National Adminis¬ physical education i» i i.:< iv another of the Com Motive the Future's perhaps n»»rc con¬ troversial rece'nineni'ation- • i; :• SPfiHTAN n/M -.s porn. >n pnr BELL H1 o.vu.'r-J :GE|[ fn-r of people questioned la' r •-e.uch that may lead to the de¬ The only ph»«leal education !.r military vlrentrth, eomider- s'udofit committee h ave nl o fW nil Y KII IMW ;i t>.»■ only latum,i:,c the S"- >■ • *i , onsidei in;; the «ni• h?n»r> said the figure remained vi^'ihle velopment of a communications reciimmendrd a* required for :• n\ iM.i.isu (/1%/>/;? //>> 1.». .< V . versI m ... in could Im'P' all students is the course in and tie seen even -tem for space vehicles. v I 111111.* uri'i- ! '.tii'i t.r roMipu: ROTC, mid t ho * Inundations of riivsie.il Indura¬ . t !!<■ ! f'.< «-nph.iM.. United Kfaf. , • ■ ■ pn, • h.'»- i «»•••- tin- anu' 'I i: ,t ilrastif revision furri-. ar<- ronsider- «■! U >• with the stn-et It> Saturday nislit. the lights off. kucrl- Th, agencv wraps oti manv other facet also lifted the if tion. After taking of this course i| mi >n ur iniM. iinnn nun id A ■ ' tn Inrmn-t. Vi''ii i'i>. a Mil"' f ho v.'Of I K'»r« i, I rtirric iiltiin. with the empha Jo !>e placed much more on nc »»u: and chanting crowd* outside Ihc church became so large Hi il i'-. space and aircraft rcse.tre i trie opening of a week '""it students resOlts al yvhose testing fchovv need for nhv steal edueatioii program addition¬ courses :• • m i. t\ «;.(i(.f-:} Kbit im; ihifv| \ V" < i • MAT' » pow< i','1 •• il< :n.f iioieeT- fhan it has born inspection of its research center 'V.%V.V.V.SVAV.%V.W.VAV.V.V.. • . v, : here near the Newport Niw- should he encouraged, hut not I'mJ's iltfiul «»• ,• r aili.iij. m li e pa t additional . }■' Mi'liaU coach Much "DnlTv Norfolk area required, to take Or. Il.inri.ili iminlnl out that NASA said if has built at its courses for errdit. 1)..,i*ii* r;at > s(H,ke at t.'io Casa Nova's Delicious while the Morrill ml ilnrv tm| .-due:.'. 11 • . A II require compulsory ISO IC . lint eonvicatii.!' have ;i>va\ In fe h hrtd I goHe hi w<>ri!->. i ('.on former I..-U. l',» • avtrna! sjxue engine, using course, the I mil - grant college*, eornm» n.tcd th-i' >'• u i' of • f • lai'lV trair.iu.' I would h o • ion iMsvms. arul plans t » build almost without exception. huso graoc ai;1 crcdi" T*v fill honor hound to require it i i ;i |Ti I Hill i'l fH'tli f pi' .lUeo lofi-.t! Kid target one . A small scale ion veivc lath anno. grade, howcvci, shoo!,i i». "it .. • of aide male Minimi*. rvs* v ^ counhy that I engine was unveiled hen \i MM". f.< slat. I. -II. inroiiii \\ i-Hie i.i . , I'M .< • I Mn, • ^ i -i: teif as ,i p: M . • !fy.m 'O.iioo scient, . i \V II ,u.n ' • - cng nc«4". c4. •». iM iirilint; to In . >>.'On |;.n coubtiai are i\- Il.tnntii alter <.rvpl.il *ri»r« of litnririiG «>n the MM t •»»»!»»»'* IViifi'—iimal Sornrilv • i rift),' V l> J,q - I. liir, 0. .ib "f >.lniii < <| I'.it tin r «,lud« ot^ !'•':' « I it llnlil ltii-.li I'iirli h i.I s« in t< .» 1.1. k . » n| iiixlt-i st4inliiig for (..( hi i'< tin* U •• ..ii'n* ■ . . a-htiyiio.-. R(>T< n, pi I f i,.cici a Nh, nnfioe. ; M1 ( «fu;' '..ill ;'i' - • M i-i il •'-. Reel < i.i it iv; THE COED BEAUTY SHOP \isr ti.M !),. ■ Si .! I', i inne. \ IHUt plum 1111 II, . ..n ., mo a •> f..t iviiiii -ii i ■ . No • • A •< -• ' « the ■ . »•*'!•;»'< i • ..I' . " I i«i»> t , , • ' . ..V : »ir : . a I r ill i.M ,i n onilt-r Tii I < ,t ?• ... V ■».••.', 'Mb -i jirmiilf . - ■ . . -t.irt I,, ., , ., i' i Ft,,»( I' r Of I t| p-'l 11.■ l .«•' . . • P ri . I t ; j" 11: I . ell.-,' \ ' ! . • . ur„» ■ •)rt'iit'll!i<•;i ;( , i ... ( I .• THE COED SHOP I I :; ' I Ii! .til • i**nq*u'-*r wniil,,i_ ■ ■ • • eiilerlullimt-fil , Ii • ' iitboidJoiy ,111'f head of the vUc- of |:i »T(' pt ...i .i .■ W , A '. ' foUI \ 11 !!>...! coy.ot , i in- toseiit i 'Utihi.,' I'll lit Hll.li.li! " " he,A i I 'I! f I til:- 1 H ii «11 » r in,. V, ,■) ItHio „■ j t Ml f "I' • i .1 • '■ - 11: Germ i W• eg .i-MM-i.de Tllli.irj/llkil l)uiH'«T«. t.11I.„r I • .■I .d m«*!hcn,»uc« wi'ti 621 EAST GRAND RIVER m.i r . in t: • \ < ',j • : »,» i,»: 1 s :\\ t.. a J! end ...i :i »!'.»• In' 'lib 'I' P. | f t 'h r.l fie e. •: V ' mm- - u 'It,' compute, I.i i ■■ <1''»l v. Add I'izzu ISarioli S;»,.ii,ii. .I., f. •; no U'l'iioi'-' siuden:, >iiricl% >i'f Ii* INm'III* r.u v .. « M., •. pS(t, III' '• :0~»-|ir,V V «? eas; o II , o ,..v,« ., i., iiivr,(taper dea. • hiaiit Italian Saailn „• i1 i.i .\ ■ i .iv i i ■ i : • lit < ollejfr Mlltleiil's 1-1 : ilcvrf.-pi- ( uU f r f .IV .»■ "1 t»; 1 III Sip.'!' . s it vv ;• . ;•! mvolvtd 1 i tie. • .o r . .o.pUiit,.:. ih,.a, i with .i uihiimuiii -ii fi* . A? and « id oribcd i fM fJTft ' . :i« ' STATE CORNER OF HASLETT I lirr llrlii.r. I,, \,,ii, I),.,,,. O, lS VARSITY DRIVE IN j "Its All llete ST A IMS \D,M. Intact—I ncut" AND GRAND RIVER pi//t nut mi. n\i \i i\ 11 in i i.om; nor in p.s n ut mj - ! : ; PHONE ED 7 0765 C.4SA Nov si mi/ iiti\i s i\/»il u Ill s ; I. ISI I. IN.sf NO'.S OI.I)l s'/ /'///'Al| ; i i iiii.si iimi i ni i im in m i;Ml i " mfatrmiKM (all Ml 3-4*11 lor lime OPEN EVENINGS 211 M. \.C. Ca-I lan-iii" 10 2> : t:\sl i.wsim, KP2-or»i: ! fl "air-softens" every puff! >/ Now even the paper adds to 'njj, | ^ Salem's springtime freshness! Mf 3f^ ITS THE BEST m&Sm COIN LAUNDRY SA ROUND HERE »M«,I• - NION fOtOMTT pm*m An tafaiM >n«li »n*tli I* Mm', fmh air Is through th* psper tn n,»k" it i" evwy rtMlrl), l«bwl»il»» bring, you this •melt* tantr *v*n eofter. fr>r c ' if- fi "I University Launderette - •p*ci»l now Hm PonatrTY pup*r whuh bnstbn new Mots into thr Suvor. Kedtpe* ess Seles draws just enough • menthol fresh • rich tobacco taste flavor/ml. U you'v* enjoyed Sal.m ,«! '•3r time treshmee beferr. you'll t* pte«aednow.taoke refreshed, •mo-*-'' ' modem filter, too '■ Next To E. Lansing Bus Station MOWMORE MMt£¥Bt