NCAA Decides ■ Oaic Weather "VOL. 51, No. 117 Free Substitution Not Allowed Sou Pau* t • Michigan State News FA.-T LANSING. Serving MSU For 50 Years MICHIGAN—TIU'ltSIlAV, JANUARY II. I'JBn" Cloudy With Drizzle llieh Today Low Wednesday PRICE CENTS til 'i* Congress to Probe Russia Hints Disarmament WASHINGTON bP1—ConiM c- - Payola, Jet Safety « : .1 i -TV mvesiSKaltori .b.»<' Hi' i.Md til. * he: Size of Soviet Forces t -.a! inquiries were set up Wen.'.e-'Jay into radio-TV pay - Kelt. « / lie said the group will to to all pluses of pavola—under- in¬ we arc told retaii'tn-s • * lie added thai "It wont he lo ' ' H *ns Expected to Decrease jj; «et age airline sal'";- and the the-table payment to disc Wh¬ necessary" foi the pjtnlj hear- klirn>lii'li<-t >iic».'.|.'il KarlicrTlii. tear tin >n food additives which «<*'. et* and other* for plureimc niu- inc* to |»sf more th.m a week. K.-il- liar lt<-lv on ItorbiT, for llcfrn-*- sir and other commodities on 4' the cranberry scare 'ast ft'' l. i t ve.H > *t.her ■* Thev were announred b> Iter. the air. • i l l i ;efi»A,;«m-i».-ickf i. - a - 0-cn Harris (D-Ark' a Other than indiea'ih^ 'h -« v • we« k-long nquir> in'o M()S( llW i-T'i—Riioian -tc ps to pn»mot»» Premier Nikii, era! disc Wkcv? will be in¬ Ktini.lii hi'v". tot;.) worlil ili.a rmument plan ur*» '*x|h •ctH ! fin of both the House Le&M TV «iii..' h-«w senndji.* jt-e Oversight Subcommittre vited to testify. Harris declined 'MwtU -ait Wicri.M, • •*> iw* anriounci'H -»w.n. 1- . its parent Commerce Con.- to >nv what witne--,* would Aiivomnuttee statf i >. ,■:>•- Inforrif-d fircir* »-*pn sr. ".**• T'.' food additive hearing was % en!led. Noi would h<- -.»rt f - i^ri- to ICC Poller »•! W«*ditO!wlai era n.Jht wailed for Jan. 2fi. And Har- vil ,vr in-t tear lit i:vi;ca*»«d in ':..n :n S a: ii d for. m.H the Oversight • I am not in a position ? h- r :<* will begin its long-await- tail what the comm.ttee ■ «»n ir. atj»>u? Kv and would cor.tam logis- w'-.tuM u- re at* On Agenda . !>«■ vlinrcm*' S"V:« • * i ? If. ' .. M'^y.n ouvmn. ..dive rmeounvu nda'inrv* to curb Mark Stevens Surprise ff— r<| remark ■ uch irrcgularific* i- Wijaje—- ..i;:/ -how- •il .fid . \ ' .' one ' Msr. Witness to Finch Trial koaii Oath And \na*ta* Mikotju viol the meet¬ I ir*t lirput* Premier sensational Finch murder trial, ing will be uiiil*uall) inip.tH.iHl I,OS ANGELES <#)—The receded Wednesday due to a juror's illness, resume* Mon- ,tov with a surprise witness: actor Mark Stevens. II,. igy* Dr. R. Barnard Finch's Investigated wfAr.l s|Ts for thr T%" |H(»dorti<»n "Murder ( assrl. Thr shnu. stale Net., I'llolo Mile ||«i|.en «: f >h.- they couhl The prosecution says feared Mrs. Finch would The resolution MSlr should withdraw from the stated that Musicals Spark NY Theater . ivr nr llokhui*. •' m:« n '.(» a-' 4he ICC istiuit t. I.OIO Dim'. The time vurh artion \ i»r»*bil«»v veemv i* Pre*i.lent Klenienli t«» ripe *i*it lot voitn- India in government loan program pro¬ *... . TflO'.: eirljr lehriur* And Kbru«hrhr* p- muoii of his wealth via a di¬ vided by the National Defense T-. N.-*• V rk fbea- ttw Jo''' Mivoi Fiorrlio 1 ter a prcl.ininarv run in Detroit. ve e oftUernenL i* niakin* a rood-will trip Education Act which re*iu;re< a %• ts-on h;gh- Gu .- i.j ■' N. v- Y • < . . .•i'i ami |,os* t.f Rose*." by Mil- preserutor Froderick Whlch- T.ikf AIOR.;." .1 linn Inge, who has had four sern*v neutral south A*iu in loyalty oath in order to , ar. number M' Mill- .lift; Hi f did n^t say why he is ca!!- CUifHXiilil. Jgi-ki.' Gi h'U in "Come H.i»k. I.itlle She- rn-. pro late* aid. It was sen* to a comr -*5 - «- *«.^:t 'um • the dark, handsome Holly- ' tb. M-t- ha." "Plrnlr." ' Itu* Slop" ,in»l CC w,.i «.<• rh- . Kr • i for further study. •' >.<•0 • ■ - vid actor. The winter term budget w «< "a p!a*. * ami an If:.- w'ho ha- tr. "Dark at the 'top of the *>tairv." s. •' ' K • ;> •• .. UN "V Sevens told • newsman that presented with total sppropna- '•"•v -• ■"' •" •»;. fhe jmi". ..f c'.o ' N. York almost eve ft n '-it st j i member of the swank tMMVf of $4,880. M • duwu.— jfc i-vr.r**- v.-;,; .into 1938 to V.o.v (• v tor year It Angdec tennis club, to T"-.' -o offcr- • t Feb- 5 . do Broadway produc'ioiif, attribu*- - Sion centered around the puhl.c *#r#- trie (girami rr.xh tne Finches aUo belong- relations allotment. -• p- * Don Bar,5 of the ixt "imp of the lack «,f \vi * He had known them,, he urfMlorbon - MU< iiitercv Severs I ^ ■wg»*'*'TX"Qf ?n his talk. eeivo-l new p ay th; ;■■«,nr representative* felt the • v of Irving Be m about four years. :lr >»)»** a* ALd-Season.' lohfu^.ng piis -iif produce.f 3423 - given that executive rn a;W t'aie f'i, .f Bi The actor, currently directing W- --v- ■ ■ - - ,r, rnf pljvTvrighf' branch was ton much f«r the .11.(1 l Revision film, added- T- >*- ti. s{vnsored v 1 . Mrs Finch told him her hu»- planned projects. .Activities in¬ F He listed Among the season» A-t# C'"ii- • ' t- definite!) v'sled bv publie rela- most surprising failures, "T!»e *.* : planned to kill her several tinns include Spartan Review «••■* nefore her beaten body, a ATTORXrY Joseph For no Marm peninsula." starring one and sending a winter carnival Boetl ud the earl* nmnth* of of the first ledics nf theater, 1 k. vd h'.le in the back, wa - identifier picture of Mrs. Bar¬ H.-/I on a lawn near the Finch bara Jean Finch on the witness queen In Northern Michigan the tr*4itHiii| Broadwav "sea- Julie Herri*: "% Might* Man I* college. •**m " oLxh tan- from **»|»trni- lie." with N'ancv Kelt v. whirh r'v ;a suburban West Covin* stand st the murder trial of Dr. her tkrw-(ti Jane Hive been folded rapirilv in New $ork at- I* right of loot July 18. The K. Bernard Finrh and € arnle Spa .-tan Review 1 *:ig'T *? rhjrj tervted hi fewer than the says Finch shot her Tregoff in l.os Angeles, before professional enter•aire en*, th. Wv • tar. the trial adjourn* to w ul'i 'ike the p!acc ■>! Spar* a- mail rswier of outotanding s'ruggle. resume •lifirtm.'! , lowu Creeks a v-rvev was concerned about court Monday. Photograph of radc 'i -aiding money f >: Cs~ - yrgvioe. Popular earry- B '-.Jo- JU- ng • V ig'c.v, but did not take any «f% tfor, last *ea*«»n and a and Mrs. Finch shows bruise which pu.- ('he*' • few welt-dofw stawtjU have p»e»u'.iinary action because he w • > leave town for a movie Forno said she suffered when I inch beat her with hi* pi»tol. ed Tin* queen, m particular controvttrsV, reioyvcr.'a'iv-- h—.i the brightest spot* m far. Pritbalioned pom: l.MO •iu.nt>"" he v*d of tvtinting out that pubk reUtttmv ne.'her the r».c f*»r "v r' • DSK MOINES V \ ■ ■' i ■ I produc ... new . • ' - ; • .1* - • i The S 'mnd -liiiik ng at a forma! ' n, i'i ' ;n ' scvrii-* car pia queen nor if she w<»u-h need »*•« f « • 63 Die in Lima a - Eartli<|iiakc> . A? "d s. v.- * •.•on--' '.-'c —t c!itp*'rori. .. •- eut.r 'v R. d c.A'zr • ha-- to pruba*; .! .i'■ • Roth these pro'ect. p »* vr F ... - • .< O*r.r Ha in > d . iit. 'H-aiIh»e>t and ■ ibitiR MgnPts! thti Drako I n- }»♦ oai nil' I' r.j" *«r M.» '- - availabU- UMA. Peru (/ c.-apr' - ^ H-- Verity chaiz'O' n! |*:i K-MfM f• '*• innr I nidus* Rirmbrrs felt, the committee lid ".ar:red - lt»-..-u were report e(7*" k.:*ri the area w.'h u-wue equij • 1.. - Alpha « k ial fratvrii.t* tt !'•« 'a:k :na* bun- nut know where and iv * • .» an.! relief mppU'- the ., - : v-fn 4 ff>. • I1 2X) injured Wednesday • " > ■ •».*i ' Tt'.e Tbiu- -Ih'iphn;, Dt iw< "t I : • . i . . D p. rh, Mtr-.e earthquake in Cur Hcporb tittering out moncv would go. j - ■■ .* • .■ * • ; - ... fcLtr.err* Peru city of Arequipo. sha'-'-r.-d «•*>!:' raiipr: The budget is rh« .. . ahith befsimc m-wvpaper. *aid Wednesday-lb;.? mure - an a > •?• zht be the fraternity was put-on re.« il L-'h s.hock* were felt . newt of th«* ca»uai'.i«o» tf«d congress ha< < v« the r*«"i- a ••••_.» ■th iwdienCVA, • - 11>« countries but the only r» - the Are«|U»pft ■ .ibur1* ■ • »,ve bramh I fe* i .*♦• :«u!d Tw seem* to want on f-x ft year t,v Jr<- • , '.ill crmunittee of the tnier-frit» |k~- of casualties came fro*>; T..; M'. .. San I»«/ar'» know what they are doing with, •ernsty c«»UrtCll, in which ail *•« - A not Iter Nuv> lA-wjuipa. a city of 270.000 peo- Mi -a I .fore*-—t ho nie ; the money we appropriate them.'* aid Rep Charles Herbert (L-sn- .fraternities at the univcr. i'y w« «• stricken ■* P* Lima government iliia which trxik 28 Hvcf *««#>■ He warned "The Miracle are repreMTin i «\ *<♦•«! ' i.-d .e Leaves Pad rtuM He*eo Betlev and Ann ah't C»rr« .; Gal;>fe«'h. dean of *(4l« \c*i Photo Hv l»»le llaiiitn RawMt d *!»• for the «*ee- student:-, \D\FKT|kJN(, MtKlli* lltrold l.rigeb, 1**1 |.an*inr vuphnmnre. WASHINGTON V - T were guest at tin- *aa pr wtiwhi as the sea* twtit H. th' . i d no? l>Atiirl kUgle. filenelbn. III. senior and John Hirkham. I.m %lto*. wa * to# new drama The ytn w:,t disrupt the part> <»y < alii sophomore, left *peak to I'aul lloflev. vlre mevident of partrii* the *traxrle bi a nur»e a*ke to tutor Mi*» tnveatifate. broker about the major problems ill the advertising world Keller net *eif. dumb and hiind im the HUM S The version "1 'he mivsilf . ftthe* a'wvr-a.vera#c p?ad<*!> On lleeld of 1ISI Toul* gr.'-d fin- launching from .« • v « »f nut -ar powere?! ■ -fk'Ba-S Mua utttaem act .-ri- • •;n.'t»j»rinv left the pad a' 3:07 •4' Five f i"* Business Services a - B -*■ lix/Mind • fr- |Mf .M «• e a, » UTJ'C; i.'« n* iga.rxr-f. * 'tufetoer?*. to "Die Nav. ; i. t «na» the pi;- a a*a*M mtRjit - marv d)jen- Services of the C*■ t ;•>!?•■ . !t-.v.r-k course for :ro! acPun during pow.ied -v.! huetf.eswren, four- Nam*-- Ihio Toila* Business and Public Service. :h*o of izuainca* a admini- flight." extend around the wo? in B"'h • »hf a I'n-h'.ng aim! the fi. . a-fer's program and F'im* \ fl»" Qlimi new «>r expanded activittc- m - . 1,-e<«.areh center. " i' ' •* •• "" I ti; > •p».a,'-'i '•> have Branl, Vietnam. Formosa an i A . • craper*type - TastWj ■' f«< • fa«! •*»- ■'? 'he N»vv rep.-«;.«t Pakistan. o.^-_*on*'rucbi'ii '•» eV s-v-ng un-V knl TV. .<•* *he u "u vn •* • — h'Kzl. r*rja. .z+cms* hitgn.1 r fu: test -if a poian* nuunit re¬ heels of a tour of Sta'C.- pr e s« A-.cuordinatnr of *he js*' : • •<%» far VtAq Club Awg«t- ported with n a •*• . * and the grams abroad by Dean A:f»c ! and pn >n m.stration' ir. Bra/il project, rrpor** that the boar -d eighth in the series r*f test *>- Seelye of the College oi B,. ; oi -'ic far»..••,itjc n? pf'sgfamv -h'M.l carries out the largest TV .ferrt JurtgiS* and eorm- ing of an advanceri'">crvi »n f m**» and Public Servuc • mg *" •" '■ • by an Amcri t xtfuiive nvansgement progtam nhtitspva wfiS &g- »t a '«» • the veh:?'ie with a range A Dean Glen Taggart of Ir«U'rn-» tan univtrsily; 'he U S about S»00 mites. •.* ssmtkrm Se-rvao* . TV Ur« * - • Sac held Uonai Programs. MSU a!.*.-> n;» m existing pr?>- The program ha* gained such "Du? flist operational Polaris 7-8 ^.m. i»l The .odjnng wwi Under requests from sfw V s gram in Pakistan, where it is recognition that the Grganiza- mi-sib** will be. Installed in sub¬ Government or the countries in¬ providing advisory as'.-tance in tion t American States has Ues Gourmet Dinner-Dance Jobs Filled Oty U&g Veu AttM«s*u*n gswei'ting TV*oe coctcratni* no', elimi- Mas Board. volved, Michigan State has been asked to: the developnaf' demies I r village AID (Agri¬ f : *'» aca¬ •xc that the w:h(K)l in Sao zccome the official busi¬ marine* of the George Washing¬ ton cla*» and will have a sched¬ uled range of up to 1.300 miles. Extend IU highly successful cultural and Induijffwl Develop¬ ness administration center for JWJ <--i South Am* I B Petition* Krutly . 1:*2ual Leg Gourmet* buffet B*«urd a: aaotFaer tea Thumday, tion in Brazil to three federal Faculty for the Pakistan aca¬ tr icp ior; Public Relations. Bruet Junior. -A Night in the Roelike, Cincinnati aenior; Pro¬ Jan. 21. a: wtaet t-rr*e 'he universities sn that country. demies was trained at MSU and Under a three-year contract, For Fothion Shoic f •• Orient," were announced Seated are the General Chair¬ SwvaOMnrt as4 &gr raurt vfiU Explore poastkflltt— for • the young institutions recently Michigan State will now work, I *«;"-Odijr gram*. Carol King. Dapeer jun man, Carl Schstcidtr* Doanwft business administration program were given the additional task riot only With the Sao Paul* , Petition* for all women wish¬ Food' director, Robert Pet¬ school, but also with throe fed¬ . Grove, 111 senior -nd lvuvTar.t WSMhm md2 be announced in Saigon, Vietnam. of training official* m Pakistan'* ing to model in the Union Board sotineider. Downers erson, East Lansing senior; sec¬ . Examine the "Basic democracies" program. eral uaiversi'irs In Brazil—The fashion show are now available chairman. Don Walah, BirmiRg- and ^rtMHiad '*» ta* A-^«.a- possibility of (seated left in retary. Marjorie Jewett, Wash- ; pic- tson and *Ae V'wfttfctjr at the h-admg assistance in the estab¬ The project in Braxel, which University of Rio Grande do Sul Petitions may be picked up at nam junior. •'A> appointed general 1 net on. DC. senior, EnterUin- Veta OuB All University Win- lishment of business and public is now being expanded, has been 1* Porto Alegre. the University the Union Board desk in the Don Wtosh, Birm- nu*nt- N'>rm Held. Lansing jun¬ T^keu for the dance-dinner W hai aemi-fcmna! dance administration institutes in For- of State'* most successful of Bohla in Salvador and pos¬ eoocoursa and must be returnee, jun.or, (seated right), ior. Service. Frank Bowman, wiiPoe on sale at 8 a-m Mon¬ ■ tcrlaKd or# |fo day at toe Union ticket 7s> V at tV Lamdag Civic BMW and Pakistan. programs. sibly the University of Broui by Friday. Tiyouta will be held ' Airman. • - Ea*t Tawas senior, head hostess* ^ and 58 Keiiogg, for iaiuity only. Ccfiber -a WcAay, Jan- 21 Dr. Ruben Austin, assistant The Brazilian school now to* in Bit fft Janeiro* January 19 IB the Tew ire; (pictured, pa; Gribas, Grand Rapid* sopb- % . . l'.l ' I »• J Michigan Si a I <• News *Kr ... -M;i; !.:• V. c Could Patch Tilings Up" INFORM A1 ION Head IFaih In M*l l.'i.liiHi shiflenl* and Larult> CATHOLIC STCDENT SPARTAN t IIRI*IM\ pU MSI' SAILING mi FIU.OWSHIP th« 7 TO p in.. 36 Union. ORGANIZATION 7:30 p.m.. Bethel m wi ItlT'ORMLIk CHRISTIAN 4-5 p.m.. Catholic Student F.. Grand Rive. Ch Center. Coffee hour. , FHIOtVSHIP I .N. rOXMTITI IION M Pr RI TA BET * BETA ; ,{() p.m.. UIO Marshall . 7 10 p.m. 450 Nat. Sri V».!! COMMITTEE W.I .M. N 11; i 11..!!»•;»• IVifr Tu- l.xseing Ti-ee necdin'g ruies discuss AAAS Comet-nee 8 p.m., UN Loun>« fni should meet at 130 Bail-v S: h» at : 15. t7 *4 3rd Medical Oilier INTI H\ \TIONAI. C'LI'H 4 p.m.. .IS Union RLLATIONS Montreal .Michigan State New U| Hluw-iii Heivite* Kai«t l.wsinj hum Chicago conference plan- Published on class days Mond.o through Friday mchi- • - .Old sprntif terms: wccklv .luring >'imr rr te- Necessitv By 1963" fitll v inter rung snn-lal tresh.-oan issue between Miuunci and fnlj teru - y SKI CM II Iccund class matter under the act of March 3 18"? at "ie t ? .11 Union. East Lansing. Mich. Mail subscriptions owvable in advance for one term v ASCII ♦pun.'. M. lor three terms S3 Members of the Inland Dally Press. Associated pre». 'i iii: jtm'kvi I I ichi thai i r«i|.'. il mi t H in pm. 10 Union Associated Collegiate *'ic-s \\ INf'.LB SI'ARTANS FLYING » . • -|.;i|.» l m v.,r.11r.*• MSI '• jif-i iw-ilirai rrlltir K- CUB Editor-in-Chief D. feter \\ Jlteri riprr• Iii i • Managing Editor Suiann I'rirp 7 p.m.. Old College Hall. Un¬ John X| irph^ I'm- ' h<- unit i-r-i? i . ion lA'ant how inexpensive Business Manager . Paul v., f) , |»|; ■ ' »,.» n . . . nll.Mlflil'll .«t I living can be. Open meeting. ( irrulation Manager . I r-her < »«»• i!•»■ i mi-ftin: »».. l:»..»•• -•! I. , the !»■•'»'"it |-i «• WEST CIRCLE DRIVE J AXE SOCIETY Michigan' State News IV, .(n,i |lett'i»i■ V. ■ Milvr iM'i'ii riiM-kiMv tht-ir tmu'ii# - 8 p.m., St. John's Student .Mill -M.tkim* thru- I ••.••I • Ml «I»-.«|»|•»"V •• Ifh wji-tu! ■ i Center. Workshop Campus Classifieds . . . High Readmh:; -jii-rwliny" at .MSI Thivvp loin 11;, ami ft,..! th:- inmiT-iiv Mn.iil.l ha v.* it- "hainl iI..|i|h*.I" I'm thinking ••! >|M'iulinu 'hi MirhiirMii taxpav»'t' • f sunn* prestit'r. This -"ft ot «hinkirii • . in mi»|.J\ fur tin* jiinniivmeiU ?*• ;» • f i ■ .•: li-liit '»f CAMPUS DK.VDUNGS: I p.m. Itar llrfnr* Puhliralinn for Tu*-.. W*d.. TKui. CLASSIFIEDS ( !;i«k nt int'nnnii?Mtn • »n thiTi* |r;ut. and Fri. Fdilionx. bradlin* for Mon. Edition: 1 p.m. I'n. Kill- Catahlt S-t2 and |..*> Monday through Friday NCI | IIKit VKNNSI' M'KIt Km! ■ »•>.». -mU i'im at Ihf 1 m»ariI riH'vtiru' in »|u»*-tn»n. imr «ImI fif-hrr n.ak. am a' EI) 2-1311 EXT. 2615 ?#»n»ptI iTi*|ii:r' |MTt;tinni}*' t" thv hii-iii.1-- >1 tin* mretim*. In-tra.l. tinpauu'il th.'ir inloniniti'.ti l'r.»»n .iir»* reports which pavt- •»nI a kclrlini rnpnrt ol tin- pr >- HOUSING PERSONAL •'I'tlllip-i. lUn'ail-n ••! thl nint liil-i'nliiMpt ions It I. AUTOMOTIVE Ih»* primar> nnsrnnr-rption • •■in t«» I»•• th;it tlu*-» nf1.- TRANSPORTATION' NpF C I A t.S FOR RENT 1357 Plvtnotith Plare four-door. Fx- " OFIM MUTING TCL&m- paper- alnnn-l ilnpmatiralK' tM-ii»*\•• that tin sta'i* - tw«»;.'\ • ellent condition. Also. la.Vi Plv- OLDFR GPADUATF WOMAN has -ooulh two-door hard ton loaded 2'> bedroom houae one bloclt Ktllll' renter- -1»•»111 < I t'i elilarpeil Iielore a third ..lie with extras. FD J-inm. ^ poe from camoua to share with same. %'*»■ i-'e'ettej $ faciUtv or employed. 145 Plu* '» tfunijrlif about. la-ouottM wa their main rea-oii. |»V5 FORD SIX country sedan utilities. FD 2-8335 However, had the. rheeked further, the, would have Four-door, straight atlck wt'h over- We' -» -• dnve radio, heater FE 3-2424 7 FtVF ROOMS I'NFURNUMfFD. found that an; future enlan-men! of tin- -or! will he im available to student* or protessor* 1357 Bt'irK CENTURY four-door ED Vt.loS or FD 2-3583 if poMsihle within tour more \ear- The I «»t M lui- adnutf'-d '•ardton 24 fhtn miles, COOD CON- »11'»5 FD 2-570H AFTER ttiat if ran expand im fur'tier witimiif t-oiisiderai.h redur- DITKl.N ft oo 423 Charlea Rtreet. 7 injr t he qualit\ of its ne triirtion r.rr Yot n'«irj.r a »ood deal m». GIRL TO RIIARF. APARTMENT. Close to rampus. ED j-sk87 Evening- a 1«H» Falcon or Ford from a tormec ItKAI.IZlM. THIS, the Ann Arbor mTi.n.I Mij-u.-ted ;t tsl ntodent See Gene selden a' t nrti' In.- IV 4-44QI b» ap«» that Wa ne state I niver-il\ be expanded i„v few vear APPROVED TWO ROOM STUDIO !»e«i tFe left ab* APARTMENT Private bath entrance, »o ab-orb -ome of the om i flow enrollment \i»w Uiivne i reiiehmr it - rap;wit; and b t*. or ^"EMPLOYMENT utilities paid. Adults. Parking. 12M F Kalamaroo. •» WlNGtO SPA8TANS K* n - ""APTRTMFNT interpreting the ISeivs MFN SFFKINO FMPLOX-MFNT - THREE. ROOM* 0 4 Ce>U«* h. \pert to be taxed to if- limit with no further ronm for full-time oi Mart-lime work For furnished living room, bedroom kitchen. Private bath Fast side ten¬ phvsirid e.vpan-ion A third medical center, if initiated now. personal Interview rail IV 4-lWftft 7 sing. 10 minute* to MSV or rapitol UNION 7.0C a - would lie read' for operation bv then This is what MS! WOMAN FOR TABULATIONS and Utilities furnished FD 2-1443 7 clerical work Full time work at C e-*i s'- "-i • proposes and lot- been propoMiu- for the pa ' I" vear- weather bureau office 1405 S Har¬ YOUNG WOMAN. To alt are mod¬ Head. I D 2-42W1 for internew. ern. furnished apartment. ED 2-41.*' TU 24)02 tin areumeiit of ome thai i' will mon In term- of dollar , after 5 d n>. 4 cost a rreat ileal more of the - late' moile' to locate a flew 1 M IIOIIKIMS PART-TIME WORK — Women TWO COMFORT ARI.F ROOM* AC News Analv *d accomodate three students M 50 enter here i- almo f b,.- pari, from outside to tuiul the I rrnrlt a itr- thins which mat not alwavs jilsr from nine an-, to rune pin Must 87 f»t weekly Linens furnished fur- good voice and pleasant per- nish own blankets 314 Shepherd. IV- otifie- I'ropo-ed fond cuM tie . m , ,d on tin vrounds fcjf rxartls with thr facts, or unlrss have 2-3R73 SITN TAN—GIRLS. «r- vumlltv. 45" HotlKte- boulevard • en tan iinder the lights *t iD./io- ni Ihr v ured to put nut ferlera. sampler IV b-22-4 _ that tile new cel.lei old lepie cut . coini'U'te! . UMHpie n nii svh.e I - I among rURNTSIIFD APARTMENT FOR Beauty below. FD 2-Hi* Ko-:a thr f iemst. I got the »nd students Two bedrooms new appruarh t" rnedirai that i- uryentiv needed. Wais Up t.0 .1 • -fir United fOtfNTWY GIRL GOOD rook men furniture Also, unfurnished bunga¬ file liliivef It \ -Ti«T it ion ha- been oiu- of WaitlMl' for the s n,.iu -li.n . '.!• wo. ,>n the verge of housekeeping live m U want* for elderly FIJ 2-3I0* man. _ Can « low for couple IV 5-3011 7 REAL ESTATE appropriate tune for - neb an under-1..ndiur In view. ••! the uil.taiy weigh*, in* TWO GIRLS wanted to • r i ...w .ag ;• PART TIVF WORK to fit your ONE OR 181# LYNDHUR8T W* " to th. oolih.i in sirfrie fash.yn. schedule, married male 28 or old¬ si a*e modern anartment Garage be.iron me full ba*er»e*> >j» fact s, we leei ! hat t he appropn 'e t line I- ion t. devrl-ipft . : available Call evening*. ED 2-53H3 er with rar l-ansing area Apnlv Dining room, eeramit h*: . >»•«»«• U* ion whleh There w<»- conndence tmong J.IV t Michigan Avenue, Lan»in* 6-2424. impre.v; »l luvc i • a V S nu..- them anytime dining th# dav *f APARTMENT FOUR ROOMS fur- CAPE 6orV~829 Norm » — ■ e "i« a* •• ?\ ptdoefnn.i Fe.ori thr British I g'»! the sm- mn thai tfiev were ve: > FOR SALE sing Utilities Hi minute* to MRU or 1 apitol furniened ED 2-1445 7 net. drapes. Near Fa.rv » » bus line. IV #-328* lint iii-ithrr thr *itu»tinn it. w or1 iisj ; IlV uttfTl £PH'5F;UE9U\'1HU%1 1 Unit mils tlir tirm lunmsil.mi nl has C.VFD REFRIGERATORS, washer. TWO PI/3CKS Upper V hU; ' Pt.'.l TJJie prmc ilie* that they urged CAPITAL ItriUin iMrsrnlrd I S, miliUrs Thro- ... e «■ ^i -11.« then were rMirely different private, turnis'ied nice two hed- Parking. Three men stu¬ SERVICE liitrrvrntinii sslirn it ipprirril ruoms 'h.»: 'la* t' 'imI si,•■«» .* '•■ti' i fr.fn 'hoar ' -r\ adopted when dent* IV 5-53(18. « r rV l M'. that Ihr ( ummunlsts wrri" aImhii l.fllrr- «• a-.miM •nm> V.. V,':i:e.' si a f«!1 V- end thi s d •• di d The. ,« n'ed .nit. that Red China had intervened n Korea deepite t-> figrn for Sue*. RAWAtAV FI.ETTRlr GUITAR with Amplifier and Micro¬ phone Pick-up. rx>-eilent condition STEEL AVAILABLE MENTS cln«e to campus tun bedroom* NOW APART¬ one and Unfurnished e*reut TY PING DONE IV *> Rasmusserv IV 3-A-4* 1IAY BIDES — AT *+*■ " * • ftp thr Kreiu-n. and ■ . ri> 2-»i77 EXT 2377 7 retrtgeratui and stove FD 2-4ftie> tf through winter ter" ■ • {. !' i»* through ..n 'he fwr of thr United g-mips Heated part v - SKIS SEVEN FOOT Hlckorv. Phone now for rm» ■ . - Si.and ' a' another dirert L> 1 ! lloos Itennis t t.h" ufht i a-u bv. iei fi "» West and the damns and pole*. at I4I4A Spartan 815 Mar he teen Village after 10" SINGLE LARGE. QUIET room for Riding HRAKES: COMF1 Ranch. IV 3-4V FTF 1 v . • ■ K h Coiritwun.-.t -i»n. - • might very male No parking F43 7-1487 8 89 M and up. Adjust -"' 4 » IHfct ARf Tk \\? %V\ t, / I TH..W I WU J.?' ■ I*, thr Iditnr; wcli brill* n Soviet Itux^.a, TRUMPET —OLDS AMBASSADOR LARGE DOUBLE ROOM avail¬ used tire* rh»mp">r P 9 I c»rr. ED 2-3581 jf- .« A?i COVJTAVT.I A* U.VUT WC'.«fAS' I -'a*, i f haven't .m> -iispisti* a ti. . • From tfie A . • , an* I go*. Pie 1 outer! * able Approved fur men Three min¬ er» ~ Mil t Kalam*- • ♦ •*■ a'Ae IO;TM M.M O'-FC VFEEl THEU FleMTiS .• - • (ii.f-.t11v • (|U.i!»'s ,.f the li",t . itpr»>*o n Mi.i' * n- French^ had utes 1 fr..n» Berkev i»nhere Private Good study at entrance and MICE $ tAUN0»Ot»*' T III Itl'dv lilt!! tH-l.OlM' t do '»••* do e\jH<;' "Hire than tare fe'»« ha'h >*5 Haslett FD 5-8187 7 ?'o: t %• u- thru- Itowv. i I w oh -h « It r I M'-Id• sun— v-.<- prep.ned to be LARGE FRONT ROOM in quiet OROR 0« SM t»- npus f: . • a I I •- Vafr. •»|,,se Ttvat « the way it turn* neighborhood Bath ahared with one ■mx • - e-s taid it ihm mi vv-.rk .n U>« Now diplomat* in thr muUt •» «s;t ,»u' lloi* "Liv. the tina «ie- person. $7 weeklv ED 2-3i*it * dorm ktUiirns uiml.i no* « .v siave nrtmtation* ran rn«atr In c>n»n was inMueii fit by Br:ti»h EAST SIDE BASEMENT mom. wi spfCiAuzi •** ■>mM. tin- ennuilfUin of fojCstiv i|s| amounts ol double talk pressure .s itolxiiafi'-e genUeman rooking, phone park lUNDLfS K)« STd2*H-i • ' uu® ,_\T* I ci It irrms th«t rsrr.s srhmtl' rvrn tn nrwamrn tlirv trust. Not T A-n s if'SHi e.iaor ' for hr- had been mg month Utilities IV 5-lfW thud U week,. 825 » IV IIP' - srar at ttie. timr thr«»r forrslrp oftrn do thrs rwmr rixht out i-i' ii; n. ix r* Contact Da»* JOB lmm#m «'COKING AND PARKING F M I- AUTO INSURAV r > *( find it rather rhlr In s|Mirt with plain slAlrmriiU. unless .idopw -i .mo rtw ;«'fore none «c (D 21441 ! ITIFi Unsupervised 214 C harles Under 35 insured imrr.f ' * /'."V■- .4.Dnl beardv Thl* •» tticv Irvine to sell some- One block from Heikey. ED 7-9130 ■ perumally. lit Ia»i t.r*» ■» f J nrrrn-rart s inc arr Suite h*m. BBS5JES3 SLASH. TWIN bed* i« J ;V :*> Hi Mil 11 Vi t\ HUNK *ue inv idea «f thr Inst rat |MM%ihlr nuaUiy mattre**e* »w» c.>n; APPROVED FOR TWO MEN Room [n'U'MY W A i "rhh in thr aaiiitatlon tlrld. I al- 7 witn kitchen and parking private MSU trVDCWT* u e-e et First Xorel Hum mis piete FD 2-ISM entrance. Linen# furniahed. IV- free article* and boe*» A 1l i >JBo i tn mnst "fttrrvrnr' rarli timr I TEXTBOOKS - FOR SHORT 2-3189 I 8! ROSS .C A'|. liberty, free market er. « - * I PT* THr,A Nc* am Inrcrd In takr ms ImNt limn nn-.r** Animal editiont. tfuehandrv. poultry, and Crop Dairv ROOM NEAR CAMPUS with gar- vale property, pnd hrr •* 1 1 . e !' 4>.' "I." iKW mir of thr»r lousi ilirr carts •■•tirtn Coffee privileges tn tKe eve¬ menu, write: 1*1. H"» 1' ' *• s In Cliche ( Jm meters li'i miruU '' An 1 Production Off 4-4540 1 are ina i foreatrr* ning 144 University Ome. ED 2-43*2 lodienapdfia 4. Indiana 7 Oii .M V. - JJ.-51 PI A STIC LAMINATING MA* '• 'A .1 H'NE with piaatir cutting hoard. TYPINO — ED 2-451 • h'eder.t Upvs I' ail *.ippU»s Muat *«li. FF PRIVATE BATH TELEPHONE, " ! 1 ln.l r ♦ jj »l> im! 8-3434^ parking and entrance In large com¬ wOVrH TYPING—OFF*) " J'' i. (iualitig fortable room. Four men student* t fCATIOV Our IBM • ' 1 ■ ' t Sue Kntifnutn L>nens furnished. 8120 weekly I'D- 17" carriage and mt»T » ** . Spit It ' > I hi J-U470 8 tvpe-bart preduras «»»«*'■ !4 We.ige St rtlutets SA.H.'r StRViCI tNAT SATlSGtS oMailt* offset cop* »♦«•»< » 15 Wbee jied APPROVED MALE HOUSING 83* b««i. Call FD 7-*5ll. A- •>« 17 Unity :.rf J "The Happy Summer lMv>." u fiisf nvei. tiea-- with t • i 'Abbott Road Room, board park » Berkey HalL Si t • ic .titles 8148 per term. Call I.D 15 Compete* *utiuM»-r =.f ;i dist'irlnsi tvcu.ige vdti bnl sitting fur an *art\ « - r. • ; 111*5 If need ride. 7 IV, AND RADIO J0 li'.a k . 4" 11,. set v ho inhabit n summer island iiow rate# to *rude » ** 1 Mil' * • ■ ROOMS for MEN 871 Ouiumsh' >^d T V sets and rtr o- ' 1 i i tube checking «ree o*r* ri » • \ • \:oec: « »ve.« hei l.kU» ■ c r .d 2! Hi 41 17: ... « -4 • n>' ' _ I' ■ » broite . ROOMS FOR MEN in approve! 32 Cohn t tern ilMo <•< imh that a < .<• < - housing One bbwtk Bern camont TYPIST ANN BRO*N 23 M iiie- 4'- I <• Nainr Uithtield h> Request p.vaily unrealized. Tht novt William r THOmRSON Parking IV 4-1784 « J-2HS4 Electru- tyr-su "'_f... . •sauers and IM»H 'w awake |»iac * * * suspense because contuv- ROi SALE U".« _ 24 L. k 1 U ct4 -.dents arc so wet! !e?e- tcgethgf Hits Fdilorial TlAILltS rrvocxT irrnxt fftJC ** Mot . acapned they are inevitable fr*ad*» C»st*r IV 1-0)4* tune-up points plug* - timing Oniv, n c- «i f ate (Decent .1 urns', T>-.v wv * ns As, tvsi heat, n GREAT LAKER lM7 Fort*-two by yourself f.rr only i» —. to the I dlts»r; end are -eff ■■«♦.; .jihm . Affr, •• - *.*«* Ka'io - e eht feet Full bath two bs-droom* • trig um-vs »arwe U3fi *3*1 a 1 v«H a' ke ' 1' M. ... ^e 5 Tthd.'i ft 'Hs ;irt ;M' v 3IW-A eftv. A H' . k* DEt ORATED CAKES DELIVERED like new Must .eil Reasonable FD- 7 do am to I4«9ptn Da"*'*1* • .' s ■' -c. l>v her f if >tr « ;»•• ui- - - - > '*»neves- -•• •1 vuu • ' pa tie* WrtPdav* li> » <30»_rast Gr»r.d_Riv;: ah»-r dellcUfua pastries Kwast |lak- t > 4 s i I tt ,j V if»« x.,* cry . t adults .! - ;-.-o..,.d are made r, -de P « AKC. registered • «; tvftads IIAIRC IT FOR W»V — II thing .New Ymber. they too onlv ward • bike, or sell for t» Mtss Kaufman Ha* picked Iter :• 27 make her eliche larger, be* is LOST - SATURDAY NEAR Lucnn sttulrut MAKVSV1LLE. Ohio ^ - own cliche*: se*-kl*rv*4 di¬ mentioned but either too tritely HOUSING Woman's *7 Jewel Hamilton white REGISTERED NVR«» SJ 4' 3< LiK'P '1 "ViHi ran get a hauvui u: .» vorcee. wife'* old flame. *4ray- g.'ld wrtHt watch Reward ED 7-a313 co;!d age ope '<-' • > , COS ict or sparsely to recommend the h Spartan V iUar * • M» . y h* K U Law»on's ahoy in »n* hnahamL ar\ pervert*, and • "" Vi V jx O.-.i- book, « '» piain Oi\ Hut Biere's an "if." is unable to work Ibronab them low son atipulalfd the penrvv ller efiaraetor* emerge more This first novel is tht work of J NEAR nished CAMPUS house Gas FIVE-room fur¬ beat. narking . PERSONAL WILL babysit in « :« ti* <•« talented .writed who $hcm*i A»*■ hour*, lie# dk-y * a Graduate or veteran student*. 898 *_ t 11 .I1.1 " l u.»-.——.—rs Iff' ! • is*, have a date between 1870 caricature than rhararter. Tbev , KWAST RAKERV DELIVERS In- :-i«4 — flashing w a; times, but on.-' north IV 8-258# 1 \> 4.: M S. - an t !8"9 are given mere problem* to fare dividuallv decorated cake vervm* | r;; • who Jeavibs the line between MX ROOM FI RHINHED house to taehre for 82 5C Phone IV 447s5 ne- HI-FI RIRO' D 33 t\nm I-bof bra«el» than is believaMe. fort t tf rsr iiiltr anv rr»^dci »>' -*s ..I sensitivity gr.d patho ;U-defin¬ kit men students over 21 Parking or-i B XI* — 1 . and laundry facilities IV 3-5184. tl ■m 17 fh»!« trr 4^ I.a- ■ .Vig/if Staff mer Although vision t.e ts m author's wry one, suiti- she ed The weaknesses of the novel nuke it no :rv>re than diwrsion. NAZE STREET LANSING TVe THE MERLYN GATES OflCHEA- TRA—danceahle music with that big ""young tke anart.-r.cut married m L**' 1 t e a 1 rotA^it vie tu IdMor v Hmuil Holmrs wr.i-.-qu.Wy nnlshea off sltuatit»»» Smart set s ap opera bedrooms untumiihed. clean, partial t-asement. IV 841*1. 8 Ap/Munlments ar in iron advance women guard of an army of who are mak.i-g rf , el 'ers, Deb re and some of insisting they were his Moves Mail mier. has Baumgartner, no political protesting he experience, man city. doing business • the He prompMy pleaded mn - conflict .,f interest Urged hy Cor. •rilTie safety f.»: tflfln and their ma it ;>ro;e t •,{rooming year.;. • toward the left the cent *.o anv s.vne fstates are repr< - promised he will do his utmost deal. e- -rr-.c policy Pinay founded. Psnay's stead. De Gaulle •amed Wilfrid Baumgartner, 57, Far-Awav to work for continuance of fi ancial recovery. Jack immediate!*- himself from his $25,000 suspended a ;• em if LANSING a hew •ffwr V r. Appointme • -tav gove'l- .r--."d ? -'maneed bv ,»• 'tie conference, w: a grant of $20.00b " ment '•» work at 'he -apito! f ffif!a! duties until the case has Khrushchev's proteges, was task," be tald repartees. «»ov W.liiam- • i»» economic? extension pi >- f.«orthodoxy equals Pi nay's-, be.*.) decided in court. moved out of the political world W..'.am» •••id ♦••e M.chig.. . :r.rn and ••:.• • af.-*y chairman o.t ne is considered somewhat The whole story was obvious¬ Mayor Rol»ert Wagner wi'h- .»• • -'ate .n cne demons'rat.on of Moscow Wednesday to a Towns nip? A- n ; w..-iid in¬ >• more flexible. ly highly displeasing to De he! ! anv immediate comment on small-town job as Communist clude 'he recommendation -n council to the three-day confer- Gaulle. An El.vsee Palace com¬ the worst scandal to hi! v to *!ie legislature. ,c •• .'.'-.ich >n t:*.iV; a party chief m the P.ostov-Oti- ?even-year-o!d democratic a.i- •us me s.'ge munique said the decision had .* -afe'v instruction Cast Chosen Don region. The • i V.Ik • -.11 • rei n iT'nijoo ui».ne>s !••». de.. - Dr Ru-s •' Nye. Urec*or.JJf fh» freedom of exchange? and anti-Semetic demonstrations and with llitlerism. West Berlin police W.igne,- to come to Albany "o T.abeet Brolli, MontclaSr, NJ, He could have been sent in as ance. i •- -...n »• languages and litc- arrested lw« men for putting lip the posters. Cartoons depicts Aden¬ discuss tee case, a trouble-shooter, although of- monetary stability adopted n a'uie, w;,i • ' French n«nl rfudent and Chuck Cioffi. 1958 to assure a solid bas:« f >r auer ueeping into a swastika handkerchief, and shows llans Glohkv. A Manhattan grand jury t long Island City, N.Y., junior, notices gave no hint of euse l Jack, a Denuv-ra', nf < - .oie n. (■ ,-irrufiate hie • mp>". griidua'e c . :• ■ f, .* Vie Amer- economic development and soc¬ e. of his rlose advisers, and Refugee Minister Oherlander reaching f» , .tical and this. C- of interest. W.a.d -,r. Serr .. u s*ar in the University Thea- . ial progre*?, and applied with from his pockets to paint swastikas and slogan "Jews Get Gut." Ar¬ >i>:racy and violation of 'he c;'- The transfer was announced S - .Se.cnce *• .>* held J t" winter productions. ♦•The success. This policy will ne rests were mnuntine in the area as wave of anti-Mcmetir incidents char'er through acceptance of a in such an icy manner that ob¬ N.ce in Julv nr. ie- aucpice? trperor'a New Clothes" and continued" spread Jan. 1*. $4,400 remodeling job on h. UlFH I IIIlM Slillftl ' c " .versify of Marse.Hi •T'ger at the Gates." servers could only speculate that : Hai lerji apartment from his 1 gtip-ral • opn* will be "Am* Brolli will play the Emperor this man. often mentioned white one-time campaign mau- Tue ii'iti ... 1. •• • ng chf * S .«! l^ues " Ike Remains Active cr can 'g Han* Christian Anderson's abroad as heir apparent to .f a.!! heg.n tonight it •• After Tour ager. « realtor doing busmen toiirrtami- Khrushchev, had been sharply :.o' VM( 4 The -eniinar's v.-ulty :< ap- '. rr tale, which Will bo pre¬ •« 'ii the < i*y. 7 "ie L»n> ng d >wn-graded. Pree- awarded !<• w..»- •ii.m-. i v.- the Umtd Stabs sented Feb. 13-14 in Greater Jack claimed he received 'be i «»c I* could prove the most dra¬ 1*. tuc.i' .! C .iraiiscnn f »• Lansing area schools. u mev a.s a legitimate loan. ikir'icipants ( offi will head the "Tier" matic downgrading from top WASHINGTON ■*») — Wn-n matters and whether politics ca.>t :n 'he role of Hector. The political circles in Moscow since our leading tourist, D. D Essen, placed a part In the derisions, ■ . .• 'n'.-.-b «■ B -a: J of Com.- r'j* will appear in Fairch'.ld P-emier Georgi Malenkov, and howcr, left on his long whirl¬ when Eisenhower cut in with: Penii Slate Profe HMir to Speak i. \V» - ./'••:» and >f ^•e»«er, March 2-5. Foreign Ministers Dmitri Shep- wind journey last month, there 'A-e v'Vj a>kng qut-?tio:» ** f.ov and Vyaeheslnv Molotov was considerable concern over Tu American (liemieal Socielv A m '.• PC • m N e. Dr ' • Emperor" tells of the worth- or making a sp.-c. h *'* •#e,neK$ of vanity and the two were sent t-». far away jot* .n vv .ether his health could stand •d , •. .m-ic i A -r . en Mr* McC'le: a»n sa„| she •.'* HTtT aJVr challenging Khrus.i- the -'ratn. w Dt W Conard Ferneliti', .•or- an.i nature to xtu- •rcundrils who trick the Em- chev's Three serioue illnesses «9 • •'••a. K -cnhoui*i- launched .n- .-hairman of 'he chemistry de¬ •. .Me S«-*i in.ti" .n Ame: pe-^vr into buying a new "suit." police* — V-.I.rtv .( The Trojan war and a sold- In the «">fTu ,«il Tass agency years old — a trip that might Indian Sludcnls • i ■ - . • i« dvf< n-. S.i. 1 n. • imniuM sugge-.- partment of Pennsylvania Sta'c emuu-.tal ai *' * attempt to atop it ia the announcement of Kinehenko"? wreck a young man. • i in • ; l;c *he University. .v i U address the a ;>c .n French •,» .ctier ft c America • ,» tying politics Plan (Iclchraliun ' ' -is ".,• he va MSU -ectiou of * ;e American : _•■ Hip ; •me of "Tiger". Author of the appointment, he was not refer¬ Well, Wednesday the Presi¬ A'uei lean Cbe::> red to as a member of the pre. dent held his first news confer¬ nut: -M;,! defense Said Me ('hem aal Society tuii.gnt . tich a - •• * cut in4j, and rams is Jean Giraudoux. ence $mce Dec. 2 and though h# ; - . has made formal appearance* in • s.i,d -,f knew more about "General Trends in Kenneth Andrews, Allegan veloped tuecu latum that he had Mokl a dinner f-»r Indian talk will i»e Kerne.iu>* »:»!i .uuUefU "o .u- that time, here was a chance to •'.c, i--.-. nodv A* time?, he '-ewvman, and Suna Tiefenthal, been bounced from the presid¬ students and -or'.s > Ka'amazoo freshman. ium. watch him give and take. celebrate "Repub'ir Day " Ja was gropmg tor worn* hut even Stability of Coordination Com¬ organic .ii fe'M-ee. h.p.. euem'stiv have reMiiV;| »• Tnemtvrshins You'll Lov« FIAT Others in the cast are Amy Just what precipitated Kir- Maybe this (adding about I* 23. The d.nnc?- will he held r'*t then >j»e i foiTtduIly." pounds " ui i do/en proic-'one! and luci- FROM 1098 pur icbenko'* transfer to a lowlv Jan 23 at 8:30 p.m in the Sho- i'.it' Flnenhower*? flanutp did As one of t!ie country** mit- Salisbury, Hart senior, and E.i good for htm. Maybe be need¬ » ||,, . .y.,, award- x k ;. n'l v.ic on those who r. Hintay, Detroit senior. post in the Don Basin is difficult ed a vacation from direct ren¬ Course cafeteria a atandmg inorfantc chemists, Di • -i r 'he evening sat >n Mrs Met lendon's side of The role of Helen of Trov In to surmise. ter! with tbe newsmen and -pent •to- leideui c yell 1408 E. Mlrhitui Lansing the Normally Eisenhow¬ "Titer* will be played by Xenia He ha? been one of Khrush¬ chev's favorite* for a long time. Anyway, he »eemed livelier w.ll .nclude from India, ciasiical . dances dermms'.ration of er r "»m. questions from one side, ( ilMl|HI- IV llrii voice determines 'die whole na¬ rifled the President before, until Friday. i«. i.'able in 3.18 Student Serv- the constitution are asked ■>» Topmaft, Den Krinsky, New- contact committee members. tional polity. ' like «m nab lag a boot defenae The public .* invited .ci*s until Friday. v-, ^ freshman. Asian Fin Strikes Again LAXSXMO Several reses log alarming," said Dr. Albert ■Hi--,, a .- V Ataa fki have been con- Heustis, state health commis¬ "tM in Michigan, the Slate sioner. "There is a lot of (!j n Fj- * df»1th Department sad Wed- and disease of the upper respir¬ atory tract around, however." -asdif. "Asian flu is nothing mo-e Tt.ree roaaa wrere confirmed in dangerous than anv other kinl TW'rxt where more than the of flu." Heustif added. "It's Ju.»t sxal abeenteeiam were report- the name that is " n schools and industrial Dr F S Leader, director' of ;.in the department's bureau of di¬ sease control, sa.d he thought., Suits & Topcoats H z~icr absenteeism because of anv outbreak would be m:'d»r "ill i« !t5.iif I Value* « f.-*rpe ailment also were re- than in H»57 — the last year - ~M from Flint and Saginaw. M»ch:gan **a< hit by the disease. M.-ii * 1 and 2 Thm' Suit* and Top- .V the moment it is noth- Aieenteeum hi', as hig.i a.- SO wtv ava.lanle r. s 34 •> 34 percent in some schools whfn Y'ou* ' lojrr f a e ,e|. i t,c«o •he flu swept tnrough the stale (B tit Trarh Danriiifc starting m early fall. 'if -tv|t « and pat'« 11 Others, to $133 M value*—-NOYV T-- Union Board will provide "Thosn who had it In 1957 179 93. 81.93 lo 179.93. shauitinl get it again," Leader V - iancing in addition to ita said. He M-J the health depart¬ T.-i- social fencing met rue- 5 /9.9.7* .79.9.7 to 69.9.7 i thia term. Social dancing ment wm making no wtommen. s"*rt at 7 Tueeday night daboti for whoieaal# inocula¬ REGULARS *' i tar n daiscing nl • in the tions such as were urged l» NIIORTS i voi luiireeek 1957. LONG 9 EXTRA LONG* ( •atari Lena ttTIM'Tft (and all your optical need*t WALLACE OPTICIACS ■nan (Mtw, im—> Mn l» hM—i — Vi». •> tllp— H IFC RUSH Sport Coats .$;|ii.ihi lu 'Mi.oo S|M»rt ( iMb m,liilliM I' W. C. J.MM. rt|M I'll. IV ••2771 Would You Like To Choose Your S'J 1.9.7. .71'.9.7 to 69.9.7 ■UIM: Hi t—,• «•«- rn. M Friends & Make Your Own Rules? M. nan • Quality Slacks *1.1.95 !» 19,50 Value- THE FRATERNITY MEN AT Men * qua! tv aiU'LonJ" Kink* tin Uri, H*-— Plain pleab i . W.-r'te^g.. i• w• ri.-,*. c,rds <> - »» b> 32 I* juwmow. MMTUt USUALLY r»OM ASiY OB ALL ' or • S'l.V'A / l.w to :t l.'f) | ITKI^L tfftlUUL now STIDLKT,; 98c LmUh tar * fMllr fta» >«-« riralw? tm ta Mm- Mill" « « ta -»•' <*to ta.l prim MSU WANT TO MEET YOU!! I IIHH \l.'l KUATIOXS K«ml,ta«... HgW §f HIT ALL HOUSES OPEN 7-10 pan. IIA\ ( IIAIII.K Al l Ol NTS -"Ttl IB ■Mil Will T *—r- 1,11* , "f'niiHiu. Ilrniul. fur thai and" ••n-r. MMkta, M ta* ItaMt tar !- Im- ... THURSDAY, JAN. 14 "HOUSE OF BET HOLDEN REID Call ED 2-1511 Ext 2650 For A Ride HI W. MnDOAM AVI. I Hal ta Ntatl 0»I HUNIHJK SHOI'IMNG CLNTEIt •w* Ma.-M. - ta»-" »— STORE IIOI RS; 9 lo 9 every 4iy, exrept Sal.. Sat. El UN ta. not M. mil M—. —tala Aal. «>V Mr. -YOOO YOU ALWAYS BtMYMBPt- H®8* T-^Stik ^' For (lagers Minuets* state snvs AP CIlOOSCS Over Camion Iii Substitute Bulc January 14.Infill Page Four ' Illinois Poses Syracuse. 41T NCAA Rules Committee 1 pu I h« MAKE THE LA Promises wi MIMIKiAN STATI. SIMS Team of 1959 ch As Roadblock Pr tn« Via voi i: mousing ii \mr BY 1IIK Sym.-tiM-'s YSSoriYTl.II PRFS* national college f.lofbali champions who. scored Fight to End Goes Only Part of Way NE WYORK »V "Our skirt- are clean in the deem The Spartan' eager* will be attempting to re¬ themselves Saturday night when they meet Illinois at Champaign. II 41 :t points in an ll-n season that Cannon ease," (Jetieraf Manager Pvtc Ro/elle of The State squad will carry a 2-1 won-Io t M. included a ('ott.-ri Jlowl victory, the Los Ar.gcles Rams insisted Wednesday they hove been, 10 yards behind* other suitable system to replace record into their second consecutive away gam". MM !... «:»(• to :» P.M. MIAMI BEACH. F!» W - it." WrdTies!:iv were named Team of "We'll fight thb thing ♦«» th.- end." he insisted The ares really will be wild In the goal line, and to retain the The Illlni also have a 2-1 record since they drop, t'raturp *houn at 1:23, Ncvland said no member of •».e Yea: for 1930 in the annua! The West Coast executive said he was disturbed college football 'his year. one or two-point option on con¬ ped Purdue Monday night. 4:03 6:!.i, 9:30 P.M. versions that was instituted lust the committee favored going AM (Kill by Houston charge.- that the Ram- had t mlated Trie NCAA Rules Committee The big guns, so far as points^ go, for the Illinois More Exciting Than "20.000 back to two-platoon football. The Oramo' from upstate New a National Football League rule and hold an assured this Wednesday by re¬ year. squad are Capt. Mannie Jackson. 6-2'2 at guard Leagues'." \lnrp Am.i/ing "After the two-platoon foot¬ York edited Baltimore's National illegal contract f«>r the services of Billy Cannon, vising the substitution rule so The substitution rule in eft vet and Govoner Vaughn. 6-3'a at forward. Than "Around the World in ball came in." he explained, V'-otbaii League titleh'ddeiR and Louisiana State', all-America halfba to prove the yalidity of their defend successfully their NFL. cording substitutions. pression if the revised rule per¬ contract; (2) to restrain Camion from playing nearly m. uM Gen. Rebert Ney- has won the last four in a row including a one laiirvl.N They won only four of "I know that the check-ofT mitting one man to enter the football for any other team. land of Tennemee. committee point victory. 97-96 last year at Champaign. fird seven games, then Neyland would have system is objectionable," Ney¬ game any number of times is "This suit will set a pattern for several similar chairman. Last year the 111ini had to settle for a fifth rebounded win the Western land said. "1 remarked Tues¬ successful, its scope might he eases which are pending," Ro/elle. who is her* voted only If there waa a tie. broadened next year to permit place tie in the conference with a 7-7 record. Conference for the sporting goods fair. said. "We can't let The action was negative on day I would be surprised if In the 12 years that Combe* has been heal it * * two, or three, men to go in sim-. the American la-ague get awav with this The tw> other rules that had been something wasn't done about it. coach of the lllini his teams have had 201 vic¬ The leading teams: I'm surprised. The cold fact Is ultaneously without being next thing the\ would tie trying t.. >igr, Jon discussed at length. It was vot¬ tories to 73 defeats for a .734 winning percentage 1 svr.Miisi- i nlleee Football IM though, that we could find no charged with an entry • half moire Ml 1 Amett (regular Rams halfbacki ' ed to keep the goal posts where : I os Yncrlrt Itasrhall I .'•> i llostnll MIH ** 'Greatest Player' Tab to Walker '. I litraeo Wlilt* *»»* Masrhall 4o < ahiorni.t ( ullnf n»»|iplh*ll .'It Lions Return 81,000 Fine YI111111 Sav« i. 3 Koike* It m coirloiMli College Hasketball J-'l« •t MlsMsslino I "Urge Football in \fw bilk MM. To FB John Henrv Johnson 'I've Always SKI RENTALS DETROIT ,M - The T*".-. • Detroit attorney Victor Hanson lU'va Doable From Coach Fordily Anderson vi:n MH M'Ml vr I .ions have returned a $1,000 •<» represent Johnson. SKIIS fine to John Ib nry Johnson. Johnson claimed he was ready I'lahMHi Man' Hv JIM W A ISLINGTON the second notch in conference Bresiden? - General Manager state New* Sport* Editor scoring, lie has R2 ?»oint.* in Itl MII S * '«* *" Edwin Anderson said the fine, to play every game. ' The NCAA rules committee three games for a 27.3 per game POI.KS ""k'"d levied after John .on muwed the didn't go far enough." frowned Spartan basketball fans still talk about the phenomenal feats average. team plane bark from the VV • Trurk Yliinu|t<'r« Michigan State athletic director His season total Is 172 points. LARRY CU5HING5 Coast and consequently failed *<» A call for freshman manager? Biggie Munn, commenting on performed last season by jump- ing-jack renter Johnny Green, Walker, mainslay of Ihe team's show a! a Monday practice, wa¬ the football rule innovatiotis an¬ all-American and now rebounding erew. lead* in Indi¬ M AT (irriorr VII R kf'TION Deborah SPORTS SHOP re! timed "under tlirca". 01 liti¬ c<«mex froto Anyone interested 1 the track office. asked to nounced Wednesday. former professional reboundcr with the vidual rebound* In the Rig It gation " 3(120 VIM IV 5-7463 go to r »>m 224 Jeiuson or to "I've always been two-pla¬ New York Knickerbocker* in the with 19 per game. He ha* 37 re- I'M h • HI RR Johnson appealed to f'relghton a '» lllock YVrxt of Sear* Off the md -.r track in the Field- NBA. hounds while the re*l of the "Itl | n\ | |i INI nil I Miller, attorney for the play¬ toon man," Munn said. Clipper! tvmM.' Alter 3 p.m. But there is a member of the team ha* 193 In three conference ers' Association, and Miller g »t lie explained he like* the I960 Michigan State rage team game*. dual-*Y*tem beran*e it allow* that is tuning down the Green NOW SHOUINfi The Spartan co-cant has made Iraltiift »( more men in play. Vaang men memories. He is Horace Walker 34 of hi* 63 field goal attempt! tauaaiaa reatare: 12:40 - 2:30 should have the nppartunlty to play, he said. MKt' baakeiball raarh Andenwa ha* said F«rdd> "tomml for and has hit on shots. 14 of 22 charity NOW SIIOWIM. 3:03 - 7:20 . 9:40 pound and Inch for Inch. Walker Hailing from Chester. Pa., (tit As an example, Munn pointed I* Jnal a* goad a ballplayer a* •AS! iANtIN that m 1952 with free *ub- senior was an all-state pick. aim woJ di wuiiout din out Green." That waa after the s'.itution 44 men lettered in foot¬ Walker is wedged between tiil: kind of motion picture that Michigan romp la«t Matnrda*. ball. The average since the re¬ two sensational sophomore? in C AN ONLY HK SKKN FROM TIIK Follouhng the Iowa loss. Mon¬ striction has been 32. the scoring race, Terry Dis- day, Anderson this time ex¬ KIHJK OF YOUR SKAT ... THE t Tne aflhletic director express- claimed, "Horace Walker is the chinger of Purdue who leads etntment that the com- with a 34 3 average and Jerry HOftACt WALKER dramatic thunderbolt that could only com# from (ha greatest player I have ever Lucas of Ohio State In third tnittro didn't eolve the time "the. greatest player" coached" . : if pen of Clifford Odrt*. one of America'* great**! play¬ consuming eign-in problem. "He ha* the greatest hand* scoring at 25. points a game. im.HMIML .M.UCHWRim*m»UCNRIC8(0l* Lance Olson ranks 10th In wrights! I've ever seen — strong, quick, * * * scoring auii Dave Fah* 18th. CARROLL 6AKLR-R0GCR MOORE-WAITER SIE/AK and with a feather touch to his KATINA PAXINOU *—*WNRf BiANKE ■ Duffy Warn*— shots." Anderson explain*. "He They have a 17. and • 15 3 aver¬ age respectively. play anywhere — pivot, —alRAMl BUUiR^alRVINQ RAPPER ~ Watch WabUiiieit can which he did in high school and Teamwise Anderson's midgets are fourth in scoring racking up now does for us, corner or back I VTI' "VINICE OF COLOR CARTOON Michigan State** fooebalT pliy- 259 points. Indiana, Wisconsin court. Walker is as good on de¬ SLYYH Till. LAST" "RAHHIT ROMEO" ere were warned that football and Iowa have more point*, but fense as on offense " practice 1* Just three months they have played four games to That is strong praise coming ewey tad to atart watching State's three. their waietllnee at a meeting with from a man who is ratfd one of ST VIM ini; sat I It MAY Coaeh Duffy Deugherty Mon¬ the best basketball coaches in the country. Ted H illiamt ( '.ontrnrl day at toe football offices. Th* eoech pointed out that Walker has done much to re¬ T11Ikt in Hon on Stooi ftpartans were a better, team ceive thlf praise, though. Hi* last fall because they *er« in performance* rank in the top in miami. r.i u*> — Tei wu. condition. After a weighing ses¬ the Western Conference and he liams told the Herald Wednes¬ sion Deugherty prescribed a was the lone Spartan to come day he was going to Boston m a r weight for each varsity player to reach by spring practice. At the meeting Deugherty through with a top-notch per¬ formance in the 92-79 cli»bber- mg State suffered at Iowa. few days to talk over h;s physi¬ cal ailment* and a Boston Red! Sox con tract he said he recently urged the players to do a good The 6'3" center's 29 points received. job academically. MoncUy helped to boost him to "I honestly don't know wheth¬ er I'll s:gr.." Herald sport* edi¬ tor Jimmy Burns quoted th# power-hitting outfielder as say¬ ing. "I'll talk to (general man¬ Campus Claxxifieda . . . Low Cost lit MHMETS ager) Bucky Harris and have some consultation about m y neck and shoulder. The pain JOHNNY GUM EROORAM INIORMATMIN CALL Ml Mill Huffrt Pinner Danrr •till bother* me occasionally. ul Mill n. m—u. (I,!,-." ' MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY a nigai i* nw um vnwn I.ECTUREOINUERT SERIES [>LTM S. HUROK FIJI. 13 S3 PF.H I'KRSON AIHT.TS 7t»c ( HII.IIRKN 20r wen nm m siiomiNc; tiiki sati niiay Tirkrt mI«ii »Url MmmUi MOSCOW STATS ~ FIRST SHOW AT 7 P.M. COME EARLY I (MR IORYY %R|> TO slUNK Uo.un IS at I'Rioa aaS k.Uofi Cwttr SYMPHONY IMYIHVRAHMII A> A HI I)*HM.r . . RON ST AN TIN ITANOV litis Is llll WAV MIYII riOELI UVE NOW . . ANI» MINI OF Till IRAJV W AV X DANICL M ATS AN THAT I' Ass I OR M.VRRI At.l iMviumr Anrotnn FIIMY. J ANY AIT M. Alt PJi. WBtURP UMMW ■VKRM B—POW URg RENT... IUUVID MAT* UN Mc OtT TO AV AILABLA AT VNION IHUT ITYHNTI UN UN OfTK E SKIS - HOOTS POLES ALL EQUIPMENT CARf y TONY BRAND NEU ILFORNO I I I I GRANT< CURTIS Only ?5.00 • • RESTAURANT • I'KK WKEK-HXIi: 'the name that made Hit A fmmtmt in Looting ; OPERATION PETIICOM In Eatlman COLO* (WE AUO HAVE CAR-TOP CARRIERS) • SimIu • Chirfcc* • Iulfaw A Sm Food* • | mOBRUN• DIM MERRltl■ CINE WCS-OUSWuiM -ARTHUR OCONNELL "GENTLEMEN |N ROOM I" COLOR CARTOON 0'LEARY OKN DAILY t PJi. - I AJL PRDKg BLUH f)||f fRf CMMm • Prtvate S- v o BlM {[W AROS v-um * STANLEY SHAfMO m MAUMCl RKXM PAINT STORE is«.m *R06LRT ARTHUR t uhmc •mw.-m • 1 emnmi *a*x • SUN. — MON. AND"TI E, • FRANOOR CENTER IV 74M4 Eojoy Sooday Diaacr la the "CAPTAIN'S PARADISE- Jt **SI MMERTIMK" .MSI -I of M Home and llunir Favorites 4Skate' on Other Foo! SMALLS P.» MIKE fATTOV P!..t • Pt-ra s •he pron« from un.-w. a high M S* ''c .uck.-te»>- '.ike !'v.• g Te.-h -rjuad nv January Clearance : ju toe , weekend in a urh the g.-.d- ''tin' give State taking g.'iT--e» in '"fir -er e* home .«?»«■• r.'.rne -er:* - with the their ' s-iri in 10 starts A'.'kenci The wins put f ruvf* of Michigan Clau-:..; F t. a d Real T ii- Michigan in f'r-d pi ■ e • 'he The g-.-oe Friday will bo c.tte teamed up with veteran Western Col'.estate Hocke; A-- S*«V* defense of 'ho Big Terr-. \l »r m. t.. gr-ve "he team soeiation wifh .» 3-1 league e- lb title which they las* secor.'i line that gm*i i« SALE 'Ann a is as yrnj * .">-2-1 vvwi-loyt re¬ the '<»:•,:!g line Coot. A. Renfrew :va# cord. Michigan v.a# ,n last place ftorh Turcot'e ; ;.i Fnirne! fCttcMnen -tt this yearN team v.' *h a 2-6 record. p'aye i >r ,;u M--'.'a»'ual Cup Coupled with thin, '.'-u- W Ivr. - Tht r-> e- uf the two 'earns champ-,..n 0"«iv.»-Hu!l Can »- c.ave a .ojeeiwM'ul '"Ur ti w i" » eve: -e.i ':;t> year The • ilan* in "I".:-58 The Memo: ;a 'he F.a.-t under 'heir bel*.- Whik Spa-ta' - *.*. i!'. Ik- ou* improve Cup i• !«» Cunadjar. itir..->r hork- '■it' Wolv.-ru es have . - had a- or. -he.: W o;vermes w,!! -tart, while the putting an «■ i- ;i S- m!ev Cup p H-wkev Iwiijur- ".••v .ati.v games ,vill a- 'ho have o Spartans, en'y of Suits • • 49.75 to 79.75 fv r:-. !H~t-d ti am on the ice In a-i.i:'i"n 'he two Coa : ARt ».Sua: - lines. F'-<—• «"•»!«• ha- an aue tUa*e formerly to w.t 'kf* v." t#e sporting a 1-8-1 third hrm and rwfn ,-e. F.-i Ozvn- H'l M V v| VMMM.S r» m: k go:i:g into 'he -er.vs. They V4I I I'.t k". Bon ir.1 Me! Chri-' V|M-hi«jn I I 4 nri h-.wcver. a much improved 44.75 to 79.75 offers.»n ,,•! .-teady a'* the ll.'MVff .« 1 I :•>•! Topcoats are t.u'.f '•*. • . In a-t "a* i «'ker.-rs Ni r*h Dakota, 'hey >erie- Itniked blue I.tie .lack (>e.ired in ht> '.^rs* h7 f i* * rmnir like a team 'ban they had Mmn**ni4 f 7 I ..'S« 'heir previous home game# !a-t weekend, played a hu-'ling. Mil Illli VS Kfvri 1 » I I5« formerly 859.50 t» 895 har i-ehefking game .F^.i.n-t Colorado In Eidon Van Spybrookc. B'--- s'.ne has a goalie as good a.-. an\ lr MM Bmig WRESTLERS from Lansing this year aFe Millman. Norman Young. Hoh Wrhrr, Xflkr whrn Srn/ig and John Rium *W ma* akmrnl the photograph ho taken t «Mlt | »*xtv • Pistons Win in an the average league. While le'tir.g ir. of 5.7 goals per game. A^n Sport Coats 29.75 to 44.75 limine Wohlfert. Roger Tavwmfr. Ren Hroun. I nllin* i< kneeling beside hi> grappt»r«. Van Spvbronke has stopped 310 At Old Home -hot*. He ;< steavly under fire Social • Profe*#wional formerly 885 In 859,50 ;; Hometown Bovh and puck. -el.lou e>-e- sigh' of 'he lluwine**** & Commerce jj FORT 'A'AVNE Ir.d 'P> — Tnr ;• Detroit 'he r old came home town Wednes¬ ha.-k .Michigan 1-0O.I.I ot will veterans that knocked' a strong kkatkrnity Car Coats • 28.75 to 42.75 Lansing High Schools Stock day ^ .rk -nd -ugh' and Knickerbockers. LI4-113. a shaded the New flve-game National RUSH formerly 855 In 855 losing streak. Stat* MSU\s Mat Team Basket ball Assm Supplies After Kn.ek* pulled within a point at " tra:!:r.g .2-111 w:th 25 seconds left. 110-104. the 7 • II) P.VI. Clikker Jackets • 15.88 It* MIKE SKINNER State* s wrestling f"t- ■ C •<» "k< r >ver-f*i« fnrm- Bill 'earnmate iute and ^riTowr Ijin.4 *£- ("«-nc Shue. who played *he 'j'.: 48 minute*, led Detroit vvl'h f TIIKS. JAN. II formerly 819.95 ... . lily depend or; the. c r.« position n a nvve designed Tavenner s'ar'ed ' '7 29 and Bailey Howell ad led 23 for the winners. 41m )pni Willingion . . ijj PHONIC Kl> a-2.*.l7 strengthen th«- tram over«a!'. lb • lass '.*$• weese- .< "he ... for support Tht- If. i\•vwng:.* Haum i> an* the Wu .drangu!.»r T u.-arc *• ♦ * * V-«i*tanl — viifcr Shinn-r I'age live jlj W7 HII.I.CKEST I .Iriiruncr pxceplion. Of fht 1* out-tanriiMi; •luTube: <•' th« tvanston. IF. won h* .-c* • t BOSTON \-P> — The a. . i>e i .lanuarv 14. lf»6ii ||V |>ri«-«-« nil -liirl- — j»: icl eight are home £ won O '.vs. nlaying the ?ec- g.oup. Onlv a :uni<». he ha< ■ " and nvmcei . -he ir« Spartans who h.i;i'vofl to t»(>h-«»*s -i.*f* vresthn? but oxaten "■■rre tey mfl : alf without Pcb Cousv Sport-hirl* — Pajama* — l.nder*»*ar < .ibilitv Accoidmg to Mikl**s. be Minnesota # B.'l ;vi B>11 Russell, crushed St \J(ugan's capital city an-i 1>»u.s 134-112 Wclnesdav n:gh' S»Mlfr« anil Slark*. HILLEL FOUNDATION • ■•Mould be one of the belter lea¬ \\ohlfert h a msmt with a -c-hool they attended • ■;n a two and a half gue grapplers in his division .. varsity letter gained (raw last , ,! -m Ftnum 'F-a^ern t. Ben e ead .n 'he NBA Eastern Currently Sen-'ig ha u»-eu sea-on's rampaign- lie Mtdered s<-x!on >, Doug Mailman r» V Hirm -.corking out rccuiarly with " a knee inrurx two "fft* it* y. Mlkr Setirig iFav- ouad out due to. ac'adem.v which has sidelined hies freer a rtfep-.u 'be Celtic-' Hiiv Voir anil Sure! «• Tavemter (Eastern 'he divia-on. .. W» . , i Eastern t. Duane 'inuhies • ' he hast; • ie.-n a re V lie '■■■ match to date. Nat xgtkles sasd • »fw engerx .r. e 132-131 in the 6au open house ,p (•« i!l a 'i that he «h«Mild he hwt » l«i» ^Eastern), and Norman exnect*.-! t" >•-.?! hjv ' •: the d »ut>ieneader . nm lorm next week. trmnling ia 'Sex'ont. to State assistant hsnltn> leady «... -o -.»•> ■ •' £ supper ft mxer rex' • ••••k It :«■!• ma? w.*'i M't late Scores SMALL'S A •' mrh (.ale Miklex. Mime of the everything else o,ut „j the .vay '•.nest high school wrestling in M»i.»c.r icogki hr Mate taken plare in Landing. The high srhoul coaches m ft-•ill** OiUna tv. |iai|tiesne «• M M lirah* >• Hsrsar* SI surday.jaruary 17,1.00 p.m. .rr,i are right at the top V « arhlma St. Si. Carolina SI SI .■■red Mikies. "Fortunate* of our location we get <» Winys Bcutciu i »nn*< tirnt «.u \ lUano* a *1. ?s. DoMon l alvmllv «• I orm t». soutfi Carolina is 1*iwpl* «• at the hillel rouse Two Eleven South Washington • 'hem." i.n.roa t«-rfc •». Wmfll «» , a junior, heads the ! Howe Scores « yircioia l«f. Virginia inrinnall 1*. St. | mm S? «ni{ri.iwn M. xiarvian* tl *1 l.o* and llagel Supper. Entertainment. .Mixer Everyone M'etrome •eason while a sophomore i «s. T«lr(* • ! «"t» > ; the Big 10 champion- I'Hli.V. V Got t H «<•* line i,ram Campus Classifieds • • • Low Cost k the 130 lb. division Tfn* -; he has been moved up Maurice R enard I r t > u! • >AMIk\\\\\\\\W\\\\W\\XXv.%v)V* nor.h to the 137 lb eia-v \ i- • . M •• N. ••»£ e * I 0 !. Wo: A-Uiv C • Black iiiriniiali lliifki. • I To Candidate* for Bgv. a!aureatc and Advanced Decrees r»"'i 'he Rrxl W.n4v I . a r • \roniid St. Loui.* l.VNATI 4"-The L'n.- his for llowe's career, marker, ran regular season garties to ft 15. the 136th of his point t"1'1 SKI SPECIAL in the Fnyineering and Scicntihc Disciplines 1 • C ncinnat: - IIt< haul s total Includes ill V rrlrllil «>f Jan. J.I THE ■■■■■■■■■ • . ' unbeaten .Bearcats broke St- Loins* possession goals. MITRE ' . * ■ 2 .v-s tin*I goal US the -a*? •-» Viral- Mi T<»*»» anil | Incites ])ou Oo Investigate Ohe 'jBroad Opportunities ' r Cincinnati i'h'.ea g«;.s (lariiinatt had only a 26-11 I.XSTKICTMIXS... »nlv U25.IHI tightly plated first B stoi, B Horvw'n t -i * I VIJ. HUH OK MOiJ.IE 'd in the - >air hut the llearrat* got their league li-tiruig «. •' leadership '"i ■■■* hrrak offense into gear in' ruul nenod and gradual!) : ' • K. e -nar-r B v , - league & S '• ' • eii gatiurt Inherent In £arge-Scale System 'Engineering Hlifd away. • j,,. ;t-i- p; ante •*> v!a *' >•" 4"uann wound up • -u. o'lt F.1 LRgenivTii- " i'■ scorer with is v ..•!« \n the frait'.e pu.»- Hawk «wen MITRE. » syytenu enginefring jn*i dsvelcpmcni organcatiin hi* the *.oniinuing ranked N • H p. '! three, uU.\< re*pons,ibility tor solving the womplex problem) involved in the deogn, developmeni, ri>: • t- "AC ni'o (- .iliation .»ml integration nt the many and varied air deienve system* > Formed under the pon-or-h p of the Ma»-adiu*eit» Institute of Technology with a -t .it nuJeuv i.ompr<-ed u the »vjenu>tv. who de>igned and developed the SACE FREE! tt GALLON COKE System. MflKI. affords d> ■ ipiuied en.oonfiient individual* Ilit-ir t\i■< a. elerated profestionat growth in freedom of .houe in a multi assignment* ranging from III Nil llhhlt OK OlUM.t: de- gn through pruto'vpe de• elopment .idvan*ed research ■ 1 operation) sv.stem to Willi > Kt(.t l \lt I ITKtlTIZZ\> .... ' "We mate \..u to diKUw v*ith u» henv your a. .iJnii training tan be effectively iruiN nunc txeiinut, utilized ,n "ni "t the e •.timitl.iUng area* VARSITY DRIVE-IN • SYSTEM DESIGN • WEAPONS SYSTEM INTEGRATION I'll l\EKY SKUAII K HI g-O.'.IT • COMPONENT DEVELOPMENT • HUMAN ENGINEERING • REAL TIME COMPUTER CONTROL SYSTEMS • COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS • RADAR TECHNIQUES • ELECTRONIC WARP ARE • OPERATIONS ANALYSIS • INTEGRATED SYSTEM EVALUATION MSI SKIS r n ■glive «U IragrKarnl and are .. The above openings are available at mitre t modern facilitte* Mawachusem-fort Mialton Reach, Florida-and Mont gome rv. Alabama. m tuhnrhan Bo*>oa SKI CLUB »s Ikrt Ka«Ue \wrthlaM Fischer Mi A A T Inr (•trmhl. Xarvi, Xnrdiea CAMPUS INTERVIEWS x«« % alley; Li ha V rancama * Urhirk. C«afy H0H0AY, JAHUARY II >IHH IMIMI yaw rtMWMM Oiractw ht f i ,4 if THE MITRE CORPORATION — 24«f Wood Street - Lextnpton 73, Massachuwttx A brochure more fully dexnbtiw MfJU auJ its activities t\ available on request Jtt MCIIIGAM STATE NEWS I—qui M. IMS hi. SI. '57 Apalachin Rendezvous Claim Pilots Fight FAA Efforts Ends With Jail Sentences J I»i< discredit parts of the safety gations at a hearing before WASHINGTON <>P> — E- R. th» Senate aviation subcommittee. Qucsada, federal aviation agency program with which FAA :s \vi ed deliberate lies and evasions The subcommittee chairman, NEW YORK y (t.j Pr It was one of the stiffest mass enee that enveloped the crime asters. Okla), told the FAA chief Apalachin convention of 1937 hard core" of airline pilots is blow; delivered by the ronventinn. The number of deaths in air agency .should -get plenty! were sentenced Wednesday to ever fighting his efforts to make avi¬ tough" with airport.*- which fV tn« government against the mem¬ The government attributed ation safer. * crashes last year—294—was the prison terms ranging from three - or refuse to install adequnv h» to a rn-iximum of five years. bership of the organized crimi¬ sinister motives to the Apala¬ He said the nilots have rais¬ highest in the history of the tt meeting. commercial air lines. safety equipment. Qucsada m | The judge said their back¬ nal syndicate in this country. chin ed baseless allegations of Ges¬ he agreed. la grounds and shady activities None of the defendants, con¬ Nine federal grand juries — tapo type spying, in efforts to Qucsada made his angry alle¬ constitutted "a tale of horrors." victed Dec. 13 by a federal dis¬ plus other governmental agen¬ The defendants were describ¬ trict court jury, was immedi- cies—tried vainly to extract the Your Key to Better Values . . . ed in court as two-faced—out¬ Vely nut behind bars. Instead, real purpose of the delegates the meeting. But insisted under Professor to Help Campus Classifieds . . . High Readership wardly respertahlc businessmen, they were allowed to rema n active in charitable and civic free on bail while they appeal oath they just happened to drop Seek H.S. Talent their convictions. in during n barbecue to pay protects, but actually criminal leaders or front? for underworld The appeal is expected to to ■' their respects to the ailing Bar¬ Dr. Buford Stefflre, associate kingpins. a facet of the Federal Conspir¬ acy Law under which the men bara, who died last June 17. professor of education, has been regional coordinator QUESTMN: What U i» lhal i- wrxcil Investigators theoriged. how¬ named a - One of the (1 former 20. John Montana, Buffalo. NY. city were convicted. The govern¬ ever, that the convention «a« for Project Talent, the forth¬ Pi|iin)c llol. Lonwl, of eopurilman and onc-'ime "Man ment ha- hailed It as a new. po¬ called to carve up underworld coming national census of apti¬ Grade A Purr Ground of the Year" in that city. He tent weapon against the under¬ territories and racket*. tudes and abilities of high school got four year*.. world. of the original defendants, students. Beef. Rirh Tanpy Qum, convicted of de¬ r- ■ * i Eleven of the defendant* got The 20 werr four are fugitives, two escaped , Stefflre is administrator for Pre-h Ta«ly Run anil »t>.. ;v-'-•**• the maximum five year* plow a fy ing the law conceal the by conspiring to purpose of their trial because of ill health and the Michigan area, with re¬ a tine of $10,000 rarh. Four got one won acquittal during the sponsibility for working with Ta-lis. So Good ? ear* with no fine*. Two gathering in 1057 at the upstate local school superintendents and five a York home of Joseph Bar¬ 54-day trial before Judge Kaui- . *>, cot four year* and fine* of S10.- New mtin and a jury of eight men principals of schools selected for 000 earh. Two got a straight bara Sr. The government claim¬ and four women. ' participation in the census. 511 \MI MAM FMmil l: Emanuel Itexs *avs hr's not worried ■WW.'.VWWWWWAWWWW.VAMAW. ANSWER: INT DF COURSE about stork of HHMMMI Itooketellr-r buttons Ifr «av* they ran bp stor¬ (iOINK AXVAY THIS WEEKEND? ed f*»r 1%E llir men „f I'l T VOIIR CAR IN TIP-TOP SHAPE Guitar IMavrr to Bun: ALPHA SIGMA PHI LARRY'S 6ULF SERVICE ON EAST MICHIGAN AT I.OI IS Ike's Brother Refuses I DIAGONALLY Af'RONN FROM REAL ST. ENTRANC E) coVCOfU). Nil. <4'>—A r><- nr.*.' *'.r V < i* president Richard A 2 «l» CHEDDAR CHEESEBURGER •ar-playing TV row)toy linger Nixon. Wednesday Iminehed a v.< M- 19( Ii, R..WU- r.f port - In, ilf A»l. To . . . publicizcd hid to become Pre •- ni'iii*, .' a delegate !,' to Nsxor. at: I OUT bower ■•audidnte announced he . "un-ti r liny red n cireum- an b - I Me,-* j ... ,i 'r that if he i- elected . t,i persuade Nixon RUSH THURSDAY JAN .14 7-10p.m. otaiH i ■' and t n- eonvrntio*. "'i-' itf*» 2900 E. SAGINAW tile hcv» choice f"i the Vlrc Kit on HrJtt, 4?-vr iT-'dii |);t- J lllnrk- XX'ewl of Frandor n.:r:(1IS, Mi, J-hiy'r find t>Ti*c-n presid. ntjal nmnnnUur,. \V'i,ib liiitt' name w ,< being I'Jo r:\emrwn — Call Kl> i-l.'.l I KM. for lliiles •ar, entered the (irtnovrv ■■ • n'liei ;»r. opponent ot Sen. nrefeivnte poll in N«-a H-iii.m- . .1 iin Kenmsi (!)-M.i >. the v Maron K idenlir.l Situi»oj-"n lirothei, ItulM i t, was prirnAt v. Hi itt said h<'» stump *e;.l Kennedv' s-teet clear "he M.t'r with H ti-ll-l'il- C i.Jh I .a fid. - ur.rm; ,.f Wecoii ;• i primary. nttrition '250 INCLl'DES: lb. Miiti.n f.i • nho,.\. r, |M»s- Noting that sen. Hubert Hnm- !• ,• of Join • Honkiti-t l!n ver- phr»*v (D-Mittn) ha* declined til ats erialit-nge Kenned%' »ri New KOI NO TRIP TRANSPORTATION 'v. attempted unsufpov-tutSy '«» tradition from hem,; ilnnpshire, K«*nnedv'< brother ;>revent Ins name '..'d a new* conference that IIOTEI. ACCOMODATIONS I in the nation's lit'; V pnr-;- ijcritial primary. \V iM-cnsin would al" tu an un¬ MEALS Candida'* f»r fair test iKS'auxe it'?; part of Official* wid a TRANSFERS a national conven- lluuiphrev'x "back yard cat fannot lie i.arrct from Kcnnetiy backer. chuckled TIPS when tiiev leurntsl ,'r Britt'* ac¬ ■■unnir./ i«s favorable t • the COLLEGE WEEK ACTIVITIES (.minatmj, c f th« president's tion 'Well, wed, lire to have pii'Ml; son,1*., and ihumc." l TAXES in i'lot. Mr mwhib . the nan •• of tiemo.-raUc National eonsmittet- peril.'! i ttoUtin. "I'crhapr, BERMUDA SPRING TOUR ■ •• ! Natmn • Amha : a.i-.r lb tu I'abot l/xljtr was injected into the gentiiman x\hi yvithilraw tf:.» New Hanipsliiif primary .*■ . hc i Re publicity dies down," lit.,i'. addcii a possible l{epiib!ican runnm,: MARCH 23-28. 19GO FLASH KKGISTKK NOW THREE - DAY SPECIAL! that coma; date that rates D0LLE6E TRAVEL OFFICE ISO W. IRAN RIVER ED2-MI7 DON'T MISS IT! COTTON KMT JUMOK CASUALS HOT. MM I! HXIKntXTS CLEANED TAKI A SHCATH SHAM INTO SMINO \M» XX ATKIIPKOOI Kl> XNO SAVE -si.00 tt,m r,,,s A" . 14.98 TODAY, FRIDAY, AND Slim and willowy botii ot you»naw mown SATURDAY ONLY,.. wordieke i» our coaon luul cotud. • lawn- irovol-oHico tKoedi Aot it olwoyt on II AIM II \TS I 'LEANED" MM XX XTKIIITKMII'KD FOR only '2.25 good boKovio, wondodudy wrinklo- i \ uiaa i.Alt s.i.r. \ xi.i k — iroo, it Kond-watKat kooutifuily cleaning — ii.;".: xx xTiairmniFiyt. — *i.;>n with no in-botwoon protting or MM can s XX If 11.ini WITH IIIIS All Cl.ll* If OIT paa^oring. Siiot 3 to 13. XM1 IIIIIM. 11 XNU VOl'U A. Croon or groy mutod paMom. RAINCOAT TO . . . A Turquoiio. groon, boigo (wood. Outlor lurpuoito poOomod tlripo. ludgal PrpMot I R XMMIR MIOI'rlMi CtNTIR IIOIR* MON. 7:30 UI JMI'.M SAT 7:30 A.M. - 7.0