The leather jjj.mi AL Rookie Michigan State News Cloudy, warmer | Ofiterfieldrr Ciet« High Toda> 10 (Vt\ e!Award Low Mednewdav 23 Pace 3 Marm it Ian Burns Fatal Abandons To Studenl Arms Plan HbH F.\|il T*. — Prime State New* f lt\ Fdilor Miniafer Macmillan AVpfine*- Harlo Mork. -2t. Treni^n iv.''. d;»- I mwed t'» Chancellor ffraduate xtiident. died U>d- Konra-i Aifenauer l>" final!'.* nesday fr'»m injuries *«if- jibaniinninL" h • fw? n an for fered Oct. 2f| in the Kcdzie an ^NfvorimeTita! *rr ar^.amentj Rossi. S.J.. conducts class in foreign language at ar ind his eves. He also suffer**: laccra'.i' Ian Who Came to Dinner9 fir r--jse a-.'i West formula, k Caucus Srliediiled for T'«mI;i\ rfitinn Mork remained In eritleal e«n- pftalizerf. the 31 dav* he was hee- aid, renofeA Audience Laughing H'.-ipra! authorities wps min separate \n* such tone covering fier- tcrritors arranrement—as Mac- should not he . Stale Income Tax Discussed " N •• • •..•■! '3 :4ndefa-«r-' * f'e-.r. rem - --e rn r,-.- :i •cv.rr had ,.-ir-e surge— had pix* - MM. DOERNER •' mill urged — but pact of a . ,k:r. grafts ear;-.- At Prhate Senate Meetings • in hej... •• He* »:••*— .»".•• wider last-Mest disarmament r?ex- ee- Tr.ev declined to say to program. •r-.pii'-rtt.iir.s had hastened * corned.', a:.«< . M. ♦ .M • . b a'h. "A"' . . '3T*»- t»l Dm- H!V' at*: '■ ■! re! liAV'S M '-.-k -.' i renored *!!gh*' ■ —• -,-f- T irr.;.r-e.'»-i T .r -via- authne— TV*- I J& -* r» night crowd -am. i ifve G»X«'- ai'xa.'? wi. - t~ .' . a >totew-.t# t. ' a a.e ir.'-'. ' such Sr-na*'- . - a! ruan,* .' er.<.«•' ivm •. .-. .-,K- -. . • • .-. a~- »•—. ..«* :-. mills'■•?) ; e.*^ 'i ir-. #.,r. rr.a-.g'- for be*- .1 be?r -nded h-.- a "Ue've got to face the truth.' «-- ... '• "ax .ng *t >r vy' f-r a nee ?a >. •- ar.y e. Edward Hutchinson \ •%(!. -.. -. A Eye Struggles Sen rt.y (Is i .-r..n- •.? r*-nt said - Medical records at t niversltr . np.. - 4. ,f 1 -*-r -corx.rav ■ , ■ •IT ■ :r. i wh..m ' < t>r S»-'. (R-Fennvlllei. "If this nuisance Hospital showed no patient with la* plan goes down the drain - .t'-. -afi-iuid gr. on *.n# hums entering more than •*» ». tor*- A , .:-! their WIJ;. .to "" obi". ' '.«• :'. • have wo other held open to CK,....' had Wen . • *" .* - (I.A. W- .- we percent nf his body full effect, lis hut the income tax." treated and survived at the hos¬ Latin Americans However for the r • <- a.- a a and r- " The income ta*. long a «uh* v..'n a itoptibL'.iih. yeenn^ »..,w.-ar4 a pital Tnm -smith of Trenton a he |cct of bitter debate in the leg- • it has to performed. The w- • tdature broke into the open close friend wf Mork, reported pm-ibllitie* for voice treatment, ||s*ke|| XirhwU R» Srr-.rb, a ;;fe-£-uig Lrtcnd of tfOW T*—Soviet leader* t(»l«! V- e(jne*«la' "IN '- si>nri,»4t.or ' tr.«- lioae^a.- n hen vn. - Provost Miller Urixes hits af business and affected . Ad«ma».cr B fffW'i'' c I ark yon , tried to prv Income tar battle* in Venezuela and tne her^io *trtisrjfie «-f *•••#*' . harar-ierizjtion »re infinite. o,e«v m 'j /" ?ba? w ould tax bilU from the senate Taxa¬ par people for their independence' show tha* Utiin These aspects fall under the re¬ • ••■••• V. fier-'.-anx ex:»;-'si "• tion ( ommittee. where they i awakening to u big thaw in its relatm* with the CommiinHt world. sponsibility well Mho ( ame" the of a< tor Uie was director, And exrellentlv "Alan as S».ViO«. t v identiv . .'e ippreeiating Mac¬ Student. Facility Unity have been Nich/ia nerved «t>m»ed vince July. n*»*., e :>e v..'! d' ':..1-:.'- We""'."- ;.. / Bred GM I. millan action. Adeniuer gave Provost Paul Millar. MSI"* frhiVf acarlbmic officer. tr.ii? piloted t»s Thomas Long, who s utilized every romie fiotential. a generalized assurance of his without "milking' the audien«e. own. informants said. Al'Sti rfprfnentativf- thut the -1«»rt»*nt pf>vbmm»*n? ief Shoot* T',. j"*"T- • i«' -.ex* T>..'k 1.;. arrange for t're;tti>r mixintr of the facu!?' and -tudento '»n : * f- . .i T'.er. f vi'r v*. > " ge* w*ne "» • Lr.-yt, • ...r. es ,r V' s IIuh Hunter ; . - V;,eaKto - the AL'Sn rc«-..<- W»tfne*c!o » - Allorucv Si-ek* « r* *.n« « • "tie state .» • e deiTui-wi ' he Olid \! said 'h.v -ht Hi'inovdl of Iloffu • - - • > .W'D, On' ** < hancev for sucre-** af ths H ARLO MORK abou* . ... a- '...a' a..e .:c Ts.g'it help bring Motors pre-.• maneuver were dim. It h*« been - A- ar.-, A ancr ' (vh.i- riirt- -s • ' accident# ■ ... He a, •..r.-.w-rtosie ?o on- V :.a ro*|'mi:e — «>? ?•" >v - From Teamster# M years alnre the >»enate has it. graduated from N'orum rj'io « th him ;n JM3. Ha ■ or of h; adopted a motion to force a hill h.K- urvifrsfta-cl- ",.i* •;.< L.".: • F-u. ?.-•« t* :..-rcto*er-v> v Hi.ri f'.ii'.w i.ter'e- "a- & \r- Or.*- of 'hp nrty.,lfr -y \I.V e pre-sirten'. Hc.ff.. ,!■. ge'.era: pre>.- . ?«> J-" Br'Mf'nsh.r •, ■ v.-. ■>.; fir. .a.:, a;..' • >.< " - • ?,| Iff ' Zl'l' l' N'-fva!e Repuii.. ••*•■* v •?{.» far r and f-ersd| teaws • duck hurf - <■,! i: T'-iinv:''ya Union .« ,-g>, use r ec-i»>fwr;.' grow; • f,e . 1 Manv fief!- e -. w*hedu;ed « a i<"Y-d* : • «**r n»}rr.od ha was • • • Mar'/ *r • U;try .■ TF ' zu'er V .' ' • U >r# our s 'a:* the tax v.; -y»a.:zc*l it **a- a !?.*•* giriicr s.i.a . . ' .1- ■ •* e Tk.--e ; 'iri >-» iesernr-: vag .< Se'h'nirf*. motion mad- n?««t r.i• e ; ,.5* i duck bUnd .. f.-'v .rt a ,» fa* as •"# kr.-ew, ;n the S' fW ' .*"• *e;«? er;-.-.* «r 'tmzinrrr* on Salt* -o ?-rt'-•D.xffruT. Court .1 .ix oackag** desj^ne'f "d * .- r ■ -; -' : • *" e< ■ gh • SPOULI KHrash . - "The tusturir t i*»t of The set n « niisierful eon- Br.'i-n ru.tsf 'rw « tra • the state j.nt.1. vrPerx ••••:.« nai bound - W.iiT<' ,r r.»rmal." .Smith said. rhe« t» the » v t anit his pru- corrertl* utilising . stnsetlon. *»• %R T AN FN TilVEER U on ;* 'l i h-lfiee -i;,'Ut . ' N' « • United State- S<" !?;. c «s, i W-rfru— Mork was desrrihed aa a# out¬ piisal far and e.»mp»e|e di»- Stage spare and perspee»i\e and sale todav from 9 a.m to t p.m. vemWf. Th«"* -f ,» h«id» ft.i .'»r. hi*--, been ;♦•'.! standing and serr activa high armament proclaimed h* him at the *jme time eonvetinc • The rnagafine will he sold in d"e yet for WennewUr the j« • men ducks flew prr- from the I nited Nations ros¬ feeling of upner-middle class trcslinu-n lit lull,- tterkev llall. Physics Math, Olds to ir. f-V-'iera! .-• Irtbtt.. Izi'itrir': Judge Dick* Waphtngtofi. -)f a »f vh«ei dent of student, national lie honor waa presi¬ sorwtv trum hive had tremendous im¬ borne, nes* cherished hi the Hall. I.lertrical fjirineering. and luhij*. -ata an-! otoer* V \{»*i and Thespians, drama group. Ma ' - f *ax retired Dee. 31. sity teams team. rn.irfret." f >r i'»f• k; ■><* pr.«idmt in eharge * K T?;« seem# Man W'h«, ■'.. rffjttinerf *.» brrwme . r - - HcprcM'nlalircs ;y*»p5e . r.-i -xthere- '•• board to watch Noffg's admints. tration of the HOUIHH) memiier ra.:road fi«.-es and fre;jfh'- shipmentz. mi! and truck ■ "He ' nl was the kind .cica a cf tiersocs suUlor,'* for General Mn»nr*. ;'-. -,-x. '-.uiiacn Miller it- m : nvuch a twr* '<* >ur her?tag-? Pr'.i*- pals and «T*J rt": .Teamsters I nion. That order 1 "t '-d lt president last o rimith said. legal proceedings . ?c»m !«*#> .Nigh #cnr*»i# grew nut of ^ y ..e the tnufMb*- .!;£ "T.e - - ,-ne-e* *-.*» theer #tu- l>;'- All!e-Tcan. initialed hv schmidt in behalf Gommie Scare? M • -x.'mrtarf ' hut'er # ■ •i, cootpiniooi irx»eiM»c.»s«"-' • ■* ' member* met We*ine*lav tug: • r.fc 'i",cr *.ru?n * ,.n,n -r-ruse >,( humor mailed We*tnfflKla> #>•*.< ' e I< kwr,* i ft*## u in in Ann flint. Arbnr. Ate. Th. sv.ruc?. of «•' S*c. • • ^ tr«i' r ' «" {; " The u.niver«iU?> <4 ■' r. K'.as.. fen'er with D". ar. a:iu.' r.. ilia- •••Timuni'y. he -aid par*.y exphi.n « ■* i.-.f, ourt to remove Hoffa from •>: - llriuif* Similiters H.;« !ea' ?e*:' "3e -Surd vra- h..c*ev«". limit# the eh»ra-wi of hta-viey Id/crrf.» ?#f 'he | to* ut „f M>eeral tin Aw V:* Aar v . «!?.wi(l4BW. e penrfiOg *r;a before ixyat-i jpt ni-.r* .a n.s ?am-.y ,. „nr ■ • i.sdvcrv true- effect.veno- Oilkgt A ducumion beiwrwn pii;WW's ria'S* CHARLESTON PI T-e nrfcre«' • of the Ht. Clair n situv»--si's ve-.-rf ■ spe. sal caaniifVer- 'W A •» vewrs in foreisfi . !' *j*f- the Cf potihie Mr,r.:« irf.'errfa and i;k ty>'e>rs cotleg !s. ;n« «5e.< w-tmt • Cansrurusr?"1 * m '.he la IM* Mors krwther. I Uf north end af Ukr f>«* r-*-- • *s- ' ~- n,errweer* t-r.',, the r^erevr- said, hi- heVve*. or? cnargea tba* ll-»ffa depr'-ve-i * ye»ie* a o«si< apparently *« ei-.-ugli •' r.a;.-m of many «uprr.u: - T' Mmsters merr-Vrs of r-gh' • __ in-law and aepnew were killed it ;• milen worth - ' : e g e betsefl'i* ect, v.- . >• s'iinetH- w-"tii'.1 be hijfin- *tvv «r*ef 3* ;>«>k nmmved ■ scietiu V.» rnit *b** . have '.{te } helm ? M - to- * - o«itjv a'a--, fu a-ar'n and wo rf puaewntewrd under '.be new iain/c in an istomohP accident in Httflflf* roiJege. rurr.:-..u»a w» centiv from a *s* w!i*ch irsptn.- speak* w*i. ?m a group, aucn m saw. I erasne ' Him Hts grandfather ■ i have been 68 trwvi v"! • c e; I«ti» expamerf and daru*P«g; eageriy a»tervrf cia>»cs. a lions are be ng *.*ked to >ir- this trTHn wriich nucceeds. . died tjrt. M Ule dav after the -"to.stmas Day. lie n*w reg^srW widuwr, Veda, -The rold war fci an obstacle cr,**e tor a H>St daughter. Jane to broader business contacts be- Bv MSI Advisory Group The brack 'li' f.J *" *r * Mark >in Xuiy H 1482 tneen the countries of Latin He .a wwj P* hi# parent# ' nK»m(«r ■*" by ftidhsird tUsctiun- m ttttkR in ifce tnork/i d other States." the vt and M- Ha-a Mork, ' Surrey Unique Ihiouthesi f'.'ur ne Viet Nam Government -arx ago «. Dr c. A. Hen- Pravda artkle said. Trenton, t*«0h c* on toe aporoved >#* *-'»r Futienl sawt he had a?w».'.-apssrsenu N" "A- a rci'.i', Ui*- wafer high school st,ud« #i*l toforma* Scr>ev! Supenn'.endenr. PhiLp TV MSI' advuwry xrouo m Irion*. Ralge Eunera: H one Trenton. «v uur?*i.:„ with uneoid grmtm-* ?" «s»tobU#c the Nat. eu: lrj.«:r la*t,-ri fr«jm interview r wito Ke; -.awl he .'erroved toe utlr Vse? Nam fat- recyjnt.v > More than 3b mn-ivn **c*$ erf .* •a.seo.iok '-r. pubuv aitr..:.- '.uuc ezf Arfrr.i.uMrataoct « .vc.-w"; civil v-rvant# and the puoiic. Several reprint# are aUo in from the iwt suomtted to PTA fills Duck ,-off«p ar«- awaitmg bu-.ff* . , l.sirauorv tn V*«t Nam,, a fca*.«*t far zyjucattof yr> * plainect through moat of It was Grange and .ndtvirfuai* bec#u»e for pubs it' Engbto and Vietoamese, var* Hunter* "Thia i* wh>' Lat-n A krozwTi attempt comparat. e w.wrieo #a^i Gatk; po*itwcu to ru? rtrfm.niitrauve concepts are conducted by the student# and the tiUe rmgf;- touOd provaga# For i.hesl Drirc resp.a-.dcrf v. server. . buwn«A winunsrtra'f-n *R undeioe- faculty at Saigon. Uve. *0N xj <#>wHunU- warmly to the caii Khrusn- ■Pw- cstaebrjok. rfeveiophd ffoiti actually applied 3n thia under* Tl 'dkJn ? want to jeopardize Fail fund drive f-*r Campus veji>pr-d gOUfl'"'?'. Key government official# have it h.-b ? in Vied Narr. dtrvcioprd country f*y (rum our dan* chev f(kr me expaits.nn of biter- Staaiev Gab..-!-, asjtstoftf «»- leecwe* .s a The eackzook portrays oublic reewved copies of Uie casebook our atbtripts to get a tchutA ;i&- Chest oaovcn uxto ;ta 4aai ' a a rational trade ' '..riijMTor n? toe V»et Nam pcu- teaching aid of modern method* life from a Vietnamese tewot of with favorable rwacUuns, ac- _.r»ry." he said. * >e*. ato> announced Uia? a sa jec*. TVie annua1 crunty event baa Ues that country view*. no* by .rfrua set up to Gabis. to ta»- leJt-lOoofe wrr.curn tn Lr.a- he said, but will. If he find# it Frrtbinrn lo Ol.Uiii nunters been rjatun# since Monday t/v tbz* U'm^K States, Gwou erf.- OivernmenU of other under* -a*-- »-f Xw Jersev s and V-etname#** had beta A case development serrunaf unobjectionable be wiiT return TMay wtil be tne last day Joe \ develrzped countries, such as I **"' e4#or.. >lid-Trrni Grades recent;- r*iea»ed. Pret»f»re'. tocse »e>p* W'b" are Nan«. toy text could be used in Kappa Kappa Gemma wiU op¬ "Us "t42T- y-.eir ofTeCul mid-term U arfrura*tra;«>r. 4NdM eocsowntere^^Fitll more uoueuii casebook is aiso Wing distrib- L B Srt« Jazz. F«->l * est of Lawrence unrferdevetooed countries u?>«* today from t - otr.cT uted to Mudents in public ad¬ erate the • K-^revily grade re;*err.5 today *? tdey a*e Vkpi Nam and now eo-oeritoator type# of adm.mi^rjitive situi- 4 favor, te with a fca- minor aiUwratwai* ghan mow* found in the ministration in various partf of Atorrix Halli amociate pr<»fes- i.m -5 pur ; x-herfulcrf to >«• high W:th support of toe Interna- of yubUc adsuabtrsten ji tr.c the United States. scr in the Music departiiMHIt; Other groups working at the school principal# in the Aud United State*," he said. the hunters have Lttle too cicw. Conferences with Micbigan bosia- D>-wptrative Admi.*u#tra- pcliUcai John v-encf Mon*Hfuner>. rfevartmen' fifn.-r A few problem# covered to TW book represents several will supervise a jazz sesswm at Union taoie all neck have been: ST team of over 30 MSU a •iOR, a of work conducted in Viet 4:15 this afternotin Monday, Alpha Gumma Oeiu; high scfeool principals aft from es-arfemic advunr for toe *dw»-. tlu» boot include reorganizing years | report th."ir 8-11:45 thi# atwraing. Frwbmen faculty memberi 1# re*pocu.ol« cotnptied toe infor* co-operative*, planning munici¬ Nam through MSU's inte^na- TW Union Board plans W Tuesday, Mason Hall, and Wad* d ^iv? been ducking for for pdvMng and the veromeiJt of Viad Jfam. 1 former principal#. n." I i i! Two More About To Blow Reds Woo Michigan State Michigan State News 341 Student Services ta«? La" '-t Read Daily by MSI a 2X.II - .... siudrnt* and Facility Latin Ameri<*a Published o.t class ria*« Monday -11 'ir :u\tl spring terns, week'* dunrs -- r-vt. The Michigan State New* i* published ny Mudem- ,.f Miriue-m ««;ita 1, v'i.m-i .1 next'-an i-ue het • een -unv.t ..v t. •• University. East I^nsing, Mich without mini i*i«-Mltv -u»wrvii.i..r». .\ikita Khrushchev apparently das. matte, under the a"t o« M..rr-- 2 ir - , It is ein>t the official voire ot the university <>r of t»ir stud, nt re:«dv ho.i .. ..nri out white aeekinjjf to serve the hest interest* of not-.. elands the tve is preparing t > make a pitch «ub«4rlt)»M>n» natahle in advance t to battle anv n.nve which utile any ..... - would drive it uptime h.'vi t.tdc MenitM during for expanded Sov¬ *i |i,r tlrree ter- - whether It come-. from within ti e tmlvr-r-ity 1 • •f the Associated I're.s Inland Daily Press and A' ted Collegia! iet and influence Men,hers o. "• Inlar ■! D-nlv Tfe*- ■ \ .... lateil fnlteBM'e Pre-. Vrexs. Igiti'i America Editnr-»n-f'hlef Mir "Pie current minion to Mexico Vol. 51, No. 100 Thursday, November 10. 1050 Pnjre Two •»f his right hand man, A I Managing Mil* Feier 1 Business Manager \ Mikoyan. coincides with notire- 1 irrulation Director F«vl I aulv stepi>ed-up propaganda de¬ U of I Bike Riders signed for iences. sians I,atin American aud¬ This suggests the Rus¬ see bright opportunities Michigan State New* there in months to come. Campus Classifieds . . . Low 1 , Get Stiff Fines Conceivably more may l>e filling the role of advance man as lie did in the Mikoyan , oner Your Key to Better Values . KVER HAVE TO INllKiK two op three bicycles eominir United States, to test the cli¬ Khrushchev visit to you? Ever have to swerve your bicycle Around two or mate for a at three pedestrians? Ever that, you'll miss both the have to drive your car praying bicycles and pedestrian*? I«atin to A America number of factors combine suggest to the Communist CAMPUS CLASSIFIED »t:*»LIMES: 1 p.m. Do Bt4mt rpkHnim. I- t*. Too many times law enforcement officials have waited leadership that important gains Thur, and Irl. KdlUmm. DndH*. f« Mm, ! ,, doing anything about are in prospect in Latin Amer- . for the first fatal Accident before Rill. Par.M. I-IS ud 1-1 Mud.. ll.r«u,. <•3 These include the political traffic conditions in a congested area. ferment in the Caribbean and EUMSII i:v Champugn police, however, are taking the lead this Central American area-, a tend¬ week in Wn attempt to prevent any such accident from ency in many quarter- to kick occurring. "Moreover, the Champaign enforcement will not t'nele Sain in the shins and AUTOMOTIVE PERSONA! blame him for all their woes, only deal with automobile traffic, but also with pedestrians the promise of a Soviet market tr»51 FORD «EDA\. etx rvtinde ami cyclists as well. for agricultural production, and *'»nrt4rrf tmnermnon reientfe corr- t.'NDER THIS new enforcement program, cyclists, pedes* various economic troubles nle'ej* rebutl* eneine 8I.V) — be«* ot'er EI) 2-lWt.ri 19 trians and motorists will receive an oral warning ibis week, s-ttm llclu... IA54 PI VMOfTtf 4 atandard shif* a written warning in form of a courtesy ticket next week, <-rt«M»r H.tdio ' es'r f*V» t en*» t •oil' !'l'|.. and a ticket the following week. This does not mean, how¬ ever, that tickets .will not be issued immediately to anyone INFORMAItON Irene. Est 2*18. 4-5 «0 p m. TAKE V nrMDNSTR VTTOV RtDE 4.? tmi v.u.Oin: Phone tV2.otj r-.e !'"»• For.; or Ford in serious violation of the citv traffic laws. 1-1 ( ontri<' «ielden a* Max Curt-* vinil.t TMFTA FfSII.ON' 4.s The fine for pedestrian "jay-walking" will probably he tin IV 4-44^1 7 p rn Wesley House. Pledge .<5 although the minimum for that type of offense is SI. . meeting RRAKF-: FRONT AND rear braVm* reluieO. l.thor anct material* C-»m- Violations by bicycle riders will no doubt constitute the £5 K % PP % Pill i.i.t- Rr-kr idlnisted Pr-ike relinrr- 2sI0 ) Weslev House Pledge .mtrnin 1 minimum fine. 7 p.nt . Kril«n>aro«> Phone IV 4-4M4 h) »OYr? Students, however, won't be the sole "cry-babies" if they meeting t t'W STI DV GROI P 7m* ta»# -- r- OPEL-ONE YF.AW old two »«*• should he ticketed. Staff members and t'niversity employes 4 10 p mi . College ||oiu>e ie-i and white tomileaee. radio • • fire I*'.* *»ind*e'elU • are also going to he ticketed for their careless safety hah-, HIAIJ.V FOUNDATION •-a'er wa-I.ei bar* turn up light- indicator*. enee'Ur.s its. 12 10 p.m., Wesley House onditlnn ar-ie ( an 41525 • «kr Financing avail- arrar.gerrenta *lt* N WE CAN ONLY commend the police department for its Norm luncheon. , vurie in IV 2-1113 2s I.I'IIOPF AN NIC'VCU. TOI R realization of the problem and ils attempt to solve it. We 4 pin. 41 Union. Slides and IV*) TORI) SEDAN f«><*t motor • hope that this will not he a "hit-and-miss" pro|N>sitioii. but discussion on bicycle tour of * S-nwr -! bo«lv t#i, moH tire* 44»» Kl»- 4: will be carrietl on with systematic diligence in the future. Southern Europe for summer Among the offenses most prevalent in the campus area !!■ rhl n I, <« IIIMO due to ilho'%i of IMtju. Kvervone welcome. i-»"i FORD FOt'R door ver »»k1 • onditmn kvrret* \|emll. 142'. (, GAMMA DI.I.TA are the following: walking across streets in the middle of .t M-a-triM ED 2-I41S afte R nni Martin Luther Chape block; carrying more than one passenger on a bicycle: not . Fbtfird meeting For.» V having adequate light on bike; weaving between cars, and M AN TIN 1.1 I'll • R 4 II\PH '..r VEF.I) . r.arrtton WfltFI.A• tsft! C»no,t » .M'e t»a. » re- - not making the proper turning signals. I IIOIK v. 1 .'eri/eil an.! engine tune un 412 1 f ED 2-ua.Vi ♦. Chape , These are only a few of the rules that will he enforced •7 pun . Martin Luther Mll«|| '•»*4 MO A RADIO and hea'ei re future. They aren't "Mickey .Motive" Interpreting the News on campus in the ► In g'mel x«K*dit»«»n pt.rite T ito pm. Fotiridrv Bid/ rules and are not designed to treat, students like little GERMAN HUH ) I) 2-5453 *1 children. They're designed to prevent accidents and sa\e 7 30 pm. 3H Union Parol di-.-u«s on on Youth Hostels lives. J-MOP EXFUUTIVF C'OMM Only through the cooperation of the students and staff 7 p.m. Mural mom. Union fO» Sai£ memliers who flatty break these rules can this program he J. M IIORKIITS IT Ml CPKILON worthwhile. AP \pw«* Analyst KTXAf.i. -r I 30 p.m . F.ftli floor. E'er* - EMPLOYMENT T'IRF- • ltail> I Him cal Kngmcei-uu Rldg Ton • ' *'«• ! 'trt ah I CJertn*::v ' »i tire j»artt»-« i'e •hose '»? "e rnitefl Stales 8n i )t * re IX I mversit) of Illinois IBM Adm n.strative machine* IAKF FROM 4*»»-»Ha. • •— .st st s Tho S. \ ••• Rib".a « v i i e* ' a htle g..ine »«-n*»>.; I"«r fohinu •• iit'teruuni i 1'rt'nt r. i. m « \ I MULE **K" ■■ M*T L i»r greater |f n Hi lU.n • and the •* SatiuOa Nosemoer y. D-1J A - • < .i .• their UifTeretkejt in an vpotiid m. ' ke t.» m rsb ft awak 7:30 p ni. 314 Studen'. Ser\- a' *•» Fas' Mlrhtgan A« Ra-.- I art# • r. 1 ... Vrs . Extend prnff but ratrno'. :jn«>rP and Sympathy iioio*|i>' ere which xt|ggo*f« ftn-ir a» an •-u>. A new « growing, 'IALE JUNIOR OR senior Mtadent hFIRTTN 1 «.rine in ar»-ounttrig i« wante.; HI.I.OWXMIP r.rk par' time a tu-okager.#- -I than li.ts in't i .tiiiiaren' lien, aton* divergent course* .1 tvtm* '• T«ri't Ravmond Ron. 7*30 p m . 33 Unioii • IV 2-I4T-. lea' e M K sei. v| •, t« i S- - Jl DO UI I'D THE DEATH of llarlo Mork has come ,*<< a shock to tl .- • ■ ^ • • vis •• I IS Xdenaurr iwh holds Ihe 1111- me ami ncoue *2 hc« a. IM Rldg Wresiling • .. 7-0 p.m. students and faculty of Michigan State I iiiver-ity. Mork waa an outstanding student and n-peeled to tim e who in.I i mo Gcni.ut. itUinrr ll«»r v is.linn Ad uaioo'i dispuled leadership, once shaml hk surh I rrnrhmen as srhaman and Jean Wonnet. «nd vpuk nf S'News roo-ii WINGED SPARTAN* 11.YINC. • *- P4RT.TI.vr ■i.e 10"ie- ■■ • • *-•- rar t * ' POSITION to -.,^k '! help von 1 -*nt » No miedr"*"' noe- In. ail* A I D»CP O*1 •'?* U* Knew him. Helgium. of Ihe luropran amh II I H i.'i E Ma-mean. Lansing 4 a * President John A. Hannah said Wednesday "I am sure everyone at Michigan state l iuversit\ would Mi- :. .. -vimji t mokemeni on sorli Ihe l.uropean economic rom- men look up¬ Views 7-8 30 p m ROTC Building Mov.e . Quansef 58 AF- v »i *»iC a. : s ;H v n •• A n it.i .• i mat Hr.i.r munilk not onlk an inalru- election of officer- follow,n» FOR SALE like nie to express its deep regret that Mr. Mork did not as ma-nl of trade lor Ihe present, Please he present The comments appearing sl\ rHANHlSTOR RADIO win Ids gallant fight for life, and to extend \\ inputhv I 'i !« i S'i ' c .tiMsiist ritts .sin hoi as 4 kfhnlr Vkhhh mak C ATIIOI.IU STUDENT l . a-r -or, 1* UlRi re« , . .f, • . .. , ■ • • It. i in H'hens Views. while m this tragedy to his family and friends." eventuallk earr% Europe to po ORGANIZATION • < aV.t X'arek Ptes, • tptlf c>t*' \ h'ltain r I en..tills rii ' .« I written hr members of the eX' •-< Nritlbrai Food* n- 4-.» i'atho;. S'.ider.1 The State News joins with President Hannah m extend I1I11.1I union. Vrame. having p rn . I and. r |V 5-4355 4? staff, do not necesaarilv re¬ t rt. <- * . moked hk this meuns and 1'enter. Coffee h«»ui 1 •?««♦- Ing deepest sympathy to all who were friends and relative- A . flect the opinions nf the Ft < AR ONE bedro.M-. »*• to through the European rual and •• f • 4 38 I'hi>n« ED of llarlo Mork. His death came as the result oi a tragic \ Male News editorial hoard /.offer I'oliry steel rwmmunilk touard an In- which is reoponsihle for the ; rii's :> .»• 40 FX'Ev BIOVDF Life (an Be ALMOST NF't oe* strident we hope will never happen again on this campus. terlorking p«*sitron designed to editorial policy of this paper. • i>u ruunau > dr.k-tat e 11.4* On recently rrrrltril . • tft-tncti teak fT.'- «*»r >»« • * end forever bet old ronltiets ■ ■! ■* %e\ M»crMt ami lintel* Ihe column is designed to •-i . • -teir.j folding «nair- Mitb German*, is committed. IMi F.D 2-2UT 4* give staff members the same . Bum Thai Midnight Oil •UMimmuuv campus problem*. Irllris we t It u u I ulsh trt T . « leg «* oeen touie. i a* opportunities to express drainage FROM em I t lltAKAAST IONUS nuke II In our rntlrrt 4 .;r.t •■.. « n Kr.ta: . Hut :t their opinions as other stu- MUSKOGEE. Ok:.. 4' -Pa- GOOD Only * fow short, works remain Imforp filial oxanis. All that Mr Mill not publish am • ••mi*' t «• trad.uon.i! dents et i-tiy made a rtouu.e tag-* w hen ttn»* pasMM OliiC Rodden'* wiv- FttSH too soon liliioliooks mill I MM mmirmhoots will lasnmo tlio , Irtlrrs miIIioiiI knowing thr.r fir; 'if ".k 'hrit tee on',.. If I ma* to* »■> oraiu •< tourer. \\r Mill withhold Ibf n«" ' .v. » permitted I. e station He put several o« - QU'CK ' most pressing suhjoots of rnnvorsiition. Ono short wor.l of - t»i»:m t»u*. m fact <)' life to ttm.-e O'V ducks in a puddle of wa'.er writer* i.aine lit rniursl if 'i fc'.in . •> .1 - 'ashion whirb ■dvicr: start liuriiiiiit the miilniirht oil now. It ujll up your Ihrtr is iiislihi atiou for dolus v i Monji her mtiVfi'h wbt art effort * » na ntam a ba:- main exiatetite t»*»tiit. the rtxiaon of commervial ft»i bnm the i- kuraae- i.t ilu unit. otul need'.e Garard »nange, Complete Da*k- e it ,*p«. yi-. E.D 2- - anve "f trade reiahoru A(lO«l 30 flat being easung rikVtNMiiiihiauou on the Berhn itn ■: sines uetn that thss'rep¬ ' s f i) tv rrrrRictR atora I Boring loot 3! Talked invo- .kill n»b liemiMiiv v,attune machines. gi>.d nm- M.r of tM.*- resents emflirt, an.1 claim to l>e John Kirk, of the roMmunira- ' 111* herently i A- a- K\ <5,>al>e.i 4 Quiver ».ri;ri.:t4 »>..vv«n •»%.•! rkHimiUaltoil e» i i '.:.* macttimmy whicii ca« lion skills department, said over -ti l'* Mi.'f niu F Mulligan 4; n; Artificial whole 9 State • if the notion ,ti 4 • f M-.»!uf»::v urvuitatke UK Alt's Viewpoint program WIU OX GAY 7APE recorder Tv. language that 'The .. 12 ilaliandge *. ii,t*s..i»*k* "rii-ea have been whole Madison Ave¬ ua-e,l- - . *p*a Hera »e" Ptione ED- 33 O'd soldiert He Gaulle keeps maneuvering I 45».2 a:ler hree/e made b\ 'he six natiot.s of the nue approach suggests the same 4 .k: i* tulluq for an equal koue in all Ihe in¬ II Ptenga vMouiuinitA ethical evil of the TV quu 35 Top cat lis ternational dealings nf Ihe al¬ 14 Draw game 24 lianuiter lies—not only a voire granted Britain is rs amine show v—production for the sake HOUSING 15 Billfold Rut the head of production and entertainment .34 bv them, hut one in Mhkrh he tommuuilv lu keep out of pub F0« ttNT 17 Siaggplay* Opponent! for the sake of entertainment." ♦ts 1# Yarn 4d Discontinue 41 Depressed ttiuiion af Vettgrdar'a Punt. ran make demands. tics. outlined, lies the rub %nd there, as vet faintly Perhaps we should d.» awa. / CATS MATE IS H06Sff\ FAST LANAING DCWEX self mean- Fins itiokrs for irrriittuuition. w *Ji commercia! broadcaatin; (STfP'OlW arge |,mii\. aru |'«a of >4 ni (i | . lire* to Re ill 42 Ti*o bad 43 An impor* DOW N 7 Sheep-till- !»;t' .♦ .hri-sn't sm'ih ts» ot* rtuuiih France and Germany. tMdtug This has iieett done, un'il re¬ if J\ '•aremen* a; " rg 1 (e I n -.mist ed at.»r r«» rictpl «'<**# B|t,s utiiitie, MM* age t|t-' A; ' * ' '* 31. Mountaiq tant affair I V e'.d .tig pat i nt cent >. in Uie L'nited Kingdom, A • tlabiri rn-.i-ema'e, Adult* ED- '.«• :h- rausitii; all the? lonokr of indus¬ . a cix»t.l.on nix ♦-•V a*. * , t nymph 44 Separatrd 2. Man i name 8 M.pped Wtirit ie«;!\ uUiioritra ihla trial attd military naUotis. would where 'die British ttmadcai-tuig ,-s.i.NA -*'> ' ! It. Bgfellt {| 44 Generation .1 Of htghrr aw ay Corporation had governnien'- F 51 PLOY ED a!ar# | hoio iv a WOMAN TO 37. Lnaa \k snmitthhtg n«»t give western a voice h ■ ' U Cabinet for 50. Haw sera ft 2. Twilight M. To swell out Stature 4 Service or 4 Robbed to Ventilate yet rie»jl> dotlnevl, aomothmif world comparable . to sponswkred by taxation revonues. nuvnupo!>, sup pored J-«3» • e Own tranft0o,ta'M*n ED- «• » 1 ;-,v- pgpar* avail ll Afllrmativg Ft RMHHED HOl'SE FOR a* 19 Burmege 54 Head liner* ft Strike* 1ft Faithful ■ <»ntn» neat Wj«i rent Olirt*- ».s-4**.:f They didn't have to make *•- demon 55 Not rooked 9. Article 18 Gratuity 21. Pointed arch To Prove Point money; they didn't have to drag iiar: W * ptiilent Fraoci* St erelrTted Lansing Inauue a' 4a 22 as- in Uie andienres. they could DOWN AT AIRS. CLEAN NEDTi O- gke several hours every lended Teacher Rigs' lixam even R A TED stedMr. (.gated Three ru*>.- t .*'h 2.1, Urticaria *Unr rerrige rit,*f Vttlit.p* da/ of "culture" to enlighten Garage bripement IV 4-4AM 44 2* Mnlt liquor* 2ft. NoalrJa rNFlRMSHfO SMALL HOUSE However, today Britain itf nut 2tk Small rock FRKCICOLD, SJ (4*1—A high was all rijflt for quiz nitleil* F Lanung. enrage Ge* neat i'wp ' 28. Counte nanca the Utopia it once was. Commer¬ t" erred Avaitehte De. I ED¬ achool hiatorv teacher said he ant* Ui 4*ccj*t answers** 31. Armed a.r. cial broadcasting has reared its S' 1454 M Willeil Made op no estreoae- plane* taught his >tud«M»u a ir.ucn in ugly hood—because the people . AFAiTtelNTS 34 Tried ly dsflkolt quia aod Moled to wished to be entertained, not common honest*- by giving nmu .30 Fru.t nine sfdeota that he veoMnl of them 8he anawers to an Am¬ uplifted. THREE-ROoU fl-RSIAHED aggrt- 37 Chr.ttian nsiad if they leaked at tho an- *nt I tilltte* M4d Pmate 1\- fe*l<\»! Perhaps the U. S. fhoukt go 'an«-e and parking Tw* Marks to erican history quii and flunking tying en hk dawk. AN the way of kte U.K. and osuo- 38 Floor •Ting cov* u i' rwt of .them; lish hie Anwrioun Bruodonsting mTliS,*™1 - "—J tlelvln Wlllett. nku teaches After the qua. in which the 4t» Group of Corporation. This would eiun- 11 KM,HI I) AHAPTJHPHT IK American history at Ireebald ftir.e gut perfect nvrca and the atudents inate the poeoUnlHy of quu near tamjHia and at»r«. Three rutin* and Rath, ftrat (Your 42 Copycat Regional High School, decided rest failed. Witlctt told his clo^s show s 1 1 . and "acnodal> " I tiliLes mud Pa.ktag Married 43 Chart t« give his lime leauun after a what he had done. Ncnembe- J- ; ®T only |V k-Tto® 41 ^ti 44. Gone l*v class discussion on rigged tele¬ bet #e T\ t *** * "They all objected vmlentlv. ATTRACTIVE TRO KOBOOVl 45 Twaddle vision quit shows. 47 Stowe char¬ cunplaming about the unfair- aoartmettl. I nrurnv uim hU*.-k fiwm ramsu two ID 1 fteM qf eti excea* tmr rgRMgaai r A* we discussed the subjer*, nes« of '.he situation,** he said. d.«- Cen!a«* * *. J acter Adult, |« Our and 15- ! lovame perturbed at the atti- " All right.* 1 told them, *«e 41. Emblem of *.u:tc of most of the students." will now* have another mucus* w Which they don't Entertain- 4 OO MS . . CAM PI - tU! Si Father •l' Thev felt Etat because siori on rigged TV qua shows'." mait U to coftMtDio, jmriod. . . . hioh ki-0" TFiV ••: b.g money prUtel involved \!o»t of them changed their This, kad DoHUng kmr. APPROVED D O U • L I aa , ... ftCli-K R-"k bads. Owa Mallahh at and becauee it was 1** Ulegal. it opinions, WiUeti aaid. u,lh ««dal teran. ED I |4M. ...W*l*; MirilH.AN STATE NEWS \Cranberry Industry Asks November Ifi. I<)5* Page Three Report More Jobs in September with 17.5 percent of it* to* il ■trrhilpcl In Din/ilny Denign* at .M$V Official Safc-to-Eat' Word Mich¬ force of 91.000 during the one- There were 75.000 more force unemployed, has cut . O-.e of tie mod influent »: hibit came from the Illinois In- igan people employed in Sep¬ year period Percentage-wise, architerta of our time, Lu-lwig stitutc of Technology, where tember 1959 than during the 7.1 percent of the state'.* total unemployment to 6 3 percent van der R^die headed the de- Mies van der Rohe. ha-* !cf* Mi - labor force was unemployed ii) month'later. preceding month. stamp ->n tnc architecture fare Arthur Flem- h'eir delav in his original an- dropped by a whopping 217.000 in an exhibit on display he-e T may be seen in Building as soon as possible—hut he re- n ..ircment. the situation which during the one-year period end¬ Iv troit with 8 4 percent of a figure of I B Th s comfMr' A-l. South ram pus. from B a.m. Wdr^day promised to fused to indicate when total lat>«>r fori*e unemployed w.ith the over-all Michigan u un!i. Dec K- that he said confronts the industry ing September 1939 fndei the avispiCi^ of fie to lu t» *i. Monday through Fr - ... ^tendon on a plea that might he. Part of the 217,000 decrease a!! other Michigan cities i.i employment tlgure of 7 i p.- - wi*h a cntjAtrophe probably , jMrtmen*. uruan p' c.n.n*; .* .d flay and until noon on Satur¬ back up the rran- this e;deg iry. Flint, the undis¬ cent, down 2 3 r»ercent from < v riemmipR heard more would not have developed. i* accounted ,Jr.r by a shrinkage lar.dvui** a: lutei •.are. tn* ex- days The public is invited. ...«.:' to buy cranber¬ en Thanksgiving, was the ba*i> of 3 ries • until cleared up. unles- they could the situation wn* Latins Say V. ;>:T>Eram the industry identify tne bcr-e< a- s.-.f- I,f. -tl , . ,r decking berrie* not - arket for anv traces r,.; killer aminotria- A manager of a m b r ■> tive whioh represents 73 percc .t s e Stevens, general farmers co-opera¬ Keep r. S. pruduces cancer ;n ..f the Flemming's actn.n -va* lil v.-ed. cranherrv H-■ jsaei the {nriustr;. crop. >.«. I a l- Neutral h<> v refers to Nov 9 ' Bia- k M WASHINGTON '■T-The Eis¬ PRESENTATION a- • •* 0UTSTANDIN6 SAMPLE I^miM r«Hw* U» >l.n rtimmHIInf h m.Hr .1 da ' enhower Administration ha« A VERY ' -«i rinlrrrnrr (U«X«I by President f'»e<»tge O.sjon ■ .« • vn more open support for „ mil dl.trlhwUr rrsrr- the saI'll1 • • -opern' :vt-. O'. e nl !"iiitar\ string man regimes tn VL-u.f. and mfmbwt .f lor. ^",„n rranbfrry .UlH Spra.s sa.d K' >1 l.«t.n A-nerica than the Truman Adh..n:st ration did. a report of oxi/iiis'iti• formal drossrs offrri'il to us anntitilly hy prepared f »r Senate Stud> *a.d of tlir li'iiiliiip manufacturers in the field. Mast are called the session Hr • hear the industry's I*rice of l\Uits Wedriesda\ night. our -ow to cull out the The report, drafted b« the one-of -a •kind siimfiles and nil are nt ii fraction of former school ■>i v The berries federal more govern- To Rise ipain I nlrersit) of New Mniro ••f inter* American affairs, aaid I nited Mates should follow te«-:ng program has turn- Ihe m . /Va«li'niton .a ->vi berries from Ore- and Wisconsin, Mext Yetir a «ird poliev of eorreet neutralltv to. l atin Amerlean dictator* prices, rifilit before the festive holiday season begins .... Massachusetts or New and refuse aid to outworn re* times. - , the industry offered '■ of !«»<;•» - muM run on. '. The re;H-.r« ua« prepared for * *.« i cents a d ••• above •• bs«.ra:iv what is now being .1 ./ •» rlati'.n- suiicommittee' rv * ~,rr.- j.»33 „rr v V: expansion—m-, MSf . e> " Anier .-an republic* affair-. - -.a bar ring u*e of the rhe-n- punli*heri by the subrom- u^r. -norc iv learned about .th ut endorsement. Tne • ■ • «i ■ • , ttee. headed iij S# n. i ru •--wrrnment sources sad 1 J..' lar -Ma W, \t -r-e (H-Orei. l*»gan a -ie«*;ng they regard«-d . :»i»r.«i«rt! of L* S policy to- Vi,r a- •« starting point f- r I..s' Amer .*a following t-qiw*- • > r.' speeding clearance • ' \' >- prev;den* R.crard Nixvr, a > be * •* ■ .. ccn* a ■■ ■• •* •-*r>Hrr«»d tour in May 1838 |,' n» bur*. * re vcr- love;.* (■' A . • June lfiyi Reside* recommendtng "some- ,n.r b'.rlnt tb» Indu.lry "Son-./- '. .a' oe'V- • Huns more than lip service to •• democratic principles." the re¬ ■ he • ■' ;%!> :■ r.e Itniimtm prointwd In • artrM. I,—tnm'n »"d mrmhnr. of eru-ouraee hatching • port old the I nited Mates „ mo Ihr plan CPrefulljr with -n.i ^ oe*' vea: • •• «rc e^ •. than should promote disarmament tn ralin America and gradually re¬ he s,i_V* "We .^xpec' 4 to fl m-: - duce militar* aid there. Russian Subs cent nv»re egg.type clicks n "ie first naif «#f l#«.i th.»n \»* !,»ng-range e<-.»n»•.».- nr.trli- " III V\s7 Allies • ueeaum* #wer price- ft »r r--i y-vc Undod State*. .'*. «.iui, will niert* rr.3v t-eaken demand f * "tcicn t.i iniensifv it- efforts WASHINGTON <,V\—Tie vs. and fr-er .,n.| • ■ r rvy vt j Communixt ctiallrnge m I*.•' American arising from toe command* NATO Ik- " percent increase ti ' a a , -i v i u-v.ti of br produc'; hi k.. . revolution n »\s in pro- I. r«ra . Arwe* to nations Atlantic said Wei* will be missje-finnc su »- « siffnifica*'' «f the Western n.'s* ver, ■j e.v« there A »-ce within a veaT. TIIFTA ALPHA Pllf Ac- Jerauld Wrigh* predie*- p V 1963 the threa' * M •I >enouS a« Russia's flee* » rruiwilc aubmarme* ^preme AH'H Co™- |r. -v- # r Atlantic. t"ld •c-utjves of NATO parlia- | ae" • ■T» have conclusive evidence |>a- fher 'the Russians) sre r* ««* sn increase*! interest in Ft**' of North America. rac*!*; or \ stkanokk I area and an industrial -rtpiex erat;ng probably I.Ill l A THIN' BLIKi | ejrvrv:n;» the (>•*••• and »ther tasks o? naval | -vr»-a • c, for example |* t.dmi ar« "a maticr of great ys.c fishing l**' op- TIME'S l(L'SMNC OUT! i to us," Wright said. |.W»erv .11 erf Tonitlil Nhvaerr and T>«kWw:>* |? «i!1 meet tonight at 7 30 . • - Horticulture building f/ , ard KrynM mill lecture I*- -.err. a ruining and eaie*. THANKSGIVING VEEKEM) IS ALMOST HERE ARF. YOt PREPARED? Sure Dollars on Famous California Maker's BRING VOl R CLOTHES IN FOR M E I.H ICR HID .CLEANING FEATLRE SAME-DAY SERVICE BEAUTIFUL FORMALS SERVICE AT NO EXTRA COST The Reason'* newest silhouettes. fabrics ami colors 8 ! PRW£a 8 TIME IS M $ 16 22 28 • IT II«:' A tnrnemloiw Selection of lovely formal*, one of the most glamorous aales of the x a-on. Cocktails, bubble skirte, bouffant waits length* as well as lodge dresses and gowns for the bridesmaid! In lus- trcuOatins, nylon chiffons, pesu de sole, jeweltone taffetas, net and tulle: mostly Misses sizes 8,10,12, some 11 and 16, also a few Junior sixes. Since this sale is not repeated at any time during the year, and the selection is moatly one-of-a-style, you'll want to plan to shop early to fill your holiday needs at savings that are too good to be true! Don't miss this great opportunity! KNATT8 PORMAL8—WKCOND FLOOR - I ): Record-Breaking Harrier MICHIGAN STATE NEWS November IS. 1S5S Pate Four Frosli Grid Lame IM Schedule Howell. Shiie Lead Pistons; Annual Green-White Kennedy Surprises Himself Practice rield ( II lit' v«. MM 7:13 iiriu chi vs. lirnu rhi Red Wings Bow to Toronto Battle Set for Fridav in rhi * «fa v*. A* Phi l;ll Theta D M Slcma Chi *l DTU So v». P* Phi The 5'8M. 137-pound senior was The j-oungevt KenncJ, .. srZETTE RAMSEY . Teorh Plelrt By nv THE ASSOCIATED PKESS In Toronto the Toronto Maple CM OS Phi vs. Phi Tan Stale N*ew» Sport* Editor team captain last year, too. He sister, is getting marric: tk.. giving, and 'r| Rookie Bailey Howell and Leaf* built tiu .a 3*1 lead and By MIRE SKINNER 1:2% (K P»l v*. Phi Dclt *:!• Mr Phi r.o Vs. A TO Before the IC4A cross country moved from Glasgow, Scotland, Forddv^; Gene Shue "cored 27 and 25 i3i vr.a v«. AB pi to Toronto. On!., four years ago the AAU meet to" at!Pnr< " then fought off desperate rally meet in New York. MSU sopho- respectively, Wednesday a Duffy I)augherty*H varsity may lie out of town, but »!« nailer 2 v*. Bryan 2 and is now in the process of get¬ wedding. points, bv the Detroit Red Wings in the IrnlwR Field ,mores Jerry Y"ung and Fd Kennedy, whose njjiht 'and led the Detroit Pistons ♦ here's still plenty of jrood football action left for local pi v*. ting residence papers in the U.S., Graydon found a shop on Broad- i n nr . final three minutes to preserve T;?S Phi Sir K y». Tftanrle which in five year* will make has earneri him th. to a 110-93 National Basketball Spartan fans to enjoy. I II Balles 3 vs. K Hhaw • wav that printed made-to-order "Zero Percentile" by A">n. victory over Cincinnati be¬ a 3-2 victory and move within Friday at 3 p.m.. Spartan Sta¬ of football. I U Brran 5 vs. W Bow « headlines. The two showed team him eligible for American citi¬ 7, fore 3.492 fans in the Indiana two pointr-of the second-place "Die' head cooch pointed out 9:M rmmoni J vs. BotterBeld 7 zenship, but now make* him In¬ nity brothers, says he dium will be the scene of the captain Forddy Kennedy a .. State Fairgrounds Coliseum. Wings in the National Hockey annual Green and White football that the weather would plav a VOl.t.CVBAf.f, •newspaper" announcing the eligible for the Olympics. to win again in the N'C'AA F^l Cincinnati, which lost its League. Alex Delvecchio and Jack Mc- tangle, which pits one half o? determining role in the style of bail to be displayed. 7 Bsilev 1-5 (cvm 1. Cnni« I victory of Young and Graydon Twenty-foar year* eM. Ken¬ someone who insists or- things "either all 1,Vr I seventh straight game, looked as the nedy left high •ebool at 13, a* I* H-( the freshman grid team against k RailPk 3-» over Kennedy. . though it was headed for victory the Detroit scorers. "If the weather remains cold, nothing at all." Intyre were the other. then mostly power plays through 9 B.sllev ?-( MM I. ( nurl 3 Forddy jokingly «iid that common In Scotland, and work¬ he appear,', in the opening quarter, but Ho¬ Mclntyre's tally came at the 7:29 capable of the job mark of the third period as the Head coach Oordie Serr will the line will be u.'»*d to cut down ? Balfwrfleld 1*1 they'd have to run 23:30 on the ed for three yeara In the pest well and Shue cut loose and the n Botierfleld 7-7 be in charge of the White outfit, on ball handling. However, if we » Botterfleld M five-mile course that had a nfftre before' he waa drafted. Piston* held a 32-43 halftime Wings battled to make up the and his assistant line coach. do get break in the weather, II. Court 4 --landing record of 24:01, because After two yrar* In the air farce, lead. 2-goal deficit. e« ? f: Khayr ?-J Henry Bullough. will be in. th'en we •.vil! also a r *haw (-1* he was planning on running he came te Canada. u.-e counter ** m 11 n 1111 u i m 11 n t • 11111 * ri 111 (1111111 m 111 h m 11 ii 11111111 i ii 11 ii t n n i ii 11 m 1111111 h i command of the Green team. * Pnimrtii 1-5 23:52. He even surprised himself plays and passes." f#vm II. ( nurt < Kennedy started school at that afternoon when he fulfill¬ YOUM ADULT DAME The seven game brines to an end weeks of grueling practice The entire roster* for both 7 n*fhrr 7 vs. Brsan S Bsthpf S-? I ed his prediction by running a MSU in January. 1936. and will team* follow. Green. Jeff Ahre- 9 Kgthrr i i record-breaking 23:51.8. graduate this term. He will go by (be freshman. II is the high¬ TUESDAY DWDT 9-12 p.m. light of their season, alnee It Is rht. Halter Mwietter. Joe Valko. Ron Walk in*. Jim Faton. Tom txirniitor* will h- hpH it I pm. hadminlnn Piiirnamenr Innighl In the Before that perform* nee on r»n to graduate school at State, while working under Dittrieh. the only contest they are allow¬ s|«ri« arena. Monday Kennedy won the Big linn KBKRHART ORCHESTRA Sweeney. Fred Dawwton. Tom He's majoring in physical educa¬ ed to compete in nnder regular Dfttman. Mike MeNangbton. 16 Individual crown an Friday. tion and hopes to go into col- 75c PER PERSON game-like condition*. Big Id Hub Signs I'arl He goe* Into neat Monday'* NC¬ Gary Oade. Gene VhilHw*. Herh l»»ge coaching, eventually. Ken- rale* forbid freshman team par¬ AA meet a* defending ehampion. Pa terra. John Raihn*. John Jew- n«iv will also be qualified to ticipation in competitive sport*. To Pilot KC Athlelirs first NCAA winner the YMCA The contest also has much ett. Dave Behrman. Hllllam Seolt. Mike Ward. George .%aar. the Spartans have had. •each history and social studies as well as ohys. ed. KANSAS CITY O''—1W) Elll- 217 TOWN8F.NI1 meaning for the coaches. It will Jim Bobbin. Ray Gle«ler. Ken f.'i. manager of Sacramento in Kennedy's coach Fran Ditt- Forddy's 27-year-old brother, LANSING enable them to judge just how Hardin. Howrard Mndd. NeHon the P.. ''i Coast league, flew rich calls him a "steady, think¬ Henry. Who is now in the in¬ ONE BLOC K SOUTH OF CAPITOL I well the new frosh have adapted Nrhrader. Gil The we*. Fd Bodde. !<» Kanc.i.' Ci'-.v Werlnesday. *o ing runner who has helped him¬ surance busines-s in Detroit, was "rMIMIIIIMIMIIMIHIIHIIII.IUMMMHIHMIIIIWIIIIIIHMIWI'MIIMIMHIIHllltllllUlT- themselves to the MSU brand Ren Wo ian. lannie Sander*. vicn a- manager of the Kansas self. The coach said he has en¬ elso a cross country and track IWrk Storm*. Larry Walker. Bill Ci*\ AthlcMcs. joyed working with Kennedy. -•ar for MSU. Dittrieh says that lorn. Walter F^tor and Berate He sigpeil a one year part. many have compared Forddy to Palmateer Elliott succeeds Harry Craft. Henry, but that comparison of Thrae 1959 American Youth Ah roAtl program* are being relat¬ White. Jcrrv Jellis. Pete Smith. Alex Valeanoff. Ftii? Hecht. Cur- Former A'* roach who piloted th'- A - to seventh-place finish*-.' Intramural speed, rapacity can only be un¬ fair. without taking condition* ed in I960. Plan now to join one of thc*c popular low-eimt Euro¬ t.» I-ingdon. T »m Marron. Wil¬ in 1938 and 1P59. Craft was fired into consideration. FORDDY KENNEDY pean adventure*. liam Wendorf. Boo Whalev. Wal¬ ter Dubirki, George Saime*. George Stevenson. Tom Jordan. at the end of the "but has taken a 1959 season job in the club's Results However. Dittrieh *ay*. Ford- dv has beaten all of Henry'* re¬ cords. *uch as the IC4A record, • • . nlee surprise . . , player development program. Jim Kanicki. Jit Hoffa. Don rOOTPAM. and at thi*. It can be assumed Grand Finale [ban or Kauai, Don ta.»Pointe. Barr- hpsi ever newer, W NNatr «. II: W forfeit thaw 1, 7 that rorddy'* a better runner Bad wt ARJCADIA and visit ENGLAND. Madill. Don Ftu-hmond. Jer; Ross. Dick Schmenk, Bob Hud- Late Scores stem* Mo 37, DM PHI • PTP It, PHI Pg 1 fk llg m. deke chi 14 and competitor. One thing that they match each other equally Phi Sifis Get SCOTLAND, NORWAY, SWEDEN, DEN¬ rin>k.. Dave Herman. Ken Ma* MARK. HOLLAND. BELGIUM, GERMANY. bavmtbai.i. Pt' 12. Ai Ffcl • in—Henry won the "Ugliest Man SWITZERLAND, LIECHTENSTEIN. AUS¬ Ron Ftovs Ib»b Weaver. Ed Youngs. Jim Child*. Ernie Clark *wgiRkP \p» I Jr. Boston in I tsik IP. MinnrsHli IK RtMrn 2. Martaap • BerhHa 4. TmumUmi • »i|6i 4. Shert Okri 4 ..n Campus" contest in 1157, and forddy won it in 1958. IM Grid Vim TRIA. YUGOSLAVIA, ITALY. MONACO Ken Jones. Clifton H .. f ami Ait ■ockrv Mel bar 7. •: BoUerfteM 4. 1 and TRANCE. Return sailing arriving Mon¬ l-rotil., t. |»p....,I t I anew |*. 27: W anew 4. • Valde/. I lilrim 5. Sp* tnrk 3 Bryeo «. 4; BotterfteM 2. 4 By JOHN kCHNf inrg treal Aaguat ». | * »: *6ew> 1. 12: Kauoeoa 2. e Phi Kapp.t Sigma came frw. BeOier 4 ever W abao 7. ferfrtl iTehind in the closing more-.t Bail «* TU NEW YORK and visit ENG¬ LAND. HOLLAND, BELGIUM, GERMANY. VOLLEYBALL to tie Delta Chi 'and then w I SWITZERLAND. AUSTRIA. LIECHTEN¬ tastes uihip is (anin Betbpr I ever Balber 4. IS-?. IS-4 on to upset them in I STEIN. ITALY. SAN MARINO. MONACO 20-24, In a battle f. ft | end FRANCE plua many ooaaibla eslenaion*. f'Mitball block champion*r.:p. Return nailing on ARJCADIA arriving Mon- troal Auguct 4. SUNDAES The Phi Sig< srnre.t f.r>'. ! in the lntial quarter, on $ SaU oo NEW YORK and vtait ENGLAND. yard pass plav from A' 1 SCOTLAJTI), NORWAY. SWEDEN. DEN- To inmfUrW Your .11ml to Ralph Prrybvla. Sief»-rt I MARK. HOLLAND. BELGIUM. GERMANY, ed to Warren TVnhnuten f r'htl PAT into orbit with . SWITZERLAND. LIECHTENSTEIN, AUS¬ Su ing TRIA. ITALY, MONACO and FRANCE plus Delta Chi reraliatel sdtii i| many pomlbla eatenaaon*. Return sailing en trim, Iaprrej, terri/Sc TI) Just before the h»:' TU NEW YORK arriving New York •cored early in the th:.-' r* to build up a 14-1 lea . A'fgTH 31. Sett on VULCAXIA and vlad PORTUGAL POST-GRAD* Barnes pitched two t f». SPAIN. ITALY. GREECE. SWITZERLAND. LIECHTENSTEIN, AUSTRIA. GERMANY. SLACKS As Delia Chi aliempted h t»- elr lead In thr tmi' ENGLAND, HOLLAND. DEN- EWEDEN, and NORWAY. Return A eUwie la ■ da— kr 4. Plefert intercepted «n# e it—If! iMaiilallTtailmt wttk te* and foMed tn for SEVEN SEAS arriving Montreal i far the tying *cerc D* Augual 34. Tnrn B*y meal inlo a hanqa.1 with an ir, ptto Uapa. I)— H'l'S tin play turned the tide u th* ffc Vlart ENGLAND. HOLLAND. BELGIUM. ■nwiuMaVWIlt-it Riga managed to pu*h *t*r GERMANY, SWITZERLAND. LIECHTEN¬ nadMiylaa—a. Utopia, won¬ rrp,m dn-rl! I sludcnl fiMtrilr, il'a g d,- winning tall* en a p*«« Iw STEIN. AUSTRIA. ITALY. SAN MARINO. derful choice ef loog oaanog. Wefert to Ed Mann in errrtua* MONACO and FRANCE. Return aaihng on liviou-. washable Cotton*. Flea lite Irrnl and nmiri-hinc fond ,11 In nnr! Another IM game «4. *'.> BREMEN arriving New York, August it. to 96.95. Knockout pew color*. Shaw 6. on the running of Bail an GROOT* REER and visit ENGLAND. At your favorite campus shop. WTJfT Pisano, build up a 13-0 iwiu6 SIJ16 BELGIUM. HOLLAND. DENMARK. SWE¬ hold on to win, 13-7. DEN. NORWAY, GERMANY. SWITZER¬ ODAM'S GRILL In the first period, P.Mn be¬ •AYA LAND. LIECHTENSTEIN, AUSTRIA, hind tHcellent blocking, raced 41 ITALY. MONACO and FRANCE. ■••he yards to score I^icr r..' Viait ed a punt tin >arrl* r .x y MO TEN ENGLAND. SCOTLAND. BELGIUM. 9LI66 HMO E. <;K \M> KIVEK In the second half, thre*- - •• HOLLAND. GERMANY. SWITZERLAND. their only TI) mi a 2' \*r ai LIECHTENSTEIN. AUSTRIA YUGOSLA¬ VIA. ITALY, MONACO and FRANCE. Re¬ IIHSt 7 turn. • I a.m. Tree Parking fff»m Doug Cooper to I re: rut. ill turn tailing arriving Montreal August 19 ilton. Vlart ENGLAND. SCOTLAND^ BELGIUM. HOLLAND. GERMANY. SWITZERLAND. PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED Mill L1BCHTEN8TEIN, AUSTRIA. YUGOSLA¬ VIA. ITALY. MONACO. FRANCE. DEN¬ MARK. SWEDEN and NOSWAY. Return ealliag en CANADIAN PACIFIC arriving i. en ARJCADIA and viaH ENGLAND. HOLLAND. BELGIUM. GERMANY. SWIT¬ ZERLAND. LIECHTENSTEIN. AUSTRIA. •AYA ITALY, MONACO and FRANCE. Return FIRST KNOW J 1* _ FEATT'RE Ml aailing on T SA. NEW YORK arriving New Yerk August 21. COBONADO 8111 * WA1KRMAN and viait ENGLAND. I1JU JSSf**0' ZERLAND. AUSTRIA, BKU*1UM, GERMANY. SWIT¬ ' •AfA ITALY, MONACO. zsm JZANC1 and SPAIN. Return aailing on t ZllDERKRUTS arriving New York Sepim ■ TNI hag 10, Jaly I. Now York YlRPfO s«u , air arriving Nf.v York TKia-MtlNN. augutt ]«. July I, Now York explorer Sail on T S S. XE WYORK aud ••vt LAND. HOU.AND, GERMANY, AUSTRIA !.r*'ry;.„,,'AN'clt. SWITZERLAND MONACO. Return sailing on AKKADIA ...d ar- riving Montreal August 26. Jaly E EUROPE s.1I ob \ CUNARD LINE and vutt SCOT- NT I'DENT 1 AND, ENGLAND, HOI J AND, GERMANY KDL'CATOR AUSTRIA. TYi. l'u*km Plav, Ralaburg F—t val. VIENNA. YUGOSLAVIA ITALY. SAN MARINO, MONACO. SWITZERLAND, Vnd rRANit. Hrturn bv air arriving Drtrv.t or Naw York, Augu.l 21 Laad.r Dr. Jo. La- Pilotnbara. Hrad, Political sclnw. Dapart- .nmt, MSU. " Minor coat cdjuaUnant. for 1M0 ihouli be anticipate!. •AYA - Trlpa lor adulta undrr aga Id, D,-p, rf $15 prior to Januirv 1 will hold « doBni a THE PRICELESS LOOK til placa for jou. Otittonal air paropo.-*t'ii i'u-. • :• . otild he K ai n.- Damn to • n v«»uI.-.t torted I) Am..'• tomo • en i ' -The di*gu*ted ilimini*hinB h s audience revelation* o f ~ ■ . Tac# l ive arrie*'i THv N.r«,h,r 19, HM l/>- A : heavy weight king tngemat .!<•- :'ut>' f. New York <-• taiu'sler-root rolled tight* pro¬ s '■ "a '-v ■ ,i■' hnnss.ui. no-sibli- ramv'latn.'; ge!« - moted h\ the defunct Interna¬ lo * *n«ht | ■ gllniairs Snr.wds Former Teammate 'he Friday nighi tights ;tri.i • ai «>ft re*' of c'u< I) Amatu. manag ex-heavyweight chamn . A'l'l I'-.:'or.-'»n. K !'t «• Mrie-icn J. .hid who - «.' -«■ -..<(!• Zora Fo';. 'he; fit 1 tional Itoxinc f'ltlh. i* re*pon* • hie for the network's eonccrn," Cannon wrntr. by hi* Vi s ho nanj» r Inn Lead Senators* Bob Allison Patterson, were the high Iti I/e Angele>. tight num.ig. .lack- Kcarns said he hopet pom1 W-iiihi: i> <> in j i .i ■ a i: .i a .i-'. two il tllars M'*»re • •• the ■'•••. « •• • ■ A -iiokes'in;. n.»t i: . »;«.O" : • (i: ,'#*♦# .a 1 know anythi*..* '-anccllatto- neatened hp N'CAA set up n title match hot we. s. ill. .!'.'i , - I . .-mi "tiii . . .;,*».ni.oi of co- - s ortaM INets AL Rookie Honors •fohansson and his light he,.-, v y 12»-* " • •itorn ■ ' •■••■• I th? Hav champ. Archie Moon. m 1. . \ '.'<••• Y - k. D'.Vnav. 1 Angeles next tumiiirr Ur ioiiIiI nut it on here in ut iefi arrested «fcr h# appear »u M'AIJ.IN'ftTOV . . JIM the < olisrum IF* hit eiiou&ii lueslioning Allison, the \Vw*hitijrton Senators' r '■ led >i>ea f'.r IIBSTbN TV—Bob And *ooner or later. Ihr vet¬ Afieht *tacr it during the lirm«> i -•ft'a- a'lornev genera! fielder. Wednesdax wa-" mimed the •- bur. riMucnlar miter ring figure *aid hr favor* I|.MK.ialf SfMirte Editor eran rratie convention in Jul* " pjjwror# into Gary Friday's Miami foot- Baltmnn American league Bookie of the Year for a fight between Monre and Sue It A m a t o ua* vupoenaed ar Rav Rohin*on in New Vork. In \>v. Y-»rk S »«.it- t'ohui Thnrsday in thr attorney gen¬ jarr holding a slim two- ' ■ J C-uitfi ■>' tiu- N - inve*tigatinn of the pro¬ fdjjc over Art Brandstat- et al'* w. • r#n*< !»» .10 „ Hut." Kcams added entoh.r York -1 »ur A me* " motion of thr June 1« bout in scoring - - ft Spartan team rally, -either Johansson »m H«» •• N.i'i ifl.'o l»: »• Frirtse. nigtit t.-n. n;<. all coming 'on touch- !'»u« w inne-. A '• sU^iteh hi* pr**» Moore is on the verge of a m-v said t*.r had .»i..» • A ...err. t«.f nu ai.esf wa« Brarvi-'atter, another • Cannon A M e ?»e.( on* n' h:« ''••■lOfli fl-ce with linger - career Movie* f ain't jok •»■*'•• "" v. •. ' i ed to keep • -.»• Nlh •*•..! -liake the .it'eiv" ' •«n. M »n 1033 In MS*, h and tliere's a lot of monry .?>- i«»'• «si! *:ie t'nvef4 - a' mee'ing nex* Mon ia T >• : - the way of a a jj point' by A!'.. w a re- fu'tback fn: be-4 -h the minor*, he hit volved." Ii.„iore. has picked up most vea >rc. ay4 .» •.« /», the t'i • ea^ih presently enacting r kicking end has booted li hV'',K',I M■ on imwnsT hlinnn> utkr "KK •fi<* t*M y*-- "*! * i-. e i -k i.f Kansas, C'ovp!. nd's .1 i "i ; .70. for tin - ba4,e Chattanooga'attrt had 0* i in Moore is important feature r. Ac « . . Ha CO •' !'v» . A - - ii. ' • l/ftarv the pro / afters and three field goal- Per*' a- Ths-. SrvJe- of Kan- Samuel Ooldwvn Ji prrHhi.-'i . prosi am Nfk Tf • ' •....:.it4on 0 points Two 'more points ... «.'•'* : 'm»: > bv n 24 •f Mirk Twain's ' ibuv.!eb. , j.o.. 'a.- !( « prone or. ra'ching a oas.* after • "## o' ♦»•#• haeolia': l{—Garry sh#r turn malch rnnlrart .hampton llovd Patterson? with e\- 1 ing in the Cuban Winter l eague rff#rd Fran. • T. • "*th aovQ pr.'i had a ,t«l hatting average in 1%* f.. r.s.kie relief ace of the I4i* i\W\WA-AV,V.. ['.'.■nan hi«#« caught two wo- - and romped for tv» o O'fi JUM.M; . | . Fh." eno n came* thi* *ea*on. and Hlaated Ance'e I>rdgerf -a ■■ r...,oe<( tl.e (V'toher viiner Wednevda* Wen: i" v »-.*!«■• ?•#. *« home run*, within one of Ted REI'P STRIPK Tins PIZZA PIT *i«. , • per .ng'..- * William*' reeord for the m«»*t it: *ho s.R.»e Hirkofc Profe^cirtn- 'Back t (drums.•b >f:n; Addericy has a honor* He is !H jadnts. chance in thi**d a«oci a'- format if" .j„ r» . • " ex.*. t.-er. po.fl' calm- t.p.,- homer* hi drove in It run*, a fir*t vear man. He had II double* league in a Atnletn of the Year ballotinj Shert". a ho vx.d two gam— and «aved two ir.her.* a- the the latevt enlnr* ' p •inder-' are tied for game •• r* •. i4-n »;npn:n* and led Ike American I> »fjgef. White Sox ;n $1.00 each triple* with nine. RESTAURANT - with points eastern c .. : the World Series, u^n bv a wide • Bullfrog ...jk*O- fk*. Sober- .•V:«nn. »r la.-'-ef' p* \*.'a»h- . I-: «rs IVan I/v»k and W ' •; ;|i i • r>< ,. up ♦■•* iruni n.'on 'liiner la»n'r a« m.irc.n over Cleveland Brown*' | an.I junior Fn\t fullba -k .limm;#-liM*n s Gel Mar:.:. %W, •rre mo-' ry fee' phvsiraT upe^i' j nini.KT cm.ok luioj; •Mir »»rh, 2 tnr SI.mi lj TNURSOAY SPECIAL | d#rlfv leads Ihr tram in ni|»«rt4nt offfltilvf depart- Contact I .en* 1 Wi0 L« In nohlnc. the Junior I'l I vol It t \lt in TIl' Top sii\i'f: a in all your optical ne»*u- I omplefp Set* J* 3leni I.imG American I'rtro. IVa*. piled up 3M \ard*. lie ha* Bread \ Hulter. Tea or ( t.ffer *>ng cam# mom#M uorcrm ft*. urdi In team •dried pa«« recelv Inc leading perform- together give a I.VBKVS ON l:\SI GULF SKIOICK MltTIU.VN \1 Hills WALLACE 0 P TICIA N SI front SI..7H up J* 80c d fhret n • **.» •f till sard* gained. • III %(#(IN \l.l \ %« !(•»<*** I ROM RIAL | \T*%M» - Rranrh flffire — 7 inc it C'lipperl ?.. Park Baker .in.«> lia 'i ># 7 third r I#a ■ : < . . '■am lead* tun "ios! pa .*c>. f<.r a II ar. IT avrragi other leant for a iwalcr vli\t its 0 apr» »f«r» tho f I I t y: to the opponent * "wormdarv aer!- T •• p.«-ke,i li 3 n r. i it I \ o i I li \ fi I . \ s k i: ii: \ ^ K ? VARSITY BARBER SHOP f »* yards Or. • NN i» I I l» > IM A > K ? * MM fowl S'a'e pa"^1 have been I s n In evertin# i | #na'A' mi tof niM el* 'A*-1 I f> W l( \ I* 3 fi I H 20« M.A.C 1 H-0 if*-; I".< I p a i k n m e * fur mailing we have the .Puufio, dd y. j I iltites and M illingne%« slltw *liinr. li. Klll>in .-.-aciri eRikC 4) I NOW SHOWING «i .r rd Ro revr?. ai the •' •• :• f, throe a 2'"' ra.- k «"#! m j, Spartaa ROOK Stan lo Jrei rus. ' fI«*WCRlBK| HiM-J.n Ann Strr»l MlElOlllB! I At INI. Illl I Willi S C.i.l l .in-in,. fltlMI IN M.A.I Mirhican AVIIM'E FALL IN STEP tetkiun WITH THE SNACK-TIME CROWD! Yon can depend on Oade'a for flliing thai laet-mioute party lot of beverage* sod bat* luncheon meal* and one atop Oadet will Mhe youi I# week* vbupprng prob I Nun WEEK! ai I HIP, HIP, HURRAY ot 1:2#. I;H. J:l» 7:21 | for the I | GREYHOUND'way to save money! Got the good word about Gre/hojod Sctnicru'ter Seryice*' It a th# latatt. the greatest way to gc wth Sir ■ conditioning. p»c- tu'e oindow*. Sir tutpsn fon nds snd complete <*raod Rapid* restroom! You'd hare a ball headin home on a Cbigpgo Greyhound-it # oH»n New fori 26.10 tssUr than other pubi.e PsmporUbon. snd stmof OADi'S rr You can takn a •OR fbi no a •*<<*» NM( A* _ Greyhound. Or, ybur ba*ong.oft bp m hour# and coat pan L * - . .. , .... t||| La pre*# TMy "TAMING rrs such a RI0CEIY I uivrraity Viibgr" TO utul TNC BUS...ANO OOVHtfl TO Ut< UAVC TMC IV 04040 2000 K. KHJOAZOO 1 ;!i Norrmbrr I*. 1.1* MICHIGAN STATE SEWs I if Subs Can 'Clobber'' Foe IIH) Students IJ we la>an CAA Unable To Determine Admiral MSU Students Show C.rash Cause SAECA MYJ., No Reaction to Oath OULFFORT. Mi>* 'T' - Civil Aeronautics Board investi¬ A BE AT THE FIRST ANNUAL Praises gator s.iid Weflnesdav he has BOWL SAME No adverse reaction to the federal student loan program, Imp unable to determine if which requires borrowers to sign a loyalty oaths has been there had been a "surface lire, a IIKIIINO THK II. FORNO Rum, Polaris reported on campus, vali.' and Harvard universities a university official said Wednesday , flash th ard fire the or an explosion" commercial airliner TIME: SUMDAT 2 pa, \«. u vtro v from the loan program Mat eras ied in 'he Gulf of Mex¬ U.S. to Uon«trnrt Tin* i iv nffi ' provision. because of its loyalty lied Target ico with 42 jwrsons aboard. .Charles Collar of Miami, About I.) Vessels • I h.ivt. n't heard of any a i- heading the probe into tbe cause Meet Your Frienda ,|f \( i.-e reaction at MSU from ad- Rocket n Aim of the Monday loss of the Na¬ U)S AVOttl.ES v1'' Adm. nvntvratorr. faculty or stu¬ tional Airlines DC-7U carrying Arieigh Burke said Wednesday that about 45 Polaris mis i!o dent/-." vnid Philip May. vice president for business and fi- . CAPE CANAVKHAI.. Fi» An intermediate range Jupi- t* .1(1 tsisM'nger and six crewmen, added. "It will be some time "KEN'S BARBER SHOP before we are In a position to submarines, the kind the Navy nanec. •t- the Arm> rocket which Where Howl Hroominu Heuint is building, "will be able to MSU has received *250.000 e- evaluate it."' v.ntii wiii he zeriM-d in ttii Ttu - e Jobber any aggressor wfco federal funds for the progran •'It would be impossible fo: sian (argots fr»»m tiuce |K»int> DIRECTLY ACROSS FROM THE would dare attack us." this yea.- winch was matchc.. anyone to determine anything The chief of naval operations, with about 527.000 in university att-i-lc the Iron Curtain vk .* evidence we have." STATE THEATRE ON ABBOTT 111). • with the in. a speech prepared for a rnmirv, May said. launched «»i» .• 1.500-milc ted Investigators checked through meeting of the* National Secur¬ He estimated about 400 ^- each small bit of wreckage re¬ HOI'RS .< a.m.. .Ti.Kl p.m. WEEKDAYS! Wettncsda\ night. ity Industrial Assn., declared '•('en!: ..if currently benefiting The HU-fxit missile trailtnt i covered bv Coast Guard cutters SAT. * a.m.- 12 a.m. that: from the loan* at the crash site of the huge rn i-x Of 4tonu» as i* !cap*.*d free With the Polaris in the na¬ * * * • ! h- pad, Ijored through an four-engine plane. In all, the tion's srienil of retaliatory and streaked down the tlebr. made ;• pile only about weapon* "We do not have to Some* IVolt>| hi VM* overcad tme.-ff i • hig'i and tl\e-feet Atlantic missile range at H».noo keep piling missile on missile u id. P i-.e!uded pieces of me- ANN AIUIOH dh—The Uni¬ mile*, an hour. It w;t- to dr ip Just to make sure that some a dummy warhead in the wate • :a . life rafts, clothing. versity of .Michigan, a recipieni missiles would survive an arm¬ near the West Indies island < f haiultNigs and sections of foam of SL'50,000 in student loan fund, ed attack." ROTC CADETS made a field (rip to Selfridge Air Force Base ru'»tKT cushions.. under the National Defense Ed¬ Antigua. Friday to view a Nike installation and Ihe I'SS Dredge Rain*. C...ed Guard cutters recover d Polaris missile submarines ucation Act, has offered no re¬ Next month, a squadron ot 1.» Above some of the radris are shoun touring part of the base en¬ nine G.rni.* the da\ "f the crash, will be highly invulnerable be¬ cent criticism of the provision Jupders i, scheduled for dehv- gineering construction*. about 25 mile: east of the south¬ cause they can hide in the sea, which requires borrowers to et. to NATO trtaops in Italy Burke argued, so "We can de¬ Before long, two more squad¬ eastern eoa-t "f Louisiana sign loyalty oaths, a university Mcdieai authorities who ex- pend on almost all of thnn sur¬ spokesman said Wednesday. rons arc to be placed in Turkey viving a surprise attack." For that r cos on, he said, "We won't Despite Plane Trouble The only official adverse uni¬ They will be part of th amino.i the lf>dies reported th if rsu*<- of death of all except one versity reaction to the oath re¬ growing war deterrent force be¬ included ruptured heart*-. nerd many." quirement wag a protest filed in ing built by the free world, The Navy has disclosed plans to build a few more than 40 of Gridders Rear 11 Miami January, 1050. with the Asso¬ ciation of American Universities. tiie nuclear powered submarines There has been some criticism equipped to fire hydrogen-bead, MIAMI, F!a f/Pt—There vi gear. An hour-long workout of the provision from the 'uni¬ • CORAL SABLES' Miami when tin under lights was staged at the ••d missiles with a range, Initial¬ a moon over versity's government from lime football team arrived f »r nearby Flamingo High School i MSU ILFORNO i ly, of about 1,200 miles. to time. its first Florida workout Wed¬ field. Burke's remarks were pre- pared several days ago hut thev nesday night. Coaeii Duffy Daugtierty said •eemrd to serve as • reply to a Tho bitter cold in Michigan he probably wofild use the high nrr-cuitiiHi* siun tin* fotir-engi the Orange Bowl until Friday The Association of Off-Cam¬ • f J Moscow -Tuesday night re¬ plane wouldn't turn over. Oil congealed fm'm the-.cold .,t the night's fiirtie sity of Miami with the Univer¬ pus Students has scheduled a havride f'»r Saturday at II p.m. j 'the name that made HZZ I famous in I.ait sitip J leased on account of Friday's 10 a.m. scheduled takeolT. It ; — ALSO SFKCIALI/INCi IN — ; The temperature ua> a muggy The havride is a stag affair speech by Khrushchev in which was after one o'clock lief ore the 75 degrees when the team .u - and all students living off cam¬ fin* Communist chief said hy¬ engines were warmed up and nved an l j» had been misting— ! # Slcaks # ( hit kt ii • Italian X Sea KooiU • j pus are invited. drogen rockets ate coming off the plane left the ground. the loe.d phrase for rain. The . charge is fifl cents to 1he assembly line at one Soviet The tram plane landed at Mi¬ t uterine Private The Spartans were allowed a AcK'b members and 7.1 cents '.<» OTFN DAILY PIIONi: i ll 7-1.111 - plant at a rate of 250 a year. ami at 6:05 p.m. After a smooth eha!H>n»ned look at Ihe Miami non-membor% Students plan¬ S r.M . ? A M Take Out Orders Parties-Luncheons Khrushchev followed up this flight, Ihe Miuad bussed to mailt lights after a laU» supper ning to attend must make reser¬ claim by saying tha Russian Ihe ocean front Monk' Carlo at toe hotel. Coach i vations m .11.1 Student Service, n tiu« lice entire squad on it bus tour of the beach area. sight-sceing between 2-4 pin. today and Fri¬ J Kiijox Siimlax Dinnrr in ill* Ralh«k*llrr i Russia "could ra/e nil our po¬ day. t .ri . ....... .... . i . i rr r' tential rnemjea off the fae# of Gaza fire Exchanged H iHiiiiiiTiutiiiiiuiimiMiinriiiiiiiimiWMiiHiiiiiuMiiMmiiiDMMiwiwiniiiMtf tho earth." TKL AVIV W»~-Israel rlalm- TlHir.- 11, afternoon In tha Wohiarine paid An Israeli army a epoke*man patrol encountere N'erhn VtK*.. • ■trim. >■ mothim wasnm- VOL'It CHOICE 01: Natlorui IiwkJ* | McGregor etjul.'1 ci»mbine such practice: • adventurous gimrt l"i • sililpi t, 55.1m. , • X totrn opera pvmp, a rx ADDITION. SA.MI'l.i: LIBERALLY ; PKLst RIPTIONS - DRKiS - liisMI tit l Pnlv Vi Sol llrii|i, 92.9* finest ruieine at hard ID heat price* lie eure as shown, or dyed to to visit .., 37r Similar Liquiil J:lr •Hi. (ill - »« DAY CIIAROE ACCOUNTS • r •notch your important HOUSE OF BIFF" Trial hnOlr of I pjohn Zvmarap Vitamin* "f'amom Hrand* fur Itad ami /.nrf" f i NOTICE: All meal* served by the "House FREE with (hi, advrrliacmrnt costume,. 12.98 of Heef" are CSDA I'rime. Nothing but Ihe best for you from ,., HOLDEN Rl DAILY 'Jam, to 10 pm STORK HOURS Sl'NDAY • p.m. to 10 pm. FKANUOK SHOmNK CENTER Iff Houa of Bra Satariv I a Fltrt DRUG A PRESCRIPTION DCUVCRY PHONE IV 5-41U ■ 9 a.m. In 9 p.m. wtckdays. 9 a.m. lis 6 p.m. 11.1 XT. MICHIGAN AVE. (NEXT TO HOTEI. OI.DS) Hours: Mnn. • Sun. 11 a.m. Sat. 7 a.m. , 9 p.m. . 9 p.m. SENIORS: 2 DAYS TO RETURN Specialitiac in: roast boef. round boef, chicken, duck, steaks, etc. "Fowl you atwayt remember" jjjjggjjtmmuiuiintumiiiMiiiuiuiiimuwimiHHiiitiiii'imumiimHni PICTURE PROOFS QAM KWK STOP ICT RESTAURANT llnma of lb* QAM Burger SUPERETTE MUST BE RETURNED TO APPEAR M THE I9M WOLVERINE . 'i a CooKralulalr* OPEN 6 AM . 3 .AM 1 OI'EN 7 AM - 2 AM JACK I.ITNDSTRUM I winner of Ihe 4th FLOOR UNION fly |j QAM NOW DELIVERING mural coalfitl. i Arrona from VOI R FAVORITES HEVEKAOES*. CORNER OF ANY PURCHASE MAY BE GOD. il i Stal* Theater fiROCEKIES PARTY SPECIALITIES X KALAMAZOO & CLIPPERT : IMj FREE DELIVERY IV 4-7171 NO MONEY DOWN ED 7-9174 I