• * • i i • 2 c i IA .cf - I * ™" ! i« si!• i5 II u e *;«— if X c »• i i ;cf :£|*'i ti ii3 t f *■ Z" t. 1 ~ !/ * < <» fi -c !ti r'j £?5 lia|li hs * l w i i ::' ic C i * !fI l - « c X * c »• 7" u w / • T * =M 5 • ^ i§ 3 LS X .u .y ii DC s IV IV w ^ > mk i ftr.nl 1)4IIv It* MS|"* 1'tmill Miidriilo kikI family IK in" For A Smukc Asian Atmosphere Captured in Nam Tl.r Mi. Shitr \»-wi is published by Minlrnjs <•! Michignn Stiito* Pnlvmlty, Enst T.wn« uin«. Muli. without «»»r»•* t f;*«*ulty supervision It ri nut the official voire «.f the university or of Ihr student body, but while seeking t<» sine the best interests of both. stands ready to hat- tie tin* move which would drive a. wod#e brtvyrrn the two whether it conn s from within the in 11 * el si I v or from ontnirle. Member-of the Associated Press, Inland Daily Press and Associated t'ulli-jjiale Press Common Sense Can Prevent Coed Attacks on Campus ■< Oi:i»S AIM) NOT to walk »liitte i>n held front the Women's fivni are the same rumpus after dark if at all possible due women who would never think of doing the the rash of attark.H," was the reeiuntneti ame Ihing at home. da I imi made Thursday '.u» the weekly ,\US I SI'ALLY IT'S TIIIC "loner" who report. puts herself in precarious situation. Such girls Although "rash of att.iek '* h an e\a, deration, il is nncL'ssaiv that women in innocently m\ ite troiihle, dents ItMVe a deeper awareness ..f the -11n. I low e\ 1 r, sometimes circumstances force tion* they may encounter as nirmliers of .■» a yirl to walk alone on rumpus—late studv • la rye community like MSI " •1 the library or a committee ■ meeting, The subject i>f eoeds being a- .tidied on lu these cases women should arrange for campus is a touchy, one, hut headline-, fn! rides home or to walk with friends when lowing such an tmforttmale incident ouiv the* will be on rumpus after dark, lu spu¬ stir up short-lived precaution m-pind by ria! eases rides with the Last Lansing fo¬ fear rattier than eomtnon sense. lic* ran he arranged. Women should . never resort to hitchhiking. Al.TIIOICII MSI is a rapnllv expanding Attacks are by 110 means usual on campus, campus with students coming from vuriou- but occurring frequently and backgrounds and environment-*, niost of usually unre- ported, are approaches made by strangers, tlia trouble concerning assaults on wnmt-u e\luiulloniam or prowlers around living does not involvt) imttu at talents hut oui- unit- The staff of Women's Mivision has siders. stroiiglv advised women students to Th# mmpu* Is not an !vv-wailed, pate- report :u»v such acts to their housemothers or enclosed, private institution that shuts out ff.AULV.t* KA > or poliee. the problems that a city of comparable •ire would have. The sick personalities that art often responsible for such crimes ha\e 110 barriers to keep them out. - T<; 1 F— — The tragic thing about these attack . that, they could no easily tie presented in most cases. .Many coeds who blithely cut around Heauniont alone at nivht or through Sr. Exams. Spring Dilemma the Btrkey parking lot or aero-. London II. Itll.l i VI I. VII \\ seCM. Star-Studded ylOut lailP A MSG'S YVF.IINKSOW fimsinv to cancel the proposed Spartan Itevue, forced upon Student i ongres**A 'The Thinker hecAU*c suitable entertainment t* not n\,». able, twrhapn will put an end to rnthiHM, >«, for "entartainmont rallies'* that emu to .».1 an :»i!tfrj.M-e.l hava entrenched Itself in fha thinking of Hr<|Miiln« irnduilini senior* past Spartan Spirit leaders. The distinction between pep rallies and flea entertainment Ihr ui 1 jIN "Ills Three'-- lias been noted, tb - H jiff l 4110V4I I otnfflfAremrnt year by ACSG. A cucceasfol Notre Maine jn<| 1 Hiunii^iitioiiit are Ihe rally, which involved the more traditional campua pepper-upper - - the cheer l.adei . islis Hotter Coeilities l»»n*« tt)4krr n-» find* which himsell Ihe wheduM imfMlrd the football team captain and memi**-* and Biggie Muu.'v aeeunfto give w* gbt Cor (, nut mite Seliool Needed—.'CHS Pints of Ithnnl TODAY H THB I..VST d.» .Unt, »n,l /millv in.'mboK u 1 hit.Hi to th- AIM IiIihhI Wfelntmiay th, tot.l Hat hi..' ill i to (lonlura • liort cf th, l.m*) boh!. 'I hi. livui luu-t iitmii Satunhn Hv II) II.IM R\OY W Ipe off the scowls «nd prepare your chany Ilou ever it Ihe suggested •: "rough going-over if y ou Happen to he one Crossword Puzzle 1*1 iti itiilrinllfr* to m«vf I'tf whose emio include* never missing a got*! *h (Udiulr s< Iiim*I lltht the til l situt i.*r. v happens to tie in your 1 r side are liiOldini humeri* *w- proximity. «iiiurd l»v the Intern vtioiial | ru¬ ler T|*»l (4n lurtllt huge U» 4111 art vfoiling pro* pert* will) nit It imfavursblr "firsl • imp-re*- Slttlt H- *» V Sale sOu4tion , ttiibl he ee*»|v ** ,«»de I hv evemgOnff s 'di-tiff: »rnte* frunt hnil o#e-s f«ir spfoit )e»n» ta« vv4* drtep nibr l»» l«t"*i! Htil I'tfo is «n»% Ihe fM) wav »«). n«*l the la-t*.: PCUSTJ *-c fV«: Of I* Hit 1 ttf A HAaU3*lftV "A-. I A,vumviu»t« ■ .1 tC: A.. A' > "nc it t Anchor . 4 Mtik* «.*!** A gotn; tut ,'i*atmn • gf* with debtee ef li The htgh* (agnrellcs JviJW v f-.1 m\A . from p*e<- *H*ht»tlciited taste in ier*ns of t.tre evt point Agorecaling nunier** >urtound- y>USM»v inc. ' :m.?>ietii i* T Pit M Niri«« a wh4il< aru1. aiijs f)g|i*»rtu.*vi!v f*.t; surf* ap- r»s< Savs Student .» a tibuioui • •y • • -w»v. »iv i*io» .ii'iftt t* oihrrwise «iHie.datW c'-.ang• b.rd If WMh boo t -n -4aU? «»f e*an>* • ou 'ho eamgu» 21. AviAttr Woo id a .H> ...w.s.KSe for ttttw v *»v»w*c; kforuir Board penintuU fa the .Hilar: ef she Si.men* fouiwil *n'' f *1 '* "'hu a finx i b, , .* her er* of May I W the ?»■••• ' • V-..***»' . 2J duabuh : ....ft* dnbflier stvHU-jf >\ 10 4 1W<* #twd**»Vl r»>o«. * -4, •AMirdttiatihg U Thick heo.1 As»is*! the adiii'> c.sauon rU u ;.nd a r.nal ^ulubwri to* in in* wtUy *M>*r * #- of hair the N«w »* the time 2ft Uoddeuof vesn^Htuvg i«**>-:tvdit.e- tor ward inieUeeiual tfeesiosn S-n** prw (>,« <:> e-lablt.vhmg the graduate. act, jh> mat ihcxv will be Writ* the Stale of Maft.garv fort>. fo vdT.ce* n the S'a dent Service* fuffic»cni tune for the umver* 2b ractimilt the We or pvarvhas. of and ihr gtudrrsu 30. Ctpert m Building a? itvut unnl addd.wns rett*"* b> of t*v live ut ■- io arrire al new* buiUting vpace k aval!- at a mutually law vwrvlty. m iti v!.ean»cvit. *;}- NaW*facU>ry ar- able rahaen>eivt. on oampw* There mu*'. be American. poliVvcaHy MuKkksi fo*ltii( »irtnt h»>s imtairtant ai-tivsties *rt way, ehotriA make b.e f-awavovy 31 T».A this new twiihltttg which cvmtd vt tsmveninvtly be lintved rise- or pt»»«*s-i*»ri atvv of eia.. i et'e* .,«• otivrr form of lobacw an «>?- .VIirhiKan Suir V»« H Miature ot **? .St.iOeel Servt,-** metalg vvnero temiwvarth |*nw poiuaiwrt** toy auttonvaVW " P.<* .sJ-*d «V* (4»| a»*% Mood** The MaCeal Mrvktv bvoMing vVita rn*jld ' *n.f a nant are aliliaed llawrver. the vera hand 41 GtiT* name by wHiM K* cancel the 42 Jack* 1 larta main leyngr en the ftrat bcenae* of ail toUuvo d«tr.i»u- 4V ESectrie rtoer eften vrrm* la In* kept tors -v. 42 particle On|u*t ierkeg and apparenUv i« net ""^•d daily. a And clean one* again MSU will be place to live ahd grotr Night Staff These ia another lounge al up ul < f**wdar am^ie prapurtwos hn- Mm WalMaan hi J _ IflCHIfoAV M ATI. Nr.HH InloToialinoial (.lull WM5B-IV SAt/s IxojH'd by denial Cowboy Conman .Sflo Swiiml \trrliii|! li'tnher II. !'♦*/( Vour rorr.piet# Op'p a Mead'f'tartan Channel 10 11* HIM. MrtfWIIit-h "Big Mur" dldh'l fee! that H- i.il *xrti*M h.rrneif »rrf MS'* fr.'.err,a*ona' O-m tonvcnieriliy »'-o*ated, offering o.',rnp)e*e optima; »r .<• H i rti 11.% v A ■»' h f'.; •' 40 i( , >■ ( S.«'otdav day of hi* tl»v in ne inked the would look appropriate »t a fa// ru*.»ded f»n- the Mi* htiifi •err,', i* -r. -er-f.d rree'. ng of this five L'N' iounge at 8 prri, WALLACE OPTICIANS . ! . , . •"*t*"t u P, vKjoh for hint In show In eowt>oy boot* «nd • »,V.o*rc a, lited I,u'. r.O Rrinfli flfflo — Via# a» fllffrl Mar him f rdav n;• a t-hoo'h fM'oiiuM' Wit? gallon hat That wan ru> pro'.- TfM" never sa**- iopposite hear* In Iraadero Hanif.. ~ I r, tern a- ■ ,. T'lay P.. i>.v k ■>. ••r«* rloMi-oi jo»m. h«»wevt-r. Tin* SAK'ft !•"»«* M'^ia—.-r^d *»» nsffllnalkNH hr Mi- gr-r ' h.e- ia^ * '•t"e\ vona' Ou». p.'»'-.der.* «.rj r*,» 10 I'ho* I A (i Market wai 'jui. v. - him clothe* and even a pa*: fir H f Jenaan. r#f»a«#fe4 apMi>tr»*t ->.M -,!• (.1 « -»i£*0.**<«*d a .0 pi arc tf»4< *noo- . T A f, Marke* . r.-,e-0d,r.g wrh 'or r.e.d I'll. IV H-2771 Ummgh TV'. fro I» I. '., ' >.* lads who fu'uro' plan.- and prograr-.t a P« !fo.!- I* ' favor An "Big .Mil'" bought the th **" MO' R* »'*»« H to*o *•< •»' * V -h. B-irth y. IP'I Ik- ,.O.... ■ a 'Big and »o-«-fnoro| to, la* en/oylng too- flit* k It had A.* .i.'. ff" n Man;*- ar,o* *.offe# vi f*.4/i a kr» »-i ..... ,i#-ml ChinM'eon. • t,.for. foou* ' tnc fTira'.T.g iM*ioii-oi i,ii putting hr itft'v During the Intermix, •'». •, v.,, H' pot '• • !!.'•* Wl-Mnc M.I J..-! • '•i.if.'io print the »*h»*«.k "ko*»- . on I'*-.' Mi'. i '. .j ro-po/f < > < .' reojuireoi in Wvoming " I. J lei he aakeof the Utfa "what •i I'""' '■ . .*. •* iiful Views Minting mi« happening The decided pi drhe Uo Detroit , room 10 for the .1 air fevtival V»J M%iE».*n Onn*ervs*i««»n Durlnr the tttmmrr, •eten h V T. -lit' "»i flurdlev, Brink!-- Alpha lp«llon« all#*ml in* «nttimer m hwil. received a h ••*»» T",a-'' phono* * all from Tins Mao. ulio ,»JI ItllAV lilformnl them thai ho- ua—* m m»hii,ht, put chapter u lull- in toiuri u/^.///WAOWWAiWWWAV.VJ*W//W.VWd;- I -4 HOUR SERVICE!" itnrgrl To Hnrr \ fYour l.lolhr* (Jrmiril ft or The llrrfco-no/? j[llIto 1 «»or IAnt ml r\ i hnl llry l leoning In fliitt lour Hour*! JwiL, i; CLEANER AND SHIRT LAUNDRY ij lad. Kivtr Aero*1* I rum Sludenl vhhc I'.hlu AC S»»AlfK PLUG TMI IHCTNONICS DIVISION Of GENERAL MOTORS -un ■ I '■ ■ i" • -y »" parmqo-eM p-.r • \ ,»f I ' f{ T fr, e«y , -•* *' • oea} Mq" « s», »J ••• "• e*h» j-.'.'red prn-t«cH " r '>* ' * ' E ! 'Oj-,0 / !l held qt| name 3'd OM j o*: 1 QU I industry ' ft' C* ' vtjr t -*yy to ' 1' firm e-g-.e«,.»-y v» u«t »• • * ' ' • i-rxrf 'oej t" odd'hoy- • <• • ' ili ' w Pi.' '* •• f ♦ 'jo W*e , '• *1»e o ,t ,o \'t>*e - •"» a' a DIGITAL COMPUTER ENGINEERS »1#» y r* ipt' -v fa *e •; '■ -a ' Dei ^ • *■''/ l»:! C *. »• •»-* 4' A"-, j ' 4 ' ■ •• d 4 •. • • o'-a • (. - i Milwaukp* TRANSISTOR ARRllCATlON ENGINEERS — A pp. wo ^ • •-* ' *'•* *■» d "* ff'j itif • • fhnt and Milwpukpp GYRO ENGINEERS a *. t-eeg'a'"xj 9o' .v u«i o'-ti'! twcw'col or t-ectrexHC •nf'"9 MVI* be obN fej w4*' ry^M «kP *ee.hng of tP'VKP mor*woi$. WiN WAR MRpgAii SEE YOUR PLACEMENT OFFICER TO SCHEDULE GENERAL MOTORS INTERVIEW •ma « iw Spark Plug the Electronics Division of General Motors Mia*** ■ •a yJ: M'i. --.j MKIIItiAN aMTI AMIS Pair N«r -On Campiis" Religious Organizations Welcome Alums INIOIH-I 23. IWVH fl» IHANK r.AllhMK Plan* f«>r hnmwominjj fill tin* morning In Ihr I'nlvrnM* I.mit¬ ers n f'hiirrlt bmnir. I'aul "I'll- llrh, rrllclnin author. Mill trail disrtisslon. coffee and doughnut* Mill hr arrvrd. Christian Student Pouiuhtli»i siioprr Mil tut Win .1 for fj I .other p.m. Sunday (it Ougiel. Pastor Hrittoit will discus* stu¬ Engagements Welcome Alumni ral tin tars «.f eninpu* rftllftimi* organ I rat Ions KHiginus wrvlws Hie croup In tflaruaslon. ~ptans a program for 7 Sunday dent's proirlems concerning re¬ ... — By CONNIE ZEKIT — 'Phi* Lutheran .Mjuleut A «•*.»- evening at College llnti».e IJand ligion following the supper WI ST i AMMIN ehaln. Sent la, N A Junior; Jo¬ >ui.I mhi.i1 fund tuna promise t«» Presl»\ terion Hi>han llurell. Monroe soph- anna . lllleman. Jsthslng senior, The hiit weekend »f homecoming is upon u»! Ic. im> clatlon will present their annual hi Huolu'ii from India u'dl speu't C'ainpiiN Chris, keep student* an,I alumni mi tian Kellowxhip will meet at IJ.tn Kenneth Delhi's, to James i'nulla*, (Ja.vlord aefi¬ welcome Imck our nlnmni nnd ilieplay our end r. , • Uu* Iteformntinn (lav lw»nqu«*t al on •'Christianity at Work in tin* ontoi r. to g» Pumpkin pn*. "fifth qiinrler A .Id p.m. Saturday Dr lli-nry Whole World " Sunday evening for worship/ Viekiuirg •ophomoie; Sharon ler weeks of idAtininK. hnmmrrinir und Rawing. llofYieeort; , quai ter-Hacking" ami renewed Y'»dr*r, If of M rumpus |>rt«l*»i, Gumma Delta is getting to¬ rlisctlsMon an.) fellowship, Mem- Rnliison. Midland Itinlor, to Al¬ M«.M\ KAPPA dlRplnyR f> up this evening in fronl of all living unit An. will s|M*ak to tin* group gether tonight to complete tfi«*!i Imm of the group will rlisrtlss fred Yentsrh.' tjrand Itupi'R fr:cndshi(K will highlight the Itarlenc Fornell, Ilattle Creek mnny « date tnniKhl will Im- gpent in drilllnir thai W* Christian Student Foundation homecoming display tit Martin "What I* fiorp.'" A weekend re¬ sophomore, rami* n Yo|ghl. VW-VMi A open house on Sat- In.the 2x1 or trottinK down to the hardware fur u.., mda.v follow mi? the game Mem- ■lumnl Mill In* welcomed al an laithor ChajH-l. Following the treat Is planned for Oet 30 (in*-a* I'oinfe sophomore, to jiinioi to William Volers, Mt. VFf. Jnm s. .iluinni an.I frlffids an* In- Itpfii houar al l ollrir limine gaum Saturday. student*' and Flynn V lamg. Jr. Foil Worth. Hal paw low ■ ki, Detroit sopho¬ Clemens junior and Alpha Kap¬ essenllnl hin^e. vfr.l io tiir Y-House for re- following Ihr |imr Saturday. ahnniil an* welcome to warm up Texas, minister, will he the more Hue Kerer. Midland sen¬ pa I'a. Hosemart Meyer, lam- .SpHrliin Stadium will lie filled to near catun-.t sing senior, to Hies Peppet, Chi- ftvinment* an.t fellowship. I NK al will hold * aludrnl forum Sunday morulnc al Cnl- with the rodeo rhfljH'l and doughnut* at gutvd speaker. Ills topic* will tie trie "Mission of the Church in ior, to Mike Frrel, C of M grad¬ uate. Merlh* Haldwln. Srotia, eago, til, junior and Ih'lta Tan day afterniHin for the l.iic yame with Indiana. M.-l ' I hi* l.alhrran ntudrnta rl»»« antics of Spart.v, the confetti, hot coffee and yr... logo llouar. Following Informal (iiiiiiiiiii Delta plan* a oo«t the Whole World" NY, senior. Jo Peter Qnder- Delta Mill he held Ml 11:3ft NuimUf w hile pomt»ms all add to the excitement., Hnmm-m,..' (iame is a IIvIiik, excitinx college occasion . . . you lie a reminiscent alum or an exule-rant undrrcr. : u . With homeeomiRK weekend rnmrs many Xal.i ftinrliM. new from which abui brlais up the problem of knowing what tn ,n. and where to wear It. For fashion is perl and parr,| Ship'n Shore! collrce life and one aspect of living in whirl, every r.»< ran be -varsity." Skirts snd sweaters are mixing themselves l^.t foulard colors. Most notable of all hues are the he^-r. . greens, marigolds and vineyard reds. And man . i rawr., in a nutshell: walnut, pecan, almond and chestnut times these come in a salty tweed—heathercd, hairt'.uciie or monotoned. The first half belongs lo the new sweaters which ,r. shorter, shaplier aad sawmlher, and to blouse, in ir.ri, tional patterns and Ihe never forgotten classic shirt-, n, second half presents one of Ihe new aofl, full or slim skirt, The first half may or auiy not tack into Ihe srmnd hit rhaaees are it's helled. WOW-EE easy-care And It's party time sfter the game, from open hr.... to informal dances anil parlies. The little black w.«... iridescent usual, is number one on the wardrobe list, no les, oxford shirt it's a pitrh-black green. Rounder, wider sleeves lend tiptop interest. All-out evening dresses sre short, sumptuous sr.: 7IS TIE INCEST bsre with a multiple color and fabric choice. Stag-line tackles will spot you easily In the hmMa " BESTEST « OREAPEST you try the brilliant play of red corduroy and satin, * ha, satin and gray flannel and black chiffon and reive*. Wherever you are. whatever you're wearing, you'll t"~ THESE DYAD PARTS Ml.. U f I h.Iii, 'shuts »ime lailtnu ilcmns Iwgatr remain uniquely you and lie victorious everyday on rampui . i w inf. Ojt, h.i • .lam »<>tl the hoe tailoring id collar and in the big world. •ud .1. o.i |>! i. ti t hi liuttrt n*fton oxhad with a l a \»- ils liltli I ai. ii'ioititf Miyiflltli UNIVERSITY LAUNDERETTE .ie, p I all Irr IIIit' i- ■ M/e* lilt,. Jn • lit*' shift ft Shiiii v. friun ' 'It NEXT TO BUS STATION our rear ah r. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2D 140 PJ. iti/u: tuancvct. Iluffrl Sii|i|M*r anil Homes-tuning Open !> (II H H I UJ I. H H Holier al llillel llonsr 319 llillrrr-l Evcrvonr WrIronir. BACK YOUR TEAM FOR HOMECOMING MSU SOUVENIRS FOR EVERYONE BURETS - ALL SIZES MSU CLASS WARE SHUT SKITS - CHILDREN I ADULT SIZES MUSS, ASHTRAYS, COFFEE CUPS CUSS IMS - OLD BRADS, ODDER PENNANTS - SINSLES. AM TEN STRMS TUT KM YOU CUNT BET HI 12 CECALS - FOR YOUR OAR OR LIM8A0E EXCLUSIVE - "MSU IN PENCIL" r» DIFFERENT SKETCHES, 10 PERSONAL FRENCH FOLD NOTES Jt ENVEI.OCS ATTRACTIVELY NXEO-SIJI - THE CAMPUS BOOK STORE 131-133 EAST GRAND RIYER AVENUE EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN PHONE ED 2-4413 si + y*'*r "»»e '** * Mil IIIM V an If M M* A date to remember... Affairs* #»« tob#r ?1 11V1 rag a lift laiuifMl for k.s VI'P'n IS OPEN THIS K'VKNIM. I Mil. 9 P.M. PHONE IV fl-'.V.I - lonirrominff | |\D* a%l MM* "... vj, Uf*k 1* M .-at fight fv.4 U ♦' » m it ymt U .• V. »• «•» dt v»* been par'x f'»r of fall II dlxiut In inrnip wm, Hs in Ms itij(i- a*l "> G» ">**" *! lu-riliiK r|..K • , . ... moimrif. living III Will. / «*kinjJ to M,# ' ..rti •» w "r***\r.r ' ..it' i {nil.11 i . tlx »m l«i % i'-.nliiiji jii.mul.p fill'-1 of m flay* Mo it I —-' ■fHj si*'** t" h»-:p Dfwl hujBna . liilltnio. !ii^ iMpiljifnriil "rt+T* ' •"r'»«h' Th*' Our (ikkIhi i In ' ' rm.f «" *• 'uU ■•' , n,-n r. iluing llif unrk for n.mrt iluder.O III ll,i-»i„|.r Itii.i; ln-4 |#,l, r|,,„r — ' |>, m luj; watt .... VI. •" .r. \0 ft '»"» ••"'•••I iliijitll.it Itt I It .Iti^r 111, 11* ,11 llif Jitil S4tit ,w,»flu»Or hoii«e •« !»«"•' I n.ir „, 111 si Ml. ,|l \M> III A i;i.oi'Mi;si' iMUfhrrt* and ^ th* tfim * HI h# In- III.SI.A Mis SI I'M' I .„„| rrMH, other h, | | |nod. WII.K d»*« fl'-his U Li! , M.ojf • 'Ml II ill" .fi>!a to JJIO'A soll'ily r, *..•«" "f rrrnn»»*r. • M«"" •»»«l hr' .."f 'fa I'M . :»!, • i■. .,11 lulu a honfira to pro ' w t\nm9h*r* for chear* led " ' ■••''' piii.i! I: • i '-•» ^ HOI I'J4 fh tiih/uat h 11 lor Jot l%en Itiaml Short* nU'f' •' KNAPP'S il 3 '••Htrmd, fa- - r * 4vr planned * lU'her from W Hi I.! UNIV/ERSITY3 , .* the Benj* • and Buttri - » .1 du'e* *oli be ■3' n'. Woodward* a \ )/'/"> stiu:i:t num: [ ft* h-| aetivHf *at«rda* of „■** it Ik' f«m' .M«a* In t gniit and their datea will ,viur: in * hb*h and return , • ..pa ii hmit't, ill honor of | ..!;«•! alumni , . « ?' *• ! I *-» iir'.■ itfiurfk- „ « . and Vi*i*. » «, .«<•. -»i tin*-*- At,! -a -,a rnat»'ar hou*" • ..i,/i enterta: • - 4 .. tirfj bv inrfii- ■ fi.- 'Sthg U«tM» #f!« • . . .-ida Aip?w» Kp A If• . Oaf. ^ /.»u "V: ii.nm- IVli « hi Ki« pUniinl a mm* ouflrt lunrhnon h» I*# pm' 1 h» H4fHrl. ; a niiuwT f • '■ •»'■ ♦ • p.* i rr.UM-: f". * -f«* " -..a.. • o. :w • • >i >- . s^?urd#> I'H* litmni Rhtt ha« arhnd - I a i formal tfanrn at Ui' |«o#rwan l.agton hall from 1- ^atardar rtrntng Dnari- • lil malar araaad a fa- or mirror ad hall mad# l»r uh»r mamhar •f " * PAi £p«4i•'» the irraiid ■*»- ,rj»v averting - ' ' t ' * • »• tna b'.an gruup K«n?t>c f.'a; •- '— i,■' • <' "I » ( HI OMK.A "ilirCVi- At. .a*" * * 1. i, •' ".a •* ■ '>«> fiiu. i ■. -• * MtA ur^c, Bar-.* vn, A.pru Tau t*t-- :» n.at.r- ;.»u fw, * » . ■'-*' ' a Jt»4» <>raic, lirtmit ^in« •* •' '*<•- OintM aaru r./".ns arid r, luatrw.- »..«• «... ' U m* TNET % . ruftlir.g '.aff"la.«. a.rs >a .>•- r«jca aro«dV» a.- . i-aa ?***, Grand Rap. I* * ta K'art tuedtk' filmy chiffon*, tvciunj.' cti.or- ,f (i,.a. K'd. l>»»arst* jr and S.g«T.a J*»» Mwr. CUM.- |ia*tel Biuc. Loral Br.^r and Gran, a* **. ta —lorf. u» Lirrv Manliga aoptxanire u'.'Mn. hue* a Ul la and * to 16. «ur* y»; PaiisKj date La* gutter hi* ticxa'. for :r.» t orunata Hall, th«n cr.>» your formal at Knapp* gov,. iwt mp Rt>TAt'R\>T i 1 in la W9>*. NRKTTE ol»K> f. VM •AM IIIMM. uu«t> i>»rr« vtii.sn .n»u upt> r AM - 2-AM - NOW DELIVERING , MA U»< K FAVOBITiX ULLCKHa ((IHNKK or PIZZA COMPLETE IMNXEKS ;k-il ' K.fl.AMA7.(MI A ••xoccain iV '**m SPKCIALITIKS CI.IPPKRT I .ATE SNACKS _ P1.A.N TO ATTEND THE C'OKON.V|'U»N BAI.I. I EATI RIN(. I.ES EI.'.AR^, 'STOKER -S". vis! A1 OITORH'M .s . t i* I I •. W4-HII mmiM hivL ' I k < rIsss?! MICIIIfJAN STATE NEWS 203 Students Receive School of Medical Technology OHiihrr 23, l».W Tlio iTit'dW/Ml I't hii'i!"':". culture and WKAIM'M lo (!I»nc for All A's Spring, Summer pi Hi,., f m Jim with tin- di-si/»n . fh Smith received the MS. fi ii. ; tpam of the Colleiie of YV'ci ' i: I., sinol'ai ifsriiU'll IM'tlViiie* jMVi-n uri'io. ;■ \1S arid I'h!) decrees at MSC nary Mwlirini' w.i- Hr i pi n Sh«- i' presently in » WKAH-FM will leave the nil in a eofiMue,;,. oihCf uhiv.'i .Hi." i;. |MMi I».rU und ifhttl She .1. tin- Sedool of M. H'.m! IV, i: wa- i-aneer research projei I with t.i. al* p.m. Saturday for a oru- eragt ana f„, Two hundred ond Hi roe MSIJ tdudonfs received 4.0 rec- n"li»j»y Thursday h.v tin- Ifn.i fh K h. i Smith, isfaor appointed mi nsslatant prnfcssu period during which the WKAlt •» a-- ;»ld o S.V00H «r/mt from III1' Mam, , onln spring Afiil Hummer terms nnd hove been named to tin* of Trustee!.. . r of anatomy, who h,. in fin. ari.ifomy department in Ini'hwn County Cancer society KM anii nn.i will he re-located Maid he ex pet ' Honor Coll. The students are listed according to their The how immr. which , • -fT«" • i»#'•<• r« in i Marge of fh. program |)r Smith n member ,f from the slation's 300-foot low- signal vvitha, tiv«' Jan. I. 1 fifth, i rotr.nler d •■on'inin this flic aolliot Forest Ifoad to the 1.000 of 'he college*; in riipaeitv wfr of several scie'i M'VMTIll Hl'ifUlifU* S'H il't_UVS 'I'l'f i i j- on to'ci-i AONIttltlNR CAMPUS ciuAMtnEDS . more offered descriptive of th< --tut. fi,. tlth- of dii'eetui of 'h uilc publication-.. |)r Smith ■ active in university rrsew < h an i foot towet on Doliie Ifoad WKAIt-AM K.nr ItarOi-M. Midland „r, Chart'* . nitjii RKADfinsiite .. in this ft* III ami » -..•fusol known for he, wo»k in cell stu <•<•iin-.fliii^ at*fIvilif*. The gain in height will res iit continue with . l.'ir.ti I Imp hi. Hotfer Under. Ron- f. • i iiv m. M.inlii Vandeikolk. Hook hi-, a Marvin Vnndrnlirul. dull |»«*. *r iismic toiiM.r James Anderson. Sparta annh: Fro* in.! Arnold, pontine sorth. fiai* liall- riwiii r.ml fa-lii,it fr. Wdllrr lltnvvu \iimttnir.v. Mnvi . viph, Judy Craw- • • I Alllford Mi|»ti, I an rv Davifc. I In.la Ot'llriivn. Open At 10 This v.ni, itm k «ui|>li .', i i mil noi.li; Julian Jhitifthllr, llili • i.i.t llr.nlt *npe , Mai v Uurirr t urm* inrli.ii vipl;. I tel.i lehrr, .Steplu-ll. ..ii *,,|H Charlnttr Klteli. V|MlUlitl John FotsvOi lantftlMN *'M»h. • • i,i, r*nli» I lei I. hi Hull.i.\i| •upii. i,I rmnkhn, ulii'lenl. hi,|,l;. ISikIiih, Mnhn.il Dlrtiliu Kdwin (iprmlih. K.i- lieinwnv, Kieenuia. t leenmii. Saturday For You, !.,m,.,/.mi *oi'h. frnleriili Oilman, I -t Umirx »<«r>h Jii.iii ll.iriih, llpllevue *„t»h. .Intin • H iweJl. S» l^nilh. M". »"l»". t'tiv lh< t.iint. l.ilihdrld nuili. I.iriv K u k Ii*. I *1 I iii«ii-.- !H»i>h. • hii'l Krni'ki. I t MP.itl'i**. N V . iMifih Mii»,-ni*iv kiilin Ku»t l.atiniii' *-,|ih. Su-mi i iHitlmin l-iiihimr ku|iI, It,,w Ijiwrll iH-irmt fi. Mam.i Mimern l',i*l I ni-iiiif ,|^*''Ml htudeii' Sliarrui Mi - i Inn-. It iltle Creek M»l>h. N tin v MiiUt. <;tnnd HrtoiiK fr. Marvin Mi«>ir. lanihlntf i»,i|»h. I «rr< OMrnnk. I >-• lif.inU Itnt.Hlv Btipli; I'atrlii.i e.ilniiM ('nldwatri B.'eh. Carol\» i',.i* Okeriu-h ii inn I'lini'hla. Pniili.ii' «n,|ih. Niiu v Ife i Wist ttram h Janirr Mni,"- v\ am- mn»h, Ki-nniti, M->..h, Wflilu i- illr wildi; Ju t'h-veMii.l » an.i »,,pli. J imp VminiH ki .. Hn- • v,.|>l. Ned V.lll HiM'kel t i-i ! in,ini* ,1,i-ti. I'e t r . Ve,n..,m- ill nut Mii-HU »iu».; Q.i|r_ W-iirn' K.itnu M.iiadv M.III, in.'fTr w-.i tnlik Akl mi wi|>h III SIMsh \\l» I'l Mill MIIMlt lhiv>i.| A.ni'l S,\* 11 ■ 111. >' i • i A. -ii. ll.nii htnl in, IVm ■ i ,. .mi,.u i t«ri,i.--i t.-i ■ \l»l lll.ll! I'.I.Ulk >. \l- .Ilk, , III • r 1(1. '1 I- I liilV* II-. k ■ .-Hi • J,I. MdiHim \i I,. I i in. r. m I II.in,*.- IIpN ill Ii; .1-1 n Jiiidiu III.i Mil,', v, V *11111,1.! Mum In.lie I >, h.al • ■ A, I'll ir I'.i, k,-. I ■■■ in.I . . ,| Millie'." It; ' •!> I H.i J I.. . ii.H-| v. i,. . WMI..if, si.>iii" i.. H„P, i.»l hliideid M.. -. vMIe »i . Miihm i| >w>\* le t inniiMi %1'Ion ini* lilip.i M.ill llll .nii,N>Mn, Jul,, Midland hi I,lull.* Orli.i.t Mat* (lull Mi.I I •• Jem '.I, | ri.,1 l.i.l |.a '. ll..-#mmv Mm. I .ium o ■lame* Ihi . Ill it..kl* Ii .\S »> Ml. Intel d ,-..'i-r II..' H .. <11. .. w ..Kl .t N)I I 1. < Mtrai.'.-H.i Hal I ii- *■' *i J-diane .Vint', (iialul l«e ii ik,lutes Haul ent. si 'I'll *. Jimiiiii*. W all H.i. kv ei •i OIhji l.ol-e ' Win v, , ;i f*hi,ion Weihr Ja. k. M,„lv, Janet W«d* »*n*.t.,| iaiki III w v anilt*. Ik maid H I*.• • li.. i Men, Mutter' l«e l. :t a Ha- a , , , |„ . , J.'*l„*i« ii Hit, iMvi- (.!»>.. I K;» . ,■■ '» »• N i 'ken * t u; I'jiner r.a«! I ar «• H -an,. t.U.'.e I llevspu.i-- tleiM-.rt i.i-i*., ih-tr, t Werner Meter l!sta -- he- inam . *1 W .1,1,1 ll ei Wl>d;>>. Ontario *, ,!... iiu'iiiil""" l>, trmt • Me;.--, 1! fid,, I, Aiv-e *• In It in**i t ' ». ' Ann Ki w.e-ki vjuhk, • • I--. «' l"„»o!*r. (aik, I.Uil-l la-due *r l*rl**ia I - H..* ,| 1 I r>u ik |.it.' >'ai*ton * \ . , t iitletteid c-o»di>m.» *• \i , » l.v.uh Virow, iNuhtp »r Mi.-set Ms, k ft. .*! vl.ik ►;. MsiOi* Msia"- lUoir crrrk *• rtion,** MeltrMh ft-u .? • Judith Mieti* M,d!iii*d •• Ik-U't.* Miller ||r a-r t« C,*ll Miller She h **»n Wis *' Mu , Mm-re. f«,| . lmn*ui* if. Ruts N eKs. r. r**« 1 a!)«n* »? l-lnd, Vvtriil l..,H I an kin* »r otwe P*,lgro Klnxv'p* *; f ed heo-ie, lunit^i ;r Su*un R,-e.»■ MidUmt si t.,.»h*n, Su*..* Hstte 'reck *Hh*l|. HI., , Mat, Ki'V-,1 I «?.<■ d llaven »r Hotn-rt Smith H- * d CMk *i I j*»ren*-e. jinnlm. Umint m. Jivne s,.-i»er Muikrfiv Ills p Mm ivne StMrsiMivi Kuvifs'.'td t- Stake, si l>«v d Stud li.iidale jr. Marv Slid? c.rmd Ranlda et*clul atudvrM. Wieh- an! Sta.ss. rws-arvdle »r Helen SwAtm. Msho'v *• flevrrls Thaver. ir tVn -ths Tivwnsrtvd. Ivet,*»- 'fi *1 rmn.-e TurpaVd New Haven Cnnn *r. James Vine# ll\n>n sr. S*lvt« Wallaee l*«l l.o*si'*u *r; W« xtra Whliwl* t 3ir*!i»< ir. t ar.d Wtl- •m Stenhenson tr; John Wlnhurne. h'» tjinvine jr. Uathara W ttder. riattahurxh N Y.. ar VITMtlWBV M»|tll|Sr RtcbarU Uenrdat. HamnAntl. Jnd $r; Wllltam Cberkatl An*nl«. ii-.d ar; Marion Rreentee, IHwUa, »r !>*- *14 Howell. lumaire ir. James Ktiur- alev, Saranae ar. su*n>i s*ee, tot Lansing ar. Ha* Id Valcfto. VuKanlr. Lmt Day for I'im All »rnlar» who have not hat their picture taken may do *o hjr to 42 Union today, ThU is the laat day tl-.e photoij- repher is taking picture*. Section 2 !liovi*I Bowl ||nmr<'"niine I'revlevr: Father Ardfarh f,.k.rful Weekend to I.ead Liiihw for All It OM *«e Paare '» Sfning MSI For ."0 Yrari I 51. S"; H1 PRICF •"/ f KSjW Pep Rally to Kiek-Off Homecomimr Festivities • ' • • e« 'if jr I he I'M* jrame tit he*/1« at ! 'Id »n r.'.r.' V PaMan stadium *here there'll t»e pre. . M4O N»t»« PhMn k. Ion ll'ilntf an in'/ , /anii- and half-time entertainment r M Vfcl IffNf* B %N|i Off Af >ff t" take V»«i d-arinr ire-le* for < imo rung 5 -eiariar wrtb "] fwr> -a f ,i. • • and to -ount Male- -core "ninsino iRlrrprtilwai of pa«r arwl prewrnt »a«r.i»t»« er**i *«4 ♦ nl* fravrni' fi'ii dorrr* Tfa- RltiOfia i a;-- 'a**- pirn*- -• ' 'i» ',« • me "I iifhl. team, fn/h*' will echo thriMjirh- out ralh. the lnv«n InntL'h' at the lhou-*«nd- of ->iifma \u pep undergraduate* and Marching Bant! to Salute* Alumni alumni are expected to gather around n R If an In tawfire to jru.e the team a r ow¬ \\ itli Pre-Ganit*. Half- l ime Show ing. rheerin/ knkoff \ pep land, the cheerleader- and the honieri.min: ««urt * ill Ih on hand to lead the rheerin;' >' ■ iff. it. if bit ,, - .* - ami fr< dorn .''>ri»*- ? kaitti/ for *h* nrr.i - at d •»«» -.iMr-ui. •r■ *sr ifc Four *'•- fH Wil! iff H*funlei! rtH-n'# rjnrmitf.'- Mate Newt Pltaia be l»m N*Me> men's dormuorie 1MNM JIIIN. LIVONIA WOPIIOMOKI lire llewmer. IU11I Oak orator, •"• i*f " ' ef fheriork. Battle Creek junior, pat final tone bet on their hoate dupiat. SIGMA NU ALL UNIVERSITY SNAKE BONFIRE AND -•Gi'* '" PEP RALLY ☆ :r MKOMMM QUEEN I CMKT £ NffY I 8IPT. MM WRMVT MEEfciiKI J SMUT ft KLTA VPSUi KLL ☆ SIGMA Nil FRATERNITY HOUSE 711 B!HOI AM DR. 4m 1 & ."X # A HMIIM.W ma ii mhs End Ered j ( «». Inhrr 73. I'M# Miami Hopes for Upset Against Auburn 1'igr 9 JeIII Arban«j n fie h S'iiVV f" i >• it \'l I,A nm- i't jf.ntii-*. I- ridnv fli.iH it Id. i; i.in.i hr.dilig i! the hand* <i' i ir,in»- • ere fir ' in 14lh l« mi ontfptrfttg Itpmuip I .ark ■ ill'- !«.'• (if IIMlll'l ll"i: Jltfiil'l I llif (ftiafcrn utray mil of Ihrlr In Itolli Kiishiii". Total I'oim. M.e ..Willi; Alhwfl, 1.31 I 'iMIII It * If4tor to wrpntlr ulih Navy ioic MIOiUIMI mai. Ill * .hit tlli.lt h ill lull ..III" 'I fMIIf ' •' f! ::». ullll rrgatdrd ■% a (drome I Hi JIM WAI.I.IXfi10S IIKsl H||«»W I IMs I' snow .11 It. Ill II I,.fig i-.'HH AlihWHI litilf ftpndrnl «f p '• p i I p lltrpp ^ A«MIPISIP Mp#rl« Mllot fOMf.lt I STATE sa1i nilai tii|i|ilf| (iriii|M i riiiiKjt of the uiiih mii h i.i ' work, I*.•» 11 fi'iin thr utraighl itpfptlv l«otiMiifiM Htiilf (VIJ), thp S'.I fi«ifitir int<9 thp IniiiHtm pump, junnir i . 7 r m vr i r.M. 7 « 1 tflllli III till" flilllOll. llll n the St/il4-'s hit pn«l, I Pints Spart/m n*cpivpr.» :i n-. l: • AIM lis 7#r f llll.OKI \ «*• ANV1IMI • *u, The An k'ot'f «:i h. knot krd loittl for ii jpittip .iginmd foniiriK tn tparn slut 1stirs, sdron# • ■If hy (M rgoii I.i ' 'A i'1'k S*«» .3. Plnridti tram (Jl-l-li thai via* Tipft to- ii-f. Arharnr I'lrrlrifled the CARY GRANT FVA MARIE SAINT BP! Th* Dfutfpr ML ' f\ °i s«#p#«k« timvr. fitvoi.Ni Mfiiilfiii' into I " to ItolMli-r fiioi iili rei.a 11• /ii< Am' li nfnl fui m i it . nil' .i agent ' wrrk's iv Vli Nil v Ullllfiltl'll ||»'ll hint Wftk'h l.tti tlftf.ii rim, Nni th Hi 11* A tin* V.iwlerbill r%l»M II I 4-0 ranking*, I Ihf No nil no H 2 fan u--t at The N<*Ur f>amp Siitunla, CiltPh of tfraii l4Pik 9 pprfis-tw plaint Nona' With votm* fat,- Wiffli a game ciri-n* halfWk t>»n S'e although 23r» . ar-i va'* A * ||. , . .. ■. . . Yiihkep S'.i'llii I with At or. fJatv JfVl 't i' ilw av fI • »iii I on i o« f«tt a Ha; „ pim! prnnci*d inio i g.if i ii* runniriR. th. JAMES MASON ' fo#/a hit gruufutf #11, Nnnr iif I In- I "! inainr nnlirat iililiril If4ton rlai.li oil Mill- w ith moii".. \olu« |)nihr>, who m«.v (2-21 Mipllo- the Ptitl /''tie rpplafitl ij.' an injuii, i rp/olv for * ah toyi-'txi-r. a» harm* hat < !»!){ flToit ugaiind thp i|i11ii'iiIijti I MI II AMII W As eatruTi '*»•-, - h iiihsl ln SPVPit jar <•' for 142 Wil lr.it ril" Ha "0RTH BY HOKTHk'fy^ S|mi l.tos' l«|t rppflvpl in,,. - u:r*e.s . . . i r). and a 20 2 avpruye Thp gaillPd. the rtirl. Art Hrand- • » ati Ml' Tfl Nir.llT AT 7 a •» :io Pay More! Whal For! Wtl'ltl IIS si HI llll AN Sllfll' I AII I'It I I Is s| III |(ll AN* MIMP - Ill 19.VI -,t.,t!im ( f,tst s'ltng in 'frond with sis r»- Dran I /»ok Mai t a, MAT. A! 1:1% ■ 3:4> « l.'ll . .re. COPPER SKlf , . Citinilo l'a < io«. "I Wif.tim«t«'!> Z i'ii kmitrlirl.'f V gone f... '' "IT , and Jim I'rirx <.f ( !<■ »dand VARSITY SHOP Hi i( Npw k liix. ■"■if 103 hah I ipjiotn •». ' . * V4 * HOMMOM «CTV#« hitting ,d:i St..'. ... 22H A libit t IM aifiagi -a shilj,"ltir% H'It,i nl |». the A ' \n> '»»•' ru ami f ;r I'list I jnsinj'. IMirh. a,, an h.ng ,»ai't , 'rd I'll" Tlhil dav. t(, top t.ip HE U-np» ha ' mrp of "TI g'Vf State 1.2WI N'.itiona! ItoaguP* hiUing piti-ii- p(i out of a-» vkrih. gin mil in Uip foui game# . ci I'-rc'iu'. i IfiH tiyttef pi In i * ra soi i ballpari.i-r iii.ih tin AniPiican rrrd by t' » ,«-ii la-agio Hlamrt-p Martin, senior fuii- , r * itti 30.* iiiiu I'erty, « riMikif, bnik. Ipuda thr Noartarn tn two (>l»j»onpr.t- xvi.« lie*' wdti .3(Ml rnurur* an; i ratpREiriPN., liuliviiual rustnng f Ihe IfsiftffN vet p ba-a-d on 3fl and total {Piinu .V-vrn imp. 7 111# •!•!# Willi Ihf Mrd IliMir or rrjorr at #n MM' 14k In forward rushes hp-has upon Nnwfomhi ti,.- a rm-aat . major Ifagnp for Hi? |aril*, including thr fak« Sitix.h tin «,» i-.etn m 1 !lf»H vi-1, a 301 avr, - punt run In thr MMhigan gamr •"'ii* xxiia hi.in k'iiiimkv > •ion- nxiiii i«i- - iiiii.imv > Isi'i.ti*.! n> . h. Itfptimi' n.ark iii hli a'! avrragr Martin d4»r% tM% isith!.. H> t4»taf or. t,!,. v' 11 mm i mi, 111 tin p i n,i i mi i tntti in 111 r i m ,i,ii,,,,i,,,,i,,,i,im,,i»,,,i,,,''. in nine lea- not «h»M a l'i»» nf yardagr in JMltlN. all rarrlra. THE INTERI KATERNITV COUNCIL I960 RENAULT 4CV 4NOW Thru TI ES. Mun. thru Iri. 7 uo I' M on Decker's S9J0 PER WEEK $150 DOWN MOM W M WIhMMI ry FUAM ii: af lKIM. M -Jt. A Hun 4 unlinunu* I M I' M WISHES TO THANK J. W. KNAPP CO. ar I.ORir Gridiron 6 MONTHS FACTORY WARRANTY FOR DON ATI NC THE TROPHIES 4 MNJJON OWNERS Nor'ff. p FOR HOMECOMING 1959 OANT BE WRONG *ud M.*-" ♦htpp t>frkP( » J*« 1 i FOR A DEMONSTRATION RIDE Wp pi< k lakr it* t II I. Ill: 11 KSSIA I II 7-tW.Hl ami to n Wip h.ltf! |',.i — noxx SIIOXXIM. — There »ie CAPITOL MOTORS GLADMER 1 xxii s tu piaxpj' nOXXXIIT in trv Oil: I il l. STOIIV I'Ot.l.KliK KKI*. • fp sfimis I oil41 til \i.rthwftterii «»»r \-a.» i,.M nihilist • I'llOM |\. 2-OSl.ll I II • 1 M ft 2(1 !♦ IIS xiiniatuU «>*»' H,.T||, SAME DAY DELIVERY - - II i». ..ii'ii. «x»' oi.t" ia» I*wr4ue n\er I-.» » lOMOKISOU Is s| |'|;|{ |I\I!I.MS Oil ski: ■: i K il l iiks i si mo lloiOi * f alil'.rm* .... J XXII s MX,XX Mil IV "IIII I It I. SIOUX Mm «it »!•»• I I I S Ml I! M XX I K X I I Iti: tiomo «*•' u %'"pap iiiiii4m0 iio l-l'll- *44 ,ATK l OXII'I.KTK lukoin i»t»f Hue liregon txo HnMi'tt SIIOXX TOMTK t€« mr»i fin LUCON 1 " AT 9:00 P.M. Oklahoma Yale %HI ato aor Ha** fat la *•««•« Tin HIT NO. t IM Hlghlliil 12:40 . 4:00 Thr dp* J • luuam'.ira' * 7:25 • 10:50 ja 12 noo:. brgina M ntav oh«« k ca; e cW' • th# In'raniu a dupnml of i t) « ' ^ ConumUnt* pohwluip'.l |«: x •rotery cin-e. •4 "4 t0 pinaotur r*r Jr ' 1 wmh a psr'ji'r. to able tn gfiorH .n * ; ' cut ton c*a# wm- -» -yrt* on • tifn-up # r . partner n»a* ba L0REN 2*4 Hill Slwwa 2:15-5:40. 9:05 m m*m ij« »'n U4M 4 '» ma * n u# N A T% i( with I*** EMUD COITE-XiaUEUAU.nl wcnoEK STARTS TLKSDAV • 2 GREAT HITS • ~S—» ROBERT ROSSEN •«'|«..x( .. m-'.. .uw* ii a •** w Ms .nomrt worn** • columbia pictures I'l.KASK I HK K.H.I. STORY" SHOWN AT — U:IS • 4:15 - »:» ~ MOTK THKX IM.IIK TO I'ORIM'll.l" SHOWN AT 2:45 • 7:15 . 11:5« M W I fori \£'' '• Vt " ' - , • . -.'J Tfi^K F.'radftfahip I>rlrinl l(vil II int!> Krrp Tntlrfetllrtl Mf"/. Booters Fare 'i- f>Eri«: »r; * 7,.-.-/ vi » ?',* ' • ./ •t r.'l 'jjt ,'>« for».»,/»*♦.; it-.t»' ft.- T ?fw- r" -»- - I hi « 'f. » 4 . T'> ./• ■ !!/'• g ' ■ I'KRMAMAT (III Anti Freeze I!M.I I,All Hoosiers, Too Ifomm-omin^ ;• in .fun- Ml I I \t kruiiirr'. I.f.ltS — l'o|Miliir I^»»» I ill I'lI'M — i-Ml AI -T 1*11'K,- I'riri-.! «•!; ;«' the (rri'!ft«*r ; I'OI.NIII.- — M Ul> — I'AIM4. — UK' *»lli> ..u>» ' "MI'l.t.TI. IJM. 'll A< ' KAWtlllKH ■* ( or; the , l'(trnthous<>. I ilUPt t It \l 'IO Su« ^ ftfthuiit 1 7 r'miiIr If //# -I'KINf. It I'll\— » .»TA»Tir« •f,» or* A • rt n. PI »»»«« HP* 14.14 -4 ;• .* Af»» p« HP' .».>« r. t In /'-/ (,nines ii' f «• ft'Oh e Vv. *»• ♦ I' M l*|.A1*• K H #. \|: \ ffliNMI fjf. u ro ' Muni I t Ifch rnr, JImi H"l •• "OtMt •*«#'< KRAMER mi:mi;i:i< a m k p \in' . t<. *t I«»»'« *nt1 *'*• "P**1 tljl» S»m, m a«»f» WM/o-- . — nut t I Wl|, DrniMin in It* up#h#t I t Himi l.1, till V %T|l»\'h OVI.% f«n(b«ll •* #otrnf it !• CO.' •#«'•*. W,f» 1*4 I T„, w'ff »w»mpnl in on It Ihor m»ii pin* Imo Ut k»*p lUtiitiM in'lwlM ' 4iiU John "Will III Hold th^ri" Murphy I pit# »p • ««»•***>* •'•rtnir r#- I ] ,„H in »n ,. 11-t wifft iMt r*»r e I.ii-Iimi'II id, \l Sfi Suluril.'o UNIVERSITY I %■ :; fytM S*Mrti.r«, STUDENTS' v* r < i« f/r* rrov.n;' fr'.- It's Sltovel lloivl Time rr I r 'i; lit r* • 'I flown tMrn. !»• in srurni it. 11,r»i ,r4r< fir«• 4flfl tntif »■ n,4^r M' M Tlff.lt If \KI*I \*lt SPECIAL 1 w i It *' f *"'1 h»Lrbacic to it turn! uri a,, » 7 », ,Al„ „vrr '•-7 *' f'.M Jfi ♦>,»• affM'ja li'tfwummv I' TODAY-SAT.-SUN. \ "I If CHOI' I. Of | *f/v-» ' " fl'U IhMj pi roIU".'1 U • in* wr *'X\-n*.-.>■ w vario'i" I #*ttjr* thowft il 1 5*5 r>i v. • ' -• . • . t-iiyi'i iMramura. *p i.i«r;v>»*! A 5 1* T AS » 5* p m ^nDCNOBuSVHRMI Primp ftppf f#tfpT f*'* •Aniin'h *w j '•— Ir. .at** '# *• •* n« ux-tir,*' WMK IMT« IT' ">* tv*i *'■ I t' t'i - f,i<« i»lr-r.* I.«#•.i-rwnwi' ( ofr.mi-*>•* or Ath "' ; r M »ttr» Or*. pl»!»—"1 yMt|i.«»ll«t r' tn t r*#< - •< tnturmf t,. ; • ?Uf>i Jij A«ftir'5a' rn'iriiiiiit •n lamnnr-. f .*-uf CURT JURQENt *> u. ur in ilk I »jr" i ft. • i '•*-«. •" " MAY BRITT I "«• f».w thrrw, t>*<' • 4-J ! lfna.1 ' hi.k.R—iirr-.injr—^UltaOift # I |*#r# It hup* «h»t firtnfi' f*tc IS AIII'ITIOS. -AMPI.I. I.IBEBAI.I.V I tjtr. *1.1 h# hnl ( BOM AS'Y OH AM. Of » SPM1AI. AP- I N t» l#t hint •## dut> hit- I'l.TIZI.Rs | via * . ***** r"' " | » « ••- • 1 t I I » i | ■ m «/' vn» -.'• !• *#>•■- «•# trif * gv*i.iio£ f.: r. -;oa) f*w*r■; ( t*i. ||« r»in o* fff/r riigr,~v -r l ,■ trmih, fO'ihln I to h»i.'h' «i>iht h* rrifj »* U< thr 4<»»t> lU' it* -il'li I \l *• 'oll»M(«n of link* Horro *h*n+ unit h» hi* in- Oid '*• t* w CLOTH or "i.'rl- \lt lia a|N: I'rrv im -I I'll! lUlthAIN II\) . ^ ; t*ft Hit l otufp*' 98c ItoliW «T1 U£ST«: ItMkinf fur • r«r" I t*0 ■' ".'«ft pf».' S-'i'-O/O . - i: (tilth < of Ih# irun in'iudr Hill fiii* mral fh» r-taimf* I* If I -m tmr*-' in ev*ry f■ |'4ti»"h (wm vflrttn of I'" Tr;» my/ breittittkng canws that e«r cam* tj fintat 'U - n. »! har»* '.ft >*t' »-"«• M I fir, aWA-.r^r 11, mt ahv of A ph u»ti* nbtivfl hti«l» 4ml ' I i»r.* f i»' •» !>»•» I if- Oi*l U. Run g * >• i f . . . r m • . bff« of lit# |W or th#'#4hotjl» tonloot y "HOUSE OF BEEF" AP mta-. —Ir» if. Stof* gy- . - • • H SOI If f »' Ik..'' I ®t'A I"■». s.-knij in t^»i lor ;■»: I mm . . . r*1 * ■ A rr rr I 1 J • • •' i »^* ■J, :? Uf* AVA GmmkicFmiknu ANTHONY Howe of Beef 113 *\ MKJIIG4N XML c -<:T a MAT TO HOTEL OLZ^i ta AjuEEDMut iiwri Mm 7 • m • t p r - 7 tap. .. %y iKtaw.' • ■ *P •'># .Ai./.SMB *" J! AM • fh*-4 fctPuC fViM $ P *. twwf. f « 5'ktA, 'I \|IU • "MHIK lUK'.AIS It A A Mt-lin: far a. •tPAuJ, t'.P. nturmn w i 9 IJUR8IN8 WMTT you itlufnt trtn*ml*r9* ANNUAL JAZZ CONCERT OCT. 21 CIVIC CENTER HOMECOMING DANCE h ft* COLUMBIA 4 university auditorium NEW LP'S lltr liouin umiiif .|.... |i 4U.I b»r ...uri mil l» p"nllr.1- MiTCH M1LLE* PilTY SM Hi.ninuoiuif .li.ylii kill lir |irnrilnl. tkv. fi<» DAVB MptilMMial wruiLrr- of l.\>.lil>ur kill I* BAT IUU.V ■ns MnuHOJ SAVE SIJi JOUXNT UATULS m Am LFS SATURDAY SAT I l-ISfJ. an rat dntu MLM. ALUM. ' •''-I'f--. % *2.98 ••• T ObIt 431 IF ITS RECORDED... WCFE COT IT f. -4 T'Eh iwns M SM£ IT ANDRES f. 1 IV9M23 ; :! .vV- * &S-'.' : October 53,1M* MlClflOAN RTATE WFW* Page Ten IIf flu Skiing Holding Co-Rcc Yi§*ii Weekly GIVE YOUR CAR l'o»iwtt|lli>n held from Men's 1M Building tonight night fl'30-10 |im will tr» ?}>*• T .v Women i areas must o-r»t in wear the iHiildtng raps In the, night I* evi-r/ fn- Harriers Face Eastern burgh, Cornell and Dartmouth. I.Ions' Dirk Fngelbrlnk In rape Power Kennedy won last v»m jehd will be ojien for 1mlh Msl* harnCrs meet an unde*"" wlUi. Knielbrink baa romr In Against the Nittany i....n... A "BRAKE" .in,I women, well «* other - .lav feate.1 |Vnn State at Alter- golf course the Forest today at 4 MSIT* ooly dual meet action has l»een against the Broncos of Ami In all of Uil* eraaan'a raees. ing MSB U» capture the v. Western Michigan, but the Other Nittany IJons running team score. Engelhrmk ■va,"^.f in that race behind' y„\ Waving the role of the under- squad has also run unattached will be Herman Weber, Stephen iUh: w t'ti a low to iu credit this in the Michigan AAU meet and Moorhead, Dennis Johnson. his teamntafe who has erl. and MSU's Bob i„,Kp grad-/"' »riMin. that against. Western an intrasquad run. Charles King. Mike Miller and Nlale'i Pordd» Kennedy. win¬ Jack Williams. Bill Reynolds. Mietiu'.ui. the Spartans will fare laal week's lntraa*«sd The golf c«»ur«e will l>e used Dittrich aays that the iMtwi-rhoiise of the Fast. ner of "AlTeju* will have the NNIaay flve-ntile course fur the Penn State is undefeated, » I'enn state has Item ten IltU- rare, as a first time, so there is no record we have an excellent chine* »• COMPLETE ItltAKE on it fur that distance. The us¬ defeating them." Everybody Meets Under The Ctock ual meet has a four-mile run, Others from State rtU ^ hut as State has always ran five I «ake, Jerry Young, Claw* KEI.INIING at The B1 l.,> Fran Dittrirti der ided to do the Tony Smith, Bob Ron: ,jM„ INOtM. RATaa same when playing the host f'»r Fitch, Jim Horan. Bill firmer, Inrlmli-K liilmr for S4u $6^5 (per pewrk in research and ,iinl imilcriiiU OFFERS CAREER -Sport* Meditations" — Triple $5 73 (per person: foe InfevmulMM* mi ifMW«IW*> MMIMI devalapmant of iio c\lru- Collti* Doparlmoni. Tdt liNrnw#. OPPORTUNITIES M«*MA iIN IUMM,NM««iI l/.M.T. (paca vehicles CIlampion Cotton a Ooft. The liUmm. Mom Vert TIim* itM'vf the lolloemi Kcaeenftt-wi IT. N. V. Active Vehicle imowledge participation in Spoca Research ond Technology, Space design and development • Opportunity to e«pond your • Individual responsibility • Full utiliration of your Report on-By SUZETTE RAMS FY -J c {inabilities ond association with top-ranking scientists in your Hold HUta New* Sparta F.diuv Brake Reliners AS OI'THPOKES COLWIN appeared in the aporta pact 0#o, Michigan Daily last Tuesday, and it is worthy of mention in ,\:.cn. igxn State circles as well We are reprinting it in part. 2') III K. KALAMAZOO Jim lienagh. spirts editor for the Daily, had this to sayt "The way things appear right now one of the most controvert IV 4-4649 0o.ittf HoiO't h*c . Horry A# AnhoH PromWoof figures of college athletics—II. O. Crisler—will step down from tt# post he has held with domination since 1041. "MR. ('RIMLER HAD a wonderful record as a coach—a r»cor^ based on brilliant tactical sense acquired over many yean «• ch. rago, Princeton and Michigan. He was a progressive mart in cost¬ ing; he is still sometimes a progressive man in the athie-,.; tor.ship of football. "But football Is only part of the athletic acene of a great ur. 'QUALITY BUILT IN verslty like Michigan. And even Michigan's football position been assumed by cross-state rival Michigan State—which, ally, is taking quite a bit of Michigan's ail-stmrt* donunav • «,» liecause of the progressive attitude of Mr. Crisler's old im« ,,,A. Biggie Munn ("Biggie, incidentally, is as proud a man as Mr. Crl er f.. NOT RUBBED ON" Representatives of the team that pat America's first Space Probe beyond the Mam nil be bars far brtasiins can sit down and listen to others, as well as explain. * athletic plant. This is knowledge acquired by the writer in tacts with both men over the past few years.) "AS FOR FOOTBALL. Michigan State hat taken over d- r in the state by public relationing Michigan into aubmissi, r. i , OCTOBER 21, 27 this particular difference is Biggie's eagerness to build g. < tions; the other half is the marked coldness that Mr. Cr. : ; . Ject* to people. "The cold attitude of Mr. Crisler has defeated Mlchig.r »•,. interettod in tolling with.., ally in the metropolitan press of the state and also in ou'v « , &r* He will not even give his campus newspaper—a paper un¬ PHYSICISTS • CHEMISTS • MATHEMATICIANS • ELECTRONIC Kf/VCH AERONAUTICAL. MECHANICAL ANO STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS faithfully been b**bind Michigan athletics In their in .: cr. moments—a friendly baik. JOS OMMINOS NOW tN THESE SHIRS "Worst yet, .Mr. Crisler ha« no warm relations wl'h the OFFICE • IMHAMO TECHNIQUES • SOilO STATE AND NUCHAR Important figures In college athletics—th# athlotos themse..r*" "ROMETVMEK HINTORV Is judgod by what a man did. But • PHfS'CS • PffFSfCAt ANO ORGANIC CNfAMJTff • SAACF FEJNCif waste of potential should also be recognised at an institution *vr# GUIDANCt • SFACf COMMUNICATIONS • INSTRUMENTATION* progress is cherished . . . especially whan others (i e, MSt'j e' COMFUTERS • fftIMfTftlNO • MlCtOWAVf TCCNNOIOGf Jess potential begin t«> pass you up In many aroaa.* RNGINCftlNG MECHANICS • AEROOFNAMICS ANO STRUCTURES Reading something like this about the svstem of another r-" "IJnolily limit-in . . . not rnhlinl on" . . . Vtl ii k or Drown especialh a "rival" school, may fill us with eelf-pride, but U tr- Italian Ntlrrliidr ries more of a long-range admonition. 4 onlinrnlal for three A firm policy in athletic philosophy, plus working closelv e:* generation» this fltfStll %U»nquin % imp the athletes theniM-lvrs and publicity writers, must be emp »*• un.ri by a university which is seeking to hava a good reputat;u^befsa: Sllltl\flt i>leilge has hern lioekeil hy the fiNitbail polls. sfiilleil irii/dHiiiiiiifiifi, fine leathers ami liresratril only through the ,\.| T/OV.S Larry 0—ilf, Slats'i II. IIUM. Illl IIIJUS. tor our 100 Star Dafaasiva Oaalar, miii. moiiiijoi'tiirrr, of tlior* for no ii /mi l- rlioion to vxrlii*ii rl\ ilis- Irilmlr llo ir fmnou* shoos in tin1 t.rnlriil REESE 0LRER*S NEWLY OPENED Michigan nrcii through HI «ck or %lluon 4*rain Hrown VARSITY BARBER 4 Uklwn Wins SHOP llUck or Hiomi 208 M.A.C. Albion Grain 4 •H.mopeliun I'Din I oe Shi* Shim By Rubin BE A GUEST AT YOUR OWN HOMECOMING PARTY YOUR ID IS YOCH CHAKUE-A-PUATE * AT Shrimp Perch IMight Delight I'rrncti Shrinrr Shor, >rr lipiral of I ho high oUadarrf of rirtlkin in fuol-nir FREE DELIVERY -- CURB SERVICE " SHKI'ARO'S SHOES hw atanjo #f. 317 Eaal Gtal Kntr, bu.1 Lumk Un4 to iU raolaaMra la Eaot Uwiai aad Laaniav. Aovm Fraa Ikr Now Er BaiMiac Complete Carry.Out Caaw la taday ud m* all ihr Utn>l Hum aad b*»t ia oka* fi»kwa>. SUfi Saalh _ Uw,hia«taa Atrau*. Uasiag KHEr %u>> win ummiw voi toa FAauNG nxs MIC IIM#\S *1 All W Ha ., ;{.Y<'iir I'rojfam »•• %« » \|f V I HI Kl \1 Dana* Tirki'ls . I callable i e toil*■! tt. Ifiift li lUrhi lot * rteerpf \| \|4. Iff* <|i. |f.#<|.ir« tVhrrr no «!#- r T'f.; rifnrdr'fi it. ' 54fi ke*. Ailverti-iii" llonnrjirv KiipIio Accepted ■ ""If'^lnJ *11 (| Srt I. ,.|i |,|^ mifirvirw Grant . ••• , iff I f H.ffhiiffnU if ir.tfrrr .-'..'.t: a » Ml'l.ut ».§»* , ,N|< if •„ • ... r »>. r..rm ol tfi' tt'i. • • •• . .. .. » .r.*/-rev/*d •m 11 if,i k i ir,» ' A ><\ «urn. riff Queen. pre...riiiir .Indent. nt Mh'hiir.ni Sim.. I « -i '■ ' .j'.'i.*.* itt *ive new f.x ■> r, ; 4f-J re: *'"'■J 11.(■ movie- and watch tclei ti .tl. mte-rc a.'.r; 'he a ' *'■' T iir ' ' f ■' «' • .? 4". 4 ' AC# [.<• i,i,-t V »,if mu) IpmiI to liPttar i|iii,|it, „| IK' iV.ff ■ Mi' iir.i.r 'errr» . -i! vat t1' Blood Drive M til III Kb I liHIIIIh I II I'l.Mti PIZZA PIT WMTtUud lj«lM ft I ) all* H. to.laf lion lali>1 # KKSTAURANT « V Milk * SUNDAY SPECIAL I it \ I I It M I || • I'hi "Ubitt-i K .|itu »• ' I Artnlt'xi -• I'vi I fi«H»i. turke> nifh Itresiini? Ire ( r.'.llll t«rl "I """"' tl '""t" 1,12 jHilat/ie- K {{ran. IVa« L „.... •I""11" "t""' llClU HIsIM* iv ... in.. IH I \>ll « I \KIH liread A Butter. Tea or (offer |p- fl' n"* •'"'tl I IMllKlf SlEltlH l'1"" v. I'l I'm Ma k4|»|. . I'll I \I|IIM 95c MILK I ih»U»* a* !'*' Itfllj I I'-iloe \l|.(.a I In Man. , llff|rt»r- Ell 24HIM ■r„. natrharni . I'tii Itiilltiii.i \ I lilt 4 I |<*ll»tl I', l> i< • l'i/za I If liver* — 1 . (..<1. I.r4ilf \ ll.iiniijjfiii/f.l I»f|l4 *1 III,. I'l. Han ' I'll# llfll . |||. I.. I'lll K>I»K I' i If I linn 36c l lilt 'i t>v It I If II 4 < lit 1.4nthit4 i t ' Hi.in KJ|>I.. 4 IN 1114 wlvjo'.' - /f 14 llf I • I \l|.l.4 1 4II llllt.il juror n - »' lit' III I I II • % I iii.4 iimi< rut. e %l|lll4 %l|»h» Ip.lllM. I'l11 I'll I 1201 K. I.r4it)l Ki.rr »? clOW-U|> Ml.1.1 |l. Il4 I'l - imiu \-i \nt- h/ ;.»t»- cart' - I If II 4 Ilfll.l III* II4 < .41111114 ll.it. l..i-l l^in-ititf i>f pa;*lirui»r i.iinnu I'lu li't.. -it uisr tmtf. I.4IUM % I|»tl4 K»|t|M K 4 |.|.4 I.411.1..4 II" • til".". K. Mi.li. 'ir *r.e \ I |lll 4 \. llfll# tW?"" » Jti-I ftt-l ..f >rar« f*r*". .«•»*« JHM - I If 11 4 K.i lil> J /fl4 I /It llfll* .III . \l|lt..« II rlaiini' t" »:• c LANSING FARM PRODUCTS CO. I In ins Michi{M State University FOREIGN FILM SERIES pre»fiil» campus III. VIII.INKS: I pm l).> l!»f..rt 1'ohl.ntKm for T»f- . Wed.. 1hi.'« classifieds India l Hrralml I ilm nnrl In. Edition-. It..dim. f..r Vl.tn, Idl.tton I p m. I. Hill- I'aiahlr - U .ml I T V|.,nit.. thrnuith I r.d.. It KM. 2h i RATHER PANCHALI CI) 2-1.VII .i Winner of f.rand PH* - (anne- Film |v%tiial AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE LOST and FOUND ien (#at« Awards • San Frana-m Intermit I e-nv.il ii» * * H* ' ">*vl Special Award • Kdinliuruh I ilm textual n> t. *,Adf "t^F MO'IF' FaircMM Theatre s*^| • • » *!4e Nee., Tan. • Oct. 26 & 27 IK' • III 'I -» M 7 anil «t P.M. HO C»FCr* *r \iluii—inn: ."lib W. H. Thompson, Jewelers PERSONAL < K «» < ICE (REAM •f.j * • • , > The B'.d-Mor Agene^ «»//(>' r i- i-'f ■ , V - l.'VAt. A, I lit » ♦ ".If * *. f.!, J i HI-CAM t I'l >*+' *.'C '.A A. < e • 'fI I | • .« -«•. te )e «s Phone IV 2-0624 •■re- ■:, » (j| • ». . i > HOUSING •. ■ » — ,* . r j - . j._ J « ' •••'. g f*'jf.0 ". REAL ESTATE r.i arific * «•* 4'.'4 r» 1 r A « A '. Af«. •e- 0. * It »4 V Id • a •- • • . rttl ft i 4# • i c tir/Wii rr tx *• ■' n«»» " r. r- . '.d • Ft»4t#r f O l-i a » « d M' ■ rT.M* **:i 1 -Hit >4 ">HVrrr» PfMVATT -.'Mi ■ •# '». ■ r» « trr t#-: s»# . 1.4 V %»»«.' - IV,»'A 4 '4.« jta t I'-.- ».-'■« in :•1 :.*A »VT r.lRVAS MAI- r. • »-#»r w. •, i. «.r t fOU'LL SCREAM H f» . ■" / . |««, . (*' '.v.- .-•■r 5 AJei- SERVICE .» A*»0 ^ 4(1)9 ITS' *MN) TWKJ* «M(• EMPLOYMENT * .'Brnor • at 'gr.r Wf- A> rthHI ir. 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A "• Ci »* RA f . 10 I V0 me- X a *' s* iiisi I'll Gil To The • r «f-« «.-i 0- -S--00. t m FOR RENT ■ 'm * * t "#» -.art4'-A 4 « - . . . • «k»; • T '• Te^f •••*.* LA ICE (REAM ff >f •. a.- tv T-UH <# I HO/1 v » <»o Irt K rR . • VCMS Kfrjt Ue jAd rw'f.-•'■■■$* Bra . r A8.N TT) f!Y R De«fi A ) T» OX 4 JM.1 r';.»» vi:4f« «m .4 «'4'f "" ' ID J-C it CORONATION BALL it> i-d*22 a for sale a » *f* Hi At, K TTfT>T J 8 V( I ^ "MR - 4 *t>8 T'A'A .«.•• 'f.ts• "w«i a V.| « ."f ■: • tt0 T»r«> ifVAf* *f «»••* 10 MfAMAjr ICHU1 Afv- *» .«$#*•• U A"...' *-" tv- -V a.'f4 > .» ID l-.R. r| h. *•» . *« '« -.*■»!. 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