The Wealhrr Trio VgiMM • Mmtlv rlouiH ; n.irm.r «u»»on Kntfi> l,n» Mond*> ... . -■"> V«.«r IJ*<* llifh Today I" vt'f ]»ncc 3 Serving MSL For 30 Year* PRICK » CENTS KAST 1.ANS1NV,, MICHIGAN—TCESIVVY. NOVKMUK R X \M Negotiators Toss Bitter Words In Age-Old Union Steel Strike Alrdialors I S. Ideals . Uitr End Dealt lllow As Far Off By Eurofw Stiiiriim Idltiiff* Itrui'li a.'t 7.000 K.-trial I'mlili *111* >r\ Ktirojtran* W.xsHINOTtiV ■»*, t»l*al metlititori shutthnl In*- su«* sn»« r»ot.i n» vi T-e United State* and its ttvooti imlu-itrv an! SMTE lid *df luir lili- MIflMlMi fel Mr» ffpftg lade.MtxOxx taxes talk derrsvrv'tc ideal have dealt ttnion uejfotiators Moni!av, icrtnar reform expert t« the «f«Nif of on The In of t .xPerting** in the Center Wen¬ t*>en«e'ves a cruel Mew with \»ir iii« » di*pl*T In Kmre Art feeler ds* II-e .aaiitw* «nf Western Fut\h>c Hitter worils from Imtlt - f the-.r racial problem. siiles, however, *howe«l » iv tosejih \a Palembara, aelflemetil of th«*' in-t!n> - S-std ef the {MkltK-al science tie- oli! Ktth'l strike i* probable ^.irtnxent. made th s jtstement . h'.« returu fm-r* a recent si* a lotikr win off. Reform Export Lidojiisky . »tvii trip Fun»ee While m (;iiX't*i m?iiei■: Mif'di.e c-X chief Itaiv he delivemi a «er:ea of Flruiec in *n ■* sejciia'c'v rs-j.j-es en ih led ,-A«peets of the xx [•», iv.f'x .ii|*-. !h:» -M tnai*! Rae.,'., ih-,vb;em >n t'*e United Discusses Vrt Collecting Stale- ' r the Uniteci Stale* In. Bum**.; t* • -„M rl. t-- * :> i F ■ -vi'iw .i > i d he re*' v ".. ■ iHvamp i ,) .j * thank "*• •«. H ci- anv appre- , f,.. . v.ih tx'tU.C '• * ' C t \ \: .-*> t.- .„*• »v. V-.' • UWM . « JWPCCS, «t ls • T-i.ieiiT- s - • i , C .i y* ha* 'i>"t f\S- IN", bt **T ftUt'- *-.... "•• ,v .•«'; i,- T1* .*> u*.- u.v ."^kv, afiwun fi»- v. the republic • *s«' calk""-' *rv,<- :• • ».n * •*-' tfic »s»»ntri« s _ "• ;• ■• * *1 ,-»-e . t < hive a Ladeitnskr tpo'r? ■ f V>- >' * t' IV t K. i , *. , •. h< -a.ti \ Nil ti l %l 1*11 M I Illrndfil the I'hi Mo -'d' *>: ivsmme *mv v p k:J War*. Vi- * ' «♦..> in .tar** H . .|a/z Konccrl ; -,r pn'..unbars V '• k-1- sj»;a -. -. re tlphi l.i*f eoneeit Mend.xx nieht. to heir »eve- and x«» niimhei* rilttini tn » I'hi tars tin \tpln xxtil rotilmtie to perform a enmho earlt Hfterpooo at ?:H« in the %h«irl t'nloii Thi* .»? (tllll in xx a* ,i an literea** i»f xxeelx'* lime, anil thr alnnil "llttmalei* von f*rt rtchci : - •■ the fid* -fix lohhx deparlmrut fur resit a further \S «»ok .- lit rencemed ftrxj nilh aftrr induUint " h* said ,.-. "Hranl 'M*l shadow *" to ' HUr an«l shine x \> . S*« xrrx f rt an v «.' »» " Tnt \ nrr .»? p.rvJ ipw . .... . e ■-•: I '- the III,Ion- .11>|H .ii tl'ie-,1 a .»•« mu4. He added -»r. b*|V ' •».•- " ••i*se*i vx hal .ti rotjld li -k ordx i i-»Nii«'d under * fji.i ':>>* JAOO for i xrab'.e . a e In the l*n* • !h. I' .f II n-tlex \ • ■ that *>-ain't worth a ;k«J*.-s—s. <-t»- ...■•• N-\! * - . t a? that anxnunt. •g art se f diMspline coileeurg * «* .* ■ * . t S'-4te - . -i lie «'-• "e* 'v .r ^ " . tned ' « • jjr .- « ■ -x-.i f«- - In 'Twenty-One' Show Scandal .- ,.lii 'i \. ih Iimv. thv union «| ft.. 11 xx coMstitutiofirtlit oi i- nioh ii;k xxooM k lo the v «|iivs?iov- m'M.I <-f the (!■»• iIN f.» i fur that If **u tlic xmitu |»r»ife»«xor who became Main." he aid l no*. TO«II never "On* ii Miihician thr |irx| Itiiowii of all tiic miiiu-x winnctH in ttir hevilat of mum !'.o ,i • x i■: •••„, |.• \r .i 'vii' iiMi i firv'tvil t-> overt ., (tvfi-tided th- .nip- txefore. the h* always wants nIihxiv — vcihoriiiv di^rup' -n " Presents 1'vre.i' H. .x . HI..OM - Ihr Imi k-t«*xxurk order, li¬ sped bx federal IMstrlrt Judar •V. • ■ . <> • .. !•:»111 ' Sluur . . llerhert Hurg In Ptltahurah and Beethoven upheld lix a I'hialdelpliM ap- peah eottrt last weak, in «u»- V/ier/ii/eW pendril while the Mipreme I otifi eonsirirr* the in liul 1.4 Tlrl.rl* tvtiilulilr ease. \ hii lioren s lid he ix nwxv I'tnoM .itxil managrmrnt talks siiidenls ran obtain llrket* .iserlcxcil lie gave in tn the moved here Monday nftir th".v * v* Tr*"a AVj aitround Pitl.'-bttrxii . t-if t' e l.erture l oiireri opera lirrMt.idx e suumrnlx nl \liAit r.» i .li'ain in n Rho j«n*. t'oniM i-, chief nego the xnulhful professor. Intel• •fit f.e-irt- lotiflon 'Ihliisd'ax f rceiimiti ■» producer of the f( t i'iir.iit "!* • • -i.'Ti a-* slated leitml sr Inn of a noted liter J-> t! * f VI nn lite seeoiul vlioxx —that lie xxbn ire.itiin new . ti.,•-!!- for the iniiu-iry. said the 148 Aud " (amil', admitted l»« had ti*e,i I nimi rlieekriMim ir sprit for the hill* profes- uii -ii eleatlx in interested "only " • ■ " tentative! v the *x ronj answer* tn dentint sion .not alter all. it w in • i jiiietu-iiing inflation in Am- ' ■* Si.rod da I>CC * whi«h (mix etiierlainniriil for* the mil- wa>tefui t 5 n«"t • v xa* nn rigged in lions of I V viewer*. «•! no the • iind ieel indtistrv " pr ad ices in • - : H« IHI tOOl lltlll his favor Inhiii president llavid Mr- **t+■' Fina* > ■ >r. »• FaC--.*. . c >n.'«- LINING 4—Maiarttx he- I !« i- or-d i I"! goo i llunald i.i»d tup induitrx offi- ' ' ' :l Unix those xtltn could s<|Qeere iii ev;!." V Ik,rcM aid, "» impalirnlly D puhhran* in the leiblilmr **xe elali are "wattln* • • . llirrrltir To l./ 'rcff ' <-■ - r English trtnela- Da in ar • up Mnndax nuh! nn wrtlinc an »r»i'» the chamber were aide to 1 ii'ii I th.,i i»wttv:« are !i"t .»i- fur a Taft-Hartley injunrlhm mi •' " :cmrr.4. of v p tan llnrrn relate |he details the ihrv I.nuillV'tll J ' ll"lrti!a HJ'IMM' » • ' Oaners S»e-4 «.«*•• Lec-t emercrnri U* prucram in Mirb- «■— % x*\ Ibex ran rontlnur their strike » - * .■ ■ or* * iran'a ra«h rri*i« and i. a against tbe Ameriran people." ■* natureHstic dra- re«p*>n*ihii xxiestled with his conscience and AM-AX l ifik' nui'- ' ion d preM'lef.t of - instrument*: nu*v*rr* Ivmwritx to Aba re I - f ■'«»(»!■!. , v.o r * f y set ia • SknUan Vehndf Mennhia si*niK',*ara and haa now beer, lira.Mi' and 'Twinkig Toes" Wefjx-Miax IH Oui' Hal baffling questions and answers ti-*ti!ied that .m late Januoi . *<*:■ about fare from last week* Ke- ?, .*>f; i'- .udef tmni • I Mi force oil 5* , '■ s '* I* over which made him famous he --.-till Vocal numam. Jed h> BUT pnbitran determination to lis H . 1-yjfU -x ' >«• ■ H.-.v h» 11»">V. -Atll'.l xx h » fi • .tiih -'f. iai.-.M- the -et*)e- r* -••ecinr, I^anrenc* years He N eanh lb* best SenNirom. MuMswn senmr. tn- the lie* of Ifce naekai* and thru I J'i fiv'fn n; Bureau.** an-t • Tweht v*Op« . Kreedinati -. oic ! r. uiii-i l.i ! week h»-'we*n -< ! x seven rr»f known %n*enr»o-Wrn Tr.«- iir.r under ho i < "Present 'd *i..<*. Trend* in Enir jpeent!'- . M-ar«led A:»,iMHi of tii. - k. • Hail Suifonia." the?* * fill in ta* program details ' I" ■ r«-:\x u K'-i ,«r»>» th> K.U •» > neithe r teievi -cd n«i . r; • ' P *i«awai. «.»r.*z id F*xi Mu Aii4J*e atM "MSU IfemorraU reacted ranttons') ium t .Jsc After m- 'aIk Kinn-?: a inn in v fl'flfi'U-l Menutun was fc*vr. in New S^-.toxrj." hut agreed to aelert members to wilt irmduci a <|ueati*'h and an¬ Rrfojv read.r<» .« sf..tcrm-iii Van Jyai-n horriexlly added *' 8 f«pr Airml Yom Cltr «r.1 t.rcnuV u;. serve mi a 16-man. bi-partisan swer pcr.c-' tti.d h< didn't think Yreediirio r. advatui —Van 1 v*» Sun Frinciicc. wtirr* t.f "■■■• > tint »M*»r*TKT »" »* «' i ituncil I'rlilinn« llur Us wrltinc committee. The Amorwan «joc ielx ical R«ain«jr* i% *pona»«r»jg !h« • i'i~i i«kid for it glass of water - meant tie said." ' Nothing came ot ;t. (Hull tu Sliotx I hat work h:l of «*».t vi*0 LV Sin rrjnc.K Froa»-S(>i>h r»unci! petitams speeial commitlee was to bold its nrst meeting at la am. to¬, and all engini-tfi!:.; Tto-n he t »Jd H i I The ineidenf -k -or red Vat » ? .'."fx < 4Ae by Prof. Bcr- •ymplxvi. OroSnu'i II. .™,d. a tv dent ;ue Service*. Medwsvlaji tn 317 Stu¬ day. Ktudent# are invtuid ., lie followed a w-ripl, admitted JViri'M ret a ted, wiif-j, Freithua WihlliiV Film hi> Xn York ort.Jl it Mm. iipproached him one nijrlit j:. I |'rf^* • r*cbt in Union p*r- 7 A and B { ^wa: wxtwr of th* "Bent it TM. Kw u, ana hit E-rotwi a«J, »t to* if. of rtn-M wbiie »tndj. uu in Pitj In IK» h* plated Poet to Present Varied Program told no* |- w;m ecnteatant • I (1(1,0011" to win mote the fir ' than On AlUssissipiii r e l- tierifx A Wildlife Ciao with thf Barljn Philh» "I ! link the-e Hit h: t \H ' Sandburg Creates ISational Folklore .\liehii»'-«t. S'a'e Univere'.y and later In the rear, he mane wonitt," Van Lxxeti sold; hi. Uaaion oeout " 'Uhai In, I think I ought :«» fi • • '^hx'duled ix nubhc *h«'iA'i.ig, have 83,000 of that money " f |n- Alfred Enei :new tjim, After hi. ftn-t round-u,.- 'Mark Twain Country," f »r world ronotrt tour » 1W vitn which gave nim the experience ( ornhOftkrro. which aharcd the The magic and rnaj**iy "? Wednesxbiy, 7:30 p.m., Ui 12H N TWtoii toti.' of ill contvns in «1 make him the Indugtnai poet Poetry Society Prize that year. K\plo»ion V ictims a t«> Nat. Sci. f>r. Ktter, a»!*Uht pro- ^ i MM ti'o«. he mired for two yean | American foUlore will unfold at of America. Since then, more than a score fesHor in the Dent of Fisheries Phi ta he. hoo* in Caiifonua. After #;I5 pjft, Thursday when Carl Hi# furrnative years were spent of San»ihurg*s books have It^ ri ~*"u T»w tfch eohiatar* retirement, he ftandburg appear, at the Aud. working m hrk-kyards and i»ot- published, ranging frr»ni the Hemaiii Same A Wildlife, has for u»e produced the film on the National AudU- Key found himvi? boeaed to thv and Tke prito-winning poet, tu** tcMes. harvesting Kansas wheat, Rootabaga stories for children The condition of three gradu¬ oon Society'* Screen Tour Lec¬ ,d IM1. and durutf that period washing dishes, and shoveling to Tbe People, Tea. and the Nix- I tor ton. and biographer w-ili pre- ate chemistry students injured ture program • -if he appeeml a. eolotK under gept a program of folk y*ugs. coal. During ttie Spanish-AmeHr volume biographv of IJncoJn, Tiw ttitn explores the oltt * ^ A'J»h4 autatandini lywhor y uitMrtflJ ran war, he served with the 6ih The Prairie Year# nnd Tbe War in Thursday"* explosion In Ked- •torMrs. and readings from hit zie remained unciiMngcd Mon¬ hiiunU of Httck Finn and Tun an aver the world own poetry in the second lec» lillno.-x Volunteer Infantry in. tear*. biography day, hospital authorities report¬ Sawyer along thx* Miaaiagipph '»'H8 Durutf the war. he feve more Puerto Rico. His Lincoln won Uue of thq aaaeon ed. where mystei) and wildtn ss bmfit toneeru for the Allied Uie Pulitzer Prize for history In 5 • Aawrium P ItaadenU prill be admitted to After hi# return from the HarJo Mork of Trenton was In' provide u welcome .sanctuary armed lent**, for the Red Croea service, he entered Lombard 1940, and bis Comptoto Puma, file torture on ID aard only critlral condition in Univvraity for both mon and beeat. Water¬ Gaaqnit Delta and tar err than chant** in mere College in Galeaburg. where he which cuntaina ail six volumes ® viH be to itpnH seats, Hospital, Ann Arbor. Phillip fowl and warblixs haunt tae Soartaa ear inn than did any oOar edited the newspaper and cap¬ of his poetry, tot Lecture-Concert twket-hold- Shreiner of I^anadkle, Pa , was * loughs. Sand ben, towheeda, concert ertV- Mr alaa made hit 5?M Also, It. film debut durutf tr.n time. •n will be admitted without tained the basketball team, as well as working for his educa¬ in fairly goisi condition in Spar¬ and timbered island# provide and row lloapital, and Fillmore netting or stopping nieces for : JO Amntia TkkeU for the geoera! puh- tion. Ye*, the Pulitzer Freeman rg Chicago was in fair tern*, geese, shorebird*. cormor¬ Tmdmy ' vhru-uam : won rmi Ihri lk are on Ml* fur II at the In t§!4. a group eg his poems condition in St. l-awicorc Hos¬ ants, blackbird* end herons. ^ ®5tS0ft Union ticket office and at the were first published in Poetry. Prize for poetry in 195i. In winter bald eagles and dic¬ asaz " raaii for fmnttinea clear rcc- In ihe^iame year, part of the Sandburg's moat recent works pital. doer Thursday. • Always Ike fwag Mramn. • This 1$ a gorKi example of the ing ducks frequent the fast ; Jft-iftE " rafarr Via ha held today in the From the little cottage in group. "Chicago,** was awarded are water totow tbe dame. Boet the story of his boyhood, wbkh use of student blood collected la Hill ... * derma and In the Union from Galeebtarg. Hlinoia, where he the Loviaonn Prise. . ton ment blood drive. At tort .todtoaUA rat-lJO pat- published in INS on tbe ;*«5» U-Bkm mm IJC ton en Jenuery f, 1S78. Sandburg's was and Tbe Sand- Nptot 111 pinto tod ton «i M rilih' - Ice aacretary Ginrm. Marry KaaaMr are ami In Itli, Ittl by 7km birttoUy; pnkltohatl to IMt. tor *• Ttothiw —• iweriSS l| - - ;-'7. ■ ' fJ MaSm&iisfflmSBi^iS ilue • I -Icll. I See Voii it,nl« and I'amlli rsoMrsAtirss rfXtlTHV St II Nil ,.,1 1 • •- .(•■- S'a'e Vf*» t» f>uhl<*ncm. Dance pm v wis* |Se N»«1 'ntr-ri^K 01 Itnth, «»nd> rr v.\ team Speaker f,,, .. r * %***,- .r IM.IMHIINd COCVCII. Hureau I, h*"wftj «• fiufti MttWl, Men he» » werire N n'n 'i I'-.r 1 - ; ,, ,n. CW» Hall rMrttnj 0 pm. Womente Ovm Fv.v 11, vu ,i IM S A( TIV1TII > rv? ia* a«maiw) mw" inland 0M) Ptmi and A*w.,«»e«i v .->tie«.-.t* iss.m r».» rm -MMiirti siHTlti IMtAKI, _ irmti* w((Mix's luiiii: 30 p 1 It rni-m. Ih Vrark '• ; t ; 30 pm Vrtl. M. No #W Teenday* Novcml»cr .'*. 1!W> Fajrc Tw o I j* v. .1SR S'udcnt Snvim* . sr.THT %> n>uu Ei Kae.n1;vr tenant Hew? will discus* "Hvpno> < «llN E i * tir»i% nil oxir.ii % in Medicine " Tlim.. p,' sri nrNT Ti rilN I TXtHiM 30 pm 32,1 Student Se - - |i|lu| Basic Issue Involved ORC.tNlftTlOX « 50 p m .*- , ■ 4 x pm. Catholic SttHeht 4t'i ftorti tirlltXNf tXMHl %TtO\ Center Coffee houi VtH Nti IHXUi, HM,t l.x pm. .11 I'ni.nv Fleet ion I MSIfTI \N MTFNCF 7 30 pm. 3i r !,*t t'p»«urcT tiring activity In Senate ROTC Vote Us.i, vaiions. xttmitr iifxxti for * Duck'' section rcscr- tistttimn onniKsts our. tMI tTION 7pm. INmnlwChuixfft Chapel. It Till It NN ASStHi.TTlHN ■1 pm. C'- >1t HIM i. jjOTl' Sl'l'MS TO UK *.weekly tesnr A'Vffcd en 1**1 xTt IHMs 5.10 pm. Union flallronm Hour drosg ceftcarntt Uedre%*ifc\ by Stndetit Conirrcss, ii ivmr« up for ft vote p o- . r.X 114 Forrxl I'lwducts Semot gmttp 7 .10 Women * t v m, Ill IH R NVl» HRlui --.• : e fjk.-ji'ly *i Academic Scn;«le th»> XVoHncstigx. Xllt lltflNN Fnt C ATION p m | ve lho ^ 11 in l»ers meet •. i.irm John Hannah lo di««nix.« - "re en Future «>f i^c 1 .-.>id \T Si» Hot! j.roi-Vo-x facing MSI' Staff : pm. Speech cllttic- Auditor - II TT|X| % X| |'|| X , t|, Special tour of clinic U 5.30 v*vr .?**'N;e.i in ffiv.xr of #fh- -»V nc i he present eewpiilsm^ -embers cvilpd mm pm. ;• *. . ix* TVdrei . f ;*•«* ROT* ppi'i far Roth then' tr roup* h«\*e Added VOt'Nfl Riri M K tNx AITS ACnVITtrs RO Tit It NlfXRI TR Hit \it |> • -• f.■ » :$•***;v-n* n- the '>.*•. nvommerdhttoii tor a xnhm- H 30 pm 34 Union Fleetmr* P r m piv and vice-pro* 7 p m., 3d t'mon p m . \ pr nr**** VIM \ >n IIIVTN' nivts The v • '»-i-pp.'-'1"fi »i ','"1 •'or 1 ,* fi»!f it* specifw •t 30 an- VI Svnt« w'■« "ii MM s UOTt piNxjrrum t"harm clinic and CAMPUS CLASSIFIED! -n-c.ji'r- ?r*r*: v,.Jr iffnnvh v*-. .- v »mt • »• • >'• * •"■ v » 30 VniversfiA l.ufhcrnn '•* nv, \n iintan R01V »• X i el.iv* and tin.'- (IF THI INI S; | »* m Itov Hefete Publication fn, t,„, Mj m •• r a,-' >,-> c ** ■< k* »'i.-lo thi* l»»*ic is*ur, thu* «iif- Thnrs and W«4 fdlllons lloadllne l or Hon I dni„ 1 i»mT •rr-.v * vr ' « imx-\ • u* rrprtrl A Hills Pasahlo 3-1? and Id Honda* lhn„,ti, T .♦ • ./v •*. •. k .<1 inventitrwtjen on the pj«rt Kl> 2-I.Mt . I \ l .'hIS siiulv r' ?ve t,-,>frSr cs*y* "«-r }* r-j»o« » v ror;v)oer.".v' vtpw* of mnn\ person* in themngh of the tol.-ii Auto Sales voNfti »o.1 eoi.r.f tinr-i.>pn'rrtp Ihroiifrhout the countix. AUTOMOTIVE Max Affect HOUSING M WA OF TI1F 1V<1 FS ' e.i to the original put * • ikf * prwoNvTn xrtox rnpi PCI ifM Stuck Market ,.*V t ■ } c-O r ,'. .", , a *fatr of fax ** 1»r a* 1he militarv it*olf . . t on are * •J,,. I.r-e Srlileu ft' Xift ROOM1 *4 .'Oivemvf VJs''* are 'jki i 1O !*e ehanyetl rccMtviVi* ■ ■' i\' xrrx nn rxr •> HiV'Vx i» i* hat the "■ vr'f't \\ r. nrstia* N'FXV N'iXKK r T'-.e trend . pv# \-.*\ vmi H »!'•» e«svi «'•"* ItltpfTA :nf ara.ier >.■ o. • t« •* of the militarv pix»^r:.- A might i*c the >. rn - n«» tt t'e'w. ?-l' . hw'er.r.c o'w t>! •* -.o at m tent a. jrm.;t-r tn* oh o . -j -v ,"•« s..jg'c AeoniXmu" imftKfi FR.ivr AN Ores' hraaes W« V 1 >, 11 • .#• -ICC Ml-.M »-•' 1 *'»••>»• «"f-s I.siftk n*er' of kv* 4*rv. i\ 1 *ux ;»••...ns affectin -m»dr ra»> I'trasNVT NF NT «TVnFNT* oor# «r ami <•'f \ hot ,. ■ f . i (,1'UW-e ivwithvi hi XtAUltJ or *>« * » e mill shoM »l least a m«wler»le ft vlme !». fte'mt espcrte-'. r not ROT* , ' v «■ . ii Ite computet r l.eller> to the Kilitor Inetease in 1*»4 " said Shearsee n-c-ri'-O.' 1- • nel ,lvw» l».v» pn v ,,o' ftivi*- b- 'cite* f." mi* —r>oe* a * .a a u«ih more th. llammill A f * "Such an In , 0-, v fttf- Xianarei X'-eeij, .1 10 rtease aiftwld uffsel adverse rl ' *,*i s«-->,.e bM- i XI, i A'■ l. nwtohera m - ^mh different hit Protest to Personal Agonv s- m .-.* I lie a* feci* en the ecenftm* r reft ted h* ! Xivbiear. -N* , •pdfilV »>w'* •«' 'he I- ••• miliihtT pr.»i;,. nossihle derltne in rumtrm • rw.Krru'- n«e «•' U*e x- t . >«"* »"*"• HFCFNT LOST fln.i FOlS lien ftfiiftU* and in Inrume re- ..» f-.f n:h.* wrk •* **•*»» relied hi farmers »•?,*! Ml «• f IF *■> r s Trftl- I om xirx v M. Hohern Depleted in Ked/ie ("overage «<•■ tsnsdthiion wma ftilt framrx Became the steel ft'r-ke 'v»* s^vsv. vi» •» ,-lhcr i,»h« m«er <>• Spa;!., \c.»ke I \F \#«% \na{sst tain oondoswe* ••»« nss fees in- ..•ft.-. *er»e,i* sh.HdHg.n i*rs*c„ • •> 1«mmt V V ftiftrlm • e awi.vnoWe lines. H mil be,'*mft«l Nee"-' PERSONAL liitri'iHVtinfi ihr flndrnl n ho rape. i% the ,w-.( ft" JVft'bnr .■m>*ss.b e f some X*me to g* V». It- 1-411*1 79 spaiian lo he a rale. mm«i. idea of the ha* unde 1' I Vwjutlire' a . I , - < i ah rah' miiuinr »l should hr nftUT-Ttx*P fsistrtox owen < -ig « «v.m* locftH, t pointed onl thai Ihr spatlan 11 the m ftoi b * . ' ».ie «■!' holo *>-,i »ln»*« »■*> The N(»irs hi iltbol llull. r >» rs . >■ Matting Tonig » .. .. on I supposed to l»r this hind of c ■.• ,fh V « C Nn iM'-e.ltr# I ft;'- e\i.ii :ne ' a e ava.lftb » '••* I Xiteiiiftan. UAHM • ft"' ; puhlieation at all r>M •?v.,s far s.igse* that the ou III*"* ON' H.»f Jhi« "! n:e*.i tH^it the .s«W • vers f*vof*b'« (.(Mils Claim .a,x»S! Ii hut fwfii Kimiit Iter •' • r • |i«vrt eft jvitnd* Um« t her* ol ihr Nmih • ^Kwra. *at.-.>-e and fe- usfxi . ... , o« * rv* • 0a 1' llttll %llM|tee '* &■-. wee.urt* nattre c ■ .i-.o* * fsonor •* ttf' »rr idu »ti i>*r, .1 a*c h»»;jg'.t u* ifi »er C* e!1 m h"~tir*r that i r»mrn» nf«*l»»P Iditortal Mil! ... ■> "• we ■ a;x - the p»> - GOOO v • » Itkll kit ihr for ei u roimklt irrr*pon»ihir* spsiian Maaaainr • ftlSH ,v - , * d # Cut Ck ■ • \\t nimho* hi • ammifed I ointnc a to the I ditor an Inwcase in the net priee paid pl'i iff from ihr Ktncfion | no ht the miMinb ef autftfnfthile »i f, Tu*M \ x *w rrrrp w rru ay » • .. • r,-"• ft W IV • rnv Ki-.r. . uf| tmri our mail in the IhM hitsers «h« tr»de in eld ear* _ when twftfta 14 p • •U' ■* V .• V Halt Jail pun basing new ones Tin SftHWtNN nti X - I F* filf « the * res- ») . < -«H> "» i» * i . »»,. ft; rn Mr; u»* sr or**' Ht.ffS tdhfi Ha ♦' Ft.lKXN t. ftTf - M.m.1. lens* i* Sf #,r * . j 4 svftli. IVftPX ii 0 ft NIX U.X",1 ce - r,fri Ph««r.e IV frt" *#• - r* • , , •rl,- FI) ftflfr * SI «s«r." r**»c: »v *"-• x* • nvestme" pjc- SERVICE • ■V R , c • POPs S»!» i'hfti.-e -rM-Tf**' crado* I'll •nr * re-'*r» . .ft ?»•»* .sr. » I «>:* •h**e roods step on ma teet and hto. h Ihra forred m* tision as ate «.ia Ae; ;,r U» me »Sp^ CCltlAATlhC- iNSudANCh •*t- 4 1 I to Irate in thr middle of C'osswonl Pttzzle Idiik (atanii Names Utthhrid ha he^iie't a prttwrmanrr so that thr a mat \ 'n ' • 1 q;.m a t- * i mahr a lurlrs hut it Is e\. MViimt ituar'.i * « Add SHOWihtG • •« • ' ' « aciosi Si F*e»" • • trrmela dif4Kt ,f P> * ? former to haar his . - ■ Spartuit Now audieper I tr - •» U Ur-ehmm. <5 t| I- ■v c . ts - f . Sensational disappear before his eje* tlirhi{£iiii Stale \c*» t>aat"sa'l»g • lir* v i rR„- • =■ • If iia K • s ..-oar. MXF J* i vuflf'1 Per*H-es R»ANDX» Iulcr*Art Mag ■ X X ?w « r r : t n t r»it s * •ftcN'c •- I A Kd-ft. ft to ihr I(tiHi! nt, r.„ .» n. •thing but a f'jU e.- ixn (•.*•-« ea*» VlyiAtf *•« .-»|sf «" 4' »»-or I) F \ t ■■■ « c-1 « .«a . • n in e.*-» 'X •• ■rr» F'K»*x r-vdisue, eufirt tali TA> US NOW ' a Ii r«-ur.,n< X Altr*. •< " £.«■». f "(Ml la the Idilor '■•t unctt v IVur : ,v so» a i- »nr fjx tnt 'win •*.*; I \ - 142} I M b * , i O fj*r » ..»>*•► itnnny *,».T*«>er * *.-.x-r.; m V ,» -ai .v. < t i.r-4 „ ,t anecta. '*esftm*n -.n...* rOUt «0 CAAD ^S. FOU* lil '" j^c - . .. f «• - . • • . r ex - . «* T'-y* SeninV sw.unmr »«c*i ■ I"• ?e»*->x as vf.-vme «!»•» i^anar u ■ M _ rhpne- . K Oil/ If w«f •- : .., S !«-» *| lb# »o*t TxciSi. s»P\: ** litd.a* V* M THOvFiOhi ifwtltts r »vw i.> .• -» k*U t *>re-try Mi.« theaU and ■at x nwmiam ke'Ul'»» S kktf-BIO » It was traamaUr Ti e Aa«0< iaied irtiea !» S-C'Af P-aftde- IVl,f» !CI I'jMft U Fat.. a expertenee 1 hFpe a-r ■.» er IV w *fc» e». tvifftei* v jj>e nw t e rrtvtMMi- •»**r ou hut va* thr photocraph n,' our «• i* • • vmoet .r, g-at- ail l>e .V*-«l Itr*« t-.tjr.-cn iv:> * A'^-ri»» »<» if t \-m „ p; thr a ietmif in snirnj.r,; y.«.a- rig .-saMi »-tHi ai.erid ;ne jrx,. »n Js M*ftvu»f •• eel, a* si; HOUSING Ji Rftnr- I ln« •• rs*' |inr«v»ri * %'«,i «.ii.»o-riet) «s o*T.,h:e in »e- IS fw pnr ir..'rr > }i Jurm of 'H iectgre-OatKr't e»r>i-e '(-ir .**«• irr*;' *3. r<* t«« k* »> jr-e. IV •**44 v» ler-' j. ft- for were Froio to Fs Oo»i \n~c0 * Or > v- *, V: -es * '.O ih *« p".u.« or it f-w« . S-l**r hi •-.* - A a News Dtapattmes M k t»e %r\ c v«rk £>'. A hPARTAN X IV; I J»er • m M-risaii«>ru ' -• - *. —, - : n*» .1 APAltMiSTS t'nnr ser\>.- " wm. ». ft ■ r" * Mo- ' r\.**.e*it*e *> ere h« f!ie * :'- •wp-- ft' n »-uah . the MemtRgli' utxrn!ifh:ene*N More t-'ian 1.200 different U\- *.ltl..Uie« F • • f. rvie-makt-rs .tn*: Cari X'OrSG WOMAN TO there mod¬ Cnntad dr* M «•?- Come-' f- s. . r c. "te-.r-une fj'e av-, jpuefte i-ber^c- San.-iburg g-iages r d.aier*.« have been ern ,'urnsthod iM'imeni FU J-ftl.Vi i*r inform*! m" I "ffi, K-iodu'od ?o appear ft^cr J ia iK>«m 1 if i X •■ Kit •»,* persnrn. ;; a - ■■i.m ■y Tlaifdliv «te; lifted arrK-eis NoT!K Ame r¬ p» *r. < ■ EXCKUXN n g- '—*• ican IntUad ttibe* hi peat t*n- * I fr>i < II ' '.r- t<.*» h'ei o T .m.»re f e- - SOUTH HOME ft FIRNisHrn TEES last *< . Henrver. Uft trar fn the • k.-'. o-r , «*: . • .og he ho* » Marrif I'rnst tunca. aiv--—eel Private Three r»«n* ar,1 ba'h thrsi* ter-r spa run transition sarVini One bj»-ft Er« after }>) »- !«■•-• frietwu a «a* hegnn Pe -i 1 ifc " 1 ar»a . - to an inter -arts theme nhteh * a-our broU«" mor and pin-up magartpe that »«"n jmwhed art* Married 9115 couple or sinrie Jan* Hum- CD EI>- Betaev t:"*' thr oor month •r trun' jmge ttf Uu» neu>- f-idl after i o m X ■ 1 i t presently appear oa the nehs. .- fdpc:" stands TV AND *AD TWO MT\ rrVDENTft srllt share lOW Tit— U .te*a ( hr»ftmoe Li, 1" al ' 1- 5 rtsjoi .'urrnhed aoartmet,! with „«ed T X «*!» « VwitftU drtMPkl Furth«rrrv."r becauae of a two other mer. IV Mill or ET>- tuhe riie, ft ' t ' [ ^ '^11 ! .. if* ! < ', t -XI • Nhout pupil KUtpeeed aer.T.r«g ftrv ..* m ts...;ege aiu- f-JMJ o» Ft) 1-4EMU H 9 d n? ms r cUtl* ,Jrl < t* I I .. t i amund Krddr Tdnrudaa. the ***** "rah raj " *u.Tuc,e* l'.e SUE HLACh 1\ 1 i RvuiJd a! iNihiicaticBi w —* t'n.'unu*r*d " aecTtrod ev.wat lor r* 9 r*i - ■ fr, J - night s»* of the iplMlia the are— are phtagraping Mana that ii 'nt S;*ru>h * ere to con- 1 arvi J,W stove AduiU 1X1 Durana rcfrurerai"' ED- If ami accurate nu*r«llati*-L:*—ars J-Md CievtrV unite magaaune Fn- iv nee ar.d t« e«■ ,r'« a*"'ecTTrff.: * IN thi*. the the SING I E fiOOM (TOPE to tantui. f Hie tt»r« ;a:dt-«0 S:»-ua edttoripl auff I >n*na f*d ED !-UU arler S vere htngiat prhan •» aet <*jx * ito t&ii «aea ia mind. TYPIST DrftiAK- her* king par mar a I rodr t*D4Tf AT---'-'"" guarantee C" Through our Hooetrr. horituse the «*9<^Ly9,< t La name iv ;^»i ad see- Pduol ED J-lftH gg 51 A*. Sr- ptrtures of " • using aunt* fell short for the " MOVING ; sr. v. u- ;-it furroundtac tncManta.. at sr first issue jokes, f una?-cap- THING t. r •e*'A I-T.» "• tT) I / Mtrmo kv iTATr srwa Nnrfmhfr J, ,.M Pa.f Thff. Tries Lurk ft%rr.MTNT •t'Mr.%1: «M> Rarhpler'a dpgrep iMl Mulrn ||1» Oertnra WVrre ne d»- nee t« indtpateal. all dptree levela are riiiiHr la lalervlew. Profs Study FMPiOYtia roiinxviM; majorn In Clliiiirs Macniilhtii Awarded Honors L Mayor Qimliilaic AhlaMt latairatiM-lea NOVrMUfR 1MB fheni (lt>. MAch. (Bi r.ngtr fit* maj«*r* • f«>r * At Institute* From Oxford Debate Group I1 » A ChemisUy Trs'hnWMil Training Pribram: tta«teri(i|(4gy it\) (M> majors |fx4.«neriior of ^liimesola Two faculiy member* ate in Hn«eari'h j Cixaia Riea enndiiiMitxg a two- t ONHON ' V' A Vaixl, V On nipnl." frallnpr •aid. "Inmp nf A'! p,» t'hemical fovp fhemiitrv niaiot* fmen a ivn- • «eek irain'ng *e««ion in gr«»up ihp memhera nf Ihr rrlwip Mini |kiiii» f°r Office hi Rhilinlel|ihiii ••eni for It A D, rrtviucti m A S.t'os Clirnv A M«vh illl Fngr* for 11 A IV rwductlnb irchniipte* i m lea*'»tinc at the Inter* \mprican Institute of Ag f.M.I U'-ant '-»•! I.fill rilcsilAk «hiM"'fis| sfiulrnt htMXff ,'f ill;, t'. |i th»mr A| ii-»- • *•» Ms.-mil- •Irr'a rahinpl will hp pfp«pnl In «rp him lakp nan a* Ihp prPal Xfr Xltrmlllan h*it 4 ricxiMufnl Science* nfflrPt nil V iTS—RwnMionn llmv'.l si., dint v ! I — A Sale* Fng ; Elect «H! The\ a?e ix. 1 awrenre Hoto- 4.x k cat* life In wall a Intig hwip. hwl i knnar ?i|X'» X "1 ..("Th«l n ls'litician n« #, h,,. Eigv* fo? Engrg. Tlunt Miin- «;«se. nrofr*«of of iemhet edit V'l.l f'-l« pn*li'c\ '.if', tf Noos V Itr »«ill IIIip (hla gpalorp " •lilkl —Xm.i t iM ,l"it» Mr dis-timi n* mayor M I'biln.Mphin Turn- k, tcnance * .cka'S -."It t't Is Mj* sti-p •>! - , entii'ti atk.l 1>. A'ehihald Hrt'lei M i.-'i.-ll in '« si h<| t., ,ip- \t I??!-,' Hc«p.»roh t'.y p t'heni.. M*vh (Bx <>1 > A r« l.ibM«»'ti'iv a •. uh't-'t'• -'nl.- inalti aprfM'h In the a.i.u-ia'e ni"k'fe**iu of wiwlnlkigy 'hr r- ion (iri'stdrttt f" • ' * v i - - t hn t ania nrs ,v s,.... E r'ei-i (in (M* Engra. an.i N.k ftl |X,»\ktim-.- st thr |-.i->-. i-i'inr and anthiopnlngv'' if Ik '- .Ifliatr on fhr »»,iMu»n r: Minnesota hi» .W'vte H.n ,-c J ,v iMiem-atpi- A phvyica malor* miUlaler'* ntfii t.kl I .UTihtU rest It. M .. 1 1 ' , ' » «.-»-!» ••i ujv.r{ of • nrelie.1 in Ihe rniirwe are 1' Ml;|,(|- foi Macintlhi I ifn Is *h"t1 hut b?1 endiliP- ' SVou!o % o -1 s,... V.v f.M TtPrearch ins he ap- farnlli memhrrw frm the Inirr- !,• MMI'C ?f Tot.-it toil cue I'lii' thiii- st.'l is an ohatac'p -tot; 1»., a c, ... . „ . TV.e H >" il.Nviv'c-1 k e v'heni'.atM (men A wamr-O 1'hp a|P»* hptina lit Ihf aii.m M?n|»t«- t »vri'i • «nr X '•!»-; of Macon '- of the n'vl-v-'r S- %merlean Inilitnle al I'mvlala- t ,,i r»„. • . an • \W t!>V I'heni (M> lHV ha. Ihe l'nlier«dl* nf I'mli Riea itifi i»f 1911 X|,i mills it. Ihrn » " • Mis i.n in i-i uuvrilisl thai pvpninff -c that ha* It OU'O, is- i'k c.s- .. Meoh (Mi l!4\ A Civil iM< |4aIII»I I'oIIpsp. had M, i'l iu ;i p'trs' • t Ihr of (dht-r ,. . stuilrnt al fir se 1944 fo; and Ihe I' V Mtawlnn In i'mia rt n»il ot tin- 1 i ..Ml Atld I'l 3'! grvevn.'- sc» 'ikfC < Vagr*. A 1*1\» «>c« iM' apriPlaf*. Irpaaurrr and •••i '.?r mi In fs nf the . hppii leadec* then f. o- r*idr- '*|.j It lea. I arlt I* a auhtert nxalier Met o ill hfeo on (u thr flo.n i (j i . I'm. in • • iill A Xt.Tt'i iM' »1">> majoi* lihrarlan nf Ihp Oaf.ud t'nlnn t v u.d fhnahed And «h»i S'A*w*n to iw hprciftiki repreaenlint a wide ip kr h- f tlru !' siirr, " :i (• i Will liifttin p*me« flral |Vm '.m a'.' field* of lie.eatcM Snrlrl* (hp unl* pfall* a ifphil ■ -nil', f -i flu (iii flit .in- •» - ■ • v,i --or private!v mral* hue acrnaed Ihf haldlni In'an.i S'ff k'o Acootinfing »Mi nia'or< ran«e nf lnlere«i«- law. anelnlnt*. ln« nraatxitallnu pallrittpil nu Ihr • • t., V, 1(» I « n ng s- f»,. ,r • I much of a of ratline IMtrhnlnit. langnate. aarleul A- ■ . 1" c i'l •n the Sin i? . Maaarn In fat rite f.< a. coun'dng poMiiony. S».»- linra nf Ihp llmtar nf I nnimnm ' Ni ,« t'i ... (•«.. Vi»t:i• • l.i' • line. InurnaltMu. arl* and rdn ii." Billlo' to take h> mi.MI l£» . , •.■:*on vewvratic -iXUxvetilv in- ttaVe M\r* Horn HVI ihroiuh t e oiofe-a- ?lX to i" i- r • hp mtrrhrd nff In war . Stas«eu . • M,- v • « 0 «>}■ ' cv with (hr l.rriMdlft l.uarda and He * running on ' »• ... i"hem (tlx (M \ x"'' 1 a, ' . t k ,-f I'lMi/ llicii lloio-ae.e «»» unnndpd Ihrpp (Imp* •issvM. |MX iM*. T'r • «It» I MX. ;k;,i Pe: re. "k.-Id i' V • led he ,1:,« 4 he »p.'-. « i'lii on in ill. M.vti tB' (M- A Me Eixe |x i. Ms. and M V :. and I' V > . (1M 'o.l an a a- • •■■■. '• iilo.j* - tiE'ct'rd miasing ihe Lv, •*« tevprnnr of Mlnnp - i?'c .it's. Iilnai- I'Mikktl F «• It Mi k I' is I In* yuit J ^ iff 1<|;(X* Three lime* . iottie and ».sua' aid. . • -mi lent dtstinc'iiM) uhU h ad i- , f«<« hf MMItfll tlHl t**l , iat iff r.or pmMniiiii :».v,!-.»it* k|M.I*M I* 1*** he Irtfli to iNett liislriiineiil K Weitlo.,i« Too*, co i'o Xte ; A nomrt' I lYw fVeaident Richard \l% . | wMndn«Oeii In the flifn- , \"«'1 .'A Organ . . !»•» ••- CHEMICAL SALESMEN *r IWfcf* ««d I ,< X 1'ng.ney. i to f. • |*»-».mh - '*vrr?e IV'xv-rai* • A S'.ifT tm- ? ,.T A Dm gum Hi t nni|Mm nrnU %r ,v> odce of a XOVMiniR X A fi. 1MB *;»lr*n»rii and marketing men. Ue serve Ihe | »■• •> --ei-i-v .1 mi!' v. 1 ••• k • oe I or-,' k ' POI I |X» r-lg » k"'Cnit.,,-» v w • rtiston eara |rof fax Policies to Study pV. \ .to" otof teopht airiti «linliint Ihe !• n*e *f.' < IwfVwp/"J H aia Tntnwigp l^vt \ "Tkt I/<*«<> Mvfihohun a college degree required. Age JI lo d.V Iml il nil Ih'iiiiii uilli ilinnrr fort r' /SJi/tti 'ii tl, ' lefrarlion i he nil in i of ihe ahorh W. R. MeOONALD , Far Past naie»» hark of an,I lefierlion Ihe anft' fan learn thonnrln« ahonl Ihe •IriieliiTf an.l life of inierx icx« ing nl Tat lor of Casa Nova • v -tori, tindfrhini Ihe earth a anr ' o- i«. Saigon wl'! faer IIIARY OF A COFI) K Japan. Taiu a » Michigan Slain University • mm. N*g during Noon'. M'»\PX> Pro' Pomfrit •f*rang mm m ' « B»kt •* ' r\ of polictta If M akpsc^are didix' wrtfp • »**•'« h«." ft./* 1 ?• a rrmm i •t> mo-vI -In. * I -inrh «• Iha hot»«P lutkrx ha*h AJuewt'.on / is/ / iys/m.-s mint I o v • i-unff1.' hasp turkr* hash when wp nr»rr I ad tufhpx ' NOVEMBER 3, 1969 i •• — t • >r„ •.»- t 'a\ '.he a • r.ft» K-» hmokfsl , * M*ri I wis, a'trr himh I »h| Iwftrt lii.akm • It I I XI. \.l . I.j.i I; I.II if-oo.T.T . -it nfm, tw\ a top n I'taxial Ifstgr wtt'i aatn.r* ot a't« rn.a»n U i»pn# ii.H Michigan alaldvai n»p artrrsl liinpa •ilh •e • • m" ,s^\ere « ga-np • •« oATf mv iwriiwr gnu# Tt e fun. o..a . haljan I/h.m Iparn wpak rltih M . Ihnnpr af l»oo«p laniit • F«r*n»r of l>r, Tl*lw * .» of the Mfiamo- h*«it 4,»neai4f»n how »wn wr ha»p Umt ha^h •hrn wr nptrr ha«l ► •i.l he l« rather inform a ft t*_ an.i ampi'ft lamb* Nntokeil s Rturllxovo after dinner B hat tiller * \Miat • fkh till ronlrlhttf I* • eo,*»r.1 V pf ■cly> »"> i,f>" - (ta'-.if ' H nark • r la \ ' I °h*pfpf inoaiOt# al Mgl.l XI• *H fxagif* tew hetnc raafurl- PRESBYTERIAN » lifinam Mttlenl an.1 rr- ••.a.l. I.. a aRisli rafRfAl faifiKhioerxf f« r (Jiaigra M..t >U •fagniena eonePming \*rl- . .Ifsl Si.i4p>lnk4f MarilaWn* Ami*- 1 ? • .rreiof m rral yraaPtlt II I >|»XN I aaliilt tog al tiw Iwwi-a t« i '• -al'l'K |> < Mr naienlp U\" lUade >I-p xph Mirlx I'flprrsl lot a Mu'i-r fatf aireadt hern rt«»- ''See Russia P' »i. t-: Bnnwo siiri* Offered akin grs" No hpl|» . I hnwi af K- •» 1 h |v 1a« lor » vv e,. other »to«V in I960 K« • a kxfp *4 hamlvirgprs Hal no kip—erl II«»p lo «au i« . ".•..sip.i ever Vhp l.oiMwr* Siattf*' Tea. her i<««n • a M'ne \is{ a,. I.. le>, « i round tuo htifs. 4met* an rnt.iw, te,1 ||1- \\ I 1 »\ t>|»X\ k .of mark* i l'i - , » oni» I i< k» • v r.'utr a« a prr- ■ nniu« ht I ".!•»• shake. (Ware WTulP ' "V* 4 '• • »■■■ ?*!# STUDENTS ... H*. t «■' ^oa«urr> tr.»m Uarwi* e' Itr - rl. \ i*.« t,ir«i Ilaiiil- • a- ••■.? - •'t Rfm.h . !«'• r • ... ma km r»iif« • l !»al|'.. I ri,t*|iat rupp-t* |Pa?"i... o,»n- " ' ■ .n e. Msi' ■ 1-eeeW foe/. Ru».t •nil mp al«xil Imp fe«ul4p hp « ha? iMi •tfi ios n r \kt- - ,ri >a • Saa.i>na*Hi ■ *p*« in Vi#iram IViaa.i. • ms I .ain»aa» I aa»?lfe»l hRn Ullltga ••atkl gp| hpMrl lia-?-. • . -I Sewriw i <#ow |pnm«« laxl hmr limp* lw •» •• •*. ■ f effegieie Cittl*. Kiel v* •cononiicr. \ tnpwl. aiir «iuni|«si 4 aruiim ripwnrf l«g ,»n him Min.kP«l ' » - ar.o 4 hum Ku--.a. Pelaee < ' ho. .e k * -. atfv .soi v c aptci 11. •ak>a. SanUmaria. Braefat • 1 «iv|« •a-kprik! Martlaww U.»niipefiil iigwrpllp No pciiitiaXon aiawt • e—.r: arr aiding Uip ■ iatera tarapr Idwatre. I •»»« •tnpli p»vi light Saxpw kind* of bine . . Ihitims •( now > c fn dmtapms * new aiaiUhW liaigana. H.^aawnw f of .V1tr.ini»'.ia« Raw*. I'elawi (wlieli »ahia im urt-a-l P»»l a *11. j«*et i»rwJ . Ami •» In t*d RALLY e the civil aerv* •aa I ani« areaw nan 1 til*tl>t»\N Thmp park**** tram h.«vw laundry. poiAipp. * i budgetary ad« ■ Sre year Tra«4 Xgeaa m mm ppfateda. NX huagrr I ait al IhfBB... i^au m Ampnmn hndawx • ft • •nl • raiio mubliahing a nrtwivk. a Maupintour> «n tm. V» IT. W T If MtiWd KilliMM Bdn'l mm* mt*m gm. I m . . . lhnnpff *4 huuv. h« mrtmmal-nvmfdirt C'rIIovbv »« bag ieumU* ^ laboratory and m?iii>—i her iiigapRinl m Ralph Ipkiapar Rhdp are p o .!• taciliUna. ft'W-kad arsiix-l U» onagratiakMp Njmplirt. 1 afp eceryUaiv a -sip nipal. . . Hipix a*n<4n1 Msrlhnn*. I Mi. ahal a pn«a ,4 «,«k TOM'S BARBER SHOP >p hlariUmd ... And ■» to le*i SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 59 *;l««tii i put mm . holkinn nit, Mk,W Iknt n muni (wa. Mid m l<*> it. auntsna and all other M-a>h par.fa ndw at this ■ nl M a unnt Tkua l «n nndy far • apUrfi pwty. a dMu». HOY. 5 PAPER FOR MORE ' '' l nee, $ring as many as you vto—two pair c*r more B tm . Inimii dido ... Mo ukot do j-wi think luppwl' II- any order of dry cieamng! i B nund no in t nmpMan, Ikn'. uUI!,.. Koaid k» . Ukra In. pfu. and? if I kodn'l faiW up Inno in tkr Int (urioiw Ulllll LAiailY : ...AadnMknd. ■ (iiims ; tan faynni Brmmih ~ « air J In. Ik. raOffa Wiki kon mmm nod foo mmm km ImnMf ffc.ffin. Ihm ckoilll (Wl right tmr gmm. n Osndr foMu fo Wo gtmm d».r MnMn I. fo iiiw korin# Mmrm't INFORMATION. 2ll EVERGREEN ■ mfho.1 hlimt—rkiUp Mmrtim. Fmr Mttmrgimt a.forgirnt ro«(- m M- tloio... ..All mod. kf Ikm tftrnmn of Ihlm coinmn. I - Mfiiil •_ 15 Teams in Futue Russell Challenges Chamberlain For Pro B The lab team" aiw h»'t Sr.- Pr*Tt.-;o^" huA tr»uh r - -fc> met lit an rahibitm* eofltde for the find time in rer- eairtea. fr.c isVv< free furr. thrfw* ana rrnrc the- !f V : r,« ">rt \BA Prroiilenl PmIoIoK olar Mi rompetlttor Satarda* mrbt berr mhm tbe t' elurt |tlt% Vhar. Cf"• ••*«. ;r. : f*c" he TGpWl+A tf- tV Plane on Thrt-a* l)ivisinn> —v.- f *r ,'fT' * - Bo*- bnvi in Philadelphia "When JViswn p1*>vc* a«ve"n- -»en-..rii. V-..t«.nna' Racket• Ir the off eeaaon. R.j*«eT? ttpe-.l Mod fur * meeting v :V r h;. .-HArr,p;onf erfh.vl kir.{ hour* p-srtirrr.; h:« ahotv t.rv? prartire la«"t mncv*' ftssv*.* TV cirrr-^e- e' rrf*0"*t» V The- pfcr.r'.rvf kid arhr oonoen- t rvanj-»: h.m.v-«-v anr.-uo.-op: vou'iA hp**r f taVe a Saefc «ei' t-s *r.-. or. Workmg ahot* a no "Oka* rt'^ TV. a vmrrr ne*, to rooi:?* Ctvarrher*- nhbing mhrtupd*. a* an A. - «e> don't export v> ret the bar «e Vmmoan for dr fenee-mi rvl ed morh TV r«nna «un firm* ' It v-s< a reh*Kh ft.' ** rror.RAM TXTY»R^I %TTO\ _c %ix rp 5-Mr Ruvw'.. y.fce But thi* v n-nvr.'t k'd.-h-.f B.iW"; V,- svrT.CfA ?* 3 po.-.ts s« fiv re"".-- -.,-vr (*.- .iff tr & 4-fi rtwr-.i .• The NBA He'« ft.". - ng a neii- is per .-.•vr, {AST LANSING DWONE t 0 mark. t.v - lj»rt • - Bjss- .i AIM I TS mn-iMtKN :<« twipM 'f" jV' T*-* an* h; «•' « : 5 f r;if if. the play.'*. voa SHoaivr, —~nRST show 7 r.v ("barrbrrls v the " ' •<"* • pant **hft o<"r-<#* h -he Vnrr'-vs Aslvyrf lost fcf-t- the Han em fujr-jn.-h a '-ear .1! w&shrur.f* * h G)ohrtr»vtr-s. has a artvan-'ape r'i % II V aMTIK hruah >| for pruruet and * -rpi.t*' - nr. *> a rru«~r »...*-*• fur 1 r. the tee arena In pMoonvtratier. Hall The »er sMoter rtni t* open from ? pm TneMta*-batardaA Knt pertiafH be ba« not ronrt- and 5-5 p tr. *n»it' M«T atndentv opon vhew • od or Kuweit* bum in* prwte u» mt «Mt»r mean* of »deetifaratMm are rharred .•!• maintain hb «uim a« bavin - rentv admr«v»en n hi»e the peoeral pnhlw >»a* » *1 ba!?'« Ve 1 bt* man. Chan-bo-.air: ev^erv*. tftmyrs bf Rus«pT tfi The.* Ithlbft >" CVm.-h Rad Aurrhs, -h find for free: ir.g, Britnin Bill Aimed Betting .xit the rookie player ifcemsehres! murti B ann rr. -.-r dir. 0? no* the srore gs^e *V - aff*i"»" at Rusmv , it the moment a on ran Wt In %hrmr, Cmn fffllllll ' M*| f'*"*" **»" pfa*»0 «w*."hV.'*.f auc.- <4« « . ow ^no«l\f, ,pfcrot.*e-s. k.» i? * on het In ravh aitth the »•*«•»%! mi rkwor* wtn «iw i r ami to cotmiY vtreet rorner book tea or be fit at mfTTIA PT filTATOi SHAPTWOIT Pini* HT P\b vbenv both illetal POPTPiM i wmnirt or thi riairi at wvcmoAx bTAti A* he va--»e tirm e."»u ran r;."* bw'fi r>n# IBUKEBOT! •': • SXTK SaatHt-bAPRPJNE rvntwrr: :v- >,£.• ;* of? ;he tmrk—oe. a • • Peal n Pe«ur« • a tftf t a% | CNHevScOCiC kHOP> AT *, A VP If TM. r ha.-.- Yob *ake out an to Mhna ia eiw»t■ • U rnharw a* Vtr.H- v ILM) a •.-.r o'* * *■ B '.■insert book r • it Aft 11 »r*ri . fiTon or nrmi pituh ka thpi siv a or htkt p.aor "o-ar .V bet -elophone |W»f» »'i» Tbe- bill * ia fire vented to pirk up mr mr.nmp* « few tw.v» User nv-h»meot U<4 Prldat ha borne Ts» r remeirmt b;* kirftf »T •erreu-1 K A Pntlee p »ill ret.m-e tb-ee reaAtnrv m tbe <*" n Tic ;>j- a; 1 vhr f.iegal * ' — ter-i. that have fffven the 7v>'.:.>e Ho«»ve of < ommofH and tbe thompifig ' hoodartie and a; ii/f* .-""-scon a ra«P: he't v: a» mriaVir ^ L—. V8||U BRADY Sfvowx Af k-45 OM T "Tbrillm* Chilb' »r*er»te,vi as gr^iie- ordering the week a The parrer <1? tfte ChJcnfP mer-tKif **a> mare .n *he f-anr-i «e ^ Ylat VATer. a m- -00 jfmsxT oo- a -mn tor*" \ **\n that mA> r»e ienea Vura*e»jr, ar--e nm a cs-oaroer carr»t>i !T.{ y ihe L*k-rr» patil ...» a. frJtgifm'or « ^:*./e .f.V- •.-..•ervat^ f;.t the heC'.ihg >ER\ H E ED 24K>\ MStl Vapfiit* Gob To Mfft in J-tadiuis '}•;».>—II... I.- I. \pfiin-. VK-JKY V.JIIU, Vamtr C.r - • "* tffkt kipiipjii: j'n tU'.iupe.. HELD OVER..a MICHIGAN in tr.* Saadurr. c--s rr» '" Weaaeec*' i-ff c. stfl l)« I mice Suits TiM. amrtk'g m Goi -p XP Second Hilarious liraiaant. A rvn-.#, Usn W«rt- - . * "* •I HK'HtlH. u. LlKlKVIt! Kmc— •TV? Week! I- hurhuct;n. V t. Su; ),» . . irjKI:.;U lerjKkjuurte-s s i.n :'i* iii its tiirmicii, iu! :i.e l» ClaC U dtkcusi Witi . .»t -Ht liiM .ifil-. Cwe Yomntif A "Lift" Br em uiuinii aitenc tlm niten-ie*K call tr »Tite- liirtan? Grid Practice ( enters State News Bailey'2 Downs Bailey 1 Mill mind Passing Defense. Natch H-s ><*\ Ws r%T 2' vi-*« kt^TMlXt tiNArXM '■ \v*fc r l/lflll • . ' ■ a ■ •' « wU'< M*r tvt.Wv • Praise* ^ W»i.r t*fe t-Mk-'* *® >* • ^ ff\ * Vttrr^ri | *£S -:s* Katharine Gibbs VvkV-s TV V> * " jcK Way . X ir Memorial > •—"•V Tivo Itouls * «• (lump W;uiU tint ■ ■■ :'■<* • " > ' Scholarships <•■••.» (.aine » -f *:v. ». • , "» Mi- II ant I.Sl • ♦ ■<»* '* f • »♦* w r.-j l)on Jordan Riftm NT .v tv;;v\\s i f ... tw f»«c | »'• f . •>.. .,•».« «« fs • v 1 H. > v■ < :v» * II itli Co-Manauvr . - « «^l*V * '-.l , A • T*. r-. vl> •«♦.* *<• *o lnk|rWH9«'<>A Tos111] .. Uv* ^ >X • • v • • ' ♦ .<» I w. o* ''ec* . \> .xNt'K.i V> ov:** v ►'*•• •••» ,• w ■ 1 * .. v tv e«*e* •• »»«» v »« DSl 1 - o:**.*--*!rt-' u 'cn >»• 'l,v,k '* '• s A V - , IV ' • ««« • *M« '* « * I ♦ *1 ** »!'♦ »<* «• Ne<"kftK A* wart* • er* r-rT),," - r->. r Heviit«c! • e ' i*s »v» *• ><>1-0 In thf Ti*t ^tisitrr * k •- n • llra^.in to (!o;irlt ftw« I *rni»] ! \\ r•»»i»»itft »»»»< tt\n btlt f«r thf 11* t«* 1 mm" S«ifr, X t»*r the rimwrrwim KATHARINE KG . »nif«t h» J V v »».t F \ .an-.- F \ V r««t^«t thr R*»ttrr% Marine S •• !*'•*> tiM*: ,«• '•-• It ,!i GIBBS «v t. . .< v'.T .rr«rr.*i.L -v. IS. It. -n t.r 'f-' '» •' p ** »Ht IV. !*» !h. y,.rvlk< praeUP* • M • i mtiWtatifoto , » h-l|M «*M '4 IMVKKSITY MC n|1r,\ * * "Ji! Fas: VaM. :• »*»4 tk»t If lltf « IT STUDKNTS' t»r n.n nthi v-■ - * i tbi'f it<»» ftt-t « V.% re-m*nit« *jh» h»nrf r • s Crime l»eef eprn fate -amluhh an |ti«— v> '-r , ~ r r* pr*?*e . . .'rtAi'% n' hv% rit^r tf \ r\tt:t lanje plate—«hipped ptttalit—roffre «*«M Mr# *wt »» »s\»« *n»« :* f • tl h*7. ' » *».* ► *. « *h»n » • or milk t v»i« *14 f «•**» * nil I %n»w ia > t *h»« ' * Kna*l I hit ken—tltt**»*tnti —(Miiatik—milk or Hijj in Hi .nl« \i i ii-ci! ll'vm H» lr * 4 «ni ' • Mr*»»« * Inrit.i tttllH 1 ♦ S;v- ■ t «•.**»*«« 4 l" t mn*»*t*« ' * rttffee lllilf* » W«llr* * » bedolel •4* < -? t , . ■ * t ;.* >«V ' -• i ••'- Din vlo!> (»i\o Denial HmirtiirM ' U I K t *•'»«* *!*»« 4.1 ohnw f t illirr * ***** 1 * 1.1 *h»<« I • 4. Kaihrf * * I .!**»» 1 • ► 4* HmirMitia • in I BOM \W OK \Dnino\ >\mcii niicini.iv M l. Ol' *l Sl'HClM, \C- r*».# * f.i. ckti/I:BS. MU ■5 t; •. ■ I ' fw i* tfcr " i rti 'fH ■ »«tfN • r .» »4h;riw h*t ii i K ii t : 98c f,r* V**t •"!* k *S r• t% tPtn- r.f AT* .Art I .i-i 2 M:i«- *■ ** t in ;*'-r :» *tpe*rt thr \rr 4«h*» f -• tr-Hk kt*r*i1 h>4 * S. k» IMIliM ST I DKNTS: l.tmktnu for a really . r*»i vn rwiu v.-.- • t « ,>«'(«• ~f- 1 line meal thf* Sundat etrnini: ' l or Ihe #r*« '» lineal rtii^me al haul to heat priee* he ^nrt to s isit . . . linn Irii 11I "HOUSE OF BEEF" NOIUT; All meat* *er%etl h> Ihe "lliitoe li.f ni Mn l •»f Bee!" are I SO V Crime. Nothing hut the he>t fur %mi Ironi . . . 1 ■■; f.- :v "• -rr—t r ?.*»- rr rr; House of Beef :>* u *■.**•*.* .-vw.T5 '•li- -..£•■■ Michigan State University |rT-';' ' ' " -iiSii Hi- J • «• * FOREIGN FILM SERIES "»W» lt*B vT. * v. k- pev . i i;t w. Mil IIII.XN m a mv» * - • *tr :*■•# I NEXT Til lUITtM. (Il.lis. 1 • • f? Mawm. i®" jtriM'til* ->:».-.•> V. r«i» Hour**; Mon. • sal. 7 a.m. - '* p.m. ~ • * . • hr S >-..2" "V ~, p V UTT'f Crr- B.*ck- r- "THE 8TH DAY OF THE WEEK" Spetiali/ing in: roa*t Sun. II a.m. - !» p.m. heef. lountl href, t hit ken. •♦ m/tf* !'«• *f - >.*-: • Nacfc:- duck, *leak*. etc. "* v . ;s V Start one I \nar-*h«n Gub iP '<• "f ottt/ you uhiay* rvmrmbvr'* 1 r l fad-Hot Apacy I» r \\. • |*«4and * * He**' lifwraitwi' ■ i - v it mi " 11 (i; < t|t it it tioiitf MtettttintiiiiiturTti 11 ntHiltt til tilt i iitrttiii t NJrliun • urr ;n£ tramc* • C--? ' *#-• taring «iNJ \ /l(t|(N\ 7IIIMI « t \ lit 1>KI SK eC i pdi? UK { tTi-JAClAW IHTilitri! -Ht.MliM Geccp > f i rwm«, H mn\« Fairchild Theatre .U m r**| I U* i' ILLU«I ftot aus* *u»r» Wednesday. Neveaher 4 Salem s special High Porosity paper 7 and 9 p.m. Admission 50( CI All rM IV 24124 "Air-Softens" every puff i mrtrif r Br J' fAB I Utktt tlrfin <2^ zL ;:'u after every shave '■ • if i:| rich tobacco taste • modern filter, too V*..i «« Hjaai 4un Uuoe, W 9**- menthol fresh bwp! St •rwA Sw i« »k t-f ***** a* kmm. . • ' 1*;H )\ ■HiNt-.Tei fju»* MM«V »i )«M i«*<. AFTSC SMAVI by SNUtVON IOTION • WW^FWw MOf£ MOW WWWAFW^m THAN (Vt* Salem refreehes your taste U'.! m «Pi > a . A;- v.# •.*•, Mumw stm MW« S, WW Expert to Rrilioh RwearrlnTs Odjll of Coitiiu 1 «vfnrr« VtmhiW h» Cufllll* <>n * i.ri in Knctan»1 fiw (law**. XTTTCASIU fcntfand s<~*> «- t ];cvo* it si- Vm \n< -r*.^ a mv»* hmrtrthwich mewtws ■•' * ffcmii? The the Afhi aje*i!M* irman; - Mse :V-AX N^.n eh.\tN>\l er o.v«:rv»rvV\ a rntts, erippJin* .• -■ errn xdsi'rh.v^ Tt way * - f»A>T tVTY.T N' l-.fMtNNl* »■> a?ire far three neeta .n a «V» llit ItrftHk I»«>l«» *M« SJXVJjO CheWlN*! IHAtTfCni. Art Or J V Wall**, tfct \nftm- -W* vuM pi Mil VIM the «• %r%\ ttmatum rmmltiM IV. <;. W FVtrve a rttMWli WVtt In wrofntVWx »M I*. * J fYvrinttMi. • rtttvfc feWa* r* Hirthdax •■Rut *t are wn ivKVimjtj The e*pm™ncr.t has made .t jxxesiWe te ftiKiy the n-tyie lift hitfvey ,y a ^iiwphif mas»*> " :J.-'7^yirw« Vuws-ular iTrtrtphT may he tma KtmniitAtnM Sftrwt' "r 'OA" >r rv/v. Shfc'Vf *"»m-;*wv Ar™» i -ex 'sc f,-» " » ».A*e**tts*r.{* tunc* «ee ViW^XTA. \H ^ B; t ,or l\r-'Mr eAjxwtjiwv.. jr. R~fWiir». s v. >f«J- "«r. "«v/ "h", v u« (Ttx4. '- Shu-fw :• ftisr *>r fi.'M* ft- -ryftf, ■ \ t v."> "•nfv :v-fs.- 55 "Wh «<*.> « .i* v. « fih Nv n$ * tv.v.vrr in ad* v'' em en ,■»»<#••! i > , f ' '\".T~.~r#"~r>h' ""r-TX-jv.-.n - \'''.v,ifc>r.u- S-r^ATisss.y «. a ,1 trif tr the ;.•*< ■'' ;m« fiAhents Be « *M * r.v.Anes in jvVar e*j*kva- he "sarr.f.'r" X --<• tewd. S.-** ' cskf 'v Si.« #.T*. S>—V"»A' *V - • -. \|*n.r,yx». Oaru.i* - .y, v- sA'"« tV' h*vt taken • "f «• Ni tnnuil tttft w y» *s "■-.Y-vanre" f>\it »y the far S*e*A.*;v".y jv.* hirnsr v- a (\ .vr- ,« tk^I» x ."v;.ih. r*.v ir-pt ;;r col # sac* "*.'vw 5 r rt .^'. . ; Profs Attend e.<* .V anr iwrr. He <^->rv*ris1 *r • V%1 N* • tnlr.~iv— ■• ••*.»,. r%fWt »n thr r»vt fr»er lived h.« 7«.%:ar iibnsrr o.v*» "•♦w* > vt ces vie -MN- . » u , - ftriesi in the Com 111 Art m, UNI K tm « milliA* «•«>.'' hr .-r-f .-vf the • vi r«v #h?t m ihtrt-r d»< s * v ftr> dtwit w r® «rn. •— a S.-nKI**- * ■**- »»«; X if !»afW imw: »• ■»•>.> Conference • •• **nui£ nr rhr rtiet -make ar. he ■ y.i—c«UU««.%■ vr<-iv-i. H --.s, • I r fr.» I IwiUjc' ic *\- • r •■ -». fWU;h" rner-clTe-H rvf P*ss. wterrt tr e -. i the C&Uvpr r*' Oommynira urn rr ft S »»K!nt» «" >v i ■-•» 15 A-ft *nr. e'tuv. f 'etrtt r»«"tw- Mtw C«- lwWi e. *^»»e r«,-»rr T^- ar 1. wuf: Lake Htckir*- s*V»me~v r-Tr. "t* •r^ervt a "rtw Wcrwt V ~»r. s: :« PIZZA PIT irdK1- te "rx ist wrv >.-v~tr, rvskr vu« liwiiimed r»f RESTAURANT :he nre*»r* newrt» bt*, rtefjryr- r*w Tit™* n.' fr the Trtt»"tr>at>nn*: C'/mrr unyat i sv. TVT*- sf a'A 11-T! \: CAVT RF.AT THIS •rt'WH *1 nweMedim le the rr- mrtmm tfce« tnernta Hmknif «rj.k A (n*t «•■ Anv«T{pBn"tnc Ass.Btar: rv-an wis Va>h« J iwaiw. A n* Crtmrruni.v- '"R 5"A . s-.A cr«i., Pmv Htwm! A kltir. puir. !r thj* "*xr we-* ri-ver - «.«* ?>:Hr- r. r.-v i" He Tm i>r <*fSr» M»uv Hw«i *r>- Ma- rs-jir TWari*»n .-*r*r*fc"tmef' rrnwn wmftawyttiir » • s; T^ AiewwnsV Rfteee FUa«- r-rUn Huhr* EiimgFworth V-j™» -t* Hen rtli ld»uterH*?»*. I \»-jj Ikhu n I D 24IM aiu rw-vit K*.nb, .*v«r»a™tn'WT' n* *,wt. .'rthor etB^BWBW r;yrrihe™» I* suHma • 2JWM\< 01: - nnmAstOR eJn-ie:. Terr* Ut u^MKnine f'l-w-ur ir tr»t jr.A Set..•>&• nfi -lmrrur. ktb • s * .**en™pr - mr. '•*-• »ftw-s-.•*•* IjrtwnsiftT Se-^ ••"*• v'n.-eer of Aff-u-u".urr and • ion (.ttxNis. • VOTY*« TTVC XT r-»nt Rx-mm imnr>*if rti-er* n- 0 rnr- Vehftiui. T^'iir-Btr it .Af • • wmn RUAvavi. • OVtMOUIx ru-u'tura, » nmnimu.-vu.uu. • MLAkl oilti! • 5TUM.X • 1 uunri « wmiii • * IHfll. $2.0lA 2J*\ 1.00, LK\1CE CALL I P 150 TKtm tW AALf AT Ci«FT* WW ttTLGA II11S L\RR\^S SERVICE