Hockey Squad The Weather Seeks First Win t loudy. Snow Flurries i Of Season tilth Today 32-W See Pace 5 l.ow Thursday 2l-"« Serving MSU For 50 Years .. VOL. 51. No. lit KAST LANSING, MICHIGAN"— FHIliA V. .iANL'ARV s. 19fiu PRICE 5 CENTS Stale-Wolves Clash President Forecasts Prosperity Replacements Fit in Plans -aB^-n Proposal Submitted Slate of Union Address :-.i if -a- bf-euse well will the Michigan SMte basketball lean.. rirrVnd:?. * Big nampions. do now that two first stringers have been dr-pped of flunking classes'.' 'fl For Clinical Center Confidently Optomistie ' will be the main question Hiiroumiim: 'he .MSU-Un:'-ity- A }iro|Mixal for a medical center at Michigan State was hirrraxt* S| Hillion Surplus in *61: ' Michigan basketball game Satnrouy at U u mi. ;n Jermon Fulri- firesenteii to tin? Board of Trustees at its December meeting. r. • Saturday** battle, the second for 'he Spartans in conference play, V b- The the proposal was submitted Research Development >ii^wt$ Appliralitui tin National Deltt re the first without, center Art Goweu*. who scored !49 eight games, and Jim Bechinski. The pair was declared ineligible .oJ, " mMA 1X - ( oinnut'ce vost Paul which includes Miller. Lloyd Fergu¬ Pro¬ Tax Debate W ASHINGTON' i^5) — forecast unmatched prosperity for the United States, a President Eisenhower Thursday S. The 'he winter term along with »ophorriore-re^(tu- Bill Paulin« Having in to replace the departees varm. question hanging over are Jcni.son even « a ershari. Dave So»p and Art M»ri> 0. son. erce rival 1 nar\ denn of the of 1 the College of Sci- Art*. W. W. Armisteod. College of Vcteri- Me•" -in.nnd Milton Muel- Flares Up deM-oiittinp surplus for it- frovernment and—if-the Soviet c«'*»|»er;Pe—peace with nistice for ail the world. In a S'ate fif the Un:<>n rrc-sage. .•!-le optimi*'.- • interest in the game. Michigan, the Spa run*' arch-: c ,s K- - •r expected to be too much of a real test. The Wolvenn* ■- h ive Miles of their own. winning only two of 'hi- fir-1 nine games, der. ment. vicf pioident of develop¬ PreMdential As*'| .lames lleni- I11 Senate Gnul l)av • 1 mower told of Congrev- that applauding •Tie" incim*- - hn Tidwell, a high scoring forward-guard, lead* the W«iv»s •heir first conference contest. In nine game*- Tidwell ha- ! points for a handsome 20 8 average. - p»-d 1 *on said the posed renter is not to gain tige. reason for the pro¬ pres¬ S-n. LANSING J »hn -T* S'ahlin ... rtefntblicpi of- Be'ding Discussion • *-a! yea? Usenhower. excwl out#.-, ;n the :9k! by $4,290,000,000. rreetlnr Ton- Michigan has been averaging 84 9 point- a game compared JAMIH riEMSOV tre^« at the start *»f a presiden¬ i. We Thursday shot hack a tar*, not after prestige fqr! there -i Meed for an- average for Michigan State, Scheduled tial election year, recommended . :prinjr men' term after fin 1 cxamina- comnieiice- national debt, ||e u«ed a pet phrase In lieu of "nurplaa." pay¬ ie.! liars—Schwann and Scott. ing ho preferred 'to think of r.. Fven th"ugh he is a new name to many. Scott i- a Spartan veteran I Icttcrwinncr. He was absent from the squad last year bt vau-e My Inch*' i fust hy icians Lite. is increasing at a the department percent Mi.-kie -a;d use tax the on new materials three His Houses audience of Congress. included amha«sa- both tior.- ni'! ne uj! for discus- *ion an,in when academic Mich our an rhildrrn'a item »\ a reduction of inherited mort- dors : difficulties with the university. The Detroit senior stands 6'2" and he - a fnu inrp M ; Full of LiJ'r we "If must we are start to meet that need, now," l>eni««tn u- • on d fs'ate cild highway construe- the and other foreign officials, Supreme Court, the cabinet cotiPi I' Vf-.'ii- it* niontldy l«e," As Repuhlicarix cheered' a •aid. "It takes v. jump the co*t of me*-: ii:v Tuesday juvi it* one of the speedie-t men on the squad F<»r Detroit ('.«.!(•• time to prepare *■ nd building more than $3,600.- and spei tutors !><«mocrat* rea.-ed w.'h re School he was top scorer in the city league A b'un-i re. I a good mediral srhool." Eisenhower • iHiu *hi year rt.»?>rr»vai. sonic evidence t» 'verr.nienl can pr * eTii.«es to be rc-'»>* pr»;*speroux year :n a • research institute joining the publications photog¬ darting for Michigan will be sophomore- Sent* Mae?.:.- and I)ok Of the v.-p'h;. A vnaior p cal renter should rmplos a new <•0* for •en following hour*: today and Mon¬ 'no packed jo^nt. secnhreri by both tear?.: ■*■; t 3:30-3:30 p m. Applications may ft <;> • < r *aid ree»-r,t Soviet dep.r'- ir. game Involving State. 194 r»r***«»n?ed , v- humtous - :»» share the same classrooms and e?:' off. -s fK»pe Of "a 5 er» - also he obtained In 3il Student to !;?c r-*".•'• s«mg facilities. A v • ' • Michigan leads the ail-time series 43 \. '> Services. - .• y-^rred period" High', after the Michigan test. Oath F-rdri; Ander* and rm tie*, a • oj»p\ i'.res U-lfiinr - a>t I Th« staff ■^bib ..-!W*; •. I'.O-x 'netween Eart **: propo-ai -aid there Would . *-e > i'.r* photographers take pie. e%» Spartans have to look tu an away game Monday with I". be o«» inttitipiieotion of pre>»cllni* lures for Mote News. Hnhe en.ab .e r d - rr.v ■ cro- tficu Ch^ to .IfI While plicated U> peaee. |h- cai department* rine, ■viM-e ui'-m-modern home h*»te*se prc*erve the dirtlnc- and Veterinarian. f'us-v, |,wie*v woman aid weaken its defense* until me»o Big 10 Swim Relays .1 • »r: ufdwecn human nhci , ho*-erf by her husband, a fa animal 'The shortening of spring of ■* «•;. ;! ,11 ,y lire* enforcing disarmament and physiology of eoonom.ia! and cff.. .rn' high¬ ijuarler would be stop-g4p w\v>: The r n v.n problem T* tunufil * are worked out. r deportments of way departiren' ofieratcti-. ' mriMirr.' Miller s*id thubdj*. :.-,"U'. •.» .«'■ to make '-he u'i- '■ T ^ Chief Executive -e'e ■- '- j.rop'iMsi rentrr would be V-ohlin said but committee feels that Feature Top Teams ie ♦,» modern d... our < .*»'>"(*»'' -taffed ami --- •*>• v\-»'ions, when he • housed "In 'he i»«-' '.w ^eiir- • >- j commencement after finals |« the •■!v ng 'he pr training students, IK""V1. y.', -t, >;o>t 46 niin .'c* Mv y Spartan swimmers will face the V Ji;,-.. ,*h-- t ' d. the veterinary hospital, medical a jump in '.he amount of moncv ' and 2 Rig H» u?K'«. a * »■, m,no:Udted by applau-e research institute, and • o. ru for administration instead the University of Michigan and Indiana, and Thursday night's «.p- • •' h ' 'A .».• -•-»'•• g perhaps :<2 Mwas trie fL- of rood budd.rtfi " Pr.ent, Iowa State, at 3 p.m. Saturday u. the B1.4 10 tr.v it*t:.,-w. ir- j> radu-r siap-hapnv a grriatrir hospital and a labor¬ !» :b'urar.< wh-> clapped—par* - atory animal rolony. Rtahlift, choimtHn .f a S«- uV ..,3i ly at his references to o\j* ■ - loimmi'-tee invw.ig.»t:ng def*ai't- »"< ach Charles McCaffree uv< the meet . : r .p a!!v ex - *.- ?« - The '' -'V— w-.l'be shown * - firms-».'i smd trie :nk' govrrmtieni firsances. eenfrai;**- mcn* iund-huving practice* add¬ tau-a everything, even the diving, is in relays, puttm,: the ■" i-h;< . psght m Kaisrhlld at 7 »txt 9 ' > of fit.-.! ye- would save ' k "1 htmkigiv ed appljeation of the u«c tax to ng. •a the team, rather than the individual Thus, the best m.vm-m.u P-m paired with two weaker one- may be beaten c. a relay by three money »• a* r, and prvvide among a bvt'er cor- the medical g rvi-rnrnent construction pro¬ p.*. t, i be ctgftnd i«. spr.j.g 'enn Students Meed ject* procedure* in manv atate*. Ncx". meek ' tm iter* »: god swimmer*. Slalr V*. Hal,.-- •'lent* M'ukie. - Memorial Day Adimiacion for MSU student* 1- fr« -. 'i- g.--crai adn:. -«.i Den.-oft *aid ' the Board of A'ty (Jen meanwhile, asked Paul Adam*, a Dem¬ •CheduiM M a • "-!<> -! iA- icliritv Ws et>e dollar and reaerved scats $1 So. The ir.eet wai be helc. m th* \.-w \|i|».,ii,lii,,-itl- Trustees renewed Ms fecjui*-' to . . :.. AW ocrat. *o rule on con-' lutional- Road ahi >mp!e*.t'd Set*, S'o'e New* sl*tf? < !•«.'!-iaturd that the .tv of the use tax application '<> W-lne* irt «H-' For (lames JioyV Voi-a*:ona! ScHck>; prop- state highw ay construct .on nu» Aliitolt p.> 'M-neni. include: Larry Mil- '•My -n l^.n*,.;^ be reserved for Student# will be admitted • . tenaj* kr. Manp.iefte «etut»r. a*-i>'an'. Vtieh.gan State when abandoned regular !v scheduled basketl.* gomes- by presenting an Ar4 v- en/. >t.h. o*gt editr-r; Howard is . posvibie site for the med- I! -, : ** JarvV v-.»pho»riore.' night •'iti crv'f' liilcrntilional ( lub to //«»/#/ Mi l ling re and ' "v ID carv' r^crperly stamrx 1 -r the current term, the tiexc ed.tor (i> rg« -A• • Bauc. P "- :ut bet m ' Tar Tnierna'Kihaf rluh v.U .v.uth K *h v.a:iag*r said. I.Int.III.>11 ' , ' *-;■ a t h x«s»?!-«r Tvre. aoi-Ki*t»n* Xir.-.l oih f,rst meeting «»f 'he Student* shouWi en'.er U: Kr»e*t Meiny. distmguiwfi- «n ►e 3* » • - thrbu.._ 't-nii center doors C eimer erui «*i •" «s Hriilgr Tourniiinvnl Jerjis. m Field H • <*-■■■ . *c-uior Wire fir John . Tavioifc orofessor of Mohammeri Harufi. club pres- U?C trace tad sign-it 11* Student* and employes will ext.: «r. J*h.lf»s»phy, wi.i be guewta on iricfit. Mid two films will be terrrw Sign: ■f i o "«* y . Arrriiliil admitted to hotkey games on ' -e The a #?»':ner.> w*-e an- Viewpoint over WKAH Sunday shown ai 'he open meeting Ohe The p-y.-ment o? 25 cents snd an a ncr Bridge , - at 2 Vjurnameftt *ign-upt - Tu«wda> p.m. 'of films • v.'v ijook roupon. Tiekel •-:«»rx'c-<: 3' toe first *hf is emptied "Korea "Afghan:- ' ' S • -• . » si start today and wiJi continue w ■ \lajo: Ji»hr» Bart-on. the pr<— S:orv " TTiis film, »cv>rdmg to 'i.»ws are karatrvi at the west »• i -a .ny D eve'.-.^.'.g 5i i 1 ---■e-tghmi next week 54.g?,-ofi« iram > host, ,,ud thf '*n pr>- Hanif), nrf-e'ri* 'he favors pre. "ist entranees >' the Ice Ar«- '■ a* V Waiter* e'f, f« a ill 3C'"e|ste*; at ' (• ' s«f»rs diwus*. 'John D»»w- ceding the *-ar .o-i • of I'm The Activity ID i-ard mu«t <■ jVKitri' - • l. ■ n! i- ric *. ii-a >u- Pr.sf, esiisoi e>. |'hb««'»t#her <»f Lriuea!nm ' > unify N"'' a.»'f '.♦x'hnn for adml.vtion •> '••• • and wrestling tnet's Parties Start 011 Saturdas heid in the Men* 1M build.-.g WKAR Initiate* nu»B MDNNTV TUN V TASMNlf K Wolverine hutterflyer Rusliees Learn Rules al First Rush Convocation Stereo Concerts 1M Indoor pool, whicti • : '"w 1 Uafirce Pitr.ile i«u''..urn I "s . Mirk r»g an-'^er ''first" -. ». ke would bp happy v M-» the i<;«- • */» ■ -'e-. ets ii f ,'uj.ri eonviKWlii.n '."e r rf MSUl radio r MO Scots U KEPT n *.h» me.' hu a a., . 0. 1059-80 U'*r Thuriniav . k"'. 1.1 ' • . WKAH and W'K-VR-FM, JWI raco in Ann Arbor the U <-f M -? • Th*- Music A uri the .h'tiai b-nwic*'' >f a -s Indians captured otic Drat anc MSU Coed*, « • ' -• were welconuKi t<» 'he uf stereophonic cobcert* will ye- i*d p. # thirds. jwvr.v'x'ft'.i'wi bv Sanriy Ma; U, g.h SulHlfcy at 1 g.m Th* Wolvrtsi tinker* w'.m the Hie i»« vn.>-";-. 1 record- ch^irmart of the convcx'.iLon, ' Us«n,C '-pesuai cuxbim-buJt pcffonsancc last year, fc'.l »• U-c f'.mahed ann Petem-ti, PanHeUe- ' .-"g equqenetit. the *■■*- tetirth. * jut C'Ubcs' adv isrwr T4.. K-hed- ti-'.,-, broe least Nir.e event* rig*; fri-r'- are whetiuled. u-luriu.u " ui«' ■*' tu< parties wa» given »tv concert •♦-.ect.^rw., bv * "^•yard badutroke relay.; 400-yard brva»' Uuiiertls rciay ami arul fh«" ja>»; offiee svsU-ni 1jT o? the world'* grea: rtv-^ fee S80-yard freestyle relay w ith one n « 40 a«b. <- e , receiving party invitations was artists 150 and the fourth 2(k» explained by Joyce McNainara, To fully appreciate rtereo- Other* are the 200-yard medley relay. win: on* nvan 40 Vice president of Panllcl phoruc sou mi the listener ahouid fir?,j backstroke, one 50 yard* breast, mvc 5o.but?.erfiy and ttw ia-it tune hi# regular AM radio H During the hour-long meeting , ta freestyle; diving relay; 300-yard mrir. i iua medley reiaj. 20»»- ru^hcci *a w tite movie, "Soror¬ 870 kc- WKAR Then, appn xi- freestyle relay and 400-yard medky relay ity Rush at MSU " TTie film t-'O- ma'.fly fix feet to one side, place „ H1GAN UAs SUCH ftHIMMEK* retun.iiu j Cap' Tory satcri of scenes fr*»m rush ac- an FM receiver tuned to 90 5 • Big 10 triple wiener in butterfly -nri indAtduai mH.ey ♦ tivit.v* ,»f past year* mc . WKAB-FM and Frank Legacki. Big 10 and NCAA loo-lard freestyle invitation* for the first round and American 100-yard butterfly rvcnrd-h'jlder of parties may be picked up' to¬ 'Oivtma Dave GUlanders. NCAA butterfly titlut, *01 be matched Announrrr* >rrdnl day from 2-6 phn. in the Pan- Aud:tiuna will be held Mon¬ y** inIndia—'* sophomore. Mike Troy. wh»v smashed butterfly th* P— .American .trials last summer Hellenic post Service*: office, 13 Studeit day evening m the Aud. for stu¬ .Rush counselors will dent staff announcer* for Jena's * **11 backstroker. Frank McKmney. *ho was bcatwf Japan- be on hand to give out bid*. Ac¬ WKAR as American swimmers last summer, will be competing, tivity information sheets and "t *ith teammate* Dick Beaver and Bill Barton, against Mwhi- financial data about each soror¬ Opportunities in radio in¬ clude regular anonuncmg, ne^s r' J"hn Smith and Al Gaxioia u,?s»;'.e the ity will also be available. Rush ees brosdeatta, remote program swimmers- in the tLS- McCaffree select , entries of these top may seven in'.ervu-A* and that the house* to vi*u at this writing for ma¬ team depends on the strength of all member*, stage. jor* and non-majors *a com- 'y■ ^ go-emphasize the individuals. "We've got one of th# f*rtms will be held Saturday afternoon from 1-9 and Sunday ^ shows Saturday that the students will ever see," MacCaffree BrteU at ext. Mailer M i<*lii*za 11 Stale News Ike Encourages Labor Meetings Read Dalit hv >•«■**» M,««0 StwIfnN and Family WASHINGTON fA'» — Preai- operation among the Important President, huggested . • r . .„h,. to battle »nv n.-»ve vi.nn wotilii drive v•-flee between the t ■ '• ;» or from tMI.I* Id* Men,tier frequent labor- management ' meetings to discourage far the administration to hold a of opjKwtyion from ba« • uhe'her i' mm from wilhm the univ ei "•■ peace and A Modeled « oiler* of ti e A*«»rl*t*d I'rU". Inland Padv f res* future big strike*, such as the •ertes af I a h a r-management group*. Mr#--- ———————— - recently se'.Ued dispute "summit" meetings to plan bet¬ Practically every pa*? (-» \7»|. r»I No II". Friday. .lantiarv S, l!M?o Phj'p Tu< "To me." the President said. ter labar relations. The aim is to lay down some at holding ment eonferencea has such labor-ma- failed , ' it seems almost alwtird fur the - l'nitiiJ States, to recognize the collective bargaining guidelines While tie . problem o» ..need, and so earnestly to seek, to help avoid crippling strike strikes must bemnet, the P- Spartan Cage Plight for co-operation among the nay shutdowns and inflationary set¬ dent said, primary hope r. tions unless we can achieve vol- tlement terms. with the common sen*'* untaiy, dependable, abiding co¬ George M e a n y, AFL-CIO responsible Individuals, Could Be a Blessing - SATI KIHY MlillT nt Jpnison Fifldhnutp tho "new** CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS MSI? basketball tsam will «iirar»* "»ir noi/hUm from Ann IIKADLINES: I p.m. Itay IWorr I'uhliratiofi for Tun. Wad.. Thur*.. .Arbor with a rtscidwl numbrr of personnel missinjr from and Fri. Kdilioni. Dradlina for Mon. Edilhm: I p.m. Fri. ♦ hp starting lineup that was utilized during fbe hecemlier Rilla Payable K-12 and 1-5 Monday through Friday ipjrment of the schedule. EXT. 261.i , F,D 2-1511 This situation result* from the scholastic fneliyihil!v of three of Forddy Anderson's squad member* because of fall term trrades. In one swipe, this loss of players deprives the AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE HOUSING Spartans of their No. I sorer and relegates them even more than ever to the ranks of the "dark horse-. 19M.FORD roTTR-DOOli bard tT. DECORATED CAKES DF.I IVF.RED FOfi SALE ~ very good condition. ph. Call B to vou (or Durties hlrthdav* Manv But before MSU athletic followers throw up their hand- * RIM hefora lono am. S o'her dellctou* erv IV 4-a"A'. pan'riea Kwavt Bak- tf TRAILERS In distrust, we'd like to offer one ronsolinjr thought to prove <.rr Youmr.l.r A rood deal on 1956 CHEAT LAKES trailer 41 •- MITTON COAT vfZF 12 A-1 con- h\ 6 Two hedrooin* that something good ran always he found in the darke-t « lski• falron or Ford from a former rgpt au*-." -IKtf student ke* fjrpr Selden ft* ditiot- Orietnalh t2»m aacritiiv fur washer, gruel condition R,^,, Curt la. Inc.. IV 4-S49t. |.Hi IV 4-524(1 1423 Weber Drive 3 120 Trailer Haven, 2760 ) of situations. Ma* 19 River iiOnjr reirardetl as a worshipper of alhletirs. State no nc. heakfast ionus GREAT LAKES I'«M. 46 hi 19 S haa th« opportunity to let the educational world know the' GOOD ' «" wide, like new Lived In nv I olored aoplianeea. ED 2-3218 . fDRD FAIRLANT.. two tone •II It not lost in Kast- I .arising. 1*97 very clean in title and on' FRESH « green, ("REs'TLINER 1M4. One henr t»« mile*. Automatic anifi T-bir-i QUICK full hath Oil lot |n Tilt layman is often Impressed with fraternity tiRZinsr*. ore m!* Well worth $1279. Call .. . V-a engtne ,fn f.p 7uw.v. after « no IV *-M17 I wbbeHes ami other miscellaneous hi-jinks perpetrated'•». SRUDNUT SHOR a avail segment of MSU students. All of these happening- 2)2 MAC Opes 6 a.m.-4 LOST and FOUND EMPLOYMENT p.m. nmally result in the average citizen getting a very warpmi l/»RTr BROWN LEATHER viewpoint of the "happy go lurkv college stiident" at MSI CAllfO»NIA SCHOOLS HOUSING ED 2-3544. Mr. ,r* Muddlaatot. v*rv ftnpor who hot nothing to do each day hut prance about tins bean- NfID TIACHIIS I-ORT — LADIEfV fJOI.D tflfolcampus having"grassers" and impromptu beer parte , December 9 Anmverharv inv,. 6o»4 Salad**; Stata a*«raf« for I9S4 SIX ROOM FURNISHED houie to. ',n hantimantal .va; Perhaps this demonstration that even the "big guns" are IV U 010 aiv men atudent* over 21 Parking J Reward and laundry lacrUltiea. IV I-9IR4, u •dhftet to scholastic regulation is what Is needed to convey Junior Call«l** the real mmninir of education at MSU to oulaulrr*. a««raf« 7.172 TWO MEN SHARK furnished nine PERSONAL f>«« room h"ii*« Seven minute* trorn ged tr»4#et «! Ptriupa now they'll iwiriri to t.iko acrlously tlm tight*"- r»9 ielarmatioa. 1 strum- Call IV 2-WMf) after 4 p m 4 kg of Bcaitrmio rrquir»m»nta In tlioi parti that liai hern HOUSE r Oft RENT; Ifvtn Many Ja-uary a*d ftkrwa'y Vaca*c-tt ATTENTION a bordoforo "pooh-pooh*-!" liy our contomporariri in Ann c » rooms furnlahed. Walking diatam-e r, F,,e~»-r. •,, Mr- . to campu* ".'ill rent to group «>: Artier and elarwhtro. Ironically, the fir«t ronteat in which cat- a-. " >0 , hova. TU I-RIOR after g go, or Ratur- I .filer* In I lie Mrlilor d 1#' Need* • . davt. » * •""" a -a--, the three Spartan cayara will be Ineligible Is 111* -Michigan a HALL Taack«r« Agaacy * ' iS.'.l* f •-# aoetart Saturday nlfht. TWO-RmROOCf HOME on Abb"" 1)1 Uni* 8-XMIl. 4 win ball rune*, ma without the height that ia atipiKwed Af'er eniovirif •*': hinr a person he able ' .in • CAPTTAL TWO BLOCKS Upper Thi* Mills* In* ' Siiup an.i -.mI- .*ne« make 4 - furrmeed— nice two ten- Name • G a r-r.-'o »» fh'i*e ' Uilaiu rf I ' I I'S ' on .' private la be aaeentlal te • winning outfit. . PART TP-rr WORK to fit vour fiou*" ifirii* h' the Mnnlv l' ■ i-:i"5>■ • j f >i the pathetic qua!.' vi oriiuyah!* luoeh; and »' - rr ari:-'! r ala. or old¬ roons-. Paikiug Three men atu¬ er w-ttn car langina are# Apnl- dent* IV 5-&MK * Data - .a- ,#'y li). »*. Hard ea It may be to belieee, that proverbial "silver in if Ha>;. arMiieUr.nif tleep no of ?*««>• i ■« r ar»* given.. H»'od.\ Group vou'lt iKirtake wtt.i 5|\ K Ml- Mgan Avenue. I lire purpose of llluatra * he»r"ne** and ecstasy Of a anvitin# during Uie dav t! FUfrVISHED APARTMENT ADE- lining" amid the eicwde of gray will be hanging over .f<->u*>>ii f'fa- or i- insuie prrmiplt-'l it-e 1<» v. i ' »e? o*. Si g-iurmef, ? \.ni en> both your QUATE two adults All utihtie* t»* »- llunifr-r lion allow me to point out wonia Saturday night TwTD I eat bave to look a lit tin hunter WANTED * BUR HOY«l FOR »HA- vate entrsme. *er\ clean IV 5-JS.'-' ♦ '»r a- ah at 1 Bit' kfi whirh are *A artlitnall* pre¬ Y . 1.1 ii<«>- f a' 1 eat there I a fleet - F-a-d-i- ',-obd-a TWO PRIVATE APARTMENTS that I a*;i one f»f 'he rnra' (■ pared and nerved M-i, furced !•> fee- Aurry for the wkvrr.D r-xretrnvr. nrenr- aie*tr. hasted. •;? utilities, laundry r a' C-'pct « 1 v* >r.'l, flt'lve jnt the fatr.ui'c sttMimt. f think of 'lie tarilitigs and eaiage Furniahe.i IV Rfonp which ia ol»vi«us!v In' . TAJtV t'» work in Fa«t I^mafna I. M i. gar that he make* church office Must have caperiem e 4-480.1 Site. « '» 2 A a u*eav.r:' . e - Michigan Statu New: llSlMl IWllll a I Unur|. Michigan • r*j»nr!" a' Brmlv Hi ! in evifi »tm,li' to fin I nu' u >'• ton- ; !' * iMiiiorliii'.' meal »»f 'hi4 ria.i ii»i< Ie-'t'd. He can • ( c.i'.ng :: r horrible fried fi h Mud !• served to him in gewetal Ivpinn. n|i«e work. Ric- tanhirtie and mimeographing Rr'-r- er>ce« oat!' rermeited ac/iaduie adiuatahle Write l>e Forty htrvir week rent stsi BEAUTIFUL' and Approved 3 K) APARTMENT FOR houatng rail IV 2-lllT. After Between TBORH.ES ANO DASH PiAC-t the fjualitv of food r«n gr- ; v !l!.<. ' KM. of 'he Sil k people Hut I admit, dinner t* the Pubiiafted anI alaat slaw iao MaaAt* through fii-uv inclutlve , t Mawtef tor saturdav 10 I'ararinnel. 120 Oak 6 fsl IV 2-SS77 • 2 winfar and id anting M«W| tarmet lanwi waahir during summer lent « «Mi(slandlnK meal of the da*. A* bind Drive. Foist lotnaing 3 fa i w« RLUS A GOOD TIME FOR 4, •nertal fraahsnan Mia bat an laaoa Ntwooa eu ma— aummor an.I fail ten-< Entei >011 lirwt enter the line and rut AVAILABLE NOW A PAfr: aerond rlaaa mallap at'wg —jar lha |ha Ml af < Marti A, It-i al Ilia n<»t ■Film Fare nmr flf* down upon tbe uUdv lit.NTAl- MYGF-NIRT -- FUM. or MtNTS g>li li aMaa— M Met ana (arm Ut far twa ibMlitinc of "deliratelT" nea- Mral'h iMoartment. IV 2-12SI $ refrigerator and stove ED 2-4RR4 tf lam.a. •« luf thraa »a*ma. gl Aaaovia'ad C oUapa«« fi— ,ht».7 & Matnl>era of It.a Inland h— Aamli'' I Pi»%o and lha Tliv Miruclv * I'roves ••ned hrnwnUh Arpiiini over tbe large tinted letture leave*. WANTED MEM- ABE t"-» rt1.4t.un uitb your US Nav4l Ite- Parti- I .AN SING uniurniahad. UPPER. carpeted, FOUR atove. rooms refjj- ■ ''I. #• S-i*dtr irtm lO.jC be gf *a *■11 ran hardi* rontral tbe tie- »erve tulflDa vour military ohliga- berator and garage gSi> IV 2-0(i7g 5 Nltor-lg-( liH t». Pelrr Wilier* To lie Dull. Unlikely ... r- - .. r«<»n' klarn while you learn' Up to aire to feast. SUMIHI hlff * 2i per hour Can you qualify' U ^ MmmIRV MMM . ,mm - CLOSE IN THREE-ROOM furnish¬ KWAirr BAKEHr' Dci.r.tR* And the dr-Me grows a* you Navel Reserve Training tenter. l«*u ed apartment 31' Hat Jetferaor » — . . . John Murphf a I Saginaw Lanaing IV S#-A4I7 3 dividutl'v da< oratad cak- >••• 'r\ tu rtlo'ef t»rt • een the veal l-an«»ng 2 twelve fur |2 M. Phone IV »-* ■ nrralMtM Mmmih I'anl l.e*her fore H» I II I I.OCRNttV 'art?art..cull? prepared with a lorn MM* PMHRa MaCartw •li* vailoe * liAilntia Italinn. t Jam Manotall, Mine Meyer, M»b . lumiiiwus greet» *nading> and FOR SALE "FROM THE DVUUC af a wra 1 Web. Maul VanKnlben The current popularity «»f l'.ibiiqat spei tncular-* chu«* < on** Trv thit now aoav to writs ->• rtii'iide --** **1 \ which, like - the VERY FI.E..ANAVT- DOttHlJl room Miltav •tight IM'C Mgimra - ' Care to wonder whether it i* the public or the producers who are tw men «tudenla in a rue iwm.e *taU«»narv From the Spa-t» h Maaheig, Mat hie|ilieno 'Uue rua'i >;eis". v ill < .ght'i rm»i»te?MHi siwj) o? auv- amgie room t4 fat in eschange Ior soma aupervurinn. Parking ED SERVICE •itkewnn Manager the * itll cuieiM ma-bei o 'Latoe* is plop¬ 4 Nnint Mine* midst •.« t l ♦»!. Mas llatall Manager Hub I'erin C-ge-atta* '«* 1? 7« '> '#• a 1 Am Retail .Manager Hiimefior! ! - old rr.n^e spec'.* it- ped oiitu vour p',a;e with mu*«h TWO BEDROOM HOUSE for rent A.. OUt-Of-StAtf ,AIC liauiri At first, the girl takes up r -'V 12 Jl pa- • a-r-i- with 4175 ttU Vina Mr* Martin on K.r:1 V. ■ iboei •*.' « care aud f»rcu,g?it leaving am¬ garage Rational Adrarllalrti with hand of but lat¬ Soaat SkuW—It *1: koptfad |2 4R Pooch- At. Johns 4 THF SAUf Vianagar n.e M m- a gipsies ple mm.'m {.»>• tae vege'.ao.e Mall haulra er hetomet a rale singer and These .1.. cuke? to a limited Tkemial Uaders>ear—$1 47 a M I rrOCRLE ROOM FOR etudanl- Parking, prtvata antranca. TV and wins i-inisidrrahle acclaim, lim¬ degree .» a-- t'i preserve their th.i* i w S-a«4 Se<4» 2 «i |t X hraskfaat if daairad. IV 3-4M5 t, ine this time, no less than toe \ itain• what oth¬ * iiM-ier turn tumble to their demise af Boat* a-4 T-akirt* ky Ha*ay '9 ROOMS EOR MEN rs Gunnison ulaiis> er r«-.'»vi!i '.vuuid, '£iey serve ut L»( 0 SS Aord Puzzle Mvern l"h;s. the V irren? ii'i'-'i vei'*f>r; ter having hern smitten with ra.'. vcgc'ahlcv IJb Parking Call Tad Miller IV ».tlH aat 7197. ED 2-43*2 after • M « love for Una deiastating crea¬ the entire entree, be It Hah. Cadet* Rart* ky D'Ciit---I" Jl one* not have He»u!tanHy, thi- ROOM* FOR MEN In tooroied ture poullrv or meat. I* rtimawed Laattiar Gi-ii— 8*4. ct- housing On# Mock from campu* MM fdm n tired and the *rrip? t.te «-a. OsP loegr t*-.R aaa » A'V; vrars, she OnaUv with a touch af the ever present Parking IV 4-17*4 « iditif J'« U0 , lower »S»'*| t» •fir JJAMR BUNMM The RHlnApited. mulii • *••• !.»•< ' n \e soldier hut de- him up and to grave (always beef), a* tf to faettllate keeping the meal pip¬ Ear M,lt| J '• • 3 pu* ROOMS FOR RENT class to cam¬ No call* between IB and 3 F""o.*a us ia» a bea a » 11 4M—b ra*l doe% little. If anvthing. to Irsaear Cap* ;ra I* »» *-« $•** r T-. 44* Park Lent. ED 7-4173. 2 wsigRI iwr* ?o '»"• « >nven: .est pi»e ing bet nntit i«u ran partake of y U Take* fb* Improve matter* simplr by the li»i«r Jtcltlt 1 «\ TWO COMFORT ARLT ROOM* AMlfliCAM RIO BALL " *'t lea? um.-n mm too. t-juvj thU arrumptious repast. And to MVVBDPID (loaf meat presenre of seyeral of il% char • til accomodate thraa atudanta ** -'»• IV B 2141 ho; return i e iand bervmes top sff Ibis magnificent feast, Aretkt -4 t .t i e |S 4» » I >t Hi *• eek|y A1m». t«o large aihgla room-, SI. A nam a l a aeters, this lilm ln«ites reroller- f'-r* Madimtui iea«- RMMB <• Aib i tne tbe re Is a wide variety af de- Karca* I oat* - - - I» •* fk» weekly Ltnena furnished, fur- tion of "The Nun* Story." bid lifeless nmh own blanket*. 314 Ehepnerd 6 ML HOfdent v.i'iio he ptwitiMit nrt ligbtful palate-pleasing desserts; WONCH TTRINO—OFfAFT Dr tthiaiii arty sort of tomparison would Walliegta* Beat* > LIGATION Our IBM E*e " • \ debate tO Newpence* ••ic pedes; i: g:\ .ng ail to kiimv that rightli ronrtude this mrnu ROOM* APPROVED. ED 7-7 17" carriage—M3- Interchange* * he a mistake ■ in.iarte t*a* invyrred M.'lfary Or'orOl Jr 1- Went Grand River. Ea*t Lansing 3 M. VlafMk of >' ■; e whtrh is lalniriousli prepared hv t\ pe-bar* producat prnfae*)"' •A Broom 43 Conltiwpl • •oiutioni af Vaatfrday * Pui«i« ! ' Niv V r.'Mceivalhe lha- the Ma Hrodv. a .firm believer in B'aue -4 Nama Tag* .♦ FIVE ROOM* UNFURNISHED •tVoral.ala tide pel son. Mo face -i- 'i Ugure <>f Carvolj Make whalesome nuirition and eut- available to students or preiaaaur- La4-e» S*c» Beat* ~|s ' EO 7-net or ED 2-33*3 tf MiWaaprofH- slang ItOWM • it Mlllll* fa enouretl-. u , y.-av-i tiw }Hkstu'antwould standinc variety. aMt 44. Sod .IN* St. Boeti -A ^l—fggs SINGLE IN PRIVATE- b hi, « - m: i;* of a Br *.ish offivet M« - evru'j ..*e any *uch gnutp of ■So. ru* ft-' ' a s'.udrtP*. ! ass — home SB. Nafta teal* fhlm ido 1 Metal • »* Bear Ra« S*a» Skaa* tor graduate woman Cookine u"- ms agaiioy Nap.iievm *n,i .»•«- •i en, eacvi iv'ium seem* to l HI »d T V aetk and artennae- 1J. Ilulfoib 4.> Maikrd • l mach na 9 tp liar you, isn't fV'i an- ' *,g aw car vlieges available Day*. IV 2-:;28 t-ii>a checking, free narking 3 a r iirs ivies :eove tie ism vent i ' ilPBUnf* wi'd Tabefya«i e-r..-5- ertension 7. Evening* FO 2-3274 h M. Ntfut.ata w ,'.h 2 Ann'! • ait 10 A lift o of JVC had gent-riHta do *«• Improve the qual>! 1 «>f tr.e - s "4 - «m. dailT T V Te« hns»ti!«hr« I a .i VV« ' sraivh of »n:-.) "■ho i. uT Th .ugh her per- hHtd'* <«a FwMig last*—Ji »S DOUBLE ROOMS APPROVED im -SC2 F Miciugan. IV 7-.W* humor, v wreath* 43 Newipapcv l»lw* {Uring and mu* » ed for her duilea In thU Urn > been dikfuished »x food lmea" 31 TuaH: M Shun 4 Bound*-* v Ivarytklsf Far l«a F.«•.*§ DOUBLE ROOM FOR men «•«. rolloq 54 lafBil b t 16. fodder biaiing during r e course of an The re*! of the cast, with the t.arrv vbvrartg derit*. narking ttnen* furnished. !V lUi ba og STUDENT SPETIAL COMP: H' Incidental it Lata .tievUaWe thunder storm, Thf possible e.veep'Hm. of Isobel K - :;,eal« It wanted Waiksng d:*tan*e t» - 12 Sg.kttf 55 tune-up Minb ptugt ooOdama- a? g Brail ol Madonna r amnu* ED 2-JkM 2 rotn 54 Scraped .'U Evil »p nt then step* from t* r >oot, i« unworthi o? anv further tuning On I* at 14a tor wear f burden' FOX HOLE RX S70RE • r»ur»elf for only 44 Comal*'* • SI Takea and i.nirnni l*et*i> iM<»ui jieslestal ami a*su:n«*s the g;t!» diwu-voon The direction h» DOUBLE ROOM FOR man as>- HfORMATKM sarvtct. M So a call Ooe ' * ma glra-utt Pan-aKA place *' toe convent w nereopsi-i Irvhig Hapi>er tweved *%««! One Mock from B» - Id nenling « eoounoftpiAce. F «ev narking ?b« Bailev Street ED- "'* J • to 10 nr p m Da'*» Taw* Pigpaiig iriapatabiy *tJier:ne->l g?a-a- S' iac.. s • - r tail Grand River 2-2*1 2 — 24 Tw sblad msiD .• *' ; TYPIST. F AAT AND S - r~ 1 4 ? ar J ' bber»«l t Htl*Tt%* RTI DLNT fOIN- ->» a* APPROVED ROOMS ONE fir.gie Term totter) etc, uv Iws ca-WaJwaKsft UATION -MAEEIIIt and in one F.D double 2-tt5t E*tra nice CVwe 3 neper*. th*»u. genera tVUI_oicii_upwnd_daltver^lV>-"^j- 7' J 26 Deputy ■ v, I hA*»' Pe£S 1 AA-. x-AV XWilX"SrKr htidcvta fk#-a IV f IC17 i 27 Color 6 JO pjw.. College House. PRIVATE AND DOUBLE room for .-ale tor ram Modem parking, TRANSPORTATION break fast avatiab'e MTIIPAT ("all after 5 3h i 'vC "if .Id Trif- pm iv 2-:«* j INTERESTED IN CAR too- ' '1 30 /i 3i Wiw d lof BpiKini ii nm Willtameton to MSU Gaore* A<* *. word SINGLE ROOM FOR gentlamew. CittMwn R .*4 ■i -lt _ tOMMITtlf .1 H 34. Revtaui ant UBViCi THAT SAT1SFIIS— --quiet home food location Parking I.M am-, 323 Student JWrv* Near bus IV J-OM alter 4 t*f» or WANTED fe .'I' :i t) employee* M Animal 37. L*ied (or !«*»■ ItNOAT ' • *a' 'n*i • C, I»St Jerome APPROVED SINGLES AND doub¬ 3 RIDE WANTED FROM d- • 0 .11 U le* RW and un l-erge war-n roorna loinsmg *,0 Snartan VtiUgr 5 >*■ l-IAHONA miOHMIP With wash bow I In ewctt luMga U.b- Monger through Ff.da* ED ' • IT •a i1 HPirlic.paR j 7.30 p-nu Union Iamu^c, t*a tn with TV loturutrv and parku a a:t*r grttt om * •1. Tor ay a •J Son of UUeSAUThiSj' (jA'A.ft f»v i ( HIlflUN ITt DCNT #3 ret |,t'*Maa4 facilities soartan -i:e bia*k from campus. ED 2-2574 Hall. 315 t-.uis, 4 RIDERS W A NT ED GOING 8- - mm, r rOiTMTMM or ti to Ml Pir.oeiit or 4* P> 9 fi JaeohmA Leah iSsfX! IMBV OWTUN*.' ? pm . College Heuie. William h. TmomRSOn man HALF A ROOM to »tudent i.nm from Phillips and share with weekend* ED T-t644 •L Weep , Mil' PUTUA APbott ED 2-4433 3 WANTED USED CHF.MlMV )ah menua1- wttb ^ text; It *• *4 3 ■A. Coral tmi 7 33 Utboh Jr»«;gr . APPRO\TD HOUSING EOR men iranls one intact ED 4,7. Fill . »a l-ownae. television. Dunce fa.-Uil.e-. TOCNO ROrUUBTB F a-car Caster Mock frem campu* M 4t.Do.1y IV M744 .ma 31* Elm WANT WORK AS c.-r.vtfg • • li - If - Pi nI «• Seeral •COM ' 7:10 p.m., Union. Archie Siagham. political Place JED 7-1*17. MEN STLDSNIt LARGE romfor. > A.'ao iron... do alteration* reoiaca aippars. 27 le Tu«*'* 1 tl. Ptnneim acience Imtmctor, w^! «praV oa "The SocialistrKevoiu:toa MKHIC.4N STATE KIWB ♦sbD room for four. telephqare parking Private bati- and entrance 7*4742 W OULD UKE TO babrs-t t» / HI '« I. mar a furnishod. *7 Jo waakir ED- Nome with any at* child taS ^ in Asia." . CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS . 7-ae:e to it* it*, r-^hi ha"* tivities i udH planned a variety '? ac¬ .n for fne -i-eeker.d 'he set.v:\r-i ar» Jr.- a •upper Munisy ermine, fallow - inf the tinner, the Ear. Jaha Pinnings fang VL'iJkt, 'he "Whs* d:rl y >u by hath aaractty aiaua ant throughout A-.ntar ruth. eand.eitfhittnf serv.ce, buffet Peatliug. Mt. Paula In Laaatng. Plff MI* ALPHA Can ma partial are Rush covin-eiom are in'.'i1 do over vacation?" srid 'ha ruah, rupperi ar.d d;*cus?fon* a III apeak an "Matthew. Mark by all hataaa far rush, ru-h staffs Saturday f>r 40> SO rjvhee-, fee! free fa r l/i'heran S'rier.t Ai^li(!v.i ant Lake." fa- Grand fspda ftatau to a a at three, far which more man |f>G coed*. 7>.e next raahaaa will wear aklrta a at ar.d mee' with thwn Re*r.e "*•'..'1 f.-.'d t-.efr yt rr,e#"r.g a" ,? Garr.r.a De • viy'.rrore. tu Ran lachtof. her. -.wevef, that final de^is .130 Sunda . ever,tog Eolloanng -!an a '-e' f. li supper a* d R.vefa -nr..or; L per? **•- 3 ,n L'na*ui'. Ind. *o| 14 d.fferer.'. parties tor *orr,»n PsriHehemc coun*e'or» will indix.dua %Ofor.ty. R *5 «iman. Tot* Wa. r.e, ir.d, jur. .r or .pa'e n an Epipha.nv '•an* ... •' eiig.oie to participate 'n font;#! Ton* arj evpeti a fa a rwjrvJ ■.? p*r':e, f,r toron*,* HEIIWO NITA CHI CELEBRATE Ma il-ri: Tan Blag. dcaa af MadanU; J ism La«Htia i Delta (M aa- *-4 NOTIf I %ll meat* art-vet by the Nw af Beef are I ADA «oa«urr inotit (•MM* Pavtar: Daa*lg » |*f| I" Bat f. S'Rraiaw Partar toiamar rarted Thurmsy with a dinner M««t4aat P*>tar lattfl a Prime. Nothing hat the fine*! far yau fram ■. the Had Cadar room of Kei- . . . • i« a am v (fcarta* t R1'b Niahlfti t«»,act 1 '>it Center. Diatinguiahed ff -anoerioN- "HOUSE Of KEF SB }-U!l 41NBAV tiavire g-jf*svs included Joseph Lacchia. piociAto •tri%to»*r » am. national president of D"IU Ch : •rvriar '.«»« Muktwar Ward Ouradnik. preaident «>' • IN It ftlMSS Will (.Ob Tka Mar. Rakart R. Tocaa Ifftifh; t H. .1414. 11 34 4 M w»a«»«4*« I*rat*| M*»nag I eto }' aternity Advisor council arc' 113 W MICHIGAN AVI. ArtlSg tfHtilhl Narwrr: All Sarrlcat 7 aa P \t Jonn Truit. director, of Men's Next la Ila4rl Oltai \).vision of Student AfTairi. and orisa ggRvtc tt S«a4av tgkaal 1*4. 14 1} A «t II NOD Of Hit MIC AN t AtoPt a utn«i • »»«.*! la-w ll«urv Mun.-Nat ? am. 9 p.m. Nun ]| a.m. -9 pm St*4cftt tltu ! Council offtc- • — • It am. InMa* B'kaal ai»k tl M IN. l A * 0*444 !(**» Nneruhaing ta. nut beef, round beef, rbarken, dock aleak* etc. rianaa far tatvaratrv gtafaara ••Spcr % formal tinner'tanre mill FO-'DYOl ALWAYS REMF.MBLR" t *it»4 frot'Ufua fka/'k IN PM. laffd Sugaar • • shtekaav Pa«tt* al a# ligtn ho held at Walnut llilla (aun- an t Rivacauv gtadaaia Wakaa*# t as PM a l*r«a aa i*a l»|5i at) *•* tthaai *"**«4 Ck*rrk trr (luh this evening. Ciimt* tfcaf-S Itaaal f aa em. Vadaaidaa tvaaiag • '•AM m »Nito) •act tea*. aa« >m! a*4 aia ma will receive silver laving rays It t4 A M sarvba tn* f>a«a tlfaata a is *»kaal •■• ioltt la«M H fa vara in hanar af the event. -jit Alumni will be honored a*, s - ver*ary functions Saturday. A •-.'.vibes will include a buffet : ncheon at the Delia Chi bouse. ".orkshops and a social hour in OkCBywg.t*. Wk^0f - J Vm* f-e-ar Dwor^'Thr Ifuag n. JOHH (HUKH HETHOOUT (HUKH Of EDGEWOOD EASTMINSTER LUTHER CHAPEL the Ivanhr* room »t the Towne /•ee*/ ■, H, ) lloii*e 4 CATHOUC STUMHT EAST LANSING PEOWS CHUKH PRESIYTERIAN AND f oll'iwinf the banquet the will attend the MSL'-'J aad g >up o* M basket nail game. ••LITTLE STORIES WITH BIG MOBAL.T* CENTER taiargaaaauaaeaaaJ CHUKH STUOENT CENTER I he Michigan Mato chapter #f* the fraternity naa founded Firut Lit tie ftlary WESLEY FOUNDATION tat ,N Maf*4«r* la*4 ■ at lt|tn !- M*r*an4 MiSuftt > kutoin iya«4) Jan 4. HIS. ant naa campnaed t kre upne a tfme a Ormaa »vnanp gUeient 'ram aW Re«da»- fl kiaiai aartk af Cruf lirar? lerg ' »-;.e M. \^*r yt ff# Itved i# the mee'a fr R. laaaaaagi ft- P Bsppla M. taawaot. Ml Bir naa ffraat • L U4 ttMU ■•*< af member* nf the .A'Thean Lit- ■ at Tr«wa« A Marrlsaa. Mun»t*r d'>rm:*<.ex r-' »h# great Aeervac onteeenre. He WW • boa, Iff M A C. A»aaa# t yrarv haeiety. ttNRAT PBOr.Sato laiiuu C fast Mimrtar According to na*">na! frater- it.«. * • -,'rtsng and *1; -* not the oldest on c»mp-i . r«- -:*e»l a*! fHe-» e«« to jo»a f*^*r bull mamnm* After a (Make at ■ 41 A f 14 AM A It -m A to t'a4» M • tkk *»*4t*?f art a#l- hi' the Union Literary Soric at.ile hw d-irmitory mate* got umd nf *i km> kma and a* the • -M am. Rag Cada# gakaof ttitaaaaa tf> f-^'i I# 4t Mswati tawa Crtikary a*4 NarMfa art founded •aa Dai Haw af I Marrtaaa 14 -,.-h was (»» r < ''-rr uft etc' %'igr *tu->ni, t u apeat retry ewaamg aiona ■ to ON erttl4a4. combined" with the Ael^ieon *o> ui ' » ee«r. Dade Hi urn •« * IM 4 M. Oa gatar Mr. ttNoar vatoui It lav. fraaua a. Ma»ru#a rt\y in 1933 Thus Delta Ch. «»ne Rigf» while Mt-ng ail aaone ia H» mam. lw mmttari too CaafMMto DaHv •« AM. A MA» am. gtaM fhaama ' i• to am. Wools 4*4 Caatiaaulf • the ym> a«wt tnur and fbete •arnrday H * A fM44» P.M. fltoi SeNaai faiuaa* At le- • . « « •-•jv.'h of. d'•"titUitj iri'e* * tt»nf around *nd die* Cfcotr^trkaat • SltoON * .«#*•• Brba) ru-MUif i.u-rst■.?». art. **M'.Mre. and ide fha». They wet* al AAA AN I- Ballot Box •rnok'ng MarlG-.y- '•igveatee w*-irh aerrm»#e fne t a.*'4i.A ameiied t/y the • •er*riae ri'iun CATMOIIC CA HOV MBPTt trrMAkt irh'DAT • *4 Da* am. Cakaga Clgaa 'Maalt* (M rasa* tkraagk I |l tftttti vaa tkia da *«>*•' I at P-d 7 44 P M. taatar Med f uc-^-v.ftg Ntd. Happy Harry. Jtl» Am. gad TdaMi CA • M PM. I ORTHOOOX (HUKH QAMBl'RGER David 1CNRAV tri KM1RCIA ♦477 Narta f*M C'raat, m> u* fiertnaa eir^onf* tmtowf m* a Mai FIRST CHRISTIAN CHUKH ITS 17 Laauag tutor toaramg **a» » il m a * AcrtM. j/irci le'ter ?»>,*• « *. 'hat fame ttiter, that a mm AJB. RlilriM i • a* *a**»uo.« a N *«ito*r >M*l rt*a«i4 < *r*ia — tod# II* am flavor. i»i «* Ml tul«r»» i* Utgk«W t»4 *n»4' Uirvr M*4*t a>4 W»4at*- Fr»*r> tkat Siigt.t 'Vjwaci- i 1 •laraaje 4t« » m.i(i il |N It. MM A to I aifc Sav'k af tea"** Maaettal Take Omt ED 7-I1T4 «a»'H'U- ariBatal *w* * »jf Minuc ? cvrefie*. i*4aa<* a *a Mto t *ir« t*W>t »f rar?rtu*.7f f ka'rk Stkaoi to*ri*!ag Maroi.e a a • rail to«r-.«aaa faa'N tf.e Yniii -ew»v.r. *a»t Laa4->a to, IMI » CM Aha #4* e m, 11* a a* e ■ . MORAL VUtRE THFJtVM SMOKt. TVMW* Iff FB tagaa 11-14* ttr Mi A Cattog* 4g«« Swcomf lillla IWry rail im i-?M4 CENTRAL HETHOOtST i owe upoa a feme flsere was aa lodiar. leave aanmd Bitter 1 ramad AUrgarei '.gm^wg Wata M ,»•->? wr tj*d * - Margaret *a< - .r* * a mem i-nt aiw mee c , lea Wiftoom Bartwia. Pa war Ufl;, *ir Marx, r- • r-.t r*re*'v tenae »?«ot a"4 the girts ■ • l * RAT S.«i a m •aakar RaOia f'kaal Paai to«#rt«aa. »r*a'«J$ 8VM *• Waiter A/vi i ne - ght tnev h«d "rr i> I mi1 il V S'kaai Ato _ i) « am. .toaramg Vartkie \\ „vr ^ * -rfe- a r*gr *rd aupprd her c wbeiwwgww Mdrmm •••iVto4 litli* t«a-tat u I II 4'41 |a lira* )a«i* oraae* »ne Ftarted cfywif ..**aL grt-o»«t aod * fabsr mmkm I M P If 4 at Taariar Traia*ag ( laaa »f»i never came i»:vk. , ig gaeraaa MIR-V UI Slavic • 1 ' M f m. I. > aatag ia»e*»ahaaai l*r*«i KLOlLiKLY t*Ul*2 to t f r;#*4iy /Ntr-t* "CM nidaace*" *a. f Walter. V-jt • nxm famd owl IM P to ho* *r.'.£ be am. :V li# Indue moide arrr act fawiy m- "A ikrtM-Caatarad DM Tr*ag towutorr" uru'ei .*! only :■ ' ■> morcauiw. sod whow he Mrgpad to • rtda WrlrMto ta » rut up With * new yarf ctvtt day they quvkJr paw Mm (OMfl1 tre yv4e»vv-ho. Today he a a tmhao wma. artgmg aX aMwu is BETHANY BAPTIST Lis tec#* and muttenag aanrwt Ule noma. SOUTH IAPIIST CHUKH ERST PRESBYTERIAN M0R.VL DOS TFIOIIT 7*18ASO THAT *tAD* 7*9 1ABBICMIAL fRff SOiYM VAiBMIOfl Af MOOS4I 14)ft! BADS CHURCH CHUKH Thnd MldslWH UN if NO mat |. fMtotttM iiraw Waal Rriaat »t Nana tumn 0*# tl-crr was s hem wbacfc was a »urv **#< hop la tod. Rm MOVAAB P. StORSW. B R Pato*r L«a wag RA1MONB I. S4U. k*a* **rt»r. DAVID 4 rtuiu, Ntooirr. o«ijr i jr.# d «w made a sonad was hhesi it bod a toHRdR e MU RUfli tomt«aav HMp IftWi til Mxhitsa gut* l'»i\tr*ity MoR.lL: rXIJi' IT FA IS8, IT BPitf _ tt A to SISU SCMOOI 14 ik 1 11 :J4 Warm,a Srrtica* Ii*v.*| lot 4 41 PJ4, Claaa** far Tauag PiigW m4 l **»| Mirwii 14 44 A tl JO i Hart a *'»t^^ foreign film series fl it 4 to A 7u« PJA it a to MMMNgNO sot'Sir faircmilo theatre " -fba I ard «• A4 fha Baa? MfcJUwf Mto'tui al »a« %/f—*i»4 «u tka taiai.ta.rk 7 P to MIXIKG HBUrr * 4US taada* ataa ag f*K» CV»a — Tonight — 77*# mm km a/ Marikarw wauid like fa pmwf a mwepf Mwr -feaai T4( at lawks Ma * - laa aamtla - >ui ilv ■ St»(u( taamini \thim$ rea/urec*. faafkuag fmood. Erg a pmk of Mar Ik■ as toe. ffaiail m*M m»n»- Fri, J to. g, y 4 » pjt. (V- Vtrfkofa'i adrr riporeffca—PhiRp Jfoeem mad Rpim- ssspto ai>ii f tsiii ititot'Bir *kg Tktradar cr«*| T to 54 P to fat ftwWMldfljl COM IB I-r .J •ttaar Tktaklag Ra Tka Caio* nWftoiaiifiitfsksmdfl-ii m i«c W Sophomores Capture 7 FirsliT} mk iik;\v st%ti: Nrws .1,tnii.if t n. !'»«.<> New York Titans Sign IM Highlighls TV IM office has nrmuuriced t>h ::KUJ Several MSU Players hours Building during for Men'* Intramural winter term: In Tank Win Over Cyclones i hi *1 HELD OVER... 2nd WEEK! NKW YORK ^i-rwiiil mnnagcr of Sfrv. tin- SO'" fullback. Mill XTaYk.-, John Gar. r"!\'liat ker; Mike Freed, Monday through to .Saturday Sunday- I pm H n« »i7in»: iammt IM-urd medley relay. 5i*yard Shaar'* 2.0B 9 In the but'erf,- good for a dual meet an? eh TitHUf. of thr newly for be;MiMersville, Pii, Slate A sophomorv-rld died tea"! free*lyle. IM-yard freealyle and was ,■ - j»f> *•—*—" •"'1 York i*iI' Amrrirwn F'*»t.bttll I<«mi!'D. - tackle; ' buck Molly, St Mb - ' 11 ri p.m. overpowered Iowa State, 77*28, 4M-yard freentyle relay, all won MSU varalty record. pr p.iol hours are noon to 3pm Hrackett cracked a dual rreet by MRI', beeauae af the chang¬ BRINGS YOU THE MOST h mix mured Thni-(|;iv th»* mini" hi.! . CiiiiMinnn, N. Me*, halfback; Ventura, Calif., Walt Col- and fl pan to M» p r»»- Monday Thursday nigh! in the fir*t dual 'meet for the Spartan swimming ing of the Big 10 rale that free- record in the 440 with hi* 4:41 .. of 12 ' additional phiyvr.x signi-d I j ► AMAZING OF ALL h.v th«- flub. The pl.ivi-f•. iirr. Uirrv W.ig- !ene liin-'bitcker; and T>oii n.itd. Texas Wi-tcrn 11 pd Mev- New tn out: h pm Friday: 10 am to 10 on Saturday; 1 p.m to fi team In the IM indoor Seven first places pool went in affler* mn*l lourh the edge an a turn. and fowa State'* Wi there: 1 established a dual meet recur-* in the individual medley with » jules verne -s n. V.irnlprblit Vl<-litrl*nd. '.»< kJerome ,V|lrlil*4ii s I 4 I •• York halfbmk. I'revioiifil.v Sebo had annotm.-- p 11. on Sunday. MSI' sophomores. T)tck Hrackett won in the 220 and 440-yard I.a»^ year'* Big 10 meet was held in the MSU pool and the 2:13.2 time. In-recreational night* will ADVENTURES! guard; John l.eul*. « 1: Nick Patella. Wake F.ue-t roiitiniie t» »»e nil Friday* from freestyle, Dan C'onvi* In the 50- conference was then experiment¬ state end: John Itii-.Imv. Mosto.i guard. Genu Hurin. Villnnova vard style Ron Wctlfare in div¬ ing with the high school rule it to III for nttidenl*. faculty. I ■-.Mv I'll.I. I.IM- William--, fulllmek. Hob Colburri. Howl I rig thai freestylcrs did not need to I • *tai| member* and their wive* ing. Carl Shaar in the 220-yard 1 n..o ot .1 m. State hairba. k;. N'Vil Itui k- Alabama l ;.>ri|oo |,i'l«»iirf, Try.1 quartiN twrK- A A >1 (•! r e e n Itlaiii lie ha if bar It. IOhio) Martin. i|ii.o terbaek Yltihigan State and children. Ml children mll*t be aeeom- initterfly, Ron Cage In 200-yafd backstroke and Denny Ruppart in the 200-vard brea«tstroke. touch The Big 10 changed back to the former rule this year, so an automatic pool mark was set Decker's p . a d by parent*. Children tn One junior, I ju ry Jones, came in these four races. The 220 and BIG TOP SPECIAL A 1 sjiiaK Cur car Kully rally is ln«ing the •he It fl-14 ug»* group must go to Women's IM building with and older at the Men'* build¬ up with a win In the 100-yard freestyle The only Cyclone first place went to Iowa State's soph¬ 440-yard freestyle* events do not apply. Thw-3-50.3 time in the medley (age .spunvoted Sunday, .faruiaiy 10 ing omore. Paul Wither*!!, in the relay, made by Gage, Bill Sing¬ lAlltlWI 195* MIRK I.OOII HIIATI TWO TO NT.. | at Frandm the corner Shopping Center of Clippert and F. Mulligan Ave The tltrre for the K.v Tf/rv Re .ervatioi!'. for cilities may RECREATION the varum • ^fa¬ In* made by calling 200->ard individual medley, Pool record* were «rt In Ihe leton, Wis Robert* and also set a dual meet Jones, record. Pickings TOW MI1.FAGF "Frostbite Bully" is noon. ext 2881. By TOM MflfR rKirrn to ri:i.i, COMINO TO CMICAOO First, a little boasting aV A CAM, III t-MII my final fodball pick*. On1' PROGRAM INFORMATION rot THi WEiKINO? C'lemaon'g upaet of TCU *poi!ed otherwUe pefrect •!•*• ©* MALCOLM MILKS, (m«n, Ctwfl.l, the ES ami at lamilti,, Gr.wp, an Tav. prefiicrtion*. I had git picks 1113 I MICII. MNSlMi right in other howls. Hoping to keep s foM per. STAV AT THI VMCA HOTEL. rentage on predictions, here if» IAGT LANSING PHONE ED 1 2814 . a. —• .... w —. Im* my Big 10 tags «Botew for Sat¬ urday: hm* mm of mi FIRST SHOW T-I'.M. SAT • AT I I'.M. * • tiiwitilmi Iff t M MRU seer MteHfM, Mfme- • »•»« KM m»4 up wU ever Utteela, oMe Rtau ADIT.TS 70r CHILDREN' 2«r ItdbM, lews ever Berth tmnt with iita be *•*. tn Uu*9 Waka.k «»• . Cki(«a* % IS ever «rcetera sad Fvriee ever Bie SOU SHOW IM; — TONIGHT K SAT. U«fc*low Celt '" kiiMMK r:\it rooN not it And hvrs srs nitiun-s-id* basketball nicks: I>«Aroit me S VI' - AT I I'.M. - 7 CAKTOONS Notre Heme, California ove- Stanford, Cincinnati sver Tu AMI KHKK CANDV -CGMK KAKI.Y as, Dnk« ever NCS, Kentuck mer l&V, So. CeL over W»« ingtun. Utah over Utah S*a'< CAREER OPPORTUNITY and We*t Virginia over Te State. * My Tenurd fur levt time « a The Mobilehome Inductr\ ha* a plare for trained nine right and two wrong. I aland 17-5 for vbe aaason. men in the extensive, rapidly growing huninew* of; Following la a list eg the Sia'e No aw 4op 10 teamst manufaeturinf. mates, parts development, insurance, ratings; Rial Turn R«»l*»-! finance, puhlir relation*, and puhliratlonm. ••• mtp* H (*•••«• 3. «'K tlOfm? iwutk Mmpfi.m fpp, ISVg up up *'••1 k Michigan State University ham a rurrirulum lead¬ «. out* Mas A,wuw4 Wp.i4 OR up a. | A >4 IM *•«•« STARTS SIMIAY A Tl I'.M. ing to a H.S. with a major In Mobile Homes. Students a. T. c Wei* rarest S Weet Vlrgtste with majors in nther fields also take the mobile ORFfiOKt in 1*1 € K • %ll HI Itlt "Mil: hi:i.o\ i:ii im iiii i; flVA lit W Rl.k'fta in (»•!•*• « «» »»<« 2-ALL IIMi: CHKAT HITS homes program courses and go to work tn the in* t. Oeergta Terb ,#'An?*hera la a Hit of B.g 1 »r HEN ( ! )|\J[ )A DESIRE •huhi WHOLESOME ■ ■ dustrv. All graduates have good jobs. There are more job opportunities than the number of our present 1 10 students t ome ran fill. to the Mobilehome Urogram office in the Forest Products Department, Building H-4, South Campus, for detailed information. FREE WET WASH Jonelyhearts" sponsored by the WITH LUBE a OIL vixi MIN This announcement CHANGS it* w. mca. at*. HEAR KtLUMO C*H1tR and the iGCfflBS iHUrti at "Hit * : J NOW SHOWINfl « «.v * 9 1% Red's Shbl Srvke •ALL M THE IffE N OK WOHMIMHMMB < htrvrbah *Hor « amphu -n m bi rran mop campscllt iim mu The Convent Novice Who Ran rt. *4 ' , - > Aerey Into The World...Lhrtng : — - __ Mil >R £ Am Gypiy-ihtgn- e THE STORE WITH THE RED n IS HAVING A WHAT IS THE "GREEK SYSTEM!" suits .w1..50 18:50 58.50 ...ANC BECAUSE W To Got All Tlir Pertinent THE MIRACLE S A FEW WITH VEST SHE CAME RACK-TO trousers 12.50 11.50 16.50 Tacts And Information On The "GREEKS"... SgOMEAjmnn sport goats 28.50 AUCl) .u50 38JJ0 vN SWEATERS — SPORT SHIRTS — SCARFS / OPEN HOUSE ODDS • ENDS OX MISTAKE TABLE t, PRICE GALS: \TSIT THE DISTAFF ROOM Will Be Held At All Fraternities - FOR SAYINGS OX' BLAZERS SKIRTS AND SHIRTS SUNDAY BOWLERS BARACUTA JACKETS 7.50 15.00 2 pm till 5 pm , Call I.F.C. Office For Rides a.' uami-MBaginwenn jrf l'. '"l\S . ..* ■- - El) 21511 Ext. 2650 XKXT ATTHACnOX CAHV IIKAXT ill "OTEHATIOX PKTUlX>AT J MM kBUUI a.' H-VAMU* ITW«VJ mm KXUUt i. Trawl (a Northwestern 1st Win g'i »• '37 pound* ihg•'<-» n A**l*tant «rr»llint roach (iaU r/K'kfv ♦ouui. hoMftH will V- Terry Mowiry, M»l arid Tmeotfe at MM (Iff.AN othM junior, w.-ng* web % I % I > i|ikle* e\pe«t., 4 rough time at Ci•: dojer- Hinpit sr.tit*TH> dec-tared player-;. will -;?| Ivi ft/vhko. ft-.o It . 'i'-i M-nt I !:i pound*., Gordon Johnson I'.nh A rout runs a ft 2 2 '!'» , ,'a tonight nt eight in made up <»t Jack Holier'.- ' :r. » t.< \ on -i* the • •.*, 'ngu Ktdnn Ill fl/vlikn. S I I • IT January k Ififiii «l*age live 117 pound*' Voting •andheavs- » two-game kcti«*s; T'«n Mu-torien ;,i wing* w h Van Spvbrnok •. !i i»e in the rjo'* Tim AIark, « 11!! vtcltM John H.turn khotild win Andre laiCoUe y center The Ituli Norman it 0 I I l«< game is nt two p.m. Student ft'in-. -ion to the Mil I hmfuffrrMttt. t* nil l« Miring i*, or place high iilnvurt triune elijj* second line «wr|U have Fourml g*iv"- .• to. artivitv book and Ta»* flotiert*. u I N I t h'di:.' Big 10 130-,> ur ;e ;• • (if- i d-. B'cb SehSuvr, sport* pr»»«r;u \i)pv completed their 2b rent* It'lll Kempf 4 N « • $ hi 1003 pmn N' / Young vm* Mo*er and Roge; Ta verifier |i.r* ftolifen. w SUSS • • »:-k during the f«iH Al lllM'lll, *i 'INN 2 the player* are for- i.u.faf Ilcn4ri. I •».». r N • • • H 'linril '/ mirnitnirnl Ml.h Mate Total* l» II tt I. \n; rOMPl.KTK SHOW TOMTK »' !»:«« Opponent* Total* II it SI St Starts TODAY line ol rnfi ,»f lloiitrcal, Our the ptaaerv f lands t:ard Pt r urn intcrmtcd !o a bil- touriianicnt should reg:*- tioillr Reeortf t»A \ antpvhrooV II Su Have* H Avg ft t» tit Jl.ft [T] the Wind 7 21 5:41 ^ LSLj una t. • t' «. H:':,ard Ro-on nt "h« Opponent* ii |..l* ill 22.1 Written cm , lop player on ta*t year's Union b/ Tuesday, •t(at»*t|r* do not Indtifte lo** to « olorafto t oljege MSt"* 5*1 2 Giant Attractions Rntnrn! Perfert I urlough" I! 4i 4 W - 7 20 - 10 40 „i,n)jn wiiiad. The other* are ,l fnrrntte. also from Alont- KH POLAR-TRAPPED 'G.I.s |t fom Boucher of Sudbury, "irriph'te Optica! Headquarters and filen MIcIhImiii of . . . ylinif f .«ke. Ont.." vdd tieck- •tiientl.v located, offering rorriplcte opiieal .service* jiirked it.e army's champ tirni (le%M«ie ,,urh 'l»v<»ne'> defence a' -- woman-chiuicr to take • Bob up. when ti Arrciatronj. 'up dt i>.- - their furlough'bawproxy/ Btaneh Office — Vine at (llpprrt ■ opposite Near* in Irandori eye exarninaticm* hy Jenaen, regiatered optcmirtrist M' Mlt . will droti to dc-ft- Ann-'otig Mio-, TiltRV AlOftOMV I up four goiil* so from wing to defense v,rih I fa kola ha* a fa*t. hard kiting team. *a»d roarh Be.- mc. Hie Nodahft, hit year'* ,yy riumpton*. are in hftli ,,, in the league with a !-3-l „nfrt state ha* lo*t seven and ^ one thl* »ea*on. The tie ,, .iin*l North l>«kota. ne-up f"t th«* gam» The LITTON Study-Work 287 Advanced Degree Program for nmm let'e- UUGHsi • even VI igan •u: SaMirda* a! clop; u a eet' i Engineers, Scientists, Mathematicians e-phr I .fffit) Srmi\ .Work Program towards an advanced degree assists X fHe sfudenr who might not othcrwiM U ahie to Anance graduate Ih* l|*| gymnj*t* piled up Urge*! |a*t *r4*«»i- education. Whde gaming experience in "Mr research and development bl>- Rill K IIIDSO.V ■ LAUREN RACALL ».r *rore inn*f i entr^l Michigan, B41 ^ em* P. !71 • for Ihr t hip* orafories you arc normall) ahle to earn v« itir master's degree m tour semesters. ■ ■n •• trpv«ding to M'. rap' Angclo F> — V.»u may tpialit) it >ou area candidate tor a lis degree m elecrroni< s-ortenred RRBERT STAfK • DOROTHY MALOXE if Bgckcr, John I). R >hfT Kr:'h Witliiim Hjrr,' Shannon • ; s- , . stan Tar»h-*, T»m engineering, s» jen. e >n m,nhematics. |*or full information see your college » * i vi Chuck Thouip-'tn v' *•".«• tf ip • it', e placement "thee or v.rite to Mr. Joseph Cryden, Director of Advanced US IffWl-NI \- 1 11 (■;»!.' Hi MIRCEl o«i:o tOUlNO1 * Be- Jim Durkee, « 1 .St*-, e Scienriht |-.iluy:ar?on' [B l.rrrON INDI'sTKII s l lectronu. f'.tjutpments |>| ll>W _ •"•..cin and Bob Sn.~* Special Kiddie < artoou show Sal Matinee at 1 «o I' M HIYINORTH ■ fRINCIOS* - iOU*C Division, Woodland HdU, Angeles, California. line Hour C artoon* A. t omeuie* I'lii* *pe«ul I cilim Attrac tion l.m/. \lmilium •H'rcsted in iiecou 2W3 Her Uniform . A«-»m m*n&g*r% or join man track team, a: • ice Cdach Fran !) ' »• 4 om pp«r th« mdo,. She dorwb'i htv# time to b*"' -mug »i*wit c 'itr^jgh -h-r nntf^tn dc-pi-iricU *« much from her &* -./.#• .*n got o« -* her um. Sbe> gm to ti>0» itn:*ly.*- ami **■" le* v: u! * grndttb''*" i^w»ht.4e». ».«i ah evciOA-e nt a •ofii-w.'k t.-rtMu&avm. If••'«?**sl.e*! •* *!! ji 'O t.i >«'"4 rrttfil U* •/•if* lit i a-i. »«• ... •'!• * *•*>.? ■ - , Tht best tobacco Mikes Uw kfft tMokt! u January ft. IMt MIC'HIGAlf KTATT KEWft hr* Solve Off-Campus Problems Air Si-irnrr- Schedule* Clamroom Cliaiipi.. AOCS Helps A.r science scheduled for Monday, 102, section 13, Wednes- quonset 72 ns lifted schedule l*x»k, aiwrding According to Phil Baltbacn, AI (ha present AiH'ti has ap¬ Caniivnl. Although tholr.home¬ day and Friday, 2-3 p.m., will Cap! Donald McC'lur«, N' t student has quite so many coming display was stolen, mem¬ president of the group, any stu¬ meet in 110 Anthony instead of professor of air science proximately *M mem her* and dent living off rumpus and in¬ t»u pT'»blf*ms n.s the fellow <>? coed provides services thai atudents bers weren't discouraged. Over ih< Christmas vocation those stu¬ terested in taking part in sports, ■-ho lives olT-earnpU' One llvltta on rampna receive and wi dents living in the loosing area social functions and service pro¬ method of solving the tribula¬ those living at home or in att jects is eligible to join. ch fr tions of everyday life for these students is to join the Associa¬ apartment don't get. went caroling at. local hospitals. Vour Key to Better Values ft LAMEST DISCOUNT IN TOWN v Intramural sports play a ma¬ . . . m< tion of OfT-TamiMiH SUi'lonts jor role for participation by the Campus Classifieds . Low Cost MI KFLKHS — TAIL PICKS — KXILU ST l*lp|> Il4 A-ide from participating in men. In the fall, the big aport II eojjege functions and club aetiv- is football, In the winter it';» POLISHKS — WAXES — PAINTS — Hflis|||> !*:<». 'he Association is planning basketball and In the spring .t center for students who don't Softball. The women, too, tarre COMPLETE LINE OF ACCESSORIES swimming, volleyball and soft- v.- :n 9 dorm, sorority, frater- rr--. or co-op Although such a ball. Webster* Dictionary Page Mil renter r. in tihe future, for the AOCS had a -first'' this fa'l rnwun Airro Nrw K t - e- t»e;ng these students must when they presented the flr-t SPKINO GLASS •xtXRiiRs .nhahit the Union grill, lounge UWJU Oldsrnoblle the MSU enio- SPARSE (SPAKSI adj. Having a few or widely SERVICE •OUNKHV lull* •n w. i i yip* pm. had seen at the Activities • W XIIR >■ roan the rantpU' scattered component units or element*. , .r, I. IH.I.M., I'| MI'k •tu n II I'l y ■ i H htl. Tn Wall SPARTAN (SPARTLN*) adj. of or pertaining to Sparta ruled by llovinn people noted for their AUTO KINGLY LIVING AT valor. SPARTAN SPECIAL (SPABTN SPESII ALl n. KRAMER I'ARTs SMALL PRICES A celebrated grilled sandwich made of a blend of MACHINE SHOE SERVICE cheddar, swiss, and foreign cheeses from a secret S( V \TI; ItAlifRs l.ymlnti .lohiiMMi. Texan I veretl IMrksen. lelt (trmorrat, pnr In tlliwM* Kepvkltcan. sod WHedne-di* Room and Board, formula of condiments. Attainable only at Ham¬ Mill K. KAI.AyiA'/.'HI ST. PIIONE l\ I I ; before the MHH t'ohgrens convened for tl% I ie»o« burger Heaven, famous drive-in located on Clipper! centrally located near campus Street opttosite Frandor. Popular with those of Joseph Kennedy landed List- in comfort willi tin- (••mvciiii'iirc of .'t high I.Q., never eaten hv Eskimos or those ac¬ customed to fatty diets. A representative For Strike Settlement ... SPATE (SPAT) n. A freshet; a heavy rainstorm. St eel worker** David MeDottald Say* iiii-iiI- daily. TV. daily room i-lruniu|[. AMI of the Insurance Company of North America Kinaneier Worked llehind the Srrne* WITH TIIK ACCENT ON SUI'KRIOR KM 111 Companies, the oldest Property and Casual!) stock insurance company in the Tnited Slate* WASHINGTON \/V\ Financier Jmepb Kent »-d\ «;»« AMI tlCALS. will he on the Michigan Stale campus ta inter¬ rreilitetl Thursday with helping end the bitter steel labor controversy by drumming up opinion in Wall Street to wind GOOD LUCK view interested candidates it up. ting "he trwl'.rsfrT union to¬ Contact Ed at: ED 2-6787 TmUij, Jaaury 12, IMC erx David Mcl Woiali!, Steelwork- union president. gether. ft he d***nbed c11Mb fig fkertoo f n*-*rtc- Kenne¬ cdtoer*. ;n- SPARTANS! r»ta*e«f a jar* t»>v Kennedy, father of S»-n. John dv, openings are for positmns of 1'nderwrilers and Keneiwlv ** (D-Mnw), w- t»*tng Special Agents. one of the ninwt influent ml men 3 HOUR SERVICE behind the twenro to bringing hixui! thn contract acttlemcnt. •He worked n long tune on ON ALL LAUNDRY Underwriter—Non-sales, non-travel office posi¬ On*," McDonald said "Th« am- tions involving risk analysis and and I have been hiouador friend* for years. I knew h* AND DRY OLEANHK acceptance. wn* talking with pe«y|de We were in contact everv couple nf Special Agent—Public Relations position inw.h »lnv lie * quite an Important Part-time travel—companv car figure around Wall JStrr«'." ing liaison work between com¬ Mi ltoiulit said man* hankers and fiiianrlrrs sen* gelling "slrk pany and independent in*ur- snd tlrrd" nf Ihe continuing ance agents. Part-time travel— stcrl dispute's unaelllltig eflecU nil the rcnnmttv snd IHe pro¬ company car—expense account sper) of a renewed slrlke lhal —no direct selling. could upwrl 1960 prosperity pro* •pert* chief 5.1 id he un¬ NEW CHURCH SERVICE T»>c union dent/*',: J Kennedv. former am ed ha*sadr>' to Uir.i! encourage the view m the fUitJlIi. help¬ LUCKY STRIKE presents . fpiaiiciol world ttiaf the a*erl sfniip. evfry Sund.o morning at . . . >r »<|uat*U!i* ought to t*» set¬ m&fL*FlU)0Q\ M .od h< cl.«t 1 i't ant 11:15 Mcls.i a .jftdn N \o», Mrhrh - 9 - 10 - • did ' glint Jot ds get — NEW FREE BUS SERVICE MSI Army look for th« "lUur llu«" BAFFLING BLOT ( Inns Snotv \ stitall n'nv ktanii* trasly to thrff trip** In fvrry dorm firry Sunday FAILS TO FAZI FROODI f! ■ ■ ;» miMiici • notice the (••• below) ' of oi.i man win''".. 1st 2nd ftrd Deer Dr. Creed: I vcn night for tlic pa«t Deer Dr. freed: I have imtted three TRIP TRIP TRIP _iwo week* I've dreamt that I am (King girls to Hie dance this Saturday. How do pursued by a heautilul girl in a Bikini I get out of this mess? I pthu Crrtk RKOI1Y (.KOI P: who wants one of my Luekiev Just as Dear Mr. Creek; till twu of Item to jnsi k.i vise catclics me, I wake up. He* can Rawer with mh «ater awtil sue cut in. • fit Vvorrim.' .11..11 t." 1 mrosm* X llailr) ft: .10 9:30 10:45 I present Hus ? Puizkd 101 t dv'iM '• . i 1 -i.rcc ft:.12 9:32 10:47 \rmctr<*ng A Hryan Deer Dr freed: I have been dating one *.>me 2.V000 pcop.,- depend i the departnu-n: i - dm: lUthrr A Ruttrrfiehl Hull 9:31 10:19 girl but 1 am so good-looking and so and walking »-->nd.:; n- on popular that I base decided to spread 31 miles of romi* and 5.1 pule-* Van lleww-rn A VV. Shaw myself around a little more. What should pf videwulkn on »*:*m|ni • thsmpu* pnluc thrttfv the de¬ H:40 9:40 10:35 I do about tho girl' Dashing meet at 1". Shaw Deer Dr. freed: My mother partment whn .m Deer Dethitif . Tell ter tlx kwR nrwv iKtd « n.nigfi to w - * • brother don t tike my hoy tricnd, '• '.••val ' n « d« pa • Mivdrr, Phillips. Ma>*»n A Abbot *01 «0» *01 father and my sister dp. His tai' c Ulcrj notiilcti \\f-r. r\o triAt'ct brothers don't ILc me. H; mrct t*n lh»rmil«r) Road lirtwren the lour dorm* ft :1a 9:1a 11 :tHi er Pwiiled (.«In Iwst * few i Deer Dr. freed: My royKnmate alway* two w'hai Ore time of or u.i:'" yvears my ckMhes, vs hat should t do? mother and hit other together u> who then work apnind the*i.H* Put L ptm sikHiid I do? Shu \/ f :uH evsAl * (amphetl. 1-andon. Vnkefes. (.ikhrist, Williams A I? the snow htu t1uv',Hg tiie Deer Dr. Creed: I am the uginat guv on tsiijht". the snow r«'!*loVid. Iiirn Vlar* Vlavo meet in front of I nitin ft:.»o 9:30 11:03 I year Brbr •!' w.ln-iiihnr p.» haV« campus. My face looki like •*) mile* of r eedtortl your MUrr t»> has! When I go to a party someone • • hing'i t-% »'gn'- <»»••.*5. w. Hp tell »«* te» • in n»orr.*>^ always meals my ylaie. I worry about ■Mr le MM |i tofts f««^r n.e equipment e v li^e this. Can you help me? townkw ; .0 * ,is s;?e '• t-.ioU'Vi :w MkWtoHkllMllrath" If i heiiv and t e \ 1 s >s. k- :.;.kup U-.uh. one M )N- i • Vim", ' of iNjUHXtlcnt i a* - Proli- MARTIN LUTHER CHAPEL Deer Leveleo: lakr tewn. \a* gel wIm eeeM pi eel wMh yea we't wwrte ■I —i. mm b* "• "» M,,tK i«" . I \ k—. "O1 & STUDENT CENTER O" Deer Dr. freed: I think this mk Not look* just like rabbit ears. My friends III VBIM11T Rll. My I'm nuts, What think? %i COLLEGE STU0ENTS HfseeRuMia iZ Blocks North of the Fnion) MORE LUCKIES ■Lin I960 l.tMtonir 5lstieal/Tearkei t«m*wi liwir*. tmrn. t * . i-Miiartnl. Iran |tt> WM. J. BRIHON, Pastor ANY OTHER REGULAR I ft ■ K k* RHIiwonmI Kdn. Itwni lai«a« M lirlunkt > i*ll sural VShen it comes 10 choosing their regular smoke, m |du* M|*i i .lie* ■ Ihmmmmd f.rnnd Tomr. Rwuwa. ED 2-0778 ~ college students heed right for fine tobacco. I'oiaiMl. t-OTtkotkoaki*. SsaduM.M. Result: (.uclqr Strike lops every other regular lolwa 1 »raf» ki*kltfht\ I fsfh|i«l« rirefe. IU*>k Na soW. Lucky'* teste beets ell the rati because I (UiW. Kuwu. r*l«td. f ro k**b •skl*..Sesadinatsa,Br»rlu«. % t'ur. pr - EVERY SUNDAY - LS./M.F.T.—Lucky Strike weens fine tobecco. ■ twlw iaroo>e tfrmlarr. I'iN suae s«siUhle Halfini. K -vrnoa t.ood Musir — Vim Siackw — Ovlatiadiac FtHowtklp Raaii, IVUsd. «n 1'iimpr CurkalmU, •eensc row- Inspiring, l-rartkal Bibk-I'rearhin*: Hrincinc Jnnw TOBACCO AND TASTE TOO FIRE TO FUJERI ■ Sn ymmt Trsarl Agrs« m l hrmt. Lord w* St.lor tt AIL Maupintour ;y iJCJm*tm£&tm£Zpmy I