The leather I«rk«? Trotters Michigan State News Partly CloiHly. Cold I (TO. We' Low last Niaht 22 mil,, Winners. I'aee I High Today 35 C. J Serving MSIJ For 50 Years PRICE 5 CENTS tsi-No-W EAST LANSING. MICHIGAN—THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12. 1959 ite Still Needs GOP Caucus Proposes 110 Million Taxes lilli.nn- Speaks at U of \\ $72^2 Million Tax Plan ^ Whirl*in J'cr.1; hi,- von. Planned for : Ur,. Wednesday that 110 million hollar* jn new ..Tiled m save Michiiran's school* Ike Rests At Augusta overflow 1 "* y>f v y»o a*. an the Uni- Z1!' • Before Goodwill Tour Next Week j■ .. t-iav - _, : on the fee- air tour Contusion Wii .st.s said the . \ph Parkai:#* l.r\ie* WASHINGTON* t/Pi—President Kinenhower will fly t<» ■ it:--'* 1 -VVV -u- ->• I'd' ■ svstem " of any will Dominates 'Auvrusta. Ga., today for a rest before h»* take* off on a ri/-* Beer. Service o! new orous pHxlwill tour next month to II countries on thn*e lid e-r^. A 72 and a half million ronfmnted llf »» '•** Meeting continent i rt-nrr;i.i-. - ■ Krunco >.» 1 :i dollar trneixtmy tax pr<»- Oust Seven • •roWem of whether jrram t<» meet Mnr igao's «! ' PTl-HJI'f.' f!ab;r> Bourgunai , »f the five er Student Congr.— ;- ;uide the , aaapl. , he ahle U fare ehll«»Uonj»f rhetoric lengthy meeting a' Wednes-ia;. -hi*- \ f flMMITTI i: MUTING for the IK -PanHrl ■tale Siews Phot.# ky Ho a Rite From ZBT ers EdP:wi''W» <•'. naiionai will CQfife: '»*d i- w.' *1 can< after a 4 hour GOP Jaeoh. Jowtor; Marilyn Craic. junior: and Mar* cancun. The art of expressing yne-.-'.f during rave.; danrr "Mardi firis" held l.llen Granion. Jnnior Standinc are Brrcen Ball, For Hazing was last nicht at the The • aai.«;»ncc" wrixgrun < clearly was never more ev : • r • w • H«>Ui.e Sd.'t Ei.-e • i:r.fver?ities ,1'i IWta I'hi hiiuvr. Seated are C arol Keed. sophomore; Joe Tbl. junior: and John Seluner, n»"A <•: ;• .crease*! '.••v.»-- • •. as no less than bi'L '.vr* n*«A»T 'a.:. i-e* u-.Tii IVnirgu i will be left Junior: Janet Mclle. junior, ro-chairman; Marilee sophomore and co-chairman . c:g;->r«i ah-1 toikicc- r.^.- amonde.l by Cor.crev and s short of the aooanl tin1 f S CTJiser I) • beer. Uqun- I: attaoheo I 00.. ATS third wax rof erred hock • > The MSP chapter of Zeta . I :-e - e Repub-—^omn^ for further study due Work on Pcair Selllt'iiii'iil Beta Tau has expelled from Moine> •"* ir..- iHx 17 Tt::< • h*- rurrrnt Three percent \.t . « legislature to interpretation difficu'f- '.v, iI m*er*~. d T".re*—da> ie*" t.tx • ' scrviro. no' now ever.' . their chapter the seven ac¬ • -j ir.vr/wn of provid- The resolution to -va ve Ba.s; • ! Ul^e loe PifS'den*. a ■ tak*' ijw- ;-nru au?- .. raaiu. t»*.e\ ; - v r-l.JQ ^ new taxes. «f rxblie iMirarttM and State Rtte- College cumstances wa- hour before ;• courses m .debatfti '• was dwidt-1 ~ cir¬ an t Ike Asks Aid in Steel Action tive- invnlverl in the hazin? incident last Saturday after- •si-s the M'slitcrratH-wn {rue :■ A'»u!o:,. Erunce A h- and house r.-nafrs with .the ci.i-ion Krp. of (rank nnife-siona! Beadle of St. »*r\. -v. • i fSOOtl. send ,t back WASH IV iy>\ V P IV. law in jultct i The rest were he act#*!. < v.r tiavs after E:M*nn«*wi • -a ; ' ,-u -n.»r• *..• 4 lair. Kepuhliran majority lead «h« u aeewn- !hv Acade:n.n - The ?h. cxpui-iini aj> .rci>"i*v> Affairs-Committee. K \pee\-i jikj by tri.- bmk-to-w er. wav optimivtic that the the w hirl - ujvrM'i.i t l R iilun* »n • • M v., ' frviu. head ! W'firH'Niiv tv-. Marvin Iumh - >Wh*-re wet kend HeintMrat" won't hl««k the tlx uid the trip h de¬ Congress had g- .f - n of* the cr rrpliiig • 'eei by th» »u,1 sr. f p»r • ..»n. M*»k<*s?naf: tcr The fzu't"- in attempting v- x\ Ir !.H- v» U* fu* far' flnd- prutom BilU to rarrt the pro- ll* ir!l the people about a . , . liiiU't, rue a Host hs> mt" t-tr.s. trustee- ;ng panei <1 »'<1 i i:-t month a. MadlTi I ku . '2! -' cram. int.. rhect will In- po*>h.d isfaotory amennmen* ?.» rhf n-- W etineodn v* T'tier.., u-\.A'; »fl Chit • Jo- F.,w. lai:,->ing rev» •• i Fr a no w - a'prvlm inai > court action m Train .. - ahead for filial \o|e in the %ei»- vnools could olution during *.j ' hour d Eisenhower eph Jir;ticgi in ytdi.-anyi » AlVt that th« " Vf ha l m.ele wri* • Wr.\ -x go ■ • Hab.« earl* week. Then the, he»p tVivl a pcat-e next , debate The — . ite -.»u home Ik" the issue cf co:n;»:ti^ fodowrsl pr<«rc-kar«- set forbi un- will go (<• the houve. arrording r,nv William* said of bas¬ m«*n? eifnr' -.*•- I'M Hi'. tWO WiS *• ;« "* ."nig the arxiuttion «>f two Fran nv.Tat.un •« ics and the Wilde d. • Taft-Har . v U* to the k *%«m-la ted I'm- : «- s Tremendous shock the pnjcedure to be nu l>n»bobiv .; iw * "Pia.-.k-jrviR pNilgi'- wh.ich :»t ?" Their N'-.t.g en* I t. . E -nhi.w. re .T our fund- used. v.n.-reu«ry James IVrnapo an indi x of hi -H»n- -,.e • w**ek. p.iri'ed. *. AUil cmiid _ ;» charters t<» r.« whi- •a:'; recognize ^ nc -'•n, dispute be : it -. of «Mir schools.** .> hand- c:e 1 ■ fhi"' Th- t'.lirrh* I mil. I.imhI • ("Uii't in the txv-l with which \ Aht*»: ' aj»T'-v-".i to.- have not received sue1; narn- A p thr t'mt- rrogtiT i !<•' :»»■Ma t due to oversigt". a:s.i -'.v.:: continue I hr /BT rhaperr at Ms| was PtTTSR' KGH I* St.-' V icersilies retfc'Xt»o;> — ran into vmie tMub',«\ and reach a j-ett i - «N«prndrd tndrfinilrli In a dr- i\o Steel, jmschrd J • l»WkfT- w.ves. who •>' .lo - w«u In th.s cam . con';-to« ar-»*e fi«k»n handed d«»wn h» Ihr ln- lindiT nemve- o . rig 'h. tfk.daj r» i A-.-Ill i p -. due hi a faliacv -oiw. . . laid t#r-t raternIt* t wunrtl luesdjy ^iior for of a sect.on of the ing a.n*a-!y . cor«-er- gmap- - r-H t«ti '•> feder a me'ti. "l" Autos. tuinw-ldr k • w» •• ■ IHlslXOMl- RIN*. i«v cftev k i'»t •*u* w •*-ikr. i snervl a:r»-«i. th* r night Aecorimg The AfV« iaie <.f t Iff.! «t(jp T ad J WW; Mwdr pis»nip«e.i '•he >t\ Th- i>: S'.a'- ■ Jem I Aid td the- thu* now have h ,en;^K^d tt apoeai M Ko trie most c»ar*. the fWt I'l^v. Uie »even ncti' V If.VuiVf -p'H'iU '. I* ■ 5 ,H'HSe.H- T ' charter, -r no chare g* all (•oihg on tne.r ta>k i.n '•nwk wdl! be ««#d v> m-. bac .-w t • • er 7HT vi «-prraldci -at t the t*» :.-«l StuTC »K»w f»«» Xl% Mur.t i" ** — Alter two t bitter argu- with Th' The bid wa-- Uie amendment (.•ontr -verxial final!> j^wied intact. -oo • cf weeks ■''..lent gradually took taic returned ttep Savs GM billi «mu4 What'* ief? —and .f» mo* i: »• ; be m* *h Lawrence \t i GinaberR. *peeiw' student: C! Ha.'i is r if ford How i*»ng • 'he A s,- Ih-c-jde . a. lletiON ralir Milliani* gan needs who (.Dt ronleiid* lift millkm dollars |o >|eniien . Michi¬ Ttf-cf Amer¬ h'-u>e«H .ve-. p'an '*• .t-- K.e nijate New York Ci'i *en- -'a'- Au u-t.i was n'S - cotr»pulsor\ cia>.- attendance *» uhtii'i 1 am out its fiscal program DKTIlDlT i/Pi — 'ieueial .»*lle C*'-ri5"ma *h HH1 *>- i Lvaiii ..- M:!*nsli, l*Mig lUHihced I'r»*t-jry ce jr-3er*;t:e$ and land sent tMck to o^jni"'-- after 1 > i letlt hinted that the Kepuhliran pro *_*<-« M »i gram might iw arreptahk "Na- program of (Kick to l»iiil«l almost i!.non cart M«»r e ■ i/ mv {;•»,***•♦ \pi-« . iJe'r'.* seru<>: a «-r w the issue snoj ' •Um.'U*sed a". turalh. its heller t» hate this wil! g-> t.i-A *rd- Ju' K» ner Ftjnt *pe ; ■ . I *v « We*'. : New Y-.rV :t Tfi'' o.l 'a h Inadequate ta% than no la* at « i thee asked for all." he said "Hut it rrrtainlv *•" (luction VVwineiwiitv Uiatike \nt'".«u»* Amr.'.u of »•,«.*■•»«»r» aivi Invj.-. K:- ru'.njiff lh 3 pubi.e univer* wont nlldi mv conscience " • ♦« the an- it hasn't enough fini*he«i Her hUStwUVl « I>« * . lUhio: During ! ' tm »•■■« K. Ih a ! •• '••**•! the 1 - * rr.e Amer- steel ♦<» huili! evert one more •' a* r.S S*11 Eiinqw. %! uvl v. . WSh. a It wav iIm* revealed that the A»i,» Eaeert' %. ' 1.•»?>..■: Grant Col- complete car hailnc wa« In retallatlwn againat Turko l*«k. . i ft... a UllC-t« v.- . Universities N ■ *.. 'i- •' j' - the ahdurtian of wherwln Un- Ira*. f- - ghatbdi*? 1 .J; - 'Hiring ?cm sin* ■ 1 f»*'" ' j ■ or.vate coi- GM :v• C'O - \ ■ Iielrutt %en»«r. an active. v*r« vo* also need¬ » war. ,s*v«rA T afi i 'M . '« V • . 'urn.'u ■ .upw V v.' b» the pledgee IrMay afternoon 's from L'ncle tif K'UHki , *.•« ^ lie a** driven lo a motel in Ao' <*hevr-"l«-t t >■ ' * r- Gravidic where he wan eovered Mai.- Official- Slal.- '•-r.'e-fn'.ed at the S •w-" dent John A. Vet*'- '"A!. .» with paint and abandoned. I .ilk i.i1 VIiim.I KiiihI Id *'•' du."' I'g Iftc »iay Ttiv fi'>U Ji il MiUer. W •». /HT hou-e r . |.*iig (,1111/. SIhih- l(ea|» - •rh'.siuled *.--1 ci«se G SIiQftei W. .«■ the urisdu ? long ago further • Run , us'- uol-i-i- is 'leir of Kepuhliran senal«t> IF' Ojf. ' 4 e. < - they, like *r > get along fro*.! '♦«*».« pttif Ci tv -.M' C'o*'vai: jKan' <«F 'ne Viiollier ML ,..o . I. • no r-.e Threw' Bar.if M agreed to tolers Headie next said, sear a to submit proposed '« -..v-.r C. Cle- f. f*'fi ghvernihg rrff-ca: E'lu.-a' ion S- constitutional amendment on at t.ollege Prof « Most GM lines have hern 1 • :M' h"USJ - ■'*••£ .r*g assucia- .. : 1»v • - - t'Kta ■ .n ini K' •, lowing the legislatnre to adopt *'■ he down for In d«f* and pr«*du> ■ The Naa.r.a. ZHT uiuver- an income tax, in any form on lion was furUiied even hetor- NEW YORK 2* AfW.e**r .pen fit the jMJt-. to Stop •> .»; I* rariijw f"T either M.rporations or indi* Id • of a fiuMi then bt narts shortaces l«ul S*",. Ymi ("it* cuoegi pi .-»• nth The Dean Men • ' ether they » i»-s i «f»M ."Th.!),: 1.4*1 rials according to Associated G.M lasoffs run about ?!«am •->'! Wel: »"«liv adm»tte*t be*--' - Office lolfi a»d and W Tress hourly empUtes from < iw»mul te.e\ lion 'il , «• g-V I l» form the g .''■■111 U ' q n? !>"- Fi'br-- ! hssver' v. ceisr- (fes work force ,, 11 J JlarT:#•'- week g.# take of 2JMM •'»u t- kn#w wa« r*gge*t kl.crngan Da IFt rtne»r'ri .ja-t-eh. a r jtT' *>>(»! et . . !--«-n covnrmg '.he :'«■ i-'Ugh* thWt needed :t v.-f e ..- W »!'••. r--'4{*l».»ne*i 1a*e« en»'ugh atw; ca*» ly vt> a rtr- • ,'ea«Ni>r -»f pclt-Urai acience #*- < i.;c n' (of hi - naie , * l»T»-! Mia' have '•» te giean.^5 fr U' e« i.n !,*.• eapys >»1 r.-v - Talks and parta bPstsmnI. to ftil ply l»ne^ at a»e awaernbiy pUM m, H«-uU*r C*»U#ir. - m *4 'too on CBS' diM-i'iMv? »e IF' » an-' ■)? /.BT M prr Mer.T- - n-p'.er tedh of the feM prunarv and 'iid. **.,» *s:in ".en t»» nenhcr par'v * .iM(t- a!ld fp.n: a!/ (Jtuth ■ . tfi«cimed bi estimate- Tube tn jpj:, the punuhmrrit *»• f;':ie 11 iu» tha". tn»- a to at»;ve •/•:# ids for f.lieges and uhiv X Iff'. • "faiw awig tAL- might Itr lr»d i ■ jf-iji rrf i tecciai wanrr -up s#^- tart fi luddle try sourvev rxpc<-t the ahiltdow i u*fore g-Mivg «n ?h»- »ir Ut !a*t about four week rlayktri * ator sirw;7ar . » -• pfteldCMt o? «no Sew* .»f Cbufte*, Van |>>rrr. the Slill.- Xf—» Nl.l»-» This i* the first gpcnDiete sto* • ireeq Ad* Mf.tTING WIIII tl *11 COtNMllXGIt Lou boa Gee cor. (hi- teievi- •j»»wi'»n of auto pr Nanr* » *•*< on •~ 1 TH a kr* oatd «*"»<>«•?;■ - Top"* of duwuation ificlmle vw»ugh those 1 Tfisp ! OUh Km to tfi# Block Planners Have sorkerv (.evera! have tau**-d «eeaswdt*. snu'do* i . (*■- ■ 4*-: ever, *-♦ nnuld if } u*e ktw* the tn tIM i ?t»c S'a'.e t«- * * Sen'i otr-ragc ;>rortut-tk»n pr»blern«. and -indivtdaal m Otitotm, Mi5d. ->f the ©nfrar-n • af! award* for the temt. High Ho|»cs for Big Show , CSNh w 1 addrcoa t*r* Kfear,. tiaaam •">11 and bo ad- the &ox-k -S" aj oianr\u.« • grami of ft kick "S ' ha* uc •, Trftliiifi for Coiitiiiiiiiiatioii Kj'gin- t aeinrv- ftna> for tne Northwuaterw challenged. and w-r»e*heT the * K? Crunln>rry Sales Delayed s'Z Center, and game Solurday. Tfu» wee* * .5 west deserved t»r •TV. afww ha« bee:, careful:y plan¬ rrfi". retoa«r>r to oe »#en ned, and uwtfuctw*» cards have been Much can i* wud W she kUrr-prf. All that l* flooded • rww » 1 liithfttl tfcw orgaA- have attrqsleo ev- Cmniiefry saties u> Uie laa-'--- block fuii of ainccee momhm .ju»Uur- game, but the muwrtty of mag grca may be deDyd a feu- who arc ready to *di*p!»r ?hdf er» F>r Chester CfM of the Uni¬ "" »«• ItUT the ucr^iie who have neglecled da. * to mrtag Mlton B*«Jr»e»-' stuff A pr*cu«e haa r»e*t da> bv wrhotomlw Cbwrle* fta.,- versity rd Maaaac-huaekta, wne M'heOuien for 12 JO p.rr bat ar¬ ihcir rcapceiasiHlitir *n aervin* direct*-Jhe Ma»«achuweUa Ajri- 1 > •- P! da'i Sf who »a)i "rvtyythm^ inr Bioek carncsliy, have given dor in an a'.temp'. t» »*rfe try the f pre-dame and half time per¬ ■ X- ■ of '-he week.'' < »u/T actpm SA coUi that h<. le+ionally. would «»t t«. craaf. aaJd XiriwrtMlaH .' I' O". formance. Testing of the cranbrrr «•» ?•»* *•• -'•vi a helping of crsnbernei, ewwi CMl trawwrriea have taeen iMttatt conUmida'.loo w»i to b . tfer ftuatweted wreet coast cren- s,led. in federal district court t-t f* Alpha Chi I rmrr In IM-ru— giti vwuy. •ccordiag to Honda ' hecrie*. with no m«r* concern * C»-«. ALIO Sari Francisco, aceurdmg D A Kl £«!)«»- Honda: 1. manager of Lar.jur.g then he w»uU feet wet teiok t>uuuaiir. Ohht|H AanciaVd Prma The frnrem- " Sw ALSO WhuDwal# curla.ied h;« mefit haa put 1M mapwetors and iog a *ing*e ctgarot. Xu pmfteior Abba I/nwr. of -ararehoviac aak* until the *U*k «o rhemisu on the Job of check- At Eaat Lansing, debates In t-ouid be checked the Michigan Farm Bureau con¬ the esirjomics department, will ing ' C"* "A* far at we know at! w' vention. in final eeeaion Wad- _ mdrtu the PhUoucpby C«:;«>- »rr.s uatio*) «• v. m berrie* com# from Maaaacfiui- rvesday. iipreusd concern about . (luJwn Friday, at I ph., to tftsr tne furor over the chemical ***« ^itornl Ptiyvics-Math conference room. rtb and Now Jeciey." flaMr i -S" tkteu « ->!! *a*d. Hie Lanwng Whokwaie spray of cranberries A Jeaoiv- "C«, The iiibjoc'. will be "The Con¬ ' **-" •t Jew. FWdhou* Cksioara are pflUteted art* C«- Uun w as adopted noting AdntiUa cept of Economic# u a Norma- ■ TrxUj m Urn «Md- tn! BoUller Qwac Grocers. rhwninai* uMd to **• * livt Science ** Facttlty members om Inc.. af CmiRp. RMducw of be da■—if to I >t. Jim KSV—H1I and graduate property If m vi tad to attend. last Word on Drinking law; (mIhi Expected to Pen Accusalj0 mies—produced the latest and Th, I V HAVANA r DtptemaMc rrdwl circles believe-Ciitfa i< ai*»nt to angriest anti-American outburst llchl Ilmidj Stale or Board of Trustees! from Castro. ,n an ant|.(, deliver * blockbuster note to 1 Wr, Now the Ministry of State has draminc mi the Fnitfd States blaming wor¬ hl]t sening relations on Washington: published 150,000 copies of a cnv.rnm.m n..,r hl, color brochure purporting to rridrnr. hnmh. The note is expected to be RECENT SUSPENSION cases have foeuscM!.considerable bae*i to some According to the law of the state of Michigan anyone who has reached the ape of 21 can purchase and drink al¬ U.S. .congressmen. The threats of eeonomic re¬ Mieliigun Stale Nc coholic beverapes. East prohibits the sale, jrivlnp taliation are taken here to mean Read Hail* h> MSI'N 25.WM> Students and I aunt awav or furnishing of alcoholic beverage*—interpreted to poaaiblf cots in f'nha's *u«ar T r Vltcmean State Neva is ou<sherj by snstier." * iveisfy Fa«-t Lansing Mici: without dire* mean over-the-counter sales by bottle or plans, in stores, quota in the U.S. market * • ;« ■•"l. No. 95 Thursday. November 12. ]'•" fraternity houses and cooperatives. Most students in these ate and concentrated effort in Cuba" to stir ud hostility to the units are not 21. In 10"! the State Board extended this rule to include United States. Informed sources say the Cu¬ INFORMATION any students living unit as off-limits to alcoholic beverages. ban reply has been redrapen < (w sti ov c.Rorr FOLK SING I H y Prohibition was in effect at this time and did not end thre# times—the latest, last week 4 o p.m . C>».lege House. 7 o "■ until 10.'J.I. when President Eisenhower toid WF.SI.EV FOrNHATlON t»Ov* I iff..' . HOWEVER. WHEN \ student lixes in an off-campus hi* news conference the com¬ NOON Ll'NC'HEON rre ;ntore-". munists are fishing in Cuba * 12:10 p.m.. Wesley House ORAI»-FA( 11 T\ || apartment or house, and is 21 or over, why is he not entitled troubled waters. Castro has SIGMA THFT.% IPSIITiN 12 10 o to the right, granted to every other Michigan citizen of legal ahown great sensitivity to sug¬ 7 p m People's Church Ch.t- eran 1' i age? gestion* of communist influence ■ jiei .Joint meeting Slides by jithi < i.i n The university feels this rule. i« necessary to protect the in his army or government fi I Jordan • student. "Wherever a little is opened, crowds mav congre¬ Heitwre of some large 1* S. t ITIIOI.K STl'DF.NT Open • , land boldincs by the Institute of ORGANIZATION sUff if • gate and there might soon he a roaring party which would agrarian reform and the lockup 4-"> p.m. Cathohc SUiderr III I.T % PHI IPM|„ disturb the tranquility of the neighborhood." of |*.g. oil exploration eompant Center Coffee hour. Kit n DEAN TOM KINO has made clear that the administra¬ file* have not made for friend¬ I.FS GOI'RMFTS - IXNNFR t>e:i Au.".*.' Face's tion is not out to get; students who are quietly drinking. lier relations. IIANCE IIO\RH MEETING The incident of Oct. 21--The 8 o.jr,.. 57 Keilogg Center. Put...,- .! As long as they disturb no one else, they do not upset the so-called bombing of Havana J-IIOP EXECT'TIVF MARTIN I! lid i: i h* university. But, it is admitted if a student were quiet I v bv light planes flown from the I OMMITTEF CHOIR drinking and a university representative should enter his United States bv Castro'* ene¬ 7 p.rn , Mural Ro»> llrfur, I'uhliralinn for Tu»v. \V>d I n.t . by its legislature, have already been laid flown concerning tfnrhlm k *nd Fri. Kdilnin-. Itrarilin, for Mnn. Kdilinn: I #•• away through Frida> tablishing regulations of its own, has not kept within the framework of these laws. la-tlcrs lo the Krlitnr F.l) 2-1511 E\T.2h| THE AMENDMENT revoking prohibition free,!'the American people to decide the liquor question for them¬ selves as states. Here in Michigan our legislature set 21 as the legal age for'purchasing and drinking alcoholic bev¬ Coeds Claim Honor Hours AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE PERSON*. VOLK-t W AfJ FN MAfJNOVOX benied for Food 'Protest' 1^7 Strv n*>* rONSri. erages. Kast Lansing has prohibited the sale of liquor. TV radio healer. whPe wall. Clear- t>! » i-e 'nr,e tViniait Hat .a The Bud-Mc As MSU, as an entity established by the state, has prohibited Chore Ow inxi. SA S-ttfli alter * iS ED 7-«a5." alter i .t«» drinking on its property. IS3S FORD <*O.VVCRTIIU,C Fsrel- :en' condition r>e\« tire* ARO' s 1-1 CAMFRA «a-e. fla*'i SMiTM /4CfV«'. These are all w ithin the proper use of each group's power, To Hi? t.dilor: . ' »•%<*( th»* ' ■ 'k #i1mnlnlra- !»;.»« • «<;>»• <*. r I e from fi'fn ti-e mvoived . Bucks Action ra 4 ",,'e a' stp-e New*, hov |S ^4 Phone IV 2-Ci. HOWEVER. FOR THE Board of Trustees to establish • ?•» «ave the ur'he •' * '" - i-eg ret tabic *Jiat the *••: R \i 'X»N ( OCT GOOD Hirili- S|*r 14 Want t« se ! tmmedi- Of (loliimltiu aim p-t -a- rules in conflict with privileges accorded bv the state to a fern.**Ui;1e«i ind;v>4u.i 1 TAKE S DEMONSTRATfON RtPF I1!". A>e.' ,rt v rea*i«nahle t>r»<•• I > i>Mo p..-.-I „r t„rrt E^h . n .",.»ne ED 7-l»74l a-te for ('arule ;tri its citizens, is not only odious to many voting-drinking ace Kecenth our petition* for sen¬ Slid rertn-t *0 heavtiy «e>. •nta<*t lai r >a(den at Ma* Cure* ( M.IHf ior honor wuinhi hours were is t IV 4-44*1 "4 t •* f t» r \ Rff'FRKrER 4 TOR* students so arbitrarily restricted, but also utineve-sar . I •» the Iditwr turned down hid V - *,j..• •'e umver- • from the viewpoint of protecting at intent liemor we H-po ' •* Ho ' 1 t hu« *ak• •i -j" 4- ir.* »' *2 '.oodxe.. ("NO VI VR| "instigated and incited a l«md •aK ice 1-t p-> »er> <4e store ||t«l r M-.,h.eao 41 . Students upon entering MSI", agree to compft with the i .«■: .'».a Un versrv for not " We would like to pre¬ •• ft f> ii'esl -, '* OI.OXW7HU-T iLARDTft" c ».e res. gnat ion of I tVMVi; I R4VT 4ND llubr * rulea of the university. Thus there is no case for thi^e wl.. sent lo the public our pl> a of in- hi, r' iir.fu » a iraat 1, lauio ea!n» atat' lu.-'t ennual »aie this »ee* i .1 r-. Van Ikxti whom e rune" extra* IV 2-^*' I v elir.' ' Mrnia llebrrmin • eole- have already been found guiliy or have admitted breaking norenre. since **e never iot 4 «h.,ratleri/e, -brave,'* 'br.l- rut it lot m • ham e to he heard hv the ail- Trustee as i. tiai i to 1» run or Fr k-u REAL EST*" the mentioned rule. an«torifng" for revealing lis;i Ol D-sMORltr Al 4 Hi :i r friend a a ministration hxdiam*>u gaftofou*" «n h i radio winter- • 'ruth and eater It is not the legality of the decisions, but the reasonable¬ " •/jej uiuhI a«i| - ta*»A fhona resideiue r,«n toi ness ami morality of the rule itself, in relation to the state law, that we question. :«• n.v Prof. Itils It take* a strange sense af tn 4tHSKF« eeime i lahot FRONT AND and rear triatariaJ*. X " biake. :u •maun *34 . it* ha. a tlue« tw rail a man "hrave" fur RV fmvi 'I oil l)orc 11 testifting under %nk|wena hefwie i.U'e • o.iir.ntor 112 s"i Rr»l»e Hruke« retiner* ad"i«ted W10 *»' F lb(, Action Stron" a < nnirewMaal rwminittee. and ha>a".aiM< ptiotse IV 4-4M« So KG MIAKFAST lOttUS r.Uilr F D 2-«A: l'wl> e ■ THE /ETA BETA TAl hazing ca to the tdltor: *» ".h» V**' il a ■ has lieen somewhat clouded to the facts involved Mis¬ «ath helwre the grand Jury In lsft» ANI.UA RADIO AND hea'e< 0U>C« ' - Hatu.d New |ork. white wall tire* l.n^ rniieaee l an.r. e Are* representation in the original police rei"»rt !»•«! to mislead¬ Prxed tn *ei) On* Owner *tratl«m « SkUONVf SHOF Car tenter l»lS I Midyga ing stones in newspapers Moiniav from MM '«> New ) Ol k We wondered how man* ttrls Van t>«rer. may l»e ' bn!:,ae' ' *.M»rt 44 71? Mac 0P«« a am.* o i it \ 4erred with the ten 01 us snd a no % actmns ,n n» way de- free*-, 'he of ISM FORD V» Uo door ?.,n 111 view of further re|>ortthe incident a|»p».. ittj net»«e h<* would he willtnc to sUcr 4 OmmI i-'jous fa- • But since \er ravmentv t.wai V5-ng7j after S t> r-. baUu.e Pt.,» ■ HOUSING SERV'C: tons than early articles indicated. National publ protr-t the nest tune »• •• hid cohl lurkev "4 l.t kmc" followed v to itsr.'niance and fambv FC* *INT the issue far out of propnytion to the actual Inap|sl lo cold href stew followed lo Van I tor r 0 \ at tions were rnn- o-rve a« a icen*e for EMPLOYMENT The most recent incident at M>( in whid ihltkrnless " !' .« Professor IleeiJ NFAR F A * T I A\XING nearl t rh'eken pie titer stsfentli motivated miliee "M AN OVER >0 w ith . ar Can t' ten .-.i. : - o '-irnWted home was called on tlie carpet for ha/jug w.,. : 1! one hundred cirls felt as we h ho .- gu t's of "sitai'iiw Uunk- earn «»vwl mcostie PtenlKg *»r» rea*«n»al»la rent ED 2-3»7S X< nreneiise It rannot he (iaimed ."■i. and jto' U.Mitt.u Umver- no eanx a**ing S,"tie«Jule truxir «■» - Delta Sigma !'i was fuost SI'.o jhi- did that In f limit or edur atton he hsHtrs Ph«r?.e TU 2-MII for adosrttt?' MONFV MAKING HOl NE tt I* r. 2 am to WilliamsToti ill which the pledges Were ,t"a> was not in a position to con¬ n.ent . » .nfu-nl* ed fmne t-.ree b)o< h. • Ja< k sUfbri. IMreetor t o- «a-iMr* ha» ample room fur *fART * . sider, the iinplu ations of his he- registered n-.ed- t.ags over their head- labor and Industrial LOOKING FOR a a .named .ouo'e down stairs using i ■ ■ Hat lor lie entered into leal •*, - noinau' or an exoeetet-.i-ed me m hib-tie'". bath oio« n-ui'.ijtneo an ll'V has ohvtoiish, and ju-ftfiahlv■. tight, m •d up Relatinns ( enter '.aboralor* "e-nruu t. C*mmI »*;*'• three tedn->rr.| and « bath uostatr, agreement to defraud, and car¬ Hire vrorAm* condition! 1* be i w. hioh cart he rented to dudent* 1057, A M'.o hue is u long w.»v fr.»ni with- ried out his part with consum¬ Snsoltal Tbe t». bnu-ian w ould be With .:•* «tuderu« Uxire upstairs. » * * ♦ ut chgrae of the clinical lahnrator* uole van *. tua". earn tMrtv d.»l . charter. I ircuinstaitces, we realize, differed . mate histrionic skill lie accent¬ Arra taen.enta van he "nade *o tt.^t • lar* a month, and live comoleteK hew individuals at MM are hlintl to the fact ed without visible embarrass¬ •eW.niHan hvtne m I a—me won't* ent ;re# ,r add.'.on House il«. * » does g.» on here and at other universities, h - ci lUT.r' ment the respect and admiration Afi a Uiiii* >*e reaurmstble lloaoitai. Durand for call ( rmmuntt. M feature* full baseman' Phone Est 3*2' and garage 3* .HSwiAs;- • of his students and of the gen¬ confined to houses and house grounds. Whde tin- jnaki •PART-TIV* POMTTON »o HOVE PRIVn.rr.EA FOR S'lisi'lcss eral -wen em- public. -nan with »*ar to work loralh Tn- hup.e Own transpvrrtation iio form of hazing any more right in the mora! -eriM it M- "♦ ! . • , e " , ome r to the liitor: open to police action and publicity when it take- !-vpr..n*s denied. We had both I 4*1 M re'» tger^f.-.r ? •-•:,tied wrrv sers f-i w » "• •" •" '* He a. « AW«s retK'-setilai.ves may n»t m- r.ed »tu,1er» pn'r off its own piao|Martv The ZBT'- acted with ut.t e concern r,'t on mans dorm ronimrltres 4* have ftiifthed t*w r res;>-»Ji*tl).t- Summers IV $-5*73 •»; for consequences Satuniav. » oii.sequeiaes came - with a chairmen and partir tpants tine . .n»b' > a . - • • a •• - to the ef 1 of MSir in FOR SALE ■ .«v • > fxa.e1u- KBsr:== FCI klNt initg. of us is current I v scholatshtp fa.bng in irtforvn them thiit • •' ■■ • *<* %**< ' *n. ^t usdgo aa chairman, the other, senior rep¬ *4wvi.»i tiemus-xuma were frant- AgA'UTMtNTS Action was swift and strong—from U al chaptej tnUiees He avi». -d ^ the trw'h resentative on the Mandards • ' e l f »r ihr Hal lioltirook prn- rtlCVCLTA BOY A 24 inches IM and I Ft' Executive Council ■ «• a-'vet Cs-u! I " VTMriNC. t ornniiltee Refetral Hoard «ra-n, but the sarraslic atUtUiie i -■* js- tnchee w» davenowH . PARI NTS W'l 5. rent r.-i m -.e ftrj- hem ST^ chiUx recxird ulaver »; ..-oleteD furnixbed Admitting some strong penalty w«s ioh~"we feel P ' eni.t; hi»n«>r wish ■; *• '»•* •f sca-se a* exnre>se,t •, lette-«• • «'e«1 $$ fruit .ar* 2-V" a rto.-en vies- • e • sr -,n to five week* ao#r*?rent stalling «r "• 'VK-fvest that this went ovcrU»ard • a* '.v!»:o '* *. tn.-r r> rc *• ■' *r to ifits oaper « ;!! riot he'p AWS blanAe'a %*t TVt 2 «at* after % about |> e- ber i» r.D 7-04MS T V AND 1 • •• < * IV !«m rete- A i (K)I.INtt OFF PERIOD u-fo.e making fu ai dtviwi. i *" P.-r\j .« 't' or »'» n.,- a-.sare- now «n .n ihe fotorc r'-mrr bedroom apartment wxecf T V' •* a Puhtie name-railing itWt <*• hu* line y.n* and refri- luhe vLlV. «• would have been advantageous atub served to « emo¬ •* •» * ■ '■*' •» as -n- trT4 onSjon..I RetiiuCated Hard- * D m tiaUv v-'-.voit \ e : > iar»' "Ritrfcn") will mIt result in STtU CILHftAfING •vnod ftaoea |v 7-floe? 34 ■»t32 E M>.' «- tions troth pro ami con. ^ »l »t>ee»;h hurt ffeting* and hi# 'e- r:«r n -l»d MTii TWO ALT BLACK The hazing, in violation nf 7.BT. IFF, national fr*tert»it* • '..e'lA y ' N .v. « rfcr $»FN aTfDENTA «UI share at* m *' •• le-r %\ as ge-t- * -IOW furnished arucement with atKl eeeyrjCf and university rules, deserves punishment. Taken by it.-eij. v- f,.« ; a "O'er If 'he wi»h t» t*n ether men IV S-JUt fD nr. tneetia necnt* f* * 2-X33 or ED 7 »*'$ if it could be viewed as a jqmr of the moment IVCh«i>.s • v wonder if lit aid AWS to dsATtg Ha thee Ftli * * « • H«- condone a professor ska claim¬ penwuytU.* give, yhetr ar t.* -rent TWO BEDROOM M Hi! a.r « a -a » «i» k frrwn ,an-eu» ■*a *■ -v«- hot e ed falselv to hate a doctorate s'.UDSh'-wLt* and .»r cixnpiain".* tmtim-,,s».ed ex.epr -or -err,aerator S ! with discipline of other fraternity mrida*ed.4, charter with >nd C«0» OA* claimed to. iu*e written bools to toeir e'toctod ret*jeernia?4ve .love Adult* 13 Du-ar d KD- s-*tm drawal kcem* way out of line s of which he was not the author, (V. wild c**» mnk* them ,t Under the circumstances the case might be *tvn as sig¬ kiaashn to the AWx Ltonrd*. Only iOOMS WI SBfC - and accepted the praises o4 ku in a-jch * oncrriixLve way can BMNOii-. ' nificant nationwide. Fraternities across the l .s. an- mov rolleagues on this kaot We tnyjse '.be fisnWvim «*f fhc i aaroter *. I>i Bcmss wssKt'd » ing to eliminate hazing. The deaDrsjf a pledge at the I'm .atiU b va'id »e*> *» in7i„" M*'L "> - ,va:'c •' swggcot be riscev-vs vanity of Southern t alifornia this September serves a* • Names Withheld to Reiiuesl \ make h-im teflp# IwABGK APPROVED TYPIST 2K>e. t »v. : #•!! j QOUII.2 tragic reminder of the possible constHjuences of a having bi ;.an.os «te a* Van Doten d d . v rrsws rk^e to earr pua. oerking kfr beoem #r,d tr.e- 5kp# W'W. ** ? *%-• -#»» * * -ecr af '** tn9r « U tfia ruture. la h;» .Mirlufan Stale News ff* ttei TRANSPORT* From this vantage point, a strung penalty should impress ansAor Ao.y.1 ;.e 4 delihdotum LOST and FOUND upon all the aeriousne*.* of hazing actions \N hether it w i ZBT Tru-U es ne.'.Her of urrt*vi4i h. and Van Ddttt has mtogrlty. WuhUdtod Ml mm Mmw m warn dap* Hondo* Mil . trewt h-;' tit* t w ' i|>* W A NTED F :r thnnadh hdn toidon*. duvteg fait ; t' . #«■ have on effect on doing away with haxing. nttU* ml! and sprtwp ta^n* rue—a N ' tell. Whether a j»enalt.v les- severe, with* )«»-- harm i«. ?'). •Horrified" ■.I'jimis'ni \,ifi l.Voeb ,4 rwvt. &* <\>urse, . ,,-tetrr sondeer. <#rm and an* wmktf dwru* mmm~ special risufcims tanio «,k#A*g t-T.ta-.-g %H t* •wo.-e snare «*«•»*• local chapter, might have* (wen as effective, will n«-\e» .*• ' WANTED rtij lo the TdUor: '* - v< .mvuit v:,U:n Sucne scsween—amMr Entcrrd aa and Cart tonus mod ctnaa hdtcr on- >Out >0 Ca»D IS EOuk PERSONAL rW-rm of determines! " attaj-h to an edu- •Studer.t •' »f H'la K:-» ■ ; i-'t -x-t.-n* aiuch niakm W CtiOiT CAtO Uirt Dene* " It is unfortunate that 7.BT and MSI' r,v tit *t-"a Be'* T..i fr'»- tlOUDON LAWIUDiCX mad Vrnrnm : •t^siblc- men, ta e«m the 'hl* te the State News as example- to the entire I S t.teek -vci» - wanted * • • v .i'i Horrthed >v :he r»-- degree* -between 2-S bjAu for tsrrs free a philosophy w. h. Thompson. Jiwiuas will 1* the judge of whether the rhaptc; an i the MM ; r" l inviu-i-,g .-Mt-mbo: a ^1. t >n *n--?rat.;r.3 the alight- f-* th* t reet ■nr. - ha •> t Msr Th n- IV M!4t tendty system are -trm.g eiiviugh to no.. .. t a war* ties- ->f mortf iavticd. L..*e SfN'CLF Vdriaa Jaffe . . . moil READERSHIP June Cloe* extreme test. - . , . Kenned v. >>' • • ! V..:- fu cs : vr- Vsso.' Prof, of . . . U»W COST . . . Mich. November It. 1959 MICntnAV STATt NEWS f»■■ T>r.« placement irtut' Castro io Speak . eukflsr's DcBtw* •." - arfkRted. an «tTN levels ' 1D1 Itertor, «»,„ are elicibl- i„ interview nnprf rm. », Students Protest On U.S. Relations Kattner (lontrihiiteti to Exhibition B_ ■ rOLLOWIM, MAJORS Aoraham Rattner. ast pro.'M- cently. UfloW NOVEMBER 11 • ?•. 1959 XhW DELHI, India >.-P>—Parading student# Wednesday s<-r now or: leave :n parts, nas A recently acquired *ao;. e HAVANA /P— Prime r/r. Tt rrcatca by sculptor Aiexanoer December A March gradv snh: demanded the oustinj; of Defence Minister V. K. Krishna two o.. pa.ct.n-;-. to ridei Castro ;« exr>cc*«»c *.;? maice y Telephone System AH men from ir.e Coleges oi' Menon. accusing him of a "brazen-faced defense of Chinese his next speccr - r. deteroratir.g a Nea- York City exhibition Caloer ha< oee-: loaned to the The paintings were part 0? a exr,ib.tjon b'- v.e MSV ae- 5 Sc A. B 4 Ps. ani C vr ■:. a?yressi»jn in Tibet." - — relations with the United States partT-cr.t o '.ett.or. mown in Moscow re¬ Arts for Managemetv Tra - tonight. a con*mver<:a! ftgj \ ~- it fr.:i::» regard* as its Hitna- Program ht .uj«f f -.v !ef;e* tendene A spoites'T'.a; f -r j Havana RAYON • FANCY PATTERNS will • ■ van frontier. • be scheduled ' ; TV station said Wetnexlav -.'a.— re-.-.- MJUD COLOR TIES ir. ■ on R soeax accepte»l at *:-4* t -re a:; offer * » v!7 b? KNIT • POLK.V DOTS s-ce the Chinese C'»rr>. for Prime Minifter Nehru a • STRIPE •« I as school District Early Elementary iB ieaoner. " •-*.« txgan encroaching on memorandum u»ing Meuun has Castro"5 firs* TV appea ran.v 3 Popular Widths 'Dec A* Marcn grad- on..' ht- angry ar/i-A ter - a.i forfeited "the ronfidenre of the • i Ernst ;Accoun»:ng 'B- ma; r« llrill 'I rani Mur<-linl people in his patriotism," It Speech Or' 2n I1' ^ KNIT S| 3rd TIE TOR Ic 6 women ?->r Junior Accou- - added. Cas'rr- expee'e* *•> d.-'-us- X Sale . III V ~ TIES tant position* in lias I'aratli- Menon « bra/en-faced ■ de- thebstteme#* betA'ecn c:uo.» an-', Mecn. & F B m the Uri 'v' State.- an*, the dis¬ TIE RAK • • | fU kVP for Tra;: .mg p- .gram.* ?or T-.- A— p-n-rvng Rifes marched ROT. dr." 3- tec,-- . •eCh T ■}%*•. '\ ' t-se na- aggression been tne n.»>* ( I.IVE JENKINS, a leading appearance -A Ma; UanSuC.r*'- THE Sa!e>\ Rc-earr?. *»•- labor figure from Great Britain, fuegos. the artr.y r.^ nw.rier Applicator Eng.-* ' Prod*-, v.'av. r n tne Lansing \>v- •a .«• of. our preset* troublev will speak before the first fall \ re..ent plane flight MAI.I. C OURT FRANUOR CENTER ran ■' Da^ uarade Wednesdiv a -' - f»ep.;s*eni advocacy •/ tion A, p.a-- E-^g r .z-.' «a.-j Ca-' J D Edger.i - • i-aj-A- and outiid.- meeting of the Industrial Rela¬ Brvdution. newspaper o' Ca - NEW CiOT ITEMS Tt \P.DO RENTALS • Corp, Mecn < B Me- B 4 Ef Th« tea,-ii, under *i>< c-r.- and tions Kesearrh Assn. tonight a? tro's of Jul> :ev ■ V_i,-:iu l'r.*c*d Nation-, t1 the ar- f B • ? : Tra..-,.:.„ P. » pm in |Q7 Kellogg (enter. .verre". de\'-»ted a . of R .h#r- Shvldon of ?. liar . ' « ive.i-wtphers o: gram- rearesented me Arrr.v ROTt .n I-,*.,.. ';u- i.iaue -• clear he Ills subject will be orgauigation umn . »Vedr.e»du> to %..e rur.o. • l>ec. '"a- C * r f j " 1 ■>-.' I U ^'^riM A March gradt only; A :''s parade •/•■ t.. recresent India tn an.- of uhite collar workers in Great a>.'U'. BRAND MAV tB b'.A-mitg -.««*• or, •ne US p'«:» " n-p M q< . Britain. y ' H ^TTian - .•.rnat.oria foru"-.. much ies' ege< /. B A- P^ A A H Roche inc. s Soria (.0. tutlinrn Text .e.i ' p —forces Com. j, A-. a:.; Agr..a.f.-e V.j--r S>."e MSV ar r. - .* a va oh a low:- H* a-. ; i> -;g Ku.. - ,s cays -n staunchly defer.ded SLACKS ground. : ror.uo;. A '-a- o' g-ahuare -• a '-.•••• .»■ aeten»t — n.s'er NOVEMBER 16 A 17. 1959 | «, ' - search A C-* L»be. Organic Bj'XV.err.M B M A- ( D if . P- Hus-M-.- d . • - V P '■ ■ A -.avf'.jr" a . : -t 7A.m•»r-n Ti-' Spa.- 5" a..: .. T :4r.:e 1 'Tstrar.on to fw. had New Men be— Yor.\ . ite t^e/t/... Re< & Equip m, tirj I> .00. l.atVt.igOO.' v. ne uuo» .» pt 10 ,ie f'Ugh: a UN reao'.j- DeP'- drv D A P ,-r. Hi- ■>-e;j a eeA ev *ne Pi . *.. »n c* T.-ierrning tne supprea* "- bandr-. - a Cr. O? t.<- Ttoetian revolt la:' H TV of Art. Per. gum B *•* . E.fv* B J5 AtiTcr, ixondoo a.v. Balumor* ' M Er.e- Rosea; • Lh've'.pre-/ .\TT wool #Uck« in dark J g NOVEMBER 17. H5* OPEN To CO. Mer • P. E. d> league mtripe*. . ^IR\E VOI |A->Chi.r..e.-» (M-. Ah H V. A Mr y ifNDAT TIIRl 'B • \! E. »gr* f Tra.-. - IIIIRMIU . ' Prusrra Sa>- l>\. Onl> .$ mcr.* • < Re^i-r - Prosjw'. ->• A . II \.M TO I! FSIOW A . . 6.95 tr-STi K >'r B M A s %TIRDAY fM.. . ,3. *.( . . TILL 1 •« A M Researc." |IT9I Meet Your Friend* It wlldfffd See our new IIKHMl'* X DAS tailored in "KEN'S BARBER SHOP man • ff here Good Grooming Hegin* fralitriiifi... urifK 1 >our thoice of k»den, o*- linker* gray. DIRECTLY ACROSS FROM Till. A COMPLETE MEAL Y ou'll like thi** New Solid Olive •I cbmIBTI lord. or STATE THEATRF, ON ABBOTT RD. Shade lUarer HOURS 8 ML-5:30 p.m. WEEKDAYS '5.95 45c S.'l.l SAT. 8 a.m. > i; a.m. ONLY "4 HOUR SERVICE!" \ IIAMItlRGKR SIIAkH . .. SMALL'S AM) HtKM.ll KRIKS UJcnc&Ji ^liancorJ forget To Here LOCATED AT ... .VXMI F.. SAGINAW ST. two eleten po. Washington s m h k 1 uj f, n H Tuor Clothe* Cleaned open fridat nite *1 ill S p.m. (Only l»n biock, «nl of Irandor) Tor The Weekend? Tell Do Your Laundry LUCKY STRIKE presents . And Dry Cleaning In Jmt Four Uaurt! J§uL ^ftwffk)0u< * When the uvrld teems dark uhen the $t,n rp- GLEin MO SKIRT LAUNDRY . . . li: to thine, do not fnr. T hapfvn* etery nijih!. Hide. |{ l^*t Gd. Rivtr A crop* From StudentiVSWSVAVUWAS Sortie* ? J. Dear Or Fraud k p»w c-m - u.i Dear Dr. Freed: Sf»Mi gu.« .»• c»rt t m v.* durnn I v4*i i kp«.!l my %r*n nan< itearn-. bcpco-i on *hji voikge fo* .:a8 wal ing arvi aw. $ cjl,. & Dear Willmm lie A jw*t le t« go tnerr,i Dear Bafherad Say ww be«e • bead Or. Orooa. an.r.r. ackr. Better tfiil, edaiit you ke*e mo bead. Dm 1 DiJihJ I have gone Me*d> • i»h different bmV tn the ia»t tmc« on PftOOO ON A week* N^ouiJ >t>u va'l bte lick* ' / N CUBlOUS OECt»K>N {t#-xS OMt I N I I cull >OU W id«Mn ■ri-e\ r?o 1 *' »♦» i-'irebu , re*-*! »» O.fa- 'O* •-*>. ( Mr »m* »• #»'e '» t» Dear Dr. find t ike you re the own Dm' D'. frppd I hca' 1 u' at wwne I mean bke >om re out Owie %»»cool acrxioU tiw kt you im»>k« m yiuta how you rc kevtde. Like you re Use gjotfwcM can 1 comu*» uur admuuxtraiton to do Out 4 lh< WA'K .' ll 'Pfjui Dam CbKfc; lake yea r# Bck. I Nek. Dmt Napdvl HWimr im , >uu're tuwkmg M tbw, feutured i COLLEK STUDENTS SMOKE C'xr acroM riaa th» country charmv Ihejr lor* th*»» MORE UKKKt THAN 81 > Authentic miniature replies* «ith m.-»» «*»!, affixed with a loap tor hxr.g.rc on cithrr ANY OtHER RE8UURI * bracelet or neckchain. When < comes to eNewg Wwir mulif smoke, A wonderful pift aad aa exquisite reminder 'MmMuf.V — He* c 01111 students hood ripd tor tow MOaccc of hie aba* mater or your o* n. ^ tkt oMmeSr fmimmt imA of Mm moad—f ml Orw* __RasuH: Lucky StrHw tops every ethur rupuUr 1 My girl n the hext- w Exa MIS COLUICC aiNC in miniature on - SWA *|.tnt rweUime togom... IA« m sold, lucky's tests beats ell the rust because loaAiag dot on campuchomy-Worwl >our Watoht or aeckcham. A^A; iA* oAxf* 4.uAJ*Xiomd foe (Nri»r g0**t. km. MM Imm and figure. I date her L.S./bLf.T.—Lucky Itrilw means (me totwcco. fin J U IS 10 oftm ObI my mark* are suBcrtng. Wkai BnU I do? £W*> TOBACCO MOTUTE TOO FINE TO FUERI ' if ?' >1 ' di I For Education m-tSSAau Street DOWNTOWN LAN RING y_....... TV— '»/ ■ ... _ » Look Second ■ :3s III' v». XKlM ( hi CHICAGO i/P—MSU's Dean •t'M .%* Mil v». SAM Tonrh Field i.rxik is threatening Big 1° I M l»TI> vi. Mil Tsu leader Olen Trcadwav of Iowa 7 2S III* Phi \%. Phi P*l s-is sr.R %%. M I in passing and total offense, ac¬ l:M Thrlji ( hi II. PK Phi »;M SAK V» AK Pi cording to statistics released Jettison Field Wednesday. 7:?S Kappa NIC V*. Phi K Nig In passing, the Spartan quar¬ ■ It Rutterflrld M *:4J Kmmmi terback has 28 hits in 65 at¬ l:M lamois fi-l VOUMHM.I tempt* for a total of 4R1 yards (ivm I. Court I and six touchdowns Treadway 7 Hfttlrv I-N ■ Halle* 4-3 It ads the puck with 61-106 for 9 Hallev 8-3 64! vnrris and four touchdowns. (ivm I. Courl 3 ' 7 Hnllerfleld 1-7 Treadway'* afrlal tant I Hnllerfleld 3-N carries him to the W«l aRease a Hnllerfleld ?-« livm II. (oiiil I lead with a net of <16 yards 7 Immnni V* that InelHde* a minus M rash- a Fmmon* i-» • Fsimnnt 1-7 inc. iMk is a "treat sceead (i*m II. Court < with Ml. 7 F «ha«r 2-ls I * Nhaw •-» Bob Jeter of Iowa is the rush¬ 9 W Khan a-la sport« Arena ing leader with 304 yards in 60 1. tr« I.UW, 7 Rather 3 v». Hrvan 1 trips for a 6.H average. Herb A NMTHUIX TBOTTEK raaatoam feto tort., i. , „,rk a| • Rather « \*. Hrvan I Adder ley, Spartan halfback, is HAMlHAI.I. TO! R\AMC\r eighth in that department with victory In Ulr annul Tart.r 1M P»M WaAarWU. m.rn,„n a| a p.m. OM ( "llrtr ftaM. ATO. Wa»l Stan nl Ball.. wrrr Ih. i.p ' Cnnrt I 203 yards in 48 rushes for a 4.2 l.hrr. in Ika annul 1M mnl. Kai/ and Revec vs. Brown and (imarel average. Court S Iowa, with a 2-3 league rec¬ Fverhorhh and Kellev vs. Fflterlier ord, is No. 1 on offense—gain¬ ATP. W Shaw. Bttilet Win and Carey Court 3 ing more than 354 yards a game, Costello Has Individual Hi«h I lonrnel and (aldernne vs. IMkaila and smith averaging 71 play* for five yards. In Annual IM Turkey Trot Mike Costello of Bryan Hall crossed the finish 7 I 5:57.1 to win individual honors in the Turkey Trv \\ I WITH EACH day afternoon. en» rategary with Top three teams were Alpha ( lab as ranaer up SUBMARINE SANDWICH Tau Omega, West Shaw and Bailey Hall The teams won a The winning t.n - - turkey, a goose and a duck re¬ surpasses last ye a; 5:57 9 Accc» VARSITY DRIVE-IN v. i> spectively. Dave Yeaveis received the assistant intramur-' traditional iKg for his last Oostello was *rca. . •' And fur that After the (iunr baffrt. sUr DELIVERY SERVICE EP 2-6..1! place efforts. First team in e;.:- „ Don Castie of Arher House finish four men . « . . . in at (hide'* and select a variety mt eaid- and Rudv Nlessner of Heal C«>- wm in the , cut* alone with tasty breads and bever¬ ing to Gerne Th.- GOING AWAY THIS WEEKEND? op won second and third places - ages. A fine caaclastaa Is a fwa-filird individually. Each was award¬ tem wa$ institute' football afternoon! ITT YOUR CAR IN TIP-TOP SHAPE placing the fnd rr-~ ed a turkey. r. . , method which a a In the fraternity LARRY'S GULF SERVICE Ronncr-up growR wm Phi Kappa fticiwa pomt-first ond place an • • ' and Katiey Halt won second in Medal winner- ON EAST MICHIGAN AT LOUIS - dorm competition. Evan* Schol¬ their award* m clHAOONALLY ACSOKM r*OM BCAL IT INTMTI > I ars placed first in the iadepend- off we today. MCMIAN CTATI - 21 Ike (»rim«lr\ - 7 Mpy (** A«rain. To D(,f(Mi«c Week in and week out. your froeery dollar* will t Purd Coach Duffs . i>« ,f- ym wm v switcbing tn«- fo?- back t*> defcrv*.. IIIOEI V L«ivrr»iljr Village*1 Daughevty (hunt, "We | specNl " LOT AOAM Mickey Walker i< r\p^«#4 a IV HM 2MI L KAUMM , la tor baN, StM . .. leave the !ajar% l»»i m! j»* Oscar Hahn at the »f'W cased past. Wslkrr « uae- Dialikra Cm» injured his nerk U»t *«i of sat awt the Fwrdu' line IUm Johansson Eye* prevtawsly tentive spat. held dewo the At¬ New breakfast drink Bout With Moore NEW YORK iJPs — World Even though ViN»rk«*i f.1r the {taker and R.«r. Hivt* Blan -e , *'e " rVt * the first two off.*?i> ' - heavyweight champion Ingernar keep in room! Juiwinaann reportedly n ready slots. Uaugherti « ' you can your v> call,off hi* return match with TVryd Patterwm end is cunsiib ering s title fight with light- Martin"* *i»ra:ne«f kept him in the r.^e;.. day*. - ' - The Spartam c>r.; - - heavyweight champion Archie Moore m New York ne*t June. again»t Nortnwee-e- "rtctu.e In the stuvcr " Sports columnist Jimmy Can¬ Ttie players* ipir;* non. writing in the Journal Amerkwn, said Wedneaday Jn- warmer as the •'; hanaam is oppaed to a return eager to get at Uu V, ■ 1 match with Pattern »n. whom he Saturday knocked out last June. Uvause Dougherty annous'***' *' of hi* animosity fur Cue D'Am- McLucas. offensive .. * ato, the frirmer champion's man- named Sparta - of r Igvr. the weekly •' ■--*'* Johanaarm aafd. would like sing quanertwrk.' . - • ^ to fight fkitternin. but the trou¬ day. Duffy !.ge-"-" H In was • sparSiwriter* «*h brwngkt »«< Uu- ' *iWr" drink two kIssm* every morning —and waUhoull much easier than aiuceaing uf through my ftrtt clam to 1 can orange jmoe and i* *> handy to Wtaa/pu'r* aM «ma|k U (•••■> IN Rtsills ^ day's wiR gaase spark with th- a hrstter unhouiug orange juice. have a Uu breakfast, store on any shelf. m'l* *U M|k to go put vitfc (Ma. WTho l« The Spartan off- - • coached by Lou A. NEW! INSTANT! joo'io oM woogfe to (o oot «itfe (Ma. oW ■ meet head on with t-'a - *I _ I oiafrt OS «oU. thao'o atatyo Coho. afSSr L tsa i rua cm s urfensive line Both Agate IpaNuri K* athJeCc fame at L- • * of A-* * -^| . I kfSwW'Sl Rpa | fFpi s member of Km * *I lege aiI-*Ur team ** * 41 1 while Akx w*» ao s"-A-^**| ^m»C<- Cda CipmiPy •can guard. ^ Herb, was an ouuurs:-i I ar on We IlUikw* beseem- I WIMWIIM GET TANG FOR YOUR H,. Restaurant wim INK VITAMIN C BOOKSHELF SOON TIM KAMI JMCEI OPEN 7 AM - » AM VfEN 6 AM - 3 AM U TANG hto ml mo* tttanua C Urn ma mu yalajuzoo * |cQMPixnc onxow Um l-kMi CUreiBT |uTB snacks — WANVNKt Characters and caption* for campus TANG ttca (like Nkpaa). Must relate to TANG. Will pay KB for every entry used. AAdraaatTANGCoSWCnntaa. Utpi.GRM.Pw Itimt Battk OtA. Mick. (ftUim mux b« puauaatkad baiwa ttoc. li USA) MHKfm ■taiwtto. Pinions' Cable Soltl lo Syracuse IN Highlights Committee Courts Syracuse; Team all leagues poddlebol! are to . rovters be in the for SYRACUSE ruse — The Sntw- Nationals Wedneoday pur¬ not W.t G.scl.j*ed , tee p -:or;« !a*t ••sar v.o men's IM office by noon Frioay. chased Barney Cable from *. •»- ex-Brad ley eollegxac corn pe- ed Cc^toii Bowl Plavs Harchto-Cet n\ mi (MiMiuin cm:s< ference. Kansas, beaten hv. The second round of the IM p.andbal! played tonight. tournament will ije Detroit Pistons in a straight easr. transaction. Purchase was :n 32 overage of game, arid had n. tcoru g 3 2 per game. T hi\. v-n.> N-r 1 Syra- *ut :\r< (/,-y'-c «• . »»• .*»• • *hc Orange B«w. Svracu*e this tear, is tied ##««« Start Mi.iml. F'-. underv/tr.t i nn *M CIVIC GEMTER - ■ • Tiiir: Ku-srmv. chairman second with Colorado and Iowa (Its • 1:19 t :mv heart 'VHncrliv a- ' (ii.viji Bou-: selection iJi State at present « M • tn • • •' •' Syr u V. lie said tf Siraruo f • • .. a,., A New High In Screen • .. make an immediate drrhion. the ■ • S- acu>e. Lou-- \! ,. B«« I «nuld tarn l« other turns S?..;v.*- THURS. 12 ROV. •urli as (ieoreia. limila Terh ■ (korgla and lennessoe. P 'v, state a JAZZ FOR \- a*;nc Wednesday, v'-ort -.CMei con Mies a- •■•if . : :'-»H member* ad* /a'.:. *.i *;ic - rtg.«in.<' •-t- action An• - B...C I'.»*V r . - i . tnr r«v»,m -tec learned, MODERNS ■s- . ••.em t - e'e rencc r*i»- v/r, Hid • . R.>-' >pon»>?« 'S*t. tivung oi <• 'o ;u men - 1 the St, . ",o •> u"' : after their Una STARRING Yvu:-' !' \Zsi ... a: rn T» ;.rit C ^ .« (MH>rs a T»h r. r -* c'-»«e thei runninj f • Da> game. !h«- champion-hip Ihttt* liriilMM-k SUPER BAR6RW A Nov 28. Tcxa* Chri-tjau, X -• ■tt State .">■ i have e» - Arkan-a- a." ■ Southern Metho-' Onarlrl DAY PROGRAM! i »s< -' '<■ *«t p:a;. :n M» «- News • r,««-"« athie* ri.ATI RING AI.I. DAV I'KtVl K ■: KEATCItHS: * ' s.i . o-n. r factor* were slioUTIYII DIM. Ell'-2-S1IT Paul !)«*»iihhhI . .. lifiM MwHf nmrnrrnrTTTi-r .n . -Ivcvi * ♦ * W s.i .. j-i the Orange B'ov >jaine cmtld »>e a bad mi»- • l liri* € .<»nti«*r tail, mam >Uhi *iwrt> Mtior • »f«l*n Salonr # d d The uther team will he the November II. l!»a 'i-e It*# runner-up in the Rig Flight ( on- l liirn llainilliMi AIM LTw *0e • KIDDII.S ?ta f.lll I*At IIM «W» I«n»P* high to drop Ih. basketball in during Ollinlel L (JMt> MTimmaer Kolr sparvcro to thinni- and Date lluiu * FIRST MIDU 7 r.M t i * |j; and lb" I >r iimiii i!:D wail for a p preparing to meet the freshman tram in an exhibition t im. M.ixit.tril Irr^iiMin inch I al K in Jrnison t\ llrrliNra |jjjrr» I" Sri* Action * ♦ ♦ Ilfiiilrirkt RESTAURANT Laiiiltcrl. Coaches' Clinic Here A llu** t F F v ,tM fh annual F».j» THURSDAY SPECIAL I.etMiaril leather . . !'rilirhigan stale * ;i.r»u F r.-r An.ic • leaiii* have won one Kis tied for another rro\» n I•» title 86c •. . coach at '■ oiitrieht 1I( Kt 1* (IN w\l.» tt ■ t A*M." ■ and Jusl mi**ei| t third all uitli ( AMrrs Ml Sll Anderson« re m a Mx-ieai , *|mo I a«t ic.irx TIT I (.It RIAF.R , coach !rt*>njiian B: c«>a< ic team was the undisputed winner with a Iff conference mark and PIZZA DELIVERY ED 2-0883 • HNIVS — F RANDOM f AR AMOl NT-19) I ami II a t'f-l mer-all card 3 re *»f the « ■ - III I iirirlim — ,'l SitTt DINT'III N I ON tn fit Kt Is » • ■ - ..r».:v a,.- c OR MORI A M All. ORDI R . , .1 in JeruMit. 1 ' Itfr !V'.t n if It * i»»- I'tlin t ri«p < nut" AA Ft 111 OR ( Al I. CtUlDDGt > »,*•. ve of charge • (IA|( tFNTFR IT# public. imi.i m \t \\| - iiow NSTAIKS — * <■ \ *eason« a* than van-* have won three CYrdrfffH'* title* »i; " WEST SHAW - AUSG - ■. ■ i •minent tn rut. ■ •..< Hi* life-- I'Viiinlur'a .'illi Aiiiiivemurv HKinUh CI.rit ra$BSQ o..,™. LAST 3 DAYS VialKer ■Ton.%\ ... H5c lo 5 p.m. HI » ink: I fiiure PEP RALLY I ?o *. !o FH. Mav. 13 Al Tha lui Shell \ 9 in : JS to p m djJLU tdwvdid - •ITS WHAT 0Ot3 ON WHIN THt LIGHTS GO orrt 7:30 f.m. mm Byrnes This Is H "SPARTARS" Thn Big 6am Of TIm Ymt. ArF TIm WtrF Is i I Sail.* A lu/HLHils ShO.Oo lo 75.00 \ Al.l KS ardrobe now Mar.* DUMP NORTHWESTERN ArF Sap|Mrt Yoar Taam. \ • « >. . ir w •• »mt topcuptg to ehoose from Ss Lot's Gat Oat wWOML^'J^ meJuRIMR eOMK MKaNUl mMUM Other suit* and laproaU from tMM to to ISAM—NOW on I* M«tt l|f»S HH.L.II >11 NN miw a tn.M.v .vt.o.'i to .*»«).«)."• III KI T Il\l (dit.HI T NEST STTRACTIOS: SLMOH III nil t'*p» tinit - Stephen |ard - Joan ( Mwforil *»»»** Park" -THE BEST OK KVKKYTMIW S/Hirt I ami Ig MHiTIIVU ll.\>l m#»i i« joi vAi.rts ~ — MTt6.wcoi.6ii Take advantage of mai SMJ. bar mow* at 1 aso i. pjm I III.E.KI.I.*» • ha* r.eected aport remt Wide rhokn ' potter • or.d atyieo Otber iport MM. I'RI>IIIIM root* trooo ISAM In MM—NOW MS M in •• tS Vn\int> i»\m» NOW $21.95. 32.15 lo 12.15 I KKi: l»>S< I IS MIAU l.OI M.I, IBM l>|lkn «K«I« Quality Shirk* IISJs'w Wide #e.e\ Z2.M VAl.l l> tibh of Wor»ted«. F!auoe,« MDMA AT l:U Km. "'. IMto A "Th. AMwtor." liltlM. * I OAT):. IJ I' M ItKIISS ( (M Al. (.abarrtinea, ond Sliwture* Avtdablr |ji|. It.l l*t< ir» Regular*. Short#, and Long* fro- •tee 28 m $4 OMr* I roan to «w H.M If ID—NOW Ml IN N In 14.M *250 IM I.I DKAi MIIHIIE STHCHTS A SEMMS nov f 10.99, 14.99 lu 19.99 Kill Ml IKIC TKASSfOKTATniN HOTKI. ACCtlMllDATHPNS MEAI> Far MAMiTsrrraia-a no* ocr TKASSP'EIW .special sweater croi p Tilts i r lOI.I.Eia: WEEK M IIMIIES SALES TAXES M ' A* I $5.99 (2 for 10.00) Stae.3T.lo M. k i. SYSTEMS - .MEN A WOMEN bermuda spring tour ill f not Acnnunass i (• APPLIED SCIENCE -SI SKI.11 23-28. I9MI i M-M-MI.AV CHAW.K ACCOI'NTH km.itti k now kncineerinc 7mm. Hrmmd* tm m mad had" november 17 & 18 IIOI.DKN * RF.II) 4 « FWAMMNI SNMtim CENTER m - v ■ » LU. to • pjm. .HUti* f mm. to « *J». S.i.r#.r mm m SEPS: . ;, vt** - I - BMP * MICHIGAN STATE NEW* November 12, IMS I Creativity Music Program Crossword Puz/le jm aa»> U. S. Nuclear Weapons Ru • Honors Professor aagDnr-mgMtiQy ArsOit 27.1 □ar-i raaiiLf-'JaSS Predicted to lie Extended Research The department of music Is I. Vapor 28. Title annii nnn graDa presenting their biggest program 4 Round 29. Coagulate rinnop rsnr-uoj rjgngq ■laWiou of the with concert root 8 Hinged 31. Bitter vetch EioiTflgay WASHINGTON UP) — Presi¬ .type of further testing tha* J Concludes season a honoring Dr. Mario Castclnuovn- metal 32 Side of • 3-33 Tsnati DID dent Eisenhower seems certain been seriously consider, i in !j Tcdesco, their distinguished vis¬ faitener book leaf nijnu ana QflQQ to extend the U.S. ban on nu¬ government, because • , VI 12 Drink 33. Beast of clear weapons testing beyond the of fallout. ^ (Hiildrfn, Truth iting professor. 1.1 British burden ncinscoa niongad Advisers said Eisenr,, J statesman 34. Fr. summer end of this year. The big rea¬ not yet made ,,r , The concert is to lie held this a dccisi,, Sliulictl Nationally M barged .15 Elevator ananm^ StjOuaQ son is thai negotiations with want to talk about the n„ j Friday at 8:15 p.m. in Fairchild. ' c«*ntment carriage ^ - 15. Storage 18. Have being liMiw o vmiMir'. Russia for a permanent, in¬ f when he meets othei Participating in the program The creativity research written entirely by Tedesco an* place 37. Vehicle en spected agreement are making lenders in Paris n, v j!Vu IB Male runners S#rCompast 6 Laborers some progress. The United State program of the department the Men's and Women's Glee tlescendants 38. Assisted point 7. Graduates U.S. officials said Wednesday clubs with Fa I ward Richmond suspended test explu%i'.,r,< a of psychology is bringing to 17. Decisive 41. Expenme 42. Attain 91. Gaelic of Annapolis that if progress continues in the ago Oct. 31. Russia f ; ,^1 and Kthel Armeting directing. trial 92. Fewer a conclusion the analysis I. Dislikes (leneva negotiations, even though In early November ' The University Symphony Or¬ 18 Rainwater success 93. Boil on intensely Mean*vJ and interpretation of data chestra will be playing under pipe 43. Being a the eyelid they move slowly, it is impos¬ negotiations for a perm,^ 20 Willow counterpart f. On the sible to believe Eisenhower will test ban backed up r gathered from over 9,000 the direction of Hans Lampl. genus 45 Agreeable briny deep ,■ n, l a resumption of testing national inspection children in eight countries The compositions to he play¬ 22 Insert 47. Fresh • 10. Pet nsme order ed at Geneva. . 'J ed are The Hook of Jonah, 23. Seasons 48 Amateur underground. That is the main in the past few years. a for a child biblical oratorio; Three Choruses 24. Italian radio OllllllinilMIIIIIIIIIIIIHilHIIIIIIIIHIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMHIllUiiiiiiii.i The cross-national studies are 11. Small lump ,„H| . and his wife, Dr. Gladys iously rvokrs the mood of the Pharaohs. % scene from "The Man Who Came lo IMnnrr." Kanfman and Hart's farre to he presented 'Profit A lift til 29. Seaweed 28. Small Ash STUDENTS' by the University Theater In Falrrhlld Theater on Nov. 19-21 at 29. Engineer s Anderson. research assnriate in psvchology Tha study consist* of a pro. 1:0# p.m. Helfare ('onfits shelter 30. Employ j* w SPECIAL Two members of the School of 31. Everlast¬ Jeetive test of one-ended ques¬ Tickets on Sale Social Work are attending social ing tions to ehildren of the fourth welfare conventions this week. 32. Couple YOUH CHOICE OF: and seventh grades. 34. Anything Ona hygatheals that the Ait- IrrwiM vsrtMl en la that there Curtain Time Nearing the Dr. Gordon Aldridge, head of department, is attending the annual meeting of the National high Aown 29. Fondle 37. Awareness I'rimr b»I nprn farr Mmdvirh an ju— cxlra larxr plalf -whipped potatiK—roflrr la mere tnrthfal eemmanlratlon between pimai sf the failed Tickets are on sale for the turns the living room into a TV Gerontological Society in De¬ 39. Happening or milk troit. 40. A governor a la tee and Batten* heeaaee they studio, and in general rreatrs of N. Y. are am.. damarratH la their university production of pandamnninm. The conference is concerned 41. Grows faint IN ADDITION. SAMPI.E LIRERAI.I.l with the problems facing the hamaa istaHeim thai there will Kaufman and Hart's farce Said to have tn?cn inspired by 42. Book of the be leaa tnrthfal lammaatratiea the unpredictable conduct of the aged in their retirement. Bible FROM ANY OR Al.l, OF 9 SPECIAL AP¬ "The .Man Who Came to Dr Aldridge has written a 41. Article la aatharttftaa raltaree. late Alexander Wooleoti, famed Dinner." The hit play, which . paper which he will discuss at 44. Armed PETIZERS. Tha Andaraona believe that in as a man of ingenious insults eritic John Mason Brown the meeting The paper, "Fxiu- conAtet daily interaction, truthful mm- and collector of celebrities, the cation f>>r the Aging," explains 44. Anglo- tnunlcatloa between persons Is railed "as gay, giddy, and leading role of Sheridan White¬ 98c Saxon king the avenues of education open essential to areativtty la human delectahle a comedy as our side in "Hie Man Who C'amc to relations. Dinner" is not one audiences to retired individuals. »tage has seen in years," Morris Gluckin, associate pro¬ Sweden, Jfflrway. flnlsnd, arc likclv to forget in i hurrv. England, Meateo, Biaiil, G#r- will run for four perform- The sharp-tongued Whiteside fessor of social work. Is the MAKE THE delegate from this area attend¬ many, continental mtted States, and Puerto Wen, ware the emin. ances in Fairchlld at hu) p.m. will be played here by Robert nrolli. while h;< friends who are ing Workshop on Recruitment in MK IIir.AN STATE NEWS Tecn-afe Marriages IHIRM STUDENTS: looking for a rrallt Chicago. VOt'R MORMNO HABIT in conducted. A earned# which the research was Quetoton la I# teat The play is centered around the hilan'y ensues when a well-known lecturer take* nvr carefully ture of undisguised Noel Coward. Marx, and a well-known stage carica¬ Harpo Where are fiar mral ,him Sunday evening? For Ihr ruiainc a, hard lo beat priors hr sur. In tisil InonmjdH# e4ory whera they sleeping ... t« an the home of smn« small-town actres<. will U* portrayed •>>* Marterie Mirheel la tent t# th# gtora by Ohinans, after having fractured Jon Ilrokeashire, Terrence Sulli¬ bis mother to buy weiners. hia h;p on his host's front porch. van, and Barbara Young ic- '.'HOUSE OF BEEF" M'chaebftnpi and ptoy#. A dis Martin morning. Warn wilt thru ilnp brut for you from ... humming, acta aa matrh-makrr Tickets are now available for It hada't mad lhair era are thea ashed and match-breaker. drives his all twrformancrs at the Union mind- M'M mil tiny do /or ■una if seek another profession. Ticket Office. —o*,,.' Thty hadn't thought rr House of Bel o, it. An Ihrg ,a taut Oh y«w. Violantly. Pauloaatrly. Itf Contact l.ens M hat'I in Ihnr Jnlnrt' Loo— Ghtklrea at KaoxviUe, Tenn, (and all your optical needsi Noma and tragtdy. H'ha u lo 'showed th# htghaxl percentage hktmrf YOUIrlo anrial prol. of truthful ewnmuataattone be. Inn in Ammrt today w mom lis W. MICHIGAN AVE. tween M wheel and hie mndher, WALLACE OPTICIANS fhghtanlns than th- rapid aa wae hypo*heeiaed for A demo, cratie culture. , rlw in Iran marriagH. No lamil,* » Irom thr | (NEXT TO HOTEL OLDS) Branch IWftce — Vine at Clipper! Other studle# at rreadvity hittrr naiaaoumnw. Th. rur- lloum: Mon. ■ Sal. 7 a.m. 9 p.m. (eppmdle bears in Irsndsri • iwat wua at MtCdi'a laila esmroinf ttoati and gifted rya examlnaltans hv Sun. 11 a.m. 9 p.m. children ere in th# ptVrt stage. Dr. IV. C. Jensen, registered *hy InMpn many, why • aptametrist tiwir maniagaa lail. how to Ttwae etudUa will b# pursued avoid anmatiar* nMwriagaa or r Sproialiiing in: roaat hrrf, round hrrf. chicken, o\er th* next twa peace. PH. IV 9-2771 NOt MS Una. avr dm whan thnr hmomr durk, .Irak., tic. »-•; Tan, We#., lit, •-S; Ihur. 4 TU, •-• a reality. N—, today, toad Dramatist Honored tha inmdihK dorunwntad fart, in Not—mfaar MrCall'a. 5 "f oot/ you idiniy* remember" Dr. Stanley Townsend. ton- On anla at all I nilMillMlhlllillllltllltllltllilllllllllllltlllllllUIIIIIIIUiUUIII'Jil ' . gMSge department head, attend- ed a symposium Tuesday night in hon-*r 'f Frieilench NrhiUer, for n neuter clip it* tin• C,rrnv»n dramatist I'hairman of the eympnsliiTTi, he!,! at the <"»«« TheVcr, waa Ferdinand Fnedenxburg, Ger¬ man counsul in lJetrc'it. VARSITY BARBER SHOP Italiano Pizza Torte I '.ollegr llall (iitlrr To Follow NW C.lasli APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE Americano Stile!" Hot and tr;ts of f.».*iwj f., attending the M.SlJ..Nortt • Whrlhar aaid in Italian Hci.tcm :* Sstunloy ntter- ,12011 M.A.C. lesn Il»»» (lenneil tint .... — jCi lialph Marlerir. inamtro of You're th- band lhat'i No. 1 with JO I an not culleso otudrnl* and No. 1 JO ia» "Out . on n limit" ... with hit mvrda, will bo hittins nillogr campuan . JO i an again thia fall aa Marlboro', JO laa 1 <»i t un del Them t. lenneil inuairal ambamdor of . good will. Don't miaa JO uo In Leu Then 24 Hone* — Kalph and hia Marlboro JO I an FOR NO EXTRA COST Mrn whm they viait —. JO ia« your rampua. AT Id ODAM'S GRILL 1010 E. GRAND RIVER Ik totter the Mka' ED 24373 Atom. 7turn..! turn. fwfWUu ■ ibi* mmi