Tlic l eather ||V|I. (lot Title t'kiud>. Snow r> pot- ITO To «;»in High Today S.VHI I V , low Monday »«■ Pae* *> Serving MSU For 50 Yrwr* riUCF. ;» CENTS • \ it* KAST UAXSiXliTMIOHIGAN—Tl'ESDAY. IWEMRKR 1. 1M9 Kidnaping Charges Unsettled Nehru Able Russian Troops Remain To Make No Inside Hungarian Lines Decision Yet I oitiniiiiii*! I railrr Tongur>l Jt«hr* U.S. U.S. vs. Ret I China Iliiring Kiral t'owgrmaloiMil tlrrling In Snatching Soil IH'PAt'KST. Hiinvsri' cT**—With Soviet JVcmiVr Nikiia Khm*hohcv atl intent listener, Jantw Kxilar declared Mon- XKW DKIJII. India {T> >l.i% Ku««ian tn>%iv< nre »t*vinir in Hungary. Prime Minister Nehru 9aid T-te huncatian ciutttnunisj ere ep. IW people are Monday he is Mnable to de¬ !o " e 1*5* up* Kadur said that even if Soviet ing: the truth in their ex- t > —^ a*.v.;t<: the C.Mumunlst were withdrawn i: would rhanjfe of kidnupinjr charg- ■ -'m-.'s W*nie for not help any "reactionary forces" still in Hungary. He said his •»'* 'iJ.ta iu-.T vug vm; "tntertta- " \!t *hi< <"imds ' ka »iai» Sr«« it* ***** regime is in a position to defend m.vT tie:-a' fntwr i.ivit headeti by t»i»sT of fvtton than ta>" " h«i*k«tA(r hefere |»erfwrmtn« itaelf against the "enemy with¬ wmi« |\ > out *s »h* soothful frto»d t» roan laVr i tv>o«r 'Mart Stuart" h* Srhiller U»t ntiht I" s reactxMtarx uuarfer* ** He in " Then referring to the 195(5 Nehru ♦.»!•! PsrlumfM;!. y v-< •••-.•■' Nigwe ll«»v. a* the lorntvrt (he drum*. a.-ni-iv. the I'nt'M State* of M»r» ef NcoUand Ami KaNrrl in »h \«d rebellion. Kadar declared: Red China handed the govvi . » «utu* of money note Mehiiav .-hsrgntg r»*'<( a member ef the FnghOt "If reactionaries want to fight men: a • » aif.ite acit'.uat Hungary ttt- ■he Atneru-uns ki'tii>ij*e%! Chang again we shall not he against it, *< an.1 ".itsule the Vtutext Na* » because the Hungarian people I'hien-Vu, a memtieT of it- r» IVeaenlcd in \ml \\\ SevWl Mar natlMu fam havr strength and have quite a Milate general staff in llomiM'. number of scores to pay off TONY. iKFW'FTH MORI t warn aut with plsvlng mwtker to bis t.»<* Thursday. Wiping sani. "«UwulUneeu« and mslsal with¬ Chang \v.»h force*! (•< sign a skpc again** the counter-revolution¬ young family I* nnresponslvc when Ihe American teenager *• •ere 4" arr the Ajtam*' the peot' e s (tem«vractc« mivttettT." he »*Ui, «ti!' o(*n threat* dee la red "kenest mdi will re¬ member wttb gralltnte Ike kelp •Iliillie for llir IliniL* White railed the Fei|»tnc ver sion I omntunlsl absurd and arrused the Chinese of Irslng P» wkirb Ike kevtel 1'nlon render¬ A*v Six Viet tritOOJ will TV- i Vf«> \IU tOTWIHil fiO»r oif» l*ered when »)wee-» hVAdo for her life the so«» meet fieri »m1 A|»** \ tia«l» a' tern •-<• (••• M t.'lO \. main tn Huttgarv i *m;'..;reu ?>\ the long as this international ed ie Hungary." The i*artv chieftain singled Dr. LuIiIkts lo Speak cover ha v tor bane. up In their own illegal he Asked fshrleallng si a new# litis ron •nit Khrtwhohev as a worker for • v !*• <.;'o' r (umcrl f tnd lllHtifth Hitaa'inu " lerenre almul Nehru's ram- rrreAU the venirnee ef heheid u>i Mart for the world to hear ; *\£ Tv - j rvxnh-or "f iIiKJt' .e w *« Western dip'.vuatii* qtiarter* I'.v.i *o«vtilatest that Khrti*hehev ;*ea>*e and added "we are happv that he is now among us and we At Fall Commenmiienl nient. While replied giving i on the full farts »« put "We are , ">»e?v«f r' % -r.ijih' eonte t«» the wngrev* heartil> congratulate him on the out hi Ihe I s l.mbassv in T"*-r - r.» - -xiw n Sch.'.'er « atv.l- ■ * " i-' <■". t»v wtthuraw! of all success of his trip to the Ututcsi Fall term common com out spoakiM' will bp tilt* firpxiiletlt New Delhi which gives sou the States " <--w. ' r*M :**• *-•' «a-t of the .W.OOO-gO.OtW S»»- of Hop* ( ollojro, I >r. Irwin J. I.libbers lits topic will bp ■ full farls in the rase" He spell -vaT^Cst X* Mrs. (iriffitlis * >• H un• a11 ■ >* it; g.trrfaotted in The S<»vie: leader ts Kadar said Hungary wanted to improve relations with also "The Hat tie for the Mint!.*." rd oul »'• A-C-T the United States but blamed Hope ,i l.uerai ,i'"> co'lego Tiiv. I'niieti Slates filed a pro .tfh,* *ne fie?' Plagiarism •- t.» address the etvi- To Visit MSU itiv uv >,v •. H.iilao.i M \v tn .n. en - Saturtiuv accusing the He*I v-v «*f Sc*»«. t;xia*. Washington for current difficul- , g .** ro imen? aUou" 1.1MI0 t' « ('h!iir• k •.-.ipCs »r'.si !" *'o lleformed H.-miIms of k> inapir.g Marine perllan ml Ike For Mooting - r-, "A esnaalderakle *> T-* k '" Eari H U • IV: Va help lAMpabs enee . It a We ef peaeefpl eweaWt* wewld prwp top Ka¬ Its million dollar* appropriated kr Ike t'.k. (oaifNA for auk- Possible i ••■ iuireh in liinvt'. n Lubii' America I \V. . . a n.P ve graduated from Cel. St* W H>»l»or: Armstrong. 34. of \ngcies when he drove up ' rwe« \US?WI lr*f« ffud of the ChirieM' coo>- M -f dar « rente nt lew ttoat living vemlve pwrpoaea la Mtd agalnal W «i-on*|n Meinona! Academy ut i H»r» •<* 4"VC «he *• awaitin< • •• e \ tx ;:'. • Mi TpApk-n*'; .'::v • ".ttTrmaUy on txt;;!:.A Hungary." Kodar aald. He said the United States fol¬ Bv Darwin? !pi:i lie holds degrees from pound with Chang last FYtdey. Armstrong Hope over to Indian later was handed SiMirty II Sale etl A* «ntwl M policp |»y 'he h«r Oiuter i.eddeth winilit •iXj.i; rrr apon- lowed the "unpreemdehted prac¬ College. Columbia. Northwest¬ (NO •( laituM take* the death warrant and nn- E,«i-n.wr.ira tice" of maintaining diplomatic !>id Charlcw Onrtvln «to«l ern Fnivrrsil*. Central College i 'hinew fee hag* W ber Nehru said Chang and Arm- *»• hin ideas from other aeien- in Iowa, and Itutgers V- % * Me SRtll t«rn« it #*er Ahfw>mied (tttfil. Ale it u» Rorletth 11 xvdnet The 3! I'nam lU'uins Today * .»'■ relations here while interfering in Hungary's internal affair* tiatn? „Br!.t!e a-nmiUc' the ■>9»ong had t»ren notified to re¬ main in India until the govern W alker. luten* Ut the d«w»»we(i . and using the United Nations d.m s at Hoptr in 11145. In l.Oh- shumate I Perhaps tic did hut hi- bio¬ nient completes Its insestiga- t lv Queen * nhieh a he U«t ren(ewii»p take* the * tant walk after : A Ae tv t. attert-t i ' f On (simpus and ihe other country. forums to discredit graphers have noi done ..enough research to prove or disprove if. !*•!'• a • served in the t' S Arm*'' force m ]:»!H ami Uiugiit tioit The press in Bombay rr- •w w mvhiM to* the htwek t<* he eaeeuted ttiUkj'iiue i.< 'he *h r t Km:!' h «' Voortu'is coUege :ev— —ported Chang has ihmmi taken -' ftomier Wt e*Wt»r«V the Swrtar H. with Ih Haul Barren rejairted Fri¬ fiAiii to .«!■ unknown-destina¬ Msr • \ . !lne. India, from SSH9 to 192" « ■ h*!f-*-ste? W-: F- '. ntwer- ' . iV ' •»■ Ar»>#t- Si*ar;y Jh*. fletxm and poetrv day to the S«H-ietv for the Study llr wa, an instructor tor mx tion. presutnuidv i»\ Ihe Chinese BULLETIN • verswrt .*..vves Man * t.h!" :50A'.. "«•» >.. - E*» n- *** V w. go on sale tndar — bit* of F.volution. meeting m coii- yearx «c Hope and one year at i on ,ui;de Nehru said neither N-- a ad the w ,'skhi: Uie old otliege humor lunction with the"Danvin Cen¬ Chang nor Armstrong has i>een S>*-o *U> ha* provided .n ttie was*. tennial cel»H»ration qie 'mned to Indian police : »•• thr' 'Tin !<•:.***>■»- i• riNAR nil. RIO. < uba 1'— ?r* C«*iYO» its 1"x*r- M This absence of jokes wm e*- The MSU o-v .'»• profess.a Nehru told Parliament I .K. iv a-. - I uban milllarv tribunals of the W ;eer. Hen ha* ;•. -vei - tne 8**- do** . p.a.ned b* editor Tom Gatten In bps eallmaled to have sent 5.V"» of na'ura! e-'etuv ha I wen Amhassadnr lllsworth Bunker C- ' S-".< » 4» ar. interview- last week transrnhing the noteta'oks Uar- mil Hted Ihe foreign office Frl- men kefore firing apuads were EliCfcbrt.". S'ae The change i« a turn toward u in kepi while preparing 'he •' ';y+ Chang had requested • : -i revived Honda*. Three U.S. rl- das thai crossed court : »48 : $X2. a r.("4ter area, he said—a change famous work "Origin of 'he ■ r <• •• • astlum al the kmeriran consul lteens are among Ike defendants. c -ur.: L'A-Jv- .>* the t;r»t *•"- an .nter-aru literary puoh- Njiecie* ate general in Bombay. V.ator • (xwit.on of ca' on In di»« uvdng Hie sourrea of • -#*. »-t>- wws sr. *. •--»• in the day. Nehru continued, . Thi* it a mut* " Gatten cor - death for two aI them Origin* e? Franc* rm.^rrier Kecord- Wutkins Talk. hifumiation recorded ht llarwiii. ate • .n all* aimed at prtaanirs railed another I .5. diplomat reported - .-.Av»i? t.nuect. 'Tor anv M'hool if it if I»r Harrelt pointed out that returned to the to tw known a* a university " w ar criminals. Ike tribunals Chang had i « w pica* i r "'♦he several hill* which "nane of .Oarwin's biographers consulate general hut were discontinued four months Chinese Three cartoons, however, will r- • .'ewer. Shrew*t*iry. JIW- To (fatliorin^ • ntifxiiw-ed ?,-.«• ■'-.e whirr. etieWef into <-n- w» Ue More important, we may learn R"* urm to oert ixr ...1*1 • -• 'Final Flin<:' Held terv.ew with Aaaoc. ptv>f. Martin Mai* Journal Siaffrr more atxnd w hat makes a wien- general m Chang had 'ocen kidnajM-d and Bombay reportr*d Mare mi a aaadt e*>v Hun.*. the art department, JJ .i,,- ika'.Jiin"1 A Aildrroa Mrrting list a Auecevful seienns' that Anrwtrmig scuffled with ef the ant art M* flirt *»,' *r*• '■.if toM » Keu"M Ctr.'.rr To (lliaM* Blur* on Univers.ty arcmtectura and lo The TiotetaMrks show Darwin him when he tried to return to a aoure on the aamt «uo- ierwe -m en: . • Doris JarreU of the iJinamg lead and user! the ideas __t»f the Chinese consulate general. jtr- *'T:e ](*> «'ru#e rtcr-DriW and attend jec* S'.rt> Journal staff will i»e the others in forming the theory of Hr ad'U-d tfiat the Chinese re- jic -V A:* i Reviews on books and records Opens ,V.:ver-„.*e-" tfw efCt&'Ve liir«C*K-t •¥.\m' j»*:2 at U* Friday evening Legion-Hail a* wiU be included. Spartan Ji will continue on guos* of Theia SigmJ l*hi. wo¬ men's journalism fraternity, nt noturai sel» rtloii "Hut these ideas onlv formed l>R IRWIN LI1MRN ported th« > look Armstrong in¬ to the compound. Lc Latvtns Season a.v. nett vsce Cv • \ <««s. .-a- , ier. * chtcm •••' Le* > l>- * m a wi>. be furnutHHl by *.h# «u.e through Union, Short Course Grill, Nat- ITiurada/ in the an open meeting Tuesday uigfl* at 7 at the jouroaliam building parta •# the thror»," Karrett runtlnued. 'Thtrwin was the , . . rommencemenl speaker , , . Nrmru cuntiriuing said investigation into the conflicting I* !'.•>.• he r* a piece c.entio urtl Science Hldg. Berkey, library. first to put together the over- Nurthwi-stern In 1930 he bc- versions, which include what hi* diac»*ai«»n, kIU« refTeehmeota will be pr>- . Campus panai U fiet t Je«» "» Adtreetaaia# and Hald lu" MaUim iafenned the v;*ied by the apohaocing group. A.pifsa Kapiai IV., pro!e«s:onai M erill. Old*. l*hysioi-Math Studeti and ^ Services. Art M'*a JarreU will discuss tlie4 problems women meet in uuik- "If he win guilty of piagiar- riime assistant to the president at Carroll college and in 1931 hap(M*ned outside the Feiping's version rame when cmnpound. cstjvw procram buA.neaa fraternity. Center. mg journal tarn their coreer i»m, it was because of ho fail¬ president of Central college «n f hang left the Uxi to which c ">r thje rnutic oe- taftntf- itdieare mt Rn »(• ure to cite the sources of his Iowa. the two had driven to the com¬ Mi—ft* U land b» beat #•» Ilr. Lubbers is married and toa&-rn; • trhduuon information in the original 'Ver¬ pound Armstrong rbased him (lily Growth Needs Planning * r >♦» - Watfc^f aaej tr.«t persoa* - sion of 'Origin of the Species' has two sans. Irwin. Jr., 35. and with a knife. Consulate person¬ Arend Don. 2N. [infgkas it tae ter«cm- at • career and not because the by « *s nrij *i pnasitiie We-. " tion will be given by tin- Rev. geaal until Indian police pe¬ several possible Robert C- Gardner, minuter *.o tad Carton Ar- -WrniAC »ad «-rtU»< * There are riled. *• T^e concert it in Hecnanry f-^r *.uccew " V ou rea'ions why Darwin did not did Washington's version: Arm¬ . Mcraena! Onpei oa aiwod trv -*t coli^e : » It GAIL GLCAdOV Uroan planners do rw. ait in MSU's urban planning pro¬ Kis sources in the original ver¬ .illt'iiliim I i'Ih strong tried to keep Chang from 1 3«- «. M Alt ia «* cievekp Mus «*til by pract.ce. \ lfa*t 2 of a Rertoaj % .ty council meetings drawing gram offers the undargradua'e sion, the MSU sdentiit noted. All veterans must sign before making off with a igpe record¬ be >»id- picturas. Tkey arr cbncenied T currkrulum »tre*sing knowl¬ "One expUnalton." he said, •wan Thursday. ing U»e Ciur.cse had made vol¬ In writing »dwtrto«ia« - -Aitti the social, economical and "la iksi a great deal sf the la- Thirty more Detroit* will ex- edge physical growth of the at). broad background education. farmattoa Dana to need was O-M Wadnesday tailed for help. Six Chinese ran lu^aca,* by ( ) maot art e er.e uf b*s pers-of-a..-/ Br then. 16-90 prrtenf of the Informing the public about general knanledge which ranld T Z Thursday from the compound, dragging r> A-aoid. DwCWe iatn pnot in aid.^r. to the methods and purposes of ur¬ Majora* etoctivea outne from hardly be a Metbated to any nne "I- Natai. Donunt" Person* i pcpulatioo will live in cities, •Jut areas yf buaineaa and pub¬ Armstrong inside, bound, beat iaJorrtthUoc. creating a major piobietn in city ban planning opens the door to nun. married students of All Saint* and questioned him. He .waa !*» Mtidaa.* and TW- are an todickti'io of f journalism majors in this field lic service, economics, English, grvw-di—what to do where, paid "For instance, the 'survival of Episcopal Church in fcast Lan¬ released only after Indian po¬ Wkn."* "a* »A abjrty Jo be nid. Hundreds uf pamphlets and gography, journaliam, land¬ Duke. aaaiMont pndes- the fittest' Idea and the notion sing. lice intervened at US. request. 1 cnoi* by M Bar- >f urban planning. booklet* are published each year scape architecture, political Michigan State Univer¬ » ir to help uuople understand what science and aockdogy. of evolution were generally Tin* Tne growth of a city needs to known before Darwin included Band. IW Leonard Fal¬ I - mmuy Mexico Cily iAtUege be planned ao (fait major prob- urban olanaing does for them Graduates in urban planning are by federal, state and tham in the theory of natural sity cone directing, will provide mu¬ Pommy Sigkl Tickets u film to Be Skotcn >ms do not arue upon eapen* Math, mitnaanni and acience local governments, universities, ■election. sic, Om Sole This Week rtudenta trained lo think thing* An estimated 791 students Goim V> Mexxo fO-* «'ioi&v out to a logical eonduMon find and private tngnoanlea. offering "Tha question of to whom a will receive their degrees from A Ink* cuttac «0 will ,1. •Aiaea riauuc. Tkrao ktnu? SpodanecAjA, Neher-« k e 11 • r this training luunluuhla in ur¬ a variety of posittaaa, Duke said/ scientist should give credit must Vnv. i.-.■d Darwin, although be had been T»e protjtour can only be 22 years in hU research, rushetl be. held Tuesday, Doc. 8, at 8 ing to charily L-r- ■ l?* a 1Mb L*rry Con-ah a&d and women live field. Mylu Boylan, profeyor of ur- In omra, of Wnny night thia h~f**u 1 atsaCect- gt Ilegifto City solved 01 men planning, -not^sne MRU into the acjua! publication of p.m. in the Aud. Candidates for n'fti trained .n urban ptanniAg. Aortal and economic prebien.* t*n degrees are a>k«d to auannble y«ar la Subu. r CoLese term.- w.U be oc require the. knowledge of spec- graduate in urban planning has 'Origin of the Species' be«-ause Majors in advertising to aool- biologist in the west basement lobby y at af ria. tmtm. •'•r AaM %/i abow p-cturev. uf the ^ theae fields. Witooot left the field." he feared another asd five upt -n ogj are needed and can be Part three gt Bo , would pubUah Drat on tha aub- lba Aud no later Uiau 7:40 em, MSUItem**all *i« trained fur work in Uto urtoan thia mtofmaikgi, an urban plan¬ rtnas.'-,g kouainf, jriaapor*^£a-a ner w WW Any f>«»aning bead, aa ■ 'MA Sr M * I -C.iH.1npr llritain Mirliisran State \ tM., f II Miehi&aii StnIo Ncm« ;.r«: W T4«f 1*-v-nc .- T #' 1 j Krur' Tlsfh H V M '♦. -S«*»*!- ■» nrh-nf* unfi ^ !•> ' .*-*4'if V' ' * «»Vlr ' '«-• ' " ' " Jtfe|Sp' * ' Ikittlcs ! ' . v« - .I,- J.- rf M ,.»:v I sv •"# *.-t f V»-.-> J. ;» , ~re< * Nf--i»v*« M.T- -W I.-,- «u". .. - . r ' ~rO: * t * -' C '• S'4— r.. c>*.> ^ • Pa\vl w» *f?» • ?".-*• ■c-rr<~S. k- ' / Ir ?»■*«. • >' ... , k»»-v t ... ..v r~"« * i»f *"V'fnt."»v-. TWerm*-- i uvvrox s - - iw *' lit* Vi.-» | \ •," h~ V,. «»u*i r*'V» n torn** r:J>.r."« S.xnr".;rc >'v r< «. *• * Tt r-f —*V.-.c rv**r f ^ C»r.r»* . . Lo« ; |« Not the' Answer i-.n-.'i " .**, v "f t rnfsi1 "-A ■'••f'" '**■" CAMPUS CLASSIFIED] TUF CMtMtl kl Pnpxwai .. %. NAIMI>T> t F* l*k* MMUl* P«Nif»tHT *lt» ■»i '.iW* ."'K' r-r»v * •»••••" -rv-'rr ■.(>■ VvMn- V ,~>K-i'-?*■ '.i ^ ' TWn. ifi »"n riaMtai Tm Mm M -Vr •wt' :• *f« *•*» :■ »• "■»•»' ni'*' •" "•-• v :w - 'V >v - ' " *" ■ Mh ri'lh» t-Jt t*t *••<»' tkfro rr**T! ... ;• ' • • ' ?.« * 1' ' f * " ; KO Mill V\T r>'fr~v>* f fc-v ft hi * ^ -r.-f/C * * •' "'* '* ' *""" rV'TV > V* > > , :Sf •H;i;;rV ' * V -v r-"*^—*■- :•. T»r*.; •***■<»- *•' v ' ■ * ' * T.ft? t rhiit V A--- . t f*"" *"r* '« -«vr; »-« "automotive HOlSs;, ' r <■ f ^ *• «Ct S4»£ >* - ■;■# Mr.V w*/'f ne-''* * ^ yf.v* *■*■?» ,c»*e; ' h.v- v ^. ■ ».;n r . » *■ .t-« : v'f * .s' V i .% • rhf SVP ' r-v - • "V * _ 4• ;t4 %iti ~ :»A n..' o «• MP v. r iv.T. :tn- r;* V ••> H <1M ' -.C ,v*~ rv? ~ . . rt * y f.N. v kv.PT^***' >' 4S» v *f V«," f . -v^ *.V-*,-4.*.*. x.., Vi* « r"J •.-'*■»• flit .wvt .^r '.»«'•••• *"*- ■v '. « •-<*- • l»f-r .f F —rr r J 4 A* *.v, A' ■ v.r, • •.»,«. • - ff « wtkmMft!* '« 'rm■* *T ,..- 40T 4 * >A ♦ « V h-*".»nr» tva % VP *•••♦- "lost.-, v\ th« - «v \ #■ ^ f-». . ;■! •r-^tir.iMfi >•«»«« **«l if «-*4 *-» Ki»»T ir| t»^3* f -*1 W*, -.vr ♦ .*>• vt* ptWN T>" i'f If* » Ffc w 4- V. » ;l*Kr SUM W»V • V * ,,»! kijf. «t!it * • »- W.4V .P" .-»-v > r: k ;.r '.*» •" .»f • * * w- »-»rr- fa.' .V be-.-.**;. *r>< #»;Mr4*#f wr»; ->t»: %■' f -T, ( m~rtrr- t t ■% *+i»r t M* *-f w> va»4 . Tt-'V* *vn fe f-l-f .'■-••• l»*A4 -f »rf * vfw* ».r»; • n: ni p' »• fff ff '.C v '■ •ti-r- : uv «-*v. r>-« f it * ut: kb:.i: ff -.i t- ^ i/. T».f ~t K . v n, * — ir »k A.rtf .r»-1.ftf •■'hp ?>' -urr rtt » * "T V w A- ESI^LC>MENT PE^SCSi% r - t ~i *: faa-. V*.i ' k- r/:ri.»r k- 4 ; ti » r>. kN-t« MIT % TH IT If »' »* 4 .r k*'* . '•:» rt ~ Vt:T ;r».f h -t ? * r«' f >•" *** •A' r« rr-:».»?. co? sale INFORMATION ' Vhf r.U.»AtfiT f.''..f; rklxf K f <:>r rrt••***»—A* rr,. U MfW* < t r--to -xto.N ■- — ^ t>* %•:<: txkf ' if «-f ' -r * hpi' " ( fj'f *•;.iT»Af "t-> vfiiitf ?-if «*v- ■ f.i.r i ItlMMAi nriTVIM pru'tT# .*».'»!* «Hf*t a- A ITT.K Altu.lT. . '♦•■ 4.hi*, f'fhj~"v .'• 0»C. %V|f %Th*>\ -4P. * r *"' rt f-v.T3t*> ton-* « vputr i.f .-iff A»..'f :.h4? rhurpi^ * ht Y*tWt Hcf>«n * - •> : U 4TV. A ■- * . » >*». »i- * >n-4 ^ r •• I f- f rr ?-» » re**-* c*f—hk**( i ,fc i t rv*# : .r. . r* f v-v*n» "-.'u: Interpreting the Aetcs TTtf rxrr.M.* .'* t Fji»* .a' urnr Ai»r A*•;»;»* c-». ** Attifiurk at* *y»» ;.hl»: T » p.M;T *f« ;••; '♦ "Tr.i h# -4 ?r ;. • S' *.>V • nr.,.* ■ j. (.- /-•»wr *> ' « r, .-. - ».*,*.? *- ■ .rtfv. f**+ iv r-«h hnrt" n t* -1,.^,*. »*i: W4 t» »;•* . h» »ec;vT."f ♦.*.» pmpujI. • ai 11*1 ACTA ATtrrt iuitirKpf ts usw.v; «*T 1 .tot r .v/to-ti-v.. ;■ .vccts 4 / r..r «n* *» -. j *«.•».. K" " to'toV <»•■»•,>• » ,<— . b m!" 4^: kMwl l-to-- THT FUST F,KF?'.»€ ' •»> f/i'T i v*. ♦ v>-# -1 v, IfilRCItT*— evm «rtTs c.tot f v"*f ' Nr«» Aa»n«i f Af 'P. ' * > (K « nxr* TV'S «btotf«anr. \«-v» twiit '.pf «t! fii'fif r:Thf ».rv * v.i * • tt rir => .-tf IT T-'to* *"' • * 4 .*tf V . **, -f Tift" kktf MS. VP.,.: hi'-t •' .'* •" Tina IP-BHP th» !w vnK o» V||* tf»k t * a;". » 5* kT: rr>'» ■ v,,* •'»' '* ■•> v • w. mn OD MIW 1 »n* i ,i rtikttts* >;v»i x-ifct m « * M ■»prv*.'pp«* »' *4 %•- l«« IfTOTTIIk GLU tis- * • !* wmw u - ■ i » Ot-Vllt AhC 'ht rn^f '-k f»r •* . .It* *"Ufc'. nrMw .-- JvCi * « *-»••* h**» thr 1 .•MP4SftRt .: V' TP 4 JBSif3i* - IM 1..- X.* StM+r* hr • ?.r 'i**rwwr T hf ftHfhw <»'' «Tt«ipr;» ?a < nc r. »rt•- 4 !»M ii*r thee* hv tA-p. f- a:V.' W:» Pvi-JW-'- Mil ««»•* « i*1-** •» * 3h. n» 4 fc, 4nrif* .. -1 .'ft* h.ter KTif. tt* •*nwujr at wt*ir s- iijst k u:A*r ;im .jjk »»k - : : ***.z 0m» • » n A«M ACTIMTrilv e; 3.r tufc-p* tnt"* 'r>»—r ~-r h»f h»l h»*» MM'tlii'm •"TPtbl'M . 1 1 4 o n.l|i «OOT*. • . • r.*t* > .tf* . . k" ••>; * -iltf «liKti»T-t> i '» '4_1 :^.r. Mum w....... to the htlilor W-» 4 -••' « -. A** C V ''NnPf ftf r..-«U ♦ • totiWHin.** Vlimiii t ;h» n»Tt etijt v HUeTf. haflT V ♦•-• ».**» rH.-iit 'c nn-t..»;k tt-i v 4 !•? th» * ,T* - *f Br* A- . .v:< »«r- V,- . iiBpw* fcit- 4 pf«iu ve e-t.ri- v :*• t tif t«ni ear- tw :«*a '>** •' ha,*' mie? - i rtt'- if*-* imniK uPMbf* MtMliimib InwrH fill Should Seek Peace < Mthnts * AS«r V*!vsF "m*. :* sr-** en cum lotxt, nnwKiM u »•»•-*»«»- li v to: * :* to*w—: :»* FUiJ> el- Y.- Hi-if.-' 4 - «CR^ TK* 'k • - -pa. 4P.T I*.*, r if:- . u ;•"*■• * *». f to.»I . «■ fV • .4 ♦. -»;* V t- t buvw-to *» r*» »n*i* 1*k.r la't't .i"p' "hi 'a • *.« -J.' •* i. ».I? ;• • 1 **' e!f. - . ;• i ♦FtNM (lit *.-« » 4 • "•*» '■• *• •» -r t?>* ITl ft* ri-nr *ftrn»tm Tf* hi-' AT wnrumiis fth.f'••*• " ** lia.: w .tat'! •. I'n*-.. fc- t S'.n » Vf«- ■ • I . . N ♦ -i. ••».* r» if fliurt'.* fit •«»- Tncottik ?»r r. e-h!K*f > at-p; i.urr toh.SC V Si FA* % ITS ► - V.fcHtoin* tt.MHikT iltf totfto'tf Vitf P Iiiiim Vlib* *'• tor-* •v«e» nrujp ». tf p. v. r »>» i * u .14 t |kfc.-» unit . r-. - v ,r ».us'•uh V- »»>• ml M> Ibtoto nto-ttf- if P -!,|r? tfw * P'" 'T.*t fW"! I Itout to |tf hto tohi - lljtf '«•* Itolin* T>tf ttoMII »vli.ip'..!m* h~~if —Httiwji •,{ ,v>.. ' - " i.n»t **j •*. ii**f*stpi " tonMtotf rtotrmn h »T-4 tin ntiii* ton* to rt • UIILOi OtoHUOiX -.♦.hTto D»: rxTxr.' to*I* tort ibtotf ftfto'tf 'h* iA;H:tiiPW -tMiuth • ■ ". h*»n fcf}C IM" CM* totoiitf mf ilw re*. e5'1*: .T«nf * ;*•» ■*— r ; Ttm |»4;k» .iff. - star rrt Vw--4" ■ t •»- rrb"» .b> Sb' lbt hub Tu.t» rTvr vruutnr; «h- v . ■{ ; —1 ; v» rru.ti-i iironp*r~-- # :-4 *i» top ' .' ■* in* «;. *P4t .1 . ?»r »*4tiH£rur *:?»»» vr t » ut. ton* totfrmm met «»tf* »»• a . » »•-' .f» V-tlM-t Ilimib'U* .ruiv j *♦ T A\ ftuMI V % 11 tM I •tf'.-* ilw n,. •»»»>-»•*» n* lit rtf- V'lsf f»uii »i»; *» en»ht»t.w*i .iw h~ t.p;t«t . ;»**»»riti:?^ nm.;•>•.: tii» t-—u- rummtict «u*ti« ton* »-uPC rvy Otorr*:!.- frtf-*. -i v k to, -I'm PiMT til. »wi IWIito hUi toN ni'tftolNtotiM *mtsfc:.i»« sua t«■ **t-.f»t ^:.ucwj b'tf Iltf T' 4*to v W'.-s: rto m-"t rs»f- ■-.r-tf *t Pt* &•■-- 4*lit nil" iiiM Uto * nc initoltirnt. • n mt ir>ii4»\ rtiuii hi,.u,T 1..♦''»»" e; ;r-a. tai n Mirrtupkt ft frrviHfpr v m> •» J«r«tt.v« A .* M- .PT» H> ryj» kMpnMj. nm- tH to r«i «■ u. .' w-rfc '.mat » h » "f ...! EI-: "V #itit T.lit Jh.H.4 iL :i'' n 'nrv tf*. 'V» „ astt m.i"« -rA'-jT. rpt-'nruam t,k\rpti r> rj*v *'•.•*<» TJt to:* nr.SfedM. toi- - *tgmuruu. iiitiuui^hiit a' tuptw? tHunuiif.. itf-*v*nt Pit «?:f t JP f- v t: » sarnmr rmfir-- nv»- • r ..-i.:v-- . *0 .**»- » !' fi-utnuMto »'t; AxaifM*i»* -*• **-*• • *« jr-.a* 4,-T. '.mw * - «» lif t Gh-uwfcihr* ftf -to ' f~*>» torfe-'n" *nt V!w to i*Ct Ml Mi nnr*»- ».' nr * tt» t»w*n-"»a. * nto 4»e»-*P- l issweri ?mzte ft> » M»* JIj ' «u •** - .: K—r e>rt •-/ S»r » rv£ $; Or*tSt»m • ■x • r?e* t <• c artbfhaa fBMUheh, T» mu"U,M":r!i '... '* 4 H »—***.* f-:- M» r - ♦* -» .Sa-nnnstf v "v nifirt tumf toFXtTW FftolOt C1I» .fxtf-tf* ro Stuun**, itm Swr wqp» wwu ti SPOTAX ■ «nu4il ;T HattCto-" m iirtu u* MTifUKi -nrui* tfw c :-'»«* •» " ** - T*hr UK\ liUXt-f tm-rr.i » 3A.IL t-A « i ' "t« Kittwitani 'WitttorLvr* 1*1 % mnarc «m« ritftf. t«9!»f vn "51 Ijrth-r :ih*r. t *t* ' Mutjtutlr ••«£ r - KUi-n: IV. CTtf JATtf Uht :♦ t'*ii trtai.; ijk' in k.xx-, vw««?t; -NUttfS-*!;. *'•»'- * »'< toiibSKSLitf* K'« * *i».< jiN-'agv*' -'.4Pvir«t pm^>wito» . "If-tf tKTT .w 4>fcTSJtf» »■» A.**. rJto-tf « fci*psa»-»t V J-i.ift tot * s A- -; • i- -en. -i. rt hrt>«m iw"i itftoc o fW. t oriunrw. Btoajxto- »-* rf t v S.43t. Vto« hlf •i-ulTlt t" ',*r. S;* eaf-f .■u:*r*rrUfJ rr-.T v>--.. mxaras *»•- e€ T ' . - »n r vuu>* Lurt«ie F* . A- A- r a to t!,- Ij.a- mar- cuar: .• TlUiT » iltf IN* pwM If jr.-.* v tB.fTv' to'nsc*; a;nt-4.rrt; Aiaftd4 Ghwrs. -.u . * . «*. wito/4 CS ' HOft or IV- * l»4-i iltf ;i4 «u tutf rairt3«i» w« 'Ti ut;>t »:x.uin u ar u x.m. snauh» a. mp-juhc. itom *&*-*. J MUT M/(itkT1a\« «■;.»"■ to-.:: T»."tu: at jiu-i.-t f; "h,. rvalue a ttoe a«rC ! mm : »*v imeugi »n> * atttoSaC :£Mtt fane. It r. CM i T nrruumi t «rauutf»«» fUitf-u v* aat vnac *- rfcni9S ft rr a.-- En. " > f-s" .it,-. *ao cut J*»< »f »** totf nrvf»«ut*.:nai u Vitf Wmrnn ^wn tot tnfr ?tot ji'r"m ti<* . ton '»♦ ptotfr*s«ai . ■ «itf K-t &•* '• -" toltimufr " «• -mr-r-vmitir tt-u cahoku. amocunos • '-ah.'.-t »>-/sbj: aciosi *r- •• . •. : • -_•«* -u„.r v v 4.S.. a VWMt. Abtf. Vr. tr-e, tot ■ . ^ r u*r-i:> * je.Wtf rmv"& * ' r «t»V **« * • " ■ *-t»n jtr-nau-i n nhttf- turn: Apt 405 c*. sni&uisarri. -to-j. fVAJB# Hit .LtoW,. S» C<*4- turf s® saar^aofiiE. «r -■>!-: «Ktr an*M! vrsaou" |P*::4 tol «• m VT' tlOTTW . a «tf-T. ftjca htfntua T.J* Miv MJ* ttoMT tfto- CktoWtoth?, t5«*»r"nr. . « m *<- ■ tototo sn ar* b.~*r * *r vtfftM* rr • » txr itT tt ms AM. « v-»hi tai snut.:itfn-. tt L*aw4 «* •f4» le»-V«r ctftiBr-. «nr tr* ANSifC***^ f~- * *« tun w rtupv Jtvrr.\,m pf ftcoat w-ra cooat&vT Jtor hitflUSK X* CStffftW — - -wn*:sn :*r 1* "tommuti*r « 'to" -tor 2KUQM, Ir e*3« tiuwr* inn - - ptotisim ixmv 33«m« t« «r* --®. as £. latifcffsj lO -» hr^ir B . rotfn-Uifa and a C-tuc*#* .^anto-jjar, a- wmtwK Vtf If* JTtfWii. • carva • jtaa-'- a t*aiwc. ON.'- rmtfiJtg rf St-U isHDceS - w- • »*h« «m ar« :*-«• c*vr.i*to »to3&4A ftcrjv "HOft '««« RUtoMBM M2> L * ' *' £--.'TU» HXI cvrj r • JkJK.. tw,•••■'—.* T'tf a— " .YqtAl Staff 4»ur^r OhrFaeasat iar:; ■ustiftiT J--VJR- TtAUftS trans^5i*] •1.MX1 KHIMTIOS (OK- raoux. lex. ' -AOttOhc TrtHn . %'ltf t«IM> . MTS»S AK» HUUAFT aft*. »*r 1 AJXo, Ihtoi .St»u*n . n • 5 MHttn.w *r%r» vnn W inston Churchill In Mtwewwi Basement Ike E\|H*eted to l r*:e IWember I. l*V* fate Thtea Celebrates Birthday Egyptian ,4 rclieologists I^alHir-lndustrv Peaee ■*— • TO PLtatURIt TRIASURK • Find Ancient Munintv IVeMilcnt to \d«lrr«% N.ilit»n on T\ Pritain's Wartime leader f.hecrcl x- CAIRO i TV—Rfypti.n irr Vpolo jri.i* ill wv f n.1 .. v.hi- Before leawiitg \ ountrw on \lin%ioii \t House of Commons: lias Pari. s e. j.AWy*»r-.M mummy m**ntlv rich! in *~> l>.nr- t mm; o»rrS1or of th* O*iro Mutoum \VASttlNV.TON • T*»—!Vf»i*ltvi{ K «enhotter i« exinvltxl -V-'v I »-i* reserved mum* ?»» urm* r-m*n."VCertent un«ler«tan.line ami d»- v'.VS' ^—Sir •.< V* <•;, * 'h»; •'• iv*. n *-. ov$u,s?*.« cvxfftn. **a* opomtinn m «tee! wn.i other in.ltj«?rje< to Keep the nation'* J, v-v v.« sr>:>. „.. . .kf, ' «*a* in rvjseunt rec**r\t« P.-'edl* .♦l* IV* .<0 economic deveiopnt.cnt ahea.i »>f Ku**ia'*. I, -J- T»rjr ?-»•!■> hi* junior » * < Vad ne d<\» whet* •: s. Vpi" *• • * *va» -M.cav • M.*nvt«* -.-nv! i » prw-i* r.: f Yvh' •"i -c '-.*■• *\> had d;5« ii'.v T«e months after the tnten \\ *« *e tlon a ftfetrr*. tew ard peaee trson* X. %yr ch-eee* fed * H * - •k-M-.-e.-* yArrrxV' • ««. 1 k:; *'• 'U>; >..»•* i\ ts* lie mus- l»tt hetan lltstan announced *1.t: '' *d ' ... a» be Insured and enhanced >i+ sienl. s.»j down—*uh k » « r :,st> v* C'M" that then«*nv- . • , x „v♦.* t*e an,»thf ... -ww- H A* « f\a:ivp»e maseum • ha«emeut hate nrtrr Wt r red " : •' a.»*ort rt« 1 - e-: * e • -e • 4--. *.» i-f e- .vera*. a ; sr*~ f ' C..r< v. 4 • i «*e-s fC r*" M "*.he been re|t«tere*l nhotoar a|»hed r-. rsdo* n-.i . , , . ... ,,>s^s-r»' >■* ■vo t ?S:A AKTtp V5A* Ve v* e*Yr{t^ rtseaVv of or a««e««e*t It nod red* mor/ still .V h.v i.S'ilk 1k,»V •-» r>- £">■ ivav.I .•-•.;*t*'-,*« t?-e Vi»* vV «**-?: * . e r< -*e.- • * •-e V*. — .:»r-.r", •„« tm,wrr tn ' e Ite In arnlen ho\e% tthleh hate xMd S« -Res j* v-e -.Ef-.!** **a'.k.». ' 7*-x* • .v. • .• • ** *-A »*.- old ' >anit,.:«.i •' ava'.uaMe not been opened fer S* tear^ s:.v - r * A-.t -e I *~e fsf-i a *Wx h.» e.,v - ■ v * USwvtafs 4 ' ae:-.- **e-n*.#ic •s-vc !"c Ix've* fAvn ,4j\ l* -c o '.Sia* t>* t"o 4 F*e-'*.**ve 4 l .1 i'.e * r f e MSTIN . V'Y 1?fC* «r s. - the •- > «« •'. *.* (**;t-nc pea..- Meat** \H -1*10 v esMe •. re A -10 \. , j . «' ,v~t an ittrMer* ef m««e»rr* M r.'A. s n Hart* a- K« c I . .** «»• v > •• . -■ e* t*f,v • as eriered ta«t VafaO after *aj*r I >.*OttCS ' "V !**V ' .1 " •:•* •„» he* -i t f* t nc •- .-en*'.* e\vhar,(«si V.'rrx — I> SWw- Sntvu- 4nre*ttt ef the theft ef Tat - *. - <■' •» HO-,. -ee..i *•*•- t*.*-e .• vn-*turt;ca' C"~:-.i.- * • e\\ a' ... *M|. ('.•<• \ %' ■. a«o . '<•••••« ( *Sf f?xvan.r.i ** • H an i tinderstarvl.'n **el-a-ee- 'a - , , 9 ItN-tear-alf |aM . AV-- aatkimea* >vr,' -. * *..*• "re." .!• : va a' ''•« . • **"•»«>•• vow •• A' -Q e a v. a . ■ ,v « * .la:- a->.i trt.rn«*r* »*t niutna' p-*w*- ' !Ov»Of!* : -..* ■.- *» if A* V r*tn r r*r hi Met «' ■--*<•* -,1 »• I rtr.:* favvy- F. X = {:"Y'K, - - • .V- ht|W tearr near H#«4#ltoe« •ho«*ease IneeaUiaMnn* Ir the Si» H t Wand. W! e J! • a .1 T: .»c" >' •■* .v.t'sule of e*.'-:e* * vr '.*- • • A. . • • A« * . t* OS* o' vo. |« .i« t v. \ ( t.erman* »e'* r* three yryeiei ■a he of the theft dtartn—d ad - V--v;jC-. * *••• »«■: * r .ita.l t* mr* «usce**tr? ~*T*.a'. ' -'itm #-•! t>**Yhsrt Boon >»*• msv* :-ave v.-*. Mea '* !*as • tai* ditrenal. nnpiahllelaed pOferin«. a. e.v>s ratma L ,ecl~d ypaTtP« far the tl 1 an ek«ert atten wsat *» ater la\ aemetti menanree and enre- *. -.iiem** n»*ed •*■' * !*r..« i irate- m.v.rj ** *e vr-r< . I ^ ,v *r* «tr» MtV» of fall* aM •tera«e tart a est TV s**te««t Jrss mtnaienenl pf the hnfe rev.*:- si.wi n !ta: \.'y -.•ra* .V '-i- ll;* '.:*e de-res' e*v"*»*tv* a* •t( cf aid -rtd-.tstr*- >4 ' . -» xerti Ovtt *(t MOM eater* a.^ert N»*h L fir* IMS. Mf BmSiad»*a-« t4 »-e**rliw*ent% K«v cetleetmn a.-r.vo **>• a. ce ve- - ttf t*ea»*c?k;'. *e- r-« '• itk*i .*;-ner fit • .'A* r-s *aac-cx irart »fi **-,• ^res oversea* •-e c'-m;t*.at:.v* »,f frto'-.m. f • V* ami ■v.,* «.Wf. I*V-d V.—. S— jS- »«• «i - V re> -. .1^ ::•* ?-\v" the *.>< Because of the humidit* James llatert*. White House ml.user cvpfessfsl jnfr-es* ail * *» v " * :>* ~ a—f '■ rA -s s .V*f attention man. of the s—isi x*-rrl4i «>' IA» V vyi friiMiY r^' •««"* % A** press seeretar*. aatd that he- ,-f -y^ r -{ -» ':v —,vi«cu-*** * *t .***•#*! Jd.lVHV limestone statue* In the base¬ •a-.-e* M'.vite;: ev;s''*o *ee i:_, e .-*x Utp da* and ;x—<■ v: - • *^.V> "^er In HiHtrii Ihrn-for* of a-uqu tv ment hate chanted color and sides touchinc on the steel lab n e*Y< n-ere the Tresldent will !»>»*« • ' • e« L-» vx e- '* C O — - :Y -> v K*e>na f—• ft n*u«e,-.*** Tfte re^v".. deteriorated marked!.. Hassan or situation " X*. ;.*he ' a id Mea-v ***** .-W M.-CT W •a* " »**■-• - talk about the need for stroncer I A » .-- - r . • e- »i t*.: > -em *i».Vr. .M. bfM du*: •a.« Others dumped in h«»\e* the- seteral * • ..s"t?e~ h-i e". *ne deo, I vn. *s * -Ycyvre^s.' -dfu; h# « - - ... t r • • r * v- -v,- e USA-V >eara- Nol' on top of each other for man. cooperation amont •* •- • ho .y«*■• d- v • T- • I troups that make un the %mer ■; - ■v# pr-s. -nr. * da* >e; * • j • «j< N * *t.*r.e tvenuir * a:xH.". «*» mailt of tftt ♦ ears ha.r been hadl. damated lean econom* so that the na- ' \.s ' . \sst xfCjsC ♦ .*•' i Maa. -' ' 1 *' a*K*i- * • Brooks Imported Cars . yr+rj ' The rt ent.*r* , .vv—"ce se\ Mil W C.RAMt RIVIR m-. • - .iid tuvotrip * •«* - . ^ -t ■ V. -ea.vr* Joint Meeting >lnteil I and ~"> « I'M Time Flick* Ihic — # -*e*sare* —.»,• • t \ <:*••* .« - ■••.' '-ee-..-\4 ' .s A- »* >t.T» aerfes n I ,.r n r "t •tfha. Ilasaa *,"•«* :«M -.* - 4 * :.<• ii-, N" * •»•■ ■. red ;>> _cuder.: aerv .ee* I THETA ALPHA Pill * .. New * .Mf* r-f •* ovrrr-fee of V:t v*r Board star's -e t*' - * ea. . . ;; I'nu*;: ;.*i :>e 3 ••or-tr«,c • ■*• ' ■•:v a arc* r-; tsenN*** rr > a • • - v-i • n lves .vtf> lie ;»-# ' -.£ Wesinenda »' T pm. in '.0e . A. A fr . w-»■ v •• :*• *s it;;-, the -nus .« ■ ar t tite t .fitsi- At* m * |r*r- V*". on KaProom I'Hh.SF \ TS E a a« >i» I'vrs se- • sit Apr T> « se-es tn' t'ti 'Yedf - HWHWf .. \i *-v. >, ■ ^ t\ ra* * K..rr» l\vl»t." mil tnolu.-.t , . , Hit,HI XT HI %lll\ lilt.III U %)\ \\tt\ lilt.III IT HI UIIV ■ |UaiM»csw>a %fWr lam* ' *• - •". • :•-* Tne {Xn..«*e * World fa r '_ a^ 1 s* ON ka krWnri HM»f Wor..»~ "FACE w a'. .?.» W v f*t'd« movit and • .oc - I f , * r |« iianwe^. Wa: :: r.c-y. s • -a -r.r:.>r. T.rf v.-- \ •* 1 "*•;* -ye Ar'%•*-* Th « jervnf n:'i :*e s»nr.nt!t*i ; For The Last Word In 15c Ha«borgers = a >iK-< fccv< - sse 11 s;*s e»«- » era. * vrouffjwu! r«\! '.em*..« ;» . , X ® /j Hi w* -• «•--.# ar^i 4 * r^i admuproo phargt. ■\J> *Kf %■»» J-K'.M h» O . nwt.i r-.-xr i STRANGER" . m» 1>e ?*.-:• ! HAMBURGER HEAVEN . I \ "\r« . f-v • cf " ' (• _ r A " «^T re C.vwmit;^ A /.. 11.. •-# frxvxvw. str !->■ t £ j »—, !>-• ■ i 5 a •a | • ts r»r.-; tuna *V r~e KIYA •# up *"• ! Aerou From Fraador fc ..•: N^al* t- *-.* DEC. 2-5 Sl.00 ! 401 N. OUFPERT TICKETS AT UNION s 3 >m* in i«iii')iii .ii i. m I.IN'MH hiiv is iMirmi SALE! Giant Size Brush Stroke Color Reproductions of Great Art "Framed While You Wait" F.l<|«ia4l«, .-.Illy rrf rwi.i, ih.»« ia knlliaal catar! M.aalil aa Iwaf. baard, mhrJ auk praiar- U*. aarauk! Sa nal faa raa Klullfw, (tal ika naat kmk laiial nim—AJtlloAMoatkl silk IMAGINE! slUrtwaiat droiioi ONLY . t »n ■id-IIWI" PS»S Uk ia • ndi konoit ©' cHedv< •ad Mir, many mImh*. Moat are Im$h than •aura *U dnwMtr fa.oawoo to bed nan mi nth Oc ipos rove >oO>.o« p«f*. beamy aad tmaaaat I* any itna ia ynur bmpe oa afee. Tramaadam aaUrlion inrlndaa iapanaae paaali. «laaa*e ier-peiskr*. »r.p»v polko don aad madara laadvapaa. aaiuyn, portaaaa aad a»*U- ia lavay Waadt H bko. |wa lafaa-aatba dalapbt la tba a»o,ao«ka yotaa yoa aail baptaadiaavaaaddtaplay. UMOod ia lae lam Cbaiia OtduK lafl-Ueese mUt. mii M »k.e. a i d Otateiy toaBiaiud, aatural aabuoad I Aaa mam papalar oaaaa. Tbaaa baaaa < .aaa ^e*tolly ek aaa I 10 lata. Imay at da ptiaoo - mabo aa aacioaaj l doaaoaiof porbapa at 11% ■ oaaa „ IN IliWmkaa Malbaaebaao miMAaa let J > 1 ' II a It iotkdaa i d»l ;. I it Bissrie Muiiii. in NY for Award. Hopeful Thinelads Foni Frick Orders Hea v-.-* * »,> *-«■ im» r»i&vwat .*■» »-.Sfc' -pst/itw. To Imprme on 1®^ Finish •: "w.-h»-r sr. ?h7 >/• r-t J.' V "V-i'l.? tif!- »f l • •-liifo f-.h/uT 4i W,'V-v s ^.-.v -fv-rrv-t.V i^vr tr»ci :w~. »«f * Yu- sj,-.'. "TSrr ;* 'SI r .-XT'-J, - >.*■' >».'»«•»«• 'St !s;c TT..f -YC srnfc.1; *t HMN »*I« thf +-*rr i • v vt--' ".trr.rv«: -.c - *t r*i^ -tJtfH 0- t0"€ IWV U ». Hi T Shitik » hi»i-4 U rw-f niklwilH » • •■pi.cii: ,«»«*; r"»rw w Sat ;t.*.. rmtf * ; fait o.«. "Thf ' ~i g**~ '?"" ifw C&r»»» **# 1AM n.t-z*.-- s s«r» t# *ww ir? M-fcir f»u ' k miiww«i>i*r 1# trl' wiu-t n-» v • nf vr honr*. . Plar-vv;- ihrtvljrf rani*if **Jf y«*wfc * 4; '•» thfc' wwrj® :* "It n * untmnf, :tw ~osirf<—» vmiti *•»«# m'Pis Jo-rtnfrii ;- ;rnp« 1 "otar u ■* » t»ii Turn Ipillman I howri it rnmmrnJiTu «t tt»» I'H*—•„ Rn>«nu Charities rrrt suNiBiRwir -ni' « T*-.* f or NotW renin fcllos pt '»»*♦ f*Wf IHsniv Match. ra»") fir-nun 11" rnr~ m&* s> e&nw Rut Hith Caution ;*W5.j Rani Coach Rumoreti Out of Job ffee* i imd^cr Tfcf» trtnf ffewt h»* itonc to? AXREtT* - --> WTW^-tllBllWW* mi.-* tKwf r*»i?»rvw t»* • if «it. CfcaislM ;ir ^"ts) • SIJ"1 £.T nm,4v f mm*" -hurr tiH'T, f.rf" sj.ic hf CM • in—t h» 1* RURwe. PIZZA PIT • T1.TXs\rV7 V n \, fitsiiaukk • i\7»mTK ki >rv...s ■ • S\T> fT'STA' 7 fp~~\ .SorHil Oil.' • S7t 0'A7>""«'^T7> T' HWWJJ 111" Vn OXnCREl (•:t 'f.f~ s"fw:«. fill T;iOf<" lw' niitic* > *t; Yl.-ntinc Iw- " ft u»' ft uj /trr ;.nr if a S^"ingiine"> lATMRSriY Stapler n< SALON b^er tban a BEAITT pack of gum 98v Vr 1900 LAI h: more taste IN Hiflhiifhls Tut.: * vt' IS "jjt iieTil is» nrmr—» rl.uilin awtr. • u'"" "U. tat :uL ea^i'-m; Lr ':r Tix u sue i iL'ur 'iir tr =u:: «me tn-rf a :t» mrriit m^r. tm-ssai^' r.iii n««rm.. nif iintrmte SMEtmSOfA WlMKtQUS % P'. V till *tNT East-WesI Game Official v xxir. < . !.«>w aw CImIM IIMM gl H K KI'M l IS . 9rare raws Picks Pvlc. Look. Martin \*V WNC* rij# r»*t I • '* H- \ysv •>"x *V"». V' 3 >v >.*.- war R," v ;v*svw ".A". n ;• »" * *e'#V*»M M ' <. • • •; ' • .• XiS% t,«"• * ('■■■•■ -•> <- • < \i \ .»«• - •- E-,'t,. .. See Russia in I960 »t«4p|i *<•*•»■ tat* /MlKl* T»»vfc»r ••■•••• |S»A k |«VJ» -yst.v ^ fU-'-Wp-v * v »—At» ■ S..W k. **mr,mrn,h I'^i •. !WM t?v»« S KM* •§ H»I'»PV' :\x". f *•*•<• ■• S.--. V~- I Mk4 Aiwhia % StAlr. v*.«-v ^ ar llrn* Jix' K v-.V N\ "v • ■> £y< V* • -» • ' ' «* r.«-' • » ■ «.rM^ r«N»v. • |V*M. 4 3*t I ■«. n- r*4>^ .■*••■ •» k.tWuW- A FL Head Chosen V - f.:' •*>•"•' ■ ( «((p«i«i# l irrl#. B'» % Mirlm. SUI* •a p * *x *v« H-. ,.«Vi\' ■' *»' i * «h • v \ <*k « N W Vu<«r* 6 ,-x >• i \ :• • *\v ■. • *,V-V"- 4Vhrl<- »v' ■ > >Wy ■ f ■>»»» ►•■•« «*HV V\-«> **•—JvV Ftatk W\vS? H Marie* *»*>v e.f . »•# ■•»' «KV Hn t»"i » •.>•:*. \r-r • *. •-.» i • V ' ' P»'!A«*v<. *' K.v.'..«»k a Im ».\Vsv*-;« .*? \\\* wV *vwr at* p »• P«K ••> ivmip \.x'. V *r\*,-- ■■ *->< -a—eo, vv^rit^vvr :ve ?»rw ^nvn. n- •»•* . ;v ..<• i"» ;- «*««r **»•• «• •rw# h-« f v 'St'.' ! Air.:f rr mi»u M«vh»f»a **4 < ,•- *»A»-P i . r»lwi - ••£ **■ • '•-,-••• vt, rv« \ V • . .. * » ' " 1* In. • U>P > «P'« '* HP4r«»tk « f ■ • M « - - v- • f^reeo* >» U!-»- M*x« #< v- ; r n»,. >» » < * *j• V« ip VlAW ,>.SP '>'*f %•" «»4U ^ u» • .... . ^ < f*«wAer M»ft* WW- -TO* »HO« TIM« |I|U 111 :-MI! ** ••»—>• -«.» , : -•. *-»>>-• V * -* rv*A *»><*%« i *.*' \v t — 'i ■■> -M--0 • i'vvit T>e • *■•»*** I wrxM *>■ *».♦ t+r— - • * mn .. **.«*• • • 4 « *-• » >. I »>i* % \t X n, <* t»»- , »»■•»» » » •'.> t i *! * «HW> M '■-■v.— A* fc I - * • »!*• riiNN T>»ve Wii/i/ies IVr/i fll* » s• -» • T* ■ f f r •, l.ilxTl\ litwl Hit! .... j -viiwr hhiw tpx — !*,»>,»« > . H» » ->urs^.. •&»**'*;; "!•* '*"'>■ . i- *•».»Vi*V i| »■ » % ' 4 •<» kW «»-* . •- , ATv'f-' rv;" V I urii/* I fn/> fWtri i \ s r TIH i: Toni i. II T * r - • V A * uiliu^ < lump V V » ►»* ve «> % *.-t •. t . |v u ** «*.■ %* - »*».».•*•*« W Ul» *i .■ \ « ? t-kv " CURT JURAENS ... .. Job BI D Capture* FrahTiiit\ Title MAY RRITT VOU SV t.* 3 IVM MICHIGAN . ti 1 ** I II AU *44 *m ' --P " Rmmli WrUltxiHl in » M«4 oinr' xniii o | I "Xoi ami iianokwoi s'' i k x l I KK Mioig xr ::♦« a ii :i sI XKllNi. TOMORROW — XVI.11. Italian htnul Festival srinxi Huni Ksr knt;aijkaiknt n:NNk*«>K aiLUAMA PUAA-IMM O' I»AI«!KC.» Kn l£rr% uI«-BU*lliai^|B«l|W WARMIft MOS /-J*' J*»0re» ilwlirai E5n" Mcguire -Dee • Kennedy • Donahue I comim: \\ alt "Tlir TIIIKO fREE! h GALLON COKE soon* M\\ ON TIU. MOfVTAIV «<•<•! HKVK itRnR \N» f Ae\V PRODUCTS LEAD TO BETTER JOBS AT DU PONT *'?'! 2 RM.1 I \U 1 I1MI 1*1// 4" t\.ks% * m i m n i ? im ■ fatw$ iWiriiMii u ninny* \ ARSITY TOIM IN ,i «*>%««f i < ««rrttfjr>ft. In joy oar firtr »u:\n i 11» .'<•">i" PiZ2nmia trht 9 ^ ■=**n. v. 3E* IK S? H33 Casa Nov 4 / 1*1 / iv*f\<.'* OUHST rillF.RI t M -S > ST 0SE- nfts To •JEW sot *l\DO TMIt' TMt 1*DS1 * M TO iS K 1 4PT'-'v ItlUAS A •ATIU'AS k>> " -**t 4\ll THl - Til I. I *4 HI RK1 !.%*! 5T l»*V COULD YOU MAKE A -BETTER BATHING SUIT? . Mt . 4 ♦* ■ t ♦ fpiiltiriii, .- • 7 i «■ *«ll* lltl-f* a<»* i» «*.ir i»i g 11 f ■Ibi Flint. (Hliei*-base. Vl.ttbe tl».lt't lUA'ir oi osk»o. thn h»*t tiuiv •vntliM«« m| ibr reMMiii bail of Ihil'nritt CHEESEBURGER pait It. !•;. * •< ' V. THE (HEDMR tiitrt. It !• M pfCxilKt '<1. Dul'lifit " h. I'urr frurafdi. Af»|ilir«l rrvari h. pMilit* l HI lay mine bear«l of Lnents-lisa from pimiu't* un- \ear* a^ AfiH rfofarth in m«niila< tuir, rr*r»ir« l» Cwrols... in pru Font, the inrn hIki ha%a n«itkeil mi lien firu«iiirt* and wayt to OURFl many tspei of »kill%. make ibeto «•«: tbe men nhu t* ill tea* li HEPBURN J An ferfert PUrr 7i>u ma* not ♦» k I'rw* abilitie* permit and op|»ortunitie* de- man gn l/» sork. Pil«»t plant* arr Wr 45' mgneH. Optraluijr pro* r«luim arr rotnolion from a* iibin tbe ronipany •inrf/y on e i!|ii n,'v method* arr improsr.l. I'rcelurt quality aawerkad«n,hacke«Jky flu Fonl't poliry s mtfit ham. |H , Lett Stir il I»ettrr $lilt better * STACT1M. THlt*liO e«es better. . . . Ilucotery i% but the •tart- . . . . I or more informatMNi aliout rareer opjawtunitiea at lluFoot, a«4 yrotir plate, injr tbot: the*e later a'tivitien are tlie off a rr for literature. Or writs u*. t MAM COULD Vm game. IKe pUyrt*f Mm of mtry toll- merit f I. >lu Font de Nemoiu* 4 | fne, t, mmm •> *« ' '»• sural apM ialtx. 2120 Nemoura Hutbling, Wilmington 015, Vwifl h*e]a»a?e* hi- mm i t • Uttt-P .Uirr •**4 Ri* Of Ilvlaf,., Ama CkfmtUrf H -*8SSS55^ai!#«iW«BK. -4K«ct: 5TATf IWmkT I. I*-W Senate Payroll List Baby Boom Could Bust I, H-vnx'vvr Revealed in Report *: *».v «W >♦ trv«r.V»?T\\X y* -TV XV- M * i .v. ?vrv*-*t5\v .*.4 Ml** Sw* » « * * v<*» nttWuV.rr ><■ • '■*' «a*al ■' V'~"v V< x~* ,.,t^rv:' « 1XV» ~ f or V*4 ,' TT. V .V ■ Rclatm* Rerrivr Pavc-hocks *£*x.v*:n3a. A? #v.-^.v-s«-* -.v.-.v-- ^ ^ ,v.-.''rv*vs . ' / F.v. *«> v A n« jrb.*:r n • ;k, ■ *v •■ rt*s V.-v v f—"* He M'hi On So oral Senate Staff. fr.7a*~ r»v*- « Vr.-x t--v W ,»V» WV A ;* f ■ vC"i .V VvT.£*T • -x w — i, vf • .'.jhr.-tNfra. . tv AS'UN.'T'ON 5*—nth « '». r.-v A TAX ' vsXSf.'?; yftc-f V **-» .«-.* Vf-i - > „* . >-r-4 arC ••Vr ty ji: »v« .'f *er.x:.n >'*. «y.;. -7 :a K,%»f •.\V4-J-H. Kf V* - "V » ■'-A" •'' ••; --Nr C "W.VCW TJ..V P»!C* X « a* .w •' » tr■••■* ■• \ 1 .*a vf .V A-* Wl " -..V •f "V- *%... -S- -,-vy iVw tj - - Vx.-;-»-.-.x.r* » p* :Sr.r rrwn .v v * - \ t ?-T.\ V.r ..t.4 «\Vl.-.£ A V« Aiav* ' -- v -w • -." ."YT '-fY V ~ V.->TV V..—f - « vr 7*iAr'««k «fc* r*:.*»S AAA- .W*,- 5 »v. fc.tV.KM* T.4 A"'-** Ts-W> > ■'iMtiW'i'WiiiwwiiqwHim uwwww- "i'TV- *.*.—.r. .#—«•- N* " t) 4 ■ 4 v * r-.-u.rf -»•>-. .-x.." • AT A--., I >u«.a :>U.T Tf4.« . - ,-u» •<• r r- .. .r*wi F s>o Soru -* A » i -• Is >" I M M. x B'V'T. if* A-.. AT •'• T uiv t# ,'vr.r. "Art -.*r V TV- — t 'K'-i-fi >* a '< T-i : f • f v. > A -a STIDKNTS JA.*~ «JT- : v 5*r; X :£ i •r-ru A rmrc.v** /v.-4-v.-rrs»t»* %%s>r »v" w V Aa '-fu.- *thM» Nt-Vmur. •« *: iw i«? if^A'.v arrvrw . >' —TA H'T ***** ' 'V- SPECIAL " 'fc ktm MfaM tV * r+'-9* «T *Vr Sfrtwi *w*- fnWf* rtfntMf **rrv%A3-' *W bm IT-, mttf twttI ** wm-^v *r w r- tx*c„.A-sv i\.- " .v. vn^WMiVvTiT 1TX.IT HF %TV*N Vhl . .. ^ vim th* VM»» r"»*. «t* i«W rnm in Nm ?» k» tW MO «ttlr i Mf - Hr A« i>- *~?fTtio rva NTX. Orww'm frrwr rt «wv» run ATT **.: *w •< VttNOi I mm ud )1 Til ulf >nt' NvM»n* ,Xt-v ' S|wy -BA- .' ••■ :Vf ».T-*d ~vtm n MffHt »««« >.M K » HOU'I" Of ^»5v a*. 7* fir tN l»ri Uif V mi -1 • - ■ V S ** * i Tr* -< v:r*.:mt ?M^4»trr+ /—ra ff tN *. hf• a.—» bu &r •tar-mr? .? rv Tlv-Jv*.-.-'«r* « * * f- HMTT ""• '• T*' - ' - : •v 'U( f—tr4l«!r—»h'pp«. i»Main—n „irr? ;y,\irj Sf "v Tfr rwir .t a* AT A->T..i lalmr Rolatiou<> Kxprrt *r ai& mrtl if.r*# *x'(f"7.i nv K P • ?' ^ Vs. —.4 **. *•' V. SfH*uli Here Oar, mc. Harvartl's Dun lop to ?».-* .-p. "S M AT WMW « S2t« «"X~ v\—» * A« rf • i\ domnoN. SAMPII: I.IKIK V: > i« 1 —":r "«f W I ««H- *. **.' » VOM WV OR ALL or T Sl'ft I VI \p Turn^irttt V A" W.'.' K,' TV .j.^f VMM «r •• WMMW «« rr. f rr XA mm: $.'>■ » ■%4 pm/ERj«. r*.-Tit ^ ,v 7—>.-v • "7-. Htm «• S» **w< —. r •'.14. — -Mr Vfc— v:V Ar.ATV v-f *.' V-fv X • Var.r ; * TH" V V «r.n T^V *k t*.» ; .»• *x.. • -1. %•;*. .1 .fcTAjB* Tpr ""• S.-U.-C* at. rri .1* '..-«•<-. n» »■ • ;*» • tr a - • ->■*- A< "-rvry «• Vfr f.jr«4u.T. • •» ifMMiM N IM " rvl m t rvrT «■< Sp-u *f n** **-■•.;• • ..vx «A—«rr > -tit #3LAJ»f. rrcvrr i v wV- »t».* m; AT BT abk.IKA.T-- - .--i V * \ v. * . a x - *v *.niiar~ j i'ITAP* -».f A»rin .*«w» Vtf-i' T- S.TA-W-.AV I -• -r; .|,X.,^r - K—T- ' '■ I * x^fTiW AT*.- U -V**" "' f v *»ral SiHMiJif I »• •# V «T \ *„#"»•*>»? 5A>-cj*IT * "S- ( r»fxi cut* nr at hard t« Srat pnetx v vt Tf TVIIUAV af «wr- - t# ftMt T k"? 'H'w-. 7 \w Piameit terean T Nn'iin. •>rr M 1 -,r-r? -r» Kar-. jir* y XiA" •». - . «•-.* "HOUSE OF BEEF" NOTICE: AB wtpat* *tn«l bv thr ^ KB fhrlhM K IN^o-HB «• . * .74- n-h-* "AV—rr-' i- Af Evr'~* atr I SUA l*na»e. Noth * .7 v B'll't ,'t *f* rfctMf m. ».-t -mfaii 7amt.k-vn • Nr%: for v*m fmw . . • A*HB fi*Mw *W»WI»K Til. -BfB'T Xa •"* ♦■•MM MAC -i* ». - . mm Ttrnmi Cv r*-». r*«» «*.-» 7**rw • «v' \of u - AH«X XM*>f fumtiuTtiTcv.* J "V -.1- T^n'*4x_<-r 7XIT.1.V tat T»v* • Juot-a. House or Beb ma.ufi» :.r tt A S*—m.-j — 7 X >\r 1 r«4 t .».r .f rsr woma ? A hri im >»w * •*:?» TUVtltll Vaiont r a «*w*T-HAT\; ♦ Vr. vM.r fiA-i.iKim u ' i- .xrc •***.— -T'a,; %y rnfmsMmmm r.xri^ ^ r* * II NT •TwtirT HratXviAa v..v • i*.--. - ' ^«rfc ?• 57nr*. » ?r jwfc».•(?*. Xi-l?;.T5< fV rviMCuftAAt it»r i en. witiA-m* ?•* r*f fi-aro - ? 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DEC Li V ■! !■»»« 10m mm. m. mm J