Ilralnik#* KchI The Weather (..illrrv K>|» Cloudy nn# ( <>M I'nfr Open- l,ow S« I'UKI* fi .Srrvinn DISH For SO Year* llilh Till- fil, No. 12-' BAST EAMWSB: Mi( IiH;AN—Tifi;I:SI>AV..IAM AI:V aTTtwo I'RK'.K f F.NTS \rmv Sceri'larv Brueker Questions Dorm Theft Loss Nears $200 Red Troop Cut Plan Dorm Itill ()|H'II DfMH'S- I \\ V ' IIIN'tTON i,f'» ' ' r Wprltu mi.iv cayf doubt on Itusifim intnntinn* to Srcri'lary #»f fhn Armv Wilbor Son I Dock Viff (Yours -urn hrouirh on loudly IrumpHtul troop cuts. City Council Armed Hut nmrfcrr Servfi ■<»* t«»lil C there Jk ample evidence to sup¬ the n m in Senate i 1 t r e B y A USD Tempi Thief port" Soviet I'iooiicr Niki*a Ou»-««lioii Studios MSI' Khr ii^hrhrv's bnnrt tlmt thr So¬ llouiing It.-iiuiiii- to viet ,-tnnv's firepower bi«ed Oll l.irl. Iljl.ja nuclear aii iii i> tvoi.rr "m I mi>- Scicoiio Site «ule# would weapon# frmain an enormou# Aflrr HI. Iioiir i.f hfiitorl h.' ntufhcs irerning tin* ir< Saying Red iiiinv would 'day ina-ivo. even, ground for- if Now Ricltiro r|pl»ntf« Wmlrp'siliiv night turn of Jhr plant reduced, flrii up In great¬ I'PHoliitioH proposing to nl- • •'«•/? by the East Lansing until at its Monday night er firepower and mobility for the Rii'dan edge in number# Iron (Inrtaiii low sophomores, piniors «nc| Ctfir Ivmm IrmtiHrrr, thr seniors to break bousing chief nt *taff. harked Alfred VV i;1- traveled behind contracts at tin- end of the J Patriarch'', citv man- the iron cm t tin to make his ||lm —' Itrnrker'* pitch « 'he council gave him for mndrrnio- term. •tt rat inn contact their llnn fund*. "Bulgaria." i hlrh viII he shown The resolution wi* prosr-nted engineer to an ahead Hut twlh Democratic and Re¬ Saturday in ?n •nc And at 8 p.m. . as a featiire of .t the World Travel f#vur,il»ly Iiv the Sludcn? Kigh.s • ik publican member# 'if thr* com¬ nn.l Wt!»* Sci e Commi'tec Cum- Ihp phut. If moved. will he mittee demanded to know whv mitlpr* ('h.-nrman t'h.irles Her¬ Ev.-n in. th •run Communist, ./itut ,«t * spot northwest of —if modernization war. -n nr. bert cuuntrv, Wolff found much nt (limningi eifeit the crowd- .pttUn Village nu uoiver«lfv gent—the Army apparently u#ed ed dorm condi'lons .is evi«|en«*c old wot Id « ho t orn to photograph, »rrd property. Patri-inhc said. onlv 43 million of 382 mil Hon for the need of the resolution. The film -• -o new that onlv for the estimate of dollars f'ongrcsi voter! fur this fall term gr,idiMte*. many nt the coo'enui'i', i'd outline was moving thr* joint ly- purpose la#} year whom live off rarnpu*. leave avattgh •dv , of the I »anu»M\ -•p university mid city their 'replie* on the modern)- of 'he Con tract* require students f <> !i'i rd crows in Sofia ration l**ur urre not made pub- live ill the dorm for one'. Square, of inn! o|rl fowl. , and r\. .needing was concerned llr. The two top army rhief* of the |?i»< They can he broken without for¬ MIOKVI. DIRTf TOR Mward Richmond lead* Male vigil, v. the iiiiiTu» of Nrws IMmiIo ItV Pale Itaioen eity's present plans were recalled for more iruculioin the famuli iMar of roses es- feiting deposit* onlv for marry¬ thr Men'* Glrr ( lub WwinruMr in preparation Hurt House Glee (lull of Toronto ITtiver*llr. The .tiding 'he plant The In* today. ing, leaving school or moving to for Saturday'* concert at KcIIokx Center. The concert will begin at H I", fences, p.m. in the (tig Teh Imafd of tru-dee; In a formal stabunent given otther contracted housing. . - In cordi ire viw< of thru- group will perform in a joint conceit with the Itoom. Ticket*, av.iil.ilde at the door, are 41.25. I the plant a nuisance newstten outside the hearing Strovgi ad, Objections' against the resolu¬ Soviet-city tm It ,, i nt dorms and has room, Bunker Raid there are tion rente rift around the dorm's only nine years ago, 4 resolution of opposi- 175 Soviet - divi#iou«, chiefly Horn in Germany, Alfred obligation to meet deb's which funds from the Writer of Adult l.ife ,»n> expansion of the armored and mechanized. Wo!IT was educated at the Cnl- state will not • •* present -he. ' Our eviilenre indicate* that, vcr jty of W'seonsin, the Ma-sa- pay. Dorms need to know how Adams Talks Novelist Cary ore parking lots, each many resident..* they will have despite Soviet claims, there has i»iiu*ett.* Institute of Technol¬ •dating 70 car* are pias¬ ter discussion hern no significant ieduction in ogy* and, later, in European In order to budge* Itep. Dive Gronauer adequately. I Eat on try the these or other type* of military school*. He |s a veteran world il. Shaw) ;:iid. ,nr forces." the armv secretary said. traveler. f iimmmtiiig nn the nmthin to Itv I.VN silf PARD -"Herself Surprised." "Tn He A '.<• •"hara.- *rhd the re*olutinn hack to Pilgrim" I n d "The llorse'# T-< k Alilflo- di \1ond:p •/-?•/ committee Speaker Itrvee I'lapp .* >>i < d 'he late Mouth"—Adam* labeled ("ary'* •aid a faetual report «hmild he Irich nuvrh i Joyce Cary nm- '.«• confession most significant writing*. auhmitteif with the re*n1ution if stitue a singular and major ' Her-eU Surp •ed,". the re- achiever,>enI m the tevelopment He explained 'he 12-year do- minis*: entr .-s of Tran pM**ed in ardrr to have the ad- of the uos e), Hi Hazard Adams la v lurirv; which far v often de- Wdehe ministr.ition *erinii*lv rnn*ider Be A Pilgrim" foh| Union milhenng Wedriei- •:! roved hif mnnu*ciipts before it i 'ic Mtnn>.!..goe "At preset): i? day night pub), t.ifui ' A • s,;i Saved," one of .Itinson i* an emotional tii. four Afric.n' novel*, as a ui Issue with Iittie fart* .nvotvisi." l)r Ad imf. a recent addition "The rejinlt of his realizing the funda¬ Boh Soptter, 'lelegati-s from to the Mst; F.nali-h department. vivor; MIIA. iid 'tie tnird faculty member 'o mental injustice of the world. of Umt aid A«i mi* "It. seemed very rash act to The winter term hudirt of speak on tiie eric* New Voices14 a Uni'ple sty!'. X4.XM0 was p.i*«ed with in ConteuifHiraiy Uterature'' state i 'ruth that I was unable hjs ii ,■•... ait ?o defend," Adam quoted from amrodment lowering fund* liy which earlier eonriderwl U.S. privoir- ..vpi IJM for Xl'Sfi Puhlir Relation*. noveti '• J irk Kvinunc and J. Cary. "I wanted to let! overy- .aui. Ail tin C'oniM D Salinger one hovz to find the road other, e- • ippropriateri S250 ' . . for r . i i •end 'bit) I found that everyone jive He log#: < *o the Hni- "We Have heard in past lec¬ quai" ill v needed a different road map." varsity Mo.let t.'n.ted Nations n tures of one who write* about view, of nr Montreal The d#'« ;M'e iv;!! e ihililren anil one who want* to Adam* described (.'ary'* meth¬ M'le. ted by the Ir.teinationa'* he i* a child." Dr. Adam* *aid. od in hi* first trilogy of having Linployes Cmlil [ or Relation.* club and aecompanic t three narrator* supplying by a polTii a'< ./•.••nee prote*,., J look In view upon of 'udav i Jove Cary as n child' full, triple focus 11» build up their a iiidh f tl nt her ,,e! i .ft bi t : gr.'inlin;* own world*. provi charter Cltlb and i pei m.incnt chart<•r to the Judo release bands ..omit adult life. ' Ho from .juvenile .* an .waddling adult who writes lie offered special praise to Kills S400 Ld 5 Y to the . 'm 'u .if ludif d Edinburgh Employes Credit Union Wedrm i. at if- Mt etd Mvi'.iu. hi fighting, with At 1'uirciiiltl fiua{ meeting. Lovaltv Oalli V 1 Hu'kari Mo'i'a ni 'vur, in ' {NitrioU in the migration to ' on The in 'he .'intendment.', >c ,sioq thai were vo?eu lasted f.. a • . mrmiier of 'ho Brit- Blue Murder at St. TrinianV' . more 'Inn two hour- ?h» Debate Topie in will shown toniglit and Fri¬ '• Nn;e rvTT ''<-e|gq set Vices, Union Ballroom. To I'n mress ■ •it i, to oreonrt* a novel¬ day at 7 .in' wealthy Italian prince «f the Raard of Trustee*, unc of *i\ contributing moat In the veterinary profr**ion and tive department iv leading 'he «le lit rhirfly with hi* first of May within the S75U limit im- During the courM* '»f the .'il?n. ' ft the College of Veterinary Medicine who to the university. Btate down the oath toward two trilogies. These tbrre novels O" ' d ti v the f' cdei al Ured, , the British army jays '■<> cinlisrn; the r-hool. djamontj 'iuef l.'lil'in A.! rr, .f •>,!■ Horn ! TV Attililionx Toniuhl a im- piv Vet Graduates Honored Auditions for student news Whether Congress should ik- given the power to :ever*e Su- II rnr II liih- Shirt*! ;»<•: '•here ionates • a the hcatlniistress arid wdd chase tfirough meniher?, present expressed their desire to do ,o. For Major Contributions reporter* "M W'MSB-TV will he preme Court duciaiona; And whether the Forensic Un¬ A 'fie white low.. shir' id.t.-ru- or mow »• Saturday af- .vorM 'in- Uohisseum in Rome after the thief. An smendment immrdiate familir* of member* u» admit ihe held tonight at 7 pw. m the ion wii; support Richard Nixon U'rnouq a:, mean admission to The nim introdwes a n»-w act- to the credit union Wan defeated. \ Mimnirr ru.ili ;ir»n»idered nn- »»f 'hr Huber EJling*wortfi. Assistant rect iv acros, fioru P-arii benches, fir !d-type rnmportion*. .arid aiso yd Anlneaday night at Kellogg for contributing most Previous television experience professor ut speech, will .act as *i cording '<• coat.n Fordtly A;.- feature* one actor playing three fourth* majority needed. There proz'c*-|vc jrl-4-. definite ptan* for thr -ummrr rn-h «y*tcm trr itetr.profession ami to the university. is not needed. chairman derson. •roles. wa* a long debate on this amend¬ ^till under ih-cu—ion. "howmt i t ment. outstanding gratis . ' TT** thr advantaxr* »( fratcrnit$ and pathology at the Ipjohn Co., ' Cf)' » r smith, chairman Kallmazoo. lie i. .uthor at the \mliawt;nlor«." I .earn UiihIohih would If passed, have the allowed amendment minor sororit* living to hiah *r ho«l B clastic textbook * Amnma! Path¬ -Indent# i* .(iiolhrr of !!"("* new rd of Trustees. Dr. children of members to hold aim*. ology" He has worked at the Overseas Businessmen Gel Cultural Aid -■ er.;„,gi'd in private vet* regular rnem iters hip in the cred¬ -•"»• in Pimronning, Virginia Agricultural Experi¬ it union Membership includes • B« ..;M i!i wsib Qr

.ni> ■ »me. He was giver. ment .Station and !<»wa State the right to vote at meetings, High ibo, 1. :hr ituthn'.* »sc • • Appointments to the College He returned to MSU as and this point stimulated much brougo* ov bus on *••• -itrn :- h* American overseas business¬ cludes doing business m a for¬ prcssion of the United States tem made through the use of • ■ Agriculture in 105C- fir*: head of the anatomy de¬ is discussion among the member-, "»h» "Xji"-. ;>uriu,Sf of men. many of them long on busi¬ eign country with different busi¬ from him. his statements, and historical and current data on . a 195.-55 HP »■«» partment and later a* head of ness taicrit but short on cultural ness methods, a different kind of his actions,"' he adds "He must A third Amendment to in¬ • »V"i tho iimwi'v ,ri<( >v~ ^ animal pathology • a tutorial yvtem. Group discus¬ ioru»duc«Hi'o '.ne anvan'agc-. .-s.rary aprx>intments faire." are turning to crease the Board of Directors to |>r. Jamea Steele, founder of "tavivir money, new ways of employing explain us, interpret us and de¬ sions on how Americans adapt L".'* b d of Agriculture ia universities (or help bine was passed by a vote of d»Sauv.'i«.:.igf* of Ori** hvvnf the American Board of Veteri¬ people, new kinds of employe fend us in ail we do." themselves to a foreign culture Said Larry Potq-t, IFC -p-, again in 1954-55. Seven nun and their wives training and many other*. The current 133-4, The board previously had nary Public Health, was gradu¬ program is the is another part of the study pro¬ . *''k -'led to the current from the Dow Chemical Co., The social problem includes result of almost two years seven members. man. ated in 1941. He received hi* of gram. i, JT® ®f •*55 years m the fall Master af Pnblic Health at Har¬ Midland, are participating in the the language* barrier which is study and development by the A: the conciu: .on of the two- Flection* were held and five ^'■ ti-ard Sales, professor vard tnhreraily the faUawing first "Training Program Businessmen Going Overseas" at for more than likely to be present, different social customs, faculty, more than 300 of whom week . «ssiori.. 'he men and wo¬ member* were elected to the Jazz Faun I'lan jear. Since I947. he ha* held an ad¬ have spent considerable time men .'ill be provided with ad¬ Hoard of Director*. They were ■f f surgery and medi- Kellogg Center. justment problem in living in in some kind of a semi¬ ■ has held oil ices in the ■;ranch of the Amer- the rank af Chief of Veterinary Public Health at the < antmani- The program, which began new kinds of houses, shopping in overseas permanent assignment, and have ditional study and reading ma¬ terials Uf*Hk vm we- the people whom they manage not. a businessman becomes an ities to work with businessmen Both MSU and Dnw officials ' Provost Paul Miller, speaker In other elections, Gabel Con¬ Union. 14 the mwf and to whom they sell. unofficial ambassador of the in learning the social, economic enthusiastic about the prog¬ for the evening, said that human are ner and Russell Fink were re¬ Tonight it the second ait Be is Basically,' the newly-located United States when he goes and political systems of the of the progra.*»r-ft«4 opti¬ * medicine owes a lot to animal ress turned for another term •cwi businessman faces a situation overseas," states Dr. H. R. Nev¬ country of his new residence and medicine. Until quite recently mistic that the goals of the pro-, Credit Committee. Vernon Grove plans. He Attendance. at future not which can be divided into at ille, director of Continuing Edu¬ in relearning tht'.*e aspects of will reflect in the actions 'n he said, the laymen did not gram was wlccted ♦« the Supervisory events will be for members onlv. "WIT least two parts: an economic cation Service. American life. of the men and women when realize that each degree of hu- Committee. Membership cards can be ob¬ "Many people with whom he A study of the country']) eco¬ ^URnells, profes- man medicine needs a problem and a social problem. they, begin their foreign assign¬ Guest speaker was Dr. Charles tained on payment of one doiU* and consulUol ia ground of animal midirina. The economic problem in¬ tomes into contact get their im- nomic, social and political sys¬ ments. Allen Smith. fee. i • Letters to the Kditor Michigan Slate News 911 fftudant Tarl Lansing. Mutiigin fuhllshed on cians days Monday ihrongh Trid** Imdmnr fall, tcinler and spring irrms. weekJv (luring surnmrt 'rr.. • , . , aprclal lre*hinan Issue t»et*v»'en summer ami fall tcnn« | second class mailer under the act id March .1. 1*79 at the i, . Principle Main Debate •> Mich. J'iirse I arising. Mail auhscrlptlMii* naxnhle In advance ret one term ii • vs. terms. 94. for three H'ttm. Memhers ef the Inland Associated rolleglata ••re"* Tdltor-In-t hief 1.1 Daily 1'ie**. A-r-wtalrd Pre^* |. l». Teler \\ ,»t. Managing Tdltor "imnn frtre Kiisiness Manager John Mm pin Taul I rshn Question l imitation Manager On ALSO Loan Affidavit ■. ,u iii tho vii'Ttr m-intnv, discontinued. S xviint to he* thf # * * furthei tia'li rturi the cause :»n affidavit of xv'H American CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS thank atl concerned fa. III! \IiI,I\T;H! I p.m. Day Hcfoee Tuhlieattnn tm Tues Hr«i fl«'« '.,11 "Mth H>tll|g #* H JUVUI- first to Oracle af Tralli? ■ iemoci ncv ' Thurs.. and Frt. Fdlthms. Deadline Far M»n Fditlen I pm h id) I their dett'.catevl interest ami im¬ We should encourage Com- lippdttlM- XV r tt oiilil like to kpmt if the To the I ditor; muniMs >" study in flic tlnlted Kills fayahle 8-1*! and 1-3 Mnnda* thrnugh I rid** personal tabor. i !n ' 'hr pi • people supporting tho resolution Yes. thank ym. Student i'on- He • MM* St ud'"'' State and offer them every unit KIP 2-1511 KXT. -Nit . are recipient* of federal Inan* or l^«.«n Withdrawinu " state New"«. of *cholarshfp and nid. ire in any way connected with gress. for a'aunchty jijismrling ,T a' ■ 1? If the Amertran Way Is hest it If the* are. «h* are the* an important principle, which i« \* «l ignoring f'n niultitude*. shouldn't. In the least, he If tin* ' revolution l» pawit rut tine off tlieir noses to spite nSher vague - Init Imporiant AI St} xvent up into i niouiitiliTK we afraid of hearing of and dis¬ AUTOMOTIVE HOUSING .niiir "Indent* irrrtvjlls f»»*:»»it *.♦ I hntiM si>;■' their fires? If the* aren't, **ltv w*eie set. (he ncverttieless. and for making so and XX'hen they cussing Marslsm. FOi 9INT i-.-i"l lin e through Hi'* l« »" l«'« offend Pi are the* roneernrd with this New* unto them 1%« VOi.KSWACJFV rn S-I47l u'eat a decision for other* von S'ate came It would seeni that our repre¬ after 9'9». 13 mm* nnl he returning li» hum oath-sic nine. ** hirh is essential- mitt don't represent I'm sure you and the* ripened their mouth* sentative* are afraid the enlight¬ »OOMS xi"I I'isvttr »'f the ♦** mllesge. •rill* hmI the people Inxnhrri \\ e hone W'»' AI'SO committer the poor in funds, fnr 9475. IV noitfiir wnoxts Arm.x t'.ort and .•af.--dera*i»wt of e-» are Incapable of reason that thev •*cellenl condition Wl'1^ 1"'" thrr* rnlniit«i| »r.. ni.oe (hut I he people dn lilitts » rralire that tin- .«upportrrs 'i.v chgil reie*t the loyalty will nrdi headlong into the open t'tivntc vtitranr* bihj till* 1 lltll pi, ri'sotuMoh a11* Infringing peoplo atTectot, uuK-e at 3«i2 l' |»lMt .1' arms of Soviet Socialism. H44 ei.YMiXPTfl tfoNVr.HTlUlT. 2-WIB7 ... .iM.iti the iiirhv- of other student- student fen«re«» \ stairway sun mil luke over pnvinept Thank ynn. we lorget. Ifoxvevor, could It he (f Will ,3 i' intisl U be tttiike their own deeisio. s for safeguarding ednratienal vet know* room roR mrs- prrs-re.l to make myself a i tm . nd*s eternal, ♦i.»w* )>nii*l(if i '■* hh*k frr,- !* i i ■ i ii' whether they slumM and political freedom* I base naugh*." as T (» Wilson aaid security risk) that somewhere, lis: voi.X'o mrnnv urn Clean I'aiktnr IX 4-1791 thin • (he loyalty oaPt Inside .*(>(1 nut 1 all ril 3-1W25 after V l_lv- '1' | sie-i *l*«a«« thought a pledge of al¬ ■ i i i't't !y during an auditorium there might he one ltsy-blt«y A oo n m '' ivwitv federal loans This is legiance rather allly, anywt* 'MMtiKij n i »gram And Al'Sf? folloxva li'tlr Haw in the American sys¬ LOST and FOUND I.Mit pn.«n.-M nnsKrs roMrt.rnr nrt-lNiNn e -an.e ataii-wmv' tem that might be corrcctdl by sn«* up Adjuslmept. «« J.'""' I inda Olson Thank you, S'u.lenf (*ongrc-« • IMvId Abbe* brake Ifcln'- unrestrained miblic discussion of ii'-rif tii-« Champion i ost ont r.rrrv . Sara Haron '■<- relieving me of debt and rrv ?oin y Kalamar"** IV 4-4*1" o cmtainine dratving in. •- . . a ! political, social, and econom¬ ~ ward .v»cr*d I .»,* finance*. 1 feet much more se¬ hu **, Michigan Sliilt* INpws A-t F.D JA*07 •n philosophies. cure at present, yet am nrttifi Yirlil hIra Is ic Tven Mars Ism must have In EMPLOYMENT tieiil liail* ht Ms| * "*V i MttdrnU and Faculty Taking Loan unsiiro of the ;s on'y natural, isn't if future—hut that it. somewhere false roncluslons. lurking amid twisted farts, Its firs noV Aft'l V a' 4*0 rver- call rn 2-:if.W Alpha Sig¬ "hi k blue I OST - »-nm»n'i eve IN ra«e ii Snvd>r. rn r OR n». '*. , ■ I .. I . X Mu.lcnt. ,1 ir I la. »f M It ItiB.i" •!«♦* S iee.f- I o/mi/arv' Thank you. f.»t (*.*w ing in conf«*rmdy to oth¬ \t chigan Sta'e. Tar Maury overemphasis, inaccuracies, and greni ma Pht ..r " er sv-h-»a!s Yon have be'ped re- false reasonings—Inst a spark of ADvrRTtaiNo nr.rnr*rNTATt\;r PERSONAL eitye between 11*.- To the I ditor truth. TO ifprMciit a division of rk' '• la IIip I dilar t.eve the pressures of individ¬ letter- Mi# e.Mnr MOVOORAMMIVr; '*«, . .. ni■.i \xsi»otated *'ol! fiisvn' This, t realire l* pretty strong v-ork excellent pav. IV 8-SlSvt 11 ni ot'srs. and <1 uality on me , X . , dllljj ' < .I.dxn l'ax*dm -a'oil to ''ioso reader® »*-.» mdi stuff for conservative MStl gtu- tV-flvc l<» rhniMr frnin S . ■ af t>ijfai\i/ati.»n aid Yet*. thank von. Michigan i-et'foin mdiv -In it* are w ill- PART TtMF XVORK lo fit- vour Hnuae. from « «- . dent* to read, but I'm not alone srtisdnie. married male. J.x or oM- other .1 J ' I hm-ul.ix . .I.iuini x l.M. I'Mill Pape Ixxu I", •.;*■ I'.v.i.Millea, At'S»; Slate, for giving defen«e loan rex-ipient* nie and tht* he'r». t.» sacrifice Auuniean prln. m thinking this way, for Thom- rr with car. tensing *-es APP* (or motiev. a< Jefferson once said that: "If duiing t' lleaiitv s«l«n I II 3-lM* I 'he sdidrnt h«Hi>. If this is -a. otg hand l! ha* been nice "'x* t''''S Perhaps these same people there i*» any among us who \* i!I the x* ithdrnxval frs.m knowing you T1IB XI VST FOR SALE Policy •a rOAST Ar •lon'l realire thai In signing the w ould" wish to dissolve this Un¬ Locked Door • arm lorhwnod name, n»n.„ «• Nf>K\ h«' >»f Hie hr-t interna Halt disi'laimer affidavit. theT are ion or to change lis republican ncraalnne. i all KD J-ASS' 'a ■Uwlrnt* *vh>» "red III* man. v sarriffclng principle* of thought form, let them stand undisturb¬ f»HF«TW|ON SKATP«J with Preci- i.i.i. 'a eantniue Iheii" #hl i- * * « t)nn trunk "'xd »*«Kxt* And «rml-p'r- and belief ed as monumenta of the safety wheel. TD 7-7941 after 4 on K XT AST ft AKTRT DTt » I * - .c MiehiifHn Stair' rtividuellv d- be tolerated where reason a lett fore I nm x* ha iilsa |i:«*e :i l«»ji». rttti liwr . i..i 'tiat withdrawal from thu tiTX'KN I't'rxic.root nrrwto.r- would huit them llnan- free to combat it." ratow crtlx and nxxttre.* car •eat. ried and havr .» fandl* IV> Kay Trait high chair tcctrr bahc TD t-VSn TJ TtlE MTRI VN'r.ATT . .. . Apprnacli Hit * .a"' I' >h * t vei. thai MSI w ill never IK- MIAKJAST 80NUS hand "ootid and A-1479. laeling is Imxii >i tu-li.'ivi' it- limit-no" .■ ••letiii'iil•» . 111.- ••c.ira' fr.Ho the program, . 1" To the I ditor GOOD L KBVNV~T»AVII INFORMATION "he resolution in'nxtuced IP ORi lit. "m s ."uM lead hIIow tha-e rail TD 91477 .,, i , ,i i'i»xxi»«ii rtv'hf rrimitml- In regard *•• *hc re-otiitiaj: \' S<, .s merely a protrst word¬ IRISH Sr d" '* i ifii.i'- rrtva !!i)j a:.I !a eaithnue QUICK V»v winged srartan miuiii I Kd \|>l lias its I''tl eh rnrtil xx .* - .lemniisfrsiti d (e,-- ;\ me U *in . , • ear • \\ i-.lni'stl . KKTTTICM I tlKNT.R SRUDNUT SMOR la son ' . i* HO? * >"• m gr' th" disc la ,ioi»r affidavit then uiilnckni t-he !a;a' ".uatiou ' 1 iv-wlrnN Itml the "pri\;n'\" aioaeh . - *• , , ,,.-vth.rv ie" ve*l fiiwn the a*' 4 Hi ptn. Wesley House. Your 712 MAC Oi»«* »i»4p« -ten! Witt* ...'iXslennc #tul pa- m\ atletl hv t !ne\ c ihaugtc and p;s'p«-; * 1 hi* disclaimer affidavit will opportunity to raise questions < eeslon. " P t'lai is*.; * requcs* ' -e MINOLTA 1* nxm miniature earn¬ withtlraxea' eniM •' -i . prohahl* he removed during the IMON KtlARIJ HTT.K WifgEND MERE. 1ft s c* H. pitrmlet Inn I tn* )\\< kex looked room- x*ere tin MSI' . r« id the \a'.*♦'•.*I ix« fer*e er* and fla«h gun Thtee month" "Id. ■ ... ' urate wtotxg a'.re.i nrvi session of rongreas wllh IIIRFtTtlRM' MJT.TIMi "srei'ent »unditioM MuM aacrifti-e URSOMEFiriNG no i P, P- hilt ! hex « leaned up -l/nhle humlie of !<•«•' I ! •••■.> III'U '.tee I . til stlhtmls sx-' '.-an pianc*. as .n.licatcst. be¬ the aupp«*rt of rresiilent T.isen- ? pm., tkxk room. i all-Dave. T-D 1*4093 _ IS of the re>r» red i-wa'.'y . n istu i- and «Un'p.s.|eepitH'. !i:tv. ssv.'-n Old a svha ;«*utenee are to now »»'. re cause ,*ath seem* *.» Rxe ' l»c hc,id-;n- hotter and smalm John Krone tli (IT.RMAN t IT'K 7 30 p.m., UN Lounge, Union. ,iv NORTHLAND rcct nine LAMINATFtl SKtA Inchet long *i'» *' / "real ESTATE I lie i- son!itnenl, in keeppip with flip "f'nriulix lots iii I thinking If i ;ead mhv affidavit rv- Illustrated lecture on th« Nnrdlce boot" and pair heavv »ki . e V ht-H 'h fran* the la.." T-emnentv ..t :•*,• pole* IV w-wen IS TAST LANSING ta P i ' p:', h. that a tnen'«< or women's liv Hltf unit resnleip SM.e 'lie !*M11 x a nam ■ < (hat - }»*•*.{>:,' rs".'s: re euntUf* ( c pro*:Muted thinking Black Forest hv Frit* lletwl. Ran.h-tvne I area lande ar>ed hmie. Vi,-i l.v • — r her ilunr helore retiring or lea\ inp the ■ c » . • V H i,. ! . . < s* ■ \ eao't .ruwe opposed .:..**■ ccita-.M individual* S|*ARTAN den f|» ? . « M»aiv* un.fcr d;ftl■Jcn• (cstrsc.l SIRVICI THAT SATIS9HS • tipied is antisou.i! "\\ hx link up? We're all \«»ui « h e H.a of a m *,.• * !* * rrtHH txakic Ajneri- g p.m.. Spartan Village Hall. LEAVING STATE. •»an pjngmm* arc ho! Arts nivt Crafts Class. SA' * » •-!emU and outsnlers who are not xonr friend* won't he in*alt*- oath ju-t refrain fra.-o • « lake (hi* .ath ur .tetuo* | atpi inc.pies e'larn new home with - ti.>"'.i; *.> atid in th - wax the |ia* id Kheuhottom KATTA TNI TLKlMtl. • . • • . t • milder new n«»*»ee in. »■ t'oitege studeT*. t*e ",z * "R>1 II Kill Taylor MIITINt; furnishtnga. Ft a-au* freedom xv;! not in' infringe . out for tho dubieM* ho?v. »••• 1 ntortnnateh the tar's ..f lite diet.-it e that when yon upon. 7 p m . Wesley House east i.ansing. rbi* • iWtiffet • rjiies • .*n;ng th eehool tape Tod AMI LAMIKC ATK area, . A« I see 11. the nnlr freetlnin M RNT.RV tiorni with otliei bathroom* o Tl.ot.ghl Curb '•H»n*a. ten tosse.l ntiiiseriniinalep- uPo a . ■••• an en. - a. mnen' ifsm MIRI'M all -0-* fgaraatecd hated for tlR«S> Tor a-lfUtic I havr lost I* that I h*\e sx*«»rn .. mp i eit;or "soiorhveh " into a Iratennfv or sorontx not lo heroine a member or a*»|*- acaviem.c tree*iiH'.'. 7 ;iu p m . llort, Buihhng. f.urnattnn. call Mrs Aiarfc i Reahv Company, |V i-4<> -» xxph • not e.xevx ho.lx i. eomv !.. he vour friend. poit »nv aritniiillon whtrh he- (•uest apeaker. wiliiam h. Thompson > \ : o.« ihtv liietate that an o,jts|,ie ejinnnai will lirxrs in tho oxer throw el the IbiMrirr. it «f»m* to mc ratli- rr than lluowing out the halt* AHiiluvit Aim N'AACT J rmt>t 3»3 I s with Ute bathwater, a real indi¬ 8:30 p m . .14 Union . . ; hv t- i si iem e Iroin a souiyp "I he-x money simpU I **ouid he willing to take h e cation of aradrmic nxaturttv > To the Mitor: MM MAIIJMi ftl'lt Ptaador Ca"4a» IF MIR •.,.. , e campus folk are on a trust tin neiirhUxr system. : «x.» *> ouhi regardless of wiieh - would he to apply an intellect¬ The liitcliitmi't affidavit of the 7;30 p.m., 116 Union . . no*, t w a* receiving Ra* - ual protest wtth petition* Male- National Act »KI i'Lt'K • . 'u.«ia*tei e and luotherhoo.i are admiiahle woaU on or e: uau'T'. aut for my e*tu* nl »• menu, argument*, etc.. where it ;* an intudiou.* device auiunt *i 7 pm. 31 Union fATD MTKtOEPATnWI. . atopus, tuit until everyone ay tees that lliev af«* and John Merli will do the mo«t good — to those tlupigh' c*intrc>i. t»ut not quite J-HOT IX. COMM. ianga« vear and t.v « 913 and uu. Oond* Service Store, 111# L. Mich. N.Pion> huiltlmi: ami he loe.,: polite statmn are imii«lduaU tor the stHveoximu 1 * remain* the m- ? ti m Oak Room, Union. i n.'t.i responsible i? , . iv efl ;c,i! produc! ,»f quite a few H'iSII "•ret u into -mia ttMintam-. a .little :■»«Ted-dooj stvitrilx m program. onjvfrfo Says Al'S(> dnxyratrn c akfs m .Med « km la tor- 7:30 p.m., Foundry Buildinf. to for oartiea. hirtlidava. Mane m i • ..-k the Itroxlyiles. I? the log e o* the citsl ltir hots who • hew this up IIF.I.TA TNI trtUUlN »nu rthar dehrimra pothn. K«*aat Bak¬ er* IV 4-e7W. If pr*ypo».i. »t.*nd- *. a seem to have l»een dwelling in 7 3rt p.m.. 32 Union. Open Is (.an fanning «Ulth. r.nwrMlet, ' eir' .ir -m* (he past The* have learned well rush mnoker f<*r all men in¬ HOUSING I'riii ling II rvh To. the . I ditor: w dh the •i'.tkieuv*. whep w ho e pr gr a- we hiKi * * c ur.- a* the lesson of Hie late hut Illus¬ trious senator-demagogue of Hts- terested in the international as eg. Dr. Joeeph LaPahwv- K)« HINT OAVIt TIXACO I' M'StT nh-'es? of 'V ue*;rabie rexjuire*! c*»u:>c. I lonain. Joseph Met arthy. i»ara will dwuntaa "Chirrent IN 11 l*N \ I lt»\ \l I'KIVI IM. NVI KK. I.m 17 J.l, *on- mgV.x mihin-ire.t .ovalty oa"; e. *4U.t as'fus , Why! f*>rt of bta.n rot af* Political Dwulopmanta la MODERN THREE-Bedroom emm- INI Ia4 luN lm .-rst and the han p:.'gia Albeit llollidar !!*cu. Ui*Ho who bei.eve a loyai* Curopu.* trv home near WllUamaton Kea-le In honopmc units whah keep ; ..rates a . neeoratad. -new oil furnace, new kitchen, new linoleum. Hardwood An erie'a's printinj! proves i al-t. honors the re.a at';, free ma>*-itHervhanye o! iamyi/. - > eoiunion in our Itook Kevie** floorg garden, Iwirge garage. yard, etatelv treea, ML OXford 4-1941 TTHRO — RD HD after 7jn. •AIR IY «*•" r .•> t'« tmlax rabbit ra' • ■* ri'RNISIIED T H R E E-BEDROOM aale. IV 4-r» Pi int'.-ne Week ,s oe-.ene.: .,s .,n annua! tribute to the xx.-rks ami principle* ■!' l*enun 1 m, amony othir an. eat \ American prmter•• 4luni]« an era when the Sivartliout s Latest* rWhere the Bays Are9 house ITupnawa l.tltla aeetion avail¬ able at once for aeven montha. ED- E-aoao 19 EXPERIRMfF-D VENIENT location a* * River. AH t* pea of v. TV»'i-T • » ' TIVE-ROOM rURNlSMrn HOUSE- electric machine at rr*«. .* » lurk behind the hwarthout Bunk bed* heat Denoait re. prix .u>es •>: a news oryau were hnnted ami tre»tuen!lx chal fo* auggeata an answer. XVh.ra mvtteries must aa« Hx pj.n c« K«»» tall Mrs Piersma. ED 9-o«> oaired. Tour men over 13 IV 9-2J*)> i.Undon Sxxarthout. •..e Ik sv \ e facade* ef the girls who stroll During a gay soiree, the If enyed at th. t. nover» SPARTAN MULTIU thing T'xe main ffg,.:e •* a our rampus!) and e a pressed in TYPING aarvtca r*»- \ hamlful of statistics . • t: o pep.-timr imhiH'rx h.-xxs Handout Hou*c S.l.'i br.MHling preoccupation of one - EAST LANSING - Virgin. origtnal. Mr* Goodwm. I'D " < f"t* i x e*i h* ffxc ;:.i r*e * ? term* ef student araiK. tiungak><« Automatic of Mcrnt's friends with th.s Tx»o-bedr*«inx *,hit the printed word to,i.... ,m an impelu»nt eomnuHlux Mertf istuocx: nui-.h" '*'226* heat, lull baaement. attir and gar¬ TYPINO^TEBM PAP! H- \ m- !«*,-»<• her ixr-.'. -K The Utter. f,*r me, was ooe pr' of believing enough in age Phone IV R-gg94 after » 3b. IJ ho is entx* a* M.-oh gar* fast and accure*' m tie national ivoftomy a* w*;ii a* it* w a »r.t*e a a /.em prornmerd fcia iM thai it !< difficuis (■» **, of the principal charm* *». sottn>'.'i;ng to act *ikidenly blos¬ Adaml ED :-AX44 uHiver*.*'- Me-ri* .* SIX ROOM FURNISHED house ode of freedoms s novel about college k l! .s jus' a UlUc hi*, ca- som- into a feasible scheme! at* men student* o*^r 91' Parking :>* a"' '..maix. a <:e:*!;v«- writer WAV RIDF»» - AT redu-- ' -.k tiiat he meant that 'o set- :he ciwiinonjx'.ace tncre a x acht available, a full and laundrv faciUUea IV 5-3194 r- Pnntins m the -:\'h Urm *t industry in Ann I? m- tr M th»«>u*h x* inter tern' f •' t *• * t vre acvompi' :*hffifand h.rl *«» carry *>tT bssai^c. i un.icgra-i .ilig.x !.an>ft*CHl ,n ctt'.v of college klda with noth- ~ groups llca'eri PaD* • - ' •\ . xes the third most plant* i4.».xhhis and the tuuth most ih s'.or.x about a t»#oe. her meT„r,i'i, genera.':* (arc. ha eked p.-use. ' hanest-to* itig pi o-s 'tg to be axvompi ishex! r i x'»: ROOMS uWrummsHiD Phone now for se**" *•-•••' * ** center on a r.;etv..-.rablc rig available lo atudenta or prateaaoo Ruling Ranch IV J-4.S7 m phixes tTHOd.N'ffit ami is eighth annmt the nation « mrsi. c-i x'-.-., ;;>'■• or a strict' John.'" "pooped," ' •iititv*." .*"'it m their unmediatc future*, there ED I-MB5 or tD I i" vs .* , r. a*. For* Lauder*D> but WONCH TYPING—OfT*1 V D :.-*es in total valuation. '.: •>!*: ?«mv,aU\ nothing oc.uch tJtwucoup beers' have beeh is a xv a rumWit.g m Cuba, not MtATION Our IBM r.vM'.v free * wander *vT !.* the w.ruer* AfARTMENtS ,»• c\c- ha-ppco.s preserved for the age* The .«- <> far a wax r cause to lie 17"' csrnare ard inte-rh* * We salute the printing imlmdrx vital . ' . conijKmeni _ a of ' -.-r cx>n$cs ".*nes*. tvoe-bars produces r ?;rtcs! treatment os vhv "Cm? .«.■*,>cd to their young bxTor.s INDIAN HILLS ST Fath * *he i* etu!! •■-.•autr offset cor* steiwU* *~- hii.siness in its extr-inervasinK attempt to a ' e mwspi^wr bx la'.nre a *«»rt of po-sv'ix . v ae.' the iMGlcNMiifi out *»f and acted upon. men* two nwmi ang »or- twtn*. Call r.D ;-#Hl A. r » * tow S. Mcrrit is ea- > the nv'ied suitable for l*®' ,..*■!ure the xvorkl's events and comment objectively wiitre »';v*xo?» into which jwi c a- Mmit'v imnuNiutc oa>:, and the Merrit * bonk oug'it !o be re¬ c ollege approved, rent j Bertie r Hall biigtiics! freshman giri ever to cording to »tav ED ' m,;u.sticc hai» In't'ii «(-»!?♦ A service weibprovide*!. .j t by fa'c or .v».i vvlj joio h.tervicw gysterr t a» be en¬ quire*! read ng for the under¬ T.V, AM> RADIO *rr* ue Ss* . Atvl hcr>c:f dua'Jy ear*>n«d u* tow rataa to gtuder.t* N'-1 fa.rl* "ixeil ;sx»:a'.e* th* rhe c\*-r joyed, I am sure, by all. graduate "Hie more I think EAST LANSING net# Cammia the U a- : - v >.;ege furnished, used TV seta and »nte-r*et ' • c vh*vK» of :h# .wL-.ii No sooner have Merrit a id about it, tlie more I'm cun- three rooms apartment, c-xh nh r- 'so'v MSU'a private hath parking 9*5 month I*. g;rl friend Tuggle seltied .n v need. T?ifre'y a lack of unity untitle* included ED 9-497B ii Uasc CA.iege). Her Galling Laudetdale w*hen the "rairacc" W23 E. Michigan IV 7-3334 pr-jcn? w h ch detracts from the mastery o* the humanities and (denden SwartheuL former, begins. The girls have come ln>ok's vtature as a piece of fic¬ FOUR REDECORATED FURNISH¬ TYPIST ANN BROWN Pt ««." tearher of eonimuniratlon skills her apparent total 'iwin a* t ED rooms 97n. utllitla* paid Chtld 3-Tti* Electric »*;>e*rrite" * there because that .* "where the tion. ou: a* an exposition of wrlfOnw. Smith Avenue near Wash¬ naner* and Ue»as. a'.»o geo*?*' mivx *f cultu-a! reari ng-- thai at MhU, author of the immense- boyj arc " The tw > factors .r. ;de«*. it stands up superbly. ington and Mt. Hope. IV 3-l«3« tr# fe-.* students cover trs *vc span after noon. |j I* successful "They Came lo the ancient fofmula waste no XIerr:t. t*Kx, no matter how much i*uN0»a-»i . of four college vears are enough H«*S ( ordura." has urttten a new thne .n contacting one another, y.»u like her. is unbelievable: UVTUITNTSHtD APARTMENT •» to *et « prof» head spinning private win* to hnuae. mrludtng • jk: i. M'> novel in yshich he takes up the and in a dizzying orgy of ex¬ alie's really larger than jif* Not. two small bedroom* ED 1*f9M 14 Mc *.t. however, is no challenge. It is a funny hook cesses. Merrit surrender* her even her itaal predicament. ftouL, o«o» or* to* mt su-.i but raffwr fenerousLv (esna.e FURNISHED APARTMENT FOR and a serious book and it grU cx.»nfcidetabJe self successively to which there is no' honorable es¬ men students Two bedrooms, new SbSrti F'.*'»L«3 a"fll f'> C»* important things said. Rut (37-28-38. she casualiy confesses o«o»c-' ■ some young males" from Brown. Mich¬ cape fas far as the society that furniture. Also, unfumtdiad bunga¬ wt srtcitim in on t*ag« 9) and • truly lovable, low for couple IV 5-JgTI 19 the autJu* haa fail away a igan State, arvl OSt* got her into it is concerned i, iunw.u to* stubin'x hit from tho iMBaiftata prob¬ A \ '-American, twentieth - cen¬ . Merrit repents' almost immc*t- can save here from this charge, AVAILABLE NOW - APART¬ i, «.«•• lems poood bf a rollege novel tury, lefs-not-waste-time Dream MENTS close to campus, one and Girl. Her problem, niceiy con¬ lataly, and b.\ t'ie • msilpviin* of Uu! still, her way of facing life. two bedrooms Untummhed except in lavinc hia arena at a pleasure dome far from tho hallowed ceive*!. is the problem of her the b*K*k she l* a little : red of That's when the The shade of Salinger haun'.s refrigerator and atove ED 3-4M9 tf transportation generation (which Swart h out the whole business pages of Swarthout's novel ROOMS «am put. tht novel turns xerlous. But the book ha.* a separate and AM GOING TO B- * ' deals with dt lenfffi in the sec¬ this saslMWI Can take UP '• ond half of the book): she is an Are youug rollege people in- separating virtue: it will talk to LARGE ROOM tv>r two or three ridera. IV 4-*mS. «*t » It ii a prosent-day phenome- nxcrx m appiovvd unsupervised r. n that around 26.000 coUego—U. lingo for a student fpohto of committing them- more people, and it will talk to housing four block* from L'nmn. swmtm into Fort Lauder- who 1ms not declared a major. eel tea reoMy remmltttng their thmi in terms that they cannot Call Kenn HUdebrand botwaao IJi and i.ja pm ED 9-9777 13 wanted Uvea lo e cause that demands fail to understand. u.x.o, Fi*>rida, durinf spring va¬ All of tan W viewed aad lo- ■enMki and ikt rejection of Dawald Tale* ROOMS FOR FIVE atudents Clean cation. It is this ru.i-baffled, tfffwhd through do ayes af and noatlv. rurniched it per vrer« noon-kisaod p'.a* grxXiii that tho artieulato JMerrtt (what ftlf middle-clam pleasure*? I'araigu Language Dept. 914 Shepherd IV 9-M7E - .It Miritinw «t%tr srwn (, rati nates* Alumni ( liib Placement Bureau Januarv II. Ifhiff Tage Ihteo Ita rbs I 'n ml I'eiilaami ('.hecks lic/iorls /V/v, Jobs If mil Ihr following employer* will Interview on are Interested report to Ihe I'laeement Ihe indicated dale* Bureau at least two I'm' Slmlcnls mehool Hats lervlew ma form with amlprimli (*) In advanrr of Interview date. Unman also mav m Of Hussion Missile ill I'aeifie lnciv(tsiiii> I'he M <'i Stat" 1'fiiversity Altimti) plub of Ingham C'tinb r ••• • he'hfi to* •; u ai "o n > e ihis \ear, mvordin." v •• t»f om a:■, i v tnajjdrs for |** i, ' • r»i»es of Cotnm Al'., s landed IMci 'be s... < w H tie !ifum,vd hv eattnarkiuc Dove opium* A- H.i u A. (ifid 11 A PS f " Manage- . o.^ ■• ?h^ ■ one r. - i Kinney, director of dues of nai'ti ehib inemlirr so^'fh. ('hem r|t) F.nars ■'•en' 'littn nihijts Me' (Mi. area Haw ad- had plahher fo" tern* ug ' r: . emont Jtureau, NMhottgh the fund u-UI t <* I' ' d v f Phi If.* an - h nl iv Iv ed Development • •< AM «V Mi'rh (Ml Kb ' (Ml Ft f uvi'l ,'(> 11'.HII D n i I'M' "tie*.'r>r , y ,\ reports (h«t i'» k'mih'U opa'l in |fs menn'inM, 'hp ,no t- du, ' Ibwelopmerd A- A hi tiled Ybvha o> •«. for |'t been' a.nv. 1 Mo,., the 1* H id o'h< '■ M •* •••' * • ill bo three-live per- i i v 'I lie it,n" i' | \» *1»• o;* de I'eiinsalt t hemiral ! .toliiil Lu'ertcfiit' b.,' c. whuh ' ad . ■- - 'he -i b«'g ntrng t in 'A f orp * t limn 1 i\ whrie the fter-d great and . .lo 'e g . .• •»•! :i yeai itu" • (ID <\D Kt>g» ■ I'to 1 ug oU:ee ■• •i.'WiMK M'hedtlle* I'! 1t; of a*t emerge"! > ";dure 1AM AltV V, C. 1- d ■• !■ e 'Mi '«••' ... i on A I't'Ki'w F.ngm,-.' ?A 'A . ,■ . v- I all liTHl I !» I" |>rt el. I. • . i •, v . It, , \i. Knhert Imrisnu. rhairman nf fieneral Molor* f'orp. hue CORAL GABLES' , . feeling of the hoard that needv Maiuigo o, to ( |t, M i major more college gradual • S /• II t'el VIa i igt* P»I* ID • \\ ; students with high mehnlarmhip I p-.s ' ,n-. -■»'•"* -r S lfnov. . • i' than la•••' potential should hair thim kind tinted States Plvwnnd Dorp. f'i ,".ee fb' t'i.-i n lu ('afe'e* . i starting Mlitrle*. I won ILFORNO Hi tirr of aid without drlai ID. Kb- f'. oilni'f oh « i d i ' i Hi A Mv M M:inage urn! (ft i ■I,k m t'alifnrni.i. Ilntida anil Mi' t u.* . r.i'dfv (in. ' Ma •■■.'! •( for PriNlu, t u V Omnia. and Ihe glamour of the All ev imph* ••■■as '• • •' » I'ovk.igoig (ID. ftesiih'M'i.i' "'nee \|fg «• dvffue fhi-'H ,i,rn(t. mi«silr and rloolronto fop .!ilib'mt « mo > ■> nr il.'c ' i It ' 'ID. I Dto,,. F-h'.-* . M. ,• . M. ' F'igrs V PIP oil |, Sa'.> I" \ I Me A- '.an M i'" , . i namv. uemi• .ug maul \ oral shortage "I • aid lnrmd.iv in llbugurbitic, iiimidr a «bild'm dull VA|. llir entlr nam concealed t »P, M fo- i pguiat •.'ltd,Mils •' .•' . u or •'■. o •' ,,u,i aid ,(•! MM \«V ?.> - 1* | 'the name lliat matte I'/// I famous in I.nttsing 'or the future • v"',. iv |»n . - tit a'tiu tbev a e » nro'h'd" as » Armstrong t ork t o.: Ad .v. JAM \R> •»; 4 Al so -sPM I\l l/INl. IN r the freshman en m'udetd at the I'niveisits »-•« I men (ID. rrgi»rd!<-s. o Ihe lllaw Knox fo: i enrollment in l!i"»8 anil s • i- ■ fnj: s down aimost u price »t Finrli to (llaiiu AppmIpiiI • |'resi,|p?c J unes t 'aw .«» •'. I i" 'lg »1S»H allrr r \e."il'ivc\ !i I »»».*#| T I*! ,Kt|l, do', for Sales M.IM.IgO'U- (rn (It, .ID ■ (Mi I •■ ai ■;•■- at X" to, 1 'o'-s' M i if !!;■' . i "1 j # Mt'ilkm • c llif kt n • ll.ili.tii ^#*;t I ooils • ' ; rrvu'lls icnr*. sniyented a .-onirniMee '•» f • - for Hi .Hiticdon H'.in A i--.'il!g Shrm 'ID •Mu III Mill t aterine Private i e«* people and tefii hers a »: o * DPI N |» All. V PIIOM tber egpI'Mr 'he ,a»-.ihi!i'ie^ •>' On DciVnsc in Trial l Ml (Ft I (Ml. Kb • (ID i i'M"i i and sal«*s !. ' " /owe; A I. . brim: sought In rbrtn- In lu-'• al Ai- oiindng a *l I • gn and t'ntiHtruetb'tn Suj.. - i, «i, )<>. •,• i 1.1 .'ist« d his estranged i hp, and he'tMlg toward * • ,1 rem panic* for research, Or when she •Mark,*'«IHf (ID pmH.p-s for lu o.n Mesh (ID (Ml log. i. i tral demand in this i pro(Pi ' mlv do i by I..I "I r. their ,'hoi k f.«r < i made pasoinc K'nnr* • . , " maid . -it llirriiii is ' i'null f" lie,I i.ri hi the hat k v.Iii'n mhr to M;« h gun S'a'e Aiunitu < ' » majors (ID K gis for / Sale, a- ah I Hlan' Training M< • \ \g • -H. Mi Kugi ■ Ma'e a' lland'o- fo, I! A AETNA LIFE INSURARCE COMPANY . i (he it., of Ing'uim i inn's. rO Wl, . \ i • , Or ., v , I - I ' On, testified M' Program A Hr,*lu» tion D. Design A S:ie*.- Ahalvsi . • l • . , s Igm.s ng K» •, !, '• .iie € »l%. Midland, I Inchi pnllrd a gun ntt lilin the tiial "LI STRADA" and Ml. Tlea-anl. til si. thai br did not hair Ihr I ' >• deton«i* ptei ioiislv |ja<. OPFMV; TOIIAV &nn in htm possession ' I tiftend to tipulate that Dr. III J •» !; t ' ;! his PI. " I. I'.m liili w ten,-In t fioin tier gia'p ESPRESSO t'KIIW: III a.m.-U IN KlNHI .12 i:\ION TOO Sfciitlil Kill;;. |i.m. :.i: K. lanso RIVKU -iiyiiiilH. Hifliipin K. I.ANSlMi MiritlHAV STATI" \r\v« Skowion January "1. l«»«o Basilio Bout Stalled by NBA ra«f Tour NBA Meets To Deride 1st Yank Cagers Pace pk «*V!c \> \ v r \ rt irr Ihr lltlr \ iranl \ II On ( liiciiiSo Home Action To ! W Sign -7 !• » .. wl ,. , Ktkit - * '■ . ' J - ■ - • K,,-sWI... T •' Mat, Gym Teams Here, ch , . p IMIH.ADKI.Pltl A "t*- At P' \ I . S. • •• least one new franchise appli.M- : on. problem* presented by the admission of f'hieag'- ami the Alunllc Suiiils 3 Squads on the Road M .. . ■!>: • haki sfanis ,.f 'h«- Minnonp<>!;* (innlnii'l Biu-k . U .-Mill confront the National Ba>- Heavy Michigan State sports action Saturday gent!* t1,* Ufthall ,\ «n at il* annual mi'< i • in,I jflye B«" n« UHiuy Spartan basketball, wrestling am! gymnastics teams nmin- ni'fu-i.-::* .< on nv nir. Assort vtro ettrvs Biff 10 opjvonents at home, while the hockey, swimmint; i>(.i i- thr ('hlv.-igu'm New York's Ynnkeos sijrn- and fenrinp squads go on the road for away contexts. «•' f r a* up a pJ.tM-.rf ..-hnhiN IIANK NROWRON im! their first player for 1000 MICKEY MAVTl.r. The twice-beaten Sj,artan i date f"i llu' Ira Litest, sv-w>homfim fnom (v,n i>n-kihtf sends rnnlraet back engcrs can rely on their home •: a first (n «l«n . Wednesday. I»tit thev also . . . . . . . . . . State l< thirrt high wi^h 2f> Mi. draft. court Saturday when they meet poi«v4 fouml out that Mickey Man¬ Toww at 4 30 p.m. in Jenison per ga-r. hi.thr 11'1 Itul Hip Inpie ontlfrs also will from Ipii Cnrhotlrrn Enrlv H Ymi tle thought his salary has I'll nine Star Field house. Michigan S'T'rs leading the ss a squid *» league In thn rr- IM Highlights The I'lihlinwiM Mint plans In asK for a franphlse Iteen cut ton much and he Is With the aid of a partisan I'rm iilrm < : 1.1 w hen boumis with » 54.3 perwif* -n lit in Iii lis Roam! Toit Scorer: the home court, ni . fur fin' Ins An*plps Jet*. Ami sending their contract hack. crowd and NBA Urn* nlr nt tuition* 111 and in tve depnn-r-rr>t Hip I raciip also hlllM reckon Ttill "Moose" Skmvren whs conch Forddy Anderson feels hi* an average of IS per game. rnnu tn*ixfr.! HUM fir"! squad can bent the llnwkeye* • ifli Hip iMtssihillli thai ttwnrr U alkcr 2nd it defend his Ihr MU's four Inp liilr teiim-l nnr ranked Huh slmrl niai naiil In switch ( hiriiiio Ravi •■igne.l .» rise for »f .t reporfed S^t.ene. At.not) over his 1»."»!» Beth teams have saffereR re¬ will Natnrda* 'i be televised (be ?*rd for the Iwn meeBng Hip Mlnnrapolis rlnh In another cent Injuries. Co-('apt. Um-e Ol¬ trm , t> «r lite MM *»mild dr Inralc. earnings. teams, leva has the edge In the CHIi' \f;t» I* YiMrrao jitTi-ii- CHICAGO <>r» Ten-V t)is- son and Have Kent!, forward, Mantle admitted his perform- series IT-*, shuiM aai ' ecL- tius whilp ro'li'iinu strained mnarlos during the Itti- - m i•• a , • j at 'A i • >- aitee Irtsi :.e!istin "wasii'l so chinger, Purdue's sopho* * it it *1 trim- in Mate 1 nitetstl* ;• ihtldi Hi- l akiMs ««,. .Iran - hmptfa! Wn! (luring a phV■ nots defeat. Anderson said Wed¬ ... i ROOd," more, stfdd leads the Big 10 Coach Oecrre Siypu's'y gym. -nh hull .1- inani puopiu ■ irhucknp. WrdtiO'dav siKttp.t nesday that the two would be I (Itil K.N I II II M KII "* >00. S>«\ "hut fhpy haskethnll scoring race with » ready for artlon against Iowa. n^st*. undefeated in two dual White mil nip more than hr I thnuiht thr* hi to." hr x*id .107 average for 4 conference Iowa does not find itself quite meets, .x>er> State's nll-ifternooty . nir .rt !•- at. rvtana'ud SIS.OOil one I \ The hran.1 nm *d»rnttirr« of Knnal.l Searli-'c PhmUitr.l Tit. Wvntt. tin- at his Hallux howling alley. games. so well off. One of their t«*p home i'im'.v wrh s tomtl /, fj\ Marion* ltufrhering"hrllr*'k... I-. Official league statistics Wed- sophomore. Mike ag.ainc* Min-esota at 1 p.m. 'ft .,i• t -■ tup vinnt't ia-i srjKon reserves, a /JRv - - ■ i ,n, •'.'-•0 ru. •>•-.!. t n.'pivr- Skowr«»n. who must he mi--' nesday credited the Boilermaker Wood, suffered an eye injury the Men's TM Building Arw . a -•-*!» .-i • in-Ko-.ic mnrtiu i.i>.»nl the m«.xt brittle playiv in star with 123 j»oinUi on 45 field in Wednesday's practice and will lad year the Gophers lost to s.,.., Hill V.-.vk atmuuoi • the major leagues, thinks he has coals—coming on a top shoot¬ be out of action for the corning MSI'. 5T-53 .itseovrrr.l a way to keep old ing ueeiiracy of .025 — and 3.1 game. The Spartan wrrsi'e-s 4. '« ->-au Injury *t least at arm's free throws. over the TM Arena a' 3 M . r. is-e'ed;i r.-« . i\«M Prat Michigan State'* trig guti. fiMiihii s »(i iM .i 'n .- -.ras-'n .' hen hr h-.- encMi Disehinger is t>eing t*res« S' r TI'N.I ■•••, Whtfr S->\ ' • 'hi- • fir-* \- »he reeommreeat.on of Mu higan State senior Horace second place in Big 10 scoring Conch Fend ley Collinx' g- a:-'. • lavoEtn' prnnani in tots." Mm singeing first hase- Walker, with a 4-game avcraer statistics with a "H point aver¬ won handily o*vr th« B-.i \ ...u »" . •M.'i! sat.I. "I've l*e«un to take ,-.f "Bit points and leading Big age He is nosed our by Terry U*t season, 22-4* a w eek a lessons,'' 1ft relvmnderx with i ist game MSI* ropprd it* M-.<< -r, ■ s„% offiPiaU Hinn s H»fiO s.' unmitej Disehinger of Purdue who has Kr^iim m»is mu (twin SKI RENTALS sal in niak.-s hint IH» hishrsf Hard!* a year tp>es bv when average of ID 2 retrieves a 30,7 average per game Jerrv meet opener by downing I,:, 111S T i I» ' » . .. mini she former Purdue ftillhaek Third is thr sophomore star ::-j MM tHiirxisr |i.ilil plliJirr In *>ni hW«n. Wfit t- 'ur-iis Wtvk d>k>su : fall vietim to Injury. In of undefeated Ohio State (3-D). The Spartan hnrie* leaiti, re SKilS ... ■ • .s IIIhits I'UI.KS "w' *' "p,•k''l", iiv'im ii oar,. him th« •>' husky Merry nsht-bwndm H-.jsptf.i- i\ soars with the Yankees, he has vet to play a full season ,lerr\ average Lucas, who ha* a 2BU Although th«* Buckeves_ are leading the conference race, Intramural iwvemaled series er after a split with rnnlerem-r lca.1 Mlebtcan U*t weekend lr.*> twncait-e; ..'rung a rnufmu phi-; closely pursiietl h* Iowa (4-1) I %!!(< llll li III! \ 11:1 Yd Ittixsiott .Mir URRY CUSHION ca! '. ta- tp rfjivkup Wynn is p*piH*ft».i '.Star trt»>a.o.| frmn th«- hfM.pi- . lllui-l; lltnvk* II in y'UK'ACdt 1 D1 The Chicago* and Minnesota (3-t> l.ucas ,* their only contender among the Schedule eK tn HnsuMen fnr I rtda* and xjlariat Mtebigan »i*bt enntex,, will Tevb. Hurtnc last 1 hnis | ri .Ian !l .V ami !• |> in SPORTING GOODS Win- . uhi, -am- fhu fi Hlaek Hawks took over f.mrti, top 10 individual scorer* H VN'PRVI I 7 em. year's rampntcn Male »nn ibm .tn'n VIM 1% A ?4h.» A , .rAHi.i a- iOaO . ..uf>t;«nd- pfare m the National Bwkey mI fnar frmn the Huskies, id Rather li Hlnrk Ups| of Srar% Off .ng nth her prtNljrh-d league by \*hipi>tng the Boston <>.-» ('.lull VI.-.-li.i^ i I I ttlll vx- Ie,»n*ra rtmltng a pair nf shut mi, w no Brums ;i-l at the stadium hen Usher This *ea*M MM' Has . ?* ! I iippprt "ii-iMi:.- uittii in, season 'h.y « I 2 Mm r»l4eriM»e %« winner »' Wednesday night, MSl"s crew club will he hold- van-Inst-tted rernrd. while Te< h I lit- >lor> ..I .i M.oit.:...** r.iliii'iiliiiii—I *<-! H,»l>by Hull of the Hawks, ir.g a meeting *' 7 p.m. today in No* UiOterf lelrf I'lrrm-Nnsirt *h«nfc, n.*i. h bav w an nine nf 14. II .) Tern Weser vs. winner nf I'hrif h.irf hern nllirr turn' . . Mut from Ihrtr firs! mrrtinjt who went into the game tied room 213 of the Intramural |,.nt (Mrh-W«li Umwn m**.H C'Wtcb Chsiles M hr in.ulr hi i ik i like a till at* .tki-ntiia In lifr! i hr ;ilw.n» with Boston's Bronco ttnrva'h Building T),e meeting is de- it I lurk Heinle* vs. Ri.harR Smith *n,->htHDt*s- crew, unheatm in a jm r .v HrhiM-il Iniidrl MwiLh ( e i .» coal and an assist workout program By Anyone interested is eneour- rt x Attdv f'lnh *» Hill nerher meet*., travel* to M r.n*-.,,,,. winning the Hawks took Mr* »n Mum. for an encmr Tvr w " over the ot from the losers by ng.M bv the dub to come as it ft l Jerrv l.ssher vs.* Kramer Minnesota a single point. is an open meeting. W Shaw ft. « iarh Kraft rt Canl *«,«»* Am«»tJg McOsffree ' pac IA5T LANSING PHONE ED.2 2814 It. 9 Pa*e> Han«nn ** VI Newman ting new■comer* are On k Brsc- • em. kett. unoeaton »n both t-.r 2: nhjhts x si n. aim'i.ts ti»r ki mixes 20f CUP THIS COUPON AND SAVE — t mmnn* «t i narr* Carter *s f>an»an yard and 440-yard ;mv> >i John w.n events, Carl Shaar. und»-fp.):e Mm siiouim; thi ks. at — ff 3 Jim Steeil *«. Raul N»rr A AMI I.RtMlMt Hilt A LUBRICATION AT . . . pi.t. up match rarR, an. roort Cl'*»;ng out the dav'i act.) te«er* anon*). is MSU'a fencing squad, v Ull.l. WANT TO MAI OA I K FOND Mf.MORII.N. PECK its TWO cjmjwtr'ion u; JOHNSON PURE ML RVSKKTRALt. • )• em » duet aeatnst Detroit c (iym t in the Motor City. The Snnr.a- Sic* vs. Ue»« Theta Ri 1010 E. GRAND RIV'KK ft. ft. .1 Kappa 4 Um4t I hi Alpha it. tAt lost to Detruit, 15-12, in U- Dim K year's r-eet. DEBORAH ACROSS FROM'S IIAMIU'ROKR STAND ft. J If IM vs. Tht T*tt ft. • fSO *» Vet* I 7:1# pm. Late Scores KERR THE dA2Z SINGER «BA Ipaiiirp* At ■ . s Alpha sic rtii vs. rtu Sic K VmlM IM. New t ec» IN I •• - I "5 • V Itla find SB. Ksana scholars . rvmailpnn If, V*raca%e i'J Jrwl Aia Hit t.M p.m. S:|J »t. I mm llf.. t twcwaatl IM •larU t:» - »:•• Nut. IMIXT II'SS IT SIIOIVN IT 7 :ihi .V 1II:IM) now showini; fhteacn J. OaW t JERRY WALD'S IMMOIIItOW Named "Onp of the Ten (test thk comkoy hit of the skason.' CeCtece ■•.)" . ft. .% Delia Sic Thl VS. Stc Fhl Mich- teeh V t .* OI*mp><- Tea..' film. -I tpsllon (ettec- Oakhctball . PHOIX CTION 01 l»J»- It. Tk. (VI Duhea Vs. Wi Vaster M • Kent net. * - Mirhtcan *»tate Newtt. siti I Mwhuan va AOMHI 4* GRANTj\TONY CURTIS HOCKKY • errta U. CUMjl HtrCMC** M BEIPVED' Til | lout nut CftRV til tmnwna vs. Wry an II IS A TO vs. Ice f nhes ,evw Mm* IW. actchoan lech ~ Phi Halt *) » .MICHIGAN STATE LMVERSITY INRDEL CU5TARRINO ONrvuktsrOk-t:. l OCOR fcy OE LUXt Stufophomc Sowed I.Et TI KE-CONCEKT SERIES S. HUROKn— rutst nan m. l'o«Ia\ l ! Eddie Albert — Feature shot* n a» 1:15. 4 ON «.:4S. >;3ft p.m. MOSCOW STATE . m IR«^■ KM KMT • BR MB - K MRU SYMPHONY wnwEi&tBiwi££umy si X. — KUCk III I.SOX IX •TII.I.OM 1AI.K ^ ftRTtiUR O'CONHEU KON-TAXT1N IVA.NO> I.ATKST WORLD NKWS KVKNTS i uj*11 tumov o anu.l w.uun inivakmtt ACDtTOanW raiDAT. ja.xc.abt a. ku ra jTWt 1.AST * DAYS IUUVID NKATS: U.W. MM. UN Mr orr TO IT TOOTS 2 Hie Hit-: Looking Forward ,0 Spring? AVAUAIU AT I XMW TMVCT OCTKT 1 :.n» . 5:2(1 • 9;,.. 3:l.i-S:0tt A\ht» isn't? But «e of The Wohenne staff are looking TltRiHir hark *1mi, ratakiRing thr r\ent% \*r ha\r raptured on film, and potting thrm in thr hr>t "for thr average student" >earUtok c\er offered here at State,* by Girndoa SwaHoat M-G-M >P IS HERE Advertising has. b?en excluded fronvthi> year's lawk Krail: Good Lileralnrr l 4 H ' H A N 1 RtX KAY to leave for picture* of the student body. Read: A Grand Novel more rtmm MARIt jA:N 1 HARRISON KENDALL Over 1000 Read: About Student* pictures of student activities, four color art JAME*. M J .. H in Florida in work, and 2,330 senior portraits are hut a few of the NORTH • Spring-time, highlights of this year's "personalized" WOLYKKIMC. on sale at 43.30 NORTHWEbT (in sale in the t'nion «♦ a.m.*S p.m. and in all living JOtt SMKM SNOM DQ i >mx w&ki- 1 units. Ikm't trust your memory . . . Buy a VYOLYKKINE, i artuua A N*«» SPARTAN BOOK STONE ~ your sural "Thr Rruthrri. karanianov* _ Super Market for Educutiom SUNDAY, iiigh Suflfh" I lirst of Scries Bv Ken Koss IMIfA Arllon Celtics, Angered Ohio State Faculty TallFrosh Reflect Bright Future Warriors, Threatens Big 10 Withdrawal r«MlH«tMl a threat and , .M stair n% KIN ROSS basketball fans who llkr m soe all-stater from fi foot 4 incbet Kankakee. II! whose home . is and Dave ('nt, in Wlnnemucca. a Ila whs W in COt.CMnt'.S. Ohio ,n —Di*. irni'd ivy wha' it ron«idrr* a forced tn decide whether to *'*v -n or get out of the Rig Id felt this fhat such aettow "vreuld make d to faculty control .;f I he w hole limmering dispute it alm«»st impMslhle fur «s to .iv,-rv perform in MSU uniforms might Nov. round out the top nine frosh basketball *4YHA( •«'SF. \ v ,(p, W .» W- etn Conference athletic*. nver dig hi rules ekange*. operate as a member (if the ft if •.I arrive curly a! home basketball games prospects. I'lmmluM lain and Paul Art/tu nine top freshman basketball prospects legiate atblclic competition. State's frosh get most impetus 1 •r the T*'r course of the se«s- 2fi u\ll IMHhv l». MOOSIMCn I* • ild aVni* if 4he cotlfe- varsity In a scrimmage points and tiii, srhnfiHo 'a. Jim IHikrn 1* ■ - a r'Mipte of weeks until • -o:ne •n. The third. time Jewell, trom Wumi- Most of the fiosh rage muspert- posses* a rt'hi HiMii it*,., \,s n. r\»N n •I-e. hv m.»-or;*v vo*e, approve f.-'ut-, "«f OSU nrciden* Nov •- great deal of natural ba*kelb:iil talent when th\v * * ♦ IV'» Itlrhev II. I»svr II ,v ! rcvrsH rules and '-he r- ;t.C„ is a forwaid. I III I I Mil I'll YSFMH I*. II *111.1** Fa-'i-e't fr -m a tr:p to India come to MSP. In light of 'his fact. Maud said. .-»•* den'* decline to interfere o inly Michigan mtrv in the tieshmat "top |U»S||I\ IN lh»- llos'..-. I H,M.* II The council jmssihI una' • I onnie Sanders, a fi foot 4 Inch former "They just have to he taught our philosophy of Celtic* iu "usly two-pnrt motion «ui . , ■ III *1 Hi. HOI I AMI II j performer Iron Detroit, who pla\* at a basketball" £• rt 45 itivf pnioil iuhI vvcti' W avne I nvine I); AO CiornM > .niMr-d on hy Professor S.ltv3t«»''' ii-wonin it, iininiik "i that event, the t*acui*v iir t position. Hecrulting of outstanding high schoof basket- on to nn .'.tsv 144-I2»I ileeisioo I-1V (.clnrk I, linni Herd 7 Mairo and other member* "r I td be forced to de¬ \ 'ror forw ard prospect is fi foot 3 inch Stan ball player* is "a year around pr<«ress. according over the Knickft I'lltl* l«. HAITH -I for Yr who hails from laiuisville, K> to Hand lie added that members of the coaching Ho-.tnti - Toinmv Itemsohn, Mill *i»>-i/ |ti: Nam, Obnnrn T I A revie • of change* ma---. le whether 'o ST-ept the ma IHO\H I*. MANOR Mill »» staff -.ect«)«n and operate a* a a . istn, which has produced its share of try to see as manv ••( these outstanding Smiin's nigh srorer willi 43 II»n Willi* I*; Will lielfm-r .'•> Western Conference rule prcppci's in action a* posuhi. point*, st ink for Hi in the lb-:' I-I * * IIOV * II. H1 VMHs If ■ w- of the conference or eager* tn the past, including current stars U»h J..|»n»n,» II. l.arrv litrtol* M V -V t Of the TO candidate. p ar»pear* *he C.ou i and Dave Kali- . is represented on the w l>- reported to the first peri,» •<-» make xiu fi ' 1 I akin II. ('neper I* a- quad by two budding cage candidates, both freshman practice in Ort,>,»,i only Ifi remain, rhrtmpions poutuled otil to a 4.«- ' VlltKkv V. MIOMl * I RIM. I IIS I* ij'hp Couth'd of JO ft lie pr ■ - ^ ■t«v-.'..on for the University. v. The '"smaller" "f the two. Jack I,amors, due to squad ruts and voluntary drop out* These" 34 't 3 inch all-stat,r from Klmbetly. Wis, regular v it jiii v. Mosii.ti's eigli'n - honlsj tha* a i'invention llnvv IWI -I. Ron I ti tiniMn I# , -crtbed by Hand as posscxslnR "quick hands" ha -kcthall season ends earlv m March A'r.iigh! over N« w V m .. •.|i| t I THEH «t . ! !■• draf' a formal con-' If ttlre Cagrr Injured ami its fourth in a row, en¬ Wsvne Mnim I* nit the squad.'* Hand Is member <•( thy Spartan coaching urraln I nil, a'h'.efu-*. • < "the most aggressive player a new g.m 11* ■•!! governing Xi ol-SIIOT* 17. KMil.B IIS !•» • k Hall, a « foot 4 inch former all-stater from staff hut he need* no turn to State fans. able, I the Celtic* to maintain a I ||erhrs»,v,in li. I anre lo> If v i amcndmc-u '■» this mot. K*rt ARBOR fTn ^ D • -vac is Wisconsin's other entry on the He was a varsity basketball performer at MSU 3-gnnic lead over Philadelpli a Ills !• * *111 It 'fi • o-tvl con«rcination ■ ;n th- ark. res i ar forward mi t*je l.iloi shell II. |lnn , avlle II ,.n basketball team TOM tor three year* and wound up his collegiate in the Knstern Division. MCI'III* HI M III l /l II* I* r We-ine«-iav which cout.t latins Hawks milled away m tin- M.vilev I niei I In not abide hy Big 10 rules adopt¬ • i.tetine him f-»r 'he m.t of ,!i* SPOKTUTFS last f'jur and a half minute* for llsllev Millet 7 iivrr \, I « li over I. I I ed alter Nov. I. I.arkins said h? State News A ttft-M»8 vrlory over the Cin¬ cinnati tJovnls. | I vim, shavv • nver 10 over H, I 0 I, l-l Slim Crowd Result Iminediaiely after the g.en- UNIVERSITY STUOENTS' SPECIAL ■Ms. NBA Standings 'he Ho-. " fjeneiat ' i«m k t iioit i: nr. Pep \V.. on said he intruded make a verbal protect an Nil Y . Prime href open face «and?«ich *u ius- estra large plate— Of Poor Si-liedid in# tmard of governor.* meeting m whipped potato—coffee or milk Mi,-I .in IH 10 .7*1 »• Philadelphia t«*l.,v about tie- |*li|l:ll|i||lllM II II .10* 4 IN ADDITION. HAMri.r I IHt P. %l I.V » RO%« ANY OK ALL ealilM-t a officiating svroilvr .'7 I* *|»7 1 OF •» MpK IAI. APPiri/FRs UnHAri :!l. PM.A fi|» Five Sew * inU I* '« 1*1 IH WIS I 4 ItN PI VISION It* JIM *4 M.I INT.TON XI | illllv •* III -**l 98c State Newa Spurts Miter pi nion i* •* in »», Can't Deride on CninmiHMoiier Mln neapnllt II "*« .!»! .7*0 17 ||' ,i eniwtl of 1.500 *nw the list lex* Michigan Stale I in Mil II 1* . vajrers nose out the Alumni. 7-5-71, in the Old lino •• play oi l Tue-dav night in Jetiison Kieldhotise. NFL Owners Fail to Unlock Horns m.~« si. *1,.* INIKYI V| | Dt.N I v l-aakine xunday evening? lor the fine>i rufoiae at hard ta heat prices for a realir fine meal this I \,i j>t for a late minute rush by the alumni, which fell sYHNB Y id'i ~ Australia's he sure ta visit . . 'he few people that did show, up were "treated" to MIAMI HUNCH. Fla ,.1h The J* NFt. iluh owners ol>« Hotel Kenihvorlii J .tin Konrad*. IB. Wednesday ,■ qui; . pired irame. Na'mnal football l/Nigue own- viontily weir t, a hope lev, dead- senl meeting f• »ne .h.-u when the com- won • •• New Smith Wales tin- "HOUSE OF BEEF" i-.s nfter some six hours of dii- ifK k. inisjhi.uei election yard fr»H»*l>le .swimming cham- 1 , date, and tln> scheduled for the frame reflect* poor and rarne up piou-irqi m I minute*. 203 sec¬ NO I If I All meats served hy Ihe "llouse af Reef' ara THDA • e-s on balloting failed I«eahy 'he earlier voting They v.i' in 'he lotihy dlsetpwint Prime. Nothing but the finest for you tram the part of the sponsoring jrroup> and athletic , , . i cr.inr on Wedti'**d iy r.'gh" to elect a rom- polled eigb' '.heir footlMfl background.* and onds iiwt 1 5 neconds .slower V'»te*. one shy of than own world record. . . ;,i - on campus. m:as;oner and adjourned until I the nine ur led to succeed the pro view■pointa vviUi a host of The trame was plnycx! in the middle of the then the Spartan* should be worrying aland !«• 'hinjrs. like tlefeitdinir their conference championship. \ better time for the panic would be prior t»« the repula- llitrlO season more import- pro. ifiST) tvxlay. Joe president Donoghu,. executive o* .'he Philadelphia lvtgles aii\t tt>a Yuan >»f Uie bil- vice tale Bert year Ja-ahy Commjss'-- Moral, to. a t»,'1 ronup * ;'iner*hip ,v .1 ;<• n p the $30,000-1- ommnled for the hv Victor of the newsmen time CJunse; I've .a.d, "'Phi* relaxed months " la-ahv remarked. "I've i* in the Itrst three You'll Lova FIAT IllOM tw*»N ror "HOUSE Of BEff" lis W. MM lllt.AN AVL. io' vesxion, dcvlinevi to say -owner been relaxed since I g<»t tiere." (Next ta llatel Old*. Y! season. An Old Timers basketball pa me would be much how many rounds of voting took S.i'1 Franc 4'Jc!> n*inated other Frank M \ e. president of p:a,\ed in Novendier. ,eiev-t a cooutitsxionei', "FlRlDYOr ALWAYS REMLMBtfl" test loan acting c > uini.*sioner Au*- the phi'de'* Eagles. W.isi- | sponsors mipht cry about the drop of fi.ihwt paid admis- *11 fiutivr• i. A'.tv Marshall inglnnV < ie |»re t in Marxh- from last year. Hut that pame was plated on Satur- l.rahy of S.ri franciaeo and alt pla,e.i's •xler's name h. - •Paul Svfusvi, -• the le'* Ange- fore thr s; after the third • trlit when students were free from studies, Spiirtiiii (>iil« .iii.l lint. promoters should realize that most student* cannot take lex Time ballot prove"! inconclusive for (runnet or l.eahy * i-'re «-oiiiaiu^ on viiii from studies and other activities in the middle of the II w»« rrpurled thai Idwin fee it Anderson, president of the Oe- Iroil l ion*, also «u nominated. this When hatloting afternoon, started fiunsel late and iiiucation-w i si-; ♦ # # However, there was no eonnrm- I .rah* were deadlocked at six vales each 1 nun- . . . -Imrr tin- niiiik 1 owinp the panic Tuesday there was an air of mystery atton. and the status of the bal¬ loting which at ViiiI rruil tin- -hum' S|Mirtswriters, alonp with fan* who a supper recess YIVMT reliable *-.urce*. ' »• md the press box. • had I eahv one vote short of the ! me, 'he fourth ba.- remain, waited for the promised nn- . • v: Urn turret! to election was uo4 disclosed. kit had I*' feitihia. Baltimore, I'AI'EKItACk HOOK #fc.incement of the most valuable alumni player in the panic. a*.id the Chicago Bears »up|>ort- But no announcement was forthcominp. I.OM* mg (Sun ei San Francisco, t.o* ill your After hearinp the results of the |h»11 taken ot the working* Angeles. ('. '•« Bay, Pittsburgh. >niirr Miirl.i-I for l.ilmiilioii . at the pame. a certain top MSU athletic official de- *1 not to announce the winner, it was reported. WINDSOR, Windsor Huild- tint. g.* t/Pi ea»ii> defeal- The Chicago Cardinal*. Drowns, N<-' York Glanta and Cleveian I thr Suits & Topcoats ,-d Moscow Se ectrs fi-2 for their Detroit t on- a, rp in '.lie la'ohy , Id 55.00 VaJotn Unofficial report-* say Larry Hedden was voted the top third siraijftb !"«■:.« in a 10-game- -column Marshal), of course, » player by the sport*writers at the panic. Canadian tour hele Wedne.vd.ay voted t- ii.»minee, Schi-wlcr. SPARTAN BOOK STORE mm :i - Men ; and J pant Suits and Top* •ughl. IWdh iiinsel and Leahy wert avadable in sire* 34 to 34. * it * Y».ur ' .»f « wide selection "Kootliall rules are a shambles/* said former Navy coach of ••-■Ifi and patterns. Others. Wie Lrdelatz after sitting out a season just watching COMING TO CHICAGO *Hmi oa to 4IS3M Talaea—NOW hail. YOt THi WEEKEND? MB ta IJf.tJ. "I a* ended games at all levels — high school, college and pKw-iunal — and generally they play a different set of Students (man nr womenf, Couplos, Larrabaa's Sparl Sbap f 19.15. 59.95 to 69.95 familiet, Group* on four" the one-time Middle mentor pointed out. RtomiA He explained that players are hindered when they move • TAV AT TM« VMCA HOTEL xHORT* •rm one level to another. * LONG* . "Tin- best thing college football could do would be to f.xn.% LONG A • »r* ' x professional rules right down the line." Erdelatx nTOFT* itfV'ed. Hs 'hinks it's silly that high school players use Jo twtj {iij'-w.r must make the transition to limited substitution in r The college star going into the pros must convert Sport Coats V*." .specialization. $10.00 to Ki.oo Sport Coat a Krdviatz would like to see u!) levels adopt standard rule*. Srhool'v nil |>ri>i*la-an M i • y.i needed Sport Coat Taka He pointa out that the pros seem to play the most inter- I |il. advantage of our special ssla, ■''••'hjr game. In Hi- ah you imagine the NCAA and its rule committee ltrrakfu-1 .<1 •Sl' 1.95. 52.95 lo 69.95 •opting professional rules? KEWPEF/S fur a nratrr rlip il*« 2 f«;»s Quality Slacks $11.55 to 19.50 Value* PA JOc f ft JOc SKIS Schuss dow » to our tomplrir ski departmenf and ■ W' see ,, « Men Pla n s flannel*, cords in quality pirate,J "all-wool** _ sues Jvx. slack*. Worsted*, 28 to 32. I»AV CHAKOE A,TO! MS "Famou» Hrmud* lor Had and l.nd" COED HAIRCLTTISG AI.SO I! IREKTILS J poles . . . ( ail today. I 1 i tk kt. HOLDEN KKID ODER STYI.E SHOI' KKANUOR SHOPPING CENTER ShM SUMS By RUBIN Mi S. V4 ashingloa v IV S»4«» tfTOKE IIOI RN: ft ta f every day except xal.. Nat. 4-* * L- - .-4 MICHIGAN STATE NTW4 January 21. 1989 Her si» I. ll'fU.i .nm MM f■ ord Puzzle wnrt** I Ciinritcmit - fM.i'inlnln in Muss. Soil do use real ion Topic ol hello#" (enter W. Thai will of Lansing, Saturday at Kel¬ managm • tu*e ,r Some *173 officials (rum Mich- ing Friday and not fall y>U 4 S.t ,\ft i>- in ig.ut's 7(1 soil conservation dis¬ logg Center. ^ -*- Michigan Chain St.... : p.,... 31 t'rerioui th« t ifremut trict* are exported to attend the .Panel groups wiTT cover the will ntenlt '»n "l,et' >)■'>■ P stnne wi P 32 tb-nardcd annual soil ennservntion meet- past year's activities anff future ing the Murk " < !,.n i, y of Ihe t/oo Line Had.'iid M • th pi or* v itl,i plans in augh areas^as reforest¬ I;' fJ trirl deference ation, watersiieiis, working with ai»olis. Minn, will ;»h-1•. stave 74 In ill - (1. f•ration Kemp nbsentt'o landowners ..and civic hirnqiml on "'The f .".. \j 11 Dislike w intensely louper 37. St ate under groups, the pasture program and philosopher " )>a u 14 Fumpean oath Hi U MIi Solution of Yeaterday'a Pur«l# Fight* Dof I ho talk, stej.s 5 ON I'.AST AIKTIIOAN AT UMTS 74 Tx*k r"U'»„ 111 N 'minal tuivo horn taken to form groups 4 *i' < mi* in-ii ii* xi xt. ixt**xii. vnlii" lo diMtiMiou of all the schools ' e y c- T- 7o If it hard' | Cattle 'sll' were represented. Kemp 73 UlinkherU h jo; been ask art i»y the different 7.1 torwi pound « grnoiK ti» aid an their advisor. -r •. loOiiKt'nR Thr .-hMoP. n 'ueseptod rartged 3'. Wjir god from elemental^ to high soltool. " 27 Annent I'ei jonn :b " 30 Flavor trl'TxIiiliiliiin ln-iir«*«l 7' Large lank HAH IS i I'l A major exlribt- 31 Annual tioti .( more than 12(1 paintings, inroine . ) *0 drawings and sculptured by Haul 34 Devices to inultle tone (lioiguirt opi'Ui*d Weilnosday, in- Ht New* Flintn llv Hal* llatucn w v '' 3it Location •;ured for 140 million dollars. (II |ST4 1VCII VSIil vtmx« \\nl»»rviln it rated arr#« from Helkex Mill. I* «l»en to the 'a »5 37 Pulled The French master, whose flr- VAXW.VM*.1.*.*..'.■.VAW.'.-.'.V.'A'.W.V.W.V.V.*. * | prrtlmln.ifi khnulne of ail i»ork* at llir 4• .*f(**i * |»iililir tud.n apait tionalired" piograjihv has appear¬ in Standard |«|iri'wn. The new ml rsllrn riiffer Iiohm . In «/» ed in hooks, films and television Ynui* Ki\v In Ili'tl'T N il I iii'x ... 39 Deal out as "the Moon ami Sixpence." 41 sparingly Arli*l* lo liisnlii. Work* 41 Frrentrie died on a «;i>uth seas island in rinx«lfli*ilx . . Co.! piece i003 in povortv. 41 ■<1 vt. 41 lVdnl digit ,• I. F tv . .1.0,1 \' I - f .■ • m.-i .1 ,r . • r 01'.i . »;■! .1 p o!« nb> > K Is ft A minis I Hi r.ililor flii'i datr or nrrARTi'RR PltOHKAM hv I I,of. .1*1 I « FORT AND fRICT. K \ \ •* A S t 'I TV Hi Cl, Shi: Silue 1WA4 I '., I. I .* n d. .1 aft.- " sail on AfTKADIA and FNi.l.Wii, • VV. • ingt>*ii, r.u. c\e.'uti\« lie joined the staff of the Nhu INI 1*1 HI kl. ugalied s|i tm1 ■ o ,i i af'et working on xev- Juna !•, Mintrtil >1.445 St OII.AND. NOIIWAY. SWLPKN. Iff '. Ihe I ii riles • o M.e , mi r. illi l\ i- \ The purpo «o :u • *.i W. dnexdav •.* K m-a- City S'a ;''»>>• d th" Jirt- . m u al IPlrt Kansas daily newspapers. MAlfK. IIOLIAND, HF.UHUM. (JFRMANV, MVir/KHLAND. UBL'inT.NKTBIN. APS ; MYA V f 4 '.*• Old. en roil ' ► if. • ! IMl -.1 * ' '•*• ^ M'tlOSlAVIA. ITALY, MONACO MSI THIA. ■ (i roil i is rt |V1 . t , f I ■ . I ,;*. r,!,Mf.| | ,|k •**!!' 11 I I!1 .'*•> uelronw. a. t -' K 1"m- e.Tinr .1.una a .»f death -1 avhs no! I'liliee \lori* Striker* and FI1ANCI Return sailing arriving Mot. F. •oil-,I . n (• . r. . : ,M* tteai August 26 .ii tied muneiliatoH tip A IF,MAI.A ('Pi P •lire To ( '.onelove i,iu. ii.- ol. \ .. I ! o ,* m '!!. 'A al-mp. ' op. from Ml II, ,i- a,. .iMspanust on tin Wednesday threw opt 220 em Jim If, Naw Ynrk ADVrNTI'RrR Sail on TSS NKW YORK and visit F.N<,- lnp i>> Mrs Weilingtoii ployes of the sorjal serutity in¬ 1123 l.AND, ItoUAND, I1KUS1UM, GF.HMANY. if, ;m,| tl.n . a m midnight Mmifu OWvofM- stitute who had taken over th. from ibrsmt '.Or d t- V. r . •• *. ,•*. rhiiiiiu to am t a to Pn- \VeIt!ni;i'*n. -v-ho was chair- .SWIT/KKLAND, AUSTRIA. LIKMTFN building* of ihe govern¬ . , . .» alt.', .1 ('•■ 1". ma ( p .* A • .« |t« l p" main STF.IN. ITALY. RAN MARINO, MONACO •, .■ ,X i s if ijt'd.T v an I lit J'm, agency m a hunger strike • . . tl Managing l.'di'uis Assn . in -P»4" ment and FRANCE plus many rw»«sible extensl »m T *,. |'i I'j>t irt.w . ( !Oi . id. • - Sun.I,i* Hut: had lasted 112 hour*. » '.i* <• n M ! Y-mfh have !•• • had hern exevu'ive editor of Return tailing on ARKADIA arriving ■' -.vrd lyv e ght faculty m* ' Amiied ft '.v Mvin^ S;iin*n> l\\|MMinl? («»!•,i stmt. i* V ■■ i>. y ■« and w'll touruiv to XVashm - HIol'h Juna II, New York AlKIMi siFon NKW YORK and vis.t LNG1AND. • TMRII I KM' s« t ill AND. NORWAY. 8WKDF.N, DI.N ■*,. il l' tor tor r N m ■« ; - revenitiles such a h MARK. I(Old AND. 11K! <61 CM, DERM A NY. , Ol ON'SF t* i th |f P. in. !i mm 91.243 h • • Au ... oi •-vTtmjt croi'kei v. IE THRIFTY SWI rZEHi AND. I.IF.I HTENSTF.IN. M s "The ronfricme uill tsWr a ^ ' , > WV trac- TRIA. ITALY, MONACO and FRANCE ; « i.i:i v-oil a tun:." tmo limitv ^Hiisihle i x'i tutons Return *u.Uisg •• look at the wot hi in s* h«< Ii 11* • I dim live t«» h« lp undeistAiul • 1 ait An ... ... . .. ,. WtMnesdnv iw w-i , IX, ■ N - v , v. . -n .•> |. mlvirne i Check o«r Paptrbaeks TSS NKW YORK arriving New York wfiAt h.ippciis I" the ehttil." ex¬ .. .• • .. August 21 plain* In llrrnlif Mere in in. ! of a 'nw lype .f • v. « ..! * warning squadron 12. In I NO Jsso 13, New York IHCCANIIR S.t on VPU'ANIA and VJUt IWri '.AI tuorUtr prrtfc«*or In rhitd dr 91,143 SPAIN, ITALY. C»RKF.( P. SWIT7.tR!.AN: vclepincnt ami An nfftrMl »cp MFC IITENSTFIN. kPSfRIA. fiERMAN rc*ent.»tlvc el the Antcruan FRANt. F KNtilAND. HOLLAND. DFN llonir I reniinm * \**u. MSC >d»i - i FREE! h GALLON COKE j SPARTAN BOOK STORE MARK. SWEDEN, and NORWAY nailing no SEVEN SEAS arriving Montrea''. August 24 M-im v.'.rs tv Horvf'An uuoi iti i u ui: ouwid j SI. New Vntk of TRIM HklHtH Vim' ENGLAND. HOLLAND. HKU.H 'V Moatrtal |»33 GERMANY. SWIT/ERLAND. 1.1 Fd HTKS i • n ili mac a us. rv. your ... ' n Mm i •.\ " rii-'.vrn w i i il 2 una i.\k i 11 km pizzas STEIN. APS LEI A. ITALY. SAN MARIN" » ed. ' I s*. Ar Irg.A' ! . in MONACO and FRANCE. Return sai-ing •: Tor l.ilueolion A •Ii. 1 litvir:' 1 . 1-. Super Market MR KM EN arriving New York. August P VARSITY DRIVIMN i a on GROOTF. MEF.R and visit KNGLAMi . • ■, . i 27, Kew A oik ll.kT'NY Sail •e-.MV I'M \ • 91,975 PKUilDM. HOLLAND. DENMARK. SWF a a GERMANY. SWITZKH ,= • i» : i-n• ! . . . \ . . i in i m ijmi i: i;n lMmi: i Michigan Stnto News DIN. .LAND, NORWAY. LIFd.HTENSTF.IN. AUSTRIA. ITALY. MONACO and FRANCE. . , i m\ I t'nuipns t iassjiieils . . . Ilijzit Kcailorship Jbm 31, Mosltnal mm tin Viait ENGLAND. SCOTLAND. BELGIUM. i ,! -. .N . U, , to P,« tier \ ;tLu •* 91.1*5 HOLLAND, GERMANY. SWITZERLAND, IF ican Ilu*«rtl I tstril Michigan delegate* lo the Moh¬ 3oinh t oinnm*toii among Mniln. the 11H otliiiil a**>*tant dlree are l»». t dliipih Mu hipau Stnie Cla oilieils . Nhwm . l.uw Cost i.iechtenstf:in. apstria. ypgosia- VIA. ITALY. MONACO and FRANCE turn Mihng arriving Montreal August if. He- Juno fi, Montreal A MIIYxxklHlR . \ ' ENC.L.ASD. SCOTLAND, BELGIUM. tor of extension in rluitf nl 91.393 HOLLAND. GERMANY. SWITZERLAND. 4 It (tuhuoik mistinl |»«atr**ot in the school Hi Msrtle lleiil THERE CERTAINLY 1$ L.IEx'll TENS I t.LN. AUSTRIA. YVGOSIA o| *oct.11 xxo'W Manure Mr. h. >1 \KY VIA. ITALY MONACO. FRANCE. DEN¬ MARK. SWI I F.N and NORWAY Re: A* A DIFFERENCE! . . rxecnfixr dun tot of the All* I*- .sailing on C ANADIAN PACIFIC arm Ueltaie league, and Mi« tgan Matttrt I nxfrld MKACllAill Menu e.i! Sr;iU tnbvr 2. vsr ■ * -id. • June St*, .Montreal TIIKinRII* Sat! "jt ARKADIA and visit ENGLAND talao sit earlier, 9935 HOLLAND. BELGIUM, GERMANY. SWII* M . .-x m " • - • • SV v . ! M \\ > .. :d. - . S departuro on Jsso 21 > /.KIM .AND IJ ECU TENxSTEIN, AUSTRIA e th « ; eh S .*. •ATA ITALY. MONACO and FRANCE Ret.. ■ c»n TSS. NEW YORK arriving New- * »\o, vh.n.oic 2 a fie tl'".' T v !• White Plain*. York August 21. H Jus* 39, Kea York CORIINADO .Sail . on WATERMAN and visit ENGLAND New York 91.343 HOLLAND. BELGIUM, GERMANY. SWIT¬ ZERLAND. AUSTRIA. JTALY, MONACO. \.>r •AYA FRANCE and SPAIN. Return sailing wi Miehq t^uga. ZUIDERKRUIS arriving New York Sejptein- bcr 10. ' C.onferenee Seek* . A bind Hall July I, New York YIKINCi KXPI.ORCR Sad on STOCKHOLM and visit ENGLAND NORWAY. SWEDEN. DENMARK. HOL- 1 sen for (lenient 91.293 LAND, BELGIUM. GERMANY. SWITZER¬ New u.-e-1 i vr ts-mvtrir in rut •••:■- ha I you imlirr it right Junior LAND. LIECHTENSTEIN, AUSTRIA. ITALY. SAN MARINO. MONACO and ' * 4 v limy iihrn you tun c ' FRANCE Return by air arriving New York a lU;r a* t' 'U'le.r^A • ■ . i-.-- August 24. . V.A V »f • M Kl' . V >' : ' • i 1 our rlirllirt r/i'mml ol A m sifc Hv t. "" July 3. New York IXI'IORIR Sail on T SS NE WYORK and visit ENG- 1955 LAND, HOLLAND. GERMANY. AUSTRIA FLASH CLEANERS ITALY. FRANCE, SWITZERLAND and MONACO Return wiling on ARKADIA ar¬ I .i-l. l ami On.ilii, Srrxjrr riving Montreal August 26. I'll. IT \ KIM, July 9. Montreal Kl'Ron: Sail on CUNARD LINE and visit SCOT¬ STIDEXT LAND. ENGLAND. HOLLAND. GERMANY. See Russia rnicATOK AUSTRIA, The Passion play, Sairburg Festi¬ Siiinr-P.ix Nrrxirr \l No I'xlra t liarp1 tin I960 "KM T EHICtlSOSS" Soma? val. VIENNA. YUGOSI AVIA. ITALY, SAN- MARINO, MONACO. SWITZERLAND, and leeworov Student. T'e*t' hrs nimmn FRANCE. Return by air arriving Detroit or tmu*. A men an roc.lueleii fromfl^x ■ n*mi* Ay tfhinrovirA. 1 ? .ito Su i nlvr II il/i Slirhcil lioini New York. August 28. Leader Dr. Joe La- Patouibara. Head, Political Science DepaP.- Pom W«rv*w ot llrl-irki. ^ »*«t r.iml ntni. MSU. toMiis fxlu* major citie* II (ni/ Skirl ' . . Itermmla Hose ■ htamnnd I. rand Trtur, Hii'l*. Minor ecsi adjustments toe 1960 thoul{ivbr ml.. hrabrd. I Viand. (iw*ho»knakia, Nai*d«na»»x. To •AY'A Trips for adults under age' 30. D p -: to January t will hold a definite Wectem Furoj* hig hl.ght* '■ f allrgial* Cirrle,'\XU\ Sri Mulch. place for - you Optional air pa*sage either or hs i i 4 < 5 . ' T-. av; ' V'c For detailed itiner- Kim.*, Poland, Cre. hoxln aries and furtiier information these and c.'.n (duiM*. on i % • c :»IT? College Travel Office. »aki*.S#n,tu.avia. tletirliu, W Furoj* KXl'l.l'SIVK AT TUB Ii , I Eaalern fiftenlarr. Fuvt time available Hulgana. Itouniania, Rwwnl IVlaiki, (je* hotlovakia, Kh iRAxnoR M.orriNO ccnteb SCOTCH HOUSE A.aroje COLLEGE TRAVEL OFFICE It* Keen route ■ See ywir Travrl Agent «»r uriif HOIKS e * ACROSS I ROM CAMPI S MaupintourV 400Madpon A*e„ New Aork 1". N y MON SAT. I II — J-.M X Jl V3» x xi • . .«>r..xi. :w p.m. LAYAWAY CHARGK 130 Cram I River East Lansing, Michigan EOjjrwood 2-8667