Varsity vs. -Aliitns Tlit* foallicr KHvt- Olrilimrrs Snow' Flurries Collier In 75-7.1 Win llitfh . 27 S«« Pane 9 Cow . ... II VOl.. 51. No. 121 '% 1 EAST LAN8INQ, Miniic;AX—WKI>.NKSI >AV." JANUARY 20. 1060 PRICK 5 CKVTS Aflt i' Moiiduy Wreck Mr 50 Bodies Found Convention Plan Okayed In Airliner Debris Resolution (i lloljx Rul'T. \'a. t/P>—Thi» fit'e-blarkcned wrccknpp Cnpitnl Airlines Viscount yielded the last of f»0 bodies Tuesday, nearly 15 hours after the Chicajro-to-N'orfolk of Supported plane pancaked into Throughout a the day res< ue swampy ravine near here. Rv Williams Workers foiled udder a dear sky in marked contrast to the fog and rain that shrouded the area when the Businesses \i'l • »!?*•!•• For NLKeti »- ii|r \ ole Nee*1 prop-jet airliner Monday night. Fear Grip crashed At 1:15 Ma III) p.m. i EST) the last two bodies |ami4 I V II l» I'll! »< were brought out. These were '•■•v. Williams fVIl in line the stewardesses, finally reached fm-siiav t'(.r by searched who crawled on hands and knees from the nose Oil Press '•invention, *•«»n.-4ti»ntiujini rndoisintr t hi- through the still-smouldering IR'ii.i lirdlof nitin juintly bn* I- ruins. IjhlriM 4 li.'. k- •d b.v Hie I .e:iinn* of \\ omen " Immediately after these bod¬ V «d4'i'M iiinl t he .liinioi' ( hnni- ies were removed, teams of in¬ llav liifrciw U4M- of ( • '111lllei'i'e. vestigators began sifting through the tangled debris He .... , . .... looking for . HAVANA 1,7-1—Thr I' ant eft. ■ dues that might show why the plane leU, C«.,tni irnvrrnnirrt t<«.k a • r- y •' • i- AO ' R.-.1,..!, ,f A s|Hikt-Mn.m (or (he Civil tiirhlrr crip nn Ihr Culmn Arronauths Hoard termed (he crash pattern "a little iiiiiimmI. prwa Turwlay thrninrh a 'J. < ill tht' grmuul nut from It ivn as if II had been let dnw it 'mitrtil-hy.thr.wnrker, alrat- Stall- Xrw* I'hnln hv Tom b> parachute." under a mitn- within Ihr Brnin- Armstrong M*( > It. Gt.ORGL IIIGGIN'S chat* with Mrs. Jack Mirvrr. wife «f There was no swath cut ri'.v that, many frar will hr . si.«if \i w . 1'lioin in r of snow. Lvidrntly. the male rle- black gum tree impaled the ! Threw dow.n plane and thrust 50 feet through Fttblisher Jorge 7.ny«is of j | In Ciirrieuliim 'he mid-xcetion of the fuselage. A vance. an afternoon daily Graft "■'•ge 'or: ' > :•» Ri puniii approv,- Only ix tiers in the Immediate ii-ca ahowcxl any marks of the sharply critical of the Castro regime has taken refuge in Ee- Exaggerated jr. S. Universities MCrdv u;ul(»r'> emlwssy, an associate l P'" i u««e of «';eli:y apparent the crash xxas not said. He refused to permit em¬ Priest (Jaims Corruption I /united In ide I* ml Ha dr; W iGaiuing Flexibility The pilot, ("apt. James Forna- ployes t<> append "notes of recti¬ Renubiiean fication" to nval, e:en- 50. made a routine radio news stories arid To Minority of Labor Movement- •• >. Mi d a : Slv check with the Norfolk tower, editorials which ; a they regard as • nbon mi 'he llini! unfair to pie government. ,ii itMiut 10 pin. Then, at 10:20 UtUlioU. William iml |>-ir- before the plane was due to The workers took over publi¬ lit ItOlt ITLNHI KG ■" r.v vi'MiieM ehMoreenieti By TAIL VAN KOI HI A .and. 'rouble apparently devel- cation of the paper Monday A rile j»rop.>si?M>n Mr. a J12I.2K2 rr.'iil States collegp* and universities o;x-d. committer of employes headed • are m«»\ itijr hi affirmative voles H08.3H5 nega¬ Ihree limes the rralt circled by newsman Juan Gome*, a 1 r.slM-* uv expui'-.iHV! area of greater flexibility in curriculum. l r<>vo-.i P. ml 'he < n' M no tive vnt ati'l was (ei-lru-i-d !•»-! over the farm home of Robert former reporter, Tuesday nam¬ I . r said in answer to chat jro* m.-iili* on \YKAU'.« "View, Tern h. ed .i provisional administrative Ih* - S.olgc •wt fur • I .•« . :n *h«- forvpeable future." ! >r failure to receive 1,17(1.315 mm- •A of T'- V« rv-e - 1 AW pil ' .. Rovu-v favorable votes, a major:';, uf point" Sunday. The las' time the engines board i.f editorial and shop unions, all those east l4t ' Rev M Gi-orgc Ifiggi-ns J 15 .r.rd whu-h authority the election. ' Muhtgiiv Stan- has hail m-.v roared as d they were wide workers to continue publication gives up Ufiith Issue innovuiiom. years." Miller saiti. in the past 'The Bamc few open and then silence Kauh body brought from the of Avaucc No executive^ were on hand git a Tuesday nublic ii'cturc at Ke'r■ it.u',nor .1 great sU.p 11 iggins summer The decision state and was canvassing the challenged ,.ui' board's now hist is college ami the ||or»«>rsf college pia-m» was strapped in. an indi- at A vance. Gome? said all 150 1 There fe nr. bright future awaiting decision by the Stat.* Undecided a i-o tcps forward Mtlloi said any " progressive ei'iorv those aboard cxpeeted a crash landing stewardesses, The bodies of their seats employes the paper. are helping to out out Winter Fever mr Miiiihic but more r.ynew unions boards, he dioui 1 Supreme Court. Williams said the delegate ap¬ nnivei'ity -v always examining the in Informaciun. The attitude nf labor toward g.v, .• try another by AUSC u> curriculum for stimulate •'*•*> students. better ways facing safety belkv the ia.1. were held by pendent paper, adopted inde¬ other Hits Campus labor racketeering is evtraordi-. narilv good, he *.ud, as their far \ rmnplex piuhlein facing portionment League of proposed Women Voters by tiie and tartirx. It announrkd it will • George Van Epp- of the New reaching" rtliiral praetier* nnte labor leaders, he said, is the Junior 4 hamher represented a "Our oxilt unixrrsitx of thr challenge the worker*' right to 'Winter |ev»r truck Ttn York office nut attend local port. curriculum and making reroin- pealing to the Tribunal of snr- cffpci.- , i i>n the loyalty oath issue, n.'rthxves!, to take charge of the acre a* f«u ■ '-.-ng a. trade union meetings. Rank and mcmla lions." Miller said. mI and ('onhlitntional Guaran¬ A.-iatl fin attack ennbt ■-.Vucn Under the joint man, iu» investigation, lie "aid .! was ".<> Mlv • ve¬ .-nc .-non kick-, on' tile democracy, he said, doe* not r-vhition concerning this has tees. The appeal will he haveil delegate would be elected '•> the M Uer he ■ ould hi blind la lead to trade union democracy <• intrmiurud, and has not s early t4> speeula'e on a reason special convention for cacti nil t uba's fundamental law. ap¬ With •. fre-h five- ,cn- .f. he did i be'lev e tfmTi wme and t'rtit he could n -t coiiuvienl "h Ml- honesty proved h> the CaNtro cabinet, .'tor and bouse men 1 her ' in sed. It Is now in eom- ;n the educational .until In* checked with other fall the baiklV.-i' ? oni.r- ,0 Mi • . and will probably come lid '.he discu-ss. »■>,«. CAB ofTie.ais who had l**cn at itealing with freedom of ex¬ arilv studious e us th*- ;i.i?tie f the < n<- Far Crttst'nilitm u majority or sion Republicans in the legislature and i(7 Democra held, 77 took on a win'ry M-fiui!. In ?hi-« They cannot t independent press U-gan y -rt Congress, said -el But meeting is planned' the Fiotlp .V'lrkrd hard to >? i> t said, n appeared Y<»iiiio <»()!' 'v with a directive from recent- the un¬ season of !.iU»- 'i> »w an ! evee-- sivc rain, most «?udcnt> sf-»-nscd Of t'.rimr I Itratitl forc.« attend a man meetings. (ro n his house he said. to. would convention. vit in the constitutional ion of editorial and printshop As it now stands, the consti¬ " on the r.., a'iV ie 'f.ed.uj- intent on njaking the ?> »>t <>f i' WASHINGTON Ih Both Commenting on press cove.- \-vlay at 4 p.m. t » fu'-t. (iroiip Talks ;. workers to its mennbers to com¬ 1he •< xtia! labor reporting tution provides that "til>11 ' while i» 11 t.-d any re¬ bat news front abroad which the g«>vernni«,nt •• nvestigate the conirovei- He sAid .« real contribution uigress find ha. i«ee!i unproved, but the gen¬ write convention must be made they considered hostile to the Particularly riotous wa !h» of which will be brough' asked T day to eral 'ends Z" .'''upliaM/.e up three delegates apie<,-< On Lovultv - » eon! I haw been made if the weie ie come pn- - Castro regime. The worker, eastern half of the lampu.-. 'Me tp'gn' side of labor. Na¬ elected from the existing 34 for ' r.: c«-ngre»* a week from group had made constructive • • were told to attach There *tud«')?tt» Iruin Shaw Hall f'fiiti juuk'A with wav. notes of tional coverage !w fairly accur- senatorial districts. '•/lewiay. critu -m instead of taking ?lv* reel ideation at the twit torn of ob¬ battlift ciieiL fisim Phillip, h.iudl'flg the pt'oseru'.ion <-f The l'ed hoi loyalty oath ques- t'e, 1, * aid, hu'f many middle- Thi* presumably would give -mmittee plans to |m>"1 negative attitude. jectionable stories 1'aboling the while Abboit icsitlvpls '"attack- Ameru an civiliani raccus«-.f - f tion shareti toe spotlight with si/vij it a- papers will not get Republican* a kg U 3«i majority • " ho are presently re- Miller said . Ilir universities news as untrue and unethical. ?-d" several fr.ttei ni?y houses on 1,r. while arvillg with U.S reapportionment and the uni¬ full coverage in a con-eon since their lyments under the pro- • k i and colleges might take the re¬ Later the workers were told to Boguc St . M-iid.»ry forces rtversoas. . prexrnt cameral legislature Tm-sd iy Senate control I* '»•» to 12. > of the National Defense marks as a stimulus and lake tag editorials also. The Shaw-Phillips form This followed on the hw-ls of night as Rep. "Robert Waldron to determine long viewpoint toward their msu Needs v\ : Act, a The campaign developed with suited from a telephone chal¬ M-'oday s Supreme Court ruling In explaining fR-Gnvwe |*o.nte» addressed oppositim •<» r fre uigs the matter curriculum, lie said some uni- lenge to Philhov by >ou;c Sh.iA the peacetime court-martial on «n assisting nudge from Prime ini-: con-eon proposal Williams people have not been vrrsities haxe already begun de¬ the Young Republican.-, in the Minister Castro who residents regarding a sn<«wi,all trolls of civilians violate the •aid it was all bused . Union rejected on "the ' t of dropping the John Cowdon, pro- (Los t parting from the training ideas It is the .Vim of Michigan Waldron, rising young star in an appeal by publishers to Intervene. the independent fight. When the coeds ventured- ••litside, th' y were ambushed by (--n-,1 Putional ' right •mi v to trial by Vhi> applic:- whether 'he.' Mure Funds present representative gerrymandered and Senate." un¬ the state GOI* ranks, first •••si chairman of the organi- His refusal viewed by the males and a long struggle ut iviliius work for the military or The State to strengthen the variety was To Expand complicated LWV plan, 1 brushed aside a request for his nmittce said. or weaknesses in higher educa¬ many as giving a green light It the snowdrifts followed ite lependt ills of those who do. bmides changing the basis fm v'« opinion of '.he controversial the workers in an all-out battle and Harvard dropped tion and provide the students, Meanwhile. Abbott and Mason an * regardless of the crime. apportibniricni. also would put loyalty oath and dist !aimer"*af- to take over direction of that r pr-.-gram last November, with an intellectual experience,"* tldavit. residents wen- having their fu:,. Sen. Thomas Kenning* Jr., "Michiyai 1 State stood firm to a statewide vote this Novem¬ wide-spread dissension M.iler saM It's not even debatable." said part of the press which opposes too. About 25 women •v/irim-i D-*Moi. in j statement, called and -Uiuru •1 during the rrs-ent ber: ' u.ients and faculty over He said he would 'ike t see his regime or attempts to stay across Bogup St. to tangle with 11 the justice and defense de¬ rash crisis," Provost Paul Miller I The proposition -.f an ' • Waldron. -vi aimer oath. The two neutral, it also was viewed from Phi Sigma Kappa partment.-, to say what their 19(11. ruferendum a group of instructors and stu¬ Rut At'SG Rep. Charlet Her¬ men vaid. "ii acv.ia" felt that there were dent!. discuss the faults of the bert (Lansing), a former Voung giving encouragement to other fraternity, as well as several plan 1 are to deal with the •:itua- Nnw that oa;h is once again calling 1 special convention, '■uship monies avail- educational system and suggest workers to extend such- man¬ other male residents of the tiori Both departments have de- with delegates ;•. )>r . ie< ted Republican, was present and was coming to the university. Miller u tiie students, and that improvements asked • to explain why he had agement • by force into other street. This show battle lasted e'.med comment until they can ..rnJ. thr* university is nier.-ting the summer of Diiil and ' e- -.irawir.g from the program • This," Miller sard, "would be business.. for over 900 and a half hours. study the court's opinion*. its convention to meet 1, ii.g sponsored the resolution urging general obligation* without . ,0 r.ot cause undue hard- constructive ^stimulating and in¬ in October MSI' to drop the student de¬ worry. ' 2. A p.ojf-o.t! p.r the recipients. changsn;; Film Series • teresting." fense loan program which re¬ But it's capital improvement* I TV? *"cram to call the secretary of • rg.,nidations r committee any persons concern- interested in. the I fts' Smt'llieurl quires the oath and disclaimer. i ed Herbert took issue with Wfrld- n. insisting that the*"restrict¬ beliefs" feature of the dis¬ "Blue Murder at St. Trinian's." Offers Comedy that have years 'One rash crisis and of can Miller worried. ? go through uncertainty like the a budget cut and two the a •est directly requiiomcrit convention a majority .»f l>ncast op th,- for -nil, making Mm ippiovitig propositi-m " Congress at ext. 2051 Finalists Selwltil claimer discriminated against n British comedy, will be the not make a difference In devel¬ rather those voting than a -i.ajoi i?y Mi their telephone num- v'.udents' loyalty, was ineffective Mi,- election Foreign Film series offering opment," Miller said r *tid « time when they can Ten coeds were chosen as in detecting Communists and MSU had no development finalists Monday out of 22 can- Thursday and Friday at Fair- •••-■s".cd by an AUSC. -T-V rc- to' Art. Awn. S»Mt- wag opposed by both Sen. John Kennedy and President Elsen¬ child Theatre. building during the cash criri- No / / IJi'tal as Clam' .,, new academic facilities were \ eflort to examine both heart hower. ^ The film starring Terry Tho¬ built t.raslifs I brant I committee is studying Jan 2'- the Sweetheart and "There are. just as many b.g ' We keep hoping we can do names on the other side of the mas. Joyce Granfell and Alastair '.he National Stu- her four' member court will be everything to provide 1 good, r'-' A*", issue." Waldron retorted, adding Sim is about the of the ANKARA. Turkey I' \ bearing on the dls- rhosen. They will be announced academic facditie* for our slu- that the nation was closer to a French-built 'wm-je: Simm:!;- the next night at the Vela-spon¬ senior class at St. Trinians, an dents." Miller said. ' state of war than peace and iiavian airliner ■toashed into -a <^hcr b-asme« to be taken sored All-University Winter land establishment for the education "We are discourageri but not *41 ? needed such measures to insure of the aristocracy. After hearing ■ hilltop aud cxplfnied wi'.h- 1 ".ight's meeting. AUSC. Whirl defeated by the public's senti¬ freedom. of a wealthy Italian prince who "itfht of Ankara's airport Tues¬ ««uider a bill to send dele- The Whirl, to be held at the - ment through the legislature's day night ** '•* the model United Na- Lansing Civic Center, will fea¬ EarUer Waldron had spoken in is looking for a wife, the girls failure to realize 'bat soma There w.»s »M!y one >prv.v--r favor of a constitutional conven¬ "' "'Q Montreal Feb. 2, and a ture the music of the Modern decide to get to Europe in the growth at the university is fiec- *•3 bill \j. tion. but had opposed xcap;*>r- middle of the term by cheating among the 42 person.- aboard expected to be in- Airs and entertainment by the e>>ary." he said The plane encountered Intcrnati >nal Club. tionment and a one-house leg¬ their way through UNESCO He said the budget for the p a / granting a permanent rain and w ind -m the., uppri .1. m islature- schools competition, the first to the campus NAACP On the program are a Yoga coining year h.«-> been in' the to Ankara but experts be'iewd 15 prize for which tour of frinung a provisional chart- demonstration, a medley of is a hands of the legislature since the crash was not due to weath¬ Europe. .r^tw.e MSU Judo Club. Iranian popular songs, an au¬ lluugrr Fight Nmlfil Before they leave however, fall. Miller said the state build¬ er. L". Dur;2ct for winter term thentic cha-cha routine and ing officer is aware of tne needs The sleek C'aravelle, uride «t several French songs, to be sung ANN .ARBOR - mvited u> ent headmistress thrown in jail *GT. GATE* 'Jam Grenfrlh attempt* to disguise her*rlf when of the university. the French civilian aircraft in¬ committee for consi- by the president hf the Student "All we can do ♦now •> sweat dustry. was the first of Us kind join a worldwide attack on hun¬ and the anny in a state of siege she has recognise* a jewel thief, as her fiancee (Terry Thomas) ^ h> congress. ' U.N. this budget out while we wart lost since this type went into Lv ■r«tment* may be made to Tickets for the dance are on ger. Harold Stassen said Tues¬ until a headmistress imported look* perpie xe* in thi* scene from the Britiab comedy, "Bine Murder for-the legislature tu act on it." service early last year. - Meat* mcics from Lansing, 7ra- sale at the Vets office in Stu- day. Tne widely-known politi¬ from a penal institution in Aus¬ at fit TrteianV Jannary 3 land 33. The film, featuring Alastalr he said. "In the meantime we The crash raised another mys¬ '**• East Lansing, West dent OV"*"- ucilfc Services from 2 to 4 -pan.. . cal figure advocated giving tralia takes charge. him aa the Headmlstreaa and introducing Habrifta, find* "those fe¬ have the cash to meet our com¬ tery in the series of baffling re¬ bread free anywhere in the Performances begin at ? and 9 male flenda to human form" created hy famed Siicq?e#t Yjkkeky • aod four in the Union Concourse from II world to people who are hungry. p.m. Admission is 79c. dearie kilsrismly Imfood fo a dlamsni robbery. mittments for the remainder of cent plane crashes in widely housing. a.m. to 3 pm. this year." t separated parte of tfca worid^ Feature Young Voters Shock INalioii I.INIIA I.OTKIINiK Page By Their Ignorance of Candidates xrtrr: nuvs tivrritr. r.iimni received fill percent of confiulon among many of • . Juniun la. laaa Paa» Tha The shocking facts in a recent our survey were that one out of foui yoUtig voters about the best pub¬ publican votes. Stevenson was second t young voters did not know tint licized figure* in America to¬ • day. ignorance of who they arc tilnrlty among the Dem • 1 ir John Kennedy i« r.i'h- Kisses, Moonlight old contusion about what they with l.vhdon Jolitisoo. S' . belii've " Symington and Hubert Hi-, tn oi'h-t 'o 'he plirey next In ordei ' 111 kI>" "f and women h< In answer to the question. "To In answer to which De-v. Dot MSU Traditions (wren (tie age of 21 and 4»t which parly doe# he belong?" would make the best pies d. • concerning live Democratic and Ilrdhook repor^ were that al- Kennedy received lit pen en■ two Bcpublican candidate* ru*.- most everynne knew Vice Pres¬ the Vote with Stevenson a «•! By IIOWARII llnlAlf.s cued* in stylngs In front of their ning for the progidenf(til notn;- ident N'lxon is a Republican and second. Over half the voter* ?■- dormitory. Mftrrill Ihll. natimt. Iledtcok magazine ;» •' eo %dlai Ntevenson Is a Demorral the Republican candidate. \ A ki«s some moonlight, nu » Don't be surprised if women an independent re*e:nch ore n- Mghty-thrre percent knew thai n fowoi -.'rikirig midnight on, would make the lxr* 'he candidate asked •hem '•» they hr- Miclii^uii State News jh Stuosm Ssrvictf F.s*t L#n*ing Michigan New* plmln lit Tom 4rm%Hnng around campus, a few rnmplete- tradition* that is for 1.overt had Mir moo. yxprrienre Till \l Ml M MIMiHini t II Mil jiromll* Hie pi i\ ilcgP'i cli'i only. (Jiily international afT.rc*. would Published on el««s iia* » Monrlsy through Erldav Inclusive dur - g ricil * Irlr.i* .iml t funic titn ;iit ill He *(:tiltr » x*ml»nl nl I lie ir , ylinrft on MM * r.«ni|»n» id which tviTr re- '»ii.'iigh these portals walk 'hr deal flrmly wi'h th». Hussuin-. •net.Ml frc*h:nmi Issue between summer ami fall terms. Entered •* itindotts. rielttrm ncu one* (hat are #s old as (he I'nlver- Iteion* spirit »i ih- utmnsiii Ibmn.nit* "I ttmld ,»f their friend*: seniors, of their many privilege* a* Ihev pinned" nr engaged coeds, and happy-go-lucky birthday rele- tirators Senior Swingoiit. another tra¬ did history. I|iiite a have been made. MAC in the early part nf student few ehange* handbook MSI' An old IRI.'I lists CAMPUS III; tin,INKS: I p.m. Hay llrfnrr I'uMinttnn fnr Turn.. CLASSIFIEDS IVel.. Thur«. dition, precedes graduation each onlv a few: «uH Vri. KHiliim-. HraHlinr fnr Mod. F.dllinn: I p.m. Kn. year Seniors stand in front of I 'When an upperclas«man ■till-. I'nmhlr y.|'.' nnH !•.*> Monday through Friday ' a ''mm- sinii!'or "in- their living unit* and Join the (e' you it I* a custom «u tradi- ... ■ i i',i »jini>. wore ilonatpil b.v the , hai»o!. pertaining profession trip to Falrehlld. on its roundabout • o ! (and not explaining what :-;.i for thing* to happe:\ l'.l> 2-1 nil EXT. 2615 ■ . i *... 111. licit ' Council of This has slightly changed respect hi* word and honor the • i-s'i ill Mio phan- fi"ni the earlier putt of the cet- tradition. • Mil- 'i .lint:; adoration, nu ll- tiu\ Senior, actually did swing :» "Don't tie a huttinsky' Be for sale personal m i thriMksT'Vihi! »»* given on! college tespeWfii! to upiierclassmm. automotive Buck In IW10. fnr Mamplr. tr THE MAN whn to..y «-e • in ! |,i Carlo'on Know your place and keep it I PLYMOI'TII TWOdVmii cult at Hill Knapu* wll \! '....t t • . of '44, In tn* the senior men would push the .7. "Seniors only, ma* wear hanpMO. radio, healer t '»v mileage te i an get Id* enat hark Call . , . es.-elleni condinon 447.1 IV 5-.1IMF SftVlCl THAT SATISFIIS (lancrnft. Ffl 3-neaa hard Hats " 17 "fine night stand" tradition-, THE WEST TOAST A I.J .si The retu.iined \ltiitiiil an McpiiuTiil Chapel idea .md u fitPil Senior Gals continue to exis* on c.impti such mistonis include ttie Water tsyi *.,.1 } l.'U'M .,mi Pt.YMOrTit lake over «TlNVERTIItl > payment FT» • '' • • " • lerrn »cr#«lona. oartle* dame* Call ED 2-6.VM nni«"> hope for n\rt |.a eeare. |Tie ch v .i'. # gala night of floa* lie I l.l-N of M donated i • • I elicit a chapel began < m.M Vrit VO « HFHPY HFD I leal. KWAST BAKERY DEIJVjWs Make Up ilicum of I lit i t- * i Miliollrliti: (he lie* el .■ei 1 .wimmifig in dm Rmt fedir. ami «u« «'a!l EH 5-UK7!* »or- a" ««'• s"#'Arirrd dividual) v deceit ated .ike » the niiUlimiiii.; feature ol before the depFeeeinit—hut tlnan- i T ♦»!«• men withstand tlic a '*• 11 n. I' iwelve for #7 (mi Phone IV <••. e* Meitl fl pi-.H e Ihiolich «otl», nil pnihlrtne heeef lis founders an £o-e t t»tn (hie little chapel howeti-i i* of (he Kxcalitiur tapjiing." nut,itier tod (omimtiiil* I he > o v* «;F.T YOPRSEI F A deal m> W'tLlAM H THOMRSON stained tl.i*y m iiidnw * I .»» h t- ami the Utile hiiildlng of ««« of tin I'glO Falcon or l ord from a 'nrme: THE MFRJ.VN GATF# f>R' f Seleel Group Heiitn • I mill» dmt.tled an "i»m become a mrmet a ship was lint deilli ateil ll|ilil .Indent See Gene. Sehlen 'Hi dahreah'e minoi • i* »> , a if Mini t three dimension »l ei set dlll-lt tltli fiei-dupi Ml i ■ lorarv "s" honorary \t^t' Ma* Clir'K In. IV 4-4401 band sound and lee lure •» V of art. coetinc up •«» liini ' MY! |p all. it's worth 5 147# ** m id und Ihoiii'hl ifiMiMnn ni Berhap* the most well-ktioH.i eai h or M |tm lot * *•■» »f «•»•« « over VM.YIHHI BRAKES COMPUTE NEI.1MVG » « IV 4 0744 .tiled mil le.iiletship an i loved tradition is an e»"- s-'ir. R'iil up Adiusti ei 1 <•'« id- lath tell* a nnnplrl. Iieiio r It* JOllY HOWARD ■. y■ ■, \i i; in. koiMi.i i>c, . b en, the blue and vellov .sjk.»c'k- ed lire- » I uupion brake Helm slnri of an idea %*mlw»! ot Tin \l;o M.uning tappuig . f ei« ?'•!" I KaUloa/ni. IV 4-4iU'i »• . nil' . «n1 Sparfv that stands a' 'lie pn- NEW VOirFS IN (- 'r. .. Min or H-otnan i« usually the " t -vFII IIFFRIGFHATOM*- \«-a»hers tliouthl tha' .no. Ilr j out pinnacle of ho. College careet Kruin the ton junior coed* about trance forever on guard against people Phe South Campu*. ""employment- 1.1 nee- servi-e md t « .« .Store *V.i and ill) 11 to I Cimid- Mii'l' I derafure f Adam* art in speaking rtMifn nreaenu 31 ou Union a m» .*• . i . who tuav I),, thrie f<» obstnux .»• |\ Ml# t.1 neadav. Jhnuarv 20 ?o n<,• nicked for Mortar Board ! ..... MSI' hill k > (rv '•)_ flffht against fri* penple DEi ORATED CAKES DEUVFItFD the sen . Women's Hunnrar* (oi iwilie*. htrlh'lavs Mao* PLANNING ON LEARNING .70 H' .|."t only M-vnul (he student* Of MSI 1.. vol Karber tit tern*, over 200 other delicious paalora K**'#*» n.»h- MileiM, alt. ruled Bed \\ riters ei- IV ie \ •»«. i v.lik down too -tiulci.t md faculty men: l»er^ ved ree .mmendation Men Serve "»•< c forms (mm Mor'ar Board. KaSi housing asked to name several jut.- Lei Minds w.iv PART TIMF WORK In fl* sour »'N ' OUT Airt* • Wiuneii wnom be felt e\- schedule «ni»rrir«l male ?!i or olrt* WINGED SRARTANS Anns* Hospital's *1 \%it» .at l-tnsinK on . < ed i.:i -cholarsiup. lenderah.p r> I Micuemi Avenue UnH'ir rt'RNifttrrn thiif f-bfdroom TU 7 8)07 and si l v . . .»)'■licit fiuring In* 'lav „ *r hoic-r. i iilniM'U Hill* scull mi avall- Run Wild , f liir/.i'ri'i/ l usliioiis l.rntl I'tirmlc These forms were returned to for sale uhlc a' 7-riiho «»m» seven mom ha. FD 12 real estate \!Ov«'\V « »• \ In \nr ) in I. .S/i»Tn» hisliioii Shoiv Mortar Board and are now he- big used as a next year's guide for selecting member* Patients UuMii FIVE-ROOM (•Hired hcd» t*«* FHRNISHFI) IIOt'XE heal. Heposi! re- F«>iir men over 2.1 IV !i-2.'IH" LEAVING n neiv STATE home with *4< Rl) ee 12 I rmnider new hnuce trailer ' tnri'.n h.-'n Suit lack.-- Approximately 20 i un i» i « |f you're in The hosju'»' furnishings. FF, H-M2J# the of wearing the SHOR AT FRANDOR E* *0* . .- i Ki'iv *•' l» 1 Ojtlldl d have honor Homedny. it's possible vmi may ATTENTION •Tt'DF.VTS IIOI'SE Homo although rod I wo J»l««-k* Horn r#hn»uK bu t*, w da collai • Mortar :,o >i>f .1 pin -n* I** vi.sitixt by a member of the l"- iuriUkheil .)* rwm«. three Ih'iI- : lie' iOifi • w ide, on* few as live mav Imi ret'ocmred. men'* service fraternity. Alpha (.«.«,i one-and-o-l'.iif halh Will #■•- ! com Siivk and droop- Mo*! memhc!* have wb". ain*vr Cta*'»tt*t v-a V * ,oc imim. Olin • the men of Alpha Phi Set at Skutt i - , t FAST I.ASKING R«3 Virgin r«,.-bedroom bungahm AolomatM' nn« in suhdueaIX ROOM ; mk. enpoulaging thru m«wlela and Spartan Women's Ijeggue ta (••- ' H» 7 H.I05 or Kll J-1M3 ♦( ( aprrs for tranafrr student*. In !.•• •••• #-a • -•.,»« <■•- I • .. v- u!k with a stance remm.-- fc|Minsor the dance the aprlng. the* sponsor the I g- (•■ Muff* % ' • - Three example* of the in>aa» nil of ihe liolmtante slouch of I'.arlv in fall, (he YlorUr Board c» Wa%k i*-. ,? ;<•> '• native schemes of Noviel selen Itest Man on Campus dance and Trooper Cap* ■ — I e I wenUe.'. members go on a weekend re¬ EAST l.AN'SJNG rear I'ampua lists sod scientific wlifers for treat, during which they outline the proceeds are given to Cam¬ Tariff Jacieb 1 • o (ee rouio* furnished apartment Complete Tawing Street 1 pus Cheat. private batn. imi king. MA monthly spend'nif ihe Wonef that would (heir year'a activities llarh Aftlict- -4 b • e i • • • utilitiea include^ ED P-407M 13 CO a - lawiwnEgi • be iiaiUlile if the world follow¬ class selects its own service Alpha I*ht Omega is the lar*- e#t national eervive fraternity Korea* loot* < . ' FOUR REDECORATED jFVRNTSU¬ ed Russia s example were given project, to which the? devote with 251 chapter# scattered Wellifqto" loot* $' ED room* #70. utllltie* paid Child pAVES TEXACO in (he Trade I nion newspaper most of their year'a energy. |.ast welcome Snjilh Avenue near Waao- Trud. around the nation The only re¬ Milder* 0«ford» Is1-1 iiiFton and Mt Hoi>* IV f-IW* year Mortar Board sponsored Ol Ea*t b'#"4 • l# previous experi¬ after noon 12 : Ruiid •' l.» : the "l.ast Lecture" series pre¬ quirement B.-atto Name Teat rsumad ieoinivl n- New ^o?k ence a.* a Boy Svx*ut and a Ue- t'NrUIVNtRHCD APARTMENT CM sented fav Kussel Nye and Ktan- Ladie* J»8« laol* I? aide to be of nervlce on campus l*rivate e In* to house, including Vtntoftw sn 1 i/.Mon by was 4 }), r'Vt i cf. V ! J Icy Idserda. t«o «mall bedroom* El) 7-7KK1 U TYPING - ED I-4MR ♦.jr.ar5*. innfer lU»rmg S!i..-S .vu A rush wnoker for all inter¬ St loot* a A traditional activity i* the TV REPAIR BY MM' • En« h y'aanni-:. w . ' h V Kibbcsf ; i'an*viieil ested men is held in Kebrunrv lee' Ra» Snc« Shoet ! • THREE-ROOM APARTMENT iO '"Apple IVh.slier'R Dessert," to . FI'RNTSHED Private entrance, cook• Poriahle radio. rabbit ra.-« ' branch hnm R«l China .and lab; Wdti which each member brings a During the pledge j»criod, cacti Toboyge"* ( ->e»e-- <(► "* in* nrivileee-. parkin* Abo. one tnch Muntr. per »alc IV *•' •» ■ueuwipi ' e liunaiayas '«» Iu-v.« IS Foes-m* p..cd1» favorite faculty member They man is required to devote 20 room, furnlahed. IV S-tllT 10 EXPERIENCED TYPIST t v hangc the da«v'..o". id le.d' • 4\ i i, .i'< hour* nf service before he be¬ l«« fitkiag Ttati I' J' VENIENT location at #"•' 1 ' ■ also stMinsor Uvntern Night, t» Fl'RNIXHED APARTMENT FOR active. Rivfr All tvnti of work ft" e ("»«'■*. > >-A'o m : t A*tnw" H IV enact. iv ... t come* men student* Two hedrinim® new • i . honor outstanding aenior wo¬ uirniturr Also. unturni>hed bunga¬ electric machine at raaanuahie -\htxw msMbern l.u: -pe- o- o 14+ I 4 ' -V-. • Solution of Yrateeday'ii Fuula men, ami they take wart In pre- In Ihe fall IhU aervice group for couple IV S-30"! "" 13 Call Mr* Piarama. ED J-. In IV .".'u 4S l .K e fvcrythi«f Tor k* F-thatg low Aniefto* eenling "Who's Who and What'* helps In iponaoring the Mood SPARTAN MULTILT1 H! NG accord genu* TWO-ROOM FURNISHED APART- T |)am Bering Mrs it to p«-»- 10 Heiu.r What" for the benefit of new drive. However, their moat Im¬ floor, utivate en¬ TYPING aerviee Evrrv ; moving of worm I'arihr V Vn.-.n -v (. l'h.lippui# DOB X MFNT. ground student* original. Mrs Goodwin. ED •••**■' mil The M Itewnic* - I Cieamong 11 Cum of freshmen portant duties are aorvlag (he trance Suitable f«»r two into the Arrlir to warn* Et) 2-4763 11 waters Vv -e t# One who ■ n-iami- lnd.a Next May, when you see coeds patient* confined to Olin. They FOX HOLE FX STORE TYPING—TERM PAPER- northern I anada. Alaska and - rowt-r-uke tgppl? (Rem with cigarette* and AVAILABLE NOW APART- mtar taat and accurate Vr* a t.iri*name lay*#wager 18 Arm boi e walking around in funny little Adami ED 3-d544 ' siWrii to make them titoia '• * Vmel.n.ncie l\ itol* candy. f••"dm S- uy • ^ MEATS cl«uw to rampu* one and flat hat* with lassies, you will __ ,i s.s v H MueeUany two bedroom# t'nfurniahed except habitable a»wl to make the Vh rr.t-.s-* A?. IVi itvi * Uu>>vndt»f Z- Deep $ea realize that they arc not just But all is not work for the refrigerator and stove ED 2-4JMK tf I1AY RIDER - AT rkduceo ' Mak- I'd" * I endak# Oi" * M< * " r\ ♦ r ■■ V through winter farm for tn seas navigable. ' members of the Beat Genera¬ honorary for in the winter they croups HnM partv room tlv.t id I •< b First ROOMS for reservation* ?4 Tha* i' Fb mi " » «omsn (lNf - vsth a Phong child Board. tan Women's Leogwe IT" carriage and trterch* •'*"; t\t r- « hi ,.."e {.' S. i ->i , 5* IUkIv of SS Afternoon PRECISION SKATES with Prec ROOM EOR MEN tn aooroved I' ne-har* product! Pro «»■«:" 1 ; vm-'e i.-lauieti party houatng one. block from campus ouaUt* offset copy, atanclb #:'*i2 J #ti>n trunk and boot* and *Ciiv»-pre* IV I-I7»4. 12 S7 By htrth 2S. Snow asvf.k \ uoon o-tn. W heel. ED 7-7441 alter 4 00 U Parkin* TWO SINGLE AND one double bone. Barker Hail Call ED 7-»34l A eras' *nea runner 11 "ELEVEN-CUBIC-FOOT REPRICE- aleeplne room* for men Anproved ED 3-W18- morn¬ TV. AND RADIO .''vice 30 Square of , clone to ramou* low rates to student* N'" wm) RATDR. crib and mattre<«. car *eat ing* and after 7 00 p m ID 100 u*ed T V sets and antenna'- ' high chair, teeter babe. IX) 3-333*) 12 tube ct-.ecktnd. free parking a * ?S Isolde * vi*1 MOTEL UNITS-APPROVED tor 9 p.m. dally. T.V. Technician* 1 ..o e SO y-' If* st *tmi omnrrtlnt tin iiteis «>i 43, Having ► A\7M] 4 on Friday. January 82 « •' retired IMPERIAL SKIS WITH Cub-cp' 1/>ST — 'IN OR near Rerkev 3-MW South America Black woman * eve giaute* In bright 48. Roman rOA'T a binding*. Excellent condition t.*n* blue caie 13 Snvcler. ED SdNltL 11 AM going to Bovne \i n.. id - Cuahion Sporting Go*hW. 3u» Vine M i!u \&XL> «» emperor this weekend Can take tip Street, ane-half block »f»t o( Sear* - Durdai-» ■ •• 4R. Particle io LOST - SHAEFEER SNORKEL _iv 4-54*3. - *" lower the NW. .. »: nd- cv>. : pen. liiacv. Hwd betveen Auditorium . 4». Nerve and Ad uintstr.itiivi BuHdinc Re¬ MINOLTA Id mm miniature cam¬ bs aoou: 3f«"' '• •-' . network era and flash gun. Three month* old. ward Phonc^tK^East^JShaw 1" Und equal to * - t <• 31. Male ■ excellent condition Must aacrt/ice. aud providing . • •• - e i .w»t 32 Hold a •eaaioa Call Dave. ED 2-4023 13 personal loms. r.D ) - 7-1WR BABYSITTER resources NORTHLAND LAMINATED SKIS Till ta . :T! - •Ix feet ntne uvchea long Sue SUN TAN- GIRt_S. gM Tour gold¬ en tan under the lights al tfMverait< BUY . . . SCX • ■ • HENT . Nordlce taat* and pair heavy *kt alan an^tnesr ! A:-:..-ted, \va* tat |M4 3« aun no'ea. IV B|Md. 13 Rraut* Salon. ED I-11M. 11 . campus cLASSirieus • j uri^nated i>y a feynnau. ' . ' A ■ )|:n Orbit Satellite. Rocket Miimr.w M. IS«« sTATF n.«« I'.If th.M No lionil) Kviflmicr Found Pacific Scene for Red Testing «'r In Pin no Ousli Wrctcka^o WASHIVGTOV '/Pi—A -.tiiie'eit now yi Wilmington. Iowa Kiiin.- Koitlurr* SlM-piiil (liw A cheering section be fe.- UON, 'W fin—Sonet n«»» of in S-*Vi'-* m»wspapers -ir f era led sprier from t'he hum.m fit.seed source said Tuesday Fed¬ \' ('. hv ( v.1 Aeronautics Rom d •uenid . game eral investigators have turned and KRI exu« r*- They hope '•» Sa'urdav afternoon • ground msv h*3ocned <>f blouses w.'i uc allowed noutjerd for the .Inn. 15-Feb. 15 indication* of this hav The S-.v.e'. ("aiobna plane rra-h w'm h (i-. u Hakif d •<; ' of t hr a special ee' .»n a' yen',- government eaViv_ expetiments, this reference to killed U AH S ll'-' fold 'h'- mi Iv.i even by Soviet asir• 11 the '"a ? recovery of Hlms tioirded to a The t p'.«n< source said the jr.v«»s*.- Nen;»'e \\' •' -'i ulKooin (' I'r Sp»'U kefs W'li d 1 ccr- interviews and in am- ■i : -Tor clear from po-stbility that some such oper- Jan 15 Fib 15 or H 45.000- gatm •. while 'ill inclnuvl t.> t.c- . p ih tie ii ng .1-' • C' k 'hat tie -u"d fn-tead, students •• ! a'ion may he attempted In riie i.eve a -iiir ide bomtj ,ehe ne .■ a > he' evr.l.Mt.'d. tne i,e a'. d on a fir .'-come. Ii; vpiarc-milc mn,. gouthwes! of Paiifle . - - H *.% ;i ■ s while pi ec jti'.i'e I the c " l. neve! C.i e .\i. I ed c . '• !' cnudu.-'cd c\- A telesenpr-bearing '•.tlelli'e !;3\ •- ovei ! 'tic d> . fl.ikke h.e, M.ade rruieh .»| ' ' j,"i mens w:Pi piuvcrful new no'd w i!,.( need 'o g-> all ttie •• ket«; p ..'her r«u i»i>.v.-dv e'- "aid (.hot one of the victims, .lui- heavy liri -i ivav lo Mats to try for plclurvs ;''.>nd <5ax*'* fill in !ht len decompre-s; ,n m »bf. j(- ■ - . i■ * Aed.c ' Frank. had 'a-.- ' !• would lie neeessary only to a KM surized out t ' »r v <«MU.nnn worth of >' get if info orbit outside the T w n-ckage of t Na', >tvi and accident insurance s.iiee The Russian* rarely earth's atmosphere e r antinunie •A'* ones plane is being recoo- A i ■ r;! in arttance what thrv are plan- nine In do. tilli appears to point to a possi¬ hut the scientist*' (Jovrrnor Ask* f 'simiHM f In vtfi» «l- r Ciirl* . . . ble dniihle proieet hrtore the end of the test period I eh. 15. l'A|l.lll*ioil of your forma Is ready Prof (. \ Pctrovirh, writing I of 51 Iteseaccli fur the .Mlu|) • • «• ans Bulletin c»f the Science-.' outhnesl hope to do w ith Academy what a the tclv- said DF/ntOIT .^i-Oov. William, Tuesday night he will a-k KIIKI'Sllf ||t V iildrr-n * the Supreme Soviet Jen. Ifl. ennminc- RENT.. l*A|M*rl Nf m«*o ipiippr-d satellite ♦he leip.'iittire lo authorize an iniC 4 rut of almost 4 Ihitif in the number of men in its armed SKIS - IMMI I S The development of a heavv expansion program for the new serviced. Migrations nfed art:!i.-'al «atc'll»'e institute "f scietiee and tech- rnii;s e\j!iipiH*d with 3 iMv.vevful tele- noiogv at the Uhivernity of Hems and Seams which could r.e au'oma'i- Michigan em'tv aimed bv remote emitrol More research is tieretomry \l I. K(.»l IIMIKM trmv lirmil WIIIMaa palm- mjght 'lie curtain which for the state's economic growth. The Needle r «» named chief mf staff for P'«m tunc mmeninrial has con- Mi- governor snid in a speech I1KWI1 XKVl -ilitir* iM U frtendtr nation*. t-paied for the American Right T>te e«'»t h a new »ne at the pi .•t Way Assn and fVntafnn In H ashlngtnn. IHF0BHATI0H William,, -aid he would ask Onlv s5.00 •lie legislature budge? in his fortheom- to allocate *> Thread Shop ng nu»s age I'CIt lU KK KMC (dry Subject IN 11 it V It % 11 RNITV til 1*1(1 situ Ms « Ol \ Mioonfm sKM),onn for .twtease the over institute, the cur- a lUK A I.SO HAVE t AltTOI't AUItlKltS) oh I ' » t.rand River 101' l iiioii Talk ' %>N| MBI \ i pha Tau Oiu . . cnt approprul'.on He will aiso levotnmend %3.- across the street O'LEARY R0O/MM) for copstrueiiop pur- from llcrkey Halt >:i KIKMIII I IIKIMTIAN n >v#!l«I Jme* Citv .I..*.-- mi hi< capital outlay so « I I11 n\\Ntiip The |for«e - Mont? ..« h i.HI the "he »i«me Alec GtiijiRi• » : M» p •••«. i t#i pi, ., b-'tiduig i.tvvmiikei > pMip.»j,.ii last outlined week, he yaul u» I'VINT S'l Oltl: > y i&t »: ;• a I'\4K\(.IN(. • . ,, MM II:tv 'Mote and more people are .5! he -be sub)"* • h». It i. Sc.'h ("amjjiK coming 'o reaii/e that there is ,•» niANIlOU ( KMKII IV T a! pUblf 1 ■ ••vv. ,<;! tonnection k'.wccn so-called * MSP rnion, Rineu Jl, at riRslllM. RIII.M uademie* res< arch and vronom* j,i j. -n Jan. 20- «•}« n -m mt for' o r a te • giowt'h." 'he governor said •v.< r Wl.i h»* D: H*>- i- . It IV-,, III y v • of MSC tng - » A«.i;i< 11 II RI M tINOMIt S | - •■•■■••• IP* «:!! !«e V-- 111 It ,"1V,3.SB2.3S|_ .«♦ in a serin*. N#»a As H-, t'on temporary SALE! / - ; - • • - j v w»rd r \ naniwrni bv -he and the Kni! .."v t » |H v,o orlj FAMOUS-MAKER i,*el. 7 .. 'i J.a' S H 3 HWiaMltlbiNTad Campus Favorites in COnON Jttt BLOUSES and SHIRTS , ogs ohMv'n , 13 i o n , . --H- ■: 20th century n-..»vI. - < lltl'll. f«| 11 II iv lysi' Masculine Eyewear ' ' .*"•■ »> of Car v !.»•■• •: • •' - is wi'1 include T*'' xnw|m,s fWM Id t h : ' Mouth" and the Ut-ri llfv HIMn 3 I H H3 3 H -^■bvlo'xID : ulinitv M*. 30,d C^rfOMiS., N"!' -ft 4 Use . .■ ■ TcrtnoM-e W >•*■« ,h/w U p. .«,!.» 8 vl—~ —Io vIh'i pi.ip. i pun -if jh".c, \' Wm2!u(c°> - on'II find • .••'cd by Dr J'C ■ \-zr'.sn V. lagc. 11a.' HVKJtt VBM 1 •r •' oe?..irt- r- . a wi-ederf".! ' - lion of en n - h..ld ft.. • • • •n lecture »n / •*■ •-<- - I iu ti..-- 'I lilt! if | M- . vl Oi'.F- » i.ed tor fco «: M vst: r: - . ....> . ..•••• i. .. ;..ok llnnrtonrT AinjiU Jam BE TNRIRY t ope of the n anv stvjes avmlgbte.' ll» I •ing Knot I'owrr ■■:>>N t,r>—Arthur w.:i. Check oir PaperbMks n r r\ vnx ur'as «•/ .'6-year-old accountant, DR U < n:\Sl X. reflateii -.1 optnti.ctr t it « rack trait and jogged In I960 i. from office to WALLACE OPTICIANS • -<■ vered suburban c»*- i.inute*. It was tout ••> "\<"er than he o»u'i traiv cd by bus or sub-wav. • If-ill. on a bet settled he Evening N> «? SPARTAN BOOK STORE \IM %T ( I.ITTI.K1 ' r-v.r ^ * borne bv jvui»- Su/tvr Wiirlivt I or l.iluntlitm I aflipu* « huvii li'iU llijfh |{i*urit«r*ihij» •• on — tvro differs*.*' c«. §nd a bus — and « t.»e usual ruth-hour Th« largasl tals colltction ol blo«M* and shirts ws hav* hod ol ons tims! Softly dstollcd suit .blouiot, ruffls-lrim sissy blouisi and mon-tailorsd shirts from (i»o ol our linoil Solid,. Uripss, chtcki, floroli. paitlsyt, abitracl print,...roll-up, ihrss-quortsr long ilssvsi • «» tr'j0t 4 b-wt en's It's a puzzlement: round, pointod, button-down, tommy and convortiWo collars! Wkw you're old enough to go to Wo'«o whin, and almost ovary color imaginobls Siiot I to II. rollNgo, jrou'io old enough to go out with girl*. When YOU NEED THE you're old enough to go out with girla, who noodo «Uago? Oh woU, there'® always Coko. JAeSllto£Jte BE REALLY REFRESHED Settled under authority of The Coco-Colo Company by ofKQDL U IALU COCA CUL.% BOTTWC tUMPANi t OPEN" EVERY WEDNESDAY X I (i IIT I" N T [L NINE \. MirillliAV STATF. \nv« SwimniA'r Lois 'Tic1* Award January 20. If'iit I'ajf Tour Howe Ijeads in Votes Th»» Hi*! Cain»>l»ll neck Hp fin* Iowa Stair meet cr and sprint - Larry Jones for the Rig 10 IM Schedule est, sai'l Coach stronger than they have been t'». 1 llrrtrltk v*. Ilsworlh Montreal Canadiens have taken Olmstend of Toronto with IB vj UNDER Charli": McCnffroc. The coach in five year<. MSI' won. 70-3!. 17-mati I raveling team 11 4 Trojan« v*. i-iin :t ►'ahulim* s a firm hold on two of the Na¬ and Bronco Horvath, Boston 13. the player "adjudged tn exhibited the best type of fU..closp(l that butterfly man The I t. S k>'sl.'rs v«. sii.|"-li<«i- tional Hockey League's most Harvey had f>8 points in the •• ^Vthe c.ul Shaar won the honor for lias not ijeen deckled on yet. ft. 6 Huo/.-rs vs. tivm 2 |l.illlu«k« 6:1# prized trophies. The mid-season voting released voting for the James D. Norris Memorial Trophy, awarded to manship combined with » 1 standard of playing ability , I- ■ ul SEA ft. 1 llm*rr v*. t lrev ft. t Shark* vs. 3nit Slrtrnjrr* a on nil lead* MVF iioHTa raer Monday showed Howe has a t h Harvey e outstanding won defenscman. the trophy four Hay piled up 57 point* .v Oliver 54. Stan Mikita of r p.1 \ kVjjJ dolt T00AY commanding lead in competi¬ ti viii .1 . . . . . . m t t. ft. « Ashrr \*. ii*t« Hacrals v». tion for the most valuable play¬ straight years before teammate cago was third with 23 p-.rv.. followed by Kenny Schinke -' 0:3(1 Hurry 1 nllrn to llvrnhvy er award—the Hart Trophy. The Tom Johnson took it last season. New York, 22. 2 fimil Mil-! tivm 3 ft I Irons v*. Manor Mire Detroit star, who hold the all- rtunncr-up to Harvey on a DFTROIT <**> — The Detroit basis of five points for a first McKcnney, who is eighth • IA ST IANSINO • I I. t Star* vt. * lilac• r* time scoring lead with fiO the scoring rare with 11 po:* • t.vm 1 He I '.Ving; Monday ynt forward place vote, three for second, and I t .1 Tipper* V«. WHriwr* points, is a four-time MVP Ed¬ and has incurred only 12 mino'v Rarrv Cullen to the Hershey one for third was Bill Gadsby of t t. 6 t>arl**s .1 v». fnnlnnib Chaser* die Shore, a former great de* in penalties, received 32 poin'<. IKMKH Hear of the American Hockey the New York Hangers. Gadsby fememan for the Boston Bruins, had 20 points. Then ramc Mar¬ .Henri (Pocket Rocket! Rieha-ti 9:11 Slcnia Nil vs. Ilrltl Sterna |*l I#:I5 Italle-v v*. H Shaw I.eigne. is the only other four-time win¬ of the Canadians was rurvner-up llOWI.ISh Departure of Cullen who came ner. cel Pronovost of Detroit IB, the 6 p.m. • * Detroit from the Toronto Canndiens' Johnson IB and Al¬ With 24. t- » llalie*v 6 V*. Halle-V * Howe collected 59 points in A second vote will be taken it .1-1 Halle**' I v». Hallrv 1 Maple Leaf* on a trade last the balloting by hockey writers lan Stanley of Toronto 15. S-6 Italic* i v* Halle* T fled Wings the end of the season and the -"I'limrr. t»ring< the In other trophy voting. Bill 7-6 |: Shaw 3 V*. A. Shaw 6 and broadcasters in each of the combined total points will de*er- 9-19 Shaw 6 va. K Shaw til Io ttie player limit of 18. six NHL cities, nobby Hull, Chi¬ (Red) Hay of Chicago grabbed a slim lead over Murray Oliver mine the winners, who will each cago Black Hawks' left winger, receive $1,000 from tha league. of Detroit for the rookie-of-the- IIUItKY-La»t 2 MICHIGAN Kle* NFL Owners SPORTL1TES t'ralurr shown al 1:!J. 105. a t J, *:M r.M. GARY GRANT fcj Meet to Eleet EYA MARIE SAINT 1AMES MASON ~ mWf CENTER/*, EARW Commissioner Coverage Extended GARY TONY k urtto HircHCOc* s< slarlt FRIDAY! GRANT CURTIS ■NORTH BY NORTHWEST'| to VM«VW • mm nssm wwa TFCHNFCOIOR* IMPS GENTLY. HE TOOK HER RY THE IIANH ANI> LED HER ALL THE real MIAMI BEACH, Via. (AV-The fwrimmaflnR Is over and the gnmm kicks off today In IM Cage Results nr JIM WAIUNOTOI* WAY TO BREATHLESS FULFILLMENT! when 12 National Football Ia»a- sutr Km Unto mm jpit club owners gather to elect OPERATION ShiiHti Today at 3:43 mill 'C REGORy TW hilfar-mat loot • cummins loner and resolve the Thorny fmoblem of expansion. THE STATE NEWS .port* department I* *ttempthi* tn offer renders more romplete Intrnmunit cover**!. Th* flnt - allair ai F. See# FitonnM PETTICOAT MGM presents-• new high I'ECK aodtaa Other problems expected to he debated at the meeting include step was tnken in Tuesday mornin*'* edition. A new sendee has Iteen added (o the IM Roeslt* where in frtstmnn COLOH to HIGH SOCK It HIlARIfY* proposed playing rule change*, player association relations, the the hi*h scorers in each basketball came are Inserted after Duwwiii-tiw b>« m m (tot Kay Imm player limit, minimum game guarantees, radio and television residta of each frame. The players' names and their total pointa »re printed. contracts and the congressional HARRISON KENDAU IfCDD Investigation into professional Refore the semi-colon are the winning team's hl*h men (no won. OCONNEIL ' ! AP 01 MV I All I Our t (SAM 011fS6l*l V XLI\fl •ports. with the loser's top scorer after the aeml-colon. Veteran observers are unani¬ If the new system proves popular and feasible, additions! JlKRYWALDS KIIOWS START AT — i nn-.vio .vm-7 vv»:.n The Reluctant mous he the most in the opinion this could Important meeting coverage will be extended to * other sporta. * * n ATI'RI S START AT — Debutante' E EIPVED in the 40-year history of the Jeague. The first step will be a motion Dean 1/wk, who Michigan Stat# football Coach Duff- Daugherty calls his "greatest quarterback." was quoted 1in-VIVV?.V7:VV»« WoSIUHW 1 NRDEL to amend the constitution, mak¬ a stnry called "I'd Like to Play in the Third League" which €*/CMt ZoOtK ing 10 of the 12 votes enough M'WS I VI NTS in SPORT magazine. Otl I.ATI to admit new teams. Such a ap|iears STOUT RI M. iv'i L~*' ( A i >v Sandra ' Angela Eddie Albert move now requires unanimous consent. Ten votes can push Look, a star on the diamond as well as on the gridirn . said in the magazine, "I definitely would consider an nf;>! I All OR CARTOON UMSBURY ran into »» through the amendment. from a third-league team. Playing in the Continental Leag';» HENRY KING • <$- George Preston Marshall, vo¬ latile owner of the Washington would have tremendous advantages." L SY BARTLETT Their atorr read# life# ftoUaa... Redskins, is emphatically against Then I»ok got a little sickening as thr magazine quote increasing the league member¬ him aa saying. "It woldd lie nice to grow with a new league, ClNf MAr .COP& hut It to m ftottou . . . fur rtHOR hv Df. LI'XI -Riijivrn iNnnri.- la th. ship. ton. To improve year by year, just as the league due. " 5TI HfjOll IONIC SI* *dt> true lUrr uf Nhellah (irahaui Then MSli's most valuable player in baseball and foot! V5D and the fahutoua F. Meutt Fits- got practical when he said, "Of course, the new-leagu- BIN TIP SPECIAL ervoort's gerald. would have to offer me as much money as I've been offered And you know the story. Look signed with tl4 Chicai CHRYSLER Iwt 4 White Sox of the Amerinin League. FRtHiRAN IN FORMATION CALL CD 2-MIT ft# SI.1 K. ORAM) RIVER hardtop. Fall pawtr. A # h h lilhi to see. A report comes from the South that the American I EAST LANSING ball Coaches Association is exploring the possibility ,' Special IMA I'll. Ell 2-2111 staging an annual East-West all-star foitliall game in Jur e The game would lie held in the Rose Bowl .the Sugar II AST LANSING PHONE ED HALG0LM MBAS or Soldiers Field in Chicago. ADULTS 79r CHILDREN 20r Proceeds would lie used to promote college football a SKI (Ml C. MICH. I IVKIvr. to help finance a football hall of fame building. STARTING TONIGHT AT 7 I'.M. A CHANCE OF A LIFETIME TO GO RACK AMI SEE 2 ALL TIME GREAT HITS SPECIALS • SOULER SKIS • AirNOLSON WE WORLD'S GtEAIEST ENTERTAINER RS4MNC SENIORS, GRADUATES •rinca modci. aim m Km* MB OWN IRC. N EKKBBK, NYSKS MR MTOMT1CS MA wMk plmM. to» M4 hkidtoi (Ml MEET THE* MEN FROM Re*. 155.00 3995 TlkkOU) STRETCH PANTS #■ l.nnun Import.. Wr Wool >a* in i llrlrnr. la »r Mw. .ht.rl IrkfUto men', and l.dir.*t line. .12.95 end 11.95 8 23 88 Plan weekends of fan , . , also wm*»lrflfh»M» panto al VAN'S ipreUI tow prim! JANIABY H* 21 SKI RENTAL I SPECIAL RACK RESIUCI • PARKAS include. ski*, 00 Mm', and poplin.- Man. women'., tn nylon, ond rolorm ond otyloo Id hoots end pole, for weekend *5 Electronic* Computer, Ic.itrumenubon Cianmuniraiinue Elrrlm —chaain Automation and Continlt ........ Solid State Physica FropuJaioa Coutrala. Ultnuaici Nucfeooks Syucn AaaMl Hydraulic* CnmluHliua ........ MetaQui*y »•##••••* I rhooM- from. • • • Shop Toaighl Til I • • • AI.I, KKIII CEI) VANOENVOONT'S SI N. — K'K'K HUDSON IN fltXOW TALK' \l't. \ssis|;ni( |',x Sports Writer "N Varsity Edges Alumni; Pro Predicted New Trend Sports Expansion State New HAMAS .-•i-c *'•' u'lvr. V Mj|- -port* writer and sport- hi- ».cen app td.- l •.«,.»■• tl»37 ' e . r > If *9 I. '• i •> S AM ir, ff .-A.; f-.vje- * - a- f fr>m . x Walker, Hedden Star 1-ton* f .mm", lorer of • e , p.., t . pre-, nt THf: ASSIU I %TV I* ruiss ' A 1 ■ ui F • .'h»l? tennii 'v.., . . \ • Further expansion m pcf. >. ■' ' >"i!l tie in cl, .rge of te»i' • «ionn! football. bn*eha!t and !•>-- '••I.- vague office J..e i; ,» .1 n.«M M . i.cthall was tpbhed Tuc-d.iv »he nn ' f! >' N r MSt* Alumni put on * likclv mi lor trend of the nc-\ h.i • second half *ho\v sports year 3.MM roaring f jn*. but Fiftv-five of the IO.S • v fell .short a< Ihc Var<- A'dti1"-' and tiroadcas'cr* par* i ringed a 73-73 vii-'ury. witinu :m 'he annual \ s(- i4,t**l Varei'.v, led bv florae P-c-s i.o'l predb-'rl "n* 31 pom's si .* nn I! firrm-'i »7ms op *f h-pgwe- ar> » '■•ad « i!h K v than thi ie to b" al" • «! (• ; 'heir !lng« ss. •alien '■:»• • * t: :rd • <. rc!|. i- ' ( • ntew of fore-v'h varsity Fo vestUnr win t 4'ifAoe nf"l R**» « ' "Tke Mm lului* MrC'oy and* ||rd- at a t m*» •' h»h*0 filth*", th- » rffn iril I he (ltd 11nters scoring g'JCS nth !l and II points reaper- tttflv hut It na« Walker's phe- rr>ni' 111 •hootini that %pr||e<| the difference in the tame, HAtl. TO THr. DKAN! iWcr poured In | •# of Id* putnta in the fir*t half as the* .» exf»riiif»e thet much m.iligfied. uldele ».«*»f-*ief \tr• t» roasted to a |lt-3| lead h..I |o, b,: .1 grossly m eraorked. wholly dedagted nrepiis figure A ma t!elrn»r and a ••••,-l7agut' -jC • 1 c dean ..yr >rse tvpc off emu- mvmic.I to t»ascbal'. tur» rt.e desi. rom H>e Ijitia dee**' d •,vti th«* .iildsjera in ' r- to e*p*|i ie **t m warn* sport irgi-h'it •l ink. prim»rilv • di*« iplinarv officer lie ie a coyowfoe ear naif , and help 'tic'v Hlvmpic games s.pia m M-de. • ha- cn and refuge (or the troubled «t«ideer TTw (fteae up flic r n;:ic ootnt hV- I'ahf. and Rome. I'aK rorn the fireek rfcu'.o* to -kearerj \n ehtr-ictefiaed ehkaie We •dvantnac Their is t.ttle doubt -hat rv vmpsthv, *i..|mn. fsit'enre, forbearftfife. *ed e fnmlww lair ' A'umn iccm- d ca\h ■pjiosion -ai'I (ie fn! r« | m «o m* neb- |Jes*tire- like Mm rii*incs, eruet • Of vend uifid in • o UP. ••* of tiir news", orthy itevelopfifbt* \| irl'or.. ( tbcv reversed gsceites Tl* dc*n ifpati the (.em. »n dcrmg'aacrft' of the ( »• *tutTjrc« |»v a- •h, Va and r.ucsl ••» '«• ,»"«p n fctrti is fnpd of Marlboro* for the om revevn the* Minncap Fan'. S» l/mi* ill tocp of •.» points of tv ng Pic good will are fond of Marll-of*- l#ea»rae Marlboee and Miami will be considered by t igaretfe Those better makih'it ere honestly hffttee ■ in NFl, officials at their annual With 1:13 minutes remaining AIM fll.ll TIWIH. IARRV HRIHtTA. grahs a rehmind ana* ■oce*tlv aged to t' e foak of perfection, honestlr MemWd far meeting opening Tue«dar In is he plated In the game, the from Varsitv eager lorn Wilson <311. In last night's Alumni game, "C 'e*t ol all r*w«-.Me flavors. The hltef l-ooeetlv RHees Miami Beach • ipiIi minted a aeeminglv safe won In Ihe Aarsity. 73-73 MarlVmro honestlv in t*»o different containers — • m#t Watching the action Is I rik O. I urseth The American league. «h»eh itiri of :#-SS. Then the Old it'» of the oldsters. 1 k which i« hfmeetly «ntt, and a lli|vtop t«oi which he Timers urn into a press, and 1 r* 3 oil too will flip wlien ne*t you tri an hotMrt M« Quiggte. Julius Mc- «ith ii m J t« and l.artT k Hedden repeat Third Major League ('.hicngo'* llull which, one honest I v hofna, mil I* arm*. But I dtgr««s< We were lewrning how a de*a helpa 1 Pdlr Heating the hall, they man Tint itfd to narrow the margin to for I.ratI fisduates. To illustrate, let •«« take a tvpicol eaae from the flm »»f hem .< of the 1'mveraitv of 3 •\!t. tpiifgle then fouled Itate fih* ts he attempted to steal Nol to Operate in 1960 II illi llorvalli t* so my-terioiia* Hie f|ean ■ name » •it* >« 3Utah -s'ifai/ww and the I'mwee (t>h, w4>w ihe hall ttllh onlr ft seconds to |ahs sank the free Ihrotts MONTRKAt. ',-Tb Rot»bv Hull /. i'Ol.lMilt S. Ohio « V>—The prnpwpil third ntttjor Iciilmic, >f the. Chicngo Black Hi sks reai h • .nd put the tame nut of tin* i ntil iitciital. iIocs not plan to :*-♦» Varsi'y was p'.bv.p operate in 19f>H, and when sc .red two goals and three a-. without the service- «•: i' docs function ii will pay misortahle M-t.s let neck to tie Bronco ••.esntv I'dmpennatioii for ter¬ . * s. ." and l.tnce Oi-'» >. ritorial rivht*. llorvath "f Boston for the N.i- • - «:.4 'i.nt forwards B-' ■ < ompcrisa'ion to the min e p*. •i-ioal If'ickcv l eague 'n liv.-tu*' dent Branch ftirkev , . \ h--■■•ed to be readv t > ji,.u g :c- ^nd clubs cot, or i.c.l lead statistics re!e»«pr.| »"»|)o*cd '-'p ui el s. urdav's ree'«»n«::v Hickev answered vl■ i- t.iv. disclosed o; 1M«-chief f},.arc,. * irarr-e with the l*p>vci • ' * In an effort lo elevate •evriV Hull and Horva'h e:e n have Mo'xi.iv following a great citirs from nu'ior to • ajo, a*i (M.ints H<>rvath. •> ho picke>» ■ 'Ac telegram from the "s shot,or of the Va ■ league statu . snn-Minced ui> three |M>ints ti ias* -vck's e 'hem the ttutntin I riginaflv and have r» (te.t n • on ic the t'H» goal-ge'tei ■m t Hlrkev that • k 27 of 39 free r r >.<, trci|uentl\ that tfu- < »'t/••». iv th 'I?. Hull ha» III goa m»:.s' current minor .♦ i to the Old Timers' !.» League v ow'i . ,»»•..»-i,' ti».* The lead will t*e- <.n tf.e 'ins* 'tnngholils bad ticcti ' •• 73 The Old Tinier* b.' conditions set down by the ma ' 'light when Ro«*on r>'. •?» a' ;■* •• of 72 front the t»«• 11 possible •d or the Contiental ■iiob'c major m- le.i- no leagues a* the t'.ihm hw i'imago pi ihe only game hu¬ $rv\ ahoo'.ing gvv- f a • «>1 r the Varsity hit on 24 it for a 3d percent avrr- *ue leagues .md si'cs. ic affected tubs had not iiecn minor • meeting •f course fication Mav 2k. 1'ivt. mcludirig (»» reasonable vfie matter of tcin- indcom ddled. Big Jean Be!.ve gue- :<-.xliii4 Mow'real c'ansd in of the **4. r » ll/if Tjrtfj'i'/ •JUIU'J 1'/^'-itfai&J.. i onsultcfi T",e Old Timer* outre- ! know will torial rights ]• v;!! cooperate advanced to third place with • tA t«e kindlv (dean •aig*''nrai w«« rwited one day be a frewo- voii agree tha' -I MSU 51-4ft with anv and all • ,-oi league lAc-|eunt gain He ha« "»2 f>o roan n«me -tich irferc? ccs do hftlo .service carne to jsk f*rmieeton wi ' • hafftime pntertainmet *. club* wherever it ran properly f sir more ". in N'e.v York * •i..iirv one Fmma Blenheim, hia s.s'ed of a musical routine to the clubs concerned, especially Andv Btf'hgafe doen>ilory linr»drens. To lit# do so to increase public interest dean the m»n"ip -eemed ill-wdvowd, for Walter hv the Owofao llif'i at this time when thev sell radio and television arc try¬ WITH THIS AO and IdnipN *»:»• 91 Walter agreed, i«ut -aid he reit oaf* ]A marching band, and a ing to oN GALLON COKE to embark on prc-sea^on ticket protect her from (ht» miet •' • featuring Stan -ale campaigns!" Trautman wired »N>sgar* hulls wi»ere thev planned to -prful their hnnayThaon « ->n the horizontal bar What use. a«ked Walter, would the 25c -iav'i game u ith 1>»"« a Rickey pz*.r woman Lave for a ra.a -si in Yubili* The wi4e, kindle dean -•••».n a*. 4 30 p.m. »n Jen - fa.ndered brfafle and "I u»uld greatly appreciate III HIT ItKKIt (IK ORAM.K crime up with in an»wer: let Widtee punch Imlew In the had ti F r ibouee In their pre. your issuing a press release to I tntrui'* -unter with the Haw*, Lea¬ ifon; with *tcam Hillo* ing l«ek at tl»e old fade, the effect Ihe C'nntinenUl VIITII 2 KEGLilAR I ITKM IMZZ VS -o. would tin.| a'ram hood *ery u-etul - •he Spartan* were beaten gue has n« Intention of operat¬ jaweiMy even emential .rL.xiN iwtsi: ii(i.ii.ri» ing this year and urging the fan« Wiiiiii|M-nng with gratilmle. Walter kissed the «iean'a Tki of the prospective Continental Beta Kappa key and 1.10.lend away to follow hi- ndrH-awhicn, l.eague cities to give enthusias¬ tic support to their minor league VARSITY DRIVE-IN OR ARY BILL .t plrri-nroM me b. report, snlvtsi matter* Imlliantly. Today Fnuna i« .1 happv wrunan - -ingiog lustily, wearing iter clubs in I9hii. run hood, eating -s»ft-center chocolates, and teontng flmhea : IIKI.I VERY HER Vict: till 24..-, IT I • i i t I would also like to sec in t I OF Sl.00 OR OVER twin happv, tn I* candid, than it she had married Walter • » — — .' \nd Walter'* lie • ?• ii i i» n such release a statement that is happy ton. Freed fr*.m hia llafafa fafb - the Continental l.eague has no Fmma, he numed a girl much nenrer hi* own ige-Agne# intention of attempting to oc¬ Afirhigan Slate I'niveraitv AT A itrca. 7J. Walter is now the peoud father «tcpfat4ier. to l»e i ?t ;s-rfectlv .-u-cur.atc of three fine health* bm s from I ■ % cupy any minor league territory \gmw'« fir^t 1 i,: i# • j ji without payment of reasonable IORLION FILM Mtlbs uiarnage Iv erntt, :m. Willcm, t i; and In ing, 33- and when Walter put* the U»ys m Kton »> »ml take* them lor a stenll Casa Nova n the imtk on ad»entueew af Ranald Searie'a ■ The brand new "snmlay :dlenwa»na, t*mi rnav lie Mire there ia not - PAY MORE? bilarfana beftebmaf-belies "... ( f a fb|WM«l«WI > 1 dr* eye in Yntah.. And Iieon pigat'em'* He wm m hapf»y to • nend lung, tintiK tlav* in hie little ofhra, gi*inf roa»n*ei happv • •IS withiNit -tint nml with«Mit complaint, ilmng his hit fa set tha I* !• 11 WHAT FOR? Abnfar oiiitg. uncertain .»et <* »»w charpm on the path to fur /)»•• lliilinii hmil a hnfhtar toinorruw. lnioii How liny CI11I1 IIAT SAI.K I * in* NtoimI StrMi^lil Keg. 011.93 Now fH.99 211 M.A.C. Kfff. SA.'t.*! Now'i Be don't m* thnl Marlhom it Ihe deen af after c * Unkm Bowling hill (/•» turr nl Iht hroH of Iht *• lit HI A NOB AND HAVE ..I nil. TV US.. W CI... Till us. rlmta. Trv some we it.go* second straight fotlir iinhlnrta nit limit Ulltrt. he atgsoti iA«t Satur- Irff /mpufar ffhibp Ifaeoi ONK I'KK SANIItt II II OK PIZZA. (mm Iht some maieri, - nping Eastern Mich- VARSITY SHOP tiiii tiiiii jpet iiinm iuiuii 111 S.M Sill O MIT IIOOII ON IICUVKKV. • 2H2J State won all I'M ABBOTT Hp I LAN'S. in the victor* IIIBUIiBlitliiilfrMltliUillivfniruiilltHiiitfititiuMUittti •HiiftfiO »!*■• *VHt' ' »- ■ II tnlNOlO Millions of Americana now wear contact lensea fwr normal ; klt»«* "*n»n Mith natural i«mm4 looka. I tie runiart lens wearer fan now en jo* keener viaion wider I trial of Vision r Ui|( IIILI. TIICXTKl: \d)«l->.un. Mr "e proleclion ail day wearing rnintorl ^ Ihin't in..I \ nut \|rn.hIu* in lh» tan IN ADDITION, NAAIPI.F I.IBI HAIFA I ROM ANA Olt AIL Ol 1 -I'H %1'Pk. f l/l R- iflnr ioIIfkf. . ITT MUT FN 1 Mm 11 OPEN BOWLING IH.KS Ml l.lMv Lwukin. 98c auktng tmr far p a rr.ll) (m, girtl ml. To yrl hiah .i'hiM.1 •vtnU that vou have l.t 1 hr s prnprr prr.priiit(. lunk rarlHxA. I'mplr. plnim. nnm». and -pdcial at voar >un/.r rrntau? ft U.e finest ruiaia# ml lurd ■» br.i Imr.l r.w.r .lip to Ui* back of your mind *» HR Id >UI alrtody would have hoan compl.ttly loal. had it. not . . STRAND LANES 1 SPARTAN LANES -NOOSE OF OEEF batn for I hia high nchool publicntion. NOTUF: All faeata amted br Ihe "Hmw af Reef are I »|1A Bruae. Nolhtaf M tha fiaeal for i|i frww . . .Multiply the important* of your high arhonl caroor liigun J^\ 3111 K. Ui.hipan by (hat of collogo and pcrhapu "HOUSE OF BEEF" 1 yau ran so# part of iba J 1 liculcr /'i^R valu* of your W0I.VKK1.VK. Rlily. . f El) 2-2311 111 W. NICHUiAS AVE. b 2-32.tR (Sen M ll*M OM.I I'nion »•.•> or in your living unit. _ tree Parfciny J / t)|M*ii 10 A.M. ( ; j_ llAirt: 1 ul • i p.m. — ml ii . m ■ « p m SpMtellalM la: rue knf. nun/ Ml. cklafcaa. Ivl Mulu. .It- -rOOP YOU ALWAYS ggUIMBPr " . i " - i - V Michigan wirr vrwg 11. S. Able lo Slave Veterinarians lo Hold Reunion JanuAry 29,1999 I'»Rr sit The College of Veterinary drill al the rnnferenrr In learn tions ovr c iosed circuit televi¬ nf recent advance* in the treat¬ sion, WMSIl-TV. Medicine will hold Jt* alumni Off Enemy Attack reunion and 37th Annipil I'ost- (IradUlte Conference for veteri¬ ment nf farm and home animal*. Among the speakers will bo Therapeutic methods in equine Dr. William Hagan, dean emer¬ practice, tranquilizer.* In veteri¬ itus. New York Stale Veterinary narian* today and Thursday at College; Dr. S K. Scheidy, pres- nary medicine, canine skin dis¬ T«|» Drfrnw Officiii!* Brief Kellogg Center. Tips year's conference will ease*. mastitis in cattle urn! blood disorder'* In cats are some i rl •• n t. American Medical Assn.. Veterinary and Dr. Haul St'iinliirH on \riir* Situation help observe the 50th anniver¬ of the topics which will be in¬ Miller, I'rovost. cluded in the conference. A special ladles program for sary of the College of Veterinary Opening conference sessions the wives of the veterinarians \\ \SHIN*r,TON • T> Top ill off ii - lu ii'lVil srn.i Medicine, which in HMO e*ta i- will feature clinical demonstra¬ in attendance Is nn the agenda. t. » - Tin*■*. f. n . Tti-»m. Gov (5 Mennen Williams ha . leaderihip, a career thf Vfir I'roJ' m v. h"i.l >H, <"!"• i 'l ;»i11!;i|- iin^iM 'I "• i DEAR pr«u*laloied .fan p.atv Medicine Week. 1R-23 a Vetc-r* S|Mirluu Gnl- mill Guy- meaning, reward* and r*- opportunity. The Aviation Cadet CROSSING! pr.o-llrlne veteri¬ Nearly |nit Vc'rc loiinlinn on you iv the gateway to thi* (iv I Joins Staff "i " i n ', A Sin • '*t !»• n narian* from the anil iinivervilv Afhlwe*! sliirfent* a*Ml he pre- EDUCATION-WISE qualify for this riporoy- m l r-„ fr«*ional training,,a hi;»h 1 « i diploma is required; Hoys ever ». (hi ('oiiifins . i. . i-r*i}t.titi«* I l>< f •• Opera Hal lei Conn- . . . -Iiiiri- llir nook or more years of college :ir* h: -1' Of S< ill Ami mill llir MHlli" desirable. Upon completion >■■-* -h* m;ir|r pni I III' I'Altl Vl's of Rrrky f'avendl*h. :i. ami Paul Smith, I, rnmplm To Perform program the Air Force rv .•* i. "- .i. In li.irkcronml. mv lliey mniti uhal this tien In Huntington. I'AI'EHRACk RIMIk the new officer to earn h. * •«' >»* 'v t? yen ■.I lhi-i mo g >i• hi H Vi so he can Iwttrr handle H r re p..* <•,.•1 Mr' >• ivt* H .. l.-U Ifnlip'r .M l * n I i.i .11 l til it v 'to .lotrr lilt:' .i grlliM ;i| iv;n lie Mir • In led Series til your sihilitie* of his position. Th«« eludes full pay and a!low.tnf« I -it i l< Iwlani •' Su/u-r Market Far F.ilaratlaa Keep lleeoril of Insert* ■ i , i ai X v *««pi»anl . lluth Page's Chicago Opera while taking off-duty i. i • m |m i\ i> in out favot ilw . "Tlirrr l« on qilHInn that tin* Hal let will jierform at the and d»*r the li'sitvfrap edit. o p- V • j-.M-r-VO-r! p formidable • ■ 8 i:. p m next Monday and gram. I he Air Force w I ;.^v i Detect ires Sol re Da» soviet I iiIom i» n riK-sdav mi Series A and H rc- substantial pirt of all power." in Ml Ihlrv arkmrnteric - • • ! i.l. oir iiiff lint missile arsenal unit may linvr VIU«kI,i Is Imlldini; n i srnv-fivelv of the !,erlure-Cnii- et t Serie* SPARTAN BOOK STORE After having attained en/mgh credit* so that he can compb'e II.I? more llus lone range rorkrls than roiintiy own*.. Vase Willi Mae: Vile . • pi- i .| tin' 11Hii»*'t «;i |ip -. MI m < ii 1 o m a t i r understanding of I \ . PPM Hi Poland re i"lii > If you think you bai" w-ha* «t * M ■ Mil ply not f ii!> dan. in,; a i •I tin- Cave of the lairviic v.|HVialtv, bees, he guesM*: flieTe |.m|!p.| 1.v tin- fart Call a.i.l- • v iv rile r'wif p. given to her." takes to earn the silver wire of MIMH* l< h.- Ki firn Kt'sir." are AIM) Sfieele - In t'he world, c.i Supporting Miss llavden wilt an Air Force Navigator. • «»« M X i n«*at Mirhiifnt! ttierp ioi- a'i estimated one rn'd- 1 Pile noiv Soerotiu v of fit - liotl ".pet i. of u he h TaO.OOO i..- Kennr'h Johnson, Veroniku local Air Force Recruiter \ik hops o i flislrowod by the . ft-nso i a' e> I a new the f-'i ipho.v M'ikir. Itartiar.i Steele, J'atrlel.i him about Aviation Cider \ m id'.AtC 'I «. - rope a ppe. inner of while, have tieen idefttlfle»l, he .said administration mtllnry «l»" Kb'kovie, nn m Kavan and the ■ r. f- •' or w mi mp. -lookup; iMeatitro* on i»er gator training and the benefit* Yw«tr J„j *11(1 i ■ Mi' I h •' i romlilii.iti"'i of . mjv. de »»al|et An orrhestra which are available to » flnnc spot. Witeiien IVmic iix-M!'. r n>. ii»*'M manned hombi'i an I sfip .i in «.»iiip of thorn the Travelers Sean uinif-i • ii the dimtion of Nea! included in Hie Kn touring officer in the Air Force Ox b.U*i •iil'y of that <•' '• ;».|\ IM i ,1 W e.I pill Is v. ' • • etitonol.i(!\ ilenartmrpt Kinehor, and mail this coupon. h . fni'i i S! itp- .1 hp' en mi pi an a*- opiate piofi'.«sor. etin oPe.l III Hide Itureau i .HI,pan>, Kormed in 1953. the Chicago mm ii rounti'i-puneti di- Thrte's a filac* f»r tnmtttmr ii tpm- !)'•', a rollreiion of att i to Haw by auto, «>p*r.i Ha Met ha; provided Hn oiip miioon including - a'i Irutifrs nn the XT ^ He Wiiiie • n itu: rmpii isp - i plane rides to anywhere (dia-igo l.vrie Opera with h«l- t \ r ■■ Int. d '1 !'■ 'put ; If *' i.l ' s ptiliiiPii;; cmTp niiei !■' f: illt.liilil * pones i'\(..-s>, hO'I lilen- weekend- madi- their "ap(>eai «»u .s. f..» •. iwrformance.. as well Arrmfiace Team. I tllie'l \|l X eiealuri-- ns a ,:» s . f r I', t.'inii ! A f • it ni.iniie.t t» 'Mtiiei . t > Ml .nee.' dn tiip tilde Ihirrau a. offering full evening, of bil¬ (l ite-. Nil! I ii itfi Hill ! I i- specie* of plowiH larvae. let >«r of ballet coupled witn lip ■■ e .t • ••• ,< Hoard nroveie' I'nion l.obby in opera#. ment < 'mm of Ite'i" " tt iMPPillllp fttUp * term f«r "modus operandi" or the li' few weeks Ttie cut rent repertory ineludes I in ).i » week. t'i emiip N "method operation" ~ he four trarisiation* of opera into i ..i!im w'ilinc. nti 'into ai" -. of Although th.-sr are Oof eon ki'.i Kht it' hrliev ti»'«I the S.i found thai the *preie* I* **«•>- dine# "The Merrv Widow," a on profc^ioiki'i mi in - ■ firmed rides, the purpose of the version ,,f Kranr 'iv, i 'inmiiniiMli.nn an i e' ,M- prritu' Soviet Hip- i.i we. aten. iiiHal with dead animal*. bulletin p. for people who wi-ii .• ptMiir\ii«rati. :i ii' .t; .(..PUP; JM p.lii. tp.p of tiomlHM . II - wrote to Ml x. jannte*'. t.i seek riders for a weekend ■' o.h ret!a, ' Hevenge," based cm faV't el :]| Verdi ' I! Trovatore," "Cam- I IP' 1 pi|i tint siic ttoikli' have ii dead at the end of 8 term HpftCr no m.mi p pi h. • hou . Mrs. X i. i!e- Hi t. Ititieau i. riUoltuni fo- ide," the story-in-danee of sfiy kept a clean Verdi's -Ha Travolta," and toi !• i Pial tiiirs 'o tippet M ihbrati and ' lioll Carmen." from llirrt't classic. I \arenK ports of th.» eoiirdr* Placement Bureau l 'i 0<| |j. r to . her wioie look ftu acain a 1|.» a*W .lea l .•iimna' P-r Slue' ..f jhip«r are dudents to stn'r their tie*: provided • The lollowini rmplnvrrs will Inlrrvlrw nn llir imlirateil dale* p. rh.'ip .. tf- .ittic pver the nation and put them on tit' If inu are inlere*leil repot l In llir rtarrmrnl lliireaii al lin«l l«« k'*« lien re;!iii(! spirals provided, The rider must school ilio in ailvanrr of interview dale. Woman »h« inav in¬ Sill- (ii.l Sue found a dead yet directU in coufa.-t with 'he terview mitrn* with •«leti<>k t'i. bat riddled with Hie larvae person w'lh w iorii he wishes t • iH» Haehelor'* derree. »pi tlir t'ollffte of Tmtnee I'riHpnin f-r t'omp- I on of' -. wbivb w.e- ln;»:n h jji "et l i' !i rmptf V \ '1 oiler. tMTioo Man.'tcemeo . 1(10 veai-. ago, is nop"-.'! I'a.kaj,;::^ iO> (M), IU»". .Vt Mii ket r e .V Supetvi i Mi e in line per >11 cm ho lent if v ad inserts, r ■ tvi.pi t' S opo veil JAM All! "N i r f "V . MI S. ii'iu'et (Ht !• Mm! i,a alone, be poitl'i Armour A t onipanv .ii*. there are alioiit Jit.nnn ipr. M >. \i:i: dtu. e. m a » ' Sr eM.e major* for ImtuVt I ooil Kese.itrh A AJtl.ilits is-U Within h ow Sfi . . Mei i SaiKliking .V Mai • Control IHitvum: Itinoireni k. t He- e.p.i '. t;v . 1' Teehinitoov I.inde In: A V.uyuiee'ilW Nn p H ||n.*i»a!i.( v (Stione •'« 0|H-niii» Toiuorru.. i em. or ItaoU iiolmp i ,M» (Ml s.. \ 1'uHine'f'... . ,- ; .s'.tM r .J!f • (Ml IM)"! s f. ' . 11)> :m:i|ovs t -r He-.e il. h Ha. 6ALLERY Kftg m A H . • . r . ffj to'o^v (D' Pino n |oi Ha.- ESPRESSO ■ iV-\ i\\) nia.n'is ! r f. U.lo. v li. ..Ml, M :s- cm A IS v« i.ifiiiien;. Central Hesearch l.almraloile*: JAM \KV ?t » M.'MiP ii' ' m.ij-'i'c lor ad V.-ri»» from llrrki-i Alirhitan Slate lligliw »v l»i 1»1u»m * vi work in i'liomisto . paitment. « . \ ' (ll> tM) Kn*:^ f -r is ;'i » let ( A|oore I orp r i"'\ l il" (Mi ', »PV«*i«»PPM"M' 'or .V 1 ticinwririii |h»P0. l.ET US KILL YOUR iilia Malhtrsnn v hemirat I orp t'.-.-w * A Mot >n« V (i'- • |M', Me- ; - f •' H i !• ' NEXT I'RESCRIPTION t . . ar-,1 K A 1> l V »! Kzii.-* ! '• .Sales T» .«isn';o IV- ritnsi HieuuNs ulleu acci uatki.y (Ar'iipi'v niajori !>'•. K A t> *n.i JVsWt.on — ritlCKIl KAIUI.V the White Motor lo: Miv'i (IH (Ml En*p-- far Manuhnt- uMnc. En^.tnviuii: .V s..;eji M psitUMU. > andolte Ctwsni'-rv f hemical* 4' o r p f (Mi I'D) nuk-o [MAREK PRESCRIPTION CENTER for !ies»s»rv 5. ('hotn. (H) iM1 Cy > "Ul/UiS\ «" ' HniT' ir*« ' IviCooir He- pwjm . * * a — . as* n . m Mtirch A Piant'EriKrj;, A AtvrtuntiP9t f..r AvVvvuzilatH (II) tM) Trattveit J':v- yiA • '■t > WA grtksu liM UV :y?9 Hell Telephone System: Y* ■ norv. »o* iB i (M1. BitJ»;nv'-<« ■ AiirrPtr iB) CM). Marketing (0) iM). (Hi (M >. A.oountinR APPEARANCE COUNTS! ■ ■ K.nanre -,H' (Mi, A Uiv. S