1 'Tlir Writllier VOI Michigan StateNews .51, NV. 91 J Serving MSIJ I'nr SHI Ymrn Mill. I.mv I'nMrr. Tmlo finenoml on « . wfttrr- r..ii.II, 11,, ,,,,nj., hondltti haale, tha AP reportol Thnrtnlay. IM-XI-II in t,. „„ „,t, Th# (Wntti mtwurrad ertth a Ri-miMr III.M'Khi,. eui« *».. r* »t Ihn— atrwal Mtaitk*it §tr* MM-ilhf-f i, )mx itirffM,,- ,„ Top Artisls . Ill MNWHTM ' »« «**»•» mai .1 lug «M Uwamlwv htataf. tnriliiif t„ \|- ,Ml reiMrato We"*" »UM In Ike tn.l lie >«wte ea »•«. Tbm pruynaad |n>)ail «a!W fo» „*«,« to-t ew ea kear Where lirtmtoi en I Mr enltor In «ln| ta*ucti>4 c*c flnhwia latali la Featurod Hi.- . II..., UM. a f*v4Uf* with 410 ta» iwna stair n»>ili *i.iulili- 'i, u .fi.it- .Nmrekeii l If r .d hi af-r , oiftm vntM h# rafwkl from In- .ii,* l r ..it Willi,im At Krcsjje ,.r o»n># frwn haMn ft i* mc . p».xf, |M»,u f total.- i-n.t.l-n • V-.x pi Audience a«reed ta Ml lata tm arvaaca- meal thai wraatd N** lha «•* far ahaadaamewl af Waaereal Id*#. SixH* 4«»1* cwlaiijwiify PHtoet 1 v Anmrnvitu, (life hat# U'tni- « noMU-rad fait Her 1 Set. vvdiiam* Manlrv Novak tltcir wmki on itmoUv in Krr*- ID Itrtn.it i Taherralaal* Kaaalarlam I ,i »»n Ir.l Mapol,:, alehes a Sandburg *Ut» N»to. I'hnl-i »•* l.tti Htilm.i IVwer*. a* a faar»eaaaly Tit Kt> Art r'iMrtnv, Ttr»» t»lg r\#til»t- J%\l HtWIi Mharan Mllaan. Jurfv Mllllam* Uriftomed ai pall of Ihr ttnr %ili leitlval thai r-rtiit hav<* «i in ilia,I an In,in , turn known aa itm kiSU l*tn^ ami liril Adanti (irrfwrm during Ihr "Mealnlk dun! and Wtttokrd -!„!• faelllty, rmli lonlglil Willi .» our At! |il it piriritlrtl Ity a nnmhet af OtrheaU. maderu danee grnuii'i |un Ihrl.i klph.t I'lit oiitiMMI HtaniAlin honorary. Indlvidnal nitvmi,.(•. , H» D ri TROV i*h*«i» ahtw I* of 9|h*l| |»iN»|H«t. r*arl tJn.l%j\»Ut, an inatitution gram Thur«day ntahl In Ihr I nlnn The ar»uii bam tlt»l\ • Ihr I It-ui.m a(n tiMtt everywhere i g..v r , in,. i rivl jwt Uutvntt* ImvIi ar-e lesx than half »xvti|tie*l, M.««t of the annks. in both 'To Kxpluiu IIiimIi SvnIciii ai-l William ' sftalrgv a* ,,, making ttmiiminl oi«er-aimn mt. thimigb a l-rft- m, >• must State*. j»iv*k, phihvidphu»» jut«| aing. VamtiMj; atul nmlnluriiitf- are i am .an.- • ,. #vs»tv»mHNrl and lmrdeiva*me for p, 'r-ppin,: ,q, pavmi-nt to#,r.*Tvh i\' Amertean tvlta, Itu-keivarn. Iron an.i Me- n»in-ot»)ivtlVf In natuo* an.| lean ,,r . ■ *•»>.» » S s> i»\nl hi# N*w> m - n*»tolnre lan*l.|tii«t etwiniles otam fot Hi t.hi iiiit aliNtraiMiiin htltUta l»* the eam|«ri« the «oik* Tiro ah»n\ Rush Coiwo Set for IV eduesduy Maf* Stair- oiiliga'liiiin frraairv all hid hat. liavnqf tlir c 4 sw#4 NEWS auggeafe*t that aai.l orwrathHr f«»r anotlier teat, and tlieiTafter it t»f iiu I*at»l«» h name, Ih.vri-M*. m* Mar*- 1'haimH. Ijonel Footinger, UanHetliwiu- Coiuicd will h»dd wotnulv" life and explain MSI' Jet hi Mfti I .III mteri still girli i Uti.f William havr* and Ik-mot rait. 'i if.| („!,!» I I.-, , stuaH |*4vit, kluatiani Hattnet. 1 per «uia 1 and loipoiat. ; ». • tt>at *Ttw might i«e taken over h> the ll-. atmual (all llinti I'onvmation have yisitcd Wild his*Mln -«oiin- mi oo.r | tt*+$ t*>*ra yvun« r»% rnmrrn JO yr« * - IN BRIEF *taie InMaad. eommtitec mmib-u IWw Mmi Mtteii rue Mars*-' Karl Kanths an-1 Hartley exhibit m«* |H* WednoMdav in the Must*- And rintmig vyslent open to fill Hie inecimg isniIi, legaidle*. n of what lire at |{| -KUorttv <|ii.itiito.| house, with em a. oil i aw> -f ' i* pack.iy. When Hm* ha ;nh- ruder! * hi seen Three m««eting. plniuieil, at ilileml to rudi I V* tr*st tha fii-\v»mi eipbtrnig the pmiihiht. thoniifl) the month of Novrm- are Wliethei they nr pie iriiitisan steering n.mmit'r. of ma *»*.:* y*xi h«»*# " *KiVA/mh'A.w# Krvtuilnl 7. ft. an.I H p in Women w ill at not However, llioie wtio do ;tv •lie 11-iiiii- Mil-1 Sr11a'rr- i taking a lea*e «*n the Mna'ot Wiotci tttiii rn-.h cot en at- --f . tnn»t is*, th# nun, pet haps ftvi nmvenion m; » tind to rush mint attend Mile- of tea and iwii|e-, during cffuit . to write a r»a\r. i4< ,,,,, r{ *tvM rvrata. »an»<- \v \SMIN\;TON I r The N.i « facility for the mcntallv ill %Ho «n »t»« at krnir Art an alptvaivfdiral onlei wliieh r:nli gill gradualU n«| gi am t-» rephit r- fi„. „ „ ,, A! the ranynrallaii recti* will - \ *v*x<,'di«*m4j C>*. fnw'f I I eater la an exMMtlan of arla- The pur|«ose of the Ciinvrwo he divided Inln ?• alphahellral row* hei choice of sonifHlr* lax liter ease lo***-,i uu< p «o #M Mm or T%ur>»\#v it hd» ut^n-rrrti a laal Pre-t Mlamlitan art abler!* torn, ot t«» liitPKluee rwtl* to Fall teams Hie m hednled foe State Hupi ruin* i-ihiiI « •»•*• TW" * hrtN* )'■« fw.tnre *Wkl*».k" (\t \u qu r ahow* a?vl )• pn Smultiy Vrttfirttttt leal |»« varlaaa taeal pr Irate group* *lgned a l.arh raunirlot group will he who arl* a* *i Satuidav and Sundar Nov .'I A'*» Geo Paul Adam* nar a I) of HI .v*rw ft# cued thi »r# field, I ff* •.hiits** t Vr t?i# evubvv* o\i*r t«» Hi# Vvfc th«trw< •'txtTirv. Th« To Fftilurt' r-allerlat* wrine* raaie ftwrealre elay Hi fram tamM la to Fin- an ad«l*ai and s.go no fot lush Will he held tdtp propnpp! t„ ruling ,e|M*a' oip lha a v ttr*lern Me aire and alaag the Tfie eonvoewlion will rtvt mi" the Women * snviu ihginu •lilr-e re tit *.ilr* fan ar,.| replacr ft ,na»-..t«uf«' %N»m<* HUJJ f-e $ut- Music of I'itreel I Mexican Half ( Mil. They dale Two Itorkl'ls gill*, their first trupresainn.* or i/aium. iSM.m. Student S)-ivi«»-s i* wi'i, a fin,i cent u*« M ml fee g^tnkn t.h«? tVncrt-«* m#k»» T\' • frnoi iboHl VM-lMI % |l Uie Id'' of *Ntts»ii'v women, and hoiMu... 'Ihursdav and Fiida. Adam-. i Ik-mor-tat. rail .♦ qv»:r afnma r.fguijf a The MSC Coilegn.ni Mipmum introduce the gill- to tin- •colild violate ti,e vu rshhe la ANN ' AHHOH « V>—Univeisifv Vi. follovvuig the Coiiv'i jihoii three rant Sever,.! tma-f* are dfVnrale-l rilling till • M mark. At •* *v , ; present ,« program of miK. ton* to iron ties A *ki'. eoinisp ion*. 111 ii I ii Ml set im. * * * l»\ Henrv Ihireell. with J Mur. wilh Ijiifith atwtrart celewtial of Mtehignn engineer* will fin- in,: dorm life i-< wuoiiiv lift-, tin- stir- (an v >f , m\% i>4 li Win* IWi* I'riir im\ It.irlmir commentating, at Sunday in Hie Minic Au-I 4 kvmito*!. fh«i Mex Throe en .h*he* r'.r-tji KU'a came ami tw o llvr-tdage miles high tin* itintitli to mea in keta I.OIMI will he presented Oiip Aid Play Sen Clyde tiaerlmg ill-lfm pm lioidl. iliiiirman of the 'aenng The program, oj***'* to the pu! - IS'mi A atnrnwrly Thmlierhke me eleeiixni density in Uie ioiio- Ml** %l«hel Prlerioii. I'anllrl > ~x.e«id«i bmf a *#*••! \ OSl V* r» r '-\k*kv \.TW,1V •**> . HnUch ~ - ip Qtwikrr U«\ will i* Iwoadcact by WKAll Ivmier » IVruvian inumm* - sphct r The liium-long* are wheduted ariyUor, will «peak lei, I'retohlent af TamIIcI. and snr Schd T« (iliiiuiv r-iinmi! wfiteii lee, a sail p| tea i is| the »,» |i| i,a |4. »p. i aftfC th# flna! liH-ludevi in the Sunday |W-». uinoiung show* a running cat- f liq: agreament *'4u nn.1 avftfvr. *\m th«t Nov 10 ariil I a' Wallop* Is¬ shlrlry Parka. In ctMrge af llo- pi n.n on a p.n * - • •\\A\m\ srt f x at h'4 Satyrtburg ^>•1 o#\ \ He . to ' INM.v aaniiunc*.! l*n/e Ttuf I#m«1 k» - grani will IV "Overture t«> the Hival p la vol hv ,lan*t tit'titin (%ntn|»iattng the display »» a land, V.i . a national .leniiMti'i- raunielnri. will aUa addrri* Ihr Arls I'Vslival t,i* that t«r viold •ervire e* tefkt »he firms, ! kr »aia, d, large nutiiber t»f exn-llent pfxtt »« i at and apuce admiiustlatum fa¬ raedi that he had 1***' !M* W '.»x» $42t5a firiyr Ihrbiks. Tilda Nortwrg. C,k»ria . Ir irner , bringing in 3'i mi!br»n grapjts «»f pre* tlw muiw of Hall, iairtmia FNwvl, an.t Mimkn A' the ri.nvito-atnn. girl w If riollars I year, and increase «ha T1«e ih.»u may he *e«Mi in tha University engineer* headed a j^xnii.n' audience m;«miinKw' dumrmamm^. Siimh>. CntrataiH-e Kullet, •»»- la given, an ide.i of what iwer tax iiy at leayt sever, ml!- eerritl.-r e,i-e of KretHje Art Cen¬ hv l.eslie .lone-, and Nelson •*-. rig Vj tacture, Sarhi- pmno. with Carole Wolfe on rlnllnr* ■ linn • ★ * * Silencer, who have developed worn during Ho- tea--, what liai- sgrv^cciwd »*n Uv «vi« I piano, will amg tlirre I'urvell ter daily during offi. e hour* and the r*H-krt* feign military hard¬ |a«n* Ml the tea-, whole thi gill, modern jHM-tn read t" jn// Geerlmg .» I «n vot ed en rehire the applause, I'rintrr* Strike »M\gs. Turaday evenings, ti-U. Suiulay, built their electron miff with then isMlliM'lors, and • r 'iiiiugrnnent for a plan t.• di¬ •* • suite No 7 in D Minor" will p m ware. own .i,, ..M-p.in MM-n' •' .'3d hudgnt great.# U»v- > your Hon to sign up f 'i ruih vert H'j million dollar* in x'atr Prmtor* *tnuk measuring payloddi and will im fin- Croon Hailr*N»m t* played hv Ann Patton, pun- fan IIH aptih-Mit* a d«-feried tiighwa, to Hie stt FV.»rr»*r tta.'.v r.eu-tonni*-1« in* A:*.» the preM Hie firing iHitton 17n* TJm- pre-. ' Sweet Cohfe*- rrmruex »*ata tbp ec*! #vf $ae.»ntract ' Trh» Sonata No. 7 In F. Minor " \it-H|H>ini ,\jr« Slrikt- month * firiug will la- the 7.*Hh tusluiuf iUtes Hot system, begin formal until it WlMtCi MOll; I .1 Stud-, ? )»• action* I en ire •on t'»tee |fe M o r r i .* arid Sen (It-KnUmuiei r at • Piket launefiiiii; In which uni¬ of huma1 la-iiiy and their re- *vot >» f.vSit wvygi and diajxttr, f«^rr.n>; th# plan*.* t.» |.«uoi l*hin«l *>r ateel enko - versity have jwrti.i- and T'ureli. Jointly introduced ri.*«* dm?. '* th» aoiimd engineer* o tioo;. • -» mental phvM« «l a w-*N seii -aocvm party* - • • To.:*.- TTie 12-mr* aurh *tmtikr*n in TT monlf .r Senior Proof* vi ill l* •' > -*k »if wnral Anea«e sin.- ;•* the 1M0 Wolverine mutt tlaml* .17 feet tail and weighs \ few tnkelo leiu-iin Jo HI!ii"* (o-oiyc- Around mmc I r pr qewal hr Hip 'A, cr.pi -«v«si for in the Major John ltarr»»n, the |«r-t- ' Stronger Powert? return their protvfs Ttirj may mote than 7.00U lamntl. wnen Hfnrk S friiiimeit Mcmia-i of I he slitry tells «i » hunUr in i.O'1 ft-. aermari f R-Igsnaing • h» by h* apif.t ire turned into tlie Delma rep*«'- gram'a featf, will have at hi# lowlnl, is e*i»fs-te*| to reach a Hloek S are Hiinndisl to pel ley 4 *r Sr* on every movp g I Mcvfcy, WA-SHINOTOV 'T1 — Sen rusliHiy who will not ronfen to seritative on Die fourtl) floor of (ueau Dr. Jack Siicber and Dt- rnaitiuum speeil of^abrtfT! J.20(1 them up, and l»e at the gauu y ,»>!»• ion in traffn M<* estan***-.: la Wittm XWf^ (D-Orr) anrvninr- thr police. Ihr polirr allow him H wouli the Union, I'rcii llordilc r rmia* an liour Saturday at 12.la yield *I« mil' Nta* a ct Tburniar h* to a»k lo marry hi* *weelhr*rt and In* wn a i fiala■ •• aiail then tell liim thai If he will ConaTt*-.* t» voi+ tre Proakl^.t »« tD ear* pi Ifcp tar r.e«* po*-er» to halt IKJ'h vs. Camilla Phi'* roiife**. Ihr* will allow him one ku a? i af* s t r 1 k m « thrmtpiufijf nmi+m*) rmertmnc.ri. "W« can no Km^- hour wilh her in privacy. Series Slates The eigtif 'hicmm road will in- I UM er afft*d th« luxury of i*rok pe, x.,1. i r-*> ace In the Camobeir* Sutmrhan Stiop tv I. I'uWuci Puff How! game see* .! iwf Y r» • '.!• tie • • . Van Daren be rehired »» a flame tsmg n |0 am. and t)ie . < m According to Gamma I'h, J W>-sSjrc wotAd ba vaabl* tocher. *We *'*n* Ctmrlie to il i« slated for Old College enaehei, the men of H»*ta Th'-i.i K . K i'.vt-j'i, m'-vcu t.a.*.,r-, „f van* Fitld T" ,;>•*•! |.r<». « MM vd! i.-na* hack. We *-ant Charlie' back,"* Hi. hard practice ha* "developed * l in'! h'jiUwy ■ have oevo ch »s- which left him prac- Two week a of dally practice, 'he Jm. Aru Tr-ativt! chanted drnxwatnioft. u fine offi :i*e .m^t tough dj- eti ».n illustrate iftt-- remaraan.c v.».r-But ttw alert directed by coachc* frtwri two ♦ * • fcnuc." Head mentor \tr»rt Bul- land *T r**t recovered and rampu* fraternities have In-en Krliloriiil Coiivo . Milwaukee, Wi*., the main fealnre* will he Jl haard taming Tension Eating aimed at turning the rough aen, sav*. : Wr feel the team will be junior, TrHran and the rrrawn Jewel*. -^r, r rmptaf tainc PANAMA «V-R«*u!»r Cenel tclent not u.gially developed well Ihe Caspian *e«ra«i|. fmijn sorority women into real grld- Powder prenared Puff to defend it" ll"«'iiH Tr»l;iv od. lha Gardepi af ihirat irihat Zune pol.ee me ordered Thur*- Iron yklll. championship" dev to reeume «eme>l of the . They defeated Delta Gamma la»t life. Ihe Jew I ('it* «f Isfahan, Determination and there'* PrnbU-m* m covr-ring state pests Change border Cenol Zone fa eeperMtai lots of it on both aide* — i« the key word in this unique clanh. year, 13-7. A'Kistlng Hut/en are Bob Can- government ami the role of re¬ and Crrxrpde Ihe aneleat lay- pry palare af Tenia« greatest I ^'"fttitatkm territory. The mat* wee Mer- heUa UMIM trell, Algonquin, HI., Leon Still**, Grand Haven aopho- aophomorp; search in newspaper light annual fall work high¬ editorial emperar*. He is graduate of N*»rt.i- ' preted ee * ««" •—1 ,n" *■—* (iiaat Phi Baia the a AJUZOO uvy— 'W «•' Jjd Baa h • KftM . • M *M- junior, of Sigma Chi fraternity, of •:» oam-i dlacuwriori featuring Do fxiKPet prl ,nte!r*.vcly wmI -»n otoUitc lor t.temrn* auuphuu * replle* that "Although we arc* Roger L»n# of the Associated this training D rcflectevt no* only 9*tar»*MSB. . tacki «f iM- To JCearf P«fw •n VanMala the underdogi our Apirit ia good. Press, George Weeks of Uniteri in the composition aim color of Mi Praas International and Willard his photo* rap iy. hut a!.ir» in the I ^ T M» km Dr. O. L. Mm AruaM leapt ) We're looking forward to a Haird of the Lansing Slate Jour¬ m i ifi aaor of fbnifB L Commie Ctuk feapg.) game of fun this year." unique ami highly descriptive v laair PfWrt '■aa wthhf In hv ?T£d . Pmr. "TW ««--» Highlighting the halftime in- A*n't Coach Dan Follla, Gros.se Pm nte senior, quipped that nal A session on pimP'-journaltan animated come an map* that indrnufyto; have be¬ u of -•■.aatoM," to. aided in 17th Century As—Ma W" terniUakjn will bu the aalectpm "though we lack natural ability, will be letl by Charlea llaun, his programs ^ out r at the bah." et the fall ssSlai at the ^ - -*>g of Mia* Powder Ml of 1»5». we have lots of intestinal forti¬ picture editur of the Btatad lor travel-fllm tab tude." Free Baa. .Michigan State .No*»* Kxcilibur INFORMATION t.ni 3WJ!» fj« «r-%1 ■"* r • »»»W NRtM*»w> KM «v-*ns» rtimi itBiww Hftwi ,nT***' ». . rti'U Srfif „#«•><% «-W» " ft.oF A. "#»•*. »••• »• 3MW •' - ' •* lW1 »it*4>> WW •■ tv«v**u J > t inc. , , ..... o«a>«t »'«■■ v»—« Ikm ««*4> m 4 ^ -'V*' W _v»**_s»v miwswr o* n«uiu> l>TT*N»tH«U l'lt» Itumt* *Tt"P«Nt rw .< * HHAMWV . , ,. ... j r >- S.-.-V J*' ?• ' ft*vtr v v ~,u \ . i- \ -trr :vr ?. "'•I.* rNjfr T* - c.-r v *-,.-4 - > * T r«iT% rvHxn^wx uw * V " 5 ►•••"?• fVtttl State News Seeks < s - .• 'r-ft- - ?' v>-*' 'A os*- J » " «T« in ill* Vftiv e»-r r»-'> . T\HMi AMUI?W V> V « i- "• •. .• Ulth \\ r % ftvniwii ai* tJtf ?•"* J'* Open Student Court ' —,-..V i* • N>1 V. ■/. IMkVUtU> W ft. •*.. V.' - i ''»"..- f. •• • -v., ft r*s ** V*.x« '?u«^ i f-f x " •. •*»*' '.i v. -. tW'f ,v\> • ^Ttr«VT %>t» t V". vyv*< "A V ' NTT'- v:'n *•».* ' ouriu tftimmii • - Sr-.- e C,.V*' 11 T*ll\x "THMXT .» ' nrx V '-M* *» i * "-■• : .- ■ • .. "*»• ..' i.rr «~i iw ' ;• ? •''**» :r» s> 5\icv*-v» ■ -♦ -H# ;•;»./*?> ' tw-'*# iinimi > • -f!«i,«f < •■'•** ?*; " Ta* » I • -•• ,, .. ;; » r.■ f Sf -■ '•"» r* :• »•«*.• -s : V-> ft TTTHHlft «TIMM v><\. l\tlAT*>> ft f • • **■ - . *«• vy-v-.' Nt .j« «-.v ,-4 -v. * • > • «.| % r in.. ixv ru\itjxi Wix ill* 'y .■ . U-« » •» • ,.-w» v; 4-"f M. - •* h .•»#»» .-, v r*;r »•" .*.**■ f" ♦*«•' ft*;: - •tt»in.,no t •■ "v. »* r- ♦ h«* m;t :*.vr;v • if ' « » » • - CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS . .i.~ )H » *H |)|.4W|\|> I (III. 1\J. K,'*y rtHvilM f*r Vlw.. ".'.J ♦** *" 'V I", (>• ..-a. IVw". t*r *K.» fiilw ! j % *t 3it « K Ivi> >>.« » ' : »■*! .:• »vj- v'.Mhi ' f »"• '•» t.» ^ *n*> i * ■ "• - Fl) 2.1311 F\ I :< >\ n^t .?•» . »* ..■.i.■■»«■• ?'•• *" rr-»--v *. M *>• k* * r* f • * *UTOWC.\: ~C\ iK^z *"*»•* . 4 -J '»**• \» I to th«" Klitor -;.:M I ,»* ».i -•* .-/ft -'••!. • ,i T('U ' * m v> i'.' -v i • •••. • mm' if tsimr*?''■.•:■{** "■PfJf'Wt?*? t '* * wuctiT*. •!*.» • ;«;*«*?•" jin>-4 ' I s .".i,m '.i N J.iw ' « ft- i 4* ■ >'*•# Trrfitii?*. • *• T . > > « » «•"' .».u ilmwfc 'h' * *•• T V- -* X' * •»* « ;»«• I *• •» •>» T1* MSflf*.' IW --4 ).* » Wll ^ t«r»* p ft.-i -» . > --naHt " n*—r •mn»i -j > v *" « 4''*• *' ' »»l 4* "*'*# 4«r»«»r^ »r .4 r w" —.in on-WTANBrf .« -tfl-W* *'■•« *1w K* il«» «*» lw^ v*' - F*i ..•nr ** TrAi s »»• «»I n-n it; •»» *.i »<» "• fc* • «r < -ir- ,. »*«**- l« ii* n ' ilium- ■ "•"*14.1 Hf r->.■ n * #*•« * v ft- r: -*rTj4ft-t « AaBAMftftU Hi. w* H *'nn "*>• 4 *fWr .J I *-i«W4ii1 n tt*"l 4» •••"I 4k» »""»• *1*. »«* ..A JNWPSI fcft --- •< "'•♦fir-N.i.fc w*f »•* n».- « —-4.il w»M*tiw . 4 «■(..; ' • ft 4'itl ">* -h» •»-* "* W-» '«!■ »U"* —••ii » ft»»r snrtwumav?'. ■ " » « *'■IWIIIIIWIWIWW K' ir 4 . ►a? a.-i- -T #«-fT :•] •Oil' *T i Es»>C>V:N' 8.« T -»* 7*»»- \tncl Hriii!is to Life llistorv of Soutliicest — I-.il>— • »• * %»-> -v n £» *•* CofiW * — j a. ' - v . . - .♦■ -■ ^'»rt ft T; *7 : ^4 *"•? <«%tr« (r«*.» »•««? ...32w*. •'•;.» •:«••: •• v • i u . «• ;**?. * j.TV «•' - it.fr *• t ?, vx- • * ~ H - ■ '■ t- ■' v: K.-: iC-:» i*- .:*•* *" 5:N* ui« .*.4 ULiTHBsn ♦WPW?: . » | . ft>Ml,ftt ft* •—^.M ft ■ n|i|ui »t.. IWft » rt». >± «f * • i*gM 4-ft u — {»»• tn«t * ft*| 0, t»r r«**«. 51 "*»™ U »• fl«» « I*4>« t'ft 'iiftft itfttft H IfH ft ftftftilfT ;w «-• •%»,' '"Tj i'«i» M, w *m„ -i -» - ■ ; .«.• r- . ft If I T*.ft s •** t* ""ft» *'■■>. ■■•* ft'* '■■' •■":,».i»»*•*". f ..: *?»**? ' Srf'vv 4 ?*,*»• n.; v.* --, tAf MTHit.".'* «»**» wr .t.ar-wi ?» •« r*-n«* —1»» t nU3K-~-f .."A i*;a .»'• •-?* -•. r.N| r»« <"« NWNBmMT'H UN ■—f? t* .t^saasi,* OF- :ifi « in*# niJ.«rft« * fttsfs.a. .•;;* ipwtrsMN a: -.-an /r— i- ^ rin *• »• -ftl ftntw - r*T» nf nowt. * •*"* ii "»»- ♦ wo ♦.nui*Mt. tNtiti Nr- Ma »••». rr"K.:m mci/r «i,: ftiMf «»—...lift. ' IT . , ft.^ft^tf-3 / '.nS^r Vf«i -tft mwi"* tat Iii—I'ty »»m4 pWini». uii-*» * t&fti'-- ir 'tt jwrxa^. • ' ."' • "* * ' .--' ...."' - • - . n r-1* Asftk!'^. #TV"CJ*»r Vf •*»« — •♦t* ir- ' to* i'ftjtwt* "Jajtatr- |WI—s»p* 4«®u OUi- ?4rt -A..... •*» ' ;■»>." > • : ■'.■ "..•- uJii ttrfttirtr. tf '4if 'T1—■ fcr~r-vf"5. Mft, r*.-ar» w'* :: ft-'-.tVi •'# , -irsftt^.vaftswrftfts. »* * maww *•."■%. • •- .4 vr ~ •*• - .•-- ;T£ -> i- :-r*- * .r*a nait" tf" tw. mam* Oi^T •Nft—tft.. ■ -.If# **— 4WC 4. M *-'»r:r* *•:".. *- »£•» *•' {»»• ••• ,-••«*• tuj- ;••—t 4r*t*rw.:»»K. mmzjmn: «jut 41? ?*«-■*•«? "?*.f .irftBTt* V-fftft 'UN**! WWR* fc-lf" O 3- V T r»" K I «- «»: .!'*» • ffnl 4 •• ... \ :. 4o«r Sn^m4gt rmr-r-r.?'— 4*i ■„ »j . l«—•«*» ywrapwr*. we. ■MMka *'*- •* %♦ tp *-KP» -w I jt.r T*ANS> .fWwWBNr «t hmi» (HTI69 "ftftt TW«m . tiir*" {SftBirf. sa » :,-»t 2»: T?-*rt!Nf "st-i • w »• t>*" VAMTW6 TJ*1 W« Ttja: Tii _ j*iL ntr n si:*,; . xu&lMft Af k.irt^»i->4 \ -^SIT. ■' »— «.*. ->.(■ y •■*}> to.-, rw x! , . i.**? * * • *••;»** ,»*• ti» — . •• • *-. ., v awjionpiil t .tux H«r- ■■ v . ;••», ,, : — * ' " U T --f-i l.ftJprW '•» ft - "i -f-vjj*. lh- ( * **■ 4 ftvJWv Mn-'ntr -uh- ..•- x - ; •-. ■ .- .. ?*•*• *-<•* n*| " *!W 1*» . ••■ •. . ■< • •• •„ ^ . AsftiesnwftfR- i}f ' •totrT* * r '•<* i ; asw —4 $MCS5. «£-•. inxffttrwtT ft»A- 7 '«II/S3M# ' - -«— ... * . »« a t L. IT V .iwf . avawMw* iiSiwuy-'.. •• ••. ;'=v - IV.: vr. —.f nwiAiast aru ^ mm*jm kCN» T"TtAft irrufr^au '■''<*( ;-■-■» v !*»«,-.->..r . -'M?f tj • v.< m fnwoftr a 5s- f.> '• "W. .«,;•■ 4, f3fe;fR !*%«• OK- ?•*: ft-' .. . ' ,,v •"•- Jftflc. «ra;" * »"At T - ' nMi£kr, r-r.i -.am r . :*y -:,»•» kr.t ■*•*':m r-. - - -"r. JV-I ... 4cr»wrt)piw; a tsw iw-** sf m *atS- - ipmm "ut»cn. 4-n.vft! sa«'— ?> c*"c.v-::*ft rite. :saaR^ft —fiCX K&S fl • .jjftfvj!1 ••:. !W!.jytsa- P^Cftpl "C?iUR A.3HMC - *COm* M4ite»* 1) .* utai-r •> *i»if! '.»»<•— -jtTwv w; I, * - 1— M % c * ** . . CUfvJ -v=__ '***":"' • i i-.--- Vfv f -.-ft.—. — •JUiirrf 1 * -sums 4s *r zar * :te . « ^m'SL^n»fssn * I WlUKlW fTATB WW| Xeir Research Center to Open Sinm Wr «. WJ lW*v~Si. -*VV * "v* «»vtr met N- N\*'» - nirv* TN» tW.M> *w« '■*'■% m if t*Vr*i ysr tw IVMtfltHltWA tv» tf-i» biuMit*4 #Wt:i'(5 Ktiiicntor Visiting (jintpti* ;w{ :S- '•<•<* V'N^v V«.*14 tb* ;v\'-w'* Nvn< bu»\fc.r>4 AW f*wi "*v jvvlvtv, TV Von Son; i'huVf. tion A-imtnUtfattan. S.wiw vV**.vc .\v.» *'f i^vn r*«\t %*« «: ttv R*M**tvh vVo;<-r I'v.* *<•.V*vv''v*«• or tw\« aprvuLtu**! «4« .v v'* v;*t,3 Ui i># •tn—ts ( &•—v# hvtii »Wv*»v Ut itl'\V<«\i i v lW.-1-fN". Of .« 'Jv zv*Y> »R0 '•'*• litvMJKN* on ws- «.n»ri«»*i.» « W -«c-\i\x wtU n» * ■#»•» i>* ftnts !*v**i j ^v#., in fivHtiUiy unvfor • iw- Il'.V A*hu\0 u h*H> h* l**rn of *wiv, .' vXHr.n ••• .wvinvivr *u»rti m *0 ,*n< S' v.w lV.lv .,: J 'ivt ;n vy*tli Alton on ob t\*v.' - <••*•••, «iv«»"ii"Vit by tfv T'ttitrvT rmvycMly'* phtW—n^Vr *»( Stsvs hVCM! VIS I *ilH*4tK9\. • >.„• .v —j.cn wi*. »trvs> HoaXI S**"*w. u •>» (unKvl by v) U Wi'.siw ti Attend Church This Sunday EAST LANSING CHURCHES east iansm6 unvetsity lutheran peoples chukh christian rrst chukh of tinty ouch chukh student am, scientist (irvti MW* »»««* . i , •«., „,v<. »»J f»,rt»c «,« east lansing ^teOi» *-ni Am ,-*AJ»T*VO * « ' J"» TO .; >.i -i yv-rr #r-H^K-v u aid student (bites |9# 8, 9*449 Rlf*f HIT" »A »r»c«Lf H s»«tui« s , .-. tH «Wi*« «**•«• lw14*944441 (441 <44* I foundation * 1*9 1444I4# *** a iu;im wiu&a«f «%n*N4«i itiitfia r—v bun H vd wm • * j*«*rh A. F«»*i*f. Mi4U«4t It ■*» *m, ■4t Ks*« |. 4,4r*n«m •«IM ItHIAf "V- IMMI rnw t%# I'wtC^ 9m%»| W«f9Uf ADAM AMI* FALLCM MAM Baton Twirlinir ( hanii)ions °Fv«M ? w 1» IVM>« 194. 14 II 4*4 11 » AM, IM»«I Vl4*4 11 J9 A.M. H9414944 K«44lM« M49U4C • FJfl. I HAP %Y irmuF t«MU« f 94 A 14 11 A M. 9:3# 9i«9*ni r»'rum k,t\ vs PTHII iitiMt !««V44r»t 4 9*. 14 11 a 11 M AM 44*4*44 9* Rtl. Jrwfh A. l*4*l*r i o 4 * ««•*•« «<>*»< »«k | II# W. *1*449 «l*4» M UnMWi »llt>41 l:M f II I'lMfut f»(«m 1 *tk«rti *i«4mi 4«49*r Cl9% fhvttl li-h#i>l » >» r h ihfH *tm' > J9 FM Alt 4*4 «4l*#4l4 14 4*1449 ••«**• %n Vwiftvo 4i««Mii4 We*pwe Mr a«9«r* T 4«4«r«Mi. Mtv4M4N • 14 AM 1199 AM. 44414 I 4144*411* l»*p4rU444| 4f If- 94**1*4*. 449 *1*1* 449 444 (M | IM—> ft'l *9944 lh*944tl ll«H *Tll444 M4 R*49ln« •#4i4. ■4 4-U 4'*r»M I«k4 »»4T *1, a." st. john chukh nethooist church of edgewood eastminster luther chapel VJ * V o- - .v- SOUTH & amouc stuoot east unsmg peoples chukh presbyterian and MJV* BAPTIST 449 chukh student center (enter - V.,y I |4*4*944441144114441 t ■>' wesley foundation -.v- •« W. 14*494*4 0449 t?v fi.—O ♦ CHURCH *' . «MI**#nr| Svn<*91 (I —1* Mttl «( *1*449 0194*1 •** Rtirfl I Martian#. Minutrr F* U. *»« 4%4*4 > f*» f- • • lira M T44444*. >11 llUliVn <»l*4*t, RJU #•« AMmil 044« R«l. T*41444 A M4fftt4n, Mt4l*<4* *..•<*-.>. * I )m HAC. Aowt 4*44**4 L. #94944 •'■ I »■*«>>.( I#*, 040*4494 H. tap*. Mlal—r •i'MDAY F0O*i0.AM vj. r* « Am •"* " . M . 041. f. 0*1—4, Pt9M * * no » »; . Vl». KJ. Jr. Nick •*•##!. tlf Akk*il 00, 1 *.x V — tnr s*~«- ' <14 — 1 r-t .«■* I v i r vcv; Haw* Siv- VI ♦vo>:» i uu. II »• •44944 •*rrW4l At • Mam Chunk 4th##! 4*9 A9al< I V l->t g' iJtlu A £•• - a i.»v\ rtiivf ,IU»i 4MOM4 •» in a fl.M A M. A 11:49 A M. 9ln#v In ahiih *iu#*n(t ar* 4*1- • M *4 149 *494* •*«—I r«Mn*. rrthharv 449 •4ra*rr 4*4 T»I4PA*4#| 00 »#nt « w * ■» fUrAorfl 14 «• W«—«< % -» 044 Mmi «49 4< s lam—1 14 >i«il9ri ••■MOM «>rf on Afried' Scheduled _ > >«14 **'"*<» P4J-V <44—4 4 41 a iMfnuMi p%tt* 19* A.1, 4 9# % a. a 1144 i>4 4444* 0*. 4 4*. 9*4(4 TA44I44 0r 049. T*44*44 A. M4*r—4 IB M (hnrrh 4 pi. W.»r«hi» 449 < *4Un«inf 9rh3i> ^J2*T^^*4##I • M a 119* AM. M0MON 0IM4 Bt40ri llM A.M. cATaoiir inoivt moaxi- Ctlk *9414 Uk*94«0 #4414* ■!«• -I0K 00L AS TNK FAMT0I0-* •'**944*4* IOB4M44 0404| I J* 4 44, C4U4*4 C la*4 1441* 4 UTK»< 4ftt« • upper | ||N fl.lt. #4414* Dun r41144 *hlp. * P ■». • TinrNTIWKt.COMR t 41 RJL I# M 4-4*. Att A«44 049 1 494* •«•#«( •1*1 •*04#| F4U44«aip*t *4 • P-14. *"•11 flit tail* to* l*4ll*p4rt4ll4N \4*p*r« •:!• |.a r—« id tit'i au sans ASCENSION LUnHAN chukh rrst wesleyan methodist chukh Sorili M4(4*1la An. a* F. Mtrhlaaa ISE1) CAR episcopal chukh (M—4«M »y449l t?M 044*4*1 0449 0*v. *.4**(4 0. Mlleon — Mtnl—t 0*. 04—4 Thara, MA C. - I AM «f « « Mil# 0441 4# 049111 >■ 0449} PROBLEMS? 1 11 A M. • un#av Brbaol — ► « x' oMaaS. !««• -» 10 MM Maraing MataAlp — 11:44 A.M, U* • CUM" • «Mlh 14**144 — IM FM. • :»» AM. KV4414# lar*!** — t;M FM. \\ V OFFER •FECIAL IfVIIAIION: I 9*9 4rho.>l rlat* U*«hl hp 0r. 04TI44 104*4, A MM0M44 MM 004# - ;c* orCv. ' I. f ryf f"v"> "z *+r\: *tQ y»u > M A-M- Ml*9141 r*4*4« #4 MT ^.^-'4. sr«? inc z« auf**& lu»». 044, 044*|4 «. 0. Kick4*4Bmff i. Tv« f.r-^t a-^-1 far* it FT4P4* 44 Mr ST. ANOREWS EASTERN EAST 0O l-fflfl 4* 00 1-tMt KrWr pner* fir tw *•» »AJrktt—h:tke»t l.ndf-tn 4NTY CBtTBE : :-s Irafcj&f t® prx« <«c ytwr car. IN FM. (HflAMBl >44944 C110 ORTHOOOX CHUKH ■4s vstt,rsL. | «•? va>r -iorrs SL pBrrXa»r«.fr «*n «•« A M. OAcA*— 04U Fl • 44 A.M. Ma ;ii 0*4419 CM*M 0*1*4 Ct4*0 — jwle—, FOSTER & PAUL, * Diatip— af Chrtao • M A.M. 1# «• A-M. fl Dili DivUk* IJturc v 14 04j0»0 440 i.e. 1# 41 AM- MU4 Ml rwkiai 14 » AM- Mm* Ml FW0J4# Vm M M#144*4 440 »4*444 4U44t4 t MB >44*4 4# >44**4** 044ptui 4(4044** 404 •149441c 4440 1*444—- 10*40, Ml l aM* MM a# i fkartl *40441 • 41 4 41. M#*4l4« 04*4hlp »• M 4.4 (Inn call MarUaa* i-H-l E. CR. Rtv ER A*E. 0444*44 |4 144* Fa— A#— (M 004 la >0 C.tl IMfk In* A44094 Wall, -JNLU *49*4 It'll I Or. Ml A *9114(4 4(41 UE.-T TUW ARI) TIN>1 Ml ON I >-W C41I 00 1-1*4 rrst presbyterian CENTRAL MElHOOtST KUL OUVET BAPTIST chukh on M**A OtA444 4* NM0 C0I—I 00 0. MM 018 AM UAVIfl I rtAMU. I 0A0FC0. M ATTENTION ARTISTS E. *11 r HV, •. «. unirn, FASTom A II M W*fMM4 B449I444 IBM A IIM C04TC0 040441 Am AM tm AM. A CORTnT FN NST izmzL. IIH A-M •JB FM. t FM. ■URAL SKETCH *20 PRIZE ATTEND THE • DCADLOE: FRIDAY, >OV. 13, 1939 CHURCH ... f»Tjjv " #* 4- OF YOUR I' *K ■ -,-v- QAM HOME OF THE QAMBIRCER rtl CHOICE THIS SUNDAY • CO T-9I7I ACW»S STATE #| ~ -i •••' mm JSJU-f kiM V-i ' . k . . a ' > i. l«49 vh*hwi\ *r%tr in re f««? On Campus" Variety Is Pnwwonl t Engagements Niinicrous Par lies %i r»« i nn T V ri e- v VNixomiy A»f !Vt*vwc frwU- Football Fashions IT'S THE Kuva tAot» pi»e» i? *i- Sj.»- M» .i x «■-'• v .v \ V. »v- S<-i ..- XrVen lUlSl- !Uw t ' \ - ', j-ui SltiWX M* Vut Fvrv*. SKwk'ir. I" IX JVu P*v tv* MM . serve Riml Another tuj: fivtlvs!! week rat! coming up Sattmlav, which -l«v CONNIE 7KMT- Slated for ^i'eekej \. H» MKH.% MI MI K ervu«. * *.v * tV \ ' -o \!.vv,t v»;ww . sr.■» \<>p < *Vik'.e». FtxwR "party part*" weekend coming •• ••■.- in the men's* werUi. It's a leb»«*ie t'.rttul*. *.V •• Xt*lWf' Wivr »rvvi N<:v» Knit shirt* are new on the casual wear scene Vou can the passwoixl. Krotn the Kn»k* of thn-gs PLACE TO GO! V- K V\S'." TW.r:".i tV.MbuHlh, ' y-A";.' « V . Hp'.t- \ \ v (Utl W'Mrt. C •- - J >.' L'.VM *.v* tvare'v tell some of them from oxford cloth shirts, ssnce chairmen have been hatxl at work ths •v.:' M « tv-> * S > V-v." e HX- Harper V,»<*c-u'< jNNV.er; they're style*! with the utmost detail that is found on the AVm \ beat oxforxl .!re\es 1 I \ • \Vtv-*l Me '.Osns sseptss* I'y ivivKefiil InctiKte t *tw1 swim* the i»ivti • , *l««i e«r r\in)MltMH Y* effect of a shirt worn umiementh. mats -,v,v<'iv» K.'pi „,| v - FOR ART MEAL OF THE DAY "Z l*r W t reffetrewtf Shetland* are g\xsl news, the shacgrcr the tvtfer These I'STerhui v Vt\*b Wilt tv <(''- Ihu I* ' nrnint 11 , Mrmlvr, tsg'_ ivrv.e m mixtures of colors, jftivn, gray and the exervthmg » »i* 4t emiutur, haH|fi| httt'i!)*, riaaagl >> MUrr wh*t lit n tVtr** gws with it C\>!or . . . camel. 1 ^ V MeM . tit 4 nui-(*'. bulkiin^ W* (w'.ar* Per nauak sp»*rt jaekets are a must. The hlarer. n»mplete :'': classic navy is tops. ckv»ely folkmesl v'tnuv'i ter rrlwrfwwnh ItaKtw Pits* foe x U:* vn.tv-4. UNiirur by otix e. ' X iliM-uoinn *»f Intiu'i phil* y-Mi LViw'* w lit plug to Me • ALLING Air to merl in 3ii t'nlwn si t J# aptvars to have grass or straw woven right into the woo'. pin for ride* lo I *N«lnf 1 i»l- This fabric is practically indestructible, and Kvoir.es t*et O *411411 * hun h. Uii Ki ¬ BUT ter Kvkmg the longer it i< won* And for some reason. - Wevev FinmdiO'-e-* - Harris tweed realty scores with the coed* w * l> .\hit * Wis'ri Founds- »• *e. ltie ro»rm< (s*eui trvive«l You're all set for the big game, almost that ifc—don't I. • ••. s.»'.;.t\4«i .-si 9 30 on* he i b» S f SENIOR fV»ttl«| i! , fijp forget your Chesterfield id's the newest), your date and • • ! ;«u:' v .ei.i OAtuv NVen'.ex Ibsri* |»M IF YOU CAN'T 00 your tickets. an»i have a victorious weekend! H >■ ...-.\a-...m *i. rv viv ■ evening \V»!'" forum ■*' o " : to me*-? tw\- 8«neln( l4tnmrnl mil pr«w , h* • »-h*4, e:'. A v'X4.U*ng.* if Pinning* •e vh l» '' /OMEN K#* i %?«*. t- %*r* •# wr»sk»w wSf-r ?*m csa f.\< v» t Mt ?;m Ki-whurger i.» b k ia*v b*fM* JV t*\. Ju>? v .x -j» I?** pS'Hf rttt guha on t x tVvr. r U*V .'S OeliXMt v.;« •- O • •', *k\\V' '• r »3.t heerelary Selmnl k*;*sv. v* H#s I.erUv. U»;-* ' - ■ «.*i LI) ZsSlS fur 11«: arsd h*ryt ••*.4 IV s iVa-nmj. 5o Jim illiv N V *r:\: ' Ji ' .'.'Pe. Offers 2 (Iranls •*cx *.or, IVuxiuivatvara ;uv-.,*r. I'a». t4.n»'.r< fcvK'OV.-!v .i' * > C'-a \ i .%vi i.len lornrll, c; M*s s»*h.sc H, »- 1-: a- 1 *.o ijvt n .>n tho cnxirxi tVxv x~vi «t.it iStrrZ sli.Xl % %l tVwP,*,?*eT !. ve:;. • fei i s,S'. IV';*..e ArtKvu. Yesavisios r-. Kane i l»ei\a v fcv ;» n*a Hut IV } "K;ov.. ;•. 'rv«-o*.4-:. 4 ■ eby terian- " r ry.t i mo.-> » r.o * at.; U» yiuzujr . ; ."i f -r u*.,* mie*4! *l Irral the>- da»U 4*4-i. • • .».n..-g ivurx- in as aa »: "\ : -v v>v* "* ."TA-AtKv.s uv: -<:rv. Sr«K«t vitA IAHMI xtrux tu oviiii ♦.i.v.i; e*v« swaixi of. S hV restaur «: i V a ! * f <'ir.'V. t~M ~^r*.r* To Finish l)rite s tx»* \t.O K*pfc-. The w i«net> T4,i »e.ivt *rv ins the tour . imwaL- tvrv-r. : • Jim Weniel V .* >•! the te.il vioevs sefHSv, Vith SvimmI Kalb s .« ftjr -• :*■• ^ . U'jC rr>"'. - aTK! FitHStvi wvr*. l*tK GRILL • • >e;..'-r, ■ Y\W. V .-*? csi-X1 • '.•• ;he • '.rsimng IWwt.v \e-v v j-,0. A'i«oa lUr-i iV V.'fk, Moi-cis r ■»» IhwMenve T Mir -i- ?'">♦ s.*w !i; ,t;o Us.* e V 3 11 e d * -• • J*.4 Hen««in. KiJ-e.e 'a jw* '~vr: v'a -.^x* wv ?"<*. ^"A'-w.V sirrve, H «' ^%s — ».» Ron Xranevh. iN- W' ■ - - - '* * A\ j y\ y.-n. X * : »"h4: *vf.,rvr*"\u:jvr«. -4- -• -un. «r L. " i X r* ♦an; « AC'.e- (j'Xi .:u'(l'M'Y>. l-S.S' 1040 E. BRAND RIVER ••• a—r vv "•* * N'V. T*" * l*;*f Vis Xv * V* IV : iVtrv '. ; e».- «j ranjvvr to I*** e |»i\- \i- I..*. * j ne«Nl U"..vA A" - ,s« e-'i.a !>;*! rwuttto *» aii^AX- jraa IV tv^rrpany. . .»* eVurvS **v * • • *a • .amdi.ts'es A am • As: 7 aim. • ( mi. - Frta Parting » ts-e -f- KO'.' !*#*.:«. church es-.e *- »-*vl 'KTrrf SauorMt WVAT v-4 M»w 1*11 T % I. % xi xi x v*. vt4i.- —UAt have u'i '«s." l»a i w - en .* ocwpme* ' Fu r, he : ** *v>r • • 4 • m n»sryp j; :a \ *.' i tv%v\v■ , R.'Oe'T C'*T ■ - •.*n •••41 i«e 4used ?tv«n Vie : f 4 urvvrr*::.^ « • nr *V av v,»tv.*\**s.v* 4 r i ibake-'en; i* a: vn» 4 The l»elt» IV14 1 f^vsvi. AT-4 CrtLtg- A- » :-V 4 Pf ! P jMi« Harprr. r a 3 i TVnb'fr.iT cs>r!r-r--. will be lurneJ .r.*»4 < Wiv-e Irs.*. *f.T!or. -,c !>.•■-. S4iurda ' ri en 1 1. 1 *4 wwx Jor .v « V — >\v. T i r. f t*a.ms '' Mud ' Billot Box « . itwippi |«a"i V'v4ffl4 rfriu-i-.* 4- i Ss- 4 A -u Kv- be proiiiir.1 b* The dr.v* ;swivw the ra -- » iVUlf (Ut<4rr V» ..T^; cf IkKVW ShrvHi^h -■ •»•- IV • i wr-T.'V.-, Jehn *W- . V*\A- KwtpM S* -se *-*•«.-4Tvv"«. • Hxisvi'' r.ivlot a*ft .vr> of fjlneis in, e *T A.Oer Jixs .X cSarvCev • lUrkars IW« lev rtu lomsu I*el*4 are jnv> - i >4 A V vlrvcue jrV-r.-..* jvrxxi «g UiCtUIttO, *?w«f. u Hi-TV r*w*4 „ K\n '. T e- PuV.y R-xc * ..CKVvm->< w pc\^r*— Vs. <: J.-JV r • F»e-4 rhv'4 sen. v rovN'ni.ng >oa *TUr>. t) ; e " *-* vh t Vt FX i»4' A-" \ H i A V't-r.'. . JUI.. H . cor.-^rvUwd foe s*v+n ye« . e.Tiwpo'.i.i;-ijj . tVnr..b vx. _TA.s.vr*>v-»*«s* |..\v *\v . rf pit % rwi w* • tv*i •• Flint • ..• Uf»* •«*e~s Psvtj •> # *evm Pren -- -,'* ■•• vbiaa J-MWV T>c- vv ..»e- Ix-.. v"f«■»I^i:u,ng •e* c.*-ye g ;.-e **x\s a - * :* C» -*f-.s»e.'. US'C ve r eftuivhe*. fc-4 Ju4 e *T t IVI4 Tim* p5., o 4.5 U « H»UI«i|iaRHfti>«f;: UiNTV^RSITY STUDEyrS' Cnryboay Al—t* Un4t Tht Cti' SPECIAL »t Tn* Bl LT.M OR I.<**«•* UH R CHOICE OT: siMMiAaau .*31. 1 * ' cueaboaK 1 ;1 Pria* W*f frm far, M»d«Kh an 'ju>— tjv Tra- |aM(*s*ra^ '■ •lira l*r»» ytate—okiffed pvialo—n>(fer \ -i yv—'' 9— k^rwallw Tr^wiaja^,^. w manihl'lmc ol X VXI CO(« Ounwui Wa 8ifo« • :H >»— M a* AlaQ 8Ul*»w VI IT. X * \ IN ADDITION. SAMH.E LIBERALLY I ROM ANY OR AIX OF » SPECIAL AP- rusi a»*v. us as h.bwi'.h rETIZEKS. ! -■ 98c I fsww# I I fit '•* ■Y. <• * - r - " ~ t» *, »a.. t * ;T. u «-• «*«e is J*t I! i i = = dobm 8tt dents: lmebc It a mil. Am awl thk SMia< « .-• t5* E-My PIZZA PI , - - ■ ».ry -..to ' •*: w t iaat UJk a,?s»:«£t > — ■ «*s it* - j i "ItlSE OF IEIF" t <»' • r ;«f ' 1«»n «.:• i * )T# -f c;*« -t-fa*' •. ••* u . <*$»■ MINI: 41 Mala aarrai fc> Ik* "Him iiJM ' ^ •-» *' y.44. awc&. M.-f*- •-|imn, RESTAURANT ' '• -4 •f W M isoa Pria*. NaUiac bat lb* iii i '* • ■» ' ■ , %^.i~ ■« i^T*: « A C'ai ? rrro. ?? MkriNlNa... If • * r •'*■" >** -*fSa fir is jiurtii f t'*e- If . ,'„v •r-.-r : tr i.:. » L! « AraU« v J it , rri | ■*..,« - •.. • s* >-*.; -M -* 'm&aitcs . *»a h-t— (MR TO BORL OLDS) PlaaaDeWy —EP2-08^ ■mm: Mmu • ^r* csmwuT 4it^ fc5« 4f vsw.jwr .^attir "ri;;v -.t #;*»*«« 1mm 1 general peecision cmwt Sm. ii • Sal. T aja. - ajs. a ml . > pa. 9 sr*>tji^jr..2t4 Juts* mnjt- ~.*n v*4 {4i**.s " "" ' *1 t b: IM hwf. raaw *&m?■**** rv^;».ws.i Utk AnMMRtM Saab, staalB. ale. meg&cM' M*4 siztm, bsmmntak a -F«mIM » ■ ■ v tjr— iiuisuunS 203 MAC AVE " -1 DOWNsTAlfc . 1 " i-, V* tin HMiiN si %r» stMn Vnomtifi * lilt hi* ii.« Bryan Hall Slates Voiiii^ IVn|ilr i'l'uni * Big Doings C5 C I\ anted: ISeiv II arts Itrilisli (^uiz Pake? Never! N't "ii.- *.x ■.11!11 II. -ik ->f ,f..-iii jjup-:1 nr MHlf'i tixlei.Min, ('.lieerlemlew W I'• • • • • .. * ..!•. W.rt. i \l •' h MS" I'm- u 1»K*• •Mttiiiiiii lit . till' .In!! Ml llillMltll .1 III »I ' - I« rt» i- U \v 11' . 1 S ' . Sm.I'II* " 1,1,4,. \V I . ,111.1 Hltn llpplHtMll'tl! t.- ill .1 11111' l uutn-trtht h 4rt Kih*!i-Ii r\ a.lvri Hxi'iii !iU I hf gi'S a !!'. |»1 milt tt till-' .III- 'ii s.» «'!,• \im.-i l.'iin * III, .-i •.»*•'V niii. :i'"i- *'■ hw h'k i'll"', mix* - v.- ;:-ti <\ tt •'! y nun - j..-. i|»Jv iM'rmr.i* " ••'*- aii tlmildi I • SIiat'|'* til max lit' a trlavl- i 'tl In | i.11I SI,it.- a • „ • XJ U»V MH'M .<( M ., i. iln iis I »*'-»*.i'. mm. ' fl i." 111H,, •. ■ • !m .. \M|. ■ I.--IM I'.llll" If !• i ,'U'il iM n 111 uv 11 ttnll a I' lil. ill'"Ii ii \ in! -lull, I.' IX .1 m*i I..'!at«* sh.- tun Iv V iM'U.v W.IH- 'V..11 I Ha','.. j.ow Coat . v-.-, .va* »»' I i»tll|»l»M I III"M'Utriln lu'\ni 'u .mum' wait'. " ' l'' n»i» theuiv Itms jut xxht'. Is Iit'u-I (IIMII'I- • rtfUl til-11 .III- ' • I It'll- I .III"*- Vi n'it* ff'MW' lv ' ..I- Uri Miiit.il' ■,! H'.|. !••' I". !• I'll nil., n until liW. !. ... i M' i fill. <\ > • win *• "it \ • thi'H w.ul i. 'i«-ii. .- if'- \ Mr* \\ l• t»e- p.ill, !|!-, ii (i Mst l.ili,u ' MVit *,l S" .-»« t I'tiifn—Ml .-»• al ilivuliM I X*M l.A l» !U wx»t MM----, H» til s "Ml -•.-«• ix in.I ,i1' IT -Mi"- pviii'ti it i i- Mai l. II.-: "• Hall ftilV i'i. i- a' |»l i! '• MSI' irlruhuiu- l.l» LOOKING tx.it' 'hi.Kii. - >■: •lu . -I » till. . xt .HOW , v t'iitWWext, tHVWUW Hi- a-.It- 1.1 i i-iu" « . ''m'. StU» fr'.U'xx* m . 'MI ,II , lor 11 ies|ninsihlr nirpri with "i» |trogrf«slif. ... a xNtus* tw muu-M ilrrenttiili/r>»' IN* ■.» tv trttfWH »>w. it »r|i»c*eittjilivr t»f lltr HINDI! \ DAI'CII IM- ■uAW must- ■ 'M '"3 j.Xr 7Sc AND 11.00 . I \ ISM IN III' W1.ST \ ll(( (IN IA IMI.H AND 'u* S;v«"ijuu IMI rn' i I ftvm l'\n:i( i'OHI'AN V will visit MKIIM.AN II I CHICKEN DINNENS S ST A II to interview men fnr riireer in rese/vrih, \..i t-» tw •»»*«■*»«' ether X tlev ehipntent. enutneetinu. sales it ml ntanufat- \h< ht%a«»llc% »»<**«• tr- II turtnu. A leiiiler in the jiaper inilustr.v, West , thru #«« rhfrrlndru. X| N K»xrtx t?«MW t*hitti|»v Vit'tfiniu l'ial|» antl Ntier'a plans for tiintinuetl II tllHv l'w fc'iutv.1 KM ill I Satellite Oriva-ln N X expansion antl tiiv ersifit'Mtttrn mean v»ootl tip , ■ '.he game. a >,s «'! ptirtnnilv in a .slnhle intlustrv. . ,, n- *xeM a'. Hi * an H • ' nMIUM. 1\ Will ip\t ION Ihr Mirtrx %li|xo| in.i Phillip- hall- art* lli»|« rnxx I liirlxllf .III S. riaiMt II ;i{>au mw #!Kt |Nm:. r. :.f nitkitu thai xx ill hr lln- milri ul the it 4X Still. • Mrrtir Ixtlhx ll.urx l»--a laixrlcxx i Imllmu '. iiiiIp south of Jollt XX Pal spuilula 11.ux I anil Vimlx Mmr Th* da.* 4 Hi '«• «t»» xxln-ii thi»x rrptr-rnt llln.k IIixjii i» ihfvi i.xxx • U-. I Srv soar idacenicnt director Pi i\ 4 U-ailfis ai |h»- ImmiImII tinu thi-xr xix (liU fnun nuW.i - v. W dcitUV xx lV i: I .. . P:x ii-.tvi lU'.t tvvuu- " : Yogi's Driva ln to arrimuc far an interview II , t - ■ -\ Koncaiuneu-.a u. liflll ill I Olllln.-lill" ( fllll-l- it K >..• AW ;'t:'i s Via* lit WEST VIRGINIA ,• v.x j (-r.'rrtamment, trwlm' I rn«. linn. Scl. ni III IM Xl.it k«*l arnt l\*'.l ban-i a • • Orinitalion Itrsulls V\ai!ahlr , -vi -ir - J. Nv< jreheduivst ' cxVAfu*! w ha-- ihf IpxIx xx un th tt of wlhn ri* Jig*". tv.*r • .• ry» rrv- aoqulr* faU-uw in- CLEANER AND SHIRT LAUNDRY • 1>r main twUll Iim in Ihr f»-t Ibal UiWf la no ut«if.»rwi £ .. t;.isi l•(!. Hon Amiss Irnm Mmlrnl Semrr Itliln. •• :« ha^e •> • «»> pay ti*r naun-,* » The Italiiincaaii I r» f ar tally i iiHUer mti *t« Irat tffim laaaaed a rerw i*-*aal4tt«a I* fiwUcal Hannah Hal -topa ftp Mait I HlMni telaa la •< ou • Utne th' I*opt in (loot . . . .ent HawaH baa ppa-v - r a —mltte# «r four to form . - ' r i . wicjm deAmtkm of fv. - "v» -*.atua requir«r»er.t *. Drart K «■ . " rrctvoat Fh;llm Hay, and MUion t. oaan a^rad Gradual* SI u **-atua rught be datenruu^i a fee tout raUatr t&au t» A trirl ju*t naUuxilly like* to have an earned. ' name Initenree. frad'.—> aii-|tur|Ki*e, rain or *hin. utility rout » are wiyif a full iaa-u to wear for da** and runipu* activitie*. ' iejatd full eecerdi-'-g ' « 12 credit ryeew. ere ronaiu- t-.nl a« I Our hand*ome Balmacaan in classic style is smartly tailored of heavy duty l15 S cotton poplin with adjustable cuffed ray-Ian sleeves, fly front, roomy slash L IM Warm.. Fleecy Lined pocket* and colorful printed cotton tin- ■ •t' Iw : ' Leather Snow Boots ing. In Natural, uiie* 8 to 18. € X SHOK AM) BOOT l.\ ONC :i:i 'l! ' M ' K -xarri .oats—sicono luati 11r Special! $8#90 Li priced lmot-»nd-»ho»-iiv«B«! Snurtly (tried of fine ■; • Vniur l'p to 4 hours xleather* with lifhtwaifht rabfaar aoU*. convertible ahearlin/ cuff' that flip up to hag tie anklaa, or down for thou. free Parking ;k.|i In Downtown Thick coxy warm intertiajac throughout. Bur your* now! In choice of Black. Brown or Grey, auo* 5 to 10, AA to II lawlai width*. mm Booters OfficiallvClosed Purdue Sntiul. n. u\*T iinuii; '«> /'/«!» Ilritain Mhjhiywt State'' chanvra for at l««t a «!>arv • • y of.: S.Wr Conference Ka.tern Piriaien char ,. teat to a ct»t extent upon the cutronte of tho > jr., cinak »::h Purdue at the Soyver KieM Saturday ■ 4 SJi'f » N* *.r> -j, — Ew-.v'' S*v& h.\*n 'J'! *«vK* .;;vo? '.•■•vn • wxv IJu; OwRrtt iVtv K^wix-,* »ra\» "to* Iv v\Kvl J rtxv-sE if ? it-? ?wr " S v»r'.A" av».- rviwt •< a | vr-o.^ j( AhNis Sit ia^ !a j a Wo -f «■• • * ,v>va 0 * hf 0 liPiflifAn VI IUII Vll Vr.. * : ."V*» s f*—e —■■ I'l .Vl t Sc^x1* r\v* Jfc I J Hrniiis' Second Period sa. u ^ ijvs *f« v <«v .*tr f-w» rv^ Or- Gambles -■i-:! t'.v:: V.i H.vst *'Mm. h*hm Mt> *•» Bruin*. !th? bv tbr "t*Vr- na.« v a^cvxr.j V.» >v x. _ Ui»*l * iu»h r«< «iw Wrt r.Ai t»v; for thrvy p.'otutvi !*••«? Kt\i Win.ir* iWfrrs^ with five « "J " . srwy!* in the <«\\»nxi rvr xi ThurkUv r.isrht and tvmjvvl to jus »•» M hvtrxl u « 4hMttf*l W«w tUTWr m: ;n tr# ftci- o*rJv. -T fftyn first ?.» ft;-.' r.xsv <,i Natjora! H.vWrv I eajr.t* triumph. la f# nntt >.*( *.1-0 fv VfV f/ j-: *-■•*" : *r tit* v • ' ;w< hHirth. ra-A^ . V* f tvx"y--< -y|x y c.»:' yfM >,rfc. so- *-.•» .» .v» Ho.,- «•»"••'••- s"~:\ ^ !V*'-" *>"•• h !\; v..y th.ryy *.-> •* tvN«.-y ; tmcxM'.yr IV— . - ......I . v,... -•?: « «""*« W tw» W!» , ... ^ . A'V. a."V ir.Vffl A<"A.r.st lV.vy.-a. wvyaiii. S»-JO. . ;-• .- wp™l f.* a" ~a.V x\v:*<* •.**• T**r Sivr- - ■ .rv".*:...-." , N ^ •>r-. <«*•■ 4"u.» .t • a»: tv»SA *r.t Arf«w %r .* ";x -A i \» ' <{ ,vy-< .v' v A-V -h Arao V' > V •V"> :: *** * A: Nonhaneftrrr :• « xs *fev "j th# *A"* t!us • thcv j-. w«c Lafaye:'.* yy-v , aSvtxl# :.hy H a !* ^k.*: ,1*1- *-y< •„ •. ^ Wacvxtja ?tAS h-.AT? s.-;y, *VV".*r—idUS*r . Wf'i! f.i?< m-jth ;v w .-•vA.;-.rf fjaj t,ar*;r< « «rj -f -v.. , *onnmu f-* *"* l»ff t* -*Vy*r tr? SV — yrv hv thy «*JI. p.„n. v IMMII ? »»»» V Ml U*l ** U~« »■•*• *t jvc* thy Sou "A , (IT« -« -th twrj i> I m—*>m a | A t»-«a SW owr !Nms»;y | «««? &At»«a «. IM1 tl-il. ;w-rA M.h^i- >;»iyA H*n» are W rw: '' iV» y try* *4r* v:« Oa.« A< A iHt. 11-11 lh..» *«SPAc—.i X ■U » »iW< r f. 4-i, f -S V \W?y*i, *■ «a V. l*-l, 1?-U ** «VU\W« V"- -a -» I y y y«*'j a. • 'VT - f* ,. . HU / t t Ai •a ■ y-,. . 0 ■* " ^r"1 •' t - ty-L-c <<) u-ynw m,»i -. ..- f*'. A a! «m A *• X J. ' *** ^ .- X-. ^y A -v o.o.: T* Htwd4w-Ir-a f*r Jutkrtt Hrmmd Shmrh MAArm. ^ -' ' £ IllPP'lr i UNIVERSITY J v^sHOP^y K.s irrs STREET FLOOR emjti.'ruifL.t.t y% r m.; pr*%#n:**L W* txr^Mii-r f/w N iflON * 4. RiTULlKx F «*trt fur*** #' '#»" wi la firtittrytt * /m. »t t si* f.tW) v "KTwwuUm fAin M » I Mlt IV MM TM —————— AIDOUS CJUTTOOS |*]^ySB HOI * SAT. 1 r. CARTOONS . T MA M I »m. ^——^—— TO-MOST AND SATIIDAT §t "JT" A«mrmi»ACAwsT E trttrnzm nmmo*n»» AMOUMOSOXYOO'1 KH IB b TO** ca.y» r-y^- yrt %r Purdue* Leads ill Offense. Defense partans Hope to Show State News M%T=> etltC*ACK> (4%r^.riir\hK\ hhnti# IUjs tfvint Mxr H>4 tl» footUdU wviiv lUthvus vx 1 rdN-,*. iu H«v* ru*hn>s te<*»n. aveiatfnin \ *SOl • ««!»•.« 193 3. H, VVt,:,. S'r, t4^ 'ui'diie Spoiler I ricks Mtakm* th<^ n,diK in tvt*, B(%B dlut OWelVoiVT M4U#t'V,N. OtTu'Ut • lAmfMWHo ttcvirru VKKVIAXKXT Anli Freeze >1M ***>»*• >**«"», - »»*» — 1(4,v Bulkfii i^>»*wevt Ttuimtdx il»# Ml( omtk-r &. f»|» V»»B makers Iwivt# heUt ut'ivnrnts r.» «<# fe**e«Nt miintvr of >humu». * HKCll.XIt rid (ianio \l t.«»lf Course T .1 Aver***, AIKI vurxt* icamevi, !?M. K» le#K< in •fxeN# major Me- femove ,|e|»arimrut*. Vt Krumt-r'. l'o|iiilur I <•» l'rif»-«! ltd nilos "N" Harriers to Run >*u«\toe atM hus be*xu«e th« Ml KFl.KRS IttlJS1IKS — — Till. I'II'I n X, WKS -- I* UN IS KVIIXI-I I'll*,n lllil Nil| s d Rivals A'OVII'I.KTK I.IM: l»l II I I —.OKU - . In Intra-Squad Race • OMPiriK SI'KINti VI TO j; New \ Behuili t.l \S"? I| ll Hixinin, • cruuoii'N, H ' •' c nut'* season over no com petition plan* SKHVUf i • mi .XV M Hi ri'MiN IM Xlf'N r<"» Cat,. • ill I i II I'l V »I > n,v. xv E'ru'.iix n Bic to meet, the cross coimtry Vrurk#. Ttaciwra Vttx.u V .lit vv - -< - x, «• ivceou'v :i «ba>M* with i t'.nif-miU* run tikiiiy ;vr t • a\ th^ Korea*t Akcr< Course. your \t TO bo K* a B £ P • • . . V. • ">f .• . • .»•.»,»!• • i , ;V '<0.1 !!V, mceu ,t-c f Xtrv \* x'.!v i«ihuvV •.••. MMNivn, We«\4 th# Meft'a?, next - KRAMER XIKMIIKU AM I* V UTS •.'.w" ""»* ; . •• V » i \KV n \U M %\ «o*i. VKt RKWtiMMtl* iUHnri un t •' 'M'uif,; 'v . n . Ohvo .i 'fv •. !.,.»♦ sa ream the'.i- ,*o'.x' tx» fhM that Mereal pipeful yon i;. K u xxi \/oo ni. i'iiiim: ix i im.i v,. MS'.' .. \ , s f .x,- • i<*,\5«st to uoarM !Vnn state, U'-tA 'Viivi.', tT-4-*. Ken* AMPHORA '•%■ << the*-a two ••<*•.n i- • ,(• ! ■, '.»st month a - v .• • U V.i I. t> • AN.n'.j.t niti. *11 #4har ivmbinedt Tre H and your a* Other <51 fM Ax':rV - >•'-W I . »h). Thrrv » antra aiaantur M-. ! \ *xl VI • -», < ! '• . in h-#moktaic, fvait- KmlrntHri %i„oiu Ihr s.-.. \! xvaukee < a<«» *(•4: , «>[>!'• »l».- luirmhtf. ioTtc^a*uatf« auUi f i. ;t »r*»Mful I.-.] ,»,e«» bit Orliu l.arxou Trunk n.miM'ou s»,U"her. MnOervver t AMKIIORA. mnririi. Wetter K.»*rr ltumt»4i«rr, »r in'ft" NI.O it |r. Ml W UKIK CRESTS THEATRE SPcCi'ACULAR ai it* barbaric pa it ion « ...and latagt conqjtitil , n PM'due |#l4* i*e w«rte( ,» • iaam*wt IO|l,X A *,1 NO,, SIIOXXIMi k < i » Ro-uecfiaaker vw - I tj> i > 'fir tVf to- TmuM ■*&*»«* * ». A «,.Jf Vatarda, t #* I '• S I M» [ itm***** «*r»r» fcalf* TRY A riPKITT. i#,N#i Od'<# Irf-IOinJ I'MdS-i., i fultka. ' i » vt,i i % Bit, HIT* | t-i * *.vva • » • ♦< ?4« % +<• J ** *«4.-t1I'EK ItAKI.AlX IMA with ohihty amd mittah**. IIV KNUS DIM (i , m;I: , til I a*l liraiul Kivrr "lhe* lame l« I orBurt" ai.IjKn dim a stdim: n 4W-- tN-Itt* f :3T 4«l tot tirand Rivet IM INKI IDM. - III SDKSS —:—* i \V tSMIII KN SLUM l> - \lt l S stioKr: siior III I j.l (*rand Itlvrr I out in(cr* icvvcrs uill he tut rampus on N'nvrm* her 12. and November ft. PV l«»r further in¬ Vl.KXAMIKK - Mill I. STMKK formation. please tout.ut Hi. .Ink Ivennex, lib I j.l l.rjml Kl-cr Placement Office. % I'KIS \ 11 A Mi %IK MIOHS %T « «'♦ — J»d >I UI RI. — I mil l.vi'll Jainr XI.ui.lnU IN i in: i.iki.i vvr iiKir it IN IIIUIR NNII ( INUUNOri — NHOVXN L %.T XT !•:« — IN ARROW $ HI KK> ! 1 A<*t 2 Day* UNIVERSITY LUCON '£ (irrat Attraction"* FASHION * HI - It 2* W hatever vmif Iniefeat—apart* ear*, foothill garnet, or jum talon' it ea«y —VuaTI lank ae great at >ou feel in Ariovk't L'nivertity Katbion uport abirt... Tailored in the emirt iv y Iradition Miih the collar lhat huttondoMnn front and renter ba W a«li and wear madder print*. fjJJO. STAKTlJii; simia a :: Arrow* new Loatrie* k iweatera. —'OmIL .Ost #7.95 up. -ARROW- MM*—IMC tV #——104 kg *—Q* WEAR IT ALONE ... OR WITH ONE Of THE JACK uuflr row NEW BOATNECK SWEATERS WEBB Arrow Vitiirtul) fa*hum$ Ve our Attorn *lwft» and »wealer* desigaed •*!«"* *»4Jly lor the o.llege roan. >|M.rt -lurtt »a mrar IW*. 'San for need ' roilon with «a>li DAMO NELSON frfiut" . . and wear luovemeoj r SS.00 Airuw't aewr*t WIllAMCONRAO . »»e4iert range ,n w.e.l- and blend'" of eolwr* J ." "5 up. in a baa»i'nme Butts §■ ,..WW*|IB H3t. ■ Mwrs MHEttirr s##r KfRI-Kt MAJOR SHOW X AT — ! .-* 1:1# - »;li • I2«# OGfOIIR ■ JOMRODBl J v rLUtkm warn MSI Prof III. Hirhrte. » tfrirr* (Ml M»»lrr» .l»> I*>rl»n tVlwrf ... 4f trrr i» i onii»».*» .Mil nlri >11 4rirrt kvrlt Mr imiotvtv. »ll|IWi l> .mm r> ouhr. Dr. Corliss Arnold to |, Still lauded \ovimm:r t«. i>J» For Coiirort Tour Suml; AKuuOrr Ortnl .1 ('.>• . Acconnttn* in :n»j.w» ttVy For St ml v A M.rch tr*.n !v Account in* «or«. '*** nu. i> t'. MSI* ArtK'M. Teacher V)4 OltAVU* .{ n. Cj v ! s uy v\» l»*- A Marrh «r»da «*nl»: V Vu*i.- at !N> oYttvh, P 'N.t "T^ li«» I" •ncn (IP i.M> fryni tiw w'> - O'lliutl V nf W Si IV anK* ,rh»". o'tuvrt tour tn '^r SoU'.h U J!M IN': I'll- vsr Uan wurk od . fcenttianl nv;'.aUtt. Ir* lV|Mrtn.#n!. >\>ntinun* IW. Marrh A law tnadv •.< % AiV\>umitii! vlP iMv tr *.!•'»> #i.\ rtsfi'.'. faruttv s re Hal U« Kir." Ri'th* " !•«***• rhuivh wv svotaWo f,a f,.r Account in* {»v» * 111»» n »*. t« . mmi ii fnk S».« «!.% xkulfMl i^ovivanw.'.ni and I'hemUto in* 1M1 »v.jj.n» for U*b Work A Koran ■ n .i*u*iantv jwrf »rma:wr m !*>»' Kwwil'v. Trnn. CJiijk • C'tf.n. it'' i M*. F.Nv. < I'* l M* A Mcvh »tn (M« Rn*. • «vr;- ;ho .A•ttivi.'an Ou'.ld »{ A"'* *o»«n*or ivte t>r »•• for Knati'.ivr tv kr and I tllto laOrartWa Fwtrm »rt t adrt lint lirti- trwant t'.lrw KirrtkW. t iptam T I* hint |TP and Rtrhard »iurtin ttUlitfii unr of the imlrurlnr tram »*r A Plant. Kl«v! iP' »M Kurt*. fVT Want, ln.>trumen*a- A "BRAKE •j; «i<, A »»• v.%vK VJ |Kv«evt a/TVrr I atwifl Ttoaui Rtrrtl Prafr*?u»r tloo A IVwer :i <>.v> Ox-' •*' .••* > iv . ;i:„ fan v*-* l»fi A Mart I* grad* ant* V TW -lN»rk«*irV Oa*rt»»b" *t _ •vi ilb f'\nv *1v" cy.ru- * ■•' U«l loam calH tW ^ ' • H A IV i\wu •• A"..v *• •..»* aWratwr a»«at»«w4 A A ivb » arr n:«'!-y*'eo »rU artwd M4 *n«W« iFROTi Sa'.-t p>i\::: ,v-.\ kShg u* UtiuO Jain«l *' Ore. toarrh A June graUt Shaded a M fP ,M ivajor* ' >« (to fawtoa d art »al art*»i» in thr%e (ft|)rrlt FY.! - Q Paper Pnvt.vT..vi A wi wno MfjC A. P:ctuvr» ii ' Kwr«. "v«>* jnw.fiiNW, p#i-fca*'.«* S . < fvrtftif * * M' avaavt f\»r Sa'.o. H»- aV x.i TIP t?'»* vv.«. \ .y' .*'.ws ■Nv: «**.'. ** vvc.'rust. '_%r t*.-« ■ • *»**rrb, A tVve! .tjvneftt. •• \' <• •'' «/ Ma k tVanrte. 1 k —.vc* ".b* r •*?» vvt :J -*M H ii>' Wn P^h-'" ••u ■ SR i* *y 4 •nr at iv fi-art ra wvfrn-.V k ;• *v< X*r>.»*AV r toto.xto itoiV'.ji w •..> f.va: vvf Wtt N.xv-3 r«t>NS v ■ 4 •r" W'vrv pJnrjrmr. Rrw 3 Partiriputc _ V:-r. Tb.-s tf.rr < V »"W - tA»r".v<( ilov .. t u* r k**l to ' »,T^ ^ W b n^-*j vT.'.al **xt !•'•» V- » l{ r.viNy.vri vtarxiner \V •■- t. .'•■ tllw K .-rvVu In Confemirt* fto^a^a t* Vvw K>k» tiSto. • im •n , -NM Art brt frt ^ TW radrto wtU tn faatr Trt*P»oer t'mmo ar*d 1 to toy* . . v>. M. . • v wv> * 4 K.'iv.r {X -4 , A trawl.v-.ec.to tito.Tser i noil aud tvn* mr'tttoft of TV • ar«rw< ^wvrr wvNVrto •^aag^a. c< MtlnlMa. twa irm atovratt waatrt, ftatlunu- »»4 aory- ^ i •' * i"av\*'v » - »bN>' Shrt:Vt. Wi " J. Travb s>-.«ikf Pmlrr a«.t are Vlathrmatir4 :ak-.-< par; lirake Ixrliiic T - * IVaii'j *i-! a * nlaoii' ;«oal wvtferefUto Dr. MacLrau -*»«ry a*» r*'•(+ •13tt* of TV HP a* —.a iV\*v ' V"-•' ■*• v n orn v.^rr-.-'n o.i V'.* tt» a T*P .tay f, tlavrn H '• U^«r n M • IV 4-4649 2«M» K. k \I.AM\/Oii . K ivf A rundton n vll rrtse' ' 1*4 f!P itv>v< To Talk to CiCA v J .*4J .• ».»>••* n ;n<. rw^t1 t .U-f •'**'•»' ov'.urr 'Ju.<- Vrvw T'f * * .* j . i •'■<• w"»*rk tto.vjp done b> v HtVoto MtolaaiSf. <• rnK.n* a (UBtoTT A-" V*'\v v * •nir . *.• .ex.'t *ra.'N.e-N i?r ■4-^*r-+j ftotawr ?€ M IXT-V toia AtfrM «. •->• «* .M h'.^b soft V'l a .rtXyjiaa •( •• iW*wi Theatrr Hnw/» arvo *•••-' :v* r< *fVi.**•-»•; *n t?f nr.to"« " tra\to« .r.i muiv. Ilatr HrulNfk LIOUIDATION SALE VW •! t K'. /«» Jfolil MtH linu •ri*< •». -*''.-o yjft* afttt tfit N*t»onai >v ,-viator Ouarlrt irrv\. i Ma iv c**-«v'. • "M •- ' '.*<• trave' .r.^ w..v rc itl'Ntr. 'e-«0"rr ?rv*r««' a* I'rhI lk~.ni.mil I hi»-» Hamilton Ouint.'l Mainanl FrriiUMtii A lhthr»lN u.OJul 303 l4ttil»rrt. Ilrn.lrirk A K«a»» :.IM 333 « ) la < Ironanl Krathrr Hi ll aad SI KHEO niHKIN ITIONS lTTO 50% «rK Harrt*oa It Searles Record Sin 127 K.-CRANI) Kl\ Kit l4kr*alk EAST LANSIM. . JOIN YOUR FRIENDS FOR 5 FABULOUS DAYS ON MIAMI BEACH MSI -MIAMI WEEKEND FALL FOOTBALL CLE v»k* ptftam mat to «nltw4 I.O.D. aritfc mm irnmk. Proof* 4wlt to rrtanrf lo to tto 19M) trOLAEBLSE.