Alum" vs. Varsity TIic Weather OM-Tinrr» Hum* Snow Flurries Slatfd Tonirht High Today .Id &M Put 5 Low Monday 11 Serving MSI) For SO Yrnrn VOL. 51. No. 12«» KAST LANSING, MICHIGAN—TUK80AY, JANUARY 19. tgmt rniCK r» CKNTS Russia Calls on U. S. To Follow Example Kishi, Ike to Sign Pact; Desire Size of I. S. \niu-il Forces Be (Ait by One Third Japan to Become Ally W ASHINGTON* (/Pi—eal!*>! on the United Staler \i \rsi; iiciii'ing Leaflet's Monday to follow the Soviet In ion's example ami cut the ♦o «f its armed forces by nne-thir*!. Soviet Ambassador Mikhad MSV Slatlra Is ( )lipase lVlake Filial Vnddkov, In deliveries a note state department. ; i I •i. action "will certainly rr«- llensoti's Ijkiii II illitlrtticiiig Decisions * a f ivnrable atmosphere" ' (.'West ' r mid-March. disarmament \,ministration lenders quick- talk- Program st11«it uf- attenduu" tin- tion fur MSI" to withdrau front the National Defense Kiln- Al'Sli open hearing on » resolu¬ Mct'l NX illi \il%iw«rn On be of Si«rniiij2 ide It clear they were ?v-« ration Art were unanimously npfmsnd to the resolution • npressed with Russia's sp- Sapiwrttul .Monday, WASHINGTON ' P> Ja¬ fbc soviet manpower rot. an- munced last Thartdar hv Pre Nixnti Sii|i|M»i' !»\ Al'SC ■' the rianr (nishi's pan's Prime Mini:pp«v«:itti»n fc snke Kishi made final prep¬ MkHi Kli ros hehe v. was Itarlx mirr mdnlv a atroomltotiic ef *w» l'ro|M»iil di.( burner ail vtvi.ii »•> alTnl.iv ' require applying foi Link Dor lor aration* Monday for today'* military power wade n**- loan sitrninp of «t new treaty with iblr h> Inereoacd reliance en U AsmVUTp^. T-i—\ M r e ,(T.davit rf ipi r. ;; ! \\ illi Linvvrr the I'nited Slates and di-- mi««ile* and other weopom. f.h !¥»»•*» supporting tho folminir t i" siiMir,« 1 »n| Jl-f \|l< fill o FlIll.Min.i .Pi't , .'♦,"1 .t of 1.700.18)0 men from Rm - The Thu* the »n«wer given bv views of approximately »'» Army, Navy and Air Fore w a- fortv students .(ttriidinq the - Mid this left MM1 whether '■*-* vt f pr«v-'i' bearing ilteludrd some who saw .,M lie A # * WASHINGTON p.-pi.-v ,i. mi -..trr arms. Herbert K'e:»> NixorV press nothing wrong with the allida- advl.M Ki>'*bh-- A er pittpirvrd V7?l The a piped Inxiy promptly moper- approval of Khrush- of ('.on^irssincii ffia.iHio.nnn tuuire' uv a M-mdav thi* - BiuLmlWciiili- vit. s»mc who felt it could be changed slichtlv and others who <•- hailed it as significant V : t »f* TV* farm ro¬ Sec Slim llo|H' • i\. v. whittle deferiM- but lit > '-.c urpliiv. and v(»end!itg while Four INhiiuIs. (>'u C'lerj, whq already h . V. «rv of ins to obtain nnntii- ■ rash. . ..II Nui I'h Milt .l.m • | IOI !i ■*\* «.f Russia's readime** •■. Ren«e * und ay he would the world stilt biters .»n t endorse his Of Surplus ( (ge i»| .tisaMi r " lias ().)2 Pages ■ A- ! ...ptiieie i u-ti'iit In I v.nd education '11* ediK-.- The The c,;e tt» m.'i'i. t... 1 >i 7II <• th'Ot i' v« sp» p Menshikov handed Heereiar* upj»or*. program The odds RPiN- . e I lie .!• • . tiu i no.for the "in ha- not bed .■I Dalta: I < \ . v\ .ii i ■ (..ii le.i nii'i'd against big getting W ASHINtiTON.lV- .lusit if Mate flirtation Nerter a rnpv WASHINGTON cIV-Drm hectic-I bv 'mo aflldavi! '.■.Mel •' tifi a V.i'i-.ii.iI ,\a doc ■ to carrs • \Ai' if f'c. ?«»d. W.iv ' •f this 1 .tM-word declaration in (OiiLTi'ss, ii ti (I Li luck .it I'rrsidtMit Kint'ii. iK'rnfs Sc\. lid' stpilcp- v" ed the Mi;iiie pluiu i''l into tfp l bid .» itarinf a rait nl the state He- Sjwn.iiilij i* ;■ f »» n,j".;!es Mi'Nh \lT- lav ' . I. idmlnblrilmn agriculture pf»- 4" abornd. S|h ,.| body v as not . Monday little chnnce of med m bit. ami the <»ne fur mili-. expenetli'i". -a- > n d lef. n.M- loan '•• Mtnaltiy's S'Srit s Lair newsmen a hoot Herter'« a.unit pMib have hern *|»elled mil tan 'air prevent tfio-c v b" are u<-' !■•-. it reply, saying "Yon'd heller *«k lVesident KisenlioUer pel. planes somewhat, nunc, I' •mcthinu Ihkt a nu'i • lull* %ti lie indirated M\nn I* Un at'",, i man, .Lilian Ft ink. Contrary to popular belief, the in this record peacetinio bud¬ poll tab ufioiie book, fllthougfi Mr. secretary abont It** tinjr all ha'aska in new .t'i, t N'c York. ported aw ailing specific rerummendj • ge! It covers the ltiiit fiscal not •> i xhllaratmg. It weigh to provide security. i a vii. ri Slate News was published Mon¬ Menshikov's call appeared de- ilfdhct Natloiial Air¬ IMsh before making ini public litnltrrt. They prpttirted too year starting July I. liifih four ?v»uud his tial! pages (plus Some Modrnts felt MS| bv .0 •• in i il day. However, due to » printing ivrately timed to exert pre«- alalemenU en Use mailer. . . lines plane which crashed nca breakdown lhat prevent¬ loucrh point? ff,T* his hdpw «>f n Tfl-page inlroduetiunL costs sponsoring the resolution, would press v on western nation* as the r.lsrtihmxrr told the Irgixlalurx Hoiivia. N.l". 12 days ;ig<>, kill¬ a $4.I84,fK)0,OOO surplus. F'i .to fid presents bifista .< ed pipers from enming off press r* ' decide what their stand When these are made, prelum- his bmlKel U a a > merely be following lit the foot¬ < prudent one and ing 34 ficrsom until after 8 a.m. and subse¬ wuld he when they talk w.'h ab in a later presidential :nrs * T!ic reaction n» Eisenhowcf s se;impering everywhere, in fifty steps of the intellectual waves provides IniIIi foi "maintaining Loomis • told Hlmli.ett tiioS quent circulation confusion, Russians about disarmament KJciii said Nixon "wd! icquc ' f"t postal tile and «»-•>■• required print of Eastern schools who have • age. ar¬ military strength and Spears once mcutioncd an • ■ast¬ many subscribers did not get 'itie Eisenhower sen' this budget withdrawn from the program. larch IS in Geneva sis* the president in every w c !.»\ .lUMiMSc- wi. par'!- inhuming the national welfare." ern iit'orncv naMicd Julian Issues. rriticat, indicaiint; C»»t»- to t'ongrpMs Monday, and two Supporters of the resolution Only W) minute* before* Men- tic ran" to get their approval by enheh Frank The mctitiHii cinta- ill As Eisenhower laid it down, (»!• ervatlims can be made im¬ said it might hurt some people, d.kov called on llerter. amhas- C-.-gres* lire'* vi'im'i ii<< alenji i i r.ncctnui a itli an nboi'tion •d f ;»■ fo Kie.n made ' dear. however, Si Dcinorru'ir leader Lyn¬ th,. government will take in a mediately: but in the long tun it would ui»rt from Britain. France. i.i'i- ease in wfiuh Spcur- and tiii' i - that N.s n's ..upport ,»f Prrm- Johnson «•( Texa* said he record H4 billion dollars in rev¬ (A» well, almost anv benefit America 'Phey felt we < and Canada talked with don any — i. were co-ilcfcu'hui!.-.. enue ri {he next fiscal year, on col leg r trained economist should not. Im- blinded by -clf- Hoiter was accompanied t • Secretary of State about ar- den* F.^enftwcA program will wa-'- kind K.i nliouer hid 'de- — nngements for arriving a" a no* wee:udo him from 'ating ( . . d to join", the Doniocrjitn*- the expectation <•' a prospering roiild understand it, and (ID mterest. They also ex press "d Men's Glee (ilnli the Whit" House Mondav h\ eeonoirv wni'*!. will pass Pic probably formidable the bar that if such alTidivitr- l)ougla« MaeArthur HI. UN cabined western approach of of hi> own from time to : uri I".ingres.- m trying !■ bil- no more half trillion dollar mark It will To Ambassador to Japan, and f. «t Mere such western meetings will be held be¬ disarms- time A'th -ugh the campaign progresse- K'.em would not anee the budget. S p e n tt S7fl.HltJ.000.IHM) Thi book will lie published this year. President Eisenhower is M* reniained thev might be «,» other fields and hinder applied Troe- Sing Saliirilav Graham Par.-in-. Assistant Si - Ilnuse Rrpubllmn leader would leave <, retary of State for far Pns'oin aming next Monday to con¬ evr-jnent. it *cemed evident Charles llallerk of Indiana plus winch th« President sur¬ said ways talking about how t4ir>e d"iii uf The speech committee, h o w e v e r, Willi Toronto affairs. sider what concessions >h.»uld Nix«*i was entirely happy expenses mud be cut, cut, cut. obliquely advl«ed Congress it should be afqiiicd to .the vast pointed out thai even if the re>- Kishi has indicated he wi-l * offered and aought from the about Renin's eftort* to com¬ Vet here he is admitting that The Men's Glee C'ltib will sing will be bung with the "spender" national dct»t .olution i passed. MSU would talk about t'omniutust China, 5-viet Union to break the exist- mit the \Vv Pres.dent on hi- household expenses are going un in tag If It doesn't heed Msenhou - In companson, receipt* for pot necessarily withdraw from a Joint concert with the Hart disarmament and a review of ag deadlock on this issue. program ' r him. too Keeping up the er's bid for a balanced budget. ?fie curtetit fiscal vear ending tin- NDKA (Jlee Club of the Uriiversilv of Kurt-Wet relations lending fo White House and surrounding June 30 now ate figured a" S8I,- the Summit Conference at Pan ; Rep Noah Mi son of Illinois, i.iAtis will go from $449,(H)(1 to .Toronto Saturday evening at Consignor lliggins lo SjH'ok semor Republican on the tix- wriling House Ways and Means Ir.rt.OOO.OOO. kpending a" S7fl.3*»4.- noo.000, and l!n- surplus at "1J *505.(100 More pennies, a year. nickles, dimes, VoiiiiK COI'*S lo llrar H:15 in Kellogg Center's Rig Room. lb next Mav tfl. Eisenhower's State of the Un¬ l.,-«i-lali,r l'- Labor-management ethics will lie discussed at s tonight Roman Hruska (If-Nrb) siw the Conquest of spare, by lifting More mail—a staggering tiMOii.- faift- {■')•• V'lung Republicans to¬ arts song.-, to modern iaz/. Ruth to a greater degree in the l Words of David" by easts of ruts in foreign aid and 3'!5 to tiilii million dollars, an topic before the two leaders. Higgu»«. wT>fSar and critic on worth reading. of being Michigan legislator. Billy Graham ♦he conduct of labor and man- -zerr.c.'.t. 1 .IS deliver a public some the other item* •Others said projected <-| lending won't Increase of 715 million. Former presidents get office space allow¬ Waldron, a a lator. is chairman of the elee- third term legis¬ Skeiton, from Tannhatiaer, and "Hail Rright Abode" ia*| No¬ The new treaty will pledge Japan and the United State- free and Head* for Africa lecture at MSI' * l^iwr and In¬ meet the nation'* need* The president has alloted ances. mailing privileges So here, too, tii.n committee and a member of thing Ever Grieve Thee" by Increase their eronmnio colla¬ cents of. every dollar to be spc-i boration as "well as uulitarv dustrial. Relations Center. liie eo-ts go up, from J20U.OOO t-» thF^educatioii committee. Hrahm*. In latest OummIc Tnc discuisioa is presenta¬ Sen. Ilarry Hyrd (l>-Va». '.<> major national security. Ti • partnership. a rhairmau of the "senate finance is bv far the biggest item in the $250,000 T h i s provides for He ts the only Republican in The Glee Club xpeiit fall term Thi* treaty has aroused ron- tion in rtie fourth annual lecture President D. D Eisenhower '* the legislature elected from committee, said "if there is to on the Mad. siderablo opposition in Japan. MW YORK rev—Billy Or»- series sponsored by Michigan *ee BITH1ET. Page 3. retirement. Wavne county. Relations Center and is open to l»e a surplus. It will not rexnlt ta-n left by plane Monday to rcrrv hi< e\*angelist;c crusade to f»s u:*;.. without students and the pub- charge from expenditure reduelions." Sen, Leverett Saltonstnlt 1R* Grnlit llnittii McnilH'rs Asked A-' which he characterized Mass) said "in my judgement •Moasigfior Higg.ttf. director of • k »"• awakening giant entering *b.e < »t.a action department of •hen- \«. '! many debates, Tt» Approve By-law Gliun^es fear of deetiny. too National Catholic Welfa.o much tlwcuAyiun and, finally, Conference. ha> served on the Congress will enact a budget not Membei'H of MSlJ'ft credit union will ln» asked to approve tall, blond evangelist pob&e.. Review Board of the far different from ti^at the Pre¬ '•lan North Carolina will hold three amendments to the ot'jfHliization's bylaws WchIiiphLiv UAW. Which *•« established to. sident has submitted " MatiftO in nine countries, ail safeguard the internal rights *»f nitfht .at their L!Ith annual meeting. "WtrA-he.mingly populated by uruon .-'.esnberv. >r the last two The •ti «poAc.l amrndmcii!>. .f tf peoples. The countries Ghana, Nigeria. Southern years Hv ; ab • a mf.r.ucr of ' f T I.S.S Savs lliulfirt ■ approved, Unsecured would." I loan j limit" whkh remove'. ie .* Traill (nl. N-lioiil |l:w» Corp*-rat.-n lias \alliiiifi I.ihmI now 1400, 2) 'he untnedi- Ill Half: Tour Killnl ^ Northern Rhodesia. Tar.- clergy advisory panel, on tre «'<• f«irnilies of a. »w oic.seilt mcmM-rrt f'Tsi. Ruanda-Urur.di ar.d KA( KI.KII. Al., i4"' A fr. it: *2v»op.a. Bef.ire take-off, "Graham said of coilt- bargaining. Monstgnor Higgms ha* long far I la1 II arlicrs of the union to bee and 3) -increase the »me menibei s board of di¬ * rain era>flee into a .-.cho'd b : • 1 been an lut^pokcn writer and rector* from seven to nine mem- at dirt .-ioyaug M nui.iv, xlu-ed statement: MOSCOW /Ah—President Ei- a Many forcea battling for commentatiw on such matters a- Is i > are jv ihov. er'f new budget "holds :n haH. killed four child - i ■■* mind and aoul of Africa to- corruption in labor unions, man¬ T directors will he elected practically n<-thing good in store iree atid critically injured eight otli- It u my prayer that Africa agement attitudes toward unions f lo Ihe group after the liusliirw were among the dead. A nephew ing *.1 5 million dollars." and nice meeting. of the driver were ser¬ JB ' that be¬ On the oilier hand. TASS said Ulin Daacca to Teach Social. J^tnson ioid pohce fore he went to take a shower 57.1 percent of the total budget Tlie Mtcmbersbip of the credit iously hurt The bus Tonifthl he left his clothes in an unlock¬ was for military purpose*, and union, wriicn numtwrs 3.500, is normallly ©arret about 45 pupils. lb ace ed locker When he returned glided: eompoM'd of faculty nut s'uif. instruction sponsored nit-oibers and graduate student:;. l*n.-vn Board wiU be held to- five m.nutes later tS»e money ' In the new fiscal year, the . Thix year the union declared *'• " and I in the Union Jeft tn his wallet was gone. President stressed, the emphasis dividend* totaling $88,000 and Staff Chance* Made ^uroom. on the modernisation of. the interest rebates totaling $42,000, Paul VanKffciken, Holland sen¬ Beg.r.n;ng social dance classes Model* Tryoul Toniflit American armed forces would according to Leonard Luker, ior, and Bonnie Schuhardt, 68 be maintained ar.d the United 4' ?• Trjouu for models for the " Specialty chairman of the board of di¬ Grand Rapids senior, have been mMSTrhiuba cha. will be at I. and Uruoo Board Week Fashion States military aid to its allies would reflect the growing im-" SUMS LIKE BIKE OWMKS dUoword their hm> other porU of their anatomy to get around rector*. This amounted to an 18 appointed assistant night editor Students Show will be held in the Union valuable transportation vehicles yesterday when and down. percent interest rebate and a 2.4 and wire editor, respectively, of r*? i-p up at Mm Union Board Tower Rvksnt tonight at 7 porunce of new types of arma- Ike, .» kmr taw 11 »u fw IcUww •ta4c>b t» percent dividend. the State News. «*m. Liana am u Please bring petitions along. manu and missiles.** )• •Wr Feel Deeply Aljout Education—Here's A Book" INFORMAIION J f . Mioliijutii Stale'.News Read t> iiiv b» M"»l > I.Vnoo Minimis ami l arull.r l! / \J ' II . '/ r C ATHOLIC STtDKNT PROMENADERS association or fin. CAMPUS STUDENT* ] ■ ,... ,.rbii»i,« li t • ' ■- 01 Michigan State f»ff0AM/AT10\ Executive Board. 7 p.m. Dem¬ 7:30 p.m., Room 33. IVon Coffee hour. Tuesday throtiffh onstration team, fl Wo¬ pU men's 1M Building, VETERANS' ASSOCIATION th« »rrn the two Friday. 4-a pin. Catholic Stu* 7:30 p.m., Union, Room 3? wi ■ lent Outer. vol NO REPUBLICANS ORCHESIS ch 41 ril% Pill OMEOA 8:30 p.m., 34 Union. Discus¬ sion and Representative Wald- 7:30, Dance Studio. Women rr Fc •'rial initiation. t»*30 p hi Gym will speak \ «»!. M. N ! t-" , ... ,1... •' !!<.'l'.-ipp Tu<' •jT.-i annual dinner 7:3it p m t«»n W Oiarcoat House .. h» I IIRhthN s< II N4 I Today's Principle. CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS n (»RfiAM/.ATlON m *> , Peonies Church Chap i PKF-MriHI AI. SOCIETY "I. •) o: . t'nioii I^mnge DEADLINES: 1 p.m. Itoy Before Publication for Toe#.. Wed. Tliurv. and Err Edition*. Deadline Eor XIon. Edition: I pm. In Problem Tomorrow .uttiDtl* OX I I' MOXIIS ITNCIN'C. , :• i -i-'ed , • , Women''- (#ym ;iyr vvel.-oniP TI 4M t . ttill* Payable H-l! and 1-5 Monday through Eridav Kl) M)! I EXT. 2615 , I (ISTIt<»\ I K*\ I HOP Dl( OKA1 IONS 'IT toMxiirrii. pi. :ifi, nt; "I AUTOMOTIVE _HOUSING;im fivvM. .1 I-. 11" Nallonwl I1'' %l Pll % /.ET4 • •»;■; Anthony II . I IM YMOFTH rONVTRTIIH T FO* BENT f,"-}• .!tn\-i! i ni A' * , . :to t;\ l,>uoge ROOMS r,..,,!,,!,, r h.-.l I Kit MM '• iMb.» •'•••» I'l I" ' %| sfi . STI'DINT RIHIITS to*;* POVTIAi hr.itei STATION VVAUON rxtlo, pond n>i> TWO SINGLE AND «n- e -,v« "II..' I'llt.i-It'll! "I'll IBM ♦.Ircnuie rtioma tor mm Anr>• I.',Mil... the-' 'W.I .-.'".liti-.n- \\|l HT I.I AKI fOMMII- nqjon CWi FO 7-0MJ " elose to rampu* FD 2-RHtB rn- * r • - il'mii* ami polltiral fiwbm aml.tlorriminalf aiwIiM "" Tl.i: - I ONflRI SS n hi Congre--' M e e* ' _ in.*; VOt.VO and nut CTIFRttY RED Clean rail Ft> Jalte> inr* and after 7 on |im. .. Hfmlen? in Antenean %» r-1*!•• . „ MOTFI. I'MTS-APPIinvrn ft'.O o'.rle students. «ln«le or douh.r I'MMV M'.l n !. i Tin V "..n l « • r«. ■••'.•IH. H - KH 2-H4«7 evenlOR* or |\> •, I- ' ' I ''I" fief "'IS • •!*,. VOI.KSVV ACtF.N rr> Mill •iwkrtavn R (Hi to * «*) o ;• ]■) tetters !.»!> » • *. " u nt are n>>n ai-jlik' t Hetn m'» .* ■' n '5 «• i »,jitt■ 11f !....'. ,. i;'I are 1 i'ji l'l 'Ii Federal r»\N • One Is nomiVV VRD TWO-IIOOH •nude! nunrr * !<»**- mileage T'ri.'ni leather Intel SF- LOST and FOUND *>••• int.::' ..«,<.!»• ,i'e hv M A H A houk Ii#'1 LOST SHAFFFFR SNOI"<» U II \T l< INXOl \ 1 11 n' f„ur-duv Vers elean hi i-.'k ,1ovt hetwern Aur|h«.i Registrars v on. - n rtvuiv \l>' - t»" i of the res,»IntMP w;e ' ■' .iu unner While «all Hrev V-t and Administration Budding IV r'■ •' tliv.n 11 • . ... mini' S.ur pru r «»?«.V I'•#« v*ard Phone 2lfi Fast s«a« jo h.t\ii - i M • 'I- ;•••- n ! • ine nttt.len*s ,.f ..»• . y • • Ford !«o-d'ini • station «••»#- • p ;innpt"«'-«v' ir.m it adepts ami t i'en-ia. j. • , * •'»: it". *• CF1 VOPRSFI F A rood rlral PERSONAL strike ti n i. \ ' ve "lit" t T|V»r«l;*v ' , f i a. ' r, t'hamoton BmV' Rpttn ilf'Pt is e«»mpe '»■•! ' » w !'• f ■ ,i -iiaM id this tvp«\ liar* t" iJisiiri1 Nrtrm viitinR at* I'tU" F KaUmarno. IV 4-t«i4" t! The lovalty .-»aiH v. f. iihIH in the resolution to make rik'hts. but a North Carolina EMPLOYMENT :t tin• re l»r»>a«! and swfi'puiv? and l»e»aiJs«' the oath t senator disputed him all the to he ineffe» f i. V KV VnVFRTtAtNG RFPRFSFNTAT1W T*) reii'osent a division of F K" " The k« •' mm!' •» .' tri pee r»al the a«! nn ter trikin- tin* •4 4» ^ "p., r v • v . ' 'v;d«'d n eon ..f i. i- .1 .*«" reoessarv. eventn* «aAttS-ai heas i»|T - F - rsoeiient nav IV KdISS tt ' ' • i'f.t reeij ,. i" I .i.-es net helie\ e m " .' ' ■1 "i • **• <'*«.«* o«« •> »vcrs, ■ i(H Hijtvit an' * . •' S. n.ilc rules yon'te.."ee. c'l- PAHT-TIMF WORK Women • s\,.; . ■!,'a is hartnl." - it is oni\ - Till! M l lll\N II . tot Irtrnhoitr work to on« ■j d.nniv 'est !p create 'he lion iiti'.in Honrs availai'lo an tmiiv i(i!ia''s asviirat'if !.» h;- ernnien? th.d he is ' 1e:.. re»r;^-#:- -erom- • iwue oifi.. am "• nine 0V" • Editor m..o :>\al And »i«Hs n..t stjhxrrilii' ;»t- letter* to I lie •sf.di . ; \ •> .• rt:ght«- Commr- li.svp »oni,iit\ e,^Ml «)• voire and pleasant oe- I lot lister Houlevato ii-,p more I ansmt" sunnier TV t»-?24l Resolution i »io not fu-lievr Pi,- '"1 member w#--- Authors of Affidavit r what t' i pn>pnnen?> <•! ti e rejoin »• o-t • • •!. of vie r r- pa,. i- the ,1a\ tion fear of ra» ;at d Clarify Their Stand ■ • v •••• " i - • I'he sttnienfs who have wrdten us ' one-?1\ admit 'he loans are m.tkinp p. -»!•:« t'e.r»! n-i,... And 1 h: t th«w Seek to . ,... • ■ m'u'-' • ,-vri i are :i rw ny.'on" by an evil vvhi.-h hv for"). C«n- B: . FOR SALE E9EAXFA5T BONUS' WHO'S THE SWEFTHfa®' av e»w that the siptune >>\ the ..Mniavh ha.s nd taken aw a \ and IF THF MAN w h - • 1»» the I tlltot Ms!' A. i • Senate. » 1 "W at 11i|! Kn.iiU' - • "f their llh't it u> aid rid-, p jet u- GOOO aisv : i.'t i- . u uti.versiiies throng: j.niscd »i: o • oiyiopti!• •» ip .mm *e' •'!« •-•iat Iim, • i fertile r Sat »« FUfSH Maumnft t;j> ?-rtktii HI T Wil l IT IlK Till I to •! ,. country > i'.i>r #,«. • „ s , Frv T ,!i (1>-N. .lack I'.erritsen • part* of the M'd ves*. but • • s.,-1 pendma l>i«u to #ei t> QUlCk TMF VVFM CGAST If the need i* plant enouw h perh.«t»s e n a derail.- ■ t.jt iur tie* dam It.srrv Bonghlon • e have one r-op we arc proud ester,»! v-»:;:ig rem«frar.s won '. r Cail ED ?-«•.) • -»r two, will find hun-i d eonH»etl«d w» .,r that t «• d<>« -n't >M i «*ion» ( baric* Iterheil .I and that' our people. ' »*e r.g"♦ given to a'a'.es hv SRUDNUT'SHOf ItelieVP in something; that • ..i,h » *e.,r en! red. w hit* A ISC# Represenlaiivrs bntrgr Cade 1 r i .vn'iitulton and would deny 212 M*C Op#« 6 a.m. a p m. KWAST BAKF.RV pri and hltie .ilatement as not. n, hevmvr m the vioipiit over- Editor*# Note: xiurh ef thf# even "<"tI local of- divnotallv decora'e-t ♦ # ♦ ,)".»«•' •■'•'u'.ona! gu i. IMI'FRt M *'h1IS WITH ( •'»■ twelve lor |2 3»> »' ♦ , throw of the United .statw i^Ferninont. teller has been omilled as It w . >• - i'I'-Iiob- Fs.-rllenl inndilion l.^rrs ,• •,•••■< y ' inr pr.x-e-- .»f la" • l««>ds .W.M Vltir The issue as it is now i> an'. prineipte, l»ut it nta> he art-.davi*. AiPltmpfl we rather length* reterl t«» a Inter '.ion Si>"»i1jn, THE MK.RIVN HAT advisable to remember in determininp its uniMirlatue. that 1». I" \ • the town ' v )M*t) Uii SInil wis designed to #tir up widespread uuligatian and u* suspected» -o' F. V - " • ever he a'l-'\ved qUalitU'd c"- to vote ilrret un*-ha1f hloi-k «e*i o' s#,v« 7 HA- danpeah'v mu*" tiam) sound and lesdtng no one taken our freedom, v.e p;\.- >t awa\ hit h\ hit . 'Cr.ic-i, the PC? - MINOI T * • • i.rrtMtllt# taiv a I47t» affidavit X*- Saul Thanhs 1".1-. . •' «v puhlirit* r., nsd-tK.-t Three r>!.>r»!:is -nd through uncntteern ami .si-ortMphtedne-- . WOU'ld gO V» nitre , ondi Mnv s*i nu'-i!!*..»'. .1 s'lidenl "C ♦ * * r * h» Nc ri.s'M!" ve a On. ■ I.'m 102H 11' , • ,i Km:; ekivufe ar t a V :r.-v ■ he hadn" road a*n it he itiH's !i.-t I"' iTdilnr Xo'te: Tlif following NOHrm.AVD l \ M IV ATFI! SKIFm SUN TAN-GIRL.# *e- Snow ill Jills ? . • ,i't: * , j>u* du.iaved the «i|/r R t«n under the IlsT'S •' Michigan State News .••• '.-»• i.oir own,., i eii -•j <• ,n, .i?"i * no* a -nemoer **t lelter was received bv Piesideni nac heavv tk Hrautv Salon ID 2• 111'• Hannah, . is-. ,• .. . ,• d ■' of Congnv • a at < . n ' sapnort any ••rar.-- i ". tt to .eves :n or teaoti- Hear |>r. tlannah. To the |dii«»r • i . . • • »»'? un feiler .•: low cost) sure .• .»:• ;s vlear Pre# - fsro RFFRIGFH A TORS ••oho . over row of the I'a.oa Uu 'oeha'f "f S':f' •*"* H'W- - ranee-, and t , - an up (ohh! S' t': • ••• ' • .. viot.Mi.-e • : ,i crippled c i Kil« wc # * iUVf H • E >/-ahow(•• .laid l,a«i We-!- wi,' *t"vii'f 11 t(i' t Mte: i r ' ■* k '"i\\ who? . - IV Mt?D !*' t>v ,V1 or unoanstnutio •* i»ui sincere t'-.jiiks «.•- the .imti.'Ti ru.cie De#". vi .•: i - • . a \4\\ Wi ./.d ; Annua! \ W com: ••• r.e ;.#e!f FLYING CLUB A*-.-, ntni vit ate: It It vioRites Amerlean iih' e • " I it, Mllor r»ir»« i» MiUil' - W llf I (llli'f I IiaiIiiiip Halloo .Surme Hust-Wes! »iH»tbai! game Sv-iei.,c !> r. s*.»rey endorsed TU 2 »J0. I ill! t'see I4»t«t *.»n«lr« I *•« «.. 1r »- Ms* W ell lli l PI Holt prtliriples of freedom of thought ■ • general eov. of atiihoru. : V«'| |dli !•«■« Idltor l,*rt» llonnlr srlioiMfCli and belief 1) it discriminates Jan 2 •. appoh! ten- SI5VIC1 'HAT SAUSFltS Pi'. SERVICE ' sport, t d.lo. i.ait ■ -e • Miller Ni.hl liouhris I'll Hlr|ilir>it against students and faculty: These young men proved ex¬ tpnih Nitm Jim • federal res. IkihIii* spe.w I dn»r lint luttiltl. It'll tall ill m 'Ijiuih Norm Mint* tr.ui.t. i:is :« adherence '<> '"«• players As a result of the game bv our na';U-. v.-.en - {"•*•'»?*>- . II•*m 4til Hull*'r* H-H b>»ltw,»v we anticipate the hospital will itc • c " '^e'.hfvi '.*e (nitrite Kiiux. )»oe Wsrfcer- lielatl tUlUK'i link I'riin p; .su.p!«-s f trcodom of Vh<"nuC; v.'i* •.;* ' ' a" »o'i aMa>a*»e» way# yr toe h«nh l»l Mthl Mil"'. I.en:,nue Hernir iiitidi, I'aul tt ■ it sqoi•' w ork. to u«e her -Viethod we •-* fi.vd '-v, allege-ily are d(*0TfPcd WltitAM H THOMPSON % •r*K"ifc**» (l»,»ifieg \|,,riJi'f % irginta <>f ■ teir right to v •• Ca- Wtik ■ h;,*.u v.: '.StSiiKC. •. S. Wf v" 1 Our spevial Shanks *-»«*» '' 01 • :>•*'''* c* »*e'e!u alitig !.*:e Four" vou for the privilege w e e - of J.jN mvowA*.*. S'.Kfv #.*id l'ougr»**.s. ,id' 1 - Complete $«'»•<* 11 pi'onoM* 'p Of .l'l vv .• v . •'»- ng a :eg strar law \ an.s Tti * atT.dav "• k-vo.1 n having Coaih't P'.endiC i* ;»Jg, ° ■ e: v «i* a w .-h '•» i*xisi 4ei - federal govern-."-." ' Duff) ' DauBhertv h.-...i Iton lOrrmi . Crossword Puzzle ' «j*J* J. I ■ A & L. xjgt * t j .•■ at. .:.s V.e wit-hnd'd unds un.ess • e coach for :he East ea • steve llotTntan • «s,u:' OI ot-Hri wi*e. *. A.r 1 W XI. 4 oilman Hap Alhert*««rt a.».«ure »ha* ' e v *.«• mu> r>e DAVIS Tlx A . ; » '.he S'.IVO HOUSING • s-u.l<-' 's ( ' Managing Director .■a*' and c 'Untetl, tCROSft ,*• f.ivfn 1*1 •m-iri'k roslne'.a tror 130! tail G'4"4 B • t Fnr.i* n Com--. . Islam Temple lie did £•'- —'*o de!a:l but „jin of li;. .i.i '• at-.I itpeiu " K>* AINT * form <■' Life Can Be... 4 Bat tried i.*sa» ittun o( san Trancisco. C alif '-aw. v.-r .: are l!l!ts> loi money , ,v ■■ e'erven: -I - anthoruevl VTTF.NriDN' STVDFVTS Hot.vsr wt) fl TYPING ED I*445* » Ch et >■ I No other • ,.frl * ♦ d n- a means ,.' compF- for rer* iw hbwk* from fjmmn — 1* ' gr -U|W, I'nturius'ed -,iv room- three hed- 12 Unrefined K \ NS AS C!TY P—Jer ■* 4- FXPr.Rir.NrFn ta pa¬ >iiident5 and facu'dy. are rv- -•..v. « one-and-a-halt hath Wilt a»— mflil .fail Esot feMlanL Frv.- ;■! w»< aJraid fed- »Indent, Ft) 2-471# vement location a' * i Hackle-'. !7. ;."#«* Ilea nl Must "tnoda'e p.*: sa , si* 11 Urociy IflliM) .:,. e.J to sign a »r.scla.mer »fh.« arte- J f*> H> R-ver All t\pe* ol a- • Sa?,ur4iy '>■ 1-c y<»uner » V Hi.;- • • ■■•-1 reg.vtra; ■ : .g.'F eiectric machine at rear-': plant ♦t P:w»»bJ# n\ • order to fed i all Mi, Pjersma. FD Shelter wef.t *) » fruit rr.arkc- where ;»e •."arpef regift'rar*" - a- FAST 1*ANSt\G ST! Vtrgln 1t i••,*. »;d Why shouldnA farmer-, . f L» £» weight . 4! Me-hed f*bt K. tocurslr recipients, and (wis Rebuttal he b- y. «onu'..—,i*s -vers# and h.d twh -vi a counte.; a riwvk re:,- t-ner ers who can Northern adventur¬ e s-oath during the Two-l-etlroom bung a tow i age full t»a*eu,rr-t PHnre-IV J-tMITi aller S 3D Autuioa'i*- attw • and gar¬ I! SPARTAN TAPING service ML1.TU.P• f , ■ 41 Abhor «' other* receiving le^leral as! original Mrs. Goodwin, t »> • . )« M 1 itar f Satot-on el i Pur».» When Mrs. O.a: e V.rvr. she remwtruc* 1 era that followed H .V .,ir to Mgn an afr-davst" Stu- To the Editor. APPROVED V N * lT P F- H VI S f. D >Mi»tint v wperwtor of the market, s-aAe! Use Civ ? Wa: tiorsr Wanted one or two men to TYPING—TERM PAPER# r-- .*:•. * and faculty members have and accurate tT Organ pip# m T I Sr A thoiuch I fan". * myself ** But S'orey #at '.he regi#trat« •.•are Ten minute* feoo, rampu* misc lav jumped ou! as her .n . tl To-grate 4i Re! r-e - .^en s.rvgied out hv the federal by. he t: Adami ED 2-M41 being i reasonably talerunt #ht*vil.i i»e local pr#)p'e. a poir.* iv . . #4 r-e-. fv,n. brandiah-ng a BB gun *» Shaft lH a y -vernmen'.. apparently a« » bearuless peraon, uaually r»e- said e was glad to hea' six ROOM FVUMSHLD house to- HAY RIDT.s - AT ' ■ inal mwa M PlHlf f 't S*a-t'ei. Mr# Vavce grabbed t v — through winter ten., v th questional)'* student* over 21 Parking • gr-Hip cupted wdn more impor-.a.i* «i* i «et- 5? Gave *ttra.-i lit W a .32-cal.oer revolver arv.1 fired, I :>e senator commented tha? and taundr* factlitle# IV 5*$!IU t- groun* Heated far", r : * y a ' >-> V e aff.davit d.s*rrr'i- th.ngs Mvan writing letters to pjit.ue now -or .«•; *■« ' lamp. r»T»'f S8 TSe Pit... 11 y- -r officer* said. ivouruiiRg the ocv :v penci -g Jegtalgtion w *« Ridinr Ranch IV S-O- >4 Objrv t • nates >j>ec.ftcN4•• ag.isnsr. o the editor. I feel it necessary FIVE ROOMS UNFURNISHED pvr-aai; - need fmanc a! a d 1A in the right thigh. vague cnougn to permit CaU- availahle to «fiK)«nt* or profriaors i.-ni# wr.o tea: i make an exception in a:i- TYPING-OFTST" & . * SeMirt • 1^ Ri.t;*ri net fornian*. for :n»tance, to become I D i-tWUS or TV 2-XS«.3 it WONCH •erarem M Ft*fn*v»tjili 5 F»«ttm .oder to coinpltti them college vwe- to the letter * Boos Beard*" Young Hackter was Teased at LICATION Our IBM r * ' ' ■ tl (tu'.lf.^Mtf of a J> P f tbf •'I Account a hoapi'.al and released. eg rar$ in North Carolina. . ' I"' carriage ard tn»e*"= » e 1 c i,» education. in Hie Jan. 14 State News tvpe-har* o r o d u c e » r' M r ether I could have tolerated the nuality offset copv *Lenci.# t* -^k t Si The •riginal intention of THRFF-ROOM APARTMENT bona Catt F.D 7-»6Al A- -1 •2i Ol-Vtt A the affidavit mu to prevent peo^ lack of sfleeUvity displayed by ! a>T k-Ca A-0 I K. FURNISHED Private entrance cook¬ Merkev Hall r r- n;« 7" " ? LU .c .A. • T..VE EVEN "«.s,V3 vr rr" P r i ?li Not ?* y ^ p*!..«»(! j» * pie with nueationable loyalties front receiving federal aid. the staff in selecting this letter lo be used in a publication ing room, rURNlSHF.D privilege*, furnished tV-g-B117 parking APARTMENT FOR AN", one 10 low T V AND RADIO serene * rate# to student* *• which I thought was dedicated aeta and *RJfn?",cg • Evpertence Has shown that used T V & 7t 13 X23 E- Michigan. D * ^1 J i , LJ actual practice the affidavit pen¬ campus, it nless. ef course. Ihh TWO-ROOM FURNISHED APART* TY PIST ANN BROWN Pw by the Fereetry MFNT. ground Dorr, private en* tvrewrrtei £ ir H "1 J te alises people who do not accept was a plant |*2»j0 Electric v. I ■ _ LiL ~i1" the government's right to con* t tub to gain free publicity fer trance FD J-57S2 Suitable for two student* II naners and tha*i«. alao gene.*. | trol freedom of thought and He* the forthcoming Shindig i —11======================^ L_r _ juL :s S,*r : C 41 S'.anviard i»f lief and because «f this refuse I could have tolerated the dis¬ r-ent INDIAN HILLS STUDIO apart* Two rooms and beth Fur¬ TRANSPORTATlONl _L; 3 jMr l.t> t\.T ' r-t •• lo sign the affidavit. Because of credit brought to "Peanuts" by nished Suitable for one or two. College approved Rent adjusted ac- GOING TO Bovne t 43 t'i*to: IMiillips Ricly Sijjcii 'To Avenge '59's Overtime Loss " - Fl.AND • T' ' •"•'''•'a-1 I '• ' .•;•( • p I .M - •, »•»-. ikm•. h. \ B. K«»s.i* OKIihotw i *M»r M". tow* -Mir st iti- K' h .n»,«« M »'i ! » M ■ v.s m- • -. .-d j I .fm P. ! .• 111» *v Itdl-il.ilr a. n, joiin M iivrinm — u> h stronCn than la t year'*' who i« new in the tnsuranc# ... • •>, -.1 lil-ui. | . II, .-i«* I rtn of Michigan Stub*'* • mad that lost in overtime last business in Grand Rapids after " '• •" Ph' 1- ' ' .7.• -• r»«-*U heroes of the -19.W > year. . - Iv*. K oh. V1 1' ' playing pro hall with the Phila¬ .v- irned to {he campu- f. • Mans can remember the fab¬ v" »'••• '• • '- :"v » to-a! •• to K a.-t|»d ..-vera' i .-- . ,-nine'* Old Timer-' game ulous feat* *rrnm|ili*heil hv Mr- delphia Warriors and the hps* . n v.*n to. !'it'll Jt.K'.iO Rr0 *dition of the nv *"i •• ovon g , v. . '. ■ • 1'he In.I »;i NOW SHOW IN.. . . »r*itv. shooting ability which gave him Ricky Ayala, Who wa« the iw • pu • N--\on »•;■! < huilt ' to « • iim/i" smallest player in the Big III >• the *he second series. annual In the first a ho*t of MM"* *eorlng record*; sinlgle game. *eason and career 'during his playing days, played professionally with fho Harlem Vniil KcV to l»ut|i | \ J11 (lis W0 w year, the 1959 Big 19 high*. Camrni* t'las«ifjei|« . , , Low t'ost WM IT \ COMKII3 UPobetrnttrrs an.I Is presently ."s wee forced to go in- Tho-e who witnessed the Iv'iwfl MSI' and Ohio employed at Kirksvood General ■ ':">p to edge the 'old game . -..56. S'ate in 19">»! •■•••If not easilv for¬ Hospital in f>e!roit. k r • • time at s Jeni«on Ftr'f- yvrning wiM l*e ai 8 ge* the *ooring due! between MeCov and Robin Freeman of of .Tim Stouffer and Tom Rand .sound, last vear's are still here at MSI'. championship GARY TONY i >-udent av1 mission w !l be "d adults admission will the Buckeves what is h» "scved to he the hiph- fha' produced Rand is coaching the Freshman c.igcrs, *nd Stouffer 1« finishing GRANT CURTIS <• DO. e-' number <»f points ever re¬ Tw<* r-^ter of fhece f->r?ne- corded hv two opposing players Up hi* work on his degree. » . n greats includes one «»' •• tl,r *aine same MeCov wa* .lark Qttigrle. All American ^ - v.«f outstanding hjukidh.-iP. ou-'cved hv Freeman 4(1-40. a'- guard during hi* playing das* in Michigan S?a*e h: • thi-uKh MSI' gained the victory. at State. ju«t mi*«ed landing » -• Juliu? McCoy. His pre- 94-9! po*ition on the Detroit rt*ton* I the lineup of the alumni II I It It 3 ! •*- r :n Among the other players hick thl* fall. and. I* now w orking In | twn make* 'the current squad for the game i* Bob Armstrong. the troit. I.arfv in*uranre bn*ine*« In De¬ llediien. Huane Pete,- DDI.PII SC'IIAYF.S of the Syraruse Nat* became the first N'HI 1451 tatiVINC • fHONf IR^IAf east pa3 m «.>n Fergu-m Out. Devcnn\ ended and their George playing player to hit the I.VtM point mark a* Syracuse defeated th* M \IMS IflMOKKOW OPERATION t'eltir* IR-llt In rhiladelphta Jan. 12. Behave* scored .14 pwnh m d/.vs MSI* dh their Heriden i* employed for final game at hrlug hi* 12-year rareer total to 15.01.1. JnH Cirntifl Affraclion! pethcoat a "eel . ori-M aMon in l.anving Eatlmin COLOft Devennv ->• on the -ales staff of I'rr-rnl Lonrri'lr I'liin- a Philadelphia Phanna.-cutical firm Fergu-on i- «tu«t> mg in MSG'* Vet Me. I college IV'm-m is in t!ie banking and bu-'i- Dallas. Twin Cilirs on lasitlr iirv m F'ktiai t. Ind Round mg br HA I) ou* Fur eth the squad will hu disk Track for JSFL Fximnsion Slum4 START AT I OO 3 IO-5 I0-? 25-0:35 — ore radio station W1I.S in HATCRtS START AT MIAMI BRACK. F'a P' Rea. •> . n.-.»w .»ge i ho — ! ,iiis n. ho a' •» h.d.w lunHii- Representative* of lta"a'. Mm un.i M - ."•■ao" -s' p to! . ••• ; R1X KAY 1:10-3'15-5:25-7:35-0:15 ba.skeib.iil ca-i state • B 'h CiuTv. fonvf! g.t Mc MSG AH- neapo!is*St« Paul. Miami, and on the .*t an it-! in?**' liARKISON ■ KLNOALL I Ml \l\t> IVIMN" St l.oui* presented concrete \..t.» in I"'. • ,':i ' »-r <>- A, m is.'.h iMskethall franchise plans to National F"<»t • t»er 'avot in; ex.mi •..» A <- •. K/'luctiinf srOKT Rill. H*u.l foot ha: will not be ab'c t.« I IH.OR CARTOOV ball league owner* Monday • t the pi> ;■ «' 'c * i). . ^ iv-jht (eel ' gieafb- • ••*-;' ' • 141511 T.ARI.T! Both Minneapo'is-SV Paul a' o oanei i .ou n ■■ s JOHN SAXON SANDRA OH Dallas xiifually have l>een pro M.» • ,.i th« >• »>• - -a- *■ JI'MfS MrO>\ l, \|{|{V IIKDDKS .vouiucoim v I'.i Y KKLI. RBNT r-.-rd tranchi«er< by t»e«»rae »»!•• • .«••< ?•»*••* ••ipit* «»• M.» .» . . . . pa*! *lar* here tonight of the Chicago Some. ' ■•w«nrt, ar - '»• -4 "i < \ IPCS ClkASSlFIKDS Stat* Halas. owner ... ... HIGH SI IIP . Bear* and chairman of Pie lea- saying "n-v ..■ e for wa-.< I OW C r »s T ^ur'* expansion cohunittee. •' Ihi fhre. '< . . hirsute INiwdMr Halas. Vho ha- refused to *n.x . • r.r'« ",-.t.-- *-nr. • jl'ICK RKSCLTR - ouch more than "Hello, how a •• a:at p'a-.ct . .m >cn' *nt '•* "U since he arrived in Miami worked |l5iii 10 Merlin*; ( ailed TtiTnliMlMrTdHHi %««l*i«ni i.iu in.nhirk ( ar.ilMi Valone PNtNitlAM INlORMAriON ( AM. III ! i«R The whole is equal — To Review Bowl Topic .tamury 19. I9MI Pagrliye UK M;O (4*»—Thr I'.ip !»> in a sjHviat meeting Sunriuv p.iit- I ..f 3 to the sum of its parts review it* position |J«v «» How! football participation. on Pollom |k> Hired (A5T LANSING PHONE fO 2 2814 faculty tr/ual than others!) .-..-e rrp (But "/ it\ parti arc inure ■ a*h'e?;c riiree'o'« w 'I ern t'r"'iver>d;es (California, smuc . . ■ : -«nt *e*ston jr. v"..ra^'v S o for i. Wa-'ongton. I'CUA and As I SC Coach ADCLTS 71* « IIIMHtr.N 2nr to evaluate 'G > Mitherr. California! h..s Iwen lb e • gan formally since the IV.«• I .OS AVGKT.F-S "Pi V I I,AST TIMES TONK.MT — STARTS 7 I'.M. ' 'its v.ce on the flo p Bowl and Pollom. assistant football coach » . h , in v"• •uis s-Zne;i an agreement as ot - a the University of Washington, u.wt. The AAWC also ha* ha- been hired for a similar job KATHARINE IEPWIN . -.oated .f would like the B.a a; the University of Southern I mummui tSmiS" Mm a \> represented m 'he B" i alifofnia, a spokesman said Athletic A> termine if thi* I* auffirientlv a Sound. i.n. % I*, | mmoti* J. "1 A LKC GIINNKSSIXONK • • S. * new matter to jii«tifv changing Washington Head Coach Jim tl. ImMiini J. P OK IIIS (IRKAT C OMKDIKS > » 1 of positions and justify a new 'Owens said he is sorry to lose i r.miihn J. Iio* 14 W. t'mmona I. II yote." Pollom but added that he con¬ f M.vorr |3. K V«kNM » fUll sidered it fine opportunity for The ror.'; .«•*{ for B,g 10 re- a tamivs pahaimsir • Knh>r ?. It • t'i-.M in 'he Rose Howl hi* assistant. l^bruof |J. luns II.IIm * PoIUhu, married and the father • Wrf »n«n > • voired w ith the New Year'* I DAYS ONLY STAHTIM. WKII. " 1 1* gjtlirr ? ?S I)..v gicur which t>aw Washing- of four, is due to move shortly llomjiin *. sh»i(fu • to Los Angeles and join the u wa'lop Wisconsin. 44-8 l^sf • I «• II: fUth*r 6. I* III HI I"4 A R %Rt 14 N. (Ufk I*: May. 'he B.c 19 failed to ge' staff of newly appointed CSC mentor John McKay. OI.II IIMI MOID AND •:-e reu..oe ( *';aton1v to renew Jtm f.c con*t"i as llh.noi.. Minne- IIKVf TALRIMi M4 fI K» Ohi<- S'ate. Northsr*',ein i if. w *ha» I. I* illmer If. Dirk Jul-m l«- a:.,» Wi.-conssn voted against it 0|trning 'I'hiiixluv KrOnnald l lUmllion W: W Shaw 4. II »«. | long torn*" v.»u If faculty men believe a new r ay s>e )Us!if;ed. it would 8ILLERY I'hillie* tl March meetings. * 24: W Sk>« t. 21 f ESPRESSO 1 . i* »h,„ iik. t.n «m UiBnfr . •: I »Roi Stafford • ?§. n ahaw *. n 15. Wtirr* I'ar.i J. u A "■'<■' * H i ,.,,"ns v tie ■ reeSunday a bo rfMi.ics* a B.g 10 football o use the free Arrw«* from llrrki t t All Time Hit* ^jtzz&MGa i.tttt I* '**•' i :* »: *!»«• ?. II • ' jtioji - u e for ronferenve Walkor II. Doug lURtinirr M'k» Orxirr Id g.,--ifs next 't-as«»n ff these ;« ' « » I **««r J. 2* ' K'MUtl |«. J ..ho Sflua II si, affirmaf.ive \'C«. the ro.iiter i »n»r I! h ite put before faculty rcpte- • "It. *haw 5 3d . • >»•:■{a* f •; apftroval >r it.- - /'■* Tl.-mkon H. How If Man fc Shaw *. :i FREE! ViGALLON COKE Kinil IIKKIt OK OK VM.K WITH 2 REGLLAK I ITEM • ruus (HrrkC t*cxi n»:ui Even Euclid had to admit... VARSITY DRIVE-IN delivery servile Ell lmm 17 It's what's yp front Sjiaiiaii Gal- uiki gio- that counts We'rr rounliug <»" >'»" EDUCATION-WISE Kuclid proved that a straight the difference and that's where *harr the nu»k line is the shortest distance Winston packs its own exclusive Poiur . . And read ibr umc . Stays moist and finn-throughout your shave! between two points. And if Kiltcr-Blend-a special selection of light, mild tobacco, specially you'll walk a straight line to the PAPERBACK BOOK riiuiir or row mrUmMmI nearest pack of Winstons, you'll processed for filter smoking. at your Take your choice of oew, cool menthoialed or regular find it the shortest distance to You'll find Filter-Blend gives Mnooth Shave. Both hate rkh. thick Old Spice quality- Winston a flavor without paral¬ *uIter Market For Edtuution a really enjoyable smoke. It's lather that *oo t dry up before you've finished shaving the tobacco up front that makes lel. In fact, it's axiomatic that... the Both soften your btard m-iantlv—eod rarer drag com¬ SMOOTH INAVC pletely. For the rk)*e«t. rleaoe*!. quarke>t ihlvei...tjy By SHUITON winston tastes good, like a cigarette should! SPARTAN BOOK STORE Old Spice Smooth Shave! jOO Ill MICHIGAN STATE NEWS January If). lflfiO Placement Bureau Hydrofoil tr The following employers If you are will Interview on Ihe indieated dale*. Interested report lo the I'larement llureau at lea*t two Russians to Assist U.A.K school day* In advanre of Interview date. Woman al*o may in- ru thi ! Contract tcrvlew major* with a*teri*k (*). (II) Rarhelor'* degree. (Ml Master*, (0) Dorlors. Where no In Building Egyptian Dan degree Is indieated. at! degree level* are eligible to interview. vri CAIRO I.T)—'I'll.' Soviet Union will assist in huiMinirtli, eh pf Awarded JANUARY 21 Itiirrough* Corp.: F.Ioet. (IJ) (M) Knars. - Ai Math * (Ml (M) tcrested in students who are natives of. South America o»- who speak fincht Spanish or second staKe of Kcypt's billion dollar Aswan llii-h nra Tho I'nitcd Arab Republic announced Monday initio majors for Computer Pro¬ Portuguese S.V Million Tiie announcement moans the Spcnl . text President fcisenho-.ver gramming. Technical Person¬ Corning filax* Works: Chcnv-- Soviet Union will bear the ro- nel Training. Systems Analy¬ nouneed last Wednesday 4hatf try (No Organic), Physics suonsibility for building the en¬ For Winged Ship sis ,V Computer Operation. AH men (It) from the College of Math f its kind in 'the world. world bank. B & PS for Sales & Market¬ pr.Mluo'. --I Moch. Kng;- f ' WASHINGTON , 7*.—T',. S.-viet Russia already is sup- The first stage is r\p,X'M ing positions. De-ign, Production A It & D. ' government Mpml.v* .iw;iV-:- ply ing machinery, scores of take about four year Itiirrouchs: Corp.: All men from Accounting. Pei-s. -uiol Ma - technicians and engineers and Actual construction p»| a pioneering contract for the College of p. .C PS. e pe - agemeiit A- Marketing (!'. < financing fo the extent of about 0f iallv Accounting A F.ismomies. majors for related work granite dam «I.Y fret hich-n,, a five-millmn-dollar ! v«iro- inn million dollars to build the world'* highest—Is for Coiijorate Account uii!. expntrij i Toil .ship «lt signed to carry Eraser Public School*: AH Eton-.. firs' stage—coffer dams and di¬ take about *ix year*. Unaruial Planning iA Control, (B) major- (men A- women) i-anals. 100 passenger- at sjreed* up Distribution Cost Accounting. version ft will use 17 tinvs for teaching positions to 1><) milt s an hour. I'.A.R. I'rexldefit Ganial Ah* granite.than the groat Mf: Accounting. Genera! General Motors - Photographic pv-aT del Na**er pushed the button on of Cheops and when cornp> The mi:.' 'lie >i-::rV ' '• Auditing &• Methods A- Proce¬ t >. Jan. f). setting oil 10 ton* of dy¬ said the •r.ivrl bet•) ,N- *.«■ ! I • «'iV» •• '.■• Y rk v i flK5^'-; dures. Seniors seeking inter¬ views should be interested in Dept.: Mrch. Ar* (1!) Design majors wofk Must namite to start the lirxt Mate. will produre about lo Hit;., kilowatt hours of electricity—' bring .camples of work at time times more than Egypt now pro¬ Bermuda -a cigM b-nur*. M • - M \\ Bi:lTl9|| \\ Mt-sllir — The T!.ftni>-ton handed over to the British Royal Navy. The pow¬ ,i career in the financial tleld of interview Egvptian public works minis¬ cru. -e htiers now '-ike nbor,; Hiiiioughs Corp.: Fleet S. Mee'i. . Meii -.i Arafa said recently duces. aircraft carrier llrrmes turns Into the I nclisli erful *lilp later was commissioned at Portsmouth. II. J. Helm Co.: Fond Distribu¬ ter The power and Irrigation pr two day* f"" the *• Tngland. Engl4*., Physics A- Math ma¬ Hn'ain. Austria, West Germany. Channel during full power trials before being tion < ID majors f<»; Sales ject has been close to A 1 's-m l'i -?:-d' I t < ■ '• jors for It A D. Design A Italy and Japan had offered to f.-r construe son of y- o B"-4. Training Program heart Production of Eleetronie com¬ participate in the second stage. \.. : .■ -unk. t en ntbrr-- day a fierv hull nut «f Ihe water to reduce a (M) majors foi • ketlng (ID the drag of the wave*. Most pre¬ v i •,• r. -v. •,> Eugi . Sales positions. sent htdrofoil* are •mall, hut •unfM-i .gherwiM- damaged i Katmond International Inc.: volcano helrhcd molten fork KoreDry. Marketing (B) fM> maritime planner* «aid Ihrr ex- Police and Coast Guard said Parkaying (ID to: IMIRM SI I DENTS; Cooking for a rrally fine mr.ii this 1.70(1 feet into the *kv. A perl to deielop. within the next Ihes feared that at least IS of work in related fields. In- Training Program Sunday evening? For the fine*! cuisine at hard to heat price* if IP year*, larger vrwli whhh - the I in) were dead. be sure to visit . . . I I *! Z ill heeome fommon on manr 14-15 Yule Studeiits Involved w *ku liner route*. The Maritime Agrrtr - «.i,.lthe I i lea ■-! I h HOUSE OF BEET' III.11 NOTICE: All meats served bv the "House of Heef" are I'SDA mt-f'*-*! k*i p r. »v ianred and 'a '<•■ t hy-irof '■ n •• • • in Sex-in-Dorm Morals (,ase Prime. Nothing hilt the fine*! for you from . . , However. Ru«*..i h i* nnru'Tic. ,f t/Tb—I'olioe official* said Monday it HOUSE Of BBT plart* to b ; ' i a • - •" V'-^ • • r \ K\\ UAVr.N. ("nil. Will ?'"X l «s V.,! P f rt? mill's «n hour ir r - ... i, iti'e\ cxpeei to issue warrants for several-Yale sttalcnts in- »irumrnan h i • *«'■ u *tu 'v v-oivcil in u sex-in-tite-dorniitory morals case involving a 'f" !* f r •-.*.» «'.! •! : 1 1 year-old trirl. 11.1 W MICHIGAN AVE. asv-. city attorney Gdbcrt W.n -.(Next to Hotel Oldsl •: wernment c -ntriie' ]*''• - «f Franc Mi-Mann r.ouncrmenf «a.d the c st i-ie ' la Will Of Hours Moii.-Sat. 7 a.m. - ft p.m. — Sun. II a.m. - 9 pm • 'Plje giti w I- taken in i*us- I • •!-.»•' • n ; main lava flow—from a ' nrm v • The specializing in: roast heef. round heef. rhteken, duck, steaks, etc Friday and turned nvit ■ h. next logical and pi. \ lilt in the side of Kilauea three S' . rVhrme-i tuienile authorities. She now "FOOD YOU ALWAYS REMEMBER" a'ep ' mile* from Warm spring* —-con¬ On' 12 itIKie' :n the custodv nf her parents t'onstructien w;*1 Bee n im- tinued to boil Ibr Mm- pdtiln. .Tuesday when midntrly. ^ ■' • ' x" killing thousands ol |i*h. ■ i, ^reppe I in!" the jwvN \ to be rea ty f •; '.■•••ra'ho-?. '! iit- 1 ,7im»- j,i 4-. founlnm < . . Pi t-vTinislv. Vale had <1e- ,ri June tiwt ♦ •in :>I ».ne. K OH. a-. -!ii had been expelled rammed up a .'(Moot dike Moii- the hydrofoil will h.»r » • r ":w nde- i Do )fbu Think Tbrhburself? •peril range of 6H l« Ml mile* Police said the student* would an hour and **»» opeiate in lie arraigned on morals charges open tea*. b» an aircraft It will he powered kl engine linked English Mnliv I innif m,i Kviiy student we think we have . ease againat. we're gem {J (BUZZ THIS QUIZ AND SEE WHERE VOU LAND I*) for.** sa I i sinii ('I'diulimtllirr's (»ra v turbine. was rant ' la a iw v-ue a Af4» r the veysr 1 t« •*. ?. •' rnarlUmti idmtmatra.tion sai.t. ,t w.U >•« placed in pawenjer ee.- I,<)NIK>N (l'» - Xortnan Iliii'Dtcll, diTssinaker * • i;.k under a prtva'e nt-- ;• • The anniHincemenf m:4 '.>• queen. pi elrvr»fo.l craft are rxpe**ie,i • > and .summer I'nshion shew- M.oiuiav l>\ s.t\ iny yiatbitm now is s\ llitiol «'! \ .mil) prx>vo ideal for eervuv on 41 •• t r - V ra1 Amies, our of London's c»v#rnor in 19!I-!.'. :;.*- r.sTon.t t \f city i f Si • Sir. Mam* a poshest designers We "C.ray U"« 1 !••>-ti. «• )>u i ■•-. • lh:- tr S.H\Ono pir. p property «n the five «»f gra»vhi)<''• v« . S* Mary river. Atty. Gen. Past En„.. HartncI*. ' Now ■' has Adan.* sa .1 M'tida*. .Vla-m, • private Mint t-» ti e youm.- rfen.: a:■■■" " <^2> a AageTtuaiup. She m." - "AMPI'S CLASSIFIEDS capacity as Mr*, o-ltort.'s Pet', shew«->i !;•- Ilc't! ;«nd a.i • glMUK RES! LTs t..tne>. *a; ! the proper**- R-U -. »in* the ».ty's su*\v M'wagp d. - ha's to be woin fwrWiU'd r \ w "A little learning i* a.dangerous thing" means |H»«al plant and. runs f z CO * > .>00 feet a. ng She r>v< ?. •W..MV .»: (A it s belter to leave yuur mind alone; ID In a letter ' » &•.> Mayor 1! v I.vr.n, Mr* IH'rsm mi -1 who «•!- pu beware of sopUoinorvs. B □ C□ fcrcd *Ue v'- :n ov iv,«nor.«» ■ in¬ fer' an t t; n of t'.r .rntc o. i. >f O— born'a birth. J..-. asked the < hy '-ft u*e LHfiO. .V-.r IH • ;'u.r • up .f the ar W 'i.-h'V w - • id.hi ' inujh' ' work says famous iiistro artist •« to knwW— Ihev v. At 'i ipak ri; "Never liw«k a gift hor«e in will have found out that Viceroy give* public park th> mouth" ix guiKi advjee «'.k*'v kn.nvn ".'f l"-' Too Loose Lautrcc best filtering of any cigarette, fop- ■ Osborn. a* a you the Monday's show was a rurtaiu- b'-cau'e ; A i hy'"II bin-; (U) entuiervationi-'. dona tee • h e a tatite you can really enjoy. A think ,"t raiser ofr the main event to- e\V>; 'f his Itvlh show he's land i-n wha'h the m-v. age p ' ' ;* in L ;••••*. '. wxnihf dav. when London's dress de¬ «d.l, w l:.«' you do nbout man's filter. A Knwlcmy man's Ll-'c. signers start introducing what U ' I i •. r. . .;.,i »;||,g ,n be used «* a ihi That 's \ iceroy! r- any way. A B C Y«-ur complete Optical Headciuarlev-. *// pou du el I'd (' » on three out offou ■ coc.vrnktr.tly IiKiitcxi, uflvrii:<; eonspfet. A.-.-u-.e.uig - h- ingsui- Ohm ifumiutn*. you're fairly astute. II-' 1' arj- o ■ h w ,»ul.i you yon checked •IE —you think far yoiirO r' rather havi v» i.»l» wi:h WALLACE OPTICIANS an asaured income i'ar life, *'■ F'ith no chat • io in- cc- um- u? - It) a job where Dranch tlfflee — Vine at t lippert you'll always l,w paid ae: (opposite Scars in Era ml or» cording to your ubilities? eye examinations by [i • .i job wher- you have |tr. W. C- Jensen, registered o)>tonirtn»l to tulvatuv rapidly or In.- tird' I-ii. l\ il-2771 tint l(s Ai«.n Titrs, yy pa A B c ; » S. Thai*. \ In. 9 * "The finer the filtar >( rands, the finet the tiiUT action" is a way of saying • Af d jn't us- chicken wire CORAL SABLES' ih a window v..- vr; jR) \ inroy giv.- you finevt filti r action b»-cauw it ha* ILFORNO ihe finest filler strand#; C) the'finer the filter*, ihe finer the tiuoking. - A B C J • • HESTAt H VXT • • When j-oii ilc|*Ti(l on judgment, not I *ihe name that matte /'///.I fatuous in l.ansinn'ti chance, in your choice u( cig:urttes, you're apt to he a Viceroy sjnoker. Vou — ALSO SPECLAUZING IN — { • Slcak-s • ( hickt'ii # Italian X >p;i I L'LS (/ft— Public school officials said Monday it is New (iypriiH Republic liirtlulav Set Pacific Vessel* Keep "extremely doubtful" if any public schools will lie day if the strike of custodians and matrons is still open r»n. to¬ LONDON •V> - The Cvpr is forming 'he R':',i-h eolony into Legal Talent From Red Test Area HONOLULU f/Ti—U.S. anil other Naval and Merchant School hoard officials reppre-cnfat.ves of local 118 of the public school employes met late signt Monday with no and break in w'n< , The striking holding . u» •"« Retort healing *»*f ag ' i.arya )- < i tne tary 'am "oa-e* the Rr;'i*h will re- 'here, were referred to a 1- nounced missile test area in the central Pacific Monday, ,»d 1" otworve the picket !in*< 80.700 K Hi dp- f.c- ! .n - v some pupils, 78.200 of • Offered for Law Study but aircraft routes were changed only slightly. A U S Navv spokesman *aid them grade school students, go' an unexpected holiday. today. IVachei > were .r.if i-d *o re. !■■■■■■■■■■ ■ • ■ ■ I ■ ■ ■ ■ V a v v reconnaissance planes eight jet schedule.* per week be- ,c»r' *his morning but la*e M"'.- New York University's annual search for exceptional fu¬ sighted three Soviet ship* of the tween Australia and the U- fc •Nine ef the city's II high lav the broad of education had • Vkl.VF LRINIHNfi • MOTOR rt VF I P ture lejral talent is tinder way throughout the nation. Sibir" class deoloyed along the mainland via Honolulu. school* operated a* uspal. Their no* dcc.ded whether to have • It III M It M \St INf, • \(*OR||* Available through the 186(1 northeast perimeter of the a i- The spokesman said: "He he building* were atlll heated be¬ pupils report in the rnortr.' u workers of another union. • Itlt \kl *1 RYlf I • *l'RINfJN ft'wsTtlden Scholarship Pro nounccd rocke'. impact arm gan • alight detour last Friday. cause T'-.e .." .1.(1- .1 r . 'biu-i Budget cram of the University's School southwest of Hawaii. We are taking adequate precau¬ Ihe stationery engineer*, were ♦o gro-.vuups l)ii* I >t 'he childrs ' • I 411.1*11*1 » Ml 11 I I It • \\\S|||S(, the Job before plehet line* ■ o' Law are grants for two out¬ "They seem to he idling a-. I tion* just like Ihe other air line*. on a a., a p'cnlc. standing scholars in each of the there seems to be little activity." We have had to deviate slightly ten federal judicial circuits (Continued from Page 1> the spokesman said. "They are only from o«r regular eon roe." The «chola«hips, valued at budget—and it would lie down not steaming." The plane* are following a ■ sr.VW) each, cover tut ion. room, 82 million dollar* from this The .l.gid-lon Russian vessels course about loo miles east of l »Mf i \ST !{•►*!» SEIItK K ( ALL EH i-fllllfi . " FREE * hoard, and living expenses for vear'* level, to $45,568,000,000 were about seven mile* apart on '.he Russian fringe aiea three year* of law study Major national security in¬ Ihe fringe nf the 45.999-*quare Pan American airways ha* GULF SlUtVHK: Winners of the present com¬ cludes the military program of mile zone marked off hy Mo*- -two jet flights .* week and Ca¬ petition for the award* will be¬ gin their studv at the NYU Law the defense atomic energy department, the program, row for long-range missile shot* defense .beginning last Friday. The text* nadian four-engine Pacific fi e* propeller two DC- B aircraf* : LAKKVS Center in New York City in stockpiling and military aid to are to last pntll Feb. 15. |M*r week. Pan American September. friendly nation*. AM U.S. Navy and Merchant twtweeii Australia and Ilawan, WITH THIS AD ■ ■ The Roet-THden Scholarship For the defense department vessels have l»een warned *> Canadian Pacific between Am- u ON E AST MM 'Hill \ N \T I.OITS a alone, military spending would stay out of the targe* area some tr.t a and Canada via Honolulu Precrem." Dean RumHI l». Nile* a iiliftgnn.illv nrrn— frt.m St. t-ntr;.ntr t * •f the hrheel ot Law point* nut. go up slightly. 1.000 miles southwest of Hawaii The Honolulu cite council • 1951 Is give lent re** max he of a mind In A Quotas Empire airways passed a resolution last Week, ■ « 25c Is s selected •e considerably hevond what spokesman sa d. "Our schedules pr testing the Soviet action. Tne ^aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai are unaffected." resolution ,i*ketl ttie Russian* !"» Flaenhener envision*, even rrsap eg yoang men who have The Australian Air Line fi e* though he told a news confer¬ •elect another impact zone. the eapsettr fee pnhlle leader* ence last week thai he Ihlnk* he •hip and ghre pramlae sf her«Hi»- prnhahlv know* more shout de¬ Ing SihlaMlai lawyers In the fense thsn almost anyhedy in heat Amsrtaan tradltlen.- the ijeuntry. lalirMlliMl laSUt' Parlicipants in the program National defense already i« S«r*(il Wirktri' U«i«a r* housed together in a ne v ,dormitory near the law srho..| tal>be«l over on cap to! for a careful hill combing It star's 0»»'< Ovk'MlS). OH AHY BILL . NYU'» Washington Square today in the Senate armed serv¬ Center in Greenwich Village. ices c^mmi'tec MIMO TO: Uitor, f OF SIM OR OVER They are afforded personal Various members of Congre«i N THE HIGHWAY CAREER PLAN contact with leaders in industry, the legal profession, and public have howpr be. n is contending E.sen- skimping on defense, MOM: Cm TitUf, DimMt, AT For Graduating Civil Enginatrs •fairs, and each has a practic¬ exaggerating America's |treng*h. ILGWU Traini-f IniitaN ing attorney or judge as a spon¬ and that something must be Contact' sor. done about it. Casa Nova Rsst-TIMsa scholar* also Sakiwt: A CASUS WITH A CMALLINGI. The The Ifemoeratir advisory the M. S. H. 0. representative... «« Tha International Ladias' Saraent Work¬ ftldea candidate; ago n h« State of tne Union ers' Union aonduets its own 'kwst fwlnt,' He must receive a bacea'.au- message to t'ongrfw to prepare young aon and woaon for careers -ea'e degree before beginning in labor leadership. Tho one-year eourss •a: h « law school training eoablnas classreoa and flaid wofk.'Ihosa He must take the Law School Fight Over Fish who eoaplote tho course aro assigned to a 4l-ni*»ion Test and submit his *.-ore with his mcord lipiuh FiiglandV full-Use Job oith the union. He must be between the acr* kith tho Job cones tho challenge—^to pro¬ e* g.r.* 20 and 28 at the time he bi- his law studies Villages lo 'War* vide tho kind of dedicated end othleal He must be unmarried and » sr.NNT.N COM'., England ',11 leadership that will ask a the Aaorleaa citizen of the Un.'et —An uneasy :n thv labor aovoaent tho creative social force it mae ,stste>. war of the Mullet hung over seeks to bo. CKOPOCTb 3BVKA B BO3JVYE-550 ME Sen urn t Cove Monday He must not previously have frndei any law school and on the cliff - or Cornwall Tho Training Institute is no« in its tenth wad squads from the rival vl- rr',1'1 possess an academic re- yoar. 140 of its graduates now hold union «n-d that places him the upper lage> re:t iy to resume war over off lew in thw ILSmj. Virtually all startad quarter of his graduating cm-. the shoal Mullet frolicking as arganlssra—to learn tha labar aovaaont i I be void the Atlantic breaker* C andidataa may apply from at tha grass roots. While soao continue at Vso waiting on the :ffs s s cither their native state or the this aission as thair first and enduring -quad of police, enforcing the •late in which they attend rol- arm Rut there :» no peace lave, others branch out to take on respon¬ lege Circuit sclertien commit- sibilities as businasa agents, local union in '»nof.peaceful Sennen Cova. tee* make the final choices. The men of Aenpeu i svs vow aanagara, educational and palitleal di- T*-e committees usually con- to repel invaders from Ike neigh¬ «<♦ of the chief judge of the roetors. area tuparvigers. tiaa atudy as- boring villago at Par. Tko ass- perts, ata. Oar* of Appeals for the circuit, nenites claim alt fish In Rennon f e eh airman of thn Federal Hc- Cose aro theirs by long tradi¬ •rve Rank for the district, and Thara Is nothing soft or oushy about any tion. t frssor of law. af thsia Jabs, kit thee ww aro act looking The Par men reply that any Applicants muat forward by for youaa people ofee aaat Mo easy plush jruehorn Englishman may fish icumary 26 one copy of their where he please*. Ufa. •• aaat Mesa do will aajoy tha sting college transcript and completed "pre police say thy don't ears •f ohallaaga. SPEED SOUND IN AIR-330 METERS PER SECOND application forms for initial con- who ge'a the fish as long at the «deration bv tfte R>»t-Tilde.n villager* keep their fla'g to fa thasa, we apaa tha doera af tha la- tommjttee. "Hie committee * themselves. atituta. writa hafara April IS: ILSWU tva'ed at the New York Um- Y started la*t week a« Training laatituta, 1710 groadoay. Woo ven;ty School of Law, 40 Wach- the anoa! of gray Mullet, all Yark 1*. I. T. I'on Square South, New York nearer! the ' magnificent eating, 12 "N Y. shadows where they can be r.e'- ted Siff/ Man Denies Automatic translations Holding Prices I mil Elections from Russian to English '•'tawi beach, ru. '-n - SPICIALI white R<«gsr Blough. chairman of U->s Recently, an experimental uiirii-pnicvMit't! n itliinc dctmntMruled >'••4 Corp. Monday aaid he had T.ace no •Hon bulky knits conversion of a page of Russian to Knglt-lt in Mi seconds. I he elec¬ commitment with gov¬ ern.- itr.t officials to hold the tronic devices of the future Mill not "id dictionarv references rse. price line. 4.99 •***■ * rtly after settlement of the automatically, but will also anals /e sjc. tiui semantics to provide strike, Blough issued a A wreadeftul caSediew el "••-n-wnt saying the big etecJ a functional Knghsh translation. msaer did not contemplate any immediate increase in prices We ay while adaa halky knits I his kind of work, nou t.cini; cvplortd .it IliM. retpnres vsidely (.llnrto, ,nin» iiBihikw at a money-low price! Ihe diverse talents and skills. People uith h.i,kymumls in business ad¬ «"» VW Unldiol Nlmoa and 1 »k°r brightest accents a top oil ministration, liberal arts. ciiiiinccrniL'. nutheinaties ,md the sciences Mcntory MHckcU to rt- H>v, nm *,1 piegin youf lepaiutos. Chaan baoa arc making their valuable contributions. An observer might consider , tonch Monday bdora National Caanan Aa.n, a vafioty tl aavalty styles, many of these people astonishinglv voung. But south is no barrier O'-.rti '.aid there had been at IBM. where advancement has statement, having each with leasanless lathiow always been baaed on performance. '■ .. vertonea to the effert ,vu iiemment offlciala In re- power. S,AAlsitas. Diversity of work and advancement based »n performance arc advan¬ rorttending the term, of tte ret e iriDaniaa would nA raiao *"" tages a younger person will tind important in selecting a career., until after trie tiec- IBM t r. • YMK UVS RAT lor mformonoH about f0 tarter orpoftutunei at IRM, *ontah,Mhi wi lliillrrrii'lit CHICAGO • I' F ' if'' I root I talk v* Wall llrnun ch I.iron HI. MnHh • •».. Hawk >•< I I irrv P< '>• !<« I-. \< (*hir.»K-> H!.i. x \v.»M i \l Iann \s John Ma»u«r ed from fourth into second »*rn . California, which dropp.-i t ».\-A k pla'f!. was >f fn r th« M.■r.tti .1 h %n«lt link ts John "li.iron Despite it* one-point loss last from tOth to 14th with a !i«t M.mda* Ivi '»M f..r M.vwm. wa> in !«■• : Hill Hank* i* Hill llerM-r Saturday. Cincinnati retained place. llrvan California and West .Virginia point defeat by UCLA. t!\in m« ii.'h.tlv> si-'hiihed f>i !hr than at in -• Itlhirkl its tpp rnnkin.i* in the weekk State jumped from 12th to ninth. I.. [.•!'. rtt riiit-n * I •< i. ir* Att\ l.«*krr HraiiM r i*. ,, stnr Hon Piunli Associated Press poll of the na¬ each dropped « notch to third The only other major change* 11 >u A C'li l>«i l t uMt t ion test * |. ... tion's college teams. Bradley, and four*-., respectively* Utah !M;»* . ki!!i'<1 M u •(.• - I minon, State tr ved into the top 10 for in the ranking*, ba*4»d on t o r.hrr^-■ utul» r mnJ.i ».tt in. rupture. altii.-Ukth ' Heir I nirrrr \ *. (ittrrton .lohn*on which handed '.he Bearcats their vote* of 191 aport* writers and in »-\ idem r "f kidney rUiti I ' i.rrti Milan! »* f r rhn krr first defeat of the season, vault¬ the first time, displacing South- ' i: .1 •'••■vM'.il fh- U Shan sportscasters, involved Villa- »t h.s Wife. I).-- Ml- pclvte IHIIU'S. at fll^t I Hon Htirke i* .Ink Kr.ilt nova and Texas AAM, earh V injured ..tvidrnt !M !'<•< « thrown from Ihr auto MiH hi> up from ninth to eighth. The w tii'ii it tkiddrri SO fri-l into a • I.i'.vnheritt i '• r« i l.ii em. J I ininon* *riiol.u* a* tropini* Ur- Aggl4*s. dropped by Southern v i.idtirt on an ir> rxprrxswa*. ,ii.1 Hawk loach Rudy Uiiou npeadi» Methodist M-64, flipped from I Id I'hi Hell* \» Hk Hhi VIII I I VII %l I eighth to 10th. Top Dog Too Much N|iori» Ireiia. rmiri i 5 III Hill Ian w s \M Ohio Matt. Georgia Teeh and !:!« Hhl h.MHi.i Me i* Ht 1'tah agata were ranked fifth, 45( A COMPLETE MEAL 45( I in "armlinu.e n Hhl Hrll* hiPIM sis oiiri Hhi THE CAMERA freete* tip- Vlafe S»m Phn4o hv Pill ('allahan I960 Intramural haakrthall vra- B« M7ITTT RiM'I Y sixth and seventh. Cincinnati, which bowed St. : I in 10 Menu llPl.1* < hi v* Its \*. ufl marking the opening of the The stmlent* at MSI' arw too acctistom^tl to beinn the 9(1 at Bradley after walloping St. liouls for its 13th etraight vie- SERVED TO YOU AS FAST AS top tlog, Charles McCaffree, coach of the swimming team, lory of the aeason, was still the LAST llriullilu-N Sliilril feela. lop-sided favorite of the ex¬ 3rd Week! .1 IIAYK! MICHIGAN The coach thoupht this wras part of the explanation for perts. That may have been be. YOU CAN ASK FOR IT the small crowils the swimming meets have had. The crowd cause of the Bearoate 10-7! tri¬ ealure Shown at 1:25. 4:C». 6:45. 9:30 I' M 0|)< niiiu Wri k at Saturday's Iowa meet wouldn't even have filled the much umph over Bradley In Cincin- nati on Dec. 22. Arlinii ririilifnl smaller seating; facilities at Jenison Pool, the past aite for The Bearcats attracted 89 flr*t meets. place votes and polled l>'«t \ l ull Juiry lliiiuliiir^ Uililc Triini III liilmmiinilN The Spartan squail. which placed fourth in the Bur 10 points.. California had more flm place vote* than Bradley, 22 te linilr A lln-f M SJ last year, is rebuilding a team which lost national cham¬ 17, but the Bravee nipped the pion* Billy Steuart anil l>on Patterson in distance and Art inn Mondny night triggered A l»rnrrini« Srrviiif; ONLY/I \C OnkmaScoPE COI.OW by DE LUXt bitH(OPHOh'C SOUND Intramural actinn fur the winter term as dormitory basketball, sprints and «even other lettermen. The sophoinore-domin- Bears In points, based en 10 for first, 9 for second, etc., 1,82? fa llf l!ri»|i Oiildrn Krrni'li $W '»!*•'! hex-key and fraternity vol- ated team has l»eaten Iowa State and Iowa so far this season. 1,814. Eadh team won twtea last l'rir» 'I'ltppcil Off Willi A Thick starts FRIDAY! li'v|>n!l nil opened seasons. In the 1% I<» relays, however, the Spartans failed to jret week. Bradley has a lt-| rec¬ ord. California 14-1. a first against Michigan and Indiana, the top two teams in . . . In/uiiierals for other sports and Went Virginia, wHh It irsl Kirli Mmkc leagu«'< rontmue this week. To¬ the conference, hut they got five seconds, as compared to GREGORY night independent basketi>all be¬ gin- B 30 and dormitory hand¬ none in 1959. MYou nui't ahrav* h* first." McCaffree nay*, "though place votes, had Marty • In4» point bulge over Ohte Btete Nr fourth place. 11m ; PECK ball at 7. Thursday see- the fraternities you alwavN strive for it." He stressed the value of the (18-1) added three week. Ohle State is !l*| afiir star: cage action. Spartan squad, which in known as the "killer" in Rig 19 DEBORAH Friday is the deadline for tering the IM paddlehall double* en¬ circle*. "Yon have to bent us to win," he nay*, "and every tram has to play its best to beat as." •gainst Delaware and Berth- keri tournament which begins Jan. 23. •student* may sign up all this Aieek in the IM building far the After the relays, Michigan coach Gus Stager, as in the Michigan Daily, said, "Itespite the performance reported of i f 2*MMI K. SapmiM N or HIRIfTHl liv paddlehall competition. Indiana, I was greatly impressed with the work of Michigan State. They have a new crop of swimmers who are just 4j( 2 Block- Wot of Friiiiilnr 4j( BELOVED INFiDEL HENRY KING The tourney rules will have 21 point- to a game with a match Imginning to come through for them. They're going to consisting of two wins of three surprise a lot of people." boii*-. McCaffree rates his team a« among the top seven in the Next week men may sign up The Hurrictnee advanced f. the IM table tennis champ¬ country, lie inchuied in his list Michigan, Indiana, Ohio from 15th to Uth, mUaing ionships tn sitffcle*. State. Siuthern California, Yale and Stanford. top 10 by only 14 points, af'.er . "We don't meet the teams we'd roll over." he said, noting defeating Jacksonville, Florida II ill Leads iNii.I that the team meets all Big Id schisvls this season. "The and Florida Stat# last week f*r 18-1 record and en 11-garr# cimipetition. the more you tend to equal it," he a letter the winning streak, longest an*.>:g II if/i '.17.0 Marti philosophizes. major teams- .McCaffree wasn't rationalizing almut the competition. Utah State (13-21 whipped NKW YORK (/U> — Wilt The llig Id is consistently high in the country in nwimming. Wyoming and Colorado Sta*e l' Chamber la in. the gigantic Phil¬ The Wester* Conference has produced all of the NCAA for its sixth and seventh in • adelphia Warrior rookie, has the row. Utah also 13-2 and beaten team champs since 1937, except for the four year* that Yale National Basketball Assn, scor¬ two weeks ago by Utah S'at*. won. ilefeated New Mexico and Dcr,- ing race all t.» himself Monday. The 7-f.»ot-l renter leads in "In ni) other sport has the Big 10 monopolized the nation¬ vcr. total point* and game average, al championships as much as in swimming," the coach The top 10, based on 10 point* taking over the former from for first, 9 for second, etc. (F*sr«t_ noted. The t' of M and GSt\ which McCaffree calls a chal¬ . Cincinnati's Jack Tw vman. Wilt place vote* and won-lost record* the Stilt has scored 1.544 points lenger this year, especially have produced many individual through Saturday, Jan. 16. in in 41 games for a 37 fi average, champions. parentheses): - according to NBA statistics. MSU was the host for the Big 10 relays Jan. 9. The only I. t tnrlnaatl (•» (13-1) I 3. Mraila* (17) S12-1» 1 ' ' Twyman has a 31.3 mark on other teams participating were Michigan, Indiana and Iowa J. i'allforala (12) (14-1) I.-H 1,336 points m 49 games He had 4. Weat Virginia (I)) (i.t-1) i.«n State. The scoring has U-en taken out the relays to encour¬ 5. onto *tat# (11-2) 1AM topped the NBA until Chamber¬ 4 (ieorala t#c»i «7» (IJ-1) age more teams to come. McCaffree said, hut as this has t un «"• lain took over after games of 7 (13-2) 31* last Sunday. not helped, scoring may return next year. 5 a. Vlllanata <144-1) tun atat# 412-2) B liy Glrmlon Swartout CINCINNATI (JT\ — Maurice IS HERE Stokes, a basketball star in col¬ lege and in the National Basket¬ Lakers Plane ball Association, will leave Krual: Good Lllrralurr Christ Hospital here Sunday for the first time since March, 1958. Forced Down Krad:- A Grand Kovrl and it will be to watch a basket¬ llrad: About Sluilrnt. ball game In Cornfield Stokes will be allowed to in Florida in watch hi* former Cincinnati CARROLL. Iowa ui your (uture in a raputty-growing The Lakers, long accustom'! new mm room at tbr to tho plaudits of sports fsns. compans which is a leader in one of today's most dynamic industries loft no doubt that as for as th