Jerri Slate U of M The Weather T* PWy Her» Windy, Wain and Fhk Satardav High Today 3* 8M Pa>e 5 Uw Thursday 5t Serving MSU For 30 Years 7 "voL 61. No. 118 EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN—FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 1060 PHICE -. CENTS {/. S. Challenges Red Troop Cutback Reds Can Use Missiles, Asks Agreement on Plan For Effective Disarmament Cut Army, Says Nikita WASHINGTON (>P)—The United States challenged Sov- [ let Premier Nikita Khrushchev Thursday to follow through | on his troop cutback proposal by agreeing to an effective Tells Soviet international disarmament plan. A- > • In Sffotiil Plriee In Hawaii u-x' Kbrushitft announced the MOSCOW <,TM — Nikita S*vlft I ninn will rut lt« armed .100 Villagers Klrr Khrushchev declared Thurs¬ force* frem 3.423.### te 2.423.* day the Soviet Union-in Krntti Fiery Mjim* tee men nver the nest reuple year*, and elll quit prediction at rung it can cut the num¬ ef manned hem her* while push¬ ber of men in its armed HONOLULU (/P)—A I'lHt. ing ahead with production of force* by almost a third awl I f,K>t-wride river of molten powerful miwdle*. relv upon the jrreateat fire¬ Initial reaction her* was that [lava, spewed out of fiery Khru«hchev i s ' reorganizing, power — rocket* and inter¬ [ jets, snaked slowly down the not disarming h-*' force* and State Mewa Mat* by MM CallaJtaa ftl AM HK TNEBOM leave* her dressing ma prior le her per¬ continental ballistic missile* Apr >}<>pe of Kiianea vol. trying at the same time to reap forms nee In the And Thursday night. Mlm The horn, a member of —ever possessed by any na¬ I toward the *ea Thur*- propaganda benefit from the the Metropolitan Opera, gave a varied program to her listener*. tion. m< we I day night. A masterpiece of propaganda And to conic, more awesome the Soviet Premier nower is told lava and rock we e • 200 feet In the air. Stem effectlvenevc" was descrip¬ tion applied by Sen Hubert Depict* (larmcii t.fiiin deputies sa.d II *epv little village emptied the veil pons wc have now- are | »i'.,er of its 300 inhabitants. Tke fiery IM*r|« seethed Khrushcnev "holds out an olive ! ranch and at the same ':tp tries to nit us over the head Talented Program formidable weapons, the weapon vc •oday have is .n the hatching even more ' «.:e porter:, I'RKSIDEXT JOHN IIANNAII presents the In¬ Mjlr N«o IhioOi h\ Hill tWll.«tl»n with »' " ternational Marketing Award to Gottlieb Dull- hoimrifl lot his part in rai-inc tin | frm a Wag rift airaas a m*r Rv WARY FLI.fiA' GOHIN'G even more formidable," Khni-'»- pieslilcitt wax | cm* field MlMdlaf from Ka- *en. Thom** Kurhel of I ill- chcv -aid "T!ie weapon whir-n weller Thursday night. The Swiss corp«*ration -t.iiifi.irds of living in hi- own amf other rniintrie- Hp ef Us¬ A small ami appreciative crowd gathered in the AutI is being developed—and is. a- fornla. the *«*l»Unf Senate Re¬ the U. • er t00 mile* publican leader, said the !«»• Thursday nijrht to witne** a fine musical jwrforninnce bv they sav in the portfolio of o :r and designers—a fan- Honor- imaginative Daring* ■Ian leader apparently «n an¬ mezzo-soprano Blanche Thelmm of the Metropolitan Opera. nouncing only a shift from men • astir weapon." burned like The program opened with and plane* to mlmlle*. Sen. S'uart Syming'on »l>- Mozart was aria handled The difficult with great task com¬ Six Asian Flu on Khrukhrho*- did not elaborate the "fanuatle" weapon in his International Marketing 'Award Metre thudo were heard and Mo). a freqjent critic of U S etMren*. kM ke aaik UmI "now laahquakai ibeek the ground ltsqutoUy. Acrid white amoke de.'en«e chev "can pollde*, plan said down the Khrusii- im¬ mand and authority. Tic Urahm selrdioiM which followed Cases Found M I* quite elear (Rat tke United Mala* of America h not the Given Duttweiler bv I'res. Hannah | Fen burning trees and cane portance of the bomber. a> tnat were rendered with artistry and wortd\ moat powerful military |L4 fee sir. !a ha flrri sunburst lava ts just about the only type of strategic striking power we r.jw molality, the obvious results it Michigan power." Hy Hon IIEN HI.ID • President John A. Hannah info the largest -chottl for atlnll education hi s\wt/rrhml with of M.<* tliebom"# excellent Khrushchev sjH'ke for thr^e rriiad 4m fee gentle slopes have, while he has operational AMOCMTRB PltM presented the Infernalicnal Mai - . an enrollment of X.t.tMMI -tudenl-. »V I nr hours and five piinutes—with a In ruing tie i side and lapped IC'BM's and bombers " training and experience kcting A card to Gottlieb Duts - > He so: o H„.k half hour break—before a -pee- , , • I irr.r.d the haaaa of trace. Large It ida, like other nations with The audience was transport¬ Th- state Health drpartnirat •vciier. pre>idetil. Federation of er Mi ..f ,nl seasion of Supreme Soviet lutgo and eaeoaut trees stood modern forces, was, believed ed to the (lueratic dage for 'he r««iK»rteu ( 'he program «i*. the Univereity of Michigan vast nation which occupies i ither ctftilitries throuju Itomahen stream gad buret in- | te famm. increased release manpower for weajx>n* firepower to other uses. Miss Thelwan dejucttyi the and oassionate Carmen by firry sing¬ Thursday but said the outbreak sixth of the earth's land surface. Students Talk -If:; ma.-.- a- -uarketing and innovation inafian-.-mtm a us* nothing serious. lie proposed — and automatic Some of Hasia's d*-mobil:/."l three of 'he ariaa from the Duttweiler bun n UtHH On Viewpoint ing wa» Ttomptfawfeagna Wsdussgsy U of M Health Director Mo**- parliamentary approval is cer- soldiert ct-uld well be shifted t > Bizet opera. •am--a rut "f 1,200,000 men :» II Zui .'-ft, Switzer'and. Al'ei | UK al T4I BIT. after twe the expanding Soviet weapons lc> IJecketh conflrnieti the dtag- attended budhe- h'«>. u «f isifegmif Earlier 'he ftrnn-itL.dorees. reducing 'die indu8tr> The familiar "llarhanera" iM*is Four studeid will im- given loified on»- of. die -no-' rniv total to 2,423,000. the lowest |n ba day fee held the IMearn In the *»ell of "Mofk of our cases are very figure since 1937. But at the the chance to air their opinions ant ini-iin urui- an Sv. •naribl the flirtatiou* gypsy. The dr*- mild," Beckett said. "It's noth¬ concerning universities ifi. gen¬ 'and. of whn ii made xanie time he told the deputies n< Fraternities Plan matte quality ef Use artist's per¬ ing iike the 1957 epidemic when Soviet military firepower ex¬ era) and MSU n jmrncular junior partner in 1907. •• r.,r IMuv itio-i . "i litci- formance was moat convincing we had hundrtxls of students n ceeds anything known in his¬ "ViewiKHnt" Sunday at 3 p.m "1 n..\e te. n e' Up aR During HorlU I the firm ME vlTlsgira began cvsc- VI eekeinl Parties and portrayed the despair and here. We have only 20 to 30 tory* and Soviet defense never on WWAIL was responsible for a substantial KUJ-op. \ here young tH")- desperate Joy of the tragic Car- _ ■ wag Han b*are the erup- now with a fast turnover." has been so strong. Major John Barron, who pro- part of the food imported into • ii.k< of ■'?,• nay, ■ t«. The last «f flnm left be¬ For Closed Rush men. There were no confirmed "In rutting tke number of our duies and hosts J he will have a- hi guests two -en- program, Sw itzerlaml. w i t b bra nr lies • "i thr. or -.ix • lt** !1 pm. • "Hie .orogram continued with ra es of Asian flu here although " opened ill the U.S., the Mediter¬ i.-inguagc and I T* lava ftrat appeared tt-e total of berks of a lighter nature to end Health department's bureau ml Micros. I Snail cinder cones formed way the firepower will he in- ism. and Eur Thiuna, social •i.itimv. and their vav of life," events of the weekend will be her recital. T»ie entire program disease runlrul. said spread sf created many, many time*. I Mi::,"-, 3«3 -aim opt. .-aid Duffweih - liftiad the fin—>wliM the ru*h parties held tonigh* was sung with youthful sjur.t the disease ruuM Ml compare the Western powers tiuluding !|fi upei mar'kef- - I F:v« years age a similar erup- and Saturday, to which an or SCIVHC -tore- and tUO loubt Ep-i'on. 'Phi- |««* SI,000,000 IB damage*. of the fraternity is sufficient The emphasis of the weekend A native of Canton, Ohio, But the fireworks in the The student looks at the uni- truck Inyfu! •-» him. it, a Ver-. .iri," rpean- beeauve Miss Thebom last year becam? vereity" will ire the topic of the Du't ve'ier a moVinj on getting runhees more fully the first American woman opera "It doesn't look bad," Leeder speech concerned Soviet mili¬ '"• ' v un.: jhstpie and I Employment . .« discus-ion. Among the question in other field- He mm ,-'i t acquainted with fraternity men\- tary prospect* in advance of <*ar to perform^ in the L'SSH. said. "It seems to be a mil J East-West disarmament talks the students wall discuss are poiitu al movemerii i-aHert fin i*-rs and with the Greek way S.c app<-areti under the vime outbreak although we can ex¬ ami a summit meeting of the "What :> the purjro- «• of a uni- Ring of the Indoor r»fi« nt ■ t winter's rushing Reaches New of life. has been very This successful so fa-, cultural exchange which brought Russian pianist Fjt.i1 GileU and violinist Leonid program pect concentrations loftily. I figure this to croj> one a* an up Big Four powers opening May Ifi ;ii Paris verMty: to train masse- or in elite'." "Are 'andaro .•omp.,:- ,ii 'erm* of the oldest memiK-r- -ervnc he .( 'fx one S.» -f * I'anol Talks especially ;n the amount of co¬ easy one because anyone who , ible with education'.'." L- xixlature, m-iny a member One "f the outstanding ques¬ | Record High u.a « operation observed among indi¬ K<>gan U> the United State*. got the flu in 195? can't get it tions before 'he summit meet¬ "What do :ii.'-k of :im e 1933 vidual fraternity houses, ac¬ cording to Tom Wilkinson, rush Her first role at M(»sc<»w'i Bol&bot theater was Carmei.. again. That rut* down * lot of the potential." ing will be the twin problem >t -.o'l uium that melton- credit ooui - ,« ciiou- lie estahlisbed the Hotel I'laii On I'rob Ien is •ASITOIGTWI (Tt — Secre- chairman of IPC- Trained in the United State*, "The trouble is." he said, West Berlin's future and that of es in ba-k't a caving and canov- ill I9J5 (or tourists.' In 1914 he 15 •* Labor Jaaiu Thursday employment Mitche'l The official Wednesday a* fi p.m pledging date is There are die recently t«»urehO opening* for and appeared for the U S. at caseload from Detroit has been ment which touched off a crust* i .f the ■•Dwember. the Brussels World iVir. magnified that way.'* in N'ovemtwr 1958. He "asd 'he ierih. I Wttchelj Mid Jbar-nounced new figure* to taday also null prospective pieige*. Soviet Union would demand ?i»at the powers sign oeacc treaties Illinois Musicians Set fo Feature pros, probli r«"-iH»n-ibilities, and the '4 .'■« Longer Failed •Suicide' co-ops were "a improvement and. No with both West and Communist discuss"-) 'pv r-tbtv -ovemng by peak for worker earn* East Germany, and if Mi- did not come to pass, "we will sign Instruments of Shakespeare's Time : i !<-Hni "-operii',1' < -..<*1 t,f incm!'": faculty ana LJ1* reveramaefC latest prior mtyoTX mewed 12**ed and MP0.000 unern- Ski Tournaments Date to 1887 a peace treaty with the Germ »n Democratic (Communist) public only, with all the conse- R«- Authentic •uen's. imilii: medieval •'» those .u-tru- win i Frac •i ha4 Lundim. who !>»nateilo was wan 'o to 1/»u;h lb khui- .uH'ifor to mentiom-1 whu-b jHomiM'tt itmid »k- drawn „.v,-ral paints ICC, .o-i Back In 188? a hardy band of peninsula to the fringes of met¬ gamng. skating, sleigh rides, quencca that might follow " delighted .Shakeupeari' and L» >• culpture, mto tb» movement He daredevils t.y>k part in the first ropolitan Detroit, offering a ftnowMKH-ing. ice fishing and nardo da Vinci vcv< ial humlrrd The French Guillanme de stated »hat Mcmwr- — gave out advance hm»ld b»* m -J-., mu it > organized national sk; jumping wide choice of accommodations hunting. Evening activities in¬ vcara ago. will be featured in .« Mach.», captured the spirit of prepaict o in.uci, Wnat can a clude dancing, ■*** "Mfeww In at Lshpeming and singing, concert Sunda> !v. die Co,'< 2- flam buoyant Gothic architecture . ■ L^at . _ which he 2b# ateel dispute tournament recreational skiing got JU start ranging from swank resorts *-> economical budget arrange¬ group moviei and other entertainment. For winter comfort, warming Great-Grandpa ium Mufticum-of 'he University in his mu«ie. 13ie German se¬ c*»-»p niter me ' ' He 'aid that the empha^s ««J th. Mtion in Michigan. of llHnpis. lection* coin® fr*««» IB trr to form For today the sport is a popular much of the tremendous boom Transportation—an old buga¬ older than the school. let. the medieval world. Ellsworth House and long con¬ to Iw?* *" Mtetin bars,in- In Michigan skiing during recent boo for skiers—is no problem in The 80-year-old man visited Other instrument* include the Dr. George Hunter, director nected IF^*. aid Im tacnt- familv recreation in Michigan with the co-operative years, according to state travel Michigan, according to thesta'e relatives here tfiia weak enroute vihuels, favorite of the cultured of the musicuzn presenting the I 7 PftUaiauy dUcuaaion, with more than 150.000 devotee* system, nrescnted informal -wv authorities. Rather than cater¬ tourist council. All areas are to Florida. classes of Spain, the krumhora concert, has been Interested in SMr aad managt- of all age*, sue* end sBape* concerning the improvement of ing only to a smell group of accessible by car and bus over The Caro gwl gee ) father or "crooked horn," two lypce ol the music of the Middle Age# tecUitiae aad tho possibility of Abilities vary greatly among Kanb—r t»ld these enttvusUst*. of course, and highly-dulled skiers, ski area wett-OtttBtetoeir 'highways, and explained he «NM leal year viola da gamba, and the vielle. for over SO year*. His groups axpaarioa og the number of co- operators have brought winter many re*orts also are served by "to fill some 4 Wm HRpCf speH The music scheduled, dating now several years old, is com¬ 'n ilia ma SU«k>/- Michigan's 71 winter sports cen¬ ap boueas to Include one out of opportunities within reach railroads and airlines. in my life." from as early as the 14th cen¬ posed moetiy of made tsscBiw r«a that th* ad- ters are tailorgd to provide a sports 10 male etudent* at MSU. —both geographically and finan¬ Beginning skiers In Michigan Orr said he didn't •» li Ml* tury, include# dance music, folk Mi paduate itsiidi at *a I _ ia encouraftng lab- variety of siopet aad fcciWles Pat 9mitti, president of Mot's cially—of everyone in the mid¬ can-rent skies, pole® and boots lege to wear a been is m IB Seed and love songs, as 'well as re¬ VBIvarsity of Illinois. House, commented .on the lack |w^ffenicit I "summit" con* for beginners, in-betweeners west. for their first attempt*. And riieers. ligious pieces. Dm concert will be at 4 pJB. * of publicity for the co-ops, and -1,:n aa effort to minimize and expert*. And many Michigan resoru most areas offer both group and "I just went to km mm ef The selection# are < in the Music And. Ad- ■l»v.u *tri,# "4 creete Winter sport* centers dot tne the imultiag lack ef knowledge provide plenty of activities for individual instruction by quali¬ the things I missed 'eh— 1 the greet medieval — Michigan map frees the far fied professional skiers. wee by tbe studeata la gmiaral about northern 'reaches of the the non-skier* Including totoog- younger," he aanigioad frem Italy emm At wwka ti ID cudi* Dft Undiarmod Book Review Michigan Slate News 1 f>i< thr Mubi«»r V»-r Uead IEHI* b* MSI'« TYHOU Student* and faculty \« - is- pn'til.->>< >t oy -tud'-rily of Michigan Slate Unneriitj- Cast tan- Intrigue, Love Mixed th« wl ch s'«< K> Collegiate Pre.' _ r Kfili.rl Hurling tn« Friday, .liimmry I'.Hio I'ape Two (I. P. Pulmm', Sons A;!,Mj if ■ The jH-rson,,lilies of this fascinating novel arc par-ica interesting as they are revealed thi all the discriminant,. eyes of the main character, llr. Frost, a prominent Kmci " Students Run Own Town. psychiatrist. Frost After the, death of his fall* into a deep a ife melan¬ ants, keep A and common l the o-ii. resist analyzing each person lie of 7.a million kroner <, t >tuf The student town is run a* a summer ,i,y a >ysten) of Student government Hi.ii In this 'way the reader is ac¬ ture by Bernini and Pni hotel during June, July and August with quainted with many of the con¬ .Ivvarfs 'anything >'<'* ",l' ' nitcd the profits iced to subsidize student*' ren'. trasts between the English and well as by her passion • r and rich sense of -hum t State*. Italian personalities wh i ch lli* re*ittanee is flnalH firoi STUDENTS AT OSLO are also repre^ The article claim* that Norwegian stu¬ proves amusing in many cases. en down by the enrhantm. sented on the boards of the various facul¬ dents ore an independent lot and like to Due to his unusual interest n hedonist and their lo\e »ft,ir ties. which have a function similar to that people and their problems. Frost jni their own way, If their system of stu¬ of the University Senate. Thus, the indi becomes involved in an interna¬ becomes intertwined with ih. eat and mou*e game dent government i» any indication, the fir pi,,, vidtial student has a voice ami a large de¬ tional intrigue with his dangerous piir*ut-r« iaim i- well justified, indeed. One of the men on the tour To complicate matter*. I rn*t ha* gree of self-determination in all affairs of The university student* ace represented i* an English scientist, famous many reasons to su*pert that ht« In* concern. i,v a student member in the t'niversit> tor his brilliant research in charming Bianca i* mixed ,ip This novel system is. indeed, student gov¬ atomic energy. This scientist is Senate, and. at the general meeting of mm with his enemlea. ernment. That is. the governing of students a sick personality who believe* The result is a Ha -. tents, facility representatives are elected certain atomic secret* should be ! the Student Itepresentative Council, and student affairs (in everything from weeks of sensuous love culn 11 spread to other parts of the •ting in a sad. but r.-ai: • due lu Hum* Unfortunately, the enemy is Italy, and the author'* • i>U» student* are also rejireseiiti'd on the THIS IS NOT to malign the AI'Si. Thi* insight into the depth- aware of their possession, and Hoard of the National I nion of Norwegian <»iL'aiii/.iition has, «l time*, accomplished the befuddled doctor finds him¬ characters. Mudents t S.i. much. -Hut. at times, the quiet that ema¬ A.P. AimIV.I self in a situation he i« totally' Sandy Raei/ei William It van The Oslo Mlident I nion I- a unique m nate* from Student (ioyernment gives unprepared f'»r. Me is forced t« flee across the Italian country- raiii/ation, taking care of mam activities cause to wonder if it *tiM exist*. |ndee;• I . . < qiturr* n i'f- " : vie good for the West to argue Lynching ol" \l .*.. e\ct pt I la nth much dcmobilizat,tAn re tiiurau . and i i.i* l"i . »'i . au" that thi* !».• fleet II til.,! represent* no real accomplish- lents. h al " opciati •< health » i \ t.-, the . - i r . .M . ! . Ie 4'- sa ' it" I. b .tin .-•# strung.*! men: toward the goal of disarm- I tti\e|--il\ HooIa tore. .1 travel office, am) llli'ii , U f. ,1 • ■ !.e- IM.CP the Pit , - 1. .1. miaOXl. Miss. 1 v vfulc nuclear stock piles If < hi" \ 111 \ I I Si 1 lie-. W lllch |M|bl| lie Wort hie**, "i f ■' ;• iMrPti's- *l»l;UK 1 p'.'.vn bis-iiuse or a a 1,cut ;• MiKn.w Minrli Khtu,',- v.i-• •• t Ha. <>f Soviet nuclear *'i!| e*.s! special federal r'-< ol a. .no nuc material-. Hot pet r ini'liaimg iiH-ket« a*id Khrushchev emphasizes that ended its investk'.»' ■? ,-r it'd dclcniined !•» wiMiHiit*. ible tor "• Iter puhli ber- i-."\ led. t. hthifii^i! fi.ittlstlc • n»i«- 4 'he principle of priority deve<- , .• , . ■ • W ' ' 4!M i'.ll! t the Mack Charle< i'.irk-■ K*'i -.iih "iev contended oiMTient of heavy industry" was I lie ! 111"11 I '.III ee.ed i' .. I I'd MM b % , lynching- Thtirsdgv wr •ins cu;"Ut of air war sucil followed in 1959. first year up of student - and repre-eiitnti\e- ol state %1 1 In- si imp time. Klirn»h to !u* a* -I, mi tied bomlter.*. the current seven-year plan retnrninjr indictme- - »hpt d<>*Pil the ip«I of Hip world Tne hcav. industry program nine-nionth-old ■ akes naval fleets obsolete and cum- 10Stf5A«TMi5 MiTf AO la-tb'i* lo (lit- l'.«l:l«*i- Hith powptlul niopaiatHja inpd irinp Hip uh Irl l idon. |« hpar 11 t!ic role ol ground force* bu lib world political power. i:.l 4.kU»< FliST'Se Charles Long, of G ; K.c what. actu;U'.>. doe# it do' jury foreman, read inn irII it. I* so slroiiK it ran At the same time Khrushchev tlrrUiHM. ALUMS OMteiM to U S. Dwt. Judge Sid.-'C- •* The i sslt •still ha* aufTlcleni llie Soviet people the Loyally Affidavit ii 111111 >• 1 a 11 a lo rill its promise* WTTlltO, l*l.llll r I* I I ssll in pia'i artualb briai chev indicate* he eapecta a with m-aili'tiilr .oiil Irrr effect of ending the Pa. ke » » lull-sealp hiiildniK of » (orn- pluil threat of mutual destruc¬ pafiotic surge of selfle** labor llolM. .tllll lUxllMOM.lO* 414111*1 tion. lo make the I SSR the ma*t unlesa authorities un »v . ,p.Jij-i '■ • flHII1l*t SOI IP 11 llu- siiiili'iil* Im \Mirrl«4M mi, witnesses or new te.-dii-w ;-i : arc.. I ,,*! p .1 * Kh hchev re- powerful aation an earth — aad irr*itli">. I.rsohrd In siiidrnl . . . thus protect the promise. Mlse eahgralaUled the ib»a mij'i' men from tons res*: XllellUitM Mate aa ita work daring the delibei lav ' . V.'- 2.•» M (HID. IVK '11 be mfu.*ed I hoeisiU v\ilhilr.iu Horn Hip Just in advance of h » trip :o a Hons wkirk started Jin I UMOI »' ^uii, niamsUeam of (m\piMiMPlit loan |iro«:r.oM pro- A*.a. Khruahchev paint* for tlie saying he thought juror* >'•» . long #hort >»f u!ic»viim:;te,i and uhderdevelop- darted themselves "dilisenH1 \lilrd In Hie \4lMMUI |ie|pu*p »H. prom,#e* to and fairly." F I lineal-ion \i I " caI ,*»un! a picture of what i* to Kniuv<- He then recessed the night t>e d«»ne with % BoVlet- . deveiopment ke orvanizatmn. Here, he told til the "regular Feb. 21 - ' I . Ni .t,.. . , s- v prug,. Sorrv. (tills t'v m«m i* toward fhe thorn, is a nation which has federal court,- caution » ber# might be called back * '•"i i'i'-'S ! ' pullcAi itself up by ita boot¬ 1 Sum'11 11>. a strong hand er to take up other matte Naiieiml i*h n \ : • P«' " .1 strap* Tne >*u'. in S"V >■' armest forces Khrushchev doe* not have to A mob of hooded men Wlinrj* llie rrMiUrmrnt ' 1 m\ I'.AV-»1 - . A*:»aiie!i;.i»* the WVst Khrushchev sludeiils on it lovulli ».»lli* m» 1 * '■ 1 i 101 ■ - la v '* Spa' till' spell out the implied lures Red Parker, 23-year-old al#--. n I'ttw1 dare# the United Manv >»f those who count in the truck driver from Lur ; - *' urtlrr lo rrreltr trib-rsl Iknan s;hS- m resume nuclear testing ' 1* • ■ M Jo'Hi uncommitted natiorai will gi-t out of his second-flo°r 4 and '.ike the it-.tN>n*ibi!ily for the idea Poplarville last Ap: * PEACE! v a • \V .4%-IS ut- at wivat u»t»!on> : hei rafter killed him- His bul- Kin iislirhev shaltered Soviet body was recovered ' % ! tn* ■' \ • — * : Hal a pn-trdrni hi aiinoiincing an ex¬ Mi,-lii)taii Slitlr V», Pearl river 10 day# la'.vi IdOM :v> M\ Sludent Services W ;. ai ? he * act total of turn under arnta in The lynching came I Kacewonl 1 k« »l , -i ••• • • Huh. 1 m,en on ra« «U>• filnrda? before Parker* sdiedtov: » \ ; • the I >sK (irmmif . ^ urpi •' .e ti.'ouca *ritisv inclusive, duriuc tali, *r«I exceot on charges i>f raping s preg...# t . * ■ u fi. a A * > '.10* \Ve.*t. in effect; afitei *pring terms SlMOUttl e •>>. I "Our d.-..,r;n.«v:i-m 'aik is more toiW.,A* Aceeklv during summer white mother. Tie w hv..i * lA-nt si'd i« ie »t»eciol (lekhmao issua It Neck band 3* VenomcA loan v.i** t.,.W. have a o' *umtr,cr and tall terms. her small daughter hau "a" in a stalled auto near Uv•; > Smolon nf ■ I.AU. ' •■••'I as *ec«md iia«e matter on- a . *0. 1 :c mm- N'i>w it's .' o'li i«t 41 Wa ..t „ i - March 3 is.a at the po*» temains »n while her husban*! > •' • 44 M .t k \ i ;n 'j P term.* '.-r influence up- t Lanxmg. Uuh ft: r > C> mechanic. t« Entire',* Mil A Peafi R»ver count-- %n •1 1. Traiiximt jV. Reehu e 4k Aimt.tA >01 it . , Film Fiii-i- jury inves'.;ga:e«1 the case I** Stale 48 Chaldean Sa'uOOM of V««l#rda» • Pi fi * November and returned no in¬ IS Cook meat ilv dictment* The Justice Dep* fStory on Page One9 lielmtgs in 3rd Section 4*» \ilrt i-ai.i# ,rt an aim u *il I'll.),. 1 » :m. XI>E \ ment then callod for the ft*s*r H.At -e (.Hller V! l-.,eiv.-4 ili»A»ever. if X|*H were to jury seasioti- Nuic of the ,»♦ Hitler withdraw Hunt the loan pro * ale .iMst.'.uie giant at the prr*rnt time, the tit in 11til K\in ; iup'i' .'i- a" ■ I- |lr*pite profuse rammentary ft»r Larry * utiftaptdne** whicft 21 Am, nf. ;• tVm |h»..tif.'U i «t.l rt SuiiAi » ">a Fit vaniA ;>9 Youiu; * Indent* H»o*e on thr program or interested wyuld hare to look rl*rwhere |»r their finance* have XVhac- ' ,:ii» isim»*a; CUtToid (Kl«^!..* •• ph Autograph ,l.t:nv* \\'» 4 shadow* A>f tie Hn.iA' '» !»» the rfi*«taiT "Page tine" I* a relatively goad ntovie if yau are not going- to tie a greedy troll th« rt-by U-d "o h1- rr»mwiee Thi* is, for the IWFOBMATIOW Atiene.1 !ut - Ight. ;S« wib - lib'mate ;>la.>»-r> east w» the waits of the purpose of conv.ncing the jury -f. t •!« .* t-i Iter »im pen.*# or drop out of m hoot - ' i .ot-ni? that Otic*j »•.«.* y - ir'.i »•' the K'icg light.*; pernv- and demand technical virtuosity that the love affair in discussion FBID AT Ca>w fiarn to«. •x as not a surreptitMTUi one kid 3,1 XUIem 1.4 t >et* "•1 • •• -. gi-! hi* j nor ri Buc tit %no\« pari -f mire.* ;n, n Ma Kvt- It concern* a unhappy wife. ".hat^iaid d:«rUwur<- wAvuId re* ( OMMITTt E titVlU'n' V4 l it*-.. M#t#r r.e'i KA 4*1 Uevt- thv «' gn,iMing publici'y CM • ; * > \f .in* Rita H*A«yofth> and 4 15..p.m. 344 Bidden: > lurthrrmore there i*. by alt u;H»,;s'o-»n*bk s;n «»i J.mch. wlduwer. Urr>' El'..* trial ha* endued. Kf# Bldg a " * ir ,• ' ■ ' oh* rou* indleathin* no cure in : utk'.ng. tuiue l »>,i' •I'.g.. In the meanilnt*, the progemj- HI LLI I. FOI ND ATIOV lit# V •* «ho laves ncr wha t. »n so»ok< u;> a *'twy ab<>u'. hou sight brrause he ha* done It a? 8 nh,»*ogiMp::iv' 6 45 p m AFP H * " 1 •gain AAiih "the star* on Page I he movie camera i* intrin*! .• ;ai cd aivj thereafter eoirw Ju i'A her husband drunk ami Albert Sabbath Scr* i f ■4 " J ' We 4jV|. Hne' eurrcntl* at the l.urnn. rally nothing more than a re¬ to trial ab*>ut "Tie murder of Jo * had Larry fly n from an out-al¬ CHBINTIAN ITI MM W-- it .Tot lot his »bilitv to cording device, there mu*t be • icotgth husband ' i Ry der i Tne low n bus.tiers trip to murder roiNDATION 4 .3 a guiding mind behind it to do hud*and actually had been ki*l- her husband lest he discover Man con, r:: *.£ , charattcr* and s,it» i p.m. Social HtIL rt t. a iheir romance. .4 .■■■*' • a*"A.' ' a' . u*£iy.n>Mb;e Uuit hut wvtk itacif out on the la Ike eft and on button*, if it* product i* to be considered an* - Ihipf more than a picture re¬ uw embracing k.U'hcn h>-ur# long couple In t <% after bedtime Enough about idea about reversing the abject from the Jo-lnrry romance to the plat! Tha ( Allft'h 8 p.m . t'NITED Parlors A. R U? NATION* " ») *♦ HAWAII fill O-tiS '■et hear.'ij Monday. J*n. 18. a*. way hellhole*. cord. Jot mother (Mm haaire) 1-arry's malhrr is a i anatraction ; weakness, hat Jf yau have re- 8 p m . Staff Lounge 1 ,41 Tp'uIP. 4 IVr the iin of directU\| h.» The editor'# Job is to take hires a lawyer tAathaay Frma- 4: 41 ■ A pin .'i 1 he sCum-nt confre** HATI'RDAl i" I'.tV'l . rtsirn of the S'.uUrat own drama. Ode'.# fitfully de- each Accepted vefment of the rioiai to delead her daughter, Uined a sndlriency of haKdar ♦V It JOA tie drawn and quarter¬ story -on-film an*! build it int*.» a and Larry's metfier (MKdred season gsntlht*. yau may dad N HILLEL FOLNDATION " a- Servicea budding aerves to R|;; L •> V ll M .M ... -1 It our hojx U> »ot in the ed- ile was completely unable avoid the mtstakes of the un- unifiixt ahd curna»taca'ly whole ami to extract any-, con- Hunnoi k > j fend her hires another to de¬ having been in your "fau* pea." bourn to forgive the 8 p.m llillel H«-o-v studenUi get-1 t' - • I i 5.1 CT.! re best in?er«t# of t? e rurleas son. .aforned He allow*! thing if. auperfiuvius to the against the aflair from ita be- The acting of Rita Hayworth, 14. AHON 4 FELLOW %IIIP 1 i la boity Your he!g. auggetftiorai. director 1 ' - it r 4 W. p ■ and conunenU are *-hat deter¬ Antho.iv Francioaa, Katherine film Gig Young, and Mildred Dun- (IL04.I t e." A.t mine the outcome *»f AVSG Squire.—aid— Alfred" to OrfeH* drama need not be a l^awyer Francsosa seem* to nock ur-fooil enough. If you be¬ 7 30 pin-. Stu "ent Unio^ 1 ts> II OM- a *Vb:, * !egi»iatjon. overact certain scene#: permit¬ shabbily put to film; Wk what think that he can win the case lieve that the play'a the thin.?, HILLEL Sl'NDAI FOUNDATION Hi y-' Geoigc Sea ton tint with Te by denrat.-g. Larry's domi¬ might well enjoy "The I ted crf'tor leave uncut you ,,r Jatin (>nlfn On4nit*lion and (hiirma scene* hb in which to the camera i\»untry Giri" in 1954. i Sea ton neering mothe; and proving Story on Page One." 6 pm.. Hillel llt»u*r v>,'« I'.liftbtlHjr innmuttpe dap.:* irw> i„ng without editorial also resty kxrt the di|iIo^ie), that «ne was ulsimaiely at (ami Rating * * * house, supper and mixer. 9*1 tlM| II MIM. MICHIGAN KTATT Vtw. Horticulture Head |[)u Pont Struggles January IS. IMI , Pate Three Writes on Plants Michigan Road Progress Reported at Meet |1 'or Stock Holdings t>r If. B. Tukey, head of the horticulture department, is the author of "Plant Regulators in Three Michigan State High¬ way Department research engin- eert'this week reported on prog¬ of three major Michigan the department's research labor¬ atory division at MSU made final research report on an ex¬ tensive durability study of road a methods of service life. The prolonging concrete project, known aa the O. of A third paper, prepared by M. Brown, reported on progresa research of new latex-con¬ Agriculture," which has recent¬ ress crete patching mixtures. The re¬ (Internment Asks Release ly been translated into Russian. The book deals with hormones highway experimental projects at the 39th annual meeting of construction materials on M-U3 in Clare and Osceola counties. Mlehigan Test Road, led to ma¬ jor revisions of Mlehigan road port described experiments made and chemicals which control the Highway Research Board in Built in 1940, just as the re¬ specifications and influenced to restore deteriorated deck sur¬ Of General Motors Shares growth in plants. The Russian Washington. search organization was estab¬ standard* in many states with faces and other portions of con¬ edition contains all illustrations E. A. Finney and C. C. Rhodes, lished at MSU, the 17-mile similar traffic and climate con¬ crete highway bridges with la¬ found in English edition. director and assistant director of stretch of road explored various dition*. tex-concrete mixtures. tl ASHIXOTOX (A')—The Rovernment Thnrsilay renewed the „ni' court battle to strip the Du Pont company of its s 4.« k "holdings in General Motors corp. The Justice Department filed bison Sets Attend Church j| This Sunday notice of appeal to the Supreme Court from a ruling that Du F' ml could dissolve its close as¬ sociation with General Motors meeches b.v retaining ownership of its (53 million General Motors shares but pissing voting rights on to IOn Japan Du Pont stockholders. The department contends th's EAST LANSING CHURCHES ruling by U. S District Judge PRETTY LINDA GIBMON. It. Walter Labuy in Chicago was Mi** Hot Spring* of IMP. stands renee Olson, expert on based on erroneous conclusions. on Weal Mountain near Rot i Japanese affairs, will r series of seminars, Spring*. Ark., famed fee Ha The prnMfai ef Du Pont. . and classes Jan. 19- mineral bath*, and marvela at FIRST CHURCH OF 't< Crawford Greenewait, charted EAST LANSING CHRISTIAN • ; the auspices of the in » statement that It would ap¬ the unusual sight af snow. It was something In marvel at— And UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN PEOPLES CHURCH • vn Universities Field pear the Justice Department weathermen measured a total II* nrhjntin. hrnk •». lie i- •> m campus Olson will "desires simply to pursue its 11- year vendetta against the mil¬ fall ef II inches. TRINITY CHURCH CHURCH STUDENT CHRIST, SCIENTIST *' aft ur met two seminars open to lions or more stockholders of Du EAST UNSING with (h« j a lecture seminar on Font and General Motors, who $10 Millions national AND STUDENT CENTER !M E. C.rane Rtvar he pursuer* p|.i«« T.< ■ Problem® of the Japan- omy" scheduled for have keen any wrong." found Innocent of 12* spartan Amw Intardanamtnatlonal FOUNDATION I rnvt It*, t that hi. .•■••ay at 7:30 p.m. in the p room of the Physics- "For in the last analysis," In Gas Taxes Rev. R. Kl'OINI WILLIAM! Olvltlan ani Ann Xtreets, E. Lanslni 20* West Crane River at Mlchtfaa East Lanstn* Groenewalt said, "the govern¬ Pasta* Church gervtc* It A.M. nixed up' pu'i'iing, and a lecture en- II* W. CrsnA Blvar -Japanese Foreign Policy" ment's appeal is aimed not at the two companies, but at their Paid So Far WORSHIP SERVICES (1 block* Csmpo* Pasta*: Narth af Barker Oonali W. Herb Hall) Dr. P. Marlon Slmms Sunday Srhnol It A.M. ,hn :3, at 7:30 p.m. In 31 Rev. Rov 9. Srbramm )o*aph A. Portar. Sltnlste* stockholders." RetMent Psitnr: The Michigan motorists will have • u A Ilea am. ill also lecture on government began its Chart** T- Rllnkstrk Ministers Snbjact •. antitrust action on June 30, paid out 110.082.000 in gasoline "PHPDBST1N ATION" •age and the Legacy taxes in the first .two week* of ED 2-5571 1949. It sought to force Du SUNDAY PROGRAM LIFE at a luncheon 1960 — the same amount they f:99 p-m. 81'NDAT SERVICE Pont to dispose of its General SUNDAY ' ?he Men's Club TUes- paid in the entire first year of Motors stock, currently valued "JOY TOMXTH IN Hay. -|o*aph a Pnrtar Wednesday F.ranin* Martina I PJL l* ion. He will make the tax in 1925. •ervlcet: *■**. 1« IS. 11 M A.M. at more than three billion dol¬ THE MORNING" .ippearance at ">:15 William Palmer, executive Mnrsery: Alt Aervlret CAMPUS VESPERS lars. by distributing some of it -THAT MEN MAY HAVE UEfi" ida- (.-cuss :he secretary of the Associated Pe¬ OTHER SERVICES AvnAar ArMal: »aa. |*:1S A.M. among Du Pont shareholders Raadin* Room events m troleum Industries af Michigan, StnAent CUtSt II:3a A.M. and selling the rest in the optn » U i * Sunday Aches! wtth Tha full-lancth film. "Martin Lit- W \1 Chf niu l in. said this means that Michigan 134 W. Grand K«\ar market. classes far lahrerslty Students Lathersn StnAent Assoc. Supper thar" will hr shown in Uia sorlsl a«t f .ur motorists "n-»w are rolling one The I n PM hall of panpla* churrh. »'l i . I'd du-- government lost the first million dollars in gasoline taxes ■ to P.M. RuffM >Uppa* round when the Chicago court J aa PM into tne state and federal treas¬ AU L'atvarstty student* Wsleaasi •p*aber: Mr. Robert Balk Alt ara welcome to attend Chnrch held in 1954 that it had failed to Chnrrb Srbool He hr* '1 various uries every 34 hours." 7:to UJU. wedaefgay Rvauiaf * 3* A.M. Public Invltad Services, and vl«lt and us* th* prove any antitrust violations. Taplc: "THE UPE AN|» MISSION II M A.M. •>nf po : Including This ruling was overturned 4-2 In 1925 'he tax was two cents Mrrtca OP L5%" Crib room throntk Mils school ago Readln* Room. Cultur.' A d. tie of "ie a gallon. Now it .ncludes 8 by the Supreme Court, which • an Embas^v in 41 e Phil- cents state gasoline tax, four held there was a reasonable •.«. He ho;-u n Phi) de- cents federal gasoline tax and ' »: i Har\'ard t'tuversit.*-. probability, and sent the case the three percent state sales tax back to Judge Labuy. ai.i -I n to ins Olson is «lso the author writings >n I.ast Nov. I? Labuy signed an —averaging 0 3 to 0 7 cent* per ST. JOHN CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH OF EDGEWOOD EASTMINSTER LUTHER CHAPEL *.. gallon on regular gasoline, ae« ■ k "f poems order directing that Du Font be i and na« pending on the local poems ami book ro- allowed to retain Its 23 percent State car owners. Palmer esti¬ 4 CATHOUC STUDEMT EAST LANSING PEOPLES CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN AND • Mie -Virginia Quarter- atork Interest in General Motors « mated, will pay about $257,000.- and and collect the dividends, hut ■:-.v," ' i' "Saturday Review" a Magazine of forbidding it from voting the 000 this year in direct taxes on (ENTER Interdanomlnatlonal CHURCH STUDENT CENTER gasoline. shares or acquiring more. "It is a surprise to mast mot¬ WESIEY FOUNDATION M» N. Raaadorn Road Rev. Robert L. MorrUnd. Mlnlttrr r is one of four AUFS Greenewalt, in a statement orists." Palmer sa.d, "that to¬ (I blocks north af Grand Hirer) I Missouri St nod) ' -.embers who will visit the issued at Wilmington, Del, con¬ day's regular gasoline ex¬ rr. r. KaTusiih fr. p. lippto Wilson M. Tsnnant, Ml nivuton Street, E.L. Rev. Trnman A. Morrison. Minister 444 Abbott Road mis during the winter an 1 tender! Labuy's decision provid¬ Iff M-A.C. Avaaaa L. Jordan cluding taxes, is substantially t*e*ri# terms of this year. AUFS Mini stars SUNDAY PROGRAM ed "fully adequate safeguards to below the 29 8 cent average Rev. R*Mn*nn G. tap), Minister i non-profit corporation for insure against any 'reasonable Mm. J. Brut on, Pattot price of gasoline 40 years ago. EL. Jr. Hit A School. SI* Abbott Ed. r.udy foreign nations and probability* that Du Pont might Other retail prices now are 44 Sunday Worship t hapel And Partonaf* L.r-rw. sponsored by MSU and influence future T:M • • »R • IH30 simdav Xsrvtre* At purchase* or percent above the 1920 level, but *•3* a.m. Church Schoni and Adult e» other universities and col- other actions by General Mot¬ gasoline prices, except for the tlakv (Httsi at •:•» • »:3* A M. A U N A .M. Sludv In which students at* wel¬ • J* a m. Red Cedar trbool come. < rlbherv and Nimarv are lalaphone: ED 2-*7Ti n ors." : tax. are actually lower." ISto Masses) One Blorb Waal of I. Harrison Rt MERMON provided. pall* Masses l:R A AAA A.M. on sarar Dr. SUNDAY SCHEDULE Bv Rev. Truman A, Morrison Ceafesstaa* Pallv •« A M. A !!-** a.m.' Aula Tkaotr* I*:3* a m. Wor«hln and ConUaulir* imtno Worship: *:**, 10 to, llilf I N P.M. lafte* Resary) Nursery fa* Aa Church school for third trade and AM. nnder. Church School Sessions Al •aiarAa* MM * tJMM PA < horrh School 9:3* A II to A.M. SPRMIIN Students' (GamnM Delta) CATHOUC ATV0ENT OROAH1- Crib room Uu-oncb Junior Hl|h "The New Jt»)" Supper: *:** P.M. •:>• aw CoUec* Clam Waaler EATION MEET* AL'NPAT Bona* t 41 P M. STUDENTS WELCOMR Vespers l:ts pm l*'Jt aw*. AH Age* PUeua EO T-A77A Rlgk School EaUawshlp-t to f pJH. Call ED t-MIS for iransportatloa Bus Ssrvlca Avallabl* the mi» ie deli»»*i Jin 1 irorx '«» ALL SAMS ASCBKKM LUTHERAN CHURCH FIRST WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH "dilU'nlb North Magnolia At*, at E, Michigan EPISCOPAL CHURCH (Mlsaenrt Synod) 27** HasleU Road Rev. Gsorg* H. Hilton — Minister « t tt a.m. Morning Worship l*:44 an tion call* Marianne Tkach, 1A •e tkf*" tie ft*)*-' for BetotM Ye bam# PRE Alto* CbnrcA CA4 Rhe (age* 11-14) •:to )A C.VP. (Sr. HI A CoUsg* agr) « a* p a Es*t landoo Hall. s summit, Missouri Call RD 2-2SS4 unlimited BETHANY BAPTIST CENTRAL METHODIST OUYET BAPTIST MIB-OTY BIBLE CHURCH I0H_ opportunity ton E. MICHIGAN 2 to* S. CHURCH Peons* I* snia A vena* CHURCH RCV.'O. J. YUTNSTRA, PASTOR rutawe at Tapltol AflO%« „.2iL£ £££?—» Sundav School *:4A A.M. Worship Service* at *:M and 11:11 •UN BAY * u a m. Sunday Rtble Srbool 1 raining Union Ell P.M. Jen: S-- •nada* Rehoel • *> A.M. II to ta. Morning Worship Merest of Olin Mathieson in the vital fields of chemicals, metals, packaging, 4 4* p.m. Three Yeulh Gronpe Worship 1*14 AM. A 10A P.M. Paul Morrison, preaching )\ -i. "titicals anj energy and in the fiKirting arms and ammunition industry JtSL *4* Teacher Trote lag Claaa W. Mittoa Looery Sunday School at 9;t| fUnive 14* pa Iteahg InspRstlsail Aerilra Affiliated with the Southern the chemist, the chemical and the mechanical and metallurgical engineers Raptlat convention f r that can progress along any one of many avenues just as rapidly as ability "A CArtel-Ceatersd RIM* Tsachlag MMIstry Central I* a Friendly Church for Transportation rail ID S«iT9| It. P<" displayed. We would like to talk to you a .tout your post-graduate plans. .3 tin L-i'; ulin Mathieson in your interview itinerary. ATIO» SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH FIRST PRESBYTERIAN HOLY TRINITY GREEK tv ^ Olfn otlkv for Mathieson representative will soon Ite on your cauipus. See your place- WAAHtNOTOM AT MOORES RIVER DRIVE, CHURCH :e ' full details. LANSING r HOWARD P. AUGDEN. D.D, Pastor Weal Ottawa at North Chestnut I. Washington to Kim DIAMOND J. DILL. Assoc. Paste* DAVID ■. PRAIALL. Minister l»N Interview to be held on /on. 22 I* AM. RIDIB SCHOOL P. NIL! HARPER. Minleur Claass* toe Tenng People and Touag Marrteds IA4A A II JA Warship Eervtcee l* to * II JA CbMtb Ithssl Divine LMargyi M'Jt i se/vtoe#M,n " **** Path** RenhMAle ulin mathieson 460 PARK AVE., NEW YORK 22. N. Y. I PJA. EVENING t*AVICI . "God And Paiestlas" ERJgBy svaakj^CgirR Club fe* rennet)- officiating Per Trie igirtsMm C ON •:M P.M. ADULT YOUTH *EUX>WSMJP — ~ I to 1A PJA. George Teseerle ED t.v® I Oa lbs Cults" t Spartan Sivimmers Begin Michigan state news January 13, I960 Pare Four Redskins9 Olympics Criticised Expansion Conference Meet SQUAW VALLEY. Calif. W Ctishing's original plans call¬ —Alex Cushlng leveled a hit of ed for an outlay of 2'2 million Plan Told gentle criticism Thursday fit winter Olympic planners earn¬ dollars but he his quickly upped estimate to 4 million. He got out of the picture after the WASHINGTON (/P>—The Sophomore ing out a scheme he started six sears ago. Cushing, ski resort owner- games were Valley in 1955.« awarded to Squaw Washington Redskins — whose owner Georjre Mar- Swimmers promoter who lured the 1960 The state has put Up 8 mil¬ shall has been outspoken games here, said: "There's been too much money lion and may need another lion eral mil¬ to pay final bills. The fed¬ government has provided against expansion of the National Football League — Powerful spent. "However, it's easy to sit on 4 million for an ice skating will present a new plan for MrCaffrre 1 .in» the sidelines and say thai." arena. Increasing the NFL from 12 to 16 teams in 1961. The Join** in l.ini'ii|> CAMPBELL'S SUBURBAN SHOP CAMPBELL'S SUBURBAN SHOP Washington Post said Thurs¬ day night. Bv SI'/FTTF. MM«F.V The newspaper said the plan The Spartan .■> -• | There Is A Sale j will be offered by the Redskins at a special meeting of the club owners at Miami Beach, Fla., on Sunday. team eye* that ha. opened of a few di.'oelieve, after It* stronir ,howin» the tliir 1ft relav, ri At The Store ft FROM TIIE EXPRESSION on M rs < ovlngton'x fare, he's really The special meeting has been called three days in advance of open* its conference ,ea„ the annual league meeting on hearing down on Frank Torre* spine; but Torre doesn't look miser¬ against lowp Satnrdav With The Red Door \ / able enough for the training table bone-bending to he on the level. The clowning was part of serious business as some of the hometown Jan. 20 in an attempt, the Post said, to reconcile factions which 1:40 p.m. in the Mr '« | have been split on the expan¬ pool. Milwaukee Braves started limbering up Monday at County Stadium. sion issue. "People had us p«rrM The Redskins plan, set forth Suits lias 88.2 Per Came hv ('. Lee De Oney, Redsklna director whe will real the team'a team going dou*1. ' lost nine let term' H*-ti3- V/u,T. y uation, including • v,-. 38.50 4850 58-50 vote, rails for a veto of two- champions," M»( 'r»o t < Robertson Still Leads . team expansion In UN hot ad¬ But after pla- ng i mission of four new teams In five of the ninr •> • 1961. relays last Snturdnv, Britches a-.i >. 14.50 16.50 I Individual Scoring Race Austin Gunsel, acting com¬ missioner of. the league, con¬ some of near-firsts, McC-i" those « ■- -1, » . • , 1250 NEW YORK —fJhOsear Ro¬ burg Is the best marksman from firmed Wednesday that appli¬ cations for franchises, accom- sonic MSU of had the some em • g , ;• • bertson's average has dipped be¬ the free throw line. Parker has I»anied by $25,000 earnest mon¬ duals. low.the 40 points a game but the missed only one of 33 foul allot* ey checks, had been received In a trisnguUr meet last «j iVin IUI.I.Y \d CHARGE for a .970 pereentage. from four clubs—Dallas, Minne- urday. the lima tram plar Cincinnati Hen reals' star con¬ tinues to hold a commanding .Tcrrv Lucas, Ohio State's sen¬ apoliv-st. Paul, Miami and St, second to Ohio State*, r. FOR ALTERATION lead in the major college indivi¬ sational sophomore, is fifth in Louis. score with a 64' • *rorr. The th< scoring with 27.5, second In field Gunsel also said he had been team. Wisconsin, scored dual scoring race. gonl accuracy with .622 and run¬ notified by Marshall that Do Or- Iowa was ahead hv one jw. Statistics released Thursday ner-up to Leroy Wright of Col¬ sey, the Redskins attorney, until the la«t event, the t« bv the NCAA Service Bureau would he authorized to vote for lege bf the Pacific in rebounds jard freestyle relav \n whi through Tuesday's games show the team at the executive com¬ LARRY JONES. Junior, was singled out as having the outstand¬ v. ith 20.4. Wright has hauled it placed verond that Robertson has scored 458 mittee meeting at which all down an average of 24 3 re- ing performance for MM last week in the Big 10 relays, for his McCaffree will <;, - points in 12 games for a 38.2 clubs will be represented. three anrhor legs in the freest j le events, by swimming rnarli Charles iHiimds a game The Statistics in¬ ing sojihomores • c ?i average Tom Stith of St Bona- A fiction led by George Hal- clude games of Saturday, Jan. 9. MH'affree. venture Is «erond with 28 2 fol¬ majority <>f his •• as, owner of the Chicago Rears, lowed by Jim Harrow of Bowl¬ Ohio State has moved into of his hopes w: ! iv . ha* Hern holding out for the ing JOIls SVW.1II.1S LTHUKV ) Jones has th»> a fi PTK AVfl phone at Miami, told the Post 3 I l(»hi>r|vnn, cliwinnall |! Hlllli, SI inrruw, Howling llottivv. Ill 434 .Is i M.I 1 l.ilas would be ter unable to mus¬ enough votes to expand th* Face Tough Ohio Slate Saturday of mei-'i Claerhout and C < OPPORTUNITIES! league this year in the 100-yard fi JOB i»rem II III W.J 4 lliircrv*. Iinn»»n» IH 24# '4# De Orscy predicted that Mar¬ hunt wn« up b >" 5 I tit a« ohi«> stale II in.' •; » Michigan State's gymnasfics bar. narellcl bars and still rings. ♦>. IU*ihln«rr. 1-tirdne It Jf| .'1 # shall's opposition to expansion In the ( entral Mir meet on '-place finis1 team will hold its first h«»rr.e 7 M>«l, IS Vtrilnu tl 341 214 would be withdrawn If the in the llawkrvr A General Motors represent at ire trill be on campus Oiilfv, l i.l?..|r s. vtttdd. North Tc*. St. 17 N 2IM, I«J 2V» S3* league voted for four more meet Saturday at 3 p.m. in the Main Sports Arena of the Men's Jan. 1 Festa placed flr*t in the free exercise and side horse weekend and on tv 1# lliiiler. Niagara |0 21# JiJ franchises instead of two. competition, and Tarshis placed freestyle event. 1M Building, January 25,26,27,28.29 They will n\cct Ohio State, a imt on the high bar. Carl Shaar, nhnvf 5:41.1 farmanre In the 290-vard hat well rounded team which has Rebound tumbling saw John¬ Contact pour college placement olHee to arrange an interriew, Robin Roberts always been tough, and thi< year son place fir«t with Thompson a r!»«e second, On the parellel fly rare In the l««» Mate d< meet rut the old record hv is no exception OS!"* outstand¬ f "*"«TST-. - - _• .|H, • fnur xernndv will »wim ifi> Signs Pact . ing gymnast Tom Oompf wi'l bar* Shorr r;imc out on top with Inwa't Ray farl*nn «nif give State'* John Daniel* sorrc ft.issett M'-cmd. missing first bv Rhnfex. real competition m tumbling and one nt. Br >,v ;i was top man With Phillies Charle* Thompson in rebound on the rings and Durrce was irjj Hawkey# Howard Hnl • ft" meet strong compel.hen -n tumbling (trampoline) said runner-up jv.sition. The tumbl¬ Make Philadelphia ici—itobin Roberts signed his 1960 contract Spartan coach George Sz.vpu'a. Dick Becker, who ran a rh»*e ing Daniels, competition was won by 200-yard breast strode m >• Ruppart. McCaffree another ha* pri. e - i no f;c. second In NCAA free exerri*e* S.'ypula s.'i;.i be feels that the with the Philadelphia Phillies Capt. Frank M »! • sour ' Thursday and disclosed be took a "Justifiable" pay cut. as a sophomore In 193ft before missing lasl season on scholastic chief conference opposition this season will come from Illinois The 220-yard fr«-- pair aophomores Da < Br> and Michigan, the two top teams "It wasn't a tremendous slice." Ineligibility, will not play against last year Iowa will again have and Dick Blazejewski • ad next - said the 33-year-old Roberts. "But it was Justified." OSI' which due he U» a chipped wrist suffered In practice a good team and 'Minne *ota is figured fi» have one of their Iowa's Bill Glover Meyer". " Wadingicr. Cise* Roberts, who won 15 and lost He will he unable to play for al will face Dave li e f > finest teams in years. pipeful 17 for the last place Phillies in leaal leu days. "Dan Convlt an.' .' • 1959, said of his performance, The Spartan team which plac¬ in the 50-yard fr«« ' ' • "it wasn't good and it wasn't bad. I -didn't pitch as well as 1 ed high in both NCAA and Big 10 meets in 1959. can count mi The If eeUvtul Diget, Shaar and Tr-h I will swim th# 200-v»rd ind AMPHORA should have " Owner Bob Carpenter per- the returning of seven Ipttermen and several talented newcomer* Ski ( tmditioHS dual medl#y asaln»t ll»«t'( MitchelL Jim Bing and R«>h sonaltv negotiated the new pact According to Szypula "Th:i Nam##, bpartan hafAUfW for his favorite player. The tw o have dickered man-to-man ever ' team has the greatest dorlh of any I've ever had and it could In Michigan Km Gag# and Jack will cnnlend with I cx Wickeri I utler i inborn that ewtmlWi since Roberts canie to the Na¬ be Michigan State's greatest Larry Fru#hllns Sknng has bee >me one of the all ether imported tnbaecua tional League and the Phillies gymnastics team." Braekett and Cnaun-' rcmbined! Try It and jrour 12 seasons ago It has been s.i.d Stan Tamhis. who was li»l fasted growing w inter sports in son will swim the •- "J very Unit puff will tell you Carpenter would rather sell hi* year's Big 19 rhampton on the America—an;! there must be a the 440-yard frc« *• it- why. There'll more pleuaure team than trade Roberts. horltonlal bar. is Stale's big hope reason. in amooth-amoking, even- Glover Wadington a ■: Four mill.on 'k.ers whiz down burning, loofdMliag* l " "Rob suggested the pay slash this year. Other outstanding re¬ heff AMPHORA. and 1 had to agree with him," turnees include Daniels. 1939 . hill* throughout America, with more than 150,000 Iowa's big loss through £* l opuMr prlcwi, and more Roberts asserted. Big 19 runnerup in tumbling. 'ation was Gary »l »"r,s. ■.- <' for your money, too-full 2 devotees in Mich lean alone Although neither Roberts nor Chuck Thompson and € apt. An¬ for second in the B c ' ! r--v Looking deep... ounret in every p«rk 1 Blended (.''•liege students make up 9 the club would disclosve the gle Feata. iutiship* in the : in Holland. In handy trntkw The squad also boasts of son * large percentage of Michigan's and tins. Cum »a nod try H salary, it is believed ,the husky style last year, fine new sophomores; the most sKier* at its 71 winter sports today1 right hinder will receive in the Admission t<> mee * neighborhood of $40,000 for the prominent of whom is Steve ..areas Michigan State, too, has students with ID into the nature of(hinge jjcrce'rt.vge of enthuaists. it* coming season. Johnson, who placed third m the NAtTU rebound tumbling Thu.-. every Friday's sports page Roberts, who has won 221 ma¬ jor league games—six straight competition last year, he'll ab • will carry a complete run-down Syracuse Ileal- or -r,,.w conditions throughout years he won 20 or better — compete In tumbling for thy feels Uke the golfer who finishes Spartans. Michigan for the convenience of St. LiuisJIav-k- At the General Motor* Remtrrh Ijiharntorie*. physMth emptor with a. bird or par on the 18th .Other new comers include Gam week-end ssiers, Sn. conditions of late T nuiu+utii* iaoloftrs ami other ultra nunlern Itxhru>fues ami taolt hole. He's raring to go because Browsh, all-around; Larry Bas¬ a> SYRACUSE J* " of the impressive way he wound set, fr»»e exercise and pare!)«l Wednesday night at selected re- cose Nationals sr.-PC" 4 in iheir much for new scientific khouletlpc and an umlentomhng bars; Jim Durkee, horizontal sorta: 111 deadlock a •' up the season. tf the imuiy latent of nature that continue fa perplex mankind. BOYNF. 36" packed MOUNTAIN 6" to point. Splurge m the • granular base, ikiing minutes and 41 .levou fOod. feat the St. l*ou:s Hay Although • lot depends on a man's ability, enthusiasm ami WALLOON HILLS 4" to 12" 112 in a Nation*: " (growth potential, there's rvcrv chance for advancement in packed base, skiing fair to good. Awn. game Thurs*ia- '• *"'■ many fields for General Motors scientists and engineers. There's HVMM IF SNOW VALLEY. 4" to 12" Cliff Hagan's free b--e, 2" granular snow. Skiing only point '.* ■<< Virtually no limit'to opportunity at GM, fields of work are aa the varied as radioactive isotope research, astronauties, auto* good to excellent. . ' Western division leaders^ * SYLVAN KNOB $' base. Ski¬ the Nats' Johnny Kc^' i ■' mobile*, aircraft engines and inrrtial guidance fjrstezui-* ing fcood hook shot for the TRV A PIPEFUL to mention but a few. MT FREDERICK: to 8" and L*rry Coste.'-o If yon wish to pursue postgraduate studies, CM offers AT THE DEAI.KR Wakkcr's SgartM base with cru»t of ized by snow cap. snow .'pulver¬ Skiing good. three-point play. Bob Pet tit scored Jl >' financial aid. And since each CM division is autonomous yet NEAREST YOU MT HOLLY. 6" to 12" base. and II,(.n M ft.r hivitM jtm to dip thia aU- related, you can grow in two directions-up through your Skiing fair. 3 slopes. 4 tows and ipllttin* 22 in UM ' own division, or to the side to other divisions. vnllwanl, aaS ib, by to kU facilities operating. •Ian. COLI, EC.E nRl'G No. 1 pick „ your FREE CAN Tor an eaciting, rewarding career, see your Placement Office# It E.M ('.rand Blvrr OF KENDALL- HOUSEHOLD OIL. (0K( write to General Motors, Salaried 1'ersonnel I'lavement, FREE! 'd GALLON or Personnel Staff, Detroit 2, Michigan. 1IYKNKS DRUG Thi* offer «toads Ihnaik Jut. 21. 1M0. :t] Cut Grand Blvrr -KENDALL: -Tb* Am# of tbe fioe Peso. Motor Oil*.™ ROOT BEER OR ORANGE ALLEN DRUG STORE GEVERVL JUOTOBS .tot Cut r.rud Blvrr WITH 2 REGULAR 1 ITEM PIZZA.S ALEXANDER WENBt'S SPARTAN SERVICE If LAIN emu KXCLl'DCDI ®tt pwtlsss ssv wmflaHa k ksa tdrfi toe mm heWiog tachalor'i, Mo gar'i and Doctor'! doyooi. Mothonleo', flactricol, Indvifrtol, M«*o6wrficol, Owmicol. Aoroeouticoi end Caromlc Isgmtor n« in the Western Collegia'e Hoc¬ *aid Ressone. "Me had a tough hnro Y -iitlg I Rl a- ' 123 G.MArge H'.i>ie - holding duwtl key Association in a homc-and- time because of his inexperienre. man. may he elected next By BEX BI RN* o'l-i'-on. ar. i • W l*.:'l Gueeiardo: 137 N'.-r- r- n 'he heavy- hut ha* turned nut tn he one of xxeek to succeed the late Hrrt Atwfiitt Sport* Editor home series thi«> weekend ac¬ !iivi*:<»n heaxied hv Ban • (he Hell a* commissioner. •• an Yourg: *47 C,o- i<.n J ••:•.- cording to Spartan coach Am«» league's most capable goal- Young 'fc P. 10 champ Michigan State basketball Bcssone lenders." '.V.' v_lj"ix MH'*-' (tJT B«»h 'v;',- g Sc'.bdrf. '77 a« . 130 poiiodf las' year. roach F o r d d y Anderson Rn„e P.vefiner didn't seem overly enthus¬ The Spartans, fio-h fi >m hustling 4-3 victory over N a tli . ment on was asked the rest of the to o>mi- WC'HA Yachting in i heavx xveiglit--Jo'nn B ium lllini Illinois are sources state that the likewise strongest in Dakota las' Saturday, will skate Last xx inter Collin's pin¬ iastic about the Spartan cavr- members and their strong points. crew the heavx weight competition. rs* chances in their Satur¬ day meeting with Illinois, HAVE SCOTT APT SCHWA KM against Michigan rn Wo'vrrirm ice tonight and battle the same club here Saturday night. "Denver is probably the finest collegiate country," hockey team it) the he said. "They are Conference ned lllionis stronger in several departments xx ith defeat. This year the lllini are .1 crushing 74- Big Boh s»lata. xxti« joined the squad late feated three of his last four dual last season and de¬ *xhen interviewed Thtirsdav according to Spartan Slogs linee senior forward Messone'* of the tl'nl- extremely fast and pass very sources. , . . sophomore addition meet opponents by pins, hold* , fternoon. xerine* i* based unon sound we'! " do xx ii that berth. Anderson said, "Tllinni* wilt Fool bull Auction? fart* and observation The t.i!i Spar' o The -st grappier* arc a?*o i> I-v.xa Hawkeyes" every bit. as tough as The Spartans the • against I scouted them last Michigan Tech and 'hex weekend in crediting Michigan Teeh with a "very fast" cluh and North To Havana »aeh Gale ■mg « M k'es a»d. '!' xx ■ i x •'' cot ;h 'urn-"' Mik«« imped -i the 137 !b tVl.aug!i!in and .♦'a** topped thrir first Big 10 loss Dakota as a team with murh Although State hasn't had a* a* !H7 > ;• ti Pa* K>* imoreased with fine overall Pltihalelgli in Eagles me ♦ *he season tn Iowa Mn-vbtv experience and poise. ST PETERSBURG F'a V many matches as their opponents Wra.: pi»«d,o*ts ui 'he t' ,tu •• a 02-70 score. Tie MSU team speed, a good defense, and have, thex Jim Atack. .Viagra Falls. On¬ The St.iitheni .Ocean Racing C "V won't go into the • ---r i?t the 137. !47 and sham passing." *aid the 43-year match Midgets" will be spotting the old Snarl an mentor. tario. junior, will not see action feretii"* Thursday caeeel'.'il the completely cold. Thex !i) They ate i four inches a man acrnrd- Having Draft Troubles ' ' xx armed op for the lllini last Bessone added that although this weekend because «.t a neck annua) S* p. b tdjurg •-» Havana r.g 'M Miphomores and mexper- to Anderson. in.uirv. vacht te^mive of .mi renf weekend by defeating Minneso¬ a-ncert bench strength '■> c.xrry be optrr^'u- Michigan is presently leading race ta. He seemed to Face,iff '.me for Sat'u i..v »■«■«• idiBons Cuba." Northwestern, and Purdue in the ;.»ad in Ihe-e department- the WC'll A they are playing tn •,V.ut the squad's spirit for Sv- PHILADELPHIA

—"Von know what thev oujrht to ? ght's game is 8 p.m. Lew McMasters S* P.-'et-- . without one of the finest hoc- •' jy's game, however. 1 don"' do with these coUejrt* football players we're try in? to si?n," biirg. chairman ..f the .•i.nif - key piayer* in the nation • thev're down after the • ,.:,l Miami St. Pvtcr.-- ■'-kt'il Vince MeXally. irenerul maimirei' of the Philadelphia Bottler* After tn ■ . , e. "Michigan ha* a sophomore ,.v to Iowa. They were d-r»p- nvi. but they are ready to Knjrle*. what he wanted lie named * renter by the name of Gordon i.Mi t: ox en' race will replace the othet LOOK WHAT I FOUND! re' a -: An- hi« own question, number of dollar* and you met Itarrenson who won't become Second in Bow "The decision wax reached.'' C ..r.inenting on Have S o", M. N,. : ♦rtrd: eligible until next term, tie ■ h S> "it . forward. Amlerson said. did a good defensive h»b and • Put old an open auction IV- It give or take a few dollars. "But n'>t today The-c kids played for the Canadian nation¬ al champion* a few years ago fiei b'itn one vicUtry already un- belt. MSt's I'nioq 3lcMaster« said, "after it was anparent from talk* with racing TOM'S MARKET IN A • .ve n"tre excuses than y«»u skippers that there wa* no de¬ ♦he Michigan game; but was r.i.c that'* what this thing ha- and i* rated as one of the top F.v\. ing Club will he striving to sire their i-'uM dream up. You rreet their on part* to race to • rusty on defense in b"'h become, an auction, a rat race." players in the country." make ,» two in a row Saturday Cuba." i figure and then 'hey ?av. 'I'll • e IT of M and the If »i'ioa! unre ; m p If yoil haven't discovered loin's Anderson didn't attribute the renter-line-barker, and Rill l.a- The Fagle* have signed only arm hut added that si|ttad spun qu n'et of Bob Killian, Stu Wein- at 'lia' - two of their first five 1959 draft location two door* east of the lawa Ina* to any aperUI cause, pham. Iowa renter. Me'* been hna l>ecn high throughout the garden, Fl.1 Mover, Joe /am- But '.here will be n>» tH.mts ti hut did My that every tram has choices. Raughan and quarter- an,i Matt Pimperl by the t oral Gable*, then you haven't faring stiff rompetition from season. that event t«»xvard comi»etiU«m a had tame onre in awhile. hark Jackie fummings from "The boys have been husft'mg. sc.»f of 2H1MI to 2692. for '.he v.veted governor's ctio. discovered shopping values to the new American Football Spartan eager Horace Walker North Carolina. Raurhan. an everv and the only thing i' ,x,js the first match of the tt.e annual award to th.e SORU l.rague and the Canadian Loop. game match your porkrlhioik, Perhaps, b presently holding down the All-America renter the rluh that has huft-them has been In¬ season for both teams. Iw'ip whii finishes the .if "You tun into two typoa of season vou're planning a party for the rmer-tip Spot in Big 10 • u.h kids -ii.d McN'ally. "One s xx hen "you asked a kid "We think i'*« a *h-ee vear Probable starters for the Spa. - contract guaran'ering he 'xor.'t rherking bolstered the defense. Jan. IK ('astern xiirto I n.v. there bax toxxard another finish line Jan. in Was nr .>uir I no I here •an iquad will be the same . It wasn't known whether he cut and payable even :f ?!>e F.idon Van S.xpbrooke. Spar- I eh. • Wolrm Mirh. I'nix*. 1 here IJUMIII) MEATS auntet that started the Iowa jame At forwards will be S«vct Stan Musial Vague ground," never say* get« McN'al'v "We've off the fan goalie who has turned away 3!0 shot* in fen games will be I rk. ii r.nkiern Xllrh. inlv. I eh. 11 inlv *l*r. ol .) Wavnn stale I niv. xl.rh III 1(1 I here HI Nl Cuban vessels which usually en¬ ter the Havana race would par¬ ^nd Olson, Art Schwann and offered him in the nets against the Wolver¬ Mar-It I nlv of .Mb h. iimd; ticipate in the substitute event. top money plus Dave Fahs will hold down the guard slots while Walker will Feels Age * ♦ ip a chat we stable, fee! > an opjvirtunltv secure league. That's ines. The 5'7" 150-pound senior from Wallaceburg. Ontario, i- Fresh FRUITS Mi VEGETABLES work frofn the pivot position Harry Comb«r«, head coach <•! ST LOUIS P Stan Mu- V. nil we i an do," cuming al.«ng fine after a rough UHIVERSITY STUDEHTS' SPECIAL Frankly." conclude* MrV.i- beginning. ,ve Mifti, has eight veterans .t'.\',"us to atone tor the <»n'v VCH'K CTMM4 K OF: ly. mavtw we're better off with¬ siod Prime beef tarring from la^t years squad p ..." ; .,tf,• * Rosters are due basket- Manrue Jackson, 8-2 • ! («•' stronger " Govoner Vaughn. 6-3'• T! • m • '■n-time ba'Ung cbniMip- tiuuklx-, turn the out '«> i»' long haul " 'he h«>' it.i . ti-K'kev bv f*1'.iter'ti.fv V'»'1eyb«". open tiKia. Take-mil BEVERAGES 98c f- over p rii ,:d. John Wevels. 6-7 and .10 i that's ru- getting . 6-3, and Ed Perry 6-.x • i. uu? Stan is the first 'o admit 1 • r-.x nrd,x and Lou l*andt and Colangclo both 6-.' and •'When xoii get older, you have WANTED! IMIR3I sTl'DL.NTS; Looking for a really fine meal this Sunday evening? For the fineat ruisine at hard to heat prire* to work much harder to he he aure to vlhit . . . ready to play." «»Un Mid. "I* of XISl. Iioll. unit PhoRa EO 2-4014 l)ia.lVERX' SURVIVE .sr.- m game and will start will be at the 2 30 13 lit just wasn't ready la*t year. Onre ii.r.i Honirit "HOUSE OF OEET . . • ,/ctwcen the two teams. the season starts, it'* too late." for part or full li.ur work in ami NOTH K: All meat* served by the "Ho«*o off Beef" are I'SDA - KXTR.X ORIIIN.XRV . lie hatted only .333 after !• Prime. Nothing hut Ihe finest for yon from . . . straight .3d#-pl«a oeaaon*. aroumi Ka*l I oin-injc. ITS I tig 10 Loader. "house of beef" Mu.xial admits he was dead Set vnur own work hour*. "TWO 01MIKS EAST tired after the St. Louis Cardi¬ IVrry Dialiingcr nals 1938 post-season tour of I'ay ahovt ivrriif*. OK CORA I, ( " Toms Japan. He took It easy in spring " 113 W. MIC HIGAN AVE. HICAGO (JP9 — Sophomores tra.mng last season. Apply Plocmrnt Iturnu In Student Sertic-t Itlda. (Next to Hotel.Olde) "1 took it easy in past springs, ' ■? me top sharpshooters in '.he Hour*: Mon.-Sat. 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. — Sun. II a.m. - » p.m. ! young Big 10 basket ba. I too. but I was younger then and TIES.. J XV 26 10 a.ui.«-I p.m. •\ official conference t.sacktfad Thursday stati-- ., F'-t 11he more -aid. easily round - into XSk MIR XIR. O DUX3EU. spet-laiiring in: roast beef, round beef, rhirkrn. duck, steaks, etc. FOOD YOl! ALWAYS REMEMBER" MARKET 7 so of the league's *■ lor thr past !• day*. Musial has hrea huffing and puffing «• .g >. marksmen the are curnrfn pacemaker nexv- through a rug red set of esereise* STAHUY HONE PROOUCT, INC. •• "X soph Terry 'Dmchingrr of .. .(lined h* C ard trainrr Rah :ue with a corking-good 34.3 Raaman. Mr kaa tK weeks of i*e for 3 conference games whinger fattened hi* point the same before spring training. This looks easy but man. it Reese Olger Wishes To Thank All Of His New Monday night with a 43- isn't." said Stan, sweating and * splurge in a losing smiling. "But this is really the Tr-x-* '; l" rut Illinois for the fourth cause w ay 'o g.' in shape — you re tuning up ul' vour muscles, not Customers For A Successful First Term And To Announce single game performance •n Big 10 history. just a few When we s.taiUii. • Q~< o State's brilliant Jerry Lu- third is another sophomore. four pioh-ups arm ■! ^ a»-bus.hc.X Now I can do 13.** That Due To The Welcome MSU Has Given Varsitv ■ *-ith a two-game average of 1 want to play lOi) to 12*» games," Muaul said. "I fv* i Barber Shop One New Barber Will Be Added Immediately. H1LLEL FOUNDATION Shoesliines are still lay KUBE.N MUtPU HOUSE SUFFER I MIXER Varsity Barber Shop SUHMY, JAUUARY 17, US F.M. AT THE URIEL HOUSE 208 M.A.C. u« IN Bm>* tmim Wil«« MKrr s IliCLOW STYLE SilOl' f: ■> * On Campus" Engagements Religious Organizations i L ALPHA OMICROV ri Plan Varied Activities It's Leap Year nn mi pi< Jaine lloff*. Dike Oh—.. Sandy Klinuer. Birmingham - Ily CONNIE ZKKIT - th» hin,..:. P.ort Adams. !„•«• Member* of campus relifiou* ort'iinizatinnii will be en¬ State New* Society Editor to T »m ('umtuings w! ; >«n -if, Albans. V!.. suphotnore rent?" Institute -1 Techn >! .< joy in? .i variety of activities this weekend. An open-hnusc. rh Pf S' Junior. pizza party ami record hops liijrhlitrht their social Calendar. Veil fur Bissextile! (Anil that's leap year.) Bissextile MICHIGAN STATE NEWS alpha sir,ma phi Foundation will hold service at the Alpha a mailing work project. is the ancient name for leap year, ami I hope you all realize January 15. I960 Page Six Con nip Gris'-1 'Sabbath . A f -runi is also planned for that I960 u the bljr year. U' hkIs M'n>-r and f)« :*« Epsilon pi* a* 6:45 Friday !>• evening. An open-house and 7 Sundae evening in 31. Union. Acnircliny to the Gregorian calendar, introduced way 7a t,.. to Robert Escher, St Johns The program "Invest Your Sum¬ U BIG TOP SPECIAL; Betty \\. ' mixer at 6 pm Sunday is also mer." directed by the Rev. back In 1 ."82 A.I)., every year whose numlier is divisible freshman. OUcn. llartman. planned. James Waltz, presents summer lo four is a leap year, with the exception of those years s|MI \ 1958 l-ilr. sedan Pontiac senior. Members of the Fellowship of service and work opportunities whose numbers are divisible by 100 and not by 400. Which I,ike new. Letter of rec¬ AIPIIA M IIM.T.% Religious l.iherals are meeting for college students means . . . that 1800 and 1900 were not leap years, while for a coffee hour at 8 Sunday ommendation li.V original Patricia II num. I; »j-> evening in the Union art room. Ciamma Delta K having a card 2000 will be. Comprenilo? -»nior, to T »m Woidrt;:?. party and rrrord hop at R p.m. ow lier !.a:n The Rev. fie raid Wyman will Somewhere, somehow, in the mysterious past a legend I?.-- icster. N' V sen or in .' Th< - Friday. Supper and open-hnuse was started that women propose to men in leap year. Just . presi nt a brief talk. I'rirnl (•> Sell. 'a Chi; Cathy W'ebrr. Rey.i! O, „ t« planned f»r 6 Sunday even¬ junior, to D"n Dygert. I." M W< < Weds are planning a ing. how this custom for women to won originated, has never graduate student and PM K.»|>. .. pizza party a* 8 p.m. Friday. Campus Vespers is presenting really been unearthed. Hut it may prore interesting . . . MALCOLM MILKS P i: Jay Clalnipsrh. Pip- n jun¬ Members 1 -f the Wet ley Found.i- have an opportunity a film. "Martin Luther." in the reyardless of the oriyin! ior. ••» John IKs Ur, .-em.: 143.1 v:. Nile II LANMV. social ha!! of Peoples Church at Kathcr Time has (riven free rein to all sinyle s|>ecimenx an.I Th.-M Ch: S t..v evening to help with 7 p.rn Sunday. of the fairer sex this year. And if any MSU coeds have any Members of the Canterbury Club will "gather for a party at doubts about where to start their plan of attack, don't LATE SHOW TOHITE AT 10 P.M. 8 p m. Friday. In addition, an foryet the Spinster Spin In February. • feature Shown • organisational mooting and sup¬ The Spin is "the dance, and the niyht of the y*ar" when per is planned for «:3Q Sunday the women of MSU play the yentlemen's role In every way. 1:15 • .1:30 . .»:I5 - *:in» . 10:20 evening. |Ait LANSING • fHONI •Oh.MWd Catholic Student Organization So. men. if ,vou wnnt to heyuile some enrhantiny woman planning a record dance from into askiny you to the one and only ylrl hid dance of the THE DRAMA I iC THUHDERBOLT THAT CAR is 9-12 Saturday evening in the year—you better hop to It and ask her to the J-Hop first! student center recreation room. Fair play, you know. stale N<-w« Photo hv Bill Callahan ONLY BE SEEN FROM THE EDCE OF YOUR SEAT! For the Sunday Rev. Father Robert Ktvanaugh forum, the The J-llop is fast approachiny, and as you all know. It's COSTUME PARTIES WERE the word Thursday evening as the will speak on the topic of "Prim¬ a one niyht affair this year. All juniors, tw sure to buy second *lage of sorority ru*li was in full swing. Sharon CrUsman. a new image in suspense itive Christianity'1 at 8:15 in the recreation room. your tickets Tuesday because there are a limited number Rorhester sophomore. Pat Velllquetle. Marshall Junior, and Llndi C'ostello. Inkster senior, rehearse steps for their house entertainment available. And this year it's "Our J-llop"! Stage III parties will he held Sunday afternoon. Althouyh on the calendar, the maple niyht may seem far ORDER off. yentlemen, please remember that like Rome, your date Beatniks. 1/il Aimer. Too cannot be ready In a day. Do vour askiny soon and thus campaiyn for your im|Kirtant invitation. YOUR Here's to a successful Bissextile to all! Greek Rush Heads M.S.U. Weekend Festivities RITA ANTHONY GIG RING By LINDA BAFMER HfflfWORTH FRANCIOSA YOUNG Carol THF.TA CHI Wangeman, Lansing sophomore, to Tom Wilkinson. AI.PIIA TAI* OMEGA Sandy Bnetz. Rocky River. Ohi" Both rushecs . Performance* "t;"" Thp junior, to Jim Connors, Univer¬ lan. Chicago, III, graduate stu¬ and the majority of active mem- Jubilation T Corn pone sity of Toledo graduate and Piii honored at the Alpha F.d dent. ikers will dress easuallv, while Kappa Psi; Su«an Overmyer, ten member- of each house wiU !') house-Saturday evefrn.- u TM weight $19 Oil A T*. Chattanooga, Tenn., junior, to ALPHA XI DELTA "Lil" Abner" party r. •. wear castumes to carry out the Miekev Chandler, Auburn grnd- Elaine Kenn. Grosse Pointe men's will consist of (."!•• > TX weight S34.AH A Tv them«- "f each party tia'e an t Sigma Alpha Epsjlon; junior, to Mike George, Univer¬ Ru The bnal stage of sorority Tau; Jarkle Rirhardsin. Ben'o.i invited to put their RANNEY Jewelers MCtW.% AI PIIA KP8||J)N Sandra Folger, Rattle Creek Harbor senior, to Jim Stradc, Mt Ijcbanon, Pa, sophomore rush, termed will be preferenre dessert, held Wednesday. Cock¬ pipe favors to use durin. course of the evening. NEXT TO STATE THEATRE sophomore, to Darretl l^hmmorc, t»i Skip rush of the 1959-60 scbfx-)I year. rushers and date* will partiri ADDED! CARTOON & NEWS Cin>m.S--' lAwim«M mini rick, Battle Creek Junior and Alpha Gamma Delta, to Racer tX>wd, Birmingham senigr and Phi Gamma Delta; Jarkle Ph Kappa Sigma wi'J enter¬ tain 'his evening at a "Playboy pafe in row hoy and dances. themrd tames EfthmoMer. l)eart»orn senior; Oatrander, Greenville senior, to Party." The traditional rabbit Although the weather <>.r- • Sue Riddell, Beverly Hills, Robert Bradley. University of and filer decorations arc being mav be. spring-like, two t: ♦ Calif, sophomore, to Bn*ft Nel- Massachusetts graduate and Al¬ furnished bv a notional maga¬ ndies will be furnishing I.AST l>AY - C.AItROIJ. HAKE.It in "TIIE MIRACLE" ter, Detroit junior. pha Ciamma Rho zine Saturday evening tivo "pni own snow setting The S.j . Kips' and their dates will at¬ Alpha Mu house will !v '• staktim; tend t.-.e I* of M-MSU hockey formed into a ski lodge I n ' - GLADMER _ S-A-T-|.K.I».\^ MICHIGAN fame The •Serines" «.f Phi and dates Alpha Sigma will travel nouth Saturday evening rush \> Ski<„ rifles anrl a are to decorate the wall Bud THEATRE . PHONE IV. 2-9831 "" "==== f • Ik la S P.M. t Weekday*) mt the border this evening "Meyirid Mood party. at a John Spa miter ami his combo -1 plav for dancing Feature *h«w n at 1:75. Tie Macedonian lfaU 'Ail' TONY" Mason's hand will furnish mu¬ GARY . 4:15. 0:45. * 30 P.M. cftATia or sic for hat dancing in the rhap- ler house game room. the setting of the Ph. F*si indoor ski party S.v: K... GRANT CURBS SNAKELLS-JOKULLI ,OWfST OF Greek letter? will backdrup for dancing to the mu¬ sic of the Batchelors at the The¬ form a evening. Tie •cheduied to perform. Batchelors a Dick Dee will furnish riu- MAMMOTH ta Chi h >use this evening. for the Phi Gamma Dei'.. Bo-' submerged with 5 wonder MUSHROOMS! HELD Delta Sigma Phi will enter¬ nik party Saturday night. The Phi Sigma Kappa : > • tain rusheea and their date? a? the s.a sea tiger turned LOST CONTINENT OP ATLANTIS! OVER! a at aerri-forma' dance from 9-12 the Tee House tonight. will be transformed Oriental tea house.for tin n.; in' • a ■Trsl RH; S kkk Alpha Tan Onega will danee party Saturday evening SUBTERRANEAN OCEANS! GIANT s FLESH-EATERS D4 METRO DONS QROTTO QUARTZES! .ADULTS 70r CHILDREN' 2«r GARGANTUAN FIRST SHOW 7 l\»l. — SAT AT I P.M. CHAMELEONS! EXTRA SAT. AT I P.M. 7 CARTOONS ' 1001 Th- Mmsrr Man ua aa4 Ik, ran Iruaa that laak on OTHER a wkate taanakaaal aarM Mai aaair it ,ua . . . WONDERS! . Lib!.:vC Mi- T //TI -. • 'l V .T1W POT boone JAMES I~—! »wi.u Mi-tJd ^2^2 HKmH SS^B HOT MIOWnNG r MB rp»,-,r iFi WrM I I operation petticoat Mason SITN. — HON. AND THE. . in Eastman COLOR ARLENE DAW. JOAN 0 Bill EN • DIXA MERRILL • GENE EVANS .. PICK SARGENT DIANE ALEC GUINNESS w ARTHUR OCONNELL BAKER ix one or .... [;««»■ m—.stain $>*•».•.hum ku • —wu: «ktmur • -MT . ■..* .MM M MM. Ml* GREAT HITS I'll.ASK KOTK SATURDAY'S SCHEDULE "ttffMTC SHOWS .1 IM.iM.IM.M41l.lkll I .ATE SHOW STARTS SATURDAY AT H:« P.M. » SUNDAY'S SCHEDULE MIOWs »T 31 • FEATURES At lllMIMM-tMil ! — with YVONNE DeCARLO Mlf IflC.AN STATE Nlfl'N Hpstaurunl Chili Kennedy Mapping Plan Plans Hiii Ihi ncp Jantiarv 13. |A«R fage Neve# For California Priniarv In Exalip Svttin« New Space Engine Boosts W ASMlN'dTC)\ J' Sr», The people .and the time*'. A Night in the Exwtic O •.on*' Thor >lissile tp Distant Point John Kennedy (D-Ma si said Kennedy -aid. will demand "not the title of a buffet dinner T'hi: - a*. he is "enlcr'aining the merelv a uookkceper who feels rlance to be presented Fen :rx CAPK ( ANAVKRAI. LTN- -A new space engine made ;ard primary. come The !e»* vac the first of three A Night in the Exotic One:.'' Kennedy t • •! d the national The Able and Delta rr»-ke*< have i« t'l boa-t a menu, decora'ions, to- *he engine. • hich th«* United ;>!*■-• i-'iih a luncheon that numerous space assignment!* ;n ht exoo;"'- tn meet Sen. Hubert' co.stumes on an orien*a' Si ite- iv-nc- u ill help fill a gap the next few months. Most in¬ theme. Dishes such a< Manoa unti! bigger boosters Humphrey (D-Mintih the only vpace volve hurling relatively small other av ovod candidate for the fruit punch. Pan Li Chi Kan. and ' developed in a year or sp. t>av!oad* into orbit atssijl the liemoi-rafi-' presidential nomt- Chang Pan Shia will he served I? ;t proves out. the new pow- ear*h or deep into space nafe".. one Tickets will go on «• t> Mon¬ in prumm or day morning for studen*-- at t-ie e plant probably wili ne u-en The Thor blasted off »' ll'R* a 'hv. I'ninn ticket office Faculty and :n Thor-able and Thor-Delta * :m. Thursday and covered *h# 'But the M » a« hieet!r sena¬ ?.700 nu>< to its target in shout caff may 'obtain ticket* a* i9 rockets, three stage vehicles em- tor :r:Mic;i*iii 'his may no* or the !"» minu'es. Kellogg Center. ivwing *he Thor a- a first stage April W.sconsin preferential v«/e uii:,-h his' brother. Robert Kcn- . nedy. ha- s.n-t .uH-'.nvn!ve an unfair 'est heeause 'he -late per deis K' "lino- ' Humphrev's home CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS Kronen uggeste-t ' 'nigh* IIKIIILINKS: I p.m. It*) ll.for* I'utili.-ation for lue-.. W>d.. Thur«.. be possible to work out an and Fri. Kditions. Dradlint for Sinn. Kdition: I p.m. I'n. I It MIDI'S AT Till) Thrlii Chi hoti*r gather ( Wd fwirmiij rtbliini begin* today and n il! with Humphrey u/i- agreement Hill- I'ayahlt *.|a and l-.< Monday Ihrnugh Friday liT'iund the traditional puddle to sign their names. continue through Tuesday. See story on page I. rier which Humphrey would en¬ Tax I .allied UneoiMititiitional ter the March 8 New Hampshire primary in exchange for Ken¬ 111) 2-1511 EXT. 2615 nedy's entry in Wisconsin. than In a prepared speech Kennedy )lackie Claims JSuisance Tax FOR SALE HOUSING tllP ,s uman. -aid the next four years wilt AUTOMOTIVE require a president capable of Llnil.i FOR RBNT acting as commander in chief ment of the Grand Alliance. Appar¬ SERViCI THAT SATlSFiB • OOMS Robs Road Construction Fund ent !v he was talking about lead¬ ership of the free world lineup m general . SF.V JOHN Kr.NNF.OT Oemnrratir candidate . lit* MERCURY. STEERING PAIRED Good motor. *•><> Call Do-r El) 2-.UL11 Satin dav t'nlvcrsttv Drive u 00-1 Oft RE¬ 2U» • a . • - Abbott 1 APPROVED MALE ' IfOt'SlXG *1* 'Mtie« Road Room, board, parking *1*3 pet term, Ca'.t ED s .... ■»» mure Michigan nw>- have saved ,o /-lu-h a- a ear it have rough' • ' e . 1.1 A3 it peed ride. 7 their lives in mite weigh* tax money 1*37 BO re; WARD TWO-DOOR SE¬ k»se per pe- ov. ' an i Campus Classifieds Cow Cost dan. Tn model. S-ia»p leathrr tn'e- ^0R SALE _ -e ot the stale's new Michigan's con¬ . . . n»r Orto owner, low mileage Pt«ye17*5 V* GREAT LAKE* t*5? PerNMweb- ■j • ••he.av Conimi-sKtn- told the annual Mi hix. t road building and • prue. * ^hi ieer Full ba'h two bedroon-.« Fngllah L- rd iwo-iloor station •».•« esfrv and Park A !rse profit the gen- .let Slack tint-*- leather Interio' i' e ne« Mu«* »e!l. Reaiobahle FD LIQUIDATION SALE! on Thursday at K"'!. x tfaM or between t fV,r 423 aorl up "of 11 Don I #a on all present merchandise ■ cast S3 0 million wav construction. evcelleot condition FD ''a" • ange- ci d t • . tear ken ue Store II!" F. \fuh therman extenglon yjTA ''i n That's about seven The tax has can*.-.! . ■ State highw.i\ eiettinK- Mondgv through Thur«dai , IV J-H2F 13 eninc tors bidding high-. n-.t subject to u.e FOt'VD SI?AEEEER PEN ne» • .«v expi i'ssw ay. and nn CummuMi atien Skill* musir Dili lion lohs til raise Oy •re Maekie has ap- 1*33 FORD C't'STOM <• Rt'NK Building, h- i: new expressways . ien-toti 2Q1A 7 thlight •o rtilow for the tax. a.-.-u * l..*v t.. Attorney SuralrrK—ItuiiliM'ck ami -lm«l »ul> Wi.'W ■adio heaiet white watt- F n teacher «e!!tTig latr.iiv \r'<. pieie uuabtv FT) 2-l.VM • 7 I.ORT HEARING AID, ber«. ee- to Miickie. r- who ha« nut yet I'lant Kii^siiins May The architects of the S|M»rl-liirl—'lalliCK In .SI.'J.A mil* S2JW TRANSPORTATION SI'F C 1 A1 S TEXTBOOKS ■ ,r.f Aim at Ton llu«t«abdrc SHORT I»air« r!'i Reu-afd P-.wet ant Ad Building Return to xtechanionl t n yineenng Oilue. room I. Old* H*!' £■■■■■■■■•■■■■■■■■■■■■■% Slacks-all rcduccri .<».*)«>. S'l.'Hl pivmouth I*'a *e rout-d' .ii reltent vondifion A1«o l*W Ph- 1 • - ■ lotirth edition'. I'-mltn. and Cro' Production OR «-43(U» I Irl lit I l -l to in 11 C.iiriliiroy Slacks tt»- i>la-t|f t iltttng Sr>a«.i :A WORD TO THOSE; mill end all «;tpnlte» Must sell II' 1-J4-.'' v : \f;TON «licro- lore I pm tf 1137 m*I(K CENTPRV tour-l-or Pu-k-iitJ, excellent condittan. ■ plans to orbit h-- Coriliirus S|iiirl Coal- sll.W haidt>n 24.IVto »mle« («'*'• otie FD S-.t»»77 EXT 2.177 i THE MFRI.YV GATES ORCTffS IRA danceable rruaic with that hi* '> .mhs around the earth tin It IN 11113 ED A) Till ; STUDENTS WHO ; t ami k»und and teeltng Phone IV DECORATED CAKE* Dft 1VTRED ■«": - down satellites that could upon an enemy Tii|i I .iiat-—all reduced S'J'I.'W and SH9.W 3 no 411 C'hetle* Stree* GET YOCRSF.l.E A rood deal on •" to vnu ior other rlelieioiit partie- buthdav* -Man* pustrte* Kwa*t hav- 3-1*71 if Stale Jackets Ke.ersilde Ken. ' l.'A.t—8I0.9S a l"t«ti falcon or ford from a former ♦r« IV 4-47A3 If K EN NX DAVIS ORCHESTRA" call FD 2-147) ; fSI) atudeiit See Get e Selden a' i.JOR. consultant m 3ja\ < ortv In. IV 4.4411 11 hmi-c energy, told reporter- (•Inves and Jewelry , 20'. tiff . BIG BtfAKfAST BONUS en tan -SUN TAN—GIRLR. ret Veur gniii under tt.e light* «t Univer»i<- : WANT TO LEAD A j k extern Irtive- iking may be brhin; llau« oilier sallies to eliini-e (ruin EMPLOYMENT" &OOO e- • I1»...|.. t>al„n ED 2-1114 Nikita Khrushchev FBCSH r a !>Jirt»ei ' S work on fantasti MEN* S»*EK1VG FMPIOVMFNT REAL ESTATE let OUIC* e . games full-time or part-time work for peritonei interview call IV 4-315* i Hit LYNDItURRT WAY T.hrea ' such missile* are ' SEUONUT SHOE i.edronm*. full baiement large |o« ... WOMAn"fOR TABCI.ATIONS aid CLEAN LIFE j Dining rftotn ceramic bath. EE •■ediate threat but are ilerlcnl work full time «ork at 212 MAC Opre 4-2424 ; v for the 198» en? into orbit could 513 E. Michigan Avenue, Lenaing anvtima during the day HA EE. STREJCT IJANSING. T« mapped with devices so % ■ a i ■■■■■■■i o s? benroo-u* iinturni«hed nil heat could be recalled, he clean, partial ba«emen* IV 4-4171 t FOR SALE . OLDER GRADUATE WOMAN h-« - • ,b:e ' it would be per- So have a series 'SO CHIVY! ONLY WAY YOU CAN BUY A nice from 2'j rampu* bedroom to houae ope hloi k shate n-ith *an»e fa.ultv or employed. |I3 plue '» Cr.f te»ff CAR FOR LESS IS TO BUY A LOT LESS CARI io*er g*#4r« m orbl* and to sum- SWOR AT FRANDO* 8* FO« litilitle* ED 2-M13 ».*>♦' "rycieg ..iov.-n v. th reasonable ; riA'E. ROOMS UNFURNISHED " ei o INDIAN HILLS STUDIO apart-* HAY RIDE,A — AT reduced rate* I 1 inert T'vo room* and bath Eur- through winter term for t'nivernU iHon Rho. national %/V> ni«hed Suitable tor one or two. grout* f|ea«ed partv room available '••ievision honorary. 1- college approved Rent edjua'ed ac¬ Phone now for reservation# Roe Ce'durey f«»t» by D'tL* 3 'f cording to ft»v r.D 2-3124 » Riding Ranch IV 4-4327. tr three day field trip leetbet &lo»»i — 6 « • « • r • a*.:» beginning Munda, \ II .0 LIGHT CI.ARSHS. f.NJOV ar». BRAKES COMPLETE REFINING tead poetry. « jjtured roommate •**3 and up Ad|u*»ment 1P Cioeo ■acred to «' are approved three- u*ad tire* ( bampton Brake ReLr 1 ■ guests of two Chicago Car MJb | »t 1 1 * room apartment s»'oe. refrigerator er« 2*10 E Kalan aroo. IV 4-4«4». tf^, r and private b«rh U ill tolera*« beal- ' -/ igencies. the group Treeptr Cegt *t» S4" I 'I r.-k- 9 fit montblv F.D 7-7gh! after AUTO 1VSURANCE Dmee* 'he network televiMoti Tidir Jeektli t 14 no n m 1 under * A tn»ured i m me f lately, Ann!* ■ - ■» and view both per-onatlv. lit Fa»t Grand Rivet Arctic*- 4 r .: »;* %j 'I k r- i • » •• GIRL TO SIIARF APARTMENT suite .Hi* 4 d * videotape operations tlo^e to camou* ED S-SM7 Lvemngx n also be made to com- Kerce* BeeH U»« TYPING - ED 1-4536 T "" t t.iim studios and record Wellinfloa looti S rt 11 APANV.IENT THREE ROOMS WONOI 1YPING- -OFT SET~DUP - uumbthed; living rtap feels that the know- ■ x: *ing. 10 mfniite« to *fsl! or capitol. !•* produce* profex!***#' Iretie vi Name T«|i oualit\ off*et copy, ateneik* end eer ! '-' Ctilitiee fumi«ned F.D 2-144. 1 v gam from their visit Leded T V •• Hi and anternaea. F>ta Toboffee* '-y*" 4 • tube cheek'ng tree 1'1'arknil ElerUsI Ice fubi*t Teafi— ONE OR TWO GIRLS •tare modern apartment wanted Garage to % t> ru 3922 F-. Michigan IV daily T V parking. I am Technician* Co. availablp. Call evening* ED 2-ltfO 7-3.334 ft WlTrrMari r TYPIST ANN BROWN Phone TU >. Da'hm McTartand. a pro- APARTMENT. rOt.H ROOMS #uf t-W.ib Electric typewriter Tern '• wr a; leerylbiaf let Ice lnb.*f r. ihad Private bath Ea«t aide 1am- naoer* and tbeoi* a'ao general t\n hLSU, was eiected sec- •ir.g. )9 minute*, to mxl' »r rapitol surer at the Acuden > t'tihtiee rumMbed. ED >-t44» v * HTt'DENT SPECIAL --COMPLETE «*Ugemuut at iU annual AVAILABLE NOW - APART tune-un pomte plug* (onden*er an" 10* HOLl ft SfOH c^cgAcadamy n WaAingUm. DC ••F.NTA rloae te eampu*. one and tun bedieeme t'nfufnuhed eveept timing OriJv HI id Car «*,h. go vegr«eif. fog only S6 con p.eta to* •2 » prifeaa onal organisation in at Managemer/ Amaneaa of higher F'erdijr Oee* Wem. T»»'*, hi Ceetet «.e- rerngerater and eteve ED » «M* tf ROOMS ■ ing ten ure. *3 ..1 a cell Oneo fro;- 7 an a rn to 16 ftft |» m Dave'* Texaco |qgf^4^t Grand Wper. | tn **abon who taaeh manage- any of ita aspacts or ap- NOBTW FENNRYT.VANIA MICHIGAN AVENIT. NEAR *lrg1e room, TRANSPORTATION Rfteae IV tlOII aooroved bv houetrg Ceil IV l-tkd fHcatioo^ alter » WANTED RIDE TO fftllMate »je m. • Muhigen, or nearby,.anv time Eii- SINGLE LARGE. QUIET room for ciay. Januait IS contact Sue. ED male No perking ».D 7-1441. a what b (am? MAN'D-PHIK TED COPY - NAKED MAJA (4*1 feet 1. tie for eertv d»- LARGE DOUBLE BOOM, Three min¬ avail¬ WANTED Imk mnl e Ihrtt intuit fit-Aerr you uont it) oiUioot an i t Soarten Village ED VI tkit ss* I kemitt. Here I tkf kind "/ mure room atlc y,itr Messy sf TOPCOATS- Sbe te'je b">-^ e* •» EAST HIDE BASEMENT room, 4 Ot) HAMBURGER .Ulinf mpkistimUm —d nhJt cumA tkt mil l iJm inch more out tide (where you don't want it). And with all »'■>*' AMAHR ' SecV Be • j'se be at 4'ey. »4th»- eentlemen ing UtUitiaa paid Cooking, F« c. park¬ |23 WILL BABYSIT 'IN W\ a Mart men' thene ademce* Cheey ha* managed to hold the prue line! month. IV »-!•» I Hndl-crafUmmuhip tm ttmU. Htrt't Iks kind •/ full . bottoii. AND PARKING rACI- 7-?4Tr°ur* ,'V* el>- Acrm Your dealer will be delighted to fit you in or all the fart*, Cull rum/art list msdksr »/ tks ulksr km Mis* Ism ..ef —- * • r «... 1 rTIER. Unauperci-ed 214 Charle* Ill-M RECORD PLAYEr7 W'tt Swbw CM.| 5*o• !0 *!*, R«C-T¥-1*» <*»t »•*•• f8*.r thMiMiH «M«> ABC rv. NEW 1'eS '-toe \ One block from Be k»» F.D 7-91811 4 (Or.xider an* model. ED Reom "ATE THEATER I?. P.tCO*uS. t.a . B 213 - t ®f». APPROVED FOR TWO MEN. Room T»k» Out lib 7-9171 Xow~/ad dttirmj: -1! See '• n! afiflorlznf Clnrofet (fen'rr. Ceatect D»»t, 204B Immea* icith e".tr*«we. kit Mien and parking, private t *■—..« Iu»ni>h* mnrcntraie rc?pnn- At the time of the crash the Jan. 21, and will run every tend to obscure NASA's respon¬ between 4,000 and 5,016. Most ia over North Carolina while heed¬ •je'!.i;j**.• i-»r the nation"*- peaceful The heavily insured victim "More investigation cur¬ casualty list carried the name Thursday for five weeks. In- sibility for planning and run¬ arc at Ifuntsvillc. rently underway." Oscar Bakke. ed nonstop from New York to spaco program in tho Civilian was named as Julian Andrew >( "Julian K. Frank. 32. of 28 torested players may sign up at ning a program of peaceful ex¬ Eisenhower said the change¬ • head of the aafety division of Florida. the Union Board desk. Space Ageno over would spur work on super Frank, a 32-year-old lawyer Ellery Lane, Westport, 'Conn." After a reading "f Eisenhow¬ ploration in -pace whoso home was Westport, Conn. the Civil Aeronautics Hoard told At one point he said Frank's Among other things, Elsen¬ rocket engines. er'- two special messages. Chair¬ hower asked thai the president man Over'on Brooks (D-Lai "f be relieved of legally Imposed M.«- House Spare committee said duties for planning and detailed ! ■• found the proposals rra-or- survey of spare programs, lie e,.v N* • oppo- itjon developed also proposed abolition of the or Once Capitol Hilt immediately. again the President un- National Council whose only Aeronautics and Space function, he ITS FUN TO SHOP AT KNOPFS, where everything is drmrored his view—and here said, is to advise Jilm in this con¬ he may he in for Democratic criticism—that "there is at pre¬ sent no clear department of de¬ nection. • In a i dci it second'message, the Pre- formally notified Con¬ beautifully displayed in u pleasant, uncluttered look, fense requirement for such very of hi- plan, announced large" rocket boosters as the Saturn. gress (let. 21. to transfer to NASA the and where you will find so many friendly, convenient is the name given a l ici Still's In Ellll come, browse around. Saturn t ! project for developing a giant t or Siuilrnls' Dinner services available . . . three-stage rocket, with a basic thrust of 1 4 million pounds, 1o The Indian Student Assoc. wii! boost a manned vehicle far into hold a dinner f-r Indian stu¬ spacr Vcn Rraun's team, based dents and guests .Ian. 2d at 0:30 *»»«• a) the Army Ballistic Missile p m. in the Short Course enfe- Agency in Ifuntsvillc. Ala , has leria. <1:30 M M been working op the Saturn which already has been 'ran- - Today is the bet dav get. to 9 p.fii tickets, on sale by J N. Ahuja ferred by Eisenhower to NASA. from 10 a.m. '•> 4 p.m. in 329 In one message, the President Kedzie. Ex 2971. Price i.- 51.23 jjvkod for legislation to eliminate apiece what he said are deficiencies in mil i) | #.<■(( Placement Bureau in DIIcs iui Hii« In The following emplnvrr* will Interview nn the indicated dates. If ynu are IntcreMcd report to the Placement Bureau at least two school day* In advance of Interview dale. Woman also may in-, tervlew major* with asterisk (•». (B) Bachelor'* degree. (Mi Masters. (Ill Doctors. Where no degree la Indicated, all degrre level# are eligible to interview. (Mi Engrs. f..r Produe- JANUARY 19 tion A Research. Civil (ID Anaconda Hire A Cable Co 5 Kngc for Design A Con¬ E!»vt. (B), «vh. (ID Engm. fot Manufacturing and Research, struction. Organic Chcmistrv i.Mi majors for Research. A'd department of Health, Iduca- tinn A Welfare. Social Secur¬ majors from the College of A.: Chem. Sales, • IRvg A Dunb ity Administration: All Inter¬ ested mrn (ID (Ml, regardless buying. Hatchery Oi>erati»n . 1) A P Trainee A Oil Mill .♦f major, for Claims Repre. Trainee Program*. Economics ♦■ntntive Trainee Program (Bj majors • ilti A Marketing Goodman Maffufacturlng Co.: f-,1 Meat A Industrial Sale*. Mech (Bl. Elect. (B> A- Met. Math. (ID A Statistics (ID tit) Engrs.4or Pecign & De¬ majors for Data Processing velopment, Method?. Marketing (M) ma¬ The International Nickel Co., Inc.: Met. Engrs. for Research, jors for Market Research. JANUARY '!«» Sales Trainee Program A- Op¬ Alleghany Ballistics l.ahnratnrv eration*. McNih. (B) & chem. - Hercules Powder Co.: Mech. • Hi F.ngrr. for Sales Trainee (ID (Mi Engrs for R A 1) Program. and Design Elect. (ID (M» .1. C. Penney Co., Inc.: All men Engrs for Instrumentation A (ID from the Colleges ..f .S St Design. Math (Mi (M) majois A. Comm. Arts St H St PS for for Data Processing Work, Management Trainee Program Ciiem Engrs. f..r R A I), I'illshurgh nate»# Co : A - t'hemistrv (D» (Physical. Or¬ .•minting (ID (M> majors f >r Controllers Training Program. ganic A Inorgnn m with a Physics minor) major* for Re. Mech (ID (M). Elect. (15) search Engrs The Cherry llill School DDtrin: fur Design, Development St All men and women DiUw Production Management Klein " (ID majors, and Sec¬ Prainee Program. Physics St ondary (ID Science• A Math*. ('hcmlfrtry majors for It A D. S.H- Studies* A English.* Eng¬ Kaviheon Co.: Elect. A Mech. lish. Math.. French, Vocation¬ Kngrv A 1*hyaiCa majors for al Ed. A Guidance majors for Research, Systems, Develop¬ teaching positions ment. Design A Production. Fresh Neic Spring '60 took County Itept. of Public Magncr Electric Corp.: Me. h. Aid: All men and women t ID (M) Engrs. for Sales En¬ majors in tho following fields: gineers. personnel Admin (ID, politi¬ JANI'ARY ltd! cal Scinee (B), Social NVotk McDonnell Aircraft Carp.: Civil iID, English (ID, History (ID. Shirtwaist Fashions (ID (Ml, Elect. A Mech. (It) Philosophy (ID. Psychology . (Mi Engrs, Applied Mechan¬ (ID, Soc Sc. Div. (ID, A Soc¬ ic# (M) (D) and Plivtucs m.» iology (ID for |» A Mech. (ID Swift A Co.: Mech. (B) Engrs. (Mi Engrs. for R A D, Cost a gala siiom ix; fok ji mors ami missks for Plant Engineering. Chem Reduction A Estimating Campus Classifieds . . . Low Cost Your complete Optical Headquarters . conveniently located, offering complete optical services 9.95.814.93 WALLACE OPTICIANS Branch Office — Vinr at < lipprrt The-imci*•*«>•! ytm'vv knee; in it* many variation-* na* bioMKNMTi anew dn our (opposite Scar# in I'randor) -* underfill fot -spring collection, softly-shaped with full-skirted "water- eye examination* by Soblet * «U*>*jytte '•*"* keep you delightfully comfortable and cool come warmer lir. |V- C. Jenaen, registered uplumrlrid wpwkthet We believe 196" will be a bigger-tharirevcr ShkrtwaLt year ... do I'll. IV 9*2771 com* these lovely beauties and take your pick of sateens. ..broadcloths, jtheer Hoi HN: Men. t-»; Tiim- Wed- 1st.. •-I, Ihuri. * V ft., »-9 de Sw. ♦trsj and Katya cottons to wear in solids, strides, prints and era- broMforad sty it* Each most compatible u- accessory chr^ D < wauea ikawl print step-in with novelty belt, wing collar, roll T;- LAR6EST DISCOUNT IN TOWN v;. dmci vr Blue Sires 10 to 18 . II4JS ' WMn Catlaa embroidered shirtwaist i« buttoned to waist with full skirt, MI KFLKRS — TAII. PIPES — KXII VI ST I'll'ES la B ue, Greer or Sand Si-tcs 7 to 13 ....... IMS POIJSHKS — WAXES — PAINTS — IIKISIIES Aaoi Hi aaii lath with embroidered shawl collar and back detail, cuffed CTIMI'I.ETE I.INK OK ACTESSOKIUS 4ee\cs. In Champagne or Powder Circs 12 to 18 114.95 Basra CeSaaw Y-i.ruert style with roll sleeves, self belt, contrast kerchief. AUTO Nm A Hrhuilt In Powder, Greer, or Lilac. Sizes 10 to 18 fli.93 SPKI.NO fit ",,AW I *«t vaii.H* •tiFKiKAioaa D Rkm He Me pua-s'jipr with convertible collar. Schiffli embruided appli¬ SERVICE I *ri »i. riwr# r*r Tar*. tvp'ftlf |mUllr< j; *W V1IH PI MPS que*. In Black ur Brown on white. Sizes 10 to 19 114.94 Trurka, ttiruu While Vae Wall ! rUkUS (FI M *j "Puna Donna" combed cotton tucked bock style with full skirt, button trans. Xa Lilac. Blue or Green. Sues 9 to 15 IIUS KRAMER 1V4.1V MMn fdbi sheath atyle with tkree-qiiurter and tab back. 2a Blue or Green. Sizes 5 to 15 ENAff1NH*C4 J IICUXD FLOOR fjy front, contrast sash i < . _:t. JNf fl haonme simp service b00 & KALAMAZOO ST. PHONE IV 4-133S