The Weather |i;rj,l Wind-Up >ln«tly Ctoady Spartan* i" Mlort fur Fliul* Hich Today 3< See Fare 5 I.ow Tbumday . IS Seninz MSI) For oO Years PRICE 3 CENTS L 51. No. 101 east lansing. MICHIGAN—FRIDAY. november 20, 1959 vGirl Parties? IjjSG Discusses Fixing Standards Tax Again Stymied ■raw standard of mixing may be in order for Michigan Republican i student* Senators m%- introduced by Rep. y*i $d»um«nn (co-ops), at night's All-Univer- MSU Can't Agree n» congress meeting ■•-red "setting new Briefs Xl«»riiizi|£ MetTiiij: [rris for the mixing of stu- Srhrdiilnl Tiuluv - university approved Rush Resins Sat unlay n< joan ncrp.A j» Government is of the » Sorority ru.v. u-iil begin S.P- State Sews Capitol Reporter urday at 12:30 p.m ■». th ?„•] - that the ehaperone reg- teas. Sundav's •••a Republican nenatnrs faile.1 bog;:: L . s, they exist now are 1:30 p.m. .Some 1.240 cord- are nzain Thur«lay after four -*ia;c and should be re- expected to a'terxl '.he weekend to reach any agree¬ I Schumann said. He said parties given bv al* 20 sororities-. ment in the current tax that Dean of Students nasheey are nt-lced to war a wool drew. he./, v.d a hat an! Stalemate. opposed to the , ■ »a« Th<*>' came out of caucus? at gloves for this stage of rush 9 50 p.m. Senate minority lead¬ * * * er Frank Beadle ift-St C'latr) unnrrsltr ronstitotlon said. "We car,'! IfY. Picks C.hairmaa get i?i nuree- I student Oorrrnment ment on any kind of tax " jjuturitr >uch an Met but Ga:\' S .">•••■.•■-■4-: n... • i "I know It's as discouraging pat into practice I960 fFu Greek 'V»t*k •"...•."•no to everyone nutsidp the Ia*g;-i»- I dean of Wednesday a; presidents- as¬ ture as it is to those instdc." he sembly meeting. A Vicksburg , si-«« ph»tn hv l*rr* •aid. "Any potential Uix t* in senior and member of Alpha MDMRF.Ks OF the I niverdtv Simphonv nrrheMra are framed suspended animation, but any¬ , cai:.' for students of h* the trand piinn rover as they praeiiee for their fir%t eoneert of Gamma Rho. was rha;rm 10 thing can happen." | /tc* to be oermitted to the *rhool >ear Sunday. See story page 3. The Senate GOP will caucus •r.c !:nng rooms and of last year Iff Sing. Panfi* !- lenic Council'i chairman has r:o* again .•• !♦ am. t-idav . f i': university-approv¬ lie hate on the Senate floor providing that at yet been chosen er members of one sex * * ♦ Adenauer Satiwfi«»«l rontlnued to eenter around rev¬ v,de* that no chaperone* Man Sulvn ( imliinir olution* which proposal* on the ballot In No¬ would place tax Trustees OK 835 .Million Botfiiest - .>; the Student-Fac- Sparta: Rng :.t sares British-German Fog vember 1M0. At ft'-on *niur*dav the .*ena- MSU Asks Budset Hike •'.i. Committee shall be tinu»- N*fa*. :r. If,;'. Elec¬ P»rs came out of tlieir chucu* to s uesu must leave no trical Engine.•:-;ng an -, the short announce tha' they would in- in 30 p m. on week Lifts in Conferences , . Course eafeter: i Sale. -A •i«» on pa-"I'M? the pr-oo- i a . |- '2 31 a.m. on week- gin a" 9 a n and <* v.r.uc .jnii! wh ch would allow voter- «■>:- living unite of remaining cm»*, soid «u:. pre**, inv on the sale*- tax t'.k» ofln-Uls •*■*<* enr.-iT- | v-icr* shall have the re- Eighty percent nagj/.tv-. f.«»N'lK).V i/Pi—T»> the tune nf i beers fmnt a British anr [-t of the - « api»"-.ved the dollar* hv the legislature before Ntler f®r l.ust Ihiy Lor Proofs (d rman distrn-i. no»n Of T.i-.- r— %?. -.• • • • p... 4".m, $35,471,231 it received final approval. a . 1 a repart la Bu* aitlvugn A dona o a A tfi«h? fo'.iowrti . So'. ; to Mualue represents- turn senior .< the .w* picture proofs to pa u\ i - arrival in ll»nn ? i :hr, M uter ('.artiv * Stan,. Ro/*cki . Ti-lJct'" 't'i!!.r,iu iHitUc:. Fuur *epi»ratc .'nnpr.*o the revues?: f28.Mtl.« appnmriaHons w sr*'k .an of *!,iii^.i5R7 DeLmi • •>»?!, partw wero very *a',o- jMooovcii u 'wo fiereent ceiling Tic appropr..i?inM-re*|UMfc! -U Al'SG was also tntro- r»vre*enUt>ve on *220 for Eastjsifbunf operationaj in thi* ,»rea. This would amend the fourth floor of the Union. Sen¬ iors ' !c. •Is . -.villi t in* aleide tore* s da1.. failcrl t«» C' Exei' Hoarrl • *.\ mi (vrxorj*! income taxes and a oerix-iit limi' tm i irjioia'o p.-« •• wnt t«, tnc state buftgc! tne t?r*t xtop on iU travel d- Si mj.-l.C!!.'* S2.R7l.tfOO fur \I^»IkiK.-tr:-!. ••»?*,ve The hoard aha moved to as# t concerning apportion- no*, purchasing pu*tur» vi*ion. furc-u.w rv jyree «ai ?hc place of a ("topg.m .fit t.i\ In the- arnerivino-M' the the *»enale \ppr»srutuHi* C om should se«ec* on»» p^e to appe i innomieerf $3.4fl1.90fl for ,.i f representatives, th -Hindni.*-tr«T,;ve and >g- and IVr >vi'»rn ' the reAolution which would nut tee f»r a hearinx mi a now - t prwent time, off-cam- in the I960 Wolverine . ,". a !ifi.»i agr ..-.iitura! «- xp»'rimcn' station. ... /.a', .n - 'h 111j pi a:*" 'he corporate urof t! tox shelved <11 million hill for capi¬ ■nts do not have equal * * * vhoiist* Mf\" *ni-:.»ig The !••«»•- i l.v seeking - A b'li'ei" v .unaled a W - TP. r vp iy.ard arid mm- ppfore Ui»- Cieclorate. hf ?»• tal outla* t« *Ule-supported r'ation because of cur- -x>■■■■ I Hr sum is .ilxMit M million 702 muse f- tr.e E» ' lam 'U (e*nri.i! ret re a' fr«*»u e*tabl;.i>- Lrpnrtionment regulations. SiH-inliil i.lub la Mfrl r. y.'.- n sfit-cted t.j • •!iid« .; . two md corpora', •? univcr.*;'.'. than ' «•- *»-•?»«Iu.-«o» hixher edWAimnai institutions *«i .i - > v -r. Beriir. il- f' .icchiNC ' ix ami u repeai of farnivi: to reemve for die current Ibeai |risct>n of this bill was "Social Worker* and S«* -. '<> •! •« : "wdetl ii'; a h. 4 • t-ne ;wi« Water ?h« bu.-iMcs." activt'x ta\ The v. ' * %- he*l up • btHed by tabling the of .irniou i '(■"•cnti* bv NEWS the hu?. h4« not V ist«: Hav* Ti>" n co/?i'*r- r.i-i* one Si.»l)j«s. r son.- Hul HiMtrkl added that He use v.x 4f will b«- chatrnui The major share. U.RI.IB!) of v,'-..-' !*« tia--..uige Common'*'' wh! I"" fhv ' mc. Ml" iivv MC *u . would not vole for am of the K .icrnv •! -a?. this, is designated for farultx -vonld •>-e than S3 ;»r.'- ,i talk Sun-la* b. *>: .. . .. Fx. ic-ve Uftsr.S men lie-- m- revolution* until the stale trea¬ - • salaries. More than half of the *.?<" uding *2,750- Board Fried lander. .i.»'injii:.8iHdl f i?-. rash infusion IN BRIEF v: sury ghen |{ jhi'. |*T'w!.i' was a nun »ng ■' *o . w«>r. f.erniin and Krdish nffirul1* •> .* • Si:. Fdwarrl Butrhinson iu' ?h. * 1... * •to.liM rut an.I r<-- i(b Reps forma the Young T> t-ck. s -• -• t .i and li«hed acrermenl: the*e mailt area* «f • '.v.'.nr-v Ih.jiis i r (..I ' Dn-K Shapiro. Ihibi.. Korruci.. if i«.w-er i,« wou.ii «.|ii\ mi* tn Icgt The .meruiuici,' «ai .fativc • - • • tjuis Re/Htrt Hushctl • low salary seaics was r« - t,a.* '•>• i •» o'■*■> ■« house fartii- TTt in cattle • .»»?p.:»!e for in*- .if many va'u- OiM*n to !.;»■ pilOoi. I* *. fiedui>"i s-j" Mt.rnvM. Judgv ar. i .i!'hough amithd '»««- Dr H.j'r».i- pointed 'Hi' that I Convention T K- -.V, .■ i« N|.\l MiKK U G- to 4 f.M-u:''- members, >a. 1 for 8 30 pm i. I >«*•;- opoeezi by Hutcf:; . - -«< ?•» • .v. n (Muffig the bill wnuld ■: Hi d be Trm>hi' j. s. .. n Jiida* -.I.'cmc ' .lufin A Hannah # * ♦ i liable |>.»f*ing of .i pig-,' -oack , ff » • -«f construction tb aim .. cm .v !c.e carl.- Bui PUgr.-ri, Band. Arm- Si-'- A* /t : T'U "f Fu' Firi*;«h-(ie*-?n'£»h .ig;e . p«.r: ./ ,»f. i if. - H .r'Muo, T»« ke! 114) Foi« ■ Af'es ? r«* ,n it* : ■ "• a :» coneeftiing Oxford. Ohio, to dis- men and commit?** mem be*; • j;-. ' • a*izcc*• «»f fiearnw' . <|ui/ j.v • Wh* I.iM ic Nci»oi), Purctia- ng toft# expio'-.o® .r. Ked/ie ' w:". be available n the L'r.. -n irn-n' ifi *dv.i?uf of !he i.c Senate ii>ourned pin' t»> p: iy.r.« ■ /.•i, .i" .f.eolv«.«i, to- !«*r*jrato>?* which Gil \t K AIt Radio ' - < .« confronting uni- concourse thrrHifi Saturdav f ommitlee rhairmrn nf (hr .1 n toiUv ii t m i liepuoUcu!! to . • .- ..f - # • J jun en i- 1 hearlcd 2' j s-a-'OT.** w ere 1; - ; collage unions. Open .n«.u4i,t S tutimi Wanted." » 2fi-va ' 'A '-/m •««--- unenip; »vmerit, }'■ Hampton, Bloomfield itv, favi»r- ant! .•g-.c-.i airrt.Mi - ;n nr.ueip,. ftlankr. rale* and regaUtmn* ,Sch -■ '• '/«t <»n v.. K'--.:- af.c ais *b- f' «nd Union Board would vt.»V( off ♦ ♦ ♦ Saturday a1 1 p rrv uv.-; Margaret Fleischer, and chayero:-'.-. banc were- i»*1 trad, I* between Alaa Kramer, deewealma*: Arnie |.ee Hill, lllioil l{<'fllM> .i-il.u WKAR rod»" i"« f :-u - .ria-> session I' tar>-. « . ■ej.irifc' war Be»er. rotwrwrinv Hunter Toll Nines jr. ; ; Judy Hoofnagie. ★ # * rvermton market of *i* na- lighting and w*and John Rub¬ The program »'• ' uc« i*. 'ue 1 u •. vieclal student; U'Tis .«*! u* France and Ger- er. polire and terarille*: < arol New S|»t| Offer ItV 1 HI VssiH I.VtHl I'HI ** various a.sjj*?ci» "I unemployment 1 I bib Veruul Mo rail Nineteen de«.;.r hunters have old-a it', F- n, San ford jun- Jordan, Atlanta, AFROTC leaderrhin Ian tra ar.d the British-Sed free '.e grrnip known a* the ' «mi.- Fearoe. Ibeme • nntiaaity: Jadt John Marphy. ad-, Nunard. PITTSBURGH jR—Tie - -.1 liifiuvtry Ttiurrday disclosed a rti»Ni «»f heart attack.* tlurmg thr including voung migratory, wi'diout experience an i Talent Urotip . er seven " serttolag. Bill < aUaban. las eat hunting smuxjii wriuch h;.r.dicap?a% and art. Jack P*le. «*ii campus publi,- d.spute ' with worker Th* the United Stee- union rejected it opfnaU haw Rotjer'. died of gun*h - Ron a* sbji.ettimg «sjMtroiled union wduld atn-p* only a com pa n. - Iwciung. T 'ur-da. w;»* wpiic vowndixl critical!/ hunting north- produrrr-dirertor of H K \ K The show will present taped in¬ Sin let I lonisht be at regularly scheduled times Mt*Mnian. judge.* Qebv Bradley. Ft Conrad Cooper, chief in¬ terviews with orople who are Cmn rrtta. WASHINGTON -P—Th. f,s - ea.d «rf Hdlman in A'p«'iui <-<»u?i- a .:r\ an inter- in the Music Aud, he said ♦•mmeni Thursday approvrsi a Irophih. Ken W^tsenbe: g. dustry negotiator, said toe offer ty S%«'« failure quoted Edwards* now unempioved. Their prob¬ would mean a 30-cent hour'y im- pieieotcd * * # radio-TV. Connie Zekit, news¬ lems will he dis< ussed and an- Iribeiing plan It raid will enable hunting crunnaniiin, John lla.- to» " leaders will be American housewives to buy papers; ltorbara Neumeier, mag- package over a three year - mon of lairii»irig a* .saying tie aixed from each collage or Statistician Sets Talk Thanksgiving cranberries with¬ azinea and direct mall: F.inda iod rnifttk Edvvar'l*. f-v I •>prey«-f.,^d to discus* one out fear they may be tainted bv Clark,- speech; Judy WilUam»., ward* was struck bv two bUi*?.*- genera! »* "of unen.p! > - I* problem# aovered. Dr W D Baten, a/ncultui-il ad and printing, Bill Mitchell, alu called the pruporal a rear- mrut Future show* wiit i« . Jane* t'oum .1 press- a v.iiMvr-p.roducing weed killer. f:'(in' a double outicl 12 gauge experiment station statistician '!«?:• »•;" -j* **eid .is 'tot Uto'.-.i *>fru«'.e will ba the dis- 'Die plan calis for speeded-up promotion Alien Davis, water rtngetnen'. of "the sau.e o.d aho'.gun- with autuniation, how u?iem- and profesM); of statistics, will Ba iroofti at & :^r from MflU and testing by lr»th federal and in- sports; Bob Gustavson, skle- package offerv*l by industry Oci. # * * piuyrnenl affects a community . talk on "Lot Plot Technique*" at J7." He *aid the new proposal and ><»b hunting The talent Uws is dnugned the dustry cnemista in an effort to lighu; Mike Br vant, king and the State University of Iowa to. would mean a gain of 24 cent* the Currier (,round* T)X' show produced by to acuwaint student* with wwi clear as big a volume of berries queen lluot; Bill AHdredgc, ad¬ is day. wf the eWtertaiamrnt si vie* rep- as possible before the holiday. visory. an hour over the three gears. WKAR in c-o-operotiuo trie # # * wAI'l.T Sir. MARIE a report of tr a St Bahama* a -' ! t* .- .-f ».->ed A smoke They found r.o fire. B* - I lull A»ar«l S iniwr To In re*tigate l)J's denMuuatafl of " > oga** will be sunders said the smoke swelled featured by the Indian jeprt • someone had burned a milk MSU'n coun>eling center hat Counseling is generally this make," Mlif MAHMINGTON — Disc IliMiiwn. Markrling sent# live carton in the hall. one of tne fineat teoting depart¬ method used bv the center to In addition to the dancing Jockeys in at least half a down Marketing appraisal is Im¬ ments of any university. The help fttudenU find ixaauble an¬ major cities are coming under portant to America to insure fhere tw fx»k Hmg* from Chert (jm*» use of its service? can be valu¬ swers to their problems. "The the scrutiny of House mvesUga¬ healthy growth and progress. Finland, U -acI and the United able in helping stud en U plan looking into bribery charges. Daniel Bloom Held, recipient of State*. Tr* wtU alto tie hit Drive Today their future career. testa given by the centemre de¬ tors Rp.^dway believe* "Our aim is to get a general the annual MSU Marketing tunes from curreet • Students who are undecided signed to aid ttie student and picture of the entire Payola award, made this obwrvatiou shows. their choice of major, or delay about counselor In finding the answer rocket," iaid Raymond Martin Thursday night before die MSU Jsanr ( searfl. Mortar Board seeking be- on Mon- have academic problems or to a particular problem. Tasting Jr, art aide of the House Legis¬ Marketing and Transporting reading problem# and want to lievlng test a final lative Oversight subcommittee. Club in Kellogg anty croapo Rote know more about their capaci- is simply one port of the total solution to sr- most ♦ * * The honor wan bestowed for re- tie* are maet apt to utillae test¬ proews, Miaa Norteil said She said Bloomflcjd's program contrihu- ing services. Various type# of test* are instances will Mateos Accepts Incite tiuns to the Boston Conference" The hood*, available at the counseling cen- wive Gwendolyn Norreli, Mipcrvu- Distribution for the past 20 MEXICO CITY -Pi—Mexico's on office. nr of the vesting room, said that aptitude, interest. and President Ado, to Lopez Mateos years. Thursday accepted in principle Bloomfield, in his acceptance di- an investigation u> visit Russia, ' apeech, said the two problem# ia roraign Minister Manuel Tallo rsesaroh art semantics and un- reported. ifwUniling by manageroasR. f Book Review r< TGIF- "Your Slip's Showing"' Drinking Rules 'Duveen \ ti fe of a tunes on paintings they knew ConnoisseiA cate painting* or ■ l)ti\een he wished to «e t were good, only because Duveeu Called Unrealistic give the ci.c was to 8 told tnem so. ll.v S. N. One reason it seem*, um that wnat he was bxr .■ ; lluveen prepared Mi«h MtiHern l.ibrary l'a|>erl»ark thrv all w anted to veneer their for Ford and took it , t Br BILL CALLAHAN "arrlvlsm." They wanted to cre¬ to him I 9.» cents examination, lord ate. through the possession of «a* pr, B«*hrmart in this book ha* ere-, |y enthntlastir, e*perUlb u- TUB RECENT ADO ovff th« utisppn.lnn nf thrpp ,tu- famous painting*, a feeling of ati'd an absorbing portrait of a depth and tradition they knew he (honghi the hook w •» , 1 Hont* from th» university for "» vlolrton of housing rci»teo c »|»»| legislature for its budget appropriation* it fears that any • • #• part of Behrman's book deal.* "disreputable" conduct by students might have an adverse with the question of why the«e effect on the sire of appropriations. rich men *|»ent auch great for¬ Vol. r.i. No. I'll Friday, November 20, 1 *.*,!» 1'attl THIS IS Al.l. understandable, but it still ha* no relation to fact. The fact is that students do drink. Saving they don't is not only false, but tends to create a double stand, a rd. If I had a dollar for every time I heard the Idea that CAMPUS HEADLINES: I p.m. Ikii CLASSIFIEDS llefnre I'uhliralion for Tue*.. tied.. Thin., it's all right to drink—as long a* you don't grt caught—I and Kri. Edition-. Headline for Man. Edition; I p.m. I r . would probably have no need to continue studying. 1 would Hill. I'atilile s-12 and |..*> Monday thrnuph Friday already be wealthy. The idea of a double standard doe* not seem to fit In EXT. 2513 with the concept of what a university should be. It would be refreshingly honest to admit that JISC's 20.000 students faso »►' are not just some unique species, hut are 20.000 human •liWl, it flutter due to illltrti ret* *ui »s»» •.-*n>«B TV. mahnfam table Wrmiahfltno stand F\ce1l«'ni The Bud-Mor Age-J Entering college does not essentially change one's basic Lellcrs In tin* Kilitor MerctiM »»A r.I» 1-2IV* «" .... e- <1 (iitin.4 Phone IV »-MI" on wecK- **t Itate'.** personality or transform him into any sort of paragon of 1HT1THY \ .;i MSI K *14 'El SIX Fv< »■ ' ancr •<' »!«'''• H -- HARY PAR AKFFT AND rage SMITH JACKV*% JA:• uJ sirtue. To paraphrase Mr. Kipling: single men (or women I A-.T28 Rarher Hall FI»- Armv Called Resource Waste i t sr •, Mobile >»ervwe XC2 F Nl • BOIBV STEVENS HAil S >■-■». lain.i.ig 4* 2-tMll 40 In dormitories don't grow into plaster sjints. THE VALUOtlRS i-..T4 PI VMOt'TM «, «t»id*rd «htf* t"ST FI.i AR OVF bedroom F • A CERTAIN PERCENTAGE of the student IkkI.v is go. «- '. «•* that they w ill give to serve I IV I-41H! This isn't argument; it's a statement of fact that every¬ e Imi olueet t.» Rf)T\* Ignore lo the Milm w •• • r e »tinti> a <1 pre>es . e one might just a* well face. The university certainly ha* •f.e r»-al r»*a».>n viiiv .t i* UtilR !• .'.ft-'. I set— • '•» • •'■ af*»'* retdi , ff. I1RAKI" r : : «t»nf FROXT AX'D re .r b»k — a' .1 tn..«e> a * 4 - EMPLOYMENT *1? !•."• Rrakc ..Ini-*. i •• •• every right to prohibit and discourage drinking on univer¬ I • •• T.e -'ai re slum, v, orobait. 1' m \ 'ujHir'a .t that «'• ftrak. reiiucr* 2*10 F Mr.! P WANTfD SK' in*tfiM*-.r v.,.e Mil A ■ crving .nil-. Phone IV 4-UM* Xi sity property if it chooses to do so. Hot 1 cannot see from «• traihi'-i men ■"..r g'#»!>«• Th- v mm': ' k.. an a -> *a-.l mi artmitiotta'" e ahih'x »•• • restraint to w* an- tent nve .'.nut •. Insofar >• where it derives any right to regulate the peaceful and ' {JrreE tukc ' tlfal F4YHI> SFD4> * iivifi n«- Ca'- and f4.-#yl- Sh • ROT luT..,.- tl'.i goal. * •« • uv ■» • . iMsm ...r \«iInmjt unusualiv It• 'u* rtjie.i forre* are .«.■•- ">.,d ''-hit- thai fr< >veek guarantee nut A'.d these 'tXimm.:- IT CERTAINLY doe- n't make *en«e to interrupt a stu¬ -ng nei i -T •:» muc o it count•** - ..rr f Ite.e nber ZSti uitn over- Write full . onfe»- FAST LANMN'i 1 " dent's education over some triviality such as drinking beer I Kill \ t ■ r .rewerve fr«H«do'M The war -• ■■ A.alanctr xk. 1 I..i» Rovne Ran. i. 4»i^ one • 'h Itii-- ufi.c" 'hr. are 'i - C •ncmvnt» t'.o artnie • I aree lat.dv .1 in his home. (•AM MA I It IT A dui« rrcd ru.-h. thetc is r-,«» op - NFHI \t > IFF I •» ' H'-M For,| \ Easement den II) M'' -• «v>... • e l.n Marts:i Lnt •'. ■-** •A ' . st"|> tho-e 'A 1" ,."e i"...l i-iiud'tion P'.i." H |»e..p> Cfv.1t »• .1 •» .' irlo|trd toutline*. \nd we are chiMiM' in r,i.*h tne ; tirsl t« i n ' C.j: . - =-.*■ • tiling to meet this "challenge \V",v yh"11..i v c li d Sir-t tc • I W|||\« |V good ve. • . I hi: nn I.'-I ' » ,■ I : .e FH J - with ail aruik. It ran'I l»e done . . . i .p'.ve .n . ft. . - < WTI KHI RV ( I I It tin* Mat c;»-:\ Jim Wlradrr MFVR01.FT ♦«CM '!> rood' lnlei'invlinii \ . Ss. i t. . )••• . I it ' »be> l "e • * V *< T e bi-si w. v v. ette v.'ir ( II It .on.' . « to M'ake '* etti/en* Mirhigan Slalr Ne*« Ml VI\lUe>'l Veil'bf* FOR SALE- 8pm. 3rd tt'»' 1 . .. .•f the.r e»if-centetediie*; Puhitshro on iiau di" Monday T' rn.uft pre**injj n«*e«l in the tl.miicn friOjv ItH-lilkive. (luritli! lall The Mews e * ATI" RH AY v '"'rr *mt «ming lerm* pxrei I pieservation of freedom i* to holiiL.vt w-eeklY during Bummer Ci«"Hh I e I 4 » HOUSING WIM I V CIIOIR errote free«1*»rn f»>i a In i lion tetm and one fr#*hm«n inii* !'. .. Mi . Wes,i > ll.-i r P:.s. - •-•■•ighbors. woo are n\ *ne njnorart e a d povetty AMEUCbN tlO I*-- •% \l' Nfm %nah*l llll I I I. If ROTl" w 1 preparexyoung oiu.t. last iJnmng. Mich TWO nrriRiMiM HOt'SF romple-e « H. el Ho Man > I •i" ii to . ^ 1 a-tare tTf'ni- . wali-to-wati carpattrr laitiMng FD 0-5150 *" it i Threa thing* ©.timed We.t- (iaulle. against the Hiiii«h he- tiewlav to indicate .the trptul lief llul tills and again*! the agreement of the in lt*ell is 4 help, vt'.iit.' low .a! by '.♦lii'" boa I ..g inee:.: g f • - »nt. > if it prrvwre* u* to make a r.snil am y.* «m'v fierpetu«ite* Might Stuff Haaet Haodr* I'.#** * tk-f* 1 *. " \ AHHItn •' T ouaa « OI'PI r TCt take charge •* !'• Ha e. x me . lla.f rent ID S-XMt 43 TYPIN'O n Ft ■■ r 1 «1..r:ng the nrxl vrve.a! rr."U'.Ui w Wire Idilnr M«*ie Moo \ the Kriti*h although le** hrml* lege degree le" »• (IIRIhTIAN Si I III.N I Mlht 3i«ni hlaff suii l.rul|r-ilM Hiuri. f Av i' i asmm; DrPi.rx «n bef<*re a aumm.t coDfarmce «. H.tne Mas. • Ternv i^»*r« «■ * ' torn lined «»f the negotiation* Mil NIIATION H.«.'S Hunt** boot! •— » »rf* im.U;« d h„'h I've of ' t-UM Mr Nrirl I nmn reiterated talue .mi.ictl r».#p4 -tu\# U ;tn a ii . C>"iege H.»u»e S' -- . J ««» . ' Dim .ev that it Bidn t intend to Ir* to (»U t:.e j»s> ?it «»f cl.-e'iRBjje- «n n: fbt'u i guoa (jaaaf nua Huat>af **d »•«,•<•*♦« a » i A- . la' e i .neduitai* Adult* LD NATURAL Ct'I ' < familv or indivitLi* litre** aniline out of Went Mer¬ men:, '.fie I n.'tM Nu»!«** has «»h v p : v ••. • kte 11.• :^e Cann». a fOSSWOrd ,u"""u Puzz ' Uiilc e IctQa ■-r.(*i*nn saaoao naaEaa aoann nfAonnn unrr M iitery ia»>g».a. « ; » • i our * 4 k*4 la It'¬ I lin. hut repeated it* threat to •-e. ei. iviUna'eii ttial |»iann*-t Vespers -Work and ! UPMlVm WOMAN To that# ll. VOur hoit e v ' ' '•: • g»ft» lor relative * •««n a »e pa rate peare treaty 5ikH'i»» i'uu 40 not have anything IV... • 1'Mitel .U-un-fMl. aaan ann •-t * Ow iraoxiwi'talion ID i hri*tina< ca-d * * • * 41 Drea* tooth¬ . ACROSS :-4»> 4.t with M*t 4*ermany unlet* tha '•» «iti »i:h tier firm intent ( Allltlllt Kit DINT I Ir.ueeJ Irith er □□aaE aaaaaaa Military Oi'etdi t ID elite* agreed to get out ;.»-i ti.Vi«nni fa, '.g tl.e (IKtiANI/.ATION 4 * 42 I'nprept- □aam JOS:J naa Ta»»4«r »as.»»t». • fi RNisurn hoi'st for »i\ EXPERT TERM PAPM ' .».?•. |p,» |,.\» rent Cbri*- IMran AcUPhuu, f*»nn«r An-er-. H ■ - .in* .n tie: :ii.i:.v It n . t a thai: e snntent • Har t.ou* □0 □□□□n Q0 I 4 Far!**. S • i viudn i fl, mefeited 1: a< tvuing on eie• " ' < , can Secretary «»f St.»te. .iew i - !''»«• 'leveiojAsilg (iwr i * en'er S,,:vd.iv ' e w Ui \ a 44 l.teaponaa* - aoki aarvi anno She! 9#* »h#H*. '.»»■•» \ 2". s Fran..* sr. I.anatn* Ad teen vear* e*per.eo> ♦ V * n.l tnr k.tkl «if!«»n* '.lie .v » and r e |in.|h.s.,k •• .' Ml "I I \ IOI NIIATION 12 Sweet potata tie anucaaa auana \ • Ik >W VST AIRS. CLEAN REDtA O- AITO iNbl'R A*. 1 1 Kill - IS Sho«ei want *.« itaniieiini* ami 15 ».11 .s i.: I iiiivi' Hie I OKI \l 14 Je .» f»ti 4* NLaOuoyeua na0 anao Undtro«a> ' • ' • H A TI.D. xteatn levied 1-a'S «tit\e Three f».n • Fid.... fiatr* IV "A ' a • relrigeia a jKs-aiiljle tMvrr l«»r ».t « . , I! !'- .»• •What a month mp anouuLi aoctuiira i:« Hapcment IV 4 SPARTAN Alt I.Til.U' ' So ship-ahaped It IMP' H.:t< :est. e a l ai n Mawea at 15 Mugk->t clock nan □aaari aoa CNH RMSIICD SMALL HOOBT 4 . nreferrad Available Dec. I r.D- tor inlormatioi. I Slw'e* '•»!•»*» tier- 10 Set* out •eluiiea of Veeieeda/ s Puaaie 2-14.W1 about armtsi force* ill It'll .'1 I.IHk.K Al> adjective • JJO v# it ) V» and the Hfbri pr.»b!eui did r*<»'. n».«'iv ,«..>ii»- **•*» i <1 cut liti.e e ?i Incc.' 54 Fued quan¬ TV. AND RAD' • I 3n y m l\»rt*:rr Cabsn. So- AFAgTMENTS . 24 2. Hydrauhe • Scent Mtiilary jacket* A - . * p . ■?« . . low rate* to *fotle f mean *'»e was ervteida.fung an agaif frt an ,t'..-.»u' n'b.k . ftjt tity toad T V. aet* ami tout h-ng group 37 Indigo plant pump 10. Small pie Platft* 'einceat* ) «« r < . •<> FIVK ROOM. ritRMHKKD euart- I "ea o? m.WUrv dibCtigageiueM uicl l>\ them the S- \ - 111 NINO VIsrt R* . taihe tha. kirr fee- 2h The entirg 54 Softmur- 2 Protection fU.n. "flit for rent Four elder itudenU • am. dailv T \ stj Central BuiopP US would pn.l t ie ln|U« ; u'l 8 : • i :n , MarUn Littfaer Cha* numbet mer again at ram Cti nie*. par sing ED THM44 or IV- J0t3 K. MlvOlg- trtMan wa» one of the prune 26 Intimidate 4. Gum ob¬ fr**4a«e Aatijiim, 1 H «♦. k-5lll If 54 I navptraied mover* In the North Atlantic i!.r r.i statea w<»u*d be fui- Ci\MMA HI.I.T A 21 Ino an 4kt Watchful- tained from Tbarma-aa*. $:, woe', I • THREE-ROOM El'DNUHED apart- treat* Organiaattan wtilth the :» . r.rr,e.ti*!e.y and auihmat .- 8 p mi Mac in Luther Cltaj»cl. trophy neat acacia Rata Mi »4h P#'«a 1**^ t ient I tit.lie* paid Private an- . t t< trame and oaf king ant let t* trying — hard ta aeut- a'.lv 'Tivolvett l» eon>.i1eiev1 c\ 32 Feeler 41 Epoch .% Ciatem Two block* to C>»bt euppcr. » opping and - bus laupla or woman .14 Old hor«e • Told an en- tle. He now take* hi* stand be- Kurvn»ean«i a* jmv":*! c*nl\ U» tha llll II I. DOWN F.D 3-5199. ' gp 36. Ta.lakep.:n truth Chancellor Ade- datigrr* of nuclear wai a* a ne- I00« OTHE» STUDENT « inn. llillrl House. Spas* 37 Ga/efUediy 1 Affirmative t. Term mated f 1 R.M&HFD APARTMENT D«BN« i *• «in* and het:. «upper. Prof Myrilr .If, Vapor . vote lOflut AND EACUL-* LARGA NS r'sree ruor * and Rath, near rimniu turn store* floor R«*ul will "Marriage. i i.litie* n.4.d Parking Married » d L«\e :n v urrent Lttera* mpin or ladiea nniv TV 0-T75J 41 • FOX HOIK M. ATTRAc.TlVE~~TWO EKDDOOM MI IH.NT ( LAS?*' arvartmmt. one block from rpaaaiia Fraaeer Ceale* IV 4-lOD I nlurnu»« nm tar II 30 a.:n.. Univrra.ty Luthe- -'.44«toV* Adult,. .1 HByftar txin t'hurrh. LSA M rru ( LI B «OOUS / $ 30 u Univrrtily Lutheran Churvh. Dr. Beulah Hedahl— OONT RE MtiMiad wPh trfermr hou*.n« oban vot* can live "God'a Will in Vocation." for Co-t+ora- ( ANTLBBl BY C LI'B t.vo House Contact Ton* Baaon. EO 3-4R39 for information 4a 6 30 prn, AU Sainta Chunh. livening prater and aupi^r OOPRLE ROOM foilouad by diacumion "Can i .wh at °n* available at oner picked UF AND ^nd u, ^ py mi a. «H.t-, We Affirm CtvriaUan Unity!" y - >■ ■ Wavh • f • !«*d by Rev. G. Jono. LOST and FOUND YtllM. SOIIAUSTS i LANSING ^ 8 TO p.m. Union 1: iod.aiuier. d:»>hed via- \Ui\g pn>fea#or of s«x*ial ww% Dr. Walter QUICK Sdtvico IFHnss su»r» Contact hr ■'f the University of Californ.a, • a m.-4 p.4»i. LOST w .1 hpoak on the "Sy»c- •al Workers and SocuCiats: Have They Anything in 0*ni- r*a TIM4 v mon?" AU welcome. Didn't Fade Away! 0,u» Symphony Orchestra Schedules Concert in Fairchild three rtalian «ong-=: "Gia i! sol# ,r,| Announces Stoppage ner's "Overture to Die Meistcr- the first time in London in 167:; and piquant music. Tfite ' University ' Symphony The "Pre-Classic Suite" by Dr. Wolff appears as soloist in del Gange." by Scarlatti; "Ver- orchestra plays its fir< concert tJnger", an overture closely knf the majestic "Emperor" concerto of the current school yeur. Sun¬ with the opera it precede. Tills Paul Crouton brings a contem¬ gin. tutto amor" by Durante, work is followed by the "Sym¬ porary composer to the stag*. by Beethoven. and "Deb. vieni non tardar" day, with Hans conduc¬ Of Edsel Gir Production tor and Emst Victor Wolff, pianist, as assistant artist. The concert is scheduled for Fair- phony No. 5 in B flat" by Frar.z Schubert. Ti-.e melodiousness of Schubert's style is heard at t'.fl The composition is built on three early dance forms, the Cour- ante, the Pa vane, and the Cial- Karen Olson Mitchell, soprano, will sing the first senior recital of the current year in the music from by Mozart the "Marriage of Figaro" Ford Motor fade attar. Thi* *i« the ea«e of auditorium at 8:15 tonight. Sally tell all about the best in this symphony. Written liard. The combination of old child Theater at 4 pm. and w MICHIGAN STATE NFAAS . the Kai*er. r - ,.k :hr unusual I'rstrr, Packard. «f the eowipony. Tbui eiayVeoey in 1816. it was lost for many dance forms with contemporary Schwarm is accompanist. Hndfton and Na*h—all of which open to the public. The program will open with' N« .ml—r IMl HI' 'III.. K-vW-V th.t "™ «( have been discontinued *inre Included a one Hue fuotwota on The concert open* with Wag¬ years, finally to be nlayed for style often results in charming !ho Edwl. will ba World War If without offirul Fdael: "tntrodueed «u BepOni- '.rf "nlv !S notice. her 1957. and dlacoutinued In November 1959." Let n' Ford, however, made forma] < »!(•* *«* 50 P*w,r a This Sunday ■ statement tha* The birth of the Edsel. too. justify the Edsel Attend Church |oni«r u-ii: be dropped immediately Eighteen was first discliTsed in the pro¬ I1^'old .Mdlm. »r»lT Edsel* were by:'.* Wednesday Louisville. Kv. the only Edsel spectus issued in December 1953. when the foundation flr*t At but ere •»•"* <• plant. "The* we; put Ford stock on public sale. - special or¬ der*." a Ford sooke»-rj*ei« wi:: w« .t 1957 with lavish ballyhoo and predictions that at lea*t 200.000 EAST LANSIM, Thursday's ar.r<>uncerrent w.»* would be sold in the first year. .prompted by It took 230 million dollars and | Global Tour stock prasptv* > the Ford K".inflation, publication on behalf f of an-' a three years' planning to bring the car to market. Total factory j n»ain «Ui» thiA nouneeti w... ;- p'.a:i> an^fv sales -in the 28 months fell T,,£"art' dean s. yrV' _..'.onal programs, on t.vo million spare.-. ford slightly short of 110.000 cars. EAST IANSM6 UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN PEOPLES CHURCH CHRISTIAN FIRST CHURCH OF Motor t'o v tbc pun;:. Only 2.700 of the 1960 model £%«■< j'lbe-circling tour. The |. to conrj,: with Pakl*- p..a« a-i.i MSU ytatT prospeiiu* by lau must were built Ford Thursday ad¬ vised persons who bough: these TRNNTY CHUKH CHURCH STUDENT CHRIST, SCIENTIST advisory project Critic to View will give them a $300 non¬ transferable certificate good for EAST LANSING t The Pakistan X t$ being carried out by me on the purchase of any do¬ t n4,«»*,miit«wl AND STUDENT CENTER FOUNDATION jo* f. f.rvnft River ■Ljo- contract with the Nature of Art mestically produced Ford Motor »:# rmiu* .*»»••• lnt»r4fHAml*atiftital f ast | intihi juration and the gov- .Alfred F"an'pc:i to the pubiu ana astroihimv will be^ host Su'- "I »« ' Frankensie.i; ha.-> ;»**«»:: the ur.uv to the Michigan section Mnrnini Worship miRliien Si MlAI I'RlHtRAM sol I AMI IKUll Ciironn- e s a:-, an. or:*.:. of the American Association of 1:54 »* t-W. 14:1! aa4 11:34 AM. i.--A i program is Ueftnesiijv I • eiung vieeinif I P.M. for Co .Vears A graduate of tnc pr\vic> Teachers Hk,'* 4r* I4» CRIim*- „ -njiO'Ve leadership Univers.-- • b rag . he' h«> P-eseiVali in< w;l! be giver: o;. Vu4»ni Clin It :30 A.M. St MIAV Sl fivur |rliKe« 31 order to rio- taug • thcie »• Iloiwar i I'm- hhvee member* of the MS'J •■Mil SrkAol: f *4 4 14:1! A.M. Rea4in( Room fif feral and tadustrtal ve.-sjtv. S'ar.f.»rd t*:i;ver«ity. • -c phyv.c* uepiirTment. Dr? Den orwra dRiiiti * Bermnn lt« - Dr. Rarnltf v. *ki4mnre Svraerv: 4:44. 14:19 * 11:94 A.M. j - tie .-.■ttvidual com- 111 H Kfand Roer Vniveis;-.. • and Mills La iter.ber^. Alfred Leitner and in am ««•*«« *^M-i •«» > riiioi Miniwer The academies are in- College Morton i»«ird'»n. rla«<*« f*r t•HmiBt AMllltnl klippkf illlfc facul science* and agn- • ■34 I' M »*IM **n»» I hurra School 1.4ft RM U«HI #m Biarh Rid af I. Marrtaaa Rd pravidad. 4PRMRM Rati a Miari 4 41 A l« *•*. Oa later Rr. PERM WENT ■* |e* Trunaaa %. Marriadd SOUTH fill Anti Freeze (••INMMV Parte 9:34 P.M. tawr IN A.M. A Waaarai ll a# a.m. Sanerr (or Itaia lath Tkaatra 14-34 am. Worvhin and (nniinniai (bunh ftrhool for . hildren third irada and ander Riv inn • I'NOAT Mnrshlp Hi Ml Rl t C 14 A 11:19 AM Ihur.h Srhaat lewinaa At RM.lLAIt IMwWf 4-9 34 A I4R-M4 M- I BAPTIST < hafvhftth—I 4:34 A 11:44 A M. If R MOV Bibla tOidv : «:44 AM. \l krann-r"« l'o|Milar l.nw Prire! f ATWOI l( IIIDIM OWftAM- frib fnnm Ihraufh Junior Bifb • Iha Maaniai or 1 ommuaitv" Ilalrah' (Gamma RaNa) CHURCH Ml EH.Ells — T VII. PIPES — EXII ACST PIPES IftllUS 4449 1* »l Me At 4:34 a ar Callefa (la** 4»e«ie» Junior Riah feiloa«hla 4 a ro. snoisr* wniAMi •uapac f:4i PM. ^ 1 4! P.M ll n a.m. All Atet [ kiph u*,hmft«a POI.ISilEs — W WES — PAINTS — HRl SHNiS Phnae III l-ftll mad cater Irfeaal Hi«h •« bani fellnwabia-t Id • 4-m Call III S-S4IS for traaapdrtailoa Amen in rm ■ li*»r Drtv*. Lan«ing 1 » Nl l.DlV. |» Um, COMPLETE LINE OF AIT ESSORIES Polar |mno*t, i hill, New A Kebuill Am- 1'iisirtr I OMIM I l> SI'IflM. AI'TO alT4RT»H* AU SAINTS ASCENSION LUTHERAN CHURCH FIRST WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH (•la ASS •l.»\|R*1iiR« •rtti. rtwe* Anrih Mainaha All. at f Mirbigaa ' 4 M SKKXMK • EPISCOPAL CHURCH R.h> »ch«nl •wavrn n wr« i Miavaarl beaadi flVfltlT l«»llll»4 I »nt taunt |>»^|( ang |«.r no •CLlTt■ PLAlkt JIftd Raalatt Raid Rav. Raaria R Bilaaa — Miairter Willie tan wan MarriPdt Iruikt. Irartnr* (J|llib fad •andav lionald t trele Rolen stadv ( laMoa Master School (larb — — 11:44 solowt Or«aaivi S.m aad Wodaaa- alavaai* d«v ataaiaav at B aa p.m. I bib snath mt bparrna A (filial ad a Mb biadaatv »•<• need tranv»att«_ AND Ikarh. 344 tan* hi bowl #r 4 brtaUaaita Cbarrh bvbanl • 11 am. Mnrmaf AfaraJup 14.49 aa Una. call: MaaUaae Mo . laaa teal Laafia RaU CM Ma in i'.tj 4.44 4 a (ataa ll-ldl (•r. HI A t allage 441) C all RR MM FUST PRESBYTERIAN CENTRAL METHODIST FACULTY OUYET BAPTIST INTER-CITY BIBLE CHUKH CHURCH CHURCH Wot Otuaa •* Maeib Cbaataat Ml V NIOIKIAS RAVI* 9. GAUIL. MimlNer IDER (APS AND GOWNS Otlaaa ft (apitnl B. Nll.r RABPRR. MiaiNar RIV. H I. HISItBA, P44I4JR Norchta sarvirev at 4.41 and il ls 14:44 A 11:94 WaisMd Seivleta 14:44 .A 11194 (dared school 4.11 4 Suadav Rifle Scbaal Paal Morrivon. p(aardM« m Mr. Paaaall paaardiaa at both 11.44 a-m. daratai Waealua •art-lata Sunda* ftbanl at 9 (1 3 41 p.m Tbaaa VMM <*ra«p« 4:44 tantev ovaalag lalus (lab 1:49 Teacmer TralNldf (law for vwilo vaaa« adaltv 4 aatval la l PMendlr (dared IrNbn 9afin11—I »erst«a NOW 7 44 am. K ftS3ir*sat5 r-WESu *A rftrtN C—litad R3Ma TaacMdf MlwNe?" i iil' f' OKEMOS BAPTIST BETHANY RAPTtST FOR THE COMMENCEMENT IBUCIIC IVMill Btt IMW UHwAL nB (HI E THANKS CHURCH MAI TRB CAMPl« Vm 4. Poanotitamu Avoaaa MUSES ON DECEMBER a Ra*. Raaaad Jabaaaa, Pa Nor IN to«4N IN ' ' 9:49 A N. Mate* 4«daa( I4;4f am IrilMSi lMan 4:14 P.M. (dared 11.44 MR. CHURCH taant Paap*a« bsate* Si«di warvno 4:34 mm. 7-.J4 p.m. VaraMp 14:99 A.M. Paal R. (lard. PaNar A 7.J4 PA. BdJav Uatod wrth Ida taatdara DION BOOK STORE frtaaidaaao-iaad mavtr-a ebarsd Baptist tatetauaa fMfir Rutin Rid. l»4NH|'t:R TIHS SUNDAY famulv PMaaa call BR 1-9719 far a ttte }■ m i! it; fit? Ii i No\ ember ?#, 11.4 michigan state news Pur Four IM Highlights Frosh Clash Todi Bowling semi-finals will be ■ ATO Tops Sigma Phi Epsilon, 32-0 held next Farmhouse Tuesday night al 7. will oppose Tau Delta on alleys 5 and 6 at Delta In Green-White 7. and Sigma N'u will meet Delta fly GARY RONltf.RG on the following play and the score read 14-0. Chi on alleys 7 and 8 at the Future Varsity Grid Star* ,Tnet about everyone got into 'Before the end of the first IM Results same time. Reach Season's High Point if the scoring' act Thursday night n; Old College Field when ATO •rolled over Sigma Phi Epsilon, half. Chuck Bruner pitched 41 yards to Don Savage for the »»«)TR%M. Phi Tail S. 41* Phi • ed Lambda Chi Alpha estabjiirtf* a new team season high'with a game total of 831 and a scries By MIKE lamri 32-0. game's third TD and the half- AllH IS. AT. Pi % Haile* 2, IS; l»r*an 2. I> of 2598 time count was 20-0. I'nable to move after the The third period saw Tom 1)1 1 SAM • Phi tun NIK 21. AS Phi D Individual awards were won. Today is the day that the freshmen have bee n u opening kickoff. Sic punted SI* N« 12. PI K»D Phi • by Dick Oalvin of LCA for his for. At o p.m. in Spartan Stadium. Gordie Set r'> irrirt t'i the, ATO four. The Tau* hit Rvan snare his second scoring l.C'% IS. HT PI • high game of 236. and Bill por¬ pay diit on their f:r>t play from p^s< of the evening, an eight- Ha I lev 3. 14; R Rr\an .1. I; W Shaw «. « Shan * • ter of Delta Tau Delta for a wili clash with Henry Bullouirh's unit in the annua] scrimmage on a 56-yard pass yard strike from Kleva. HulterflelU 7. 13; l'mmon» 7. 4 <591 high series. and White football srame. will be over. S. - nisn. In the final quarter, Rog Her¬ forfeit* play Involving Marty Kleva, Phi llelt over AK P*i it it it The game promise* plenty of several meeting Fred Gowan and Tom Ryan. ring fired 2" yards to Ron Mac- I* « hi over si* ( hi v for next ■ Deadline signing up for rugged action, a* the frosh griel¬ this time the i'iier* Moments later. ATO'* Mike Clennan to make the final score DTI» over Thru Chi VOI.I.IA HAM* fencing competition is Monday on who they f. • 32-0. (. 14-14. IV- der- will be out to prove them¬ Do>le returned an intercepted »' Shaw IS over K shaw at 5 p.m. valuable freshm. This was ATO's sixth win in 12. 14-11 selves. It i* the game that pass seven yards to the Sic Hps' Rather « over Rather 4. IS-S. IS-* ★ * The w in rev as many tries. 1S-.V the* plav during the season. right. rijsn i. Kleva •« *« swept ■" his left end HulterfieM S over Rutterfleld «. Dormitory Iwr.mimoh matches name inscribed ,ir,d they should be out to make nitiiuMmimiiimiHMHiife Ralley 4 over Bailey 2, IS-S, 14-14. originally slated for Tliursday one which rema !*-« night have been rescheduled far the most of it. Halle* I o*er Bailey S, IS-7. IS-* Besides the opportunity for son football <• Bailey 3 over Bailey », IS-S. 1S-2 Tuesday night at R because of a other, a fmal'.i players. Spartan fans will • or.p. i forfeit* the chemistry exam. Pairings for the CLIP COUPON! keeps for himse I. Shaw 2 over r. Shaw .% matches will be announced in be afforded an opportunity to wi. f.mmona I over Immnn* S Rather 7 o*er Br*an I Rather S over Rather 7. double feit for¬ the Tuesday edition of the stale New*. Green Green-White l.lneopa Whit* te 89 ( lark ga Sanders. I.onnie LT 79 Voum You'll Get three NOW... 4lh WEEK! MICHIGAN ?1 IS VIodd Howard Arar. George I.G C 69 Schm 55 Kanir 5« Hehrman. Dave RG 64 llo(f« i/n WHAT mot* Oft WHtMTHf UHOfW gg VIehbitt. Jim Spartan Specials RT 74 M.. $2» State Nan 77 Hndde. Ed RVw 94 Vald* GO R DIE KERR. enarh «»f the freahman White team. fteea hla gg Torn. Mil «B 33 Jell.. advice in praetleing fee the game with the freshman «| Ahreeht, Jeff for only ... football players Green team, which Is today at 3 p.m. The Hsati will Hash in 31 33 Walkins, Ron Raton. Jim LH RH 34 Mara 33 Wend Spartan Stadium. 47 Steve 44 Pa term. Herb • BRAKES ADJUSTED view future varsity gridders 1« the making. Decker's 3tir. • LUBRICATION The freohmon Warn waa broken down • TIRES ROTATED ~ meads on W< m eoorh. Seer, will hp | 1 Webber's SPARTAN Service 1 lUMIMUI-milUNI m 1:U. IM p.m. White team, Hnlloagh. wifl I at " Grid! 2316 E. KALAMAZOO Start* THANKSGIVING DAY! (LEANING... According to Serr. the were divided as squads evenly as po*- Gam ?uiinni!iiiHriumiin!itniimnnwi!iTm nm HfliimimiimnmnHiiMMHtiir sibla. He feels the contest may ;iwi«BiiuiiimfflffliTtnmiiMMiinmnfhnnimtni"iM{Ptnnmii(mnimnirg Ewy place you go you'll be hearing about he a little ragged in Its open¬ By TOM i SHIRTS... ing moments, but added that before it was over, it should ba Miaatanppi and S~ for first agonnarflBPe place in «jf I UNIVERSITY a good game. Both coaches ran their forces thia week, followed ; Soudhern Cahfom.a i through a light workout on State. Michigan Statt'i STUDENTS' T« la.ta twirl Tut m Tm tent Ira Rural MOM. THRU UT. Thursday, in final preparation for today's battle. Serr worked are ranked ninth. We predict that S*i his team out in the private con¬ cea of a trip to f t R SPECIAL (romWARNIR BROI. technicolor fines of the varaity's Secret are pretty go-d ai »t BARYAMES Practice Field, while Bullough's Illinois over N >:t.nw outfit put on its finishing touch* Minneaota t.x dur.n i YOUR CHOICE OF i Egan-McguTre-Dee • Kennedy-Donahue an at Old College field. It was the final practice ses- in one of the uweu af Our Spartans w ' Prima beef Arm fur* aaadwirh an Jo*— sion of the season for the fresh¬ arm'a Humcar.p* »*lra laria plata—whipped potata-^offee US 16 - H 7S MVQUECTNHI men. thus cloatng out tbetr seven week campaign. Orange Bend Fr.dAy Otfcer games or Milk Although regular practices are: h4UM •* »P rur<1 • Mlrfeicaa evpr Ohio «u-» IN ADDITION. SAMPLE LIBERALLY FROM ANY OR ALL OF » SPECIAL AP- TIME OUT FOR THAT laws wvpf Nwtra |»am' i raitr. *)») hi* Gl flDMER sute •*»' pttuHft avraraae #*»r Smi»» Imt PETIZERS. WEEK END SNACK! LIU ever Twlan* VuMutM B*#r I NOW SHOWING ft SMI •war Vtrrinia 98c Take i few mtnalrs thin weekeaN iM rela* wtlh prewata mrtr ht*i »'«» Otaim •war Ttui t»rl mark from (Mun i K'b Ike place la ga far that rr rr ever Bah# farul BORIS GODUNOV • BttM f*. Brass » ib: Huhi y snail friendly •tanosRhere and service that yea want. DORM STI'DENTS: iMkinf for ■ really fhto knI (hi* Saaday rreainc? For the liunt raikiar al hard la heal price* bo *ure VOI R CHOICE OF ... Pay More! WW (Sorrm ctrniM ot ftrt h—t* wAkunltr Patkkia'* to liait , .. tr»e*dr.) TMMS ★ STEAK BURGER SPECIAL "HOUSE OF IEEF" p-i—IIIJ t-.i.- T - Shifts Mil U K: All meal* nened by tbo "Hou-e ★ VOl R FAVORITE ICE CREAM rrnmm man of Reef" are I SIIA Prim*. Nalbiaf but thr SUNDAE SgscM MoadaT and Turadar, l«.| for yoa from ... ★ ODAM'S FAMOUS BEEFBURGERS My SIJI N'onwbcr 23 aad 24 rr rn mowi tooat at — Lett Koi' House or Beef ★ PIZZA PIE l:M • l:U *M 7 aad 9 p.m. VARSITY toaouow u UTU ★ HOMEMADE PIE & (LYRE BAKOAIW BAT Adulation i 50c J2S Ahhetl U all dat nmnr East Lumik. 11.1 W. MICHIGAN AVE. us > • nATvmss . i IMMEDIATE PICK-I P SERI ICE (NEXT TO HOTEL OLDS) Hour*: Mon. • Sal. T • » p.m Sun. 11 aaa. • P Spri'ialuinc ia: roan brrf. rouad beef. rhirhrn, ODAM'S GRILL ■atobbat at am *u* CM — SALE! FAMOUS JOYCE iii • all • m durk. Meek*. rlr. 1040 E. GRAM) RIVER nvion Pl.KNTY OF FREK PARKING HR. 7 1 kkw tkatl'u "Eooil you aluityt rrmemltrr" a.m. a.a BRUSHGL0VE TOGGLE BOOTEE — - 'lllltMliHIIIIItUltllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIUIIIIIUIIIItUMHHUMilltUMlUil.l seniors: last day TO RETURN PICTURE PROOFS Ml PROOFS MUST K RETURNED TO 6ET M THE WOLVERINE 7^5 Caiua) »ho* buy of th« neuon! Your favorite fadta-boot. a lis)'- ■taiwiac aad foot eushiooinc daaaie, now radacad to nave you i hi 4th FLOOR UNION dollan. Ita feature.: now adjiwtabla valcro ekmure with »uro- •tlck trip and finter-flick relcaee. trim boot ftylint. Wild o»t». black or iriih latter bruahclorc. *t p PICTURES MAY BE PURCHASED C.O.D. p NO MONEY DOWN 47 School* Fitter National? lorida Scene «vi F(.i 'y-«cvr > -e " in • u Nt'AA Stale Grid Finale TTSTTMSemTTtTi Nnrette tssi.tant >..* ember -d. — Nam«e« Oar* IdSft RenNerg Page t IT# )o Sparta,,s Smell Rotes T II • ' * 'I '"4 ' I \MI'Htll<* *1 Ml ItHW SllOl* t \MPH»l l.s *1 HI RHlX hllO l„ Miami Oranjre Bom I? R* JIM WALI.t\C.TO\ b.*V« t.sll ,.n ;'■••• i-\.■ - • • 1 •' M*»i %* rKvis |ir e broadcast in broac Miami two da** earl* get a» . BOTH » stations M r tlinuted t<» the t'turida heat he fore Its game with the Miami \iK\ s \V« »\i h N > |,'r. ' .k -,ne« WJtM rest or Hurricane* tonight in the \ Orange ttoul. Hilt *n far. the , ' t v* nil's {time ,-an« ran ■..< Spartan* ha*e «crti nothing hut chill* rain. Saturday Miami'* nrartiie **a* *va«hed 1 situation could base Tns out. too, hut ttie lark of work , - the MM* « #• Mi.v . ■ -,t .. . t.ltllt t AI'l %l\ Ikon Bright .right), pietured in a Michigan State uniform when the spartan* roillii he most rioll* to the |„ ... ilorrtfinM will b», the ,-*•.< Miami's Hurricanes in the Orange Roul at Spartan*. beran*e it i* alw a** | ... meet , here with Head Coach Unify llautherlt. «% ill t»e TV, .r, wUMltr. bea'.o T: - V one of eight seniors makitu his final appearance M.\ tonight. more difficult for Daughert* to (OriKf r,"'"r Sa^^ N - h . , . . > get the tekm up ference game for a non-con than for a Big Id Cam t » , *-ve to heat Against South < arnlina Cum In Tliuiic;i|>olis. < lianiptiimi opponent. arc M me.«»ta up* found out thnt he ua«n't h* V:-. • vthe Spar- himself in the baekfielil. l ull- 111* Window, low* Travel Spartans Eye Oilier Gaines . p s <•'- conference • hark Prank Rnuffard piled up . . • . p,.-e B *" The store with the Red lh»«»r . . f».t «ard* and *cored l«n TD« J , • iM two of the in win. * t.,jirp, A'!-American •> rein for -e.i de'o.-- de*igne..i *' N"'»rtitwg*t«n'« .lOII'* \%M1I IU Is * | | IM.IIO I JillH WMR IU.D s I attempting both foo'i (•v.-* i M-.r.ncvi.K'iis ami Cham- to a liophei t>a**mg attack. footlra'.', M-jUNii Thnrwiey. I OK SHOW TIMI DIAL ID t-SAIl tised :* ■ S. • V:.i game* th..: R * ♦ iffy Dangle:- • . r • . • e <»f • .• plavers t'HAMPAltIN V I" - fv .* M« S'atc and M»a- P. '■» ' H-ne a.p I ■ spent i»0 SKK THE HOW I. k Gugtafron. have ra''- ine at f . •i • • - mi;..: - c.iarvrbaek* "the -.lies T'uir«.iay pas-;ng. pirn'* UrUEN — SI MIA V * * * 1 -,f ever >een " ing! and piaet kiek.tiu AT I'.M. MlNAKAfVU.iS d' I.i-v * * it _j IV.n look "n' "»'• .T.'t.mi, uhosc iiassrs msi.'v EAST LAN SING PHONE EO M8I4 inc tv 'rav MlVO.i KV WS'DtV. 1.1 V — Ouat I II. lOKVO IHNIM [ m« •H>,h . < carried M:"ne».»',( *.. «n upset (TIII.IIRMN 20r Sfrn kiif l"« liwtru- to ci,-e the*- .r.c ev» v i t.v-v .-.ver P'.rilii.', w..< revtm- J o A rbaticllo a'iri end Irv ADI FTS TOt Ua-K ST; | . l.iriinr Ih'ir 1M«W e: ' » «tr-t string ijuargemac* NOW SIIOU1NC; — TOMUHT AMI SAT. if.1 .Mr*. T Mimiav I. \TE SHOW A 1'rue l.pir Of The Imottoii- II «1I Kl AT <:3R a freshman a' # # Will # TON IT E: al 10 P.M. Monumental In It* lmpa« I SAT — .:!! - inexperience go u;» MADISON W V T-.f the:' And su»pen*e! -ef!e.t in ^ pla*. So Badgers pa.d attention TVurkfiay / l eature: I 25 - 3 3\ -e ha* thrown The • "ive r\rrv*!- .V.VV I B Id 3d K.gnt : ,-e ir.f • ' SI'KC'IAI. k>| -vac* m each confer- -r K Big 10 rr- tneir ftna! performance tonight K11IIIIKS MIIHV f e-ru-nc seven i- i »et a corr.ple- m a Spartan footba'! unifo-tr EUROPE The story that heuan tit |^in%ins! ssi I I'.M. Ties a e C, ' D..-1 Wr gh\ U> .«-e • e usual pl'.:« H .ss , |:5 «evrn attempt* against Palmer Dean U>ok. Blan¬ Si andiaaA u. Youimlas^a A N FOUR OF TODAY S MOST EXCITING &TARS . DIARY Bre-rrr; che Martin !.at.\ CunrUff, B>» Mrua A difiereut trio who don't want to i>e IN THE MOST SCORCHING ".'RAMA OF • AIIIMiri AM) (•> -,ter vnd. Curci is an k rurmmg the Miami Berne t. Pa . Poehester and ferdeit ♦tii'% arrnind Budget priced. Aiw ahorter Young People to Ignite the screen in years' I OSTKI.I.O MKKT i making thamblea of Park Baker I.I Ron: SI'MMI R TIM RH C W'T. hIDIT" ?A5 Aeouoia. Pasadena. « aliforoia Nog « HAL WALKS'' Hind quarter* for Jockey Itrantt Short« AMI KNAPPS - SHOWTIME DIAL CD t*MI? T - I' LHTOONS * AMI COMKDl UNIVERSITY^ *' 1 KIIHIIKS 20f Ka|tr to H at firat com- KtfflSMW-MniKTIC AOfl.TS so. ^SHOP I I maud...Tho AtH'Holev 100 Si■ oftr* brilliant per- KHmOITim BSIHBB.EDIW [ farmanra plaa ptMiaiw STARTIM1 SI'MIA* AT I P.M. A.\ APP'S STREET FLOOR [mi DL as ANTHONY^ ' h>n 1 * •tamina. ..that pu'a | tha (ua hark lata Arlviag' Illli STOin — KXCITIM. STORV —- THRILI.* CARTOON* 1A MARTIN FRANCIOSA a p«M d a* «*•••• Cnmwma Maa^Ak I w m wn*. AND COMCDT Oil R NHlll. Mltll, nomoNKJ ••a i.iit MR •r OMR tm*. <••• «M»e. V ™ I •MOWING 1 AUSTIN-NEAUY A ^ [CARTOON . 4 |MC €•'.« »va 'M »'• *—4 Ml *>A F COMEDy SHIRLLY CAROLYN Brooks Imported (art JUIES STERWT VBU DUES ffCSTiMLl AT It A.M. M LAINE JONES S#l« W. GRAND RIVER iWARNOft TCCHNICOtOO* v » f SC\* RIDDIIS IN . V • » - v, n AIM l is €.%e »ru I* I.HIDIHI NIMIW * %TI lllkv SlkTlMK AT I'M • I .riM.n. .lu. kaiir Mur.hv !m HORl.ll IS MV I ORSI R" FORECAST: many good years of Fashion... raeni ^ar T * +sr o* tMg lri- phrok», c HQDL KROS8WORO No. 8 Arrow Gordon Clover Arrow* t .of don Dover eee« von haoifeomelf V" *o •** world 1 across »' ;..;v 4 1 2 > • liiioufk tha kail* ui learning. Nut ice no i<>» ktv.D c« 3.(Va'-C*k»— r on*er*ari*e attle that mean* laMmg Inhion 1 hgi^igs j, vt«' aovor c.ficollf, 1 '♦ Sea mir aaleattvt aelocttun «f Arrow ehirta— U •-•a *e»3»*ie*>». buttnadAwna, tab*, pint tab*—all in rroeow. I*IJ; ;Q , °°«N long wearing ".Santonred" fabrtra. Cia*eiC IS | at '"e op<>># •Uipee, oolide. and nlute. tiM it mm UNIVERSITY SHOP -Ml »» WOT •OlO- r- ie«m» k*« e»e«fbo «..•»«• »• o- > - • oarhoead th«* ooeioe.t.oe ir 2* A'kee (K^Mr. cove' fee Oetore »©<■ i#«KM Sfl m a* »erf ox^r, o eve^»eo ai~" Ibwifi i'i» k aa" f T-Shirfs a#™ -5f eve# 'f-.p^ct^d cr«ot»*e eoret kr t.eoerwea' •' -«»e* U \tnmi-W ' -f "»t ' » j?o*d» »o rMtee. than 1^0* ;c-»*y r-o-c Ho..;; Uda '*■* ■ "a»ik»d for ojo.:*^ et we.- ci a»v ^ To a tie " '• om yoedord ere* neck T-te " »OP#*:> '' is K.-.I. tr «m ine •> j; Pwd -«.g ws4. e* When your throat tells •e.tieu and V.«tcfc T-wort moded £*♦'* "*-T a drawer fyi| of»-oed *hf obei »0 .oc« ' • I« p**n/ "«•»'».. UWIMR* . you its time for s eortc t Wa you need *t. •er Croeo let a yv«»e yov fo r^a *» i .heer Iron in* boOM* up 4 «• fiaei • atrar age ss.:clM-r «l. Sot • mi 4» Cetoreg fma»»? odd a real change.. 4* Mtn'tpwi 4VT»|Mirf?«* II r» »'M filter YOU NEED THE J/leiMtoEJ/ltm IV v /j ofMGDI? a g {»»•. «««•* wu;.a«««» ta«^» l< Iff -M (if ' fit MICHIGAN *TAl r Visiting Folk , Navcmber tf. u RushTeas Highlight Pinning! Siniter (jives Ballot Be Weekend Festivities ALPHA GAMMA DELTA Arleae Cranmer, Zeeland jun¬ ior, to George Stover, Berrien Detroit senior and Phi Delta The:a; Carol Wlnther. Menomi¬ nee sophomore, to Bill Reinfev PeiTormance Gamma women's Alnhj ad\ (y By LINDA BACMF.R Gov Carawan. whb has travel- University of Wisconsin wih«h " Spring senior and Alpha Gam¬ recently pledg* - • *. The «oc*ia! forecast for the weekend: teas, parties ami ma Rho: Sharon Hartaell, Sagi¬ and Alpha Tau Onu'ija- )h! throughout the country with roods: Lyn< . tlnnce*. And enough of each to fulfill the desire of even naw junior, to Dick Dolor, Mat- KAPPA DELTA Lns guitar, flute and banjo, will freshman: n*. { the most, .sociable Spartan. lowan senior and Alpha Gamma Annette Krau*e. Gr-»e PosnU^ ,\ e a concert of folk songs in Fostoria freshm ci ft menu wilt fortod* unfermented Approximately 1.200 rushee* Rho: Rnthle Schlatter. Lansing junior, to William DiGiub" FW I .ansin t this evening. The art. Madison. grape Juice. sophomore, to Jerry Smith. V Medina. NY, senior and Ph. Holme*. Vc,;,. \ uii! entertained by sorority Delta Chi will hold a "Wild of M sophomore and Delta Tan Kuppa Sigma. pubic performamm. scheduled Diane Szolx>n\ y , v. om< n this 'Acukend at annual West" party Saturday evening. Delta. PHI KAPPA TAU to begin at* R p m will be held . senior; Gai !»• ^ fail !«-.<• ■ It i-h«v- have becn'rii- Entertainment is to include ALPHA SIGMA PHI Susan Baird, Dearborn tso>n- People - Church. junior. v:.iot inriv 10 groups and wi'l gambling for favors, and danc¬ Petra Johnson. Union City raan, to Ken Bray. Dearborn Also V:cki i: Carawan firs: became aware vt-i: each h»»use lift ween 1230 ing to the music of Bob Brown. senior, to Ted Freer*. Dearborn junior. vllle senior: L .• <,, ; ,>f folk songs when he was 21. ;,n I 3:30 un Saturday ant^ 1:30 Rather Hall is holding their senior: Betty Meyer. MSU-O Pill MU junior: Gaii^t;. 6 30 on Sunday term party Saturday evening at Hi< imagination was stirred with an freshman, to Glenn Hartman. ( harlene Pear*. Nucha n i a sophomore! Ga the American legion Hall. Ro-e the de keep alive Ameri- >. Greek* will celebrate the he- P'.ntiac senior: Suzanne DePas- senior, to • Ronald Simpson. . M 'of ,-"ng. froit senior; s- , corsages will be given to the quale, West Palm Beach. Fla., White Cloud senior and Pi Kap¬ Durund iun; ginning of rush at the all-uni- men's date? in keeping with the Or. raw an and two friend* to Jim Samuclson, Edina, Minn.. Phi. II i'-Panflel Ball this pa Farminpton ju*. ; sersitv theme of "Moonlight and Roses." Junior. PI KAPPA PHI headed south on a pilgrimage eseniny. |»erorationv oill row- Detroit «oph>:r * their a av from fvrm- The member* of Alpha Ep*i- ASHER HOUSE FOR WOMEN Ann Cheney. U of M junto., ardson. Pui: ; plement the theme of "Mardi ste.-d to farnifdead in North Ion PI ami their date* u ill visit Tnnl Grave*, Pontiac sopho¬ to Clark Jfoayse. Midland jun¬ Snellen Hoy*,. ,h Gra*" at the semi-forroal af¬ Carolina ano Tennessee, while fair. Hawaii at their Saturday eve¬ more, to Terry Hamilton. Ches- ior; Linda Aim. National College Zemke. Anna terland. Ohio, junior and Ashvr of Education sophomore, to picking up songs of all kinds ning party. DeeuratloM will in¬ reen Curry. I'.r House for Men; Phvlli* Zimmer- Walter Harry. South Haver along the way "That t ;p. ■ Bob Eiierhurd will provide clude sand, especially Imported ion: Do nr. '' Ca awan o:d. "waj one of the i •ru»„ f. r dancing from 9-12 for the event and a smoking le. Howell freshman, to Dear. junior: Sharon Palmer, MSC Ontario, scnie; •r, :m;x»rtant influences on Male \'r»» l'h«to b\ I rlr I wnrtbrrj pun '•! the Civic Centi r. volcano. Palm tree* ami voodoo Johnson. Dearborn junior and graduate, to Robert Tuft*. Grand Gary Inu ;:.v sinking and playing " . >o;.- Rt'SIII l> AND SORORITV MtMBI RS are busy prrpjrin;' lor Voi Thita Chi ami* Asher House for Men. Rapids senior. :- r- dolls will also kelp to ael the fall teas. Ciuen Stephenson. St. Johns junior: fieri Hill' tt. Wyan¬ THETA UHI Carawan's visit to F^st I*m- Reventiy i'..- t: i ii.i'.p* will dine and dance mood. DELTA ZET.A dotte Junior; playing the role of rushees. and Judy Todd. St flair Carrole Ducharme. Xorthea*'- sing is being co-sponsored Engineering Uoumil Shores Junior iseated left to right) are rehearsing a to the mi)>u •? the Bachelors at Coeds attending the party will Dnrf* J one*. Cleveland senior, ^ by president. R familiar srrne chapter ho .this evening. ern University, to Jack Jtoore. the Christian Student and Wes¬ . . s . i e to George Evankovich. Dear¬ senior; public to he enacted Saturday and Sunday afternoons. receive 1 e i s and fraternity Boston. Mass., junior. Foundation at Michigan F " »w.;i4 the dinner, they w ill born senior and Lambda Chi ts pledge paddles. Refreshment* State Taylor. Dew.:' e- f. i the IFC-PanHel Ball. Alpha. ZETA TAU ALPHA are to be served from coconut 1 he Thcta Chwill hold a I.ynn Rapp. Portland, tni. Full Soeial Calendar r»t dog roast and hay ride at shells. t GAMMA PHI BETA f'hrla Sfoipoon. Santa Barbara. junior, to Richard Hardin, Lan¬ "Autumn'al" will theme the TIIETA ALPHA Fill •oral dude ranch Saturday Calif , junior, to John Carruth- sing junior and Sigma Phi Ep- annual fall term party of Shaw evening silon; Jeanne Somer*. Arlington. Religious Groups Plan ers. Duran.l junior and Sigma Hall Saturday evening, with Chi: Joan Kane. San Angelo, Va, «enior, to Jim Morse. Belie- I'hi Delta TheU will stage a music provided by Buddy Spang- Tex., junior, to Jerry Ricketts. vue junior and Farmhouse. PREhKM* "Hidden Desires" eostume parts ler. Decorations will be pattern¬ Varied Social Activities tonight, musir of Smith Jaekman. with dancing to the ed around four calendars of the fall months, with leaves and colors corresponding around each. Your complete Optical Headquarters conveniently located, offering complete optical service* y Tin* pledge* of Delta Sigma Members nf rumpus rrliirinns organization* will be rnju> - Phi ar» giving a Frenrh-thom" i ENw/cth Co-op has planned a "County Fair" for Saturday bur a vnrirtv of activities this weekend. Swimming parties, '.eft ba-ik pa#ty—for the activi dances and a spaghetti dinner highlight their social cairn-' chapter Saturday evening Prize evening entertainment Members will provide at side show WALLACE OPTICIANS will be given for the nv>5t un¬ dar. booths and games of chance. Canterbury Club has planned usual costume Branch Office - Vine at Utippert •'Uluf Coral," a record danee. Union Board will hold an all- n "game night" at All Saint< Residents of GilchnsT Hall toga-rlad hostesses. Refresh- ments from 7:30-11 Sunday at the I nrestrjr cabin. Mr nitera "f Gamma Delta SAECA w ill n;ee,t fit the Men* IM build¬ ing Saturday at 7 30 fur ail SAYS. THERE IS NO SUBSTITllI evening of rwtTmrung. Married jstudent* will meet at J 111 It- 1 House for • brief meet* Ir.g Saturday evening at fi be* BE AT THE FIRST ANNUAL SOFT PIZZA PIT FOR QUALITY! fore g ing bowling. Jlillel found* BOWL SAME * Ho All Of Our Own Work: ation will hold a tpaghetti din¬ ner Sunday at (I pm. at Hiilel RESTAURANT 1 hie Folmmng the dinner, llMIIIM) TIIE II. FORM) ROOM Stop Hon ll All. * Mr*. Myrtla Heul. assistant pro* Tint I'iiiUhttl with "Rollnl Kcl».«"! | fes«or «»f aocial work, will di»* TIME: SUNDAY 2 pan. < 203 MAC AVE - DOWNSTAIRS finith. the ciiheerf veni. Aeeefd- like new wporu r*r. run and red leather trim. rngU I he propfielee ePer* i* Colibrl he your* for only I'rk-e reduced i« Km mo«« csrdi|an t«Mfer« hait td tht* gewnv »«r* ai»4 (MhHNwd M the el••••eel Mn- by QAM $2205.00 Mf ippra'fA h geaer•!«>•* 1IS9*. htritlrr •A gefitlewen. $11.95 Naata af Nia Uaitiaa FOSTER & PAUL. inc. Sag Xcfflrr 1 SElt CARS CUSTOM SHOP V\ EST TOWARD LANSING ONIS-16 EAHT GRAND RIVEM ON THE CAMPUS Acom from Stat* Thcatrr FRF.E DELIVERY Ell 7-9174 HOI NII TRIP TRANSH>RT.tT HOTEL ACCOMODATI<»N> MEALS TRAN8TRRS TIPS t OLI.ELE WEEK AlTIMTIt- TAXES