! | On lo OSll! The ^'ealhcr |r^hall 1>»m Travels l lourii. Po—ihle Kain To Columbus l.ow Thursday Jo Sof Pace 5 High Today Sri \iim MSI' For 50 Years . 51, No- 5ti_ I'll ICE 3CENTS STOP Arin> Tr;i|>|>e»: i he learned from a student I could. He didn't aav much, hut just ' lull outside that one of the men cried out. 'Try and save me.* " lalinriiliirv mi ll.«* ll.iril floor of ki-il/ii* rlirmiriil Gordon managod to get Shrvin- linililiiij.*. \pislature Cautious out of the room and into ati f?u-e clo*e by. Shremcr's bixty l-i rri t M.t I <-> m,lit inn ui Simrnuv I ln-|iitol. luiii-iiu.*, u.-..* charred beyond recognitjon, Iliirlu Mmk. Jl. i.f Tri-ntiiii. nn crilii'i.l li-t ut St. I.n-.vn ine llil.il. Ijiininir. ' Legistrore cautiously came to jrrip* Thursday with Frrrman. M,.rk uiul Shri-ini-r ri-purlnlly ..iiflVri-il trull' t.uriH, -tiurk ■ « newest cash crisis, Trie other two students critic- mi.t iiU'i'ruttun. t' rti-inun tin,I thinl iti-ri'i-i- i.nrii- -hi -"''.u to* -o AD. law wide favor, ai'.nou*: .i 'v burnt*;? g >t out of the lab IH-n-i-iit uf lii- IhkIv. olt.-n.linir phl'.it'iuii. ui Si |ji«riii"- . - their own v"4 Ml ill - *o meet con- reeognu-ed tner* #•-, ' ' •' 'xc*"'' weekends, conflict w:i.h a constitutions Harold Riniirr. trad student • « found, with proftiitwti' rv ae« n • vixinsr c: ■ uwrkint across the hall said hn Till- r\|ili,iun iMilirrfil Ht K:IS p.m. Hurini; 11 ili.lilliitiuil three* weeks, ii would and trucks exeep* for ht*nw«, heard three etplwiuni almost alt i*\|m*i inn-lit, iu-rurdinii In rhrmi-.tr> H,pnrtmrnl hr.il llr. r •on dollars be- purthas'*- at once. Ihcn he saw two people I.iurrnri- (Jui)l. Tirrfiuhlrr- friim Kh-I l.iin-inr. Ijin-inf, — ■■ But Williar** v> 1 new*ti;- t runnint out, aflame from bead <>f bUll- for [ 4 --.on. A long list mobile division of General mgl>am, won the oflices of pres¬ even 700 votes treasurer, 78 and Betty Mel I in. 71, was only Motors, the Spartan bard wVI The entire lab «m a shambles While Brenda Fields had 593 llr. Andrew Timnick. aaaoclute professur of chemistry firemen worked for hour* ident and vice president, re»pxt- Primaries for frcahinar. sec¬ Campbell elected Ju»iy who was in the luiiMinir at Ihe time of the explosion, said a* be on hand to preaent a ba.f- bf ' new pro- cleaning up water and debris ticely. wftiilc coed Phoebe retary, were also reheld Thurs¬ Speck man, '23, over Lealha Bor he heard someone shout "lull the fire ilepartmcntI" and i **-_ I >*** 4 time show . up to go alone after extinguishing the fire. day, Aa a revute was requested odyehuk. <5 votes, ladiiidail itoruarau will Mastsuura, from Kaelakcua , ? ^e than two have a dunce to atone as dl- Paint peeled off the wall# and Kona, Hawaii. I>ecatnc the new¬ last week. Running next week., Emmons victor# were Willian telephoned East lanisiny firemen when he saw smoke pour- l^wbiiit.ea ru-F drawn up in ceilings. Debris, a huge pile of ly, elected treasurer will be Pat Girvin. Kirk wood. Ryan. 83 votes, and Dave Scheeh intr from the research lab. revenue «®C- mangled papers, charred desk Mo, and Robin Wallen, Chicago. One of the sludent's safety ylasses were blown off in to the lag. MP 1U*W 65. over Carl Boehm, 62 top# and lab'benches were smok¬ Garrett in over- Ill the blast and liadly twisted. A metal apparatus clamp, also an * •• .u.-ns. Th- traroboow wiU ol! Miss Girvin received 77fi Butterfield representative* are ing an hour after the explosio.n whelming I votes over Roger « it i« tint to thr tun. of -Trombon. Mis» Wailen 763, and Ray Jenkins. 73. winning 'over distorted in the explosion, was fused to a piece of a'a.s by Shelve# six to eight feet from C ayo'a 437. lives in H>*t vote*. tt eaRHi - Tub., will j.t . cb.tK-, Larry Siamons, 70 Mart y Kessler the heat. Bloodstain, and shreds of charred clothing !railed • the probable explosion stood In 639 l*n to U . t, foljow-l by enmet.. Thr skeleton framework. Broken FuiaJ voting for tocretary will Pete GillCh "received Wi vot« a down the hall where the injured men were carried. a dinuu. wturb Kidom K>W :n Senior of Ike tf eek be next week. over Harry Ousen, '70 votes. th* band, will pUy . rwdy. gists covered table tops and the Each office had various nun*- Shreiaer. who was reportedly leadwllet Ik* experi aieat, floor, and was scattered an the FM Petitioning Set Student congress vacancies miaic.l -Shub-KHub." >nd thr were also completed Thurvdjy bcr# of write-in ballots waa buraed so badly that Ma fan caaM aot be racogaiaad, , ground outside. ' ■■ * ■■■■■ drum, will go L»tib-Amenc.n , In the room next to the or¬ Friday's Htoto News will lea* oar ofaoerxer said. with "CubmCwto." ganic research lab, the face of fare the Senior of the Week Lansing members are Dfen Inlernnlionnl* to Meet •Mkhiyan State Police quotad a chemlatry departmen'. Th. b«nd will rwuut. few lb. column honoring two rauun !- Win'.er*. 30 voles, and Barry •» plastic dork had cdmpletely Sotua fiwwit. ' SwnpCT W.u" Houghton. 34, over Julie pow¬ Tfiix week's meeting of the source as sa.vinir the student, had left uncovered a chemical mejted off. The large electric u dents graduating fail, Drum major IU> Siwwvt will wall clock at the opposite end of win;er or spring term. Tne *er- ers wtth 7 votes, and Jon Doi International club will be held which was supposed to have a lid on it and that the eub- bt tamducwd brtor. th. grmr. Jea will .be published every Fr i¬ with 2. tonignt 8 in 3i Union. stance flared up, causing the blowup. the room from toe explosion bad wkaa th* bond *ri>l uiutw Ohio day during the school year East Lansing winners include In addition to a short business East Unaing Fire Jdarehal Phil PbMuche and i been jarred from Ha place. t •uu with . mooeirammwi Petitioning will again take Dick Anderson, 27 votes; Mary meeting a student contest called -Ohio- wad it. hum* univmity The explosion apparently oc¬ "Deca Songs" will be included fire aafety officer Robmrt curred in the comer oft toe Jab toe last two weeks Fox. 7, and Kittjr Katx, f. pug dm Wildoo received 4 vetoa. in the evening's program. availabia far coaunmit. f * i. . . . . ■ , Michigan Stale iNcws 1 he Read Pail* by MSt'-s I.VflM student* and faculty Life (an Be CHAMPAIGN. Ill Prof . Michigan State 341 Student Seivices East Lansing NexvTI Micnija,, Michigan State Nexva o pubis ?!:-rd n> •"uaen's of Michigan St-.te I'tmersifv. Lansing "Mich. without d.:*ct : ••'•••H *uncrv»» ••!». .Joseph Sutton's name may be- Published »n cUxs daxs Monday through Friday u i• is not the olflcial.ruiot of Um unttmiM or at the ituiwnl t .i winter and spring terms, weekly during niim,* out v; sle «*cking to win the hot tr-ten-jt* - f iv*' >. -t-ind- re-dx Mtmr i footnote in textbook* on vi ice I Itrshmao i between mi miner ami f.M tm to battle anv move which would drive a «edxe betwwu the two education, under the chapter si'iHind das- i.wttei under the act of March ;i 18.a vhPti'.cr it comes from within the mmriMtv «-r ftom ouri-de Men.lwi nt the ASsOoiuted I're.-s Inland Daiiv Pre** -Kl A--"*>a'.ed cnliegi.>ie ••Modern teaching emergencies ^"VbuV^MibMiipVi'.n, oavable In advance for one i, t're ■ • and how to moot them," • cim- M. tor three terms 55 Sutton taught a Journalism Members <»l the Inland DailV l»rr«. A«*iK'iairu Vol. 51. X<> Asvwiflted Collegiate |»rev» Friday. Octot*>r ."«t>. Pajre Two class .«t the University ol Illi¬ Nicht S|inris I nois Tuesday xxith a baby in his I,IV »mint *"».«"»'• V alone dlto I dit Page Editor Sandy l egal'. .%«%•! Edit Page Editor Jetnnlne Engravers Attendance Should Chnrk Rnerhtrl, when The emergency came up i„hB M one of Sutton's students arrived .im'rm... Si»«rt» k.sorlale EdUor #••" Offlre Wanatei, at class carrying his six-month- W allington «iregor, Ron W1U, -.klt Darkroom Montr * oriel* Editor kv.,"r„,ax \.,.J '/.( son. The mothri. who l<»nk* \lchl Editor* Sharon loads. Retail Manager ,'*t Be Student's Choice * Awl Retail Manner- ' afte: the baby during that poi¬ Martin H.n num. '■»' -, nd. had been kept after class National Adveribm, bv another teaetiei m" ■"* Wall flqtiirr Vlasatfied m alMOV M.in.icrr TIIK MSI* rATAMHe. the university "biblr." has a Not one to stand in the way of m.n. I ma. I JIS," Nrhrlker tton entitled attendance. In it three policies are expounded. learning, Sutton took over 2,™, Ma«.ra. .tiv: was;: H.n. H.rn.l.m Asx't riastifieii Mever X|4lt(. i didn't mind at all." he said. Sundry Advertising m,b„ The first is that student* are expected t»» attend all classt-s. J... M....II "■ • The baby behaved quite ma* Secondl.v, instructors are required to report absences of all turelx " student* at the end of each quarter. And last that "absences will be considered when determining praties." The section tin attendance, in effect, states what most undergraduates in the I'.S. accept as a matter of fact: to get credit for n course you have to attend classes. CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS III'XIII INKS- I p.m. I lav llffnrr I'uhliralion for Tors., XXrd.. Thiir.. There seems to Ik» a feeling current!y among upperclas>- I'ri. Kdition*. Pradlinr for Moo. Edition: 1 p.m. I n. men that compulsory class attendance should in- almlishisi. Ilill* l'a>aHlr S.|2 and l-.'i Monday IKrouph Friday They argue that men and women in a university who are adult enough to choose their vocations, ph.ee their studies, ED 2-1.Til EXT. 2ft|j etc.. are also adult enough to deride when cla** attendance is actually doing them any good. TlfKltK IS A I tM.lt Al. opjs»>iti»»n t" thi- view Not all AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE LOST and FQUN student* are adult enough to decide. Many cannot make LOST. TASCi i r minor decisions; why allow them to bulge what they n».*> HAUOWH* M.N.S that niASt or may not need in such a major issue as education? 145? FO*D fair V« hr4 K^Vrn i:,",' • surmise HER Rut advocates of the "attend at will" school have an personal answer to this Why punish the ma.ioritv of the students for the adolescence-of a few? Most university students are # FLAN AND SAVE . capable of knowing their needs. 1456 STUOFIAGR , « . r- -T • - • lo.a-a Cathouc a :»'• ' a - a Take a hypothetical situation wherein no student is re. • BE MYSTERIOUS STUDENT .-4-xov * T- . 4. , -a- ah-.e quired to attend class Kverxone may come and go as the.x 9.,-'»ae r arpea «* e s-'d pe* please. Some will attend all the time, some will miss occa¬ j . -- ■ , P .-•! be -A a . ORGANIZATION I sionally but will make up tor d outside'«d" ri;t« Some wiil # ALWAYS A FLEASANT suffer. j ' - ta at SURRRISE AT . . . , 1456 FIVMOUTH a * \4 •.» YKT WHO IS AC'TI All A to blame Fertjunix not the W H THOMFSON JEWELERS professor for not requiring attendance. It is rather the IV 5 0744 Efa«dor NtAVAV fault of the student who dm - not know his own eapabilities .»»A.,r /, J. HARC.AIN - COMPLETE POCKET CIZF. TV magarlne "vX naee*» local and cannot estimate when he should and should not attend b«iine« Plus go»wl Sunday nanei class. Does it not follow then that next term he will be fVir..it News 1 with large colored INITIATION delivery more hwareof his limitations and attend cla«*s nmre faith, -Tt;, r Only 4n«ttdit Village 218' home ED 7-1(434 2.» fully than if he had been dependent niton a pndev-or to >•1 AMP COLLECTORS LARC.F Sunday, No.,—... I* > Canadian eolleetlrtn hettji "bring" him to class even • in\ " I'nder t»ur present system students are so n-iii to hax iuc the administration make them attend class that Moo lave liid Bye-liye to Blackball! Mm' MM". ,nrt N.nv Set 5'AM « ( oxer* *>p;gii • Oxer ♦'« » milllo. * Airpo:t Hlo»'k * CAM llntoru ai ra, - ' C d*1" - .1 P«.in, '.i ehoo-e rroi" XVhnleoaie « jo v ceased to evaluate the qualitv of instruction thev are re Itv HIM. C XI.I. XII \> ret.i ' ED 7-72S3 • * reiving They make no decisions wejph.ng tinqmrtanc.1 Rf hexbm#r»| II' COCKTAIL WEES'*. SIZE U» ai i THIS C'OI.I MN has attracted any thruitgh it* prog mm If it continue* to re¬ h.i« (ar<1 t.iCe'.t w dh satin tan- of what they hear in cla»- against what the\ coidd lead I't iiv e«# ol vie KM 1-3154 ?' outside. Thev, tend to li.-tr.it '•> T i reader*hip on campus. 1 hope the majority ject members on *in ii a basis, however. 1 in«tHii-n>v. lake I i- «»f readers will forgive WE HAVE MANY OTHER EOt R (JFNEH AI. OCA I. tire* me for addressing cannot see how it can avoid defeating its lecture at face value and do yo m«n a» ti TrtKe -vfr payment Kt.'i a moixln tins week's message to a rather small seg¬ own 8.1,11. e on lire- »?;?" 4 «<*» mile* or bet\>e« !X 2-5 n t • i ect. purjn»*es Hen-orahie nn.-e *172 Com to the ('rent Dme-i ment of Mie campus 1 nder n n«»n.comp!(>»«t• -v-t. m population. IF TIIK MKfiANIZATION were a strictly This is t».»t entirely unjustified. f«»r the social one, i could understand the appli¬ I I.DON C .V F bi em pled to » W i \orbUahJ' x R g >.v SUCHIM S KN C-HT AU10 SAk.ES. Mu»;. lemnoeu s\HI K. SOBER STEADY St Iter- • . Not the subject is one of concern to ail. At least, cation of Mich criteria. I woubl not condone *• • • ti iPT'MeC' e for any event I' JV pl'ole.ssi.v. I he Cinioit a idlig Lcf i « la'gao-i :«•••>ml* O L ED 7-Ki.'4 alter a it should be. it or associate myself with it. but the |w»- ev 2.1 o'clock every dav Imvhu-i' "if« not requirevi" x* i pr«»hj i •• i MEHI.VN f.Ait- I had the noisome experience this week sitjon would be logically tenable for those Damt-ah e m find it i* required when he n •eixes his grades a? the t.nuaual per- ound and feeling I" i- of my first encounter with the time-hon¬ who vvisheil to accept it. Id cut' link of the term MKK A DEMONSTRATION WIDF »>,»* protr, birthdav ored custom of the "blackball." • Ford '* roixowiNt; mi: sami: hvi*othet«.af .. . u . There i* nothing personal in all thi*. i • .nine! r (iff Maiden *f Ma* Curb* pi' EorM Falcon. >ni Se'-d rniMlo r. K hroert ire Ter- ■ The Bud-Mor A«e Actually, it vvasn'i so much a blackball merely wish to suggest that if this group »i,»r 7 ft". i Hoavi Piaiiklm superior student reap m»»rr lieii*-fi!«. ». .. a'• « !,» }, u * It bare. New V..T a vote-swinging other activities during the time vxhnt n. n am ha\e pi> «•v 4>pei'ation, but in over-all or any similar one hope* to achieve any - 1*1 VXtOI'TM Powertli'e. out- l«atM-"4 vlr .■ i-i *|Mitl|ght »a.«> OH REGISTERED BEAGLES It week* SMlTH-JACKM*K effect and intent it was unmistakably a thing worthy of note, perhaps it would lie - viou.sly Spent in listening t.. ;*• hvt'Oe he f ,ui uilVildx read 7 Ml I acer 5 *5 7.2:7 ,T":,n"^n »OM» out of class"' It would also encourage f in to more If- .- blackball. • to it* advantage to re-examine its stand¬ I 't* HCtCK RO.ADM.ASTFH nedan aenarate'.v ED 7-77 7* 25 i THE VALIAOURS »--1 TIIK INCJIIKNT CKC'I KKKII the fir-t ards and select members according to their • j-'1*" m i-.i.ii ile* Perie« t i.mhU- pendent stinR i. ; : v E \!.i Zi HAt.LOWTFN Pt MPKIV* SMALL tune I atteiuhsl a meeting of a value, disregarding {lersonal prejudices. I'-, an.1 to TV- tor evtra laree Ths style of turners;'* .o-iruo'. o . \t. group t*» 1T.XX in* \ :">eio i» tar;,be« of am»!e» C'ldef Phone IV 2-06241 , - PlVMOrni BELVEDERE xvhich I was recently elected I won't name Although I have disassociated myself loir i.,tlio and neater, auto- t vevetabie* Hoart-, in Rurope and ha- proveii immense/* >uc»In R'ngiano. i atn Hi«r, tranamiwiiMu rraue .nip Farm Market three mile* •cite a' Excellent •.-,»!.- the organization for that doe* not affect from the organization, this was not caused tor example, students attmd onh 1r-*e lectures who h ED 2-8717, b-s o.m 3ft .« 1, B.I La11*ma on C s iH »i Okemo* 2s REAL ESTATE tie principle involved ami I have it hope- thev feel til in- InMiefii «.v W \\ * •» a r that x*» by spite or any personal vindictiveness. It BRAKE* FRONT AND rear brake, i, ;- v< • •mi!'ftimnf'd' ' ii s ' t], r"' a's exchanging eenne i labor « ..i materia.. C.eo- MOBILE HOM* PARTS and ar- cannot extend this entire phi o.-op' . is merely that I have to live with myself »>■»•« *12 Brake, aaH CORVETTE PRIVATE owner jo...; of rommrMRl grade* Cut to them. I hope they will take this as advice erates such method*.. modified ver-.-'U ■ i ... . ■ n « .1 Uluriediatetv. ^ee t at to I and ou.ck im»en A-« about VET EX-iORORfrx 'J aonre, «ate condition I3;s Haalett Brewer Food Pro- ieaxe rather than reprehension. I have certain standard* .of conduct. Per¬ -t«>rai*e rtetac- fectively without rhauu ,n .... .. -• Ic. K Ui»in« ED <• 1543 1% d • OX ,f recenti ter lor «tili \\> feel this w O »i be Oen.' During the process of electing additional haps they are not always correct, hut .they baaement .r. i \* EMPLOYMENT . . v .. student* xx otiUl foal then U e... . : o" - - ,V • .; ■■>+ if red members one nominee, who was certainly are mine and 1 must abide bv them. ■ HOUSING clo*eti a I EUoft Pogaibie IV to use their tune n.- ?• \., is xxoil iif not better! qualified as any of I ItKU.I'/K THAT the blackball i* an- KNGlVTFRs M RECENT „■■■■■ z—" ■i.TLI. . ■■ , 1 "i * ,* ■ .• > live year. FOP RENT E LANSING lx> btvome Sax m : • . , ? :v e present members, was rejected on pure¬ • lent, traditional and widespread, but I con¬ ..... .... ... iob« 4tVliii'- CAP# C'Otl XX a. k t ■ M F *i4 2»»l with *", .• ' E E E Ch F s Tram- XX'El ctiX-'E Klt)S PFTS Two bed- listen to them. xx.. dd .'vcr .. • .. ... - ly (tersouai grounds tend that an organization that needs doer* re. • i-rodu, turn work mil »ta'e ■ :.»■ .ntf-r; /.ed interior i home bedrtNtir. ram ' TUHf 61 i 4..» v • No defensible grounds for ol»- Mia- or (P.**' Mar-. ..liier lob, open »'rr- Eurntxhed. utlfurc.i,hed Ar«»und 6iki by inserting niauna; < .o, .1 his rather than socialite* has no room for it. e .t-\ n't i>av rro fee* I - Conxe.ue.it imafinn. IV 9*0537. 2b i . ertv F.D 2-3**' octjon vveiv ED 2->32!I ixpresseti by those in opjaisi- For its own good it should eliminate such I," F . ri- % In I ..'!, • r E V Mart.. E.i.uio*nirt .••sineer-.i.y A erne v. BUNGALOW I N E C R N I S H F. D tmfi t>» this nominee, other than personal ■V u Michiaan Axe Dearbof TllHFK isbke Rut this was sufficient (on a re- ■ practice* Mi. I U 2-4400 28 me-T Also four room room* and bath, full ba*e- funtUhed . SERVICE^ Personally, 1 find the custom distasteful AMBITIOC* COU.FGE MEN XX e aoarfment IV 5-3071 23 * i unt i to sw ing the vote against election and dastardly ; fit only for petty need power- xoti to x».»rk week Oar' tune !ft AFAPTMENTS Y0b» lAwNJ1* it so happens that the group involved m.c.r* ner minimum XTu*' ACROSS ST Ho»ok seekers, who most likely are *ick >ui to • earti I'rt per week fro*- FAST LANSING ONE. bio. k from PICKED U» AN: :L- p.,.! time iob Neat .aooearaure and t Of#»n St U* -t presently striving for recognition and 1: is an odious thing which has no I'nior \>* auartment building place i ar nargiwri No* canxawuna col-; Three rooma and tile ba'ii rir*' 4 f.nuasr# a and i,o|»es ti» ih*fit*fit the student Inxiy at large on a university campus. ie.tiue »r x!e>ixerint Room For interview fi«H,» ' New range and refrigerator v.# < 5 . • • Ota#' s 4ft Sewer rep*»rl to UU, Porter Mote: 4-8 Octolxer 30 33 turnikhed Married couple or ungie 11 Hhim 42 r#nts..s? or * x,omen orlv PI 13 r*r .nvonth. El>- I LANSiNi 14 HorifMtlAi 44 XtaU ; q. >r V ALB CHACFEECR. J-5J4W after 6 D.m .«» ma; TYPIST c timh#> ti Oppoa I# 4.V Period o( lini# Roktlt o [Bo iTTi] c. . INFORHAI 'ON wanted anr-e gtMHl and, U» Auiearaii. work manner t i>art tune Annex - of tires* niuet f>e of car mux* be n»ent GIRL TO SHARE furnished »ith one other Parking See apart-'" tU TYPING tn' fa;,. THF.M* ........ Tt l4t •t Si orroM 4* Short iA.S.I T ATyfO* I ON I Kill V V 4 IIRIMIAN STIDINt go«*«J in*ide afid out. Ilavmond Ro- Dureen between 2-3 at College Inn * v«ar« exuerienca. It Tii.ft •t «cky bar »• SINDAT hM>t>n. Ihano Tuner. IV 3-14T1 Leave IV 4-9P4* It llll.lll nan* and phone 28 it Engl.ah IC'.tWo * tBs ots ItHNIlATION I t Till R AN RTI DLNT TWO Mrs STUDENTS will ahare " TYPING DONE C- t' «' 4.> e m A)nh« EpsiIon !'. 5 turnohed letter . PART-TIME POSITION ooen b- room apartment with; rr.ndm- IV 5-4-: SkiUb»*.;i ft a.m.. College Houst. l eav e ASMK IATIO.N men IV Mill of EU- FT*— SO MinnC nervu'es. m«n with «ar to work lo.*at'\ In- for Luvkt^siUe I*ark and fa.. S .ln I'mver- v l.u- - l-tm .. fO ;.«M> tt S2 tang# tub I ATIIOI.K STt'DCXT r«*- p m. oimt made will help vou along wax SPARTAN *..!!. l*»-» ti mueh \t * 1 No inxestment An- S4 r.i>g t rat Return Sumla. nan Church. Prugm.n vnil l.^ M Ev.ot 4) R( •% X| /.ATIOX j> n|> 316 E. Michigan. Lanaing. 6 a - AIll l.rs »11 nr'*■»« ONLY TWO f,.'fiu.l*d mi'!;'U,""'Cf 4 '' pin-. Catholic Stwueui surprise 37 Contact Atr» Gn» 57 l>##/ at» STI IILN'T Will t C LANS |or iniormati,.' v'i-nu-r CofftH- Hmu. coroUs s» Csn»i SATIRI»AV (.AVIXI A DELTA 11 30 a.m Ftrestdc .t'nive. - FOR RENT v THREE itii liain and pmgtg entrance. Ftf- BEDROOM FIVE room KXCELLENT T" sitvLutheran Church TIES la*t and a » II 3f ( V I llol It aTt DE.N1 - Martin LuSber Chap... p.m., FROZEN FOOD LOCKF.KS teen minute* from campus. L'nfur- tn*»» term d*l* * II LUmsHIP or RM.IGIOI < - m*hed except stoxe and refrigerator ..... '* It'Mt ORGANIZATION Depart, t- r vouti. r«;iv in D»i- ren* Hold no to 2D0 po«md«. Brow, All utditiea paid. IV 7-PM4 35 ' Bm •J Effort ft-,' 2 URIRAIs food Pr.xdmMa OX 4-3881 ^ t ^ p.rr.. CaWui. . .S3ud«mt troit Hard times party w.'d ^ 45 !r#i»ttd M \jGC»Uan x>ntpi Ope iv house t»e postponed until further my. 7 p.nu 36 Union. Speaker will FOR SALE NORTH IIOMIR ri'RNlSHRD apartment Three room* and bath oJiS??!,!'t—3 Icgibii " » Sam Harris Prn-ate narking uoum V Conjunc- tianciiig tiee. Hiun. Jfrandor One block from IV »-x4M8 35 - kuoerinr -- - sten. ■ ■ J videration oi • Uon I C* BtiAKFAS? BONUS "» U pin.. Hide! House Ruffet ATTRACTIVE TWO Jane Wench, ED A BEDROOM Au w -A; v supper and traveuigue of GOOD ar*artn*iit, one bio,k from ,an>pu* fceikev i ■n* r- a f r c.u'arixishad *■*;■*pt * * # * * lefngeratof Wok iP U A Israel. FtiSM , ..r.d .tove Adult* 122 for Durand. ED- T V AND RAD: <* 2-4 «M low rates to TOI NG MMlALIMs 111 3-j QUICK'*•*..» * « u«ed T.V. oe's * • *n i: ,'Tgqg Qg Ti£AT5.' * <1:30 34 pm. Union Wplf •ooms tube Oiacking. tree v* 9 p.m. dail* T X »; tl 4 J ^ .otmixv Fuhrig, lecturer in social _. n SFuDNUT SHOF 3PB3 I. MKlugau- >> 1 »• TI Si Wr t# IS Enwn jKicnce. will speak on "Schol¬ |3? MAC Opea 6 a.*.-6 p.m. week ROOM Garage FOR RENT. Male 47 per available. ED 2-W7 BUS BLACK •J>7 TVBU^ n hfl % Ji ■ * t1 ■ 54 StA.k 36 Cravat ii Tw.trh ng • -> € arship and Loyalty to the Con- Milution.*1 ATHOUC MTi'DENT DAVENPORT AND CHAIR In good condition 135 Phone TO 3-537» HAVE VACANCY FOR mala al«H i dent in large double room In ind accurate iUggOOM ... ps*— • 9*9V*r ro >* 24 »rr; w n * Ji fi 41 Body t»T a ORGANIZATION n;te home. Parking. ED I4RI U R • ta H 4' c'-u- :b Cut Sf.Sft 8:15 par, Catholic Student d«tmti SMALL BABY GRAND C«>d Cnean ED 3-1749 after con- 4 P> graduate ROOM tt FOR WORKING woman or ^ Center. Sundav forum. 6-m r ftudent Located ckw# to•-•7ZTTL 44 ,*■* *,.r»r ■***-' a - Charge* campus. ED 3-MB. 35 u*:, u 41 4fi V i iA\.\u*.TiAsr ( HlimUli RTIMAT IJ'.ATHFR HAND BAG*, billfold*, le-Urui J«m Baud n* D» •■ ** * it* #getable & S hi SO Cnrr.petatfii ■©BE ACCiSfOOftAlC^ T*gT IN A glHipq; •OCNDATK1N 7 • p.rtv.. College House belts*-atc nrtcea. Ken W utuner. B-21S. Rather Made to order. RrUM,rah|e large double Mftdetn turnnhtngs Private GIRL TO SHARE **•>. ED 3*®nT:' Hw L h le t> -* St Eq-al 55 rat, SS Operatic pus vespers. Topic. Cant- rTne DOGS »EOR SAIJt Labor odor r« »>. entrant# I noni and oar king Two blurke ED 3-^57. lamou* Eniotoved or KENNY Phone ED 3-H77 D A\ i> h t fcr Chriau*n and bilite.** His Respond, trlever* Registered Excel lent hunt- log au»k. Ideal hunter and familv LOS7 and FOUND TYPHT otng Acrui DESI SI" - , ! 57 Qrj'anveM net Pliooe ED 7-7313 35 guarantee Con"1 ( ANTBRMRY CLI'R IV7-PWI Of drew u '' F« ss Kllow (JO pjn. Alt Saing- Church. NIKON S3 WITH IP mm El l Ni- ' _ Rerr.r.aiit Evening prayer and supper w kor len* and Iflft mm. ft.5 .Ntkor Alao RoUeUfex IPC LO.T MEN S viclnit. of CLARRES CHtMt HaU bran or moving THING to Itexk •oMEvx;'r*f tf w ■ e C S » ED 3-5377 alter I RB.rt.il VtllAM ID MM rt tlx er. Storef Our * followed by diactaasaon (led by r -w on campus da'.K W t* Conccrnmg U*T t Rtv. John Pact*); *Slavery WOMAN . < tact MSU moxer A, * Vi»« ia Society■ v JJ|n» in grt* Storage, agent tor V; „# ft* 1 Gee. CD 7-IMp evemnc*. |p On Caiinpti. [Hallowe'en Autumn Religious Units Plan Retreats, Meetings roHighlight Meanderings Campus *- •«. 11 lions ,.u-- religious ■' have planned a full organira- UI KHIKI .1- slate in.-? Cook, las V •-'"II member staff Student Volunteer Movement, will speak on "The Rrsponsibil- ......... of the Hillel■ Feendalkm .WW—————— Sabbath aorrkra tbta evening at 1:4) at the klpha Cprfloti W -— Methodists to form a meeting this weekend a. K< i mar-«o. Five de'egations leava mofiol t*M , Ijociai Life of activities this weekend. house. A bullet rapper it plan- today representing Australia, -B> CON ME ZEKIT — The Christian Student Fmm- *''>* of Church in the Whole tied for flundov evenlug at H.tl- Hungary. U S. Ceylon ami o *•• . ■v. nor ill be held In the Aud, formal evening" are an Ideal dation will hold its annua! fall World." lei House, 'i«rnel Travelogue" Burma, be proving th.v the ^5$ •v.'h mvis;,- provided by Lev Li¬ retreat this weekend at Lake- Campflre singing, outdoor re¬ will he shown. institute • ■! time to begin knowing your fav- side Park near Brighton. The creation, workshop seminars, a,-. -veekend. Wi'n Muer thoucv. sa. ' and his orchestra ° C mstrlu'l°rs as real people, -group will leave College Hou: -- - - - — — .. and worship will bo included in Wesley Foundation is eo-oper- STATf. XFHS . m the half «ay organ izat.-.v, •• IMta Sigma Phi went all not away front the a- 9 a m Saturday. Dr. Doug- the weekend activities. a4:ng with Michigan College October 3t. Ifl.Vl Page fhree * Wednesday evening when they job. -sand papers the diopi&ys r-o entertained the Li-* •» honorary Air ,n-s to rival the were rapt Force ROTt cadets, lobster „ ,'.;r.:vrs present, if not WV- Sha • T.i A hi a i tails were flown in from the This Sunday Dei'a Ta Dc: Attend Church . v. ongratu.a- last and an ice carving done by of activities tior.- to a;:: Fhil Hammond. Rochester. N.Y.. • * t'3-.e overtired bra n Midterm* are "he big vord « sophomore, highlighted the re¬ / , Amy-Air Force the weekend, but "no one' u freshment table The Belt Mgs. - t ,v>.sred Coronation •tudy a the-ntmg. 1-. otn* without housemother assistance, *•■•' dance from words, tonigh: > -v-c n.ght' . took complete rhorg* of plan¬ - the and to the fall tern- w-crt 'ext:vs>k> ning the elaborate evening. CHURCHES :ro\ v * e? - Flgart. >ns Special 2 have been out of Coronation the I'.m.e' ght Ba'l moves and in T t A '.ar.v vord of oraise ..* due to the '.v.ivg utytv holding facul- EAST LANSING t-- p.- ;.i e'eos, Army-Air Force sponsored t> dinners this term. These in- I i, keeping "l"1 HalWi- Lf>« spirit. Triangle will hold Twite"*! b,rU rve- heu*r w ill be trans- ATTENTION FIRST CHURCH OF pis H a "Vault of Mor- EAST IANSING UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN PEOPLES CHURCH CHRISTIAN ttitche* brew will high- , thr refreshmenta. TRINITY CHURCH STUDENT CHRIST, SCIENTIST Kmrw» P*» hM pt«nn*d CHURCH V L'^rrnfe oid dance Saturday EAST LANSING Benjamin's fVgrri M2 ptn- CM r?en end their Graduating Seniors I to opartan ial ,%*rnae AHD STUDENT (ENTER Inirrgannminatinnat FOUNDATION T#v f, last Grand Piter I anttnc \.m wii: whoop it uo Saturday Rev F. Itorvi: wiilivm* (Vatiisnat l.ntharan rmmiitt erg •» Indian party. Cos- K ippmnrate'y. members a gaoled dance grout) i This Is The Last Day Paetor I Oivui.sn at Two hicsrk« Ann At rant North nf Rrrhrv Natl) l Watt f.rand Rnrr at Mirhi«aa 118 w Grand Ultar i htireh vert H e tl V U |>r P viarfnn Atmmt vundas Vihmil ll A H L^« ♦* pick up their da'es. W OR VNil* VI IIVKM t-j- cev.-anon will be the To Order Your... • to III t-S.Vt1 «r »l» 5-2TJV firs Hot t. v It f j in tit loirph V Porter vitnttter Pr*n-'7 house for games. tI On a in M NO AT it NOW PHOGMWI Lutr.f and refreshments. "The '!( only' Pbtlevopbv nf I «va" lliils rnmmunlnn Viilitei t | Veaibecs of lUiley Hall and mirmirrt I nritnt COMMENCEMENT 0 10 Undent t vo v-tttt. Ill IV and II 30 V M M I R!. VOTING PI NIVHVH NT p.m.. , will travel tm "Pamlr- Topic "Jewish wit. W'ttdoip Vntl ma4m.- the capital of Hell, • Ihr Pfrifpllnn of I on" I •sntmuntnn Nftvlrt «fu R Ranch Saturday Wupprr I hrotiatl Vhd Hit All are welrom# in attend 4 hutch UNION BOOK STORE P VI Hiiffei I He ■ • va V Iti l» vt Alt Inlvartitv llnNoitls Wrlrnm* l 1W M II ad % tl Mespnnslhllitt Vert Ire*, and v isit and ate the Han, precinct 6. b^ter t oo n ns WrONMOav |:«rntng spuktr |ir. Ilrnrv Voder Pes Pnrter. leader van as the "Bryan b Pak." Heme a I * input I'aOnr II «'f *l" v1 * Come »« You Arc" ' '-om 8-12 Saturday night *£»ll»iUl!UllffI>'ff'llfl1IWMtl|illf!f»BlM!t»ll|»l»TIIIHUIl!iliillItlllllllilllllllll|U ■ Brv.v HalL Bach date will f ca ei before the party and Michigan Stale UahrarsHy EDGEWOOD EASTMINSTER LUTHER CHAPEL - (hit time. come as ehe is dressed FOREKN FILM SERIES ST. JOHN CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH OF 7fa Tau Alpha and T'.e'a PEOPLES CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN AND *svc planned a Hallow e'en |ire«enl* 5 & CATHOLIC STUDENT EAST LANSING Saturday afternoon at she and CHURCH STUDENT CENTER >a Snue for the handicapped o? jhho>'. Activities will include Walnut St r ee • "THE 8TH DAY OF THE WEEK" ((•rrnt.m-1'olish I j = CENTER WESLEY FOUNDATION 4*0 Ihlei N Maaadnra Uaad blocks anrin of Grand Niteri iel Net NnherI I vinreland Vfinutei C Missouri AS nod I (g-gtr.;. a manonette show an; ft N fcasaaauth Or »• /ippia VI fenneni IV v«» liivltlnn Street. I. I III Ahhntt Kitad rerrw.iment.v. V Mart ling K\cur»i«n Wllstsn let Tfnman A Vlmritnn. Minister karoo Delta will hold an in- 1*T Vi At Ateaaa «,e A VI O II an Nursery «m fnr Slate theatre both vertices Ms Bfv. Iruman A M#rrhs» 10 1# I hprrh a hi. W orship and I nntinuini vrhainl for children third tl Ml AY *1 MPDI LN grade and under Ditine Warship 10 0 11 I* AM Ihtirih Wheel vessinne Al PI BETA FBI Fert Baguer. Bloomfleid Hills Moaday aad Wadaacday, 0 at a rOar 4-8 10 A I80-0 00 PM I hurt M St hnatl 0 .10 A 11 00 A VI S| N V|o\ Rihle Mlidv t OO A M. to Jac* Pomu, MSIT HNIVI'* VllvvlilN AKV Navmbcr 2 aad 4 l vtuileritV (Icahicnj Delia c *11'Rf N'T RkGAN't- I rib ronnt ihrough Jitmoi Nt?a viri ll IV - |r. l» pereen Wood. w> *rt Lambda Chi A - C AtROl IC I «lle»e 4 last Wentft . Snydc N Y ti'NRAT vnpper a in »» M Admission 50c f X AriON Mill* 7 and 9 p.m. All III \ I V Hi t I «iMl l^-t-> Ben EI1k>U. V of Y t 41 PM I if 10 cm All Ages Jumctr Nigh Tellanthip 4 pm and Sigma A.i'na Kp> - 1 all I D GUI* for transportation Vespers 111 p in » iiii-iiikHiitittiitrttiiiiiiittriiiiiMC Phnae ID 1-0"> Ned Cedar bthaol Mign bcbnnl » ellnsnhip-7 In 0 o m ALL SAINTS ASCENSION LUTHERAN CHURCH FIRST WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH Nnrih viagnoiu Ate al I v|t«^i|an As nod- EPISCOPAL CHURCH (Missauei Net George M Hllsnn - vfinGlar . •IM Madeci Noad Mr Bartsa Them. A|.f » . madder tana (port *hirl» • i't viua last ar Magadnm Nnaas • asi Laascag vundav brhonl — 0 4i A M •00 AAOMt UaaO — fl» I-HII Morning Warship — It a« AM Vanth oartlre 0 00 PM (onlinantal tlackt. lor man Bar. J ah" r. fefW - «Uapfalu — Bo*, oartaa M. Jaari. Uaalar •aaday Orbaal V I) A M • vtaiag Oars Ira — 7 00 P.VI ■as-. maOen 8eM«a#e ■ P04IAI INVITATION; lamarrlad Students In sniing peoples sua- Mlmeier la MarrtoU Hadenia das iiksel class Usgki b* Mr. Burton gfeara. a Michigan hlaia idu- 01 MDAir •KRVIl fcv Nil %T WOBtBIP 10 SO AM ccirnt dan plaid ihlrts, in • 0« A.M. Bnlv i awuaatM taUaa laaaulUat. IN AM. Marniug r*ayar ar Bal* tich moddar ion«», top our ( aenaaalaa. aad Chart a Oihaal Nlrbelsbarg II AO A.m. Mai nine Braver ar Bad* Net Gearga W. f. ST. ANDREW'S EASTERN EAST LANSING continentcUtylad corduroy CMMMUian. Oerman aad III I-S7I1 ar ».D 7-7001 Cburrh nrltual UNITY CENTER jlocls lor tho taason > imortaif CANttBMtBV 41IR ORTHODOX CHURCH • M P.M. •••Oaf I«i7 North last Otfaet. OIVOAT BIO •CBIDIir FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH I V !7. Lansing cojuoI -eor completely woihoble llepartares I ram l ampus ' o aa A VI Aundas hrltool II on am. 1018 A M. OUckriei Ball Parhmi l confessions Monald I ire le — Aoioisi Helen I lark — Or«anisl Lai A 10 A V| Dlseiples af ihrlstl the thirl, of imported ~0»en lo ot m*. Butaerfield i Holmes and lureba streets Mis in* I.Huriv in Khgltsh Mlevcrntr and studi (laorc Mondas and Wednev .das evenings al • au pm 10 40 A.M. Ml* Ball Parhinf Lol I hit sooth af vparrots Ho.piial Affiliated ollli • indents si ho need Icansporia- to-on t.m.l.il licet S.9S 10:80 A.M. Maaaa BaU Parbing Lat I hurth bihonl 0:48 a.m. Morning Warship It IV an lion call Marianne Ibath. Ill CMP school of I hrislianilv l.ee's •ummii. Missouri l.aiidnti HalL _____ Batarae Ta aaaa Pwlat Aim last ( hi Mho 0 *0 pm. I .V I 0:00 pn the slocki, —ilh tob front I ages 17-14) Mi 4 (nllege ogti tall ID J-7W4 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CENTRAL NETHOMSI • >lention, adjultoble tide OUVET IAPTIST CHURCH CHURCH INTER-CITY lillE CHURCH . buckles, and slant pockets, West niiana at-North I'beslnui . CHURCH t».'7 I MICHIGAN DAVID *. M.A/.KLI.. Mini.ier irllawa el I'apiicil olive, charcoal, or ontelope Till »l. Mlrkig** B4V G i. Tl INbIB A. P.A0TUB » N 11.4 NABPLB. Minister la aa and tl »• Worship sen ires at 0.8V aad 11-11 Boo. William Merlmaa. Paslar Two Worship berriceft Paul Morrison, preaching 2838 sices 10.00 laader Oeh*"! VIA DAY »« l l) am isuadav Bible vrbcml vir sen Ic 8 «s ea/el| prearhkitg at both 11:00 am. Morning Worship • •codas irlcecrl 08 t-AV 1 81 p.m. IlfM Voolh <.temps 0 #a Sundae evening Calvin Club VaataGhMH LA O.M, 8 8ft Taarbcv training 8 lass for slnale vonrtg adult* ioatrol is a Irieudlv l hurrli Irtatal Aert sc e 7 P-M. Mr gaaaall available far rounrll- MID-WOOIk aOBVKK 7:00 p.m. I.vaning InspiraUonal ben ice lag fhorsdas evening 7 U 10 P.VI. TOaraAov T OO PJ|. "A ( brisl-C Bible leaching Mini.irs' tf agar I alt an Was laa luiafua- Waicaaaa la •allaaol Bauaa f Jo a.m. itaOay ar Ml IV MIK tar a ride. (C'taaddO laolM « Oarcfc la Camgaa) . OREMOS BAPTIST BETHANY BAPTIST LANSMG CBI1IAL FREE ATTEND THE CHURCH CHINCH FMST CHRISTIAN NI4I 111 lABftl MHKOMST CHURCH CHURCH Be*. Bernard Jcshnaan, fader Cftoo 9. Pennsylvania -Avenjpe InvMes lea Onndas achoot 9:09 JA M. at Jdfforson I f OF YOUR onndav march Oehoal 10.00 IIM 0J 04 Training tnftan 019 P.M. Isaac Berates •» p.( 19*9 .A.M. * 7:99 PJ8 100 MaraAail 04. Mantag Warslug — ll am io a^i. Jblghl teniae liB p.i • Bra. Ma M. Bafaaa. bwioy grhnal — •7.oooo pamm CHOICE IV Pant B. Clark. MnaUr Aftttlolod Utah Ike Oanihern ywBtallarato* IralB IjU*' 10 7 A-M. P-M. WboMUb - - Crateuotra Aisisar: Wad. Vvenwo-I M : i . CoraaBaa Karharn THIS SUNDAY. Ptoaae call KB 1-070ft ft a ride Par franapanaliaa call BO 1-8111 ;n >, . i L . bd i-nn f I MICHIGAN STATE NEW* fS9'WTlC(tton Booters to Clasll October SO. m* Fiff Fmir Your Key to Hotter Values . . . Harriers-Go to Notre Dame Todav week* from an Improved of¬ deal of Its punch Campus Classifieds . . , Low Cost Seeking to maintain * three- The cross country team tra¬ had in many yeajfs." week, hut wm moved ay to vpar mastery over Wheaton Col¬ fense. The Spartan* * havg ?» halfbacks Pete M K r-' vels to Notre Dame five-mile run. today fur a Dittrieh added, however, that prevent conflict with the Indi¬ lege and to extend their Mid- goal* for. 1« agalnM thU ye*r. George Repot ys. a.vM-.i:-.1 he has three young sophomores state meet that w rekend. Key offensive men are Cecil Coach Gene Kcnnet " S333SBH Conference record ana y show* siati r«rtf« Start. west Soccer > > 1 ll>-3 :40 Spartan Conch Fran Dittrich who. although running well, and also became the Wisconsin- to three straight wins, the Spar¬ Heron, who has a new single Gerhardt Grrntr, v'h.s has high hopes for his harriers might prove a little shaky MSC meet for this w eekend w is scoring record already as the last two tilts w » |:1S-R:5§ ««•*» in tan hooters meet the Crusaders season , ,, ^ NOW SHOWING in this dual meet. He says of big time canceled. is recovered and wt.; I at 10 am. Saturday on the Soc-' a sophomore with three games the Spartans. *i feel that this The Notre Dame meet was to play, and Erich Streder, last urday,-Kennev said ccr Field. HELD OVER Top man for the Irish is Ron , is the best balanced team we've originally M-hedated for ml season's goal leader. -Heron has All goals in St. U>u>- State is 5-1 overall, the only 4.« Gregory who heat .Terry Ash- 1os« of the season and in MSG 15 tallies, Streder eight. over MSU were s > more of Western Michigan, the • • 2XH EXCITING WEEK • • soccer history coming at the The defense, which has yield¬ Grant** side of the fir • v runner who beat State's Fordiy ed only a single goal in the last he was on the bench, plenty of hands of St. Louis. Wheaton, an^ ^ Kennedy. Other good runners nev rates the return 4-! for the year, dropped a 4-1 two games, is receiving a good | ' made thiayMtr'fl biff picture are team Captain Galey Caw- free parking decision to Chicago Navy Pier. defenseman as ar ley, Dave Cotton and Dennis :r.»-,r4. Igi»t year the Crusaders held St. factor in coming eon>sq' Johnston. MSU has topped cd , - Iritis* to the onlv tie in its oth- o NLY , Last year's Notre Dame squad Indiana in eonfercn.•« FROM THE FAMOUS NOVEL 1HH CAM* TO rOtDTEA" 1C4A and e~ a :«e-perfeet 11-game history, -r, i* : HIITO BY GLEmOV SWARTHOUT WHtlF HF WAS ran second in the 1-1 date, with Wheaton , p... fourth behind A-nu . ;n the na¬ A MFMMR OF THE FACTLTY AT MICHIGAN STATE Serves the Rigge>t S'-*cs previous wins over remaining on the l\ tionals MSI" bent the Irish last , I NIVI.RMTY! Reef Burger* in Town year Si» far this irlirn to I hour* of free /larking you ulio/i in iloirntoiru BLACK CEAiTT V NEW VERSION OF KIDDIES 'blue THE GREAT CLASSIC dnlnr 0 I uufiuii . . «.«/1- any tutlenpertioii 20c for ilrlnilt. in o/irn ri.rs. •M0L ' *Mtt> % nil ilny Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 9 /».hi. 7- -7 WdeK I'llONE IV S-S.ViI now showing — 2 - big hits ,®P- TM i GRAPES 1 HAN AGAINST 0EM0N!T OF WRATH Tobacco Road SHOWN OM.V AT •:« SHOWN AT 7 A IMS 8TXR fl N I. SI'SIMY" ■■ | r ■ ■|#Tr i l ii '* » l nM I.MI4-*.» added featl're -blood araow LABT AT 1»:IS 7 WOW-EE «*4 n- Bt, TB IK MMEST Dashing. ) outhfuL ITool kasha Sheath W1BT I NOfBT ill-II rather Coal to Slim a Junior W j "16.95 *17.95 • Water-rrpcitem treated poplui east, fully taf¬ "■m§m Unique . . , and 'delightful wfth its striking feta lu»ed and carefully tailored in classic hues crowed-over bodice and bution-down-the-side H With lightweight "Thorwi" dp-in interlining which hat lot* sleeve* with knitted alarm cuff* skirt! Trim belt with dashing chain and medal¬ lion accent; short sleeves and Peter Pan cellar. ■ NUTIDMiS STATION i In Neturni. tuxea 6 to 16 In Beige, siam 7 to 19. ILN.ATF'S COATb—StOONTl ITIIOR FLOOR Hmtt*. .(ill limr to grt tour Ticket for tbr •-M •«V; %v-#P Hall ToMgkt! .j-;1. : I'- I &Mv.; , ■■■ Mil's Snakes l)TI)'s Strong Second Half Stops Sigma late Gridders DeMa self the a- IM Tau * Delta >t,-4.o! .vn-roionsrup- stamped it- contender for with a promptly. tied the game at 7-7 with a 25-yard strike t<> J.*n (rerwnde. and a safety with 10 half t.nns set up as a pair o* key interpen- halted,. Snake drives an i "DTD touchdown*. Draws ag«>n supplied punch with Jt and ,vix yards the offensive scoring passes of 11, seconds left in the first half put |oIpartiins OSU Siii- Face thoiv ,c:i .\i-fi trvun< ir.g of the Snakes on top. 9-7 25c m.i Nn a: «Vd Co'lege Kiel,! The IVlt defensive unit ue- «-.ded the game in the second lie 75c AND $1.00 I Thur«da> r.;>. ope o, «eas.>u'< largest II I CHICKEN DINNERS Need Y ietorx crouds *.v. a :5«-\.u.- to J in \V p.i- OTD score fir«t'on Pan - play. Jim Praxes Late Scores A S II Stay ill Big 10 Rneo S-c n.i' Nil's .!: O n Ba«ha*n M - «» s in tho Hit 10 with tw,. win. II A Satellite Drive-In r . ,v.'i try thpir ham! a?ain>t „ vift Saturday in Coliimbu.. ohi,,- (JIVE YOUR CAR I N D Mil S. CEDAR II ... .."r -fsi t ( thoir the The- Soar* an« p A "BRAKE" li •f mile wml It of Jolly \\ I ... sca,,vt W>- u-e abmii the , ^ s:niv I95fl hernx fhotd l« Jffrv Nnlmr* K C nar.y a* two ami defensive S\i: itnrtrifr rntrhr. pas- Yogi's Drive-In M2" c" . . . . . II • have seen a.'-iv. It Dame and lnnt.>; 21JI S. CEDAR K dwmo : . S Across from SchmidCo Market S lariat m ",r Charon a- fc.ilusoK I, ,tl» Wll« .!»!' » »—• fcns;ve fmit kne-.t com PI .KIT: iikakk Ty ,Naittkt ad the^7',* t far . _.,nc d»rin* n"eroo-e title styles ri.rt's Bakei physu^ll.N ' C-e-.v Cundiff ■.■• Cvpy >- < BRING 1 T TODAY KKIJMM; .nilftillMt >f ttt|tltlllltltllllllttiltlllttlltll|(tlltllt! tlltllltlllltllllillitlltltlttlllt v UNIVERSITY V-V'-e* * the game. from eenie ' ;,• e its "four .... W who calls Mi liii'liiilt*- IsiImii- WEAR 11f TONITE dust" now- STUDENTS' ■ .. f ,% • . U* Siwr- the middle ,-r •'r ■ wide open the \o;rp D.i si mi I mull-rial- — the s#-\t . ....fertsr , > • 'h its new wtrtg-T for- games goal-line stann mi r\lr.i» SPECIAL ments YOUR CHOICE OK: ■p. s W WW i ll he All - sandoich an .ju*«— BARYAMES §»v. Cap*.. Jini Prime heef open face L Lj. 3- f.-,- ■ X ' X ertcan full- State (Itampion extra large plate—n hipped potato—coffee ,: i • -r l^ te has ear- milk ij in Ko»trr» iVffir News v limkv livl'iiters or CLEANERS SHIRTS Roast Chicken—dressing—pntwhr—milk or II,pp far team hiiwlat*" coffee ww..^j Uhte teaala tonr- IV 4 4649 M nater* i* teda* al »•••. , the IM Si»«»ii Spcft* f (titer xiirrltr R«nixr» — 4i.tr» R.mhrtt U. S. 16 - M 78 INTERSECTION 2*110 K. k \I. \M \ZOO t\ ADDITION. PROM ANY OR ALE SAMPLE LIBER ALIA OK t» SPECIAL AP¬ Oc to her 39,195s Page tire (rr hi.! 72 times for 229 PETIZERS. « 3.2 averige this- Hf hurt a shoulder last ( AMI'HI IXM st III Nil\n slltiP tAMPHIILk *t'M RH%\ Sllttr i and mav be V . - ORDER 98c t entaet t.en« all jour n»s .1- VISIT itl'H DtSTAFT RCHYM f hCbayk Bob JVrgtisot YOUR • J--# .-*•• ru'h.r.c average on \ Small. But aIk-.ip «»' OPTICIANS ' 7 s ard* per try WALLACE III R V\ it»- Ills Tailor - DO IM I STUDENTS: lamkinir for a really ,.t an 5a chtries > lipiiy h. ■ M.S.U. line nteal this Sunday eveningI'or the • Mates line averatea 215 Braneh Office — Vine at t lipnert jm« Such A* tiant Shuts. Nor? i>! i |»fr man on the first lopptsifr srars in 1 ramler i fine**! ruisine at hard to heat prices he sure j. thr hiirest hetaa tight eve examinalionx hv Skut-. Alan Panu. sa.-.i'.-i. Top- RMS to x isii , ,. |me*t \i right at 242 |»r H t Jensen, registered optometrist foxhunt Baincoat- hurl- ar.1 right taehle Jim Puter;. "HOUSE OF BEEF" i ,i ;♦! (tulks rrsrnes I'll. IV -t.2TTI Snt hingharn BeB> Ann v iiihiihi ■ IjH-eennd Btrtho HOIKs Men l-V Tw^«. W>4.. Sat. NOTICE: All meats serxed by Ihe "House s-S. Thnra * I'M., »•» pi ponnd *«n WfWj. bond.- I .men Ltd H'a . r of lleef" are I SO A Prime. Nothing but the best for you from IH Results , . . lootnUL * rr rr? CHEMICAL SALESMEN House of Beef I.SI II X%M * lint x>c is. M(m« I hi 5 [am • tm writ hi ota.ta a r% 1 a sr. e» • ►a * MU tMa P» • T.V v»eight S.14 an a I _ • mm* ■ S. «nn » cm it. rtu sum* 24. Trunii* a Nn k aaaaa • WALCO CHEMICAL COMPANY T\ll *• right vt'can g x u i li rtu e»i s 11.1 W. MICHIGAN Al l;. rti! 4 l»w PM • a: f« an (lepnxll With Order 4.nh» mim rat • < NFAT TU HUTKL OLDS) growih company needs the additional is. I X;| I SK*i PI" t p»itnn a NotlMHSII ilur ^ Ii»c ilotr with the Red inwr : salesmen and marketing men. We serve the linen Travel Hour-: Mon. SHI. 7 a.m. X p.m. ki • » 4 •«»! mi' f Shaw t. II-?. t xha* y i.n-ij. IS-S a.in. pulp and paper, petroleum, chemical, food, •* llax Window. RANNEY Jewelers • Sun. 11 a.m. ■ !• p.m. - i t on Sot* t. U«», tS-tt .Kills NX Mil ill I* S I1IM.IIVX » .Kills StUU III I*. hTI MAT TO NT ATE Till ATRI a J a»th»r ?. ia-s. IJ-i textile, steel, anil other heaxy industries. M« I »»»» « «h»« S. 15-tl. IA-4 *prriiilis.inK in; ron-l Itrrl. iininil In-rf, rhirkrn. pfi'i 4 [n-u. ti•srf »n»r '. Hiillfrll-ld f, |i- Positions are open throughout the United LAST 1 IIAVS fSttlftal tmeieglfl) dink, nlrakn, fit. I mnnm J ItC, Mates, t.ood' salary plus expenses, profit |am»Aua| "llousetmat" i I tor roarnTs I mmnn* • sharing and excellent !»enefit program. Two UmmRaMMOWTl '•f««»»/ villi nlmiyi rrmr hi lift" • 1 m+t a»lb»r 4 1 li - b in - IM in h* •• «\ tt ss sha« > *\tr • years of college chemistry desirable, and "Teacher's Pet" ri 1111111111111 > 111111111111111.111111111111111111111111111111111111II111111111.11 Mill u Mt*« t a college degree required. Age 21 to .15. 12:3a - 4:25 • S:3# I a »\t- RutirrfieM I » : ar»r tmmnn« .i »e»a ! ow Huicrtieia % M. R. McDonald iDecker's CLARK GABLE FOR A LONG WEEKEND— internetting at Take Along an Arrow "Time Savar" DORIS DAY | gridiron Michigan State University TEACHERS ' 1 uue sw *»«ir «r|ei-tif*i of Arrow Smrrx" - tidi iad Rem the «hirt« that give vou |*eifec< -ivlmg wiih more wearing time, tea- raring lime Gambles ROVEMBER 3. I069 PET Superb in KM)'*, inilM or Dtrtne-rnilnfi blend. X««r (avwrue collar atvtea m while. milaK •4ri|Ma t'\.On ap «• tom prrata v*d to the top ClG TOUNG'lMflE VAN DORf N -wk with its KNAPP'S UNIVERSITY SHOP •' ' n , or, over prc- anked Arkansas. STARTIM; SUNDAY XTRIJT II-4HIR './•■-..•»ane State drop- kltSITCIIIik'S o a.;- North western u. In our game 1 **' '-s s'-oaic predict will that be KXPA.NSION ■'' ■ : N ranked 17U5, THE SHIRT THAT ■r * > — * • oaa. ,K- no to first w» Ohio. stopping place in predicted We do. o? SALE BHAND0 WOMTGOMUY CLIFT 0UH MARTIN LOVES TO TRAVEL..• * unbeote^ siring HKU1KK (iAMi: I IMH .. ( OVID IMMVV .. VISIT t.romf for « ireeLe#tW lra»el ligki with an Arrow l aid) ami Rear " lime iaver" diijt - wir KOSITI HKK S .. vnrix SAVE PLENTY fuel waali. drip-dry. and xoti ra ready to gn » aw ICahf. IjiOing At in wnnLie re-i<4mg 104Ke eotlon Col SUOKS at SCII aver " Mu> nn w. IV V XTVI.E 4t«ford, kroadcloiii, or Ueron/dillon ( ORIM ROt ' Mr ram blend — ail with tbe famoua aafl roll » esrr J buUondown eoliar |1/Jdnp. » aver J IVV HTYLr IIOKITIM SLACKS at SMI ► Tarh i "r 1 w liat VCLA Ml LRV niH OR > SWEATERS at SMI * w Jf. f I '** Sk -***• •«» ALI WOOI nayraa at SSI 0|-* "el*, its i mi i. M.W JxMAIH.* A RUL sim ' - SAMARA KUSH • tAMf aWTT MRAAIN |W.U.k SQUARE LANee 2m1 Hit! A Great (kady y- n .* V'U , J. '7M» Hog' TIES ^owvonaNr I JAW M4MIMQ-SIUT MMH ] t {• ■ . C-. 9 r 'J-a «.* iiafe "fi: ■ i St Nun ^ Al DOWNTOWN LANSING id f \ Mmh tt: iJj Jt i if ir in -'Rf ' - -if*! ■■■ ■ 'ir' liiiliT'ilRMti^l m f I 'i WMSB Plans Campus (Coverage Michigan State News On-the-spot coverage of cam- telecast live, when State meets stimulating things happening m Campus I'lassifiocls . . . Mijrh i;< pus activities will play an tm- When ton College, campus that the university sta¬ portant jvirt in WMSB program- Regularly scheduled visit* to tion can t afford to stay Inside "Sex. censorship and D. If. I^wrence.'* is the topic for ming this fall, acoi>rding to the library for ^iscu**ion> with Briee Howard, station manager, -university faculty and students Its own walls all the time," said discussion on WKAK's "Viewpoint" Sunday at 2 p.m. Major John Barron, host for the series, will have as his jniest Dr. Saturday, for the first time in are planned. Michigan, a soccer game will be "There are so many lively. Dr. Irving Merrill, director of research a n d promotion ' at Faster, Bucephalus! I must John Waite, assistant pro¬ wMsn. fessor of English, get my DON RICHARDS "tEWfCFs" von showixc. i MICHIGAN hdililisu "The hr*t Hr*crl|Mlniih of the imtiL-MiiiRKi- mm «e\iMl literature e\p-Hence are In EngtMl contained in 1.BW- DINNER SPECIAL ...rri what tors on whim ^| tututrrmmo om SENIORS renee's "t.ad* Chatteris's I .a vet" PRIED PERCH Rrtarti ornior in worsted hopsack! and al*o In "Rainhon** and "Wo¬ men In l.nvr,*'" *ald Barron, M»-h«l Potato,. pirturr proof, to • Hnl V,g,tahl, Prima In Hawrmce we also have rwr the most superb stjiist* Roll and Itnttrr rrprrarnlalhr on In English .1 man «»f the most fourth floor of powerful vision of what man RALPH'S Union might be." Barren continued. 'The bvik has two themes, "KE WPEE'S" •vie■ is the relation between a man and a woman, •,« the relation between and the oiher man and CAFETERIA machine*." he said. IIMMWi miCailUi lllHMK 5:15. ?:I5. Ml Ml. Sunda> s program will be the SOON: "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING" flpsl in this year's srrto*. ♦•View¬ point" is beginning it* fourth reason on the air. Important a"d timely topics Headquarter. for Jaekeu Hrantt Short. are presented by member* of the faeul'v m discussion ac guest* of Barron. More than IJO meir- bcrs of the faculty and ataff have come to the show la it* th ee rears of broadraotlng. PIZZA PIT ( £ KHAPf'S^ UNIVERSITY / IktM. bat Nafaral- • Viewpoint** i* carried by radio siations throughout the *tate, In- RESTAURANT v^shop^/ . MmaMmd Cla«»ic». which ,aanbl, tbe eUidiag-ihre# in Detroit, tab, Parch Fill,!,. Ma.hrd I'n- tatw* K Hullrr. Col, Slaw. Rrrart A Boiler, T,a or entire. nimnn Pima Delivery - Ell 2-08<>.» Paul llmmoml * * * Chri- Conner * * * OthW ouart*t I Chiro Hamihon Strlkef World* Quinlrt lift; wm * * * 20.1 MAC AVE - DOWNSTAIRS I) he tr»»Bcd kj nctjttiring this n Maynanl Krrpiwn A Orrhmtra * * o UNIVERSITY SIKH RESTAURANT Dave laimhrrt "Arm Of TM| |Y|" ^ 1 Trio for Ihit overw^Bed phraNitirtl£l|Nifand fNOW DELIVERIN( the Old Teslameot Deuteronomy, XgXfl. 10 ' He lee' h>m of hit 9 Y* at theopftb ^WwwC-v CORNER OF ^ PIZZA "All II BOt «OlD- KALAMAZOO & % COMPLETE DINNERS Seems tile everybody hod o crock at W»t» phi ctirrERT 5 LATE SNACKS of homely pftilcsophy. hit the crifjmotor Mere to be Geoffrey Choucer, in ' The hcu<« ©♦ fome", ffool I Store for Men Hyt (i not oft gaki $br+'k " *t«»:et hook •count I#..." Wos there ony l.mrt to the toleeU of Thomos Jefferioet Storewnon. icientitf, o»cMh;l-t* otso ^ KIAPP'S < UNIVERSITY Hot, bra Ik) tpfOlhMa yoa liar, he, wrkinel lavwligat, our lop Tie mos» reboot •^Srrooi.*p N)m» w ynoerweor t« Jocity nalarlaa ut nnllol hhrtuillM that prrpar, t'efl It "oicti »;> rAtim. »he« th0i iOvbtyb^arrt jou for ttrhniral and T-ihtrf» bdhlhWrmiva rwyaliiblkw. o-e Mtmotcheo 'or luoi.'y os s»en o» »ng. You con thoo«e from *ciftftrd crew ne. I T-shtrf, faper tee ' thirt. rntbillh Mtmcmmit Tralnlny eleeveieu b»h,rt o-d V-eeti T ihtrt modet*. fye»y mon Bmaawli bod Daaalapann needt c ctecwer fvtl rf T-»h^?i—-and th« iopet to (oo4 for ti Jos ley fsond. •» gu>oe you ta Qaably Caotral wotb't fe*est STEP «mderweor Jt Liwtriral Eacaatrinf (laMnlUtion. le>linc. and auinlrnanrrt FWd bltmnai Icnealrerlion projfet, al our o,n plant) Eadhitrlae (planning and davrlopmrnl of plant iaalallation.) lilatiW Fngiararinr BacaaM laSnatrial Uyfiaaa (Mtckaniral Enginwring drim) • Make nf par fat nr. managrmmt tram. On Notrailwr .'it h, OUT in thin lipiaalillm arOI ba M jour raaipu*. t ontart Mr. Jack Kinn," fine heavy ftun^e aur far aa ipaihlhut. vinyl film raincoat MID-TERMS ARE HERE AGAIN.... ☆ Check Our Paper Bound Book Room for Those Study Aids and Course Outlines. All Major Subject Areas Covered. Assigned Reading Titles. ^ Have Your Pen & Pencil Ready To Go • Complete Service & Refills For AB Makes. ^ Blue Books . . . Accounting & Regular. CAMPUS BOOK STORE Acrom From The Uhi— RnlUl.| KNAPP'S STORE FOR ML*