' The Weather n State Si-mIn# MSI1 hir 50 Yriir» News l«« 1'nrtl) Cloud*. W«rm*r High Tod«» 1'hiirMlny —. 'VI 3* I'UH'K •> CUNTS Vol Nu. toil HAST I.ANSI Nl".. MICH It! AN—KKll'AY, DKt'KMIIKIi 4. IS.V.I m Start \N inter IVrtn IFoirer Exams Proposes Inquiry Sel Board Settle Strike \ m«« w,.:\ el for Basics |»«»t'rani has nvrntlv Ihh'H ai|»|>rt»\tut aU Union Acts the Iuhiih' I'vccptioMa! shnlcnts to take I'Vimis to waive llasic 1 oilc.'c fimiMs: roniniitHUNition wkilia. natural sci¬ Soon After ence. mh »al st'itMice ami humanities Ike Speaks S3 I Million Mill. •isj#l«I \i»ree*»— rm»u» h. Jr»rx ii.'ito.-- Tax Package Strike Tow l«onj$ WASlllNtiTnN (/p,-T'u» lAMI" 0LSOS 13#' and \rl tiowtiu (.r,. prepare to n W*tkrr a* he compete* fur .» ipitftrs in Therwday night* tame rebound with iv»« Hunting ^ Probable Sleelworkei'M I nion Thlito- diiv Prptsidi'iit niirht piiijn tssnt MimMihowrr that in- aiust Howliii" (•reen .> .,.V. Icj:i»lal«ir» \\ .til struct his inquiry (mart) to Fur Hill l imnri- m'onimcml a solution of alt isMiios in t lis* steel iliM|mte. tartans \ ielorious Iwia StuilfiiU will Nr glvrn viwul- Irrd Hrlrnnimn Irsl !»•»- *M»e Hv New* iinm'tmptt: of jut> |'anttol 11 fiepwrtrr $."v4 util- nfie- The union neted KiMMihower in a nation i> h miiode- ntem in that Ihrv villi he c'sited w ide t'\ Itadio - orr.-h. f|e-iwoi«.- lioti t«\ packupo paitHtn! by eii oiim'Iv tin* d- ohte Opener, c)6-6 7 immetliatrlv aiut a vlmlenl, ,1 en 11 tu Michivrun'H srMiato ii Itirrefurr eligible for the iijivrr villi lumn if he I* evtm*. Weilneiiliiv s t ii niyht t i» ««u*m#tl W"t il'ii thre.iten,. xtrike late next month r.-uew ed -.tec! Dr. i-l >1el»on ' ' mm loll [NiHwihle atnl oven siij;btl.N '»re ■ Murhijfatt State ».* • *' -;m-«. I.. drnl. Mini fir agreed entlre'v prolmhlr Thursilav with r.isr.Mhow ei'/• oosltiim thai iThurnday nlirht in ih»« ^ • Most tag t» t,y tot* returiieil Jcr*v Wtdme* <1 settlement in sleet o long k-v ON**? led the Spartan# •. v ■. ho-ue out the corwUtu- Hlalr Sew* fliolu Hv ovci-diic Ithe tw> half and IM m Oh •> - tcirviil rrv| i iHuriit that bill* lay I, \l; I It OS III Itfi ha* alrradv tuiught' a'Trn- peniil hlghl: Sharon llartsrll llrhrt ehalrman. » tr»'V..-g x» »rvr fm v . . v \ <»« ilav* after iNivxagr 1h*- nv Night'' tiekrt tor hi* dale *11 lhai Ihrv ran utandlng l-r» Ma re la MeKav and June llamhlin t he no inn rhtef 01H he I* | J •• Darrvw. The little lorr thrv in- acted u|hm» Uv stav nut an hour later Innichl Selling the fir*f puhltrlly rhalrmrn willing In nerniiate a «etllemenl wllhln the frsinewnek af # gwrrtans le*t b> a tm #*♦•> *•* -.*. n 1: Lie other housi'. llekel are united l-ri Vlarh |leu»nn. chairman nf an* ■, "v* QUi'rkli hnwi'TiKM ^ A« ran while l«ai William* In¬ rer»mmend.illnn 'which T.l*ei»- (IT \MHIWN. SMiU' •>-'* ,.tk U IWtte: tf h » hnaer'a Mre| Intiurv r#«e| C:nli|Hi* Cliol a I *•* *»I.' we a better Ittt5* »>• « - • . •• .. I» :eve 1 dira led lhai Ivi* pari* eepl |he measure might allhnpgh he ar- 1'eiiiiie* Co lo mlrhi make. r t« noted fcr his fabulous ... ■ ■■»•.• .• ,«c- ' A I • . ■ X " "> *•*.- io-,.r*v u :••-.< • • • a... i*; a .oaf 1% in»tte' than fiotomg. ho\« ei h. 1 oi-c the lh-esident'« hi* CoUege- Iranvfer students wilt 1* that even a crumb would have speech Thll»'*d«. hlghl. 1 Leech, a #-4 tomato wh-- ' «-• •• given the umr treatment a* •o lie taken," he said Ton.gfit's the night cords may lUiiey, V' l.andon, Pluliue Also I'niUii Cinniijumtv ITiest. The union chief rxpfeiwed | laIf. <*•«.* »l#o injumi H roming freshmen. Their high * a out an extra bout by i«»r* Sigma hi'xilon and Hut Sjnii'!in 1 Nursriv. United Neg o divapiHiiulnirnt that Klsetihmvei r GOUWNW the *!» rt .. , .. - * , . ■ ^ x-htMil and enllege reword will sti \ y ch« hc , 80 c«»nt ticket "IVnnv K ipiw Tau College Fund, Save the Children had not- men!toned the proi>o*ul the IU«m- I al¬ Those ch.uities receiving yui - Federation and University YM- th|fwr Slate with 24 b 11- . *v - a,- •.* H -4 - he renewed h» I heeks frwm STI S will he N •(•.1" IN k|M»n*ored hv I'aniiMn in his address saUsfaetory from C'wmpua Chest this YWt A |Hlk«. Wrfiptaltl of the Hjua.; VV • -A ; .>• iS lege snd if thev are mailed Mil* week. l*!(##•. with #il piiM-ced* *o.:ig port Winter term Campus Cht'*i "ft K my #in<'etr hehef." Mi ■ Rfctgan State's lark. t»l he-.g.v. ■.!•.•«"• *e< t. a- •• the their orientatton lesla will ht ' t a .'fia,i v. year arc World Univiji-xity bc»- Donald wrote F.l*enhr»wee. "thM' National Seholaivhip Scr- w II interview the chart tie* ami find Anderson %*♦ etdtrv'x wui.v.: t-< ft* . mam-v-.* given ami graded Immediately. Sneaker.of Don Tu>et» will he an s.ile ni the vice. divide the money among If Oils pfogram 01 followed, thei r I wtHt.tute guards. Dave Riehev #?k! V" Tiamfer student* who have IVars 1 H-Huctwinan 1 «aid that I'nion eoticmnsr a" dav todav vice. Muscular Dldeophv Ass»»- tlieri will la* s promid settlement of t pli»m she a« action !- t th< « uric r. ". P#aon* .4 • »tv received full credit »tt he rMxsled the controversy to and f;."ii 6 :U> 9 pill in w.. «.a?ion and Uu Ameiuun I'an- Miein, general chairman. Nancy th« steel divput«v a xeftlemeol b Spsrvero. in previoua eoi- be settled men'# living iimt* Ticket, niuxt »m i fys iety Ssirow, Saginaw junior, said. fan- lo the ptilihe, to the work¬ x .rar eovir%es by Dec. 18, just one I *F4RT%NR INITI %TI l» a - a » J, rge* will not have to Uke the wee* liefore Chiutims i«> i»urvfia»e»l iH»f»re do -.g er* and to the iddustrv " IThumsav, that is being used v u: tn 'V !> 4 :'u« wm- Spartan Receives First • ■»■ /"t o- e*am. He painted ant that Rep. Rel- hour» tvinigto l.i*enhnw er. before leasing on the new ruling! whe t • •- •• .. 1.•.<•«■ - f%ie*en:tv rnwlini wluiients at la t anlln (l-Tipiasi, ehalrman Ke*Uursin* ill the area will a three week goodwill lour oA Sea over h the trans on dm ra.tr* «•: ttu- ieugin MSl' * ii' .e reijuo-ed U» have af the hawse taxatian ram mil remain open Inugrr fur III# cmi II nation* announced he had i even and award a !r«*e tho.v* 3 better average ti» hike tee. plana ta haId the rdatamary xenirner ef students All-American v »r Rating .» ordered 1 hlef V ederal Mediator Anderson thought the ga—e •* »* • »-• -.a- --j •. r- ne»- a.live eva-. hearing* Manda* and pwmlhlv t„«'e minutes v»-M he iss.ied Io«coh l lnnegan to hold around f tv-f the first game of •. • .4 • . c -• a* Iiean Id ward t arlln sf Hasie Tuesday before releasing tha to coevl aiuding I-, lh.» Ihe-rluek negotiation*...tu arttle [played an eaeeptiutu'.^ * . • • ii ■ .«'• u-d f;ai the otuv ( nllese explained thai "Tills Is hills from farther eammittee ruler TicWot.v rmi ' h«- preseu' the labor dlauule f * smaller team can wm »» <\ ■ •:> a; • uee*i »o building in nwr svstem an »d- Pears Ive'iex-e* that the House ed ?»» 'he hotoeitvolhet a* '.v.og A-istM'inloil ( olleiriatb Pitmm. having nnnpletpil the jtnljr . The president said the *urce«« ivate ' r the height- «, v a need piaremenl program w hleh will aild ai»f>rox;rmite!y $19 no'.- unit« hv .4 n iiij? and friliclani of the major university puiilinitinna, an of in*, peace effort, require .< UM1V AVfH'ir \TI n a N re prov ides fnr nmee flexlhilllr fnr l»on t.i toe senate package CrfMl'l .»! 'ell.' "M'.l-I of !*»•-; Ml nmitu'eil that the .Spartan Magazine leceivt'il the *rro;ij; rcolloiul < »f the *te> !' ► squad Saturday nigh: at !• • J-- K • exceptional studenU enrolled at Suggestions f>»r measure# !«* N'lgtl' tol* year . |l.ith.i a IlrM- son. M 1.00 I 1, jil'iioi iiiyhesf rating «»f All Amerirun. -.Mirt'.mn. he declared'. "Amcrl- t Imh f.nished tlW.39 m ... » • a r, • ' . ■» er-.« »he university. ra.»e tlu* sdditiotia! revenue . need', settlement, ft T s -i* the find ASl-Amernan — > -. a r |Is spotted five inches at cviv.e: as Jh - - ^1- »**...< J.>nu • 1: shmil.i be of ?(m«Mlerat>}p range from a 13 ta* on traflie Apicvt* Itn I'.ei v $ »nn SV .IS > 'F - h>t the Snurtan Maga/.inc in the tee.imi now." ("tiext in then f the S-T mch center f-.-r the !• ihs'a *til be admitted to t:n- ga-c.e '■:** - •* >?.g thnr .'■ n-trs". ?;» thosa oenU wtiit partieu'arty etr >ng pemieetive *:»»- violator* pri*r»*ed by Hep VN". ■ '.ard IV»werman (H-t^m&ingl *0 lector! hv l anU'U* fall fund Unve N-n |ti-2tl v■; 1!! iiau it ha* been in opera- I he's Travels g ft ( oorad t'.HOM-i, t-'i liir deei chief etwooanie*' ne- I St the tk*>r. addttMvnal eacbe taxe* t«» in¬ oritie* oun'ed *" pcn.T"l a. i. ; - • naekgr.Hinds wtv. feet *'at» "irtii e Spartans la»c« o? last year, 103 pvmt* came within w>r. > •« ' ' ■ . • ' a. ' • .a e pretM-rl f.w eerlam creased takes corporation ami bu*.i»e»* acuvitie* la* francb >e Of Hie tola! col'ectexi Outran «i tug contribution-, I'hi* jMlldlCMtKMl. ch led in J.i mia th»ugl.»»s. (Nanjitli*d 1.1.at EorOoml H ill. c»' indoMt' "Hi .1 li«« "Made every rf .a> log thr 44*M - vgrani* in the Havic t"'»hege Mil IMlt Of M p< INN * t (Is * l.fl'MI f.ui h. reach n noM-mffathHiM'' « a program in suttwet of were made by Sig";a Kippa. N i crura' goals of the Na- |*i «-\ n.inlv in canpetdion, U had Peace Begin a^«ee>..e»lt through VolunUl * ftudeut-Faeulh Kolutions . .t.'h.cved m First t'ias* rating, 4 • ii etive hsi^aimng " Aova.i'-fil rUven.en' P 1937-58 union CI lief, tlaiiaging Kdilor ii.lt to t;,,. 1 said tha; ,f the e ^ ,. •• avnl it i« *i»ei ia;!> taoorerl S'Ncws j CHI WASHIN»iT»lN Ah Drm - wii»t Pad "-ho -n the ;»o»e fiexihlli'- iir ueeu* of the MSU. s'.u- .Vrnrithig In the reviewer, the dent tiuumho" «n flow *w«.v the amy w iihngnevs to h.'irgun, iniuiittee Addressed T;.e »i ver program *•*« 6t- Wallers, Sue Price Are Chosen xpartan ws* exrellrnt In fiction, feature*. r*»««*. art work and illustration*, editing and gener«l riiurmtay mght on » moment¬ ous, unprecedented journey t<> ami mill*, .01 fhc vt»"ie- j-eove agreeineiit 'wmild hav« of re pooslJ" \r «x1 *fter 3* month# of dis- long in. 1 readied" tvpngranh#. caiiy thtee .-..uUneiils a mes¬ J >r t-faculty relation* a ere aga in under at cuio •*. an.t study by Uie facul- liiouitt hoard*. *uch a* thai Ys of lias,.' c'oilfge and wa# D. Tetef Walters tnd Sue New* managing niiUu, sage toat America's gicat desire aervine nn^-r »h# taft-llartle* "twent.Faculty Committee on >ta»iet.i Afiair* at it* .••(-.1 be that group at the Pr ire were pronto toj to ed t Car - editor, editorial iMg«- edmc, A high degree of imprwve- '• for a dis.i ined world living rt n.en: w«t ncrtcil ill content and law in the steel dispute, are fff meeting Tue^Uv. r.-.tr term meeting of Hf-' J nigh' editor and night spur ,a red »?u- ■+ tn-chief and managing editor, editor Tiiakepp and layout A* -1i»•* in piace and friendship and hlhlted hi law from malting Jct-n TruiU, Men's Dsvi- rev p' »fr.sa«r* wt» respectively, of tt»# winter term M.s* price, Marnafoneck. N V. criiu v -11ed. there 1* ' a f! eediet! vetllement recontmendatiomi. > France IV L«s>. W.»- iss ..'i«e f P^ce- ; D-v en he 1* Witfli £U4TCiU. pointed busmen# manager in n».v (auiAing juuioi. 'Mix bevi N««d we #«y that on page \t ■ fjan' «i if thr ioduvtr> M*s.-g before the c»jn»rm*.« •* 1* l*v«e told toe #r>>4j If Killo^Tonifihl Walter#. Royal Oak will sjeveed Mary Huff. M 1- »en. »r. ho*.'.*?*# inarwgrr Mnee term* and on hie cover f>»f tfie May p|NM.,a-. fi.nlooi. JUSlHC. rt.r»l jM-acv, .4-mi.»}!•-•»■ d and ar'.t.o -Mild go aheap 4 "** frsahmeti who do Und senior, who plan# to Hum « and *'.»« ha# had '•lur a- v u . Mis> Spfl-T" P'* to k# In hit- spirit of !ia: ( in istir.a* • ecotomend# John Dun lop. pr«.*f«wp>r at .other! "T#k. Uk " Smhtotwo^pofiBt are diaUca [«r ,n Vienna, Austria. ne*t u*m. national advertunng and aalm utn •cavtn, ;i wa> »fiat the Pies • Harvard and member »f Ka^acr e-ni 01 iii<|uir> IwMird He urwtoualy #erv#d as SU.e manager ♦ ♦ * dcot :crsm*1 of f"'"i r-",i ay.'the Dean oj Stu* hieei .< labor reiPtiom commit- 4 iiu/ciion '.i ,.r! •.i«e. w'iil spea's tonight oh new I>u Prcsi h ot Fid lad. «- .»* *ei up by Ki- ccptu-.g .'.utnnutcms fnsrn *t*j- •. jfnntlv II t 'diaptftpp at B to Ke-^ogJ iv*. wttues. humor «torim ami Where th# United Bate* ha ly *»•! «* mink ^ ml Oil Radio. I t: .... Aarl ear'-Miri- are itring ><>ught. AH poured out ruariy. 12 billion .a - .vb.oii* «f"the Taft-Hartley Mn mili,l i,m lo end the stocl walkout > 4«» m mm 1 Hi* a{i(ie»ratine >* #y«.n»ored work, tor :i.e -hen i#«u«* nt'tvl dollar* in rolbtai» and econoin l "M uw MMI M iHl fT(! Involved'Iou . MSU * L*ie* 4i*ii DvUvmttuT in* *Ubrnd .id |»\ .fan " to K'h- a-d toning 'lie fittst 12 years l IVia •r« Center t.>< Ton. flatten, .i4.» Studm' . Mmc 'ban n«lf of this—fit.- li.u.y. - \1111.mum'.',I Ts-i.a *>id: the corr.m*t*ce W A->H i N U n »N A' -V r i '• DuneA». # pP»fe*vor ijf Sei viif.-. 37..iaM).ikJd-u»a# gone fur gu«,. In CIm— **. li,'«lul.'« era! v. • can «a t . r. '»nurn«v.» a*. Harvard C'mver- tanto. plane#, aronu'Ditiun and ^ >a.h fallowed at "th>* s»ty-3 dc:.-landed "Rrurvda * Vw- *. • fv-ir V f<1 UTJ the aV-Mh.? ( ampin ( V lit Iti.ran o her weapon* to build up the Clgsf ndwdu c# fin ilon-t r *"hsch he sa,d Memed tf:*- nation * 3.134 radio ai«d T- f: .aoor reiauofta ,e»ne{ free *o» id * dclciito ag.oiih 1 le efleoU ve flhere and Tucatluy have been changyn ■ • v aUH..»n« rryor'- ander c-* f Hi. tie icg.strar# u'.- I - 'oe »UAdeo:-fa, , • men .iMT oh ti># they or the . e ' W ' 4 a pub< ie • * iietber ,*. , dee J p. nave a.-i wed »eerr\ Wage Siao Boat a t-vn The •. a i ?»U# Unded Naltout «acn of..the twidetire {>■ iKtiuo*' -- 2 will meet 'iun.gnt at 8. to ff»«- (iwd Crow ncd Thursday rla.ute# will nice t»> o°aa . Monday. Friday c'.a-*»»cs »vttt f 'adopT t*o faculty ire - TT«e <; f. rads.do'* n " General Asu'inhly their recwd*ng--. Michigan Appi* Grower# Con- TV x- u^ijr-' FCC The meeting will be »» Unhict' wntion IH-mu of Slu.tr 11U Hwkl order ix W :r*ck dawn ' sn^akv SUiff HmiiitMU j>arlor$ A and II -Vlis# INRerson, a inane ecu- manic# major, represented Ma¬ UirialHM* Tra Taday c ^nmirrcuis " a* p«? ** W to tof term son County in « contest against Th# ,nou#l ChrUlm#, Ma .«{ T5i«>e are deftaen as piug-A that nventa- atkf awards Calriular Itradliiir . candidate* from nine counties. th* tarn ul student# OMia# mil are paid for with^xat tne IiMWMUT w.il i>e tuade at a All orgam/atiufis A# queen. Mis# Peterson will be held thia afternuon from S ta oc v»ew*r kno*ie.g wfw want t'MfT meeting make throughout 8 in the'Student Services lounge.. ■pic CcKumumcas -'C* Our- events Intisi pn U»e winter lerji appearance# .' tiaj in 34 Union Hoard calendar mu#t turn trie state, and possibly oUw/ Invitation# have been acnt ta gav< tne broa4ca*ua« hn«'r News student them in by today. They may be states, during the year fur horti¬ organization# repreaen- ■ •jutk*tj ■ - Pfi.itn—«ur/..ti Jar. • * elasrt s^-d it#i in prrviM* I culture program# pi-anotmg ap¬ ta lives who have offices in IM £se 1* ->m sta*3shi*'»is cove. - he and Ciaie I turned in- at the Union Hoard rt-e :n the rie-*-*pwper office by Student Services BuHAing int (operauoosi 'u> I »:ude*it- >e wittjvut w» act iUUt«r> v V. Ill* » UWga.i «.i*-.a ni» uuni. ' JN/"' . New York Theme of Current Movies of Sam'* ilccxi* brings a is Cheyefsk* suiijee , . »*» , • c >» .: * i-e»f •t'.erv*t» , i_.Obr.-V-.J ur'w 4 \. *-Ci# ' colli. »'.* u t'«tw er • t» «• * u;* Us »:u n onxoi the' h4nl o nalh raustir. hut T\ »»ix:Uutvr to his dot»r with Gerald Qttttt. who * iJuiii • . Auree-Aful esreer wemjn , c ..,*•• a* - ... I > VO .. I.er iiy or t .■ ,'uUve • v to' "u- idea of using him a- a frtt- the bo<»k front which r * -. i-r '-'nr » I ■ . J Pj :• IN* * id A toed * *4 • * New Vo*k Citv seems Ij be a frawferdi the "all fur kk'ks" luic dealing with the societal tic cereenplay, has . \Kt * - hotOc.i i-.' current in'.ercit for rteh bu> (Robert Evans). contributions of the common live story than i V rf,: ' M. \ • Frit!*>. iwytuint i, 19."»h Pu£p Two ro.»v msl.0'3 In our ImmeUU Ro'o.". Kvaii shaMo*. •*an Tioiuli unlmpn>M\| ;»* , would have had. a-, ate midsi are two further s*J«J> -.,., E\ «•»■> thin •" at the Gladmer and sc» "aV»er dis-eartenmg to fi.ul ,>h.'ut his eommrttUiry as i.e Paul Xlutu is gran, Tt; 11 i "The Ui>f Angry Man-' at the th vt Mis* P.irkei iwiwnt..;-anhs tikes man. although it .• Uwon mi«\tr.,l*l* t>* the notion picttnc Rut tree blue la Ike profes¬ precocious of th. . •" Pu* former . lxi>«*,; .»n Ro m i-mer.i. sion. ham l-a* es reheanaK. roe- It) men to pronoq - Friday Is Friday. , JatTc'* nowl of the sa-nr nan:-, — In crncral. Pn- "f Kv • thruuths. and renfertnrea In onl* male able '... u and concerns' the loves, lo eryPun^' i- i njoyublc. due vc • role and .i sure thm^ me t Ihe calls of hla patients f *u>rrri..to the buvu. i ' and en.lcav .• -■ of a jrouy ->f ii'ii. and slmpl* reeldnt rare less nomination, alth.so^ fortune huivters. a cla>* of io lei'forni.meCA of IIi,ih» l~nu. little question thai he.'., eetek- Come 11 hut May! Joan Craw foid and la»uiv Jou - ahaul being a trie* Men lean proy^u'tljits in the ".ofofr- and deser*«Hi'.% «> rlty. * metitlonrd metropolis. But of dan. Dunng onr of thrar Impromp'u course, when one deals dra- Ratine: • • • », calls. S.i ii suffers u heart sl- I Rr Rill CAIUH^ matieall.i with New York, he The second New \ork-Raver- 'oek In in.- u'.i of his i* \t »||! 1 \l t \\ ! Today is FYIdav. A real, live. Uk! mu»: tnevitah'* chcic iHunictern so often de¬ encounter the mi Slan." feature is kfter "The l ast %n«»» If jears Paul .ate asAitciatcs and piit.onts, inelo-lfst. ti» real we pro- ho.v Mirliigiau SlMv Va,| ivvcr; T'vk-Lioil-ltVFridu) day. L>uul»lc Joy for all. for due Ml Student to the screen lu . s»- pleted as a part of it. stent return- he has enrieitcu their ^ K.m' *. v on! fortune. this Friday the fourth, to be .uueh f*ut>ltstte«i on Cia-. Ahelman. a Jew - ■ \*v In the former there h Ihe plat |»r. slam live*. tt.musli Trtds* lnvlu:.:a r .r . tv. tFrw >Nt •■'m!\ hrm* up the £i>*xl fortune to live through two w he Is pr»mg>l> »effet and Baker»; the his sersiees whether the* were l.eve- ifi the existence of m-n term and "etwee.i one st*eeial r — t J2! 4e«erted i IManc likely to deter- summer s pc-Axi of F.V hours ftvm the beginning of the ' kc At>*-h"an F • a • •aid-he artreM sih« RM eaal a hie te meet the Nnanriai re- Cnt»red •• «e*s»nd t'U •'*»- nine in »vtrt one - impression of - « (,r the sewnd. but Momluv next, by the ' " IN ... ,-,r resnpense or net. i •eem te madile Ibrmtfh mne- ii. t*lm "The Utst Angry >|a:i' ">en.-i'" r magic of rbe administrative alchemists, bus been he«« er ether (hway Parker i: A newspaper artico* alxuit o i - •ra-smutatiH* into a Thutsda>. averting all the usual evils ^vsti'ence of that traditionally dismal day, *-v.: - t 'v v. t'"at Jung, in a moment A'nguUrly » • -r z vxAU'hoiogiAt or any of rare insight and stimulating statement about the esse other such frxu*i! honesty CAMPUS UKAUI.IMKS; I p.m. Hit* Itrfnre Fublitalion for CLASSIFIEDS Tuts.. !V«|.. Thur.*., made o' a e'ephants. and Fri. Edition*. IHriidli*.? for Hon. Fdilnm: ! p.m. Fri. IlilK FavaHIr vl- and !♦,» Mondav through Friday 'There a**v m» universal elephants, only individual ele- phant.A." uuoth Pr "Hut if a Jung generalitv. a constant plurality, of elephants KD 2-1311 EXT. 2613 did not exist, a single elephant would be exceedingly im¬ probable " bUfW to the Editor HOUSING PERSONAL automotive FOR SALE ntr; vim vv <; att * FCi «NT THIS contention from Pr. Jung's "The Prar- Turn 'Mad •R* dinciMf mui •- J' **■■»* Money' Tl RMNil ntx-vicnrnt ct.i*n ceutw. *t C-fs-rttri J? « -« " esrellent condition absolute! band aoand "and too. • 4 1 Fridays tf* ce of psychotherapy'* upon the matter of spurious • - -u»t ra4»»' neater Wvnterued * -V Ce:j- I00MS >-M7» ss:th a deft lalbeit mildly unethical! twist of the wrist, it ail) decree W t»|lf> a# AH Ta»». iiR AlH" ATF WOMAN LA ROIL a!» XVOIUJ I4KF TO .-a-* seems to apply itself neatly to our present situation. lr,. t ., r...» «»»*•• k f**Mii can- mont wit.1 anottirr , fa-t* i* '! i 'Glad Money' ■» Into Winter and p l arol at Eat 2420 bet-a*" n i* . (Urafr «,ailabir For. in actuality, tat least, in my limited actual exper. WOV c. »»»nnt trr.iui in :-:iui fence! thsr* are. indeed, no universal Fridays, only indi¬ a Orr YOl'RSCLr A go,«U «e*l en l sea fateen or Ford ft«m a former AtAUt« Saeii • *• » • • ' i «U 1' HlX*'' AM) %i oAing HOARD lor uno atu IV >-5U70 lor av14 Tha Bud-Mot " T"« batit Ajtrcyl vidual Fridays. Some are smashing!)' outstanding from On *he eve of Ohrntmas there day after day. Same MM.* Ma* atudant Curtis, hr, XV 4-WI Oe# Oer»r *«ldr0 tire* FD S-SV1? V* N ti r iioni • ■ gt»&. air t»' inrAun akit aa*i at*«n on.. v r Ti»ip is«v«t«. 4 e •» l; • tJ • tor*" Nt w'tior n>ott rrv ED J-J1T.» to distinguish between subjective and objective Fridays. Tor tre^e pex e ovenarhelmed mttiiy *Au:-aix *»Jt. ftaas. ill») Kvcften«e Ru«- KWART BAKFRV UHi t 5 " The improbability of subjective Fridays, if too easily by adver»:vy, dr*p<-»:e.y uncer¬ tvMv- volt, M fa»iai, .•.-••* di*hluall« dor.-r*,e Mebile aervue. »n F. Mic? lUM'Viv FOR M FN Kitchen an«l . tain about we future — CTriat- laoltr tor U P M)' re well ca«t upon the validity of «» v,t 'ii-t.Oil • ktari. Lenrti'g Wieivi Car*. I'.") i •' r»- rm taken for granted, may *t*as will l*e only another Mask Your g.f! baetown a doub t - - ■e ID ?-«?: » Iworo I piu Jungian improbability as applied to objective Fridays. day, unless *x*u, their neighbors, b'eecng tie needy for whom RRVXK5 FRONT telmed. tabor and AND reer materia.* brtM Ce-c GIa»ri. r . « , t.. • * corre to their aid it prir.oa happ«neaa at Chrutmaa •!••• tllVo Rrake* adjuatwl *-> till te »♦«! SERVICE Think hack a few year* te t me. a' d on you who will know- iliamfton Rraka reUner- -flf * THIS FUTU: acceptance of an unproved hvpothe«;« a« tear •*>• ehtMheeg and the die ilo a- «r.*: eumaa c*f helping KaU" aroo )*t*one TV «AM h) Dace* '•is'atri W»a' t* " * *INI.I-X* •■ r* rrroa ROOM am ,»< ORAOt'ATF. atu- »ooa Good al, OUT C* $r *n irrefutable credo, creates a feeling of vagueness and • aogerf •! Ibrtlt of awaking your fellowman. FORD. GRFXN ♦-0o*>r V-4 a1?* .# * J ' e i nt.'tot tabi' iunttr l\- Radio ant haata- Tun sign* -Ash a'irr t on or IV 2-I4T1 dur- "security about the relative merits of subjective versus Christmas marwlng te a eCaek- i,.-*od tire* FD 1-OflT » It. W.. vpjectsve wh.ch is basically intolerable. tng full ef detieiewa Malta ami * ♦ ♦ Camr** J RiKiM- lK*l BLF* AND tingle, Fighting the mainstream of human fee'ung. we ma>. emfloyment Sit #«w ,p*tl it air rntraiM* I'arAing however, err more grossly by confounding the improbability tad •era. RHauaiaf wtth gifts and Sfo/i Griping TMC HANTSTV Amoeieueo deairm te ha«e an rr * RRCRRATION Si- btti i '•> I"; ::JT I.AKGL Altai PUA1INT BOOX1 y» f-r of subjective Fridays with the nonexistence of subjective ef despairing in » i .- L euld Fridays. The existence of the subjective Friday phenome¬ it X '» wiHi-d be now f the atoekur.f ro^- About Finals *» tan a*ere ba»*a taenege tenter en Oeeember M IH* )">en*e send reauiee and uieuuw* to yla, in tbr r Sm, SAoti. a $ f n.m-.moAu ( earn part rmit r RO >-tm « ta " and tas of a home n th no gwd Ta the EdMer: ~~ AaaocWUen. HaiuaWa XI cmgan *S »v*n- vt»» CD )♦.»*».' apttoinin-ot 1 i personally have encountered a« many as three Friday* (,'egr u» face tha ~ ne'.i of tursey. drem^*g. a"i car.'*, aervorv avrouciT Rrcirrtovter fvn f*«lt 'I M two of them subjective, as be*t can b# determined by the p ^ ag frew—i Pe kiickrn fact that they must take ttami bu*r last Lansing doctor • oftuv Tyamg eereaiai> writ* *«at;rg •«' Teboj«a-» I iv LK'LHLt ROOM PARKING *Parv AMMICAN 113 I*,. V Pi * : :i « x* : w year wficn after c-rr.menoemenl? T^# na¬ most modern analytical apparatus! in a single weekend. u* twti in" a.'i.put brtev* • VMlUwelUHM ttrntM aaiar, a ' iv s the feeling hrotherroeaf ' ture of the qjemer ayptRm tnakri te Blaine XI*orv UI* ••*»«»'# ». * t ! pr v.iegee CD 2-*ia» a !'wis wonder occurred in Texas <* land w here such thin;:* avelUbtOl* . . flsKir -;-.g a-vt fim.i es p-ev*a » .1 a m »t .n^cwub'.e fi*r any K V'mverutjr VUlago " ARC,!. DTH'BI r BOOM. ap- •■"»<»«a'* i it' I _art --t con*ideresj extraordinary by the natives! t'nfor. W ,-e'ebra-e * mo-: os^ue hoi'- other xea.<*-ne>lt plan to func¬ RktrnoNitT for r t an*- |. »• 1 a * »ttMiatl1» UorMi. 120 Oik- a inlr- TYPING DOM IN • Aac-emj :r.ajel>. wren the speu had run its course and Mondav 4 Par aire Vir • v, ** « . '.*■ e«sent al t * tion txa dweter • »[1»* Na avpenance >»»«••* Uctttciffi \ X 1 t e- rvaadar iv y*::- doea aee-n rather r—iviir-e Pro-mod or Mod T#»H pr'per sequence of fiap*i*\i time, by some g.> r thought to those man* clra.ntei. t appeared in a atuOent yretorrod F.D »-U1J •-) WANT OTMM IAIGA.NS TYPING SFHA'li F aat-eUmacucal *o have a cere- l*(*Bl» ROOM ton men 4 loan l Ahdrwda fa:n.. •* f-r vtwn tvpewrltor paper a: «.-r.ee of fate I wa* unable to recall the experience clearly SYPRRfOR RlCRRTtCNtfT Fon « xj ' «ra, « w, in-r m*'to-i ketiiiadioi: g.« *:-*n . H k^hrutn:*a can r-.ran Do*.h,rg m rrerntr.g the "end" of tht Beat Lawf a*rtor« rt"..» 0#»* t»r»» Nda Tit • Cfl oe* e lor • if «Mtintit Phyllis Waii*** " distressed by a lightness in the head Ui-t •»-,«! was ph; .A.va'ly % ateiher. deserted kv bee undergraduatg program and then T»e*ng -ocnamr•/. Wme atalini a«* vti ^eerui A*« k aaeycini aala- * .• an,.; t *4 TYPING TH Lwi* -*4 .rp2 mouth. auaniU-euoru , »:i devil tice in m;- ksskaad sad wrsaght with aa- return to mora casses and fx- avetlsbUitv Mr* R Olo-*kir PKJtN. *] 10 FO* nOLl U ' • bardea af raw- ROi * IT»4 LOOKING prude has replaced an objective Tue«- *« v* A.'tua v. '-.e umver*;ty gaMh aver the arra U*g V (it Rjvor Tvient >0»•> o\.>e' » ' *# C*.'*•' r Jl l .alio Hiroo" able rate* IV 4-iA4*-> ing sad feeding asvreel eMIdrea Bal an the ether hand, we tv t-»Air w- a su retire Fr.da The improbability of this ■0 r.M-fc 'r* Brrkr Hat! FD- aesda rear help The rrippirl have eajeved laager vara Rant foraent ad SPARTAN ML ! T J - . *t:tuv-m should :n no way deter enjoyment of the ever.*, invalid whs kssaavs af kla dtv- aaeatamband wtah Ihe knew I- iO»L» t AN VOX* U-O t:»o*o' T-> H pmr sonic* t » ..Tg; "MM 1»* Ha!' WRTW ntt %na M sir Two no* )i«[:ur<. : A *»terta Mr- Goodww ».:> *+ »v rr- re t.-an tnt proximity of. the two TVrlF'i should do akUity rsa set Md «apli?arat. edge that we mast fare Aatl e*- Ma AH iroAo* S.--4 ->^1o r,.o»-* - AlVnwi ,a*i.:»vorr« »..•# > O- , S--e« * •• « »»t- a*. l«»I saw at the sad af them, ta ad- cetkUd dr»** -»rt • LI>- « «"aU.o lt.rr- Alt'. TV fee aaawtaa-s la . leaks to yea ~'a. V aid manual ua < p-» A**.a srf,"# U M1J-* 44 !aa-dr> a-».t na'W.-ig 'a. iIHIo, Ore •arvivtng and kaswtag seme Jay ditiea. aar ftaalt hart revered ■' 2IS L*u« I'D- the subjective Friday .. * ro>Mit if|*i THE INSTINCTIVE rw.atarcd to ikts ksiiday aaaaea enlv lea weeks af week father |.G HIAIIAIT I0HUS T-S , » TV» end rado« 1 • .« act against "the existesce >f the cay but against the How wou'd you !;k# to be than Arises Three advaatagee . for sale GOOD A«uf illAN WINGI.I an- .mprvtar. ' *f the Friday per i# roogry mnM of t t Uaas* ij are panatklt la th# gaariae aye- RXMXNCTON PORTARU: *JV»r • FklSH ... TYI'IM. Ft.l < •*r uogror le '!» in.Ais*er-:* * e\,-t ,n teeth of extreme pressure v.ere a- rr.an or w\4T*ii a.nwa.-:g tern RITKJI ft" Mag'. T«:- Ou»C* Te- ' ,'a,tor- ert*a hoi "•* veer. i~.o psire- >*~a*..mwi g prwe-p can a**n yortakie «err*in# *a*o FareOor • - • o no m* -e easily explaine*i .3 I-.Hi -* n t-e - ev:.- e p.-i*r..;mena laaotiai 1 m Neo rr ' e «rv«w—*vg loca on a ttuod a wp a v: bastion very cone at', j, ShwOMuT S*C* 1-aa " w "an tn.s, entire uiecuaao'ii of the matter- is easily under- •an fae** e>ueciA.*y when that s.'.uat.on a 2JJ mac 0»»- a a •. a a - E\Pi.K T TEH • :• Pltig oc e.oo- J»i. TVXTUO *.OAT AND f .. •'* org ijI ALT DOL Bi.E rwot. A TT -. «gn Sos—a C*o. XI- a ra'Jver tr.vV, on# You ca.nl AHlt at<0 t» tondiUor TV Slu, V 1. Im. tia ■' Pr rvsl- levn >oor« *■ ,-e * Th^s a,, rr, %e*rr. to oe * * excerpt fr:rr. the pages of g ,n Su e l'r. verv.:* studtnta. have your caxt and eat ;t too" 2-^441 or TV «l HOUSING ' - 4 Lioa*re :*.*o#n i»d »;o •*« rr,.... A*. W t1* e uS a htlptr.g nand tq these or Ta*e the b.r.rr with WHC'RATTD CAKU UCllVUtFH a v<.OiOg4*. here ta *ou bar aarr.e*. Wrt -aj• Man* »C« UN? K<>» - TUA * r luoe-.l! ;f cwmmunicat.-n. My own fee uigs and re- - ocuit »*..er ♦ + + Raao— TV * nc _ *f nfwui hour ka»T , v-n-. inter g aCl.lt;.', FD 1-4HD Operi.igt iru* X) Lou*i.-4 Tv* ttowre*.. . «»ir* on • > v o.-, TV AND RAD • **i car. mean w :>.ut to i.MJUirTVA» TREr* *COT*.Jl . r«tos, *«■ »'"J< *e cenie»; There a*e no aauversai Fri«la • :«r a»n er ( Cani^ieta • rr- U/a \ et. it rea-t - ai-o jndiViO^a. cai,n«. t Fnda s. E*er though a generality, a cv.n- lev. - #a-. _re mkiie »# of Lan»;.ng eajev warm Letter Hit* sire am* a*4 CNon»e from *a» tree* Aar •*-•» bandar w>* anly. Cut >»>.•* UM satarAt .•ct.r»io^ tbO : »r Morran, G«« no* ta. ■—*' Rcoaona' .# ga-rafr pw* rutenaiur XL* g... rttRCR * u*ed T \ labo ctterliiii' o «. Oail* at* , ' ' . at Mas c». see R) >■ ROO l MOOCH v Tra*eha "•ta.-.-t p.ura. : ' Fr»!a • s ex.*-. an. .nov . a. Frola> is «ti I hvvng aaerieea and geed Rsad ■4-f ■ ..,r s«> im Iwduig atar MS- F XIK lode t I Play Review . la aar mi ramaiaaity ge TTPRwmmR rrANa**D MOI>- LVt »'d aarVM.g vnrfl wavr> IV- tgrij ^nprupabie mtmr VI_ ftN nandit-w* 1* M.*-Aa ILAiT UVUXO DL PVAX T*.rao »asm •>- IV s-«*: 1 at TA PlbT I H. • '- tare* rooDM and mi', m •' Tern eapo-*. » e,.- >* l-*n» 4 TAPICT ANN BK, w aawbii—afnhoa* purtahl» tiailhs ?-aaau Oertr.f l># SU> Ne«a were ta orr.t iswmetw tuner OS IV AW 41 LARCK DLH.RLK sLaiPLVG rnon' n»iie«W a id l io*>» 4 th.eaur o)w« RlUTvn.. ba*tl and on* alo -»r rtvaai ratner^ tran • ■ tpa ALAI1 it pcri MANAC g *. irajK* Lam a«v: r*ia»»tt^« tr*o..r i" T*. ledr^i De:«*o itHNiei. prvat V*e sloppy yan wrtuch •?- — IV * U . cmll D l *B! We .• ..^M.o-e Carpeted Long Interpreting the reared Ad Tuaadaj on "Mary * d bed ' ""r «*. .tumodl- cntMrOM in ' LL 1 ataMl" LT-Oal LV rVRMsHEO HuL'ar *• ' a*rr» ne' i 'Oaaunobie prteo nabieit'er IiR * G*rAeeR»4 »«r !»• men OS tor-.. AH auLPei IH.o«,e e, no' IV 1-4.11 ju met KD I-Ml) , tha m tai waa a cetd Parktnd IO Mel A# >n* ten Ave %/Ur > KM FU. AN A Or-ovjec -*f e* t— poai.b.e !.-. r* he .2 travel, "g A'pk i I flVF JWX)M 11 RNlXHCD - -4 '• f *-4 g> -i »e Ire • ig »f a • rou.-u tew-Cxmti cf the C CP .-.133 aftr* • om * kg XJ MAC temJW r-.cw" .-Rt v.e oalort of li eowJUgtei SCary i&uai • fuata't n'reo ***>. •u. * {•! • ,w • a -*.A4 a was wt ha»c xe0#i than :cut*c3 BAST KA LA MA.'OO tObT t^MTXlTthfkCRiaXO-Ne- • zr**- c * 4 - a- a d n»e*'*..> a ran On • o res'*.:*a wtli oepend mom -iassa af KUakhfth and not Her Owl UUCT- *n» beii nmawd inw. b*aemor.i »a! Air e-^Uen A bo»* «* C^* f?- a#n- gWM« ali muLuo» P«rAl o to* «on-A«si- V has JrvMmfl age. aM a;:h jf >a-e in kJiary as a man , had cater AM as for vooa # T-veiseei # faa w •■.rwimod !■» f*)2j t**m iwied n* 1.mortal hazard ED of in a enrtg wherp ft# Jkih* af CBBiri.fli by Bka- MRR aackgraund of .l-neoaee • uwvem • Ope t TA tg ec'-re %'s^ba tejevti uooe. fcaw ow .-aged tambla and «c* ba9i aaithar MuJar-f stay har • Wegmea s*eoo» TOVR-ROOV APARTVDrr FOR lost k and K ilido ruie tn ■sen he iU.v.1 tte pace eaaHful war •ua. M«l af ' "" fiieaii a ' bWrb Wether c*ee R hosier tD idM mtooi±Z t ken •»> - : navt or.:y • fw* boe.'j tha ;e* * »* preaiaac:» ha afed- *.7«, a«4 .Viar.g fliat ha utanoad ta raal ftkJ- *P#M all of .hat trrr.e ha poaub* "Steady Mary tttte. If a; of *ns '.r. en ta wt«*R ir# je->v>»e st-J ^ .♦»*. sa can ir. /i,t peojactj • te-- mm ai una • • *0f7e'.--r.g of r« A--.er^sn aneer.V-. *e He.a Sr-.rg sv> fuaiorr And rr».n of A.--4' a-. **t waat to pr>* t that » « are -eml'y baet.ng ha liff TN.a c--«vw e-igo V *- .r . - v. *ggre*«ve. 'Jiat -,-r jeo* • tfurrvLaee tnem of -,.s >.d'y eaw't tffr.va cr pew r-,. e.ja Jtem -ton of A.nrrm -*# r*mden» •e.-.-n r.ona, »a do not *eek Li v -o-i # a.-.rhody ilse'i rgh'a. "X# are v«f'" Staff vim ic jmmt* i rr.p.y ?.•)• mg to as a jvi pa AM*« fA Ap>*a at to* trtit ri-e .-.er :n this buaineaa of aearch.ng »»rs h.«e capRululing Velloso was <-sptur©d but won amnesty. fichigan Receives Top Officers Launch Small Revolt in Brazil RIO DK JANEIRO, Braail (/P» llra/llian Air Force offiCdrs 38 passenger* and a crew from Rio to llelcm, was of *ix aei/isl course. Kurller sketchv reports from Anigarca.-. said the airlin¬ over In order lo reach the fntt- glr town of Aragarras. Passen¬ reported forre Three and perhaps four d«« and Rown the dbnidents planes were setaed Thnrs- northward, where apparently Intend air •[' verEducationAward In flight and forceel to land at er had been forced down by two gers snd crew were launched a rxM-ket-sired revolt a Jungle air strip near the town small planes ami passengers and unmolested. to establish headnnarters. again against president J usee lino Ku- crew ordered off. Official.* uid one «»f the ©igV Amaron Riser lerrltors of Aragatvas, 1.380 miles south¬ In bttscbe^ Thursday by aelrlng west of llelem, a Th© latest version, filtered officer* wa> Maj HarnUlo Ve!N». Tlie government gave this ac- Plan" Mann pointed several air force planes. One government rftviVfd tti© out th.it The extra speed pswvn the Ihrtntih h»*> rommuntrstlon*. mi, who !eki*smun "salui otunl 1 f«»r ear emirs uM eight ©Hirers got on thr in IW.Ifl A group of air furce safety Idertae© provided hv the senger liner |o fly them to a re¬ •pie pi me, » Con*tellntlon In»- jward tn th# easily with six hours of "in the trallle emlneer. he explained. < 'onstellstton when It left Rio al officers then held out in the MM tilt. %\ M *TI MWs car" training. The 30 hours of mote «|**»t in northern Brarll. lotiglng to PaliAir t)<< ftra*il, Vl". education* In It i.* hoped that a* u result -of The civilian plane, carrying was then ullowed to resume, its and took the plane Amazon jungle* for 18 days i»e- I leer m her I. 1*5© Page three driver ©due©*. rlastxtom time are devoted to . > the course the student teams to building up the projHT attitude rely on good driving habit* at 1'* ytu- how laws are.made, who dralts dent spends In school, but this rf Michiflin'l , a< .. ,r. , 1.500 instructor# them, whs trata them In opera¬ tion and the punishments for same student will driver traintng for be Osmg his the re«t of dtoafceylnc them. ^v.! * M vhif«n 9t*Xe, on* of Ihf He learns the application of his life ' In view of this fact. Minn 1 durational physical law* to driving ami the effect of centrifugal force, speed, said he believe© the amount of EAST LANSING ( III K<11 I S •richer training. i mp spent i* quite insign it leant weather and other factors on in terms of its importance. the car ami its operation. r,""T1 L He loams too, that ape*xj laws (JirltN I* •• ■»** are designed by traffic •to move tralfie a! a maximum engineer* Foliage Plants E„7 uirt. f»<«, mmmr .t. w •* ,r trlwr " *hM tm- speed consistent with maximum pafety. When a driver use* his Become Popular Green-foliage t*!anta ar© be- EAST IANSM6 UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN PEOPLES CHURCH CHRISTIAN FIRST CHURCH OF , 7mi "•* *• """' Pk.unl 1 judgment ami goes own that es'-.i c «ming even more pooular than 1MNTY OUCH CHURCH STUDENT CHRIST. SCIENTIST flowers f »r many home uses. £ Or « !»«•' five or ten nu!e> an he is in effort tuymg th.v h.»ur mor©, "The aoftneas, color and tex¬ EAST LANSING tiv •»xmr stc!l| frwi th© ix>.id i* safer than the traffic ture of foiiagr i* the answer to t'BiM AND STUDENT CENTER tn t r.raiid hurt | . "f ©re th© cords indicate, Mann said re¬ an inter or decorator's dre©m." IT# lasrtas A ©so— lotrrgrnnmlnatmnai FOUNDATION j-: ••. the training (tel.me* I. J Tolle. MSU horti- lOt I *11.111, vft,. f Mid. ,-ulturtst "Tiiese plant* come in Mr. I. Rt'OKXt WILUAMt (Niiinii Lutheran C»asell» .,• t rntra©© ar© 4 Staffer. t y attitude on of the American Alumn; Coun¬ furniture won't flf and ©mpty* 1.M p.m. w nmin# Wflfrtila *1 Mill ©no < no yum I iM training cil In Chicago. Dec. fl-9. ne«* seems unat'raetire t.to. 10:11 an© II :U A M •Ids Msjrrtv sf « krtrt WsgolfW©" Iv i x »' nvflk iMan. Starr Keenler, dire,-tor of "They add a touch of green* »i \»u ai.RViik Wr©w»,©a* I MrrtOu ■ I' H alumni relation* KmmwM a#rvle#t * mills |.. < :h• -Michigan at MSV. w .II e-> to end table* ©ml coffee i iun « ti*©• »i* participate a* conference chair* table* Small plant* mak© the tangav grhsal: # sa A |«:IS A.M. ( iirotma* I hnralr With MrOiUltun man. Th© dutnet cows a six* »«es* f arrangement© for OTHKR tUtlCM n% Nm Srkramm NradiMs N-UII age Nntorv: #■•#. I# It A ICS© A.M. !>f Publishes slat© arew. this putnswe " • o* am. too©#v trfcaal with atuisnt ksaa#r rink "fRI I l«mt ni TH %T rAHhot PI T Ol T- l I' M P M an# Mrrl |u al a* I Mll*s» |t«nr ##-••• •» « 11 •- M*t IK W «,ran© Muri I t.lon far ,|i»rWI I'krlrtma* P»» iting Book All • J# P.M. Rsffrt I'nlvavMv tnppm Mrtfrti W»lrams P««i«r • J# P.M. Hrrh'ft Nomr I loirrh Ifhiwl Irani W*t I »l« It I'll Mm', «.»*» Mliivrr* • amlini « ImS an© %ll arr a,t. annul I iiuch • :)•%.%! Srrtrre*. an4 Uiti an# M*r Ikr II.Si % M U.S. Steel I©# p.m. Wr©SM©av »v#ntog >18 |.ln«rn kirrn SENIORS t rife roAS» itoriHigh ktah *rhort as# h-admr H""0» asrvlre • -eg-jo* of thy Vnital .* <*•>-..-ration. a pr*»- | «d a booklet - W ST. JOHN CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH OF EDGEWOOD EASTMINSTER LUTHER CHAPEL — iStruck of MSl"» i#parjt;©r.: has taught EAST LANSING PEOPLES CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN AND i CATHOLK STUDENT PICK UP to key - -g oHinra . ^rarnnaC for th© pat! and CHURCH STUDENT CENTER (Etna Islargaosoiisatlssal ["-*•* The company has « "Cones© Writing" to (•©tot. ©ton ©f WESLEY FOUNDATION «#• N. Haga©*m Rsa© (t klsch* nsrtk sf tlrsM Husri Mrv Miibrrl I Mnrrlasd VI* IHihliw xirarl, I L Misiort i %l itMiilII • , null | I taatoh a. i.wmn> n. T- nin Wtlaoa M. TansaM. «M Vfcfc.lll N »4ft Hav. TranWR A. Marrlaso. Mlslaiar YOUR m Oasts* L. *s#. H#rrt#sn I BkRMOM L'n:v©r»ity at CAPS arrrt Pr. »• tfc© MM. mmm M * •* »— On 1# IB a Hi Unr,Sl|. «n4 I «nIiaiiiH| AND ■k -•+■*. has c<>-si*th- Hv Rar. 1 msu A. Msrriass I hurt k II ©a am awn Thaslr* fcihntil fur ihlidir* third Milium MH IM AM. a *| X|»%> %« ni IM i r • .* i-gc training hnr##rv for hoOh Aorvlraa «ra4r as4 S*4rr •*• r*. (Ni— mini teaching EngUsh to ' < borrh >#h#rt a*Mi*n* At * tn* W.M.i.ifc ta A Ills %M Mat a im »— m Ml IMI % I Max •:M A II •• A.M. la NifcO %iNdt Vas A M llainif, I»•* Iar4 I hr fcartamrat af Ik# lard* GOWNS Crib rsom Ibraogb Jonis■*' High aloiroO*' iii-mma |»Hui Cl#«a Wanav fcwaorr koppar is M JnaJar High r#llao#bla. 4 p.M. •ii mxfx win out •Mi M High ©abort Psllawsblp I to © ©jb. t all l.|> t-MIt far iranaaorutiMO All SAMS ASCBtSNW LUTHRAM (HUNCH FIRST WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH UNION BOOKSTORE EPISCOPAL CHURCH iMlaaonrt ©yarti >lrt Hnstort Band <1© Mil© ©Art at ■>©a©irt Baa© I Xarta tot Hdgnnhn %*#. #r t (irar## H Rilw* — Mtrtwiao MtBlrti I aws©A« li ha—i — #4S A M , MaralAS ©Otap — II #a % \t HQDL unoasncap NoSlO t»*tk On M-0 t%#Biss fca»*»«a -/|B — PW t aa »• %f t km • '-L-Jtri. ST. ANDREWS EASTERN EAST LANSING — ranito rtM.«MUr B. TVS ssatoa IMfff (ENTER 7™ rr.-;r Msg is kmi ORTHODOX (HURCN NTt Xarui tart Siraar, knada* M-rnias Nankiy II O am FUST CHRISTIAN CHURCH I'.©. «. Iaasa« ■ tli'l *M.HI m»IHNtl> ►te-ro' '•ssaf.—* Iplaaiata# •# Cbrtrt) ##• A M (Mliiltaa# • MAM. fcasda* Brtra fcrkart It-aaM « lf«»# — SaOttM I lark — ll aa am OrsanM Kmkm* *si'J" •' HalMA* an© lsr#bA ©traata Oltis# I Marc• lo Slaraaic gofliui aa© %tad« I Itmi M.mdj, «ad •rdn.< Sit tiMwii at a aa em I kib »as»k Af apsfTA© HaaaNAl *ts©aot« Oka sra© If an. par %A- VlfllUIrd a tlh I ml % otMmi «f I ktiaMimt Cbsrab ©rbaal a ss a si Mrtrtn# Harrtn# l# ti as tlas roll WarMsoa Tk*«h MB I rr • ,mail. NltMatl Cbi Aba IN|© C.*f. #.#• ©a «a©a# li-M) ikr. HI A Csttag* qn t all ©H l-lrt# CENTRAL METHOOGI CITY MRU CHURCH iltkm) CHURCH nit t wcaaoAN «hu*% at t aeurt HAV. A. S. TilMBtHA. PAklOB Marrtip onb»i al • to BOd II U yolk chlkuh Pawl Maartaoo. pcaarkiss f? •i •15. iOSSUr krkssl at B to Sar- -. keollarly Canaral I* a Iroa©!? «ksrea ^•toaw. tm"' 6j ' I Af MMM MVM MUX*. -a < ri—mu.ii t.n« H HOW ©HA A. ©t MBN, OJI, Paoar Wort (Wan al nam • U PJL IA PJA. ©>a#shiag J P-H. KtlMNU IMVItl •Mi kso©a» rtaans idrn CM© J "Whan WM <***• Ibilw ttn»T lor rtngl# yanaa adoh* K «,"gsas:-isTt • -•r • ■ am ...a Pi Phi's. Dolt s to Stage MU 111*. XX *1 *11 tVeember 4, IMS jjiifW';-' i Annual Tree Lighting i UNIVERSITY 8 nd The n Phi* ami Delta will STUDENTS1 rvi.a Ti rv • MO* !*• ('fcrtatan* "The taral »r Ikt Hell*" ami ftrtnir*. r *i Con :> , t,. rrr.iitioMl -,h* Chomj thrWww »n.t O.-- a Heat fan/me You a-ia Merrv, e . by the Br»s\ given on Sunday .. "White I hrtataioa. " OneriI "e . SPECIAL ehr-: w «rarwlht« will he held after th« Xudttorium chorus ami ori tu-. j » ' luhtina ef the tree. v . thi» i*hn»t. I'nder tiu- ;v.' ■■ k. rw \xv'' cf*tr.»-".-v Y e- Jmief. the eh.-i M.-fv t&KI bu<- V 5:.uirnL« and t-nynspeop'.- , t. .. .r« ha* t*fn oart . VOL K CHOICE OE: a ;-onl;j!:v invited to attr :•.« »r \h ./.j, on campus. Chw- •NUgnilK-at. K» .( the choruses aiV:ra: ■ v*«" .-i,,. :i>uumental i«»inp»w.- Print* beef open fair «mnd»K'h. au su*—• 4 . . ^i s'.ngtng by tb^ for soprano, a' ., bass. Solcutx exlra Ur^r plate—shipped potato—coffee . , , U ..vilt.C.Mj! 4■ v, „ t nuert oueiti with soprano, i'a'.hef or milk ♦ * * ond soor«Ho. M . . m rvue» will ait*>. Philip /.e. STEAKBl'RGER DELIGHT ... . .»»i ,■ IN \DMTtOV v, . .u Alunn. Mentor* Bd«i»r Kive'a. m- b'mi'av at & o.m. T^'.e auiLeif-.-e FROM \NV OR \I I OK •• SPEC! VI VP- , i; .■•■.-lu tVita torority pates with •••(• t; „ PETt/EKS. ^',4 v' i: fat rrn.lv will Ctaid |.» Tf - , , >rfVi7« bv Hr.iv> i,»uar f*. . u..",..h- . t ChrUt- Uubrie': :> ..-••n-t. . v'li. v ' together. Autree. v: ,r'vi ivlu will pre- , |i\4L»wm< . v l» .i ' the l**rd" iv at a distil! v-.« •• \ tn* v'rjiUe" by ience >;ng * e ;'.v « j e n g !*he rtu.i IWIKM >umfaV *»mini; ' fur III* \'. " C!S*S;t.I> rir. »u«t \»»* a. u>t> »m«W :vvn. • N i*g - Uhtantv.'.' h.ird lu fx-at pru-e* b* .u.* , a* f.n*«t rut-in* i' ... a Wasn't trial * With civ : u» Ml*1l » Tltr—III the trand «»d I hrWwo hwl».to . i IMIKR Till . t» »t»it ... 1» 4 • lLV Rr«t Ye triditbin Bill < j(Uh.«n 1h>* u The o o ; f ."i, ' 1 Carol .-f . "HOUSE OF BtEF" cee he !«"*« tu attend %»n»ple •( the (nmlte* t«» be h.tndeU *ut thi* «eawui h 'Uskv. '1*1! '- h«ff» tA.-v'ehem" and NOTICE: VII meat* served In the "Hon** Primr. Nothing *»at the . >U>. Host Your Head.' App'Uehtan V illuiu's Tr Landing >inul.i\ the - of Href ar* I SI* V from bewt for you ... ; >v -At:- "tuTA perform '*• T>vi:»v Defended Union Yule .Features .. They're not juM plain hamburger*. They're i«*' ' bv Praeh - K'.ngs" by- C!n- .Manufactiir House of Beef ODVM's St e.tk burner*. Specially' featured tho* Y-\ K tigv va ' be a. - weekend. Try iwte of the eight different pn**ihle -rumpet and Old-fashioned Theme ;■>. WASM!\v;t> " combination* tonight. v.ayevi by J.>h:iCribbs w eed k e> - ■ pvvrter ured a* the \ * Theta 113 V. Miaiir.VN AYF. h reei Alt old fa*halted t'hriatira* ?<"cr»v -A.• •- m-re-af*' :• berry vj»t , • a-a-t e ivniibned grv»up» feme Tnurah.. (NEXT TO HOTEL OLl*» *hr I moft with oid-t'a«hi >nr«! Christina* aJr.ui-f ■v'. » na a w ho must • ' oM«fa*hiune*l holiday dtx-oruiuM - ^ ••.»« Carol" :>y In Sal. 7 a m. •Spm. a Odam's Grill ... Hour-*- Mon. • lit the I'ftion lad'itv • .l!V. . " Sun. ti a.m. - it p.m. anw fbf* tub pretMr*«t !•»» T*» ' , . _ e*:i bv .■J-'.UM 4f.rn.lnM. ,m>.. R"'a Je w . «M ' a Spnialuint in: mad href, round hevf. *hu*Wrn. i«i« e. i;kam» river M «• A y* » or; -.14" ».v. duck, etrake, tlr. t ,. Warn-1 :he f.i- v ■ FREE PARKING — IIR: ! «.m. • I a.m. Y A--1 *;'ckerx re alum* rememlter" . r* W:- "hunt you i! .- . Crimr.-l-t-' ,.f. **a»y : va- \t H > Cnr.s-.' MM'fcMaeHIURtMM14 b••HH.iU: V. »>K: wimrO- i:-> • - ■ >■' ■ t vr-.'-j g.vr * I.» The I »t»n will he uab^-rn r- -rs-4, 4»f Um* amim taw an «M • •a h« w hether R(>4-i|M' for Lull" (aUmnifj OratuMv thru" wni D»m at. Iwh». never * tf. m-T.i or *?>.• I.. v , % . . via. t A » r* > f»re|»U« e v <•'» he hunt «t«* lint* ««aiUut *«u» mtdiiuht am- .1,1- Hvr- The Cr.,on vir.:> •» * ;>w aal ".isf a ;' aa vat t*ati>*.«urc -•* • ' *" t The » JP V:*'.- - . , 4 . ••• tV» 0 r«*:c£ Uj^ao Nf • ». as the sa.J M;»i Danfv»rt.' . « ve r •vert -uaev > ill*?'': *;-ui'«aaT • « b; T' b».ia .'v >* We II# t»rtll paedaa eld U4- , i * *,»> * C ai.e- !>•••« **»• a' t.vr »*r* of v > • - • v u,! -Oriiin .-Vi—v. e. la-.tuia^ a" 3 pit ever •Cvt" Ian I) M v# «at P* ' r..» ■ e • ' aad is-. I W* »iM.i l.« » 1 .'A' . a->« <»f Xtt MS'' lurtnti ti> lb*#*j J railiiulf." ^liiApeg POMES ALIVE FOR 4 >•. - j, a>. , • e.- '. • y-■ ■«' • 4 ' fse *' :ree'..:.| .- • ' * Monua • 4 JW'.erti* i.*i • . .a " t«» a*i» ■ ■ * PROUDm USED COMPiTf BOOKS UNION BOOK STORE mm sow to your fayokte mum *\ - MIC HIGAN STATE NEW* Pa|« PIt# Dfrf*l»r 4, I9.»n v 'V ' J* -l K*. Jr Pinning! Campus Classifieds . . . l-o\V Cost SIGMA t HI PHI sll.MA KAPPA HELTA HIGM A THI * • t, . Karen fluh c.en. MSG .'gradu¬ Judi Kirtland, MSI graduate Dontut Cnrrlivan, A no A K r and Alpha Phi, to Jake Hark. ate to Joe Cunningham. Yonk- Junior, to Kwb Alall. IVtrolt sen¬ e-s \ V . senioi Judv Matlison. Ml Clemens senior. Cathy ior Camplielt. GlenriH-k. N.J . fresh- Wriiunoville, NY, junior and A'pIim OmicroM Pt. to Have man. to Jark Hurnelt. Pa ramus. Cluni. Ciuclunnti. Ohm. jun-ot N J . sophomore &' ' mb J Engagements June Metzgcr, Sughiaw junio: IH.I.I A Ju ly TAI IIIITA Brouwt- . t' of M >oph- battar breakfast 1 , and Alpha Gamma Delta. |mn l.undvall. Lincoln Park P'uolf and Kappa KajSM G.i:n- ALPH A GAMMA DM.T.A liinmr. Pat Dan forth. NAavne. to nia. to Terry Hravrrman. Mus¬ flalre .laeeha. Birmlnnhatn Galr Mo»»re. Wayne junioi kegon senioi junior. t»> Dick Pcrrv. Birmin*- Imm and Delta i'hi Rita .len Mini*. Monti«»se senior, to A' Ciilucct. MSC graduate an.s with Ttwt.i V fsc\^v- % Gav LAST A Kaymen. AMI IV Waukega;). !H IT "KEWPK'S" CaMaria junior, to D'ck Ws.jick. Munde- L y I R oao Ifm-ap !>mrf"."Tbni War.y (.thf'ior of" /awry of Ihtht* »fc ) lein. I it., junior * NORTII CAMPBELL Ralu Awbita - TV Too Nhlrley Town-end. Middlrv i > sophonuMT. ' » Roger llir*. T?» COMMITTSK TBIRR to see the name or the album of tkr band that olll play for the J>Hop. State College senior and Alpha TV OR NOT TV Sigma Phi. 'Sophistication W ill Prcxail* PHI Ml ALPHA Betty Lou Harper. Grand Ha¬ The •esdeipir worl»| h*« mmle it« Rr*t lentntive step* infn telt-v thttin a lew lertuffg, • fe« «eminnnit a fer lab (|emon«tm vre junior, to Leon Bradley. ti<»ns but rollegea'tiave IW)l yet t«egiin In use telex i •«•( J-Hop to Fealure Hi^li 8ocicty Battle Creek junior ruprtcity tu ilrHiunti/e, in amuse, tontir the •eti-.»,«. tu unshat W!f PI BI T A PHI the miHgumtion 1 ike. for evmnple, t!«e fulluwing Surle Pla-ntan. Grand Rapic« AWnl \CLIJ tlowilv, folksiea. Well, it'a tune again f<>r innioi*. to Trent DcJong. Calvin :9H0 J-H.ip I- i« ac- that lovable, liiiigh.ible pair, lnunett Twonkev Magnifier. s., »: cation will nrcx-ad «>n .• "r Vol lege nmuir. trfte Fh D. ami l eluurt Mav Otmarott. M. A , in that mllieking. , , Fob. 13. the night of • e • :•• eit itir of the !>• SIGMA KAPPA -Jhii J-Hop. according to Bonn e NurthAeM, ruutertng Inn mIiojk-. American History 101 .. . .And here tliee ountry .toff INjsnei. band eha.T- Janet l.ongmlre. :.«vo and Arnle Roberts oo- I *. junior, to Walter Wide'', are the te.un that took the "lu«s" out of "hiatory"—Emmett .s u-tnter. J-Hop will be foi- Till T A CHI D!'. MAt.lH IB |{ llowitv. ttdksiaa ' A funnv thing hai»- ? , venpss and formality wi.i ■ • ii« a oreeedent »et in 1901. Stgrid August. Kanna- v'i'* fwned ♦<> me on the wn\ to my doctorate \ mendicant ajw ,, . the entire 1940 J-H •» •' vw the dance was a one- Sch»x»i of Nursing smm- prnaehed me and «snl Incuse me. air. will y.»u give me • f\ or* phase—favors. decor» ' atTa.i. i\.:n an eight-puve Hugh M*rr%. Praine V. age, reitia for a sandwich4 ' M.„i | re pi us i, "IVrha|« I will, my giHaj . , re and publicity. the kind. Kan., junior Binii. let me aea the sandwich.'' ; v* committee «M'.d •-oeid of the traditiona! • • < AMPBII I> ^1 HI RH AN SHOP ( AMPBI I l S sl lH RHAN SHOP V r. ,(-• affair. J-Hop wil! be «- " THIS YEAR S MOST EXCITING OPENINGS— > ■>; '-vernal dance, Sautrd ■ JtfssiS --v Th'.« change U not ?v- Tuxedo* CHRISTMAS PRESENTS PROM * - e v al reason® as some p - f vjvp been led to believe. ' - Till STOKE WITH THE RED DOOR , -.-^.rmao said. He Don't Forget Sha Vint; amawTioH •Out Distaff Room Featuring *•" , tiiioi.tr sTi nDfr on.WI/ATlON S. iecf. Item* For Her * - Cafu'Iic S With lita Tailoring II Till ' RW Coffee H.c«- : MISS CRIMSt t)TT Gh how droll |n Magrwier' How . • Ajpwf*4 wr'\ delu te Peimet' Hilt ettiiiigii of (11*1 STI AN tTl DEXT batimsge let ii« turn in u ir rollicking, ruisteimg tun show, >(>t NUATION C »:!eg»« H Ameru-an History ItH ,. caroling and banging I'll. MAGlfl |i|'ll T'siae ww will ilrnmatira the taut and tingling «t«ry of John Smith anil Porahofttnn I will jtlay * - r- . Cotege H-hi-c M ui R 1 aptain Smith ami Mis# Magtiulef will play Pocahontas »■ vets thvoi'. k Has Htndow . Hnea Travel M AWR'M |.H Rut tir«t a nie«»nge t»om our s|mns«.r I tMPia ( Rl A A OF I OK P The Stnre with the Red Hnnr ia 1olk«ies. have v.ai tried Alpine f igiretles iel ' |la«e v...| I IIKI-sT + treatisl Vour«eit to that tresh hi'tiitinH. that sip'tle cm»llies* / that extra lo?ig extra affluent filter4 Have urn4 llmmm* W : > . I . I HI MINGFR'N dOllb NAtU IK.IN S l l tldHV-l dOHb SAIIRII l« BT1 VfldH A I . I' not wnke % our trJiareonisf ami ge» some Alptftea at onew' * r Y House, 3 4 Eve . . And now to our grim and gripping »t»»r« iVtijfe. •• v»m Will a utill summer ntgl t An Indinn inn d *l.«nd« bv s nmonl t i amti « t v brook Xuddeiitv she hear* a iisitntep l^lutid her >lie turn* « A and R I n;. Vf|"»s t RIMx ill | t»h' John Smith' V»u*utu atartie->un A«.KO\nMl ( 1.1 H— nie mi' < AMri > i n * Foreatrv Cab-' ■ .• Dff MM.Rl Dl.ll. Howdy, Poeahontaa Khat are ?«•» . . • Square f-v'* denung doing by Hie brook* SATtRDAY Ml>s.t"IClMx'D'IT: Jual washing out a fa» aealpa. Rut (iAHM.A DELTA (riiat-um vou-um want-um* •• Martin Luther i * n-» D!t MAgRFDl.lt I rune to «ee the ( Inef "-»»• trimming and » ■!•«>' • • All"^ t ItlMM (»TT \ffU-uin tan t-uni ( luef ia leaving for pm. Cos? supper M*r* ( buago * - -.pie* everyone mvneo. DB M At.Ill DFR Dn wbat fraik* ii ir» c ub AWnt \« | R And (peaking ol truck* star on the rghi mi rs BC ■ f-i track with \ I pines the track that lead* straight to amnktng k,*K.i€« (W ■ \j;\ '-it help oecoi *'<• pleasure t>. lun to frolic, to sweet content And now ba< » to th<-e to.. gMneara, Ktuiuett 1 wonkey Msgf'i'ief and lehr.a- !< I *t I . Be r Man • ..t _. blav ( nrusrott ' and fellowship. DR. M A'.RI DKR Kelt foftataa. that'taR far Wwiag Baa *riA»irp. x whn fou next waek aama time aaaaa rhtaoei. "«.» mr.ai lOM.Mrrtri MISS f 'RIMW'OTTl Pur toaed sow for *Willtaoi Cuiiaa 1 * -X, Phi Mo S« r«n . ftrvaut fori Intern '* AlNUU ANNOUNCER: And remember folkaww. there was a Ware UIMTV COLUOIATK •hen v ou necied to smoke two eigarettea to get what you gel III IOM«Mir fn*m one Alp.ne one c garet'e tor light menthol, ana for high » w E. L Trinity Ct UtretifHi Todav you can get it all in • aingia AlpiM, wbteh . ■ • i-n and buffet supper. you no longer have to go aruuod arooking two aigaraiteg al a — wed oy Cferiibnaa Ca- - S.r.z MEAIK TRANSFERS S'nwf.r* in tk* I'nllfd Sut«« !• lb» *•»««!' T"'' I""' fllL EXIi th»r. n Iht *r«t ifricullurM •«»« of our notion. Now form TIPS r. .(.mor.t boo intrtoooi productivity. Now homo convon- lOI.EFfU: MEEK AITIVITIKS lonroo hovo broufht • h ifhor oUndnrd of llvinf. had doaudo TAXES (tu« for on ovon bottor way of llfo. l-.rt of thio botur li.iil hao bdon tbo dotuad for aori nod BERMUDA SPRING TOUR Utur rommunKOtiunA. f< folb.wi that w thooo rtiril iron ripond and preopor. to GAS Our. (.onoril TMopbono. For thooo art tha aroaa wo ton. .IAK.il 2A.2U. t'Ni.1 In Winrooiin. for iaatanoe. dairr fanaa art producu# rnurt 2c ifss miU of bottor oualitf from fowor cowt. Hucoooia countrr hi.fr.M art br.(bt and up to dau. Thair aundard of liviaf ia mi the ocuol to or botur Ihaa that of thair eitf brothora. BKhAgMtf A CO . . . tn tbia ana itiu. Goo Tol piano tn apond aan than SSO ail- . mm, rtg- lum ,n tho nut faw yaara iapraolataad laoroaalai tnlophooa Gar ts wmm. on icoo and facUitiaa. »!• K. KALAMAZOO 1 hia ia a tjp^al oxamplo of how wo otrivo not only to m»ot lodaj'a cummunkatioan atIda bat to aaawar laaorro* a. WBKR'S eimanvKE em1*1 MIFH.IV tcuphonc lELicno® Religious Organizations sv*»iv i-iiviiv ofruft* "i Slate Seasonal Events LOOK WHAT I FOUND! tlrdrkk « House uv N'u^T-n!. Frank rort v.i-h, s -ivff'ii'v. J.m«> WiHHt pi en h■■■•' !!"««• s! •{»»>• •".uirv pm 'basing TOMS MARKET IN A • RiMJVT MOOH. (i;.MWi!1 'cuatKeimeih Kubihn.v Mti- SCO ' MV! Hgtv. senior \t IV V offiiVVv NEW LOCATION! ivlu M > Camnu < Mill , president. • vot* -urcsidenh Mm*; If *oil haven't dltftHTrnl Tom'* •• (".a fM**\-.IS* F'u . uimi-o Walton two door* rt»l irf the • \ preside?)!. M.un Curat--liable*, then >ou Inirnt F.N'thard?. Richmond. M... diM'oirrril shopping Values In •un;o: rtv..fditia; mvivUU*■ match »i»ur i*tH-helb«N»h Perhaps Civ."\ M Pakalu Kau. H<«a Kit. }u"u>:. senior treasurer. luu'rr (iIiiiiiIiii a part* for the He"* uoidshur*. SundYlsk*. week-end—Tout'* market uith a Ms 'i I and nns.»r treas¬ wide food and beverage wlretlon ure Vi' litvvr. Moll sopho- for ever* lasir. will guarantee a iiieeevdut table appearance. With \ a . officers fhi Ma j - » *. Sharon 1^^ little effort Qtt four part' • 11;ftu'V . vice- pit'M - .'•■n*. Joanne JohriM'n. Galii'ti »i. «r secretary. Mary K*.» Laasifu junior: and trea%- i ,-vr. Ga*'e A'km.s Muvkegott Heights junior. FRIHTS and VEGETABLES Variet* of PARTY FAVORS BEVERAGES Santa Claus and his deer will make an npo- at the Sigma Nu'« C party this evening Jack is to furnish music f. ► The men of Alpha Sic- and their date* w," . "Snow Ball" Chr.s* a- thts evening in the Fountain Room. Man,, and caroling are t,. MARKET the entertainment. Van tf«»**en ha* planned « • Final FlintM dance this fie All filter cigarettes are divided nine. Mnale for dancing in the hall lonnge will consist of «.t favorite recording* on tape. into two parts, and... Thcta Chi and Delta ?<".i •» ' Consider Working hold party for dren their annua! I -'.>V'*,«o titiderpnviicid ; c - at the The!» t • this evening. A "Come a- V • for PUBLIC SERVICE Favorite Commerce ' v has been scheduled - • " ■-* members by the T:»'< * pledget for later in the e\. i one of the leading Electric and Gas Phi Mu's an t their i.v— rnjov a Christmas part? a' m *m fttHi. fclc.ujv ml G« I'oBfur, rani, fi»;nh in !, a cicctnc ml ft kt,kc. Vr, :n$-he lu*My coexntrmd ieekeu.1 heifl o< N«w Jing mnterj MBteg with Jiwrvirf initoi j. .nmututct PnWic Icn^t a ctnua u ttaBm a dytumic rifatbioa ounaf tha Ronney *ni .head. »5th an idtat kxadrw b*r.«* tlw tint ml fciorh jtjcm ccwi n ;S« 1'S.l. New York ami fhi'! .i.iph-a, lie Comparf «i)tn« Nmnrw of mdi divcmlcau* aa to mult ■ a hijk Jtgree Jewelers it Natality oI employ meat. a eifaratte thuMI" yimming Squad 3 4S' Harriers A**n. headed up hi law a * Honored Iran going in rinldt u. which ca -h \oung, But Eager Michigan "State and Houston • nnhduwl in the NCAA 1-2 finishers III 'til- W.VA onv t rclrtiiryer. has derided to male runner the selection an annual affair, at unci, include-, tiic.se rijnnor* count rv efi.iim|i »nstuj»> i,»ni laiwiTii. v. lltHtttan. John Mac , Mat. the prut \ . - A m i.... .. each succeeding \( rham- iuiiiishi|i meet. Houston. F •> i d d > Kenucdr Icgtate s.|uii i announced ... fu S'ale*. Hilly Hey hold ^,p|iomor»-I)«iniiiaUMl Tciou Nat intuit i olle^ut't Cities i'.nii, try roaches Ann Houston'* repri'M ntntive.* NCAA -Indtvidti.i: j.-e Mtcfiiuan Alteliiffan State. Poti O'!l;ordat.. Hillv Mills. K. - I'd Mccl All Bijj 10 School* Pie liars Spartans placet) three and h„ t pert-«*ft" • .. \ • tin.' I .nw ••oner, and teammates ,t»tt. finished second. an.) .loon Idaho State, *'v State l>uk Pat Enuclbrink. Pcun I'lolic.stiy. lluustu l. Hv HI/.UTTI K AA|n»| \ each on the 'v-m.ii. ,,o»n-i t \efio was r* i Jim Tucker. It.wa. Dici* (ireenr Slate New* Sport* f'ditor >t|u.ui \ ,ne tithe , ,o.. p IIS'.' 'e.rr vmnei for the eiifh'n Army ,l.n> VoUn«. Miflua.m ed one runne. each tm leim. Miles Kt.scnman. i »k! •• -wimminir *quad will U> a ".m; * ritlhv*. t-.tcer which wa* detenu.tied t>% :.ik.v '! meets, hid Forddv State Kenne.o • and H.'v Reynolds homa Shite. John Darby, lira a .ur.-nlinjf to l oach Charles Mcl'affrt* •. an.: nj.tv ll»e tirst lA place u ;nuei • ,r »h( Oio-d .mil fourth piacr flm*uiv- State James Howe:. ll.noN, ^**1 season, if *11 retain rliiritiilitv annual four-tmlc i tucis ■ -n . held at Xlicm^.ir States - '• v.- v. and .lerri Yum- and Tom Rivers. Drake Vt- ,vnrier* ate back, imvl ""h >!;»• • as members of tn. . s .• team is .two- evw. *.. ton Nov '.'J •' • O-. litotip . MKIIH.W *TATI' SIM* <-?ore> liradua- Tic entire All-America te.i u itfifnihrr |. |i;,n |»4gf Sflfa .. Wa Hie t russ tomtit v ( war lies (k w< *' "Mw with '.ae tH'!' . - v [V». w.terson. gone. Iff II I ;vl -i '»*• though pr**- KWIK STOP - ' n -s „•- J.ihhi pare) KLOCK ItliST Al'lt \NT ,• nart.enwlion in the ItARKIlKw ItlRllDV KIV- 'r,„. , which eul down A»l*f. Hill, Reynolds and Jerrv SUPERETH ,.tf , . •.*•'. if ion i»nt year the ;»i'ev AtHing were nimed to tl,r first ni'i v it in ..» \vi :-viare* tha'- the »V.v, III- America suuad annuunrrU UI'KV 7 VVI •» Vl| .v>". >cnodule UN • *' e.t:"» .• ,N a!! nine an S'« lo the \f % % Iter# is the A|w| He a No DELIVERING ft'.i; 10 leant that hqii its second triple . • the ih-*'. B.* 10 Swan hrorrr Dave Urvv i rown l-r in two Kevnotda. »ears (lavton |hev AAard are NOW [ s-: ,i.:a' meets w ilh A ••litis Idttravdon Tnnv smilii , * >*•.,# and ll'unv.s IW*h I ake «n«f Kennedv 1 hr MM II I \ \ Hi;I l l s •: ( OHMIII 01* SIM//.A ~ * oparuns worn hack their title* itm iiKAioise :• KAI.AMAZtMl « JC'OMI'I.HIH IMSM.HS , ftig lit "itttm Krlaxs are v.nedwir • .IKK'HIIIKS I; s this is an "attractive UiW v *1 v II in the Hit In |< a \ 4lid Nt AA I'AltTl SI'KCI U.l l ll>>' (I.IIM'HUr $ LATH SNAl'KS . Mrtaffrrr said, ainee meets s f4" *l» Ml' '• HI I VV s IV 7-0007-11 relays between lOW v yukiiu b in pi individual*. Tht* Jan • •it : • vi nnr».it, W | si «.\ «| \ • ' -a: S . :c . .H.Ait . IV 4-7971 ver an hrld in Ann Arhor lot » '•» u» \,. I'lKllll I „ * ' - !.•» •} a , !) s | v 11 '(si to be -er# • r" •: ll I l\o|s *Iffpf) tVlf Ma' ' Hi„ . v.. * 'ar are Indiana. . . • abdvr K*M Unaini "s \, v V I... . t v of M , , t.vr> . • • ve « . s:.«ie l'niver*;*\ Wat n %pr N v VI SHEPARDS . . . mcmiss from llurpv ||all defending . ' M 5 the • • . * tn Indiana .i id r -e ;.• .md third place ark • _ • • --r. Ia*t vear meet is J»" • Kliniinalt1 the Frustrations . > . Toronto w a* ■ *>r a three-wav ♦ vale but if can* of CHRISTMAS SHOPPING ■ entering f.id "I on fjot r me loo much lilonry for my u»tif bonk* it #.i.a irt Ann A xvau*e of tie con- « mi hmt term—I'm in n nen In.\ hrnvket noil.' e\a**v« The reguia plannrj « \ K' meet was not (his ro A Gift of Assorted Cheeses n ginnthr i' ls efit m.1f r snarian* hare frank M« IN-yard breast- n laps'. • gif (feampieii I* returning let SELL YOUR USED ROOKS TO a ?rti -i ' jaaner Rill ^ingleten sapha l—.s-. ir»,» . c #( - [waiiv Ituppari and jnn I re Tvmd will bark Madia* /.lervnne l.il.rs I.ihhI haiti's SSSHHHH! hoe* (' I »♦ hrfMUtrahe e a- n V •• .■v.vres tnr-natn In Eat Ilr\ )'rltii«>! II,' ..Mir »un itchy- T ?S* ' -v- " event *vh: ,-a'e with a SO champ.o Ron p.ace J CAMPUS BOOK STORE SuiiIii I .Iiiii— . . . ovrr he i o> c*-**np on«iup», aid l» SIIKI' VKII's miiiI |,irl up dates v - ■ • po ruci pat. ng •* :'."i VCKOSS FRIIVf THf. I MOV III.IM,. va' tra tf» ,V« Wrcker.ng Mciaf- SOLO BY MSII DAIRY OLIIB vitiir puir iif . . . ruar r. * " » viage «houk1 f.ve onai r atrength in tie ANTNONY NALL BATES . Mi !-» ■*e ' • uia hr»* '.ma .« tin •. i Ml IIIK 1,11 r MLH1IU\ IIIK vol K lltll MI¬ nava ef.er* DAIRY SALE ROOM '* • nv . • '«• • Die- larr> J one* AMI I Olll. AT IIOM, Hliry.nr.l lluol- >• Baker and aoptuv- e H • «. Juergen Ma't V.'« Sir! W arm a» all "{■••! nut" a.v-4. . H -.•^ e-v*k'. «- p•.»«•* , - 4" ce ha* " Mirrliii)! I.mill * . a h ~ -v sanrtaia ir 1 ■ ' Dick Brackr V rallirr I'roof •• • f.fc .l.aurxe will •» r:*or. a jar.*.»r « Onlv flU'i »ml SUi.'».» * < »e 4»*. year ar i Aea.* , koatber I *' ' bur amterdv •*• *»d »«pfi»mare and ■ III leuer winner artist* be Mpkwaw* beads lh» awimming s«ph W es Art s waofars from Jocobson'a wish him o vary i* ir.1 Dife* w. • .visual Dears mad'ev S-mon- Marry Christmas wuii a»-. year * -»■« operation "f'erad diver. Jarre return m in ['Z' ' hoit r» Agree ■*' - The Durftii * ' y draft aaokea floUnw^n avi • * Warren Raae o* - have agree.; •■* * frih a«a*on. .a • T .rwlay get.erai n*anage* K* ' • ' Artery.y ew.-.ad *r.h po- i • •*' ** tua weak an* _^ rn tmd • Sass. t\»n Sear.na, Chuck Thompson R-b Oar-us. John Darnels. p.»o. T:e Seam will return to East D-rvix J:m Durktv. Ar.g.e Fes- Lansing late Sunday afternoon. S* .:*• .o the M.Jtt ed Open G>-.» tu sties Cha»:ishn>* Saturday. ■At,«Vas \mong the scheduled even's 0«»^« tn' 'ii e tvil.iMoe beam a-id uneven STrautnmks at the end of the The MSI* volleyball team Will, ixvr*. s;»fe horse and tumbling, see ;•> ftrs? action of the season soccer season. This means that parallel bars and her.ronui bar. Su'urday •• the Grand Rapids S'rautneiks, Dam. is Martinson. 'jVtE r«: a m v vl. Joe Armstrong and either Andy rings and tramivlmc' W mien's medal a.v:i;\ts There are It entered n Romenta's or A' Harvey wiU.be be determined bv rtv sum .•? '.i-urriK". AU of the top the starting spikers •the three txereiset -in «• *h V MCA teams '! the area V 1 T-e starting setters wiU be ■ex »•••♦. while 'he met'-'* a war.is -• • eoreserted, plus three co - Rubens Fil'.sola and John u. 11 be based upen the tuui.s ,40 squads. Calvm. Grand Rap- 'tV.ede Other players likely to ;d-< Junior College and MSI' see action are Nelson Ron Crow e only. Th..«e mak'.'ig the try The. team w at fu". strength and Lynn Jgamer. as setters and I-»rry Bassett. Guru Brvwah. since the retu-n of Gundurf Juris Puravs at spikcr. PA.ti BTAIPMIMH LATE COMPLETE SHOW AT 9:50 P.M. s _ JpLSji*?** THIS IS THE ASSOCIATED fMHS" All- Roger IhrK "'WS" renter Ma\t«- Rauchan • feature Shown • 1:30 • 3:10 . 5:50 • 8:00 • 10:15 LUCON kmertcan faothall lean for 1?5!»: end*. Martin MrReever. Southern Cal. and I red Mauttno. «i*r ieu«r; tarkle*. Daw Lanphear Wi*eon*iu, and r.nrfis Teeh. hark* Rob and t harle» loutwiatia Mate. Jim Mo«t», ,%r- »low-r*. Mi**i**»PP» < brother Ale.x. •>n., !*»;, I Tooth • i 4 ... . : • s . r. Tbor*da> U » THE PASSIONS EXPLODING... • r.i- . ; 'xv« V, vgned yet but nunugemer.'. EVERY SAVAGE SOUND AND NK'.v* YORK Rtlly Car- -- ■ ■ tvk \ • men meet to dec to - ' yty prt>fe?wional draft FURY OF .THE WRATHFUL n i»n, choice and 1959 Heiaman Tro¬ %4a%«* was in T»r»»l« li»t weekend a* gue*t of the %rgu* BEST-SELLER! ~ phy winner. Thursday was nam¬ ed for tlie second straight year t» »ee the t.rev t up tame and tuner then there ha- been *pr« Tlx** TV Huck*t.n« couldn't icrt away with t > the Associated prcsa A ul.itmit thai he wnuld. tet the it with thin fighting nud Doctor! America f-xttboll tea-v. jeh The lAxr.j'iar.a State balftsi \ • .--eu.i an> is joined by amazing one-eye-• Iki\ > IM •• ! Fred Maut.n. • qiwrtertvaek B*»b SchUwedt, wh • ntT'f Sl- PAUL DAVID directed WaCurryton to its flr>* Rill Ikurrell »»f lllinoi* iw th- won ' •?••• men other guard nhile Martin Mf- MUM ' WAYHt Keever of x.»uthern t ahfornt i holds down the ether Hank Alaxie Hituhan «»f (ieurgia Jeeh ThcLiS; i* the center, with l»*»n IU»«d e< Texas t hrtxtian and Dan l.an- Michigan *tale > ■ XjowM phear of \%i«-on»in at the Indiana uxer Bull *u 1 tackle* l»wa nier wnuther M".nJ tor lour tliehUran »»n Jiri*- «>hn» xt.lt' «vc Tv.t.r-t'p I hri$lmn% Perdue over t'-nn »:i;- j it iwotnn >hopiunn Kan*a« «\er d>rf |«\ii *u> Nonh*-»u.-| (ineinniti uvrr.V|ir»M *'n a vear that so far has pro» WiHiri' "W ! WEST TOW ARD UVNSI.XO ON I v!« xii dxy rmixuw — mi : iixtiui. "THE BEST OE E\ EKITHINi." ' ««oa> XT — S.M . «.«i ■ » » PLt'S — Ol R NEW EEATI KK THE MOST VflCKH) AGE OF ALL! f AST LANSING PHQNf ED I Jti"1 »OR xN4)M TIME DIAL ED !-i!H AIHLTS 70c (TflLDHKN ; * home of America's Favorite Hamburger . U li» tic*rr duplicate!? Bccauv McllnujUi'* [imuu* luiuburgrrw arc tuailr from high qujliix i . S. I.uxrrnnicnt lu.peliil liccf. then wiowly rxMtkel to main tain the highr-t .uml- ■ IMf _ ' 31 1\ ll CUM HMO '--'I yA. <-_du* 1 j anl» of U»lc anil inoi.lurr. I'rc|urcil ju-t lwforr xou arrixr. xou get them fa-l. aill h«t ■IMP* W DED4C and ilrliriou*. bunr |rl mm >OV! jL*» M• il« Zl'-U < . . » - baLXT BIT* ■wRISM* noxt »i>* x* . sTAlrti*riCx:-T- rEAh ut> _ j r-n~frt*T irr ntff - -xa Beats tncle Tom's State News Minors Attempt Bonus Curb I te new mter-lesi^ue rule w as It was understood t« hmr been ST PtTKUSIUtnG. rta not involved. 17-3 with one league ahnttlnhu. I'll.' -( v pl.iver »S ..P, W AS The miners hope the> hair Milwaukee proitded moat of the All-U Football Title ie:»ii.»i»ltsl hv twiv«»t>al"v "1 n^»r a Mem at the M< bonus pai- optMHlllon to Ibe pronosal offer- iea^uev ThuSdav hi »n attrmot V >t(ht Ktt»»i — Mirrltr RitHMV I'.tjr Nmr t,> knrl» huge t*vnus i*a>iv.eie> to untried athletes rnenu U» free MrnU by re-en- artinc tbe first year draft. Ibeugh M ifir WM Al ed hy Ibe l.os Angeles rlub. • The idea i» t<» mhvc us f»« •' 1 ourselves." *atd Kresei. Ttcrmi- l»ftemher t. |JS!» While the milters wound ur» tiin, a (Mdjirr vice nresj.te-.', e«»"vrutu»n with the usual Firsl t w who proposed the latest versi-.n i «e.v stu Moant was mmnRi «« l.ee. an 80,000 Itontis baby, w .1 • Game The kex In a trtnul finish in the Hip W football race isn't sh.ojmhi bs kansas < .!> : t» v, f v ateher Pete pj'fy iv"- J* I«:-in wnoniMi » mil. Hr.»Sr»< %%. Rn.rn ilraftesl by a major leajJUe tea " Monday when Uic first ^ear- rule a k*hh1 liet'ense.. That's what Michigan State's Spartans t»e- was the fiUi' Ut trade ef thr tt»n- Ml is Sthmiat ts tt«ss» hail iU initial test. ami the first m whu-» ntUh Olson s 1. Ranrk Lt .ttriliNS lieve after comparinjr the aiut 15KV.I ftKUhall seasons. vention •j-j tv u. after Ui>t v oaf Slate Omahed «iea. hi-', eonfereniv standings |, pi* ";e«t" the m t ever; thou*.- wa> second i» IpM'Odl I'll- de'en-c llu; yea- the S|>ar- 'V-l>. to ill Mr's wmind up a- the number "f*" IM foot- ■ two tea-" the conference, hip fhurmUy even t.ious'. t'u-v rankeit ninth «• iU'eiise a. wi\a :» lowing Ttv. 'is top w '.v. de'ens \e • • sheit team was third HITS IT TU till , :x.;omlv*wn 'T- r.."s .ni- tused on East irtiiimmi 1 .«v b> «11 pei-came grading * vc "• varus aa.mxl 'irs; »-a a half Sf ■ S-. Ctv-O. s« l.-rrs ll.vtmrs a s t-sMup.ltxi by B g to he«\i- • V •- »ow- \ur mmi \- hrmm.-u ! • t»» Hntlif; t-reen plorrs lrie% Ivaskrt fiat; fiefflcr t»» spring ft-re f.u I hur s'ta» nishts oprniuu t«0 pUj- a- s!'"i Indiv iduallv Mielugan "slale J.m Vcr- hall tamr Thr -p dnwnesi thoitm, i.rreti *»w-457 w|t»r» .is on '.• didn't fare too well m final - a |M«"< pegr I ,»i Mesiern conference statistics. CUSTOM SNOT It' S'ie-- r.AST (iRAMt RIVER i ou'.. . which th? iii i{n«wiiitin. r O* THE ( AMPI N .v , - MV W \l I IM.HIN H '■Iki.'k i s; a r ^ W s.s. t'K- rn , .. , CHRISTMAS "•e •« C -a-Ou CrStS'f Alpha Hen ...•.,»■; 'If' : ' csi p,.Ui w :ri '.tit tJU'ee SCori.Jg CLASSIC €AT€& WISHES i *edr,e»a*.;- picket! Tht eroer.etor would cmrha it sms ef looming These who would wish to gift r«r*t ha'f. • ir thsl a puro wool rsrj.asn wirrcl the proprietors footha! « gentlemen with • fashion. „\*vi Archo; * oi th.» Isshion is o«o«r desired woollen at* Ml res of hshcr- ■bio sod preetieel garment - a Ttu ev.ra Sport- : on ( hristms* It o.ll be rel- mens «M>« I or h*sd»s. in will wisely purchase this »l m \ isheti ss much as thr tradi¬ doon.ng this sweeter rrefts he nd so me I* hnit vast whiaR lUMC . * pa** from (> \l»- \*| tional turkey and all the men he»# rreetrd a beet hoe rv. . v-.f".'' ra uojey a th# forefrunt of fc tnmmmgs. of approprteie tHerecttr :*iw «tv- r 1 •'*>.<>* was oil MICHIGAN 13-95 10 to Chut* i.95 ; m "* •■>* n to now ..2.1.1 mi.nk: t; j./' -'tr»*r*er r I ralurr shown at 1:10, I Iff. Hut %(Mfrfr.' l» ij 5».4« p.m ">• game *i.t oil a pittf.s pUtitu tm>e -pjrUn l«*d t > V A 1: 1 AN >r K l I A I I f» h A V — I.SI'M'IAI.I.V—. IIII.IHIKNS IMKIKS *■*:< : bo w?- . . -•. ' :*rt».'v eve .- llegmnmi: «t *> M* ltnfa> a lUkr *.«lr ssil ftp in pro- Vou. Iimi, can Ir.nn hIniiiI InniVi for chlldrrn. I,ram ■ ;ov papyr*— thr noirr -hi —enmr ... Ihr irlrrtion al Ihr SI'AII- \.—«r Juil miahl hart -|M*it-orrfl hs St Vnnr'st (»uild of thr All Saint* fcpi*- ist*- ,j t»r l*\ »ik1> for the a.'** I red tt»urn» t I■ •*«»"»!». I»» Mimrthini; (<>r Ihnl fur off littlr Spartan. Sao. .ore he r far !Si 4fvl» ropal t'hurrh tyf Cast l.an-mu. SNIItlll.KS AMI least Ml.Alt!.!.. liui Ihr ^nibble— ■ ?• • SNACKS \ll». w 1011 |r« nv .-4' coffer will !»«• Iiuni-lird IllT( II IIKAll IS HiriTKII NOW nv;o.-»n u*;» « « • I! 4ikr> up-* rt> ctt-Cevt'juxl Jl-2". ft»rhard lean . l»orolh» Ihr Spartan Ihrnk Stnrr ha- rrmndrlrd Ihr nnu rohir. earned by apprarina on Swrat Shirla. ( nmr arc n -a, Meitulre Sandra l»ee < (HlK ISfMiK III. \IH.I(S lul lliilrh llrait iqaad whm.'i me'. Arthur Kenned* - Troy •Hi iMnahu* thr nr« hmk. SomrthlnR In plranr thr rntlrRr Ir.rt 1 L. ;ier>*ft #rr or, Some people are cu en a cook Isook pier* year. There nnnil a- orll a- that littlr Spartan «ho alrrady haa * quest,on M AT ATTR are Mime dandy Insiks ft»r thr rtnds.* to—-read. Kltim a laadc. **. H *e. •lilt TMIKIi m u>u< ON TNI Mill MAI* ' the lletlrr llomr- and gardens **llolida> Cook lltntk'* <*K • through l«» the "Life 1'iclure Cook Book" at Results at <»> ei sum ■+l fnttU ( v t s ::: ; $1.1.5(1. It U fun. too. to -re M»mr ssf thr oid -tandhy- | towrtttu « t v* • " n«.« « in their new apron- and ren-i»n-. Smrc hav inc madr knoon .thr littlr lamk "Sill. Almut >au.«aan 1 i»««m *. i*-i* u-i t at-" lonl< It.lHII. hundrrdi of ropir- ha.r Iwm j.i-4, »i-i In.until at thr Spartan lb»k Slorr. Thi- -a- formrrly P* ItbWIMUN » tsceifwtg t « **«« i* 501. 25% (in»; i.im Al. Al l Author Strprhrn (. hoi: I'tttkopoff ha- published a Inntk adtrrti-rd.in thr Spartan nro-paprr. lo thi- haa hrrn addrd lh. littlr land.: HlK KKKNt ll CAT. Thia Irlla ala.ul It Anirrit-an lata. Thia ia onl> our dollar, lor of nhort -tone- entitled: *"l he I'rophet and The Mir¬ thrrr i- thr n.a CAT'S CKAIII.K !»>■ acle." ,Stone* jroNennir Wonder, ssi-d«»m. in-anity and no.rr oioorc Stores 1 »resit >*• "i u Ma«*«u I DISCOUNT laughter. It U» paper ioiund and -ell- for 75c, -IMllnian and ltam-a> lor $2.!tri. ' »wi»« Mam M S I* A K T A N ' *1 A T I O N "car AICT IWHIKS l.OOl) \ ALU. ONLY !U0. 1 I " —*'» c»u«Ui.t V. - >UI S >M«|U in State Wholesale The fomplele "American ArtisU -erie-" on -how at Ihr >partan Book Store. >ee them. Ion. bask forward to -eeing the Architect* «ser»e*. Hue in March. 1 .hi* ring all »hrn »ou t • • »rar our It'a tanaihlr. Girl aiowell 1 homw- 55.*5. t'erf* tiahr aalr today. 3.23 "Ihr laugh's On Ale"* $7,115. "Hawaii" by Jame- Mich* :jiM i Tu.lor Electrical EimiIIniII I3.«NI unr 2/1.1x1 3(>" Maniliny U.1II /-..(X) Tlatlcl Kirrimh . 2.98 i ONE SEE IS lte»—wo22 1.30 / 2.1X1 Tulip l op ---V 3.1X1 Tonka Service I ruck 2.25 HI I III IIOK STIRi Lot Prirr 3*I.(Ml .50 1.00 Air. ligilc za • 2a ANN STHRKT OLK Prior *2.«*t LAaT LANM1NG. MICHIGAN USE OUR LAY4MMT X X Mtemc. w * Four Credit Requirement Crossword Puzzle U30E1 □Baa aaaatia aaaaaa OOBQ ooa acsAa GOU MSU Curator • Assists /• 11 . ^-M.lfJi * Iiller RfvLa Foundation Mathematics Course I ACROSS Bring back 33. Cut hay 34. Viscou* FiBBua a^nciH auaaan anaa In Restoration of tort «.? e EtatrJ to mind . □□□ ana anaau E.iward M black liquid aa uansaaa aE As oar: of a loint project be- British period from l*iK)-IX»0 bindrj ex v 7. Assault 37. Ever gr en □oqhli aau snn twevn the Mackinaw State P. rk and the late British period from ve-electe.l sew Added to "EL Ed Curriculum 13. Gum arabie 3g. Seat >n ' Liuac LJUuaDCi e Nat;.>: 14. Large church Commission and the MSU mus¬ 1770-1781. . □□□3U □□(!□□ That touch work remains to Coum-J eum. Dr. M rNU Maxwell, cu ••- :u \ silvery flsh .39 Particle IS. Jewish feast DEianaB Baauoa of anthropology, spent me be done is shown by the fact wickend. mathematSea aatna. ill tfaaaut •gain to a lack of understand¬ 41. Chtne»e a tor \ .( v CHjr-errdit math—vat- If. Coax shrub □03 0303 33D3 past summer supervising exc.i- : ut the thousands of artifacts The .• n. • i t»e added to tha eoneem hew to teach. ing by the teacher. ihe .s "The establishment of this 17. Dip bait 42. English 3Q3 acm U33B vatiou of the Mtc of h>tor.c f>»und-this summer were taken |Vo • v • , for e'e- Collier added: gently letter which n>',T.«:n MiehiUmackinac oil Macki¬ frun only I 16 of the total it« pry.in. • yn . course."* Kelly said, -represents Fort -An understanding of arith¬ 19. Cistern 43. NoraC «e* telvtien af YtattrSay'a Rwaa'a of the natk-iV metic is needed by alt people encouraging tangible evidence of 20. College godde-s naw Island. of tUo fort site. Maxwell said. „ -.e-.-dt I* with a general background for a closer liason between profes¬ degree- abbr. 44. And not DOWN I Turk:r The park commission is in the . •• .;-s .»* Arithmetic" sional schools and tha school of 21. Winter pent 49. Nati\e of tribesman prc>ce« of reconstructing the a w e'.l rounded education."* 1 The least bit offered winter an J M. Kelly, professor of education." 24. Candle Asia 2 Medieval S Waste 250-year-old fort to its original vrm« .1* e'ective. Tfce L 24. Briek 49. Welt* allowance detail. PERMANENT shield * » • •• .*» C. C Collier. asuist- .<• required next of educt.non and marherra'lcs. who will teach tha course winter term, said: -Generally, elementary teach- AFROTC carrier 27. Pretty child 29. Allow 30. Split pul*e 52. Lirv.e «!»•« container 54. Treat 55. The Lily 3. Elevator carriage ♦. Tart 10. Wallab- 1! Grease u-ed asa More than 49.4WO cubic fee; cf .dirt were sifted "hrough screens during the excavations and ap¬ OR KEGIL.4R Anti Free era —ly hava a high aeheol protective ..».r:-.4-s it the elementary ed« 31. Pulpit Maid of "3 Boundary 12. Work dough proximately 10.000 significant mathematical hackgraand. Their • Singing artifartrt® were found, the cla» - At KrenM-p'it I'upulur l.«i« I'rici-.; Take to Skv: 32. Atom A*tolm'' Jf Largest on group. said. basic anderstandtn* af artthme¬ 33 Wading 54. Writ of syllable Kurcpean fication of which will take near¬ • T*>e n- vc>j of revising the tie H often laaafflelent la cm- W • bird execution 7. Near lake ' ..jM'vvn program offered an ly a year Ml KKI.KVS — TAIL PIPES — EMI V| v| ,| plain tha what and why af sim¬ 19. Old snld.rr NfMrh of the «*h «a» ..;>iHTtuntty . „u--.e va.-hers to to develop * hew help elementary get * better back- ple problems, fee example, why da yea carry when yea add?" TourCountr • / /J r » j J" r- d " * 21 Mr« Cantor 22 Companion at mea!« hy* a grMMP •# 14 e#MvTehi pr«- «MH h> the *e—ritnrm% mf c*r- POLISHES'— WAXES — PAINTS — III;I , COMPLETE LINE OE \CCEssnim.J Keller Mid that arithmetic Is 23 Jp«tle one t rertiMi. rMmmslhw BvWm. trcnind in arithmetic prior to generally taught as a rote mech¬ The Air Force ROTC* cadets '/ •»it;njS the method! coume of "Tliey showeti more entiuiM- anism, which it usually dua 25. Nut and interiM in the work •caching arithmetic,'* Collier will be up in the wild blue yon¬ '9 "7 M 26 Custom a-un than many graduate student* itiMn.iT' AITO II \ •"» A I •aid. der at least twice a month for 2* Ba-u* SPRING tel.ASS lie explained "Foundation* «f Grant Awarded the rest of the school year. W rr #. 30. Immerre 31 Ocean would." Mud Maxwell of t^e convict worker*, lie added thut SERVICE The project carries, the MSU Mi l.xeenl? ln.(ell-ri ! •« " \\ JF N ID* , Dr. Hans Nathan rer ear*. the primarily due to the interest, ' deaH with J0 3S Law and arithmetic" | " radeta via Air Force Transport Track*. Traciart Hail | *'tl ttial •traeture «f artthmetie. It h order enthusiasm and capability of to Air Force Bases in Ohio. Del¬ */ »i h u 39 Opera by taught tn the mathew»atle« de¬ this group, more than twice the Dr. Hans Nathan, a professor aware. Kansas, Alabama, Geor¬ Massenet partment bwaaw It la •tried? a of music at MSU. has been u ' M 99 40 Pin for original maximum estimate of gia. Tenoe«see. and Florida. < accomplished during Al Thl KRAMER work was awarded a grant from the Ron- Different Air • Force Com¬ blocks 4i 43 E Ind.a the summer period Michigan 4-If Oiilit reok Memorial Fund of the Lib- * mands such as the Tactical Air Win Clontmt Honor* rare of Congress. Command which operates jet in¬ 9 u m harvest 45. Fury Artifact* found by the group recognition of three PARTI Two Mifbifan 4-H Cldh Judg* the The grant is a publicati on of Nathan's contribution to book, terceptors that protect our bor¬ ders will be visited. 44 ai rr H 47. Biblical ruler efi.iWed general periods of for*, occupa¬ MEMBER A.M.A " inj teams have wop high piao -Dan Emmett: Minstrel Man." Cemmand and $2 W tfi 49. Barrel stave tion. "Hie fr*t period, that of the 8(H) E. KALAMAZOO ST. PlloM |( which is a biography as well aa Strategic Air 50 Yale »*s .n dairy and livestock eon* 51 Collection early French. lastevl from J719- a historv of earty American Ne¬ Air Material Commands are afro w„« • 1 during the Interna- II ft 53 Pronoun 17 64'. Uie m«ddle TYeiKin-early minstrelsy. tnc faded among the haaea iUThe • on y. livestock Capnaitton gro 54 Concern-? g here The dairy team won hrst The book will be published visited by the cadeta to en- In ear'r I960 by the Oklahoma em to strive for a 4*4 VMM 14 M pu.-e. topping team* from eight University Pmfc la thia vital service. Throe 1939 American Youth Abroad programs are |H i While at somo of tha Air eil in 1960. Plan now to join oneof lhr«r popular Iota-TIKI Force Command bases the cadets final Examination Sdnfile For Fill, 1959 will receive orientation flights A MUOHTFUI. |iean ailvenlure-. the jet trainers. raooBAM on new 01 UIXI. TMASURY K3BJ1 VSTtL SSSAHUT According to Captain Robert ass raica tiTl"ill'"W in Koir College cnir - Swett, Base Visit Project Of¬ OS NANUTSI Sail on AJUCADIA arvi v.. • f j'jJ • « "WM, „Tli t>« announced bv the 4m»«rurtor during the l*t ficer. these tours serve many ho W. Miami IL99S SCOTLAND. NORWAY. SWLZMLN »f rlwo purpoees. such as fulfilling the MARK. HOLLAND. BELGIUM GPLStKS rtvnmunmlinH Skill wedneertar TV»ur%«ta*. IS f '"'Jdll t* U-'t IS required flying tune for Air PEANUTS, •ATA SWITZERLAND. LXBCJITT.N S TVS * Natural S. '-" e ■..« >•! «r»em e r-rti* OK-e^ber II. 1« IMJ Force personnel. TRIA. YUGOSLAVIA. ITALY. «a!\irdav. December 11 1* 15-13 tI Humanities _ . . M-tinn, n"-*T »*an fUate relief# c».ir-e« They give the eadets a firtt hand view of the complex work¬ tmisneo and FRANCE. Httura Mihng arrvug \ . LtrmMtted bv the • "«! * - rleee »• e he*etmg* during the term 99SS LAND. HOLLAND. BELGIUM, GL1 , .. I ,.r II# «... h— >•"-« -• W'y ra«*e of college life while see¬ kf CNAAUt M. SCNUIZ SWITZIKLAND. AUSTRIA. ing more of our country. STEIN. ITALY. BAN MARINO. M0! ,, M-' ed'i 'eri bv »he uncle b«nif lecture eect»,-n. •"«! m v e A p»> Int tHl mf •ad mANCS fMa many dhmd.s e student* -«» e^nnunte- itrnfliCt It tt*»t wtfll. tbe IMS r , Zrheduled e ■>• ef «. 'he by the rlie meeting I tummiiion Nr ,rranf-it Jw« h,n«re ee.-b wee! Wlllt4!e m#- ecbeduled bw t_-e wrgle bo-.r lecture T> e hetn—n tbe undent end the depertment To Participate aw m ml• at Return aaiUng aa AftKADIA arnrjii l trval August 4. 'he e hedulinf of its esamtasUon. •HI Jmm 19. Hot Fed nnNo Sail on NEW YORK and v«i ENGL K ■4 M,!tf et-fn'te'ine- t.« frmn t-ie em •ertn»n«»e » •- r et«min,tl«nt prrmp v »' e-6 bw 1 **"?* . «t In Workshop iM namilt • moM ,«mw,i < •BSfTtl SCOTLAND. NORWAY. SWEDLV . , id biu"1ti«« -tenrv he cteerml tot the e*aioinetu>n pertoA wmtch IU4S MARK. HOLLAND. BELGIUM. GE53I Two member* of MSU s SWITZERLAND. LIECHTLN5TEI5 'Rvpr; inA*"fs VrTTHNOAiN' ("1 Avrx Science and Mathematics Teach¬ •ATA TRIA. ITALY, MONACO and FRANCS p He to he held tOffloriVW August Tl. J" MTTNr"^" l on MumUr at Port Huron High School. Jim IS. Ksm larl ICTCANU1 Sail on VULCANIA and v»t uwr • en SAturd * V Dee»...?^r IJ Mwr I XI Der-etnher 11 Dr. T. Wayne Taylor, a*w - i r^r • M vrwrr am-iemi •1.144 SPAIN. ITALY. GREECE. SWIT1ERU f >8 fr 1 »»-4 «' a*e t»rt»fee*<»r at the center, w U • ■ UDCHTENSTEIN. AUSTRIA. <.UXA^ _ -c fa) Morula' TTtx 1 XI Wedwadav I Jkt lUi pr '-er M 1 30 | tece*. Her 4 discues latest trervis in science FRANCE. ENGLAND, HOLLANI 1 **-3 .*) 1 .vwj »> education. Daniel Smith, travel¬ MARK, SWEDEN, and NORWAY r ruiar M1« v ; i«n Thuru.1*' •» «» m» M lie. ere^er 1» MTPP 1 » De,*e»nfef t» ing -science teacher, will pre- •ailxng on SE\*EN &EA5 arm Jig V.w vn»r r i *i-a » t a demonstration lecture 1 *»-» (1 August S4. •»> <»At'.r«l »* ■TTN . ? w rrulii The conference is sponsored . ,i lie. e— #t u J JH [lef't Hfr It by the SU'e Uurnculum Corn- J mm t4 Ksm Tark «r TBOCB.4DOB Vuut ENGLAND. HOLLAND. BEL7T! S 15-5 1 -WJ 111 _ nuttce on Science and Mathc- GERMANY. SWITZERLAM). UK* Montlav xrwr J >' \l ednetdi? STEIN. AUSTRIA. ITALY SAN* M.03 «> MTWf J M Peerhff S ma'.-s Education and the S' ITS CHRISTMASTIME r»e,-eiuhee 14 IP 11-11 IV MTWTnr 7 an-9 hi PM River ilONACO and FRANCE Return h-i \ "3 » ry-i?veA» I'ia.r chapter of the • Mi-nda * TTX BREMEN arriving New York. A-f-y 1 .»> JVivmHer 14 3 J» Tie'-e«r her Id Michigan Av"via*.,on of School . 7 (••-• no PM 3 *.1-1 *y Administrators. J mm# ST. Hmmt Task 14FNT Bail on GROOTE BEER e ^v- ENOUA^ i, • UT" WedneaaU MI • tw.e'■!»■»( •• ! > ■»'. S unt MIT r XfTVl TN-r_ •4 4 'Vl .» Wulne»4it T)eve>nh#r 9 3 IA -J )l AT H0LDEN-RE1DS S 1.974 BELGIUM. HOLLAND. DENMARK. I DEN. NORWAY. GERMANY S*"D "77 • ;; •» *• tViurerta" He. e« ' "" QAMUURGER one on your lot. VIA. ITALY. MONACO and IAANO. turn tailing arriving Moouo* rvr.MNQ, i.svsr* A-g-J* ♦m-e A ?>ur gift at llnlden«Reid. UBCHTENSTE1N. AUSTRIA. \T De. ia t-s r%: , Take a«h antaga of our Su-dW-SW Day Cturge s-^y rtur oriirn VIA. ITALY. MONACO. FRANCE » i o nr «.iWN at Tsk* Out ED 7-9174 Account Plan. MARK. SWEDEN and NORWAY. * iHfXU-.ro TIME EXwkir B\ r.\CVLTV aniliag — CANADIAN PACDTC Montraal Saplambar J. XOWN .. SUB 4M 4#.M Sail on ARJCAD1A and ' d 1?Z » > m, t. I , m. MtttUl. > • m, » « , m. FAJAWA* .... mb I# 2s.aa HOLLAND, BELGIUM. GERMANY. »«Jm tl) ZEALAND. UBCHTENSTLLN A IT Wllltl MIIRI S I4.2S !• LIS ITS CHRISTMASTIME •ATA ITALY. MONACO and FRANCJ. « . *roitr biiiRts 44 44 M IS M •ailing — TSS. NEW YORK * York Auguat 3L bB LAII Kb HJS IM 33 •* (Willi \ RAN-LON Sliirl) Jmm m. hmm Tart . 4OBANABO Sail an WATERMAN an r IUU HOLLAND, BELGIUM, GERMANY. IF ZEALAND. AUSTRIA. ITALY, MOSk' •ATA FRANCE and SPAIN. Re—aN « ZLTDERKEUZS arriving Nrw \ora I Mr IB. W' le ttwi are shopping for those ChrtaLnae Mr L Bmv Tark VIKING Eul — STOCKHOLM and ^ 1 go'~«, be sure and' s*-e our corapiete late of unotn NpRWAY. SWEDEN. DENMARK. attiS, ujkJu, and sport coata. SLIM LAND, BELGIUM. GERMANY. L . LAMB. uaarrcKaTCN. IIAfS sii.45 m ra ta ITALY. SAN MAai.NO MONACO SPECIAL "2 FOR 1" SALE . nuxcE. b; »o iRina n— ' I ? ST 10KM CHRISTMAS KXTRA ounts ..... HN la ILM Mr A Bmt Tark Ml ITLCR* . IMS m IU4 I m TAA. KB WTOaX •*: t r a g-"i"f^r That specMil guy " H HUT MB. HOLLAND. OtMCA-V. At* H •- ;e->.Rr •; - wthe your problem with the ,. M M la 1LH ITALY. nUNCX, twtrus-s.'o MONACO, fakn alllix « MJM' "? for /* Chr>#f* »« Sue -short-sleeve Ban-l^m hi IT* and ItMtOAfft MSJ4 IM IB M k- •. smeu. V u tan' •'nvx-em ee match-em" '»***( Mean* Aaaue M. MNIBT 11» %T* .. 2S.4S m NJ4 M «I nWMTO LOT CVS ' Vifsr «nh A wear 'shirts are available m a LAND. nOLAND. BOLLANT MI V5 SLICKS " wjne variety «f colors and weaves, Take advan¬ Tin null' Tar N. i'-l' IA. WOOKAVLA tTALT. I jj> r tage of th,i special sale. These ahirta legtalarly TREE ALTERATIONS lit eeeh. NOW ~ Monaco. awrrzLAi^V.' P—j ..... ... i or mr arr.r^t A M- lent* * 'Tl 2 for 10.00 or 5.99 each 3II - 60-so DAY CHARGE ACCOtNTS Vliw M no^O-Srt IHJl CHARt.K ACCOUNTS "f mmmut Hrmndo forPod and Uf Mjwwti f« lag ^ uadpwoL ' v ■ r 'ATA Tin, fc, tetateItetet am f> . \« ■. - <*"«» pn* *» jaaaarr .1 *•- ' T. rmaOatmmlait pini.i utter at ama tineUom amtiabla. tor • HOLDEN « m. u4 (tmter nlmuteo REID a thm tunl tnplm i»nn ~ ~r $ REID ■ HOLDKN TKAMHiK SHOPPING CENTER IKANUOR SHOWING CENTER COLLEGE TRAVEL OFFICE 9 a.m. to 9 pj*. ««IA)s > aja. la • pja. SalarAay ' mt.CwHBwr EmI »