The leather irtaii* I pet l.fl I'lirllt rlullll.V, III I If i-hl.HI r llllfh Tod** III "'inidag r"' low Tonight O -«• I'Si* U . {stt Srninn MSU For SO War* KAST I.ANSINil. MIt'llU'.AN—MONl*AY, XOVKMKKK «.». I«>.V> PKICK r» CKNTS 13 V •'• Steel Mills Opened Natkmwide Tliousaiuls Pledges Kid Of Workers By % ZetaBeta Tan's Slarl Work I .eft Stranded Willi Hodic* .Slrrl I'rtiiliH'tiiMi Mill I like II 14 liila- 1'uintt-d. Slii'llai'kiil. Taped IMTTSHrtNill l.fl Slrrl Two /iMa Itota Tail plt'tige* wviv kuliuipptnl. sh'iptunl «»f mills iitTOMH the tuition hu// then shirts, rovuml with paint ami tuniinl with oil with nt'tivitx Stnuhty mm lata* ami left stramh^l a tVw mile* from rainptis Satunlav thousand- of striking work h> activt' members of the frat«*rnit>. police reported ers responded to a 'laf* T\e -Xe.Ue- \i.i>uef Kukes llartlex minttelion to iThnild .v • Mr' - Sihuves, Detroit !• M.'imwi i ■» .«>•!.- tt.\i!fh !.»ke(' renter to O'.r* tor (.anal /tint' the eountl'.v'H hatisted Htipplv of Iiefirl\ nteel e\ • I M .« ler iHMtiw pu ked UU I|ouI aftei tuic I S Supi eiM HT« tt ai«> Slirrwv »M» attempts ».» sheeriu I'lik «i hw nreW u it *«.««>• raring I'm a Vr«» i»h«.w pnMrrllvr ilr* We on Ihr t.mthtl! stor* *cr pnr ,1 x* n-h Ii y, luitmiit (ID t* «*"»♦ *hella«- from the students and flinch boxes mule; then Mnm had Bv Panama treated them tor ethonrr They hr.idril into mills I hut uete Itt cood condition *nndai. twi-n strike-liound III! dill W .iter Fmls Fire hospital authorities reported Some sjioke harshly of the in* K :ke. ami Scuil/ei told i»o- Jtinet'-itt ,- oi-'i ovt«r|*'\veml m SIIMIciiI- \-k I V Tinted S'eelivot km'. I i e.i.le-!' Rage I neontrolled oui*'.,t»- tiw litpptei t»,i\ td M.I I'-i.ill uho hel|sit v.- li'lion ill Di»|iiili- lines • . ,r.vMOU«IW l\s id* Am e*l and relrratett a* the 'f-. ii- in ' > mvo ;hi> -i.iT.iM'd ami ieti week's clash hetueeu iletn admitinc cl.mcrs from eseurl Hitiee Handiitskl. long Iteach, lo t s ■.v - A W<*St- hi »re drot them hat k rami** no na¬ r on • . • 'h - .-mi.rum. thrt s»mI oitolrnlots ami I'S k'UMt'ds in sophomore. The tjueen from I armlioiisr refcoed ou r Ihr fmtvl came i'VI 'Hu miutn 'ion g u,i i a a tees v,t" V i* * s he i'a* tion leAitmc to the ln'lm iu«i |ten«r between l»cll • Gamma and fiamiiia I'hl lb-la Saturday on Itld t nl- III uliii-t I. *t i t.n ottli Hit da I I tie rtiened the ^ hukes said the yoiic dead. M»«W snwke indicated tnostli diflereiuo ,ur out >etlle«l lie , -v tape off •sehutiers nrtsts Irge Iteld. < I or story see pace I t fuel oil uas hurmnc rather than \ iim • ' j:- \ -Mil student in.i.-imi- >' posed a ' a «-eti noi -i. an i t> , ti" %chutrei then lenimed the rest i ■ -■ *->• fte might C asolinr *istkr*'iiati *«:.» Wu-ri' Mil; Is a to Mien 'Hie • tnke euald i Of the tape 'tn f.S-oWMist ro.'.' \(f uv; The tanker ma* the t !!>>•", -"mton?, 'Met fotmd »MH!i*h if 7a>ne i«»ht-e c«« nhe .d Al (ioutiseiiii" ('.enlei* tV«v f-iiv Cttly SJ •*>o.i a .51 • a am.! M"ievv thpv negotiate ton %m«ve \ trgtma a M<» w»»i with a t! •» :■ k-»- -if a *'uderi dill- - n lU) tin- fii-i' is»iitract talk-, in Ni — k tanker t'O. fite biek' out shout .1 * t ♦ ppiio Y'-d I.inI M.i\ m.i f.irgoPni hit! - -is', did not Stop, a nt a* the ship took on gtsehnr Tfu" vtihtem was oftr of ttirr** miMi.cntarily tloth matiagemi'tv grj the rest fire- iejhtmne anil notifte I and furl oil for a return im«r drtiVM'st .i'or. »! fi^tisl in :.»• and 'lie v <»rkci were busy g- I amMl ttsreups, flrt- to Th'ti %lham "vr \ t -• ■ i^tioresi 'The ii- it y<-unW v-oUrd the Mien sheriff* Tvh'mI >Mnu*i n » and . i.isti V S between Dan; »u i Available lo Freshmen ung Meet milbi ba-k into production produrris esfinmteg it - ,'orie »»• > ice The . jw.'.ui wh ' Intaled %«oiilil lake al least »i« weeks » M n spread toward within '"** ' ' celebrating turn i cnintii * .til !i The ( ounaelinir ( enter invite?* first term treshmen who ei uiw. -"to' •• And ?o«»k tham/^rt. he fore pre strike production rerlAimnt itoal ■i . •' hi trust -to cuter 'i . did not nttenti a rtiuiiHpUii).r elinie iluriiip the summer to C'ivi'r.i" figures—almnf ?.«IMI.tMI8 ingot eoitie to the ('ounnelinf? t enter to learu-the results of the t on- « i * huh lest |W»- -eo\ - ■ ' -. ■» ■ the kidnAppmc SI* 9 re- tons a week—would he reached wl L« tiTtwd to slue rtuneel. «er- 'eat*"1, tt»p«S --w •' ',v'' Wilt. I .ill toil tallAtor % im-idrnt earlier last- week when action tor a similar also A student demanded that the forrlcn union statement orientation tests which they t«>ok ihirinr Welcome wii«k. I. •« re-uM- \« d! In rit-Mnini'ed again |t will lake much longer lo get mills up In Pfak pro #wp» •( iede«- THr«v •-«"> these pledres |*M»k an arttve for nfftee seek the removal of Wil¬ dm lion To Vtltlirss . 1?^ mrr; frvn fir*' -.-AO*- • Mh.- A •• 'A ' *'' ' ' • a Hktimer ride north of M Johns, f rank of Information nervtres liam t anal Foiter. /noe Governor nf the Nets* Spirited and the «ime \l«>-.' of. the mills Witt fiitislied steel Mil* tv«*-k i i> I . wnil Nt'ocoClhuptcr *,»v*3\1 t:w tarto- ' said i S S'cel Torn and ' mj Duck lllneli* ; •.rtjii Wv t s *no»niM*i*s u «* n i e * The slaternei urged tin gov- : ffcstrng chemical .-eiviieti- to o-ek \i »th digitd ' .1'iUei A UiUghlln Stent Corp. !ir .it"! in? ma, reUlm'oi a *-.«oI ttiev exjieet to sidp a lirn.'* lavi.'i- Uins-Tuj r-- fvovwton! Kanf'td K> and (titoiimi the propei niui lirlt stuHriit iim * thus rum- ,*MT iMilliusiustie e.| amoiinl of steel today Sev¬ PIVJHHH t' Xuiiihers Fa.r. I'm- ?• oatn : .-.g .'ntnin ■ a!»Mis .tt»d r»*c• ifii-jiiinn ho ltn p.krr his own performance •••• eral oilier ptodu(s-r*» Will ship • . •u'fitgi »*»tnini!ti*t >>t. .on !lig flic trsU* with of ofhrr C', |. S'-jiR New« Sumta* • v."i> f.M stir attOi k .e, Oe'tcti el*- Tuesday. D», «•»> a fratemi!-- . . G . \•.-• A- n thi.-k V" entering >|s| frrsmhrn. NA VP* umve-* Hut m all > .lies of early atiip- and Danomton c;ti/ea, " »/ Strike Causes u ten- r- -tuv. \irwiUtiiort.rei1 *!»•} u.'i- ope»iibsI f -I till second 1am >* 1'bc • q.»,»!:f.-*.»tion M- ini-tP. the steel will come from ,c ii tfum ftteeSj!iy kitoivi; -the fraternity pre*... The f S fiag tt front of the Nt«!undoi > |»utdtie gann- 1. i• o«.» uf F.ttgbsti u-uigr, ami smatt reserve.' that were left - .»" ".' |!> r> 'V lent " A.-oeneon |>ntioss> ea ? • \ MMt vebTuii* -.cited I '•-iiding t»- ' will la- inter- trf-biud m the filial tinur* imfoi-n ■ M.«- imt! and the en.'»a ■■ c \* a he would hair • Klein said -.r On etc) /one nun- |l>' * M-kert "went out" becailif of the v"' . soe*v -• t>c- slopped the inrident If he had cturosf in the Tue«dai ueni • U»j»e to-ti . < a .A tn itiiM K n*iaii in . pi.''!»ti I'iic •«.».! of 'be general the toMil of sir ike storied. The nan-ma! earlv fhipmenl.t will do p-t >«,; .vn on work nilos and hpcitu.-*** th«- "1 aft-Hart ... - - ' to » UK-OT. an.i I^WTIl¬ known it was to take plere. -':a*u»tt Two daw to i : i hi m i'1 then eov. Im :! ■; :i'*n'i«»n o ••* tlu arithmetic little to .shortages. btwx I inaMutii.rlu -• jil.uc-fio n's • i-'m n '.rnt'irv r»u' of the Genu! i - lo make slrrl from seralili. the to-f««rena"..!. th*- ?>a ' • CO" - ,e i.- n.p ix.iil.ibb . apprnsimalelv four weeks will 'to- iav men* hard!;. • ■ v n.evident *a I Huti'm •*..oe aad rrtimvoi J'-aaatrui kwa' changes " The meeti'U open to errrv- A ' interpretation tie required from the lima the Itf? • ' and !nd?x«- si: om*' • ution..' in IwH'j 7e*t,. ' ag the* )tad place Die re ruimtnates the membership . -Aili li« m-id in the raw materials go into the plaids Thwr e-w-es •-.w ' one IW'-j Ta and Inte* Fraternj'v f'.e Vc W* ' - - e- Dr. Jack. Ihr sfudrnls askrd Ihr |ov- ( i'w.o :» Tenter, 2«7 Stutfent pal-4 •"■c £" -«"•■; • A.- » drltf, for fall term » until they roll out as finished r.: ■ r.»i Dr. Fred t' u'v; .-m*v.tu!ion> to drnouncr Ihr Irral* giant N-' Mi-i week 4 p n. ■ Sei"W>i k-'tow ' Z " rrnmrnt vif steel. And that Is barring am '-recvir. They A't-fV-iw" LMVOO.T; I'f};* \.i Ac'-'-e? ha* been take? llidrr which Ihr I nilrd SUIrs duri true. r> !w 4 ,v" llonir* online kirkrd off this damage tn equipment. \ A^vuit over ■ t:*~ afsiu' the inc.-.lent Kir I irsl term freshmen mo rail y -s 1'n.mi.i) and holds thr t anal /.one in prrprl- a eontrwc- vvx-ii' I Ft" Dre- direct.--.' of the Gr«t*»-r t.on 'HHiUt h«k into me nsa'ter vrtrrans uanlrd lo ait together one nl these sessions. to' -a ... i'-iii' a a month for (tooi irrUia that men* To *he*A' t! .-m « :■ Crtwin laNifUe* and tonifti" Panama s authority in Ihr conr. prior to \eieraii*' Day •.ken first pa- • eherks. Otliera why he jo.nori -ne un. •' -n *nc tim mild lh«" f S -D.iliaitoii P *-k the C'fHiiuwdi »g knew !* would be longer than .. ;. *f j"i rvi.'tef;' ■'? 'he Mil - I'rateruttr member* admitted T ub priMdcn? Hob Heritwirio i. for i 4'• -11to- >io*r.i*i»r to be runneetiil m'.r.di before Wiry would bo first p.A*i \ctauntv c>.urehe< to the state News they took the i»r\ dlipute idvio -should m hikea F.a,4 lam.smg seiimr, (Uiid Ihce a rmriran dis- hi Vie I'mh* di-enled after the »n- 1 "&S\ the white under t'N juro- turnout nMn one -»f toe groups >• rwtis-s and 'teelinaking open lag and Other industries eon- r that test rcaulU rndy W» ftc-A-inr ar^icrmtioo and the Indeix-ndence Day outbreak Veterans desiring to sit in Un¬ the hearths f*»r damage UndouW«s|- stonti < discuss these rules tn :■.-v,--.-.irtiie *»•> BwieOWMTOt. The prank was an unfortun¬ : ;e" -s zz-ff ate incident tn b*d taste." a or. i->'ifm*la>nt« tfuit I*nnam.i'« block f<»r this weeks North- ready for \.»u when v«mi come. lv some of the brick lining* their netoftiaUon*. 1 .>* put inu> ZHT ypukearfyin 5aid "We riidn ? vnikftb and bucinesflnrn ,»rr wenfern at«- retninded o Suite couiuuding ci-imr «!u- in the furnace* crackitl during r ■;n % r ..»'••?, a umber game "Hiustnes or The Ul' vL- -. • i-w atiin^aitcerf .n Tuesdat «' rvalue tfje ctwu»cm." ? * di criminated affkinat »" r'fH turn in their activity book . * • tfeuhi in-1 their »j*' levuli* Uo* idle peruai vhich the issue enox" uvr fort sv.»* A"xi ,..»ne He* the United the Vein Assn. office by Wed¬ during tie clinic, these w*si"n* It may lake «ov«rul day* and Sto-* N*-a'« intormaObtt miumw plated what ;n«dh' if a reit»o«a»»e «"••• State* is not carrying *»ut a will not to- of interest to them. even weeks for management to | *jU'" their osn stork-ru.c Fraternity metnlieri said ha/- nesday. to the nx i* very unuiua! among MSU J955 treaty guarantermg equal determine the extimt of damage'liiiioi ia»Tasta**a-i. I <41111/HIS CtwSt and whether to save time by ' lem* treatment and r*jual fob er^W*«-lod that The «w»ne» war.: .han«e* Grrekft- iumties in the Canal Zinc .S/Nwiin/i Huh lo *«•( (witdung or make complete nver- «-,e a:e« I barfb.iin^ rrjkie now t*w urocm wiys r' To W-cliirt- on fapw-r Ihiitf have ffV, reported Vtiv L'niti-d Suites and Panama The Spanish dub w»H meet hauin before going ahead w-'.di ptrdtc- either *tu«ient plana 'o pr the Chora' R-«*m. Music for al' student* interested in IV i The publtf a* tuvitad helping Campus Chest in its an¬ Make Saturday Festive ._ IhlnriM Pi* • l..' ^f.ibday'v (frtttir will to* tto- . nual fall fund drive Vime chairmanships are open . , , Hunard WtfMt U w and assistant chairmen and com¬ TOOAV mittee member* are neuded, ac¬ Saturday might have tieen leader* —■ six coeds and two '"•Wnd. •;!>* 'Wajftwr ano hi* two Flournoy. Detroit male*, decked out in approprtato W»re Uttie ft O. .I Zeta Bofta Taw ' #id aeU* .•" *•'*»* orfianixaUou i-ornbining all the P.- .--.1 u-. hrertn.i them. charity drive* that take place ties beginning with a rah-rah *ion, 150 or so Bryan men do¬ —*•« m . A.I»H- Ch. S.rr.a nated their to the par¬ pi- duiing the year into one. Bryan Work at the af'ernoon's service* PJ*>S mM D,:--. s.<^ Flournoy also icported that be football game, carried on at a tially empty Block S. J ' -* Sir— p»i fp^ion Df-'-i l>l" P^- |)r. tlrjrr* lo Sprak hopes. io have the fall fund post-game open house at the Ukr to Use game an airptaue y «» ii T run*' .11 InlrriuilMHtsI IM drive before Thanksgiving. rt-sideiKe halt and concluded by a darire Saturday night —~ "sofhi b, ISi Si«rn' K»k?» . Meyers. a»$act*-dS . Dr. CMmtxta i" *-- -> -M p ASCE f U Signup* pootowK-r m? xMimalwm. odll | ^ H »r.mitional Club Union Itoarti- i» in prepareti>n end Khfu* ebtVa Visit .to toe ■ for It* Unii#n Board Week. Stu¬ After the game 100-150 coed* A3ru S.I"-. PI" VS TueKiav mftRf from Phillips Hall accepted a dents interested in working or Ch. Onu. ftvtfenU are »etfosi to «-«•! Ai the program may sign up at the for an open Alpha Ph' » American aad for- -Alpha Epsi.«a', Pi attend UB deek in toe Union Con¬ Large atgnu end floating Me ligma Nu etfn ftudrnt cc4Stt haur #t 7lJ§ course. kmna, a anall band, et^M ' tn 31. Umob Laahda Chi Afeto Wliv. I l»on l Ib'lirvr You're Grandma Al All Movie. I'liMinliiny Imlmdry Congress tit 11iresligate P have Hern filii.i WASHING II »N •' s' -filiation* ilrjH, pol'.ciiiit I'l'SUi'i1 n» 'hv .• tmmoralilx M. .'Kill mini • h:n^ indu-Gii-- . • Itllllitx l • i\ iM'-ru'i'hii.ol'ini; *-t*\ on.! hrouin, Itrnir violente ♦.Kiutv w>' uii«li*rm» <•«»"»;!'* Mm (Iran, global s'ii»t\ hex! year * Mrs (Jrutiiihun said many per- view* in :t !, ' Hep Knthrvn ilrmiahau <0- I'ii AnnouiU'i'.i Sunday that the *.m, have voiced eonrein that w»n, prvMidiMt' Ili.usr Pint Office Subrommiitcr •he movies' advertising and pro. Pirtiir.r Av-H w hich *he heads will hold her. duct ion rode. adopted in 10.M. invititti4 lin-i um* early next year to Ret th.» had lost ronvc or its effective¬ witness. ness In Ihr leilri V ' W* of tlie industries on aueh program*. **%% ilhln recent vears." *he public. Mr* i *m apparent i. Representatives of Ihr Molloii •aid. "movie producers have mltlee thai thei, I'lrture Association «f America. been Induced l« aeeh hnalneaa •uhalantlat in nil Ihr National Aaanrlallnn "f h« filming and advertising that II rmilrf first tUtailnr puhllaher* and Ihr material which appears In he In cd volutaril, u n Rmeriran Hook Hubllihrrv' complelr vlolallon of the aptrlt Iff. roitnril will hr heard. ■ ml letter of Ihr Industry's own In the hfw emir* R« a rrsnll. Ihr arrrrns The House group ha* he-'n J»|KNT.ll 4ml billboards of the nation » h.ddiiig hear inn* this xcitt • ■Q- to tho elimirui' .. mde ad vrrti ihrnuth FT Ida v lorltun# during fai. wintri and spring lei".* x<«ffk'.N .lurtii* einooer terms and a Sum'la I nrsiniaii iwur l>e:»cru * suicmr! «n.1 fail term* Fnlrieil as •reond > 'a«« matter undri ihr actI ■>( Mar. ii .« l«o» »l n>* l-»-l F.a«t l.anntig Mien Mail snl>tiri|'■ Meml.en «t U.r DaiH pie** 4*s.*t«t«d f*i*»• and tho—- . Aksoriatrd O'llrgigtg Press IJ.A WORTH Editor-in-Chief KTtniNTC 10:211 p.m . F.lo.rt-ti Managing Editor KIKRORM V MlVUt Business Manager § Dm., Forestry (.'ablg t Irrulation Director at vies will ho i itv litllor sue Pries liursirrs Wl" * allahsn. i'ATtinr II Ml |)| Nr 01 I do Pace litilor saiiili In sir i tin. I. Kttr.hirl. John Vandrn Mri-Ur I/ATION sports Idiioi siisellr It anises Assiielaie smuts IWilor Jim iiiiit r Mimcro Helen Mif* 4-*. p.m., «.rr«or. Nmi Wllsnn WITH SOMK I Ml r\i;»K. V M-! h"»SI Hr\»v 'Wii sni iris Walling Ion I diior I nnnte /rhii |i silk room Moiitrr Norm nines ter. Coffee hc.i »• work, the t'U«hc;»ni stvtis'tt put -»n nt«»s» Null! hdllots Sharon I osils Krisd vianajrr ... lurk Perm SIGMA nil DflTA hit ) tills sun s a intra lioHahm, Vv i km ill vianacer lisaiel H .'10 p ill, I'liiKn' A .* > artvi dt«?inmjwhe*l iltsp|HUt rush *'ii<>k>'* f rtte was oxer thev left—1m.k t«» their l*»ttotn-of-the-l*itnv® llolnies vtitler. Hill M'1 Win Skijiiiro t Isssiurd vianacer Mary a«s 7 Jit i i.,u ha| man I inrta I nlridgr Joan Milin . . sea'.* where cheent'.jf .h'hT c.* tvra!h»n were sis»nivttNl, tu»t Wire I iliiors viarv t'slams. Hrfenkrr mernliera and p „ Woods Haines I lints Hoover. A**'I « ussiried Manager ... * Jsao pun*ha*«Nl wi*h sifftTs of «"»-v .sni-lme tjeke'- Iods Howard Hank Hernsirm viever proocui. Simdr* AdverlUIng Manager VITR HIVII* Without enthu*i*>Ri of *ucri e\tr.i*. HUvk S tr.iifht .is w.< Nig hi sports | diioi \ alone laiolsn Jess Masnrll _—. 8 pni, Sp.i ' vsi. I'haimun slim Kirkroula'' earlier Ptaiiitainevl that tho u, H'.vk w.i* Ihe "hr*' I have ever seen in rw thre«* year* at MSI ." but fitia'A mimittevl "it it wa* perhaps not better, but e*r.m'!v a* c*>nl a* m pa*? years T^,'* i« not the same a* *;-ivmjz r. is a carsi s*vtu,?' CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS TKf Block vhairnvan *a:.j he ivr-s.—Vs • s#-.• in: Sill.INKS: I p.m. Ha. llrfmr I'uhliralioii for Tun., Hrd.. *1 hu< whether the BKx'k cvmtinue* rhro ic n.ext \e,.r lie think-, .nil Kri. Kililion-. Ilr.rilinr for Slon. fid it ion: 1 p.m. I however, that when the «•!.freshman iiiea ha* hail a \» .r Hill- I'ataldr Mi and l-."> Slondav throuch Friday to jell i; w ill t»e more hucvvmC w:. KIP 2-l.»11 EXT.: mi: r»iAM.K nt \N an rxpenmpnt, Knthusiaeni !**rceti n jwr-« m " a •action wa« open to all o'.,***e«. 1 -e fro-'- ; a*v • •- v ' AUTOMOTIVE wou'.vi t»e likely to have mo^e ip;rit than a r c.'a-.* And Mat* between the 1% arul _'*> 1 • a - m.»k.- , c.u'm - -at brieve for student* who otherw >c v • • • .¬ INVV sonvrrT* V4 »iw» rn- in the end fore. UUV .(.'SHOWING But sophoroofe# wns! f ovk'r* w: • ? .t . iavj i urvmu rt mtoii *m< personal 'arther Rid farther fi\»m mtUf;»•'«! nrserve rhnr nvrMo. vn g.of, U»a? iilnUtut Ai.l.V •.iuiuI glun TT» " f».« f h*4f*irkt *#ve reeettl aetiefi irgardiiig t *nr * Di"doN«m*tton* mm I*P*nOing so* Van IVvfrrt ^rtly b« dweipheresi. •• i*p: ,'ij ve re».«nai?K- ! T-'r 'sr'Ii,' s'vA\ \' * : « " » *»*' tST US NOW Stranf<£Xs thia >ewr'a top rvno-nc *tv*i.o-a. the \ \ ■' », ,ir'.* Van Xhsrew, giv »k - •vlt and Bkvk Bryan, have a*t ; •< , i t •• \ VOUR ID CARD IS VOUR Ihirdae'i card pfrtion, reputes: > a wosi . , s.t?.s: . CRED'T CARD that warn# ly favored rone. M 'HOMPSON iEWtlIRS .r.ilrr i' IF BLOCK 8 DOES t'ONTIM I. s . . , . ,A ^ S0T4* a.,,dof ll l« | iraglr error her a use err#, why rot move tt t<> the -. w . . ... ss« rereiger«tn> the pttbW ranoot help hut ««»»• ••'.* performatKos -* .Irr sshat the true puips»*es of When it yeta *»» batl : e . •.„• • * eduiAlion at the utmer%ilv mav e card tection, it * t.:*:e ' r - n» r.s-z he If. lor the *aJse of self- EMPLOYMENT It aeema th# B *x*k h*« j-.*: » t- re c• .«• * - interest. Us trustees impale so wi-ek'« North we* ten? wi. hr**e an# brilliant >*t demon¬ strated m his rlasses i g vount stvv A ir.xxi card W» c.s-. vr 'j a . r . man ui-ti the "honor n( the s dr>d i ffMirtron* j'tailun rn in iidii i.aitor l>eit<« *.»v football fame. U w---; .; •;•< • wc • - ;-»• »■: • IRVlllttUUH Van Ihirrn ha- stated to the -r ... Ii. \ta\ in u-lumll I'od SERVICE • w. Single* Him*. CAM* a-sJ ability of »tu*tetu '»*■ <, esjx-v..-.- w r.a'. w.. fV press thai he has tint heen mi ■ in . favi. Aitonrt. • • , . HlHoriml lered another tearhing posiiiun • 1 1 . \ re. Oxer two * mil- . vA e-*?e p« pro* uieP, We feel that he has rereiveil • • . .«*«» from. Whole- HeU:' FD 7 TN.J VOUR LAVNCtf B-f a card *ection• of• the pry««•' * B - k ,-r - iiniu*t tfegtnxnil from both < «l- 31 PfCkED UP AS? Of-'P *■' viisp'ay bit !•,•.?-* [• wr-.\%-.• : tinihia I niversitv and the Na¬ *0 IRCAKfAST I0NUS , »t iu i#t'a net en. arr^v- VMr-«.sf s •. -e tional Broad) astinc I nmpaiii .» . GOOD We i«k that t harlrs Van |h»r»'lt Rpr. PRISM should he offered a position in the | ncli-h department at Mi* h- Quick ' # igan NUIe Inixersilx Crossword Puzzle live f#gs;ii, SPUDNUT SHOP TYPING i')**■« and di»»e STK '1? Ope- * txuevxnlr! tun vrofif ar.d a.--* am. IV R-WMt ivfiM 'ixuva! TYPf WRfTTH' KcYp Ui» leoairod serx ue Low T.R* FOR RENT or aale Store 131 f (. n>odelg, eloctrn- aid iou» R.iok Store, |Jt r Haaaai i-eal "Norelr the anxieties »f the to Ikr Mi toe S»e«t ifcrh > . *rn * Mr I -TiyVT He • r. Ran I w ;*h b1 stat# tivat # e old . ' :u,;rs ■"<« e.irsfe mi-hided liiium Irg.hili" iVi'I " " " " v |»ureo • unerinr attn.v- * ha« revealed all the farts butk-h of t>»i3n tocKFit* fop Berhev » : -1. V.-*1 'J? g »tl in *hoUr. wharh Ran liorrn rer- «i*nam f £5*® ""'Hi Drower »" i , .U Q\ a-Jfc'M hieh he eon Id be of rredtUh>e t( TV AND Khi;. xs uinlr U. MSI*, tho! late penn w»g U 'la-i Ci'eiv Invx- U Mh the J' rate* «' servtre universat* *.ven for the Hal llotbrook per- uaed T V aet* * and to education in general Coro# «*> the fnot. Michigan fomiarwe Ta«kt* (Ockatx. HOUSING lube die kin« • » Slate. Offer Char-m Van IXirffl » 0 «n dailv T V he ho* h-e.r w*en h.t In Uw future I would appre¬ I• Ra-«a» : r WW T Mkhig . i a jMaUinf?. *■;■ " i «*.-.?;«*ri tfte re», ciate tt if a mmvbef of AWS Sk#t f«s )• i Nike MrRtllop RUE BLACK ' v.-.Tg for h v tn-xxxim, *teouid yr1- would f.r put on her brx>e*i- N'F.AB EAST LAVSIVi fxosetw and accurate Tv David Rohm ■ lap beo yyy \i,.e *mpJc ©ecwjac»n ? •» the itkk to inform the women «tu- fr.iareiJanrou* P David Guilts an ihat c» r*rt fd J-jptj 4>afnw ihary have fTYPUaTHe.- , •rvcee* h.n g.nwr.n.iji a wtv«> VNR VT.i (). by -wctnsjiftd the*- extra hwlf-huur in wtiuh to REOROOVI anui i-MD i*r~ IMMA (UM » »th culture ■ !rf' ^'dern ronv-emenroa Three ueoors and t.<»u« v p.SWdt acU-xn 'fta*cD but at or *wo hi.* ccfrs^'.fh.b m TYPWiT nrsikfi 4VT ' apycaewrve* hcdorc she Se,".- • -AJPSO MAMRItn COlfmjt-.. tvMng Accura- • r_ «. 4 c? *»d *> save the*? -faro"* Mddo»e iackaH. Ar-. .■-p.:,, ■„ur ^,frr . guarantee CopU' ^ Iiwgwawy , IV i-an#i pat < d-iacmhk. BWtig ra««aali ) .») r«, n?*'1** "• »•« EU it aeema ;nci*vf;b;# to me tu«. I i»V i, H:C< 5 L'.*.*3"' r-.e "?•,;«* re~ rot-Jd ftm »rte«t 44 Charges Via !> *?en bit" - R-eatea# Auihtni, $i*S f, I U.ITMiNTS " 0101 OK p0" .Hf '' * si cvvjir.-oecatsce- in al hi.* Th# vn it family Tkaweoaaa. ..-.••r.n-. |. • »od I dafS god* e-th fa-ig Si i • | -"oT iffeesw . Sjsda F • ■ Wi UKUl'H > 5,:: Siiark - e orr Vll of i>ire?l -er?*\» tbe fea'.-vt gree'e*; fern j ,ar—- • «0» • IQOl OTnit ,Tu;iNT teacher* | ever ha»i "Tb Lgrwe CharW fan. * ANC MCC'iTf tAls»A,.v -r'-ugt ^ la ifvxfe hi* poteit- ' T*° i "Gvpnrr. rni n^r. TRANSR0RTATI for farther terrkr ufwrerfety. Your action, »«•« Hen* to be fcsfc*r,3 F'i»h» Ci*i«t • u.p--n , aw*me«*. *17™™ one TWO htoc* frum cMMmT BOMOOM • ->«M shatkear LhinJtmg, and ..f.» - —e vui*-rf;c;a; ♦v-i- . »W»S5Sr LANMNO CRAFT A.N •r-ptiou of the human valuta uttd annual sale this .rrfor ban. his family, ihe K)R SAll no vp.ii;. - 1 . '..v erfci?* amj the public ** CO MM .!»' • nr Nest t ne Reed »«*ni.$ 1~~ Raw win Id Ptefenang . CAXIPt'S Cl-1»!i;W o< Nortal NHenre op,™™ u. . . . HIGH HEABIR^ ...LOW COST ... November B. J9.W Michigan statt vnrs fwtiirrt Vhoioun Kiel Toniithl Speaks of War, Peace A imii|iiilt«»r\ piihltrnlioiiw staff photographers Mill hr held Mtuitriit sertlit* aI mffllni fur a lonight In rfarkruom alt Ihe A Campus-to-Career Case History toniniunisf EYE HI-LITES ,ss Talks A* Hit U. S. Dr. Joseph B. Gutstein pix-ii"*'" Crwrol*' ||0|i- in Imliu, Cliina |)IOStllW -I'l — Premier |k!„ Khrushehev * a v v Vff "re einier anil |t4-Hi-e rhf roM war |>erha|w a i>* in i n it Be«rfr. Illr Tit' ot>.rrv.lioo In tills milium L,r.r, Mturdiv alalit it ■ r*cr* Momtsv Cllnrtm m-ep'ton dclmit- h foil«telii , ,M 12ml innlvrrwry of Ihc lUMwiitpirlki nl( KrvolUtion. * [rpw iituition I* heller." (HtsTlON H hat dn sou riivltn mWI in irpti lo a l\ HI \ I III I! more nonim-ivr lit sklini Ihr ranerllrit bemuse of mi rlulit-iiii'h oiiiuslarm Ihal ruiisidri a lab pi ire fur an ■ on "A'lirrlo.n. arr ho- Ha lis jii llieh srhtNtl I.m.iImII Irani Attempts to managed aim In hil llir I ppei Peninsula brfere eye examination" I In underitand ui. Some work out for IU final game with superior I finally pmlnt end. The u nit io,jn.-- Bill biigaii copy over woik •»(heilutf. *.th Chief Ojiriator Med* Riauch in the Of. W'oirtr. loft tenter. ■otrvnni Mi the only compc- last Ihllrvln llir game eventually had lo he ' it'll- .piestloil lo aieuet K^ytwren ui in the future Whiil pet.p|i .in |i-iill\ |in. - imrHHr.".*. and 1 aarer." lug l«ii is a t oie.dilution ue I u _j--- paint ha eaafMed l.atle jinsk*"s (jilltrliim on l)i-|il;t* their fir-t * hit in lind out Bill Dugan wantad rasponaibility. Udell i imimI piolileitt eat mm leaeenla hi tame v\ hen i that whew ha waa i ' imi pa* * i.iii * ; ■ See how he's done in |uat four years. Japanese Carvings Exhibited !-• ay annate- i •ally p.iMlig • mi inrti.d uitation lei r ji,Pi- helweaa Mia aad \\ In t. \\ tilt.iih I' gi olimteil fnmi tooiu pfo#edure*. foirp »• liedufuig a»"l I CktaM. A-'.-kist ' throintli sears agu might treble his dol¬ lew uf .»•' .r' . ..p.4.*: VMUl'.l «l.v - wav Ml I s| |oN Muile a **l.rte I niiei-ll* ol low.i in lie luiiitu.g and in «ii|iei \ i»ing upend in ji Nc lars If he sold today. arrordlng [LTtePrinter, territory In dispute. Mid has nn inhabitants. be .4 c»h! • • i 'ohrniu., S.i'k 1" Cntversiu in or\evi>Hper> out lo l.adellnskv. my friends wear lenses and (hey n il ismtacl m# an* - t ilepiee in l»ii«ine— .•.lioiiii»tr.ilioii. a pel -miiiel Hi* It-liirned lo lies Mmurn Wile ami .1 III III lesiilulloM !•» ye| and in I'eluuaM. I''V>. was promoted lo He worked he tnufht tu- even n>o»» It Hits L*. 4.^. if the are® had atra- »a* W > •> rt; trail- iati<»n?» (l! •me ran near litem I Ml" III*'*- I li«li i# I TI *l III# Super* i»«rt I heir " hiiid iftoim piogvani.s' hi liit'k* lie cites Hie c.ise of tfu- true? in Lf ? value he asserted: li s eo!S,«eH-»n Of • on JaiMii rtiinng the Ma.A'tli «s|Uini figures «>r China * l.«la* Hill heads up an oijjaniirutioii | xt a general any situation tun.*'' ? .*'s«. k .4: \. v no a lM»g.«n lu» art* col- !»>na - M'rtlie- .'I leu -iipeiM-oi* people add aluMll - iM •.• in it. I don't trust geu- Ktesge Art ifir. •. livtuin 'tier*1 in IH.II ft(IIl hi atrirtit ten iohis ngo. the* He*-a use the art market has could t*e sold tmtay. lie *a>*. Hun." How e* ii Ihiii aie "I wauled lo woik wluie Id hint iral lel. pllone o|M-rali>r- who fiamlle appro*i apprausls of strategic oig- Currentlv agrav .*:> letortti ad¬ Mime who liinimt y*e.o in.del* IINNI call- e.ii h da*. lie is also oppoiliiiulies fur a*ltitneeiiienl and j?et . viser to the oiesuteno f "he been curving upward, a discrim¬ p.- \:,mn t.> $3.unu uftcaftce'' Itu: ;,«• ic's the moneUry ddfi- t hen; Volir etc ilnift.r ..ui lli«- llililiiilg lie#e»«all lake a>l*aidaue tespoiisihle (o| auvilial* -er\ ii es sin h »• HviiUbhc of V leti.u i., Uutejin- inating eollector who hough! ten • • ilM'.i* ef UltN «♦ the f|| 1 I ta peseefaf iawpetlttew. nil'*. *ir • la-idenifk v once a • ■I llieiii." lie *.i\ ». I eouliln I Itate made Inioiuialiou ami the telephone t oliipauv * i d and : ,i\ e • * • I * one kber bsaated ttut Ike 4- .U'UUitert lo pie. a liellei i liuii •• ' sw ih hhoard. tunc, elloii and rnotu * ta advanetnc hi. - .1 vvah' »o sill them AFROTC Cade Is Tour llusr my t. I en mi on I Ii * ••! duel-ilieil h.iiitini' I'liis •» a hoominy l»usiues»." ••!*• Uf addlac: "T* hb tm Hith a grill thai hellrs liis~ laiiudd Hill lli#* "l.ingiiaj." the lui-iiu -» Hill I heir are new piohleiuscofiiiriff up jt tkri uar acaaaawy will ke "Irouldewime" ortupatlun. Ihe I l!rtli'HII * >'ti licite mure i< da* lo keep mv |oh inleieslliiL' and At Croon villi'. .Mississippi and gave liiui the kimw-how ami -ell e* el \ i It years f*a« eollector Is never satisfied, for 'i.liliii'l |p I isi-> there s always another piece lu I A'lvrtiiMiurut *4iul a--uiam e lie dri lled If# was liari-feliei| rhailenyuig. I don I know where a man I Evidently pleased with hi* an hud mo»e genuine, oppoilundies to I. In lli#* I rallu Ilepailiueiil all edar Hapid- ■ be acquired ^promptu meeting with the the first in recent months, The wotkrigi of an Air Force •Mcrvisct! bv two e.iile' offi«i-:s rol|«-c- Same . wlieie he gaill'd •■ * I»er e «u e in ojn I aim;' impnoe Ion... II 1 Captain Svwi. toured the A'i.i then, tie say*, a I ||.,-e hi,o.i !.»i>'w i« to tram he I HI* a piece unit ushenev wanned to a sug- ik Tt.imet Irc-'.illwhi'-h t..i ,1 evil | Ttdrfw a* that he hold regular po l*i . IllSt 1I?1 '-.It flvpijt. won.iei. .-n*. d'd was real!* a * conference* and said he is by a gr. . of 23 A r e • ..«•• WrVI . : C i»« j piece, an*one wanted to I. * II v I'liimr | Itill I hi unit /##»»»»#/ the nu ret he mm /«»«»/. i«g /#»r Itrll I eli-filmiie < •»#»#/miii v. imi might ftmt * puJuini of holding on# a ItoTV . I ourmw *: e • •! '!*ivi-er and ilur'bf the eve- »«-!'■ d, h ith ii '•* . » <■' | In Itr, J. It. l.ul»U-iii | , perhap* quarterly. lie the Curie' Chin. dir. .sth-w:*e, protMhly tun. Iiill* ii ith the Ihll inter lieu it ii fieri vito or 'tee tioic .* ( « Ao forrr UaH M. \mir*. •ILi. » oweixed that the foreign -r theater, and bowling alle a lee u i o e ! '( HI' and farnil* flHIOSII I Ills | | iitrv should have MWi con- ei popular pia With It. ert'i glide l»."» td I sia PnoMrn mac he ciaifa your ninifiim — nml teml the ttell 'tile* riLMHONI let i COMPANItl tffhi < .i .... j more often. Wh, e tiie tu Perhaps the m»- oieifsMig make wise purcti.isvs ins w Mlrlilfan .%*# fihmie booklet on file in \iinr Vhn emenl I' e loNiks are impor'.*!.:, ♦«iNf. siirli | [ A* he talked in the high 11* of t'*«? trip iK'.-im.l wh'ii concedes, hut 'tie 1 Tel tVoatlMr 1 old C/arnt laieteiio k* ter.M ha!! of the sa'i.Y. President Klemneti Vur- Sluli' (.'oii/'erenee ■ cadets got a t.i*th«ind look •'*• An- Force Je. T'siner. the kn..v* iedg*. cofiie, w iUi the ai 'ua) Deputy Premier Anas- 3,1. and also the e*: erjwice of dealing w.Mi the objects -a;id Slulnl oil /.Vllil/ilis incidentally, w.tfi pu.ving I » |#« Itffc.aU' I Mikoyan*. other Soviet and members of the .« »t 5 000 tect m so alti- then for ('.ouiitvlors .« chambt'i. Ikreigr. diplomatic corpa were ■lanc.r.g nearby. The dancing laid toe gaiety were the first ■took m the aomewhat ritual* l*:.c Krwnlia receptioru in «• |it-t tmsa." *»..! lw diM tiuai .State ge:..r. canipa* today .i:id Individual -o j^.t at 'ue 13th a:i- and of t»un- lAie*d«> «m KEWKEl" Campus Clauifleds . . . Iu>" Cu»l NEW SPARTAN LIFE til ■««- Near v 4(Ml vounodors fr- ,i -Ta Spartaa Tawi... i aaw book sloro I kaeaaaa "My lap weald Ju; t'irouifh.»«i pisc.-ii to t the »U'c attend the «e- •»." a." c\- LUNCHEON SPECIAL BORN ... o row kiarf of a book storo. , •' > by the M • - commented tha* g.,-:- Counselors A- " .I'-ior. ali-1 its Boors Oelobor 241b. Ea.Ti-irri ■"> f uni the Pramter in evi- tiir* C • "f fA u-i»'">n IIAKEI) MEAT I.OAI -Octobar I, 1951. OpoooB ■ ^ i A .health after his long P.-.e kevr.o'e *i#v*he- u e DATE .»:R Rogei- of l ie • 49( D i *li>lia I'aUl.w* |i *« 1 • tnpe to tha *' Hcd Chute and Boman* United p, .• ««•• of p--.cho.og- »h-J Hoi V»felihl, p ch^tr. t'n.vers.*. H - J • -died ff he had gone f.,n*;r., and u *iu',o'-,ai.>-kti' v i. Koll and Hut In -223-225 Am Strool. Facing tho MAC Avo. Triooglo park* I > f >> . < a for a secret meeting Jrwsdent Tito of Yug »- Adh whom relation.* are Jea-ler :r t e f e.*l Jl.s su'», Which (h e Tvuly Is A C-utuw ,ng To O# 1 r.a "n.ei a- LOCATION . log aroa oo tha faaoot MAG Avo. boaB. H lo BostiooB lo |' a -e." Khruahctoaa dtkl "No,'* p.s' n View of Peivanal <#-»■«• " KAI.I'II'S The Rev. Walton E- Cole. De- i Itor . w i # gad ineiated ka want to only to hunt. He raid tnn; iM.tor, author, lecturer bo Ibo hoart ooB hub of Spartaa Tawi. lw t\t pretty gw la f v auma karat ami red.«-TV peiw«aUty, will eitdre*. tne group on "The lm- "KEWPEE'S" | Part. portsiAte of the Jrvdlvuiua^, -SparfM BOOK Stan ■ inn N.O. CAFETERIA NAME • • • » AN IDEAL PLACE TO EAT — TV TOO lnULtW*w.l.l. -A Sopor Borbol for EBuooHn. •J. FUNCTION. • Em BopkM * Krpo.r. B GhaanM NO APPOiXTMES t * Contact NECESSARY low f FPVINfi * -SportM ABaiinislrotors, SparfM Frofetsoro. SparfM Shi- r BAN DOS CENTER •* S-'"1 MMSSHMfBSLSnOkGER! Boats aaB Nw SparfM pooplo of aN agoa Nviog ia or a«|- laa. Tto. frl t«»u> HI > abort aoor Ms oar SparfM Towa GRAND -TMofMag Spartaa WaBaaaBap, Spartea vrKNiivy niVt ODFNIMf wav j ' TbartBay, SparfM Frktay aaB Moa SparfM' ahtab Bay Tha Spartaa FaataaH M H :i "Surface" Penetrating 1.' j t' Midfoot Cream-Oil Hair Tonics 'SoHaco* kair Ionic* manly coal yoor Lr. Win they iky of. ymr kaw ilriaa out. Sol Ika ndom Wiltoot CraamOil ' SPARTAN BOOK A sapar-aarkat far aBiaatlau STORE • ! 1 l aumU pmitntm you, knir. Kaapa kair ynumidfcma»...maka«k«lrhaamnn than kair (roomed Tbaca* no alkar kair lanio imnmla Mm on ardiaary way. K. !?:r!ss ?ses, Miaklgaa Cato Laaotag j- i1 ' ■ 4"- . ' '■ . i ... . ly ■ ■ f ft Minnow st \tf \nvs \#vcmber 9. 1939 Pa?* •' DCs Lose Boicl Came Kicks Plat- ]Vnv York, Unl Wiiuss Tic Spectator* at (he ninth annual DETROIT And* Bath¬ Wings h«.l taken a 3-2 lead en IV wilt''- Puff flow J saw Gamma Pht J2-l>. tn Beta a down Delta Gumma, thrilling game held Large Role j gate fired a ?r>Tve mintittf-s goal with Io.«e than '.eft Sunday nigh*. \enn UUrmin'* beautifully exe¬ cuted unassisted tall.v Jin? Had it >1" mt only 73 e \ mornng O'd College Field Saturday Th s was the second In Pro Win «" '.he Yew York Rnwrs v • <: "ih vear in « row for *e\s 'ds before C'l'.w'i tally O «imi i PKi Tht> fivil played tv,:oe game losing streak and w'• i!e the Banger* were a snail „M Although 'he IH«'« Med hard, portant ruly In the a 3-3 tic w :'.ti the 'V- **.«•' because .'I 3 penalty. Hart* - « the ouvk moving girls of Gain- Fimtlwll la-aylie ,.an>e, \„!(Vri< ■ Red \V'ng> ' is and I arrv Pooein broke Phi outplayed s,J nn their oppon¬ *c" c■'%' in f?v" < -he Detroit net Wings were trapped up-iee try- of the game Helen Arnold car- York CiantC |vi.,itmn ,t seven - t "or the Bed irtic to increase a .'-I advantage. rust the Kill into the end rone top of the Eaetern r„r»_ on a quarter sneuk from' the 13 And nice. it »et lwk - J sard line »n the first quarter K>K SHOW TIMK OIAI. Kl> - ">*1T Hi rhamplon Haltim.r. i .1 After a non-scoring second pc'iod. Gamma Phi used Sandy hope* of winning th, tt„J Prince on a run around end ertt Conference title f„r t, and scored the only other tally eei-ond utraiirht veur ®R ot the game ' I*at Summeral! tx.vpq For hi'.t time entertainment, field auals—kicks ot ,i; ^ J EAST LANDING %DI1T« 7Or — PHGNIE ED.2-2814 ( IIII DRIti !#r m * T* sJm TV t e c-s fi demity wi': .' -queen" 'escorted onto candt- the 20 yards—tu hm»u!- New York's |*oint> a. fta3I f eld f »i .-.udgmg The "girl" downtsl the Chicag • i \sr ■: - i>\ys — first show : p.m. $5Ls& RRRRRB^P«^*F%ira-,A'" from candidates from Theta came in first, Chi and V-.1 lit a tmttle of defeat faslt&q \> Ham Baker of U ashlar IVI'.u Sigma Pi runners up. *" hooted two Held goal* th« | nltoxdytosmOr^i suif Rtw« PWoto ky %l Rosee PI RIM F IHTIAWI fr* appears to be doing a M-yarttr with |? forward *rk-h Sireder (H follow. Ike action w if a trained seal art with the ball aa Spartan half - "^""Malr handed the RoileMwakrr. their worst de¬ rtmuhdmt. to five the ts^ a t?-9« Ppaoi victor* bark (irrhardl tirents knock, it past him MM fral in the two tram.' four meeting* to date. P-l. a*tr i t'otta. Drill* Purdue in llumc Closer Cleveland's Brwwns i*ievJ •fun then privates in lone / within oof game of t»y downing the Phi'.aVxo c,\v Kagles 28-7 with JItj-i* Boaters Make It Emphatic9 9-1 mn»ring two touohdowa. to over the league av«*ir.| The with (k) points. S:»art«n sihvci- (cam Heron >n.i F-u-h Str»\iei pad- lev' 3-1, at the quarter and The Chicago Dears movwl cm.-hed ,it lea*! .* piece of th*- otvJ ihrir already-fat «*\>nng re¬ ht ftimv. then coasted to ii« a tie with, Green Hav f,,r M.dwes' S'H*ccr Conferemm Ka«t- cord* and Coach Gene Kennc.v •jj.J in the Western aectior, bv cl>!V's;<«t title Saturdav. u \ - saw fo it that h:* entire reserve r-'K StiiMer and Heron Ckch «e*v* l .pmg Ihmlue. 9-1. in It* l.i>: mg the Packers 28-;;. Lk-. pt/ived i-d the periiKl. j \«AW.SSVW.SWY*WWYWWWWVWS\\WAXXWVVWC lk'9 g.»•••»• mm the Stkvt". Fieic crtw v. .sH-ninir a 3-4 record. . Seven venior plaser. U. their •••« ! L'-N»k racked up two point* t»rt.i-.»! hnnt f:n*h detn-id* »n • He:I'M hu second in the next Layne. Ivi'.frre! final home action and will play »N»-ie.*dc: Indnn.1* weekend out- frustartesl h»r thnv ; w-r their la.t game fur MM Satur¬ • ,r « tUuie and. Strtsler talluM „ III KKV! hit Twn Tracy with :0-r,^| cM8k&rt65i against Farlham. tHNi-c a day at Pitt.hwrgh The* are •ho third and Drago got his Kvenosie got into the act. a- touchdown pass tn thr Drago. Horace Hamilton. Hrron. >: vi .»•! a fourth-quarter penajty I-i.l ,'t I la i. g* ai.e Vvl Drago n« ttev1 his fir-t yserKkl Sunday t>» earr >•• MIOWN AT Pete MrKlnnon Itrure tlkuir. cu leg » e tally, Dern-c Cook biu^b Steelen a lit-ui : f 7 t hat trick. Cecil Uon.« thrr. Heron hav raph«*morr ell* at goal after a *eorelew* *opho- laywe. wke kicked a It-. cihilli*. hut plan, to graduate morr veavou on the forward Held goal la the third >fd'.d»'>n* were those forced i»> inoii I Ml II 3 the final t*rkxl. STARTS THURSDAY ALL-NEW SHOW Hox|»n i I 1 I it U a by injury. It Ux»k the Laws JuA efi |—tkj f*Ji .'71—XOP&tCV-li— -'/CobAtc.'/-i Another "Wilnm for the Procreation" HI* Farewell hit—w lulMIU S.» teri V » I . » I II ? M i* V yl plajn to tevvre tiie bxuAdr IM Schedule laajfer lMrad»ra||,iraaM' I *■ •<-*■» to J * it at MODERNS i with Tobin Rote p.'-ir\f.n| i yard for the six $v;ms MNItRUt lh»n Sutherlui, 1 ST.UUUSO GLADMER I M W »**• Now* I raid 4-1 the Steelen from the Nrv } Giants, had a f.rtii f.' «n t.1 I llua fl Hair lirulirrk NOW SHOWING S 14 » Una 1-1 frtmt the 42 blocked *-« • u W «»«« l-I s«xt*nda left. Martin moaei f tHiarlrl 9 49 Sou «| IW.rr tram • raid 57 ywrda out with I • 40 Nrdri.k *« lla.ortlk renaming it VTIKIMl t.?J W II ♦ * * • 14 • .lu* t-» Paul llfMIMHIll • II n«u.t(ra'd t*« KAtTMM rilXHIIUI wttrir m« • 40 Hr«aa l-I a»w Terb ii i a* in i ... Jrniw. »)•!« « leveleod ate .Tit 4 40 Wall#* 3-4 I I I ill t liri- t'-iunfr 1 IS RaiArr a-• I I I i* III • I. >I*MI 1-3 ,f t 1 Jll — • ... • V* Prvan »-• • 40 Pl»4«* 1*1 (Jiiro llamilluii i • t e mi t I t Jll t.reen B*f III d Ollilllrl Pay Mire! What Fori tht«a«e Peace i . t t tt nt i Lo« Aatetee f I I * f" ' ... I a » jit m i Mat nartl Krrgu-ou & Orrhf-lra ... L*iiiInt1. Ilriulru-I,, hheoeet I a Ho— I -H.IB I ... I I H ? «k| • Wl la^tnaril Ft-alhrr aa.iN*. S-.aA^iAR9lX?S 3.50 tU'UTl OS Mil AT ■ ARAeMlin^- *^raraa.»JOhCB8 ra—WAmmi wos. l .WTli tit ». gi. uvea Ml Ml LUF ktwt IVIVTA VESTEE SNHTS rt>o < _ raAMxx "VI OR Dt IA or *'«■>! fciag Near r tlANOI XT—IU a. MM. PI KRTO IM O¬ ia Caaiin Slj In MO DI XT ON t, TKMTI DIUM CARTOOK Ideal far rli oa mobc a mail oauta -MGMTV MGMT BIGM ran oa r*u •MOII d AT ART - ldl rmctcmt tit • kM • TM • HI frn kotiiekrk'i GIVE YOUR CAR vinmr sup UDAbbaUM. You're U*ki«f fer a job* Sal j»»t any Mary of the »■;*•,« t«-Jt-ni'i;aea are used t» A "BRAKE" Eaat I werimnmrl ' but one where yw itwwe f#r #**# yt work jwj arc n;«-*t *'.at<.«-rc f r the locur g 1*17. LMufU* IK'-S, in. One that ws.ll KM* \>m «*ery C'-ftvair VSd. Lckiteed F";ettra, the Nivy'i A.'U ;«-Jl5'tfh.tcr^v*r the ^reccntrnl o« the B43. ehafM^to grtne with the company. Aa4 there are others that *e can't talk about Sure.'fringe benefit* are fin#, link Aviation just yet • (?*n aa ri»d better than the newt Rat h« * about the day-to-day opecratiunT What There thee are , some of the current «fv- . COMFLETK MAKE iumJ of a.-.»•«. ow • *.v* tmt ur fWtRMHti foY *a usterxiew to advance. Link M«tm. wiil be on the • t&mfmtrr 4*vk« .ifeewh mxi , ■mM-int+ar tymttw**- 'viV- .'s-*r. State campus tm WednMkav. fw+cruim gtmthtto* pr&rt*r;ns • «*i * • ?«• wim. toccJm e«J kwt^i. v<;2i»MofiiMi. simoiaaMMr e? 1 Champion Are om.-nx' and* najvi^uf.ort^ sy am* Limn GENERAL PRECISION : Brake Reliaers , • vm:J*tum iit ciMtfKterr mrmbt tyirtms COMPART • tram. n,*n :eij ctr^uit'\. p<*he igewefgE oa +t*0.fb-n 0*4 &&iw • a vptniii *i%mi tinpiny >;• uom - Unk Aviation ln defent mgtnn, n \»|M si>"r|» ((liter names Saturday and the results „n K4thmi Novd turned the college f>s»tli,i!! j».c- a!..rig with UStf anfl IVim Stn'.e g..ii State Saturday UCLA, %**i*Um pal Ntpphrn. ture into a colorful hut confus¬ i No 7». taking a 24-18 pasting winch amnlhered Stanlonl 83-13, November », I'lJH Page > Irr f ;• nit Wisconsin (No. Hi The and Oregon. 20-1R winner over ing impressionist painting California all are possibilities. Wilis*' 0,1 Tex lift and Syracuse, still tin- iMMten and untied, timved »«•- other teams In the top ten won. m ist of them ratrticr easily Onl v four ma jor col leges—By i a Turkey Trol ward the fr-'tit. winning bv Texas now slands No. I In ••use. Texas. Southern California filers* Annual Race harrow l»..uents' Miid Stale nofgins when their o-»- i;unt»les faihvl fell twick after losing l.ouis- line for Ihe southwest confer■ ence title and the ( ntton Mow I liiiltatton hut Is far from helug and e.i North Texas State—remain unhejiten and untied after Saturday's games Sou' h • .• u .. |.,e sure. California, Ineligible for po* - . ' ■ 'i-iini !•»*» ha* "For (In* llmls* same way winner uf Is sr., .in plav penalties, walloped l»ecau-e ..I huple.fs West NCAA ■'i" h.r |w«t I SI . pruiwl IIc||£!|In I 4'ill'H \ u .'Inia 30-0 and North Tex ts *.«> r„i k.•* 1 stiaisht games and the Nu. I 1 hrji thi-y 1' tha Thr team in the national rankings Iruumed liOMiftvllle 38-7. IV , Saliirilu.'. tum! Tick.-v iiH'i- !'• >' asjai'i i scheduled ac¬ fur If strata hi weeks, refused Fuotliall lb word fu: H.m-us.Ii, tV.i tn (u fur a lie after a belated T)m Bwl-iir Afioey > iff .v KNMN'VUd.f:. 'Venn • »*• -F.u CoMejc V ■ touchdown against Tennessee M»ai . it's beeii a |»\ wmd amung V hi llir past am mtmhri *»f Instead Mills t'anon tried tn men •mii run on i tram a* llir run fur Ilie twn |Niin1er and l ennessee opponents and the r 'Ptte tme-i m rianct music" roaclie* thai vmi c.m't make featuring first !«•••* turn uf 4 (tulip tun didn't make It lennessee won |i,i -.iakes a;'.lllls' till' Vols and the finish line are niihitlfftll If-1.1 and earned recuaidttun as S%ll III-.I ACK31 AN l»"iH- to w Mi' Ihr Irani ui thr trout* a pi line candidate fur a post- JACK MIIAI N I .miisi,ilia Stair learned f»u- If t ■ I! \- i, 111.« Ulih,' a ■ i' a'- • season howl Invltattun. li.iiii viio what the- bv-w'Uid MOMMV STIAINx I !|}*»II..; fa ■> lit ru Ft n; S'ri . previolisis . u i T .id'! I • .'ids '.'a mm ll tfrt'ii aicn. put no in inspire.! couu*- means IIARRIS JACKSON 1^, ■ ^ ihr 1 "«»»"* lu !■ .o.-iM-tiiuu pei fiirrnnuce .» I' wa- the In*' game in M» Till: V AI4.AIMIRS h< \,i tu«!ui»mtr ''M' the lop-ru 11 lied Mengal- '... lltll! ^' S* i a. ji-c. sparked by n plus man% uthem i t field *»* «l '•» Ihe till' •at ivc the 100 \ aid kick d! retui" hv It-' r.'vr up a touchdown, and end- |T(HHi |W«I ,,,r l5**1"* pat e» K vluo.ui: but couldn't make e i iH.llege (iMitlinll'v lottfle-' inn- PNONE IV 2*0824 m4itr U|i for the lw» lurkri. fu«r.,- 4ml iturk arc ini victory streak til 18 straight L ^nierslU"* »(4ip \i*a I'h"in Hi HoH fiiirHham games Ihr first thrrr place aw arils, ami 1*1 MM » II %• t ft %i k lint littler is •iiis'ii u» In a iH'ii K .• huu i tn fall on thr hall carrier atr Usiialli ru|u«rit hi hnfh t rl r riillicr I iinr. U from behind to spat tan |tut> Hrtrirh tun i Km *% tillr J a suu lUrnrn (riiht) IiniIis on. winners ami their «pnn«»r\ (>..« l o.iiitr. Km. '!'|- 1« r. k lit,*, tO.Hu* IVHI-f he s.if"«*u in wifi !hc Intramural \ net cnii'-sc caused the.. c;vv- I In alril \pain? O'f,, ,\'i L'HK I hi M c«»Hatton •>; M»r croag wuntiy ' Wriliicstl.i i Tim ma must ib' a *i| run Friday, aeeortl- m- ' • i o.i. : t ian IXttrich (ouch i luims in* I i*pi CM-Mtc.i a' a >. ;at, h P I'he harrier.-, will be practicing I'UV'liii, lu "-.las 4 .III ill 1" 'OH IM Ituililms a 1 '.h;. week m preparation fo> l ilm licrculs Kurfict int.iiMiat:>»I» . •• a\a > •he !0 meet m Chicago ttrx* t.w «t».«* at the !\l office Frula* Kefs' Error COMING TO CHICAGO It! i v »\| I V, 11 »\ |n,, I' 101 TMt WiEKENDT duttworil MM hi Hi In- Iii,Ii imu > head r kvt thr !*«**'• weie ! im; 4>M'itcd Sulidav liawS law- — —awal. Ch^h. ^ %Nmt one* the HuiTrr- t Hik .1 li'uitunatc ,a<—Swt. tfHf. M 1s«> n -,,1 I a completions out \.o from his bou J ,1,."'M. '.'I IW »«"'• if Saturdrti atui • TAV AT THI YMCA HOTEL It** iptHim had fur out ».Mi.uU'li tu» (iiiubt • At *• ■#>» • |v |«< yard* *1 ' ,» >«• f:?art I) • U r.filCMtmH • lie «e.,rele«« tie a Urrt'Jvi- * havma photo- i- •futlf'A intr. from Indiana «- • p-.t due 28 ,-v Vl*-*' #iut j»Jt**ed O. m.era «j' almost on ■ '-.Mr ,l|,> i' shOW.S Otir Fmk. A i .loiuss. so tar in'o A MUONTTUL • »■'.,< mii# there i« ahsolutels S.*n4.->s ill \-' '•» ii ibout it " Ili<*keu» xant M LUXE, TMASUtT :t Me 4l#o insisted, two . . '• r MACtt l>\ .1 . k that Indiana scored OV PEANUTS I to# Casual CHhra fw.iamg. Oaa'Ha**, " b\ '('• er i «a itdevl short in a SVu',il' ami at M.rthig.u State PEANUTS, h etca' COMPANY •f 4 HOII t KM \M I; Miuo l.ulimin makes 4 Ionic tut xpirUil iiuai gHa • f drriA>«t ' let ba, k |>can I ,mi». iIhi m,.» , an ,»t. r Im, k sitc tk |cir» shrrhlli > .»J • \V . in-,-.: m contact with FORD MOTOR %t< 48. j" ■ has altrjfi iu-rti su, »••---* f»lii l,k 1 ,-ut ol |U«i hi 1,1 Mi'lat'ii diu o IV.' Ten office." he said. opprAn^ahf ,• c~ oSon dwllMyin^ M# p; -e» 15 m-d« i fw in* xftet la* taurfHlw u Iiltrfe * " . uup*Hon 1- going to do to Co t» what the ftevtsmo *. ■ cnrMi m many Atldi to wlp, |n4m We know wim' (iltaruu I tut fur 8 abuses i *v,—i _j rame •« rip** n lh' ear QWMPKmp old MRM N*W ■ II itr* Hoe in Ihe middle •,e vin-rig somewhere and with abdtly omd MAol'wo. k &>rg (uirltr ifltr three .'re situ,;; '.■■ t«*' to thv I"' by CMMUt M. SCNUU .-sr^S1 lies I (itunv of Season* en of " I kii"v< irtoieetuif of- U*rtf purv two from criticism hm't the a ,iHiu §th of k Alien liim Wilson anil AUro »• NMW WIN tr MSWC! fi.e ti.ra kxr.ixKERiv; - iklsinesS QBBf ^ j J yrkrk Jw KllWcki *1 he .Mu-hp.-'je v,r. e»':•!■ i.'i «t,-r»j»ed Purdue. I"»4>. in t.he .SCIENCES - AHTS I f»t« KiktU watrrnl I'F'ei , *• j■ i >. <■: -r, »s , ' tun- rod Ik* scoring Fvis-i r .••",cu ? ■ V . WHAT IS QAM? Ford inlert irwprH will l»p on rHmpux on Norvma Imt 11!. ttntl Novrmlirr I.'I. I'hVI. For furlhrr In- |pirV • worked their cmmkm mm. • nn t formuiion. |ilense roitLii't Mr. ,l«tck Kfnnrj', 'I'll.' II..11..- uf I'll," row aa out or rouo mmm. ii r.uM- *. fiiitne » t* *. -• f ;• HM» Hi*, With l»-iU(berti said. "We didnl ion row. mmm Mown om» Ii.m mm Placement Office, Ifkrt b> !Vrk Baker ro- MHMil • Mm Tort I* I ft iddAiuns of 38 yard*. ueiMl da* the heating rpuipment to-* because Ihe satisfaction of pvilli! Illd.II M ami* to tf> t-jar.r-. HrarrdstatUr l»l.«iint a tio»d game U the Arrow. ' v ■ j-*#' from thr 13 greatest warmth In thr world." I ook v touf hitoii n aerial m ^ner.v also expressed » to j^ut th« K'otf »'• * bruuihl Ihe HTATE TIIKATKK the AeCiOid uuartrr . , i.-: ".e porfn- •natn-r -»f .'.v-rt • 11* 'a-* n.inutra r>" .Hiiiniriii frum lluiihfrb th»t U : eunsa 1 def«9|s,ve guard, Takr Out till 7-9171 '• I tNtk was the best y u «t let i> , v. i flip on • run •a liHx*?up»rtr one of Wit* *• aalMrillf-tailored in | fer T-ttermr eiHied the v. »rris ' Brv a;. if.i rr'i *-i# wc*m A wftis ■ .* n % =.- ins- 'I fa:n« br- MSVt 2H- vea". The act.yn • W ,■ o' h IIAS TIIK |;er .„.. .rrmk. ir* 1»">3 surf.-- .i.i! cur;m-c I f-0 ♦' ••.•'H, ami -' ,v*M4 * •' I.OUK UF SL'I.CESS .sm ,n the ' S^rUns of the iMripi-' "o'i be» Ma^Jgan never . th.s - tin- siiil llial is VKSTKII lu eoiii|iliuiciit OnIuv's natural-line fashion-herring- IhiiTc worsted in nuhlle olisc Hliafles for that siric look — *60 *:[•. 11| M ,1 :• 1 !.. I !i * 4 "u tradition tit inirliigiui ntutr" I'j ii ■ , • ku The Tog Shop SA'I Vl 1.1 CON THEATKR HI.INI. - KAST I.ANHIM, MICHIGAN STATE rtACIMIM HIKIA. l.ikcjt Won Nareoties, Man! November 9,1959 ' ^1 ■ Seniors of the Week iBi Bachelor* degree (Ml Master* ill) ftoetora IVhere no de¬ gree I* indleated. all degree level* are eligible to Interview MAKE Tin:" EMPLOYER* Chevrolet Motor Division FOLLOWING MAJOR* NOVEMBER II. 1959 Dec. & March grads only: Ac¬ 'Beat'Detectives Turn ' ' MICHIGAN STATE yocr morning h\ X| General Motors Corporation counting (B), Economics (IJ) bongo rhythms while the others NEW YORK (Ah—Five de¬ the real Beatniks continued liv¬ Finance (B) & Statistics (B» ing it up. One turned over a shuffled, chanted, and stamped majors for Industrial, General tectives living as undercover A- Cost waste can and began beating out their feet. Accounting. Beatniks turned square Sunday j Corning Glass Company Packaging (B) majors (Dec. A and put the finger nn 13 habitues Among those arrested in Har¬ March grads only) for Pack¬ Wolvrrinr* on S*l«* lem was 46-year-old Bill Bailey, of Greenwich, Village. age Production & Develop¬ The charge: narcotics viola- I960 Wolverines "are on sale identified by police as the broth¬ ment. er of Negro singer Pearl Bailey. (Vrtrral Kl«vtrifc..C»niiiiai Dec. & March grads only: Ac¬ lions, man. in Berkey hall on Mondays and After a month in the Bohem¬ Thursdays and in the Union Con¬ He was charged with illegal counting (B) (M) majors and all other men (B) (M) from ian life—-complete with beards, course Monday through Friday possession of narcotics. berets and jazzy poetry sessions for the benefit of off-campus Of those arrested, 35 were the College of BAPS interest¬ -the detectives struck as part students. Dorm residents may charged with felonies in nar¬ ed In a career in Accounting of a city tvide crackdown over • cotics violations npd 60 with : iSr Finance. purchase them from their dorm Fleet. (B) & the weekend. representative. misdemeanor*. Genera: Telephone Ctxnpau.v Mech (B) Kngrs. for Engrg. positions. ■f Michigan Ninety-five ^" • Maskins «V Sell* Accounting majors for Junior rested to raids thai reached Into t III III in I •HI fill 11 IJ 1 n II llll ttHIII II ft HI 111111 It 11II" 11H111II111 ITU II11II t ^ ■ ,i ,3WWR Accountant positions. Brooklyn and Harlem aa well JOYC E Mt V%M%R% CARL STHNRfDFR Carl Schneider is a man who l^impheiT Public S«-Ihk»1.s Elem. (B) Correct ionist teacher, (B) School Diagnostician (B) (M). Speech (M) A a* The VIUoc'. Inspector Edward F. Carey i university * i fn.v MeNamora. Eaton Ran- kn -.vs his way around a dining (Dec. & March grads only) put the yalue of confiscated Peggy .U «enjor. is well known in l.undlierg Greek circles. Joyce «a< chairman <■' 'he room. A restaurant management ma- Aviation. Inc Elect. (ID (M) .V Mech. (B) Engrs. for R Si I). Design,; heroin, cocaine and marijuana at a million dollars in the illegal students' (owncr-miiiiifrri tor fm:u Downers Grove. 111. Manufacturing, Sales St In¬ market. 1959 Big 10 IfV-ThmHellenw Carl food* chairman of 'he dustrial Engrg. The masquerading detective* special vice-president >. f Don't Council. an,i « was ..f the ! $59-60 Panllellen.c 19.58 Greek Feast and .s now McMillen Feed Mills Dec .V March grads only: An¬ spent virtually all of their wak¬ Council. S is a'v rremhe- - pres.- i«-nt of Les Gourmets, .» imal Husbandry (ID, Poultry ing hours jn Beatnik haunt* to ta Tju Alpha. %n element*ry education ma¬ there He ever i« was one combining his presi¬ majors and all n*n (B) from the College of HAPS interest¬ ed in ed adlcts and pushers. To blend to with their sur¬ Prim* h*ef.npen f*r* "urnd-if-h ail ju«— Forget!! dency with the addional office of Ag. Sales. rounding*. the undercover five rxlra larcr pliitt*—* p.• InI'.—rnffft- jor, Jim re mi artne in the general rhairman of the I960 Midland Public School* All Elem. (ID (M) teachers cultivated heard*, slouched about or milk 4 hildren's Theater presentation ati t teacher for the Men- COEI) a l.e* Gourmets dinner danre. He , coffee houses to attitudes uf of "Sleeping Beauty." tally Retarded (B) (M). (Dec. ha« also been vice-president, i despair, shuffled off to donee*. treasurer and strward of the A March grads only) IN ADDITION. SAMPLE LIBERALLY .She ha* ho»n ejected to *ev - Jan *e«*lons and poetry read- organisation. era! t »t» campus h«>norar:e*. in¬ Ins*. PROM ANY OR ALL OP !» SPECIAL AP¬ Army ROTC cadet. Ciri cluding Alpha Tower Guard and Mortar IVwrd, Lamda Delto, An plans to s*.»p playing host in the L-C Series Feuttires Ojwra They adopted such acceptable nicknames as "Gorgeous PETIZERS. SPECIAL and is a member of Kappa IV'a Kellogg Center State R-xmi t » George." "The Sailor," and iv,. national education honorary. fake a two-year tour of du'y llaritone Tlmrstiax in iml DA 98c Jove* also nceivrrf the Oj*- after commissioning nest spring "Jamie The Queer." He is a member of Scabhard and Detective George Bermudcz, tfanding Junior Award last year. MSU's Lerture-Concert series Blade. (Officers Club, and wa opera companies and at Holly¬ .'•.riving for utter authenticity, "B" will present George Lon¬ wood studio*— wrote off-beat poems and Ererr even finance director for the Coron.i- Gut I Joes Stalin: t -n Bait. don. leading Undone, on MetrvH>o!itan Opera Thursday night at Later he was selected by Al¬ had one recited in a coffee uhop by Rmgo Angel, a Beatnik poet • Car! i* a member of Sign-.a bert Coates to sing • the first DORM STl'DENTS: l^okine for a really In Comes 'INikkv' the Aud. 8:15 in of note P: £u, national hotel homvary. concert performance of his operv, fin* m«al this Sunday rvrnina? Por Ihr WASHINGTON* tT*—A huge ar.d is canuHis representative tor Harding Williams Corp . na¬ The program will include Bms epais from "Arnadis" iui.1 "Air rie Charon'' from "Alceste" tjy "GainsUirough." wtsid Bowl at the Holly- But Saturday shortly after midnight nlfht the word come finest rnininr al hard In heal prices he sure lo vioit Monday p.nnt-.n« <»f Soviet Premier Ni¬ tional restaurant operators. He After from headquarters aud the eopa .. . Lull.v: "Vier ernstc Gesange," signing a contract whloh ls -a • Khrushchev has replaced 'ie ,-e of the late Joseph Sta¬ ha* received grant-in-aid schol¬ arships from the Joseph Schldr Brewing Co. the Chicago Res¬ t»v Brahms; "N»»n uiu andrais," from "The Marriage of Figaro." I»h| to solidly Ujokctl concert tours for two year*, he was en¬ behind the heard* turned sud¬ denly businesslike, hauling la a "HOUSE OF BEEF" Tuesday in .>n thu pail of the Russian quarry of || astonished men. by Mozart; "l>»n Quidbotte a gaged by the Vienna State NOTICE: All meats served hv the 'ilou«e Kr'twvyv. Guests taw the pi! painting taurant Assn. and Harding Wil¬ liam* Duleinee," by Ravel: and « num¬ ber of folk songs of the British Opera. Even at the station, however, of H**r are I'SDA I'rime. Nothing hut the Wednesday • - te bv side with one of Lenin Carl has steward, treas¬ urer and a* executive bocmi Dies bent fur you from ... Saturday night at a reception (•eorge London was horn in NOW ON SALE cr ebrating the ~42nd Anniver- member "f his fraternity, Phi *arv of the Communist Revolu¬ Kappa Stguva Hi* k» plans are t» Monlreal, Canada, bul moved to l ot Ancelr* at an early ate. -1 rr rrl University House of Beef tion The old painting of Stalin wot work in the field of public feed¬ Itoring hU hl«h arhool years he * ing and housing. sant In rhnrrh eholrs, with small nowhere to I* acen. Beautv ( NUrt Lens (and all your cptical needs) 1960 wolverine 113 W. MICHIGAN AVE. • (NEXT TO HOTEL OLDS) Salon WALLACE OPTICIANS stiitm8 that at Hour*: Mon. • Sat. 7 a.m. • D p.m. Kmtal. In Sun. 11 a.m. • !• p.m. . = Branch Office tine at ( Upper* < — opposite vim In Fraud#* i • hour • »**k mm nam ksk raw i t Specializing in: roa»t beef, round heef. rhirken. ED 2-1116 eye eaaminaftioita h* f. Jenaeu. • mouth duck, >leak-. etr. 2 dnors Ea*t ef |)r. W. registered optometrist Til. IV 9-2771 1.11 N. Harrinon "tout! vrmi nfania rrmrinltrr" . Lunin Theater notn« %*«•» «-». ?«»«. %»•<.. tit.. *•>; Ifcuf». * I r|.. M Ell Ml 17 MALL raw 9-3 z •.IIIIIIUIIItllUIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi. 5 SHIFT X CO M V A N Y KKSKAKCH LAHORATORIFS and TEN STAR SPECIAL! fm.inffrim; kfsfaroi k i: — PhD. g Sluffrti Toju »h" *ee* real opportunities Im advance tu their Held ★ Tlinrw Ru|t« % Naill representative mil he on rampua November 16 and 17 9 All*-ration- ami Ylt-mliiij; te Interview interested student* Arrange with your Placement Office to see ★ Erirmlly Senirr M M tOEGlU. run Michigan fttalo. 1954 College Cleaners ( j|»li ami (arfi Records! Records! Records! <>2U W. Ylirhiguu Ea-f Lau-iug Over 25,000 EO 2-1713 45 Whether you wan* one of the top It or an rjii a old stand¬ JOIN YOUR FRIENDS FOR ard. you U find It tu •ingle IV* Only at ANDIf N will of itaglrv our aeleettou you of over U.M# find the largest 5 FABULOUS DAYS *eleei»«u in * rotral Michigan Hhy not •i aw m rome la ond brwuse Friday night till 9. around—we're open Moudat and ON MIAMI BEACH mm-imm ' rlioowe Frtmt I inn d i aa im. m bin kt mm t «»ui|»lrlr Vrtiuii of NEW TITLES ADDED DAILY s ★ I'op g Country af»bh ★ Jt* it Uanrr AT -j* MSU - MIAMI WEEKEND M now on sale FALL FOOTBALL CLIMAX : I Htt. a **jj* u* . •SHOWER OF STARS* ul HI 0*h *2.98 • RRIBA4R oMATMIi •RCLATONTI • All Tran*|M>rUti