The Weather ^ First smw FtarHao, Mack CoMor | Hirr^ ^ iftorlw# In IC4A Hifh Mq . 2«-M Sff I'»K« S low Moa4a> IS-22 EAST LANSING, michigan—tuesday, NOVEMBER 17. 1mb "PRICE 5 CENTS L 51, No- w Plane Crash in Gulf of Mexico Leaves Victims Among Sharks Utile Hope Nehru Rejects Plan For Grew, Suggested by Chou 36 Aboard IndiaV Prime Minister HrKfujifr X <>rk HiuHrr,H I., htg Sends Alternate Proposal NEW ORLEANS iU»^-A NEW IlELHI. Indi» (IP)—Prim, Mini«t«r N*hru tamed l»ar-»nrin# Nation*! Air- (town Mondnv the prapo*«! by Premier 'h..« En-Ial of lin», plan, pl-imm,*--! jR-/> Bed Chine for in eerly Himiliyin Summit Meeting to th, •h*rlr-inf«r^i •ettle their border rliipute. — th. Gulf of M-xmo ^riy Nehru re)e^t»d Im- ZBTs Fate alv> as Mond*7 with .1,l prar*,'a Ch'ej's sugges*»r*n bo'h sidey withdraw their b*/*« *M xix cr—m.mi—r. on der f*»rr*x at 'trv* for a dis¬ board. tance of present position* ',2'x rr.'iles from their Unknown, as Coast Guard eatod r».ns? yef.ct r-srv# un.t* .n'crj : >. fic'i A* ant.-Chinese demonstra- the srorch for oe-.c-x. •... THE f OMIVfi af lu mark mi winter left rsnpsi stbletir f«. tiohs tf»id btixe Imrl-ament out 'cutaide. Nehru he fiat sent Board Meet* hno* "ve:d fw anv a.r/.vvr-, ' ^'f Dc-.R ,w. radio —*.. tllltlM as well m tender km other pr'rposals to tor* shnrt.y aft*r* », this week, h partes htadtem "wnieh i»«m V# ua praetlral ** 7*g » .powj :n w»r a-^ (abovei km a Mlent Jumble nf ffe declined V» go into de*jiH >ali«.nal Srrrrl»r» ali nut r-aiMi voerav.ns »t •now. debris and Mattered until Chou gets the rui«♦ frurr» M'— f A.rsor* 4atwo« Chairs Monday following the New fjelh. Join* thm-u—ion »<• M.S.T. onginatod fl.gnt gridderv final home game of the Oto V he p.iXi g -he ;V1 Rot down the rood the A boot M* Ran IWs|h Right HIM ruts '1MB Mi Je*e—ly pears sag fl season - B, (,rnir;(..«y Mitt r"*"' Trar-s wnjea far kbersdaa Rbssresde 'Rebsrt RrUU wkde be raeefla bs karrar recently-ererted basketball floor Ml Party iemawelralars la frawt frees OSe I TbeaSerts pMertea ef TfHL MAN pr ded scar-r vrosc* to too In Jealson field bowse fli begun •f Parllamewl wavod sign* w- Th» fu»ur» of MS'"« A scene CAME TO WSStt la be preeeeted .a fur-Mid Nev U-tl a* aror-c sa.d Wv*t> pr-*tOi.y w..i lo absorb Ha aanaal winter-long tag -Nebrw. shake ad nftami" ch»p>»r of Z*u B-t* T»3 &• more y/t^s f-egvs x,-. .., Ml pas. pounding worked out and "drive set the Ckli is ha- a* racers fr*t»rr.irv r.m*;n-H cnHi«- get ring aora-we of In preparation far their Dec. 1 ar.anxa - tl'nwd Monday niyht. opener with Rowling f.reea The N R Of a v. prsja Sue isliat After f'#ur days of debate or. To Run Four I)a\- F.^r^n saorrjuve transition was complete except rtf.-er vf •/»# cor Guard a - party member of Pari.amen t, dermo-i h»« heer. rr.ade by 'he for .wlshfal thoughts of a foot¬ drtecn.*r.en' a* Now Ortoars m.d told the demc*ns*rators Nehru ball vacation la the West. tended to lie week and vacillat¬ ing and the demonstration was na'iona ar»d tr^tees the •+rt*»Mryl five r.mtrt !>♦ r>Sl -.:Tt' ' I of 'he told parliameh' ne has cat men membe-'. whe, were former Z8T .1 Production Favorite •ft T^vy »cr» r#. >f<- Nipnea Is Presented _ su.: M'-triLnj sharks it&lli always v*n willing to taia with Dove- ;s her# fr'»m *he ra¬ 12 to it foe*, /ag Chou out 'if talks are to bear tion a lead . .arte• t in N»w St p'a? »m *^e.ft rvr» ^/^jiar w.rh pf^turirg Tr-.i^e fruit at we want them to do** Tk/ao c-xow CJuord hwj r«. York than "The Man a'ho Cash V> r^r.ner" wr. nh ia br'ng pre¬ Safety Award there must be adequate ad van e e ase* sorted nv the f"ni!vef «!•▼ TTtedtar ?hjr week, F. wir-cwig/ ^ svtxq etosm wvt- !Be jrattorcd goor tos throufli Sdttrtlay, in h ait-mA Theater at «:00 p.m. T*i* vrcj^s wvrv x w Ucon Mi- hi fan State U'ruveraitys ^ Cnoat Cuari wh.rts ?.*'**.!* ■ .-.c jf-e. mr. radm station WKAR has beer, nk Ir* House National Aafetv to' producer vf *„-..a >-iy a awarded Council's the 3Si Publir Interest clashes sad "we agree Ibis la a Pianist Fvan- »"*• v, 4/. wr'h *"e'y Th* 31 *52 j v >rt Tampa, r.a at iftd was duo .a Ncv Award for Cxiev'uohai Service The group .i reportedly du- a—. -t.-.g vu' -vner abusive an- bis hi y desirable aim" Rwi be Ortcons •' 2 Jo s .r <73T 'j iking Rule in Focus to Farm Safety. The a war runseeut'-ve nark* the fourth v<*ar and the ninth added that Ike way Mm waaia to da it "seessss to m to be Ha- risa.r^ the rereot jre:- dent drswa! wh-ch resu.ted ir. of the uva wifb- cr^pger s Slates Recital f.if» svl -T51-W •-•e T r-ii ;>*•*. tne •S.rvroor vf if/.'jc, u i •**' 'he las? »»« -ottart a*. 12 33 am «r tn « rwt* p,...u practical." In .Music Ami >ano arcnf row- »>„.•; * charter by I r.*er-Fraternity • .--I** TrareCre i ^rroer. • -g Spartan Rountllablc ir. h • the last 10 years that -it, distinction singled out WKAR for this In a n'ke N'/v gested bWn sides withdraw It's ir ties from thetr ?. Chog sug¬ ps.'-ora .n CcruhCi. las* dete 'lover's rtm-d w«ee Hi'en'ied hot bt departure • r»**i: * -d Deeps, par i* jjyt • **• A » ;.af -i*Von -or: -rder i*.: • .'u port.'SY* rem silt war's and fa'-f.! of : " J ~ ««•' i".'.-«sr 'f yw ntotsby L/r. s-a-a mart osar 21 r,.e» f— Or- -e MlNilily clrinkinp rule again cam, Int.- foetll M r, Station RKAR's owlatandlng two disputed arexA tne north¬ V"c.dar r.igc* lera rt.sp'er fa-u.'* rente.. A the Vf-i-r A.: • **e .nter.^oe a&4 'he •T/c. h y To H sweaptM R. -cr aetlvltle« in ronnoetlow with the at I 15. wh-cn w— ce uu; • ft, 14 u student Itailern and administrat-ir* met at east prjrder with Tine* and p.# »p».«rsr,»fi ud 'hey d.d *ud &»a* a vi? no * si'. v/v^-. . I ilk annual National farm Safe¬ 'drt- to the ".-.X* toe p-ono xew .p i Hume fur the Mcund Spartan Roundtabl* of the Lkdach plateau ;.(*» te snow wtiether nationa frrter- 3d.: t'S'a knmrp •?.- f ty Reek la July l«S» and Ha the west a >. - Kaefasaa asad Hart bave leM •Hen t ci-w -roj M n'r art.'ev ewj'4 result from the exceptional aervlee lo farm vj» llrt-i** as sr. art-**.teach¬ tkew arrrM and saaddees fane vss s-wt ry too CI/U^. .ng In nortnewat. T..» w iuld ce |t»»i fcttor Mary Huff safety dortag the proroding It- mee* er of *-gh aaa-'rur/i and *. i ined tbe ttorwbr ef «ben- ->w fi w**-« Wot African C-"'. I from a poutt near the Marma- Tiover j staying *♦ the focrr - t men* tuepenau^i month period were the bnaaa SAAuel rv.xi arc amobg the tii STbSieeSde < Rabeet RrtoN > y --o x*x xaq ken Line—drawn by the British er ZBT tlO AW' Pd PrtYing vitiation Of the for the award, aeeordlag to tha !Tvet gcpsaier '/ UP*verity —. •wk a Waaler ef ineuft and ks- f "'f ' •*-* so.n ia IF!4 and eonaidered ay Ind-a wfc .# in town for the diprua- Those ail student aicofw.I.c iiv.r.g Student-Tour National fla/etjr ( onnciL Responsible for carrying out iu border with Tae» c*a.nru 12 W) sqwere ir.iies a>ki*n Cku siona at an The houee .* oe.r.g -sed a^roved s* adent dwe i- ^ral ry-f. j barhe irti ahd Kc - -mc -•< a«*cr« legrces J * retire tbat be raa nam scalp sad bide wttb ae be*k aaaceSke- « H« too 1-ar-UiT-od aroa. p»onvng My lapis*I IS too k» at- this important aetjvity at sto- of tre line Conceivably a tkm KS". ^ *""'*<• *« *v«ud « Talks Slated tion WKAR is farm editor Art drawal here would pull all Red ;r.g bv tne 35 rren -it the sus- /er vsm ' *a y prock- vision »t»*lon, WMSB Vast th« rule is not ftudytouf and workcemp r»ro- WorSi FrntKn e# emenebai masgat aswsscai grt *nd '.".r-wSi -ore Two radio networks. 31 radio age tver « l j— * SQforrad, except when Jec* in West Africa next summer m la see siaWsl abews Mae •MMSbvssr sad expo—ssa par, •*»:. ra'rtin *..**» larv»*a -r.a- 3rtC.o i^sfor;, M will be the tutor fur dimioion stat.on n/e television ftat*ons •tesrs piles ef toreMary lad>a 4lmo$phrrr for Rati Mealarty Hi eaw^amReba ef large -f the i/snri »rrr m f'rrrwa/ ,i# is.4 «-erf at s student-faculty mooting in and !J farm w»re "It seems to l sss swrk a akert *7.' CANT TAK£ fT WITH **f fc*« » reportod by t*>- granted similar awards The The a'jrvxspk.ere of New Or- arwpe yasoi mi that trua ia nil* the Union Wednesday night. a awards are not competitive- ea'U^gnd ft* Hard. Gras w.J Te pmigrar-. vUl w th Y'.-V do» * broken." Cb-cha,rTTtan of the meeting ssatrsl af wM ef la pcw».i owr the annual IPC- tftw A-tagv- from Te Beer - Bu- 3- yJsg ar-g tr....rViua. »-t ss will be Union Board member * »•*.«. Ten kmm PanHe. RaU to be haul Fndey tor. *Orgaa TwraU n c tu;« ae-'irrental ss a vc*.vr i Day Tony Nlaeen, Iron. Maintain | •*«* Mi irlak. senior, and David Hess, admini¬ strative assistant to the Pro¬ Republicans Nehru p^asure aki about ea pressed retmrte d.t- tha: fr»vn 1-12 .r. She Or* Center T'er^Jtyan will be master ef or " and traaung Haydr. eowtxi-ee w.t»«. thg m- bese No ? -a grwrtu-.g cxrl. *A"-,te»de aocrr -r.s "u Vwt's the exp.oe.YC Author, Topic 1 r* raafht- rererrewi^a Re the eMerta.-.- D Ms,-* * 'i*w with actors. Ch-neee rt .- •** * t re* o» dfiafcHg rule," he vost. Sponsors of the session in¬ clude the Internationa! Cooper¬ Frame Aetr CasnaiuAiat Chmaae had interro¬ gated IF Indian poucemen cap¬ menl provuled by the Cabaret* BsdN-rff x r^ecwrr^wd ty "Veata Jl F K.nor. 1^ 1" .cr's. cobrtxta. ".>ce.-r - «f-Jf-sn iM rr.jce.'lan- 'eiwas'i for For lecture fJUr roepunai- tured in a ctoah in Fw Lwdaah and *he Delta, ertu^ mus-c w .l ation C r " itWe of A U3.G., the xrc»wr. as "A^psuucuu ' T-..a x fi frm famjaus fruer/J* |* the o mm umty. We p"«-t*ar to International Relation* Club. In¬ Gmstiiution Ikatnei Oct 21 He ae«d th.s be furnished by Bob Ebrrhart w_; be fo,c/w»d »y JVC Barv.a'a -sr-varkaoiy l^e Nrb; Coward. Th# W/stortesw iif* -«f t i'Sr.r owrtaifc was "dsaiiarshla prucsdure - and Ms orchestra J D. Sa i|»f »!». b* toe !»,> ' ternational Club. Pi S.gma Alpha Tmgrowxateacs «e KucgiruS Hurvi Vi'i »n.J Tai.vlan Ber*« wiawt, TW pobrewMR and the Ticket* may be pun-haaed at -vct >f a octurt ly Sam iaiart- row. Delta Phi Epsi»on Fofls Son#i. Op 2G " c»v| J-vn Brvsictfiehiye Ter- by Young Republicans from tan i killed ia the clash the U'nejA «aAc«cirse. at a.l fra- «aaosna*« - Vm* .y EagfixF. •9. AMMMI Pre- John i Michigan collegia met in the la India Satur¬ •.erru'y houses, and st the dear Pae mjsvevrt will je vrowinsut r-n/e tolliiio. and Barpe-a *"■ rt" a? * so II Union. •w warld affairs sssliaa • Hayes Hotel hi Jecksod last day. for $2 30 per coupe by WKAJl aad WXAR-FM Y -ngi ' r?» .*?> .s kftcoim tofXi* or ia ^ weekend to write • mock consti¬ Sa. rg»ri sorwKiol ./#.* ' *^°r. flkrl, liquor tution for the state. Hoodmg the »t «ot MM Ml, even* and President of the Mich¬ Hohiri on Busman's Holiday 3.*«**:?. 'l Ho -os tried v> *:*/ as awwb *t L* «• " h igan College Young Republicans oo -raa.-* was Tom RoUla. 22. of L—iag aoskw* «-l. u%uw so.mgvr's Friday oigM Paul BagwoU. tMi guoematiowal candid ate. in politic*, and the neod Mr a spoke on what youth eauld 4o Distinguished Professor Visits MSI VhSt 4mh b kopooa do on his - * eluding History ef Old Frsmr- ' He ertompnraeeuus rsroeras Srw rr.u*s nave cfxritod -*. «r C Ca n'octos • So .u t «r ,n r SOT i Ho four V Rye" s.-v; wS3 a so iiacuas articles or too , Ne-o Yrjvacf •tot doss Uibitos ^ bad ^Ckrdin 0* sa i nnr; of wbieda beer a sunuitanw/us 'r»?3N'/a af ?Ac txAAf a /ulofust vs. a an- Clasato- Dsun ws*. aw Ysgsr to'rolX X> ^ gaSst—43* -stur wouad prefer to Lwua and any woe of a ha?f wkiie him piabLc have a prvxvngrap® rerrxd-ag / sSoact Rwraare v«Ciakv.i«c v> J*V{wl 2rt!T5? •*» pURad tm isctpp pv- Yark CUj. Mat . •*• If i Jos fkll toe grammat-ca *rror» of Hesa- -wen-.or. numerous aasdes ea ta¬ le be bltodseon ert* start to b2 toe aoetry -f dn-C-ar«psan roo*a. Ce»uc stsb- 'He toe# so lord k b k- taodan to Ow cwatraa * W«t Hnsaar; agbus ea LngUiSts p»i>- atrox and «• sod ea cewted aa aa aduit. He otmtuh M Xm AMca tor tlw mm of IMS. pw wbo do bet kaww gay lea- H.s current yrqsd e e book agaiask cvvrr'Juas aH vases ) guagr. ea gaba'e gtiadaots oa re medtoval bouse vk*cP be loaa -tt •pea to «n art ee good as toey core wore, ie to isoipitos to Ktotogg Mi tocalty -rrahtoi. w« »• Pkselsrtif by brtrty tougk- Cebter to D-smasr. Dr. pad "Abtknrtaars riaim." be road. Mi la tot Uotoa Sua ISM. «< tor er e Otoo^ of tor tort, too Mrs Hoirosa wtU Neve tow to Uhrt Catctsr a Rt ftf« «e a 1 TSS W« HH to is Mb aoroys to toe same- rrtara te CRopat IftiS tot F M* eg tke tebsiheue nr Aa ses—rosi atoeeoe to- surely .beHdey ks krt attitude eg the Pw •* Mat Mm 1 «MMr M CkmySi0m *M« tsrtpnp too ibciarai him — ly two ■ irts to M eg tke lFFTa- 6 a ,u m «mmm Mi th* * * WM sua* Ml loeM OM lb* iMMMg 1 "IJov, Have You Got It Soft!** Lawyer Michigan Slate News Interpreting Redefined I Read Dally by MSl'\ tS.IMHI studrnl* and larullv Tut Mit-mg-ir. Stat* New® i* publunni University lc^n« Un«m Mich by ctudeiH* uf Michigan without dliect faculty Mm* For Taxatj university or of the •tuifrhf body, It la not the offtrial voice of the nut while seeking to serve the to battle any move widen 'vhether It cornea from within the best tnterrfcta or u«th. Ma ml* ready would drive a wedge between university or from outHlde N^il.rr 11" The News A Michigan „. ,,w kuggejitt^l that ,1 the Associated Press Inland Dell* Prrn and A* oriated Collegiate th* kit, Vreca. ..... -J. M. ROBERTS- "latum rcdcfinr certain Analyst Vol. BiTNo. 98 Tuesday. NoVtmber~tfr~lW9 rote Two Al* News of the annual prlvu*,,' based on the hope that Com¬ br corpora tlorn #n<1 .Secretary Merter made a munism could be contained until Uvea. speech in New York Sunday Bcrkcv Poses which la>R him open to the question whether he it accept¬ ing coexistence with Soviet Rus- there I* a change-within Soviet Russia—at least until aggression in all forms Is no longer a part Ernest Oct/. r»f a firm, cited a niiniher court case-, in ofl , of Communist policy. dMan^ { *ia and International Commun¬ law as it it Safety Problem ism Caextetanea as and ambiguous His associates **v l»e is not. by Nlklta f>ne of his assistant*, Andrew actually _ Speaking before th# c Herding, made a speech a few reengnlttan af the , Tax forum Monday EXPLOSION am! fire in the hVtlzic chemistry lab¬ , THK weeks ago In which he aaid that as It nnw standi, wtlh Ma anlal< Get* polnte.1 oUt that i coexistence was not enough oratory October 29 preienteil nn extremely dUtiirhing ques¬ lite* and Ha aplspaken pnNey af la substantially , "let the beet man wdn" In a ann- tion on safety in campus buildings: what woultl happen if M But If Herler speaks ef the and should he teat ef ttanemle levied a fire began in the middle of the day in a building where necessity ef devising grennd basts. rules te prevent the Cemmnnlst student.* are attending classes? The new and free werld eenntrtea frem Allen Dulles, director of Cen¬ definition, It has been pointed out that In the rhem lab in which t dying at each ether's threat*, a tral Intelligence, has Just laauod should remgn i/,. th»t explosion occurred, there is only one dtH»r ami lab desk* •> the fair seeatien la. what sert af a warning that, in the economic •nee sheet g,Vr:. tn# J are very close to the walls. So close that students must grnnnd rules? contest, Soviet capabilities will em Is the one used In a walk single-file past the desks to the door. "It will take i-ourggc of a be equal to those of the United the privllegi- f... "The stature of Kedtie I* an obi building ami is known to l»e outdated high order and strong nerves States by J #70 If preaent ratios j, of Industrial development con¬ repted accotmUng according to present-day standards. President John A. Han¬ over a long time to construct a progre»s«-«y CLASSIFIED! I'HMkatlM far T*m.. W«d„ Th»r, up or down any stairs. When the building is filled to ca¬ pacity more than .1.000 students and professors are in clgss-^ ami Kri. MiUom. I)m4Hm far Itoa. MIIImi: I p.m. Fri room*, in addition to students entering the building for"*~ Hills I'a.vaU* MU2 and l-.l Monday Ikranffc Friday classes meeting the next hour. WHAT WOULD HAPPEN if a fire broke out in Berkey? ED 2-1511 EXT. 2t»i Hie building ia fire-proof, as far as the walls are concerned, but this does not mean doors, desks and woodwork woultl flnrPtfnrk in In Mm* not burn. However, fire-proof merely means flames will be AUTOMOTIVE HOUSING DONALD KNAI'Pr greatly resisted for a few hours. IMS VOIJtXWAGrN KM TV. New bertann taas this sr.l S */. i It ia smoke, however, that is the greatest potential dan¬ lirtlfin to the Editor P«»nt. bumper*, and two new tire* 17SO Mv 'SO VW l» here EU-S-2MI NKAR CABtPHX FTVK room mod¬ News two free offh-e b Odatdt ?., V A112 37 ger. Should a fire begin in Berkey, it would be extremely ■fter * 30. room ern. gn beet, refrigerator fumtabed ln Bring ID Ideal for married student with en* difficult to evacuate the building. Many people would panic 1944 PLYMOUTH 4. standard shift, IV B-B9TI >7 Lack of Block S Participation child Mr. Summer* 4-door Nsdio heater IXVi Conte< t because of suffocation. Irene. Xxt J«H. S-S 00 pm 40 FAST LANSING NEAR Fore*. HlJU Four bedroom*. IS bath* Because of the narrowness of the stairways, especially 1SS4 roan HAl.r-TON nlrkuD and nearly new. apllt level, double gar 1S30 Model A ludor. both in gf»».d unfurnished, drape*, carpeting at the third floor level, many woultl find it impossible to HI 7-7MI. 372i K Csva- ate Shows Intelligence of Frosh • ondltlon 37 HIINB MII* Kir i get out. It is here, and on the second floor, that many would naugh be trapped. Furthermore, if the stairs were slipitery, as in tISt NASH .STATT.SMAN Kadi., LiOTs » s:, •• | overdrive M0 r«*h IV 3-PMV) SMer furnished mouse fop at- PH0N! T„ sirj„ , winter, the danger would U* multiplied if someone were A 30 or V2I W Allessn XI months, gas beet. low rent CThrta WINGID IHI'U In tho Miter: again.** In ather wards, war is tian student preferred Inquire a' to fall. Inevitable. When are people like TAKE A UVMONSTHATTON Kim 207 S Francis St. Lansing 40 Your rewtit editorial, "Block In Mi- I MO f.>rd or ford Vslcnn Berkey cannot be remodeled completely, we understand. S Kails Again Saturday," w»« Mr. Hpragne going ta mature I a;k thee,—when thee «i Contact Gen# Seidell ai Ma* Cur*i* MONEY MAKING MOUSK — thla But certain improvements, such as widening entrances and and realise that armed ronfltrt tcre«i the »tate of MSU, didn't Inc . IV 4-41M1 41 unfurnished house, three blocks quite shallow If It wasn't done thee In effect, to surren¬ from campus has ample room for KENSINGTON n id will only result In the annihila¬ agree, - HMAKfs ntOffT AM) rear brake* stairways, however difficult, must tie made."And designers in fun, it indicates Immature der thy native nUren^niu' Thee relineu labor *i»rl material* Cum- a married couDie down stairs living- THREE bedr'H.m rtrw ■ thought and trivial value*. If tion of the world? room, bedroom, kitchen, bath, plus ntal Cantac! Mrs S.regL of future campus building* must be made aware of the acute must have known that there uiele Silk Ur^ke nr«ar | w« may quote a bit, there arn Chumbiim Brake rellners 2»I0 r. which ran be rented to problem confronting us hi Berkey liail. two statements with which we Can't these "J In foist*" rmltui wouldat be a different form of Kalamazoo. I'hone IV 4-4g|a i» WHh atv students living utMllfl. • that the poopis the world aver government, namely an olig¬ OPKL-ONF YEAIf old. two lone rente can actually cans thirty dol¬ particularly take exception. especially want pears and a archy operating as a peeudo- red and while, low ouieege red: lars * month, and live cumulatetv >ent free In addition Mouse alen They are: light* windahieid Please, Don't Eat the liases! loafer, berk brotherhood of naMona* In the democmry Thee murt also have un features full basement and garage. typing-rr.k't*; wa*n#r tun. indicator*. e*cellen» ISM College v wake of recent peaceful mter- Phone Est. Mti 34 "The freshmen who have hern known that we have a different I'un.litioti 11121 Finanrlna avail perienr# JLern.!.dcwri acUons lietwern the U.S. and •hi# Gen r»j*ke arrangement* for KD 2-4944 praised aa the ihm| intelligent concept of right* and privilege- trade In IV 3-IIIS 3« HOME PRIVILEGE*! FOR *m- STUDENTS ARK ASKED to refrain from picking anv rlas* to enter Mill', sre, If this D S.S II . Sursgue's stand it a here, that nublic opinion, free blnved couul* Own tranaportetion Phone ED 3-4334 3a TYPING-TMFUS roses the horticulture department might have on display 1490 PORO S F.DAN. go«el mo*nr i« any indication proving them very dangeroii* one. sttenrh and thought, for example and bods, two mow tlra* PM> KD etc . bv fa»t reudbia a this week. Since the weekend's grid action, this particular velvet pretty spiritless. . We mu*t realtse. though, that are considered dangerous, and 2-3047 41 APAlTMfNTS v*ar* eRtrnfie aueranleed IV 4< there are many other supporting in net be tuppretaed flower has been in heavy demand and officials feel that "A khNfcl card seel inn IM4 FORD FOUR d«»r. very good WORKING GIRL TO ahar* tur- would et»e»k well for the en- Sprague's principle*, who will I feel save that thine rrade rondittoii Lverett Merrill. 1431 G rished EL apartment Waahtne ALL OUT IA*2< their numbers must be carefully consmed for possible fu¬ cnn«equentlv make the road to M-arteri Village RD 3-1413 after 1 farilttie* ED I-SSS4 after 8 pm end timsiamn and ability of student attempt ta aaaert Uilneeelf. te weekends 37 ture use. pence a long and Irksome one, fans. especially when nation¬ think far thlaeaelf, te he an In- but peace will be victorious NEED WHf.II-S'» 1M1 Ford Vie- MODERN FURNISHED APART¬ wide TV coverage if provided" divtdaal and te apeak ant sheet iuru hardtoD G«xk1 white wall tire« Michael l.ewis MENTS Cm* block from campus thv beliefs and eaavtetteaa. will VMnteri/ed *n j engine tun* u» II2S One thrsr-roum suitable for couple The first of the qnotation* I* I.vnn KD 2-04*4 41 and one room with kitchenette fn» Michigan State News VVcWH an attempt to erttieiae the fresh¬ ore oerann ED 3-J*»7 34 but fanlvn. The crime cm he 311 biuuenl Ikivivti tJil Causing Mivnigan men lark On of what grounds? spirit* Aa long age as Their Hits struck frem the the hurt. reeerts, hut pet ROOM emnl«.ve fmhiiian issur hrUrm solium r duiing sunniivr trims «nu * second rles* matter under the act uf M.r.h J lurg at thv E**t Lanting. Muii t.-1. . Kidiic.t ufltve argnlng. and arguing well In our opinion, that spirit was'In¬ ferior In thought: it should he 'Spirited' Edit waned TV. d«> this, thee must print mother editorisl in which IBM OPERATOR NEEDED f.»i' ment ahie INDIAN bedroom for two MILLS two ruorna available M3 STUDIO aoan- furnished monthly ED* 1-3134 sun Eatr- 3. To the Pditor: nerman-nt lob nn rsmeus Tweivs tn Mfcll subscription* tta>ah!e in advai.t* |.-i on# tgrrn S3. for two aubordinate to the mind thee preach the merit* and 14 hour* per week arranged to M AMiKCAN »i: trim* 14. |i>r thr-e trim* j For shame' For shame! How grace* of conformity, the bieas¬ schedule. Rate to be d»*ru*e#.i FURNISHED APARTMENT IN Sea: MtmUu of the Inland Dad* hw Associated Press ami to* What better evidence is there da*' the State New* question fraineet 'n»>» roniWered See M: I^mtina near campus and atnret IV BIN- Asa»» latrd Collegiate hr .« ing* cf living end letting live, t ilrpatruk Placement Bureau. St i "Hires rooms and Bath, first flam Mart lluff for their intelligence than that the validity of our drinking reg- UtilttlM ' * Parking ' " Married liltar-ts-C'Mrf and the outward peace of ami oer.t Service* 37 uild I) I'rlrr Vt allei » they value their education be¬ ulatiofis? Thv insolence shuuldat Couples: I onlv IV S-7733 41 HlMftRI Ullw _ , security of "learning hi live w ith OVER 20 with ear. Can Eidon Gate* r »-« John* Murphr fore children's card games'* result in nothing lee* than an MAN. ATTRACTIVE TWO BEDROOM BMIMM Minurr it" earn rood Income Evening work "Phedule ai.4rln.em. one block from campus SPARTAN Mr: " CtmUlto* INrtfiM . I'aul l.esher Why, we a*k, would a good immediate hearing of thy action Name Withheld by It ex* eat no iti.i ak*ing vour own Unfurnished evcept for refrigerator hours Phone TU 2-M1I for anpoiru- typing on ' )<** _ bv the Student Judiciary (cUv * « 34 and Stove. Adults 133 Durand. ED E»erv -vf* Pj eard aeetion apeak well fer the * ment ii.ultl.Phe1 ed. of course). Thee deaeryeth Lontert Mn ability of atudeut fans, or wasu t for inioiTha'*et Crossword Puzzle mental Are ability you referred to? realty interested in nothing better Thoq are an in¬ strument of the devil Prof. Appmvi'n nj" PART-TIME t-.rfi.e with Tta.le car w»H POSITION noeo work locally In- help vnu alone */v tn TV AND BAPrr M.Ht' Nn investment Au- DOUBLE ROOM. GIRL Modern low raff . ' •' --1*"* 1 ROTC Service •• rotirh having Michigan Slate's repute New. In the name of Ihe guid¬ uiv 91* K Mnhtaen. Lenaing Bam furntthine private entrance wltn Uk#d T V e'» i MIOH !l Ocean turn result from cheap tricks parking On* block ta shopping, bus tub* che«* i ■ ing fathers af this nahle uni¬ ED 3-3147 3* tor. ii*. * t Te track Umt grade sctH*>l children i*»uM Te the Kditer 3022 E Michitd" I* ' versity, didn't then altaineth down -V I'iamei amsnplish? It should be a re- such audacity? Regarding t»A*ic ROTC. it FOR SALE APPROVED WOMEN* MOUSING has vacant--, in double room for »**♦ 4 A mut deter 31. autt of ttioxe values which are seems to me that if I were a of year ED 2-J43S 34 Although I feel that tlic# and srATRAI FOR.MALE GOOD con¬ t Color 31 Decreased worihv of inlelligrtu, moturr student and thought th4*e ws* dition hue 10 119 each TU 3-MS.i i I 3*4^ 1J Ksitt thy paper arc dangerou* to the 37 ROOM HALF OF a double. •n slirngth people > tne remotest chance I might aft* nr.»v*d Near campus. ED 1) CnUcot 33 Bfcvm* Jeanne Caasievena apathetic security of the colleg¬ someday be involved in a limit¬ TWO SKTS or bunk bed» with 4 pm. r INSURANCE iriCAi. harsh'* submerged torn Caaalevens iate min>1, | admireth thy in¬ ed type war. I would be ex¬ nualltv mattresses and other use¬ 4-olloq ful Items of furniture ED 1-1301 s» APPROVED DO URL I ROOM •F 5 14 Queen of Postponed ^ AW* tegrity Thee didst what thcc tremely eager to learn all I Bunk beds One available at aac*. 4 a • flower* 34 Not# of the fcit t*> bt right, even though could in order to do mv beet fer SMITH CORONA TYFEWRITF-K bo.thjjt_and of BtYewra c H riM* »cel* I'netic ('imiment thine idea.* were warped. Hice my country and myself portable with cover No carrying II. Variety of 37 i***.m* Solution *f Yesterday's Pueitf must have been aware that it i* •caae. BIO. IV 3-ISI4 41 LOST and FOUND coRee 34. .Sultie, t To the Kditur: unneurd of to question ally of BOOKS ON fK^IENCE B Uralvt in Frefeeaee ef raoio and TV, fiction and imm.-I.c- B39 REWARD 15 Drewrj 41 High He: freshman intelligence and the many regulation* of thla uni¬ * •- K'..-rn '14 Natural Science »;"n IV S-TIM 14 leading to reewvery ef AfpR C-P IS. Lap up ie*p* t Block S ainrit versity. esiwelly such a sound camera nd an, FR •Urtnnk " . fiaan seaodort 4.1 Go* • »'iPt». «■« HI-FI COMPONENT* At half Uken from mv car on latun iWWi, «' tl ■Braifht- 41. Hap(>« « *»a>« Clwuc i»ap*>r garlands the pina regulation a* original cost Mrlntos.-n at watt tight ED 1-3141 liiaa MarrPia Rd place «.'< Magician c liar k and forth trees, The arena rise nearby. that pecta.mng apiritJ. u> the u*e of Aig/if Stuff amp speaker Mclntuach C-S srt-amn un.t. Gerard change: GE diamond needle Complete pack¬ . Ar-2 witn as 1421 t Mn* • • ACMTlaft#* stick IB Tra# I! Vtn.v With apologies to the Hatku hiaat age S40C ED 3-44S4 49 PERSONAL Hampshire 44 Pur* poe4*. What are then trying la 4a? 4". L'nt.d* 14 Uw KEN MORE ELBCTRIv" CLOTHES EUJON GATBXLTM BANCS Canton SUE BLACK J IT. Skctana- Henry r. t'neke Became a free-thinker, an (Ifhl staff Mary Baa. Jsym dryer, aood condition Come see it and acnifi't ' coaiitma 17 Coal Music tamansd IS KaatiN 41 Organ* of chg*e< individual? Deal then nut knew - C hastens Pahia. "— tn operation Cavanaugh r» ID 7-?«t 3t32 F 31 rvHte. Wlmi1# mihceilar-eoufc ~ est e# the aerial aiigma nfht t» Admired "T;PIST ANN great iv si. sharpened ROTC Letter REFRIGERATORS VITKtANS Be pen Uf and Iftepa " 23 Fliti >v Service Store, lilt E. Michigan 23 Jeik 24, Timber :.i Vidtiptfii 'Jingoistic' BIG MiADAST BONUS TYPING Alan stenograph -I''" Te the Editor: GOOD CoNcc FE MIX 24 Take* U<* chief weal This is being written tn re¬ WISH Spad«uU TYPING *7-'^ ftCl11 I SB. Stratum gard to Robert Sprague's letter 30. Thin* duvv n QUICX Scrv-vt f— °> ■ 1 32 Kuui• wheeled appearing in the Nov. IS issur of the Elate New*. • SRU0NUT SHOP TRANSP01T^ tehiclr* 33 Soft dr.nfc . 112 MAC Opea B in.4 pj* WANTID i.amtor. N 9 »IM tot J JJSH IteT RLCAR ONE E>- snare evpenae 33 Highwav cettoat coatoHton. t x 3T Fbon* ED- diviiioni 34 Dispplche* mot Leaving *»sTIv Fm-a .2-1I 39. Sufficient, y tect Dtck TD J-** cooked Why Mr. *ensu> c>U*d th, -j 39. Small bat* rrttlc. oi tamfnitory ROTC -.YTTrJil narraw^ntaiM I don't knou. Oh*. «• "" 40 WtltS vlU* K*"'"- •'-.«• | illowance but thooo traulda doAnt lunt 41 Sewed edge wut» PIM, wior. !*••;?-..r vory woUt 42 PottS 43 Period cf CO.. W Lme M.r, AN" O"""1 45. YVI.I and | ■< i wdrtint rMnwo .adMood- Wt la Ml Mk. ho otolod. . CAMPUS CLAMiraoa CAMPUS CLASStPTSD* . . CAMPUS CU 'Wo •<* ,i .hilly hooo In lt.1 LOW COST HIGH f . . . . .. • . QUICK J , . . Brazil Plans igli Court to Decide To Enlarge Oberlin Returns Ingle,ftthm wili Federal Loans b* in a loyalty el The rn'mey being returned 1* cerflegn aa-d It had "fnwur.** affidavit required of »tuder.U re¬ Muccazi hac been «o rema/ic- ceiving fedara! Unarm, a «endmg Optical Hecdnudftef < Review* lx»wcr licriMoih fble at the M.HU «pr#nv#red .Vhoo! of Runinaso Ariminintra- 118.141 hark to the federal fjoverr.merit and it withdraw- Your complete conveniently located, offering complete optica: aarvieac On Wiling I)i*erimiii;itioii tlon In Jia'o I'aujo, Brazil, that .r.g gram. frorr. the atudent loan pro¬ Bfa*i!lan official* have a«*e«l In announcing the grtion nt "I . D " MRU to expand Into federal uhi* the college Board of Trua'ee*. O'imfjef var«tti»*. announced ft Ruben frberiln Preatder.t William .H'e- ln dwUrty Auitin. coordinator of the Brazil wwm «aid M'mday the college *tandj |j projwt. '•fnaia it c*t\tu* romprorf.lie iU .tuol MSU faculty member* are hi*v>rtral devotion to freedom now planning programa «' the of speech and belief. We a;" University of flab.a a' ha. 7 ad or g. ad that 3/,me other Inetitutiwu and at the University of It to agree with Ui and hope that fir a Me h#> .H»il at Porto Aige. 11 ar.y mora yd,'! join thia pro- taat, ir, to# ho pa that remndi fta*l In IIM, »t Km request ef the Oetwlta Vargas f*«*4ali*R if lira all and the fulled lUhi definition, & lahraatlaaal (aaperaUve W- m10K" that \ mlnMraUaa, Mil's Callage af Riven th» #.j THIS 1% rut LOCOMOTnrfc a# a freight tram which iwAtl arHh ■wImm aal NblU Service In- n«* Hied bi as a estile truth during a mam+mrm lu Wafcater CI4y. lawn. Lafl mm e feef the franl ara Iwa a# tha a»»faatmaWly Id anMla hilled ture of TYie jrifpr/sa for aaUi/liahing Mintg priaq, -c Dtst.-.Tf Jjdfe Frank thia univaralty V> aid Bra¬ nonuderitH, Wifjor. ' Montgomery ruled Below the Aretie Oeean zil in wa* its Induatrul and e/«mmer- »f.rr ' ^ ne.thar '/"• '-he a<-*"i fa- - 1 ;a progre*-. stated . V M.i'ory A'ai there ar.y -y^ Submarine Discovers .Sao Paulo it ac a *W that nu 4 pM/r,,-)> oati.t few holding renter for management training Oce ihee'j m V CoRJTM » intereler! to p' - in all of South America The rt* oT nre *^jj| i< for auit a sovereign university rarrlet '«it the largest 'ng prinripa,! tnctd baia* Ifrmrli Strong Huge Underwater bia'i teimont Island Oaotogicn! Ohaerv* eaerut.v» rr.»h*gemar<* pr'/gram outiide the United K*.«•«» In Claude McMillan -»f M.HU j:EW YORK VP.—a huge un¬ presently a group of MSU fur IJniz Shotc* derwater laland hat »-d '#00 fret chart. belorw the Icy aur- atory found that tha ahnllower watefi of tha ta^nd pldtanu prr»- prnfeaaora group acta .r. a« Sao Paulo Thi* adviaoft to the I PAWS -'P' The American fzo of f# Arctic Oeean vtde an 'taaia of aetivit|r in h»a Braz.linn umveraity , ? f.erv s-andaui. W.deiy 7"~ The area wu diwwerad by yr*\ *t- the French pr*» > the nuriear luofninne NautiUid dreary Arrtic. lir»r,! ahaken the average on it* pioneering eruiae acroaa There wu Utt.a or no Ufa on f ►- ■n/ i faith or ir.terei- the A re tit the orear. br«tt/m—l/MM) feat In¬ See Russia f., v#n»x>n f/ tha TV f alamht* l.'alvMllr gUatM* to the cold watara But on tha meaaared the NlMwrftd pla iaUrvd plateau, aavoml oortat4an in I960 •J « . • e.icei atiii Vine - lean and fennd tha lap af It la «/f life ware found and pr^k"- T-<«M-» - f"i "O'l.tVr * be It.Odd aqnara miles la area grapfwd apongaa a fow inrnea or > V* »#" th.-k, a c*»ld water, Thai U <11 Una the dae af ersonai f the rofttratant will U#<»* Manhattan and larger than eith¬ iff.ail end ana anarm/ne raK'.g* 'r try Ui doubt# tharrj er Maryland ar Hew Jeraey. The y ter.t.ata alao f-»und a h »:.»* anotrr^r q ^e«t. . The island l* Wi milea north depoa.r of foaaila. dead ICi.OhO iVrrer.-. »?'«* ndfo I* Jm.s- ye»r« of mora, «»f eiama and of the Up of SLoera :j,1» Bv.lo'.n. a 11-year-. Four iciantuda from 0»lum- anaila tmir operator fr#gr. Nice Ho ■ Calleyiaie CleeJa. Hal Sea t.eaaa. Peiaad Cee'baeU- I* rvc n*» »"<: l.f/24.000 f-'» * rn a. Seaadieaew. Ihaelea. * fart«a. SittO* by anawcrtng quoaUor. t ■ Eaaaara faenpa ddaaaaaee. I ^w e. ftand operx. tiutunl (offer Hour A reffee h##ur a be.r^ ho-id » tu Wolverine staff ir.err.r..-ri If V«u Arc InlfmlrH in . »• Wo.venae office. 344 -St. - su Scrv.caa, Thunda/ Irum •i ?3- t cu'll Br InlrrmlrH in SERVICE Never • V* art •amine a tart*, ailim, • *• nrWr iipartawnl an fca.a «*ar mlart r»«rjr I Aaya. 7M atnr«a la ]) too strong 1oo weak stataa, Canada, u# Pwrta Rim, an4 *111 to la 43 alalaa to IMt. Onr aaaaal valnaM mtatoa I4M.IMM.00Q. # *» tort a framing pngraa tkat It It gltaato far aebitiaoa j-raag am. It la Oiffknh, tot Mtarmtiaa. a hctlirr if. flic lljli.n # AR gmamtlaaa ara nltkia aar nagwr aa4 toato wtoto an aartt. >pnabetti. Katiuli. I'iua. or a (lant Italian 54iid»irli. iou aUaaa rale a Kit$ of Appreciation -brn von lake four data to dine at cast lassi\G's oldest puzf.ria tAhCI iHC-i 211 M.A.G. Eaat lan-ing ED 246.15 SENIORS: last week to return no flat MUST BE RETURNED TO GET M Iff WNVBNN 'filtered-out' flavor! 1SR0RW] » 4th FLOOR UNION ^ . - '4 pictures may be purchased c0j>. no money down r 17. lMt PROGRAM MICHIGAN STAT* NEW! INFORMATION CALL RD t-MII Faptar Boom Boom Put on MONTREAL (*> — Brrnle "Boom Boom" Geoff rion, who Crutrhe* lost to the Montreal Canadians for at least 10 days. Ex-MSU Assistant Grid Grad suffered a deep cut In hi« right leg in a game with Boaton Sat¬ urday, waa put on crutches Monday and U expected to be Reports from the dub physi- slan Monday said Geoffrlon may possibly start skating again next Monday. Heads SC Cagers Coach Frosh COLUMBIA, S.C. (IP)—New head baaketball coach Rob¬ PHONtfD2 28l4 f AST LANSING ADULTS TO* CHILDREN Me Ths taMs is sal far laarklar'0 ert Stevens of the University of South Carolina and former MSU assistant cape coach, is starting out on one of the na¬ Serr, Bullough Develop optimism Football Stars of Future Swl OWHMH^pHHWWV tion's most ambitious baisketball projects with V Ww ilOsiw ww LAST TIM* TONIGHT SHOWN AT I * II P.M. SHOWN AT l:IS ONLY as his chief weapon. Then when Stevens gets them No one is quicker then the Br MKC MINN** 15-year-old Hornier to recognise here, he has no suitable place to university that he has to get playeri, e display them. The ancient held house seats 1,560: the student Experience in coaching, and lot* of it. Thi* i* on, ,,f th. theatre place to play and an audience outatanding factor* that enhance the freshman grid „;Jl, to achieve the major basketbitl body numbers more than 5,000. RTOMRls •He hopes to solve the problem thi* year. the university is ask¬ Cord., tor. in Alee program ing him to produce. of attracting players and getting Head coach. ^omCU S LM Carle** The MAN WHO He has a tough raw te bee. In the audiences with a 12.500 seat fleld house. new hi, third year here, is «n old peat gridiron battle, The team wen ealy feer ef N veteran of Offers Variety 4 days only starting wed. (CAME TO DINNER) ] Sy MOSS HART 1Of ORG!I. KAUFMAN j Players of the caliber for na¬ tional level competition rarely Currently, Ike university Is swsMsf the outcome ef uegetl- fought in Spartan though during hi, his Stadium, al¬ playing daye day. f in rrogram Th * ^■hhmiiibr. Fairrhild Thfihr are produced in this section of the country. This means com¬ peting with established basket¬ aMeus between Mm city ef Co¬ lumbia and Mm stole fair fee hm ef Mm fair grsuuda far a Mg to- It He played known as Macklin Field. lyed guard tar varaity In 1*90-91, and waa for Btate'a Hy TAT UTtnttM ^ Nov. 18-21 dear stadium. member of the Spartan, 1*91 The Intramural program !„ ball powers on their home 8100 p.m. Stevens was lured here from tram which waa acclaimed na¬ women Include, both trey. grounds for likely talent. , an assistantship at Michigan tional champion,. and individual event, :n .tr¬ State to build up a suitable bas¬ Working aa an aaalatant to ail women may parttc. ketball team by the time the Seer la line coech Henry Bul¬ During fall term, v.llert,; GLADMER proposed fleld house is ready for lough Thla la Bullough'a ltnt and awlmming are offer,, „ use for the 1MI-02 season. yaer aa a coech here, but he i, dorm competition and f;-r. being a atranger In TMnla IIJB at Halaa TMst now showing Assisting Stevens are Gordon Stauffer, formerly a coach at an far from thla neck of the wooda. Spartan key la offered to ar.y.r.e :rr. rated In playing, aerardlr.| 1 ALL SEATS RESERVED Indiana high school, and Walt fana of a few year, back ahould Jane Rider, head of W'OUt, Ham brick, burner Junior college remember him well. Intramurfla iTiGUBtfeNi coach who handled the varsity basketball for the past two sea¬ at a leakla alat Valley hell le pUyed ee Ten. RTKlftM^H sons while a, full-time coach was art twice rtaaa, CaM, ta arte gay art Tharvdey eyeahan I*. aartlag ta a klerk w brisk, being sought. RIORSI I VRBBUOII IMS art I*U. ta play ta taa a, lea aeeete are beta . Rifle Team OuUeoret all* ee a Meek eekedslr ua* | SUN. - THUR. Bullough alao played pro ball Meekly la played Nml Detroit'# AFROTC two year, aa a dafenaive tackle Thendsy ta ta* iftcmeee for thr Green Bay Packtta. A 11 A.M. . 12 P.M. The Army AOTC rifle team knee Injury forced him out of Winter term, howling , ; . | offered on a dorm )m«ui won the first Hatch of the sea¬ the playing rmnka. IK I. & SAT* son from the University of De¬ Thla week the freehman grld- games being played Sa'.-.h troit AFROTC last weekend. morning. Basketball. bairv - dere are going to be broken Into and possibly table ter.r.;; * 11 A.M.. 1 A.M. The Spartan team scored 1,300 two aeperata squads, one han¬ be offered to anyone out of a possible 1,400 points. dled by Serr. the other by Bul¬ The U of D team had 1,312. Basketball games will n* : lough. In preparation for the ed Tuesday MSU team members who fig¬ annual Green and While freeh¬ andt T-j* ured in the scoring included man football game The game nights, badminton V- I Biair Cook. 200; Stuart Hallock, has been set tar Friday. day-Thursday at 5 p- Sr-. | 244; Alfred Stocki. 277; Patrick rhronized swimming mar i, Daat week the coaches sent pudvay, 275; and William John¬ be offered. the combined teem through two 274. Softball, golf and ter.r.,, w son, rigorous scrimmages. Accord¬ be Included in the dorm cry ing to Serr. ha waa satisfied tition spring term Al-v* >-f I with the results. LAST s DAYS offered to all those :n'.errm* | la taaaa paasa at • are fencing and archery. Gulf, tonula and iKbrt an | agvaaee a* LUCON at bla Meyers will be plat* by I NEW TASTE Mar taaaa flllkatli la » level Mae, ef taa km wke i aade taa, tamp are the taa, here carried a gert a at taa tart far tarty •aftbuU wMI be bete li U* m-1 IN These Mickey Include Fred Arbenea, Walker, Jeeon Harness. Gary Bellman. Art Brandetetter A trophy la awarded * dorm or aorority which h« so cumulated the most potRU It I I I and Dave Matutan. ta Ban* a victory during the yesr. If • | living unit wins the trophy '.'jv I CHEESEBURGERS ta since Iota the Spartan, are going II of their pesos lit mem ben through graduation at the clear of Uie current oiewn. consecutive years, it may in the trophy. Individual points are od for participations in ttus rt-1 | | o number ef kolas will be left aports, 100 points for each u open for eoekonuvaa to til neat Wbon 300 points are acrwr* I fall The Green and While game la ted. an "8" tetter is NRWN . SPORTRRCL elfera these future autafiiaraa a 300. an "H": 1000. iT;ik COLOR CARTOON chance to start ta* move up ta* when 1300 points are asm* tat | student signs thi honor sen- • RTARTINO HATtlRDAT • starts thurfl. fabulous fabian in 4 Graat Stan la *>hoiinikn;manm "CAREER" CHEESEBURGERS HELD OVER.. ILFORNO • O RESTAURANT • • the (Art mode PIZZA fmmotu in Lamm/'; I O Steak* O Chicken O Italian * Sea Food, t J Kraffs Cheddar Cheese • rjf. -1 ajl iT-iiii Ji A BMMto Fbvtr — SiMfld li Hm Enjoy Sunday Dinner in tbe RathekrlW i Sag. Mm a a a III 1 uoct kxqtmg stars... ■rnu i Drama or i m Years! NOV. 17,18,19 TK STMT mm IT ALL Han ta a Rasalanii' wfean in aaa really laak Mn as ranankar. Taa «H* aatar lalaaRMN Beat Ma aar wart far H Casw Is awl an lar Haul. Aa • asaatal tale*- 141 I5c ... lawn altar, tar Mm Mat tarn San m aaa tat aa staar ri at taaaa MaitaHlvatp ItRtliai i*n.ik*nna tar arty Its i kttew, Ha aa aaar aa IMI ta ,at ONLY MS® ; i MV.-I7-II-II-MLV 8 | wait tana Hi* van mk nana... llama, I ».*»«* A . £n QJB m Kennedy Sets IC4A Record State Wins 4th Straight Cross Country Crown to*y rnnmcA * ivri . Fr.gelbrink of perm State snesk- ed In ahead of Dick Greene of Army, the heptefemal chamn* liiul-Lp ion Enfelbrtr.k's time wm 14:12, Greene'i 24 J1 Frank Flnnerly Final Game of A:fred (NY) rounded out the f:r* five. "I r.ietr I've broken mot* o# Her.ry't records now," said the Sees MSU 5-fl. 127-^x»nd Kennedy. "1 ,-ea'Iy wanted to break thie one PHEM and ju»t before the race I told Hawk* Lone, 3-2 » program trarr, smn f* In Florida were pf the fjji I'd try for Detroit Posts NHL Win »n irticipate ■, JIM WAIXIWOTON kv MM MlUr a ildrat* Hlh offered ' a tiuffv Daufherty ihouH DETROIT /P — The Dfm * dfield t k<*. nyone inter. htve baen • happy m*n MSU Motes R»i W.nfj cashed foe la by Jack acrcrd:-g >4 Monday u hit Michigan Mrlr.tyr*. John M and Ale* Delverchao in the ftr-ai 12 Stata gridden want through of wxntti •Mir next to lut practice To 11th Place minutes to eraae a 2-0 Chicago lead and posted a 1-2 National or eampu* Monday. The Spirent coach i* going In AP Rutini! Huckey night. victory Monday Bailey Three r.vo nor«da, the final fame. at Miami, Friday nifht, with » fV/ooy Hu-I was aerv.r.g a /v*»k..-.g per-a.ty* when Mclntyre a JS-fcrAer off the Tramples Six 5 ip iv-jwl chance, and hit tquad ir.g*»r«d pad; ar.d g>/ve of goalie G'.erir. Gui Kohltt and Bill Mam led . r.±r.g a crest which earned I OS fUi.ey J to a 20-0 victory ever from the doldrum* it auf- Ha., at lai year. % McKer.we lined an ur-assixied Bailey 4 on the oractice field M-fy/« after gtee~hg •/.« pue'x Me fir* «core of the feme The Air.'g n.n'X Li Grayson 14th pr,.c.t aPer bvachdown. was omr- Intramural a'i1 Boo laice 24th The first 20 f.r.mert In the1 by Mam on a cneiverai./rt frrm KohiU. In the second ce*- VARSITY DRIVE-IN Mam again scored on a iC4A crost co«jntry cr.ampior.- j xd DELIVERY SERVICE ED 2- »atch«. M'f I pr. - Dyffy explained that sen.oif Schedule t Monday retwrnee sen ■ The 2M office la eccept-rg tn- >•« from Konlta. The PAT*dan u „ «j-. j cr/mb'nation. to maae »-! hart to be aecr!?ic«-l to I'.a* iTatr nti a • f»r the IM fencing eharr;,- she half-time arrt 14-0 •K mar « J B*ft fee*. Inn 24 14 After a eeeretoes ®W deae , « t» more anphomore* to far¬ 1 latUMtM, Vnihips in epee. foil and se&r* mer experience. Vrattke r»»i4 4 rraa luw hue crNM amy 24 l< 2411 s.p-iS ihee'J may be obtained KekNa relayed KM Pkdk te M». v. • at the :?.! Smem ley lev fee Ike keel telly GLENS FALLS 4 yrtM toaairtp. .t ♦*# fencing rrm • prn-arr f^r Friday'! encoon*- ► »" State ; "A.t. arm «**» ?«-ri bulletm board or by e« - ef the fame, « itU aiVMoiae. Micsican » Tr> offrmive playi were .. lil:rixii« '#r. 'he last •fAT* >4 it inf Eel 241J CTwk/f IM ecu*! Mvraiay . JB ;n toe IM dirt arena and the ?am» they r«-r a,•<"" 7. I Beery Levtt. WTl 6*M|» ftrflw# 2411 n • ./ . . n.fht a* Rather 7 dacem Aetna* INSURANCE COMPA.M" 10 S'vr. • a '1'prn Bowie 700 Vflf« 4. 12-7. on the touch fled -Mtrm worked at the Swret 6«MfMin f|C| MM • Practice Field. to eijfhfh ar.1 • OrkAl • •Tart »M M MICIWAN m 4t Stuart Spencer. Jvneev.-e Bk>*.h the Vc^elcsma P* See* D«Jfher*y did arr.-.le o*.'» t xt. g* to n^ith 14 VMMee *,pw'.ed the fir* ?*>i »'■ erre ac/red on a eom'Mrva- INTERVIEWS r.r.r.* the practice, thoufh That nniiMwa (K) 14 44 lecea at the Union bowimf a.- i.xi pern from Jdm Ot*er.»jyf -•at » he ported wjt tr,*-. >y». to t«n Ie;>r»jei CKADt'ATK STTDENTS k SENIORS i'.» alternate trrw (third string .Speeder, ^ ^ a ^n.- 7>.e oniy wr.'+ ft fvit »ai FOR .*• - inu.r.g with 10 toph >- ♦uon oft the «ch«>. I orrwl.rg tr.e third quarter when Deee rnorM. \eem, ytruftf game* of 211-271- Mjir earned the ball ftrom Sa t N DER WRfTERP Janler fen Mm lr»jMferred 212 for s 707 total. n-ne .nto 1m amS ^fie. « tried tft !M rhich his if •laiiaaaiaaaiaaaiiiiiaid' HPM IAL AGENTS te poir.u fe fyear. !f • CLAIMS REFRESEVTATfVES trypfty thnt • Ever, tnoufh State *. ■* v.4».r.g ill f.rtt fame ur.ticr INSPECTORS — ALDfTORS it may •«» f*.:« 5.r*ce 1040. the t*»-r ►*- u*k's no trouble adjusitng from la v Tt»e Spartani would like to ■>' •• well ax they d;d ir. t-r >19 r.ifht encounter when they TR U.\I\(, — < I.A<■>*<*>* A5D O.N T1IK-IOa » Anzona 75-0' Stro!l»ftg from the AI.L USbt Of I.XgLXA.NCI practice site to the dffetuive »;ea. Daujrherty had time to AffOHllBiMll, ' \<1 Clipped SC the middle of LOW EVER YDA Y PRICES MICHIGAN STATE NEWS November 17. IDS* Asparagus Invaded Crane Ruins Supreme Court Approves Moon Rocket Monitors for Union Cleanup Professors Solve Second Stage ^ ork(>r» Summer Mystery . .. . Grand Rapids. DETROIT f/D—Gbneral Mot¬ A. 1. Btonchl. at art dint of Bw CAPt CANAVERAL TH. (Al Chevrolet, where WASHINGTON (A")—Th. Su- . —The second stage of an Atlas- ors, its auto operations com¬ •lightly more than H'miv.V v pnmf Court Monitor cleared Summit fidelity and Surety Co, .Th# mystery of lbs Michigan asparagus fiild hit bwh pletely shut down by steel mid In Akron. Onto, Monday Able moon rocket was damaged employes have betm ofj • W th. way for court-appolnlwi shortages, started putting a few that hit eapecU to soW#d. Tha mlasinf link turned out to ha a wood. last week, but fortunately a recalled 189 men imwiny its 220.000 Idle employes . monitor, to conduct . general of The committee plan, no fur¬ bond between 4M and MO spare was available, an inform¬ back to work Monday. 290 at Cleveland Bow cleanup of Jamca Hoffa'a Torr- ther public hrortnga and la the scientist said. "It turned ed source reported Monday. O-ttrotot aeid it w.i, „>M" Tnmet.r official.. H. arid It it •pears of asparagus began to The Delco ApP»«nce and Ro¬ Itcn Union. shut down Its hst acheduled to go out of hMmm . atrtcUy togtUmat* deal. trickle Into processing plants, out that pig weed plants-grow¬ The rocket is scheduled to it- chester Productions divisions at reran Without comment, the Curt ml Jan It. McCtotlan aid h. Niaaarek magaaln. aayt the It noted that there tempt to hurl a camera-carrying truck assembly line refund to review lower court was was a ing near the asparagus fields Rochester. N Y . began the re¬ Ml the new Inquiry wu Juatl- SccfeUry-Trroaurar of Summlt'a hitch-hiking bug on many of the satellite about the moon later call of 2.000 of 3.600 workers. Both Chevrolet and ay decliton. giving the monitor, were providing the egg laying fted. however, with the Ida ef Illlnota offlc. la Sol Sehwvta, •peers. Waling, shaking, snap¬ this mohth. Fisher Body brought beck a Body divisions said *hrr« uj awroping power, to enforce either on. laat round of bar¬ ground for the ease-bearer." their reform demand. an orlet. of Alton Dorfman, ping or vibrating didn't break found that ail that was The informant said the dam¬ few maintenance employes at yet any general plan to ^ ing., or turning the Information ton of Paul Dorfman. Both the bug looee. Th# treatments It was age was done while a crane was Cleveland and almost 900 at large numbers of employ^ M. o.or to other ln.aatlg.tlng Dorfman. haw been 1den lifted Just drove the ease bearer bug needed to keep the insect out lifting the second stage from group, auch u th* manlton and In rakata hnrtnga at friend, at under the brack an tha spears. of the asparagus was to destroy stop the Atlas booster rocket keerd m. now am ft th. Saate Labor Canmitta. Naff, htaalf iM —her latl- Hoffa a a As batches of asparagus had any pig weed plants in the vi¬ following a mock static test last McClrltan la taking apattlc- Trfan -a a and trirta In th. ■me9ei ihnwhtwi l-www- ■ to be destroyed, processors call¬ Friday. In a m<*k static, the ally to determine wh—hat theft wrok'a atory a* "hatoney" and cinity. Without the host plant, rocket undergoes all stages of a ed In entomolofirts from MSU la anything tmpapa In the for help. The scientists scoured the life cycle is broken and the countdown except firing of the Cluw tirade h—ng pro. bonding of Tamataa Union of- insect cannot reproduce. engines. the fields, collected specimens cewed by the monitor., OThn- Itciala under prorlaiona of th. The cnxe that the Supreme The extent of damage was not and began studies of tha life Processing company officials oghu. aid, could fault In Hof¬ nmr labor-management report¬ Court refused to rtvlow grow have Indicated that the research reported, but it was bad enough fa'a u th. ItuMtn' ing law. out of Judf* Lrtta' action in cycle. to mike the second stage unus¬ "At the same time," reports project which Identified the February l Mi in changing an source and control of the trouble able for the upcoming moon "W. an mo*, now *#iy feet C ami I Mia aapraee anM that Dr. Gordon Guyer, associate •ardor consent decree to give will save growers the cost of shot. aid .apwUUoualy berouet th. anal to iatai wtoa tfMtor p professor of entomology, "we the monitors greatly Increased buying and applying an insecti¬ The source said the problem laat legal wedMntfc U out of aotopaiy baaiag fey paraont began to evaluate new, but powers. Letts ruled that the cide besides avoiding the possi¬ was solved by borrowing s sec- the MJ," OCnoghu. told re- —at to Hath to galling a Itoa'g known to be safe, chemicals union had to obey recommenda¬ bility of contamination problems portata H. and Ma two monl- atort at to fentog I , that might be used to kill the tions of the monitors. from the use of a chemical. wtU eonfer tod./ invader In the asparagus fields." The US. Court of Appeals Texan Negroes Urged, here upheld Letts for the most "Our efforts were somewhat pert, but said the monitors thwarted during the summer," mlHMMpf Strive for CHketiehlp would heve to come to the he continues. "We couldn't find Ml. Mr an*, a %DO YOUR LAUNDRY BBAUMONT, Tax. (*V—Tea- judge for soedflc orders when any eggs or other evidence that the union foiled to comply with the Insect was reproducing on ANY HOUR a a. awi a Nagmta ware urged to prat their demands for reform. th# asparagus. "a rlghtooua MM toward Drat .lag cMaenaMp" *" »" hour- The monitors originally were "Along In August we picked OF THE DAY OR NIGHT appointed In January ISSS by up more adults. A more ex¬ fey Ihorfotif Mar- Letts. "Hieir- appointment grew tensive search was launched for out of a com prom lee settlement eggs as well as Inserts In dif¬ Mm rntf Partial tot at lah-MI water. Uaa toaa bow- tlon at the KiWml Aaoocktien of suit -brought by M (few ferent stages of development." •or s for the Ad»—>lwait of colored a atffet MM at feuBitot. Ifeaa to m» at a***. York arm rank end gle mem¬ The host plant was finally powers of People bee# Monday. MSG ling Mafxhell, who is chief reun- bers in an effort to bar Hoffa spotted In'late September after cold weather started to art la. S Onton tow-Cmw Pan— Oarg.1 7:10 p.m.. Dance Studio — atueh more if youll i»t ap right now and get Aawaung (B) (to) nwton Women's Gym. Regular meet- COIN-OPKKATKD tr SELF SERVICE to Or for AauunUng paMona. for Junior and senior groups. OPEN 94 H0US8 A DAY — 7 DAYS A WEEK youreeif an ioo^old bottle of Coca-Cola. (D) motor. Cham. (B) (to) town, to Executive officers to meet Chamltory (B) (to) nwton with Promonaders. WAJH ON SUNDAYS to DOUDATI TOO! Wt NBVBB CLOSE (Naturally, we'd bp happier, tool) fa fa town- to CtwmMry. Far- ALPHA DELTA THETA atry (B) (to) mato" fa 0:30 p.m.. Tower Room Union. IVuatry. Mart. toign. Mr Mah. to Muatrtal (B) (to) Wolverine Pictures. Wear dark skirts and swest- Mary Lee's Laundromat liMaf aapar eattMi) at The Ceaa Ctto C.e.a.) fe, Bngrg. 7:10 |MRq II Union Pledge, U4I B. Onai Itoar Beet I I , LA-BALLB COCA-COLA BOTTLING lOMf .t.M Itoton fnhtd. rtiaUn C*i era and heels for pictures. I aaatae. Mtofeteaa Cham. (B) (to) town. Mr R New 1960KM brings you taste... more taste... to D; Mah. (B> (M) ORGANISATION fa Oawal to 7 p.m , Psrals's Church Chap- (X) (to) to Cod torn-; ChanMry (■) (M) Taihaitogy (■) (to) motor. nwton Pa Mia patttam. fa O.n.tal Mime I NOVRMMR M 7:19 pjn. Union Bell Room. More taste by fir... TrtUaa totpan. Da. told B. a. Are—. Co.! Da. to Mnah gad. mlyt All nwn (to) from Group picture will be taken to lama mill QunlHij IB) •JO am.. University Lutfiern the Ooltog. a B to PS for tonight also a line on activi¬ (M) to Chan. (B> (to) town, Churrh. Art class and nursery. ties for the rest of the term. fa Tradlimnn Tl.tnat too. Training rtignnu lading to •:M a.m., All SalMs Episcopal POLITICAL SCIENCE COFFEE gram Blilapwl Chanlatry HOWS, mm by Fl Church. Charm CUnk and matora Mt M TtofetoriaOW poaltlon. R»r»r. T»> "n to tow Dw.t yet low in tar! 1 p.m., II Union. Dr. Sctglia- WBSLEY FOUNDATION Th. Ma toapfetoa UatoeaaMr • Da. to M.wfe grnda onlyi Ac¬ no end Dr. Doceey will dis¬ COMMUNION AND BBSAK* Applied Phrata Uht Chan¬ counting (B) mi Jon Pa Ac- cuss "Political and Asbnini- FAST latry, fhyata * Math, metoro cnuntlng aiwtM—w; All mm (B) from Mw Onltaga at B to atrative Problems in S. Viet¬ 7 am, Wednesday. Wesley (man to awl; Bat., Pa Mawgwmnt, Manu¬ nam." Coffee will be served. Math, to Chaan. town. Mr R PS facturing to Mia Tnlnr. FSOSH-SOFH EXEC. COUNCIL A D In guided uitatloa. WELFARE COMMITTEE J—uwa'. I'hem. IB) Want toartt. Bngn. pa Plana—- (B), Program*. Dm- mam to mm gnd.1 Own (■), MR. IB). 1 p m , Mural Room. Union. ACROBATS CLUB MESTINO New, free-flowing Miracle Tip Only the I960 UN • Frees up flavor 7-t:J0 p.m, Ird floor of Jeni- 1:19 p.m., Tuesday. Congress tng to Ihadwtlm. Mah (B) Tl unlocks natural tobacco flavor! other filter, aqueezo in! • Checks ttoTS without BfeaU Oil CI Da. to gaade mlti AaaunMng (B), Buaine— AdnUntottwUon (II) Coag.: Mah. (B) That's why DM can fine tobafCTM tholung taete! a Gives you the full, itiung to Ma—tomM (B) nwton for Uatgn Bngrg. Dm. to Mtpah and, mlrt toorhwtng (B) • VALVE OEINMNO • MOTOB TUNS UP not to suit a filter... but to Mlit your taste! of the world'e fineet, naturally mild tobacco.: Tatntrw Program In th. • WHEEL BALANCING • ACCBMOBUS autoa Mr MuMllw. Bco- to C.l AD Bngl- nomlca (b) to Pwhl—f (b) • BRAKE SERVICE • ermiNoe nan (B) Pa Prorata town nwton Mr Puai'haalng. Par- • TAILPIPE A MUFFLES • WAMHNO Own. (B). Bhdnpal Scaatc. eon net (It) nwton for P—ren¬ (B). Otgaiir Chaan. (D). Bio- net poMUaia, and Accounting amdMry (D). to nwmwcol- (b) me tat pa Aamntlag (D). and PhyWobwr (D) paaitlnni. (mm to women) la BMrfewl Cap Bliitrth Ufeat FOR FAST ROAD SERVICE CALL ED 7-M«« to Quality Control. Phytic (to) (D) to Chemto- (M) Dm. to Morrh »y (to) (D) nwton and aaily) nwton Mr Mer- Mah. (M) (D) Bngn. pa Be- LARRY'S GULF SERVICE ON EAST MICHIGAN AT LOl'lS nil Tip ml MmIm an mr mUHr. If H'i St. IBat Berries pse Bk»1 Tim* am 4 chain to mtv* yos and (My at free parking. Bamabar hair rate art Mi al TOtfal Wm» «r Inn •ff CMpgirt at MM VkN 8t. BUTCH 91.71 (MM TUB. Tim BAT. 9 TO 9iM IK. 914* PIZZA PIT RESTAURANT TWSUT SMHIL JnMM We Shw, Bruai1 Wtor Ike «r CeflM m. • •It BOB EBEBHABT IS FarMae-J Jfe. SDH-FORMAL |SJO par emple ffc Jim with tfca This CMap CmT ; HCUT SALES AT TEE UNION JSS MAG AVE - DOWNSTAIRS il