The Weather . Iowa 'Chills' "U" Cloudy. Little Warmer High Today .15 MSU Cagers VOL. 51, No. 115 . EAST LANSING. MICHIGAN—TIES DAY. J A NT AH Y 12. !%n l,ow Monday PRICE 5 CENTS 25 Spartans Lose, 92-79; ■ Fog-Bound in Iowa City Every basketball team experience* a game where nothing >es right. And that was the kind of night Michigan State's U. S. Not Protesting Red's Tests gers struggled through Monday. The Joxvt Hawkeyes knocked is Hawk eve* ahead. 30-29. wi'h Spartans out of the Big 10 3:08 remaining in the flrrt. half ({faction lar -kctbftH. lead with a scem- -:y easv 92-79 victory in fog- The lead widened to 38-30 be¬ K\|M'clc«l fore the Spartans scored aga:n. V ind Iowa, City, Iowa. * •-» s The victors, now second in the i 10 with a 3-1 mark, csui: > with its lack of heighth The Hawkeye* points after taking the lead and led 18-33 going into the second serfred 18 U. S. Protests Cuban Sua Uses half. owing. Iowa grabbed 34 re- n mds to MSU* 40 Hut the Spartan* ith I poor shooting percentage. came up Bo*? Iowa breored through the fln- -tanra. 'earns u.-ing mn<*!v scored 48 r'-o-vtv point* Seizures of Land Indicated 77, and raffed floor fame »o Sophomore I>»n N*l — The Unite*! State* protected .Monday make the Rawheye ta*h easier, Iowa w.'-h 17 point*, but Horace Walker was the game'* Sta'e ngain*t the Cuban government'* seizure of American pri¬ Maitoficlil Auk* lime after time State threu b:« run looping 29 tv»ints arirt vate property a.* a violation of Cuban and international law. scoring opportunities with iway had passe*. gith« r:r.f in 14 rebounds t." S Arnbfesador Philip B"n- Strut!*: |'rntc*t At the outset of the t The team's return to the MM' d.V formi'l i»f • -i.r- -T'-.- :(|fiirut»Hl In- ilawkeyes by taking a 10-4 lend shrouded in fur making travel¬ f n'icn m: Marcclo Fcr- Dispute Ends T>uve Fahs chipped in with the ing virtually impossible. The*. Morula' ?!'♦• I ntti'il ret six points. T^ie margin was weatherman reported that thu Tie j,ra' •ted tv{!l in- h<» at Mo- sb-r increased to §« ven point fog was scheduled to last two pP'.v ng reaction from . Iowa had its own playing three day*. Temperatures Minister Fide! CO'. If ;,.;'. Prime With Aniitv or Cuban «,p*es. were near the freeling point. Castro and «upj <- r*rr« C i - t.-.t f»cl»• ,• t'» «. ( ,-ntr ■' From the 17-10 point sprext The weather cut »,->e cxpcc'd tro hv said«»u*;v ♦h..* • gap slowly closed when a •»u i h*T with 6.000 Inns, n what happen' :n Cuba i< a T - I'acr.c. ,*St forA*ard Noldcn Gentry put trie Iowa Ficirbouse u i .'.H'U-r not subject '■> r.iki* India out , f(- inter fere rav Make \yreetnettl The I'. S. embassy did not re¬ lease the leal of the note hut a press statement said It involved NEW HELIII. India * M*V fi MI NMA H1I.LIAM* «»* cu'M of the seirure and menpatinn nf Increasing amity between '» pnh|irit< »h- *p.»rUn Hitn at their regular mrrtinc Mom 1 r ( • J ilir tori.** land and building* nf 1 S. rIt#- India and PakUtan «;e Ha> night in spartan Hall. Joininc In r»-frr»h ..drill Mr* R M» tAi.;ort (hair yens without court order* and •lenionstrateil Mondav bv an mrnt* with Mr* Mtlliam* arr l-r Mr* flatbari ' iud *lr» Iiiripi frequently without in> written authoriratinn. agreement ending their long and often bloody di^put* V S 2 V»- over l.ntHi mile* of common \«kc* no* .n- .idr th< * .. f- . ■j *<• 'i - uu't i -'a*- of Ka-.r.m-r. ik. v situa* -n i- ' >^nrc** for .'tv dad :n a '.-u< i- adm.n.afercd U'i •- .»i,j«r.Kat;-»n ;»,*.! *,•#♦.: ,»V'-rnrr.en» has two neighbors nuv some day square-mile Pacific mean area work out an agreement on this her Par. •• fi'ii n'» tajTwr.'t whatever for I*, he said should remain open to last ma mr obstade to full •(. • 2 39 Amer.can-»wried property • r a m.V navigation and hshing. rord. ll-r doctor. I Homier »jW President Hob lluehner said l|OR%f » H M KI R c./M s.» far. exctrpt »n The ra-' oui* DAVE FANS Trie srrt.lement cover* 1.500 th- ho* hearts child with pour-d . ^ f.'A plan'atv.n> producing ua« a young Itardot would lie i de¬ • • • hut points tulles of birder ex-ot f .r a u-«s! an making twine. hmwn hair who arrived with a finite asset la the Iowa chapter «e-n.oii between the Jnd. in «ta*e When The box i # # * lu*t» cr». she first saw |e«a Tbe agrarian reform law rath of Brmi.bav an«i the Pakistani the bah* the dorter added Rri- H W. K. ev. ne.-e in the Big !t> c.mirT Indiana p^* for repayment with 2*-»ear gov¬ state .»f &uid* usher •s flr*t conference victory of Tne statement said *he Cuban government'* action- aga.n*t "ater nule Ag"«*er«ienT horde- between on the 2.-MV>. India a:. I la Cha f:bn Gals to Selfpt T-rrv and Loveli Far- American private property "are K-st waa worked ou* Gents for Spin • ?••* igivc: • M.'-'-r.gtu rally oorcdcred bv the lT S govern* two MiMnths ago. Aft.'?: pubert ut the • nf it v» be u denial of 'he ba* • H £ In the new agreement, negot¬ game I'n the Wolverim** !S of ownership of t* S c fi- • w • f and a ban any February 26 , > iator* worked out detailed Cuba" hav. standi * ♦ * ?«t* n ground rule* for avoidign bor¬ . h»»oey .It added tha* 'hese righ's •, c Ihe young son Monday was TeUM 5« l*-t* J7 ! > infii' tetl Purriu'- - hrst der dispute* and settling anv use I. » I' T • >n( defeat • f th«- rear .n t.r *v;deii L'th ur.der (\i!*m la s- that mil. arise They prohibit extended an ins itatmn to j*nn The baby iintillrd Hrigille's 1 s-ll 1 1? the Alpha Tan Omega social nlt-*lal-d desire have chil¬ OltOU scatl a l-l 4 it ,t".e of a ret'irt 43-pmn* pc-- and ger.ernlly accepted Interna- sending armed personnel with¬ In I* s-li i ?* fitrfiai law " fraternity at the Mate I'niser- dren k he had none by her first Wsiae* formanre tr. H rmakc. foj»h- in l*»a yards of the boundary Rep Overton Brooks ' UV;« yQ ■ ■ H derlired the United "slates is in S-->".r,western, dj* •red ?>\ Of -ber:n 597* ■ .rris-i .l-ne :ff I wa* im'arv.-ed and accurate scoring The communique called on no position to obje't in siey% of * * * attack. ou'.fu:,.ned Wiac-'nsin *.» N. Y. Central •he nre^s of both nations *q ex- its own use of Panto islands for Soprano Theboin of Mel i / . .se res'ra.n*. and "not pub! * , If - bomb tests and it* extensive Ohio Sutc, hitting it* h;jr r.a rr. its secc»r>d B»c 10 case A11 on tie exaggera'ed rej»orts or ma'e*- 4nd pacific missile s ore ever, De>wtrt, 103-M. wulloped ouU:lAs>rd •a •core n of trie season by • 77-6M Train Wreck iai likely to inflame feehngi' It c -ncluded that the n* jC - ranges. WELLINGTON. Ohio uVi s'ifiny represent "yet another Featured in L-C Series her, Fr„-.'. R-SD'. * MSU Traffic Safety Center A" - s.-na'o step by the two government* f »- —The New York C entral** trihging aboijt r.--»'.er and a -- icaole neighborly relation.* " Blanche Thpip>m. mtziearrh Board in \V.,*r ington. I).C., this week by four uni¬ track* in a shroud of fog Animal Dance •-•ceel •r-ag- for ag3.iR»? '•**♦•» jver ' • versity members reporting on recently completed research and mist.. Four person- were The Vets Associations a-e.i- e :•* tH-ritx W'h.> t ?a*r# project*. known duck mvcot will pu:I - abstract th.r.g " aspect* of highway prob'.ems and killed and more than 5o in¬ progrsm. The annual meeting present nis suit out of mort oall* e* Hee 'cg- The Mor,'an.. » i mat traffic »afc". * m, O M research rtudm conducted Var. vw factory affecting driv¬ jured. Jan. 22 to make his appearance •*< am , tc : r . zes fi -a wt a n r-n s • -• * 'iroughout the nation on all That the conclusion Mor- a: the Vet* annua.' ai.-univer¬ •.♦en:,.a- would be Srrt cvabitcd er efficiency a* night will be dis¬ 5* a .siands in the Pa f S cussed hs Theodore Forbes, re- da* of William B. Salter of In- sity "WmterUnd Whirl" e Theo»e of this v~ar'f da-Wm i a.-c <»i5y mbwilc* travel a where Ivod^e Queationcd M*srch director of the center. An anahsfe study dianapobs. general manager of the N'YC's southern dis^rir* be "F*r *n>rta;hruec: Away place-, by the Io'erna- arid U: fi-c?: mere are ho \bout Guiilitlacy method* of mewsurtug rued sur- The eastb >ur.d S* Louis-to- ti'.oa! Cub aiU be fea? 1 E- U " Tr. ru-*.a faee frtrttow wttl be reported k« Cleveland pa«i-ngrr train was The aU-umvereity dance * I K-qrah ' . -h- V A no. T" * VNinQ) JTATIONS, s.v r Terreuee Alteo. member of tbe be.n* transferreil to a west¬ br held a* the Lan«;r»g C.v. R.a?1 Her f,rst role af Mnorow * - AmbMMdflr renter sUff and of tbe psvrbo- bound track in order t<> pan a Center Music will be pm"M Bolshoi Theater wa* I arm-n Lodge atieeiappad queation* to¬ freight tram up ahead. Instcat bv the Mr*iern-Am t>a?vl Fav¬ logs department day a* te whether he might be * candidate for the vice presi¬ dential spot an the Republican •he The influgnte of highways on seiei-V'R of asx industrial »i aped to whur. the wven curs disaster Sunday r ghr three aievei ur.'a and left the rails m a or. 4 -will be given »urtesy »f the VeU Aaaoe-atioo T.-keu for the dance are *2 >• each 'ady. •BI.AStl politan Opera Till BOM meim-wprins. Metro- In marked contrast to the tnter- di*s era. jealousies of ten RumIan Western "I irmrn* ' op¬ in Afternoon Reception the audience stepped the For Fatnnlhtti Flayers will to ticket thia year. . location* will be reviewed by rrurrp'ed mass of metal. per couple arid may be pur* s a* - appear Thursday night at ed from member j of the * IS the % ud tlrkets stage after the performance to Lodge told newwmn that »' Dr>na!d Bowvrsox. of the depart- ?*»•■- in are -rntailwi la.. pfMcrr, bouquets to the sisitcif. '^ng as he la US. detegate to tbe rrent -f marke-.r^ and trans¬ ization. at ftie W.I Ciub -A*;■•*> available at the I nt«n ttcket .iraM Unl St tnla «M (r.T.1- in Student Service* or a', 'n*. desk, wtndent* must present t»e- We c«r,braced. k.'.«s«d U-Uted MkM, tt Is not appr-- portation admini*t rat toe I. iwm 1 U» m«il»tw Union hcket office ket* and III card* for admission #ivi #! >f m crwd.'." vaya r-riate for him to discusa VS Appearing jointly ;n two pre- ■n< anaiolMt - tolu. *4 * * * to the program. Af T- . > - oGiues. This appeared to rr- aentat.ows will he Frederick I. krIH tUMMl, T-a:R-4 u Un^ed S* s ' Wagner Jr. and Adolf May. Jr. . ■resent a shift from previous Sweetheart Kaee • M.-s Theievn recer.t.y r. f *aa * "emenia by Lodge that he not a candidate for any with reports on traffic Low *tu- tiies c->ncem:ng fundamental •The maximum pe-p..**. o?e Tvter'uiou Driiiim La-n A~-er;«a f•» the su1. Im- <• « --a w.U .begin * IJ ii •• t * active office. characteristics of movement, speed Uirougn !hw (eroaaovar) MP H Full investi- CliMes ThurMlav ,« and appeared for the Au4. • While dectining to say whether net he D a mndidate now. volume and »s*ed. May was formerly with the switch is gatior. has been started and no Pet*U "na for the \W) Sweet¬ Tryout* Sluhit L" S a' b* * Iifuase:* World Fa.r Ms* He jxrafvfi and' Jacque¬ further statements will be made heart of tba MSU'Vets Ai-oc.a- Try-outs for ono of two •»•>- line Rghievvkava ct^-star in the -»dga aid: "Of course. I fee! highway traffic safety center s until the invesUgatior. has Uci ♦ on are d'je TTiurvJay TT-i» tri»Ion dramas to. &e praducod' Dr. Voii Terwli play eontudtred b> many to tt bapinsflfd whan people traffic engineering Staff and i* a* eompleted." the last day petitions wail be Uiit term wiil «* noid Wednes¬ * ^ak wen ad mm.* now iRg with an electron* engineer- f.rm in CalTforma Wagner Seconds after the twill tram accepted- day and Tbaraoay W&hl*. m 19 To I'ri -iile .NECI » Rusiiar. classic A vent off trie tracks, the scene All women's living unit* are Awd frorr; 7-10 rvceptwm for the Pla-ers on the field services staff of Kwdrd u was Lt up in eerie tones of are invited to submit a petit. m Tbe play. "Murder Plays the L»r Uvrniir Von Tfmk wi;l lie he. l at 4 pxi. Uda> ;a the center flames mixing with fog, Leaking for Vets Sweetheart, who will Game," t«4U abwat the unuaoai head nf el«r*r.r«I crg-.r.eeriog. 22 Uni/wv MSU P!a>tr» U » diesei furl caught fire and flash¬ be presented with her court of happenings of a man taugnt m >»f »■;**:'.eel pre-idefil nt h-ruif 'he evert and everyooft Mayor Crcgo to Hrad ed 50 feet high for • brief period. Two cars bore moat of the 4 coeds, at the annual "Winterland WhirU** rf*r.;ra'..un's a situation caused by cootruiaoie urge for revenge. aa oa- rnre S'w. for Uvr.?t-.r 4wrl jointly MSi C>-;fcrcato functkms. l.oppckHi. the prosperous tryad- b'jter«ted in theatre an cgtpor- Major R. ?h Cri*o M Li~- \b rM«.n-profit orgiimxalaon of • former serf, in the sideways arroaa the mil*. A governing board of the asaocia- by the teicvia^n an i ineair; :* a sou tuniV* u> meet profemloeul a t- ea^rmin orf the . t Sen-- >~l *iE Ftayrrs version of at Mivor* Eirr-.ot. CommlH.- coach following smashed into it 'tifrt at a tea Monday, Jan. 18 honorar.c* serving ai » nat.nnal forum for (auadian art infomutlhr god c.-m- broadside Threu of the dead Another tea will be held Thurs¬ Acting partg are offrrrd to the :..*e*a -.tat. -n of gushoritati*# I behov's "Cherry ttrrhard." to- m*»n interrsts. • Derkraan Soun «*: Hon*.., isr 1H0 1*- and moat of those seriously in¬ day, Jan. 21, at which tune the four men aiid four wowien. Var- tochfi^-xi paper* cn eiy*rtronic might at 1:15 the Amd. Jar- Ttcketa are m sai« at tor Ua- pm.; SFrZL,. IbiagM and Thursday* 1-4jo Ausun SMiartMt Ot Urn**?: state chainxua of ns si^*. mim jured war* removed from wreck¬ Sweetheart and her court will jorj» o«*itiood arc xl*u open oa rwfttoj. unsifs'irif and ap- qurttoe ktrwtl la in kax. ID cara* art tired ad for age of thaw two «ora. be Minctod. the Idainl ^bCXUor.- laamsskaya. student a.imminm *1H IE * t Mvcday. State* iVows "Never Minil The Fine Print. Now, Over Here—** "Xr INFORMATION nrjd Hall? bv MS! * ' student* ami Faculty Mi. ' IjM' kt.tte YOUNG REPUBLICANS M ■ hiPi» i \i-v » . CATHOLIC 8TI DENT FORESTRY 4'LI'H 7:30 p.m., Forestry Cabin. Re¬ 8:30 p.m., 34 Union. Diseus ORGANIZATION view of S.A.F. National Meet¬ .-ion and apeaker. h.iftU 4-5 p.m.. Catholic Student i.. any Center. Coffee hour. * ing bv T. D. Stevens. VETERANS ASSOCIATION whether it .»m' • «• A - » SPARTAN WOMEN'S I.EAGI'E CHRISTIAN STUDENT 7.30 p.m., 311 Union. Bring a veteran friend. Program for 7 p.m., 32 Union. Open House FOUNDATION winter term activities. Vol. SI, No. II.", Tui-silay. January I'.'. I'wre Two find . ! Spinsters Spin workshop; coed- welcome. 7 j> m . College Hov|pe » I.M TRK %L ENCJINI ERINCi Michigan State News WIVES Senior Groups Seek K by Hair Design PROMENADERS, Spartan representatives of Sprague Hail. Program m»ww Your Key to Better Values . , . / Spring Final Change 7 W.I. Bids Executive /'THE PiactfA ^ £ p.m., Boa rd. 8 p.m., W I. Bldg. Demotedra¬ mm IHtCSSl ItK TO ftiaiHT -V '"!•'! I .ri t'i* ••• • rvi» tit m..v tion team f.irci* \hv situation t.< a hf.ul ♦.•niv'M ;.t tf •• .uailpmif i-otia- ALPHA Pill OMEGA 3d p.m.. 323 S.S Elect.on ^SnJ^EAg.J t il meeting after »I .- prop.. .,! th.- In-ft i- tj..,,. rurrirulum an ( hristmns vacation Winter term would end in e,»r! would also permit a IJ we.4> summer school of two six week rp-smmh. March. The moved-up sehedttle ~ CAMPUS IIKVIll.l.NKS . p.m. Il:i> I {".tire 1'u.i.irn.iiin CLASSIFIEDS fur Tur«.. VV»d.. Thur-. There is some d! feetinc uno up ti e faculf'v over cropping and Kri. Kdilinn-. Dead.inr for Mnn. Kdilinn; I p.m. Fri. exeral thus from 'hi* sprsr-e s :»U-day Class schedule, ami Kills I' P..2 and |..'i Vlnnria> throuuh Friday t i* not without mm! rea-oii. \MSTFIUNT; \ tevtiMM.k oil d^ivs w hich was designed El) 2-1.711 EXT. 201.7 r me in «etimstcr school > with half a rain as mueh time t pradinp period is diflicult tor student*. Phi* loss of two fliree lecture hours, which a ha-t rrxflmpiiur of -prim' o**... -mi 4 ff »*v s AUTOMOTIVE HOUSING PERSONAL rm would involve, would a'-o pi?,. .- the m-tructor in more HCtf*K f FNTt'RV t«»i.i"-.1i fOA. 3ENT a pinch for time than he a!r»...i\ i ' Itut after conductinr a loni" and determine.! hpM to hold ' HI t he «"■ 4-1 '.'1 ft*: •i»m.v ('hurt,** u "'•••. GOOD fie. Kl) ?-57(W AFTIli Sire*' APARTMENTS MwHn Twigkt mmeticenietit at the end of each,term - » -1»*•« 1 - -at in.; , HA*, m r n c v h v movtci a to rt'RMkitr.n apartment pgr Mi'ideutx Tun hedrcH,",. ne- II the majority of -eiliors are ..M.-cted We t'ei-t Oiaf sto¬ ■ i. liicM .Cs mil' ji'!'! ' «• ,'r- ( • i ,T" firms evi-mllmi ' «-»»f»«l-*.«»•• • f-imlfure AI-» unfurnished hunfte- ut should hack the -h*Jt Cap mea .uie, it iidopted. bv -nl*-- frtvtvm.- u,i»*t M»I .$1:1'" D,r rnunlt IV 3-3M7I "> 1 heduliiiK the "lo t" hoursVf class *,.| tu.i ou their own I t) J•««:: hilvrprcling llie News f>Vf OR TWO GtRI.S .wanted ,iM- m,Hier»> annrfmenl G.\r,iee H)RD rot H*I»fV"» I od •' committe. whirl: ! Pro\osf Paul Miller, chairman of ',4 • c- t »»d r«ii-«lif • *«-•'- OH I t 4i.,i»ehle (ail evening FD>:- atf.d the ftfoposal. hope* p will he approved t" eouiicd I—form in <»• * r>\ c-'-Ht dfiil AP.ARTMENI rnt'R ROOMS hir- (I senate alike tin YOt'KSRIT A - n.s» ed Prtv bath f>^»st side l.nn- * UWI (nlrnil er loud 'lorn , f,a.r,r' And to that We call add a heart . ' \un o .1*1 «i«rtmnt Krm fimii- dmltleu •" si- ,• |0 niinnfes t<. MSP or caiutot^ W4 - ( lirtls H.r ly 4-4 l'i. f tilities 'urnwhed F.D MM) " J. M. KOKKKTS . APTTAt TWO RI.OC'KS t'pnet .\ I * News Analyst hi"! EMPLOYMENT 'n'T>..hul Dice t«-n l iimls Irk Mini, loo P.(k,.ie Three men *t • nkf irivantatp of ilis- II, "i hv ntrri.fl! ♦f.;»uble<. ilr■ 's IV .WftJM A It-'.;. It,-a, kot.ju srrminc . l Ot'MHV f.IRI GOOD If..' 1 I ed Slates rotil lit thr I allrd st.itrs Huron: -• .• ii i- (a nn."»*d her 'UWkfriiiiJ f- r erlrrl •»»', I a- $PRNf«HFD APARTMFVT A DP 4ti elrrliott vr^r tu Ultf mill >, v «••)»* .v keep the pot bo lin* !iV« in '* ■« a'"' H) t-.»HW '• OCA I r ! 4 ■ adult* A'! ut'DDe- f l> \ I IN \l Ul.l.h I. .. nece .1 .d th. I I.I er- ,t V 4 ♦. IU»e llll V)»le en!r.'»nre vef rleod IV 3*Ift2i *i.ei,l- .< vieli A Ur* risks .»: »;t h» r perimeti-: a'di"-* PAR I Tl'tl WORK « • • ' * >1 IH HUM - ' The Sovtc' V'titoil t.ns ixn-a « • fan! > *. itedce-i " ate ?'t or otD- i -» triii* win a 1 his H an aye-old .|>i» • !.,>>: !h,,t 1 i t yrov o'-h r every Red ( hbt4, however h*4 n- wi'i .•*' Ijtrsine Htt.i Add W All.A'tt F vr:\ iT;Unitt|HS-l 4U^ot U)U »Or t viv Mi,hie*' Avenue, lamnre MINTS. ,l.,«e t, ua.icrestimat- vliovin rereiitlv vonie «on*idrr4- .1.1' "'e d"x l>edr • Here are some dillelent Wa> •• chanymy filial week speril' rs1 DENT A I, IIYHENHO MM. • I' M- r V I si . iM'i.m ■ St udelit , •letlnn n tti.C ease revultr.1 la Mi*cr»tlou that (he InHian hui U, iif.. l)i i»4rtn-er,f IV MW * I. Have more hourlv exauuu.ittoe doi nw th.e -rtne-tcr hi- 'iler fli«pulr *huuld hr xrtlletl ROOM VFAR ( AMPPS with ■ J. A term paper which would h" ■. h e studeip-.' undi > id irtusll hand.i IhriMiKh tirioliatinn FOR SALE «.r >iin* I ''ee JiriVllifte, %44 t ntvemii' Drive 111 l"e FD 2-4562 • r i- Cii.tid in- 'ha' enoitu ; wam- vtandmy of tlie subject lied Med C , .n,'\ from i*»tit side* would keep PRIVATE BATH TFI KPIIONF • :t. Uptioiial final--. I'. at he end. t *-»• y.niir ter. tl» aid position •i. > s:'» rue. k during the next StftViCt that satisfies mi'lii-i- and entrance In laree . mn- MAA-T .I viihuiliv HAKERV det-otafed DFl.lVFRS i «..*• «•- siu.irnl* of tVi|Miu in.hi v u.'iable Dxmi Foil* m*t. «tudei>* student I* *at i*t led' w P h hi* cr,.--. I--,- •- torce-i to sever a! of >n'«ait.*e wot't t inen« rurntehed. 3? 5w weekh FD twelve tor 22N) Pn-.iif TV 4-*7».% i ti;tv t hrru prrtticlmc trrflv tlut lore 1 n m take on exam wbuh nuph? hurt him. a :••• t. not ratse MMiirlluitc will h.i|»|U'ii negoi a' • • • FROM TIIF DFSK of a xna-c hi- j'tadc PI F.ASA NT SINGIF OR drti.hic Tr-. t"la new e,,.*• x'wre I'm a ted on corner of Ann a ieit this system ha- th«; silo- !,iii,.ci. .»* t» * •-! final • I mod fu4'«"l«rd ' APPROVED MAI.F HOP SI NO t.:.« *■: A« Avenue Ahhn'i Road Room bo*rd twrk-n, exams. f 4145 i>e* term P»ll F.D STUOINTS -s - Y ji/hi M on"/ Surrender' i. '.tie- Whatever alternatives are propo-i <•;. if t ..t p. W'LL'AM H THOMPSON 7-01115 II need ride < THE WINGED SPARTANS "4 Ykvdvd*, sd.le to he j»h|e to lu'eck the ironclad ho'd 11 . * Int., Week »'• GRADUATR STUDENT NP$ ■ - - «irfle mon; 14 no in ex, "ante has on the fhiukmc of l iover-i'' oiltc,.., at,.I tu.icn: ? ed 1 tsav *uperv»i»m Parkin* EDT-oa.* is People Hack Revolt »iwe I \-y NIK.1 K' ! iOV bl»4e C**4«r IT S^074 alike f inal week has become o embedded o out e eiemic > - i In viru «if tbr stront ftl-tiiil DOPRI F ROOM FOR *t irie< »- life that it appears that rvrtoti.- . ,.ntt lit. w it It fie -v* Patkt.K ornate entrance. TV *n* sswortf Puzzle If , . ,.mdiiMm Hi J-Mtjs v t'ar km.* IA * -!' cm o net. drape* Near Fan-view • ■ V. i a • • - but line IV 5-3282 ■ K 24 1 isvli.e s'.a- ,- what vv<* nee'i approved Rooms' one »n*te ami i,re Extra nite ("lo«e iU'UOM T;.ovit y .• s*'ed i . rater of «"ostt 4F-a ;pd the irvdcpcrut- F.D 3-**S« 3 SERVICE nisi'gn <1 *41445" - f i ' DC" lit -impius. A van, '- and t t? emote v « - SING I f R044AI FOR *rnlle« en ?« ■ a Fulgeru,* thane> »i«- ia Manna, acvn»aig c.e' , e sudd liwibor, Parkin* AUTO INSURANCE - -.IP ' 4 To'pemtuff reft, rue s t>D» IV a-O'l after A .10 ..r under 25 tn»urrd »mnieriatelv s tYfiorls th»l . Infract P Lit of sh'tea-l lift -4- oertonails II* Cast Grand R war mil- i«ln .lerntne i P.-e , va-.< " against h ftuve'n- Suite s.» i as'ru sa d Km APPROVED SINGLE* AND d'»Ub i Proportnn :» I • • .» D**tr.r« *6 51' :« "1 i«i> tart* w*m- r.H>tv ■■ Vfftt STUDENTS int«re*»ru 14 No-(v>U* b - eh a rv iv frrr artiile*, and Hook* iU. Will Was! M • »>\ •,■,«' TV ! ..indii and oarkn"- «-m t|»e phil'UM,phv of mo heai, * 4! rii'f i «-ee:\ ,j..\ II v*ax (Astro himxelf who I A, laiAXfAVT ION JS fact; "es Spar*4ii Hall 213 I«wil* litiertv . tree market *n*tm t>* 1 4 (»CH.h1 e I"#**-* iron, «aii*.pu» CD 2-2374 • va'e property and thnMRd * • t erv>* , vrlit In IV vprrrhrv last month ftooo ment. write IS! 1014 Lei it*e ti i - Ltaiwndahi* 4i Tie'k "We are irinlnt the |»*ople. that Cuba faced an invasion for (itdtanaooht 4, Indiana IE Opportune 4a Elect »* When hrfore in t uh4 have 4on M(SH 20 Comb wo'-l pan;, le Soii.t.on ot Vritfd«i '* Puti't perhaps Ivefoie (he end of (he TYPING ED 2-45 3b seen arms in tlie hands of stn- ,'l Go helm e 4h Fad l-t year. (OR SAL! W O.N CD TYPING—OFFSET D- . . HrHis «ml •workers" This is our 24 Qufft <•' - ■ 1 now \ -I u,• It eomes stmultAiieoiislv. Itou - SkUDNWt SH0» I ICATION Our 1RM Executive - 4ino ami we know what we He tRAIlfRS Iw'l-'l MAhJf ** >•!. rvei Willi 4 siiRCrstlOH to 4 'W*po;- IT" i-arriafe amj wi*reha«#r-». * llr.i C: imisl liKhl acaliist " Avj»:o ?'? M»c Cc« 4 0 -r. t» w. Iv pe-t-wik p • «> d u c « * pro,"* ; i sturlv cioup from Itie lloie-e otiaittv offset lYipy. ytenctk. and 4 I lot IFOPKE TR AiLF.M NATION AI tftS# . immiie '• loiricu \P tils rommillre a (lei IWJOtl Udft e? f.i'-'-two hv eiRht t«'i bedrvwxrv bon* Cat! ED l-M.i Acrv** 1 »>-> 4 vl»«t to luiopr (his 6roup a ai i<4d ■ HOUSING ■ vnne Da*." I" good i- --.tili'io Brrker Hall .1(1 On thf ■ ... rn-i > m> vied *V. • •' eo.iity Par*eft near Pm*« thinks lite I'lrsutent stiouhl urirMvjp. • *dv r.D 2-{."VK 3 T V. AND RADIO tervice >t* GRE AT I.AKF.S trailer IT feet v>.ed T.V aet* and antennae» $•» I: .:.tV;»'!4 both thai thrv laftliuot S4frlv -Ci. and m e priKiuc'ion,' U\ 4 ifl-m till'.- .stomn-h, 'aavosr • pubaioo- ucrr ■ Ri.H>jf M'RVtSMm h.'%4»e f - hv A «ret Tw<« autoniatur fut>e fhevkuig. free nariunf • a neuncrn-rnt *.> T- :■ '* a nso-«i f,»r twrvstv L'astro re- sltifffpil* V\et ?! ri food romUblfl Reasonable 9 o.m daitv TV Technician* i Ml ha - T '' hist from 4-.-otlrv failhtie* IV *-&!64 1, ip Traiiar Haven 2780 E Grand A'22 C Mtch ifan IV 7-3338 3? Nrar«' r • o.. a any d.Jtv attack nventrd k Sm i>' Riser » *■ A :r.o United S:ai« s }|,< TYPIST ANN BROWN " >4 Compa po.nt t 5' li uv.. '$ r- 12 r. Miclii.ruII .Stale News b.s >. audience «a» whet, a told . hide t GREAT LAKE* Httft Hi hv to feel Uke tie-A olured »fti>i!.i«m ED 2-3218 l.ixed in »i\ rtitmth* 5 a-PkVt i Electnc and I exit, aUo frnera tvwewrite- Te> T" ViHfM.:, ch;»!■ -. "Iff tpu 4 1 t HrsTl i.NER : W4 One hedrpor- S rUDENT SPE4 IAL -- COMPLF ' 1 • r ** nrekiv duo en»-n*j« ate • • . - . iwit ratrpu* bat, Ot- Mud Mali hit one mil# froo-- EO 7-4WA3 tune-uD aointt Lmtne Onlr *|4 3A Car plu*5 cnnden*er .• « nvr h, »m» "t S» r NMsjini ,«.,ur*elf »or only 38. t»n ki* uci press ' *.*ii*Dli in -sfoiient* ot eroirwiis tn« xcrvice, UM < c*!l Open fr ■i t 2$ W . t»r , W for I'D I-JOPA or Ej> idMl «j LOST and FOUND " «*» a m to 10 8A p m. Date » Tex*- I Jul C-T-Iv 1 ■« _ U8 Grand R,v8> ^ ' !.OST ON CAMPUS Cardboard Life (an Be... 32 It: . -If., l ' r I • r ro Ass--, •a!<-d }',»••« and i>»» 1 " 7 " * iutl*\f 4-.»r« iated , >llec»al» CtrV* APPROVED -"**<1 RfX>\! STUDIO varfon cwxtaimnf 4-«Jtfl a tporu coat. IV- T TRANSPORTATION ?'* lauuirrt f >F ( ditor lit-( turf . l> I'eter Walters A$' Mi l Ml:,'S3 I'ru »>* »*ih entr*>u* W ATI KINO His I INMI v . '•'-t.f sa'v: Ait,iit. V*rMtit lllv INTERESTED IN CAR 0>m>! T,- hi Ataiuninc Id Mot sumnn Trier t K*U>.' 'o-i 4 iVilhamflon to MSV G8or«e Aker- n u. i* lliisim-ss Vliiuirr John F x tetutoi* Wmphv . >/ w ?i Vt.TLMOHF e IX Wi , VP AH t'VCVr J lJKtK RiXJVi- LOST LADIES GOLD *atcb. 4i> Ni.a.C '• ( irrulatlon Manurr roil I H.krf D»-.i+r » Antuversar* imcrvuthu- v? .tbam t.sifi* hedriwir. H i: CtH)k ■ « »»« I Hilar Cairo .4 VIM ail. W.rr I 4ii.ii ( Itarioi.e Dallor- ;v a yity wn»|kto>r If.tfotn frn„tt> hu»lh E**t *.rt* td»n- i\*.rn. „•» i-.e t hx s*>ntuv,enU< value Kp- WANTED 11 ^ I an I'ur Mitur s a ltd 1.1 I • vuswrll, Mo«r Vleter Hot. v' ■ vafe+jfs h < pennie? J-UK&5 Reward j 1* At Si' i»r - »-- .s' :« l« minutes Vo l I .hi l'o» I dlli.f I art. Tit. k. T*ttl \ anKulken When Graham jfet a trap '.fpr a i nlaw* lumtshed ».p i-lus ; WOULD LIKE TO bahtiit , >* * u 44 Not t *1 Vlllln Vithi sport, tdi.oi, tiar* CaW U • ih*t»vn spoil, idii.-c Jim VValhiifton M'-nbru. pat siephnts • I 'uye. the tr#p itl.1 the uxk YOUNG WOMAN To vt*r* tnysi- PERSONAL hem* with 2-4ui4 #np **e child 4ft ih 4w<">alv »|m,ii. Nilnr Hes f nr rat er* will lalUkan ar t a droning wobtAti rtstvuved ern, fut f ished totdmcnt ED 1- ,Uu 4* " . v; "a 4* V-'f t llHrn. IrtO I InH* I• thtnk Herdr Mir, sin j„hn bander. ftorh trmp and mou*e fixv C.ra- 4fMrt I «, TO TRADE FEMALE dacheh • niulr -t SUN TAN —GIRLS *et vour told- AKC. raw late red for food ;Ri*n • k 45 To ..siVy *".iii. I 4 it mi Connie /ikn Offu e Wantxrr II. leu office The ne t morntrui XTUDFXT to >!wre e» -4 A* c MALE tiiff en tau under the hflrU m>. Unueraltv bttce. or mU lor *25 EE »-«*■• 44 Ft. ., Six hi Idiiiii. sharui. (.tail. WaM.rwfor w-a «r*«meia I- weeAt} 241 beeuiy si*km id 5-tn« ij. Howard Holme*. Hill Melnun. Hark room viauacrr Norm Hinra T.lo cuaiptrwiler ** J he w** Ave. KO 3-Wit 3 REGUTEBSD NURSE will rare it v 11 V4 Folio. V nnriie Krause. Jane VVaiker Retail V|ana«e. Did, Perin ~jfT5U he had bagged hi# n her ..v.- h*M»! •4«ti Retail vianacer Han.rl TWO tOXirORTABtJ: ROOMS TRA—dance* ble ir.uatv- with that fcif in Soerton Vulaee so 2-3132 »f" II *8 W M Situ 4-> I NI*h| Idilois ' l,eort». Marl in but ariUevi: xrdl •» *crc"t iKUi'e three muoent*. R M band aound and leeitn* Phone IV- *nn toner. Hank Hernsieuv I in National 44v»rtotn| Manaier "Msvre important, that trap weekly. At*o. tuo :*rg+ »ing:e room*. 3-1478 w da Hooter, Jodv Heward. Hnn e Halt ftnuue •TW vreektv Linen* furniehed. for¬ WtU. BABYSIT IV h»* •oarr.-r.' • rwt b« An crnu and A taint it l.ielda • nix own blanket* 314 Shepherd IV- KENNY DAVIS ORCHUTBA ~ Anv hmui, five dav* 8 wee*. tD back.- t-Hil « ea.l F.D 2-1477. 1'lUi. * MirillGAV «T%TE NT.HA >■«' !*"• Adenauer Hits Says Rising Ik DM II. I9MI Eden Averted WW III Finploynienl Acquire Purli Say British Officials Anti-Semitism ials LONDON (A*) claimed — Monday British offic¬ Sir An¬ the Ra*«ian* bound to help defend the who are treaty- Chin- Costs Cut Vpar Itifi Mac Nearly 71 acre* of H.fhway thony Eden probably averted e*e against sttack. DETROIT 'J*. Secretary of I').-,,-,-••7 .T,' e x c y - * prope—y Declares Trouble — World War III by resisting a lame* Mitchell *a:d M n- near 'he MaiKinac Bridge •* I U S plan to intervene in '.he "Subsequent events have - the ^.rred nver *o ' (v.n-c.—.a- v.- prwt var trend :n ri-ing it*- e Indochinese Civil War six years shown Eden's judgment to have Must Be Stopped ago. been right." cu h'»tir!y .n employment costs. •»•»* ha if in the recent sev'.'.- t on 'wpment ft- a 'eon ofcrk. f >r H.^-viy devH- '•Eden resisted considerable The U. S -British DOlicy spii* 'je'weefi '.he stce! compan¬ r .-v. oner John La* BONN. Ormany (iP)—f'hnncellor Konrai! Adenauer -p«f .n«-nt for 5.*Jl- v-'ivity must be stopped. ity laid. His own account of the 1954 Y*r a apepth before the |>n- •Hif) ' ;>■ a:>r' '•••e.-; . c S'«'« nomlc flub of Detroit. Mjtcbcll tn an obviou* reference to the Eastern crisis appeared in th- A •.n.ra';ve Board "Anglo-Amerteaa intervention »ald the *tee| wage settlement I* , - -net hi-***. Aednauer told a k >' h-'-i • -J' •t tba time wmM bare sacked Londoti Times as the fli-st copv- in line with other* negotiated in . f . T hookup of all West German l*»S*. of. *'*. Nlack.n-p.- «*.ooa: Red China Into tbe fight. The righted instalment of his mem¬ lie argued it "cannot *et off wage pattern with highly GAMED FOET and I .incoln biographer P. in- A • ff e>. s- Ow KM clearly andmUml Western pawer* then waald oirs. a I arl Sand burr poses in inflationary effects, a* ha* hap¬ lOnr,..- A:, i '.e» a'o'.g ihort bare bad to strike at mainland hi* Flat Rock. V ('., home with a busl of kbra' -im Lincoln. Sand¬ thai nHl twfWuti will be wtf- Stricken by Ill-health. Eden i.' • ',i S'' i .' - r>' Mi'l'kil.a?- Cbtaa saansr ar later. And tbat pened sometime* in the past." burg. who lectured on the MM' campus Ibis fall, celebrated his P Ger- resigned as Prime Minister ... a-.'jj : »v. o the- ELgh-w- y kNo. Oer- prabably waald bare tailed to Januar.*, 1957. When compared with oth«» R?nd birthday January R. lie..,.-" r.g construe". ami tm ••age >:<••• !tvitreported m»? my many m- Eden said restoring peace to " ■ • aopr w '•> "re <• Bureau r.f l^abnr s'a'.s' •» Ttie* ''ffMH are tbe tame at they — wbw will ny that the FCC Asks Indochina ws* the mo*t peril- oos tosh he handled in bis la«t 1950." MHtrhril 'aid. "the atee! K'.C IIcurs limit Rale l*mtcsl •;■ Tr ... -r. ■ M >: Og« and Cojv»cn »- • age .npresse o* 7 cent-—wn. b*H la be."* DETIU »IT J* -An Inters'. • - • ; te w, • • •.e• ' have «rkop'-"! term as foreign secretary from d h- no* g.-, jnto effect . ur.'.i Tn Hamburg, Foreign Mlnifter ('•.mrpPTce C'prifniomn iJC k-' •' ^ ••• yD»n w.-creby ' e ASCAP for . - 1951 to 1»S.Y next December ;«■ 5e«* thai . 'fe.nnch Von Breruno called •i' Slir.g -vi j.r./<•••- . vc: vi.-' * . 'ir: ' " -' • c /')-< r.-a von ricpartment m**e* average a> a matter of fact. p>5 .■»'•> for hi*' foe the entire German nation to The climax of the difference fn- (Jrc»« Lakes pa k. %J i - • ' t „ «-•; av:« percent of'wage inereasf-, i pur;*-,.,** T n e • »• against the "criminals and over Indochina, a« he telis t ie 1 ?♦.*)'» excei^l tha' figure." '-c.'gt.t •• :p"-ent. a D-'r ' •, -«• • - : f - . .-iv ♦-■ols"* reponxible for the ©ut- reak of an'!-Semi tism. Evidence story, 25 came on Sunday. Apr.l Mitchell I nderscoring "wage Inrrea-e.'' *ald "the steel se'ttle- ■...•net i- I) :y•*' v I. ••• • ••• •' •• • ■ • • , H.. ' .I Depament offers — Those who paint swastikas This was three days before Vice iki- dtfrit ,r ' D'"r c.r • '••• ,1 • • ••••-• • to .a ju re'Any ex* ment ha* been described in ar. P >'t ar.d anti-Jewish slogans should WASHINGTON hP.—The Fed- t* S. carrier warplanes would A" a r.'. • Nnvigs c t. LA.- • F: • / • •• •■? Kv • ■ ..." ■ . term* of total employment costs •V be thrown into prisons or lock¬ eral Communication* Commis¬ have roared into action to sup- _ L O , H c j ... • ' «t v.- ' ' I . • r ( 0 while other ma)or settlement* bef A e. M*« -s«e »«' I ed uo tn lunatics asylums, he sion Monday directed the Amer¬ port the crumbling French po¬ n«- .-.t ICC examiner J Te.- c same hare been described to term* of -.end ahpr'cui • 'd a nesfini of the Hamburg ican Society o? Composers, sition at the Red-beseiged bo'- F ". u. .. K. \ .r ... tion of I>.en Bien Pbu if *'-e w ages and benefit* to em- DAN: O t- \ - • vc Board of Authors and Publishers to sun- ryy . - . • O^rseas Club. ■ . , . .. . British had decided to join plore*." •ii. -'Da • r.f B- ,A-i.:,g L ' s- pre. v ' S'- V • . a • •.»- ■ Of ex - patHieal •*- ply the government with anv ■ evidence it mav have on payola During a que-tior. and ac- ' D»'*r '. ft.-j.i7'.), a*..-l 111 u'"i Cf— ■ « - • • re ci!:-e* of Weal risnattT al«o ; — Eden wrote that be and Sir E I«ari«it*C • m ImaMiai tbat e*-\"a*i* in the music broadcasting field period. Mitchell «a 1 h- belo v¬ ;t*r< ,v» G-< r , : •• . - • . Winston t'knrchlll. then Prime ed 'he time .« "now" f <: *a • ae rbarH aei e# the He*t Ger- FCC Altera! y Aahbraek Minister, both considered the at. i management *o start wo-.»- ' IAN'C • • , givr-d -rw ' - min gevemmenl. I.I ivthh mrti. »• demanded the InfermaUan when Dulles plan would fail without ;ng toward a solution of mu'ua. T»*ae'*s no*e to Born was * ear-old new spaperman, was ASCAP President Stanley Ad¬ ground troops—and tbat C bur- problems ' the barga.:.- jr'ed with an appeal through chill felt the British were being • -e United Nations for action to arrested In Germany on charges ams teatlRad at a pabUe bear¬ ashed to help mislead ( unites* • r.g table" He ad led he was Lakts iw.ween Duluth a Wcb-leis I>i«-liotiiii's Cage till of nen-Nati artivitie* following ing that private payment* for ho;**fu! a top level labor-mar.- P., . -M. .cap. s i •-«r anti-Jewish incidents in *he Into approving a military npera. the current wave of anti-Nem- plugging aeleeted songs bad be- agement conference would be . port; :a trv. He was one of the oldest of vitioa. hut also would bring the world si' MIS 1; .spat:.-. M.I, II.i, '-«■ rote delivered by an offj- to the point of war. 3'! person* arrested on the char¬ • (.it!t<-r»-*i comiMdieij !,mi- ci TI;» - of the !*rae: Trade Mission I'rder crow-examination hv ges in the city. u •- the Israel; government rea-- Bryant, Adams s-id he was P.ot The United S'aies in a secre' • VAI.YE GRINDING • 5IOTOR TIM IF • the swastika smearing* and prepared to he more specific. He letter from Ouiie* proposed that M'UM AN -m.i «»f r k- • . • H IIM I. Rkl.ANf |NG If ( I.HAORIM Labor Laws • i'ar Incidents ir. West Ger¬ wiu then instructed hy the com- the Western Big TTiree, • e . - Philippine* and the three rates BRAKE SI.KYKE Aparta ruimi \r. la>ViMn noted ■ r their man* and elsewhere "did not re- miysion lawyer to compile the • • APRING* -e*ent the :nw.r_« of the ASCAP evidence in thi« connec¬ of Indochina should proclaim saior. t wertunentt and intelligent per¬ Won't Lx'atl to tion The and submit it to hearing developed a di¬ FCC. their resolve to check "he spread of Communism through South¬ • TAHTIFE i Ml FV M R • UAftlllNG sona " east Asia—even to .tne point of SPARTAN SPECIAL ol'AIM N Sl'EsH'ALi n. cla'ih between A.SCAP of- Bi<; (JiaiiL'cs Bit k «aM tbe le—en ef hh» rect tors la tbat W*le*a the actions !• a'c and Br'»a1ras! Music Inc^ usmg mili'arv actf»n i »'ivi)i'nt<*d F'riilvd -niiduM • v. ;•'!»* of a luvnd "f the comjietitora in . \§ If the British wer.* a'ong wi-b I OK I AST KOAI) SEHVIC'K CAM. Ml 7-00(ti •f fitmabb were feus lit Ji»in fhiolttor. and f«»rri/n t-fr<»?; ,t secret w!v* expect the ne-.v mu-ic-ocenslng field tni*. F» res id en* E -enhower the* cenld lead .,cr Ieaf hik'h IQ. never eaten by E>km»«"« o-tumeii t«» fatty diet*. r •■ •-e ai- ON LAST MK HK1AN AT 1.01 IS . b ? M."u«. --Kisen-e moat of •I 5 oppose a government BMI* musical number* f • > • • -i e. down £\ tne rt* HAVANA /T> — rjd»l f>rn aw.w spec .a 1 prates ti-«j t i >: «• • -eadv. he note- FCC had heard tin* same «r.»h»1 in Vnnd«y for • » •' (diigoBally »cr*»« from Ural SI. rnlranir 1 SPATE uad detrimentaliv on the of the Michigan f.eonomie Re- Guild of Author* aftd composers at jus" :r»0 pounds, a sharp drop 'awwyvywanvwwmvwlwavav^AWAV/. cord, published by the MMJ la*' week. fr »m h.« year end weight. The .ewish eommututy, sa.d Adolf Bureau of Business and l.eo- Question* from the bench Cuban Prune Minister tpld Afndl* spokesman of the Social- nomie Research. Mr. Atherton Monday brought out that b»t.n questioner* he shed 15 pounds Parliamentary group. He was • savs that the.seetion of the new ASCAP and BMI opera'* unn-r •vh.le leading detachments from -jpporttng the View reiterated law dealinr e ith labor-manage¬ Havana University** student antitrust consent judgment* a j- Sunday tught by the board of ment relation* in general mar militia over steep Orients Moun¬ m i mate red bv the federal dis¬ Gerrhan Central CtrnwiJ of • * be of more far-reaching im¬ trict court m New York City tain '.rails. J-W*. NOTICE those provisions SPECIAL portance than But tfce party's national cou-.- relating to democrar» and cor¬ : issued a statement ruption in unions. Your complete Optical Headquarters g seif! and hard puru-hrr.ertt In «i'- iri•*: >!i to tne demucra-. y luOvenienUy H>c#tad. cflenr.g torr.picte opticsi services ' »r thoae guilty ef ann-Serr..\c 4' »rr\jpuon issue*, tne arejs acta. red In "t *> new law include • an's v'a'c land between fed- jurisdiction, the WALLACE IPTICIANS FBICES 60IB6 UP OB AU .i.".-! Rockefeller Heer te.-v,"::»o s ♦* in cer*> '■vt •'»« and organ./!- Braurb Offkc# — Viae at f Hppert hair C*ame lo Haul '. p.rketi'if iapposite wears to Frawdari eya eaaminaliuws hs STILL AVAILABLE \ . covered a-e serundarv Dr. ft C Jeaaep. regtoiered afiamiinil MOOEBB LIIBABY TAJWTTON. NY A'—S.- . prov.sjorw f>- • •y-ftee hunter* started bla/- onstrwtioa and mg PH. IV *2771 *2 awasr at deer or. p e nea-.'-v ' ockHeifer orate of pocanv o .■.Uvi-.': e>. and technical chan¬ ge* that m» reduce ti»e time ■Ot ■* mm. M M. —. M; Tk«n. • tn. » • M. (BE6ULAB EOITIOB) :* Monday. .ai; ttf.'t een the fiiung of • ca«o SNAEFFEBS U w«a Bw opacing of a ape: - lief ore the National Lubor Re- • lb-day bunking anwmn .n A'iois- Boanl and tht Board« 'Awnedaater County an ha t the decision "W^atna eawfawion a m'o n g The new- >a* is tho first ma- c«er. Tbe an maw have mu!l> c..ed v» wbere they're daroa*- •- p.ece of feciera' iegisiation in STUDEBT HAiOWBITMB KIT EFFECTIVE FEdOABY Itl Oktout the latwr reU'wrui field ttne§ ( orchards and crops but sr..11 tne Taft-Hartley Act of IN7# 'i t And noough food to go write* Mr. Atnertc;n. It IS tne reau;'. of three yea re To Mp 1n tha effect, the n* rongreasional diAcmirea, frus- r jckafeiler fatnily opener! i'» •..-ation. and final compceniie : WW acre aanate » hunter* for e first fcrr>e and grow;ng out o? the McCWlllli BEW PRICE I.K provided scrr.y Cer>mi!tee'a hearing* and in- urury—rr.a;e. coffee and vest.gatioa*. in the labor-man- "nUa. and a truck pick-up *erv- agemem relatiorw {je.d, he aa.d Vi OFF AND MORE PBNSE BCW 1.65 53.93 c- *> brag ir. feea ner deer. But one thing the family ■$- eed on—no c*>«r-«lirid twni - *-* " who mi#.'. -ating gaiti for doer bides mauake .rod AIM All wiattr -Ml* «n! caaaal dr—in #,frr SAVE ,30c nkuI • I'rof—«wsil fr*a 5 Is 20 **d half air** Inut Mwaville Marries 11th >12* |lu*intk» li CoaiiMrct vxw row can — a***- » IKATKRNITV 1 VALUE Trait j Manwilia marriec. taa Ilth wtfe Monday It was.' ' * firs*, wedding ceremony AT OUR CLEARANCE BARGAIN TABLE COMPLETE YOUR OCLLECTIN RUSH ■ "'ir t three year* and he •" "Mtr thar he kr-wke-i his orde't hat ofl with ha wedding SwaMara FIR Tail Law RAT MOV. JA>. TIIRS. 7-10 P.M. JAV II 14 Lk NOW rmom' im rot PHONE ED 2-2317 Don't forfrt tn laafc at nnr npnrial 98c MALCOLM MILKS .127 HILLCKEST rlasraacn akirt nek ' AT PBESEBT MONEY SAVMO PUCE nifkt HU • FREE! GALLON % COKE ,ROOT BEER OR WITH 2 REGULAR I IXCLt DIDi ORANGE ITEM PIZZAS r . > J. . W c.-'i CAMPUS BOOK STORE L. iPLAIN (HOI i " M 1 1 :1 ■ i VARSITY DRIVE-IN abhntt rd. ACROSS FROM THE UNION BLDG. I.UJVEKV SEB*U t ED.SUH >n« ivici %v *T%ri >rw« Billy Cannon Sued by LA Rams I'aire Four January I!. I960 Champ Wants to Know, •Just What Is Going On' 'If Play i m Attempt To Halt >9* XKW YORK nib—Heavyweight champion Inifemar .!«»- hansson sai«l .Monday ho Wants to know "exactly what Is iroinir on" before he commits himself to a rematch with h Will Be m m ex-champ Floyd Patterson. 'I want "... to discuss matter* authorities" he paid. h a ns*on Pa 11 etpon June. - Johansson arrived match Sunday last For Oilers' AFL Plav ••I want to hoar what thev hav night bv plane from Switzer¬ to v,\ j wan! some trou¬ land He appeared at a noon NEW ORLEANS f/P» — V Halfback ble - luncheon to accept the 1959 KHORTKTOP CTileo Cartas- All-America halfback Billy Says The "author: r." n this ea.e "Sportsman of 'he Year*' trophy Cannon, the No. I target of Pact Tentative* ■ happen 'o l»e 'he New York from a sports magazine. quel (abovei returned Monday 4 '•£ >. * t~F: *81*' i*® to the Chlrago White Sox after S'n'e A""r!:ev General'* office. The champ hft'- a date tb* rival professional fr»otl)all signing aa a free agent. The 32- Sc.' Y k State A'hh";- morning at the Attorney Gene¬ year-old Yeneinelan recently leajrues, declared Monday I-OS ANGELES rtwro C'oinm!*--:«'U and possibly the ral's office lb adviser, Edwin niirhl, "If I plav pro football was released by the Baltimore I job Angeles Rams said Mon¬ Nr.v York Ouniv Hi-'net At¬ AhlqtiiHt. also will be present. * Orioles. tit all. it will be with the torney A ' have investigated • They expect t i meet later with day they have pued in fed- the promotion of the first Jo- the roirimission, depending upon Houston Oilers." eral court to keep All Amer. the length of the first session. Vollfyliiill The Ifeisman Trophy winner ica halfback Billy fannon "They want to ask a few from I.SC talked with newsmen from playin? with any other said Ahlqiiht. "I here en route to Baton Rouge Ik, *uk. LfeMat h 0.M lo question*," turw they want to see if | know C.oarli Prison from Honolulu where he starred ( ANOLI; POWER at CANDLKMTIf'K It was light up PARK time late Ian. 6 at Candlestick — point on • Mil MM mok, th, pork akonl Ikm Ifcnn krt»Mrr ikon club in 1960. anything nobody else knows. I in fhe Hula Howl game Sundav. Park in Man Francisco, new home of the Man lhot In Hrol, suflm. Ik, mw thMol .noilkkri The suit was filed here Friday don't think I do." It was reported that the A'~ Galls 1st Meet Cannon signed a contract with the Houston Oilers of the newly Francisco (Hants the stadium baseball club and this is how looked to cameraman from a vantage formrr homr nf Ih, Olanlo. Trt n# llaklo Mlkr. .nolhrr ,l,p Ian-ark rooi,lrlloo af nrw oUklnai. and the Louisiana State star served early thi* morning in was torney General's office was in¬ formed American Football Ma¬ Francisco when ho returned bv avpy terested in any possible viola¬ The Spartan volleyball team ine Immediately after the Mugar 3'oN»'H!3is,o.i!M:nr tions of the state's anti-monop¬ will hold its first meeting of Bowl Game In New Orleans. plane after performing in the Tih'a a oB|a MJ. Bo'M'3 8~3L oly law in the June promotion. winter term Men's I-M tonight at 7 in 208 If the courts determine that Following 4-0 Performance Hula Bowl In Honolulu Sunday, the Rams said. Once more Johansson repeat¬ the Rams have a legal contract H V 3 l|S|i'3N The squad will plan their by Sam ed that he would like to fight May Keep Mask with him, Cannon said, "I hope a'b'DvBslNN V Bruin Goalie practice schedule for the trim general manager Pete Reeelle, Patterson "here In June." His the Rams see fit to trade mo." hIIWMO. I JO; A HVlXSNV TODX purse stil! is being held in e;- erow by the commission. and look over prospects. any new team Cannon declined to go into de¬ tails of the Houston contract ~ One attempts to establish val¬ Coach Dick N*elsv»n stated that idity of a Ram contract which but he readily admitted "It's a BOSTON (/ft—Confident Don 37-save shutout Sundav night using a clear, plastic face cov¬ any men, students, faculty, or ering in practice but the idea the club claims Cannon signed far sight better than anything Simmons may handle Bostons by a 4-0 margin over Toronto. grad students are eligible to try of using it in competition didn't Ust Nov. 20 in Philadelphia. Los Angeles offered." It was the find whitewash job out for fhe squad. goaltending for the rest of th*1 hit him until he observed plante The other seeks to have the National Hockey league season by the Bruins in 49 regular sea- contests dating back to under fire. court issue an Injunctiaa pre¬ because of a face mask he al¬ win March 5, 1959, against Detroit Prior to Sunday night's mas¬ venting Cannon from playing UNIVERSITY STUOENTS* SKOML most rejected. Simmons, sharing goal le Milt "Don's playing well," Coach Schmidt beamed Monday. terpiece, however, rided the mask was Simmons de¬ hot and that football anywhere else this year, specifically for the Houaloa VOI'R CHOICE OF: chores with veteran Harry Luni- "He has been ever since he his vision was betag impaired Oilers of the I Prime beef open fare aandwleh au Ju*—extra large plate- ley for two years, turned in a somewhat. He undertook a little Football League. started wearing the mask. If he whipped potato—eoftee or milk rarpentrv to tile larger eye, keeps it up, he'll be in there for The eh* i IN AUDITION. MA MPMl LIBERALLY FSOM ANY OS ALL the rest of the year." nose and mouth openings. tie rspirn ef Of 9 MPftll'IAL APPFTISKSN. GLADMER "I'm not as wary of screened D«»n .told teammates-he would shots and can get down low ?r> the mask in the pre-game wurrnup and if he didn't notice imTI!- IMI'IMI, M! O'Hl 98c Without heI n g bothered a« or, of I1MM tmr IMk. «IM k NOW SHOWING much.'* Simmons says of the definite improvement, he would- flt.Mk k mask. n • wear it. Now he's delighted Made the goat in early season fee did. IMIRM MTI HFNTM: Leektag far e really fine meal losses when local fans hooted ' I have nothing against the Sunday evening? Far the finest cuisine at hard le heat and jeered, Simmons decided f.» mask," Schmidt says "If Don he sure le visit ... feels It help* him, then it's ff follow Montreal goalu? Jacques bound to benefit the team. And The contract* for IW1 an! Plante'* footsif'jts in wearing a it he finds flaws he'd be the first 1962 called for the Ramy to |Wv mask in a game NOTIC'F: All meats served by the "Heave ef Beef" are t'HDA Simmon*. 28-year-old native to tell me he is going to give it Cannon 115,000 for each of those Prime. Nettling hat the finest far yen frem . . . up" years. of Port eolborne. Out, bad been The #10,000 bonus check w*« "HOUSE OF BEEF" dated Nov. 20, according to the (ji- Xoyu'h llrlirioiio Ram* exhibit presented in eour% as was the 1500 expense check. Cannon returned the $!0. ill w. MirmnAN Avr. IM.1I lo HaWI OMol and #500 checks and seeompar-- led them with a letter da'cd He- II.or. Mon.-Nol 1 mm. ■ I An. II OJn. ■ • »■« 30 The letter, according to 'n* Kpoololloio, lat toool kool. nook koof. oklckoo. lock, okolo, 0*0. Ram copy displayed here, cla "FOOD VOU ALWAYS RFMF.Mnr.R" ed the transaction Nov 30 •« a- wiicuwuerkewueeaiior merely a "tentative propoja! rr offer to enter into such a con¬ CMSSt IIKt • MGf * DONE tract after the completion of P.e nuusUM-uTiM numou Sugar Bowl football game o Jan. 1, I960" COMPLFTF SHOWS AT — To CimliJjir, (or BoccaLurcai, an,I AJvanceJ Dqtrrtt |M . t:IS - - l:M In ih, I rpiimtrini and Sctrnlific Discipline, rFATCRRM MTART AT¬ LAS • tilt - MS • MS In provirf, an ■ HiMidrrful sUrl nroini of rnlrrtainmrnl Temple Signs LATEST NEW* EYENTM Knlm nur fin, II"ith Indians. ' -Venire nf the East" I'ifM Kaxinli SpnghrMi MITRE Ci Gianl Italian Sandwirhn Gets Pax llih » CLKYEIoAND — Secnr.-t STARTS CAST MATI'SDAV TONY t t RTIM CASA NOVA bdst-man John Temple, acquired last month from the Ctarmra Red*, and three other piayer y,ou OoJmtestiQateOhe JSroa) Opportunities GRANT • Incites "OPERATION rETflCOAr' EAST LANSING S OLDEST I'IZ/f.KI A returned signed contracts Mon¬ day to the Cleveland India- III M.A.C. Kant lanoinir Kit 7-9*11 The four brought in 24 the InlumtlJnJZarQe-ScdkiSijstmmEnpneerinQ number in the fold for the 1 »ess<»n. leaving only 11 imatgnet Other signers Monday were pitchers Bobby Locke and Ai Cicot^ and in fielder Billy Mo- ran. Salary terms ware not an¬ nounced. but general mantgvr Frank Lane indicated that Tem¬ ple received a raise. The fiery W da Man n laiHiaia el Teduwlagy «*h a second sacker, who had one ot asf nactvm iiapnl ef the Kiemhts nhe designed and Asvilspsl the SAGF his finest seasons in the majors last year, batted J1I and drove System, MITRE aftoiJ* individuals auelrrated professional growth in a multi- in AT runs for the Reds. He * a* ■doiiplmfd environment, There eabtt heed«m ef ihoke in alignments ranging hum the National League's Aii-SU" second baseman. wiitm deugn through putotipt Jrukfnwnt to advanced operations rtuinli, M r invite you to iwwi snth us hew ywvir avademic training can be effectively «»iillxr4 in one ef thekO stmiuUting areas t m l fptt cr i.s n a i ss hi is is a as ier i« • SYSTEM DESIGN • WEAPONS SYSTEM INTEGRATION ur m • COMPONENT DEVELOPMENT" • HUMAN ENGINEERING us m it; ih • REAL TIME COMPUTER CONTROL fcYSTEMS • COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS • RADAR TECHNIQUES • ELECTRONIC WARFARE • OPERATIONS ANALYSIS • INTEGRATED SYSTEM EVALUATION The abeve'opening* are available at MITRE's modern facilities in suburban Rotten. Massachusetts - I ort W alton Reach, Florida ■? and Montgomery, Alabama CAMPUS..INTERVIEWS MONDAY, JANUARY II ^ Aim,# coomt Flaomonl DM« Ht appaMinMil THE MITRE CORPORATION Ml ViWI Street - Lexington 7.1, MoxxochuKtt, — I l-i,\lHue huhi* lu!ly i/eKnl'iHij TIJ'JRl .nul its tklnrilirf is ttnibl'lr on request KGDL ]ubs Get Ashhurn Rich Stat* News ^ 2 Keel Wings, Not Sawcliuk Named Top NHL All-Stars For AI Dark, 2 Others January It. 198# Ni*m sp«irt« >:«titor — »;an n-os-n • .'h':r"K\!. ■ . • 3» dcrenP-iMR •■han-ipi- "l : W". •». V.*::- esfh Point- 'Ari'e of .■.»-« the * ;io. *■ nr/>*'P n-'in • de-i NHL r»tut» -n .. oa-i ♦ h'i-c ft- . .♦■••'.fi'i P'.,«n'e arid a'.'i me Rob^-rr t-f Burhard*. 23-year-old right- John Q'ifnn. general manager v.iftn.g .ea-on - f.r-t ha'* . 0n.r*HiA (**» — FIM of the Phillies, said: C.ft.ii . iru of five f.-n a f'irst place vote a^ - Richie Ashburn, handed pitcher who had a 4-*» H« i 8 . .laeu'ies -PI: nu , pl^f.e* >n the fb * ma! League bat- record with the Cubs last sea¬ "With three other r®nier field¬ a* o,e rr.'l of la*' «ea.*«r v 'I'ioeli IN'iinvVOffers vhmi I ^ Jp, , i with the Phila- Monday wa« son. who caster and 20-year-old Jim Woods, played third base for Lan¬ in the Class A Eastern er* on our (Jreeo. John Cailihon and Bob¬ by Gene Smith we felt we were roster Robb*. Dt! lb. i/ A. ay; 11 ,sh/> P'ar.'e 1-f «erk»ng a record fifth ..traiK'P Venn* Trophy, award >r. Chicago Cub« for a i to ' g>ahe who a lowr th# Tiger Stars Holler: League last season. in a go.^i pojijtion to make a slayers. 'T ps Alvin Dark and also got John Roth about teams the trade seemed happy trade for "In Ashburn.> Hark we are getting a " vuH T-If >a • - /{///c I ttle ftwesl goab ;,.a-e p'avf' at f;nbhi»;g each in pom'; on thtri were spirited, heady Infielder who J* • the Detroit Red Wing /;•' r. Ha", of Chicago Dae Soon a :e. > t .- g r. ' n c e r \ursity Win Mistake? . Ogden and tome of onr other •*?. ' ch' s » get G-.r . -The Kim it brill Ilule- i*«»ni- '• rjeoffrion of Montreal scout* say Woods haa fine po¬ are yelpinj? about their H»f>0 contracl- hit? Hl!( ln»\Vi»? ■' snd el"'-.' mittep mi7t Bert Olmatead tential aa a third baseman." says he is not sympathetic. IP . .. M I. / Ck.-ea..;, #,f T .ror'o nt deliberation Monday with )lfl Timers Think Sa Charley Grimm,'who p ueg- d.ocn r-• *•* The Detr'-if Time* b»«eba!l • Ilo. » .;r >i i '♦» Ai'M «r vote will be taker di**a*:--'ied *h j - •' * the big" i|'i»'*tion of what it ; ning Jii4 third t'me around a- •vrjo r, Joe Falls, said in a «torv • - - . II iivc M > 3 tn® ' ,r*t of the regulac ■r inaver <»{ the Cub*. wa« elated Mot' iav that at least a h.ilf- "p.mch-re • i «'.• • - . 'it will iIn alxnit the substitu¬ v : 'he player* po'Jing Y Rar ' over 'lie riea: • -• a tion rule, if anythinjr, -till die. they just come hack ami rM«.n'y for 'he two r . V "r era never say offer*.' F ' s - >u "A-' i/i n i- a giea' get-. - a ■ ,) d • .*■.• a< ■ An.- I be named to the Lea I have •• s.».e*a e r«,;s ,u? .,r. »• • + biy que.sfii.n. ' h-v< - bi-e guv ah • Ai. help u* a bp .i I'a"* >!! w .ngei ff-ao jf.Th«v also wiV Decker's , The -..ernher*' 1 j their b.ind' " -.<• ' • e ,'nly goe-; for the Defensive!' he will -do a fire •)/- ::.■ n"I .•••e basketball alurr.- 5 Teams Set plugging up job in our outfie' er»s-! Club pre*:den* !>-W ' -u - I'M", '>*..»• f • I. i- • i to runner-up tear . 'akuig uh 'Me o: j'/if." a-e fee' r.g *'■< r •< *■; a'^ng i '1* si .moo ?rr®7) 'he league. ■ return to Jenison And a* a leauoff man. we v.-.,! by Vi, . ••• • • : Rro-.o H • - if gffovng •• :"rgh a dark celD- -«• on Tuesday. Jan To See Aetion have the power corning up ue- "The Tigers open the season V«'h •'? IJ • h. ":f league'r .. nr- Late Scores (age a- a •. of ' <■ •\'r .vf .a. a • "o prove that la*' hind hifu " on April 19. Iirrihndi will he TR I.,-.: r«oe mark " an.-®- in-ough gatr.t'-* of Neylaml. chairman, said. "Rut Northwestern "7. Wisconsin Rig 10 circle*. with live difTrr- i! f'tr a while but when it hap¬ Two rear* ago. when John J ie- 3j To® vo'.i.g wm :• e o. ue want to ronsider every an¬ >.ill be such lurni- ent learns n'tymg totai of sev¬ pen* it shakes you up a little. Us TOM DM KIT Illinois it. Purdue a McHale wa* general fr.anager >*. gle fairlv. •- Armstrong. Geo-g® en con'esb That's part of our busines* Rut Prediction* for Tuesday night'e the Tiger-, he pr en a whole¬ u vne Peterson. The Spartan hockey team. I've bee:: with one dub ,ili.1 I gues* I can t co:r,- for !i! k.i me*-. sale rrackdow—. satarie*. He Ankle Injury ge* We me' omrr. '.ve .th Uie for r *>- 3'j .•aa hou:« .Kansas Miami iOi 82. Xavler state 31. Oklahoma (Ol 74 |s»- :.»r. Rob Carev. Biokc* expvr:eni i:,g .*> >:.>*«! ttart '■ years Iluke over Clemson said many of the T;ge: p'aver* Sj.adav. and .Mor. iay we ap- VMI 70. Davidson 31 w.-.uffer. Wa't G<»d- defense of i'^ f..r -eth. Jack Quiggte 10 years. 10 '.•> .n » pa.r «»f x med;oc«*e per form a r,re- Isn't Serious po.r.ted a - a *. »r- rrut'ee 'o g«.U !v Tennessee 103. LSI' 79 Georgia Teeh »l. Mtwlsaippi «8 t.;*s aga.:c-* M ch;gan Fr. jay f» rwar.l t.» playing with Chica¬ Wednesda* ;,i-'i;K«al> Th il comftiit'.ee | y, my. He t)ror..*ed then that the PHILADELPHIA 4'.~Tra wall reoort back Tuenday, a* Kentucky 98. Tulane 42 n» op,., are still qui'e n.ght th<« face-.iff in Ann A - go and hopes- he "< an do sorne Rradley aver Duke . ub would pav 'op d- liar foi W. Michigan 94. Valparaiso *8 I*irue of tne R-mt • . which time a p.-ovia.onal v»>'e ,*!>aM and wit: te- b i and !..e following gf'e; - g.-M for them" ineinnati over St. Louis •• (', t performance, hut :r.»is*.en , fop i*1' taken to a rrt*>#*»ei - West Virginia 94, William A * t?C n.ion .n Fb< • Larb;ng Now 32. Ashhurn had slump¬ t.eorgia Tech over Georgia Cei'ie* -a. i M >n lay n.ght an S -1 that the Tiger* nr ® 'hrough of Mary 7! ed otf to .2f>f» hatting average a.f. f suffered by atar t.on opiu.or.s. t Old Timers astounded a Coach forddy Andersons pe a North C arolina over North Caro¬ with old nrait. e < ',-.g ou' H .1 Rtr<*e!' wa* not »er- "We expect th# 14 voting Missouri 98. Nebraska 41 „f 9.900 fans la»t tile spartan basketball team last year after winning the Na¬ lina SUte for rt4?:-of-*he-~ ill •v-.-k , raises >mmiUee memo« c to Oklahoma «.». Iowa st»le 47 hv romlng from ten pins top-rated rvnfereme thai- tional l.eague Crown in 1918 Wake lores! over South Carolina Now it Is general manager -4.d ■* ! 1out>',« th*' Wecine^day morning m wha' Stale 49 with a ■"•'>" mark, tie also won .»• pH Vh.nd in the rinsing lenger Illinois salurdas a t West Virginia over Virginia Itiek Terrell's joti to sign the »*;; a I > teady ? >r •hail be don® " Texas 77. Arkansas 44 ftf the game to tie the Champaign. Ill it in t»3S with .338. The following is a liet of the . .. Dark. 3d. came to the majo t players, hot lieWitt is running -iav night* sa:ne with Syr- [tumml affair at 51 -"»I at A -• Saturday n.ght S'.,v New* top 9 'earn* the club It is obvious he has ;.cre bu' the 6-id n :9t*i it vc with tin* then R>*>- f rxt of recillation time. i'hate »a an .iua:n the I'bn;. I 'am quite a bit to say about salary , ffrcuson. captain of the ■ MS!' T.-< •!* ...en the.: R:,«Vv« He hae iwvU with u i«7 quintet sihieh was < . ,te:> • r » :"'ili|W> the New York i»»ant>. f.e s: i ;* ra-fhampiop. sank the l.oips Cat .r.i and the CuO' La-A season he hit 284 M ':!• - K pwi w»«h 12 seconds left , sponsored by 'he ., a - Was Jt»3 it'.', an undergradu- him Dark s Pe-* sea: wa» y w®:.. ut; of Spartan va:- > f.-hen he h»t 303 and dr ve ,:i e- t.i» run-. a Gi«r«t He played i« •>.h ' be n«» reserved e 'A - P-S* : e- and Was oil «dmi«fion f-»t .. . A* -v,.i toatr.* *• tl and for . r.iUiren % 50 Avniur.'is ucfjarture leaves pit.-m-r? Itoiiin R •,>«! ■ an. i Curt of '.he Wh.r Ki i |ajor Lcajiuc k<\itublc Say; pifRXf ;TnV e> - T » jcue ctill has '•■ nanctaU? bu* - * to succeed a- league, base*, a'J Fort 1 Frtck or- «." FYicfc sa.d a'- •• .th Sen. Kc .- ! •; . R-NYi on pro- i :ig fans in «<«•:*' - :■»•« a big league j tr.e.f 0«D. »od he>ond the prraent »r>d National leagues | a>uuble. I rick said is now the .u'ter way, he add- | r.g it will work " r i ■ * ! ontinenta! should i. * v circuit of eight w «.! ■'. survivors could b**-,veen the present IN Schedule «« i I*i r »h«» « *« » and I shew • i* i *m r **•» J >• '• »i»4 V sa»o T * 1*4 W Mta« t i :• <» i and W Ska* I .- I and W *ha» 1 • « i and W ftfcaw 1 : a ad RatOar « To i "in Aa Old Ptiriw . TOR A HEAT . IASTEAB IF A TREATiERT Cm H III T* BARRKC Jad TREAT TsmN Ti Tht BIG THREE IttRRRRB - SIAEE - FRERGR FRW 29U0 E. SAGINAW 2 IM* Wot «f FruOor MICHIGAN STATE NEWS nr Swastikas UWtwirin ID *Nr. MHIS A.F. Chief Placemen! Bureau January It. 1H4 »V.| Found in $ fans >ndav inveMigatod the p' A General Engineering. Moch. (ID in the Colleges of Agri¬ omy, the expervi fense position of the United quit horsing around and pas* three - (B) (M) Engrs. for Mechani¬ culture, Business A Engineer¬ government con ;-, if States is many times stronger some decent laws. Roman Catholic cal Design ing for Management Trainee year by year than that of Soviet Russia. Nobody gets petitioned more' After .eight ind Gen. Thomas White said also Krpuhllran Slrrl Corp.: Mech positions Initial assignments man Congress. . •. In 1 four-font swa - .1 in answer to questions after a flti A Elect. (B) Engrs. for will he staff positions in re¬ II begin* II* Ami full week ases, MississijK); . r , ; , H-.n:. ' . over a two-foot hi* e*!imate of the relative po- Engrs. for Structural Engin- Pratt A Whitney Alremfl: Chem Commander. Oni swaebka painted in black- *ition* of the two major mili¬ ' eering. (n» Wherever we take what Wi.' Russian Milium (M), Elect. (M) (D). : Or. I*rarl llalpern. Rabbi at tary nation* when a*ked wheth¬ Mech. (Bt (Ml. A Met. (ID laughingly call our civilization, delphia, objei-' • I'niver«al Oil Product* Co.*. W""" . Hrih Abraham. **»«! the Inridetil er he would "ralher have the (Mi Engrs.. Applied Mechan¬ we take our love of the petition. Niklta Khrusb •• ftffl 79 MAICH Clu-m. (B) (M) Engrs. for could have prank or the product of 'Some been a lecn-ace CHflf y total defen*e or posture" of Ru**ia the United State*. Training Program A Chemis¬ ics M) (Di, Phvsics A Astron¬ omy. and Physical ' Science From far-off Saipan. for ex¬ ample, comes this plea: Koopman of is ••remonstrant,. . , mentally disturbed or distorted I "I would manyfold rathe try (D) majors (Organic, In¬ organic A Physical) for Re¬ (ID majors for Analytical, "Whereas prior to the Spanish- decisions of the s . „ mind ' Design, Test A Materials A American War. the Indigenous This right to >,•.-« *■ Yonhogo have the military posture of the search. In Kalamazoo defer'Ives sua Monttmd*© related Engineering positions. Inhabitants of the Marianas Is¬ is important and they were checking «»ut two United States, and if you add lands were all Joined togethi r Pofd'f Of 00 JANUARY 11-15 The lleil Co.: Mech. (ID Engrs "Congress sh.i!' • lead* in hope of identifying everything such as morale, eco¬ for R A D in Tank Division. bot i politically and geographi¬ the constitution nomic strength, and all that goes Great Lakes Steel Corp.: C'hcm. vandals who painted two swn-- The Mitre Corp.: Elect. Engrs. cally, all of one race, known as ing the r..: ka* on the front pillars of the to back up military strength, I (B) Engrs. for Operations, . . . Zli • Math* A Physics majors for Chamarros, spoke a common to ix'titinr. ■ Quality Control; Civil (Hi . would multiply my reference and Congregation of R A D and Systems Engineer¬ language and observed the same for a red re*- o: In Ann Arbor poller *aid a several fold more," White re¬ Engrs. for Design; Elect. (B) (M) A Mech (B) (M) Engrs ing. religious and social customs, . •wastika was found Sunday THIS MAI* SHOWS the route and dates of President Eisenhower's plied. and Model* painted In black on the main trip, announced Jan. f». to four Seuth American countries In late He said that a single com¬ for Operations. Plant Engrg. JANUARY 19 Way I'rtitim A Design; Met. (P) (M) ACT Indo*trle*. Inc.: Physics "Wberea* prlnr to tbe Span¬ Petitions do..r of the tteth Israel lllllel February and early March. There will be refueling atop* In Puerto mand authority over all U. S an - ,v.v Engrs for Quality Control A majors for positions as Physi¬ ish-American War, tbe* Island I onndatlon building on the east¬ Strategic Forces, Including the those students • Nieo both going and returning. cists. Field Station Engineers, nf Guam served a* tbe rapltal ern edte of the I nlversltv of Strategic Air Command and the Operations; Marketing (M) in Union Board f.r majors for Commercial Re¬ Development A Sr. Develop¬ of tbe Mariana*, and . . Miehicaii rampu*. It was three Navy's new Polaris missile 'sub¬ The petition- t . feet high and three feet wide. del Read v. Cab! marines, is absolutely essential. search; purchasing Mgmt. (B) ment Physicists. Elect. Engrs. for Electronic, Development A The petition goes on for about up In the Unior. , ,, I he foundation, which Inelndes majors for purchasing posi¬ a page, and the message is must be return* i White added that he wa* a tion* and .Accounting (U) Sr. Development Engineers. plain: After all these years and a synagogue, serves Jewish Math.* (FD majors for Super¬ Tryouts uill be . i Fashions Feature Knees •f the Polari* majors for positions in the wars, the Shamarros would like students and the Jewish com¬ i system, berime, he said. Financial Department. visor of Data Reduction Lab. to see the Marianas reunited munity In Ann Arbor. It w«l add algwMrautly to C H again. p, black swastikas F K K i: ueio pan'ed on the white ROME 'Ah—Soft open collar*, Antonio lie l.ura — This Ro¬ •tawtefftr mpaMlltle* and will "vastly complicate the enemy'* lias Krnrinlv Tamed His Mane? Most course, of come the petitions, frr»m home. of nework of v. John's Roman hemlines at the knees, rounded man routurler stresses elegance, WET U \sll defend# problem." Sometimes politics creeps sly¬ (he Church "Sunday Pnr- shoulders and waistline* around lie say* his new collectlen will WASHINGTON Mh—lias Sen Some of Kennedy's friend* • oners o'tendi'U! early mays the waist are the highlights ex¬ have a "soft subtle line that White envisaged a new super John Kennedy (D-Mass) finally say he got the new hairdo, hop¬ ly into the petition. tt< is shown WITH I.ITIi: A till 'Mini !!.'• swastika* ymearetl be- eare**e« the female form"—fit¬ tamed that unruly ahock of hair, in this one from the Mississippi ported from Italian fashion de¬ joint command' tluit might be ing to make himself more ma¬ (HAM.I. ■ eeh "f the church's two signers in their spring and sum¬ ted at the hufct and waist while headed by either an Air Force hoping this will help his candi¬ legislature: ture. Aides in his Senate office 'Whereas the value of a dol¬ o'.<>r Ti e Rev William Moon- mer collections. flaring down to a wider hem. or a Naval, officer lo exercise dacy for the presidency? Tin W. mk ii u, . ,„i he believed juvenile The shows got underway in Lucinni — His new line is over-all control of Air Force You can get an argument on refused to discuss it. At his lar continues to derreane. par¬ M.AR KILUXtr. I , pranksters ••ere responsible. Rome* Wednesday and move on based on a double triangle. One and Navy long-range weapons that from associate* in Washing¬ campaign headquarters here ticularly since World War II. VT) n four days. Until then, the designers In¬ and waist at its corners. The of the city, winding up a week¬ told a reporter: fiscal policy of the government . manned. lie added his Indict \ swastika was found painted i.'i ,i week ' "i a business build- sist they want to maintain strict secrecy. But ss usual, fashion* other triangle has the hem as a base and rises to a point at the that such present law would permit a new command without end trip to West Palm Beach, Fla , "I ""Tilivcn't think you're wrong. noticed any change in I not only for armed forces, lo which no objeetlon i* made, but Red's Shell Servk :ig about three blocks from the are among the world's worst waist. Ltlciani says his idea is further legislation. Newsmen who have been cov¬ his hairdo at all" in foreign aid and giveaway wes'ern edge of the campus. kept secrets. to be youthful, refined and White also indicated he ex¬ ering some of Kennedy'* recent I iff,rial* vai'j it appeared to l>© It appears that this year's functional. pect* to have a chance, in testi¬ appearance* have noticed that the w'Mk of pranketers. Italian silhouette will Ih» simple, Rleanora Garnctt — She calls fying before congressional com¬ his iwrber apparently has figur¬ straight and lengthening It her new collection "joie de mittees, to make another plea ed out a way to tame the boy¬ will be achieved with flared vivrc" (joy °f life). "Summer for the B70. That long-range ish-looking forelock that ha* A Search for skirts, chemises long jackets, and basque blouses. tunics, dresses." she says, washable and wearable." "should b« So she supersonic bomber was cut back supplied cartoonists with a to a research program by the handy means for caricaturing jour de fete There will Ik* considerable em¬ emphasizing all kind* of cot¬ A nli-Antibiotic last year is administration the Senator. phasis on sleeves. tons. Inspired by flowers, many Cottons, linens and an me of her creations have a skirt for Dairv researcher* at the Mich- lightweight wools look like the h stem and a bodice for a blos¬ ^an Stato University Agncul* favorite fabrics for daytime som. The shoulders are Moused •ural Experiment Station have wear; taffetas and chiffon* for and the waist weU-fltted. been trvinjr lo come tip with an the evening. Irene Galitaine She calls ILFORNO — antibiotic f >r an entibiotic. Black and while are likely to her new look "vertical." Rha PO Their problem, and one which he the featured color*. But says the line "elongates the fem¬ SG '« very dear t.i the hearts of vivid red*, deep yellow* and inine figure and gives a thin, yet Michigan % dairy farmer*, is rich green* will atlll he u»ed. not tight look." 'Iliere will he • • RESTAURANT • • TDMDRRDDi IS TIIF. RIG l»\) finding something that will pro* Here is a rundown of likely long jackets, loosely fitted in t«vt penic llut from being broken pew fashions In Italy: front hut not In back. Collars down nft.-r it is fed lo cows. Simonetta — Her new line, are almost eliminated. 'the mane that made PIZZA famous in Lansing WATCII THE RACK I'VM "Penicillin will protect Vows dedicated to "the simplicity of Fontatatia — She will show iii — alno in — fn»m bloa*." explain* Dr. Roy the modern woman," puts new longer jackets and some dropped Emery, assistant professor of emphasis on coats and suits. Her waist- Her skirt* have iKien dairy. "Hut after .« short wlulc, past success has been with cock¬ lengthened a bit to mnka the t SlraltH # Ultirkrti • Italian A Suit FimmI* I bacteria in the tows stomach tail chesses and evening clothes. silhouette long and thin. develops an erunme Which lie* OPEN DAILY PHONR Eli 7-1311 Catering - Private ihe penicillin ft P.M. - 2 A.M. Take Out Orders Parties-Luncheon* "The result is that there !s» COMING TO CNICAOO no longer any protection from FOR THE WEEKEND? bio, It! : e the scientist says. formation i>f rx- Enjuy Sunday Dinner in ihr Ralh«krllrr' Stwduntt (mow mr women), Cuwples g.i< in the stomaoJw of I > I' cmiiw caused by tha fomilmt. Group* «n Tuur. iii oj.H-'k Uie itiaphragm in-- iw animal to mffo- •TAV AT TNI YMCA HOTKL R- • Al *• itff* •* tW* U*» K.ilr; U.: fiii*l fecillng seicn thc pcn.ciilin has been f«-I. «ff- •tw. • |IM..«„ it* Htw cjpntti m* "air-softens" every puff! i* .s s.-an hing I >r one that " Fhiei-i :;-.e penicillin from Now even the paper oil# d*#4 adds to in a«# . cku#f# %, in. da-iisKirig engynie. ENGINEERING OPPORTUNITIES tor Soniors and Oraddatoa In. ' Salem's springtime freshness I S,-y- PHYSICS ATPlltD MATHIMATICS ENOINEERINO MECHANICS ENCINEIRINC PHYSICS AND AERONAUTICAL, CHEMICAL, ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, fe- ■' METALLURGICAL, and NUCLEAR . ENGINEERING INTERVIEWS ftlDAY, JANUARY IS _ h Mm', Inah air la throaak tkt mn#s ■ p seers if isso>sion**I «• kril|. tbio you mi* ■■(# jhu uooke iwc smtisc taote c» tva i en bskmo# " opse^es# " petal mm Hum fmail r«#if vhicb you'To«a)tata» —* —" a«##I INbwNS.iSih Ktnggfc ysur Csif SIRn b*|0«lhtai*tal)HlMN|k plioood ooaHuobo iMlftatultalbbo! I PRATT A WHITNEY i ■ fthsdj—iflwiigkt seasipfebeifli • menthol fresh s rich tobacco taste s modem IHtor, too . mt MHn HOin'MK mm more nm em Ret