i- ..Spartans Remain Spoilers After Upsetting Northwestern.. fir nvurrrr. ramhi v Mala News Hpwta Editor A GUMMFR of ItoKfi Howl hop**- wnrmwJ 'hi* cM a poo tplorH In Spartan Stadium fit they wau-hed the MSI' foot- (ml) team end It* Bitr 10 aeaaon by overwhelming the ex-eon- ference leader, Northwestern, 15-10, Saturday. Tied for first place with one non-con fcrenc* pa me to yo with Miami next Friday, the stridden will yo to the howl V yame in Fasadena, (Til., only if the other teams in first place, Northwestern and Wisconsin, which Imth lost. Sat¬ urday. lose or tie in next week's parm** with tllinoi* and Minnesota, re«pectiveiy* The SpartaiiM were led b> their Ah'America eandidute, ..-•4 fjuarterback Itean l/iok, who broke the (•«•-» rornpietioii rec. ord avcraye for a ainyle yame hithny on us ft) out. of seven pa«-e* The old mark wa* five for ?;ve in a Ut*<-'trHiri Indiana yame in IPII. UMIK CIlNTIM'KI) liir* practice of :«> my .»< *«■;»-*t one touchdown pa«* in each liiy lb yame a- to pa to Herb Adderl«*> in the third quarter wa« yo*nl for MSI "* fir-t. touchjlown. |y»ok wan also the carrier for 'h« wutvi touch¬ down, takiiiy the ball a few feet for the winjiiny jennt- in mju •*#»* ruin H? ti ft(4|e fh*rtm «.» M M.iv(. the fourth jajriod. Uildcit teetl th* trail Tnnv kumi*** fM )«r Rt MIM»A (•»». Parti Biker (renter> •»l rrivltt 4. well a* «Utulir* In th*tr Ml degree 1(1.AV |.(K)K 'J4t UieiMt a Murk for (om a J* 44 |il'«a the fewnrt Ftsll.rsrrtfr l»*n Mlewart (10) defied tlir l,i< amir |iUt in llir Nnrthuetlerrt sum ^lurdu HfARTAV* I PHl t WII.IM At*. fie* t, mil* f'4rh Hiker t%h *h»< »eemt to ►•* r*rrrint «lff«d» Mat the The Weather Harriers Win I be. w i hie ftaifl or nn#m Til. Hir l« Crown In (rowi-Conntry IJigh Toda? V» (Srr Story P«*« I) Jy#w -unda 22 Id!.. .11. No. 07 FAST FANSIV., MKHKJAN—MONDAY. NOVFMI5FK 10. ir/i PHICI. o FFNT- Nations [dopl UN G.N.P. Declines Sharply institution Stwl Strike |l'ro\i-ioii.iI Itiilc- I \ SpI* ! NEWS IN BRIEF | rT• o* nations were lloivuiiiin I ulcano Tru/tls Iktr^rr I hail «enfe*j at the second Ot ).U KI1.AM.A bii*r ' VOUANO n-.oilen Haw.. IH\* f A . f ' -f Estimated I'-rt* i»f the ( ampm tw 1 i « ••rutin*- : • •• V- fourda-K >:«< --»'t /'-rU- Sur.d.i•. fr«#rs »«/.•., T*» Nation- Friday when IiiAcfitort (Jiafi£f9'« )!.»•«..« be-.t -*!.'♦• 111*» M" ' a ••• ». *«.-. . . ' 1 ' - •«* | provisional constitution li.l-. ■ T.-.U -I'.'! • ' 'if! irif». »h»- .4 ■ i Jaitn I «•<» Million \ adopt «l. ♦ ♦ ♦ . rr-.*d Tou*?.. graduate | pel-**? . ' ; >r<* Iran and rhao - .*e«er,;»s,| the pru- Torllnjiml.r !slmlit's krwe. /#j :■• '*.» *..» «# (ire-«- .« .d V '»*•,< ** l'* \ ■» ra*;or.a.' oatput ti an an¬ provw-ciru I r> •r**titutirm «ui« N»»» a> *.•» anMr* ror kina earth * * i*ed pe«/pie l/» Hee tft# «tree* mt tr- Green; V:*- assembly with ( VRI "> \/IMI i*lio «hr piano for the Internilienal (lab Tiloil u,and »■( Zajs tilboc. dnw to in# oprce.itcr *r •• a* 'h* I*-. = <-• * ci*, nual rito nf $41* f/* > t .*< icf r^e* on membership, khoH prartirr *% H-r> lilt* H#'l»er Mj.Io of f errmanie* Wohain- of Taranio, in tn* peel of tho Itaiian b*>* H».i dariiage was i*t*- HIM. AU.rmr.W.E. Pari Name in the Joiy-S^tember ^uar. f *n1 et«etk«a which will mr«l II atlif I pre*ideal, and Harvey HreaMer prepare V* harmomre tivelv small and there were r.o reixirtg of TasuaJlies. r*ntrtbwi# la lb* I aaipas ' k • Thtn *ii a ■ harper rf.cip *n effect until # * * 't-r» (Miry aebaefe. Nmalaffbaai faaiac b'siwy *if*« ksiiss* )«a- i a p*rm- tnan was lac and chairman and Jaai Prints felrnt sapba—sr* jra'eri a mrmrh : exwUthion u adopted C^iiirk l'ii|M*ruork I'ulli Jtmrnvillv JSot Dullnrille ajf). liar to the repreaeated he » JOSKSVtlJS. f A new oil w»!! rage*) *. .* ' .* " Ml I hi- leek c-e f-w -«!,*,or. *. prv. ,r — Stilunissioii of Grad Dorm 4 -e 'g 4 f-eets ar.d *»- I reentered at JW*I' auv JsNsoavltte today a* drillers anufht t/» emnUtd its wU4-ftow h - pump- -* >to^er; »» fnwr a m'inher «| the ram Annual Cluiritv Drive • a ir-y mud intf- if The bU>wmf n in the same ar»*s wbefe a.'. c.V.-r fp*. -4 4re *i*e >frr. well shot out a geyser of oil and fas earlier fhn montr. a?s Plans Expected This \\ eek . # * ♦ Is Orbwser toe. ?*"*• .-»• • •■-'■■ok to represent ' y? T&rxvr- C.ranlierrif* Juiri'il for (ju klail Opens Today on Campus ,/■ ruA represent- student nw*' --a'e-T '.** GVp dr-ip^-ri ■-> rreeientia^N 'Mi,- p....rK ;11 ti.wi.nl c« instruct ion of the yruduate i/ hi •-*- imlari ta *.*- e l.'S* pl.ymotmf miu thousand gail'ms ot mm berry /* t>/ast Becretary of Haaltn, .nual char;*;, ever/ mil continue unt.! Friday. fe.**ser; a' |»re..-'..rur'- f'»r •» »w f-- rM»f,-aJtf>h«.;.' r«eate* 71 S/Htnsors * •emor hu Since Ihsl lime, offlelata have k* •nd vitdiamMed feneral. Teaaai. been meliealou-h refinln* ever* llrftn'M'iilnlirr •>* ■wjrn.T.t »• the Un-cm •a-. » vet** frorr * a **■ -I jr *d ta lanaaas) ska— u. «***•. 4%per| of the plan lech detail, To (.nnnnitlfP i M on for t.rrf by M*dam- vice- •urh a* plsermeni INltrhM. m«««t he worked «ul of lifht !j- e piapp, !>koir» tl. . )u'.- Spirited Reliyiour Disfuwiim RvsfHmsibility (,r»eh a aita and '*-«• has# received lessee* eneiwsed fee tbeir eewtcibaUsai Willi escelsps | 8hrR A'^haniatar. »enior. and derided upon before final AtThil>»! venous ty-ive as the srit abxksnt p '*<•>: Adedco. junior from Tn>- <*"• + ■■■£ 1 the Farul'e Cc*n- Sunday night th» hbikhxu Uo«r»l forum. ager.^. v*r atfvertiSing ag**...-jet. ■ ■>..Cite-# «pura»-/*etl sy Car-gc-js don— a—i II •—Mag— « I rais d »J - Afnea. r-ve mar 's*a- a large pn** of N*.e ' Thomar, profemor will be '■ ateet *■ Sru*w t.;«e t»n jyuder.t Affasr* Smgham auppmted the idea it anyway. Car.-pu t Chert "he •: r. ;1e fv r»> o a if * a • • ~n*. nf *h» r*» --eiald Gemme;, juht v.u'ii of Nan B**h He drUl be 'he eoemnittod that t/jere flvsuiirt b* unilateral Ty* tn*rd spM*»**r As ever.- trick*--.-. Waller Erhery, pcofes- —. <■ .nee at ;• ceida** a" the trv shut Soar, i ttudeas the women »"! *be >7>er- % KAIii 4-.*r.g to# w#- advidor, atierui- v repreomtotiw «»f the stu- and p^nplete d sorrriorr.en*. Tut .ng [/- PT.Fna**r • •.vsewi ■» aiaed to roc-tneyre i <« r<.n*- prr-.ef. -#r: M* rree*--f. Will COi 'iiT. 30 #.n6> rami* 'XI oppoaition u> the new trr cf TV. radkb and f.lr said -ito v.e. o . ^ A/" -uAure £c«x**n*'-v de- c: • *• raii.sg each fioor n» '.- tjrjrfy ;r an adsnjory capac- yesterday 'm Viewpoint over ' <-«!'• o'i'i'a* *V»j!d to turn¬ -.p i" cut.? ' TWin "flarr.ng unexnecicrf ■ e*pre»ed or Major Jama* Dns- "^artment kaep prwfeartMm f-stcg. H->*» f*r I heir a lab coll af the Air Sekeooa }' 4*j-f attempted to eh*/w that WKAR ed .r. t'» tr* Camp-*« Chest uf- i tie?.. pian« for the »'in*> The euwtfri-it&ee, .hmwla«f by *.<-e rie 'torr«tea cy L' S would .-."t have a Vfiior sutwnttled mi* wee* Jidw Wirwjunwr, conMsta meot the Asserting that the sporteirs Proofg Ihsr pi" ^ —will ,-r- fa1 • [U _C.il"- » »<•- «' '>e«r: Tfyerms K.n*. FUdewt had Driscull sffued that if you nomethin^ that someone major fieprrassoo as a resui* of total di-tarmamersf. He rated and the.* agro"' knowing] v pre**T**d *y* ouiX w.,;fy and Fr.-igy toc.ee*r f>*ee» 4-4 p m. -na-T-tan protect your- crea*e tpe-ryl.r.g are taker to p-evr.: a rwir- I> "niomna aaid. 91|9*M, I- *.'* I'1* *l" jn-if. then 't»e opponent *wt. a. o-jiji.c woritj aid the rerwe. t?i*n it «i qu;> lUteiy '..-at . » "d > feU ttua campus NRUilK U.9T Ifcl—fh Wr4»r»- pturtyin^ '-he r»'p>"*r* :»f the 0«i the Future- Cusn- buikJ up i»J ftrengUi and -Uac prodiaetuNB <*f cbct*unKao> guteis. Cor.gr* wit: step m w-n ><-»-' To l*riurr I rn*e*ente-i mmmendabie A,, Inm 1-1 in Hi* r«»• «»"»—■ lation I-- make s mmr.t' ni- ^ i w nf MSU atu- Offlrr IB IJ« »>.it»Bl —n B— feas* *> isbMUtoast furudhleb* (In J. I). Salinger he p— m ma 19— Rotiwn. er^TMirafad oraarvliu- •*a. rm.1- An-.w noOf "" prograrrw " 3 D S«:..iger. a **'-"*• ef Ly • V'-pe be astabuahel divBi-l !nu.-4ir »Brt difiin, >-~ -The whole Mad tern Aver-ue "Cavrer ;r. •„-* Rye,"™ acd "Nxe u-u%enati«a. ting -£» »*#»•" .nm'/rw 4bbrxfed to the rio-e gr HoHyw»xer listed !hc*c three dividual" S"Vii*t and for^gn 1 Fravda mM the ninth main aim#: thr'Migi, grades "Kurm * cofjs'icf c-n arrH«.»g l'ravd» Cinder Paths Would ..if) seiuad' children of 'he inevit¬ . : •art. AnHmH Wwy vHll he give student* ability of tt»e do-anfatl Of '"a|i- ftalUm and the viefory of Com* laugh! lu Mw fifth gradd. mud*, of history and m* leval lu Ihe alxlh. ami Phdrt our eoimtr a ,« tnuntwn hMart again hi the wialh and toward wwnmuni Eliminate Confusion -Reveal the rot* of the r**>uUf rr masse- the true' «tea?«H> *•» history aod th* s.gndican-e COMPARISON of I'aris, Francis ami tIm» MSI' cam- of the individual in history "VMx Ike ndr d Rr lorn* Michigan Slate News puia would reveal one ini|H»rfi«nt likeness—traffle. muaixi party a# «ke lewdteg 941 *ige»ni Rarvicex katt tansint Mif-n'm,, May after day III I'arla-like fonfiision liiryrlp*. pedes, and Rnithu law af Published nn ii»»» rtiv Monday throiiib Frul;. trians and ears tangle on rumpus streets. leaviiiK motorists the Navirl l ai" fall witil*) MfMl afirlna term#; waaklv d.oinir »'«u.o, ,liCf')#i Irrsh >i«ii Imuc )telwe«n Summer unrl f-i >. l «r» and pe«lestrlans alike murmurinir rurses under their breaths youth Mi Ihe au*eM al tauuw- m*.*.ui(i clans matter undar the art of March ;i in.:# , ,f,» t"n< * ha«1 l^nsli.# Mich. Ideal, and marala ~ at the two wheeled vehicles entisiiiK the mixup, and the i*I Mall «ut>si rlpUonx eatable hi advance for one i« "" tJ for Icons, SI; for three terms $."» te*li**dta bicyclists themselves, burdened by rules, wondering why Pravda satdi new Members of the Inland Dally Pie**, Axsonsou '''♦»» ir,4 1 hey didn't walk in the first place. now ace being j eparcf n-. a AsMM laled ('..lleyiale Pre«x , dixtlngul#he"»!». !W» have bppit registered. This figure Includes only tin- bieveles «»f ftii- dents living on campus. Off •campus students register with CAMPUS IIK.UII.lNhS: I R.s>. Ita. Ikfnrr I'ulilirati.m for Tufn.. W«f., Thur., CLASSIFIEDS Kast hansinjr or Ijuudnjr police. oihI I'ri. Millm.. Ifrarfllnr for Vlon. Kdltion: I p.m. In. k Facilities didn't increase Ibis fast. Fven with l"»H hike Ilill. I'nihlr h-ll iaH l-."i Mondo. through I ridin racks representing a total expenditure of aii.v • lass day hundreds of bicycles can be noted behind build, I'.I) 2-1.III EXT. 2611 intra and hushes, near tin' racks where there just isn't any more room, or near buildings where no racks even exist. ' The MSlf Iticycle Herniation states simply: "All ve¬ FOR SALE AUTOMOTIVE hicle traffic laws must he obeyed by bicyclists." In other ras votJtxwAors Pt.'T v> FOR RIHT words, bicyclists must ride in the streets, in the same di¬ Paint bornner. and •**» re* tires • rection as automobile traffic. Period. »;v» Ms ai. VW M her* ft» >-51*1 {Till CtlllftATING av k. APARTMENTS af'er X W r.mm AH2 *J SIT ii A 111 MM; makes for some ridiculous situations. f--. Ney«e.h*f l4tr ATTRA'Tt' ) Ifrti PfUVTIAf rrnon *»e»r«. A student at Atf Hall pomp to the Library i- forced to e ua« IIV. Pair e*<»U*r" <1* tn.. tires. $13 IV 4 ;**> a'ter • *. i» f JA either walk his hike or take the entire devious route around llrtUlink l* •««) tin* lo iltnr** IVSl Pt.YMm."nt S stacwUrd xhif) West Circle lirive past the Women's |\| Ituildiny. If lu* I (Ifwir Mail... hw»»r SZV*> ( onU t were in a hurry, he is already late by this time and the Irene !".*» SalS. a-3 on i> .r a.j bicycle has. if anything, slowed him up. bilcrs In tlx- Kdilor feau ro»ft> HAt.r-TOV a*c%u« ao.t fK)t ftl.l I't.ift Model A tu.br m- m ».-»-i fitriuMimir One solution that has proved successful on other cam¬ • orufition ri» 7-»x$l. 37Ja » Cava- n.irhmp Un. nauah >7 Hi J-1I.V, puses is to create pathways on which to direct this yrent herd of two-wheeled invaders. • — A CSC. in cooperation with the department of public safety, has recommended to the t'niversitv the creation of Tn the |.4it«r: •Kt such revenue TAKK A l)t.vtUXmtATION the IMS' | .i.i HI OF I'.utixa.'i explanation"" of a it ii •- t i'om" agreement b" * If. ftr >»;«..• bicycle paths paralleling certain iiii|M>rtnnt walks and road¬ t or*, could not reaolve . » tr> a-4i7*.« 3k from the Womens' |\l Ihiildiny to latndon Hall; through writer-.' own ignoiaiue -so u I Ib-iman and fluff man vecu l.-tti • Helman and Hoffman LOST and tim auior.i iff a dec^ x'iviv hii from hie fact? Sucn '''3 '■ OUMMOBttT It XftDTCW* the middle of campus from tin* I'll ion to Ay Hall, and paths moHia of thh fact.< llvlramati- fails.- '•*(e- man After stating that ' « ••iartfu.e it round G-t Witluim . Mil. c c v ■ r.'i i*l v part cm ft t)."*itmn- a* other extras IV f-J-Ars Is* *i »e*.' VOU» 10 CARD IS TOUR paralleling the south sale of tht "•;«! Cmlnr and Shaw Lane 1l«»n of the events should •hi" piUi-s" hiMi ?<•. fh'fri* hi theirs flu tit! > to contribute *" . ..fuhUoii 4# This is an excellent and commendable plan but just one CREOIT CARD i»e prt»vide. I '• 'e flltWi M'4»e» »t' iWfd (go L'veu a simple cinder path would cost dollars, « omi- \eli«r»e the readei in it Ihnm- |>ertnnTMli,- offi«x»hpf'lers A, students we could ai! do H THOMRSON JEWClfRS eratic fog utnte i which fa.-:> A.vnrdiiuf lo them, "at 'he well to xtudv trie issues with an modity in slant supply at MSP today And surely a yreat . U % out FtasJar iiisuppesred Joou view -j< of 'he- gsjvernor. the open mtnd before blasting an*- many other things siiould come first. What MSI* really Tlte follow in* * clarifn a- f).-. ...nuts apect to supixo t • itie uaidv w praising any «"»n* needs ill such a project is a new source of revenue. tio-i of t'-eo 'claritu* itiun ii '.i\ firogriim ' end the fjcrson in aupp)>rt of preeon »Ot It PAID DMAPFs A SHAIK H f, •r this mysterious source limit'~ forth .in t. II and II. refer lo a hi n-i .. k Itmh Hides hdd i*c \ed ItUmn mo" ft'i t':m reaper*iv»» !»••'■it«-»!♦* l.awrenre Kellrr interesting: point. There is one tmportant dilterence lie pirtivan rsimmillce. eunvlvtins of tweeii tiicycles and cars. The four-wheeled vehicles inn t rllifen* iioio all uillts of lib*, wins!) wax formed hy liov. IVU- HfMsKX ON pay a year tor the privilege of driving 011 campus Their liamx lo sleds the exlvting tax EMPLOYMENT : .(If. • »i»d 1\" two-wheeled counterparts, however, register onlv 1 oiae ten IV y-7235 sirnriuir and recommend re¬ This registration is tree and good a* lony as the student remains in the t'Diversity. medial Icgixlalion ?fov«eve . a (*Miih of the prr- DcMille's 'Samson ami baby Rtmr* rt»e '■I ■•»"•> »»l-rt *>r»ai COMPOVrVTX f-..-t Mrlniiai f Mclhtimn < -J nre-a i ii at ,K» bat REAL ESTATE Ar- A small registration fe«*. earmarked for lucycle path- and »n i official rrcml- show* •••» "tesSf um! (jarard channel «ii rack maintenance, would lie .1 mm.ill price to pay bu iu-hi ) "i ■ . • ..dies- i s ' • t If if» pprftfi !» • tin* C'ouf n I )el i la 11' Stereo! y/hil (II -»e . <-.'•■<<.id needir tes go f-dSilfi C'omiilet* m.k 4 and safer traffic through catnpu- TWO . - m ro i.-< . .. i■:sia'.v «* etnum - ItrATIfKfT F vt tuner* V l ntil then, it is hc>l to remember that when a bicycle H« l l> I MM R\I:V always gets the worst of the ileal. 1 !i.«tf and which iv«r«v«xt » re- < rt»«*r f amrlittuii < nine aer it i»,.M iriMo a Citueto' Advivo.k ' Samson and Delilah" ■* rp- Temple vaxstri* *«►..» - .."cr.tmn $73 ED 7-7X31 3722 F f'hoit* rt' J-Wia fn? atM < '.i.MMUtter d).sw from sevel <1 iwh-ased h\ (*iiranu>ur»t An.t of Th* principals are general:*' « avanauah 4; we i pi a vest, especially to 'he Cupilol ltl'|HM'l oiffenut ob life i but no" *11) walks course, • bkr .)'! tmiivi he* wit: vunia! fanta»v DeMil'e et>if- case of George Sanders wh-> a \e« IT M A f, NO VOX i*-.lure Phone iuhe CONSt't. Con tart TV llitha- most xutveel' in making cred¬ >.»> ru T-sUi; after i 3-. and lusty color to v«y nothing * Anparen'!. tor n iter MS() (hi 11glil iii Middle ■ it n, - M of the inevitable »<«-: of thou- ible the confutable rule of *ie ysViiif .-..nOjt—»» » t*- tabulated elect noc results Uo*u»>elve«. the ere-bt dUllib soi .tn of Ga/a "Sam*«fn an! 11.9-1*#* ti •• < haree < 1 ha tethnKLan •>' »<>• rtifural ub-uv f- ' xr. D TV PErNIOCRATOltS. SERVICE si rise they 4' »"i9-i,.Bh.; Xitualls. the lawrr chamber and of ere«iulity, Init when it AMOUR r-S CAMERA, caae flash RtCKED UR »sr 3f. PVRT-T'MR e*waurr meter other acreaxot ie* ha* hern vptlt with .VS Hemo- came to expense and iavishnes*. Jack Webl)'# film, -30- ' was coamoN *.. \iu*t »eu t.. oav bills. Contact Iti ' whh car %r> HW* Wr-a-'?*- fn- R« JO AM Ulltt craU and .W Repnhlicanv. Re- h»* sortfe.i n'.ihmfc* Resultan h hailed bv Sigma Delia Chi. na¬ ..ir.,e ;a.ie w*!t j-eio *«, k eiman Ml W Aha* ED S-gRM «.* <*<• hi< film* ''•r»m*h tease note at mate Newa, box \S 3A Male New* 1 apliol Krpotlrr puhlwans elected the hpeaker of were unintelligent but tional journalism honorary, as \« (ine-Sr-er* An- etpei-taimng *pect«ouiais. ••the bexd newspaper story ever ihv Vj f \iwhi*ai laaiina A am - E LANiiNw i*yx2» Whfif ilm.« MSI: fit into the MIcIuk»ii ia»h fii.ln? (he House, ihe speaker l*ra lem HG BREAKFAST RONUS and the xtanding cnmmiltee sen>.in and Delilah i* no fdme-i in Hollvwuod," It might Should »<■ |mok imr luniks. ami In...I li.r hunieV GOOD Cobf# r ha it men exception; i'.s story us «xx**5iuon- well l>e jus* that, i? you regard FOR SALE TYPING -EU' TVI •lil.t for lh« I hri.lm.i. VKCalion, sa\ Mute 1.*,*i-l.ift.r.. :! \«*\t the writer* credit the al|v aggrandutsi, it# character^ the honor from a rcaliilir view- FRESH *» KM Coiicae riearr- iertn',.» Ter»t»*oer« Ygt the fact remain* tlwi 'Republican party with a«lvucai» atetwotyiHxi. l*»it there's no p«qtit pui nt. OUtCg Sec. « ED actio*.A ami universal!)* .«N»ve moix'v In qudddiug over DeMiile'* »*n- C.fa-ettci *.• mg s "one per cent use tgx**. In . •d tiie There have keen a (sad man* • - ") * - SRUDNUT SHOR TYPING THEM* caught squarely m the iniu«Ue ..i >«*:•« fannos t> ti»e GOP. we might W»rfi*cUo)v« whatever they mav etc. bv fatrt • tln» latest tax aUUsnate. iw' He ;#vke«t .-meniaii* »rrato creditable newspaper drama, hat Ra-t% ■ 2J? M*C acknowietige that in a more - Oh* 4 i.e.-i i». % tin *SlW..r » t'onUowrsv t»i ily.'btit he .ioulnly compensated MMx* immediate recuHeetaai). ouarahteeh H - ■ r.»g«*s ovet v.r favoralMC aituatioti such • difference between the 7» 5 nut* t.» d a" it ivvUlubofval amend- tor the riefirmn. which feaaihly dealt with the lion dollars in revenue promised iilenu u-hieli uiHitii ailow a'» cut m Uix revenue might have > in snowman* peakteuia af the newsmen at dtkJet.e So*. r#. , HOUSING been adv«H*«»n*i by the party. $hip, #o an evening of DeMiile H«na« h »H *-I * in vr.\»-«' in the sales u»x ant me. Herewith thejr are FOR RENT by HepubliCiin sen a Una and the Republican* did support a h n»v'Wi'the- e«* theatrically bebe* Hee4led SPARTAN ttO million dollar*, demanded by gtaduattxi personal and imrpor- flcial if n«»t mentally no. i*i»t tkett f-. uii.v serv*..' * fmir ^»er tent sale* tax They FiAAT multilitheri F»e- IVnuvrats This difference ag . ii .ma taxes ert the Ivatkd If v#d art at all familiar with li^ti IAK8IXO DUPLEX with also sought to take their pro¬ *'** reone and bath lae of Contact Mr •"'•*'0" •" »t of plies directly to aohooU a id in November, I960. D»Nttk R.O.I1.. knmr that te on $ tf •M*rment I'nfurniahed except for mfonna'- .u posal to the voter* in order to a.wi re'- slew* UJuveraiUe*. ItrmmraU ennlend that the there w Ml be al Waal aoe urar inarator m niua uUUbe. remove the constitutional iim.t- Htee$i«f beets. -. r *** A»aUab4e m.mediateb Adult, gp- TV AND RAD"" Me*t expense* paid nnt wf the Trnvt land shenM he applied la Hip fUm.wMrk lagmHn all I7R5 r»te< «-a »'*•'•*' ' *:*'** . B la aaft w u*ed TV set j a-■' Ctenernl laal have already hern __ directly !• the debet!. The? feel tube check-.n# J"* ?''* Naobef **« '4M| Bteeeee MONEY MAKING HOCeK~|hia Mfilll Shi I I • • apprepriated. hnt fnnds la raise thai anv new tax package shoal* f nun. deux ; ' MS M'iitenr 9e»»fe^, a-e vKternkiSm* howae has three blocks nK E iucfeuu H _z srheal aid la ItH per pnptl and complete!* replace the oocoo- In "The Ten Csun nandments*' • enmnwa. imsb room for make a rapHal e«Ua« ef If •ItlMttonal mr lax which was \tchi tailnr Jane WxekvrXaMti tl"» th* pin.ni Of tt.. Ron Sc. -»TTfd cxNMie dexrn etotrx. Uvttta >11 BLACK TY«R' 1 Vs»«| tn) t.MMla Rmot .hRwi" kJirhen. both. slu> and accurate Tr> - ?** . mtUten dellars ler unlverslUts suppose* to raise Silt million Wor ».aii«r Wmdv Hamex MMUoaro I ."filch purportoO'v Ik intelUgeniiv handled deh. p»5 n.hw.ellaneou- Pta»e ,:> * have received a legislative pro- Also, thfv sav thai Ihe henale •nd kblv direrted by Jack Weob ie»X e#** S« »* TYPIST AN hwl ne aulhertlv ler pa) hs* a treads agreed to release whuee » • Fein r.*4 • every performer is re¬ • Miedt ■tm. the Trnst fund for the deficit liable. Special onuae » due in hi»T« l^litsse funds, Such |2J approximately the a dichotomy of Dtnnion WilUom Conrnt aw Night City difference t>etueen the tax pro- t* stilt an overs in voiificalion, al- Mitor Itm BUMhgate TTn*r. '» ' '".T. m&m* WW frams of ihe two Dartres, wtniid 1 hOUgh it represents the Stand e*-K PR1VUOU Aieu etenoefaf'- > ' »»*em tu the l>e tl>e ones to suffer it lower figure is accepted of party memtietrfi in the Senate' where the program ta now un¬ TjrSTJie0" * tu^n. men 1 eei. fi ts ,w- mic« s As Governor G. Mennen MV\! - Ham* took to the rond last w eek der eonsideratjiut. When the Reoubtiran package aa ' " » to gain support for hi* tax pro¬ roactie* the llou»e of Repress*:)- 099 909 «9 1 wx.t wet S.^, • • • gram and Republicans follow id tfttives, many legislators feel th-»t eutMMt eioke behind. It became"' clear the more evenlr-dlvided mem- li.eh. ,6"o. i» M |9*CI»l>If ,s, , •bat the-^ Ivue wa* not lh'«t lteteivlp there will arid meuxurea •UNCUS 90« i'W for more new revenue ne new »weee. I H w TrnM land, a Hoove Uemot ratv. ml course, MA T-tmc* $1; e-sost | t» mere Inre a la»l sanr. e feel that inadegaale. Ihe lo »UA' milhoo raorm. Noo«e h *** V4» Fm, I* ♦i t. transport^ paaslhle sain - hit Ihe • BCt GTHt* figure DlSSff to ' .(■«• ' II * > >1.1 minimum F*cwav I4I3RNS M million SolUri It llqulil«tce deer hunting. IX t-i#$f ,.. LO" LOST . Kf'TTK#**' »7^Tr. \rwR y*f«nfc»T U IW f>|# TkrM Accused of Union MusicRoom Has RolaJ'onU% Killusions *. Kre-tgc Plan* 0|N;n House • » • V, ++ fjAif, '14W V •> trrr/r.t ":■+ fAU t'-T T># *#- l«Wv# ' *•< »***" V//- >!**/'. •» , ya-r-'r.*- Harry Be.af'm'.* and to* Kir.f d %%.** ic ov '/ niocrats *» ■■■2- -■■£■■ ■.-*■ 2<*r- *?>*. Tr4, »a- n^ard m » «#>*• #?#■ (* -.#• -.g v.*,.' Jj*-//" »*, tguffj fss,t '/ 7H» M»«»' Rmim' #*» !»><■»■■ to# Kim* «( Ih# mw( mM»f» »•-• • * this i nounce T-*w »#-*» v • .')*■*? r. '•frrtri.nt :* '«>•-« try** rfrtjff •»*d fbr## H*'in( »»♦ f alamm* a-. liUM* »i*r••• '* nM#-yj rw#n'.'- r ymrr-rsjueti >n to# *;.v KhrniK *»W »44*< l*«t >•«/ 'tif movsjrj Talks to* hi**** h m>.r.zt>A!7. n'.tiirt'-..'*i\ 'XijA't.r I*".,/,? to Ih* *ihIId( »ffv' »r«« b#»i» m«4» to u> Ik* I •total* iMf» p*i#ttF«r mww um> jvi'il Oll*«li hi'. Imv a## im( ••#•» I ' awmitl** a.|II\i,TO.S' KP>—The '•« m»#h i4 )/.» p 'h* **<*«mnt( »*•** («•*<« ivl«4* ./■rutin ««i'l Hun., ***•»• >«**. '• -• ■■ •'.* '—lAIti • tmu H«:ia*v. '•**»»—susa ,r,. -(.'r«4lil -I--.",' *.'. 1:'/» »#,?-• t«Um .• r« I'll » phony TV ' - a"-. «' r *-'• "» «i.r; r.ro in the 1952 earn- I nrv; fir - * 22-to*t th* l-I* ii/ ihmvf w»« "a 'it no to the Arc - PERFORMER iV,e«:k>ft' >>U# r'f ' .. *> va j» 4 • 'r*> rtomoraiir ?<»- rjr-r.t t. cmfrUTi'. *b# h»*«•'! "f a r#- IFC - PANHEL ir* that hs». madf iw par4 of ft lrvr.*i of wmpaigo MIRORttt tVIVVr.K* In !h» Hnmsr .hnm fir*l |-r li'lu Z»U liu feamina Alpha third frond: f hi flm#|« If4t»rrut» »ss» winner* .tiaitiHMiiiHiriiiOittpiiiafmiftMMt -i >; MARDI GRAS )USING * ds* In N'*^- York, NOVEMBER 20 FRIDAY f-r.n'-i' antv/rri Vi r|u<- - - fror/. of a trievihlon I, |i I »;•/ . e, j1,' r.< ■ a- el a*. *'- V.prd »r< J WS' '• a?; CIVIC CENTER |> '• 'r- Tnd lUtos Advr- - I; At*"-' -- '■■ftl PJ •'» r Lro F. • »-*-#"• had r otmdl— and Lr< prrpirH for Hp eamsra La. hut *»hrn It was p«i for » 9-12 mi sro/» /ci/.s |f»»t Ik* rsald f»lH» «»"" l|»#t r* hattrd out !* mmrr L |k# was undsr Ik# l«hl>. I -a*#* ■*'*:, p+*KJ f trtr, IT Ai.is-i.mwu;Ti. I.IIMHIY IMt BOB EBERHAHT Imp*.:'- f«r?Tr.% which t»s«- lilt) I I.I.AMM.. I -tffm tr'/ridr-'l to rr»-* SI.Ill HI... $18.95 L fsrtuitod to ask matchinr SEMI-FORMAL $2.50 |»er roup reci/cd* ♦; fia( Itttltt I• »' wrrr Lr "en to 'r • [ -iinr bwterir.o rh4- TICKET SALES AT THE L.MO.N k'.a.r 'n.' i to do to •outline in raiiM It V4''l " k-ar. Icca ISONAL I tr# program was inu**W I or... "i rnurrUsn but n, -< 'be purpose .of imaieadir-K U ATerrar \:*y r wiii fneri be n-.ore m- ; !.V in the tit** apun»r.r'.t pro- c. 4 JOIN YOUR FRIENDS FOR [ - it.*- titer,nower edmini* M 5 FABULOUS DAYS fe^JCo.N MIAMI BEACH Lam M 7 ml Iff. II fraa In MMR Turned While You Wait SElc' . aaiRy lifln MSU - 1V0AMI WEEKEND WK'MK ( AST FALL FOOTBALL CLIMAX CAPABLE. • All SIIUH Mm PIM KCKICIENT Traii*|KirUliKH • All Meal. • FooIImII Tiekel 917.50 Drpo.il to Hold Rnmration • t Mclit- at lh>- MSl Miami Tirtrwl Atlaiitir lower. 308 ABBOTT RD. (L i aii Front Hotel ■■in— caul n i :m WEEK TO RETURN 4th FLOOR UNION PICTURES MAY BE PURCHASED C.0.D NO MONEY DOWN rrr t- r. ■. Cross Country Squad Mirmr.AV statf xrw* November l«, 1959 T»t» Fowr Varsity Downs Frosh M4KI: Till: MirillflAN' RTATI: KEWS During Annual Clinic VOI It MORN I MO HABIT ThtBml-llorAgaacy K« ('«*»»•)» r%IT. I'ordd HTTIirnH M y Ander*«>n'a look coal* and ter the Ron lead a Kafi». 7-« free throw on Three two field hi ren¬ more Retains Big 10 Crown Sjwri »rn nwpf j an fttl-40 the Rl( 19 ■all; Savy, and m in dinre music* vii'fitrv '»v' V~r freshmen t»-a*n straight basket* b» fully *rf.TMlin, Kennedy I, IN- d^endin. In¬ "The flnr->i featuring |Yi.i.i% ni^-.» a: Juimhi Fleld- champ* (Hit them ahead hi Cite Af!.'- th.lr 1)1.1 II) ml,, thr Sp«rl»f. dividual rhamji.'in In th, IC4A aaadlay M Kn.H.n IMItrlak Z\' , I hc»u-><- In with the H*h, The l«a team* evrhang- rn,,t MStf will b, dHcfidlnu ed haaheta far the real af the hnrrl.r, *" !" N,w Y'Tk city to- Some indiv.diw:* MMITII-JACK MAN Sevrntl Armiul ('••ache* ('linit. it, Mam title aJtalnat ahn.lt in v half and the varalty led *».■ I.. -|,f,i,l tfi,!r If')A nil, JACK BRA! N "Pie K tree f'.irl^l slowly vxl'ii M.-tinfc anil rl'n, tn TOO ivdlt,st- Kennedy will \,.r/ TN, rro.i, ,....f.trv Afiuf.fi r,- m BOBBY STIVINS the fre*hmef» imping a* If thcv During the second half, the l.ln..l t.tc 1.1. 10 rrttwri In Frl« ants. All Ka.Mm l-ami arc all- Army; Dirk Ki,d- JAC KSON mifht j.ui! «•»» ujwf over the d.y'fi In (*hlc.«'», tu.,',-1 l».y Kll.l, fur thi. JIM annual men' State; Herman w.-*r II \ It His nh-irdrr vir- !\ mi Pel'- h*|MVience of the varsity ln'tpi!) TN, MSA ran M an a fv»- Till: VAI.I.AHIKRS no scnrxiix f IT pMnM In point record of 21 polnta, ael by U»r M part an* In 1999. A per- Hooters Edge Pill 2-1, in Second Hall EAST LANSING PHONE ED I 2814 forwutd, John Kelso, is a likely fart arorr wonM fie 19 polnla. candidate as Ciris-n's replace- T7»e rhampionshlp wm MSd'i Alll'l.TS TIN- (TIII.IIRKN JBr ment ill ttie future He I • t ttie. fiftti tytmigiit |t was Kennedy'* Tll-Mlilir AMI TIKSIMV frosh *«s»rifi(; with 14 points. flr*t Rig 10 triumph, though. SHOWN AT 7:1*1 AMI l»:l*i He plaewl second to fc»wa'a Michigan SIhIp's poorer team xlnahwl »icre.,f| Deoeon Jone*. wtio wa* rloek- through a muddy aerond half Haturdav to e«lge I'lttjvj IH Highlights e«| In 20 IH la-.t. year, who i* 8-1, the Panthers' grassles* home field One Devil OfA Motion Picture. Dow in the Army. on TOP *.vnoldM time wa* 20:17. aud F.rtch S*re*ter f Jraydon'* way 20 24 Thev were tournament in the S|mrt* Anna Im-«iiis uf II tonight Male New* Pknln It He* Hate* followed bv I'mth'i Jim Tucker with a 20:25 Jerry Young m Rams Bow tan funis in wba« Kenney devri ra- mud" after » < , a IRISHMAN i:i> M'll.MAMS (31) attempt* to atop arwrtwc try 20.10 and Hol» Ukr In 20:33 To Detroit, a giving State « f.„ came in fifth and sixth to fig¬ ,r* or, d li.v «ar*itv player llnrare Walker (15). I.ooklne «n I* frenhman play¬ ord of 7-2 MICHIGAN er Have t o\. After a *l«w dart the v*r*!ty won. 99-49. ure In on State's wortng ( layton Ward rame tn rlgfitfi Hrron look a pm fm, * wing Rernle TODAY Thru WKIM Feature at 1:29. 2:29. 9:29. bead .'PI Miilwiiv In 29:97 and Tony Smith finish¬ ed In 22:91 I* rwnml onl MAI 'a •even man learn. 23-17 from »l* yard* aoorVr. (m After put |IM ant $lk, in th* u | Daailrfi eonverte«f 7:39. J. 29 p.m. Iowa was xerond in the flig DKTROtT or—The vtctory- t r*r*,r j 10 meet wIUj 49 points, %finne- from Rill Jerirh in ta* | Wings Lose to Chicago itiiVfd Detroit Uon* «ma»hed He the *ota was third with 93. Indiana wi,r, down (illie M.»*vof» and the I a penalty fourth with 94 Ttie UruvrrBity kirk 1 Angele* Harm' errplnaive offense of Michigan placed fifth with Sunday in a 2.1-17 National renuinini i CHICAGO ' I' The Chicago Ilowe\ tally aeemeri to apur Io.i poinu. Illark Hawk* spotted Ihr Detroit the Hawk* and j*«rticularl v Tribal! League tr«umph wlt- The Chi Oil go rourne wa' wet neswed by 32.271 chlllwi tpectn- The pen.i!!- .• . , Red Wini; .» 3-1 lead midway their famed "pappy line." whim and muddy with two inohe* of after a f'antia" in the xerrmd period, tljen alajn- had Im*-ii almost dormant due. lor*. snow and a 4,7-«legree tmi. » «lmli»«l|jg| ill inn : l..i :t n.n. W a»hiafiran i » a it? >m I t t i*a iai 91.299 In rnlary. raptam (»e.yrg#a v ;e I hkii* ( *»a« ward* ||errh i * wrarr.ni «oirrnrwt r. He mi**e I the team plane i»ar)t an-; ixn-. -4 w t.trraorr 90w their la*.' v-A-v- 1W Itif- llii»! *41% traiMiira t t a in in? from the Writ Const two w^etc* "Hxe injurs-d »«-n. via m nt i« -4«, ago ami etuh official* said 'hat I Mra«» near* t t a itt it* fete M'-Kinno i.ro* Ha% i x t it* i*x plu% an indifferent attitude a««r orrnoti i » a a i lit iu iai nt playing fo».tbaP was tiie rra*un Heron * goal laturdsi «H| I *« ARfrlo i 19th- He WlUrH || for tin- su«pensK>n 1959 Indlvldaal e»%«" lusva Willie the Detroit def«n«e of I? against loduna sail FnrN WiMMW r.oppod practically evtry'hiiig Matvon tr'.er!. Johnson bolted a new mark *%»r%tM» | Wn...k IN Mat tnOfei through and artnjnd the !/>« aesred In the rrmainitf I fame*. He *r»r*d at Past 1 PIPtR kmttfanhabfi Angele* rtefenee and had the fan* on hii *ide before the gam** In every route*! harl f**r | BARGAIN pn fl* km k Tm! was one period old In addition aalfioru* agsin«t ( airIn Nun 1 and got $ mi DAI! to hi* explosive running. John¬ again*l Hipper, pMk son caught an II-yard touch¬ down pa*k from Earl Morrall Slreder »corrd - rw«| in the third perio«i eight of the • i*~ Tfie lorn was Ike fonrlb In a twggeil three agT-u- ca row for tfie Rama, rated aa one * * # Announcing a comprehensive of tfie pre-aenaon favorite* In II dnmp- St luOU.S. br%« *j> Whea to-1 \oe the lilinsjsa He*, # »- •;« STARTS """ MutlK • HMrin MwUk. Postgraduate Education Program For THI RS. Nnlhonr trnrlw # ('min Jh., in " CAKKKK" The Lions. vhtorv pense. wa* a! bnite . .. j their home f.e^i iv t» just before the half, "nwurr nor will advaryt-e final ami f:na' fcejnds •' 4mm thfi fotmdinc ®f die mmfuiity mm fortr yrurt ago, IBM ban rveogniMNl rtltiCA* Conn, Ttkankab. vutj tnteRTAl afkl cimliouuiR part oi a ifrfiioml |*rwo'« bfe. Am felaml —y EraJ B Ml loratal flr b-r IBM —g»l \vm» to earn arholaMic irrditr. Pistons Top j SALISBURY STKAK HnvRRafRprrhenaire lWgnvluifr Kahiraiiaa rpneram, aunwiOg any prrvMiu* proRratn', New York 49c Wi hieD ifiltiatnl at UlM ior plita And labutntory pcnunml. M«M Nilon Hot Vtfttahlr NEW YORK T»%—Th# Piston* .ed » t'' *•' Roll and llullrr to hand the N«-* V 't I"' bocker* c»e:» " 1 •fttrt or mathanalirutv has bmm with IBM al laaH a >ear, defeat. 103-94. * may compete for a fettowyhip or A arbularwhip in mlertril field* Bosketba:'. A*«n p" »t the university wUi» h ha hrtimea dkn the fiaret opportunitie* RALPH'S crowd o? 7.34) : • r,J for advanml atmly. All Iwnefita that wouUl normally arcrua if the televis.on aud.en.^ raitaUUte were on active em(4>v«nent will he retained. "KEWREE'S" ISMIMUM I who Gane Shue a paewt the ' I'-*' ^ • DotUml FtUavthipK Mntel ramUlaiee will rereive full tuition, with 29 po.rtv ' ' - fee* and rrculu Mlarir* f«>r full-tme atiely up to three vean. iTHIIRS. i to open the scot.".' • . \tashri >ehtu.tr*hif>$; S^e«-tni camtalstea wiQ receixe full tuition, CAFETERIA Detroit quished a lea : ' feea ami ivguliu mlaruw (i*»rtumty to unl niuratiunal o^qwglumty throughout a career at IBM. They are not generally degree-orientnl. Given at or near IBM facilities, they ore iln%vgneil tn help retain mastery over basic engineering, PLAIN SKIRTS prtrnre, ami mathematieal subject* and to gain knomledge in mlvaneed hcMs su.h aa numl**» *. an.1 network analyse*. mag- expertly denied and Two for !U9 For 9 dearriptivn folder about the new IBM \ Postgraduate Ikhicntion Frograak, wrile to: MANAQia Of (NOlNtiniMO EDUCATION, 04FT. fid. IfiM COnPORATKM •00 MAO SON AVtNUC. NCW YORK 22. SLY. , College Cleaners IBM. 620 W. Cray ■ V • .. .KD 2-4713 . . , < «VS- Records to Victory » 1h/ * .ii.i'j, . f <-.mffiw of ftg fr»Tr. Vtt*'r. * -hr Un. 'f ■ Ctr.. 7rt-i". ■jt"i th# 4-.tr.' 'Si yafti ?/## tV/> e-'»r.' to *rUi.tjetlx* tentt.tr/e- ■„+rnr\ first. fin? In 9:tu!hf»ti!a*ri and Hurnfy Warner •/#&« .ft diving • *♦ Unru.i# h.arkit'f. (if and fU » 'l. aot*V*frior#. •.•*?'< r>* llrf I do yard fr*# "IjHph's Perf «' r«r'l > ' rr»»- f/.r . w 'r.# > 4' 1i 7.1 .» *.I»4 t ndfvwlsi-. ffr- IV llnm* of TV Outstanding Tb# >00 arh ,'.•*# «* <# #;a Intramural "<•4 1. Vf.' I«u< <#? .Jam*? 4 r.#-« ., 5i«r, a.-vl f'a- y*t, ?i*nrn OAMHIROf.R Schedule ♦• 'OP •' (V*" !0 ng th# TV.Ofrv*S .«:*! oar a './^k a' Z-fft-2 U,{»« ivokp m'#-. f a '»(/;» -.r. -»"»r * \fi •*■- : rtr»w .1 VW U) ' " plan"! f.r«' ,r> .,(5 ,4- 4 "' V.-, M.pi'fn** Hit «»###< It rt*»4 that lb# iua«bb#r II*# MtiMiit anlia#** niMwbar RMntt 1 AC»I'. I- Sin f-.r 'fin rnirarU; «»f —^Micfii/an hfl lb* fa *b t wnf» ^ M prat* „ ru im 1 and lb* l**l CtfC KIMrala fnl .Staf<- ifomif ">*n*rri- it-rn-.H* mirariv- ?h»- {;..«• i- I','.-a. flil' I" •'rttalifi;'-; t'-' « »!. ' .;Mf. "'a'r «»•-?. ? j'" |* protiviv j* In' Ve(t Wf't PIZZA PIT r*fnainin| ibfali, lk| m , i/-. - ,4-n» »:» « taid Ui'v g»r''.Trr.arv' * 'o " N'atur# 'o n#- ha'l/vr- #arf t f- .p bnoth**r rati- .. • ,>n' '»it. Spartan *qu4d 7.'* *4f * *Php«J * v v * -»•' **n ((ami' » iia '.Kiiiim «»t a ' 'n* fourth '|uartw wb-n ••■a ■ /r m' fak»* " ff/r «•#« i/ft/.A T t -au mad* a iu«Uift*'i tlau|H*fb «ai4 H b •*•«•■«I t ij/rrri v. *.h* S'at* M >»• i far a l'4>n In b* f»r»4 ■» fnr Tn# vi.r cam* out frr»-i !«• *f*kt lb a r«« t*f m* v.id* ?f/T thr ftr fHifUnt |jh»m Jlt «i#a a ••• •U* »»b t** (nil r»»4u U«l f rwui. L- • «r„' u.'mt Thr a»r.a a'- «»*b and lb»b tab# Ihu MM I, r.f j'*ftf T*iiev "»• , • \$ ■* r.*. rwjgr.*"* am * flfeb * k «b#rl urn# Iat#r lb# »»n '.-.f: it j* *T »-*>rdr-# rt tnnlitutn of ton hi go o §title M bark b#bind tb# rUnad and . • * 1 ■ 2 *»> • n M4#rl#»'a r«mM# n a« r* «».d. "i? eetrrt• ►♦tad b« Ra« fprdib s# lOt nrirfiot — .1 SfVl •a* r* "* jam# r <■"*« a* .-,*i mav.rii" that ran.* ■ •JTf.'Vf r»rp»* could I- \sT LA>'M>C :t Tir.t r.o'A P\*pr d.rt •hull,'. •*•»?♦/ litje: .n tft# iltintpv.* Spa1 pi., vr* *-1(< rrmamiRf I "W**» axutNTUKf • Mff. • Kunnaith ^a» i*een **ii j0a>r tpan- \r UfDW' !■' LUCKY STRIKE presents d#r< at ban d«m#r. trho p#rf«»rrf p' - «t had faar f »♦ fa -# 'j arpn'* a n-i • tad — lb# h#ld (Ml a»i#M»« ^XumTfr.fncod. i«m laduaa "• .*" aapt»v-g..-:vit ' thr « A* •: »•• ' . ■ ! *M«- ♦•< r.jht ctWH* f ti t?:"/ ' '1 »••*• '•■!!!?; *i »« w' jrii*-' in# fHT.fi "■•k.njr for fjrfiforftf# *•-#rj 4liil»r i" f»rp«k *hr-' i'/r ity it the vvj of wit Wkuh # u ky 're * get of t fiH Of tit# >|»wrl*h* hbv# a lutftliiif) gum# njvl#f th« iti a Hi kin muiriabty brings * « "•* !*> to « m/tn's ;*r* hifhtf FriOav with a fram Mutnu yf FV*n. 'nil rw f, -«■ w -« HIM WJ P^HT !» Ml owl I *» ' /Vm.V vxl Lucky-* tan* fents •> f«t Mcaua* LS ,'W.f .T -Lucky SMi HOT *n mkci. w ir» huammm ... » Fi t «ar it ANDRES •127 N. TASIIINCTON IV ♦bits NIKK Included "Man II lio Omw to Dinner'' *Z£2?u!t.2ATt Seniors of Ike Week Spartan Upset Wildcats In (indct Tour Shown at New Curtain Time Rainmrn th.. boRKlrd that hr ha,lf„,r l (Continued from Pago I) Iwirt ID million in,.,,. „T Art BrHmlMfttter PstnbllglHNl n Spartan record lay Ihk»1- Instullstnvi and the curtain I r <• III r r r Shrrld.ni Whllrsldr inic a field ifoal at the end of the first half for his third OSS A NIKK Dredge Mains w*nc l>r vki\: Obirrblkt Theelyc * Pm Wednesday IH.iIh'H Hrnlllt who-takw chnrgr ||U|>1« and Iirnaii.,.„tj tent pie*. kij cil in i'ihtmHou Friday by fift'' „r ihr himir nnd affair, of his of the season. on the opcfiiua prudugtlon i\ MOD" cadets on » field trip K vufni.01 and Mart's "The Man The Wildcats ifot their touchdown with 0:14 jrone in the I MipUnttoM MtaJ to »• torn, t,» Sclfcidge Air Force Be.***, \r Whti Came to Ihnncr." first period after a Hl-yartl drive. Kickhoff went over t»n of I.MN, vtohfUtoi I'lemens. Tt*e well-known faire will be a sneak from the one-van 1 line, and StoCk*s kick made the toUftd the NIKK to., f—r araiato., aMI aa mta- Tin' men pie*cited four night* U*i* week. score 7-0. Installations, the -engineering Wedmwtay thnntgh S-lunlay. paa. .mI Ih, ptoy rto.lTM Mart! construetlnn activities of 'h . - • — ku. baa* In • kytorrtr.l rMrlntoa la. Stock attempted a field goal in the second i|Uarter, tint lM>e. and observed a drv-ruu velvleg a mummy eeee, it was wide. nt the missile launching vitr <»1 Rrsrrvrd «tot tlr.rt, .rr now AI>l>RRLtiY HTAIITKI) the Spartans* drive for their Battery C.» 3rd MisMle Hit., 317th pto,» — on .air al thr Union Ileitis offti-r. field jmal by making two yards, but it was sophomore Ron Artillery. m to (Mr Shut Krlday i.n.1 Saturday Hatcher who brought them tip near the lines with rushes of After lunch «t the Officer* iddih. arr alwaya «old out In Club, the cadet* boarded bus— ntrrrtod h.' Tlvanai IrJtia. advaiuw. II l» »uk«r»lrd thai three, four, five ami three yards. for 'low it town ih'trmt i* *ci.* atudrnta pnirurc tirkot. ax a.1011 Hatcher's first down was followed by a fumble, but it • Thr M.I. SI*. 1" Olnnrr" they were met by Edward Ma.-- ronrrrn. a rrtobratrd JUlhm'- a, |K»sl them t«» the berth of the field front with 12 seconds to jro in the first half. the Dridgr llalns. r*vh* Teny M«»en ... Bhlrlrv ... ... ... Northwestern'* Stock kicked m On the vensel, the radei* were given a tour of ttie llalns as she TDDArs STUDENT SPECIAL field g.xil with 3:.15 gone in the for the touchdown. I'.ivkft. New l/ithrop maintained all-college average performed dredging operation* Shirty of 3 OR a third quarter, but that ivns soon I.«vokV. pass to Adderley for a m the Rouge River, l,M MM* aOVAL *« « tor -ton. r.toaltowlly senior, ha* a wide range <»f cain* followed hv MSU's touchdown two-point conversion was no toMJ. aHto l«nd —tor. Haw, r*h M» arttvifie* »<> prepare her for Thi.N summer Shirley worked Capt. William ItenwMi ami pun on-a shovel pavs from t*Tok to good. Capt. Thomas Fdrpatnck. a—Ut. PJWLV a business career A business major. Shirley in in the l,akr George resort area New York. Adderley for the 18-yard touch¬ Though the Wildcats failed to nnt profeiwors of military wi¬ tnwnrr i.uodhtof] FOSTER & PAUL. down. score again, they came close to ener. were the ROTV officer* nuiiaipf^ | plans to work for a public iw- Tony Niswu, Iron Mountain I,nok tried the play for it with some fancy passing by m. . same senior, serins to have an affinity in charge. counting firm after graduation a to Adderley for a two- Talley. while studying for her certified for chairmanships A famM© by Adderley pnt Ibe point {inversion, hut it was no I'SKII CARS public accountant's examination. She was a member of Kn*.h- He was committee chairman for J-Mnp and presently holds good. This pass attempt, being on a conversion, iloe;. not count ball en Ibe N©rthwe©4eru 29. ami two pa—e* from Talley I© make the II EST TOWARD I.ANSINii ON I'S-lfi Don'i several Important chairmanships michigan state netl* Soph Council, Block S and was against Look's credit, I'Jberl Klmhfoogh.- wbo il>pp»4 social chairman of Mason donm- 0:1 campus. He is committee Burton rambled, ami Nlewart •«l of boaada both llmea In mp toi1 moening huh • tor* Shirley Is Ireaaurer ©f «he chairman for state chairman Water Carnival, for the YMCA, rwirffH an Ibe Nerthoeirtern 27 f#r Ibe drive tbal waa to ©ad the eloeh. broagbt It a* lo lb© MBit 4ft. Forget!! Newman Clot*. a member of the director of Circle K and is Union in Bible** winning leneMewn. Talley passed to Paul Yank* W omen'a Cilee Club, and *©r»al Hoard director. Baker carried twice for eight to the 30, but Yanke. downed by chairman of Mil (iimmi No. Tony is also m ineinl>er of the and It yards, end lavok threw Tony Kumiega, Hatcher, Bob FALL GRADUATES hnalneaa hen ©rare. State Singers and is treasurer women • a six-yard pass to Jason Harness, Bercleh and Bnb Suei, loat the nun vi Shirley iha worked nn Aellvl- of his fraternity, Thcta Chi. lavok sneaked three times for ball and State's Dava Mandern (lea Carnival and nn the J-H©0 He has received several ram- one yard, two fe«q, then one foot recovered. favors eammlllee. pas liaain. having bees a mem¬ NOV. 2(Hh Also active in Greek life. her mt Green Helmet, an ant- Shirley is a vice-president of PanHellenic Council and mimeo¬ ■needing secretary fee Mne Key. AND graph chairman for the 1FV- I'jnllel Big 10 C.wferen.-© She An economics major, Tory MAKD! is membership chairman of tier snmritv, Kappa Helta, and ban- plans to do graduate work in economics at the University of TEN minutes FACULTY ijuct eha'.rman of Greek Week. Chicago. He has an all-college grade average of 3.21, from MSU-west on Kalamaroo-turn GRAS 1'hrough all of this, she has Tarpoff'g on Grand-2 blocka and vi Vkt; voir ORDER (APS AND GOWNS ■in, i left at -irxK-rj j:-I I a-n auaan nun fj * cjzr.ocn turn left again-1 block and voif, milady nun uu:c, VI'HH YIVIKVr I ArBOfu 21. Head of a parked 20 feet from the best hnlr- soldering uro'cj HuinaiKiu are %. Grampus iron 33ri3 ;i3'.rjr:i :o'0 NOW 5 Ht«lcflf«l atyltng in the rentral Michigan area. VI uu'.-jzin ;*aj NOW 34 Animal priori • Leafef •nrlosure Oil Iu33 - J'Ju l 35 Sheep 7i'm»xjj laaod 234 East Hillsdale Street-Lansing mr. pslmrra u'jj. * palm I? Clem, 34 Presiding officer II Averace I'.iui" bowles-salon director justly known for University tightly Tw.cvfve pa.;j yj30H j'-n his rhie fashions in hair supported bf 13 39 Demand Z3r4rr.*tj 14 Worthless person psvment ♦0 Better im»m» to mn'i hak his clever hair cutting and subtle sup- FOR THE COMMENCEMENT Beauty IJ Barter far condition* money 44 Piece of $7 Arihitec- 7. Anticipated II Diminutive of Harriet furniture 44 Color of a turst pier DOWN I Moreev penanced port permanent waves-convenient hourg EXERCISES ON DECEMBER 8. Salon 13. tiro* light h«H»e 1 Hone* 9 Grant and open two evenings and all day II Assign 49 Possessive 2 Stagger temporarily » 19 Moot »elf-pr«- adjectoe A Short vi»:t Saturday. doeed Mondays-priced 2-11161 II. A queen ef on 21 Nad being 14 Clirh beetle 91 Dirt 32. Claae.fv 3J In no edged S Suffix of fngland 19 Label competitively; telephone now for an ap* EI) 3$ Anemstous 29 Site of paper 311'tw M fling about M Trick* M Merry ordinal number* 9 Learn from 21. In favor of 2J Bribing to commit perjury 23 Wrath polntment lYanhoe ,i-2M* UNION BOOK STORE 2 d*Hir«. |;,iwt «f l.uron t hiMtrr I 29 Tier 1 27 Spawn cf Ash 'I '1 ■4 _ 1 21 Cover 24. Anchor R tackle d. 3t» lion# by 31 Through 34 Csrd Vjl genie k 15 IVaabee ft.tdift - J" 1 1 .IS Djulgyre 37 A Ased I! rouPr# TrtTmviiitftiiL5 31 K.cX* * lootbai UNIVERSITY ' 40 t\>n*tc!;