Th«- H eather ( old ' ''i'" Partly chod>. **rm*r >|,P,t of Nation High Today See V'dR* 6 I/IK Tnooday ,. A. J Serving MSL For 5ft Year* "" S« IK « 1 b.* BAST LANSING, MICHIGAN—tt'EDNESKAV,"NOVKMBKK IS. 1!»".!» oft in, , »' Flint, | fid Howry •' *"l h»», lost omna ne t.algy. and fsg »d there u i plan to f t'mployn. A f»fipo«al to change the rliuh- cil Tuewlav by f'rovoat Paul Miller. Th«' »ro - y -A : ! be voted OA I J tV! K )S — Prime nie«*tmg. D«c Si<£inu Nit's ft' the lU'X" f.'oiifi: i Minister Marrtii.'ian a n d fhafi'-A-iior Konrad Adenauer U-irar. f;, k • Tuewita* to .#»♦- wr.'.'d den*y tVs unit Givm Year !h'-:r difference* the sitrns were tnat Britain Bit shortened . wax -landing firm The Instruction. (•rrtmlvm Probation mailr-firiii' 'n. di-pute on with And Research rnmmlltre 4re« up U e«? i ,ermarr the plan fi»r the (ounrll after meeting w Ith Mortar Board Pre¬ Nrijrliliur- r oil)|>liiill sident hlnnt Thrall Wnrttitwg- Of ton. Ohm, senior Senior elaw \|iiirtiiM-nt I'ariy President Villi Hampton II too in¬ ii« Toui^lil al Faircliilil field Hills senior: and FxraliHur President Jim Hlasen Orand Ha - furls senior. vective Comedy Satirizes 'i • r>f or* «erH*fl re*/. On*'.: group;, nil »-ri' of ail ion- Insulting Weekend Guest .♦•Mfdiofi ,j rrr! ipwrific 'fie fur a'! cradr proposal As the talks ier«n one pew possibility was reported fir in formed diplomat* Macmillar and Adendiier diseuss the ^ur.grmu' •< have rla**e* and ma- • :•!>. i**r«-r -ii-firenn-n'. UU* futore .of Alfried Kropps giant ' f .-tiitv n:» • iee ,n general eoal-ster] empire IB West f»er • f cn.irV y •!. els-fii. m »fte many The '.-art p|,». concerns While- •' ,.i., • i1 '»a it-a exam... *»de » arri jl at fb» small town fteni.innif•>' w.nt**r term bv Ohio home of tbr Stanley's 'Ro¬ ha vina f-W' »i a' the end bert sprarue and f arnl Rnth- • " fat! **-r. it »;.<■! starting clayee* rork'. and the hilarious ronsc- immediate ?v afu-f vgcutidh xw ■ Wht'eiM* qaenrrs resulting from it ruv-eti uv left and •ahu.-d in- r. fr.e I'mv - ! .• future n w-'inj Thi'. plan production. "TV • uii;,* »},<,» an ea.-'.er - soring >im, f F.*irrh»M TVt- P.ennett C erf noted author and publisher Volt rlaim* that a visit W» tl»e plat's authors. AAuull- errifi/i 'Catcher in the live' » - T n* K •. app luT,.'*" f m »< p^«:«s 'A jgeep «»?,s *ue—-» -n f>eorge Kaufman* aad Mum ■' are Ader«i»:,-er'- he^e* a* Hart, led them to think what he would he like a* a weekend USSi'S Slimes Life of A at liar '-a> .e - Lf ^4,*I r Krapf> e» -AT -rt*:. •./ MSU guest «■ A -t -a* a .'age 'ifflrul lketl**h sod West f,ee- ».an tpdesmea *a*d Maemiila* Briefs tpprutv Ut:' i! t he* and main Adenauer ranged user three "" topses | **-* ' ' r - 2 r, . 4 ' x**C'»fw^ tpm? of the fro^h- fas ma.'i <•;f irjefit < orr.- a ? Thurvia and Frwia <»n S'jifier • Affair- at Id ward Andreasen designer i .ssw *.'-.dr a the first for the | niserslty Theater, has moor, -*-*11 be aowi :n its weekly rm-vTfoy Tuesfla'^ done the «rt in the manner of a (CSeertVjf bsiitdmas, Rer:«- styluh Midwestern living ruom. i-.. «*} !re short course complete with Heppteu hit# - sheraton fumiture and laaui ■ # * * scape wallpaper Cufidtj-'urvm and This. h4«kett pointed out •st¬ (ion briHllinr >rt of wrfefv inger showed in hi* stors ( swh- ..*+.;cti hu# 'dken about c-H' T.V..JJV wiihinc to was ac+ueved The owners of M of the«e cr in the R»e It is the *ioe» Mike tlldham executive y ire ear% were invited to appear be¬ s young 1*4. Iloiden t salfieid r yyc*" • • ur: -C w .:.uT o>f Ovigf. toe voluntary w»»rk -»f r president of IM said that the ytu. Offictali. Prt.« rt i j ' .i meeting yet this vear hs*T be -n t # # a> prrsMbie. as Friday and Sat- jraay rug tit ia«rf/rrnance* are k»f lbire Simril aii'ay* void out m advance H<;- verved <»-gt ticket* are now on M K«pvr, A.yf;i sororil.r ;•„» 4nnual record : „;« 'he Umon Jacket office h-eafs.wf54*..Thursday »nd '"-V I'Tuon Phillip Shri'incr •' concourse 14 Stu- I *•""* each day v> brine old t lr«aiii/«-il IjIhit F witrtbutioog will Lt'iivee Hospital: r* te %v Boy*' Vocwuon* •np|H»rt« ''a»tro * * ♦ (Hlirr* Improve Phillip Schreiner. in|umd in F1 srhrHtiled th# exp4o»h>n Oct. 29 Kedrie OberTiioal. hu» l»»wn gelawiwd r SpUib uv frwm Sodrrww hrwpitu\. He it rf V ^ JO in the "Wo- pnder omwxuKiori »t Oun [ -W !>uid.rhf, foUowrind Hrai'-h Center. aith>* P"-kU*TUI- r*c,u:rod tn gtay twe hnupiui. other two vnctimx. JJorte * # # Mi.rtc afvi Fillmore Freeman, t> Tb« ftepubi^tan he- I mi Tmdmy enntinoed to improve thevr cwn- tfMBf waa not mau'.Urd mUt ade¬ fwern- ditirynt, chemiatry poke on the admlr.i- strative probiema encountered in vne new natien. protdeapi conv plseated hare aw Abe eauntry i« «n e tmidltwi j|p kffearean a rural imriM fMRV aad a Propaganda Differences Races May Join NAACP Feature " i.inda i.otniim;k ntati: rriTi RR rniTO* Concern V. S., Riiss'uu To End Discrimination November is. ItSt Page Tw« tive and legislative branches »»f mented. to th;nk n* JOAN MII.I.AR other countries the government, seem to he un¬ , Tiie Husrian* l»e.»t the Hndcd main forever Dr. Hannah Plants, Stifle* into" space and then to aware of these cultural differ¬ . ed the moon. They sneered lit anii- ences," he said. States anil forge* Final Goal Airierienn demonstrations In ( u- national Syrians Criticize "Propaganda, to be effective, goal* l»a and South America Americans send atrt doesn't necessarily have to sound . To Establish Likes Music, Plays lug Nf»w many American* men k- fx Russia ITnited States in the propuganria ahead of the g<»od to the average he said American," American Potver 11* («AII. HRVMOI R Suddenly, someone saw it run¬ • race? Many uncommitteed nation*, vertising. Olmsted emphasized that ad¬ a* with propaganda or Equal Rights Hi I HIP* Jill. IHMHS like individual Amer¬ inffueme for Great Trance. Syrian* feel that Amer¬ ira ha* filled Britain th# vacuum nf and How many people know 1 h■»t President John A Hannah in- tenscly dislikes peas, thai he ning behind the receiving line in the midst of the crowd. There are base hall hat* and caught in the love affair be¬ tween Bast and West, may not love the United States But anything else, Is successful only wtien If actions are Russian successful. achievements can . ican*. but not American govern¬ takes his sons fishing In Canada other sport* equipment to he American* mav take solace in convince us that the Soviets are iu hash nmxstmv these departed European coun¬ ment tries. every spring, that he married found in the Hannah household. the fact that such countries may effective in this era of rockets Thrrg gppms to bf a pt»pular David Dickson, of the the daughter o/ a former presi¬ The president reads eight differ¬ and so on, the long run effect is Prof. Syrian* verm to have strong also t»e suspicious of the Jtus- bellpf tluil the Notional Assoc department of Knglish, made dent of Michigan Stale, and that ent papers dally. No one I* beneficial." feelings of Aral) nation a I ism and sinns *|x»nding last for relaxation he goes to nis supposed to read the dally paper Americans, he explained, sim-« nation for the Advancement of this comment after America, by sup|x»rtlng puppet That's the opinion of Dr. Don¬ vcar teaching and traveling in government*, appears to worked farm? before fir. Hannah, but they- all ald Dim stead, assistant professor ply have assumed they are sup¬ t'olored People is a ifroup ex¬ Wrv seldom do students get *eem lo grab Ihe sport* sertion erior in the scientific field.*. But Syria against Arab nationalism. of sociology and a specialist tn clusively for Negroes This is Dicksfm 33 a* Smith-Mundt Arabs belieye in. * anyway. the study of propaganda. In certain areas, he said, the ~t exchangi. lecturer in British and Hannah Generally beside nls Kvery vetir Mr* Hannah feels United State* should realize the not true mor-raey but not capitalistic de- Many of the differences In the -letters D Ag> • hould go to the J-llop, Russians are out In front. llJirtTj name are • HEATS Ills The NAACP'national American language and litera¬ e\ m'H'racy, said Dickson propaganda. Ohnstead said, arc . pre - ture at Damascus University. I.I.H. and the word president. i.ut I)r Hannah hales to dance. attitude Ameri¬ •We are so convinced that our They look American related to the dent ter is white. The MSU chap- usually hat a high percent¬ Dickson said Syrian dislike base* in the Middle Kast upon as not Most every boy or girl who Kh«- doe- lake him to the Spin- can* take toward advertising way of life is superior that we RICHMOND. Va. not silver thread.- ip_J for Amerira is due to a variety passe., Di Harwiah on campus .or Snin. however. ' The pres¬ If we have a salesman's ap¬ tend m think our system is age of white students being for defense against Rus¬ The NAACP i« a group Indh of reason*: sia. but rather as being defense receives a greeting from this big. ident tries verv hard to appre- proach. that's fine in the United superior in every reflect," he gold but ju*t the Richmond Che*- onpnsjjy S> ruins are disturbed by ten¬ for American oil interests. friendly man IJke many s*u- - ;it.* good music and he love* States because we are all sales¬ said. ( ;i,a loeal and national —of p«>plc "f the blonde various rare*, religion*, and n.i- sion over the state fo l*rael, I e Dickson said that Syrians fed dents a! MSl' now. he eiiangcd Dv tug stage play*." she said men in a sense." he said. Olmsted added that he feels 1* i,-»; said majors until he found what he Pv ( e l that he hasn't missed that long as the United States Ohurch, II. who i* tional barkgroiind*.. The a- •>- they have a natural relationship People in other countries sim¬ Jinimgrants •<» |*r»ol have «li*- wanted .!).• State football game since refuses to recognize the exist¬ regular player eiaUon is dedicated to liie «t>oh- with America in culture and ply have values different from placed one iiiillion Avails Two year* urrr uprnt at I«•:*;< vnprinted tn Ripley* ence of Red China it is not like¬ winner. Oldster tum of racial discrimination and riehncs* Many Syrians have thine of the United States, Olm¬ , <>. *(J ^ j (•rand Rapid* Junior College, Hchcve it or Not" Then he of the pitying, segregation throughout tiie U S America use*' pressure in I'N ^Migrated to the Western Hemis¬ sted pointed out. ly to achieve much oropaganda mv •«,# . t,i preserve Israel. then a year studs Inc lass at the c.i one ju*t to prove that success concerning China. ater wins thte#-f,n political ... • Phe association was organized phere with many presently in nut some of our I niverftlts of Michigan. In hi* be sudd do it It's « mistake, he also com¬ SO years ago, on tiie centennial Jewish people in America South America leader*, troth in the administra¬ have *ent money to Israel for *enior year he transferred to 4ri-ording to hi* friend* he I* •»f Abraham Lincoln's birUHla.v, Syrians would like to repress State and graduated In pnullrt » (innI bridge player because be Feb 12, HHi!». to ultimately support of Ihe eounlry. the pro- the present military dictatorship *clenre, table-talk* and gets hi* oppon¬ establish wiual rigtits for Amei- feasor said, hut some of this in their own country, said Dick¬ Beside* going to his farm, CLASSIFIEDS c ent* thoroughly confused They icans Since formed of a'I race* ISOtf. It, \3-iien the NAACP has 53 people money has tone for arms. Syr¬ ians want this aid •Syrian* feel "A stopped friend of mv son, a with the eventual goal of becoming a neutral country with democratic government in the spend* tree* toskes al soni»» Hi hi* time planting pine cottage near f Hannah travel* • • a will readil* admit that he has terrific Irish sense of humor. (AHPUS grown to g membership of ap¬ •ninny 1* my enemy," said Dick¬ Kist-W'-st stniggle. ip> Irish descent, hi* mother's UKAItl.lNKS: I p.m. !>»> Ileforr I'uhlicatim, far Tumi.. Wed., Thur*, Kuropr o* the Far Bast evi • maiden name was "Minnie" Ma- proximately 800,000 in 44 states son. »nil Kri. Cdilmns. Itraitlinr for Mob. Kdiliont 1 p.m. Syrians to feel that the year or two lit devote* sone- lone. Ilr. Hannah loves to tell and tii# District of Columbia seern ItilU I'lMihl, 8.12 nod 1-3 .Mooday through Krida.v Some atates, aspect ally in the American Jewish pause ami press supports the Arab view Blue Goeds of hi* time chairman of to hi- duUe* trie CiviJ High** .•* *l»rir* and I* very congenial. Mi Hannah "t.v* he ha* » South, work bard a! •tipprewi tii# association, or bin¬ trying t<» cannot ,be represented, he ex¬ Cominirsion in Washington, |) ' our president may oe a vrn decided nrciudice against knit- I*: 11 2-1 .ill EXT. 261}| and i an'! *»v why she ami der its work. Alabama has out¬ plained Serenaded ■i busy man who get* up a* six M.«i n t rritch time at .V lawed it Syrians identify America with v « • o colonial power* every morning but hi* children id t bia he compiler' .' a The NAACP is organized in*«». Tiie govern¬ c ments supported by the U S are feel very dose to him The i■ •-'» uf time ' AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE PERSONAL m'»re than a thousarut branclu *. vouth coiineils, and college chap •en». which in turn form 30 .shite feudal states, he said, and these states play with Western |m\s- Via Phone Hannah* David. 11 have Mary. ;»o. Bob. 18. Tom. 14. «nl four children I rlli'r. •ft! >«»HT» .unrtitril fr«ri*mts«u»n recentl* com- tii«-irl> rebuilt engine f»f.r»AN' *'v 1150 ••vllivie be*' 11 •-IX TRANSISTOR RADIO regv.l.r ».l,i New In rane, *i»e..Uil $24 W. '»»- ;< •. warantae Marek Bre*tmn The Bud-Mor Aje ' i*inference* and several region¬ er* to keep existing throne* i eider next to National Food* to * ' " •"« • ai'l Rv I.ARRV • MIIXCR * Cine tune David found a ■ •I'er FIT Z-2»ai'i al conference*. Hussein of Jordan and King Fraudnr |V 5-4355 42 batg,.*, rabbit and put il in a Inn In March. 10*4. •et as it* target for Jan I, HRI3. th# "eomplet# elimination of all the NAACP Sand of Saudia Arabia are ex¬ ample*. These feudal Mate* are arti¬ Those "lonely" coed* in MSU'* residence hall* won't be a* lonc- h anymore if nine Butterfleld the kitchen a Thai day their large reception in the !iv;... t - Dotis Yelp t Peer I'M I tl«.or Pt.VMfH"TH * *tan»tarrt *bif' flsdln heafri. $250 l'nnle< » F*i 2'1I« a-A 00 ptiK »') 1937 tellenl «-«»nditn»»t. R' A! MOST Et/'AR after 5 30 NF.W ONF x bedroom 38 BI.ONDF I'hone KD- K*- OHK 4<» 5MITHJACKMAN BOBBY STEVENS HAMiJ j*"j THE VAlLADiERS JACf said Diik*on room No one could rtrut veatiges of sen»nd-class citizen- ficial countries, their way. DFMON8THATION RIDF. Mad Retort freshmen have TAMF A eoinhiniitlon ruling de»k-tattle Phone IV 2-06241 ex tot and $« ere I or inert* sphere* of rabbit and ttwy z« 11 s.ip|w»* in toe t!«Oi $ntd or fnrrf Fdlroo •. ifh lour 1.3-ineh lead*. 175 Six •hip under which Negro Amct- Meuig i»f toe opinion that they Dr Hannah had put it ••nta<» (ienr xu-lOen el Ma* C'urti* matt hlng iifiholvtered folding thair- i43#n# atill auffer." 'Hps il.ue should do *otnelhiHg to brighten « »a. ou IV 4-4401 45 p'wi "»«•. | . outional $3u. Ft) 2-2379 4t» will mark >- let. T Vi mou-ei. WAlNt'T DESK tt$ ami 3 i» r»i luo L-7 !)<> uarrir»,her> t'> $13 Ft) 2 I««H between 12 dinette ae4 futah »T4 TUu«ic teninniKf t. egent Ptmt.g IV '.(,i • • ultimate goal i« T>i# NAACP# Rh# #atabiiahment of equal right* Politics Aiml random stiKlciit a t■.»<•>I\ directory uamo and from the scroti i i- In the l.dilor: kaU* rf-o Ptione IV 4-4S4S 30 IIG BREAKFAST BONUS for Americans of all iwput tn aemiritv «>f Die pc- rates in Ity (iolilnian ing her hett3een fl ea i evening 4and 7 Artifacts tiiat 'he I've conn the State New* u going to p«H.i.!e ' to the conclusion A- president ami n»»H.-0\T red and white >\ eater ba«k tm YKAff light- tndtiatora old low mileage. r.»di« two windPtnelO exeeltenl tone GOOD FRESH c wo, voting, •duration, emplov i a! 111>" themsd vc-. ' li e Top¬ uaohet torn man^ Bmuamg. treatment m tn# omvtR and various public ac- Vice |*re*h»efit I Nixon per*. The.'!' these campaign lad* inaugurnlcd Monday nig'.' J a Ma sea at seiiio niejr.ber f»( Delta Onucron Gamma (IKKi> and. winner ■>' , able t.ude ..odition fan in $1,325 make IV 2-1115 Financ ing arrangement* ava tor .» QUICK SRUONUT SH0R ,r e POR SALE REAL ESTATE —HHRNtinM. and Alba; SR'3 eilsoll aie troll! 33" ith a rousing selection of »he Golden Fire Plug award. I for the nomp.aii.Mi of *l»a' organi/atlon W 1130 rciRH SF.flAN food mn'm •n»R NAACP hat nvxd rmvn' - runner* Mitch M'llcr song*. T-'ieir singu¬ Tt'c museum ha* at lolig U«t our •« a- d mat- twr. imm tire* $*" H>- J'? M*C Open 5 e m. A p m. KF.NStNfJTt)', I# tiMn In the n«*wg witit. Us their reafwvtive partie-. accord la! audience. Karen Kuigeit of ae.pii ed u i.ui'roaiei •ii I. Ju ic i in yout "Doghou.-r THREE belt - tlt-n COMPONENTS AT hall Ilia) 4 oit'a« ' standi m •riueation and public ing t.i MSU political scienii » llf UiitTTlp* Hall. lA.t. naturaii-. mi A i'uUroirrr i a pim.'ive C'iie.ihlentta!" ori.'.'Uat ro*t Mc1nto«ch .'mi ua" M- t'W-t Ft lit!) ril' H rtrmr vet c trerwpraSatton. "Hi# w«*rk «»f the Italph Goldm an l»n*ed Mis* Kmgen t* a High¬ child's »o\. usUa !*• carved fr> u it cade i • mis*-' like know onditlMt Fveret' Merrill 1421 f. \4«lnt«»*eii r-2 ore-amn. Ar-2 Goldman ha> tieen engage' • i -ea *, r unit f,irar!u.U of Mrmhri* . of "The 1 upper*" * tan.- of -i narrow kndc u»n Ha .«•• Beta culturr choi'- t.) a«r ciia-omtd needle $4t*> I D 2-05tai Complete pack 4n SERVICE arattaMl fhera la in Hi# .South national jwrtv eonventioif an.l arc ||4|i %lberl*nn. Abhinilon bla li A piecr . f >»r;:.g i* a' •iiC ie • »cti "luces ' a motiv.i- NFH) ttllF.f.l.S' 1031 Ford Vu- RF.FRtfSFRATORs . I Ml) TV elecljoh* at the B'tMikliig- I tint i - ' wide en i and the t m.t (tv Dutches* Sj. c It.cdloti <;.h«1 vote x*Nil tire- Tba MSG Chapter *.f the |*a Jim Haiti win. %#« Rain •cite i to toe !>opm 'V.ntrnred and engine Bine on $12"' • otge» 'ttnOiin, machine*, gtaai con¬ tution of Washington, lit met eb.M vyiiiri i' around his head IV.i- And |K'lta Tau D«I- dition A* low a» $23 OcKKtyem NAACP wee P»miei| in Fetmi , more, N.V.. 4 hip Caulum. W»v- 1 cm FI) 2 tk134 t! s»>c n r Store UK) Y Michigan 41 the past five Then it, make- the roaring noi*e ■ ivi». jia' ho,' a1 »rv, IPS?, To lnb»nn Mud«*nis of umi -tng- a rrh, S.Y. Dun Dero**i. New The studv ha* found ih ■' pM P ile I'm Wtpdow »'»-»•» ISFTTA Al i eijtm«i»e«t F* T WO s|Ti s OF bunk bed* w ith die pmblema affecting the Negio \urk fit*; Steve llnflnMii lle- m-Z • in . . Ilenl . .mttc .n F|) J-lHltt H<« n 'nattrenMc* and other n«e- and cdher •niuortty group*. idential pom nation- h.,3.' gone fruil. \l Schramm Ruffnio, N V : The bii'droarei i • " .< collet - Frlnre «' bftb simw I'lii M' com. «c furniture FD 2-1301 « Hia 4Jl»apier meets In Die Un lo Die .ivailahie . tndiilah - \3 ho*e I (mii sherry. \pplefon. Wis.: taui of Australian dlcngme at"... ♦ * # (tfH)Ks on SflENfF, uuidoor* ton every oW)**r Tut^day. in be¬ nana* ale mo ! famiuat to 1 ♦»«■ Vrril |.u«*ier. Spr4nihelil. >!«*• : fact* wTiirh wete acquired h\ Tn the l.ditm EMPLOYMENT .nh' -.nd IV 9-7353 TV tirtion and non-fic- tween the regular meeting*, tiie 3ttlci* or who aie mo*l pule ami Rub Wagner, RoeheMei, >-.• ii'.»i-cuoi fro-p. -be A Ultra i- ! an ai oil, rig erawi.xi •- M gruupN executive lumrd meets led. a* indicated in Un piihla* N \ c gtivertuMen* through .!,»• sei- in\ l»ed a. i .van hu^t out- x IA K F FROM f4d-*K«) * cee lo make tinnve *»-hcd- advised to cont.n' one o? tiie po igica: S ciet\ ; etui tied tuHue and settled do \n « o a' *04 Eaat Michigan 4» FOR RENT any regularly enD»li«it MSI' )de I for pul»i».itn»n in Jami.o* group for a tio charge" quickie The code*-tuifi, composed to a Im»w 1 of h»*r*emea' and n \ 31AI.F Jt'NIOR OR *enmr atuden* •Biderd mav Join Die campus I mill un.lct the title. It,.' IV»i.- *»ug tiff kiiould they become rnamlv of weatwm* of tm* hun* State New* My eve* drifte*! u;i fanning in arcnunting i* wantec: FAST I.ANSIVfJ DUPLEX wtP. AMERICAN «fC »*.- of National I'artv Conven¬ b.a>kkeei>er large ronnts and bath L'ae of «»# ebapter. Maurtca Join**. ChUxtg .. »ic* too depressetl Memiier* guar¬ He*..if. Mic buihwrei there * jMge two and I saw prominent¬ t,. anrk iM't time a* -nd unut ( on tart Ravmnnd Rot.- t-aeenienf t'nfurnidied e*c-ent «tove #nphnm«*ra, ia ti)# chapter a jacs- tion* • Two other co-author* antee thai « cheerful disjioeition a carved measuring *'tck. a ly pictuted severs! of m\ g • d e'«trr- Piano Tuner IV 2-1471 Lea* e -»r»d reit igerator $•«! pill* uttlitie* •iteitt. 'Hi# faculty ad vim u i« «ic involved Paul David, ,i sen¬ 33ill result. a ueid. a jio-c none, two Carved fr-cit I.-, «•» 1 naturally read »he name and phone 42 Available immedialelv Adultv ED NATURAl J-3711- W r»f. Charli# ljuroue of tiie I-»b- ior staff member* of Br.iokitig* - 4 luce »«airi tonight some coed throwing Uiar.i foi throwing artic'.c aivompanving i' When 1 fan tlv or turti \1 AN OVER 20 «Uh .at lot -our »peci* ■ or and Industrial Delations I en- lu ututioii, and Hulund Bam, a 33 ill teceive a call *»»me\v4)eie speaiv gnd t « > lnHMtierang.- flmshe.1 it. I was *tunoc*i In earn e.rod income Evening work EMPLOYED WOMAN TO ehare •f.e Own trannmrtation. ED 'reia* MR. 4 i e*earch assik'iate on carnpu* Maybe it'll be you! According #.• I>. Moreno :v.t *n mUi'b a« one sentence -*a* mi i-#nva»«me Schedule vour own 2-42:in 40 Kltt* tor » hour* Phone TU 2-MIS tor enpoini i brotra* car. > Maxwell. curator of an:im»t*»- ni> name printed r. l 3* ED 2-4in* FAST I. ANSI NO NEAR . Eore«t ngy. the urn far'* will i*e added I wa« shocked ami deeplv I i' 'I* Four tiedrnoitu 2'.- hatha Crossword Puz/le Spartan Stadium to play ihe Australian dis¬ hurt .the social ostracism by rtiv iH-erx is more than I can beat man umi* PART-TIME with ear POSITION to work made will heltc vou along w av open lorallv In to •tearlv new age untumunad »plM level, double gar¬ drape* cArpeting tvpmg EXPERT TFK on ein" teen veeri e*u»v stove Available atler December 3>> ACBMI 34 Bureau Take Big llatli* A collect,on or yome of the I stncerelv h«i>e my ctnifldence tnruueti \1SC ple 313 E Michigan. Lanping. S a i No inveatrnent Ap¬ L» a*e until Jcils. Inai Il5u monthlv Phone ED or ED 2-R318 .W moat famous nuLo,* and »e- tn the journalistic capabilities of 5 O tr> 44 I Rlavod »i# M Whoa Three days for one bath" yolyer* in h"»r«»r\ wi!3 go on the State New* will be restored H'RNISHED HOt'SE FOR «* wimair M Characlee SPARTAN v Thata right • rmtb* ga» beat low rent Uhrlx- It fake* thtce •iisp'ay a*. the museum soon V Rp*rileal- in "At You and my rept tat ton tn cannot FOR SALE tiai! student preferred Inquire at tvomg multilithect *erv»♦ Fvr - t#4Mr amitrf lake It iia)* fut athletic groundakeeia'i The exhibit. being preiwrM «itc!e* improved f)* S Era net* St . loosing 4.3 tontact Vi r* >.•*. Bt Debatable 40 MncthOW St.i Mrennmn an.l hu- six man bv Victor H«»gg, nui.eimi artiU. llurhe** II ' tor Inform*' >r MONEY MAKING HOUSE — thla II Outfit 42 Rarien ciew h» clean S)Mrt.m Stadium. will depict the development itf •f Helta J- "® •*■; I'd ' • t I'psilan tom.ruigl.ed itrmae, three block* TV AND PA:>k It for#IgMT 4J That pfu-r f.H»tiwll rampu*. baa ample rrxmi for a game muitypie flung in thv and-vyee- ♦ • 4 wm married roonle down stair* living- low rate* f, —. I« Ha«mg •omaa If 'he day of tin* game i* a pnn from the single shot pis'ol In ike Jgiiurr Jaati hx :'tr »U 1 « \* f a t,«ed TV ae • . •' lived ion| 44 Dad • otic br'ir.Hi/n. kitchen, bath, phi* tii)»e cue kit«a -• 4: Creek'. tine. Die trash thrown of the -colonial percht to the In regard* to the article no three bedriMim* and a bath uoatair* 9 Dm dad IB SecoM- •buh can t>e renter! u» atudent* - be Die lln»u*3Tuis of fan*, 3D22 E Mubif-- hand 44 Via*!rales •way nuKiem automatic p.stol of to- f rater n it v mascots tn Nov Atkigt.c Sai »». »• «r« ; \ With atudent* living unatau*. a •a W Chinese «f Y«atarga> a Run » •tick* u» the atadium floor and da* The exhibit wt'l include ll*s State New*. 1 can not help couple can actually earn thlrlv dol¬ SUE lit-A< K '■ has kiuH'kCti with Ha*«4 ftrigft *'d ' t' ■-** I' e» lar* * month, and bve completeh and accurate l.ghtiv roei tt» Lie onee •uen famous gun* a* Ute Colt tnt1 feel a* though I have been •eot tree in addition Hop** alao n:i« eilati#"U» ' 91 Capable fl Contidtting 3 Age 12 Church I. c« Peacemaker tc vulvar. ■ the gun Haadgd »•«*♦ »ki?u. •' ■> l.ltl feature* full haaement and garage 22 Prevtfalae 34 Everlaau • slighted It uoutdlf! be »> bad Phone Ext. 2*2! 4 Slot* ofhc.als The toit s miM'h c.euer. if nf) that won the wes',' the IVppcr- 3R TYPIST ANN FK 94 Guide trtR p*>et . . if it were only that 1 hadn't Soiat ikdt x«a . uyi'4 irr.t, J-statk* Ele. '• • dted 14 B) » 11 of ja.n mvuir on the day of the box, a six barreled .45 raUber been mentioned, but when some¬ r.'9'«V» $!.*4 HOME PRIVIt rr.ES FOR em¬ oeoefS and U» PAPR» , 21 Consumed lt!*?ettd of ho»ed AR ART MINTS miacellaneoti' ' fi Record ng B Sea lull Imager. aututnbUe of World War Secretary } Cieansca B In the 23 Ad.i.bonai Merriman caU$ the cleaning of II fame. HuRtcAf #ag I towt tu ah * At*o atenograti ' rr R-R4P2 abbr %5 RalanrrJ character ef 24 i'irtrtiace the stadium the worM area to The exhibit will be housed on Military •*».«*•* »,r.p e«. k>gr,» IHRIE-ROOM EURNIRHED apart- ment I" r tlttte* paid Private ers- tl Inlet lace ,1 Messenger J7 Windmol nu 10 Cir goddcsi -ad ciean of tiie x* tiv>le teintoty h# tiie secjmd floor of the imwcu.ii »$~i« tasi lr»nn» in the SF/A' eve- YORK '-Bi — NuFjodv figured out a way to tcil •for rimmor. h * mother. up Nobody courage to tell ■ Cl.T.FPORT, Mb*. VP—Fill exp-rtA contimiM the jrrim ing. mathematics. ph.vMi-a a-.d Michael Tcdexchi he hvl grevlously injurfyi litMe t>-f r •■■ .,-nte j.ti engineering, tcn- mother rteal-.. 4 i,f iilrntifyinir the victim- Tuesday while federal of. chemivtry Deadline for applica¬ bHX-trr.e an orphan at *he age of that ;..s was ah'c jr. u r.ri' >r.n of National •» \ i* d'«e-n"t -.a"'. e\e*j a.'ti-r vfte -.1 bur.isl ft promised every effort to determine the cause of the R-j of Canada, tion i* Dee 13. M kf / was the onlv m«-r.b»-r >»f k ax • ••"th auewM a I Vational Airlines crash in the (iulf of Mexico that t.sik 12 f* • ■ an* Tir-*-.. "• «• 1 of Agricul¬ National Srleme Foundation hi* fam. v ii» survive ta<> .. :* > younger v -n ture. l»- s*--e< • of Mines and Si» Mike went, on crying fnf summer fellowship* for graduate crasi N o 5 Hw fafht i. Te«' • a V.f' A* -rrnf E'i« 41,'his mother. I...jse. 38. and ft.» motuer unt.. as* ft.*".* DC-7B pintle, //of Mcifil — „ four-engine teaching assistants for the sum¬ *'■: 0? ('»• .via I. — i*«- and his 2->ea.-old iij other'ail died T en. devpi'e ev-'i •' x • an exchange aervice mer of 198ft. Co* ! apt,::'3- var Can* uAiversitieg F.-,m time. M »te -.-.-n could do. e l.e-i l- r> :*a Airlines and Amo t,r»n« mu-? bo »;jbnu"e-l to '-.e , ... , A rl.nes. crashed into the gulf early Monday. •Vof So Hoi th A .r 35 o? a^e ^ rj<,t *r.r, m«»re there (iradua'.o Office li* !' are ■ .-e-*r.'regaroing n.«- National science Foundation p'»r.e was about a half- wr/.r o"' of Moisant Interna- To Lit YIIIPII u a« .«*.'i'ion '.VV* reriuire- ail post-doctoral fellowships materia F' • CALLING r ism;ri:«rv apii!.-f»tioii t -r.i A .-port in New Orleans The ♦♦itiend .« arr iv»;io.(;r tn "ir Orauui" 7-nen • crashed about 25 miles curious arid »eernng!v pa-a- »1T- ft *•'. ^ < !'«• »• ar-s Office Deadline for reeotpt j 0m i-)t ../utheastern Louisiana '■af oberifirr!i»non h»« own »r ;ra> Fe ,.w« ho are a-.ifili' n.< Dc. 22. ' Mm* . ssciifa,- ■ ' .r rt ■« 'V*» • ,r rc- "•arch on the ? W * shine"'ft* 8, !>'" perfjfH of r a"er. 'hex ac , ■ n'al pro- ave aub- ar.'i s\.pj».,rling doe- Art Displayed *%r>*e Identified were listed ss u-».*--*4 re<*:ved ir. Hiram Fraser, 51-ye;. - rubv *; a Arthur C • • f . 13 An exnib»t,on of arciutect r. fid Detroit auto part* firm get i - MEN Reminder of appliration dead- and u.-txtn p'.ann!^ rranajfer; Leon Renfro and CO i p.v. ,r lire for fellowships described in w; Hurt Bickenrtaff. bo-, nf h PieviABs issue-: only « ami Tee1.ft'".logv l/e-ng d. . I f>-'indo. Ha.; and Hubert Bum- n North Atlantic Tre«t« (Irgani- fjuc. ;nev iruil l,:.g A-1 V. < jje cf ponpano Reach, Fla'. ..n -i . >w ration — f.esesrrh fellowship .f PithoioClSt* were expected •*» a - e a.u-r I'rojram |H#.t| * f .r * ■' e - . > " i* d«'. m i' ft.' .' Ur vf . V^-ji of tissues and v : ' •« i I VA I.Fl GVI.I.flAM. stars as Queen Elisabeth In "Mary Aluart." - pa ftipg a-ftd a. 1> .«.»♦• a. l. - !.:ke to g'd m on the ground floor and stay there'.' r,f jmcne victims T u <" of. Tr» exn.u.l in-•» a ti.c •s art effort to determine tne lifhets are available todav In the serond floor In Inn f berk room in Uf'ft * -if) *:> foil,' - room for fir-t-rute seniors who want to get places ft? the era ah. < '• * < ' ;r» * .- or;. >.t dexig; esrhange for coupon "I.." slcne llasso also stars In the historical NATO • r Chester Collar of Miami, Ha . A !h »ign • - . a r exft.u.'.oh fr<„- ".e fa-t in rho communication* iruJuntry. Seniors with struct I* between the Itrilish quern and Mar*. Queen of "»rols f»r t': .vers.'y of Ok la no: ... head man of a team of C:" 1 the English throne. - a f!.ur for seienee, engineering. bu*ine».n, account¬ '■> Dr fH.S*i e.i board inspector-, n-e be* * a • l'«.si |»ort«ral Research V»so- 'ant urofeMOr .n ti:e ie;>a: - ing, management and personnel work. had no evidence « •s c. his iTn"ip There rit'e.hips Natural orienres fi• ».«i explokion on the place, in ether before or after it hit the (lliristian Scientist to Lectinre acd Mithenutx* .;*• V ,e* a . r, % va*.M « - Votj can find out how you fif into thi* hp in just one interview. .Se»» your Mueement Coun¬ % water. A Chr:*u»rt Sc.enre lecture oft tian S'i-r,.- Pra -. .C f* - . • - ■ I r.e ?•• - ap; selor now and arrange a vi-at with the lie 11 Sy*t»-m falter said the CAB would * M xb-.T, To ' f - - att e-.rt'i • fan tin or searrh •perattana "un- (nil smritual laws to f'»r . - • F«-'. • ; natur c w-.eft.-i- Herruitmg Team. The/ll be on campoi to u.k energv •!.»11\ irxrlure. ^jemsorerl by th«- \Ln ui we hara e*ha««4ed ever* l.vmg will be given m '-he fVe 11 Telephone laboratories with yon on I )«-i.enii>er 2 ■h r-o • - C'hr.-.'.an S -••nee Organ:r.r Alumni Memorial Cha;xl a*. 8 pB**ihilit?." He aald the depth . ...en •«'» the public w.'fto ' * the calf la tke area af the ..." "Hiursday b.. R-dwrt Van K iililiet' Htntli* Sliturii MICHIGAN BILL TKLKPMONC COMPANY rr»%h. estimated at I* feet deep A".i ••? !{ -cr.-*« r. %' V AMEBICAN TELEPHONE ft TKLKOHAPH COMPANY t,, the ru*( award, mictit ham V-i.ft A "a. who :» on trn.r *< d i . ' . ar<1 - rr reeever* af aUwr bodies '-.iicr trw- i'nr.Ntian BCLL TELEPHONE LABOfRATOWIES • ■ - e*p<-r.. s"» es are ft ft.-p a-. s.- - r.. »• Boar ! of I-r*ctureship, of Chr * if .. .. He estimated search and WCtTEWN KLECTHIC COMPANY 'Aiii <»f Eduw T'.ffk a . . ?30 am. Monday, or about 'he *. • cirnrr.-;;. vi»;t.hg the art •vnurs after the National airlir;-.-; ,,-et rado cxitact with che- r ««*j>artmer,t. ' gi*e an .»1 u• - a*. ! - 'u;e a* 8 . . Tftinm. T>tis may indicate '*•* ' e Mu-- A id He .A ii*. diaeusi DUAL FILTER DOES IT!| electric*] fvwtcm u..>. tr.eorie, a.--d teffinicjues •v- M."g» taught previou.'iv ANNOI M I Mi NEW * e A*ft I'ls'.tute of C'h.cagft and Chemist Slates "hr V»rly»rne. farrc. roceg- : e -k* I ruve.s.ty of Mien.can H i are rr-presenteei in a FLYING SAUCER SANDWICH • . fr • r -v r»f 1'ar.t. no-rue** of pubiie and private Pigmentation Talli nded .a 1252. cj'i iectioi *. Swiwo chee-e. olive xjUfni. ham, V*. Robert Brouiiterd. *a>* dill pirkle«, shred tomato**, manafer fur the pigment d»»po- - A mustard tm a scsine seed hun. ner*t af the General Amline a d TODAY'S STtHEXT SPECIAL —hot from the oven. TVra Corp. in New York, w.;i eidrem toe local taction of *fte is-., KVXMWS (.HI% corrt. LIKl: M1V American Qwnucal Socicy u»- -e«1» « II « I* SI )OI R IOR ONLY ltl»M 75c &jmt »i 7:30 la 123 Kerizi* Ha topic, ••phthalocyamne Tsvonotofy* concern* the three POI ND OM.1 AT THE nret brilliant reen and pdmenu light-fast, blue, yellow-green organic available today. The* FOSTER & PAUL, i». CSEO CARS pmenti are be rr, an, uaed in the color, a'-oc. of aimoat everything male including pa.-its. rubber and textile* plaav.;.s WEST TOW ARD LANSIXO ON I S-lfi PIZZA PIT • • GIUSEPPE,- Hr mdni th, xumpluou, CARNIVAL OF *'*l lit a RtTTta fri«nd« BREAKFAST! hrr, ud thtjr altvc hi* hot mff«# rr4 rthRbn rIrmm* »hm m •* GtrauR rskI i y OPEN « A.M. And that a "Ke»p«" TV anuml«r one. AM Ihia • *tlk.thrssch U parkiRg l»t too. Idph't "KWPEE'S" Cafeteria AN IDEAL PLACE TO EAT — TV TOO GOMTI Mi LLGYI MM GoUatii Brier Mart* al *1W > Play llrxltut >oar era taaw *a ail-itir at Odaai'*. th, Filters as no single filter can Uttrf price Mart* at #1195 SMkI aa, oa* af th, lia,l* fir aiM. fill llmr! GET IT TO Sa MILKS PER GALLON i*( brnllut, dlmd hjr odua *. Hall II a gaaw Jaw ' COMPLETE SELECTION OK - vi «a tk aaid-aijr. Est USED CARS ■aula, dillirial for IWra'l hra th* qug rmm doc* rt: t\ 2\ • 1*U LLOYD, *M wmr. ».«W Ktaal auk* for L N MJRkrai • WM*M WW lae of ACT IVATID CHARCOAL Jjt: «aiw. • 1*7 BCTTA. a iSCMWitw I. «H> 1 MSdliH tun "M, QMfx Wtw. Tigilfur Rq knnf yaw tk* • I*> UEUCURY. >, radio. Iwalar, a«u- r l» ODAM'S rmiaummm C. & T. AUTO SALES Hour*: 7 a.w. • 12 u. (I* E. KALAMAZOO IV LUI5 , FREE PARKING 'I M h; Big 10 'Ball' MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Nmmfcrr l». ISIS Pair Four Rookie of Year Sees Track Notice 1960 as Real Proof AN trark rartftp aaS ■iakl at 7:SS p.m. fmknun eabSMalea mill ow»t ta- la ISS Jul- ten. „lL Tkr mtellni '» hmw rftefd, Kavp ^i,, Fran DHtrteh. to '"'"J?"- U be MM ir,,k raarh SAN FRANCISCO LF—Nam¬ ed National League year, of rook It* of the Willie "Stretch" McCovi-.v the -S«n Francisco Giants of the Baseball America. Writers Assn. of He crashed Into majors July 30 with two triples and two times at bat, Bounces Again looks forward to I960 for hi* first real test. "Next season should really singles 'in four bringing the Giants out of a slump. He continued through 62 Eliot C,asts Retirement show how I'll do in the nin games to Ani.i I program information call ed Mil! Big 10 finales this weekend, i kNice Job Men1 dressed the .writers via fled telephone. Bruhn's . | must defeat Minnesota to v9 I EveryoneHappyat Track Office or share the conferen. Eliot's Illini can deprive NY,r%| (AST LANSING PHONE F D 1 2SI4 western of the same poss.h.!:*.^ I five-mile run in New York City and even gain R<*.<- 1" F ADI'l.TS 71k (Jill.PRION 2Rr Ilr HITETTI RAMMFY team of harriers successfully sideration. not only was far below his 24: Slate Nrwi Sport* Editor defended Big 10 ami IC4A titles "I'm only interest jn h.# ■ STARTING TONIIillT while the squad cantain gar¬ 21.4 winning performance in last "Welcome to the happy of* 1 have at Wisconsin, and a: nered Individual honors ill both year's meet, but heat brother riRHT nhtlh* 7:30 — FKATI'RE 7:43 flee." Henry's record of 24:01 set four moment It's preparing to V country Fran Dittrich. chkn meets. Forddy Kennedy won his first years ago. Minnesota," said Bruhn. • jb-.| coach, and hi* assistant, Jim Dittrich declared that the mer Minnesota *ur lineman. I Ciibbard. sat in their Jenisnn H*ig Id first place Friday and is rumored that Bruhn .> vrij-1 his third IC4A crown Monday in whole team ran faster than last office Tuesday, receiving con¬ record-breaking performance. year. The first six MSU-men on by Gopher forces seek ng > t.vl A TRUE gratulations from all visitors on their weekend victories. Their a His 23:51.8 time in the IC4A the team had faster times than up the contract of Minr.wo'zl coach Murray Warmath p.-r. I the first four men last year. "Hie EPIC OF TK hilly Van court land'* Park said the report was ".compel ly unfounded." Rdftrlariy 1.99 course was the same one that HELD OVER..I MICHIGAN has been used for 25 year*. The next Spartan to follow era Ettal was naked by i If be weald recniuMtr ial CAR 4th Unprecedented Week! Kennedy in the IC4A meet was Bill Reynold* in sixth place •ear Nartkwasters, feilevmc L MI1SMHICT with 24:25. Hi* time last year a# Wtaraaiin. hniu im»| COATS AM SUSPENSE! was 24 58. and his place was itixth. MSU's three sophomores, la keep | Jerry Young, F^i Graydon and Clayton Ward, finished in ninth, "T haven't given any I 14th and 34th places. to that possibility," was El Bob Lake, wbe was fifth last answer, aurprismg wr.'erj year In 24:51, was 25th this year assumed it was cut-and-dr* T ttiat the dean of R.g io mn * In 25:18. Dlttrtrh anM that, (18 aeaaona) intended v> q thancd lake didn't da as well as be Uiancht be weaM. ha wna coaching to become IlUnou' i-| ■tstant athletic director. net dtmettsMd with Lake's shewing, knawtnc thai aayane Certainly, if Illinois ?.r.jru| Cm* iwrpAw ran he aff an a parttenlar day. by polishing off the top uv>c ference nrntende-F or. 1 mw*H cimyai "We've been laefcy." ha eeld. "heeanae anr man have par* aive Saturday, the Ilkni r* -| be considered a Rose iw*-: IsawHful poplin coots with 10-ot. qui Hod inter-lining, time Ikey'va ran." didata as a "reprasentatm" I team. The nod usually rw '»I ■ingle or double broostod Tony Smith finished 57th out the champion which rW Ml stylos. Hold corduroy or of the 180 starters with a 28:06 Orion* pHo cohort, with time, better than his 75th plac# Wtaeaaaln, Nhrtbwwws Michigan State, or • dwet feel «| hob trims. Noturol or wil¬ cm BUM HUT MK Showing last year in 26:40- score, winning tween Wiaronam and koA>| low green. Sixes 10-11. on mam MSU's team western aa eo-titlura. low for the meet, was 5C. com* ran red u> last year's 78-point vic¬ la tha wards af N< SPM IAI. Klltltll MOTS tory. Five wins in the IC4A retires -"•■.af SHOW SAT. I P.M. fri. • featire the cup MSU now has two day's cups and has two toward a third rbati ri "amnttt at i m and 9:1a cup with ita 12 Victorias tinea M hW> 1531 and cofttfllo MM' has been raaalag In Dm meet c'apt. kid" Big 15 stare 1551 had has was and 7 cartoon* eight eat af alaa yaara. Minn TIIA^kWiDIMi HAT! tougher closing asKgrwrwnt 1 Dittrich said that, other than Wisconsin. "We're still uw.| SI N. — JAMES STEWART IN I'.ltl. STORY being late every time they took twy place you go you'll be haaring about a plane to Chicago for the Big 10 meet and to New York tor but how alive I dor.! ! said parseghian whose Nerfb| waatecn elub loot Ute I CIA and back to Last lo¬ •r State and Wisconsn afw 8«| sing Monday night, the team successive victories five f uvtMt dust Re/eosed for had a good trip, aince "we did what we wanted to do: win tha Wildcats second a t AF* national poll. •CtCab . the urhi< . . .fkf Ifrumum af lie-fifMi Bast Mkr! team and individual ahampion* "We're sure Jllinoi« wiG r • | ships ." A/ICEROY out for Ray Eliot t finae gsW Parseghian continued "*«'» battered physically sod IUa* will outwaigh u> 14 pounds * I the man. But we re r '4 I "" CIGARETTES! Champaign with t» ;ner.- * I assfte-l ervoort's sur hMb. DM Tl*r»«*. kW • «* I nwnl tea k* («*« MM| The Greatest Jazz 213 E. GRAND RIVER W-lll. Fuwakun »!,!»* I ■tefci * «*■* Album in Years! EAST LANSING Ik. ii.I* a Ph. ED 2-2114 I It IM •* Gfnpus EUot Mid h:> I -Uiad* alter a ru**»! I -|nrti,a« tha teu*B«- » ka." but eoocadrd ft. >« * SPECIAL! injury warriw . Bruhn aaid WUcon# ' "J* * clbZ-fesM ad a rough botti. Iw *•' il. I prarud Mlmteoou * I hop# vr oan (*t y aaaou it aoro w • ■'■ - v I «aa tea dte if '" f 10 OKIAT JAZZ NUMMKt ON A MOAUT FRMHO RCA CUSTOM RICORO Y0STRA •aid Win. admitted m would Ilk. -• tte ' | Maa-bWr SplMslk* Hank Of Tha Toy. Awl A Milt fiteuttet Top Favorite Jati Instrumentalist., WALLBERG BowlJkote, if *• Varmatk Minaaaote'o »lajnM r' | —winner, in a national popularity aurv.y of American Ubbtg 0c Noovool Moo* tu b* ^ MT, IWM, MMM* b. Jmm bRnwry IhMlbM Celiac, and Univanity StucUnU! Your, at a spacial fate prio*—with tha canptanante of VICEROY -ih» SKIS ably would bo in Ron ad tea aoaaoa K M«lb,Mai(,RM«hi ripwtte that givoayou th* boat Uterine of all for FLAYID or YOUR FAVORITI Mi rich teate. "A. Thinking Man'* Filter... A Wwnkint Uaa'a Taate." SsfSSrUSSkS YEAB OF ABANTIE KMfR iritiall TilVo * Briusn I ARTISTS - THERE IS ESLVtew SB RRgW •# B* %WM| VtCKBDV SBSPjarR SUBSTITM mmmmm ■mAL t III i a cm mm* NO FOR QVAiJTt _ 7,.' vAan AMIS .Tte um>f 1 Celtics Snap -SPUHTLITES Unitus Looks State Intramural For Anotlicr Results '■7 Pistons' '3* They're the Greatest Quarterbacks NFL Record a imiTfMl.l. fly JIM \vaijjnc;ton w «ii4M s. w *h*« »• * Win Streak garnc I Rill Al ir, NK.HI'A MM MMiAN hTATfc-Miami (Fiat Maitni will pit tw-n of the gtcate i quartcrbarka f«n»!bal1 I have rim.ADfiu'iiiA .4-1 — Xi|M Jim Xpori^MMer HiIIiimIimi Itill rsHltne w I. » I »ht» *h«n Xhaw IS Jlrti>m>r> ». IS. W *»|1» T. 5 4. 21, » xhaw 1. T M. r *ha» I • ?S t urn SrhnliM • Johnny t'nitas, Rnltimoic's — e« «>r cojit bt-d." November 14. 1459 Page l ive iri! | I f Clinker* s DKTHOIT i.P, — s *• a, Both Duffy Daughcrty of MSI' and Army Our'.if-on of -Miami star quarterback, i* close to lorfrft* .tones' breakaway lay up shot have acclaimed th«- above of their i|.iaH» roa-Dean U»ok and bfeakiny a National Foot¬ Unlit, over A«M x Hllil.ih over (nmiiK enabled the Ronton Celtic* Fran ('urn, after star performance* la t week At t Today's Schedules ball I^fiyne record for the I m I- avrr The Miami publicity department torv ardx thi* suuur,ar> on li'ile Ballet ? »\er Hrvan 2 to beat the Detroitton* most touchdown passes in Hurricane senior quaiderback - "With t'A" games t<» go. Cure! i4 _ lintkle larieifi 132-129 in double overtime season. IIIM Kf.V i *•». Vlke* making a shamble* of the L* of Miami record book on offense one *h«.f» one. I eniifMiMt here Tuesday niyht. vet he i* m great defen-iA-e player, invaluable a a '.ike charge gu*. He's only third among DETROIT at Toronto Hnrket*. I «rle» K4i4-r« Mitiitmen P. the Celtics' lltr, vu-- >>n the field and finds time to get the high grade, and ail around -ng p«A*er*. according !.> the New 3 ork at ( hirago »aires*. Mu»ian{. *»"v ;n 12 game*, '.heir fifth m < ampu-; Mature to be tapped by the Mm * iendershtp honot mcietj 'r JIM ( ORfilAT JASON IIAUNKSS We krio-.v how much Ixxik i« thought of around here lii'c-s? league *tati*tic-jk released IIM.IIIxJ gtALIIY lilt.Ill * I Ul MID lll«.lll>V QIALITV defensive end* nff for Klorido . , , a row aid eight In nine iltm Tuesday, but he's thrown 22 for S . Icompare 'ne two. . a> against Western Division 'ear.* I.INIK CI R< I 'ouchdown.K, 'i.e las' rhre* in tn the National Basketball Ami 152 The lo«« broke a three-game Detroit ( Ta*s altempi* wmpletinns *t I* 75 the fir.fn Colts' 24-24 Bay Sunday victory over ; For Tht Last Word 1$ 15c Hambargoro = t winning streak €45 '** — ras* yards That's only mx short »f 'h? 7 -4 I 5 Gridders Leave Jones, who shared Boston TD passe* le.-'.rd set by Chicago's Sd Inierreptinns J • laickman in 1943 L'nitas ha* to £ scoring honor* with fMIt *har- * edge a* a pa-.ei. i man—earh getting 11 points — A' first glance Curci seem.*-to carry an four games to go. almost singtehanded I'istons in the second overtime, heat the But Jet * look at the fact* thiown 70 less aerial* And I/x>k, playing in two le*« game*. ha« the Spartan has thrown three more I nita* al*n leads the league in ! HAMBURGER HEAVEN Lansing Today lie scored at the session's ool- set lo point lead give the I eltiea a two- After Detroit had scoring From t'tidav night' pa- -c* and has had lour less interception* the statistic* if Irw.k* like it will he a real throwmg battle total yards gained passing. He has 1.133 ram pared I 612 nf his eInvest rival. Norm Van Bmeblin nf Philadelphia. with the it ir | 7v,j.* n,"rnintr :W footlmlJ player-, their rowhe*. trainer* a»ne ahead 114-117, Jones coun¬ tered with a basket and then his The S'a'c N'c it » * talked to I>M>k this week Rtv-e of Lo* Angele*. l_ „»h«»r fwromnel, dofwirt for Friday'* yame with Miami Frank game-winning shot after a free The all-Ab.eric an candidate ha* declared 'hat he will not p!a\ who hadn't at'empted enough Acrou From Froador I Florida- "The t ravel, ng lis- ha* throw hv Archie flees had poll¬ pr .fe icortl football next year. Instead he i« considering offer> pa 1.1.-' wreck t«> q t«. they to }tc.rrv three American Iwsgue baseball teams. It was reported la t are op thM h»"»P e.g.' ' -i-tv.-.r* and ).|«* four more ed Detroit even at ltl-129. pa»*ing honor*, j urn peri into twu day* th-:r F spring that l>«.k tun.erj down a ISO.bOG bonus offer from an un- • confined to the jnh:o:-s To# |ft are The<>n« were unahie '.n named team He wanted to lemaif. at State for another year of fir%' pi are th.« weeg with HH a' - 401 N. CURRENT tertip'.* (one 'more *han needed r\f r* ri-'-na where O'l- The air. {'apt |y,n uar.g onto e.g-it-pomt lead* n football awl to complete his schooling for limited the first and second qua - to qualify). .34 c*xnple*.ionii. 594 D»an ha* changed hi* outlook of quarJerbac king l»reviotis!%- he •• » Wr:s*h\ IVrnei p\ ie. !)«•,• oofh v-i:- scheduled to prar- l.'ok H. • r Martin. 1..: '#*r* a* fV-s'on lalli^ for * fi'»- wasn't too fond of the position. He like* the mental strain rather vari* jhhiM ar.d the AiitviD ANiiifiiii Aim ih iifiiii tinvito ixihur 'JA''* in Miami, in- *»•'» dlock a' the intermivroo p»>rtant average gain of 3 74 'ban ph' " «J "-train qUarteb'acking demands • C'urui ft. pa::! Itfv-.-ie-ter. Pa s Among ground ga.ner-. Cleve¬ .ftemoon gftei ar- 0*--.e Snue taw for 1>- - Hakes and Bob Berrich I don' have to iwn much now," he said, and I like that " land"* Rr,»wn a'ill lead* • <•' ar-.>t the game «vPh Hi* d;*iike for running i* ironical because he w.»* State s top jv a* 2 3" p m. Junior* making the trek ate the ciivuoon Fta Berrv f |wrral plater* who e a peeled I red Artuna*.. f,d Mel.uea*. P»- '; # ballcarrier lad year. Bait.more held fird olace '*1 „ip the Jonrney fonnd Mirkev Walker, Herb Adderle*. ♦ # ' I/a-»k was named a* one of 12 stars for tie dav la»t Saturday pa--* re. e.v ng *he* left off the traveling Ike Griltnlei. hv the Associated Prem. which should enhance hi* all-American ,e*terda». Danghert* ex- Ja*on Harness. ^ in* Im al Home h-nce Wallace's Fred Rovlen. Tom Hilsnn, Alan < rd the ruU were for loo But another *op r andida'e foi c|Uarteriia< king honors. Pk hie Due a* I S4 l u inn lltmnrnl llill. Jim Chesnes. Jon Marx NEW VORK 'V> The New nf Pepn Sta'e a* named trie !**♦ He ga.n*d 214 yards aga:r,*t n«. • , a,:,»•.••• more xoph- and Hoh StWl»t. Y ork Kh'.rk»»roo»-ken almost * 21-p^Jin' lead in the 'a t Holy C'ro-s • nt iml aivt tHOiMtrii rn»*s MarLn McK*-*-ve cootact The *>r»">iimore -,:ng ha* . # • playntg exjie - »f\ en mtnu'es but held off ♦no * # # So it-ier-i c"aliforr,;a's contro- Dave Mandm. Art Brand . after hi* team defeated WiM.on-m Saturoav on the last play—-"I've J.rn C.rg.rt- .1 >n;. Sharp, D-'l vc* »ry 'he i fit>' in six games UnwiM of the Wevx' ,n '.'e _• r»n a* beer, trying '•< " in a gume on the la-t p.av as long a* I've been Aasocia'.ed >»il f'*t *he,_ Stewart. Ii.rk Oxend.n*. M.xe - •. .. urea use they mis.-- Biondo TV.:.-- Kumiega T»*n hofne—.n tr.e nigh'cap of * Na- coaching and fir.ails »ucd . e,k* ' ^.*41' ler e« TNo ifftt Tli- m* a-'.iiude too, be-' k ar.d HciMr an tr >• " ■ pia*f;r are avrtira'eiv ground a-id polirhed 'o a'l 'be rage of after <. .!.*£ 'wo it c« (touch- •h i Toe •• " (»xf -rd again-' B'.aik- • or pr r.p'too. deterrrnr.ed ♦ h rough e.e ex a •*•?»»#• j lugr . u- <»t: •*»•»•»!'—the man <.*r. ■ NKVKR HKFORK IN PAPER ROHM) ■ ..n hv out ,!.•«.*. .r» Tht d:re, over *he eor-ea •" -'T Frec,.- « icafl. )i'' Sat'irnav like a Norwegian takes to Rr.'ish -;>.rr»v wii'cr* art »dre fropi Prentir* Hall Puhliwhara a t offer 1 .pie?#- r *• ,rrt 1 • i*.., . Whv no* ivp •bat iMwkina :« bookod to ©lev ,f. for . er.piete ■••i.'a * teii* ai'-r* 'owuronl Tr»e huskv >•>-; of a Rr Oi»t for Oxford apamst CambrWigd Mu.b dcr.tiit can-e *o Eugiar." and *«»*"• a- rocord that "F AFLAC T" br Fearadie A Balther It as The ewawlerfeia » Rh-xiei. Sc-ho'a- or;'- mi ar | a weal Here ta a ba*l tbal will enable yaw to reewtwtaa at nnvrniepi iipur. Brant h nffiee Afoada*. Ihnrsday and u■ i-robab.'v will »unvi for ail firr*. «.'-eek Ac- an i HigbN fo; *-,e false retwusi sal make yww aware af the "«lelgbl mi biaF' I rttlay evenings till ». Tuesday. Bednesda? and 4aInrday f.rrl time. rnetkad* used deliberately. till % '(town tow a office open Monday till » PJf.t f.e Now. i«r.'A "vc '-'er Pay Mart! What Far! -Tbe C AVht% or THI: fTVIL BAR" by K M flUwyp II IV Here i* twamratary evMenea Ibal bring* into sharp facwa Ibe (all |\ 1-27 * I for an Appointment Ox for t 'l i««ue«. real ar imagined Ibal tfivMeR Nartberner* and Aaath- . Can bridge a* T kerhom S'a- UK M ( JENNl.N Registered Optometrt.l eraer* Hi (be wmI serton* internal rriaia la Aarrtcaa History. ni "fKlC HOANALVMM AND P#VC HOTHERAPT' 14 ay*lem« No other %meriran ever ntoAed quickB No other American by R A. Harper. II ii. I xislendal Analyats. Directive Ther¬ L%f» «T NEB* I VI NT* • 11 \m roi k ttpR WALLACE OPTICIANS apy. Hipnatherapy. fsyrbwRrama. fayebntberapy by Re- so ever stood a rhance of winning VINE U (UPPERf «oppns4le Iraodor Ph IV t-ST?« eipraral lahibittow—end a tot nf ntber tbing* tbat have to "L% Pi Tlll P\R \m a co\eted "Blue," the award for 4m wllb enntewipararv life *T 4RT|Vf# NtTIRbtV ai-< -an. e* " - eennnmla adjnsiment and ewltnral enntribntinaa. and tbe pa- li .if fio-r; VVf>t P'li.' ' f ' " * • SWEATER.* sitton nf tbe imasigraatI Ila Amerl eric an pniHtoa •he pubfintv surr-'unding b* fab-il'Hj* >ucce«« emnarra* ng (My SU6 F0US OF T004V S MOST EXCITING STARS . .M THE MOST SCOSOma LOME COME HAVE A l-OOK AT THE I don't v a-.' ?o 'al* a Drama of young people to ignite the Screen m years) ... . • • id it" Dawk.n* told a rut DAWKTNH t-e^v sir. an Oxf if-i There ate SWEATER* Sparta BOOK Slara HAL WAlllS' mm' a Oily sue Intramural Schedule l.rn Kotitchrk'l A Sup-f-mirkti l or Moral too 2lU-:21 A*o Strool voLt.iTnau UlM 1« Ural . i ootnai t fell" tirld H'.arr p«'hrr l#«n»« «on«ac» 1*1 efbr* for VAXKTY MOP Mai laatiai, Mkhlgaa ' . •ihcduie so !2S AHkatt R4. i ,» ruvhoti * /ill vs u p| now i ino fACING THE CAMOl'S BEND IN H.A.C. AVENTE - A'ima xu »*. na Phi a io Haul laasiaf. Mick. I* Dls 1- PK pM ailes. lowil Held i-? run « m pi fc. v* Pk l-« /HI M Mi 14 li < hi *•- lrtaarle >, %». PhRai«»r. a %« Trnneseaaf ■ bitr. n J.n.MHi field W«n Ones Varsity (Hull ilrrl ■* ftnfOMiri* * n. R«ik#r T B"l- FALL GRADUATES 1 J * *»•»• 4-|0 Th- VHMt; Club h« « | S «f«»0 i, ,» HMtlerfleld f ' irnw-n, i tv g Mm» | ing .set for tonight at 7 JO in the » talkrr < v« t» g|UIW f Vanwtjr Club rxoon- AND iARII HAS FACULTY • • 12 i CAPS AND GOWNS BOB F.BF.HH4RT " tll-HMUIAL TK*ET SALES AT THE $2.50 prr rouplr l/NION" NOW FOR THE COMMENCEMENT FREE! Vi GALLON COKE ! ROOT BEER OR OiANCE EXERCISES ON DECEMBER 8. «ITH 2 REGULAR 1 ITEM PIZZA* maw C«BBK MTU-K»> I Harw Emm la -f«r Th* ) ir.t Tim" UNION BOOK STORE Am a I I* - t;« • 1:1* , foriJVERY VAZSITV SERVICE DRIVE-IN EP 24tfl7 | _ 1 . twU. w _ ..v nil . . H'-r mm - »< ' II* PIT a I NHk * kilM'. art NiW> -UNA- am ui • 111 - i*«* ift'i '-j.V • 'r kt9 ■'i'-is. r, ..... •.:/ MICHIGAN STATE NEWS November H, 1333 Solution Expected Today INFORM AI ION Automation to Increase For Cranberries' Remowd STUDENT CONGRESS ^ CATHOLIC ORGANIZATION STUDENT YWCA STUDENTS WmT" ■ 8 p.m.. 1420 J Sp^rj- v I 6:43 p.m.. Congress Meeting lage. Child Study ' *1 Student Rights and 4-5 p.m., Catholic Student Jobless WASHINGTON doors di — Behind- Tuesday act the for today's public unveil¬ George Olsaon. who heads tbe indastry groap, declined to Indi¬ cate what sort of plan will eome Room. Welfare Committee meeting. Center. Coffee hour. FRENCH CMT» 9:30 ran a.m., Church. home da** Universe-- Be-, anan is technically 7:00 ALPHA EPSII.ON Rlio cooperative which controls about Pledge program. CATHOLIC STUDENT ing many benefits, has un¬ sound. A group of industry re¬ 73 per cent of the cranberry crop. ORGANIZATION R'30 p m 36 Unior. . questionably contributed to presentatives met separately with fisheries and wildlife Secretary of Welfare Arthur Olsson said he hopes the con¬ club 6:30 p.m.. Catholic Student radio and film ma. .: vited to leam v j-,^ structural unemployment in ference* will result in h plan Center. Exec. Board meeting. Flemming on how he will con¬ 7:30 p.m.. 116 Nat. Science ment* for our economy." duct this morning's open con¬ which satisfies the government Business meeting. 7:30 p.m.. C acholic Student mcmbervvp ia J" that "cranlierries on the market Center. Committee meetings. honorary. This was one of the observa¬ ference. ure safe, and Americans can en¬ 8:00 pm., 116 Nat. Science. tion* presented by Dr. Charles "Tukii," movie-British Colum¬ Killingsworth in a statement joy with confidence the tradi¬ bia, fishing, hunting and scen¬ cranberries with their prepared for the special com¬ mittee of the U.S. Senate on un¬ Churchill III; tional Thanksgiving dinner." ery. Tba labia is aal far laagMar! employment problems, meeting Thursday at Wayne State Uni¬ versity. Fog Irritates THO 0»U>mrlrl.l» In Brttfr Snw T«ur -Contribution of automation to our unemployment problem Chest Ailment NaraM L ShaMar, 0. D. UNIVERSITY THEATRE i* likely to crow in the future," said Killingsworth. LONDON — Sir Winston Rabarl E. Baraaa, O.D. pvMit* The professor of economies Church!!! was taken ill at his and the lahor and Industrial re- lation* renter, pointed out that {.undon home Tuesday He can¬ • • E)« Kxuminrd (liaiwm Kitted • Opllml Krpair. • l oiilarl l,fnw* The MAN WHO celled j meeting with West Ger¬ "automation la making IU ap¬ nearanee in the company of an VICT! l>Ki:«IDt:\T RICHARD NIXON lake* a mouthful of cran¬ many's auer at Chancellor Kmrad Aden¬ ati hour's notice. MALL COI'RT NO AI'IOIffTMENT NECESSAnY y*ANI>OR CCSTCR IV 1-IMI (CAME TO DINNER ■rrlenltnral revolution and pop¬ ulation explosion. berry sauce at the testimonial dinner for Rep. Melvin Laird of Wh- "Nothing serious — he'* just <)p.n Mm.. Thar.. i'rl. Ir.nla,. 'Ill , [ By MOSS HART t CtORGt S. KAUFMAN rnn*in'% seventh district in Wisconsin Rapids. Wis., last Tburaday. "Any one e»f the three alone Nixon fame to the eranberry eapltal of Wisconsin to keynote the fired." f chilling rain. Churchill, who is chance beyond anything in our Winds Hit Nation prone to chest trouble, will be past experience." Jit on Nov. 30. lau-t week he went to his old WE'RE SPECIALISTS IN He said, "We do not know what measures will prove to be Cold Wa ve A rri res prep sch«c» . Harrow, for an an¬ IIAMIIJNf, YOI'R AL'TO INSURANCE V most effective as remedies for structural unemployment " nua! sing-song and drove back • » London through thick, swirl- Auto, Motorcycles, Young Driver,. Tiabats SIM at Maa TWm Offica Killingsworth believes the area redevelopment bill, under With Winter Misery a ma f'-a A week before he vat in heav> rain to watch hi* statue Cancelled or Refused ALL SEATS RESERVED consideration in Congress, "is likely to prove inadequate" but itv the As«ori,%Trii puis* unveiled a* Woodford in North- cad I»ndon At Harrow,- h» JACK MOYT INSURANCE ABENCY ^.tiiiirirniiMrrtititiiiifiiiM3iiiiiiitiitiivrifiiniminn»n>irin, n "represent* at least a beginning " An autumn fold wave, powered by hitinjr north went looked bent and feeble. 2011, E. (IRANI) RIVER "We would betray the greatest winds, spread midwinter misery across much of the nation Churchill usually fries to es¬ CALL El) 24535 tradition* of our tried to stop or alow the aortety If we adranre Tuesday. Autumn cold records that flurries from fihe Great Lake* cape I/inrb n' autumn fog* by moving to th» south of France UNIVERSITY of automation." he emphaaHted. region into northern Ohio and This year, for the first tunc since stood for nearly a century top¬ "hut will endanger those New York state. Sleet whipped he ret in* J prime minister in STUDENTS' we . as great traditions If wo do not atari pled in the Midwest as the Arc¬ Into western Pennsylvania. Sleet April. he stayed hected from Geor¬ areas of "chronic labor surplus" Massive fold area* caused ClUb will show Hussell .Jami¬ as listed by tho U.S. Department gia into Texas. generally rlear skies over the son* movie, "Tu Kii." tonight at Prime beef open faee aaarfwkh au )o«— At midday, temperatures near of Labor. central and mid western portions 8 iti 118 Natural Science Uldg. extra larpe plate—whipped patato—coffee the zero mark were the rule Even though tho Industry was of (he nation. from the Dakota* to the Great or milk turning out more and better cars The frigid air is expected t» l.ake area. -»"»aa:.'=«isaa»«?tc:s3animtwt» during tho 1148-58 period. Kill- spmid through all "f the Atlan¬ tngsworth eommented, employ¬ The surge of numbing v<»'.d tic c«»a. color, 10tol8ii<«, 4.M you'll mw, a pnrr ou, ulary pin, l.h.,,1 npo*—, Irani pmtl^r. lor you h4 your lanl> SENIORS: 3 DAYS TO RETURN PICTURE PROOFS MUST K RETURNED TO 6ET M IKE WOLVERINE 4th FLOOR UNION 51 - PICTURES MAY BE PURCHASED C.0J). OPEN EVERY IVEPNK8DAY NIGHT UNTIL NINE i l NO MONEY DOWN