'Hie leather |u-l Appearance l.i*ht Wind- |. (,ridd»rs lo Ptoy sns, yinal H«w* iliih Toda> 11 See I'aw " Iyi« Thursday il PKICE 5 CENTS |c,U -.1. >'"• 96. at Slake State Legislative Action Grinds to Halt Set Lawmakers Reds Again Raise o Meet NW To Resume L mk IIIIiAN State football equ.-id will attempt t>» re- Old Berlin Question Next W eek fajnt hop** of a title slot when they meet North- 1'jt l ;»t Saturday. Kremlin l'rote*i* -snartans will be facing one of the most powerful Report* (.OP Tax ParLau* tatf. in the leaifue with their own crippled squad. The Of New lntri«liireil in *rnat»* F_ pavr three of the top 1 ft srorera in the teafftie. 'Propaganda* Station L B'jrton is tie«l for first and liay I'tirdin and .Mike .MOSCOW i.pr—Thp Soviet. I'mon thru*! the dormant fil \sv ics .i-i.or ram* to tire fifth and s'ixth respectively. 5E2 a standstill Tr irviav. Berlin i.-..a^e * •- a CrC 1.. esj. ;*.'..r.ir ccrpoe nia> was favored in lust Saturday's yarne by as much prove: ;• such "unlawful" adWO. tut# s»«i n»«» fcy iWT ri*e s- • •.»•-» vror-e Ma ■f points in some of the polls. The Spartans behind the A EOIB INCH Maahfl of ipartUat «hil# wo* of the «hii# xinff that Rrovid*4 the impeto* to r-hip of quarterback Dean I/mk dumped the favorites IN BRIEF I" charged premeditated attempt to inter* *-r»o plan «v • (ell the am run poo iortnc U»e ntcht siodent Nrnrim hoildinc shoo* Jpst a part Thh orene hx »n inter-dorm onowhall fifht near lUodx Thor* da* nuht Nlltwl peeled U man# m neti Tneeda* nhevx the U« Mb firea**f%« are the >enau ev - [t-pwatrm lost its first came of the season last week llnmmnrskjohl in I .tin* fere nr.'Ji xhe sueeecc of tfa« triu he eligible f«e peUnn. HRMsin. 24.19. and the two teams moved into a tie VIENTIANE, Ijmh V — Due f-»r*tvv*na»f acfotati'mt ori th€ Be-..r qusstSOBu Victory Show* in Vocal Frccxlom H T W.-jert wte. -av# co b, s,,p .pit in the Hip 10. Hammarskjoid arrived in th - . I*. »a*j thai ozms when the ae-rr* '-r "Awtrmdu*' truuoio*! kingdom Thursday and hit and the Wildcats are similar in manv respect*. Ua.,1., have Iwtter than average s|wetl. with North- •AM f<»: n Diking rjv the the vyMt jfrivernm*"' r*a" r» I**'. jv.-x "* •• • • tJavi's talks " e, *-. ( 'ii firi. iitil*'. -fjpo*iTr.e UN N»- ••'.i G*-n.-r.t «*Xpec'«* > in i:• s» v i'.v>t.»v ' ■ .. lerviia; m>r* - ;n Le» e a- ai ' He'!. -v-i.--r.xrq; ^ » • V . agreement W—: German on With Varied Musical Program ' a*' '.re- -• gr *4 - rr. e-.ga-ette Mx "T. VY efMhges ;re*- - * ".'i, I>*u'.sch;and r#r X :4 or -.«# H->iJO mor- • ♦ • ♦ Rx HANK BERN-TUN The xr'tind song, "Air de !*it .vr> he *-a* t ' 'NK " W»* IVeian, Rusi • a* caerer- *•... ta. N" 1 Ml I'esumv* TnlL* v'.. ■; violate the jpr»>- T'.-e '»r?i ha.v been tx-aVn' ( haron. from the opera "Al- eure .* e ,-;ad h-.-e a-d.e-.-e v» -at-ii t-ar..carted reate." had a m«r emphatic A« enci'e *#. ;.t. na.f of NEW UlKK »' TV t ; ■' in#- divided ci'.v TV.#* t'n erx'/.y And hat. u ' y«. 'i* P.ep*v. ~ara "r.od ?--r nnr than the r,r«t and this re¬ -*rs- var.g • Sete-ia^io T.utMia' « -v a" "fanning up v-*a' ■; .«• tef Ciec»Tg»* la/lKion a •,, r arVq>t*vr vote or »ep*- v.. A.i-.r '• i porter had the feeiins that Lon¬ «»f N5epf..rj»i* «*.e. " and ;*nr.# rn<#vx->: Thurviay mfht He • • r"...-rxeferi -•> rev.iv•.,.** v> p-.* »a'oo »jy don had t*efun hit ronqseat Bs • v- as br .u4h". Mo/art. Rav ' Goumd the rod of the song; he had an- « - • (•..■er.-' »•. x ;•»"'* - *iM» a-c !r..,'r« tax pfdoc- and vrfK- foUt and spir:'- »,*. -*M or. *.he .>»..•* f-/r a state- KMWV >/> lw<: - , t,£ u> make the corKjuer* k e •, > - T . nc** par*, ot \cm pf'srarr. 'Ait lyd- T. sr*-T..hg tO COuMpjO tonight is Uxe night' complete However, they guild Dap*- j . Jonanne* Brahrn t difficult «*.*e ,a-ujfhtef. l»nejd4,n These were tons aext Thee shax*ne«i. moral ef Went ader with the norMl melody. , *.1 E »•«:."*<" Tr. .: -U.v * mae.erfal.y handled the d f?.cuit were eariehed hs Lossdaaa light -haw will he en hand plans Th# '#x parka## roeop# f *k DON WRIGHT TARK RAKER - •»- , ( legrexukorw: with t apt Don Wright, the wt- jump* i." Mige near the end. pianissimo la Uw ftf«: prasor* *»t# rt a:: rort yaar #•- icntia! ui. ''• * Local Stations Tie fal paiitisaias of tha laaii R . . .ni' i *#r.g of the group •or member* at the Mr sr-at #?»*WA>j go #f5 it? * t -,$> narxdlert r V."'. w~ r j'*ed IjKtdon's deo-. #--io the b#> i jiatfui as the fastest r«ju,ul in the leavrue b\ pre-« llanghertx th ' *#Ld Harold Ryan (D-Da- N.»" tvts* Ir. Pie yund e>r.g cheerleadert $ kh .:np* are fmal! comiKtretl to other Bijr in team-. * * * It h Iiwuxxmi activities Plan Stereo O Tj*:. w»e 'jitter big' du."* the ' M'w bitter jeetr.ed 'o five L/widor. !"ik ne*f sang • gro»ap aongp f.f ^ B-.tirt He t-ild tow. j#'.. Tm* De~o- / ««fr« Hfiiiiin Nt /wrl o *-r»*n.x. crat# r .ft agroo v> «t >ar th# i"fh*p-tern emphaside.t the T offeitne while the Spitr- chairman. a*M«ted h? Mltrh Sterertpnon., wutif W. * f»ave a vemfysng dept.; of feel* *«.*- Twr» of these.were pspor* •» e# tat raaoiufacr, #-ie-t.y HAVANA a' -Pr-.. M.r. (reKher rally rhairmaa. re¬ Mil. worth vr.'4 "A*;" a R .r.* |»::■! f»e u^irisr the double winRed T >■: F ««». v ***!"•>' Thamia-. rag-. ported pep that s hsphre la at* bt jmn'lv b* WKAR- it* London had nesrls flaiahed ored ▼ Ihpen"* s-sx r> w.w.d that ' two offensive lines will pit offensive line coaches, r\! and WSWM a new rM •*-- Return .K-gan a n^ti'jnw.dr TV-rad>< •r bed u led the Rrahms selection sad he a >frer.* of rwutpipero o»J-l (Juettumnmru* XaansMtg. Sunday |A^a*e 1 and his brother Alex, against each other. t,»n the current state of After the rails. Rah I berhart frnr. m 4-5 p m. Eax*. knew he had conquered the fiave oeer. r.arcf«r* tWMga "•'# comparing' statistics mean anything. Northwestern «f?. • h.> rev.WuM/nary fov- And. Ilia voire became hrtshtee *-r.(h t n* Hill he featured at a danre in 'The pn-gram. "Si'ui.iv <'y>n* and seemed to gaia a ronqaer- ia-rd P.a'xtai"* peer-md t# pre the bluest, etljfe jn the defense department, # * * the -haw l*woge tpppssrstl b> cert." wt" '<» shod, ex¬ or's freedom. I"aw '.wo siagtcig F^r*. k week the Wildcat* ranked second in defensive fi«- %l Mi and Heat -haw ample* of dglarrwm between lanfaitk. to porn pint# nia r.> tfw Mf-"-' - v>,oed q ^eatWuag |thile the Spartan defensive line resided near the base- Tiro Krinthliran* Horr dim and rr> JtAaura" >«n*» k-ax'* P»r*. used « Non pin mother. T*jer. the Fvewvy rx • La ninth place. WIMUNMN R %«!»•*. Ris »ns Tht.* will be f<-.l...,we*i t>v andral trorr the *\!arrvag* of c>* tf e * par., wfurh fade# the n-ar' a mi i ranpg i 'if 5« mmutes of weli-im.«wr. ciai..- bMH 1STA.MIING quarterihicks will face each other .4* \ .e president Richard . «.m F.'gam" The jr.a? rar;e. o*it «* » v » death a* tr#o .f tr# N.xof •au-.i Thurxdav that trie v .r.verr4vc artiv-.iv and rentiM? .•#! rr.usie , i-n the stage and Decorr** F.f»r» fiumber. efurm <»f the Spartan's Dean I>s)k and the Wildcats' ar.da ' second COM eft ' «.rr..'.»r Hv*.f « f yr tne pf«.* agkhet Lift Gev- A u, a rwr*- (BTtiUi*. hoad-bobtHhg, 1/itdr. th-r, as"* t.hroo ar,« ITa.> They rank amonir the top pa.-ser* in the league . 'SsO nature »tll be Jvea'd N >v 23 The -est. "It A-r. • N«- -n f>wc-Mpfang audience CTe?e« 15,»%- the long one that break gumes ojjen. sftapen .iii A.. r-A a*w- pa ) iCi.t* llackbart of the Wisconsin Badger- tossed two ;>»• .-«■»*» '. .*e 4 'a4 .#ji -m ln:er«>r M"dialer (#e-r.ard Tfiw. l* the firs* tim# edner e-o-ge-w-r *a.v Wttmrl .# He menV«<.- Nuclear Ban Extension wrw..vti au-ft. aerials, they had letter be careful this week. e-1 n«. nan.es ■v :.T'**»s«- lavx n«mc-er. the na- sulion fca* bropdenat •ee'r-e... pax.t f is g weoc Cf ' ">ed two against Purdue. According to Duffy P * # tiwrtWikf dc .T-.an* Tt-'jc dev...rmg *..» hear tne ;.r l-#rn, Spartan mentor, !/*>k w one of the best quar- agcri £»-. rn»r*wenta'. v e» rtwnen ftrarr. should tune • -ne FM A* ft eptx bt !«*n Jrw.rejyra. llonler Rift ImftrutM Encouraged by Herter fr*r putdic and private and receiver to ho 5 rr»f. and another -ar-' tf «let*f# a-vt • r- * he has ever seen at SUtt. MW III I.HI. IMU M—v K .xou'il rer-iair. free of ffe. ertv- receiver to 94 1 rrtc •- .-.ng, asjt tjo ecy-jei latear Manor.. Indian defer*.* . K-.-M-t The W en? Berlin Sew".; aarter* tegu'-m? %t It roaae from ti • said Ttiuroday R^i Mcreo prugrnw or. a WASHINGTON —S«r#tar> »f Stat# r'hriatutn Her* lystery il • Surrounds ('n.iu'i , ..mrt.c'. pr«rmg <-n#n* u.w, but the rrexhaure d,»«« we*.' T« all tkiiis in De-enifjer Thsere wiU be a FA! stereo set-up in the Union make exmt ter «aid Thursday he wouk! fav »r a br.ef extension of nu¬ clear weepems testing Ijeyonkl th# #n«I of th# >#*r whi<# iu. the re##latle« .KK-efj waive impetus mU". the 4-5 Skmdas aftertK*m f.-r those ncyotiatioiM continue with Ru&*ia for an in^mationa! ban, gradaaied frst Snowball Fight vrher* the uran«j:..Uer» mae Uus oa iMt«MtH*r. He did not u*tw*Ut aay' p'Otlid be locnted. who (k# not have * pec mi M-t* and of W*a mdtsidaaas pad K-turi' way be esiiec-* tf: ther had handled To Honor fampu* CNwt «*r«* .1* an- I TV»vgr the ' - •«- A 'A' ' i x-efr.* T—. ,»• fiu»' fall fund drive X! oiay, V.«-*tog tv vcr:ft »-de s* c \! ■*.. * K* ' Ucur.a Visiting Prof to g~r.rr* ct** r- .r police reported etp»r«.f,:urvw too g■vfnr:et". jf-> J.t<- *' -« 'crc*»-' *i '' received no calls Kaiu'v S»r<.»w. Sag.na»" jus*-. mi v* pr«*#-tiit ntente.r. of • XV I -1. >• » ar.ter.t Th*- dm* «tll euoctud# or- Fn- cbasgwig *ay ex'idusg mkliU? - •*: • * -» -. '.*■ . I"" * » -it promoted the The Musk* department w;'t da> c.«T.."- .tiiiesu aitvw-oce .r taie frow thair cbaad ta tavwr • y eta's# present * H*v«! concert this C*tr.vu* Uta**' a* »_servico .«?- wurMk p-;~ le.'unued to fall. evemnf at 1:15 honor)n* its ctis- *«« m «®ds*->auki# K.V We«tFM»r BtUt*" '" gar»;i#U*m c«*r.UT«s/ « . the r f.'ur 'Tifti— tincuished visiting pmfeoor Dr. charity div« umi take pU*-c 8 Me woo* uae the dole for f ** Mario Casteiniwvo-TwW^ t» ram pus during ».# yeur S?.- the projected lad-Rid sawaui I'ralrrnilt P»<« I'inr frund bf kght variable n>e concert wilt be held in donte are aafcevt So cxsciusbute Pairrhild Thestre Appwi-nate- or»i> uoce and Vie no-hey u the a toe prsg of March aad the mid¬ In Xrliw* V#ai»«4 Bu( *#dkUd wtth IRti# *-f» lv MR students and faculty will totrkded among to# ctumbaa dle of April No girwna ha* Rem HcttboiPf; A TO pnawwvt. dunft. hoop made The dale, place aad participate. Oh Mwa harow a naipiiHvr ana# ham ESR aad A4 X cokyt The three-part program will far the arte# ar#: pphlfcttv. agenda will he dtmwsmd al .r. a»r..-x: iUvwinhg sac tr*» of "The Book of J r-aft,** Gary beharh. Rirmtnghqm |pa- w cetera saaMPM talha al farm consist taxgtutc-'t maaewt. Rurohc-. a.s fr Exhibit three choruses for women's iat. mrvtoo 4 arai Rarh. R#s«- Mat meolh A*- "."wn fUvniewvam ndg#b»ci voices and the Serurv! PUno TS# A « ax t arged » . g. V s -.iffed*#* **>jf * that . Jt^en Today Concerto Ail the* are Tsocsco compositions. DetrsM Ohe- bwru--: in Rod (Twa» .u .-Muxvt n-MAie by lad.* torittaraal ^jpsc with arc «tn«rt. Bus of* ... e**- r,g .v*»-a tMniung px-*oc j# ff_.4S.rce war,.'a tfcns*. £#•*» roporm T^-:V • e •la* fkCialir shit gwvcrrmvcf* hai to am he *• Mml u». la She mcs*«ri tiw-jc Carift.ster* wiC b# -n fratonwty t#wx tiaatt ftood 2-ifA-.- the ihirtna and in bull 11Pig mtab- ba wa# al*o *awired at twv fa*i- yktoment* next wo#* tor tfudcut A Pr court Me*- Jhdjd barjot '.-ig " t-cnt.r'- -a# xnonto >ut, for woman'9 ^writpui..'ev They xslil aa> o# vtua-eoci orito pramdant luer.- nwppad " pbuT. ackoo ir. too—* are •Th# Nlghting*!#." p^ asI at she Unwo dea* f« bowcr when me U S learif Karla. St#ila Man#" and "Us three 4a x« between lam. and vMila Now Dato. best muo'-r. th# Hgnlali" Th# Womm'i 3 JJ.R- for off-campu* atudeotr • tw»n sent to A. V S ofRcia# Sav# Gia# Oub will nag tbm# •#!#«• Letter* have on#. 'Crew* uruM am! co-opa with rxaoad to# puaetoiUtr that mora ciivf lopes etldo##d .4*r their at too coat at Wmsorn Eurxopoaa Th# ftoal# at th# program WW ; ct*ntnouUorai. AXi csniinuutix^w hat mae might be t*wno by al¬ h#- Tad#wo playing M# "S« ^ PUno Coocarto and OfdMtn •:U P»» toda' # !• arc a»*ed to be -.uroad m by lied countries in Europe bill HANS UAMFL toar# hto bean no donaaoo Mi Frwiay between 4-4 pja. to to# Ho. 2 to F. Opua W Tede^ro haaa. Edward gram will froipre the i ihanapingi with aiitod (PRa first pUypd his coocarto m IMS s i ikm C IpR Campus Cheot uft»v » 9tu« po whan b# made hi* American V»H-, "Oil, Well, I'vp Been Thrown Out Of Better Joint*' Rrnl l»ail* h.v >|SI"* TVIMIO Mndrtit* anil laruMv The Mi 11 if 111 > M.iti- \ru» in otiblithrfl i>v nturieut* of .Michigan S"jl# iivriMii K.«*f I n'lulnp Mlili without fined family 1, i-,,1 I' c 1.1I ml.* «• f 'tip liiiivrriMv hi of tin? ktuilr-Ht hutlv. that the Indian* mlrhl I uMir vrrkinu t.i ''no the • >••• 1 niterr->«- .if n..fii, xfuiHi* irmly WASHINGTON f ■ St. . huttlr »n\ iniiir «t\irli would drive ,■ nerig* tiriwrcii tin- inurti at fault a* the 1 idhet it <"i"i*- 11." < "it' 111 the ui'iMTMlv i.i 11 • otiUKlr Monibrr ton of sinl 1 ChnsliAb A If- Bed*. M r Akxoruleii Pre ? Inland U«nly Pre** and Associated Collrgiate lei Pbucstm f«milrtiirtoil Ihrnie „f r»ne In H'.l C*ln»ta •'» '• Il«- hart **id in re*fn»nse to one iN.I'IlM flt.'iJlUll- H 'III In.hi Utiestjoft that the I'nittst Stat • 1-/VS. Ill .1 xhib'tiiPhl l nr.t hi" naturally »%"»iimp* thai tut tmr- whatever new s conference, llrrter ft'O'l 1 It 1 t hum- mart*- bv the India* *- dispute. ( Administrative Visit Hie Kline Chinese tin* t'ommunot cleat 11 UmsI foiee .t.i'l »«• again-' but nub. lii.it the bed t.ue word China i:nite.f «»f lt« a»r eon.-i-f State- has frteoilk t-» in !lu if.petl I* vvhi»lls In Pu¬ K.• ..11 »rid ha* tto objective in- Could Incite Profs ll rung The statement via* Issued ap f..i |l|*t.l.fl !>• III, later *t»f**t»tent y.a- pre.*, officer Unntlfi Wh.'e parentl* to oil set an Impression which some newsmen gained at and P Mi'l Mrhf >4ii»r the conference that llrrter wa* rtn- I*MI Wire ran... dealing with the India-thin.! Ho-. ,object (at tfic 1 (inference I Mihl staff row- In auch • was •« b» linplr seemed to me directed at the Eileen Rellj. CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS llh.llll.lNKS: I p.m. 111. I trior* I'ul.liralion (or 1urv. W'mI, jinil I ri. Kdilion*. Ilniflinr for Mon. Milion: | Mill. I'aval.lr *-12 anil !•."■ SlonHai through (rid*. F.I) 2-1 :>ll K\ AUTOMOTIVE PERSONAI I'lVi VOLKSWAGEN, Stf\ I.ir.f radio best er white wall* ftr.ii. Ph.me ()«..«„, SA iS.22.Ni arte, ft ;i:» Still CttlRRATlNG I' latum AIM Kt) 2-M.Wi .1.1 Fttf « - « VICTOR " Oan .i 1 NM OI.DSMOHIl.K HARDTOP H > dramatic radii. tiegtg' man- other extras IV Karelin, condition 1' HGGEST AND If," COMI STAC OR D•1 HrrltUtck it rtfse lu |/|firu EMPLOYMENT Dean Should Be ( EOUR ID CARD is rout CttDiT CARD Freedom in Intern PiRftcr circle corr w M IV THOMPSON SOMt ht*4* JAWKIRS I onsumeis If Ihe nelghhor torn mils the same dislurhanee? MAfiVOVO* Mr.; datum* regarding our pf bann senrw rnn t«w: iu-. • »*** f,-,, Mie .-"tidpi' air n.»t ev; i" » ".I* - usrr> ?-!«.• .'•deratio' Hut to hold .n pet- imm f.PFiMTon p»'u.'» reKU'atton* which *i» Nernfn nrrnbiFRA rim- 1 . ii'ii.natorv and not in accord H.C* f'mf'i ... C *35 (.IXKII r, w t ci**tl law la tmortsh a id < t Mir'.is#:-. f " < McOrt tll.'l.lPv ias Hi-.-eiMlfi b»e :lu?tratu.n i»f To the Editor; 'Medal of Honor w innei In ufi*vvei to tha* A - A n'#' I. %a.;'\ •" ideai.s and coileia'- uent.x t.'ni neiu-adx works iw ■> uan group dedicated Ut 'he be' tcrrniMP o* u'iciivpi"Vod T\ (| ( ■a • • If .» govern rig oigam/a- tdiow n»n*ostant* (Mr McKiltop tror. (ai!ji lo tigh' fo; the ulc- e' ah. I think Mr Van lb»ren P maie iu*i iejftaiftUou. what mora! HOUSING quite capable of providing fo • ■ tfh' ,b«e- -f have to detnan.l I n il r r present regulation* •>nililnm* Greeks, GDI ;wi Buzz t.# s licau Kmc rule or ha* no pro*ision which choice. so Alt* di«- K.n.ld r. dptlak I < "> •»" "*'" •" •'« who are in favor of penalirlug allow* evidentr In eslriiUAlion On ZBT Treatment and iniltgalion is auliNrAtn bureaucrat given autboritv ran An* \the ||||a^ for the of formerrest"brain bis of hisinlife remarkable ahilltv booth" the because to eART Tivtr ifivrrifiN I AN'sfiifj nosrb diirrmiur hlai k from while if Hi « memoriae IS' script* i" I if .Wfd hw>>* rn -t-.tsT* It* Itll I. t AI R.AH -tluwe ate hi* onlv ihoue* I "4 Ho* over he i* g\j ■ p: r p >» fp '(g him*olf fa'.*r • a* an I.HI I- K A lilt I l> W fie III- • " l • !»• - I »11 - W... ' o.T acadete.H- g.afd, for f,f « 'be /eta HeT:« l a i hn/ nv nn i.i» •" 11 < > .mii k .mu m -hi , p4r „f i»eirig justly punished <♦ A'.-n itur. itvtnt- (»f the 7.HT « clwirtr r 'n* Imm <; Ifi r:\nl Willi TttlMsl lerllllgi .c M ga I" mv nu«.ni.»n. r •><>* >n • n.trit*n »t;<» hv Imth t.rcck* pn.l itbt»iM'»i«U-4 • institute-us ,voral ground* that fha- e* \ « "n'H v.i i'4*»nt. M-e* of Mie ^ !t'M *'4* ft rod fn»m hi* tea h- b*i»vg » There is wplmren! 1 nil ;» iti"-! • "• *|>i ' on ||.» ntuxlinti Ri»n i>t f,,!, »• i\»Ui 'ibiv l"r, >* ■ **m imm O"!- 4 >'t ln» . simi'tfii" f-f whether the |nmi-1»tt»»-t»t w.»- - . i s.-ven- . » a|>|«io|.ri .•1 even if*'- '- but .•?» the frounds ' 4*Uhth,n ■4<*tr,0n' »nr! file t«i the crime ; be- f om'.v I'VerjdWCiig the Mi«an:Ug g-i-r" It seems a hit *tratine th.,* m>.iu\ fe«'i sii*j»*ii-i«»n <>i ihe ,,g "f edueaUon I am confldent tn«' U In m civ il law lia* brni f tt.e ex-gentu* were to opp> ''ovti: bwivurrjr* roa SERVICE fr.itermtj '.H eharti r wa* too *ieru .» mensure an ad land and ?.<» a teaching jxos.U'Mi ne e at vi.ibilr.t automatic »u*prw*iutt Although it h UH hniv'dtli ' \ ei Uiicn " ha/.mv i" « com the greatest free power III the XISt' h's apphcatnoi umiM apiM-ai* «lr*p«»lic YOUR ..orld lie have foufht bard for now »««.*e,t fairly an i aeon c monplace thing «f ,M>1 ' it t> catiieil nut in ;i tun- RICKED UR as: :• this freedom and will probahl* ame .v; 1 hi.* abilities loving spirit, j.n«l. though He munen!* ale nuide lu .in have to fight again lo maintain John Sovtendvk various mi'n Hbii I'blu aloti* ih ng-. lunmien m n>e prevail* Ihe ideals we so ferventlv be- R * g No harm is .lore ev.e'pt t»» mibviiln. ' pride beve in aad yet some of us are I" ... . A 1 TIIK THOITll li with the hji'iiH1 game i* rha? it can *<• now Utiag lo Rise a few abort ' *••• H Ad* ARARTMENTS Hours a week lo leant the mere .■* ■ r « easily l>e carried to extretm* which van in flic I serious m- basics thai our forefathers paid Kpprt^llt'llRilllM* 1 *«»> 1 AVD Hour urtVtWiHTf^r jurv, a* in the ca-e here u>t tea. when one coiilliigeii! of In thr pursuit wf jusiice. an* for oil the fields of (•ottyabsrg. Military 0**-4t (J IV '-"ro.-lw'* pledges thought '• gic.i' Jim "..Mi their hou>e into a Allriuianl adinini*lraliv r bead* the toads of two Jtma aad Ibe Tt Ibo RdMor: Tt'br I«(irb fc « |» »v '\lll\N HII14 •Tl'Wl) bant. arlim are unlmpwrUnt. froaea rtre paddies af Korea. I wft*»leheartedly share ;.e . r ' *-*UO-!r f l) Jom v .» AiiiwiiustraUvelv uivpaipa - non-military career, he can. if r,«b JafTe and Javk Stieiirr *•»» Skat gw- ik»B» S» # r • I] the dormer upv.air* ami pion aiHiut the hou.se, over rugs, chair*, tables, lamps iiiHiUe sian.iarvt now working (otic concept* of our govern- Van Ibuen- 1 am i«toni»hel lo in.vr ".un# and r*tr lUr«- - TVPIM. RTaitrior IV 4-( $tui other mid* ami eiitl*. rlTtwUvely igiutisi any faculty? men! and tnu military nvsiecn hear m many pou|de attempt to ..vmI ;Jrt.«rf |V 3* This was nil vlone in a fun-loving spirit, hut who ivnuht that protect u* and safeguard eaonerate Van Ibwoii He mdde AITO fNS' R ywwe thing* we take for granted, himaelf party to a fraud and rc- , OTBAjTTVIf nr,f hi., TWO K 'tm-n HLDNOOcf riJitn Ciaie* IV rimpu< have lauglu-l ha-l at lamp or a stove *et tire to the straw " r Lot'ft support our ROTC pro- tributtoin Itoa fallen justly *,n *n-mttrn*-# A*1""* »a L>orand R.D- with the brother* trapped on the second floor vif the house? gram and all that it stands for, him. ■ (MM. No doubt the ZHT anculeiil began in this same spirit. instead of fighting it with un¬ ROCMS Just sound and narrow-minded ar» to have a little "fun" with a emiple of otiatrepcrous SPARTAN XI PI g amenta. pledge*. Uut beiiig siramievl hi the countryside in 20-degre« bofnr b^ Bobarl lpragpa E >».-■ we«th.er is not my nlea of fun. Nor i* it conducive to th« < Mil eel Mr* Gi>-J health of those involved. Thank* MSU '»N» fn'eS/' SINC.I^ AM) **■ 115 for infaruwi' " * I.Uhll V the abandoiievl .pdeviges were pichiHl up quick- u-J VR«.» APPROVED h and suffered no serious ill effects front the e\j»erifiKe, DOUBLE Hut it was largely a matter of luck. This sort of thing is just the reason hazing activities were banned at MSI' and are being banned in college* and LOST POUND ~ universities acro*s the country. UWT OR C AMPUS Mr * I lining, while it thrived; was fun. So were firecracker*. R*a«do* Ceetef IV f-lOll 10 bUr* Hut a lot of people got hurt Some even died. In auch cir- •>» MiAOAST BONUS l^*T GOLD RING AMSUIM ** iettir.a. »n umo! J.trher cutnstaticea it seems U-tter all around to forfeit such ty pet GOOO " hi ti t rr leave «h»v» at »ute s*»*. bo* is m It,"*" SEir0"" , Thi> is jet to come. - • .TR'1* TCfJ rrfngerator p«w» c^. '.DLT . '1 CMUrt ED l-jw: SJ Abbott as "«T SSTr'UB^t&ti ssrv " fTT / • IT f i» r>. I • »V / C wmr.A* rr*TV »ni^irtiw W" [cam Places Third INFORMATION TV Oia ratter v.dl! m anon Need °f Ethics, Prof Savs command "Mve ird rn'ee, c»!lege* and m/iun* af a3 time* " ] 25,000 Caw, No GM UT.Ttffrt7 A'—Vree^ v. 7 «'/♦/ /i-W V# Help SJS'W Debate Tourney Martin v/ed Vu' -'.'..-s w»t I< V. d »v«* 'M'*n jr.t^'.r.g t premium prleea In televtaton, uruvers.ties w:i! he eyper-^e*! '/> •"are the C -if N uiHwrisM 8 i. rr, W ex ley House Adult *av* le-' Martin, heed l«ertmerg '/f televiaton, of the d*- radio |/r*elure men end prvfe*«./,r.a..7 wer.en with - trained a rJgh a re*|!i)*ed 'f*, 4v. oe.p iy W-droaKay .rd.arTy » "There a.-e ur.i.mlted 'r.ryr- fro—, r. M,'A/ie* and fjlm. aenae */ r**rif>rX.Yd'.lly Vewvr-1 frnm MSt! tied for third plan- in the third nn- fflf.l.M. Movie Uie *P/ viewer," he cr/rr.mer.ted. tun.ties ar.ewJ f-'/r f.-j.p A . >* -.ewt T>. .radar r.'.r~-.g • fi "»f iat(.f, The qujg invevt.gatioful hew en". **_«"ed /•/. i/vr. '- e re.—r.a.. di>» v. «ee; shortages- • t'ltirnwitent held in lletroit lu.t weekend " "Tr^t par. of tfje educati'/n wl/i rj»-/» » high degree of y„v Hi.- i. ». S A M . 90? Kut fjrand i' uutrated the need for peraoo- ' — • .-*•< . -.u.d r*r. «: *3* GM v-' -whse S .-an and Cb»r!e* Charle* {' huuhath 5ier*/iee« a. ethics In the TV industry, wd.o-y. .« "jevoted v. r,r'.arp-aa-r,g teHifenee and a strong , v.* of gee;. Orj-pHtt **00**4 • or |. •"art —r n ,n broadr ..e junior*. on the "Mvr.trtr/uted Vorh. * Series Sets VI..f GM yM U ONf.AM/ATlOV University's VMCA and YWCA. roe of srehal rmamouanes* para- pr'/pr^s.ed- ■I i rr». aIJ Saint* Church. Attend Church - i, !M»' In formal part v the winner of : v.i'h place. Worth- On Mexico f 11IHII.If OKf.AMZATION MTVIMV MTf'V»»:*T year MSI* Perenair The <•*' pro. Catholir HUtiimA Noire Him'. World Tf'-t..- I < * riO-r f'o** game coffee CIILRCIIES • ptf*rn' th»- Ftur'or, H <.-rn-. 'rn LT^**. * n,v»r^|» •* Hogm*. "Magir. of M' X. <. - b'eir 0-12 pm Ilafire EAST LANSING Lf,h Obrrlin rollr*r. John f>i'urda> VWf.%-VHf A mi onlvmltr. *"4 Warnr ITii ru-A' fi'rf, narrate-'! n-/ {. rr. V Ilou».e Orient*' ;»ar- ikmm »" Bulgera and Au- f;*»;? Ip.n* S'er.ger or Fre-1 'v Itota-rt M i.5t.//-Ar, J' -i/.inghorn for ride* KD- i! [i hi in the u/wvi-rsity aud.'.ot- ;. -: 7 41 f*i <,:< vr • will leave lum. MORI \K flf)ARB r. r. for the Mieh- Sp^eti I<**a- Vimhm in the world ran to¬ « a ;r. '#|r! College Hal. Re- UST IANSM6 WVBSnT LUTHOAN PEOPLES OUCH CHRISTIAN FIST OUCH OP day* traveler a land ri'her '» .ire*j riori* p'.mta tertior» A«- o-rn Michigan In colorful •1 ir— tor w.' present CHRIST, SOBfUST j and e*nt|( atmo*- re- Dr. K iiimazoo. phcre (Han In Menlrn ' Mafflr of HIMI.KV CHOIR TKMTY OUCH OUCH STUDENT -r v; «tournament ( .!•• r. Downs will Mexico" will portray thi« land 1 i an.. V.ev •I VDAI Houe EAST LANSING a% a realm of «tiinmrix di'-*r«itv t« haters. a% It prcvnU a senile mlature WfflF.ll CARTAS* AND STUDOn CBTTB FOUNDATION ,rv ■ -t'ini? are: flatv of old Sfexlro and the new with U m I^fuve'te. Indiana. Fv- l*>*r . * M.ir!in»oti, Paul Thll Ttw p-''U»r,a! re* O"! ORGANIZATION Dt R MtdMt t'aiaiR II id HL an i-sen — an its a tyef «.*>+*+ • *•* Hutchinson, flVrw* the pia't- •>, •» e . '•-7 p rr. . Catnoiic Student m sr. i Uuine Ma asoli. desirable i-a'.. ■ / j,..i• r* fi#..- ( e-i'er Dinner Ilea a as. Rev a»T / ta.i the mark*''- '*r.e f; • . H .s.mday forurri F»- "Tfce La* •# SedNU"" parade. *a;i-h»h.ng »•,-! *».«• *•—at»« •— «a»a •' »PRT rt/DUUK moatals a«ft rwwnvTALA •*ie- i'lonie: Ur.et.alT. S J Wt.I RlH.lO'l *>f Designs fwmdi/Ta?! the film journe. ^ ■■ V r'rund.- o -r,^ **f alarv ?• 7 » IVM »«- a as. >• 14 aed 11 Ja AM. I 1# towleM Reaa—*S • yi f ANTRUM RT Cl.in picture made of *he dar- ftwAeat ci*m ii IS A W. lie Mosaic eve- » 40 p f Ail Samta ChurT. . trvOAT if.avira ins r..t'h' water '.K..ng iT. A>'a- F *-r.;ni rrrayer supper follow - SaMar Ro»av<> I as A is is AW oTist lanrii L fiC'il * •* C M c a/n»w» t»r»* piifo Hay e»i ?fv '!.*r i*aona or. "Freedom Rafwna t"» f»r R*->»a' narvery t aa. IS IS A 1131 A W » a.-*— |ir S:' :;ol .14 vwu Before hi« .on o " Ktema. Clfe' Lerl Dy • «$ IR. aveSav »rt» I "t*« A4«*«w *M* &• r-fcae*— **-*»-'« WIT *—IT Burton Home-. |f..r#ert et iltiei r* latveeauv MrSnw Hugh White (n- -n * . v« n«* —4— A had gained prominence ar a laUursa ataAear Raw*-* fl*» c acvra » a.• v ra», i.-.d f r.'r . H e Houae B iffett ;r*!. A• hr I»rof. many r*«*pons ;/»,• .'...ria f »r • .;/pe* Jerr> ' ot.er. a.v.'t Rnlnart' ' the depart- th** Unite*! Stau- givrnm *•.? A" CeneTa. of Mur.igan •*,.! ■if art, wj. iw applied on aruJ r»u g.o'».inj- v.un neve "Aoetumy of l METHOOGT 0U04 Of E0GEW000 EASTMINSTER LUTHB OlAPfl nandiftf nrr"te block -enter. enabled birr; V. c*#v**r rr»ar.y -./♦•a* Cr.me." */r. ST. JOWCHUKH iobti* wuieiy diverger.* e.^'a r.r- at tol no di mfh ratw AND naffled panels, PEOPLES CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN f angled | jamming eight feet fix civil and war* in tt»e Itrugg'". Cnirai a-nd f/re.-e f *r U»r3eie^al- K prri , 34 Union .egi-v.at.v* n-presentativ® M.s* Ethel 4 (ATHOUC STUDEUT i *.* * x feet fix inches, erw* in l.vu m«d iaraei. of tae AfL-CIO ir. Uftting CHURCH STUDENT CBna i u; the ! «ng, rertanfular 0. j. Mumon AssoclAtes, >spea* p-ibi.r invited. CBTTB wTI DTNTtl Jvrti of !«anstng and tha Practical Mimes AIRIf %N AfMlCTATION r-.ra T..- Manufacturing 3 ;.-m 33 Cn.frr Tit Stupe Meetinp . o? Cincinnati, Ohm TOt'NO rociaurt* I'-nvd w;th Bratnard op 8 rr. , Meeting portfy red to '.imbrldfe tompeny pro- Jn Krllopp Center e-.-.o.e members to a* tend *new. f'Tum 'm d/sarmamer.t r. th# tonrtally glued eera- An lrnpnwed currlctilurr :n »p.iw/red by fekiwth.p of hr«fi fmrn which the mural the training «/ pra-'tira! nor»e* R*'ug:o-a* LifieraU. 31 Uni'*n. | > fabricated. The theme will be 'J>< iirr. •/ tra- Pra*^. 'a FI.I I.OM SHIP or » mi teen chosen accord- Nursing fyluca*. «n Cixiferrn'e rij k.km 4 ijbulaia Itnlr.ard, because of Its Nov 10-20 at MS!,* j» •' 32 Unj<»n. DiamsSiOft said they • .y.fjr of meanings ep- OonferetK-e • -W »r: v,, prugrafr. 1. - ;rr.»*e* are uaed In tnt clinic- pracUee pr^je : pi * *. stiader.* C'.aas "A to its metaphorical Ai.^- »0 4.f"rt.». »wl s . of Fau. 1 alu.. of ir, pract.ical • mi course, ftnartors nurs'r.g o.-g> iunction." prpgrar e are exj^ected Vi atterai Uic K'-ia/gg Center seminar Auilit'iirr Private Feat . sp»*iae-^ or, the pro¬ gram include I>' I^iwrence li*>r- — James ILagerty, osax*'. of toe MS'* det*irtrr^nt H-tee pre** secretary, *»♦ teacher e*i mitkm Or, Her* • ' n.ght described old f;es V. i;re*-..r -/f F,.-~ r^rowrr'» forth- tr* M.SC (.»ri*»nu.ng bnxe'-.rfi . Italy at* informal Onter a* Bent-e Har?e r. and > "■*> lt««.dent's aud- M^a Barteara Fa e *i? the !*S ^ John XXlIil Department >' Hea.Ui. tduca- 3 i* prmtc. tton and Welfare | U.ltM WENT Ru.ilar OR Anli Freeze At Kranirr'* Popular l'rirr»! |RI rri.KRs — TAII. PIPES — EXH AI ST PIPHS ] fiU-HES — WAXES — PAINTS — BRI SHES ("MCtETfc IJNE OE ACCESSORIES KRAMER I AJLA. > E. KALAMAZOO RT. PHONE IV UMl OPW7AM1AM NOW DELIVERING ' * "^1 VOCE gAt CI 'Atrr _ I ii ! ■ ■43 M5! im wirmoAH nrAit nrwi fife flee Bloom field to Receive Vaeemher IS |1'1 ,rtliwestern Rami l-'reipliter Hi-wiii-itNiiit- l-'ialii-riiinli Distribution Award Perform al MSI, Ifaniel |{ir««inifinlrj, founder Jtrid fllreefnr nf fbe Ho*'on r- '! Afrf.' A'- f ar.af.- r. 4 f. • »•* t ' ! , . : • • .< e !' . ' ♦. ■A VI44 7" a ' V. . will I"' Jolnwl Iiy 1 he Nortf,-A,.»»,.ni Uaf|4j ' Vinferenee on In «t ributlo»i, ha« heen nelerderf to rwuu1 Aee-.-na w hotn'* jfHlTHt * Ho year Hat unlit flu- ,MHf Mhrketinir Av/aril for !'»■'/» ! -t ,.*t . -A'* ;■ ' ♦he ThP ». ' « . 4 4 .'•-» a. e .. »"Hi* i* - t/ji'f f*.:w * e. : ;'r»'.'-* •« fen' a - ■> i A n*« . f ,i:rr«-M«n "f 4' -}e/r »»• a' fi'. *or. -•»»:• ' "T rtiffiUOf,. ft .,4 «.•«•/ an Thev » • lb 4 rt. ' ,ir;i!f !■• ' ■! • !(,/-. ilfc>irJer., • /r r. -r• ••ill !»•• **»• ,,»>• i ' . // .< : '.Jt Hand feature* tbr tub* Dillon f'e. , lh, rt.nr. .Milk* 'if • "*! -■-"U -r, Willi the f.fe« K «•»« " IMtt'l r».«- ,U ,r;l' 4 east lansinc. phone ed J 1814 [r. .1 M'"f ' . , Authro r.j th- MS'' Ti'dfttcii In miH.IAM IIIOCMATIil1. ' •I.I. r.i> mii; bV 'or Aid I.TA -.«• ( tlll.rmEN v* -■• foi s.'vclitll I^Tturi* IQMOHT 7 I'.XI. - -AVI. XT I I' M ji.mp! t;,s •Star Spurn? • 'Ihe »ddre«* Mill he preceded I A ' A :'*• !> Jfi't T*"J* hr dinner in Ihe f'eniennol frtm, tfu* a . .. g ■" *..• aever.Ui .•<* ./* HE Y kll>* - < XIITOOV HOI It ♦«"' '» • Ro«m al *15 and a feeeptlom In ■ 4 f, - e ',f ve-, ' • the Med f edar raam at 5 1* A •n O'^er, o' '.-.e if . * \T . I I'. XI. - 7 <.tlMOOVi ' * :tur of bawl* ROV HTf.W ART. I rhana Ohm and Hill ttntler llnnllnfhMi ! X* tr-,- 'IT- number «f leading ti«all*»* It. ' '/ * * b •* i Mr j ref.'^ *••111*4> inarrh. '*erjiher file W Va amino, are miklni their taat af>»raranrr» «• |»rum-Mi)ari HIIOWS TOVIMH AT 7 AM. 10 t'.M. r* the l.anatnt and Mlrhlgan . V ifr .ri»mofiy '* ' thl« ••••on Hrwitl prrlarmt far the taat tlm» at the Northneatern from T>.e r-m'defer: » " II* uill He nUted 4* the b4nd .j hualneao enmmunlUea are aa- r — • -i.« rof • the thrri.i' reform. I lot ton mid he4t the lame taturdar and stutter «aae hia taat pertormanre laat oalurda* perted to attend, nr.. e-V » '/»/ : 4 r •-?/» f*//i fe It /> ( 'Uliltekl -Section l>v drum* then ihe inrnet. iMiked • 'o. -Jra-oa .* ICMMtor »r".e - ■ "».#| 1 'f'ne fV«"or, (V/f.ferer,.# lift hi Ihe IijIm. and horn* lite j -« «e i larlnet* f.tllo-aed mi h, (i,r In Ldiinitiun Hiiildin^ f/i'/;*.'/• Vhlrb wa.a f'eu'.o- a - -r.4'te • 4 ' ' " '' r.re' •a • i'.J e rv tr«#mb«uie. jnd flualli the u hole ' h>'f--f.e:d SO v*ara ag- " e»; *» »/• f ■ a» a'. '/.•sanding p.otiee- « 0>e".' Hand fr 7 -t.rV'.* ..-»••« Kiddies Books Display ofr.g •oge^ber Hi Indiana n. A.O-.4 s . 1 on 'AVI-.er j4 » - re T re-da * .'j T . err.4 . •.*. for.ro for ' ■* iMiw; of mtfge'-.rvg ir»d d.»- .t fi'et . -y.ff and !*• .ear e* tfer #, Jfi-h 3b i Invention It \r if /. • Mat.-fju , Me 04-.•> • ' •'1 '■ i. ■ .g' • fim. '# - * T •• .: :4x' jhli. S. a . AMfR.LI.H .1 III *■»% .nor (aoniii.i.' •. *> **»> „• .,»# be " N- •/ 2 [pjmK* a' 'he India*', bbu >■< h e ' MAvr. Y'tr Truth ovn mw Jt , ..t,r a ** .allot). %'at.onal U f«* to be id r.'.r.- o Swinglinr; t£ 2 park is'* iS'~r UiTHAXrrr tr * ■ Wa-ne today ■">'! l)rii :r - *•„> .✓ , , ' L 'a'e Cr> .;mTVH'ioi: - (iiim-rr \ i.-liiii." '» I * »:> «'• 1 : lriggorthan a - VOL Rt Jl'ST QOtSO THR* TO i - . - X' i:, -e. planning rwary to Life l'A|M'i'liin<'i here The hi di.pUv R. file tearhera and ,. OO'i- ■ i. « ' purpooe *• h«Mil i* librarian* an opportun¬ - rr;, A:a. vmtckm in rur. * *a» f.r, Jtwiurafh- ity lihrar* t" »ee lewk* the |»e»t of aaid Ihe new Leonard = K' ' KKT —Of* AH NATMtAIJ.V | | • jr.' T'"S «f and w ii-.-riOpmi-nt of bo'b l uker «,f the rollege No book* fi l-j-i:..'. v.'l frad-.itf ale .old h» H'".k • on L*hiMt t r-.gr'i'T. i at Mct' m hi'It I* »tri«tlv a promotional •! !n»ur- Swing* iNf -ro*- turer 'b*- College it VI.LuHlt floo ^.» r : ,•« -ti- ,nn foi the na!i, iif rua f j.rt«»ee t»« >Mra • it* Ik. a*4 Dm -nit; XBIM-rTOK*' •effiva-t h. CIX* de- e«- . Va.-: rr - the go'»er». A (.'th.ege •, • TV .»•* It.I* »TII44«I> J ■■ • .r u-i • . a . '••C 4|,H« \»«» 14 l« 'TIMMKV > 4OM« »,ef « r, r; < in 1 'J.,J II- rt • .pA. r, ia . ' • • 'a • e I. to -r 4 ♦» ff. I' » M-.'?. "• • .. ' 2* and ' • HaUonal QuaUt | -/ »/* Na iO'ird Life I,' - CAMPUS BOOK STORE SPECIAL AM.awK.on f'« *.ne pe- »• fr r*Hjp at BRING IT TODAY p. i -• . d «M*iali*l I lull "LIGHTER TRADE-IN TIME" - "" ige- ! "'a H' f '• .'A'TA ' p »f cOQlMXl four ' 'be ,*UlAH"b«'X iObc pr a at-n.e'l tp.p. |Nin||Miiir* >|irakt'r \ ,a ' wt *e* r- - WEAR IT TONITE IKXHt: IN VOI R 01.1) XI.*.I. THINIJNL. I.IGHTKR M)R X M:* X HE XI TIE I I i.HKI*TX|\* ¥**. A arr.ing bfOUg'i' o' t x .;**• *--.od-iO' "• • i.iet. t.ost dma . . . s.'s 'i". »(*•<.;? IM't Suna,. - BARYAMES • . ♦ " /iwur af''-r p.,ned uUt- Sj «ta V' IZ LGHTKR IS W0KT1I SI^5 X* A TKAUEl i 4.'. . *•- » of foiomtoy - .i I 10 AM OI.IJ * 1 .' h.rfXl PChbOl ih* J- r •..«••: M*nder -a* *••".. ' h » *'a> tour «>: ta * to to* Y"-.Ag s- ■ in on the: ne;w .xi.s.l. ijghter. x\ xii able I • H re- i" ifvi a «tnt# pol.co arvd f.re de- IS'- I';• and S/icia''.a'* Comrson* " >• Have Tbey Any- A 'A (LEAKERS SMRIS ONLY AT THE; CA3IPLS BOOK STORE. 1 * .'•'.n Pans and tftihg in The metting > a« po»'' | - v ,'.xr..pa Jotncd tb* e aftatrkooo. P.- becauae It wtKitd - ave r< r" cto; f< ~ar •j»»'..A»»rod «. S. ti. N It mURSECIKW PENCIL SKETCH XA-.th owet. |n.- fP tMEiiwdd Uxn ca'l an ♦ *' not '.-onnocte j by the i«UtAA*.i»u of Re^gtoiiS M.S.U. NOTES • fevortM-r s viaat. IlR'* VIEWS OF Xt.S.l . I.AMI1S BY THE E XAIOI * Xirk|M)int >ru>* IX I'liyhl PHIL AUSTIN. P' It >'aht at TV far oar noodlyf AX AILABLEONLY AT THE I.A.XIPIS BOOK STORE V 1-* fer niwtion to be ex- |«n V. « o point over 1 - »t 2 pan. , f fT Rarmn, the pro- eve h x SHOP THE CAMPUS BOOK STORE FOR J at Wnitdr THE MOST COMPLETE SELECTION OF: Emery, pru- I1* TV ;acui and film nnd awyintnm protea- [tcQBur. .catipft | EATON OPEN STOCK STtTIONE.RX E. XTON MN1AL STATMlNERY \tm¥m EATON I.ORKXSXBI.E RON|) HALLMARK CHRISTMAS i akd* :.V ' Xl.s.T. SOIVENIR* it IT, I'APERBOl ND BOOK Cjnat FH.TTON AND NONdTCTION CHRISTMAS GIFTS FORdUAENILE AND A1EI LTS # s&VKg lifter every stave fk*4 iar ymt «a*. ■•** ak kk «crak htm A- S» »~i U. ,«. («(14* • kr» «... f-i MM CmU~i a-.. b«. MTU SHAVi LOTION CAMPUS BOOK STOKE i;. 1' - «MSp< A.««4 IUU«4 V- 1- !«.'« « by SMUITON On Grand River Aerom From Lnion Buildinc PH so**! 100 . • hniwur*' >•" •k«« ««* ' - 4MMO* X Vy,V - V ~ ( Nwfmhff 13,IMS Mirilir.AM RTATK NEWf Fage <*1* Fridav night Intramural Highlights Co-Mec Fraternity bowdltlg standings Harriers to n| Right to Qui/ Officials i* Conference night 2 Coaches Ask at the ft-10 p m Men'* IM building fro n n Block I find Farmhouse In MM place with Irt, Phi Holt *ec- ed the outcome At the same tune. Iahi Utile, # * # N'RW YORK hV' -Two proml- of key gam •« from there to N,.» y„rk, loda.v li'.i'l". .ts«ind-pliiee Theta Chi tiy discus* penalties on the field goe* on the fleld. rules conunitiee. .said he feared ♦ # R |hlint"> in lliock II DTI) defend their IC4A title Monday. tin* official*. The two cfnirhe* who believed wltli that If epoaHie* an* allowed to fi»flay is the last dav to pa- ami Delta Chi have icwed up The varwly team of Fofddy was in third Their suggestion for a change that they should have the right pia,,. iiv tlrlpate In the fmitlaill plat - i ii.implori>bifis with respective Kennedy, Bill Reynold*, Tony Bower* frwn j:.,. In procedure came In tlie wake to talk to official, were Jordan go running oul on the Held they kick comiadition. I'ai UeiiMibou totals of 1.1 nod 20 III Block* S - ri. 1Mb l«ake. K-l Graydon. Oliver of Yale and Jack Mitch- might be out there all after- ed fourtt) in «./ contlrierable crlticUm by p.rrv Young and Clayton Ward. ;r,y. is free and h' being conducted III and |V coaehea of penalties that a/Tct-. e!l of K-tnate. n«a»n." between the |M # # # mi '»he trip. ItlJSK InSHh, Alternate-! Krickson M.r'f, building and Spartan Stadium. The coiite-.t Uunhdu ("hi Alpha downr I lP#b Bond and Jesse Fitrh will MSU h*-. A- clow*.. at .1 p.m Alpha Tnu Onega in the final* m- called upon In the ease of Big lh rac "VUfl J # it * of the iMdmlriton rh.impion-.hipv illnest or Injury. Your lucky Sign-tips for the l\1 ehampionMhlps begin Monday u! fencing U'A'* S«u McMillan and larry l**mr stopped ATO' Bruce the Kennedv lias plar*0 second last t«*o tears. Thnse who In since entering b,» the IM building, or by calling ftlrhter an«l Uirrv Jones In the brat him before have graduated Ext. i'HHI Mutches are t«» begin championship matches, • 15-10 Fran IMUrlrh feels day is next week and I ft-Pi and that tear f <*arh "this should hr Farddt's l» win." Iowa's Drtrs* Decker's Janes heat Kennedy laat fwr. wash day ...3rd WEEK!] MICHIGAN IMtruTi wyt that "It looks ...its what eon on whin »,•.„» wtwr like on team I* strong enough to ret cm* rj»rf*fi'' '•* champion," but he exclude posftlbilltlea Of Gridirc when you anther team having a chance. Tne team* iJittricti i* partic¬ ular.!* concerned aiifiut are In¬ Gambl take diana M.r.nctote. Wisconsin and Rv TOM idrKrjl I.,.. | i*j a a second to MSU MiasivMpfyi • v ■ la- veor with 55# |ewnta. The first place in fur j ■ followed c*I'/n.' SfMtlans had 43 7b possible route slant* California. S'/r.i. ; your rosnnv snsMiv o? ruraltng toe r»n Waihlflftfiii Park Wiaoonatn. l»rov . . . . vies f«r title . . . wiii oe Iowa's Jack IliU, who rated unliMit«ms j/,. ^.^1 Northwestern, r.^.| laundry fell in the w-v, :« BWmCdPwrnRmtR ,;i action. m In our g*rn-» o* , , V. ftfcuwn at I:tt, l:fi. 3:15. 3 predict No. J to rar.* Seniors... if 7:13. » II ».M. b» nam it* nt:.- y I 3EH«S8W1VBBS SlirU E8B3VT" 'wer Tenrnn-.w •, iiiipt: WNUI; - HTKIUKN KOYII - *rzv PAKKKR "rrvlad LSU* , J MIAN AHKRNi: - JtlAN tlAWrORII 19 *arne* 1 Tt»e other I* "THE BEST OF EVEHTTHMS" PROOFS HOST IE RETUMED here in i^,.. „■ I .Spartana fac.;,^ N'sTthwesterr.. V.'- Your Kry to ttcttcr Valued we"ll have u, TO RIVE PICTURE HI WRLVERME » , , •». ramptiN ClftAftifii'tla , , . Low Cost rat*, lmt or. Itowever, a S'-i> y » lax* wet-K cau. , » ; NOW - Taday'a Mmws Mart DO IT TODAY GLADMER • 3:13 • 3:13 - S:M Calif aver fUvk Next To E. Lansing Bus Station a nt w hk.h in Schi fn suspi nsi Nyraenae aver Teaaa aver Tex*, (bri WkMMln aver lllmm, i slctu A a bam aver Oorn* Eeaa Htole aver lisb LRU aver Miss hut* llemaa aver MariUag kaaaaa: Right |«, Dr. Johnson lin ns another elegant phrase: •iaa 3 COULD TOU Last Weeki Ri«ht a •tea I i TELL THE Tankeri In I'rr/m I-WIIIMI CONRAD • DWP IHSOk ^DIFFERENCE. The Forpatse h-*:-n ' five a water c>o «o-» c| « m. In tba 31 e .* 12 i One i'erform.nr# urday. Only Tonifhl At 8:lll I X-y, - \ - v ' A-y - aA SAECA V IIUM H*U HIM. UK..I Thr Inn ... Thr OmkI* Of Th» Gml liml'S«ll*r: ... Thr Snmlinn ThmiomootlkommmmiSvmmJr* Beat A picture so extraordinary wa'rn Ukiny IhW s|axial way of Irttinir our patrons know almut I Hegistered jewelers NtrikwH it in advance of our rrtrular rmrayrment! We're by the American Gem Society. sure you'll talk nlaiut it and talk alwut It and talk about III M NEXT TO RTATE THEATRE A Warner liros. Plclure Technicolor Rannev ■>»**« •i.J.iM ADULTS TOMORROW IS SUPER BARGAIN DAT AI.I. I1AY PREVIEW — SEE 2 FEATURES Jewelers ggSS TODAY * AATJ JACK WEHH IN —30— Pl.fS — OCR NEW FEATURE i> ;fv .. ii Sir, it hasn't if got it there, it hasn't got it! < lid Dr. ^am ha* done it again—brought Mo*** (sIVrAh), n. (e.g.. Winston his »U« toman up t«s dale m (erupt «»{ laslc* gmot like a cigarette should). A SUNDAY. il ».i.«l,-iti \\ mMoii usage. slatrment «.f di«|>ute«i granunar lmt un« V uislon \, igatnte ijuestKmrd fat t. • m sitw i wiih I dp -tileiid im mtc end ami a »k man I r«Nit iintnil, n. (usnl in conjuuciion »m li e other. with the |kte)Mi»itiiin •,U|»,h The section t • Kxcitmc F« la, to t.is?!. n \A1tat dm orators atgue of a biter cigarette where if it hasn't about and \\ inikin sntokrn rtijov. yt it. it hasn t got it. Also, the aertion Filtrr-lllrnd Ul'tcr •blfndl.n. A that counts, the section nhere exclusive happv tuamageof art and Rt ieiue. I.ight.iudd, 1 (Iteryfllend is to l« found. MBSILF llatorful lobactos are artfully •rlrx tni. Bsianell (bfltVil). Nickname for • To The: I hen m iritiilnoUy prmeaNNl for liller guv who U alwavs hanging around to AL.0 ■ aimdking. x cadge Pulsions from you. "SNSBOSS^^ "Thereto'Hoiking ohirh turn yH boon eomlrirmt by mm rm nun ' by nint h Mil murb boppime— u prmiuee.1,, Hn..,ir, l.ifr .4 |lr. | /, DALCHTtf s . stxncvPk tosscca ro. sisoos-tstfl.S.e. 1 ■— Seniors Make to Final Appearance ,( Toni^lil I'liit ial I'ill IH Results Strong l ini-li jrl Varsity Tram els Taller Trosli VTiiriN*. I'rr-v -.. i ">« lr . **4 . «r*J '.•V, tli U Hi* rllnit «poriMir»ii b* IN I***. linruTi - M if hit am *UU I rm*r«ity I*#- (Mrtmrnt of Int* r-rollwgut# %th- Nlir% »»4rU thi« mofrun* u lib I—-o '***. 'KfnhtS. r»fi«lr»lion in Krliocc f f nt»f Ittrffcter E*BrifrTr>: . -jjx o0^2ethj to Crow If r• i ovrr >.i(«u fan*# 4: AboutU Inn fbrai #r fHi nm« fiforiu U» «-♦ Chn« F»r- ( off*# brt««d bos and ff««d. ►Vtr Holy Cm . i.v; ivhWMiJc f om# in and rata v. w»«d* and h ,suu y r**#r •* or tha Arrmi ina«M >i»ur fr»#nd* Miriluf hi II. »rq i4 f/t/Oomora KMJ'H * Sheraton Hotels STUDENT-FACULTY MONDAY 12 NOON I Sill, » I' M DISCOUNTS Quality built in.. not rubbed on "JT YOUR BRAND ON I «fcD IA A* * est iow ajcd i.a.n »j no on ( s-14 MAC Your Weekend! CORD CNCMS MBIHe*. %lfm»|N»_ toi^h. ftllVAMVT Have Dinner a rtu w v«h and *1. Alt WlOt-W < > (OMweo 1 a*n tnux no! »i m» gt'AL/n, Hl'.h U *11* AND hinuw1mui. 1itkk »at»< *• roum and ODAM'S ilcbekfm barkiuf Lot tnir».,ioN CD24ST1 lan aim. TFr:t STATE MiW* Priesl MK IIHiW Navrmbrr 1.1, IMS r«f iiihi Placemal Bureau Senator Savs Buv (iraiilwrrv• m • (Bi Barkrlor* (trim (Ml Marten (III Darloo Mlirrr em tree l« tndleated. all degree levels are elltlMe In inlrrviru To Sp 19 Crop to Prevent Money Loss f» (Marketing NOVKNMC* li BMte r».i Bin t. M . At (!«nt a): Market¬ (•hnn. (M) (D) Kn*r». I'hy- SAN' DIEGO. Calif. Oil—The ious money losses to producers. ales A Math. mNjom for Ite- ing (M major* (IVe. ft March government official who public¬ Neula-rger's proposal, a n - grads only) for Marketing *enrt*h A Development. |i„„w S.J., not,.,| brie* ly put cranberries under su.*- iMMihced through bis capitol of- .Training Program. nlematUmal Rnalness Machines _ will «|M';ik pjcion in going to got them with lice, varied somewhat from Rager* r«rp.t All Engineers, M.ith, p.m. »l th,. Nundgyl Chemistry, (men A women), i hi.* Thanksgiving dinner, hi* those wliieh have lnt'i) made »>•' trad* tab: Secondary fill „thl)|| wife *nys. teacher for Physics majors fur Applied («nt,r mi others for some kind of relnt- English. Science positions. Mrs Arthur Flnuming, wile tioiiH to th, r»f the Secretary of Health, Edu¬ burscment to crnnt»erry produr- *hi«ial|M aertna i'mrp.: ('hem Dept. mt the Navy . Bureau of ,\nui fit) (Ml Engrs. for Prod tie- r.lhrr hlfn-hari cation and Welfare, told the ers not at fault hi the current (Ships: Meeti. A Elect. Kngrs. for hlv ium.i.,1), „ Evening Tribune that the fur¬ sit nation. tion Supervision, Technical for Kngrg. Civil Rngrx. for tomh ,. ,(1 . of St IVtr. ore over her husband's Monday Writing ft Riant Kngrg.. Chem- Naval Arehiteeture. v Secretary of \V« '..*«re Arth.u ran City disclosure that some cranberries Flernrning. who aniM>unee: Marketing (It) Mech. (It) (M) Kngr*. for. De¬ government should par Rale, afflrutrd |„ ries go, we will all have them " damages amounting t>> perhaps (Ml. PutHiamlri ft Statistic?! sign, Production A Plant Msoi in Ani4rrUc ,Jf Mrs. Flemmlng said in Wed¬ •Oil o»i|I inn dollars majors f«»r Market Research /• Kngrg. J nesday's' telephone Interview "A* to any responsibility to Statistical' Analysis Account¬ NOVEMBER II Stole Nan PPeto L. . was toMK one In of the rir«T that she hadn't even considered ing (It) (M) major* (men ft - I* mmfiletelf indemnify the growers." Flem- JOHN .MANTIE1'. Jaehle flaehel. Jady Oshame. Ike greea aad whHc rapes far Salarday's Rial* , 4 sulwtitute. ■ate Ike eaniinenl women) for Accounttng Inter¬ Raiser Nleel Carp.: Elect, (ft), Rogrr NmlUi. larrj Walker. Rill llaadger, sad N esblhlllen al Ike Narlkweslera gaiae. mmg s,ild, "I have n-H l<»»ke.l A* chain? pretations ft Operation*. Mech. (B) A Met. (B) Eng? i i,» AAA into it and I not wan? to g««t l»cnale MeDaaald sari aal Ike ftoih cards aad men? ft»r of gr WASHINGTON (>11 Sen Into that " l»er.. March A Jane grads: Training ITograms that lead to Supervisory portion* College l.ir.efJ Richard Neubergcr (D-Ore) sug- NeulH»rgcr said he i> having legislation drafted lo authorize Chetn. (H) (M) (men ft wo¬ Rockefeller Siiv* student- .loin, grste*1 that the government buy men) A Methods A Plant NOVEMBER t» various hrac untainted portbm* <>f the federal purchase of untamed up loiymit (bacteriology majors He it, rurrr:.', portion* %i»f the crop Aetna Life Inapranee la.: Dec. N. He eranberry crop to prevent ser¬ fur Tissue Culture Virus A* Primary Decision Date govrrnmi v Pndih'i Testing Organic grads Mly: All men (ID from r|| Pie t'olJegf* of H A PS. S A .In *et*moiog\, , Chemistry majors for Re- tng an.I inayrii : A, ami Comm.'Art* for ClMup CORAL CARLES' soatvh f..r Botany (It) majors Plant Phymoiugy A Plant A Pension Sales and Admin¬ IAJS ANGELES (/II — Gov. hitchDd his bis possible candidacy Fog diverted his plane from ~Father istration Matt). (B) majors Nelson Rockefeller pln|K»lntetl to legislative program and bit Angeles to Burbank l»ut af¬ p.inv hi* put. Pathology (B) majors for lu» whe gf»es over with Repub¬ slides. for Actuarial Training Pro¬ the Ntnv Hampshire primary n)i ter landing he returned to ln- ILFORNO Plant Pathology. lican leaders. gram. Ills likely target date for decid¬ ternatiimal Airport here for a Rockefeller told a pre** con¬ Carp: All Engrs-tor Research, Allied Mm Carp. - »leld'* mt Jaehaaa: Dae. (Irada aalv: ing whether he'll eam|Miigti for ference, marked by a dispute welcommg ceremony. .Seniors (,irP I the Repuhlicun presidential notn- Development ft Manufartur- with television newsmen, that Nixon buttons were on Cali¬ • • RISTAIJKAINT • • si.g major, (Din- All men. regardlerw of A March pad All men (ft) from the Col¬ leges of H A PS, s ft A and ln.it lou. The New York governor entry into the firat-tn-the-nation New llamfMhire primary nest fornia greeted him Republican leader.* who They aaiii they Kxam /'/ami Comm. Arts for Department 'the name that made PIMA fam nun in Isinning .•a!y) for Sales positions. Store Merchandise . Training March would be his first specific pinned them on after noting sen? A plan for set-up of rh*ngx|| - Al.no nmiAUIIMl IN — Mlaaearta Mtalag A Mfg. Cm.: ITogrsm. Accounting (B) ma- MSU'm UN to Meet decision. 'The framework for dealing that tnc y>vcrT¥»r's fa as wore IbTkefelkr button* California senior* wa »u'ir ;reij Meet) (B> (M). Wert (B) j'-m search A Prod. Dev. All men (It) (Pec. grads only) from eral Malar* Carp.: Mech (It) Kngrs. for Cost Estimating. In parlor* B anil (' in the Union. Forty-six countries will alert Senate Hears Management, M*nted etiangrs an • ^ > 9 j Knjnv Sunday Dinner in thr Katk*krllrr ?nr College of It A PS for Accounting (B) (M) (Dec. ,v a chairman of their respective it Sales pnrtttons. March grads only) for Indus¬ delegations. The delegation will IAt Itor an State Unemployment men?, of cU*m-.. nnal exams IV. I trial Accounting. then elect a president and vice StMfiili "If...' P)—A special U.S. ed the part of have !)••' sikathv on the - | Marsh grads aMy: AH men sembly and the Secretary Gen¬ Senate a?4ll committee investigating Eisenhower administration for suiijc • DUAL nun DOES IT! (ID (M) from the Collates of eral of the United Nations. unemployment in Michigan the unemployment problem, lie llamptoi. H A PS. S A A, and Comm. Junior cJaas Council and In¬ Thursday heard leading spokes¬ offered a program !»»• said wmild Tlie plan a « | Arta he Sales Promotion lead¬ ternational Club cordially In¬ men for government, industry "assist unemployed worker* ami a meeting < ing to Sales positions in indi¬ vite all nationalities to be pres¬ and labor offer their Idea* for their families and help restore seniors (ici : vidual territories. ent. getting more men beck t«» work. depressed communities to eco¬ by mem is r Among those testifying were nomic health." and tlie two Walter Rent her. President of the Your complete Optical Headquarters . , . United Workers Union; conveniently located, offering complete optical services Auto lands Beaton, v)re president of IwL General Crossword Puzzle director of Motors; the Max Morton, state's employ¬ IvJL?1 WALLACE IPTIGIAHS ment Security Cum mission, De¬ 31.1 dell troit Mayor Louis Miriani. Mal¬ I Invito 31 That dung .Tb| Office — Vksa at CNppsrl colm Drnise, Ford Motor Co. « Billiard 33 1 [gMijjjg Heart In fYaaisr) vice •hot president of laibnr Rela¬ by tion* and John I Indicating Leary, penumnrl Dr. W. t'. Jet In motive Vice-president of Chrysler Corp. More than 30 witnesses were 12. First-rate PH. IV 9-2774 IJ Want of N«)t IS: *H. fS*i. *M. M. scheduled U» appear before the *rn»te group, headed bv Eugene vital eeergy IAN1 Mt nan. A gvl. s-s MK'arthv (D-Mlnn). The com¬ It Depe«.t mittee Is studying areas IV Free from and Aetntlee of VMttrtonq roarsenes* states hit by chrntnc unemploy¬ II. Fume ment. Tha hearing end* to¬ if Roman date 20 Worrv Keuther blamed what he call- 21 Prone 23 Fond* made from milk Profa to DisciiMH curds 2* Open court 27 Voracious Disarmament KAPPA DELTA cusa Three MSU universal pn»feaeor> anil d.s- dkmrmament a? R p.m. Sumiay In 32 Union. T ie ftsh 2* Perform 1* Cushion 30 Pitiless :t to* 2! IrtH ■ te 1 forum will'be presented by *he 22 «rtM FeiUm-ship of Religenia Libe¬ a t' e i. ral*. Archibald Bingham of the po¬ H»ru 14th 4-1 Pi litical science department will if !i . {•resent the humanitarian point of view in favor of disarma¬ V F4 « ■1- sr. r* v i $ ment. \ Gar IMMEDIATELY AFTER GAME r Hnd^l(e-i— I The economic point of view }« Ac duBisnacient will be pre- Mind aantcd *by Dt. Phillipa Foster of I agriculture economics. Mlajor Jamas Drtaroll of Lhe r c f rc Cf f n i • 4,,M toastowwuasnai '■ ■wprMMm- I H I • % ?£%%£