\ iil«* llmilc I lie W calliiT Male Nroa ('unrluilri \lo-ih rlniidt. sn»« IliifiU's I'liliNahlmi IwUv ; !li«h* 'IVHI«> I.J. S» You Jan. 1 I .OH Miillil.l t Ml aiTNoTTii RAST IpAKSINc;, MK'HKrAN—Tl'WDAY, I>R(-RMHRU H, 11>M» run ( i:n is Meeting Set Bv (!ounoil On ROTC ttr|iiirt Krulnri'tl Sriiiile Eisenhower in Karachi - * ademtr (A»i|lU-lf h,r- J Pakistanis , .>f »• meeting to round -r MSU . * e , H, t -tv. for MsV RO I\ around th»- p, »v>n- t- Welcome %% voluntary runt tit¬ Briefs a. he meeting .XHIIV! rvy will tic held t>. fi>»„t -.•-!» P,„ it .SiiiiuiM-r in Afrii-u President . t> 'HIM Mudi'nU Hdio have aigmsl lip . >, -d of representatives ,.f II for an "i h^'reliou C'roNnrimda Ike |(recite* \n.ini t» • k e itti*l e* -off inn- Afii. a ' ain»lii*atioii mav on k " • * Mpftotntcd til the ad I I mim I i«'ld M.UHII.II »tton. mUI hear at sum- up Tuesday oi WiHliltwdav at ' 4«lll labial v. according to lk>ug ■ rtHHWl made bv 4 K' ' O. \V"l Id Alfrtll* t oUl ill - • Mi Vl HI !". c* of Pie Aradcnm uillg I., 1*11. e*! I Ml I',. . 0 I t : • t '.HupMcd •*)•)>.i, « i.iiov MiUal ".»• | -uj» will abo hWi sum l»* tuillist m Iu M a mi pluiiB- of r«*|»o<"b> made t»v * «l»v . . 'Ice of the Committee fYi'ore of the |!nivrr»itv imniillrr on A. ..hum # * 4 SUl I«-• iC Mi*' «-•- tlurrli on I'olio Cte^ i.li 'Hi. Nm- Captain* tiM' Si*Mi't in Hint t'n - ,-ia^P>*«v| i'! vervitv village*' M.Mhem Mnrcli v • r-ub*r% with tenure, M*lf St«i I'll Ill I %fn»OtMi| *»n ia.iio f.n iwiin are Mn> la»r- J:-Kj .MM VI '.Ml* I rill'il '• m < Im •.» HIR tills law % I llll ll IS MOKV Imllirs the titr.tiling wf Ihe ( hililnu* irawn ■ iv Fauumg, isoih' thitveraity, 1 rC 1' SU*t* Ulr Thr uuuiri oli live IvUimI Oi (irpiul It as t-r OW and M.S. Jon Helm ich, H.'l Spar 'au {.tMtlr*.! Slrikrrs Slill Sl\iniril Am voiutiteena tie*iring In ) M>'d:i>iUbdl . .*; *cteurv 4, »li l»arti.-i|»gte mar.'ti ai«- lit a«tust the !o .1 a n u n i v contact "i«« aJkt 3 .'kit Hi faVOI • Slvvl ( mow \t' I And Dinner-Danco Dlannotl v . hwut 211 . i.ii't * .Motgiev a California, o»n Senate v • terala thai the Gulden Slate has ;?„• MM He • n w«i.k» ■ - *'-e; evri vthtng. fiom the ruitrulrnpi boa a .»■ ^ u'i. ut, in .1 "n.imm l, hM tim .lime t-l . fi houfSv <.»ie I'letr eprmitgv JIB day n'rikr. tear to pr*«ye the vubllme. ah.| " in hia film. gets uul tu In Dricniol Atmosphere i Hi. , . --I, u . t ii"n ' ■{. Sunday ... F , I h.. .'.'iiiiu iiu'I '..uPtiev ajfo u»*\t nu. b* a Tjfl A Mght Tn the' I vol i. Ot I'lMnnitig for Ho* evert in Civic iial Set ■ n Ha Seeaiuf Hash r H •' i«n "H- I • IM »vr h iuiH-uon "»a! r*i«ne« lelit" i* the annual dinner dan. e «|Minvo|ed tiiime of tfify .-Sir ♦ ev. la*-- li.iiifiu'U to in- held in . Hde«i »t I Fur Jan. 7 •""" 'V'-" t remarka he ftie latnimg Svmphnny «"• • <■■ M.H., the „l*idrht , m Hie ti-vliiu- tfuit time h) order to !«•' • <• i-" week haern »t .« (Otc'ia and Cliofwl t'oorti « il i,.io -.ili.o-l .uid ,ii'i«'d lb-Id- are • ehiut'tiuoi work dea* .. oil. t.i> \ . ! pisofas 4. the* had |. • e * e n t llatnlef'a "Mcv-'tin" piioiii.ng 111#» i hi nee whirli tiadi- Oirfhti'ng 1 Ko'ntav at i in ttie l i\tc thl"Ui'tioiil 'lie suiini.er I'o rni- ' pin. 'i.iuaiiy "tails with a *oeial fiour required I'.tei' is •. f-,!ing IhvM'.len' r.se Auditor nun l' ...it ilir Ihwilc, ttie decoiii- iv -wiheie appt-ll/eis illn >.eivev' ,f « ci > cai riNintblhts'liek, "lS.c «ih a ie iiiieis1eiiOfn.ua- FulowiiU' "i will be a lull!'1 t um, .. i.i enteit.imment . . , , I nuiiH.ta.v J*n. 7 » \ 4 i tied l.v l...ual Chi i«tiua* tvrogram H i! dinner, floor "penIlil' ft:'. u A;, '.it. ».auuug. tMitper aaid the u»* Th^jv and daii. ing. fi-..' ,ii»'d will alt have a Far ■ > -ne t< <-«* ftmvw* ■ - ■ i c devii'e at fe»lu?e a 30U voire ofiorus and Kti.m, w fiu .»■ : .«• .».■! IT t fp- ah d nib be divided i will, _ ■«-. fu'1 avmphonv or.fiea'ia, •■••u- f.uHl "ie « , . • a,.- t much time a. fteeded I'.- 1 M"<* ■ •*; gtcupr beg<»\ « \ I. (!ih Plaiiiiiiiu | irni l the Old South, in Hie (lay N • • tMtik*. the CI vie Center. Maui* A: ii.ut »|e>rt ' Appointed i . tsaiigtng the intitittry |m»i- ' "i (tine Hawaii, iind Iinpe. . v pic r<\pie»; ed M r s attet J W Ktnipp Co 'uu ru-i■:up people was fran*- .1 Ih.rne ' Ai) of tfu4.e, will (irowp Sets u* • • rush UomXiVts *•>•< >\«■ • tush tsit*''i«- * I naii«£iiraltMl l^»t week ( .atfier remarked fie pr*;g'aip |o-«tucett Uiruugh the coopera¬ u aUo being "■!* >••!'! ,, I. el food, enteifaiu- funned i fpiiivai into .'m a '.'iilii'ii' brightly lighted, town a* Bv Editors uualil* rather than quan- meiiV and eiUiJom- h.eu'd .| ! i.trwrii) '.do >•* ' tion of ttie leinvng l ib ( oipi* I'ftki' lain le.i-li !- a> i rpJite.} to 'v •;». wbat cvMinta in neg .' a- ".f lu't momics t#iuhug Cuuncil Af CI.ur••fi¬ b> Mi** M»''» »V \ ew scholar*! .}> pi fgT I :t . . Imrmr their d,-titigu;*r»«si yjaitur » ..n» aii-t p>mniMile( ".a| tirel The i easnti ' tbp; arklivn iganAw •i He ptviMM Sii' ■ i p.auniag vto#i«.'«la .Jut* rs and Catholje dio^r »f lam from the f'nltesf Stales iv'fii inimuiit nl. liegoUatur* •onet Iniet u*aae put of| each year I* fur it.a *n Avub Khan t* ra¬ Goiuruel* thmn eivi-, Tim d.n u * g and iaiMlM-*|£MC |*>v. b 1 \ muimHb' -»f 'en feUnwyb'.pa Ijiii^ii;i»«- 1'rtifn iMer Walter*, Royal Oak *an- piujeet Neat fo Hits is »„• fai t that '■! . h I'..install » ./'dap -u I' v« .«* '-eidn *cr«riip»MM| ; tt-.e ' u'K tw»i. t rune graduate i«rt, editor-I'i-eh iff, and Sua - y and *»e wintrr be 4«sne*» m.-'i "A.**!" .» gratii.M pi 'be To Allcml Mccliii" l*t i.e. M.imarptie; it, NY, jun¬ gives the futuie leader* nf Hie I'm idi fit. \-'S p ro,'telp. e *4- |^,i e-i-i'M'-". fbr i*r• > * tive* indualry l!a«-lf, j i t - »urtft»r deUiut »? i-'-" 1 ..losing jurin.r Sanilf . lava'-, * 'i.d tl.r I'niver- d v «. aon d The • Itai'uu .- « I F.-r IS; rsde.v *r »t*i»eiui of M.iKHl f.-r ">e Fai-uHy merol»eta of the de- ' . i-j rm (*«rn junioi, Hio reafUHuu'.ed Kirn* ami a •trf-e»luiatt.fn tiartruert! «*f foreign language# I rfxl oivire indlvhiuaTTl oip« ad.toiMt page eildor Her a*- Ufile nf lluill ' ' u'UMg the '..'jfldain ..f -he d i if t*» Ifie wJufii! at •a 15} «t!e*u1 the ammal Modern jus'an? will IH' vmdr-i Ivnlahu'-. I'u ae" f"i Ihe ever" w hi g • i.i M i aUe ■->< 'mil tefe. * M have > he (uiiptnis to »'.u<1 v. language A«»-■•iatmn of Aim 1 Irtrl • .* e, - Kv*n;>v»l!e. juh1»»r, llti^' AniniuU . m.. p., - U.»ifc ma» lie .itwiertaken onlv ..•* .onvriilKMi in tto* ago, Jtr. u ' ,1,111 III U'I a |li I I'HIIH' Sp.-i' • - dilnf V'lii hr .foil, lust >et Vr Ifcvns Tu t»*seiv.i I !.'■ f'n Miienl thter fw.iH*. a*. i.'- «>>\* . rtei .ug Iwivyevr 37 -29 ■ .. i" i fit ' 1 , . Wj.iiiig'.oij, I'urt 11.ii on . • n, • tin... sn .r.ji -!b*te aism* 1".e c»*it- ifr.> pi'Hg!»ma in r".y pian- n.e r»»nverii;*wi will pwyole aie rM'ifig Hrri'|»tep»>rtunsiy fur o'leggma fn*n more *oiiI.UMIO'C I km Ituius, will lie Alenurtiis a ••oi'Mtii rlet'Thii* IU IM: » fl.Mi fkirei disfrihutiun . all. «• nf 'he fa.1-4 *>t free fig— H ujis :r,a»- be oheainrd f,«m I. Hull' '•>> b» ' ".da, .-i» uf .it*' ii* i'f ow.f a al'jArr "ie .ountrjr to meet and (rdlt.e ' ,i v • « f».ndrer ttw r s."';- !i*» event « the "•e • «'*U!.n, CM (*»!>• Ha;), iJaruw iinearidi »n many ftc; i J.IU.. Gdlidg' I I".. • I i * »hc #ik. r. Mm M1* - I'-MM-m ''.re ft' •j.og Fr: '**bip Program, J34J !>r Staniry TVmneend, 4n»'"t- /• ■ Mhtifin vieer *>:' tf r A.iu'- Muv-a- /fii A.V-- v-iitm i ptMu »!reet, ihu-ago 7 inetti head, *atd ; «»f M-.'d.jfj; •••»* i- •*"■■■■ Siudetit* yianoing ty a pp. v Two deixar'.riicni ruemlters are c n the nr*r«i dtap^Ai* a dtsVe-aievi ,?-i the i<- MSI*'a department •? group ivtM" Tliey are lb I>AMI I Ot fiNNOR. a f»rm- • tvetural hlftory »»• se -tyinrn* »»f ihe fta:e'» edu»t i'.riH' planning end ape Towivicnd. modern German *;t rr I HI agrnl. ).a« ben. naiioil » t* located in the .b tecture m»> obuam a|g»>ba• eialure. ami A#a»a h"f t«e*tj t* sMpervise Hie enfarremriit of *w ma.n fcaU. where Air. "e efruiia a- blanks at the dever-Uuetif g*H J.>vaua. North Ameiue -oil - »«• i uptimi |*ailv|iiiii ef !>e ami re*inr- ■■■■ j t lie V'fl ' T haugieagr and .deraton- Ihe new federal UImo law efx-Wn«tiJ tn $!•».* > ; into the w%U. Uar »i.1 T*vk'f *1 rrvi.H W I" * will r«DrwM* a L-pt »hn |nvt'*utr Kr.y»H»-- The Kni|>lovi> Arc Inking (k.r m t J .M * ■rt'oa of the north end p,ent R**ekr«h. «r»u W.iuaro M M « ' American conunenta: Day. presirfeut of Mrftiigen r» ' Trlepfwae Evacuate the .Mother! i"ened.aa nU wswsde. Mb* i • '■ r- ver, deexkjour voodi. Ta» ehea-ff-a. »f t* e \ *»*rt e^d tropice! re- viaotv v'v.uv..'tv * Mfiico, the Greet -n Riumt^ 'V'- "«' » the Rocky Mounte."i Uuchifer-. D»n*f » "'f • of -Er ■ • i'.ed 4IhI fhc l-i-A'-1 Uf -* the Vmted Sut<». n«nie Oevek«|*ii«h?., »■>>! »-iv tu the u'o . i •, . '* -Mm retfione ttxne *t 10 He 'rV*4-* and • 8-n 3U p ?ii I» * Circle give * Persia ".<• _ * liruUt'-Aut IU-.- the Hat* r repMsl .«► party Nn Movie lie* m it tee che'-rrar. •.»* U* tVfi* on Mkh-gan'-. ficMnum.r • . ilil.v nt» .Ml 'It'll1 ■dr- ao-ian* 'he - N. k ; HA' W .vim. »-' :»s Jiu.a: «pl am or . i. ruUire. and ehalmah of the ^Jli-fi^Hohors letmanwc Urvek*»ni*m '. mUnmn. will uik a!- t y -' t>n- He attiagtmn*. Weils of »rrw of ; ; «»-< hairmen K i'.e < • Ue* ttf Sandy um- ,. • Huh IT, i f "f W , M M w ,V ,, i lib- >h twture feetoriM »d'.Kuea the o6jec*...ve> -f eif, -aid Sipy asdic;- • ec^tMiaf USC * 1»U committee it*1 the vxer.;sus* .>•» pa'.« ib :• .-i M «■ •4 - .« a upeiiboo to Uesiro «c wdHch hr.-fnd-an*wer .e; • n iMrtgw • - ; .c ckmed jrirrult t».-l • • \ii£h* - yui'*t - - iii iie ocr^ptue ^raety of with both of lbe>.- a..',A»r;U.* mil out tf* program . t"A'J4SB-n -»op - divjilay 'of I hi latin • •,.,i,r-Mldv<» #! *'I "II ■ t, • i fi.akn»g us 'hi cr Civne. Hutwi *>! and Hen llu E*.>:ift<«nif .. ,:J Ju«aak ftkn. "Heart Chairman «* * the . ■t; • ' vtry .i« Ail staffer.-. i -«,•■-:» tu the Affairs C«.rrm:.'tee a -»h:lera- Vid'fU y t. i fd* t iterJiopi traU* •h- h!.d« New TU'.'i tor of the da.v-Umg mevuni * I • i aa- a Bent be I>a'e Can.^. ^aecjt.ee a-i- iilAMBUlWKI Heed drmwnctrate* hi* •to - ,-vph>soai tr#tu,g device, which thdicaW* day, Jan 6. a- 7 V l,>r a i*'»- trade an f hrlblUt fee effspring Mark. driver delect# tr» autonv.itivc handling, a radar era! staff meeting, tne "dtlurs, miai*tmti*-e avadtaif of Hie Ik- i motioa Uw*t pvibi*c Schv*>i». — g. and Laurie, i >pe*d enc-tkitg device and a drunkumetcr. said. ,.. Fuckxlt-r* !.»,* ho«» aMtCiga aigi j".".' rr 0. « - ei' IT" wuan l.«'llri> to lilt- K«lilor Ness Steel Asailable Michigan Siiilf Ncu* Rr.nl lEttlv hi A!*l '* ?».imhi student* »i»(| F.irtiltv Advocates Schedule Ch rysler, Studelm kei\ Change for Finals CM (I/wrote Again i. DETROIT »V' •• (Teneral «i. American Motors' and UVW- . I '(<»■ f'v .vudebaker-Packard lost alnitKt i.sua.tsas= m'-> biiiH -sume Cadi'lae*. Chev- In the K«fitor: •!ets ahd Corvairs .Monday - its r » prt»duction because of steel \- t rt»|ilv t<< Tun; float t io'* !♦•?f»»r in which he a«lv7» at the post ofh--# f.rt-t l.an«tng. Mich. il.nl «uh*crii>tt»ns parable tn advance for en» term »3. f0» : fe f llarln Mork The mes¬ * Member* of the Inland DeU* Press. AssoeU'ed Press and vi« 'i'..':-iitum , fur spring ?e < |o the tditor automaker to wuspend assembls sage follows;! Associated Collegiate »h-esa i .mi it. to March M operatinna ronipletely. It elased .•■ii.nl We wish to express our hea??- lditor-in-( hlef Mare Ruff me-t.s tha* spring ler-n its final lines last Wednesdas fei*. thank* to tne' faculty aril IE Peter Walter* e t»vei fo; and will resume Valiant and Im¬ Managing Edltur v'lidciT. ..., .line !0 a fe!;<»•„•. sttuienta a' Michigan Rusiness Alanager John Murpbe i perial production on AA'ednesdav I'licti • . •••i.ving ('i»nt'ven«. of this week. State Cnivers.'... f<«- the interest ( irrulatiun l»irector I'aul l.esher •• •■• ' .i'*.,-.! j • i June •?. ;! wH i1 General Motors s«i.d »t hone* an i -> mpath> shown during the a •; iis tifiM-r. an;.. a s den: arid deatn of our son. - > - • have *.1 23 fo it* car a.-o-c-p- r ,n.»i Harl.» Mork. who was fatallv plants working full time »> »• .i • ; ^ burned tn the Ked/;e laboratory Happy Vacation to You • Knr • • g and registering f.«r t-\- week Chrysler taid it w . p .- n . hat ge * *errn tie fore explosion wnJi'i." rweivibg esume full' production aoon, fa1' g itdes fiiigb* lend ' Air. and Mrs. Harris Mork • .pefyltv ne\; week. eniti! ."»• ; problems for a am a • .- .i •• 111111 >v i•*tier 'li.i i '• e Hot. I don't agree this should :•«• . ■•• •age of student* lliese he done with the abolition and wording " > - CLASSIFIEDS d *! tii'.es could be ironed o.P CAMPUS . the transition of the hnm«r vt.i' n ;■ e regulai drop-an i magatine itself for an inter some of the qneitions the* ,» M period tliat would t>e set up ask Inrliidr "What .objectives arts publication, if both are de beginning of nev* term ISrfnrr Puliliralion fur Tufi.. VV*d„ 1hur«.. a' the are met in class? Ilow litres the I' a ' add* up to thi.« sired Vor. no matter boo good IIKAIM.INKS: I p.m. !•«< wt instructor woik with students? •a on Id give tin only four day* o? the transition mat be. it will unit I ri. HHi!inn-. Headline fi»r Vli»n. Kdition: 1 p.m. I ri. never promote the development Is his speech effective? What in'er-'vrm vacation during the of ideas and literary works if it Kill- I'amlilr - I.' anil l-.'i Vlondai Ihniuuh I'ridav does the .student feel is the oh >. tv.o; ve.tr f hve adiiition.t' When M«eU. the results of the irrti v e of the course and what i-.t . i.f summe vacation. A- t fails hnaneialls I I) 2-1."»11 EXT. 2bl."» tests are for the ptll ate use of improvements could he made b* .fi.i'Tig t'onuiiencement the instructor. Graduate assist the instructor' t sen or« t'ouitl aivs. '■ gia ' • ants, howeirr. must muter with ,,!•'! ritials their department heads on the HOUSING HOUSING PERSONAL I rank llel rlb e AUTOMOTIVE lesults Met iistal said 1 mii it a td.ni would hate to K\t A-r HAKf'HA to • he t|i|iroted lit Ihr faeultt %t a- FOR RENT ft - I'f.iai!' itei Hi*!-' demic t mint il and Academic I *' r ll'i- M»! a.' Ml l' 'i-'lif t ' RMMII'II to » ROOMS •senate Mure Ibr henale his ».»• * •; alreult had its fall term merl¬ 1 l • 2-1 **.2 V'.t > HiiviK AW A". fH4.lv: in: MKHi VN t;\f) i>'"vru tv" owe v<->k"»g THA dancah'e nuin- in/. il is too lair to consider the • ' mot-,.e.t l\ 2--MH1 n.t'ul sojit'd and feeling mote tins tear Hot it is not too .-1 t7l» eulv to think about changing liest sear's calendar Id > t'Mi AH VITAMIN- i i*tc •• a an vn»" • -i ti» s.l! velar "till (III' " Airorditig to the editor man* I f AN gi ll I I'AHliF sPiiuu.N-ntindrd writer* have B»tAKI> I'ttOVT AM» rear b-aXrt (.owls llii now runtrihuted thus opening a rich area of ideas their work . • e • •. • e ' 4'.2 •■••> lira., and Brake. nu'enjnv rel -er „i ,isted .Nil) i • *•• t f.\ IR4-I Afti.f H'»<> SERVICE . she said that it tuuhl. easilv *a >■ a '••«• I' tV 4-4f"49 !h' and lllerai v works If this is hi fn| students to show III .S Dorni a wis Ihe rase with the spartan I t'.a BiftI) i.MrtN ' • off It the* su desired 1 . must he undniihtedlf blind 4 . ■ r»"•' • * 4 * ' R • O U AN D • K.ir ■ i- 'y ne-.v i.-- ' ff*» FT) ■ S'l r. ■ . ritPKi. t«"i.» AH AH fit TM> e.'ahie > i' u • INSURANCE SREC'A: 'Protection' r -?•«'■ a employment . student and faciilts survrss exl i beip. Oil' A "j ,-»toen!» >'-i V tie* : A . • showed that the sheets were ANTfb BAUvsiTTrn FOB 2 favorable he'said •some of the " gir' ." ivv spar*i'"'C CTll To the I alitor- ID 3-na»» after A fat oils members felt, houevri - •-•a-- . . f D I' that students were not nini|ie I H I Hi mi I t HMNHFD ai MJ-NI Hi 4 -t*»pf RATIVF VVr- tent to evaluate an instructor J* I fBl.iTlW. AND A A K 1 I' D . ie • Kl> . .1 »..■> -utif.g ■•o i of t.iiese bust. HiiUil', v . i usr a 1- n» . ••. * ►. f *«' a. •-.' • • nece**•?■• Mu*' ne esnei v.. edia'el TWO RE.DROO , »• i r.V gen' fei' a r s',ud«n'« A ACTIVE n r -a ;s r e i , ielir• -• rihng a> frmi hi iha'. overrun our campoa et.-; •i!. f'»R MEN K-t. hen ami In i.tk ruinisi-ad Ifl.» 1421 I M ck A.«- rough - mg ' ft mini d\ est concept rat --rt iie iNvp-. g 4ij.: -t « FOR SALE r \ r- i Vet fi,i f.D 2-i>3T-» ii-.fi. ,lcp.i: '.air v« uns lire ao inuttt thim ' HHir SUM 1 • D UMSHUI 1 ■ e I »v* s.jcsutg. tnnocen; brow n . • • IRiAkFAST lONL'S I EMM HA HE Ms IB'' - and acniialeb 'M* ..OOD -i» 'vpist ciifivrnten' '• • «' I ■ .•* .»• M-unk. " «■ n .)• fit y H- Mi ' » 1 >R e ' e Ul'li .niie IV- .i t a OU'CA * .• . I'a: .• * N e ... i . ir 'ii' TYIMNCi *f»VI< I » . , * i ' '.g e\.» ! p!e of ' - ► .'-It-ei* a-'ei « l» • rtf IV du! • i-r i He- i.afier a n e- >n f n» h. r s v •eaenii- f ll J- !«•: J ■*> * g cvitid- ■ •>* '.rs'iouoi i e - ytUONUT SHCR «•»' sna-tar, Aie fan' lansi ig s 1 S ■ 11 : t-U Nut.lilitcbirH ga-1 • e- 4 ■ ' S 1>U •a Phvltia Uallate IV J ■ '•» pi e n a female v .ng It! vac Cp«» a a* a e- i.m r.Minj .A MI VT w«*-ti;v RtMiMN 1H'M B1F> AND sing.e* tirardini to Met rlstal the il 'M • t'c «'r e-Mia-ia c Paikms AVVs vt-or; ;e* a bunt r, w a: e men I A' HI NO 111 MIA ifh committer was dissolved he .tDS TRAs-;:l«m MHW «hle Alhei • •" > f Ks »•- ta*1 *• - - su* I'ttie gr ' ng n .:>e Jjiiu . of sleep ts •"» • . «vpe>tei„* >' - ause of the toulbri of pressure rn : Hti» .1' 1 v. .1.1 veai-r K....r a v .«• of p , g f; i«-i • - e ■ceil « sra'r \M>in*t ri I moiim *r •v ao ( haltis* ftom teat hint and working on *ul|* til* Htiir' g wt «c* a « FD S-a •I 'l-Dio AHAK I .'IV "Rl\ A!r * • « »•'.,* ana bat* Vtui* e« i ••■ - Harking \!« t.mVt 2iH Us* sf'AHl AN N Ml'i.Tlift ••:" I he» tsorrt about us not mas¬ - OtlHV INi Al ASf AOL H fi J4JLI V » pint ii rv V e f v er -Of . t N jjfle «:sa S. - tering our 3 Rs The* worrr 1 • : .sunt* char- a. » • \|f». Go. Ml'* a i s f.D 1 Crossword Puzzle ,irTwa's.*tt«p|f t*s*jrn*r H about harboring and educating Iliaiilis \iitsrs 'a-set »'• e a». r,*Am*.Arr vititi has »p*": « .able .'anuai • ' P) * ■ fe-. !«V.\:.v WTTTt }' i HWiKlVt. v (i Ir* pro fi¬ si ree • TYPING. El.t < T HI El ' • ntt yj>itMetolc, • prostitutes, instead of brownie * dre. Hi ID « -a-r • "Mi.l #»ie< i «' P ' «• ■" e bun a i'flerkev Ha:> ED I'-i-r degree J rn sr»t» r>;"" oTuTt iOMaTBToMMfkiNls scouts. I hes worr* about the To the Iditor » ,1 I-;.' • • :h> t So .let" paper* the»i* »->**- Si 1,'ri men- O/V KAAEVirN ' AH AH 1 ' * NT f j.Dh I, or. at BBpjwjoVft ever-present and all important 'A e n-e ' . a she l»ur»e» a 4 a fa.-■'•ties I ;v a'e e-1-»- * UlSU.H ' f.M M AT Spartan )Ul ?»»•• I a.-e:t 9 a H^-;f > Ji 'hi '| 'll point average tv n tlra.h v en let are o.« w«-n- . i • r .. pa.il l\ S-n-V.i si , ..--ge mi e«. - a.. > . ' < '■••• ''ir'.a*! e I -!>tw " "I" »4 .vf" 7% E.Xl'felMT TERM PAI't.H » 3 • M > : c aVa r i t ? i.nk lhat we would i«e to oerfui as •,•-. «x ga.s on tha 2nd svrr»i toR"Vt 7 vrrwHtTfji U»::crt.« an;! iui*mt fa«-i''-*ie» l' » funtil* irr, .e » *- sp ART AN Mt't.TtLTnilTu 11 Man ' :-ru; 11". wort s about \t» and UTpru>ao ■ very ea»* to be- ROI NSON MO-SI Iv nine verili r Have ■ U*e '.he 1 i oft isf your mih i* AWta'N « * w 1 n1 • ase ' 4HGF. I ! »: AN -INi.l » * ullilttned E-.ef s v-.n»v v n-. kceme fMcn* kvat'i est id even "a • : t: )« Eat'i aMt:a^p'E m1OT> I-s . ,fmtunw.e tha* pome .. live! to tee oa. visfop.a n:« A'g.«S K-fia triei> H«' • ll ■ .«* «. . - < a-e • - ♦ rn 7-MST is VS[7%'^Tf?f . -.i. F? iv- -, re:, build nf pew .npl« !<•"* at MM; it a e ' 1 e >*. t v • '■ • e-n BD i ■ **■"" :« H ■ < paUent.s see-ves: a - Ail KfL HiF 1 V AVD RADIO e' r ocf ^iM:tTs T.*M> i"TOTr iCis iiit'TUs a--1 e n -own hapt«v .» a s rea-.!s • ?; a *•• e a.nd an DfA v.iIt sTt.il I SKI > n> . i\ I Mf 11 » Eats *-•*» U»-«e DM 11 us • l(.( ate. ' »!..uej" • ossl i ucV«e F*+-*r . Hf'va'r s ■•A t''" ll': t!K»"C vv n » en-.'ourag-uf T..ans G-t ♦ "41 e I' a •• hei .'een A-F ;» • l -rd A M l* 4:•'! taiwtiao •» tMt»'v"IO" M '*» >u»--e w.e Vine fire r-a » i >t i her " -a f. -u-'a TV T r- ' * A eu a*d I !.egai act • .a ' -n.g, I'ivi .,v Room Hi 'sseek of Na*t |A» RO"\|v rofj 1! Ai r te M* .m: i itr(• r- 'it torn U Roman ataiewvait to use an old cliche, "over¬ 20 Southweal aii ?># I t i> ^ tic population ta a grate -problem ?! B.<• ;ie no put it e.tj r%» i Kill) I A HE Wb.S ' 14 0-4. uf V " T«'» bedroom* Deluxe M Aio«g *eh«i«i into a'" .-.p'.e-e < ai-neted t • MWren • hnc-e »• 14 Rroad M roilo* b^i'nt'e* '«»r "g e ih\i* #eif-t-..;-..:ta- »"d tied Must *eti mcir.l" liat.s ,!t»e' 4 Li *> Okr ■••« h 4 Watch !S i -ke r -r««iivr at-ie f»rti e ...■a ED ..T4T6 ("«• 41 The ntftOM "f "■« vYevi* ws'ui.'t ease t .- i ■ Tir.« ■ ■ ;v» Su I" e -.inner IV 5-atD v IT fV;nU vt aflh« *r, ■»t > - sen fresh a' of Transportation . r ( ut, *• tf a, ,. > Mr: and 'C i *« I ■ «,e., , 4. mitral, a .-1 ph? - • *, tree. •. H A D\" ATI - n 11* NV- A 4 t I f* H«3? n t AR at Oca sed- -M- •ml M- Stare me'ad evaafu' f» eilant r-r»te" S' i-r<. H IHW. 4* IWveiaca t To Sunt cat 21 Si.ghbuf .e» V: v. * Wedneadas right. Drr 2 vicinity or pomtg »ou»r El' t • In«t k e as #: rn --ir* i»* for Dick » 1" T r a«v . • W G r BP □□ L r" form 50 Arew A coma V e- -•it* TWO - ed DOCaur houatrvg asg Park lane HOOMS An ED- yi ton at TADtr* vnxerr w-atrh with black cord at * r skating rrnk. GOLD Hamil¬ Drtspped Aaturday. WANTED anuth suhurtw 15th after 3 3d RIDE Saturday Phone TO • J?'' ED • _ 2) Rr eg mia HOt'SF 2M Noses-.ser » Reward TP 2-UBt M room k w l NIVTRsitTV Cen'a L fcemg * >aa.-e r Iam«ing. avatlahla aurervued approved fcr winter term RIDERS W ANTED TO ' - »r M Rt-gnt'r w M Thompson jCwiUR. PERSONAL tTvtcagn. Northweet eub-'t*' M w, □ 34 colored b.id WmktM INFORMATION C*'i«- IV S0?«« single charge outred ts-ipie j«r Contact or eacation Mr quad U-M V) Depoait or Mr». Johr- N" re- tng Returning December January 14th arouOd^ 3th *' we - d ~ W i rzj * •tssut glwp tea HOUSING *»«. I\* 4-sWJQ aHer 7 fi rr. tH WINUO SMITANS ino WANTED Dave Karrteni RID* TOR t«-- " jH F- rn ,44 *. rveu « t Amour vTt ntvT OK(. AMZAT14>N AI tOMAllON IN 1MI AIR All APPROVED. HOVMNG POP AMsSt «d No P-'ktr.g men bn Puquerque •• erewf New Me*Wo -•' WIB khare #xp«c»«« • . □G IT Soigll .■■•nek available CD J-4J41 M 4 • v m. t'athc- > .... *. \ • H *!; ;h<>. r.D S*dlU rwm A l» t>. ?< r . 54 frn 'n f.hier. Citttm *<. .e |<» :tav, RID* WANTED TO Afiio m i . 44> A Met '•"*■. .« hhkk %vn vtKim.E n.i H De. 14 or later Ph» FDJijE^_ r s* dg 4t-Dev is sg fo'. Uv> tnte--.a- »a- S'l.T: s. SkL-'e-s*:: caipeting Lovelv bad ■ r C 4i Birt"; »■ p ' -".A- Ac»;-W f v the fa Nf . 3e:sev Nr.ah -tSMSi.-r'., fWKr rpcest r. fymtur*. Nao-amnker RL»- of At' ah*.t« re r.twig iw U) T-IIM Se Ja*kef 14 Ufhaa Vdf. OM SMAIX FUSM.HtD r—< 't rif T>och • •fir 44 T»ne •'i '\t fh-isf s v n-ent do** to rampu* forj^*1 C * «« *£• Urtf.J! rtra les a? Ll. < • J meatipe . Kfampr .•j i i'bs; 'a,.' %H'dk .••- A'-'cr - •*t4i>e l.ea*e art.-se v-r, v,a a. '.i|v a am- -D* flip "■•p.b-e *'*tf STCDt-VT r«s-m Verv FOR nice o? large hoire WaHk Tki* Ce>*aMt Hk Mar# •X. gggkpuSn fMf • »D vt Parks-, « KD I■•422 after 4 » m SU SPARTAN U1\l< Ac",' jjM-ies gnu L.*e-4 OAJAOB ^skttvi., eai^m^n mm _ ... . ^ 3d Mr I T a 1 i;-.*. * - CAMPUS t UAxslHEDS htNGLr. ROOM TOR mat# •?'-* III* w w si sr '3T v... p.re, , . -a; yveny t>*ufcfci • . . dent Chxa in. AW Gfora *t, ED- iMfRriMei Your Key to%Better Valuta , . Bajamcr.L Chi .«;»<•*•- ^ y hen - • A UvfcK J e*.'AT''let. LilGlt RFADERSiilP . . » FMl - •• Bargains December 8,1858 MTWIGAN STATE NEW* Fife Thru Consumer pmtuct really a bar- easy payments fJkv" i- :»u one ,,, .,nK, v riaims?" iVl,\ ether • -M^oted by a flood of bcliete the questions are American con- DO US A FAVOR!! „, M" vices and assailed ^.var.m advertising. ,... • to join in pro-' turner, a number • will meet Sat- K " ■ Center to ex- s'Mation. f fh<» subjects to be • Michigan Con- . , • nee include con* i fraudulent ndver- nnd measures, cooperating nr- . , MSU, Western M»rsiity. the lT»i- [i( it. Wayne State fj.-v Ma-higan Credit ; ,■*;■.■> AFL-CtO, HAW. f ,.f Women Voters. B'Nal NEW ARMY SFCtiND LIEITF.XAXTR lahlnc Armor. The itodenta aw Wins mm la by Col. Ar.: oecse of Detroit the natli of office are: Keinhard Schumann. To¬ Merton Munion. The three aeniori are receiving i,-b.iMiiess* Bureau of ledo, Ohio. Infantry; Neil Johnson. Williamiton, their coatiitiMlcns after eawplrtlag four year* Armor; and Donald Van Fyndr, Kivrrgrovr, III.. of Army ROTC. lieu point to Feature Polities: open to serve voir Yofs Plan tlanipaign Debate sunday thrc thursday it a.m. to 12 ind men In tha IflfiO MSB's History Department, was friday * x rvr i'iign will be dis- published recently, and Dr. Charles Adrian, professor of po¬ hatl'rday Viewpoint over tiix 1:00 a.m. litical science and head of Con¬ v.: •..!>• at 2 p.m. Dr. tinuing Education Services, will professor of ecu- apeak. ■ new book "From Dr. Adrian is now completing m the Left Bauk." a new book, "Si.iv and Local ci .'a is nation with Governments a study in the po- ,.»5Ta'.\. formerly of lit:cat process-" Michigan State News ifieds . , . High Header ship Finals Are Nero - Aad The . , To MSf STI DI NTS Mid-Night Oil WIN Bna UN - ATKI. I.I AG I I OF LANSIN'O So WhM Too Thok Of Thai ' I 1.00 r1N SHERIDAN $2.00 Study Break - Think of CAHR0LS. SOD MAN IN" ffilliirinn . . . - 2« p.m. — si XTON AUDITORIUM »\l. DEC. 12 — llUKET* ON SAI.E AT THE CHEDDAR CNIESEBUMER sfARTAN HOOK STORE — 223 ANN Pit u-to-ll (MED.. Tlll'KH.. I III.> I to 5 pm. ONLY lie UK *1 XTON BOX OFFICE — s \T. DEC. 12 1 P.M. BRING II) CARDS So Eu»y To Gel To ... SPECIAL PRICE TO M*U STUDENTS JunI Follow The Map CIAMD ftlvff ;>: It Mart Boyle*. (Irani! Hapids junior. J- n Chastain, N Y. junior, lo Lee Tu suing, ch Sigma. senior; Gail Mathews, Birming¬ jrr*v t.v ,'fr» CrutV.^aligh, •j• •. • i'r.i t! S.-h-.pf. A - her-t burgh jurv-c KeY'er.ng. Ohio, ser..,>: and ham freshman, to Mart kali ALPHA OMICIOV PI . rr ma♦Rh» i ^ •• ui.satc Gall *chletrh- ZETA BETA TAt* Lambda Ch; Alpha l.iiUia Baumer. Lansing jun¬ Row, Birmingham junior. er. (*.r .• • omt'r. t» P.11 Judy lev. v.*. Poo*;ac ; A1.PII % ETHION PI TRIANGLE Michigan vi ate «h» v Mi'.;) '« Dirk Rassler, £'•> ra. .fan Fra/ee. ior. to Doug Milllman, Lansing I„msmg v in December S. 19S9 I'aijr I our V . senior. m >re and Delia Zeta. t«» Hal junior and Alpha Sigma Phi; Mary Gallagher. Battle Creek, tt- (inrtin. Mareta Baker. St. Louis. Mo., to Jaek Laiifdea. Athens sen¬ Bronx, N Y , junior. sophomore, to Skip Johnson, ior; Jean Mumby, Flint junior ALPHA GAMM A DELT \ and Kappa Alpha Ttheta, to Washington University sopho¬ June Mettger. Saginaw junior, more and Sigma Nu. Karl Retter. Ft. Wayne senior, DON'T LET DIRTY CLOTHES to Don Lundvall, Lincoln Park ALPHA EP8ILON PI ALPHA PHI junior and Phi Sigma K.ippa. Linda Shubow, Detroit fresh¬ Kathy Bella*. Traverse City man, to Dennis BerkowiU. Ak¬ sophomore, to Ken Ciest, Dear- ron, Ohio, junior. l>.)rn junior and Sigma Nu: Em- HANG IN YOUR CLOSET.. EEEEB3 L NOW SHOWING I tl> Derr. Kast Lansing senior, 11 Chris Wilhoit, U of M junior and Sigma Nu. sophomore, Dartmouth DELTA GAMMA Pat Padaa, Minneapolis. Minn., to Rusty Indersoll, College senior and FARMHOI'!«E FRATERNITY l« the proud s«nrr •{ and modern homr larsted an Bacur. , LAMBDA CHI ALPHA Phi Delta TheU. SltKHDOUS SPECTACLE Judy Winters, Saginaw jun¬ ior and Kappa Alpha Theta. to SIGMA KAPPA Marilyn Raaeh. Dearborn jun¬ Magic Words HAVE THEM CLEAHED HOW Pete Seibert, Battle Creek jun¬ ior, to John Roasmetssl, Green OFTME MOST VHCKED ■ ior. Bay, Wis., junior and Sigma ERA0FM1TME! ■ SIGMA XT "Sue Atwell, Stevensville a j|n- Chi; Ann Cape, Birmingham sophomore, to Miliar Falks, MSU Fraternities STORE THEM FREE TILL JAHUARY ior and Alpha Gamma Delta, to Jim Gersande. Coloma senior; Jackson junior and Sigma Al¬ pha Epsiion. Cl.EAN CLOTHES IIEI.1* START THE TERM RIGHT HURRY! U-t 3 DiJ* Have Netv Dotnaii With a few magic words, and a little cv-n College Cleaners LUCON Ftaluro: 1:20 5:30 • 7:35 • • 3:25 9:10 Aladdin's lamp, three MSf fraternities .. houses this term. Alpha Tau Omega. Far- Cii«li nml Kappa Phi went on a building spree dm- Carry and are presently enjoying- their new Sivn . . U11K BEST-BILLETS 620 W, )lirlii|!an Ea«t l,aii«in^ Kit 2-1?lit They said it couldn't be dor.e BEST SCSKS ME MIT! bu* the new ATO house tx-gs •.:> Georgia- mz vcrv - v differ. Tim nresent house of eixniwrtnt ■ new h-nnt. » , ■ PflUI DAVI[1 t green. '■> t ' ,. M UN: W4YNf ' WHAT IS QAM? advantage ar-. i ?<• i»n»v ■ . ixvirar- v v Th. Las; Tilt- llnnii' of Tin- ♦•r.trance T-.. , createcj b; A""' Mo" ■m Nun umi OAHIII RGER ovcrh.i- , kMM MMI'JBT I the nro . 210 Abbot I Kd. — Ea-t Uiuini; The houNr c»mr<•*(*-:> DMTl MM.fMaa w «a»0 mSHUf Arnwv otaled and refurnused Magaa Cariaan a Sport* Novell? a News tillment of j d t |.< Ym-xi?» '» inc fiiulh *une.i ANATOMYof A MURDER ■ Take Out Ell 7.9171 mim i and Hork bejai immMu see IKWtllMn la. PERMANENT MMACANAlf MA i CORAL CABLES' cioaccs soacMAi (TTOIlMtPN OR Anli Freeze ! IIEGl'LAIt SHOW* START AT IItlllls START AT — a ILFORNO a RESTAURANT • 9 At Kramer". l'o|iular lam l'ritr«l — I Ml ITT.EPS — TAIl. PIPES — E\ll \l M ITi'P i II PAINTS - Kill -III- LATE NEWS EVENT* j •f/u* namr that motif VIZIA famous in Lanninfi* j POLISHES — M ANES — COMPLETE I.INE 01 Al I Essolill « ; ALHO BPECIALI/.ING IN Tht perfact — — Till BLOW* HIR TOP" " t . . . ! * COLOR CARTOON S • Nt*uk« # ( liickrn • lulian A Sea FinhU # New \ Al TO gift.~continantal "GLEE WORM * OPEN DAILY PHONE I IB MTU ( alerinc - Privstr SPUING GLASS ••i\nr»r< •»,» staii" •tylad wool sweaters STARTING RAT. ROBERT MITC HI M 5 P-M. - 2 A M. Take Oat Orders Parties. Luarheom SERVICE t k»enlv Inoulled While t»u Wait •ll 11 n »«r- • u W1R • CLl1c H n P vo IN *THE for fho men who app:»c!e»ei handiomt d*tolling^'s/wiih oc*oa- WONDCRITL COUNTRY" Enjoy Sunilay Hintirr in lln- Kulli*L«-U«-r Al Id froo (omlort, gilt him with wonderful collection for our year continental styled wool s'woators. A 'round casual fashion. S,M,UU sites. KRAMER MEMIIEK A.M.A. PAKT* Topt Bulky five-button cardigan. White, black, gold, olive. 23.00 MKt E. KALAMAZOO ST. PHONE O I Centeri" Smort ploid coat sweater with a handsome solid color Almost like convertible shawl collar Gold, olive green, or brown tones. 13.9$ Bottomi Pullover sweeter with contrast lopped boot neck, unde'O'm finding monev MUK.RAM I.MOtM.VTIOS ( ALL >l> r Insert; side ven's. Gold, olive block, whi'»,o«'ord 14.91 when you discover the inexpensive KA5T LANSING PHONE 10128'* ADULTS 70r CHILDREN 2w ;t. < EAST TIME TONIGHT — STARTS T I' M . way to do l"air-*k»nned Ravished and shi«rrn your laundry in War.Tarn |r.d.»-ift at W NtHR ■ in** Esa With Netiil' P'* - iKvlares Mifh."- ' | STARTING w e it n i: su.n t — »t..N*.%TIONAL rUTIM» RICHARD W II'M ttk | JEANNE CRAIX University Uunduetie |\ — As "RIHIY" WM CUT Next To E. Lansing Bus Station WITH ETHEL WATERS wmi usn* n»«-r — S'Tii*"' C^ro"'i wi'is fne vch NO MONOCA TMC NEW m SMUTH. coaowa so wow rw am T use voua kam,i PCdTAat* S THE PKMt A.SO-SAM, FSAM. Z CNABLEMACNCI cmoce: it wakes SOWC CAMSWWM y MCWUNAIS THE wemNS so Lseets-r' SPfECH ..I COuiOM'T ] WCW ftwTH- L «ASV...f»«T! BEAO Mv OWM ycOSOMA POWABLE! i we ftrtt' me *4 *•« VW Ha * »3« !9« * sw* M »*-*« M •w* e*t.:m> •em ■ ■W—' " C*m . H.-HV- W — I fir ill er Club Extrnih ff rlcomc Im itation Minnow stvti: m iv* r.«r rn. Ballot Box . I'uversitv " extend* to a!* a Duplicate wcliMp-e bridge ijrbige ;• v:\t- enthu-iust- a* The 303 .1,. Altb • lit'"'. P We.i'ie#***** rr* !,. Prrrmhrr , t.:,» ,M leliipatt SlntP News D ' hri igt ';»»ppt|s t'I;iv-ifl»*«r- I (*u«f ' New initiates of Kappa Alpha . is the t;!V"..iV pi■ p*.:I . «» a pledged the following coed- ch.Ailenges Ma. national photojournalism Marilvn Rroun. Wadwick. N.J i'. a* partner* are k.bi'.'ef * are a eu-.at any > . , 6 . . rrwar.ie-,1 awording to the; . ntii Key to Hettrr \uiu»M ane. Tom Armstrong, Grand junior; Jane Denison, F. Lansing tv '<• bid and pine the •*.• Rapids junior: Bob Gurnham. Pat K'.rbv, New h.-nd that .'the1.* p'.av junior; York, No. 11 KQDL K Lansing junior; AT Fredette, Fractional point* ,t"*r awAr.ied NY., junior; Sue Lonrv, Hills- Dowagiac junior; Don MitVr, tiff junior. Joan Miliar. Rive;- *:» •a -t:i vxeekly wlvier* ' ir. A me: can Contract Bvtt: t KR088W0RD Orland. Ohio, senior; Gerald S'de, Ontario, #<«phcum>rf. League regu'ations. The first i>! Holmes. Howell Newly elected officers of Chi each month sophomore; is sanctioned as a Omega are; Norma Smith, De¬ Mike master point game w hereti.v ttie Denny. Lansing junior: troit junior; vice president, Barb winners are am aided a 'u : Bill Kielman, Port Huron soph¬ Ruppert. Bellwvx«d. Ill, junior; omore recording secretary. Clairecn Hamilton. Marshall junior; Recently elected officers of cor¬ MSI' Players are: president. responding secretary. Barb Top- PLIASURES Robert Brolli, Montclair, N .1, ley. Milwaukee. Wis. junior; special student; vice preside:*.!, treasurer. Sue Womeisdorf, De¬ TO TREASURE Don Bybee, Lapeer freshman; troit junior. secretary. Judy lev.ne. Chicago sophomore; treasurer, Baroara i»» ILPIIA TAl* OMKti.VS houM1 hi* brought I ha MSI' campus. a hit af IHf •(' Vntli Nicholls, Rocky River, Ohio, sophomore. Recently elected officers of LUCON Phi Kappa Psl are: president, Thur*d*y i* Super- Donald Paul. Grevise He 'senior; v ice president, Ma* Beardslee. Rarpain Day See Fraternity Houses . . . Sheridan junior; secretary. Da¬ vid Orr. Salt t»ake City, Utah, 2 Ri|i Attraction* t Continued from Pas? 4 tumor: treasurer, John Kipley, i features and has provided max- Detroit junior. «dd an addilional past u inc. The .truun living area. Men jre hous¬ "The la»t Amrv Man" New actives of Theta Sigma active* vacated the hnu*e. and ed two per room. w:th bunk Phi. women's journalism honor¬ within a ahort time, the Inter- bed*. desks and individual closet ary are: Sandra D-.lahan. Ev- — flu. — iae «ai trotted and the fmttinii stucco for each occupant. ansvil'e, Ind., junior; Kit F.-ick- inalalled for the new win*. The living room is more than son. Detroit junior: Sandra leg¬ ypoc.oui with glass paneling on The p'an arrangement oi • e * >ar floors increased the hb.i?e one side and an ultra-modern al?, Caro junior: Clai? Maxwe'L Muskegon junior; Sue Price, ut MMCK rmaairr AUSTIN . apacily from Along with 3d to 57 me-. additional study wall -eplace kvated Karmhouse on the opposite colors of white, Mamaroneck, N Y. junior: Bon- nie Schuhardt. Grand A-1U When your throat tells j i rjace, : tid# the an new alterations enlargement or .» - the ■ green scheme .md g >.d accent the color throughout the house senior. Rapids MTNUtOtOMKU raaiMCN o-m- w Ad.i ,« !»#«♦« you its time for a change, j j you need Thela Sigma Phi recently MTIMtTNMMNT (MM*)'*1, vo* '• fk yimg .t.ning ixhhu area and a tnv. Another new dwelling In the e jut* »CM»k -g #• I» lov.-0'y S* H«aid to. N|k|* Is the Pi Kappa Phi a real change... area Ad9 « !| e.-Oia morn •' yOi 41. I< "h>m«* ••'!» e-".a! function* home which wa» recently dedi¬ nrouot»' 9WHH 9M The color .*cncne :< p-edo- - cated on Uhitehill* Dr. The • smto IV SlNtN fattNA naie;* green and c-ram trroug: - house is a result ef ever 38 • dC MR0 Kfik f:C*NCMT the fir*: flv*>r with «■. scar* nf planning and saving. • tc» smro. ovft ?o £-e<* . wall to wall earpe*..;; A*, piesent, tne $130,000, has • STATION WAGON TIATUtff includes on the mum *,»••• .. a , .... »n* 3] men When an B YOU NEED THE 'ix.ng room, the h * »arge - d vi •. ... wing i« added, u'w.l! mothers apartment, a p.ouv: house tee, more and office space 'or J/lA&Jfaoic .".mi - Th» nd v dual rooms are de- • THHSDM SC HI Dt't.E • »" and alumni bu&ineu ed for two and three men lhe men nf farmhouse fra¬ vs.-.. N.em'.hg and studying M,|H«.*Ha'dWiM(M "Anatomy" t:$# A 7:38 ternity fallowed rlose on thr b.\* H • it) formica-topped orKODL^ heel* of carpenter*, electrician*, tic«k< and natural finished birch "Angry Man" painter* and other uorker*. during fall term rrth- construction fur p, ;*.ure co upletc the furtUSh- MM6NV1QM Brooks Imported (an tration week. A* quickly a* the V the comforts of h>«ne and S814 W. GIANill RIVER III..Ill M i|l .«UTV IIK.Mt .T Ut ll.lTl IIKilll.sT room* were compieied. the big even mo.e a:e .ticiuded it) the Mt AUTT ms from Ileal St. entrance) showa •11:38. .V.SNVVVVVWWAW.V.V.V.SV.VAV.V.V.W.SS a 8 18. t JS. 8 48 p.m. TW Iw - Tta Com*. - TV -mImi tl Ik, C.,,,1 Hr.1 Vllrr 5* i UNIVERSITY ?. E55T- Mcoure-DeH Kennedy-Donahue STUDENTS' - SPECIAL VOIR CHOICE OF: Flint lw*f open extra •r IX nUk Urge plate—-hipped ADDITION. FROM ANY OK ALI. OF !i face sandwich au ju*— SAMI'IE potato—coffee LIBERALLY SPECIAL AP¬ FAMLY ENTERTIMMENT ESPECIALLV FOR .MOM. DAD, 818 and BROTHER! FOR PETIZERS. DORM STUDENTS: lookinc fiae meal thw Sunday 98c fine-! tuiaiae at hard to l>eat price* be sure la rait .. , "HOUSE OF lEEf" for a really eieninit? I or the USED ' NOTICE: All meatV*er»ed by lhe "Hou-e of Beer are I SDA Prime. Nothinc hut the BOOKS best for jou from ... rr "House or Beef r«nn ttm at J.aa. IN. AfawWmiHi 1:11. >U r * 113 m*. MICHIGAN AVE. IITRA ! I WALT OUXEY Pra*«nt» j ixrLiant (NEXT TO HOTEL OLDS) .rraACTio* TtoLSKM Hour*: Moa. - Sat. 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. of i ■MG aad WAIT », Sua. II a.n. • 9 p.n. >pecialixia( in: roa.t l*cf. round "f ootI you duck, steak*, etc. aliatyt rrmrmbrr" beef, chicken, to. - Ik. tAV CarTaaa Turn... 'SO 8ALK" • TaM by BINt. CROSBY ALL-CMTOOK CNTCWT USMIVT UNION BOOK STORE LATE WORLD NEWS WW Plus Weekend Basketball Predictions Will EL Victorious Cagers Tom Docker'; Bow! Picks, :i *he C •' m H-'ivl !>.«'• •**oi«v fur Mi.inti, Fla.'» Oranp* Coach Head Swing West Next Re/tlan' Loa Agase? IIM IH < KM: It'-.vi. and Arkansas ove* ('Jeor- :.v. rex Tied wah Misvissip;.-. Tivh ;.i the Gator Bowl a". S> •. ur-o eruu.i the «-iMSt>n n kvnviiie. Fla.. Jan. "J. ♦h, N ! position Th..- -mou!-: !. Cincinnati still holds the N-> •: ih> *cm.. .tifjioua a game f*»r Simulation th.it Yince Carilfot, head coach at East Lan¬ : . ! »)' uigemen. 'he Sugar Bow' «*• 1 New ! it •><>-.lion jfter the first week pUv i:: basketball game- sing Hi»rh School, will be the Spartans' new line coach in¬ Stale Squad Play* 6 (dimes o i t,.i . we predict M. •• On:* ! v.,;. Spartans, Here are now some 2-0. rank of the top creased Tuesday. MSI" ath'e'oc director Biggie Carl!l«»t said he had heard On Road in Wilder Vacation - • ipo; is too yiHKi 't«» lost' t'.Vi. V • ■ I.Sf game* this week: Mu?r, head fuotbaP coach nothing himself but the rumors, \»l< -.1! I \ NiUI M Ws i »••• -»ovor Missouri .. on Itiitler over Michigan !>i:f Duugherty met Monday but fa id that if was true, "be- Anderson'* Midget* will be resting a bit nv>re en.:'.-, Ih-tfmhri * 1 *>."»»» Ihiec *i\ llltni'K uvrf H'ralern K>. . •mndered candidates for ;n^ a graduate of MSI'. I would with tjvn victories timler their belts, when they tnnke t■ ■ ct-rtaiti!j look to •! with a lot Indluta over Ohio I ,v.'- pisi'ior They sent a reo- westward swing during Christmas vacation. krnturkv over St I mm •icndation to President Jotm of favor." , westward swing, mmmma——I—rarr——————————j,——^ During the lowi over f»v»» Tech A Hannah today which t« will Art Bratuc? Ver. offensive Vlintiev<>(4 over Oklahoma the Spartan cagers will meet f Purdue over Detroit <• ever to 'he Board of Trustee.-! en ' «»n the State Varsity, plaved Volleylmllers . tcV.ng Dec. 1" under tVrsllut in high school Nebraska. Wvomin*. Brigham ( hrixtmax shopjtiti;, II itrunvln over l.ovot.v fht if our Ilea YiriftnU over Pettn suit p TN* r.ame cannot be disclosed Meanwhile. Lou Agase. who Young and California. tiRut over ■•rth i jrolinaNorth Carolina over *1 Kan-.iv Male hen. according fv> Munn vacated the line spot to sign the On (he return trip they will Finish in 5th tunc.. .for (jiff* of I.ist In week his Hi*lit *. Iironj 1 first year as Michigan CtrilM raniltd ite looms *s (he top because of hk reeent head coaching contract ronto. says he will with To¬ not lake meet Butler and then swing np to Midhan. Wk, I® fare the The MS I' volley bail K \ ?SJ \ Arrow Shirts S'ote's head cross-country poach; Fran Di'.trich guided the Soar-- viKffssr* and at the (oral hlf h trhool hiv rebounds games, grabbcti and stored V. 7 tt. 12-15. They lost the ... nutch to Ann Arbor Y. p >nits win his first letter. f-Ij.^but finished strong *i • "'rifw* *oliti«. white. $i(»). Pendants The grea: variety of shots, his speed and bts agile hands make List two matches by be"a'..n< troit Downtown Y. the KHAPP'S UNIVERSITY SHOP Up for hi< lack of M/e as com¬ ranked team in Michigan. STRUT MOOR pared to the general run of Big "-13. and Fort Wayne. In.-, tO renters n-t. 15-f i.owenv graduated front *e\- The squad lost a close ion High *rhool in Lansing and g-tme match to St. Antosr.e ' wa« an all-slate seleeuon in m the first rvumd of the p:.,- 1*54 and I9.U. a* Hi* *4ttad won off*. 12-15. 17-15. 14-16 H, league title*. the Spartan* won this "\r Spartan "mentor Fordd> An- the would have fir.is'vei tfk'rbur. said, "the team traveling lower than fourth in the to the wvst coast will n>>t be Gundars Strautnieks, D. ■ wherever you go... bcU*ctevi until after exam*," Martinson and Joe Arm•*; while discussing his squad Sun- kvpt the offense moving da v afternoon. their spiking, aided by B*,. ■ YOU LOOK Compliments Anderson had one last com¬ ment, Merry "I wish the students a Christmas and LSI see Fi.i/ola. Hon Crowe and 1» Nelson, who shared the duties. John Pride was used - \ . a. setter and spiker. them all in January BETTER IN AN of a t ARROW SHIRT Fji FREE! hBEERGALLON PR ORANGE COKE r^L^ui Fttend HOOT * ^ WITH 2 REGIT. \H I ITEM I'lZ/.AS T >»r h.Mi.iav :• ♦! iiIt> - iH Sternof on IS inch cha•* TWy k**t •arabc m tkia-MM rARROW- fu« pr«i wit J- rWH if I Ridat Ubk d m IftH levttln im •K, -NBC tk« NCAA r»#tb«M "0«m« *1 k» Allow Ramicy Jewelers nt lo doenko that iRwIimly ubIrih (ood loot* of Cow Colo So «ko'( ( lihoh—ooro? So ao *4... Itet'i boRt 1.1, Ifecn'o thniifo Coka... STUN next to nt att tmi. atm ud that, food! SIGN OF G000 TASH (faviifwe STUH WILL BE OPEN (Mm Umwur tfMMOPY UV-SVLLC COCA-fOU OOTTIISO COMrANV UatiRl Mkfcicsn TO TWE HI INKS CASH TMURSMY, FRIDAY ADO SATUROAY SPECIAL FRMI-SPJ. ligNlif Malll^le tailailbl ,,ai MM 13. STHHERT SERVICES VI Hb ftArtie laHaai o (•tnanrh ( saglrW PsaM* 0 FOR 0 by AadrrwM A lb 0 Studying For Finals . . . North land Shi Tree 0 couri-tTT Take Your BOOKS ME BUY ALL BOOKS AT ANY TIME Ski • Hart • Vabro fu/iti/mieiit by • F'iochor • Uho • Saa Valk. • PaadWloa • Aadcrwoo a T1 • Coaify . • NorVhlaad • Slaka • KnuKoaia • iaalioa S.TM.T4>H •Obtnaovor • kaatl* 3 'fl Q 0 0 1 n ! B I Study Break - 4- *4 V at Odam's Oalatn** Brrdiurjirr Ire Oram llrliphl. Good I up of Coffrr 'i: llomrniatlr I'ir- A laLr* largr Srlrclion of Roll* ( PAXTS I GIBSON'S Btr Uw Tit thai Make • MM ALL POT! LAS COLOR* Udan'* ka* c, *ry tkiag I* wl that jfm fid MRV« .... TROM Mlii 0 • *at dariac a .tad. brtak. Relax aad aajay ROAIV s . . . riOK ttT.tt 0 lb* ilangim ailh lb* mt of lb* MjS.1*. ioQ aludtal body. Off.. Rahj Ikra IrUu uul I a—. UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE IAIIAIII'1 Odam's Grill SPIRT SI9P 10«» E. r.RAXD RIVER l UKXEIt OF EVERGREEN & W. GRAND RIVER xa s. * AsHiM.ro> I'HOM: IV vim FREE PARKING — MR: 7 >.a.- lu. Delta Tau Delta Wins 2 IM Crowns TIES [leers Lose Del'a Tau crowns fraternity n ij.m Delta catrured IM touob ling 'v-'ball an- ' during • Bade* w.nner. I am-; Ma .1 »a« a'1". wed volleyball by Rather A';>-a and ATO Bob tiison Max the Id* and Basse and Bob D -k the 17T-!1> Schmidt "i Re.shor-g a id ciass. •aciv a-id !h M kc it Rudy Mc.sncj f|-a'crM'v a':l-|V>!ts tropn.v State News^f2_^ III II CIIHISTMA.s SI'KCIAI.T* \ itiiiox t« sn..*iR |To Colorado f.iV M M-s,n we-e 'be ehamt?;ons and rti'> dhk ron-n ;» the :r hr.ij*. S'u ' < Nu '■"id* '.v 'h The Div-v fraternity lndiv muni 327 a .M>:nt-. followed ••• I. Challi« ~ i fraterr.itj ti-'e UiniI • Silk • were ner-u;-< ;•>- -■ u nm r* .m.1 .,ci- vr«.'\ ha " «: -to in *ne in »;< •••. m. •«. n > K—ni>n« • oers-iin in JC to it., A " 322 \rn Nig hi sports Mttur • >uc i * ■■•toa'i !•-urnument l*r- be.i* Be "ey ' : the o*»imi- Jerrv IV M.- • \>.u .■ ., ^ v 32U. Dc'.M I'd: 320 snrelir Itanispv By XIKI P%TT«»\ V T -n's unner-.iL V« '• o»,e * .• ;:> tre ed "ie al'-ur - tiT> Ftatcrnt's • ••.-. clump", in . ;- n the - : . A'ark hi tie t-arnr >:.n« >. l\ A •? : ami \-c-.rt> P1' K i;»p.« T ni v ' I':: Dei!., I' eta a.tu 31 j MT a a . • lie,ember K. Iti.Vi I'age Veven Only SI.50 -: ..-ri Indrjwndcn! a! I-port.- tropin II iriumill in Marathon /..•ii Konilclivli'* ., i ullepe Timers. 4-8. Monday niplit at the ice arena, ('ntfi'ii 'he >[».»» n fra'ernitj S-gm- CIj: £K»rtr. t.-r-. •.v;r.ncr> and Pan'. R >.i''. r r' .■ -ii *' 'h i "i* aic Kvans <• ' • I).?'- I'm.it* Torn.* IHO •earns vie a pa in tonight at S. Admission is activitv "a'' Ai> ch.rv. F.i ' v r.v i rvi !•-- w'.h Ba'Y; * 'he eve Km runner-up. ••. * - and Fa• * S -.. A m.ieiiin.i- Ren Hutns holds the fencing 220. ii. it k. t in Yet• 1. lUa I - if..li alien'. W 14..1UI! I >,-1; hot ft glV.i VARSITY SHOP . title In the foil class. Runner- s . .k 1 'i accop'ni *■-». > 2*i cents. sec.n.i I'm • To- Ve's Atr* er.' »• r.r.c.-s me Tncie Ten's .AM *. 10 A. iP'.d Mot'S. !IH> ' up is Owen Altern. lion Free¬ • H-Mt'-M Ma-a'h. n a 211- n 22s \blxitt IM. cost both teams % Color-ad h.ie Morone* lieu*, c* Vets Fvht;- Sen-Mar* l>.. t" v d .11 d ..! ■ • A **-*«. •i 'he ,'nde-t a • m i - man and Jim Hell were title - onit»n! '•> i>c 1 nr. A " il if W . 4- •w period. Spart in sowind a two-minute irU*f> •;« or a " • • IV, a 27 » West Sh.,M ' «■ «hd: !ho Ttirkoy Tro' Id»s( I.an*.inc. Mich. holder and runner up in the A M il l 1 F. l 0<'>"t>k° scored penaitv Ass:*-4.- an tfte <» ■>-«* short four** in general uri- %T«* was fraternit* champion t\ v-.r.s 214 2 K S-ta-v. :>«»'h the a-iii Mitlc archer* event. -mi h »• screen «hol wh< n went tn B>akney and Malk» cultural rh.tmpion« were the in table tennis, also, /eta Beta 20. Rather. P»lv Path ; •hr (.ifIn W rapiK'tl I rt'f fra' ■'\ 'rack tnoc' la*' •j.is* from teammaie The nertod ended in a 3-3 t:e. K«wkrt*. followed h* the I'ol- Tau wi« runner-up. I» o r in Spec's A V.Ms • .1 : • • c.' • - Mi 7. atoi Br* an. HC.' icar v MSI' •nen The 3-3 score stood yo for 11 ron*. In the agriculture indus¬ champions «rtd runner-up wrrc j 1 wi , •>. . . • h • roc.i m came back '.a'e i rrmutes of fie third per; > 1 tries division for short course Bryan and Best Shaw-. i. r ' • 'toil. I.aci k ck. R"it- -on —•.*?ed' B'' Goodac; a tK-v. v »• •a hen Tiger \v:r.«man Brian Dt»'- k«>iv-k; scared what was the the Elevator fterviU the Ballhawks. won o*er "in nd.v.dui; F-.urre! and Sa r. Calderone von event-. Cau.se cc gua d n V i\ nner f ».»• ball and 1 4 »vei - Late Scores Mini, stale 'is Mutter *•> Bob Armstrong "n •'.n.r.R g..a!, assisted t>y eerier Be;. Br.-«n ar i l.er.n Tu.ko- r ' a ' ii- no The IVlts' runner-.up in l; John Young tern.ty bowling was S grr* Nu Gtna/c*. n tne nandbai. douo-e.- ,vcre Alpha Fa.. 1) ^.1, We-- Purrtur si. Pittsburgh :s \pt»r,«sk., th *liunr«oiA os Winners at; i runner-* up in Sdaw ar.i Bah* n \w Notre I Mine TH M l-consin '»* f In the second period the pa,* wrest'.ng »ere T-'-ti Ranek and tiiroe piacc> Individual winn« :> Misx.oirl ?s. Indian* I* |c is* plj* picked un Colorado |,e»4 fM 1,1 5: '° on * ,hot '•* vf.tiko with an assist go- Casa Nova's Delicious^ 'ttittiitttitiiiiiiiiitiiiiitiiiiiii: ( |0 Brian Bleaknc* c i came a corner ting h.,ck c of >;v: the •• ' • net. 1 WHY PAY MORE? : tor :»•' cad. put '••* See iVieii - tit- : Cl'T YOUR OWN CHRISTMAS TRUE : T.gc: g.«:.c u tin a d» jiiot A 'i-f o-.s *'•■ S1.50 • toflerv)! >e: up *:**' j ,J, . „ resulted in -he goal Good acre scored o-r : YOllR CHOICE I I u„i mom of mi won't iiilt-rriipt your -tmlyiiiyc at rsain 2 SI3T GREEN RD. Z IITA liuir. Jii«i phonr Ell 2-66.V, anil we'll . ■ V V —=f / Irrnt mt* U„Sr'-**eM* low Cos* ilrlivrr you rorilrr right In you. Enjoy 2 RASLETT, MICH. Z our ta«ly nalail* with /'i::u Kavioli SiMiglirlli Keep warm in our ltrotch-wool I. mill Italian Samlirirhr* 1 STADIUM CAP 4r llrliiiT To tour llorni or llimr * ffrelcho, to fit any siio ,|J * (oft, 100** wool knit 1 * while, rod, navy, brown, dark fraon I • «•* I'dw Uvoaaeicttn.* ~ *•••■• »«i •• >•«*» W t)*g .« cu *• World tlgSg wft AM W Tf«««l Casa Nova An easy to any know his sports, Gdl to give size Thit a *K»n bacaue* that# s no naad jolly fittla cop itrekhei To fit head Wonclarfuf foe s»odiuiw fon», foe outdoor for yard work golly, for almott any Ti«wa i isr i.issiM.'s mmsr ri//.mi4 ha wont* to keep hit eon worm in mappy weather I Is UoWgw In k (SHS^ 4 S4 r gyp 211 M.I.C. Ea-l l^lii»iug Ell 2-66.>.*> Stadn/m cop% KWK STOP £ KLOCK RENIAl RANT SUPERETTE OPEN 6 Ml . .» AVI OPEN 7 AVI 2 Ml NOW DELIVERING after every shave >pl»«h «n Old Jipu* Aftet '•htte I nu.m Keel *„,ti vol* FAVORITES •: ( ORNF.R OF >I'I/.Z* fit* *»nkt» up grid tisg?* g.MiJ fin *.,ur skin .. HEVERAGKS* ' KCK KRIES I'ARTV SI'EClAI.ITIESl; / i { KALAMAZOO 4 it.ippert ^COMPLETE DINNERS Slate snacks ft* gv»4 ftw * out ego Bfiok «< 4 u m'Jn iiree/e. Old SpR« U*4k«« *uu feel lik* 4 •*•* nun llunli.fent A»*ured Be|g»eJ. Y#u know voure at *0111 l»**f AFTtR SHAVi LOTION krositctielbftros. IV 4-7171 IV 74007-00 by SHULTON when »•'! top all *oui »ii4»« with Old >pne! [(HI iMM kills FXCI.l KIVAla* AT 111 N, W t«HTNtir uiih ihtif hair Ionic. Demon.iranon that wa¬ ter cauaca dried-out hair trembling evplouon in 1 silo. Practical application, of *V a»elinr' Hair Tonic: proof thai' Vawline* Hair Tou,c rrplacca nil thai water lemo.e. from hair. DUUli i inrtclationahipt of water to '* a.e- to hair 10 women 10 thing. btgUMraL Laboratory e. idence of re. rr«e "■■apied* between women and men. hair. Poeuhe correlation, between alcohol and 'dry hilr.cnaa ionic, and c lojjed-up hair MICHIGAN STATE NEWS rmit Eifht hy.r.tu sung in Greek on campus this week. Tedesro Tedeseo described the hymns will return to Beverly Hills. tS'i sang «s sounding "more Calif. ;.k Wh • Chinese «han Greek.'' w'>rk::;g :n Hollywood, "It has been a pleasant exper- ience. even more than I expert- WINTER TERM T. sa d he enjpved creat- ed." Tedeseo commented on this • ^ mane for cartoons most of his first time teaching in a us> i versity. EVENING CLASSES ON CAMPUS ••Cartoon* re easier to adaot Yet. according to Tedesro. ..msir 'him scenes with act- teaching in a large university human !»;rv." he explain- for one short term is too con- •• t. • .r.d 1 could do what I densed and take? too much con- ;.k d Vive.it "m various firms of eentration. To d » -t right, he said, he would need a year to BOTH CREDIT AMD ROD-CREDIT redeseo has written are "spread out." Hi? "The Merchant ,i < Venn.-1 " wn l ,i .v .a 'he IntermUon- e»-»n'e>t in 195:'.. RETRACTION: COURSES ' H>-t ■;t* Italy .n 1939,. The *lala Newt wtabaa la he uad accompanied many oi a point lie la Miffk Free, far the price error la lke*r rlaaal- groat European singers fled id lart Friday. TRa price whv'\ re :-■* Greek n ?• » FOR QUALITY! » i a j LOW EVER YDA Y PRICES , va1 v> I fia> f, tne pr .... d«-i i-t to make r .1 tna * Wr llo All of Our Own Work! * I Inr Slop I)of. || All * Tir* F'ini-lifil with "Rollnl Edp*"! CHRISTMAS TOY SALE * Nov. Speri.il — ROTC Uniform. Cleuiinl anil Prewril — 91.00 ALL REG. SI TOYS: * Itntlon. Heplareil Free! 111 Free 1'iirkiiij:! now 77c STORE HOURS — DAILY • a m. la H p.m. SUNDAY • p m. la 10 pnt. ■fci' im DRl'CI A. HUUCJUITION DEl.IVXJfY PHONE JV P-AMi KKATKIIM S we still haven't filled our capacity for used boors Tiring Then. In Now While Our Highest Prices Are Being Paid And Then Take A Look At Our Famous MSI Imported Steins ... The Most Beautiful "I'rrMMullr. I 4o* t tar* ahaat IW iImbi Bal I > On The Campus. ' . iapumri by tb* rapanli tt lb) IhuiK." Ceurtrr of Cwini? $ • OPEN ALL DURING FINALS WEEK - TILL 9 p.m. WED. * FtrVtv VWb It %m «m This Tan». RtptaM - FOR A BETTER PRICE - A Vary Happy MMay Sunn Ta AH Faarty I ShMi... sell your used text books now - at - STRRE THE CAMPUS BOOK STORE 131-133 EAST GRAND RIVER AVENUE EAST LANSMG, MICHIGAN PHONE ED 2-4413 4 4 «S> * 7 X