The Weill her IV, the Tune of an State News Cloudy, Warmer Spartan Power lliifh Today Cow Sunday •'»*> -5- Scniii|! MSU For 50 Yearn Smashes Michigan llv JIM WAI.I.INGTON VO!„ 51. No. Ill KAST l-ANSINfi, MlrllHIAN—MONDAY. JANTAIiV II, l'H',0 FIJICK '» CENTS Male * ports Editor MifMjran State'* basketball team bniketl like the Sparkir}* Nixon Accused of fSteel Fix' r,f ancient Greece jrivinjr sacrifice to the basketball rikU tthen it. slaiitrhtereH Michigan's Wolverines, M!).5K, Satnr- ,iav ni^ht before 12,208 witnesses in Jenison Fieldhouse. TV Spartans were non-for- at it again Saturday. llor.vj^ i piling up their bigg-"? . ,n the 73 game* be'v/io n Walker garnered 24 point* '•> 'oarrs. The Wolverines load Sparta?. * in i larger winning oi.-n- Linn* ».)',• on win only a step Solon* Kip i" "..usfh. In ?!t game* ISM# by ihe mum iH-i. tnri-A mi ;n • 1H .'h 23 point'. Fa 5lli Army General .<,/». i' n • and 86-33 ;.',t was a long time sigu A "f fo.'i'e " gan gave .ruiiratibn* that if v.... ••ailed .Michi¬ Inflationary Appeals for ROTC ,-i v State ha* t»urpa-"M going to force State to fight 'o j, - . ! it In baskntball in football. the Spartans prowess wm. The "quad* exchanged Uick'-t, a » a f m for the fir.t rr.inufe a fi-6 The - 'wo a ix id Settlement op • S«»it Maen'z and j- - - i 'earn of mui h me Iowa Hawk* ••»•* ».«. ltov< ' • h:'u . • gave Michigan •» l*oll of Trustees Support- f iflliri'jlit Preiliel* ; 10-3 record for the ye. shortlived 10-8 advantage ^te#'l I'rire Hi-#* •• ~v . in the Big 10 will he broadcast M- fore ' fh«* Wolverines cuM jsroiv aga.n Sto'e had tigtit mofe I'roponal for Voliiiilarv u A Ml I \ «, T ') N ,• f■ p.m. over radio 'la'ion point., to irad H-I0 Ih-pite a pernonul weekend appeal from the Fifth Army'* f':- IK4 KM. WII.S and WJIM T. dwell made a pimp "-Mot S ■ a< r j-eii K ft, S.artana a much better the ciovW Michigan came t*v- male ,-tudeiitrf appear* to be on it* laM loy>«. t>.'r -r .iiIrf:m '»r,it»r.rj •/- 1/ fjerj William Arnold au- favo- of ' !h«* compu!■-.?> fir../- of for."):,-/ ,,0 pi-j,WI I*r«-«idfnt Jo' n A. g-a.'n. Mf»n?>cr<( Jan Vander- ir.'';i'iofiar- - •• . ll-iiin,!1! n"tt Saturrlay to r«-'n o j.i a-jj a.'id le-n S'evi-n* were re- in lit' tr.: i'ii.*. ?raiDtng »* a ni|Uir»»'l t*alert i, s'rad/ast:*, against the r' »-ne Will Of 'Ax « li'i- jiff . wh < b of a'le.v,.' I-I.a'f at--.;. ' ■ » -1.v'u.i i* ••» jo—v Ia-Hvi .-'f,. /,r ' • V. . -aiiwi ,» prot/ablv* mli'J gr .up t') ar>- •he une.r* aid Huff .* pcrtoti- hurx. I'a battlefield. I ton Sewn 'It. lu't director . park there. Television comic Charlie Weaver I* r«rcry of alumni relation*, aeeept* a contribution from sponsoring the drive, "fiicsv with vl«ion* of labor ;» ar corripuboftf nrm Rob Toll, director of the MSt* development fund vote*, the administration inter¬ in favoi o? T)ie new* trjv-e will take fered with dee prores* of arbi¬ il.e.- portions on "*c lK>ard at tration and forced a settlement i-quirM orn*n'at.-»!i the Iwl'inri- of ?:*,'• Uu% phoe Ci.-irk months meeting Hrody and Ar .ur Tney re- Bonne* Say l'ro|iiigaml:i *1 lull" without teriout ronsideration of it* ultimate root and ita rumu- '.ra.niriji prograin r » for ai»pf"Val Of- fore fonroii .♦•n.'i'r- action .* *.ak- i.. • • P ... Soviet (. •«* "• o- ca*t •/, Puinan li**<-ner . by M - oe : /c*.:i;g;rj?« and have populaf ft'.aUy accepted oy toe wra- pa»•') '.o* -jr..-*.a ♦ inon'b -uwwiImI a vomplaiM-d Sunday Radio, 'Orchard* i:, ' cow *cna'.»* t on in.." or recomm«*nda- T • c >.-'y chief4 then Di« i' / propaganda machine Pravda itw-.'f A*iar*i *• 'he ?ha*. ?.'i« ohewferm r«|ii.rr- • i r;' ro-hij. < baSii RflTC a- •* b.,* :.'>or mi« * impact, not b>am» by irnpijcation. F r "o I'r'H^-fanda *!>• are y. . y DAVE SCOTT, latent addition to the HparUn M|u«il roes in tor a *Olf S>*» I'h'iln bv Rnk W«r«»ti|Kx Sf-tiai* fv»-i,r.g favor parage (A the m.♦tc-urc io Presented * otter. [f pi.!*.** appeal and gray and dry y ment of n cal>d f-^* b»-"er treat¬ ideological yroblerr. < n - k«up while iahn Tidwrll .(lit, t hurk Itonelee * 10». and wrott Th«- proposal it )M*ica;iy a A rvtoiution banded down by ca'e t e *. -r/.'-r j:y. «. *; a-d *a:d editoral of- . the pr'vt limit, (31). far 11 af M lonfc on. MM"* .fnhn Voting. iJ2». follow* student-borri one- I?. is similar f * *. pi under Tuesday ' - 1 * A ■ ihe Cen'ral C/«nmitte* of tfie fii-r* should improve 1 imp nee and n pu^iiog a for the rrbaand. to one initialed by Ail-Univer- M * •'••. ' m-ard Student Oovvmmtnt* s'u- Soviet Communist Party was The jtariy i>u*aif» no'r-a mina':on a? rice pres.* di'bt wirsgras*. which asked f'»p featured ui Previa-and broad- t. ars-i ho.ligvrd 1- t.MP'iit wl'-h Dave S< '? a'-d field by Walker put " Chekov * famoua pity ' The dent.a. rur..':.*ig irvt'e : the orientation course to cover of bovm-t propaganda They w i A ".g*.* • *'-r't ,f vo ,*h /Ld Schwann replacing tw o m- v - '<•! =. out -f roach. . i •••nt national and interna- Cherry Or, he fire fashion. Schwann, rfp!,i '• bpan wi'h J.1 4(1 ieft in the gam: th*- -ugg'-s'-ed required program. Oiekov called TVie Cherry a*ree» u ith estimate* that the -•■t ri8rd Jim Bechimki, t- k*ci io points and combined And Walk* y:jt stretched s.c,r«f Mir the lead to 30 basket T-.e iktil of trustees, condu: > Orchard" a comedy, but Western Oeniuiinlratloiin • Sovii ' ork' settlement represented **a polit¬ e;i by the Detroit Tunes, »h"A - -.«• .'. • ical fix. * Dave Faha In playmaklng. pom*•• with fiiM" minute* re- disagree. Tne title 'he ed only C Allen Harlan of viewer< may BERLIN V—Y*.*ith* • G* «;.v. . ; 1 Sm't looped only seven poin'> IKStfiiUl' mx eiceted board member* m 7 .* C'r.erry Orchard'" ha« * many and France tiemoivs?rated Cor are ,».'ogi 'her o.-'•.-♦* ■:{■ * - tag V... « V. held high scoring John C!oacn K- • Ahdi-fv.n then -I •• -'!'' .'.crease .r; a"e«-; T:»ui>> m«sm»t blamed on fana'.-c yes:.4. MjiM'ior. fur* • .r^ar / '/« 4'. /,i<-r .-a Tmr.c had a 20 g acOrmg avirt- (iilUIICJpl«. lion.-: ha--- lone *v> Tidvve!" w»* h'S-t m Michigan F-. .• cwi '.nere w«re V SjMirls I irlnries . Madame Ra i.'-vskaya. played A -vouth organization of • - propaganda am. -r.g '*«* or- . Ttt rebounding of Scott's prr- w.hen he #uff» r» ne Bame«t, through C'hri«'.an D •* m u c r a ' ; r Par • ver*at. fi»*x. N:xvr, M.tche.l SfHttlifiht MSI mental documentary f.' • ■A-eaknesis- and :n«r..a nfiOWi-d , *r»-'.lafe of to O . ;•>• • • «. though. And against taller no? serious a!»'u' the Mirr0/ N»z. any ger.era. .n- ... f.f.ce* g"**a'. estate and lure* r..-* pf dJAg-'.o !., ■ .1. tab* the lues may show up And the wor-t ;n A'.n A. 'o • :* ..'• ' r sever*, months. If or. fnore. WV. , a. h-i1.,- a g.yet • I* »rex end «'a. on a fa-rlv the M»vh;gar, bu'e wt'ufy.ra iU chief ini rry orchard glory, the famous ren'ra'.na gamp* to a rapacity audience of 1.200 youths m W Itv Dfiiiorrut- ■Appem1 Fu.rzr./r.". sa.d Su't s t-2 scoring punch was teao. kpi rU scene. taofpachsn, p>a.v*d by Max Berlin Ki-IIIII-iIy \lll*lll|)l* •. y - pa«*en con- ;y-'pic, graved wintry winds an t paraded past 'ne merjior.*! * W \ SH I NG T >N w- > , .0 roeo-d ;'-'f;eaXu-can "Bat f par-y ' hazard a predirUoo aiderfd ^>y many to -be a*e)a*a:c an unknown Jewi■ She N'>tak-v 6-5. '.Jf i.;«h? f»efore. .n modern ftuMuao drama a •if'T>-iristra'ion •». answer ' • that companies the anxiety to of maintain the ste-i their The Canadian P.aye'r* are an ruse of anti-Serr.;?i^n .•'« Omgr.--. r ?; * .ng up iu Urges! , .• f honored tradiUoa of continuous Vera* 233.500 Michigan veter- Mr Jame^.n -a d fepre* margin over the Wolverines, tne outgrowth of the famed Stra: - *'•"1 and unremitUng price increase* ir.i wAo f-.»rketi»ali 'cam *aiked away West Berlin youths ' r< ' "• '-I'- V,|-» ,.JX- with or without excuse, mil «t# .itsuranee wUl receive m1** at aged a parade Frfda. night -o of • 8k-5« * .r. g i /ed .n 1954 to g;ve win'- ju'.on 'share in.the nv.; -.a! ? rrJ'Tf g T-1 wreetlsitg i» i *urym- employment '<> tip- Festival s pro*est race •—u. • *• '>'•=. "• '' ft *et up » t anxiety to contribute to the wel¬ a -j'iadranguSar Vju-- •urruoi:- performer* During th* a 'Tieet.r.g before the nojroi- •m Use io }.e,ikr »n .;i«d ttvwfy "fiisr repre- _*•*' jyiiicy dividends during ter-ttiiiio:r A*r> re¬ ,' g . i- • fare of the Republican party, ■8r-, >d H. Jameson, manag- ;-afT e..* a* Northwestofti Setur- pavt season the player* perforir- a a * ihown. Dep U♦ v \!;i •• >r have a e -'rt "fs.-irice tno- -.<■ "gislature. and it* candidate," he said. cently by toe VA Franz Amrehn prahed 'hen f D< * of v-c Veterans Admmlstr..- *vi d*v - da%. 73 ponu ed pef'ir^ *.staling 197 . • , • !■., ,ng .nave com- i* R-gional Office in Detro The g> mnavts ftad the happi- ->t (K«i b-tn tin- Ua»ted Stat. . * to know toe truth- abou- • . - ■" m-av.iy R«-pu >- , deed-, ar. or id.a r..y « rvf u;vd * i •tuci^cud today. da*, of a.': when they smothered and Canada '• S»t era T"wn the couth- - j S« da «• .« i A.n v ■» < -(At f.-u«trate*J leg- holders of part of their *-»*i-*ied the Frencti-madi* '• favored t t'.'.ral M'Cti.gan. Keaerved vsa: 'icketr are $3. >-, • by 1 ma- premium payment..*, ,t rw1 ^re 42 to and 52 Student* wtM .*■ ' N.grd and Fog" I 'tf Sb> popislatibn. vxr* of to* Mrr« Giant Icirlr made p *.sittie uvrau-r the death Hut ?'»e ffpartan »w.mmert '!>.e film fjepk-t* ghastly A' ■'*- *-uggi*s tk'.n » at Sta'e ,i! . V . Tnw among Gl poIk vnoldvr* failed t » ga r. a firrt place fm- given a \,ke< up'jfs pre*ehtat.->n ■ • C*ntiianda Rr«|irrl continue* to be lower "-v- tre ;sr< i.n ?h». B«6 16 relays held of artivitv book* at 'he l'n. >n * • invading A • a--. - '* ,:r*':4fi " NV-: S'.aebier, toe .r. toe IM p' - ticket offkv ID < ardjt *. 7 * in-i th fletmanv , -.fee ;';*d to ca.var:dcx liu- Jan 10 taoie? upon a'.:- ine premiunvi P "Jestrtoni along Memor- were established by la* DETAILS ON SPORTS nepMMr> for adiruk-»i PAGES) auditonuff. .ii i«'.-»n * Dr .# are giving a MsmJ- I' , - are re*i-uev*t 1 not «*.» r ,,n* , vtwratjon :n *"mv* Instltula of Technology to make d-vidend inquirse* m ad¬ N- •*.*,» • a «ida berth the-y vance since ?hv* *iM odfy deuy pnxcs»ir,g Mr Jameson *a;d DeliniHieiil Gang '.Ni'aH»roii|i' Any hyrige in Michigan» rargaimi.g the rug " %m - vept un li¬ ex.»•:?;,{ :e-.rt...i!;v« arrar.geme.v. f**«ad la the latest «oi- Dividends * nee paid as «*n would ma.d ^shortly after that da*c }* -« mi.sconce »?K»n *».v* . headlined -n pres* :ntcn.c\» iftei'v'irjv.j, w,'..- [amporal gar.g /•■us- ip«r«i 4 s'i*,-- 'A'.-utfrerwe ''«*.**>r Van muky f Oetwecri •..rgainzea gr^ipY r*rs of gahjp, '*b:cft 'ui D'-«4a front their fourth usualiy n> the firat of the After the a- uiv 1 ,H ftvel onatjsu f toe Universit &f Ma*s»chu*et>. lj«v'ved n #er.'JU9 gasi-4 fcrmitory window to tb folw»*'m* month. •*fa " The stwi slrute .ias :a*~ •. U> thing of debrmuent gang-* as leader dated .r, i ds ?r urc kio- youtm. ft.nge fAwry w.ii BMnd. And H'e In three color* D.videndY Atii be pa^ to r.o i- .r- on tke Upper Wwt Side ley b-a; ".ncre will be :/.*»•■« wanted !•» ytwO pdiiii -»s!e ib gang v*,.v;'.y .ri •^•4, s-Uta and blue rrs of ik>th National Life and though they were highly solidi¬ ».vJ toe greater is^je of infia* vr, Piilure to urjderstsnd 'ne .>< Manhattan. • ,n, but they jeldom identi¬ 1!. S G-YvemnveC'. Life Insur¬ fied group*. rernauoa uasckved,' he mi4- *»u If progress U to be made ;n cna raitcristics of g-ngs «'>*. According *(» u« •ut'-*»r. fy •hemselve* a- members miution Le kr«. vhh—I, c«ni ance poliC.CS developing successful prevention only produce* inaccurate reporU lyphrai r.ear-group. gang docs Another ,c of toe .Tavern*, d'.-^ .ntorferefiee by any tdnunixtra* hey. in ha\e measurable ga;tg us its *acx of c>w-iy d'.*?.: 1- *■?«§ 01 S|iarUa Wivna and correction programs, delin¬ an dethrone* about g*r.g struc- not a oumoer \. >ex, but .a considered kgialx- Theater IAft a re quent gangs should be seen at tureT but cause* ineffectual work f»f .-ruled *neTr,ber defibition M'JMtC/ver, it has a of what it ed role* Gmy ooys exhibit < /.->- slderwbl.e diff.culty and; contra¬ lion 'af the C-'^agress.'* with gang* on the action level " X-T. o. Jlnm Willnma will near-^ruup^"' characterised by A tocial worker, fur exam;/.# **.. !* fr .m tne individuals diction, says Professor Yablor,- I N \t*t:i»n l.ialili* Butkr sJud "Tbe happy smik* « Omi cf honor at the month- Dr Bu.:! will sumnwTlw disturbed leadership, shifting 'if the steel »'»rker* wi!" turn will lecture utt membership, and limited orgar»- -approached two reputed gang who participate in -vs activities, *ky, in trying to explain th.,. - . ^Cftiag and open house of fkMruuitl MtJ-gwwn,- . ixataoo. leader* a,vi told them he * >u.d Tne research revealed three role within toe gang T.ii. s In Minnilt* hiring to u;m*-: » frtswns when 'he wag Whrea tonignt at • in "Btoilo; « price of iieei, as a musi be, 4 In an article ;r. tha latest issue have bus to take their gang types of DartkipanU. The core also t^a case when toey try 'o wtaa A'uiaaa Hail. WnlsMd.T. j.r.uiry II. it " M a WASHINGTON T' -A nr ra-iod/' of Social Problems—o 11 i c i a I a tr»a to the country This of the near-group of. a very explain the re*u«n for toe gai-.,' in the Music Boom of tl>» Union. t.a *ULama wijl show and existence, U.& protest -and puAfibie United gang had limited organization: small- number of psychologically ®*laa ftlma taken during This .r.uu.1 lecture spensnre-i journal the Society for the Nations action to halt Russian * Study of Social Problems—Yab- however, by travei-time there disturbed youths—the leaders. Tha Hekm DeRoy Award f .Senior Prtitiun. >e*r.t tour of the Tar East. by the Aru Committee of These are the members who iniisiie tests in the Central Paci¬ U.nsky say* Rut the error of were 33 gang members ready toe Sultf for tn# study of IhcludsB in Union Beard U «'.if.t of ' the program Social fic were urged Sunday by Sen. of She Week" to go ?«J the trip. The near- need the gang moA of all. They ftahkrnT was given to peti¬ coverage of the activitie* winter Irrm lectures. viewing 'he gang as a group . arc always working to keep it Yablo&dlry for his report on the Mike Mam?j«l*» .irf \ v' v:. MSI"* 25.000 Student* and Faculty c . published *,■ student* of Michigan Mich., without «i.r»< t tb* univrr-l'v or of the student Hie t>e*.t tf'irres** of w,.ulij dm* v faculty .stipervlslni both stand* n-.i'J- rtli-* t. Stat# bud* Up...Up... Up...Like a liiirl UtS AfrdcF.I.KS V K;f'- "f bos Angeles, where the kite, the sunny skies of Southern thi M« > like plane* couldn't hurt much California and predicted that the ',••• *T ' f (%*■> olIcK*' ago Sunday a daredevil v.* I " A f'r In if thc.v fell. area "Is the place for th<- p* k;tnwti a- a "master aviator and * . eh manent aviation camp in \n,fl *pcc i k!t»g"' mad*- history with There were no serious acci¬ fr Mftulay. .January 11. 1 W» •-.n;em;>-«r-»ry pre— hailed as evidence that air¬ in* H-- nego'-itcd neaa^i a m:h permanent. W rote one entbrallut planes were here to stay. In newsman: • ;> <: a:r i biplane of h: planes little changed from the jVISU-0 Wants Out? II it isn't ruc feeling tha-' o.< n invention and constntrti .n Wright brothers' original design, . If.- lefX tip. ground and from watching a hor«e these marks were recorded: soared like a bird thorough th«' auto race. It isn't the. French aviator Louis Paulhan that come* while wa-,—. IN \ HKl'KNT EDITION' of the Oaklan.l C>t»-« rv#»r. stu- a "Cheer after eheer was sent won $10,000 for the longest balloon's ascension. g . ♦ i:,.f.vs|fa|»er at MSl'-O. a tjiieOi"fui;iire was prlTTtT'il that up in admiration of the Air cross-country flight (45 mile*), It's the feeling th^» the filiation: "What «in «. i think «»f the name Miehi- King and hi* eofiquerint of the another $3,000 for the altitude >np want to cry out ?■>. • ean State rniver>ity-Oakiaiul force* of air and earth gravity." record' (4.165 feci) and $3,000 my ^nd ainarement tha1 The Air King was pioneer more for an endurance flight of derftil a tiling ar actual:-, Of the -tlalent h Htv-weriny. n«.f ore was found that hp- pilot Curtis*, and the one hour. 32 minutes. 32 seconds is at last an accompli*! . '! "That meet," he reoal. pr-iveil of the present name ami some even went *o ftrr in deed, •ermed "the first success¬ Curtis*, won the $3,000 speed prise for traveling 16.11 miles cently, "was und'>ubted; • . surest that Iteeatise the title a«»«iticiftte*i the fjoehester ful f.ight ever made in m in 23 minute*, 43 3/5 seconds. the biggest thrills of nr. i *. aeroplane on tne Pacific Coast.'' .ranch with the Ka*t Lansing campli*. it shouhl he tli«con- 11* also took what he claimed all had high hope* fo- • launched the ?ir*t International ' Ul je«l. Aviation Meet held in the United wa* the world's firit aerial ture. but l don't think »■ S'aies. photograph, later explaining us had anv idea that (he •> • -people think I'm yoiny f-« .MSI' in K««l Lansing ami I The mere continued for 1(1 dramatically the difficulties of thing would take off t-.ti'l like that." was a typical comment. * da vs. attracting a - many a* doing so "while traveling at the it did." Sr)M0 people to "Dominguer. apei-d of 35 miles an hour." None, perhaps, xave Aviation Field." a pine, far south Paulhan. then 26. looked at sighted Paulhan. WE'VE IIEAIIIJ that mir contemporaries from MSt'-O were intellectuals, but we family think highly «»f them for ujrirestinjr such an almuraadlint for Mn. Edition: 1 p.m. Kri. had Oakland not had the assistance of the mother univer¬ Kill* PavaW* H-12 and l-S Monday Ikronfh Friday sity'* invaluahie reeourrce to beyin with. ED 2-1511 EXT. 2(. I :> True, the freshman Rf Oakland niiyli* he expected to want n separation from MSI' because of the desirability of heiny divorced from an institution that i< old and estah- AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE HOUSING iishfHl, After all, the verv purpose of MSU-O is epiite dif- ferent from that of MSI IMS MWnHY. vrw brake finme MUTON COAT RTF* It A-t ton- 'O, flNT fn ena' running condition. •«». Coll ililion. Orleinallv ftnu. Mfrlflra for $ Ml IV «-IM 14tS WDrive. t Rut to snyyest such a t hmy ax a change in name at such Have. FD J-3W4. so early date in the school'* history suyyost.* that the Serv t»M FORD v--w1 FOtTP-IKVoai hard ton rondltinn. Mh.V ("*11 f) HOUSING spirit of privileged academic ostracism that seems to he MajlM y-tlM before l#U im $ rot Sale prevalent at MSI -O has gone a little too far. CRT YOUR*FIT A enod deal on a l«W Falron of Ford fr«mi a former •ISU student Nee fjene Nelden e» Inc.. IV 4-4491 U» SIX ROOM FfiRNIAftED liime for tiaTlus HtfkUtk u mumy dmm la i/laan • lex C'urtu «i< man atudant* ovar Jt and laundrv facilttla* TV S-SISi Parking it Immorality? * EMPLOYMENT room TWO hfFN RlfARF furnp-had ntoo ho'i-e Seven minute* from HOUSE TRAILER NATTO'- A fnrtvtwo four-piece Bath Kim for equity by eight, In good Parked two pf«' t he ' tirrmti Call IV t-WMO after 4pm 4 PKRfFNCED CTItLDREN'* PI'lMTIASIMi \ SACli or I KM k a ffahmy lure m . 'Capilol Cloinmciil" SHOF FN o-rf.tiT- «4le*men or Mlmwomact for work AppIv Mr Brilliant. HOUSE tor rant altv EI) 4-1343 ISM GREAT, LAKES trail*- « brume dinette -et on Sunday is ho vim! problem in P.MiO, Jaiobton t. 115 F. (.rami River S with garaga t?». tt!1 Vtha. Mr* h h feel Two bedroom* * "Election Fever* Hits Lansing PmwH. Rt John* 4 washer. good condition Rr in«r ha- it Ihwii in recent vearv TMRFX nt*s Rr»Y* — Mondav *30 Trailer Haven. 3740 I r r v r Roosts unfurnished. In fact, sales records of nianv retail firms show that at ihroueh Fntia*. nooti* Apply Kor^- available to atudenta or Hlver. profe«aorx •i Theta C"h. FT) 2-i»1 * rn i «rms or et» t-mi tf partial huainess dav on Mitidav i* not. on' profitable GREAT LAKES 1444 4* > _ •*ast a h» ioan t»t:pr % hv Sec retail v of ' toe Sbvte Highway Depart- FART TTMF. WORK I" fi» vour wide. Ilka paw. Lived in *■• to the firm but a definite help to the weekend toiiri I. the •rHe.1 i!e. merrted mala. or oH- apaktmcnts I olered epplianeea. ED 3-3215 Hare, the res'gti.c f he c««uld get Scnata ap- P'•)it,«-.»! atonn-WHrnlnga er wilit ear I«an«inp a'aa Ar>t>lv mmiiIv which wants to shop together ami the man who * ImmV pre** seen*' \> ■ : - - • ■ \ .i l Althmigh thus fir tha 6tS r Mu-nifan Aienue, I-*n»inr. TWO COMFORT A R t.F ROOMS CRESTUNW4 1444. Ore he' ineehs an unforeseen enieryencv on the Sabbath f•. mi; over Michigan'-- eapit«»t ..i-.-.a! commitdee ha* turned up •niitme during the dav will aecommU'e three Undent* •* 51 full hath On lot en» -- !* or, arul the pur -c • ..i.e • eeklv Ako. tiro large *ing»e rooma —» Hw »ll tl> ' i weak legislators returnad cvideme. this could prove • The Michigan • ouiieil of ( hurche-*, piedyiny to support on Mackmae !>ian.i t nortAL inrnwiisT - rrt.i. '.r S7«i n-eklv Uinena furntahed. fur- f.;i <> o|u*mnif of the 10(i(i sc«- own blanket* 514 Sheptierd IV- fruitful territory In thaa l-fhar. Count-/ LOST and FOUND • Others think "'»• • a . up Mr» time fall -tores which clore Sumlavs and m etfeet bovcoft ' v iolator .. jo-it. Werlnrwdnv Health I>et>arifrent. IV 1-13#!. S t-wns « ward to try to -• * . ; cc . On year Pas compared work on the "day ot rest" to what it term* With election-fevm M.vh gan'< doubtful diftif»c$ion WANTED MF-N ACE P-» Fartl- «»iidertv Two hedroom.* new •ther forms of moral decay in tfa- Airiericuu culture - t.bii of t;ii» sprinK tonni wafimu ritw'wn «*ttr» vou- i? « Naval Re- t-e-i for another off. , leading *he nation in fcoiidaf rultlUa vmir milltare ot.liga- f urn Pure A!«o unfurnuthed hunga- ..•i t» " bteo/.-, stale polittc<*l «r« •erra television scandal.-, payola an.I deterioratmy standard-- in There are few .- t ca tit".: traffic death# should aleo eali fog Won- Earn wkila *«i learn' Ur> to Io» for eouple TV 5-5H71 1 I.OST: BROB'N LLATI!.'* h.irrlly exjieeted to bchava ra- legislative action * J5 par nmir fan vwi auai'I** ' -"v Paoei* inaide are ver- the motion picture and publications field* ti.e budget, alwa .- . • jk'am ri/>SE TV FtfRNtSHEO apartment ED 3-3544. Mr. lluddieCm Uviullv thi.x yewr» . Naval Raaarva Training Canter. I«J0 will reflect tlie ity- . talked At any rate, almost anything I Saginaw. Lanauig IV 9-441 • ' for men One hlix k to Knllogg Can¬ ttpeniny a -lore or working in one on Sunday, or pur- ' Although the earth-nhakinf about during 1951) taken ur» during the I960 ter Parking. EI) 3-4M3. or ED- IZ5ST — LADIES- GOi r> »* i-tm 5 chimin? on what is not the universal Sabbath is laryeK session ended u-as enough Darember 4. Anniverkj • '•> make voteran lawmaketa Kven during f.hi»* • •.. m? the *mn will net off or Rdd «• a FOR SALE AP4RTMENT TTfREF ROOMS «n the hack Sentimental v. i optional and many firm- arranye Sunihr hour* not to Ureal iSsh Cruu.-. fe.- , u'uack* gigantic political storm, a storm f.,mi*he«1 living rnom Bedroom. 2-W) Reward quake in their shoes, the '61) s ii! aide-.« which <4 tKMihd to ems* flt-.e and a torrent of run i-. a.Ung the strain of the cash eris.s , .« $: is v • • CAPITAL TWO BLOCKS Upper TKA—dancaabie rntun *v ' • pa* . "f 4 high prnssnre »aru- furnt«hed niea two bei- band sound and laaling f » Michigan'.* highwa> - wt... i ha sir Doth will be looking for private. pa.fth $.«M S»"H -I H 1 -f fiwfti Parking Three men atu- 4-1474. utirred a minor tempest !a i candidate* and cause*. dentx IV 5-5504 • i i.iiision of jiiRti pieetiure. |.»w !•>•'»••! U*4w*»e-Ji '■* • P ' « .Michigan Stale ISews iiu'usuu- '.•! nadiKW. areas or often piifipita'e t» the ease of i-eHsion In might eonceiveat»!y gu.n proportions flh-.s year Hut both, it i* certain. In light of la*t year'* action* will con¬ $•••» Wit—2 (o- $ 0 FURNISHED APARTMENT ADF- Ot'ATE two adult* AM utllttlea prt- KWAST BAKERY DFMVTRS Sett John NUhlin (H-Belding) centrate even le-»« on aocom- a-4 7 »kW» by - ) * a'e entrance, verv rieau. IV I-I427 divlduailv decorated <-k* polities, lots ..f wind and hot a.< • fiov t). Menru-n Wilhan.s la week indicated that he phdunent. and more on making $2$*. twaKa for $3M. Phone IV «^?4J would continue hi* inveatigation the opposition look bad. AVAILABLE NOW ARAIF!- lore 1 am. « art t.lie tiarttsan storm with !.i< Coddff by DkbU-l^' $'FNT*t cloae to rammt*. o*»e and - bedroom* t*nfurni«1#d excent "PROM THE DRSK c » " S'.ce the State message Since L*«4«*f $• ■ *"*»■ co iv., re'rtgerator and at ova FD 2-4##* tf —Try «h« pew eaav to « • state .' and fin r-u .1 DM aiationar>. From the sy* a L l,i-llcrs tin- t-alihu- mi- p.» «e lo f Store located on feme- - '5 » . .;i..»• <• s .vtdl far fi.rn Mtn#.hine CLOSE IV THREE-ROOM furPi«h. 1st k»6»-l >• »o4 e ed aoartmant 214 Waat Jeflerann MAC Aveww. . i»t ii?h\ the |p»verin»r s word* will loosing 3 —— as—la* ~ - —■— (••••«' Cap*—-**5 1* <>a. I' c, troubled waters REAL ESTATE ti t'r irr \\ alters One Student Likes I dio.r in ( liirf i ,i e iiui 1'ilta* Vtanv wt'l watch Williams fcr Tide J«iib-I'D DOOMS Managing tdilnr suMiot Hiixtiir** V| iii4j •. John Miii|»ht -. . i. intension- a Afrtai-* ©»<* « D $« * F • * » ONE HALF APPROVED double CAPE COD-Sia Nerth r bedrooms. Pi hatha, ti"! * • 1 tirulallnn Manager I'juI l.rshrr t!u- ,*Ku:tii; (Nonp.i'uh Wi'ii lie *•••#• lattt -DM room s-t»ara'g studv. 114 Lutdan Ma Brodv's Meals !••*».-« net. drapes Near Fair •» » *.i-i n is Pie huf quest.on for FD i-XMi 3 9—U -I ''i liottt I h-.u n r.cs and Heputilu auv PLEASANT SINGLE OR double K-.D MSr a"» SI5,M 1 Ikea if fM-hev he wijl ma MJ.iacr OdaMH—$« •$ "• m* Rea«onahte ED 2-4.M4 efter 5 tkl p m. 534 Abbott Ril $ SERVICE J Crossword Puzzl [; r c M|A • t(rVN * » N.U( u b Hi". ear o .» f< i hv some lit the -rui-«! stiow it in the post •> I", the Mitor: the .nU-rest of truth I fee bitw- La««« $••• Na*« T*t* • j APPROVTD MALE--HOUSING Abbott Road Room, board park uig AM HIOC'S UUNDRO**4 ■I" A . O|1N tu-ie d aie a few eotument* to i>e concerning Larr> Still (Ithers s*. laatt *• D»' /,«' ftitie* 41 At per term. Call ID- T 7*C2 L MICH "v is a e :-«14S if need ride. ACROSS 21 T T t b|| T R r ST A-hwact/.*-; recent letter on' Ma If*- fa- S»*» $*♦•» -1 " DSOF Of# fO« SJL1 SW* VERY PLEASANT DOUBLE room I Anofc«Uv,« 12 Butke t . * O T L 0 v C sm»i ijluoH INFORMATION li.Aiv* culm a; v a hi U ties Don't Seem T*»«««a-« -«tee- '» « men Uudenta In. e ntre home S»> u Fm.ned e*d '■ 4. SUmutut .11 VV .thered If Mi Schwartz is *ti!i hungr* Aunroved houatng ED 7-W70. 3 Wl IHClAim IN o»:' • ' O'Nl.5 A N f i(« hih.n^ T*M*~■%* '*% •UNOUi #Ot STwDtN* I Ul \ar f'.er a Bfiviv meal either he has GRADUATE STUDENT — NICE F T|i l 12. IW m.«taXfn IS Covtrlh« t* tntpatu* ItcAthen HBIM i i « A L T i m rs WW lOltlK.N S IM.l IMt VVIVIs ( I.AhS l oll n .'X-hke app**t''e i 11 i •> •:» Indian N T T > ■ hreakfaat If de*irr J»' I, S.-'-W,»r 'r ,♦*! VlHl! fine >'•- 1V llort.Iy ..«• ThM'k Vt s- .ii' / * of he-. v K>« «OLI Fl DOM ROOMS FOR MEN 471 Gupmaon tv iie-har* produce* sttlutinii to Itulat * I'lirrlr the e>iito. rm:ng M. ouailtv offaat copy. tleiWlA *■ 17 Father »t. .r.g ..ov.'-msP- fit.', t.| hyi>,- , . P-rking Call Ted Miller. IV 5-Vlit >•• Hro.iv'«" fiwnl Wo thf bon* (.all KD 7-WAL Ap-u ]• Toward the a.l l .pa.. t -"I* no VHwnmeti; is ncc-oH gpn'Jernen ext 71«7. ED 3-4542 after »no • He!k*v Hail rear Oanai %V % It I % \ IV11VII \ «» I I VI,I I H.i'icri »•' i haM whi^ehoarted- V r-1 hi* ha Hit of s ROOMS FOR MEN in approved It rre»» I Ml t UVI i I I It 44 -1 ill ,v 'I H » VCVCl. 1 r- nuetng One hW* from camp u« 51 rnck*1 4*. Parking IV 4-17M • I J.lfi s • I.; s»;. - .;i-- .Ke to -we acuin lak:t;s oead TV 4eix and an'er • 21 Vnlmrni a *alair ♦ il,e rhackmg liee park • » 54 Jo H'VRI \N \V IV | s t » .*.-« »»f i-ummciKialhr wutxie.' PS.#** l* t iOtf n 46 II I. • n m daii- TV Ta«'h- • 2> Natur*' i» '.he * «r; v near fui.iic k-23 F Michigan D* 7-555* 4. W rt I ;vi _ •■ool-treaw ai.mat IMIgestion. SINGLF IN PRIVATE home St In the char* l« 7 M i Hrthf-. * c N> can be tor grjdV,«e «o»i>an • CrMAine • TYPIST ANN RltOWN fT*t '• 41 ..f'Wlirtf* 51 ark Dopes, pri- 3-2W • Elect rw typex?"'* actar ot St Cuba root 49 Huge a. a 1 .«e. e ,ar-.- Sight Staff ■ . • \r>1 pi".» e foi ,i .' r>\ paying linn Ron Srhwartr. Heintrauh l* Hl-n % m RFt OJ»r» W.AYFR Med Coat**' -4 vilera* exteniuon av#;'*hle T. F.vei-ingi Dat' IV 2-123* FT) 3-3274 j pa oar* in* and i.-ja*i«. 4lao icu«r* of ona now \ Night timer tun H'Hmsn John |) Haikltam DOUBLE ROOMS APPROVED Lr ... STUDENT SPECIAL - 5» Sl.ra I Hawa an 1 %*i*tant l.mri»- Vioi Itiiir» r T <-e mL'ute* Berk#-. " I niii.on* llall t»i;ie-uo P"tr,t*. pluci Wire Ikiior IWh tuck Inouire W Hater hath gailani SltViCI r^At Sa'JDIAS f*r!' *•* antrau.w a»h1 ur-jng OnH 41430 Car *C lUf'ett <•*(! ED 3-414T Life Can Be a* .>r t i.';.-aei: lor <«r)r >44 UfU1' -,u« wm..*, 4.1.V- a ,a.I Hpe 1 T" • • 1 st;- -ill *r£ TiMfe / . • AffROVYD ROOM* ONE wng.e ?|)P jir In I')* pr Da« f * J 1 • • • •wi «ne dmtbie Extra n«# Cioe [ FD 2-4AVS > 13bi F-»»t (.rai d Rjv« i i * V KHESNO. Cahf 4$-Hr w • - TYPIST FAST AND * PRIVATE AND DOUBLE room for Jackson, 13. made a few han¬ Term naper» tb*»i* 4 >a n ale 'or rent Modern parkin* ^.n ew* up and deliver D_J.' : dled long distance telephone • ■' -»=t (IHKVtff* tu-aaJc-ast available Call after 5 >- 1 fit' IV *.T«ee. i *ch»oI chums during the "TRANSPORTATION - ,v cai:* I X W I WW! Christmas holiday* W'U'AM H TWOMRSON lit JX Her mutficr bill 1 got the i !VTFRESTED IN CAR BO §' Munu-vpal Court La*t week — !*>!* J-rvfi W !ham*top t« MSU Goctf *" M < /» ... im-igr-wi—ia - ■' $1,642. |!xt«n*ion 34S5 .. . C**1f (* $-054 APPROVED »INOLZ» AND doub¬ S .* JJ j4 ' be®$; tjsshi A company official *a.d Helen le*. 44 M and uo. large *«rm roon * "W/NTC-D If »2 | •» 3."> t'iOf*hta't,J practically tivnt tin the phone during the two-week holiday. with v a«h bowl m aecB Large k*>- br I-. with TV ilitier. spartan Laundrv end Hall, JU Lout*, RIQF V ANTED FM"»M «' Her spree was diccovejrod »G MlaMAST IONJS one Mock from camrm* ED 3-1374 5 1-aoair.* to Burtan Vl-Urr ■ ' « .V f . etfoit 5l'KMDv through FcmI** ED slowly and call by ca'.l a* Fmna J4 .») . j ( • p-r 37 M nut a « .r4 subscribers c 24 MvC C'U«C« >r+ • Turn* A' they had not made. Helen had APPROVED HOUSING FOR men r enlace «ppg.r* f.ia ( •-■unge talevtft.,m. laundry facilities.. 7-4743 4' charged her cftlla Indiscrunin- SFJCNUT $HO» firs# block from campus 314 Elm ♦d ■* *d A..-- ■ 4' C -r-p-te ately. it seems. Playe ED 7-1417. > WOULD UKF TO tonsil Mrs. Jackson said she doewn't 2)2 $*$C " Cpta *a.m.4pjn. t*oo«e with anv age child * * Br:* -* AJ V'~y > 3-4414 hv pert t* have money to pay such • b;I? DECORATED CAKES OEUYEREn And she promptly padiockod to tag ter aartia* tMrtPdav* Mane ~TO TRADE FEMALE decra Fas tin* n mm. #iSe- OalkUKi* K»*«t Bait- IJ nana furntahed. 4*J# naeklv A K.C registered (or r** ' * her telephone. a»v. IV a-47P5 tf hiae. or sell f>* 433 FE •-••c Mirmnvr »tate vrws II. I*M U of M Indiana Impressive jamarr Committee to Debate In Big JO Swimming Relays Free Substitution Rule ftl ZCTTE RWhiV r/ 'v> .-.1 W ■ MIAMI BEACH. Ha. '.T't—The- i-nUiy* f'aithall rula^ com* » • R: •<> !«.•.->• 7 '■ mlltee, a».«»iler day to the business of considering what ehanyes. if anv. Ird an* •' T •(> ifl should be made in the 190(1 conr« brake the comlderably by the National supporting a loot rauxe. old rrlae* rerord. ahkh P»»^rr eld WfKiniiav had helped *et '•! " e s-. f S'.aa' v «« Collegiate Athletic A«»n. Gen Robert Neyland. chair* That bod;*, meeting in S> v o.nfi 'if *Jie rule* committee, says |n« i »tete i m*mber n1 the pre\iou*lv with 1 M I in the York laat week, Beg I i:M a l»a piitHiyeM. raa. sard hark«troke rrla* Indiana % hutterfl* *perlali«l. recommended •he member* will deliberate the tela third* r-e If »-c • an-- »: • Nflke irot wa% not entered in •hat the wishes of the coaf he- iwiif wi'h an open mind, with feintng . the reiat* be Ignored. The eas'ern college no preconceived notion* op the T • ' ■ -.f a •*" ml -p* - athletic eonferenre barked that ffe AlX«. • e . e r .e Your complete Optical Headquarter* conveniently located, offering complete optical Spurtan GrappltTs \\ in service* WALLACE OPTICIANS THI SWIMMERS hit the paler in xalurdat'* Indiana *»ete glared- high Sret r*Me fly I re* while the «part4R« I w; Michigan state'* gymnastic* team, knocking or *h+ - *• r.* • -T t..e 20.- ..•a 7® pr ■» e .e ONLY $4.95 ./ . •jAtiiinmmmciiimiiritifOstMtirfiifiiittittiti of a national championship, «t.orip»«i I'entrai M fhiy*.',. *7 '■? a-* ' Pi I SIZES n TO «: 2't. at Mt. I'iea-ant SAtunia>. A"-. 'Op >ee ie 1 e Eyas Natl III V NOW AND SAVE Centra' sit second place and a held *•> •-. * vng'e *> t.h.r' "*tgn Tir*hi* defending P«c . - -ef * • .-jre- gr» SA ■ * * 'Z 14 and Nf'\% high bar rhamg- 7 pla o f:n.»h. .-w e.-e-. .*a1 • y.-hj • 4 VARSITY SHOP Cap*. Angelo Fetta. with two l«n. roller led 2*1 mditidael • H I Ta la OhaakaA «a ABBOTT Rft t.. LAMA. fir:'* and.two thirds, trie" p«.int*. for the team tap* in that department A •' i--* •s p-iT" ' > •• • *r* W.'h *1 fA-1' 2® e ** 4'1 'movt team point*. !ft Two f,.'•♦«« re •• *—*. RE8ULARLY • J ■ r: Dan.t- wk? an t '"jtr lie . *ea— - - V „ (1, ;~ f ?'» ^opFtomae# fy.h ®ehloter mak¬ r»t rnllegy nre«tling Your eyesight changes and • ,ur glasar* hould iffe*rinre. prated to he a *ur- Sia-aft r- changed tor,: If your t\t:* jee! 'ire*! after constant read¬ prtee p«rkage fr.r the winner* r- *' — c ' 'erer. » i-l T j ing. or if you get heada^hf* often, - our r« • may hare . lie «»ti the 11? !h weight rla*a • r..z ;i , '-fun • - A". A - changed unce your last examination. Call for an ap¬ oivh with !•! derleion a*er pointment today. INVITES YOU Narthw extern a * Jan **mp*on > « A*. a' due! few e V«rl»er he had pinned Purdue* | If vwi desire «nn »nrvi iM»;t jen»e» tT TO AN EVENM8 OF PLEASURE l»a*e ha rye» at J *•! of th^ »er- agsd period to adtanre into the | i &*a- M < | OflSMUtlll CALL ED 2-3066 FOR RIDES MICHIGAN II ! VJ- T-f f.M' *>ve Tae*. far* •? * " | | •II III I'ruddm IMl I (HllflrVI IN*| l.n.inli | NOW In ST, US"3 # —B . « 420 EVENOREEN E. LANSM6 Iratarr «hemn at I ti. >cwi*l • l*rofe*.*ir»nal •he g'ej* 4.-e-vv.r -g SnimwtiniiiiuimiimiTM! piione iv s*43H .u»mh« utmu 4 •5. a 4i. »:• p M Bimmb* 41 I ommrrir s>»f.aru other * .* ' »- e.'esj- e i-jr •' e B<"«•: - Mara Ltrtting Thai "24 M4 a ie M were P,'>1 M riffered a spra.r.e-a •*' FWATKHNin . e^ •»-# ',.»it q- Lragara!" More Apia Mag i- f .jer Tr »•.*'* •*."*• »'.*> .1 trip? of • • LUCKY STRIKE presents Thaa "Arapad u»» Werid as M Day*'" ;ve y aVI 17? ;o. C.a<«cf re---e-r- ' ub» *j.i \'.t - ay lofrot by s- Tha ■* at *h» RUSH hk/fdhft Jo-.r h.rl f-f ?•!• •>:» "-e JA"- SiU'.e • • ar4* thF.r 'a • »e •* TARE A VOl TO -. -ke !4? b T- e a * , .h*»f 'hi* *- Zbonfr ^Fru>oa A FABULOUS WORLC 7-10 P.M. iufr.p-.e-1 up "• S^*-- •5 » :: 'Ageih nf r. .k-e • M;.eet V.iVory by ' pp.. t- • ■■■•• ♦ ■ a.o« m -'4 BELOW THE WORLD MOV JAN. II -r»e r.«,.g.r.i .'••• -1 ' TIIKS. JAN. I I *..'.e ;njur* r Wis new s PIIONIE Ell J.JJIT : :n the S'a'e m -.•* ?.r»: per.*! *gt Aeu' • • p av 44 - ftu'e* -• :JT HII.U RKST MARRYING FOR MONEY-IS FROOD IN FAVOR? /•■■■•iiaiiiBoioBOBiioaiioooiaiiiiiA (••• e«isw) Dm* Dr. frmmd-. The other duy I stoyped •t my boy friend i house unesnecic. ■ Dapr Dr. ft—4. I am a math proie**or. (her half m> student* are flunking their j RUSHING A I NBA Standings S0R0RITY?| and I found Lucky Strike butts with icvu. What can 1 do about thi*? lipstick on them in the atfc tray. What Diuoi—gett SFRATERNITY or mould I do? Obtenan/ ft*.'*- * tbi Dapr Dttcauragad; I «* Fraad's Far* : e«'ia4»ie*sA *t u l« * : AM * t » I ■rata IN*idt dntaacr Between atadmaa* chain hy 2. Mat* chairs atll aav ha 5 IAKK AD\ AM AT. I. OF Ol K a *»» Tmh SltTIIN it pttlxlOW a iu o w i prr riaaar together, rcsah shaaM ha a 90% : - tt I t»r TSI'rl T M It ,t ** .m -M* — IB M iuigti i it M .ill 1a s "3 HOUR SERVICE!" : < laoaat'i tt t! :a* n : • Daor Dr. Frppd: 1 a«t Saturday mv i.rl Dppt Dr. Frppd: I understand that >our 2 ON \l.l I.AI NDIO \M» DUV I I.FtMV; ■ GLADMER wkl me she couldn't go out with ma hobby is cooking. Mine it. too. Hut my • B tatausc had a cold. Next day I found girl friend sayt any guy who u*>m is a B out she was out eiih my toOmmitg. How can I make her »:op laugh* B NOW SHOWING Ttuna I inouid »uy a*a> from hef? (,.j, Otar Dr. Free* I am • 267-pourJ [MlillkUOHtd ucfcla OP tha football team, cleanup Dppr Cppfcy: place a brge cawM/m of hittar op tha haiahill team. champion NEAT ATTENTION- ad oaer a Ugh Paaw. Whea a cuawv io a f»rr gtf IkWri* Botfuthr and capum of the ha**ft- PEC* • KJ IK hal iMi Whan cap I And * job when »«• "Riunrn iNrifit f I gnftmef AtbkttcuUy IteUnrJ •ioaoiOBBooiooooaooaaaaaflaiBiBaaaaa1 Dppr ABIHialy IokImm* l.aai <• Da Wat Ail tiDar "Br>M Dppt Dr. Frppd: Should a mar m.i" a girl« ho make* more money than he doe* ' Dppt Dr. Fro ad: Recently ww>> . trmm >aar raa—at*. caught the caid aaa. H«'» grahahl) Dppt Old-Fpahipaad: If it'i OiJ-tmh at all o> ■ artMbir. J TEN STAR SPECIAL! collecting anu. 1 happened upon this strange creature in the woods. * Fur luat' ami I jlirii - (.li-annl .mil l.iu/i il . i*"1— • What i* if it Mrn*- llal- anil I ap« a Ml Or.'uM Suture lA»*tr "• it Kaiiirual- Mail* U alt r It. |.i ll. iit >«**»• •?{ cawOB COLLEGE STUDENTS SMOKE a. it >urvle and lealhrr JarLel* O' MMJLNOa MORE LUCXIES THAN it leundrs Sersir* COMPLETE *IKIW4 AT — V <»lo*e* ANY OTHER REBULARI 144 - MS * 4:1# * » * .Muffed Tot- MAT! If4 START AT— Vlhen it conscs to choosing their regular smoke, * TKnw Kug- 1 11 • 4 14 - 4:41 • » li it Alteration* and Mrinlinj: college students heed right for fine-toUcco. LATEST NEW# EVENTS Result: Lucky Strike tope every ether reguler * Friendlj *rr\ irr ' Venice of nip laaC (aftwR -takht R«Mt* sold. Lucky's teste beets all the reel because LS /M.F.T - Lucky Prike weens fine tobacco. College Cleaners ftTVKTi CAST MTtllWV TONT TOBACCO ARO TASTE TOO HP TO FILTER! , I a-h ami Larry GIANT -OM.BATEON • (LITIS 62U T. Mirhigia Ea»t laming KD 2-1713 • rtrncoAr •*a«x /Wad tf i^OI^NPMXAI John Dewey Cited Mrrl Your Frlenil» At KEN'S BARBER SHOP" In Education Work ll'/irrr tioorl C room lug Hoginn i.tva- .e not '■> re'reah able only n I.M'iOn* ' » endlessly. IHIIECTI.V ACHOSS KROM TIIK A"':'" •' - ' »<•»' 1 •• !••jM-.V h rr eif T;.-.. -'iid ■' > Dewey's id of education tb-'mgu.'.hc.i •■•!«••-n " '-<•/- ••v. '■•i .idea•' ni»*fi t > the preih- 11(11 IIS s a.m. - .1:.1(l p.m. WEEKDAYS tviiin'i. :t 1 ! !> .Mm Tayii>>- SAT. s a.m. IJ a.m. . - i «• :?i 'heir rnviron- • ;»'*'»pliv, , v,,. .;* tin ii. en' vVw "Vi-r WKAff With p-Mm.c '•> attack? poiMtifsj; »uf 'nav Dewey sx of!-': tfv.ucfit of J|> an educati.?. proijrt- . v o»1u< ;«' "ri a -■ -«:»*•"! Me'b- a: ' hi w.v in a real v jth ! >• »< • • Dr Me M •' ! ' I* Yiiur Ki»y l.» Hftlor Value. . . . 'he :»hi!ohical voice "f :s i>< i' tin' mrn nf Auieri'-a ns own |»erio«f and iv - . '. 'i.-»v.. v : »>,• - • " Michigan Stale Neua foi .»Mt afer. r.;,. !. 1! ••••.! I .»'» » III ;il .'in'I Campus Classified* . Cost ■du..: ■ ! (irerk I .oil|>t<* 1 nk v-.-i ! ami dr« ll;i» \fl.-r Mwllnj: s'n-Mir'n n mm-. ■■ .» Ill whl(»' :• '■> Ilt'.M .mil •: I x V D V F Y. Au-'mha- hTV-A V'u.-h hi •n..v""i v.-' .i !«*•>•:•» 1 • •uri|« flreek coiipie who met The fir•' time Friday a* a Semi Annual « hi da l»r. Taylor, hnurvrr. atvcrtrtl •,1 r r v. Sydnev were inarrii*! Dewey'* theory resU on an I the liner IV.ris hxfay error. w . 2.'»tki (#reek visitors A -! Th.v,- ah ' "» Tt.- ' bride" ship Pa'ris Iwrth- T'- nbn s «,!•. Mi'-' " » ! v»..'etdav carrying 19-vear- w|,„. • «-x •. ■ I'i' -• mall in hi Ma . o t Te"a MiehcU- from Athens, up.' at I ' ' ■"!>. »' I » "Iway hear n. a r» •'ofrapti of Hw 22- a .I n' in'" • a h'dt!»v V. plumtn r she tiftil never . \ .-ar-oM y,!, •■-. . adinsTif!.' ■ afV ixtm-'Is h.'v neither !-« Market Men Sit Oil MSI The M;u k«•!.rift I'aiirl 'n»» • > limr (or MiiMviynit . . . I. F. C. . * . .| :n- ni.maiffmen' i».tf»«-i d ;ri «<••»'• v* •»• • ki-'it-w ' ii'- |li,: lube 'i»i Ki-iii'ti:. w. >' * '• r !«»v« i • ii.11 ke':n; «u «*"'• If- MIAHNlS-lltll ANNOUNCES WINTER RUSH ,, .ratii.'r 'i-v..lithem' 'h' -s Mill » I. HI %RIN«i* t» p.ii!inp • *♦ Oil. I ll\\«il The-. Il.e'i all |.-e < r , III II It Mill K ,(I !n in: adv.mct-l 'dudv .itr-w» mi prael.i a! market .n.I j.r»»hli*in> Th.v s'udv r-iiro, 'he 2 stop hv. iirivk ■ r t.-CHlivp l'i''ifi •••" '» Marki*' - M in.ure'in ri', i sjM>n*(»mt s AW VY EASIER! ■ v. the ,mai krtilik and '.ian-- row TONIGHT, JAN. 11 7:00-l(h00 P Kvrry.ihe wry int.?n-t«v| ;n ■ buds : nnv <•? 'he •' *"•»" " t.,U marker rr- 1^3 k-'ifC : 10" : 3" i ftdv.'i t:« iliit e'l . is »•<> • dlaih- tMVi'e i to attend f-.r There u. tinwho wan' ?•• Ltelwu! he an ..|.|»..rMn;'v : service : a OPEN RUSH SMOKERS ALL HOUSES ... < nf.»lev»iona! nrifam/ahon m 2 US I Cirand River J field inn I he mi iketma ; in ».»n« J values to 14.06 % :v; .-Mil. . . ' Ki't fin thet W i't S-tuire, e'uh presiileti'. mfnrmrttion, •■•■■•■■■■■■■■•if TENNIS SHOES. IIRESS FEATS. CASt'AI.S, ON AND WEST OF ABBOTT Kl» i -ItTH't PEAIN PI MPS. DRESS IIEEI„S • HURRY NATION'S 1AH0SST! FAVORITES. IN EAST EANSINU AT SLACK SALE FOR YOUR Alpha Kappa Psi Pi Kappa Phi Reg. I I.9.VI2.9.V Dnlv 9.99 (Ruaineaa ft Commrrrr) 121 trhitrhilh Dr. Reg. S.9.-I • 9.95 Only fi.99 HI V \ i i.ass. 420 Cowley Ererpeen 6^ THAU JAN. 31 Delta Sigma Pi Phi Kappa Sigma ^ fomout Sportt Cot* WHY GO SOUTH? 236 IV. Harriaon Pott ond Pralontl (Ruainrae ft (lommerre) VlMI l-UII get lllill golllell TAY 327 Hillrtrnt Many Shown Fity! ( lilt- IIIH- Mill llUAl') Tim® in Detroit I right ln-rr in Eaal lanising. ill ilia- Theta Chi Action Film* of Sftort* Cor Rocmg sun ruuiii inuli-r I lie aim liiui|ia ul tin- Alpha Gamma Rho 453 Abbott Rd. 306 Abbott Rd. teidil NOUMI m. ivirirci i rjg University Beauty Kappa Sigma Hot kM Car l«M Mm aw. Phi Gamma Delta ft. Salon 334 W. Michigan 244 tr. Mirhigan EAST I.ANSI.Nd'S MOST MODERN SALON Phi Kappa Psi . 4. ImMki » I MMaatm 10. MM ED 21116 Alpha Tau Omega 522 Abbott Rd. 451 Tvrrgrrrn 2 DOORS EAST HENRY FORD MUSEUM III EICON THEATER Delta Upsilon Psi Upsilon 334 Uvrrgrrru 810 6". Grand Rivrr Ralph's ^KEWPEF/ Gifeteria WEDNESDAY, JAN. 13 7KH)-1(M)0 "rome of c0lle0iate atn0sprere" OPEN SMOKERS ALL HOUSES EAST OF ABBOTT coffee call for c00ri6 cookies luncheon special Mb\T I.OAf CALL I.F.C. FOR RIDES HOT VEGKTAB1.E UVSIIEII HII VTOK.s Ext. 2650 KOI J. « HI li KK ar meal place to eat - tv in ED 2-1511 I lots of room - fast servrk I • Nationals Top Pistons Icemen Pick Up First Win, 4-3; State News SYRACUSE. S Y. VP*—Oor?» Y.'ir'fley *rrrr*rl 15 polrttft in th# Gw># Yardtey Surety Shu# for unvrfiR Octroi4 honor* * • • ! nfriM *fi break the- gi't.e a1 the )tito- boo'*12 Pi.-*on ne*- Drop Friday's Tilt to Nodaks •• 'r. ar.-t 'he Svra- ^ 'ed 21 ,l'>vr,ny K'rr 4d-i*»l ♦ .e^J- "-ent on to #;#•?#•*♦ !h#» lie- N,»lil *|»«n. r for the NVi, whi.e Archie D"* a*>i f .n*' '• ' • S !'i^v Y.I! ■!*,«- V '(•!» »he f -.r*-j per, H **nen Lv P 'v but fmuhM 'hr^H'ene-! Roberts fourth ti'-rii-l wnv» l lull L |n>I A lO-p^'.nt -pfc* ■»* 'he <:*-«'• Doinh Rr •»*;.•#-. after s'"'' ? oj '!,e '.*ro*ih ha'f. * e r-Oi-r/v r. •:.# f.r-■ * r.alf. go4 *oil'l nv-;h only *•• Overtime Top Basketball Teams •;'•■• hail tt r'p »r ore He *\!l needr 2! m 'he M"r.nd point a: to r.:j* • ,e Nat« out in front h*r,h ». i* 'he p;.«.v,n« foujht ':»» - « v-.e> the f:r-* f/.av"' n NBA to '•• i*.•',.n three tr.jdva Goal Wins • Have Roti^h Weekend r ■ • f, Ij,W)^ojr.?- • -r . ign *ne Tin* nafi'Ui'- *g}i ■ 1 <- ■*.' ptiffiii/ aft»>r .< i/h , ,r« -plit a two WEt kVR'l, fj'/'ir#- ■?«. fine the ■j v '"li'/her a* m«j »f a «elf ha la need North Colli'/** li«-kot!»ail hi-H'1- a h,' * < M i!d »,i- A v er4: <»f up?»pta. team over the ««•*• Thing.* wte ba.'.i enough S • - nati in enjoiing anything like •v. cropping Frj«k»V« ui •. • A,i A*T;er,! O f Ft. ■' a hre#"/e among the (op 10 in the r.v r-nd winning their f ♦ ■ !. , • 2% A I' poll fe*j* YAW 'Hl-Oi. of the >*'«sr- *.« un ' <--x. > 'h-'Ugh ( ■ '•.!,••..»■ Viflannva fl-tn and l.aSalle (ft. •i - \'<# : B"• h ,,:r • T Hi kepi pare *« ith f inrlnnatl a% »,i Ad- "ib •'.» , t . ga a » , , " . the la*t of the maior unbeaten* . V •••■ If».j ; !-'» «•.» ■ • ■< - I*tat the \ggiey and f.atalle had -t s't.% r with f»*h tea- i.i Caiifrima ".Ve * V.:_ r. to hi|*tlr to do it. s-«»: «r. i "•«• -• «'* * *" * H- »'! #••- Or,." „rn V . • ^ •< r,f • *e • - - ' #•• . ' i ' ir . , h.i't • ,rr» f. VA ■ ■ j' - ti'it ' • e , fler-.-e Ma'** i - Ip-'.iftd for v..#" * ■ . , ri*r- r, fi.-.a- ■ a *# pt#' m : Y - * I,\ll»l. MM I NI I a.m»Utrd li> Hnh Norman |! the Sparta lis' lir^t a* in of the season anil " -• jtiltwl I'hih a . i e.2' and •'.#•■! •• « -ugh* a* :J"0 t*» •- »«# *N# |m« in to »nifr ,M*r » -••ronil «aliir«ljt .o t»ir» lost lr»ila> nlsht'v rifflf to the Norfak* ••r.r-e-.t 'A'a it i F ■" • -lid-.'* • ' • • •• '■ ' ,ef •ore ft-3 .• .<•' I ' a. fh« :Ti-'a-.<#•■. Burkeve#- the «partan«i |»eal North Dakota 1-1 in overtime. . . ; hv V'.zK S'a'.' N'or'h '' « !-(■ ;j th. R.g ID Other Slat# l»al« w#r» %r*e»d ; ' .'•'l *VaKF F ?«•%' h2->F» , n& M. ;.S'a'e ir.1 *, pM-kwl op '*• ( lpt. Jark ReHerl* •**»• w#h*e>«r# Win;:* Sap. 1-3 Only «i\th-ranked C#e#»rri4 i' j*-, '■ •• i " '' < r.-'irf-l If ve - Tech. an H2-MI winner o\#r Uude I niimel » h* *r«rnd h»* A|i**i**ippi *tate. and ninth So IJ- I V. Fans Protest. Detroit Still Loses x- :• ■ • : ,r*t »• a *ar*it% pUter. ranked Illinois, which whipped VIinne*«,La 'it-IIJ, joined t inrin- . . . ng F-t T -K- :re goa:* * • a t ir, fr>#f^' a«n ' iJ.'Tf! >JT T>- The N'ev* York through the Win* defense for an . -e zarr.e R r K - g * * f* 'towroft 'he ■' t'Tifii: earl* M-ore in the serond period. P »" i »'e ^iar'pe'1 a i.A-fo «t« • *wo N tN Da# •'« ■ ; ifree! - !.'» 3ft •>'. . '/> gallon coke! >■ -. • P.esj Su-V!a% 4-'V Qii' k g'o.ii' try Warren G«#! * ie o[i# n net at arke-i Se*--«n out-., a dwspe.••;«»!• la'«- « and Mill MrN'oi;. t .>d n tor I.*', i pfriM and I -a i r -* furfie a« Tie'roit fans ti-r.vj-'\ a' iV-troit But the ftangei* rjuiik. orcd ffttir minute* !*'er ' -orv i'urrta* t and f# ppere i the > »• ■ er J*'-k F » *e officials «*t*h rleo- ; KIM IT IIEEK UK OltVM.E S'aV- Af'e-- * • h*r-i -' Tr-e N'av •-•ai Hoi:key la u*..r- l ist 2 II WS WITH 2 III I.I I.Alt I H EM l'l//.\* ' «• • ... V i i,j> f ve ;,n» — * Trrrr M. r-.-ne^ a- • • •. .0 'he t" 0,1 ; ri %i\ i in i «i i xi i.i i,i I, J . e ft#-! 'A -:J fa . 2 Hi" I olur Hit-! h»' re're# V, |>,I t»NtlN« • o» VARSITY DRIVE-IN • ♦ Ra? ; c" ! I * ,♦ -r a.! a n« G>'f,: •>■ •* ; si • u. . j IUllA l it V *EKV II E Ell 2a.31 r : ANNUAL SALE Vorth Dakota oroeed the -»#• a !>»■• ' : ■ h. '* . .ted in to the fo come whieh «i« aodden death •#•-•• i u a f,e an-t co;"- ->f The aren.< wn HANES »• ertime. I>rn WaMoed »r*red T■ e W v • I ft : t with oomsU hj Bem»e •h«. ngi PRIK.KXM IMllKXtxriON I XII. Ill r-JXIT seamless stockings • ,, Hi lev and l.eolle WerrifieW . «: 'railing 4-2 u* ft." -» - a-ie 4-3 *•• ♦••. Vj / *.,• oack rn'o *.r» i# # . n«- j- *vre fid a '.p-.n A la'er "a KEEIMN mi • fJUW STBTCH - reduced » *e« on c.a prices a > MM*' ».'■ • V—» MJu. at # •# ■ »■ oar* Defe-" *e B •"■* > N ... The Rangers raught «De troit defense napping early and lie - ,iiiaif^[|| l irM * N«< # . -!- •» p«-« ra#ed in front !-ft, And? Hath ★ STARTS WEDNESDAY ★ ' -e t'-.f-rl 'he '-e pue* •e ar.3 pok^f *er,»-' * r»< * gate vetting up a first period .1 Ararfrmv Award Prrf»r»MW*« . . . . aW LTS 7'w I llll.ORES Jiw for one week only! goal a ad < amille Henry slipping in the Find Ilia Dramalir Sma.h of 13«0 T TOMOIIT A TI E FIIIST SIIOV fc:.w » '«.* goa'.e Georfo Grar-n o-s — -?-■ ■ ■ s- 't r.-rte The jer .cr e* * HBT» wrtd.XL Kl II I!\ I SI.XI.IMIM Ol • hnrt, rr|ul*r and lone •■/** Big 10 Standings .HAYWORTH • I ' -' * e '•e Spartans jo' ;• » **■ in ml, R»«». South Ptcifit. Shell ' he vecor-i per i«c ' - « wnSnemiu nur Mu** . Fo j.-r.ei who *-v>« a ..a - H * 1 o Pel HO* fix m or 1*4 FRANCIOSAa rv MGrocer »■ 2.4# *<*<• all «lirrr •.inilalliml «»*.» » • 1 *•« «»• »k CK >f4 '•# m -># hne teamed 'as at*.a » • DMA 171 i«\ furda* i—'her toaj by Rea* Tur- l«aa l 1 M: :,"*» ?•* t«3 IVI It* YOUNG I.(.3, 1 pair* I.E10 e : r a eombmaUor. that we-' Hl.»«*>« i 1 IW* lit I.M -'"•A • • -i Fxirnel to Morocev U y«,*fie*n-a \ of* I. »»*«»• • I 1 •>i»e 174 1 »• •lirrr lirel ilemi-li.e • 1 14 Adi'tiiXaM ■ "e IMltni 4 1 u#N ?'!• .'k Is 1.3.3. 3 pair* 3.90 A 1 turn St? 141 North Dakota defrn«ea*aa fan W i»r «.»•>(• le#W» kept kit tea* in the • Alt RI* AT * ATATDTU * •trrIt'll *lirrr Mtl Mil. AN AT ATE 1 T P T»«al ■ame Ks detrtag to a kard oht < II**.«I rc. 14 l-» 1 !T 1.3.3. 1.33. 3 pair* 3.911 trMa the ktoe Itoe. Walfaed »»t • r*^l t 1-1 1 ta **»i»t aa Ike play. TV *•»♦ Walker l» 4-4 * 54 It mirrofilni nirwh ■ 3-» 1 *o M *u»e al IV end af IV III. AND ^IIOWN AT 4 11 AND li • it,".!® • -* 1 14 1.23. 3 pair* 3.WI pento. Ve««l » • •-I I Riekex Yi'e to profec* i** rrinforrnl «hrrr HENRY FONDA #•« A * nil* • r -e goal lead uati! lata fa a. Tog Shop ' "-ir* frame. At ITT! S^>;a H'«r,V*ia#(e( « • • -« • -I • A • • 1.23. 3 pair* 3.Mi 1? IJ-TI 15 1* Total* *>- ■> ent into tbe pe-.a'tv St.* Ml* Hl«.AN •rrxirr *hrrr • •* for e'l'bw-rdl ft* ft 1* !•(«! • en# left pla>- • lark 1 1 • II 1.13. 3 pair* 3.30 SEMI-ANMAL SALE i 1 -• Mae*'« one man ahor*. N;<-3 15 V »»».« . *5air' - ? roach Barrr Thorn-* - T 'J » ell 1 5? ...vmwMiui inMBenMmi I* It Mdf *' ed his gial^ 1-1 1 1 . in favor ' i' **'ra forward, and « •'- twah • 4ft ftp AA « Ml At 11* ?* 4-11 ?• 14 NOW IN PROGRESS XTAItTIM. W EI). \T T I' M , a half a rxu'e >f •A. Mi* hit an II Wlf Mir. %N *1 All ' - .n the game, Reg More.,: ok,* »t»l» At ladiix* Ai vma*x ■.* That rn.$est e SF0HT SHIRTS SniU l op * » 4-3 KM. MM ft MM • Coals Late Scores ONLY S2.N Hros Shirts • Sport Shirt* Rmc OI»ei- W ishis To Thank All 0( His %1/K* II to It ' Sport CouIm • Jacket* t n, lit R| V NOW AND A AVI ;•* tel »Su 4 it*. New I fMi i«S VARSITY SHOT New (iustoiuees For A Successful First Term i Ti a #fM rmM SMcalrr# • Shirk* • Hal* • Glo»r ;m \nn,,n to » lav* '»• t* «oi a And To Aiinouiiee That Due To The W elcome MSU Has Given Varsity Barber Shop One I HI. HEX OF New Barlter W ill Be Added ImmediateK. • 111 ETA CHI Prirr# rrclurrrl In Sating* W EI C OME YOF TO ll|t In 30' ■ — all uirrrlidiHli-r Shoesbines are still bv RUBEN V Ol'EN Hl hll rarrir* nrigiual |irirr lag* Jan. II. : to 10 I' M. VO ( II VKliE FOM ALTEKATIOVS U*nUR4. Fnr Tran-,«*•!•<* «r«_ Jan II. 7lo 10 I' Ell J-UII. Ext. ;#i« M. Varsity Barber Shop Tog Shop M CON THKATKR BLfM,. — K.A.ST LAN Si NO 208 M.A.C J MICHIGAN STATE NEWS January 11,1969 Whole Blood SuhstituteFoiu,^ Louisiana Election Win Certain Utilizes Seaw6ed Chemical For Songster Jimniie Davis can CHICAGO (vt*)—Water spiked with a chemical from seaweed he substituted successfully of whole blood vent the or rapid ci. pressure that p- • pla .. for whole blood in emergency In emergencies, NFW* 1>R LEANS <>V— Lmib - .ra. carried on the past four with me In hulldini; a greater ,, Louisiana." transfusions, two Japanese sur¬ salt water have bi-o by (I-V Ear! I/>ng. lx>ng • n .t ahead todav to .1 . . . V.s' r in the first primary The 47 - year - old Morrison geons report. However, the re, v- wed new era of j>r»litira! these solutions lev •<. -r;n.i;:»('• r former Gov. Dec "» ax a candidate for Lieu¬ went down to his second straight They said injections of the . tenant Governor. defeat in his bid for the gover¬ mixture proved superior to salt stream quickly b»: -a ( J:mm:e Davix' derisive vietorv The mild landslide swept nil norship. 1/ing beat him in the water or sugared water in pre¬ rules of sugar ar • • n 'hi- DemfxraUc runoff for •1* Davis-backed state candid¬ first primary' in 1955. venting «hock during operations salt are small ?!■,. Governor. ates into office, including C. C. The key to Davis' victory was "or after severe burns because through the porou- Trie 53->cnr-old wartime gnv- (T'd'i*) Ay cock of Franklin, in- overwhelming vote in the it does not break down in the tiny capillaries ,■ ..r i.ssi N. v Or!' .'ins M;iy»r tl.j M .rri* -n 71 .WO date f-• l.ictifenau? Gov¬ predominantly Protestant north- blodstream Blood plasma 1 Ayi-'K-k defeated George e.n and central parishes (coun¬ Research era seeking protein molecule •• lie -up 485.741 bat- ern-r are a .• •. \i.f. 114.181 fr J'.o v I on . »f Alexandria 167,522 ties) plentiful substance which can be through the tioie v • ■ s.vurdax 's pr » to 394.530 .\t the same time,' Davis was substituted for whole blood or ginate is simila- • f.Trv A crtmpaign-weary Davi , he close behind Morrison in the blood plasma in the mass treat¬ that it is made .jp b:sh-! ">kmg features lined southern parishes and in New ment of survivors of an atomic cules called poly it-. !• l.-t tisiflna. the Democratic •itnvri.T:"n usual!} amounts to w:111 wrinkle-. called for unity. Orleans Where Morrison was attack or other catastrophe. The surgeons, -a-.,, "A man can't net off the supposed to carve an Insur¬ THIS IS THE COCKPIT »f the ill-fated Nation¬ Carolina, hilling all 34 persons aboard The plane The report on the seaweed chemical in 102 al>-! -r would Lave been the ground himself." he (old cherr- mountable lead. was enroule from New Yorh to Miami. CAA au¬ ations, said it proved M'irriMrn al Airline* plane whieh apparently exploded in chemical was made yesterday in f ••♦ Catholic governor ■ f Ing siiftpnrters.T call upon all Davia now goes Into an April the air early January 6 near Wilmington. North thorities are investigating the rrash. the Journal of the international erior to salt or sugar , a since 1881 Ihe people «f Ihe state to join 19 general election. He face* College of Surgeons by Drs Dm.v pledged four years of Republican nominee Francl* M.i-anobu TOmoda and Kyoshi ■ I'eace and Harmony." I'okrr Player* l*et (irevemherg and State* Right* Eimthotwr l ine nominee Kent Courtney. But Student* Mav Enroll Thefane! res Fleeced Inokuehi of th« Kyushu Univer¬ sity Medical School, Kukuoka, WHAT IS QAM? lie said lie would respetf an the Davi* victory ia assured In Japan ndependent lefWdlurf and vow¬ (hi Iti'il (Tiimi this Mate that ha* regularly KANSAS CITY 'Ah—Four Li derived from The Home „f ljH. ed he would not rreate a cat machine in the Mate Hue* pnlltl- Soufill I elected a Democrat since Re- Audio-Visual Course masked bandits interrupted an The chemical the tinv cells of brown algae I one nnre ruled with an iron by Jo[in 11 cnnMruetlon day*. Reserved, poised, well-dressed. ♦••• lv--morning basement poker of a game suburuaa in that grow !n colonies as giant br-iwn seaweed It is a version QAMBi IK;I:H Offered Over WMSB hand . SHIZI'OKA. fapan f/lh- Prime of sodium alginate. □ chemical Davis is poles apart from coun¬ ♦1 »me todav \ record turnout rang down Minister Nobusuke Ki«iii said AITM.X trified, tempestuous Gov. !»ng, -They the card player.,1 used industrially to thicken ice ♦ he eur»ain on 'be stormy Long yesterday he will eek I'resident ivho leaves office May 10 of tpou>er1. tu-d them to meir cream and give it a creamy tex¬ Eisenhower's views on V S- pol¬ The two share in common the TK 475 - Audio-Visual Ma¬ cas' in M Iwauk-v ani LiCr--'-f. eh*ir, and fl'M with the game's ture STATK TIIIMTKIl' icy Joward 1UM rtiina when they fact that they are the only terials, is being offerred ov W.Mnnxin. Rrx-kf id and D-- When taking lose* too much Special (lonrse meet In Washington later this month governors re-elected. in this century to be WMSH-TV. Channel in, from 8 00-6:30 p.m. The 42 les<.>:i KIHint.i ka. Lm «!n. Nebras¬ f" r da and sev nl p'.- ear and m»eke' change, belonging '0 one «f the .1 blood, he a person goex into shock which Take Out KI) T-!il7| be fata! Hasty transfusion? lit Hiixintw lleiil Kishi told reporters the que - One of 11 children of a north series will 1m» brondenst a' 'he other point-, «»n " » Fl- rida i'sV guests. ran tion nereis to fx- discusser! tw- *arne hour on Monday?, Wed¬ KTV network V I course r.:» liouisiann sharecropper, Davis A training program for Km*- iMiise it "involvt- various in'. i- I teen approved f either gradu- worked hi.- way through f/'iiisi- nesdays and Thursdays throui'u • nestkti en Z 'r t oversea■- w ■'' I to na'ional proidenr ." such as He I .in;i College, received a Master's April II This 3-crcdit course ;»'e or uivt« rgraduatc credit by he'.l ,.t Kf!l"kV Jan. 10-23 * < i China's admission f > tt.e 1!.\' part «»f a national teacher edu¬ the College of E iueatem degree, and rim* to Vhe Gover¬ .t it to- atten 1e«1 bv m-v» ?> hu-- and the status of Nationalist cation experiment being com- InHtriKdors ine!ud» Dr C. F. b»n 1 and wife team* from !>• v China on Formosa. norship in 1944. S duller of MSU; Dt W. A- durttsl under Title Vll of the t'herv'al Company who ore be¬ de fete He reiterated, however, 'hat He wa* a ballad singer In rnl- Defense Education Ad. Wittieh. Prof Education jour ing mugm*! to Italy and Swt'r- Japan's policy toward Red China lege, and he made hi* own Campus students may enroll at the University of Wisconsin; er!o»-d. will remain unchange»| ufter he campaign aong "You Are My Dr Wesle* F»n.fes- for the televised course as p.irt The program N jointly spon¬ Mgris the revised IT S-Japan S«'- Sunshine" famous when he sang («»r «.f F.du« tVon »»f the Uotver- of their regular program if ap¬ sored bv the continuing Educa¬ eufity Pact" in Washington Jan. on the stump with his hillbilly si'y of N'et>raska, and several proved by their enrollment ad¬ tion Servo a ntwi the School t»f 19 hand. visor?. N » additional fees are others |lti*;tiem- ' H»k his caravan into every nook drop procedures should be fol¬ Th'* Iritemationai Ciui* heid adapt t • a country fareufn WATCH THE BACK ♦ » and cranny of l/iuisiana He lowed bv students desiring to . ♦hem: (2» build arlf-con- inumst t^itna. register for the televised course itx first meeting of the winter had behind hijn the hacking of f fence in being able to live in He criticizisl the Soviet Cn- term Friday .sif.rcgationi*? whip .State Sen. Since TE 475 1? not offerred President Mohammed Hanifi a foreign country; (3) Introduce ion'a decision to create an impact ♦hem t«» the language of the are.t in the Pacific f-.r long-ranoe William Rainach, the AFL-CIO, and most of the state's hig news¬ 01 campus during winter term, this will provide an opportunity presided over .1 M*ort buruneas PAGE WEDNESDAY country In which they will be rockets to t.e laun«*hetl later this meeting, after which two films, papers for those who might not other¬ living: (4> work with businrtc- month or early in February. "Afganisuu Moves Ahead" and tuen in learning the anna I, eeo- Elected on the Davis ticket wise be able to secure the cours- The Prune Minister '.said the "Korea Story," were shown. - nomir an.I political rWem of texts w i ! endanger navigation, were Roy Therurt for State Iwfore graduation. Course work that obvuaia «•*■- Comptroller, Dave Pearce for will include 10 written assign ♦ i# country foiling and shipping and is inra w;!l no', b# made; work 'against the principle .of free- Agriculture Commissioner. 'Ellen mentx which will be sent P* the tt re! earning thu American m • d.«u "f the seas" Japanese tuna lUvan Moore for Igind Office University of Wisconsin Exten¬ tents *0 that thrv may better fishermen in the pad have oper¬ Register, Hufus Haves for Insin- sion Division where a ftprciall? •efve u* 'ambassadors" of tha ated tti that general are* of the ance Commissioner, and Douglas trained crew of instructor* will United State* oversea*. Pacific. Fowler for Vote Machine Cus¬ grade and return the papers. todian. The course is also lieing tele- NY MORE? 010 TOP SPECIAL A Campus-to-Career Case History WHAT FOR? I«M I door, radio A heater, IIAT 8AI.K •ulnmatir. exrellrnt rondltion Uric. Sll.'ir, No« Js.ti't I'rieed to Hell lie*. >K.9.'i Now $«.»•• HI V NOW AMI RAVr. MALCOLM MILKS • sat i*nraucT*ON VARSITY SHOP 1433 • MATING XBIIOTT »l» I. I.ANH F, MICH. LANSING • SU«GM at04S • ICI MM MSG jtmMinituiimtmHtrmtiuHmimimiiriiiMiirnfitnmiiitniiimuimiiiiii:: • MMTIN6 Million* of Americana now wear routert len*e* for normal xlMnn with natural good look*. ,rg, The eonlarf lent wrarrr ran now enjoy . . . keener vision wider field of vision rye protection all day wearing romforl nitttOHMNWIIIMMtllU I natural appearance broader sport* artlvlllc* I I'M - WuHv Mould you he Interested In discussing the possibilities of I KH-I I* H -OSf. | ronlarl lenses and YOt'R eyes ... I (mT* MI 2 | 109 0*>c«, My CUy. At* Dr. HareM A. SMAar OPTOMETRIST ; —: 1 l\anhoe I ***-•«•>. , | Mall (ourl Irandor t'enler Lansing, Michigan ■•lUHimiliUllilllillHIIiriHHIirHWtlllllMIURrMIIIMIIUIllRHIIIRMlIIIIIIIIIIti,"5 ^ c.»» , Ma- - A VACATION OVER? 0»ck Petzoid ditcuuet Idw# ctu gr 1 fix g coitemgr's CAREER OPPORTUNITY and I'hr Moltilrhonip Industry hn* a |tlarr for I rained THANKYOU TIME How to avoid a "daad and" oaraar: turn in the extensive, rapidly growing lni>iness ,,f; For unusual Appreciation Gifts ra ad Dick Potzold's story manufurturini:, sales, park development, insurance, W hilc a senior at tbc I nivcmity of Mar*, ing a Customer Opinion Survey (or four finance, public relations, and publications, land, amounting major Ktrhard G. Bell System companies,*« 1960 Date Calendars Pet gold made some definite derisions • to Diakursementa Arcdknting, for Michigan State I"nlv rrslly has a curriculum lead, aKuit hi* future. "| wanlcxl to work for S-iuuinirr lie Frann- I960 #2.95 an esfaNislied 1 orapany.** he savi. "but I IRM>f ntethods improve¬ Forest Products Department. Building For normal II-1. Siuth Courtesy miles ments which were adopted. "The telephone company brings out Campus, for detailed information. the best in you.** says Dick. "I've deveb VI hile and rolors note Par from a "l\RKKTiX)R EDtCATION HskilshMM Dflllftfl liliaaal ImssIsIUb 22t)*22ii Ann Street •. < Eanl Lmlp|« Mielupan