The Weather Synthetic Drug Kain mixed nilh sltow lli^ovfry IvOk Monday *»0 Scf I'aK* •' High today 3H Serving MSUTor 50 Year* K-oL. si". No- s3_. I-.AST I.ANSINli. MICHIGAN—Tt'KSI>AVl CMTOIlkk 27. 1 f»5r» l'ni(!K 5 CENTS jr Steel Com ;iuii\ egotiatcs Singly Michigan Headed for Disaster; Kaiser Steel Company Meets With Steel worker* State's Schools Hang in Balance O I nTTSfU'H''" i/Pl—A major steel inmimir . ot - .airr.e limrly n eari.1 indwtry-wMe Mttlement . * in the rmml liiMay I liiversitv L>i .fnk,.. .tnlii'. opened nent. .• owned neimtiationx Moiwlat nejrotintions Stce! Corp.. roguta Morulax i-.; «.i» Russian Scientists Has Two" . ;nih largest 5tc*el Sec Moon Marks Mon't-. . . n>r united steel- Off after M, ;><.n Alternatives . w • ■ ■ • •.« . , in Washington. ington finri's board R. ( I nopff, rhjel in¬ ... , • »,«« expected an worked out dustry negotiator and i irr pre¬ MuM-OK SIlOWH PielUrCM VliiMil* Max Be sident of I v strrl C orp.. s.iid nod newsmen: Taken V board Kockcl Fcirci'il I.Iin' . no further meeting* are sche¬ IIRRV JOHNSON the nj- t«» if we've* got, It duled. tmnal president of Xlph4 T.«o times: j I " p «ia referring to persistent Mean vt! Circili! ( . \ \; s r. • dedication gave nf a the vpeech new at the XTO MOSroU' i.4Fh—Tho hidtlf-n xido of !.h»» moon \ hr^'h H* SANDRA DOM XIIXN sliitc \>u* Nithl I ditnr rompany and nnlon ■ ,,r!, the huiisr sundav. . »ila'in*i with far fewer landmarks than we *i c «»n its Pfi.'.i'ii* ;ik jarred on a settlement . face. lLi-*ian scientist* Haiti Monda-. Mirhii'.in ni.'vei- thi- —[jlj needed only to touch -itpartiully <.i v.-hn!cL non T-' 'd this analysis . | details and wording. • ». . decision to go Ili» l'l..|. ... ;«pb- .-enbed to pir- » far later date when l.unik III wouitl tin, irrr;,' a price , r..cked the hnrc- ■ •h* :ii> > ?rafu5; aboard passed relatively near the earth. in pay tor tem;»«i.»#-nt John A liar .-•jasetl company Lunik III nah M<»n' at u rmit'ereiir»■ From Sky bring given . , , group of the s'rikr i !' s r.a'v.v arc ■ K cchanu (-mtarf II VI. llftl.BRfHtK will appear as Mark Twain VVedaesdav night uith (l •, M.-jinert W ' r - (■«■ producers car- I T." Vud almost Mi tears after the original samuel Clemens died, , r.- ; .'lationi. ball for *.»!»■• %* presented tonight on Mos¬ of in ;u2»-x at (he liam<. firms. T' cow TV, the pictures meant ■?«ni 'c- ha' o been III* program will include excerpts from Twain* ma tor work* M In Ftdia : m. •! little to orrtinart observers. A Imiilc hoard chairman Kaiser lb. helpful pointed to Hark Twain announcer ^prred k .d k met u ittt with MM President Mrl»»nald. union rommit- wiihe of the other ( . certain *ea V area* and said "that this i* a rrater ih»? *' ;:»;•<-fen? b-. t* a i inan-rnarii* l»a.*c tuif tic In Appear and \Vk .< . r-....k tf »riiiiin« ... in %'f Pittsburgh of the country. indication that s... , „ .. ■ r-.c-w < ^para'Li apenrv V.m at milt ' ■outer 5 1 he flight of *pa«e along a a satellite lit romplical- In Person of Hollirook '-tii'.hH i»u a: • -iucers had de- ■■■ C_ Mi,- ed. lirevliiudt calculated orbit "The r»*p'«r? <»f mi dmtth ha* I men cx.irt'cratfil." • -cparate agrpe- ha* been successfully insured Th ■ Vet's Sifin I p- Mark I wain ulue anl. An»! we had (tetter lo-he-e him ... .t between i industry'^ '!"• .t •*•' do • i Rt'd ( IlilH'.sf curlnMtk CcIh IIoiioi> t astro *11 Inert charge* to foreign I uba i* hein- aigre**ion To Itch'tist' . v r •American Ratiim i. from the I lilted Mates irritating factor ha* been anti- \ chief IiuThiii I'olin' ■ >f X! lid. H b. *• «k f astro leaflet raid* attributed to iwarded to W olverine a an former chief of hi* own %>r force in ilicht* from ob¬ I uh¬ earth before burning "Xfark mmpu* i|nP»r.M,k Twain after bring* hi* chgrmilig 4 l»»nlght'" to lh» long BnudmT Itorida. • scure ha*e* in ' -u* run which received ra»r rrxiewx I The 1050 Wolverine has Been pwnnleil a» AT A'l.eriran th. rttmmphcrc and plated to rapadlt audience* p-r rating by the Associated I'nlieviafe The each nig hi p: .the highest ratin>r awarded. «•«» earned - v. ••o»»k* n: '"A -• ■* T'.c : ,r.w e«*;fig >f (.onmatioii I to 11 in the same claaaiiuatioii n> the Wolverine. !; :-' a:,'1 fix - Salaries are the major ex • . > , • < a .*<>*na,;ca' y '-v. Slorit l.i's l\l"iirl pen'dilure Hem for imhrrxitie* (waf: however. Hannah enipha*ircd Net Begins I he commutiHiue gate no in¬ (he fa* ult* importance morale and integriti of niainl.iintr • die atom of whether the pictures were railed in immediately after Milt Season thei were taken or per hap* at iitli (flitter Ex pre switx People wu armed into the Cltt |\;:r V»RK V -The Met; .- from neightnirlnc provtpres to • opened its 73th heir ' f avtro and other I uhan Opens Snnti s- -,.,-vn Monday with ofti'iaU dt»« u»% Cuban demand* .'iZ'-r ■ -ummandering The highest specific ratins» that the I mted states present .p,tiering ladies tli* flrsl profe**ional experi¬ >- 4i m were received on the uttri«.lii« anti-t a*tro I uhan* in lloridi «• ' "he show world ence tame in I'.U when he ap¬ tor* page* editorial eontenl and from sending plane* otrr C uh» f (una charged that last Wed¬ * u opemmwiight and anti-goierM- peared at the I atn I'ark theater run tent treatment on the ad to dron arm* nesday'* fight w a* *tarled ba¬ &«.»* -i\r in Cleveland lie worfted in ministration editorial and photo nient leaflet* the" Intrusion of the Indians on Ik .f-w , -suction of "I! summer *to< k from l*»47-l'J54 content on the academic *e<- f hirvese tcrritorj. I binesr triaips ffW4- .re.* iui!uri*born singers i •• tion. and photo content of stu¬ , opined tire on them only after >■ top roles for the dent lite the Indians htd fired two vol- ft !«.".«• 45. , v : years Th« *' ' Iris, eeiping Radio said ' IM- vmen? grew out of W oh emir < *' f iJ-,*an debut of Giu- , A A ptj famed mejuo- t-'-p.'ai Sl' ' »: < : La Sea la and other IVolvertne .. ■ • -« Carlo Bergon- the A - • " ' • '« • •'"* X-v " ■>•"* Stella helped ~*ie Six . • ie- •• • f. ,#• Italian singers' ('.*»• t-.v.a .Hid »• i- - ( 4 ' a :!e 4i ' i < a A A \iltrrli>ill|! M Olllfll . have c •/Tu-M. *** rarriage trade entra- ir.g ' *hc met and Uler In Boo K.a )• 'he 1 "f •* ..a' V* lM II,,1.1 ICn-li Toniglil T» Lounge the opera and ■r. r» expe • ! iP.SH Wolverine • o . - M»r* had u» give way to »• f V • 2 -w ar state < ontruller Janie* Xllller '•ptoodKllv gowned oneiel* FftANKF KT. G*-r ,!l I' A F' • *od »Ur« of Broadway. !'• W.l.r C.irnt IVlilinii- \. a- t * ,. y, went 011 to ex| mole |h»*»i- . fc.. . * hie effectn of a ham cutback m H«md and televloton. A'ater ( arnivkt IfolhriH.k was featured on the state urogram* to the governor 1 nobody in the Wcln Id -ullivau show in ll*»6 and in the mid-morning session I Wolverine Pix rrcrr.i-igpifi crowd a* !■, ,n. a I'.H Army Sp-.ii high a tivp*r*'"er;t a.'1 tl*o performed on "Tonight ' In Vlonda» • for anyone but ' the M.. c* ve •• i/r**t; l«*ci' <>f K> tlat. Pi58. he wa* featured on " . s . r. f ,, r I . -erry-haired Goer irt* riijcp.'a * •- -P" '•-* today H oel Bu 4 i Kckhnrt. *•;■! Rxptj. "Wide Wide World' along with Br..* r. . v • 1 .. • >;".'*.guiahed lady with ,,»> inhxet* *.fva' P-.t r*;« . rf,■-» ary to ru«heoi Bob Hope, sifes* Allen and l»avr .- ff ire. . long white- fi uo Scaobori and jkfmUi be rcnyvt-v. , f .arrow*) V and white mink H !.*» M.-"' L. ' "r . - ear h* ' pk I K'"- • alwi in white. 6 30 6.45 W iiuira it*' FT,. (Bniiru N ' Cambridge Debaters t.ixe Opinions ? « . .. . e»*v; to. Brco. l v ., tnot-iii-. F » he- •• ,,rou«-r .1 blonde haid piled 1 00 Women's G ee CLuu a a Br Eiigiblmieii View State News Favorably F i4;i,e -'iffure-of-the-oea- 7 15 East Yakc.'c |' "•-< Faye Emerson 7;30, Student Foa 'early a* much at-; datum *!«t« ' ■rntr.mott -wose *7:45 Bevfiel Manor Houe- A" Cambridge has three >ris *T\i -a-hrn itdjis ::u.-;n» 8 00 Wert Yake.ey By IIMM MUXIWd *■ . O.W * - r.agar.: .in and The paper, thc.v •A"-, f tfje :«<:•-ahir-. refuse to «» Accountants S» R 30 A.pha FT. Otwga Two Cdmbridgr - ■ i* n«> y ■urnahsm wh a>* S'j- a*kn.e» la-iig,# '.hj' lit ho1 pay ma ing \n<- xtate X'f*i M ral * ■ hr.u- ■ tudv r»u»- subject f .%i:4stwin.#. Bury are «•;*. Publication?. I>f»rk Meet Facultv 8 t.A 9,00 AWS Jud.c wdit gooduded it-*' \1S''i «»r four .cars bu'. have '■■■ xnt}- The EngLsh uni- us-.-g Cirnnvm wrw in the dai'y pir.n-r «»> .ewnjot.'•»»>". « •i. ■ or n.inori. 'hr {ilhUt t'f -.perstvo ••• of govrrnnmit, ac- I 9:15 OrcNahS L»s >u* Vc 'he Ntrw Y » a World vcr*it> »jt on a three term »ys* "ilm.c A tron>'»-*ne pi;ni« * *f- ..r.itnj mijara will crdi'ng to Browtt 9 30 Bryan Hal! Telegram and bun Km »l*o eT»gag» hut ;> uftreliabli !' ^ m«t Uw fftcul - 9 45 Women * Atnkiic A»n *'n A'f.i n-»t i» expe«.f«d' William* spoke ronhdenth . ■ b» locouatlac 4ep*rt- 10 00 ASCE Roger Warren Evan* and Ju?- 'A law Student. Warren Eva as that the legislature would find ian Gfenfe!!. her* ?»r the lot-si- expriaw-d- hi* ides* co ^ b-: wn't M. Tw the ways and mean* to meet es¬ 10:15 Theta Aipbi F » delightful rnoug?! I: " * ' «•••«* riub will hold nauonal .Debate lofugfit. ex- lb. (purr en I strikes in the —. sential budget commitments a C.ri..r A Groups mud be in the Tower poundM Lieir vie*-- on the L* S As British and American Union, (ram without crippling cut* in any Room. Union, fen minute* be¬ I. r , L D>««ld Edw»d>. fore the -scheduled time of pic¬ itow-ypaper and its >n,c;ei labor union policies that refo»n)$ are definitely differ. h« program. I Yea! Snow ' felt • .ccountiog doport- Greftfeii, who .a » jiournaiwm ture There u a to# tor not needed to encourage U.S. un¬ "Ai much m I can. 1 wan* Pi 1[»'"• « ho prwont. . - - W showing -**4itient. thought it ao.e thai »tuHcnfj could prepare a ions. y Snow. «'- 'a»i After msny allay fear* that univen,tie* be forced u» close their d<*tn daily paper to ier/f ihc MSU The Cambridge mien will de¬ U'ouw there is a lack of pub¬ Sluiirnt. ID*» our,pus and Eu! L-anain^ bate Lynn Wilbur of the Forensic Union Miner and Baiyh mount bjjt^iffiuw of c-i'A a ra'.hcr and no Hskn. 'ft* weather¬ lic fund#,** Williams wi.d 'KcmiWp pragram »!- He sa.d that the Camb'Wge The svtsion closed with i>U4* student* will* be admitted to tonight at 8 in the Union Bali- man u* .'bundles from h*.;:' ■' ""*•* <" «w <»w paper w aj published weekly and geataons tor new taxes and witfca ' '' -Mark Twain Tuoight."* on I.D. the editor who wax elected, m room. The topic for debate is heaven.'' They arrived iart night "ccwmUoi »nd to Michigan universities' prewden'.s resolved: that Commun-sms about 9'30 and dec<#rsU>d the sroduotion.' wtuch card '*tiy. turn apfotm^d a »'-afT The for a few momenta be¬ terming the 27.8 percent cutbncR jw »cn,untim, public or Tickets for the general pun.;C Stat* New* editors arc chosen strongest ally lg IBB aridity of campus ROGER WARREN EVANS fore melting. as "unthinkable " « are available at the Unwn t*dmt the Wast. 1^-"' wwiu Uko to office. JTUAB by the Publications Board. ffMiMkitM Michigan State News Michigan State IN Civs HI S'uoen' Server* East LnnMnR Michip..- r" •I siblwhed r • of the student body, but while seeking to serve the best Interests of both, stands ready to bat¬ ■ Ia iV' fH>*r i p'lIhne -"i «> of" * oavable ter»n>. tor in advance for one te,-..- tle any move which would drive a wedge between the two whether it comes from Within the irmherr of i',e Inland Daily Piesa. As.«iicialrt| p,r , university or from outside. Member of the Associated Press, Inland Daily Press and Associated ^x-iaUd r> (!•»..' «-\'-:lerit mechanical on- ditior |.itUe ru-t SIOIJ cash. ED- RUNGALOW ts more and more exposed, Ilis students subject, matter, clear, concise lectures, en¬ ' 7-i«8.,!» 24 I * N | i T1IRFE riKin - an.i i come in increasing: numbers. What he does thusiasm and most of all fairness. menl AIk,. four n. RRAKEH FRONT AND re,»r h'.vkc* anarlmeni IV 3-.W1 about them and for them lakes on a new t'sually if teacher is a real human be¬ a re lined I ihor and maleriaU C.'nrn- nir'c f <2 !».'» Br.,kc« »dMinted l'!»c significance, and what the\ think begun ing he will have nothing to worry about, ' I 'MAinnmn P'ake re!iner». 2VI0 K ''Kalamamta! Fhone tV* a-4«»4* 50 }.. count for students will, in the end, come to him NORTH lfOMFU h • anarfment. Thre, In taking student thonglit into cotisid for what he has to offer. 1S5" RENAtT.T. 5»e« mile*, healer, Private parking Or . 11 fao, «'ir r<-.: t"-.;.!! equitv l.ike *; frandor. IV U-ffM t-e-rai elation, a teacher may well he on the wav Florida Alligator, Oct. Hi ii>er i»a,'nen! Saxe ED to greatness, A great teacher cannot he MEN STI'DENT< i.t 11- 7 ui he r Hick .Mercer five romn furniihed ., I |v decorated G;narr> %ftr 'f 8-5181 or ED 2-.V.IU , ) ' - tvi taW'-li ATTRACTIVE Tw r.rn* anartmenl. University Image Changing one hi... Unfurnished csrr i • ..." M -VV and stove. Adu :• ! • • 1 P»7 VOLKSWAGEN* Et'V roof, i 2-488'. • d ■ r*di.». f»\c fi'e- Mv new l*M> VW j ""Wnrfc ii —or Are fa iTIoea* - here TV 2-oai; 23 IOOMS I'.r won I CUli III « wi lru -if th«- ; Mini i-i routing .i lonttal office in l'.va i 'ORVTTTE PRIVATE owner I llll l»t \I.| (l| On una »TMtv I "huh ,»ll tnc infoniuilion about the uulversitv GIRL TO MIA room Miafer. • 0,1 ryes "f its HUilifiH ■ >. tin- 1 ' 'M1111111 ciMi P.- ml!.. t.-d mi Unit » total imago of the unt- ertr«n«e and nr Future of the IV.ivei -ilv jRd be H» ,■ ;.r* oe gallon. lm university i* to sehieve Ute i«,le o t> i • of public lelatioos for tho-e areas r\i»t now .VI' New* Anal,-I . m-f h.tu fi.taHt i -illdUitii: 4500 Ml- YOCNrr MAN latee di.nhh- .«»«,; sinned by the Committee. n-lated to the Diri*eh*r <-•. 1' 22 dent, in a luneiv The ninny groups that eomp1 -e t• • an (in- I,irk of strung public nlatioiis policy hatn- a of the university have tuned \ • .i ,1 ' p. i the oilier --f Mnn in Relation* an t High EMPLOYMENT FOt SALE Interpreting the News rensoti it is many thing- to mans n. ,• v s, raw.I t '..op.-rat mil, which are essentially public, ME! IAIU K fOPPI E W ANTED l.»r TRAILERS l'he «Ultiell« es uf the 11111\11 11» i,. i. iatn.ii- i:io11j. M-K<-• r an har>v«ittit,e w ith t "i • . children Inonire FD J-IX»A2 2.1 faculty. thefmultv at oih- i . I I In- .*ou,nut!. •• hoiiiu faculty eynl- proi it. lit hotly, piospeitixe student-, pan i t 11.. Haiiou of the PART-TIME POSITION nnen to . puhI-, relations output of the tllu- I", I,. -. V . ar «.• unr* In. all, |n- legislature, goventlii.i t adliiiiu-!! a: • ei ''' |.if- public relations program need* - »- ,.ie will help y«»u al"»g wav tioiial groups, fiaiu-iers a id phil oithiopi-f i.rn...p. ,nmi nt of |,ow w.-ll it is meeting the In discu.**mg the effect . * sia challenging 'I lie bin great : • i.iicn ■ E MSI' Micmgan. I^tnsmg. • N.» investment An- an - LOST and -ircttv i it f..r .1 A! different times different TMI I IM I I.HOI IS." a I. o i . . the Kteel strike nil American p<> I'.S. news services each how . i. , .'17 ' * II I;| it STRONG WOMEN * « . .1 .Old the committee can fntion the Uold War it's to about st.pplier* «.. the IIMO.-I • pi.. I'. . to ■ . a in |u.-' serve new* Nil coun¬ e* N.itiiril»v alter. .. -I giaituate . in M . .Ii.itt . • , :Mi«..i ■ a .1 Hi. — -I .i- m helpo.g to allot ate the public a* well to remember that it tries—a* manv a* were served FOR RENT lunu - i» .oiuic- of the iiiiininli in a«t\ aiieing n >t only *u«'lt big event* which h* all of the luropean agenrtr* Hues of people w ho »leu ttie mmcr-ity i I/5ST IJLAi N t!,. total - FROZEN Ei >OD LOCKER ■- for , image. before the war. an « with whi'e fen tit HIU* at different times are ail f>. give Hie-pe»iple8 »>f the world rent Hold up hi ?'•! ta»ond» IJrower and Anthom • ^ PROVIIIF FACFtTY I VALI ATIOV of the I s«at I'mdu. T* OX l-3«vl 211 . the SUdieiue t:.e:r impression of this countrv. Hut typical of the tune* ' If way m wfiich the image of the university Is being The entire fare of thia nation fact that the New* China Nc i* l.cllrr- LOST KATCRDA * U.'• s Fsrh of the gmtip-- ei-nipo- • ?' . tends to see the uimet-iti sole:, mi t<»«:\i.d In i'" various ptihlus, with » view to U laid hare before an Interested Agency of Red China t* one • FOR SALE Prof Denies ■•si. ngthelimg the total mi that tlieie • eein* to !»»• . linage world the*e (a»* a* never be¬ the most rapidly growing pre \ i«.tit of this program the Office of Alumni II& I4EAKFA0T BONUS Image of the'univrmty. fore. eervtcea of all. The lorn i in live that ir.ite i U i hould be attached to the Office of the And it i.s the character of thi* And the NC.N'A serve* «»-:e . ' PERSONAL says ■ t p j GOOD >•.. t»e «o«'inl h lessening of emptutM- a. tix it . - and the hew mi !" .«tt»t»t ,1" c' . •' • * - i'hi.f .iii»i, tn- 'i ' live cummitt.-e fe« is alumni contribute actuiti. can do to fim.t drivi* and pro. eonipoaite face which in llie end will determine whether the the area* Where the world at.- sin¬ gle is nu»st intense Duplieation I : _ — ,«,SM CUlC« , WINGED S0A0TACS ii»A» I <•'home »H ouoiiin-s ..I ho-..MI- • , - Muiimi who met wi'h United State* or the Soviet I7n- The va«t diaaemination of ■ . — • HI lax.., •>! 1o thr Editor: • ion,n.:11.1 indicated too little eflotl etephaM- • >ii iv loii chosen a* a model l»y by the Amerlean services fi uterine .»•!,. , ., t, . , " .i-i'- to u-e them in is that new* Id .«!i pthturiai uu t'UONUT 5M0I spec,fie area- .' improving the uiu- V*»rtion of the world which i* now mean* that there i* no lone - •I"-: •Language pri»iK»s.i. I 212 MAC Opirs 4 aw.-4 pie now in the proce--* «.f rapid ihi- er an? *uch thing a* what we OM • llll IM M.I in n 1111 Mi.h !•> out «»Mninoh IOMMITTH KIPORIH that the mtyr- Ilti.-al ami tvonomu' evolution u*rd to rail dometdie affair* be¬ p •> LARGE l'PMOL*TFRET» DAVEN- dnbty .1 tin- i m.n ■ a'v " ' ' "f the umveiMtv to it- fttudeid* and p. ■ ,i Mjtiolx, ir. build.:;.: 1 PORT aid mate ing wing rnai; 4!R Before World War 1 the world cause no country remains un¬ " mgtid Ms amiieiu. 111. ' ! ..- lie. fi lr>< successful than it should a hi : ;' . i.'n »' *•:' .qlieStlun- land ,.H diin.c » ;» 2-a».». 3J TU 2 4JC2 ! H. have f ,«»adi|iate • ' faculty and the world* pi-ovided news was seeped Into the conscious nc- ••{ Ui the i;re»t Drive personnel in the future .i arc anient as an alwotulc irui n through Western European new* fmeign coumric Tihi-v. ev Uu I on.uutlre s.os that moie cflfUt a" I •»• '!/!•-••! ' :»• i>.I a SU)H" - MERIT N f. \ IT' on the agencies, with cmphasi* on tau- ac? '■ i* publistu-1 s.inultanet'n- Struvtiiie «>n c. Denceahie m.: e administration i< needed I he i e.-jH'iis' hi I H i ■ m -haimg t»pe as Vie hub. . vvtib it* pub.icat.on m •>. v Urn - nd and fee In t > "i the-'aculiv the problem* of the administta- Now thing* have rhanged. be- est the statrinent "students > I As-.-! 'n Sia'.e- i age 111 tile 1 •' tca*ofs for >cita n acti.a.s and «bvt- rau«e the I niled stale* ha* he¬ "ITie Auieru-an w i.. In ihe Di%ision of soriJl Hriem i s SERVICE • ». 1 i " ;ti\»- stiinidav of siiilv action ■ would not luxe to TtitWMfTCN I NDERWOOtl. fP- would roine the hub, with soviet Rus¬ milt* of the pi IV ate cntetpn duplicate •' "' h ai-v loss of time m arriv Rl'ili r "fit. e it..-ate' in* lunilv out- ' •- ing at dp- their m a Jar course work by Ul- •ode lah and maigoie «•«.»,ir..'- |.v liiit iMsir science" I* ane •Hen! < ..nnitta.r, iw JV 1-41UJ Z; i. t Cw*N:' Tliey Came /#> Cardura. of these Assumptions NIKON s? WITH M Ni¬ m>; El* ls • lr»s ..' .I h'5 n..- rJ 3 V*. • insurance SPEC,.*I '..eijim ■ .. . \U» HvUedfeK 2 Ki Crossword Puzzle . AtROtl 27 Ocean Asks "What Is Bravery?" -» "■" t :h.»' Inch ' pmir** '»• aJrni'ix given 4,i 'itiplifa •- -..•nd ! ice ' ED rt \rtwi ne-»' 7-POA eoh • sail rlnnpi irvenwte, Mr- kxceiient E A *5 I Rjdrnl Ji) Note of the H« Rill. ihe lWo . i «. :«•»,•« Hio WINI* I RM.fATERPD HIAGLE* ti weeks 4 So Amen- ». *v IHIIKMK Hut then the dividing - -nc: itf l Huni • in-»i..ii red i-pior with vriute 21 Meddle* tiro.- f..t the Uki'U .lANCUa.' can anneal arriv-v and • . j.r.n.-i l«i ,..r lutir «»r will n-d It About ' I' ol baetiin jiiMjciUL'' 1* *n I ll v i'atvie t»» Cardura" i* right all men jmssc-. Having 35 N .Hi urn at — . A*•'" Her*, then, •,«, * •> kov to ed In understand what we are TfXEDO 44 U1SC, Midnight M .# H Mm *2 t'hwn the. nnvrl from which the answer f tne «»iTg»nal ijuestHm ti> ing t» do In the department In Mr Formal How t.e «lict BABYSITTING IN 15 Tabled «h 43 Base format sAiit. j.galel I,..- - ii) 1-4 Men hot bom brave: it re¬ of Natural that differs Science bUK> e.ot «»t f i . 17 Defeated euwardr' •rrern story is Ukrn. was writ¬ are <«,e 144.1 W.iro J times. 4.L7 Beiwiien a( Yetterday'a Roane I'VE UC.TTfS \ UTTER 13 considerably from what i* dime 133* TaJt. lAMWing IV *-;gM II Metal 44 Narrow ten by tilendon Swartoul while quire* ^ chancy iNwnbmation vf 27 SPARTAN Ml" ! i fHiNxiJ form uaed road T«E 't*fiT rv uTviK TEl-.'S.I lie wa* a coinmunic alien ftkill* physical elements the right in other science eoorsex on ram- DOG* lOlt SAI E L-Imiiart. r re- Mum? xrrvlix? L- f p ultihthed IN*r> "• in printing 40 Ceremonial •OWN 0 K.nd of HlW 10,AT I a'ASTH » instrurtion at 0|s| The action . nation, the pivqwr unplemen' . pus or perhaps we failed In get tuc^c llrgi*iere*l Escellent hunt- tenia, I MM Gi*"- *• 10 Vehicle* h>* *t»»« k l<:ra» hnpwr and lamilv drawn VI S..oner 32 German 1 f'ngronej 3 Compe¬ rock 0 Cubic ' (J0e»NpAIE_ ) lake« place on the rugged North- etc • p|u* a spontaneous reac¬ our objective* under*tnnd. net rtVone llll 7,7211 24 for informali.>r, ern Mexican terrain Just before tion within the individual, to Foiturtklelv ssr ^ beh>nd we tu» alleri- owe Ml,'TON EXCELLENT TSW nver tently • decimeter* COAT *!Z£ ld-12 A-l TEES last and ' other the I'.S.'* entrance into World perform an act of heroism Af¬ 18nc«' to the highly >peciai&«*d rvrnii'.twi Pfjff 4% »"Mme IV 4-32«•) S3 Girliname 3 Vevtel for 10 German Uma. lenu oawe.-, * ' vehicle* War I. when Uie l.H, eavalrv ter the man l>as rec«»gni*ed him¬ areas of science after, 5 Jo p in 34 Correlative . brew ing a river alibuugu we rr- St S ngle of neither beverace 11 Marne* waa chasing Pancho Villa and self a.* a hero a nev humin s:aH-t them. Tlus fact allows ,u* LADll.s vliHDl'HOY RAINCOAT, TYPtNi; i.aMrD»*TE« thing S3 Walk m 4 Aptopot 14 Dogma hi* renegade arm*. bying emeiges block and gnld beret match Ai/e t« Exes---' .-*^3 " -r. • lirgrye .f • freest,, , Voi» gartkarduMr raincoat, lur 42 Ota new IBM 13 Take part water I D.liaeed IT. Papular liuum legibility —— During the battle between the 0-n analysis and synttuwi* of ED 3-«n 23 •unertor aUiRcti* in 3# Wot re C Utter •uccet* Oa the ether hand, the |mc- _ two forces on a ranch, Gary principle* aivi metliodologk-i. It Mderatpm of i^v ■ -=•'' ■ 14 Hold the >7 Ab*ti act writer N Made a t»re niaaa to Imply that row - HALLOWEEN PCMPKINS. SMAU. Cooper, an awards officer. spo'V is, bewevcr. nur devout I5 «n in will be the •rape side Farm tul«* Market and s«getah!e» three mile* ea*l R,*«s- TV AND R.ADI" 13 SIM 1ET CSAfilS nous: la ear at tail aa mack, tf am Ipv rite. t.< sh«l* ' 1 E 1 24 Artiflcal victory for the American*. He better ior n after Lansing on V S 1# at Okeutos u»ed TV *rU aid 44 T "T~ i ■y language JfOO'P BttTERWeeWy' «wt». af a here than aayane having stud¬ i Rd 35 checking, irrr "ir\i * " rr mr U ivivlered to taXe these metl, tutie ied in our course. * dailvTV Je IS. At preaent MOBILE pm V — whom he has recommended. for HOME PARI* and *.-• 3032 f, Mwhltan D 24 Live coal TBI* Alfred Naval «e*»ori»> or all Mm Ken Obser the Cottcrciwional Medal of Hon¬ ■' TT 24 Eternity or. another aoldier who ii await¬ Ska impart af the Prafauum, Malaral Mhu« Sale a, :».a HaUett Rd„ ED 1-4441. * .*«! lun. TV,-,.- I"J » «1 20 Behind a ve**el ing Ute award, and the«owen^r gocat «>r BFEE AND PORK ml*. Chmce to vumuursial grade*. Cut r TT St Ribbed of the ranch, Rita Hgyworth. the wr .nord and Qu*k (roaen Ask about l rmM r ~ £sr fabric H Little ne'er-do-well daughter of a Aa for acting, Gary l* hi* u»- ual monoayllabic self much of •tnrage detail- d.nt*. OX 4-ant Browee rood Prw- rt -L IT —— . V ir^ *» MM tf M. Endured 31. Tennj • corrupt American senator, back to the military base kt Conditio. the time, but occasionally raises hi* dramatic pitch to *High HAU0WUN MANKS THAT FUAM r rM a_ rr !T •Oiuan TW nuladii af Urn ptrtv* Noun** caliber. S • Mi M Ml Inn uM -f is just about m voluptuous ass RiU (layworth SU»«!S' f Ui w 5 % Ht« w WITH character DlAMONrS 40. Cubic me tar o. rion THIS TIMS OF ■■W-rlMn ('mm. «H it- ever, white Tub Hunter seem* "OM. Otl COwMTf <■,»', SE 4P W V PI E 41. Owna 1E«.'£WIW3N«MRU. ir m 4 tr tr % 41 Pulled 44 Italian oFjovANBcoooanu l«S MmmM m i MnH tar tu be improving—he doesn't look tatTtaf tata MriM ta • MM M audi tike a Irusirated cry¬ LECI'CN USE Twcunoss LA>AAA» HAN W Wm 1 tr opera 43 Rational w Mta« tata VHtaV OtaM m baby when he's mad anymore. CitaMlTi. Tta. Van Heflin literally steals Hie AMD SA.e >C% o- nl PS ->(,-«■ _ 47. Rare ga« For a whilr. it KloK, lUtr U»r idiow with his perfectly-ovavcr- IE tatSTEIlCUS—G'Vt HEt THE r rr 7T~ 41 Makes a tabic* are turning. "Hie "tieroe*** 6HT Ct«T''K>TE HOW AND *St» ed cotamgneae. . - mistake turn out to be everything from HEI SutSSiNO. w m, 1 w rs ^3 L 7T- ■*?! SI. Uncooked 01 Roman coin runaway murderers ' to rtpi*?.«, while the "coward'* seevn* to be The tuwy, as a whole. It athaoturaUy - effectiv e, tersely- ailspfd from the. novel, well- AI.WATS A ,UASANT SuOCSt. At W. H. THOMPSON CAMPUS CLA»!,'W MM awe* the only one in tht group with phmugriphed, end competent- . HIGH RSADtBSH1' any integrity. ljr «Mbi IV ... LOW COST — ,i;-: ■ - > ^ hiiidmdX 5 > Or tuber ?7.1959 MI4 lllf.AN STATE NEWS Page Thre laukees, Czech INFORMATION Six Citizens Receive A Fit EE! Vt C;AIJ.«N COKE. Jivcii Nobel Prizes aw* activities exec, cocxcil 6 30 p.m., NAACP 7:30 pm.. 31 Union Honorary Awards ItOOl ItEEIt Oil OltANOE WITH » ItECi;I.Alt I ITEM PIZZAS i 36 Union. GREEN SPLASH Six■firfiminent MichiVun citizens were avvarded hononuv 4 PLAIN MILEkE EXCLLDED) AC RORAT* CLl'B j Smashers. Chemist Women's Gvm- 7 p.m.. life memberships in MSl"s Alumni Assn. at the "dith an¬ ttoiu T-9:30 n m., 3rd fiorir Jenitton. pre-yet cll'b nual homecoming cleiirat ion last weekend. SI IIMAKIXE SANDWICHES •S .7.*> j I'llVsiCAE EDI CATION' 7 30 Glltncr. Tour of share $12,606 in A wan Is p.m., clinic The IX hi- D.r.ei frerin MAJOR* Kremon*. fieri) pioneer in pioviiiing wi VARSITY DRIVE-IN I , ' < .■ - 1 pm. Women's Gym louug** SPARTAN PISTOL CLl'B Prod net- • . pa*.. A en H ■ - ahu'xl food for th" ver; srnrKHOI.M. Sweden — Communi-t <'z.-ch'xloviiki i AW* A( TIVITH S 7 p.m. Dem Hail range. Inn of !><-'i id. pre-ifle?:'. of 'b- a- well n« for hi- -.'.'• •k AW* Jt'DICIARY ED 2-6517 " «it* first Nobel prize Monday. Theprize*, Unitedputstate*, -.vhich p.m., 36 Union Harlan E • ••':.« <•«,.•?>pan -. • s'a'e" Eeonpni.i' fhv llEI.IVEItV SERVICE In than fill PRE-WEDfCAI. SOCIETY 7 p.m 35 Union. Wolverine "tnee another. . i.ron nr »h»reard lie i v it r.g n ph\ Iw prol J'"">»» Heyrov. it .,t H I'd 1 ;'vrr ' 9 :p» a rn . fnivM'v Dt'hersu BLOCK A BRIDLE C LIU and "M iumM : V« Swedish A- Ode The • •hi,. I'l ;'•*"'Mi-bk.' Church. Student^.' avivi-s pr. 7 pm. judging pavilion In- ll r !u 1. S'-vor.* and Van, PirtfWH-s honored him for de« ■icienlM • ;iM-tj h. A V, v • ria-> and nurwrt. foroia! initiation pfiu g ;j < iM.-litM ! nf l £ *h" 1W0*» the pot- Segre ;• •i 9 30 am. All-Saint* Ep o. Al Pll % PHI OMEC.A Vet -.! v Tl .n.M Tt u-.u < w'Je rr"*h".l of ana!vs. , . Church. Student «:v»« 7 30 p'li. 323 Student *'■- what he The ..ii : .. . pit-.* '/ha* proved particularly ' f :n metallurgical virtue .« that the method field-, share arid sa.;i te charm clinic nursery 6 p.m ""•2c . Studen* 1532 A Spartan V - • » ,vr-y mci, v.rc t«re OR4IIISI* Meeting. Wolverine pi« ■ F idNv A P Hi'. t" r; MSU i' dmr.« 'h Pr.-nd.fd Aid 1,1: K'-! .! i MORE !)r F.n • ■ *. planning grou 7 30 p;n. W.enen's Civ.. <'«*•• i a el a :um fi I *•- ver- happv a! this du- • FORESTRY 4 I.I R danre studio .Ii . >r. Orche.u.- Monda v • Vr-«1 ..ff In addilinn In being Utltstand- L.'wd honor." lleymvvVv 7 3u p.m.. Forestry cabin I' » i griiur»> DIRTY lal vt the N ins rili/eiis. the six men to hp i..l w-.rd » . c. Bar'let' S n an , of the state GAMMA ALPHA 4 III " interview with a re- game t.- prim* hnnnren hue hern ilnsrh js- ■ t (TK, the official prig-T. m p.- - V. Wi.- ipca^ m. • >. ?«.->•» 7 p :i, . Union Art Room R- snciated with tarioii* univerxit* ilfwlwak news agenrv. at S. en MORTAR ROlRti for or rk-* f' Ru.vii for prosper! ve Present member- actixities and programs, anord- 1, 'Srmwv m the Pularo- F.xee '• Ar* •' -mU't ing to *l.irr Keeslrr. director of Im' Mto in Prague. rr» ••. fp .•.me a' ii 4"> p m talk i alumiu relations. |-Mr toFldnw 1% two-fold. *dm i« the hr*t time in the 7 of the Nobel priie that a th JUS I'll V. 4 lift 1^11 %\ OROANtRATtON • •• • KfTFNf i: Pc«>,Churo.t YOI.Lf.YB%LL 4 LI B • »-530 pin, Men-. In!ramu:al Bidg Gym 2 . x b»- a ♦ SHEETS ^ of the 4 received it." /erhnolovak «• Seaway 11.4' Htiil. //»,».. firm',i TWO WOMEN „jf ha* IT* profe^,r. who lectured in Shifts ' vsHivr.rnv v d " fig « five d'» r vacation i . FOR US & ONE MAN i mrap-' v numbei "t Bu.r.-oA,.t, arrived bark home •an universities in 193d. Are Hybrids. • van'ei #-iu : crisp, clear weathn a regarded the award i "itliiit tiiill'i On«* iphpif him I" t"- that ne.v I'rof ('laims ■> .iriiii'i \\ >r evidence LjMj; #.,r s».; cooperation loser and mote between In M. 1960 RENAULT 4CV I*- ti i' than he i to *a-. nutkc htm mere that; Th* • » WE GO Courts of both world systems I!M h" •a5 Altd he had t<> • h,p -♦ * open:: g up •'hip ' . b> • tff-n thrin Rer|t»,»,i' f who i« a scien- • | h» Magaz• n• - i -■» *ia< a - 39.50 PER WEEK $150 DOWN i ••«•■!.» - :n it . tn-Kpr at JP59 the institute physics prize. x* unofficial sources ;.,t I' Ha/.r i K.i .tfmann P • i. til-t.uig 'I he 4Ji;iy Pin.•; r •• l TO. . . I * fcv n -.veekend, went to two 6 MONTHS FACTORY WARRANTY R> " cnmplele in th" .V Im is-ue bcrc-a a'''". •' scientists — lijn-bom D . Km In Scgre, 54, (Jr. A m i•*'• ■ uu ■ *• jo re avarhed to the Untver- ir..,* u h< 1Ve icim rt .... r.i.(.<.». • I* of California at Berkeley. *hip n J It. It:. efft*« t u;.u CANT BE WRONG . . |fW will *hare S42.606 for •" !» ' f dure, tear ehiltben nr. j t 4nrn\rr\. through re*earrli t. • ' h imaiiily, t the giant atom-*ma*hinu charf; Ili/U I FOR A DEMONSTRATION RIDE mn it Berkeley, of anii- The long distance between Redbook Next To E. Lrrrg Bus Station iuvii Lake would freighter* sailing on the tend to hut hie CAM. DEAN ESSEX Ell 7-00.'W | 'I xihkk/io- tur lotmii Adult- Bronx Arrives Ocean ships ran'l oper¬ I neean. ate at maximum efTirienc) the Lake* because they cannot on CAPITOL MOTORS For Seminar lw loaded to their deepest . COM.W.K Ktl*. draught in the comparati* etv <■•,■> purchasing executive < shallow channels connecting the Ire.a travel w-v,'y for a Purchasing and •" Management Seminar the Michigan count Sta'" v Great Lakes H , o, SAME DAY DELIVERY ! lj.,J :• i; : I i lllllt 01' IIM ' fit»! - ■'' ■ . 11. ''iuuiiu I i'? Never Never ' 25-Nov. fi k*t Aviation, and J. D. Pet- TtllltM)\\ . iMtotant to the viee-ere«i- * in rbarge »,f purrhs«in;. f»4 fOBI.K Itit t*d states Steel. I fcr.:e»-- ,ncr* of the l,„;ry! • . » IV. !eS - • vev * o,.(t ' \e.' ^" ■ *c%' . ..vfiuding Dr A I'.aMwMon •> i^»*e i H-ries I.« - e, oe«n of the sj>or;M»i - • in UK* < hmt". Te* . Jer-e 'j' \ .1 . H-trtle", i'ai ' »nd Beauna * ^ cge of bueineng and pub- 4>iebe Canada ' —vue; r>- ft C llenshaw, PrudUrer* heavv inrtue'rial ig Ford F«»'.ndaUcj!i pnffe^- .... -tu. cau*t,« » nvofou* ainnw.mi. i'-l !> J n. Hongiand, uumu nor*, blonde, ana other I'.rwr director from the col- thhiiinauil urodheu • c^eveloome^,. t>mdiu • tr » business and public s*-r- t»«,n, de-'fn and nuuntena'M e <»»•• J** '** other aominar leaders. oonunitia* oocu tor «r»eo W Uieae caiee'ine*. |V- -at cr»u>nt will feature BS. MS. PhD Chemiatat BS A; **'orA on price a«iily*i«, «x- MS Chemical Eng.neerw; BH Civ.I cor^lucs. forecasting, Engineers; Br» Mechanical tn- etnecra. r^r< rwmrch and othart. Takt Htr OUT to SPCOAL RUROtASil You can hfhi #<«Har anet TONIGHT! I( alM«.phfrr Get satisfying friendly to your lastel to »« 1» Sm how Call Mall'a famous length of fine, rich- v 'in¬ tasting tobacco travels and gentles the smoke- Oar ttoo I Ulan to yoor tooteM «< lw«. *4 glMM «nrf MiaiM by makes it mild—but does not fillsr out ' k" III m that satisfying flavor! ' SimgheUi « -il h>w —wIkIiwii dmidifd ')H .j;;j Smtdmehei mm 100% WMI; m M* MfMv/ayfM/ I ^ *' DcMvoe Te Veer Derm or Door ) wMiuMbwy I || ih M*J «<(«>. Nova ■: Y'WL ml p I! lA*T LANSING'S OLDEST PIIIERIA J'!"''' ED 2-6655 iTCim f |*i' f "tOaw bswWMfcsss,* pilii L. S. Bantanun%\ Mhinaw *T.%Tr ntw* October V. Aimerican Loop Plans Addition f nfrm»»K- lowrr.r sure*o r*er<» r: 7>* 'i-t f * : • . A"*.er: -i-. lArMgj* vt * ' Gt"AJ»ALA>VAKA- Mtrirp \9>—Ht: : 5 - -Lr l#ir> AY- IM Sc*-®dulc b»p.tfcrr«'Y.p'" fxt 1-tP w*. fct - . jj- "jr^. ;r ^ *"•.tK'U* 1'T.i.T. c*r*-t <>*. Mexk-' V The \mfr»f»r ju«AtYin plan* were te»rirft f*- «»riirrr»-d b* Vfc A- J' : £*•'•.: : *£ ,• ■" !»';•* :a" Tr'T.-r^. "i' I*""* Lion* HoJ trjfue Pr»oderl J«e I Tenia » •< - -»;** ' i ♦irt'.r" h**.to?*c Wen<9a* \fler Tnee-Ui-f •itk v _r * .*£* .t *.«rr. :- For Loiurf Michigan Slate Uaivarsify firar the *d» i — f*»u? Orw « M rrie-.Yearve ft* ret*.. rerrent!* *\rfiir.f ; fVi »• ^ in .Slrea FOREIGN FILM SERIES l» t«d ki.c W the "-f- IA> AN ; r. fenr.»n «j><£ Inrrnrt #**d e rt-hou? -erair- wrrwftjr. pre*i*iit* >?«:*_ - O'I- .he* ire »«»r!«m-H»e*.T>**.* i>*"ier "nil* 9 'if,* " ' f "• Lrf r- TiouTihYie: • India's (*rpatrst film * * aftf-jR* • vit.1 in the nr.* foOoemp tl»* r >e wt»- r r«e.—r ".*<* tef hneral knorinut h* pet r.f Sesdtcr* Mr*.:.- • - r.r.i-e v; The r * hrxer W*Br.»*fcn»et : it the hie ^raET%\- GO%UE N*el I»TM« te-afM U «efWi a *hot in Hator- a inr-T :t. tr- -k- 4a« « merr win erer Indiana Drue kindled m»t difTiralt uw »t*«1>iftx hard tiUet tl»e .»• Ftwyicipc: j - diritf tkr e*nte«l ud *r»a uded fee aa alert defence 1* nl)«« rai* ~and k»dt»e» bv. fM «iL ft hi* L- FCK»T.!IL. le \\ inner of •oe fw»l wkile ^Uie'a famud line rarfeed feej ehet til* ae**»t»r tinned it . ip fire "2 V- Grand Prix • (Anne* I m Fe^ta*; tbe w*eL vi t Tm» Golden Gaie Award* ♦ San F ranc-riv Internail FeMrtil rtoM rwi i xmoi 4 xoxn -thtt c %*t Rouinl Rohin :-r*k- -»• - -.t4 *;'* * m»5 I.. Him> BY GLDiMOH *W«n»on WHILE HE WA* a>..: ' --r var Special Award - Edinburgh F , m leuui NtSY «a" v % htwbic or TBt rwitn at Mowun mrt re—.me-.- * *..> c*wr:tt4 th* L.inti: • a Chicago Club. Coaclie* I'te* rira«*C tht' * lYnwm - ere Fairchild Theatre *— erpe*,:.v rocr..* =:»?. o' ; • • T* SS jfciftiS * - :• "fltPWi- Beter-a a*.a>,ei rs Che fiestr. «-i*e tmrif-. *4^l;| - Toiight - |~a5y" Discuss: Big 10 Topics r*'uved re-rf be r*-. r* *• *k *e '• :rr -r:> - '.he *\!4. fa-: The n~- »• • pi.TTie ir.{.' Tuesday. October 27 CHICAGO T*»—*^Vfiodr Hare-« i« a jrocSL derdiratdKi Karl at.: He ' I wi« *iar. * rer< r.- « a:" hurt fttrt b tiu* UM." THEYCAMETOCOBDUBA I • eriTi* tf t?H a' - if. 7 ami M P.M. / r«m»PM / td'm (•.» •» -.rkiftE coach." Dkk Larking Ohio State Athletic :t w fc' 1»'er f:rjr i4Si* I-? "R it ifbr.i'. ju« » Ihrector, said Moadar. Rtrice •*■* .l ttrt e m^r u«ik \Oc bud ran • nun aiiLi •T^rere u aoaoitfte.r vehiry trr Orr State » fnrr.e or. "e . * * ■*.lfrA t-hrdiof Hal Jr. i*! *ait C-MU't CoatW ii»t n m *• Hire* h*t Camera a Frtr. re ar* pit' Mnertnir • • Btir. cedars- c.-isao '.T.gerr^r vv^t up- Ir.rri;" vv e-i.* -.f.— e <* " h e ' -.a*, t :«en if- 1 rm trrrrr. I-j-T* nHen# I. \T I M»* - «W*T till — <\HO» « %MTVeO\ Lnrfcin* u>d he »n> aratiH-t r-honv 1. •■-.T.r-r a-«4n» •<* tr» O. • th» Rk || »«nntirc a rnand V. <■ - trt*-: - ;■ H e M' ' *~n: T f;- mow »..v MICHIGAN Tt* J^arr. _ 1. K-i' :i- WjirH-rz+.K rnhm faMhall nr-Wale fnrered *>"•'} •-... • *.- H» wnr - An* M*4 It 1 P.Y : »»» AI far Li.-A-- M" S.X «r.- hat !?»<• c-i v r«it:.:. he nu< mslrrrMf ePiriaH huomwi lit ?-«:• trip* TTii.f.t A tmu* KI 5.a N4i LAST TIME TONIGHT p- r--. commenting avKi*. • • 1 tier re t t t Mr ANTHCNT >.lk b.ik V» "T**e Bp : nn^u-c keep -Pier. .e »t» Saturak" F.r.t ; are rr• *• r.r ruTm: "I fet'in ir«f ire-AMf*; eT.r- ■ \ • *»r»e rat fe" » rea~. ap £.•*: a* • C'ijM. V **-• v •* • ST ACTING TONMRRO* WED. • 1 irnwt •- «r>e a». *e a? t Rr» E...e. * . ;K .t ■ j,r. «•. 7T Hft-iir;».»•* — ; - T?»«" vr- • .? r*'.:: • **' I'. 1. - tj 4T lonii * itoM n«nin.u — :• ett On «*i 'Mkt i>.£ 'tr-e-r-rr at.* pwera > Gar* . -..ic: j.r • .'h i C.IO.^7 hTC»LU* *T\L* — WVT MIA* TM" The i*M. . ®«W* > »*»e *"T«r «f '•**»•* *Jsa' f m Pi.--.-e- .- *.*.:?•* -...a- vt-e 5»fl.r-rt. ; r* v e v.E T» immtitmt. inw**» o«t tar:* f.. • rew emu ft" m ttr oe».ip7 «t*f* *u. a hi* K T rn\p% r * «.ifr :i":^m**tnn. t» t*e un- a f e-*.*»#*,-» ft 5 Theta Oik ft it.x *.?if ti— « *1 ftt s A rt K Tat } £t**i»i'e MM D4UMUI ri»H un« te the coHMime rut-j. a e» IM a a1 fx. ; IOHV (MK\I»PI («et.f Twrtrr • Hsu Thru. ' .r>e JilUTr * l r*i lam Pi.; k PT 1 Gtm r»«r«n..< l«S Phk . X. r* n. : Dim >;«!•* 7;r.:.- w'hr m *uk k n »U«"f *!«!- AtTOH %TTC MI *>K IXC rj.iUiiM! K'.* 1 Uk 1 t t»en* (u. •: >uri* r«rc» • J «r.k * fn* a.' «a m r»iHr.£ lUd I awe Ate. &X X ret a 1 * as. : T?it i-i.'B- ATM. I ei-o TODAY * » J" a « A»M.*»■■» r-t>ii {t* h*. • >»n .».«»»: «.uvr »!T> a A*!*** S»k 1 «. 1 T»W »», 1 i* '■'"vtKTM.; < rr.i *.4 k M'I'a '• nMTvtHii t" HIT No. 1 >HoH \ I :(Ki . t:rh rwunrac T:.u tp w0> k%. o»*e- »*i to ju«— ^ tn.1. riue viu a*." twa a;oi extra Urce pu;r—• lipped peutP—o»ffee imrpmiCTa s«fr\.*e t>Jl IK# ht 'S or milk Ha r.ffC i K<«js«I ( hnke«»—»*ik or ubimpi rot fee » : ou>wd 1—'.' *icfi cr J.' jt: IN ADDITION. SAMPLE 1JBEKA1.1A »»»• *0 -»-* ■»>« I ROM ANY OR ALL OF 1» SPECIAL AP- unw wv>"£ *N0r ^ lattN PET1ZERS. fTfNtY* (r i sSt met turn!) :nd I.REAT UTRMTION: mtw* r::M> . |:(Hl . MiK valluam -H»hSJ g>.TN. *.j»» CLARK DORIS 4 so they 1H*KM STT DENTS: IMm tar a rwlh fat mm! tkM Sada* nut' U iW met each other luRway! 6ABLE DAY l«ei ami >1 M la haat pm> ha tmt FALL la im ... Mtwtttt Wed *1 ««A e Ml Wj !»»■ r*M » Cmm • "NOISE OF tiff" A.M. iirii. Sol H E: AS Malt aa»»a9 *t Ite p m. * BwT arc I Sft % GRADUATE! 1W\ utile* tlum . In »• n. MWMm NOMcwa *aM far taa fi«a . Oor*iiAfit tfocM **$•! IW fmn $i*f / WON TODAY VOkfU House of Bm 1U V. WOKAN AVE. COMMENCEMENT ORDER YOUR •hum hut.-nam w >nmr, mmtm rlaiii Mains IHi State News In \ll I Ih'lnil Jar UHrriors N[■;W Vf>RK '' r»j«' « Mm firorsr iiMirdcrfil »«ii nf- v r t,.iKiciA i fr»«lvrh If u I I hdinber lain Ch.1 nlie. lam vp-nda ..'Vr . kills vwu iMith «'»>»—offensive. m ■ a I l!• iii' * -1 .1 ...■•*.• Iv .mil ileletisiveh He ll !*»»»• Vtitltt M|hmI» Mitor *n/H|e HiiiiM't an., i1, h: \,t!!• itt.1. 15.. in';.. mnlfM von under tin- haskrl (letohrr -.'7. 1959 A -... v.i' - •»•« • .v **»- i..,- 'eaifiu !*!.»•- ■m on the existing r , ♦ in.', ati'ithi'.' Mikait H« •>'.,»> •' • ' »•' ' **» •*•'■* oi • netfei than VI kill '• fellow v. .red 11 pom A ■ i-ji■ • •n.,' vh.r \ i . i'ift rrtwund Pay Reports Denied iti-.i ri'sl.tif. *h« slOO V the i j i' i 'ih i it K ia ,"-J Kli W.I 'uti i krit»i K.-r .i.l: « S.i'•:rii.i, i»'.l ' - Mi,! I' U8-lo!» • m •},' • • . *'■-.< *«" n . I,...:.: • n,.vi m 'hi- f|al ha v. tire., fcdd.e (»• ' th'- Warrior- bn>k« '-r, ■■ ■ An h r-nn >.ili \bmdav " litis frllim 's ' . ... i ' #■•"(!«•>. N<»' i'« a- money war ulvi■ 11 siiil veteran I ill Htitiii. Kni'ks ,r ■ ' # *• i»:• \t.kah. n iisi't Knd.iv raplain. "lie's hrllfr thill Mi- •• '!><"< ■v.v.w/...•ww/www/A'/wwwwww.;. Htvet WORLD of FUN! -I \I.I t\ tO\t|| tit \\ stiif niTfltltll \f». I'hnin h\ Jrrrv Hot it). » i Irf 11 Milk* on the golf /^TsV trivd with IITA rours. with MnUlv Kenned* Jttrr , RESTAURANT the toil post% in itians «»uld oniv INTERNATIONAL DERATE HUMANITIES OUTLINES The Mills Tutor *rr%Tcr i ti"'* nitcririK • ■«»»>•■! •• outline- f«»r th.* throe H.-ii- cnursi- in lluinaintm-; .»s instrurtoil a? Mirhi- stale. The ro.'KlinS'- have been treated tor e.i'v enmpre. Cambridge U„ England liit hensinn and speed' review. Kach outline sel!< for <4 (III A •ei-f.rat.' initliniohds been prepared fer m. Ii eotiise Ordei »>- llnl lti.a-1 llf.l Sandulrh httmbet 24!. N%. 212. Nn 24.1 M.i«hrd I'.iUlof- A. liravy* Trn or I 'of fee t» t'TBti >? 1 t -»r»r5l»i r.o»* "i' Ihurvilirfrs: I'rlnponnesMii War I'lalo !'ti.ied«. Iristollf: Nil "•! ':ea: Kfhll . AH*f«lle. I'l.Iltll-, I'olvhius Hi.-lone: Marrus Aurelltls Though? .Taeltu* K.irly flerrnan llam- murihi. t iHte. Ht. Auniiitinr. t'.i ef ('.mi «*t Aunustinr. i.iiiiiiiinisiii » Slronyt-I \ll\ C'oiil. ■ 'nev l ierro. I-tv TOM'S BARBER SHOP Mii|iiilii\ <.f ilic W .-.I brdrri «rr now'bein« ii-erpleil hv the fu" 1»ps ^nri Rrintfluns ;»rr our *t>en;i!t* (H?'n serve v«u i»ellfr He ha*» 1 thairs ;,pd 20.t tl \( AM: - IMlWASTAIItS i*r t »f free parkins*. Hair cuts nre rt*as«nahl» T'»m ♦ W psf of Sean. •'f l 'ippert at :UHi: Vine Rt n H *1 Tv »!.*»(» orh\ TI K. Thru S \T Tn V.t.i SATURDAY,OCTOBER 31 GENERAL PUBLIC INVITED TICKETS AT TIE UNION MICHIGAN STATS MM October 27,1959 New Synthetic Penicillin PMriMENT BIREAL' | fit) Bachelor'* degree (51) M^trn (ID Doctor* Where imi de¬ gree Is indicated, all degree levels are eligible to interview. EMPLOYERS FOLLOWING MAJORS OCTOBER 29 A 29. 1959 Aids in Disease Fight The Dow Chemical Co. Packaging fit). Chemistry, Physics (Electronics) (D) ma¬ jors, Met. fit). Chcrn., Mcch. fit) TOKYO The Uni'n:11, endorsing the international only: Iliology (It) A Chemis¬ Svncillin try (It) majors for position in research. Mr. Fred Quigley of Launching a U S. camp-iun for freer trade. Under■secreta:;. ••I'.mtary c-.iuiii ies fund's position are no longer justified that Dow Chemical Company will of State Douglas Dillon sail in practicing trade discrimina- Successful hold a group meeting Oct. 27. between 8-10 p.m. in 41 Un¬ continued discriminatory restrictions "will make import if ex¬ '..•r change. The to conserve undersecretary foreign ex¬ warned ion for all Seniors and Gradu¬ ceedingly diflicult (or tin.- C > that 'unless we move forward "s'VtiACl'SR, N.Y. (,V> — ate Students interested in in¬ and other affected (dollar countries to maintain forwart while we ean there is the un¬ A new streamlined penicil¬ terviewing Dow Chemical i Company during this school looking trade policies. pleasant prospeet that the op¬ lin is In production. The van¬ ahead to get portunity for progress may he j year. flithrr we move guard of many coming syn¬ j The Dow Chemical ('•> All Business A Public Service rid of outmoded trade restric¬ lost. I ant afraid that the trend thetic penicillin weapons in majors (It), (Dec. A March tions or we ran expect a resur¬ toward greater freedom of trade the battle against disease, grads only) with some tech¬ gence of protectionism,**"he add* nical Iwickground, A Chemis¬ Your complete Optical Head' Tiie new drug promises to be uore safe and potent than tinf- try majors, Chem. (II). Met. Tii" plea by Dillon. N-» 2 man conveniently located, offering (ft). Mcch. (It). Elect, iII). A of the State Department, w ural jienicillin, Dr. Arnel Men- t Ag. Kngrs.t Biology (B) made in an address to the na¬ ottl, vice president «»f Bristol CM) A' Physics (B) majors for tions of GATT. Ttus world w; i laboratories, said Monday. Branch Offii Called syncillin, it seems to Sales for General Chemicals, trade-regulating body, know.i (lippOMti successfully attack resistant Agricultural Chemicals. Mag¬ formally as the genera! 'agree¬ a*. IM «• nesium A Plasties. ment on traiiT. and trade, is germs that have escapee! natur¬ l>r. IV- ('. Jensen. - Of TOftl.R 79. 1959 credited with lowering many al penicillin —and it produces Automatic Electric Co A Ger.- Elect. Mech (B) commercial barriers that sprang none of the unfavorable side ef¬ (M), Indus- ' era I Telephone Lai*. trial (B) Engrs., A Physics up after World War II. fects produced by penicillin shots. Dr. Mcnottl added. « (D) majors for Design Re- | The time has come, Dillon II Is given by mouth hut still search, Salt Development A has surh powerful effect* that Manufacturing. ; .Tolumbta-Soulhern Chem.,..: Chemistry major* for Tlescarch; : It may make penicillin shots ob¬ solete. he said. All) FDR ANTIQUITY'—Archenlnglst* and aide* gather at great Corp. Chem (B) (M) Enjjrs. for rock in front of the temple of the goddes* Athor south of Aswan in Production A Development; Future snythetla penicillins Upper Egypt. The scholar*, appointed by UNESCO, plan to aave Mcch. (It) Engrs. for Mainte¬ may be tailor-made to do cer¬ the historic temple* that are threatened hy flood*. nance A Design; Civil (B) tain jobs—and the range of tar- fit L rnav be widened to incltido Engrs. for Maintenance. Control Data Corp. Elect. A Mech. (B) (M) Engrs. still other germs. for R A I), Design A Evalu- Bristol researchers have pro- ' ation. duced more than 500 synthetic DELIVER l\ W Ff. Grace A Co. penicillins. Of which 80 or more an* imp under clinical screening for in humans-. Dm ma tie Pilgrimage Research T)iv The R. K. LeBlnnd Math. <* Chemistry (men A women) majors for Research. Mtfh. IB) fM) A Industrial NOV) Tool Co., Cleveland An'"- (B) (M) Engrs. for Design, Dr. John Sheohan of the .achusetbc Institute of Tech- mafic Machine Co. Development A .Sal#*. YOt'R FAVORITES < CORNER OF Made hy York Citizens M i Livonia public School* ' olugy, who has spent 15 years AM Elementary (B) majors, Jr. IlKVKHAIIFS* ■: KALAMAZOO & High Spanish a Latin (B) (M) i ti efforts to create synthetic penicillin, said the number of majors a Senior High English GROCERIES J (T.IPPERT |.o iblc» variations on the peni¬ 'It) (M) for teaching. I'ARTY SPECIAI.ITIKS £ cillin theme is almost infinite. Lubrizol Corp. Chemistry majors for Research Ity changing some of the A- Chern. (II) CM) Engrs. for I IV 4*7971 i hemieal Pilot Plant, Production. equipment en the streamlined penicillin molecule Lybrand, Ross Brt*. Accounting (ID (M) majors A* Montgomery ' «r Junior Accounting prwi- the activity of the molecule cap he altered. Dr. Ernest Chain, who shared Radio Corp. of Amci Tnaj -r? for R a D, Design a ,i N<>bcl Prim for his part in Elect., Mech. Engrs. Graduate Study Program. R.C.A. laboratories Elect. Mcch. Engrs a Physics helping isolate natural peniciU tin, said: majors for Fundamental a "I think we've entered n com¬ Applied Research. pletely new era In this peni- tillin field." Michigan State News The new developmente if syn¬ thetic penicillin, bo Mid, wrero Your Key to r#ctter Values very exciting. These statements wero mad# at a colloquium and news con¬ ference before dedication of new research fndlttfcf for Bristol "KWKfl" latlviratorlee, a oubeidlary of Bristol «nd Myort Inc. Natural penicillin, produced LUNCHEON SPECIAL Sauerkraut a Frank by a greenish mold In hugo Vats, has two problems. Mn«hH I'nlntn Some person* are sensitive to it falling Into ehock or devel¬ llnl Vrifflalilf oping other side effects such f»< Riill \ llullrr • kin raphes. Extreme shock has killed mitrte persuing minutes »f- t«-r Injection, KAMMCS l.nrlIt Satellites "KEWPEE'S" nil niiMumliiiu vt'arliook In Draft (hit of Orbit CAFETERIA " WASHINGTON (/I•) — Two s I" cart h - m.K satellite.*, •I' . <•n ruxhing Into the illl <>ll|.|llllllij|n |lll„lnnr;,|,||\ iiml fitj«>>iil.l.- I'U, c,iitils Hfmo«r»here and were rie- ■ i • •> • .1 many miles itbovo the fit'o!lt»l|. The Air Force wild It.* 1,700- pound Discoverer VI satellite, Shidcnh l—n or wom.n), C.v^*s u Iniok xliirli rverv Mill muiiI In nsn launched from Vandcnberg Air Fomilio«, Group, on lour. K"ive Base, Calif , last Aug. 19, cca ivl orbiting Oct. 20 on its RtOUt pass around the earth. At Cambridge, Mass, the Smithsonian Astroph.vslcal lath- oratory r"iw>t*ttxl Explorer IV, launctied July 28, 19.S8. appar¬ ent ly fell from it* orbit last Thursday. Topping com rootok— vol—. Wkon tho —OHr i SVr. not pMiag (Mo M—oHaii mryin. Actually no1— a, M tko M Yon ant, popcorn main, —t poop Fortunately, ohm nteat «|k gat I hey hank— lot tko food to—, gl 0 V. ooMn't p. lik, i—o p^t—a H, C'aioo now, aoulda't you? tri.ilictric mavi lotion