Tin* Wrallirr Talker Injured ichiffan State News H»n» >>«* I'lniHly. lt«M rain I In IV*rlK» [I no Turning SI *cr I'M* • llnth l'nrint .14 Sfnlnn MSI For SO Ymr» ~ I'UK'K CENTS \ s> ' * x , I < \S| St. , HI>:AN—WKl'XKSI'W. VOVKMUKK 4, 1V»!' will' Discusses Producer Reveals Spon sor ncome Tax Levy |4s;i»l;ilurv Gropes Yjiinl* for tllemative Solutions Involved in Fixed Quiz Shows \ r—fnattt* ta\ !*:k broke - • V.:*-*;.,* n %S64a00(r • 4\* . v.~,-y >% jrwisw *.-r A • ,«>xwr Yioliui»t : tU<* s T A * I' » rvvt" ttvy., liupn-ssiic Series llotli acullv Sets Menuli in Performs on: Vote ; Controlled or Todav To Capacity *» jovrr hi i'hiioi / Croird \u»i,-r ( iiu.it Of 'Cliullrn^r* Hi). TrIU SeKvtnms fnm\ iMVthtnpit. IUu*h. .tn»l l\tir,-tnini hijrh- . VVASIIINC.TOV .IX-Tli.> r>*ii iw*i*»«n litfhtts! thf |*pfomtt»neo pivtMt In Yehiuii Menuhin, ivnoort titan who xorpenoit coritc*t- Silt ln.|o*o»JWr • vitMini*t. Ust nijrht at tho Au*t. mtt.i tcstificil Tuesday the tttr 1 OT le«ee« #f utvwn IVcV-.-vor s ' S.'»i.f.a v.t F M ' Irani 1%c»3> of M. t Hir liOr trail in the peel tn. front of original big- ntonev ipii " i *->•' * KOTV |MV- ma«.%rv.* I »««>i leartrr astd «. «. t itrlrx Halt taaiUat *» inlet'a •o ;-i " and PstcAhini «e-v nmnnttNf with v'.vi.vr',* -i P " •Ml Oil! ahow on TV, the $t*l.thh» Uuostion," was rig>:c«i an»l irfr*««» at .. •• » vWntiUn ir- "svrf ta\ i* ewwplelel* arm aoxXMtipan'.ni.ent Gv T eon V Mt^uthn p!a*-tsl * that tho x pen wring Revlon In Fleetion K**i* *•».< n'v, •• • ti \!;n»xr." In * Co. knew it was. • S.vat.1 . ,-r( r-'r A t.Vny wte of *t the '• v* • ■ . ' u se Sot Its, h HUvtiietx" In Sara*up Othc x-eGvti.v^ *m1 the were The ••*640011 ••>64.000 Challenge." Qucathnt," N»fh t?*e •• For Mavor , ,v . v s. \ Rumanian lAiitiV* hv Rat* CBS. an.t "TT*# II g Sunrise" on s"4!f meeting. To Install o.v- **, •* ,^x j.\V NBC, all-were dewrnberf »>*• A**" — rirtXt* final «te- Vsvvaruvir a« a vin'tr- date I'mltiifr Mcrt K.»p!in o* •xt 4i!tv-r h«* to rvsW. Mrnuh.n n* IMI PMtintut rm 44 N'e**- York a* c«*ctr,»Jlisi qu * ■'■■t iww i* !«**!• .> ,, • h.. awwixi ;;i theater* and Uetwibltean HamVl Stassrn, Members show*. x V v verf hal'x a" over tV wmtGI. the Vrwrr M;nne«.ea wotnler He sal.t Fe rrwiel eonfes* • X J. ' " S-Mc V a inv' "iN i Ve played Iv- ant.* r»r gave answers to tbem , ,4»vw.r**«v - N ... ....... fe-e audien.N-* h Y -.nnv. Africa t%'x jvi'.:t(»«4. went down t » in advance Kophn had l*«e!- .vnvh I .a Pa'««**• ...... »*.,» ar.j Ax,,. m:c;vupt;ni h;« \*.»r'.,i ettix-huvg det«x.>t ihiasday m at- X.xvier . named bv rhumlvt king V ••»' fCiltUtx'. fC; • •' • • "' '-••• •'* • tv> td.«v one concert at i*ar- tewnoiinii i ci4ms- i.« V, • ••<•• i 'yjv,. •• j ■-,• xiv Gi seaxon he *rt«.xit iv'wrr j won -e-eleeti itt rillru H VAN DORIY «»• In Ike «llnf*4 rhatr «f the I ommerre Saheemmtltee whlrh nj MM *•* • •• • • New Y>« k \\ -. " «\l X , - snhenmmtliee en i.egUlalUr Overaitkt at IVaahlMClnn. 111'., Mon- li digging Into Ihe fixing arandal ... .» -x», ... ,vho'-x . the .'-che*- xy .t4.xen r meediM def.nt s^-rt- d.t*. Van Onren »«*M ranirftomrn he w»« given ananera and even lluf exploded araund TV quia x ■' i ".-I 'U ■; 1«4n Ante lev St given a regular wript In memnrlfe tahrn He appeared i»n Ihe »up- 'X st'V 11 p when t>tlW.H*thd and blew many of them > ahnwx ... n„:.... Ruffae-. Mmnea- pear sit* unrrhrararsl "1 nenly-One" televUien quia program three •ut of exlatenre. x-x - p,»t' a n l Nanmuver. lea l j'wvx.d 190.0(10 yeara ago The executive producer of the r.>u;t. ns*t uneyiMwtes-t M#« fW. I.ffrlmjv xrn I »r« H.».x-.e.-, \S■ a*1 . .y anta. lUHs- bv» *64.000 show*, ,V«-en Car- x'«-. * Ari»tix v:>•;»■! and Tninn* ■net hrsmgld Stavspn t>. I Midland t.OF I !«»••* lm of New York, *upp<*r»c I K >r>- Ds's'ixistn I a|»s s Is sI rtM-ift I nat' »n*J alhfr Republicans i ,x ■•' xtTrt 't res tta! m the st| of the nix'-.tsi-al trai', a'- l,n.a testimony He terfifle-l thnt tt. a.-r.nx the country. ria-c l# the hope \J»r» w,*«M m . th- iisi'l he * f*i*e»*'rx.| \% try ?o- he agre«si with what KopUn he.t #lhe-xi»%«» Ni« opinion is Mersidt" perfvar nance at said atrout the techrdqtiea »r,«t lliclieriiig (f caitml gwer qua 'n adx auctuMice n» the Aud The GveU de;egat;i>n ui U;e J!>i-s) GO!* "•» shows. • iJWii axon i*f • V • and .tlffiend v?hr»hv>. the »im tiorwl convent'«stt. Cug.it w ax th» bf* name Tuert* Is Strikers lit/teal \ ;• '.x'Ai utv ■*, t."4» 4 vUdttMw* One.. ' '.-■•■ master vsrtthwe. were e« - Tn another k»-x chvt .n\ Pies- K."v Ka:? j." ' dav, lie said ho didn't jrtvv a'l »*■- .( • »:.V f • !ftPtYl J'.» " f '— api-laiuk'tl h* the x.x an* 'in*. l»ruvv:w? Hert I'mttv; had . the fact* at«Mit l»w appeir- ,» Y Fx ' I-I VXH i x r-;,'e Y«" «e.' a mvufortab.e :«*ad over Repul* atice on t.fie program tn the New 1 alien h.leetnl et'i \\ ASillNdTON' i,1'i--Thi> Siipis'iiw Court lixtonnl Tu«—- 3'ork district attorney'g' offtre. h*r Roman 'Romi.»; ;n the race iuwyor- cloluitoil tho ,v • But h«» sai.t tie did tell the troth T* rtwe*-. «ummariiPd &-* Rehin tt alien «i« eleeterf - cuiew .r <■( Kentuckx- sn tv- ilny a- Kovrrnmont nn.l -looI union about it later to a grand Jury. a N. tec; sen \ • e treahanan »eeretarx T«e«dai »'* jt' x M nNnii a thtrd s-t the loy.ilit \ of u liiu'k.to.yyork orilor. Ihe nattily dreaaed. M-year- -+■ Dfxvwta'v twn ante* ewr Pat tViram Mi« datr'x pisvtnefx Th« MHII Ths»ro Uipi no irutientlsm when awbeatra leader «b# mM • --"a prrt*;-\ir.g it all^ " mile, ted ?«* »a.Mi« ! iV»vr *v Poland. Turkei •asvc nei i h\ iVt'MTii' A 1* the high court tn.iv hand dswn ald he la in Ike 16 percent tmmsm - •.« • »> s-tehttta* » • C'vtrxtR eld »'«Ur a ;»x. aerwrdma to llr eleelHin* Y- -xtr.x a: - IN . , '." .4 i M-..CX . 1' H«|1 . Still lieadlos'kesl i'handG t\i- agu.M • wdto wa* au'Gg.o,.* \» Dfluilcrs Sol iv ihvpiori. but i' vv.li riot ex* i*s'tisl t'» delay long with thsf hrarkrt «a« merely mmm merwua former f*nt**tant* xrb« pff |«* if-.«-y »-:;a if* M-x Ropu oGcatw fsnrrtferrd sts'. ! null shiitsl'»wrt !!'? davx old. • rar* v -♦• M . :>x.c "4'f prx>tv>.* - For I A (louneil ttr*; ffitn* i th.- x.-,»t:er«--d e'e. To \rime Arl Ills- ju-d ires » bring the rig¬ ;"V f-«r Kv.t ?«•-• 1-MTVf NATH'XS. !*» so I- * •mailt' X. 4 - f r:lm x »• |(»-pu!i!:.-»n IVllli*'!,!' ' wom I'ii.M. IniiiiiiruHtv i i'ir'i' three h<*urx. ij'ts' Then nowsnum there wmild a court ging story into the open—V- though he preferred tn call it insiruetioo* •• P,ex.tav Am-tei't.s t n.iXi! i.ji'ii.i V lie n• * .'ltutsitiiicetm'iit Tues*!«y \V»- A-' Imnv»r;>! wi!l controlling. An ! he wax th* first TV A" • bam. !'ha.x, Konse IVek.-.ki '. I Fighting the bnck-to-work to put a finger on a aponnor •• w;— .- v.svwex-i ,*-? • -.* .* - «• prvspopri? n U'\ \ ' ■ -'•• bo- # c*• fr.' .s'vt i"'f.nt; <>«• :'v h«p;c ••? die deiait,- bv order tx-.ucsl bv .i lower eourt, Arthur G«ddl»erg knowing what wat going on. <-«n« ij* xf M V x< the r\j-K:v5-|h'.od-, tea' In ihe faun »'»• ;u«\ F>srt*tpM.x I'm ct tonight it lini'M Couiiw! With reference to the 164.006 ' • • *r.- rtw.xna A -XX n " be IVru.ss-rn' x i.u«t«cl R. pub'ii at Mid that m enacting the Taft- Tii.x WlU »"• • 1 7 lib 4\ 3! Fivion. Question" an,. jj.. ;e xeatsvi a lioer.l'. n;t>" in Ih- grunij. Mihesiuleil foi Fine Arts to break strike " tote ----■■ •. -e e -. 'o ftius' • at piVxcyxt c' *«**" I rativa! Week Replying for the government, Fratcrnili Man . x. h. u* M« •'The aponsor wag fultf 6war« ^ ^ in." charter* a ' dtv. )««■* At '-x kviggef!;•••• • • s.M»nH«'i x tm the d**t»nt,' w t Solicitor (ieneral -I lw«» Kankirt »f*«* ruanl «Mfe a r»- the program was being contro'- x .-• vch- I'hive in tr r- ,'d •:" V •' ' c « a -. d id that in passing the law, rev freeman Improtett ■ v-xiwiate Pr>»ri«sao r Huiwr UnI by the producer." »» N*-*4 Eileen •. at >« wlaarr Iffcmn kmat * To Act ao x-., tH»t Ijrv « . u-o-i t-t • ».vk, u'f N Oilier* Kemnin Same K'umgixws.rth of I'onunUhiCttt.n with its strike-ending emergency "It is my opinion that i* • *u; v.c. n a.i.w ' earicu* J. 4 machinery. Congress sought tit fair statement, yes." K'»plm re¬ ^ * -s T KOTC At i'owilrr l*uff 4 .♦•».:- . e.rvu%e oveetwifhW , to'*-; * ' Tue 37. tl'.e it'dhe ' .id The eiMiditiun FtUm" c Arts and ijirtHds-r s>f the MSI* Fs»ren#ic>. John Bail, instructor protect the interest *>f alt the natisin rather than either labor plied. "As far «« I kn«eA,', Uiat ' is a true §taterpen!, sir.'* 4 '•'■* * Trut'-et* miir't, Freeman. • 'hjs*ago graduate Puf ' he iil»lsM >• l»{ V.HilU' S C * Arts; an.<*! %■ *>• ;:. ee- !e#xv- U*»: x NBC*Drops v r- -c;. .-e a* boaurti f >r . On the 3Tth fc»aik»i the v > * pUomn. was alight'y inipitwad Harry Mai token, graduate stu¬ than four hs»urx OaJr the u-> Sa xno nv.vr.r.i tlw TV !FV ^rew.'Vnx" a*«em&n dent tluvitrti-nl work Turks and M ?• " Tuevdas Freeman and Ituli.p m All justices] !n their *.-#od or rtreinr IV ..a Grxx .rrva ar- P -.ttfrt-r-y a- :.l be Via t-aftight I' Sn:e»ner «.f Uuudair. Orciux.x dance honorary, rune • u> . - T .Vi ' .'-e Pi K '->,»•» fhi house p., a > a-.t-n Turkey 10 v >:>" block robe*, were seated behind • Heu -ex . i-w e. • both in "fairlv ipad" cmdition. Thursday mxht, .and lYieta A'- Van Doren - ■ iriil al*o raobdrr rremsi*-^ »h u4 attend, ao short. -»f tn« required two-Uurd.x their long bench to hear tho ar. -a : w. f .a e A • Harlo Murk «.»f Trenton re¬ j»h.i l*h.. Friday nqftit. will con¬ e-n--. « :•„« tfefXC ,WlS* !>'•.' Prefdeni Rd n aj'M .' V fUrtld "'-It steel wo! kers appeal from a Fed¬ yw, a rirl' * 1 clude the program f>-. iy*ci?.-c »>pecti lead, but th- mained in critical eoiuiiUt.n ReolsiWf T?-# W-dverii* picture with a "be-vs^e eral District Court injunction ^ e*pec:e; *■> ;'*e or. the ruture report, mfuc4-, sr.-.x-n U*e xeoevi r.^.-e • !e-*> a'f - v- a^'"- v d t«r Vaken *t tr.-u meeting ..t _ sa/r.e iee-**w wtlfrn develop* i with third degne burn* over 80 percent of his body !V>th will lw» in the Ballrusan at 7.30 pm that would send 500.000 strikers From Payroll on previous i*vasioa». back t<» the steel mills at least K*r:ruvi.l btioct 0»> s>ar * tr.e t ^ IK * » 40 p-TL .^nxdr *-« re cbfdtfd ^ also try to save themselves from Wolverine Plx with the National Broadcasting Co. in the wake of his arfm, - "Tne Beat Generation is re.*'- tV-.e-^ eociuoc of T. • ' q-^ee-.. .:rc»e4 it proper world which they feel they Picture* Far Tadav •ions tliat hi* TV quia show per¬ tanumr* tttirc, « g * "'•* JesA, reoellious, clannish and a formances wore rigged. - r^-per at Ur»e %> would have made, DufTcy lad er©«:*d auna« »e r*U- cool. Men wear boards and blue never 8 00 Men's Residence Assoc. NBC said "thoee who have l - atf &u*aer,$ PutCi^A- said tjwe ^ jcens. Women wear blark pull- 6:13 North Campbell knowingly enga^ci in the fraud nvm and a haggard expression.'* Kerouac has written six rw»v- « 30 Gilchrist Hall of qui* show rigging must ue xjid I»rfrf.'Bernard DufTcy Tuc*- e!«, which may Is? divided into removed from the bruadcastuig "'•< Olsav W est's Denuiiul dav night in the Union i>uffey presenud his views on two groups groups. of One deals with people and their way 6:45 Fan Hellenic Council 7 00 MSU Packaging Society 7:13 F. Landon acwie-" TTie mrtwork • action came a the "Heats" and the writing of of i.fe forming a center of in¬ Explosion Examinations 7 30 Fa i Orthadox Student day after Columbia University ®r JWk Kerouac to an overflow terest, although each fia* a sin¬ Assoc. announced it tad dmppetl Van crowd in Parlors A, B and C. of gle protagonist. 7 45 West Shau l>»rcn as a $5.50d-a-yrar assist¬ • A Tbe Banira Wcstcrs oewser* hai tried to the Union. The urogram was The second type appears U.» 8:00 Catholic Student Organi¬ ant English jgofiifcor — We»*- persuade Ci« S^vaef Unax. 'Jw* part of Fine Arts Week. take thing* fw grante*! and at¬ • explore novelistic 8-15 Promonader? testimony before a House Sub- %rt oo a out daterf highly egotistical: they take the poswblUties offered. 8:30 Si*rial Work Club vommiUec Monday, admitting i-e Duffey discussed several of The scicnttAc and tochnafil "1 am" view'as their starting 8:40 InterfraternUv Council g*d advance coariiing on TV t* t»"e acgotig'iflft* place. Kerouac's books, including "Doc¬ basis 8:50 Agriculture Education quU questions and aruiwers. we* tor Sax," "Subterraneans" and getf an tad-W«t group erf Moat Beats ire highly relig¬ Club cited as the basis for h»a re¬ "On the* Road." He felt "Sub¬ gcttau&s wr.o nv« here in iiW- ious. Kerouac wears a crucifix 8:10 MSU Hotel Association moval. terraneans" and "Doctor Sax" Ar. Ar.cr.cin scsenbac report around his neck and when pho¬ U.uo Pershing Hiflcn NBC said "In th* light of t.m tographed for publication?, all were Kerouac's most successful corr-p.a-d A\n awt und^- novels because the characters 9.20 Sigma l»i Ela fact* tliat have now emerged, .1 gr-eurvd e*pio»ioris could be. except the N.Y. Timet had this U 3*1 la* Gourmet- is clear that* Mr. Van Dur.n rrxxe e»«.}y conceAied than the erased from the picture, he said. are individuals rather than 0 45 Phi Eta Sigma abused the confidence of "he tcse&iisU h*d believed ;a IkSI- Duffey Mid Kerouac s novel* type*. 10.DO Ulrey Co-<»p viewing public as a performer Tbe Vnitrnd States ar.a Br.raia And a place for themselves. In Duffey described "D»»ctor Sax" as well as 'a 'Twenty-One' cu*i- 10:15 East Shaw recent American Action ax the "most ambitious bid by i*re reoeateo j uis-Ked th»t ao m testant " of .the Beat idea of Kerouac for literary Tdentity trust* ^rtfcy system for conti * search Earlier, at Jv- iirwtwldl Vil¬ Crf * nuclear ie* u** ***& "real** His novels are not about and the hardest of all to deed Murk Tucuin film Sel lage apartment. Van Dote". w:*» of it, he with-" devised u&iess :nixmauoo in the Generation, but "Mark Twain Country," a rid¬ in a worn and shaken mum., he trie U.S. report—iftciud-n# the The program wan the first of told newsmen he hoped *4very lecture* sponsored bys the er Aim, will be oresented to¬ f Et |H>N RK ** N *«•» I trim ranie* K». t.V\ \* .T-oi:. • •■••■ i1 . 4 - vv -a • i> • English Department Adds . , t:«>n. A >.\ A.HMV1 ,15 IP ■ , It,.. .•:* i • '.11 i\N'- UV-. . .* }■.■■ !'-e ..IV.- ■• ".' "'•*•■ • N • II h I V .f- rP.MR", ;t •« ft' « Uttc." :V .. S ■ Two Members to faculty ». - i ,<( !.'v. nr.i"»iua - * :v • O: h r\ M- r.-d ■ thfi .•■1. im r»'. V . iwrifi t .if th«i*w , T Vv- . r. i* ihe; «»* " " M * '! « <■ fi.h e ' svr *e <• • •'W C ^ fi>v ^ rv* h yv »- V; 4 •.-.-.W .VP- ;v- v-.ji 4 t lirtain Rnrhnn* Ji i* •« tu¬ V .1. >hA* »v. neni t. ft* *tr»?.-tA» *H I mtiih He iwo • ve»r* T1i«» £. ,*••«*•'. s* S»-1 ha* S ? S I-U- u**ih*i- • TO TW MIMftt tv Ol Fi «"S \ ■* «»"* df' 'i rA >»i* R% fr/»ir. 4* en. n*e I m • ,Ht.»ny«"Awe -•".*■ entev Horhi * ■* •» 4 ?.w. tfcf wh->: "Wr «: «he*< ' •• •*+ TOecA x ^ • ♦ hn ' %i-u ■ • three rear* «?t>. ihr trmt rem t:.Y i" r».v Cm<* in. n »ttitfrnt mn»t m»in hut heer pcrfo"n»tni »t h»t. fwe* Vf*nrt»n hat fnitneeA He iwrired hi* v>t wmh\ tain • S.2 »\t»r*rh Hum f»r. the frftn* ih* t niter ^ cars Old ■U.y*..4K MA in !>/••?/•• •* * 'oPit'e hea^ Otni Section BT - ■« ■ reewrn i* etteettr»«ine The all - •> 1 ■ • ■■<> ; ' ■ » !i Af M'iwenur, >r te/4 ,v 14 r ha* atmrnt eAmr'eftyi twe a f«V fet h'« ChP »| the %%rrt in»l' Block > " Leads Rooters fiitien CLASSIFIEDS t ' ■^Cfcv* .1.- . . > ;i : ,k -fts: ;a; 51* • 15 V. 4 sh 4T CAMPUS • m . W> with |t«f t»A*' \Ti» - rawre A-—e-vnn nn.i ' .•/>-> v .«•*•>-' , -e '-e n-ai ■ ' OKAOtxINKS: 1 f»»h Ov ^:t"r prMvhlicr for Titcv.. WM \>cri Th Th. %r%r, iNe Faff Tir-e *hesw C' . nael 1'Vi. Vdfitmn*. WveO're fct >1ae KditmE: h: 1! pm pr > N»r»e! r»C« en Ao'n»1 'Ax**. ■ * '■■ ■•* JV - *-e^ A' Vf '* " O-e • •« TTVFrte \v*. KiTK Vk> • h»< V-T2 her; 1 -V X?A»»eixx VndM M ti*r-r hji* hem inrPM-ed te w p-.v 4 h»Ji '••4 ^ - •« — ft. ,N *»* • - ? .V * ■# Kl> 2.1511 K\ r. :,.is| +H» •» »> ' •* -'W* A > »Vr"V ' "V >t GXw. V V, i.41" | Yt i,c;0 fiTN " v\ W • *f : *:>• - V v* "• . •>;■■ :V R 'v*V *-• »•* e»r " ■. ■ yV. I* '* hi *n ' xi-Hr •» -Cr PEtSCSft. : -* N<**» '" * the W»Ari b**l pr*t+n* AUTOMOTIVE fO"5 SALE •> T*Vr \ •* sy--- N« vV* "•s* •"»•' the *.v -Ann VO CF. F« c * "'V.- The Bud-M.«- ftovf n»*nem rwr ^ w » *■!»«# y# -v-. •'•••' p*Pf-■ ■ "r -■#»."» »fV •■■*>■■* **V. (.'" V 4 • ••' hs.-VfT««IWl Vft >11 ttl tW 4 «»i«d»rt« * * Ci Vm --v.-ir-f-'"' - ; *• • > ■< U *>< VfVf f>\hft t*t *>«!«* tf!» Vv •mm -* f« P. ft.'tl lV » . .Sxft-e-Jv V • ••* »• ■ f%r%~* Cvmt tV *v a. •• •: Ah> • .<■ A riovn-n »nn\ F.-er. A r«* Fst-i' Pi.M>v Cntw -.r. ■..yl * " » *lt V* S* >r'v «'-«• ~r «elftei, »• x;*\ ,V •»-* 'Ml VALfti.x , « - ?>. fh* dv Rw>4 y«. IX e -*<«s •»- *, s, -•,. ts»r 4»**» f Y® ft NJ .I ft.' i'1 e. < -. «D< •» exre'tmW !»-*•* • »' the n«? ftVrx *TOV- JAVA -B.- h-vVe. '^r w 1' 4 *V" ' P^o-p v. - »wnte> r»w«% t*ni* .httrtor <•»*«.■« t "fir, ufin sr. i' •. v ;;»; 4 . » •• ** r»»-^«• • > 'i * V «r F-«Ve* »« n.-v •>.. H^tr-hr-. »*»"► *!*<•*••* " p-*L-» -etlne-x w.'f > - r-i* t rr.»'- ...s TV..-W IT f"r • •v vr. f • or r—rliriftmU it. rh» '« hi..^;ra?ee. P?-or« T\|m < *»*'• ** •■ -K , »-. TV,~4M*> pn; to* »•».** 4 n" **"* «e»t* It I '.*• v" AtfT ft v0-i-« . .-r ' Ih# JfttlMw- •/»*»•«» nf th, ttt^t •»• EV»t>lCv\'E\- i»fO ■ ft-»»r B-% »«r-f o-vilfli*!! h- l*» '•fe'l »nH - ' i,~ rxt nict.-.i v* w ~ftv ifxnf.ftft > rv ft ThK >h* MteA K ^> ->s, 4 i-en? - - -' I -l> I'B- I.' 1- . -V tiVulIi f* * >r-« «...-«» ?' ■* " >). >-i?r ••<»■ • • >-»%» ■ • V; v V- I. ".W... ft - MSI Polit ical Onrani/ations ft-"' v l * Vtehhpwn ; *n*in« • i. - ■ » ■• ft w . *. •-■ ■ O-.-t Ha.. Offer riicon ;ind Praotioe .10'* (^renter Mwiaff? >"•«(* 1 -.4;. rp; « V> P left vrtr-n iv «'n-r r»-i»n.v POM r-x-"* ■*• * •««» ««H 0'«-« *'*-. t M VI Mojv lhytnilod ■ r 0 E'.ft ?:«,* ft R. "f»%\ MR%*Tr* Rojnrts • *.,U- y VS*II«V, ,-\1V X-?««»,1\ ft r -yfi, %V ">r ST- J ft -V ».y»4 . .T*-;- . ■, > MOUS'NG Of ( rimes Warned r»BsN«Tt i itm - * (r> tMtiiV e'*he ate "owt SES\ ♦tSt «' the *w»|Ihi a' fw-H ih> t, <*^ V * * a*at>iHr *»' *ei-ee«l# i ft\-( I '-r % x V.* tftft-t mrmnftm than f>» *-e» r* W. -.tXTrti x. t . MM t * •cur . • #•* *fa ft- -rS <• ..If «■ . f •"»>» ^ ft. x, - ft/ M'- 1/ »*■■;•-*• n-.*.. •» -1 .-■• -■» «• ..-ft • * ..s. «»*> v nrv.Oft.T f '-re » r * • t •» " H*"* * m,. -. . | > | .-*» > ■* - <*.• jM-« '.*1 '■ ■•■ * , -ft rft«| «. « t-aH :-*an#r-> <' >• i*vv*-*•-• ' !»-.*• * XI# ?*»!• #v» i.*.-'t '»»* *ff 4.1N r-'- " ' - — **•». I ..•*!»« ■«**» ♦■■■ » %, ■*!.. >!*«»* «*et • • .-* --•* o ?•*«., a lt H» " «•*!•«. wtttu Ihr At* t« * *~. av;«HTr» -■ V..'W ,1 -y ."!< ft .f ttft?. v*r jmo. » f-n-. h~ '"H i-iijra a^"'- MtcHii'tifi si . t, \f, «OB SAVE «t' #=•►*•. i •v A\r ». * v-v -**r* ♦wr •»!'* ' -a *v • u«rf " I •> v. » , •»h»»w. jt-' nc n-' « a- ana* s v. t» rr- w a. *. v -W,* yr* v-Tirx-x .. rnr-y !' Sb* "... .. V ' • mtwriianro - :;BJr --w ,-a urw-tftHfftf - » -X Crirsswonl Puzzle |«*h 4 ■ -.vac .«• v* •.< ro " JhEWn "■N'T*!** ■l.ithth 0. v of the McV «* --K I Fie. «s. ;KS': r -.nV - "r f . >»«»•♦• *t% ........ I C. TVW~ r»'v ' C FJ> jtm .tm* *»«., ~ X\ wnt ft en " b 1^1' HI l>0'isli 'Beat (ioneratioir Shown . *HnA.»t (MtBS. ft •u « rys-wetre r«e .- • « ■ %. S. tm..-. t V- : v.r 9" Smw-»% ».r. Aflji.rt!® vox-iVi. r t*• sv-M. . . . ft-'*-'1.. > tti»v v tw-* * oxl^- .-•**, In luist-Wot '""ft •'"'■'eirc FJi- « »e x F-rt - d.. * Spoiisoml Film Si tr tsftf If- I • L « M' * »- « -*n.(vu» «*!■' *- . * t»r< V*-i »«W EOOV F "if Wift! ties- E LatJwsR* te* * •ft r-*-•« *«l te* ■'» •* u*rteH » < iiKon* V A l-.ft.-St> MvttiV* *7TS. OffOICrMC: wr-v--. Diftspro w«-A V I M >*—t cTfc Her*-»vn..-e 4; ">.« 4 • U»e* B yMttnt*<.'« t»u? THV. .*!» rv*»> an , • -'** jh auutenss Snsfti. em -o ^ t r -»-« ;. iT-ri'Sas! % TRANSPCi'*'>| r** w. -,t *r, »««'r.>p»%o.hMis n ! firry,** y itU tMe *MH{ fMftlrati T a* e* 4tA*j S S -. mtwemrw thfir aMwrrai ls.-y &*C*BX «U« Mr-rtei t' V* T. -A. t- - •' wwh thwn .. rtw-Ntt tWe) TlaiyHLb 2. Mm m ■, ' * a t^tuft ("*%•*, At- a* » •=^ JN fimrtMM»t%, MMI ihwir - **mrrh 1m die "IK !•»*. ac-i»x>-Tc» AtOHTur mqki; . WAN r. 5 Se'?- ev 4v ...•• t,-- * A 4* «l*c rft"t»eiet moMi.f **»♦«•• "V W*etA EeWft w«r« •«••-.•- *.Tvt. * -• Civ- hyr» Urte* ♦•a a? fe» - —h . fR'WU'j*Wb ««ui>»w»tto- • U.- if -wet cn twauft- S r.f''- ' " •♦•the ^ t.ir» ntom •• t. - mcMh $ «- e,r>r- r«Miw Imt 4 Vt — *'»*• •*.- r(> LOST *nd FOUND •""" ' a AM-hftm $ r> »y. * CAMKX Ati u'tft- V »Af ac.A3iyjftft--7T -t^wetut a w i - V. »,-■* J ~ tiHn or •ygrr.fu» Rrr. 'zrmvm trrvfi- t£-V urtttma wxwuuatTMt. &•« - en* ;r|.4 «nr -wttac r:»- , I ttnoa:'- mrn. W *n- *y*n • t-B«.y *»ci 54 V- pro*: ,T,... ^ KJuii RtX. Clt t - t ft • • 1' v -| - — - wta.nu «t;* met "it »R»niyV >p *«■ Dl-Kct S^OCrfX" r* • rt-r eimn&e ?Mn*r :rw*n. <4grwnhti*. arve BE HRST IN AU RESPEC* r 1 -■ 1 - • tumpiv w*fe «nc «ufte- *♦.: . V.M srw pi&brrm a»*£ ftnaUi »rr wwntrf wirt- KCUsT^; HkwAiW tsewr*?1! r»~ fwt. Ow» « ftfte-i udui 1 •• - • »t apertmrrc « thwjr MLD—the K* KU »X ••>-■• • -v *•«*»£-. ■ymlsmtmr, as thnar ^maghtr. cW\ 4 ;• ! " ' ■ tJte - Hf M-4C^ /• b m ' -l:n ax v Yfr \ I?* -Aet ] tntjplf in»! the wacry !*tunc - • - • ! ;x s -*-: ?- Pk*** twwn'i ^u!«t mme-ivec. the ' pom* v«. 4 «wr 4. Mtt. I " yp; - ~ Jr: -V hz&h stor p-rneipMn jtu: m en> I.HB*r stWi hen.. . j ^ I •■>• ' | H. ' »>m» t»> tft« ltw»» h», 4lti» (TSttni jpsftormMitrwh,, aiUtcwt .xtiwi. hrtv i ['« '.CAM*. ^^-saaRTANS *r H* }• WKSh. » AMw. * - -; 4. M.: «»-.» fhegr ofwn nuamhre ihwr ^ *>«'*« pwvn t*t»* t»r hntiher "I W WII ■!•» Iw ma «»•: aiir aaarr utagumu % m tte- QukMd Ainaiwr Pie: ^ j W - U 1 ;■"»* *"Tfcr Kar1»4> lMt« af ttor eatphtw mmcii* the lemre. \N fc! * tnf •• feat '*'" ""v *"*• as ■» WMX twin Pfttr I MmiiM ItWftlw «•»• .nr. mar tiBB. «Ml «5»r* r.* tr. H* aure ^ «*COD .'• ' \ 1 hi» se«urti -~» - , •*'' kr a»:rtM »; " «*r • pm TW —thr aruw-tinr:;: *w* d l"v . ti- a* ":-- t int. m**i wt %e«rwfc HhtaRe* foehr—«4-r Mafwlous. OJ*ZK . - .-IV. i-rr- rnwulnu rtvva tar Mdifhrt MrM. «lbft{ » rwrt *»t »L rtawr " car --Siicn au pafe ItMff* tJW. tMr «f*c u- ShJONj* snD# JON WMGCO SPARTANS ~ - ^ Mr«t rwnma. ti* aafld TU IftftC nw« or. C' Om* a . Mtrtm;%\ ^t%tr \nv« V < anal Tlnvainnwl lko Plans 3-Week Trip S««vwVr i t«V» e»-» Tt»»" frrtfermfiVj' f iw»r/»o// l*ftmr Pimfjutwei/ 'oiiaino r» . f»jj •.«,*> *&»*.-> Mob Attacks p.nv .v \ ... ' \£ a % P***- To Kurasiau ("omitries #V '• -. s fi '»• a V '»"tv 1 :• « ?%* • y« tv.A fir*' •*' an s»cV\S*J,\; 'VN r \« n^r*iv ;v -a • »:•« o " .' • ■ A »•" «"1 ,*f ivtv* r»"« eu ■■A.C-W*: v v -.. i -»> P-'.VNV. •«•" ". / :'•-/■ f-%s» r> r\ .y *,. . to 'v r v"* v* * tour to •oxyr-*! ovMir.tr>« to Vntvjv *»-• . •.■••.-.* r" •• Sav.-,r.4.a* N "1 . v» o frwtrrotUea -r ..••"!#-VA< NV*.- A«i.t c <-r\t otooth. t utrvw* t'la^*t'fwvt« l.mv Cost - » .-v. - n. < . •* \ «. *—w* .»->* r.vr^e y- - ppVT*' r * -1 - -i • «•>. V -~At> * ' - ftVv * 'jA • *A-'f •;'•« ■*■,■*•># f.vr I"w,-V r . ■» f vvVv fv !»*•*,• Of- * rv < *IH« - s»'- ' t- •. «v *V V °s' • ••V . .V, >v' '""•Ml "»• " iV* ,«' * '« a-.V ;• * - .•>* .- • • • - Kff %' r."*#~ » I'RT- ,,,•' ATTENTION ARTISTS '*• ,' A' t " ** r>- *£ ' •' •>"' .•*>•"•<•■• r v.--* •» ** tt "£ " " ;• ~ A * .*"• n^A- * ».«ic#>n**vi IN: fVw -1* f,X f.Vv;^Ay A ,v" . -AA' *1 t> ;•- «-.• ' n- tM' a ,*•»* .• ».• »v . » a"" * At » V s' ':• 5 -a ».*? CONTEST FOR BIST ,«, * f»f *•"*»«">* •' TV a fA.Ntwttt fnnr Va i« «• ,w ... .. VMir* vmir-ptnR »Tn»t- - * . v n WH1VT V M.it^ WX rKI M IVto,, »X>^ r* /f * *nt*nt f-r*l rA|H*»iA*tli n»tt liVf Ww lt*t* t«»r "« MURAL SKETCH "w Wh - - . „., t RfWA pt^NiMx TV, | x ltr nrA »»#nt T>wn> r*M\o« 1*.. ...ro*. . l»v. tV- .••» ^ a ' • •■• Ow.'-f )y,. -n Wf 1*T» OAOO** ••••'■-; < r . .[ f V,. ... n x .... , t tma«tttv Mtint "t^-r ww n* - .,-. "p* WV w- ,-v • V.N oc nv-tf Hf«»f * V»M ni \niiM : i wiint. m»\ n 1*. rv.t» t-Si - ,v «>«,• ' r i irf-. ■r-rAAi * tfw fvno*A*i afTxi*-*. QAM -•• ,v * ' *" * t «v' iRfm^l Kst'f'% %tr r*"> t tv . .r n 1 t» • r-A-v •. 1*- v if •• . , S - '#: * «Vf $iit m«w4 fOMtw \V< A N- fl l :-»mi M jt.i.-'Aio t>«* 0 . A \ *Ni f »'. * " * A - . vwHfy-Vf. t f *v , n'fi r'**1* *' 'A»»I in f»xii »t -tv V - ♦••• v* - '- , t • • t; ft r ■*-.'• >% ».-«* Mt.iflfW.'# lV»* ;>. .H '.v - • Ufmlwt ifrvt \ ■"■»,* t.^-nf ^ - f 110x11: of t in v'tniu not it ■ • *»*• •->r •' *> XFHOSS STATR TIIRATKK '•-•A * • *v '' 1JJ t HA1» fW-lwillW »f» . r\KK OIT • Kt» T-OITI Va iff »Of.l w»ff1 «*'»» ■ tv# tt« i*c« AfifWinw SfifU «» i>w IAWJM in Or Mv-1?* t««t • %. V t-f* * r . fs«»«**»•*•* Vilv»n»W% • , j. Op-# TN»r^>rv.. r«—'!". V*»!«?/• , *?W -A- a <»«., flat-* i» ,'•»**' "«w oil Shows Mid Host NOVEMBER SPECIAL! .11110 I. S. •* *V f r< /V - A- . ,• • , v t I calming . , , ALL ROTC ,-» w --,•>• **>• riiv*,- > '"• * #> »■ All BEEF HAMBURGERS . • •• - r '-••• < »- . v • i -•%- w t ' .- t f • » 1 t . A * UNIFORMS *1.00 A • . CLEANED AND 15c TV- A M»v> (nut tmy r* * * • : "• V v - v- *'7 • A i>-r - ONLY PRESSED o»« • ivr -s .w.iA-y. • - V ■+ ,\ i hrf»# buff er* \% •V. A.. - - . ' • - -«r\ •*A'"r-»«l SUirr **0» • A )«»» «rtTp% t'H i 1 f • * p r t « Wi"1' f W a l oin lite A IV fw Hf tat .TwwtVf J Wow/ miAt.ua F» (Vt lis * H t'#Hw Mitk 1.V -•* A •**«■*»-,: «««: IS** *s>ft l>rtnk« l«H* sK IV LV at rr. f\" i .Wf ' *r ••■x.Mi b» sr*-;; •Rt-'.-y 1 CLEANER AND SHIRT LAUNDRY ux mn it 1 ■ r.k*Kir.*: wrw-j,' »rv. >.H. y . vi.i\ \w >r I \N I (.11. It IA Fit XI IIOSS from S IT UFA I SITIMIF. HUM. U "7 «■(.[ rf « r~Am-i «Om% t»«* hkvk* xir^t of • raintot * ftu: ltV4 flt tt. *-*. .-a? *r Twi.>i f 4' TirArfj 4t*Hj/rble yr ar;.wnf^,'SS ■ *rm,*e Of- 'w ;• I— v. *, . J.s 5^ . witn^Af'. /*r nNu w *wr thf I frtrt .("awfl IvIaU mt GLEN OF MICHIGAN •V—-n-• *1*- fitwo Iaw#a' T>W-M»* •""-.4. nf'.f' ««'•»-■#* wimiM »t t "• #» 'V# wawac • tt *!***.•+ snMMtr.K n«^r T »•#»♦ by IUII Alkiiuoh combine* i wwwi»O> vitA Ihirka ami I.ram trrrranl on silk, teamed irlth the Honest knits ever. All trilli the rris/i, architectural tailoring that i* rxitccicil anil fannil in every Hill Atkinson collection. Silk lent* print blouie In hair SITJii Hat knit skirt in ha:r or klur tHJi flat knit suit (mat sketched) in hsue or kins tISM Silk dark-print kinase in Hon ttlM Jadphars, ktae or tease Wallace opticians bailted Hi JtO MilTMn. t. ft- XV S-31TS ■tOKXIL KTXON. Rrt Put* tkMrt \ortlnwstern Finds Buffalo (»ol . « »• • - *ri< \ .wh*.-hN" ch«v l\r fr»rsvfciw* V irViv From Collar >V 'w. hj»rt Nv"*n "«v, in V, •*«*••» b?.« (VfiMftl iv' . f.«» v: Or«l «< « irt" "• ■ «»■:■«(»(' ; V'ifff »V' n-*r.NV, 1V g*-1 «fA ivMrtJ •** % r*viw»»t< f/wviMH fwwvr.* t r: v. fhr ».r*.r;v " Vr « jrff-Aft v ** .hvum n ' w *v Vfi V" -K t w»rh»t*rf fV»^ kfw*n Xt'rfTrr \ \>* ?**. H-Vi'" rt» *>* ilt>t l.v tic VR V v> avstmv r." ,r* rw.j^r* *r* * V- WKV ' -V PM i (ffifl'iVri- r»u»-rr j>»« vr-K^'M v*. xnevAsved that t>e I'm verity dt>H* Vftfr 20 \ «\tr> A:. ■ •••' ,vv 1vv W Nva»>«v it ItATJAr. IIF I I) 0 V K RQgggQ, . VV-e* have *vav *i,v *tt\v,iht i-firt'e* t>r the fit*! time v-Nv *^ihe Hit At A Kv>«1 ihr- na-TAV* N«v C FOR A SFCOM) WKFK OF r*» V 'n« 1>f wt«%w»tuw>tt hrenihl Aff hi ft fwmpVt* TV- HILARITY and INTIMACY! v> niThni At iva atMrtfr dfpaiimetM *M a m-witine rrA- -W( yyiVHiS 7f«5 *.r**n MAppwl *rf te ihf ftJVnftM* limit Af Ifl w'*- JVio t"ir « IfAflk M ' -,i ' *« nlVyt."wr-Ar ***«' Sin HaVv—h «ve CA^r^rr tttcvno* * 'rft 0Vy S**tr o*.f1 air «Nt «mvd m he*.! «Nwh i CtQF'iU *• ^ \ », y.vnv :W i**t Y»\r V Af- vear* ftt W.tv'va RIM t.H IMTWN-tV »*•■•<•«» 1 sicrrt n V h*,Y rviiV J-MTt tA JV AT. A ri:ni?TA AAAtmCt, nitlisl Itrtltfii Rtlwlit |i Af** W-f R' fir «>v ■•• vr #!tVApt«i 4V>«* \iV"!vnv* :«v-r> jAlt 'IxMmv 1 liVf tHf itw*1* W"ni- *r4 J*r< UTIIV . *Rv *-W *• VA^.b -ni, t%>r .■*'v*>'tW> R'-mimi ■ K Tin l«"WI Vn« .1* AM,' "All rvt'R t'piV '*■r »-•>.,«, ;>^ncr j Af''>r*. trviw^« »r»r. '' *.">#■ W v>s.-r T»-,V, AAysfA'.V-TAA rtOVA 1h''^ ifiO* -V«- « v«*< ■ i*r. K VI* v:v 7? y,i% x pV-'V*«- Is ""'•A H '* *'*■'* ■ WW* llAKv>fr>'\ f»rvt »M-f «•#»* tA It'ilV \rtl Pur^ocliisfi S« ruK!A» }AfceiV infi<-fck-i ma ^ It l!»i* ?ntAf»«A. i!»in«ih m*n hn-*r»t thf VMifif CA* ,'i*cr ov.' Hnassa A-i fAAiK*l] twnoli rn tW Hie r«, *sVTismi Af Ovv tAMv >»ji4 *'»«•! Ar.-iM At ■-* Tfi f'w *-A*r« At tvA V>1*>«t?me P*tt)A f f t"«\ *VNV »>>",■» > c 1-^*1 Ktd tl .N^ fi.l W-'V. }**, ir ' <>S4 ?<•:>.e \ »«-tAr?AA .-wt y,viv«v«^!* m PniyptrV'iA7\ t t.* \'a-j v•«•*■»*.a ttmic Af *{t'w- nn«l Tr^sa* Neek liiiurv at Practic vw» ht »»"*» i »wi»i a v^rvs'A ir, ««T>vKt An«1 ArfAnvinA! *Ar ?>»*t prATTt'T'li* Axvr Tvt fi fht f*^nt*n Af V vf "i-• ...j, * -••■>- l*vb «♦»•» VwiVerrrfi* •'!»■ %HA.V lliwuff Kpflx V<"»« **"*« A ®,VV A> AATVA • Vlt. 'A.-': '• v-iv ,M«I> f>* u'-r- >••'.'» ,v-»- ' •*« *'v'' T\sI H vn t' vi: I aVa« 'vf»r nvr • • ■>• rt-.y- —t vv»fc-. tt % '/v-'k.r t.- M»*fr.. ta >1,at > '.vts*' K'.a,••:»*?' 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(ti l 1,trd T^AtAciN (►,p >ii».V« » P*n»i»«tfct ?*. »» -*pi *«» I' «• Wnv MWlMt ' \»M % i • !*.«»• * ♦ Ciinu-i' I'ii**I \\ in SAYS... T r WniWi \ |«\>T. * •(. « I •***«» *■ TIIP»"»TM<"P * Heal • kainst I M, T.- i •* W- «i i" IVIeKeever it— I r (*« i ; * A-. * | W«0«M *vV »"• ■il-r Ti'Tl' t Art* tl T . •. i> s ( • •^i NiMtniKfi rtee lit* i\ VM., * ♦ H » > A>. v * n illln * '• M *Vi'< • • net* %i> hriniry Says Tcwi «\i' * uii PI»I f P.- ( . Hi PurdiK' I»H > M «««•» *il- * . * ■ -fc - t T*u | «, r/. ... •' m iwvr- ••■*• iVe ,t\v «• #'w« — •*<<»—1* iv.i ,*,/, n*.f, f| x -• •y >4' r»>' V V • Si. I.onis May TT t-,„ \ *U1 I M-*T IIVMi Kwtn II in \alionals •« \"M. Vftv \\ .- V "i .• <-< fw e •* Ni'ii Jllllt* I lllll TRIAR8LE FRATERNITY -. Ji.V ; y" i v.. \,V%y '•< t>A. ' -** V:" V' AG* ' CitlU fill' Mi'IIiIh I n \i«i ri> nil i mmi im.i or '» 4fi* " < 1 VAr SIGMA PNI DELTA •* '**■ k l\ *t« >».,r J V», to mi i i o\ mi rn 11* 1 " ' * ' ' *••'"' ». s» »vr4 '' ' '• • » > ■ 0«.» or i oMii\r in \ ioi i n cool iiM i > K«» S*» |h» I II i o .Vvt* 1 ■< '■"■. •. « »» ft,*.f, v. »»r'tv« w , » . >* a a i^inwri thiiimin i»^« I. VMI \ I Ol I) I Ol I I 1.1 « *' "■ ' *■ ■■-.' S '* 9). M. N • V . r . ,, MAWiirt Af l*ip t •»< *Vs'*')«v: M'► e •<*.- • S ■ V » ♦i 'W.I ivspM r r• ■* I'AKAAy'lit ii» titled -*4 ** , till Mil at. NOT . I I *nt M.KS filte |.«>tt|v.n l*i< Inittwt *-A !>**• \ 'Me At a «>^.«^ aat»e*lAW -111 4 \*r '»■••< I| t* 1 ewi* i v f ••' • - • V-rr -,t s .,i \ , , \»ii IN.I #*'d Ifpti lOkl*' n •».;*«» \.M. I M « , -x '** <«MWS it M>d*i etieiTt , »»tdld»i. t tat t ihih NVV \ t * \ v. •«t» b^Krr Mmwti *>y rt » npiipd (w Ar.t taSe*le« Mitded *l»le lit en*t«v '<■» - . "• M »><"M * rntppv. «>v«l tii'd 'at rl«P TV «*«!» itrtil. defeti* w «e4ilt *■<«.* »ll|. vll. V . . .. tip Af , VIA'TAT Sat) fAT «1a«A !»)»* A* fewr *e»iM iSi* • M KmWI 1 o '.(ffi SONt- swt'wa t* r*^# ta ■ .« t 'Ac •» e•• s V«ta- | tta*/ 'P. ISPlVpf ««P|M (If 4ATt%»TI U rtspvrtint tmA t>T* f«lw» f \\ A< ,v •• ervoort's sale! r %'ts\ •**>• late Scores \(V'T 4"' •> • S*A« .M ' I' i.mini lltaei I I* .' Jill W'.'. 4» ^ . *-■ >f • V. . "** »»e*f **t 9 SAVE $10.00 ON ALL SUITS BK; SAVINGS! I DAYS ONI.V wri/.«e /<>/»" \iitinn i mm.asm AND TOPCOATS [>(»/// Storing* Offcnsv STl niM^S' • VAN'S ANNUAL PRE-SEASON snciAi. ta» t%1< SUITS *-*V *vV">,t ?#k :- • Vr \ - ' MM K '^'Wf * noil \ tl Apn Af»y?» Ol fa, a vxnifw >» an - Ret 49.S0 NOW 3f .SO S K I ' \ t • * '«*' \ *> pi ai»—w h r«M a t iwpof f r# Reg 39.50 NOW 29.50 N>*» % , , V • r* ta • .. RV'fc • in ,nnin«>N nvnitii iimkh i \ TOPCOATS ' KOV \\N OH ill Ol tNflilil if- M 4 *■> *■ - *« ' ri ii. i K- Ret 55.00 NOW 45.00 ■ *.v •« »»*-* ftr« . »V y« P»«M tW • - • ~ V*» e»r V* <"#* «l .»'•*% »*ft% -A 1V.» Ret 5150 NOW 2150 98c w r.»w fftOeta Y-*' ' »*»»! < WM » A- 4*1" »»w »•* » *-i v '«■' »►' «♦»" • BLAZERS SKIS r mi IM VTS 1 poMpc for a roatl* tan.Alt • y.t rove ih)„ rrroinc" I or the Ret 27.50 NOW 27.50 1 pr K \STI.E. h''i". n-ii. Jt.'.'iil fmr^t (\\T-mt at ^aH i«* Hr IIDSS Klil'E 1" AN/1 11. rm • V • - * "HOUSE Of Bilf" 1 |ir. It \Ki:ri: Trrmrailmi*' Km 7'..no .13 IMI v »>"■ * NOIh E \H meat* h* lh» "Hon*# SUCKS 29.93 1-iK.n iASt ••-■:■' . " • «i pr ( EltVIM A. Kru 11 .11 ■ ■■% t.ta ■■••»'" «»f l^cf" ar* | Ml | fn»f Votliiwc hut 1h# > V ^>nnml lift IT.Si "*S> >>«■•• kptat for * o« from ... IprMIKTIIl.TND MON'tllt ll Kr«. >.1\ 'V l*.mi v 7V*p t ft I naf ti : NOW 2 lor $13.00 rr rr House of Beef lire ilj v. NOW 2 lor $20.00 lire »llf, 11 1 * MKHH.W Wl. MAT TM IIOTI.I iM IK> NOW 2 for $24.00 !lonr% Map - Sat. T a.m 9 f m S«n. ! t a.m. • 9 |».iw liny \«tr In#/ Satr! MEN'S K LADIES' I rn K«>ai/e/ie/»*a ia»4?iPf v« tT\a%t Serf. »-awpH thrrifn. V|ya. dmk ^tpaks. rtf. VARSITY SNIP PANTS HaraM L SkaMar, 0. D. ::s .TWwti Nil. All. WIN M.S. WOOI. K NY I.ON "fiwrf a Off ohrmt rememkrr" Ts.l Is*.ins. Mirh. •okarl E. Bants. B-0. ' ormomvf*.JV w.-ii "-- - • While Hla* and Profile Rlark. Navy. Hed and ■ 40%OOfF in I* ' — hi.iW • « ♦ (* ' '•- \0\t You Qui Have • lOa.FM A »a'r hthiI 54'. STRKTCII I'A NTS Ilelenra # n ■ nfi Mreleh in Klark and Rlur ) I L DE Wen'l and wntnen'i. Re». # t# 5 FABULOUS DAYS . *.14.an •lUlll mi iiill Mts '—'■till ' norr «4art» si ON MIAMI BEACH J prirr 4h1« st 41W Mi Tor FfMt - Untat it no ss mtxs rt.K t.aukv NrUow TagiH ' -I scurTn»> or H 7 am. Bar. II Fm Mm VMM Far Tfca PARKAS ' Um tl. 13EB CUt> mm mm mm. IM attasl »>•*• fw MSU -MIAMI WEEKEND 22 pr. NONA A HHL Willi# file and Mac awl Pen- parka* la ayUn paplla. lank for ■ • llijli r ' rxu. »MTr v dl FALL FOOTBALL CLIMAX llnlun lrn.ilKm. ."iil.UU I la«t$ 1m , : ' i }1I • pr. IW1.I.V SCHt'SS. 1 far m&f • All Tr—.pirtMi— SIBTJ1 Swim make. Km. *'.l.»'i "tM.I 50%o Off ! "•fxifo. J »tata«s»iK ir— tar ***'» • 41 IMi arniiTiArt 13 pr. HENKE *mim impart*. ARiWA. Km. U2.K . !| C- & T. AUTO SALES • I Mfta* " tW 017.jU IVpwd in Hold ItnrmlNHi 1P pr. HEVKE-ERIKSEN'S D/en lonithl * ;■ Krp. MS j *!• E. KU.UUINI Allmlir Tmm HSC-Miami Mmtw.4 'HI 9 fi.MI. husis I tarsal F ED 7-7262 M,Mri m ABBOT BO. . Sri f ' i ^ !i.; . : :■ >•■■<■■ \,,rwVw« l«.W !*»•fr* (>•#» t..\ t. k**vNV.*• &u>+r.t >V o V»n \4,W V: r«- • re IwKtart* ?»*' l>* v' v*"' <" CAf(* v r iHMMf A' 7«** -'*■? ' ^«'v- *< **♦*»* V: r.l ■• .1rv.-T V> o* Fv.vii' vf rrf-.'' - %-,l \A-. ». \Vi V. 5.V* ■ ->r :>p - .-»t v.-tor - V »*'*■* - -.v -.V NN -r-. -I**"!,-o* tfu-Ml tV V ■> . 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TMr*r*" HNI-« fpIW^J" rt»». *-■- ( ,. f.5 T= S,'j'-kT V ViMlII RIU It IP V ?A" M.XW :•■•*. v "♦ :kk.~ v. . , v. » v : :r Wir.-r r> *-,* J"*—r.Sxwaf V -Hf , l.-W-.Tti, <«" }a».-c* *.v v"H St.-v-. t.-f*'AT S# TV." ?-? ^Arr S-«.'<<* V- -r# w f .?.* :*■ ^ 1 un • .-v.m.-r- • orv> -•' ** *"•"'* M-—f jVt-Ci,.V «*V*- v V \ rnc-».*»f IrMwr.' " *M1*h *>l %<*rrJU.tu 1K1I lV #s|v -».»/»* M iwi>m> r»f »V t\.t« Ha * • •pa*** ht iri^Tve'-. ^ v ■n,iprv" ITU ii»». *»! >»»AA* *ur- \ -r- r " F irr* trntfrnt i ilr« **«a ' T> ^ n «,-^A V .-.n TV r's.T M-IVUU* tvm* «*r®w. v ffp." vr.~- Y*.*rwia *-v ir-rrv*- r»^«f th*r PWk'Uj • r»f* >»-i » ».rr •% - » .v-,* « r>r Nv»c«f 4 G>iirt ,-V Dolaj!' »»•/ It r*ef*T+ ihtl f*«f «t«M V ir'Vvwi ^ M df p" r\vrr*pr«T m» KniclitV Trial tv«f ma»vim ir iv .•»« e* iw )r«*T<\ *MW>> IIAC.IT 4.^wrr.' 'f t *P j\ *r s: l"r. •* r A. -f X-pwi " 1"*V -.««A,-n.- .V (T r-^r** " -.Y- !VIipwd.p« r njTTtR At T\v.ivr»*« WTAl* r ,-■ ;.w B-.-* VnrrJr.:- tSr ;-P.hu» v .V SEHWS « GtUttlTE SIVBUTS T^nitht >s • rUVTKUTI •VFl-HANKAl K\r.l\KVK1\I. K\ filNT-FSIN <> • fHFVH VI F\i.|\VTR1Ni; r» in-nvc. • ruivu^ •v-HFVISTKY Safety lhr*vl«»r I'iiiI lV*ni»»ml tr/rnuintH Miimn) lcrpiM>n A t*rrli«Mtri tWMW TV T>^rAC-T r*ur w air^tcr. ,-tmiviixTtnT it? Trt-'n-*. **;*!»» r.**f a l.f.-' -v.*. . iMl'ta V «h, »cm el cW »ef :• » LOOKING *r»" v,p *x • i—r.i- .• I nmAril IVilrr in rich »elidi. (c;> p ; K»t*n*im *rvnm fmmfWHir e«tt>ei»tit tcrtofit l»t lim't < :h-«Op^Aii lnl<-rruiti«ml i.lnli e» • wc'cli Willi ell >e«f ev*#*«» Sa k* i cx>krv; i\>k a coon •otol ler a ~ e » "J IrcwUO'C > »»r Tat< ^1 >1kiv i #»f iW HlM>r A DUX'H 01- N >} \ * H|>t \ IRvlM | n i r AND rvn..K oumtwx »ii> mkhigan >'TATT :f iwprx ♦»*« »»m ?«r rarw n rwsrrfu 14 rOVTl AC dftMAftntrn. ftifwrrmt. m*»nfnc timrc ^ tfkt^ in tb* jttjvr Wert % trfiMi Piitr Pnurr * fee f—diirr1 fVM.ftw.iV IW MM r*ftd «fF. jft*r5i«r.ii> jr. it sutut mciN r> n *. ivv.. *« tr«. «r »• rr»; it- *;-vwUji*i. ;cr v . rw • «H X VIH. ran nufc. Ki-t tiu ?... jnT-i- W EST VIRGIM\ . «- r» -» an- T*Tft aff a: *r%. anil satw ?» IUTP* TFV u> • «u Jo- Uh *h«r. mx ~—t* • vts, sTii ihrTl "CT5 tmitzwrnm 22 Ci*- m PILP AND PAPER COMPANY gr,?w GOT YOUR CAR SPECIAL! A "BRAKE" § it>\ ~ t J12M OWlfTE MLTkE Champion Brake Retiners IV 44649