H<4tJ> *»-■»» PbM"* ST *T AI.PIIV* HPARTAN SI'MIAI. nnn hi wi.tv* -vktor* haiami MltflRtftT'M "HI* ART AN Mill- Wl+t Ml AW* -MM M HMMIIM /I.TA TAI fir*t in Mirnritl r«mp#tition fir*! in fraternity #f»mp#tit»#»n fir*t in wnmrnV ilttrm romp*-litiori . flr*l in nu n « dnrrn rornp'-tition . Snow f hirnr« Kaiser Steel Intends To Sign Agreement SUitr N»«, Ph..t., If \i R,. «. (N( III M \RTIV 131). |»m up with » lliHnicr In r«t this |«r aw»r# football ptrtarr* and th# spartan victim write-up. (><-ncral Ahm'iiiI»I\ (Klrrlnk iUn rMnNthinr't »'«!» *»»■• riMtfn (>> 11* k S.-Soviet Resolution nudr tin- in the orrmiration nf ln*h-*«»pb ( nunc 11. HieM* I fATI RID DI'RINfi |Vf f RMPMON al th# li'imrtnrnins llanrr U4* th# tapping of n#w I*- rr.minf Oomii Willlim*. Ii*t l»ir» >rir i Kan# ■(u»#n Mr* Pal Ptor-min it tr^Ud in front of nirludfd ralibur mrmitrr* and th# rrnwninf of th# llom#- Mu"n loan Disarmament Seen v:TKT» NATION'S (jv-Diplomatir ... ,r . ho|ip the U.N. General A.^errihiv IFpI lint Victorious ^ On* anion t»o«*«maa t*id r ' .x -Soviet Disarmament resolution. K *i«*r « hoii *» itf» th# r#*t of T — added tt would !ft# inda^trji had bertt »r,ti#»- llichhxht of th# Ifoms'omiac '•ommurklque have i i.r p«t*d h«l added ft ram# it • li » n » # iBt#rmiM««n "aturdj* r Vp*. n. by President arr»,a- <• tun# «n*t »>«rpri«*(f iniai of r i-.f. Sirv.t* premier **• th# Uptiini of fi%e addi¬ a " toU* *Th# purpose for reorgjni/tns tional f»#mb#r* of f*r*lib«f, 1""S- and K •enior m#n * honoriri % {tumorous not# was «dd#d M th#- - t*» %ui#m*nis ea IImiw d»-r>atiruj K look in* bulldef. trotted oat on f 'onuiafd ia the I—IW plan for th# fi#Jd f«»lrt«rM hall won f»f*t prir# M*l i miuat »p»rlf i tton ih# batk af efforts diwarr.ari • o' prov»d th# do*» downfall •* *rr*of»f **»»m#n« dorm* for i^put, FaveMra Mia- —L — th# h#»d fr»|hi#r*#d th# homrrmiiiRf di-»pli»« lh#if di* animal hark to Som#* round pist fsatured « Isrt# opartan •hip followr«| hi 4 *#1**11 row \v st ior*Uiniit| *i» Indian,* foo*• b#M pl*»»r -* rrported rich * "">*7 be reached '.*je *•#** If ther# •" w!l be ttte fir at - the Soviet ir^ the United State* >U*#d 3-4 Taday ||»«rrflmlo| dan## #n*##*t lUpv. *ha« awept th# M#n • Mats Ihick f Uffl and MaU »«rr»| M; A**a #«nt#»t a« W. *haw pla##d intrwd«r#d th# |tom##*«nlnf f»r«t with an "M«»l •ahmartn# * Satan htmaeif *iH f. : • Urftl i/,i##n Joan Kan# and h#r roart A.,-* frTMcron PI and f. *ha» took »##ond pla'# during th# int#rmhi.*»oa. Mrs, Hade*," ur«Ja v in Kel{«>i AiptM £*|a fa A. aimwi f-r »- Pat M*»rtm«a William*. Horn* MtArttr;/ a! p m. SntMtjr of amor-4 apr»»«'tfe» w-'^i UH* Spa."- romiac iaa#*n for 1V.I was M T;#ir;*ta v> Ha '#* o i ro- Toiiiiii UR Si—;aS'- a'.d ' e .qxaery hand to rrown h#r ee##ewer a*4v* * m»rm *eks« a..vf i Goran* Bbo • #r Eroiineer1— Spartan athheu« team# p#-rw,^r,»i.a*Yi pp-stftm fr-w "" Delta ma, wori the mm# #d out the w#o .ftfrma! f/ot. fottCf for. *t « •*» t« doo p.U«re PNft-Hel tmftor A-i»fto end of a kmf esatraoce tamuei Prtt ru third thoif os»t#)Ornta. T3.« rxttf Lair Vol#* Preliminaries Remain Same MSU Press Creates University Prestige - r » • t.wwo -1 mi w r>r,ra* - win large peterti't* jfframftons to 5ja# diWor r. a By HtU MhRK K era. etf" ■•^icathvn ar*i. ia '.a# lfc# Tka preettg* nf- an>- T<>' *pliM*i thi*. *2to p-*«» Mf* Bus^.'d i* the *" 1 I*. Cajro and B-.l Gorr.'J M o»« norar Eonlor. Plool Mbly is rr#atod by prw.* edit* and rndaea • ieh»>Ur »■ H.Vjf - f the Pt#*« »n the *">- fietws« pcabl^hed o> far by V %av- the Frew a-., art if« 5**s- OtUl rona.n^l in 4Jlo S rrf-euar* dd im j j d r « ♦. ' P« » .rh to make it nu.re r#»ias> wr## of Lyte B i^'ectof •>< Ts acevMttp>?'^f) many -M it* -Ti-ted h* djctear*_ uc-.; *ne fmOunm p«ijnuaon«o y* pm- uuality of a (Xdlefe by * Mr^nung a* an/ eommernal the MSU Pffisa, wfw "Sf'i» Atat* r.r* Prsam »*.« imd# * wive^rm n.-:*.-r by "■>•« V(-.*5#rn- hwaae would, the Preaa haa »n ^ a buaSaato tn.p idMf .fur North WiUiMno »nd third a Mb fit eetok oali teems, put fr#*r »>» «j re-' rorpr."*• *t,». thioit nsa'ctf * »..?#*, and"> f*.##• iftgn# ■* a rditonal board that »-U Oatoiy to us esfl'-e? of many Oikhrut A)fm* hod co* shoif by the pre** c*#rpie'-e.y Uidsr-^vtm.? of tfte '-are *"*«> Ha»a Heat Iran mdoj. oaaouncod Treasurer eanifldafa* aiao re- EaUbtahed m ]»*< to p - work* rubmfUad to tr.etr. THe m^U-oU. toe pr«# ^#i not win board then feaommeada «v»» maaa any mrever ■'#"• Uw Baa« uxbverai:/ Wany-* »« *-< U» numbnt Horold Hodfr. ****** cora- rri..-.#d the same: Brenda fields. now more scholarly works fit five* us rraxt ftrtedwa to which would make *r# p .#*# •-►a'a when tocy pr.n: Ottiy SJ& v- and Bwebe within the tfitk|vwr*tty. tie MSI? ,.#* miwioDcr, M4 vot«K work readable. The ««*•> r#eiev»!d firOB) dfatarttd There' ere eertatn tofal Hade*, a fact w%kfr John HowrlJ. *Wl *»» ****■ Mstwursi wrth Mf wd«- Press has become a self-tuffic- w.stteti ffmyaltoe* ar#f azrw- «■»'.!.* foe r>. ' H o tkor J2J rot", con* a by a oommerciei puWmhiOC "The Pre**,' *ad Mr*. Hot# Kciinfi, C*®'*f RewrrttMiu from New York the work .* u#e m research *nd exper.- Curd Dork Soil, who hid drop¬ f.ekt. a* estar; f#-J «a -say **#> ae njaa* »y call^wt toen dismbuled rr^'aU," Mr* Bua/ #M sael . ped out before election*, re- a JeadUorf ecrllege pres# W« f«*i lit- £323 ccivod 1# rot". TM largest buyers of arhol- The Preiw usually pubUlw* it la-a pre** wprMcnlitivt of Setm-formai dr«**«w f.* tow arty bordu, naturaii/. are otoer works fn*n the ehflb field e€ toe yajverwsy'* S>a*i« yiman piaiawK dark mtta tor toe .*nea. uruvmitias. H#akltor>« and srnolarmip It has, however. To promote an Utial |i kdB fct Maidltog alBra tor H» . i Willi Hungary Michigan Stale New U. S. Refuses Rrid Dally hv MM"% ?MI00 Students and The Mirhlgnn State News is published by students of 1'irnllr Michigan State University. En*f Lan¬ High Level \\ sing. Mich., without direct faculty supervision. Jt is not the official WASIIINOTON I/O — TA.' tion*; on d. j)1o" voice of the university or of the student body, but while United States b»ld Communist countries. seeking to servo the best interest<; of both, stands ready to bat- Ue any move which would drive a werigo between tin- two whether it cotnes from within the ||iin«iir.v Sunday there is «*» work of locat .. university or from outside. Member of tho Associated Press. Inland need for high level negotiation* legation in p,,; Daily Press and Associates! lo settle issues between lbs' two for , Collegiate prr*-v visa Hunc;i countries. families with Vol. ft I. N<>. XU Monday. Ocfblwr L'i», Hl.V.t The Hungarian" aovernirient lluneary during Hajre Two auggesled earlier fhis m«n«h 1956 upri#iiiE ih.it s|»ecial direct negotiations should be undertaken. Required Language Proposal Todav retary of Hlale Fay Kohler told Tlhor /ador. Hungarian charge Acting A«al*Unt Sec¬ INFORHATKM Ties in With Busies Change D'affaires, that Ihe present time "is not negotiations. He said the lega¬ propitions" for »neh MTATt XHVs R p #m , E-, •., tion in Budapest and the State raf bfs'ird »/.. A Sl'fBlKSTlON mmlt* i»vt*r u vent* tqro provide more lime for liberal arts electees, Department here are always hv a committt>n ill the Collepo of Seietiei TOWI.R fit \ t: |» the I ommittee notes. available for business. » p n lb., anil Arts reviewing MSt"s lack of a for¬ SCCII CI.KCTIVKS eoitltf well include . Department Pre-* Officer lan- eign language requirement lie- in \er foreign languages. A foreign language re colfi White 'old hi- new- c»»n- CATHOI.K stlfiix, cIoncIv with a reeotnmemlafion eoneernine quirement for students in the College of ference the que-tiorii «»R(.AM/Xllox the United 4-5 the Basic College nuule t»> the Commit lee p • Science and Arts, such a - exists in all Itig State- would di«a*u*i* with Hun-* centei I ; on the Kill lire of the Cuivei'sitx y.iijan authorities thn»ugh nor¬ , in universities except MSt . could then tie The Science ami Art* commit leu, intend¬ mal diplomatic channels are CAMPty more easily titled m .vncj. such thin |p travel restric¬ UK.II ing to free a portion of the sttalent's credit Objection to a- RFADKisu' a foreign language require, hours for study of foreign language, rec tnent had from come some department ontinended ! hat US ami HA candidates in heads on the grounds that their -tudents the College he exempted, in certain m-t Irotn Basic College courses. for example, student.y in the Ihvisinti , . were all'eadv guage :'l overburdened yvith required credit""-". Adding two tear* of foreign lan¬ I redits to—4he l*» Basic to! CAMPUS CLASSIFIED! Ill XDI.IN'FS: I pm Da* Before Public# I ton for Tuc« Social Sciences would not have to duplicate lege credits would leave them, it was Ar¬ Thurs.. and Iri. Idilinn*. Deadline lor M«n I rfittoi. ■ B their major course work h.v taking basic gued. too little time tor study in the maim* Bills I'a.vahle H-IT and 1-5 Monday through I rule social science Likewise. students in hi" division or department. - CI) 2*1511 logical and physical science could waive ^ rt[ l LXT.iSn lllf \I\KH I OU foreign language, hot natural science. necessarily as a practical tool hut as a Till: COMMITTKi: on the future like ■gateway to knowledge in any field ami a AUTOMOTIVE HOUSING wise warned against such duplication. "The culturally broadening experience, would I'lV" FNOI.ISH FORD Anrli# I>- EOt tt*4T assurance that a concentration of work re seem to out weigh this argument luxe Like new tV 2-3173 22 quired hv the student's major department Hut the possibilities of waiving Ha-Ic 1MB VOl.K«WA«EN SEDAN AFAfTMESTS 0 »n will provide the comprehension of one of College courses in view of certain dupli¬ ^ - perffi' cwnilllion. Phone NA T*3Uiw E LANSING " these approaches should he reason for ex¬ C-.rr.nu* Tf-er empting the student from the lUtsic Col cation void the argument altogether. • z.> • > rarlio, |M7 VOLKSWAGEN. five me* My SUN i'i«i VW rnof. r.tshed Partying fee Ma Not onlv to allow time for foreign lan¬ new Plum# EE t-Ai ->er r.ere TU 3--HW7 » ■ lege courses constituting this approach, hu; guage study , hut also, as the Committee on tM2 RL'irK St'PFR Four door ■ OOMS without credit." the future suggests, for other liberal arts DvDill low radio, neater runs well IIrr Mark it M>T dee to i7lwe«i Such exemption A real btiv SIM I'D J«0W -I would greatl> add to the elective.s, this recommendation suggests a BOOM flexibility of the four l(i.1g CORVETTE. PRIVATE owner year curricula, and very significant and feasible plan. *eU irrimedMtel* car ?o y rtuuret ia(e crtndi'<<>ti I ll»_ Most*" Prostitution Faculty Proinutions., Salaries ltd 1 LanslnK. ED »-l5H3 Ti of Learning Ends PI57 GERMAN XIAlCO four t»a«- fixgff in ii'ile* i»er gallon m> rinle* i,ei h tm (iiHMl condition. 4H»i Ml i -454'. J3 EO» SAH iv ne: wakk ..r accusations, denials and quest ion-dodging in the "fixed" qui* tern of policing run plug up all the possu hilities for hankv -paitky on such programs." Discussed hv Future (»rou|) dition IM7 THtt'MPIl Di»« low once ( on».n • Dick La'ham l\ • j-lrtiM oi TC X-'C'.H brakes EXCELLENT low mileage con¬ TBAliE»V program scandal, the underlying question Till: IIK.AI. I'llKATS. however. ;»T |V„. 112th l« a Srrif ) to the pyisitmn a faculty hnlds •Are advising and registration is; just who is re>(ionsible for the "Big Wax* iilMnit the teacher Iri au In universilr's policy-mailing. vital'.* .EMPLOYMENT fes.sor Bergen K.vans, who prepared the a Df ten. the committee Deception ." ills',tu'.ion of higher learning* Kvrrvone. says the Future points out, the fellow who 1992 S»**H questions for two major programs. JbiyKM) The I'omnuttee on the Future I'MVrRSlTX 4 N D SPA ITT 4 N IVobnUly the first brnk bats go to the rten'nittee. i* aware of the oh- ay aid* such clerical-type activ¬ \ I .!»cchM atien- tiui'stion and Xiil.npu Challenge. revealeTt of the University (ays he should ities i* time Marrie*l producers of such shows 4t- Iwetilx One l" I tile Magazine hist have v .on*. Kalarv diKadvanUgc of ' f reyy a red as much or more »! n'leii .... l Wetwrs Hoartan > 'k Service and Tic Tac Dough \J't»-» week, are the con¬ pay, more voice > Vlst* faculty in c«»nqwnsr»n « 'n as those w bo perform them. 2 >1*1 K K tiamartMr the "riggings" testants themselves. . .verxity decisions, and ahouid facility mewibers Hi MUida- i LOST and EOJNO were exposed. Dan fmight and Herbert w*»rk ani advance on the ba-;« and (Uher facui'.y members PAR'I-TIMt fXtSlTPlN felsher. t<» name two produce! s, were Although 11mi willing to overlook the re jo.'.dions .»» tw» p.-u e In- rot no » x t.f »;;« t«*ar'h:n^ and SChoUstic n«vis.|s doing agmeOi-iu -vho engage 1''e' feo • • • *A conspicuously left holding the money hags. spoiisihility of the producers of the shows fndeavori uia*eae »•; 'r I.I the producers made f.-vy m« explanation other •ne committee re,s>rt> .< morale. «>■„. ha* on-.;dc'ix1 this en.-u,^ Uh> *< holar* who -i>e»i.| iong LOST HATCH;) than "rigging is just good showmanship" •\\ \t.i\t. i v v im.in>: »ict-ned a- a pctya-ive rn or when setting saJaiie* even Pc and v«wkciul hour* c»n>t* hat who u.,s f Actually no indictable crime turned down .sp • • which :a txmdu' ive to d»- t'.i ..fc-sumal SCIMM)!* UuiU vf; : ivih *: A < X g e nvoiym. .»> contestant iiinro- e IV DM) lavj.tabic p c I f « rm a C an-t icwar.1e.i .except one case ot aileyi-i pel iui v :un-i im angrv letters !<• ihe pr»Hlnct«r>." said disparity between the ing to the grand jury I W en aisles our of 'adh n a •»f 'eaclung personnel and >f T'lC-c g-qns Stem in pi" FOR SALE invest m.i! iuv !i» y.o - "fma?iy he warned tha" Unless he and confidence in ieai- froo Pic itk of Ael'-defuwil prai '. 1 attjers In the f.eM •■v.-ii scandal* ami the federal CommumcahoM was put on the -.how be would announce — a; i iilcrst nnI • fHt-'lard-. f-o |.G |*C AkF A'rf IONUS more masked than thai in ' v« en i euniissi,..- Dinmu •• Inulb met ale' Is shaped pumuitio!! ami «a'.i: ipcrea>»". pub; . u , i-' ,u, puiiiu i Dud he had been p.t--e.i over Oe the xaiavies of faculty hen \ GOOO unfortunate, hut uup-mM a''« »r.».id, ai i.uis». i, niiHkll %' |m money riimmunira fa.ildie* elsewheri' an i PERSONAL had ie!u>ed share his winnings FRE'.H j . lion failuiek ami surresses. and • the pio.uaei xim»c persons hfliryr Ihrir SAM Pf>«T a •' e- ibdv the eruption o! QUICK S»H'«qol r t! *'■ may he a prejudice again*! l.vllrr I'aliry t»o» ad (. *• r s. • I". qut,* spoyy -e,tiuia! emits! this black- - ee,. • etwork cXeCvd I.PllCI yyyunen staff members which re¬ If StuONUT SM04 ••i the l'r#*t III »e i mad attempt sults .• s inc fcrcnlh rccci\rsl in a significantly lower 212 MAC OP»» 4 4 ' several • m p». STAMP t OU T! The touent and timely letter- of sbme applicants, mane salary !' S 1'roU'sls h's for women than for men and f a a : al anonymous letters about 11 XF.DO ♦* LONG Midnight hiw O'oitec ud ti '» each of the various ranks making outright propositions to cheat, con¬ campus problems, we wish lo , t ,! tl# u I I'e Vf..:' .#• - * I*>. • -1 h The committee revomnscnu* «(ier.l»". -It;#; it Oieaietl r>i>- U* y Ai'ie'ri ' - vinced me that whatever the supply of make it clear to our readers t to respm • *t:» onte rigged quiz shows, they std! fell far short I isil lo I. S, *j>oy yy ;f:c salary here they li e mequai ' adj.i.*tmen> men¬ that we yy ill not publish auv i;t2H „i/r I ai' is-3.1 Dunnt XX-ro 3 IV 9-7351 'one* » '.new rhtun# Phone ED Over »f." l-*3W ' *• network progian s V the auo- time it letters yy it bout knowing their «•: the demand." Kvun« d«H-!.u-ed tioning specifically the p. DOG- FOR SALE jiMffdor re- fa the Idilor: We wdl withhold the -i.vri* RegyA'ereif E .eil#nl hunt- VOf»ER\-A!R- .'.as c\}wuirvl the b.acxshrep qu, programs But ngge»l or not. it »* lemale discrepance atui that tw sounr and family Puoulai mutt, a* « from the CBS {am... fitting that the ! W'KiiU . k<- ' • ca to mind writer's name by rrquest if ie' p'mw H)';-72ll aa Darvl Gtw*. ED Stanton minuticd. end has come to the Vween pi aikt 12 month ap- - almost nightly pros¬ Khrusnches » v■ <>f a few jyoinie.** there is justification for doing however, "He do not believe that am s\s. titution of and the asrwHuate and Ml TON COAT S|7f 10.IJ A-l MFRLYN GATE- knowledge between commercuD. rtccas ims' Jl - »g has "crafty# full so. In any event we will not I'Vu-e D.tmrai'ie rr- !. and profes*»r rank.* • tiiijit):■•■; 130 Ptirm# IV 4-X2i" - und a <\ *eei>: t •' ■' giH.c aid aw • any inmi- publish anyone's name Faculty members are unhapuv vern «>ver \»hct ir. «»r not it was against bis will. Crossword Puzzle 5 I LVL^l h ■■tjrrt VE |S I LL ii man act or otxt u •. dignits »f or h'»\y happy depending'in part the* arc rewarded f*»r on tfie r hL. .•en * I.ACME.v k and LORDCROV #.r»,arclm» raouoat heiet match Sire 14 RAINCOAT. Sue XL SERVICE escn me ';cv worlds hVS'T""'""'' cwscl. B intereau work. MSU teacher* wonder The \y,.» . t.« corieet the iitua- ED I-**- 22 %t bom 32 Chance •you* I Ras»! |M E N |M o PH Y t Wrier: a man has been respo Specific#! !> what Is supiNwr-d turn. Migge*!* t!»e csHiimittec. » HAL.! OWEEN PUMPKINS SMALt. 31 Maunu.n U e"" .- to be important in the univer¬ '•» evaluate ihe prxMiuctivity of. IV and m> IV for e*!ra large a.CKEO u* BN: bg.vvs #u»;e h r the vieaths of thousands N .mernus vaf'«etie» >>f aoulea Cld*' n C*> f sity and what • 51 isnit. t> t*ca«u M 3* Intsant LAS [R O.AW %»f people by eveiv known atro.- eoti- facility member #r*ia. • die mice and vegetables Fa-n> Market three mile- ea*' Road IUI.xi <» Ha.loowl r t a* i "N1 N'I TIMti.T »t- ahould we 'avc extended in faculty member is involyrd a Hilbi af artiviUes *o "? o twow one jjcrsop is required ..- ltd K l.an*n.g ..n US 14 at Okeir.— 3s N:« 14 3lwe •d Neckpiece >Myi c auch a weiixane t»' huh * l« n. • ing. research, rowfrrcnce partirl- teach¬ \.'v. involved s;iv* the .n ■ cveiy I LANi'Nc .* th«» welwune committee orderly «t Braai uvctmgru'•;« with I* Jtp flal-boi- ^Pliv.A TMbLA Tl «Hir actual feeUnge' If we a..i>w paUun ruusultatton. igrrrh- !>o what you d?> ly^sl, what you LAY AWAY SALI meeaare LBc R l t for this wit • the idea making devclaping and partin- Lkc most, and 1m' confident that Tv A' . ' N J 'A lomed tvut we —..gnt . . It Aula 41 Hlat.j!) v. C> ilutRT i ON n a v e pcctwnpUiUied aiMuething, nation in radio and televiaton excellence in otic or two field* Save SAVI *« TIMC MONIY SMARTA-N X"'- - :r: ahe'.ier* advising •{ endeavor will It Ctr.am i> r Jt roABsj'Ttrrvr did we ac.h.eve anytlusig" and enrol- . • be rewarded v. WEAK »v TEA*. Jwluiwn I' has been sad work, and The uasu or ideal m«*J;*l c.ointittvrd »'••*• qmhoi 44 Seed »•» |ridj|'» I'ujiIs ThS |h Twt TiWt OP 3£A5 ecosumuiA ionra.T Mr* «- ' wni travel. whi* ghouid be encouraged • 'tie •?;. p, -eve* tt Ctw iriui (Mtrmn be the. docm.ng tactoi to ># , (or aaiornuttiONii J; Of the DOWN 14 Near ^ Au UV-TE Tw3 >£ The faculty man wants vie teacncr-Mhoiar \ y; * ,».*#• U'v* 44 Affirm#..»e • r:y aucvess of tiw iXHnn m;.>' to . ivontO 41 Tea 1 Niuv* 11 S*ee( WATfX!wPVi%'AfOTRcH;q y^allenge to jwace I)..i anv of know which one of these Uungs qu' fr»« a>agp. U AlllCIVt drmk IWAT fCR MAltOrt tN he U *upp*»>e ♦ •' h.gher po»r.t 2 S.ng.vi i*ur poiiUcai acti.evoment* match scheduled so scholarly • natoe 44 Mir.rf which one pursuits NO CMA*&C 40* QMO'T AT after S3) »» b.rvl 12 rear* '.he ecxtfuxmu 'progrc-.» that is g«ung to get him 23 Hating sod achieyrmrut are not sacri¬ «a V.vCo promoted ' 4** often at*-# -Wilun 3 BcftaiJ mWnaplr Kiirushrhev dui.ng ho v.*.' The committee say* ficed to other types of academic W. H. Thompion, Our TYPING •)#« IBM I - IV'4rr *. - ' ' am#!! 4 C»rry *>lh 1* Cotutel'a* made for h.s c«>un?ry* Shou.d "Some brieve the moat ht»tice- ream leaibdd • ' V* Pa m i > duties. - n Pr.K'.p st r J 5 OUc»il lian an American tnt.zen vy ith mK able basis for reward is jKibli- Jewelers •.l.termr •tderatum «•#• of > * ' Jt U Jwd.c.a; 10 PrMutn|ni ideals oti»er\« Ui.s ca'.iofi If this Is true, the person Academic IV V-QI4* ( Jere W (MH'tV ED ;. , 27 r*3(r« wiin such rank, tf it is ;o » L— Cor.trfeLct writ 4 Re-) k.«na yxanp.icencv * who trie* h> fill tie many de¬ "have anv Barker n Mjuo. IS Ten acres 21 BaktaiM mand* nude by his conscience meaning, should be J M O'.nfcrred tl talangi n 34 e 24 Wild Jim WIImr only vqwh those who TV AND RAD' ! ' Hold.nf .-f ^ and hi* administrative Sow rate* t« e' * (Lmer + + + nupervor* engage us ntairucUon or research _ v»|tii bettor tarda ueed T V gr» a > * ' at br > Oi .mul 2t L'n.UaZ by decreasing the number of h;* on one of the unite* of *hc uni¬ tube tiie.ki.rig tree * * , «lje cammaryUer :t Unit chili Hon. I.HM'mIS new publications condemn* hiT- versity devoted '.<* these pui - «.»ud REEF .»r AND POHK t*Ms>n;«rctal -a# Uhmce !* J032 on I dad* MicBtgac TX i'« ;- ' *>* T *eif to law reward# * g(«d#> Cut ■ F?~ T" 7" n T T- TT — -r 30 Gr tciwr 1'ullnl In Id JHMM4- {v.r«no*d 'tot ##e and #«c X*lt abuut Food Pro- - LEARN TO F'. V • ' M 1 1 1 - 33 Auxiliary vetk 34 KGnd ->f T« (be Miui Michigan Stale News OX TTuee muet nt ft on "sUE Abbot Road P^ ' ' ^ U MP" bird ROUSING Bf-ACX ' ' I'- " MH ? a] If one cocyv .jers let'ers to Term r f*"-. 33. Wtar olt Uv« 341 4'ooeiu Ptv^ -v ■ 77" editor an md.cJ' ki of the exist¬ kill ksnstn* VftchiCii* fO* l(NT ttl ~ C5 r T 34 Wauden hammer ence a'.uder .;x;uor. on any • tPub!tnS*d fsj. wmtor »n ruo «l0»s UomM. slid spring irkro«-gh iKiv Indutiv# aur weekly dunn* nunowr term# #»d # :-g * TVP1ST ANN RR-" ' " T' special TWO REDROOMS OR EMetrw • iU /•i n-r JT — 3J tnleUeclua! matter, it n.ust b* said that *• frpsh:»y«n oewe inrtssef. gumioec cond c«a#e omtism wndar u»e act of M#rtt> X fail trrr * |'.r,teteyt room and one ttudw romn one for one bed- aoeie and vn«*»* » " ~~~ 34 MSC is suffering an exteivdey! t#-l Lanvng Mwti l«;» #•. in# pL.»t aifioc #&• term 43. for two not smi IV :-4<«3 and frying oan AM if out of town a not n say, seems to t^ i vf the InUnd Daily IVcs* A**-.* iaa.ed IF 44 Maple Pre## and lb# ,T« rw 1 43 CkU turn ul ftnut ahnoat cumpicteiy barren of iu- Cahoglaie Prew Rt VGAl-OW LNFlTtMXH ije* ED 3-4973 ai 2 id It o**"1 ' Sr P TT te'.ieotual THRFF room# and hath, full fa KTXXT OA Vis the f .wt rebeljousne.** hke XifW sports rawer tnent Aia» 44 A* it r can fH HiMNdoasx- What happenml Maia Vatew# t areiya four roua PW- ID t-H" during the ; aiMrlntent IV 9-3u71 id Bp 57 ewr c* THE nweMNMiv» tograyrt* PUI LAUNOC"' 1 itaitdt mui aununer that made iallaKao. MICKS the UberaLs rhork koe.aiei. J«#s ViMeo 4t. Animal' ~ H.TH K* who A*ARTM(NTS Pij Mf Of TOW — 9T fyHigfst cxxupulaarjr ROTC :*_j S '' tU 5T ui ■ 1c E* incloaur* SI Larye body List swing forget how to write? Have a'.l of you office C.regor Uarkmom Maaaaar lUffcrsm «Ueager* pee WUseo Waaa«er Note* Nam Mioes Mac- NORTH HOMFJt FURNISHED airartnyynt Three r.>o«n* and bath MOP OP# W» )!-' U< n guy* graduated? $* ft* fir.jXes ' of water: ■Had Miaaaer i Private »' Or have >ou a!! been drafted? i saw. Sandra i Porta frandoc parking One blorfc fnm IV 9-P iH abbr. Vol Befall Manager ws snciAuzi |S TT - — ai 7T If >ou :e still A hntul I 54 State » ho«e here and haven't " ~ i »aid National Advertising Manager MEN «TUDEVr*.'cRipfp'~mt~Z*r XfS fO* iTuwtb capital ta anything about five mom furnubed W anything Malt kiljj Atlanta, yet. just keep it up — you're again rUsatfted Maaager. ....... Mary ftae i.>.«,«?T>rated. 9-31*1 or ED Garage awartment. new- or narking IV- rv t» _ ahbr on 2-39B3 or ED 7-«3gft. U the way to becoming good Ass* «ti citizens Mr Lavtcka Mem ATTRACTIVE one TWO BEDROOM VYANtED tondry vnttumi Manager Mock from iwrnous S-oT- . Bay fraM MlfHIGAV STATU NEWS [o-43 Pints of Blood 'Ri gree Bachelor « PLKENLVT IIIRI.W degree (Ml MaMer* (Hi Hociom Where no de¬ h indicated, all degree levels are eligible In interview. Elr/thanl Sluills .Voir IHsftlciSfcl Heavy Snows, Hoods Strike U. P. fh tober 36.1!)i» Fa«« Three Drive Quota IMPIOVIRH IOI.LOH|\n MAJOR* a- In Musi'iim >tlcrs 'ieneral M #tor fHTORI R 27 1% A lb-i+nii,<-r 2». 79M Ac March fi r 9 I ' Trto n* Winter INF AlLlKlUMl I'RtM roared into .Mgaunee and eight inches Triii riffle Mr > •'ht- t i'-- U T«;» * ..'.t. A- fjevsgn, Mrs'ii mile*, an hour knocked down Michigan were ieolated from a' Marquette which also got V., were drain- hiprr.ii Pi., Ki, ( omputcr Dessgn phartf-. 'his ig -i Afnca hi d f.-.-e inches of rain for trees and utility line* rommuniration ■- Aloha Konlr,- p • r.'-.rv %{St' fudents and Pi Kaon* Phi A IVvelopment Nam w. fj, >u a hunting Heavy wet rontrihuted lir.v.r.g ca-ited **■* The U S Weather Bureau I". -v,p week *lons I >«• 11 ;i Crinilt.r, •-r.ii w.tr. h. '•VI, t.-ar wiri anew flr-lta siff,.,a p. A» f i.fun- c a;t»r« ' H 1 as fol- to the damage. Michigan Bell coUy River lo overt uw it* a* > immediate rei.ef. had been *i't f'hi Mti Alo' icraftdn'.!. I)„-a I Thr-v hun'r-f" ■ » A s. p r. u i t r HuaD f«..'h *.',d ,-Mrne;a- Phi fiap.fr>* ri.- > T ainc« or Feed Sale. rw*»t* > h. A .-nal Hu-o 1"' Beef or, I he two huge ekulU mea«lire a ill mutton* |Mntor P».i Delta T» »-a more than five teri in length going Moody with our Joyco - Ph. Karma T * P-.ra Trainee. Feci Saioa, W[ ' drive an- . of the Phi Kaooa P lives'... IlljWf Ag Fa' 1.1 with the Afriran elephant wknil Thrl.t t m being larger than the Indian , tan »t t.air.Mia < * A 'or B*t-f. fork or Oil Msli # , frolernltt. managed Kant'* sir- .. .. T i ritt Agr'-n pi tor Agrt. elephant ok till toggle boot it a must on ony Zu 1"«» i~rrrnX 01 ii% . s* <' Mill Trains-; A U'- > ' •' ■- .!.U re*e 1 tphtp . ... , Mfii ' .• I Mi. r - J»r ■ i ry-. ri*- v • « k ;. ■ compui tbt tolleit. lightett- ".a.-P* lrd ''! ";'F.t : C'rofc. Horticultnre ;»;* r *; '• »r a vfc' .it ■ •siit-ir perfert at; ; ' • • : v.-e ' ■ i •V for Sale* hard-prc~i- d Aloha O r. AlfPn PrniUif P' V s. .Wife t. » .*.• gathei -g stepping god-o-boet to over with 8.3 pcr- Air. a PI. or iohi i: r in iv.s • a-, t > -g. ai T.a'er.a v fhm. r.M P Me-'* ... „ cfMi'y division. Aliihn Del'« P Del';, f, ... A '• ■ 'i-techi.,..:*'. major# 'BI -if - >-ea al 1 i»r ft . ..n If bop-slip from closs lo doss. ?»" *»» H»»n . i»a; fie-, o-.m- A Mareri gra Is I''-*.- ' it.u-euni u - Kaifia K.it.tiji r. . . w trnphirs in Ihelr Dell* Del';. D- •. Kanna Aloha 1>-e** •. .» • e«*e-j >n Ss»i*H. antsians hs «ln- fi«.'t . v. - i- Eng." fo Ti A IJ A rL |h, third lima In • " :IEDS| Tue» Til llomrr a.rmi>'"> arrr-hl » Kiper* the ralltiri h.l. Mh»» if- :e-r*a- \ A ' Mar. n }'. -P. Ml grant, a or- ' D". only) ft»r WINTERIZE tmii t \Sh g> ft | a ihr »»k • net re- !• .IT A Marketing March FOUR CAR NOW! eh > ndit „,l, u. m.rh «f It ! **<- »--• -i in fo- Sale*- • Tut*-" T«l •*»«•«• AT. LSI} ,h, nrn'a d.rmiurs ■Cf I-o.T, C'.vh 'P.. • I ufyrir a ta emango oil • rr»n* r i hu' fj ' - A- 1 E- g M-erv A • C**c* batt*ry M»Meet. Engrs • Cmee* tooling if|i«m S'prorstv - me .-'.t;.' r.. {fifir;. r. to'alcd tir> for Sja- 1. Appren' i<*e- • InataU arti odded bonus, new odjustabU Indr:ai -p. A i;.e- • Adjut* bcaoaa co-op ilM- • *»or«t« tlroa F.ng- f vf variw t.v|>e« • C'*«" ihi poife* car velcro closure with sure-tick ,,•* srfinfin'd !>v • Protat* a i th'of# > • ja, national The Del T-ik#- ihiv frlendl* rrffliniirr grip mi bigtr-Kck releoie. is. in 'mir Inim u* and dnn'l let the • of Sn-t-Caps first frrrif rafrh >ou rolil' block o» -3d oofs plutk pigi .■ mMTifc* U-ague." FALL TERM Bp iorr to drop In *non to BUDS irish tenet brvsligtov*. C.H GRADUATES (S3 humanities outlines SERVICE . Mill" Tutor Service if now offer r.»' < : • }.; uni-f . in Hpmaititp e- .■ •: • • ' %|irhi- 639 | . Grand River i_ *ui* Th» n.udmg4 iiavt- tn-»'?i *r»• [i-!... r. »s..; ..p-t-d;. review fUe-h • r ? - '♦.><- \ order your j'u.'.t bav been prepareft !»»i • . *. • • ■ n ■ !-•■ l.-aer No 24:. No 242. N« 2U commencement latlinr No. L'll includes: icydidev • ;H.mn-Nian Var I'bto • %n*totle announcements f"•FDii'h. Arlalotle. !'• l'ol»t»iu* rant Aurriiuh; Thnuahti 1 h» st. AugUNtinr. < Tacitus f M Nut imtine Ham monday -• thursday |i - ' i irem. I j\ • Order* arc now iifiiit »rr#-|»ied ti% the MILLS U TOIt SFRMd; NiUTIIKKN MKTIIODIST lAIVFIMIA IM»\ liU I X^ Union Book Store FACTS ABOUT YOUR LUCKY STRIKE presents a I FUTURE ^QA/v^/cf/lOOu: on. enooo'B moral oe tmi month nJlifr ntudrntt t'du\ do noI CniH4 the mmmng nf (A. uord "adiffity " Thoxi uho do a rr just a handjui of hntfiithmojon. Dee' Dr Freed h.n» van I b ( »•- r.usOand w»!hti>it mavina hrm Fjppv f/vj ■' -Spt'tate Deer Prof's Spouse: Leu** » n**1*" ing )ou'U b« hm k. Or. FrMd. en. T.T. Dear Or. Fraarf; Djf library w fufl of Hnoking" wgns. vv-*n I want a • no Locky, I have togoouivkIc. h this right? DR. FROOD Tf US WHO MOU>S i ur# HIS ClOARtTJt HOW I M-f Xf ef h iftAe 1 Dear Feriaef It'* awm*rom Bd think |V -s * rflevK-i* .l'f&ecaf«i" t u4 the pse «ueH nhn f> ealad* eal) to Send For Tim Todej • u» ^TW\I 't> 'car y arnw a u* n ap* « ~ T'« Dear Or- Fraad b" ■» are aUa.i whhw ' fr«.mr>9 fo» Cft* 9*ept if* campus, I wore a poio t ■La ^ ^ 'if v'-*1 '• V iiu-.g at me IX> you Uunk m> ciutlid 1*9* O adxi'»i It ro* fc* ^v*n !•'* f nglrvh boi>b> cji* cam «• -• . t'*'«f?* r k" * * are too Mug? #1 Otf'i-n* ®| fBy' !«»»'•' I ewe a racvoon coat. I'm / * f we •!*»>* u pr-uL cue t evcfr1 -up'rluf** j'"*« Wr#f Pvti'< *#»*<# 90 Kar s *t•«. How come? (MMii'f tmeeie fe«r Perk Piatt. fs©» ?)5«'ur opportunity to learn atn ui your future m a repulty po»in| Wfojiahly, irrevocably io love w iti- w waApug. How cm I idl her? MORE LUCKIES THAN nxr.punj »hk-h is a l.-uUcr in out of today's most dynamic iOdmtnei- — ANY OTHER REGULAR! The electric anj jui utility unpaua arc.amoaj the most tepidly omTHo WwUvwMeUneai priming industries in the country, and there » esery indication that When it comes to choosing their refuUf smoke, I'uhlh. Scrv.cc'% unit ulec of electricity anJ fat tcili increase by 100 per ;«!»•' college students heed fight lor line tobecco cent in the net! ten years. Tho a m>«c than mice as great at the pre¬ Result . Lucky Strike tops every other regular IK* «*» | ■an-o-o^a wh» I Uaten to HupuJ sold. Lucky * teste beets ell the rest dicted groatb in the (iro*> National Product during this period. f*0b« or | I UB CC's""* L.S /M E.T.—Lucky Strike meens line tobecco This means one thing to you opportunity' So kiok for the Public s *bet«M r*>?~ . iruom'i Service man the neat time he it oh yout campus. , TOBACCO AND TASTE TOO EWE TO FILTER! euoiic SESVICt tUCTRIC AND GAS COMAANY mwui i, mw jam —— jy^ny^jSLlkiRi T^m^m^-XAt^kmfmddUwrnm A W! October ?«.1MB MICHIGAN RTATF VFWR Fa ee Four Heron Sets Scoring Record Harriers i Crisler Rejects AFL Post Clobber ANN AKBOR .n,- hoi' shots in 'he fourth ( \lll M s 7Or KIDDICM Joe defense sparked the win aftci to nlav this year. Reynolds, w;, .,i have hud the Job for the askin : |,A«T a scoreless first ha'f. hiumi; the Mr i ■ Olrinr, recently moved In i !§•»'! w in»; Klon ttofh- State, 2! -10. p. He clt I not-give Htiv reason- . FIRST SHOW 7 I'.M. his derision C'risler. athlete S »artah- a 2-0 record in Mel fr-«»n i defensive ha If buck pot r'-.- Hoosiei ' lone meet Oil the i f -r urst Soccer Conference play and • .i • ' 'Viii ' on tin* forward oal villi the Spartan- ahead. WAaii- ■ -j- J t- i, director at the University ot line, tallnd first earlv in the JTolf Course t a a-1 season m.1rk * •* ' ' V— 4 Michigan for Itt years, was not State's und.!, available for furthei pumim",' Heron's second four-toil out¬ third quarter. mitmaneuverim; State Con. M ii Keonev .'re¬ •„! 3- c and add a \ i( • put of the year gate the sopho¬ the I" nana fulllwek and netting dd. tii i\« torwand line Rif^^oy -.1 . U 4 League source* said Printer , , Old tt.iek for heh'in. Heron previous l-o H Mas offered a flve-vear contract • • » r. i each hi* nvorti *corirm |H»r- i at fNfl.Olin annual!*. an attrac¬ tive Insurance piilin paid for Lions (.(if)itolize on Breaks Tormu nec Kennedy, yards, had i. 11 lit Ihe league plus other Im¬ "Me cmililut eel iniill in the which cstar.: i> t portant fringe benefits. One y»ur!f eour*. p. I.OS ANfJF.I.F.S -V> The .to eriif'.neer the victory Morrill rlirk !>• rover Ins- sal.n% for five Mrrilrr .iiul Date I hrMIe diil 2*",-41 1 Detroit t.iojjv Sunday cashed -i repl.li rd 'he rogultl QH. Tub. I \ ears, and that I lie franchise enrrllritt Joli* uf wrttins llrrmi The N',I, on three break- to upset the H .'e The big l.ion defense , balked t owners Dw Antpl.- Ham.-. 17-7 an I trnr»P- -t.'ppeit 'he Ham running tip. I |tri •'« plated one of his •shMl fourth win their first game of the Na¬ ati.f k aim. t mid hc%| l ime* " Spartan-' |jor. tional! Football lasiKUe e.rt.- H.ilfb/k Jon Arnett rontrib- ning rhtrd urr Si li C play the CIECifci.y If <• mile mark 1. JMUi'l ittcd the moat .sensational run of PboIii Bv Al B«vre in 27 0i! Th A hiirh'.v disappointed er.nvl Hie name for 101 yards - Male Aon nullified by a I rip- siie .ri t tit- reti'i byword. M>r (lOAI.Ii; Noel Draco *ucce**fully stops a c«al attempt wen', to S'« v NOW Thru WEI). of 74.2HH -aw the Linn- tUii but wa - lb run h.v Indiana hooter, l ater in Ihe came Ihe Hoo%ier nquad kick¬ 27:00 aiul D ? Feature at I:lh. 5:15. one fumble and two jki- ■. mi.- - pin;; penalty lefefixetiirn an , . . Kenri. -as hi¬ 27 04 Detroit scored field goal ed one home for a wcore hut lost Ihe came 5-1. 5:15. 7:2». 9:2» p.m. rcptions into touchdown* -nee.- a • me of the pl.tve.i re than enoiiifh to uiwnd the heav¬ and i', fir ' touchdown in the ii halfback- MSI* then pmrerdr^ „| .br. ,»y KtljietL2f>-12~ ir.ii-in Ihe She was his lover... ily fav .red Han second quarter a lib added 1'. t»- Mt'K-'in Ml <1 d' rye next five trior.,, thfJ iin.ithei 'ouehdown in the final which rnunted in (Juarterbaek F-irl M o t V a ' 1 for .Mifodn- , but was Sf|..-! rrnsx ronntr>. fi\* went aill the win for Detroit quarter n!rn she h'S ain't* team \ aliaiil Lushwell Upset " two re. *eor», lltl, , Ttu havetwi eon see 11- I,,./] • model Imt to th, p|jr,. II,, I j«st Tilth's live h • i U.'iriU'■- on I he fol- in*. era MSI un for the soph1.1 I oren • Tab Hunter w a in.; Satup',a\s with MSC op¬ In surtti " world "Til % I" KIND OF WOMAN* : Toda) —— ponent- titer; ei.»M- with I'd'-- Bv Crooked Politicians LYNLEY;HENBEIO CROSBY famous 2:55 - S:15 - 9:55 Jerry Youn I ui'itb in ■« roa.i iiaine Shirley seventh wa < painting Mat-lainr 27:10 ."The Ton* I'i-i kin- Tony s ■ plfiwft LUC0N Rv .. M'TIIFP. D. %RDf 9RR (Ion folJoW(Mi Naked Maja"? Till I Hi 91ATCHM AKFIt 4:4l) • *.10 NFL Standings KAST Af'ftKS ft*LP»—Lushwell AC, lonr known a* the place, but ri : ; . n . leiuier in football and the champion of all colleiriate sport.*, MSU's aeorsn,- SHOWN AT *-30 ONLY I'nnbrfMf The be.-! !'■• • AMI STARTS TUMOR ROW • 2 Clt HAT IIITS! \rw \«rk w i i i r fiw of « •)'» was upset by an obscure team named .Student flox-ern- romp up w ' WTSTIRN THRILLS ( l. »« l oi.l ment Saturday.v'ue to an unforeseen circumstance—the men was 10'> • I'h.Udrliihlt I'lllshiOth politicians practiced.' to Herman \V \% ohiniiixi plav - -a-ill remain secret, as the Ntlany U'»n I I II *(•> I »uU K/iiff i bv the -light margin of r* !.t;riar.s refu-ed to divulge Johnson and v 2'M2. the Lushes marie a valiant ■ lb »lrrn ( i»tif«-rrnrr name-, bu! on*- was believed to and try to topple the Stooge-, bu! 12th p t» i I r b»- someone nameri Johnny Uni- : t t iri the half when 27 51 and 2>i and another by a famsliar- •spartan Inarh Stupt I f Jooiiernul put m a series Iran fri AVA ANTHONY hfiking player named Dean I «- %mt« • f player- believe-! in th« pro¬ though these claims have called It a gootl t ir»- df»i»tJ GARDNErFMNCIOSA Id l inii i ( hl« **.• Ilr jr. tap 7) le' -jonals Walt 11 want my name in th«' 1 not .-to*, tx-en venfied The legality had burking weather the runner* Tlx- | id the touchdowns ha# not been The five-mile race u TtOMMCOtOft* paper" Squire, coach of Lush- n« prove*!, either. run at M>t but will .1 well. ha- thi1- 1" say. "They Pay More! What For! cheated" The athletic director. Lushwell lei the way In scor¬ ing ami wa- ahead bv a I2-fi again for the |urr»l 2nd (tiaiil Atlrarlion! Hi!! "I'm exhausted" Callahan, wrr at one time amt tied 12-12 in two week*, according u | rich. SIIOWX AT 7 .V III: 10 was unable to speak, having »' 'he half However. am<*» rec- The third STARTS Wi n. • failed asleep on the sideline# p"e 'i a rj ONE GUESS WHO ENOS UP omi-nalf siffieial - were all AUSO Moorhen i w - a TEACHING WHO WHAT! . l.yshwrll't t«o macnificrnt players. Lushwell was unaole to trig Engelbr i < WED! vorinc platt were both on pa»«- vssre in the second half. winner for pt • . •, i ts from John "b Block Lush l.'i-he-. Ui.k'vf bv the exotic had had at; K SITKIt • watching?" Schneider, one to mend** - «»f Block, Iaish. left a ahead of M e inm.MN imv! Hen "I'm a hern" Rums and the gloating Stupid (;«-»i»«nr.iir team final atretc' .• other to Rill "If* ray turn, show- with tfils reminder. "Wait* till M'«orhe»d aur,«' ■ * off" I'aulrne. next year'" and tiien mumbled Following 12" Stupid Goobwnuf* scoring something atx>ut practicing. were penn S*;. < MSU's Jack - Jim Horan. !• TOMY RANDALL MichigM State UahranHy .Tone . Bill Brtfdenbvci. MSI' / j | TtiEtAMBITtH; i - -■cinun atfeuaata mo mm F0REI6N FNJ SERIES IM Scheduk prnrnl. • tOOYHMt prartu- i eid • M r abaw *-m Initio'* C,rmte*t Film Ml » Ahi* ;•* a I* V* kh «w » '• ■ 51 W Nh«» - I NEW! INSTANT! Ml » « W kbae J-t "PATHER PANCNALI" t r,urh I let* itol mia witn.colU walai C M W SHMS S-14 BOAT NECK 1:25 lUUes 1- At last! A breakfast drink "v "n / Winner of SWEATERS . (.rand l*ri\ C annes Kilm le*>li«al ThaBad-MorAga • c.olden Late Vwards San FrnnciKo Internat* I eslital you can keep in your room ('hamuli • Oxford While Special Award - • Kdinburgh lilm Fotival "Th# fine#* fraturm^ CaiaaUy Thaaba rMrM iNMii SMITH-J M KM IV Mor* vitamin C than oranga |uica. New m-t.int TANG i. tit? brcakfa«t ONLY S8J6 JACK BR %l V tinnk y.hi i'.ttt kit p rtt;hl mi your t*Ji>KdlcI(—l>utau»c TANG kyrp. any'- /.mi Koiilrhrk'n Mob., Tms. • Oat. 26127 BOBBY STIUN* vtlu rt' tviibimt rt'lrikctatimt. HARRIS JAC RSOS Maka aa much aa you want, tvlunrver yint Want. Ju.t mix Willi plant cold VARSITY SHOP 7 and 9 P.M. THE VALL.%D1I.RA 22S Abbott Rd. plaa man* etken watt t notlnnc to squtryr, tkitltitik to unlrtx-zc. Raht Lan*i*ir. Mich. Ailmi.xion:. SOr IY24 Dflnh TANO avary morning and set more vitamin C than or.tma- or t.ia|v it tat juice cm- yon, 1'lus Mtamin A. Ta.tc- real Rt**l. U«i. Today , aaaignmant: net TANti! [ ONE HOUR DRY CLEANING SERVICE! OUR COMPLETE SERVICE INQLOOES: * * X'ATKRPROOFING ALTERATIONS ONE HOUR * Tl XFIMl RENTAL * S1IIKT LAUNPRY .Mi AOOfTON, WE OFFER: * DISCOUNT CARDS MARTINIZIN6 * FREE PARKING AT REAR OUAMA If Tgf P S! ■I * GUARANTEED QUALITY SERVICE... .ALWAYS! I Sttuattunrand (.< lit*, li* our two umpu. ch»Ktn, Addtrv: TANG Collect C«ttnt. Itept.GRM. I\«t Div,«„n. BattW Mataaavica.uMr pticaa * ^ ( (iriwrc). UtM ttlau to TANG. WiUp>ylS6k(cvwy«u>'uwd. Creek. Mxhi^n. tEntm mux be pu»uuvkcd hctor, Ikv, 1 j, laau.) :?s'it«tifH3-!t.» r; . 111; 111 n 11 J ■ f: #t ♦: *' 1 • •' * * * -. ' ■ • ■ • ''V11 .Winifiirfiini.iL' (Hauls ire Solr .Million* of ikmeririM now wear ointart |en«e* for normal idders Defeat Indiana, 14-6 . .. » with natural rood look* State vi*ion U'tulvrs of NFL "fhe ton tart keener \»*inn len* wearer ran now »tiior wider field of . . vision £ Pittsburgh vr»; r.< fV - fif'IOMI TltlHl mirgh S'reler-. nr. a gallant U*'- f randor I enter f .an«inc Mietilgan g - o line s'.'ir.d. l\anhoe i-|7,ol Big 10 Standings W I ft- Of W.*the 'e cl'K-k runn.r.; Krr«;e K'autner " gr %>.<.* d o > ' . ' ■ ■' I' i f' i i. I .» *»r>o'''l h-'il! 0 ./'«• \T-.r *f.rHt«*»ier« : 1 » P. IT Mil IH». %v HTtfl • I « U -/!. on the fi.ar.t It! Th" S'<- f urtHfd H Im on-iin I -*»—17 Pi •»' ."..tile fr.ii/ •'.»*)• a' ' < Illtr.nl. '!<»!;•» rbidpr* »' \ ■«. V . * Une .rat T rr Tra L !r- Homo- I'nMur Indian. i o n »<« ;* tilling'.' -Mh a t» »i i.iV l)f*- Ohio «Hi Mlihlfin i ■ A Pf.r" of a fa'»• r. of. * ••• MazC^numan fowa . : a 7« «n. • i rto-i noirtfi I he drue i« contained hv the *»|».ir- "KEWPEE'S" • on .» hall fumI.h- I t , , , |I ir. Il'cl. I.?', i ihei halted Irifjioit within lnrlir« of the ' "51 on I hi- \I *1 ■ ,i,i I l«l .!< the fourth , <» »l tine W.I* I tall (her (.ual I,inc.' C A F E T E RIA ■ Id \N IDEAL PLACE TO EAT — T\ TOO (loach Claims T!) Try Good fl l Wr# tr-» n \ WO' tfM . Ill VMIIIMIir * . 1 (t.||. t..tfd : the mrokin li time* ami «inert ?l sard* lie al*o «natrh- ij SiMir in lli#* ICitflit IMmTioii ;! e«t « look aerial for In iird« uhlrh went for a tourhrloun II \MC( I I hi* f»r*t of {mo tl'POIVI MKM * At All, till.I I«i.rhtl more than a i the an rr< half Mate* the overrrl llooMer an true In the room 1J |f h !,• liufi 11, f»« si "tatistlr •'•'ta. - sNTpfMirterl otmrntnt th' lltlt llalln.ii Vtf* refern-rl to th. l» MSU Barbel Shop 0Ul|e uer rssi i tor on iff).- l«» coinr up •■!(. , otl *how tto* v toai that . 'mi . ii' |i. CIVL YOUR CAR !m *1 \f -Setl |»a»or l« I au Sre a in nnttr- a earof no . I II 2-IKIO | Hunt ourter it f.Mik juni ju»' nms nlai* on t«« Ills 4 It f lit io A "BRAKE" it4 arir. ill H«m iis lo iiuarier ,w.v.v.v.v.v.v.v^.-.v.v/.v.*.v.,.v.vav^av.v.v itrf« for the *eto»«l s12" |TI» \tur. Kranifsfaffer > » »\oi ll-i point to Util e *lill. kriiloil • :?c lihtkefcZ'c?!' [•( ^ l-us!i. Interlude a<* y* Hi* I IIMI'I t il mt\kf. 1 l») . • e * t » o. • «ef' ItKI.IMM. \ ! Andres Pick of the Week n "\\e should ha often h»- frit ft in the first final Iii. lll.lfs Ktlmr Here « another top reeordin/ from %n»lre « .iml tnalrri.il* — M JP V - fffimplete teiertlon of iHlening pleasure 1hl« rerorUmc eomhtne* the nrb avaeap of a rna«*ed I'll !'! H# • *• . - ■ a« o# ftrtmr oreheatra the atrencth of a full tromhoor ehoir and no r\lr;.» uf itan Kenton altoaiether fur THE the a brilliant "Lu*h Interlude piano ; I :■», - «fi BACHELORS Pri-sen? (hatu/Hoii Ji.'l In I rn.ii I—|.il..l ... lira he lie liners • if pi at MODEL'N "«»« Mi¬ WCnui-i Nil klM.*IO\ llhu ni * : •!. I- • « iaf'4»"' * : i a U-, , ■ A VCIDEHAIL I'l.K I 2010 t. KM.\>I\/IM» n'i.»-r »r*J «.*•!<: -• o \fl I lo "llrrr tt r l.n \g.iui" 1 ' f-, r1! V> .» . IV 44649 Musir for '* - if \i~ »- »o mf*: '. .'I • . Kit J-111 : i.r 1 11 i ill Mertffi »r Mott.tyrdl buckA ' . iluntirrth ut l.l'* ..... Now i*nt> ■ £ Cordory Suits . ■ ''e L ".~i w * 1 '« •* * it 17 - Khi okin.it... 11; 1 / t.m 11 >s i111 a "\raleil interest" ANDRES .127 V WSIIIM.TON IN 0.'>I2S V fiisliion leader eordort anil with maleliiiie te*l . . . tliiil"-* ret er*ahle. Ill iintelo|ie and »reeii. rf - ti'W , , *»U.M»v to*. tJ7 eoni|dele M •'""H • -Tl ll I /»' Iit4ia«« lark ^ i^on f«„. MOW SMP J I • h«ur R«ui. br Irwlilion al michisun Male" —c— \ lil i; • »ffk • . i The Tog Shoo • IS'Mllh ■ ' | N HrrriMMI | t'l i-1117 l.ritl.S TIIK.tTKR III.W0 — KAST UANHINCi jNij 1 ■M .V ft MICHIGAN ST*?r Smiles Prevail As Medieval Homes Discussed October 26.1939 There is nothing that tells on the ground floor which were members of the more about people than their rented out to EYE HI-LI K Leaves Romania houses, said Dr. Urban Holmes visiting professor, division of working class. The maih room, or family MOSCOW pl'i — Premtor Xikita Khrushchev returned language and Literature Thurs¬ room, was the center of living. Sunday fruni a surprise trip to Roninnui, apparently re¬ day night in the Music Aud. At one end was the fireplace by which heated and lighted the freshed and ready for important cohl war policy state¬ In a lecture about medieval and possibly was used for ments when Parliament opens this week. dwellings. Dr. Holmes told of room cooking, said Holmes. Dr. Joseph B. Ct his recent visits to England. France has the largest num¬ His previously prevn unannounced France and Italy to view 12th friendly and cordial talks T:i«< ber of 12th and 13th century v. t«>" Rom.inia was ■v. said and 13th century homes. town houses but the govern¬ Oupxtlon* o, i -.to >!par*'.vacation by Kv route home frotn Rurhnr- the ofiicial nrws agency. The homes of the wealthier ment is careless about their pre¬ about fjr . * Khrushchev radioed thanks clam, said Holmes, have shops servation. , premier has been on the to his Romanian hosts. problem* . '•v et constantly since hi* will be 1 . \i*:t. H MONTH END CLEARANCE anowereit Khrushchev'* l.i*t fffwrtril • n'dir •> rnsaccincnt in Mnsrnw Oct. Hi. *h»rllv after hi* Graduate bv Dr. J (intteln in h SALE t return from Itril China and .» Ihl* rnlumn barnstorming tour of Sihert.i. Ilr flew to Romania Oct. 19 at invitation of the the Romanian Fellowships every Mondjx "r J h S'ltrn graduate schools re¬ government . OWon: quire that applicant* for ad- Al.l. WOOl, SKIRTS Question: llou long hi $5.90 He toured the Romanian ni-sion take these graduate re¬ .untrvM-ie accompanied by por- cords examinations, the results toel lense* i,rPn Rotular lo 17.9S r Plaid.* & Solid* •\ leader Georgho Gheorgm- of which arc considered along Male News Photo hv dob (lirslum TIMING A SNEAKY FLAY for student Gov¬ The Politicians won a crooked derision tf-12. Answer: As w punk t,f premier C'hivu Stoica and with other documents in sup¬ President Ion Ghoorghe Mauror. port of the application An in¬ ernment i* Fd Reuling; being pursued by l.u*hrs Saturday. Sec story on Page 4. CREW NECK LONG SLEEVE contact ler. . . v.f' led by IVtc "He's too slippery for men" Walter*. known for Moscow radio said there were creasing number of donors ••? \ Ik* .1s well ?h 1 e "took place in an exccp- thmallv wann and cordial at- as sightseeing nnd graduate quire this test. The ORK fellowships test* also offered re¬ in Union Discusses (lomnmnisui SLIPOVER SWEATERS Iff ; Shetland Wool-Full Fashioned / Regular tO.98 $5.90 They Sir that were John F 1827. Hov , H'T Leftiiiif i),v •1 tvpherc." the<»* nationwide programs in¬ 100', BOTANY WOOL down the Debaters Battle Catabridge • I„tst nigh! Romanian Commu- clude a test of ceneral scholas¬ . ,. v.-t and K.ive .. banquet for Khrushchev ., whtch government leader* there flgmn were tic texts ferent ability and advance of achievement in 10 dif¬ subject matter level fields. The 11th Annual Internal emit 1 LONG SLEEVE SUPOYEIt SWEATEIt Resular 5.9* $4.90 on which based. ■ Candidates are permitted 'o plan* a future in journalism or sftute of International Educa¬ Question llow inn Debate will be held Tuesday politics. • tion and the British teams from 100' BOTANY WOOL able t<» take the Aptitude Test and/.or writ $5.90 rnnUft of the Advanced tests. night at 8 in the Union Ball¬ Warren Kvafts is the past sec¬ Oxford and UainWWdge sent rep¬ CARDIGAN SWEATERS eontinuoiislt GLADMER one room with the MSU Forensic retary of the Cambridge Union, resentatives. while the U S. in Itrvukir ti.'H Reminder nf Application Head¬ t'nion battling two Cambridge president of the Sociologies turn sent student* to Europe. Answer 11. • NOW SHOWING line* for Fellowship* Described debater* Society and editor of "Cam- A stereotype of the interna¬ ting of -r In Previous |**uev The topic for debate re¬ hrir. Russell Nye, 21.1 MAIDEN KOItM Bit AS • a I s Army veteran, »nd gan exchange debates And en¬ V*bi*tant Provo.*t Richard Byer- written by Glcndoa f*war- Morrill jflall. Ralph Wilbur, |.an*inc senior thusiasm spread until the whole rum Each speaker will give a % OFF thnut while hi was a mem- Marshall in pre-law, .1 member of Delta U S was taking part. Thi* idqa minute DISt'ONTINHED M MIIHItS | If V"). (1«« Scholarship* for tune constructive, speech about . . her of Ihs faculty al Mich- Graduate study at British I'ni- Sigma phi the forensic honor¬ was accepted in 1B46 by the In- and a four minute rebuttal. BKOKKN SIZES & STYLES | •rtveili.p" lean Mtala L'aivsrmJtj! versltie*: The application dead¬ ary. and 4 special research line U Oct. 31, 1U5R. assistant to Mirhigan attorney .VANWAVMW/.V.'AW.V. general. OppnrtunitT Fellowship of the John llav Whitney foundation Carobrid- ian Gretif. e.« ; an debut er* i arc Roger Warren Jul¬ ISHED WATER LIKE A DUCKlj B0BETTE SHOP Tho Afiplicatton deadline i> Oct. Fvari- Grenfell is commissioned 31, mu. in 'he King'* K»oal Rifle Corp*., I Lm- Vitiir Foreign Area Training Fel¬ lowship* Pf the foril founda¬ past president of the ("ambriitm Union. the Sncicto Frahcuise and | In Dr.Ol'lOMIIRPT J. II. (,ul.| tion: The application deadline i< the Wine and Food Sxnety I!. j; KuiiiHi-iir Trnileii 127 E. GRAND 1| ^IVER *|K CruM-n Hldt Nov. 1, | M9. I !*• yt Mo bi:*n y. American A**orlation of 1'nl- ■: wiiii I.4MMB. M)p. I versttv Women I durational NKXT TO KAMI'I S HOOK STOitK tel iv«ni»«» »*' f oundation for Itoctoral Research: The appli¬ Pre or l*o»t • Engagements I "CRAVAKETTE" cation deadline i« Dec. 1, 195!». Social Science Research l fllj Research Training Felloe- »un- KAPPA Carol* n Premo, Franklin sen¬ DELTA ^ W al«-r l(i'|o-Miiivr •I E\rlii>itr uilli ships, Fellowships for Comple¬ ior. t■» Steve Kearney. Uinsing u« tion ctf Doctoral Diawrtation.* senior. Pat Bishop. Hinsd.i.c A Campus-lo-Career Case History on-:l Fellowshqw in Politic ij |i. senior Al MarCartnrj. Theory and l J&iiL Application deadline 1* Dt* I. . .( huegu .SIX)!1 MKNTAI. IIK.VI.TII! TOM LEHRER CLEANER AND SNIRT LAUNDRY Pkkvikws his new ai.ihim in iiktkiiit £ K.*i*t fid. Knrr Arris* I'rom Studrnt Service IHdg. I All: NKH'f HINTS sat., oct. :ti. agio i\m. lAWbW.V.V.SV.'/.SVMVWA'AWWWNVWW nfour WEIL SCOTTISH RITE Al l). HANOXIC TKMP. iJilMfiiPlMHMiqpi titi!iiMI»l!ttt»iti»tUBtiMDttfimHtlttlHIIIMtt«W«tKWtti: llll l ING 1IIRIIXK * * 4 MAIt. OKI), K- .MOTTO) SINI) (HICK .< Mll-Al) till OR CARTOON • I>IU**H> I NVII OI'I Tl); Til K> r llllll I ISIS WOODWARD, III I lllll I. MHIIK.\V JJ..MI, MS. . IIKIWII I '*. : ;u. UNIVERSITY Maioo" ' xirrrv Min*trrl STUDENTS' SPECIAL KWIK STOP KLOCK K ESTAI HAM Mil II CIIOICH OK: - = SUPERETTE Prime beef open * face osindwirh Mil jipw— OPEN 7 A>l OPEN (1 \.M . ,T \M rxlra l.trar platr—uhippnl |->l*li>—Vipffrr - 2 AM •ip milk liou-l ( NOW DELIVERING .cffic hirkpu—ilrr—ini;—potah^—milk nr IV ADDITION. SAMI'I.H I.IIIHItALLY \OI II KAYOKITES corn Kit or IIKVKIIAI.KS* ^ I'IZ/. V KKOM AM OK ALL OK !• SI'HCIAI. Al'. GKtM'KIIIKS KAI.AMA/.IM, \ t I'O.MI'l.KTK DIN.NKIIS r I'KTI/.UKS. I'AIITY Sl'KliAI.ITIKS % I I.HTKIIT * I.ATK SNAl'KS "My talk with the Bell System IV 4-7171 IV 7-8M7-M 98c DOliM mi HUNTS: Look ink- for a rrally interviewer is really paying Todbv. Ies« limn five year* since !m- grad- uale«l from Mohican N.ue I nivei-dv, Donald J. /iginan i» an An.iuntmg Man¬ way | |,e only thing he proiui- li»ai I wouhl have 'maximum for net fair velopment.* He wa- off - ' Imp meal thi* Sunday tvrniac? Kor tho ' ager for W i-toiisiii Dell Telephone ( om* finpel (ui-inp at hard to boat price* be awe «enl right there. Mv training h. ROTC MEN ONLY! l» • i»ll ... pain in 0*hkg»h—«ith seven xtijx rv isorv and «M clerical employee* rejM»rlina t<. teiritic vance - and I've had every rh*o« thai I could }MK*si)d> hop him. Ill* group handle* hill ire; fur IVi.. "HOUSE Of BEEF" DilD telephone ru-lonu r* and prore*-es \ftrr joining the com j ran v D eight month-* in tin' Plant l>p NOT It'll: All mcata aerced by Ibe "Huu*c in*rrvrmie i.iih month. Wrnmg die roots of llie bu»r «- 11* ■if Iterf" are I'SOA Prime. Nothing bat the Ik»n ha* nmyed ahead f.».i and stead¬ 4»nl got exjteriencr as a lineman, in-i r f ily -hut no more Ulan the Bell >j9U-m (mmiic In llie ('.uruiialiun Hall? Tlirti miu'll tHf»t for you from ... irtterv iener told him he might 'epairman. lie u*. fran«ferre»i V eounting in 1 Kremlin. 1*456. *». n sanl to make llir Im-»I iiii|ir«'i»>ioii on \oiir ilalr "That guy mad- a real impre«*mn «mi the Mi'llnaB and Result* se»'t)oi.. 1 rut- rr rri m#«. *ay« lh.»mtnl out the advance¬ up to me." say* Ihzn. *f)ne thing I 118 W. MICHICAN AVE. ment oppoitnniliw I'd have along ti„. the i>i>fh>rtunutts are Aere.** (NKXT TO HOTEL OLDS) I** timmmm (rriuU nil,.. Hours: Mod. • gal. 7 a.at. • 9 p.m. H.%. 4e«r„ f COLLEGE CLEANERS Sun. 11 XM. • • ML. Md I—al*—. Ilr . im. "f m.n. « """• -Mk IW Itrll .t..n, TrlrH—r ■ t . / tiilt yv. .Mil hit an KD 2-1713 Specialiainii in: roast beef, reaad beef, chickro. IT* " -Sk. k,*r. Talk ..a, ,W ■■LL I'a»h aad Carry duck, aleak*, ale. TT 'h7,,W ' •—!».--* n, *. TiWWtOM lJ M Till,,.1. UAIrt ~ klr i. COM—1** ^ "Food you m isiimttmiuumimiimimuuM f