Reminder! The Weatlier- an State News Leap Year Mean* Rain. Warntfr You Ask, Hich Today .. I.adit* !/>*• Tuesday Serving MSU For 30 Years . VOL. 51, No. 116 KAST l.ANSIM;. AlirHlliAX—WKIiNKsilAV. .lANl AKV 111. 1!IC0 PKICE 5 CENTS Rayburn Refuses Chairmanship Novelist Move to Give Spark To Johnson Nomination N. Sliute >.iiii Won't Wield 4»a\e| for Mem* Succumbs Tor Kir»t l ime in Tuehe Near llole * WASIIINfiTON < }'■-Speaker >ah: fl .r- "i>- 'Beaeh' Author . Tex I bowed out Tue^dav from bi^ tradit.ohJ! r->.» chair¬ man of the democratic National « ••nv-n' ' Suffers Stroke — MELBOURNE. British noveli*t Australia Nevil <.V> Shuta Ih e . i s lis died of n stroke Tuesday in Melbourne, the city he pictured in in "On the Beach" as a scene Increased sutr Nou Photo by Tom Armironr mankind's final destruction m 1*1 Bt.HTTV .MAN. Ifarvev (irulrnhrrt behind a fire engine from cabalt radiation of World Vets' rowers War III. He -A-a* 60. I M- /K'Z/f II I I mmdlid" Ravburn told hi* ne**% rao- pooler announrinc the annual Vets' association danre. llllV ferenre he hu "* rrr*t de-ire l\ inter land W hirl.** The dance w ill be held in tensing at the Shute had suffered a 'erics of to *ee one ronvention from the ( ivtr Centfr on Jan. !J. heart attacks. These caused him floor." lie * j id he w ill not »e- to give up his old sports of rept the p«M of ronventiori yachting, motor racing and fly- rhairman he filled in 19IS. To Oppone I lath ng even while he went on and 1956. quietly writing best sellers anrl "Wre • • • • looking after the livestock on ALSO Stales Debate h s farm overlooking the sea. The aathor. whose real name ua« Nevil shute Norway, waa stricken on the farm, at l.ang- On Loyally Ouestion warring, at 1:39 p.m. the 25 mile* to Melbourne, he Ru«hed bav.' a >,•- lapsed Into a roma at the hos¬ A (Win: HOI R chat waa held b« Oil S'isi Stale Photo h\ Tom Arm»trons :■ t- winter term o.v-z-' .» • committal- are several pital and died at l:J| p.m. with¬ H- v.- /. Arhterhnw. Mervryn Blake «if the < anadian plat¬ performance of f hekhof's herry Orchard" by ur.H rv* out regaining consciousness. Jr. s proposed FwoluUon im ers. Oirard Shapirrn. and Mike I'rice after the the ( anadian Platers Tuesday night in the Aud. «•' ■ i«• ;• ronssderati'm hv. the His death came less than * son rr, |/«, :.'j oath wii! be the mam i.t R.g:;% and Welfare month after the simultaneous a .. 4 r.s-,v •em on the Student t'mtre- ottea- if 'he resolution world premiere in more than a by nam.- *;i;d That tne agendft tonight. U '.hot student* ran break dozen rit:»«; — including New Slon-Mm iii» Version proposed fy-i-astr, ear ..or w • i. 1 '.-c.-ai 500 er a Johnvoq ha* **id he »* not x after their • The finance eorr.rmt?"< w;i York. London, Moscow and Me!* v, 'ioj.'arx a candid ate for the presidential :*>urne — of the film version r.-event a bill with the pr<--- gxrendltures for the term t.:*::• • ir-ues of N«!n'.,r.r>r. graduate .n Student »tu- of sue "On the Beach," wsful work. his most (Aiiaulian Players Present ( lieInn 's * --i-'-d »u.* j 1.- » x• •",» brought mdi.on t! iiars. an c•*.- nomination look at the vituation if the vention at hut In* uouid %nreie* take ron¬ * :;fUct is expected over •:.. next • ,n i .f mtx- Shute del not like the movie, The proposai > ..d have ixe,st- July seemed to want him. The loyalty oatr. probably state that At 'fir; r v -•■Lie:;'?, m hauyicg are approved uni- u1m» m de¬ tit nod -iuc«i by Stanley A v u Kramer Gardner, Drama of Pre-Revoliitionary Russia •f * »"J irtflikHe 4 .a a to t.rst rfii's '"".e.- 5 and on i.r Ra 4- . a, (iregorv perk from 7 to 8 cent' ■ * ■ ->poM?d to such a requ.r*vrrn" ny this r<»rmn:tte«' a raj Fred Astain*. . . in a> -vemment loans ' student*. te»?u and. Eligibility Hi- refused to attend the Mel¬ M» FAT Mccarty Madame Ranvev- pl tved l. pahin .«• the vn :»:-t g'.md- Ia! rates wir.t U;. -. Aug- rt *»-. ien* hur-'e.? » presenUy discu-V- bourne peir.iere because h- 1. 1958—first class !< ".••:> Jr-. •- . Bryce Plapp, Speaker of *he '.*!>•«■ •* Mate New* ( ity I alitor ♦* Jatajueiine iiarr.eti. and her of formes «erf« on the •ui.i rontenrtr r a:vd •. >- is "expected t. " <>* for four I'nv or- » r., r.-; Krah.e • r.ud rnlsuae-j 3 ff-nti Ui 4 v. -.ur.-.- and ah- , A »i"w-m/ving vet ,'»n of An¬ (i- fchH-'es--. talkative brother Wh »■ h»* advise* the"; ' ■ tjrn ;.-:g -a.-d.ia> •••-" •• -.n Martiner.'s ix*c Jj-o'rlub, Ameri- 'he right to make alterations in nad from 6 to ? Since 'fen, :> . ion fhefcov's c!a««:'c cmcdy. »-%'e in'-» v.'or !hi» Stutir-R' Foundation, scrip: playc*! b> Ciau'if B|u '. the - »'•. ,ff- »• M ; 'here have the Academic C'o;m< Bap1. ^ ■ The Cherry Orchard ' wax pre¬ r-i.-.r.g middle tla—. tne ,nember? P ">TC. Martinet* pre^n'* ; AC¬ dent Union and Cir- the message of both the him efter pooling all vucur resource-1 :.f'- :imv • ••* n p..,: ;. a:;-l •- and the hook, however, was the sented i>> the Canadian Flayers ell of *-if fun..'.-, cannot a-'f-pt the '.mi.i-nt w ... S'. s resolution to abolish v<>-- - in paynient • ?-.i3 the auditor, urn Tuesday Lopar<-t. (Max* crude plans the former {;■•*■• : dry ROTC exeep* f • also study* same: Ifunianitv dying out. Ir¬ 'in- overbearing •vork'-r^ and n tra.-w*p-;rt i';on - radiation sirknes* or suicide, in night. Hi ipmann). ;i and th.f v soon find tnen;- .entation course for both men the v-'h-.; oquiremeirt® The pl-'k of the play conewr/t.i .••ives vac.sting their home «< the uake of a short war in l?M>"! Ha .'i k jn ide • ti* s ad women. "t itajiiza'n the destruction of Ruwunu ■ a c na'chf- lav waxte to tbe.r quickly poisoned all the northern hemisphere and then ♦•-rate aud its chard, which symbolizes large cherry r— u.- \lori> Stores .«•. The -of orrdift • t .•»«*'.•; m 1 Johnson hulk of the south with him He ftxurrx to carr* the Itlanrlir Thrboitl Sua- ■ drifted Its lethal clouds across J.ri-v ,-a Wh H .' iTatir Ruxua before the B-'bn<- "rrfpaths''toward 1'. "Htuk ha* reason to believe he will (?% the l.quator toward Anarrtira. F.scntwiAi r>udge' *hr- Mean Larger r > : ' h - novels, from ?i«-xt fi&ea: *ew»J V.a' Cjrt.i J.;. L-C Series to Star "Mezzo" Mat i/ati" n 3926 to "On 'he •n- ;?,te a a - . nad than m-« •» >• of Kenturkv East Loiisin-»a in k . id eitlier i vcri'- of the sue;. ],rcvi".tf't pr« v.-.-.s inch* Thetxirr, ■' . a -■ a -and ' r - <:or iV*tiona' forecasts con- F. n.M'»A er : nil v h the ' music critics Ke«*p:- / f (1 th n f'o. 'Tap the Toes" ;.e u *';• . -o- V. -- n.»ce -v .u- . ■ !i.«K he? first • - • •rr. ... - «r.c grin;, catastmphic >>r t most amazing mezz" l.v ;u the future. Among h.s creating more at;.I MSU - u •- 1946 loll-iWd.g ?»«*•• •wtler xfioppiog at**a.* !. • > '■ •• uv "mts. The Far Country' a' 'n- ou-<- .. v s ! -af fc.v (rnoliiatioii !rn> ea. .ruuie an appearance at tb» '..Stan debut. . T;wr danc# ir.ethod* 1 ass district "f a ; - < twv* '-'u- • f E<-« : . a 1 '■ v. up rati : *.H. »4.« Dale Sivilvli . budget Yiirp.'u,* next >-•>.- • e obtain -dime f ticket* at the Unior. Tt) cards must be Iticyclisl In jii ml for children from kindergarten According to M.riag--. Thi-: deer ek,- • i the The Presi lent. j. State of Ac . through the eighth grad» John fa' -iarehe, * in hi- for-, id.,-''•."«« ■ f'hPkov's cr.aru."- -ompanie-d by V" i 1 'he Union wetk.e- H-„:!«ss at the piam--. M. ••• will sing a ollectv llv llil'llllll Into . Registration will l*f heid Fri¬ day from 4.30-5 All p m a' " c be*-n expansi-uii undergoing an program; for '.<• cmotn'.-iv .- %rtii i!'"; ,»■-•'"<.! from the pre- ,.m;< -ft Of hie ;•.y -A.: '•« $7ll.8fHf.n«iO,fjOO .A.'-'1 prcAent next Mor.d .v budget Receives \oil lYtiiinimii' lle-triii- Armm Tata. East Lansing Women's Gym A 25-ceh' U-r few month.; u order to con'.i?>u- . s ranging from 3 ana; frcabman, was knocked '*!T his v-be charged. *: 1 provide f ■ ^ 91.200.000,04)0 A'-adim. T r-.provement of. the y,:v a-. I ' » • -s ( i»//e«e SluIrs . Ten-* u> several vc« ■ i,-p. If tt.e- u * «'.e - . f'liS f ! bicyeie Monday afternoon by a Clashes .will be conducted i t give rex .'lent# and n;e;-- i.a'.:- w < j - * trvn Brahms. , .. ; p - - ■Pr-.nU 1 Pa lie cha-iTuaiMrasw are hit-run dnver. Friday for *;x weeks from 4-6 the best pws*»ble kdvan'-agrs .«■: t Thcbom i* the fir- er. -iQ ever to • 338 Student Serv- The youth reported to EaM p.m. starting Jan 22. faciiitae' SiHinisli 1'mirsr ,0403.000 icnatc.. w . . - | -,g u«j b«* returned by Lsirismg police that tTie aufom<>- Claves will be conducted as I'erhap* tr;e t • M cat's BoIs hoi Opera X '".ng F -er.r, e.ser bad '»? ' par.He'len.c office. bile struck him from beit.nd as- follow*: w-i/l be the vper,.r.g ■*. » A noli-erecJit •' 'five: -isbonaC . ;•<*- . ' * rtt American wpman . he was riding avked f •- .< r» a .• j .t >«-ar, his bicycle on 4-S o'rk**. rhvthm* »nd ere- of the J W Kn«pp »'.< depa: - S,.,rt-!.:sh heing of(.-r«vi 51 id..' * - * i v • f*.r as- T-,- Spartan Ave, vuth of Beech dance f >r kindergarten, rent »o»re t on-ti uction » ' - ,.v the evi'iung coslege on 'A. t- y: " , . 'he if 'DC bud- S The accident occurred ab/ut first and .second grade; rh-.u>:>. - be «'arfed .n early Ms»r«.h ru sday*. 7:30-9.10 T '. - e-.-'* « , 2 15 pm and dame for thud and -u. '..-pen to far ..' 'aff. Ft I ohoAf ■ • • I g - f- Uli:' J.>C-.'>:iiOe.r. TT:.At ■- He managed to rtde his in* f »urUi grade; and tap danre f ur MKi j and Boys' Wear, a r< , i; ' - * X; 'i-rjwt ' ' g.M.- n .- tip".- cycle home and hi« mother, Mrs fifth and six grade? uruler e»jnatru Ha '• spring eem- inememrnt from June 5 to the eighth grade the Unpmvemtpiciu;« Begun lis JI'N n fa>t n.igh» of ■ - follow in* »undi> June |! |in- alv To Promote Ih-iter Relations. \ -- -. -:.i. '—.mar - » . . tornplrIton original)* l» da>« «*heduied after r»m f-»r 1-.,.-rd.. 4' Inn meiMrment would be finished r,„ - r f '■ r. t bf lune II nndrr the prayerj Foreign Brother-Sister Program Set VI. Mgan Jw'.tcen ,4 :i- J'r,- change. ks»oei»ihtr. I' fc» under the -:<,h of Dr Appf-X;', a ■ ; - :.v > . • Air tan Jatfcv MSU F g An American Brother-Sister tMXNUbie. They wUS iylp t nd eh^I suited for such' (.•■'■•qies. th*'- I-. Hue :--u i'- . a ,Vi-c *"1 •'"• A'.rk and to match those chosen .■ program for foreign students thr<>ugb registration and gcn« • • )i>hing a brtx-hv'^ lot t< /.■ 0 7 Ut ' <0 \| i Igs-. ;u«t.c«". -Ml. ■ *■> v.:-*--d ' ally acquaint 'hem with w ith i. oper foreign student students. At prevent 'oeu- yu- One of ir,v fea'ur.xl alters v .. will beg.n at MSU in September, v. - s*- ■ ... far a >. • - .ai- MSU way of life ^ Student* ^eHwteil vi: tu- »--x- receive on.iy a email p»p«r Thoma* f'av«i..,ug--. -» »»- ; Helen Conner, Chevy Chase, Md.. "We'll help **he.'. in pe-cterf to attend tfucdng aa». • -a•' " * * compete ! " > -4 .. - •r, :.e c-ourt *. .. . -p-g- Junior, and Dave Rabaut, Pon¬ -» ;•.«'« >.:• - •: - >. ways." Mis* Conner said i . -. iru. first a genera; on. * . ..-.-. . .J'iC- ft": I' -I IT1. .t Tuev} ,V :, J.:,:.. • !r- -' • • A. »fi a- i aJair-C; s-e tile junior, co-chairman of the instance, the African siuatt.'. then smaller ones conducted by A s.mii.i- catalogue ,v being cu-rC! - I.," , aft*? ir?.* - AUSG international reoperation who has never aecn and instructors acquainted » n '.he •••rcpared f the. Amcrieaft »«u- Ha.c. *r i i-ii ?tatf committee announced Monday. doesn't know Ice is siipiic. • ( -yn?ry the individual fu.-.eri a?!-., participate in tfcv ^ V • i* • ■ a . -• v-. ,.•••< ■ - g- at needs to be w arned " . This project is designed to 'i»e dealing with . orient students from other coun¬ American brother* anil • The succeas of the progra The roft';,itlee began A'vk on I cli I'lan I mmnl "!i .-•* •• *p--ng A ,-. ...Pi v- . * ve- <: Win ..vr-it.. ■ tries to our custom* language are expected to write Jetler* to will depend on the cahoei -4 •nc project l-i-'t xprifig They and general problems of Ameri¬ their foreign friends before they itudoots who are *vh-cti-'.5. Ra» navf written to mure than 25 II iiilrrluiul II liirl can college life. leave their native country A ijau? said major: ur^versi'm asking infor- At present there la no system good correspondence will as¬ 'We hope the %t>idchU wiU r.ab.'if, <(?i the it ;titerr.ati.;'Mia' The VP's Ai*i' *. . oMl I.,-- ll.Hirillrt. Ilreii! for welcoming foreign ituder.'j, sure the new student of a', leas' develop' a strong friendship. Thi* mj. ir *ec'hd aitnuat 'Wu.tcr:*.n»j pmgranw lUnn- f ii k*jl,.» Rabaut *aid. Fall term the YM- one friend when he arrive* on w iiJ n-'Tt ool> immediatc'v at.1 Th«- new ptat; it modeled alter W'fiirr ai dar...> at 'hi YWCA held one mixer and ail campus, Mi*» Conner said. the foreign student, but *v:l< the Umvet*it% ut Minneedta's ctvte CfOltt. Jar 23 T.iitet.- tfcr arm-ui- student* met with their foreign The AUSG committee Is pre¬ tielp provide a dnser relatii"*- program. h»v noted live Ttckeu luay' t»r pv.tin.«w*«i imH ft AM vls&c student advisor. sently working closely -i i'-h ship between the two group* on year*. fr«#m Vet* Club rr.coi&cr*. a! U 'A Night n ",e Exot;c : y.t- - " Although the AUSG commit¬ Donald Gemmel. advisor to - campus, which is- our ultimate Application* for students wish¬ Vets Club offiio. in StudcnUSfrv- o* :;eia <« Feb. It, will g.- » tee vxxiscrtd a small get-to¬ cign students. Dean Taggart id goai," he added ing to be brothers or sistert w.Jl i«tx. at the V:,.om x*-;, it 4 ail. at • Male eh«*« bf ■ gether with an equal number of ixiternationai programs arki tne The project, for the first >«-ar oe avaiiar 'c Ft-r, 1-17 at a p5ace Ttwn Johnson a" the Corai Gab.*-** U"An '..*k«-t .JT.ce «c» action. program u organized, th? well to the program, Rabaut jjriced at $2.50 jxr c>> ;p> Mush rw.rvji'.xt.j off 4*lex»TxxDe cA$$» » u, MM #)». II Ma4ra> WM,.,n . Under the new program Amer¬ ested U.S. students. committee hope* to expand it, said The faculty and admini¬ Will be provided by the Meti-' *••• he aKtevUd and there 'it, a.» In Smiay allerwUn Bids for preference wncft. ican students will welcome the By carefully sorting all appli- itiss Courier said. stration are also fenr-iy behind er-Airj, and eniert*.r.rr.c: - -*t.I re-sirictkim-. tkt ?• * - . when they arrive if caUosu - thu*eonunittee hopes to In additjon it, he able the number* isf •-Onfcl em be available TaeWar *ftev»^" visitor* to personal wci* ad^tci be by the Internationa} Ciuo. '..cketa btf purvXu-ww. 4 i \ L" Feature Pasfe Lmvs A man !x presumed Upheld in Traffic Courl innoeen* vehicle traveling In a certain di¬ of a rear-end collision, a » i.imia i.otriih;k rection. overtook and struck the' which includes the fat-v,r.« i until prnyen yuilty *tati Mivs huiki iihtoh end of another vehicle pro¬ visibility, road conditions ? ■«' pit Pitr Two This uri'at Atti-rictan principle rear thi ,l.i it\ I a. 1 *»««» ceeding in the xamr direction, speed, is the traffic viola'.. >f of j'.u !ie to stop in the aw ' .ludo I'liili that vni- f irmed *f< is4.:-.i •■•rs i d ihoir resjrec- . - n Iwin^ currenfjy ehar'o- red is sufficient evidence o ¬ the n. .idle »•! fail ♦ M a. • j'lK .•u-lurle: Chris S'-"Ck. establish that the driver of the ed clear distance ahead. . a , tin •Hunipei'' Pusher ' r if. . tub • 'i!% in- " rod . luti rv Sbermaft. -•ii nostei* envied t-rouuhou: vehicle which struck 'he othei tooiah; ' e Io*-bo Over. kar i'>- vehicle is guilty of negligence as club • vl !**• t' oi e*»•- room on t a m ! -U"' - -i . • tan- in . :w.-ufb-r*. ire II" > i . r state, "ii bv '-"if- *»f 'chict-- of Pobce Michigan As-"- shown by these facts alone Michigan Stale NVv« 341 Student Servleaa Horn'' •,!.* . on F:»*' IhuUise a' 7 . !». k (' .iir.ul. Bob F.ndiw The.. fjiimper Pusher who is Speed-too-faxt-for condltlonx Ttiblished an eiaxx day* M«r.r«» To hrrnnir a member nf (He Martv Bonde timide :-a'- . involved : a iV-ar-enri collif'on ix an important contributing fac¬ fI.rough Friday Inclusive, during ?» I iiilo rlnli a person mnsl roin- ; advivi: tor. The driver who ix going too v.'inler and spring terma ax-ert :- prima facie considered guilty imlidavs. waakly during Bummer, plete 4 probation period of our "f negligence, hv v.r'.ue of Mich- faxt to he able to xtop in time, icon and on# special frcshmaa im. •' • .itLirkcr." JiiiIo whirl) Is a vt;»> of life, anil 4 quarter during whirh he must .g,.fi\ StaMite whatever the condition* and hetu-een aummer and fall *#r~« Illlllx Mill) II II lltlvilr on IIm iMiii|tiis mil of Id tiik> Ihi* tirvilv 4 iii .)! hi lltxii l«m' inriiiliri■» formed liiflo Cllll) Co tin no h then philosophy U tin- latest n|inrl to lit' .lllllrtli' I'lillis milled lo MSI'* pass the basic fundamental ex¬ amination and he thrown. Honorary .^.n Section 4i(J f«) Vehicle Code states: -it the Mich- whenever ing the the time. i« potential rear-end col- extahllxh- F.niercd at a#con4 claxa matter uc ncr act of March 3. li'.a at tha c office. Faxt Lansing. Mich Tin- ba-.r instruction classes "In anv action, in any court lixion with hi* foot on the ac- Mail subaenpUona parable in a*- parrs as Ihr "virHtn" .illernpls to lltuail oil In- vance for one term. »: t-r tw for basil* judo techniques fo Poth men and women will meet Tit ( lllMtSI1 in thix Mate when it ix xhoyyn hv competent evidence, that a eelerator. But the most frequent cause terms *4; for three term*. IS A P N'ewa Dispatch ex. l-roliinen Wore l'ol> on Mondays and Wedie*day f: on, 7-'» n o, in the .lenisoti ere*dlins room If the demaml Frosh Gals Fa ill fins 7 nil I it ions \ an isli .i; .os. ... pi ;e mav tin- SatUDi.iv morr. n*; en ' • be olTeted for women .itid" -• •ii'-ri Kve- wfh wonder the green arm what those band- wo- CAMPUS ItKADI.INKS: 1 p.m. l)a> llrlor* CLASSIFIEDS I'ulilirtlion fur Tu»*.. y\'*d.. Thurv. Last term about 40 «omen re- Atom> 117/// (aim! Old Days for y|on. Kditinn: 1 p.m. Iri. reived instructions There are * rv doing a4, registration*' tf IInil I'ri. Kdilinn*. Il^wHIinf thousand ofhej )u're ten l-.» Mnndav Ihrnugh Friday y aluKj". t?" men atut women who IlilN I'a'alilf *-ll! and confused people, you've prob- i.ive had regular attendance n» mm arm mn mi •» A!.'- Iniik'.fi^ farrs rtii-'hiiij; to and from elms- a' 'ho MihiT these fia-sr-s. In addition to the probation abi> n-,et one of them ami taken a ivantage of their services I I) I EXT. 36IS Tru-Vre T'over Guards, the <•. oldster- are reminded of an - period. prietperlive members must have passed a phvsieal ex¬ sophomore women's honorary other custom: 'Member* of all \V*..' !■' A , ■•l;e>.evi (.peak when they meet amination within u% ode- and hear'v plicant is nhvstrallv lit and ahle This group ix rompnxed of SS ft. ids i.. lr»»- 'rx yard • heroine nhsnlrlr in the . fTN'Tl'RY foiir-d'w r -'1*1.7 F n a-r.«;i •' Tie!i-> 111.11 met students il to meet the rigorous demands unmrn from (he sophomore •"Si BUI' K 111 . pa«t fru decade-'" • nr.lino 24i»d) mile*. GOOD < ON t.OST - SATURDAY NEAR I •.i;i ! era • Tfii '. are replaced which iulitsii Imposes class, chosen for their arholas- DITUIN «!ix:. FT) i-S7W. AFTKl: AFARTAUfNTS V. nnipn's 27 iewet Hamilton -• i t h the ha«i*;ird worn-mil A waiver slip mux' be signet tis and extra rurrirular activi¬ ' '» 42:i ( i arle« ynreet gold wrist watiti Reward FD 7- Ihr Pl.'fi student liamltiook apartvf VI a ...-:s i ' u- ire's u. '"f> ties. Iliiring yy inter term the added i roinjjhitiriil.iiv rlaiiM- • ll'ea ex»»-lle)i .-nrulillotv i • v JR7 i-o-mte r»referre I ypfrinvrn run room «Tt't>tr» LOST LADIES GOLD thin a IniMirii " hrranir iirriiiissitilr "Werd" A I'AH f ".IF N"l F'n .i» i«lh mirtine i '1*4 FORD rot'R-DOOIf lt.»erl • •* De.-r- bet S Amuver*#" smokers lire an their r r a \\ I they speak to house mothers. . r- - . ..I'Oltion $IW.> I all F i ,). Adults. 121- 1-, ' «e back sentinHHUal *< K A.'*, r«M»mmates and nearly x Hl.T* lirfnfr 111 IRI a n, F Kalurr,a,*.M. * 2-4S.I.) Hf.vard Fills Place .irrosx ranipiis ovipiiv. .dhi applihi!.'- need every other source yy Im knoyys A ".y.tnvn THRFF ROOMS The annual ba'-o.-.o. Atari F keep *.!i iii.f.d when enierrnji the prospei live member .. • . |i. if he<|rift»'T; PERSONAL to '.vet . O-Sop It../- . ild.1l club .<<•'.% it it* ) Priy.ile »'•!:■- Fa*' side la»'-- It M<» 1 t'ir* old Tow. ■ ti |n m,i>. ,'e* VST «r ( 01* Horses the prohationart per¬ VI \ tan GIRLS ee' - liuriiig I'M fil l. -'-e.« Fit C-UVI. 7 t.»n under tne Itgbt* *• : • to. », to .omen and en iod an applicant must not miss .;i.< if..-,.:, T.r*" tra-.t.tmna: M. VOTNG WOMAN Tu "-are ri,"rt- Heauf- Salon FD 2-lli* more than four consecutive M--'r:o»g S xha''«H w .'ti M -. • EMPLOYMENT #" fiirr u. . ft- Mi I "4 ' 4 ' -A 4 . .-I ! ■ MFN SF.FKING F MI'LOVXtF \ ' "HA daneeat'r n>u*ic «;• membership committee Within ' «-1 • - I • r-y »•" Gel." .1 : r .» tMM-tirre *x.rK 1 MXI.r. VTUDFNT 'O »:•..»# o|e»- tn.i)d -uund and leeling ' two weeks alter memberxhlp •rieo'ial line* View eah IV <-«».)« "■ - an I'Mnrn) u-eek!.y 2'>: 47ti si,aria-. A.r F!) }-u.*7B S has been approved he must pav B« ■')" Town ' »-•*. r . •VOXiAN'FOn TABULATION * a if 8* cllih dues. ■e*ii*al work Fill! Ildie work *• TWO COMFORT A ft IT. ROOM* • funking Wi'i next ye a' 7 am T'.- j»r»rsi-i«-Mt <-f •• rallipr huivaii ntfice IMW S 11. • ill A'rommla'e lifer -f-.dent- W M» M. , ber« >n *.-•/' Jud- ('tu » ec'* orsytu/athyn then ca'i •-eel h A!«« Imii large "inri# rramt* \ ithotr: «!ii» anntia! ti - • >fT ■ n Road F'D 5-I2M1 for interyir -• KW AST BAKERY DFirvjy * < .•: i,. irvoked ir 'he member- t: i«i -eei-h i .men* i>.rni*h»«1 lur- .uiwali- dr. •-1 pied I'-. n .In* in alrjha.yetic*: ortic the name* • • ..wii iilanket* Ml shet't.erd IV tl -.••* • a twelve »-.r MS0 Pliotv# JV •' of the cw Tn.xf. Guard- i XRT-TlMI WORK W .r:•#»-. loie I on ■ee.leii lit telenhmtr work " •• i» Itaccoon im i o.t's .in- .in ex Aside front aiding freshmen i . >!.li>yy tt oftiy-e Hour* *\aiiat.n loroer of A-.r < IMWi \\ V allowed In sit at the round with fireen Helmet, sophomore A< A st*t«* i*l coiihoniilx -tin- trench ale I'M nH no I GIRLS " ,ii. nrvrirv /;fRi go»u> . t . HI 2 S f" INTERESTED IN FLT.f.G' throw thrlr hooks on the table, week In running an information o-Ke.«i»nt elder • • a ' i'>.e . r- - m«« booth. The booth boated near • i- pyi-lv I'D 2-"•!<»•< their si hi vcs over the seat and plop themselves too the Itasir ( ollege Hnddint help down — ll a member disregards rUw ' F ast s.di- 1 ,i ■- in venture further in ed oyer g.nop people during last ms! and. ! weaiv procedures and instrarclion* and FD or 2- ?•« . search ol other seals. fall term yarhume yyeek iails to show active inlerrsi in then attend The winge: the club activities' and the or Heading blind *"udw- , . Xf'fTAl twi BLOCK* lone. -.ire i wil be.i srartans clui mei* n:* ■saturation he-mav also he drop¬ sr. -tjif ii-iv .- of *io- r.rg.ini?^- DU N ! At. HYGKNl.xr H I ! 'Free n»er» aU> I'ark Haiim tl Ingh.«« « »» Th«-tdaf 7 00 U* »'*!' p.m • sen.•*.! a . i-.i a!tjo;he<1 ped from mepihershlp ' $pet).! three llr'altl) Deitai Mneiit IV 2-12P' ; •i-.f ei im i iackets Meet -g • w . in- icht -df.,..,« - hour* a week ii*.Mt.n« "*v W.-dne- iav -* ' a."a: \vxtLAP.lF' NOW A PA ITT real estate it. e th* 1 few •Ml aeeott.'i % ■ rig jw{*r< re-, TOR SALE •i)-' one and Neat* Slrailf ., , ed eve*pi FD :-4(lfgi '■ l*t" I.YN'DIIVRXT vy " •nigh? • >ce'. Mud* sKI'X SI-VPN FOOT lllcsor- hedrooMML full baaemenr \j» «♦ I Vt Hritljit' Sili- N i'.ir! ' .1- of i.avr M St' • a • i.i.e In* hi' h«mv r; ered mitdlJe II'' • rar> < ; ;> and 4'.e rev*'ve-i thc.r )• s una 141 tA and w4f* Suaiu.. Ft.) Village Ma, after lie per- JP ROOMY ' AROr FRON ROOM Ha'!. *hareri •* iln nru ouie' Diubig k-2424 < hkuii. APE OOD-424 North f neramtr !'«' ' e readers lbx»»tv- r»r v .-1 Ft) 2-:aax» t bedt.torn* La hath* firer ■ i.mill..-.tent' c i .t i,i . - ub is woievmitc '•> * .. -vie' drapes *»«-.- FaiTV.e » their up(»« co- ii 'H i . ami femaie for un.n'e*a-iptcif :*«ad .n* Timc XI OF HasEVIEXT rks for xfioht cently at a foresters' meeting Towe- T )K1N AND F>ARK1HC FArt- HAY RIDES AT r*4. » - in G.i •" .- u r *»• .A !..•'»< Mostiatiilt f Da if) .rw-vised. 214 Charles — i".ii)!fi edd ..r isuiitr* *•■c"v ef M«" it«*rs P-.di.TBf- oh ft-cxau Ik kev ED T-»l3d a four*. Heuted party rw a. form- reserve'. forming judo group will enter- •»ut t.sf.n«-i-.AM«ex w''*-.; APPROVED FOR TWO MF'N r.i* tor • f \ .4 ST It" I AMINATING \ A Ranch IV 3-4*27 they ,*!•'• Qua'.Peri lw :u4.-'»t ami ! IIINF. w i:; »i*•!!•• fulling Nmrd, give ihi# UifonnatiW to all hv- <1 ah *Mi>ohe* Must •#■! F'F ■ (ic.-e Li-.en* furnished IV- BRAKES I'OMPl.FTE RF1 " a. e-24.'a 7, Crossword Puzzle mg units .Member^ can aTra> * o - - I ROOM NEAR < AMPt «. with g#r. »"#.'> u>ecl er* a<-d up Adjuatment* Champion B»»*» F - 2910 E Kaian>a/oo IV .p.- ee priv-.lege* id tl.e rve- Marble said the land is hi t tifkxwahe-d a' public eveti!»*hv na *44 university Dnv# F.D 2-LaS3 At TO INSURANCE *v At KOSS 74 F.xpo.-ed fieir dark sk.rt< ami sweaters SiVVlCI that iatisfiis north and rjvi of. the Mackinac tinder 2i insured tinmerlate ' * 1 W,l!isp«'p,l •t.l. Fa.iy and white blitrr* A t.n,y. neraonalty I IF Ea»i Grand R , Hiidge authority oltlccs in M PRIVATE -PATH TTI EPHONE suite Sn I- Young •TV St-rape of! en rep!;. • of Bcwumont Toac ~ • • large lunate ami lies abilic the shote varkine and entrar-ee in uid< ,ttt Domestic dfxx»^atc -.for tape. • 'r'abte rve.n Four men student a MRU STUDENTS inter eved oi Ho- stratu of .Vlarkinai .Ii mm. mat • mens fumrsfMK* |7 So weeklv ED- l-ee articies and book* ■» - ti Quilt for Tb« year * uresadenf i* pennv ac«|Uited by the highway . was i»rni the ohiluaophv of md 39 Weyl Greet.' Ulveitv iree market ecooo"-« \\ vtepartuieiit doting coiistrui lion »•*» fu«»aat«rg APPROAED MALE HOCAING M* vale property and limited i » 41 Sp title •>f tin- appio n lies to the MtH) WhbbP RfMid Rm.nt hoanl narking ISI IDIF Lettuae H . £ U Ti.fra' i ' Counter fed 4Z. Astringent '" i.iiev *1A8 r*r term Call ED- rfvent. write Indiananolia 4. Indiana million bridge I - g -v W .i • i < n ! Haapaii M Cut eft 4 Hep* r a 10 c tv ,n ) foreign corres;x"ndent* »»r ;u*t FOR VAU' Berkav Hall vltib chair SONX e»gn* 6.1 Artu niatiyp neat Japan R(Xms FOR MEN in * no roved t"> ra4»n oockr' sire Sever- i'uitt* r'h 31 Jurv list vote P. Ant lei rd pretty g.ris th.* spring, accord¬ -'ti rxrellent (.uuUuun f*i!i • us, i',# One M»vk ftnen (*mous T V. AND RADIO aervice - It R.bU»l Parking IV 4-ITB4 « hrtv rateg to atudenU tin* i S-V Inseyi animal ing t*» their jewel •on of ward- uur »»«r and ear phfate. t .>ni»yt.s«! lu\. • in ti-f.-ni , Jf Martlni^u* char avler El> 3-«*aTfter tw ii»ed T V aeik and antennae* f ■ S4. Conceit f .Spun from roOcs fronv the Nr*yy York c-.hi- rji» APPROVED ROOM* ONE single (*>rt J. I of 1'* I volcano tl. Spread t ,hr checking, free parking • a * -yp-KwUow Itax and on# double Fttra nice Clime T V Terhn«ria"J '• IHtWJf 10 Sweet ture tav.-wn* be.tig absnvti this MAN X sun Or* . aphid* e FD 2-«a>. I P t» ni daifv after *. KntrrtauMSi fT»*"«e| Si-r 3B a - o*i !tew t*f FO ,n A 23 I Mmhlean IV t-*»M potato ♦ •ek S% t arth Ut I Cum I. Vac ae tm7* y SINGLE ROOM FOR ge-tientem SO. Stake IV*.gner A.-i «* K> n. of the rVPlbT ASH BROWN p . e " L iivnet !-,.»>v# e«a«-d location Parking ?• J*So F.ier1hr triwwnte ' . 21 A hymn of lb-use of Junior S.>;)iii»tiy*aic.* Ws ORATI D . AM > DFt IVFKF'D Near hus W J-BJix aUar • 1* * ' • ' A C )'., y-i»u t-a *.*■- tu.o:-i» aleo genera. ' piave eixirw » *.j»» h ■ w .".it a 'bubb,e Ixta Jerc..-i^ » Cv 22 \e«t bulb etftpf tie!). s««* c-«*toe» K»'»t H.«a fc. ' ; » IV Ang* cape" ciartume m pattj-wkwed •rv TV «•*:*.» ».f APPROVED SINGLE* AND 4h.uh STt DE-YT SPECIAL- COMPLF" 27 r kel ke w»»l wh*iK"x»rd. with D.g bras* Je* IF se and mo Large * arm rrxvw-.s lune-uo pevnts. plug*. co«dcn»e* « N_.™ 4 hg IUADAST ICSJS ■ with bowl In ea.-h l^rge LW- timing Only g|4Ja Car wash 4* ft«h iKJ'.Wia* arut a iA**hbuck'.r.c b, with TA' laundn and parking ■ oi.raelf. lot only Jd Camai#*# ti ZQ. Kunda- a.r . Tius riee..|p;er. a favorite -f GOOD Cc'Ve 'anJittey Snartan Ha» IIS t^uu. ine aervtre. S3 Be a caS One '■ 0 "e*- Tnental one hi peg from camou# ED J-tS7i * '.kin t* la aa p.m- Ddi » career f-.rii m every city ami FRISM

PF A JT. Cottonwood child age one to 'nre in he-' »•*- <» " 4U Xr even.nfi ditsaci in red, yyh. e FOE HINT ii Spartan VUlage ED 141U * " T\ AECAL tree GREAT LAKES 1*57 rortr-lw-o hv and blue tattersal checked jshec e-ght Teet full bath, two bedrooms, St. Flower * ■r w k>1 Tlir agnoe col '.' CO Nna* YEAR l AMPt's> tur- nke new Mud sell Reasonable ED- ~~V ** 41 «• +t klLaswi 41 Che>» piece r .on rev ors ,n ottMH gbowings i-ivse,! Graduate htm*# or > Out heat etc ran .tudeiu narking »»3 # 7-teiG.i t. WILL BABYSIT I.N m* *»*■'■ An* hour*, five da** » wee* ' »- ♦1 Crare The Kuaolf culietf, - n ;s d;xa nxutU) IV D-2SMF 5 HOUSE TRAILER NATIONAL J5L*j 7-lBII ♦ivtv-lwo hv right, two bedroom V) a 47. King: Sp, tmguished by many iuge&ou* aieeve trick*, all designed td five tiy : * *h Lion will grace the lm- Dr. William Form. a*sociate di¬ ,>rA«jve facade of the new U.S. rector in charge of planning and Enbawy. And the British .press research «t the Center h«-ran wondering out loud about He points out that before 1937. ,, Thursday. when organized labor lacked There are grumblings from strong bargaining in its relation* Crosvenor Square —site of the with management, unions had rrv building. Around t h e virtually no influence in com¬ square live lease-holder* so con- munity-wide agencies g^-vative they won't even allow Since that time, labor has r^-orations on automobile rad¬ THOMAS (TOMMY) MARYILLE, IS. MhiHas heir, hugs his tained a position in collective iators. Ifth wife, the former Christina Erdlen, 21. after their weddlac Jan. bargaining of near equality wi'h The question has not yet been II. The uew Mrs. Manvtlle Is a ilvureee with a 2t-month-old daugh¬ management and With it have raised in the House of (am- ter. she met him while wurhlng as a waitress. come labor gams in community mom*. But It eertatnly has In influence. the newspapers, whe are al¬ Dr. form bases hi* finding* ready railing the new huilding on a pilot study in the industrial The Eagle's Hest." Many Britons feel that the -vale's 35-fnot wing spread is Graduate Fellowships city of Lansing 100.000). His study will be ex¬ tended to seven other cit*«.* m (population I. F. C. - % too much, and it shouldn't Members of the faculty are ment agencies in many field*. Michigan a* he takes a look at -w? golden, and it shouldn t asked to remind able seniors and Students interested in obtaining conditions affecting labor's d *- j are over the placid London graduate studer.'* that they are such information may inquire at gree of influence and whether, eligible for fellowships and the graduate office, 112 Morrill. labor ha? more influence in ^jare. The huge symbol of American some communities than others. scholarship* to finance advanced giants roll r.RADt'ATE S.milar studies will be con¬ -.ght well be the chief, exterior study during 1960-61. and to 8Tt'DV IN m ssiA — Indivi¬ rinorative feature of the nr.v ducted the contribu¬ encourage them to make appli¬ dual* in all field* of study are * ,c million dollar embassy cation. tions of business leadership # el'giblv to apply if they are ad¬, to be completed next The graduate office ha* in- the community. . vanced graduate students, post¬ summer. formati.»R about available grad- In a high-to-low tanking eg- fellowships offered by var¬ or assistant professors under 40 »a«le set He Is bein» hatched inen's of the community. D ious foundations ■ and govern- year* of age. in % |.8. foundrv. Rut the tin- Form lists economic bargaining They must he American citi- Pre*«ive faeade of the hulldint. and proficient in the Rus¬ at the top. This .» reflected in » sweeping its final farm. 273 feet, has taken Probers Test /•••is sian language at the time of ap¬ labor economic * ability gam to obtain new plication or willing to undertake In decreasing order and rank¬ AM the British can visual- : e the eagle, wings. extended Ion Engines intensive study for this purpose during the summer ing behind economic bargain¬ ing. tne main areas of union in¬ TONIGHT JAN. 13 7:00-10:03 a-.d looking something like a J E 9 HI K 9MITII NOTE* fluence are welfare, education, - ..gerer.t airolane. sitting on CLEVELAND V Sc»er.t;s' f ot'NDATION Gil A HI'AT I. political parties, elective munic¬ perch in the center. a' t e National Aeronautics and IMI.OW>ll|P* — unrestricted It -« understood here 'hat V S ipal offices. Space Administration l-al»rv- field except • 'jjerforromg and A~ioa.*s»dor John Hay Whitney, to; v hc: p are testing an ion en- visual ar's. and theology. Citi¬ - .*• in the U S, doe* not like zenship unrestricted. Awards are hinting i'.lirtt l litl> *.;on a large bird either. g:ne— a r;e ■ source of spare OPEN RIKH SMOKERS ALL HOUSES To llohl Tournnmrnt . Newspapers reported that four propulsion with tremendous po¬ granted on the basis of actual I T>em «cratic and two Republican need and scholastic stand, ng. The annual Lansing chess tential ? .ngresscnen, who visited l»n- We have models of an Stipend is individually deter¬ tournament will begin Thursday lens: re. oratory — Appointments of Prize* will be awarded to now possible." said Howard The the architect of bird was conceived a* '>«, chief decorative t.wcK b* Ee~» Saarinen. It is being mace the buiki',. t i . pu •; •, branch rocKe:.- ea-;':>*• over enief of the electric pro- IOQ.OOO m p h t' " It can propel a' speed* we.! pre-doctora! students in science (all branches) and engineering for individual* who have com¬ pleted all requirement# for the more and seven Tne than weeks a dt»/«-n participants, playing will continue tournament is for sponsored ON AND EAST Of ABBOTT r' an aluminum alloy that glin.% doctor's degree except research by the YMCA and the Lansing The model, which ha* no k# gold. and thesis. Research must be Chess C.ub and i* open to a.I a pact--, recentiv i.'m f'••• Mate Problem* Alrril 50 hours in :e*t» at the txtw.* He,, arch Lab- A t«» done at the Argonne Laboratory The appointment requires joint aduHs and junior players. Alpha Epsilon Pi Phi Kappa Tau Chi Ids, the ion rock-' engine sponsorship by a faculty mem¬ It».» Albert By Young Republican* now is out of the realm of the ber of the university in which WMMA-WIM llaj;ailorii Tho Young Republicans will *'possibie" and into the sphere the student is enrolled and a hold thair annual political di>- of the "very probable ' staff member at Argonne, r.snon night tonight at 8 20 in •Man ha, dreamed <•? har¬ RALSTON • Pt'BI.NA BE- F1ANRELS Beta Theta Pi Phi Sigma Kappa 34 Union, nessing a system the i'>n SEARCH IELLOH8MIP8 — »• :, for more than 100 year*." The will discus* *ueh f awarded annually to qualified 2.T.T K,»g-ii«> 207 Bo«tif* ^t. Mat# problems group as. income r.-. Ch . is sa d T ivsdav. hut it graduate student.* in agiivulture ONLY $4.15 •*.,,n NASA put 18 s :e'.- >*.t< tax. reapportionment ' who are working m the field* h|/| S 21 lO «i • . ,» resea-vo Sigma Alpha Epsilon Michigan House erf Represent-*- o! i') nutrition and physiulugy vves. the one hou*e legislature, ant national problems such as urogram u-er»- ironed that of the kd.ks <>uHe wider!: it appliet« -We overcome : have before the proolc.-ns will '• in transmissible disease* of live¬ VARSITY SNP IIII \A immIiii,■re 131 Ito-ii,- ■ nt:r.g, and universal military stock and poultry. Stipend U ?ti ABBOTT MO E. LANS. •ervtce. fx- uperatior.a' SI800. Two Optometrists to Better Nerve Toor Needs Delta Sigma Phi Sigma Alpha Mu 5117 K. t.raml IT iter EMMNEERIR6 STUDEBTS NarsM A SfcsWsr, 1.1. 1212 E. 4.rami Itiirr THE MEN OE Rsbsd E. Barass, IJ. Delta Tau Delta Sigma Chi • E-m eimtam* • Optical Repair* 72V E. Grant! Rivrr • Glaaaaa FlttaS • Caatect 13V Kailry TRIANGLE NO APKNNTMtMT KSCCHAPY THE SOCIAL FRATERNITY FOR ENGINEERS *oa mm ■ HiPdiiKi ma IV l-IMI FarmHouse Sigma Nu 711 Hiirrham Dr. 151 Rnglir lavt* YM Ta TMr Opa Lambda Chi Alpha Sigma Phi Epsilon RUSH SMOKER Utdnendav k Thur«d»> January 11 & 11 CALLING Pi 1211 501 AIM Triangle Kappa Phi ' SENIOR U3I E. CnM Ki.rr l all El» MJ63 ' ii'iim-i riiij;) 12 I TA bit, bill llrite I ' I ' . t.raml lli»,-r i Airaw fram Ike V»nut>) Eur \ l(ld» MEN— THURSDAY JAN. 14 7:00-10:00 SI6MA ALPHA MU IJkr ta prl Sorry, •• in on th* ground flonr and alajr th-rr? can't help you. But «r do have Iota of. OPEN SMOKERS i ll HOUSES room for armor, who want to g-t place, OPEN RUSH SMOKER faat in th* communication, industry. Senior, with a flair (or lemn, rngm—nnf, huunrv. account¬ ing, BUMgaMM aad prnonnel work. 7.|| M. jlMIIT 11 You aaaflad out bow you fit into rhi, i in juat our inurrirw. Sec your Placemen: Coun- CALL I.F.C. FOR RIDES attar w* aad airaapt a viut with thy Bell Syrteni hi i him ma ilrcruitiag Team. They'll be with you toon. on campu, to talk D 1.1714 ED 2-1511 Ext. 2650 Big 10 Standings Carol Ileiss' kill Sister Schayes Hits STATE MUS MHIIMitV Janu:«r> l:t. Page I our Washington of Winter Olympus Pet. I'll OP Out W I, • I BIG TOP SPECIAL (thin Stair Iowa 1 1 II 1.000 I ,7 193 297 244 IS* 277 2.M Able to Plav V First Pro to Reach It Illinois 1 I .Ww pic 2M 22» "We had hoped it was Just a In Rose Bowl 1 I .fit. 7 thi Mllll. STATE t I .H«7 2Vt 2-'« NEW .YORK <'T1 — Nancy I'linfur wi io.v» roi:i» Northwestern 1 I .«s7 |i; pet Heiss. kid sister of world figure sprain and that she would be » I .ts«7 P»; net ch l-alrlanp Convert luo- Minnesota I 1 305 skating champion Carol Heiss. able, to compete in the national Indiana II ! .(Mil It" Kill SEATTLE

—The Washing- I"1 Innr. cowl condition, Mlrhltsan t»'Hi ;m 33* will be lost to the United States championships at Seattle and toil Huskies, 44-8 victors over Nats Over U'tsi-onsin D I low mil.iKe excellent team for the winter Olympics later in the Olympics," Carol Wisconsin in the Rose Bowl, h» shape Priced lo srll t >rv Si'iK hext month at Squaw Valley, said. "Now there's no chance. will be eligible to represent the Snow at Squaw Valley KANSAS CITY UP) — Onl- Calif. Nancy is going hack to school at west again in the post-season tt Examination disclosed Tues¬ football classic in 1981, George MALCOLM MILKS fielder Hoh.Crrv. a holdout last ejsnn. became the first member '.f the Kansas City Athletics to day that Nancy, 18. suffered an ankle fracture in practice last Michigan State." Briggs said Tuesday. Washington's athletic director Schroeder Announces Boston. 1113 I MIC H. I.WMNT, week. said he had advised other mem¬ Trials Will Be Held si«fi a if<50.contract. bers "f the Athletic Assn. of ESQUIRE fe Starts Today l:IMI P.M. Western Universities (Big Five) that he regarded the. team as 127-120 being eligible to return to the SQUAW VALLEY, Calif. (,P)—Storm* during: the past PHILADELPHIA Mb — D*.!:h I'irsl FansiiiK Showing bowl, if it again leads its Con¬ weekend ended all doubts that there wouldn't be enough Schayes became the first pro ference Price* Thl* |:niHrmrnt Only «now for the Winter Olympic Games, Feb. 18-28. basketball player to hit the 15,- Oallv Matinee* t»:,r There Has been, he said, "No MrIii* a- Nnnrtav ' s"r disagreement." Today workers began taking 000-point mark Tuesday a« •!« 4 hildren All Time* 2»r Syracuse Nats defeated the Bos¬ Under the pact between the away straw mattering that had course with a crew of 50 men been placed over boulders near tomorrow. The flrst contingent of ton Celtics 127-120 in the fr-* Big 10 and the old Pacific Coast They Matched A\ (a pone Conference, no longer in force, the ski runs. The matting was marines landed today. Twen¬ half of a National Basketball Vice*For-Vice placed for protection in the ty-five were in the group with Assn. doubleheader. . . . a team could not apjiear in the KNIFor-Kill! bowl in two successive years. event of only light snow for the 125 expected later. SchaefTler Philadelphia oppoced St. Loui* planned an orientation ski trip in the second game. The Big Five has succeeded the games. They ran Detroit with coast conference as western Nearly seven feet of snow was for the early arrivals. Sdhayes acored 34 points in the opener to bring his career rum-running, high Jack¬ franchise holder in the Hose reported in the North Bowl, Sixteen candidates for the ing and murder! They the starting point of the total to 1S.013. His teammate, Bowl game. near United States Speed Skating were the top executioners Washington's entire starting men's downhill ski course on Team worked out today. Coach George Yardley, had 47 points of the underworld! Squaw Peak. There was 41 Eddie Schroeder of Chicago said Yardley's great shooting U*c 11, which includes All America inches on the valley "floor. in the flrst period and halfway quarterback Bob schloredt, will he hoped to hold triala Jan. 17- return next fall. The weatherman predicted 18 M cut the men's squad to 12. through the second quarter sen: more Btorma will he arriving The skaters are staying in Syracuse into the lead and the Nats relinquished it only once shortly In two to three day In¬ Truckee, 14 miles from here. IM Schedule tervals. The next one expected li scheduled to hit here today Meanwhile, Clive Becker, tic¬ ket director for the organizing thereafter. In one stretch Yard- ley hit on 12 consecutive field HOWLING Alley »•» and Thursday. committee, said a review of goal trim. Rather 1-1 tickets sold as of today showed Through She entire first half j.j Rather S-7 Willy Sctiaeflfier, ski events he made 14 of 17 3-4 tmnwn* 3-4 director, said he plana to start that the prospective attendance attempts li t M I'mmnni 4-* packing tha men's downhill already has passed the 100,000 30 points in that half broke a 9-1* ImmnM 1-S Convention Hall record, mark. his over-all total of 21 field He said 112.848 admissions have been sold. The Squaw goals broke the floor mark. Stays moist and firm throughout your shave! Schayes experienced difticjl'.r Valley area is geared to handle MStr CHORUS a crowd of 35.000 daily or a total of 385.000 for the 11 days. scoring at flrst. He warmed u-» as the game progressed. W:vi 2:48 to play in the third quarter (COMER LI,. JONES. Dlrtctor) regular or new mentholated ^ The heaviest demand for tickets has been for Sunday, Feb. 21, the long 12-year veteran sent in a shot that put him r.fv l.itr iltniic <>! new. nml tnrriflinluted or during the Washington's birth¬ m»iit invite- -Indent- and farulty day holiday weekend. A total on the 15,000-point mark. Th* NiuiMitli ^ lloili have rub. I hick (Mil Spire «|«ie|i»re \ou'te (ilil«lte.| ftltavitlp their wive- and huaband- for that day. was presented to Schayes a* capacity crowd gave h'^m a H.dh M.fien tour ttrard inMantly —rml ra/nr drug com SMOOTH SHAVC nlhrr University staff landing ovation. t.uaril Roger Darin Syracuse, which beat B plcteh K«'r dm rlo-e»t. r|e«ne*|. quickest «liave» ... try by SHUtTON time in eigr.t I Mil Spue Smooth >lmve! and off-eainpu- rmidrnt* Tabbed Toft Lineman for the fourth JOO PHILADELPHIA I,Pi - All games this season. led ntidwav thrinigh 50-44 the secon! to participate in the preparation America Guard Koger Davis of period. Tom Heinsohr.'j g>->a! pu* Boston ahead but Syracuse, Syracuse was named college and iioml Friday performance of lineman of the year by the sparked by Yardley and Schaye* suore«t 11 consecutive points an l Philadelphia Sportswriters Assn. The 8-3, 244-pound Syracuse the Nats were in front to stay IT HAD TO BECOME «ne ef The Gang" Ihe mo«i Purple . , « THE nRKAM OF GERONTII S by Kdirard F.lgar ' senior, has been signed by the Chicago Bears of the National Football League. Yardley took 31 shots bef • . leaving seconds. the game in the fin- fnrrrlui itnrumenta THE STORY urrrn I hmi1 been" Cincinnati Clashes; e»er l impraimiiu Jawtei HqowtHI Itehear-al.: Wednesday*, "•') "Atomie Submarine** ro. If*1 III! Pl«iMre ASmil Choral Room. Music liiiihliii|c •Aiomlr I nilrriM trail. Iu Reign as No. 1 ON RAISE NOW... 2ad WEEK! MICHIGAN GLADMER Os^ar Roix»rtaon and his University of Cincinnati tean mates stick their necks out tonight in an effort to justir TM MOST UNUSUAL ADVENTURE I imCMlN! their No. 1 position in college basketball, which has become NOW SHOWING 3a, quite firmly established halfway through tha season. The latest As*«>ciated Press — •1 - ranking poll of sports writers The teedeva geeeraltv i»» and broadcasters again lists Cin¬ halfway threegh thru cinnati, California. West Vir¬ With teaeapa and ginia and Bradley- in the flrst •eartv #wj four positions. As far as the balloting shows, there's little ranfereare MWea aad rhaaee* I* doubt about Cincinnati's top play la paat-aeaaaa learns billing. The Bearcats drew 147 of 174 first-place votes and 1,718 points on the usual 10-0-8, etc. Ohio State, now alone »* £-« basis. Voting was based on re¬ head of the Bg 10 s*.and;r.jr sults through last Saturday. took over fifth in the AP na¬ Tonight Cincinnati takes on St. Louis, one of its two leading tional rankings when it beat I rivals in the potent Mlmouri inois and Indiana in its first two Valley Conference. If that isn't conference game* la^ aeek. enough, the Bearcat* tackle Following were Georga T«r ■ , —.TB Bradley, the other challenger, ! C'amlng noon* CMMUIMtt Saturday at Peoria, 111. *EiM)er Utah. Texas AltM. Wliarvr - and Southern California S could end Clnrinnetl's undefeat¬ Gregory Peek Louie part missed • spot in **-' llehorah Kerr In ■RTUSlUM-UTMl NfilOU ed fling and ita reign No. I complete saows at — top 10. team. "Helmed Infidel1 • »J» - EiH - l:M Utah dropped from fifth ttti after a loas to raATvaas -tart at— last week, and two ur- l:m • iii* - l:u • ms teams. Texas AAM and Did tlieir relationship raiMiavM iKroiMATiOMyrAU. an t-itn LATEST NEWS (TENTS iva. gained top 10 ratines Wake Poreet and IHino s -Vratee 1 Ik. Em," have to lead to murder? r«M> in.- the beaten and lost ground va balloting. — - mm YflmJIr Clifford Odcts stabs you with a LHjNf id : 2hi4 (AST LANSING 20000 UU6HS PAY scarlet portrait of the story adults 7#c CHILDREN Me fit— IMHER THE SEA starting tonight AT 7 that spiced the front pages of the. nation! The mo* tion picture that creates a new image in suspense! HAT SALE 7.10 PJM. R*f. SllJi Htm saw faL SM( Htm UM RITA ANTHONY TORS. JAN. PHONE ED 2-SSI7 14 KT now an* rate VABtfn MP HAYWORTH FRANCtOSA SIT HILLCRE8T rnSS&k 2a JERRY MAID'S ! Ac»d*m> r'oJx'"Ow cl ITI MIT M i MIC A*»rd I'erformnncr.' OPEN BOWLING 3411 E. Michigan HUlVtO »' CIN«M«5COBE otlMtOWMQNaC >sa rnrarwnT-* lllrrvJKlJ 1 BIIKJUN aSSE m«9 BUaOUfl BSF ED 2-2314 Start** • Feature • Wsn 12:10 • 2:50 . 5:05 — ..... r-ivctoim E.i-s c.«B «e«cw»—~ .»*.•' «i Sag TODAY added "r.tNTuuns m mom r ~ Fnw Parkian Opm 10 A.M. 7:20 - 0s40 sun. ■' ( at tain s kakabw 4 "stkxkkmir i. " • .* , —- " - --'f "'1 lloush isks foi' Some .Humor. n Purdue Plans Clash; State News i ~i Less Criticism by Reporters Hope Lucas Recovers At 'STIN r V Sight sp»r(! Mii»r — I'm Stephen. : " »r imuirv 13. IWO Page F'h i. hanging • r 3 ;1. M- ID ••IT-iiv ■ - a i.'.i e Dischinger, All-Stiir Howling tlati'li 1' s»« •< :nar d'.n da.: «»n ll«n. »i • n" • '.I t fe- V ■ i- ■ h "•»(■ . i< n T'TJVhp -vu , p Avar 17" « V- >•*' !e Boilermaker ■ • - Zahii Goes Into Initials The route:! ' - • • i r "It rt ;>!<•■• n<»\y s*ems In me we r.m do J .u»■? ' pi ii* a much better bib »f helping the Top Scorer SLACK SALE a Air •-•air." ••? genuine f«»«»t ti.i 11 tan grnu up W illi Win From Joseph ii in.iII" alMiut tbe tn learn something and t • 'v.''. Only «.9> For January 23 tion fn>m Milwaukee. t! -u* I.K\ KOSITTIIEK'S r - e I'niversitv basket- of match pi „ 1 3n m • 208 Mr-, li.v o ,.r BuRdina " VKSITY SHOP v fans hope Ohio State's 7.lhii, ;< r b. ,n>'ri<. ■ i - • :i » i ''ihbf re i hi- S* Tli*' Ha i mi 'on i >.••• . •»!> "hiwiii mi l- l»"i. hr :,.nt sophomore. Jerry -ter. 4i.uh:ied wi'h « '2"4-24 1/-i. Bud •- < M.-r 'i-aounaur. D •« • |ua, *> hard ' • 'i>v. lir-i 1255-101 -007 * recovers quickly from I'ai'er. i four -•I'a.ghf game- ,-p'irt - c'•••" -A'!.' '1 the Spur Aryri Joseph, a p-.' a v. •;i«u,-> -v.- IVue.j r-- 1'fi 203-t87-200-241- a* ankle injury that kept Ujwling in Ik'.oi' w -83!. «!-;V fa-trr had 1W2- ar'ni au.-i wariiki:'-." out of the Buckeyes* ABC team t'hanr , m. pfesller.s 5 72-1 72-2 lb—732 a re«u!t nf Hi- bSa fit "tyir1" ir'U" V UNIVERSITY STU0EMTS, SPECIAL : mustered a lt*i»-194-181-214— Hie sad 'hat :?.!• phra- larre with Delaware last 779 which ghuff'ed n.m into 14'b the dofea' Carter ftto the »>•>*- far' .i'nicf! r "f tlu standing-. 'building character VOI R f lioit I: Ol place , B-»wlei> t-iofc comfuri • (Ira :*nir kcr and Prime beef open fare sandwich au ju*—#%tri large plate— - want to measure hi* tal- /ahn earned 21-07 Petrr*en fumbi« ■.'.•vrvi'F They re •iiki-rt to ran that !h«- c-cih- - whipped potato—rolfee or milk , yublicized a* best among point* in trouncing Joseph. In- ihv '- ni »» dl *e.t ••• r . . Caf'er, •• '! <•( h IN VIIIMTION s \ Yll't.1 I.IBI.R VI I-V I RO\| VN* or ALL r ' npwonmprs. against Pur- der the Pfter*en System, devis¬ Mr-t nine game* m the lloush said football has been RtSKRILI. (OMMhMOMR lord I'rirk. III. and Sen. Kenneth finals »! ol •• sPK IU VPPI.TI/I.RH ohomrre Terry Dischinscr ed by the late l.oui* P. Petersen, Wor.'-r* Invitational Cna" • saJled the "Nearest tiling we * Bttckcve Boilermaker Keating (It-N'Vi. meet in Washington Monday to talk over problem* - father of the alt-«tar, a howler j» .n-h ps in Chicago last mom have to actual warfare" lie here Jan. 23 po*ed by tbe embryonic Continental l eague. Keating ha* offered to 98c any cost" Is a <- get* one point for ever* 30 pin* on e.g.. -m and \> e t,* said "Victory at' act a* an informal mediator between the tun major league* and the . -Zander Disehincer. R fee' scored and one point for ever* !n another n,.i Vis bet'.vF'- proper slogan in war hut "no new league. v.. r-nd a well distributed 189 game Hon '•MT.nta:e* defending al!-*".r athletie contest ever should lie potted 43 points J31-' Qualifying champion H t y chamu B.!' W« lu spin In* fo-u lhaljmportant.'' that^. IrORYf yft llf.NfS l ooking for a r'ltb line meal tki* :,2;.Ti«:t Illinois. although - won 81-73 Now Substitution Rub- Bluth took second pia< e on a game*, with ilar-'v Smith. 1/ ■ - f«i «• .' nt* ilinued. Sunday eiening? lor Ihe finest roisine at bard to beat prire* be sure to visit He hid *eored 3« in earh of (iOmmiltvv Debating HOUSE OF BEEF •«o •with previous Hie Ten tame*, winner*, against Indiana PickiR ai iA Dilivtry SefnAala • St MMER jolts in NOTK I III meals served by the ■ llnuse of Beef are t Mil ir,rt \Vi«MK«ln. That figure* a Mull, a Tlmr- Prime Nothing but the finest for you from •rt«l 14 3 it erate in the confer¬ II' hi* an even 27 average On Check-o ff Change ti. Slia* 12 ilium hi I |i. in. a EUROPE "HOUSE OF BEEF" ee mrhiding ( nine non-conference 1:30 In 3:IMI |i.m. ■ .'HHHI Positions open ind hi* .724-point total i« MIAMI !>J\A< 11. Kla. - }' ■ The -•uije».»rumittne ;tpj»'tin'e«l •wtter than any other Pnrdiie U . SllilH .YilHI In 0:IMI ji.iii. ■ in all field* to mull «»ver >uvye>lio»H for rhanye- in the stilj-tSluti«»n 113 \\. Mlt III!• %N \%l „,ph'»m«>re ever made in an en W ril. A Sill, HRIft to lirr season. rule hits tome up with h winner *<>. faf as the foot hull rules I Ne\| to Hotel l»lds • % VII llll VN *11 III M S-too'-i jLucas' a\ri'u.e . '•mm it lee i'-. ronrerned. but it i-n't unlimited - iii»>t it tit i*»j: itt the sen>e it w«» before 1M"! rnitniin- 12:311 In I :INI | " INtORM Y1 ION YHNsflt YssE M a s| HV II I . t \ Hours Yloii -Nat 7 am- 1 pm — *un II am vpecialiring in: roast beef, round l»erf rhirken do i>" I :IMI lo 1:3II ji.tu. I -an average for II game* a »R tVKM RT/M YIN. DtRMlNl • Th * becimve '-i»\ s.m« Tuesdav Fk H p. rent meeting took part in tbe Vrm-lriiii^ 1:30 lu 1:13 |i.m. ■ his fellow* are tremen- dd I provisional vote, but only tbe M \ i-iona! vo*. ra eligible members of tbe rule* (try an 1:13 In 2:00 |i,m. • under* and neunc folly-guard«' i propo.- committee ** ill participate in the Itulln-r 2:IMI t.i 2:13 |i.mi. b DUAL FILTER DOES IT! •v bail if a teammati - poll tomorrou uhich will deter¬ tun* rome* from Nliddletown mine whether the suggestion be- rule lliilt«-rfii-iil 2:13 in 2:30 |i,ni.' || Ohio Inwohinger from (iarfield i nines a K. Sli;i» 1:1111 ii. |:30 |i.iii. | Huh Nrhool of Terre llaute. Ind B«»b N. XI. Slian 1:30 In 3:30 |i,iii, ■ under veteran Oar:. (dn K«'hrt, also produced velette. another big or* -.r ed at Kama-. and in Olympic*. Loveietm t. ' •'. cotnp i?t •<• n*rate* for the pro -c* t \* t ! 5>e gruatly MimcCe I . ; Ha .' k' 'he cneckof? rule jp.j rhaF.t- •f wa* a fire hull pd- Ni-viand. add«M <• a*" a ba*kett>a: It Hi* apparent liom till* Dochtnger stood out a comment that free substitution - sports m high achool H* was out. inasmuch as no check¬ ba*e on a world off would lie necessary under ;•. uiship Babe Ruth league that *>*tem. 'cam. was an All-in- The p.'.-ec :Ui:bc:atis| end in football and won h ours f-rm;: a championship .n the maKi.'u; .rupOS -urrllev every sug^c-*- got Dischinger because uncover ar. itc iitiibic "Tfic rules comnd - fa-.-cS 'he - wa;.ted to study engineering H n. father, Donas Disching- impossible tank of !r>.n^ to •a* - ♦ fhjrf.eld assistant f»»r»tt>.« 15 4sIv everyone,'' N«-\ latni com¬ , .«nd Coach Kehrt are In- mented dry fy «'.* ":uvtjr*ity men All 3C men attending tbe cur- FREE! '/> GALLON COKE Itoor BUKR OH OIUM.K huh 2 km;ii.aii i itkm rt/yxs ri. *i\ dirthL csili diiii' V ARSITY DRIVE IN DELIVERY SERVICE Ell 2*»r»l7 —- •• OPPORTUNITY EOR ALL AOTMS a^ ACTRESSES ' IN Phone for the road Filters as no single filter can... or Tke?e lUya more American" are v'rug place* 'ha ever before, am) for mild, full flavor! we're doinf our best to keep up with then. "WIRIER PUTS THE CANE" Our beat U a new, uHr»compa< f tekpf ■ r • 'em j.i ' . ulkd by our *uli#idiary. Automatic hile» trk. " ThiA envelopment move* the telef^ione r'gh* /: V»;de the driver.-; Wi BY fan mak# calls—or get them-on the hig-hwav jw.-t a* though you were Han't how th« Ouji filter doet it: aittiaf at home. DONALD YATES 1. It combtnok a uniqut inner fitter of ACTIVATED CHARCOAL This mobile telephone service 1.4 your* to en, * rifh? no* n mahv of mVy proved to make t*e t-oke of j - aa^tte d atd imcc'n ... •ur exchange areas. And it will jm*^» be available in trie other «<>m- munitiea served by General Telephone in.3-1 «Ute« 2. with an efficient 'pur* white outer fitter. Together they br ng yc-j the IKY OUT DATES - JAN. 13 7-10P.M. bekt ol tnt Dest tobaccok—tne madness and taste mat pa/ off m p ea wrel Thie ia a typical example of bow we use research- not only jaDt-et KM. 19 AID. JAN. 14 7-10P.M. twdajra uimmunicaUona ne«*L*, but tu answer wrnut rua NEW em,hal DUAL SPONSORED BY mephoncteimeonies FILTER U-PH \ EPSILON RHO-THETA ALPHA PHI fcLr/J MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Pace SI* SPMT SHIRTS Top Ploy to Appear .lanuary 1.1, I!»fi0 (liilm Lags INFORMATION MSU students will receive them on stage with such magical REG. SS.9S A HAS t>u J In Judicial. PHI wrr % 1AMBDA AH. ED. CLUB tickets at a specially reduced price of $2 to see Miriam Hop¬ perception. The Broadway Theatre Lea¬ MLY S2.N 1h« r l.iick Xrw Court- 7:30 pun.. 60R Whitehills Drive p.m., members and potential mem¬ day" evening. that student5 may purchase their VARSITY SHOP ED 2-5SH5 • bers urged to attend Ketti Frings adaptation his tickets the night of the play at fn« !M ABBOTT RD E. LANS. La Tor l.iiiiil Krfnrill VIVCA STI DENTS WIVES been praised for the uncanny the Sexton aud. boxoffice begin¬ ARNOLD AIR SOCIETY \Y H pm., 217 Townsend. EI. way in which she has caught the ning at 7 p.m. The performance 7-30 p.m., 33 Union. Formal )IA\ ANA. '11 CuIMN N >- Student's Wives Council Meet - characters of the novel and put will begin at 8:30 p.m. — initiation. ♦i.nuil A;:i.irlan Hif-rin In- * - ing. v.jfe f15! lnckr the land Cf>iir" >: pROMfMnms promised < •' month' ue 1 7 pan. W.I tjutlding Open settle dispute over tin l.r. I Dunce snzurr |.r.n:rvti K. !.*» p.o- , W 1 Bmldtng. Clos To.-. canm ■ >•>* Tiic I", in * • • >1 Merfini' v: ■A.)kr Of I' S K -it ' •f! gn\ •! ii; iriit (whan (' i ( vrnnir!.: . rrj) -i< in (•',).!» <-t « no'.' ,'iri u-ifi.i |«t» vmn in ifnt will tin- ■< m-;zui<- ! Cuban proportic uf I' S -.-r- , x r - L..) prccc Bicycle Tour. - union i of the land murls and drafting rope ">00 Everyon, welcome 3 . v-, of their organic law arr "still under consideration." Pl.RSHINf* RIII.Es •feT' • A 7 .10 p.m.. Room II Den; H;vi T!.f ri-fnt in law itself, a.- •V! member—Uniform. Ope: ■St''"/!'- jfs.MiljliJOtC'd la t M l I I. I thos«- interested in IM? ml f-v.irt "lie b.-rrbv fif.i'i-l f 1TIIOI.K nTIDENT f •*; cogni/ani'i' and dams ton ,.f ORU.AM/ATION , i i f..ii proc- ' Ini." ni.f. 4-"i p.m.. Catholic Studen' ai.-o fr<■::i ;i|»pln*a?('>u th Center Coffee hour an.i '("ifr . - attnce'ion ' i ." a) < it.-r a altiit'.il cofitrar!-. •»«»«» fi .10 pm.. Catholic Student Center. Executive Board MeO- rii'il properly m general I • ;i«idf«l Mia' '!.<• lmtitu'e »' draft flo- •:-ii»nic* law f<>r TDK hi I lit! Ml V dressed in traditional trull, divplav their skill 7 10 pm. Catholic Student Center Committee meding- • ' emir! ■ w .''un 'im . mon'h s in aerobatics a ton bamboo ladders at annual "Heanmeshiki" rrrr- f In Aug special fire ficbters exhibition wax riven before a Both meetings o|>cn to nil in¬ • I't > pr.-s.mvil'v me monies. 'Ibis still terested. Lanin laiRe rrim d at the Meiji Shrine Outer Hardens in the Japan's capi¬ . i l, V ,<• o: can a' i . ,i.ffi! >IE< IIAMCAI.-< IVII. tal city. INGIxriRS- WIVES Tin* Institute * s.nd, however. anv dispntrs ma* It ,1 p in. Spartan V illage Mall taken t«» eithrr lee a I department or rivill.ui the Institute's Ilairaii Siiminor Session Sol IV- Fraklin I,. Bevez will >iH>ak -««n birth by h>pno« - tribunals, including the supreme Session are sarnie 215 A! memlx-r. of Engineer^ The "bill S'lhviui -viT-es are invited court. tin- irnivei-i!' "f■ iiv- • : :t!l field'. p the .a f o'.d Its,i atonud lfoUith Awe Sp"' ex \y»*ek rravel a i I iiegUi .lun, :»n i INRA.' said a '-•!'! owner I Ii 'il l '..m (or students : s« ,n; 1. 11MHI. ' w a .winou- , . |: w i;*, w ad. wad ''c .,ff,-j,.i :ni - through "u* j hop 1960 IP {(.>))• ' i . t • „• | • !|..Mr. » . fry e.viliaU Cald- l i u ei • stud) Tour t - H »- , ..Aitii.nit ..rijame law of s>h.s •Mi ■. i Sue, ;.i! -price ■ }.«! .students . ?!••-• ba\ '• Tiotbio ; n. j i I,..; .- P'f.- i- Stall Tin; price h\|M-rt -a e #i!i* slio U with vague C'i.v' i ||;ova:i w b! include, round trip trafisp \lli-riiliiiM- 1% ».'i ., complained repeat, I' s laid ik|M'.-it'd To, id i,m>"hei and wholaiIiwe ad over 'm •, t'i'i by ship ei an. dormitory iipd hotel aceommixtatmnii, .1 llrm') anil Sonm* A f 0,vTiers have World |n ii'ldilion. thf v ti p tour-: of the island.-, and f i t that -Ins'itute .Ik'eid- have weeks sei-ion ;dtT»et> » di>tm- it Trices moved' ni an t seized machinery ginshf'd v.l*i?»tut faculty from the things without prop- jour de fete .mi the <)iien,1 Kui'ope arid tin Con'i- • : written authon/atioti. lu nta! Staler arid offera w i Indian Students Ill some easrs. property liold- ers said, armed soldiers moved i any<- Mibjeet of courses and unusu.ii Im ad. I a p,- I'm Plan tielebralion The Nm4J« on their laud and, when asked veisitv'•. eui'rn u'uni fm ih« ",,;,i about the law they were operat¬ ing under, responded; "What The India Studen" Will hold a dinne. Ass.» for Indian . ;i ani law'* We're the law." M.ST I'layi r* I'lim students and the.: gmV.- Hi :, was iH'iintcd u,» Monday Washington statement an- Slum 'l'rii> ,11 llrtruil ccletv'M'e Itepublh Day. f« 1 Thread Shop ■i a MS" "layer-; sp iftAorith! •» 21 Th. dinner wi'd be hfld "ti •enneiii;' delivery of the pro- Jan 2.1 at « 30 p.m. m the : shoy- !i:p to DcMae.! to w the february 13 to Cuba. It anid in t'.»urs»« cafeteria nia'diee perlormum e «»f "We t .- • ,nv'.me»» ,i marine dredgo Entertainment for the Sidr S'• . " A bus will leave i nod tugbnat imde- U.S. rcglstr,1 . 11 include cla- dat "a ,chil l Theater at II a m valued sit *500,000, were Stored from linna7~ a ileilialhti a' ,o/v * .'>ii|'i (.rxml lti»rr SUidenls Inteiested siunilii without written .iuthonz,r- Voga, instrumental uupie an i invent,e \ anv or reeeipl. »'m information jm1steal .a 4d .ngs. from India and movo- *rr- ■■ - The state Department I", k'T, priced *! 25. mav ■ plaeo the,.- At U'ivl e.'ii bo- :-i tn.i'ed 300 iriilliofi ibdlai> worth wiU Im' «omi.: in- purchased from J. N AMpi ..r ! S, property ha-, twin seiz¬ The eo«' ,.{ $.!.1I0 inelud-.-- Ked/io. from 10 a in ' I formal 8-12 ed or is Mihus't to seizure under They will be on sale utr; I'-H. ||a*e >our tiekoi and \y< fee round-ti > P" ti-e Axrarion Ar't Tiis iniid P" pa. I le "> pM cleaning done t omtpentinx on tlao lark d Thurot'.M -ill tee Ad nidi.; ' 'ihe public I* invited here loo! pm m fey pulii.shfNt rt'Kutations eoven. ; ..ppltr.ition of the A8>.irian 41' - i im Irfiw, « Havana lawyer • T -:*P / •aid. . pi itstnun. twe ill its i>a ti to push government sp- tin* net RAPI'A alpha psi to. p.»uis to have jHit the rart t«- lull' the hot • e N«»w we Jiuve RUSH SMOKER r tho pros pert o{ .swing all this »• >«*b'r«ted " m"' The* li e pmmlsist in the i ninth i an note trpvtion of the Am-" • 1' said Cuba Wdl UNION 36 8:30 P.M. push the agrarian reform prt»« gium, e*piopi uting pr«»i»erty WEI). JAN. 13 f: >m its own el'-Irons as well as fi or itinera, and leave thvt eouits SALE! ' i dtvtde disputes. HANMOMI Ihiirv (hilt Srls Annual ('unlrxl CUSTOM-PITAlllO SLACKS l'it.v,e interested in elite; f ig ; i (uatrslup i enti'-'t. anttu.i! Dauj Clutr .Show • hold during •Mm', r.umers' Week, mav attend tt> iVury Club meeting} lonlg'it a' . lb. 12rt AnCfM»n> Ha! Dav l h Fin* qualify, cuitom-dafoilad tlockt, Ku.a vv.'l ffeak «'h "The I*uti / i llrultb AhhkU of Dau v * . tie ' pracitien.loilerad in all-wool er an *U<»wman*btp d»nn»n.ii » tain A will also in- ipvtn I'm. -,' >v latyMSM orlon/wool blend1 Smarl dottici Of ,.«j 7 p.m. in the Ma'1 D*;|\ li.iin iinstmte Frank liendi n will u. m- aadlaak fopartd copri itylai with >*l( b*lt> i'lasstiji wi!' in* hoM for iv p« IH'IH'1'1 and non r\f>« rieiK f l paar vary or regulation -oiiH; tide zipper si-.nvaifft Any Ms" *' adopt is cUgthie. Olin Mukri SIII \ . {: >• • Mn.m ai A and tt.e>adyi ^ & bast... or Ny-lront dotwroi. So»o on rich lolidt, ifripat, and plaid* in a ho*f *•, .edeitU a '-v* received hvdice v> More ami mote person* are discovering Ihe ct»n\ience el iothion color*! All *i*q» I to II. !-e}H'>r{ to the health * \C n uml ginnl Imikx of tonlnrl lenM's. The liny photic lenxe* 1. giro# t ' the thcimo' i fi-V.-r are uicuiately ground and polohed to your prescription, >atve> «*rr u ked T » lepoi? to ♦ Healfn Center as siwrn as determined through eye examination lay our doctors. p.», ..ti'-f* •• • The sutvey van be The* fil directly over the cornea and offer you complete « omplete i natural vision. Why not slop in for the complete contact lens story tomorrow ? WHIT IS QIM? I ) / /.'/{. 4V f A AM/N \nu\s litf C (i.Asf rvgLOrrrti eeKwiefrbf Tin' tliiini' ,>f I In- j1 •tonvrnlriit Hour* ItiAiirlt office Mouda*. Thurvd*.* ermine* till f; IucmIav. \\rdurxday and and Iridav satnrda* till 3 tDnwn- luu n office open Minula* till 9 IMI.) h*- pvuituudi: WALLACE OPTICIANS ji' Acrou Vl\L_VT CUrPERT (oppokite Searx) fk. IT I STATE THEATEIt i .»/«» oilu t s thmnHu n »* IV? V W tis/iingftni, th IV 2-1175 Dr. R. C. Jonrk aiul |»r. J. R. Nixnn. ReglMrrad OptWiMiUa OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT UNTIL NINE % Take Out El) 7-9171