<•' { The -Weather A'ikita Boasts Krd »ub* Rfltrr Cloudy. Windy. Shower* Than I'X lliifh Tuesday H:j Scf Pa** •'< High Today . .. 50 ...M.NV'-".. KAST LANSINC. MICHIGAN—WEDNKSIIA V, NOVE.MBEU II. 19.V.) "PRICE 5 CENTS pleii Plan Survey ipics on TV Quiz Zeta Beta Tau Loses Status uimined by Polls I,, I., —jnu herb sowick i.iJ instructors the swers da! opinion ;y>.', ..vt'I seek has or. what had on effec* the scan- Public accept¬ an¬ As Chartered Fraternity r,.,", " *«« V e*pr*s« ance of advertising us about the recent sandals sometime Included in the survey will be 400 students and 75 instruc¬ Chapter "G, , ,« idve-.itnj majors. will ordinal idea tors. They said 'hem to compile result# o' pu'r- th.s would enable Hojpes Lost Withdrawn Uv-w# **3i,,>u* ^ r«>r* • survey is an lic omr.ion aoou*. from a fair.y large orn>< secti.wi the scandal For Summit 1 -~-por,s.,- ,••• home, tiled a Sl.fW,H« suit FH- Franee in >|»rin^ Hi GIOKGI • %NN It AI I II uuir. shows, the moral fe>j*>nsi- and HII I McM \sJ|R nmniittee ; .!.'■>• cf the TV ti nut.or.a: a.«vc;:.»erv j-4 • dav a«ain»t the Natienal Broad- ra#tinc Co. on the around that PARIS Charles de »,pi - (raiille Tuesday President After 15 hours of de¬ ♦net .<,> tv-r- .ire •he had been "fraudulent^ liberation. the Zeta Het.t lumbers :c>ta:u eliminate*!" One" television quo show on the **Twent»- explmltx! East-UVst Summit Cunl'cr- anv chance «»f an MO ' Tau chapter was removed from fraternity said ence before next April. Eil Retilinjr. president of In- minimi a > k n ♦h:nk • aTin'.iinci# \;K !j Khi '-'hrh tha' Sov •v will t AV/| ter-Kraternitv < ouncil. Frwh-Soph AUSG Set M'k 'h.-v March are a I J. nre- it is the division of the IFr In conjunctmn with the Fratei- ni'N Advisers Cabmrl that t i- c- announ - for •h> top level East- eliarter ,,f Bet* Rpsilon chapter Tuesday night • .I n. H To Debate ), '* tour frcn. ptcsl- of lv« tin* Zet.i u-it.hdr ova Beta Tau !r.»tern:'.v from M.-nigao iN , !•;' •' 4 conferimc Of State Linda HarrX t-niveiMiy for an imleftns'e • i£ iBarbara Sandy areas IV r adv Attendance newveci France cant .iv»no. wijr. weapons v At once i: the iwi :i*l.' mm.! the "Statement re- -<><> Che*. v.r I'.orrerlion 1/(«/«■ .. N Oil' sUCClHidt, '1 ... NY. " ' "-a arreimient t» nan tirorff l.iuidoii ivill perfurni s c •;>?-;«' Detroi* fr But •Mere w **,» at thr \ud Thursday night at .... W .1 and. Mich. V ■ Mooi-ee *:!.*», nut tonight a*'stated pre- .. , . . • Da, av , Ri»val OaU ! to \ while Viwuslv In the slate New*. Tick .!-• -.4 . Detroit fr . f :v>wer. K •' S-'t'CI petfe»*t- el* are nnu available at the f..:-- Detroit fr ri the " nuclear Slate Nm. PUnl" bv 1»m %rm«ir>ui« I niou ticket de*k. „r,: S«*rv ce L'tmim t- T" nrops'e-' !e«t of hut the apple* ale a part of the "Apple a ru • • limit SOSNTCR Oak Park venwr. I»enn* l»ia- nun t ao-v .- i-' G>nc-x. I", fr.: a Fi^nch «*•"-. bomb • mond Detroit junior. Joni llrlrvlll. I.Irm.ir Dai" piottani de*i«ned In keep sludrnt* ill (tool •Ms,*! ui tin- ,St ate New Tues- Cj • m III. ii.ii : Rocn*»tcr. N.Y., fr : tv#er health See «.|«ri on page 1 nigh! atuu*.": s., ,.[-.1 •v .'; g > ihea*l on *«tph«imorr and Janice I ohrn. Detroit junlnr. tike G-wn**. 111., fr: #che*f'ule interpreting the d r • i«i o n, their ] a "coffee and apple" break the mlIce i* their | • *r : pat O.r- .• r..hiv :v.« t.> the furthering Heuling that the chap'er .-v;rv«. 1. lie i* holdins open Ma of¬ 'Vi'i. M fr Lenore "i;iv not. function as a f-ratet - ll:i"ertv (lalled Sluu»e of Slcel . . 14,1 ' i.i, timiurt »f 4 fer of man* month* im for .%!• •'"v Vuiagc. Mich. im any way Drtfoit v. i#;' irrO • rebellion* nationalist IMcdging. and a!! and Tv /4k. 'Law Per' . • leader* P» i-ome to Pari* under a?hleti, function', of the 1 - Pullman. Horse • I Mie 4*h,.»u t./f;qfb* -A,- 'lev . group , VV *c.. unnd fUikd-- soph.. Marcia La- •r<-k» the r'tahce# ' re-app»s-ionment <.'oni Explained r- '*'»tr,e Ind. fr.; Dave e fratermt *«. j w1 a# a - advice of the Fraternity Advis¬ •>fTe Thv. iehols w an* pt»i ■ - c » c Ksruas C'*-v- Mo. fr, i : representative t '» r questions. w*i. a« mi..- ers" Cabinet. r ?,-3S s: CUix Shores II! khied WASHINGTON W Stipulation- foi reirv-totemen* i 'r Luehtman. N'orthvilV, \ '/V rs.- aiiv • diie • '•> l.w diM i'lisi id ihe lie o Nar } I »rton. Peon a •reate«i .'T 'u ire. sa i Mike Oldham. IK* "»mce*T.;ng ■ . reprei t 3Chelsea *»ph ■i.s l«r>i eS'V'C.v. \ president. These sa *>n» T it Nuer pnntiac *»ph . to- all Algeria #: pnlaiiom have t«i be carefullv * •«! BirnngNam soph : AW# •- Ih.* he lu¬ „ Dp Gauiir» •' Tbiuncemeb* of workist m*. and w cant decide • *»-v HoUrwnod. JHa . !>•»*. M«l' --ued i'.cn ■ '■ e w-- • the •>■ - i .'•Kl-Htst f , , f-.-r. - •» :■ the p«»ml- ,«*• "i- the March date f«»r Khru« "ft a ( ' ll'.- 1 fo? ihh i.»l mng" Uic ,;»HI rrithn Niislil . ri-« night -n M «u#»w IN- ilau" > i ju t axl. h" added eoncvrniny -o.- i**-rrrJs-' : . t, . : • •;/. • ap ■" \-i»:<•«*! hope !•*» t'-nnmani.ct lyj-..-- f..! S'll .i.Kl Tib? Ms idci.t I>r«-S'i;iiutiiig Ijie Mlel Riu*li ».ons ar» «-■ q .i^.-u.g '■ rial.- -a •. j»n rd,nanl by steel 4u«pt-nsu4i w.c a h.«/.mg Syatur- Rally PlaiiiH'ii 34 Ta --.17' \ un.verv • a> >ear to rcvjfre an F nrkce. Ki-cnh.m - la i.ight Michael Kukt'.* and *•'«♦ -• - Slum Lift* functions covefe-: )en* activ ry h«» *•. n;*y >' . • • A.-*. ■" u«n. arere Sehiit/er. the lh*t|THt pledge* tnv*«Iv»*!. fresu- tended wi'ih-.u* uc r.g a Sate jer- v.ght «r. *'-e grafttm< »>f lerma- araUan far a summit f anfer- Rv Sliau Hall eight, but Pt.c ha/iiitf h-v- been ,consider¬ Sororities mission " •UnivemiD "ur.-.-ir. nre •.- • . r/ a' .-(wrpr- have Vi nveviel only tmijwr- organ.ar'aonv enre included three randiu«»n* A betterment of iroerr.i - A ••#♦ S.ha A ?h' , ii;. S»-crc5arv the ed ' • i .. group function will be taken a£a;rw*. am! m» ac- »n !i- eluded under a 4 : j. . pharters Tt,.# bii'i ha* i**en VoGijh, said HeuUng. • * t^nal reatMO* in the nes1 ?»- •• At 'Si: * convocation* T-" eon;m*Uee !«■ several week# levied • use of a late perm..--. •' ,r. .3 Friday rv The men rep4*rted that thev * - >ca*ted tr. njsh- motrtiw \i> move the eonfert-n, • ,' Judiciary-lehf...attve IVwr • a .. It., V.! -t |h, K. ird'.ou or. ivrre approached Saturday night >■ tf i vr.% evening at ««i* of a crisi* atmosphere publi*. a k-t a f ur.- - 2 An agreement b- the Hag Murtn ij .urn reaiJ; and taken In active members a A. te.-ns which do not require'a .a*e lift SdiilJ! Western rtuef, of *tate, w : tne activi. ire th.it the Im miles from campus on >1-7* grouping", permiMton " that the the shiauassee counts line *rw convocations are: The above *nentione*f func- wilt meef »n Dar.# I>-» 19 Ml I. In IHsruss when «t over i/.ST Trims . h>. I'M--*! I-Q. (.43-8-45. the subjects to be neg»*4a:«*t Aftc; being d! with putnt ti*>na ,>a n. t requ^e a .ate wnUi H welfare <«f and she;.a.- '})«• tw> were left, iacwi' permUP.on —t.v*e cov¬ 1 IVrsonal cwntai't a*n.ns \ -r "f 1!,- fr" livUfi'um I on i{ill I 'tate«l full-, rJoined, w • i ineir hand* fpontomi >«/<> Trw -r.*. Such ered b? Me activity bowk—are ',3 ' V. Khrushchev, the fYenci' ■F.m'irr <*■'-' o*' h ft r«»umi Ao -i ia'e rep"*?. retrleva and special even fa what: are M.ehel Debre- Fo-i l-*wing r , j an "i--n prngnnsi '« might : I- '"<* It's later than think' oie-ige 30 oonutef, iater rusn vrftana to announced « ♦uch ;n '•&* *v,a'" yw ft. ;mver*vt'> cJan-<-- -* ,72 ID .of . De Gau.'.e suggested hit .- * *v - . t i.-r torins of the *u*« Neicx bv the AWS Judiciary fhristmos .« not only ju*f Dr. Werner brwad ageoita f«*r the East-W'**: 1.V* ".*/'<*• M %'mw I [ Greeks Host 'he ZHT ii'otiMt will . around the coTOPf. bu* they're t* ribo! Raj>M» 4i.«H • SarntwU listing »»e armamei* Ik.1.1 RtierhafiT a?*t h, ,-umaniUc'i ai»1 re!.gum , .!"• open j* «,» ef -h« vr.ro- AH oAhc- furV-'ins. induom* a.rea.Jv trtlbmuig tree* for tl wll mi " rave, ufrierdeveloped cur.tru- 'W,i playing -anti! -t,. o.-. j;a- ". h- >0-. a!i umver-sfy ■-» function#. Foreign The large tree, west of the ' 5-» SrhlUe- d*i*- Alms. Center X-e:d. Travel seru-s I'r.ion. which >s decr»r»*«d an- the future of Germany. r\ •■■■■■ dling in the afTa.ci of others W.v i,»*r s; rml'o . . . G r.' t.:0 . .;un: Drill Team u-'lt- r« me*, said T »m. of bouaing Th-*e .an. m Pinft* rua! was trimmed Tuesday in require ia'.- * . and da!*gen»u* Mtuatinna m Af¬ - *- - '-in Sill. f U. student from the preparation fur the holiday# . raker, be the n. MSG Gn-vk ivHim in rica. A- • ahd Uie M. Wle Ea •r*. ••wsrici W. all¬ f e-. !-!> .acjadinj :na ttuwe allowed tham each term , Thf# may seem like fu%htr.g IS" G*uUe said U>e Soviet ow of «.h*» na?y?n * pv , ;• i ' i !/» !fu 52 man I'** Ifp * ** the season, but Jay Olin. buiU!- tat> Not. Oore agam the special p«r- thwon krenvs Ea»* and West pr»- arvt nfjcc ih. i: our Is la Ir-:wm I».l? wwekr.nd vin-; :'i *c t*» nvUined Of lo;»*o»jjs *s*« follows: fresh- :r.gs and utilities foreman, had H. pr by h an,! fe«v)mg the en- ' *«*« the Knrtr to destrov each game. »f sbcwibt be w - At>i> c * htii. New iaWiroo Ineti and coeris wttwit an all a i sjical explarjataon; The win- • tire f th«- Wcerjffi's Di¬ Miiifrnf /.imli ri 1/••»•! l RKfeea and II pan. pi us* Ttwee pernla^ons schedule The CTew derided to vision, Ikt". and t'anlfi! toe I inlay for I'.offer *-f the tbe coeds one-helf hnur take autumn day and do the job advantage of the suanp Humlugiviiig Without Sauce? group war divided up ami «r- pfler the' final rurtnn in wtiic-h igm-'l to rn<*' of the cainpu* ► A t-ofTee hour is bemg held -£**t and talk se return to t»r l.vmg u*u» ahead of tune. fraternftv bmns f<»r Saturday t"day b* Uniisi IVanl 3-3 ^ V* ' f-nrti* of •« to *id the niahaai - in >aa indjriatir :«s the Thi# yeuTs located to the north tr.mrr.ed in previous cording to Olin. the tree la a new one. of the tree year*. oid treo is Ac* Sorry, Ma. No Cranberries! WASHJ1IGTON iJP — Cr»r- Flwrs.-iung marn-iionRi one 1959 c nu- Tto- team, composed of Ma¬ tamM T«e.' 'ra¬ arws a* having been dlstgibutori Hahkin said : dent. Tuesday The now tree will hold ippiusi- before i! was Ki«ntifie*i. "Aminotrlaiole u a chemical rine am! Naval Air Cadets, ar¬ Student th. F.i—n.n.l mor. iu*n,r w. o(4am/ati(4is w n-a mately «M lampa. aa sppiaed to T.-re demand that fVrorm&g wtucb arts by entering the rocdj rived at Lantdig airiaxt three have movod to tip- Student Ser»- ..U WMt /— rV? Ih- n.r.f! '.i, 7 an no the Old one. hours late due to motor difficul¬ cfulMTtn -t .n w. rokr be fired came from Carlton of a pi ant ;*nd going up the ic*'« ^HiiiirUii4{ s.'nd Hamp'o i Mt Picket!, e*rent, re socrctaxy of «*rt< and into Tie branches, and ties with their plane, but ex¬ have in,- contact wlto each m hibited their oreciiioo marching SW L fMqmtie Slide* Tlw *raliaMri want V. Uwe Mai-achusctu Farm Btarewu in the caje pf cranberries into ' after the- game otoer ii wn 4■■■all.i har. nn qu^ra. rpkfMdll. In% a teiogram t> the berries AwmiUble Im AM Clmbt ffirriodont t senhowor. bo aasd: "In *e**i oian' v Uw rhetnlckl Tic group was invited by the ■Ml bur*>« mabwro-. tri-i.- HSU director of half-time. Itkn- knlliidU. Srnrr Tt—i.l far. tar TlieeAeivmi and "If nerr.mittg has any evi¬ attack# the stems and branches ckilf WebvUr of the HPH divi¬ . th» iw. dence there is any harmful resi¬ and kilbf the jkant Cranberrk* sion tiring. Kirr Figlilrr. f«* ha.rr due- on cranberries, he rw- aye resistant v> the chemical m it Jong time it gr*r* into the berries and It East Lansing tiremun respond- at th. or. < of knoar-n a »d to a call Tuesday night about with «M hoUun "Hi* reieoae just prior to Ui-trrd up there..**- GitrL Prlilion- l>ur I ril Thanksgiving Day u iaetrt. cai- The U S produces a total of Sd,3o to Investigate the suspect¬ tut craaa* th» nmr Ml Tieerirr Cub TW»» ikarp words, in- lou* and harmful to a vor/ un- 222.7Wi.000 pounds of cranber¬ Greek Week prtitwo* arc oue ed presence t*f gis fumes in th# MS Veedtj CM> • dmal that he be. poriaiK aogment of agriculture " ries annually, said reprcaenU- belay , at 3 pun ami may _, , , Kedkte C^hemlslry building (KB S:1S (MOW BMR> Ind. tur Innury of Weifur* W. B RaaJnn, Mrtotant to Jive* of Ocean Spray Cranber¬ ium«*t in to ftelip office, Vrf After going through the buibi- toll Gesirgo Larrkk, VOA commis¬ ry, Inc. They aiooe market 75 StucUsnt Services, according to ing. tiremun reportod m> duager. at a sioner. poiatod oul Bg oaohing eg the cranberries pro- Mike Oklhpm. IPC fice presi- althoutfi there «w a Might ottor fft **!B will not rtd dent. gas. i Languages Traffic Safety Cots iiran Feature Page The HigHway Traffic Safe* v the National kafst, , Di^n^ed; with a p„h Center s highly *ucre».>ful ra-< , Award." In the vim. r.l.VDA I.OTKIIMiK program. "You Arc tiie Jury, series reeeived the ytfr.. STATl: NKW* KEATI Bl: IDITOK celebrates the start of its fourt.i radio award, the Concern All j November IV. Ift.»9 Pice Two hit*,,, year «»f t*roadca*Hng next wees nition given in the mm fir safet*. Deigned t<» enable listeners to i" a'ua't- their own kfiowlcii^.' IVaditions Broken; t.liiii-k OtlllSes Sol Suffirient i,t • • rl a mi a*•• flriT.aiizaT: . *h. and g*a»d iir.vmg prugraw of a .-r.-sen's 'ypicn! Woman in Press Box driving d' b'otr based on act> .Showing concern for al! sttt* d« case reo«- i-. a oi. eu*>i.>:t denfs interested in foreign lan- by a pain ! of *r.»t »r s:-. ami fln- iMagiv*. Dr. Stanlev Townscnl. a: \ an ana'vss r.- the uv bv Bv BI N HI KNi "«*w heap of the lanjiuage- C n't r "tarT members State News Night Editor •artmcnt. has diactissnl the During its three year* " T'if fiicrt thfit pri'.is Im\ tr«iiitpiti "a- f• »»• the l'it-f learning <>f a foreign lancuag- iiroa'Icas'f.Ku. 'he* pr mram h.-- time Sntunlay seemetl to Iwither ver> '»'u of the re|M»rter-* 'Teaming \ language ;> a vi d • • a- ona' awards •natter of developing a new .*■«> First reeugnition nmr from at the yam**. For fht* first time in Miehivrnti State hist«ir> •f think'in?;. ne-*_ ha pits of h womitfi was in the press »n»x a< a >|mrts wriier >ueci '. -«n l dcveiufring au' >• The ii-n.i! busint-- ftke » - nvitie I't'fpoitM's to new mea.i- m..-!> thri.aj for a »•; I t'ir • ..f the ("it., flurry o ix'.x at pn-Viii'i t if.i'i.c .-\.. halftnr..- a ■ 4 ft! »;.mc ' \ . fur M spur' • - tnfffu' sounds " (*»> c jtthng 'earning to piano-playtng. foreign iangua-'c 'ie CAMPUS CLASSIFIED whin fJrand IlL\DI.INI x 1 pm. Da* Before Publication f«»r rUf, a Rapid* paper •t i • M-n.tu * paper •ays "A perscrl even if ! e knew w wanti',1 Ehurs anil In Editions. Deadline For Mon Iditior ; Pm Suzette Ramse\ '.> pa - , i about musical theory and t!w I red stable*, director of Bills Pa*able W-IT and 1-5 Nlonda* Alonda* through throuzh Iru.. Ingj. •ixhnti|ne of the piann* but ha i stale hm, I'lmii, ki Torn %rmslrong snort's information and NlrU : ever actuallv practiced on .< Kl) MS! I EXT. >i" rt.%TERMtfL MWOTS e*periaHv tli«- if«g« N'evell. and Sigma f hi's Saber and l.es Vfartner Vista assistant sports informa¬ piano Itself, could not play Ihe expressed little DailvAp/fU' are greater nn sign than Ihnr masters an shown I be dogs are holding a weekly "bull session" in tion dire* tor. first time !*• tried l-r b* the ATO's /umlio with his master Bill front of the new \ f (P house. exritement over the presence at The thing is* true in ti*- AUTOMOTIVE « imprr the I'M Melt's fius and his trainer Kill a woman as a writer. tng a language same Y<»u can know housing Keeps D(h% It on nervfci-s *j 1 :»tK»ut the language and man. \Aork. Work. Work for "The House* - ,i ..f •• words, but until w pri - fORD ''OVVFRTIBLF T el- POP IPNT . -eat. EI> g-*»~*j ATTR \ T .ft • e eann.'t use the !angu.i_ Greek Mascots Roam MSG OiiI ofSight • .•» - "o .« '"#» few lefKirters minutes . af'.-r ■ cpak limits? nd ' comes to AIM • rri» one • . Fj \«.. i j , from the I'nivrrsit* of Southern • PA4TM6NTS B* III KB «4>«N|< K • • • 1 , f .» quarter the nume - California where he served as f VK K * DFMONSTRXTtON ffinF • • i.-'p.ne 'fart-' opera* • • . • .» For-1 rah- Vf-TTJ*. , r , the graduate To Symbolize fraternities An app^e a day may keep toe assistant dean vf ,ii, • 1.1-1 Xriue-' »i Max Cur*i- rl 'or , -■ « ;e.«• moments- !a*er ?h« school from |9.*»rt t« IVW I're- it y,K.i} But eating 2.8! an i •,c<>ui.- have the Ah" ' r> ■ e- (MMi apples a vcar may have vious to this he laiight tncli»h • vol VO 85 iff S le.i*ner . ..I m' «\-bV-|>iU> kept l.fkifi MSt* students out »f and l.erman at Burknell I'ni¬ THRFt RH .»!; Did h • Its I u:oi a«m.i Sigma Alpha Ipsilons Brand* D'in health center vrrsit* and Kalamaroo College is Jt female x| Bernard she's !>• .I'iMMih Stevens, reside,,* Tow n-end '• Everything is designed to -s -i graduate of " '"«> >!-• I three »eirs old. and weighs be¬ ass-.H'ta'e of f'-e botany depar*- make the ' writers from the I'mvcrsit* Ri'ichmter where TWO .if, tween !'•» and !lo pounds. The Tuesif,ireleased parti.*! •v.-mvivi hi- AB and Vo.'h- newspapers and magazines rum x \I. s eonsider Brand* a verv n'.a' -*ics -»f the four-year '*a i- Of DSVORILE HARDTOP Alpha Tan Omen has a *er* fort.i t»le Ihe* are provided w. stern rn!ver»:*v when- he re¬ ad i" ••-a'e- i*;ar. •-ixfi - IT* " rare tape masrot known js hi active memher and a dellttitr ph'-a-daexperiment that le * wilfi a me.il before the game, el- ved .• M A an I P»iD He h *« ra• r- IV 2-5,'SUi txt-efiei * lontrihulor In I fie general mor¬ Arrnxi TIV- African Rhodesian Kidreha'k gar. on -.enpus ;:i J*).'»♦>. free refreshments and padded .t.so stpdwii a' the Un»vers;*•>*- l.ionhound . Original!* hreil for ale of Ihe brothers Although S'uo»-nt« .ft 'fie experim- rhalis Programs and spartan \lun-.i.?i and Heidi ifictg • i >1 t)s'.ir>BIi »' «s l-do.,r i , - e.f hunting linns in Afn«a /iim'-o. uuile dormant in warm weather, • •••.• a«k. d to "eat two apple* a statistics are also provided to ,wv ' -e ! *>'• f •'»«,« iwnriirr follow ing the fradition of most she* *er* active in the winter d i a more than II million at aid in writing stories A:t an' : ,'v ifTV»erman lite: - • f ;i ?-"4 J- hnnhoiiniiv is named after an a l*,i Kp-.d-.it has ,« fa- .. fun V IM' ■ " c TiwT.-«-r;t in the P"-- «OOMS * c -re-. t>-.x • strunge'v l -- IHVKf'- FM<»\ T AVI) -#.»• oak' African ril* \t eight months, i • ■. ,' oii»-rot. a h-rh '• 1 r , ..fij.do-s showed that ap- ...-u't-d •-- at*.rig (>!«•? he • K.s- . fn»rn • - a e spirit .,f -he he weighs about I • pounds, lint .. o, , , ... f ,- • d-» haw g nutritive va a- the I'". -M.il '•■ - r .if t gan »• On a-," - f.l> should go up to about I'M T- ' •• i • -r • e.i-ers S'ever.s a • (*,*«• • id III*' Ml r.' (if ^ - . • . 1 one mtgT-gasp f ' pounds w hep full* grown II,s Rp.-'ii rioo i - let the gtudenf* >.' oti -v.e • o." p., • 'owarti fl-u'thc - • 1 *«•',* . avet-axe ' * allrihole is Ihe elegam e their terwbn." mam ■ ,rr. .1 .Jtt : \1st i* ..v lUMl ' EMPI OYMENT with whuh be earri-s his run , ... i slant!* multiplying surplus of "Man* of the students report¬ Sangua-' D' *OW tleas ed th.it rating two apples a da* W-'eif I'n'tia brinx* r .»•- r*»w ■» f ihm.'*, iK'V' i ieg-»*e»e«* PERSON*. ai»p.-n i,, of importanf jfj"- u-end. sa.d Ig'.M k •-•'■i:-'- ga*e Ihrni time to sit down and • Win ianguaS'- udc- f 1*> l>e * rrl ix Instead of smoking " *a *-"»»••' 'h »n •; i faw- < i. • • I • a i,-jiil x.- The Bud-Mo- *;»• *h the Lingua.'.' , h# • .ail- ••• ' •• * ,»* \& Vt- pn k up more than a few con l*n t often that we see a bright 8018* I'r.D. -;>o • M 'tTi fn the 1 venlioiul phrases and perhaps a red I kan monkey strolling Ihe Tnfc »Au*Dd» r 4 ri»>iTi> -o tfiey can good pronunrtalion of a foreign in., blue Idarer with Mches !■ - language in two or three weeks Phone iV ;-Cil' Ihe speei h habits, the automi r«l miso,t »| the I'hi Ts, » It- i-foi'SA.. Serv.-.- tn tesponse rant br developeil >i I rare speetnirn. one «»t live in sui h a short lime " raptlrtli. and is named after in the national serretar* of the He s.r.- [; I. : i|. -M ng ill • FOR SA'.E fralrraifr ta»T»4 af*. r lf,r g»-» • , . : Xi is VFR\ CrOl'lli - ' u.-n, e ■'tor'1-s .*if J.'.", H. EI> i -.ar Very U*rr»e. and rjm'e c»i*v ■i . « e s'a» i* a f-0 ; a' ■ f -n■ a A r.t-cy *• it V",'I - str» TV RF8 RlfaKRATORx . stor.es on 'he game and e gf- « ?*>**» t«',r •> .a « ' rsf •he •A -Up <■" Vo, ;p. 4'v. »ew j>.ej»„ir«si • W'NJi?.' »*!'»• •m • f ■ tie unu-i-. a si Ms • *ev bust '.e « • «. » e \ i • \llhouch xirvens wis unable HI* V< LPs H»'»> > i* > --e* » a- •'«*• t» ' g i'ui ■> ' , to relate the rxait figure* of the £ .TkStPU.. •!!•«•.!» n ■ t Uf» results of the experiment, lie 4?g• •a >.e S,rm « • * ■ • slid apple eaters fared belter mediralU than non-eaters Med Impression* of Japan i • * it i t *. 9 a Mtr * * * ' - • (iersr a?; «*■••• *•« r ? *•.»> • nil records showed thai per • %>• ear-M. ■ .-*»■ .T*it ■}.•: sons thr mi Ilie experiment huspitil less |rei|uentl* than entered II ife Obeys Husband real est*" Michigan SlalP N t' w s those not on the experiment »',* a**»-.T * »i i a » f .-•* 1 V. \ v.- ' • e 'It's a Man's W orld' HU >»•»»• MO ei K.*s peep V> lt» I4»l IIClllAHN shoe* and down in the heads f*a »y oviM' i I -av.ng A-'.i r, vu -- i-*i>« «» ,-r. • i V ■ V V - i '•>, " t nustxi' i- tn-*' i* « .« cut; s vcor 1 r- • ma* t- j | ifiim in | Jtti-f Mar*"*Wu»f i 'be I'm ted -sIm'.i** ♦fit Miiiaguig 1 ilUoi It Petri \\ alters Use cxi-' J i.mi ItUMII.ss M.iu;n lltflll MiiiiiIm V.1 ■- is*IVtftPon•Ap'' v SERVICE I'aul Ecsbr* Fftti j t i|i ulaiKMi 1»its.1.Tim i * N|S opIL E"T' c »-•'»■< ■ " ijiwi - i T ,V> Hs'ttli t-^j 's T t RSMUTB •u t pur\. • a- tnc-'-g ' •!>'.. h i- hu«i»abd ant *h»* -'v t - —W ttARlD C.tTTi ia - ' But it was even worse heinre 0 C*»D *0u« n>SA G tslon 0 r! Ihe war. Now women *ole ' drive rars and are even partici¬ *».» ;i-TB[sir4RiA|N^f pating In business so in the earl* pail of the *en- This was nut v* o THCMRSOM .'iwiitts turv '* 4 T44 l The feel -g . *r-e e-4 . '•i »'f. ' -e J,»,s#-,ese ii • carts.! J ubirttsv ;• ",rt- * "i J'-e fr.en Tin ■ g, W ftHJiiBtt* * 1J, # »»-• rt*g •: • i ■«' \' <":* .. ■ • ' ■-»> .1 ami .1 want harcf >'V" : *•>•!*'. ' PSU VV!> »« W-, " *•--? iVehfh' . kaiutien «f YrtO'da? ■w -.-i » PmU'i '.«•» lo.itf heftWt •* ! oiv. l n'.r.s o.' - ' ' ■ ,r——T - . I »n.l Sal. ' *-■ fui'd tpe w*-e res;Hs-* • . -.1 i, n prra •* bi nji; v-e fu»t. •> ■ TV J a;-' *• T • -* ■■■ • k• r-.l 3 w , \n-rr . an is>xn;'#r;vji But jrifse grist'J« t^m ■,'* a >V »"• sir , Rrvng * rrared %f.l iter* event*. » II t»ft> arms » h.pe Xoi»el IViws she *.t* At a table, nobody V'« cl.fTereiii.c- r?!»s'.e jtn I t»u? have «et*e cisce of acrin-v • e " t*4 C'Rj. ED l b* »*» itj Ah*>C etr gtergitor 3A name • P**v ltlo.*v he-r mU* the elevab • ^Rrs* an t ■n w* nr-' three rc.ont.hs i^-r* *1 Spark Science 14 h it 88 Arth'tee- |S«et . n.'bmty fives her a sea* »n * T ■ "r ace nur.* others .whieh 'I TV AND POWK mi» ia«»t AO? , WK rrvwbed hue • twr al ptH»r« Remote " Mead p e»-e« xi-11 tw (t'lruont n aubwequer, *•«•* rtf »!•..,»- (r«4H tut »ml t»Uu»k ir,*-»rr U eteMlt -I Taj-* '»g NEW YORK 4* But a* i*oe i*f my s'udewti p it it.ivs . v%earing apparel-. Br,,- et 8 -•rf Ft,». •i-r BiiiK the *!id .•»'» s .- ' f ' « r ,t ■ i a ,/ \ it f there will be "yemt nuaf re'- »Ta*!«p,u-uts.ei. interior of bunw^s. rt W OX i.JWl lf inksrtiUneno h- - A ra a WC3S «»x | '•* - cfence .n future c»iic-r.s ■ iamuage. ewt.r.g --abtts and fm. i, 9 *' 4'd*.n*nd liG txiAXPAsr IONUS TWU6S..ITU K OfTTJfNT. r^ai jm lei ■ A-~''' ^. S«a e'» -:i I»«iii4I statdnvtytta made »>\ "my *• i- *Vi upat.un*. "sete«"rtnie». en tec- S4 1'ii jt)r l tpiftch •dvanred E#k- *a n-r.en: GOOD \r t I •e Child ld-* si, SsOi e IfVAit \ <; ,/f% ;f* i .ah tu a c»ajs .*f Jh Japanese lUiiru'" "bat":* grid maiv rm-w** I .nctod.nf epurt»», PRISH e ,-,t !» Rs.» .»•' v ,v .s-! - an-t JKMiOM* s univeraity «fu*1eti*.s—itw r com¬ One more thing about the wo¬ TYPttT DtSTM- * fl f •| •" if »" Abseuna ^ fle-.tr -de i,« Itoll of » tunes ,-.e ho.tervsl I? , s,u"« , am tiewe five ment* often lend '.ufht to a par - ttculir »ubj#c4 and wnlj he p men favohtfom here T»n* men who ihoa k>ward hloodes and j OuiCi t*-s»4r>g ea«f»r*ee Acrv." C®cUs' ** TVu^e h o-< the rtrst auosj' iho» t •>*»£«,«» give the column* a more per* mi hearts be""d PrwkH u OX nff tUKCSfn , U f. *♦!» distinct frsjc-i tceh*h»;«»fv "or ptxibablv the greatest difleren. e * * *" wanted^ ' danres MSOTTWa SffOtEf J7 M A oeerrng w uch I have noted thus f.*r In Amer- I.have n-.jKir m a ay Thqmr.ev 'X 31 Natron open r le'.ng *ys".r apply on e*» km»wl-" - TCan-Japaneoe CUatOCVa. There a* to wlvat Japanese pvssp!** to¬ HOUSING ivj i*»!-'•; * * *: *•• 43 * ot*>ei< which ED 3-aw* arter • A iit^e t.» new are mai\v day runk of .Americana »to ♦b foreign r>, n«t visiting • nencarv the* respect u* or can th#jr just TWO rt x >CTKTV> a* to IstantHif but. to the Japan* • merely a« well without us. In next , to «oer» exoe*'-*^ T u» 42 Nurtomet iV/tf/if Staff rinHWpent a way of life weeks column. 1*11 quote an- , • r* -easoo.bre "V"T n*«d Aaalhrr mater r ha age Um awers to. this quawtion as given Veto S*4 W •*-' 4» Ju»e bi.* su7ilk?l',"f Mum* IM4T ■>ke chame MAWUID'COCTU to . J «rd NeNues Aurlaaa i«k*b Mtkti srtar* "b> mv students. You may be ' .JLM?® "TWO fTt OTNT w»r- la.iMt i«a> Neward whew irtukii a lapanaae home o* our house muiij ^ surprised what par. of the oui- »• ran Village t<> " ^ Etor H». owe btaSklfr«SSp^# loo-n tanjini " *r*. hi i, mi n *'*tf •«*•» n«rn*M. Off . * rams Ihe aide world V- A*- -less WttMvU really titbUtt. Phone yioadir.rrwJ' * *" ED^ • In Launching Transmitter Languages If Red Submarine Premier N'ikita Khrushchev WALLOPS ISLAND. Va. * A five-stage rocket roared Afer the i:*.f-.-r—atior- s« .ir- America reverse*''on s« siffferi'-.g the cwar • ■ fro4-• A• - c*!: ar. •>e,N v «erv4eerw> L'ni'..«h. s-> a- .n. • to - tne - fifaite w.t* t-Ck" i 7" ua< quoted c«xiov. i.; be shareu with tne — — a •• : natura: 'a-c .ink' the Soviet Union has atomic «uhmar. -more than a thousand miles into bL -ut.-vn* participating in thv oecause d ia: f em v.:«- . • a OCntS «- ill .;e.i! * At ihO the sky Tuesday to let a tiny •«-!** '-ng ,4-.e psr.c' >'.= • . .1- fast as those of the United States. He was transmitter count tne density of Ir.fi"--.a'. Cl*-»ph>*ica; Ve.»; •• -vign iaARUitge* tne it;\e an /- •••- . ,,vi. • -id this to President Eisenhower on his vi«C electrons at that extreme heigh4. Progr^- Tn.- "tpi'iii'.' 'tuiirv: a to the United States. The Army's Ballistic Research Tne iata .* ••' -ai:{ i»e vainanle pane! of tv.ucAto- - MS' Laboratory, which supervised t-- 4"r'aI- f.nv can deter- Ulvertiser • rertiser A ion has There ha« beer, an atomic submarine. s;' the shoot, gleefully reported that the project, called ' Strong- arm," went off exactly as plan¬ mine type ■ ratnt: : space tr.at than guess interconun- — the .•ou.ference. Bu«sisn- tin a strugg'e t» g.ve- vit.». r . r liun \vt! -4r,i.nv v. .i::4,ip i -i <•. .he- F >\A . tn. r-ouoe 4 speculation in The gi ..-• j-- . 'i.ng Canadian >t..r- :' oa'.iwtic mssiles and jfo Speak ned enui an4..- Western naval ouarter*. how¬ nlau. «r.:-U4; -.u iv.u-e ever. that the Ru-s:an< All five stage* fired correctly ICBM« ■■*. uc ,-n :ig throi.g*; ex -.' a.-.g. I : ;v» H iv-ia .APre f tr.e Mich.gait A?-ix ia'.-o- f • bu:'.d;ng and po*.«;blv had com¬ and the transmitter operated N.i-n-rvi-.-.r an i'urrn ...u-» pleted satisfactorily throughout the ( orri'rloii Slailc *. surir ir >1 chigin P/i Campus a4-mic-powered under- : »< ve N a 5-« . . water cr:,'- ride. The r.o«e cone landed in 4o. ;sf;nr.. * he on>tiP-. Gertrud-* L. dpi nott and Boo- Tne uan< i pointed .t* The-p the Atlantic 800 miles off shore •...si" a'. c.«-* ! > -he.a'..-. Pc- grc.itiv expat. »c.i wa- ~—ec.iate com¬ A-.er.kin a-44:.'A-*a :• -r.-. urua.t about 28 minutes after firing. ert Mo-.;-n v.. oreser.4 the;* •, >•. • v. advertising ment jr. Was.h.r.gtnn on the re- m-xier aar.ee snow. "Movement * » -;e.i?v me i.-»:,g-4ge : '• The radio, sending back data . port ff-S ~a'ea.- at;.: nifr.c: *rr.»fijn: • ■u-»u5 'his week. DR. FRANK RTA3CTOV. Res¬ designed to measure the amount *»alah *alem. President On "the. ha-;... 4 ( •• ident of the Columbia Brood- of electronic activity at a height bii-..i.,.p Tuesday night a* • "resident of !h< former Mini-ier of National *4>e ,i• !•' •••. hen rastinr S«tem, holds a RreRar- of 8i¥) mile* and above This prev hx-.v stated in the State . 3 ' Advert.t- Guidance u ho head* a Cairo News •••■ a minify ii«i •: con vi : «es f.u- ed statement as be appear* he- hadn't been done before. ♦ n4i* with then in their uwi > _ - « vict Thuf. publishing hou*e. filled three fore the (louse I-egtalatlve pace* In Tue*d.»>'% Al C.umhur- t -ngue. Subcommittee Frtda* j ir,«v" or. telev.«fp»i riya. Overnight PLACEMENT B1 Rl At' EAST LANSING PHONE ED.2 2814 ev sion. rad.o a* wind up Witness in probe of | (B) Baebeisr's degree (Ml Matters (II' Doctor*. Where no dt* ... *.s Sale- Khrushchev quia show rigging. ADI LTH :»e KIDDIES J#e FIRST SHOW 7 P M. -rultv and rv.c- gree is ipdiealed. all degree level* are eligible to interview. — : CIVIC CENTER • . - *.- v.r.g • Or • v' vis:4, v the : 21 Union. The t.MPLOYERS FOLLOWING MAJORS ■ - I'n/eS*a4e 1 with STARTS TO-NKiHT . to the student hise.n'. imp- j •» «een ••f the a4- Itaiul Slates NOVEMBER 12 • 13 A*••••'• h*a* I t Id I Fori Motor Co. Itec. A March grad* onl%: Ac- | 8 P.M. n P'^dtookie'! *■<' - .:v .,r.ne< ' •** '.' "i why ariver- c*»ur.t;ng iB» (Mi and Finance t Sectinn Solos . h.m "V rvv ,."r .*'v waiting f» .; res are ill' '.Mi maion and ad men : Al r.-.ng in cN .-«? even .<• > ba - r> .* saved of o. r R A B' (Mi frrx--, 4he College of !*S for various accounting , THURS, 12 NOV. 7:«"iA in:n:» ■ - ; a .tuui- from a •nori-. our- , are no v ar.d Ana!vsij« position*. cd .1*. <' .1 (ML Ag too- j . -... - ; - ;:-v > : \ >;* Pr >te telev.'u • - . "Af. \ nv . Ti ~.e- »♦ i> • •tn " feature*-! .Sa4- marcning Nort- western ban1 Ford Motor Co As \lei4n F.ngrs (B' (B> iM> major* and B) (Ml Engrs with a." JAZZ FOR j-fai Cock! CGnt .... --:12 class-4-. fx'n.1 ' game -.•ere*4 in Ag for Sales and K Atk:~'< "*>- i l>4 Mfg Engrg MODERNS • T.• . 4"." •i and adve^is-ng ■■in,' a .. '"take apart" (Mia Motor Lo. Mm- A Elect Enfir*, Math Tr-«t «Ml 'I)i. Physic* (Mi (D» A Wator , •• .-a4: - z -c* of h>«'v t'« folluu .i pulirv «f furre •rrse\ c.at:net and C'.e-'i*'.-v ,M) (I)> majors RTARRINfl -rbeon of '' hut the \\r»t doe* nol ha*r the ... .» V*..' Stru* t >4»r for Design, Testing. BAD. atveUismg »«4- strength t» do it her4ii*e the ,-r. wh.!e band fonna- Form Motor Co. |lec A March grad* only: Eco¬ Ihwi' llrnlM< k -rem oer- \\e«.| ha- grow p old ,rK« •», Ass *ta::t nomic* (B> (Mi Finance (Hi i \ ■ • •' CKca; Stover i M Marketing iB) (Mi, I*ui- (.hiurlct and other B f> WMSB-TV G- 'dor A-- V . pe North- on..-ng •' :ki,'i *.\' .ch w... U44V- Paul Art* P. and fa.-- Kv«-,- ■ .•! I. . :-•! tile Dec. Meth i \\ i March A June grad*: F. IB» .M A F^ect (B, gr-. f »r Mfg Opers- # UlirU Uhiiimt # * Edward • - .'.id ,y «• evision -eferrei front «*rgan- adver- State*, an u\ > Graduate Scholarships GAircraft Corp ti-.'i- di»- :n • Ma meting E'e*-t' .i «i M«vh. Engrs A Engineer.ng. Engrg. fbirvi»aaing A Pi.vsic* ln- # * UllilMI 11.1 III i It* bit Ollilllrl * minis >/ N"!i-Nuciear» rnajors fur H North Atlanto (rest* tirgsm- . - for #ppliC4ti«iM A I> * + * '[OMTmO/ri 15. ltifKf G-Hfetvea' Tre A p -e Co Cheo. , Mech (B > Eiec- ation - Re*ear«h |>lluu*hip .: .< M.imi.ml E«-roii%(»ii %mern an Aradem* In Rome 'M A < .v; (Rl F.rigrs. and. I'rogram i'o.o-61 T i-^eri A nrener.) » • [{.Af by ituoent.* A Or«*li«Nlra . Prof Lcclurcb , iijif n.lecture l>cai..ne .v i C" ••1 T'.t ner »•« Program '••• Msrwgeniee.4- ♦ * * .«• .« 4l>e.. 31- NO\ EMBER 13 1*3* Kocarcli Ilriulrirk a'. l.aml»rrl. )n . Danforth brtdiub (ellpoship* CV«—mayor* rif'n #or Orgaruc. Inotgani<- (n *n ,v •* - i p. N ' n.na'.-wi* o* A K«i«« :ne Ans.'t.cal A INy-.cai Cnem- Chcmislrv by d ir. C -. e* ?.»r ria-idne Aid.tiva • # * • I,, iff , r '»re Nov 20 ■. i*r A%MMUt»on •( I ni- svnthes.* A n'odiee American l.«4t»naril IValluT 1 liar, on>fe-sor ■' ter«il% Women MursUnnal Saw lbe;»* R -reau o? Sh:|>« Men ilt ic«» Fug- aid C 4 It vf. a v^.'.rvg iectu. - toral Kr*earrh • * R..:ei ; <' Nava. Weapon* ,F. grs f »r Deveionmenta! po- S2.IME 2..T0, aT.DD. V.. tsesA..««e .* »',.li^V* • vs i-« his resear< . :* v» T -e A Gambis Co Chem.strv il)> ma ->i* (me:- A a'ta.fO the ACS sections of » foe Re*ea"' ■ * •itxlal brienee Revearrh t oun- Til RITN ON nIU AT . . U4 Va Owrle>« ril !?e>e< n Tra.-'..ng (p.e.w- lb>' •u-Corv esnv; > Mm'. ' B» F^.gr* ' PAP ( Wifl H Ml f*l( Va ' jjcinwCu, Ohio, • Fc ,.a «h',x» I-»r Ci»u p.*- H »«ee d-v [»re l.w>gn. S«,c. and T • e--tvni .... TIT I OR RIVER c Jttg*. r. K> • ■; in.-..; a. i).-oertuti I-. luftr.e*. In Method* arvi In-rntnal F^f r d U-fi Pr*k.ow>ph> Inc c'vavr.g (B» (M» trwijors and PARAMOI NT—193 E MIC II t-xeivwd an un*1- a "*her me-, f H • 'Mi ft"' r.i" \ .... : ;ne •* !>e-. • DIM01 N | nN ill Ttc KI lx -w. - grant ■>*. Kri»i | rllwwvhip* ths sr * • - C.d-rge <»' B A IN ln?*»r - \V- OK MOKI 4 M %ll ORDER \la-. i-oi- the fN*ro * e--«i jr. (btrchar ng f».e v*« .♦ A t>- < . iVadline for WRITE OR ( %M. • e«».. *a->d. * mun..*- ■.-«* . J sr. 2.1. ' ?..«n* m P.: •'►a-.*-.g lM*;' •- . , •- #-,•« that >.*■! 4 . j>m»> .1 1% la ( ENTER hi N—-Till: DEVILS l»l*( IPII" 4 -THE ABDtTTOBA* -•fe-er! to are pit»- h ;8er* A Pur:ig Ageru> - - ■ - m forn.ed r.«t |Km U'Hl Ke*e*rrh \**«' - aiorwii re- rtsle*hip* jnd Msthemstir* - in Nstursl vienert - 4 •*" Sparc Monkc) I'iHIii •*'., H»r. e* - Ma> Produce »• re* ' -.e kno-w> material* ' • * • c UNIVERSITY liNEA T' -The ervoort's - a : eagtaori a:.'. Saw . ,K- »•. •- STUDENTS' r- - ■* uU-u* r e An- v • un ' ' «r.d kWv*Jucts » •* aide. *' Red*-"'*' A-a • • « * »a*d, tre n»e- off e m f Re-'-arr-. . . t T-e--.. Ba««- ^ r,,4r k-'~ * f * the e reaction »:■ s oroducta fomn- th* (XT Ai»AAcat.«»"4 ■ •• ' '..v. Hmrtn a .***••■»: "»'eie~..;-.s p. d ,pace ft.gf ' *« n . -nuey wT.sch eunrtvpd exporting SPECIAL s* *e : known natural mmtcm mus4 >» Bo4 l>r ftvl-P PVJiiipR~J>Ub- 11.7 E. (.rand Hl.rr — ED M!M I-a- ►f.U-e fr I si-d d ,nf«Tr»au->n officer s». V«e a - tr k" « sviPtaon modxtn# vwne-. mrvre than 3d re- tp.-r ;nformalta«n is tvai*atxe n (vmweoia Navsl Ai" Stptum PrlM bk«f kpm f«r» Mna«irh «o |u-— • a- -- md ;« oomitlb U.e Or-'!..*> off"* Riilpr ;.ve*. denisd •"■** trsvelnr would v •lira laria plat-— khifW poiito—ml I mm [ *» •*.* and labviratho' lull Telephone laborsierlet spate * >n<*t Ccurse- in Or- I ellow thip* • *rr oe a mot. e or aiilk «e,d . a; iffurvv.n Paul. *-ho *4:d «a«. expecting, dyt not • -.ior* t u gcauua'e ** .1 IN ADDITION. SAtllM i: LIBHKAI.I V W I.-It \l( 4f,^ri" ""'r " t.*,>=-*> • a »peecn here /«/Ac* .est -g f> - .".I T- i MTltC* '-'"—"'I FROM ANY till ALL Of '' SI'ECIAL Al'- -Kl .\ lUKOf.f.VN . r*.*v." KiW. Fi«hrrmrn'« X i»r« mrriZEKs. l/wit/i him- ... . ..1 iwuf;- Vldk I'd* I hi- tear Candid,'r*-. 4 CM TOP CMRIER |> L-*k. '.fuQ^itly. iiftki of V'"1 * " ,.B^SkM i" .mew* 98c * .-.-a *. af payrtsoUig . ,... * rfv :e »e -trae fee PA-S. fte hoirf (« pair nki.« or t p.iif V-' - » ■ -"vith* leave f- the ,rvt uw. ■ M-enae for f_"-ta ewrarvti ua peraooaU'.r _4 • »rr' , , » -.n were re**e • *ki- iind (glioggan (or I lo- p ..... . ..,»»• • .—y *• -_l^. Mr S«U O.tJ—k- lM»gg.in-) I old- for trunk » 3*» *- -*ed art the means ,,m*< a- ^ ' „„ *1. * "1,1 - storage. iv n, * "r*''; IMlKYI STUDENTS: IWiac fur a rtall» |»ru r .£ persoikiiUly for t»« f*'.:.,wi? ■•*»->«** »*•. • -«r* Imm awal thi- Suariar •rtaiac? For thr » IMipkdM ' tu " cf an Amer.can U .-• A»*-V» M-T'r H ,'** riant »Mm at Haiti to Itaal pricaa ba aarr a.y .turing World •* Je-srv me ** la liait . . . » cked as a cLnx-al e,r" tons Dm-e-nber 1* f *. authored Wree ;•*- ; mTepswoal jour- UMS ««UOIO* "HOUSE OE IEEE" IxWU,' 1« I,tW ? Md various and belongs to ad- vrikxl •• ' ' KEEPSAKE .NOTICE: AH await ^riad by I ha "H«u»» koio(^o: Msorii- th#r ia(« Or***'' and r *"-d »-»4er.ie honors net baat far >au fro* . •v m Kartloke. featmelmk • IIKAOMASTLIl -kl- T,« ^ ■ ?**cbo4oty# k acuag baud of the Ml IM* CnmpX-1 IJ- ipnau iw — rr rri rrt. tUt 89" House or Beh 9mmm*r plrfkunn. mud * mlmutiwl » uw cndu*> oew* • HONSkOI'K PANZER I* Hold Opca | watch, txw* a umiMrvVii«wn 113 IT. MK HICAN AVE. SKIS. rat. •».»:. 1 *"■ e iMimd »r* .vkiikW* » Gralva* (NEXT TO HOTEL OL08I m LUfff*"**5*1 **n tntrrruxr af OBk» D*»d'..n* 1»* ,,e—" ™ In WwiiiOdlVd jewelry repairs *a -aid as oner- Mam: >laa. • Sal. 7 ajp. • pja. _• IIKNkK AROSA I] • L . '>: Lluon. Mlmw Mi«tt (ran 74JI "ravna m ■ CM- • D*r »dkMl 23 «rtra* . rr Saa. 11 a.a. • * «a. SKI HOOTS, rat Xi.Kt. IVs ■ ■'•-"Mtarana win M Hminkry w milkbi* m til* Oralv, * CdTrr »ppl.c»t»n tradim, (or ra*ijd 1 flpwMbiiai ia: raa,t baaf, raaaS baaf, cbkkaa. dork, olaaha. ate. p ■;? %■ if FaJ k »"eiW will Ha. jfpUcstMi in WiAidfton J in use. *n. 1 2Tt ?'IW* aMck will "Fmod you ulttuyt remember" [ 21**. a Mm or. auk*. JM. »iW _ (of uir 'Gobbler • «t\tf sr.ws Trotters' to Race for Vovrmbc -t r \v II. 1959 Pa«f Four Shoe Scows 2it •SPORTLITt - In Losing Cause I'ltii i«i Lale Scores itiin hy«K! WAI i i r v "fk its ST 1,01'IS ! P" - Bob CVkjsv added 26 points to hi* usual bn!l Biggie Hunn Not Hum Annual RacM l.oiils 131. I"3 By JIM WAUJNGTON foi'OlJ m .•dealing and passing vcbirdrv f'irnnin I. Him K» V Ihic*c.o 1 • Tuesday night in pacing the Often throujrh the hustle-bustle of a sport* season, the Slated champion Boston Celtics to a li 128-1 oft victory over the Detroit man behind the scenes, the school's athletic director. i$ Pistons. forgotten by the press and fans alike. College Fie SAECA Bill Ravel! dominated both backboard* and pumped in 24 But the State News a as interested m the impressions «>f Mich¬ igan State's athletic director. Biggie Munn. « n the current grid sea¬ The largest wp: . point* for the Celtic.*. 20 of them son which sees the Spartans climb out >'f the Big 10 teller pntinn sport* SAYS... fa 'he last half. Gene Shue led both club* with ln_answering a question about the rumor of hi» football coach. Duffy Daugherty, leaving the school to take charge <>f a professional pus is. set for < v»» tod. \. football team, he said that he did not take much stock in the rumor. winner pet* th- ; 28 f»oinf* but scbrwi only five ;'i the last half Bailey Howell, "Besides Duffy has the best coaching job m the country today.** The Turkey T Beat a rookie from Mississippi State, scored 19 points for the Piston*. Boston was never behind. De¬ Biggie beamed. Talk swung around to football scheduling. It wa* brought out that MS!' had only six conference games compared to aevea for jeth afternoon Fm'd sensor.. at * Northwestern troit managed to tie the score at 57-57 with 2:50 left in the first half. some other ronferrnre schools, surh as Northwestern and H'fecwa- sin. giving them an edge in the Rig in ronferrnre race in attaining The bv thr t!ona!lv annui' INt rj. . more victories. offr-r- Munn pointed out that the Big 10 laws rcqfure a minimum of six ftrxt prize. ,t . conference games for each member He said. "Since State has been r.nH ino a dv. -: • in the conference I have drongiv advocated a arhedule *o each team event, even • ha* an equal amount of conference game* " corn.'ton f r • Those who do not agree with Munn |*»int out that the Big 10 d«*-s goose c£4. not offer an official championship thus the number of games need This war not be uniform. *^tii change •> . But the conference is taking steps toward uniformity, a;. 1 event¬ plerljfes of ual! " a round-robin schedule with a 10 game -easoo sla'c run a* • p' The process, w ill start in l%5 after the eurrent schedules up to race wi!' 'mo them j 1964 run nut. In 1965-60 a seven league game minimum is set. $ th»- r bono game minimum for '07 and *6* and finally nine after that. The Trot vva* firv* fror^ The former Spartan coach pointed t«> the school'* mist successful to Mirhissn Ntatr- m pp. j scheduling achievement—getting a home arid home series with former ero** countr )n^ Michigan. eoarh. Karl Srhl.»dr-ir»r Previous to the Upper-deck addition to the Spartan Stadium, the was originally inrlurtH Ann Arbor school dictated Sta'e where the gam*'* wean- gou.g All-C ollegr lalj Indoor [•» to he played with Michigan Stadium being the site rune times of 10. NOT A NTtANGE KfTTAI.—Til. .tor, ..III- Mm (mm will m*k t» Wlt»r lh.tr third hbw. Ml Meet. Me asked Biggie to make some comparisons of teams mt aid aad l.r i, «»in. Urwh rirrill? ritul. esll.- Id llhbh hi last rnr. Mlkln npwh th. Job to Under this ma • now. He refrained Is name an all-MSC squad saying thai Male has th.nir. riMtecraphrr Al lam riniht thi, kIIm hr Ink s> Mil. na Ml la r hour, tun r.tunu. dww and one-na.' had ton many greats. burin, Ik. wrrvlltnf wul'l liuihvrtnc ■» mM. Nan Taut. beg3n at the s iu'.- • • He did say that he believed that a modern football club would de¬ I urM I). FrwAIr)f (.llini and (t.yl, MAIn. Iin Stadium T , feat a club of 20 or 30 years ago, but"vmlv because the moderns have only a mile am the benefit of improved coaching, equipment and techniques. Am WS 6 Downs WS 9 and ts run on O: After ducor:'.'. • during the war. I! • ■ FREE! 16 OZ. COKE Pimno-Rraft Combo Key to IM W in man. IM director, rev :' SEPARATES ■ program ano r»-. xi.„> campus in 194-f Shaw 6 l>eat West Shaw Tne Falcon* of Armstrong 4 Fkms passed to Jim Orth for the east end of „,ai •/ - 9 13-0, Tuesday night in IM defeated the Raiders also of the other Falcon tall v. hea«i west t- ■ the c-anpetition. Armstrong 4, 12-0. In the first The Miftnetm«n <>f Anr.«*rong the Reel j SUBMARINE SANDWICH f w.'na A 13 dorrn point* for six were quarter a 40-yard double pa.** 4 defeated the Mustangs of Ann- Cedai F'rtm the golf trrfn! then • ivy add VARSITY DRIVE-IN scored -m the same play Charles i'.-ctr.o pasted ' » John Kraft tor t»o*h t-Mjchdownt and for the play did the trick, giong Larry Powell to Larry Avmt to Dick Ekinx. In the from Trr- final strong 3. 8-0 Tom Enderley •sctired two poin|g on a safety on the first play of the game The will t«rn south toward- J»a ami Uien rirele around the a hall bleacher* and rMrio | touchdow n was scored on i pas* OEI.IVKKY SERVICE ronrse bark to the g«if irr»i| EH 2-631; u!«*v going from Bill Elmore to At a point ju*• i'€ m up Twe Optometrists to Better Nerve Tear Needs HaraM L ShaMar, 0.0. Tom lsbe.% the wards Trotters the * IM Results this point an4i • •• to a GIVE YOUR CAR Rabart E. Baraas, 0J. rnoTRAi t. are two and the other • hurd <• —■ * a W *h*w «. n I laaaorth •, wr Hksw Modi • 9. • Defending e:wr.t •, i A "BRAKE" • Eyre Ktimiafd 0 Oplkal Repair* Hatrlrk «. R*il I 9 alrana I.'; RaiS-rt S »>e running w .• r.opefuls. La=» *♦-.• . *• wardrobe • (ilasare Filled Wtniunen » Wn»unc« • R Caatarl Rack»«■ S; Short Ultra • Bailey, fir*t F- • • NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY InuirtUnt «. I.iilrt 2 Alpha Tau D • « r. vre SI; »At( A • MALL CO! RT FRANDOR CENTER IT 2-1461 tor 512M 1 amfilt S. LSI# tMiurP • winner* j.» : iNlMl Fvans Scholars mm.. Thar., tti. Evesisgi HI • kikrr •»« AC * • • hRtkrrt over tnkif uuicpendenu. Am i n»r Manor Mm* Vrli I m\rt lacllglhlra SPORT kflftfM hn/i/i" l.iimii gralernit* Ragimnton I inalt ICA Ik. is. AIM 19, is COMPLETE RRAKE II in* ill Sunn I innii \ Kappa Kapt' i i. IM Highlights PIZZA PIT e*1 victoriou* .n *r RE LIN! NO compeuuve %-r COATS Inrlnilru lalmr ami malrriaU — RESTAURANT to Because ««f bad weather and Sa'.er.e*- .n the term, touch fout- vdll game* may be rescheduled anr time, regardless «rf team preference, according to the IM %wimnt;ng day Ma.*on. 40 s j 27. Signva K*.>. cha tught. V > ■-* poim Kappa* we > . V office. i*.. 7. ' no rxlra. Indivtdujl h- *"• 2495 Bonnie Black u> a UNIVERSITY THEATRE p«ant*. Pa' -» Frawrh FrM Chkken. Mask** bel!. 15. Denis.- >. Champion pnlaUMs & fraty, I'm*. llrtad & but¬ ter. Tra nr coffrr. prcsMl* pa Kaptoi (r.»i Lucm*. Ma««. 70a New '59 edition of a llrake lie liners Colorado it i«r a*mm im«» (.111 \.r 1^ "«»'J ("»aie Wcsvu.e' t favorite college clastic. IV 44649 HZZ1 BEUVUY 102-0003 year-old quar'.er"T«a University of D». a *'4 Heathery Scotch-type 2910 E. KALAM AZOO 4 w as name-! "Back ' tweeds woven of im¬ 10 I'nrirlirt — ,1 Site* by the Amoeia'-e-t i- *»« r pam.ng exp4mta ag» I* ported wools. Shades I ary Grant • Helmrsh hcrr "The U* Day, Piz» with the Thin Criap Cru.l" "AN Al t AIR TO Of olive, gray and " REMEMBER" Muss 2.2# - 4.1# - ia as 203 MAC AVE - DOWNSTAIRS Nov. 1B-21 Pay Mow! What W| brown, lightened with white. Traditional Ivy LUCON 2 Nils Npeweer Trarr hi "DENR NET'* 12.44 - 4.34 - 1:24 I'airrhikl Thralrr I00£ Wool "model with lap seams, hook vent. SUITS Braatiy SLACKS •aly IBM *4* Mk S20J0 aad Lm Kotitrlnk'i TirkrU —II.M •t tana TMwt OTfica vwins*» W Abh«i! Ri AM Scat* Rowrva* 1 Lan.uu- M*C All-wool worsted hannels-shapw holding, press-holding, permanentty mothproofed. Solid colors and herringbones In newest autumn shades. Ivy or now, slimmer, trimmer, SALES - oni pi—1 traditional SYSTEMS - MEN A WOMEN Foe I wondtrlul buy you can always rely on APPUEDSaENCE ENGINEERING ichman ■ROTHIRS SZmi is*-1* FINE CLOTHES FOR MEN NOVEMBER 17& 18 IVaahea t-asts i a. wAsacsoTox ate. unm u. - .J i In (.cos* C.oimtrv Meets Irangemen Go Lake. Reynolds Buttle for 2nd Place (owl' Huntiiiir Not ember || N-:hi i H aii'tmnti _ r«ttt»r Kill I'tttlinr |9*,^ »Jir |.|vr • t h» Mate H:i;' r. • *i /i rr» . News F « ports • k \»hn : • Ken • fditnr n Um V< t ro- : ■ "h x'\ !»; :n I:. • mr !(•» S ' 1 • •<- . '• •entia tr% jv and aoi " ■ 'r.. ' r.n ■ . %r yV ift — Syranne i>!.. He •• v." i- ' ne oransre's No. 1 ranking t,e -op • s w 4 U4.14 t r |v.«i poll. learned Tuesday the- Martin Kims: ti*.' .1 "tl 1 "u'c.v %'» i»r"i for the asking. '1'Mt ' ' »• .: "" j • rr.r dt' for v»tpon»»('. a S.:- .rdaj's it but Ol ,r:ui- B .AI l\<'fit on List - 'h»» - Colorado. I «;• .■ OJ Doubt fills' • • ; r> mm i \ki ..»' I \nrthu • •< attribute- their placing t«> iHr - . !>• ■ vcr>:ty'» •in k \nhnrR •« |eii«r. u*a:n stjl>- I! < lent.'.' • • rtitir»i in »unir rr.prrt* lie -40! • Uiiahinctmi i, Hill a junior plans «ih eon lakes start in trnss rountrs that Revmdd- iu> the hetter _, '■•••, vrnb- re« h I* -! 7 , iJ., t in hi u ^ • ompetition ilnnr with rame irt hish sehool when he tV 1«M> -I !« |. \ hill runnel J ltd l|keu l-< | ,me Miniii. >\ »t \ n . Itsuallt ahead o| lie- .« career in aerountiiK altei he plated nu the Kalamaroo b.t* . I U-'t Oi' nolds on routes a III Hat inurse . iiaduates He sats his interest count! prnhablt stems Weth.ill team lie did some with the ' mss muntrs run GLADMER Inilinmi'llSt li, in i r«iss from the Mit that his f ither w is nine souad and diseosered "he r«»uld , reported leanint '1 ■ ' . ■ a marathon iminer f«i t anada run as last as anthodt else NOW SHOWING "" n"'1 ltlSlll\ Ih'tllllurl, and eteit competed tti the IH* I' ' tram tilt mpies and 1 '• so Hntish Km- . fe%v . .. Xrt !trif" V.v I HI ' pirr t tames «ki« \r p«»h •• »• •: * u:-* T. o• .he V- • " f»..-p S.i. v as EYEWEAR - ». - ' : <■:>•+ ■ Ti»»>'• at I unity t liili Virtum V*f»itv t'lub p.dares Hill be IM Schedule v- - ... ar: ...*•-«»• "ra* '•> - "• •' t- ;.v«* • • .vorratr or. •.aken a" 8 4" WMnexiat night. an*, Wear e'.'.er sweaters ■ r *s well »s a complete srlrrtiun of ladies' fashion evewear al t'hela t iskrd a dr"* i I'hi l»- Wallare's new braiirh offira ke.ij.e there ar«* «*ber . HI l\ In I'M » 1. VIM: A t i.irri.RT r.ic ran t he nterlook- . I slii.. f i,enr«u <»eortia Teeh I t|.>« iifi.t I'lnbiK I. H < »f In'!. » Vou'H find l,an«inc'« widest se. Jhet misht even , i W sin.. -• lection of fashion frames at Wal- |»ni>." I ifi.t * people lare s — In either location. In ad« I tk H.I 1> I • »ru •• express- Phi t t' »! J.»nije t i s S \ti , . i- • Kill » dition there« complete optiral i s %| . . p., i .tefea'- UMIMMXI i . h! - (rindint conlart lenses lipen Mnnd.iv lliursdav .t Irt til h I' H. HeUix nubile with * luesdav. Wednesdav A Nat 'til Y I' M "hrupee" meal III'. \\ C JI NSl.N Re«tsleied tiptomelllst I iimplele choice. aU»m: uit^ miAMCOMIUO DAW NELSON TODAYS STI OKNT SVY'A I VI our li.tih l*lc -pectal. I.UI MHl I VI.NTX •»\f itm • HI It K ttoRH rowir. f I\T1 RV IH«»( KIBI's If HI %l lllll ilium n:\in immtMi KIIHI ♦ IUI|»||V WALLACE OPTICIANS UONMIK4 IM I.RIO RIlO* Of I'll 1\ '» .'77 t MM U t I.IITMM (1 ll>|H,.llr >r..r, in I I.Iinl.1t I OI.UI! I VRTIMIN "KEWPEE'S" t MTE BLUV FOSTER & PAUL, MI.IITY INC. i ttt rntit Also Olfnes Ihtwntowu al lit" N \\ ashiii(toii srxr ATTRACTION I SKO i MIS |»r K f Jones and Mr J R \iton Keflsterrd Oplornieirtsl* MM*(IV A MLIMH4 WK>1 TOW \R|f ON I st.|,. Open C % M llailv «ime IHSU vs. 5 DAY WEEKEND FALL FOOTBALL CLIMAX INCLUDES ... $ 167 31 * lii.und trip MSI I n.on to MilU» Itun Airport AMERICAN PLAN p lt..und trip lirkft iu t nilrd SUlrs 0«cr»M% p Airs .. Lunrhr. »fr.r.l »n U.th flifht, ■ o ^ A^^ExcWet Meab p Bound trip >u ,p*.ml bus from Miooii lolrroo' EUMPEAN PLAN I km, I Airport to Ihr AlUmu- Tosrr. Hair I SENDSI7JCBEPCSITTI 0 tour oi*hl« »t th» AtUotlr Taarrs persons per room, lain b*4s) Holal (1*a ... 1i |.'i a MSI" Muiui: tour pur lick»l ptus rouad trip »i» sporiol bus. a All ami* (brooblast, luash oud dnuar) iarluM ' I , in Auwrwan plon. . t' * a '' • •' ■ :> a • . i'-1 ■ ■ TODAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY A FIRST *||)S TO THE~ME< H\\H S OK LEARNING — Vim won't find it in your dictionarv*— Come *ee the children's hooks. They are Thr word cnrra*ablc i* fa.*l becoming ih« n world in thfm*elve*; a world as deep and wvnonvm fur typing paper. Available in !'-• wide and overflowing as childhood itself. *hecl packet1", and 500 sheet ream*. in UiUr Come see—you'll feel it's almost a shame to popular weights, including onion -kin PricH have grown up before their time. Ib» not from Otic to #5.05. underestimate the value of giving the little Spartan a hook. TYPEWRITER RlltlMlNS Carter'* X-PERT ribbon satisfactory STAY MNISK "Stay Loo*e" by liud Nye is for 9*m- ea. (i. O. Spec. 1» do/, for #5.5::. t ar¬ a new hook. It sells for $3.95. "Stay ijtnstT ter* MIDMCHT ribbon highly *ali*fartorN i* a very funny hook and llud Nye i* a very- your* for #1.50 ea. (J.O. Spec. 1. do/. f„r funny writer, and I resent the wlwde thing $M.|0. t arter* Silvercraft (nvloni ribf.* hli**fullv yours at $1.90 ea. fi.O. spec - bitterly." — Max Shulman doz. for #9.90. VOI It CHfMCE—Exodus by l.eon I ris, a YELLOW inm; l\\|l widely read and much wanted recent hook A working paper padded. s«j \ II «i/e is available in two price levels. Regular at 25c each. Odl. Spec. C doz package fur "l.'V $1.50 and a new paper hack edition at 75c. \ till t<11IH III CONVENIENT PADS WARM AND (il.OWIN(i. "Ilrnnrll t'erfa UiHn-ii * jWliws A purr while paper. padded. 3 \ j .ml I \« Thr l-augh's On Mr" in a new Imnk and is si/e-purkaged unit- of V pad. »l pt pay and refriwhing as spring—warm and package. t;.ll. Sprr. 11 dm. package for (lowing as a winter (Irrplarr. The "l-augh's On Mr" will find • prrmanrnl, year around pine, on »v.ry render's bpikahiif.r A »nr hundred sheet return l»i\ «l sriurt paper "Eaton's Utility Vellum" rrgular >1 m CATS .. . "Silly Abnul Cats" is a silly little l«>\. If.il. Spee. at h9c. Tuscan Imv nl tetter hfsvk about rats. It is new at HI.(HI. The Hnil paper of a hundred sheets and includr. IM Cat eartisins from American and llritish Detune Prrssilsralil envelope. Krgui.i' 11.110. t,.ll. Spee. at site. period ieals. Dr. William K. Sur, Professor of Musir nl Michigan Stale I'nivrraity. Is thr first ru.tomrr to be served hy Charlrs'Wylie. owner of the new Spartaa Hook Store. Commenting on the opeaing of thr store. Professor Sur say s. Tor mane years Charles Wylir ha. serv¬ ed faculty and students of the university community. It is a pleasure to greet him in the new Spartan Hook Store. In establi.hin.' this new type of book service. Mr. Wvlie is making a unique ronlrthulinn In learning in our rommnnitv " PRETTY AS A PICTURE? PLEASE ACCEPT THIS AS AN Erasable? INVITATION to see Irreplaceable Corratable ! A SUPER-MARKET FOR EDUCATION - 1 11 ff'l EATON'S 1 In The Corravatae (m^v • t- caubtal-tre t,ee»- paper witlv th. o "sagie" curtate rsaaev d poavpe to • a.ar trpesntt*. emon mm an qtQi- _ rwypantil noat "'"d ct a pvctine da year letterv bong to mtnd' do fw, has. (Sat IKiswi A SUPER-MARKET FOR EDUCATION 'oreow knar (A cedar- t'oo at sv>vmatchetf aheetv and .mekipav?) Or da thev roiuf. rou. at rove beat? 223-225 ann street »» chooamg yam tews We •mm (atan'a Open Stack, vau can ll.a.1 svetch fttaf paper or your amnlupev east lansing, michigan Sum that tretav, out-ct e- bandbov total to your "Vote b. Stall- by mow FACING THE M.A.C. AVE. PARKING TRIANGLE OMN STOCK LSTTSN rtPIPI ON THE FAMOUS BEND IN MA.C. AVE. Alsoyi available her. in tpwettay pacaeged paper and matching envelopes PHONE ED 7-1180