Hockey Tram The Weather iffan State News Urals Michigan Heavy, lllmving Sm>« • On Saturday lliith Tnday -i S« Pa*f l v I (iu Sunday in Swing MSI) For 50 Year* vol.. 51, So. 119 KAST EANSIX", MICHIGAN—MONDAY, JANUARY Id. 1900 PRICE 5 CENTS Ike Sends Congress Record Budget of 80 Billion Dollars I Billion Sabotage Surplus Kxpoeled To Red net' National Debt Suspected I'rr.itlrnl Hi-lie- on I In Crash I'rofil-. Incnnii' fur Ki.rtil l%ll W AS 111 N't JT' ).\ ■ 'l*i—Pi't'siilvnt Ki-f»tih E. -< ' r - DA 1.1.AS J' • D H iIh?/t Rrwars' vouiu wdc said in itl exclusive interview with KRI.D I Ira iy Siltur . ■■ * i ..'.i m i ill: i ",e :n f.-v 11 • • '• * *" M-: j i'a ! *. id '•»< today thai i' the HA-year-n'i naturopa'h here w ?th me were and alive "he'd foe the foobieii.'' Forfeits! . i'mi ; • ■ •■ri>e s a rev i •' • d • fr * Rnpiim c iK fliil 01VO WMK mt the medelval instrument* r vutf N>»» Photo R« Matmhn Ttalf*** "No. sir." the tall, thin woman replied when asked If she had For Mirhiiiiii i\ ,• Wb. -hc ■ *[)> •- • -b,. • ,|,»ub' atom' I'd bo lute*, recorder*, vthuelas. krumhnrn*. virile*. and - i- . I* ' any reason to believe bar hus¬ a,rri til -unday** concert are members nf the two hpea of *inla da gamha. Music placed on By the Associated Pre** . v.-l >i. •imd. -..I , •:.» (,.i!c.ium >Iu*lcum from the t'niverait.v of llli- band. an ex-rnnvlet and aeensed '•! of -be l» I .»-i, enn- these exotic instrument* dated hark to the 14th • • abortionist. Is alive. A hcf'.v P.irm, oackmg heavy w„v instrument* used in the roneert included century. " I i ; • in ' . .•• r . ■ i Swears was listed as one of snows old omvm'uI •••'rnl«. h i - r>. ,• M,ikc. 42 persons killed when a Nr- led m'Tii ado ; r jewed ? l r ' ■■ • e "Viewpoint* I • lulcrv ... . oil . •.'.una! Airline* plane cra-shtfl high **»•■•• Sold iv aid !"•••> X a . Id :i tin Gulf .»f Mexico. lutnh '' \ ,ir I • •>■. . i " But an Ull Mivivdiicator has G . r lu k- - Students Rap College education •>dre i ih.-c:i someone f i mane ni c.ifoutaged -and that Sp,v'i •* ght r'se take hi* «ut have e C'cl St \. e cur aVi. d . V .. M * .,■ • | i .1 i- n- ! Treasury come Idle in Xt i* provif'e h'lllnn reiving dollars the on in surplus the In¬ •! tht. flight -o f at bis could he sliced ton ll* ( ongre**. • >cd' ,n v - ■ * ■ ' • 3»-5d •»».. M Mill Oi l I.KB \( III R his n lead.- omp'- " University poliry tends to , re¬ wife would collect ' •» .n •heur - education sup> si up Ni'»« lit Mtli«lm la , y move a student'* individuality. la y, hMiranie policy "Tbe greatest I It* u It to W. Invitationn rfaiiing "the « u** nt I'n.i. \iihu.n wute a Uni¬ ,iu ;ii nvlds. fngL-i't Mrs. Spcus' tf>-rn,.fi'.h-i»' field." Ore nwell said. "Studenu Barker interviewed the former night and < ontiiiiiiiig today w itti looks a' the V'. ■ and Betsy Woodward. The danre. a one-nicliter this tear, will »»e taught to think when he can t ■..•d.ffero'it nevds and require Dallas secretary in the large, « forecast accomolation of four 'f of the di-cu.-mn. read and write? The llasir Col¬ held Feb. 13. ! brent course* to fulfill those comfort ably-furnished Spears Iim he* or more It* tonight. • Mdcnt* their find lege i« good in that it is an ••-c.-ds " Are. ' \ • '..r i' h Miir. Mrs. Swear*, who appear* , vera J W. • ■ iw ■•••'. *h nort 'i- • i years to pun- edur atlon i I960 how to to Kcderal a t r.» education was . i i J'Hop to feature on • go t.» he in her mid-3«7s, had re- . • IK-' cla. according II '. •>/••. • ; hour i II college. «t ;> •'%«■ i with rescrvathina. iijsed interviews yesterday on i . v;/ ' '■•tin Barron, hop -jf Gt ■ •e^! 1 If. ' » I 11 " ge nora 1 ly hi a«t »si C*i*...ig: the financial position . i r-tv f-re .i • grounds the child was ill • »: mariv and Michigan in r«>n*cRfcd ;he Lester Ijuiin Orchestra • She mfe - ;;u in topic* from the i.« k-. • i-r than ac*u:d 'ci.iir. Miss Coady said th:.t view op tho advice "f tic famib' t, . r •• • . v, .. . .»< education t« rampw* i«, tend : beveme 'the a'u wc i« .iv have to resort to fed- . attorney. Ciarles Tessmer nf »1 i'e u-m>*. the sludept* toner- > • aid .} vrc hope to keep our Dallas. A well known crimind in 111/ • n ne 't., • • a i-fl.u tnded that b"lh the Letter gv*s»din5t."'vi hk-'c presu-tt education id system alive. t*) hqien an'c to Isigh .W I.iT. n u,,> •».•> •» ... •is ' >«'M' rand*" - ie .('.'14 ' (!»,.■ ... •»!(.< o attorney, Tr**mer ..nee defended instruction and the Green well countered with the !,• fcr I.anin and his orchestra many a- ?» y.iarUoityms en¬ 'urn f> ? "»«*',• 'and B i' th-- «»t .M vta method of cviihi-.i' Spears on a Dallas abortion ostein led to xuperfi* Aspect that in 50 years utv.- will play for debutantes and gagements. Ijnin will i>c at J- 'torm took the hfe of ;r ESf "'I <■'-<•: j !'J !;: tn.| all tiucieniy equally, is qur - : charge. •uxertoed genflemen, college var¬ r» An eider: H » - f,:;c >c-M> I ' 'V. 1-. dm at inn. Gifir.-Aet! sa:d M-r-it cv may live in a govern- The 1*111 *aid the pa**engri ■ iety. a' "Joui • -?v,> ?.-i»-sine-..>. \ • »n h-c . level of student; *lr of.en only measure? • ;t«dminted atmosphere fowled . a* Spear*, whose bod* J-Hop s.lA li:i il "I ,»ij. f >- » -:>e »U*.»r IU'!' homf ;r> i f: "/i? ■ • • v :• :.n tributes to the- «p!l Tie it orient a t > on >«• . |). •* • 'A mii not recovered, may In real¬ The annual dance w-SH be he'd fee'. If evi ii-i'li' • u». da no ? -. ie:.* : - • 1 . .-MO? • • i a a na| p I •y merefy ape " • i. - d nrti »t The text. 2 Men (iliarged ity have been William Allen Taylor, fid. Tampa. II*.« lire in the Au I. S<«turd.i>. Febrtu y th pur'y b and *>• he a 13. frou) R p m.-midnight. SUA " Senators Launch I-.-'und vern- . v salesman and drinking compan¬ In Mgld of demands that the ..•m to In afraid of In .h-wioli Atliiek ion of qpears. Taylor haw been Tliat one nig h of sophi.*'na¬ Lanin will provide eonti i- To gel eterjone up danring. I nftcd state* stop up Its missile grade* !' Ti.ev Lo - • » ,n-. ■ m ■ i. < ' tion (.mill's well-paitl musicians ad¬ >: m anarty of s.x leans. vrth th* mu-ictans taking tl " r sheet musie on the stand, no tif Missile I'oliev hower I* c \ pec ted to put added J.-as ?! :» diner in Queen*. Two Mr? Spears wa« ntk«*d if break* on rotati'm? Iwinm him- instrument ease* in sight, and. emphasis on these in hi* budget. 'thWTWU V• • Enc stated it should help evolve a «.f free in 'he party were there was anything which would >»»!f will spell the drummer or unless the hostess requests other¬ • NSHINGTON V- T.e S. - Arbor sopln total philosophy of life. w ./men. v-d her tbelieve hor hu*band A a ' -e • » ■ MVillg tow.,! 1 the pianist when break tjioe wise. no toea!i*t. A? i Servient C.Mi:" If stwui.-l v. I ■ f.-e c;,ri' * ' e " ounce lurry-up J • i* :. c s.t d the two men. one WD* not ki!?cd ;n the crash. - . ,:hev c une.H. A btnited number pf Ml •:» ij ,i v Afirkcr, made an'.l-fk'riT::!.- "I have a communication ft" '1 f" Jum-.r- V .'• ••' "> I- . ar 1? «" v S defer O • >i which to do pre- he advicd, r-mark* when the ♦he airlines that he was aboard lasting popularity are attributed >' 1 (.a of h<.w much more money >lx entered t,ck#»*s.\\Vdii«s.l,\ T.cki '•> a ■ . •' > : • e^.i* «.f R.isda** i n*r the vvursv* Stiidc?;f apMM v-uh hit hard Inc d.ner Sunday, then struck the niane." I*nr>ers she had w'tfo to hi* adaptability and linpee- be "* -nc'i i Ur im.di liic Sa'uin- fa-'*h ♦ 1 «-,.'d . n.rn 2-.'» n m- «»n *o • ■■ t .r rue-sites au-i ? •«< j,v '.he her af the* interview, die sahl. cable taate. (uuples at .l-ll»P super sp»._v i K'ket pnep-a ' ,i 59-y* ar-uld yyoman and .> je at-mn l floor Uroon cir^e ; .»n'j-*:e \ *»;»:> m.*. N about nc.v Aid be ii •' aUtbr.ii/Pii • . curses >ucn as .t...>*•-• c»Tt?« a"•> - won't he doing the two-step. •.*•(»«•- of her son.* included "an affidavit that v Gemr ii v.lJ-start Thurs¬ »: ph'Y steal fl ueatun •hu.i ' M • C'oadv si'.d "Tiu'V Ills music flow* along In Ser; If. ria: 1 Ru ?e!l 'l»-G. >. ever overt dm' pay is deem i \ en-uect before poiice was t>n the plane and that hi i a • tv interest in student gm • day main ?i«e>r l*i •" .1:r?eafl >'f t"e : w'lo a aided r lee.- h.u. -ar.v oil 'i,e projeet I r ifcourse* • art vim No one was seriously body na» n »t recovered, and a seemingly never-ending proces¬ ticket off: e t'e d- '.-rise ley. jsk- I n> do*it do not , activities or ieartiina ** ItUfT. listing of the ;>v -••nger* a«ul sion nf delightful melodies, all ,1 a*ion. h was d'scloscd some frmi» Cock I.a 1 Huk'.ns. 27 B*.'h are !.umn is definitely booked n:t- Breaking with tradition. J-lt»p r- 1 _ -!'u»u*. Aharon t'oadv. • Thcv att? r.cit ijevau-c ' -;x-footers. coritlnUT.g air fi.gfit insurance - Sarurn .n he next fiscal td lt»f>3 and hi* tcntativca-nga? •- IKktt will be only one night. The ) Isi'nngs sophomore, said. t. -• tin net have the qua!:fiei T.ev i )a.rued ;n Queens Wvk- 550.UOO -»r AlOO.OOt), I don't re- S'.l . 1 expert .' Tut" would -louirle the a >. • ■/ courses, wnik' vtt- • fi? 10 years beyond • only pre* inn* ooe-mghler was • *-» x'll'.re''lie de* i people. ;>u* car her because tbe> •. - • Court* that thf\ .• •»u.d f'> men. *— wnieh"—in Augmt or 5ft year* ag«. i - v c for fiis bo ■kkeepai^ »m- testimonial to fo»* adapahlhty t , ;«rv, should no* take •j pi fNi ry ott'v » min >i of the counter cnurgpl "f assault Septcoiliei but i time and mood. In I'llll in • glit-C'Ki:ijn il.'" • Idseiihower >»!:d pcademic* suo- ; i (rung our oussile »>r-»st i predicted iu hi* student jjopyiatiii:," »' -^'d .-uldeti af*rt» IV - . A Lanin orchestra Is oof '• •a • ,.n h ■ '•* narrow h>" hrt* lm •ilaff of the | mnii message thai Adding to t »e suoerfielal t Icrused Murderer found lleud in Stream f xed entity. It varies in s./e ner nisi, fine * .' " 'he orwe i v, . odlftary expenditures s*ill "run- presently i< del" - mate »s one f •uk- of insthtctu- o. d us the 'mi.-utile gap. K A I R r A X. Ala. 'if- - The Elijah R.un*cv was accused .f and style according to occasion.?, the ticket i 1932 In 1391 If o:ri tinue at the recoid peacetime ■nice' value." M>-> Vtr.;,. a proles-or ir.av t** e\» . . b-Kly >; Ncgr charged w'l'b tie bludgeon paying of Jeffer- and is in such demand that dam e w«»-s -mail end -if > • «' 1 vaiit also expect toe cc o- level* of the last several years.** i: the snfarmed, m hi.- a • sn Chambers. 71, who v." .is 'here is more than one Lanln •rotrev :o explore the iut'i.i- t . users, universities if he do. - no', inspire "he ?tufh*«'t « riii* •i Mm out as many a* ,j n studving. he ■" found ju a creek near Fairfax found dead along with h group. Sometimes,, during 'hi* mnl and »:;iaest la'. ••• -■( ? -• ai ^ capabilB.v of the s'.r i'i'.h- Saturday daughter, Nella Jean t"hamtH-r>. ficigtit of the winter seas, n. >..r Command a* .» result of t <■ : ». u- is a price mark the group idgi . ab ni? " ii- •..'?? sch." deep on 'a.curtail 'be BV0 pro- ■ concluded • 'be I' dollar »,,c»iU Top Aliehigan linliifttrv i-." added.. Char a** Green- • Education sbau'.d be a p.»r«- ToiiriHin •. •:.! -e ?e • i.d '-.•f • ■ »-.•«- i'. : ;'Uf for : 'C urre .• • ear ■ senior. there r ' ' w-.nip. M ... !> ■■ ■ Oh- (' "... . • • d •! "A..-. - ' rjv j 1 I 'Vltw'l r..» 4 "••- em->ku«iy on mem* Inst! uctor should lead or shew* F. - h . ..v.r b '.••■ u- '.. f ' v o-c.'.f mUsecfCJs :nv'"'v'- 1*1 fact.* an* Wi. 1 C'HV.V. H.-'VU'-Wf." there is at •=. a* usuatlv tml" The .i t- ?•' •v, ; '1 State Highway-Tourist Relationship Cited •aIT '• ->?vci': j ' at-pra.- rc:n d of *hi.' n.'i !•?': '-n'- ■ 'in- •■■madron? 'ie '«"»*•.: \ A'm intoruoiHlue:.' .' fovt'/.e: ' ' Hcipicsts - Instructors should not t»e hir¬ 'i?- • 1'i'■ ? ■ i t'• ' >>'.*;i at It' f ed on the ha*i* of their researeh If Michigan 1* to survive a* 6«W) ptl'ei nt four-hi e i'tvi.le.t »* .-x.• '.a '■ The new r »ui*n •; P? ■ • .»va.i ib!e • of t i mudur- e i • •!• designed I'oinmtiri * - ,j their teaehing abtlitx. U»er Mid tem must be rapidly modermied cemnlele or have uTi'Ter con*'""-" •A'-. riV.'«n.: wiCKfol enr* ■*■ "*} '» ium i I* s ballistic mini (e« S'.-Ate the state's current one-aid* B' " official haw ' The stud en t d jcsrt't even .if .• as*ill lose out to tho*e state® m time «f the Aljck'nae Rri;'"e ' Pt.cs<• nave been •sharp i' • Of East Luasii.rf have ttie right to if ' a-Ou;trter b llicm dollar rovi It ifl bring the ponuhm* |i- - -vfoo provide theso facilitic*. a ad v i? i estimate of go#".* clas< Is doing him any good. d. t *.ne case of travel they provide," building * orogrsm will re«jui'<- , >,* : < .V *•:' ^'WhTtait t'-Vo ri ■ P> -'dent- i • iifolu- Rtatifpitni's Else? lower a < » ColU'v IHrvclor • jointly-financed to comtJulsocjf -fhts* atteivdans'i . John MaekiC. commissioner of about 40.000 acres of right "f iflUP cVite- to'the Upper Pei.n- :• D' ' senator* abo »; -iwitt plant yi a new Th :r.a ?ne Michigan State High way D»- way. Maekie said. Sid'*, he • f V S. bfe;i>- \iiiiuiI In HiMinl Even decidtng a ma)w i- 'ak- parj?ienf told the Michigan For¬ •i j.r i hmrit* travel uh* These eiorewwui will rearh • i •• .i- -pannut's .Uic estimate came t-n from tie student's shoulder*. iTmo«t 50 percent, itt Be am.*!.-iter, • estry. Park and Recreatem C.ou* ' A direct'- • o ?)v ?• • . fr*m lleiruit to C hieag*. Delr»it betwe-n -Guidance tes-.s *" : ,J A " fercncv last week a? Kellogg. Michigan In '-he fir"' full year - c b»-»ui> vmi ■ f 'he S"hu »1 of po*m-c \ kimii- •iy offtciaU. Dtf- to Muokegun. aud frum the t»hn» you. are best at and' help you btoto Hue to the Markinar • je Avfen in ooeration. start- M • kie m;. • '1UO". nml the LV wari i.gnt of * propuaal to ex- '*eieet a career which will de- Tourism nab «Nb Mirhi- .iu in 19n » In. that veur we can The evten-i »t- ;»• j tr a ll' il iin l.n«r. I'l.rliMii Public Safety at Michigan State, cot treatment plact maud the least * 11*1 top three tod—Irtn. Hac¬ Bridge aud be tend to «touM lite. xtKct to-l ist expenditures in ■ • siorelin-* rou'» along the nawth Of dvas been named to the ftdvb.i/rv • . Denton said kle wid lad year III* to* mU- .M' higiri • i reach • vi r the 80t>- ■1 .re <>f ' ak« s-r.erTi" fniip I>e filiriiikiii^ fni|iirr to>a;*d of the Military Police fmanceg and stale mit'H-jn end reach a Tc.r to Vim""'nu! A»ociatb*n. Inc. t In pointing out how a project a-.v-Jrer I.OXDON I' Bril.-n rf- n: approval, tne iu Miehlgau. half frs- •— *f billion dollars .sfoortiy. there¬ Hutlvr Demntub lift stole, opeal CM mUltou dtoUrs. of this magnitude car. be built i .■ c»a t i' <• ' 'he Keweesiaw stirties torn r ,\j*v the* fi"\* fa it- IT.e Mibbuv f'o'lee Aww>ii3- pre- with the least Interference »•> after/' Mack e »aid. nsula ft .; - 1I';* vk to Fort il-iar tiofi is <*nprofit oitaniza'ioh >r>»ces* of *l.lci»g aftolhfr a i hoard of Of frurlinr Te*t Htm Htrhigau has an uhfogatiew to *teerea*iun«l .ireas and. if f» *• These iorrrwrd tourhil vol¬ V. i'luns: on f vc the liver ?f.duf eh.p iA' a ' o.-c ;>m';s,*c i* to iidvaiict? Iht preeerve and pcanto Ito to- I.e. P>- ■> 1 Tm* tm.e it «* K-' ti.e K, * i» M d»u( a.' '•? po'icc adn.'Mi- to «mip!ement these • ' area.-, 4 -4- •'... •• •i.'"pted a resolution WASHINGTON GJh-Sei. du»try. he aald. umes to nwrttarn Mirhietn. he b» VT fr African colony that A'taBun and i'nv prevvhtmn, Mackie said there Is much wn- 1. • '• .: r- r m* only f'v. i t ; to any expansion John Marsha;! Butler ..nJ Cecil ,k«< ago vvan la,*hcil. by .'it? „r 1 • . d iourirt* travel by car, which the Highway and the State Cbti- Bays to Mackinaw Cifyr h'.'Vr Mao Mau ait'i-'Vhiic re- toe MSG -' iff in tfMtf He baa V* • nuisance t> State- "face the reaH'irs "t oiiirrrt and inrresaed support of ' Con-.. >'',*?( ? xht? a» uwn foclliun. -%♦.••• ;..n ■•oiViUlI.iid to die means Michigan miat modern* £crva!ia:t department*- ,! >ries and ntorried bv n suming underground con*ervalioii prugrams. iviblic safety division of the its highway system or !o?e out. T"u^c at a roadt will hive a > ? venir ivo'e.s vi.b v.«dfj en- T ** yiofolttn i* b< dww » teaiting of nuclear weapon* with- •Af'er the arterial expressway be V- in'.- .Vbpction tor comtitutiun to sa'.bfy *Hc terri¬ High C'liiimissitiiiciN office for officials flaked for to those states who provide these tremendous effic* on MichigTri's .e j x fuHiter delay. *ix million A f r i c a n ♦ facilities. Mackie said. recreati-mal areas. The r.jads program i.'". .finished, the depart¬ the Ttatiop'N v-. and w3! tory** Gcrnian.v and as a conxulia !'. tn of the cbst of mov- "Does, the United States dare withuut making trie 6o wii"1.' th- Ctoverhiuen'.al Modern highways designed for aie dcslgTTl to carry three ment will place new emphasis itrtoglhon »ur t«ii*e:on a» v A/fairs ln- to be >o naive ai to believe that <-'* to a new »ite so *etf !er» tccl « would bt at the the Soviet* would, really adhere safety and speed of travel de¬ time the tra/I.r, twice at fast, on development of scenic shore¬ Jeaotng vacation *•'-•«''* h» con- tnc.v a;e beius N'j'ute and the Treasury De* and almost f:ve times as safely line and f.«dcr routes which iu- ctuifed. gacriliced. partinent in Washington, L).C, to a teat ban?" be aiked. . . mand lot of land, he said. The v Mirliiiiun Slalc \rw;« •Well. IIiih' Are Oulfaiile The ronntn' Irish Grnl life tin It Ju m;b mi.vKi itTiiiir: tip. Prior to the T»;\» '<** Head IMH.t "1• i . lM ■ MM I.VOfMJ Minimi* and I arull* • Puts Brain HIVERTON. Wyo. P« new -silver strike" was reported A ver rush." collectors ing up to *12..*) fov Air r in Ri vert on recently. dollars. To Work just Rut an it wasn't accident. a new mine — Bank ment of old dollar* ed official# • I Tne First Nafirmvl Bank be¬ from the fed era «, pic sr.w voi:k r» — An gan circulating 10.000 ailv*r branch hank in fhun i- ihi \ . ' M. N<>. 1 )!♦ . .lannar la. I* \ Irish scholar with a jrinwl dollar* minted in Philadelphia into circulation befo:i Wi in IftfM ir.*«l their value a* a ^ m+mt*ry and a hnrnfnuitie civ Coin collector# snapped them item. printinjr press ha* become a i$i<£ Brother* Plan pr one-man headache for the f 'ampua Classified* . . . Low Coat »n« a.1 Mr New York Public li¬ nil brary. tY The scholar, Peter Kavanagh. Deserves Support who hold* Trinity iV. ege. Dublin, has put>- ; -ned a a doetoratr volume of excerpt* from c«»rre?^»o«'tence af John from CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS r Taes, \| SI., tbr»mrh its iutrrn.-iti''t'a' . - rtii'tcr. trte ven.m. early American patron Fri MWmh. BeadMae Pw Mm. liMai: I p.M »n I rtv.-nr;\ ..»■vaniznl a f«»rniirn MudcM' • ■*•?••.*• plan Sm.-I- of artists and writers—despite BUN BpiMt 8*19 a ad 1*8 Maaday Biraatfc PrMn pn.pv* would provide \nu-ni ar "If..-hd.-- " . a San which will no* expire fill MSI I EXT. 241S I'nr •!ii«N'i!'• hi-f «rri\ ii»v -to. • tinrij lft*k MM Bay after Bay. fa Thr American- would aid the fore wife i->\ AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE ?|w problem" u-ualh rncoiiiitrrei'l i M»ide?i!- Hr. ttM TLYMOITW CONVBBTfBIJi ltd MlAVFAST §0*. peculiar t" people from '• ■ . ,ru* MS and take ever pa* meat KT»- • uiMiiil include help with reirtMin' -o. ?-r" • • " dooo >•••# a swiiaNI New Vwft lasryer. t«u poyrriAr RTATWVV W AOON |»»|- "t II!-•.» t |.'||v ; 111 < I o|» t'i'lHMi.f ■ - . Nad letters ta QNa* hy speh sutsmatw heater, radie good me- F8ISH s# * . .lit writers at Jaaeph I'mvad. T. ditten t« TO 7-WW1 t OUtCK Se- « «t. mat. A. t. Wmmmmm. Jaaaea >' it.Ifii' • w h«» part icipate m th»- pi"-.:.. ' i#ik volvo rmatRv itro rie»r SftJDNUT SMC# Jwyre a ad Lady tieefwry. inode end m»t. Call TO 5-dtS# after :»n tie i»a-i- »f application* the- -!»t•' ;«!»<' To gam access w eontent# of • en o m tl >12 MAC ops* ♦ . e a ,. a ill attempt find people 'alio .ti» > . V> * i t-.r nagh signed a f-»r?n ag-eeing HOUSING Till: I'ltOfJt \M w 'hi v no- :•» coo' o; puh'tsh anything t##7 POPCWARD TWO-DOOhSF- DAN. Ts model Sharo lesther inter FOR RINT 1 i.'tmVr- ronu.ned in "«aid correspond- po-ition- a- "i»i't»tlifi« "i ">i!' Owe owner low mileage Priced • H»r i >?• - ence." at wholesale bv MAIA hook tits »f ipialif led |m'i>pl(* -np|M»rt t» ' r.-door station wag¬ Ami if it doe* -ucceed. there* an '»« ep. t»v scholar* ?hj* tnat ?he\ must low mileage white well u ill nut : r>rt# ownor. Mle Pnre •#•.* V and M ham- >i.' rw.t he ropier, or pui>lL«hed f.»- nre* f in a r|«•««•!' reiatloiisftip i>et»it i: i.a' i* Mer Sales |?17 Fast Michigan ,V» vear*. Seg-nning .fan 2 TAT* V pri>i.f,t t jjri i' i • tun little nnvtiiM U'u,. •».* -w Kasaaagh art dasvu la aate FORD 1!»7 COWV.RTtm •' Kcrd- ••IX ROOM Fl*l.VlvpFr> amattc nower steering, eir All Slack , group*, both of wl i. h I'.IU' llHi.'i Iii ')■» . '•< ' huahs what he ai>aiaH*rd la excellent .-onditinn Kll 2-4490 llal' *(\ nier atudei.ts o>ei 'i r*... and laundr. facilities I*' ».v-t Raw* sad ewaa- e\ eninr* Monrta* through Thursday >iii h ft ioiiii-l)ip< wuiilil tie itp»u e-t inv ami eehvMeiiftn aaateetal far a Si- IIA/E STREET LANSlNr, hoth parties, -one there I- I'e.ilf. tw »t, ; four-doo- hedronm* iinturnhhefl « pace ralaaae. He explains his jsv* FORD yt'STOVl clean, nartial ha'er-erf M -» the culture, geugrapl. ami fti-tom • •! other Sand aetiaas thus: -*dh» rate white watts Fordoma- «.«• »n 'earhei telling family car IV-■ FIVF flOOMS yi:-.n .« 'he aos-y'jfe nev *o CNFTRMsiitf •• ailahle to students «- , tne 20*- rentu'v a:" and ! *er»- *:r» 7-**m or »:n 5-wa.i ( I nsi; At'm AlVI'NM US would le.tre ru"ft ?» ., "r\" f;H YOLHRFt.F S font dMl . fa fortnec Li'llris to tlie hilitor f-ire. a« a« mne n>»n .ao ne » iin. Vah an or 4n»«t •ram • hook facts. line uoulil be the mutual e\. roe • a si .'urtsn! nee CJene Leiden a» AFARTMINTS a he*.. Vet ne * 'or*;,, forgot¬ the tnteriniiixlim/ »• t t\"i way- ul tbinku.v ha*' ' - ten gsesaaB^^r™~53c ment I.VDfAV T".o HILLS room* STtruO »«- ana h». i w h a h .? . why the ether believe* a- he • "tf He -ad n-yt wanted these Defense Loan Recipient Hits im rr .whie*e u:*-»',.,t i.e . have nan 'rem locked .p f'.t ~"ttttn r.rm#nch psvroLo- ol year* I t-onr'iude "tat he OIS! #4?*c< 2# to Mia-ft# year!* OIRt TO SHARE A*»*-:ar- peace than 2'» summit talk To nil future vacancies Musi have f'lo«e to rarnpu* VD *-*-»« r must have ef? a loopv»ie—he «• least three year* of full-time AIJSG Protest of lApyalty Oath T" make it a truh interna!auial pnun ?. "c»roft-e». »u ■ w as a tawe.—for #;»ch I F • oa-n esoerlence in clmu-al psvcho "sister*" should not be limited to Ameiu.its- h'U.ugr -?u «r»" a- mv*«*if log. ".ne ' ea> should he in neld AVAJI.AhLF NOW 4*,v of child guidancet and ®o#«e#-inti of ViRXTS til of# to oamnua o-s . dents w hn hu\e been here for several ve.u * h.»ve mueh ' « •r %. » a "\a-ter * degree oi hase a d»»cior « tv.o hedrohm* t'n; • » degree in pevcholog'. Vlan* 1«>h retrigerato^ and #to\ • yp ;.c»u lontritnite. The* not only repre-ept America, hut thru native lam I a* well. 1 n I'm Itir I ditcir. • I- of ♦hr t'S »he gnvprnm#ni u n to Michigan Civil Ser*f • don't *h;nk progra.-n sho.iid MOTFJ. UNITS APnnovtn W c hojie that MSI .. • i.hP m»t • r '.a-1 to *t2n * 'r " - «tmletit'v • w i.i r.-i '• - m i du taken awav from 'h.^e «. a ( ATHtM-N JtTI BCVf Dtf.tV PAIFI-TFMF WORK Women n ale student* single « f < .Mi'i and der;\e great p!ra«u >* t«r ♦elenhnne • «rk in mir FD ?-#aw. e> eninr- » ** ♦ «» another protect to imn We hope. '»a« u d" aal mmd t^.e IMTIOS -ee-ten •yeekdavt l Mt« )im ft •••, t.ikeia the advantage meeting re- no-. r»|.»'-n otiu-e Jloun a\auaoie 1 • consider it ,% <{it!y and privilege '•» t»- 4- » nm. Catfto p Student nine am in nine n m Mu*» a no »n >«. - • -o. ♦,)•• fr.iera'. program. »»<•' tti ' q.crrments ,lo«re iio TWO SINGLE A N ft I'ente Coffee *wv,ir "»\m fond \nu-e and nleasant «er- so# an . p roar ram. ';■» h»,d;> the fa »i- of the pre- iviMdits wire# -ona.i" *»fl Holli#tfi Boulevard •.eenine rlo«e to roor « for - •, # !«-• irqti.iemenc lansidg sampler IV *-22ts * ings and after t# rampu* tin :.*»•» -- W i.'e Still Others f'o-e«try Cab n i* % *♦ \ i i nonr a ho '.vncid nut r*RT T1\IF WORK in M *®i'r etepnar.* ao-rtimv -Ait* n- »nev ROOM *OR vr r , I..v. a g.nup has no vpai «b<-hedule ouin.eti male 2* or old- I'oustnr an# hio-n •** ertor. *iU he o«yn»*e.< '* -t~ r Micliiean Stale New: Vm>i eo f. nut *;jnmg *nr oath" e; wit" OS' I^n-it.r *rea . .-i.n forking. IV 4-C.M * rna.-:> Ml F >'u-'--igan Vyenue Igo.Wnr^ The ii.^r,(iii iifii r »eom< name to me of the loan lustif* (iritirize II Bt» (It R : p *■ J e n « o n Wrestling aoylic.e duti»g tne na' \ NORTH 1CHIG.AN PKXNSVT ' A: t* A VFN IT «;-gls »» so FOR SALE hv . a* sro\eo the affidav." fhr fart ?na» • »9.i,.ri * ir •wi • i ■r ".*-»> after ft ,K) n m I)i fru-e A can. would AlISG, i R(.t\i/trin\« t «w- "tNfiLE LARGE CU'lkT ta.! make ask.tig *ha' v«i n».i ale No narking *'p -:«• It citiitil rlrarl* lie i»rot«»steit ier:piem» a;e not anti-Anteriran 4 o S*.i-*en* C"< gross MeW- cm llir sifiunil* (if >t* |»rol»4t»tf ... , gi.o-' tcifait l<» thr MiUi: SHOR AT FRANDOt FX FOR FAST Slur RASE u EN" -w M Fi"--u. Sr.Teti' Serv.ce® gentleman < nok-rg A, ... .^ip.i . ol:r„ - inrlirrlicrnrM. but I d» n»l Cert S'uUe'.t. «>' uJidc the Wmh >ng. Utilit.e* o#,rt pi •• i W'h. vhoul'i At'.Sli de .ie Rl .Id* »2 tlMt m> "rduratiuiMl ami p«»lit who pi.- having to sign 'he modi » IV A-l**. t dltman-t hirf 1» IVtff Hallra i Iu>alt> oa'i" in connevtion witn \ Wt A VllltBAfV WIT KB ifal frrettum' is briiu threatru- !•»*<»!.> Ntatrm.-ns an.1 hi" C«#a«etlet *•* \ ' • * 1 COOKING AND FinNC'. <» VIjimcoii I dllur Ml IJI. II l*rWr j n,.i ica-ne.t the point average Me govnmuent loan program H £>■:% 4*6-. SuL'-an V.luge I. • - • * I ITIES Unsuuerv i-eo .it -#»•• ect Hii«iiie*s Vlaiuirr John VIhi |ih . ] f-»: the i"»d eouid What i« wrong w "h *.gn ng « Eng"*n cU** fo: foreign a ,ve« One bl jik irorr. Le xr Kf> . I irnilalien Munasrr Tint I.-her i \ ...uir v. -.s..... i mm a tiecessa.» ioviil > oath' An tne pe»»p e S—at Sfeth I ** " " ^ 4 AhPROVFO FOR MAO V • It v Mitie rainri* M«« in> H !'• I 111' ' Ikulsl r ll.ll.m t w no ohicd to tilts the >ne- ,» no fkensat U"#••••#» i » - e e itt> k lichen arid s>»--, r ;i|iilnl (ioiiiiili'lll Life Can Be... I I Alt t'asr lAMm Vel Mil I'lU t «.niln |r;n, lam I. lit.k . |*Jul I!HM * toKnlW'n MOM ( icfua" to retiMtve then na • Sweat btii ^ 'f entrance I men r m.-nee " Vllllr. Wfhi vpnri. Mil... during the national anthem -■ -H-.rMill). itm H ,ll.nn»n It ..n hr r %irp4f... Itith eve l-»kirt( fey He.ost . the fiNitbail gamo" PERSONAL (iasli (irisis Mav Result l«(r -|.f>0% tllllMl llr.i » luiiiih It.II I .." j vat thitt Ltrsi \ •tun « In. k hH-.hi.l »••».« \ .nitri. j All a loyally oa'h .Tvkv i* • . \m;.\lJ> A nt v M -* I r«lur» 14.1.. li.ila I « M'-df you dupinx."* the t. ..ri.t • Cs'Scr* Fa«t* ky O.ei.e i' 't KWAAT RAKFR* !»F.' " RTF «|. 1.4(1 in I ...lltir /r.-i Mill. • Ml...;" «.»• « | TV-..«>i»( G'«nflen i-a-.e*. V I; III Irfllot. sli4ii.ii I....I- and uphold the goycin ucnr !; wnet* 'h, twa-;i onu*-ua. »win.!t l»atk»f &le»«» — * » • ** * d-y idiiall- decora-ed , • * ....nt* ! 'x-ehe iur #2 Ad h-.oos I' •-• »l •» Iii Coverniiient Remedies llun 4f«l II.II K>rlm .» |.»i 1.1 Mo- ..-J II... . •Uietti't »;•« na' y..-; .♦an' y.»,e \ 5 * tmi'li. krei"' Jmr link., Kn.,1 M. .... If.. k !•: t.-n i :r. 'fie iM-emetit haoli \ • It i til M.u|i< Ifan.'l "i jo.n a poUiuSii ).mi1< vo.,r i » * c • *wo repairmen !•' Ma«i 4 -V • - - V., I \ 18tit • Mtrlin , • THE VARt VN C. * '•* .Rf »» choice. *" i'.-'lg j|* - ... ,M '* ' *>... Il.ur. H.i'k It.'rii.1111. I in \.ll..|»4l \4t»CMMN{ Mfixi" ! adviMrate »f the ?r»*vi ' »e 'r!. a cswnpar.y »' T••«•#*' Cay* •*' S* ,J * 4 14 ft A -daru-eabl t-anri sound an* oar-.c-esh e r ..sir "» < rt.i H.Mon l.rt. II .mi.I llrtM.. W .is. »u-. '♦ H* nwv m.ri'A an Am.-i.ia; k T'tc? Mr» ilia toon rr- I.irl.l* •deal T«M«r Aasksh 4 *' ft-l«:e s>tale News t a pilot lieparirr called g ' .*e front dotr k** I* it luo mm h t« ask at a for -hesr *•» tfte* c«u--i enter tne Arctic* a. * I '» » - .#»•'< Mieh y.ttiV rush cii-is "cloud" m«> hnve its silver lining, riliaen to serifv his loyalit n ke.eae loeti • • 1*1 l'oliticiaits and eituen* have apparentlv* become aroused hi* eaantry? Per Imp* «• vImniM la»H \ ' *' Sf.V TAN Gists ••• EliTuIliriiri ■ 4 ->■*f ** ?m- m.# eti 'itph, bv the -tale mined t<' improve it- structure political picture that they are deter¬ My mmIi that the amr tafffee Fledge in » •( AUeg.iaa«e lifetime and let iBSMB, -v-H Wclhaften M.I4a.> Lawe OiistSt ^ V; " * »n tan under Sek'i 'he hg '• »' 'S* SERVICE n S. r* - I|d;O; p.i K'C myself. 1 prefer starwi La4'«* Sad" §♦#*.» t" kl"'s:' a oMt'i .s iy KepuiC ra"> national commit* proudly, . q l ' « »|*q- eru an ano whatever I A* ;* ■;smelted like a power grah". ' i!t !«#• Fe* Sms She** t *4 7-t/ C D .-t|c 1 A L.m - IMV . pptnHoi ml '■ .»• light of tho Americau uici ( V 1 MO* Of* W)« SH' IMm 5 P A|* S " SB* t- b T He •\prewfd Up l'»c woo be¬ '*-Qk tsFlll'l ' •* ' 1 ■ -.V c a t r|s"e i* lB^c man* in stalina that iarh a hadi hind r»e Fifth AmciKt'orn* -mi>* g\ tt« Ftyfeisf Te«»s i- " H t ' • tr o>J|v"t I JB> t "q 4.7A sHki'oJs' niMild special iiileieM grwnp*. "P?»o pruvt4e a "IWd 4»y'" la* iadwa' prop, ma I. hide iiia'a which because him arid by shieki# n»m i» the ore itmln Me very uicnc.- U-» ..vgn. Th -mf. E»e.f»s.a# F«m (tt Fnfeief w» mciauzi in MO' ♦" •unoiis fc> s'if.N'r I. « »*• .« Rif if Bo'Cc k >BS M «l •t-e m> .. -'...■ccfti fo >.> maliv, th^l hr h.»* rtef.i(st TVRD.G — to 2-4?» ■ei'er A lavalty oath ihaaM mmt he nAf tOt' fV€2 TtvJT «i>\£ VV H-s 1 swluiiitn t» I rid j* I'uutr I hr ri ul thr iniriiituu iil P I et.y « » neemvar* and it ia sad that it xcis 3JJP f* tlib rsi'N# TYRING DONE IN f ■ M vi r . , wunlit siiikr al a tnainr rsusr }«»t. ;»»» "M»\.>c. FOX HOLl FX STOtl Raamutaen IV -I-IM4 i« fait needed hat »h* t« it y. i r' j—" •S K; 1 raiii shameful In aign nne? What i* HAY RIDES AT r#« ■ *' •' mate me« laws less than * 'H i*\ rc.op.isaU supplied a • e as- ■ •».- » ' througti v inter ler" »« 4'r*l d ; there le hide?. •' third «f state tax -revenue* 4re stiirung point in the ?a\ ti4s*:e nouns Hta'.ed pah* roo * • 1.(1 .1 «p «. 1 tfo n..t ?I'd »h*t anyone ha« ».,. v-- "r • e • »• l*t one npu id i't»e» >#'■ "*' i Ii' ii'. 'i- Concern «>vo.' a i .* ««iiitiultrit h» the legislature, the right v rcprcveni my-« f o Riding Ranch IV #d)f '•I' ".»n\ c n'h i ^ xidrss thus «tosuij man avenura for a:vv'>i.e c'>c m thi# nvat'.rr If BRAKES tO\tf1.tI» 111 >414 p..l.l A**e tV f-lOlT 4PPn«|>ri4tions a go.vci nuM'ttt h»an would be- W.M and up Adjiwtn.e ' - - Olid ' lined tire.- Chamolon kr- » i :« J> a 4, gf ri«g •*- t.or ' . Ye- ho . of '< epe^t are i-on.e necessary f*u m> hu^oatvi ers J#I« E KaUirA.-o • '*' line rlrinrnl In the proposal ano mvself to finish (»u: educa¬ :a Mi*. ,et f DOWN ,f -.v.- \y. ; . v. ' . .C s of this i onstiiuUoual rouvesHou NORTHLAND LAMIN ATTO SKIL" AUTO INSURAMF v r tion. | would hate to think the . under SI iruured imnt-u 10 Ol.M ia- proves both amwi«| and alarm¬ suMncoru' had taken U unpn "hem- »i.\ leet mite inaiyee long Sik# R>* neraenell' It* Fest f.*••*■■■ • TT^TvrNF '■.i-ini ' v *Vi - Nordn-e b»wt« and pan hea* > -irV. . ing selves to deprive us of the j rehes IV P-gM" !J Suite Six ■; j'i-»- a » 'In A - 1 Hivt'onstituti' n Cnnve-v- ivi.V4 ? hCD RE> RIOFRATORW .a-ner» WONCM TTPtNG-*OFFSFT t*H I (CATION. Our IBM V ' ' * { . Uici . rvt.r fit. iiittv mo«t news* Thr Constitution guo: » . .- e,r service AVm# 111# f Mirh • i « d u re.* "•* • ♦ fqittl oppoituiutv for a!: avt IV 2-H2* I* t- ae-bar* -A\r .led the irrni Von-l'dn". nuetit'- ottaet >-eoy. vter, :.« • t «i«. no* intend to become a pa': •e-t- hu*» C ait >41 7-AM! A ' ^<1 a n..kuame viuch reveal's lltt>. to of ?he •»•'( OttATTD CAKES DELIVERED '»r *iam which p.«*» Aerkey Hall '■» "iu iur paiLes hirt! da>» Man> $ : * . 4» sound* like ham ?a!k. and cow'd sent* tlM'if a* the curren'. trend oihcj oe)u to*i« paxtrtes a-t RsV T V AND RADIO aerx.. • . o^msuse rhf general public, of nalioiialisii) , e.-v tv «-e.av tf lm- rater* to studer'* •' 4 W • cmsuutional and i-ea TV. tea and antenna- i many Here ace ■ Kemp ''! . * * . organ./.c oy teebmea: proposals likely 'o SIRkiCI THAT SATISFK5 tube rheckuig. 're# w*. t ' • a m (fail* T V Te«T-*»c-s- r the M I V and lural gavern- caob 'be haliAt thVa .November y.Vrtrt I.HIrr xr# V AfiehJttPn IV 7-VAM Hnticy . , mrnl affkiat*. irrordini to ■ ' seems at*»o!.gLely neceasary rvrisr .ann tsow: p * i , *' I...' |l»»te foitibineil to saddle the be keot clear , The Stale X*m wlktb «ta- S-2#a» Electrw type-rtfe is-uo» as at dealt' view* ea tapirs af aai- • -• *e» " 0 - s •* € 'a b# , -* *' <• -J i; state with the troublesome sales diversion amendment which ;vi-s. ,;e vpa;gn slogans have veeaNv -level Merest AH letters • j*-** * natter# end then#, et.w* g*n' ' mr ill lav the 4( * " r place but if Michigan's »h*aM he Umfled U IN wards ■M xrt'DC-V t «P1( »AL - COM , strange and O'Hrien propose to - ' e get a Con-Con" mixed •ad avast he sifaed. The writer'# eM »e»4 yuaraaietrf tu u ie-uo noirvt*. ulua* «:eno* ••• #.| repeal. up with » -Pro.Pro", it will he ■mane. Ont. »t«A Ci • * aame will he withheld «paa re- (or only M> (on^.et* e^ :* . ' t"1 , • p a e v»':i..s e survHise anv»iH....V* •»'« th.C ' d. »!;»< . understandable. TV* - a vea thai Michigan's taed, haw ever, letters wrtttea far the sale parpase af pahHria- WIUIAM H. IseOMFSON ouraeU me *erl'« S3 to » tail O.s, thim. te 1* e» r m D« • « •4 r.* i ran Ee**_Orar^Biy e gvoop had rec*»m»MM;trc .. "a ' prevent another iag a aaa-eharttahle eveat vlH b ;4 1 " y; vj al nsfUlature _ vi.. cash erisie—if ttvey aat he pahlUhed. The Male hews WANTED . t * an.-ihcf more raiber i k'up oh the issue* hh whic i ! Fteede* Ce«tw : * -I» 10 , , reserve, the dtareeiiaa la Jadge IV LS74* ' . : g. *, ch«A»e- vvlvic . 'h-v wiU have to vote-and it the lateBeetaal quality af ia* WAXTSD IW » f-cjanri «»f both .part to*, ica. v.c* examine candidates' quad* rnrr» -r >MW •«, . a.v.i'y ami ric.a;. \. ligations caiefuil^. rx HndPr. #tandaid »Rift. '>*** camm cLAsamcM ., BD S-ISU ext. S-JI*. Sahara Desert Scene of Blast '.Veic Voice* l». I'Ml Mlrlllr.,*X *I *TC MW* r.»«tllff» Prof Organization Set for Defense Trance Tests New Atomic Bomb Discloses Of British Author PARTS (JP> — France Sunday restricted air traffic over the planet*, into tral an Taeifir sen tha est area of the Cen¬ nf the v r-utnred ts up the sleeve of S<>- c? •oien-.ists Term Slate Prof. Hazard Adam* of the Sahara Dwtrt—amid indications Hawaiian Island* department of English wtl DUAL FILTER DOES IT! I he I renrh announrement w a* 'peak the is ready to trigger a b!aarrd ,«Iate of activitie* and This is the third in a series of The defense ministry said that stasfo—could be expected in the a test* " lectures on New Voice* in Con¬ beginning tomorrow airliners month beginning Jan IS No 'pcakers for the Winter Term, T he other nuclear pv,tc-> The ryxt scheduled meeting temporary Literature, j o i.n t1 *• - -ould stay clear of the zone tests have *rt been reported. vvu.i iv- e-vnncl'ed to Ml-.** sponsored by the Union Board ■ ound Reggane. one of the The final stage .might be a January 22. w ill frature a panel S'inM and the dcoartmcnt of English Tiuat Oases in centra! Algeria •up Tht* / trigge- off discussion on the topic. "Was the spaceship, man-bearing satellite Tha bout dOO miles from the nearest capsule, or the fantastic" "wea¬ .ig:t:n an nr.!.■'■■TfFd race in the Kiscnhower Tour in Asia Suc- two previous apeaker* 'e-* ng of nuclear wrap"' he essfui"" Thr panel w ill be corn- were PrefeMor* Bernard l»uf- Mediterranean coast and about pon which Soviet Premier Niki- . 'M the Supreme Sov»et. or par- nosed of foreign students and of fry and Ham Basket!. •he same distance from the near- ta Khrushchev has since an- '■went. TGir-day .in a—.- mv- faculty members. Prof Adam! will d e f e n d f t point on the Atlantic ^ •r.c one-1bird" cut in vo'itarv Gary's position as one of the * Over the real of the French In thr follow Ing wreks Mieh- -'ini'fir- The defense gap. he major novelists of the twentieth Sahara, commercial flights were ar'vlaed to remain about tfl non feet, avoid certain other area* DcGaulle's ■»td v»'!ild rueleir and ■ ••■ e weapon- be made up with ican Male will he hoit lo several foreign dignitaries who will ad- century and will stress particu¬ lar'.. hi* best known work 'T.•■» BrdaiP the United State* ani dre** the International (Tub M ruth." and later wotk • >nd keep tn radio contact with French authorities. Airlines ft* • tng over the Sahara French and British — — mostlv were Opposition Rus-ia have been unserving a -• - \ *re atrium on nuclear testy f a vear wh'.le nego- are Ixravl Among those invited to MSU Mr. Shaul Ruivati. consul of in Uhieago. Mr A Fa'.en He will also dca! idea* ab'ut a', and the literature novel m \* th in Car* gen,*-- particular warned on Dee. SI that the re¬ strictions could he expected - on Increases tiat: • f *• rev >:■» to at Geneva went on for a banning them, tn an ef- fir pressure on the Ru«- ■ if the Wahin^i-n. of Pakistan Mr, Jaeek in Prof Adam* will take issue w.t * many critics who have of Cary as » minor vritren talent 1*! hours notice. M n howski. Counsellor of Po¬ -.ans ' > agree to control ma¬ The next lecture in the sc « P.\n\* < V- President Charles land- Permanent M'«sinn to 1 tie The communique, made no re chine! v, howevci. President Fi- w. be delivered by Profex*«» He Gaui'c who ''a:'.ri his •United Nh'imii*.. and Mr. Tengku Terence to atomic explosions V ■ eniiowr: announced at the *rar- J .hn Waite on the popular dra¬ seveu-reai term w'h the sup- N'cah Mohaineti. Counsellor of th or'v «.f Mala>a F.ich will deliver an place tn the dr-er*. However, .if'rr due notice on a Hot Pin Roof," and othei avowed Ga-.lhsts m h-> g"* em¬ ad ire*.* on his respective nation. there have been indications that The French announeen.cnt P*»pu!ar successes on Broadwa. inent and the France w as abmjt ready to tr*,t •a i 'he new regulations over On the MSU United Nation* in movies In one sear thcie have bee-, an atomic device and thiis i nn the Sahara would be in effect xrrne, the General Anaembly the atomic powers--Britain, the six changes .n the tab m* He has l.vt • hr hack;-; two of "f>r the months to come " arlnptrd a ronslitulion during tmillion* Thursday t'nited States and the Soviet thr UN's fourth Reunion. Friday. the iiifhu ntin! There indiration when Union. mo»t p- ',',. ia.'* **a* no Srtrral ammendmenU were pro¬ Tor Voir# Hr/iorlrr* in France ♦ <»»fa- Conservative the te*l would come, but there Defence Minister Jacques Sou- posed b* «tudenta . . N-Prc A WrV V -.«• and wa* speculation the French were representing Auditions for student new* t elle, also charged with atomic the rountrir* of (iermang. S- Guy M »i- waiting only for favorable Iran. affairs, visited Reggane last ,u..,: reporter* on WMSB TV will he weather. The te*t might he either Iraq. India. PakitUu. and the week. President Charles He held Thurrda* at 7 pm. tn the Mollet. who served l»e Gaulle of an artual bomb or a de* ice I nRed State*. These propooaN Gaul!* also called into .torsion Studio newsroom Positions open ! ire premier when the gen¬ were dealt with h* the member* as t«w* bulky to he a prartiral wra- are for one and posaibly two stu¬ '*st week the rarely cinvenod ' present. eral was Premier before he- pon. National Defense Come it tee dent helper*. Bob Downey, new . •>h'teh was widely reported 'o rnmilig < hief of State, has |rad A good deal nf satisfaction editor of MSU radio and televi¬ The French gmrrnment hai 111* SoeialUt* to open opposition. was expressed by UN members sion. said. hate discussed atomic hu*inr."> a -Hied the world. WprcwUy I... ' V . Ok M-:.' c./ed onrerning the ratification of S'tidenf* applying must ha*e The French warning came on . Afr».*n« that the test would De G i i ' s i. >nr a?vude ti e constitutmn. a major under¬ air personality and some tele- the third day of the month ip or carried out under such con- toward N \TO n .iParv rveg-a- taking c{ the student UN \l*ion background. which Russia hat announced she ddinns to minimize the rian- will he firing powerful tlor. Futthei. he was bittcGy new ;crs of radioactive fall-out offended t.% the wa. the gov¬ roeketa. built to reach distant An A ar-Afriean resolution ernment i am mod through a Pd» / . F aniT s plan f»r *a tes* ubsu ( « tn the Sahara was adopted by It's A Bsltsr Day License Called the face •! Sox.a!..-? and other * r UN As-cmbly last Nov 20 An >thcr resolution, sponsored P n;.\ .-«-.• he i< ?■■>• Safetv Force • po.i'ieaf ■ ut .«> !:fr after hxi.ig Fi nance M.ii»*trr k.. Wed U-' . *v alh-S oti a'1 natwTis to h"'d Up nations. Wbss II Starts eoeutat uttti p»»« nuclea! tests w hile the Genet a w cc K "Driver licensing i* a practi¬ r»« g«>-,uitions arc on, was adop'od cal w ay to remove from the ' Most nf PlIU» * indrprudent N v 2! ... # HO-5 roll call with way those drivers who do no? regard the safety of others " Mr. Milo Chalfant. instructor party are beliesed reads to quit the (ongtcM in March. In that ease, the* rightist opposition to what Pinav would form a new' oil • Frame voting against. MSI Ihio tilmils With A Filters as no single filter can ir. the School of police Admini¬ stration and Public Safe'y •his to leader* of the N.v ••nal consider* is a leftward swing in go*ernnieut. Colin limil Tliefl for mild, full flavor! Home Demonstration Council at The Chris'.an Derv•• t♦*> at* gt li,en:-**w g u. : app- a* Two MSU students were ar- Kellogg Center ThurscUv. "As adequate drtver licensing the •elves piospert onine »n finding unearv tev-a - rctted F; day when the? turned t! i\e n to East Lansing "KEWPEE'S" law. peaparly administered and tete with only (lau ;«?» and for a polio ran- rigidly enforced, is the mod 11 eaaminal and productive He- ?•••••■ narty technic;* - n 'he C'ab- H!, Ma Donald's Drive-ln BREAKFAST Here's How the Dual Filter does it r vice available to puhlir official* Sc»r Ijns :ig • T'urxlay right fee traffic aceident prevention." natter of tune lief;- rs Wrt.t! r A chct Jr. 2,1. Bir-- 1. It combines a unique inner filter of ACTIVATED CHARCOAL dtf»* said Mr. Chalfant. j'ji.w. and Roger Gar- nitejy proved to ma^e the smoke cf a cigarette mild and smooth T.'c departure <«( Gf '.*.e Pointe sopho- Responsibility of the cn r'.r- was the topic of panel member ■ . .; trip De i e;< turned over to : k*b« <«"!>• 2. with an efficient pure white outer filter Together they bring you tha 42c 42c sing !u*. real thing in m Idness and fine tobacco taste! Judge William Wise, legal . ri¬ lliltltrfd Toa.t se! to the Highway Traffic r. h men were charged with Safety Center. would yr Aus'v hurt hi- pt ... « nv r • i $10 and re¬ Coffte "The court must emph*«iie that aafaty is a continuing ef¬ even though he r* trol in the A«*eml .* i od. to I-insing NEW fort by all driver*. If *urre*« is to be a Hailed in reducing the treaeaduua number of death* V ;r cmpiete Ojticai Hea-lquarterx . . DUAL •ad tha tepreea ive amount nf • nientiv 1-vi'ul. off r . .» compiete optical ten lc*» •psi Asily I a.m. FILTER damages au the highways of »ur sutaa and nation." Judge Wise •aid. WALLACE OPTICIANS Poof drivers are now sent to Kranrli Office — Tine at ( lipperl School. by the courts to learn Kippwsttr s»4rs in Iriniiar) about the laws and how ? - im- ere exanuiiatimis h* orove their driving The County WOLVERINE U C. Jen*en. reg i-let ed npliirnelrM Traffic Safety Schools «»• ciotng ♦hetr part in rehabilitating bad I'll. IV 9-2771 dnxera. William Mann, profes¬ sor m the Department of Tea'"ti¬ er F.ducation. told the count r . A RECORD OF YOUR CAMPUS ACTIVITIES SPACE, MISSILE & JET PROJECTS ' mV. ■",] AT DOUGLAS . f. ; • e I £ r.<* ' 1 ■ ■--- • . . have created outstanding V^« ' ' career opportunities for SCIENTISTS and ENGINEERS with or working on advanced degrees A-vugnment* include the following areas*. Nlif Tranafqr - relating to nu-v-ue Sfrvctvres - relating to cyclic and apace vehicle atructurts* load®, temperature r flcvt*. and the larv»*MacH«nttm» - relating to all mvLitigation of ne« materials, mi th«'ds. product* etc. typca of control problem^ Aerodynamics - relating to wind llactranig Syifami-rtUtrng to all tunml. research, stability and lyRc* of guidance, detection, ion- control trol and communicationa Rrapwlaiwn - relating to fluid- Solid !•••• Phytic* - relating to mechanics, thermod) r.amu s., metal surface* and fatigue dynamics, internal aerodynamic- Ipse* vahkla nnd woopon tyt- Environmental - relating to air fom studios - of all type*., involv¬ conditioning, prta&unzat.on and • ing a va-t range of **ientihc and oxygen systems cnguiccrir.g skills Get full information at PERSONAL ON CAMPUS INTERVIEWS MIMAY, FEB. 15 I TUESDAY, FEB. IE mmm* See Your Living Unit Xb aw you to m*kt an appointment to itwf our repn srntatme throujh ' your placement ofice. 11 you cannot do so, plea* »nte to v.'l* IftS! Representative Or In The Staff Assutant to VP C. C. UVom Engineering - 4w. -a*, imMwllI V. ■ . Union Concourse From 1 POUOLAS AIRCRAFT COMPANY, INC; 9 a.m. — ♦> p.m. 3000 Ocoan Park Blvd., Santa Monica, California ^ Vf Y\ •( Mt MM* Host H iits 'Oldsters' Tank 811f11• i**! 4 imnuT < art Hmar *1. alirij* thi¬ >hmv. I os A NG KI.FS <-V lliLiit. Ilrddiii t-o!Ifil ef l"V\a. 7'» I. . Sp, t-i \ Itiil-l.-r \lmiiiii It ; ■ nr.l; III. I.M p. The sccoml nnntnil OKI Msi po¬ Timer* l>;t.*kell»:tll come will* hrinjf Imck Hriirht memories Mi ol' Spartan teams of the past flu " nn Tuesday evenintf at Jeni- son Eieltlhuuse. Names such n* McCoy, lleilden. Ayala, Quijfjrlt', Carey and many ll in ' CK1TI, IIKHON KKICII STHEDKR other star* «»f the.past dee- m c d i i' AII*American forunrd* f«r I!>."»!> . . . wnm: l.»COSTE h,r»li, pa.l Ihr U«t C if M U,f,nU„ nn lit. . .. .ade will ajrain lie Heard. m in u-nrln, lh, (In,I nf KUI,', lo up.,1 vlflnrj nvrr thr • : \I • '' ' •' ' Their viiaius-s of accompli*h- Unlvrrln,. v.lniitj, nfthl. It »a. Ihr •niriin'. .rnrtid rkSnri fnr : • . ' ' •s ■"' » llnrnune. who scored II Ili-ron. Slrpili-r n , such a ft it arc quite a bit the season. greater than they were given I itrrt lt»nr* vt*» r the point*. brnlip IIip all limp per- hot year when they fomed the U-M* didn't swim Pucksters Stop pool irctifil hr had set in ih. limitsh Modiiip Spartan Soceer Players •.unaI vpnrins record. Hp. with III jti eh amnions into overtime pi»tier dual meet with hi* '' ' in Ids pi pnl. hi* per¬ fitp immersions. also broke Ihp itofov tyowing. »53-5t>. Th.s linir in thp I mi*.i id frershlc. formance in ihp mrillrv relj* old tprnrd of four hrld In I mi \ ear. with the addition of Julius I It.- V|s| niPilln trl.iy »l K«»»i Hpi'lli'd Hip dilfpri tu p in that All-American Select inns McCoy to *hr alumni n»5ter. th. (irova I.,iar. MuditiP sli.i ir and bine* Y* thp second »wimmer, hp Avenge 6-1 Defeat rare !i-lm.l , Kit -•! II. » •»» and Erich Strcdcr Tlie 30-year-old former Jam¬ s«. • e following players. Mirhipatl State'H In.'kcv Irani avnnjriil it* fi-l l-'ri.L. \ \ Tilth', who sprllrd l'nl- in da v were named to fir-1 aican was noted for his deeen- • Jii'ills McCoy, the alt-time scor¬ niirht lo*< In Mirhltriin liy whippinir the name Wnlverir, ta* at quarterback. completed hi-rths on thr I95U Wheal" live head vhol, with which he ing champ f >r MSt*. ho'd« r ♦ * * Ihti' Saturday evrninir. I-'J I:: .a Is piss attempt* ho a \!!-A"o-ri;-.i?i s'lecer team. scored a number of goals from the single game high total «•< A- 0 roaring crowd of 2.27k Hot'kcv SIhu1> . record. II h.s center forward position IN. .season high of 6b») and ca¬ luuktst on, the Spartans snap¬ EYE HI-LITES 7> percent romplrtion a mark previously lirld In dsr v !• h I hotmiai*1.- mi: Hrme Okine mention. An-' Streder. who played the in¬ side left position flanking Heron, reer high of 1.377; Larry den. fiery AM Rig 10 forw . i He last ^ail conference champion team*. 2.275 fan- were from Ann "Arl-«>v Only 28 seconds were gone in and threatens to top Sarrfa's final period when Tum>-- n r.t .i i.anqurt in New Y ind Itirks %>ala. pint-sired bill ,. 'oecer schedules. ec 'Ufl line of F«»urrtfi. Turcot?!, Michigan blue line, fake er at the nthei • hundler will he ■ • m u ' ■ ■ ■ ■ * UIIIIIIIIIIH'HI S'red- r i- rerogntred as pos¬ o'ld Mo-oner- and the line w.'- to the right, and hit the lower ■ ■ Itiard «pot. sessing the . tmnRest foot on the extremely effccHve in the fir-t Set?-hand corner to complete "••!* team ami automatieally call¬ u'.U >fe aetton *.< scoring. ht fir I n lilllf (or . . . ed upon t» blast in penal! v shots Others wh > perto' Covlr had only If WHO* when they -are awarded to State. The O'd Timers try the varsity to keep pare are Geor.e save* due to :i small, rangy i|.-- These rnmehark tallies effort rapped a fine by the Spar¬ Mlll-W INTt'.lt The Midwest, one of soever'* with fensive line »n front of him . is doins YOUR pioneer regions, placed five men Ferguson, .captaut of ft-r 19A7 Big 10 ch»mt»s: H i.ine Peter* » \ the hard checking resulted jarring block* Stav'.- 1 tan* after they had trailed Mich¬ igan in tlie fir»t period. 2-1. LAUNDRY7 lube on the II-member first team. Kenn College (Cleveland) add¬ All-American Ri»b Cure y, J-.-.i vonn- Tom Mn-tonen hi? Kellcy full Slate had taken the load ra-' Siouffer. Wat (bstfres. Z"k - »c< d ,a:.ou- 2«l feet in front o! in *he game when dofennenidri ed .r pmr lo MStT's two repre- Mel Christoffemon hit on I II ISHIK-I t nt ,Fur «« nf MSC's varstlv win n ' be «'• Frank R Ika. and Hvndriek- from Terry Moroney and Claude ' I I I ' : ;l t.'H ■ III. I II Wlil: First and second teams of op filli strength u 'he con'.c>- 'ltd a fine job of h"Hb ig l-V-urnd. witshint: men's shirts . . lll.TI K I'llH'K man per position were named, •mti Ijbu.t ant !>nve Sc-w. off Wolverine nt«be.. o-hen R" re Michigan came rigid Iwu-k a a missing hit I tnn nr it tm»- plus a 3.1-tuan honorali'e mi".- ;7-*0 the first period win ■ %N s\\ | |p injured Ra'.i-game wi't wsv -ka- n- two M;ejj s)i-.r? m 01 »lilf collar can make a ! .on squad tUmois. ,»r»d wiU r-at to- ready m. r run Kellcv knotted -. n- < ontarl IpOsps an- at.iilahl STOP IN. KKKVH'K Both Heron and Streder vve-c '.be o-foivl nert's.i M;chi'#» . man "M\ll!" Thai's *vh> to p';*\ lis Tus'sday*. o.n!y !•>•> previous to lh; oie; «'»urd after taking a bean* to patirnts lit rlrar plastic and I».'»}» All-Midwest rho;. . . on ♦ne -fi .an wingman Dale Ma our sjiecialt> is tlointr-nh IS Ol It PI.EASI KI: At pre*-the Old Timer'- hjt-.i been to Cr»jor-a • also in hlup. sri-ru. rose and firs' team. Ok me and Spartan* DonaUi who had centered ?.i j»jv wd iout a coach, a* Be;i Rtate'p lie*'. ho»ne game snmkp. I»itfprpni-rs in thp in - while dress shirU nerfetl (ierhardt firentr, a fu'ltwck, \ au A. -vnc. former Spado Fr.d.n night. Fob >. agmn-' puck from tn'hiiui Uic State n<> tensity of thp rolors site tin- Is- TIM It SEItVU i: and George Seyetys, a haH'bai k. Impression of a rainbow ol - IH Schedule . thr darker thr shade. SlIIIKI* New \ork M t«'« WfMIHV DIVISION IMiked it paid ('oyle. S» I.BNIO I 1* IB - *,ony went*on to beat the Cm- The second pcriovi was m-o •luab Rivals J13-1 JO in a N> iH I *TII>\ DETROIT 1* t« J* I * %ltnNr*|H>IU II 38 II'> RDM1BUI 7 una Basketball As>n. ganm H<»w important i Hii ... . I inrlnnali II 1* '!•* It'• S..t» |» m Gim tt Van Spvbi-.tok played his out sIMI tt s t.Dlts here Sunday I.«**«**? stand big game of the year an-'? DRY CLEANING g Huston I!*. PhtLirtrh.lo. I.M II t U sha* 1 I! «».• Detrod's third straight HETNOIT 113. I iminnatl llrt 31 shots. Sevi . wsun: i:\ma ii m.v s«-rara«e It*. New Tork II? • % and 'he Piston* eemeir. • kicked out 'tmes Michigan wlngmen b-• si I.oiiU Ilk Minneapolis II* , i the.'. on sec-tid pla.- Cilassrs uill unit hiln a 0 <»:! htm all alone but failed *■ mm it in the Wester'1 DiviRu n patient if worn arcorditi* to t»»- • se I50-!>otind senu-t r» 1 » Sham t-« thr doctor'* instructions lh.- The team* battled on a see¬ IT 1 W *liam I I Bob Normal 1. Ed Orybko. ,v \ast ranse of s|t|p, siiapc WASN-NWEAR 111 saw basis durinc most of tin Jnek Foo'c provided Van Spy rolor and frames has rnrouraci-d mant oi nami-ntation in APPEARANCE COUNTS # 1 \ Halhrr 1-1 ft. s tmmonv l-« (iim 8 48 II game. Detroit held a at the end of the first quarter and a 53-53 advantage at half- lead brook w .th a fine display o? ite fensive screens and hard b " ppoplr to wear classes thrt ct t 1 Shaw «-r 1 • locking to cut down on !h* would othrrwtsp rrlert w 111 a !>n-8d lead College Cleaners VARSITY SUA ttt ABDOTT RD E. UNA CV l n*th»r 1-# t«. a » mm«n« J-l I t) J W * t ROt Sit — Ralb-r RUto Early in the Cincinnati upped the margin to eight points, but in short order fourth quarter ly wanted to srla teuifht (Sat¬ urday Foumel got State's lone go*' 18 IV Vt«U* — tGH in the Friday night encounter, Detroit hit for 10 straight points l.amulrv Srrricr to rega*n the load at 97*95. with Turcotte and Morov- lo l>r. J. It. ttllUli'iil After the lca.t had change I picking up assists. This happen¬ ed in the first period. i FREE! Vi GALLON COKE f(Hir more time*, the teams found OPTtlMl THIST themselves deadlocked 10fl-atl MSU is now 2-9-1 for the *18 Print rtrit lllit; • a«li ami I Jirr. season. The Wolverine* arc 4-7 tot w. sin lot an tw (M'foie Bat ley* Howell sank a free rmw to put Detroit ahead -for in conference play and 9*3 ovc. - |j«nsll>(. S| nil 1 pI Itinlinr I-I'tl Idll 8 . tlii-lii|:aii Ea»l l-aii«iii» EP2*ITI.'t ROOT REEK OR OK INGE keop' all WITH 2 REGULAR I ITEM ITZ7.AS £tiiRttifmitDHtHiiiiiiimiitiirnfRiiuii.titttfiiiiiriiiiiuiiiitiiiuiititiNiiidi.. iriuY ( Hii>r. iuu mui H Million* of Ainerirau* now wear con tart lenses for uenuat £ natural geudiook*. ~ vkwn with | varsity drive-in = The ennlart len* wearer ran mm enjey keener rtaton wider field . - . ef I' all day wearing COEDS!! eye pratrrtlan ATTENTION * ; L. DELIVERY SERVICE ED 2-63IT ! .J 1 natural Would rontart lenses yen he toj tRH -d In diifUMlng the paaalhiNtles ef t eyes attention orTORimi*T , IVanhae Mfiii VARSITY BARBER SHOP Announces Their New Coed MEN IN £ Malltourt ohuoiulom. up> : I randnr t enter »unnttnuimitnit4iimDmiHHwiTmimmfim*""mnr Lansing. Mlehiga* r IIIE.MI.STKV I'll KM. KMiR. MB;?. KM.K. llaircuttins; Service Under The Professional Direction Of hioun; sciences l-RK MED I'RK l»K\T ROBERT CASTRO. pre \>rr VET MKI» alpha chi sigma -TORIIIALLV INVITE YOC Tl» A VARSITY BARBER SHOP rush SMOKER $1.75 2015 (UNDER THE MA I E SHOP) M.A.C. $1.75 MONDAY. JAN. 1* 341 EVERGREEN ,*-N- « CALL Kit 2-JtWS FOR RII1K* c; Mai men Pin lllini. 22-5 Homen Tankers If in Meet 4F - State News ff a ie...11 i.* ai>!r' ui <• n>i- e'.e br'-ig a 'se \.>- V-iu-u. MSt fV. tfte Ro-iinf firecn soukd -'f On h-i-Mk,: during a g-m-c ■4-x*« tpw i f. h * Donne U • ■' >>:er «e* a new ' " aVh ♦>* *••.* • the AO «. nrd free- ■ io ^rut-rally •*> ,» a » ' •>■-•. h- »• • • • " "> ' e, .-i.t r, I . ;t. Th'» >" ow-ddfi • . • . ;g» 4 . II' - * 1 . -n y a the M , . hi-. S- tstt W ;»•. . NiKkl SJMHI* hMManl — l«ha «iliHoilrr (i •'! • h.«\ i heeli ^ . -i i"'i- ir»hf *>■«'« 'A'i- «••(• • j, •»•!-•>» -.if MSt* iannary Ik. ItHia Page lire '.to it. • «V % 5« . .*>■••■ .• 1. • ». r lioj c. H-- u-. ■ ' .*.< ..v , .1 ... ..a. k-' ..*•■ \ M.c * M.,i c . w- F'... • ' I 11 in*). h.hi.lie.1.. ej»> a-.i • mo-is. i ft R ...... • 1; • - "I • -ei (.!• * fiu-ie wives t:n>. At" "ft Be, B >0 . >Ke> Over (1*1. 8.V27 " . ..» • • •• S> \| -. V • M k I h- • W 1 *1 »on c,} - l-!r« r •>. '' ■n» ;..h: * -1 IV.t s*' <• > . a -n ■ nf 'hei. • -lie. R. t«' •***-■• Je-u M-.nki • on . W , . I r . • D • . MSI ... ■ • -. .. . Gymnasts Romp . - . "... • p . K'-'tv . ' ho !' to, • • > T 1 -« «fiR k>'« K" r-s. . h* urv I 2 - • . •«»t»* - re The la Alltler * A|s.r consisting I oca* MMI and vard of *ne freest vie Klirkport. Aodrt :» -er .Miiltik'itu Sliite'i* jbt> mniiMtiiM team ilowncil Ohio State • •• • - . : IU Id; u an- sou look first in even S.V27, iu its first Miv I" ttuud this siutson. Tavenor I-' HitfU Ki o.-hip The Spartan.* i.tptuicd I! -g.M iiiM pla piaie.J third, exceipiin, 'he most AVe've fn-en rather fortunate HOK.U'ti VVAI.hhTt I \\< K OLSON •ill* tivii ->«*•■«Hid tiftieitlt disinoiints from tlie Imi to he able to take otv totage »»f plat * .* osr ,,. 4mI j»n»re »f ."»S pninK for c(Kaptain>> . . . .tiilin Mulligan state \ia !.*i by with The pcrlcet -kill parallel bars eon petition the other team's mistakes " said head coach I enlev ( oltins. 'hot SPORT SHIRTS ,(h»/ico/ Daniel-, a n-tuminu U'- close with Hal Shori tiiinan, who was on top in 'he u a* ' e| * winning over* Bassctt by We own most of our present Itlt. *;•»-. A M*!i Si'riiiv ficc eveieiso and in the tum- Micces*, to a strong desire to (lagers Slip, 96-88, 'olinu e\i both coiiipet it.ii hi client display iwents ot He Strvc .fnhnson 11 a« first place gave talent an tn only >„ pjoint Ba*-ic»1 chippeii .1 troiu* fornuiMj on out in >f action fo| hi* hand w lute net - the iiais and will be three weeks wrestle and aggressiveness." Tt.. S;m' :'C. • .ru 1 '» .• ONLY S2.99 ^i/»^ l« t« Ik 2nd Half Rally Fails » in the rebound tumhliiig heating l'«m (Himpf of (thin Stale h« I eslia pl.ieed ting*, which first op the still is said to he the all event* to nt % Mm %\i» *%%» \e pointment kp 11 point. H«h Dendi and fiani Broivsh tied for first in the si«|e most master, diffirnlt while of M*l"* Dnrkee VARSITY SHOP \eee*«Bry Walker. Olson Score .">11; horse displi* with M poaats tied for «eeond with tthin State'* SOW . . . :tril V1KKK' ?•* Ulltiu I kit I I 4\* HIurs «>f: llro. J. Chrislif *tul II. llriiuilh.OplnmrtrisU each. Heh Hoataldson. I'll.... ,h..un ,1 I !.V Illinois Defense Outstanding The horizontal bar toinpe'i* In tnini'lii'K. -cv"d pi.u« «a-c (:•> h IS , TO r M tio.u was won by Stan Tatshiy Torn liomul of OST tied with Mnr« I sr'tini Mum " to - ho tu r a ?i« Micndoiis evhiht- Clun k Thompson of MSC. who l.,a|.IM'" Slnlr Sm,..n, Michigan Slate's initiyet caper* just couldn't «?np a well tion of talent, t'npt Angie Kesta siiffeird an injured wrist -.hen Thin "(rnimrf th, ISm-ld ., balanced Illinois at'orins alt nek Sat unlay afternoon at un* second and ,lim llinkce he fell tluoiigh the trampoline. M 11.1,-t f'hatnpftifn. with all their hustling, as thrv lost. Jffr-88. jrt The . •> v.i' Spartan quintet trailed rt's »t the fought hack halfway ,n,v <- in the f in! note lie ended houevrr *»n to an sating upttmistir that • FABULOUS WORLC JULES VERNE Tikis I'll III Tog Shop he thought tint the state racer* V >d to t.,ke 'he leap f-n a BELOW THE WORLD (">-4cn period. #2-"h Forddv Anderson «r'. » - • ••Hid heat theni in last lansiug He also felt h itli strong student SKMI ANM \L SALK support in next Saturday** game HACV VEIINC s < I 1 »»ppoin'ei in*, afternoon. yet op".mi»* • We » r n.'- that his team enuld take the ■% verv diMprwiintro *r»" r low a si ••> i'v «l AM made that great rally in the •eennrf half- We went ahead bv «j *!'.( b»< KMC. f hVIHAHIM IIIPHIRN T linvi M i ks Off 3 h.e point*. tt.W. I felt that if «e rnuM hive autteu the lull, •• e r-, » ■ - o . i:ilSS\WIBHV/l i • » nnM hate gone into * . ,•> M -to. .!' '■ •penal lime." t*a r n Ansersnn *,tc»erh nffen«e. and alee commenced . .ion of iefetoe aqutd rtul The lef.>n* \ • won the hi \ Ml -co John >U„",)l IHmf* W f »: V *. i- * •- tiyr • i squad -1; ' u .1 alunui: and c.-h iU Wc**» |« nwi con (».»' 0SiesBf* V '•r J crs to TICimiCflM sit yy 1.1 ni.t.yits y.NHk-cKIW M-a.kS grtion •»•»« good htr' ,\ndc. J > »• .?« • - •' \ ' k «.nered thctr snooting o:v f > -d -tt mi mv'£ . rav ' •iT.-e* had a rov-ng average a* ro-r;.,o •• 1'n. n< AMI' I ou Shop I « -i S'ate a It ron«tdertng *he 'nmiieo .> •. aim: m inm ss in r* * ,v vf. grt -e« of oil! squad. I 'h w I I CON IIIK II Kll III III.. J.1SI t.VNSINII **4^,'. »-#. t>t\$ Aid the be«? done,' said sop tbey A:i»tei-*.-cj . •>. v CAPTAIRI MMMSE IVONNi; w mi CKI.I.V ItoC VIII.(1 JOHNSON College Unbeaten* Fall; I IL11S ST.IIUTNIi VI Kll. JIN, 2itth Marline mill 11! r.rrtarr A Campus-lo-Career Case h+istory Bradley Top* Uineiniiali Airn ent .11, JOI.SON IN -TMK JAZZ. MIN'.KR" anii -un: ooi.iiKN 11.j: 01 ioiikov PIIK I'll • ITU IM IM I.- ""Til lit tltr %ss«»i If vnu'rt keeping tal >n major (o'lejife i».nk«tii;iir- unbeaten tennis you'll hn\e to f«ki» it or fiu.'t ? i' Not t»ne i« left now that Ilrmllt v mill Wot Virginia h;i\r put I rra.«hinjf climax to a k of utfrak uuippiii v. s«t M.-vne :>v>k »no court some ear# jinxet. Cincinnati. a sharp ba*kc'h,.'~ de bu.-k -p ie . et .onat * U - >• •7! f,.nt»ui. with i1ct' 3-> i»I - < •i i" hct " >■ W, « n- left A BOOK tt uoints by Al'-Amrrica <>-, at ahe mm mm. and put 'h« ' Hqpe.-ttftn. • and A'jlMtnmn *■>•- n-)7.i;itM>n, WHERE THE BOYS ARE" •»rCa night. Rrjidle*> Ri «v. A Ctl* un*M *he nation* '.nn&e*! »!'*•. rtreak at 14 with a IU •?»<» drr« >n over Cincinnati * Rc« - it >p ranked in the - - IU A. Wg VMWNu volnW . 'er P es* Poll, and West Vir¬ *■ lil ginia i-noled ninth-ranKeo \'» - iin.iv t 39-»l •|»r* m-urWii Boh Wiesen- Twe Saturday aplutge '->* f»u in-ranked Bradley <12-1- l«. Ho ■i ?>un . IS HERE •n." • .rd-ranked WW Virginia s- pf»ed pivi 1 era.«ed the last «: *t»e fo ,4 shot \|.H1M«H1' fu'ei l.bflB x* -ibea'en? alter South¬ ern Metnodwt had uispoxvi of c nncheii ■ : ltd LHtratart Tex*' A A M. ranked eighth. Bradley overrame K«»t»ert*on'* scoring with the three-man >viacu*a had knockts* >>ff kaS« ^ earlier in the week *otp«og of Halker. w»n» s.o«ed : A Brad Naval riaetanaU. m« IM. and Vil- iU Alpha Munder* »?!» and ba«ta Hiltv loc Mason ift> The Hit <|«.|» m ere Uae not. one wit ai sala at S3.S0 Ma* F IVete speol !(*•> ie,rt» j| ihe I i»i« |>auv liaison with the TV nelwoiLB. ho yc«»rti u| Hawaii while with ll»e I *. wa« soon *nneving inii rowate relgy an its home court atru.j bauMi .n the Uncuiuat. drrttiR| . '• ' \»v * ll»n» eaiitrsl hi* H * >l» .'»ee in luules lor the ifle. VI life World" •how, *nile it* lone avenging at Nm taigmeri »og at I lie I iinciulv I tali, and woikuig on "reiiiotp'* and mohilo f ubete l»e *•-• ie«l a* trt lum al lighting •!'»• lelet a*t« liotii on* h lideir-ting lorationB UMVEIS1TY STOUTS' SPECIAL joii. a* #de* Heath \ allei and km kel-Uum hing deep in the desert. wri cwm or. I! rnw >Nf h» us*. *>.> Un. »u»_ US-Ik * h- jiailiuiititf 111 l*»ii l»r fam ic»l a In Viiyii*l. I'»"h». he wa« tran*feried to ; * hipped pntaln—rnlfee nr milk Iclrv t»#.dt raifci l»i huii-» it hot Ir ll thai, San Hie»o. v, heir he took on full re.siHin* w >MKT(OS. uxru LMIliai »■<>.* *>• l>« ML mairiol l«e conhin I allmd to serve ailulit* for I V -aud-radin *pe, ial *erv« ! or • M>t( LM. Arrtnici*. I l\ ajpiorolee*li»,». h r->, I hi* led to a par In ulailv »ati«f* ing I Ma* had an mleiiiew with the Pacific assigiuneiit in early l*'V)- ll»e deieh.p. 98c MM-til of a new and *i«ie*»|ul clo-ed-cir- Trkjjiuoc and |i ic^iaph I •>«li|Mill in i ml educational TV »vsiem for IR.. LeAitjrlr*. "I was ••Hrird a |«»iliin in elementary •* liool* iu Vnafieim. Iritoauoiaa etiginertitt^. he »ai«. It tN>«« •Tl'H.ST* LmUh 1st t mil' ■«« a>4tf|.in| ^real—toil I iralll llniiiuht of it 1 *'Tl»e telephone company reall* "Mdl nttm' t*r O* KM rmnlmt k>'< >" *»•' B« a tcHjjaaary thiu^i until I rinilit get op.-lied mi eye*.'' sai* Ma*. "It's a hue mto hkii-imi.*' Mnmagg ac KEF' pl.or to work, where new idea* are wel. Ma* * T\ rairet vaute *.->ner than he i onird ami rri ogin/ed and* hance* for ad- i "OTICE: AH auk vrrtH k> Or -Hn< W Brrl" trr I M'V krl h -je*!. Wignrd a* Irlrjiliouf rum* yaiM ement ate eMrllent. I'm *oM on iL," rrnar. VMMat kM Or Itmnl f«r in tnm . . ■ HUAufp at ikrrrrr HOUSE Of BEEF lit H. MM HMIAN ML SPARTAN BOOK STORE |".**4> ak* ► ft* oaae are pkonr < iimpinir*. learn aftnoal oppwrtnnibe* for ynu. uf many »oung oten h*«im| stamnlalioa wilk *arn-d rollege lurk- career* in I be Rett lele- Talk l*r\l to MMrl flM.l A kl PKM MAHKKT M»K KIM CATION L »ak ik* M aaatersarwer wben ke *ft*it* *onr rampn* -and rend Nwt Xto.w 1 mm. • » a.m. — »•» " 22'.i-22H Ann Slrrri Ka»t laii»ing, llirkigaii ifc* B*ll lelrplaoiie ho**kl* I on tile iu your I'hoemenl ItHiee. COM P AMU # ■torfelMat to; rml krrl r,ul hrrf. rkirkrii. due k. .Ink., Mr. • focjo vol- always mm.u! mkimmn statu mtwx Winterlafid Whirl ii. ims Lai tor Priesl Fifth Hospital Fowl Count* Friday; AF Caduls FJucoivr Slated for To Lecture (f/H'iis at Kellogg Center Tickets t; 011 Sale ■Society Alc'iiilporsliip At Kellogg The fifth annual training course for hospital food gervice supervisors conducted by the tervlce. thus freeing the dieti¬ tian for more Important tasks; and 3) to assist In training dietary personnel who show po¬ Tickets for Whirl went on sale The Veteran's the WlnterUiid today. Association's pt. '.CM A I . ! ' annual dance Is being held Frl- College of Home Economics be¬ tential for supervisory work. ca t'U 'c cn'A to- < i •- i An out standing scholar and gins today at Kellogg Center. A carefully .planned course of ilay at the Lansing Civic Center blur and - ■ '•! » < • ' critic "n the 'conduct of labor rh-'ingur li !b»*m a- mi It is sponsored by the sta'e study has been worked out by and will feature tin? music of and nianagmnenb Tlie Very Rev. representatives of the various Ai > I A S • *> hospital and dietetic associations the Morlcm-Airs dance hand 1 v > « . ■ \ M ri Go rge tliggins, will de¬ of the people participating, and sponsoring agencies to assure and a program of entertainment that the training is geared to the 1« r C S.C- i • " • '1 list » |Uiblir loot tit n at MSC's the Continuing Education Ser¬ by the MSU Interm tional Club. needs of the participants. tn-1 l.-.iodi.» :. • lb. and In In-trial Relation*-- vice.- « Highlighting the evening will Hie ten week course s'res-e; Food laboratories and dem¬ ft m i.i • r - s. be the presentation of the HMO C. 'It.a onstration rooms In the College i.. • «. ce KM '■ ' - i ll explanation and practical appli¬ Vet's Association Sweetheart and At ,n.s'gno£jflggins. director of cation of the latest skills and of Home Economics are made F.-vci v > ; nr '■ ' ' her court. social action depftrtnicnl of available for teaching food pre¬ 'i . I. Ma: , >' t !' tin- techniques. Nlost instruction is Tickets cost $2.50 per couple, •he N'a'iona! Catholic Welfare h\ specialists from the MSU paration. Demonstrations in the use and care of equipment and and can he purchased from 1 10 ,\| V; V •- • »'nnf• retire, will discuss labor- faculty. members of the Vet's club at the The course has the following facilities will be given In the lilt 1;IV MM.' II tltliGINH oiana;;,"inent ethics at 8 p.m. college residence halls.. The club'* offices in the Student specific objectives: 1» to tra'o Services Building, in the Union, !',»• -dai in KeHngg Center AiuC the food service supervisor—;f laboratory in the School of or through Tom Johnson at the Officer St'lrrlion (fid Treasure itoriitm Tie li.o-in- on a presentn- the tian hospital Is without a dieti¬ in the latest methods for lintel. Restaurant tional Management and Institu¬ and the meat Coral Gables restaurant. Tvttm I isils MSI efficient ami economical opera¬ lab. rotory will be used for test¬ n in the foortii annua! lecture CAMPUS CLASSIMEDS • and demonstrations . ing foods if. a ■' I onud iiif'fiiro a!-. ' M."isr.t.'d b\ Mi'-higr.n tion, 21 In train non-professional por-onnH hi supervision of food in the food purchasing classes. gyiCK RESULTS . , r i ... • . i v.ii • ', •'•*-. . • .. •\\nr-l Rli/zard" t;. tab "i. < 'en'. • and i« open ' io t'ii'-'., tudent. and the pub!, LOW COST f •* v.. ! without charre «-• Hit* Nriir .liipau • ... .1 . '.imc it ♦' ' "**- '•» K-" 'Ik- past two years. Mnn- YOLR • LET US KILL . • r Il g.jin ha- served on MSI •■•••:, - ,l W. "■ ■he a mibiie Review Board nr th. IELTLESS While at MM*. ».• r I'AW. wit ic|i i a established to now kiiowini; CONTINENTAL ;ii.od 'he inieinai rights < f NEXT PRESCRIPTION ■ rd -n cinMtib'ion. A •»« c obtain! , , a Abo m. > ' 1 , in ■ Hr .e. i nu d" .dsn a member of ?he WOW SLACKS 1 • \ . i ■ in M c«*n fabric that Is wrinklc- GMW-CVRnS - :«grio: (ipijfl am •nri: 1i tllte '..•n'n.iSi • ( ' : I at M il :.n in- emruption in oiiNiif.Ken writei and cum¬ nt ,i t. m' on such matter* hibor nrUons, man¬ as MAREK PRESCRIPTION [ENTER rcs'lstant. sjMit-rcsi t mi, wiit-cr-rcpclh nt N, smart stylo tlcU»i|s « • the Aviation Of?.■ > i t • ' agement attitudes Inward unions include 2 buttnn-d"" lit n routxr' and woikei and migratory hip peckots tapo? ■ 'I The training 1.x- art •• c -1 labor logs with ruff*— r-rd to interfere - • fldjustablo side strap* wotk. and alt «!»■".■ for snug waist iltitred to r.-erii »- in. lliolir-t I II IK I (ullirlril fit . ohuioo of before tie. ,-j ;»• ■ mlur*. NEW Vi IRK Th« Amer- xmnrt duti / it lift >»■>/#•* Heiiiii , .n lb-art Assn. received a Cant. Sau'v and Iiw tvroid s 'tnpt att.n In public enn- I iirsthi\ fttr I-t ..f fit* the Union « Ir'u i .. •!! b. nu r I • .' >f.u!- " i ditiiie last year, it was an- Spartan Lai. and <«uv« Krc our good < < ■ u en need Sunday. Charles Cox. \\ e're counting on yon National lloiinnir* t*MiO 1 Na'iotial Clialrman, naT.i Mill U. II.35D.I4I EDUCATION-WISH PETTKOAT xrlrrtion of «kiru. hlouxo*. Alack* for rirU newe 'twill :•) tW.'ifl CMimn COLOR — rpason.ihlv priced 'I'ii iItilfI Open r t mm' . , . share ihr nook Kappa A • ' M ' ' i And rrad ihr same Miirititrrl na open V. n; ..v. '*u*h yntoket ..■>;> Mim «' "3D ■•on .n BIG TOP SPECIAL PAPERBACK HI NIK •\ building k \M loam .. 301 .men S' Si"-.., *o W- • ( td. Hntisott tit tminl .m; hardtop. til.lis "m" («• Full power, art your nhown *t%mt at — I tt-7 =23-9:35 HURI)'! XviYtorH w!m h'i' ! tTwy t omul' nrfotions anil white. Itemilifiil eon- Su/irr Market For Munition rr ui rdt start at - :HMM» vine photograph i Mr- , 9 requ.rcmr!.! 'm i» » • ■ f illtian. ihr l:l*-3:l.t-A:t3-7:33-t:45 west or nrwooK according to T" • \ I'rlrril to Sell L\h nih's rvivfs" pirstgcn-.o-'i sfllrt rim. SPARTAN BOOK STORE : Nf*t In M.irrk Urn* tere^ted ;»erv • una'- ( ol.or (%rtih»n make ton s' ■ un-c MALCOLM MILKS IOMI liARLl! Open 3l«n« Thurs. I'rl. Til tact Norman II ne* • t ',j . ext 272R. or Arm-ui-:.g, a! It-.' 1 |U1 MICH. I.ANKINO Rather Ha" Danco — Party — Fun! There is one livint; front an accordion player to a 65-piece band for such notables as President Eisenhower, Cow. s.wuin.vm for all three of those words: Leste-- l.anin! Nelson Rockefeller, Vincent Astor, Walte- The 1!H50 J-Hop will headline I.ester Lanin Chrysler, John Hay Whitney, Henry Cabot who has syinl' the ultimate in dance or- Lodge, Mrs. Harvey Firestone, The Duke of eh extras for more than two decades. Almost Windsor, Perle Mpsta, Elsa Maxwell and just anyone who lias ever pone dancing with any , alsiut every foreign government with an em¬ regularity has danced to Lanin's music, beeau-e bassy in Washington. He has made a specialty he is a man who gets upnm.l. And to all tlo- of catering to the musical tastes of the gentry. is'st The musicians in Lanin's bands know at plaees. Debuts in New York, cotillions in Atlanta, least lisi songs by heart and are able to fake wedding receptions • in Pasadena, proms a! ■tin more. They never say "no" to a request, no I'rinevton — he is a pact of them all. North, matter how old or in what language. Fast. South, West, he is as one with the glitter¬ Lanin's adaptability is fart of his distinction. ing occasions, the fun parties, whether they Ik- He plays to the mood of the dancers, without white tie or sports jacket. breaks, changing tempo and pace as the eve- Over the years Lanin has provided anything nine's pleasure may require. 1960 FORMAL J-HOP FEB. 13 8-12 pm