p,;illiuaii 1« M'** The Weather \olr* lla»* Wind'. Cloudy Camr law Tuesday 3 I VOL So. 74 CAST LANSING, MICHIGAN—WKIiNKSHAV. OCTIII!K|; 14. J I'MCE 3 CENTS U. S. Orbits Satellite, Fires Missile Before (aneminent Moves Ruhv M0011 • Union Head Asks Fo Continue Strike Settlement Space Stiulv WASH IN in (» \ 4'»—Sf«'« .'worker •• «t'.'nr: - • hrin«.r almpf \li««il,- I 11 ,••<•• a hist-ditch Imriraituiur M*>>ion—in hope of ending the !U- dav steel strike before the government mows to do so— l.\|ilorrr \ I I'iilh hwi • i - «o- \ i»i.f.nv President Kisenhmver's < AIM-! i'ANWEIIAI. f. !a ' hiding imard Tuesday. - Tin' riH'm) Sfj'.G'v laUlH '. Defends I1. S. ml Miie • ;ift'ilit•• into v !»"... . . I "in \rr->..lotu -.rip,. i- Of \-Pmvrr ilCi'MSv FA \ |t» |ipt 1 of VII. . 'i' it f!< »f 4 :' ... . . |.«n 4unn;; h*r perfor jr.-in-v a tin- Ini'ci! 1 i>• i«• K , I iut—'l?' \n»> •• . ■■ ' : m ;h« (mm'ram w v. e M'tiuuM named the torn i- t f»er l.adt*. and vanou* kual bantl-. Knurr Itlourh of I niteil Males • I -v.-bp. • steel i ! v O'.JMI' 1 » 101 ( ori> \ ' It. Ilomer »»i II! 1(1 lt« thlehrni steel t'h.irles White I 'nr. a •> of Republic ' and \\ei> \1l4ns • \ >iv m ..u:i • a • \pw I'liotii lw 1'uii trmslrnn* M.ur \ K:«. .1 1147 m1' !>-»iiil»'' fl• - nl .tones A l .iliclllilt . . i.t'•• • ecr-onii' I OI 'H . the path "f the F.xpbrer \'l 1 ».< . 'if, inn u1 ill helnte their performance Ttiesdax- >: ' f'.idillrwheei" s.ifeilre. T'.ia • .:!• ., .. ,.! \ .:f. - fnu 1 ' e'i'i" could lead ' 1 devi'lopmerit V . . *pr. . .1 !h. • yi» A'|»«- l)rli"ht tinlience o' .Tir-!.ninche'■* t T»>.iro«- of i»ni|oi'r.M»fr> hiking * >. c- rllllr. 5 I'll'' Its s| I I'KIt I « .till » shit, \i-u-. < its | il 1 tor f..l On- *!! •'.t '.iiic. Tlu» . a S!,.v- four * uMiei' i u A reh;e>,e fmrr# raid thd I l: If -n.-A r.lk ! • -r-.e 1' "A " it.iiicer; urulc! .» 1; . '! or-. ' ' 1 ■ vufi" ? ,(>;■* - H il l Oimn .ja'il ! f»l» nulea up¬ • I Mm .lid * 1 iMllertttr Art oft : ' s.vlu- jf.! ■t'i .in. in a' 1 drew.' frequent • .• r, .'I *! .-r >n 1 OH-1 . . : v. ward. i ''Hi-itiikjj a point fo-.sf .1 i.ish ol rumor .mil sprculaliiin ■ oil; . he 'ian<-«-»i i!.»ng with th.it iiph settlement eftort ■ * !•••... •' v i'i- aimve fhe sate!.lie, then .1 i I.m- VI'-. -i II !.-•»• tiridegiiHrti n -no-ii y.< v. he C(»M- fell tiiUi the Afinntie fVean m !1 r rukn.'. Itul in mid-alt pi . ■ Ii " » '! .1 I'll' |U K !> ili'l if. ,If , ili'l o- S'.irg in Summer M< IMiii.tld tolil - hwrf! r.-!.v.ti !,IMI0 miie.-. luirthnaa' nf here ri'timrn 4 liou .«.iter *v m -re" ee*:v. pt-ot^tr:p - i. * , !!,. -rlvo ;i i.i|>t.itiofi of !»;« S - ir u I.. •- > !r Washin«rt"n. fhe Air f'.r. a i « m.t" there h.ol treen 00 re- T! . doner M <•.. !•'... • eh' "1W.t-.ev »f .In'. 7 Ti.e >1 r lie - ! '»A IVI • fie - v: I- r " -or ,..f • III.. ,1 • tv>ue.i a rautjiHwJy worded spouse from industry t:.♦ I: . i-i ■ li-.v M 1 .••veil poior.. nil, !.»vi •fK-it-r, vi 1- -m . • . - « .U ,1 ,i. ' Ill ■c.i'ee eii' t,tvmK "preUmaia- e r. son. •<»»'■; ■ - • hi'rlii' V J»I • »V i'll' W1MIM." H p."k. '»! |«". ve »w a'u.Cj.ifi ind.ca'ea th# mi.AU"! |l. . A tf.". .e ' rt':.u . sM- .ktu - •10TL li.Tfieilig under phiii' . ■ ,'u' .1 1; Km K •: -A u ,Ki|>.uii'M- uuilin Has P-.e graduate Program i.< > .iMriiefiori Kiuwcr K.i-'UU.. J .ik.ol.i \\ 1'' OHM-I of 1 Ill,il l, •>' Practice M SI* Shilcs Jl.O \ ' I.t, . . Itluek "V nlll hold II* luiat "Milltsriv lirlll " 4 stllT-let*ed Island prartiee tndav at 4 pin in turn Issue Haiti* of Knishii mportanl for FdUiiv • Spartan stadium. pirloiuod In .111 old will" soiir the warriors used loop stlils V Iv wuillided smiH ller- In elose totiii itloll ami there nu * the swan uf Japan i darn ed W.<« .oer»«<»«ful'v *>•■*>(IIpi IS e. " <1 ighth ot » >*•»!•*■» %ta* 1 \en < mm k duel with the h* OOtine \malsii. f|e\* niertlie I hi \.r K "". e -t. l 'he IV- t ' i kit) k* st»«e as "Mum in Winter' fell. 'ft w.i- •■t|U.piiii| w:'n " * ' Ru»» Mi pKiXa: \I Ait ■ t • ii""- • h.i' l 'm !iiis| a' Inteiva . A • ' In another scene, a linn, plated . i-m In i|is* I rliihuki. \* a* auuioed f-i : puotographn- oie-ervii •«'* of he l.'i ll'.l! V -if file gu.n.l!,.c hk ltt» fluttering butter Hies. jt< »tt n ■:ii|! i,I: !»•<( In»!|! 'Engineer* > • II * L ! I '.«•! ■ >• .. .«S H«-l q-'Ccd The N'atiiMial Spate acener tn Washliultm said it completed it* Mah* L;*tv .,>! si-'hiCe to si circuit of the l arth hi I o t \i 11 ties Stuff' ■ . .. UTiiin'! .e '• . • .iii|».e »'»<« minute* It was sending hack Skiff PronmlioiiM i.e.. • v. ■ • ■ a .'i .n *-n « - c uruiei*' .t's • iliforuialinn mi the «ar|ous liar , ' . -- ! ... ,{-• ' aids man will enruunter wh*i - . . k.I nan..-, n•••'.• • - lie tiisl vr lit urea into apaee. , '1 n.s intmf invportamf t««k '.sat yl"-,;. I • (is m»- '».«• hiwe- ev.a ul the rd a , J;,,..,, . yef khrosi. in -.n of fieluiUon hovering mv»v'• ' - K«rth. I • -.1 'I'.i.-ki-.f sfthi »h»* .i'e*V»a «-f'« * :•<* MS' llialf daikrer and trdds treat tun* Iih. !•» Kie.i air- l!l e..« (CMtflTIII I! < r.lVK I't rtf.ij oev»M 'he .i • |M»f> Siisder. I'liillip* i'll fir!' I J i the ih olif y T»f ilM-ilfr l l'MMlts s« I toe roiKeti-if i|e» ;i'! t <71; e '• .«iui'"l '•u-r I Vt. H r • .. ? a tan kAt st; h'f .. ildnl'l'ill !*■ ,e iafter «'f • U*Wl' 1 I'!*'- i-. ; ji ..... I olor — all shade* irn.tr in -tide ave a- .'iporbnt \ • . ft ^ 'All • ;• t .i !*" 4.4 ol., A • , - There nude wrrr the tlair rulofa used tocether hiilhao' I'epreM'iitatives '.it ' .. i on our wa'tidt. tf» !* < • » i-1.'. • ■,-! v-u-.il.' >"• .fl "'■ >' \ '• . Hi . |.u ' that one would nrtrr imaginr Jrar- i ;) IWI' *n Fan A ftuiipleOirnled the ' ""lii'.t pried, , 'A I.,". M'«r e r> . V.'>fk. , '1 . , of .. .« >ei ra*h next. one ' ■ i ill' Sew'ei . If,... ... , . and -:>l ■ "lie .:i (iillieel' Thief fa x-hibv, U; « uj p»-< , ,il>4 feiUfrr «'»1 • - 4'>' -J-* m* Ai»v nufkn* 1 The nrujSfaTi. f> ..M-'Wi W . :,a '5 -MM- U, Iftii i >■ iMiio »- ri r ■ * ' I ... p.. Ih.ll IN*'..'i'»ie t"f the.e To Speak Here v;m ill!- >• c A •" i ,4A » !»f- •• at. : fi« I»■>•-,#;' - '.i . i.ffiir II; f'hesiat S' h a. eh..*f of "... Saiif! for Free I leer it ■ .. i. in tJ'i Sm- «I.. ■ Cf.eiapv •.11*ri «if exjM i in,, «»f the S fif.it ur-Ket'ei c'.rt- ,i » (ti Sei v.! •- Institute a. an t'-e I*. ' .Hi K ingston Trio Slated sw ■ ail I i* f • " • ' I heni - .i. v ' K*(*•!■ . ^ i- ,.r. *.«- r C'h<'ii ■'•Iherupy ! rse^ri*. ir mat.v v.«. Hi.: is 4i«>ui • wliaiv-'! ff7i?rclji .* • MI'-C si. Fib... I." Hedge report. The K' A»ii T'> •: II : K.n. - 1 ' A < ..iMliih!:'- -i. ' a'vml a S",.( K A f •; -;. "v s_. . T.l p.... k/ioA e uw3 l.kto n* *ii 1 • * - - ■ run |. . Th.e Mv n.gh' »S X .!■> Mm, vs.-tm.k*V,\ m *epi'v 1 a re J.a. •»'■ ! I!;».: » jm-I ;|U»l!:ht"i y i III .!Jit S' id«'L S. I •. .< . ; unit tin* tneicavt wbivn are used , ^ M K-' Tr a!t« ' '-""M-v- «f ;»i»: civjl diffllAtl' Hi mu-l' . V" 1 ooiH-ji i s .. , • "') .- a R*fs.ifi« r' h •"» ' pi • sidetr^s-.. • a' Un- Ss'Ms K' '• ' Jly- T.i v-v err. iTarvf • *. Ihe C'tvii: f 'enter ;n i d na.1.0 r. . " I • Hun* p' .'j. »■ .. <>rk a\ the ballot afii.-ciiiavr KvtGMMS Ri:Q( ill activity : «d:- - T e trn> beunn if» !#'»« -«reii «l .» I t <»: ■»" 'U St, a:.U :r,x» fio'i K a Hi f'» .5 pill. P 1 •.">« <4 tive «n»vtr,u.i>ar«.tt Dave Guard, w graduate ■< >*• ■> i-n "nsursday aiut f>x *'y fer-d iitv*rsc«i in « *pevifw OntttWlht saji s. at S'.anfofd University ■ lh. > Lrio • i.t-> Vhp pnbJn- f>< Jus: Huh In Mccl f ^ tlw) racomiatods that t:« U»r.<-r*ipi*n »t Aft". Calif . afl«T'B<>i> Shriiii aruj Tfir. late Jit u». * The Kjngsh.ri The flmt organi/ational ir:ee »». • -i-tsuce uputded tk-jcm-r jn tiit- rtuct««ral j«"rfri»xr< Sick ' Keynosds fri.oi IK'^MV Trio at Large' is. still one <»•' th*- - | WMy.T.a.:Ut, ^ that w/r a I'rA ,'.: r. RuiAte.!,:. U- Mt-nb C'/Ccfe. vUrWd -ingi^ LP>. -.h the nat ion. M T A Veil- S'\en» Stuff on ing of the Ja/eer fn.'r. ihi*,- album, ua.s been popu-' I'lim Mri-linu Tiiniiilil '?1': s"4i4ah«a«? «s4toirutt«w and t2t cHA".sh: •- sn i>r.'»rwn di- night at 7 30 in 41 V'n. 'n. After .^raduatiort the> hpeu- d Ifir nh n R =• ov After the mcreting there wilt jsj KWr.mitu«- m^bef-ida^ at .1 sun ft4fuH*eo t4ut> t >1 sWit» All Uvre* id • married, Shane Studenlv starting or planning b a nMnifWi attemptiiig to ex¬ .*• 'i-a slwxifcj rmttr «wre U'.,uroiwrvS- a -j> i-ek euch, "in*Tca*in*t 'n an iimn.* from Atlanta, Ga ; to start work oil the .State News •"".ir.iixtsf-, Xb«r vit* thai thr apj>n»ici» this term will meet in the Con- plore the la'.ewt inmivationa in ii- MianM t.v m'xtehng bo'dUm. Guard fc» Um* of a jazz in Old CblkKe Hall. A4 tl>«-be siodinu into o &r*Ai,> *r..i u» p»ac» revpon- Suits. chain of doparUlMnt stores, and ference Room. 130 Student Sir* welcome .st elf aj-f irith a cewtp»raiivei> ne8n««t cf Guard ai>rt S h a rre were KevnoUL. who will inherit a siz- vices, tonight a*, i p.in gludcnta are brooiiht up m Hawaii, t ao.:»- ' ■'vim- froo hi» great- This is one of a scrim of M »houkt be provided with an Ar*>r»ca»» tht y leaxriitt to play pk- ;ri». s to a 'A . vt ( oa>? comedi¬ weekly meeting, itquirdl y.M l*«.|ili«tiiM Atailalile * teal i linync rcsptmability (or helping h.m to Re-.noH-s was Usrrt In tbr enne atudent.-. planning to jom t«u» . turai »d;u*tm-ats" says the Committer 'Mort Calif. but traveled widely ami Among the trio, Shane i* hews, editorial and btt&inoM ^PeiiUoflB for chairmamhip of | f "_ • ivf ecnvniag for Unguage comp* u nct should be punted up new songs mm . c.-- . know n as "our Sex Symbol," gtaffs of the newspaper, devoted Campua Cheat, part uf the K^aoa* should be provided Jo assist student* with THE KINCSTOM THH) l» to Ijulf lw a oaf.aiglil father, a Jsavy officer, nxivttl Guard as "our Acknowledged to discussions of general new*- —AUSG «aBKUtiv« branch, are esptxially cat wfiutig examinations or Urm •land at Iba COW Cantor. Known, for IU Mlu«uc», (lie U Women's G fi.-vpr-i'v East I-nnsiriK Mi« n *'U.'«u» <.ueet t... .r- Women's 1M A .r I- :c '» .e nrnclal voire of tie uuver-rv nt u! '• « o.m.Mt bud* 6-3»» pm. ' 30 • n . Catholie Studajt christian mm m| MUt V.'nie »«■!"«« to t*rv« t ie heel inter.-*'• «.f conn. .stand- r» »«i* to hittje anv move whicli would rime * v eu.-e mow-on jr/errste-i -.vwria.". , . ■ F.xi-PUIiVf uoard nlt-i-*- concerns -■••■ vi'eci to co'ue a*. S I'M- in 1 '* ..730-,:! committee meet- . it frr.m v. itlun the university or Ir.u»--iiie m i , , 4:10 p.m. WW- ,»! • » Associated Pre*s Inlund Doily Tie s and Associated Collegiate Women's f" . meetings open to cus.«ion groui K M'I'A Al.ril V Ml' , ,'jiere«te(! c atholic stcdim ? p r: Pudi.»;• - ''■ i- 'mi rvoivFF.Ri- •Vol. 51. No. 74 Wednesday. October 14. I93» I'a ye Two . Jl.i.- nes- pvs'ta.i: P!ei-' »" i ik tbh ai. organization wives 4-5 '-me pan. Cm* or. Spartan Villaae H«... Center. CnfTee AMKBH AN I IIF.MM AI. %( llOBATS- (M B Freshmen Offer, MM IFTY 7:30 (Y-es'er pan , S'--s 12i! K>-•' " I' d! -a-vi.r. "-!l ?.u MIRK rLTI'lt p.m . third Ho"' of Jen- VE ( III CATION IFC Cots •-.Erperimi'ii'.a; ( '•''c'"r ^ ' ' ( IIB Can Receive Much A. "ite: Mill Momhr ,, ».-hera-.-, Sto-e- - . , W on-. ,srk • i.c ana imtaition I | s liOt RMFT F« WE«IEV I IIOIB WASHINGT * t tub fjkini) is on* . . . no more welcome week . . . tin f! p.m.. 72 K'-o T [>'- . W< - ' - tina became a . . - Fao.jrd treerru. ruoie kindly orientation. The class of is scattered fromenadfr- -the 58th—o* • hi n/ii tm i - 1111' «>■' Op*-- across the campus and left to its own devices. - Mi ■ Hi. - ■ W ■■ Finance CV.;>. Hut such devices! Our freshman class this fall is the a.i'ii i:,_ —fHjency <>f r \V 8 17 ; •» l.i\*t in MSI' history, according to l>ean Oorrion Sabine, foster:::. cu at . opinent. ilirector of admissions and scholarships. More will he ex¬ Argentina - r pected from this class. Ami. no doiiht. the class of I Odd l.ellei's l*» lice Kclilor d . Eustaq:.... Ml will live up to its expectations—at least the potential is signed the sta* . ■ lie/fly to Smokers t here. (•ration at a >;• Men ( Robert Garm C ollege life is great—the gala social life, the many last, pi esuted. lug friendships, the campus escapades. Hut. underneath if Garner >a a!!, there must he some other reason tor spending tour ot W a-. : the prime years of your life in college. welcome • letting an education -that's what mo-t of ns are here natl"."i N,. . 11 na W. for. There may he incidental interests such as getting a a - • es'eU Ai^. man or having a good time, hut most of us want that de¬ s!-.i'*.iua:;i»n r gree. A degree can mean as much or as little as you wan! par; -rt. I; it to mean. A sincere interest in your curriculum will auto¬ *...•"< mir t matically reap benefits grade-wise now ami satisfaction- wise later in life. an maxim; vol k own reasons for being here, what the >|eu «f llrthel Manor do you come up with? One tiling thev may not have men¬ tioned during orientation week is that after four years of partying and spreading yourself too thin on campus—>011 have nothing. If you can develop an earnest interest in learning tor CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS the sake of learning and not for grades alone, then yon III. VIII.INKS: I p.m. I»a> llrlorr I'uhliralion Inr Tur»„ Writ.. Th. .. anil Kri. Kdliiiin-. Urarilinr Inr Mnn. Kditiim: I pro I will have truly given yoiirsell many happiness m later llill. I'javahla* - I.' ami I-". Mnnda> Ihrnuiih I rid.o life. tfrrfihtrk ft mrvr ,>••+ Tn repeat alt old adage: an education should never end. I'.il 2-151 I K\T. 2..I3 College should he your jumping off place tor lugger goals: for a promising career. f«»r a more complete ami ha pp.* homelife and for a sense "t well-being ami -ecuriM within J. M. Rubcrl- automotive for sale persona. yourself. \ I * Nr»» \n«t> "t The good grades thai accompany an* 'rue intere-f hi studies are quite naturallv e\pre ted from the class ol I'.Hi;! , p -TVHl > This class excels in the number of ml«ui' - who ranked at the very top of national intelligence tests, in the number top high school graduah's than tinol am previous two- |. .1 I' year period ..• 1 ' Kxjiectations for th«-m aie i in "• • • 1 •»- • Hi. < •. VMIFMI - whether they de-11 •• -m *t v i • ■ w i»i v predu'ltoi, h < up to tlnrn to desei"p their p"'»-nliui aioiiie >r t SI I 'll AKs Jn (1 Hurry?—Then,lum/i • If., t'f-Orient pa.Mils mill I iImmiI 4l»r flltilu.il ll« n» Ills VI hull hJAT* st.mr *e»A p«rsn,i I'.iu'ri I., Mh il" I *> »H«I I Aiudi throttlh fiGTTIMi TO Till; it.iiii.ii t i.f I'lrkf « hcti 1 . >' liirl' iu j.—(l 'li«"i is H»'i l »n • U|l.»MU «tl * are «*huvi^rtuv >- a Heal i l.lh' t.M.l ' Ihtrr Is 4 (Uliei ! il.splfi i»f Iriefiilu NS li : I R >• V". I ,1.111 * • 11 till. (' I Ml II I I V III- I' A ,1 N »l > n. h# I ••• m ir - ' I "a 4iiri llrMt " in another t.a IK* r sit llx-ltcd pimM' Oil1 lti'1 t|iM>l , i t" KU HI, post 111,11 ||C(|UI,UI» I. I'll », f,Mill.,(Ml •'' i" s,t I1.1 ul this u'iilim iii a i I4at - In Hilifiilott !<• .• who >.11 -I" ' " ' .,1 tups llllr,\Clll'l A HlIM.f 8,,,,,'sl VAIMll Ml I Aim who it ml t he >'.ui ami t.imlwiy .» • "in run ut pi u •• ■ > • \literle.t 11 ill .4,ill - Ihe hree/e, t hn «• .mi 'noo* w ho thud* A no r- ovi'l'itiatl the iiihlei >i'» il I ;i. lit t )• • >! tin- I. dim. f.U 2-3$ 1: ><>i'«iritie-. lr..vi'niw« . ..i>.» . \ .u m-it» «•? < .1*1 ! hs im hon I'm, • • iobh\ o! llllkft !>.|hu ".1 •" hoi.| 11 s - u nm) meetings n'»»i rah • -ion I he pfM»p!»« w ho are iih oii-1.0 i .•' > . .• .no : ' • ! W ltd'!,* of |>11 'l 11 ar.-*u'j iho 1 • lltM' i- «-h). •. REAL ES'A*; iis tjih* tn I ho i to- ,iit«i 'ioiojm O "0 to.- i 1' . i*hi(S ' • 4*- s: -. to imprme ! ■ c >ituat ton. at 5* • -1 !•■' i : u .o • ttnM1 lor the sjihr o. |Mi-ifiio FniploMiiciil. I iHMnplovnu nl fl*"* 'S .. It W(»Uid . I'l'iti th.it 'he I'll \ lit th» . V • —— urarrd It'-' s!(te9 r- HOUSING 4 of an emergent-\ v..o;.i n : ». : uni. - M-.'*at D.S». • . t*-' K» ganlieas ot tii>tam »• tiom i • • ^i-miu —r • .'•i.«4. Crosswonl Puzzle Slum Dirline in SepUnnlior sm.n iik.xl i 1 s! «•.: ' • e(t ttti.it ttwlrs «411 v|ct.l« rill" 1 ha»!ri I.M.k; ltd it '-'V *• > ' ' EMPLOYMENT iCAruf',* At H44SA V'. n •<«« till .44' A •' Pa; I. r'ti « J "(. '•* r > .11 f.i ; "4 t 7 n ' • 41 • •* a Deep .1 e 11 It <(j* - n-t » . t . ■ it fen, t: ce • 12 iaiest 1 s* 04 t a AI'*f I* 1 He*. l-I.M 4t» 1 H-Stj, 1.ri ■ SERV:CE 16 Heha* e "~ :*• h , • f ir«l'»n »' Vfilf'ti) • P«lhi I » • ■ ' } *o-» * aire »» st iu IMIWN II K.-.—T-V, 3iC«lD u' * nitiebrr .in tf iUL-r * —-- 1 ■. e- t» Cnrie .71 t .. . - e t Miehuii'iciiu rlltiU ' ••! !'• Sicunri • '4* 4" A 'ci I'.ar »lrrl «ti ihr 4t*« (UfM t rn|»l.t» vf * 1: y V iXrtHUOS 1 he «l|e low lfnr»« the steel ■ ?i 1.4.1 • . » r : lltrltl With III 4 'I A I'll, JII'M ''I* li 'I A* w.ilkuut | I I a hut- IbpAtUiiml »a»«l •.' •« »■• »..fit* orr « A' * e a,* 4 A r UellJ's b» the end «*» are UOU trilr iimnivr nf thr "*! BrtaiNMNi. f* .. 4* Nl l» A Su'u * the I»rst «erl> IP th Itther tie- it steel vlrikr III a«Idi(iun to I mpkii fit«| 4ml u!trt»|t|,ii * siiYcn 4« J A ' ■ i s > the t« 500 'Ml,1 sterlwurkrrs I'.c Mtil s.1 *ri FOR RENT .'€• loot#' -a-'" * l» MIRI V' A ill. mi ni 4 s :hr Ictul T-"- H-t-a. s ' • * ■ • i.--,.- .-.f I \ i '■ i »triker% 41 e u«» mm luried m the tone na»< ma IN 4es iiim \r t> i«n>*r« p iH)"A i«KfSs t.LAAN r«> * • .>*: .> u }\ T'.vee miles K»'«" t .,-. • . - ft*.** • '• ox s-aieo ' t- «et Ahhit Ho**' - ssa5tE«r.-A., . . v.c-.v r ' * ■ V- • -*' -. v *•€ las --• ' . -iNvV '* ^ --v- J*--r • ' . m,- s*- • ■" U tf'i'f- ' - ■; ' •■(' p; • .-■ -« •- -i.jvi-.4e r-4.»« *v«iii»Me uHiuni ***h '■r' »u .kr iii mlajtlalf lonwi . rtv 3S>? >*.*..:>t? ' |J Mus4> Phot'' I "v" ■ «• * e- ^ Wvri «. >% m-s ufac-IUi- 0000 1 AOL A * ? '.'FN, PUT AA A VT SCI BLACK 7*- 'f » ftrUCvy* f(H»P !«♦ *«ri fKeucd'e ■* x\ .iPi 4.: ( V * » >0 Sr. MI5H . » , , :»«-M » **> «ou*»* u-JMceH4En«s.u» ' S*'V'o"'~ tip- -h jo • <■-. a;khu ['■ -- A' >-*.**•. tf S3 \t» OUtC* V • 9 .V :) "* »s 14i " nt»T AW 7' 26 , X* M f- A vet a ae ,i.p *t«* -•) . %2*' «*.« - v-: ' ■ -r-ed;s- SfVD^uT Se»CP "personaT J-r«M ueuefN s.-ve F>es".r ju»4.ir»e»:- * jj? MAC Oar* * »«* <• rt A; O At ; eorr...*iv' 04 fcv The Eud-Mor Agency "~L*» IT ro w# M A'm .e -Ukiu* 4JS-. h I*) .V-ON *«• en A 2S - : e, tf» 2-*.'- X V ji , , :s:-:v 0 - 0s fn-HT ONCI.'N* U A V I.N PMH T KKMNY ny M If J» tot,. •• Mm lug.hi Stale Nrh« . :si*! cfuaff.. ''eN»-|»-U! Isle* e>« i».^- .SJH jac.M.H l.C, (fauM pr,.-.e ro K'«- V,; -v.. PuWP-Fi.vl.SO - 4d I ' f TV 2*4331 #-ll> nmsl Hait i jac«SO'l H TYPIV; i< ' Uf Oir nc*« IBM I.*' 1 rn( lai.aDiill 13 jt li ' 4! Km-, c .Sjitviert wis' ri*>» «ut s HttOHMKK AUTOMATIC »8- itt.vatt! Xt.MU' - ' ■ r: Hie* "W Mar,»i *ii. *-VA tm »• j wocrtiir vie*., u' 9 5s . *9 4» *4 e-ttg* Cs flfiun cle«nti-.« hi* and stair/ mr'-♦ wwk trfeae «*(*•» aiderstwo ♦2 Ku'-C-o mrane SV ; *■ r IV fi: m>'< «*,»** w*vk< mr-ag prnM *W *!"■> JiAas >4F4l 14 Pk?ne !V J.ine . U 4." mr*e-.- scseet#t --iao PHO.VO NFEDUCs NEW hj't. t>fh*v • - -'Pl-ft VU.TB.T' *e»* *;? 'c-e-s fnf ~S "St.* 14 all -njifce* end model* ilYDRBA . AIRS DAN* F BAND - -,/NX A v K *. i-esi ,V» s#*^r.,i .--taisH •••»•*' - Iri¬ fc-'UUaisUeed. 4442 U*iT««, TV f..-s'ui.( T.iAN^ OR 4 ■Lai • n»v.«4. at j, M 41 -ma' ff*.- *'•» «! v Is ■ ei lie »**t prt.e r > S'fUU 14 D-r*l Cti$rk. ED T-!34h 21 -»■>. uc-.s-e I.A.A l,A'-Air* Vri runner V% l. !•'••'■-■■ vo« .i:ar u> * MFBLVN GATFs ORCHESTRA vv e f* "W *®*»! *' tws ... Deneeable musir «ith ?J»»f hie b.a.ul h»; h«- iferisi ieiev*. J5. SaJe*. H**a«tt ltd, ED J-AWt. 3»s»uuna end feelir.*. PTkkm IV L»t«7li 33 MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Giant Crane Installs Music Prof I!an null Appoints Liiulquist Or to her H, £/rn/ CLASSIFIED AD 1959 OPPORTUNITY (r, BUY Tage Three SFIL! Sots (Convert To I'Tilliriglit (loinmittcc Post n a,r >540.000 Machine For President J>>hn A Hannah ha- /fiolarship appU- -nt'. ruction machfn- now by the H r. • Friday tntci Dr William Lmdqu>* ttfir '■air committee ANNUAL • ~z a giant crane, pgrtment, car. be done Dr oi trv- department of microti- D: .1 T Dorsev, j»>- M i'/ Ca'.*tel-Xu"va T> ?- • ture by ai! department. - • MSf Fulbru Monday, . R Rich, his- ■ glances .• r- • N ilanguished . Agricultural Experin v:-/:ng - work in front.cf D .» Gimme!. foreign >'u« Te installs' •. v. r ;r. th>- music departnv;.. A ".en Turkci. HOMECOMING DANCE an « -'-..re building, mark 'he er>» app >.\v; •' »• i psan.. concert >"■ - : it. Oi! . must ai-o direr*, reaci.r.ii • .• ' lo : •• -i rnv Mu« - . -a-," was used to lift • • * . horticulture !•- • '"v. of new labora- j • ,>. k 'he dean I me t ■ plication ur.th the building's !' i- it • a--, r-n-r-.t to ... aluminum ar. trie- piecc- "/ equipment. UMVERSITY AUDITORIUM - • , Pr •: ; >-- in 're Agriculture If..- ' Station, to preve * deu-iencie* fruit crops S3. i o per couple . • Pr.f A- L- Ken- horticulture b<- > ■<» . w.:\ oe the ti: •• Ticket* On Sale \l I niuii Tiekel Office k.nd in . > or experiment •-* dev. re will • -f results of tin- fro n a tape, .-.d. more mwlv, measuring >>h>.»: '-rrk. 'done- .• Azr.cul'uni: Che irAAlt Airs I.Ywr Deejay ijiizz Show C t.tact lenses are «j„1 uird to a great- . - • stent m_»'i the | tf—ird '" 1' countries of the the recent i».* i:c»* in Chicago r • ■ - Br.lam, F: sr.ee, Hungary, Ruseia. ■■ -t»«. Argentina, ! *:.<4 VttWtutl* V> vnr,t of the * * h.ca cor.,« to _, •' -At the prew-fit I h-.-ere are still some Iruuef %fco CAnw>| ^ I ^ 'r* are certain tac- I •-* "■'v a- *a „. • petermmed by (7, doctori h r,.e out inese ps- I *r,J However, as riew I ^ ^1 of contact Tens r* "J«crure and fitting are ■' **** many pauenu I rejected, can now ^ ^ytad and ncaaiafutty --.qutries to If r 'H'. ir; ij I . ■ • (.nm|)u.« ClaKkified# . . . High Ueadership Commission Physical Ed. State News ^ Your Key to Bettor Valuos . . . -Expert Set \(iokes Trio To Talk Here iSr Mact'arth*. Execu¬ October 11. I9.il loltlini — Hill Pauline 'W'»lhnj' Case Five Fight Principals Sr , tie ij|(. tive er.r.ow.-: D.nvtoi of Council of Youth Fi'- President Eis- Vi.r-il% lliil Kail- Ej^. li on the Chin* talk on ••physi¬ ne--. -Ail: give a cal in Fitness of the Music American Auditorium at 10 Youth'* Kowino Team .Meets Tonight yop.K V—The New York State Athl.-r.. , . .. a.n. . Friday. Oct lb' Th. !'ie\ •iMirt.-at. ct v if- freshman year, will hold an Vrvinv ivisconduct. Tuesday tin»k steji- Th» J)eoarttnent of Health. organ ■' :i„ a' -7 J.I.IU f.»da> in n«in. Jl*» Mens IM three principals in the pi-.m-.v, > , • P.nv»Edu-atwyi. and Hccrea¬ buiidiMg. lm e. rY u-Vite.-t all members of asked n-tunaiu ; i;'Kiovii Patteraon-lnifemar .Inhaii**.>n it.-.,v.. the -indents and Studi nt i • 1. r. Fraukim -ounu . ha* un.vers 'v. .ill int.'ies'c:! :i. !.»•• n.g regardless "t ■ .V/fir1 2d. fu, tt« n.i tfu- meeting. crew cxivru i r • is • . . . i iik- . t:- -Mil for the t'V.M attend thi- ... fmonth- Velella. president of ttosrn Or Mart arthv has taught nm- t _ „ „? he.trlnpN the sohn Enterprises. ...lid he still Or Warf'arthv political and social srience* at •m, imit <-! n.i-t crews :ti-trucU«Mi.ii Klll.-I »f the I .eorgetow n I liivrrxitv, the MSI' if . -Tuck at held the contract 'for the ho,it her. for talk x> • and he expected to proceed Catholic t'niversitv of America, civ.'. sponsor - j-'iiTTr.-e-. Inc., with the promotion — tinder .* and southeastern I'nlvrrsitv. Ucgil vii' , ,.iit.no. thr.»u«h.»u! tie Yankee {h«* new name and in nru areas, iilllll Is Dili' \l-o, lie ha* heeu verv rlinrh MUIO' n • he;,.: Uosen- "f the "We rjfe ch:ti!2-.r.4 *• In associated teacher, social. w.llh parent, fraternal anil youth Possible W isconsin. foes Purdue up for disriission at the Hireling will he Maine. Minnesota Marrietta (Ohio), Cornell. Vale. Eye Magic with Wallace's (.lioosiiifi our organ i i>!*"Ke with Feature Sim.-, jr. . . • veteran., organizations as a cap¬ Princeton. Nav v and ( ulvcr. [ , \ >,en' Yelella. Hat It'll; a'torr.i five cities. bee:dc> , \v \\ . •< (innmissioiwr able leader -sit • t'la' !>• IJ iti v.. --.;m -f-.tu . • ' t'v tean. applU'! '■■ the i' .v.- tmia .1 aov.ii MSI' Allslctu and tnciclore will v»..n- Seamless Bifocals vt'". nwnajrer iodrling fi.i • , .. M a- iu.-hiUt-i- fi! ill- . • .• ir:*• <;- "■ the IM rai Ik - t.ide Cilpt Milan Sa'. ii i I>• « with Wallace* *eamie»« h» I c>v» »"tampion. name *hee ri<> Aaisvu"- A-.- r - • • '• -g ' t: ' ' It! . c.u 11. Ma, .1..' Mi ,r. N kle* A W: H- 1 here locals - new beaut« The lenses blend into each other without t think • . , On'.r.d .-rt Lc 1 •• . |h.i Mt M.ke Wn . 1 Mii.il Fa r. ,iii : am tell-tale demarcation lines lla\r the comfort York ! ■:••• • V v and spring help of bifocals while the* remain vour \ i- *.'<• but tin k. . exclusive secret WILDR00T CREAM OIL _ A • • I n».nk ">■ r-• . Op.! - 1 r rf»-.. • . s th, ipnri' md u-rd have a before th«* aPl^a* ,hr,r •rii-.n n " A ' • ■ - KEEPS HAIR GROOMED LONGER! 1 -•!. . I •' .»•» a', '•! MAKES HAIR FEEL STRONGER! ha- the efle.t WALLACE OPTICIANS D iclxm tiirni from lurthrr |.-iir, ir the state Ilr li ( Jones l>r W I Jensen Mr. It. J Siion intramural • li. ; 1..V, f. ' ■ I f{ ■.•n'r'of 'liefrwt j luT N Washington state Theater Itldg lul N. Washington Results Ph t.ansing l\ Mir. I ast Fansiiu Ph l l> 4-381? I anting Ph. IV 4-1 ITS M> I - K t . Moll» '• II » ! \ ' '• • i.l •' I. till. ■ •'.« •« \-lI fin .4 mill I i»« "ftll •» AK Psi. S \ I; I I . Jin If.' I nil.. ' I '•»" , l i . V| k I s \ lhr» ¥ \ K » •' Ill I*. In (.rid Hump- V K .;» P .'«• I « •> Op|omeln»l" lo Itrll. I s,,-lxr \ ,,ui \ "Surface" | Penetrating AK "u-ir P fii-M ... . Harold A. Shnider, 0. D. Hair Tonics ! Wildroot Cream-Oil < — •«(11i. oi.r Robert E. Barnes, 0.0. ' : I.' . <:■ . »>fl v.till h.iir »!»-. - SUTJYIM. CAN III SC KKAMS I \l hlnx.f ( team < hi ■'•oiV 1MK - ! ig.MlV ' 01! Troiihle • l ie- FAamined • Mplu.il ItepdH- • t onla< I l ,« n-e- • :< < !, lil k«"« I Is l>.| < WfHH'ot .(■ , « • « ■■ m.'ll « • I*'illcil • •: i>:., I, III |.el stl. M.g' • Mb. I \t ideni ii(f. \W Wil.lcal* er 'o. • . I- - , .. I.KIk.II -,:r • • tt ■ \fI « :, i j He s»". niii i in in i u%simnt t imh: n ' im.i , ■ • •' I -• • I nnmla i.ke v . IM! the -i - . , • y » ..;! bAO In the third MtM.rler lohnson tlprn Mon Ihitr In t\enu«* tri '♦ • ramr bark to -r..r« h> going IM..'..'.- sin, f. : .• •t.s'f<:»«ir MAH£ HAiW OOf V ALl DA* around the left end I mo- >ihirn WiTH WU.OHOOT CWC.AM.OILl • vkfhnf I.• v Ton I. fl.«i* e . ii . frrtf f.v live aul n»eI went o*et lor the rvti . ' '' • t,jfi. ... •: •!.- sn«| nmnv of Woo point ;/.V.%WWWWVAW.,.VAW.'AS%ViW.V.,AW.VWK -r* * • a* i-egf I -I-" i..." 1.i . ,.rs «hn n%* eioetod - iii'IMM.S sin i w MI viti i IN ;! • •it.#' <*•--• n ' ';>,!• XI '» ' . 11' ■ »' • . ' ,. i ' in- ■ - r V.«i l-ecanse lie ner •>' I Hfh* »sa on It** i; SPARTAN BELL RINGERS | USTIA I'" **•'' ■"•' ■ '• • • ' '.*•■' <»|> i- v;ri *t"rn ' •• i ' I- it i -• t'.-.f • !••• e.se* N|r>«n».n> •• foe tHRiei Mmrteuei « et.simww I/, t'tien* I'OIU I II! I'l IIIOIOII It ■ . - • Th- lit- :• < l/sf's • «• . hn.-u ei;.- i. . . . >• ..• I «n / m././S// ii tMHin.i*) :• • :; • • • . r. . • . w if •.*-•• t,.»• Ivp.tan* t ■ .# *» '» :»..d i ig s. .,, |i. * , f,i ..ftire rn A * TO... mil in nnii no o IH •: M:>. rti' fe—sit /.•/i/n\t. 'iinfi ' .•!« ' ,S.».*S»i>m ' i/i -// i# . F.,... W • it*. '■ !■ « . • •!••«»' wvii- if.i' won ■ i»'. IhMoiMa, Ibn> mm P. M. • u i i\ •i.oot.rt i on im i uMt.M :• | . III.. K. . *1) « Utr I e , _ 'W.W.'.W.'.V.V.V.V.V.V.'.V.WrtV.'.VAW.'AVrt'.V.' Iramural Mi^'ule "Imitation In ewoort's Jazz" _'l : I, f.r.mil Ht\tr l ast Lansing I'll I.II 2-2I I I 7:00-7:30 p.m. every Sunday ,Jyv& iLUhit taif' I'Ji'bk jtorr IC. h'i< i d.ffe— We s.'re .{isea*>«4iHr iwewwaii— •imh sre fi MICHIGAN STATE Tour In.-I i- I.KM. II M.I.. n...r* ' rciio-.-ic er *r, -«i» >n i,niiH • to. i|*u- i'l.ify and CAlrhVtatletar pralf- Uuhk Urif. FurtiaiutiBl JACktT i -.'W-si wt,V »-•» What Fori di-liogoi-hcil ja// In Jowrteeo ssmz..< » leather »lee%e* antiiorit, - * -.inpi>- * Make 'ip e*"»r JLngk-* *>wt •(aims • tl-e in.',«.eunt e*en» mm^!i»W*i\ 7r4J.rtrtnf (i Mllll "ellllilie horsehlile * d. ...very < lirrfk#' l"h» 1m I « • li Try 9im> . * * larti of warrotb—and M*l •« ,h" r A HiMM |F«mv Nht ten hapdsomeh stilrd farhel H—of It or spartan f»reen wimiI slre%e» of grauine hor»e- WSWM hide N*l»n lined, all VIft f I m" />.»,|ee ls-+ *.ow»e.f in ;**M nb.-fv f l |,**e trtdeil |l W» Hi 95 *17 ' "A HO#t two i«-r* wmpie Put I riicreM «mi oerfut tto-y are red onir i»r Ts. ret i«e| In mn»nwwn •veryU/'living tnf IKM-Soeei >. >x 99.1 on your IM dial In mnzAreo Tm smtmim In ten*. Mro Jm w Ji/*n-n Mp 'Mi •.••!§] i Y. : [ *WT,t Alpine** ym M TanOn thn* Bne :: t hnt Mi Idle r*--> nese * ntiS Alpine vm» hided IM ' KAMOt S MICIIK.W STATE ' fenp i».e U ivht* tA Alpinr "f.e fof MaS'iT, «Uke tm* IngJi illm . "I ir /ierc Kwlio hoO srxi PdiMzkUig to.i cigarette# * never grnnNul; in (ma, iii .ft tfh n dleifcs d i* tngft iinpMibir. Son e« I ABLER SC • SWEAT SHIRTS gigafrUe AipUV-. < ,eb RAM. \oa1L aeaa f.. in Is f.ihh! t SWEAT SOX Itlur- Again" :;i ::t \ nr *075 Ik liil«- ill M IKK. s.M.lr- 95c pr. il ..AbwU IU. 10'. II, Inn BMAMUIIN6 DAILY 7 «M-1 AM The ifMMiM'i of Ihh rainom n«Ml Aimflhtiin f igozeffea. fm k wnil pi—— p—. t*k mhmt ovoAre J/fNfie. Phthp J poo jnenan. Wtenf |M ,(i :SK ;jj> sfeall IONU.HT ' I II O IMI. lit Mwfc. • Slinr i|ti« r.f fu -w.-'MR >tlCHIGAN STATE NEWS DeniesEvading Summons Survey Given — » October 14.1939 On Discounts Graduate Program Imports Van Doren to A ccept Subpoena For Students (rnnlinued from Page 1) Library • •Often it is not .i kindness Jo adequate NEW YORK hD—Chnrle* Van Inquiry. But Rubino yald of his that a subpoena had been is¬ f,»reign -tu.i« nts. especially standards A student discount service bcliovi-s Daren's lawyer said yesterday disappearance: sued On Rubino's contention it,.,.,- who.-'.' backgrounds in •• the big-money television winner "He had no thought of evad¬ that Van Doren did not know may be installed at MSU beb»r« s.K-ncv ore often deficient in se up rite n • v. .11 accept a subpoena to testi- ing anything. He just became of this until yesterdaj, Harris the term end. if an Al'SG "u-;- i.mor.tt' r- experience, to per- student., ,r "i\ at a congressional probe of distressed when NBC took him said: vey ghows studenv- t ivor :he , . • to undertake work "Recent fixed quiz shows. off the air summarily last "That's trving t<» «»••:•. the. service. o.» « i s 'J.nfoug.i knowledge of importanc* The lawyer, Carl Rubino, de¬ Thursday." point."' He pointed out that the troilok UA." -.i; the Commit- rate h"iif • nied Van Doren has been dodg¬ Van Doren Questionnaires .vill fi,- d.>:ri •- dents In Washington, however, Har¬ committee sent a Thes sii'»uld be advised a:, : ing the subpoena and notified ris challenged Rubino's state¬ telegram last Wednesday invit¬ utc»rcn knew nothing about the EMPLOYERS FOLLOW INT. M AJORS atores patronized, fierrt-n'.'i x. seaivh program- and an expla- subpoena. lie first knew about The following employers will be »nt« rvii wing at the PLACE¬ peaceful uses of nurlear energy. (See story on page 1.) spent in urtiversi'*. area s'ot- • i.«t!i''ti < ' h'»w graduate, students it Monday night. He didn't and efleet< on amounts > MENT BUREAU in the Student Services building during the ma. tit um. then know one was issued and he a store if the diseoikti; «■'■!•• • • week of October 19-23. 1959. 3 Univcr^.': ca'.tural oppor¬ It's •rim hasn't been avoiding one." The subpoena w»« waned last Project Matterhorn OCTOBER 19. 19.59 Princeton Mech. (I)' iMi. Ei<<- (Ml (M) Cheaper by the Dozen! en. The SDS has Iwxn at many univeisita-. portu-ulai-. •inn- - n tune. eXD'ained • at.d services snoul'J be Friday. Monday. Rep. Orrn Har¬ University Engrs; Physics (0) for re¬ BALTIMORE «l'i—Mr*. l»r- i*m angle, grinning all the time Jv on the wes* coast I" !.« u - The (ommittre itolc* that ris iD-Arki, aroused Van llor- search. raine Groves walked slow', In addition to the quadruplet?. uallv done through th*' N «'• -n » nlT-rjinpiix education and eve¬ rn wf evading it. Convair Astronaut:• Ad Mech., Elect., Civil Ac Met. down the corridor at Johns Hop¬ - ha* eight other children, in- Student Aciation. hid wfiifi i ning graduate course* p«»*e Van Doren. a Columbia Uni¬ Engr* ; Applied Mechanics, kins Hospital yesterday an t 'uding two sets of twins. it.- carried "M independentl> problem* in maintaining stand¬ versity English instructor, drop¬ Physics A Math (men Ac wo¬ stopped at the big glass window The quads—three girls and a ard-, of qualit). The ( ommittre MSU. ped from sight last week when men! majors for all types of t.» the nursorv Her face broke . ?tre doing spleudedly, the si ggests (hat the colleges should •lie subcommittee first sought wrk There will be a Con¬ into i wide grin .*> she looked I: -?pital reported, although they jn«' queationnain- ari • . >■ complet**d and turned .n * liv¬ strengthen and maintain resi¬ tits testimony at the Washington vair Astronautics Seminar, at her thrc'-da>-old offspring— v -till in incubators. This is dence requirements lor gradu¬ 8-30-10:90 pro.. Oct. 15, Room ail four of them. normal precaution when in- ing uhit presiden*- Tr«;. *• he cxilletTted Monda;. and Pte ¬ ate degrees sufficient to ensure 33. Union Building The 30-vear-old Negro mother are born under five pounds Theater la Open Arthur Andersen Aect. (B) (Mr. and Math. ) At Ma'b (Ml ,V (I)' Development 'majors for Re car.fi Englluc MM RICARDO'S at thv heht. Ui, Je.t to the Trojan War, Tie Drama * •Critics* Circle AiResearch Co Manufacturing Me-fi t lit (Ml A Elect (Ml Engr*. Phvsic. (With 1 l IS I Tiie Kins" Fast of East I.an-m "9 t > ;| \wnrd play for 1952, Sidney quarters of electro-mechanical Kin«sle>'s "Darkness at N<*on," studies) for leseardh Also viil i»e presented April 27-30. Chenmal Engineer- jiKniil. u MoiKlcrfnl »larl It, an r.enin^ Announcing 'Rambler-fer '6( The season closes May 18-21 E 1 DuPont In* Norn Chem. (B) Engr Par,.- Takara/nka Danrrr,. . I'.ujoy our fini* New lariilty-Sluilent Mrrl high style! Low, low cost! In II ianrii'» (.Mil I'izzn Itaiiali Simula-til S;»art.»n Women'.- league wdl >iHiii ..f a Farulty-Student ct»f- (.inn* Italian SaiuliriiTii-* hour in the Faculty Staff Ihmni of tiie Women's Gym tu- «l tv from 3-5 Subjects to 1«* discussed ln- 75c AND $1.00 IWi>m Co tour Dorm Or Door • lode methods of furthering har- nioiuous ani faculty-student rela- uuivrrMty acrvne CHICKEN DINNERS pioun-f- • sWt Vlt inv»i-!> .M-.i HIT* ate department mvitiM to ail co*ds interested lit faculty attend Satellite Drive-In Casa Nova / isr i ivs/\(.\s in.misr ri/./.EHi i jamcajsilj •"ill I S. CKIIAII KI.IZVI.IKIII TOM) 1 21 I II. \.l . Ifii-I l.ui-iny K.I* Lfiifu.") Mudi»: 8!5 W. lirind Riser j mile south of Jolly Sc* «>l.nf . . . model, . fctu.rv1 Sc.- > -c.it'. NtW HAMBLtR AMtRtCAN lad Lansing 5 door ,tat.on -agon' Bittjtcr -tnd-hicld tor i• Piano and Organ Sludin frwtcr viability. High, *td» door, for ca-ar cnttc p., 11 "r ' (Mon.a II.hmi'U it«rh«r «r oiirm I.f uo> >imt.v impi.trd Yogi's Drive-In S.-C on ptkf. upkeep, imk. At Ramhlct dcalct. j| ii. ii.i, iiuili lioi.lt log i.h.,r »| lund-mrniat »or» l*sln- 2121 S. CKIiAU •AVE WITH RAMBLER —The New Standard of Basic E>:' Across from Srh mid I'm Market l.iiroll now. II) 2-4«>l3 KQDL KR08SW0RD ACROSS DOWN 1 2 S 1 1l M.S.U. HOTEL ASSOCIATION ■ 4 7 t i t »,«B •< i. Kid)«»«»., 4. WKut «*» ((>»»'"• 12 " " • ♦.on it'e | H- *' '• * * (•# 3- F"> at* l'HESE\TS I • I'M* •4 Irm *. TK<«U «Sn 15 14 " iw •met^u,. 17 If., rr. imtm ■ >p. i^(»C* It. t»sw »*.. g. • '••as *s, •. It 20 14, ) «(, * ' VismoS Hotel Holiday ^^^■21 FAR " Ifi YOUMC Del ( at M ;4 2) 34 SMOUQNTO a I*. rh«> •» IK.-'mt '1 »h»*» MBACK TMBT'I ffl. Tulka fls'l* • " » i* » SI H Mm lw »U -Ur t-*i ti. lUtf «(*• Army li n.,t, So«c-« 55 51 52 le. Ia.»- IS# l-lt • « » -> • fm~\ S* * erv-4 |uW*y 11. Kw.h r..*« SS \bt-rr\ 54 is «|»Rrt )A HADES < anal, 2*. \«* uv*n 44. HmtI. NU 57 >9 V I*. Ku f-rg. s«a SA. TSm .. rr a. I..-a. a f49 41 M"'" »•* 24 » -Ml »»d a 41 av. rwi - SS W— c rnrM,*^ *? *• 43 * k!"1 *•* ■». 4t ■ - - 47 II ANNUAL DINNER DANCE fTr. TW» lee eUrt-.t 41. E4.14* 4"U« When your throat teHs SOCIAL HOUR FLOOR SHOW 4k It's kWMI t« Mi Kaa* *•>• j», you its time (or a change , dub* M«tM M KvuryoM* • V you need KELLOGG CENTER *4.25 Per Person Urn girl 4*. Ma* Km* M. M«4> ( a tffid change... > St. •***<«" **• ** fmjf 4T. —uilorvd or l**itchins!v frmininr ... MUMMY, MIME* 31, IMI »f Jiilh't mi.-- a ..iglr vrrsion. And just u irrwUt- YOU NEED THE il»!e »» the ntyln are the new paisley, floral ami YkM, Stbt-al tb, Union JUltiifltC>£ 0^24(6 Keometrtc prints ami the rich plain shades of au> tumn An all-inclusive" sire ranjte. mi Imb M IMIiic CmUi '3.95 to '12.95 «*kodi7