NCAA Slaps The leather Oklahoma and Tulsa Mostly Cloudy, Warmer Far Actions llish Today 32-4.1 Saa Patt* 7 t mu Warinc-day Serving MSU For 50 Years VOL. 51. Xo. IIJ KAST LANSING. MICHIGAN—THURSDAY. JANUARY 7. IMo PRICE" 5 CENTS Eisenhower to Make South American Visit Florida Bound Airplane Plans to l our 4 Countries; Argentina. Brazil, Chile. Uraguav WASHINGTON' uPi—President Eisenhower, fresh from Crashes With 34 Aboard tri jmphs of personal diplomacy in other parts of the world, •a. ' pay visits in late February and early March to Brazil, ROTC Bill Searchers Argentina, Chile and t'rupuay. T'.t President, Found No ' accompanied Secretary of .State Christian Approved #- Mrs. Eisenhower and his tret her Milton, among others, —Herter will be the top official other than Eisenhower on the pend 10 days on the fly- ■-z tourney. The President." a:. official .»:a 1 r journey Milton Eisenhower. President Bv Council Survivors of Johns Hopkins University, re¬ o ineement said Wednesday, hcres that his visit will serve presented the President in 1953 \ Siihwliliilc Fli^lu on a South American mission. J4C Ql r.« TATf atom In *My Uncle." which will he shewn Thurs- •7, purposes: Milton will The Tipxt step toward Cither Pari Safe • PuMtfly reflect hi* deep in- go thts rime in Ins day and I'ridav at 1 and 4 p.m. at I'airehIM theatre. Tail's third irrnl In all the fwatrir« of the capacity as a menuer of tht* film and his first in rolnr. has the generous, humbling Mr. Hulot abolishing- compulsory KOTC werM. and Notional Advio y C • ittee on at war with the mechanisation of modern times. fbH.IVIA. Nc Rru a* Mirhijran State will oc P. \ Inter-American Affairs This 'Encourage further develop¬ Feb. 2. when the tbousaml- National Airline-, four. m ment of the inter-American sys- -committee, headed by Herter. grin** plane loaded w i • I ttrn. not only as a means of was set up by the President last November to seek improved re¬ At Fairchild Theater rticmber academic senate will northern passenger* headed T-eetirtjf the aspirations of the consider academic council's of the Americas but a!- lations with o'her countries of for Florida vacation *pot> ■sjv . as a further example of the a'.l peoples may live in the Western Hemisphere U.S Relations with Brazil suf- fere i 'a«'. First ( )fferint£-Comedy December that campus military recommendat ion train¬ crashetl atoriard in rain and darkno with "I jiersoti# - year nvpr the matter oeacefu' coc Deration." near hero \Vodnp#dav 1; -A-a; apparent during Eisen¬ of U.S. credit. However. Brazil- hipi»er.> WhOtl a Hun- •cu»' were >hi"', twice, once in ing be made voluntary. ...• Resident Ju-celino Kubits- bi. l>arheJ«»: tangle* vv.'h Frvu English. T.»U If approved by ti.e senate, the S<-archcrs fmm.l • 0,•• hower'? December tour of 11 .1 . .nee .n > ihe* »aid in a new year s ad- jradgef-eonsoi.uiN houaehist issue could be brought before bvi.r. had Ih-ci rations in Europe. Asia and Af- can m»n-professionals or little drvss there has been an be seen in MSU's Board of Trustees for I'.v.'vcml bv eariv .iftemoony Fica—when the receptions given improve¬ "My Uncle." '.he Eng¬ knuAir prufessionain in support¬ ment lish language, French comedy ing rule# in the film, in which, possible flna! ratitktalion at its h-m were unprecedented — that The plane earned 24 passen- that President was deeply im¬ to be $hi»wn a? FairchiM theater m T.i" style, the pl'»t :s subor¬ February meeting. gerx and five rrew members. Thurs,taj and Friday .»* 7 and dinate to humorous situations. The 38-memt»er council ra.i- pressed with the potentialities of personal dtplomacy. Laiisehe 9 p.m "My Ut;, e ca'.en thi l.v*t ttvo ROTV *he senate'# Pi "grams Committee rep and ?:«•!.•« where par* •' MSU Gains :::cV. eoacn *u;r; of \nnr MrAlvey on Mcdnrsdas diirins recistration. This ssas just ma*«;ve ■■ lira Mart he nlwH there foreign r'.'.n. >■: the uur b> N>A IV -US meetir.i The r»-us> ri <«f -he rri.rkv To Y• 'rk fl'li a small part of the Intricate system sshich helps to confuse students. sk.-es ah ri • m talk ef a trip to lathi Am¬ thiuti (loni)H*te cntK>. the mi <• -nade ••'»> Jact|uca -iN-'mm !M.> • ROTC coin , .. a:ed ' h..- Alielcacl « tn-i To Eighth T.«i • U 0. »\ hod came Mparts from Bra til . .. a'ikv E'tench pan* >- e# '■•"qii.-eii tor MSU mil!' Style I sol •'! n ?'■#••* f' In Primary? lep'.Hs'ement with and Argeattoa that »Wi» had n.;;i.-' an,- ■ a om U«; The passenger n#t Inci ■ lieen arranged. Weffaesdav's an¬ ;:rs*. wi» cetheHiic*. "Jour term reiju.riM orientation eourr , 'el N V. e Adfii Kattner Paintings ie \ x ' nouncement Nsfiraet Ihew and • Fete- and "M: Hulot i Ho'.- and II terms of voluntary trait .1 rapfliri um. aMMhaal tnferma- bat aat a detailed iUnerart. WASHINGTON .,V.~Sev.. dii" Ta' are "A., trim classic. burn mt.. a famil* In Nation V * ' it'k MeD"nn. :' •r.g-»-*o •' M. 1.1 . n r ' •->! H • V r a n k Lntische I I>-i Ihiol •' Memlwr# «f tlic two basic ;>te*.ure-frame makers att-f threatened Weiineisiinv to d l.pp.»inHi; fa the: * \lsr Uge#'. tiguret! trie n.»'. »n» cigh h KOTt programs presently applv for two sears of optional mas Fxhihited in Kivsizc Mei f i W .. .f'irr- Pt "e Connecticut «n '»a-.s i.f War 1! • • • .••ju.f •{>♦• trade fi» phiy, pr - * V 1 fry tn -jxti! a plan to iew up fessiu.r.a! :n. ;-•■•!. i- enrollment, Arms or Air f orce officer com¬ rugby His aftergame aecofding The hi* ship was one of two Ohio', ill Hemocratir Presi¬ «»f n» a surye* by the educational missions. Thirtv-fitt* paintinu# by Abraham I'.," rm -n> referees, athlete'.. • • • • •. • substitute flichts. I'assrnsrrs dential delegate.- for Sen. and - K-rtsmen in genera! e. }btirnat "tkhsntl ond Society " art at MSI ', w ill be shown in a it trov ri orisiiialtv had been hiMikrd on a Prisoners 4 onlent of the . • liakje proposed or¬ . John Kennedy il'-Ma.ssi de'ig:it»HJ teammate* that be -..Mr Michigan State ientation course would he de- Kiestrc Art < 'entpr bey innintr toilay. let flishl which was canceled er vugbv lor *ne »»iU».e hall ranked tenth Th.s y• mov¬ because of a broken windshield Denouncing the p an as hav¬ signed lo uxmIhI students wills The exhibit was or-;.Clued b> .;egc and thence the ntovut ed .mead of Tex*.- and Ohm current naUupal and interna t he other sultstitufr'^TtUht Cause Riot ing sense of democracy,' Stste the- American Federation of :,x' '' 1 LauM-\e said He v.-authored«et.- T lional military and toUtinl af- reached Miami without incident n- mign: rue, a and Art# under a grant from the ' ,!f' ' p*"'r" ...te of w-oiodured "My Uncle" Two untv*r%iUes in MlrbltfM Mrs Details of the currirn- presidential delegates of F«-rd Foundation. a>- 'Mr* of the NM1''11 Sa»verai > Gov Mic¬ Ihc fifth Urcest and Michigan • •ublic '.hs- 'pp1 tu'iri \ ti >«•»• the- Foboss tr.4 •• •• I uF>—A hujre riot broke "tit hael DiSalie and University Hers ires C om¬ U"»k "• »->ta!»!i>hs*»l Amevieac Fi Ba Mate with tO.023 motcd up to mittee. in consultation ssith the | it the *>n Connecticut Stat** Pri- Wednesday nitfht, and n> Uu.e* he opportunity runs. sa-d. "Ohi<< Dvm.Krats wit! have' to too. Lau>»-h*t express a Rushers eighth. I > eitroUm-cm total- fur ari | h. Defense Department. . Middle After We." a war'- *"U-' of R.i'fi.Vr >hovc the ..ige. L'.i-iciv M, ^ gfter two hours a call went student# (fu'.'-time «;..i nther- The senate Kdu<*g:ional r*1-' - choice" f.»r the president.*! ' Must Attend Committee, in' released '»> »t« ystuntrv I out for help to the National Aisei. Michigan> seventh m. newly-created In 115.1 his first one-man nominee. Lautrhe hasn t said r.t larg«". m mediation of '-he Ci/'n- shows held Paris I Guard. ih 20.! 17. In and • whom supptxr'-i. Michigan S'u'.« were str.pptNl ,n t? rnittre on the Future •>{ tuc Un- Abraham llallnrr lu# become in New York. His |iu'ntnms jre Mors than 15? v.?n 2!.8fit) .h-l Wayne seats lies 400 ghouting. Sen; Lyndon Johnson (It- ivenuty. **; organtze.1 to do.d crucial fi:uie in American h.«, Convocation a owned s-au > 16th .with 20 510 lo the trench xioerii- I rPiping and laughing inmates Text. * ptateniial rlsal of Ken- with broad. irsvard-Iooklng I' - u*' •mg « '■ A'i'eri-.-an college and pi inline of the nineteen fifties nient the Metropolitan Mii-rum I tuited their guarda at* the end reds foe the Democratic nomi¬ v.'.v cur't imer.!# incrwued f*i. on cop u of tsiut-aiion, ;ins»rd- and sixties," the -(.Main* notes and tb • Vu»eutn ot Modern \rt. wit evening rarreation per- nation. got a new ptag Hednes- the >»'ven'Js . M |»r .vi--!—Paul Miller, t*v I ran* faetlein stale. "Ifis uinong others. The plane. Hsing non-stop ANNETTE KRALSE »ucvc*>:yc year arid | wd, refusing to return to their dav from Speaker of the lleute By this fsM reached «n all-time chairman of the group style has grown increasingly ab¬ from-New York to Miami Was [ «Js. Ham Ravburn (D-Tex(. who SowrHty rush will open Ac >tding to M.:;«■!. pavatic stract he has even list heard from at 7.31 a.m. Sut* police whfc shotguns ard pesk- ... k-r.U-e a' \ !• A.M-ll • told a new* conference John tonijfh? with a rush ronvo- •f *he senate ROTC report » I' insislem up putting across ,11 K ' uv m !»' when she was just south of Wil¬ I cm entered the fully lit In ftj accredited institutions, w»n's chances are vers good. cation in the .Mu-ic and. ame change# s-.ught b. .'.ever..: Man." MsU In !<•:.« luge. Iler flight plan railed for dieturhance began. the Ntudeir. gioup», including th-- Born Pi u,','ik< ei >1. her to irrr to sea near here and standing on hi? previous state-- rent Inerease oyer the fall of i* N V :;i Pa. 1 -. U Iwi »• | fimates had retrentnd to upper ment tha' he candidate those from N-Z at 9 p.m. Slate New> F.P5, Mr Jin* net u ivci in a •riuri.o fI v -V.0 miles from here to Palm l 4*11 a* :! ■ a If'5*. report^ Or. Raymond l 'I Whir A;.1 f )t»e eligible f«>r rush this Acadenia council feel# t?.< ■ lo -uf' igv ,.ed 1;. A. * War I Itcach. I la., over the Atlantic. -tkk. figM ar 4a anything for the nomination an<- does not, Mailers. University of I incin- r work# ill vtaou twin mitei attend the ennvoes- one-term en'.at ion «our-c s to» S»b I IH e"tpoet f.u* it u!d tala nati president emeritus who truli-mili llrl.-liruto In : ti" K.« Iri.-,. • • ? «t*verai p*<*4*t'.g« • - v {'<" final rut»h iris.tructiqn* tOH-essary m order to present snto the ..nothcr look if the totivention innduded the surrey 11.ill fi >! ..j soft earth. t» o I sasr fraai ym A reg,^trst.*..iv fee of $2 wi'.l srUide.v,* Aith information 2.1lh \nniiir-.iri ■■ t to Me indicated .* wants hijr, porfic remaining au -sr mm aa they H "rintwt and coun^elorfc wd'l au 'ut military: training wh.i».*h Tre. Rasbnrn said that contrary to . dip ,m>. -■ t f the area were -vi-h-i | *tor«H lata tha toatttotton The • .ufer *'»rh the ruahee*' fa.' Acre ut»; 1 4 lM-recnt for men a* »'! »w 'biM' to make a Delta «'hi fraternity celebrates {' 1:; 1 *. ■ . i«A rhpped, indicating la a few Miles (ran some pwoltshed reports, he has ari-i v» 4 p*?r«t-nt fur women f ■' ;.,ir further '> T'kin ,-.« .• !> iht-'ueU < d.v* u vert; A -e ...I; UOTU 25th anniversary *• MSU not discussed the pomiMlits of V.i' Hun?!! 'J!! 1 unge bv the stricken #hr | Isrtferg. • Mies Tcterson. twbUnt di i u>ta frewhmvn incrcss* *>f 4 '» M >ati t 'i> SC.. kenJ Member# of ' i- • r . wli"w' . The rioter* represented about getting former President Harry rector of women's di«tston>. will A n M Jupane.. A'e heard an engine K'"-' perye'it .SlTiate "ha# nui <|<4Mte'l rt.irn;iH>tr«liori» Inter-Kralertuiv - * ' the 1 ruman to haei Johnson Ra»- the cons oration and Joyce The advaiwe in full-time >:u- An'A.i »Teteu',j' puhi ,he-i «' uk-a-ehug." raid Richard R. population of the prto- open > k» ■ ein.rt. having *eh' ' • ,t Couneii oflieni# and Delt.I I V a ' hurn said, however, be would McNinurj Pan lie I first sice drnu. Dr W#i*.«-i • explain.-. ca. •f dj.,h. on whose farm the brM,- eommi'te*- directly Us coup - m.:.'. , .;. i!i> >idcn". Jn#i pff" rall for the national he glad to accept any support president, will narrate a movie . >p.:-i .of tn« • dcpurturi *4 i-ii through normal pioeedurni ehi*. ai'i atti n-.l 1 d.nncr ut I" 11* {itinf. t--« ■ - )„ . • am- iris coIUjimvI It sound• IguM be could tel. en winter rush parties. -d to.'g. -of mud'- like it was cutting in and ■ .1'. was seat out bv gcn*r mw« f »an iKJ.OOt) Km.v. A -- eli«ijitie:> Di.-cuvstoh nf ".»• ■ - Kei!ogg O rder tli.y even.fig ■ ,1 ve. Tla.vburn Jfti-ii; Then 1* tounded like tin . • i-.i to r»«- •Invitations for stage I parties, veteran* wh«»#r higher eriu- <• •sue ,» exp«.H*te«t to coinc '"e gue-U >i 'm- local chapter ei 'i > pt. ' ■ ri v,i shown He stud tha riot had been fnuit.** S'xm that 'he ;'hr.,'n 0^6> Kcwrii/ ■ •mu.r.ed to oat wtng but waz an' r r •rmaiMR.f Chairman there a big Kke v » o • Friday from 2-tf pm. in the v • .ere tfM Si,I' ( , WIJ collcc- I* out af eootroL of the Democratic C nventioo, *>•»M mite.'' I 'Atoto half ths prtowra are a post be has held tor the \a\ PanHe'.rnic P-*t Off dent Service* Rushers r. 13 Stu¬ will Humor in Sign# a! nv.'insnoiik UH.II Raimolph poml nut s win I* «f Mr effto." Mskslu three party meeting?, because «f»w and pick seven hv*oses from their in- I'Ijiv Tryonts small flamr saw a Tka aalr Hhffton appears he wants u» be free to advaruu' vitatidna which kwii flickered out in the |fc to ^Kiscahy paid to wa«p tea mc- UIUOMI OumU Iwd bm M ilUH-Ud'l Johnaon t cau^e- Stage I oarucs wiU start Sat¬ urday at I pm. and continue Trucks Used lo Warn Drive,'>rn llt'itl 'loiiiulii night's rfnaslr lie went hark to bed. Short!#- after Sunday at 2 p m. Parties wil! ne uawn. rianooip!! Police (ditch .- I f«. thara a«*irr v-<>: dresses and heels. rff beat a§pc\ja~ied," he 4 Suspected Invitottows for stage II par- Another mori.r adnKUiiUoOi prin'cd or. t.> van rasre If yxni can't sUrp in tin.; Homosexual* gate: hkh • tie* may be picked op Jan. 12 ui-i 4a had notified mfilc as you under ' i. ihvv.t Ait'. N.n i from M p m at the CanRelle- j 5 . ' ffibicofT of the Th<-#e and ximtiar T;y ANN ARIiOR -P. — Pa r.*- nic Post Office. Four houses me##sgc« i* • " >::■ - '-O- ' Jl, . '.Vl> '-.i.'is.t a. Souri- A- will he r hose a bj each mem¬ <»f grim r.amor are the truvksirs' r j|„t «.. Uic llpn.;.- i.r '.*71 "U al iitti h.r ftc !•> 1 v'; it police troop* clothe* hflicer# «i wx a prison. More Hgnment on the Chi versitv >? . . •« ••..u - tiind to 4>toy from trou— er deoend# on m\ driv.i-'.g skrii "igher speed involved Of '..t 12 prison with Michigan campus have arres'.ed ,V-a*e If par!*« mil ta*e Teriu Eimilliiiciil ' ble. They refer to one of the rather ?n-«n' ..»p in* driving sensr fa'ajitie* ci'v-fiHcd >1 foil dea ■. si'ii tar I r W.ii arid four aiorc person* on hottv;>* |*"-o ■ tod e<*runs. The:. to iatoha and the rioters sexual charges in the past place or Jan.'J at T pre. and Jan. 14 a 7 om. Runbews will m-i>t common driviog habit* lo keep «»u' >f trouble Tiif- re¬ closely".* last year, 50 »i «-tu- aojdw-r'v ariiarifit to slop ' found '-be xtrw-* sr.d higfi- sult the? often The smash Bioadway bit of four to have seised weeks. JetectiVe la! George wear 'k.rit and r*enters and wsyt on wday. a habit wnich ofur. niate-s h:« skifS he and become# in¬ over-e#.?:- them happened -»i rural • fiorijs. In all ideftts involv¬ 1- ago recrimtts MI- ScIh Kcroril lli^li Staucn of the city poht# depart¬ sorority member* will be ,n cos¬ .» ment said Wednesday The parties *i*J last -45 • leads u» death and injury, toat volved in rear-end and si'lc- ing violation, hsif are .1 «io< »(-r« a# Helen Of Tf -- tume MSt"> V. th-r Quarter en; The four men. none of whom >f "fed low to.t J,» eVrasiy " ( r-'iliisions when he has rural and tialf ui urban loca¬ IlicSM. Ala x. C a##»ndra a id Bjinuts*. m#*nt rra.-ii'.U'.icO'j» genea* nroctice. tn« Michigan In many instances the Bump¬ eraUy more severe in the rural and seven female rule*. T»i« with attempting to procure acta be picked up on Jan 15 from 2- registering trim term. Regudiar Aimiltioti of Chi«/» of Police er Pusher is iucky jDwlribated 14 indecency between 6 p.*n at we PanHe'lcnic I*w" ix#cauic area#. play will tie d.reeled b> Frank Keitnit Today grass Smith ar,m»ui>cc*d Wet* Office Rushcera will choose two are putting up 15,000 f-o.len other privet* compensate for the The police posters suggest Hilt ledge males «t-#4ay nigh'. I throfignout. the state devoted to m.i.#take* of this foolish drivjir certain defensive measures the All student# intc rested JWot tkhal distribution tar The latest boost to 30 the h.-.-rtlSWL the "Bumper Pusher" in their "Pm- Bumper Pusher can be gcH>d driver can adopt when theater either on sUge or back- ;n Th,* total include* Uu 543 IJ^Csaadia# •f flayers produc- number of person* charged with Klago U1 parties will be beM continuing program of charac¬ readily identified whenever tral- overtaken by a Bumper Pusher stage, are urged to attend Crew students ;eg;«tered at MSU- *Qwif Orchard" begins homosexuality since city detec¬ OaklMML Even without m * ' O •a Jaa n at t:M M- —A t terising drivers who are Un¬ fic congestion occurs. Slowly First attempt to warn him off sign-up sheet* will be avail- tJB 4B. Student* ex- tive* began an undercover MSU-O figure, the tota! 1 pm Balkan —* —rartt, an. wanted in Michigan. moving traffic is always a by flashing brake lights "on and able at the time of irjwub. Mt "A" for tickeu pr>oc lew than two month* ago. more than 1.000 students aoovf kan viU waar tklna •mi naai- The accident record of the warning to good driven that off' rapidly. This may alert the All "arTerta have been made in the previouj. winter tjuari.-r an. Bumper Pusher Is bad—with 12 there are dangerous driving following driver JW*, ** Blanc, Thabora'i men's rest room* in uniwefiity Bid. for «ta*» JV will b» killed and 2,440 injured last conditions present. * This is the realized he's getting too cloac. If who hasn't Vhttiourufthfrt Meet riigh set in 1057 ' ■ IrT.*® b*«'-a rrOa, at I * . Tito new winter quarter re¬ picked up JI? from 2-0 p m. year, representing an estimated time when the Bumper Pusher tais doesn't work, police sug¬ There will darkroom IV. Crjpoo -B- win ba n- On Doc. 23 officers announc¬ in tha PanH.iianie Office fc*s of $10 million But {he rides clone to She car ahead, de¬ pull over to the side of be * cord followed a similarly new IT?"1 •'"* tietate. ed 33 male adults and ooe Ju¬ accident statistics tell only a pending on the driver ahead to gest you road and M the Bumper meeting for all pubtfcftUofi* staff high of 2M49 f-tf fall quarter venile had been arrested to a Rueneea will tt-oo—■ ona houie. the photograpfiers Monday at 7:30 IJl^TOMjaiC- will bapr.- six-week per.od by piatoatothes- praterene* will ba haW on small part of the Btimocr Push¬ think for .him. When a sudden Pusher pass. Sudden stops in pm. Any studeriU interested la lk>9. Studcn.f usual dip from »ie Sepiefbferr total* t.K.k tSKir |„ ' aaaniac and Jin. 20 at 7:J0 pro. RiMhee. er's r.rcord. Police point out stop Is necessary, the Bumper front of the Bumpre Puffier becoming oUtT phutugrapberg I rdS*- appaar Jan. men working on campus Of high although this time the ■nd lorority rr.etnban will wear that few traffic tickets are is¬ Puaher finds hirrraeif unable to khouJd be avoided he hasn't 1program* art part af that number, 14 .were university as are asked to contact Norm w than four - sued Jar Me violation unul an atop la tun* and B I ^ ^chure-Coocart strict. student*. c <*u.. pre room enough to stop la tune. Uutm ia J01 Student Servkoa. 5 4 "Here's Carfare Home" INFORMATION IISSI J i\li<■ liii;:iii Stale News , )tr4il II4itv h# Msl'S .VYIMIfl student* ami Faculty ,uj^ v#w« tuMl-. u.i • MiWK»r»1 t.y aUident* of Michigan to..; without .u.ecl o? hi# univri sit v 01 faculty of the alud«nt body. SUte im (MH1MCTR 4 pm , Kellogg Center. Din* r»i) ru , • .1 t',r ..fti.i.i ,,1,. v.i.» •. i'\r r-f:t miriest* <»f both. kliindi te.uly nor-Hance b«*ar. )«'•' ■>U.r.i »l !< 'to » ' it-'1»4 * 1 -it* 1 "" 7:30 p.m., 3H I'niou 1X. <0.1 • .•* I'e Av.oc.4t*.; en- ♦ I'.Uii'.i llailv • ■ i »*0114 v "id A I tr|S>.*(<• i h r .r». |IU.T% Till IfMtOX I" 7'.111 ph, :i'-» Union . \ ,,j f,| j |Thwt'-dl.ix. V. l*aire Tv\.> (ATllOIJt HTI'WWT U'K 1' mi ttRClANI/ATION (jOEU. tdiK *cj) , — ,-nt! li- 1-5 p.m.. Catholic Student New lax Package Center. Coffee hour. ir Icllrr. ; > ale .-ori-.lj.nlI.- Plugs Navy icminiif.1 Onit i- .1 1 i.i\ .>»' I'i^arette-x. .vi'.tr ••..*•1. time * It*-. P','X "P I'"' To the Editor: With versy about all the recent ROTC» 1 cant help contro¬ CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS ItKAOMNKS: I pm Da? Before Publication for Tuea. Writ In?i:,tiv a l«»ttl«* .-f luvr. semling a teleurani «»r oppnini! but donate my contribution. Thura.. and Eri. Edition#, (leadline r«r Won. Edition: I p m | n * ff'.-vh««ne I'lli IS n|iia!ly unpleasant in light of the Personally. I think the major¬ Bill# Payable l-IS and 1-5 Monday tbrengh Erldav ,f.ire's recent adoption <»f the *to|»-i\t|» "nuisanee tax" ity of male undergraduate* and ED 2-1511 EXT. 2t»i:. many non-college male* are too p.u'kaK'e- I'M as any fie.v extra expenditure is painful. busy looking for the easiest way Warot \ r.i-h of pu'ltlif rear!ion survey* in the wake of the new , out <»f their military obligation. ■1 .e -menu tia* turned up a surprising number of Mit'lu I, myself, have a warm *t*»l in AUTOMOTIVE HOUSING v iMi'e- who issue statenients sitrh as; my heart for the Navy, but let me point out that any of the FORP W'AOON. ll»x«. 1-psor. FOR RENT "I don't smoke or drink or talk*'-««tt the telephone, hut I branches of the Armed Forces #vt stjr'1 ir.1 snlft. radio tica'er r»v.d in#* 4 iJ finish. Per»*nn. LP- ROOMS v: s-.t u* •( ok it.,. t.,\ 1-, unfair It'* selective " aie excellent 7-0344 ' - t ie. ?»>•• !i'\ \ 1. -five t.ixr up x.'tir vires ami rnm lor those male reader# who I DM rORD rOI'H-OOOW har.t too. ROOMS APPROVED F|> XX'est Crand River. Fa»t Lan.'i regard any branch of the aerv- nj'ifif.tU •>% •. -hmiuU and it won't cost \ou a cent. verv cikhI condition, t4i»i Call lt- M extra ice aa a "fate worse than 4-0134 before W '*» a m S F I V F ROOMS t'N'FFRNIs Income, sales and ya -"ime 1axes are selective, too The more death' let me add that you'll available to atudent* or preir It Mid a otrr vouRsri r a «'»«id "e except the physically unlit, #r#rii 3 0«*» uiilos verv clean, Automatic shift T*htrd DOt'HI F ROOMS APPROVl • nee.U l-.apjo citfens I he short lived u*e tax. whose von- i han.-esare a tour in the Armed V-a engine J stone alter 4 00 IV 4-tMIIT. WV!| worth #1373 X'all I men Three minutes m. i> private entran,-e aim t*non# i ? it ill ioti.i? ? x was m -er-ni-j doubt before it Was even Force* will give you a chance i » at hi Haslett or rail ED ? #'»' passed, ftt'lped pad the tmnkindt for awhile, aided by a pro¬ dry out behind the ear* and EMPLOYMENT D*7L!Bl-F. ROOM »t)H f ahake tt:e apr.»n atring* hibitively complicated system tor taxpayers retleeming the Mv advice to you fella* who CALlfORNIA SCHOOLS d#n»». narhlug. n.eala it wanted Walkn ( di« Itneu* ( . ii money tlie\ had to spend unconstitutionally. haven't made .i din-wion i* • » t arnpua I D 9-3444 [ liable to adopt .« -fate income tax during the current MAulD'fc* (Hiixatder the Naval Reserve NilD TEACHIRS DOt'Rl.E ROOM FOR # l*fi>v#»t housing tine bio. k ' session of a part v split and sipielched on its um» tax attempt prog ram. Good S*l»ri*» Stata •»#(•«« *01 I4S4 ke* rarhttig PW Hailcy Mr* I. XI. While least unfit the constitution can be amended to allow it. if tecftc J-2WI * tk 4 Jue-e> Collffg • e Legislature was Paved to act iprck'v bet'ofe Michii'nn th'thltu 1% 1* Ah«% «/«<• f.» »» 1 (t W l»w«i l.AN'SlNO. f'PPFR. FOt ....... f.lft nnfurmahed. carpeted »» Musi Iti'stniiii - was thrown on 'he !i»• pie-udelit »'«|it.iiix >n Uu-ir Coil Iti^lils Commission Hihr Riders Ma»t Ja#u«ry asd Prkrgary Vm»r «i and «*ne double. Extra n> in ED 9-44 s •? C •urcha.e of I tie V . • x Is -ailed a f«., a jf.i t-nr-t* t> M#«' PRIVATE AND DOI'HI F , V, f ! •' .■ii winch .iiscoura ee- inv e-t inept L. (tie !axpa\ et xx lie is I«» the Kditor: UT.'d. «' N#«,•» ma.e tor rent Modern d'le ?■-» '.ve t>«• \ .»nd his Im-it* need I he new and unpopular nuisance packuce f.UU PefWei'M Ike Said to Disfavor Proposal XV ^rcenliv u-e driving acrox* campui one night 1 saw f<>. ' HALL T«ack«fg Aqt-c, 111 Uaivrwty A»#sw« t- pro e »*'•- ' IV 9*74Mt available, t ad t'l/XSr IN THRFE-ROOV a; in n :.A with-4 4 headlight* and Pal# Alt#. Ca'd«'»'a e,l auartment. 2;*» West • ,\ •. •• c.nets l.uo l\ ' «• » -a . m t ha? it w«vk 'he .< .. r , trt > with 'ne.ther headlight* or Lansing • .x JrX -M'.id'l '.fenis than a In a pinch .? Pottle o! ah.; e, . i < i toreco a c! . .s of To liiglit Voting Discrimination tail'.ighu g -i wearing One eye bat xva* a 4 Waek coat and XX TI.HVm 7-0.J4 ANTED I'aU HI'S ItOYS lt»R FHA- I'lu baniw I»h4 H»- 3 SIN til F timet Immr, good lotatii" Near bus ROOM FOR IV 8-«*>4 4-'« rvduxg a black bicyvle wiRx nt* I»10 Jeromt arntiona XX"ANTED FXFtTTlVF. SFt'RF- * t 1 ve ' tian f he H'lu.-i 'see 'hmuiu a \su; \.. n »\ p 011.If 1 llllrs (r.|IOMH« si loling rretstrar* »»l4t* *% "a rcdi headlight or tailbght Are these TAItV work in Fas! I arising ; he brri APPROVED SINOtrs ami Iho.d* (111 Ml Hi to shut Hit " liiiksi-n itrcltiiril to Ml aiudev.s so immature or so eg *- efmrvh office Must have *\p»n*m» lea »« H» and tin twrg# a. f arce H olirllirr hp iipooiiillt fiiori it. in grneral tvnmg nffic# nork, tlic- Urh.i rrntr - that they cannot icahce taniion# and mim#t»grai>hing Ret#-- with wash how I in #a.'i I > r in< in l-» wiin TV taundr, *< < | mi liking 4 drlighlfull* irii. ' ite r danger * F«»r their own •11.#* renuestPit Foil* hour *»#«k. bc-lic II uiUtTviiii Harrier factlitlea Suarten Hall t > I .♦ lr» |M»»ilion far Ihr momcnl."* ho dallv -senedttl# adluctahle. Writ# t*#- g wsl let us taKe mrwsures U» <»ne bio. s Iron* cam put FD I ' fof Saturday 'o l*#rsoni*#l. I JO Oah- mid. re*lra n them before they be- •\ .s- a 'g it land l*ri\ a. East Lansing 3 HA! r A ROOM to a • -• W j'r. - !' . .. 1 . .• A ,V!t oh »o eiaue nuvv alalia lira man »tu«4rnt acros# from I'f DKNTAl. HVUF.NtST FVlt. or mi itruNMM; » new \ ca.i - no r \ hearing# hav# Hugh Tratee Uin# Call loghai . _ 1* Count* Abbott ID 3-4AM. ■ . • \ • ' c t no to tier in *t?ak • »'i uis that Will 1*41 x I-' 1 *.1 .profsw.4] ana Tout try Sctewce Health DttMlUntnt IV 3-1341 % APPROVED HOt'STVO Pi to skip assUMUUelltS ■a I <"•«' ' ill -..i riuMtton* of I erhnictan ! uunge telgviaum, laund-* of in March, loo often e u is! W ANTED MEN AGE 17-M Fart; *n># block from famtwo ■utu'd Im» tp itoa'u*!* »»;th v»mr t s Naval ft# .'id eta -es ami I Ust l_, k v.111 ml.. Pebex 'ne t I'm! cune serve mittii# vtmr military oMigd- Place FD 7-It'lT. wi»u!d *erx# ti.'ii' lam while vou learn' I n to vou'li he readx to act;' tin. e coiir-es I n foil UI'.'i t e. v TUO-bKDROOR HOME : i'a tf doesn't work out that wax .»•. m . ci ...m p..mi • slew . h i . they wou t Seek Sditlents 4 J» i»»>r hour Naval M»wn# Traintuff c#nt#r lan vou qualify' l' S iKfl R-«ad varaga unfumtahed btraened Paved porch . In Hup with thl* rr|H»rt®•»*" » Nagina*, lansing ft Mil 1 In order to c'el the cr.e'w- it's ox to do "-.pade the Cix.! xxork" durna tfie teini Win'ef term ' tt'e-e xx tn» h,»xe I 1 rrrll tipMsnifii llirksfii at llir «UU »f Wf l K III- IO.I • the r«*gtx- ceil by the For Spaee Trip FOR SALE MEN STT'DtNT'S LARi.f tab'e ns-iTi »o» (our. p. (onirrMionil tele oh on# parking ana * •een around Inimpu. for .• xear 01 m. •». : well known nrwle i 1 hei-e and .»4 •RiAkFASr RONCS I ci#-* turnianed. |7N» we* lit* d-t -'uden-t- haxe set«tuaxu . twsery to «»- F.*tHM,"iaUv *|UAlirt*Nl cofiegc »tu- i-ftiir: I isri.Iu.h r• will submit «>»» #»l GOOD ( after a "rah rah", first term .n> u• ;x t in- compel i ,NV»lt. cner mitmr. dentg fni HMO-HI fellowship* • » FOR SALE lliltmul coil lights mfjsurcs on is slitfer. >o K<»od luck ami yoo.i ciade-. l»- XX \ !v g!X ».* v« »•# for study »v*ice flight an<1 nvket-v FRESH Se.'«»w'i TRAILERS IimiII iisfcra! \vitiw»ut di*. Tie lxauicl and Florence (rug- QUICK a#. * xx hi'lf fairrring to thr frilrral genHmm Foun«tatmn today ai- SFUDNUT AN0» br 1**4 OREAT LAKES U. er 4 feet Two hertnon • . H Mil ntHimixt it was making a n*- »w»lier. r*4 #.*odiUon b»* .Michigan ■r* Stale News •r 'oHxwlde »eerch for ttudentg for 2J2 MAC Oye# 4a^*».-4a'" *-*» River Trailer Haven. JTS* » I*.' •'uhln-Son »miu a 1 .>n sua aiuoaoi »•' 01.. X< m.1 .i-oiig il'tvi « *»i 1.» ■an > • 14. n >*•;* The Rack* Reveals i4P ««r to lit such fellowship*. S»»'«Kht a-r auAliflc.1 gcifnce enginecruvg students "who Ht'VK SKI'. ,TT»'. cord i> aver. Vol'# of Musi.- sueed Bicvcle. FngtUli at* 1# S wueed. good »nai»e PgrsM.n, ED 7-tKMi .. r\..V K,- ins# s- ! wide, GREAT tUkKF-S 1«S4 *« ' l olnred Ii Kg new lured n - * gptituuH-#* F.D 7--X-' ' SOOClSl t ro»JUK»A l»»Uf t»pv lyfli ...» t tans 1 i of tw: have outstanding technical tb!'- ifvi-ud r'ss» msttar uiu1e< Ibo iv ,1 .• Hi!.,' a DIX OR A TED CAKES DELIVERED mrsTUw»at t#4i or# Figlit Against Illness tmi laming X| • ity itk! !ca1v " " Moil - rU'iiisig i.nit.l* in iiivsui-a t.-» .".a tflni xv!xo__u»tend U» make a career m other dein-mtis pattrivs Kaast HaH »u r.D 7 " tor no. ti no Uit*a »ari..» fs r.vketa. jet propuUkm. ffignt ei * IV 4-FTAS tf Xtan.bais #s»H iu»d i .•< 6l'u • » InioiUt e> •-« IXaUi h*ii Se«N»Ke" ■: "* c ^ > stciictur#^ or astronautics " Mt'TON COAT RIFE 11 A I rwi- LOST and FOUND llx k. K Kills T»e telkvwthipa, tnchiding tu> diiinn. aamfi--e tur tPOmrn itl-1. s < * , a • • I* IV 4-45*i' !*J» Wehvr Drive | MK«T TVKRDAY ' cis » id s *iT4*e.r>d ranging frxmi blue nylon «ne* ha t .mXn«»«U"e 4 bill cw: - "v t-o>* %l Utxin I it tie lb ox* 11 IUO " EI' It,500 to 52.0IH3. will i# granted wddwuod PJ2830B2S3 Rh'YVtJL FUU.Y FVJV'IPPFD Ra to* or near fiv the tlxHoe m of s f.»;«» Mes s letgh sporta light weigh* u#r I or.l next *prir.g for *tudy at l»u»* U*sr LADirV 'f^H rt ■ J pmmgpA msinluvs w*n> ' ••jM UiP.g J*.«ce* of ! hi> trntdfkab-e first novel. tew times f.wt |*i take# i» — gchelm jot pixipuUkm venter* at Call ID 3-47JW De, ember # Anrnversa " X measure embed* lug l»u»st •v i ' :'g Uritish student* ar* enroute g tubrrvuUv • hi 1-a hack Junttmei 'al • AtlOtl W M«a« « ■ Frmx'tdon l'i\iver«ty and Cali¬ J- ig-VX Re* ard lOo«i »hf 1,' *»»!!'»,4 .Nr . Iinnrer.! hut not #11 of I oeohuH er s * » sc:.y, rr,"i m the Hcuch Alp* They behave a jfrxnip fornia Insti'dile of Xex'txnology. At M,; DRESS si RINGS '..»N LI, coil rights i»iot*»*«ils List sear aiaJdan'v XI Xwae -Pt is no** bolllrd up in the House •• -f , • - traxedirn* together miebt 'w e\p«vtei! to U»- OUt * . *« PERSONAL « Waifii m ap!r- c ♦ ' s. -n tor# I em •tata >ii.> l» :' '* MM Pre ph- 1 ■» » • •- LANSINGS UNIST COLLECTION ■FROM-THE DDK i «X 1 as-jvea It Masturisal shAfeo h.s l» Ivuae a-vj ge' r? -Tr new ana.*' ''' - ' mgmmrl <4 \.».f Chop ,S / nfH'r • *.« 'be vhv. aooUf i*o Cor t» - SA*< ;:'j ♦, ic » u.ner* -# i,H«ted F*v"n .m the v-* eornar •• • jMdvicn*'. a. e enihu,« - W» Guarantaa t&« fo» I E##». H Tyxw «X Pa. v a.,! • •:'' y .g the 4.1: • eoHvrtuM Lmm% *.> *'4«i a p»«: "..n t». ** ..yguvirdtt .» .-.♦s.-udxe $ -51 1 ft * HU'U. » It f ru t 41 Xv'.H-i I t» ' iMUt 19 i'.woteP 1 X ,#-• /fitted to Fry V.-J SERVICE IT Uml XI B . *i »up. 4 K».-p Ut »*n maa*ur# Sagittal . W H. THOMRSON. JIWEKR it Man t ..«gM > I ' -. p , « HtC^S LAUND*CP * V4 CvCnUar t-.i F a-#•' Casta* IV EO'at l»i *, " •• - • v'.u.Ju s b.«.a a *h.p * . 1* -»| t»»- .uwikI- i*»t " a.Ma a i 0RO4 OFF fOR ^FtF Xt»« ?J V'kMllPn,! i* kiathema. . Ha* hum said hp «as no* ad HOUSING • u: p ■- El >* P no this cnurse and hid J* Con«ni-'» totaling *.* ."ve--- ng A'.-ce In Wcuroev- c'KOrrx >\. Ky FwMog.vosis V.I IN D«C» t.v r»xiti * . never signed A dis« barge pen sxdkd' aid offidAU fpnted it n tint (vwomM i4<'uv »i«l s{adde»lv eonvig lUNOllS (0« fuOIN' • lion him«p|f He M»d he oa* he t :.»rr,mated sign. etifl up >by >IX Kf.X>Xf I CRMSRKpJhmae h» Jt T>r» - f — Jx. t lo *ci .»s» a ;w»'-ags* -,.f pornog a;s' • M\ ■'■r- atuden'-* over 2 Parking y « la - ■ WtXXX v wt pot p«*oiitng out hots a tnlt \ Ca"i i4»*e Hut in spile »*f the frankness :iger. i«ii 'A'tR-P* iKliilsr* TV 3*4144 i x«sx< wf tr nag., rould be br»*ught up if enough H irmnc' spriNi *t*p ix'f: u> TV AND RADIO *er*«-r uith whirh the autbur treats low u> atwafn'* ?X Lo*#a Z Pa's# leaf ti t n.v*a 0.1 members aa»itt »t. th# medieal asuerta si th# nt#ih. .. ia» asite# CvK--p.j-.oen • j*ed T V ee*# and a"*#"* J Cat! *. he cneck-ng 'ree park t r- C".C.T tsl* *sf hamtliiig tuberculosis Df Fan# ace 4 »m t TV Te»ri • T-p 4 1' 4 «.»..* 1' • lifts has i ...mptete ku«>**t- gm»d taste and sensible witling *#*••" *'t2 F V.cfiigat; IV 7-44X4 * L S- * e*tge m{ the fltfiU of length* lilt this H,»,.k tir at*ove th# : TVPrST AKXi BROW N **" • ' illness on ihe mends ol the sick l#x#l **f m»st naxeks containing a a* a t !-•!?. TL" l-#UW after % W. or S h'Vi RVvt-'W D pew •-••!#* the illon* bre«»me* V XV i! •• Muicja* naper* end Liffb, elao g« "'*'*• U t. '.A — e* er* • similar materia!. There are na • p. 4 t t ■ tarader Urxut. r. .* • thing n*.» matter how great th? her*>#*. neither among the pi- ..ce ;:•••>- cftWkils Appeared be- *T7 NORTH HAGADtXRN ... four- P- IV- Tex I ski ifeawea u*r*nrm»r«ed h.H/ae IXh STUDENT SPFCtAL - our., i atirmpts of the xsataent to min¬ tients nar an*»ng the doctor*, fif* ihe c uni* gri'xd jurx. r—* month!* • «•« tune-no pesatv P'u#* ocmje-*#' 31 X .»» utoV'.vHIx *Sa' V' e.1 IX p>ua uttlHwe EI>- imi*# its importance, no matter and txptrall* there is no iagk 4\f!o!warvi tee 'un ntumrf J-34PS a timing Onl* *?4 * Ta- »4 c.*i>fV! #1*4 lounak. for .*u> XX , ■ ■ £'*'* . A M I- '.V be: -wi #.'* how great his xouiage. in the selection of who among AC jfjfwvt'.'w against Xcffaing- 21 ARARfMENTS w* aervice. Nt V a rati One; 13 m - e ; the patients will get well and yi »c-ng ■' • #'!h bbel M U-se if \ r ?» .*x a.: xiUf . 7 *» a ». 'e M W) t>m Da" * '' Tbe civil juttx'j a»ut is ctooe- ' -he whu will not. N da> was seL Libel i« l**» Rest f.rwd A> k >; ij ai!e(» tg sc*4 -# and . TWO PRIVATE APARTMENTS w suik of N Ur.xgxf to vviiticpi marouvrr- "n.k ' > ai-.:# h> w U th# IS.ia tsithf^dnojp %* res' ••-» * puntsihat*:# iinder state law* b> a «•#**■« heated all utilttfe# laimdrr TXPl>T f A ST and r»» tli Imm arwi garage Furmshed JV- '5A *-•* Lu ; M r ng thtg tin", .x i***\ - .1 fis^X hea'Jh. ihd what makes 'TV H., -*. ,x»* ah- >»tl s.nicr..'* of up to oue j*ear 4- *44t> after 4 At 2 Tmn the»i». •*- •' *-i tl. Ol iPTttal .ear Jv*Sn-n«!: w f>o is xxojM r. 53x,e v. Me-mws 'he m'iU, so twwrjy uhU»ar«b> *d g-'X of Up to 55.000 Wuj^Wckiap »bd d»« X Ii idl 34 44 dwellipiga by Kay-born fag- read. *.» ;mprwiAe The !.4»ui*xi'.le Automobile RtAtrrtrUL AFARTVEXT FOR 9-s.i redibS*. the TV re i< rent Amiri vad Kotiwrg Retareen TRANS P .« Wat.v.1 VtmactviK , W ♦4. Abcwh; n-*'y.- ac.roo" *' * .:re-.«4» tbat dtstpiJ# na miaiaktng i?.» mnsaage. the C clan naf,.>n. rnaf Set we a. • • --•«• * '- *-.■> ".he cx-ntrary. mMtuaim 0? pa.n are. the n tf iiwr* Crofton is one f the *,jy. IV 9HN7T 4 t?FTt«EATrO '* i si ee a 4* tr. Ha ! eadep* ,»4i"«ssi 'a-, -r-•' >n t * 'he pwtea: is reilly wot ao aick fcama. no mirtd has .gufficinnt 'worst epced travw » « C' S- 41. WANTED — VAN TO *h#rg gftuR WllltamsdiM »•» MAC *.#■ • case anartinerr* cvrnkina erivdege* park- « B>at 0/ a ...» m right# legwiut-«.v* a;*e 4, strpnglft v* defeat pro' ongtM tng Aeorvved hvusu-g W'aJking gi»- 1/ tbeep »v Fee 15 T^ene rxjentieewru phy*h*al iuff« taoce to cawsta US wenthl* Sit w Mflit I Staff > nxnre *4t 9:\{M.*st«« Seertan Atenue S Th# real shots don r Mill take of t-he v»* .• .* irewtrxeofs of A E Er,.* w sti ex. * new •4 dev.# fe' place in the .senate, ohrto XwAercwievi T-e nwrnx true- wrfer an»l hi» f.r*! h»i»vk ;% iruiy NUk» K4HW Den ■•m* AVAILASIC NOW - APART- E'.OE WAXTFD FROM - * ... MDfTf daw *• nn>«t «*♦ a#4 ! a nhl to Snertac X Plage southerner* can make use of sjcr# ,V .* dt*»"USBrt»d an, aitiai;acti.e-.err-p -■ X .uium Rank iers.atein tMttnMM xuahed varvpt MonRge RienuaR Fnda- ID • their traditional filibuster mea* Ut h»«'rx*r»' «• Gaulle will make Gaulle in hi* Camp Oavld re¬ ^j»F i AXAVKIJAL, K!;i The French President will be i' !■» New Orleans remains un¬ treat In naarby Maryland. .....pth to make the first flight test for Project Miilus, arriving fresh.from talks with divided One informant said a . system dtutirnetl to provide the 1'nitetl States Ku&oa's Premier N.kitu Khrush¬ factor wi it t.f • e route by One longstanding problem , si instant warning of a missile attack. chev in Paris. And after lit which Pe .Gaulle .returns to shadowing U. S -French rela¬ Gaulle If he home di¬ tions is the French role in . h stands for M v - returns to puris, F en- l-tainv. missile's approximiitc how er and Britain's prime Min¬ the Wet C m : NATO and France's refusal to . , Ahirm System, will course rect I v from via an I enable the BMEWS radar ister Harold Macmillan Nev Orleans be a base for nucirar weapons sensing device* to the p'iar route ! .■•continental Range to more quickiy unit accurately mo't with him there f t ttu- would be out of the way But f without a greater say in world¬ get flx on it. East-West Summit Uonh-rer he aiveots an invitation t.« visit wide atom.c weapon* use than M V tlUB.M) the ,i v Uitm American country after the United States is willing to launched 1 juinhiug vehicle for Hie ex¬ Starting May H*» i wiHild be flashed X Paris announcement W< t- having the United States, then grant. Another is the United perimental Midas satellites will states' refusal to back France to this nation, • he the new Alla*-.%gena roeket. nesdav said, that after spending N.-w Orleans would be easier as strongly as the French would would have about :td An Alia* range April Hi-22 * in Canada. i>< f. r him ?«> v.sit. .. . prepare for a niie- missile form* the first stage. The Gaulle will come to Washington In Washington. IV Gaulle It hke m thonr program m rebel¬ for a Friday lious Algeria. >i: iment. This is the second stage, which will heroine a three-day stay and will slated to arrive on MIRIAM RISNKOrr. Cart La Mi ik craniale ject. The children, part af a eantpu* be in the United States until f .• x...... .• travel time for an (he orbiting satellite, will be an nursery, student and nanrri arhowl instructor. helps the built the bird feedlnc equipment. end of the month In Washing¬ advanced version of the Agena . < e-.rt notice. But it U rocket. nursery whmtl rhildren with a bird feeding pro¬ ton, the White House said Eis¬ enhower was particularly pleas¬ f warning which will . the giant radar The Agena has been flred ed with the visit. DIAMONDS - WATCHES - JEWELRY eight times in the Discoverer L, ■' 'he Ballistic Missile satellite aerie* nt Vandenberg, While final derision* have not Warning System (UME- yet breii reached, lie Gaulle Gi radar dishes, ex- and six times it achieved orbit. reported likely to fii t» New WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING An intermediate range Thor Now findings about the bio¬ self, he said, one unit goes to tritium-labeled thymidine. This York for u day after he leaves ^ - , i into operation late served the booster for these ...,■■ in Greenland and as logical basis of life and the each chromosome. radioactive material is used by Washington and then visit the ahots. techniques which achieved them The basis for this Undine and the cell to form the DNA in its viied rs .Angeles, or 22S M.A.C. AVE. guished celt biologist from Co¬ and measurinc radioactive ma¬ labeled DN'A as it is pissed Imth, are U'inj: considered as V fvlr* 15 minute* provld- To Address lumbia University, discussed terial in rells. from a chromosome to Its suc¬ visiting point-, for tin French EAST EANSlNi;, MICIIICAN lf Midi* WPPld be tin- the role of the substance whicn Scientist* "feed" the cell with ceeding .duplicates Chief ot Stjti- valuable In acllvaUnc % and retaliatory meas- Horticulturists determine* the hereditary char¬ acteristics of every living thing. Pr R. F Carlson, nssixiatc This emetic material, iden , .n't liquid-fuel TCB- prufcMor in Phe department of lilied as IW.i — deuxvrthannc- • . have a minimum horticulture, hit* been asked to leir acid — is found in chroma - ,ui countdown of 15 apeak nt the annual meeting of ; d have more time the Western Colorado Horticul¬ There are 48 chrofn,womes in v uind. i»ut of tin* tural Society at Grand Junction, each human cell but fewer •» it. . • ♦ k rig mioilcs Goto, Jan. H-!l The topics of nnwt other types. Chromosome* ■ curnjy tar- his two talk* ,«re "Dwarf Fru t ixmtrol reproduction and dup' • Trin-s in TiKiay's Orrhartl*" an I eate themaelvoa when the ee.t , a id plan « ••Recent Development* .it divide* and becomes two .una Strawberry Ihanluction" The From experiment*. Tavtor, Western Colorado Horticulture national lecturer for the Socio** Svietv ha* a membership of of Sigma Xi, .scientist*' frater¬ several hundrevi and is 'similar nity. conclude* that each cell euvc '!»at oni> t» t'»e Michigan Horticultural ear run two units id UNA When ■, and di • - -ent phav- Society. the chromosome duplicates it- • : .■ it Mid a* Cap* c o'mi will be a., \ -Ml Sev- DO COME DOWN! , v, ciimenla' 'aune.h.ngs, • t:-,e rtrst one scheiluled .will be made here 3&mWss.m.^ v • i. e deaign* electronic jtk1 ground *up»*»rt ... • Tt'c infra-red tech- •a be testini during . from the cai>e. rntional Mida* *atrllile* from Vandenherg ca.Mffls: n tired Iwrr h4%e. l alif., prubabh umi in ItHil. .« be!>evihI ihat five or six i satellites, launched «»rb.t at different NOW IN PROGRESS 1 it.ii J provide convplete scanning of the ■ For A Xl.-al That's A Treat (iel.vt.irs COATS * SUITS * DRESSES * SHOES * ROBES To Your Taste Ami IWki'lkook :. oist- SPORTSWEAR * BLOUSES * LINGERIE * HANDBAGS * JEWELRY tra« a t»i Kit eng HAMBURGER GLOVES AND OTHER ACCESSORIES • rv.v c FRENCH FRIES GIRLS', BOYS', TODDLERS' AND INFANTS' k>i» Businessman MALT -I Market Award APPAREL AND SHOES I '.ttweUer, Sffiii i r.r.d founder of U- .. J »me'«. •*• t« pst. 1 'I »-»•» im mm* ". ...93 3* * M viowtt a* M VWH '' M i*fq tm •fa'X*.** *r sa ■- -« .•* WK oiof< aatui MI * - » —' (a t« MMWg ts* .* * »*^«» a*, i tw lupr ** k 4 ' * •-* "si g« !S* covr.rT rv3«-'>-* a j " "* v - * t*a **o« a« **w x i^Nfivwr u JO I, ^ •» «arry«| a I '** » Im tat Mil* li I "I *' ' W »•» we»c ' * '*«. k* warn ty arwq ratti *»* ttao 1^"* 1 '■O t- »* •. m N « mUmi. Imisf* —*. C! Mr*.* m IN mmm hq*» M I. '** *•* Kc* g imN N to N «» M BM |C| wt,q *«»«. N»t r« N utgx.—.|i so I■ ... ^ .. . t.. —I u. M «M n - w I.. . ,,#ft ***** fa* MM. WW "WM | ^ «M W*r. ...HM In .T in.mrv 7.1!»80 _ miotic, an static nfws T Election-Year Congress I Moscow Sym pit tht wl Ch • To Play at MSU Begins News Session Rigluj I"- The Moscow Plain Symphony Orchestra will play hero Civil Try Anti-Semite Cases JIM h* duriDK its first North American tour. concert will be riven in n TV the And Jan. 20 at 8 15 pm, Scheduled Ike Airs Mews Adenauer Tells Court »« Kiril Kondiiibhin will. conduct On American and a distinguished solo artist will appear orchestra. Busman with the BONN, Germany (J*i—Chanertlor K.mra.l Adenauer and For Debate The .symphony wi'l come to hlit top aides Wednesday nlyht ordere.1 «w if! ymirl actlnn Two Nrw MrmlifJ Philosophy MSU after performances Uarnegie Hall. Nnv York, and it against alt Germans aeeused of antl-Semitie A artivin-. communique a sued after an Sworn Into llouwl WASHINGTON (/T> ... Pr.i- will go from here to Chicago. extraordmarv cabinet meeting 'The only other university ap¬ dent t Eisenhower Wednesday iMtxi on American* to "exploit pearance will be at the Univer¬ Snow Carpet also called for speedy enactment of a bill to stiffen penalties Washington-. T'-r the philosophy "f our country— sity of Minnesota. press began its election-'« against persons "stirring up man is n i-rc.itiue of G«»d and dignity." Ticket* for the special event In Ihe I.ecHire- concert, a Ends in Rain hatred again*? groups natura' origin " because of The pre¬ session Wednesday their handshaking and hack*! I!p e.iutioned .igiun.-i becom¬ < oncert Series, are on sale at *he penalty to ing too hysterical about 'ho nw* the ticket office In the I nloii Down South sent taw three months in lim:?*. :ail pinpr. But iVmnrratie ' ers lined up civil right* ti l :t!:s!i(j accomplishment* of and at Ihe Paramount News The rr.eering agrce.t unani¬ atheistic Communion, such •>% shop. I.a using. ST THE ASSOCIATED MttSS mously "that cs«es under invest¬ other issues certain to t's achievement* in outer The Moscow State Sym- TWO YEAR OLD Ander* nergmark looked up with one of the feline* at the annual cat,«ht»yf lit A storm that spread a para¬ igation should be brought to the bipartisan jr>nx!fy ,-pa. f. phony's performances* in this wide-eyed and with hi* tongue out of rherk a* Stockholm, Sweden. // lyzing snow carpet across wide court as quick'y a-- possible and ship quickly. Eisenhower expressed hi* that the penalties should corre¬ ,v,nnl'v are part of the cultural he interrupted while trying to make frlrnil* stretches of the south trailed otY Senate an \ lew* In a brief Informal t.ilh w.»* The H * to snow flurries and rain Wed¬ spond t > 'he severity < f the mis¬ to officii I* of the National Pre*- exchange program beHOo-n 'he called to ord»" , •*? Soviet Union and the United- nesday. deed*.'* the communique said. Church after partici¬ struck (>i Tranquilizer Plays Ihi^eateher hvtrrUo noon. , State.-.. Driving conditions were ha*- Adenauer railed the meeting pating III communion service* Srdous from New Mexico eavt- prayers stdle-, vha". The ranking Soviet orchestra, to dKru** was* of dealing with run! prayer* for thr surer** of ward to Virginia hut the pro¬ member? greeting the *e*al«n of Congress that it jKTfoirns during its home sen- the wave of inli-yemitkm that ter a fcwir-monti: •. y opened Wednesday. Ties Is an annual * LONDON CH — The singular Ttnckner, reported the raw* in Thing* finally reached the • The storm left the central fore a center of >v \ftrr the service, the Presi¬ i' tins Introduced major works shortly aft, .' * 'xernmen: K;x>kes- who harked at Journal of Mental Science. point where the man was fired that he is ntetl » dent met ui'h h'« cabinet for f- 'tn such Soviet musical lead¬ case of a man The was naturally left- from his job. and he turned to Texas panhandle blanketed with men said fie.r investigation* *•> > Prokofiev an 1 Sho*tak«>- people was placed in the annals man up to 10 inches of snow, the the Republican pre ierc two h"urs He gave ninjiters a ers as Bookner for help. far ha* f»i!ed t-> pnxtiKv any of human behavior Wednesday h a n d e d. He attributed his heaviest fall of the winter. West ination. deta'.Uxi p'-oview ■ the S'.i' v i ti. Through it, Russians have Bockner prescribed a tran- evidence a c-^wrted Neo- by a British psychiatrist. strange ailment to a teacher who Oklahoma had up to ,.f H'e Union message he w 1. been Introduced in such modern central No.'i campaign agam?: the Jews In Ihe llou«e. the fj- The man. now ti5. harked like forced him to write right-hand¬ cptilizing drug. The bnmng be¬ eight inches. 11«• i; v e r personally to I'nttgi'v.t American composer* as Aaroh German v bald-domed figure t»f a dog every 10 minutes for a ed when he was a schoolboy. came progressively less fre¬ in spa Copland and Samuel Barber. The snowfall w*« the heaviest M auth or ties. German and t'liioy. Until he was 83, he harked quent. »*? Sam Ravhurn iD-Tex year and a half In several decade* In man* onlv occasionally. But then the "And now,"after six weeks on foreign, took tie po*:'.on the given a standing ovation His bark was so loud It emiM area* from Arkansas across became uncontrollable and the drug, he is almost cured," desen of synagogues, the he walked in to i»rr«|i|e he heard at a range of several urge Tennessee and Into north C#enr- barking six times an Bockner wrote. painting of swastikas and anti- opening feremnnlex fla«S( 1111-1111:1111 Slnlc I'nivnr-ilv hundred yards. H frightened his he took to hour gta. Nashville had **'■ Inches Semitic slogm* on walls and has been Speaker for 15 ou more ttnv.d fellow commuter* en the gronnd. heaviest In nine I.HCI I KKaiOSCEKT SERIES when he wis w illing f >r a Ini*. "llis dentist." said Iloekner, I .S., JofHin I'.onchulc year*. Memphis measured fonr the threatening of Jew* was longer than anv other in hoi chiefly the work of hotxtlums For him the day had »d,1e«t SI'ECIAI. It was especially raucous when "protested that extracting » Inches. The fall ranged up to he was in the hand* of his den¬ tooth was more unnerving for Security I'arl Talk* !• tnches In monntalnon* east and crackpots . nifleanee. tt «n hi* llth M him than for the patient. In view Adenauer ha-* *•*.-! * here are da*. tist. S. HUROK prmnt TOKYO (.Th—Japan and the iruticati w.s of "4 p!«nne*i action The psychiatrist, Dr. Sidney of the loud accompaniment" But U weather forecasters United States Wednesduy con¬ designed to discredit the federal This first day < f *ve f SET YOUR OATE IN THIS SPACE cluded negotiations for a new' reported at midday Wednesday government in the eyes of the gress' second s»'*«!.»r w , security pact and status of forc¬ that no additional accumula¬ UK ST TIME IN AMERICA I Your complete Optical Headquarter* . . . world." to preliminaries. * .-• agreement, Foreign Minister tion* were expected in the snow es New owtheeak* were reported •wearing in of two • •*. conveniently located, offering complete optical services belt. MOSCOW STATE Aiiehiro Fujiyama announced Fujiyama made the statement the A new cold front moved in* > Northwest, triggering ram 1Vedne*dav In We»l (*ormans, Meat llertin. ReJgium. lUly, —Sen. Normar; U- ND) and Hep Jo-r. SYMPHONY WALLACE OPTICIANS at a news -conference meeting with U S. Ambassador after a and drizzle along the Washing- (ireeee. Norwai Mexiro, Argen¬ tina. the Failed Mate* and else¬ Iowa). Todav Pre*jden' T. lV»ugU.< Mac Arthur II. ton and Oregon coasts. Conductor Klrlt Kondmshm Branch Office — Vine at (Tipper! where. will drive up ' * " • SnloUl: to he anounced ioppo*itr Sears in Franrior» Adenauer and h « aide* were before a join* «e- >- e>e examinations by plainly w.vrr;e<1 Officials an t gres* wha' he e\;i Ger¬ man government his cabinet. given ou? N . de-.a 'the that made PIZZA famous in Ismtin* name — ALSO RPtriAUZING IN — RENT... • Strait* # Chirkm • Italian & Sra Food a • SKIS — BIMlTS POLES WE WILL OPEN OUR DOOR OrCN DAILY S P M. • t AM PHONF CD 7-ISII Take Oat Order* Catering • rrlvale ALL EQUIPMENT Enjoy Sunday Pinnrr in ihr Ralh«krllrr HRAMI NEW SPECIALLY FOR THE STUDENTS Onlv ?5.00•r KOSITOREKS run WCEK-ENDI JANUARY 9, 1960 -JANUARY- (WE ALSO HAVE CAR-TOP CABIUERm ON O'LEARY CLEARANCE PAINT STORE SATURDAY CHECK TOCm RIQ11IIMIMT* FOR TNI A TERM — AMY ITEM A OF t LOTWMO. IPORTSRUR FRAXDOR CENTER IV T-Wl SHOI * OR FI RNIRHINOn—YOf CAN MAKE A VERY liBITAMUL hAVINOA — NOW — 8:30 - 5:30 P.M. • Sptrl CAREER OPPORTUNITV o sinks • SeeHwi Th, MattiMwaw ladwtrr baa a flaw for traiaX awn in Uw nlnnii,. ra,tlly (mine bttun— • Skirts aunsfart arinc. taW. (arfc Sattlapwrnt. in-unr.'- o Km* fuunr,. ynblK raialMw, mi paWkatMn-. • Jn||js BUY YOUR NEW OR USED • sais Michigan Stal, t aiimST kaa a lac to a BX nith a aujor ia rarrirolum ■'>- Mobil, Homr- mw« " o SmIi with Major* ia otkor (wU* aloo tab* thr «•«*•' • Skats koaon pragraai roar*** *mi ro to work in lb' ,"' TEXTBOOK And SUPPLIES • RsHasai (•trj. A* (rWoalt* bait (oori job*. Tborr ar, «»" job iwortiiUoo than tbo naWr of our pre • Dam of* in coo (ill. AT THIS CONVENIENT TIME • • UaJsmiii Saarfs Coat W tbo Mabil,baa« Peotraa I'oraot Prodacto "-(Tlinn'. iaMiat B-J. offiee in N«'» tM • IimA CIMa ■ Caapa. far MaiM lafaraaiiaa #psn MHUV by thr UNION BOOK STORE 4M^sitcliektros. (LOCATED EXCLl'SIYELY AT US M. WA I tbo MICIIIC.W STATF. M«S Judge Excuses Van Dorcn Januarx ?. |nj;e Pate Fiee Placement Bureau From Grand Jury Service The fsllealaf eaptofffl will Interview en the Indira ted dates. Vf you are Interested report to the Placement Bureau at least two school days hi advance ot Interview date. Woman also may in¬ Ancient Letters Found in Museum \etion Caused terview majors with asterisk <•). (Bl Baehetaf*o degree. (*) Masters. «D> Porters. Where no Shed Light on Historical Era degree la tudteated, all degree levels are ellgihle to Interview. Grandpa's l-.-ve le"er* •-> owed N4u--vi,h letter* vd llv Publicity Old Age Concerns Alrburue JAtft*AftY II lustrumeuta LaWea- tort. Dir. if C utler-Hammer, General tions En erg. Mech Management or General (ID Fngrs. for posi¬ Manage¬ Grandma may handle, but p!ea*r don't commi* b»- • >•> T-1. to; IIn I . of n- them to *he flame* Ine.: Elect, Mech Eng.-* .1 ment positions. e.d'.ecr Industrial Society l>een ,iftc: NEW YORK P>. Charles t»r-.e or.e ~ At least net tint;! v . ,e ,. Phyalcs majors for Research, The Mherwln-Milliams fa: All f.-r \ . I>i»ren, who admitted he checked ,\vith Dr Frank F.l!•■•••* !r tte, * year Design. Development A pro¬ men (ID from tiic College of W< *v.» ti ackcri th a n- ,-d ;n denying taking part \ of the MSI' Mu>, Accounting, id • a mem- The Budd Co.: All men CB> personnel Management A •r i n u*eu n, E:li.»ti n-ight (•:> l 'hat one; when my strength fails, for- phsstral standard*. On the basis (Ml from th«« College of It A Management Trainee Program. ■ • of a federal grand jury Hut vuke old letters rontji.n valuable 1)*- me not." of performance testa, it has also - he was excused at his own PS for Business Administra¬ Chemistry* majors for R A D, torieal Int-vne.v n which 1 These words, written some been found that older persons tion oositons. Mech fFl> (M» Product Deveolpment. Con- 2,000 *h»M Mddifior.u! ..gilt on'-.wii ' >re- years ago. might apply ran and do leam new tech¬ k Elect. (Hi (Mi Fngrs. fo fro!, Analytical A -Technical s \ hours after the former tuthers and th- times during ; • umbta University professor equally to personv in our mod- nique*. 2 year Management Training Journalistic positions which thev lived /( Firm Prof ^ rm, dynamic, industrial society Krj-er a'va finds ample evi¬ Program Applicants must be I'SAi. Rome Air Development sd been accepted as "fully "A!! t » often pe-»i'e •*. ,v'tiled" .to surve, t' S Atty. who cannot find suitable err.- dence that hiring older lob under 27 *«*»•> of age for en¬ ( enter A Air Material Area; throw a** n\ --r burn oil ever* I f'lor llis trticlc j lnyment because of age. seeker* dec not necessarily in¬ try into program. Elect. F.ngr«. A Physic* ma¬ Oi'tespie • a.-ard mmnvne I and Iteook* in the p;>v--s* •* and insurance W. I. (trace A Co.. ('ryuvae jors for R A tp/n'tirs in 'Post' crease pension L> * a »nirn to hu office and said; The rhlef problem, according cleaning up the r attic :»r to Professor Daniel Kroger of costs. Olv.r Chemistry. i'B> (Ml I . S. Depl. of Justice. Immi¬ • Mr. V»n Dnren fame in to see men*." according to Fl!i»f Mil', Is the popular mhroneep-*he?mofe.*"on the basts of majors for Research. Che n gration A Naturalisation her- me and said that while he re- ' IVhit thev d"h'i re«';»e :« • a' University lour- . record* of produe- Engm for R A D. A Food vice: All interested men tB'». tin1, of the older worker's cap¬ these deity. r«- matter How v- •*.!•• tired aftei girded himself qualified to •: >n worker* studied by the U S Technology (ID (Mi majo.s regardless of major, for Im¬ abilities . n-vu- ii* *hev rrav nptw*a m.r- t a! arfiel* verve aa a juror, he wished to Re.*eartfh Department of Labor, there is . for Field A l»«b migration Patn»: Inspectors. have 'some !v*i.-ru ai value -'•it.- universities he excused tn view of the pub¬ Writing In 'he autumn issue n « appreciable relationship he- Internal Revenue Serv ice: P >- JANUARY IMS licity which resulted after it of "Business Topics." publish¬ lice Admin Mobil till Inc.: Civ : "The sum" hoids true t» ' •t r wren attendance and age In (Bi majors (min¬ boron* n as publicly disclosed he had ed by the Bureau of Business o'her word*, contrary- to the con¬ imum of 12 hr* of Account¬ (ID (Ml A Meen (Bi (Ml been aelected as a member of a Research at MSU, grand Jury." and Economic Krugvr laments the fact that tention of emploeers. the older w orker ts not eamotiwly absent ing > tiona. for Special Agent p<>-.- F:igr» Pr »gram for in Operating Trainee Marketing De¬ Macmillan. "while the engineering genius of from work- JANUARY !» partment All men (ID (Ml Van Dor en. 33, who a'-o bwt ' » x>o.Ooo-a-yea. v itional Broadcasting Co in the job ui'h the the nation can put a complicated sVeMite into orbit, the same na- the What. then. i« the solution to problem of improving the Insurance Co. of North America All men (B^ from the Col¬ fr «m the C'olegex of B A Ps. t'omm. Arts A S A* A for Ghana's Gliirl t.o'-. .v \ uhole, cannot place the employ mer.t prospects of older leges of Comm. Arts, s A A. Automotive Sales in Market- TV quit • ken show by Gillespie before scandals. wh« fe.l- . "cfder worker- in an orbit of worke**" A B A PS for Special Ageti's Underwriters for Traili¬ Ing Department. JANUARY 13 Meet in Africa cm; Di>t. Judge Edward Wem- and uscfu'. employ- Kruger finds that there are and •*'d who excused him many remedial «*ep* which can ng Programs Detroit Board of Fducallon; A ACCRA. Ghana • T» - Br • * Van Doren. was drawn from 1 • tin,; five reason* which a-# be taken Creation of new jobs Metal A Thermit Corp.: Chen majors'* for Kern A Second¬ Prime Minister Harold Macmil¬ ' > t'er residential lisfa for scrv- ciied most frequently by err- would help, but is no panacea: (ID. Mech . A F'e.*: iB) ary teacjung positions lan and Ghana Premier D p' ' r n-»t hiring older f'der worker* must possess F.ngrs A Chemistry (ID ma¬ International Resistance to: Kwame Vkfumah, met for .*• e 011 the 23-member jury Te urrs the 'v is to inveatigat- j**** h'c worker*. Kruge- proceeds to cx- recw»irt skills A revision of jor* fof Training iVogram. Chem • (Hi. Fleet. (B> A hour and a quarte- W<-' «•* >.< 'Minns of federal law in un- •• reasons and, on the ftratlnny Arsenal: I'hem. (ID Me**ii (ID Fn|r* A I»h>su*s n.ght f-.xcus kfrTca's tttrtui- employer*' hiring policie-. is to .* U»*cd »m*.* : cxtetiMVc evidence, coll¬ recvit-i J »b engveer* rould re- (ML Elect (B> fMJ Engr* A (ID A ACiienustrv (III mv lent p«»!;'.;c*. < areas. this' thc> simply are not Math.* 'Ri (Ml majors foi i »i f r Mfc F.ngrg. Pnwiuct Murmt" lio flew Gillespie said Van tioren met ides oesigti job* to fit older people »n. to \.i i. I roper and *e','-conceived pre- R A D. Prove**, Method* A F.'igr*. A* tYoduct Develop¬ former Brit;*'h col oft* 'hi* m. • hirer qualifications which re¬ Production F.ngrg. F.xjteti- ment Engrg there are older worker* who r*ara'ion pr gra*n* for retirement mj lo me and 'earn. •»., • '» quire to live within the rourt s menta! A Pilot Plant Manu¬ U.S. Naval Ordnance labora¬ ran. for example, maintain nor¬ arc ".celt-!. Finally, communities itm to #he man whoso |wr*ua - * Jurisdiction and has not been v'hew iBG F.le-v (ID j«: re.-'go;*e the existence i.f facturing tory: standards, fur¬ • ma I produrtion rontirted nf a crime or served Public Service Electric A (»a* • M» A Mech (ID (Mi Engrv. thermore. there are many older pr.»o.em and a.- a.\>. riir.gly. Ha been -c .»cj- ble '••• "-a a sentence af more than a sear. Elect (BG Oh em A v'herr.i-trj (DG Math* dii . of the ve trdvpenden--e \ New Yorit grwHi jury r - Cvil iB> Fngrs. for Train-ng .Mi A Ph*«\* (R^ (Mi ttu- among c?' aial *»eoole* tn Afri¬ Negroes Score One program leading to pos.tuv. < for Training Programs .1 \ estimated rigged T\' quia *:i<»w* ca. ' - months. Van Doreu n Development, Operation- Research. De-ign A Develop¬ % brief atatement after the ♦ *ed before it Liter bef->-# I>esifn A Field F.ngrf. or ment meeting said It «<* "informjl a he admitted congressional c-onmittee \enden.-e, pre*.:-- ATLANTA ** Negroes Raps Soil Bank Program - e l on the show#. "ITe conduct of IV»hbs ||ou«- ahl» told MactniRan of hi.* »,■- v. • • • ! hreukthr.Higti n e». In--. K as much s'.a'e Sition *lre t» rii'ih a Un.:«xl A" .-a A .•r.'.i-* c*'"fr \Ye>tne«- a# wciukl be *1 mffar c-»n*tu*-t of WASHINGTON Jn The The family r«vef\ '>r. the Finslrin's Spvciol -«:«_x : eir-,i Judge llojd the c *.■••■ «»f A"an*a itaelf and the gancral acxx»unt:ng office Wed¬ — gltiyonrt was tib' i lent;hill But State wt.'ch -tarteq »*■.•'» He ha* nartia! union aw: ' S <<• ' ie-e-l desegregation of ■ diwrm ina' '•n practiced by the renort said they were a tIhar-« and Guinea Tie -n ' Thoorv Promt 1- ynt.i A rpor'. Rtwtauran* -he -M-: 12 month,-. fe-1era! Dkv>» Hou'e. In* , m refu-tng nesday crftsC'ed the farm cr-n- *ervaGon reserve program t»- g-.mdfathe-. a fx'her a» i tii'mn of th. union ;* n - < (a to «crvc Negroes except upon a m nor children living w:'-i ihe ing Uraftci NEW YORK P \ «ca- t . oijrt* have forced integratj. n clting Tie <** the airport a.* Mj.-o . H.r- ar*:- m •' light i« eon*tan*---?w,e essence II |» Uoke. a Btrmtngham. •iAi withdraw land from crop 'pro¬ (Ii insurance executive. Init¬ *on p-rwx.ofl of tha 14th The GAO aaid It beliet e.< the here, hi* ft; ft atop on a '. '>000 o* Einstein's apecta; theory <( , A- e?wt*ntnt." Joan's duction and conserve u for fu¬ iated the suit which precipitat¬ ruling tran-artion "may const.tu'a a mile viait to Brit -h c-iionie* ami : * iativity ture u«e. The government rc- The *c entis * w ere able " > ed xloaii's ruling Mednexda*. .scheme or de\ .ce" to exceed independent rommonuea th A *r*e«o*-iae f,*r fkag*tur Hbj*-* lml»ursm the farmer in annual ( okc -ought an Injunction the *1.000 Rt-* •>" annual pa» - countries in Africa. * v that the veldevy of rad'-» e* said Wednesday af*erno«»n payments < ayes—-aisirr* to light waves— against the restaurants practice ments to individuals under the mat :ne revuyrant had not been The pap men la are based an * not affected appreciably ,-y of screening Negroes from white program the number af arret placed in ■ notified officially of tbu judge's ie motion or veloci',. of the patrons ruling and That th# ocrsei. u>el In re pert t* t aagresa. the reserve. Coke's named the city ft! A earth, nor whole solar by the motion of the Atlanta an i DoWxa H^uae*. tnc, »> separate Nagroaa and vm'.tes OAO " ' * raaea e# ever- The number of acres en Campus-to-Career Case History system. wxmli rama n in use until serv¬ . ..j Ha akedy ef which payments would be made Einstein's special theory as¬ lessee of the airp,,r'-r**t*ur#n* ed wntti t?»e judge's order 'Indicated Ike «tt- in fhe ca«e cited was sumes that all natural pnenom- c»: officials challenged being -m.wmm Atlanta C:ty Atty. Jack Sav¬ waa a general ane rather not given hv GAO It said onlv ena are the some for all systems named in '-he nil'. The? con- age sa d he if studying {■>*-!- a leealtetd ar isWated that the land was located in two • htth move uniformly in reia- •ei -ie>1 tha' thev had never g.v- bt. ty of appealing the dexts.on. •Utn n to each other v, Houses an* instDK- This means essentiallv rha' at-'Ut o-iregr on . *• and other eiectrwnag-e: c xloan conceded this, hut said A.i.ation KUCti as radio wave the decisive qoeollon w a* kvh\» move at the same ve. - ••** heather action of Dohha Hoov¬ regardless of tne v»-<\ es ma* he falrl* mid m he eo^- »urce or the Observer iIim t of the dtj AtlaPta and SPECIAL > Semi Annual iiltiy*S9l5EB6R$ Mark Do-'*4 (CfnHD ae Yerv«f p'oh-en mth two of hi* iapr-. -.on. Ski hiuipiiH'itl l»\ Them's a message for you S Hart # Fiarhrr S Olxin-rr in Mark Dollard's progress story * Cuter* SN*r4kl**4 Skaall* S Lite* SSu* Valtor \Ulk I llotUrd ra»l»e«l in* II \ df-ctre u, !>u*iiti>»n»«-M and > -u|»ei vising a »»- • •«. S FmIMh S Juttw* ill (aiglisli frtitll ^ale I Iiivriteiti iti June. i>U>u« growth f 'Iiiij-Jliv the (nil..Winy Jul* IGfh h ire S Aafwin* A Ttewepwi •hat«reated the ..pj«.rtunilv J-»r me to l>r- and a half years laier He *m»e , |i>. • r Di«ni. t Manager in January, lMj'V* RIW . SCM*(> trirt Majtayer («.r the ...nipjt '. »,. N-— Nf<*'k nil V.rl t itx »»lb a sfisfT •.( if7 j- •> •» " porting t« hilil and re*j. .n»»tv :..t Vk lt-»t I lik*- »- -»»! ahoof nl\ j>»r*«-|il posi¬ 3M lO" I'MJDJ ruatoiner a> t .>ui»t* tion |s tlje trthrU .ii tiuitayr I iat te-jMinsi- i-ititie* f haie. jw-*.i * ' It's mteiesting. Mark's f h'>» of I. teirplou e » * *. *(ee: »,«ne •timoiatm? work. I deal with *ale« and S-T-K-DT^-H I her nuiuei-.u* j--h interview- »n * **!»•:« «d huaine-s held*. ' U h»t - ."hI ?.•«•.' in . li.aik^f'if joogiauis, handle |**is.-nttei PANTS the te.ephofK < nmpai>t * ret.i pr»ddrui* iiini make a lot'of puldiu tela- VALUES Tl I4J6 r* w> r« MM *-• • MM latiun (or -olid ru uiugeriai liairoi-.- - a lions *-^,l-( |. ' au. rortiu rauwi liilill and growth. Ar»*l I *»as 'uiqcewd TENNIS SHOES. PRESS FLATS. CASUALS, - .... raoM nmi l»y U»e high « aiii>er of prot4e I mrt durm^ Tl>e message for n.u! -i«hdii>. gr<»«iih. •oinx i, . . rsoa tn.w my x i-sat to the ixxnj.any. »»ilteMilk Iraining ami a«l*anrr- PLAIN PUMPS. DRESS HEELS • HURRY Mo-nt genuine •i|»|M»rtunil*es all add up In rewarding And tlm-e are the things to whi» h Mark FOR YOUR PAVORITES. IX EAST LANSING AT iiedit* hia rapid ad\*<-« etnrnt. Hi- Ha ¬ eareer* Me »nre with the llell Irlephone I |o look into Ike opportunities for nni|.*nir.. iti g during lux first t*« years ooeied a lath teilh the Hell inlerteienrr when Dm; *■*» *n inter *MS I M>. wide range of H' tnito-* .. . iiw the he *»#i|. «nnr eampu* - ami read the Hell handling of rustomcr #obta« tr m the I'rlepk-tne lteooklrl on tile in tour Clare- W0k LARRAIEE'S . hu«n.«sx otfer, selling rvnimuim alwm« u.em tlth.e. ton II like what yiitn learn, SPIRT SUP EPHONE COMPANIES A EAST LANSING SSI & WASHINGTON PHONE IV '3 -C-* A. . J« January 7. in0(1 Michigan state news raw si* 'New' Spartans Host Tliit* Wtrkfiwl Tankers to Hold Initial Gymnasts, Role Signs With Argoi So^so Wolve Cagers Dual Meet in New Pool ! pU Ihi TulR'NTO ' J" T.'bm Rnte. vitrrnn quarterback «>f the Deti'iit Wrestlers, wi of the Cana- ch I! i \V« ii:, l-'oiil football Icagi'i -day with the Toronto Argonaut*. • Spartan huffketbftil fans will see ;t "different" team urday at 8 p.m. when Michigan State's cajrer* Sat¬ pair off leers Play By Xl'JSETTE RAMSEY against Iowa State University. pt Who jtlavrd 11iuh r an option , antra, t with the l.iol;s las t Toronto, originally scheduled for a triple season. Wat al»!o »<> dicker With lh« Argos a a fr« •• agent lie came with their arch rival, the University of Michigan. Besides the weekend head- The first dual meet ever to he held in liners, MSU and U of Michigan meet with the two. cancelled. T*v h« !• for tall:v Tu.-vda-. with Arg" direr!.,r law Hawnan after 'he The difference will be in two the Men's IM indoor pool, which seats over !ia basketball game and the Big 10 The Iowa State team will remain on cam¬ had r- fu-od to ibM- him a iio-cut,, no-op!ion.contract guaran- new faces among the starting 2,000, will be tonlirht at 7:20 when the tt le« in a hi. Mi?,("HI ' a! t o foi I960 live Art Schwann, a fast im¬ Walker With .swimming relays, three Spartan varsity squads will sec other Spartan swimmers open their season pus to again compete with MSU. alomr While salan term* were nnl revealed, it was reported that Rote proving sophomore, will take with the University of Michunn action this weekend. will rreeivr s-i.'t.otHi. making lilm the highest prieed player In Cana¬ guard slot and Dave and Indiana, in the Big pi !•>- Top Scorers over a State's winless hockey team dian pro football history. V. i- ' oi,i.,< ;,.H i, Hon ton and !>■».* Angeles Soot!, a letter ago. will go at winner two years forward. Co- (0-7-11 hosts defending NCAA Yanks, Rebels vitational Relays Saturday , p.m. Students are admiv-i \ champions North Dakota for a ,,f 'I. be,.in-, n< • • j \".r. I f. Foot ha I! League. vanl he derided on - an a faiiiih m Detroit "It i- only Toronto about an captain sa it. ii Horace to center. Walker will In (Conference two-game set Friday night at 3 Polish Up For free to both events upon iue- s«" ' n - their ID-'. and Saturday afternoon at 2. . ho, : ! nfo to III home " he said S.ot! and Schwann will re¬ Coach Charles McCaff'«.« . GHK'AGO A pair of soph- The Spartan icers held the oli.ttt«;il>ai k Geurge ami Jim iio held the waving job salary went t.» Art Gowens Senior Row I \v Tla ( .>, >ij b...d! ( •in.idi.iii pine onioreN Terry Dischinger ..f No'dak.s to a 2-2 deadlock in the |{a'b>- i • i..-ported *:!2 IH'O after he lumped tin* IWhiiu-ki who were declared Iowa State in 1938-41 bet" » . Purdue and Jerry Lucas of Ohio season's opener. . ilefurud X- • Vorl. Yankee.- jo Montreol of the Rift Four, ineligible after. flunking courses comma to Michigan State. ea!«v- fall term State, top the Big 10 individual The wrestling team will Jour¬ MOBILE OF' - Coaches in the oppon<*nt squad "a good scoring parade, each with a 30.0 ney to Evanston, III., Saturday team year in and year out." The ICR slion TIME l»IAI. Ell 2-5*17 The Spartans downed their Saturday's Senior Bowl all-star l>oint average, according to init¬ to open season's competition in first Big 10 opponent. Wiscon¬ ial I960 Conference basketball football, game installed the last Cyclones usually occupy first ir a quadrangular tournament. second place in the Big Eig>- •. sin. 01-79. last Saturday in a Coach Fendley Collins' grap- televised fame. The win bol¬ statistics. of their plays Wednesday and Scheduled to swim in the 200- Horace Walker, Michigan plers, who won the meet last their squads through leng¬ stered State's record to ft-2 for sent - yard breaststroke is Capt. Frank State senior, is next in line with season, face Minnesota, Rig 10 the season. thy drills on their assignments. Modine. holder of the 100-vard a 29 0 average. defending champions, North¬ breaststroke title in last yea;'* The North coach, Jim I we EAST LAN5ING • PHONE E0.F28I4 Michigan carries a 2-7 won- Iowa's Don Nelson, another western and Purdue. Big 10 meet. He will be backed lo-it mark into Saturday's game. gymnasts trek north Sat¬ Howell of the New York Giants, I li:^ I *IMM\ 7 I' M AIMI.TS 70r - KllilUEs 20c sophomore, who ranks sixth The up by sophomore Denny Rup- — ('••-captain Lance Olson and with 19 5 points per game, is the urday to Mt. Pleasant to meet concentrated on team practice Dave Fahs round out the start¬ part, letterman Bill Singleton NOW SHOWING Tlllll SAT. leading scorer with 39 total Central Michigan in the Spar¬ instead of individual drills as on and junior Jim Tyson. ing five for the Spartans. fxiints. Walt Bellamy, fi-li In¬ tans' flrst dual meet of the year. Wolverines will probably the previous two days. Fabulous FABIAN and that BtUf DENIM' #WL~! The start two sophomores at for¬ diana center, heads the list in relMiunds with 37 in two games. The Yankees worked through¬ FRANK MOIIINE tanker eaptain . . , The Iowa C'aflree expert* Slate tanker mc- the mn| trnuhle I (mi mm (.aiilrnrl . . . ... in a motion picture aglow with young ward- in the person.- of Scot! I.ueas. however, is best average- out the morning on new plays from b a •ophomore. fail With- love and adventure. ! Meant/, and Dick Clark. Lovell wise with 23 in his one game. and sharpened punting ana erell, who specialise* in "any¬ Karris will go at center while Tein Miller and high scoring Michigan State, one of five Italllv ( onlinui's place kicking formations. They 26 Athletes thing." He may swim any nf •baring first place in the Con¬ the medley relay, 22#-yard free¬ John Tidweil hold down the ANGELES (TPi—Gcneral also popped leather for -about style, individual medley, hark- ference standings, possesses" the I.Os guard slots. be't Held goal percentage with a Manager Pete Ko/.elle of the 10 minutes on the key plays, Make Dean'* Ntroke, 449-yard freestyle or Tidweil i« Michigan's top 554 figure, hitting on 36 of*H5 lais Angeles Bams declined primarily to make sure they had freestyle relay event* Hhrrp scorer this season, averaging shot Minnesota boasU the next Wednesday to enter into a de¬ their pass protection assign¬ Honor Boll event* Is the limit for a tmim- over 20 point* per tame in prr- best mark with .521. followed bate with Attorney Adrian Burk ments right. mer». conferencc play. by Ohio State with .437, Purdue in the red-hot Billy Cannon Only Spartan signed to play- Twenty-six Michigan Sta'-e Iowa State's diver, D*jn lu h-:- Reserved tickets f..r Satur¬ controversy. in the bowl was defensive spec¬ athletes last fall term broke in¬ .voth 439 berger, has champion possitu.:- day's game have been cornplcte- In the free throw department, Burk. a former football star ialist Bob Bercich. to the toughest "first string" of tses in the eyes of ISU Coa. h !• sold out. report* the ticket Ohio State owns the best per¬ himself, again challenged lloz- The Southerners devoted a lot them all — the Dean's Honor Jack McGuire. Echelberger .«!:■ otfue. assuring capacity centage with 742, making 23 of clle to disclose when he pur¬ to their passing game, Boll' a of time Tony Downey will face MSU'* crowd of 12.000 <»r more for the 31. Michigan State's .731 is sec¬ ported!'. signed Cannon to a with Charley Britt of Georgia Heading the group with senior diver, letterman Jen;. contest ond best contract. and Charley Mllstead of Texas straight A averages were Bil'y (. hadwick and sophomores R A. k M doing the tossing. Reynolds. the Spartans' I960 Wellfarc and John Walker Coach Weeb Ewbank of the cross country captain, Stan Tar- A rollfRt pmfrsMir warns: Sophomores Carl 9haar and ahis, Big in and NCAA horizon¬ .Baltimore Colts said, however, Wes Roberts and letterman A L.tll.-p- rliruliiig i- 1111 "that he thinks he will have a tal bar champ in gymnastics, OUR FAMOUS SALE Man well will trying to build and freshman ice hockey can¬ powerful rushing attack up strength in the 200-yard but¬ (uirriruii ili-jirar.11 "We've got some good, big didate Wayne Pecknold. Rey¬ terfly. Sophomores also domi¬ Why is cheating an accepted backs who have excellent speed nolds' A average ran his three- nate the 200-yard backstroke „s practice in many of our eol- for their s-.7e." he said year all-college average to 3.87. Ron Gaze and Ix»o Boreis..-. Last IS NOW GOING ON! The South has a fl-4 edge in Eighteen of the Dean's legrs Unlay? What ran we Ho along with junior Jack Wicker¬ to stop this scandalous habit? the Senior Bowl series. In which gmup were varsity men, the ing. hold down this event. members of the winning team other eight were freshmen. In this Mtfek's Saturday Eve¬ Sophomores Dick Bracket? receive 8600 each and the losers In aii. there were 59 varsity ning l'4iy college professor performers. and 19 fie*hman and Dick Blazejewski and sen¬ ior letterman Denny Baker w.4 reports; IMI'OKTKO BLOUSES $500- athletes who attained 3-U or li • iibmit the ingenious ways The nationally televised game swim in the 220-yard freestyle will start at 2 p.m. (CST). averages or better. students cheat Brackett and another soph, • how one college official ad¬ SLACKS Chauncey Johnson, will swim mits "I out of 3 students the 440-yard freestyle. clients rather regularly." HEKMUOAS •hnw tun* The IM-yard freestyle has • uhv many professors know IN - l:SA letterman Larry Jeaes aadDa*e what's going on -but do no¬ • I* • S:M I H -SWEATERS NOW SHOW INC; Piget and Junior Jim Arms thing to fct.ip »t against the Cyelene re-captain* He sure to read the expln- aive report on our "American SKIRTS Dm mtgmittt iliry «f (•!• Mi 0w rna Jerry Rrthns and Ren Begg. STAItTIMI SI-NI1AV 2 HITS iMMUNTt ' Shaar, Diget and sophomore Disc rare; Collet e < healing"—* HENRY in thla week * Cost KILTS ami SCARFS Tosh Irnat will swim the 200- yard individual medley. Sopho¬ mores Dan Con via and Juergen Matt and Aenis are entered in l*OS'l Vi to \'l OFF the 50-yard freestyle. (rage, Modine, Roberts and -L** Kim Jones will compete in the 460- * Kill, MMUMI who •• yarfl medley relay and Dig-' Baker. Arms and Jones or O-n- wMmrt tin THE SCOTOH HOUSE cm* MM vis m tne 400-yard freestyle r» - lav. ACROSS FROM THE CAMI'l S firgf iMm" (1IARI.E ACCOCNTS LAYAWAY wTic#wM»CM»tic»*coior Mr. Hulot .. "ARROll BAKER • ROGER MOORE • WALTER SlEZAK Vi, .URIO GASSMAN • KATINA PAXINOU —.hikr: bume 21.1 E, ..KAMI 1(1 VER Eilra ROM utt -vknh'c (• ( eler (*i srw* the east" "rabbit romeo" EAST LA.N8IN0 I'h. Ell 2-2111 TtaigM! next attraction: "operation petticoat" HEADQUARTERS FOR SPECIAL SNEAK PREYKW FNYHOAL EDUCATION Tonight at 8i(K> P.M. Sec .'i Grval Slam in l%0'« NOTE BOOK PAPER takes Fir»l Big llrainatk- Snia-li! Il» hrrr at rIthrr K;|0 I'.M. ar S:«0 P.M. ami mi a tprecious.. .Marlirritnr IVrrlrna l.ary (imp-r and < harlton Hfaton in -TIIR WRECK OF THE MARY IIEARE" Plua tin MSU SPIRAL NOTEBOOKS playful... BAMUHTM Spvcial Prriirw al no inrrraav in admianiaa! ■ vRvmwi w vn and purely AND Ia«t Hay' .shown 1:31 3:311 «:10 10:13 UMET • • • premeditated nnwnmmim look at Multiply nylon siruitg the SOME GOOD USED MSU modem i ... J itiiisl ommended popular and nued rec¬ fur phyw etl use. 4.95 Cinemahnnpe A JOetmeninr TEXTBOOKS times... olhrr >|>.ililini;. Murlirriiur anil Milv.n lUrkrt. ★ Start* Tomorrow if fmm 2.9>> In *,(..» 2 lirral Enlrrtaiaiac AttrMtlnm Krlurn! uTil , • (ml.on I' • Carllon N,l„n 49', r/- ' SIIITTLECOCkS !□[ SHUTTLECOCKS M. \mm s.c. SRI II\M>lt\l I so\ c,i.m ts rmimmn MY* UNCLE GuaUkln, •While. 9*wool MC ukU, hoou, ylw mMRIHH* Eum sural i^ans ^WAOBHi padded or. unpadded It. nrlwn "pr- Wlaaor «f t ArUiir Amu*! , scoo Mkhigaa Slat* l'»iv*r»it> FOREIC.N FILM SERIES Handball* ERIE HANDBALL Kt t.EW . 85'. ramel. rharroaE «k navy. SPARTAN BOOK STORE FAIRCMLD THEATRE Than.. Fri, Jaa. 7*1 7 aad t p.m. :i2.-GS25 ANN ST. K. LANSING A*hUm>mm: 3*r Slmii for all i/mrting final nvnlt at I an'*. j Wings Drop lagers Make Top Sport News ☆ ☆ ☆ w v? State News -.JF From No. 2 TORONTO set utv anoth»v P - Rg Era rile Mahovlich scored two goals and Wednesday night as the Toronto Maple Leafs de¬ Jonuar* 7. |«u.e Seven feated the Detro t Red Wing* Spartan Athletics Continued Over Vacation Cincinnati, Lctl by Rollins .1-1 .to take over -■■' •• ■c ivack "0 New York picked up Ihe puck behind the Btillini. downed I t »v--.sts, seven of the n in the >ut for their upeoin- Olympic games at Squaw Val¬ gonauts. o.v Denver a ■a n. 11-0. and »' c inn.-is *r:»ck .-■> downing KnickcrUH kci> 129-113 Wei- -econd l.eaf net. abated in front and., to move hie . ley, Calif. T retirement of t.irran I headed home u a 0-7-1 rec- < tough Ru'lt-r. 85-80 - Roy;«'« from a 45-45 *.e to a t>4- after pulling goaltender John is a day by day I'K l MklH i: Fr'T.xlic. a'hlct: r business mar - ord J\M \Rl t flower to one aide, slipped Ih# 52 haittim.e advantage. •: Spartan sport hap- Spartan eager* first game on -he western four, rnc.r ace*, '• v .,s announced re nerd ^ July 1. The re- NVAA Dl ( LMRFR 1.1 ch;«:nn:ons CV.lfoM.a The o.-ke'oal! tu".y t>!>ene.J crew letcn'-e uf it- R >ucce-*- e. Miiiiii Gives Knwks Alter !(•»!.:n-' never wizardry got back in the t'-.e di*e into the corner. Mahovlich tied the score with p|( EMBER I! edging Neb-aska, 82-80, tn dotD victim.zed MSU's basketball 10 ehampionsh'.p beating Wis¬ only second period goal nidCMBU 19 twil game as Cincinnati increas¬ on a ble overtime. "1-60. nationally 22 Awards sv awarded Big 10 team. consin. 91-79. in a ed it* advantage to 90-74 at the play much the -amo as Howe. The university MAT'S ba<-:ethal! fin MBtl !l televised contest ! ind tennis title meets f »i announced team won end of the third quarter Then the Leaf leftwinger fe 'cadir.g N'ortneri Dean Look. Pa'mcr p- > 'cid-rs have KCU put Ligethcr 12 tied Inc'igible are ec n-vaey tea n :r. tans >1 and Stanley wh.jiped a 20- and B a'.cne Martin ;n the line¬ a' *>> seven nend»ei> <»f g. si', - and was pcrtcct a' toe ) Weaver, jontu'i Mich- tef Art Go',van>. guard J... >-! hfth game in s v staf-t gridders a 20-8 victory m'vr screen shot into 'he net for ... Mil*1' 'guti Stab's 1959 cru.-s - . center n lttart-51. Btetiinski and forward R:i' as Colorado Col>te won again, the Gray*. Snartan guard Den up, was upset by the West, 21- what proved to i>e the wummg country team arut to 15 mem¬ I "a ■ '.hcp L'arS Braun w , i head football toach t>-3 Wright and center Larry Cur.- 14. m the annua! Shrine game t the Kn.cks with goal. ber* of tne 1959 Spartan soccei i H.s back court nm Mahovlich then clinched th# ><|uaii. it wa* announcerl b> jK-mt- D'r.vto- Biggie Munn Riv (» ler.n added 22 in victory with a sizzling '20 foot- NCAA A'n'.etic e Gridders Get ISeiv Coiicli Spanks T: r cross country lettermcn '•i midway through the period- F i Graydon. Hamilton. «»• ' Crawford Kennedy. T.»ron?», Vnicvfa J iViiuct CariSlot. for six >eai- t*e Ont.r Robert Lake, Kalamazoo, highly -i—'The l*niversitv of Oklahoma Wednes¬ day was handed one of th# severest penaltie# ever meted xhrldmi. l ansinr: I rank Heav¬ er, Paris, (int. Manager'* award centrally located near campus t arillot is a native of New lark City, where tn Roh Panter. Dearborn out hv the National Collegiate Athletic Assn -indefinite he attended t.eorgr Hivhinitwi and 1 •manerce The soccer 'etternen Emar>- High M'hnalv. He i« 3! year* aid. probation and a ban from appearing'in po*t-*eason football .ue! Rruce-Oki'ie. Ghana. Afr - l.iw in fiiiiifiirl willi llir fiinvriiiriirr nf .1 II s b;uh mI.-v! vaciing experience includes game# and rm television—for failing to disclose details of a o». Dave Christie, IVim,!, R« r- the folU. A ing fund for recruiting athletes, Cook. WLurnvn, NY: nit-ill- tliiiU. TV. iluilv V2. n i of (.ohford, Mich. H.S. for pro-iie. * ve ath'ets-* during :s e N-h*. I) ag>. fU-t taansing: Rob riMiiii i-li-iiniii^. AMI - At the same time, the NCAA rC'lus* li' .tie ■ v., : /«■.:> 21 and lost thtee a per. .,} fr»»*n 1952 to 1954." Diinsmoic. Detroit. Gerhard! Council, the policy-making body, Wi l li I'llK ACCENT OX Sl.lM IUOIt K(H)I) BOb and in 1952 were .•*•#•« v ia- D champions !!»53 Ikicklivid i.-Mch at Battle Creek Central lltgn Sch- 'd put the University of Tulsa un- de^ one year probation for re¬ Wood Oklahoma said, football coach a Jennings, thai an -;-1an* at now is head Nebraska. (Lent?, CadHorace Hamil¬ ton, Brooklyn. N Y : (.'evil Her¬ on. Dot rod; Art Hodgson, Cr.vwV AMI MEALS. cruiting irregularities. Ward added that while the lftfd-51. Head Coach at 4 a*t l inuai where Bermuda. pete M Kuinon. De- In both cases, it appeared that hi* tram* Imk Mate t livi H title* in Bin and Big Eight Conference prohibited ije.'ige Sepety*, Detrod the institutions were being held 1*59. and were «• champion* in 195?. Hi# team# such travel expenses "This prac¬ John Soutlun. Detnn!. (Linda-.* also won outright rhampion*hip* in thr Twin Valley l eague in 195k. 1951 and 1959, and war# reiponwble for i-iolation# not en¬ tirely under their control tice was AA ru!e,< ** rot a violation of NC¬ S' uii'.;vk Stutter. Chicago. Wt , Sag n.iw . K r i c ii Paul \Vm- Contact Ed at: ED 2-6787 Oklth#mi'( difficult# Ttolaa # trouble stemmed from thcr. Bel It* rote. NY ro-champion* in 1955 and 195". area# -a., tec. rt. :.•••>- ** i 11 ins ar.-i seven. fram a fang administered by aa after of a 4|»a gift or loan- Ttie -ot t er numeral winner- Vrtbnr Ik Hm4 »f ObUMma it vim'i rlrarly estaMished (' e < a i lX> :..ngue/, i'arava . (ily. In at least nn# raw the whether the mone# set* base Venezuela. Ruocns KC;?«»ia. S..g Canll- ' *pe»o a3 n-. t'*. .r ••■ in trie US NCAA established that tha Vnnd bees repaid—offered to a foot¬ Paula. Brazil; John Gr'.mi :. Na\> 'iuru.g W r.i W*r 11 IT"* then • an.e ?>; ball-player m he eveataallr «* rnt Hearts.rn. Ken Gi!-on. Chatham* Mu-higan .VaV am! ' a bachelor ot -rier.e e' had prwstded tmprepar fiuarial aid t« # student athlete to aaotfear arhool St. N'orbe-.'o Gonzalez. Mexico degree i i igiu lie .v .usni up »;th a ma-ter ( of aits negr'-e 1958 Walter M. Byers. NCAA exe¬ City. Mexico, J -e Ghanna'm. .•asobal: tv.>->d, despite urging from cutive director. *,«:.1 Tu -a offi- Lansing, Kfm. CJraham, Dctiod. ICTfu m I ..'fii a in hi;r. osi ser\ f e ha*! .• thr offic.a!.-. ha-' refuied siala had punted m»! the irre¬ Je: • Hero'1. Detroit. Re net ft-:r •. i •:> * -r. an . parttci- lo open hi* record* to NCA.A in- gularity a* soon as they learned Kemelmg, Ratine. W->, Hugo Slate. vest, gators. about it and the donor, not a LeMasurier. LittX.held. Conr a' a letter in The leveritv of tne -en*eme member of the athletic*- Jea.n |e»hr;. Lab-ing: Jer* v • » .« .fr St. tla was due largely •.» the far*. »hat ment. never had handed over the Pajwehnstov. Detroit; Ted Satin- K 5. Chris.-!. tt-tirn Oklahoma was under n- money The University was hehl devs. Detrn.t Mabrn*o Ventura, aughti i p.. vest.gation in 1954-35, no ore r#MK>n>;b> however. Kingston. Jamaica eight *«> ath'r mentioned the existence of this M!X to ollbge \M nr- id'ta •o M '.hsgan fund although later invj.*tig»tion Take advantage of our January i inih IIOIXV. AU ,1V THIS U'KKKKMI? - J J / 1 Uaitmxuth and Da-t J"hi»* reiea'ed tha' some athletic ne- VINCK C AKII.I.OT Ml in* Sale IMdrn-Rrid now offer* thou- . Wvummg par'mcnt mernbers must has'e ITT VOl K CAR IN TII'-TOP SHAIT known about it -and* ..f such famous quality clothe* a- In commenting on We-jne.*- Societv Brand. Waltham. Ivy Bowl. U ;ii da"'s action, Dr George L Cro.-s, LARRY'S GULF skrvici: Street. Baker, and many other# Udjne Lale Scores Itrmvl (u^s lhnvks'2-l \\ in ♦ he ; lent nf tie L'piversity. said fund'incident occurred seven ON EAST MICHIGAN AT Mil IS in and «ee for vout>elf our wide *pI*h • YORK pen*:*!#?. f» • DIAOON %14-V AC ROMs t ROH M IL NT. ENTRANt I lion at 'tin «peiiMi Januari price*. .ears ago He added that when ..a Hi nurr " »rie 1933 violation was brought .-.d Fontinato tned to our attention (we) took **ept Vi-» Inil. lit rt'r.g with th».t immediately to Inform the NC¬ Wei:.r.-da ' it ck ■ . br iar of. d #nde«i AA of it. The NCAA f.rsf team¬ Sails I Toiwaais ed of ;♦ through our o-vn in;':a- • •uoqith punrtj to wh NV • 9 * tive. ' !)• }• in tvaa VALI I A .tfjl- M I »t<1lunt 2-1 ana gam i - . .ct llimlmi l.rero o -Xatixna- Rook:, H *cKey nil Red H- NHl Standings Hard, reached nied there had at his home de¬ heea aa argan- Men's 1 and 2 Pant Suit* and Top-mat* available m »uw 34 to 34. Your chone (hi Ited fund a ad added that he glrd 30-footr: at 1931 of a wute aeleetion of style# and pa'-' (aasiderad It a claaed hsar. i# ii a aa ias it-' tern Other# IIAttoa U $133M value* limn- ln«'lii<(«-sl U'"»jii aft..r Hul: n< t Ran, it I? ii 19 a I ai R i#i i« #• in The money referred *o wj* —NOW 179.93, 91.93 to 139.93. Bast jMan la»u.- V • iit# i n I2i tat money [ give Bill Jennings j»#r- had bjn.^nci |i I'Kid Itnl Sox txrn i# :: * f «»• laa aoc.aih tn defray travel expen-e* $ I5!».!»5 to |"uti-m-t iiffi-r- NIIORTA Thr Burton G OPPORTUNITIES LONG 9 LIQUIDATION SALE! ■- c •.♦*! 'Agtmr • - ■ "t -.n th#. mail* '.» Raptors and Oraduataa in I NTRA LONG* #5 "•Tilt TN ' players v the 4t-yrar-ci-.i PHYSICS • vho ha» been AMIKD MATHfMATICS .'ourit» i# ON AU PRCKNT NHONANWK '■ uecn sent 19«() INCINfdINC MICHANICS Sport Coals rial Managi INOINKRINC PHYSICS *39.W» lo toaa SHOIlr (OAIs .*Hralrr»—lioaliirrlt anil -lia-1 milt Wt.'W AND \ ipi ineti i<> ha t v "1 >k« 7iO'. antage •' -rl-hirl—taltif- In A 1.05 AilONAUTlCAl. CHEMICAL, needed fcjxu t i oat ni/'racu. Mark—all r..ln. . .l *>.'*>. W.W. AQ.W ELECTRICAL < inducting ncg' MECHANICAL. fer not to say at thi* latnlttru) Sltrlx mih tS.43 • * ed Sox MiTALLURCICAL, Suit- (all HOwl) *29.W ami $39.99 mn4 NUCLEAR y *A * moan -acki« itaaen. who Laaftad in run* .Sport (.oat* on* prirr $19.99 QaalMy Slacks *9 te. Mud laat that 913.99 to 39.9* VALl Kft ' p Nuon ay in 1M0. He has l .nrtlurov Sport Coal* 911.99 Men's quality "all wool'* stack* flam »'" Top I ami*—all tVrlurrd 929.99 aod 939.99 ■ mead hit dceiaion. "*t t who## batting aver- pleated—Ivy. Worsteds, flannels cord* he low J« laat Ma- Slalr JarltrU Krirniblr Krg. 14.93—910.9S in sues 2$ to 53. * >■-• Ij» tka* O tut SO- ''.P4 ' - ' nm. tin Glutr* and Jrwrlrv 20 fo Off NOW 14.99 to 31.99 111 pUsu for » *- .'■■n -!iia Ma. tM. Ui Wmv Many other viInm lo >UK ALTERATION* L"*f rruk klllni |»». , ■ -Ji *» ua, • nod contract, thr 19-99 99 HAT CHARGE ACT Ol NT* tbo Brat Bogtt'it ** iwunt the pad Suil.- "AaAiuwa hrmmdi far Dad and 'Lad" . 1 *»• a to *' ■ .uflmd hii fir. i the acjort lau •11 llaaaicr* *® t -d 1 -Itould Hdnmarn In- ■—'ontiof baaotuU . Buy UN KBSfTONDCS VANSITY now and aarr at SUN HOLDEN 9RANHOR SHOPPING CENTER g It 111) arc Chu.« "•/ JcniMR Ha: 228 AI.Im.ii Rd. MM laAllMflt STORE HOI ttv (o # eierr rtai except Sal Sat. or frida/ c'lcr- "J pic th« \vi ch P* \ WE STILL HAVE THE SUPPLIES BOOKS YOU NEED IN. Check At Our Engineering And Art Counter For Authorized ft THE BASIC COURSES Materials Used In ... ft BUSINESS COURSES . T.C.R.A. . ART COURSES A AG COLLEGE . ENGINEERING . MATH ft ENGINEERING ft EDUCATION AT A HOME EC. A VET MEDICINE - SPECIAL - Our Famous Sheaffer Pen IF Offer Is Available A train COME IN EARLY AND SAVE — CONTAINS — 1. SkrtpMrt Pm dig- 2J6 WHILE USED BOOKS ARE 2. Five Packs Simp QartrMgM ONLY Rtg. .M 3. MmOwiWh Ml (Fig) STILL AVAILABLE VALUE 3J3 (SAVE SI OUT OF S4) mm*' t THE CAMPUS BOOK STORE 131 • 133 EAST GRAND RIVER AVENUE * EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN - w v PHONE ED 2-4413 1 * $ pflJMW*43 S 1 © * iDr*»UU»ti ! %