If) Only Needed The Weather * ,' Michigan State News -Mark Twain Tonldht" Partly cloudy, warmer __ ,\i s: 1S Tnnluhl l.ow Tuesday -T In And High Today H C J Serving MSL F«r .1(1 Yrur. 51. Su. 8l_ KAST l.ANSlXIi, MirniOAS"—'VVKHNK?HA.V. IKTOBBU 28. IfcV.I PitII K 5 CENTS NEWS IN BRIEF I jH Planets Be Next Mtnlels '* k|()i('OU J'—Soviet scientists said Tuesday Lunik III y pr.>i* graphic mission to the far side of the moon hi-mlrK the i State Tax Plans Make Little Headway I>•:' photographic rockets to planet*-- be;.ond. The I v. Senator iMorris Attacks rarth.: . ■ plans for setting up huge satellites beyond gravity for scientific and industrial purr>«>-. o. State kee»5s Governor Williams" Acts lor )lis*ile Commander Sanieil Word. Pays W^niNOTOV (JF)—'The Army Tuesday rho.M M.h (], t \ , , * l.m«T*»«'»ic% ^l:i> Ineliiitc Lmburg, a weapons specialist for years, to suecerd M., <;, Medaris as head of its missile command. Medari:- Jr.- ()V2 Million I{.ti*iii2 Salr* Tax IJil to hitir I'rrrrnl tW to retire next July 31 as- Commanding Genu. : of • •• A tnar.ee ilivile Command, with headquarters at ft. " « ... Ai . MSI I ««'<•«• i\<«* Uiihun.- ;.» ! Ip-o-iolic.iii Int'i^hdive leaders pledged intsville, Ala. T .♦•-«!,:• t#, !»;»>«. . o-,.m,«rueru-> tax program on "mutual ★ ★ * Ot-tolirr PaMiiriit r»'-p-ibjU'v" ir«.t little farther. \ulin Agrees lo Meet II illi tliian State mlministratur- kept M3TDEMH dTh—India agreed Tuesday to a meeting with i: I-naon the uneasy Tibetan frontier to receive SO Indian policern# i a on! promise Tue>ulay and doleil sd,r>i)t i.oiip from the (.OIIll'IVSS t • • I • ri. I'ured in a border clash. But New Delhi showed i* di-pleam « fate \ i r v' ■< t rea Sols t tile v - me a jr e r - pciping by sending off another note to the Bed Chm* < Capita ★ * * cash hoard to the three ma* ior universities, the AP \uinetl President Asks Aid (hi ROW. it L . t«IIlNGTO.V (&)—'The President of Gum.u independent country wants economic and technical h» ip but ;♦ is offered on a basis of mutual rupee! ■ W i 'i „ r,.,t n. "Reported. idi T:i«- MSU i' |- ! • jKivr-i'; 1 t.bMu.:h v«-u .• ! ■ i > . v;' a ■ S2 3(M).OUO Oct - Stat'? AttU.II •— |. I . I I . - >• ■ ' :,r:w: rmn it: \ *!' '• r.'«';*,■•* H I ,.»•:n» 1-tlaUK.-, lh» C.I'P { f..r assistance, however," President Sekou Tour? of the mi i ... 1-1 |.r,.- ,..n -ti- The payiricn? due two , ration raid '"We prefer liberty to rhan*;. ' was «/r;»m i-« like t,, receive the ,.x.„ ., ,t , -k,'.q 'A •«« ■. .1." i lie! *- "f att.-nt jop ;,t I (] ■ M« rn.l, Ui'-rsnri. ,f the Un'l- Lr/ii Hits North Europe • : ' Tia a .at" ■ offic. . .1.1 totv/hf'- >» : lent < re-s i fi-K r,r-, Sen M • •• • -It doe-n't bother u, a b.t meet ii r lf)MK)V (?)—One of the worst^storms ' "a -!i! 'VA Tikin;; hi* i »»e from William*' . ,x w .,ls • r •• was i t?p«? Tuesday, hitting ships at sea and dealing death in batter s *ur-re*thm far a morjl<»rinrii mi btiand. Seven ships sent distress calls from storm-tossed po iti»mk F'dit\fiiri » -aa) tin finver- Spokesmen far the Institution* should he avhanmii * of h,* |". 'he English channel to the isolated Ifebride.- s. ■ , .. ple.»<|rd in vain fur the money nur art ion* M'uid 1 1 in Scotland, b*up r«-!»r<-re. • <)- - a! s. t-i • • I.s" t'nin \rtn«tr»i«i* lahiT'StYlc Settlement Hejeeled • ... )«)",!).an - .. . ,, .. ftOf'I ft WMtltl V I VANS or t .imhrMge atul the t nion Topie fur Pie »teh.t(e «.i* ' lte*nlvrd U ' T r f> . : -i'.: .* appropriatiM!-.- (oi ' l.vnn Miner «»f Msl' di»cu*«i their arsunvni* !»••- t hat ( nmmttnisi * strnnc -.i .»It * i*> the *tupidit* . , Ur, Mich; MSU - \ !(„■ •* ffWYORK Mh—-Roger Blough, Chairman ».f V S. Stee! r TV. - a. a-. for the lidrrnational drbtle Tu'-*dii nialit in of Pic We*t." t- turned down the possibility of other Wavni- -.'eel rump mies settling <■ '■* 'v* in l. tactic.- I!t the union on the same terms as the Kn» »• st« • i < ■ U • r.-i a meet.r.g. t-;.* I f t to US, Steel of the Kaiser .settleme; terms would t«» S« i• .* A'hr:ra'.\•• B* Hrdroals Halllc Yankees I (imiiiathin of the rompnl- 626.1(10.000 *or» fc«iuirrment i* nn<- of ttir I» cents an hour. * . .!*«'* in a i r-.n and ai d .a 1oy th»« end • ' < «'n«mittrr * l«n(-r inrr rerorn [ommiinitv Fund Drive . •• )• i f. • •• • . *14(111.011(1 N'.\ \ b. am ,v . : - . British Attach II cst's ['olicy inrntlation* ture to tf it propo*e« renuired for \Imi j f «»r rredit course ill Mildent* the fu¬ a. * r -.'.re .< orki-r . ";t eovrrins eirrrnl aspect * «»f mtl- . Mnrri* *Pd that after eleyen Of Foreign Aid M ill? Strings ' fi Ihn iff itrs aeai* in t.insihit he wa* highly teaches 75% of Quota ; r q.J (!-♦• : . *keptieal mI moratorium* lie , • a«i ! •(>■.« !• ;>- and * J 0<»c - P. *aifl he enuHn t *» e how . pie (•.in f q <•<•);. f pav«m»ri!- finvertior could -continue to W .i,i f *r at < '■> the lid of the *i*i- l.e tl» tMrfl report meetlni' Tii>-«I,iv. the MSU t'm'-i \ho okayed $190.00(1 to - . . •.- >,* r i hi-'* favor an irteorne tax a* j linan- »a* • i , am t I-.: . -o-iaxi . ' and .iflinuative ipciiker. Ralph e(.»i voluti'in Urrm <•( i.utr pmunily Cheat Drive h;.4 mental patient* and ' an * riefinilion* of ntupidify and met figure*, the Vnlvcr- Heller Rijution* hospitalization. :-'w. • », \a' m i *trengtti. - i.'i- raised J53.049 of its A :f> : -If,': >r i»«■- ord- A • A i rrimiing to lead all dlvl • i i' S »y.: r. - -i ! • . - a;-Tuva-; Tu«- : • • b Radio IVoprmn S*.i'« Md' .- q.... F .n Ki-'. i;.,'" . r ui - . «m . * ,n !■' > r. hi t. . 'ifVi Diane T '-oti.fi a» I Dr TU T xplwrwd S»»' of AUSG ■« .! renrr -en! MKt if! - "■ - - « 1 • :-«• W « • •' A • 1 /.//#./# Hnnh a new '.Vr i-i.--A.-i v n.ght ■•«- - I-Hop cninmillrr rush t%ill he pP.-O- li<- put ihc a mount of !<••• ov' : W11.S r i'ii" h»*ui'.nir.£ • -! h «Xiii' .! 1+1 I held Ionicht at |i m, in 31 again • v-r. tod.'iv .A 9 3d Th¬ >• • mi nidi,aire; t'liioe. |olere*ted student* from new revenue* needed at 110 * ft * million "The program'. ■ orimai :lv d - us •• 1 i-( led '• i*tf < • any ill** may also tip dollar*, a figure rated \ revolution seeking change* too high by and other -a- reotcf f-i f.r •••«•■■• !•»•-« r re?..- Morn* in the Ht*ic College i* j|m, on » 7u tions be'.vr.--n the nniver-•:?«.• u l the cm.!?, in.- - Reidel said V . di* Petifioning -. . ,-i ■ , ... v;-u tonight * itrndi #»p«#n*«»red h\ Republican* \ • Gee i II Ki.'is - the Ife 'Ai :-dv; I the ;t pr«*u' it. -e rund«wn d t>:,* loo Honors Pie The lir*t affirm iii\e «peik*' Honorable .luli.in (»rent#U I ttttm lltuinl II vvt Hep *hi« I I'ete ami MII I'hefM.n ftep. f hn# k Herbert l|'.l*l M - . . G'»P ) id« .(• f.r • C « - of < amhridfe. claimed that the d jnonji. it involve* doing •to ve»*k's MSI? -40 sf«irtire informal c<-»r;\«*«rs.j•• Th* 1 for avf- Hsqj|;>* 'hi- !, tiff j k I. ' .1 A ml y sion.t'iv i Ta» night. '* i -tun..! -I. :• WU.-4.C.. i . • - ! -a . I I Mi■ • W# >. w«-d " "■>' !'•- n.n .( fb, * rrurp, ;t., • -. ive r«r «*';.-n'*!'ds n- « . . I I ♦ «.vrh prom;,".en' .-indents , V» n ,n ' *.«• S*ud<-n! Servi. e* f? «.V ; ■ -•> !;* .' ' • r< \ • . . • miO ■ Ms? til# in connecti'jn wuth st;>eciai even'v. Building hv IF'C ,ir;d Pirt-lh I at*-!y defendc-«t bv P. - rnqs, f-'.a.'i ith *HI« - (*'imb: .u . Hank . WIUS di e T?>«- . b'i'i-'-'-"the; -. V. t-o si**aker, a! <• fr-»* John t.riji'j- Kill.-.l II i ttrttit ttl t .v ■ ' Roger Warren fv W • tth r 1 <*« goal, Other divi- )«w*k«-v wii! 'h* moderahw '»f the '' ' A *. a'- U*» lev M #-y? *, -• *.,.r1r;Vv« r |{.«- Gi .;„•*, '.phorn'o•' f i '«tm'v Business Office, «MSt I* Oiilntmiilinu' A';.-a On i'T'1-i I':. M: : Steila t»atc; » -ataf4*-r« n- ' « Ff i p. ' • , * . ,\ l ' ' I' ouid -f f/olie rnuiu* t-< whirr, ft -I.- • V I •.«* . ki! r-| n- 1r ' . v*--d t if q i Phi M I M- Mil'!-#-I i''y a qiHrte i Division, 120: Uni- • . ■ • * r.ipht w' «•■» his Sf rvicts, 116; College of Slnh-il for Tonight Jtt'te . ,jVl;a lie!-.., Iku' i Mrs, • " 'Kird ftnd -.V-- i■ It;/ \i!-l ii!.' v)t.i:iqt '-n r 'Vt.r WOT K appii**- •,in. s ii-i . s M {emit ... .i.mitile if, dni i'r i for fr«- PaMtr.g the umi with a "B" ><■ • • u ' ." " .i-t'-n iif,/ i continued - r n,».. laicile yppencritt, Ke.»j».i Kappo Then he wiv# • , • f,r* *i *> • re - Medicine, 106; and Spartan .Women's League will iiw Ih.ioft concourac. bil *,eir! Harold HmO«« ' ;«■ - better wfjuld exempt the vto - .*•• k York rfebutante hail. *«■? Relations, 103. (bw;i.i; and Mr* IVrtha Wal¬ fact ' Rtosa s sUor- ;. * l , present "MSU Is Outstanding" ;s the frame of mind "f tin- A l at commissioner. Tw« d.. dent, wi'.-i fit* rr# lit. from th# friend* c.'iHf-d divisions which tf-rigb! 1 p.m., 32 Union. Pro- ter. A;pha Gamma lK*!ta - ar«; T>,.. v«»te- It-.inn W.i!!.o. ' Hirw The rentewould .»! • • ;'«-'' tne MSI '• •: ,uppus Ft - t!r approaching their quotas grain speakers will be Thorn** Repreacnting the fr.iternifit a wn and African peopU-4,. n-/ ' Illnr hry if' i m-'v. ? N't-'v Jet--* " were Mr v. Naomi A Merman. Phi xtiqudltv of th W-s5A »<■';•< 'J Pit Girvui. 63i; 'and Marry i'r'.V a flftudchl take ft c-ir-;:.r« - •' ^ Off i* of the ■ * S' St-cretary, 04; Oltuy, continuing education, Kappa Tau; Mrs. Adoree Flynn. The countries are !'-erv "[ .« • Ai? ffctitiot. f «r K' ■. I . ♦;17 vu'e, -:--h*,',e exftm »t the efid ;.f »hv 'VA -!o drivft;j back '•> N» a Jer- kiniU, 93; Contsnu- and DrY Church, art department ificlirl# d last week in pre- pi..:iyr gain credit « front New York C'l-y Sfttui - jiini'ir and honor¬ • - italists since they Punk cu;.-' men lEduratiuoJtervice, 83, and director. Subjects will include Sigma Alphi Mu; Mrs. Dorrdhy - - , ciunis ennrervat ivr A? ary, must h#« turned m today at *i*i«.'tilial rswuiti sve1 (be run • 'Tue Tt -oilution'* *u«R*ors fe#.-' i.- rush', he iippari-ntly fell 1 f i'.usinest end Public the contributions of Kellogg Lds<-h, Zefa Beta Tafu: Mr*, Mar¬ j*m h«:f. H2 this atage of the game they the petition box in the concourn" r,er-up;-. The.v were liw-K H«y- c. ' fain lUi.;- Cbtlege c«nu a "deep a* *r.- a. hi . hit ft tfe-P, ion Ihitnam. Lambda Chi Alpha; , - Canter and Kresgo Art Center • 1 riit-tj instftntiy *«f a brukuo Mrs. Estelle Rice. Sigma Nu; for ui )k« lilieral.'* of the Union •i« . wi.ii y>i •. »u-, and Jiiric - duplicate p. «h» c exte?.'. w»i#» campaign Is scheduled in making MSU outstanding Uimck, wl'h 6»i »n departmental iftcfing neck. f^npic. r, on Thursday. Airs. Helen Wei»tvr, Sigma Cht. The Oxford-fcitgllsh dirt Ion- , among US. universities. Autumn Arrives nl MSU *• .4 *> Is H inter Fur Heliind? • Afl Th»- aufumn I*«ve* drift ; ' W: the lumping yprre I* J.jfoSl . . the window. ' vi*r in" rr'.ftteh is placed to tho Th« autumn leave* of r--' pile and th-? pungent aroma "f atid gold. l.'urnmg leaves permeate* tho air And soon the leaves are The leaves a.r»* turning, the nothing but ashec , days -are growing "shorter and Indian summer is a romantic the temperature treet'ips are abla/.»• witn red. falling. T •• of &""*•«ion of autumn. It * a timd hope that perhaps spring, not is really on the Way. !-:!A orange and > el lo wand lhe color* winter mingle as the branches sway m fndiart summer renews inspira¬ HI the wind. tion 'in spirit and make* every¬ AU these spill autumn—the one want to get out and see all gfcaacn of color, football and there is to sec. .. gaiety; the season of twilight, Autumn is also known as the leading into the night of winter. The gfaiewalks are hard to fmrf season of pumqiklns grinning as jack o'lantern"., of witches on 1 beneath crisp, bright laaves that broomsticks and «goblins hover¬ crunch and crackle beneath the feet of pedestrians, leaves catch ing. It's the time to donq cos¬ tumes and "trick or treat;^ It's % & ,vi* a " -,vj In bike spokes, twirl and fly out into the air. Piles of fallen leaves arc raked and stacked along alleyways and the the trimmings. time And a» the days grow to key" and eat tHat bird with all stop ''talking tur¬ shorter '1 r .ifairftR-A S:I»JKIWb^ & -<■*> v*e- ^ fCWt 'w- children (and oldsters!) shout and the weather more blustry * aute .vew* ru«H« ay MM iMun with glee as they jump and autumn gradually gives way to bury themselves in leaves. winter. . M Com klfcr W Culsr . »• Market Could Flop Again Today 30th Anniversary STUDENT ORGANIZATION COUNCIL 7 p.m.. WESLEY CHOIR Union Mural Boom. PHI GAMMA NT 7 and initiation. p.m.. SPARTAN WOMEN'S LEAGUE! 35 Union. Pledging Dressy. p.m.. 338 Student Servie *s. ACCOI .VriN(, «u alpha t*| 7 p.m.. Par!.. PROMENADE 7 p.m., Ojjt'j > •. , OfFateful BlaekT uesday 7 p.m . Wesley House. 4 «... POMOLOGY CLUB • Etiquette Committee. Slide 8:15 Miwr," •. 7:15 p.m., 200 Horticulture information to be discussed. SPARTAN UiMHN Bldg Dana Darlvrymple will Pill ETA HIOMA 7 p.m., 32 I taik on "Horticulture in Rus- 7:15 p.m., 43 Union. Execu* DisUngui-h-.t on the exchanges. And the amount of cash that mji." Pictures for Wolverine live Council. speak. Dr.- e taken. IIOTEI. ASSOCIATION VKTs WIVts , . (EDITOR'S NOTE-—Three decades ago Tues¬ AGRONOMY CU B 7:30 Kellogg Center ft P-m.. , percent, while in 1029 it was only 10 percent. p.m.. Spa day the bottom fell out of the stork market and The. volume 3'f trading on that sltiu mat gin whs 7 p.m., Tower Boom Union. Board meeting. corner nf H, ■ - what had been a magic staircase to riches her .one fanl.oiH PERSUING RIFLES CATHOLIC STUDENT low. Oil*--- a greased slide to bankruptcy.) Some 50 billion dollars of new corporate se¬ 7:3# p.m., Dem Hall. No uni- ORGANIZATION CrllCSl snc.-;. It's been 30 years since people jumped •• ■>' curities were sojd in that decade and half of them fo.-ms: drill team members 6:30 p.m.. Executive Board State p.,i- . windows because of what was happening at ih» became worthless must attend. meeting. Subject: na; corner of Wall and Broad Street- Stock trading crossed the three million shares REFORMED CHRISTIAN 7 30 p.m. Committee meetings The Black Tuesday Oct 29. 1929. sua fh. life .i '1,1% mark m 1925, quickly climbed over four FELLOWSHIP Catholic Student Center. Both savings of thousands of fumUie- wip« d out m million and then five million Customers' men THEY'RE TREATED EfKE DOG*? These two Chihuahuas have 7:30 p.m., 136 Bailey. Film, meetings arc o|>en to all in¬ the must spectacular stock market break in our .■t brokerage firms grew careless in advising their own goblet*, hut without anything in them. Gh well—they're refreshments. terested. history. .OMiiit purchase*. and many menilier firms Joined only five-week* old and weight a half pound each, so maybe they'll M ARKETING ( LI B PI SIGMA EPSILON BETTER I Alt Til* If saw plungers drop dead a- they watched tile pools grow-up and get more respectful treatment. 8:30 p.m.. Union. Business 7 p.m., 33 Union. Election* of BIRMINGMA \ stock tickers tapping out the news that t-hev tiad The federal Rrvrrvf System's easy money pol¬ meeting officers will be held. Things take , gambled and lost. icy in the mid 1920s encouraged the use of rredit ( ANTFRBI RV CU B VWCA STUDENTS' WIVES figures Traffe <- And it heralded one of the word ami louge t in sper-iilation. Later it tried to correct this hut • 3 p.m.. lower lounge of Un¬ 0:30 a ni., University Lutheran He said a %< depressions in <•• some fooled, people hir¬ b,t AP index of tin stocks stood at 157.7. There mittee heads KAPPA ALPHA MU please attend ing tip- wrong stork- at the wrong pun There .<..»s a -cries of breaks during October and the HOTEL ASSOCIATION 7 15 p.m., Whitehills Drive. JEANNIM big Or' l one came 2.9 when 16,410,03(1 shares 7 30 p in . Kellogg Center Ail pledges will attend. Those \rkim Stocks or ' |>C( illativ e seeui lti'-- plior - priev traded on the New York stuck exchange, State New s feature N* By JOE IIGEt M \N WAA needing transportation w-ll li s how ir,any there lire of hoth Tha' C'lotits a iee«.r«f tha? till stand-. Get. 28.1959 |v» . 4 p.m Women's Gym lounge ntw at daikioom at 6 45 p.m. BRADY AIR FORCE BASK. Jopai Whenever Japan' • mn-ic . Today tiiere ate rules that ::ne :i,- . ■ i «• • . i Tfie AP mdt x fell to its lowest jKiint July 8. lover* get together to discuss their favorite subject, the name .of f,p|H,rtunity of looking before tilev leap Tfu-r 1932. .i? 16 9 A long tint often interrupted climb Toshi.va F.to invariably enters the dmu.-sioii. Et«» is recognized by an a long let of props to ttie - in h ,.* a i th«-n brought the index to a new peak of many to be Japan's foremost vinlinr • jobless iriMirnia e. social •.»-«-uri'-. old age p. •23 • R on Aug 3 1959 I had the pleasure to talk with Em prior to a recent concert he ••ions, record saving- prices from sending people mm tin bread be There aie a number of Imaneial poh< • •», ■ n ke.f, a drop m nib •• ■' !ln k 1'uevOay wrecked the hopes of thousands M-uf many from riches to rags. But it also oil a train of events aimed at seeinfi it wouid gave in Fukuoka as part of his summer tout m Japan. I was par¬ ticularly interested in finding out nut only his Impressions of CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS •catching the stock exchanges, the stork seller*, American music, but his comparison- of the types of music pre¬ DKAIII.I.VKS: I p.m. lists llrlorr I'ulilicalinn for Tun... \V«I. ne\ or happened again ferred by both the American and his native Japanese people. 'be. corporation* wh«»-i' stock- arc up t>.i a', Today Americans are putting into the market and I'ri. Kdilion-. Dradlinr for Vlon. Kdilinn: I and even the amount of stock buying the pub.a oo what th< v have left over after taking eare "Japanese people like aeriou* music more than American* do," Ilill- I'ayaldr K-12 and l-."> Vlonda, throuuh 1'ridav do the cull ■f Elto commented. "The favorite composer* here are Bach and Beetho¬ ran on family security through insurance, saving The only thing that can't he rrgul.tti-d Inu ds and home ownership ven. because they are the eaaiest to analyse, and Ihe Japanese is the iudgment nf the stoekhuvrr himself. Itut love to analyse music." now — Before Bhu k Tuesday, the much sillier specu¬ :t«f year* later—stock owners and traders to lator F.to pointed out that the Japanese '.ike their music very 'seriously *r«-m was using the rent money or what he could he a different breed of cats than those who dom¬ and concent rate on it. "Japanese people appreciate music while get on he insurance policy or borrow from a inated Ihe hysterical 'ill-. luok» r m take a fling at getting rich overnight American people enjoy it," he said AUTOMOTIVE HOUSING Hie amount of stock or marmi b trivial hale, lb learned the fund way and it took the na- This is not to say people here do not like popular music—quite the contrary. Many Japanese people constantly listen to popular IfOfSF noons torn bunk or compared to the total nun,tar of stocks li t. I ',..|i ..In,.-' a do am to g. ! . r his |o||v twin bed* with ouuhlv mattresses American songs, even rock'n roll (known in Japan a- rockabilly- !.»»•«k-. iiong rases, .chairs, hum,* a combination of rock'n roll and hillbilly i But they do take to chests tables, and mnnv other use- 800MS l«Sf P08D mi item* Also have . HP Oeminii larger doses of classif-al music than Americans tmmn. *.35 v on remove See to«l iv Now a violin teacher at the Curtis* Institute of Music in I'hiladrl- «.ei\ fi'st come tn-t serve |?l gradu. Wnoomere Ave |!D 2-l."WI 23 coinnu phia. Etn was born in Tokvo in I9.'N It is unusual that lie attained Prof Works for Toothpicks hi* present stature so young, lie *.nd he first played thr violin when he was four year* old. Asked his opinion of American »<• kn toll, Etu said. I like the mm. v»n> io music, hut why all the motion I9S6 STUDCBAKE8 III 19511. lor'est priNtllct* S|dd This was Eto's fir.st trip to Japan •■in.e 1954 In eommentiiig n from the lorestrv ile|Mrlmeiit. the changes in his native land, he -a,d be was amazed at how sll.l IIS i ssil'l s inn.ii.il I—. This rr-«irc4iii/ation w.»s riimr living conditions have improved in such TIAILCRS j relatively short period a.n ali/eil 0, ji . l.» ami ,ui! link, s» the department could serve of iv.eilc"! |..r Xnni'. «>ron.. birthday time i—i Htg< eoimm.M.... N„ invest- v " industry more, lulls .is a sepa¬ 'Condition.* now are better than foefuie." he said, "and tti- Send , ever %• (or tree hrorhure Ter- Jrailia rate division Enrcst |ointuits is will get be!tri \,t m the fiitur- I'he Japaiitee people Inspect the ■ n.,r 7',: I'm .ieII H.ia.l franklin ^jtwe* • * cunrertlcd with tindinc all tlic bn.li standard of living ip An vil. .* and am trying to attain that 1956 CiyMOUTH Use* of wood \ uu'or indnsln Mandard " fVI'EWHITE.lt. rvnr.RWOOD. t'p MM 111 link f ...It 1 h f .f.dv out it involve* research, merchan¬ xplainct th.it tratii'-d Eto compared the current lltyi* conditions to I9IH when "we iu. tab a-ut i.no,i.r .(iMtri.l- E% dising 4nil selling nl Ihe In- >1 ar»* in demand, an I were limited to 30P calories a da v. If* wonderful what hard work •eilent conditio,' *:in |V 2-!i|".2 2 products. l.t'c hmitatirm ui ri - and thr desire for a better life have done for our people.'* XfKOV S? WITH Mi FT 4 Ni f.i. k pull!., .!• ^ •i e\. eu'lV i* (Misitmn ;M Eto is married to a 24-year-old American girl, one of hi* former ko, lens and 105 mm FT 5 N'-ku 'elf ohoto leu- Also ||ollei!lc\ 2 *• -try a- Urge a- f,»n* : student- Although an excellent v iolinist in her own right. Mt« F' • Ell 2-327T -ifie. ». -j decided to give up playing professional I v to concentrate on being a stamp cni.iKTinvs t.ARf.r housewife and mother to Eto's two hoys, ages three nnd two s ranadi.in .ollei ti.m being broken t.'l The *t ,» broa. three-v ear-old already -hows promise of follow ing in his . .f, • I.mmI Mm' .'« * single ». bio. It - CAM s lsi-t father* t.H.tsb pv " said Mrs Eto "He often slam* hi- door mm' IX t'AM * « Airport Hwtorna'. Communism's I9SI BUiCK .1 N.t. Co\n. ami demands complete privaev when . Over two million 1.(1 practicing' in- play ing ' Asked about the future for violin platers, Eto commented * •J'fs'-e ir„|n Wuol»sa|e ... slr.ni I|,e violinist will always be less popular than the pianist, but h»* gaining steadily in listener appeal.'* HALIOWECH 8IANKS THAT ELtASf PERSONAL Ml as tie put it. "the man • will continue to tw ;*,polar, the violinist has a chance and the c-lh.-t -the cellist is dead " • SU8PllSf Hf« Wl HAVi MANY OTHI8 iffeels I'olilics SMITH IACKMA; j BOBBY STJVCN5 THf vallad'e# Kiirusbel.rv v a! h.iuf* cal parties, Singhalese mm < IOCHIM a knight auto SALES 'he tire-.l old aigunien' T.tmiuls. press this issue in hi effort to win control of die gov ¬ Ldtlt lot B>§ extending a vvt-lnene ?< ' reS|M»nsil)!c for t e r" R-JIH. Hdthfr i-d ui ,i '.event interview.. \V.' ». ment Second, the government indiistrii»bz-oi >n and • sufficient must engage in iiu,« RKAKES KHOvr am) rr.c b proprtgau- Crossword Puzzle i ease- 'he race imm.v of to be doui.iiutit jh>1i- vlu for birth contioi r.iof.l lr«. i.i.nnion * 12 9 V -r Hi,ike- Hrjkr iiMtci ;»is adiiislfd relinrr- iv.) .ituntaxon plitme iv 4-4bl9 Smgnam. w o came to the 35 Affirm*!. v< v ate ! s ' o \ the i-fand of Ceylon .Mirliijiaii Mai.- >«•»» XAI E Pjcrellent ^08 SALE ••anert Mrs F A •» 1951, i 'tonleted !iis gra«luate 341 Student ScrvUet 34 Those nf 'n|n«* » BV OW'NFH k *' :' c University of Mich- PublWiM on eiucs (1*v« Maud.** higr»l I suk He came to MSU.thp fa!!. th.ougli Frld.iv inclusive during lull, AC»l,F9, l| weeks I.a Juil rnio 3D Irt t»v or n( , y niter ami v|v me term* cmtkI rwlnr win, wiiiip IIIMNM) fh \ innrkixg- 37 Co*i «t n,« Sitigitam ,-aid that in Ucylon, buildnv*; (vrrkly during •ttminer senarale' mur ,»r wjll *eU . down u nme t trim und one sercinl Iresliman i-»im 3* S*fe- l.rlwr en kuinnict mimI lull tevinik kevpinf *1 IfirA* Twain Toaiithty KutcreU *s sets,ml da-* matier un¬ der «ct of Match .1. in.9 at 111* Otwt 42 Table wfiitw. East l.au-tng. .VI,,h bUinsit Mark Twain will appear te» The Associated I'ir-s i« en',t|e«l 45. Dy*r« mghi in Ihr Ana a! 1:13 in Ikr nciuitnlji t„ Uw dm f.>r rtpuiili. • •t|iMt of nil Ihe I.Hal lieio prmled in Ibis n«w*l>4i>ei «b dp S«ao*t »l«s>« prownl MHWf mt Twain'a mwl Mud subflcruitions iMvtbi* m «a- Vaitc* for one term. *.i; for tveu- 44 Down S Fold of * fAmnn* wriUng*. Malhfh per- Again*! trmr*. ,14; for three Iran*. $5, 49 Pinch t Eager gsiment iormrd In near-capacity andi- A P N«vv» l>isn*n-he*. E. tANSiN issa coxvrrrx privatr M> Dchrsta 1 Wuimtud V In excess rncca while an Braadway. rru-t Mil i mac; Immediately flee fabric 3 The aiv,f»i(i| jmpreotaie (ondltlen IMn m v;«*..( Id with its agranan society, racism DenmaiIt ha* an old wedding 'v ^ 9\.* Ro.'E. Urntng. ED 7-lM.v kingdoni Obta.rit custom for Che bride to carrv a resewe parts. Mia plight ma* the sir 4 PruAl- ■is a determining fact«.r in the U Gaelic inrrse of small coin*, to lw tus<- wtiecd hy an Army piM dying U Table beverega « 5 T it i7 Greedy (Mditical aystoni "Htat racism Is cd to children watching at the over Ihe area. The anl«al EMPLOYMENT HOUSING Tostsrd the such an iwmr in Ceylon stems ma* LI. Vehoie i# Bulganap church. drugged and cnt free. coin from the economic crisis exist¬ OS tunnerg $. Pet, phetf 22 ing there. Rising This crisis, he continued. i« scam 24 Tuik,-h due to the rising unemployment Koveinor and t)u* government's inability •S Scotch to halt this rise. uncle Tills island; of approximately 2ti Tear 75.000 sq. miles, has a popula¬ 27 Oiler tion in excess of • million. Tea 21. Rowing u The principal product. implement •• City in Germany 32. Ditipalts 34 Fl> 3i Oriental U>( BLACK. TVPI- ship ♦ apU.n ad .accurate T*r- 36. Sum I leal Isanea dnnT rtm flan Ihe l>SMHy>atiil»- PHM-e I 6TMUSXE M. Read Industry. TYPIiT AKN RH- This leaves only the issue ct RAND MM Metrically St. Sound race as a basis for choosing po¬ 40 Butter litical lenders. The two politi- substitute •16 MMMtl (ONUS '41. Larg/lake -«TT»ACTnr« TWO bc 43. Not re- aooe Co#.,.' Mght Staff . 44 44. peated Poverty Spring WW 9U«* S«.,« Spu,„H i32w-spia •00MS~ : ( SrUONUT SMO, MAC rTSNOf *OOM. MOMOAV OM 4 U.I •• SSi Mlf Hlfl \N STATE NEWS fa*e Three Sheri ff Found Guilty Ocfoher *a. I».ta Changes Of Drunk Driving Engagements Approved sab- Wil.UAMSTON, Mich. i/P)—Willard Rarnes. five-term ahrriff of Inirhnm ('minty, was convicted «»f drunk drivimr Ttiesilay. after a five-hour trial in the Williamaton Fire ALPHA OM1CRON PI Nancy Me\uU». Tekons •. senior, to Paul Mavhtel, F..i ' senior, ingt'ift to Boo Kmsclla, llun'- W»«xi> junior I VANS sf HOLARs S;x »PP ,ir)tme»rts, seven House. Iguising junior. Mar.vlou Chappe;!, Long leaves, five, transfers. 10 .ln-'ive ..f the Peace W Rc- ALPHA TAC OMWiA * -. n •». NY. sophomore and A- oil -,n* ^nations and 13 rpsig. .ind terminations were Authorities ivi! 'thou', WimkI. a who trie. fine,! the bur'v the case Julie Home. Glenn K." :. I _iu"ior and Kappa Kappa G.i*» - r.ha vOnia Ph.. *o senior Howard Speek. '. - •<» B«h lluehner. Fort L-au I- ;*•> in nhy Watson of Lanxing. announced Alarlene Sparapani. Kiiiii-I", and I'd Gamma l>;t.». lolanda Sent. 28. Glenn * V i el „r .is'ronomv. ... t IP«». * news news editor in infor. Oct. 22. Elizabeth editor in inlor- Aclvertisins lie would file an appeal with Ingham I'ro-ecufor I'ireiiil Court. Jack Warrte v.U - y»ni<»r. to M .ti.gari Itot*. Saginaw Peter Fe.ra. Noilm C-dlegv fill n -■»p»io . in i• Mte » /upko. Ma k W and Sh.-me ;■ 'T'e jm . . < Ft her. in:>. t» ' .(•:vices. Oct 111. Tamara I.tip ibelli Peels. Midian-I j.u - .vciler. librarian. Oct, I. five u:'ni--e- ?e>i;lv .L.h-i MtCaUw. Irativitig giad Wat ren 'V >od. ,1 -r.- * i<- ;watsanen. a»s t oroie.s-m •• i were no defe:i*e i.'ne^i ato rtuden'. locv and anthroo«>loKv Feb I'l't arke ma Alary Ellen Jolinsort. W;,.- '' Sheldon I. Annleton, IIchu-n (Job'i 23. Dimundab ( III OMMiA • .-. I • an • iunior. ' . Rogef M.vf, . pr,.:...j.„r in foreign studies at ■ te'ev.• inn ann m .■ •••n iV'i. ?he . t.niplainin^ •»('• lud* Webster. !>• Trod mi. MSU irra hiaV and K' Ppa Nig- -iu< arid ■ n« -s. y.ii,t h. saw the shev.t* • H • .1 H">*. MSU graduu*. u.,t. Pat Jones, Milan junioi. 1 Vi&tw'i..,l leaves of absence t ar- . h.> -li-eti-sfm hv *ai DELTA DELTA DELTA w d'-n nrofe«>iir of hortiroi. ..i. weaving along the hlghwr.- K.. Pontiac junior an v, W. 'o Auk al. to lll>Mm\ni I %l»ITs riian, lvt,r..,n comnuttdcr. and Toni tVondruff ireiht) houv r: 'i'-.u authonln -*t 3 3i» Sharon W'eihe, Jackson sen¬ t> ■ . s..»nc morning and lati r sa-'. . i !L> ."*,<••• V"'d travel in England arid En- honor,r» hric.ilr ronrmjnilrr ami I',III sHirlnm Kt.i.iv. 3;V l*n!«»n Tt aangle * |irr*ldi>n( and memhrr «»f Ihe rh,11r «f nuji«. hi iMrketi on the shoulder wih ior. to Howard Mirks, Traverse .V *.»,.• i Smith, assoc. professor Sc. h;i!e- Neivihiif-. l.»»u- :* e and transporlatiori and nor. honored tl j .linn.r Tur.da, nltht al Ih -fxiu-iirs. helped entertain the honnrarv eadet*. S|f#A| A Pill I PxII.ON sonioi. ■■ H... ■ s 111: i' j its t ait "Ss The U11 * ^ ... the College of Bunt*. Thrl.i (Hi hnu.r Rill |l„r,|| ,|,||, halllr croup l' .rm Aiivejtisimj Af". * V . DELTA GAMMA N-.r. I .loh -Tot. Ik.-' I--r p..ri! Service. June 1. |M.» t„ J.H k lariemma -I Walt. 1 # 3' i'*"" t" studv and travel in . Ann Wood worth. Grand Ra - .ni"*". * - Ron Haft. Mv-m stanlev Shetnbaum. instru. - *ti?hot " ■ncinilcs and coordinate Sa\> ( iilui Wrecking Kclutiuii* •HHi: Cotiip.ifv. an hs iunior. to Gary Sienme.vr. junior: Chn-:,ne 'A'.:: am D" l.nsl Day lit See • r , 'Si. ! Bnli Vogelsang . , • jiro'ect. Auk. 1. l»5t» to D • A._fi . I'.' . seni..i and Beta Tht- tfo" iunior. . i ,v. f'.nn Marston. M*sn« im.- X-iveit'Stm." lead in u tex'- a.'» t dean. College '.i pi. I.inda Korh. Gtosse Poin'e tub t'.c Sir,,. :• ■ I// livliibilions Li. S. Doilies Boml)ini> Charges •i i .... u»H'«tmn Arts. June 15 I'ltSo ,■. * SU'kim .»■ U MSU Milt iftn. U.»»M.| t|V ond Alpha s12" r-ar.oe . annroved: S'arlev She . - • • evidt" ,../rt. » ..f economics. Nov. J: Frat ► pVi'.erfton III. asa't Instructor i" the per-n.. ■ ... v of education and con' , rd.icatinn. to instructor o. i *tr ...» education. Jan. 1: and Da', instructor In foundr':" • t (,rntl Itfliiriis i: !e' -.if -. .• I 1 AioiiHi Uo ( Otll'I.ETE ItltAKE . ,.,i!i,a»i'c and eontinuinc edu. .- Ha .. In ' \ nfi'riinistrative assi-t.u » • . P.,,t0s. o.i 23. -eordttiafor, high *ch«v.| roe. - Henri Dvkem. i'or Oivn I'lav • S'Dep; Cuban An ' VlNt ItEI.IMM; r-.t.'nr. »o **• t filter tor. .Mens Ii vturtent Atfatr*. tb . > :» Din/ I,, • See Russia «ki . ,m I'.ir -VAug I Guv Hill, dire- » ,► i,.pnr.l cooperation, to nroiess. r Outside the p.liar i- Monilii c s KH1 i l Sfiiior Herein** SI tilt in 1960 • Mindattons of education- niglil t astru i hatred at ,i loval Ub.f IiicIikIcu l.tiior •» . deognations Waller 1 • » ti r tils that the t mted stair, th;. ,-i ir.cik M * - ail' |, omimi s«iLdei»t I'earhrr luramfi professor and head ot hi-'. ■ II' . . an cnmliKted. front |W • *r,~ idiit-. A inert, . ; t.*u\ science to profesiwj • > is tnleratiii tiomhing ni I ub» •If I'leudent D - »"M: • fl.l ri'H'iv'r .ind niiitrriiiU — , ,r il-Uinli Vi-ti rwtal r.iiire administration. Sen' 1 1 tor Id a urn a 'lalctnent •< !h • nut -t.indliu; fvtl i a a rence Banl. from leoturr r t>.»ti |»tu- man>r cities. mi r\lra« Til.- in police adminis'i 1* s igiitmil continue ' • !• •!!!;■ f tll'lvfof th' V.'r.c ■ PkimmiJ J mm r. kii—ta. , w - nubile safety and the Vu - ucation huildinj,'. ~ Poland. < /erfen-lovakia. S*an«iina«M r e<» June 1. IMu Name ■ p*-. irom assistant profess." •• U e-trrn Europe highlight*. 4 ■ . > ».'» r is S iy>». to ii phvsics and astron." doctoral thesis. Karslake, professor «»l p»" i>ermit htm to ro • ii." r. ntury - S", life itabari •' Two Optometrists t*» Harold A. Shnider, 0. D. Better serve Vour Needs ■ I o/fegiole I rnt-r. hu—ia. «akia.Nraii'hna*ui.ltenrluk.U Kuiopr ■ fn.frro Europe JWrenfwrr. lift firrfe. Blid Sa Poland, I /ech«*l« Champion arting head of psyrhoto- llrake lieliiters .» arfina head of pssrhoho I." f«s «u\< i hi r i true a,»4tlahle Bulgaria. K«uman»a. Robert E. Barnes, O.D. . Iter. 31, |M»; Plan'. II -.a. I'.dand. t /er-ho-l.ntakia. thr»i !•> 1 in i'i •rss'i-'i '$r«m i 4,»i professor of polite it rtn lurnpe * rtitr mute -1,. *» srflng coordinator of Hi. 1 ft. .If M I l!» .tl ! • ■' H • - . ..1 project. Oct. I, IIS"'; I »'!" ' ■ s,-,- uttir Trawl Agent m wrtii- 291(1 E. KALAMAZOO • Optical Itcpair^ i • professor of anatoms. !' • • H>i»* lC\Jiminc«i \ " Maupintour ' ■ III. 4 School of Medl.al Fit list • Contact Lenses of the • (• lasses < i-.hoologs, Jan. I, ltd*. • Holder. Jr. paonc. pro'- MA •y:ch !?:• -h«' i* v p v « ' » ' Mi AppOlN ' . ' M < KSSAHV lot Maii-.t/' A»- Nr» Antk U N A. IV 4-4649 j ': 4..*tr\c Krviger. rank ass't nrpie- in the !..«» th'iisal tuld tinrtiros the I mt¬ i;. bit- Aim- M ALL f OI'KT mANfMlK C ENTER IV Mrdil h) Relatmns t'en*e> ed stales is shmked and amazed Open Mon Thur.. I'rL Tvenings 'III '• . '. ..»l appointments o- me:- . renter and rnembe t department* in wr ri.tDMlNT BI'RE.%1' . y - » . rir .wne. arademic and asa't rank terminal ;oi prole-M-i fit Itarhetur s decree «N|. Masters ill" lloetors M here no de¬ SPECIAL! i engineering. *0«* gree »* indiratrd. all degree lesels »re eligible to interview -i . » indrurtor of come ,!». L>e. 31 Paul Blue . • IMrLOVIKs o< lORIi: TOLI.OWIM, M.AJORs 111. IMA 60LIATH and LLOYD Alios "cozy cood" lined . *-.r of journalism. Auc Mjivm. asst news edu ().; C Semiavtrv «' »• .♦.Itm A I '• vsl- • a»ir.n in services. aeeretarv. Oct 2^ Vietna iy,; i . . D '■ A t hem t.dliiilli nricc -larl- ill Sl'ej.5 white canvas oxford -•'21 John Manoooii. i" - r.r st V A R» .'- . •• r- .»-»• Vietnam proie*' Sec If- Eifv Mo.(I price -lurl- ill 81 l').i m i i m e Deed, ' hrartan, '. Nov police Oct. / aneciali*' Eiear- 14: f.eor,. f .'V I* ... or« T- A* 1 «.i:i i i" in xtll.es i'Klt «;ai.i.on 3.49 a T.-b.. ». s .ihranan. Rent 4. Snifi* librarian. Oct S. IV" - M.( if ,,]H|t f" OMI'l l l i: SED I TION Ol . I . , erartan. Sept. 4. Brnw1 ' • r<* .uir.i' assistant proie»«or, roum» • r Oct 13 and I unvslcian, health »ei rU'-ec- - • •s fo- t o: l I SEP t:\its ♦. -t Ii. id 0 IH.Vs tout). I nirlanc, 2*diHir, \ - SI.!!»."». Ford Grants • FDltl). --diHir. \-s, radio, healer, auto¬ t*rre: • A IW MSI Funds »n f.M Devi'. r;»f«i«".'. Rn*» f»» He Nu.es A - matic transmission. M • !!»."»*» i'lymgi Til. 2-tloor, V-M, radio, heater, ■ Um .(-'..on; C'hemixti v (men » ?voiy) grant be. m standard transmission. S1D."». .v wormn) major* f»>r Ff A D '-i MSU by the Korl •V*. l'roles>i 'n«l Qualification Test •' for • H»ven-ye >: •j-ntrt. ■ e tra.rm% of Dr. eletnet:-' Wilbur it., r. v- i« . Jiiloi fTiali variable at the Placernetit Bureau a-hedulMi at MSU on December 12. 1959 C. & T. AUTO SALES wonderful laving on wM» Pf 1 by Coodnck .yaw I y r.- f(-r adrr ittanf to the examination must be for- dirrctor of the bu: - • . A Mpi »10 E. KALAMAZOO . ideational research, has •*ard.d the Educatiori Testing Serviee by December 1959 potN.ro foundation canvas OA lord «ri#i wwkionod whl. wntkfed i-td. Th.S is • obi> test date during the 1959-60 academic year. Tin* j >roj«ct, petting under !e ' i •- manly 't»r Losra! Atts students only. For further in- , IV 9-1315 wppon, and wodgo luppart. KmoJmJ lac longAnaonag lafid aaoda^U tor.ut t the P.aierneftt Bureau. fal!. is in cooperation •imnunity colleges in • ar« netting up a f>ve- I'anfl Discussion ■*••3 at a community ct>llr«e ' - -ummer session at MSU Dr. W*...., Ar-ru. :r,!. d,»n nt ire completion of this per-. tTr- C •:!<■«<■ Vrtrrslw-v M«i.- The next three years will Cini.. arvi in- Raymorvi Gam-f internship in the schools of Bio dMM-MnMi*. of »ir>cultu;e extension courses front «Jun Cawntryi ■*rrpus »t East Lansing panel ai»eu»J.i.t. ai Jc A.n.cui- "A study will be made of the m*h( at , 3r rrocgis of training ttaehers in ture Eiiaeata't clui) K(U| to- tlivar-ilim block luvdt fashion and making com* They vtw '1.—rrlatronahipa with the conventional vocationa] aer.cultural Odan pump dromoNc compW betaeen » - . opus mstruction." he said. William Hicks, profess.- teacnutc an.1 veterinary prac- teacher education, is heading tice. • • ' ject. Or. Barnard Corman A buiiROSJ meeting will pre- mont to your important eede the j«#ne! diecuwion. Both •' oireeling the research. assi>t- Will be m 237 Edurutioa. *' fey Dr. Ann Olmsted. cvenU i- |ire|urr(l will. loto doy fathioni with (Irc|. rraprrt tor : ; J WANTED llaron and •t» great liik bow and V ti Egg*. ■tikxti or mcwovi itmte onumr pointed beauty •on mr AMP WOMEN VO« pa«t 1*1 "Oh* m and aaovnd ianmno I4.9S !il I :» mtt tfmm own TOM and moi d* !" pat above avcaacc ii APPLY THl'kH- OCTOBER ». I«» J •ft« --- v.,-',. PLACEMENT BL'RKAU STUDENT SERVICES BLIKi. HMO E. GRAND RIVER Hon m ajl to t tm. STANLEY HOME am rot ml PRODUCTS owonnux HOURSt 7 o.Mk - 1 a.Mi. ODAM'S ii '1 IB £ , W'!;» - MICHIGAN STATF MWS Flyboy Is Top Rack of Week Or-lnher 28. 1959 Paze Four NCAA Warning la Ihiffy Spanks I > W liilo i'.onhl Play! 2 Schools By THE ASSOCIATE!! CRESS "Rich Mayo, a ball-faking houdini for the young Air Force team, Wednesday was named varrh .pas dug ruling and 37 yards but always at critical spots in the game. He complet¬ ed four of nine passes, for a nated for honors. Another tan. quarterback Dean Look* took the prize last week. Other nominations included: Spar¬ il p COLUMBUS i/B) —Ohio State the Associated Press "Back of season total of 49 completions in Bobby P!v. Bnvlor: Ernie Davis. p. differed f;mtball another casualty practice Tuesday. He Is at BOSTON — The Tuesday placed the University NCAA the Week." It was Ma>-o's running, pac¬ 90 attempts for 481 yards. Mayo barely beat out .North- Syracuse: Jim Walden, Wyom¬ ing: Darr. il Harped. - Michigan; j«»i of Mississippi and Arizona Rta»e ing and ball-handling wizardry western's John Taliey, whose Joe Caldwell. Army; Char'ie i -ckle Ron Weldy from Piqua, •'. who had to be helped off University of Tempe on proba¬ tion for violation of Association which produced one of the exploits against Notre Dame Flowers. Mississippi; Jack Col¬ lie! weekend's biggest upsets—a 20- were far more dramatic. lins. Texas: Clark Holden, •»(c field after receiving a blow rules governing financial aid Michigan State's left halfback 7 victory over UCLA Friday Southern California: Dick Nor¬ the head. and recruiting of athletes. iatia • 'o night. Gary Rallman, a sophomore who man. Stanford; Harvey White, Arizona State, a member of Lucas, However there was good news Mayo moves into New York'; scored twice in the Indiana Clem son: and Richie fnot Gil |! * Border i • -.■I trainer Ernie Biggs. He the Conference, was vast Yankee Stadium Saturday gamy last Saturday, was nomi¬ Bonn "St .'. jt; i fullback Bob White may re- placed on probation for two to try his luck against Army's 1; I • . uniform than years and, for the first year of gavou celebrated Joe Caldwell. Vets I Bounces AO(\ 20-0; • n to sooner that period, was made ineligible d .• .ts expected. Mayo's performance again- 1 to compete for national cham¬ I Bless said the fullback's UCLA wasn't fancy or spectac¬ owerf i if! I < shoulder separation much better than we thought." is healing pionships or to participate in invitational events, including ular, just deadly effective, and UCLA coach Billy Barnes said E. S. 10 Whitewashes E. S. 6 AUT BRANDSTATFFB OIIV BALLMAN DAVE MAN'UEP ation > post-season football bowl games. in •' However. Biggs added, it is too the airmen couldn't have won P By MIKE SKIN NT R jnaka 1 early to say whether White Mississippi drew a one-year without him. would st.itc Saturday. play against Michigan prol>ation, but was not made in- eiiglbfe for bowl games. A 170-pound junior F.ureka, Calif., Mayo gained 74 from Vets I kept its winning ways Tuesday nlprht hy dumping: AC ICS, 20-6, in IM football. 17 Seeing Mueh Action a it!?- in the fourth finished the scor¬ However, the Winners receiv¬ ed a big scare before they broke ing. Sophomores Seem to Put In other 1M action. East Shaw (he game wide open. On the Tigtl. • 10 put t.rtether a strong second- TIME IS 'opening play from scrimmage, AOCS quarterback Bill Danner heaved a 50-ynrd scoring pass to end Ray Schofleld. half to blank East Shaw 6. 13-0. Tip winners broke a scoreless deadlock in the third quarter j tf%i n,,! brni Legs on Spartan Horse when D.i'e She!trown tossed the After the ensuing kirkoff, ill 1* * final pass to Don Baker. Vets I quickly tied the score. >n en ' * # * The drive was finished olf when ► Shaw II. 11; F Xhaw *. 0 trim i" Neil Nickel scooted around left W hhaw 10. 7; W *h.iw «, 0 AUPP«' RAKt.% «. xirapr.ni it end for the tally. The extra I .ale I'omt'fk 13. CSO 1J By JIM WA1.I.INGTON Though he "hasn't, caught a Kakela, from Toledo, OMi, hi * IM point was converted. \tkrs *. Tnm'g MM. .0 Astoria te Sports Editor touchdown pass, Brandstatter to use his 6'3", 210-pouni frame in hold 7 llral » F'or tiie rest of the game the \>U I till S H Before the current football rates as the team's third high¬ to pass a senior tack..', Vets were in command. How land ♦. •rr They lli'rtrirk If. Ta*ti* TerfOfi * season Michigan State was re¬ est scorer. Eight points have servers praise his a'.i'tty i5 OUT' Itallhawh* scored their second TD on a toe as the Bast learn quick and apply his \ rtk II over ' A*hrr Forfeit* garded as a darkhors® in tha come off his "focu Nickel to John Klewicki acri d ball knowledge. I'invkrr* over M.in»r Mire Big 10 race. Lansing native has missed only in the second quarter, and an¬ two PAT attempts. For the two A dhange of position Inrlielhl.k over liihar* But now that horse is begin¬ frc^ other Nickel' to Bob Horr Kir. W'rrVtl* «vrf l'f»«ir'« pass W Shaw 7 over W xhaw » ning to rear its head and start¬ other points he caught a point quarterback, at Muskec i Hi^ ing to pick up momentum as the after aerial in the end zone. School, to halfback, ISI ONLY A FEW MORE DAYS TO NOW SHOWING •houseboat" Shown 2:00 • 6:00 - 10:00 Big 10 standings take shape. The Spartans, in a second place The starter remaining isn't sophomore able to score be¬ cause of his position, but Man¬ hasn't bothered has been one ising aophomore-. of the S'ow. t mo .t p:.^, fimv Fr*f»i deadlock with Purdue, Illinois "te.u lint's pet" and Wisconsin, have a 2-1 con¬ ders' presence has been felt on Although usually playing <•#, Ifl!' VA. Show n 12:00 1:00 K:A0 To«'l GET YOUR TICKETS & DATES - - ference mark and 3-2 overall the field with his accurate snaps fensive halfback, Stew t v*« I-!* reqord. and up-the-middle blocking. impressive offensive flgurn. Hi J.niv What has given Sta'e its less We can't ignore the defensive has 98 yards in 20 carrln after the disastrous 1958 season? first stringers — tackle Pc'e Ka¬ caught four passes for 37 y,:"4 brf '•« To The PJt.ll The answer lies in the eager¬ kela, end Jim Corgiat and half¬ and scored one TD. . , . ness of 17 sophomores who have back Don Stewart. The list of sophomori • doescl T mueh action in the five Kakela and Corgiat have been end 'here. Both Carl seen Crann, % games thus far this season. instrumental in the two sensa¬ fullback, and halfback b Sud, Halfback Gary Ballman, end tional goal have seen first team act .on. ^ r» -" •' line stands' that the OF" '• " Art Brandstatter and center famed '"CundifY's Crew" has Saturday Charon st-irrd *g CORONATION BALL CLARK nnnio Dave vided Manders, the all first year men from Michigan, have pro¬ offensive unexpected, and much needed, spark. team with pulled off in the Notre Dame ami Indiana games. Stewart has show n both his offensive and de¬ fensive talents to the approval of Spartan fans. place of regular Blanche Mifftu, Charon, from Boy re City, ha| one to 55 TD to his credit in add.tiot yards gained running A"1 four pass reception, Hows LA Dance To The Music Of GABLE ™s game Ballman. because of who an missed injury, is one Besides his defensive duties Corgiat is one of the State punt¬ Turn other sophomomi hat figured in Spartan scorn.:. Ha*, tied for team leadership in ers. ' In five boots he has put back Larry Hudas, of IVr 1 i scor¬ ing with 12 points. In addition, Me pigskin 162 yards. Coaches Denby, and fullback Ron Hav.« He h* the East Detroit prize has gain¬ also praise his offensive block¬ er, from Carnegie, Pa., scored 5 ■ while LES ELGART TEACHER S ' ed 136 yards running and has ing He is from Bessemer. the Notre Dame ciash. H the H>UI« '1 caught one pass for 22 yards. To climb to the defensive spot Other aophomores who hi-# 1 PL I iMiitRHirmmitiiiHiMiiiiiimiifJiifiiittBMiiiiiiiiiiuiHiiitiriiHiiiiiriniTiiiiiL' seen much action are: halfbicm TICKETS ON SALE AT THE UNION WCMMCOiOe* TSSSmSSSM II Ed Ryan from Chicago nndJoaj ww ■ '"v I GOLDEN D0NUT SHOP I Sharp from Flint; end Dick 0t* endine from Aliquippa, Hi, guards, Tonny Kumiega, Chiro. pee, Mass., and Don Koparh, IK troit; and tackles. Pat Chirdon, Start* TODAY! MICHIGAN ☆ Grand frc»m Pennsylvania, and Bubct Opening Szwast, Chicago. # ★ * SUPER BARGAIN DAY OCT. 29 • 30 In an attempt to have hi CPC AI.I.-DAY Spartans in tip-fi.p vnape :r cr«p OLL . . . I'kkview oLL ... i 4 ft 8 pja. Saturday's Ohio Sta'a football coach Duffy Danater'f .-»ur.*.: FOB MOW HAL CD t-Mll ^^rry mi i U'.T first show t pji. LANSING — sfflte xgy show tonight' PHONE adtlts jtc ■ ED 1 2bl4 hippies 20c IN DIVERSIFICATION "acc ALL IMC rtinK arm* and ammunition indnttry Mm ;aSe promise* the chemist, the chemical and the meclianical and metallurgical engineer* lu BE • .VI a career that can progre** along any one of many avenue* just as rapidly as can l»e displayed. \\ e would like to talk to ability ill Include Olin Mathicson in your interview you about your post-graduate plans. * in itinerary. » I The Olin Mathieaon representative will soon be on your campus. Sea your place¬ 4 u 1 ment office for full detail*. 4 <;i % SI lalertitwi to br held oa Otinhrr -S OLIN MATH1ES0N 460 PARK AVE, NEW YORK 22, N. T. "1 •AT. AT I PJt Lm Koniichck't H-H.B.MFBFIIM WHUFF »* 8CX. - -RLC1 MMM- * -RLOOD ilMI W- ARROW" - • Mitk. . ... . •—1 Today's Schedules >U Still No. I V^'-VV. State »»••# K! V CHEMICAL SALESMEN t&S News^zS^ M.mlreal at forono. , ;• Ok I Ifoi | at Nov York WALCO CHEMICAL COMPANY Wildcats 2nd xneti! Snort* fiiitnr lint A»*t»t.stit Wallmston — |iil| Pxtiluir 'Ss a a a'3'w v Our growth r«m|»an> need- the additional October *!8. t§S?» J»a5e | j\e 3AV al Ifoissippi Takes 3rd, 3M3BaTn'i -ale-men and marketing men. We serve the pulp and paper, petroleum, chemieal. food, Lt Play Bayou Timers l*i»ton* Uli.nigr Mind 3 3 11 0 A|3 3 d Slit V d S aXsfix » w N nd1 lexlile. -leel. and other hea\> indu-lrie-. I'o-ilion- are open throughout the United V T»IE ASSOCIATE!* PKI>* DETHOrr v The !)••'; • jVrolavo'aB i a 3 No. 1 in the weekly MKTat^i Pi Pistons T i'^d.i. t-». »k ho;;io ■>< tr 3H i'oHs'a i Stale-, liooil -alary pin- e\pen-e-. prol'il [Mlwil I1"1' f"r ,he 13,h "tra'lrh, L.-.. p,.-jt i..n Saturday niirht. i"*'* " '■iHirin. Walter Dnk<< off ':«#• list and will aftenui? to r>»ar.n a salary agreement with him. O'- 'radir.u K 3 i sBoa3 n s 3 N I W|V 9 N I i' n vBb'n'iVt sharing and excellent benefit program. Two >car- of college ehemislry desirable, and fers for the ven-foot ccrisn Tim-. adriile two games by s-ak1. SjM.dB9 v a a a college degree required. Age *21 to 33. teams were no* gooti enougn winning itnrti gins, attfar'e I 71 t warrant a trade. UiMSNV KDH record r„prfnl Mississippi. 182 Ur>st . , ,;„n-s third-ranked received »i< of 10 . pum'; , !»• M. R. McDonald 5 , -an» which nine for «?»•«•• m: GOOD LUCK- |raV. or break LStfi Besides LSI' • ! \t - interviewing at l,rtcomi straight tia% the stenu'si '<> ranking tt-n.-n v».• T-v, SPARTANS! , , . • probably which Methodic* mil-* a: D.. p ' . ■ V A I. boh shaw -ophomnre of Michigan Slate University T ao: phal¬ ern should rake I d . • - . year at hnmc , Exrlunirr -.r., S'- li dft-al or ba l . ..•r/i any one t-Use pla\S Pi" til J s v.-.. -li.tw Iruiio fur I960 CRAVANETTE" .P,r . • . 'he top. Cal moo*- Californt.i. Penn s . NOVEMBER 3, 1959 goes against W»»s-*Virg.ma A, pull nf .ports writ* Ex-Tiger Soph of Year burn oppose- Ki-»i i.j; r.i-.. _• Pronlri-'". .tl""» Tech faces Duke ami VV, . f'r(ice., for I „ J u Id. divrrfrnr. „ u hn hi. thp h*»t meets .Miehisa: l.ont'lAinlins „ rni mi1 II V NKW VOftN Sha.-. mntp.js* '«-• season." *aid Shaw, i an;pin rin.-*ifio<|s . High Header-hip Ih' montrr. at- . l.,m in I IoiiMaiij *utr II vnr ! Wh pitch, r dropped only six all tol l. |.«pi-ti I" M—m» ... wn . 1 ^ Nnnliu rslrrn * \|0S|S>|||, | i, I,. , |,{ continues strong I Tr\.i, ih. I , "! go out there thinking that I ocr: mi I,(a 4iu». batsnom, I tlif line. •|. SVNilPr ti s.iiitlirt III) r have the advantage over tht is I alif to fotir I. r; ^ j»ushu|»s. He. : OIIONATION K.U.I. " I'^nti sr.»r** ihi i "'.'.■I pitcher in condition. • ;T v. -• 'han 1.0.X) K. Atihurn i".» «|; TIMK »ilh #. l.nureu To it 11 • I've tried to break down l«. H'limnun < '• i-I . hj<, v.on its la.-' Iftr Sironrt I r ••very move m th" pitching mo* I.KS KI.li.UfT II I'tirrttii* it-l-i. Tuer. and correspondingly develop I !, I lrrii*oit i ■» i I-1 i leagu « ea • inyscle winch takes part in II %'«!•• ill t .-«»t 19S$ motion. I do pushups, flip Schedule 11 «.*>»rci4 I *>-1 > r..r •h it II T«a. fhrt*ii.in f»- • .-t metal dm/, « vir.g Indian cluba Ih Href on t A-l. It,-IS. (lie | ArS.n*4. l • • * l swim almost every day. pdothait U'Asliihet»u (VI S'A miming keeps the musclei prirtlf# I "id l'» nklAlo.ni. il . 1im fifth /II. Tenne*«rr il-|.|» ♦<»ne.i up in the shoulder area." lr»t« * PUvhuM Toil'll I ielrt A* I'hl PnnuO Held KQDL KROSSWORD No. 5 FALL TERM y.Q ] GRADUATES low shouinc; thr famoNs novel ORDER YOUR < ordara" COMMENCEMENT i fame m Ln h» i.lendnn Swar- |t while he was a mem- k if the faculty at SUte l aiversit)! Mich* ANNOUNCEMENTS 21. k t-c MONDAY - THURSDAY I, ly.r- T, IT W«:h *. 6 ; i t n, •-* Union Book Store 21 K»|M ('*. » . *• t. ■* .* it. .11. li*r4 h»Wi|. • k -1» • •I NO ' . 4 t 1». \ • if '■( Ml' When your throat tells you its time for a change^ you need ervoorts 44 l.-.,v i'. Thw •' a real change., '.'13 L. (irRnd ItBer NW u; lt r. F l.asl Lan-sini? • HI »t **T AT — - «:15 . t St YOU NEEO THE Richman's (« «t . MART AT SPECIAL bulky- — yUewWJ%c «« - »:IS fW .III, EVINTS . «H.Rr REEL PURCHASE ImiLIMi (»UiRUm.lrrl "> IIIKII.I s- I VRTIM.N .w- «>KQDL knit sweaters' it IE HOUR DRY (LEANING SERVICE! 795 ' Big 01 rainpus' Bulk/ >/oot-Orlon blenU'. in brillunt new styles. I COMPLETE SERVICE INCLUDES: ONE Pulboveis with shawl collars. New rross-ov-r I vv SIKKI'KOOMM; "RENOWN" crew-necks. Cardigans, too. New burnished tones TENNIS OXFORDS ' u imvrioiss and heather tones in ' " M IHI RKVrAI. >»HKT IAL.NDKY HOUR u.ailr i.\ I . S. RuIiIh-t (.<>. grays and browns. Cut lithe and lean to lead an active life. Sturdy polished cotton wards • Wankablt whit, off wind and ram for all-weather MARTINIZING tuiu HMMri. wear. Natural tan with black , WMHTNI, WE CFFER: • Kailv cu.hkM.td for a wonderful buy corduroy collar, foulard lining. arch tad Mr "(M OUNT fARIIS you can always rely on ! • Utid heel ' (KKE parking at rear .era Rich man ■'kriiB mpiBlJ z '■(aranteed qlality • Wide, na.ru. aad ■ ROTHKRS 1 SERVICE ik m ... ALWAYS 1 ■Mdiaa width- ■H' • Sue. 4-10 I INK C LOTHES' KOK MKN Mtc HRVKI-lOW etKI» nukeo t-Mt AM H. H A-MINGTON AVt UNHINU U. MK* -&*■ SHOP lUNIGHT *nL 9 P..AI. ■ • * • fm * , "-ti' ■ ! \ I 'i MICHIGAN STATE XFUs Ry Board of Tnnilws October 28,1959 Graduate Scholarships Professor Publishes i334,196hi National Science Foundation C'.raduate Fellowship^: ] 100 wilt be awarded to individuals planning to carry on graduate study in the sciences during the 1960-61 academic year in the university of Book on Ag Education "Guidance in Agricultural Education" by Prof. Harold 'Talk Show' Is Radio Two old radio hands get to¬ gether when Virginia Wciser in¬ terviews Majcr John Barron on since Sunday, 1956. \.v : Grants Accepted . their choice. These fellowships are offered ven 11, Conn. Completed appli¬ cations must bo submitted to Byram. chairman of the Agriculture Education Service, department of teacher education, has lieen released by "Let's Talk Awhile" WKAR at 4:30 p.m. Thursday. over The Air Force officer, an AF- point." sion bers of a pnyrr • * ; in addition to the National Sci¬ <;ift«= nmllaTants of 1,196.33 for .MSI* were accepted this address on or before Jan. 23. The Interstate Printers and Publishers of Danville. III. ROTC instructor on campus port ant -v. ence Foundation Cooperative • Thursday by the Board of Trustees. Fellowship. Students who have nvram said the book is a Mhool counselon.. Included were 70 grants total- already applied for a Coopera¬ VW Wivw I'lii ii nthesis of principles of guid¬ Professor Byram is also co¬ <46.395 33 for scholarships tive Fellowship through MSU or Srronil M«i-iiii» ance and good methods in teach¬ author of "Vocational Education FREE! Vi GALI.OX („KE, and direct aid to specific stu¬ dent*;. Research -dealing with more Trip Begun any other university are ineli¬ gible to apply for the NSF Grad¬ uate Fellowship. The Veteran's Wives Assn. ing agriculture, the first such hunk to attempt this. A member oi tbe MRU faevlty and Practical Arts in the Com¬ munity School," a widclv used ROOT BEER OR ORANGE effective educational uses of new will hold its second meeting of for 24 years. Professor Byram textbook. WITH 3 REGULAR 1 ITEM media films, such will as Ik* television and carried out in By Deans Completed applications for the NSF Graduate Fellowships should be sent directly to the the year tan tonight at 8 in Spar¬ Village Hall, corner of Wil¬ said much first-band In form a tion for the book eame II Tirkrt* Amitablr (PLAIN CHEtst EXPLITItn applied mechanics under a $54.- Fellowship Office, National Aca¬ low and Harrison. mmi a I contact with ; SUBMARINE SANDWICHES 917 ^r.tnf from the United States Dr. Glen Taggart. dean of Tickets ror the performance * demy of Sciences. National Re¬ Nominations will be accepted teachers threairhoat ef Yehudi Mcnuhin, violinist, «m Education. International Programs, and Dr. search Council, 2101 Constitu¬ for treasurer and secretary, and Ohio, and Michigan. Nov. 3 in The three-year project directed by Br. Charles will be Harris Alfred See lye. derm "f the Col¬ lege of Business and Public Serv¬ tion Ave., N.W., Washington 25, D C. The deadline for receipt of final plans will he made for the hake sale Saturday, The former college teacher of guidance said counselor scheduled the to appear Lecju re-Con cert series, art- VARSITY DRIVE- and available in the Union ticket head of the department of ap¬ application is Jan. 1. At 9 p.m. Detective Qulllan of DELIVERY SERVICE plied mechanics Various teach- ice. left Sunday on a globe- I here has been a longtime de¬ checkroom. Coupon "C" is to be El) I Application blanks and mater- the Michigan State Police Racket mand for a book of this type. exchanged for the ticket. ni( methods. Including w of rtrcHng tmir in connection with Suuad will speak -on narcotic ii.N may be obtained from Wash¬ Ho said the bcx-k was designed sound and color film* of ex¬ the university's international All wives, of vets or otherwise, help' agriculture teachers do ington b,v filling out n special to periments, will he compared. programs, ♦ preliminary form asking for the are invited to attend the meet¬ a good job in the guidance of A $36,685 grant from an tin- Their main stom during the materials. This form may be ing. farm you tit and as an aid for named donor will he used under •h.- direct inn nf I)r Harold An* six-week trip will include Oki¬ Formosa. obtained from the Graduate Of¬ fice or from Washington, I960 nawa. Vietnam, Pakis¬ r. »n, professor of research in tan, Italy and England. • • v.hology, in his creativity They will he eonaultinr with A General total of Electric 46 Foundation: fellowships will COLLEGE GRADUATES s. tidies. Anderson and his wife. Dr. various educators and officials be offered in 1960-61 to gradu- (Many* Anderson, have made a concerning advisory projects —rdo- students in the field of en¬ llrrr arr Ihr opportunities you hate been xeekinu! Inte«tie:ii, , . .crjoarative study of children's which are being carried ont hy gineering, sciences, social sci¬ salaries and excellent opportunities th»t prepare you for tcrhniral, attitudes in problem solving sit- MSU under contracts with the ences, humanities, business ad¬ International Cooperation Ad¬ ministration and graduate law. ariminislratite responsibilities. nations. They have tested mora than 9.500 children in eight ministration. the Bepartmrnt of Stipends will he $1750 for single Proriuetion Management Training countries. the Army, the various govern¬ students: $2100 if married but Itesearrh and Development A research project in s*atl$- ments concerned and private without dependent children; and • cs will be continued under a corporations and foundations. 82500 if married with dependent, Duality Control s»9.R00 grant from the National children. Eleetrieal Envineerinu' (installation, lestini;. anil maintenance! In London, Dean Taggart will Science Foundation. Dr. I.eo In addition tuition fees will Field Kneineerint! (ronstruetion projerts at our o«n plantt meet with officials of the In¬ K.d/. professor and head of the be paid. Applications must be ter-University Council regard-* received by Jan. 4, and should Engineering (planning and development of plant in.tallaliim.i I • ■partiiioat. 'is director of the ing a Nigerian project in which Industrial Engineering >, iv and currently is on leave. t>e addressed to the General Michigan Stats u becoming in¬ Industrial Hygiene (Mechanical Engineering degree i i): ingrain Olkin. associate pro- volved. Electric Foundation. Crotonville, fe si.r of statistics, Is admlnis- Box 791, Chaining, N.Y. Arrounting The premier of ths Eastern the program in his eb- Region of Nigeria recently visit¬ Kent Fellowahlp*: for gradu¬ lleenmr a member of our future management leant, tin Voemlwr: ed the MSU campus and has re¬ ate study in the arts nnd sci¬ |»r Herman Keening, pmfes- our representatives will lie on your ramptis. Contact Mr. .hek K f J quested aid in establishing a ences. These fellowships are «or nf electrical engineering. *111 for an appoint mrnt. c .nilurt reaeareh ennremlng di¬ new university Jn his country. sponsored by 1he National Coun¬ In Italy, Taggart will consult cil on Religion in Higher Edu¬ gital computers under ft IIMM grant from lb* Mwrt of With educators at the University cation ami are awarded to young INLAND STEEL COMPANY Florence which has proposed men and women who are com¬ Inundation. Enst Chicago. Indiana a program Involving the ex¬ mitted to a religious approach Hi investigations concern the change of faculty and students to life and who look forward to i, .iguing of electrical nntwerki in the social science area. professional sendee as teachers ai;d control systems by digital Dean Seel ye is to consult with i r administrators in higher edu¬ computer methods. business administrators and edu¬ cation. \ training program tor p»v» rhiatric *-* ial workers will be cators at a meeting in Hufut, Application forms may be ob¬ Iigbanon. Hi is due Kick on tained from the National Council continued under s $25,261 grant from the National Institute of campus Dec. 13. Taggart is on Religion in Hgiher Educa¬ scheduled to return Drc. 11. tion, 400 Prospect St., Nqw Ha- Mental Health, Bethesda. Md. The funds win be turni under DUAL FILTER DOES II the direction of Dr. Cordon Aid* ridge, director 06 UN School ©f STOP MENTAL HEALTH! Social Work. TOM LEHRER Committee PREVIEWS HIS NEW ALBUM IN DETROIT Heads Nameil SAT., OCT. 31, B:30 P.M. For J-Hop .tuntnr rou»ca ha. rhwi tha SCOTTISH RITE AUD, MASONIC TEMP. TICKETS AVAII.ABI.E AT BOX OFFICE (.1knelii* Juab*. m *«alrmu>v an.l Kutenhatimall t wear at tn ftill Koumbtr 4tJu tvii vet to wearing glas.«e«. TImm ft'Uf.d contact lcns«*» a happy Those who are atrong tn «ngtneer* tu» fur.damentaia and thathen.a- are beat qualified for «hr ?«s i nea The tiny plastic lcnaqg fit and offer eomplet* Hara't haw tha Jftyl Filter doaa it: t\ ^ deal en work. AMI product *»- I W combmoi a umquo mnjf l.ttor o( J?- »* 'i\ c siudrnto' Why not ACTIVATED CHARCOAL.. C/t SM- etneers are reaponatble for pro- »>n evntflt iv »i Wallacv'sT HBK imml h) mak. ttl. vmnkn a, j tuamtt. !§i ducta from the design atojjr •> mi^ and imaoth thrm.gh production, to the ulti lis W. HDGUCAN AVE. Z. ukth an Hficont pur. aMm IF mate uae by tha consumer. ( all IV »-2774 far M (NEXT TO BOTKL OUM) attef hltw. ToaMter Ihoy bnn| you t*< BK. W. C. JI NSKN. M MM htmtOnM* and «aatobacco taM.! '... Hoars: Moo. . Dal 7 aJO. • t ml I'l «»■ AUTOMATIC MUSIC, INC. UNTstas Art, SI. .WALLACE OPTICIANS MU Viae (OopMllr I cntet 8ao. II aja. Sperlaliilaa la: roaot boof. roaM . I ml . ItMO IV $ >111 * Abo omorn at is; N. w.stuoaton, Dmvutnm Hl it Mm dork, otaaba, etc. DR. R. C. JOKES and DB. J. a. "W y*a too—a—a mm' ■T fet:' 1 ' 'XI