Eisenhower The Weather ichigan State News f Cloudy, warmer Low Wednesday XI High Today Serving MSU For 50 Years h'OL. *"• EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN—THI'liSIlAV, OCTOBER 29. 1959 PRICE 5 CENTS Solons Seek to Speed Cash Issue Caucuses Court Turns Down Thresh Out Injunction Request Stopgap Supreme Court Lei.* I)cl:i\ (•i»>eriior hi Stailil Stand in Steel Strike l*Mie H> Iiif"41in#* Ta\ WASHINGTON <.V>—The Supreme Court refused Wed¬ LANSING V> An II".- >\ A nesday to require the St eel workers I'nion to hurry its ap- ffisy quiet iircvnjii'if in the ( Miqi'd \f, i»u» ,i ni«rhf peal from an order that would end the lo»»-day-old steel \ ii strike. jnlv.iM" . »' i h ' i 1 dure'-: * Thi mean* t h e return to v i into tin* strike next • Oray i at least in*" Freshmen emem-tny t;i\ I*re-wf prompMy if the union |.r . Hierie *ili«kiry, sophomore. IlilUdah did n. t file it- appe >1 by noon today ';.x par-i Student Government By so doiiu. the Supreme fre>bme»i lid do: hem h let stand a aix-day delay will elect "their claxx presi- granted the union by an appeals tlont, \oi etinin Irtf l.unrtto-ru vice-prettident. and sue hv Voluntary ROTC Given Favor court when in Philadelphia Tuesday it upheld work order issued earlier bv a the haek-to- treasurer torlay. A primary for class sec re fury will l*» AT A MIFTINCi of the Junior I'nunrit. gnvrrninc body of Ihr iunoir class, arc il-r>. David Birhrr. Detroit, and iunior rla** presi- drnt; Marv Iherhardl. Richmond: Donald firmm<-l. advisor; Arnic Mivs ing .• tUM-dl'd The xnvernnr mi a was busy work¬ special nie«viee («• the federal district judge in Pitts¬ held at the same time. Robert*. Merino Pa.; and .lin» Kirkrndall. Hurling inn. Ind. law maker,. It was expected to • * Cor.zre*? Wedne.*day riding the required burgh. That delay—intended t« Primaries for all freshmen "f- he largely a restatement of the m record as the see¬ th<» ROTs' j»r-»vr.«;n :»:><• ' H ui-d hat the coma give Uie union time to carry its f el' a v • t» held las! week, but problem and \ iew s he has ex¬ 's'" ;wvtv in favor of vol- made volunT; : - Mfini'ii basic* t>0TC. Congress possi-d ALn. a one.term i rrdit — course * ■' tu-a fre*hmen to case to the Supreme Court—is a recouv -va> requevted when Info in Newsletter pressed in recent itat s. due to expire next Monday. 'fce.c w i- only a 14-vote dif- \Vi:;iarh> •5 app>^ve changes is sugcewt»(| a* a requirement '* program. This *h«»u: i .■'.ill M,» i i'.s study com- for all ft ren.-c in 'he tallies of two >f •Old Stand (>". hi-: Uurtrnti. male an«l fr «.a:d. in high actus.! Junior (Joss Council - The ruling came a little more t",»* three secn»tarial candidate' mmrfid.dio'i f a \ ». e vote with few male. to roser current aspect* referred to the "bar- Jus¬ «i ,.,j ui.-oim • than st-vin hours after the The recount was made Tue-- 'he t„ t ohitloi; bul u:! of politn sl-militarv aflairs. for¬ »rifonnat;on about tin tice Department had formally 2 ■ v ri.iv and no cfuinge in the tallies Commi"'* on the Future eign students and veteran* -« eivi 1 by high seho >1 requested the court to lose no Plans Year's Activities t *w,»> reoorti'd ''-v.r 'v earlier recom- Mould be exempted. s. vi r.d Congress nier . i- time and uphold the back-to- ki aV '. h r.tf the compu!-- There w •- t •» diMCUfeu »« wr.,i - vf.tr. disputed In-t \ request. for a new secre¬ ..f ROTC, an ! evt itllpiiliim Senior*! tarial primary was filed with Junior Council consists of representative* front the Jun¬ t \• Senate will vote an ib . .!••• i Hon,-' t Arn. n next week T? •:» i th- tnnatn.n was mo;-' All seniors interested in dis- Board Mednesday. The hoard ior das* and is the yovernmi? Um!> fur all junior class af¬ •I .-in.,I . re pjov " liarrag-'- senior finals will meet decided that there suffi¬ ••?' the d t •.•ns-range aim* of the h- ' :.k. i -it- ig' than cussing were fair . The group is re-poll.*il»le for such events a> J-llop, Hi hdnuMt*. tonight at HilIA. I'nion Art Koum. ■Ahull -alei t.ix fr..;: it'?. pi-Mt bv Congers cju- -- ;' t was r - cient grounds fnr granting the IJIock S. the All-l'niversitv I'ntted Nation-, and various . . include throwing out ar. t fct'.-i .iff.- ?ui rtiscu-son Members of Mortar Board, t.%* reque*t. 'loh.iU' '.,mip..i..' other activities. ■rtr -■-.■r oripuisory require- r, ralihur and-Senior Council are l n equeutlv th« freshmen t onMrterjblr nbjeeti«in w .is nuch-t T.e is a gradual ?.• offered to making rompnlxory for the women course and urged to attend. \vi ex« a-1 one vote for each office 'pt seefPtarv. Two candidate^ T'»• »• e etas of officer* t»i*- gioup *tu» wit a > Ilutles Feast, ".Hon work order "s.» thai the emer¬ ' Full-House And liholrtlb disabled men should receive votes for secre¬ circled ;u '.he spring Thry .a- Heeor! Mi*inlrriireteil Rep J.r.e llihgham isoror - gency may created by the steel strike not continue longer than tary. c!ud« prcttden*. Dave Ba-t» Dinner Dunce I'resirfeiti John Hannah •> re- The final elections fur fresh- -ed coed* would absolute!* necessary " I Jet: presidefi', Terr port to the governor and lr«i« hi Holbrook I,. . -?re that . vi» c Captures Set Sntnnlat , fr.rn secretary will Im* held nex* cave "run laus around a Tlo Ste«*lworkers t; n i o n" s latere has hern erroneously mi- week, but the exact day ha* n >: Ivt-. Cturiovoix irea are: 1 ' «.r engage in any xuch ac- lawyer - opi»»sed the s|M>e i.e aware of military af-. tou< statutor. and constitutional said Ms|' would Imd it neces- ond election. I tenia in. ng ciKtimittw men an active citizen and issue* involved and tha' cither to send 30 .... inn - if ciu11 «. head of the family " require unhurra-d consideratmn The names appearing on the Ronnv Ijstcllo. Defrn of the students home or com I; • Twain WAS here la-t Arthur (eihtbcig. the freshman ballot follows: J-Hop. - niirht' A • » ndmenfs to exempt union are a* and Ar i.e RoiH'rt*, Mcrmn. p, plrtely suspend operations a* of ui Helbrtjnk, port ray injr the jrrpat due teiier. kept He ;n i 'iHiM- physically disabled counsel, filed i h'auinent qu« - Fma! election, f-.r presidenr. .Ian I. This is not what llan H o. k : i. Jim Kirkcnda. Bit v - liefeafi"). after represen'.i- tinning the high court's right ' • Roger Cayo and Bi I CJarret' liah implied audience in the palm of hi>» hand, through the take the ca-e at this stage T')1' melon. In t . public relation* V banquet lilt ludlhg lint s tl'- vu f-presldent. John Howell an t ■ opnt vi ;ynn'i-1 out that such a n,:: Mitehi Rock; Riv oruvrrs. piitu li, and lionrd ( in lie said the siiegestion to send reteiiing of Twain's well known clas>i< s Wedne • oniric would be not limited ' » union said delay of ,i !»•.•• Marv Snell. treasurer, Hrcnda (bit memlN-r - at - large. Jar ntsii game hrn stufted Willi wild 30 percent of the students home clay night. more days, even a few . .*,ir es.ncern- Instead i* more Fields and I*hoehe Matnuura. Friftk RtHiicsle:, arid |'., Da rice and mushrooms will he has been rejected as complete a iy!d involve current world week*, "would no' irreparably piunaiy election for secretary Everv S.igin.1'.. outstandine jum " served. ly iinprartieahlr »'it r.ab'.nal ;ifT."«.:s and the re- harm the national intercut '' (two candidate* will i»* choseni: •d and nuiur.- aw ards. Mary Hannah, Fa • I." A BP •: Pi.am*. I plaiintd If MSI were to close, student lation of the military to the e Pat Girvin. Man v Kvsslcr. and State News. A n n c d. *mg: lee income of n.l.fioit.iMMi would S'«. done in third term - vi.il sclcrue. refjuinxl of all Penny AMiriuni m In election* addition to the today. AI'SH represcn- freshmen Kiaie event , fjrosse Prunte. Man ie Pietrie. pirp;a : ptfeia I'"'- ■i !»»"'• Amor. 1 he lost. Salaries employes would have to he paid for arademtr pubiicii Li n d a Templeton. |„r the entire lisral tear. A total Basic i Hi lege student*. ,n whi* b .' -vcrnments and political «*f- (lat let (in I one I talivc* v acancies will to» electefl to fill for Butterfield. t-a^t Fmdlay. Oh. i ' \\av« ^ of «L3;,tMMlA might l»e sated. hot xl.loo.ooo income ttoold t.e h are cxm-sniered. latnsing, Emmons, lamsing. Ra¬ Serving as faruitv ad* ism tn mi' • •• torfeiled. ' Penny Miriam, Detroit )uni< t. ther, Snyder. Sororit n and the J ( ouucil is Donald hem- Itep. Barbara l> hippie has lieen chosen honorary cad'' h" 'Ihus it would nol sate, hut South Campbell. There arc 1> mel, foreign students advisor *ins> xutcexled that a rourxe on colonel wmg commander by the tost money to close down. AC Ski vacancies to be filled. be world affair* lie required but he Air Force ROTC She will Among preseni activitic* ■ • v putt*ha*ed a different thing entirely. The front •«' Kellogg t'ente presented at the Coronation B;» ' the .1 Council arc prefwri'i** ?i'nalitv if the !rv\ ihoui t ' Iliirrirunc llil, tlr*ic» . IIIHt program would then. «he with nine other honorary Air for the J -1 lop. Feb 13 Cooi- per son. .leiopliHi ii 1m«' form proposed Mark Twain w»» * *er* reiommended. have a separate hea*» xmoker. and Hvlbrmtk re- eour*e fur orientation of those Force cadet*. HO llcatl in I'ort 4 lily :nittie 4 .signup* w ill s»if,ii i. (wo Repuulicaii senators !i June 24 rrratrd this h* Mnoking of rigars his constant eligible to take it. Coed* chosen AI ROTC as Li. Colonels ar In represent MEXICO CITY 'A': — F.ighly eompletcd this montr work Bands can are in m-g. the Management tilth One of the mam defects, it Recommendations for imined• Von Howxr, Sheridan junior. persona are known dead and IbO process of being interviewed I'anel Discussion was frit, was a prntision to col¬ He. a* Twam. ' o'd.how he had lan.- cnange include lengthening Arnold Air Society; Uonme Mai- missing in the hurricune-hit In public relation*, a period., lect a use tax on tangible per¬ to eliminate tin. Alma aophomore. Sabre Pacific port of Manzanillo, rc- newsletter i- being distribut.d sonal proper!t thousand »f summer canvp In In ion Tonight brought into the • giv« n smoki! a - up technical courses from campus Drill; Cherie Salisbury, Hill - port* from the ana said Wed- to ail living uni* to keey> th<- state from outside and thus not t«me? He told. for example, curriculum, substituting instrue- dale sophomore, Drum and nesbay night Estimates put the stud en Is .nformcd <>f junior The Transition from College •iirertlt subject to a lax on gross hou i smoking imp Bugle corps. number of injured at 500 class activities J.t< 11 by dcpartinents other than i Industry'* will lw di.*cus»t-d receipts of Michigan wholesaler* day -tor a lew hour* ROTC in ceitain r«»urs«.*s; pro¬ AL*o Barb Bushnell. Wep*'. It was feared many of those Blin k S. which i* undeigom . and manufacturers. tonight at H:3«l at tii»- Maiiac- - nortg ;t iryteHing, he viding regular consultation of Springs, m., gophomorc; Mai • listtxj as missing would be found a thorougti revamping th. >e- tr.ent Club nweting ui 33 L'nion I i- phase "f the piopoNai jq>- HOIRUlNtK gave advice >» Vic young. T* a.n Lou Storey, Pickford »opli.. buried in the wreckage of hous¬ with the help~of Biggy Mun pola •» ROTC department* with local hrtd Nelwn "f Wyando" odently raised ., question of P«» I" hi, laid them U-, always r*rcy their faculty on curriculum mattety more: Pat Fife. Fen ton sopho¬ es and other building* athletic director, performed Chemical aiiq laai Knit koi 1*m i.l.'cni'; an undue burden on in¬ W—nUtton of -JUrk parenu—*ht j they are prexer.t The Congress recommenda¬ more, Beth Taylor, fclmhur-' The hurricane raked the port the Notre Darne and Indiana cr ■ f Detroit Futon »«ill tie fc i- terstate rommerr? in violation —he added He said also to be J |a the man tion* will be submitted to the III., junior; Darlerie Winning- Tuesday, River* fed by torrent¬ game*. ITograrns are worked tu • i at the patu 1 diacuN^ion A ot the If.S. Constitution [•« h. r.,4 MOM af hi, respectful to their superiors, if Board of Trustees. President ham, Davison w»phomon; It-ie ial two-day rains flooded large out with the t>and to insure pu- question and answer period, f<.!- Clarence Lock. Deputy ther had any H'a'e wriUait. • John A.. Hannah and the KOTC I^emnron, Whitney, Ind, aopho- areas of the state* of Coiima cision. Ttic blmk U entirely r U»wt>! bv a coffee hour, will im- Revenue Commbsioner. s»a: | V. He (ihealeil ' fifth of land that was left. Maa was %f*f •«a«Me4 la hi* ;•» A new that it advantage of the club is open to all student* million basi*. or riollais-tttv an annual about imlliMj'i- VMK <*•> —The New with interest in management, th* natnder of the 1W59-60 habitat; be raald aet sleep aat- M»rvative" an it uid Wedneedejr. Mahy church members do not ment or disagreement with loi by Lansing area vast majority of memliers an 1 af-dears aitbaat ralrbiag pneu- including fieahmcn, who were fiscal year »>ren end go along with the belief* of statement*. ministers of various faith*. the recognition and evaluation Hank • BMNiia. be raald aet rU»b a not accepted previously, accord¬ Men. Frank Braille of St. , ho iuaeuier won their denominations, according Each of the type* was a mix¬ Typical of the conservative of new beliefs that have 'unof- tree, wttbeat falUac. bla bair ' ing to President Bill Philip. Clare, KepuMiran majority lead¬ to ie*earch by Dr*. flans Toch ture of denomination*, indica'- ones was "God U the Father, the ftcially' jMtcome accepted by the JKT.500 on the NBC was all lerated aa bis >btp- aet er, Mid lie didn't want tn talk Son and the Holy Ghost, but He " -Twenty- and Robert Anderson. ing that denomination often has- group at the lap a# bla bead, a ad the a hunt any of <5 tax pmaibUllte* admitted to Diet. Generally, the two researcher* little to do with belief is also One.** Typical of the lib¬ "Such doctrines probably aic U. S. CoiupluintH until he had gone over the Mat A'A One group Included one Luth¬ eral statements "Men unconsciously dropped and add¬ ■ « "ojan that they r*- jay, persons of certain denomi¬ was. with enUragne*. two Ro¬ working together can build a ed continuously over k period of two • Methodi*L, Kejeeltxl by Culia " i J«»uoni and an- **But youII have to remember nation* are supposed to have eran. in their appearance, that man was made at the end certain religious beliefs. man Catholics, one Greek Orth¬ just society.** time, but the process could fre- Sen John Fitzgerald * (It- But such, they find, is Often odox. four Presbyterian>. two Anderson and Tbch hope to quently to; accelerated or eased HAVANA, Cuba "'ei-Cub,', Grand laxlgei said he wann't of tr.e work week,'' Twain said. Tin.e, attributed not the case. Congregationalism, one Baptiit, refine their questionnaire to the with planning " rejection of U. S government pushing any solution, but will ' ita la- -There are two men most re¬ " to They point out that there are one Episcopalian and one of no point where it would be useful Individual beliefs, the two complaints over Fidel Castro's bring a spirit of cooperation to "an authoritative markable," mid Mark Twain. " # denomination. to churches. professors believe, are a mix¬ behavior suggested Wednesday the GOP caucus and felt the the criminal court. "Kipling Is one. and I "am the taxiing Catholics wtw> are ex¬ "This preliminary survey of ture of traditional religious that the anti-American eam- people expected prompt solu¬ other one. Between us. we cov¬ istentialists and Methodist cler¬ Response* to me lOt ques¬ a Mid the ad- er all there ts to know. He gymen who smoke and drink. tions were also analyzed a« religious WM,* sdF. "W teaching end lessons learned in paitn here probably will be in¬ tion. Anderson, assistant professor "liberal** or "conservative'' but secular society.. tensified. ii was understood there was L J>y Van Doren and knows all that can be known r -■ •' r. of religion, and Toch, asaiaUnt again there was no pattern "Secularization, after all," Cuben-American r e I a t i o 0 s *ume Republican sentiment for A cre made to Hj- and I know the rest.'* have deteriorated since May, fr'ijv. One thing that Twain knew professor of paychology, survey¬ Some of the most "liberal" as they point out, "Is a common trying to partly cloae the gap well as some of the most "con¬ denominator present in and in- when Castro's sweeping agrar¬ bet warn anticipated income and L '"" ",f. the dutrict at- for certain was how to mai:e ed a religion class as part of a servative** scores from flueneing all belief patterns.. Not ian program became law. This appropriations by temporarily 4 only that the two people enjoy themselves. This . project to find a tool for meas¬ came i had made "iub- was proved last* night when uring religious beliefs. members eg the same denomi¬ ail people belong to the same UmBq the siae of lifting back .tin money votad for 1 changes- The 42 students in the class nation. and ranches and j *• W* WM* Oura la Kboot Macto Holbrook made the audience Kev..ymjj y were grouped into five type* ac¬ Each o( the statere—tl had distribution of acted sate m pw tp hi* know, writer. personally, . the famous cording to similarity in sworrc ts?- Michigan State Newrs Footprints To The Snmmit V t > Read Dally by MSt"* 25,000 Ntudrut* and I acuity INFORMATION The Mulligan State News I* puOjistird »»y Bturtrnt-. of Mulligan Stale fnivri'Mtv. East Lanaliiff. Mien. without dure! f.v ult\ supervision, CATHOLIC BTCDFNT j' ;s nut the official voir# of the university <>i «.! the Muti.-nt t»«xly. WESLEY FOUNDATION DELTA PHI EPSILON 1 nut while necking to serve the best interest* "t out p. \uui- ifa.lv 7:30 p.m.. 34 Union. Open Ex¬ A.XSOC IATION to battle anv move uhiclt would drive a wertcr belw.ffii the whether it come* from within the university or tmrn ont-ule Member 12:10 p.m., Wesley Hou^e. ecutive Board meeting. 4-3 p.m.. Cash, .. Noun lunche*»n. Uaiter. ot the Associated Press Inland Daily Pre , and Associated lollcgi.ito P'ess JAZZ CLUB DELTA PHI 6? ? KAPPA Pill 3 30 p.m.. Old College Ilall. 7:30 p.m.. 31 EPSII.ux i" t Vol, 51, No. 85 Thursday, October it), 1959 Pa|fe Twu 7 p.m.. Wesley House. Practice jazz workshop tor members V for formal pledging. only. tlNIVEKSlTY LI Tin i;.. , i FOLK SINGEKS CH1TBCH " SIGMA THETA EPSILON * Editorial a 7 p m., Wesley House. Regu¬ 7 pm., Y House. (Behind E. 12:10 p.m.. Univ, ran Church. Lansing Post Office). Bring Gra , lar meeting with formal ty luncheon. banjos and guitars. pledging. March on Lansing C t'W STUDY GROUP College House Michigan State Newi 4:10 p.m.. J-HOP EXECUTIVE MEETING Offers No Solution 7 pan., UNION BOARD Mural Room, Union CHAIRMEN f..ti wJi ial »iiiter and 341 StiidCP' Servicu* E«»t LantUtg Michigan Ptibluhed «>n cla*» day* Monday through tiiciuv i-;, ,(i spring tertna; weekly during ffwmmw iresli nan i*»«e between aummer and fa!! tm,.c L. . r 7 p.m.. Oak Room, Union. *o.nd elMB ina'ter under the act of March 3. 1B7* i The Michigan Daily, Tuesday. OcIijImt 27, 1 D5!»: BETA BETA BETA t1*!,*U#»ul»c'rlpUon* oaxable in advance for one iei . * , Si lor three term*. MAKt'H 7 p.m.. 450 Natural Science. hers of the Inland Dailv Pre**, A*»ocia'ed I . 4 CIRCLE "K" Dan Arnold. »•«*!< Stinlviit tjovpr'nnipnt. 7 30 pm, 314 Student Ser¬ Edltor-in-Uhief Mary | D. , ..tincil tomorrow night to Iwch onv of two proposal* vice*. Managing Editor Pftef Wj Business Manager J"hn Muf • r<.testing the state'.* ta\ inertia ami it.* effects mi 2X4 CLUB < irrulation Director I'au! I.pi t igher education. 7.30 p.fit.. Forestry Cabin. De will atlvocate a statewide march mi Lansing, mv SAILING CLUB a "weaker" aUernative. a petition to state officials 7 30 p.m . 35 Union. Campus Classifieds . . . Low Co« -igiieil Iiv student - at the nine state.sup|M»rtetl colleges .u:d nni\er>itie-.* . • have heard rumbling.*, ,.,.g on this campus. hut on!> ruinlding*. of sirnilur CAMPUS DKAIII.INES: 1 p.m. Day Ikfore Publication for Tum.. Wed.. Thin., CLASSIFIEDS MINDLD LM'I.AINLD hi- proposal.* were prompte.l by and Kri. Edition-. Headline for Mon. Edition: I p.m. In. ii'imr.tuts front President John A. Hannah, "who declared Hill- Payable 8-12 and 1-5 Monday through Friday .\|>t will probably have to i l«».*e its doors b\ Jan. I unless EXT. 26l.il - tax revenues were found." Kl) 2-1511 vmold's projKisals seem to be the result of an emotional reaction, based on a pure misinterpretation of the state¬ ments of MSl"s president. AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE PERSONAL Dr. Hannah actually said nothing of the sort. A* the AMPt'S tinUMi.it per- .i PIWOfTft Pnwfrili'p. OP i'- sri ! UN hraidet l and cull tin* The Bud-Mor AgeiJ Mate News pointed out. Hannah mentioned the po-sibilit\ • ne niirtni» 4iM»th«ii' *. '< ,..i.1 7 .1H i 1 aster .» 23 I ..net- 1 X'p.a*. oroin. birthd.i* No uiveat- of dosing .MSI in Januan. along with that of -ending home .oiMi.b-itin. »;>» At "S I IN TWO diK.r «*nnfn m ..Uf v. ' York to the university if general fund appropriations were cut I , <«ic*-1Uth Thumiav « :*» n in »A BOBBV STEVENS "*«s r*» -wet.tw.n, .*» REGtSTFRFD F-EAOt.Es It week* THE VALLA0IE4S hack. flrrtdnrh ft terror due la ill rift* ] . * nt t< K HOADUASTF ff , • I , led «■«»!• -r rtlt'. White ..■km#- »rt for i>au or will «»l! pile* *#-. r! ' 2-1 IIE WENT ON TO reject completely any such action, ill iia'atclv m 7-7776 Phone IV 2-06241 • f least 2lt; V.i carefully showing that closing MM' would result in lo*., IIAJ.I.OIVFFN FfMPKINS SMALI rather than gain, of tnone.\ beliefs lo lire Kclilor f.t.r I ief.3 if.M.r PI.VMOITM Puiiio anil BFl.VFDr.HF 'M«*e* l>» the ' •«- ■ . u- t !* at Okenuw ''Pity Michigan's Leaders, 1 align,e on I S [ of M's Dan Arnold and roporteis for certain Michigan • it nrsom Fi.rm DRivr. um ltd r W I I) •» ii.i..r client rne< nam. ..I newspapers, failed to follow Hannah's statement to its , ' • i. '.ie mil *U« u»'i »:i»- FI.IXtN GATFs ■«*»»,?I F HOME PARTS and a - •,*• conclusion. .f ,.'l k Ken Oliver Mu'u tempoeo 1.. • . n let' Rd FT) 2-StWI S.I event Phone IV • •. Importers, in haste to make deadlines, or students, in emotional excitement, did not discern that these alterna¬ tives were 52ated for consideration then tossed out. Tliev Need It,' Student Savs lit. te- r • , K.I iltlKF- on.. ..U'.I'mi *!J" - F MON T Brake Hraikr* P»K»n# IV 4-W4'e AM> i.-.rh -k< relmer* i<1 i-'e«l 2'-lU F - FLV NOW »t», - P*' An untempered reaction to the <• mi-nh rm • .;,Do"s To the Iclitor: are branded "deserter*" by Tldel American people toward a more ! MCi IIAU K Rad. v ■* might be expected—-of the mental patients, but not of mil- 1 -UWs,„ t Castro, and this Is a* It should constructive, pearrful life, and i ei ■ 11.(I v. hlfewali* |:*> » He HOUSING it would only he MH's contri¬ .. it'll . r eft fae.wan VO 7.,«i* j \ersitv ntudents. t be. \n* indi* idual who is so Hlti egotistical as to leave his terror¬ bution lo the betterment of our ■57 coHvrnr r*.i it»» r n !! .n t' -ee nneed. pov-er top. FOB BENT MSI V HO MID OI Till STI'.ES Thursday discussed rr.-oM. *..'MC A»ICH\ CVoll 1,-j -•». ized and demoralized countrv i iilltire If MSI -O ran do with- *•. i WlNGEO SPal'iNj • i :■ : e*'ei (-,<1 fhitewa'b J .... '• •!.: ..hi'mirv f =r thi -tote when there Is a chance for re¬ out KG|( so ran we in la«t I'U " v:i A - J1 ii if. WFl.fOMF Kin* pris Two He<1- TU 2-4)02 sending a -trough worded recommendation to -t„ e <»»ti . • "<»in >. ID ;g vr Mirlm;;iti Hu* it - net f«e- formation. deserves such a title Lansing. vial* informing them of the seriousness of our situation While fellow Cuban student* Ar -r . should ake up l»i'e t ' ite.l MFRIVN fetehe,! t«» so* If.at this -'ate •« .i w I'f* CORVETT4 PR!VATF. owner r, ATl ■ nd urging them to act quickly to relieve i' The\ wanted ..» *e'I i--n-ed utelv ■« , toteri«>e cf.nd'tion 1316 ttaale" ound and «eeh ( f- ■ ' Eki to assure the faculty that they were mindful of the emer¬ avr • ■Jeetrd ' run «uir *'a'r n opposition tn dictator Fui- en,v for thousands of year*. ' Hw E t-Mfging Ell 7-IIH.i TI.RiE resi.n* Ai d bath, full baee- ni' > _ 2i *iw> four room fumlanrd ESTAre" men' ijovrrwncht hove dona* Jlttlr* >>r n.gi-'a* n-ailM gaunt let. it hot be said in later deca.l gency. Hut they voted ngain-t "getting into the act." genvio * an.* 'lee. • IV 1« REAL Further consideration showed that >urh a nio\e would ;...!h,ng to «i»jva the ea-h n • - tlw*e ' deserter-'* '«.- !a'.i* the ptibl< • elves iri foreign institution* of Anient a. the •raditional e yvwriors < otj.Er.r MFv w» K)* SMT • <• als'ii? miiic month* higher edtint.on of friHsloni and peace, wn* flni r.mi, ro sharp nmhed aoart- •tre-d ->.| t, u-ork part time '> tainly well aware of the need- ot the- -tate and parta ulai'c Irs. »r havr gotten lumbbil If one belie* es- in democrar* Sv the ruination of the world* 1 , in iw-r vieen mlrm.u'o Mud Park 11,N ^ee VFT EX-ViRi ipM v .Of o, „ SMI IM-. week fr.« JV.iee 1 af College Inn lea.e town Se I of thp state univer«ttie-. l»rrs, statements from the go* - and the privileges of man and g oat ruUuic. t,, 1 lin e ".h Neat nnnearan.e and reeentlv moder* e' r • (lovernor William* has -p,.h«-n confidently Duct Die legis¬ ernor's mansion, rfrah pohtkal if that belief Is imbued in hint, I»a*id I Pino trrn.r stiil t,» f ■ re te r\Vii \IFN STFDKNTA will sh.ire h.i*em#iii -peer lies front the floor of the then it follows that tn fight and furm*hed aoartment With » lature will find way* and mean- 1«» meet • . nti.d bcidgi-i •ei > .1 r»n. * IV S-.11H1 EP- «ln«e!» 1 r • > * legislature anil e\rn a new las •acrtbce is Ihe least one ran do .t*r on I* • ■ et ii." or at *'4,le.4! IV commitment* without crippling 01 J-TULI FD 7»KN*5 2* Life Can Be ro law tint InHa*. where do we to sustain these beliefs. To turn \l * l F f*11 A* FFFl'R TYPI*7 E t.ANRINCa President Hannah ha- pointed out the utter stand? one's ba< k on his rotinlrv for .. , .'..I V - !M«t hi e ADCI Y TWO furnished "OiR V-IJ. < • utilities paiil f.i* •14 »m rod W.i'V c • •, ing MSI or am state univer*itie- ! m Sum', ntr f.-wt 1 .1 - mere personal advancement and « lloppf us F4IR **ll(»ri'» K* e Dark.' ' 4 F Kalamazoo 23 hedroeim ran. with ad > ' !•;<* i—entia iv |{.-|»ub self-inieresl. while the masse* '« ,n«.'n w tn ter- . r i Michigan is facing It could do nothing more than add s» . .'i • ,\ ,iw *.<•,■ of r ye tVmi*Tilt* to thi tinconstittilion.i', ' v are tion suffering, is certainly deser¬ ing a sin k of groceries »\ h«ni \ m te and Ob-oe 2* teen • "• n.'h and r>*iVaafe entrance Fif¬ nnnute* trnm tampu* L'nftir* chertv, ED 2-1 •« 1 ' .. <■ the confusion. We are gratified to -re that -tudeiits are a oniHc found a vet "f false PART TtYlP : cd esvent e and retrlferator . lb-.HihUc;»n-. or ma* tip ! -h'no'• Tt • pursuit ■»? ui educn'i n concerned and are not viewing the situation with indiffei -it -ax thii! Art..-. :.|! Wlihun* teetn in the bottom. Turned ou* At' lit 11 it teg naif! »•« IV 7-03A4 Z1 SERVICE they belonged to a cub drwt NORTH ItOMPR Pt'RNIffHED ence. Hut t.he> are certaiulv .cl»o\e -ncli ;i di-pi r. i, said Huil Uf-e justuoa did hoot of !!•*>-.i i* n vain, hr- ...a.'t fi ' T' tee r.wiirt* and bath SPAHTAN' Mr"" I who said the* *!loped out of iv.- •.ot \ •> b. i».o'v : n." . and we cati-e w h'-n " r\ return to ('una 1 -'e i>mki if O-e Meek frmu tveine aervi.e H» » i - shirt piH'ket as tie helptxi t,.s I'and .' IV »-Wl»4 51 "niltilithed Fie-- e. • » # Vcoir Kr\ to Ib-'ter Vain • i.ot r\•• anv .in* «■ • .the* will find rhat their degrtvs Cimtact Mr* Cnon* >3 ' th.* dm customers with the groceries FOR RENT ATTRACTIVE TWO BEDROOM for informaMon Michigan Mate N'ev ! wrmdi W:'! ar-.s ■ Fred W f.enn Jr. j.'jn-n 1 rtvurmst ed ewteot ' .r refneerator one h'o. k frnn1 cam»U* MM ox 4-*yl netnoeia'i jr'n Ilea. t the in ' 'e " 1 : .Ui.re V"'ed m.lv for dm- \i*l«» I Oiiwr kuzeite Rsowv ROOMS c: trfi'sloti.ei dill dig * e IWTC 1,«'t Wire M*hi INilnr t <1 Join Millar ttank Mrrtoo tn FOR SALE Crossword Puzzle «• N-de .-4 - I 'he t *ine Afate- Xichi *4 snif | enore hrntlian ( ^ B*lAkfAST BONUS - , F ridav. WINGIF ROOM T\<4> biuck* to ramoua. MONDAY rhroueh ED- ». t QU»N3* I? Or* y* hd ■ -in* il« •» is a tr,te mere ! n acCMcnf the Hegub' I'.mi l - l*illiiiLi Moil GOOD i 2-2471 ROOM FOR WORKING woman 24 or INSUIANCi S»IC1»lS1| A*ESH e» annate gtudenf located clo-e 1«» /htiuvftSNififr I • 're- iiiiiinsl Man ren.nti authority A w'-e • .n oil!-aid po!.- - . |Tnf'ttyr.«4,s , QUtCK ■.mom FD 2-*« 33 91 Bt««ch are e-*em..ii a g-VMt din..., felRL. TO SHARE laree dmible • Tewt O vil roe.n- Modem furnUhinet private 91 Having a i • H.r I •» in ? th.nk »h?—- T» ihe Fditor- SPU0NUT SHCP entraiu-e and oarkine Two hlorka large m>*e u i*c* men or ai»\ u -e n i There ho- l*t-n 212 Mac Opes 4 k ! trien rampua Emnloved or graduate • tOsf e' ' . u. . h .fi«,u*- a.m 9-m. I » D J-3l . H 94 Pen u ,i!d go •• tin a- h. ;.u! jh - about |j()|\' nam# • ?'oii f>; • eouV -t BAHfiAtV COMPtFTP P6CKET! FOR SALE CANCD LfD *N.l »ri-. y I of an and ,al g!•»»>• ge .hea l Ameri¬ 1 i- lavn under ie *«»i nv»n?.'i* St/E TV m.iear.ne «h.1 oafe«i lo. .1! can eutnor of 'he w el!ar»» of a demon a and apparency >var-, but » I"tuie* Phi* t.vHt Nunda* (Mtier 1 j IMMt" A' V H*S" J | 11 Held a .-f.t't .irni it- fus.glt ■ !«* ha- seenn-d hi hit tu.sn 4Detroit S»-v«. with lerie iwlored | trailers lie i..mi4» tin;* 2«X' home dellverv 1 14!) f. Mick. A-,. , lonun \n«f what of the people of an«l nio>t iogjryl renv.in ' *;>«i'gn vuuee ED 7-MQM 2-1 IV * r TWO RFPROOM bmi*e- 34 Droop Solution of Veeterdey'a Buaalo Ibis demiwralie slate, what • iter read* tor winter PD 3-170.1 dosnu awav u'tt-h f«t»Tt"* <*•»'»!- tween ff-"> onlv 34 3? Settling should their reaction lie lo a TYRING IMMPP «T 54 Dam.h 7 Office piil**>rv 1 Our - IBM F»e. AID ME new ' tn« M Breakwater 49 Before coin 55 Wiaa "men worker I Holland government which for lo months accomplishes little or nothing in this It ma* military very it ell he said that course is unnec¬ rAii'Mf eajoiii':;: y^-cf DINING ROOM T A BI T and four "LOSTand FOUND i ifflum superior leeibili*. atenci.s v' .—#*• f■■■ re** 44 Wide- rommunr sol*ing a crisis which is at, essarily robbing the student uf OMiNfN 1* W tWW! r heir* Maole fini*h two tnere ••deration of v< 'n-T mouthed pot OOW9 hand? Hon brown »e.ti<„,a) witli brown throw* LOST WOMAN S TRENCH nuit ; iare Wonch. ril »•*'«! A* .1 H hh of should the* feel lo* his right to learn fi.Hw planter with laxe aolit le*; rontainine keit and identification i Rerkei 4? Stir up when he t.Haad tsa H.bla in , lode odeum IV 4-*1*7 34 at Corel Gables ward them? should they he want*, well ID 3-3133 24 4# Can Malta- 3 Spoken 10 Shape angry or mad? I think not. In¬ as as saying that it low TV AND HADif> ratr* •.»••• •r-yrjJ " tion could he considered « waste of IOST TAVtl BINOCDLABtl in _ 11 Playth.ngi HALLOWEEN MANKS THAT KUSE u*ed TV *r•* a d 1 10 3 Flower,nf ter would produce action from hut again | say. the cru¬ leather IV-e in West Shaw entrance Annoy 17 Bcuebatl lime, tube checkir.c f-r* r*r%tri *1 who Reward ED 3-*2.u 54 ' Pm 51 Scout.n| te.uv* anyone was sincerely dedi¬ cial argument has been missed. daUv TV 'e • - *■ cated to • SUBPkiSE HE* . . . 3f»33 E Mlchtf-n group 1# Cory helping the slate. 1 believe That the real rea-un w I OST WOMPN S BLACK 12 feather oa— fa .• * •- 1 o-e 5.1. She 1 tar :j w.id If would produce nothing from for discontinuing etonpulAory " fa, .f: • ♦ r" •Irene Wilt lain*. Aatuidav afternoon. ~»IT »LACK T1'«»* '"*J buffalo 'hose men. To these and accurate Tr - . men. our WOTT* if the fact that, no mat¬ • 'PLAN AND.SAVE mi*celleeiemiH pr- » 23 Angry . . governor, our legislature and te* how nuich it m.yv "hebrt ! "' PERSONAL 24 Pooreit part of fleaco • \«mi .,ui ,s.i< :rd Supreme Voui'.. you toward • lietter -erving voor AU8I«KT,S0 WBtLCVE it w * ' *, l e- r .».»•«. 1" •*:« • - ,5 HICKS UU-SI?"*' I 21 Roguith these m«*fi we almuid gi e eountiy" the 'act IN SANTA tlAlS Aso lit O07.' v that • BE MVSTItlOUS si.'!i" . 21 Stirring p-t*. i«»r they need help the whole totuep' on ,f ROTC (RIM MIICOUT RlWIuNl >♦ '♦•'.tbe a r? e-o,'. o«or 00 »c« • j about I»on R. Pern her s- 4- • -J 2t Or lattar i« to further the ultimate of tutting one group of human goat ly/O • ALWAYS *»• #.'*» fff' A PLEASANT Opan Houta Tonight! Wl t, INC1AU21 '• 30 Support for being* agauvft arp»tnt*r group of SURPRISE AT 100 f .u. BUNDLES »C« Desert" CiiImi furniture . . 92 Insertion «s|ual* in warfare . v e.M 13 T die IS very W H. THOMPSON JEWELERS person must admit, 15 Alarm Cor whether he i« Chrtatian, Jewish IV S-024* Fresee. Community Circlo !'MM. TYPIST ANN RR V1^ whutla 55 Raitra.rt M Water , Schmtling or a ligions, member of any other re¬ that destroying life i* k»r NIKON AI WITH 54 mm. Pit XI* lens and lit* oim PIS Nikor Playari i oeoeib } Ine Electric- end then* » " ** 1 To the laliler: w roiig Ski teleohoto ten* Alao Rotteilte* 2# wheal w hy spend money to 40 Postal A/ler being ckaMPd for two and learn .how ' At times it see*ii* TMflAfiyff IT. ItPOKN'T FD l-im after • » '* > ■ Ti tee ta-->f i v?sjTJ.T?,r w ••"-I 4 half the University of LEATHER HAND BAGS, billfold.- I flee. ED 3-4*73 aarvira year* that our celebrated Cold War belt*, etc Made to order Neeannahte Only A.#ne Tkeebe 41 Myth, cat Havana haa been reopened- The enemies, the Ku-*,ans. are oruea Ken Wtmmer. B-3IS. Rather . . • / 1'PhoneKENNY DA V i monster I'mversdv ED f-l4« w:*s closed b.v FuU nate and unyielding, but a* hu¬ The New C«*le 42 Similar Pleykeeie 44 Solitary giinio Hafista after the student mans, they could not poasibly DOGS POR SALE. Utuwador re- TYPIST DE*IR*> , V 77 tnever*. Registered Eacetlent hunt- ii?0 Sherdien Street t* pine Accurate 40 Genua of ►My rioted tn supp«*rt of Fidel want war any more Jhan we do. euarantcc Contact iur stork Ideal hunter and f«nul\ duck* v astro. Thia haptienesi in tlie Would you want w ar if you urt Phone ED 7-731S r ' ,V T*—*l "II U.Mn trmm A.,.,... 44 Fu*i fall of ly.id when CtuOro lived acrits* the ocean 45. Harvest had just vince landfxi in Orient# pro¬ I My that eve# if e«#p#|a«ry * Tt'XPDO condition, newt* el Gee. ED 7-1*64 evenine*. POR SALE< EvreOent ~ Tdra. C A ie tke a?"?. Sf'RSj- »» •PTC k discimUiiued. which II student* who left ('aha to BMM! be. II would uuly b* the TWO ANTIQUE LOVE aeata. tbree T.» »,V ^ finish their ntaratiaa etaewrbere rbairs to metch aaboue dead Phone hegiMing ef r«-eduruUug Um | IV 4-4474. M| pest Leaders Agree Rockefeller Talks Politics With Ike ■ItlttltAx e Gaulle WASHINGTON ,,Th—XewNVork Gov.' Xelson Rockefeller WKAR ratio will attempt prefcc in--' !xo ma) >r social an 1 to H^3hH iiuifcrivd with President Eisenhower for 70 minutes W'e.1- ec "*■- >mc i«*ues, alcoholism and tiesilny and soiil nfterwuril the discussion dealt in part with ^re'^piovmert. with two new politics d.'-umenta;% M-rie^ j Summit ■" But R.s-l,•(..'■• can.I.-. Pl-i-i.' • •• «...! 1,1 -V .'ninatum. .1 potential Rcptitilican Mi!h » '™«h' "'haf« i Ic.tfil.t ouestlnn " At n.«nt. the j oern- • "Tnrouais a (Jla.1---. Darkly" • p--e >f e • i vs-m»n whethei " indicated hp n: make •• :tu*reaf.tiui> -erious social there -it-. ;in dt: ,,n his per- iitimnewenvcnt regarding h:« >>■•- Retnrn Senior Proof> v. ,i •r. .'cf, « : aVohuluroi* the se •• ><•:> t' :>3.i: ■ 'iMc.il plans ho,crt raily n?\l It.-ckifel'er recalled he • i by 5c; W i.»| S<- Seniors wb" have rece v pu: • "i with I' !- • • ,t . tnn't.. * -o-.ih! return the • - • I rcihM t 0*1 1 .is New Hamt-shiu reeen*ls h« W.ii 'r ! w. «•>.• v the fourth floor of the L'n.v gov • :-imeeting deal¬ v.«ill i defei a \ annminct'iv.t • of pv: -i "« ' .•! I In-hca?,- w hich picture ths.v ing < ' , ;i defense planning i.riti! aftei Si' comp'e'e* wv r. i cm'. personal i!Jtc - wish to :,.tvc ;tl t'he IDfiO Wolvc h's state budget and •#da- At one point. .» newsman ask¬ it \ unemployed perxr.- rinr Mary ed whether Rockefeller feels 11v«* progra.u !■" next year \ t*»ter Hi the Republican party would Earlier, he h.i-.i oeen a- .A • •'« 'u:• 11111»ti:tiiitnt;Hmtmtnim11• 11MiiuMt;• t}itnM11«t1111«; John Mi have greater vltalit* wllh him¬ •a iiet her he inform,,: Etc \ I'au! I., self as the presidential nominee than it would uith some other ( h. . 'vrr he was ready To artnour, »• candidate for the GOP n --' UNIVERSITY tuition. raiidiilate. "No rnmnient.** Rockefe"! It., kt-fcltv aMs\veiTd vr>t!ir.q;> STUDENTS fleet Your Fr tenth .If SPECIAL lot It CHOICE 01: MSI", SIM It limn. TEAM will,provide a military arrh f..r hnnnrjr. rJ.t.1 rnlnnrl, frldjy iv rommandrd hy 3nd |.|. Ron llollr. Tlio iroup performs at drill rontr-sls In the n.iriur-l KENS BARBER SHOP Prime href open face sandwich au ,i«i«— nlilit al Ihr (pronation 11.11 the 35 nun loj.ii II here (iooil eMra large plate—whipped potato—coffer ('.rooming Iteuton or milk DtRKCTI.V ACROSS FROM THE Roast t hicken—dressing—potato—milk or STATE THEATRE ON AIIHOTT KM. coffee UTS Groups Urge Arms Bun Hot IIS N a.m. 5:3(1 p.m. WEEKDAYS SAT. * ■ a.m. • |; a.m. l\ ADDITION. I ROM ANY OR SAMPLE ALL OE !» SPECIAL AP- I.IRERALt.Y •a 1 meet .:i Geneva PETI/.ERS. vr.ir, . "H'TsOV, Soviet D«- SI™ \ MiniCcs, ni.e.e t^n-t c>"!e:cnce started f'nion • »• Soviet I -:e mattc: of the pro- -ferred a resoei- I? f--.fercr.ee and kept * [ bt:i it. so often that 2-0624 remarked IMIKM STUDENTS: Looking for » really final.;- Co-Op Council f.Ar- iRaretiy: fine meal thU Sunday evening? lor the i jeopie apparently want finest ruisine at hard to heat prices he Mire r;T- .n the '. idle of this r i sum.-vi'. meeting. Talks of Meet to *isii ... •J- a j >u being a lit- •rrea* r..ib!c " di sanni I.Wt often pfffe-: a >t p-... , f the ronfo; - peo'e- Ahtcfi it isn t irrm?f!iatfi:f' >-*iT applied a hit 'hi- JMO>lbillI\ o NflTlUE: All meaN served l»> Ihe "House d m ci he tO sro-iiTe ft - ending the •no -.(• -.i- - thi tutanrial st'ai" otfe* " •* of Reef" are USD A Prime. Nothing hut Ihe tr.«-\ sa-d ' is pu.-.zl:n« r omlM's and ad- • pay ?.v r-t t',1 -1 /.e. 11 c hest for you from . .. '■M< T Castro is > : h .• • .n »>i p «. ,-A $ • v •»"-.c t'ni'ed state-., n« ■ 1 « sr."leant rr- i " !' S defense «pend- will send • » fruc.-. • c n-ops c't'i • !• •" i • fit A charge 'in thi '.eiVN* 1 ♦»o-i across ■xiM rvio a . -I ;*e In budget t-'f payment and ..e .% t# K-»r>y:« hwr «4« j>kfd about mmpdrtt* rij No.Tier.lse'-'" a Lhlitr nf cutlinr defense member* also discussed • far :?n heny a hiiifJensr"-■* 3drl»t«in to th? taI nf M i» the light of Rumitd flie I I t \\. MM JUG \\ \\K. lite new athletic bill which was I "■o . pt^v nfteif Vi' lu - p 'f ffn» O lowent Tne«dajr thai the (NEXT TO IIOTEE Ol.OSi pissed recently. The bill a* ill i,fr,f h> a i*;ft i .cf and a 'p edy '»tum 'o lew hudjet will hit a •itsaima-' •»* *»• • allow co-ops with i.'i members WOfk »>r pt,««.< mined [hi«h m*» for poacotimr hut M*ndin* will be nr le»s to use ttvf inaellve* on '•> '"ak»» t/rdge said ?l • Hours; Moit. • Sal. 7 a.m. - II p.m. k their football and soflball team* Sun. 11 a.m. • 1) p.m. present level. joined in (■■,.-■• p1": and two Inactive* on their bowl¬ Ip«ecie«« »ep''(Ml thfit he o'ulion M the ■ 301 \. (Itppert hy I'randor ■ ing and basketball team. Davit) eofriniuni'ji Specializing in: ronM heef. round heef, chicken, - ac *^n;t:cant reduc* -,evi 'it N'.t'«*nal Ei»i|( Ts. . could five house* the *;i'k ».••'" < f • duck, steakis. etc. — .e, .e l O- te S\*H 4',. ,, H<-. Mobs Htid i;;- enhower i K" H.-ri 'erc.J I'l.anii^i . : Rrompl. I'ersonaliard Service "*f ooi/ vim# alirity* remember" Rhone |\ |-f..-. i :!i««itntflf Hltlilttlitllllllllt.tUllMttllllltlf lilllllHIf Itlil • 'Ulll!b« I -AK'hlire - v • n.ng mcr;- ■■■•:# -i If! i !«• d »«i .i.itefi i' h.men later in thr ",c he:!arc («!•• he v- *■•! tf.'m ru-di •eu TTM'V® ye?-* c.r*l "■•r in *ht '«ir»tt aewi lie Gaulle r*. t'r IV | sm©AI n . Tunw Satellite Drive-ln rhaaleal >ga ^ ^a Mm ^ if. rv •, .-.til S. CEDAR NMtMfwra/toM. '. milr -mith of Jolly Yxt m a BOMI ) mi ■», ma w, t«ct« «>»a > timmit wa LI* r r. r Yogi's Drivo-ln . \ ^a He-. LA^a^a A|AA|A wie vnRnPwe «Aa A AOiAMia^ HA|MH,L AJ • mimimo nwww* vi mvi riwvr*. n • U*. IT'*^ H -' Chritn.itn fHlnwihip 2121 S. CEDAR -r„':r,un ZeiJowahts wmHi liinim ai ym can aum • ctmpany that makaa aoar fihraa h-y S* Across from Sf.hmidU* Market hoiathl ^Hhtthl piohicts—piaattco, titMO-mHi mm *4 j A.&- j imi camiDf iidtg aw^-yaao* r> Kit • 11 aU-UNIVERSITV STUDENT 50VERNMENT IiMi *t )•*»» WMck product,? What «pairtM«tt(,» tar aWattct iiURt? Which tarahan? rt * 'ewj t rsrhir* II ELECTIONS FKSIWM (UK (FFWn FMLS n/rHfltl rr»" ' ■** e ACL'v ALLIED CH A< tutura MICHIGAN* STATE NEWS Wyoming. Montana Hit Hani October 2*. 195* Fiff Four IM Schedule Miami for Return *58 Rookie of the Year CM .%?« vs. aur t:a Al Ft vs. N FOOTBALL Prartlre Field V Heavyweight Bout NCAA Council Cracks l)o\ Montana S:l§ rirMkoaw vs. Trlamlr BOSTON i/P> — Th> NCAA tion. for violating rules on try- , s4 l:U PHI ale K «s. ITA WEST HOLLYWOOD. Fla. NCAA Is '59 leading Soph outs. pro? .,.* • :«• Beta ThHa PI vs. Phi Kelt Wednesday slapped Wyoming ago. The TMrh una 'Ah—Rocky Marciano expressed Wyoming, rarreatly leading . • ■*' i:N RAR VS. Sit Phi Fp and Montana Stale College with one-year pr• p 7 :tS DTK vs. RlilM >u interest Wednesday in promot¬ the Skyline Conference la foot- i Jup- for NEW YORK > T'. ~ Orlando $gr, 25 homers and 96 R13I •:ie pk Phi vs. ua Phi ing* a return heavyweight cham¬ probation sentences for violation bull drfw ■ one-year prakaUon playing • • :SS Phi TSH vs. Phi Psl of the group's rules on recruit¬ sentence. and Ms football team without N A \ (VjM*da of the San Franci«o> There «u an additional dif¬ » M Alpha MIkpu Phi w Kappa Sis pionship fight in Miami between Monday \ Giants, the National League's ference. |n 1*5*. Cepeda wai ivntspp Field ing and financial aid to athletes. was declared ineligible for any sue neiu tut vs. raw titleholder Ingemar Johansson versitv at TV Rookie of the Year in 1958, used eirlanivel) al tint bad. 7:33 Phi K Ms vs. hlcnta ( hi The action brought to four the poat-aeaaoa bowl game*. As Sky¬ The past aeaaon. he was shifted Bile Kallev j-1 and Floyd Patterson. line ConMrenee champion last probation f : • Wednesday wa* named the cir¬ • :SS Wsilrv *-• number of schools so penalised cuit's leading sophomore of 195."). la the outAeld when the sensa¬ 1 talked with Gov. (LeRoy) season. Wyoming played In the University 9 M Kallev 1-3 voij.kvh %i i. by the group during its three- year. He edged Va.ia Pin*on of Cin¬ tional Willie MrCovey was in¬ Collins and he gave me the go- Son Bowl game at El Paao, Tea., r.vm I. fouri I day meeting. Executive *x cinnati ;n the annual Associated serted- at first early in August. i RaUirr 2 vs. ROM 3 Hamline University of S\ and was considered a likely ahead to get the ball rolling to B.vers sa.d Cress poll. Dick Stuart of Pittsburgh was ft W Mhaw 3-3 • l.mmons 1-3 Paul, Minn., was censured and eondldate for Invitotlon this (.>m L C'onM J try to get the tight for Miami,** yror. being held ,r i't»i»en which A group tion with the NCAA, larlndlng offense Wednesday as Michigan earlier, will begin on April 10. by Stan!. *. post-season foot bell bowl games. continued preparation.-. for Su > The early date was picked to tiller> pre i . urday's homecoming clash with give the National clubs more new club Wisconsin. travel dates. Sugar Ray Preparer In New York. R'tnf$ For C.rotcn Defenre president of th« leans. ON I ini: KAYSER 1IOSIKICV MUM MEMML OtNNHIV 2nd Day after npenlng tad NEW YORK (Ah—Sugar Ray Continental *«i|| treat MICHIGAN already it'a Lansing's ta of the day! . . . Intelligent Robinson worked out in the gym ously any srnup inter; franchise." hut idde4. hilarity thai Lanslngttes Wednesday for t*he third straight not Interested in arv Reg. SI.35 hosiery - row 99c Our growth company nrrda thr additional nataMMn and marhrtina mm. We im, thr TODAY ... 65c to 5 .m. • love! day in preparation for defence of his share of the world mid¬ oeeupied rluh unlesq by the a Mijar > ub dleweight boxing title. town inviteu our Int- pulp and paprr. petroleum, rhemiral, food, The 39-year-old New Yorker, "I would- 3 *eir - $2.90 textile, steel, and other heavy induatrlen. who meet s Paul Pender in a abe»ut whr*' title b«»ut at Boston Dec. 14, which i* n Positions are open throughout the United plans to start boxing next Mon- territory. *a ». Reg. $1.50 FH-MI-Te* styles - $1.10 States. Rood salary plus expenses, profit ' day. Robinson is recognised a* inviting Rickcv us p " sharing and exrellent benefit program. Two champion in New York and Continen1 i We iln l.irc itjH'M M-nonn years of college chemistry desirable, and Massachusetts. York franch for fll-loiilrr* a college degree required. Age 21 to 35. The National Boxing Assn. mi*.'.. full »nlr In lu l|i niiii limit log liur^aiiiN. M. R. MROrrrM C!olf*itian VN a* *.»1 Interviewing at "The finest In dance music* Dim Colore Waruid , Mkhigaa $tati IMvantty M. i$ovRik A«w. coiom. • CmtmtScoM RMVTR-JACRMAN JACK BRAIN unanimous ?.► * in 1951. Dame'* all--»p*v - ns-red v:- straight yes *. HOBBY STEVEN* !i m H H 1 tlJ I, II R NOVEMBER 3, 1169 TONY RANDALL • THEIMA RJITER HARMS JACKSON SHOWTIMF III\t IS THE VALLAMERS — NICK "»«< • MA9CCIIAU9 • Mill MUII NEXT ATTRACTION: east turning Hope Lance • Stephen Itoyd • Joan Crawford • ftovy Porker stat; *THE BEST OF EVERYTHING" ram man* NOW Ihni S \1T ANNUAL FALL SALE STORE WIDE4IH ANNIVERSARY from our Markinnw Island Storr I'rom our summer resort sh»p — mrn*« and ladies* fall merrhandise at exrellent aavings tn make fur new merchandise rnminit in. V rinse-out sale. » MEN'S SUITS & TOPCOATS $60.00 to 75.00 VALVES Build up your Fall and Winter wardrobe with these specigl sale-prowd suits and topcoats. Other will and teprnata from M MRV'S Mt.it Is ISS.tt—NOW enly S499S. St 95 to IttJS. CARDIGANS. PULLOVERS SHETLAND** NOW 819.93.31.95 to 59.93 aco. 14.M $10.00 MEN'S SPORT COATS M2JHI I. 50.00 VALUES Chnntt. from a wid, si-lrotion of »tvle« anil partorn, (Mar. nnMf *rtM* from DI N la HW-VOK Ml at la (1 11 I* LADIES' IMPORTED SKIRTS NOW $21.95. 32.-13 to 42.45 aco. u.h *16.00 MEN'S QUALITY SLACKS ToW< (13.05 to 22.05 VALUES BO. Your choice of . , . Worsteds, Flannels, Gabardines, and Mix¬ ture*. Available in Regulars, Shorts, and. Lsrngs from sixes 28 to 54. Other aterka frmn »t«Jt In St.St—NOW enly SSS.it to MGI'LAK*. RtoOtT* impobto raoM noum sot. LOWOA IXTXA 12 LADIES* TWERD SUITS lowg* a nom . NOW $10.99, 14.99 to 19.99 rail M to M $39.00 •a^T MAxt-r ACTvan-i exooa ocr SPECIAL SWEATER GROUP •M m IU iu* muTm SPECIAL THIS WEEK! $5.99 (2 for 10.00) Shea361*46 ALL Ol-g C LASSIC rtXI^OTUS and CAgOKlANS — in. IM* HUV KHS! $8.93 FREE ALTERATIONS SPECI al >" SAT. at i " 30 - 60 - 90 DAY CHARGE ACCOUNTS keatirs blaswis waal akallla sktr*, aad maar other -COURAGE." -Fammm Brtmd* tar Dad ato Imf BLACK be* Uar. OMahor (Mk. asb I.AT-AMAV THE SCOTCH HOUSE. owl mum (1ABGE HOLDEN FRANDOR 8R0PIW6 CRMTSR $1 REID 1 rOS CIUUSTMAS ■ -it ai Arrow nog ras t *fin » vm. to t pjn. , ■■■ : in liatilsa \ mm Willis. Lea f s 1*1(1 v Deadlocks (|(lerlev Unsung Hero State News llv Till tXSOl l%1F.ll Pltl s* Andy Hebenton. Andy Ba".- d"-f a' *>• 1;38 slap shot past Sawchuk emerged h.s r.fmi.lc left leg' from jpparenth rt goal-mouth favoring A minute la'er Sawchuk gate and Camiliv Henrv iwat The Rangers continued to put If Spartan Express %°I|M si»i»rt» rdltoi — I »r«l\n Vilnnr Terry Sawehuk. Detroit's ,u-.i goalie, in the third peri.sl Wed¬ nesday night to give the New Kookic* Dare Dish his DETROIT '.Jh—Rookies Bade, live In fhe nressure and in the next minutes tied fhe score. Toronto, Dick Duff's third
  • ' from baek'h'ld performers the At fulllvack. surprisingly de- a total of lf.1 point,. i wav thev have :n this area in ut standout candidates. e ttn)>in*nn, vo: 1 Other top teams -aerr Sigma 195W Purdue's trended Bob Jarus and Kappa. 4.t. Alptia \; Delta, .lit [•y rear: 'minor. A pi.M' example i- Wiscon¬ Tom Wa'.k'.n* .,f Iowa Su, e aid Delta Delta Delta. 17 boy with fhe sin'* oowcriul tackli. Dan La i- were cited Individual high scorer* wen- .v'hlete un phear. named the AP s linema t I. re; ■ uen'.ioned tor • i«* .tii.lv Pettigrew of Kappa Kappa aid. 'not an of t e v eck Un his superlative ft -t fitne were ends Len Jardme •Gamma, and Mary Jean Camp¬ • •' fi\ !H| perfornan.e against Ohio Stale • Purdue Bui) Johnson of bell of S;pna Kappa. tie»f 'with wuWboctz las' Saturdav 14 points each, and Janet porter M;r- 'gar., a id Dm ^Vebb of fit ifnnrnl is a *tar by But there are many other top 1 ••) a S-a'e; tackle Jim Tvrer of r.ud Dense Donmoyrr of Kapp., THEYCAME TO C0RDURA irr«« VddrrliM ha* hern all-America candidate* from the Oh... supi and center Larry Kappa Gamma, tied with 12 , mo»f r«n»Mrnl perform- rank* of the linemen. wim-oii- Cund'.fT of Michigan Sta'c points each. - IKUIICNTE • IKIltl ULUI :hr ,0*011 and lead* the *ln* Badger*. *till in rontention MCI TNI m ra»hin< picking up ?|« for the Big Id title, have an¬ .ROBERT ROSSCN V jrfir* far a It; TIIK KMIINKKIIS 01 other great tirkle in Jim llein- eke and a tine guard in-Jerry "'NEK, SCORE . unmrnCoi i a. k- .1 up. Htaleup SI8MA PHI DELTA NKWS — SI'OHTKKKI. — C A HIT H t\ SOON — JACK WKItll IN —Til— At ends, t -.e ac!eet!.»n bonyd ( HAI.I.KNCK i- being has scrati'hed its head over Jim Houston «if Ohm S'.Pe. Mon y y ••• h>»:h Stickles iif Notre Dame. D»'.i TRIANGLE FRATERNITY •hiiii"ii'ii|i iiii'i|iiit..i|i!ii|iiiiiiififiit»MPiiMlllliinmii iMit'miniiftuiniii; Norton •' Iowa and Karl Faison 1 frrYs of Indiana Tit \ TOITIl FOOTIIAI.I. (i AIlK \,u-k i) vuu\ N . t ie ,r !|rrb'« all irnilnd ahil- i mentioned has rtimple. he ranks as ihou u. thr IIEMII ADIIEKI KN Maying little dynamo from a-.d quarterbnek I-Va a Dale for I llnirrlil Or JlHl III lull; hmllmll 6 MONYHS FACYORY WARRANYY { r>r two pass receiver pull ^ . . h iding Spartan ground gainer . , . li.iekbarf r. >f \Viseon«'ti. ftyhting motet of flic seast-n OWNERS u-v W Itiie ^till IbM.lilful ^larh'r 4 MILLION r%\\ noff RuiuhUtter pa*sr» first than for string 107 yard*, rud Northwestern'* who almost John tingle-handedh de¬ Talle*. /Iriifi In • «• P'-.i'adelphia. OSl lla* laekle Problem feated Notre (lame last Satur¬ CAN'T BE WRONG day. got rail at quarterback a* 's • :> . v. Work¬ ivuntlury, did Michigan a State'* improving REESE OLBER'S NEWLY OPENED •• • !.<-• man ?utt liean l.ook. FOR A DEMONSTRATION RIDE 1 VARSITY BARBER .-.a K..: •• ■ iptercv — " »t priii).)'.i i IM Results . ■ ■* •r :-.r ' i ,i. u.im Salur- i vi.i. iu;\\ i ssfa i:n 7-iHi.ta .)• s*; hrtiiM-U !eg an i SHOP •• ■ ■ '.tv qu« *- MHITntl I CAPITOL MOTORS 1 . • ■ : i BtlhHIli ! i i oiinnos i. • i" '.if cxii:o>ivf a * O shin I. : H *h«M |H * tt . .* A lint, rt Il,«nrlh II • r.- Fa. h in fh»» II. rnrfell* 21 m m.v.i. cm.i.KiiK nur. | . e -» suc-cke I *he MiOrr IMIduli * n\er M»f Railirr PU)te«,« ) i hi ewer y* Phi TOM'S BARBER SHOP *•«»,»* vol I MM *11. Sliui' llv Knliiii SAME DAY DELIVERY fl¬ eer JX 1'urfetl* "i 11111U111 * ••-1 i"• 111 i' • 11; 111. i hili '' 1111 f it • * I f, I i I»I f 1111' f t f i 111 If i IM11MI f 111 . l»4ll.»f • mrr K «l h'f ' if ftitn on *hr squaet Thi* >iu'i-iiili:inii in Hut '/»/»« anil I'rinrrlnn* P*»h»f V o»Pt R«ch»r « fc h:i{v «eh#*nl. Sc- trlllKS IKIIM SKAl(S | to the HandMRtf Negri'. |Hn *o '?n. the 10# yd. r »roius HKST t>r u U.I.AI K 9 * »„ .I.: I v a* ONE PIECE ' !r>a k b«'IU i' ; i :timy AIM: VI. ■ .«w ■ a:j in tlH ,vs. r •" re back* I I I I S I It s - ? « ■ >4 5> •' in k M *i rk».. *i.:.n f"r thr N«rthea*t I fkiUdr'phia rits ehamp- lll'IA II I Ihrti stl « TO .>:!!» «a* namrd to ill- I til-state squad*. I opr.af !lf '» a «• he*.or* » '-nri Spat- !tr run* " *.fc . from .h.f'r I th the - NOTICE naifha. " K * • .»i!« a r • G. Badrnau to TO THE -v ♦ ♦ ♦ ■i> prartrro a ,1* ho-hun coavhr- GIRLS... 1 tr. body eon* who know K.di'i irrt» wants hit charge* !o th«»*e u I t, ,li. f*e*i «hape phssirall* n« »vs rei'H-alfii JM*I I rwfite«t meet* Ohio Stale in Saturday Antler*fti Hean* >ai<>n '•» P* "r, -'4.if Duffy had once afc'rtin Thr. -"i with LEADS TO ».* a tx practice view* r • He told her unique a ml fabulous ' , r ">' " •*. be expect* styles. Stop by *'«»n on«l re¬ I"*"* 'o ' - ve araither (OKI If he due*," new old Mftjuaintanee* r m hie classed [** «-af'erback m the 1 h. »n« " e.nint! In»r«ti*»l» «ur lop an* nrrllml •ppnrtunitir* lh.il prrpnrr >nu for trrhnlral anil 11 •tmiawlrail** raipm, ibiliiir-. - j "1» ''ntalki Maaacrmrni Training KmwcIihU Orvtlopmrni ANOTHER (t ■; i [adaatrtal NMrUflnln, fa*lamina (MrrhanH-al Kntinrrrinf drcrrrf '• • '• Awaaalla* '■""m* n water of nur fulnrr manaxrmrnl trim, im Nnrrmhrr 51 h. It ( ontart Mr. Jark Kinnrv AOLERS. IN VmnE AND COLORS. FOR MEN AND WOMEN, AVAILABLE AT ' ' |fcl "etnaalathan «ill ho on rnur rampu>. lw »" aeeniniwrnl. 1010 K. I.K VM) KlVKit FINE STORES EVERYWHERE ■ 1 rfu if)' ■LAM STEEL MMANY ' Eanl Ckiraf*. Indiana FREE PARKING - hours. 7ia.1 a.m. Ji4 :v.' j'^1 -d r 1 MICHIGAN STATE NEWS October 29.1939 • . ft.tmti.Nr bcrf.au House to Discuss Space IB) Bachrtor-i Iqin (M) Ma.ton ID) Doctors WArr* no *t- «rr» U Indirated. oil Irtrrr I.v.I, nrr cllclblr to lolrrrirw. Visiting Professor Predicts EMPLOTERA FOLLOWING MAJORS NOVEMBER 195. Federal Mogul Bower Mech. (B) Engr*. for Sales. Committee Bearings, Inc. Manufacturing. R&D. Federal Mogul Bower Bearings, Inc. All College of Business & Pub- lie Service (B > & Liberal Arts Future Gratis Medical Gj Schedules . m majors for Sales Posi¬ tions. (December grade only! A free-medical-care-for-evcrv- and material atandard*** hot that public assM;.;- Food Machinery .V Chemical Chemistry majors A Chemical one program 15 sure to come to the Ameriean Medical Amk. Ik but the per* 1 Corp - Chemical Research A Mccfh. & Liberal Arts c<»mplishments of medical and put him WASH I NT,TON (/T)—The perhaps sooner, believes D." iB) majors (December'grads Walter Fried!ander. who is with science, he contends, make it ... A step in House Space Committee wfll only) (men & women) for Re¬ the School of Social Work for necessary to find a way of max- Friedlander r try in January to determine tailing Trainee Program. the acaderr.ic year. ing them more readily available in Congress • whether the United States Jonnshi Service Co. Elect. (P.) (MY, Mech. (B> (Ml. A professor emeritus a*, the to the public. vide free me: take the lead in spare Industrial f California. Berke¬ — j M j Engrs. and all other men fair," he said. "People under ' anee benefit,* explorations or must "con¬ • B; (M) interested in techni¬ ley. Friedlander h*as been in¬ volved :r. many phases of social tinue to play second fiddle." cal or scientific areas wno welfare work since he earned Chairman Overton Brx>ks (D- ive an interest in automatic the Ph-D. degree at the Univer¬ " I,a> u* Wednesday announced that the goal of extensive hear- control for RAD, Field A Sales Engineering, A Manu¬ sity of Purlin in 1920. He maintains that Ameriean IKEWFEEV —rngs. expected to last at least a facturing. TMontth, that the committee will begin when Congress recon¬ Lever Brothers Co. Division - F-'i Technology Chemistry r D; A Packaging (Mi (D1. medtrtne ha* -the Mchert mnral DINNER SPECIAL! Tniffir Point RAKED MEAT I.OAK venes. ■ Pi majors & Chemical Engrs. Onnp* 49c 'or RAD. Ma«hH Pntaln ' Brooks* committee is the first In order to provide improved °arke, Davis &* C (B), Bacteriol¬ t*-e 8 a m-I p.m. traffic nouncement sf plans In reorgan¬ ogy (Rt majors for research. period*, the department of pub¬ KAI.I'H'S ise pari of the t*.S. «P»ee pro¬ A HlfiE raown on hand for Ihr Fid,! C oolro rollr hr,r» thr lic safety ha? changed its trat- Fa ike. I)avi> ,V Co ('h>m. (B> (M), Mech. gram. Brooks, in s statement an¬ Cohan prime minister charge t'.S. officials with permitting planes to hotnh Co ha from American soil. Castro spoke from the presi¬ . • M . Industrial Engrs. A Accounting (B) (M) (B- Ml fie control noint Road from North Crescent Road on Harris .n "KEWPEE'S ( dential palace near Havana Bay earlier this week. to South Cre>cert Road, accord¬ nouncing plans for the hearings, (Dec. A March grada only) said: "It shall be cwr aim to probs Fishrl Return* from Vlull majors for fields. work in related ing to Richard Bernitt. head of ihe office of protective sen-ice*. CAFETERIA AN IDEAL PLACE TO EAT - TV Too every facet of 1h» .program la Peat. Marwick Mitehell K Co Accounting (M> major.* QUICK RESULTS determine: "!. Why this nation ts lag¬ In 22 Viet ISam Prtwinces Republic Stee! Corp tor Accounting positions. Accounting 'Hi (Mi "majors LOW COST CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS ging behind in ths exploration r r Accounting Trainee Pro¬ Dr. Wesley Fishcl, MSU pol¬ vinces' in South Viet Nam rt" space, and; gram -t What step# pan bs taken itical scientist, has recently re¬ According to Fishe! this push v> place ths United Btntes etiers turned from an extensive vis.: westward is solidifying ana Jt belongs, in ths forefront.** to Viet Nam. A former chief of stabilizing the Cambodian and Contact |.rn» ERIIHEERS Amsnf sthsrs. Hrsoks said the i iimfttM HlHMnHy wants answers in tms fpssUsn the MSU advisory gr>up m country, he *|»ent the past sum¬ mer thai visiting 22 of the 38 pro¬ l^ot an frontiers as well as viding larger je»me homesteads 52,000 Vietnamese pro¬ for WALLACE (and all v..tir optical needs) OPTICIANS Flertrlm! ard rre« hamra! er.gi* coronation BAU 1. Dost ths ted States Branch Office — Vine af f lippert ccrr* interested tn and have a rational Space pmfnam? opposite Sear* In Frandnri special! i devrlonrr.^r.t *>* »>xtre-rrech»n.* What doss the Eisenhowed J. AdmtnirtraUon plea to do with RELAX AND ENJOY Dr. VI. eye examtnatinn* by Jensen, reglslered sftaiftrwt «a! dr,Kf« •ne Saturn pmfmm? "Hila la an l»H. IV fk-2771 W> r. i)t inter* Tiecember A-mr pmjeot to develop a YOURSELF tint R* N|nn. 1-t: Tan. We4. Nat. March Nmrmher 4th Jun» tracts te« or ■ ■ ■ ■ ■- . Ire! with 1H mlllisn pogndl s-S; Thurs. * frt.. »-* «g ' thrust aevsml ttmes morn -oiverful tfian anything thn Rua- AT Thoee *lw a re MM*| in engineer¬ ■ UNIFORMS CLEAM-1> « ing fimdiiMmUU and r',athema- .■ i,ns are known in have de- v< - : S1.25 : " college travel gteeert are rrnvmajhlr for ti-C- I. What sill hecsnst sf the KAST MIR. SF.RVK I Arm? Ballistic Mlaalls Agcnry •i Huntsvtlle. Ala., near thn! the CORONATION BALL duct* from the thmuih pmdicUoR »« the ulti- degitn *h»gr '■■■■■■ I ■ ■ ■ • • J ir.'e us® bv the consumer H em her Van Br sen team has been transferred te the NaBenal A er on suites snd Spare Admin¬ OCT. 30 office istration? •M-< 4. To what e*"ent do tr.ilU and civilian *p»c# agancian DANTE TO THE MUSIC OK . . . llainilrd An en I ill 1 r.D rl (iinfrrrnrr* AtTOMATIC Ml'SIC. INC. 1399 I MM Ave, 9X. 1-Hr. MARTINIZIN6 -f.a'e their wn-'k* . I KS ELGART a HIS ORCHESTRA AIM'— It All. — STEAMSHIP TO! It Orari NiBI* S. Mtrtugsa I .ICON T1IEATEK BI.(M K 5. Exactly what xs-iTl bn the future mi**ion of the Army, CRIISK — IIOTHI. — RESORT — PASSPORTS Navy, A it forct, and the ad¬ Ticket Sale, at the Union vance researrh projerts agencv, KOREKIN CARS the ivnvtayon'a m»ace arm, in flhn exploration of sjwe* T his .1,1 ( ontritiuiist lhn>ueh thr Cnurtrsv of Intiirmillion. Re—r\nlinn,. 1Vi»l« fc Are sufficient funds being provided for t**h *-hs military HOWARD JOHNSON S MEMBER: Ammrnn Sorirlv nf Travri ArhiN and nvilUn aj.acc programs'* ? I*«e* p ar, to subordinate either the AriTTiimstration ,\ .!ian space activities or ttuwO »f the mLlitarj? the 130 X". Grand River KDgewood 24UMiT ' SPECIAL MICHIGAN MAKE THE ffTATE NtWfc FALL TERM hn«l ljHiniuji, Mirhiftan A ihvwm a mini Midncu'. omm •- Mm («mu Trar.1 . CORONATION BALL TOri MORNING HABIT GRADUATES OHIO OUTER 0 P.M. THIS WEEK-END OFFER!! ORDER YOUR THOOS. 12 HOT. COMMENCEMENT UNIFORMS CLEANED & PRESSED jazz FOE ANNOUNCEMENTS SHOP THE BIG FOR ONLY . . . 51.00 MONDAY ~ THURSDAY (REGULAR PRICE *1.50) moderns ... Union Book Store No Nrvil To )li** The Bift Dimv — Brinje I amr Day — At a Bargain IVirr. 11"1' • wk-fi* ,.*11 br * ♦ * DESIGNED & OPERATED ihrU .bra in .1 (PA-EVEN IF YOl "RE NOT OOl.Nti TO THE DAM I CJjri* (iinnrr 0*a.'i Gnmt. 2999 E. YOU DONT WANT TO PASS I P THIS SPECIAL—ONLY A llt'CKII * * ♦ TO FIT THE NEEDS *V am mi i»«r imilr I) Chiro Hamillon anariii te , luu-arm ■ m (Juintrt * s * OF THE X"E"RE OPEN TILL 9 P..YI. TONITE AND Mainard l'rrjru»on RE4IPEN AT 8 A.M. FRIDAY » A Or«hi-»tra COLLEGE COED * -a * lliu IJHIIIM TI * Trio * a THE liriuunl Fratrr *2.00, 2.50. 3.00, 3.50 COED SHOP Rran-mter In »**r abate mil i BMkiac. ten: Ma < PWt» atirrun mm tm J IKUTt ON HALT AT CAMTVI MI'Kir 621 East Grand River TV tli E. CI. urn rWO'K — IBAMMia Gorurr of Hanlrtl PASAMOi NT—1*1 I. MICH MtroCXT ON M IK UT> Pbaar ED 7-0765 * MAIL ORMR IRVIERT iwwdijr vih«,* one emu Oprn Evraiap for Vour CaaMaitarr mmm BBMM9RHM 1 - T'\ .■ •' '■ .,