Tin- Vii-iillicr |nar»l( °,irlfi Michigan State News Partly cloudy, warmer spartan Cax'rs _ Practice |.i»vv Wednesday ^ 'W Srrvinj: MSI lor Serving Tor .lit Yearn Year* PUICK .*• CENTS fti 51. N"- __ EAST LAXSIXH. .MICHIGAN—TIU It.SliAV, (KTOBF.lt 15, 195» | |» ( (ill SotHI NEWS Steel Probers lot Kingston Trio I IN BRIEF aires Music Hit \i/» t.rt'fts I tie 1/ 'NTlON* ' fre- Get Extension N" Khiiwhi-hev tVi t- B« *1 ZETTK lAM^EV |. -N.. Y. ■y*- r...nH" Trio proved that it is an. Pa : ' i'n^ a< . n then . lights were Guard, Nike-Zeus le-adei <•: ♦ ♦ h • tucked up claimed that the > i the ori- sii. i- n..' ;i7J, H"-: ' exeteblcH Sttfe filthv"); the three WA>:UNi; I; y ; i t,. j le I ! , • ,,, , Wind Maria." s! rumen!* **,. ' l>i -- A • ■ *;• . -. , .. i varied tempos; bongs'- •v *i* Aifh Con¬ :.2'i ai"." ^ • mt# «| i,iM. -eon. nam f > . *•' •' '.ti' nie i.;:c Jtmboret" t . . our lu.'.-irvi Guard >.iv the: Aeelaiiuefi plies a Jam . «•;» . ■ bacK-ta- apnea m: n; i joctewe-pleaser* Here n.ried * " The*. BA". .1 \ . M.r, Minuet" rwritlex ma.erta! / . i- t hut doe to foreign pol- 'T«.i.r ' itfl' '' " » hi«a t been an> rtunce arru'ic::.* f f#ustn">• "vokh and Arc-ompanvinc the trio on the j „.i.i h* *»hane ("his luv* hk llavid "Buck" Wheal, Tax lor sod his pine I needed recommended the VUlr N • «• I'hnlu h. > fir lundhrr. of Hhoni the trio hourd in re- tone an*wax t>» assemhl. t a part tf hm therapy"): roenition atirr "revaluating the rOrKTEEN CIIARMINfi rued* met to discuss their coming duties and honor-. more * # * the loluminotis testimortv and _. j \|jr/ to the crowd. rurkmy work of the fiddle.' Uednewday in the Student Service*, lounge as Army ROTC corps sponsors. r«, — over stimulated"), .iiilartiea Farlrv exhibits presented h* both xid. - Be.' -ic th.- m ., • and put them in shape lor a re | iv *ud"nre-partleipat»«i» m- fe< tio.i-. :-.u- "!>• . •- WAMUNGTON }' \ I'laiiA INtlio Shot Sal«- port, in the likrh e\ent woe » iv saints (hi \larchin* :i.c*nce entertuinc* i ■ .■ • n..',. . \ Both •.tasi". of the powrrful .• . must be hied an I grimace?- Thrv;ew. the a -tribute" t-» p/ck .,r • r>" «>•••-: S'.' »i'*t • v ilia lit a nd propulsion < haraeter • r,s a new rcK'kini; a . •; -ru- ii •• • istir* i cere telentelered to the ., IH*- Vol • t ... acv-K.I to: .. srouiul •" 1 UBK-i-rr,- IU t %RBT Mil LI.R • ■ . . ♦ # * 4 • . p. ' P. ♦.' . t. . - ... , .. .wi . : mini t tee of Future >•###//# t.hnoMf ■»••: t • P.ik S: . ' • • . « . VSIIEVU.U;. \C \A' '' r- •" : *' It. s marc routine announce- A- , r: ■ ' iiirni | \rt utl\e Vice-I'resiilent ' Idvocates Resett reli lie, llr.lme* told the roiigre**- ' ' *' * ns»f oot to (orgel that tlierr . ■ . ■ iT !;• J' p* 2..". .- A • i. t J. • .'..1 I,. • -< •»'. h no hi tw j- |»e|» rail* Ihh In- '*•*■ 5" ' V nijhl in the llaud-hrll at ' •he n. «-r important activities <>: any uniier-P W-I'.-.J, ,, .... , , Both states of the Nlke-/etis Ka- ' research or developmental. th»oe is no •'•' s •• G A. ■!. went oft on trhedule The tir*( research, in any form, is vital t« a true um- (. • :• r. . attempt at a Mke /rus test il Die stnknu xteelworkers | n # # # * # * Uhile sand* kite !>; ended ion completed'its atiumenls on w hen the missile tell apart in the vlilhe issues I undax night make a tii»' 1-tv.-• f,i; n«*lp.:.g Itrimh t ire t.heeLeil O IU ■( *h '. . i II S(. I ttronrie* deiuif ' iiH'nicii IKK..,". ! . ... r-.vcr. . the «ir <' o n tad • -•}»*: . x>- . l.xsi U>H A.N'OEIXS r The- bi.un! 'Ileer tin si' '' .mz T - the nations w ib x'. v-'trchi t.>;:ix a .' run 7o ' V; • • I •- v. the adminisiroti m • . . .bcn-a-eii health ami o!-,.-; irol bruMi tire, Aided-- - U. > P .•••.•' I t •* ■ .. . • ,.A- ,Ulg. u.< T f*i-i en mended *na* . the incrc- *u * A ifi'i ,,ig u-p ,K ra .t« ■ . - At s. , committer- w -f f :♦ I ' repre***r('.at.\ c. tt ••:. -.•• (. ,.- x- •t•: humid;: (»•-,. A i llnsletl. . •• ,• .v. ten* S- •. .- • fT and «"• r™„. emphasis on re of Art* ari-? s- • . •■ .-.rio »• .■ n - . u' * # #* >' A ' l» r ^ essential •) • hv Dave H 41 ahsojutr kitls t,o Free htlt InirtKlurrd . ivpre-cr-t.o.v • «•. ' - t Ui \ r • * »f iU value to the fltnri c (.roi«urr fur thr purimv nl jp ...t t . • ' \ '' Sliiildouits Near it Urtf." suted pioieuliflt »'.!» fur thr printing . . • f.,?; s'i..rt "f •'*■* the f uture »f the this ionimittrr should advtar ♦ *t» of tnlurmalienal pimphlrt* hv .-I . a,-., en hrlds of yflertitllt and di- tlnrtivenrvs, siiould vpirtin Ili-Uason un passed. S. ,!•• • * • pr-.fc- approve • r - grants-trorii thr uniienltv re¬ ■ j Ik- Army ROTC I *he search fund, and should adusr •t . ■ i> £ iftavef.U' " the %irr president lor research -.he mam > •" •••■ could development ronrerning suiU- * * * ' -• I'irk- (!or|h •* HlliM of major reseanh prtijerls traehing ant re- In#fg I.etui to II or •V tuianred from outside sources .v-,. . hiaiv..»heti •An t« SKA Y<>KK .-U A .a I nil R<7»r»'»c»i/n/ii e« Sponsors iu-rme. ou • «>«■• • • • ■i; . ;.»-rr- v.» . • a tearher- Ultv c->."V.t..J ir > • 4:» au.« fliu-ii** HIihmI Itrirr improve our a• • '• ' ' r . X .n pre- A i dfy. Is.* l.iv'uu! uni*. irpivuero «*;v♦ truly outstanding" the iK*st n.>*'.♦ rv•. ' - M.i'ww M;d W»."ine«.iav Il:i s. .-t eveiutie. a' " ;?i 31' I'rrsident John f,onion ha* f »* held to be the active hold thoM* now of. *'»f" ,r . • •b" .4 . B »- - H" >,.'KA» • UiO I'.l'.M N..- .Vl,-i Th. 1 a. • : »n»- Ah-rtiii.-• sanl Idle I " plants ran con¬ Vi itncsscsTalk i wPfciir. r voted by the p«»rtant cfiaru-.' 'A « • .. tinue maknic rars to '"laller A-m-!' 4-W. - h»si'i f> ' :v-2 achieved Th«"» A m riN p he or* fcpowlcdip and • . , ■tr. .A A V .rx < . • Ked f ross representatives wtll tJrUchef." hut there have teen H untie hear: :.g> The In¬ H . r».»nur:; we' explain the aspeets of the drive. published reports that t hrvro- ; ' rn*>r 'xpand was an 1 tellectual Under ttie head Atmosphere search laeilities and •services" »' »;»- .n- I: -V K. .ri.pr V.ng . to'- ' I ' • ^ o *. e r Ch.Migo <-.»:• -"•» , M; p. . V 'tifKcfl ; • At Kni^iitTriai Blood sun-up sheets, data drive kit*, containing sheets and let asscmhlv lines miiht rlos# hv next Tuesday, with < or* nr ,,er:,nnance. ~ the p»- pioduction htticinc on to Nov will be dis¬ s»| ireiiic (,«»nrl donor consent rards Km- S:,i ' tei;ntiual a'-nee-p •,f> «• s-.«" N , must be • *rt' ||r ' uu ..I? tributed. tx- given pnrbiCTliS *}W t.i :,: •«* fw • • ! - r,V re;-, • q r K«-vii-ww Tiiv ( A ifiWKrtl' »v VtetT- W t , . Ju< {»••» - I ;t«i- • • vtlft i ji.'i it' safari .» 1,u.-"• '-r. ' • »n such a - -v; nance ami These pn. ... lhr i omnmter Ctlilf . H-. J.. ?'n..» Board %. . I < L. K G r*.i Kh.ghi ;-''i t • • -• i 15* tn be searcher* and the undergradu¬ A< ' to Sit . :• -. . »r . ■ . - • .eh j-o n K dii'':, v.'•■■.■en' A I.Hi . • • K.b e) M- ♦p.i K.4tr, (Go, S -I. .1 f- 'f I' ' t tf i- ; 4.T-, ;n ate and graduate students. W v. : a:..i daVhes of A • v a» (sin ■ • • under Hu'sr... A 'Kii'i,. .r Na .V I.I »rr» a:,. i:,e 'r-jjg.n- the ' T«> fhiv and. the Jiarar-, r ... -• »- ■ ■:*.»• -..vd ws'.n .. p.".■ :. e a : ic r junior, (' harl ... Tux. baa nu*l« ' Kjk ' ; >! > Vriou« toort- add personnel to pries* • oi irad.UofKjl Oriental cUr*.*."* *..• e . • BuSiA.il l o' K .*•) Taxara/uka th*?;"- un.« of the BA I *•'.» •! » I ». Mil. V .■•i.rary holdings »«rvice material* tcveived A" *»• ..fcn ..n ■ ' Mi ■ ftee, • a T'»i . T".» uter ■>«- their Sna! a;>- single genera. 4 Js'or-rsSfcoiiLeg *-•"*k. m i in a vane- prevent, the i;t»rar.- ha* the Wednesday evening u» Pxtki ucer . - M Ur. . Ml - must be smpJIest »UfT am dig the Big 1" IK-Ariiae untvenutie* A* tie present ;«>• a n»-af.. full totier. st-it difficult to heid c<*«- The pn if rum divided inV* Gri-els I'rolt'MH ' petent personnel, for adequate three act* I»-a' '-rr»i hum«»r«AJ- performance a* even the mini- seiecton*. *ucti u» Bcxuty and HF Wagon Starts liollu:g level'of service expect-i the Barulit' aivt ' The Jiftf Je H-K-U a* *♦•;! as the dramatie by tiw student- facui!'-. there is Immerfiate need tor aev- "'Wounded .Vkiw B-rd" c*!qiar- era new pr*.;. *r.- «o e Tchsikowkj ■ "Dying MiM f,-f. a -- , —• naaanted In "The ge.rvwe agvmcsea on t.'ie S*'An Spartan Hi-Wagon .* -:M. . • /j #yf i divisteifi *• •:* •we Wcat are ainwnt campus—tlitt library, the ir.ur- A c"i -rful military drill com¬ welcoming committer J r •" M -- H 'nert K -.c-f »- SWI.* a- - and store jxarvhaiang. plete »»» sAtirds sfvl stick*. faculty member-, twgarj ; ii.,'.'" *"«• k« eum. building* and utilities - sbouei xn.1 a dynsunk- di>* t r urn-ore Vi.vt,.: erati'^is las' werk :>> ' ,Vthough the - jptimary rewwr. [ b»»u«h«. give higher priority v» wrv'.ng dar.-'c uuriuu.ng hind painte-i over ters n«rw prtrfeww^r- v isiti ngf w t" e* U b ■'. > h » .n XOCBH.-. the researcher « need* For ex¬ parav.-l.* sparked tne pr 'grafi s#r iiudcftt-faculty relate- The p!-r.-ra-e "be oh:-. a.-oWfl Urd 4nd Ft-ur finUua depicting the Sparta;, Hi-Wag r. *»■ . ample. purchasing shoukl ex¬ '.he Aiu*ie.»t# are v»r*«i on ill <>n« o? il- kit;d ln;i pedite faculty requests; tadbn.- cal service personnel teg. eiee- shjry of the young widower »* men's LtUfcoe'm a,, attempt : avje.cis of VISU to help am* .; question# tiirir hosts might will v.nu.*.«>♦• and .*.pring t»tr'Higb !mt«, but w»f ->t winter I >rn.i sp:;r.g. a c>nt«nparary tsillet better »t-'u«irtvf-faculty r*''•' a/ vaaaty tronics technicuru., glass blow¬ lite actum witi «tvr m ?r»c f»IL In order U» gam a ckjaer v have J** with Western accent* as sum¬ - • ■» ers. and a central shop) should brtween Use tw* group*. SWI, STudcnt* not rruflM-n to rt-;ir- - Students ;uirt4ci|wcteig ui '.'to mer, ail auiumn festival tnd be provided." iiwUttfbd systetn "fit the University by formal grtf-ung an- pat i-pvewr.. F-i*t The third major area, ftoanc- bnali.v the enow Urd. a ' Authentic f nk sungs a-vd the municipal} agency, '#*•.» o-.r raiA make, up an executive lutnsiog . Iv'.iU F nter. Uticx, Ing research, deals pnmanly W ig in ' ^..trrl Thii group handb-* 'tiw KY S' ■ Onitfl Iiar- II IM with the difficulty of deve. »;.jr.g danct-s -f Okinawa proved the Unlike Wekwpe Wag uifurmaUoo pertaining u> ln- ring tot.. Qi ti-. got) Sas* free- l^s '—Urv a* H large funds and apportioning effective cnurrgr-pr.y o' Utc faculty members and |e/r*. N Y N ancr Heller,' U w J research In short, gay "Mortar pus commit Urn d-«f«'t give -g.f:. -,cw 'S-H u (k, -.--I, , them-among '-be many projects that the university group Drum Dunce,*" a the Japapeae ar¬ rites but they tio M;Hi out va}'.W.a pievcs of information pertwr. i't. tcfj a broctiure to be distrib¬ uted among the professor* Hoaefl me"'-. IB sr »r J««. Phillips. Wtl- I : sponsors. tiste engaged in the pagan ^ Toe brochure contains item Ate» J< an K'>. «mej. Van to MSU and the ioca! artu I' ' IWI The ewmmittee suggests set¬ of their ancestors : Twelve atuOente, after' p«r"- ..-iterest u> anyone connected Dyke ;r ; Marv la-eman. Man- "—' »nd Dressed m their bnlliari! ar¬ holdiaj ting up a university re-.-arch ray of costume*, the a»l-g.rl Uooing for the p.*.bona. ' tfie University, for m- ch;.--o*r 1,'hufk Kiwhtel, r. ^. -Ty*-'™ *hc4«r. fund u» include major new al- selected spring tern: h> a r- - ' • *•• a football and iectur— R.«!w Mrph : Jcrrold Petbyf Jxir wort- uj ihiaier closed the |»'rfurman'e 1ocatioos. unattached grantu and (Tu City if ; Nancy Simmo.u, POKPOISK ("1.1 II mrmlwrx ar* c*Mllia( fw tlwir «,l* frven with a tribute to Okur.i. a fam¬ slewing b»ard consisling f c invert scrim schedule, ter .n J rV-..'"*** gifts from any source, fees ous temple dancer who set the Judy Kaiser, Kalamazoo soph - {j* M.sriti Sc.'*'.* .'M cheat) ,.Hmii-.t 'n,i> ""a"- Mptmcfl In V.c Scawav transportation markets of the opening What? "Fight .Son;; ' Ye.-, and blue-, and cha cha cry., Whl't ■ t j to Michigan Saturday. .>•.«-«--• !i « supply of m;i- Guard Press Freedom !v Porpoise Club Swim Show Bani d freer ed r- m l- . i I'r 'f. - >'.'1 Leonard FV • ' r V e .i•.',i d of Murki 'mi4 the "Fijfh* ,o .j Pi in- ooi Mi'i'•'!•. bi"-'M at the hall-?!:- ..t ni|u;i|j;,- bus stride involved another Hami!- i•! Hii/ord h iti'd M '".i~ • ' Features Aquatic Antics An Notre Darr.i- ? » (FDITOH S Ni >Ti: ,v •-. '• Ah >?;7i"'i I Thl.s 'Aie-. Hi the i elehl iiti-d e.'i •• If • ,11: • I • iuvf i'Hit'tiofi With .\'iT!"ri,-;. 1 »• -. . I - Xlong with IhA io-ol-. ino Hiirtv ('roswell, editor of "The Wi,-,, " '.f i I, dop'i ' H. "■ • .v . v i - Itibfi today and rildiott O * i!l ; hand will present i Fedeiidi t ]>.»)>• i° published id Hudson, N Y The forr*,,^ TikI '• n»'vvs|t;tp« i ■ iimv differ rhitn• An underwater push-cart if', ,c ,, M.ri'" signed by iHrAt r pop* ' A., opt I '• iiiiimd bei iiu,.n Croswell uiiiji- : :i ( .»>:n . i'. >; IiIuhI 1 Mr-, (liniir-'n problem . UltcMUit ionul U- '! ?o -ting many «■ una in whnli rm»- ! :-i lie was indicted in IKtil and found cuilty. Ap¬ N'afiitoriuni Nuts comedy diviuj in music ma* change kc- iirki.v join hands so fl«h» il cumhihih i ,u I . •• •:<'!! wid highlight the first Sa;- it m ( upper country mines supid* Song" outlasts then. •, pealing the verdict, lie acain went to trial, this i1 be demon- Thi- i'. whin they -mo-e some action Shut abndi" • .ii'h.v morning water show of x baii. old* six percent of the copper time with Hamilton defending. I.ike Andrew The' wad.' riitoM! of the I'op|mum« Swimming Clui> needed h* Michigan: iron is be¬ , *| (i| <• Hamilton. Alexander argued thai truth and truth of the sh«.A A' ing extracted frohl rock ores such • f r»*< IM • f i ?! -• '' V I' I • ' -i alarm planned rm . Nl-WSpapt fun I' • I' Tfail-e" ha- I alone was a defense in a lihel action. fought (aconite, and the state now pi>7.. a' ?(•«• rt!iiun .is a- ap«N.'tary Hum d door of hut . - poo!, from 10 :ih a,m -noon Sat¬ one . . i.'. ii .iv.i 'i .ic,, or indn iduah urday the* suim io the IM pool Ifc'll i!» drum *- ■. „ government bnrlic Folio •. |;,c tin !•»>••. liC'.v iii "A * Well plivsod . cha Milt Whl'll tlx* Willi of 'eel i t * II lni'Tlii 'i 11 !•:. H.oiiiltoti s (orinohi. Additional!* 'tie laws 'I'm- ii o-nt ijndri \« y!"; race spend time fishing lor a ktnu- " tituj hul will prohabl* T';cre u ,.t.ii p' >■ , the I.eWf. plibll-hl'i .«t |e., t the 1-di'o: • Mi l' I'.c Mil* li.nl the light to d( trillion • (o.i'uin '-A o r .■. • si/r eati h another Porpoise. nona'.e to the '• her* eali feel '.ale tfi.if fie . ' «i• i" ' "• too." <■. I. Hie law and the fact The n law- s.rwd as driven !»'« otm man and pusfn i . . toil I,.- »r»oth* !• 'Hie 'earns will ra-e u am ("oac!! t'b.o ie> Mc- in i o : toi tr.. pic s guarantees of many sta'e around the pool eclgi-, climb o ti. and sever.i' v.o >ih X newspaper which rrltlrl/rs the cm* ernrrienl whether It he the person of the President or the l'i. i • • Mm fro >\e!l i a . -during a |»ern«d chairman of a local water board—can do so .• In i..ii,i;,. liin.e nailed tin D.uk Age of fearing reprisals, mm h was not the rase fiolilical and tourtiaU *< it hoot from almost thr niomenl the first American ne**- . co i ii- lid!;. M *..•! i ic 'oil, a r f is. a Fflei all-1 . and unti- Sight .stuff paper. I'tihliek Occurrences. **.is published in ; • o • nil ' > I CM doll- were ..Mark' t»v illltl* \i *liinil.i> Ihmuvh Kriri.it * iruh'nt and seddioi il ibs turns ujiot imprisoiiinent not exceeding r rnmen' When tin* grxnit mi '. I cfilM'd return H ft we ing two s MMMl, and hv tears." KB 2-loll EX T. 2iil.il ltd!, mid the V • Yo.lt Assembly refused to to. < ill M.lkne' :o ". .ft If. ' i II" . I' III11M I" 11 a- etnd i! o- ■ • nai.i'.r action <'o-o\ pio^tletl lw • Minn il lent t.ikina intion /.ihfii wInoo.'i.t to tint ; •'Hi ; i time tfn AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE PERSOI.A; 1,1, Oil || ft "til" • "I t'hill ge of "I .111! -eot'ioi ■ ''.ii|. v If M : i ■ i ' Two defense altoriiets who disputed the w u • ' ' . • •• tl'Ttli IMS v.. . if everyone is lant against /nicer were disbarred. ami the ■ ..I the I ft- mint appointed a defense counsel Itnt at the I imtli ,| iMomeul of the trial. Philadelphia law tee Xndrcv* 0 \ it H; M- - i * ' b • -i • m. ii - \ vfur J r* s llanullon. filtered the picture as counsel for /en* e < - • I ' ; ger Int dom to : *' i ' MKHMAN ' ■ p e • 11. ,• ".>• • ,It,!m Mill-io, m to deli I. did lint deny pnbhi (M"'i ol the , iCe.-.l aitti Ins r His argument v .is it, il if not oi.< ; ' • <1 l!;.- pnmh. Ai-tofiagitii a." HOUSING bunscif « * * It i R K.i r M- I ight ti. \pm in-ijor ;nti*H* ol I'or- pr i.t the it i ' .• •» Ml •' I I \pl» s.ai.n appro* t o ( I.OU \ |N(i AltOt N|) will he -i wiNGtO | >di I anm . /etigi I be jui* Th pi ' .u: on t pic - pttisr Club nu'iiibrts Suliirtlax niormng. I his joker rr- si un.At.y -Pittr* I'fCfi it*--. i hear-sfsi for (hi* etenf which will include sktls. an under- -11 t'it ARC to . pic ft« ■ u*! in>M wnler push carl rate and diving exhibitions. • e .> ' Ml a-z*2:1 ' ID 7 021* Seihohl Heads tfff-r.«\-*:H I'-U.b lie* I t.!e s j,' k :< »■ KM' - i " N I V . the Njtitorlum Nuts will pre- "t llUi. !"' .■»*• MSI) Grud Returns 'Home' - , i • •till A sei ii-s of rtiVf* oionii ho>- ni'11.'*" At*' f ■>!» T e sit--, Imsic torni tll*r*. sin h as gainer, i 1 ' ■ ■ , F.U i-M.I ! .ink knife 4inl "swan ' < - A t M) >' HNtsrtrn • i» * • s-1 ur\ : i e>i IM E REAL ESTATE I.v I . IX ii gta ii- s U',..« Mr,.,,"...,. - • it ■ V . ! IV hi i . .. -sitr 1 ! ■'. BHJHiMfl SERVICE , gill HIM -iCV1 cAN i ; ' ■' nusl*'-»' ASPlDte if'l \ taixtlt *« immrt (mom |'»I7 ASflDEC! It /CHARllE MOWN if \ S.H.L M. V- 1 MITMIMWUMA N£tti«S»AtJ! | ypf 122 m. • Uurliuf .e«i ETi¬ *oaiM ff s i •sit till Id '! I i r« cited h»s an .. • . : ... (» (NSUIANCI *. "*» I , 1'i n Mohold his maintained . pouituieut xipl In. i. .i-siv|mi dirritor ol hoiisiic He "Ml il at l»*e lole in the xpolt A > Jl c-k\ unik under | inn Hull 'i lion " tog duet lot and will handle It ^2 arid • problems lelalrd to nil • ni»|oi> housing laiilllM'v 1 MAv'cN T GOT A i iDEii.SUP5CKiBH NeiOSPAfEg! TO ONE!!!.' s 4471 I M«s A.. FOR RFNT m -■ diFM* CO eet K.Mae a'-w» t FAR* 7* > f . -'K Si. dh taiY- ' »rre n n»s Lilllc I,ami Ulh SI II.ol II A^ ol> FOR <; s i r ' •* Aob..' Rua; I DOOMS run i men .1 i HerW. f-,!,', At. » AST A oil i ioipiis housing diiectot ^ '•i- '!>.» av»i!•!*!» ••»<«««ing tm-.i * el< a llin FrnMem icr.ti O. * Jv r • ' A _ .• lUMC ■ |* '•"■'iinr »*;»• ,* 1 r" 1 ' i ■ i'M F't.t'A^AVT 4iuur Phom IV •-*- Crossword Puzzle lo'p'o'llBL'A'sVPt'v A 4" e=e < gi»- Fur Hawaii ip f n ull o'sB* !l A* iBn' sBs A'K » i • INFORMATION »■ ■ - '*»• «"* ; »>•» -souf tf i and *lfE Id JACK TT«m a.-r wTat* "UA-*dat •«•>**> f • ♦ - Ac -The m n. HHt u ait v c." ib >i'0' PERSONAL TYPIST AW AS"**" I *: a. ■it I I K v'rfl « OS T A I Xuii.p * i in mm t.n Ho Inptrma- X I ( II f O El*vtri !*C l||TOA's'TBt v't • iliOioi inI In hi i!»» iiffti r |.i r- s a - • ."wis and lire' a > •ik I 'I bus p t.CiJiCNPfJL "••it. ii.f ih. a,. iH.ogtni imhtii i K ,V mm: t> • -• b - •> ' ii The Bud-Mor Asency ' * 1 >C|J.i! A !>' XI XII UN I I I III It t II XI I I ■|p A H TgVp h th'\ phi i limit MaJiMsq IK) n TO *!»?'* -*-'ai»1 Jtu ha.t>;i 7 H.. V '.Hi. ,A N.O NHo W N|P LOP : p m , Martin l u% ' 'M i -. :• *•. *ms.H ; |g«■** »'D J-nr? . Sw-.'m aOua'i )»rg He ,l o isBb a g|k i ot t xriim h sit hi m • w'cc Ii' a.ji - •Oil- HA*«iS JACkSON ~n IN, t U '•i» U t.5 SiCl.L LBL v C N OKI. XM/xiimn 'Ht I*mAOIHS KENNV ;Pl.«W tohu." a \ - £1 [IT i t [Is i ) T K !-»- * I At " ; SoImJioo of Vttltrday'g Puii'l \Wsllt I til NIM,1 HIS •' ' ' i' ''V''' •r , . «si V rVPtSfi Our new IB** fir ,e port: • il* of land • o J HHP EXIT I IIX I S t M Phone IV 2-0624 tmum teg'bii ' xunertor alet. * .Aiai'ds iii*«i mu
  • , t i * — ot |v (Hit Ml US I x« 1*11 •••• 1 ' ;M A ■ , Alt.XI x 1 III 1 X 1 \l« ct.S-A XII t IIXMt XI -t IX II. ' e... V AR: t»;2 - v.'^n? IM..m "».«*> llorw Ifg, who Has xprnt set t: Hi; ■ |> ■* p \x . Hi- i.hv . y . A4n tni.ira- •' Tuesrla* era! tcarx In Hawaii plans to -! J, i.vU i.!< A \l. ,io>it-i men, I.XtilMTRS XX IX i s «') AVfxpi.)IVH>V i hair ta*. C: fltLivraw! pn> H»Cf S jA*r«c»» Mm: ' rr> a.3y return thrtr fin irseanh woik . \t ■■ ■ . -*. t« 1 MUX " HOXKIl I p m Jkl1!' l-itb-v. s.l* • -» M-r -.a* ,-.v- V- -T..I' u Tt -hr-rt * ti of VMi» IV l.a.'g* • Mi- «nd T' i \* ii j rSTor in the Mlttimct . ta w«' M> in I P r».s»rd* o«o» 0** *0» US ' • iss--n 1 L SI! vl ' ' A ,y ; 1 a-vpi-.i .tl'ed • ve■: ' : A •a-.* te. iU i or »w»n«*)ung | • *>' ce FH H V. V • V ... - *'. . pad up Till t.XMM x XI of {rv«whan,. «' ov: lM>|i y, ATI: a id Al S4:ha*«|»*r wt soci«t :i - H-.f.sp buM a: -;it»tT-- n \ ,v t» m S • u4 Si neerttig u is", ' - a-t ■ rn* suur usoris'c« b : tu" of Ha '• ... 'UU< •• 'A •' V ■ >■ ■■■■'■*• a . » '♦ » 1 ir g * A . "HtC .1 . b-t (.im.Sai* V vs. . ' A!' • e is - I I * i*j a Wl.*l mk i> rx t 11»A II J X// sp XKTAV III 1.41XX SHIP t It Ills 11 XN la* «*««* SAL( e-r (h Biusg ID tf I SM II .I.-M ■!, ite i'tii. o-.-« v diWt ii.. 1 7 JO p.n* J.1 I'm.. > P-',.|,fi ight *>f riHiiK . Mt.xi % ri i t x I NIXIKMIX TH-XXXt X i M-nt- 'bed 'be t one wit ■!* t> »}• 72 Keiimu 7 p tr* "Y"' ll'.piwe.3l« E'v three dots. aomiRAILE REREORmance *'ts »louu»iu" coUvHon An "• • i.g one » :*WM . * • /.• * e'r wh> "boMigb U'Ki 1 )c* i • ■ AlHKrXK HHXNH green. Pciiksintfirig: orjji*'.. 27 Sheet of ' 44, 341 S'.'idcnt Si'iA i. «■ t.tMi ant suMji . * striking HIGHLIGHTS." I.W.—Sow W* I i-pii'4'iiMU which wo.- * .A ■ rijf a n f a ; A • i ; —" tniy pa is ,.f \he-e iaige rst.i'cs IS I'viUjiif •inl Iihsm* smaller ^g%tw to «»- n If /« iO Suppo t tbftg Clivtduae Mit'liiwan State Nexss* Co"1'"*"-" *' ' a ret :t r»v« AOowt ft .V " t* The land question is causing M Sutoi «• ' V- v < oF tke T • D* v.~- * ~ a consider a hie stir in the Hi u u H Confined •»U Siurtee' Vast l *'-vn'e Xln i*,cie W M tMOMPYON 4lWllilX_ Monday te,f«>.igh frWa* , rtmivi L iv. waitau legislature It will hod # a*f 41 JB Set. . • '» . lo-s ii«*s .* m*<'-ng tefms week'y •" , f • ;»«•<.{.;,.Jn paue' hftwren yummei •»•*.<* fell |eiI n - ■ '* V I'd » • <1 Sevivent w hen the opposing forces come - own «'!»#* ■> cir; uoite' the act ot UkfiMl 3 UR* «•* Mo *->M Mfiut {vfbgfst AAd TOfp-Cwrow At th# ft#* •» ' ** a* 44 a* «* a* at Ri.s t *•' l.vmi-* Mt.i- to grip over the land problem What? Mau auI.*. ic.'imns oavoltlr m advance foe «w ta»«i 9S-. lor tts-o <.*•; HAM.r RFrRK.t KATCdt. as . •e «A. • ,f three lo ut ».• . h^s,w. i' 20 Sbgithma St.. two kyoch «ort* c :~9* llovwjtz. fiH'i•« it idilikc; 40 ft 46 Pa; a,) •* . k,e l*»M. •..'«•* tees* t:i Vtf i ' th* li* M tlr:»t any act hut tn thr f«»rm of a «7 riiA.- X-.oh laUst Cidkrrutte Preo #W twe D <>:U MS? of vote w ili take piaVe twfoie ixti'. A/ r ~sa Cr* of the F'O* R sKT> (JF Eiii'Vt toursliais P#AA»yW-4. • * S: lditnr-iu-thief Mai* lliilf A.*;* i ican.t '' s. Hutiifv Puouta In gdctUiio) to bi» tc e.o - . ti. »• ** a* IW !, .-r Managing Editor I*. Peter XX alters SeWnvt. Ikmk of Know (edge C or - !V S 8040. Curt#-# Lm# 6:}0. * JlnrxviU tai-; »*Rtr, jv •MukU- ;j will, tench political iVVJap outtaat llusinrss Xlanager John Xfurph* n. - tiwory during the - ci incv «t t ireulaiion Dirrrtor VATt/RAl SKl'N'K VFl'LI. tengjh Paul l eshrr owt pr»:*»t tor late tall 'notbal! *th« Uuivcrsity of H«.***.;. fag Tim# ii aaiM. gautra. |4. Phone EU 2-71*1. |5i ZSi. Busy, Gala Weekend II1 >rl»l I'm vol Si'rirs *cnlurrs s VI'.'. JAZZ 0( T. 21 - CONCERT - MMC CKNTKH Awaits 'Irishmen* ihditt IT" N'ntre Dame aenlors will travel in Km-. I• . f,mini (Jin\\ Van Doren d ay and •Armstrone H.ti Saturday i 1) ■ T„ : A .id I., shj/v. n ■ !17 I OR UI5l.lt 103 I MK IIIOW Oi l 1(1 After registering a 5 rm - subpoenaed vtnma. to attend the the "IriMimen" MSI pep ulll rallv l»lt. RICH \R|» fessor of anthriipolo.v ami »r.. \11 \Ms pro¬ . . • .■ ' i d n . ■ .«:« d A iveir i by (>."• vrW YOHK VTI — Charles at the hand t»hel|. The rallv elology. ami author of .i recent !'• < 1.: • "h" wee. < ■ out of sechi- will introduce MAREK PRESCRIPTION rarr.e the Ms| team publication of the I mversitv of " • ■ •: ct - • r •ty f»viav and made a and give the visitors it chaner Washington I'res^ entitled \ r to uho thr> II be up against v . u ■ h fl congression- see ( omnuinitv in the Andes Prob¬ r probing fixed tele- Saturday lems .md progress in .Muqiiiv iu- 11 He would CENTER «ho«*s. A i; \veok»v y" " This iii'vi. ethnplogical studv 11 ^ of his own big- for t; for t." • m r. Ttje> Hie rrsult oi \dam's fieltl ft . . v.- nmngs in advance »-< ? :v • • ... work in the Peruvian highlands ft | . \vY' ngton testimony. . Cathoiu s- ..!■ • r, town of Muqutsauyo. nitep cit¬ ft , rm |term who ftiMftfteared the . v }• ed of its proeressn-rness as 4 ft in m:\mm»i! model ft j(Hr,, , „fek ago. arretted a fs • s,- . of constrix ti\e commun¬ 5 ir«« 01 tlir Kalhab I" ' • Nf\i I«> National I nod. ity „M»oeni to appear before Ihe activity ti 011 tiu North Rim. with committee. In hearings hr,. n- •«., ft wildllovvcrs mule. r- tainted shows li• •• ■ NBC'.- now delun.t eampu m. I nn which Van orient them- .. I KOI I \ OK MOUI ss - 111'. I1 tyeen * 29000 in 14 weeks • . m f iBf ,-M- • n 1950.57. rommittee wanU to know ... ■ c«,.n; -is | si.r:i - si. 10 !f th' SJ-aear-old Columbia T „ :<<>■.<■ I),, • sIMII.\( ItMlT MII k llip. 27c - 2.V | iihrrsil* I n*li»h Inatrurlor t-, „ . . » I.II I I I II 111 I I.IMMtl s l!c». 0}{<- - TO,- I u*i part in the admitted *hc- IJ BiBiian. 5t »no time. Van « I Ml VI' \ I I \MI\s i:. u. s t. 11 - 2.10 Dtfrn publicly disclaimed any Su . I itenlcdcc of such trickery. E 1'id.y-M-soi Hind*- It.-. >:t.".o _ 2.oit T-e th' -• ■mmittee resjrm u-. — next month, r a.-' T H • viim 1 Hind's .to,,- ii, ». s.T.r.i - .<2.011 . ,-. r .<*•- into the flr-t .. »•:••• I r* hj-nve-ey rju;V*»ftow>. CDS - T|cc I I C O "in ; sioio Hid lis I Quest;om " M.| ■ 1 m n « It \ II V '' .1 111 I., 11, p.m — SI Ml V V ,. p it, Hi II' p ni '.VriViVi'iV. \ allies, to s:;.:,u ^VWA%V.%V.W.WbV.VAV.V.V.V.V.'.V. Wool • Silk • ( halhs I 1(1.1. DID ,. \ ito.sl HII'I IHN DEI.IV ERV I'Hdm iv -. « l.ntrunt )our (•riuiniiiiu l.< Only SI.50 lltlirr MM 'rrs IIn rr Irti hosilchi'l,'s VARSITY SHOP l or Mure Than 'J II 1 runi Abbott (Cel. Kits! )dtn>inu. Mali. IVAN'S HSU BARBER SHGP| : :d 209 MAC. AVE. NtiW HHOWINb ojr cowhide be its feature There's V c" r ■ * tfe Ame'iC.anc look fashion $ No Thrill - j! . HMt WMIINTMEVI I DLMHMJ Like The impcManf crcen* fn s fa'1 O ,w.%sv.%v.vwww.w.%v.v.v.v.'.v.v.v.v.%v.%vV r*c v cobeehcr of novelty, COLLEGE TRAVEL T1IE wci© c contour styles, *7 V>V. FBI buckle or hidden cinsp closures OFFICE STORY red black ont,que b'own llondd Axrnt All Tra.el (iinlrtcntr. JAMES s zes 24 to 28 Ml! RAIL STKAMSIIII' MM I! STEWART — — I HUSK - IIOTCL — RESORT — I" V->l'i iR I * S.OO JJ 3.00 - KOREILN < Alls VERA w: .rrs Intormatiun. Kwenation-. 'lukcl- v ■ IfilL! mos Ml.MUEB: American Socle!) of Travel Acrnl- 1 \n »r sru* 1 \ > MIS I .TO \\ . (.rand llivcr MIOW* MART AT — Jditihsims I ut» - 3:3o ltd tDgesiHiil 24MKiT If.ATI RtH HTART AT — I 90 - 3:4*. - 6 'S .9 15 l.asl Laiiniiig, Micliig.ni A liiTiuvtt of 1 eatraJ Mkhiiin'i Oldest and Most t omplcte Travel hervico I O I) A V Vwe're in Kozee Konafort... IS SIT'ER out warm, washable infantsweaf, RAKI.AIN DAT SEE llll. V i lli )('ITUNS' all in sparkling white with pink, shown Today blue, or mane crocheted edges, only at It 9« - 3 59 c re pe 11 r,e d oHoft/ octtate / c c tton • 90 knitted fieece kimono 3.00 VCP' Bid HIT ... •gag or thr vtAira most honest. prion/rayon doe fleece match.ng *£>•9^ * DRAMAS!" -am w-<* T^m blanket 6 yr cr-b size 5.9t crepe l.ned bunting of odon/oce- ta'e, concn knitted fleece 5.9S t.„._ "*tM MM AMMO TMNOUSN A MTHOlir' TNOUSN THC *!?n" "*wi A toiowio aooi suecm meOOtfCTIOM. MOOCTtOH, ACTIO* AOD A OCMerr ^ « T. »t 1;«-5:S5 10;0« V. Infant', Shop — l„«cr Lr.rl ♦ . Ai»' ■K € October 18. MM Mtnnc.w STATE NEWS Page Four Walter Alston Gets Manager of the Year VEW YORK iston of the W-iri i 1' W .!v-r A (.\ham;>: - T is ,i:-" !Ction was voted the , member* r.«" A>-n ..f "! Award the Baseball Wru- America in the a- - IM Schedule roof BALI. Hardcourt Champs yi*»' FOR THE PERFECT FIT Open Drills Today me-': hi school ma'hema- nual in inducted by the Practice Field Do* Angeb-. f>»d • . •- Na¬ - n >'j h Id /111 a.- YGK Pre*.*. f t tional league manager ->f •?, .->■ i»rufc- 11 Wednesday by the A -... a',- :-.'.v sit A TO i o v». Psi i *i: Pi : >• HI# V*. rvv in VS Phi K sit ace Walker. Imincr- n I *>'• ' St'ITS AM) TOPCO ATS •» in Delta fhi vf. K-»l'P-i *U w- j.aiv.a -:'lina , TV r. Fibs. Art Ce Tnurh Field . .. ,, . i"i■ ar' ')■' r"jr!i Fnrd- fJ T.T 6 7 10 sigma Chi vs. Ps Pi Thetj l hi \Ps Phi dv' A-Klrrsnn «l*»1l* Hf Spnrlnn Bwhimki. The freshman HADE FOR EACH OTHER * in st.nu Vii v* Phi P»i ,.;.r. m--. tV MSI- 'P-rtf P"- TO GIVE YOU PERFECT F REE 34#ICE CREAM! R VV PK Phi VS Phi Tilt s Pi 0 lo VK Psi v> Jettison K r Pi *» » ormhoiia.- Phi Sitma Field I . ... S;>or7- Fo>rum. Vr*. it true* For limited time only, ah an introduction to "KUIK-nTOP" *ho»»- the Sp.T"- 10 rhampionship *»iuatl * a * VJ Millet l-i (i.ilt-iic coachins ,!" "FIT-WITHIN-FIT" pins. MKIUK»STOI'H the convenient superette specialising in: S in Boilev ?-l inns tjcui'i work '■> •{ond Incit named late last summer t0 r»J place Sonny Means Groceries — |foti*ehold Needs — Fxotic FootIs — Party Specialties — Beverages VOI I FY It XI I- B 10 chan-pion.-ihip . Even though is offering HIKE, with the purrhase «f S3,Oil in grorerie* (exclusive of beverages Ivi (,tni. routi i \nderson was greeted hv It have been invittwi •, as the ... 7 lintterlteld I • R liiitterfleld l-« candidates Wednesdav A cigarettes! on PINT OF ICE I REAM. expects over Ihti * Bnrterfield 7-* lr.im gathered for equipment • work tonighr «• ; 1 (it m I. fowrt i i heck out and publiritv photo¬ that all freshmen Tu» m«re are expected T Immant l-» - graphs. KWIK STOP SUPERETTE < FntnintK 0-7 SI ITS and TOPCOATS •* F show t-J when football season terminates. try out for the •- II. t onrt ♦ f<»r the next tw for the large n.i™. - (itm Workou 59.50 to 125.00 7 l show %-9 •• Crk> * ;; o.n-!-' mainly of None of the jr.v • * Mather ?-« below 6'3" in he; ^ i-i.ni'.-fl the pl.)v* SI'OItT COATS 418 CLIPPERT ST. OI'EN 1 Bother 7 ts. (itm Hftatt II. 1 « otirt « er- leii- range above R'7 NEXT TO KI.OCK RESTAI'RANT 7 VV shatt 1-1 t!v~'■ string vvas interesting featur*- A ten: t*;vv 20.95 to 90.00 N VV sh i w I- V . Andcmon f« •( photo the tallest mar. o «• Mailev S-* p : k*»»1 b . Tr.c rivr a pre Hor¬ is only 6'5". [iurp"s«'- MEN'S SLACKS 13.95 U'ASII and WEAR to 39.50 RESEARCH ENGINEERS: Passing Defense Wolililesl Bud's Injury w'.'l forrt ?| SLACKS Till; .MEN I1I IIIM) Till: ii> \iii.im:m Another leak h-"*« f'pning !n Michigan S'a'" , already porous a>* defero backfield this wit.:. NAA s On Campus Interviews drt- 22 & 2.'T Bob Su< . the sophomore Tuesday It tvti ♦4 ' fC-siil.r,. Short,. f en tier who ran a:; intercepted •ti that B(»b Hi ecu.. ar Mm*, t:\tr* I mu - | r.\Ri v r-.rfv nvv you pal of another .el - the chen i ». v of prnpellant*. the phv'sics of engine con po- },n-i f!>r 3 93-yard touchdown J Mil s 4'MI 1. in s< t rn <• whether it' a space - nenu and -.hat happeru within them, ignition « f fuei-. com¬ In M.,m . game, suffered das will alterna*.} a s .1 gist d" i vchn le streaking te* V enus or a suh- bustion of fuels, and the transfer of heat hip pointer injur% m a prac¬ wart's vacated do: Cl I m .« tl/tt 21 t* :>4 half slot. Stew,' r. ] ulidint ben« .tih the »lar ic- scrimmage Tuesday and . i -1 est ' n. ti ine p tice Th' i* are the events that i .ike head¬ 2 000 mph manned weapon eystems a ; not be able ?•> p'lv »n Sat- for_first stringer G . ■1*411 line- ..but even as th- v a.e announitsj The I.. - Angeles Division ts the horre (.f next-cenerati rv who had his injur r t*.I urdayA footoa.l game with tnantu i v. .t- n system* the Mach 3 B-70 Valkyrie and crated on W'c. • t«» the vvorl i. engirc-ers and »- plannisu' new and i:» it*, r a< hievMi-.t nl- r.toi. a-e 1- -|i)H 1'ai • • and America's first manned space vehicle, th* N Thi* bad new* Dame coinrlded with John Shari>. J in-. and , h sltou - ti" the .■ .1 X-I-I I: ..m b ern'ineets in this division investigate manu- ri e that Notre Dame'.* Rocky Ryarrw.: « I - ' the report - : Scientific rescari h aiw.c. .* , ,,j ilfl --p.,riant n > at f.n torn t- Jircpit conduct studies in aerodynamics, mate- |T f \TP.I . nuarterhark (ieorce lr« might fjx»t wish Sharp V-\ ' 'h <■ ,r in vWliim "t Wolf!,;.,, ii'iHuii'..1 No'tji Arneni-iin Avi.itout T'»i.r.. r< • arch piop i'- .ne n . . ,tn I !-"o'o v . and thernuxivnamu-s. They also work him the inside tri t»e ready to play thi* week. ,mt 1-1 tTrn.'i'., • Iiii'P 'f r l' - I'. ii. i i)tsecrw.iv ,.t tt:o:e than |C5 li.l.e-.it-.-i-s ir> t: •• •:\ *,'■ 1:1 witti ph> - .-iogi.--t.-i. foutcchnologists. biophysicists, and p*v- i ■..i-i- i . i"lve design Firntiin-in.it -r'-r'n-t-Fit ' t.i lit m-.ii -.nt .t Alt. An e» n eiican divisions Tie v em-.p pa-.-, t?.«- full - <»pe <.f m«id- bility n and lurotationa that arise from modern weapons and problenis concerning human capa¬ !(!■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ a iaii| ■ it-nt •- j VARSITY DRIVE !N j| rrf -he - r.ii fit.or- research sv stenus i« air stiffer than steel? Ittlil.l tin »tiur t ill and Winter ntrdrnhr with tnir -I .11 ii M-itri h has the headline ..piM' il of .1 space ship Building better Navy aircraft lalrtl I v. limit auili ttnlill. f.,hlnn-o,v»frorr, tr.-- atom depends on thorough knowledge in '■ n It -f ... 0.1 •• • r.s tia out '-.-n . 1 an a,;- talt 1 to ,1 to tn A'- International research HOLDEN M 1*1 ill) - von in TOMS BARBER SHOP a .. . w .111 r. us reactors are in ptotl 1 t no de- « .tr-liites ail-a from uuriurig w nen *.*rvice in Japan, Denmark. West Germany, West Berlin, and tia te-enter the tarth piw V i «tii.o n Italy > .S/wciulixing in Flal Tops and Princetons . Iow«rd the conquest nt Space Opportunities for cohega graduates I K.VNDOK SlIOITINc; C I.NTliK The HiK-ket.ivne I)ivj>n has designed and built the bulk Today at N 'ith American there is outstanding opportunity ACROSS FROM SEARS y a.m. lo if p.m. ef tndav operating hat.iwa •• n the l.uch-tiiru*t ; s ki t li . I ucckd.n *, 0 a.m. to G p.m. Saturday a f i voting engine*.-!a who want to share the unusual creative 7 STOKES WEST OF WALLACE Explorer 1. Ao «-i |I a s hi ! at' Ihb . was btmjifefl into III ,| i-\ proider:.- that fa>n tee top-level projects now 3002 VINE ST. - i A IV-Atlas o.ar. * first attempt to n .« It to*as i iiti"th< r • l-i w.i--. Visit your placement office where you'll find all pi.ir< i n'Hi'N f. a Inimd-p. apetJant t-r.gmes e.eTuk.ne.1 and tie fa.!# alwut a 4 CHAIRS challenging and rewarding future with buiit i y H.«K«hj>n - lU-xv.it of - ir. a contest i* lineman l.ririi streder. \« itti tn»- • «r.—barring u •o his rredit. ut j» >''*r.:-T.«*d success VEin TISHEFF [7- ? • S'J'e f**«. or Ititsmay St. Defense, a * - Carnegie llall with thr Hoxton parison v.if. j>;». who ha* o^r'orniMd in 5®*^ Last Day i» • areaV r**prc- State FRIDAY r held its own up v *. • I'op* firrhedra and ha» ju*t returiinl from j ronrert ,, -r- e - ' rig ?:••>rftree NCAA player! ties tion •*.- we**k Pete M. K.nn. of bencnridin^ ,,*• , tour of Mexico. r I \ M: *: I \ i i it b lie injury cou: • jx-j c • •.'•.as, began The Bilwlc'-ri-.'. MX,. o*:T. IK .yno IMI. < -••■ 2--r..aa,.-iR . : • new—and of extend- of rival more overall, inu at son vars.tv f... the be. < ' .. • ,, _ , .... • • Moher It, |'»vi •• > I, \ | itli.r j»asr five Tlt'KKTS \T IKK lit XJ.Vu ■ M.ii.", . «|.|n Sign Up For Senior Pictures!! » Lntr'r* t» the revamped X,i r..V:»" ce happi- playoff, VI II Sign up in Union Conconrse : -e rational elim- DIRECTLY ACTIOS> LHOM THE ce at the 11 * events I Satellite Drive-In \ HOI Rs a.m. - 5:30 p.m. NVEEKD\^> i: ta. 'hey have D x SAT. s a.m. • l"J a.m. k-.fi* • * *ne:r goa:.-. 11 "D 1 - < EDM! I rry i r- rx. milt- *uiith ni li.ii* W e: ran* • lC,\ «o 1, .V-: and 17 4lh floor of Union • r* ■. • jeer. Indiana K Yogi's Drive-In l~~ - Return picture proofs to . II AHER *. GAME ♦-! K-Oi and |j ■ •*-: -i: > i Kit\R 1. the oflrtise tor the S Will** hum Thrntdl - Market fp»t SJkiu 3 lin|i liuii^lit mill Friil.iy lilt '• Ims. 25- 0 the himalaya Its I f ITWC (\ .-1 1TEVEN* 'A>»T Sha'v West Shaw KayaKm PARTY-TIME mm > v v*r II • e rre. : Wednes. %ltrr thr ta«t whi«lle ho blown \W and th' rhant* of ,(is*ti«'" In" r?t' ■ •ouchdowrt I he*n *till»d U» the po»i-xani* re¬ j e/ej . 're "n? t. • ««*- Oua Wells ;d,?.Unie total ■: period mark* in with mi uhieh fkn* «h» not rhance the %«•*»».■ the m*|ir word* r^krr*< hav »n« a Part*' ' fjetland tarried the end rone for a i |tune tailev tnt» ihe bv (totper to (tar> In the last %nd for tour fet wh* not after-the•game buf¬ pirk-un a varietv of touchdown Ixnds i i rold rut* arid a»*orted bread from I in (ixid tor another ai\ t« make thl* for coeds M»d» • Er«»r» . iNd Ilium* nmed the week-end a plea«ant time fair all i marker m tontplele the %«»(• n< Ion ptle upper* »e« -,p ■ eg. r Truman MITCH PREDICTS: l«M»k like l»ru%h*M| Ac a I lie' IV* 4 • ' * * * MICHIGAN STATE - 22 98 7 » *fta«» 9. • . Uat*e- • : • talker ) • I * » » (mama* S"«s t. • . « • firid T. • NOTRE CAME - 13 Br»»* • • ' Mmerf.elg I • P'til 1 • he»*e na»* hrwwn |'a* » lUliee » I ««|« I : : • Ihin't foryel too that Oaile - car new a tomplele red Mark eraii«e talker V «»•« a t • # slock ol lieverage-* which will refresh the fhitwf Thl* feminine *#r«Mn »f the • o « " iJ ta'iar Itiniii » . • • of the ttnel avid *'adium fan fht** week-end and f hukka Meat •* the %marte*t n#** fh»* ||«»r»•* biaiikei t»t* the tuU . I'ltei Imtnont all through the week Oadev market provide* a •fate a-lent I uvurwuil) wft n»- late Scores rrai* hoot «h»*« net k •* with p«tlM» to lilts »J« e . , t » i-hrO mih*i i.%n' fcl-it lUlli Hottixird and *ld»- fine kglnlion «»l |iH*rl ptiMfu't* to meet votir eve»v Inn pile upper* are nw new 'fucking In keep I Ilrrn a- elale fleece H(H Ki t demand ' t N»« tork S svnted wai*' lining given warmth withuul (biraio « weight Kubher «l;t.'i"i " VtMiiiiil I IM nvef «n*ae* >ii»» • In t t hnna* OADE'S u unHoui.ro on i tiar ii« n « llh S>ta» • »nur* n«w ' pT*0(H«T \ I M11 \ I Ml < Sill i* » llh Ola< 4 I'm-imI I rout mii.* i>ii xi.no ix MHM 1*111 JOIMM. GROCERY SCARS ROEBUCK in I AND COMPANY randor MKI.S I I.I || l\ ft-TiJI SMALL'S 2909 E. KALAMAZOO ;i ;i I \lohigan im inn IV 94540 rt*> ihimi l*xrty BtrXramheni *nvii. nnht. 7 p.m. \ Ii' III, To«,r Kuum ton elwrn U.»%hint;tun m Hi, I mun 1NN0T TELL A UE'.HERE'S 919 SAVINGS Pgau! JUiiette. Styled in , NEW LENS SHAPE Ralph s KE\VPEE s Cafeteria , NEW FRAME COLORS PRESENTS for I P®KT *M0 rot TNI WOMAN LUNCH TODAY WANTS tVIMYTMINO NONE SAMtOroiASSfS... Mil colli*! V I V I VIC 11 IHNMIl ' If % Ylltt ID• LIf SIK \K Kji|.ir. "kiwi'Cf .ImhI Strhnn of lU-rf < hinee «»f I'otatn SPECIAL Ti*«ei| Salad • 65c < hirken I'te Hull and Hut(er lUe*tj*n tLlkrd Ilea He and I'remtum I rank I leverage 55c urrt of letmh and Rue Ma*hed I'oUloen Hot \ egelahle 96c 50c Roil and Hutler RALPH'S tyt. JNC *0U THC 1ATCST '**ESr IN EYEWEAt v" , EYES EXAMINED 49c "KEWPEE-s" h . GLASSES FITTED ■; Just Say •.b >,c NO arroiNTMlMT ^ CAFETERIA 5 S "Cbo'9e NiCUSAtr * (V ' |»r J of ChrW Oe»!irt'« rt«ciip»i»»« AN IDEAL PUCE TO EAT - "KEWPIE" - TV TOO £ ii' V IS |»r II A Befhwith Fiiua i tyii- Optomr *r >1« 3 mw MICHIGAN STATE NEWS (.tttlt'l I.ondrr ,, , ., , Al,,,,! I Ortoher ,95' ■ An' Graduate Fellowships Available Crystallography Group to itlci i. I - r,. FTr- ISnnipd Li. Col. The physics and nhvsies astronomy and astronomy . The The meeting ill inrlud will wlp include in « pr« - Jlllll»r educational *O fcltltl) I More ih:.r. for pre and post-doctoral stu¬ en Saturday. Nov. 21. In lilbO. gentation of nine technical pa ■ ....... Television . as .,n an educational More than 650 fa^si - The f;r.r!ii:il'' Office has con- department will be host to th nidi*. •*!' v about fel¬ dents who have demonstrated the dates are Jan. Ifi. Apfll 23 l,t. Col. Thomas M. La Pa Ik., Michigan Chapter of the Ame-t t *s. luncheon, a husinc me* medium will be studied at the frum ,. I Mnhigan Association ... Mn-uigan A»oc«»"'-»I» of • »,'| € lowship and scholarships which prnvid" financial aid for gradu¬ unusual aptitude and w ho desire to for research gain further and July 9. Candidates should And out from the school of their was recently promoted to his lean Cryrtallographic Assn. Fr day. ing and a tour of the MSU phy sics-math building. aMuu.M n^nu Jirni^T'Cotleges Jimi » -* Conference to- colleges are t.X; the Kellogg c. rvr ^ present rank from major in or¬ • - ate study. Mo?'- of these awards experience under appropriate rhnice whether the tests are re¬ day and Friday-at MSU - ? ders published at Department of are nfor competition on a guidance in the design and ex¬ quired, which one* they should c; -■ / :v< take and when they should be the Army, Washington, DC. nation i! l>;i. i Clradlatc studen's ecution of research. Applicant* vvpia Xjr:,i w, intending to enter must be between 30 and 35 taken. Often applicants for Lt. Col. LaPatka is presently TIIK CORE OF A g00p R \ fc ? , Hy graduate school fellowship* are •Car »i, PIZT1 graduate programs are welcome years. chief, commandant qt cadet* di¬ COLLEGE m to remc to "ie Graduate Office, asked to take the designated ex¬ vision of the Army ROTC de¬ ' !!2 Morrill Hall, and review the 2. Fellowship# for Comple¬ aminations in the fall adminis¬ tion of Doctoral Dissertations! tachment at MSU. : material. also available under the terms tration. WARDROBE Ilanfurth Graduate Fellow¬ . of the Research and Training ship i'lC.u til for male students fellowships. Applications will • md« r 30 wars "f age intending be accepted from present or re¬ For .1 Haircut Or Just To Talli Football to bee":ue college teachers and cent research training fellows of >'3 the council and from other doc¬ entering graduate school for the Krct ts. i t.n on There is no restric¬ raid of study. The sti¬ toral able candidate* giving compar¬ promise of successful rc- Drop In ?9 pend nun: \nne- tne wi'Jh annual Individual maximum aeareli careers. MIX ABLE giant is 51.500 phis tuition and 3. Fellowships Theory and Iwgal Philosophy: In Political REESE OLGER'S NEWLY OPENED .til* jf 1 tosT ;-t. . . fees (or the single man; $2,000 -'«• * »f| plus tuition and fees for the for ph. 1). candidates who have completed ill the requirements MATCHABLE S, b< ! 7t't - I » £.~«»Svw , . • mair.od man with an additional Mipend of $500 for each child. except the theses, or for per«oir- wb«» have received that degree VARSITY BARBER A- •». Inteles'erl students should see within the past three years. For FOR - * til* their deans as a Mudent may not apply directly. Two or three tne piir)joso of this program j*»- SHOP S.vC . \ re .0u» " * . candidates may be nominated titical and legal theory me I'.oorilinali's V \ 1 broadly defined to include «u.-h 20« M.A.C. "n Iiv the dean of each college classical ■ areas as j*»litir.il within the university. Nomina¬ theory, contemporary political by tion blanks are available at tho • c. >j*»v thoorv associated with or de¬ Graduate Office and should be submitted to the Graduate Or- veloping from the rise of new Hum* Shine* llv KiiIhii MAJESTIC t political movements or newly lice by Nov. 15. indisjiendcrit States, rontrmj* • - nry theory in the social ti imti : IHI'tl'llilDIMIM I tft 1114 Mill 111 lilt IIIHII11 III III 111 IftH If I 1111H111 fl III l!jjf Xmrrlran Association of 1'iii- s ersitv Women liduratlon.il bearing on politics or law. and Inundation Awards lor Pre- or legal philosophy or sociological UNIVERSITY Flossie . . . I hi' limcle** Iwauly CURRICULA! I'ost-Doctoral Research: there jurisprudence. »f r well tailored -kiri phis malrhini; from aie 40 awards, $2,000 to $5,000 a year, open ranging h> Application R< icnce Research to lUIH SfK STUDENTS" su eater of wiftest fur lilend. anly woman who is h U.S. riti- should lie made by Dec. I < n yrn and h:»a completed all resi¬ form* supplied by the council. SPECIAL Carl us itreen, eamel CLASSIC! dent requirement* for the doc* I'nwpective applicant* show! I Skirl aizeN 10 to IK Straiuht K.Os I'lealed I l.!*s i -rate Applications must l*> re* obtain the necc uy application lecnived iiy the Fellowship Of* YOUR CHOK E OF: Sweater sizes 32-10 I'ullover K.'JS ( ardman !).9K forms and detailed instruction* i»r1. A At 'W National lleadqtuir* t. t I'M I Kye St., NW„ Wash- from the ("ouneil well in ad¬ Prime beef npen face sandwich an jti»'— vance of tin* clotting date. . large plale—whipped potato—roffee Richman's young menl «. DC., by Dec. J. Fur- exlra jJc vAa The broad polo v of regular • .•! information and •ppllca- or milk admission to graduate programs •-.•i forms may »«? obtained by on the bo1-.* of transcript* in: to the same address. • should also |»e re-examined. Roast Chicken—dreaming—potato—milk or s III R R i uj i; n R sum ■ social science Reaearrh I'oun- coffee • In requesting these, it is e-« § III -Iti is the following tbrea •enti.il t.i st.n:e a e, place of • ftllow»ht|Mi permanent residence, t»i««>t IN ADDITION. SAMPLE LIBERALLY ea*l lin«ln( lle«eanrh and Training »!- position or activity, degree* ii* id FROM ANY OR ALL OF SPECIAL AP¬ a iiis »» the Social Sciences! und degree currcn'ly sought. >f •-i .f donor* quire " , 11:1 w. MH IIN;AN AM:. i Tite^e tnln latere I NEXT TO HOTEL OLDSi f.>ur bt many tin!. '•'Oil ih-'lK Hours: Mon. - Sat. 7 a.m. - p.m. t, ;yj count i v, MSI I Sun. 11 a.m. • 9 p.m. GHK t- ' i£cn< i#l M ?. Miic aix nlvarue jc .specializing in: roant beef, round hccf. chicken, tCKt* ,.f i so in It) ■ . duck, ^I^Hks clc, Jcets to lake if t't ndida •• .Apt te T«st jM-t id .{^fa one ..f ♦' •' Ad\aiv« .( IV • "'looil yini til trays remvmbrr" m s Tm* f.i II. the test \vitl t» i f; A\ , IPitiHtUiliiMiilliniiiiHitntC itltllllilliinHlfblfiti.lt.l' UMiUiirliillliltltti' it SHEPARDS livrhtsirrlv Yours > *12.9,-. •tantifit mon chance: IT! musiiiam KM K III CARD IS KM R CHARt.K-A-PLATK :NMRR FMMEWmN Buiia lOSHUALBBM ALSO KM.OR • SAT AMI CARTOON. SI N. SANDLER 01' BOSTON S T'"1'1"" Iraihrr with thr rich, hund-rul.lwd kmk. in a storked Iraihrr hrrt'lmld burklr >h<« all front thr nun. . «-«j I.radina fashion rdilorx rail StJCAKK CTT IrmpllBk-. x(uar*'lor, hrazrnly alolrn s b°Eris RIGHT ACROSS FROM HOME KC BUILDING For a wonderful RicSiiiYiriorBi buy you can always r®Ifs KAURIS AT 317 EAST GRAND RIVER DOWNTOWN LANSING E R OTH E R S FIRST SHOW 12 MH»X Cj.i. 's <1"' ntiol rxrilinc worraain in Ihr whole wide world. As AVENUE •Sjindlrr shonrtl il in Madrnioi<*tl« as anlt Sandler makes il. Onlt 32 i SOUTH WASHINGTON I T.Alt KI.S \T ... HVsSJ LANSING H it - 3 10 - C IO fT0.93. Kxrlusi»el> of (nurse at . , . Tarkhif — City l^>t AVENUE FINE CLOTHES FOR MEN Rear Enlrance AMI 8 10 SII»:i'Altl)S Slltils. COME EARLY i.'U South WaahinKlon Axenur, lun-ini; and — ShA'parxl's wiU Ask Us Abuiit IVaalA t-MCi .'P. hasl tirand lloei Vxenue.'Kast luin>ina. reimburse vouJ Free Pyking !M 8. WASHINGTON AVE. LANMNG »• *R* I