(;;u. A Pint! The l eather I i; }?>»•! Illive Support S *»l»r an State Serving MSL' For 50 Year* News Partly Cloudy. Coulfr Cow Monday lliah Today * C EAST LANSING. MICHIGAN'—Tt'ESOAY, fKTOIIEU 20. lOV.i ""pTiii ;kVi:ests < - , Eisenhower Asks Federal Court ' To Order Steelworkers Back a. • * 313 Pints White Fe^se Coagulated See's Fnd NT1 On iMondav To Strike • A tot.i! Nn I otif*ln«t«Ht of ;:ipint- nf uerc I'iven t»v MSP V. i I It • ti Siyhl htuitenta niul faculty Mon- V • T ■ -'.'V ♦t;r. on the fourth floor WASHINGTON 1 - y I'hion. V- T-. the A'- % • • ■- f _ . ti & \ t*r ■■ i": f I ' "v .. .«i dl IV" I t ' M " ' ■ "i.i -J■ • ; t.ooti pi! .4 ... Ti- • Sn—< • i i s -'irtan W »- er-.r -f4 no n .--I'-vng - {*■''• *. - K o ' th. PanHt !- Ift u'»h . «• ■ "i 60 nerccr. K—: M » I'ler, B :« HV ,f n'.'"'»dorji'.*. SUI" N""'- n* V1 RntH t |» donor* he NOT F. VERY BODY Ket- tn donate IiUkhI he ha-.nl got a cold or rerlain type* of to 4 |(Mi ran handled hour b* the hl«H,d Lrn: the APO drive. These two nurses diseases lhal affect the blood. They al-o -tatt |l was an remoted hi Mr-. |rr here to make sure the donor's blood lake a simple of blood lo determine your Helen Hard, head nur*e. that t-»ure is high enousrh and to make sure type. an hoiirlv rale of M! donor- were t»resent durinc the tc«t hour HITF. eflitor»n-(hwf of th»* tan Run ft Hi.'i Me mrMim of fall term Other ajijiellc Suspected «f Kspioiia ■ • ;i . j;> pints >*. sf.it.- \l si N« pi -- l're«i(ient John iiann.ih an.J ii'm Bill LtvtntfiMHl (Ii—fu-s th" i»sue» riisi ussed were Ireshm-in ifftetle.-f and I he finanrml *itua i« reiwn a!intents. piuoi' ii.- -mmr t .,ini* in the (list >51.11 I inn of I he 1 niv er*tl i Chief Security Officer Expelled {14 « « v<«'k i! d iiiti-ruatioiiiil (IciiIi-i I*ln 1111 •-«! living un.f ■rom U.S. Embassy in Moscow Itouii(!ta])lu Discusses Kxams . an! null '.'"-yO'ViV 'T' —Soviet jiw». man give the other man a Eire* tr, iturt ,< v . it- Mtr;v mil t«. f.l! iwirt .» utrmir-ilt* «' th* |n|rrntlio-ta! f Itth *v *- ••• verted Monday pjrkaer that appeared to can- • I!. rultin rtas**« »tt*r pr*-»ed I'imptt iln* sitisf.rti >n .• *i» rider* caught tain money. lorn- with ' ' N i'liotg* n«<* prwiid H» will f'ght u. is»u4H'» of the U.S. S ih.-. ' /"•' e»! I»r far-is tt stud*Ms . rn'tM *»>•! m*ir> -aid I . over money *i ti. th." fe ed and handed «>•.. . . - im" |'»*-id*nt limit W'lhniM l-raman for aactet intelligence 'V fi'i"i»! . a n" «' n •• . Mm if 1 »• u»#rtl v.* will f * Off found one of the two i"'t i'lVeli. jUll U tA'Ulw • M> W Ih* law fit o«r f«»untr* tr^r-'Vd bt the for- to he -i soviet citi/on. lb n* t \ toreign ministrv hUtenient. •. Langeiie. the cm- * kagc. which contain--ri distributed later bj Tas* Sens i c&>f niy otf'.crr, left U>'" fsj.iwio the , - \grvry. did not to into d«til p lit i • piano for tie.a! rt\ It.- ;>;.«» had ma¬ in rhartou tbat I.ancetlr "used 1 «M) tu« wife and three te. ?■• ■ wih.t.k* mh ict ink bo iu« ... in Ibe soviet I nion for pHm. The deadline for de« intelligence artivttv." I he sta1*'- The other man voluntarily iooduy. ment said he wa» offered handed over aotehook in 'pte- |*cc:,r- . denied that t a fcumjhlf "ordered") to leave the - ' 3", engigerj m espion- which W4* found seirrt data written in invisible ink Sonet I nion since his arlivit. Tfc* i: a * * department was incompatible with the stat¬ ■ *' }» * ima'.- us of an a re red I ted diplomat " pwad ""v ened and framed. th w.4. -a-lieniv • ...St B.ul Vf.il. «•-»> vy'-'-mei! aUo m'.i U • tw.fiwu m urhi h • .-1 to get him t-> tru •. ))• . roil' «»"t uH I" in- er U, 1 <|HOt . fr viet Unton and \ ii . i* **rlaial am P. t s„«t*r pirtidmt «f Hrst n „ *,.*.,1,41 t„ »h* ■- s . -< •- |4. Ih* I nitersil. - (h.l nr»d«oti • hr rr-uti V'.. ha* not yet ter-. n Hr-lfU If. •sideHi Pianist \tivaes s • . • jiif imi iii silualotn Hannah said m*duiei« 1 |h* »t**l r " s « .VA'.et t'n.on. » , : I f' W i Hal M-! ha- »*■•*».*d pi> Nov r! !i-it* I* ' ■' * r» ' 'Ki'Vi writing." and sff»rfWI Onmiziiif m*n|v (rem tit* »til- |»r Juiv To Perform " : • "e- v-.-" ■>.. • say has been ■ v* • ■ ■' tufnh irnl -nilonho fhr ?jwft.c. -papers for loiulwr jltoiniott slightl* w.*i '•Muring this meeting, both of •tu* should h* said Scarlatti, Bach afiisr <»n Iti * a.nv fridw. pat- them were apprehended h* soi th* ;*ih of this month I boa aetleeg twe let (ornpetent organs md tiie et ng*rx *lttuspm %«»m Madame N'-.v,- .• espionage materials were roo- • 't ir- p.-vfnpo saw one f-i ., • New Turk limea »■ b seated «g«rtd ka ling •* - Mi-.i *re ■ r T -: • A:- :-ta,n ? c e<, ;;4 . if r: •' f *i USSR caHed if* r,,0f Justice I" :u.n >* the IHtitli "V 1 ttriihvr<* ;*.? ytm m the Aj-1 nan Wwdta- ! i 'TV itn;,wemi«ib»li!> •■'' I\1SI VlH'rulcd ()u. at v.)"-- in, b* 'inm *.'' id We 8 i > p rn riipiomatM staff'* Added fi» iho th* pr*»»4ef»l MaduiViC Novae* u! s.'ld Brief} w firtilli mrr-Oef. f*l! *- hcslini: faisilx ■ - pr it iks by llomt't'tiiniiio rmnloif d'«'iO*i »* u»rs I' f'om fm»'» rdweation M«O»» 'ad (iot'fj Beaten U'U. Il.ii ikr I indiMdnli »** %.*«*« i \11 [i mis IIriitmiziition Ihinllntr " man- snmr tin / " v- ■ • ■' -dn Dethmens Court was rv;_i. T>it iM.Oiiv.y • »»*... arid ("'• .f-n Brarss.an Finalists •; ,„■(* * ire if i-ie < fi '.»l* ■ d»nl. 'Had allow*d their final Near River • " 'i. *.»» M,n. i.\*. hi-r career .n &«-•» A ., v* f n*8 ' ft ,« .144 CltlMS of *(l.'» S|||;irll -| ■- * regency* eppen- a ■ ' ■ ?,/»#• * tap.tai of .. e.ght >car'- Bra/ • . AiiiiouikimI ,V rv.t«-> Off-.- f.'-ur- «-• - "'*• *"'• v • of came on an on Nk» c and 'he U' Vd SU'e- " ' T'-n i, r.a.-i' ' *.ng ffWK 3* e.attdi- a ft *"»■ ee IIlimitary Ilit* Km/i * # * Dean Reveals Frosli Intellect 2v •' *;*> r«c*»rd< f«»r V«* rii in.' d-ere rhin-t-r. 0- a T • A. *'* Pi' CfMpt« Micaigan'a new p*w: of judge- Sunday night in The?.. .Ngmi fmai'.sts Hxdow trag iwr pcrfomionc" '«*1! '•' * ' • 0- 'Y law Lie Union ' * - f • - ;*ye M b.g.#', w .nrter* ^ Vi- .man MaiUrse N vac* will V*- Wh»»« mm'* i '1*r ,,i «»-. !ra!«-r'"if ■ -ar". performed t f. A ,,yf,.? a I *■ IV t Jfrwree-ec,ing kiNeef »**•"* , 1 - ihnid fi' Wertneodav *-ve- • • IK ,ea; ti.-" on the Se-vear. ci a wcfdMiO i'V lai- ru*n - #:!• 1' MSI*. ♦' ru ine.-up *»» wiJJ receive th. J- .-i. . ctr-Ai. in-,— #fVf tur«^-r iint-er*. Sertrk •l;rvct>,,r I>< r.-ng • : in "-.r -- ;*VCft^N! ies fied H MIT »mi , m t!*> of Indiana. #»l! be an- > the ^ W,**n pau and Mrs Paul 1'. . d»r ». lab**' - s»!..ut- doe*-' at st-.'b' »•' ■ hpWiTOW JiOKpl- . •* a- < cine Madame N'ovoea will pia* S"- r-mnrtdl Vt>.Jir#dav. a«t*rrtin? T, be ehgta« a <■ .■* smnmiU** rtuimio Glenn end *rtW>lindUfr» M m u. . ;• *••• r.au >n D Minor. .Sonata in I) .n'.end ti enter th» *ie*i --a? K""' >'.4 iMtam Mayor, ami Sonata in G Ma< r. Hditmafi ami mgiAUili a gb '" Spurten Houndta rut um MM" KobUNt u< orapUralag T'wfc evHlei.. Hfttsine ; *"• ; - a 1 If/v* f>* ' edut#!. ** aeale by Scarlatti. Cii«rilr in t" Min¬ . The Quawn grvd her court Wttl . arhulaetkr reewtt e - ■ "> - - •"*>« ■ »PP'adxiUa -ewU "*he? thi* fie*hmoy t- . i- t> ivram* " ai.t? -mka, Saanbe #*>•! Hsipif t or ti Call on Ttiei l>rrf> bv tn iieeagKttffd during pre-ggme # ♦ ♦ "« aotieipoug IwsnM c«t*1 ocimhi a*. Spartan •tad.un. m not ntdy th» igigeef at US'' Ad wWdarvhip wirtneet er - Th* t>u»eir - r.«vabf. Bach: Andante M T Major ny ! ' ' hia office foe licc'hover., and F*apiij.»;w by and will ue officially crowned r.ui-.Vi)il PrtUiiiuii :,ti* may well or ti e hngbtiw* " t+rm* MSC IW* faff Unive?- gfui- '• ' •t*-« r . ?j»f "«*-? <• »?»*• g»s« Umwij. *eeit Fre»h:..en and pouiSr-1 <*.•' Kanfcing* ■ «a akn* O a* the Hunxcoauai dance Sa" - gapr.«»r • • * C'i'ing rt*w* of *ta!.■**« - *t- j ,V "i-indU-i srfedarfhipN. r.uir. • n* awsv Schumonn b#a-»' i-en.fr anvji trea-'ej ' m d it nouki take ma* pick up peilUolw for Tr>#t>- fettinji W* tbe ecadem.. ata vdtng beting J, nf*..ft»irri '-tv u»p te« tn* < *t>-m t .itgh nw>- a ur lav r.igh? CouneU atartinr baiay fkwi cr»*.;:u*"" - *nd a»ra»FW># -># t w ■h tenrune *rt.en fiMluti are Saflft SuShvai. of the elate of IMS Stbtrse uud Ollarter if "heir l-.gF, *<•*.*»' ? 4 "j »art x«•- •: !.n * a tymt-jimuMei. " ^ Vft be aU« to cany Hifill tru\C.oiipn'*» Royal *Hk Aipfva Phi. fioru 1 f»0 p.m )!?, s udant SareuswL Put.*■* to 5 00 «* in 1hat of ntnn*t J.gdd frrah rwfl. griii*ting rlawa-4 (r» hundre-J atality ih.nd St|Hd*«' t/v-w fx.*- t*'t t nn.-' {> a..» a ■#> ■■ broken • 50^ bu«une»c Wendy Mijuw. Birrr.ingtiam jwn- • M were in the ti

. nrw IM- Highway Safety Center axe at- Caitf-. junior, S. Campoel! The Honor# Cofleg# rerruitiag "A averages m high athool category >««i«»/ 1 nrkrr Here "to uc a turn la Ruuu wiK <* S'udenU failing in the middle /- ■* Ka* Zemke. Armada Junurr, P' .gram, fchteh prwrwlc* • >o« Seventy-five percent of MSt" - Ux bowt »». trtutmg trie 4Tth annual Nateir.- the topic til Dr Laxiroi. Pe*t, • Holly A«"Web. Man* rial approam to itldeab m the fttK*Jar»hit> e«tranu were in she tMrl according to high reboot Dr Waller Frwtt.aadex, ins*!- .-.KMUtuttoo, TJ* *1 Safety Cungrwe being held W lanuon: aMiatant profcaaur of natural ha «" N Y. aenior. Kappa Kap- v-bprr portKdM of their high top or.e prrccv*. of Hwletil' na- fiaax rank and teat afbrea a*v natMmaiiy known vuria! »w,- |- T y aturtniw if th* in Oucag«> Uua week- ynaraie, in a apeech to be pre- «chuff fUaeea h*« cvwiently '■t Lar.i.hg for further Inrti bewiay. Oct 21. at g pan H. STiehe. and hi# staff to kern Beta Phi: /"•*» Kane. San An- Education Building Te* .' Junior. Gamma Phi ,Sabine made it clear that there anJ .nferview-ing and turne are TV- mre'ihg will b* held m »ne newest concefrtl ux the A*kJ v WW* th* BcU. Carole Spemer. Detroit Alao prominent among e*L M no ruli that MSU moat ac- admitted on * rrstrided pro¬ Spartan Konm of the Cath¬ of highway safety. Mar key ' student# many Khoia«h.p" ic-pt any high artvool graduate ba#iv. Abi»ut raw--th-,rd «f olic Stinient Center m tut Lau* NT, Hoprosn-aU v» from every arrvmf. Kappa Alpha Theta. and are gram •tale and many foreign coun¬ fMly Shirtum, Webater Grovea. Petition* for B.u« Kij. fta- a.nneri. Piee par can* of th* top who applies Thia aeema to be a MSU'« freshmen r-Vne from tht« ving. i1 ['"■**> I* Mo f'vhomore. N. William*. tiunai junior men# hooorary. 4Ti honor# wimnms in U«e We»t- common miaronreptioo among group. tir rriedlander will ducui tries use this occasion lb docus* •*<"■ no the manv areas of safety, a few* The con teat ia being «ponaaced are available in the Union cr.n- ii.gMbuae —tlwnl mamuff ulents^ «' udentf, however Geoereily inadn;ua#ibJe with¬ the "Speriilc Role of the Social ? *..i be no All petitiuna mud be re¬ Michigan State'a policy, 1> g Worker the by the lenioc cUas and Kappa courae. •aarrh. far Mgnple, are aHend- out queetiuri are ati»d«mts who ui Prevention and | HH . of which are- home, commercial, l 'T of harxiuw Alpha Mu. naUawal piwAo-joux- turned to tlM petition box in the mg HSU. Oatjr tttrae taaututi« •*# •elective one. baaed on g pre¬ average in the lower Uurd of Treatment of Juvenile Da highway, mine and playground Union bp Oct. * in Um cnuniry Mw larger nurn- determined level «f ability, la Mr High acbool ciaaaes. qurocy.- safety. oaham honorary. -v *• W v. ?vi J At a Michigan State News '"You're Being Provocative, Malicious, Slanderous, Life (an Be . . . < It rail iF.Dly hy X|.*|"s 21 tMM» stiKfeiitx and faculty And Nosy"' (HtVr.lRLK OSI.V -'IF IN -I'll live, The Michigan Slate V-wx w |Hihlt*heri hv student* <»r Michigun State Al.Hl wl'Kmn'K. N.M. >V' OKLAHOMA, L'niversify, En«.t Lan- ■ 11 , S'lr.j. Mich. without duett fatnlt.v unci vision It the official voice "I the university .r i>. not On.- i-fnuiremenl of candidal."* siffn alnng , of *he student hoih. h:;t 'Ah:!»- seeking tt> serve tlio best interests of both, stands ready to bat* |nr quKn c.f flic Nc» Me*fed everyone to ennz V !e a; which '- tr.ove . > ;m ■ i e •• .i wedge betw een the two whether it comes from within the state Fair is tfwt they be able City Universiiy t . ,! r' university or from out-one .Member of the Associated Press,. Inland Daily Press and Associated I., saddle a hurse er npelUxi it ■ unvt • " £• P. Collegiate Pre Vol. ;.l. No. Tx •nitwlfiy, October 20, H'oP I'ape Tw o CAMPUS CLASSIFIED!! AUSG Conducting Survey ™ ./ IIFAnLINTS: I em. I»«t Bereee P«Mle,U«n lor Tu„ ( Thurs.. and Frl. Fdillnn, Headline Tmr M.n Kdlllot, I ,m I ,| Rill, Parable 1-12 and 1-i Monday Ihrouih |ri,Jt ■ 4 Jf To Back Student Discount Kl) 2-1311 = EXT. 2613 ! = 0 t (INK RKCEXT ttndertiikinff of A!*S(I is automotive urgetl to pick up the survey questionnaire, housing certain to meet with the approval of ever.- id the I'nion desk. ; oi.ntMORII.R tudor FOR SALE Ptiulent on or off-campus without excep¬ I nt..., Heri and white Excellent tion. Circiilatiuy now are questionnaires, \l'S(i IS SEEKIXfi! at the present time .i ditmn. Must sell! ED 7-142H trailkrs which A! "SO hopes, when answered hy a discounts on the following items: Iwrnks cnrVHOI.ET CONVEMTTBLF I ,:,: ! I-,, ••ilnii eund It inn Phone after 3 t«I-» SPARTKNFTTr" and stationery, clothing, cleaning and XV a I.UMe segment of the student, hody, will IV u-vu*. Must X move. One her,' l-V •] laundry, off-campus food, gas and oil and Aeceu? re*-.,. justify askinjr Iginsiny and Kast Lansing t'.57 TRU'.MPII FJfCEU.E.NT rnn- ED 3-1IIO auto repairs and entertainment. I-., Dm- lirrtkrs low mileage. merchants to participate in a student dis¬ ,,, our* Coniai t Dick Latham. IV- 3.V ABf ONE HE!id I, count plan According to Iteinhard Schumann, who or T1 2-!«27# 21 mafic nvlon carpeting washer Y ■ ' p - Ver i- working with Al'Sti on the discount Bl'ICK SPECIAL. Two door. The surveys have heen delivered to liv¬ plan, el• ri.«flon I'.V, fine owner, low mileage ; contracts would not he made where mer¬ rxrelleni condition See and drive ing units on and off campus, asking stu¬ LOST and dents the amounts they spend on various chants offered less than a five percent dis¬ ED 7-«uW lHf>g CORVETTE SILVER __ and l'» FQUNn| r •"> and the -tores where they do most count. Contracts would he made out on a •Mutt' red interior, white top. cu«- l/)ST GOI.D < : hlu* stone. VV m „ fitted Tonneau. four speed. po*i- . of their trading for them Al-o with a irood yearly basis, renewable the end of the at to'i; •'.1,1100 • iv r new General white Studies Quonset sot ■ Snvder. Reward year if the agreements made in the con¬ j-..or ED 7-1 MCI ft-7 pm 17 . , sampling of student opinion on these fol¬ tract were lived up to. lowing questions At SO hopes to set- a Cards showing the membership of stu¬ EMPLOYMENT . ! = persona. strong case before the merchants; What, dents in the program will be delivered at st'PERIOR RECPPTIONIST - SF« - percentage of your total expenses are spent RF.TANV for E Lansing doctor* of- at stores in tie university area? If living units if this plait goes into effect, • e I'lrase stat* age qualification*, they (hi the back of them would appear the -etarv OrienkiTk expectevl 11»« F. Write to Mrs Grand River B E jrave SOS (Student Discount Service! re- I.ao*ine '• dfictions would you spend more there"' llou much? If one merchant whom you patron¬ names of the participating merchants. These cards and student Ill's would be re¬ MnKng Tonight I IK ize refused to pun the plan, would >ou quired w hen the student made a purchase. !»-Vftr-TIMK POSITION open to change merchants'" . TIIE STI HEXT IMSCOI'XT I'LAX has ... u-i i.» work lorallv t 1- ,.de help von along xvav N \TI R.\M.Y THE ntimher one been successfully tried in several Mid- !• • purpose 1 v| - i No investment. An- nf the discount •>r. E Mulligan. Lansing. 9 1 program is to enable the Western and West Coast universities, ac¬ student to buy more cheaply. Hut it also cording to Schumann. increases the student's having power, gives With a heavy show of student FOR RENT . opinion widely-spread advertising for the partici¬ the plan could well lead to cutting student, f HO/EN FfiOn I.OCKF.RS T" l!'.i<1 uo t" ZOO pound- Brovvi pating merchants and encourages the stu¬ expenses by a noticeable degree. The plan n**Mnrk »« aierr dm* fo • i1' od!-u 1« OX 4-»«tl t dent to make his purchases in the V tMH »Ml Di«; expects to have the results of the reduced mi l iie pro|Ki>ed discount plan IS a real step the direction of making the student's tuoue. count and if given CoiHlrmns '(jiroup Insecurity* -Eli MAC ROOK Op*" k good Eedeia* inrtiMon p-»" in MODERN-AIM enough support MK latmn Pop ilai mu* •nrvev bv the end of this week Student W ol" he'p al:e.\ late hw I« Dai v I Gin *. I : Ihr I ditor the ( (# Hour ind rro 'i Iteikr, i fw.-itt**i| «> a ''cap¬ - itvmg off lampus in private bono , tive < on -utiicr, ' tn l» alter. It (I lime MAX HF AKI)- f BIKE GEAR f.ale take li.i- . olfu. petd.ee ;li t> gtiirs i re* ,ar iett fi a oun-e- p. • r • 1. \ Iff tt.« « ti.» Bf Hig ID Senior lixams Anticlimuetic s prrtiz - -o ' > JiM'ma! '»-• i .c f >tf the hea LAV AWAY SAll MFRIV. ' . (.AO Dai., eah.e " am, ft if rcuu M,v i: M» in .« row tin *• WEAR f|A» OCT. 22 S4E*«E» I.a ! veal ' Senior t oiuiei! promised a ;• ' ! a-; M ". S ft! exams have beep - ! uotten > « ■ scheduled tor all -en pi.til to exempt wit It a -eiuofs in a V fit tper 1 I-.-' »ors ,\> tf «' spring M liediile now -talnl -. Vjiim Xflitre pat Dcui.ii coiir -e D'«»n» t.he e\alf» in tha* * * * seniors will graduate on Suiidav. June e, W »■ tiiuiei-land that « ' •-•* •, , o n Senior ( oum d, \ < '0* »-*ppe-, twe Kndav, June In. and eouqtli !e on : •'Miked i the -eriior hotiomries. Mortar '!; : i : i»»! o .»f *fl» »n*» r»< \ • • ; - V • •• ", - .* 7rt»/(/n fur Itlooil \41nc XXlthheld bv Rrqtirst NO CHARGE EOR CREO'T A* ll '.tid and I xcaiibur, is already Dual exam. {nis.sjblv as late a- the tuil.e* working on pi.oi to aiiow seniors '•» graduate without Ihrir ttaniis her ben *L»i Crc/if/H"#* Scitriu'tl VV. H. Thompson, winged SPaR'an jYif>liI Staff .. llflfd It* the "rU*Mol ' form injf Wedne-dav. June 1 *» | hu- Ip.v * •uKiiig tumis. or at iea-t |n-rnn! them to of inmtrurlion whhh proiih t«» Ihe Idito? Jewelers receivr.l dipiohias as ni.i!. ;,-•. l.ike tt'-e al a tiinre a'/.'• fu t »r.i" s before finishing -chi... lalion. I.iMj lolrirt;- An!,,-: MOKE l\\LMD.A IIO\ obuoii* HV OW M >< mac? a '.V Mtr. f»« If t' "u-e \*« ^ nee,led |!ut tie pre-eiit sjtnation seems . i- M« — : • . • - Ff» .'•« - Uc Ami it ma. i..t even be nm illogaal ami inconvenient Any plan, ■ . : t ' FAS! LAN's, \ Prior to la-? spring quarter, -en. .,, w p ". and v\e ti n t that >eiu>>r. Council will come • ,• AND tV»WK t hoi. e ... . < v.u« . 20 Average , ft were exempted Dom tun.: upwith i workable one. deserve* caret ill tf < \ information («' A :*••■•• > <• V.« *1"' eJuniA, •:« .. I.: aer > .a*l I'l consideration by I iiiver-ity officials. t .*• g. tn ■« 1 A I F.i V,L A I A R M • • ajnwtrer.'t • c i - . xi nix nil .<•• j • , c. • ;• i»i • v;r PANTS omii.x "c.il'.ot.'.r sI'XKI XX Pls|4»|, 4 I I It Kio-i- K»" Olixrr J4 Scrap* t k tAor f t <4* t w ?!.. Ra^c H i 111 J-WWI it, gl OVjlht w.th XII I K XX* X*stMl4ll4>X SERVICE Iht f sot [DrCT QSli A|D L y m- :.;,s| trt, • ?• fRI XII |»|( XI MM II I X 1 '' I HOUSING 34 t«n off J«> ■ «» in • " 11 mi 11 xx *n in xt x*4x 17 Odor t I . 39 Slrrr w(14 John Hudson FAtTLTY AVAIL ABl.l NOV F v: 1 r • • u* |»< Hork i,ofn* insurance 41 Vtin of ft "II.M X I I s|4,X| \ • • .••den kit, nen. tip* ,j» d.M« . ..oiwrntsJieti 4F i iiwtd i 11 I VII XI XRX I IH 4 X 114a\ >.. !*! * an ntS l: - e* \.» hl.ilu ■ fft* . TM * 44 Ho it h A ) * • ox.* rn 20 «• Fn§! letter art / limr Zones 4 I I ft EdtwdPun s,s' »M Nt, ALOW T WO HEDROOVI - 4» t'nrutf Aaiulien af Ytatoday'a Fwaal* crowd CvA* iU Ft TgE'ff A- ; f Tii> ( .onJ list' ( oi'tl >" - Di ;Vt .* ; ! ■a,ag* IV I 44 Ur n*o*m« ' '• - ARAlfM(NfS t«'n v|«Hf XK IttiXKK XXI^IIX I4H XHXTIOX T* the |dtt«»r: 'WW 3 j 41 Lnfriol W *11 i»x i.Ro.i r* KAs"! I ANkLV. NtW no* he.1 44 |n.|,t||,.M H«w «>«« - apaits *! ti »,tiv iituvw 142) I • « * ' -v; and r» Met" A.I 44 M*n<»AAi w h.le t»«e irwt «»f vt;. ■ ■ •, H i ■■ ig*r»»i. ( * ikh \ .. ,., and »uns". AXX* XI11X1111 s PKtlXH X Xl»l Rs ♦ '*»* 10 a-4(MSd -r EP S-hltK 2 . " < 44 Brat*- t.f my" 4n- i 70* I III XI II W ;.f V iivv„ •-• » e a ;ta 2STIV t'C."" r«-mnf IV hood tr sft n»Ji»nf I Ml* under the tmpressiati % hi .I.'"* 44 N'»a D Ninth* C Of •« (hat all of Xlnhican was within y. > - 4IRI III s|u w >'*****.*< *"•- *r*»TarvT •"•"'■• } "vat# . L»*N »«• oJTSm&MdK2-'- imumiegihilil. ; ' +> * 40 D ih<« . X. IM" 1'aik.ng run- Irvl i owe time »»ne so that no matter *1*114 II XXII III XKIM. xuoe«ktr »«•».-• ns t-~ n - 1 Or *».»„t ighu IV siuerat.un ol <"h n»*e where *110 mat go within our I I I It >'sJSX )» Zane U wli, ED 7-*:- * >** lt.be fair state, he weed n-a reset h>* <*.FN 4 XIIIOI H *TI l»IXT SW orntk !9 8t:\n grch P m fen»r It"" :J / MOTHtt \ watch to keep correct lime X%» "I IX 4.KXIK XII »4>Kt V| tiRio xxi/% rit»x <-■•■*■'11 ;i"i»rr■! auactmeut «**• TV AND MAD'" ' ' ' la**. 23 OKI h /says T# CO* \ - . XXht, then, la it that 10 the pro- : >» . > w.- r-« i\.. . t-A-frtr CatTtM-c . % '"• - Gsia** ot rtarkinc IV- «!» » e-A "* rD : tf .sed r#tea I V to Ato-te- • Ml. a "vi I CO. !» ilNlhSMTNOl). ,7% cevs of going from , las* torLas* * « HRInflXX *4 II Xt » i "«•«<*•/; i' -fltv hMtif, ,n»,. 'V 23 B iter v*UH 'ANOCHE one mat find thai he s gained 4»R4» %\|I XllttX 1*1 IM h m. TW., TT »'S M»'trs JO Office* of ]0g jet, lost hve minutes? f ?.BI, "p» ^ Vkur-n - 20 tv r. XXII RR||t| | lOg Amh.*KtY IH R Hr * x vi.'ts :: • |23 Dvirani FD- «? r W«b«. I'- " t" Net l.KARN TO FX,ft *' •" ' ? Ih# nuiiUrv wnirrt". art» tf Srtun* .rttur A AU-T, ( IHIjht Tr.ree miles r..>r* " 51 Wh.ri.-vv ; wilt mean that . . UW, 33 CeUeclton M In (TOM. ,nd ~ ' id e n..nu:o* iWi.nu thrHc* .'XtT rto-Ul fur* BUI BLACK TYPIsT . * Michigan Slab* ;\t*ws . cf fact* x* ;.'V- toypie en'^me T» JV F*.*te*l True -And h«w« la \l -.-t. . t i PatH9S1S • or - u»4»es miM-eUanwoui artvrale I" *- ' * pviooe ri »-«r.u M Mtoaircf pr-xca »»f vvai'suig •i< TYPIMT ANN BROW duration of Paytt.i.Mary ?- \hv ath- r, PUfahnhrd *>w eta*. «•«-* DOOMS »»-« po*t of to a r*»-.t Kit,+.*-i and park* " 11 1' 1 " architecture AU large-acair t*periti*av.t de- ■ |a>t taming «d». r TO IH.™ ED ,ai» 41 Item 44 Ardor pcn4 vital!* Uy,«n the »yt*-hrui>- Malt W'W». 44; *wbwTTpu-.!■-« vm* »K:* . tn gwtv* .,a for o«a term Vi T-.* l*.ree Vrros* y.t for two aijj »»• eo i-mn a, ... .. i»Uon of time .Steirbea* tnu»d Ehlh P»w«. Asm* '«t*d gja** ROOM roft TWO 47 !>• alone Cape Cimvcr^ AamWW4 fiotmevta Prom «od «.« In new home ~ — dbcjQ*- 49 Gr letter **penitlans wmUvl be even ie** *v>p*."\*d Private er.-' DA V 1 . tratne EO 1-tiU j* 32 Golf mound . AuCC«KSful if the C»t* r awo* **e Pane #ngra*er* ccnull-down . run rauanan. RCFOM TRANSPORTATlOft" I S3. Put i»n re*i ru» te*' **»<» Ittut Chock Isiser htel. HOR TWO 'naa and the rr.en «in the Jauach- I in, Mattiagion. g adiiai* studentb three gneh or . t-.1 aa*4 Page »4iur Jaaoolo* Cehn V tsgts K t.iier urivileeaM M Open-work Meeds fahnc lh Na.q-oflf ranor Sasiat* towwie tsach Imm vtaoager Van* Mlors » Frtdav. O Uifcrr ». , ' d SkM Mum, Akator. *«4< detail ■ **-* Xow. hi* IrkkuM Manager UN* Perm — October 23 Eileen FD we student* mat not he saoata IkriUdis. 4ss*t Retail Manager haguel Ren Worms. Jaw# •MktrVtilh attempting to put a sputnik in %SS* Xtakl ran ess - Mew *,4 \,it«nal v4\erttsMg • ~ ^ WANTED orhit. hnt we are trying to trav¬ Matnww. Urn WtlM-r M*.•a rch >er v - Guerrilla Chief Dies of Poison, *n»' American Canver Society **» To Aid Convict tn»* L'S Det»artment of Agrir i - Channel 10 Itjtv. for research on avian !r*u- k ; will partial';. b«- usv*l ' • l>r. Dr l«iui*t Ben Itiiriuester. AHS bio- will Burmester i* widely known dirrrt the procram Ukraine Officials Seek Glues A M : too-arch already under w.«. for hi* research in the field of .MUNICH German V—Ir»- the hodv of >9-rear-old Ban- 9 .10 Land of P'av 4- MSL' poultry diseases. Chessman Deatli in no 10 15 Classroom to Classr--on ' 10— Spa*. -h '«• A 1 i.-ger d 'faff resi-arcn on wn. dep up :■ avian el • V ■■■. • ' • • 4.1 not Bur b»- u- that 'i.iator* • •- .nid< e-'aoiiihf \f,,. , S". - dera yyas found ,n -tairras- eluded Munich horn-, fhur»day n<*>»n hall of hi* *»- one of the ■i.. 1 ' " Scheduled Friday 10 .10 Fo>»d fur l.:fe *■ ■>' • a canreroo- dl«ea- • li.jri OT.i '.If'- i i: oo ' ... k> fi.v. bv scientists of US- . .,.1-ed a: - \ many hideout* from which he Design Workehop n. t.-tuitifr.un. ■ guv*.. • directed an e«tim»ted million .frow'any 11 :to ContmenU! Clas..!.«n from the Ukid.m But nationalist Ukrainians. gn.fioan' finning* on po iltry <\fRAMENTO, Calif. f/PH—Cov. Edmund Rrown, a foe Library ■i tha* lairtoiiri'i'.-ii ? Officials . . I' M • • .. ■:.* « • ipUfda- * Mu- capital punishment, refused Monday to step in and save ' • ■.•■dinueii ir. 'ie**;. l :• oo Noon >• ' ri-acttrCh Wv. .'I ')• Repcirt . . H. iu'e- charge rrict-a'ithor Caryl Chessman from execution. II ill t Henri I ««d ttfht* bandit" of Uw Chessman's attorneys argued 12 30 ' Sen..nar vdization in Amevirar. C Day '.e-Muque- IV four.o ry u-#-ru :n the 111 Ih! order Vi■ ;M, of p:*.f a M P>r. »«Cov. - '■ ,ver^ lanes will die in chamber Fri- at the clemency hearing that h«* fW! Trends and VcV« I'linl Conference •• ems ?«• •. • ■< * mitu t a«e gas Classroom 10 —- Si" ?'.*'» •.!*■ <",ur,» intervKir. was convicted of a technical jftuum-r P.. • C'nai p-i. director ..ir<.. ;y- thc mo 1 anr»»: l» pradina b«turo charge of kidnaping. and they C1 .i»11 oon i 10— m us,« i •* *'■ MSI' .no 1»5 "1 hi fi 00 Public Affa.rs 90 -r I'.S- Supreme Court, emphasized he killed no one. « -'K -.-iU" will attend the ar- s-out. made his derision Sun- It their contention that - MKhigat, Uhran. A - *« i.« oefore he left fur Chi- mis r$|° * With the statement issued one of the girl* was moved from to another: that the (iamliridge Prof > -ji* • J.i • .';!•!» . F .(. ■ Wednesday - he said he would one ear Tr.» the confrrei VfTf M rri* to say about the other virtim. while she was 'I I'tito S|M'<*laloi> ■<* i .« in >.-• tne Hotel Duran* • driven around for some ?i) to 1,*. ne- A lafe Tims* of Leu ' minutes. w.i* finally let off in DM PIIOIIV t.liObU ing " was convicted in the vicinity of her home. I he annual event hrint* I mi 9n |t counts of kidnaping, I/'NDON V C,. gether all city, rounty and uui /A, -iter. Hi, >«d and aft. •H""t>««' "m. " •» «'rl" <»• B • M e; ia*, t;.«••* a - una* - verslty for discussions librarian* on of the Pie new lei h stair Ki C_", I Lint* l"r'd ,|M,n ,h'm legal (MViCtH bv niques of eatalogine bonks. A featuroii H iv' i/eaKei 'T: I anuld "" ll",h *"""*• "N 1 '"ice ;:i modern history h« "f« Tr.» answer *he\ ,-an : > ft'.-- I- *• •• u. igmg • - ara.linc h' b"""1 teeeived more careful v.*r;j*;ra•. Psver,;.- rehear t v »' ffaeper* igaztni ,, , ^lir.man bv »«ln« < r.d bv ijoth ■•"ate a r.d fedt-r il jud Cornel. e j 'he par ,f •>>•» ■ jf. or. the "Sense a;.U pitrrtal »v,r thf «»«UI«ht of bin nary.'' the governor said Che*.*- - •i»ur;o;,.- bjiecter in ♦?.;*. N t. eu ■■ M.i - Uilturt fi | nr. u un s legal moves have staved • ie... !ion- experiment to stud} - :» };• i v.iria. no'eil a •■emtrnsr has 'nmighout maintained hi* the 11 *>* off S' >ix i prior a execu'iun dates 'tthub* *o A»ieri¬ \s dusk fell over the rit*. hi* U-:iterator of 'h FOR ■; .ira'n row. He refused ca* .. i: irir-t u that • hooded fienre airbed in white A i N >. f'.emencv, leaving f w"! • »"..-ern has • *v. *••> ms«teri: *he appeared in the middle of a WASH DAY ' - *.. •»; • Ikong I nfe r<.u.re the governor hnt * ' ••• rdivuiua B- field 50 yards from a main uA . . • . road. Iti.i 1 Chessman ha« de* th" '•'grd.i'Ul THE k. ' -appeareu' i'. T»j ' •, only vindication refuse* !■' ei.h.ina's* SPRING SEMESTER 1960 , ; cannot give him " -Thf evidence of his guilt is V. . he- . ' IMIlKil from. cases l.k vsik.-i.' " ! r up »n* fro-.r, '.-efi jyehtnd AftCT ra; *.g a I »•••!, to '»»!#• •* frtoon* toflil* l«w«S> €*•>••• *r UN WAY THE hi 5x if'v iptw helming." Brown said. ! rri»\« a , ... P.».l' 'So U4.»#r».t> *4 !• ' the established •• iib.appea e • , ,. .< •.*. •" *ora.«t Oo»«#» S«/<•«•% u: "H '1 nop »• : * •« »l :-.i capita *he " " erate plan <•' EASY WAY" " • • nil f -j- - a he' a !.fe • t! ' r .4 ■Mil •• «« If S >'«4aa< (tatot .•r--. sexual attacks and the • ' re .iKer . ' t.x t»'M I'dt to»ti tS-My* • io«« sueceeomg' R.^ • • .e ' '■ -a ieii gun have -- TRY h ts# s M « ai tr.c.a; apjaaritiop appeal««,' .:. * in his thinking. * vi.vsm.in'.- failure Senior of the II re/. lull view of 80 i>eojne se«».a- ... $1395 . »«, won'mv iw tvaoei THE . contrition," Brown No or a* rat: away Senior >>• 'he Week i>e'. . >n f'«« cmoi toroil tr.p moo* Member* of the ur ve*> • M»- will tM* ivadabb* tnruug}. Wc«i- cfety for phychie res^afc '•mm law<1 o*d MwOr •••'» s the Uniou onfuurx.' hrd ta'lIMG >...«■■ (o*> a Horn *o»S nesflay I ||i« attitude has been one of i • ouvne* to ..locrvv the reac¬ aeeucafiOM MaoiiMf om *0 if*« A sen . *r gra-mating fall, tion* of pa*«rrth> I imillet arrogance and coii- »m •>*• m w .n't. oi so j.g term* ar«* e..^<- ] University Launderette inrpt tor society and Ita laws." t.. p. INSYITUTI Of » .■ . r of three (tough- lUtOtetAM STUDIES tor ie ■; J5 t »mio Ci»iot* ' 4. .. son studying lor trie PIZZA PIT noted that of BiiRouiH'ed ft • i ' one »*Mvv I Oil the I'Mr- :r II •• viclitt,s. a 17-year- ; t . Stdl "h< >pe «• - I• • • u't pu entered Bus Station mental hospital W-1:i'* da Next lo E. Lansing e a s•«ie .W.WSVUV.SV.W.V -s RESTAURANT I'llUM. I ll TUESDAY SPECIAL VAN'S HSU BARBER SHOP: American f.oula*h. TtK*«l Sal.ul, New limoLM brings you taste... more taste... Itread k liutter. leu nr t offee. Sarriag Slate far Mara Thai 20 Yaars More taste by far- I Ell Hill APPOIVrtlKXT 111) g-lHl'l MJLC. AVE. \ I IPOII 2IW MAC am: - IHIP >S| \llt* yet low in tar! New, free-flowing Miracle Tip only tin- im.u cm • up f:.uor unlocks natural tobacco flavor! -'h*r siirt. m- • < »*d»jai* wuhout Thiii's why 111 ran blend line toltam* ihokmgta*«e • Oiyr-vtniihotu:i »icuuufi*n>r not tu *uit a filter... but tucuit your ta.te' «f the woihi* finoti, n*tu:*ii. mUi totmoo." 0*» oo—' s 0.0 • funil aetlvitin iocluilr program, invol.ios ■aclaar-poareml ramjrl propabion. nmlrollni Ihrnnnutluor mrtue, llir ioduithal applicaUai. «W aadMr riplonvei ami baur partidr rorarik |«W plocamarw o«*• 'or on oppouHmtnl . v umnianci tADUTibN labo«avo«y «.n Of CAuaoaMiA. mmtitt a u«iaraoac. CAiiaotNiA '■I i^l Man taaW by kor in tar.. And ihty tmd "It eottUn't btdamr^ wi j NIHIIK.W STATU VI U s October .Ml. MM Rage Tour Splash to Women's fntrniiiurnl Victory Desitehaiou Tlic Kappa Kappa fJarnma- for second bailey Miller ( i < Key to Rt'ttl'f V tilth's • assdfiVd.* . HiVli lictnlcfshin j-plnshed their way :<• victory Four'!) place went to Alpha points. Denise Dontnoycr with who scored 10 Pass l)on„s the jxkiI copping nine lb s' plat;.-* X' In ita • vith . . 21 points and 4a-tjoints, Judy Porter with 12 and accumulating a total of 7> p< | r ,;vf in the final rx-. • >_*! f i I i 11111 i 11111111111111111111111111111 m < 11 i t; 1111111 i 111 r 1111111 it 1111111111111 f 11111! I f 11 r I'rocr.im Information peration pa.« fall Ell 2*5817 to John D"n«-var. I960 RENAULT 4CV I moav 4, V*r\y in the Sweeny 6-2. c|Uuk- ^ c. , $9.50 PER WEEK SI50 DOWN f Allt l.T* 81.88 — IHIIDRTN — I5e bail iny for made a was a covered 40-yard safe, • - • 6 MONTHS FACTORY WARRANTY I I.AST TIME TOMOHT the firs* qu.ir- £#/|.5'"S3#0r A«CV' , /1 \ j rort f.id Authaatlc Calar, r 4 MILLION OWNERS \| ONE •IT S SHOW 7 10—TTATI KT 7:58 ONLY IIFRT nullified by an i! West shaw 7 r»IU4 Shaw 8. 26-9 on ,, „ i All. J, , 0Fftrial faal, of John |iuhn»r • amp flit INTACT — INCH!" •rm » >t.* till If IfKhPt) Ritrhed t«o pavte* Sorry No. CO.D/f CAN T BE WRONG Th« entertaiMnant In the hist half thr ?-r.i P 18-yard U», %„ h.. •raid's most with I itrhner lio.n, , ^ * lent me p»a*r»mpnH at (hack#* ■•■man Unllmllpf FOR A DEMONSTRATION RIDE Emmons for the e\tf, ,;l . III tar iMartmnit; II** »♦. Clair Vlieaw Sharp*. Michltan feemid with a :«-»** -. .4 Jim Roirer. ' IMlcMltan p Na t Arm* f n** * Mtrvtrf Army «a»y ( Al l. DEAN KSSKY ED 741938 1 AN EAST SHAW 10 riwirient (ritfhl) Hurls the Hall over |u ft. Pwrtfua caiir. ft Caiir. Wa»y w o»»»t f Morgue Tn the se»-eration - I CO? Zt** lM« ed off by a : 'ioooooftooo*"""*""1 SAME DAY DELIVERY ®«ii.a'lw!£5a.s pa^ed into the morn. »- • - rilllilllllMlllllhtlllllltlllMIIIHIIIIIIIIIIItllliillhltltMIIMIIIIIIIltlllllllllltllllirF Intramural Schedule W »hs» IP. 15. ♦ U ♦ Vhw- f > . W vha« T. .•* u .f,,. roOTHAl.t T«Hrh flrald . I* H shaw *. II H s,, l'r»cu<» riralrt s Muitg vi. Hnwland > Shaw IP. it. sp.w I'll I'in.hrre vi Inrllflhlr. 7:21 Nr»| %». Elawnrth f-lfl \n« II vv. Srr«pfp(» Ii shaw 4. 1», | stiw * 1:2.1 Fithare \e. flK H "I shaw s. *. P *h» , f IP Wis I \ a. MteftU * V) s \l ( \ w AC'S Kithwr |. l». Rjttiwr 1.11 Vtkre v«. Wlldral* 'J in oiit Mm vi. C (i Veil Hrvan S, II: llrvan 7. » f:in (id v». ham Hrholzn Mai her P. 7 Kath. r HOW!.ISO . Kalhrav 7. 12. Kalh* r • :W p ft Hiitirar!lp|4 5. k Itudarr - • . I- * I'K *t« \ s. Its I'l Thf Bid-Mor Agf«ey 1-1 III v. Mcmt .In •V-S llrlte \%. Af«» »nKII\lt|J| L N I E R T-A I N M E N T. . . tor Verve records actually five you complete recorded entertainment, presenting the nation s leading perlormcis at their swinging tiest1 LUCON S EAS T I.A1NSIM; El) 24C.17 Here are |ust a tew of the best sellers from Verve's list ot more than bOO albums. 1:88 . S I8 - 7:38 - 8:45 HIS OWN HIGH S( H1H)I. IH'PILS Other exciting LEO HIM Ttt A— SHOWING i*tn s»a Verve albumf 65c to 5 • ?H»c After; IIKAMATir I.OV K Laurrnrp AF'KAIH MITII A m . • »;«» llarvey' HEAITIK I. NIGHT • t .M im nuoas Q'raatt i • »« ROOM Heather sear* CLt'll GIRI.: • A w « l. u i..a*irt G»i» 87 TM r;> : '* i»«» • « ■ siKHine CUtTJUROENS Mat ld»» w • l M ' j,»e s • to » «ii 00 ? 'M A«|o4« i ». < * » Otcor f,1 • signorel M)»j M . . Iff ■»••• ihi HftotaatD ViMOt twin VOnOl FOt tWINOIft • CWtkM .Mi'OI AMIl lit P<>«£* *HO »*'.v • r >« Mill » >.» | * —«i*e*ij O- STARTS Till KS M8YBRITT tm LMdralod Ou«>» - »t •«*«.* l.e* M *t .'*■« IH9 m toor sot w**0 S «NOi* Clt1! 1 O.iif QtsMaopu* fThat AMI If s or UP • Ml Mt< I s . 0 DAY 4IMGN ««» ii • loi^»o TM[ €, >. ■ * »;*• Ittttr rtMP i*(hh|»N ' j* • . •.» ■ i Oi lOCP JUMP "!»«•• • • |t(a l h Joa w.tt'a«"i Kind Of . MOOQACMa tpr ttvia rj hsktt ? Woman" X V I t' lealurr* al I. 185. 5.18 • • V, s iV.'il PIT|ftOM »PiO At SCItfulfOUW Ml A 18 p m Ml? / SOPHULOREN mourn fO awi* era* tuw.N w«i w n MO 9*117 •Milv. »c. taCg TO taci • Dual §1. 1*0'. a wsi u* a M i .» t >'» ' a» ti' ilir ■ n v # • . •I . P C. «VM » • JIM. ■ TAB HUNTER — EXTRA' — mi\ • 'titasaa C (it in -a! wUh lattui rwtlM HOON: Hark Ha ,OW I VIA" vurt O* M|f».i ' a» •*•»(•! ... and many, •many others.' mo v mi *UO VS *P4? KG » PK* *PG *1 aft* MOPtht *IWP I Ma«« miMPIT to>u iPvttt UVIM Plicu • Ika Otv«.» 1 MALI. Of I a Ml • ' Mlttt C.t Hf RlwPa cut c.misf't FREE ! - COLLEGE OFFER Sp«olal Verve Jazz Album (12" Long Playing Hi-Fi Record) Iter* it your introduction to an arras ol talent that reorimUl a veritable "who's who" M the world ol jarr. Mil v aw »Mt» vy*afi OaMTt atoP NO» kUI * |"ea mo * au« All Ot NO^tlMO At Ail Supply is limited so Mt now! f ill out the coupon below and mail together tedh * "eiuMt •'< »«» O'sMst e at • lill MOllOA* 11.00 (to cover handbng and mailing costs). Otter ends November lith, 1959. t»-» tm.ta.rs-1 A' i j mimmvmmnmm i m ! IS I S !" aaa fcB. I 1 1 I1» 1 I 1 Vi MOV-lfi* 'Pfl'iWii atavfltf •MOV { • to Rot o bottor fhovl ■ D ot* KAU W. C. HAMet JVMIOf » Jwaxt ii • ^•iwf.mg t—m «*_ •lilCTEIC » »*RRf • • a i I OC f~| na.adww.sw.aiua. LOTION . i 1 1 1 m. m «aw»ao«MOMy*».a*— MWltOO M.M • w. OMubff XftriflOXS xl \ff MXX* farefiie NFI. Official Announces |k- 0*U Plans for 2 New Teams On Campus Maxl&inan Mffl , lli W eek CHI' A'iu for f-xfiafi'linv , hail b'jisf'H- ■• ••»-♦• anra.imctij .Wnij«in '< ' «• i •- • !i hut *«»vrra ;,,j. h* ui-' *n* ». 'jr pa in-. ff ( rinlt'r llt fntrtril Ch;... iti'inl\ lit llrttil U I \NO IIII K VI All. A SO III hH OOI I.AK i>F.I I' »■ ye.ir - • W I1 r. v, i--"urtH \riIt m«\. up fn»»n N» Won 1 III UK- 1 h.four Spar. jnd *Nraruxe (l-ri fKr.tr llahn. Mickrx Walker. Irrd In Philadelphia at tine VII flfl., •hnwtuw lliai III t-SRIT I... Iuu« h»c lii'm .1. .1. p.>. |nrm<-r. through iU»>li*n ami ( apt. Ifon Wright. • I nmmmiAnrr %ustin f»un«rJ |i.t id-iiutil front all four nam.- tin. •j|i| Ihjt flub mine r* |j*t week L «Nl>! -I. -i ,m n,fv illr au.„rf. t»n»k an Informal xur%e» of STATE wntimml •». expansion and . : t>a. K !f)th - Will N!) li. iii ( uiiiiniii-y thai no formal drridon can he \IU I.T« :»r Klllllfl » !«• made until Ihr regular league hitter • STAHTS WKI) • meeting in Januari hour Linemen Consistent N i ■ "■i ■ Ma■ • Tht Millir mt lvlp.no »fl"fjl ' *'-•>» *'• at* . Ha:a MIlMllrMtll Mt! ^X. "r-v » V. „ .4s Spartans If ax Hot. Cold 1,'W i.I* t I nit B» f|M Vf t IM. lit ird f»o»l - III. trirtlb rtrfrn \"S4M Mf. f il- I Iit'i p» i tortn iiur- tiintinued ottrh tin l»'i i iiirt M» limr* oil! CART GRANT f Ralph's TO MAINE SAINT | Kewpce . , . JAMES MASON : LUNCHEON north it northwest *WM . «.» • SPECIAL \l«" I II'.IIMIV [ad llcfiiiis ■ 2 SAI.lSHI in Mashed Potato#* S I I. Al\ " tki'i tixrf ic fo Murine all lilt* 1 or illn lint Vegetable pmrnliim ♦ Hovttt (•( Ju*e Iter n 1'iii.isi. till b»'l>" ti>Uf i ■ ? Moll A Ifultrr liuliiiim four ftrxt *trin u o ' • (' \ 49c A < ,• itl lion H rut " *;i • Walker iH It;. «tMii» i Ho* I* » .» a 11». . M . of th< dele ii*m ..I tin. Ralph's "KEWPEE's" Cafeteria 5 • - V ! An Ideal Plata To Eat - TV Too > %■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■. ■- f * * ;.'.,.V.VJ,.V.VAVA,.,.,.V,'.W.VAV.V.VAVAWAW,,/1'. • »■ - x. *■ * • to • \ XI M f.ftlMttSt. • XfiililK ti m i r 11 a b • illti plaviitg null ■« X| ,.e . •nute U«t «!• expei I |( ( i •• on if • ^ " io'ii • • > • XXIIffl ftXI %\i IM. i,. pu-. Miikn for fir»t Jj'y ,, • hi: XKI »»Hxn i • xPAhh* . it., If i ir.ir Hut tie ha» • i inr in ht» perfniinr t wwn-jjsbt a* \ en a de quirk • i \u fiei .* Mifi i.i it • H XxlllM. SILVANA MANGANO*'-% *'»•-* * ' VI lor |ji* * imUiiiI- be i* v.v.sv.v.% . THE iablHil IVniten balk a t»e-^A: Mb.#:* #(■ iL,iiD m r -Ii in I.llienu n "I U>» in op the liite • T' X'- -r-e* Xt^ 1 i.ii :-tiiih . ini: i 1.1 iioio .iit\ii i. i hi V. " went to Itrddif oUt*tandib; i» .. «kmin r. no timed an a ^Hail Hop hi. itn I ie' • ' ll< einoiif aikMMMs - lint ( hrxnet. -: «.f among the fall. ha» aluti- who the Bd jil.VKKVS GULF NKitnci: » Vop 10< S.ci St»Miot intrant** * •• quartet- yourself in 1960 tdtagunalh ai t»»*v ■i*iea «. « I airrhtld Thialff 'he •J '! Xweri b»! I I'M! \VAV.VAV.SV.'AV.V.VA,AV.W.V.V.SV.W.V.V.V.V. fONM.IIf t / — A , ■ Iff XX| I «> UiHOHiimn «Hinin l»»a« — ■'* I I UP* . I Pel J*l ■ Itl IWOXH t*e* H *M> li'l H t %,*■<• < '' f * N •ntiin.«> mi IMVERSm : and l* prn f "•# "•«*»** »« k"«f ; W . Iff. M'tuti,,, . ,« r,u ■ |t»pen.« X Ldmuxiort. ">0c i' H- ■ HHIH.I I kfiine • Iff I IK* f / I. A /O'# -t » ' » . ao f i » ' » - — «•» ' he'a**-«#v > *«.mi • STLDLNTS* ir**-0httnnt toiw •» fWnelu* l>e/; I .. . - oua-'i an>1 tixii ■ EfXff.RX flHitff new h,»a* thrvi.*' • OO Mfi Ml %'* rot" Hu.sana Roumama. » I U Xt.— o- % »»«e hoa SPECIAL Ail ar» .... (a.ike»'>u i I'-.-" kraa«». i»rr-,.w |ir,:.n i^r»a»». \a«r«- **4.u®t |:)« Is'*/ •» llll I! CHOII I. Ill * ' ' " Maupintour k- VtiiMO fiewi . X.- | r>; /' %ey fee* I'rim. l*.f opm f..r ..nH«tch an ju-— ♦ \lra UrE. pi-.lr— «l-pp.il palalu—loltrr •III Ih'fcilM* or -milk Nil In Imliaiiu II.M.I I hlckrn—.lf.».inc—.— miik or itwt if*- JAZZ CONCERT OCT. 24 CIVIC (ENID) roffrr •* x \ fuiiSbe'l IN AOlllTIIIN. MAII'IE II III-: It A I. IN ' THE STAN injiirie* in ♦ * '<■ t>e- FROM ANN Oil M l III '• >l't.HAI ,M' •j' od eie- I'tmZKIIS. v- State f«»r imm i OCT. 30.. ■ . meetEtams ' ■ ' ■■*.«!.* ■" [,w. *arT.eei v».«nipr»A*e 98c IniKM STI llF.NTS: I tmlunK for a reafh fin# meal fhi* Sundax exenint? I«r Ihr Umtmf eOOER* 7«(*ica - fisset to %ielt ruumr • . • af hard h> l»ral price* l»r •err The i\iiflit ~ of The IHu Donee j ~ WTWNATIONaLLV "HOUSE OF REEF" FAMOUS OMCHSSTMA MJTICK: Alt mrat* •rrxrd h» Ihr of lltef* arr ( Mf.V br*t for vou fr«»m . t'fimfr Nothing hut Ihr . . "H«»wr THE ' 3 .a Emit If rr House of Beef CORONATION ■ ■■ - i 11.1 v. XIIOIIH.XY XVK. fi TMS FABULOUS CM EXT To H< IT HI- III.IISI il.Hcr.: NI.mi - Sun. II a.ai Ml * i.m. * p m. • I p m. BALL •:: FRESHMEN - wgg?a > <»" Agenda MlC||tr,|v ()«loln-r .'it 1 gree i* indlrafed, .ill drjrrr level* *te rlljihlr lo Interview Persists for UN Seat KMI'I.OVERs S\'vwnia Eleetfr Of TORI. K Hll.l.OIVIMi MAJORS it. I».V» Khvt. Mech. MSI! Players Plan Program for 77iJ Chern. Knyri., Turkey la-ad* Polish (.'andidah- Physics, Matii .v women) A Chr-m. (men The rcceptlv organi/ed MSB departmt nt on topics related enjoyed the trip. Its purpose Ins- majors for alt types Player# met Sunday and rati¬ the theater. Tentative plans f •; was to help the members he- /at;, of jmsitions. By Narr»w Three Vole Margin 'A 01 k.% - til (M), Pcrs. Mymb iIt), fied its constitution. It becomes offici i! UfMiii receipt l.f its char¬ coffee hours with visiting sh business personalith-' throng.i conic belter acquainted Thct.i Alpha Phi. national dra- tfie:,v n,:, Mklg (Mi. Prod. Mumt «H» ter |)r. John Dietrich, head of •hi ly-ture-Cor.eer' >--ni- an- mafic honorary fraternity, h.. ru¬ * fMTKO NATION'S, N.V. (/T'»—-Turkey, the West'* can- IVe Si Match grad.s onl> i for the Speech Department, and Dr. in progress ilidHte for • >rk in ielated fields John Walker, of the a seat on the I'NSecurity Council, went into Mech, Speech lb At least one or two shoyv a Industrial *"< It < (Mb partnicrtt, (idifrcssed the croup, slight lead over communist Poland .Monday in a new round . trips per term, to see prmlii' - ("he'n fifigrs. for h A I) A encouraging the new endeavor of voting. Put the Turks were well short tlons in Ihe area, are scheduhul. of a two-thirds production Math (Hi (M), and stating Its purposes. I.as| 1'riday the group went lo majority, and the east-west deadlock persisted. Piy.sics A- Chem. (No Oryanic) MSB Players will meet Detroit to attend Wayne state Miillotiiitf in the General As- imen A- women) for research monthly and details will be h:i- t'nivemlty'a production of tt»e M'liihly was suspended for two A production. ncunred in the Slate New* prwr tfl to round up new vote- T It'Htgers and llamnierstein mils- we< k-, after i see-saw rare de- a- \ "n ill) (Mi (Dei to each I'nited States led t.';e behind- A March meeting The group will iral. "Allegro " Twenty -eight ve!<»|H-«t Turkey "f three-vote ci nls only i for industrial ac- hold critiifues of current pro¬ the-ecenes cam|wiir:n for !.'».■ people attended, aeeonipanird edge, its best showing mi far. «oiinting with training pro- ductions and hear guest Turks, and If. S. diplomat1 wei.- leas¬ h> Dr. N'at Eeh. business mana¬ gave the west new lwirjfuining •ram Meeh (|l) A Industrial ers from within and believed to have pei-iiadi .l l \ > outside the ger of the theater department. strength in the intense diplo¬ Mi Knips for co>t estimating, or three fgitin Armrirnns tor.fi.lr t 'e, • iMi. Mech (Mi A Civil ma:maneuvering for tlie seat from Poland 15 Turkey on the It-nation council. ill" Knurs for design anil Tit Ik of a com promt: e At stake i t. ic prestige of the • ab's engineering in field of date had centered on Vugo-d,-,. 'W. t. as well as a vote in the material handling. rooVevitig via. as it ofti n has in past rhxid- I'N body primarily responsible v ,tower transiPissii.ti I flu! tie- Yu - >• lav: ({« - *f'-»si!i Kodak I'O. < r dealing with lnfernatioruil t-!.irixl iiem G)i iOrganic A Ihiv - themselves oat of t.-ie a!> , -|,wb >. • for research race unless Poland and Turkey Ifepubllc Steel Corp Klect iMi Mech (Mi. A W » Ilereitilv the West hw resort¬ both agrred to stand a idr* u (antral Alloy [): ♦ i 111 K.nc.i • for It A D. des .* ed lo procedural their favor. .. Compliments maneuver* in A Thrte production Ihe i on mil lo frustrate the was no sign 1h:-: ha I V General i Fireproofing t • K. • i Mi A Mktg (M» if) llinal of Knviet vetoe*. One re* happened Irt Motnl i\ votei The flrtha Pharmacfutii .i! m ads delegates had a chance ' < voV only» for .mdustrnl mil example I* Ihe di*patch of (or,, ales Biology - rotund for any other i|j) or rela'-si a siiheommittee lo In- country, but on f-»■ I«11 for the names of Turk«y -md Po¬ pfiannaeeutica! vales tevlif.ile ibarge* of I omrniin- Mihtarv i»l trie* arfrewion v.ere in I .an*. needed. With the Seven land appeared on the ballot ers pap¬ Sip ;I (»:! ( Alee irmpleted. otrllgatlons i II) I M •. Khvt must (Mi (M. be Designed For YOUR Pleasure! of a posvihllitv of more neutralist Normally the W' -( could be Production Im ,v Ce.cm (Ml (M) Kngis i"i iMtiens hiking ••x fiected to line touneil seal* in aj. enough o.i field production work the fiilnir. every pro-wevlern votes. Put the vear IMIuml !»-•- la-high thirl land Cement A ' Mil- A Pub Service (It) lii'lliii ytur iliili- iinv ni^lil silli h ili-lii-imi- yole v ill eouiit. | marked the U-'~t campaigning m.tried up 5Up|K>ii ih-pmo Tur- k»-v entered the race Tin- earlv an I Turks r I f.iberal Arts i It i (lb- A March grads only) for ►ales lliiliun ilimirr ul (ji«a Vmu's iinil if- ImhiimI lo In- it r«-ul mims*. Knjo\ one of FIriend •• the assembly has nmt ra-iii- in trainee pn/gram late ln'-uee Cj reeve, i • • f--r the OCTOBER A 3J. 1959 <• i s:„-ecs---«r No"!, Allan* .• Tn-itv ally lik- So.;i our - • m iit the count I Turkey, at first cn-iiiort-d rani- . Mfg » M.vh (Mi CM- A M«* «iti inuiiy \iirirlic- of fine |ii//u or lr> i M i la grv for reiiner * • i Japan Tin ts|iiulb' iH-tv -|i;i'_'lirlli .• « • paigtiiftg as th>- Western e ineb¬ - our o r J..n 1 riate and then tiecwfi-d n ns. trvhnology, j it -liirlN Hill, iliuot-r ill Cu-a Nova. ■ ' . 11- i x.-etlv reversal. procew dcvelofwnent A retoi- i — ' n I. II-If* r - wii.t I tut back the tiext into HOP f nnlt'sl \ 'i:h Ameriean Ayijt I • nrseorcfi luii Mectl Met IM - . i-n !?•. . . > lO>, Mis»ile Divisieri '• -t. " <• y*ix'h an I final one dels I interna \ l -m I Ml (f)f Knars Ma' . )V«- lb-li*«-r To Vour Porm or Poor They kepi warning me this would f a tv,#« Turks regained imen A women), Physic* mi- : 4 !-:i!» jot.* for It A I) happen if I didn't think of some auper r|!U \(*i n*e of soles lor I Hike* during f-»r good taste of Coca-Cola. So who's a auv Ucpulbic.in |ir«*- - "•» the newest, smartest look in coiffure* km a-i'oi.a miiiiim. l.ansing. Michuan ui*n| in t-u- mtcrim. tn,th Cotninun* \y *i sUf»l>ort ill * ' • a'«"Ui .rid ■ Western diplomat* yymrk* midwest, ji -,y (iimv■. y ,n f.iy -i fa.hion l»f Vl'X I Resident Nix-»ii with « continental flavor mil Tilt bl-yeai-oUl Nc-.y Y-"k he rrrated by inlrrnation .1 Public Views governor, Nixon's challenger t<n «'f b tiois, who has ondonMsl no ulrnti.il including ptcs- - become « more for homecoming lilt* exrlling weekend you fine hainlrrssinif Never Never WASIIIKCtTOM (^•)—Uif lumutifx-. Stratloti his llt'H Klltlll |»f ►I too strong. , Imentiiinrsl es a ,»--4blo • p. hilKdulc s|, il«-r the flak* which he perv* Vi«x» presidential Candida'e. riilitTl IiohIc* i%*52f»ti5 htnsing «rl in war anil peace, th* IhhIv of (ieneral of the Army too weak. toorge f'atlett Marshall lay in puhlie view Monday* see Mi ■! •• t br.eti *»f ,Hs.|»'.e yv ilk»-(1 (•» the casket t'i«y •i .ill -• tlooted Me". 'r- l >. < . ..f Pie -W.i . i:i' i until fuiiet THE ALL-NEW ?«c White House annoiiiHed ■ y thai I'reshlenl I Isrn » y« ill ill* nd Mir very tees, • It Myrr. \ a . ( It apt I .ivkt AND YOU TOO WIU AfiREE IT'S THE just right! a i . e and t s« • best o* bea t. Mot ■!s 'had -i n «xi t.i-m «'l. as fc*»ny chief -.f x*..,lt tiur.iig World War 11. r.. uUuy uf ht.de and nvitiary of lit ft n o • A M. .'.n N.-rs n- -ourig -ig t^ie • cadet Institute last Kfir.ng IAX'.V ts-oieri wti$ fixmv y\f.eto Virginia young C*» :>b ever .ct n-.Uiry C>tMigc Marshall t-egan Itia career. ON SALE OCT. 20, 21, 22 Mrs. MantoU. »!.- rvsl ftl b.v murninu In rat a «f 11, ton's feather-like ' riiwriil «ilh plenty of butler and syrup, pi in« hut lu you every morning .m only S .10. 1 whv emona -TMAvicao- nmourni etc veeaceo tastt. m' 101(1 E. CRAM) RIVER HOI HS 7 V.VI. . 1 A.M. odam's grill Outstanding... nnd they aw Mild! 1SS?'~ OSSSSS " ■**^**» 4L *•""«»>• amok. naturolh# q23MSSr^ |J PMiWr»iMtote.-f ^j^kaadir^!