-7 The Weather Michigan State News r«rtl« Clmrf!. CoMn llifh Tnday .11 I.no Snnda> II C. J Smiaft MSI' For SO War* PRICK "• CHYVS KAST l.AXSINV., MICHIGAN—MOXPAY. NOVEMBER 30. 1MK> (inul Also l)ie!« Labeled TV Anti-American Riots MSI Seniors To Protect Continue in Panama; Hied in Accident Viewers? U. S. Soldiers Stoned I iv >.iu Pay i»l.i p Rinr.inchsn senjer. an.' hi. fianeer. "k .. "rrt. Detroit senior, were VilM ear'.v TSur>. Not ^ lilf%prfi,| _ , Soa.i^n crash i^n t'S •h two miles wo.' ,*' Howell. WA?H1NV,1»V rwKCC nilation ♦ *e\ A.«" .V \i\ ir.tr*u v >. •' .. . Wohtvt "r *V— v. v; . rrmTt'ssiorrr sdiii Sunday televisioui sh.MiUi Robert l.ee Agitators Rounded lip MSI C- ;r ■ She •■■■ • Injured in Melee « ftr?;ee-< »i :' -V'* sr;v*-c • • be resellirivi 1s> Idlvl its pnv. As 31 D- Seen N- .'- AT- e.i -n*A 'he •-• T >»: • .. "v-e;. . • .%• N • crar-.> be f.vle.1 the public won't PANAMA (T) — ranam.t police ronndod up «U known Briefs It ft* .5 CAT .-V-V* -s >-■ V ft'ir ' * .„A •• H»: •nti-l'.S. acitator* Sunday after a nifht of riot, pillajro and I S O' OpiMtrtimitir* Study n-ere atoning: of American soldiers standing toda\ t ♦ di«vii5.s f^v-ts ■-■■ ♦ i* a Grand Trnr.k fretiht traip »t ihe *aTv- f^*". an .orxlert\ Indepen¬ A." f-'it# Tver ->ui «»mv'ctun,t:rs »-,th .-»re« r interested • PowlMRty Z .1 an# S—- * i#Sv-v .*. P .-ra.-k.vw;. he Ame Cans! Zone students. P.»v. type* of a*«gn- Cited for •• n a-. latnre VVft"-. n & kr >1 ■ ,vr re4c*^.'. •;•-■<-*« ami ba'fed Panamanian Nation¬ •rent* a-d h.»w an ( when te when he? mx -&r • *\e >-'■>- i*.•*■*• •• n " take iT- al Gu.mismer. and t*S soldier «l»plv wi,! !»e expiaineri. p • law ' .T-ft p'A - r-i.r.j'e.i as.i ..r. - u \y :vt a»v:- ,ve —f ress.v-v' -. •-> .r.f -^a-acc- *.» ar.v * 'S-ese Panamanians were injurevl in the nte'ec Rhodesia l.lrr I lull t.nitn Tour |t.3T- f--r*ee» th# pn$- ^f-r" bapip#-#-.. a;v.;*e« and tSr degree c* vurvr- P.n.vn.i"v bri'.i ' Central Ave¬ Glee t'lub members returns! pM'ffTITflWt XTtil "p-c 5»r*: t .'*. paa - v> .-c. «tr entpioAf . nue wflv a wilderness of shatter- \fter Two Runner* Sunday from a four-da v >ir rt< in under- traok sNv AV 4tv 1 -.v.:*. ,i' vr s' »<- Sunday morning Turn IwMidav concert eo Thanksgiving , The (to thai an Mist* *V mere ed Kick from the Canal Zone Rillesl in \erident r.^ rtrinx tray err- —>"»«• -.£ r.fc.r» pii • A 'are. Sa.K a- • foal« name at pewfnet ha* Wen the nuU' went .n a looting spree tour through l\mada. southern Ontaro, The group give con¬ prvprtms** cf #.• "Ate* -a- ,.w-vsi£'* a .-n^-.r.c jra*# mentioned aa a %W« ftrasM W smashing m s'ore window * verts undo- direction of ewAntl fAr •« t# move at stmt MOl'NT ri.KASANT tV) > ,i future year* i?it'3 ts# — a,rk their he u*4. adfinc there Aulhortiattve s<»ure#« sai r — An auto crash which Edward Uichmon.t in lion«Ksn. w4.rc fOJXlUtKm* UlM s- UU -V *M B # raid his e Ia he wtaaf aT a lis* Panama Police jn their roundup w.v*i*t.vk. Toronto and other --• ' »ttjd* m****. *fA fee; #.•.«' ar - »-*#♦. tvnee- « •of agitators had failevl 3d to 40 snufftnl out two olympic major cities •ff , r: <# ca* *a« *"*«■< a- fc'- Ka. Pv. i\>r leretK-e- lee The Panama rm* blamed Ike and Southern Rhodesia may •/.« Hohrmr' l.erlurr « .V VA fee', Usvs.r.g a. v-i :.*# * .ifc.'• 13# Panama N'a- America « vi ?N» had ecwr A»kf\i vtolenee an l»e repaul with a life *l»vli- ftf-WA* . ItonalUU who dmve bere fran eateil to training future Dr. Maria Gadelminvn-Terie*- •e'<" *1< wtvKhef1 they were tr»-~ , .*er..r* ♦ WW «e«tem Panama In a co, distinguished visiting pro¬ s e-i v. caVr.f « a 1 !«•* k v African champions. erru'*" to see ;? there had toaur wr«*. mioair m igui and imw tms re. eade nf Mweeicaly" to fessor of music, will speak on is T,»* >-•—— S>> says Centra! Miohigan I'ni- Highway. Firv -THAftr. Warae a arene fnm "fa* af a Wrsatfr." whieh trill W pes sealed Ibis enanlry's demand* fnr ••* - th# opera "La Roheme" In thr cir.iW keep been *r,r payment fcr therr, vernty *r«i*k oiwch l.ylc Ben¬ f.i teaicM UwwAgh Tkanter Fa Iks Rhs TW play la pi Ad—ad by The- »rel»nli ever the Canal Pane. ninth in a series of test lei-tures He stid he did not think the ta blpba Pbi. aiWaal ti—Mn baa—wry. sad tews written be Maj. Gen. William Potter. nett. dis»'U5>tng the aftermath on opera t.»mch* at 7:3(1 In the I yrawet demand vft.ni wtucb fee 1 Deaths Reach praet.ee *'' a — c erf PayV.a. and cor-erem*; plur* ,yf paynffs raattae Wrb—aabin, fai Governor of the Canal Zone, of an anto collision Nov. 23 near Mount Pleasant in which four Music Bldg. duwil room, e was w:rte*rrea.- It m unfair, he the t atea Urfcet afflee. pt used Panama's N a 11 o n a 1 it it it Grim \uml»er add#,:. !*■* (VT.drmn "a leer.-age .rvtustrv f - the delinquency of Guard for acting "in the ,high- e*: traditions of their service' persons di#vt and two other* were injurivi seriously Indian Art on Ditplay in checking the moi'. The accident victims^ were Original American Indian art >!■»—* »» » a* tiv y.Tv traff^- and nr*« —,•.%*#' anen-t a lew indiridua'* " 1-ieense re^vaucn i< now the All (hit Program V.S. Ambassador Julian Har¬ traveling to East tensing"to ob¬ ol»jeih* loaned by various local the Nt'A.A rows- country rington also sent a letter of serve private collectors will ha on di«- a-v;de*v;4i acrftw ts# nat on v* * mam weapon of the JVC aga;rvt meet held hen' Nov. 23 praise to Col. Bolivar Vallarino, plav at Kreoge Art Center ;r. ' re* ever ttt radKwTY vi.V.atioru, lee Mid. MSUm JC Conference a Commander of the Gpard. The Th# two were traveling with through Dec. 13. flgurin##. "Pji n a ar v ^ eeke-v- He siicferted the law be ehang 1 CMC trackman Leroy Zimmer, Unlteil States had critlrtred the Lswls, pWograph* and a eol- p Sundav r.^r: ^ pere^s to iThrlude some intermediate 20. of Unionville. leetion of jewelry from T« aanetter.R, f.nen e>r rrobat-ona->- Bennett said "There was To Plan Coordination in rioting Nov. 3 in which 90 no N. Mex, are incltidad tn th# t.rrs *rz lIT prod trustworthy an-ntr»r fa—r - ,iav at Kellore. regarding the Canal Zone. ca :i Veterinary Medical Aaan. the farts srilbmit Gets Cheers Parocipeuni In the («!«• Paaama waala Ha flag to flv he was going to direct his train¬ u ill hold a children's rhrlatmaa j a?:- pV.iry prapnaa»x. ► w has gamed *ena! r*vr# -eA- rtar tup" Verr.. A Wj ?A-n»- ht Br.ro. ; *-aa fir# t-v»; rrjafti tS.e d#atr. <•; a * Front Youths stielervts. faculty and »b»ut IS counaeir-* Win Contest acalasl I thinking is that now he prob¬ ably will dedicate his life to de erinary student* and wives are . y tre imlfiunt rf and reprmenrauves inr\ IS la Mm aie» invited to attend. fashr- ar.*. y. » f.*r rb.- dT- | ra- • pnUtKll rftur rtv.K-sres n-ere ki'.ierf « nrTBOTT T—* ! Sara re. s'-a-e junior eol'-eges. aa" r< _ Two lan*l«e»pe archite«*hira Yetbaai t w tr# usunseuon ved tNvjaands of letters fmm Dr. Ma* Smith, a»bwmt to There indications tha* Twe Rhedeaten aUrw Firiil I ffc-trr* l^. «v.. e K.T. as r*.-n#s rrev'. o* ir.ds and al*r*o«t all of men junior*. Rlchani IV# of Lansing were leftist* h.s! taken advantage of Meiers. If-yewr-ald Neetbera Trip Sehadulrd ts# .r tw-ft-rvwrr. b-usr. you _ the provost and director of and Charles Oakc* of East I*tn«- say tner don't think srhat 1 did t VtmmunHy-Junior Cfttege C<>- Panamanian resentment and the Rkedeelan J-aiMe ran ehwaipten W-lnA'.ph. Df.lt. 1>ll A f.'J*r '.J cer*\>Od, said that by inter, ing, will be in charge of land- big rally celebrating the 13«»th wad Jeke Water. 19-rewr-eld Will sponsor a held trip to the fl.ei w.-w- v.-a-kev f.rtd ?n»ia view-s between students an-t JC '-aping ?n# Nations*. As$n. of anniversary of thi* country's in¬ baa (kern Kkadeaiaa rkaaipten Sut# Health l«anoratoriae for tre.T CrSwe ind. »*J . V«n* Home Builders research home. : wi 3 000 teenagers it • dance offjaals and between reapevuve dependence from Spain. One of gearter aiile raaaer. had been a l irv?ere*tel juniors and aen- U»; Tr»r.n^-\-..-« «>« per»T» he house will b# erect el next fc: •*! rn h<6 M Saturday r.ich* Junior College faculties and the mo(» leaders was described aa Ike Maaal Pteaawal eaaapae i.»rs in the Srhool of Medical werr wee* on MSI' property at Doo.e "Thw« i* great for my eg> but MSI". pmWem% of transition and as a university student believed aalv three days. Technology. The group will d.ei .-. {--e* l>! '!» 4»i •=> and Hatch roa.te, Okerro*. rt'< not grand for you to tfunk curriculum would be —d to be a Communist. In the mob Muleya died aevera! hour* leave campus in buses at S pun. rr.jr*. wr.e-^t ^rjoev^ TN# two won the alignment ihat pavoia is r*ht. What I Transfer *tuden*« with artte.i- were members of the "Commit¬ after the accident. Winter died * ir * -ouJhfui audience. Cay wit- from classes v> attcn«i tba inter* ttred from hte WJBK itdte due views. Smith said Ralrisi frasa St MS^ teadeato Revolution." Before being turned back Into Chamber miiaic for wnodwinde Sparty Fix, were Jaigit last week by Jaba >vk«y lart week. He sail l—i a Is aa artll bnAa al • aa. the city, the moo burned two and (*>rr;< will he presented tn Grad Student he f»* about 15.400 IS Payola over an ; »-n*r penod. teidasada* la Iribn (ealer. rebitertaral editor af mam wad fiardeaa effigies of Uncle Sam in front of U_S troop* guarding the en¬ a program bv the m\»ic depart¬ Bsbsrl Garrww. as- ment Tuesday at 8:13 pm. Th# Due Friday ~ if "I kr.ew I trouid »use my }oh 1 admiUed I had to tell the truth," Clay uitsg P»ro-a nut Kelhigg Community CoUege* ef Brrsa trance to the Canal Zone. The mob earned placards demand¬ Southern ri.ncert will b# played by met" bcrs of the faculty ami mualat l-ncoin A-l: A4>en* Community ing "gringo go home" an-J the students in the Music Aud. af As MS" frad ja # aaa stem n said tearfully. CoJirtre-Lincoln A-2; Muskegon "f ^mcber adaoacoa and hji er have wes re.eaae*-! a *1 ^ If I e*a maprm ma p aaalt p« IWI If ypp tall Community Owiete-LincoLn B-J; Northw—wn Michigan Coitege- fw research phrase was shouted by demon¬ strator* at the Canai Zone Charmer M ore*. Water- boundary^ - I r .- Ar-d social fa.ns *r.:> a»t:*.:^ 1 hf,,r"« IJneoIn H-2; Grand Rapids Jun¬ Dee and Oakes will landscape Secret*. Secret*. mdar cr. esar#e* ^ break.r.a CoUeae-110; Flint Junior Mo F ' i.rpiti population Wua Otii of aM es'^ra* • «r«*ry rtpbt. I a—at bri aa bad." Cay "tried to my mora but College-107: Henry Fori C<#v- ior tt.c 120-by-lBO-fuog Ua by fol- Rmnquet Plmnnnl Not even the name of the new Sparty Jhx would the Spartan 2 Living Room munity Oiliege-Vista; Gogeu u lowing plans based on a revision •J •• aad pWM*J." .t — . . broke down and teft aa the A joint banquet i.s planned by staff give to curious besves*hers. ATLANTIC BEACH, N Y. ( Pi »»f their own en'ries. They may of paar.r Martih Br«ihea*i, SA, of Community Codefe-* 10-40; Part of a family's home sank professional Medical Tech¬ * youngstars cheered him. .••«»rvurar.J were arte*led at Cay. nave been released by >ge-102; Jackvin JunK»r Col- Theta, and the Pre-Med Club da-. C-ch student won $30 from a l.ttia Southern belle." *1 %■* o.>afide*w ar-4 130 ass. Ft.-ay m-h-.e a-^err^i* Detroit rwd.o and television su- l«ge.l03«A; port Huron Junior for Tuesday at 5.30 p.m. follow¬ Not onlv that, they hinted, Nat Wynn, a roofing con¬ .r* to area* :a^> !Te Byerly t,<^.s recenty. Dmn McCteod and College-16J-B; Bay City Junior Better Homes and Garden*. tractor. said r.e vva* awakeocd They vriil also lw paid for their ing the banquet a pane! will Init she will be right on our - -• sa^s India has goersar*. fufti inanae" Dale Young both resigned fnm CoUcge-104-A; Ijansmg Com. d.scuss the relationship of medi¬ own little campus, rollicking in at dawn by a jjo ve. fl • work. Y**- » ^X".«»0 for fanu T TW WJBK last wee*. Mickey Shorr munity College-10«; Community siipje-1 on a n»be\ and went Warren Albertson, Ea.st Lans¬ cal technology and medicine. In- the autumn leaves. -< *" f«th is biT-S aa a fired Friday by WXYZ. College and Technical Jnstitutr- downstairs to investigate. -1, ing fre*huian, and Rich Totli, cluded iri the panel will be a They did, however, let a little .s ran cQprt to nlM » »W '■ McCeod. Young and Shorr have 104-B; Spring Arbn? Junior CoT- "The living rot en wav gone," local osteopath and a Chicago preview of the new Spartan 2 fr -arapbaas that ar# Mitt. #»w €«■•? e*"' t#r*.ei any eoan—JUor. iti Pay* irfe-210-B. and South Mac mo Trenton, N J. junior, won $2'l leak out. h«* saul. "Tlierc wa* just water College-109. runner-up awards, in the con#»t. pathologist. M CM llll'H* o*. C-*nmun*ir and waves " TW aMgatiae. en sale Tae*- He arreteed behind dar-Tkaradir Wo larate atrirl- A dredge has been pumping and adrruttei try.-f "> Job* 31ounting Yearly sure aami out of the bottom of the lr to fte4toa aad paolry. Tkere >jnxr.y the door. ST^nff« ney channel on which the Wytui ut^s ncXiced a» they were JAm. Tarn home fronts. rwjt-n# VXir of thf 81,925,000 Waiting for Urban Planners rsaa-Sf As to why the magazine was Apparently, pidice said, the rxuxuty. rauel aUo was suckori from be¬ changed, flatten said Marts as ar , -atad as he »iit- neath part, of the land area and 'The Spartan ha* finally ad naar the scene m h-s ear He reached •♦Hue of it caved in. Top positions pay from S30j000 Planning Officials, planners ar# a point from which we gtj not attempt to ksu The unfitted jobs accumulate can kjok back on the old college score teat a aa^ag each year so that now the ahor.- to $100,000 annually. "birf for 'on the bloc" by the humor magazine and then turn in VnMuiS. uuL age at peraoiM trained in urban Graduates with degrees in un¬ organixationa, he said and see a rkth area ahead as an Attention lets planning is acute related fields, returning to With offers of better pay, inter-arts literary publication. Only 30 UA umvemtiw fringe benefits, higher positions, Tbe Tstent N.Y. Production offer training ia the urben achoo! for an urban planning the ASPO members try to lure This is a it is to must for any school if be known a* a uni¬ $U2S,000 ore un- piaanihg field Of (hear. 2? negree. find the additional one planners away from competi¬ in And At teost versity." Set Tonight cteuoed at jpoynoaker windows offer graduate programs only, and one half years of under¬ tors. The big Helton story wttl be MBIT ia ana ot three univer¬ graduate work financially worth Direct contact, professional aarti year "TW Mg Mm." by I. D. Mad- ffoUty Wan Br, If IB! S,(M Year after yuer the money sities offering an undergraduate the sacrifice. journals and applications HHK wiij JM.- a ->UT7 p.7« up antiagJLo. be cikunad. The short supply ef planners through the universities are the are "Tbe Bide art" mB! >'• I!} SaJ. Yon can eom an estimated Situated in ^u.tegtat A-L creates an almost unlimited major methods of employment by We Pebl TIm git r 4 • I Hart* Kr* au-iraaum af tUH jrmrtj Irara MSL' c uffkan .planning depart¬ qhosre of job locations Maine, exchange in this occupation. water. Md Tie Gtei T—k pre*««r. ment psadussi about one tenth California. Teaas, Australia, this err*-xm*iateon aa aa iftu Unemployed urban planners rrimin*. Hi -» ?-•' of the nelson's urban planner- Hawaii* Africa, Japan, Europe-- are practically non-existent. p 1 k&atr. University architecture wilt of Jtarr. Qt-» <* employment opportunity is tv- . ^ LV" "ft athkhf t tbr norr MttWant pruCataor ~~W yearly, said Mytes Borisn, pr>- Ready to line up before the be discusaci in an interview P • Ml BMtee BWfi. lrkai arr ,4—*r «J« .'.v«w in the department ery where. peymarfer'ji window for your P* *• ~Ml—1 p'—>-:"f sa-d recently A "slave market" f* used by with Martin Hurtig, associate »W. ■ tecti year X» ae^' jobs Urban planning majors rar.k ansre of the ta^e-home pay? I d l|j, Lr Orlraar —J. »—'* eunNtbyers, said Prochatka, ev profveaor of art. followed with ar« created ia kk fteid.. Lest Mnoug Uie highest paid upon, IhfU a satire on the same topic. tnv W',aj VI—. H— ve»r t.-errv ssn only IM coitege graduation. «aJd Prochsska The a means at obtaining urban •A.tttr— tn if Retry and reviews on average atertiag salary^ ji _plannai*- Al tba w;ai otttrr imii-'I «f graduates in tha UJk te fill ^ will be feata •these a, nraocri Itaoi 1*mtn Rmllirr. Vw'n' (KHina Grl I n lifllrri* to tl»' Editor Michigan Slate Nous Read Dailt h* Mil"'* C.VhAfl Vtodent* and T>e Vwhif*r TV.;»-e1"*.tA 5UTf vmi !«■ p.-M-sVrr. n* m idert* Kri »*nv,».t VI. A . w.thoi:' I arnlt* In The (iarhipe (an" Am/ Standing Army for I »» rot ib# off mm r, t v-V.ie Mfkmi '«■ CftuM *- rite? tr h»tne an* p""' »!'. *.-aether Ji i'aw+* i • <• ■ • iAW«»«fC Pre** Vi ■•«•• urn*' • Editorial • C*>V.A % • • ir.g PImw Name Withheld Shortening Term *ajvfvi rstivi 5 ■ ' * k a'v;p •« 4 thi* tratnint --pa.-1"., -e^vl >f trumpe' ; -o* t.Vxicr v-Taft- a-* V«vs1 Vwr* .« t-ftat'.v *:-»;-.rCCitV.'. . Vasftn-AMv*! and CAMPUS CLASSIFIED 1|>1.|M> 1 |»m. Paj l%efnr* taWifilian lor tu#* h, % and In »ditmns. Deadline Tor W«n fdmer • r., ftill* ra«ahte. *«1? a»d 14 Menda* throiu* »>*,, Gi> i-tsii • r\r :«is automotive I rttrrn to the Editor 7rrw v*;T-*tv »#•■* new. The htate N'eni redtie*t* v..-. v*"* F\— ance S■■•• that httrn mhmtiird foe the ' r « M■•*■ ■# "n'Mif * *5'*"- r, . »• «»• .1 • I ftten to the rdttnr" •nrtton he net ea-er *(*e weed# »ont j -*VF * nrvTOVjSTRATTON RTXW . , -• - I F'» •"*• ' ■sris.' ' hordea a? Max Cor • - jv «♦*-" 4» caAKF4 rttiAVT AVI> -e»r.h-akr* #• '-e.-i -aho# a-.l materia.* * , , « r-v nr.Ves equated P* —n. . ■ P-»Vf rettner* J Hrrht^rk u awn ?«. il/am „ »- .a P A # ]\ ' *M h \n tntemaiienal disarmament employment mliri mallinc »n the diarnn- hnnaaie **t the arm* rare hi* been a •■hject of diar«a*»on in .->►*■# . s Ma*v e-Ark , * the | mted \#t»en» rrer aim# Esealator Clauses Dangerous ■ t f y \t*et:.fi the artiniMtinn an fnrm#^l It M *•?: IX i* hoped that fT»*t>»U' ve ran atonf mth the other natron* of the world, fearh an atreement ■ m-F TSKTTTOV .w. • fu- • U*n k 'OP*:p TP on disarmament »d# « P. ne'e a'or-t *« , s : \.i pi-#**rr#rl An F Vn-r ifar. la«w-M » a rr C «i*iMri t' In New Book persona Religion. Psychiatry a • Discussed by Minister XJLVS VUGRT TO BF HI MAN *• !?▼ r.mtf rhriMtur Ahftrra.nr .. . "I* Miiilt'tils Sltinihl —*» » u.' ■ » r «• • t ■•■- 'K a . . * .•. 1 | ^L tUiaai Mi»rrr>« mic ifc in;. The een» »«rr »*t rttefl sor..^ (.rt Mioh I M'krt anrurit* arte wettar# ftnTram* r*eeirft It tha fnentau hea'-.J \r»ner«ni .• firm Ftr :■ I :.«» a* auffer evampir* arrioMst* of in thnae period* *•»»• ♦ «f Smaller ( 'AHiimiinilies .Nfiir Before Wn-kruiI #»* tht Aiwiet* nf Itenpim anr vi*«- u. a* a rnrtatt/uir- nr. rur-iru un a- . .. fc fir- > rtsinj pnres (»rri/» S/nn" Industrial Sites n«ie". A.rtiA'trw Op# •' APd»**ao« » mawi' poii..- ir thn |oM.k to o r*eot e* topi p th# rffiror- rrlu.oip ru u psatitu pMi|ni v tif rmoSiiiia ftnililnni Thi eeoiionitsi ap^irHtod th#< Cross wore Puzzle Arinr-*n! ♦#«..# .tfdf ' tMM'i»: *#runt> revenue klumtt j-eo; Ota V ifA-r, *rr t»» i!icrr.ase«j freatl* t>» m*atnt 1-let tr- m» ppnttm* it. Hi# tax rate* appi« to Sktwt- of rem*. at.nuoJ ware* iiistrac W th' Kntternm. rrnnprt. • •. ka am has# rsUahtlshed •! p5"# "per-..- t! tUf Jew* V t>« tt»arr 1 -*» n* tr- it, » S Hi*(FAST AOnjS «i«ri ti* aer I'M ,«'ui * &00D ^.c." »# pmbumm. Atnu.,"*ur ««.< Htii« 4 ©w»Ct >* . SPARTAN H r»thf# *•«". Kt S .ruCf -e* mantUfhed t 2'iJ • Opea | a H. l a.«. lout*.-*! MM 41 ikthyne to# Hsiorftijif - 42 c— < >UK»TitAs Thtr.s .. pcoTt r. * V« 2 Mu» »rx: |:*vY Tpovht" ;m trnm v «l Rutin.nc iv! * ChwM tn-m. aw. u-.rwe-*«.«{%« POM'rf* t-ee» ISX't" knot " • Ar.y a:ac C "w AatiiriA'. • ItC*1-'! iron nu* W. a *rj 1 «• Stnam «a *i or. v t*it »t»«' 44 Copt 3 Inc'i ne« U«n|tcn»ur to#*** U irvir 4T Prtrtee 4 tr.errrt t «*nrm*aut Itiioj n.urf t. -r/u- «moen:fp rtia?** o' ■ uu:i 'USJIICC idftftt..*' Otic ii' xiit to-. » *..'H 1>. oat wtirl «<: i t« m i.» «omt peopi* '.it* #urrt thing #■ rruMM.-r.-'.M. K"f 1 Bugn' l'«- i»' * if. UP *. iitu.Munr IK*u&. fii-tfpc wf s»K ». N Awtmnr hid T*i»rt rui; - prr::.uei': ^ueatj*«nt wte-itf rdrg<»r liidk*- ».s3l!5 Jte taurng- anc? myjrv%atiitni- a- wel; «# tu ayrwigtrt# M<•**-.v■«, ;•« ha> flwtr at- e*re!irnf mi n' srn' v uy; thr nw t«r r •.«•}«?*•»fn»* betwwie Ua ihiTtartnt atu» Um jweYciHirtPW! it prtHTtcUTii 'inistta twa/ft. Jwar APPwti .Michigan Slate Neu> HOUSING KTtnU'Mn o# «n^ tl :w* »#.*•• t»»nt» ar <»' fr* 5n..<'«f rani CMtMrcuH* V.-Av iA>",n A * •' f IANS**& WV - ♦ — — : -r-. • ; MTrmr.w 4T1TT >m« November S». t»S9 E»«e Tbeee China Assails ! London Trios ISotv Traffic Control—Mo Parking But no*' Mar own ivr ! Me 1 1 C7 jh»HCO . . Bl*Y CAM PI'S - . . SELL . . - RENT CLASSIFIEDS • . HIGll READERSHIP . . • t.vtBov T> _ tAwfc* » i at.omri to tariif Ibe traftio *-wce* Fvtra ear pa-ks hare . . N- ma.io avai'ablc outside that .vn nv*t»*t not he*:'ate *• IjOW COST . . U. S. Kidnaping N»n park'.TVf <»a dawntoton prnbleva tbat la rbokint Ibe 1(fo |t,,. 7iy,.f an obstruction food trig vohio'i . . gi'ICK RF-Sfl.TS . . . *'n+'s starting ?.>t*y irj a rfr*<- Ml af man« af Ibe vrerM * lii«4no%«tnon tailh offioo* near to nwe to prevent Hits*, %Nbe«gb Marled a* a mini of InndnttN fimau* ehkhs during the Ghr.sttr.,?.* h at I d a ? inrludint Great ettnr DIUL FILTER DOES IT! rxss-'i rmrremey woamro. *a»irr* — TV.« 'tViVfx Traatpatl MtnKtrr CroeM Mar- *u«irf. *ito of Iho t'.S, Fi«- many nwGv*:*** _ Protest (billed Keph -I'rtTf *han \j«us! bothered an.i Nwi'dered Thfv nw..1er n-V'-- pie* blntrd it vnicbt be oentln- »ed IndeflnileU. Kaaav—will br bit Whim partiruUrlv hatd attondanta at tho*o 'he ~r\»- traffic control Starting bxiay no car* or de- *a«aro« a small lip every da*, plan To Similar t . S. (Charge f w * *vVvr the problem of !;vor> trvoha w: '. bo aii.wivi motortat* are *ee«Motned to <\v - . go*!w. Txtn ■' •■' Act*. they pa:k :n a *n-ea"tM mirk park their oar* Ian and Ihroo tho a*entrr of ! .yidon—ovcon' ahreaat. leaving onl* a am.ill -lYKO .TV-RM rW«* SntfcUy «»•,. f $ *««. there'* r.ot much poT.t n in a fen special!* a;ithev:?asi paaaacewa* for moxing Iraffir. r.g to «-ork f*«trr if there'* , ,;ertfr»l in Bomhay cf Kidnapinc .w M t'>ina'« Con. -o place to out the.r cars when s.aff. fcoMinjr him for JO hour- .trv f..rcinjr him «n HltiHI ST MI AMTY HIGNI «T 1)1 HIGIII ST QUALITY tV1- cot there .■■if t «t*tfm*nt ar*in,t hi* *i'!. Thu U Britain1! ftr*t all-out >• . _ • «. ; mo-tnt .«■ w h c* . -v for asylum .n the 'r- - vf.*- » Rrmieder of Ivflieatian dead¬ . .. states then changed ho N line for fello«*btpa de«eribed in . ,-*v. prerieaa have* t ""•'•■ hra- rmt-deeleral re*earrh aaaer- t'f-r a: a.V-fS^.'A >-A-V p.f r«M «tate« filed a «.-u .v \ ' a■. i ■ ' ■« »ii iateahipa in natural •eienoea and |iretml with Wu *atvir- matbemattra in * fovernmev Acrass Freat Fraetler * Fxr-, - ' v .• j,, wine the iMafttan of » r e '...c-A-.r* IfVetNm and vmr;.-.;« u- ve Arwtatmnt. S4. of . Robert # * o< DoedV.-e for anr'ma'.vu .* r«.- • S--.V, lot Snrelev art* "a high-bard- : •« •e-.ur f.y -rev. ^ violation of the ^or*onal No ' '-e- S.\-' C A *' Nr. > — .»• s-o > CO" f. tVi-* r** itai an*i rebr-4*ry 1, TMO fvr 401 N. CLIFPERT | | -*ht» of a CMM tut** etti- e > e-r Foe ua f.r K'.er..-o- Bell I abeeatertrv . fen." Tele«*b«*nr if1 A spokesman for *ve Ret* Chieajo Theoiotieat *>omto»r* pre-Deetoral V'elleeahipa -. Jinvw i.w:ini tinviti *«in.uii uiiv.itt ttmniii -* -rm Foreign Ministry - x •*e bn*aci f e'd of »>vtnmunu*a . ,-p-o-t broadcast h* *>* ton* •orknotof. in.-'ud.rg er- ■v.-.nc. mkI the state dep.:*- E'.-eer.r.fi. r«ather-av.--. p.hv-.- -—versed right and «-wj am ehemratrn Deaolute fm er- , ■ ■.,'»f y i.yuml author jvv - r-V* « Bnyrher ! A • * oy-Cfti to voice a >0 - National Seienee Eenndatinn -..,. ---tost against this" ....... A rrc.m ke summer rellonabtp* for Gradu¬ > FVip.ng gave th « to - A. ,-a • - ■ c .-.: a-- no- ate Teaehini 4«t*Unt« for Ibe - f the rs«e if is 1- ' • f ■T-o<"e; nnmmer of 1H9 0.vna»1 er- i he'.ve the Indian g.-verr.- « . .. d ■ "- . ' »ith Dr H Kim- r'.-.-a*ic."« —u*' So ■ubmifted to - New Delhi: * : 4i-e Graduate Office bv Pev-on*.-- v V lU before V- 11 tbkng **m bUnaped b» i*ef- National Seienee Foundation of the laM Can- Harvard InlwitT Saeiets of m-*l -Doetoral I rllooahip*—JSe- aaitto General ta Waanbar at t>Uo«a ■".(■■- ,«.\ * -'.**«• ?e 11 aaa. mi ?* and • ..T,n«o epp!u-el:«w meterie'* v-: ;w ».aoh .tor.a;- e a: Harv. »-e ava 'ab e .n the Graduate • t« doulnai ta the l*.b. Can- . 1 r. vo ». ' tor three *»**•. Off.ee Dead', re Mr rere.pt *>f talite Genaral and H» batldir.c V' -A a-- 1H**.\»oi-; UW v anphrat-An in 'Va-h.rjton u De- ,i \h* bomhay baarh for a* loiu /r Vv."- ;v- v«v» There ..« no if-l'e* *2 0 I boara. aatU the lailawint ••o*t- k recar.i t» fiekt. National Seienee Foond alien P-^-oren.-e .v ho civen to pre-dortoral felloeabtpa — Pre* • 1 this itaHM, hf ap^ > - I .-i.oa'oj ti—o *av.' eomn.etel '..mmary epphcet ion rr.ateriala ^oth'u* Lhroara and mice ' the.- -'-i.t.r.e evaliable in the Graduate -im«a;rr. the pomor.no: of tv<- r. i ;■ - ■ t-.t> ar.oe.i vers f nr. via no a*e O:: re Deedi.ne f.>: m-e;pt of • j V s Consulate Genera! f trno- i: * oh-., vi.r* ' A Va.-tor « ee- a c*r:. ration In Washington n v'-a-.r Chier.-Yu t.> nr.afc#_ a C ■ or jir. \»w- pa- n-oro ,r- .'an ' gu-r-rcr.t »ca:r«t his >ua. Menev Felioe^htpa — f*- study >, Brtmbay, there was ..- Gvfor,; o* Cairbndge Vn.ver* as no single filter can... ort h. Filters kor1 - —r a pa" :r. - a* 'I"_m tve Rod Chinese Con*. - Vat - » -v Doeol.ne lor application» is CT»'" [ ! »* u-o-: Chan< a a a lure. Iveterdent Eto Pro?s Jeurr*: The • T* Student* Ja- 1> t\ r arp d.-ev * v mu»- Nmeeteon Aeodovne Hi Mae- Ciieufta nil Chare has •>-« for mild, full flavor! v be rsmt ;iate-i bv a faculty mem* f .r it jdr in R vno br etudonli ro^- %-htakad Ov.t Of Boo n*; , of rn«u* a-4 arphitorture end br- etudent* *"o*»M :"e»Tm*S'e fcv Chinese Cor«.j'.a~ anr.ee! studiM. Deed lino for .-i-ar* D' H V«v* e 19 an untaioun « e> - " l Ha.! or I>r A. Tucker of 'he aTNkicahwn u Doe. SI. •a'«n. iairiW.b'r** •ni N'nrtbup farm abou* *« * ran two of Jooeaeu.o meeSs afo broke Satumav beer, apouttnj mr. J. B. GutMein II I | state TUATER •II fraMse Ml La name I 3 T»kt Oat ED 7-1171 : ,iii PMONI IT S*0ttl liii'.uut»ilu»il». H: Women of Executive Ability: There is an exciting k* ~ * future lor you as an FALL GRADUATES iSS'i: \ Officer in the U. S. AND Air Force FACULTY wf II voii ate a bNimatt vtiiMulatiiix ivlio h>|m»iuK to 4 rhullcngiit^ jnb. v*«»i li I'M ith' tiavtl...ulio liiiiL fun in association with .khftMijmt > young, imaginative people...>011 vlmuM iiiuiiigatc vinir op|mitu- ORDER (APS AND GOWNS nniev av a U'AF otfin r. Women in ilic A11 Lone work vulc-bv-aiile mill male Air Force oHuer*. in rive ilte same pay un«l pnviirgr*. h.itr etpial chance for asvignnunt ami aclvaiMrmmt. Investigate your ihaiMtv loi .1 comuiiwioii in the LUumt States Air loiu;. if NOW WAF WAV Infof «•>•«•». l>T|it. W in.|ir* luce*. I mm i I V clutrn Uturrn j anm Settled >» 11 ' X' 31 u 1111 to Receive Grid Honor I ivtory Over Army Bv Penn Despite I itle \ ietorv fI * Btcpf Viir.fi N one •; -y-o.-w-. : MX* rVJNVTO; *•- **■»* he «he«M rfven the rhnwe he eon* toe rod *helhrr fee the honor Arm* are • 1 TelJx TVtod ftlanrhard UoieerwH* of Gives Navv Botvl Bid pun AI>K J*H1 A i C — TV-..ft Nv-r. hojr.i -ft'ft-hf s:v* 8 ft-ftW the •ereenmc fanalt* reir.wmw eamtntatr* *,.■ tto ^1 hennr u i ^l»v« or I moeh. of Tew* - . nrrmi* WlrAman StatbftTl wwrti Stm Srtw, a •,V xse ?0 ex rr tonoe fen.- '.he >*»:■ no.- Mi',', ftf fi-ne ■ cmu-Y. Nvsa'f 'tTh.V ' «-tJ»r'«v. Winkle Vanderhorm Reel 1ffvhtha!T» wj*>!! *r.rp^an*1rr. the Sfatb«t«?hrr. Athi Soatbww-t cnr.fer- - ;nc "he '.«?« I\3 IMF* *•'Y r\-is-v.*'Uft'. n-.Nliri lv * he • 8 AfeTaddr Ohomi Wen* Th*- arut oivrip-*'-nt the Vo*" .ft- v-v> k*pr ft"" h, .:e es: >oy name fr.irr :hf e#.mf .r. ,sVuT. has f.rthl A;-r*aror. * rncfv, f»n>' nr>e vjtatncj" Su7?«iAy And ?h*t one «.*v f.svh#. ; tv*-".ft-ft .ft I* yoft~s. p -.oomn f.vthft • . role ft* v T" if ft r*.-f heea t«e»*H . feature • *>h. Tfte Por.r. » VuTif, >.«.* s t-.-w.-u." -etcnr n- nr.* » .--vi. ft.s-orfto-' >" TV- Uharlm. Tr|»»»»s C-eort •* *«d f>Ar thf *hr A«»sx*.A*Oft Press )oftmvi .;; yax-o v V 'twere ft# n one n." the. u*» nrh-iksge. !>»*? V va,-hint "he 1*hf . ire-up' S."HitVe * K "xm f"" -..he v IVkt Walker hontherr Alethe- *Se V»ft-:'f*s s.*"ot y.,rr>tx:r.(: S.'ft' wtV *h,roe *fter*er' " ihf Ki1: of Farrv, ITftme v- others * rvs- f x.A-o" Oft.'u—s,,t .">■• the *-o« •» ., Pre* ,i.-»hr. A Ha*-.n»h *>■.:' hr 4 tot tt-.'th fttunr.ir.fi' A :r .fth> Wf ^ the AP C-" e ihar-ftori .tho ." N.*.s- •.■ a tj*,r one naimec 8 ® «o-«e wofisnh k BV'.rrtfn «t ?*.*' rv *- w**-«vi nr. riai* fr h.mnr hi* a:h- hhft' 5tiofhftn. ho*.-., ena.f- .•fw-.w s'-.tWifi i ->-eh*-e' his Nht. >*e•o.—pft A* Snh s Si-S" le the Rfci. of F*r~e P. • tuit a4- • Moris' i «•*-.*. ?.• i ier. . * ' .t ft* anor.*meas t ..he ft t* «* Ph.'MeVV ft — «-o.*i-os.« A ro.ss- -ftor> — ft te remain The other nine men fheer Vka-1,' ?-.* ,*nr, rm N: ,v •# .* -jv*fthA,v tivdftv—whether - fiftft ts'ft-.- c mftoefi hHna toter r . * . tr-f - r».ft' por.r. ^"ft'e TV.* ".f JVr.r. Su'e its 'oftft- to he fte- —s7 Aon- n-fi % .re SfofiTftft- Na.-V'e • or the hash of t»U*ers te he tr oftJlopr f.-v'hj, iefAft. (\*%*y ift.T-.Te.-;' h„\« hooh v^ tr *-* I>r t-AvhVd reoent ir^th* *or the FVno mh was .-v the I, he.-r* Beat ftt iy»e - --o* » the Haft of Tame Chher f, *•*—!• 'n AtoaaH* the «ro»*oer »e e«*l .nt iVs*-fr V ,ir /VVV-cf.; - rvsAo>hjft Stft- Hftfaf'.l lVn.ft p-os'ri'-n; aPer 6* the hsncuot inn Fj*- - v o*»- •, f.v their r.htTxfi P.v:r f.- pivftrirns—V."ft T^e riwrvror Aftt mrv. h* the «ehe «u m»4fe *»»* alnter and '•ot -■ K fi'.k 'r a sh..- ';' *MV • r tsA-.v '->-k .•*•0- the we.';.; Arrr.y wu!f Ts- West P,re"> w V.so.xr.ft.n to?-?- r".«?"*• "• - '- fte*-r. v-:rfi GLADMER Oifht s.-h.'».ft"-fc*k.',e"o* e*. T WA.A •'»hf « <*"'«* •"< V*** St.'-* nr.. B.f TerV * •or is eWs-'o.-1 . • he ».-o.- up"-', ""or o ftoirritoirn f /n'» ^ Ss-i u'e Ir * a- « he A i*Jvtmft "-'.-IV Tf Cnt-nr *" JhaVse—S*T»f.Jto v* TV. * The .*»v~ Pf 's 'o.-* • * f • >e VilueW "Dm ■■;sh*>ftre. v>:lf oom-r.:t*ee ar>- •*# i^o-'s • .-.r iAs~s iKf.t .r. "eretorsi, a eeu 1 Tr\s« . SV." New CV-le*ft*— :s-is-ori nf .-he" 7,» 7Wi' llhlrtcs Sot> * over* ww showiv; ftf the ts.-vv t> T" - b'ts". S.'vc- ;*w P • f-4 a-hu-h. hsMe* SiufiA* *t j»re«r.Vr! " *• > «-??- TV*' Sttft'r n-»e n' tf fa-n sr. Mtimm pp SFC AP.ro.-* •- "e-p F.-*-r Vs. aw. v #. v, .sr ec A,--ve. #. *.- n .Ar r **o~xj.-s ?08—. « v jft.r.t -oruiftf fteftynr. jCm vVftft.ce ft V ft-ft"—V.ss •■•-.." an.- * «-.* rr-orr*heN ;*•/• 'a.-;, fc"*-'-0?.** t.TV* Lrs».-h«-s S.'ft-S Sf'Y S- i'wv»rcr V,.-. ft -* ' e FEM U.F Jl ACLE: fame w .! he - s-'r- or •<• ftT the ether h« iF..fi F.fit v tt C-OOT * ihEC yon* r LV N • oT.K' k -'-■■* -V r«.r>n;es """V rjV ;r- fitted after had Or WamweB %a»4 hr ha4at C.-.fts-hi-s . ft.'* - »>.r» fs'. •>->.- ri-.sr >s* f ft- . m-rrt d? A wU* INSIDE ntF. .-l.jfte -^e— he-« n* "he i*n "o*. sotf the 0»\V ; .TaeA'enrr.I'.e Pi — reoetxea the ref*«n *et ao* vt-oft W-fts. -,v » - ~cftfto * • A-k-ftnsn* • SH'," X-ft Cr^Tf ft ioeo oothtnt of the matter He a- a Ssr-^ijo'; H.■■•. v.- T V.:.rs - Arariom.v « v.""».io; of To.- h SET • viol that he normal'.* fnt»e*»* ' tVoe e:<>h nr»ft the wrsrrr I a"- ftfr *o- ■• Thift < e-s-.;3eh «' '.h nir. nr.-hos^t. ihtr ew< * the wt'vr of hi* oommittee*. the ' SFC *ofc-. < " *. th.~ee Aor' .no": oom~or.- * C*r Bar*f <*'"*-oh.fcft-..-** nf the *.M.-tha-est 5,-vs- F !, * A - t - ft . vxaoh, S'l *««i» <4 *«Mrr
    - mo-'. V * the totrr*e f»r>f *»; B.fi -r HI RR\ i la>i oft r r - r f So;.. J IVr* »n5 Ken tuck* ».-ooy*\* *r, n"ftr • **o,v."- a* on,- rft.r fvprr a-e- t '.ftflt LUCON in the B'ue v--»*n. tortftj-- IH Schedule to r» t< « •.•-.-ots a : i .rnl Niu: 1:x-ety yet f«r IVc «5 at Svofi-r.** re* o* ax#, -o-s- tft J* a-,1 V:v ftftv-s tr-.A ? he has.' rest m *, Tenrft »■• IV* ho I hhevn Ito «M «M - - gJWfffK.IKaSBW« nffVTf: ..171 '"WTI #.-F»' W ! t-wi >3') r-i-i! • I* . *-fts; .v .* - re », j* iM'setproii r.»-1 ten«e* for naroaai T EVERVMNG OMt-.i I of Amrrten.na wm n-ear oootnto ,. r c-rt at. c.hf at cast*- I ^ CRFAT a> rr> ir. # a p- -*>; F'-vaj • r*-»rr».-« » ■ 3» ♦ r»ierr>it' r»*« i ■ ..-•koft* f»vf the t HUMPHREY HCXvART Iteiiji 1»n o< » r rt«' . nxOrr farUI of *T«»or ft -f ftVft h V at Va -N • ft.M> «;* Fhcfci rw>-n MU Ml* ' u I $$ ,vje AITtHEY HFPHURN .-.rv-v t: all 4a« •eanni eooafori M M is hrwier short* nrtto-ttar* AVnXLVM HOI .DEN of n MfLSyiir WIRT T9 SELL TMVR CM? omt«mi«T WE WII.I. APPRAISE VOI R CAR £ (Aamhoe f-l^J OR ^ Mai Coon PiUii Cootoee lAomaa Mirton* PA1 XOl OVER MARkirr PR!C5 JWBMV'ftiOMtiaitfc»ftftomiiiiMMii—IIIi»w-itrnnram11-nw;»»■• um l> UriMy - la Wiat - Lay —if FOSTER & PAUL, INC. >i*ru SATF«n*r: MMm Bays af Manor ;M* E. ORAXO RISER l\ «J14» TAa ill i iliti ttm • I*.-, vntf.is xrooi hi asmt^ M*k pmfH — «, W* Krf. SIft.Nl nV • oriox a Af*iLA\ n.ANkrrs llriSmi. Spfiil PIZZA PIT Rac.SlftMraV* RESTAURANT LUCKY STRIKE present CIvmOm* Sferial $0.<).a ^ Shrkitr mpkr MRBIY SFCCUL • ILAIOX mi oaios BIXNP ifnooat I ■IHIII i m«a*M* — *vVa haoMl irfiaU^h. KTAIH% jatos. V Utt. sluxuk. i iU" eiwufit U< vim ir v*ui u y.-v., !u>» tmm R». iAW rr* fuinao * t Xumirk A*u».; tofxuul i ff ohCHS »:" •fcr* Pa..' cael artn». tr pr. ma-*, ami 1 tmist .aitopt She inu«s :&»- r»r at t'<« «« Vftwin* » to* is ua. tno! XMhomO Nm r.V\. ini'l VEVS ud DOTS >Hut ■hiw* S»' * pi an |w»a actvm - am r m #tr» pctao Sum Pmm R> MM Cur u»otnuJ amit rw«. * t m m. tonmr • mom tsr mh" A «m> a « ur tftr io* r msr*. »m » u*r w at, Cm* an* tom ■ firm a« *t imr*r»«T our wtftTt4 tvithiniT MO. *Mto Of I «M* M* 1W Of. 0 i flcitu* tut Ok ami:! ad" duotto. CQUifiESTUOERTS SMOKE MORE LDGKBSINIR ANY OTHER KHUUI! YtTmr r zone tt znacaVftOaa MfUt Rwar At. NmM. 1 *aa out mitt tn? fit* aoC I «• tnc mc tot?' one i iMPWatu coUap suoem n—t r«w tor Imt . —7 N- ■ lift: iMC^Xht vtv.rvc-nrau.-T a awrtHiir ftosut Ucv St-hw toot awry mm . . - " ' Mm"" BBr. w fi* laic rar c w* far tort _j-s> i tax* mi at Da «c ■;ait MHIMk. WMk go£ I at uov " U,*.' I.-iJCN Srioe gwatae CtaspaAxo •r* totof eto myl, umcMkU tooHwciio. . .sa*9- Mw* TOMOCO AROtttlt no HK IS HUpi V oeM aoa. »r CWCMI ' -•• X » • ' .. . imr. V : 7-to •?•>•• « irVitriors a a jti lier - »(ts at iiet« t»i tarn ie it an t'e M<«*»et*i « i HUU\nKt.rHTA J*—KW'it >rar« sartk a #V-f.v juttp «'*• * a« fhr f.na! Nt??r- *tu*t«la.1 £•** the N> v Vofk WWW V Me Hurt \ •*, *©.».•. Fetter - hathrvw llevft \tvrko-Nvkrr* » vf- Ply Mart! %*%©mh©r S*. t**« r«l^ lUf xMv nvrr tftr Ph.'.arta'ph a W.t a NathMt*: T*a«.k^lvt HSU ' i:t [penalties, • A«.*«v*t!>vt gat»r Th# fhat KIVK.F00T rh Says gamr wi"< a ••.• ••r af'rf t-atHrtg la'» '*tr ftnat pr- «%t of Ihr r* AM. WOOI I tVfiiM /•HI* Cimtfy on f n/t V.v, »• ■ f . Svkev v» n© •:,tna".v \V '• •#»>*■• «M fi"tr {'ha^t'.wla.'t'a tap-!-. „ ' SCIRVES V v. v »"w V' |*4'-'.' kr'jlft g.»vr ";•» ONLY S2.M v % F v* r, *" * W>*t \V* :-ore » onr-p»* *f> mar*":t .« vY--:nc *erie* a ' vr « Vr* .. THkota l**t >• • •. t ©«r»« * r«*tet« IV\ . T*'p»- Bratm pa«*«s1 •' I rn hmilrM') k tV-Ticr •*-»».* d"ovr -t *-Vf vsm ll^t 2*2 Vvt S*t«r- % ♦ # -•■ nv«t»\mt-* v, sra-. ' *tr fo: a^t.1 hanHa,' H> w-'nuMi VARSITY Sltef i y\. t Ihini' Ihitrttt l*hilmlrli>hin. .I/-H *!* tkMl R4. ■ -vv *v^ TVi - an., iitirr n ha t >5^'* I ».l IHHiM. Mtrk. PITrsiWlvvJii >' rh^ Ns'-.'M* I'.vm . r.< ■■! t-e V.; • •*.; *■"- 'V <4* »-•>. • . thi* »v • s : "■<( • Si tjr -Y !•-( t'^1 S?»v'v:. ' 1 ■ * 1 v-rv . v,; \*e PS ;a<1i*lp?va VaeV I Sl>. - s, — r-v«- Www r»»•>*<•* ••■* *'•• • •«■ —. ♦••-•. .«•• ' .. • ■ vr '.•> t • IV,'«>•.»' ,1-hirm I *r ?fc.-4 ■ s, 4,- ' f»nir f\'TA %» 0*i. T>*»* * • ••> .»••, %;«i • \.., «•■ » t> * INIYERSITY • , .-W.s r*"'" {Vl'V' t - . ... *V© *O.V*f • • 4 I rM* Ol ttwl i. *»■* tv* ,«.n(i «it©4 ©f th*t r"i*l f ^ Hrtin I t'll hinililtiis ( nitiinalu STUDENTS' t^trft Nvlia TVr© TIRRY MOKOMT | *t*lftr rrntl. v'Ti'U'\iiO r V*»* i>n*ap** l*far* ivti* •, !hr SPECIAL . w I * «»*♦ V|««S»v»©k »»-©re l*ve f* 1• ©r* that Selt»r.S l>> vc-ecrd »n the tktrtl |»©rt*«t ©f Ihf tiM t»w»© l« v hu-ag,» t'ar •••.*'«• •.*- s .1!>: Stin.la* w :• kept a \ c thr kitep tk* k*fkn 'M» i ©TVRir.t *#m« vv*th \.vrth r»TR the w-er© IVar*.' i4-a »vf»: • •> h.*tv* Thr IVats jrahbp.i f:vr t'ar.l FumMa* ,-r iw.i'vm '•" anr. «rrr v »> :*•.••• at*.1 frvn-. thr ga:vr * %rr\ t'r«t plav <*;t \*hn*h \ <• wk'f t" * ar.4 tVwtM ! t.vk a Tk.rai',1 «t*vrinj paM front \OX K CHOICE 01: - *v© fNVIte*' Detroit Drop* Second I'laee juartrrt'ark F,- Ftaa n „ ■ ~f l*© S.vr- ♦ « * 1*rimt hfff apan lirr MtuNith iu (m«— ;W':«f fcv C #i!r* l»rft platr— whift^rl fHilatn raffn -/ ■ J •V -s "• N •-e .: vk*© *»'** «■■'"• Red II inns Row to L(T//S« ^ • ' t sh© long-rangr passing of IN ADDITION. SOIPIT. LIBERA! I > tw t**© auKk (Ml* heth com atiartrrha. x I* Wa.ir A-,i jx**1 a 35-11 wtorv Sunda* over th© .*©".- ' ft"** tut en e«*% a«*«eut« at rle*e I »•* Aitg© 1* R.vv,* th© *©\ ©nth v ,-;v \utor> m to gam©* let* the FROM ANY OR ALL 01* 9 SPECIAL IP ruin f;(t< *tern t pi ler©nc* Ira t PKTI/KRS. v * -v x* ~e,-.> r.« To!A>r*'.- • v* VI - 54. . \V *..- V r.*e r • - a •• • 54 A * A I TV* «,v- © v -A - v . • -A oh .1 54 M 98c 4* * €*•"' \r 5^4 M-vr 4>* • ' 7 Savr* >p*e© fr,fte.» ?v- .ui ».Mnni To ■ , ^ •**•«#»?>4 rim* Fvet* a v.-*ot\ *\rt th© t':©\I'lan,! Brown4 S-.tmiat to remain Re^t- S" ■• * *' * |lre *e-? *< I the Western t'.ot.f©rente lea t in th© National Fv^tball «-> nana r©i • *r*ai "©■'. lte« t t i»*%* «n,i : t* IV* * }i • *© i O t © 1 •»rfc4^ ••© t»k© • <«*" *e»u 1 Mfttmc 4<>-t«*eter e*r» '4.' T - • Fv ' e t < Ha: I ©ago© IHIRM STI'DCNTS: Iftftkinc lor • rtftlb r IS* ©e-nhfl* h©\ *»K!t He«rr* %h.*»»t«ler hut the leaf* Reaa %rp*.-mn«i lino i*r*l IhU SuihU, otomI*(T for Ik* i|Ml the IVtreit 4eten*e ;; .'4 eathu«tte jv- x- ©ftN'rng ta t r r.t hn T - r >*x 1 » .1 V —.Mi'w :,*t '!:4T NJ\r* sew. t»rt 1 * a »•#?»• »ji "HOUSE Of BEEF" V - -s ' * CJraf-v. •** «>«!* IV»«»f «,4kr.1ir llcttf «* k toreeri «e«M 4enl b», 4 "« Ikiltlr to Tie. 2-1 v.\ ii-Ate* -*—4J*>* ©h 1 A. n,vpTrt Qft.aarr;i 7 T.*Ul 12- 1 ie*eta*© rtniaaeiehia • a # • a a aaa aaa lit Ml I4> ?» ■ • NOTICE: AH mo»l* *fftft»d hft Ik* "Hnn.ft 14 1 He *et U4 *pr,t».uU; rt of Hot!" »r» I SIIA Prim*. \Mhmf knl lk» 'T^r %h#u an,1 mitef p«n«a«rth *; < \ VI \ »>:.r ""vr V- th# He«ana«ieH t t a lee t«t **• • • ., St.- - to •.^■ 4 a $4 fen* is kh<- tftlr-imltft ** ft \e V-r Clit*at* t era* ? • a at in 544 h«l for ftnu Iron. NHL Standings ... Hint* *Utr4 the.- <*n!* reei • • i, • t A.'; 1 attttaa roMiaint r«i»hr» ©f tvhe n»th» '. *M. £"■■* \, .1 v»r ■ M« rraaetM« t 1 a tea ??l let : « * . , «* ■ V,t*•. r.- ft • ' e S,:Pv... • a i> t t trtit-mt a sa 11 «t j a .taa v% rti rr rr House of Beef W-ftM.ft.1 ,• -'-A- • fvtlt U«C** • t *nv>i £*-**© of tt » « n m e« deer* a M* itak.. let • ■ 9r*t~* >e \ Sp* - • •# • .. ee#e- : «, '.e* :vst hat Mint 1 t a »» ' t.ieen Rat » » a .aaa tia Mf a it a it :» ar ^ » I t T in taa ; «" 4 - •<» ;* nt 1 it m r ""r • .}. fv.f » • .*- *.,£ *h,e *.->:e a**.r; |e« IMMt* I I I JM IH Ml *- < *rv. ' .•« v*rv r * aoorvnt IM Highlights •• ft j Haa * | v. • «-re-A a>ea - e\ t ' w.ta TttI M Dft*. I 11.1 W. 1lir.llir.AN AVE. Fka<. r .-".vrjracRUr* \r Vva n U-» *tart-i-rn* *.Cj i n pja. V ♦ ~e ' e* ■ • "# " (NEXT TO HOTEt. OLOSl - ' F.v the f..*4 - • ; a . * C v o*g > Sattir- ihf Ranker*' e.f.rh aarr »a* eo«-e c.\ *.«.*• -* 4* Hour*: Mnn. • Sal. T a.m. • * p.m ;* i-Mai t ' -*. . a r • s*~ e ** a vxtorr ■ « t - *"© - 'h.t* 1* -n »;r.r.f Sua. II aim. - 1 *.m INS ' Spmali/iaa In: rnasl htrf. round k**f. rhirkm. rr dark. (Irak., rlc. ■ Star at Drail VKIH'I | 8S9 r. GnW Elver J "FihhI you alunvM remember" kftUMMna. r.» r attention: i rn TntiYi ■ !■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■# SunMFHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiii iirtmiimitmMirMfitniHiMtnut'iii' imu?»-t»ftt |% I*- - - i —A^e o«»r;wi'. we-ftx- tf*e annua rttsco I «*, * e.v.oencf.- he*.-© 1 c.e -vf '-.© rv>*" AU-NATKNUI TEN STAR SPECIAL! - rv K ft"-- ■ •-■VTjptiV# ;S JWt:» Mr/-, c-n 7-ne fw- fall term i- ©ft© ■ << i • • rro -© atteni. o- PLUS I -n."-©v©i.iaoB —n I t ft t* * (Wm* e>- c PntMiml y Fur t ioal* anil Falirir* (ilrannl anil f.lainl I. .'-tun© —wra Pe- 4 Men'a llal* anil (iap* Ttfwrft 1--^ ©0*5 .©!R»- .graduates Al.THKA GIBSON «*. KAKOI. t'ftr.EROS 4 4 ItainroaU Made Water Ke|ielleni Suede and leather Jarkel* [rttMEPiPrW/ iHwM Wlftlrt «*'i> wmii rftMoi« Vftumr act* lltMM (lwllMfnl 4 4 laundry Service Glove* tirSTiiTus r.«A>tor*T ww* ft 11t: announcements 1 trie rimt — iv t-tii* ★ 4 4 Staffed Toy* Throw Run* Alteration* and Mending MAKE CHRISTMAS 4 Friendly Service 1 elmt are ready MERRY College Cleaners ljlc"t*t,iw| lia»li and tggK \ brint; voi r receipt WITH MUSIC (iarry pig^a h2tt W. Michigan Ka»l Lau.ing Kit 2-1711 Tea. tfcaa year aaatte (hnalmai marry llat—1 Mrtr. N'aw al An- Era's raa ©aa ttnit Iran aver • taaWrf Mtarwl (hrMaiti l*r*a Br raaf favarMa ratariiai won book nok plan ahead buy ar-ala. Elf Ml mm la »4 h©aaa© • Miilay mE rvtia? araiHl—aa are apen till Wtbto t© .. . . ,»'.'■■■■■ ft HMfl^ar. a IkhMaa LP Make* a fMCftfl |hi fr kmotr Ymu'U t.niov ■» i| (UK KK.TUTt.NT b, finer ft lawnui with ft rnmt CI «UT open 7 .am - 2 am f ItrF.N h ,m - ft ,m ■ u * Ink In* Tai naa CAaoi. spartan TP ■ s i now J OCR PAV«ams) < delivering CORNER OF >PIZZk |A IF ITS RFJMRDUt. a . mMort . R'&VE COT IT "I '. Au AW "lliHi KALAMAZOO ft |COMPLETE DINNERS II '•kiJCERIK HkTT OTBCIAUTtES CLJPPERT f LATE SNACKS Q ANDRES DECEMBER 1, 2, .3 r i n4-1sii .«• . mmnm | .127 S. WASHINGTON IV 9-9421 lili1 jgaBjai*"* . • v; * , STLTl MAU Snitn «f He Week | sreyalPUPromote SM Theater \ our Kfy to RdlPs \ Miohyrau State Sew* ;» u«*> A ~ x'l, rvr.v.:, T* T>*U t«rr* ItoM iwiitow f*w 1 ** • MM iyt ■ Campus CtAaAifioxta , tow *...• r(*"Sr\. < <\v.C *v: •- liir-Ciwfrt i*N «t»r* ami >*va,wo-v*-.••*> tr.v* '••• fA»sA p.ff t.vp ^4>f rs.-att* oxtov f,v SA* T> Ul* a An > I> Na: TVk AtA.f-A-: l^-.r.g v;r T.i T.V cm«'> w * t IN* '.**« *r, ,r. : c LOOKING FOR A FRIEND, V.SV r».'v> pr.'-'^.x- j.wctfV! i.lcft', tSftt .Trx—A Su» trifb »'f iS*» c..~TA-v.r.-»i ftpwvs T>v ■» - .■ n> ~\.ri -.i *v.« "a*; v-v\\ ■«;■-•. • - v » r-A-.jA-.' «nrtc i OK« .iwils *:r ;r3trrdi*!*Y. «HA PM* w-.svM Talkr .« rtitoitov *->■*. - v TfT™. .'<* •>.' .* .-rvftr*- S\4\- r-vfr«:.. .y"^., %• v.: ~ xml * Sniyrxsj ' or '.rifc .*»?*, s wait S.n> tv .'V T~!e~; vfl-'cr tsr rvi-r A' VSV 7i'f> ■> ,"- Y fs.-„ "a Y^i. .>v—So* rsp M«' r.Aw •.v .* trrra. >A« : --f :c ssv TVtssse? "K '.' -.r< S»v- srdk-r M WW S;:vi» u s f;.V - vv; to* tV - • * &> *!*• ..« **** >. ' jtv; 'ir* , f> *< * Sfi?Ar ^rff*r.,?fttvor. f.v cvtc sTcffif*' JKwnSinfi » FXA TV tov t'A^'s *•" v r e * .: r .* v tv v "-So t"t.:wrv.*> TvM;.X '•*> jv-.rft.sif TS.Atvr ITiis ft" *-v T^.r-U A ■ W .:A t-v A'J.\ .Oi-v-t *Amiw ;r. f ?sp \:sr r';.vf-« x,;rft; Aflt >> * •a- ftrv.tf-4*-w-tS.<-r TS-,*-y,<-r car, V..- Archntlopish a |W » ftnx >' « Sin | X-i ,>.1 fty-s**.srvV% * r * R. »-*•• V-C-V.ty TOSitu^AW ■■■? »*«•'" A* ■a-S.' jvft.-'.v ,.-u f ,n *.V»v AT'' :vr.vf;.vf-S" a: Vi pAvx,K*rvcx< \c-, V."?«v AYf-fAn lAvSpot1* rVrxu.n*" frwtAjr *x' Tl* fV-artpr w»fr»be-^ M' f —ft- c-r .V tSf cVr'r -•C:"- \rar Jrmst'lrm Sa**.:rd*> »?•(-* Sr-kV.-f rarm*>t VA r+n r* ».jr r*r Pal*** of *»*Arn *rrr* ftrfttoc* v>-f «•< r-* fi-to'.t fd »\f V i 'KI'.MIIV. TSftAKJ Stt- 11* n<*avrT I.INM TO* M L tof *>*»»P"r irVtotwr* 0- 'v -Sf vtoftav. TVsr 4* — \ : p f*i\v .Tpar^v.l RK ft ' *• r xr-T-rM-ir fJt'-m ftrr * «AftV.-. i .kcft • «| -r.w perl*A,* T Tv-caT T>f fftttn »)(• ifftttor W- ■' thp 4r|«ktTWTl ft! Iftml t»i 'r.- J %-A-rjvM i'"-* »W.1T. - u.- r--: .- Vr: »■! f r-;r>.« urt"*rrxvi -i-'-TT:* -v.s.t rrv-.-.* 7 Arwtr.t t i> • .•»• *.V ** ..r>:.;- •* r.V YJ"->)*« Ntn rt.-ft. I'MTKIl AIK I.IVKS t " i .•*»■—;;.*nt* 4ii-rvt«*»~« V V J.AP* '.** S..-:- " nv 1 vn ev ftrr-« sf tTjpr^r Ysj'U find * good one / - nSf tMnr* Ti;-.%.v >. Penn Students" Study I* »/ til# i? *-•*. t.ij.r.r.f fwwhaW* rwk'.Vr t' a rwortvtl****; STF.W ftRllFss EATON'S Ve b*« n to * 'W .-f "v ■* *Y>:.-, V- PF'::i .1 -r~s ;■/ J fWnX'-O iw»T #»* ramnm '«* TV- f'.fc* * T-«.~*.y 4 tS* V. T^-x imot ".rr-cr* pnn*i»T» « - fffTnUKT* ;•»■•■"' r*H «.« a vni W-» >i» f«i r^Ipto r r-)U', «f CTRlTi i •-.«'!-<>- I'ViMi'.t'f »••' A 1*t V'-f 7-,Tr-.;- Hits •Grade-("hasins* ";;TSr sSt*«r Off ;.j ? p» * »••'* «v * v"'f*"T i* :v-f *"r Vf> ' ' rev-»,v* ir tS<* cr-r'f r *nd ?»■'.* • M* V Uira fw ft.7>r...rs7: ft ^ >>"< a .—^rv ". k-c. rc»—tor;*. »-f *N nT*m-te- ©«*• :- Y.nV'--' *r; *r-.a > TV-.- ftt.toVr.tn t- .-.Y- '•. C-K'tr.rs. '.Si.- • - **•■«<• u-.wpr. *■ v • I fssjsf A.- r■••»•* cSton » .vv >*- *Vrs «* S. fKft' v .Vt -tot vi.:- * *.sr -Sto-r.srSto* «^p *-s.t f.r*g to... • »-V. »V -n IS*-" RMIH |>-wa*rtiM»ij u> »f' H? # • *J*» "r *># -ur.r s *w TT* - r- v " .r-*,t • w \ - *— r f TVx • rv%rrjkr.-c Af tSc .* «• n ft« to-rvnr^ »A- i'VV* »,rvr>' -^»-"7w" "r" rr ■"'!—? . . x - - tsc 'ft.*; '-Sir '-■• WtiN *.* rtoff ♦' :ii :i « •> 1V>.-V« ' T-to r*-rfArrrt> ;rt f> »: «—c* V»- IT-V '. I - ' "«.» a to* tS IV - "- i.-».J.~x. TJ. *» b* *••>" r thH ««*f ft* ihf fttHrrif —•» -A* 1 tvC"to*' T *-* c—.*rj - if vr - ! f .-.ft p- * » jrrft.-- 4 N«irV T-^-c- S..r >"»*•: nt A v* - - « fXrir.T' K*» W-tr f*T xhr mrtTt* > -. ~i -a~av.*s. •;" Vf . "O •».- «• •* S4 *• T " 7 •' -a»: - v kjt% u-, *n ■8%.J *-f • .< v V rtctsft* "" • A • * •> .-»S vtrr revet > a? '* • r vv-: • V* tr. *nar.« rawiton* llkito, Vlmot tVrMwam e**. tc ■ -'.t? if *V ;•*/•* .'irr-vrt yMto" • -rt to-..-*- . -. df.t i t "Vrto—; * -!SCC» 'x* ftt — a Vf a.id **. • TM,r.« «»A.*»fr*-r.i' •* ttv SAp h «< j Xr.v<'r--.- f *.»••'->• V r-to."--'too. •>:! t 'i r r rrupMHH tjaftne.* ■>-. w v-n.-ftr* .• ' • ttto r«tlN* y.ftr ;r vr» — *-f»t j^neT* T.i>•# irirv\ A.' r-'T T* *V■- - vr..Af.r, .> \'.f %■*»•, f a-to , J.*. .»rc tV «- •»- - t t ■& -a • rr»»wvnt r»Nv ft or * .*. #v *..v-.»vi-S t «• t." v.:* '** 1 •>;>-*wv * -sr, t pi' T-•> V--S.n.i' x' • ,-vtoto »?.S-*Vs.» ."4 <•£».• *• *e - - .'• .:• r TTAikP.T TSr ti' .*«M V.*. kf S*»* w-. ,«*r> .r • ■• Mart. 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Y-' **?•- rpv-* *.r* (• - *•* ?»,.-rV '«" W to'rwtot* eatc 's cm mm bond F»r» Ctmnrti -, j.- - fitovp S« :-f *"• WM»- * »*• *t **""» '' *f* .T " r .-SJ -..to MWK* . ft .- : * r tot to-., rr* ' -•• IVrrmhrr H, 1W Svas.- , ft. t' i* i ' wm-lf* ** Bwm*" &JS" 'li' k r > ' J:V • ' "-** to" ■•■'. ft- to-." spartm bcck store - ntftl »TUt - fwmtnt M»-ww» rlawa rtev.*A* »> »rr > * .r. S*-r rtoSsfto VStor. vsto.r is ..» « drntinr >i(RWf» ft MtBl tWiSffr* Af Art »XT ;* K.Kr>,.t K<-f«rn (Hif«fhMiii/iinr< - ft.' .* >r.S- f-Wr-tlon* ri»or*mw< lUrsk ( :u-:2i Am Stiwi * * V. * V# V** ft AbM TSru» "fi< B rtlrmiif (>(»** s.*i » .Aft. T.V.—liU-AT. - 'S ** ■*.". ,**ft4'r». r «-:■■- :if V w'.rm Ymtrw. 'f5* V«j* tt.w >ikt — « r_-X*ft "ftSto A- f« wnm*« ruiw. 1 HI KftWOl S HEN1» IV M V. A\|\li ** i* KJI»I I tMni. Wwhitan h ti {wwrrr —ft 7U»~ xr •-ttli W r)k« a n'i k» k • rr*.-** ft -ift-r 4-tov-r: **,*«•• Sk.4~v.-.» v tatf-r. v - ~ Trr-i-nsist tol'-ftoltor* «f if* A>»f f ,• ftiv.-t-. H t f -*< itto^'to.' ;• - H**',*: Affi-Y V tr* *&afr.i* ,-.v ;-. rv ta 1>a» tota Tp»'* X- - Wfirhr* V Mto-.ra • - - - . tif. •• ir a m x. ISO.* «.**♦ r-. » roM"* TCf- »>aa-t ftltoKa TV-'ta -r-« T*»wtoift\ ft' )w ,\4 ■. :v ». -J ' to.s A *—»*£ is ' '\"fc *-* TV—* TY-T-m »n< Aurwx-f^l t».r i*mi«ixnrnu jStui.T-j-; S»Tr>r<~. .■_»•■■ ♦ rx f-to.-iiSf »•■•- IXX MTOW TTO1 ' '.us' th# Km* fcr>£ Jfutitnt »»V6 vt* to *Kr a Art n-fi.- -2* 5*fOS t-to'.-v *..,f ~rvr ysvVrt-tft?u»8«k torr «wt- mu n> i-wi: ,; »tr to » >m S%rtC* *- rf ? n Siririk - "fVXi-r-r at. vX.V'T«*-*-- At tok-«( >-.'r-,tor. .* *- "A fftV.c Sw-r ."".f ♦ •»!■* f«r ttor r*d»r*c« * r. : r.*.i..., .t a-virpe w .«•&.& v • v,i dv-u-rv toSft SMt» «W? V.'kA-fir.ar *-r.j Sfer* 7**.,' futow ATTENTION!! faMt W an< f-Sf SJTKA. vatA 'ST* "««x ?•"»: t^'ft ini iw AMm-1* ■ V»«'. ** i r-% toni Lrtk ant t» immrrt #»! v' .Ti .**•-' < <-?. A.t*T» »f ?.'?*»;« ▼a - Virik' *Mto~i TOST MR1« T P.* pf CVi. A trfjss.tr. p«f mk1 '.ft', v-'pr-sr NOW SHOWING , vii» ?"*' ixi«- ' « M t ."•-r w: A ' curtjukge.1s i ~.-jx BC v* nr\:-r >T. f*rwr-cr*^uto;1-'? ft f^x Nr^ft ru,\. totohgr C.Kft vwrl a tojanfrv ~ MAY Mm ftll mrrhjiiir^l. rlrrtrirkl. riirtiiM-al. in I*?** YkW Trrp Gmac I r iiirtkllufxiral (riilutlins rnfinrrr*. «w. m a m .• ■■■■■« toft bm ■■ "■ 1— la Smftmt vnw. » (W. — to **'*• I*-"~ C »WM W. rfW ,$J>r± OfiiT.^A.fttnr >»»i *it -• • f-to I RUMtok" ***** UtokirA 0|>|Mipunii. jimftii. .ini at Intrrnalioiial |lar.r«t>r' fu-toto :t ?.."■« SSiuttf'tt Sf -v ,"* St»«toU* MMMCtKAIW to Iran. bo. >i»«r t'rwMl w! «r ww r»to-to-ft **« jtoftiMSttw » ai- •«" •; -*.i. i. * iifcatow future rati lie in >Hir future, ftlret ah:' ormunrrv '* a ,>r--x ivr. .hf *iU» Vt» »W •kfl .i«it ftith llar*r»l« r'» rt |.rt->entati.e. «ho sill Ih uii th< ttiittt f.. S» i.VW .t At H' l» kM to wrniiwr «f- ft iitt.k **ii» a "to ma I*** *TV.» i ST n. V". rht Su. ui .-r.. *>« /».*' Itiehisau Male rattt|>u> (I'laeenient Bureau) n» J»fUto ?% •* IwiiiT-* fMa&ft* «Soi..i :* BT* V ' StiKM'S" S'"-*" • "t * - kT W tbH J-* . Aaa*»-iUm is- &.» .'..Ttoiii . .. « 12 »v*wn;i«n li-w. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1 tfit-TTT** LUNCHEON SPECIAL ttwr, vat :» !«•■?* S> '* ; . lOSBl :W. T'-'.-t nsf e>t... ate x'i# liirwng jvHf tk ottjlege grilled rork C90T c*t? u-t- Mtofth* flU'.ar* ,« ..'vrr-HMTrt Ktciftlrsc -irnr 'to*r rot rr • r*t- it IkliWettSii. r.rr.j-k • tor »•> B « ^ rcriAh* Rni knt I-itc.sn INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER X ftp.;* - •. ** » tt» • . rri ■CUiisauuinifc 7u:- • mp a COMPANY , -f, I**. mm ft K' ■ v £—*■;-n*. * •*? t" r*. Kn-Uit,, :r« v &*.—»«» KftLPH " 7 A. > -Ti- W * ' ft KtU '"• " -1' r.T. :-u:* •-» -i »-,JJ •** tv-W*'*1- ■'"* "KEWPEE'S" B (Hk£ *■' U. vni* ojiiiCi. jwtsf CAFETERIA 1 wallace 1al ipti6iacs .V* imju runes to cat — rv too linati-l Of!ir* - Vim a' ClUtrt r** rxiUwnuftlNitto I" ir Wt. 'C- )*—a H unu»«»-t-Hr }%e n s-r-c Hi'trcv !W«1. >-«. t»*w * •*. to*. WHAT'S YOUR ""SPOT"PROBLEM? THETA ALPHA PHI /"*LN£V7> "FACE toilft Tmrkr-t Trnkt STRANGER" after every slum Ui Sr« Un ova F^t ft 2*5 SIJI Ut!««Mln U- WIU SMAVf lono" mm it mm L-*< UL loif Amu f M»«4 OU SNUUON