» r ij„ iii Olin The Weather lr.llh.rk May Michigan State News He Out Partly Cloudy. Warmer Of |ji"t (iaiue Hitch Today S3 Srr I'M' 3 law Monday . .30 Serving MSU For SO Yeur» v LSI, N" 9;! EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN—TUESDAY, NOVEMBER I". 1959 I'RICE 5 CENTS s. Approves French Test Chou En-Lai Of Bomb in Sahara Desert I Proposes Meeting With Nehru to Settle Disputes "The I'. S. ha* VATtONS. N Y- I* detail* no Rn the device which the technic«I M»**n and Ahmad Shukairy. the PL.rti slates indicated r*-:ire-.-ntative of Saudi Arabia I1 rjoe. the French French geverament may he le*t. Mafh acreaed SHakairy ef Inc. ar the detail* af the go- l g* P itom-V b»mb in the caution* whirh it k taking at makhi- -ralemniee*. slaaderaa* V w .-h 'iit danger to the teat site to eliminate health impwutimi* against my reun¬ flins area. ify." io- Henry Cabot view in a and safety haaard*. "The French L. kc main «.f the delegates India Calls IFC l akes .hP t" s govern w. i < ri." »i* added. "1 regard this however, has statist fhat :: n.v .u.rdfi y'.atement to bo testing small , • iidegatc (Shukairvi up u pra-. ' (wtrigi't ! committee that of » vice, that tlu \ a*v taking nuclear de¬ in f,*--:,j*.a and »>? incitemeuta, umiPi." bait China Plan !N« Aelion W-t8*> safety precaution*. and tha' \f.x i!ii* will take several hun !•- u,s ui'gemi by Shu**- unqualified suu- Repugnant , five ...y • i-a'.o dial France was a kilometer*- from the ucarc-' . 4 t.y f retieh stato- ■i 'iz wait aJdictcd to Oil ZBTs - wegon with tin* Tin* experience w rv-rh • , p.r.oe Smikair> rcuiitnl fiat he a- L j ensuie the 'safety of I* S govern men1 ha hi1 r, e \kn-h n»r Frunce. . Nehru Clear pu* I-okige put the testing of nueloii device a" which I have iu.-t d,-*.ci ihe • t»ut *r-.n: : .-I'livmn' the eo.n- Uomiril IMnilr* On lliw Opinion git,an th'.s way. M.j'ter "the attack germane in evaluating the quo¬ tum* of health hazard* Fra»uv jganist humanity should lla/in^ liiriilrnl ». h. • •* be glb'wc<4 " Sl'.w OKI,HI. In (I In i4»»— have been raised n the c ,«• nese anticipated French te>s." n% GliOltCiF-ANN n%l I K Heel China'* Chun Kn-Lui latdge said the I s. had < (in¬ "ft is too early to roach a |»rnpo.sp(l Monday to Bottle Jamaicans . the anpry border dispute [pedit ion ducted nuclear weapan* te*l* in rulioiml cm pi «iop," mi it I I KG — relative pruxtmiti to large p*p with India at a personal i'roxiclont Kd KtMiliny Mou- ulatiM renter*. Inclnding mhik enly B.\ mile* from l,a* Vega*. Aitlcil Ity clay nitflu rc|fiirclii»if poskihu* nioetinjf with 1'ritne Minister (i Safe Nevada. He added that even safely measure was taken and MSI Ex/MTIS di*ci« iinar\ Hot a Tun'* action for Zcta hnzinif incident Nehrn. ('lion's Indian sources said dramatic new ap¬ the testa did not ronstitnte a Saturday nitrht. proach is unacceptable, threat la uersons livinc nearhv. u|i'» Stirrthw Tlio (totKite put the U S tn a i. V\ '.h. * MSU -pcviahst.- arc hcl •- i.«veramcnt of a Itrttisn li t"- Exivutiye wtuch has final *hv on the mat¬ f ou ncil, Hcftising to give claim*, to 40.000 sijuaro mile*, of ground >•' I llrlrniliiirrl tough 8p»< • a • * •:<•!!. re-olve lt> ngt i- ter. rtict iii id xlelibcratcd for sev¬ HiiiTaiav.in >oil India regards a? Morocco, which is ncg\»tiati*v: cul'ural cwummicaUoiis prot>- eral hours Mondai The frc- it* own. the Chinese premier with the t" S on the future ■*? (ANfir. Nepal (3*1— icO". icnuty advisors' group met xllggesled both sides pull liat'k U S strategic air Ikh^ ;n t.ut T'ii- .u« fh tlidcya Kumata. earlier in tiu* d.iv and linn led their forres 121 ? miles in the itfv rxpolilion fear- north African country, is push - jviu:.- prote»M'Ha of general its recommendation, not releas¬ dispute zone. lii an .(tempt •«> .rale ing for a resolution urgi'14 c*Timui!ttn".ii!! art- in the eom- ed .to reporters, to the •t'Kient stale N>*» rtit.li. hv Pro- l.miitheri; "The entire appmnrh is re¬ unronquered peak France no* to conduct the t.-*' re.vc.5-ch and MFMBFKS Ol the Mate Newa advertUtuc are Bill Swirles. Id lierh. William .Mellrath. di- . •nu»i..ation eentei. deiiston-makmg group. Heullnu pugnant to tntiia's <•.1111i on its A Frcncn delegation spoke- - staff diaeus* the survey they are going to take on rertor of stndriil puhlieation* and John Murph>. Hrnialavk* i* safe, Frank Ilyrne^. associate direc¬ Kiiid vomethmg definite will lie hiixine** manager. internationally rivnghiml bol¬ nun said he lielieved l«*ice'. Nationiil the slndent reaction to the suit show seandels der." said tor t.n |*mjeot ui decided within the week. an auUiorttativr In¬ rripi office reported speech would help the Ires,. : Asr.euiturai Cummumca t i o n >, and the affect it has had on advertising, from ill dian source. The pledge* involved. Michael case "since #it carm from an Aho recent!\ returned from a Kukes and Martin Schut/er, De¬ * e 52-member par- Nehru himself mentioned atomic power with the exfwr;- • AM-weck* confen*n«e in Jama¬ troit freshmen, were released •*t *rst to put a man cncc of the United States ." ica from Dlin Hosjiital Monday. The (ioal Mine* and Ore Boat* Active Chou'* note in working committee on his con¬ a report to the -fc Mt Gaurt Sankar The committee detMte wn« The *ih*« lahsbs held this con¬ pair reported they were gratibed gress party hut expressed na f>r the Hindu C*«d of marked b, a sharp clash be¬ ference *«' the rejurtl <»f the ln- Saturday night near campus by Stcclworkcrs Glad to Join i — remained unan- opinion, s rommlttee member tween French delegate Jules a O'-opi-ration Ad- fraternity members and t'iken reported. Nehru has declared he . iii-tration. the Jamaican Min- by car to the Shiawassee county i* willing to negotiate hut ha* | r hers had not been iAtr> of Agriculture and latnd?, line and left after being sprayed j»nee they were MSU Given th- .f m.aic.jn Agricultural So- with and shellac. never said anything about sit¬ The Back-to-Work Move iMlnt ting down with Chou to talk r r i!» i the University College ■ weeks ago. things over. v.* tiie We*; ln*iie? RipwU ManUa y iniirsleg 8274,100 • • pr- word of fierce ava- •au»e facts glvan ant earlier Chou'* note was handed t.i Ti»r purpose of the cnnftretice U* H-maiavaa and it Ihraufh vavians aanreaa ware ia FITTSBtrBGII .1** —titert miH* .idilitioii.il .l.lou miner* will In- There wei'e problems too. Nehru Sunday, then broadcast agricultural exiftialun w<»fk- . n>i umbers bad coal mines and ore boat.- recalled lodaj. (aptive mine* §•■• '. t.ic.r deaths. For Science er- - *9 probtenu in introducing new ag- to d scuss and analv/e errar. The pledges were the hblawaap left af peit up ai'tivtiv b\ the .*tep- hour are those owned by aleel rom- The to iiigge.it—repairing damage long dormant equipment. A'i- Mondav by Peiping radio lie- fore it* contents wenr made i afftee uM a part- nruitural tectin«|u«*? Mondav. inching luck into opet- pauies. known here. If he suggevted a otther — weather on Ihe Great The Science and Mathemal. n*cord 116-day Id every steel center the Ixtck- |k M fir Ikr JSpSS— v S.**ia". highlights of the con- ation after the site for the meeting there was rrtMtUMi bad fwal Teaching Center « happy to an¬ steel strike. t.»*work movement gained 'mo¬ ;I»ikes fercth-e included two luncheons no public mention of it. nounce that the National Science The t\«» men were left fully Smaller steel finis The weather bureau reports t n Wenunf. a village Riven in *.h«r honor, one by tiie Nearly 3»» percent of the 500,- mentum The Bed ChiMeMv-premier. in •tope. The Foundation has awarcied a grant clothed, including heavy top- 000 steel workers were I jack on annoum in! most of tiieir Work¬ tti.it key channels or the Great Ckoernor of Jamaica, and an- ice-locked by urging prompt action on his i pfprini to aet Mt of $274,100 to Michigan State eoats. Only their hands were the job moving again on th«* er- should retuiti wiUun 7-id l«akc« UMiull.y au* othe* heitl at the Myrtle Dcach l»ii plan, said "Clashes which both dm Itf *nn«|ier vil* University to operate an Aca¬ Hotel at which the acting con* Great 1 And many coal sides do not want to *»*e may I b a two-week trek demic Year !n.wfitute during the the Ka'". wife of the expedition. be.,eve Kato was kwt. She ondary school teac.-wrs of gen¬ eral science An aikiitiona. al¬ lowance of $4.V) will be made Prof, Making chapter af Xeta Beta Tau frat¬ ernity offer* a profoundly expressed concern. thai they may he on strike atain with expiration of Ihe NO-dav however, Chest Asks Support and other questions tions Iwtwecti tiie two countries, the prime ministers of tha twp in the rela¬ J l f • M years. she •Rid haj climbed for each d«*petuient maximum of four an.! an aU*r.v- up to a Ireland Study • hnmhle apology for the regret - la Me Incident in whirh same of roollng off period ondrr a Talt- countries hold talk* in the im¬ llartley Injunction mediate future," Chou'* uotg |l hliuarti") He would not looe ance la included far travel and book?. jMss.ng A mode of life which may out of existence tn» and it* members were Involved Hal nrday. 7.BT President Hanford Klein said In a statement Men- some For the first time in steel—that left beitind at months From Student Body said. "The peoples ai eur twu The prugram will he direeted which embracet Celtic, medie¬ day. the start of the strike — rolled rountriea desire thai we art hv Dr. Juhn Nmm. Asauelate val and cariv mtidem elements fmni the plants. New steel ai- 4 ufiipiw < he,«t. MSl'V only charity oryflniziition, will promptly. I think wa Prufeaaur uf Tear her IduealMn i- ix* ng studied in Irrland by a bound by ta»ie Their eyes and researcher fiAast Michigan Stale mouths were not covered. At- rcadv wa« licing produmt m shortly l»e a familiar word on cattiptiH and w ill aooii nitod meet their deatra pal bt The institute is designed tv plants at Cleveland and 1/innn, these who seek every « to the Hup(M>rt of itt appniximati'ly 20,(HM> maniharH, the MSU > University ti\w planned, according to a five the teacher a m«»re tho-- Ohm dispute by all means too great oufh undercandiiig of ac»rnt.fic He i* IM J»hn Meas«mger Jr . latw report, to pick the pledges But i' will be weeks before student IhmIv. 4 he*! program are highlighted friendship between China and principles ami indicate to him wctant pofeaor of H*ial Up 30 minute*, after leaving new steel moves in any signifi¬ Campus chest was formed to hv *urh special eveaU aa penar India attain their alntater ab¬ soietice. sonology and anthm- them cant amounts, t*. S. Steel f'oro., combine drive, for various char¬ I* V In ways and means of applying night* and a new?l)-planned gala jective." mkt-Saptom- tliese to practical teaching situ¬ p^H<«gY an-1 foreign studies. He The incident was not pre¬ the nation's No I producer, ities thus making the deed of *h»w. Fenny nights are design¬ Chou suggested that '"Tha |»a«mp' ■» w what no other ations. It a also deigned t » a.-i hi# wife. Betty, are spell¬ meditated or planned in any whopes to reach 2a percent of o/ntrtoution lighter on the stu- ed lu give dales an extra bour aimed forces of China and In¬ -v.- irme, reach ing a year in lrei»n"1 conducting way, a ZBT man stated. In¬ capacity* ttiis week Ucbt-v Campus Ciiest apjH*a!s not »f enjoyment for only a penny Inform participants c-»ncernir.g dia each withdraw 20 kilometer* I* thj ;ewk rearing ethnographic xesearoti in lha stead it w as pretty #i*»ntane«aig only to tin* good will liut also the recent devekaxnent* m tne Meanwhile I n Bashing Ion. a minute. The praeeeds from (12'j miles) at once from thn »llouuj J5 rruka wctt Aran Blinds. —a #pur of the namiefit prank. to the intelligence of the atu- fields of Science and Matherrui- Federal mediation director Jos¬ both penny nighta and the gain so-called MacMahon IJn# in tha M* Everest, the Acceding V» Dr. Messenger, dent body. tic*. eph Flanegan said be does not *how will gn In (ampna Cheat Fast and from the lino up to 5 *f amur.*^.rji. crucderuble arctoaulogica:, lin- A aeries of national authori- plan In eall farther formal med¬ Tlie charities that as-k supjiort rharitie*. which each side exerciaea actual tirn vnll be invited to come to i:ui**ac, fcxklore and anthropo- iation conferences In the steel from CampUA (Tun.' arc careful¬ The Executive Board of the r.etr- research Ium been dune control in the West." the campus and addre** the m- dispute for about Inn weeks. ly gerecned and interviewed by Uh«'*t mwta with charities who Tha MacMahon IJna w*a in the iiUndg during the pad •utuW from time to tune. the fcxmrtivc Board to de'er- want htudent support. 17ir«»ugh drawn In 1D14 by Sir Henry However, Finnogan gaid he cmtury The cuatums of the mme their fined and worthities*- the e meeting* Campus Cheat would keep trying for a break MacMahon, u British Indian of¬ tieople. howevsc, have never Thc membor.s <»f Campus Chest allocates perrentogea of ttieir in the deadlock to rough infor¬ ficial, to show the border l»e- b***n r*terj«\*e4y and aystemat- realize that in college student a total fund drive to the charities. i ftll vacant •d.-.jnal staff posi« WidiriM PU ically recorded by an athnog- rapher mal talks with both sidee. And in Pittaizurgh, president arc hot expected to empty their In the year lV5A-.'d! these j»er- twiiMi India and Tibet. No Chi¬ nese government ever ha« re- •ftp'■•uncad WaHer Green, president of David McDoriaUl of the United pocket* for charity—later they «*enta»i«*s were given to toe fol¬ (ogm/wt the tine. Ked Chin* Monday TOOAY Tiere U a steady emigration will la? xskixl to give more sub¬ lowing charities Worhl Univer¬ witof D University of Michigan ? 7.BT Steelworkyr* called a meeting of claim* territory an far a* H«J from the islands to the mailt- stantial amount*. Instead of so¬ • IS Alpha Xi Delta the union's executive board and sity, 23"i; National Scholarship mile* south of the line in In¬ land and to Britain and Azuer- chapter, called hie Incident "dis¬ •JO Xi Sigma P. wage policy committee in New liciting throughout tiie year. Service, 2«»':. Muscular Dirtm- dia's northeast frontier agency, sttu i. and it 1$ poaaible Fiat in graceful." 0*oua lophamoc*. 1:45 Block and Bridie . a Jim Martens, IFC president *t York OB TTiuraday. He Mid he Campus Chest attempt* to make phy Asawiation. 12 5'F; _Amer¬ where some bolder clashes Imvr uU *-'.e .s-andi wfll become de- giving eaxier for the student* by ican Cancer Rodvty, 12.5*7-J Mniar. 7:00 Women's Inter-Ke8aier.ee V of M. said auch undeximble wanted to give toe IJSW* top occurred. Council pr»tfllla'e*t. Mcnsenger combining ueveral charity drives United Cotnmunity Chest, H"«; 1 W->r.«! p^, alitor. He Relieves that if thla praobcea are eliminated at Ann policy-makers a "situation re¬ 7:15 Delta UpaOott Into one Fall Fund Drive, wtuch S|«orUn Nursery. 6'<; United AThar by limiting pledge aotvi- port- I bra»j^ Met. 7:10 Emmons a mode of life will haP pewrwd forever, for the Amuw ties to the house* and home In Baaiam Pennsylvania roal will get under way Shortly. Negro College Fund, 5*»; Save ALU Offers Two 7:45 Alpha Chi Spna than BtaMas agianrbig lb* Fall tne Children FedomUoo, 5G IWm odHs port. are one of the laet i grounds, except for community* ' ».r. «,«» M) wr • 00 Horticulture lAjrum archaic Irish culture. peofacta. An I and Drive. Iba aiMHMu af lb# University Y's. 5**. Graduate Awards •:1S Farmhouse Aitoougli Campus Chest H Spanish-German -VYaorn made up of a towrd of Students The National Council of Al- '■ul " r, '.((inTW »re*- po^uou urttl irti , Chi- 145 clubs Essnenury Ed Club From Operatic to Folk Song# who plan the events it j>pon*or», wtm Interview the charities and piu^ launbda award* DeiU available for graduate ha* two head the r*>eral activitim of study The Alice CYocxer Lloyd GroMt Potato 0:00 Spartan Pistol Club George London to Star in Performance toe organisation, it* success de¬ and AitoW Hagaar Stomp Fet- • and Becsup fllaliia. Al|*» Kappa Pw Furaatry Club pends on the support of the en¬ luwdhipa are for 11,000 tech. '•"phwrwra. tire student body and faculty. They may ba uaad in any co - al*andoned his concert career In iege or univer*ily where there performances of the Metropoli¬ ia a chapter'of Alpha Lambda tan Optra both in 1M7 and IBM. America and went to Europe. CmmiHU Ruth Delta tor the 1060-61 academic . He also starred opening night at He was auditioned by the di¬ the Vienna State Opera. He #ang rector of the Vienna State Opera, Fur Full fund Ibirr year. for the United States at the and became a member of the Campus Cheat rush will be to¬ Any tiMmbvr who graduatnt *ff££S. World's Fair In Brussels, and has been teetered guest artist at company. Soon after hi# success on the continent. Rudolf Bing, night from 7-1:10 In 15 Union. All those interested in working in INI. I*H and IN* .nd lw» iMlntaintal th, idioluUc l»w- taraughout h,r oqlkf, n- taw. ijirSTT trie Hollywood Soar I, the Stutt¬ gart Opera, and the Vancouver general manager of the Melro- politan Opera company, invited on Ihe fall fund drive-art urged to attend. tmr it cllfibk Graduntiim Mil. yjtalmo iw*. AtataM u * .'ix- Festival of (be Arts In INK him to sing at the "Met." Some chaitmanships are open Ion Ntajr apply U Utty havr Since that time, he has ex¬ and assistant chairmen and com¬ matnUiMd Ihk limp to Ih, IM Mtar, hta »»Mlwd r.v, re- He woe barn In Montreal of mittee members are needed, ac¬ MM) of taa mcxmmI quarter of Uiia ele—« .bout Mh Ui oper.l.c American, opera-toeing pdrenu. tended his repertoire to include He lived In ins Angslas during works of the Italian, German, cording to Campus Chest yaor. mm m* U. Mta wnruicn hi* boyhood, end aang In church French, and Russian masters. director, Ed Fluurooy, Detroit AppUaaUon Wanlu and Infer- m oanrt km I, Ota Iwnh in ■nation may bo obtained Iron. Wednesday will senior. Ltakure-Concer: choirs, , " ..r_ , His program and at Ifailjmmd include selections from Lulli. Flournoy also reported that In 1M7 be be hopes to have the charity drive before "So Much For C.liealin«i. Now For A Nice, Mielii^an Stale News Sadistic Western"' Michigan State \341 Student Services East Lansing Read Daily h> QOrt students and karultv Published on clnvs davs Monday through Eri The Michigan State News Is piiblishwl by students of Michigan State Dniversjty. Ea * !.ai - f„;; tMi.iter and spring terms, weekly during < social iresUman issue between summer «nu c sing, Mich., without direct faculty supervision. 1? is not the official voice or the urvyersif.v -t M-iiiinl class matter under the .act of March 3. it of the student body, but while seeking to serve the best interests of both. sMnds ready to bo'- • I .......u Ml." tlc any move which would drive a wetUe between the two whether it conies from withm tie university or from outssdc- .Member of the Associated Press. Inland Daily iTe-> aiid Associated Collegiate Press. kditor-ln-rhief Vol. 51, No. 1W Tuesilny. N'ovpraber 10. 1050 Payt' Two Managing kditor Same Questions; Different Answers CAHPUS CLASSIFIEI l')iture Croup I feu u kin a III' %l>l INT'h Ihurs I l»av Before ftihliratinit and kri. kdltlnns. deadline kor Mon, kdttum i for T THE FACTI/nr COMMITTEE «n >' DEW TOM KINO said that he fees ■tills Favahle »-l"! and 1-S Nlnndav tbrvugh |>» Affairs fet'ls that it is not allowed to that the Academic Senate's Committee on ED 2-1511 K\r take active enough part in formulating the' Student Affairs is one of the most enthu¬ policy of the Bean of Student's office. .ic- siastic he has ever worked with and that cording to the report of the Committee on they accomplished a good deal and were automotive JHOUS'NG the Future. They feel the things they dis¬ excellent in their advisory capacity. A ma- 11J5 »'ORt"» rONVTRTTBl.E. Fxrel- ! POt ttST cuss are trivial and unimportant ami that tori? v rule of the committee could change { lam isirditmn new tires power f »e.its radio tieater. f'V) ED S-0T?ti, ' APAtTMENT; they, a re not allowed to make any major anv'thing they had jurisdiction over, he j rer a p.m ^ :t* j' decisions. said. 'S5T T>KW HARDTOP Thi« l» a THREE K* ; if* auto- oMUe and is priced to i on Old, i The Committee on Student Affairs and Dean King said that he did not fee! it »■ »"N'. S'-e >t at Sfrgttons rerafiq . .. so«»rt« Car Center IS15 K. Mictttgan w tMtd Ttv»r» its subcommittees would like to he able to was necessary for himself to be chairman APPROVt elect their own chairmen instead of having of all the committees and that he could not 1«j» R»\.At*tr DAPPMIVE. Light for J , ! I'tte walls, tlktw ED 7-tK«N .'-L'tWi the Bean of Students or his representatives attend many of their meetings anyway, hlue v i TWO \U • act as such. t«V1 CORVETTE V-* ED- ; i r,s«.- ■ MOST OF THESE recommendations have tv» i wtf'e: ■ 1 3-4o«j i:, U.I. THE KITES and regulations gov • already been taken care of. King said. Ac¬ is\j curvRoi et xtrcuANir- tion has been initiated in many areas. He ■ i > sound *tm» i n t-«m« ss erning student conduct should be studied a» and evaluated bv a student-faculty commit¬ said that this was a democratic organiza¬ TAKE V DEMONSTRATION WIDE . . , t mi ford pi ford Falcon. tee on student affairs. The.v could then tion and he tried to run his office as such, Contact llei-e Keldett at Max Curt:- liw IV 4-44»l make recommendations to the sources.ot and that a vote is all that is necessary to HOOMS initiate many of the desired changes. HHAKF* FRONT AND rear brakea the rules. Some rules, the Committee feels, -efved labor and materials Cn"i- t,Ve fllty Brake* ad tutted laroe ate not in line with, or necessary to,.the .Most of the rules are in the hands of the rtH»>n i njfvpion BraAe reltners 2*10 F v I'll..i.e IV <-4*4i* S\ CinPel r.i> academic objectives of the university. students. King said. AWS determines the •A , , • os r*- hours and most «»f the rules for women, for The Committee feels that although It is EMPLOYMENT example King said he believed that the ,1 necessary to have certain policing rules u» JOOKtNO EOR g reel sirred meri-: rules ANN'S made reflected the home lives insure the aafety of the students, the polic- »ei'0'i«vji»xfe,t oi and exuenem-ed I of the women who made them. He said he > inoratprs technician Ottod satarv LOST ing should not extend to determining w here e worfcin« sooditlcns. bed; did not think there way any pressure from s.sp,t„i rne techn ctan would be a girl can kiss her Itovfneml good night. ■ r^rge of the iMntcal lalsirjt,»rv his office on these policy making bodies, Stsnge-nen's can be made to tba* a • The relationship of this. or of two or three fCfKlo»k is eom Ah* tn iffness trvnm.ia'i living in lousing wool;' late minutes to the academic objectives of and he certainty hoped that there was none, ! t > fee's. already taken action to investigate the I .ellers |o llir Editor - * won r4n.i-k Imsll* !,i- >re nwklf Will neio sou along w.i* n im-o parentis" |*>iicv. King said. How. • ... • , ,4 a I \ . m.r.'ii'fr.i An- THE COMMITTEE on Student \ \» • * t> * E Mw-nuran tensuig. • an. »\»r. h»» said that the Board of Trustees V J, . 44 should examine the Cniversitv jtoluv ' ad indicated that they hail no intention of G1RI.A VfODFf. ft»R photog»an'i r serving "m loco parentis." I'hev «hou;.l ,1 \ ruwrm.f ne,-essarv. Ke- rescinding anv of the drinking regulation-, w « "2 P determine the advisability of continuing P»> B. \ JIM Infixing 11 which are probably the mam cause of com. changing this policy of the university ■ >' for sale plaint assuming responsibility for a student's n -• conduct. Kmc said that there should no re a • .son why the faculty should be considered The faculty would like to fee! that "< T» the IdOor- can do something on a Muiiero'a U-huf in '!>• import ant. in disciplinary cases. He *a i REAL disciplinary cases I'hev f*•♦*1 that the I■* that "■•'i!o'd »-•>» *tuden* ,m * disi'tpiinarv academ e cases dean was lqvati*e the e o llievele Ixules olfwe considers !v,t* facu'' • member ■ important in these cas«*s. lv-;* •»!■• o i- i • > ' .oyer nog-o t o K-ng said. Mo-t of* r»x**i\e ,v v the Oi-gipimar, cases mvo.v- Too Slriuneul •>«», the Committee feels, since the va.ue \ " stsir'.in '■ *' mg -usfvnsi'tii are tliose in which the *to. CUWU. 'si la the Iditar. the student *hoi(Jd Ins sleternimeil hv f s dent yr.i* • frmh.'ti.ii * «•«*; luslal w Um- re' Us* is automatically do the student ls>ilif» the c#lle*e It does not seem proper or THE COMMITTEE 1'EKI.S that .-A t he-1 a- can academical^ . King said I h.* freshmin or jnome new la a 'utint U» me me to print a pi* MEf SERVICE curricutar activities are at reeked t»*» mi;, •"e quire Ihe proper "spirit" far his hut perhaps (his Is fort Is able *itl seep student phv -ic,4 • menta l an.; it , entirunment. It should he iirrr- seems i.» me that »t is le.s encourage participation irt these sctivit . em-.: »n.» health* Ihe residence h,» |o foift ahle that the most readilv east sour pelt* editor \ resident assistant, who is , should not have to r in up and *hie. It must a.so provide the place to stud often till I nfortunaielt bH>cles down the halia getting "volunteer*" f'.»r a'td the people who know what to do »r-d are. suhye. t to regnlatisuis «hirh are somethi'tg or other. I? is not oitiv undic" - w ere to go if a stuUeut comes to similar to automobile Fill ' them With reguia- ed. it is immature, on# Committee mem* a pn»'.»lem Jon T fettles Uunv '•rr said. i*' e Oli'v • We do n»i «sk forgiveness t.urp* -e the »»vords . ' > The system of records a* it ;* now ^ We do not apoiogirr Ihe i make sure that the sJthien! «,>!. pi> - MH is »i«ung ture was there he changed. the Committee feels Some ' as a part of t s- notch. King s.i.d If a student i« f*..,- g thorough coy era*e of a tra«»c dents perceive these nvoni* a.s prev» acadenuca ') at t 'e mid-term, it a< * ident Were proud of it—Id is caav to i ?W .,«eri instruments to encourage purijcipaiion .u check hi* record and find he ,.s con. * * • 'CJ D CalO r3 *0v>l extracurricular activities. cent rating too heav i!> on. .mi: >,de acttViDev. Solution C»I0'* CAkD Crossword Puzzle For HOTC. Jt has heea penprned b» I»r 1 rv# IOMMI »»w U rresenliuf ln«s *1 ISe slants to he perform¬ Ur*» color draw * Join Navy M<-« arth* fres-deet executive director «f I>robower's CownaU tr«0*• » .««« tt N us 4#ace* ed eshibilinc written signals for Jo the kditor on tooth fitness that we in¬ 11 Ds.sk 1 Coph sult cinder piths aloag«»dr " St*s« hoa - "dassn and 'up' in a of t He* Me fed la Hi* »I similar manner and a few en- 4*»ig"r our walking paths as an encoor- rs'od'l »«• vn agr lomd thosiastx I*He Jt»iwrt <« the ase of hi. tries. 1? Mairtw P'Hq rlapi on the .. part of the dire, tors It *s tlui j sepsiide and health¬ . oold |« a CAr. U * 11 Pa n UrHqq ful approach to the traffic 4* P4P#» l«»«c uas to promoting some proh- 24 14 UN l*m on campus 4,i»fs»e s.miV of spirit and unity In rm't Chans♦" '»■> as «Nr w>tmp " * ' I» FOOT '• .» »*. i*mg»rp«r fern v • Pitt • j the spartan Hl«« g A n!i»s4. *••:. •■*.*»" artvi -.HV ' \» f *y»tact *:0 I --J♦IT |y treUn* l.a ARlvW Xt used T' * m' Wv kivi'ts d >••••'Sa» a ' .u « ' re ■- r ». s asKwe nuwicy m .'iciy v tut** !, iff: h ta <>•« 4* Mutate* wrr S.XD • *'• .nmt#r %ny tladral wishing to be PORK •,»%• etumP * - " t H -wjr MK< SI Nee »* .r ..-,«*e CW v ta is ' ye ' - • FVrhdu* rrUatcd nf fnrther required nui> -,-d a.- . ?r!*•-*« Adt pnmE t» 1 "»1 . ,c miv. •' Ury training on the < arnpu- •V..U- Rrssp f-,4 PtH- "i • (.* •*! • ' * a % t . s *0 ' v. oX 4-*»t w end- N> Ta -sse x,t t;'fVtee ? Hieed «d *'- e ' '-e B. .■ -e.d ra?>e that la. In drop wt of U»e ranpn »tmt0S unes. ♦ K. 0 >.4 not * ' 4 ' • tjngsib'*" lOtt program now has the landa Kothntan • G lUUMlT lOtkUS • f,' C. • A Lose* hoi re of * 'S e\e.;i , , - - e rttampiP f nppbing for a com .♦no GOOD ■ «■ 4*1 u a ■ M td*-- i« at , A H nttaaton Mr the I..V Navy Wraatlt 24 V>*i.es» sa H- Fraternity t »«kSH p "peel* x». W 4gW*» •*« IC Poieni.ai Marilyn Hostile the RlH program . . f Odtcys •*4' *.'»* I Te -e-sl . ot TSi* p- »l Wr»4 e a vuf s-gc etudcni Dm of cs3rartv.jaiv»n *i*uO*u? t mi> * I' UM t*M «« W,' ...» .. - «| it Ma*ve t 21 W> » Hits S'\ows upuft •a'J-v grndunUuri i pl.t*- alk>v*ancrs- ansual u-i-.' ^31 W*C, . Ca«* Se»Ch l m i iM*. « V| 'aar.1* «?i To the Idttor (orero ae, .» *j IX a hi ^.b* re . 4 .. hi* ran* a.nu pemiccds at srw f-jin* Wh e :% uml** of jfc- a .py; Sfa tied iidevi *n .K.«;s:iq "wnT , venp5* *w,. peace M ten hlil lu'lort' cvdiego he •«- res.exed t.gatin;Mi to Seirvtire h'dsdv' d-metginy and cm ttte JT GrtviM To the kali tor Secvsc* . c-dtekan »t ajMHC*1* ,R| n tvB. - « Wh-.'c in coiU-ge. f 1 4*»i aC . t;.*4 rt l^ton ma" psyitts n" view per | war and *1! » VI > e por^cmnl sufTor-rg '* 4 vnrj prt- exponso. jt c*«b (iesl !j?e s-a'e tk -,g. o n.rai * • > ?««jr the cgaimmef 34 C» at tutod 04x*i..m o- p c-.n compete* -'xr* *u.T-r. Sevswui *at| 37 tawspres SI AoptoaiSunl «i«TT-e bums and cnticnf d.:.;*yn are nt^.er 41 RansiiV *« r c4J,., VOS .. ?E A AOt; rAXMJ ,n • * 44 A.'V.-r - »** K.i'-A-s UT7L£ wsXT^R, *7. Violas a. A «*e" «n •hie That 4t C '*Jf in rerWia b W Ke«- , t V v~. e-u •re •>« ft ?ee-t\s to to# : farm • f H ywu wha are new mnrehiaa. try HU LOT' W *nd ind . ftyt Cftnciu , wf v%e In, WImi at] MlCHKi.W STATE. NER Pan Three Cranberries Spoil Nevember 10.1»M [Thanksgiving Feast Meany Tells Railroaders of Future Fight I'll I v.* A it v' - Prewdent Me rhargwt that railroad man¬ rarrlem a half billion dollar- a Formal negotiations have not has started well- year. vc.t iH-gun on the issue. tool-,- Means of the AFl -CIO agement a 3.000 rail union ( heinieal Blamed for l.oss. .Morula* • pledged his organua- opy ful" support in the B.o'- putslusts campaign a- Kainst rai!rt*ad labor In an effort The carriers*have served no¬ tice on the unions that thev \yant Meanv told leaders ami rank and file mem¬ bers a? a rally in a west tuda Iinlnres Type of llaneer road Worker*' itispute with the to 'mass brainwash" public to eliminate from new contracts feat her besUiing certain jobs they consider un- - auditorium that he sees a paral¬ valuers over opinion «erie« mt lel between the dispute in the vharios Mean* referred !«• a essentjal railroad industry and in the tt'iSHIXnTDS GO—A shadow fet: »•«.*. ?>..• tr»iiti,«at Mean* 'old a '.itKi!- rally that «e*» spjpei advertisements In The* unions contend the Job* for public safety. strikebound steel industry. iri.j"kintr I'■ * " dinner table Momlav whe _C «k.. 11»lid un.l liOn t.n.Tiuiir"' the railroad unions face existence and the exist- a fight which railroad manacemeni rbarged that union rule- require are necessary of the UC»S anil \\)\\) it.,: *•»■»'> I"; ... xi'u■ part crop trout worker- for Mh* not needed and . «" v of the trade union move¬ M1C•?oii and Oregon ua< t'ont.mHi\t?iV vtme.u ment " that the prarliee i* rotting the OPEN TO induces cancer prrnvth in rats NERVE VOl* K""-' FVrnming, Secretary Nt'NIlAY THRI it Education and Wel- measure* to keep .no Alleged!* TIITRNDAY rwntAmtnatnl rranhrrrtr* II A.M. TO I? r t>4.eo the information a*. reaching dinner-table* ir..i„ t'RIOAY A r%, .M-'erence. NATI RIIAY •« , . v v*4-> orov'.deti ** Til.I. 1:00 A.M. j trr.'at ve answer to a ... w en a$ke*i what the .... «wu!dl do about buy- * Taoherf.es or craitberrv Ir£ case it develops \-V.V • has been wt.'e I /s»rr J I t iff honor o f contaminated I UKh-: to retail outlets. , uid that if the »• •■able SAVE Oil UUWDBY! ft'tiliiriiiji . , . I • lh* p"tol #f #r4f,n I 111* MhS U one t»f eighty thrown out of London's Trafalgar I >1 «ftr •' the berrtea la be *-nuarr during a fireworks demonstration rommemoraling fiuv Trmlrr, Juif* . . . Si-r\nl l'i|iin« llul M the. taft Mm tht doean t lawkrx l».»* a Itritioh xrtxion of the l'our|h of Jul*. Eawkes at¬ *?■* tempted, to blow up thr Itoiixr of Parliament in the l«lh rentur*. „ (wr %v a« What la flveshoof available: and answers. the dangerous arti where did it come The LAPPS and THE W0RLD.S MOST • 2 Wash Pants 79c j ALL BEEF HAMBURGERS •v- B when liriui"III iii willi llr\ I Iraniii" " Thr tn-lirnt hamhuri!- fw ^ * k--n-vrinse*le. a wee J I \SCINATINC P1STIMF Qmrinue a... ■ ■ er rvrr wild anvwherr —ill ant pricr. II'* all _ berry plants. The lull'. purr Hrrf I .S. j v ft •**' aid drug admins. t to rtta over a tw g Br:tig in simian- and all « ">«i ua-i iati'- ' •«' this g ONLY I.utrrnmrnl in-prrlr s •••■.' ■ t-.*.. p.*.t • • m.-re p . . . .rrted on Ina.li'd million an*i foirtd inn: C. so • .->n far found In crun- the order of one- I LANSING LAUNDRY I ,y ore txart per million. liny them It} the /fulfil I T*i» Nitloftal Crinberrv !*««• MICHIGAN : I DRY CLEANERS : sod it already has taken I.OC.ITKII AT >:.« * k.\c to S en p.M * /.«.«/ / tillniim Itrimi h " . . . ."Mill P. SAIilN.lW ST. Huhitmt Stale I'rof The romantic story of a I 211 PMKCIfllX ■ (Unit Ihm l>lmk- ttr.1 id I i.inilnrI I Mm Heft Irt W'orli careful career girl who he- * ■ — ■ ilevf* in "ftlngleaeaa** . . . • "? a- exhibition e? w.»- - carefree bachelor who be¬ »>".:<♦« from England. DORIS DAY "y a | \ r*a Sweden, Italy, Eram-- lieves tn "to»etherneMl•, , , , i -f Furopea.n country, rvr *r*fscr a* * and thr hilarious things that •y r. "' Lou;a Raynor's won Happen when they tangle! »" .dgwl *hha best in Rllow~Tal»t ,-•*• He is an gssocut# p-.»- | — • g- Shown at !:?•. 3 *0. «e*-:e* -•-I'mal • - •» . ewe .th'a rere Invttattor.a' »-»rsored bv the Smith- fhtfi/ar from the curre-t h\• 4.10, : J4, 9.30 pa m w t OMtM. SODN' - <- :-»t.»ute and Waafnnjr-v . •mi nisi tn , K t Club, Ravnor was «!.-» lt!R\ t |||M i - »j-re! "m I>rakenfield award r*e«f decora! ton a spartan future Tbg Spartan BOOK Start, Km sapgrHnarkit far aAaeaUai was argaaixad wni g Sfitai at priaciplas balitvad-fcora with Km folloniag eraatl: ], Tn lie .ill imfmrtant mljnm t In I In- eiliieiititmiil itrttiirtint of .Mirliigjn Male t iii»rr«il». 2. To ai|i.iran« ami lln-ir >|iarl.in frii-iiiU in nrilrr lliat %»n may heller rum/tele in llir international nluration rare, Your opportunities lor ad.jntement it Public 3. To |irt»itle lialanrnl Imok -lurk- llial rrflfiT rrroyniaain n Service llectnc end Ges Company are enei- of ihe quality differenee in Sltarlun Teat-hen anil in lent these opportunities are provided by the Spartan Student*. "/■, 4. To coa»lantly li. iylil.n li»f ilrgree uf maturity «•/ enrirmi• tremendous growth ol our business and the /i large proportion ol our present executives mamt *o lhal >Itartnit Sludenln rail mature in irhool with mho will retire in the ne>t fifteen years peilrr a-«uranre. Public Service follows a definite policy of 5. Tbe Sparan Honk Store** oxerriiling aim ill eiluralion i« promotion from Rithm the company Ad.ame lo belter «'|iarlan *luilrnl- (or rontiituou* ment is made on the basis ot ability and a.: learning. romplishment Graduates ol our Cadet training 6. To hair a -lurk of I Mink, llul sill enable the rare ami Courses held a majority of the eiecutive and unutual >|iartan Teacher lo exploit hi* or her greatnem eng peering positions at ah levels uo to and . . , lo offer in the sat of lH>ok alork*. an opportunily inc ur! ng the position of President el the for Jiparlan |irufe>Mir- lo extend their rearh in leaching company effort-. ,7. To hamlle prinlril malerial* thai sill enable Spartan •In¬ dent-. .Spartan I'mfe—or- ami S|iartan PriemU lo »laml on llirir -oliil mrrirulum ami rem/ into llir future in a flexible tray. 8. To anl Spartan -luilenl- sin, -eek a high ceiling of ar¬ rant* auil In help lln... a ho rrganl education aa a num¬ ber one liabliit}. 9. To ronMantlv make feature of Ihe utilitarian rmlue of 10. The Tarjiel: I he |ieople» of Spartan losn. The Weapon: Spartan BOOK Slorr. Thr Ammunition: BOOKS for Spartan*. Gnm Ii m pwd afmkg Iwrriw, Thmiay. FfMap A SMay. Spartan A tgpif'Birkcl far alaaallaa WrlK !•> ,M. MRV a MM I HO HUM- e "lw n:*f (mxm I*. C*il*** frrimn e.klw Urttm, M fad flan. In* 1I1M, mwwh I, N J. W»M US LmUg, Miahlf aa . ' • ! . If CfffAHT • flEWARK 1, N. J. | ,! ! -1 KwWf 19.1911 MIOnr.a* STATE NtWH PwfPMr Freshman, Varsity Elgin Baylor's 64 Points Sets NBA Recordj MINNEAPOLIS (.& — Hard- tonal Basketball Assn. scoring player. he was already «here as he ted Cagers to Compete screaming crowd in the ~ The ' driving Elgin Baylor, who dump- record Sunday night, night, h-»pe« he h »pe« be the Minneapolis Lakers to a ed ifl 64 points for a new Na» has "arrived*' as a professional Minneapolis Auditorium kn.-vv 136-11S victory over the NBA BiitikullKill Coaches Clinic champion Celtics of Boston. Baylor hit a side shot from Features Exhibition Game 10 feet out with 31 seconds left in the game to set the new Thy student l»x!y. alone with approximately 40o HAVE 1 GOOD MOONING! mark, shattering record held by the 63-point Jtx* Fulks of Philadelphia since 1949. will tret a peek at the Spartan the present house. and future Friday varsity basket ha 11 in'trht at 8 in Jeni-.n t,.,-. ' I | The seventh annual baskft- """I feature Judo Clnh EAT BREAKFAST umuid ha't ee-h-s , regulation z-mte between t.te varsitv mi f—shinen teamST NOW SHOWING O'her item, in the conference are talk, an.l ttemm-' ntionj bv For th. Anderson. Soart.m etiaeh. Organizes AT an.l Jack Girrtner. t'n.veralty of Utah coach. On Campus The battle wilt cen'er around the t^fferent .idvantisg.-5 which Probably the b i e .• < ODAM'S the tc.m:s held. Anderson indi¬ frroup ever received • - .. cated. While 'he varsity .ba¬ initial meetinjr of a n» v ,-»r il'DY BY1NGTON, iaartag ■■liinn. win la la rtWWw Ihe the greater experience, the hail from Bowling Grwi'i goalie aad left halfback In ftatarday's freshmen have a taller team The jranization is the irr-, field hockey game with Bawltag Greea aa Old College Field. Male freshmen have height.* between 85 people the forming • no defeated the first time ia three years. !•#. 6'3"-6 7". and' the tallest varsity 9U club hail last Thur.vb, member is 6'5". j according to its or;r..mze: FRUITS & JUICES Tn to Martin Bonde. Bowling Green remte Anderson Invited stndent* and nrged them to he M.yty wore turned a re!ess tie it an»l elect ofYieers a 2 EGGS ANY STYLE .10 S'ate't txiVKftelrt composed of the freshman team will give t at halftimr staff meeting will try v ■ - I EGG ANY STYLE .30 ■low line lirffB affen*e scor¬ "vmtly of veteran.* played very •pevtatorx » ^.unpae into th^ y a-ell except the forward* were future, whie' .* "look ng up.-* larger spaice and ever, STACK OF PANCAKES. Butler and Syrup .10 ed ten minute* after the hal'- not able t«» score three goals. Anderson said in me.i'ioning the subject of buying r- llme and two minute* before the WAFFLE with Butler and Syrup .10 The aeraad team tied Bawling the heigh;" •>: 'he fresh squad. for demonstrations. end of the aame. Greea, I-1, ia a Another fruture >f the clinic COLD CEREAL with Milk ..HI with A .35 Conch Mr* Jean Norwood ith Carat Rag id that one dj» w will he th- fir-* ctMchnl the team sinue '55 The next scheduled game :s working "U< on 'he ! irger floor ii the fic.c .ni*,' la ' week, in range tlons. a room for drnion*u. Athletic Dirfrtor Bitu# BAGEL .12 With Craam Cheese -a*-—>40 tfBlgl with Centra! Michigan. Nov 21, at Hi a m or* Old College Fic.d. r'ead «>f th.- gymnasium Traciice w a* a 'ill' - ragged, Aneerson Mann ganiaatlon helped to mikr tn# poaslhl*. w said, because ' f the d tference i.ati; NEW* ft:vt:nts Harris Tweed between th- floors Paw* were Though the gt>»ui» wa- - Intramural "WONDER* Oft primarily for MSU wje-en %■.* off because «»f distance Judgment HMO E. GRAM) RIVER fcerto mro- TOPCOATS and the team got more tire*t. the intent of teach;n.- ODAM'S GRILL *ke- I ill OR CARTOON due to the extiw area The ex- ways of warding off * > xrr HOURS: 7 a.m. I a.m. "NIGHTV NITE BIG*" OHLY 145.00 should further gel r-nly 10 wxxnen ghowet Highlight! • bition game •. u. trie team used to reguiai game th«- first meeting R * action. that more attend. Ui'tvi,; l.vn Konilrheli'* There will be a scratch W*'- txiursges men and w*» b * VARSITY SHOP vn* • 4 3o p tn today in -"t to jfwn. 22* Ahbntt Rd. IN! .Itt.sM ns rei»resk*ntative» f"r Turkey Tr«.» Each team Intramural Several nenefwe people with - came t«» U s . . #r. Ijul Ijmini. Mirh. should have representatives pre- Two membeo. one a •en v. Schedule in shndan or first de^ belt, the "college ie\« ' ; y* ami Fie other a ftirmer .-aff * > « SOOTIAI I. of karate, a killing a rat cr,. i technique, will IBM WILL INTERVIEW PtHUrr >1*19 as>uiu# re¬ PIZZA PIT • l« %u»#f «i. at * • IB B%»» % It c«i V*4« mand of education S u CMI «• WIMrai* Bonde, a graduate »** **»". »:« TMi't Ml. I* LtlMMnrit m:,1 that eompeti'ive ' atrh^ iNti rw< with Purdue'* ju>u»u ♦ * NOV. 17 & 18 • M ribut i* Piwfe*r« • • • Ml AIM B «« MlMf Mitt being discusseil RESTAURANT ■ IB Wl. I o • M IXBNlb VB iMllClklrt MM. The only other }ikv ' ; >«B ■•Uriah VB. •*»! «m campus is in a p>- - «" • JrMWI r»M ;*traU«»n course Be*!«i«-« • *B W UMW M men. park manager- TUESDAY SPECIAL I ■ ■ fS >UbMt VB. ItUrt* IB II er* may have u*r*» f »* • ■ Hamburger wleak with Fried Onion*. » *B | IBM Invitrr candidates for Bachelor's or Motor's Dfpn* to ilivn.s Wa*hed pot.Hoc* and wravv, Green Itcan*. Ilread A buller, Tea or coffee %»•»« Ruaubu BIB Lions Hvstorc opportunities in Applied Sormr, Manillas turnip. Marketing, l'rixlm t I-' %» m VB. Bit »-• MM VB. rxt Urlt Development, Programming and Research ...... positions throughout m »-• OTU vb. It % «». a» IN eat John Johnson I-> ■•rivB.pt A't mi N «i T Ml DETROIT > * PIZZA DELIVERY E0 2-0003 H Bt It ft K IN Lions Mondav lift**! J " •Jtihneon'v su.-:" • day with pinsburgi Leadership in the development of information-handling sy stems. Wtrnm M > M* i A '> T LANS IN S P m r s . * New applications for data processing and advances in computer AM'LTS — is* technology. naar snow i rj« — last rasa 1 • Favorable climate (or continued career growth. > AT 1 AND IS rJt- *| * Opportunities he a wide range of academic backgrounds : HIV Crmtact year College Placement Officer to arrange an appointment for • perianal interview with the IBM represantaUse. if y°" attend the interview, call or write: K \ tarccii-Wliile Till hi another game. Martin Frosh Show Off Bryan 1 fhut «H Bryan Pak'* in an IM tipst*. dav •$!*. 8-0, Mon« nirht on Jonlatm FioJd. •v«**y With four downs. four mlnutn the fourth period, the Hemes to to in (tit'chi* JU-tl led Won I victory uvei Sh.nv 4 to 4 West Shaw Two kicked off to Six-Pak, traveled three-quarters of the In Annual Clash all-university champs two years sko and holder of the dorm championship for the oast five tirld on a double pass play dash of John Ryan to Dick Gardner to Holman Underoth. with Ryan The Bid-Mor Agaacy w ith 1W-y ard Tin hnr>t in d.tnii* music years, who took it on the flve- ronrlndint a touchdown play around right featuring > ard line. On the next play, tackle ft il end Marzonie scored two points by Botii feant- went into :'.!»• hailing .ferry Lane for a touch- iwek Then for three-and-a-h i!f game unbeaten. S:\-Pak. whu h nuartei's. the hall changed hands fiasti'S lo>t a donti game in three years, has an offensive average of three points a game, whin 5'iev haven't been scored on this >car The Donees are the de¬ fensive team, averaging Ifipomu vK1 ( If\R<»N HI. %\'i III \| •ON MARX a game w, till spring ... • • last pi* * inn clunges position •\ Switches Position Night Sports Mnor siiollr K»m*rv November IP. I*.V» Page ijuries to 2 Fullbacks nnplete Optical Hra the offensive group, alternate I!h. L |« the rtefriisivr crew; rcsrrvr Ntu. , U i I'm pounder, to the altrriiitr t*-m< ha,» dulling lou Marx from left half i„ LAItltY'S Casa Nova I 1ST I. Iis/M.'.s OI IHM I'l/./I'MI I VAN'S MSU 2 II M. \.l . I\u«t I.iin-inp I II i!-M, VAW.W.V.V.'.V.V.V.W.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.'.V.-.V.' BARBER SANDWICH SHOP DRIVE-IN Never loo strong too weak let's level wit h ;k h other^ Man. of flw ala.ir tnrhmque, ar» u.ad >u FAMOUS CIG A R E f 7 E Wtr laaliag for a job anv b. . urrrnt l-ink prnjnrt. .i*h aa building jrt but oar shrrr Jnnriao- f-o iwull •- . ,n., for th, lb—ing 7ff7. Dougtaa IK.'-*, doing auctiy tnr kinil "f u.ua • *r' -1 t oniiir h«i. l.o.khe»d Klartra. the Karjr'a inlmmfad in Onr tna! «u: » »» »" ■ r-" ■ chain, to grur Sllh tbr i<;mt»; Sure, fringe tonrbt* are far l-m. An.' -n A J jridghi" of lh» fre rnntrol an tha B-M And f here «r> utb,rt that *< caa't Ulk about J olt ) «t. Get satisfying flavor...s6 ftiendlv to your taste! nffara aa fond M better than tee Hut Th»r, fh»r are . . . arena •' tha current np- Sm Haw Pall Mall'* famou* length of line, rich- bn* aaaut the dar-to-dav . p»r»'. " " ttra' portunitiw at Lcnk. both ia Binghamt,.n. taating tobacco travela and gentleu tlie smoke li«4a«0 (■"»' —' , ..;i s-.au- t.n-i#ua on Solon ajr. ■aaJaaar 4pm*naf ryauioun ...r.orr 11. ur.if r«« flf. Inrsan, a a fMWM* grareaanr *uMrai uv,; f. f n f tuirf rulaM of >our uualifltntioe. to; a tain mmhzmt both K pm< -«|»ilK'<.t|.\|(1|^ Give Great Plavs PRE-VET CLt'B 7:30 p.m.. Giltner Hall. Dr. J-HOP MITTEE DECORATIONS COM¬ To Irish by Britain Michigan's 1958-59 classroom, Modern Dance Gertrude S v...\ Jha of India will be the guest 7 p.m., 3! Union. LONDON bP'— The priceless teacher earned an average* sa!- ert Moulton J liner LmHanla 44 years ago. The .speaker. YMC % ment as a Me-,.- '" I«me collection of paintings, dis¬ collection then was on loan to arTof <5.150. 11th higheri in A series of unusual scenes from jrreat plays will lie pre¬ AIHC; 8 p.m.. Y House, 314 Ever¬ pute! between Ireland and Brit¬ the National Gallery in London. the United States, according to a lecture-den on. ..~f sented by directing students in the Department of Speech 3:15 p.m., 326 Student Sv»- green. Faculty fireside. "Mor¬ ern dance. ion.^'Z ain for more than four decades, Persons in touch with the Thomas Northey, special assist¬ t>n Tuesday, and Thursday, at 7:;50 p.m. in the vices. Business and State Af¬ the Women's Studio ality in TV" willjje returned to Ireland soon, negotiations said that while Ire¬ !\ • s fairs Committee. MORTAR BOARD ant in research for the Michigan The shoe.- Theatre. The scenes selected represent types of drama qualified sources said Monday. land will have future custody of 4 p.m.. Student Congress mov¬ 0 p.m, Education Association. HPER deoar* which have departed in style from realism. Art Room .Union. The 39 paintings, mostly by the collection, the formal title ing room. Student Rights and MOBILE HOMES ASSOCIATED French impressionists, have been of possession may remain: Northey based his findings Delta Psi K Two plavs comprise the pro- Welfare Committee wftji STUDENTS housed in London since 1915 and cation honora: Pyle. Claudia Smith. Roy F. Britain. from "Estimates of School Sta¬ tram on Tuesday. 'Nov. 10. Maet¬ TRANSPORTATION CLUB 7 p.m., B 4. Room 25. modern dance Gilbert. James Exeert. and Me¬ ar»* at present in the National The collection includes Manet's erlinck's PELLEA.S AND MEL- 8:30 p.m.. 36 Union. FORESTRY ULUB tistics. 1958-59,". a publication of tSANDE, a symbolistic play, has lissa Herman. Technical director Gallery here. Concert Aux Tuileries. recently INTERNATIONAL CU B 7:30 p.m.. Forestry Cabi?., The British government is ex¬ the National Education Associa¬ is Dennis Lynch. valued at 500.000 pounds (SL- been directed by Rita Bumey, 7:30 p.m.. 31 Union. Americai- Wolverine picture. Dr. W. 11 pected tion. Joyce Tlischoff. Richard Whit- a Lorca's BLOOD WEDDING, Spanish lyric drama directed foreign student coffee hour. Kennedy will speak on "Com¬ within a to announce officially short time its decision • 400,000), Renoir's Less Paraplues. Degas' Sur La Plage, Corot's Alaska led all state* In teach¬ CIVIC CEN nev. Linda Smith, and Kenneth l)r. Meyers will speak salaries with an average of to the ELEMENTARY EDUCATION The plrtxrea sick is stace manager. the cast Eddie Hones. Jim Bloom. John Thurow, Richard U.S." CLUB heloxgeg to ftlr Hash Lane, a wealthy Irishman Vetheuii and his Sunshine and Snow, and Pissarro's Printomps $•1,400. followed closely by New York. $6,200 and California. 8 P.M. The second play, which is di¬ cc w 7 Whitney, Fran Deling, Bill p.m.. 513 Education Bid who gleg in the rtnktag of the and Vue De Louveciennus. $6,050 rected bv Sue Mills, is Toller's 6:30 Presbyterian Stu¬ MAN AND THE MASSES, an Hartramft. Marilyn Minford, and Ken Andrews. dent p.m.. Center. Study group Wear-dark, skirt and for picture sweater Membership will TNURS. 12 angry expression is tic plav. The 4:10 p.m.. Wesley House, Study !>e taken. Slides on Australia. Third plav of the evening is cast is corytpn^od of Judith Ma¬ group. SPARTAN PISTOL CLUB JAZZ Rice's THE ADDING MACHINE. son. Grant Keefer, Ed Fleury, WESLEY FOUNDATION 8:30 p.m.. Dem. Hail Range. John Herr directs a large cast Torn Dandeneau. Gerald Mo- which includes: Lynda Mvles. 4:10 p.m. Wesley House Wolverine Pictures. F0|| Bride, Betty Vogel. and Cecelia Watson. A.wt, Director is Ann¬ Chuck Cioffi, Ed Floumoy, Linda Kohlhof, Allen Friedman. Linda Christ's beliefs 7:30 p.m.. Wesley study group House. Gra f- AOCS 7:30 p.m., 33 Union. No more ette Denser, from three plays will he pnwikl aa Thartoar, Nov. Manos, Linne Franzen. Pat Oher- link, Lee Kahlcr, Liz Trow¬ bridge. Tom Hood. Jo Nebeker, uate forum. CATHOLIC STUDENT ORGAN¬ IZATION CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ORGAN- IZATION 7 p.m., People* Church Chaj>ei black sheep MODEM STARRING 4-3 p.m. Catholic Student CAMPUS 4-1| CLUB 13. E. Ray Vott directs Brecht'* Gil Ziff, Pat Lindberg, Jim Center. Coffee hour. 7:30 p.m., 312 A* Hall. State MOTHER COURAGE with • east Beaudoin. Amy McMillen, and ACROBATS CU B 4-H Club Staff Night. Daw I iridic, of Marty Kalb. Jack Ken Andrew*. PLACEMENT BUREAU 7-9 30 n.m., 3rd floor Jenison. ALPHA PHI OMEGA ORCHESIS 7:30 p.m.. Dance Studio. Wo¬ in our DiiarlM 7:30 p^n., 323 Student Ser¬ men's In. Jr. and Sr. Orthosis. rEATt RING (B) Bachelor's dcyrcu (Ml Morten CD) Doctors. Where no de- vices. ACROBATS CLUB rroo lo todleotsd. »0 defreo Urah on rlWhle to Intcnicw. PROMENADERS Paul IL-muoikI NOVEMBER It POLLOWINO MAJORS 7 p.m.. Women's Gym. Dem¬ onstration Team. 7-9:30 p m.. 3rd floor Jenison CATHOLIC STUDENT ORGAN¬ IZATION family... ♦ ♦ Rendlx Aviation Corp. Elect, ft Mech. Engrs., Phyifie# 9 p.m.. Women'* Gym. Execu¬ 4-5 I .liri* ( (iiiiDfl Rworth Lobs. IWv. ft Math, majors for RAD. p.m. Catholic Student ' tive Board. Center. Coffv* hour. ★ at Brodix Computet Div. Elect. Engrs., Miysic* A Ma'h. YOUNG REPUBLICANS AUSCi. INTERNATIONAL RE¬ majors for RAD. Sain En- irif. A Saloe Tech. Specialists R'30 ptn., 34 Union. For all LATIONS CLUB. INTERNA¬ we wash Uliini ll.uiniiuj interested in going to conven¬ TIONAL CLUB, DELTA PHI portion*. tion Nov 14-15. EPSILON. PI SIGMA ALPHA HiiilitH Bendlx-Padfle Dir. Elect A Mocb. Engrs. A Phv«- YWCA STUDENTS' HIVES 7 30 p.m., 31 Union. American- tat Bendlx Artotlon Corp. icu majors for Engineering 9 30 p.m., ; Itendix piuduch Dir. pmrition*. Mech. (B) (M) Engrs. for Re- Church. YWCA STUDENTS' HIVES University Lutheran Art class. Foreign Student coffee hour. Dr. Mpycr* will speak on Khrushchev's Visit to U. S. Everything Maynaril hcruuJ er.gn A Test. fl p.m . 1532 A Spartan Village. VOLLEYBALL CLUB aK Ori'lii^tra | Brndix Product* • Mlaolfee Elect. A Mech. (11) Engrs. for Meal planning group. at# 4-6 p.m RAD, Design, or Trainee 9 3d a.m.. All Saints Episcopal NAAC P MEETING . Gym 2, Men's I-M. at IoiiiiImtI. ILmin program. Church. Charm clinic. 8:30 p.m., 33 Union. iendix Hidt Dlw Elect A Merh. Engm. A Phys- N |{ii«« Bend ix Atiatiea Corps Ics majori fof Engineering pendix Svutcmo Wn pnurtkms. Beet A Mexrh.* Engru., Physl" A Moth (mm A women) ma- Posse Seeks Gunman ♦ at l.uouaril l ».db Ion for R A D A Drmgn. •Only Mech. Engrs. with pre¬ vious tans lanes In otther In- In Southern Swamp 82.IHL 2..Y0. H ffuetry or the Serrleo will bo ;ur>o sr. rFrrKKsnrRG. vu. T)—'A 200-man posse searcliotl n jungle-like TIC km ^ on »\u ( CNemtrtry majors for Kales, swamp Monday for a gunman who exchanged PrwAtct Engrg., A Research: shots with officers and used a caretaker as a shield to C %MIM n Mt Mf I Hiyrtce majors f»ns'd t*»Ui police tie raw she Inld geak officer Ernie JU/QI men (H) from the Colleg<« of j Nirka "several Men In Hallo¬ on'v one man, "the one with the B A A. B A PS, and Comm. gun. the one who made ma ween M*ak«" were go *£. Arts fur Bales positions, trying te with him " 1 aw. a u...k kelg np her knakang. Dm. A March grata ealn ...J. ..I, All chief WU*»n Throe patrol car* arrived »t Punty or- inen (R> from the College «»f dered ha men to hold their Are the The B A ItS for Sal of poaiUonx; changeil nx»ne g^inman f\n» with (Mtrolnun cx- when the intruder held a pistol TOMORKW IBIIIS TOMY AT OOMNM/SM Packaging (B) majoro for Iv- on McDonald and erupt from the •ign A BaWa pnattions; Mark¬ Bill Harris when tl.e efftcer anil budding. The man reiea*rd Mc- 14. Bob Smart attempted to en¬ eting (M) majors for Market Donald unharmed a few blocks ter th* dub. awav. A Jama gvatfat .(B) Ezsgrw for Product ^'mimtfiiuiiriiiuiiiiiiiiiitiMiiiiiimiiuitittjiHiiriifiiiiitiMtmiiiiniimmitu ■ liifflwal Onrtnummt Engrg, Salaa Sarviro, Mrttan Bgwrrtmr Ingram, Technical fiarvtca Engrg. A Drveion- i UNIVERSITY V . mena Dhcti; Cham. (R) ■' , Sngr*. arvl Chrmietry (R) nrn>on for Produrt Drv. En- STUDENTS' A$ an cngixaeriag, mtthcmaiic* or ph\uc> major, you • T wilt tooo bt called upon to m*kt ! -wn Skart A IWH OA grg, Devalnpment Engrg, A Manufacturing Service*. ~ SPECIAL one of the itmmc importaot «icci»ioni of your i-U ( bou t of Aaofkitiom. CB), Marh. (P>, Met 3 (11) A Chenu (B) T wining JTngrama Engr*. f.»r lead*;* to I VOl R CHOICE OF: In making that UouMon, we the aerovpace hope you wi'l i- • induatry and Coovair/San Dreg » Suj*T\- major* N H A D 2 immediately, but in yean to come. and Dwugn. IN AUDITION. SAMPLE LIBERALLY To artive at such an important decision, you »><> FROM ANY OK ALL OF » SPECIAL AP¬ need all the information available to you. That n PETIZERS. why Con*air/Son Diego ia suggesting that you Hao* of B*r ar* I SO A Priaw. Natkiac bat lha See RUSSIA for bo»i for >•« frm ... CMBk SuBply write tu yourself in 1960 rr IF Hous of Bar lis W. MICHIGAN AVE. (NEXT TO HOTEL OLDS) Hourx: Mml • SoL 7 OA • p.«i. . CONVAIK/SAN DIEGO coomi Soo. II a* . * pja. SpcrialiiiaB »: roart haaf. "Fmd ymt VilltllUltmUbimtllHMIMHHIlM