The Weather lo»l Hopes Die CMy, Offer | fin fil"» 1v'*fonsin Law Saaday ; 3H K,\ in California !. No- 102 EAST LANSING. MICHIGAN—MONDAY. NOVEMBER 2:1. 1959 ite to Defend Noarlv Half-Million Student Drinkers Caught MSU Given Gifts, (C.4A Crown Grants for Studies NEWS 23 Minors farrier Kennedy Trie* Lift- and yrants of S^*M,77fi.50. including $274,100 from Involved in * he National Science Foundation for a science institute," IN BRIEF fo Hold Individual Title Here The accepted last week for MSI' by its Roan I of Trustees. founri.i'iun fund.- wiiLV Beer Partv B.v StTZETTO RAMSFY indftuU C.mlro Rrstore* Ortlrr • Male New* Sport* Editor '•> -ehe defemliiiif the.i N« A \ Fidel C'.istro had to be called Unified l»v Sheriff I n%. ;p t*» 1"»° hopeful* toda\ on the Imir.e ground* ■m:.- yea. •- the S. Dunham Head to so*-ion restore order at of the National Labe- an angry Ly.t Aker- iTolf Course at 11 r.'to a.m. ■v - Te.« i'c - (Vmgrev-. He comi»areTI R M>C has won niiiv once this nation-wide lour-mile has it produced an individual rhhm:>. evei ■ i: ree'ed by Di prof c>*« »r •»! Jo-vi Of Sue. Dept. orderly lunatic convention asylum. hail to a Six number* of the Shi- nwa.m*e County Sheriff Pa¬ |sn»;i:'n K'rrifly Kennedy will he defendirty hi* t it St* it. Mm of the institute i* In help Dr. IVmjrla* Dunham was ♦ * * trol raided a Bancroft tavern Mmpetition for Michigan State t'Mrher* imprno their -uhien namei! head «»f the MSI* ile- I olnmo Rest in i! the most trouble t<» o.nm fr««m Hon- Friday nijrht and discovered .« matter knowledge through a j»artment «»f *ocial science HONOt.n.C l*» VoUsano!- — 21 under-ape MSt" studeuf a Al Lawrence and John Mao. but t'hev hate \ of ad\ .in re, J studv «n a last Thiir*«lav by the Uni¬ ogis' k«i*f d.i',:' ear* to the running in warmer weather and on flat full-tint** hJ*iv drinkinjr at a party in the ? The versity's Boar*! of Trustees. gr-'iind Sunday alert f*>r rumhh . - OU ,nve;V. .» «4. hilly course ami the chilly weather n... :•>.» • • 0i,. Na'l..r. e. The .ii'iMi'i'.nJf ef.'wiiVC that might signal renewed ac¬ Jr.r. ' Dr D'iOtiam succeeds tivity In Kbaucvi Ik;, the tem- The Golden Spud Saloon, seen# | a : 'iVrem e. * •;«»:».. • Kinindii'icn. !>•: conf;n- D WV'i r Kr oiv- -seuig *>. h :.*?»♦" ♦ * * * Commission for three months TV T en Hsing We. w • and under suspicion of the Sher¬ | fifth to Macy'.* second place. Macy didn't run la-t ... i. . J toward .♦ !». Daah.a-; . .♦ :.i pndes* Ite (.unite Turn* ft') iff Patrol f..r quite some time, I Liwrenee is new this season, :io.if'.-v?and:ng „f ♦'•»» j imsi * i MSf a- an strucT.-. "**47 ft has -erv- I' according to Sheriff Depuiv lull IK AN DITTRICH predict* that'the r,:o- w CI .• • STHASlWiI'lHl. Fiam. Basle t'ed'eg- repre- Victor Modes c ■ ih>* Pr«i-idt ' ' Charle, Do Gaulle .-,f -rood running." Of the first Jo' place* in 1 * '• : [- : Amenrvi >,:.*ati\e «-:i tf.-: t'on-imsttee <=n :-iaar by D- tb»- Rhine ei'v Sunday with from Detro»t. I? G Hakovrm, ha* lx««eri identified as the pev- •c-ale direct-'! Senior I'rooft prune U, 1 Germany. France's .ihcii-nt the river. sun who rente,! the room, bough* Ite-e.irrb "o seniors who did not return enemy across # * * two half barrels of |*»cr fn»m under , their picture proof* will he rwi- through the mail hy proprietor Jack Freeman. She • adj : -r.e - n • • •• N it •>' farted Turns Down Vaintimt* iff VandeSande rejwirtefl. Rak"- a ■■ r Student A - Itelmj studio* and mav chooxr MORTEM A RANG. \a:.. wiu» vea, vi«ltmg the cam: V • Y .TK y •; 4 pieture for the 1W Wolv¬ Kr«« Pluilii hv mil Kli'lmm I t-s t s *tslf piK for the weekend, is said l»r. Higher that the erine at lh»t time %n order Fhe Id oaintiny i » California r rpnru RI MII IX Mim: i:\TI RT hv the snrnritie* Maturdas and . have invited < e v e r a I MSI' prniert u ill Involve obtaining in¬ hlank will «|m he *ent for any¬ an a •' appraisi 1 wu - might be Sunday afternoon* at the Annual Fall Tea* to introduce roed* to friend . and ehargrsi a SI adm formation from 3d *eleeted tini- one w i*hing to p«rrha*e picture. wortfi 10 million dollar;- were Mirnrity life. su»n to coyer the cost. Vfiallir, throughout the country. v.ii tied dow n by Italian art The F:i' ir«- r»* t-.e l*n;ver>,t> ao-ep* i dcali'V, who -aid they could According In l*eputv Mode*, lloanl o ' i Se \ . He reieived hi* M. degree 2 American* Belieseier- " . government .11 the .-:»*e.'ig.ition* ne*' month will gambling and prostitution H'k int.. eomplaint, that big • A sheriff* deputy wa cove ♦ M'felem S.«cie*> corporation* are gaining a com¬ ing the Golden Spud Fruiav M, t, .* r *:. tiiv BKlIlt T. l.s'«non i.TV—Officials im)M>.*pil strii-t sihtccv , "• •.•■j 4.1 the Indian Lni petitive advantage over smaller n.gti' when he noticed 'iver.l ;r .r.g »20.;s. Snntlay on the identity of victims t»f a fiery Afph;uii.-tan firm* by getting paten* rights people tlial looked to be undi r -f !W6. pubi.-nvd n i ■ !>e vi***t t .! on vital device* an«l pro»'e.*» lie* agist atudeiU filing down t- crash on a nearly inouutaiiiMile. The crash Satur¬ , . . Mictugarv M.sTorv m t»5H and the rente*! hall in the bascmenl aiu i Wan fund ou1 ■ veiioped at government cxpen.on (VientaUon r* the P«er » K.c» i day nijrht killed 'J'l persons hut three miraculously survived. # * * He notified the JifKTi/f. Tia-nie" b) tt.c L'-Js. although critically injured. An. \ r tne usual seeritv prwukid l.iiv/ik/i Hon Heeoril* si\ ofiirer* from (be Sheriff'* M 4 fneiWwr ♦.'* Mti/arl. IFimIii •)n'i uiutimi tha! an important. I/»NIK»N fd*>—A member «*f patrol. Ihe lone Bancroft officer, t* Add 1 T J» Gamma and a local newapaper photog¬ ; .»-•—« o> i'.a- alm.ird. possibly Parliament, railed Sunday for a Di-ru—iuu Held M i. H.-T-unea. l*\. |h *a Kappa. America i a««-'*-.4L: •> and the Clioiee* of Faeoil v headed fur the Afghan capital <.f government ban on a!! imp rec¬ rapher arrived on Ihe *eene about ||:I5 Kahili 1 m ciuuus'tion ivjth IVcm- ord urograms until lus ehorRe* Mv-Sts,;ppi Vallev Hutoncil a«- Tuui-lil al kri'k"!' Stringed tjoarlel oee.t, Vi- it Ki-• in.ovn 1 firthconung of corruption in Britain's twu TV network, are investigated. They found 36 people bridge and dancing to jslayin^ the rmiice |r»cm>r Mvxrttv T"M *M,T" Tli»- nr. deper.mcnt u spo-?-, The music .'li'jL'iitnu'ht will t.'nofficiitl sourivi said tup ,.f a phonograph- Ttieir name* ling rhjnipmnship graduating runner taken while the photog¬ Men Ttt/tiH'tl Americans wei.> among the j»a-- ... ■ were j'smei - ;»r«-*<-nt the Kilftli'v Sti'.M.' if-tern met t was early in .(t-:ol»er. and Kmineip T- • M tdern \r" Gunrtet ri its I M concert of senKcrx but "In could n«/t he Mil. ( SitftfHtrls rapher took picture*. Tlicy also confirmed. wrote down tfie liceme number* ' Kr.-g. Ar* Cen- oui'tent •a-a-on on Tmn.rt.«••. faster than he was the: F.versoic va* third i » tin llv llluc kt'Y II. S. in ihe area. . r-.:c a-«* « V in the Mu.hiC Auditojiiitn B. I'» Tne Afghanhtan Arian.i air- Sabine on of the cars w • N' AA meet. The second place wintn-r. !.d Van- c-irren? oxh.; ts"*i "f *;**>• Trio public ir.vilipl '•» Rakovan was arrested for fur- f t !> :. Hipt plane, m route from titahinicbeer to minora and apont -I from i entral Michigan has crailuaU d -«i.p -chiKjls are entered this year, as cptp»*ed '.•» ..f- ; . 'rt.-s puintinzs N--,v York g.t'- a n I Tt-.w The art:ve* Ke>. arst junior-v-nim .niUate* m«n» attend Qvi»rt,it member^ ,U '* ftom» o I rankfurt to Kabul, crashed Into ■a mountain southeast of Beirut Vonlacl I'roftrain the nigtit In the counfy jail. VandeSande *aul he will pnoto- : 'or kifround T4 and James Niblock, haw jfiven of the school* don't have full team-. w'i 4 4>a. addmarH b.v 4 airport three minute* alter tak¬ Men'* Halls Aswi ' .'hi. Some hon«e»r x. were . far - Lyman Hodman. \i «hnnt ably Ie« nn-alled b» testify against J.i. Brcslir*. a^s.s'ar.t i>- 1 ' . ing olf for Kabul late Saturday. r, supt*'rt to the high octinol rrpn-nl of seven men. Brown on!-* ha- one man ; i» c L»i putter, Jr.. feli.-t. A : proprietor Jack Freerrain, when PrewdetiT. «>? MSI", a* tr.c r a-. t i contact program proposed by criminal proceestings are atarted. re is Rob Lowe, who placed second t«» Kenntsiy Among >|sf %utf member*. ;,-«iiKst; i'f note -and skilled Tii.' three survivor*. men Sabine, director of • annua! m.ballon banquet .rs * e aie It- Gordon h 4A inrlude«| in the panel are; Prof. «Ti~-enibie players. and a woman, were pulled uii- sargeaat Char lea AiBibii of ro-. - Grcr n Room of the I'ru* n 1\jur*- admission.* and ncholarships, at Bernard Muffer, l.nglMh l»e- The pfimor' WJTii M-i- citn sMi'u from the smoldering the f anpaa Police. aaM thai oua «»!«-».-; t week's Soartan Roundtable, "TATK'S SEVRN-MAN v;,r*if- thr.-. ,i» * - pirtment inf recent "Beatnik - tlav everur. g Those tapped frvr memtei- zarf- "Quarttt 111 F. fL' maior ' •.vreeitau' and Qken to a hospi- aeis.rdmg to Harry Smith, MHA girl waa paoatloaed laaiir Tare Kd Grayd«»n, who canf in third in the iiim ukkion" fame i. Prof. Albert *h.;p were lb»t> Renriarger. Ka ' Contrasting M-igart'* pine ;* Atter.dair mild they were presi'lent. about the party and thai aevoral 1 terry Younjr. who placed fifth in the Itiy 1 Kahin. Director of the P*vcbol- Bail ok"- "Quartet, 0|* 17 N" . mure will probably Pa aaataei- Igansmg seiii'ir. K»oerr Swar- undi r 11 ■' ord«n- no* t.» d. - I lean Sabine attended Tknr*- I linir Prof. Bori* Margo 2". eriich bring* to the.audietue ed today. Uard. who was eighth in the R:w I" ra-ivfordavillc. Indiana sen¬ * aon, t mreling of the MHA ' cios,. tt'..' v identify. AH three da*'* \ i*iting *rti*t thi* term, and ior. Ed KettUng. La-' I«a-Sir g different kind of approach He said the sheriff turnad who took second in the Riy 1" and six*h .1 L have rey otie*! conseiou-iwr-H but |'rr*»dent*' AwrmMv !• explain . I rank Null, graduate amtaUni strin.: writing. over Uie name* taken but that * I'd A. - the only junior on the \ar*P< *»T.if»r; Williar.' • still are in grave condition, .d- and di*rn** the profram. in the art department. Bartok's strong, contempirai y most have turner! out to be fic- burg. NV.r York *en;or; J«;r.c* Utulaot- ll lKOte.l Student.* repr«*M?nttng Ihil ''• -eitiors are Kennedy. Bob Lake, who v\>ixth Myie in thu quart.-t form . titfous. However, County I*ro- IV ' J.»:!!<•. \lf<'"nr,e.:. pr.nt- Eli--. FLnnmgnam ]un."i. ladKine-,' civil aviation offic¬ program will visit their Iiome- '.v>rk s are include I Webb Smitr. lAnsmc tenkvr. aga.n, another contrast with the town high school* during Christ¬ gecubm Van Epps and Slieriff v'v-e ial* refused to i elthe pa - f 111 a 1 composition, Haydn , VandeSande will i»e oil canqms llnars II ill for ftriilth'rs i muwi iand cotjection# abroad, *rf '.n*.« »;.l be John or. Martinen. f/oiruiUi scr- W:!!iam Mitchell. Rocky •Quartet in G major, Op. 54, scflgcr 1 ist or even disclose the iwtionaliuie* u( Uion' killed. inas vacation. Thev will talk t» eounselort, principals, ami *tu- today with the yudure* and li¬ River. Ohxi juiu««r. I gee Tuaaifu. No. 1 " cense numbers. They ar* at- P'tanwhen *la»ua»h«l its lead aicainsl i^nV an i :•>! staff are mv.teri "Kettering. Oh.-, senior, ft tletita. The mailt purpose of the pro¬ tempting b, gather more evi¬ Deir«". senior, and dence against the pn»prietor «»f > Irturmn. gram i lo eiwourage ouWand* ■ and hy kesinir. 11-7, K«ve the Iktdcer* the lliif Brvce TieKali-. IlUnoi* ing fi>g% no*.) student* t«i the Golden Spud Saloon in hope* 'of closing the place. [h iniludinif the trip lo the Rose Bowl. Illinois fried Iktri- l.inlmm* i In-iim' junir* Blue K»"> •< attend college, and to give them Anderson said tiiat the in- Fl> ic hi I valine Norlhwe!*lern. but holh \|e*ivi».T-hip :n scholarship, •tuinUnfi- information concerning academic furmation would be turned over P*e*tern and Winrumtin had to kef to *end MSI to Of Tnltvni Irfliiri" tased "• opportunities a* MSU the Dean of Men* office. 1 fig -erxjee to the Umvepi'y Information sheets v*>neenung to Jlw-i. Meanwhile, hack in Florida. MSI* was k»*ing' il- l> Mar. > Casteinuovo-Terbw - through exTra-i-uTsrulg att/v- how .the program will Ik* run Dean King said Sunday that at vet. he hadn't received any re¬ |Mfnr. A nun-conference tilt with Miami. lx-LI. l or de- ii h'S e»#uh lecture i».p-. and '.\»t.*j»ndu« enaraetet. and i' oiipftive. have lat'n to resident., of men * hall* sent port, but probably would today ) ** Itsre V ,n h:, on opera.*, Vimgrt* Itrilisli Scientist * hif If* meet and has ln*eri"alternating with Reynolds «• * :3b ir, the choral room- •' sor-d p ,;ct* after Kennedy, and Tony Smith. KTKfid* wm sixth last year, I-ake 11th and Smith 53rd tile. iTtUN-c "*i U - Uie lev*are th.x building opwa lloru week wnli is- Gudunov Tit S/tcali htnifihl l>^ Michael P.tUm. a w-imttrt Spinster Spin Plans | Already Taking Sha|ie finishers. en the staff of tnc Liyter Insti¬ The movie \ersain of this «per» fHxutorn may need heavy coats today* fMWl •a . be playing »: Fa .rem Id tute of Preventive Medicine, London. England, will speak to¬ comfortable, }«ince cool weather U easier to run in. theatre tomgh? and Tuesday ?! night .n tlfl Nat V-.. a* %m. Attention you lucky men! .eraI chairmen of the Spin: Limi t 7 and 9 I^'ir to Kennedy. Hi* topic is "Comwwrative Cj- Spimter Spin will be held Chute, Mortar Board. Bay City udogy and Cyiocherdlatrjr of Feb. 26 in the Aud senior: Carole Pearse. Spartan aiou Crmteroad*' Cytoplasmic Inclusion? in Prd- For you older gtudents thil Women's League, Detroit seiwoi; toitoa-" ,dane»* imsmik no introdudioti, Marilyn Hruby. Tbw*r Guard, "Hie Liau-r Institute «>f Pre¬ • but f«»r you newer people on Cicero, 111. ampb-anorc ventive Medicine :% internatioo- Visit Africa The folkiwsng u a list of the Students May ally wmfck on famous Snentiata from ad parts of '-he a* a tropical diseases. center r»f eampu* this event is «»ne that happen. once -a year. the TBI* la the daure lu chairmen and their commute*-: Discw»*lon* will t# hekJ with torn* '■Br, -- Co-chiirmtn of ttw cmpui world have come tnere to idudy -CommlK« on Ootnuoa Cr-"- poiiUc«L business. Uoor »-«i the effects of parasite* on men ro-ri. A.'r.r." Tory Nnwn, vducau«n*f leaders of the coun¬ and domestic animals. Ir«.n Mou-*u:n .rnior, *nd D«v d try, and work will be hone on h.«, vlminijtritiv. wjuii w i village K-tiool or other aocial Program and ticket*. Rcwia »- Prove'.. nrvict proiect aclegted by Use This is the only girl bid dance Meyer. Laming senlor; patrons T.w .urToner proje'l *-n o. - local Minlilcr of Education Te Srnmk iu Gcraaa during the school year and is and chaperooes. Sherry Wtesen, fin wtUi • nvrk't oritnlatiofl .n Applications, which must be IfW.4 - H. H BoKtwfK. Ihe final eyent in turnabout Bay CUy Junior: pre-partk-% New York. ,nd rtid with • week filled out by Dec. *, are avail¬ di.iwgiiMJuii .u'.honijr on mod- Linda hiktvirti, Syracuse, N Y. ■ q. vacation in Bntoin. able from Doug KeUey. WarVI rfn G-wWl Ulmlur*. .oil Pro- During' turnabout week the Kophomor®, and Mr. MSU, OurU During elf tit week* in Afrwi Affairs Contuuaiag EducaUon, (war Imniw [Ton m. l'n> young Jadie*. if you are iucay MatMi, Mt. pleasant SrfUbr. Uie grouo will divide *t» t»»" 403 Library. vmHj of Mankh wiU «o~» mi man, open d<-us for you. buy TkktU lor tha dance are 1S T) of about a doreO liud^ll ^cb. Studenu will be -TIi. mm Without QuUi." lo¬ you aandwtches and cottae, Md par aanpla, Ma is a reduction Mid one or two adult to. dorr. bas.s of interest ia ot • in lit krtwy. Cram Mai year's price of M XKh Mm will work «■< Mudy affair*. race i I, MM. Th. The name ad mm hand will with . iuu.m*ert P«k Of pneial issues, African .ludenu in • ience »°d aco Wot Afncu counery- • "If j I WW. ■' ti 1 ,s ( —Capitol Continent Political Foo'.hall SFe's 20? You Bettersaid,Run. WASIIINHTON .1'- Am- n 18f>0. 'hrt reuovt nnlv H)59 ratio Buddy.. for in 10 were -3r, WVir-.r;. - .) ;n men 14 vearv old ->r hay Stalemate Times 2 !':arr- ir-j x-i-irng'-r from 1 in 2 '•> 2 an.- - <• u i-re -y.jrried whereas in n , v . iV'y.-u* Buirim n tv- - lAiRjUj [A » L tl Es3i Slate MICgllfiAVS LASH I'KISIS is n% New jo an « mri*A Capitol Reporter doubly stalemated in the 2; the ;* -i.i 11 - od :m - .1 an.I 4 the ap median month* I: -a- aboti' aye •'* qjsszseiees^SI ACROM .12 t'nit of hrlAlMl IB> I Nl «g«b6'i. .rr?| c taPr-r^S IPiUlil capacity Itatr senate. yi- »rv an.i .* wvki t Bucket .14 Mark of I«|L1L1 CjQjWVe^ Benertc.'.sf Intra-party tup-of-war Whim! Rcpubliran rattens il.xir- For women, the median -vc now i* "!0 tear* and 2'.- month* V omission resulted in a virtual dnmpinjr of the million nuisance compared with 2? year* in Ik0" 9. Gather up and st.xre ye Breathing sound *jT,»,<»|tWritprr- (or emergency) tax package last week. Median is the middle r>" •" 11 Ramble 3? Camel's ,3yObT7-rj IhIL i ,»< Inter-party rivalry in the senate ehamher centere.1 Intoxicating hair cloth ' it he'xeeen two extremes 39 Scandi¬ K!» vj ■ft around a "which conie- first—the chicken or the «-yy" \ ie\\ drink Toe average young husband J ?4 Leaf of* navian IkN ' L| Ss3 of resolutions to place constitution-amendinjr tax proi*»«.ii- ..'.iv ahoui two year* older th i calvx explorer m w fe .i.Kiay. the renort sa.n 41 H ch hefore the voters versus immediate dfmsideration of re¬ f. s to KiddV-de- I • venue packages. Republican senators split between the ultra-conservative In aue ta.'iO. there wa* an average difference «f four year.- The biggest drop in the med¬ :* In the character of 4? Farted rabxay: abbr. Solution to Friday'* Pna 9 y% THE SCHISM REPRESENTS the first failure of C.OP xf'-J i rated u>c of bu". ' senators to present a united, conservative front in the to. month session. ea-ule* .up c ' encouraged naming rh.i 0 o 14 P1 iV I It - :*HP, ' "-'o.U I Tenacity of the two factions became especially apparent n-a * f" «» M to observers Thursday when after four long and heated caucuses over the tax program the members were described . ;* -'/y ^ M if,1 y a ,, by Sen. Beadle as "split on everything."* Vlir1ii«im Sliilr X«-«« ■ "T«.« Friday, the caucus sent Paul Younger (R-T>an*ing) of ,14! Sine ' >•* MonrtAf Pubtlj-neii on ci; i/ ; the Morris clan and Beadle to the governor's office with a -.he- t'lrtai fn. I during -ait •y r\.-V"t ir *r f St report that two-thirds of the caucus supported the nuisance i- »nr-"-rr *r tax package and would vote to place income tax and the Jf <3 jf •* % «e «x-r.nrt il ■•* n-a't- f sale* tax increase proposals on the ballot. •• rrrj a, c e • rr S.-I .-f x'arcn .1, 1H," at the ■ -f i | k *4 w 4-1 proposal that Democratic 45 - liov. Williams, re.iectod the . r- K.«'l l an-irg. M'rh " ,,j •en*tors supply the necessary votes to pass the measures mi W. *« part of the "mutual support to eolve our tax problems" iViff/d Staff w I lane VV arVrrhario fe p '"fir pledged by his party earlier. xuht V.-.I Idiinr Xirhl Iditor I ind» Hunter rr Clearly, Morris could not command enough of the 22 Re¬ Wire Mtl..r I Woodv M»in«, V Maffr-rt. I <»»t Hrnr-VIr**, ll«>h Tllr* publican votes to send the tax package to the lower house. MALK WiX» Hill Metman Attempts to patch the parte fence will resume Tuesday. MEANWHILE DEMOCRATS AND REPI Itl.lCANS Methlmck l« eW«* Jar to illnrtl fought on the floor over whether the resolutions for tax proposals on the November 1060 ballot should be voted he- fore or after passage of the tax package. l.rllei-Ai lo I In* Kililor CAMPUS DEADLINE?*: 1 |».m. Dav Rrfurr INililiralten fur Tue*.. Wed., ihui*. CLASSIFIEDS Republican* want to pass them before the tax package; • and En. Edition*. Iteadlirie for Mon. Edition: I p.m. I Democrats want to pa** them afterward. Neither side appears willing to give in. 1 democrats contend that the resolutions have no effect What's Wrona With a Party?' a F.I) 2*l.i11 Hill* I'livable n-12 and 1-5 Monday through Friday K\ T. 2ti 1.11 man*' •xn.-ere nd.x - on the immediate situation. To the I ditor- reC!» i •'.ink i .• Republicans are wary that the Democrats will not co¬ iiC.1i v for res .up operate after the tax package is enacted N>me mend>ers of the House of Representatives fee! the *. . X N . . A Keep Dili but. * • ; r •v« • mai -r;*x ttir xHvff oi>; e - AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE SERVICE J resolutions should in* passed and sent to them. The H«»u»e. ws't xx ant m nwrcii. usually more amicable to compromise t»ecause of its even Martina Is. C- L. k V IV.ICS * bnmtM HVtTFRV -Ait' ■ - A 2'.«'3 I. V i IKAKFAST IONUS GOOO >»re party division, could then hold them in anticipation of the I*.", IdBMl.f LompuUioii g iar»4'vi»; p :v. ■ FRISH tax package. Nil; 1 xagi: ra*u.: TAKF * Dt M.iNS' R A ' OUtCK - ' ppeaker of the House Don Pear* i \aid he To the editor • r-i ung peri.H-i CPUDNUT SWOP thought the dilemma could bp easily solved if the'issues lif ■ t" XT'-' »f *• r c-..*v >• k..: or 9:ni J M*C Oe*" a am k e- were placed on the ballot hy citt/.en petition thus avoiding rr-^i * iiRiKi s rnr»\T ami oa **i ..'e rtit f,<...» .. • any additional costly delav in legislative proceedings •w «.»'».--X .»• t,» poaitioo .„•! •, I *1\' TRXNStSTO* RADIO ijt.. r>rit!,. others have noted that constitutional revi- .n mum*- ■ -« thou*' ' '■ - •< - ■ Iteav.- -e - • -r IX 4 * !**:»• riiilio'- is-. K h ! Fo«hJ« hx cated by many could remedy the situation At any rate, it is improbable that Mich;g.,u > r;.'T a . i - A AMta.CrtN : K be thankful for an end to the crisis on tri< Tf fuik^ga mv «. I ' . r»-« A ■■ »nxl •" ' ' .»■■! •!- 5.. N! c »WK Day. ■ ' i .-Pl> ' ' Ihe unlverstt* ha* a p*d*r » of ;; i .iwir.i-i »f Irvdian-' t >>f x r»- Many legislator* expect that, the ut.or. wo. i.-im- a of acting "tn lien parentis ' that ' C4 " ' >•1 g: Few compsnir* otfer a "man¬ . '.Usee »:• ;•!■« agement internship" as effective i'hnatmaa present—if it comes at i. »s in place nf the parrnt hut *x" X >.' i 'V -v r n | woniier how man* students' as a militarv t«»ur of dntv as a xtm XX'VIFF 1 * junior officer <| t. or l.nsign it parent* would object to their i» r 'Hughes an lnlellcTlual. sons unsupeiv five or and ten i*ed daughter* percent" parts* holding f'rrhaps *n n . • »• CH a > x - gl ■■>£ axlua'pN gl ? .... HO" «nu word plover. insist1. a*k the Iton't accept potential m* ein- l'»3* I .«!»>•- «;o x ! HVfV( 1^*1 th,. Yet Epitome, of LucMlity* Mx ,* r.a.e ic' cr div•Id", tfr • had » t> t It ...*,- ' »'I f Tn-bk»' . . , * e • : a RC»T\ xx.;i not N vpqutnM t r biWi'. Fe x x ?.e t . H r - *! . ..•••• ' j "r. „rr WIL.I V* '• h.x fc-e rs-.i v - • . 'io ni-or fu'.u-e T'.c attitude ■' l«*vl *.-.<1 : e. ' llr - > tfo war.'txi * ix hessv* P . • oit v I"" * KD •' m 2-2:0;: covsoorssixs on society '••fih r. * &s~ 'margin*' officer, a-.d ■»fie^ s - H» H. Stun Hu(hn he : • v if- :< » . r * . V ..4'i.c "p ■ gentlemen would certain!*' »;c- EMPLOYMENT , <•-> t .<■ r cfi'eciivene** a M AIM A. Xwef. Srw Y nrk, IS.'., tU paci-v Ah xc! few xi . , .»■ f • *>r ' .i.-hh I s n.»t that tboy do i * »;VK Ruf*U-R\J*hfo Consrirtusmwn and Society—The floor irntaiiw. or F.uroi»i at .4 • ?» *> need the servicls—the sorv . e PAH'-Tivr TNx*: Theufht, 1 W>-19.10 follow-* two truth ihemes u :;s dewiojvM a in- twt'.ci ojf without them Ihn-i ts# levesttgatton into the theorie* w. purpio-e^- :ht .i< f i l ,eorte C«erowrts ' ' 4\!*M!'i Ar'AHTMF.VY IX E:.» tioa ©f human natuie—advanced by thr lending social thmkera f tha early twentieth century "—and 2 • the .probJemnti.- s- • <• -the mora question of Row the--human nund can arrive at knowledge of aociety at a!! " a-"": -• «"-l .- *•: c,v. - The^c • i sw v ' INFORMATION "(i ^ 3 ' TWO HKDROOXi In h:* treatment of the key *», ,al thinkers*of this period the • e- ;v,!> to ringing .n "w hea Ttmi R 4.1 %RI) '... k fm-. ,-air nu" it-iT 'nen.i* a sre f-eacti^g refncerai.-r a .thor always includes a specific treatment of their We'iat.svhau.;; ^ it ■ canvefM a p n.. Bnuumont Tow et 522 Dwi and ED- .••n Mr ' -ang and irk¬ WE SPEC •r, more generally, the result of thnr cog i tat .an on these two theme-. wTIIHAf ORt.AN- I g' . V some road to peace < % I HOI It FOR SALE lUNDttS 1 * This book, though essential!? a study t-> an it.t«-:iiv*iul ? he miff; IMTION '• IV t'D . A V ' 1.ARGK APART* about intellectual*, dealing with thnr wens m relation tv soci» tv What is thr real thrinr n( 4." «Hi . C aUvblif Stuoert '"x '•> xfale " hluvks 'o ; people? I* it "I dwn't think * (iirnMhed ED- ' and axutance, la by no'means eliminated front the nwv. <■? rea •- these x'ebter. Coffee hour. * C«sa»rtt»* ! ■ : r.—«n a:wi leiepho; e t'-e TV VXD HAD Ing for enjoyment. The book, terw > w ritten, does require attention runpalawrf ROTt and military f t \% Nil |»V CiRtll r - I I KF .r:\fT- -Result—the dispatch and assumes both an involvement and a familiarity With the topic* training is neressary in ear da* AMI %t'T n Pa«»» • t t- a? >-.*': -e officui. w ♦ and thought processes of *is-ial htu-nce. • and age" «r is it "Now can I 4 In pm. University I.utt»ei»n w"iiUi report the students were get out of this thing to gel la Dm expaaHiaa mi hM ideas. Hughes is the epitome of Church violating university regulat.-v-.f, Athlete Sa» lucidity. Tbe ape a lag chapter sets the stage; it explain* the purpose *urted on my career, make tieap tr the fart thai ?hev «« e DUbRIFN MIVD H«f.« |. *H •f this ssrfc la *ia lor ate . . . tbe common altitudes that together ti ,.>" ■• Fur«■*'.;•*' Cabm pamcipating m hurrrJa** act;, Heeded *•»#« * rensUtata lb* emerging social coascmusnerss of thr earls twentieth I appi*ci*><1 Hie fact thut wntpfung demofurraiK-r. vitv -and perhaps ;n a n.ear;- . in :m c p. r RiH»\; restore ** Sweat ik'ii - • ■>•<- rTn-f .>! tngful oducatiof.a. ar s.icta! ex¬ on.. • 2-.-M.v- It aubseQvier.tle define* the bounoanes— Western F.urope—tha t ru 4i Michigan Stale r» . or I*" is -1 original "heartland** ,of W estern pociet*. Fran tiermav, Austria, perience Where in the world is is iVCH!" Hu«t.ef boetv FLY Fl RVtSHEt' ana Italy. The characters who romp through *..■»«• reman-.Big |Mge» art J • -.we ri'r.iRi,f Mai>- «1 u• against thr law- for stodenta t* K,.d hi M.I", !1.W .n, I.rail. PnlK. " C Hotlte then defended and finally introduced. eel togrthrr, unsupervised, to tn* *it.uifae ais'e \f*i it pubii»:xeo »>> >*ud«i :* ol Slwhigoo Vi»'» Hurt-af and § Kicae* at ". Oark **ieei 4.1 vt.w Or The ma.tor reason given bv Hughes tor hi> . oticcr .rp (>r; '-ha t unttutx La>* Lannrig Mirii. without uucct tacyitty *upcrxi* Ulk or io dance or to ha*r a Mtldary • HOOvt for male sto- nil, daili ' - " ronunent us; * It was Germans and Austr an* anc French and JtaJ- 1 »» ix-l »•.«• off his! vdH«*of the university ot ni dm stuar-U VSf F*.«ve' parti? Wh* is last* Dssint, out wi.ilo vcrking to M-rt-e the bed tntarvsr* «t ih>Ui. >aaa rvait* IKJO- oecur nark'ng ' •• '' .ans—rather than Englishmen or American- ->t Ru.v-.ian> - who m •« adeb'e ffea»onat>v ace a«< Xf tch it an—did n't you know" u> httivls »ny r-. at* which would drive s wetig* bdwot-n the tv t »-*>»! a** genera! provided the fund of ideas that h«> .ore to * em *< iictner «t tr.w.) within 'he university or trom out»ii* M««Tibrr Miidaty Oeiofat S .f!e< s an in «-*!! N A characteristic of our own time " Young people have been hav¬ -if thm A**.vis»ec Prr»» Inland Oa.Iv Press sod Associated Coili«.at« *-s v oneciouane** and Society is a probing *car».T, inn- the though:* ing parties a'! their live*, casu- IT-tss LOST FOUND 14 Parvax S men like Sore!. Freud. Croce and "Webei x- h-■ a.; a* ct-ntrai J.gures. aUy and w-lthoui s setttnd Yol. 51, No. 102 Monday, Xuvrmtier 23. 1#59 Pare Two - , U)vT ■' .. - ■-a— PlCRtD LP :**'H "housfht but now Utr> eorne to %*•«! iheii* *• 1 X'OTFBOOK OR oirked xm 1n the fctud*. Concurrently the intellectuiu buigruohies of men nke • uiakc la*.; \i!>ntfav in mom 422 l-:"' Henri Berg«»n. Carl Jung. Vilfredo Fa; "to. En air Durkhnm. W . MSt* a:.ii they sre : ,.i they ED 2-aa«2 4) ..^'1 helm Dlithe*. Ernst Troeltsch, Friodvch iUruu-isi. a:« nui-acu atu; must comp'* with certain v*r? particular regulation*. At* tftrr (ia-w TJoT A_ }j Uederweav S. «♦ , ti-AfK BUT SAJST near M^.r, J N i'" medailk>->s and hjta.e contrasted with tna formation of theu tv.spective This stud* thus extends along mad* and uch - so with mit n\e kidding, or hasr.T this laca'.e -l.TiMe u» j! yop. EH,"?Bi-P£N ^ Dace*--•eisiated «i>derwe»r, % unxa.t V-a Mason, ED 2-J-3T1 41 applscatior. and skill . , . one never gets the imprcs&ieu that names reached the 20th century" v (HMeaevah . *•••#« beets. ■ - LOST CLASSES Brown frame* TYP1SC T»h j Je Ya^SlVI — , < ' WV library Phone ED 7*7#.H~i ara being tossed out in ••p«-ucuv-«ientifu' treatmcut, There w h. w- Fvscholofista are agre^l that DO ana ir u*eiDi.< mS& Xfe1! ^ *a e ate Mrs B«-f Ai» •» er, one basis criticism 1 would make * Home of the worst rebelUousne.*t_ ... -vs-g * Miilta^ jacket*. t -x ct- f TYPING SFX * Hughs*, operating in the characteristic thought pattern of the ana most severe cases <*f adoies- Pt#»t»c raiacaatv, J *<• c personal thesis and Q| pew Titer t-"*u 1 for by Studying hi*.biography. He thus affirm* avtir- duct occur nmong young people I 4 45 tLDON C.Tl. DANCE Con, No "-r te-r.iaied to the mood of arv Not ottering any di feriae for tlus position, he mo* e* <»ut who have not been given normal Prartaae A«ti bfoi, i « TRANSPQRTAT gj . He.u »»t-o».e IV 5-4ttO. IV 42 from it and subsequently explains to the reader the basis uf thought auiieu for behavior they deem Tke'wia-so*. S • $ u 'RTF TRIAL BOTTLE of Upjohn for a great many of these thinker* ue*irable for : hem selves Ha 4nM MKft eaa be aeceuaied far in sack a asaaarr hat t mm Moilrm psychology is aecepi* •Ra<« out* »-•. -1 ; J- -v ' »*''tbUcm 4-am w ito liiw atl -Marek Pr*- Center. — - - Rlbr.*« w*v:!r Wednesday. N-* -f^ . s" mm aMIrafty saaslwid that this is tka abate basis mi aae * UHun aoSe a* a field worthy of study /a£a. ixeiBUas#** rr.'id*.' mkmmm ...u. eaviraamrni and bereditv .\ar 4m | I re I that it is at MSU. Why aren't iu u»*jgh's '( IS EXACT 739 MOiRH. tor O'Hx* I Hrib mmmmrr la knaa What caused a atan la reach, hi* canclu- united to human relation* tn college community to pro- .VJX^OUR . • V -QWr It »w- x«ce v- i*»ga v «3« SAtl jeatestate jj*^ ba| as tbe lagiral line af deselapn at ran be easily This stud*, though immense m <^ep\h is kepi under ainacit.g'-n>- vsde that measure of j*erm-«- * venew* thought necessary to Cp «>* HOW ,X ■-'* '.sr. trmUer BOON MODERN* Tr».«B> Mr-, mcludrng water! trpl and follows the exact iines prescribed by its autho: One never teaks lost, ha realizes that the wc-rk of a thoroughi> tompi teni sen- — ter la unraveling efore hun and; • struck b> the •a*xn >s-x •c « very weH-infonned person* thinitg p.-evented by a restrictive problem* that jijw i'»tn tv mTRicrnAToRs iv 1 c 7 be J-Sa* and », parking. Ss-rmen porch. IV- iv iast Lansing .lakteiis huk. 2.41U 45 . . CAMPIS CUXl wite which auch sty enormous and exacting subt^ t is haadien *ociai eu* inmmcnl xil ranges, diTien w As s'hinr maioines. t lkk? ,~,(r. low *2.s 1 • tx n« I.owr. Marble Rchaol. . . . HIGH . Goodyear MS--3! •« i--r«e landaiaoed lot. three L " Charles Hutterwarth . QUICK Alan iseltaer barxu-e btore, ill# C. Michigan 41 - • basement. d*-n ED 2-43»7. . . ■ MK'Hir. VX STSTF SfW* WJBK Ousts Natural Selection Theory? Dttrivin II ouhln't I mlersloml November ?J. 1959 M%RI AIIC HIC.AN THE wf%TE t*a«e three NEW 9 ltil R MHRMMi HABIT Disc Jockey PIMPLES! Tom Clay Admits Taking BLiCKHEdOS • &CSE Payola From Producers Itowrvcr. the hi* raised hi popular issue |*arn in—whether or PKTROIT iVPV—I)i«c jockey Tom Clay n. firo.1 Salur- pot man descended from, the ape iAv richt by IVtPoit Radio Statioti M.inK He admittetj unconfirmed. —remains fanday the ouster was for taking payola. \V i V. .-\;v • ••• J •' r -■ who joined the station "The whole theorv of genetbs \Vvrnber. 1957. told a new,* iSeeri Service ha* . sprtitig up' *lnie Harwin's '.'r*errrct he had boon a disc time Because of new deirl.m vir- 'or eight years. Martina ments and modern statistic if s-anotT WWOU vv home town Tim 30- Buffalo. Of hi v Kiwi? pielhods. of natural we think of the them i selection in different I I which he said that ( » v. . • ! •'A ,,f r-^s months in Detroit Do vbi. need «omeorc *. Un»- «fV-r accepted pay for plug- .» tern paper or a thesis* A rice • stjte V>,, Plowp hi ferrx tfelme* r't a ^n«- home or entertainment for vou-.- < \HTA1\ M il LI AM HKNSON received a merltorloii* service in the \rmi Mrs llenson I* trrni part* ' AT these «er,i ioe« rommendation rihhon with metal pendant from the lelt. -Then m* rating* became be provided on enn bv 'he t'n;.-n Wilbur Hmeker. weretarv of the army, for hi. N> j ,„d offer* fintf In " he Boar I «iid Mt f,rM 1 Ao- FALL GRADUATES The - - fro 'inewvittcr. I'm Capt. Hetisoti Given Award Hv toilV Ml IJIMIV ass-igye* here In 1*t\h while still In the AND • . - net cncnirse dr wro-g." Clay c lobby • "-end.vti.vv r.lMvv v Her.s. h st.vrted h - arms . .. ranks of the | * \rm». llenson FACULTY ' am saying it is a i>a - Ridc« r per.d.v ' *.*»< Vian'M e. " .s t ' ' e I'll .>*.etl . i t!M$ tie was vent to Texas %AM to .ilwn mi* he obtained \t II. finish schooling I never told a pc - a*- *• •'-.-d his Two sear* > • " ■ w. • • H «tV " s r. . through the I'nfon de*k from . >f had to r»s>* Maine to ^fexiro or 4 alifomia. .f en • ..vru-' - *«M»i later he graduated with a It* Two vears later, upon his re- .nil engineering plated. They *>ki' • (OIR CAPS AND GOWNS rolled as freshman in the lb | . rftn'£i cr co-nd husinessmr V school a C'y- eame here fro.- wav presented b\ Henvn of en«ineerine at Ihr n.v-.o *' vi- -j • fo Iniversitv of Tennessee. ... -WSAT, Cincinnati. «a;1 . merito:-u->w> serv -. • • " I'" - H „• i.orw.Mtnc' ar. . . An trie: - - ' '• e \* S A, : \ F In *9$ih Menson a nx*a! <■d l(,'arv was aimrovimatr'y - D ■ ra • F.o-. K e and assigned r v Fort Bntvo-r i.v ami eiiiiuuvn.Vjj f»-vyv a '-ear He estimated that While serving as special a*- V.rc n .v dy an engimy. .ng in¬ ?amrd about $6,000 through NOW --- ike prof:: f;-.- between tmil !t. IMI and V» line year late - he was ''.viv- ! ,u-e... •. *o .bv I «- t"v 19Ml. llenMvn dlsplaved his 'orre.1 n Germarv .shore he p«;» i> |jit week. Jar lefVnff. * h.W*i rn ituden' «crviee> < - profetMonal *kil| in resolvinn w as g.ven owrmsn.! of a «\>m- R«1 w*i a ile and -fu«r»*ter for WIRK-TV wa* I*h« > are just a ^eans problem* related to rontraet i*.i".. f eovrlwt enginect- oniiiiien ,B«ted Mat inn afflriala said be to obtain name*. • ' specifications, plan*, design, cost (ttwtrd nesrapaper handling of ab!e to hv a then; estimates and siting farilitir*. Cnmpus I'lussiti«m1" I o\v I *i's' n,# *nrthe pirala atory and said the mt payela was common -■> < -Mde'.t ? «>on«-v co on lie - ar.d the p<*.- fe. M'V.1:: r.g s^v.nas >Ps * > . t"i th« g.*\*. • ~ FOR THE COMMENCEMENT mmt Indpstrtea and widen*. tr.i- t to*a i s '• o • • Harry *e Upson, president, said otw " • WJBK Ha : n . w eekenyh . ' *'■>,A'e.i bv FREE! \ r . r- .cvt tin Jfottr months a.: > s.-s .re- Sunt a* Napoleon « , • rx •<> t ill lb. loht v .f e t'n- and fpxri there on the rot set ;n. Kemb'e made h « dr.miosis in A Campus-to-Career Case History i.-n ea.h Meeken.i. i-1 il! the % medical history an* private Educational toy* and en-. • t;v tie< *rieh a- " 'O- plan ' ft* ».f the Cornea-i tyrant call- Cr I c,i that -mcb* i.o 1« .., *~r elementary school children » "N'ae ee.- Inim.oH.vr pub- " an etib yafc-.e weekend »-e the subject of an exh- i.-he . S he.r.f held in the Edurati- *. \rtcrinan % i»r« ' Biding through Doc. 8 H .. •' e'-T> 9-4:4$ weekdays. Ever.: I'l.i■ i ItmiiinajK' >al<- hours- a-e 7-9 p.m. Monday u: . Tin T* %>;■•: .oar W ve« EYE HI-LITES tfednewiay, S 30-8 00 p m. I a r.i- i..i£o sale K:\dav an ' j i*v ar.d Thursday. Sa'.urua — /. V! lOOi. Ha by • ; -i s.t 9-12 a.m. > ,• tr. " * .■ fry'oral ! pe'urc in mereh .n'< the ev "J ■ s sponsored bv —e I Ma'.er.a's Cer.v - KU .V-K' 4_ Vf. Dr. Joseph B. Gutstein ■Mont ex# nroSlem* AHmnI a FREE Ltctire will S# • n>«»rrd CHRISTIAN SCIKM K: PIMCTIl \l CHR1STIANITV (Oil MODHHN TIMES thi« cniuaio #»«* v|ona»r cy Robert S. Van Atta. C S. of Rochester. Ne.v Voik Member of the Board cf Lecturesb.p of pr. I, H. CMtslatM opMsorlM The Mother Church. The First Church of CMri • gl'F.STION Why do I have to Scientist, m Boston. Massachusetts soak n.y lenses v.hen my . -»:»a classmate does not? Are my 4 PJP. Spp4pt. Nnvemher 79. 195* en tact tenses different* tad LaaPai SeaPr High Sehmd Auditorium .\\J4WTR: PowiNt! IHfferent ktf Burr ham Drive docuirs have different idea* lara fee lmfaita and' Small children will In* provided about method* of filling and method* of rum of the lenses. I urthmnore. Men* about contort lenae* hoy# 'I found I could be an enginoar ALL ARE WELCOME rhanged and ore ehonging rapidly—follow- yowr doc¬ tor* advice and 'heck your —and a businessman, too" eye* tegulorly. >■ QUESTION Are contact len¬ hro< a I a*|»ects'.iV: he mv* "1he grral- ^-WAWWWWWWWWWWAWWAWWiW^ ses Mft for the eye** William M. "*filllrr msiuret! in nn* ham Ir* • hailenge lie* «n trhdnig ihe U sl solu ■B Kin MB TUC KM M1V i ANSWER: The uueation la not ial engineerii»|4 at |Vnn "laic I uivct*iiv ••s| Iron to eat U ptoldetu in Irtm* ol « «-1- — but he al*« likeil ecomitiiM *. "I waiii»-.l to apply engineer wjr anu»ibihli. E of example. | recrntli answer ia again no. ami went In work with the Hell Telrjdnnie • oiu|i|cleif iilane lo* larrtri «vstent- l««- Fuit of all it's a twrrn 1 anion ami L«i« "llw-t «>*»mmunr- Contort lenae* are anfer I umpanv of Pennsylvania at llamahtit 2. than glaM apeetoelea and During hi* itr»t two vcar*. he gained on- iic* whnh wll bring Dun I Di*tam e actually protort the eyehall the-job etperieiMe in all deparlrnenl* <•{ Dialing to cu-doMte** tlieie The Iran*- of the patient who wear* mi>*ioit phase of the projn I involved them. therimipany, Niruejune, 1 *>5*7- he *|»»-rn almost a half-iailtwm dollar*—and it wa* working on liansmDiion engineermg "tnv Irahv" front terminal t<« terminal. projects. Today. Hill i* getting Hie blend «>f eny r "Telc|dione engiRfvTrng ha* evervthing A wondgrful date dre*t... In «uhib!» cotton auteen v 011 could a»h for -traming. intererliiig nerring and pra' >' I't !*.» '' IO' invtv*:* !.;> have have accepted accepted th th-• twin twin cities-s" eitii American Football bombshell into the -rial FooUmII 1 x'aguc told th.: •« -• .'v I2 ,-:i$hs bid * > inn the NFL next a'eng xxith "lie other city yeai threw vi.unc a circuits meeting at Minneapolis. organizational Returns The m.oxe evidently signalled NOW SHOWING The announcement here was a pull-out by the Minneapoli«- •i r xnoi.vx vumt S: Paul entry from the Nexv made by Charles Johnson, Some real power and a lot ' H9SC in lt»rto. M)*me SAVOT.II.K (II mrt" f« tk» k*ll went en te win the came 30-21 INTMNYHUNGMSA l.rn Konitchek'* Johnson said George Hala* the Chicago Rears, chariman of of ' lers, who is a "better ihan av¬ erage swordsman," according to I* an HtnH In nulnk > m awar Iraa Inn Wklln nwaiknn In Uia annnal fmataaaa Grmn and ItuHeucb. vSVIMBntl IMAIMF SIMFV Iran Schmitter, will boast the only VARSITY SHOP the NFL's expansion committee, real experience in foil. Juniors .mr i ww 22H Abbott Rd. confirmed by telegram that the Minneapolis-St Paul move had Sam Teleki and Al McCallum Serr Pleamxl Willi Remills WHDAU- 'RUHR will l*e out for the tram ag3in, joii BUfUM't- WttiTrttMilTBi Kant landing. Mich. been approved by ten clubs in Powerful Green Frosh Win a poll taken last week. as will newcomers John Bolt JOicA^ANTMOflV • MMli'ui and Ron Kloet, both sopho¬ The new NFL franchise here mores. Start* would go to the' same group xx huh backed the twin cities Ex-team captain Steve Ar¬ FOR SNOW TIME IH4I. in T-5R1T In Intrasquad Hassel, 31-2(1 entry m the American League. rest will he the lone letterman TIIUR.! ■ on the sabre strip. Amest was Rrrrntlv* a o»ri»l in R3US a"31j 1 ast IflNSINC PHONE FD m8l4 NBA Standings IJ 3 Ml one collect of a the three Spartans medal in the Big championships last winter. Junior Don Johnson, who had a hot and cold season last year, to 10 Ry MIKE SKINNER The freshmen got their chance wa.« climaxed John Reed scooted let* side from five when halfback around the yarda out. Their ftrat one came when (,«?, Phillip* broke loose on the first play of the third qnartrr. md Hn.lnii last Friday, and they made the raced #7 yards straight up th# McT AI.I.S |*hilailrl|«hi* will also be out again, as will George A*ar added the f;p;t of ahci.TS 70c children 20c i J;I most of i* middle for the tally ManOni Suiroir H Neil Brown, I^arry Backus and his four eonversuxns. making the \.« >..rk U I MINN | DIVISION t .Ml Lonnie Johnson. A powerful Green team rolled sc<»te 7-0 Jim Eaton, notch' • S I r« T. to a 31-20 victory over a deter¬ J*m FV>bb •: k'cke.i off fol- Green score, xx*i:h on .1 - LAST TWO DITROII M I (till* »*.%#• .) t .AXA A trhs mi newemweiv rem pete for sabre will al«e berths. Fat mined White squad, in the loxdng the TP. and on the Lc-t utea left in the gam---. *>., JtS freshman gridders annual season the final 30 yards a- i x|mnr.ipiili« « If play of that series, the Whites , NIBNTS t lMrlnniitl « II .2M MiMmk, Jab* Mease. Racer WtNen and closing football game. lost Fie ixttll on a fumble at end. thus capping off ') < . "I was real' happy with the 66 yard marcli Schmitter is looking for a the. • out: 30-yard strtjxe ONE SHOXX ONI X remilLs," commenteii a p!eas«-d White quartertvt. k iv- - s Quarterback Joe Valko di¬ msasaa than the 5-5 tot.t! better year Gordie Serr, in the dressing — AT rected the Green team as t.»r with only 24 secomis the squad had last season. Tie room aftenvards Serr is the a 54-yard TD While lb. where it« •.> k . -!-point convcrsic-r. Exrry. mw of il parked kettle for a field goal b* Bob tion. Also, they finished strong wide ores play and hard hitting hilt, thus raising the eount to Only 14 seconds later ih» with the inmmparahlr with a third place slot in the fvwon hath sides of the scrim • Green team had lo*t the kirkoff !•-• darinc of l he worldV Big 10 finals and a g<>od show¬ mage line The Green unit whs n White on a fnmble. and xnuih hid urrilr.1 rrimrfiihtrr.: ing at the NCAA finals in An¬ Right from the opening ktrit- pitched another six point arm, napolis. Md. off. it became apparent th..: territory and threatening aga.n, witn the secvtnd quarter bare'v this lime to Ernie ( lark the Green team was the stronger Tie touch d • m -'V t.wir minutes old. nhr i n >u:- of the two. Throughout most of NHL SMiagsI. TFTsf.rr.v the first half it kept the bail »n tne White's territory frrod its first set back lYick Rohmenk. a guain oo f-.e score to its final 31-" • Time ran out bet could again ga.n \ J « 3? 7? I? White team, picked off a Vaiko v-m Montreal to The sexmnd time in the game DM ROII IS % s *s ss OS aenai at his o«n 38 and rambled tlw ball. InrnntM S .1 I *1 M (I teat the winners g.»t their ha mi? Head c»>ac S- s t# 2 is «: vi on the ball, they moved in for down the sideline), n .» 82-yaid J II 4 IS *• IS toiicndoxxn uiw> TYie cx'.a the game, and » - M a touchdown. Tlie 56-yard man n I II I • SI point wa.» massed, and liie msae mod up the st'a>« -n . late mrs event* liex-amc 10-6 these words: • portrait in color" Fallowing 're kick iff. ttie It was a goo- rhoi cartoon Gre«'rj :i pwvod u could be game: xv e accompuj-ins, .«*.■ do"' PIZZA PIT just as explosive as its Opjxin- set out to SMMBIHES mim mh rstood oiaxt rnbi With the bail on their own 4«v Valko found a target m • 141 f MOM WARfWR ■RO&Htcchnicolor* XNDH4 3 #5 . tiTART AT 5 #5 - T.I#1 « flit lA»nn e Sanders far downfieki. am; f.nv a 54-yard scoring IM Highlights The IM office * • BV Te»E AUTHOW O* mmi thi (inm < to oi n rumov — st %rtn stti iimv N*|n Lmic - Mac? Farter — RESTAURANT strike Use him Green.* The m half endci yimmaivi, tng entries for t - n ■ - , TH£ MAN IN THE stlphan' win I7-H • — Tgyrnnasties and w-.-' 'I C:»'AV FLANNEL SUIT ivn roaiDT anon thxxkx.iyim; \t it %m pionships t'mir-'.ii - in The Green squad added two call the IM off) ^ .< -AI NTIE MAXItr AND **T1IE BEST OF ■BMAY SKOIAL more half counters before the in the second losers roold These tountamcr. STARTS EVERYTHING IYxh 2 Amtkm ('—Ink. Tamil Salad. again get on the scoreboard WED. -TIIE Oi l! XIAN AND THE SEA" Kraad A Ratlar, Taa or Caffr». Miihif State Uahranity FggENM FU SEMES VACATIONING SOON DON'T 10 VmriHiet .1 Sim rr l>i¥*rnl* r r BORIS GODUNOV — PACK YOUR DIRTY CLOTHES.1.. "Tha Piua with th* Thin Criup Cru.:" (KMUR) 203 MAC AVE - DOWNSTAIRS (yt«n tfr.H.n of op*r« bud on AlcxanHrr I'u-hkiM» Iracfdy.) GIVE THEM TO US.... NOW AT ANDRES... r-!-».nj rafrmna *1 laaatrt i- Xlomlay anil Tumlat. ONE HOUR DRY CLEANING SERVICE ALL! NovrmlM-r 23 anil 21 7 ami 9 p.m. MITCH MILLER LPs AilmiMtion: 50r * a XTF.RPROOFlNl. ONE * ALTERATIONS MOWS THE TIME TO ADD TO YOLK TlXEDO RENTAL HOUR * "SING AIjONG" COIJ.ECTMIN t * SljIRT LAUNDRY i.koote From Omr Complete Selection MO. i run M ABHTBN. WE RFFER: * DISAXH NT C.XRDs MARTINIZING # SDiG ALONG it MSG ALONG tr SING ALONG rau MNO« * SING ALONG * FREE PAKMNG AT HEAR GUAKAMTitD TTi'TT # WIG ALONG tt MARCHES * r.t ARANTEED l.H AI.ITY SERVH'.E . .. VL1 AYS: Mil IF ITS AECOADED .. . WE'VE COT IT ® ANDRES LBQBN THEATER BLOCK PAST Slavics • low FtlCSf A SJ7 N. WASHINGTON IV 9-9423 a Detroit Teams If in. Lose in H eeLend Action [tate's Bowl Hopes Lost N DETROIT l' the Tic T • ' l^.i h> chtrU I' Sii•'« goalv in Ire* tluui had DETROIT 4 T 4 4 The i,./- •21.14 Km • '-c '■ n'trrv «>>'ivifk point TVio* Sunda: l,.vw & (he Tlea-w -v-M-'i ' ha'f 'ne Bears recovei"d De'roit fumbles An interception bv Erich Name* hc'bcd ?e* Up lien Badgers Win, 11 -7 the Bears' .fourth noriod twictt- day n ah' 'au'ted into lire IVai v (isV.'iiu *•' " .mm -nmo a- workitu* oTace f\e Westcni Divisum the Wesicr-i TVs M«»r. • !v. • 1 ion* Thism' tunes in 'he down «»f the Nat.-ma", Basketball Asm. O a. -Viw w:i.piH\i "rit New Yotk record i« $.« Purdue is tied for Nr..i itoto-ket - 11S-IM tak* JO"' '*r- .»•: w'e « C'vna v W »..■«« •• V . f>n t»irt plirr «Hh I11in«t, «tth B.« :■<«••■• ,mntiin oil out of i * # * '^packed sultcaae. *■« • nawtot Bwt on *>t v'.nj for the tnm to to W»«.vn«tMt in the B-t NEW YORK T "Pm IV ;M: Husky Nordic ' ifc# Spartans at* not \he Rose Bowl. Munn ha* announced that h.s Bow 1 New Year * Ha> Big 10 Standings Hisi W r.i* - < "p»x1 into an ea. iv 'on Sir'd.i. 'r.izh'. then «tav-»d ' m th«4 Sdturda*. MNU o:a Hantc ■*•'> atun a 5-.1 warm. l,' i« ,Ue cit-v of P,M* gdnt to be the next Rain Hinders Slate, «l l»4 MM lilt. %\ Pnrena «1 til j » ; ' « i i to si 11 *« The. Red '1 " the ' ••-* in- ■ •*<; ' i" fw*btll trtrr.. I IM.OH I I *: v. i.-ii-i JL«m - • "v'n °*,r M:nrr' ■«.* tftf Facers the kev Miami li 'ins. 18-13 Xnrthu lows 'lit hi< »n Indian i «•«•>< n ' 1.8 J 'II t t 8 o 111 »•» *s «• KS t.Xt So • e.i j. n .I-,-- * .e M• ay O! ve: ic.s'nd pc mim 'txt Tin-.• ■ rugged, wash'n'wtir 'a«o foi 'wo If.., and IcA msu m *1 r.a'hta* • d k- *r Mhm s«.ii* II *.•> T n;4,f :n "he B*g 10* i a a sfi i ;i L, irtlleM Neetfcweei- HLb, that «» the enl* Spartans Second in Bi«* 1(1. NFL / 11 111 lis Standings , * fTtart VlWr^i- „n.d it the Btc lh three weeht In a and MM* he- tKerall Team Record, .vl M'llMS U'MIKIXll fur Chiislmits MC6RE60R III 1 PI PS Jw^o TtT' then. W»H»» Nrn Uik # • IK! I [IT filet'a teat day after s. Annotate JIM \V*I I l\OTf»\ 'sport* t'ditor I l>tr|,.nrt I'ltliartrinMi* » * ; i a e MS ill P?4 THE C0LLE8E fWnaiw faathall men - Potkhutih i i ' lie ik« II11- olfiriiil I .S. Ulimpii; Ttio Mii'hiuati Slat.- Spartan, wont ...nth ;H.t wookoml nhnherant vrtgi wnan't n kstttncicn - s « it: it: BIKE SHOP 0 i h(tat<» I »>rt» ' ' 8 l*« Ml with Rooo How! h«po« In thoir pookot-. Hut thot hamlmi a W I *11 RN I oxrt HIM I Frr->f * when M.nne- liottqttot of ornnpr to tho I' of Miami u i r pi im mat - riie Minnie p cellar-dweller. ll' Ml \. Hamsun llla.t I ri.iat" niph; while Wi^ piitko.1 up tho ro.o., Hi it limit t - 8 '8,1 I «H1 v> yad Wisconsin, *•>- I hir»£o lira I M |SS I.I p.. ...... ...j \t. -f Kll Ml 17 1 IKIM. ll'* nigxral . .f ;r- e n a three-wav . S-O' th'.« >'oa«. i.fM" 1)1 TUOI1 Has 8 1 |-t |S\ •»! — - the 'aM>ri!e to p a* ., ». I , bear* .. ■ »vf with MSU an.1 a- I %n«ci>« • 8 r.\ is: * Boa ! IV •hr gvrir «tar*ed. th< •>» e or, \Vu Ye., p.M-r until the fourth Da\ »:i ",c a rer-e-.m'a*\e e or.'«" siere.! v be :r M it', w \IMI anil • *r... 11 - > ■ he a-,, 'nr: \ tncn ram'a. _> if»« than tw# wtaatea • B-^ Seve; con'crence T * Hi -ne»no< r.eo c.rta >.i a •- prae' ee plans 'he 1 a ■« ; oh-r | the ntOenalK-telerHed ha.T in (am da*s N-- , M-«ne*eta't Sandy Ste- E'->r a nex* week *o :ap Sparans lijllil ill *riglil — al»n e the T'vs n*ovcr«'e,' SPECIAL • the '>:n game L .*„* a \7-vard Mmh- them f-.v- ad..i.stir.j (•- the c - But it I p»«« t* trite Hnm«t*d. s« a* a tend season for v.a'.e charge At kick-sif.' t •* " m.u hinr ua.lialilr • * ab'.e to sore the Spartans. The* finished in c 'emperature was ocfreos , • period, and thru •eennd place, m ith a mark, a- i hu'r.;d:*y recspried a' a higii f e'd foal by Karl enminj frem last plare and no SHOE SALE! - a H* percen- 8 NCAA -•< « ceventh of the n-cption record. in the wins in l«.\*. Overall. State hid a 5-4 record this year compared t« a 3-S»| reenrd in BS(. b'a> o-. '.in«e.i :vi/en*. t.suchdossr. rn three r \w a* a*- 39"' I i a"erp»ed *.,> overhau a ?b»h . .>i led • > a drive bv fsta'es nation from • e slcf.C.t - •>,«• resulted in a Rose Boa s s'.vekl a person, rtnt-sired Iran C'tirci. an micliiiiim tint," , v l)a e Hackbart p-.b'em f. the aK-Amei-ean 11 trinlition nt other all-American nuarterhatk . after that. tfle (ie»h- candidate f Wfirtork. I>a » candidate, led the Tfiami attaik H the hall all the tea* U* in the battle of quarterhaek* The Tog Shop - [ ,t*-»ard Itne. then t.MH W„ V« trt — !,r up h * lie completed 1.1 of h* passes niilete twice, texing the m.-: ■, *.*•• • a *vvo r.g a S*.-ctw. • for 1J«» sards, lie also scored !%> ■..< >■ ■ > e : . ned a touchdown llis pla* calling - » ' u : 1 ba c k B.'! fjoo ••. * ■ .,. i • « -e- . • "0.4 * kept the llnrriranes rolling lie I I ION THKATKIt 111.1)1. — CAST I.AN9I.NR >v. ■-<» wa> -for tne v\ - f-'O'.VS . got the big third pla« time after •vr- N.rth west err. a« If no a f .re p. ••• time • a >1 touchdown*. it w. 1 : ., f -■• •;■ c«'e . • S ' «9-yard run from thine- ; N- ■ : 1 the other on a one- f fi ne s « • - -V >V •s jM-t v^sr f.wAtua. :-a •n'c! ->r.s ua SHEPARDS > is 4-2-1■ THIS WKKk OM.l ■ recent nnwr • A: -.or e;. ' . . . The plaiers nere greitls dis¬ ) **uU eeen make It enn- appointed about lnda« night, IrSJK « h.'n'h f«r the Bi| !• repce- though, as the* dropped their Kh»I l.;,n»inu Slurr ll|iri, Wrdn*-day KTvnina. Till * P.M. |t » a the Rase Hum I. atnre second intrr-sectional game thi« e« r.iptuto ' f] 3" k 10" 1 eeeesaary that the fin- year In the season's epenct '^•e Bi (IIMiN MONIIA1 IS NOON t'NTIl. » T.M. champsen he rhaeen. sitaie «as upset b» Texas %AM i it is usual Wheaeaia i §•: Sow live...-a 'he earn « v.' • e |M Schedule A*. «,c.. « - pne- ar i !i.. S.• W Ih »< y si'flM u; i,IM I.I HIM. Pu« in • Held i# a i *». • Ska 0 I llaitev a r Millions of American* now wear roniac-t len*e* for normal IIIOXS AMI c ist AI.S. M.I. IIKKI.s • Rrwa t 2 vision «ith natural pwl looks |i i *. Haitev | I,!*.. 1 «Ha» !• .7 -The miliar! lens wearer ran now ento» \MI COIOUS. KVKitV Sl/K IN THK lilllll I' _ J Mel* - keener vision wider field of sision |lil't * •« Hr*an * < ! ■ * Rd'lier • r r*e protection all da* uearing comfort i:\ST I.1NSIM, 1 Haile* 1 V 1*\U« 1error* contact lenses and (Ol U eyes •« Mnator Pe#*il» |*M.» i '• I nil* tl Or. HaraM A. Skaidtr s»8t>4 aigma vs. bspi's - t»rrt»Mi.TiiihT |*i'Rsin pyuuliHAU. |\ an hoe 2-1441 .» a iwntl) rub- |lr:mi;i IV|»iil- WR« nf Hartford. CMaertieat Hydraulics. placed «ith the burden -nd h'ame. Jack sp tridit only: All interested men Eva Galbennv and S.„ cf major, for Casualty aid Written by Fredench Schdicr. Me' Jt Ergr*. for Produc- Nordherg Manufacturing (•: that tlirrr is nn housing lecia- A Reenrch sponsored h< the department of "Maty Stuart- ;« a h:ster.c»; Mech. tB! Engrs. for TVrtjn r .» g * a nd the t*. E za- International Harvester Co.: A ranch NAACP. proposals and discussion*, he - tions. Mid. hnt nn enactment* fvth of England and Mar*. B M . Elect. (PnMl. Civil Prcjodice and segregation are Brrnvn Mid the optsisS'i .rt Queen of Scots, who maneuvt • - R M Mech (BliMi .V Rivrndrn (Mnmaniti Schools. noi limited tn the *outh. ac¬ ci for the English throne r. :,?<■ -B Mt Engr> . Physics Iter, grad* nnly: Secondary I fit h P V. A Appl.ed Mechanics cording to a recent government century . tB! Social Studies, teacher ltd report. |»i*eriminal»on against irmation and d.vtort.ion, R V majors for all phase* include coaching of any one In lhi« drama. Mary i* * ' Manufacturing. Production mtnerit* group* is also prac¬ *o:V'sr,;s. »«e stod. suives-- thorn In I'.lUaheth'a *tde and »- . sporti. and m*th. teacher. other fa* A See! Mill Opera: ions ticed In Michigan, espeeialt* »n VrvA York seeking Mnclaary In Fathering!* t'nlverMty of Chinago; Mr. Mad- hM»ini. !. >Wo* arc aiways Vyni- Civile In England heea«*e her International Harvester lorn- El wee will discuss the grad¬ cnvru'io Vvi , Solely for reasons: of color or dedicated Papi*t follower* want pant: M.vfc iBMMl, Ac lit uate school of Business at the in place her on the FngIKh ' M Elect »Bi. Civil (B>(Mi University of Chicago with all Positions Annoiinceii Ihrnne. Elitabtrth's problem is how to A * Vet ii". > B»,Mi Engr* ; ph.\ - BhM» A Applied Mcch- ma.».nrs for on-the-job interested students. Mr*tln»hou*e Flertric Corp.: Vfli-v. IWHWII pe,.fe«*sr nt get nd of Mary without shea¬ Training Procram in nearly Elect. (D) Engr* A Phytic# Eight BppMntmrntB. si* Vsvcx. r. un*e«(Kir, Jan 1 Hall ding her Wood a* she fears a " pha-e* of Eng-.r.t-ering. Rc- (D) majors for R A D. \ )* '...t pro:e**«-.r in erncral row- uKigmertt of posterity if she re- erne, trsnsfcr, four now dcngr.*- rvi.nioa'mr; ;,rla. Jan I in June IS'i ;«,v. rv>i>a'«1 AmtMdB, a«»i*tan» aoitis to violence for.* snd r.ine wignalion* «nd I'j-'-fesnot fhen ..-a! engineer ire Her council of state is divided tMf'r?u«»''f>iiMMtt!r4iinwuw4niiHMtiirriiHriiiniriHitntrMiiiitiiiriinn'tii!i IS; Hen.* t'airehiirt. eC'liei trrn-.iostion* »t MSU were ap¬ Mar.-h Pakurfan nm.iei i No* 15 lf'.Vi »n or Msn'v fate and Elizabeth * Thursday thp l!*i, t'»n nnrar- tormented and plagued A per¬ UNIVERSITY Nrx. H proved ian Nov I am! Robert i.ipe, i >- Board of Trustees. eimirtor lr. rn»orf.htn!.>»^ and public ianal meeting arranged for the Nee appoir.tmentt vr-e fnl- Jiealir,. No* : Tw,-> women only makes matte.-* Sahbatjcai leave* of absence Sil¬ worse, and in the end Mary * I-,,',-.• Maurice Perkina. profrs.«or ,.f errtruttu-e tn ehnrpe of interna'. -•"* ». p-orrama. Jan. ll J "bp Bright, van Wittwor ture. Api i Furnpe profnatwir ot borticul- to June .Vi travel in Jarre* Ander«on prnfesaor death warrant is signed. Mary finally proceeds to her STUDENTS of meehameai engineering Jar I for the fnrertrr cepa f doom after receiving absolution fn-f^er tnrr.f'a f>re*„ Jan. 58, /'}.o tr> Jul* SI. *turt*' Kfltbcnne Hart bead of institution¬ al administration. Jan travel and health. 1 to M&rvh .from a Papa! emmisary :n SPECIAL 21 stud* and writing at the t'nr- bumble forgiveness for Eliza¬ Jtili an Walk i ti¬ "rrsit* beau of Artmna of tevtue*. clothing and re- '..-•ted arts Jan »> to Ma rot, 85. trav- jta7e| Strahan, beth. The pity '* being presented MM K CtKMCE Of: "Leeture-Ooneert Series A . ro Talk Tneaday r in Southwest and Mexico H. on Owett Reed, professor of music, Priw bff *pn fsrr MMlsich as ju«— Ap-tl t to June Wi study and com- Watktnk. #uth.!f rt position in California -sir* krtt aisle—irhipptS pstlls • offw .tu'.an John HuPet. assfw-iate professor I of Philippines •The 100 Groa'ert pf ptcveholog* was granted a leave •r milk Jan 1 to I'trc 51 - . s- will ypeak on *Tfow Xo of IfatO absence If from worV Health Research center \rn V rn k with the Mental Economist I isits. ,i- a Job In Advertising antl Margaret lo'lmer was trartaferred IN ADIMTH1N. SAMPI.K 1.IRF.RAI.I.1 v««c. ft." Tlle'^d^^5, et 8 r m, In froit fPKieir t!*e position o' assistant pr* - m communication *k ll* to Inlercietcs Here FROM AW OR AU, OF » SPF.a.AI, AP¬ ■ft: Kellogg. assistant profr%*ur in evaluation PI •••"* TV .**1, i A study of American and PETIZERS. Waikinv. if nrrorntly treat J vi Mew deasimations? lVuigla* Pur - Fa i rope an universale* brouifV n ham, from prr»e»*sor of social *i •- -..rector and vice president of to heac of the «o, tal ■ciefu* campus i art week T>r. Amad-t (You can ckar(ti i-n.-e lrf«o Burnett Co. Jnc„ Jn department e« acting Jar, l bear of ge.igranh* Oarence \'< -cr jr..- i Oastpo. director »vf re--r*j*rVh in (>bu tmui-1. ho u« mean. Send the old folks et honi-a Candy-Gram. 2" !««t«i the pc;i visit- .g fine meal lhi% Smdav evening? For the Rrvtynalton* anrt terminal 'ops Y oepartment. coU«r<* under a throe-month flMti Rreeiand professor finest maaine at Hard tn heat price* he *ore The program la ftponwmd 1 y tn forestr* 3»er SI Stuart grant frorn the Rockefeller lough foree'er In the fnrrstr* de- foundatjon tn nail ,,, k.prui Trolu BlgUMw meat** Ml* T»artment Jan 15 Gerv-gr ("Is k vertiMng bonnrarr. Garruna A!* associate prate aent *d enmmuni.*- Atteniipting to expftfki a new fion akllla Dei M Ro.'tert rp«e*»iN*h inetiUBe wi'h.n :he ,.ta Chi, women*# advertising Jr.. esaia'ant professor ..f spee honorary, and the departrw-m fteo. Ui tbederx-k Sneck err. «»*,.. - University «>f the Ph.'.ixvrc*.. ant instructor of spo>rh i"»e< .«: he ;« mtemewmg instruct...-* of«tuuni, an.". ia open 10 Tomi t'heng. Instructor in textile* ems inr and related nrts T>e< :i. er*d rraear.-h |wngrmn Mm V T. Naraaimiuin. assiaiant prc»e..- aoi-upb *or < research1 of rhemurtr* Oct SI: Lvman Pimdiett. mmman'o.- CwtTO l.« *1*» In teres :e*1 In tiotie r*pert. Vietnam* t Aug l x-»: rig well-treined c o' : r g e % and Irving Merrill, asair'ant pro- »ee«»r and ®Urector of research and Trtemlters to work oooperaf.v« > prmnotjniv. b roan cast uig mtr\ ire* nrrt or urvier grants wtth 'he inrtj* fiighvar Tratfta Rafrfv Center, turte in tlie Philippines T»en 111. 4 anuet t en* (arid all your optical need* 115 IT. MltJtK.AN AVE. (NEXT TO HOTEL OLDS) Whr^oiao, ITT. k.1 Hour*: Mm*. • Sat. T a.m. . 1 p.m. M v-', Dr. l>r; atmailB. J*. Sou. 11 aju. • • p.m. K t lo«1« >U So. . .!*■•-, I... rt. i<*— Oeu^at. *prrulirj«c ia: ruaat Iwrf. rs—i Isrf. ckwkan. *• )>«i Bi -'A nr. e-sr^a Kuar Rn— I a. rack, alaaka. etc. :» v, sr. Arunia. lucu-rd , n. Whua. ta. "I omt y ou altnry i rrmrmhrr" w . tv^-hela u4 iX- I.,'- "•..•niv).iir,,;!HnriM.arflmirmnnrtu.uo*ifi»»«n'«niii.i.tmin S* era rr—*r.r nolo a twiuuoaary r*» e^»- ow r tMiatot SmiSm — nSreeuat totton. korr fla—r uua tW mi Sem. won than —r. uan , 1|i—aimi Imliai in no; puff ci tuggad. Iwparbiy stplad. go-tvarywkara , laahian . «ur eyaHr color cotion l gahardioa reincaoH hova o dafinda tt? kaadt lor ana—aring tha odiva awa'a waad - far caaaai camfart end versatility Cessplataly —aSar-rapallaot. end Kondsomaly teilarad —Mi HyJrant and mentbol fresh -rich tobacco taste • modem filter, gfaid kaing Cheese tram t«o modalt. Ml length wish region dm**. alaah peclats; or the aew shertar langdi nvidt sghi *edier<»Seg, gap pockets. Sixes 36 le 46 ragaler. fang.