Tin- Weather Partly C loudy, Djoler l/o* TuHay m. * Vninp MSU For .*>0 Year* EAST (.ANSIS'!.. .MICHIGAN—WKIjNI;.~I)AV.fXTOBEII I'I'.ICE •'< CENTS Union Opposes T-H Move Blood Donations Continue in Union Phi Omejra blood nt* were collected '♦-day total to 101 ( IIAIII.KS \ AN IHIIIRN. who accepted »en ire of a -uhpeona demandm*.: he testify in a ( on*re*-ional prolw into fixed 'I \ qui/ -how*. i- -huwn in hi- Hotel Ifoo-exelt r»«»m in New A ork prior to a new* conference October II. 'Iht- «a* the fir*t time \ an Iforen appeared in publn m mer .i week. BXCTED To RKKiS over Homeiom- i- mi-an fherrmer, t hattanooga junior ifednitie-. including the foot ha i I emi ml N.imi > Jane >ul!i*an. Koxal flak |un- h liulani Saturday. i* tjueen Joi.i !"• jop left tu ritiht. are ( hn- Siirtp-on. r, I Wy ear-old junior from San \n„e:.. f»»\!oi. i al. junior: Wendy \|ouw. ftirm- a*. Mi« Kane, -enled on floor in from. m-jr i •»:>. junior and Pal I i Shirtum. Web- IK\1I kmim - with member* of her court; Iff! to -tc < rove-. t|n., Miphomorr. Mi-- B> llfiw \r.!> HO! xo * e» Spaiftrr, 'Ule Nrw» OuiUnt Nil Ft I <&>U« i\. fir-t row. Pat Poda-. Minneapo i runner-up. »«« -elected "Ml— Indian i Hfuwrr; (arole >pamcr, Detroit -enio an' the other finali-t- will each reprewent h trnell. Manha*.*et, N.Y.. senior; l\ : on«' of the other Ibn |0 «c hooU. nr. Armada junior. Second row at lift l* '» I A . 4 fce* I" f» K «ne > e* nijrh*" Look Gained wrt Seri< II celt' s Top l'r«if >|jlr« l.rlim !>- I sr. ig : Kot«r*vn-4 Oiiorlorlmck nf *lucfent conduct, accordi are «* •»l« I'rmersitv. *hoti sdlitietit,- do not fee n;,»Ttirf re*(«»n«ible citizen* lllli I- | m*k - hf*l it tbr uuarletbw k p.-t U«l »r*f hr MO Ihr Iridin: (found (iin rr .«( hAlilutk on ll«r -p»rU« the |u rnoif ptoiRt »f lie! «ell«r dHr>lin< M|Uid hf«K»k * eireer aid H»e|| tm ■ rurred when he performed *t rt-A■ the fimmu New \»0 «U»o *-ve ,r,.lj j>' «»f J" rlutw.lhe Umb f tub thm», Thecne- *-•f < ••• • Pr--1., J»ut; iv.•• J j'tc ■ tUnd. Pu. . ■ ! . TMsket.'. W*t#r »ms W.*vertfte grtnip p« *ar« tot due Fr»d»* A gr spjrun Rnund 1*hfe «*?.. *r »f»c>uid »i.*n th»- "at; a~* Irani 1-3 pm m 344 .v.» l (iolorful Paul 1st Homecoming Held in 1916 UNh.I TeMPtF.MAV. KM!*}. Ohio, tmmmt. m0» S#.r- tmm MnilMi TmCv m lb* illUnl jtmiw Mkr. 0»*r law npib bf lb* bnawr mm&alm *nt nU Ht lint tor *a Ut iiuk a nmC far rml jraar*. I Profs Travel Around Globe Feature Page Former Project Si ikIcii t Workers Of Campus Chest rV „! English Department j| October tt.llSO srut: JKANNINK news n \11 iiir 01,,-' • Rv jot: International education h i < P will s bright l*r«f William ll*ls| is lerlurer at the .1 Culver- | ,if. ,* im-. MtKlerile- .*(, '<» -!Ve Oiliifrr-- 1 }i.*b< ' ' . lix-S'News Staffer department of public safety. To hc.'o -e;w- 'he trnffu ten¬ done much to •f the motorist improi* Oil I 4 b»r III|*n. r>|,^ xil> of f I.ilu .i» In lite I Ins >i sion on rare in 1- and come to the gen! many member* <»f trie dc- • tin I'mviT itv .**• |.iegi Bermtt «ai.l th,. Says IPs Dai-John* m hool rear lie anent l.isi year t. "iiii 1. in Septemhf IMfill aid of fru-*!jter| moto'tntj. ••*- partmeiit of F'.nglKh to fnu-i -u mpluvees : i r arc doing research work In Bnis- 'I't Congfe- hii'MM-ai iM-c,.<;:. during th- dait\ ru«h countries. Th.- b.i- made "e ■ .1 r department of p. *el«. while his wile was an na'iori.i! meet 1 in; -choi.i. hi ims of « a n? -noor: a no-.A p m., L» de;»artment *x- *»f 11 * widely known *n >t ration, althougt chance teacher in the Brussels under the direction to ar.n a!«o during pre and !»»•'• /oreign >erv:n- in s tEditor's note; .loseph lloflman. a former A|sl student ami state drawn from such •*• IMililir schools ear h\ ic'en! a;*i*tant* Prof Robert fie:-' i« *|*'bd»:..: the profeswui of rf K I.. *-.csl bv trw de¬ hi* third year «t- .I member of ian.-.' philologi and profess*, 1 week, lie graduated from the school of Journalism in IS57. and ft rtm»r police ofluc; the MSIT nu»*!on t<» the t.'niv - »ipenilini» this S-r f English literature at the I'll. worki-d mi the Slate New* in \Iun.o a variidv of positions. After graduat¬ mg at MSB l»i*;* of the Hvukvw- lie is .so. - i*i oil* i'MI'i 'if l.icgc The •siilipHt * ar*- ■ 'atiofic ■ »' ing. Hoffman worked with the Ali.imi News in Florida for II Regular Htucler*' eovsor to Pr»,f. David Mead, ic paper is ' KlTm S of Kxi- mouths before traffn rawn'- w o S. enlisting in the nervier In work with (he .Army t<» the men. during the peak • Security .Acenr.v.» ampus from .1 . ie« 1 v| >• under th* di« application- Hit.ADA' All! FOttCE HANK J.*,* .81 t \ .l.Ml !!)4 Sco'h.MniMlt ext'han..<• . The new emptoircs 1 H-L'!i dr«»p|o'd an ntnni bornli into !i f RuMrri Bemitt. as»ia- lf, , Hri'i-i .* Thrct through two •: ai.d Anicnrnri Iain or three' hour, August !» .1 similnr iNimh whs droi-p- Niyisiikl .-.*r <»f the department classroom j liu * :• and literature it Dam • • • from ftic- • i\vo bmiibings •..*•<• in.t hea 2ti■<•■ (in. iiuui't .*:•• i Ss 1 1.1 !>• •;. v.n v able control. The training then sh,f( , Intel. on t! deck of liu- ».*•• ;'iji u-'!iw helmet* A, -d.-tnps f„ k4M*. Pal. * hnlMe-dup I • «•*•*•;.». u..f to an intersection where battered Japan • mrindert-d to die I's «•.* p.u fla.shhghts 1 .1 • -.lab. and la-lwibon f assistant directs traffic < AAtri S f llMT used to sell ..ti- ,1 rpfii'ftoruH lb. k -■ vhose profes«i. Japan Ins * new tare, a smiling row hells to raise mnnev (or th* 1 'Ms.-:' d'.4*• and i'u- a uniforn !ud<- the -■tinI\ face. It is nation which officer. a has niiraruloiisH undertaken the I isk liiml as well as to raise rampus i,i*i , : *.< winter II hie o 1 it* t* rar* inltuenee*. of rehuildin-: lis torn walls into new buildings, lis hurni sharks H«uTiit4. sain »• spirit for football There'll he ng -•> : •*« Ml t1 *■ N* .o K w , inln lit aide homes ami its damaged spirit into new traftic <«: renewed hope tin cow ficlls (or sale Ibis ir.ir. «• > .,1! IlilUll.it ,|ij* iiu) \ .1 . !; >• th. m »;*i 1 I mteinl 1" l<». b • • luil I'enni Nlrht and .« gala "There w*re almost I .VW issued, t h«- «t When I in amvo«l and a \ * .11 r-»: . 'f-- ' - star-studded show highlight this nr. 011 campus last scar." Iter are consulerci \lso Inst returned tl" t»8'8't w .itched people oik .•'■■■' g «*d. ear's t ampus nitt said, "which make f#r !f;t univerntv fro m 1 • • <■.• . 1 ( hest jhritad are Prof trie (itft.i-. ar* l heard them sav ' tl.ii-inbu" con* estion J he assistants have t<* give wr\i*« l.eirhtv in "K.. I and \ I w*b reads ti» rail if i|Uits The Aim how* M. smith l.eirhtv , 1 . ' 1 • ' suneeiled S*m.ii it a ,0 rout nit- to tin- Prof, Xdri.in Jalle as set car •• - " i» it I «i a pan of ;ela mil CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS sinilh-Mnndt Professor in Eng¬ more *>lt>i. tluu. ■!,.■; lish and American l.iterature Thc.-e ate some of the wonderful "-i •' ' in - - ItAVIII lilt K^ON the Faculty of l.rltrrs at the IIARRY IIOI'PF hears in Japan I l*< luring in Alalia . . . returned from Stria . . . ntverxily of s*ijpni. Vlcl Nam. It's amaring how nearlv DEADI.IM^S: J p.m. Day Before I'uhliration for Tuts* Wed.. Thur- smith spent his saiihaiiral Imillion people squeere into 1 conn- ley.e Irt and Fri. Etlilions. Deadline for M«m. Edition: I p.m. I t pioneered in t e teaching "f l.ingu.-tie ami no larger than the state of Aloiit.iu.i lint tiici do, and few i I*•.'»*-."»«• r {raiding in England, seem to miml. The Japanese Bills I'ayable >-IJ and l>r» \|onda> through Friday F'.ngliifli at tine Okinawati in*'. - trance. fireece. sw il/crlainl .lie are an extreme!) frii-mlb .1111I warm¬ tution, l'ijs.*» to )!».»;. billies and place-, hearted people and will go far out of then to .Austria, (•rrmanv give wa» accommodate Prof llarrv Hop|»e i* curren' • Professor Jail.- ha* and Belgium »h*. n -*f 'tie iii-jm, t MSt i , ail .American and make him feel at horn* HI) 2-1.*» 11 EXT. 21,13 "i 4 Kit I bright , ,, ".*' I real l/e 11***11 - iftllfe lecturer in Ktm~ to the I '*111*1 Cd'li Hie .1 Ie -A -bid* i • Federation Ir.» tending M.si \t lis', literature at the I'tuvcrsi'v •• dep.)-burn? <*f no timo will tin* •i . <■ -I. - I . *• | .-mi of th. In of Malta, the British crown • cxpl,oiling diff.-i*?i... •*Mv :n the Mediterranean H«»i .Ubi in I'cl.itiriy on*- fn-isotial 1 \|>« 1 AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE HOUSING - • 1 j.e spent thp rutmrier in Belgbi •; |»i»kuig fun j»t the people, but this 1 fOt SAlf Next week * column will till or 'Penny Night/ Gala Show u<*ing literary research at the *. LAV A WAV SAlf Hoya I L'biatv in ilrusse.- I,to. Ilili '1'lcn d 111 niillli ill J I|i,c trailers 1 . me .< violin tcai hei ,it :i • t SAVE SAVE T.ME MONir i'bliadelpiua S MO'.-n-'H',s,„ Wpi Tfc A Gold!—Fish • bdip..') IU" 8 Slated for Campus Chest F- 1 tiio-c of ii*u inter* ♦ • b-d . * H • LOST and FOUND That ls- Th." r»'l fiMi.1 .Iriv. "I located -duati d mi 1.1, ,1 im .lauali Mio-ul.1 -ybtfo-i f.' milt one • • ■ »SS CMRVMfR •tv I'tr ~'4pp f I. As , *,*n XiiFlil" Hint ;■ Itiil;, niar }>•-«>p 1 >. -i'vi rth large t in Japan •in. .»onr W *H NO Foiuid Here *ta.j.lt.I .It.tH at'.' ..Mill. 1.11 v turn! tin* ( .tntpti. ((„..! |,tt- |ilitl»i...l *.,. W. H. CHARGE >OR CREP T At >t >• iJ*n or- quonwi ||*M4r.1 i ■ rai Thompson, rhov 1 *1 .t eouhin t «lo Oil I'fi* I hoard ampus **l slnd*nl* t best plan gnirrn the IVol" I'Jiimltis Visit* i» so;« Jewelers PERSONAL been found *'i ' « {mi' * n:< uie *i*nls i| sponsors | fir' stmlents ^ MrifiritN-AfR - l»> y . -ti n al« mtrrilrw w. F 1 ' • !'? »b- 1.lug pit th* iliirillrs and I be p's*! ,n t*'is| 1 tiir • e- allorale prcrenlairt of the total I -8..I I . vt t ... 1 . vv , »ei ,.f i ieal'ilrli im full ■! «o .i moort ralsrd to ih* < liartlirs ■ ' It#- - Hi ,. F • IH.'i . ...||. .1 ,sI'ltfish 'fii' • ■ w f ,. . • . ' l-' MSI S,h.- Ha.'h fa.! nmni of tfi# ftnn-. W. > K I- \ |M- :Jl4* iMiaget* are trathlecred fio jll , - ^ t»*l u x* XX tit: A Kb- "ieir hoi in tile : ■'•» *!) mi f '■ e gardens i**. •SHts 4..,1 , . «.• - «-*• f •o a winter Innoe n lb* gi'•«••*- F < d i- *-i r»sjv ; Mr . ■»" hoipe f.*r nalekci p • ■ '' n-i t:» . -s«s: a- • ■•,* i n,*<..-.' r H* AreerHlnj to head gardener » UK » i'l I'i'fr «'«.»«• H . pi at K " *r»: imi.VN t arl Keies. and his assistant **• x. ■ . . r.v**. Da r -*•' Kuva (Hlerhart. some of the fish I'- I, • » r.O «!M1 ir* £ I < • • a ..T r * i» . §'• given special treatment to insure their auriival unlil the <» * la -)« -t OCT 7? S»U«f» nesl maimri n w v •< » v lAsa lucky few that i*" 'e liin ing I lie campaign iaMin«t •Hie pre kei»t In heated p.* «teglfne*t in |»rx»1e-* '.*'e ' " rrs an plaicil oi In oiK nods U ,»s ),ti .. 1, HOUSING es also found rnaidiou <11 sludcnts to doualc I'l "te »e I lie I I; fO» RENT 4» • >i. rienis |ilannri| In I ampus Uic \ .1 •, *• i At er»!d Wfsgthee appro;,, t . fad. V';* fu-ad k' < del ei hi t he* 1 • hanto - alsii tape moiict |or Life Can Be .. A ft. , .* v . . '•» 1 *Ul'" :* n II f. N ; ' MM" V N r, ' : x ! R '.! r * WINGED SPARES s aSsi-labt «l**b top tK»*'a ' X H.' W r <9 O e d ne'a b» caU*») * ' -u ' a •: 1 WHOM. I I All s|t| bd x r,ci-,»*» tin »•:». »f las- REAL ESTATE • t ,i \V IK. *v • . , . \ t- r \ H- <■ -'4 \1-,. :*a'. r *• ! n+-u\ t* e w.nu-' *• »• )" owvrn \ ■ t'Ai t 1.7 V AV XSi \c.; » where the. a l r* .. ■■ »• • • *v 1 i a' ! xuviv \#a . 4 •In- t nn-i'u A UK -• ; 1 ■ ;ir> .*■ H> j-u»i dure ahunilani » fhe reriv# - , ^ tiundn .« « ' • - a A Ms; f*h left .:■• the "iitn. ie j«o*u .» • ' H«1 I n I*>n'*«l s N 1 r»i<- xcan 1 mt'.\t p«iv%rr 1 "Pit* Jf'nt p 1 .* ' \\^ r «, CamPu*, REPRlSFS'AT if ■ . r a .. *v. i Park sag * bi*' ,** I LANSiNO a 1 I ,M A W*S'h I '|l s c c ntb> a Xl'AkTwr vr « I r AS C Out if RICCRO CsUl )**1T at#r ■ s A I Ugr,M AN T V T bar.-* I'aiv. •* IT, »r. C.S S|M 081055 A m .a W< ELIEVT r\F - > J I't* :*»« *tui . i t-96 kO.l.Tt-A C o)Us'l c7 - • Spa T-«h . * •*«•• » ■' ■ « iiy.v t'.eaa, ?er-T* u.e< < * M.tBi t oBt v 011 *iv,- rw>- Art nr v - i«Cird c.roit «*' xi-a-ti-,»**» *-• ** at*' > >'* t. .r ft NT A { • *♦*.•»« a-«rd f.--54.ee «*>•• TXPtNO DON? is ' • -arX t IV- s sigi ... ri» j-iir, ?»a-'i4oe IV rt) •-«#» if kiotNtils *X^TWNC t0t,: COUEGf RECORD CluI X rr H AiTIVF TWO TX*PlN(i IXtMtD'.A RErUifiOM Cho r^o 1RM Eaecj: .. .■-•#***« «use hf-osK dCV \ 'oV AV ? lo a.t " -I -• *.<*-»*«! f.'ps - fr*w- unwm 'MiMltb ' ib-'.» fotriMrator oarer KIT ateiviis Pc* * :-.'i .'.rs. A-K, • a Kt>- Mderatton <«. »- * .'are «'M4 i TD l-PH. uivs \x» srr.nu *sltWk»»» » J. AN KING NT AH IT ORES Em|(t ■t- N5ST r.D a 1-41* and l».f a tier k - tm* r»;-e# rtmwt and bat* fur- « * ' ) -• ■<-rr TV AND RADiri « iw n eV *ntj*nr* ! "H- f . I'lc-'nir fN*st[p»s, '• '*■ X vV.M I4.. , f;»- r .». * * » r Via-- reupL* « lad rt ja Us »ubo crocking r»tn V«od TV oil e:*rt »■ t» afuU* free ad' '• r «i|* » o if da.: i T\ Te- « X» * P N,» i - • ROOMS mr r Mrm.gar iv -.*•«' v* lit- XIX P 1! *. «.i»l fas *.-•* * a-. AVriN-uiv -dAtr l EARN TO »t.> H - t.:t re. ' Kitchen axt oa'X- ATT'DEVT* Throe rule* »*c* •< i • i'-^m S' ■ - 1 ;»r':n#« Phone ED J-ATgg aO*r a«* AbhoR Bw4 Ph-us* IS i-*®1 ' FOR RENT J A» IX - M'» FLACK TVMs' » '* ROOM FOB TWO r* A * T. * f HOIKS rtvip pH KI.R* < home . | .-!)♦ vrry-t, ao&^-Kstd P» v*!» "iw*::«n# t%m * I »i..u* up Vt ,1*S m.iun. Bcr.fr r» g.itgj r -yu y -'+i *. - ' jo TV PUT ANN BROW r ROOM ROR TWO of Wiroe 1-ea.r faartnr !>«•"»' 7/1 FOR SALE r- *di**fe »?ade*-t» Ki'iien t>r»s-*j*gox Pr*se»r feoi-. end kr*r*«« Parkin* a*mrs A! C tnexj* «' *'* g X: »P a:vd flA oer oeeli IV 4-OtIX ».. IRiARPAlT »0NUS ar»r -»i ..ww . je DO *T e-awj TO Jaaa fUc. I*- D* -** -,.l •! trOOD ONE DOUBUT TO *rt A No '** to :-#p:j 4ji i- - : '*» » ■«?* and a itowhle PN.»re TilKSF MAPS, bjued on th«Rse Weather Bureau. foreva«>t the nupfltied h* the I X FRESH / u rn t«() )« OA vis pp-M"*)! prohaWe raintall and tern- FOR SALE INialuir- for the next .TO da)*. 2)7 MAC SPOONUT SHOP TRAttERS " transportat^ Oga" R iVet S' i V TRAIT JEW FVU * Or* hodr.aons Exa-oiiemt Kreon ED UCM.TH r.KfY tVogana Urtotor SB • . Michigan Stale iNeyxs " v "'Xc.-- tlrv.. e» r.M( 14i.\f( Mscniein .01 ■:■ btndw \n k-.fHts good R*." . I***? ^ 'N-gitoni k.tcher t rmiRltKM. Ms*iHun-d siwtiai "'"'***■"* )* ecklx during mi rum*' t»r*n» and a of I'mierxliv Women hi Amonvan A*as*iAt»,»i ♦ •JMR r"n*rlln* VefT fVH»sabio |V WANTED ,7^ t wnmrnet f»lr (err * loieri* «* » _ ta'sTurTb", \t '* und,r Xh* acI or M.rvh X UTR gt UM port 0W.-9 VM D t-~>'I «4't?,rTi" " in adsanre for ore tgCfw U. tor too »!-*• spbi* HUIXTF i>.;d good tonditwA. Pfiuoo EI>- . . • READERSHIP >,-U*OV> FMI I I® ...lOW-COST... *J Ew>. to :*• '•* J J a> Miciiir.w state news OrlobrrSl, Dl,tH l*age Eour Canadian Runner Showing Potential Is Al Kaline on All-Star Squad I'liivers Inform Owner* ( II* *!'7ette R\Ms»y *.• p.- the fitth to lour miles when he's 12, since With the help of high school Dominated by (hisox, . •••■ -I man \ll-*tar Gum,' Oe*ire y «we VKW V0T1K Major I/-a- players. through represen- A rro-.-; Stale News Sport Fditor newcomer to the v.i!sit country spun.I. K.i fJr.i\- ■I,- ("tvicn t \tsi\ Fran Or.ivdnn ■•lie has a lot of na¬ Dittrich says <»f Ontario has several race*, two and and a a meet half miles a Junior road week during the for coaches llarold Co I bey and Mur¬ ray and Oaziuk. (Jravdon improved, at the age of IT. he was NEW YORK (/V)—The ChieHjfo White Sox Gianh nn.l tt, Nl| ture! ,i'o.,;tv and is a wilting fv r' ! iiivi-v Robin Roberts and Har- don from Hamilton, Ontario, ha runnei' Dittrich says that CJriiy- se.ron Jirought to Ann Arbor for a Francisco OianlH dominated the 1059 Akxoeia! been earning a permanent place 'V v> v Kucnn. informed baseball's en the team by (O.ii }>.,•■ ''own a "Wry high A friend who was trying out novice mile rare for the AAU. major lejtfrup all-Ktar team, landing three player his recent per¬ executive council Tuesday they formances. as he has outrun i .-.tent d t" t>e one of our mil - f.i the high school team dared Dittrich and track coach Karl the «(jtia country men in CJiavdon to run a quarter of a Schlademan saw (Jraydnn at the Second baseman Nellie Fox, was the top indivuu:.,; \i ar provib.- t they are played bers. the futo.c nu In Fid weighed 180 pounds at meet and interested him into catcher Sherin hollar and right- of four days. The •light, redheaded sopho¬ the time, but he tried the rare bunded pitcher Karly Wynn re¬ ter. The bnllutin ■ within a space Oravdon placed seventh in the coming to MSI,' Dittrich said This was ope of several pro¬ Miehiitnn AAU (V1. 3. ahead of more din.\'t go out for truck and he heat his friend. The that he "thought (Jravdon look¬ presented the American League base was the morn , , posal* submitted by the player four "f the six remaining Spar¬ until he was lit. which is old for coach whs watching and urged ed like a good prospect and champion White Sox.. The Giants the poll with rutin, • representatives involving pla.ver- III CSHAYIH»N tans in the race. In the Western ;i .tUn.idi.in youngster, who us¬ the hov to try out for the team- would he a welcome addition to selected were first baseman Gr- I I owner relations. , sophomore thlnclad . . Michigan meet. he came in ual! v starts running three and Tlm-ugh his high school run- the M|uail." l.tndo Cepeda, outfielder Willie Temple of the receiving only four Cm.. mug. Ura.vdon lost 35 pounds. (Jravdon is also interested in May• and left-handed pitcher He credits hi* overweight prob¬ Johnny Antonelli. The closest race >. running short distances He pre¬ . Pay More! What For! lem to the fish and chips store his mother had. fer* the mile and did W 27 for The rest of the team, chosen hv 173 members of the Base¬ stop. Hanks drew v. for Luis Aparuiu ■■> I ANNUAL Moon* in two miles his best try by last year, improving 3d seconds. ball Writers A*sn. of America participating in the annual poll, Sox. The rest of the r Early KO 21 Gil, veai an * accounting major, is old. He comes from a lists third baseman Ed Mathews in addition to Tem»... ; \ I/)51 DON (Ah—World Feather¬ large family and has five sister* of the Milwaukee Braves, short¬ cio; lb-Frank Room. i HOMECOMING DANCE weight Champion Davey Moore Tuesdav night battered British Champion feat the m fu t Hobby Will 1? minutes. 53 seconds of round after flooring to de¬ and trying two brothers, his running different type brothers Of 17-year-old one is in high school, While his older brother is in of runnlpg—own¬ his a stop Ernie Hanks of the Chicago Cubs and outfielders Aaron of the Braves and Ai Kaline of the Detroit Tigers. The world champion Hank An¬ 3b-Ken Hoyer, Harvey Kuerrn, Tie, Coiavito, Indians, an i W;., son, Htxis and Jim I Sox (tied); r-lH: i UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM the Hrdon four times in title fight a non- ing and running race horses in western Canada.. . . geles Dodgers failed to place a man either the first or second team. So did the New York Braves; Warren handed left-hand,-: Spahn, Brave pitchet-.s,j;:i ,i i Yankees, 195H champs. Giants. JOHNNY LONG AND HIS ORCHESTRA JAY-KOMil.I.ET short round with rvelets Hapless Lions Look lo Retired Veteran OXFORD CLOTH SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1959 Sizes IP?-Hi For Help; Role Suffers Broken Thumb DETROIT (/*•» — The winlew mainder of th«- lf»f. i I ONLY $3.95 Detroit Lirms Tuesday persuad¬ Football I^agu, se.e 8-12 pan. 83.75 per couple /.#■« Kosilrlirli's ed tackle I/m Creckmur to re¬ turn from retirement for the re- Tf» make room fr.j the Liona placed Ker. ( j<. ' | third-year tackle VARSITY SHOP Green, Ohio, on fr-- Tickets On Sale Al liuioii Ticket Office waive 22H AM»ott ltd. Kiust I.Jinsintr. >1 itb. IM Schedule The Vj-foot-4, Creekmur retirci a» -j'-ptaif eag ^ ro»THAi.i Priritr. PirlA the 195H ge.-Lson 1«. tw,-r.rr,n [>. « M Hntt#rflrl4 #•« troit terminal maiu," ■ ». r v# T 25 HtillerflwM J-J • in ImmMt M Saginaw Transfer » o, * 1:11 I.mmi 1-1 which he previously hai vn. • M Damwne l-l Touch >i»l4 ed during the ofT-aeav>:.. (•«». • to W Itaw M mur, 32. playt*i pr» too-oa.. -uf# I sold out last year 1 21 I Gkiw 4-5 t II fcmiiMMia S-T 111 riMtoyi fa. UUrunot vears folUwing hi* gr«oa*taa I • to Mo4rtch »t l«o«r from Wiiltam & Mary. 1 11 I Milton Plaid (tatlorftoM X-4 Tha announcement of frw*. I 7 21 llnran l-l ■ I# KoUorflald l-l mur'a recall follows I tha 4.^ elsMure of a broken let; [ • M Riltor l-I • aa Mr*w» »-■ -ufTered by quarteru, •< jwa I IOII.IM, Jtote. ;>r p.i AND IT'S HAPPENING AGAIN i-i ar r» *i. Coot George WiLaon nil k I l-l lift PM ft. AK P.I l-l PK PHI »• Oarn expected Rote to be it>ii o pj; I at uh Anfetae next 1-f • cm va. SAM Sunrtay, A data to rtwwwbf.... JAZZ COHORT OCT. 24 OVK (ENTER M.S.U. HOTEL ASSOCIATION SUBJECT: -- • fOTIIER THF STAN Caterpillar mm Interviews 27120 Hotel Holiday • • ter Eotiiwrs • in If you're .Lout to receive your B.S. or M.t • fleering ilt-jjiee, Caterpillar TrKtor Co. k I hades in you. DiruT (.'utctpill.tr ii tlie World's leading manufacturer g Lmpiyv-Tractots-Karthrooviiig Equipment, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31. 1959 Our product, are everywhere ... doing flu wrorlt of the wot hi gettipg big fob, don. tai big way*. y'v SOCIAL HOUR . . . DINNER At Catrrpdlar yoult be doing important tad ati» lying work in RESEARCH AND DXYXLOnUNT CHRISTY IIIB' — *111 III VV DANCING Geld,. What", mora, youU b* abb to pii-ntaf -and steadily along with us. ■V FLOOR SHOW 4 FRESHMEN Start thinking about CaterpiSar BBW. Ttol Itato incut Otfice has more information about ua em uu at TICKET SALES IN UNION CATERPILLAR TRACTOR CO. envesntm rivors „ )HI m .4C . rMn^Hiaait in o. usm im c. in 4ww ham»i wem, ■racotnrra ok oftoU or n wcmt* m *»" ALL UNI V E K S IT Y S T U I) E N T GOV E K NM E NT ELECTIONS look ymmr grriti.it ter year beil, milk W'eUmre't D f. FOR contact lens FRESHMAN CLASS OFFICERS You will b. thrilM with th. AND irncr and rood looks of ton tact conv.n- Iras. CONGRESS VACANCIES Tiny plastic 1ms are i*hed to your prascription. detrrmin- jrround and poh ed throurh an eye examination by PRIMARIES THURSDAY, OCT..22 our doctors. Contact lens offer com¬ plete natural eiaion. \ VOTE IN YOUK LIVING UNIT • LANSING i rye rxA.vi.vario.vs t, ok w. c. trvsrv. I • K. LANSING f • SONORITIES VOTE IN UNION WALLACE OPTICIANS h1 • 51AKRIEO HOUSING i ' tm at furmt« ' to. it tm. YOU MUST HAVE YOUR ID CARD TO VOTE )[(>rs Tivh to Calvin Rcf Admits Bum Pass (all in SMU-Rice State Motts Theft Israels 1o W in Tie; Verbal Row Starts in Southwest v ^ ph;o fo Start 1/iar Inliti SoiiMi.iii uhn III Im SMt' fiui'i News Ki It'. A H&" r t, sit'.'-1 ' Mafin.n* H'tike dr v« '!»' '• •>-■■■* *f ' --V I | liitnr 'Me *1 ulil fm iiiiH, Ti-vUv r.ur' IM tftsr* a |4IU«,|,; ftiiM 14i«»r »V ,*'.!' i.itted In. MaiMti.i nit H i m ' 'r." ■' tJ- «t f.-'Vik'- \tti-ljrif Hill I'eulln* • i a - *' *'!r: j J'.fig drtVr "At ■ .tI '• •* '! ' litu f riuarvp.' ari'i r.--rn< v. rvj r-f ' M""k 2"»a: !' De/ited a- i* |l< • 7-t'r.*- ' in- ' ■«■ f.r»* V/ r reak •■ > »if.«if»»t S" |. . ' Men's IM H «1 rr.e gr>ai ' I,:.-,.-, .r vie* fj VAX : II >1 ? riilliiarx. K'f 'i. I •«« . Robert E. Banes, 0.D, STIDKMS' * l»a»l an* in thru j»m ii.ii> ,nrri iiie this 1-0 • Eve* Examined • Mptnal Krpair* in rtttarch and l,"l* l!!**1"" v«mi siiiprisnt in OFFERS CAREER I... t Lpren I»ult*«t «»" itiana the |nh lloosirr Satnrda* slaters.. duniinim h \|»| • «>l.iI it ted • • 4 ontart Len*e» SPECIAL -• development of I «n»iti'>" «" for- • yiv r \ • NKrrssAi?v OPPORTUNITIES |,nrl *•» *urt ind4y heat opener lerli. 4-;*. Ill 111,- sej>. M VII l ill l!1 M:\MHlR < I NTI ft |\ MfiOl >01 If CHOICE or. tpace vehicles 1 Mlfharh *'»r- T'Xl.i v\ Open Mm. Ihur In Itrnincs til a Prime heef open • »f on" ' on' too'* ioej"' "J-i-! *.oa"» L.n Brure »- fare «andui«h au |u*— s! a t !*• t i" >#»■}' 1»'i • OtrfaC'*. . oton' : iv. [iff, v»in« fP,»l4«H»S fit n a t ;■ extra large phi I e—whipped iHitat'e—eoffee »• "d < -;.9: -ti&vie ♦» • '< eae v t* r**r iH " «i milk kapqc o «'<: oi»« e».«sHp »o»»•-•3 > »** n • Results •ne u.'i f.JMtlfc »oi: %iimu iixii m%i. I.I» S-SII: l(oa»t t hu ken—dlrew*uiu->»potal<*—milk or I 'a. Vi a «-sr ioffee < hantff IN AOOIIION. SAMPLE EIHEIf \EL> I MOM AN> OK AEE Ol SPECIAL \P EAST LAN 5 IN G PHONE ED. 1-2814 < onfrrenc- PETI/LKs i A'l! n>-' tw AIH I.TS 7i»c KIPIHKS 2H< olT.fiai leu*' STARTS TONIGHT lHH!l!V 11.» i n.u: TO MAKE LOVE L ...OR BE KILLED! SHOWN AT 7 A 9:3« THE MASTER OF 98c ^^Tap '* I . Her fef ly him trn« gu i p/om-ve-j or* otnef. tf rr^y that taubl UM ro* «av • m<-» etn'edt « .. fn* »♦>* SUSPENSE SPINS HIS GREATEST TALE! I>4litM >TI DENTS: I.ooking for a reallv line me.il thii Sunday evening? lor the finest ruinine at hard to heat prire^ l»e «ure to v i-it , • . [7\ h i s i o m o n i; t» w "HOUSE OF BEEF" R»prenntjli»es o! the team that put Imeries'j first the stnrv of a rirh man's nn.l'r»* . . Spice Probe bejoci the Moon mil e. here lor ntenut**. NOTICE: All meals served by the "House until one niuht and one m.m m-tde het leel of Iteef" are I SUA Prime. Nothing hut the the lever, the lury. the fuilmrm «»! real r! l»e»t for you from ... °no OCTOBER 26. 27 rr rr I llilt House of Beef rrf»r»i*ed * "3 4 "f • *" /V r«rsicisti • CHtvuti ■ MirHiviricios • ia:T»oe Kind Of ItlOMUflML M£7H«NIC*L Ob Jtiy.lulli thtlhtlO >* 0»ln n'i\ pi}* i.e.! 11.1 W. MI< lll(f\N AVI . in i CP' ■*' • MO* IIO ric<»Ni9>i: • ic. c/ t;: h,::iu t NEXT TO IIOTEE OEDSi Hour*: >Ion. • Sat T a.m. • '♦ p.m. C»- :*n:I • IPiTf COdMvH ?;*• •• , • •.. •» a«M H't' ,**• mP.OI' • *f , f m t f* I • ♦« • « » mt, •f Sun. II a.m. • '» p.m |Ha NflllN'a • A I #0 U* h * 1# 4 »0 1U, "PICTUItE OF THE MONTH" J t Matchmaker fi ' < \'VS i i a you've u humor (V|»erallv alum! M \ i *e«se of ECONOMICS COURSE FOR UNIVERSITY MEN I1 « •'r • "The \i iirhmahe'" don't mes* M IIIMIIMI Mill I oven*" A l Ol'I'RR SKY" rik I U\ Ol It y.'lril VNMM.IIxVin KOSITCHEKS AKE EXPANDING 111 VI \hl WtflVl Mill 1 OMItAI Till!* Ill VMillh — VV \| 1 * Vl!l HUM. HEVtmi ll ill I.' Nl « I VII *IIH h.* III. I IIIIIIISl. M'l)|M * VM.VI! VMI *11111* Ml*l HE Itl.lll I l.l'i ' J VI.I UAITHIM. St ITS and I'HIM 11VI * i\a vni.ni wmii oit wiinot i M-I — KXTRKVIK. III! MUHIHhli - i.ovuMvru SUITS AI.E AT KEIH t EM PKM L* coming up ni.X/IH MfKIT* xs XI I XXfMM HI \/t p 4X1 KM MILD l> MM * I (fill » |.X I K X IX III Rt otr* pRMi S2t.tR) • ml *c *h*l it Uk*« Id k«|i ...or aoDi.nrr I'.rf allure , . . ecstatic ■ . . dramatic: Came SLACKS in" ltrr.»»e: Trj I hem on'. Tfc* f ORIH ROl - |X X *IXU - I black*: The lh>«ib« mlor*' The S|l4l*f* - I II XR< 4F XL C.ftl X A HE A I. SAVIM.S OS x%m«»r» - ioimx (iiux *heer*:- The aatm*: We pnaiw a til K PKIKK it « Mi thrill a miaiite. Aad there* a prke - SHOES - RI|l|tiR|> Mlftl** - i.XHXRIMM XtL IXURvVIU I I AS Ml* A1 . . *» »7 • <11.13 anil Oil ! I II XR< 41 %| HRtlXXS XMi laBie (U-t f»r >«u: • «l\r«»R|i — X Rl XI X XMI m il pim E so.wt SWEATERS . . . 4 m* u rortUK it um kmi * silchekhros. l'Ur<4>R.S VXIXXI — sill I •» XR (.tlx - 4IXTMLXI OCK PKIl E iv5.T '<< a ♦t v' , li kp MH Ami K^CLtSIVIJaV AT 113 S. H AaSIIIMJTOA - I.A»I\«. r. p| Tf :sj . ,t^d m , If •• MICHIGAN STATF NEWS B ? Quintuplets, PLACEMENT BUREAU (B) Bachelor'* derree CM) Masters (D> Doctor*. Where no de- free Is Indicated, all degree levels are eligible to Interview. INFORM A i ION flrtnher ?l. H53 5 Girls, Born EMPLOYERS FOLLOWING MAJORS OCTOBER 23 A 23. 1939 M l DENT ORG ANT/ATlGN I VC.INEERING COUNCIL WESLEY CIIOIR m'fieds Ilisrli U ' '••In COUNCIL I Square D Co. p.m.. Olds Reading R«K»m. 7 p.m.. Wesley Home To Texan Elect. (B) (M) St Mrch. iB) (M) Engrs. for field, applica¬ tion A- design engineers 7 p.m., Mur.-jl Room. Union. SIGMA El'SH.ON PHI ( ATIIOLIC STUHFNT SIMRTAN HOMI V'S l.l'Af.l I 7 p.m. 32 Union. Fashion * 8 30 p.m., 35 Union. ORGANIZATION North American SAV ANTONIO, Te*. OP) — All Engrs., Physics & Math, (i :tn p in.. Catholic Student Show: fashions by local store:. B*c _ 'v Five lluy |lrk llie third wl of Aviation, Inc. majors for design, K St B. PERSHING RULES Center Executive Board meet¬ I QUERIES AND WILBLIFL TlOOti If vT i|iiintiiplrlH in United SiilM hlx- I»s Angeles Div, 7:30 p.m., II Dem Hal!. memlMTs: Important All ing ( UTI ltocketdyne-North American Packaging Tech. for design St meetinr. 30 pan 7.10 ii Fm eDry C:d-m lory. Hfrr horn to an Air Forro Col. Munson. guest , , Committee meetings iii Aviation, Inc., development. Cheni. for ap¬ ispeakt ? Both meetings an- open to .«)! Froe. the sai-.uaro lieutenant'* wife Tuesday. Four :.Y)K plied research. Math, major FRENCH CUTB interested. Pondoro.su Pine Countr. of thrm rtird *% tthin nine and 7 p.m., 30 Union. for computing engineering. Slide-lev- Arizona. " I).. M M Hetelev- one-half hour* aftrr their birth. Physics major for computing ture PROMLNAHERS c0llece on French-Canada. tierpetolngist * ★ * and test. Chem., Civil, Elect., C.RLEN HELMET p.m., Women's Gym O|wo pennants v.vr:. 'iancing, H la p.m meeting f.>, PAN ORTIIOHOX *»| I III NT SAN' ANTONIO. Tex. (-V) — Mech., A- Met. Engr.s. for It 7.30 p.m.. 34 Union. There ASSIW I %TION . J Five liny girls—believed to •his let* — country's first live quintup* were bun within 20 min¬ be North American Columbus Div. Aviation, Inc. A D, design. Mech., Elect. A Civil Engr*. for R A* I), design, testing. will be a S|waker, EES GOURMET H memtwr Tnlml liiiliiioim 11,1,1 p.m . 34 Umo!' CATHOLIC SI I HENT 5,.,$3°oj kli\\ Autonetirs North American p.m. Kellogg Cafeteria. ORGANIZATION yesterday to Mrs. Charles I Ptlov . utes - Elect. A- Mtx-h. F.ngrs. for R A- i Aut*«iHlc Cel«r. L:- * Hatinan, 27. wife of an Air Aviation, Inc. Guest speaker, Dr. Kotschev.o 4-*t p.m.. fathom OffOil ^ D. design, manufacturing. mf t Force lieutenant. "Food Products in Future ' Combos. Pant-. MC's and Center. Coffee hum Gimi SIM Math, (men A women) A Sliiies. nil a a talent are invited audi 0JOO InchM) Thev were lx»rn three months prematurely at Lackland Air Physics majors for control m'stetns, test equipment, sales, REFORMED CHRISTIAN ■ :i: i' 'i tor the Union Board talent Thurdav from 7-9.30 pin on i Vi Serry Nc. C.O.D.'t HKICUIV TTLLOWSIUP Force Base Hospital. and technical writing. 7 30 p.m. .n the Union Ballroom. hot Atomics International 13(1 Bat lev St. Baby "B". so designated to in¬ Fleet.. Mech., Met., Chem. UNO-CAPS • S-Mited talent will he mv3qi3nois3 1 t t»r.J r * at thfclrttf ■•nntr* Unlfwo#rt dicate the alphabetical order of North American kept 1] JJJC* Viin*» Engrs.; Physics, Chem. A 7 p.m. Old College Hall. For¬ 'he talent file for parties, |l 0 VMTT I M aBs M 3 9 if. CUir there* m birth «lied at 11:40 p.m. Baby "A" Aviation inc. Math, (men A women) ma- , mal initiation. $1 dues nui.-t unices, etc.. for organization* no i n0| IS T I V I m c 511 S Mereertf died at 7:10 p.m. tors for H A D, design A test¬ 1 "«9 5 Veir No be paid. $3 must be in if you v.-.it dc-siic entertainment. 3 9'HV'H V 3 HOI * c •1 • * «• Cellf ' j At 10 12 p.m. doctors paid the eondidtion of bftby "K" was "ex¬ ing GCTOItIR 2.1, 1959 want to order Pill GAMMA NT a club pin. ■llo'x: am 3 3 n N 3 N i rvc - to»«r*C»-!* M.ch.#«n | tremely poor" arid that of baby Lehigh Portland Cement Co. Chem. (U> F.ngr. for plant had deteriorated from its 7 p.m., Student Services- :t pays left wosd 0 3N former mgmt. training. Civil (B) lounge. Casual. ivix'nr .VI 3 I N«!H9 A 4Art*i satisfactory condition. Engr. for service engineering. Baby "D" remained in a satis¬ National Carbon Co, HOTEL AHHO( I \TION ro iiave semon |3 3D t 3w I c*, Zm Chem. (B) (Ml (men A wo¬ 7:30 p.ni . factory condi tion. — Div. of Union Carbide men, Mech. (B) (M), Indus¬ . 73 Kellogg Center, :«..3 d NOXO Corp. trial (ID (M». Elect. (I'-i Important meeting tor Hotel i'ICTlIltK taken La u_v. v;s.3.Wi First reports said the battle* (M) Holiday. Engrs. for sales, research A WWONV KBH were breathing well and pre¬ sumably bad iM rhanees f»r development, design, plant survival. Doctor* said (he moth¬ engineering, A control. Chem. i ID f.M) A Physics (M) er was in good rondltlvn. Carrols Drive-in System for Ft A I) A control. The father, 30, Is nn Air Force Texaco, Inc. Chem (Mj C13), Chem. (Ml navigator who returned in July (l)> Engr. A Mech. (M) tin from duty in Japan. A career Engrs. for research A techni¬ man in the Air Force, he attend¬ cal department. ed St. Mary's. Grand parent 5, Texaco, J no. All Bu> A Puli. Service (B) A Opens in LANSING THURSDAY Mr and Mr-. Charles llannan Liberal Arts (ID (Dec. A «.f Tavlor. Tex.. described them¬ March gratis, only) for sales selves as speechless. The quints' work. mother, like their father, was Texaco, ino. Chem. (Bt. Elect. (ID, Mech. i*on anil reared m the Taylor i ID A Met. <>. i»n* |.>f thv DOWN |. A Mi—Uln# pi>| • ilh h - !»t THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22 HOI l),r rllr.1l 2 l 'i»p woh • m # a i'• • i-.nif.-f i 4 \< .! *• ihn It is. it i-a» I A* n U«r IV Arir>«» IU«-« (t, |iiam« FREE! I*. Tnrfrt . t. Ilr«| n,«n »t Crunch Hail* * r-llrf-- |4 a* t.«ih tl. #4. W h*! f«g«i»W Mra4.">-. •"» fj. Th.rr'n nn* fc* try in piwlu.-n n.rrjf hot •*' U hr,, s -c -7 [|,v ihr.,a' i*IU jn« JJA. M. a«M*d * & Root Beer "Ttatiilf "TW T*«|r»- Buy un «,t K -.J' |T. I»«y v-H»f K s-i* ' iS. Yh U 111 *d. i—l • l* »)>• »0 In gn, |.i.m*liji pirr- d*'* i»r »(•> (H* n (•n* nf lb# one VllHH n Mi' FREE is n.-f II. S rb H- |*f H r.uhdi 6.. FREE one • iih-nil ■ rat «tr*i mm S5 T W»n-.*innMim« 4" M»Vr S hr u,• n— M*-h n it. v' 41 V -n. P rrawdO GRAND OPENING »r* 4-S su-*4, wennMiwew IB ».,,nhtn# on 1 4( I 'v.*nl- rivytU ■hwmc •• , dinm, . »v (f- r-Mirh nn.r!•*» |l » *fl— Sr^.U Aw" |» As*—' »o DAY ONLY 4T i iMiml • >»-*!! 4*.» •Hinoj- «t)t* Msugtuw 41 Dul«aiat«r 44 < >mi SOUVENIRS OPEN FROM 2 o 1 YOU NEED THE LIMIT 4 11 A.M. to MIDNIGHT t Customs KQDL 2900 L S#pMW, Lansing, Midi. / t (tit, •■«*« 4 WlUMMMK*. \ r:V ' •• m ' ■ "'••• .. v^n'. . .. i * ' .