■'V The Weather look Honored ( kinda mid Warmer Vtmrtl l» Bream Tf«m High Twlnv I# Si't' l*NK1 ,M. So. I*w KAST I.ANSINC. MH Senate Passes Nuisance Taxes Bills Await Ike Aims to Prove Showdown U. S. Peace Hopes lit House \\ ASfllNiJToN — President Kisoiibowt'r dtwlnriwl Wnlnrwlay the major aint of hie 2*J.iHMkmilr visit to It 11. \ilil S.I I 1lillii.ll rountfie*. U*finning today, will l«e t*» prove to forriirn I n Millp IrMMin pI«*H that (he I'liiled States is a "ifoml pjirtner" In the se.in'h for it jUwt |va(T. •i imi (miii i (ii m em ii ii'H'M \ 4 ?>ew* CiMI- I he .Srii.itr U ('illie-(l»y (lagers Set i f»-rrr »• v .. *a pre»t|ge and nip hi |m«se«l a 1 million .e I have m the raith" dolliti piukayr of imisanctl !»,« umM .Jo? ;ng hi* la*t year To Defend w tiivr it- Ihr uiiMWef of Sell- in «•'* v t»« »Mrr\ e»it th4t Iheme. t'hf IV.-. .Jen- ■ whishfJed t»» ,'ltr UljtilhliCilll'- to t h a ' • iv-- M'.io.irit'i -i earl,! tht* eve- Mlnle's ra-h crisis Big 10 Title M.piovel I', fi.u Cri •?,4is--.» a tmuKlraat t.. 'he -a*, -'i sIhui! hw tMiy IK 111 II •• Where m }-\irnor. Hut trip will lake him, hahhm John A. NAN* All tu\* Mm. gentleman. Mho will help kirk off Ihr auwual a* »t« fit: thej-t p**-nt. to f«>ur day* Michigan Slate'.* Ilitr 111 i t xiMi-Jcd next I %ptiru ( Uu* Irfitvm. and Huh Kcnharger, tharilt drltr Vi-rk ln«' 'ate wa. uiM crbun campus . f.<- ulie* with Prime Minuter ilr.frndinir liasketlmll chani- un *f sparta ( l4«'k t.» Pari* for a Western piona will face I heir first l.i Mo !ii.t|ord\ Itepubbi-H.-l Summit meeting |V»* lb-21, challenge of the 1059-(ill ci ti i"«'king i ftrad off Mi# ImtrowTO season tonight in Jettison th;.-,) ,i Iicti.MTulic one per* IHafS m• r.iii : ix. clme<1 rank* fwreic* Field house when they meet c<■ )i.ii hoiurtd .i ion il hud rejected How lint: Green State. Ifinfant Congress CmIs Coll Term wiib •uiiv TU.-M|«> Coaith Forddv Andrrnon ha* llmtrver, Ihr new parkas* nf received medical only two starter* bark front hi* 1 He ha* tcnipoiart rinrnsenry taxe* was f;oni hi* doctor* who great dub «»f last vimj . Tliry am pale irnimi «»f the 73'-•mil¬ iv Giving S,W to Spuria (laits e.uan.'e a ro-eaptains Horave Walker ami lion -dollar tax bundle ditched : • .mi) . i a t>h*>u-4l examina- lence Olson, a jwir of forward* 21 loons hrloir. day* »g" ttiat he was* ' ton three who stand 6-3 and 6-4 respeet- 1* voir iju »k • anahie of doing it " Hut he si air Mir w i I'lmln M liu I iinillirm M;-sing from Hie revived | 0. I IRKI MILI.KR «• affirm- * pu» •orru^'.e lb# said h;^ fsn ilv ;v urvderxtand- ively RUN HI AVFR. Three Rtvrr* vnlnr and diirrtor nf ihr drama combination of laxc wa* 3n :i£Tt'VA closed on' '.etj.ii.vr -de v > .*.• i •-•:rvwr' Other* rounding out the start¬ ,.h % ••• .ernesl that he "is pr»>h- "Fare ef a Mranirr" (Hark In ramerat. hrlp* hi* arlnr* prrparr for iloilaM :n proposed now • fat! term mec- IVivr (ieimrtiie: who Hiueiittoned ing five are renter Art Goweiia, I". ,111 •hr adviMlnhf* of sjix 'iU S|wtl» abtv here ..»«( there taking «»n ihrir role* in (he play Wrdnrsdav night; Thr» arr (I t) Jn Ann Kor, lev.es .,n laundry. dr>. elennmg, > '..iv flight by ap- 6-2 and guard, Have Kah». A-W. *i(i when i'ongr«>A a o..d thai he vtvoutdn't" llarrlMin %rnlnr, a* Rn*a; Bernle Tain, Niagara I alls. N.V.. snphn- aoio n»pan and similar service-. <>.) t,' Sparta Cl.aiK :-n ' The fifth *jh»( on the squad is as t'lnn, and Jnr lirrmrlr, Mauara Falls. W . snphnmnrr, a* had given the hadn't 4,n»ro,ti i.»'iA' any -nt-aie' N *hru is right in trying to mnrr, A. it rr-fi ncrged. the trim- » ,-r presently up for grat* due to a • . Koine anxious «•-* .-hw -.table organua- ■'*".le Hie bvrirt yliapute with broken nose utilTered by Jim l.nisl nif,i down plan called for * new h a.. ,1 -ha t rr 4!lipU* Chl*l lo-vt (*huta hy negotiation and Hei4»tnsk». a 3-2 guard Have finir million dollar tax on cigar ; ' substitute motn't e-enr ri the ?•>: m, TV. s i•• mi eonrtn't with the •Mat t'hin&'i leaAiers are wrong Kiehey. 5-3. may plav if He«»h- k rillen liv 3ISIT (irjul and pipe •Mn-'ker- and an eight tfontrdnit en that would re- .f ih.eir government." ti using force inski hasn't fully reisiverett by n '|i >n dollar Mix on telephone, Uryve Pl*pt> to give of ,i . • t $100. Coagre-M flee. Mr -,.:r givmg of the »,od * v 'dflgroM. is '4 egul.«- 3 the frnlicl will be pre¬ game time 'el'-gr jip't and leased wire user- eann.it- Few First lotostx of nine • JSigliters ^•etxl. via a ml.' e litl,Vi'l> )* eomnjuti.ty v. (nmIv ajnl a- such pared lesflsi Ike Faleeaa la Jlmmr It proposed appropriate tri» "Something lihr Ihi* »i m l«l IN O treated «ilk a f < t apita probl#*u> • a* Ji» vudU other and everywhere will have *een evtemive Ikilon ta- fHher. P>»wUng Green It defending B» Bil l. IHJUMR 135# ever, haiisehnld rob (he period Inlerior. Hon- furniture, pr'iduefr, w<4i!d f>e figured at 2d percent of tfw whrdesale price enpha-ire the need to resolve The opening night of a world etc. nf *nme of Ihrir Importance. The cigarette tax, now five • omparatWe aara «f peace pre- champion of the Mid-Ameri'-a ii Junior Colleges talllag. Other ieguUtnm j»4.*»e«l m- than force m#-- by negotiation rather conference 59 *ea.*on The StNirtana arid finished the 1933- with an 1H-H record. will get li'tie premier i* not usually avoided by theater-goer*; thu* It w»«n* strange that Irs* than fifty profit* six: The characters numlier Pino, die furniture-maker; only cents « cutv, barrel n i*»ck would go to six the fieer tax from $1 25 » t,, $2 50 and the hqu »r cltided a remohrtioti to revon.- Angela, hi* daughter, Kosa. his attended the first night of "F u e l^tng student bodiea and rlower correlation in the sca- tnenrl 'he release ,»f jophomore \ikilu lie feints re*t after tonigtit's game. Notre of u Stranger." The alnsente«»* blind mother; Pbilhpo, Ange- tax Tfie from rate four-to eight cent*. telephone and progritm* for junior college* and uni\er*i?ie* were i tame will lie facing them Sat- on un.u - an.t senior* from dnnn 1. us !>r. Gordon Sabine, eoritraeW *' 'he end of any term 'lank. Troop I se urday evening. - apeaed lla aea- tell their grandchildren, but a father, and Nitolla, tlio devil In -v» small » ear-', d is diffi¬ jHTi etu (on installations woul'l Pie esoiu!»«>n v.te* Hie Admuisionw and Scholarship!*, and Mr Paul i prc- - \ Taeaday all HI deeply moving dramatic experi¬ not be covered cult to jingle out the out bind¬ addressed guest* at the Community-.Junior -i ■ t '" 'Hi. • .-rosse'et condition* and »:..*ge* that in toe fratrr- la llniiparv. 1936 1-31. ence. ing memheii. Hut three apt war¬ In framing the revised pro¬ ' K ow-up Conference. !!:!>. sv'pori'l 4 fl>1 i'-op )v>umi This will be the Falcons' fir*t The pljiv concern* the searrlt ed to give exceptional jwf.inn- gram. Beadle said, the (iOf . Bl'DAPEST. Hungary - of rnid-nineteendi century Ital¬ . >■.,% at the com* in !Ui.f >.|»1 need of the p«v - start against a Big 10 school a anccs' Bernard Tate ai Pino, caucus relied on revenue esti¬ .. .e S«''f -.f N.* "a Khru*hef«ev'a Tuesday night rational •.i-tcu'e : - Wr mn> Vie vevctiur tl'.ev would T*~ Th* Spartans will lie facing ian Immigrant for artistry as the tormented craftsman: JoAnri mate* that were called "fantaa- Kiendin c'enrade* u^irnel h.* • vt fomented timi « way v .• i-..iikt t-i'.hu*;- fitm- housing more »tu- another "Anderson coached" me|l a* rYafUrnehship in hi; Hoe us Hosa. f»is nagging -mother tic" Tuesday li« state t ontroller ■•• ve <|«s uuotv to throw m Scnuet w faculty ate team Bowling Green i* directed work as a furniture maker. The Jame* Miller, chief xtate budget aAn:. t" ■■ ake rcvugm/ahlv. d»-n, 'r<*and tarika ' » rru»h 'he who give* arna/mg authentHity v the prrdic- by JlaioH Anderson, in hi* I3tti Faust theme enter* the plot her part as .i blind women; officer. h»- revolt, ti# d.v- to • to ni.*ke 4 a .it~ 'he i fleren e % rr«oluttmn U ronslrwel lP»k Hungarian "man*. will in- season as heed coach of the Fal¬ when he almost barters hi* Ib*v»'l<»j,e*! bv Sen. Geerlinga between kapp,ne*.» and piea.su v, rirlr path* an rampwa «ai re¬ L.eed Wednesday. and Itoiicrt Wes*. »« the devil, »y .n the next ferred to (he (raffle rMimlUee The S>»v o»t prvvniee defended cons. daughter to the devil in exchange a master of Satorur nuances, fH-lfolland), they reded on a kmeiiMK and v->ii*emplat;on Notre Dame. Saturday's op¬ for his vearned-fnr creative abi¬ the »Utement «u|sealed IkaS hi* action -n a tjdkll to 10.000 who jH-rfonio admirably in an "growth factor" »t 33 mllliori dent.- ' he sa.d, ponent, ha* seven letter winner* lity, At the last moment, he de¬ dollar* frrrrn existing Jevicx. when fund* are made available or mote Hungarian workers et extremely difficult non-speak¬ returning from the club which stroy* his Satonic bonrls to re¬ S/MirUi ('.Inns . \t* tnent eiiuca- t« (he nnlveralljr, Uie rMatear- the tug (.an/-Ma w»g engineer- ing role. Geerhng.* *aid tfuit recelpta how many bicvrle palka *ko«ld be prtid that liven lop priori!». • ere for trie flr»t i ungl— of thtt comings In the acting On sever¬ through Nov 30 ran 42 million • •» uerceot ' >an any more oto- (Jmrity Run .••»tigati»»n by the I*-.* also railed for an tn- 'v'h Congress Hungarian Communist party ai nee the revolt. Leading the Inah Cap*. Mike Graney at guard. Big man on the Notre Dame will lie Pauline Srhmookler, the au¬ thor of the play, ha* succeeded al occasions, lines with real im- paet laekril adequnte "pnrphatif. dollar* ahead 'if tho comparable period of 1958. thia is the in successfully re-treating her But the action nevev lagged, and Of Ihi*. 12 to IS mlllloa del- O/H'iis Tmlay .iitii the national r#eed for cum- •We thought In the Soviet team is John Tully, a 3-7 cen¬ freshman class jmlunrv HOTC This would b# Union on bow* we could help jincient theme In somewhat more the two climaxes were handled larx wax ''windfall" from Iho ter. tangible terms than we are us»s| t.-e •• i>* KUti*ment mad# by Hungary's working people brilliantly. short-lived use tax Increaso ef¬ »n the eve Sparta t Uu- c-a.iuKt* Christ- 1 mg «-v or the President e«a- aga.nst tae counter-revolution* »o. The substitution of a human fective Nepi. I and knocked eul I charity .tr. »j»en* its »ei> l.fe for the abstraction of the The flr*l rnmea at the rM Summit Meet «ut that *tw mj* o«-rn.r.g tfie national r.enj for arv forros," IthrustyHjev sa,d by Ike supreme t oart Oci. 22. M*< f.«ta' h»»l«tered soul, however, and the subse¬ nf the second art, when the au¬ * if«m junior roilrgeo ond annua' •'ur copam.M'ty K'fTC S»*ne Soviet omradae ei- . Overling* raid he wax figur¬ ' * m fr*nii AM-Un - quent resolution change the form dience I* assured that Nieella 04lMy aai varl- by a J5u o T.'iu r«-»'iut*oii rarmmmends preneeii an*.ety that an/ old ing on 28 million dollars is Ike devil himself. Not having vtrnment an i Hope Grown of the play from high tragedy ' »r(,(nini available. ve'nu y Student *.!u* the I.' S Cottgtens under¬ wnu'd be muworutrued But we "growth" for Uu* last seven high melodrama. But the uttered a sound on sUie aa yet. "■•■at cvurws here a;n>>ng 'o * n. l*# year - S95o.aU take «r. inv»-'uja'ion to deter- >4.d that in time they would aee^* to months 'if the fiscal year. total t tr dramatic effectiveness of the he exits xlowly. rhurkling. and Gov. William* called the oa'I- s-*t in th* Una- tr,<- nati-ma wmd we «ere r.ght and we had to In Pari* Talks rne . a vt tr.e Tot* |M't»;ev*'. r»K»rd.iiated by Th.s inveatigation, the theme remain*"*" virtually un¬ finally shrieking, insanely, aa a mate* "misguided" and "deceiv¬ subjeda are i.eip fr.e work.ng cum. Veterans A**» -!-«i oo*bed »>v changed. red spotlight leave* Its lafsraal ing" to toe pe*n>le. He said the " *ith changing revolutions further ata'es, ahou i "Tie touva of the unperieheta nal fickls aeverai other c>onpu.« gr-jus#, glow la hi* features. mouth* comparison are al- w made public and reported to **a« runn.ng in Ohe.r mouths at PARIS (jr>—«,»nc,ll>,r Rou¬ Both Ike arena and (he »U«a five waf distributes Christmas fend bso- " amic, and up to those jnsUtuUon*! that have the prrjspect at Hungary leaving nd AdMWUW. ,l4in( two 'l.j t •f the Kiva are js*eg by Ike The other take* place when with revenue in the "worst k«»*v U» needy area fairdl.es HOTC* pr«>granu> the Socialist camp at ullu Willi Pmidmt raat Tkl* rembinalh>n sllllin Pino emerges, agonized, but months of Uie Eisenhower re- - ;gram for jun .or Th, Wat Cterm»n Indrr in. world ties, to bit* saui. nf Ike kalldlag **4 agalaal Ike i s .red. Soch a pro- t ■—(■■ f-hrtaUaaa ( kariaa Har H iinnd M and IM Gaul!, wr r [ f ; >..-.:ed fldT.r !«rea*e confuaion, out. however. would be lost, Ma a bleb determlaeo valldHr and degree of need. Book Stack Grows M'*—I as alt Important iwum. But ha 4M a— aajr wB*m*r th* ■k PlliHlil agraad with -Thu ia a worthy program."* A department ©f the library a* 3230.000 to use n the pur- "e;--r- rr.tauve canuMfi'.* on a Sate las plan for a aa.d president J»»hn A Hannah, rhas.ng of ne*- and out-of-print (he-student seldom sees or heart p ,4V.' coihpi exploit "being^s direct contribution to* book* and penodwala. l 'r »■r— iiiwfinti deserving pe»P> in time of about i* the arquuiUona room. Each department of a college De Oatiile Res bran talking i la ta«w need." Over 33.000 volumes are ban¬ is allocated a akuwt g tap kwrel Meeting In the percentage of the Sptrta cUjs solicits contrt- died yearly by T*. Eugene Dr- budget for purrbaamg nev >»rin« (Iter B»rM Prnnl.r Nl- l-'-C ttw kite KliiMhOte, vtelte Par* in •f juajoc buhons from indiriduala and or- tWnko. head of the riepartmen', ixjpks. depending on the r.un.- coUapas at March. Ikl, kh HUte>*4 U» - gatuaauona Group dc*na?;ons and .his raff of 20 pereua The bcr of gr#du*te rtudects in U.at j-etk.rr luaahaon Wad. are being taken beginning today BriuCh, «4* WWM a ,un.n..t er Kiid staff includes six prdfeeeionat department. tha country from 2-3 Dm. in 334 Student Id 1337 the average price of ir.r-Mri, MHHT. Ckntv, prrv- »LJit ttw put impart libranans and U (rterical ans- Service* Individual collections a biographical book was |3 29 >u.ly hH %Mh HMMtoMd H A ? evort jtAior ~ pifjyes- likrlr «ite. will be taken In the Union. Ber- More uuui 130 b<*»ka and 230 Hiatnrical volumes were priced hey and oPier centrwl location* at 37 02 These volumes have AAnJ at , an Mofcrmcc Contrvbuuons grill be accepted per-.od^ala are received daily. Hnul Ute bMt tin, end ptecv The acquuutiona department a ' doubled in once since 1334 („r , .ummlt Mfenan. Kir- throuWt ft®*1 exams. d.v.ded into three siab-deparl- From l»3i to 1333 there has itr imviu* -J WMk In Ih, Bob Rendarger. president of merit*: * bioliographical, been an 3-12 percent increase i~x.nd half o# Aartt Jn Mrte " V«4 Ann and chairman. of the and fifts and exchange. on these volumes. Ad«uu*r idrliaM In gt into Strive, said Sparta CUus hopa« The oiUiographieal The acquiaitkma department dHa.U of U, OichIm, with to double laat year's number of budget has not bean Increased prepares the orders of books re- U, Cull* an* ptaniat Mlchtl to go along with the Increased gueeted by tie diviaioml librar¬ Urfar*. ian*. prices ef the biographkai and orders the Historical books. S*Nm ApptMBUiM-nU The orders section books, then receives, claims and A plan that DeBenko wouil Frrrtmmm OdW Gmmd Ts Xe UmmI M Meet pays for them when they arrive like to begin in the near future Ftllmort Xnaoutifemen- of wm'or term a:"the I.brary is '4 cmrdinated purchasing pro¬ ject between .VLSU, "Michigan gfau.uKe sludeut, was reported , |l| Between 4.0U0 and 5 U00 Vol¬ Hag appoiatments and preser.- tption of awards for outstand¬ ume* donated to the library by domestic aiul e*cfu*n#e source* and'Wayne State- Such a plan wvuld eorr..i;*n'.f ,n gocrj cunditioo Wedaeaday at hi. Lawrence Moapitgi. Freema i 11 I ing performances will be fea'- are haftdied by the gills and ea- duplication of bocks and would was • at three ckemiairy as- and at the final tell t*nn Su e tower the purchasing coats of instants burned B ■» KaMe CANADIAN Oi cnange section. Hews staff meeting, »:« asn i aai Bra CM. MT rwBag glrae aa in 34 Ufuoo- This deiairtroent baa a budget !)1 I- michigan slate news »*( oiiu( ou« lx>vct| let i i^sp* imformaiiow 5pwtw niklmtv\ ixnunu *tiw5it rruowshii* • ftd >» *1*1 »->j mnx* %no\ \t *•» %m»\t ok.'nu'wn 40 \-r*% • j.■ o-r." •» . ... •• .-.»»• - « • p.m he- v,, '.-** v :t * » t , an . vr **«.v :*• 'jl' •« • » »*' ... • > « ..v * •». - k l*r*rvl w \r 3-H "« ♦ 0 • 54 ".•■• .»:* \v:ntf; '|"!'v >m4 « -5tm' ami iv. uih , - % * p . .. o^vc*"*'ut **..t ji ih* nr* ? 50 i» m 5 s V- hj . v<«.v »*.' . .vy| < < l»ll t% mi mil05 • j .. »• jo-v.*:' wtmittt *p%rt\ns * jtf 44 in..-- j ' r*«> ** i>mmitt#r. \% m . q\ian.m" v- j> •»avv>» -v**- "a • «4 tht» sim \ • |t, v* jfli ivomkn • "u'f t* .- 'tviu.tt*' ma-* 'vav-.. v'n .mi im iuh mi m i pit. trs \4».:.v» *>>w< 0* sop f\s\•■•■■ a** hifhijian^slate inews Library Employes \oisy ■ttyytir>4 i mo\ ls\wb ivsi i wivi '♦ »«• ,u»» * '*. • * vt.«n4*9 sn»\*»4w t s txi»• tlursi«a v- •o«••••■: *'«v . «-• r »u*'"w «sw t»: • ft \urrh y It-* the 1 »>k %kt < * i 1 * **** **m" • < hxim. l-tvxv i v . * ' v..sus fv»r cm«« v- » »*** • . . i i thi ■ %n *tu»im . »». r<. •*: • « a- rv;< — i.<* vr "f« v"/•''■-£ •*** *sc w*sf <*ttsis»"* '.if :> •••. v" w>- » lu">- , t- ft" * -.< p****- antwn«i«d, • - ?• .">i i*v. « **yv; ,*w ; * !n'.< 4'# *v luncttiftmi yy~ *,*> .rw' •'.* .%r rvhrurv'* cf .v*» * — ef 'j,!* — ;v *kerv V".< * tr*..* "v* ?*•*: x ■\a « ■v-\'t M?- -v* at «;%t.\ic -lv* sv'x'i'.^ i"* -• *- i-v-r: *• «" %** ••*• % " -'■*«» <.»"•«■ vaicluwmd of CAMPUS DKinUSKS: I f». IW>> CLASSIFIEDS I-uMi.»inmi (or tu»«.. ss«|., |hut. r'a-jiie* '- •» f—*'. •ihi Cm, f'dtlmwv iv.illit.f for 'loo. ultim; 1 p ni i, ♦ vn:v :>* irim< ,'f * t llilk i'av >mr «l|; and l-i mooiui thmoph s rtda. 'a'u'-i* x-> e-» t no? om v rs rr **«v< * v v -**- r-v#-. ■*+ 4 :.•■• :* < • • **.•* •-* kl> 2-loll ext. 2h|j ♦ jk'vx v- ffct •< . ■< *:>'<■••, • art a **v«: a>". ♦ .• - v** » .y«. pirr •*.- a- *■ i-**v * « *t v-'x—«•' •« -v.- - f—'"• **r *'*■.*» -"v* —v>' a»irr a * zhf s'hfr r-w-.— a it " *v v * \ * -•* at ^ :•» vf :*• * pmorvr. so*-** • v ';•*'# "y-*t* *: 't '.aof >m-v r-v o^ •. w *;- *v* vr»; v \* i« *!'.xurr-« r* , vv vsr* ts smltmjtctmas *4*444.-* pom* 5*fvfs* v « h, t, •«■•• ryhcvr-i.-.c-* * -r -irer j" rvtr*r*d w*:> ?•» tnp l/sra:- . *nl v4uoh- .-.ri'-iv. * fr.'y 'a ■ :*j: 'v* >• c***r* a ' ffuac» *.o -ya : pkono iv .«%« t**-*;* *■» v •rj> :-4:ra. »*» •••. * *>.» .* mvn *» nti. . v I Interpreting .t 4. ustltr •»r*»v . v. * . lor*«c* • . » » mo-p . •>» i* ft*sa t-«r * • a wt _ •' i-n, sash *♦(•• mmm* rtos" sv? y4- »'»»** The .Virs «i uah hi ar\ f. | V l;k k j ip *1 rowktv iuo«t (.ipitol < miiiiumit » 14 , «v'*» * .- ..wrt.n ♦->.» » . %n»vrv , »• i-#p »v iw '■** vr ' a--«*»• - • « "employment »ivvis • ***«r nru >.--4 "f* -y*yt.*» * > p. t*«rra us i f*»« wiwl-swl '« \» %• * mte * .'•* w.*-o r ' %•.*.# >♦*» c »**•■#< e»l*rv-' «m»lrr «s»f i • •t • sf m'l v r. iy • REAL ESrAT: .\e;,4r.w.*e *-r- - y-a * ".f * >- *• n:».' • •»**r « 'am • —»»' w arv# 1* 4< 'v i jb *t v * f '.vokvy'j * 0 - k t -\« *» .- mtmtvvsh "tsn*-' "x« «sf s»f .ryt:: .1 ;trytvy a ■ ' •* • m - > * ***** tositw «t um hr»s « < s...v '-• .k—r:-* hl>» • r v. - a • -r - w»- ' ♦\« »"r ,•« »• • • ft.t4-.pi n •** v i'-as « • *s ixil* «*l t-* i*l*' * — <, »*»•■ j a**i » 7v"y ;»yc «.-'■■• -f * -v.' ; • » « - a ' » y * o- **. "p* wtfc-.p sppsal . 4 e.:a * »w • •■* 4'4 P N*.4 .1 **-"J 4* %\mvv. m.s4 SERVICE *a1« fs.'**! 3 i\4v~.+ •.•a -«* >yr *yr- • jl ,'..v - * \p -tv,*..- i • 4 -f* - -f. ua >, -»• • o « ^ ».**-' • p « ,y is^iw u . * « *» ». ■* t-a yi-w j*" - 4 -p* j1 ';.*«• vtjk.-*; c. a • •• 'l- ' *hrrv%'«- r-' •« p.a v-v* - * #>.• .#. *•• v.1- pv.1 « swror-i — va u .. . . o. »» p-o- v fy * a* ' ^ *. v - .••»-. » • ■•. o. .. • v • f' i w« t"* **• -*y-y a» *y .a-'*-- .* <-t « ^af ; - a • • * • a. .*4 . -y tr* »s i * -*s ».v-.- #*»" - r ^ x' • rt wmo fp «.-:■» nmu tm wfctu '♦ "y b « m m • « » omima ' f *• -*« « r p'---« m » rm« * - »a- ' > • * . f w t • (4 •r a , i • nqs v fa »-.# :«* "a '. a* "•■»-* jt'f. * .0*-. ,.-4 _n» 4% 4b'p hp* »a ak'-bsmm »* , 1 « *p >s*- « *' ;r t4«f.»94u* ■ >•. • * { ;y ■* '*••» * -vo '• w4rt as » •*•. a .- a* "* a.-! *0 r:f tj a » ••» .» *4* ;a. a.' tutr- • h«* < * flri'tion Imiu' .' • * - ■ t v ' -y l4 • • a - - a a— e - i « 414 a ti. • so,r«i*.^ *>44t h**'!' •< m* a >/ /- .s» w.v». .; •• v ^ 4« nil'. i. h >****■ May Hinge on Top Party 4j>« fl* m.4u' , -•<• p«* !»«**» - 1as> **-*•■* m » %*.*•«* j rpi-r «.*«»• ■ • w4* *4--. = ,« *9t«o*j . »*» pi itn mftrud 3.->**4«a •» -if r<-* »' • vv».i> ■ ax. > h«*s «fy»lah»r* i-4«n - vuuv • .» w .s#' ?©r -s igf *-p rfai'atrts « i ;.ss" tr-'pwu.« 4« i i*k4 *•*• *44 - .t4 4* ! 7a-wap**- -*- •«.»0 4* v-1a f^ a -v.* *44-14 a1** y*a rr* »•»*.% • ... ^ -a'; * a*. •» -*» op v. ' v4 s 17 a'pct at w*. ri w ntii »< r a v .a* »*y 4* « » • » rip.1 vi • *r* x_4~.t to ai« « «^r.tt4 "- a. s>14*<*' |»'* ■-'* »♦*»•'• tt".« 4 * . i* **" .—.a -t 52 - "' • •-*- r - fttnr •ct.tr- • -i ■ . <+** »> o*« ■* ir * -'#r p v*f^4- * *<*!•-* <4 a* * rs * # 4-4 • pf» t- a<" tt> :a»- j » wmsk. u4 » *y4 ».« •' » -f 'pm"». *'* • • mi« p*a hmwu hut up tmtw * • •- * ••k ti*4i v*# p*«i w >jm .-»*s ,v~p - *»• a -•-**»• »* . | *-« • is . r m . —**414 ».(*♦*•• i >4*^4 pf *»» ii*i grw*9 y lintlwu «*«• • «-* - t- • 11* * a v -• if tv tmutf ifyutit uu l*w- imt s*w '«r* tfcp rmrp *4 Up « »w4ib *' at* y t£« »'*•«» 4m yaa oftrts-rr snr» rr.:-.yw» •a4-'4 s » i «r *< itijiii 1 ifparum ' ih «*ir* t*« mm u«s rwr *sh *t E»«f*iu4'n »•• itbmh** %'« •/ !♦ • y*m f%? 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'•1 *«*n •"/ •*# b»'j fur » •' aps rp4y •» « tf -ft# *"' •'-* * a •c^fc-t** l.»-a ix> v' w.' « a* ■ «: "« « n *p4t f an s" 4 i .v »' ■* . *^j* » '* • -■* » ap at* nn 'l*9sc jlofaktl af<, • ?ft- i-w *- -m -fp"s ,1 ■.# 4 - ti-.a*i.p.* r.p- ;w v *:p :r5*p .-»r- .♦ ***\ i r- ... _ . f a • t* » ' ~ ~ l im 'a. i ri ^.vi-vn-w'r.tff 2 o - k»--p*i 4 : c »' a - 13 .-(tor- c£> . •, » u 5. : '» » | "air*. -«4o!* 9. * i-pcw nrx ta**.-ka"- u»y" * t k v 4 •: tw t • « * :-«** ; ' *» w- 35* if. -r 4 >-*map .v-' r. .ei t5ra- * * .t >4\ cnoijt «t !.-*s:»'a ' ' mummnw *«■•- t--.m«fcu' ■*'- » *•# jr%^i a— • - ,-r —p• \ . pa-x- *0 tv 5-p +**3un£*- v ur* 4 m. ^ w. fr> ?-nrr 4i - - vt tt «l ,?..% -'f ' 44 s ^.-t 4w( -u l*«4 » !a. a. >- ' ^ „ v .* • * -• m«r« itrai*>t uiwiim */• sftltsn ta • « 94 ' * oi*a*4| att vf? f "u.ct. <» y j4 **» i «p »*• • • • « •** f •d : *v 4 a . ^p .pv r • o j.«j« ~ »v j ♦» typt»- if r«l a\ 4 - a • • -4a -_a —— - t*m p*5«"- tv* pt a. m m*4 ay 4«t s* rv.\ • «t. :» • v\ » •a.i u-f»lt rwn rti«ki'.' w :*m •* *..-» • • -• j .- ••-« fv-wp^ 4a m«ot* a-x u« 44*44f tit— iii* m a tvr-fuf^e kx".' prp* m-r* ♦ r*r»" ..*a *- . » - -r w.w»« |a cj» t1fist an t" •*-. iw* iv* *4tt .'»# c* ■* » '-*«• r>. "_1 rr* '**4 "a i trr *4 —. mmif '"p. » ■* * > ) a wau c-.—cs* as* <* -.*»* .ppt. ; r»! trorr. s - , u uap tmp« * *tut Up v# >« him*4s* ics.j . * . *• .*!r rrfej*- ««t.) ■« ■ .... _*-4 a vulb » mi * >ppfl * « *-.-♦% '>p- -r» fr*>^ hic* 5 - yi 'ei w» t. jc-* ior ^4 6cc3 ,•,■-»» > »- 1 id h • ^ t; 'it -cr>* crnp>. *:~a. 4 r—-* .. p t-v vi. t* j* **r v - cp • t. 'ai O$qp o* sf*' ** iwmmfift y r# m j»i . * 1a t ovr xz^jc.^a'0* v-.* .s 2l# -r* >». 4—« -a a» tr\pyy> li-rs- x:j »»c c»p* t 4» 4 •->» j cv.m o. **. j-44{j ^ ^ iuhcus »c« 5*-^' .'. or rr*a «u« 1* »*-nvu*t tt**do cout «xr> • *» . *ct u.f *~pr-«c v p*k-t . «-*■ a voi'p * b**w«l *viw« */* ji gm .<•*,• «.«■■• 4nta*osc»* a4a-t.a' a0- *-tvii » n- j.—, ,. *i» ciold u*r an r«mm 4p v.-* as :jsw w»»v'-p- * ■«- 4 » w k iwrws h- uwto, ai" r.. 41 n oor worwam rw td '-•* — vmm • blmibmm • *•• »*•■; u-»r«o u -4- — *.*.n»rtt 4,»..vf!i t .» r- » p"'. -..; g*«ou*'trg *3d •a s *-^ari a ci •a-***- *«•— r-w r-a* ' »* >•' ro t-wt w tvpr»ri-' •*(v« *•» am »' ** *►. rtpuh c~*' ■*vy<| home t i* t am.* i>* ».ue* *? 3u- as **. f f* *-• hiUIHih aa«r f,c« iv- v: kf>r « 4t •a-s *%■_ *«: lr.#» ii ■—■■ i—— •.'jtm 3rx puufp of '■£* ttt- housing h*yj«r -a ims. z*A tuu =a'._ »om hr' 4aputms^inu ; frtm rrr-a»-.- vva- mu mo*t • tur 'u*. , 4v\ s hUkCK t m* ■ w * ■ u«u jt *-»*x mit-jow •*»■* -V», p » n. ««. ^0 ou« mm jmo-ds^-v - »-r or- ir #rf| -."yk^p-r.* -i-4t* AAUGH] -r- s' ry— rmlfc. ,« of t*.« —ewador s»a**p«s** car wrc 44 **«• *». pvw ~ rr—imt* c*»mra^yo pc«- yp4- t.-p -p. t'«x »*.tp> o. a.* uc paaa^cm r-ob s-*o Upttw tmrf ■ £r» .7, WA>~T11> r »>' *%. 15 i i'jfi -*rs*i-4 o-'.or.uuca..^ „ **-- k matb rtftl* |a sla." cm l qaatr^tm* r- • * •& whf!r»; oioctjoa nvf y.r sarwr -it knot »cvtx tow «».— ^ _FD J-3A2 RMMt M. L m ™C«tSM *re • — ■ C3 '- ^-> 'I J wp4t*w'-~> hvit *(• •-* *ra^- r. w - " ■*« i ks3*d 1 , - q -rrtioc corill boo-ci# tt.« 510- t ■ ww a.t» h*~ ;*«rs r ' ^..t.. vrv^ 4,( ■ mr o" r^v- toll a * «. *o ra *-w4# t- personal *22®*»*r*ta •stop ( -ru; oeaytj^ pax*«:.v ayoo »tttntw. e*jr»mrs rutltt- p.uiin thru e» t ~«a.vrto *.0> pfiten^i aaadlorg >f ttu cwi- •4m r utr ir » ap p ivr*:r ■tr* iro u—*rqup >r» 3 ,"p> « ««. «; rv^* tor bn vps tfcpf—f * • • ^ r p*'-'* i »c tt id »** riaj*r i ' MN1MM rr*T* KIWI Student to Design toNrtNUM WSWM . FMRADIO . WSWM [anning for City Takes 3 Years ordinate pv*.v".»n U»« 1 - trativc *mu*turv kind uicd The admin'*- nurtvr* the T»» mm (na* ml II <• •Imiiim. (iIumm «lt» Th s. group et*lloct«t| all its in* format'.on from oefnonal inquiry. C#5 V« U*f« by many met!\»{viU* • MloHomi IMM « *TM*MI The senlc*ru uM fhev folt the -t n»*l* tan planning Awnirlw? >» p-s.-tixx*! exneriene# thoa# pro* Thl« »Mt U «n evperlmentat je*-?s oiTerod U invaluable. >-4.' ht td — It the «ent*r rlaaa ha« Wen I «•* split Into tw*« in*up*, iipltini TNe arhan plaonlng depart ■ Xl«*rum Shorn Slalnl menl. eaM M*lea BayIan. pee* k*« • ..j^er plan for a two different flu**, in |w* «*««. Nair at erPan planning. 4rawa ,vv.»erm pr.*- "n Ontral Amrrira •• <"u:- or The advantagr? a! maximum $u oerv.sipn mii;mun ax.-j An fAbib;? of ■ oommunity all the yeara learning mi the pact thvae lata the peejeet iM trtee c the value of the Hut card *x >. of te make the eltaatlen realleUe. I .mi U» »"►- trm are be ig x«b»erved ^ \ jrv»u'v'of m.ne «eru*r*. work¬ o4b'% tv «n*i animals t>TW«l 'unglt* ctf Central Amerloa of Tb:« helps the student to sea < 'X " b#xvme • pan of the MSU "the re'atnvamps between h.s ■J; ■* «•••*' ■■■■"*»• ing x\ '.t:i The tni' lutf fixr vVrn« buisevim fvx»n %srsous ci*urses. he said ,a nri *»**■• munttv tVvelxH>mfn*„ i* atudx. xV*ta:n»xi bv tbe MSU Jamr* On the (rn.tuate !o\*el flask iPg Adult Sv Vare TV* a-e *xn-Tb(*mas Cxpoxtition to south* ^>u ji.tw- WVrk'Tljf U'\ier the .•' >xc pb"ex*is are *;ij«er*s*ied by indi¬ trn Mrxtco in 1958 ?h# parrot*, vidual studies These studies vtliw. Of n .-hard TVike. j*n .•- b M«. insoota, am iv.vfwtvn v'' ur:s«n mx*nk#ys ami are more **»eo,jfls' dealing with *>*. -A"'-** maste* planning dense vegetation wilt be housed urban pr\»Wetui such as: ctrvuU* And consultant the institute [ . •; W.V>.i The S.v> grw5> 'V 'n the «e*vnd floor main hall of t.x>n. reneawl, landscaping, and # Xi". ibe IIWI ot ».uv<* T*i,| tha museum regb*nal gr.»x%th. k,/ fAv.s >!udfni for •* • '.v city i* the ff~*t «*udv m ,..v • «W >•'»« >' «ukr * ' m At "V e:" re'.x >« ;t.n Ceetaet lens go land all jour optical nee«is» ► WALLACE OPTICIANS filiation II illiout Ixihml Wraaeh Offtee Vine at Clipper* a |0W Off'Term Ceremonies — nypa slie wan W Ttanderi aye nawlailhai hy grsd* |fltl TISMHW-N mvo! br;o " V••«' -to•»•» ritual of x*u*. o\v harivis ►'•jxv •. s"xt it xva» WjUt hS TH. IV W*2774 Wan !*•• Tsm. Wed., tat., SS w, Thar*, a rn. hi ,A~ :b< a.>te tu «\c "The return nit veteran* had muvh.lt* do with making rum• ? v ■ -'■*• 'VA>* dur -C menrement during the ert term r {9j} wore lb*' - fermal. ' llenisuti said Wn ballrxmm was "The I'n- getting tuu S* Va;ua bil'.- MAREK PRESCRIPTION f , -v small and the vela were de¬ • manding the (armat affair" ,\*v -tab! I , » -r - m." *^u' fa'* sea WC x ani > .v- Mllvpn »W Th# Ml p'cie tx ••• .m an an.' gowns, p* *- \v»n U. Til.-'. hu'ot mnuw:. .I'M > XJN A '..-e \.. 1 CENTER Hf toair WWII*. r-.N wa a-, ex mated "9' ■ •» tlumni »W4». •"*! stux1ent> .x ; g-ai..a'e no ud '\i HY FKAbDOR Vie [L «r imtrrniaraUl wW»l • T«;r» »nd it* ■ v-t >r* W*» - exe'v son xx Iv "e'd in Ute N#Vt to Ksitetiii Teuda A.m Tueexiax ,•« ;> ■ 1 VKKEI' Out In A TwonW. In nntrrl frum ... all dirrrt from dniiMr. liWf In V>u 2 PM.M IIPTIOX8 * PltUt • COhMFTlCfl • BABY NttM ■ kMIM JIW< * SI EACH |W«" Nil ON j LOU El ER YDA Y PRICES j o Crowd b COTTON A MIA • Rirr^ < TIE RAK fig Mil l I'Ol'RT tin: KRAMXm I'ENTKR CHRISTMAS TOY SALE 5 mrr items ti \i:ihi rent.\us ALL REG. SI TOYS: j ILFORNO ! NOW 77c i go • • RESTAIKAM • • STORE HOI RS It's WSWM -Y i.I. .it.. o unit- thai mmlr PI/./A famoitf in l aminf' • - *t, lRCUUU\r. in - ».rf p«rc i >'. XPAY rnncrn—no\ IMU»I« pmjikm fhoyt tv i ud s IT hrrr Radio h (iood A fain! I'it. 0 I liirkrn • Italian A >«ni I'inkI* • ; u\m rmiM ric-uii I < «»"«i rn>m I r.rur.- : \M. Tiki Ual Ororr. MUSIC AND NEWS »«» Sumlav Dinner in tlir Kalh«krllrr frcu 7 •■* I* 1 an* FM RADIO 99.1 u«|. EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN * S a < -thtUdi whit* ww |M wmW fw gtmr ttrg mm." fig * *3 s 2 Hr Iumi'L, k*t VOL wilL Cawnnd browtr ar*ud our PAPER BOUND go BOOK f?J t> 6,000 till* (eutur- i; ► ■ TSK ELI88 LOOK ing study aids, sidgurg a quality papsr bmads *f all lyye* i • kit W Sr.Tmr in K.« ftminizxi 1 c* t!i« don JadM* Soft, fwuBd ooiltf and tror.t CAMPUS BOOK noOE ' Sktwaj m ml nmma* md *• rK* •* pm^o"- ;» m *■ mmmi kuk k> • mm*** Hmmrr. . |imi M to M. CW' ACROSS FROM THE UNION RLDC. OPEN TILL 9 P.M. WED. WSWM FM RADIO WSWM . • . u MeCaffree Sees !Vo OlolietroltriM or»5t to o*»* *w • Olympic Trials Here I'lay Tonight Lancing | »i\Mr mi mtwo tt< M IITtl «I*«IT In II A* TO It State Nf»* tdilor rwo * "The fumed Harlem Globetrot- Ch*He« Mct'affw. Spartan «\viitming iwu'h. aiill W In siniim v.n mIvu a (lauding tenuis e\- mi I H KM KVrMa thrvuirh Sunday jt!v?t«Un»r the NAAt* eomvtitum. vm'.ion will highlight a pro¬ Fend'ey lVn>.v.>. urvst'ni.; curh for the Spartana and sec¬ gram »f Hxtfts entertainment to¬ retary «>f the I S Olympic wrestling committee, U aUo in h erda. night At the Lansing Civic tVn- !Vv. Vv wrestHu and swlm- Ma s'Svv * a -.'f-Wr a • ....... »r 4!,, desjw.e A low tS»t» V .-*• ;i' V W ** av—twv,m| au»ch praise on s-s .iVwnmjf the , " woukt be tvH» high for the utti- chAtttgtiutt, a rut K*r*4 Awcwn »* ■ ~a> •* c* vr:x.-T to handle C*4Ketvv aUiivsi in the ,un«e -STUDY MEU TDK* were v . , ~-e(s< .n ts..>!de« hint* »h,»rU that UrvUaiht «n. . ..rtV .H < weekend ** raUe w«w», »» M» would her *ii!Vf a', WiMtlCedvVt h**e t# rang* around I13.NI. oiH pta* CARR0LS V. • - >• vv-.t w :.h y''*"■> ' The Uh<»etmt5er» . >3.\v,. KlClStM r*tlmatrd StSt1 mad* the >.; ■ francisc** At'-Nat • v* V » ".vv V 4., rt I 4. :h « • h»*» hnl for last Tttmnri s ij,..n;e» They wi!: he wkittg IVtictou* i>e\Kiar Che^eburvvrx ' , f»n- tm trials" rurfiorh, hut th • y*'~'• otratg' vtv'.'tv »ith- r - vs" a *» u* the were awarded them, antuat, ou* a trtea: fy*r the «eaMUt bee a use of the full feet It tie* of IValumt in the Trotte«>' lin. - >IVH*'.K Watertmc llimt»«rt» " he MeudowUrk t.eni *n tV»-lt < aj-rr- to I'Uy ,w *,rt w "* *"• U'» att.i IV'h tS>hi>n'tHvit> Hal", the (>t»p CAirti French Fries ^ • -*-a*jw*d ga"* M.VjtTree a stilt enthimaat'c vino t ;»rirtcei»" of the ewn ! . .1- * :y v» ',*' eeee .* the varx-.y o»ph«m•. Ihin-Am tria * ^o«r Faiorile Shakes bw : go -e be^hee** MSC -T^e-e owv's iv a "other nns-t i«»t> H, *•»•.♦ -*Vw'.;ttd Green tonight «V S.ie tr-at -n at least '0 years." llnim SWi Knrml he o -I T^ie top athletes f••<>.»> In I if (iinniinlio a »ve- the t* S wete pre»e" try-."* to ti.i hertha wt the ftil' A'v-ortt V*oJt three rt-s-s :ai ■• that w a* lent to the P»n- • the |M tytivnastic tttta'.s Wee.- Vnee ea:\ ganveo U» itltCU^o U» hv-vita» and ,»rn cdmbey! the *0-fv» »t V-e fie e». the «»hleten oe-e « pe v\ t .< ux\e.U a;v.i aL«.» hxl nstfi w t*o'.!e<,.a*e •n the tmmjx»Une and rtn*> a'.ri v.-r-e:e. ofhtch they regard¬ event* Cerrv IVHervau had the ed as re relaxing than that of igfter hv>t i*la,r <•**( on the hor- n« JIM M %in\f.roN a '* ;hv»; .»r country club U 'nlal tvar> % smart a (r X|orh VdMor lVH,;ie the return irt * H i Id ehfum"-«i an • ieveh vt'-.-r-'w • I -exUiWif coach *•' M.tles wbm caUti us 1* p;\s»;e*- VI £ < Star* yare-'img tVA'Kv* V the l*5^' se«*.' H'• «*•%• Suite a"y 'i n M nnesoM an 5 t.rorge llnhh, and lh»r{ fl NOW SHOWIM Michigan, »h « 4*ur« te iw th% f5r *n#est, an-1 l »oa Millie* a former champion Highlights man tiosh pears to llohh, th,. grappler l»,t T»arJ hue the l.'J J eutatad < pa A »M %lup wre*»ler at Mnl . la pullm. %pot wrapped up Mil ritual Un> JJ man * ar%«»-feeuUman wreolllng «uoaJ through it* p' he number on. 41 i ;o u iJ V «TH^. **■ nukes hi* f "CAT ON a \ *eawa« oorfcouU preparing Cor nmyr the Initial meet Ian a at \«»rth MOT TW ROOT \ western with three other •ehm»i« aciaETM unoa PM.NCW1U* Vl-S - k BUniVTS Hi* CATS.'* 1« VSN.fl K M.. • > ycmn«*tso*i bi \nr* nvK i.atks ty» Mr.11 *1 M»yy \M» SHtKIXW TKAII." mi-tiNio W1NTI1 JACKET All THE BEST SELLER'S BEST SCENES ARE IN II! Cxi* ffcK-j'-vcSjp ««e .1 , -;i*ct ♦ j-c '.X 5«»J MO MIS KUH CITES THE OUTSTMOMG PEVUMMCE OF OUR IME! -cs erkse pile p/c'i;' ;. *c-aic-« iTriica - * \.h?Ai see— :pc. i«v* : t oc<»*'». ond l-v^ kau color r*r*v eorspm. A aaac." » " - vor*3 Cv-T 3p*s SPECIAL PURCHASS! orlon bulky knits 4.99 if'jt M >:«' S»ce t'cim MM. MUM-MVH) WAYNE thelMtA^Ma<1 1. -:it - TOO*' l-TJJ- IJIl I.iii-iii Hi.ni.rn/ IM Schedule ik Garners Stole IM Football Finals Tonight ; lullnv I I weii ■•tin riti.i.ini\ lloun.-tsi t.ha' qli.li »ei n.r v..- Me'i.oii.r Itw.'lml! t iutt a •• tiiiek lj:. h Hi I'UI /trilKIIOlM us H'.i.ktv.-. f<». the I'M ,lf Ihr |»riMeai olaiula. Ihr Usl * ii nil-1 ?-a t ,ii. a ie IV'ili S tiu or >~4 K.»'' vm.i to and fn.-v OrtieiaU irr «ltll iinrrrUln as nitiiulr anil niir-hall will he H IMItri I * M-leoteil to t'eeeive O 'i-n.hi -i •Star In Ihr iMileiMiir nf Ihr I'rhI played Innlghl al 8;30 prliir In low II reml I i.ulAtantl.ng ■•iiegi- p'.t.:*- r \ r, » j ix.( ,v •.» Mic IM i if . f I atiaw*~f »•• fiM'ivrt khniltrlu Tau Itrllt game Ihr rhampinn»hl|t game ..f nr.'j i'U . tonight wift» \vtiw >' w %io h l ie ^i»hl tdMi*r Weone&d.-ix vgli* MTU h.»* fillrd * legal nrnleat l« IVTM mured then |»«nn«t i llulierllrM i i* HMtlri 1 Ai*»lx« II. r«M« l with '!(» sivondf. to ,*.. m the tltst Iii in —ivtni /ytlrthulm I'tU'l. TOM * Hot* deteuhfl IM dlrfilnr, Harry Herman, ron l,vk MSI"* nuartarbarh frvm Kvrrrtt Hi*).. t\wl. l»r. rmhrr .t. |»4g«. I t« * A' - o r»u iVnegn. - A "h reriiitig a ririhliMi imi «uha|||u - lion quarter, when Jitn Dravi^ jki.- ed to Mhmlv Sheril! C ite sen e GLADMER nann-il I" lh«' KoolNIt Writer* All-American n. .. M ".«• ,o i n-»4r: WueV W iiiui half to jiliHid 0-0 until early m the AV.itk A tNVs .» m» -Hit.- a at.ji'aritttr in lawk Mapa/Mri* Mr wus lute*! Ik'" ' :tc f.iuith quarter Ka-t Shaw * NOH SIIOHIV. »>•;«—hr playtbl for two sraiou*. Late Scores oh!\ K <*x a »-•**«'. ti< . » "v* «K'!i Man. JV'c k'jiivll go int ■"• ,i it'1- I'D i".l ■ 'fir l'.i-' Show MVi- IVlti w-Whist hi Orst tallv . ame on a leniatinna! who ivoellllv HlKfttHl .1 ha sell..'' Kf •:*. n> »nit ■ •itrMN \i* linemen l«iisH iiliii 1'iut took them the l .»»!%•*«• H fkrlhiM entire length nf the field. Tu* White Sox tv>r Itt.iUHt .nut .« r«: - . \ '.MO ,. *« krntr.rkv WfxUr.u tn -u..',Kt Miller. rude t \! rule*, even aPer •: the eight bocks -eh-, Um • u .. . k» M.itr. • . iv.- : t ' ■ • • x ,«%. hi It'.i. koo-1 the ' •ui'i* 'unit, snibwt.it'i- |iUv went Ir«»m JtiU Thorite .. . the, wi'iU'i, i ■ I kli.huin f* • »• «• »; ru !>•* - l on •an • • !.'«• iiP.i-i- n totirh- Ken Aveiv to l>uu Hakei. Iniei, Y •v f K'Mti «iu\ the macnrrnr Tie-..•-••.:<:••• •••■ th, Mill ' tin- time ,,m, ; A IVtr iNtv . the IVtt v CVnto t. . v • . v u... k i.M\'iVn M i- ■' It hi. knot thr mo , . i> i t h HI (avoi «»t I * 4*.*tn ■ riv Mi'ler iwi. • i I'M- • S'l.o U • ••• ' . «,-(.rr l»uhe'l Ml t tnrh.,1" »»» *r- interior Itne- , Th» HILARIOUS SAGA *. Mtfec \ Ok ) *K# Mtwad in.. rollete football COLLEGE j pontmiHop thwii l yyrHrr* %%*n ... A' L«. ■iii The . i . •on. lire Southern lowa IXtKe • KINNITH MORI "■ ». i v -oi?m.. . , j, ?... SENIORS MIrhtg4it s».itr t'ni\rr%it% t (Salary S.MXii l<> -lar» I or#i|ti Film hftir* 1 titchilil Ihralrr 'Ihr Slatr nf Xltrhttttn will hr filliiic |m«illima nr\l Vnim:hi 1 hin* , hex 1 \dnit**ioii: .Mle •prina anil .ummri in Ihr fnlhiwina firliN: I »»y\ (*t»M t r.i1: ti-xl- XIIXIIMSTKATIX K ,XN XI.X SIS 1 •KCONOXIIC KKSKXIM'II OFIN IVIRY NIGHT TO t •HXIIM.OVX1KNT COI NSKI.IMi Federal lirpi stores Fiondor Center W... »> n, . ,#fc — So.. IV 7-SOSI •Hiiaixv.xT i'i.annim; •i'krsonnkl. metiioiis •i'kksonxkt. ins1ramk kx.xxiimm; I Nil MlPi MIATR "Wlid Rare lor Calory** SKIERS... look, it's institt'tiuv MAXAIiKXIKNT fOl OK ( IRTAIIN I'kopkrtv AITRAlSIMi • I I \k\ I %l I • 1" o boot-within-o-boot I NAN IIHIK . . imported from Italy uiiaiT ok way iii vim; mathematics MtBbnk&MEVfegnalLs s -I %RII\«. \ T-l IC-IU- A V ] y.l- Nmerit an . . . "In r» thw mAfter of (loed Teate," Mid Th. Mirhlaaa (1.(1 wth* I. flaw r.rruillnt irflaaih lar Mr. Punk to hie eerreUry, "lake • deBniUan.* ■V " t "Thnt." anid Mr Funk, "enpi It up. Mr V.rluOunu la ai.lin raaalrca ana.aina la the rliallMilhu -If run arc uumrd In the narrca rUrm run mud urhntl WafntUi. will you join m* in a CocaeCoUr* v warrior "So food tn tnate . . ;». -An, North- a Iruaarrlpl ar asUctc mail, w llh ruur .ppllcullua "Arrd In turh ««rd tmur- S|0N Qf qqqq USTj «rn» tar tanker tat arm.Iran hrtara llccmhcr II I til la F ower*. M e ,.- MrrhKaa l h« acralaa. Inailua II, MlrMtaa. Boftiod on dot owfhotity of THo CecoCoio Company by MWHB I.A-NAI.U ( (N A C0U HOTTUSG rOMPINT "...ve- fYna Stair. tnnalnt. Mirhina v«atfiern * •£- \ i.*, Im . s...tea. Texas (Twu. > I* "lur lUrk \tJ e—N... p$ lie a©, wpo ace - \ tajrhikJ.* rx* in Navjr'* A —> Saturdax. \»«.v:ated Pre*... | * Wednewta i •• '.* *w • with Klor- ► s LVviue Aiirn. ■ IVrrnibet S. IW* Object: Green Campus Short Cuts Blocked -^ y ©f modern sre*- *!; MI•» tile* *i»e u» »urt • j ,-a.<>o in h i rte'.J " >.» •» iJ»en U*e r**| fwiL#* U*e Mr*. IXi-J \V.*.V.tvuUe ©flU*: »1e»" v.* *< *Awt lai'!.* "-4 -AS U'illNt her v i i y i ■ .»♦ '-"e -AV • n .•' dra*ir^s «-.a print* » ivv ' : f-v-> <••-*«.•"? .v£4v-> '-V ?->r the IVv 3-16 .»; tw; • •-■' •/ •v .v RewbtapiSt. Miae •.. w* **:«■.. :vt ATKI r*us A • i'- vsi '-he artist* whos* *u;k .» v?rt-«ntni. The t* rv.'isi • • yu ■ "He s-t!erv wh-Vtl U \v>. Me"- ■i.v-JTvljv $ i •»» -J p.m. fue— >*> ev*f*;«4 ;v*n and Su i-6 p !*) P. jv, -r Sifial * wrkiT* Mrrl HU**'k -mil Nriiiii* ( tub WV., tikd »N*i4l tte nrwruot •*•.—- ;j - SkV■ a' «'.-rlor* rrv-' MSI' *v-' *f »«t .>'»<■ t*» w-iioUm • t-le *es i *-e W-«f :r-»o^ur«v tv •vis: \IWu Jmltin* Ci"ttf*l .Vf frva«t> *i *>e ffN»w ferrt* •:vu4*» tVe is-! T>■-■vers?iy Student S vi.«l ttf iv» e*erMHu*4 •» CW " • 4.-e n-a' * CtaiWKikY ,n IV wth ■» i«r !'jr**K 14 leep a# •* i .-u' i •,sv.'. ' *1 < • Re?rr>cikU*« f?v»« l>* »e*l1eiK* * »*we the Vim- >■•-. -J.'- '»Vv..i".■ fa-vesiiv a •. »«S* ' a ■» •••» , j Mte.h,4»« He i «.• - v'' ;v >- a'-'S ""-.Ye .«t »fc# l/rfl )wir Prirmh it KEN'S BARBER SHOP OIKtTTI.V Vt'KIVSS FROM THE St ITS the ITSS on viiKorr ki> HOI KS < an. ».m WEEKDAYS S\r. * a.n. • 12 ant hi*-hi-t giu.rn gi urti hh^ui-t gi uih CASTING GUYS AND DOLUS llrnl •iiiST' \ iw at lan-mc Ok l'U»rr Kfh**r«l iJiMrnrv abated at O'rw-r VV. llWtcan Jt Walnut, dir»rtl» "> (™u u( H«w t nlcr. Vural IfiMta tlVHNt; AW V> THN wkkkknd* Vc'nc »«■ *i»n. V* rrhMoal till January. HIIiaiy u11 M WM Itn* u u *t IMiiMI UNIVERSITY STUDENTS Th« m«at talkni akaw! m I hi- nur "Soartan tn»n" t. ts l.r aiird tn oih »l Ihr I • »f t viitHlt RnMcacf Hall- fi- A(co, I nnrr-ir* Kr-idrn*-; llali- for Human. I ratrrnili ll.m-*- » w SPECIAL ofit* H-yyi-r-. ,AB *ou haia to d** i- hai* a oftltr npinniallii rrui-trr lour ir-idrnrr h* i *—■ I ratamrtv Pr nmr -.Turn- »nh tbr -porun liaaW Morr. prt-tnt oanrr of thr fabukiun din: V ■ «•'» A 'X K CHOICE or: until 10:0** o'clrnA -aurua* InrymHrr .ilk Hraoms tor thr mnnrr mil lm at III:.10 or link Pium l»*f jc« far* -uga ck a« ja«— Munvmr. *\tr* a."r* >a:«— oil.ppo*t potata—raffr* «• «:.k FN .VPOmON, S.V.MPL8 LIBERALLY VKOW ANT OR YU. OF i SPECIAL AP- FETUERS. fOMOKKuH at 9:.Ul a n COH U -t K* t!« DORM -TLDENTS: lamg far a rwSo f u aval tkn -oada* •*«■!■«? Far tk« faamt rwuM at Yard la kaat pnem ka tar* U ' **; t . . . "HOUSE OF IEEE" NOnCir.YB n*at.< tanad k* tk# "Hawa of B**f~ ara I >D A Pruaa. Naakiac kat Ik* W-t far <*a tna ... 113 ir. mk:higa> avt. (NEXT TO HOTEL OLDS I Hoar*. • Sat. T u*. - f pji iacaa^vj®EmKWii3ti»eKPi' HUA, •.