•llio (jrwoiblo* The Readier i, Mm: VW t'k.UtJ t. IWiMt Sn»<« T.»-£*I «I'S llitth T.hU* 11-31 ■ x* I'ltr » I MH |*UI»M1V 941 Smitf MSI.' For 30 Yrar» run v: •. i>:\rs Va w; V.OT laS>:\u. XtK HtOAX—W^\i>PAY, UKl'KMKKR S. ISV> Only Ont« Survives Gates Assumes Post Airliner Hits Mountain After Futile Circling Of Defense Secretary VOYTVH'KSVUil.R. Tji T —A AiHinar rtir"-*tv x of *':"r '• !.40»Vfco: rg^unt4i« Tiv'viAy x''\er cttvUnjr aw.i> ft'XNsrd *'* 4 TV ki!W. '.;ir\Mrjr lit * s:'o«st^rm. T^«\n?y*t\uir Vacated !>v McEhcv "... * Vs'i'jv M A," -;;- Farewell Talks Coueerued 4t* • ?h i i j? ' •* Honorary A • • r " .-o< «u-s M.T .vn ' v A'.'.ejfhen* NFV'S !N T*.» v yt~v Vv*: v-' ;•>. * W illi Nuclear W capons Race To Present Cftth.> V. he ■•> .« c rr e« A"*' a* '■■'* s«"v rvHv-..v Pnfttv.s var'y «vt* C- • w \SHI\iiT0\ r V.-; MvF>n the 'ir.t *pucc .icv BRIEF evt . m * >. nt t.htnvii • uvnd.irv ,}f vietVn*c r***tcn*sl r*.t»»*it;iv .vnd P^iui.ic'pi" NYC Plav . "v •«•-»* •vif-ftTMW.h y'-n Ea .t "'•vAttWcr Thomas iUtv* Jr w.i* p»vob»?»si t > fTp IVnta- >ftite Iterviiite f*' fcu f \t . -ft - 'it j*"*? wff f-H.-ft t \ ' -F> r ,....t... j S-Rtrc»r. i.v rSt'JIir.e * Xlt khf * r AV.V V.. '-j.hvr ytcsce.-: 1>CV « y-t ♦ . 12 Countries S-k—v*Vr MSI' era>1-ja:e. MiUnni* fftthee of feur. no Pledge Peace - «• : :w- ••< fo-.tr-ritrht ffpeint in urwit* rendition it **m. ■ »:.yr. f t^-r »t S in the a perx keepiul in nearby WiUiatm- For Antarctic K.u T-t • > ; •' aVI! t* tVti TN» Svrv.!' «a ! M.vtarn*r-v Am rr »* T VHn'-Mt w\s:ft\v;t\>\ r r-e \ »t»r» • • • •» A i >v •»• v-v r.i'Tnt rVn< \e txtnv* a a a t'.Wsj ri «riiel' T.ic* Vint C ARMY At Fverataxy IWri T*e~.. Hinra* (yiftv i •. •*>» Vrt'.vers:** T*.e pyftv y»ft-r\;-ft ?2 ;\»*- .**.*' -■ ft «••* l • - *•' ••• to-? Hiw-hrev? trwwrt!»«>. !W> !*<>* *ftue , , • II I fMWT " M'v wnor-s > x crew -if three, ProfHisml I ax hiih »-4 «i«4# »{*;» firv-r k-VMfv tHW.m—w w ' ^ ••« wot Mwiw* teit -i t -i »?*h-v% teKtn « |;.T,» Wrap *4 *rwf •/ ft ttntirr " wo s- *-■4 t'ftniM (•■*«-?r Uftetrre J^4 -fret«B*vV* w Vfw \ #rl Ctly in 1W4. TX« !*•'«-•>.r>. .A !• M .*« etc*rev4. ' • .' g-xm'wM » <• ft ' »f "•..■ l \\h5\ f i. •c— ftt-.vi.il VV" l»S"-;v *«rKMf rHBiwe* IVi Ve**#*,,, ?%•. •:• ■ Hw • twwt »* «»♦ a andt-.f it thy \VTunvsjv*. T-v.-be '.It x'ttv «t*r iioiw u tUlMa enN- Mtviwunv > a ryx'rt a' 3 1* I'M *->4 Sift*■•> v 4 tp.y U.hlt-r Talks to Hungarian Part* ee< kUkv tMivli f«r Wft«tv in «»rt ft ml IS# pfvf H# »««» an- Ctv-.-e A vi«". fev —mutea tf. rvx^h tavr svvir'.ir.i .'. • i.,» • ••,!.•'• . ■ • - • f'MV.W , , and — •• At i fsrewrll new* rWnfrrrnrr fttt t* ftelvieve ihiv t*il Mft'lnn conceded Ih.vt Ihe I'till¬ 'hruslichev Boasts of Arms: V. -- ,"f. fumttun *"v4. 7se p.e"* • t v r.vs "ta.'i tS"it — •.dwae fw the top ed kl4le* will trill Kii«*ift in bis •c-*-* e< * - '-e ervv4»v-.*i -*n *te rtt :• rn wnuire mi «»* ntlftxiles fur Ihe next Ihrre vesrx. »* •M-rec.t v r#" V. c vntr \: wi,- u.j the w: v have hern the m«»*l aciive ex¬ a a a IWtc# #< the umm urliltK- had been n .»r.t*ot w.th it a d plorer*. tii |*e*reful live*. "th.« dief*- » ait an tire •# Ute MMOf *W »«4t- 7 vV*2>? K. -jfirr " — rr.: ar«i;r.i " tvat did rt vt ei*n- P"m. F. m- twv. .ft into 1'nnhn tnm Ihut it fftir «H» mi Ifcrff M4« rf tfce Vl 'J KNrtW " - y SSl-w d>v.r:i«"v • r — cra'e - ? • . : >U'>' ifT- ■' r il ft r.end the \ewf Ptash* Cvv-fn!oC XXvna 1 ;r.M* "•"■< eximi b' ^ whs* <•.» • v< r *«.»v *. • ft*-- • v *vvr- riO-Wm *v*»e-'t v—v.-1 T^ Wehster. N Y Uvante t asY«»m.»:;«;i*v1 {•% r.'errut- ' V.cv. e~ft Wh.'e ffte 1 . ft' ■ .,\ •hi* fraetirsit* seem -#■****••••£" h>- the •;• are -i Philadelphia, but ,-rt t '.•«« flr'd tiSt& dac&arwft war ' :,:*4 his -.V.kvm" * MS e •: wrvfftl of rmSk-k#*- M *i vf w-■ *• lifted. Totftl number ft.-ii»n.c an.i "t '.••.■• pursuit •■'- • —-rt V» w*>ed W hi (Wnui i \ivf'* K#er»d n We*: TV - r K- - w-iy -. •: ff-.cht Jd. of w-hivti • »»ev5i c ' Attention I els v# 3Vr._a Agewsaer tF*t S tv» t»* i -1 r* i'rtm/renrferi Peiil •"e a m -etxx"e*1 to be dead *« F ' the Sov.tt. tVpu'v V-•■••• All veteran* mu*t sun lielorr v , "Utf \f«v »4r»rtW«| piwf' »4 t»'.k .. t># fV**a wrS-e «f e;g Mmn't-r Vft*;'.. Kurr.e'* \ riooti thurxd.iv | -■* '» -*? «*.•« it :i Wk ft -■• - t —■-e*-ft -4 -r-er/. ' i ' reederft ftre r«iMH*lft mm vft 4 ' refl**rte»1 ' .i detlrti'p im¬ fodjs s* fit K v'.^r * «wftntrpwi.,« »« 34? indent Aernre* rrdi? Sparta Glaus p-ew .«> ft n " 3? «* i. *# m • sr. provement .n mternationa! si ¬ T/ Ihurxdai TMrt Ptrfr "i Ei»t Gernuivy. te piek ap Ifteir ftena't par* -« *.#*4 wrx'.^"n . rftfrk rvf-.-rrrw C-adSSUt « « * "4 * IVi> Pennies he- erse-ftrt p.*vt vre-e rnai-iyte-A Starts Crusade ll ift "additaoaal evidence of Ihe fart Uiat *tale*. If Ihe* are p-v'ter r V * vt« •i Theft;.# 4nd kt tra«- ready to eooperale. ran ft were** Fi/irt Series ST*\t rirSMil To Aid T«hesl' ♦e-s Teftsr**"". 'Jm.i. M • k^ft* ec.uiied "A Iwe " wii rre- To Aid Needy full* ftrhleve Hi rough netotij- lien* muluftll* arrepiahle mIu- Afrllruv sImi «ftid the ever-all *treni a* ":e Unim Theatre lion® of Internal prohlema in Ihe >nts Ttiol* C #■-: ♦ « ■ :* hft'-e '■•* f -- * rr.dvr »« l"r v, t.Af. offive. All teat* Va :«. eampuf-vride chart'v • •- re«ent»ii\e added I- ■i. i |% ?r—*e feaC-T hfc. "*U •« Chest n.w**rs '» *--• unrnerved. Car.mi f r the fir"', time \\\ A It H« Iff I- i I • f?m* scam^ ft w- * "-* ,* .* x* ^r-pn ?•<* ~ - > p»— .v Ni*' '* r '* a. re S ft. \ *\ • *ear. will dutrsbnie tiikcv « ' Au*tra:in'< AiT»b.»m^ i i H.tv Sea. re *"•4- --#• '»»— -,-*,AV ~x • rent tsrk#?. fe-s JUsi'.' Silent Mofties ftv.*1! t.v be f*'i ' ,r v cor'r;- ft-j *.» a tee trcatv ,i« a F •- v *» *-Jl be triwgy; H» U»M»f **• -* ■# a ,«ret* ', <*-»* UK'-.' b.> ?-»r of he- in'f ■ rjr. but;:"*".* ? MSI it.iicr- •*»««: - 1?.^ »«• wtnn* *«a "t n.s' agreemer.t* v.-■' -n Thurtdav w ' It; -St • ff S: .i,-*a ::.v. - i wu-vt i't •. •Xmw bcv' a wHttf ** ,.«+ < — .5- ae p j-rhfteed t«e- "V • -r x--_"I :< t! * i»,wsua H h» lUrifli ft* ft« %r- •r * /-.•»«-"vj 5':' To Run Again V 4 . 19"!» C*h*.s'-i.ft« dtive Uit year. rmniiniN h* the re »Uw» .i'lrg '<» earth b ;♦ outer marc he* perhntw ••» <>f space - « j ?>r«e^*2 tNwrr- f * ?--~4 r-'. • •r, Pr«4»r Veierana Awn. villi the aid nf f i •: i X r~ * 12* .r **• ■ i~a* f*r' —n € >-5 •* I p- The f-i'.-ten e-» -est* Eft ..nw-. Airborne Alert <>f international .- a-v C.e-n ri- Cor.trjbution* wtl; be accented Or *r t*i r ind.v:- *JHWA<«TI n Aatarcn. a t *r*r rot tfsree zfc* ■?• v* wkier. :•' cycven.etve t'ur..ty v» »e# ?*f oidie« that priva't It giv« * each <•( the '.2 na- > pem eat.* wBfc frr pa*(0» * .* v*d« * «a IS «• Money N>n«lit *r» r »—M -vj- an v one •her rri.sved fiirr.ediee v.<*•» ->i 0y ** ki ru. ea a-.'. parec*« afternoon after Z beginning sta'.a'."!'.*, fHiuifimer.t. »h;jw a' t ..r * • •• * * -» rs vm .-.* • v-e* Ton^..*'» rw4»tar.e ».V-n fl*»ui piares n the AnMrr.c at ar a ♦ a awii*| fcrtr^r-*: "The Bru*ie!f Thur*dayi_Cpliecfion w ii exter d > v i i' v*T*TC ** — >*• if — Pert' e :nr;-ftrte thmughout final e*ar « Un.r l'rinni»iiiit Itilrhuniiiml MMM V I - Worid F* r a colored «h»-rt f &.«••/. "e -r.t v-e HftMiiMi from individual* ttltln 4.oils Itai l. tia-i * * .cter'i-e* ppoBHwrad an-j ttvo e-er.ed •-*» or.e ti* W. C. r y BULLETIN -r*'. ♦ ■ » »"* from will he rollerled in the I'nion • "4 *••* V.-y:- v •" ? -« CbesL F.eUi*. i.ftl anoa-.er wjt i.A .sin., r Cjenere arid Her he* and oilier r»mpu* »4£^oai try « semi » r xrvxr' i -. "# -ft-T'4..' a»r* -y Char..# i">.ap. " A'- rVCfl' <• . O.M'»»«•'• > lift . i pjcrrrn to rr**;* oklurrer will include a IftraUww la ho MftMfttH laler Ift ' ft' I'll 4ll'4ili ».***'^fte ft er* MW YORK -4 —Ihe Inter- ; it., J XIr Nirirtv lit lloltl •; * i~. * 4T», trc '•» V?9 ».. r .n r-r. racing car*. Sparta CMau* chairman Bob U" ^ t*p'f irlni' •1 the He <■ - •••: k -*•*"* -"••**tT-T '* national leniilwrrmrn'i Ann. «• ■ k« ! • ia.vl ..ff Oct .{il -y prt»vn4e-1 Reuharaer, Veta Ai*n. pmirim'. f-."C;y -Jnnz-^tTT f» » ••-.••• • •* ".'**1.". . «•«-,. -g - Krut Term ft orktbop These rnovief are *a.d thp group h'H>e« to double Tueudft* lenlaUvel* reached • k fchortax :• laSfc tb* :»—* - *-• * , * « . *-'" •hr^High T".e c^ures v of Van» II « x • • I"! <*<»!/. J V W ■ ' . .• . ». ■ V-i0 West CDrire Jar* Camera Shop n Lanair.j. sa 1 •-e n'jmber <>! ba.vket* diitri- new enntrart agreement rover- «l.i . ; -»*r -t~ thftt f.:t .i.i LaH^rd. rha rman of Un.-". i»ute«i thu year J* lUciphiait » .4' '«*■• rt. ••• RiM * N»,ef a. ; resvee- iU fir.»i # ing 7t.aea docker* In Allanlir a; i hftifl •» .< -xin "C5 t the term twufht B'iri Student se.-. »cea cimrn.• - Nothing u mandatory about perU a« far south as Newport ItUAfV 1. In csj.fr - IC Issues cer: \sj ■ v '-X for *• * pjci. a the Cftth ' ic Stiident tee tm«.' ho say*, but it .< hoped News. \a . rncr may rn#k new j»o TV-e ver.ee. •'Yeeterday'f P^irr* p at ih the «piril of Clirifttmei If rstifted hi the membership tougher Cf.'JfT. U~C.*'.'r t&t m* the -i'' • ^tionnairc T*e rftrie'-V vVnr :*;-erpm*uv-e w:I! ir»f lufe dcacinf, Tr*tay." wt'5 he presented - ' " -e Un.- n fVird SUade". S<-r • u »• . t ad that it mean* t»» each <»f 'sufficient fundi can tie r*.se-» < of Ihe union, the new part will ease any strike threat at Ihe rv- when He knows, lie appear* for ihetaru.'C, before Con¬ that CiiIki Asks ir' -u F-: '■* taus *•*« a*« tsr* cwnfltfttee free to t?.e r.. - b will ;n turn make Chrot- ptraUon of a Taft-Hartlr* I .aw gress to deferiii the 41-billlon- re-ct.•..-'* and rtriouft ve* Death IVnaltv t r, i C-jrr.t**, A.: :'-e-.orrn *hd their rtefsra a'-d ixcjl'y throuflw-* .♦ f -r »'»?i»e needy fam.be* a Injunction per 2?. do.tar defense budget early nex'. - - r-T-n '••' t--"r fcSfS.A-^i r.ert term. year he will lie rxptftel to have • a"jer* are fif-tr-' * r F-il iVft'eX- >*" ""* prompt and fuU answers to doz¬ HAVANA V H.e (lea ;, »-n ft-i* 'V Vft..T. AiT F "ere —' T*« ren-fteira *0, #> '•? F«-iiri<» Prainn Stoilent Health en* of questions But tl*un, fjecauxe o# hi* ser¬ penalty wa» demanded Tueftd t v for an Avuw.can 4t » maxs trial vice a* ut*dersecretary and sec¬ Aft *A vacar &a«Ra gtd - e retary of the Navy and about before a military court and a Ch^ed %*rm "^*«r v-.i Sia>s _ Saw w * "* iaag rn*• - V Problems, Capabilities of OJin Hp MAMA WVM Ifce *u aid tk»:,o ahota c-fferrd 'wo ahysicai thgfipttta, a «'•«:- Viewed k-alionj sfld x-riy*. there is no six motft'd month* the j(»b to which he _wa* pr«»- breaking-;n period! Tuesday, will a* understudy for gel no verdict »» exiMt*t»"d defrnve warned of in thr United States. today. The repercuaaipna Brc^y amL .v^ri-d pharmacist, a psychia¬ service fcp AH other c««vt« sre (late* iv an patrician a* h * The prtmecuU'.n demanded the *-.udert aiinwmu lut »«. Every wee* Oiin receive* « flung squid for Frank Auvt.n trist and three soc:si worker. assumed a* administrative ex¬ f ill name souimI*. lie was bora k..£h dsmig two tn copy of V-e U-S Pubix. Hra.b Young, 38-year-old pilot of Mi¬ In tt;e general office are two penditure* While s »luficnt * April 10, taxi in Gennaivbiwn, Organ iaaliou- t.'rf t k-cc*'" yeor. Dr, 4a e* fe-i- rr#cii."k5 director Of OiW Vrvicea p«t{^ vh/.-. gives a statist tf-ai break/lown c^ d.fccave switchboard operators, two sec¬ hcepitaliX«*1 he u T» erjraary. mnihJy with upper re- CMourig pcroft* the country. Feu- partment employs eight pet«p> Jtio with 37 otner defendants .pan WaTW-ie v'2** and the dietary, men TU'«* tients, 423; x-rays, 7.0V7. physi¬ tpirwiarj icfoct-ooa Dr. Fnirg rsg a»>d Senior ('.ton Hint accutwl of conspiring to over¬ hy- S *JR- A- ur. R. H. Hr^rr.an. hoaoj'a" mand- are also students working par- cal therapy treatments. 584, arid paiwzahacCftt ft'd ®u*»r»r-e» *re **-'-• la all laboratory tei'-i, 2.W8 Set /or Loral I.utile* throw prime Minuter Fidel Cas¬ lie Sieo eupiauoed tfee pro- «o.d OWn cifl nocomfr.oriate lime departments rwaEjeW-"® - ' h-.— us their O!in baa mamly orivete an 1 Hoimati alfi *a»d the fonn tro. I2« putinnU. i d n an arner- "T-k^cftS UM-eu a: the *r> venae doca want ia th* l»il is dun to geocy. »S Mr aU'. i*.l 8bd semi -private none, with tl»ree out by .'tudei.tj before see¬ Twenty-one-year - old seniors Thirty-year pruon terms were 4js^-e >44 Seriftii. »"- each floor. ing a d«A.-lor is for efficiency. It will gaUier at the Coral Gabies asked for 12 others, including I »M 5M-.M M IMS# «7 ■>'»« •# #Sto« S#" «• camrpMa can be preparod for att. T.« hospital la aquipp«-d "wi'h •avet tirr.e as this way the ho-v tonight from 8-11 for ' the tra¬ Puter John lumtoton. 24, a nat¬ epiderrur r.'-fc three V> four _ OUEVWJ -j- *» ^ »•# 1V» W*#T hours Err^rfefxy plans two aurpery suites, a clinics} pttal per*onnel do not Ivave to ditional Senior Night, sponsored uralised American of Naaeeu, jtMnr wpr »- ^ «'«* «• *« ««#*#<• ihcSuden/atue the cocrarllhg «/f i ,*ooratory, ■•ray, phyikftl ther¬ waste time asking question* by Senior Council each term Bahamas. The tribunal an¬ Tickets arc SI and can be ob¬ nounced it will study the testi¬ ■a# u . .. . inv, a hoapc* apy and mantal hygiene depart- If a patient come* to Oiin for f? « grvjp s*'A fwwrp » Fevrtg w« «•» awumactw>- varmiUtry At jwicsent. Olxn'i naff <->f doc- cienu and a ccsnplate pharma'-v -treatment because of an acNri* tained fmm -Senior Council or mony 24 hours before rendering f — tsalL * rn-- i'v» *« » di'tasr, pr.au tor* ui short. There *'e oft:? "to comparts** W* other *cho"b. dent tier nosuiiai sends the form senior idaM social committee verdicts. Both prueecution and V. rr~' members. No tickets wi'U be aoid defense can appeal. j five, aa one is on sick leave and gsncrafly. apealung. hardly any Pi the 'trpertmerft 'rf public safe¬ fjjr, fcy .Alfiwnsa'lu.'X -«khg Xuv»o4 mry awmth saoCber has not .» as dtTimlw la aUeder.ta as ty, whifTi checks where the ac¬ at in# d«e.r Uii* year, as was Jorge Beeellas, Young's attor¬ y*t arraed, «d »* f**7 . :Se*5gy «t Srf *-u,v- HA. ,1M mm ttw Mu#M but no tally of sales bag teM li fee ei < feving oaid- Hu aWHutaa 8^» he an o*v>-"' * Pwi" |rv'y/vv Mirliisian Stale No\» I Feature Pase lv fbvni, *** ifiH -S^AtV. •* *- V'»» ••• ■" unm toratvr W ■* • ■••■. "•* v-;- *•***, | • •> »*m mnu irw-v< t '■*& P14* T*'» hmcn» Koitml • r".w "» » ^ ''• t. Vl-f.VA" Ergotism Prolyl v. % ~*A.' *• L '•.i'V »Vs ;■ V ' *- t- vttv»;« ; N,s' X 4 »« **"" * » -i »„• ,- - «•' Bv Research Prof »*• I M-- **V <* vV ^ ' «■*. C 4 • **■' - f- 1 * fc. " ' -MR* \ s, - <„ * ;tV VI' " j ■' '.i v >• ' :* •■ ; -- .* 'X T ' •' * C •' V A riM «- *»x» \„ X il f-n-" " « v.« • . - :v.i «?•» :*■ T«-"fW.* r T,vt";, **:■<; ■•■ *.„ *. -* v •:*>-» * • * in--' '' ""V .Xt»44»- * - — ■• \a-- r* -*• * *« * ;»• v ■ • * «•>- i w" • * "■* > v ■' >• ''A '"it*; .».>* 1 1" • »*? M" "j.xfx i■> • •* * » 1. *'*«* •• ■i *> **-f t."4j»-.vr. ,1? «r .T*B mvr4 «• 'Siwr wmmtwvx •+: f * o ~-.t- - -*•* • »• A ..»• .%■*•? . v- J '■ 4 fci* sfc • -V. - ,* CAMPUS .HUMS CLASSIFIEDS «.%v l ••«* W >" - '« fN' P 'Tf/j. rtwusn* •» • - *«*.* '■> "»" U,4"f *-•* '«t," ■•r»f jxa.v •. . MJJ"- « ►* •*C rTC J >r" )4 » *- ; •• »"<"»FA /RV System tiris Dilemtnit K ,K v . 1 : '• I J * Kl) 2-1 ill /// Filimi Registration Cards * •» -. > «..• 'i I. .<"!* v- '7* * S*.: .OST i- «n» «»*• t» »- ? n*K « ?•*», c i * * * ,1 " . x.>.S-, • * F-V4.' M-l'It.. U X l*W s?.—t*r *.'• - I « 5 .. •* r «.r* -x.-«v -*-r * a.: -'« ••». *• * ' » ♦ * • • "A •" * »- • A -T ' . "*» ' <"■*, 4. k • • ' f .. -X f, . <- •. -> •* ru< :x H tc f X'ff "' 4, '4 l- J--_ ■ ■ ■ ■■-, PtRSCS*. fVin/i Hour ~ r».-f .-«ts —*«*«» ■■ * »»-t* X IklM* - i S*_ •»- m !»** ' Rets I iron/ riu*»' v ■'+ * «-x • — ♦ i>* nim»t*w - ' w^W '«»• n '«i*r »«- »**~f «» »«*-•« • t ii v«r " ». * *t k. » •• < 1H- k »--r» ! #C»f STx rx- -» tadt « ■-«« , ui< -- "• ru*a "—t * .* --wr .?4» m««n .'. v <• r-x a ;* Little R(H*k Grail I ' ■ ••>* - »• wfftifip nr.— -*v r-»«—%«..' < s ^ HT no. .X. t-if t- ifi i * imn 'h-x* ** xi*• . .jr "?«.■•**' T'-xftm m > " w w oil >t'UTvnation •ir "W •%. . .rf4--.iT *r 55* Mi, r — • •;< »:> i i f- •*- U>H t*«- wnrt • - ff.-r ■ "v -Tt *? ' * -•Ti :t t-», *,*»."■ « ~ Mi*-*! n» ri»f -t.--. rw. '•»->.to 4 ■'—»»' ■«. -i.. V V *.r. * lit Nmtiierii Mate^ «i a. - ^rntwiMt if *. **1 I . I «tf *«ir ■'#*. *je« * """ "if- • «iw ^ inter % a ""-w xr; «. '4 "VH KX "X»r --U4 ' i'HI'HT? \ttr.i«*t Manv * i» - - -> r. - •■- • RE*. Ei*»" ' ' " Uw.!* «1U x.xiwm. i Wirt'* *• 4 * PiiHlt. >IWF i « »«VX 'IT - *•••* "*» ' t V"*«Uurt.|i **"• T* w i fc-n -C5 s*.t *• "-••• «■!(«•* ;tf* ir- • »» kX. TV" a* M«MkM *l»r iill ( ltl*> mi >v»i •«—* i.M* •• r* —« **•"*» It* *WHB- MM IW tXiT—MMIIk {}»/» Obi%(r'~* •» " •«.-% ix«iiw u "»w-n -mmi-q'W x*~«r * 'a In Itririn- « • -t V.T " t X .--r "» 44T- *4lJ 4HX-r~X ->-» .» >' ;tv.» .5 .....rr**-"- -- « «». ■— »•:< '2 I*- V f'-rf 4 * • 1 • —'» —-? -*rr *ar*c»- — • — 'f •• si *-t>f •fcr-ji. . »rr T 'r-tffga- Irs \u:».k.i t m •■ » ».«-... -x ,3 Surxm. flT ■ f "yv-'vi ' »•»- - * -v * # ■■■ '•» -- t 1 «•- - ••»*>*- n itr Hkt»» *—i« p«ats ■ »• »••• -• t -!• •* . . » » »i. r •!-..* ■ < «i» aj;- » •»' "4 .. --«* «r tl tar*mar ■ "■; ~Ct •■*— « •ti- w< *m»t- . r..x tur-*. *w- -•jr ^,ut nr-> ««. a — - n-- . —r»-. .4 -vr —: «.-tJ S »« J .TV a.f*-'. M44I 4- «as» CI .* oMHtsnRs " t» i. -i> "m r«- •««■«■- 1^1 ^ajRKrxc «r»'» ..f . r»»n fe*c* • ■ C :- » 41 Wf1 **• < :*:-TUi k>-a. R- •r.5«*- ,--r »■.,-> -4 *S- 3B at <*» J - * MR— .». 1*JLit *>Tif »»»r. Cm> ■*■"« ~ ■«»•■-'. »**4V» * » *!• £a«M «"* -«• -*** '■:* a*--r^ « w ». T»i ' :«t * * -.srttrwpj --r-r* -- »-j»- » Swm # * » •» ' .»« 1- . l-! w »•**? mi Sw^r' *«* «srsi»r vrtt rz. i- * w vi i..5-— ■««* "'.4 '^c'ff-r.*. r-"» rx-yrt" • • * ■ .;.*-- p •iw m ts*.- a- fO-« < as a-cr; «-f t-*t ^1z •■«.. * ki-W^-UE' wc 'rixcr..- * • -4 ?•» r rCdSi -* Ml **#« .v.-.s®1-- v., ' f - C-I fl ddaa '. *•* * - — «r wa* ir »•- »• T. • « * -«k«* feme wr-xaj.-ifi". ; •- • V • dill dddd *r ■■ ii t ihm r* v«« « *"-rr- t p ♦♦rr* * da »*Af» ••«•'«. nm "•»r* » " ~»tw» »■ x W -MaoaarMk. ■ A.fiWrtf* IWtrtT- 3 a** ' f »nr»t. y»- ... - . . ^«** »'"• * jrA* ti :^wr ^ rr j.^if vaa K S**2?"atB. ?■" • -■ i .w;, #U«t Vad—ir.. i 7"»^- .«*"• "wc •««-. — *r> ■ fl yrtiimi* *r»sfea -i .«'•■ it* ;ssh*. MM* ,-i * OOOtol, T*JK-Jf* as .->» »!•>»' *? "wT ■sxim.- « •i-v'waacK 'tern MW -a# MMR 'Ofedtestoa* «•< r-> i rwr ■arraxx -*a?* x ^ "i.* r-» *r*. r V * ^ >»r*. v*;-' ffhf -9ma «.r- tx 3ww c* ♦ ** *^ ■jr lrtr* «" ^.xr-^2 JL 'T. * »-< '' *!«.-!» j,. -«. .. .. » *- * rtf' v fC';;: s. 3 it \ktmlonf«l Well-Being Help. tm% Help l'.< Find llir Policeman Hohlu r -• the tt--N "o.«r .%r 4« Vt» r*.*.* -.w .• Mm' w»"* » and lli.* <- Ruddy! «*.n>n about two ii' * ' x; i't ttwwcU» '■■•*• \ «• » »!•«• *''••••• >• 'ft th* WOO "* IS-t 5^0 oH W ; :■ OhT a/ Of Oldster* i 'v.- i 90 •y-M"*. svw » ov«f 5iti»>* Hole for V«»nr I O IV MsOUSjietl ( hriamni *hoi>l»n* I t-it \htxxt Rd. It filters as # Mirh. \ Va.t I jn«tnc. liift. W r*i»p*d Krw no single filter can for mild, full flavor! * THETA ALPHA PHI PRESENTS FALL GRAM ATES FACE AND FACULTY STRANGER ORDER CAPS AND GOWNS NOW Tanytox FOR THE COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES ON DECEMBER 8. Vy wuntn* here s how the dual filter does it 1 ft cotibin^s 3 uniQii# mnpf filter of ACTIVATED CMARCOAt . tlefo »<»*towte in Frmndur 1 fiilt'7 bruved to t'T sou *v Of ,I < igj»ette mod and smootn ? nu t»»e TOLLS V i*;t on there Off*ew it nr it Our |W»wnt«»«rs l«? V. W i«hingt*>n NEW DUAL r ♦ WOP FILTER OPEN EVERT WEDNESDAY NIGHT UNTIL NINE CASHMIRI SWIATIR CLASSICS . OUR VIRY SPECIAL COLLICTION! »PO'» vfM "S li.penf K Detailed and Have... W^ A beautiful discovery, juit in time for ETEi HiAD *»"! * ."MiMAlLi 1AJRC IOCT |j^ Ch'iiimoi gilt-buying ..(•morkobly *KAL7*iAlT N SPrC-Al "SHOWCASE" 6*T ICX ^ *»S 'fci££-U®E HAit [ v*- ^ ' 7'" pricad Ml-lothiontd co»hm«i* &*U€ •{ v>/ —J \ twaoiari in four vartQiila itylai yt^irw*" . ' abort ilot'O tlipona, long ilaovo iliponi, 26 Beaetifel DOLLS OF ALL LANDS croppod long ilo««o cordigoni. ond rtgulor longth long tloovo «TT1 nVKW Of I GUl/iN. Of GlWUNt i%D tV IN CA-H (ordigont Whit*, pink, olp -yt ti* > vAr. NNWV v- l F».~*l >t 1 VCW N S -IV«» »«!») v V « Vw "ttw»4.t KIK «-»*XVN EITOTIT ll) >r« FulrWx fi ■>< !(>>• »If t/FF i-rK.fx^vf r»*-v. IKwii" iH P-ft K «» F »» f FI> 31 I V* FUTWRICI RW6 SETS OLE STYLE GERMAN NWWXV PASTRY HRARIOUS civic center IWrv IW t ifl HUUM CLOMTVCTfll AENNr* MORE MM UTt-llThXN ru» iOMP »nt t.TBTf anJAervoorfi 13 E.GJUND RI1ER THERE'S AN IMPORTANT FUTURE AHEAD FOR THE MEN EAST LA-V3>', pk ED :-nn WHO WEAR THESE WINBS^gi^^P^KBa^ LAYAWAY SKI EQUIPMENT NOW IMPACTED ITAliA* Ft* AFTE8 r-K! -SKI FAIIV. 4 tuww if 1wi «urt* "4*ai »< tu«r «cm;v "a »tur" i-tv. .1.** * *ni fmtutii « yntr.wn. WfoeftxiiBCi. angnwwitir tan TWu itii. ic hum*- .iiKTW m; ..?*.« una a -'«f' icarar.**# wii- ~ Irmmi t"a «itnr*. ip * Riut AmnxsiRIt? >i* ispwraat *jr-ini ^ Sw :«.-v ,4»» «r mr iirtU " f *>M *aa ctaii^" 4* w» we ?••««* -j-it'T ■'!*• n*'; JI---'1* '^it.WBSWSwWiUaattpMR M-*rfnMtzu rSKi .fc HP*.- GRADUATE THEN FlY i lain mm Accepts Liberty Offer Ham* Ai » \Ya*hm*i Mi»v «.»n «t t>alU* 4. *11 v* 1Y**« T»" VI »«'•. Misnnni IM Schedule ...• iKVlU \9- 1' ■ ■ Vv»«vvYr &■•** k '* *' Jack-Mvwr * »?•,>> • 3- J' v* < i«n,.xf *<*« -rtv.i'-v %tjuaf iMl h* ,i*'••< \*lt *"«* * > £•*!«* 4 *vi larb^r •* t** rvfatn* IMU * *n i.rant i»r*cf K«*u» f li IV-U HilHf' ? »t* . \ nut t — nusr show * p.m. -«l **«•» r«iiv3 K««'V •i«i * %r% it mH> 11» • - Hit; hits *«• * - .'*•1* Jim IVtm »m *h%«wn M»» fc.JA 10 t* KKtji kst km; u;kmk\t • • si'Ki'i \i •» i Lit * irfmfMiw* ifriil »h«'»» Nv»" *1! f»ar +t ih* *« ** J#l»« »o«| t'ha w*r4evi ST\HTI\t; TOMORKOW Bobby Thomson Traded Vrrl^r !»«* «i« Hero »ft Ni Jm» |*»»{v» Th*«f TV Huckster* Couldn't L»ct V>*a* With li Utifc l hw Fighting M.td l>octor! Ekzabeth IHlfln i Botox in Inter-league Swap Paul NCWMAN Burl IVES \ bdCMSON NOISE Jr. -wi ^UlStHO 0C8S PAUL DAVID 1 Nt MtHIWoi MUNI WAYNE The Last AMan mW*- GLENN FORD i t Sittt l«tl HCHUWtn / wwwtnfis - mimnr'W J . '■• Ili7 atw i.t Mies JL ?>•% «UiS IWfUN aW* III OR « tROHIN %J&. IE ft ItifHttCi^r ■ ADMER VifiEtst' I IV t I irl.N.n • \..irlli X Nr» , .H.UMM. -1* • -r. Rta Waal " - *■' l . .'•W 14 : wMifk j EVERYTHI loo strong IMIJt •-t i r* e.«-y cairous occasion. > C3ijaiai"d worm for i irunMi «triRDts TRI mun i SXD wcj- :o class O'ess? " rat s.*n nil- »-o_g* to **a- on ones. Woraerfut fab' c cncs:«; a • »oo) b.| jra'i t»«e and OuUtandinK they are Mild! ... 11'au get Pail Matf's fantous length of (lit hn*%» tofceccns rnorey can buy. ' 1 fangth trevelt.and ' gdntiee the »«»»eb« netureUy . , P«M M*»f * tene.tobeuns ... end mefcet >t metdj m » * b««Main% j%VE. uv%nr# :* mm N VIHItlt.tN *l%f» MUs ItMpiobpr (. IP*S g| Ike to Blast Union, Management lliimanilie* Instructor I ml,,,, w me-: vs!t:'VTV\ offv 4 •» -.vivviNi ' t.VHfwUvr iVrts "if st*v!\*rr \x\»x\i« thu*. hv KJtid" t(> "t«# ai'llKrvvnt k'rtet MklV'ttaM vtul uUKut tte<\i".:.i- Of Hook 'Dickens on {v»r4 kiltie T\i«*kkUy In fkvxl fai'h Tue* Vj » : st •. \*r r»;-.♦»• ■. h4» .?mM ivforr, in Hta n*.4: v- l»;.Kcns k*n Kilucation,*' a ttnies, h'* ho-sC" » O."' '< ••*«.<» . ■.»''<•% ■» U» ".ixr natf •< «eek;:tf le ttefvtute 4 fa r a«*t • to .tiuvm that The foTVCOMlI'Vf '.N'l'kk t'V 111 jdhtY I'llSThea tut"Hiv S-'V*- a"S4. "V 4 "a*. T*'; '.!en»ent INnv c\h>t»:tik»n* fiMtuivHf »■ * .<( the Humanities vl«-- u»„rnllf( »'«\v T" * »J> rvporVr\} v.tw Um ■ k-omyvaniea are telling th>* *4 v-u ictitty being ad- ronslsts of trimri, h »k«!"Ver* that .• \\»v 15 .«**tt'.«- 'he A ft vJ«'V(.c» \v. »t".a.;K:V <:■ 'v.ii * si*' ••*'*!' »frwi.»i!9 i *t k'tT hete by the Mtent iv'Ter .% the l»sl..9he »v*e- iN*Mt!lV;ie Through IVv !H \ k«\t -v v'.mada. the I'ltltini •joeelwrs. alwti* on ,0,*^ eduritun St.i'e- t 'd I'.tei' Mutant » .<»' jrVr'uvkM i"i 4 *>i>r is»?e luiviA Intend to make one-man show t" Merit Marge. \ t. -.ef itesci i|»tion of the Mallatteal s.., ip„r% , added rrfpipi,,, artist. '* fewftirett. «v SfH't'di Ih'pt. uJrni the fhe %lrfl«wlm uninn jwre*' lUtM MrlVmald. »(T«%rd (Mlailn «( rnlriini Ihf Instructor* to (Ict-I Visitinf we. 4% 'hi- lhlU W'stt'i.t-: ui., • :-.a» 'appeal*M \%ur .■< S»'bi»!att> hi "Ye CU:- Manning himself di»e* It'S'ka m dlartcp llatiMrd blttgrafiiu^ f'w Itraumgn. pi-mt* ant To Mtiul l*ttrl l%lk« In had faith \t Music Meeting .ol'rNh'on {» . 4» a.4', have a printed coj*v Thu »• in i"»•>, <..., „ ^ Me t.i 4 ivMnj^h'ft t,,,. • ■•l-rarv supplement of the show i by ihr tvVlw.k frnes. however, for Of (rtirihtv' <■ -.1 '«M '.m l* S S?«v* (*.•: y- e:v \'.\\\ ■ U.»t effer far ■ ♦ (Vatter vusik- head ot the kteoortment. atvi K >\ 1'. • Vtu- WkSxtt-'.dge »>• !vV k>n i'• Itcvhrand! YVh , i oiidott1 \ \ i-. :e(ers to the book as "an IbW. .tt,- K. ".if•»<«•. Mk'tVna' \ dc->*.hsf. itlreef.T of The »t-v.*•.»•» ehide* Scgenr.!,. tVi.in. K •' a.vetmt or vtiarte* Dt%*hen»M tn- thmuphru' «. ■ iln.'JJ \ • k "W ' K. UV-.i M * ■vk .a. v.her *AY". f\«n>}>4ni«N t. .• vi *'v ai'.", w" tepttWttl MS'.' Nlahct. w '.: and Salvador !\i! \M»C • •.-•es'. n v"'1 c*''"merit oil e*tu- wraith h. i M.d •• »: ,i vaUrtaxnd the a' the j.v.h »rmm\ meetifig >•.' . «»v.,*h vs'vem hta life and prr.i WN.IC.tcr ttlNH'Ik. » . . .v V m i r *— ;i ' •he Natter**' \>nv »•■.•". «'f .'I'll M.dudc- —i.-i> (Ju* IViic du I'ou 4 ■ .• v v*» « •' !«#"» ■' *■""* Softool* .•? Miw-k t» IV-'.rv tv • K '-.o! F v-nc the half mllltaH Mfrl *»t»r*rrv t\»i-rva !*. tandseanc • or • - '.V.N 4 * 3" ha 1 ( Ui «at( «•« andrr a Tali kU\ and Saturvta* IV e\eeutive and admoivstra- and o'.hc: * an.i *' l:fc v4vui»os:' ,'iu pre- THE NEEDLE M- v llittki law injaactian aftri a t \e head* of miuv depart -en'* d'Miinatc. vvt.h 'tumeiAHt* draw- ANII IUda« attikr will be ftwr I > • a nig, or the ftfure k*f 'ead'.ng l'> un vrt^it ev *>• i .- r-v .<\i ** v v< O - j walk aal ataia mi _iSe injaarllwi rtSm. |ia *4 wXrn 'egv* and e**twerv*u«rv**a wul \ third exhdv; :n So!Vv'in •* >0 jv»\Y> of ceramic* the sp.tr-o-.:. THREAD SHOP Anisa current ;*rot»lc«v.% fae.ng • «v;«tal v. of T*-<- IV'.vv Tfvai. hkV.wvrr. thk-v •t*u»v niufiuut k\n the ev*''efcr vprtwcni ng various ivram..-- prvhtucing ;'rt*vuu-es m Japan i:\pkrt H'UN HTXR Wft' a»d tXrv»kT +rrf+rr |ke»r readies ? c ;* it .(m * * vk : N- ;v»r.c\i by the fever-- level rev i4* %j»f>Ts+*v41 >* iv- IVpt e/ "tvwh *»UI be prt*etu-al «. • .V ?vw'f .*♦ •«et '• k'ts their ent;• v* A3 - Rated E. BaraM, 0.0. .. . . •"» OA"* KWW. CV*»v h'hir f\»r fs't English Essential !?<""' **-«• .4 x« i ~t4» v* - he he*,! XxnXfht 4i Coot I •• • v y."Acrjr' 4 '* : 4 v'.'w'ea N'USMT frwn T W •.' 9. • Kin Kmrnineal • R>|»t»c*l Kr|Mir« • Contact I en«e* FREE! KKF.KGALLON K \'vn:v .*.r IVr:- V ;-4.*vu:.n< ae**;.iTA «rvl • (iU«r% Kitlftl (( •4 "tv ' *f •"» 4 'rV. « r*-' cm." MwJenlt »rvi their ayvu««w AriVIN'TMVN T NFiTSSARY To College Edueotion f W> *le .-•■ 1 vVV . a"i>4 * » -reet Pr ar.si Mr, iv mmi • »— .• • -»"M« i t * k A- * T^oa* ' 4 .4 • m* xh at the mtattml rev.*ej>- tou rorit rtiMMtR t rirrit III HIT OR OR VMiJ ■-Vctveh*" • w ' i«*. « Open Mmi. TUnr. »>t lvening« HI 9 M* jot-rom* •> jUkk HkVervtinf sltf hee" 'M'.aI He"*- WITI! '2 RET.ULAR 1 lTt vi n//v ia rv».'. k- » m « uvf *rv aB tv ' '.. f%r the cWTee iruklN t ltrrai: »:\ri.rmu r V . .-fvi rvwut T*i we w^.i have ttsM a el VtH!Tnmtttitini'iHi!i!»itiurnriim'tiiti»»ri"UtriiiMtMimiir!niMiiiinmini!' Ptol r mDnmn x* . 1 • >v w .. INFORMATION ... - •'• nM A-f# * '. ,v 3 n * rtve:\wd the r ir.vtii'Kei ir. VARSITY DRIVE IN • nviUsl t.» i:tr,kt t.ir j UNIVERSITY • ' V4-VY « 1 r *»-<• —*•# fKHtt »•*-"*« — V prr».\*'- IIKI.IVKKY SKRVICF. I I) 2a i —* I "A »#* M\ UITV HH.HI^T Ql %»ITI NKlNtxf (H AUTV - fAWMK' «TW.M Hit.Ill o*c»%NTMno\ i-i C"J '*-* • < ■•4^.t IHmrivw* f> ftfv ' iim m xm —'<* *r» tt -: Far Tte last WaH la Ife Qptewgin SPECIAL i '■} P r*»rJvV ~ * mi xt • "J «ntui xX'.l.v M « cun- -* e»Ar • c*' • 5 C.0LLECE —ee?^ K»4 ukL - '<**■- \XXs-n* t—.-rt S# M^n ^r VOI R CHOICE 01": * .** r-"**- tS*var,*f*"aa rverru*. f-« Wk* i v( . ' -f • 4 l*rm» h**f n*rn firr sjbH" ifh an )u«— '.f—x #vi> rv -v >->"• 3 — .« ! HAMBURGER HEAVEN t *\tra Urtr pUlr—«hippnl putaii.—isitlrr * * (FT* f 7sTT-. C'J C'*Vi«a Oraia-m y ?.»* Ft** " >-f c I*.-*- - "t*.4 7T*W v\\n«A xfc ». •."* *J v' jyrcAftx -* X * * '• " * ' Arv-.-^f *><' ^ •.« • -»v. •r IN Mill AOniTION. SAMFI.K LIBKKALin (.RADUAIFl sV "Fzrvy 0tt*9M«i "• cvw. * <■ - » rom aw or itx j»r a arcctAt ac- (SALARY 53.I3M* TO ST \l?l t ? fla v " * .7s IV\^4 •- Aarass Fran FraaAar I'ETIZKRS. ' t .» t .."*•* b.v.1 k."< tfv:* •* *• VA r«o«niMii ti»; A -•vt STATU GOVKRNMKNT OKKKRS tHMI'HKFN * -W •trvc,» G*-^. Vo»- - Kr-t JT',» C.AT'.ra# Oa.*3t."Ji vtW^i ('J «i« t-H fi."* 3 '« ywHrifcKt I14• ilia IS 401 0. CUFFERT ca" * r.v c jr..**. * raiiu '*f*W'?4 »vhu*T ~ <0 TRAINING l»R(M.RAM> IN §F(XT\X Kwik-a »*4 fttvnl IWkiiwt. * • . "s-'-.T-Cf > Jim IK IklH'tlH klllk IS IklH-.XH link IS l.lll'HH V..-4 «VJ|- • • ; • GKDUNt\ Os. '# - •"*-- ... • •*1 » • r: »• f» 4-*l ffc'-ijr* SR-3s * • \9 tegt-ac * a *e y\ti jsei: ;» • OORM Stl DENTS: l«Ui( f«r a r»all> IISH AREA BIOI.IN.I a * *wm.V* tVT*3 CI N » HNIKIV. H»R V 1.1HMI (hm ami lhi« >uada> tttmpc? Kor thr tat i kttsasT wm"k . a»3-ft r-*c e» an fev . 7* ■» "e.sd - *;. j- * a-4. FISHERIES' BIOI.IM.> CAR? » - la rkidt... USED . *-e Tf.f r .4-*.-.. .4 i : ",i-p \- (ho "llou.r y tOVWT HIT ~ ' i *uz. * * fir -a- s»- .4 l»7 BUCK o( Hoof" aro I SI1A l*r>Mr Noihuii: hoi ihr FDRESTR\ .' x « e •> .- «- * -*-■» \*>i MI.Kl f AT ITT % I a» - "•• hxaMfewd imams#* CtNTl K\ CONV. bp.i (or >•« froM . . . LAND APPRAISIM, •we. v'ee nr - . A awr 4U «| r>w#f V - L'if Ml jOWTCk T> 4 fi.*! «at *n «f J.C iMOf I A kUM Mm- > »;{ r*wra»t UTP4 M >nt wAiv wall urea Ike Mtrhuan i ivtl jiervke i» mm rerruituu- «* ■ Car*d C "'g *->* vi >i vh»r ft wu** are im it ktiufi, naAnm k* I \ rei.ee i UrwuMll u% mrrent r\*minatH»n prwaram A number e- t w iMrtteeco* irvvtM » a a 'Kilt aC uw j.urrwci um . u oy bom invwlvtna inlrniiir wn-lhe-ynh dr\ri»pnun> fllll M.• ?i; e» far a. will be filled trwm Ihi* examination |hr*r p*»«i:sm* * ■!f K30 roy '4 ;w.>cs. *4 ,erv*n. 113 ST. MICHIGAN AVE. full prwfexjkiwaal «UI«» In a given field Vr» y Na • v f •** .._• %g,J «r --ajku-e ixa (NEXT TO HOTEI. OLHS) »rniu, IP iir» il'« v ii.-nr.4i >. 4 ♦J>1( twv tw :n • p.* UMKR FOSTER & PAUL, Haor-: Mm. . Spa. 11 a*n. Sat. 7 a.at. • 9 p.m. • 0 p.m. Applicant* mu*t be rwllegr graduate* by Uwn* in miprv tiuw»i required aeewrdinc l<> claw Y« «■•«*»< :«e» t~ CRAM' RIVIK a tranvrripl of ewliege credit* with >wur appiieatM «V>«11) T 1S1J tlXM« $ iHUr IV CiU- ; sppriaiuiac IP: raaM bppf. round bppf, rhirkrn. i4iL> *n.i*jt. IK HHP kk|>r TO" arc LV.VMM, ON IS-I» dork. iiaU plr. Hb.tkW ■ - r» «• i Write for application fwr examination before l"''*" > v N.-aukon inn '■■ " s&*4 IW* la Michigan (ivtl VrvVf, Lansing U M«M»* pint an : ■■ "food ]>M afaraii rrmrmlrrr" W : TT.. : M Axr*m? .-a • . f.ii.iuiui... i. ii..iuit.-|.iimMU>uouu>ui. . ,).ii,i.f,«. .. . . unx» .. , • >*. LH1T VN-D NI -;• :«rn. Bk\ REWARD YOURSELF! LOMCAfl fOAlN &.14, - HAVE DINNER ? A* 5-js^ Koth Asanifil AT By Aun >oooiI*!* Se*r * rrm! tr Sarary T nt. ■■am fitif jr»» If a - u < 1KMISC*. »:« *nr u V-R# ' ODAM'S the better students use Mkd&OMf ak-r>.*rTC'"JC.CJ«tt:"3 li'» * rr«iH t*r u> «f "C- «n» v a "-^ZL^er. . SMnt I. lux I Mir 4 eoar rf — *^it -*• C*hj » §>i—d 'ant v* ft* WKlaW? i».#.-t ai 'Sta t CriSL U*> BARNES A NOBLE . e»■ i earta •4 wt«% a *■•!»» arveavs and -* «m %,r iwmrs* '*■» JiMpt «< nk €m COLLEGE OUTLINES and EVERYDAY HANDK00KS ■••• «'4rts.n» tj •Si :o#> a e-wruiee «/ »#* .O .iW 1*4 Iiwl l—m» dwMwl M"i"k • • - iwup pne* «y». PirCMOtOOT WIAT B |AB! START RIGHT...buq uour Outlines and Handbooks when UOUr tfkthnn^j TW IUm •( TV V VMIU.Rl.IR ODAM'S GRILL tPM'" loan e. cawD riyeb STATE THEATER Tii» tm to PLENTY OF FTtEE PARklNC UK. 7 A.M. - 1 AJL \ "ht.