Tlic Weather »|K«rliH>* I'"**' IWIhlt Snow Flurries ( ,*1 HmHs (.ri* Sunday .11 » Hie l« I-""1 S«- I'**' •' llieh Tndny II SrrviiiB MSI. lor SO Vrurs "PRICK 3 CENTS mMiJEJL EAST l.ANSIXU. MICHIGAN'—MOXHAV. NOVEMBER 2. 1!W.!t r, NEWS IN BRIEF filling Rtfanne t'anlmrtt Seen L «i\r.TON* l^—The Government's failure to wm , <\u m. India Not Afraid of Red China j «vel ftrike injunction before Sunday, the -tart of a , Nehru Takes Strong . *"~K ■< i further delay in the fillinc i f mam •, » •< n'\ drfens. r fflit K * * Knl China Threaten% I'ener * Explosion Victims Stand at Party Ralh »«u*\GTON '-T*—President Eisenhower 1- re>ati.i u< 'i.e. Vt'-*1 Premier Nikita Khrushchev that Red Uhina'- rave!*' imperils prospects for a general *\^;n± ot io-.i \< .11 'u<-iv Still HospitalismI Ci O W'lte -* ftD'- Khrushchev is understood to h.u. replu*; that Kni China l)i-iiiin> Forceful Frontier 'f n> quarrel with N;»- *r to r,ei- ttste a peaceful settlement «<: Slircincr* Freeiuan liiiproii': • Attuekn (luiiM' No Inlimitlulioii fv Ct^a—but only if American force- are pulled out -•{ * * * Murk ReiuaiiiK 011 Oritieal l.inl XKW HK1.III. Itblia t/T)—!*rini»» Ministor NVhru d»vtar.'«l Ilium I aneo Rebels Roir to I'ressure Ilarln MnrK. Trenton irrniliuitr student, rciniiinihl in criti- Sunday nitriH India rcfusos to Ik» intimiilaft'«( l»v RimI t 'hina'- eai eomlition Snniluy in I'niversity Hospital in Ann Arbnr, show of force and attackx on thr northern frontier -SSEl>- Rclauim i.fh - Africans demand;: > arrry pressure In the Oong<> s- « •, a-i a result of the explosion am! fire in Thursday "China may Im* a oi;; countrv «-.f fighting with spears and ai- tv that t btlt India \< not smali." Neto-ii , TV,* leader was arrested. Advu^es fn— tn.- rn-i nvial , ornc i apitni nitrht. Phi'.iip S -.reinrr. l«an«v, r.->h tr*l bite Man lux congii'sv party "\V» . r. oi arc 1 re;I'rtixi improved and »n ■ a curfew, closed bars and banned ai'. «t,v,v'' * * ♦ L"-si omdition by Spar- Ttt Try ht Ctt\t tio: afraid \V< The prime minister, u-i i«- 1-- arc not weak" ♦ '-.«w Hospital authorities "Die o n pie--- a'tark f-»i ri- • 'akirii. Snnives . i lo fly I" I'arix far II etlrrn I nit» lv i gr*;.duate student :niure»i. Filmore Freeman of erttiea'- H iltl Oil W ell more vigorous a.-tion in tin* bor¬ der dispute, w.i- 'chi'erixi re I ^HTNOTON T<—President F.iMhihou ♦ u . . !»,„ t'-.'-ago, was slightly improved (K'aUxlly by the eongres- i S-'Tf Christmas for a Wester- unit- JON'ESVH.I.F T>- A trouble- fcritiw for »" East-West meotuu ear • r >v - .• * * ♦ a; U'-.'-teree 1 Tw-o n fair other Hospital rondition tn S: Death Flight nhooter from Texas will tr* to¬ "He don't want to and won't he Intimidated Intbtudale graduate students Till III VII. CHITS INTO I VI RTTIIINti and Satan helped him- morrow to rap a wild oil well anvone iH* Wtr/ Hazards Hefore I nun chinu who reutisl were slightly injured were ar.«l released by Oltn Xir riuiir F011111I self in the punch at "Hotel Holiday in Hades" Saturday night tn thai ha* been shooting a geyser h* de«-lared. anyone." the prime minister of oil. ami gn>- since Friday night. • the Rtg Id room at Kellogg. ItSHlNT.r^N 1^—Before a new Amcr.ear • . k< * , .v inne Health renter. A sixth studen III Hllli* Killer Ml-. Boot;. Hendersen from the Noting that Mohimdii" (tuno'v [hwdtof rsrth's gravity, it first must h'.ad thnxigh a - man e: was not tnjureii Bed Ad.ui Co in Houston which taught that tall talk and b!ti-l< vir.tmls in scorrs of agcnr:c>. nr.-.' ivmmittee- k ippartffirnts. In a review of wh » - mv ek • . • J.,v fs Murk wa« Ukrn I9 Ann Artmr U'AVXKSBORO, Vn. 1,1*1 Willi llonoraric* • penalize*, in such work, said ,- rose from r«»ld feet. Nehru -m*- hi would wait unfit day light for spretal eye treatment. H«m- gr ted ttii-- log i.i fur llid!r»* \PN writer Ben Price rn> rt~ v.: —A I'lmlm.ittt Airlines ptnnn .'v, j.»fi* frying the ti?Uy work ever, his «eennd and third degree "keep vain head- coo!. ;.ri «eems stronger than gravity . ntisalnir aim-r Kriilny tvitlt I nion Board to Frrsnit K\er tfie fe;r. tha' % hums, which rnvered III per prcsctif . !•*••- warm." rem nf his Mi. are being given 21 persons aboard was found i spark migflt touch off a , ex- I• .4• ask i> to - ban:.*, -i |f fa tit Its T i (.am mcrrials preferential treatment. shattoreii on a heavily wood¬ c 1 1 ui m tin charged area i' eutr»Tb*t t focign police." W- filW.TON i.P- xv'.r if. tel»o ision eorrnrer.• The pedenl' Ti.i.h 1* t • . .M The - (\tent not known of damage to tu- Ho was -,u-a - ed ledtre in the Hint; Uidjre .Mountains Sunday. Art Shows This Week WMIe c. and a I he* • are U»> finlt mile of the well, trees shrubs are dreiu-hed with homes With- t others 7ii said want "XVwqtaper* tie* oi tha* M> ,»n ' •« u..rii Tt adiie- j. tn< exaggerate, irritate a protective glasses whtch wetc Oeb iMie person «umvx»tt, 33- sutnr'4 ;. ,t.i4*k KriW';i.-. . Bi'.i'd, tn emiuioi-ium • pn: - teat. w« ,ku< Jn • doubt " • FTC ehairman Earl Kminer »r. • „n> off when ho apparent • i F P» : Brailles of I'llf* iot \ and I! Some ail. tint I l»urt«'l- "t Mil Girune* ;?t the geiieHit ?h» agency's policing of fal>« .. -* « • - ■ vas li t f*i.m the side Uy the -1 Forge. V.i He was found (irchci. 1 la lice .lonorai-y w I •M.ik-.tu, int • -fie ground !ia*. Mttinu ion*eioux in his sea*, fine art), will pr«*s»n' leoken through .« makeshift prcM-nt .1 mm i*-. nod demon- b .- * + * When th«' explosion occurred which ha11 and tii'M• •rmaiu-i-. on earth dan. and Is seeping toward a weathercock, ?«» change «rl Fi» o-nan wa able to get und» fe»-: from 1h»* wm-kage. trapped II- ting lake in 111 onlinucs ( amimiun the siiower the lab and Mo-k there for two night* and a day thu e.-ck iMi, Thurid.i* niiiii:, ,11 the Bn '* An e timated 3,11110 Iwrre! ail tt»e wiml." r I. Kerens,.- Union will „ . r»<7i!VuTON P»—-Vice President Rj h . . \ v. • wrapt*-. himself in the fit-' The plain did not burn but •Ft.din'. .aid N':*scii. w 'I bout ire erupting unetw ked Authorilati\e M4iiri-ex *ald In¬ blanket the hall from t*n- it hi* with ".1 hard im- eu When is Art Immoral" Horn the well IVny Faulk of dia K srndtiiK a new note tn .'iliferr.iA h nee-pitching t.*da'-- — • 14; ? rent J- aoro»- pre!i* i-iiiuiix Hie *Ac«k of program the ISM"-i' GOP presidential notr.ina*;-, ' ac ihu t." *-eyor'i-d David Thmnp- \V< tn. -day night in 31 t'nioii w 'n Theta Alpha Bin d'a*tuiiii> Altnon. the owner, estimated the Trlping that *»ill hr more •»n of New York. Civil Aero* S'a.ient artwork ili-pla*I hnhorarv W.ede va- eosti.i)' $lf»(l,(MMI a d«v a protect The* reported it will ptf-cntmn a otte-aci tr»nie»||>. •shreiner, who is t«4Utu> H'Mr*i chief ««f the MW- j.i; ■ combo twrfonnances w.'d i lad m ' flickers and Imh.p, announce determination to re- now in better rwdltiwi than the pl.iv end rigid modern p-a-m.- dii At Untie gren. liighUglif the I'lne Art* Festivsl Iferulersep and a six-man team »M an* further enrriiarhment*. Kapixi Phis Dedicate read to jazz ai-comiiuriiment. in •then, was trapped tn the lab ri and waa unable l» pratert htm "H was nrctt* well Hhiwj ■ -•aftuig today utiti I a * M n g the BaHroom of 'iM-al experts, made a hasty flu- «e!J rig Many |m |ic\c Nehru ha* suf¬ ed." he uM through Friday in the Union ixist- from under •elf against aevere tarnt. Building, said Anthon fJUsen. working today fered severe political dan. .ge Ur 8200,000 IhompMNt Mid sfveral mf the v tn re the.4 were Ikimagc caused by the explo¬ Iron Mountain senior, and I'm •»< June tirutliitile unci, tvvi sight-xermg planes on - the eta-h Oct 21 m |..»- Home passenger* were still In Iheir sion ha* been estimated at Biwird executive member in C.I", low OVC the «fea to gi ! a u.ikh Pro\ ince of Ka-hmir v*. u-i seats, which, like KradhryV had MViiOO. to with most, damage equipment and furnishing-- been tossed clear id the wreck¬ r-large 4.f fine art*. last Thurs- i.rtmnt'tl Million's look Am -park from the plane rune Indian killed .oid III raptured le policemen were Chi¬ . age da.v of Alpha nese Bed Troop. •-* men Flasks, distilling apparatus and included will l»e dtrpiay.s uf could have touched off nn cx- " Pi Kappa Phi $200,000 other iate area of the glassware in the lmmeo- blast were t-«»ni- The s«*,*tiiei wreckage, tive- ;> he said,' area. wa- n-« at", choju'ii from the work > f Dairy Princess p.-t toll State t»"lice wete U'- Tin hat it pre-s jss.i i i .i'ierl hu P'ImII.i. ;o--: »-d tiim f" ew i- fv *h. :» 7* v.ti.i- long .»,*" students, landscape arein- A June graduate of the ('<•:- \i siiiiaimg !»•«• incident V i 1 r.'rhc!. Drive. pletelv smacitxi tectutv di.-piay* fr*>m the Yi ' t Tim kaowti a- the F -hik- attitude In hi h< 4|! a* -*.i'e uf CAB ••* nerts were pr{»i>i*u; Krtfrr the result of ever the wind ..» broke » U-ge of Home F'"»nomics wax orated about 1" I'tta; I'tade-ti. hi congress pa"1* <• u A:' weie *'■ 11111411 Me »f» r.age trying fun and lb tg Alpha Sign 1 a. M.i'in Nu t. i crowned Ftiday ,c- the nation'- Hillsdale tailed to gain a niaioriM I'»N punnin£ and xsitag. an 1 uHu-h o' tru * pi.isb • on ill''1 inine whs", tanned the photograplis ic Kappa Alpha »». i i« • north 'r tfu nh an-- en a v took place at waii and ceiling wa- knocked Mu. photo-journalism imnonttv dairy princes.- • ( uiuitv romintliuty in sotithea t lounuip.i! tmar*! wte-n f:\e •• • chapter dinning oft rtHf. our. 1' The windmys Floriculture Forum wdl pre¬ Mar.v Su« Hodge, a d.irk-«-yt • em M a tilgall • i all idle tn- i i-lee'ion- rr- 1'ne p ane ear, h." • 1 t>4»v» oe«?n reidactxl. but D- sent fiorai display. "Art m brunette from Simvef, was eeotiy Oppo ittoti parties bla *- i raltf. \4 Cher, beg.m shortiv N;n$, \V Bernard IwiuretK-e Qui!', head <»f the Flower.*." rfarthiR Wednesday awarded a Si.IKK) scholarship Co he- I 'liiria po!. •; -a. President of lh ch»* flight the fr plane ii.-ap|ieare.i on i;i W.ixiutigior w and continuing through Friday. and an i-xtensivc dale. Al'i/ waidrotic a? Touring Troup The lovernment al**# i* end¬ r. wnild be three week- before Nei.'t * * Durwood Os-rw, Wild Ni«ell. appio -hin^ a landing a . <• v • ary of Pi Kap- the lab is completely repatret. w«- Charlotte.-villa* at 8 24 p in EST Added features pi»**ented ea. h M; llodgc won the Michigan \ceils ( Joints ing the low defence priority git en Ladakh Fro* tore h» re- «'"e jpeaKvrs night at 7:30 will rang# from dairy primes title last Ma-. S>hork naves traveled in ap- placing the police with arm* re¬ protlmatels aeven-fnnt waves: An Air Inrrp heiirapler s|m»» diM-uxsion.< and siM*erhe>. oh art. Judging is bastxl on and general knowledge of heau'v, Tor Youth II orlc gular*. A defense ministry p4*»ef f( reremonies «•« Rub damage oemrring in ted the wrt-ekage four miles west to. dance performance* and a jioi>e W«Ur Hi%g t*key and severe dairy farming and the dairy in¬ spokesman said the rrinfi4rrr- 111 miles west of one-act play, he added. MSI' Clown Alley and the brmhrr n( Ms| i chapter mt rjrles •( this diatanre. The l««- •f t ro«e 1 and ment is taking time herausr of 4 haroletUsville. Pin Mu Alpha will present si dustry A ioba'% Club entourage u 11 Hi» er part of the desk m which .Mi Hodge iiee.rtii teaching winter conditions at the I7.MA- the experiment m-eurred was Ttre pli»nt» *h? on a heavit-. jarz combo each af'-crtiooii a' v IM-rsonx interested in youth work home e> otiomies tins fa!! n fimt altitude of Ladakh's Himi- the txmcoursi. and t->- attend its meeting Tuesday • J.30 in • P. Kaps attend- blown apart, indicating the bUst •\.s«ie. Mclntrye. head mas have blown thrmiah the tee* f" in tin top The mom - dia is determined not to he department of bottom of the apparatus. par: of the Blue Iii.ig program in the ballroom, said ai»-a "f Jenisnn caught napping again. N'ivsen Nunilwrs will range from personnel rox-ded includex * M and Mrs. F. J The shelve* above fh<- de-K itaiivc. i: 3.000 feet high "Brazil" to "Rise and Shine." Music Di'iMirliiieiil ebx'tricians. carpenters, artists, The spokesman said the «m. >- • * r.tenden? of the "We were Just flying aroun \ * were o'owr; through and glass Other programs each night musicians and potential clowns ion to pl.M-e 'to eu' tie 2.4'io w 'u-ii 1 -happened to liwk at tin Presents Program : .^n Nurseries, and -Ail <«d throughout the during the w«*«'k include a ta x who would la- willing to com¬ mile boarcter ln-iween taidak'u '4 Jin-. Stevens of *4 le of 'ht mraintain.'' sa.d the a;«- Immediately next t«> the by Iter nerd Duffev, instructor prise a troup to tour crippled ami Tibet :t. the tiand »f :»ie i-i'W chit*.' of the helicopter, T desk a stack of magazines was The Music Department Con¬ children's and orphan's homes Ngt Homr, t>. Mi*ndi':»goi;. 30. Of the Fing! dept . Tuesday ,.llos ar'uai!'. ■ ,1.1 'aken . M- .ntact and barely singed night, on "New Voico* in Con¬ cert Scries presents their first in the Michigan area. Sciftcmtwe-after ..n earlier clash of Baton, N.M. Ml to Elect ( Vj H-?s. •• of the explosion ban not fictermnu'd. but it is known "f j«»t happened la see what tanked like 1 w hile tree—a dead temporary Literature," and his program, Masterplayers of Lu¬ Previous clowning experience ■'.> not necessary f<»r the MSU tiiere. Tin* disputed i gano, tonight at 8:15. area i- < a." • Si.:vine was performing a alley will train all inter¬ ,v liifstlay DI RMOOO «| o*t\t f4 kl|i . . , lu'u.e disrtiUation process, far* tree "I asked the—pi int tn cln 'c Series In Cresell I The group of sixteen instru¬ mental performers is under the clown ested persons. The only criterion i»v both ' freshman class aee- uity members reported- neederl: desire to have fun* olteust lu re'urii the eaptur«-t arnnnd. Then I apntted the tai*. *""■ held Tuesday in (JtH-ayo b« I'rtif the experiment was being performed In a gtaa-ral mantle, He mnld nee an sign nf life " llest-Sellinff Morel direction of Richard Schumach¬ trdice -dian. India and the ijodie* of !ir.- ha.- accepted and .o - • " t ar,d in Union Bradley, the lone aurvivor MSU'i foreign film series will er. •52."ill (iivm ISi-l flask surroundrd with aaheatoa returning hotw to Clifton ensemble was organized tongemon'' f«»,- the turmntr or !i'»: » AL'SG wki that To (iitr lnlcr*if*» a v.a« pi ejnwit "TT»e Eighth Day of the The Some of the wound¬ and alnminnm When the ex- Forge from a byaineiw trip t«> In Switzerland and is now mak¬ Universal International Pic¬ hem# made - .n plosion look place some of the Week." a new Polish production tures sent Campus Chevt a check ed already tiave been bur. ted p^ii up Prof AHiaoo Dunham of the Oklahoma City. Ok'a. The di« ing a tour of the United State.* tarring Sonja Ztemarm. tonight $240 for their excellent co¬ to Indig 3i» Student Str- of Chicago* Jaw ♦riot repre»entktive uf the In¬ fur mcr . University legs and Wednesday, at 1 ihjd 9 in Their program this evening in¬ in helping with the acnoo! will be on campus Wed- freeman's ternational Assn. of Machinist, operation Fairrhild theatre. cludes work* by Handel, Haydn, tract of the movie bf K. camodiciun( ne-sdav to talk with students President John Hannah de¬ he is murried but has no chil¬ S4>und Senior I'rooft Itue Based on Marek Hlasko's best- Mozart, 'Stamitz, and Genzmer. "Spurtacua". Biggie Munn re¬ ' *** fjr thu clMtion. concern^g has tcho^A scribed Kcdaie. now 33-yenrs- dren. selling novel and actually film¬ who have recetv-d *' »•" «« Put Cimn. He vl be available for inter¬ <»!d. as "obsolete by U»day's Unable to walk, and hi* con¬ ed behind the iron curtain, "The The program is to be heid in ported. Senior* *«»•<" lad Robin Who- views. without appointment, jifcanuarda." He added it is hoped dition not fully reported, Brad¬ tiieir pr«i<>f^ .vac, Alumni Advisory a st Dalta Zat* ur mniac (Mai Ravd • «5 Sum* Plu CpailofT \ the au tmrr Elects Luetic 7:00 Alpha Ipalkui Psl The pouibUMy ct cm Mdhunge two year*. sent diMU/vAion* have centered and tandscape architecture. This would mean that stuueilts and wMh lb* U*ivarsity of It is the hope of several of on the possibility of students **«uor 7:11 Dalta Chi program faculty in these field.*, from both a talk cm "Jack Wtlur Luack of riitt. drei of Floraaor, Floi—in, Italy in the the representative* of the -Uni¬ going to Florence in their Junior lMt. hai bom klrtri chklimkn 7M Alpha Gamma Delta _ versity of Florence that they cen and senior year or the first year universities would study and Kurt laid ibat «ba near future wag reported by . . of MOT* Alumni KtOmry 7:44 Phi Kappa P>! after graduation. teach at each school. *>eep* UMetan, head effect some kind of exchange back revolution" baa alimulatad CuuAcil. kin m dm If—a. and thair authors IS Bawarth tensive course end then be sent LaPalombara said that he 1 -alks fhrJ • - — ed from a eta week trip to both students and faculty. The a fin* pcaaibiWy. in¬ 1:44 Kappa Alpha Thrta would advise any . to Italy. person thu fall Prof. Sam Ra»- Europe where he iteernJ with prospect of Fulbright' sehotar- IM Phi Kappa Tau The plans, as they now stand, terested in such a program to kaft will abowt J. D. Sal- officials-* the Itataenity of ships for both the students of 9:14 NU Kappa Nu for exchange programs in begin to take courses in the the University of Florence end art hSXwaKpaa the departments of sociology, schools where exchange will be MSU is Ma< investigated. . 4:44 Kappa Alpha Pal and to begin a study of Various typos of political science, statiotep pey HioSp edtwite Italian. natmfmm+iHilpMt am else be! U Jul II. I*JI4 MUU C—p « - -r*L . ' ' A. • ? « ' ^ ■ Michigan Stale News Rnd Hail* by Msf'« C.VOOA Muilrnt« and I .ii iiltv The Post-War Poland Ith Has of the Meek !h,> *-.< ii societies, and Setting of vet h»»*p to thos* acquaint^ „J V0,| V r ' State New* .* publtmr c n\ x. unci'* .i.•»«.!« Marrk lllasko Nlgnei llmik of them severe - v restrain '■ to I ,i j..»r • r r.ificial \.••■ r nl the i.nivri M'V <>: »>s st,wi* twee . fn-c expression of certain hu¬ Soviet attitude- |i«\i n tw-tu. -la.txt- iv,»uy based on the hook the anpcit ,, lf «,».i x% battle ail' i <e and yvngl r >-e** mabenabto event. " Mam students on Anioru'.vv \V»|. 51. No. S7 Monilay. N>vt rubor 2, 1050 Page Two . will be famil af v. 'r. Mavck IF.x kn. one of Poland's Fven nor.. .. new Ana'-' Y'»ung Men the re¬ fart that • . • .<> u.iibtem fa.od bv Agnch and -ha'! cent !v left his count I > and .• yavi' I1. nr. 'he two >al ch..i - seeing :s t.'•«• tr Mrs in tliif l>ook It :s the now living tn Francei unaware Let's Watcli Earth; a •ha* -Hi-ictic* other than h - own lion between p a, mt/.ng and fi uitte-is -e.irch •• . such repression, blames Herman film m , . ' two voung people for a place, •he eooditioo.- of post-war I" •• manv indiea- anv place, where thcv mtgh' eich other 's tan.i lor 'he afprntes his heroes tjtira! and mv . r. ( v company a -offer Hi* lxx k is. therefore, a P Mars Is Secondary A , hu,- : v iv- • : r a nbvsieal and emotional frvi-- lithe w hr'.c. and rckultirg from the fact dp-pence aga. .nd -• 'he mi.-c-v the cry of aecusations pettiness, squalor of contemporary akin other i»rhit count place found • .it no -uch is AMERICAN'S TOIHV TA1.K of ipu*nik«. Atlas mis- < < There is a difference, of p.i w t;fe. a>o against the j>hra*e-- and empty promise* hol- A If red %**OCI.|tf py, Merer | and *jmup ship-. Thcv *rr. in -h- rt. ir^hu-ia-tir about the course. %cnrs and Peter are of an unixspttlar regime «f Tohiifji « denied their x not hecaii»e Iwnihilities of getting to the moon :■•).! -earchinp for of a repressive moral rode, hut S>e readers will lv shocked -trange green men on Mar«. People are veil informeil altout brutality vvttb eo-mic doings. yet thee kn "v litt'e 'h»tit international because of the desperate hous- inc shortage and generallv bv 'tie savage which he 'ears the veil off 'he Mirhigan -iai< \J fare of «orididnes«* and ugline-«. Nl h«ltee 1 relations right here on earth. squalid conditions prevailing in repelled by his hlunt description Puh'.-hen en Thi« lark of knowledge a glaring om.-sion in t he studies countiv mined bv war and » »■ *.» , of -erne- to which our culture thnnigh Frida. foreign occupation, and govern¬ . , of so manv student-, h.arh «uo the world grow - -mailer pre'ev- to give the silent treat- -. t'Orr aro ed hs a regime caring little or ' olid.o-s n ee •< , and the affairs of countries formerlv di-t.-.nt and unknown not at all about the happines* of •nent Bo' the coarse naturalism term and e a - r . Nrtweerl % of 'lie store .< bortv from noble . If Xmeriea become -uhuH't- ot current event-. . it* individual citirens Fo'ered •- «o ,'v. from a throbbing Americans wonder how and win Cuban revolution- ee • ommuni-m. Na-- • »' ptwfwar mi-cry pommun.-t c id the m«.od of bottoml --- anguish n n imi*ose on thc.r but th» v -top at the head¬ .< Nehru confronting th* . ... fei'ow men d.-.xna' r dop.cod in Hia-k- - line-. ?hev rarel> dig into thee, -ng i pr.>dure pr-vbicu s To anv one familiar with gov¬ find the w hi and how of C . •. th«-c ot afftuci*. ernment censorship, wherever it It become* more :m|*orta rt'cl s.vjcty How dis-rni'S. may he nractieed. and expeeiaHy «Und culture- ha-pil -n 1 v., from the Vndcd Stale-, -.;ch a- If one wer» to -a1 a pi.\ becau-e ;i i-n't like -he I tuteii c'e fart t-v,? m #.rv c CAMPUS CLASSIFIED! man de-:re- through in-tituti u. IIKADt.lN'KS: t p.m. t>a> l!rf»rc I'uliliralinn for Tu**.. VVrd.. 1 hm. and t'ri. Krtilinn*. l>*A(tlin* for Mon. Kdilinn: I p in I . HIS LACK OF I NOKKSTAVplMi *tcm* from the f.«c Bill* i'ayxlil* s-12 xnd l-.» Morula. Ihrouch Kridx. that he i- so wrapped up in national, or perhaps e\en im-a . affair-, that he talis to tn to -oe thing- from the other F.l) 2-1511 country's point of vuu Msl offers not ordv a a ;.r;t\! foreign -'udie- program. but ai-o 'h- an active international Cub composed of -tu. Iterblock U tMS* lint to lilmi AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE PERSONA. dent- from all ovpr the worid The univor-iJ> has -et up T4KF A PFMONkTRATION Wnr CfLfl«ATiNG a--i-tahcc programs in Vat.\..ns. ( oiombia. Japan. • «• i «4i. I ..-ti or Ford F»'. - • Gene Selden at Max Curt- Pakistan *nd Tost* Pica In the near future it is hoped I IV 4-44*1 3J id graduate ii cooperative program lor undergradiu of Florence. • '.a vol KSWAr.FV DFl t'XF min. SHOWING Meeting Tuesday1 students can !*• arrange-} wdI. the 1 u v •"> ! pft.-in '• ve*l!l«, *'*vl eti - fllC? Cv ltah. Fvery student -hould include at n-t t.t-t ..oe toriugn -tnd Blame- State*.- Cash re t tinii HR AKFs -esi FT) "-M4* rabof FRONT AVT* anil ma'eria-s rear hrake, C'.«- • Jt tr#de»4»led FH9AN0ING r> 'e To..we* artiu-'e.l '>•*, in hi- program, for jn thi- wa> 1« •an him.-elf to « nri»rt« Rr.Wf -eNner* f*<10 F el#et'oe>< o effective interaction between soviet sitae, participate in international « ub He should, if {st¬ actrvit es to ga.i On Repuhlicaii Party Policy h-.a ' "EMPLOYMENT"" »■• bhonejVj*-4449 - t«t i- us now •* • vOut 'D CAI3 is *0U» r \ - v * , first-hand information aU»ut differe ! niMures Ta lite I Hilar t'l.F V-VNT CIEDIT CAtO Mrangeb studv ot rhi- nature a'- . ' pro\ nie- new in-u4 VRXT xTFOrXTk •», o.e " e r ♦ull-tirr.e cwttrnn ir. tra\'«>i gc r. a " I jric <-< • w h ?mom®scn JEwcicas jn'o ones own heritage, 'or under aer-ii v S rlin# ticket:n» exp^rien-c v' - r.i ,n 'te rd.tor.-ai «»f 0, • - m -jto a.1tri<«.on tba* *e hx " (■••e'er-ed nor rer*««,ir< tv S-0?44 |.,-r I'll * App'v i" letter ;nr irt^r. -o irtprwf ;n '.hnr aebre a i • Ao Manager Vreeland A ■--:*d r.g * c c *cr a fut.ijc Y j tmv'.y that t t if*\-i r-en .-,-e ;<** f. Michiann A«r r -a t" 1 an»: >» Michigan v march l'«*h rs'.i" Of '• *- TVV '-er.t should I** ■ig ciuild onlv he the result of \V ->rn i« u fver beneath tv e fvoinftos' m r « Birr ext I.F..4TMFP HAND B4F.4 Enounil Exits in Kedzic? an 'e-rwtirwv^; grada hi Mllfnld* reaction' ant n *T»;tr of a 'rce :o pe" •- • . or fivw ve»r* enner - k*"i.• a. , " . «hhh- ^ " rt-' M ir •" "rdr nfej.e work »;* ^n'.SY.'.jISTSSS?^ ' o vc»- * hri>an.»«:v untoT.pere.i react -n of rr.en.uj Mi u'r"r r"lr'% '."1 tT"II _ i FMt.,en Vmi tlftpt v tfvat w-o xtwu" i u»r nroductioev wnrk out tt.i'e tgCtfe* »•oen . rr. He ewnrhides rr-s- rsiintedH'> leave *'.) in the har. <•' 9u*fl*e Thursday night's tragic »vpio- »n and t re at Ked : e *•'«e < empi.-.\em mv t-i* Ire- J?.- VTKOV >J WITH .V> > ir F1 4 VI- a:c .-ma > ahrwe of tTe»!egisJab re «■ d at * te» « in t acting F V Martin k " 'en* * d m tr-- F7 V Vic. brings to mind i.»M e.u - < t.n.igo pa roc hud -cho.»l time tmp!v tbat the si* iree-' Fmplo*"lerl A gene* *elrw Jen* A Net R.-Ueiltex 3 9* tire Thur.-ifav three -tuoents were -enou-tv mjureti—*»:■*» k' v;-.- arx». d;ov..." j «.-mid at same - * Mifhiga- l.i' Avt. Deartv.m aa 6D I-J2" after f y. " . w ».*-h a d.»« a" >n »« now c-mfu-ed th.g . — is -ti . in critic*, condition, i*-t .•«*• in ( iucat-o. ta» {hm-ou-, vvu 1 r o" include- anotn.-.- « * v.-. . e- ad.ied t.s 'he .in •« • u:J '■* •"»'» \ ncctb ts.raiira.ih J •"stare fathe-- FXBT-TIMF **OStTtO\ open t« cmidition re.. cleaned ' \ ' aT scbuo! children and three n .n-. •••-* th.-.i \»- he ticfuVd'.e cur ... » -n .«• to w lo.a . tn* C.;ee F,» TUOV. evrmrc- The committer made Utrc# ■ ■•» un.* e'- • ;j .- c n A '.c should ■ r " arte v i" Fe|p x ,«j »|->ng *• i* i Fl . - s * •» e trust *he ' \ major factor ;n tin- < t.a-.g.. or,.:': t was the - r . %f « r inxe-tn>ert An* \t. . fnsmr pr«|Mt-4U rlimin^lc th^ s- uinn'* at-r *• a tn*e t.v their g ■ «1 offu e* vs .* f Mwhigan, Lgnaing * a i- - 1T.AMP fOFT TPTOTl- t,ARGF eve ark ot an ade»p;ate in >*•' e\it» n :» 1 a. niimcr..iu mils»nr» taxes. ahnl- 31 « S and Tanartian cohr.-Mon wtl- . ' • ft-u out fs. -»g that vs i-h a ' ot*- t'Cnken ui> to h*- -tax in -.1 f»e,l hanJ to -a*' to w bat dev ''*•» : i-h thr thfrr per rent sale* tax o .... an ti.od and initiate a gradual- awptu > fo- e- • ir'er^-*? group* . . *-e *?.re FOR RENT ' * D( x RAM's ' "•"*> « Airnort Bl««ck « FA" - Hieforu .' REAL ESTA-E re-earch; iah kli«:»»u tn«- f \ . - reCuiarly do n.un lobby:-' and Niw rox-rr- Over two mUI. v, ~~ rd income tax %s the result «.f Mmr'r Viewed her. fife: thv atte^ ;v" hr.-g . ;rn food lorxfr- to* 2S5! rV-^5^ frf"n wholm" thorauch invrslifatinn the com¬ particular pmh'.c- - »n.1 nee . ' o t. t d»y p..'.id* Hro«cT rn • mittee decided that these were C erUinH there U hrfo'e tf>e no Issue leci.-iature ' •* tTOCKTAtl. DPFVS BI7R 16. , curred near •: *• « ... n » • k • ir,. j-ir-t the (atrest and most economical ,, , • which presses i*o.n us more consideration -attn. ha. Wed taffeta « th xmpji would have been tn.p}*eo: 1 c ;• -rt ,*ck -■ idet(Ua e method* of *o|\ inc the sUte • urcentlx Ue are not "ahoie all Mans of us are now rititens FOR SALE Pnnceag xtvto ED 1-2154 j* tiiiannal prohlems this", we are neht in the middle srt.l. OX rsvprs aa'et* precaution- i- <>••: to •. *hi- and tax posers all of us so..n r» ■ U--. >o •ocaityed hrare'et and link IV-a .oc-ta-u-e of It. whether we like it or not will he. Tour advi.e for cviif Tha* it take- ir ' to ,.r i us Ciitttit I. * i.i I; * • • Fvcellenj for Xmaa. Dr«" !*-r.t •terns from a mindle** notion go** High •-ntr.nviasmn No invest- • TMi those who n.tlst provide nr.- se. #u«e*! • : • '.^nt Send -or f-e t • .a' ;..n that we ran he mature hs hrocr.ure Ter- heme nmar 7«rr Comefi Bcxan. Track -r outdateil hazardous far. .tie- ;r» r. ■ ••• on *»• <-? sheep Me should all sign, and »••*» * 1*3 1-4- $4 H oouare. Ne* S'tsrk y e{K*»nM}»»e. all circulate thr*e petitions \ r.rFF A\n PORK .ale Chrtce ♦ •» * demonstration iwh'rh I suspect *thle»< Set . • • t g.«wi «»d ..r arrt mtv* frh?en ertde* A*g af*,, • SERVICE is the word that put sou off« Mat we ado our , • r-,., •*•»*» l'.#H « ~ I . ./ doraee detrc's Rrr,« rr Food I- , mas in our present political o.-.u n\ 4-.«s' , itctims. l»llt *A-'H }. " yo,» Kolsert Was-cnv m climate he unwise, hut the right ♦ 11 -♦ of petition surrls is sacred Sveat iki-rfv • . t . *-■ .j "HOUSING e-.CKED vp *•-" :t. ■ bt r»Bv: I'rolcsls liim litm enough not to alarm I -- Crossword Puzzle I* L S ' t p LA The problem \9 ;,..r --e . ; H.xf.rj Mill » - * fct «ent s _ HT1 COVF KIDS FFTs Txvu h.-d To the •cmo •• 32 RltMhed ■- f: I .'jive •axe- are fo he •"ai-w.J T'-u1 p #»d 'ns.rg .ic*r«r» c.u. n Fumwsed "-.idetr rrrt interior bo»~r. ■ lu pf read \ ' 2B «e».|»iia - : A » location jv g-sa*: jr pant ft: Or. " c -la reac' ,.t» whu**- I'-.* rxs-btu*.wha"* B Met# « it * $„■ t- — "■ v repor*esi rr?na:-s- to opera'e under *>e** vea? Th¬ A9A9TMENTS 4 Mtaow M. .dgry CI ... ihv-.uem Ha Ofte'Ot $• • H One eler irnt .-M-"' TB» l c.) t- rh»; •.•<« •• • -e is what we should pet.: ?4m«r |«C*(tv LANSING OV* bkv g from o«sarip-es*al r ■ i»kt ahev# l^g*THc osHLV nav.- »is»uh « I I- - T,'-*** aed tile h»'h First M Ituhoer tre# i'pJv A TjBp'r » - ■ arnil «efc Minlhrop Row e A ' hrtu - . J ■ •■■w.. Sew -v -r and reir-geT.t..r eti vc-r* ex.wr.r. . -.urn#.. .Urnrd «mole 12 Stand f«*t *1 Self-ei.r.- Shot g#n iWrliv k* - 4- - J or unele fV ♦-**-" onr .»( the first reactions 14 Cn*e-tpot KCH.uf an e .-.I>vlui" * : v «f 1- x«" . *m ar»er 41 ^ d-ihth F.D- INFORMATION r r> m ,w 15 Mat urea the le«islatore will I* in sPABTAN V 4<. M»'al exam¬ 21 B>.»ta -l- -*-La*2j IS H» - -r ine the hudcel* of all stale insii- U"4»'»**» » * TWO MFN B^t-nrVTS Si ill gh.tre t-a . muftiUthad s-eam; t 4i Browned Solution t« Friday* Puzale lu,ttons and I 4, ** inm-hrd anardmeqt i..otai' V-- >. see where mis ran ' It S«|!» brt»a he made || should be >r%RT%N BIVIX Da*'C.r wtulatggl J-XV.3 ■ FD T-kSOS J" HSlgt or FD* ior Miurmatv ahsiou* S#g«r«»e« $- i? ?f je Small hoi 43 w *t F pun, 21 I'mon Whttr .ele¬ FXtFLLKN T 7 X Demn.ished The state then |»ut them tnto thai enormou* pressures the on ko»*#e tac-H J* aq TWO o a ha*' immediate effect, allow ui( res . part of sarious interest croups phant parts ^ATTBAGTtVF T -.rn. .mo nl.Hk BFDROOM fr.i", 7KFs ia-1 - : Rchuai 4S Poser*. \ f I At- * D P out JfC -a-*. ,-amou* tf.r-w ten* rnue to he collei ted. This tern, in the state < ATM4M H PTt'Dt-VT u- -r-ed f.,r refrigerator ait«>. ii/ d" 71 Plow an lector have been broucnt »**d ' df Artu".* Otfi AMXATMIV tecbetv- * - wc 13 Durar.d FD- ... a» ;■ j-mm 24 Boo* o* Ida 44 Fu'i-prea : fo., If S»,n poiarilx relieved the rash insis. to hear on the legislatures to ♦f TYPING ! 4-5 pro, Cdlhobc Student Bleiflc itetwH. f «- thir wwIRM i: f B'fele rouatrt ; However, last week the hill, ax rut the stale hudcel — 1 h-Vrat center. Coffee hour •OOMS iivum !*g.hi. ' » Meadiad « Too* a S Bel feared, wax declared anconsti- this for Iff*. -iinertor tte1 - • » ts csai' lulional Thi* derision threw the hotf't Aafi.f.tetg, $J i$ BOOM FOB BTVT near t Laming 39 W-etS 41- Ikrseraef 24 Bu »" a„ Flir1 FI> j-:«# VHrati; I® Pulled aw ci'ian Tune ■neiiera Sh -i*f »ed nf - state we into now the find turmoil in oursel v e* which em - Nufci IMm Xifglil Staff Jim tirlerWnh Twe-me-ae* carter S » | '» KfX)"* W!TM IUOKTO ,riv.. * J»"e Wonch ID Betkex l*h - •* %i »i *v **• ■ 9*. Prepeltat I tooea-or 2i F .lament Broiled :*g» on trie s*M«uut lam Mltler , ■ *•"»•< r7 «'.rt. ■» o*. rr,- , 27 Land «lev I do «r HUB Turk c»wrw». *d ;•»•»! n '•»' • The R#ptM. H**rw iod "?ie ata'e -.... M - mm ROOM FOR RENT tune vImkIim r ■M measure ,u?UCTN< Mae «: •' n •7 • » - ■ :• f'uvancaal ctwok Ttwv CI..V ,*• week Gar«ge ax ailaihte FD 2-32 71 Krtp-u h-r _ - \ T" — 2?; Ur*c u'vrtet t •* wittwmt * mandate f:\»m •-V5N AND cACw ' > tA»«S.AlNS *„ Jllt2 E e peupi. u> dtemm tegutiattm. •i'i ANT n *4 lege' 76 Stirdir«t kit T ev aidn't receive a rhajvir.'s dent haxx vacancy tn tarre dauhla roo*n tn fob mai« *tu* rrrr and SUE BLACK acx urate TYf" » V ▼j 21. Ma.gaie a the poUa) and w ithi'Ut fa> K5< HOkl fX e ce home Parking ED 2-4423 f7 n'*we.lan4to.-s F*, ■ - . sr 2£ Lou »:roi;£ ' vh iag, any of the ruggouvin*- i f &IXL TO MAM lui. Ar-.M. j. TTTttTEMc. AXX! *«, rr-j«n Modern 13-2®* IT *r" J tart 3d Vtm-ron* *ne •«*e t».partisan Ciiam* Cumm.t- Clearly, tr tiame for the h»»4m Casta* |R f-lgiT entrance and rurmahfcnet sarfctng Two p- (* a*g bleu k* »nd « lorwart e e"iT,a4a.«ou* or graduate tri' r s.iuotum w-h»ch how ekist*. can »J7 w S" .4 -n 33 !mn>er*e» be attributed to the policy of TYPIST prs-xr* AttuM" ^ J p* *" 34 Greatest amount u*e MrobigBn Republiran Ptrtv. lit MUKtAST fONUS LOST and FOUND , tv'Dtng ! guarantee, Coc.u E "1 36 Channel rial Nelaiaa ftOOO Ca«eg LGtfT MKK'f GJ j r\* 1-4091 5 sr ft'.a'ker* 31 To-d. "lev* Hoffman WISH Sr.a- - fran-e* Swrttn r»T Villu*. tf> &BES, Hail ittner I'MH hrov-n. or THING MOVING «- 1 ' ; Cr 0U»C« n liver Mart* f ' V -W 31 Parvue 0H.5*Tte .* e _ i-orr run ola J M S«. SfUOWUT snof "on. tttlt ^ ABBES, aresrrio- u«-t USV nwn »r a. •* sr>l ■ * BP" ■'* sr T- 40 SUppoH Tree trunk Have Right 212 MAC Op ^•srSP- 2 triHL tr*—i iT "Udium on Brewq caae. * Storut. ag**n ' ^^ IV I4M1 au;ptvr; phon* KA 1 . . r ej* 42 Cud**' LAUhS' - "H1 •• 5" r" 43 St sr «f To Petition* lO«T «EX CHANG 1 j •a corn *-*H4 a Da* 4-®.m. ;4a '. - 2 W 77 I MM. » 44 r> Bo:. 47 Ai lar t IK- a* the la the I d.tar Aside from the* *K»n of wtuch I on am not specific Luui&f. que** on - OBOf O** Sx.rU f w* * mciAiat luNOtn PC* >c* s Hif y -:= ■| ^ my opin- November ?. Ifijh Mlc llir,\\ STATE MRS Wage Three tori r_« 111 lit 111111111 m t m m n: 1 n 111111 n i n h u t m 11111 h 11 n 1111 n 111111 m it n n m 1111111 Toll Rises Vietnamese High MMdgM State Uaivareity Ill'SIr* "M, 'tie* J itorm s F0NEMN FILM SEMES #rh»«' tf r,uJ t«inaiir irrioane Official to Sfwak |irr««.nts WEEK"" ",1 vmJ Wolf Nnitc l.«rlejittskv. Airrarian Keform Acfvi«or to the "THE 8TH DAY OF THE 11111 s 3 Prosideth\v of tin* Republic of Viet Xam. ulty and sttulent-* tonijrht an»l Tue-ilay. will address fac¬ A ((lermanlMlish) Startlintr K\cur«i«in The A:' «'iVi«x*!tng" w U t»>.1av info 5 jncrieans 1U ; ' his ti»p .• • 4 li) pm. i, > .ieerve n r • »m: * . t the «';«• f r* •' Ktv- ;•*» I adej.n-'s* becan h.s earr l*oland'<» "Ileal (ieneral ion" \ The World of A t I'cn'iT'ir>ky recer-'A i 'h 'be l*n tot S's*e< cover"- sen? p,e,-c« '• »-m h « ,• ■nip n H « f'tst (*»•>» 'j.iii tdarrinc , ./f ■ ' bx-f.op m Kre>4«> if A> V , .♦ t t.» .1 • 1 i « •>.. HI T |*e TVr»artmei • Work - j n >e*M, SO\JA ZIKMANN 7IIIMKW ( VMI I.SKI W counted in the At Id am. ladeiin- 1 lount' »•>. ^e . rol I KATI IIKTTK: "IIKSIM)KK OIKKCOAT et*T still address .« hdnf seminar x f ,«s -et r *he fed K\„ Pacific Coast in the auditorium «n the fmirth • d ••e* *rn FaircMId Tbaatre floor of the lihrars. \n authorit* Central Mexico, the M * Arthur Moaday awd WtdMsday. ... - in the field of land reform, he W.r II In comment said- still speak on "Social and l>o- L-»v trig-1- . , nomie Aspects of Iteselopment Novambar 2 and 4 _ u . ay. 1cn«x-k- Trograms."' 'on«»'iTic<. ecotusniirs ^n.l is ;i'a1 soietko tVs'h [warn * •>:.lin«| 7 and 9 p.m. Admission 50c ... trinds arid • ;»en '•> students • w,. .taw of Cnlima l^»de;'.n>k> :> *he g ,»••• • r"J SERVICE s«ort» were Weslev Kishc'. \m<\ 'umI >»• en. - and reported *eorea ONE STOP " nr. f ri OPI t I OOK »t hichu a* x«hirh iu« w a%hed full forrr of llip hurriranr .' . « ,c stricken professe;. who w.i> a form, • • s.Xt* ' • out n* I iriftr I o.i»t humeaiie ne.»r the report of fatalitlo*^ n-lvis. r to Viet N'.im where MSI' form of M tntanillo Mexico The |ox« n to. and Txohrr administrn'ion Russian born. 1.ade|iu«k* W Tnr ( mill T'nr T'iilirio I Irmirtl mnl t ., .. r—"* "r came to the I'nited *»tates in A \tlrriiliiiii- mill llrmliii^ - He sprnl his eaels tears W ItiiiiH'oiil- limit' 11 ulrr lti'|irllrnl l'»'!h. "'Great Pumpkin" Invades MSI thie rountrt workinc In far I"J,;. .•»»« in >• « "»•'* ,...1 -.1 IS' "<"Ul lories niakin* es and sbors buttons, mattress if Hnrili' mill Irullier Jurki'l- r.rii" WW— fH ».• ,» news: a ■' ★ l iiiuiilr* Scrxlcr , •* a-M «h'rf i \r.r,> MII 11 r t. M'C's ex ;e e f u a foM IV ,r ■ • .ins,.c.ioii>. ;>,• •»!, • v- ttotrc ado the; .f H "e- • xtraeglist t»e- if lien'* lliil- mill Vii|i> • pa»sensci • i e n"th.xt.»x e'eth- IT >v> .. , ^«,c. that i>n" hr ft- - ! \ • ittj . !!yi etrrtrd if Slnffi'il I'ii*- Itli «• ,,>ii i' of bmnmati«'o« , «' i . , V " f an* Afenu " . .i t o h. , .>.. Mi»k ;• f.«»•»•> 'Vhtxif IV.Iii iilr I «ni fcri'tirr pit lliriit. Itiiy .* ■ hi, • ,i',i ,£o»M N)xx»k wiuMn't T« In- Mi l,I ill u ir iiiii* , h 'e i>> eauch: dead. rr.-**% ■ ,» Ms' * I : * for f o *«1 •■! ->•■ -'t »P kt<1 To climax the weekend xeveral V IVs-tciiir Coi.i.i;*. v/ Ci,KANi;its 'lira; • M 'i independent li% in* - _ no word <">' fireek and p . ., . ( rdi : 1 • • 1 I'-,:••> ?., . .,n. j • - ,-<•••: irfiniv Opera Lecture unit* stated emtume parties on r* •••.,•. •' Ki Cente» , ■ • , \ osscl WTtV I •• III ■ | I Oltli£lll , a Iridav and " • »•, ' highlighta im u. .«• • vegetah •• :m • I a«li anil Viirr* thmuihnnt the s of Halloween X:«...n. Vere l»> • ese irvh. wnil ettntrol rv- ■ n,i"pl of 1 <- r.hiire <»•' ope i 'r eampus. runt and «»id. i ii 2-I;I:I Kii-I l.mi-in^ > • '.rxh, ' us 1,211 ft. 1lirlii(!mi V • : t! '. two r\- L*o>'rlr.i4.>v.' >.-• • Hut. a!..-, their efforts went * 'SI' > r-eo,nnnietld.ltlot > fi'l ;'.n, m . Margaret (V - • \ -itiP* pri»{e-.>■ f • naudh' i*>*01 and toning Christmas trre V f It. liarns. b*v-h k •; ha> been cha-.feil ' » A in.1 k b»Hk f Ka>* Ia»n- - .. ..nt.i'ion «pra*» M. v • The firM annual ttrtohcr *e.» ,n v e ■• rm»m of «tig an i MSI' Poli. e twtirds Hu.lain. **., ;ha* i-utside of a few %inat»» **»• mmrd from xon of |o,»d will ««>t an earl* . •«• k !is-,n '■ ' c >\ ej iT.«{ -<.» * .t w •.(>**>. tior much L port •( M»n»snillw when it Mart Thur»dj» n't1-! ■ hapftetwxl .n the area , tonrt isrsrvnt th# harrtcsnr it**" diwtlr «n rr«ident« with the of dorm I andon » paraded bu«hm« on ,r > i • * of Vert. «*,••••- » •p.; T 1 ,:*•»!" this >ad prodicameid. I.itiuf Just four years out of college... <• emaavin* evering* h or.e replv K r*a*ul rr«i«»n Ue»l t irrle l»rt*e i-vo!«\i- • Wagrer i.-,. sfuit up .i.-X '•■ ' ' fftt'tl th» v,.-- .. . tp-t' - , err vis V . - He heads a team _ * .—»va of of 63 people . A ... .• v. - • t ".o-bu " • 'r •! Do hbu Think forYburself? wiirt amck '• (THROW THESE QUESTIONS INTO THE POT AND SEE WHAT COOKS'I ,IN I Van Par b<» graduated from Kansas Stato V, in IfK>5 with a •j o <- .y'< r Milder *r. > i* F na'.H. th«» II. S. d»»gnb* in dfctrtral mginwring. Today h»» i» Suporviatng .'w southeast S^r\*itb» Foreman for Southwestern H«»II Telephone Comp any ai r five Foremen and 58 craftsmen >-u v r.'srvu * w:*.h the Me\.- Hutchinson, Kansas. I Van * p*.* per N overt » picked u» all tin* equipment thai serves tItem. "It's interesting work." *avs IVan, "and it keeps me on the go. Here are a lew of my activities during a recent day on the Job." SALE! save si0.03 m all suits aid topcoats • - suits If ro«:r MudiM !"«1 >*o«i 'a jmn rould atrike ail bjp nr.a hole rifht m the middle of the rampn«, would yon 149.50 now 3150 (A) k~p still atwul it «o people wouldn't think jm t»r» puts? (B) mil stock in the proposition to all your friend*' an oil man inienwted in the sica, en* if yoo had "ItdS Mk My boat, Diatrtct Plant Suparintandont Randy 130.50 now 29^0 (i t *-t to f:v« k.ra mu>t of the profit-? aq cq "Ml Mk I *w»t with arm ok out Fereme#i at fhm plant garao* fbrron, and I go ouar plant for an addition to our dial oantral to disctita a cabio-preaeuruine )ob. Wa>a putting all aanal otfica. Savarat piaoat of larga and eompiai twitch*np aouipmant cabla in Hutchinaon undar »>r pewsaum to kaep out'moiitura • wil hava to tw raarrangad to tw m with tha naw facditiaa." the cigaretfe m?h the vnost adriBerd which cauMs cabW fadura and coatly ****** intarrupt'Oti* " A • a • r h*d pot nev er hot N** " tneane (A) the man who filter design of them all . . the one topcoats made such a statement cigarptte with a I/baling ma n't fdtfr . and never • airbed a pot; (B) m •moktrq man'« Uute. don't want the stew 155.00 NOW 45M if j(« to boil over—watch it! fC) y«.u can't hirry thin** by •// you rhrcked (R) in three onf of four of 139.50 NOW 2»i0 wierymf about them. Ikt*• qvfiliuux, you're a prtVy tmari cool-if —fief if yo* cketktd (O, you think AQmQCO • yrmrtfff IT you mw a firl perched blazeis up ,n a tra# reading a bonk, would you aay, (A) "Tim- ift" (It) "I« the light 12750 NOW 2150 belter up there?'* (C) "Ik ul branch bold two?" 124.95 NOW 19.95 AQ »□CQ • Assuming eig*r»tfea rould At our toff cantor wa'll soon tw addmg another talk, would you listen to -XM pjm* Aftar lunch, I dnva out to tha naw plant of a mobila tast daak to incraass our fscilitias for 'troubla shooting' Long (A) * filter cigarette that homa manufacturer. My mao art compiating installation of $ Mara, with our Chmf TasUmjrdmsn, I go sucks Ulka only about ite taate? naw-typa oordlaaa switchboard. I discuss faaturas of tha naw Distanca circu.ts. wir soma of tha board changss which wilt hava to ba mado.w K**. (US (B> a weak-taaung ciga¬ aqmpmant with tha firm's V*a Praaidant and Plant Managsr ' rette that Ulka about its filter! fC) • fikor cigarette 1*7 2 in $13j0 "l. I1US thet lets us advanced filter desigw for t and fuO lane nmA ' * "That'» about it for one d»y. Tomorrow', whrdulr will !«• BELL AQBQCQ different. I'm doing intrmtuig, chaltanging work all the tim,— 1*7 2in s20j0 and I'm fvn plenty of mpoowbility. That', what I like about TELEPHONE «**. »1 OS K«t tun* you 6«ht op, Uk» s i my Job." I hink about what yoa r*»!ly w*»t ■ jour COMPANIES *7 Ikt $2100 " fiKtrcipntW. Mo* men »ad sawM efci There are counties- young nn-n like Dean I tar be who are think (or themnlvee ehooet V1CSIOV. moving ahead in supervisory career, with the Bell Telephone i ""ySawAHdSm-t Com pun ie-. Vou could !»• one of them. Talk it over with the hell interview, r when he visit* your campus—and read the •ttWT MP Tha MonWhoThinksfcr Himanlf Knowrs- ikr...hmmbm mtt tactei bail Telephone buokk'l on tile in your Placement (Mice. ^•.aamtai IM Sc^Hule ilMWAI I. LSU Wins: Yale. Oklahoma Beaten a I It N : "» U 10 W rrtrUrf Fir 14 Shaw 2-3 Shaw ?-!• Shaw «-* SAN FRANCISCO T^-flalf- touchdown before the opening Louisiana State's brassy, pro- run by all-America Billy Can- streak'fo 16 game* and made it » 33 » Shaw •-* • 10 I «haw M» Ivaek J D Smith bla7ed 7.1 quarter was half oyer. The tally like opportunist* continue to tv .- -and then stopped Missis*- almost certain they would be Touch TlcU 10-yard pass from sards to a touchdown the first came on a ippi on the 1-yard line for a hrxan « « f> M move along toward 'heir second host in the Sugar Bowl. time he carried the ball Sunday, Tittle to McElhenny : 2.x Hailoy 1-2 straight National Collegiate fotV- Saturday night victory, I 10 t'mmon* 3-4 Detroit linebacker',Toe Schmidt Seven major teams remained s .xs lltitterfirM s-1 firing the San Francisco 46crs ha", championship This not only subdued LSU's I'hiNeorcd an.i eufgaccd *•>-, r;.vt dangerous rival of the sea- unbeaten and untied—LSI*. « 40 Hallov 1-4 I - a S3-7 victory over Detroit srt up theTions' lone touch¬ JrnUnn I IcM 4 40 r Shaw 1-4 and*into firM place in the Ni- down by intercepting a 'Tittle more than three quarters, the « n hu* it bolstered the Tigers' Northwestern. Texas. Southern T:2A F Shaw 2-4 t'.ina! Football iMgue'it western pass in the first quarter He Tigers uu>av-iM one quick ranking a* No V team in the California, Syracuse, Penh state *10 I Shaw 1-3 divis.on. ran it back 16 yard* to the 46er 5 31 Rathor S-« strike -en ftP-x-ard touchdown country, extended their winning and Ken Webb smashed and North Texas State Veteran Hugh McElhenny one. Hum* • *i»"iiii»tiiUiimniitiiiftruiiiiHmiiuitiiMmifiittmtiMttmiiiwii»s Northwestern, ranking sec¬ celebrated hi* return to full ac* over for the score .terry Terry • • n by ca'ching a pair of seor- converted. » ond. turned up with a new in¬ In the second period TttMe UNIVERSITY dividual star in Mike and whipped Indiana 30-13 in Stock :• i pa«>es from V A Tittle, one fi.-vard play, as the 49c * flipjHHt a cross-field pass to its uninterrupted march to the w n their fifth victory in «ix McElhenny two cards ahead of games scripimage line and flanker Mac STUDENTS Big Ten crown and a tr.p *o the Rose Bowl. was Smith ben! the 4tiersi <>n tb< ir on the second ptay after raced score a total of 62 yards to SPECIAL the pounder kickoff. Tie crushing smashed over 207- right Finally yards in the «even 49er« drove "6 plays featuring voi r choice of: tackle and raced to the score gains of and 16 by .Toe Terry The 4Per* added their second 4xefore Smith went the final two IVim, braf open far, **n<(wi~ air roxniTioNEn dryers brat tor xou Imm . .. L I '"St •! CO-EI) SPECIAL DAYS MON. TTES, AND MED. 113 *'. XIIC.llli; AN AVE. (NEXT TO HOTEL OLDS) UNIVERSITY pf In Ike third qnarter with the •rare knelled. 1-1.) Hour*: Mini. A new NCAA rule this year • Sal. T a.m. • * p.m. Sim. U a.m. • * a.m. BEAUTY SALON •Hows for two overtime period* of five minute* each in the event of • tie at the end of the sp«ialitm« in: rnaxl hraf. round hraf, chick,n. (EAST LANSING'S MOST XIODF.RX SALON) regulation 88 minutes. The over¬ duck, aleak*. ,tc. time* are not sudden death, and if the score is tied after the two "I t-tl 2 Dnnra Ka»( of I.M«a Tb,al,r additional i*riod* the game i* viHi altmyn rrmrmbrr" recorded a* an official draw "We couldn't feel too bad about Joeing to St. Louis, but thi* week it took our worst play CONTINUING ANNUAL FALL SALE from our Markin«r Inland Morr I rout our summer report %hi»p — men'* and Udira* f*U merrliindi*# lit r*c*Uent vaxingx tit make room for new merchandise routine in. A rktwe-oul mIf. 1 IOT "NAME RE AND- i imported thud MEN'S SHEATERS DF.TBOIT r ) >M MEN'S SHORTS MEN S SPORTS COATS ft T-SHIRTS ch'tV* at rat gt. *<-x.xmd3 of the f ' «fceJ •' *1 RI G. I»«S REG. SIM a 1-1 t;e and sh.oo *25.00 Red Wings a .—'•4 the Chicago BI-d s day night in a Na' >~a. .na league game »;:ras*»f | lO.MS at Oiymp - S4 MENU Back after i - ree-gir# i* •Y1 MEN'S MOOL SHIRTS trip, the Kei* **r# a( IMPORTED PROM ITALY CARDIGANS. Pl'LLOYERS shot by the .* s es» Sa SHETLANDS Hawk* 29 to 16. tail « REG. UM ua M.ii chuk had another g *8.00 •10.00 the net*. i lot 1» LADIES* IMPORTED SKIRTS While the me- *p^-t • '* LADIES SWEATERS day on the football w oman's sw im tc' arc. k m over Ohio State w w1 •core the male oeiegatt* saoo by on the fTKiiosr-. 7&-X- First place w.r.: -TS f* Spartan's were p..r.tte ® port, 40 yard w- Lucas, 40 yard free 1 lot Stacy MUl,r. »'h ■ nm knola.m> „ Frim Florida to th, Philipp'i*«, front Almka to th, Dominicu R^ublic In omrluoautd r« caatlm uool SKIRTS 12 LADIES' TWEED SLITS Urtwral Tt-lrphonc - Anwraa'a Mcood larfMt trlfphur, ifg. iim tyaUm - ia rrttin* around thcaa day,. <8.00 Our job ia to brute P«opl« rioa,r U«nb,r throufh modem cooununica- t.ona - in th, iIntra and oxertna. aa »»1L Rirht now our operatinf com- pan« and aAUaUa acrr, mora than lit million American and officra and a number of fora«n rauntrion. On top of thin, our oraraena manufactunnf aubaidiarira ia Bdpun and Italy pro,id, much anjij comaunkatuna aijuipmant to marfcata atmast mrywbau in Uw world, la tfaia ratmtrr. Graoral TbWpbnu.'a prowth In tho prat ta. nan bra paralklad tha .tronf. haalth; (rowth o(t Aaarkn. itaalf. Aa for th* fatura TOE SCOTCH HOUSE GENERAL ovlt lUKKT TEUPUSNCtacmONlC. Trounce State State es EAST LAN 5 INC • PHONE F0 1 2814 enixiKiM INHIRSIMION nil. »i> ?-S«IJ MS\; lie vti.t 1 •'.<• Ui« a* \fcht sport* l giinr \III I TS Tli. ('MII.IIHKN 2«r l«7»TT» Vw «1««»v nuu i ?hr »M WiiotMivin la*' ahoiit the Ho*e Hmi' and Ho¬ work forge? loliltnl H »tl»ti o ll.od P«i Mrphett« SOU SlIOWIMi _ I'HtMT SHOW 7 I' M. i> h n a ' '■*j . •*. Niiifmber ?. I'age l iir htrn V- \ The Simian* nitron ed the The Ms| drive ended In * ning the conference champion - r'AV th''.- touehdoiin pin from l.noh In the motion picture"bliie denim" ,, «»«h 4 field coal hi ship From now on rr »v when tcr'* k son •• . , I ted Uhiiiiv Itrinilitittrr t»»de • Kntldst attn earli In the lust The M:f,-H . , playing for anv exSertm pn/e una tier \1iih »-,|T ,,-nre a it Irt-M the tame ended on the The fnoth.V! i ".i p'ai from n-»« iw th *. ' i\* nfi urrbuv COW-' f« ilt^rn. lv, ■ ,'s the r V . rr .i :vt u? ■ .toiiehdown hi tied t.r Hon the state eotiUf came hue hilt Os| M*»l" :t-iard line a* OH' was making it* wai toward a fifth on i* the font hall pw i mi «omo good !f omi go* tuvr iiiU d» Big 10 Standings talks heart to heart with .1:*n , America-am/ their parents! • *, t-tiled the rhanees hi toiiehilon n 11 l t Pi 1 I'fs op I if T<« v • (locbdiw n f»r" •»((' 'J-' \ ,. immedi.iteli sjMrtan» irorint thaik one thing, tf you «.?ai i a a I «m<> to to young h Mnffi tlaugherti he.>'. "n: > ati "'iei r Pv «.arvi« m th*4 # ' fi.v; • - >■ s •, •< i o;u Inuirod tuMhark and ftueken* *ii 7 MI in mi U i* a v. -iir ij.f i" "Ohio Staff \ V P'' Thr same Bnrknr e<»inMn« ■ ■ • - i .• •• win The\ p'ayod a >1,11. ttop \V !i i plaied >>•!'. n'\ to k«!C third • mi too* ii Hon of Mailer t.i Houston rink MCU t'n 13 . . * ■»- ficarl* . r-i* c ami hurts onto th*» mvo gi'-o on ii * i % 11 •" ' , ,** eit again In the second qtitrlri The ho'>••* ■•>• >f adn.-j n i- It v. - •i Mho", "hex needed to. par* Ohio sine for a tntirhdmi n from I" «.ml* !.!.1d *••••■ km • 7II hi b :> '.••••« :ho 1,-isi «i\ miniito* fdled ii'dh Ion . . j. .•* out. Thi* lime thr kit w it i* id *.» nave the halt Having thr -•> ?",> ftoth Mi-1' t Oft I* 11 * "v ie • fiwil. and OM led |i..; -He •..aid that ig.m State ami Olv.o Stan- hand* llinnr «"• i tf»*h l*1'"1® K ... . h,ii i , '• t"rO the game of* p'aved lit* his in „r t<* sjtitrdn fhr Msi' ,-t » |*lh lf.W " ,,h State ^ flM. the season. "-3 H .*,- Ohm fj * in the His 1® •« MU i hi* r, -hr the-u eyteme- la*' team'* vietofy *'\ Andre's Cluh Pick of the Week '.•.WAW.'.WSmv^WV.IWAISWAVWj rr lour Mi'|i iii llic Iti^hl llirrrlimi ' 5 The Great Sound of [irr'wrs Top Irish: II IIUC'IT LES ELGART" VI'I'OINTMUMS he Record l}ostcd ii in..mi.i: Yon d.inred to his re-live that mii*ir at the something sperlal that tome* t'onoiation Ball—now ftfttii the re- r.ity tf»m l.< lv v and melloii tone thai I.M and |.es alone ii ■ .. markahli full • 'n team. «hirh i blue ■ In.I Vaws seems tion of eanahle t»f nrnvtding This is snh one In a srlrr- hundreds of danee hands von ran find at Yndie's ^ stair took the first MSU Barber Shop ?•" MAt -Vest Itmir to tiu Jinn IThi not rome Mondai and I tidav In and hrowse night till !» around—we're often even denim «... CAROL WMWIOI I.M. o, -1 :» " Jphee* IfMflll »thw«tl»| fll •' *""" «** Sour J TUNE UP .'.V.V.V.V.V.V.W.W.V it insin + LIIIM.ION ★ ItlllitCl k LYNLEY • dcWILDE • CARfV - liU in fifth and si\»h B M , nlHed WITH us: slltlU Nil: AMI 1 Ml in T ion n lo 46 iftn EiltiM Play 1111(11.1.S (II llll Ol II Ml si ITS WHAT GOtS ON WHIN rv THf UQHTS GO rue l tours OO OSS OFT J V.: inaid >.? nmwiirn ii i i i i.or i i At tf* SCOTT ... A*a;, •imtw vi « i. iisi \ NM in r\^j ANDRES •1,11 IIIIIWI. Ml" \N0 t \r \ hi i :ig: v w \siiim;to\ ii TIIUR •-nni'.i.oi h" i i i it ii \ i •* • ,:u H'SM wnth BUD'S I* i me Harriet* I i :e *eieiith and eighth i •» j 7.H. MKtl WIN MltKM |I»r Jiervi»*i |t.i' (talri at *.1 i3 • tame at ftCK UMi ' ivlmail roi linn'ISM.1M Ol'l KVKKVTIIIMi" • )■. New ISWOUM brings you taste?... more task;... SERVICE •Till: IIKST OK MSI - o i- I miiiM; llt>l>r |jnir-*lrph,n Haif>*«n fill" I More taste by far ... fc.t'i i t.iand liner SOUS! •lolhj llirt-Hrlan Ahfrnf-laan ( raw ford ■: .*•.*? il'Hail fl'I •*a.< c* w "h no ram, NOW sHitWivt; yet low in tar! < 1 New, free-flowing Miracle Tip only tho isk.ii i:m • i n . * up flavor lto«el: in' • I'hii'Rs liir* wiihnnt the famous I aire to t nrdura" unlocks natural tobacco flavor! nltirr liltvr* < Hnkins tuMri^lhviN viiii thr lull .■*< i b> (flenden Miart- t *hde he was * mem- That's why 17M (-ail blend line toluuiiw ) «f the faeufti of Mwh* not to suit n filter... but lo Kuit your lash'! of the *urlii - hnp*i, iwtiiraliv nuUi kiImhh.: » >uie t Hirrutr! they aaae this year's big picture i TMUSUK m HFOOOE HB k M * mm man mb -imhi •COHXJU NEW TITLES ADDED DAILY AT !j ;j ilk VI .... I1 '*m*t\rr eu at — • • - iii •*«* at — L* ■ Sit • mi . MS i. j 'ft Manwn BOOKSTORE More taste by far...yat low in tar...(W x"'" ' • '• ■' they mid "It couldn't be done!" ■-■•-y X ' * + H *< k-.. * r v >> • .:•'; kk-i-'k- PLArrMKVj M RIM November 2.11W (VI) Bachelor'* decree (Ml Master* Doctor* Where no de¬ Paleontology gree i* indicated. all degree level* are eligible In interview rOI I OHTXfi M VIORs Pershing Rifles Under 'Fire'' Display Set IMPI.OVFR« . Rose hike Scene of ROTC 'Attn \OVI Ml R 3 A 4. 1MR , A: H-Vki (\-»r.v-i-;.P«»r L C,is** December A Accounting March grad* onb (B^ majors for At Museum C.vt .Control .V Audit inn. T:v t East t^nsinc. at'2 pot Satur¬ duVtrial mvrr «*««* '« i":l < (B ft>r Co* day enemy r'«" or • v. «'■:!(' ;in.1rr mwl! *—'s Cjaon arrival the cadets wet the pledges Position. Marketing A LiberC tensive line fire" in !Sr l?o-f T»tkf c a str^t.aranh n«v»r. tion The pledges were the at¬ small arms i Mech >B' ■.x c:ch sh«"'W* a cross »wtion • •' The men that took part in 'he Fngrs.. for Produr- tacking force ticn • or or Machine Design. Elect ■re to s crrtn.r: depth. The dis- m vk military- maneuver were The fir i a**immenl of the Upon ■B"> Friers for Electronics ci . as . ortam- number of ma'e- pledges and active members -f i-o— . iw:.> nv \v<'I i.- other ?o«- Pcr«hing Rifles, freshman abb plcdrr* -«as to carry out a day¬ tirtye opera' P a~: Engv.; Civil En- the recently opened displa* orary. c > tor Applied BAD shonx fastodon hones hnDed in %eeordin« to Don Bulger, *' R. , A Ft.kiuet;...g Cbp-.".»*:r> imen A- women) n •• (he mnefc. or maral. ol a «amp mm pan* commander of the I'KRMANKNT mpany F.s* Sv r, .- •. .•.»> for H A D. Marketing. A The mastodon prohahly heeame Rifles, the purpose of the proh- » Co Sa:« s Pro-notion: Chemical En¬ (rapped in the maral and died lem o as to give the pled re* OR gineering for E A- D. Design \nove "he marai is a laver some practical field experience REGCI.AR F.eon>rm:eS, Planning, Market- . sand of more recent origin. in military taettea. ATart Huff. Midland wrdor, Bill Hampton. Bloom field H..s , jog A Engi- fceonomir*. Ma \ •umber of Indian artifacts are The cadets left Demonstration rice* another blow the aefiior. recently returned from fjjefiinng: Met. i'B) (Ml Engrs ■ : . Above the sand is a struck a-, a ha'i for f.i o Rose Lake consev-- K A D. Civil (P. ' M soil and grass. s cads demise of the male domi- summer of serving summonses . ., ■,-1 vatidn area, eight miles nor'h jor. ir modem Amenca. to rrr\-c a^ president of lTruon Elect P) (Ml A Veoh (P A'tempting to make she ex- MIO'I.KRS — TAI1. PICES — E\H \l .7 P (Mi Engrs. for Manufacturing real posytbic. Victor POLISHES — W'AXES — PAINTS ■ Taking over a* editor-In-ehief Boa-d. president of Ex cab bur as A Sales M'.cc. the museum artist, has l.ol 'R' Cto*c* Tnrniny - HHPSI of the State New* thi* term. and a ice-prosidcr.t of Blue Kf - Mar* succeeded In topping her High offices are\* l>*'hons- E iv a Business Administration fB .-con a Coke bottle in the grass. COMPLETE LINE OE AfCESxilllKS this *oe;ai science mayor, n-ho 'or p. ratio- A Li he a' Arts iB) majors H-»gg explains that the Coke The Department of Public pres-ton* achievement* a* a nlcht to school af*cr Ihv A March gr»d« onb ' in time be covered Safety announces that lot R at «port» editor nirht editor edi- ; ans to er.ter iav ,c u Accounting, Budgets. F - • \ become »rchcoii>gi- the reservoir will be closed a.l roa«Pi.FTr t«ri»! pare editor and managing craduation next spring, and a;ms •naneir.l Planning. Manufactur¬ a few thousand years fia^ Diesday. due to repairs !>c- SPRIM. editor, and Invaded a tradition¬ for an fventu*'. career in p-.i;- r ing A Purchasing. -.r.g made by the ground* dept. al!* male position. lies SKHVICK i"esi.:-.gk-.'.jsc Iveetj-i.- Fleet .B- . Mtvh. (B) (AC Among her journalist»e accom- % member of Sirma klpha ith tmi tun »t in unitii nt^nti itt»n w' if Tor Car*. I'.xnertlv tf»*tAllcd orpo-ation Jriustnal- (Ml. Chenuc*: Tntrks. Trartcr* axils Ten n-c- is "the Huffer" was eo* I'psiion Bill hat been .tumor B (Mi Engrs.; Phvsics iBx r -.v c* :ve IP.Af S'a'e New* (las* president, sophotnore Jus¬ V A Math B) M- for R Ey« Streii ■ simplypmenr or. higher education tice on the iH-wlvmtty Judi¬ at-;. ec-e.iit.m of this year's Wel¬ A D. Design. Application A ciary. chairman of the All- KRAMER Service Sale*., Manufac¬ come Fcllvor.. Board Affair* CommHie* for She ;« a Is-" a member of Thcla 1'nion Board, ehatrman of tie- turing A- Purchasing keep* S (it P*- ana Kapt»a Ta». A - Vet* for t'nton Board Book, and ,clou-malism honom nr« fc-ui ehatrman of the I'nion Board Lompany X itli MEMBER A.M. X. . -r- of Kappa Alpha Vu. Sfmetal fVenta Committoe. ' ,«o- io;srnali«rr» honorary. She worked or. the Wolver¬ Bill has managed to maintain GIVE YOUR CAR Nanrtn Straii son a KALAMAZOO.ST. PHONE IV (.ji s :«> all-college grade average ine Milh an pnint average of more than * 4, all-collrre grade- through been a all of member this, of and baa Span an A "BRAKE" Roundtahle since IMA a mcrr- XI- % i* * mcmhet of Rlortar Ivr of the Water Camiva". 7\* Board *nd rn a member of Commit toe in IPST »nd a rncrr* Tower Guard and klpha Lamb- be- of the Fbrars research com* (I Delta where she ua* vire- p-i^idfri in 14.XT-M and armor roll tic* «eem to have been a de-ire TfiAre 1r.fnrm»tmn abeirt rentart lenae*. aril iser last year. natural habitat for "Hamp*" clip (hi* arfA-e-t!*rmeri *n at TXr Coeo-Coio Cac-oo— X U4IIII COCA-COLA ■OTTUM. lOMrwT in Center .Vvne of ( oniem itornry IH* |Jtry S. xty routcm?m-#ry Amor irn n urrittt srt repr«dni«i lit «*■ cki..' bittnc wind. «ij»ct>o(J Sub- ter'• at Krvsge A?1 Cen'er "**:te aria*Uf v< '-k* hnvr tm-i. Miumittud by New York City dp,, ivrr fir the nvu'.h-lonc •dsowmg. The extilbh may »»e wt natty I- not, -5 j-.n TV—-