The Weather t'older. Shower* k'amcd to Biff 10 l.ou Monday \lj.Conference 11 ... See Pafff 3 Hitsh Today t.7 Serviag MSU For 50 Yean KAST LANSING. MICHIGAN—TUESDAY, NOVEMBER \MTI ».*>!» Harriers Retain NCAA Trophy Prosecutor funis rrosectuor Refuse* A '• Kennedy ^ Lose. To Disclose Names Mm, M To Houston Tin* Spartans retained possession for the eiffhth year of the team trophy, hut handed the indivitlua) tro¬ phy to the University of Htpiston Monday in the 21st annual N't'A A rross country meet at the forest AKer-4 SUi» PSwae BT %| B«rr» *rd %eul|*turr« frem New Van caltertes farmed (»o!f ( nurse. \KT PFPARTMEVT sponsored a divn*- hick«reund for the talk. Prof. .lames MfCawnrlt MSt"> te.ini m'<>. <* u.c * !t. John Mary (r). al*o of Houston, placed fawrcn. e and John Maefh- General Assembly to Deb&tc second. \ Houston's team score was t?fl rsunts. goisi f,%r second*^*.* I >w ■» with 134 point < third Red Hungarian Conditions and Notre tlame with 141 t«w»k fourth. Western Michigan with 14,1 was fifth, low i S'ate with K'TT'A nations, n V t .. fc raet: iw i IUtris Got I it iiov Slums 13.1 I fin was was «ixth seventh. and Amy with |«v, ; \ herring commit v T'-* sp.rit o' Camp lktvui l aw retire * time for Ihe four (Iperatic Improvement •» not intended to Iv a joynw- >,,••■• .-.c Monday Sov. Knmetsto described inh a* .» the nic> in the denwv* mile rare was ?0:J.Y7. Maria i^-:. -* y.\* overwhelming:v t rtmmnm»l« in *r.d outside Hun- "!#:SI. and Kenned* a !•:.!#. Ken¬ s rrssted S'ate* r - . to put then a*ieep in the ned*'a lime last *ear. whirl* art car* a* "monsters ' He said that th * dar.geMas wvrM Final Scrips ;h' ^ fjGeneral Awvntvy thn were aliened with those Ar,.»h w. ,t.'. hoj>e some day a roarv record waa k# v- indmons ;n Com • who work atainst a relaxation Mates Hill Reynolds waa right t:.< H*WX v sate—i.AF actually been behind Kennedy in fourth liars in international relations as mi- •V > a « t i: *va.vt a.ring Umnn noidewded of the Hue- deneed hi the Itsenhower- •niece He safe " iwaeii this rhallenge to Lists 3 (irvat with a ?tM Untr. KKrushchev talks The race was run in Sfl-deeree- c'.tesuon here would de- i «mmuni»t leaders to ahow Ihe bar. ve ••splnt of Camp * re'ereoee to " Dm * - true spirit of t amp David: Plav Scenes ph.s course weather Houston on a wet. soggv Coach John na» W' v d->n' you take down sex* rtcfi, booming voicw. al- Morrow sail the weather af- bo i.c Seivem bcr betwee - •' < .v,rt>r1 a re and the obser- tlvough the - full clfm-t is some, the fectrd performances *ome- Eisenhower and Prr - \timers vb.vh tww divide On what hampered by inferior re- «h.C a good day, he said. r Khrashrtwv on relaxa* . • >v>r Hungarians from Au*- 1 jiwrence «n.1 Mary could ha\r 7c*. Wert tenuoru * i t-c *fn« world and coixtin^ niuipment. run 19 30. but he figured that •a . n have tamed Hungary m- the weaflier caused a slower im I ogre told the airwhl' -o i vac human cage" tm»# hv 13 seconds each mil.# Bmt orevrred at Camp Da* id w •. don't you chain up th« -■ Houston s races have been run hi rtwaire* o« to pass by in eavagc dogs which mam along mainlv on flat courses. *,» the ttrt M the Other rtde of the ■ c twvrdcr to catch the miyer- go!f coursed hilly field was a W oheu « hmtabt* to rem . .•» : ;;v,an hc.ngs who am change. Morns* said his fourth hrt He »aded. freeoom"' and fifth men were hurt the •r-t? j tramrt the spin*, of nwwt bv the chants, but his As* *. s-e acta which turn first three were better ninnerf --s < " e country into a and weren't that much affaet# *• -< mioiualiJl aium." ed. K- i t'f powerfu* Houston's third man,--. Pal" r g " n.itee waa 15 to 3 Clohessy. was eighth in the racu »• re t* S pcopos ' and sixth in team scoring, but r v-k.-o:i vo»e foreshadow ■ d the lad two men came in SJnd r.v *n« anion comm and 39th. Morriss pointed out f"' • • nation asaottt>.< Clohessy, who has partial vl* sion in one eye, fell down twice Committee to Air in the race, but continued to run tin til he moved from 20th ahsiained. IVtlhor and Miw Uhipple o»r> Deferred Rueli to eighth place. etoev, S-". i#*>. c.f- user southern Illinois Illinois Normal. Reenville (ollece and n-ftjeter. denourj.-- Munm of New MfKendree t ollece Koth re- ;"N's special rep- eeiied certificates of superior ! Hungary, as a was performing Kennesly looked disappoint*!, Western " certain but confined his statement, of > o< keeping me r*'gret to 'T let them get out too far '* He said he started pulling U'.,H Sicurv A"! in at the first mile and a half, W.iiivir a->o wenvei e*eeiie?n but they wens too far ahead by cd.scusA,- ■ T"*- then. grsx-p wis asx-xuftpariied bv Cal Mary and Lawrence rati to- Dowr-c d.rtvt. r f deoa'c gether for two miles, then Maey •' :-siMkats» tvj.'l bear The nex- evema. the Nortn- Audience Takes Part in 'Excursion got a "stitch" (pain in the fid*I wextern Cww Examiruun De¬ at "Cardiac Rill" before reach¬ • • -ntative Bob Wai i- bate ana -he S-»tc I'tcvenuty .of ing the third mile and dropped ' Michigan Taxes m 34 Union. Kildne, the Iowa Debate Tournament, ?>r the Fomts c Vrw.n w.iS be De-~ Netv Television Show to View Fo Countries back a ways. The two have tied t<*r first place jn each of iiuua- tun's *ix wins thi;. .season 4-5 utdvean elected in MSIJ's third man was sopho¬ ty, trill not only \ *yMOaih«tic uruierstanding more Jeii ' Young, .who came in - of the present Kef mi it hxum bcatlltne of the aspirations, the hopes and 11 if* in 21.21 Senior Bob Lake t la obiern, but also Deadly ' r permijw^on to re¬ f«-ar«. the traditions and prides war, 20th. «ir 12th when eliminat¬ "si taxes could b? peat fins', exam.* -n Bas^r Coi- Of other peoples and nations, :« ing runners from partial teams f future. lege k% Wednesday, Nov- 25 essential io the promotion of to figure out team wore*, as ha mutual prosperity and peace " swept ahead of Colorado'-, Rei- The word* are President Er»- |iartnient Head Picked en;"K»wer'j, but they express pre- , sion .*• > the aims of • oewr progrttb televi¬ "Excursion" on Questions by telephone prior mc Frakert it* the la.t few Ills time was 21.3d |ept Dr Douglas Dunham was to the telecast are encouraged KhiHlsmiiiii llMrrier MSU\ WMSB. Channel 10. ''nam« wa-f ■ the MSU dYpar?- • and the ' Excursion" experts do merit of xtmai science Thursday dsMtK* raaea rM K their bast to provide answers. fllirw in Aiilo i raali by the Umverwty's Board 'A 4e%t rihuig the »r« prefvaas Call* are accepted at the W.MSB Yotham Muley.i. Uiree-milt Trus^» which prswiw far mmHmm •tudio between 6:30* p.m. and champion runner from Northern The appuunhmeut is cfTecUv* p«rtiripaU*n aa aa asliaisi 7:03 pun. RhodcMJ, died late Monday af- Jan. 1 Dr Dunham succeeds •rale. Father of the "Excursion" ternfxm after I wing involved in Dr Waiter F«*. who "will c».i- idea is Dr. Phillip* Foster, assis¬ Here s how It Fork* a two-car collision en route to Sinue aa hc**d of tne department tant profeaaor of agricultural Every fourth Monday at 7 the NCAA cross-country meet of burton economics at MSU. IBiirf fad psaieseer. p.r... -Exvunuon" presents a held on Forest Akt-r* Uatf a "Oar Me purpaaa is la pH III! | the MSI stofl as aa ia- program whicti deaU with the Course. culture, customs history and Other* injured in the Usxi* •Ivarlar to 1M7 He has sanred trad:Uon« ff »an.c foreign coun- dent, which occurred on high¬ to MSU gtudents from the way US-27 near Mt, Pleasant, Mb, « ~ country concerned appear on were D'roy Zimmer. a Central run m4 IW l ■j,f program to provide ftrst- Michigan er*«u*-country runner, Bum in • 1916 ;n Wetoing*-on und jidurmation • concerning and driver of one of the' ra.Ti; ^Springs. SD. v received ne.r native land. Informal Thonc Interested In forming or and Jolin Winter, <|uarter-m:lo BA de«r«.f >n 193* irom Vaok- by Univamty exparu pn>- joining a club should contact, tor College, SD. »rA the MA •_ 1;. rhampion of Southern Rhodesia. v , • ,d;t*ona! infomtofsbd. 'Excursion." yjgSB. Channel Two deer hunters In the oth¬ and PhD deg"rc*» 1^1 10. East Lansing. Michigan. er car ware killed instaotiv DM *: the UaJversd# of Mich¬ The "Excursion" for 1 pm. igan Monday, la Egypt followed by Dunham is the author of sev¬ Scandinavia on Dae. It. China, eral puUwat.orj, including l***? Baaed. USSR, India and Nigaria chapters on government in the book, -Modem Society." •a; Subsidies Spur L-C Series It* .1 AXE Br-NISDX ... Proves puM« ».w *11. *12- *»» Mr r'.'hiT sprlr«. but «J- Cultur„\ one Tlie Ba' w p of the .a*," Hold everything' Of »» ,c' tovani, ar. i ,. . • v • ;,h Ci»;jpon mar. who hffpc* v«h! f-'r |V .(j r . I kr thr bai.rt. Or Famous jco'.a a •• director of the ■ : appeared he- >>ci*ief. it's hi* job *o br;r,g *0 p, i> «... It , htif of thr m„l Fuirheart. — pa1;; you tbe great* .n the. entv:*a.: - popular of prrform»nc-». Pons. S'lgnusiia ,! > I J" vpar '-hp p. Oral. Written Kxains menf field. Dr. Paul work* with a budget „ o.| -,a> ,wnu.!>r pprfor-nanrp «'J> ian Exio Dnza. Anders.-r,. a- 1 r- , of over t« bring the lh»' of thr Np« V.-tk Cttjf Co¬ :, Km Required for Entrance dacale nf Bmadway ahnwa. the thunder nf great symphonies, re. poo. chr wed M. ..rcbP-'-a no String* " 'hp Bop'on *t*f thp Mp'.J- ter. Menuhin. T .e Takaj'az Guionia. an; \-. „ Da TRIM , B« lorw and the grace of foreign and do¬ mestic dancers to the Uage at 1 s-n intereste»1 introduc¬ have a^peai-M How would yon like a government t<- pa> your tuition— ing -inking talent," the direCor scheduled *, app#-. the And. In addition to a student subsidy? s„x. - Ant al*ii :n introducing include: the \ The >-eri«w originated in 1912. tion Re-;tie tha*. hex vrvuM ————- 1 when a group of lecturers were •nelwvchologv on campu* that of 'Mary <• .? The>bom.. t-u pf -f .rm-.nce* are not a wa*te ' kr to br able to hrtrtwu faPMenc* .,.ax v f. rr_ brought to the ca*r.pus In 193t>. r»* !ex'Lv»"k* fron. the of ' re; and *ha' *tudent.« ghould Ballet. Pro.i W. vour <.!»iremert "S.U'i Pan-h;:; concerts were added to the pro¬ b-.:y • not pa-< up the opportunity to York C::v Ope.-, po.nted out. gram. S;ncc that time, Uhou*- the Chicago s-.—; Do VOU think, a* At er.'rr ands of famous feet have tr.wi see new- thing* " - student* work tra 'Tvhmar.. v eoulci have pa The foresirv t.he boards, including those of These "new thing*" are ex¬ Stti! othe •* a r., an entranee «*\a -vn;r two or three vear* after gradu¬ Patrice Munset, Car! Sandburg. pensive. A group nf performers Player*, the R rvrjjt.r.g c.f oral an.l w •• t ation in assigned jobs But bet¬ Hontovani. Jose Gre*o and mav cost the onlversitv fram ale and Orchev •cos in your own language . ter students nfterf grt their •Tommy Dorses )|«.CNm-9l8.MCi. whereas a solo ' rhoier of better iohs. artist ma* demand tJ.M4-M.to4 reux Orehesv» y -« • fa* - .111 "T sm the antenna to catch C X'Tthc- > p. •natirs" 40 -e rr what i* going on." Dr Paulsavs for a performance. pereen tgiugston Hughe Could !'Ou have oa^en w "I read thr trade literature, m- Wo nave the unique oppor¬ All th;« *en te*r* in phases or o hi- *•- eluding Varietv. Box Office, and tunity in rr s'a'e tn lar.-e I>':r anrj - a foreign "anp..u. (. .rrespondence an. Dance Magazine, and tr*- to ce* sh«>**•* here." *a» Dr Paul "AAc campus for > «. foursr- TV rtudPr Uen.1 Concert The«e a-e sor e of Ov ,li program* that people will want •ve-e the fir*t .n tne -'ate 1* ever..* c c!a.—e«. then rcttr-ri sty to keep ' •he Ru-- sr. college vtuoev TIIIS PAIXTINn. said he a fhleagn art re¬ FMIn. Name persons ip the art to see " ballet tc Michigan—and . one *roor.*h of rto-?e- to the v. • cultured cUxl f.-eed »:?h. accordt storer to he -l.ot with His Daathlrrs." hi I laude arc Renaissance masterpieces Dr. Paul is assisted h* the proud to do >0 " itm'v «here '.aw are cnr. ioo A e\;« Pan-bin Gele. is among !• canvases owned hy Italian im- I ecture • Coneert eommittee. Following the month of r'a which is composed of stodents Dr Tanshin is head of the a rmT ' exam * . .n s and farnlty members. Together forest products MSI". He and sis other forester and forest products experts department of re- g*am tree Th:« i**a ' vr to which yields the same de- a* the day - \ -rh-»oi vear p *--- pr •- I nwiinlril Driver- they try to amemhle a yearly program which to balanced be¬ tween the interests of the stu¬ CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDSl oentle spent a month in Russia Pt ADMXIs | pm Hi* Befor# Publication for Tun gram.** Pamhln said Police Promote Traffic Safety dents and those of the paving Thur* and I ri. Iditions. Deadline For Mon I ditmn 1 t * | a« representatives of the I v customer* The master's degree candi¬ Bills Payable »-IT and 1-* Honda* throuth fr„j4. Department of Agriculture. The series ;« • * oed into two Pan-hin w as born and reared date, according In Tanshin is *e, • «v « concert sci e*- A and B Kl> 2-lull i:\T.J apprenticed to a professor. The <>Ut of total of 34? observa¬ Thrve are /r.aby rwntribul -.4 How many urm .v-m - rir.v a in nrirr *o'o mure in, a town of *50.00(1 popu!«ia>n work leading to a master's de¬ tion* made at these locations, a I 'actor.* whir1: cause traffic acr • ' a.-rmt 250 rrs;le* -■••u'h ■ Y gree (candidate of Science) re- a e there m M:ch:fi.»; peitorme:** T.ckei* a-e *<-.i to;,-. • •op. He riidr't visit' That i >•>- o inres a three rear residence A t Tb - >*-■•(- IV , \ . t of the drivers were considered debt* be ciasktled in 1epn« of the th«*.*e oau«e« automotive lost and fclm in violation of the stopping ord¬ • rrtirotv this *urro"f-. but le,. -- program. : •rt*e.v..-«e ■* aff..- mad. the car a* .1 the drive* » . • • inance of Detroit While the p.sttfr*' sy; r <« . U .< ' V - •> - .» \ -h ir Scrvii e. ?.'CJ 1 ■ Asves at •• .■* i"h small. Detroit has more than problem an.i rlrirers who v •• Russians had enmpirrel.v iei . ' •«a- SO", si't f noa sign* At the stalls- .<•»• trafTi.- !;«•»•* :r.r involved a i! He left h.s borne,ann n. 1* •' - s • V O .. stop tiral average of f violations per 8 out of so faul aceident* PERSON*. Dr r»n*b:r. wer.t or. to AVI *1I V r«l XD ATIOX »-cn 'according to the spot Fvery Michigan driver can (HRIATIAX* BT1III x ' ..fir golden »' "Mas Curt « Ki.noy r, v that the Russian snider* r,;.« » i .i- •<-. »-,.•. • .a, .pr. t, , ... . sizeable contribur -m * > Music temrwi check figuresi that means ?2.fM»« a ft It Ol P }>- ]\ 4-4*11 t 4* Ph„ r •' government gtipeno of .100 .IDit. stop sicn violations per typical v,p cause of traffic safety in *50 400 4 -P p q Weslf* llou-c PWAHF* rnovr A VP -ex- h'afce* or pe: • *RKK THI* weekday in Detroit. I.ast year, aunruirfmg tbc work <>f sue AAIXI.FT t.RADI ATF FDR I M ■ r «• Co-- dpeetKiing on u hat < he • records of the Detroit police dr off a ... 1 Iocs ■ ,'f * 1 «-5 4»" .-.1'listed in. plus a 25 pen-en iw u< ' .10 n We*ic* H-v.*e Pr-.V ta'-.e-e-. 3«tn >' pvrtment1* Accident Prevention gniup* ( 4 AA sTI DA f.ROt P fs-. 1" e !* 4-4t".4» h' he i« an honor student Tt o • - R..* t'-e large*t omtr ,-u'-1 Bureau showed that atop sitn pend is u-en to r»a> * and g .10 p m Pre^vytenan h . U lii V* iv *'*< t-t7V. nflire ril< pro* ide a conser* * 3.sis aertdents including five - *; nj-. f t AA ATI DA r.ROI P . II hi rubier per month The offi. « ti*e estimate Aeeordinc to the fatalities and €3? inform* '■ ifflC U Of hll AND ACT* real estatii rate <»? exchange is four nil <•* to the dollar. number of traffic con* let ion* 4 ; It o H es .ev H -u-e employment tot SALE ilor moving triflir violation* AAA y ACTIVITII* l\»t dnwtfrtea MM" The It not un There isn't much off c*ro- roller e* atmitar to those at have i- * t.r rrpnrtrd stale one U*t vear to the million "trmi anted driver* there sorrctarv were about pt ('ot'tl Attends (lonfereiife t Ol Xt hill pi- II g.'k Xtuoe •• Sc. - Mir ■?:••• r J." r 'i'h ■■ »-» (a- S roerrTOv V. •.«- r v-."k \..v. 14 i.>-a!»T .'Tf • e t> S ■ - ■ TMRrr ff-v u-e ll* it et.n tr* F r.«. - si¬ . - yuutw IV . r f' ,'f * a . I IpIU'D tali 1 own t • housing hrrinsr of Russia • There are about four million pns at Panshta ate honstng shortage pointed out if a «tu Bui. I»r licensed driver* in Mohican «»> the traffic violator ^n a statisti¬ In \\ ashinstoiu D. (!. AAA* : .-• • At TIA 1111 * . At RtHIATX illll MFIVIXi. s:a s , -i* -. • •*-■ •TV!, s vrrnrv wtvt- f.ysr UNsb dent to Using at home or al- cal basis is one nut of four * y?n- ►f Mar ' all over the world including 9 .10 » :. 3rd ff,.-»r Jeca- ~*«"i «• » 1 - - ' ■ * readv has a reside nee establish- ATIIOI It 4TTW.XT ilf'r; an Ms'. government official* social t SERVICE vv*>' workers, people from ail walks DRDAXI/.ATIOX icavng or - "The Rnssinn* tune four 4- i n ;u Cathoia •*•.. if • rypl\ 'The Russian rvster IS cver- tmor* of 4n*trucl4ir* the a!?-i-xt»criie of life, rather to discuss prob¬ • rntf . Coffee h • for sale le«e Oer-iM . nmpbasizing the practical. The e pro ■ be FresHlcr.*'* JPfi" lems pertaining -to vonth and Term pane's it a strong emphasis on wi-'t fe«sor. who hold* a doctor's dr i' .rfcrcbce children. summaries surveys AIPIIA PHI OAII4.A J-VVi* m. HDtDST I0NUS four -ear fores trv nsr- gree »--sri*ie professor 'd«f "•10 323 Stttoe*.* *se - A n V ••* and ftndtnrs taken preyiooslv fc.000 N ATt'RAl. < . sent- who I* snrtinr lo*»»i-d ce* K-e -Unn »/ * famtlv xr utn consist* of three vrar* ' V * l^ngfer- and offer an* solntaons possible irtwta" education a'irt -»nr -t-a- his diN-torate an assistant pro C.RIIX RPtAAH 4»IS« our •nal :-j* (lea This to mlt the second confer¬ ' x-Olir . fis»«r senior lecturer- and Le^Mu.c fi iw R experiment* work .n f..rr*l> t»- e House ence to which vonth have been ©u»C» *!•'» f.-.r -s it d t •sr»im»i •- nrtu.«tr-• *ai.- liistrui tor* i»Ul»talH»' ■*i■: extended Invitations to take a S»UONwt SHO» \r * ID ?*4J»" APART AX PIATOI CUB 'be average fore *-* s'uoer »r«sibijif e* more active part. m *C Oe»« 4 a * • g » p rr IVm Hail range F-XPI AT 71 h ha» two prartir* ** .v ■ ; be . .1 • . •X'CI'-.e »r M < I IlliP DFX tiR ATlDXs ie« r. veary e> r»e*ore erter.r.g tt>- ege 7 n* .< .vkgroir-. MTH I *N;r RADIO ttowne i »■ ■. a t OMMITTI I r . - e-eu «.>••• .*e: S.x » general reou-rer.ej.- ' f. To: • maim. ho takfvl: 41 Yu • n It'tafli *•• S*4 ( * '• »'»• *••- st iir>' ' '• it- \cvr it- «tf .' « K-14 Ha rr H* I? n*;: r 4-H t u» u * arsa Til AXKM.IVIXf, s| RA It I et.ep'.omi atU te; * o: sI'ART A * presenily » as »u*c 4-H r-8 ts Ma- isu ff- 1nine »«■— - .•rrv«s-e flub sevrvtbi *. >.*-e ■ t'hapc •' uitt tha t I Russian Artist X .Ul!* ' had a (seat »1ca» "■» o • •.« . -i :re Ptr-VTT »-r iivfwr a*. Nauunai Ru; a- N'»n;*- * m* : id u -i a'iMa I). T V AND I'b. and -.erveb ■■r> tt.r r-.r i.i • ra*r« • Creates Stir « v . •* svctW *. 1 ea in r*. used TV «• '.ve Uiiafd *»f ntc Mwfugwn Cu>- 11 • •• eo« *-.4 u th- ' *• ; »ur»e che-k. f X A At P V ■ t »"V 4: III after 5 p .'I.. 1 •: -•. ■*"" The Uhite l if ••• • 7'f.j#. *»•«; il;„ 1 u-, (ioeilh lnvatit' ORGANIZATION pn. . Pe<<) e« Chur.-r a tifMeUanevi a- . ..r.. •» v». t -- 4 •c«r* f- man i?. the la*: *•»., Man's World • Feature Page has «ta*-'■ a sen* d o* r T" * »* »» n •, - At .ADI.Af It Air .AIRs t DMM dies arwo- •ate iiecrc*!'-\ »a- Ka- . - .m •txn-.i" t* A'm'e- ii* - ami of (ht Higher fcduca ".»«>? ' < IJM»A EOTKIIM.I! In Shop 31 I HA CU B '.>* hi VK BRT) e »a r\ roB *f :.»i: • -7 . net RtaUn Hefnre *Ke (' on 7 m \V es* 1 , «*t ATI M l\* II All R| IDIftiR yro yppnovro tov* « tbesv-v of •*%;>■-ini Rch Tweritv-two cnec* have in¬ R * as tpdii.M Tov - November '4 IV.* Page two BI T A BI14 Bl I A > • do'iiumi allou-og on tha a-tec hts cer he •• »r. a vaded *rve (jiduair a; ar'o »h«n- »•.. «! €trfir-* r»r» IM ? 30 j< m . 4"4» Nat Sk c:..c giudan r *r»'0» p K-e r. the hir'V;~> of a*ea <»f ihe Cktucatwvn Burldmit y»a»iah.a a- :3r W*-- BIT A GAAfHA sK.HA . ane R ,i#«r abntrars a*- □anx noGn ihi* fa to take an e;ro*i*f po«»p ea chaivZ .oornor ,* n.»u see ng *k-e Crossword Puzzle aaanaj aoneaj ym..*'se in general *ht»; 2 p t he-* *.i; or seieef.eo Off.ce Berke* \e • ' ■ r f . cf>rr,p*efH.!.soe aan.b m 033 oaaan 333 « housing The and member* a.-Kej '*> arien »' ht* work □O 303UC10[V 311 tnirin-e of the' new At ROM JA Treated tilt HI S|s Behind the exhibition lie* one □3D; 3Q3 3330 coarse is fve the ewwenta-y K» Ifsr Afecucinatr 2: VI c b Ihl p " Da: . ..tu,.;x W of the strangest siiino of art Mde,* jivy BSaan 0333; te*-£:ftej In craf' a1 • In ' al.i m t<>? e . disitoets. Matevich assent bled ?«!•» □BE. 330 nr •• rnw? ue« • • iRF| E i V rVRMSMKiJ (Nit4>tt*uv tidP. :* to aid her i -Hinge *nc VT1 Reg a tha pnilitihgs before Uortd War ;■* Che*- V rf aoSc o aoa.iii tner'ing -v» a* 7 30 f-r ft-• a »' et » • 'a ' v .* Mai* e *lt. • l-y .v. i > i'i« : » * * ♦41 I and sent them to f*erni«ns t« •V Huutiii OT33 DJD 33(13 in project* t.»: her stikterv'.s n- ' la k Si-eel ED- u>ia-rs and • « be shoo n there oS Natural ihes;* et.dvis o'cni* 33 3000333 30 itt'pd '*■ J!* subje* t 4.t* thev me. ■*' M4IRTAR B4IARD .e war came ana »i*? .J>anV e;*; 37 Age* 3003b 300 atn rUwiytnt. accorctritg u» m- fA ST "LAN's JVC. AM AU MOVLNfi > v .' Revolution M «'\ k.\li n»1tf lObe iT itXU George Fern* 5* p.m.. A-- room - f THING 'op-* 3* 3EUI333 ua.ivva ai: urtftr SPAVIAH CUB *, «ee f I '-e r -an Asaii»h.w « -.pv* eac *lo« e' Our '* ' • " to '.a* ip tr>r Son »e* DecerUher . t».# 2* Venturr aatV3 uivaii elemoftUiy teai *ftrrr law pail* 'fc **' - \ 7 30 • 4": or. Pertiaps ft*t rea«nu* d 40 li abie have a fear of hatui ti*ois be¬, L*\ Vu vnr itMtve-. * •» 42. Arrogar.t •otwt'ao of Vamoedar'a B—H DAflC BOX XI AlAgTMfNTr-' a*e a#er'* i* 44 Little knot « Sim an Sandburg o* Hv.*.* » -h :ead.r.£, writing. apeaKiru*. * ? tracTTVJ: TWO RCDROO f TYPUvr; st" V.iCi' 44 Football 7 Mark __ " 30 p n.„ Woin*-/* . " tx •heeia and dm*1"*' .s*eoe k. t a-».*o«.• m ma'.h' and torikl studies," F-rr> f-"/"'*"' 0 * r'-'i-k froT. cumnu* lean) * Spoken ecuti* e Board 7 3f» 7 ■'«/> ml tor efnggrat.* typewriter W the r anr pu: "mkii '•* *»•«'« ■" adiied. "although the teacher V • Forb.d U FMI.X'T ART CD CU B 5 •Un* Adu!'* 123 Durai-y tr>- |.nni _ A*-" e Roo>e ;...r < r 10 Lewnrod can still have crafU project* n >i now Londo! Tne ..evb.ii •. w :< > »• .• U Pert to moihr (HinTircteti with any fpeciai sub¬ 7 pm. S13 tn. Bu gram pianoinft for Ou.*ui.,» fr... .APIHrATD I.AU4.E APART- TRANSP0RT*TjC • ject " to »f:*r# Male t'« hffH-ka ;» kiddies pnr*v :«•'*;> mi* ■ tsf *ii. ..r.n- a It Card (an* * CI ill I lea fumiahed CD- •iao>« " • j Ferns sai.l * In aaJitinn, the ■ _ II. Room about ICIUitTKV (ti l Wednoada - development in .hi? e»-.> work course g;vw the girl* an op- toar. FD 7-H-- " J 1 - 22 Relieves 7:30 p.m.. C<»r«#iry Ckh.ft A Maievvb j«;riteo in the imprr*. purtunity to learn to ntakr*- «O Rf»OM ri RNAAMF-D apait- 24 J. Collins will dpra.* a • "* go-wr.a dwo* and pnvaig gn- Riocns xrAVTFD ' ' aio&UFt »*yie Soon, parti* utioer N Cnvor teoching aid*, such as an abacus City Leaving J I I tx»k at Soil asd Water '..i'* Swi'-ahle for t*o »tudeni« ^ •be itrfiuen;* of Geugin. be *■ a* 2? Salt or flannel board, and to good ^ frot, van.put CD l-lTsr Nov *4 Comas 1 * 536 •ervation ■ *U<"4i lK»iii ctWurTu I".ages 21 R-pe*. » Tab* back general education " PI ALPHA XI r 1 Final'* he moves r.ui ctrr>- »!R^T publicly 8 p m.. Seminar room m Ho* - FLOOR, TWO pnd three pe-''*' jueteiv abstratt pattiimg* of ge- eonnmcfiia. Nuehr iurnteh<«. m t-3 M-ullure B.dg E. Brand H. Pub! U1-Vr- Stair v»t :? . r ometru shape* 7 '..". antraose. ontot. [xitf .P*HJi «' t'nae: tin- SrvjrtH. w ith jhe-r gnoake.- It hwaked m biMuent im>Nw> -speak on Ma*** Mark* Uoncue Ornamental nod Hurkultu'e %m WCArwii'f -thwnand that ill an tnoaf bread crumi-a tt.rwjeb rndav tnctuktvs 4unn» uu ^*TKrs^ rD,, » »«• Prodwci**" , the- Cubihflupi.';» eru'-i ,V... r- IS. Ptuhkrpb* 1 dim and aprttia t«rm* tionv' mmmp 11 n»«i''Has i* P*r*£g Vtr, <%>metVL4l#4 n*tef% lu«- « i.wiiOa.v*. wnafelv Uurma wramrt vkn g«ve ui» patnung t o «••• - irr»t» and an* apnctai frvwhmMi Ww >• 7;J3 Bapdy RncseaSr. • 00 WS era" vtars fade* pa .-*.»• «i ••fuimn itman and tali term* Fctcrto aa sneend ctoaa mattei un¬ Room, Ro RAIIT5T* « preasuir .'»« toot up hit :>rw>:r der act af Maren Si 1*74 «t the mL 7 agam Trie raulogue »• l>»n- wfftep. Cast Lansing. Mien ;;HKI MCtLY ITR.VISMCD r 4 K> 1 . '7.1 °f»va?e cntranse Male *tu- D»- mif f .Whitechape Art C.a/r*n vwvee ^•sil subacrvpuwiw eavsbie in ad* lor wne term. *3. t.A twe V»'e/»f N/« ff ' -Tf«. *'! Lark Si reel « •Urung abowi rpprtidu-T*' two .trarr a **•'! poji;« • before he Qirc sb uoar A P News DivnsUues #4. h»f tmwe terms M n>e Assanateu Px**s u eotitied Xtcm Asrtstew U*M Hank Pes OFH-jLt ^oo^ det-or FOR K.- au- . CAMWS i-L-V-f **1 IS-"^ U-rewr.s MWH ran "*'<« Wig Waievich aaci a* . ex<-H*a***l? to tiie use far rewubu- yi» fditnr kwrir-tia (Uwsr " rakjati 'UtaOern pwrk.r . (sUa.i of nil the local news pnated •tuft Cbarlntt* R«m«m available Ra laced CM TMM » kirn * M iV I-74M affer 4» in Jut newnpsper as well aa aU Mr* Russell. Mar* gey ih*r5«. m* MicmoAN «T\tr srw« ulian Labor Election Bus Segregation Upheld . ' wt a* ucgrec.ivd decision in the part [ejects Communist Bi w.- Birmingham Trans ' Co '< r.ih' >,r rpv>ctnd a Com. to require segregates! seating on pan*' an i" the Birmingham Cn* r,£*•'* * preferred.'* he ?vid. tVvo'0'vs...n was brought by 13 Monday and elected an all-Caatro slate as its city buses. Bu\ he isVed. if the city ordi- Hut Judge Hotwcrt OnHws Negroes ;»*••• tbev were ta.letl nittee. frp'r ,< city bus -eractei a« a *ham to per- join :r. a nr. % [\v;' broke the rule was a vi the challenge to •.'« •rs'ion" Th s eou d ^ v. lie 4l»miwrd a portion of a -;*• ,tu* >r.a!.4y -,n . application an effort by f, suit brought b» the Negroes Tii-i be c.'..c - pc a red to h.i\r crushed the more c America? ;:us* as strongly anti-< nmmunist ele-. - a vc tried to *c ' "^nt* as w ell as the Ommmi. program to r;> **,v -rsra'hon closi" -- Congress of V- ration of L»st% THIs |s Tlir MAIN rawtml raw* af «W | W • ">e reveler! ion , Triton, believed to be the w orld • largest nwrlrar- htndpicked h powered submarine The chief pwrpw»c of the -v.* The nation ? I - workers-—as see Cites 'Scarch-Scizurcs* Amendment ^ Cnban ersmi'r .prM"* het,r» Ihr Supreme Court Rules. 7-2, Ainaiust . „ <,!.(,iss l«I' S«t»r*„ M .ad m.d< s «PTT "i ,T,U- vpsnl** fstP's, Only Suspicion trn'-I ..sdirt -rS oni't- fni*m,m»t elssrll, «f • <•- Arrests llusetl ou <( i v, put ae • S'rS ««M r^^wMitt,, «a the *\n- ■f potemittee. liotio Torn <~1ark said in a •- Cas-W'f blcsctvif. the The- delegates set the state dtsseettog oyiaiert ewncwrred in for i-.-P. «-u>: ,• samt.nssl s» - a new. i uhan-in«pired | aim h« f htef fwstare I'arl Warren -< w.< own eomm '.- \merican iahor orgsnlration hr that suspicions »/1n tltes of Hon¬ ctsoiusivev voting t.» withdraw from the In¬ rs and tlWrt Bwdolph Fieratti S- ' i v Ca«*m ? ter- American ttrgwni- waee«nted the stopping of their "It i« important that this rr- . s,nront, withoui a" istinn of Iahor .ORITb an at- car b* the FHI agents otitrpn'cnf be strictly rbfotvest, filiate the anti-t ommnnM -^-risers of the O-—- of ■'t Hen x ■ -•«<*.* ga*.is»n pro- for the >tandards * ~ *kc such the arrest was not enough. An dictator* rests without a warrant l« re¬ anvs* * not justified by what 'he*. sciJWre* *r„j, arrest* a* stricted to offense* committed in nsr^Mtaflre* rrquire." the subsequent search disclose*, Take your choice of new, cool menthol.ite.l or regular their presence pc to instances he said. where the* have reas«nahle Smooth Shave. Both hate rich, thick Old Spue qualitv* Lab-tf dry up before you're finished shaving ■an grounds to helie* e the person lather that wont to be arrested has mmmitteed or u.gan far~-cr t% committing a crime Both snlirn tour I ward in«t*ntlv — end razor drag com- .'I bee * <*> n ,"'.a«?es in » > jilcielt For the closest, cleanest, quickest shaves . .tiv • MSI 4»l,| Spice Smooth >h.»te! 1(H) ikecembcr 3. s and home ' ■ the camr.i* c •frni DUAL FIITER featuring e*•* «r -—• »■ • *-e*« *-f« >••* way 'o « i.Mral chance- rmcs genera! y "* second year. asked for »txv..'. keep ani to «c abfe • r . 4 Ihr Srrrrt i* A l>i*linrli»r kit tns t'ilKDDAK CIIEESK lla,or — Sroml •«» tmi' DOES IT! inciuaei in the It filters as to b« . 1 ~wp w-.'T be PWiitw • ami at ihr |to|iolar prirr far— tr ana foment, adv* n-f and ma?wifv**r« r—* rar e feedir.f and mana-.' no single filter can rmt tr.1 fam buikUnf kavo ard mtwrrjction. for mild, full flavor! Bung e« :n.«r. a» you two pi.r or m« re Tin- llirnif of Till M tMBLRC.ER Aero** / iitt hunting Hrnnrh ' 211 Et KKUKEL.N ■ IIIMII Mil ■ a ISiJIISS iW*c evf vein cenoi tlxll qj- * lintd winSr jocltll or* »oehir*-«o*l- cU*ond foih^o t^kf io»oren*l/i*yUd ler comfort ,n «*c- no»urol color hmborthoon coHot corcoot with g>ont inodo lippor. lob button clotwt*. np-o« hood natural or ant^op* borgono col¬ V DCrUnUUt lared lurcoat with adjuUobie «do tab,. Xfochoi front, tmort y«k*. HERE'S HOW THE PUAl FILTER OOCS IT: bock and front MchkiM 34-46 I 11 combirw, I uniqu* inntr filter of ACTIVATED CHA0C0Al~0»B- niitty orovd to mm* lb* »mo>« ol i ctimtt Wild *nO wnowti . 7. with m tflicwM pur* Whit, out*r filter. TogMhtr Uwy bnnf you tno real thiiti in tiuldnwt »nd I in* totwio tot,! lUtSf ttv IRV c Ahsixr Bohbx Lawe Considers *■ * NY Ouster of D'Amato Stealers' Chances Slim ROOT BEER OR ORANGE \» ITIi 2 REGULAR 1 ITEM PIZZAS\ r.sci.rnrm PITTSBlTtGH "Pi I^vnr, League's the National leading - Bobby Fcoiball sportrr. con¬ the Pittsburgh S'ccler* from no happen rt the other teams. We cant ourselves. Anything can in this league." Lavne. playing his role of Jumbles Boxing Tlte World decision has far-reachirg j^, sider.* spoiler for the seehnd week in a tions in the lvxinjr world. chance* In the Fjistem Division VARSITY DRIVE IN s'.m --but there's still a chancr. "What we need now." said row, down flipped a 17-yard touch¬ pass in the final 40 sec¬ son The propowl rematch' hctvwn and Internar Johansson, who p onds and then kicked the extra DELIVERY SERVICE EH 2-„ y v;.- >v..,, lide with their Pennsylvania license revoked - , rivals the Philadelphia Eagles Hosensohn. who «• a*-, * at Forbes Field A Steelers- third of the pre— ."irg Eagles game most always pro¬ had hi* matchmaker« duces electrifying rscults. suspended for three yean, Can Lnynr A* Co. do it again' "This much I know." said AltHonch Yineeat t>iw hiew York lawyer »n4 Ijiyne "The victory over the ml Browns proves once again that etan. who Heads R(Henv»hi, | the Steelers are a real good hall f ryrtma. Inc . talks « , ^ club dale in Marrh for the mm "It's no easy work facing the % New Tart tranp h««4H Giants and the Browns on suc¬ Joe Tapper, farmer tw»\tn* * weekend* and ml—ian affteial h inim t« cess. ve coming a out with victories—and thrill¬ ing ones at that. Johansson's pu-<* >f « *;nJ from tKe ?;r>t v, , j HEI.II OVER ing held m e«c~e » ■ *T| ht> Ill I, Ml • "mtM knock York cnrroruMue- u Jf,.l Mt I* MUMMM >1 >>— VWVk commissioner J Thru Salqnlav .» .. ImIn Malln ImI J«i>» •« sad Tuesday Jo .-• < .. .I Commissioner. Julius Helfand. collect at- J after the three-man commis¬ no contract or. . . sion's decision on D'Amato w»« fight," said He • - J announced. said Johansson no* chairman could collect ha USLIW purse Although Job*-. , ,ilf for the June 2 fight. It had been repeated!*- r<« * . < „>««n :n > . • • .J then* ne-.y wa* % - - ; he might be a free s.r In IH* eHamr • her-s t*«r tf GMeHnrg. Bweden. fgw.a tsJ • • RESTAURANT • • CWST/WCE FORD BfULAH BOND) i the name I hot made Pill I famou* in Ismiing'; Ter»per arrive Sunday and m d ; _ um anntumr. in — "big news" with. j • Steak* • Chicken 9 Italian & Sea Komi* I ; Meanwhile lv.-' re.thrr D'Ama' could be reach*1 Do tou Thinkfor tourseff? comment D A~r the comm;s*ia*i n- sail \» Enjoy Satday Dinner in the Rathtkellrr was (TCST YOU* WITS ON THESE QUESTIONS') Newtown, Cor.:. KSl t'.oarh Krufri MANHATTAN' V Bus Merle*, head f> at Kansas S'.a » I g.gned Morkiav ah- which his Wiidca s two out of 10 game.-. I Ramiaia) I Screen imm of opera booed on Ale\ander I'nohkin irafedj.) VAN'S MSU BARBER The nutwmewt "Etysriwut » the bunt laprher** SHOP I* A th» tnrulty'a rrinieaaior of failure; B - • oogmaUr way of you car iearr hy doing; ADtXTS Tir (IWJIPi Or (C an nary iur trying acyuuug onoa. LAST TIMS TO X16IVT ONE SHOW 7:15 — FEATITBES 7:5# •A'rmty ha* o thinking mar,'* filter—* the beat filter of it* kind ever developed » * . the filter that changed Amenca'a amoking haiuu. And only Viceroy W a tmoktnQ man § ta*n. mJJ pan ckaeknd \ $ i on ihrrr ml offmir of V*m pMMtfoMu. pun rt c A*piw#gt fiaordcic —pun think for ptmr»r{'! IV you haw your chnim of a np*r*rie mnsU> on {A) what your H*tm> my the* Hke" ill) what your tern j udpnten1 toU* you » haatf (C j what '.bf njaiu-r* amy about their jmtduei? It's a vrur niTKiaer prho depend* on hia oph judfmetrw. nt* npinitma of utlm, ia hie dbMot of rxgumxm. That ic why moo »md o"opn*n who think for Themachya uaiiuIW ■nukr \"icen»y. They knov only ... ,- . . AP Spartan Vet Seeks Position All-Big 10 Squad . . QB Dean Look With three Olympie HtM'key Team f>r\.»U' vear* of ve'er?:; \a-s:', h.skr* a o-im-v *-<*-, ,x eiex-ed t.. t-*., a.i -tar Vgr - la-t team, he wa# On Dreani 11 ear IvWxtrs* *«« eel^fted a« MSI' o gotng 'o the I' v.'ed ft nor* x fitloi S'.i'ex- O'vnmi.' h.vkev van a™ a :-s«a- f»r* ard at SMti the Wallinaien tr i'x .11 M'.nneaisdt*. M nn B.»x*. r. l'n:*fs;ty and Renvie- ft xx *. n Doit line r ftiefhrn* e.i- in* rtevhn x-«] Jn-Uture m- Nn* eiwher 14. IMI Tale 41* e IV. 10 THU Ai;o i4V-TViin lawk. Michigan State qunrterhark. V, von the .*nf*ortUDit*. Fre i * tat.o-al '. umamen!* in whim ve• «:i< name*! to the A«"«viate*l Pres* a!!-l»i>r to divain Has a gv*.*d eHtnce to rnake t r >, O v i». l-,ft kr* team *t.t- - WWW H<* ha* gi*ni !eg« a ' * * East Slian' I •cam. team ' or.-- a-e — arte-in two d;v.>;..VM *1 I *»M» II IM ha-o -fix*' " *4 t Amo Boa...»nc Two other Sj>*rt*n*. **:- K ** ^->>us'* \ Twenty p^yer* a-e b.o*ex-,ern a-.i Western d > - «• eoeen. .. of Santl Tojts Bather I BeAanno. a natne Tr.V'e. i.... « (• -o 6 '•* Wax* INwr' -.V «roun*t been ftli»iR| en . !>i*ek lleri* AiWeriey. e— Xt-i lle—eke *Vi««-.*nsin Cuv.v Nte Marie, ha* Vj.■•.*• rv!,* r R.x.i )V- •re ->ra". *«•>,— .,n« 'or theO'yn*- ••rsanired hiwhev team» far 1? «, a up on the thin! team. H M— -B W »exx-» t e- 'f Sx.v T*»> Ma..kha<* P«I1 V.i ■ b* pat srrmi.Ni »ear*. He alarted plavlnc In*the. ?> v leam a a made. DeYou a a rxx«ii pNotiing I'M f"v- Be- -te- DeV.vmo. there a # - fB ;n an leigue* when he wa* eight rear* •* .»*t"r r eft .s*4te p ayer * tr*- in tn.« .'•«? fttmi* 1 ► \ *i hi»r »-apV men*:iv*» F-x,1» Fa !*«.»• I'xiiiotio. P'.v ha game M.vtdav night aid •ng ..u- ff 'he O'yrrpic team a-e F-«m ArS*»r.a*. IVr. Wrj.V. P-rtv Ta.kle* HIMIR Shaw begin the scoring on » The 1 *ra«xm «a* h « •\c:.»o-. i>.«en and One C*-%'* H'.x.kx rill M*l 'w Tvrer x •<•.. . • inwn pa«« front Bol* 1A»;' best, he «a;.i 1 adtii" ■ : • » tA-rx 4".;n : a-.l Ba - T.'" Rtv.txv W- :• . *:r a,«x* '.r*;rg <**«'. f*>r hba tagm IVte |V!> V." osxx-e«terti Onler . ' t .I'm Voungess in the hr*4 p aving on S ate . We«ter-i t'* n* a r. a.vv*r*'.:rf Artv* Baa«.**i# Jfrx < — (•'' .fi. v.;s ■ n.». k« per od "Pie PAT saw an aerial ter-coUegiate H.x-kev l^-gne \ ■ • *e« a «ci-' Or- Treari»x« . l-.x, HUH tl* itv*m Mat Basse to Kurt Magee. main m«i v«.-nex *. r",t.r.£ ra.*o,»u' rapt; it B. !X ffmtf Oh!.' >tl*:e >• .k ng she sisnte 7-0 In favor of "x<»r*.'-« *o f,i tVxIler- Shaw Bui Bather 4 wax a de- COM IMC TO CMICAOO : n'w >arx- *V'«x- i*a< ed *o Howard Shanks for IRRIM* MM II tM % t htiBiNan lUiifo. the;:- first tal'.x imaa •' www»#wi C< Fa".. Afi«ne«(x?a llllnAi* and |mi earh tlned To,-k>x Roahoyx |*\irdue VI ke After a *rwrele*s *evnnd quar¬ fomilm G»Of» O# tow .while «ne henh VTr-r-o R.-ve, IMma" Inn »la«er* 4t«i»*rl« -AMx«ti»IIo N.*ri»xx»-e«tet.* ter. y mince** relaved the |Mt- earh wenl la aitchifan «UI* iV'!»hi" a-.J i;e-.*x Mn-hte*" ftkin fi* IViui Hanrlfei. wh<* •TAV AT TH( VMCA HOTEL *'»-V V»nrte-< t.x-x ,* t-era-x Oh" and Ohm Male. h'are s.'-oeeh Put . r«»««ed the goal tine for Shaw. <|li* DON MICHl *l«xl 4«»r the enn*er»h*n Haaae ran \~v a■ . ■ •;« . • . —e v - <>—o-o I I N 1*11 I Mil ' «>e« fr«»tn the hie. Rather retaliated • V' IV P-fv* RJIO- - I »-«-.*•* v*.«neo.«*a Netrixix. tt'ocw* with a wwing |M*« frem lee >•. B k- M ,S'i- t»-*x«*x aixil Allot , v Burr-*:* P«.Vx r*;-.*x.e • *t».» «x-*«ith t" i>ueal »« Nhanh* tiarrett tna*- Qneal f»r the PAT. . rt ot.» Heetxrieeit l>etnw»ti ar«i ed tn ' 1 -o;< an '-•.••> Pan tjin- •'.♦•e r*hi.' I'lO tlohhx PahVe In the fourth «tan?.« Rafhe* .4* "#' IH I "W vv-r- •* 0'.- Man Wte-.xn.-i V,«1m a- ,x. e. r . tar D All MAN. MM sxnueu on a combination p!.»\ M *<.r.g a *w,' of *-x* *e»m fi«*in idarrett b> Shank*. Mark .'.xho v b* *.1'A —e »a« ex #--x T"M"v>.< F,.V.v Tat'ex N..Mhixe«*er • With lev* titan one mimtte tef. Vouf Key to Bfttfr Value# . . . - -f. ,f. - \ dre»-- Nor *- «*f«n ai-.1 pi.-koan a-.j <*etxhe*x« MlnneaOta Haaae again flre.t P-* » ,A.A*e: « -*-ere T »r* n the game. Campus I'lassit'itsls . . . l.«* i P: i>arena, wa* fro/en" out c»f Tst * • i \>"V « ex* -*- a* - evci* «*ne of it* srhexltt e.1 i»me« L IMe Drafted l)»'liu»lr liir»ln »: S-.v . he.t •*»« f .:".K», x M.*» M..h,gar. S'a'e gr.i.iri* -ri- *h^ *.*>,£'■ pan «-f 'he ce*'bit'' ah-pa j-- • In the all-Mar harhheM with . El Dips Into ('.ollvsio Shifts Made the HiMul pir ml Harlan and -Inrk were «warier hark laak *f MM and halfhark Pnh JeWer 1 Flr^' a*e rhe.e h*rt<1\:r! xe' « "be 'eu;*V« on f.v tonight :a TO PLIASURia TRIAtURE RESTAURANT 6 p m 1' Btilllv liinils l'rv.on luitM-ig * |rinks to •he «f law a. the |i| 10 tap maher • * n:.\a'«i aftan lit Kaiiut'r* P e »' -fl.| !0 * ?>e ave^ac »:* Seven' honor* front 'he af'r :*. •'»« ivutuied ou' *<•.•-.*r. v> he announced Hot Ki*m«t beef «aRil#irh. Mi«ked p»- The ' ew \ -. | V VtV' IS :4»- lv N -,x ai low a ■he trea n :t /*ne ha* been in*-' Tea or t offee. . 1(-r «ttr\ i\ .xf On-- V«te tRtiHw. and ; - ; . a" 1 »-.••• ,-i-e 1 »' fiNilba't poach Oufl- :-e nation Mntbtav m the ar • f#x - e Jw Rutfr * of t7.!i- t)ou«hertv ha* oex'nie.i t » I, "..»■•■ hwre, x-»de.i \--rtU- elex*tioii al'e • !~t^ turne*! Mirru-;.,' *..v . n.»,x •he 'earr can'a.h I e-Vin'x lirr.e trainint the AFI. and th* N.»t ,* xi»nr.t i be*«een Hnuxfon. 21**-p ur-. i flt>*he*e iVhet batur-J*"* ere «e* f.« ; *y tfwt an A«*<«v • x.- - e -ve:-xianger*w-« Bur- l>e» t«.n>:ng lh»w nt.»u n * e» rx • « i b* »*!*- tl^}' '« - S . . * u,» • Ba.ljr- » v< rr,»eafenr jx ,ix -?<«»•*' fx tfet n*lfhe« ••,* i r.» > lub. and IV. 'he a'tintni iiu*' ' m IV- PIZZA DELIVERY ED2-DH3 open '•» - ? .* • a -H j K' 'eart^ •.e» '-*no7i.>e ;n :he u*. - .* x* eng'.nearei the 10 I ariHirs — .1 Sizr* t r-* r.amedl pla* *. .*r*u' ' • a't r\\ * N*-ti the ha • i v aaa-termck to* a rust'* who is f lam • rfsp t # I he Ply/a with ttie " ' i mxier* » ve • ...,i over ''V;».w»;a'l eh can S'a'•• s T s.*r. - I *a* >W.«t ?•*>■<•* drafted TV ,. TtMdwae, w'ia 20.i .%!.%€ WK - IMW'ISSTAIK* bv IVnv u a- o ert .t I'V' I team ANNAKASHFI? \l ST IN 1 *■ < t >\ Hojj''"" i* '.ir.ereann •ema^i A-10 • x a • •• the YFl * • ■»" IV; ;<>. with M«fI *iar< »i >I'e '>«• M■ • Marten B*and.*, i,-," sexi week If I't* "* I; U ;.' ea* Va x F'.t •• no long#'. She t ••■. • *.,»*•■ a*o % >ndi * wni't.;4 \ v a"J*> A ».!:«*•»»** .-on*.." * xi e «o Im.i Anna ho-hfl. p0t% • y#v •• d»'»>«g «-~v c :{h*u--wt..i ». : "P-J- Ih* laak .a- «• • .>—* . . : * o*e..« "n t»u4 «'• a i• *«1 * ' k« ara a' »« Hp parmt-. «he *a**. »*ne • . »e -a. I'ulian Bui tin* i* ">'• the r»K.f* tne ftr«* . M l.o * the i rat Am,a • '•« rn I' I NN »A»)SA irawing* were a ■ i ».--k *I*I ha-hb why «i««e* cin,*a««»m»g a "RC. *Uft CCOUOW AUii' "«'•« MftM GLADMER NDfto ovtt n> ■' e\;x1e»tx.e ltd lie^ o«» • »pa * .k>i»*nlx>wn que. wn «i*i t jj dP i vl 1 • t • Sta-ION WftGON Hl'Wf ;>• I.- ? i e cut rent i«-ue of Red. I J» •'« v.,k. A« • ha«hh offer* tit# A- • .« Jik.i «t« dewnhed •• • VOW SHOWIVt • • r re, a)*.# answer- t«» the |ot'. and what I if»w n their bol draft hnaitv tore lit em apart *'-S U# ■** In the |»#i ember »v*ue of •\ f HiSKier of %?,*> Brooks Imported Cars ' * Wilding to NIX. wau.-d Redbook Ika M«|«fioo lor tooofl Agolro Sill tv fiR%\'D RIVIR , .. ea* #l< xi• .u* :f» t&i league -/-kit litem," r.e w.J <>e FORGET SOMETHING? " u,ere v.* weie deter- • «p#-t irCTT 'PMnilT unfortunate. he Mid, M W«* IN fOUHl" EVKU^THIMr I w murtdx Nauenal League "Ima the rUaded the water*." • future SAT. **THK HKST or Wliv Worry? • »' Paul. IN Results Make Books Your _ I ' ;i "H,tH44X tU.ti.f L a I a w..n» a a Perfect Christmas Gifts! p i " a*'h»f *, f It ' lUibH v • f It- *"►" 4. It MM *».«_ Slop in and brow*# around Ue have Ike Ritt.Bf t, ? piole MlnlMHt «f base tier offered. A ' *: Hrta* %, f *« eg «4 • MLM «• Md IM m I «JC I.m a im i *uur ppra—ahiad rarde. Casa Nova . ai> • ,w m 301 N. Uipt»« Sl- HAST USSISU'S OLMST HUf.Ml.i Nni ,« >■•«»« .W'RIISS I'ROM THE t \ION |ibL r' lafianm CMU.V I ■« » CCKBAV « »m. » a «» 2IIM.4.C. CaM Uomo« U> 2-MvV> ii'fJ?' r- * nanmo, otuvur raort ix x^._ * Xovrmber 24. WW Navy Fights Gooney Birds •r Aj Midwav WASHINGTON* »T» — The Navy tersely reported Monday that the outcome of its long, costly war with the Ooonry birds remains in doubt, but that It -till hopes for a Just and lasting pea re. Both the Navy top bras* and thr Gooneys appear convinced that, after .a long sea flight. Mi du ay ^Island in the Pacific i« an idea! landing spot Both have been attempting landings and takeoff#, simultaneous!* with fearsome results for both. November is the critical month The island is so crowded that during daylight hours 40 percent of a'l aircraft takeoff# and landings collide with. Goo¬ ney*. or with Laysan Albatross¬ es as they are known by their scientific friends. Results: terrible carnage to Fonl Weather Training 538 Albatrosses, annual damage to a.rcraft amounting to flSfi.- 000. plus the possibility that U. S. Federal Aviation Agency Says airmen Naval ma*- he killvd reasoning went like New Rules Will Hit Student Pilots 1. Build a new Goonrys. It's been done Green home for the Island, 50 miles away, has been WASHINGTON — Tht required te take IS hours ef In- finality them to fly by instrur fixed up for the birds Federal Aviation Ag«>ncr said •truetion in Instrument flight. men?*. 2. Make Midway Island le«s Monday ft* new requirements This rrrulation likewise dne« The Aircraft Owners and Pi¬ attractive. The navy. ha« done that private pilot* take special not apply to eurh pilot* no** lots A.*f.n. issued a statement that too Aimm isinnra Ainv.ih isih-xii uni ,n licensed. sa> ;ng the new FAA rule is training in how to fly safely in bad weather will app> initially There are about 850,000 pilot* "nothing more than the life- Dr. Mflby to lliwii.i only t« fhoea licensed after next In the two categories. sating technique voluntarily PERMANENT - - March 36. The r-.atn impact, therefore, will be on student pilots. to All airline pilots are required take courses In elaborate Instrument* training and to developed h* A O P A. and al- ready learned voluntarily, at their own expense, by many pri¬ •Whv Arc We Here* I>r. Emeat Mel by. distinguish- *"•' foe® pasa stringent flight tests that vate pilot*." ed professor of education, in co¬ FAA nM M ka« sat derided how the regulations will he ap- operation with the achola*: c committee of West Shaw Hall, At KramrrV Popular Id* Prirr»! plied uNtmatefy te ell fwtvat# pilot* However. the ereuer Polish Intelligence Head v II give "Why Are We Here " a lecture entitled This lecture, the aecond and a MOTOR TTVE IT MUFFLERS — TAIL TIPES — EXHAI >T PtP POLISHES — WAXES — PAINTS — l!Kl .R| f.nal presented by the comm capability aa a safety PSMnt. The goal TAA.aald. is to ret Flees to United States tee. will be given in the living room of West Shaw Hall, to- • SMINf.4 COMPLETE LINE OK ACCESSOR!!' •he ether pflot* to th# Xiight at 7 3b All interested per¬ • W training a* they learr. tt« value. son* are invited to attend rovKfn. AUTO The FAA emPhasired that the SPRIM. r>rw rules do rot require that CII.ASS SERVICE r nt* learn to fly b* instru¬ for Csr* ment*. The special training will EOR EAST ROAD SERVICE CALL El» T-Wlfi truck a Trirtoh Qualify the pilots only for emer* genre t:«e of aoma instrument*, , v familiarizing them with th# instrument*. LARRY'S SERVICE aeresnpltsh rm*tn paargrMl and meet eertele standards un¬ der the near mlee. MEMBER A.M. \ The F AA made the statements in clarifying an earlier tmpre— MHI L. KALAMAZOO ST. ion that the new rules applied t-> all prtvata pilot*. Although many pilots already Wee# re* ported taking the instruction, in* Mca'.ion* vwe that a blanket LUCKY STRIKE presents i would halt the flying of o^irr - especially the small plan# 'Stoefctfr.ffteod, The regulations, effective next «;- M- require private pilots i<* b »• t < n < sufficiently familiar « •: hai-ir instruments so the* wti br at»ie to keep the i ;.rie i»* .trt control if they 1«a# * "'i f 'i th the grouiifi. I \ A uid It al*e will im|»n*e. m Marrti Ik. atr»r4er mien lot thr traminc ef rommeertal pilot* —-non-airline rrriilirulf* If pilnle whe have fly fur hits. The FielcLgoal expert tire commercial pilot* will he kicks about classes Tout eomplet# Optical Headquarters . . . UNIVERSITY conveniently located, tillering complete optical services STUDENTS' Peer Or. Freed I *;?nt to pet married but I den t like children. Vkrat xhail 0#pe Or. Fr##d: Ho* can I keen x»ri from hom»v*irv m> Luetic- SPECIAL I do* Sur\ Osar Wfiy: Mam aa adult, YOUR CHOICE OF Trim# hrtf apt# fa Make the nvKi of your coltefe extra iaift plat#—• liava. (The nights *Ui probably •r milk haunt you the rw of your lite.) IN ADDITION. SAMPLE LIBERALLY IM) VOI R LAIMIRY CROM ANY OR ALL OF » SPECIAL AP- hair en «nti: sow b PETIZERS. AM HOtH laarfl uvwt rouf * • OF THE DAVTlK NIGHT Oear Or.Iraad. ttuaband ic^'icn at He. Hang roir F.*i t • prfacoUepe. I kivn* it'sMii>. » #te». Sei< hut ajucc I'm mtddb-M-J »nj ^oui. 1 am >tr> jaOoua mid »oro all the tin*. What DORM STl DENTS: U ■houU I do.' fnr ml thm SaaSa? flmnfi. Tired COLUK STUOBin SMOKE MORE LUCKIES THAN ANY OTHER REBUUR1 IIS W. MHJUGA.X AVE. (OIN^H'ERATED SELF SEKVK E (NEXT TO MOTEL OLDS) OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY — 7 DAYS A WEEK Hvan: Mm. - Sal. 7 La. . » p.m. aw ovm m>m> a auuMAV* mo: art wi n rum Sua. )i La. . • pja. Man- Lee's Laundromat vaiwii uiumhhmi mtumumwaaaa