Spartan Cnger* The Weather I'nrr l««n Here Snhirdnr llnwkr.tri Srr I'nit. 5 ichie:an State News Smlnn >ISU For .10 Voir* Cloud f, Snow flurries. Cold 11 iff h Tndft) l.ow Thursday 22«2tt 10-15 -\VU r.l. No. 12H 'i:\sr I.AXSINO. MU llMiAN—FIIIHAV. lANHAKV 22. IIWiO PRICE 3CRNT8 Broriy Students Sijjlil Russians Fire Missile Earlv Morning Thief At Mid-Pacific 'Parget • P llohhrric* in Armstrong. Hailed Relieve Students of Estimated Sh'Mi Midti-slaoe Rocket Mis#es n The nmoUMl of money -In!len Weilw»s«lny niornimr from student* livintr in Aimxtn dip and Hmle\ Ii.mlis Iuim ivnrb- Senators Rullsese l>\ Little Over Mile • I n total of $40." I. TV niroi dinp to MSI' | b'pnitnu'iit I «MllH»ll»'ll Wl'll IPublic Safety. TVf* *e,*• tr*t I'.a kef 1»n d from third Discusses a k, |»t "ter Ronald. fmahman. t lie '\.i\ ;• I'olllicl the olid nii- ed d< t-jii'et in mid i-H R<>i»ert Sheiidan. Deti.dt f-Mhn-'ft, were awakened a* the n ili<- !-• •»»»I ;) lifilc .*• n mile, the tins puis juuiMMiired WASHINGTON - P» S. • ^rroom, polire reported AIJSG Bill InvestigM'iifs set ntll amid he;*? and agitation Thursdav on ' /*•!' rhnt-fln I't'Ofiittm |.».f searched for monev in mr« a*Hl Robert gave rhot a pii*t>* -f profits in frariqiuli/ •. k ihr intruder hot did not atn - The ("ilitt I'ovt't'alnI Sliiiliui! 'Ir i.I! M !•« apprehending htm. |H»- ia uiil. ind the thief made nit Cniipimss liill siM'kln" MSI ■'* wit IhIfh tvnl f n nu tin* \'u- miinv M gii* ,.ft itiev 'ha» Smith developed *»• • Kline .« Siti Irs S'rirs ,ui, «*n helnnglng to one of the Fienr h t. • t»'»»,itof iex "f Htiilsde!- Hotinl lh«ftMiai» I'Miion I It m Mkrtn 'wn ptir-iierv dc«ciib*d Act limn jirtiKf/mi wjia n mn piii.l made ;,)•!,Ill three Till* 11 . 'he H illt llo'lrl p* <,n' .iverage annual pi" lt '«3s heir 3S Mir hr»l pin - 'O RU«pecU'd of tl»e |H1 j tl t of ili-l USMinU fp •.*'. f n [: ,S. manqfai •»f i trrirs „f inofti stacr Willi, *< being of rot lege iu •. Thnrsfiny. jis mImlnnt nmi urel. 'I BOH th iiiissilrs iolmHnl for RitliU |t »• to in to r, fi in heigh', mtministnitlvo lotulofH mot "How ran vou justifv that?" iou iril* sin h planets as Venus 4;'k hn f and wearing a gre\ ht the first Spnftnn Ihnmil rfemanitnf sen. |;*tr« Kefauver .inri Mar* jmlice raid ud ouro--! .11 ■•••• i reuuire^ a *ft»- | Win ,?i m* e n r h, and t,a i a re-. . ir" -eight eomplaltta from, dent pledge founded live Mint »„« not se.,1.1, budget for this year ex- . d 10 from Armstrong in'Meve the Chicago The flilm «as 4 druiull* in or suppoil Bfoups reeding 13 millions . i .reived from atudenU M-hirh rnunter tn thr disrlnsnrr hv endeavor to overthrow Rtale Slew* ChnlM hy Hill Callahan Homos was the lirst witness .,* i ...mR were entered dur- TI N SI MI IINtlhl* fnr the Vet'a tweet- .lutle Shook; I'rrsiitrnt Flsenhnu er in his ttn t'nHiii States government f*e«teili Knhliie Milliam*oo. Itrltv at a new series of hearings by ••.« early morning . hour?, heart were rln»*en Tiiurwlar 'It I. ok •il.llr nf the | ninn s|»*erh th»t h\ fore, row i Srhiisleriek, ( teveland jii7ili»r; f.innv Motl-Hniith, the Senate Antitrust and Hn- • •■viiv, police said K.iM>» Anderson. lt?tMe t reek soptiuminr. |*it l'a ha la Kan. III s \ll-is missiles had srnr Hawaii junior, and Nancy Session*. Sui»|H»ftinK the loan program Itefliii. ItirmiiiglMin senior nopotv •sohrommlltee. whlrh t«- | Mrnl»rr of petty theft* have Hrend i I rlrdtund, r4 hits less tun mile* fmm / a as being worthwhile even with Virkshurg junior. The Kweelhearl will he ernw neil vestigaiect the rost «f arthritis , fv ir red in the Men s IM Detroit iunior: (middle rowi: Sharon f riser. De¬ at the flvlc Center Friday from S Ihrlr .L,irerU at .1 range nf 5.0'iO it* present requirements. Athle¬ pm. lo mid¬ drugs last tnunlli. ng during the year which ll oil junior; .tap lljorn«eth Perry sntdiomore; , miles tic Director night. tliggie Mono «aid, K"fauver, chairman of the * added up to a conRtdera.T' ' You shouldn't try to I W.I ! Ri'hard Bernitt, a«i*tan* shoot iihcommiltee. said thf» sale of ml To d 1 . r» f: . Santa Choi-,'' Tranquiii/er-i is now running fit jf of the MSP Department p„h::,- Safety, sa d Director «f %dini«*ion« and Foreign Film Series , rate of he'ween 175 and 200 SfhnUr»lii|K fiordiiu Hshiiir uld dollars a year at the [> Lbui DM term there were aome 500 high m-IhwiI arninra, mod Mnoiiffle'urers.* level. !!• did tit reported larcxn* Ifrxn i /v of the IM building with.a N44. and ao far during mostly on ni from Michigan, will be rampus I eh !fl In lake alum¬ •rhol.ii shin test* and will 'St. Triiiinn'—Subtle Satire not re. ;«>• k estimate the tin' • .nd the hearings would deiernnno whether thu ratuil Rales llg- ••••I there have been 11 Hy Hill. DOIHMII Mt 'dh film makers *mm to fintt !n the ••ported with a lrw» if need overnight lodging. context-manuacriiT ho ■ ng public i.i lieing "ado- fi Britain'* « '■ ■ a, rv. from one extreme to tho gf.s Hermit «aid Volunteer g offer* are v planting ueene make it memor- qiia 1. ;»r> i* tixl by tiro forces being com IT off- i lucuiately r« th • i .'?1 ]p. • '■■ re comedy is roncrrn- >,( • • t Paa 4e Deux . . . instance*, he said, the e. Mime nble, and the sefjuenre i„ which , saw . M cl.-r at S' I i i ./i • ! T:>." side-spliMers are rith- 'aken. consisted of campus livlr»i gmt i p*. It is tlir touring hie'O's are chosen j V earing got off on a non- formed to revive grand opeti la buih hot dormitories current attract; n < ♦ Fore I " ftT ib'H* >r pure Rl.ip-Stlck, . • .b • i Mi Sen. Everett , ju 1 clothing, which ha I expei tc ' S equally hilarious. A delightful that city. Mm* I'age wa« the Ml lb con Id cuntai Film Set 1 «*••', U ; c n. ,u d Ti du o. -fatlmg into the M{ tin protesting what , . ' hv the oWhcr in ait entire group *l»m ix iK»krv| at cofTee break.«, first tn inaugurate full evening* plotted find himself ! «' i i'< .i The actors seem M ••ket of visitors. . . - and t'.e ministry of education t me (icolutely incrod- *.f ballet w.'h e major operat'.e the r»" !<• • ' , i: This far-fi t,J. •, , , i* v.. o- to extract every i fan'av'ic reports of »% on rantptia r'* A -tiggesfiou was diseusied probably still denying Rome T company, al*«# coupling belle's !v a' • . .Mm •ii,ic it o • entertaining, !•>• • >• Tinge • f-oni the audi- ..IP • • ■ ifn last month's ,«*lwe in the last two that a eampm-ividr social calen¬ the satire aimed at its efficiency. with one-act opsrOO, • policy targe' • young lodu .* of (h, s* ! : . . eg Mie really fudny 'MVi teen the theft of a dar he devised a- far a* two lt'» a good thing that lln'i- i- Whh-h she has continued witti lie said he was filing d ?fl Sidiool for (;•■• »•"> i o- p. - - n Abbot Hall with a total terms in advance, attempting <•» I Vc •rs like to make furi of the present -«rganlcatlon. ""'I feet and "we acluallv .looked iinent yn a t'Nl s- ii* 'i.;,i l ■ • ■ , souse lip- down I y $4.'» and $20 wa» t wallet in Emmons. taken An- avoid duplication of events on a educational goodwill 'our Too <■}'<■ ■ fuiiin ■ >.» and a telves, because them to make fun of. And while there's In*, o •|hil»aria" Film Neal Kavan conducbi the was at nn the esplnsinn w hirh given date. plot is slight1.* • >mpi.» c o . . 1 •dly subtle uni"* The Corps de Mallet orchwdra. 1 feet." • ident in Emmons re- Vtttrans Assn. representatives *oino ofiportuhitles are utilized, Moth performances begin a! Smv4. said H is less expensive to rent caiifte Mm- afo; eon tr t .; '"'thought and calculi* hero again many nuances are Set fnr Saturday 8 15 i) in Iteserved seat ta ke- w«i# ladies 1,--1 *20 missing from a wal" t which fell out of his pocket nut si do facilities for dances than who w■••••. honestly, have ;n • >1 •,« o, tho - loft undeveloped. An ail color film, "Hul* are priced V $3 50. $3 and %2 50 from Tv kt» Tam, in the in-a of Monkey Survive# ■ "J new th- An; S'M later recovered. to hire tho Aud on campus. rial NT» one Is gfiing to roll iri 'he Students may obtain i ticket at ■ fi .southern Po/.«• 1 purpose the hand m mar* tfarla. produced and narrated ni ie oyer this one, but nearly the Union ticket office with ac¬ Rocket .f the 7Mo »(. 8.U00 riage of an P V m pi,m». and by 'ild baveler Alfred Wolff V ets Hold 'Winterlnnd Whirl" are chaperon**! b> .i . Nine Mile Trip everyone will be glad be saw it. wili •«. l*e s.h »wu Saturday in tha tivity books sented a' lhe Aud. ID's must he pre¬ mi!»* range that .V • * rimd wntward from I reach nearly »i diamond Miicf. Aud. at R pin as a presentation pom! m the f S | T>*v second annual All tTnl- door tonight Person* who hold Through Spare 7>«//iV Light IntuAM of the W .rid Travel S« rie«. fe.i! van announced v;"i Winter land Whirl, *poti- invitation- tuiur can exchange Vtmvl bincuHnion St-I The new picture filmed be¬ U K IIt /tnnounrr* little fanfare, unlike fha! sound- «t Veteran's Associa- them either at the Vet* office The MSU |n'e"i.r «l *' WACOM'S ISI-ANII, Va. Ml g\ teiffic signal was Instilled p < J MSU will be held tonight u» at the door Will discus*. " W.e u K A en s. Harrison ltd. at tho Mari- hind the Iron Curtain oilers « OlM-ningM for SUutent* ct fnr 'he moon and luna 'he •n- — i x-pound girl monkey took i \ve.-Sh«w Lane Sntersrc- contemplated outline of such 4hir , '-ri radio Ofiad 'a-'s if Lansing Civic Center, The dance, thiv term's only fiower t*>ur of A.-da n. * csslu!''"* » .< .• ••• ride more than nino Old-world sigh'x as Horos and Larry Frvmlre, manager of the m-'A. *aere accompanies] Ping at 9 p.m. AH University affair sponsored Friday at 8 p-m. in 81 of tfio ». i- Thursday by East Lansing the national amh*:n and nv. up Ttsurwia.y in a new toi*. officials, Itachenitsas Foid dances, the WKAIf radio, has announced r:ng:r.+ [Ti.-krb to the Whirl arc still by the Vet* Club i* featuring Union. id* Belogradrhik rocks -and tho old of !h<- Kreti'iim th-it Advanced the chance of ! ! jj» d by the traffic comrnl.i- positions open In the station f"r ■ "n advance sales, ond dance music by the Modern- A pane], of four will be mod- fortress, Husse, tho largest Don- excitement was create*] in Mos¬ continuity writers, announcers, he purchased at the Vets Airs band. Intermission en¬ crated by Prof. Lawrence Bat* •ucctukvfully launching Bin ju" ••■heve traffic congestion, by Thursday'# announc- space. ' he -n.d ciixt an estimated ubtan port and Cham-koriya, and production assistants. cow » fen; 2 trt 4 pim> Ticket* tertainment will include the In¬ tistini, social science depart¬ men;, A "ne-ton apace caput;«•. -vi'.h Rummer palace of the former The job of production assistant, ViObO i S- provided bv the a.Mv he avatfkhlR hi the ternational Club. ment. king. Contrasting the old witti might he particularly valuable. Taw said (He rmket was the '•M; i Sam" invide >uicc*-s*fullyi I. m niu nnard of water and the new will be scene* of Dtmi- Frvmire said, for It could pro¬ first nf .1 series nf tests tn de¬ Uildei wcut •» *im;; .ded eist, ; • light g-n, Mir trovgrad, of the new tvpe vide experience in recording, velop powerful missile* "for or¬ of Soviet city built only nine direction, writing and announc¬ biting heavy earth satellites and "t" IIrdiraliiMi Srhclulftl for realizing spar* flights to¬ years ago. ing. All jobs, howcer, will pro¬ Interested in photography ward the planets nf the solar ■ itwed j" Fanrih'iU«* fraternity wilt be sinco vide an opportunity for the stu- system." ad;;>-c nau?i* a long witli prove of particular value when am" im" made. tj* -od. run i the national president, vice-pre¬ jt» beginning. His travels have filling m the "experience" col¬ "he roi ke?, the ti-kvt sident, secretary and other dig¬ also taken him to Europe many umn on a job application alter nitaries will be present. times. college. '{ > I' Cd ,lu tuond. d erfui 'Ajiiilliy* JJile* Faculty .<■ ■ rui i';i "ora'lon and a 1: *•■! i.rcrnft and shipy to ".f Viewpoint Programs Bring Reactions >f I 2Q0 bv MM)- ie area sqti'h- •*- of Ilawat. The Tj>* account *i;u ru-xt to ad siage, together with Are the eh/».? s«■ * that ine here but in almost every phase Ingly difficult because different ice not been offered, fhesi stu¬ a dummy ithhe rone, ; cache i debt.-, rr.'kie Sunday on WKAH * of life. people havq different goals and dents might not have been able the target site after 'leveiooin:; However. Dr. John Ryder, have varying amounts of mt. to stay in college. . "Vh"A (Kwm" jurttfied? a qw'-'d of over 16.150 miles in Dean of the College of Engineer¬ Because a person is not in¬ "Given the preparetton that Intelv.r as with faculty mem¬ hour — ing. docs not think there is terested in everything put he- most students come to th« uni¬ ber!* revealed diversified feel¬ apathy in' the rudent ranks. fore him does not mean that he versity with, and given tho ex¬ ings about the panel's topic. "No student with apathy is is apathetK . For a person to tag isting admission procedures, re¬ (•rail >lml*'til llic Associate English Professor going to graduate from engi¬ department or a course as be- medial departments are a neces¬ Of Arthur Sherbo agreed to the neering," he said. -a require a lot of research. Black¬ sary evil," Sherbo said. kidiicy Xiliuciil charge that there is. quite a bit He felt that this not only ap¬ ing foolish ot insulting would Physical education was label¬ Jane' Hoimquist, 22. MS1 of apathy among underclassmen, plied to engineering but to other, man implied that this was not ed 'foolish* on "Viewpoint'' graduate 'udent, died Thur^da- and that there is no reason for courses as well—that a student done before 'he students appear¬ Sunday. of a hroiuc kidney disease in It. Is not going to receive a degree ed on "Viewpoint." To this Clarence "Biggie' OUn .VL'inori.d Health Center. "Any #tudent coming to MSU for being apathetic. It was suggested on the pro¬ Munn, attUaMe director, replied, She wa.s the daughter of Mr or to any other university haj Edward Biackrnan, head of gram that the remedial serv¬ "The people who dislike taking and Mi« E Q. Hoimquiiit of every means at his disposal to communication skills, thought ices at MSU are not good. the physical education classes Clio. be something other than apathe¬ the students that appeared on Information obtained from are the ones who need it most " Dr. James Feung. Olin di¬ . tic," he said. "Viewpoint" were not suffi¬ Elizabeth Rusk, director of im¬ Munn went on to point out rector. said the the coed ha I "There are good employers ciently equipped to draw tho provement services, indicate tht that our everyday lifa has been liecn hospitalized since Monday and bad employers, good politi¬ conclusion they did in regard to contrary. stepped up in its tempo and that She had been tinder medic ti SUte Nr*» I'liato by HUI CaUatoan cian-. and bad politicians, good the charges made, Figures show that students if we are going to keep apace, treatment for seven years, ne Lis? < ovscu.-, _ «Um) faithfully picks op council men- (preferably fanatic) each weak and deposit* dug catchers and bad dog catch¬ ers," he said, indicating that Blackman problem would ba to believes the first define who pasaad remedial English went on to past comm. skills tha wc must maintaiA good health. Physical education la fba aaa* added. Fun.ral fivicen will be la xircex GegRn** (|||gj*a apathy will be found not «4/ ( i al RM^tac* apathy. This would bo war to uus, ha fetal* Clio, . * "Jfirrnr. Mirror. On The Wall. Mirhi State News INFORMS i ON Who's The Fairest One Of All?" Read P#ll» t»r MSl"i 35,A(Ht Stuilrnl# ind Family (IIRISTMN ATFDFM FRIDAY ARAN I'M D •» Mt< hlgan State %'•••>* "• publialxrd by ■<- ntMirlman eta'e I \ ri«it>, In»« . i Without he mux «'■ •. t RTWirXT 3 pin. International 1/nmse FOUNDATION | AMI'I # i.-l the ofI"i.. i \. i i while ffrkillg !«' Sri 'he l«e*l ililfi tiflfiAM/ATlON movie# will »>e sfiown vtsrr.R* be tile am '■ '•»' ni-i One on Sue/, one on political »-.» p.m. Cutholir Student 7 p.m., College IP- . h» ">'*r it f.wv f». •• i-.nes in the Middle Fas' and • • » A»nu-ia'r<1 I" • • (,Yliter, t'oflcp hour Irtw'er Wolterink. spr ib Economic# and Social n • >»ie on (i WIMA DI'.l.TA TRINITY COlXElilAI I l-siie* I .laniLirx I !>«»«•» Pa^c-Tv 7 r« m Martin Idithvr Chapel FM.FOWSIIIP \ •!. M. , t • . iKnnrnrt Mrlhi Board meettntf llll.I.Ft. FOFSDATION 7 p n*. 32 Union. M * r 1-* R 30 pm, E.i#t Lan'-.tij; K p.m., Martin Luther Chapel Tiiiv Skating p.irtv Strada" Adnii^ion free, ev¬ eryone welcome Church. speaker. Buffet gupi.. INrtRNATIONAI. 11,111 B p mi., 31 Cnlnn Panel di#- Disclaimer Affidavit cu«.-itif! \ n;i." W K A11 - 1o "Eischhoxvrr Tour »ri radio he lecyrded l»x Hefrpuhmen'- I'limpu* < li!«»ifipil« . . . Miirli lli-ailnr-li'i and dancing to follow Ail Bs.wa' T,rv*i Oulniiscous Affront p tveli •••me #»*ARTA%' HOMFN'A 1.I AM F iF.*eiutlve Board) » * . ' / / >. u"f ( Ante. Service# • I 11 0- 'M 4 pin. 33H Student m mi i r.%i i wn \N I \Sr I UIIIA4.. «II«T .Aptv -II' MtVr imnatterinp. a' NATt'RDAV '» ' ht'tip-l opttiioiti t>I iiilrnl • < t tinn I ua- p!« .> • t IIHI*»TI NtlTIIAT FIMADATION - (I; *' t Mirpt i«tsl t < > sri1 |l:tf I»«»i I v i>B»* «»• 'I'1' -t ro'M'i i 3 put. College Mouse M«> nan •• a.lntiraMe |..».if j..»w i! laltrn m t ».*■ ItiMili-i lied student* - tohaggon and i . e ••!' iv,i vi'idllvvt :• n skettng partv r«...T|ti« n! lv «»» *'a 'ii'' • 5' t * :vi' ' '• llll.I Ft. v .1 hi I ra » fivtn tie |MV> <• hIii.Ii nt. !•• m I'l'-i'tv 7 43 p »n . I5I2K Spartan Vd Idue Married atlidenU Rroiip ■witii"■»' "f f I'i* Inv al' v oat h rr«jiiir» hmmi! a . oninirn.'H,rl.ou , | ! iml it l iii 'I \ r t !••• nniver • tvo- areompli-hial. the f... .e.iil- that a? |e:, .» -on.e St mlelp «io\ «'l nme!.'. f'epl e » t tirm'1. ami with toi'tihnie sjhik* CLASSIFIEDS hiii" CAMPUS .dives n Till I n> \l n O \TII • tail I e,p. • . tee hif; •o\H»u« ami fan i. ,.i li e •li- o. • • ' ot nin.l -••• m -o a* lahofHtjj nmli'i'f h»» a ■-nmpf ion *' . ! a vmii! (rant niiinlao Itl. VIM.INHS: I Ilu< Krforr l'iil>li(»lioB for Tur-.. XXrrt., Thun. f' Atnefiean « e mleP.f < a'pp v •'hi.iH- m;t', « iinH Fri. Kriitl.inv Drnrllinr for Xlon. .Hi I ion: I p.m. In. Hill- 1'niahlr W! .mrt l-.'> Xlonitm IhrnuKh I riH.iv nmmiiTiists. m'.-'.u term, " i• «. "». othet, I vpe- iit>\ i-rsiM'-. Thn-, hirh mnek, nm. . pl.ue.l th. I II 2-1.71 I EXT. 21.13 apss -if a lovaltv oath np.m a I appluaint ■ lor Mtrh aai '••f :»h t hi< a-- !impt i.-n >. fa Up the oath i« «nppfen»patoi ^ • i j m -: i: t ne. hi an. r.t.M' ill whiihi it i trite the oath > personal automotive for sale ,-rlr*.- XAflNGfO SPAtTAN MfS/fll® I'.ir | nt-* rort a in no aetnal I oimnntJi-f wont.1 W. Analyot i#v. x'rii i.^xx x..y\ ri» f«H7J r*r» nrrnir-.f n ATf.nv „ and ' • - «2r. a'-.) ut» <;<««.- William gfler » .vi I! > .nre. olmit d: h.o I atu'iertaih that * per. eiit of the * lr IV .,1 *.e'- t> e 7-M7K Sl.nre : 11.1 F M' ; 1% 1##4 PLY MO r Til TXVO-rHMOf pph« aftoi • wiii he t;i\en unit tin nm- t Miperfa lal p« fu*al tx«rcm>n, rsdl" hertlri I miIIc n»r nr. iyratko < #Kr# nniVJurri ti.-reii muerntnenf elerk I'lnu. tin- reipnronHMii •credent rnn.lltlrm •!>?» IV X-:il*»i^ Views the News s,»nie ». X HI f.xr ».,( tr Klftr..yi ... i n« r .\in lak. Th «*H t»x ti.e Amriiean# in tha .fee:v.. he prohah'v fi not jrreati> offemletl. Put if he ha^ ii«ed Iocs i'lia.iinloii ttreke fl.'l" w . a mi'*ui;r peet of hi« fellow . he eoiiHitlen Hiirh ^inMtpini- lirarrful' tillriitlnia of II* rorhrt •!e- I'nite.t St:.'. man* »' area* Sovi.-' a .< don.-.miration -uprr- employment »»»•■ I X - J r I ■''•f.e A V<41ST! boose (a-»»-n Va'hia |e« ar'l < mm ;in outrapeoiis at front. If. he has atr Imt h lr»ts in aitvamr. Iml llie liitun# v;*trn ranee • m I .'i f tandt'ai»ed l->« »• r- V'Mri'n o • e.tisili- the • ••? 'I.VI ?'AHT TtMF WORK t» fl* your ir»:. haaeuir-ot, rt«-» >'|» J . >. ' • ..r moral eonxn tton »I.a!smner. he dimply xviil nt»t tol and thr itmpacanila lnvnlir.1 In i ■ »rlxi.«|iile. married male, 3X er r»lrt- *■ I C til. '. I \ K'.'it KhrtP-b, iw,.»- '« ■ I lIn rxprrimrnt* hrlokm powrr ri xx tilt < ar. l-in-me area AM'lr IFXVIVI, «1ATF * A' ff 14 th •. >ort of treatment f Mu-litean Avrnue, Irtiusuie. tmliUrt ri'RNlMin. > f » lift .Pre. mifine the tlav 'f SlM I. I VM a.» i~tompi! to hrinr let alone, ami feel that ! ' .. »!;*> before the hum •' . • • e I hll'lirt" ! I'H.llll S »I . ait- .^hou'.j tt..| tie tpie-tionett without tatise. I .. -m.-.i r, ■■ inc. tie'1 Valentin T'enkov-s* fhe series «f s.n irl inl*si|e r . for sale - . . tests in fhe l*ai iln. accompanied PAST I ANsi* S,in»"r-At .a ; ,»-i will he fresh in rniiid as the SHOP AT fgANOOt ft tOf* S'afw. . stiioed l our men over ?'» IV M* i»e lef>. fo the extent that I do not pester other* to ,e v . >•. ' f«.xreu:u rihMTi • four llir, po'xxers aathei in Max nop; thetn or fio not tre-pa*,* u|mn or injure the ripht* ami •Jajwiti»**4* no:' T' .e. treat* ui""iievs xv !i i «• h rn.t.ihRrri'.l ai thr summit. The demoiislra C oi.'le \ ' '*| fJi«» *»4 FAHT t.ANHlNr; »#:. x "ir krtr K.i-t and ttui- linn hardlx Is likelx to xxeaken in v. oeitn > of other citizens, are. mv prixate Ini-ine. • .V! xxh.. - « t«. •• 4 rienouiuHsl ♦?><* l»r.i. >* . . hungalew Aulrlel»•, SERVICE I; i.i o not ue oxrti -ok.* t ?>■ tor Khrushchev's pxrsition S-r*t Sh,.«x J .»4 .|?#i I eat. lull b-.«eme«.' a"-e ar-d fa such matter- I invite Jo y.i to hell. If . ;v*,an- •e curiou* aKnit age. phone IV J-M7« after » *• i- t'SSH Klu u-ti. hex lung tx . dr *e.t h i'liriosstx -fiouM heconie oppressixe, | would tali in Hrimal Linrlptopl- S » ' « a Well #he.iil of the rnrkri to She t;lvt»s| States MIX ROOM H RNIMIED heuae for "4llr fresh atireHslini hv ,f4|i- •I* men atudenl* over Jl Parkier StUDlNT SPf- e po ., c ' > rennne th»* annov.ince. So, should the | mi tee tauni liinc. Hir Kilssian* laun. lt aiiesf militarists would lead t.» m'! pnitiieni (rum ,i S«ot So. Si 1 end laundry laritlfle* IV $-#144 if a i ap.x other poxernniental ayeiit« pre.-* me for such mfor- i.l a rn>|>af aniU rainiMlKti aini- pos t., n i.f s'retqjiii " \cv he ■* h- tlx 4" J T iX.ili b| H# "*X surh riexastailnn in Japin as f i v > rckivm TNn*RN»«ifF.r», 4.1 iHimariU at .lapau hut i-wiii- rt|>pn»,».*hing the Sum" ? ••" a X Csep*4)4 T„af ation. i would re.-ist them with ever* means I could iiui*. ri.lrntalh at ill \*ia ll |»»«» \x ..iild place In diMiht hei xerv ax allable to slinlrnis nt prnfeaao.* up I x. i •• o* »treugth l".i«-ru Gtx'du-o* P«"» bf D'Cf't I.,"a PI# 7-V.liJ 4»f ».!> 3-XAi If ; I ' . I believe, i- as it should he m a tree republic 11 »lined the |»r.»ierl as a r >«ts|enrp as a state." I'rnknx sk# their . even . hole >>f •.!*' .ii •' 0* #• e-d ♦ - •#. e X 1 added Isaiftr. &io»»» --8# #'«/, k'sox, apartmints III! ISSI I IS I I.r:\lt err. Me tlum that ha* Inch* ful s.wlrt li**t i.f #i«air |»r«he ho-' ! ?v tn tin' Hppron. :f >, Ce» Watkj m .i ti.e tills week is how appiirentlv few students eta-p riiMbillllo 't'lirn i"rt'hp :v, - . ,i - K muihchev were t.-i' u INDIAN mtXH West . uesistemr • iio'h- fa. MolK X •> . i e men* fw« r.wnnu Csepltli Toei"f U'yfi 1 e -if? .;u.»n»e .d the l»»yait> «».»fK. and now mam see no H'.:* 'lie .. moun.o nevt of Ul-he4 I' 'I text. Ux oqt heavy Hires* I nllear auprovpd, ti'rtn.s cording In *fax. FIJ I ttxe accuracy «»{ th« , aw . angtr of lh« A? .a* muiioft Tank#- Jackal, $' I * tr.nk - on.e wonls It. L. Mencken *et iioxvn 'Jo x ears ac-» PAST I.ANSIVG Csmnn. Arc Iks - . » |i#l. 4 i It 4.H asst DAVIS fliAC.3 three re appiaai toda\. ami to this matter, ns they were rooms fufonhed •perrme, • Lrllcrs In llir* F.ililnr as e ke-rae lool, •* . * lf>#4 private baih. nark.rg t#s montli; utilltiee inciudext FD J-wn#. M Ijpi last (jf'yd 9 ■' WaHiaglo* Boots $ r'% he ntaxle bearable i# . i e on'\ xx;-.* that democrat \ xatt rot'R RroproHATro rfRNi#P M-l lary Odords Sr #« Defends Oath's Usefulness ' .'.exeic-pp .• and cherishing a cla-s o? men sufficient I v f!D i.»im, »;n UtthtkM Mki Child welcome. Smith Avenue near #k'»*." P-asso Ham# T»§»- ,4 •ottest ai .'t ii. tdereste.i to chaUenize tie prevailing quack- iiir'on ami >11. Hope. IV g-li-'A TV RF.p.AIR RV ' ' ladirt Sao* Beets—loT/ af'er noon is o *ut h c ia -» i,a- ex.r appe.ii ad ui -treiu'fh in the fluted :.xi in¬ Si Boeti Porlabir inert radio rabh'" Mnnt/ r>e. aale J'." • • late- If;:.-: ! tuiMuess uj lar.i-sijixr the qiiiicks tievoixo- In the Idttor .re than f.xr years nr both# Matthew-, who « J_-Y)- S51,S PNPIfPNtStlFD APARTMrVT *■ Pnvafe xvlnr to hoiive. tric!tid::i* ' I here is. therefore, no doubt M's'ig.l?.'? r t laar Pee S*ow Shesi S ' ' »u *mall hsKlf.Knn# Ft> 7-74W U FXPFRiFNcrn Tv*"- r pop 1 .he nexx -pajHT* When thex their aluty. xxiiult i- t-Atu. that the signing of the loyalty made- thus* loma; itio VENltNT location at P ) he \at.on.t: lie! ■ Toboggan *fei»5 S 6 ,-y Fl'RN'ISflFTk APARTAirNT FOR PUver. Ail tv»** of w «• -ua.;. , xxe are at the quack- meivx \ Ma., •: aux . oath affldaxi! xxould he binding L'SNSA r-en student* Two bedrtw-m*. rrw electric at re let fiiktag Ttnts . in a eoyrt of laxx. And. in poinl **(|i that the p.diries and '4 Mirmture Also. unfum;,hexl bunga- tall Mrs Piertma. Fl) i fed.T.h. I..* fur couple IV S-3B7I II ;A y A«-, *• - of fact. It has been through the program of the I isNSA emhrave XPARTAN MPLTUI'.I" ,l.f, a f-v . I » | Crossword Puzzle L'i'of - A T tlroVi •msvurt perjurx pro* isjon* of our I'ed- the important line# «f the Com¬ AVAILABLE MKNTS close ts» ramwu. one and NOW — APART- TYPING .service original. Mrs. Good,*.'. I ' K*r ■ a i * a\ A : t y|pMg\-'s S jo A T t \ i IM-U'V.'S rral laws that thr Justii-e lie munist touch upon the parte Insofar as these i|ue*tiou« In¬ POX MOLl PX STOW two bedrooms Unfurnished evretd TVPISf>-TBHM PAI ) h t. s govern partmenl has had the highest F.ando. Skopping Ccatat retricerator and etove FD a-4Mt. *t •J? ^■'ii ,f tr.1%*- fast and accura »• • Sd#>'T L'«|_ o'.ence—or b;. degree of suieess in obtaining volved In sludrnl life and ar« x)v*n MIkwrs, fii ROOMS Adaini ED 2-AS*4. i B. *. . ft ?? »«.■ • lUIT^E R . '5rt' i i i in i n a I ronyietioiis against tivttyr on the campuses of Amer¬ unlxeraiUes; t >» -■ !M* K.U-t-e -.1 o\"XT»WTyMps R A V * I r I Ci It is noted t)ut most of 'the those ad\ orate forceful who heliexr. practice, and nxerthroxx of ican colleges and and (2) that the adult leaders, pko*t iv t-ioiy men L. Nsewftrse "he# nexx* stories anil commentaries houifcig few blocfea from Union. rra; » v , sf HBBP A oB[D*t't'*0 hj! our 11 dri .il government speaker#, and advi*er* of the SKI 1*4 RGSSKOrr PANZER. ran Kewi E dealini with Hits aflldaxit luxe _ U V " r e l< e I StiSA represent a high degree betweess IB ami g M Bass t ' ' •»»- • mm rg 1 p o jdo'no'kBI Be OVT'Q'I > *! ne*lecfed lepottiiif the riimplele Mo-onvr. 'iii k • - appaiOf.' '.hot of left-wing and pro I omniums! 21 x cm nekcr kaiuxne xx ith t'uboo btngtnge. Aleo b.Mite. w»e 1L Worth P c? >■> of ivnoruns "f siihen! AAV never used. ED 7-M4E IX : \ r fails regarding this safe-guard InliltratiiMi of the organisation.** v 'cl.i'rd •' :-.exv< j:> Ri>n jn h R,. >>en t r i ?MM g ssi -Y'J Mich icporting apparrntlx has - urx.-* it: x. •! v'd I.' I Thrse remarks ran he' fonnd In TUX-ALL WOOL. ~\tUr Ma" bv 3fcf--S heuwt.' stiife.-i thai "■ 5n II. IBrtK ',#. Waved 40 Kind ot ample. it is argued that the "tru i fit" eXA'il.IH* l>," • side*, I xvouid -Jhink that If them t w»u; :aii I'trmn •16 M UK PAST iONUS ?* tr luiwh .r tx subxersixe tmiixi.lual xxoulil th. xo:i,?t* :•«■.- ('a .4 a:i\ *! who are truly » t: .... u: ga? .on • , .=» r. . «! x*'. . -n liaxe no compunction againd ' • • Xv nu it-'ci • ' "other side" GOOD Coffee I* r ■ r ••« 4J Show■ signifig the oath" and. therefor.', • ' SM-.l. ' ' .Ymi"V".r. ■" r n..^fif make contact PKCSM Spud-xwi# t* - ,i \ i<*iynl anger 3 M. the tmplicatlon is that it is a y su- -!. . niii <lw meaningless restriction Y. • I x,. tia:"ii\x c' " '• • N.i'i.mal Student J u Jo. Sn.. o . H "xxvv. -u. h rea-xU. v.K fa"* U •. State S-Uiii'!*! C* .mmuf-'c for he Loyalty Oath, SPUDNUT SHOP II s . .1',\»UIU O? the X W". Washington, • .,M- c . V--IV.TI'.(T "! '.i.i ' lit ABAC Open 4 . p «. tv: o fact 2ha' . ii.-'.i i\ '!«• , u ..nh -••iv- !>. J II Xante WUhheld by Rrgsod J* Bet i' :. - j. |r ■ a j.4 Michigan State News 4 2« Gt a — u'.xderg'«" •he f t-icra! 0 vrtnnt" . 4. » - . •. i"- I x't i.vt- Hu-an 25. l'n<\xr> The ;drg.;.»^e of th.* . - -v,« >•-. r>ui-.".• im1 n«< clavs xteodav thi.meh P'i t4# •* iP.-lurtv# during J iti '* - •• >, i it ituin# duf;?*# - r.n-.•i term# and a . .is! 't'".C Ik'if'JM? KdOx a *.•< *--i - ... • .•( .-id »»!' i«-i * Filtered a# -> ':*•> IB of the United suiiv* .-p, er* ui .he Ini As*«ui»ted Preaa and the :s .4 . % »"..,te .appiu-abie tv-h rr-?u A*.*.,• -..x'rtd C«*!lee"x*e rtiv ranor Patriris si. * j»rt v XX ire c herimte /; r.ffidavits xx a «• c\oe.JS Je*» MasweH. Meyer. _. tdil Pate taitor SaaOra legal# toot. T.tie 18, est' k -* s,v *!: . 31. JuiUJ- . 4"1 rdll Pag* canor tarry Teck. Honaie Xllller Xichr np«xn« rgiM litoea .A H' A) Jf 22 AtliftTKN' - ' •-.»• general provigion in f ■. Sports tdiior Jim It'aMington nontserg. pat 22 T»*f irtj Fnferal Criminal C matter# wilhin the jur- Xerlrtx I dllnr Mr hi I dilnr. I mime /e*it Sharon Coagx . Office XtarGregor xtanagrr Parkroom xi.nxa«er -s* KWAST BAKERY DCLXVM !»• Howard N.tlmes. Hill kielman, :WBS . ii HSJ *1 20 C» .--er ».",i sdicU.on of any deix.'rrtment or Anpeite krause. Jane Marker- Itetail Xlinscrr . William K THOItfM J Rtvtdualhr decorated cake WAITED? 1MX or I-Oi j... 40 J' • • in the litiited States jjov- Ssrth %«*•» Ms lit l doors ueorge* As*t Martin Retail Manager j# weRv ♦xcelre for M M Pncne IV 4M fore I p m. «f fket lUU Mjui. sun.iard ^ 44 #y 42 LM - , n ernment. IndividuaU xx h-> vio¬ Ann Hauer. Hank Heriuteln, Jodv Saitnnal Advert wing Manager we:*'.' la ie thi# provision are tub)vet Howard Herme tilelda. Paul Walt Sglll'e COMMUTE B V M Ceetee IV M7« in" — . Gli . ~*7 4.» Hto i..* to a fine of not more thin 110.- Aaakoikea I lasslfted Manager . VltgUuo H •OITt Have hi "♦ pump •Iter 5 *> . 000 or in.priaoruneni for not n Motlfls Sclrficil for liiion Society Ifoanl Week I'hhImoii Show Religious Groups Plan Varied Activities* V-< - on- religious nrgJinizittinris t?*v A doe'rine gr Hon. tinging anrl devotion Tit# Wc'ev r »'!• «»• on » •' , CONNIE 7.EMI The following *tudents v re? iunior; fhurk t*n«. fir«v««* point* r e p!,inned it p':|f,np(i for 4 .AO Suoday nf'- meeting will be hold at .»M Vir- ••■itn H *>> (Uu'iv it-JL - i M tnea'her. Rtintlngfoi ari'l ripvotinn for the ernoon. Following 'he ftlsniy. fin, Feat I ansing. For Iranapor- Sumorn ug a» bMl Hi: m;»vs mh If TV I liltoii iunlor. "nbv srlec'ed for the Union i.„.*?. IMt hff I hrrf re- tVu<>d« Junior. •eekenfj eluled in the pVans «ion, a weekly r.'ft plus supper lallon meet at ?::{|>linrm»r*: John 'oe i-hapel i' ft p n father frnm 7:3S-*:3S p.m. Nat- hi.hi: Marh Rmhnfll, K»»Ooi senior. Bvef. •' 1 ' Hlatit hard, Cedar S|»rln»« Fi day •r a 'ik' and yledtng itrday for an evening nf rerrea- Union •>l»ring«. III. "ovphomofp; Pat -Mm Klewtrki. (analog aophnmnr* MlpnmpnlO Minn. «nphnm«»ra; l.«v Highlights Weekeiul K»oii«, (ironf r«lni» Rn«l« junior, shiron smith. » hlrjfo. Ill, junior, This Sunday lurtv Koltev, M**haa**t. V V . lh< m flip ft'rm of aroiipj. My IINIM MAI Ml It of tlir- bjjr. bijr rlnnip^. S|h>ii«otp(I by u thr.v luive been yen ml to fit both tli«» rial I iiiviii* mm. l»r litan* Undent; Kathleen ftvon. I avf I ventnr. Snrtertoo. I *n«li( arolr vpamrr. fielroll Morjorie |m«n> li'irhnrn too. lr»prnonnlity,of every Spurt,• m. morr. S'ahrv Irrnrh. koo Srhor rrrvhtnni; sianrv Novotny. rthhsri - VeU-sponMired Hrl.'' first of 'he hig .if- "Wei ' i lie igle, will dress in blue tort I hatrln . Miphnmorr: loan tail*. Ohio, «ophomore hrhmtrr, EAST LAiNSlIS(; ClllKCHCaS fi I dencr nmmig deeocatiiiiis of oiherv aalrrtetf ware: Sanrv ha« been .scheduf'^l • . imr rolot. In accord wi'h siavritv. I anvlog junior. Sallv 0|»lll ■f-iv evening at I'm ( iv «• Utile ptinctl i< to Ite rr. lt« HIvervMr. HI. onphnmorr; l»h\l- /imnirrlr. Ilowrll frrvhmao. The aetni-fr.irrr>;t| d»» ee ( «rot I •rho. liefrolt iravhmao. Mao- •■S'ure 'he ouiiie of the r- K'lvv, Vermonlvllla mphomnrr The men of Mrs an Hall Mill Pn H|nrn»elh. Prrrv *ophon»or# A tree, rntM'' unmrii! bv AnrJarvon, natfla Creak vopiio- FIRST CHURCH OF i Saturday Ktllr ft f ■•erPationol (.'lub and 'he hold a I or on a linn Mall evening In honor nf /aife Kurr, mnrr EAST IANSING UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN PEOPLES CHURCH CHRISTIAN c nf the Vets A«sn. l ast I arising freshman, the hall shell,* S»he. Hetroll snehomor#: heart. candidate for the Miss MSf Slllton SfOle SHIP. Wheeler Rnheris. \ferlon. «itph»>m«re, T» Jnolnr. fnO TRINITY CHURCH CHURCH STUDENT CHRIST. SCIENTIST contest. The stag or drag affair lim Kirkln4slt. niirllorlon. „» The h- h-M annual I'nrrstrv Shindig Jan. in In linn "P'" «>l «tO« «llh onohomore. • •ri* Miolor, lerrv ImvIs. llm frlnk. no«h»«ler ' hsrle- EAST LANSING fltH l,r—« for ,hr Hanrr la to Informal" rtanrllig from f it"'* Htphnmore. Tom Honsia-op. sliOianrf j «4.nnnilMtiiiiiil AHD STUDENT CENTER FOUNDATION f • r.»»u«l §»•' »r r. aa aural, art ( s, nt BBVN slflir C VMI'Bll.l. s al m rhVN olflir l'« Spartan Af»»l» Ititardrnnmlnaunn*! '«<( | (Moflf «■ trd to near their most com- » i»ti«hle clothes % much-antic Oi* i»ifin anil Ann sirrrl f I niirfl •iir psrt nf the event will he iodging of the tradittnnal Special on Sweaters Par f 11. Of Nf Pavler WILLIAMS II klnrks Vnrth nf RrfkCv Hall I 2!>9 Wraf r.rang Rivff it f»f P Afarmn Slnima Alirklfan Ml W f,r*n4 ft"»» ■ n Sar* »-• l • * vf •frni|. Oapt P M >» fha I oilaja »«"<>»# ( nnrrk Arhnni i t :)« \Cill Cfflph S V i nt riaa ln| wmio am» ... ' »n0 * IS A M II 111 I II ■ ' d»nceab!c music I M pel, WagnevUr Pvenmg e Tnpir -what » wri.irvr* f nh rnnm ihrnotk high irtinnl Pa»mn» H«"n akaira Sakark Ska#] Srror# • l^ui.n Tne uri itc.- .i a • ii * . urcak* .ed to . iiia.v from ft 12 Hie evci.uig Sij ilrii j tngiii' a IT «;i' JbrlLn Jii J .♦ „• foiguUett in toe 'his term (pspcc •' v . ■ ST. JOHN CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH OF EDGEWOOD EASTMINSTER LUTHER CH.S ,-* i is the Spinsdei « llaa WhHlaw. flora Travrl EAST LANSING PEOPLES CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN AND I'aditinnatly, this -the men to forget then • I he Store with the Red lloor 4 CATHOUC STUDENT ., foi Uic w»mau is re'iun .toils SVNH IU IS S.niU.IKV I .lolls WIIK IM.IS S.T'I ItldKV I •nd Iptcrgennmlnafinnal CHURCH STUDENT CEl Tiie d.ite to pin !«• on CENTER . iar for He .S(»in i.s WESLEY FOUNDATION UA S. Ragagnrs R«.ag Rev RnpaM I, Mnvelans Hiau'O • Miaaoufl (S klnrka nnrfk sf Ofasg Rlarrf MA filsuton Atreef, f. L- 'opic h> fra'r-- ff. P *»»»'• . • ,j,* - the - Hie men nf ftii a BOOK Pf. It- RkSSRSkfR III M A C. Wllans r.anrga M. TeSHast, I., lorgan Res Truman A Msrrtan*. Mlnlafer HI AIMt Rail Res Rnhlsans O., Atlniafar AIVOAT PROGRAM K'ippa and their date# Mlsiatara Was I RrtUno PiiIai .- •-v t '-'t e frnm 'itr cold weather nf 'he U-t "WHERE THE HOYS ME" •sugar Maaaea Ausgas_Wnr\tnp lusgas gervlret A* P L. jr Hup flehool. sis Assntt Rg i oapel As# Paraonaga- %• i hoid « ' Bundle Party' a fhnrrh Atknnl ang AAnit • tt W :S a m . I 11 • IU * ft* • liy Clrntlon Swart,ml (Rake aft Msg at •:** * t;S«' a aa. Rag Cegar Arhnni » 1# A.At * IIM A..M • * tug i ome. in i okkem w hi, n tfngepta ang Nur.erw are sel- ara retapooBe ir> ?-#f>g T"c*i pi will have 4 • n. •*. • hij* evening Pa - IS IIKRK IS •• Maaaaai Oias Rlsrfc Weaf nf f. Ramans Rg HIPIOA proaigeg. Pails Msaaaa « U * I '»• AM (ts Mtrr Or. Rv Res. trumas A Mnrrbns arvfi at AfHMiMJt including Herman the II,-a,I: CoimI l.ilrralurr C'psfaa«»nsa Rails I S# A M k 11 ms am. Afal# Theatf* fhe Aiiniflranra nf (imtu IS is am Wor.hip *ng ( nntlnutng Kt elected officers of (ATRoi tr aft nr.SIT rtnc.isi- 1.1# am. (ri# room through Jtinmr Rigs Csllaga UV< % Students' Wives are N|irin|(-tinir. /.ATIOV MMTi il'NOAf Rnsa# ( la*a Waaler • rl OTNTA WRIT OMR r airman. Mrs. K 1 • I on ualr al M..KI »M PM is is a.m. All Agea luntor Nigh Tellosahip. * PM A '.pert » l» p o» '• 1: v;re chairman, Mr*. I all »l» Mil* fur tran«porraona r>.. Awr-!»• AaaiUbia al tlic Phnse IW Reg trgaf Sihonl High Sihonl feilowahlft.J »o 1 #m. Philip; secretary. Mr.c ■Jirplc. meeting chu i- Daniel CraiR. w,u *uma •nan. elected Phi arc: Grand o(Tirfr« of presiden' Itap> !* SPARTAN BOOK STORE All SAINTS ASCENSION LUTHERAN CHURCH FIRST WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH ■c president, Joe UM. your V,.rio M*«DOIta A * •• » • r,.c.n EPISCOPAL CHURCH ' illumifl *>nod> junior, secrptars •;»# llaMelt *tr,«d ft*<.*orte « Hn.oo :;ka. Northbrook. Ill, .SiifM-r lliirl.i l f or hilmillion - treasurer, Jr»iin Van- • bait Lenaing on, HJ. junior. •a# Abkatt Raag — C!> MllJ Sundae *■ hool • t ft « « . ■as. #sbR f. Psrtsr - CkapiaiR Morning Worabip — it t« A M Res. f.ordsn M Jooea. Reeisr Sosdas flrnaoi A || AM. Res. Robert Gardner t»u»H Sersirs — a «t P v» MUMaaar ts MsrvAeg arsgasta I venmg Aarrirs P H, •PXDAV »i#vic*» •l >OAT WORSHIP |» 3# A.M. IR AN-Mf cmawsa • M AJg. WifWt Prsrsf Of ■sir CMMWM, nag canran hbaal Res. Oaarga W. I. Mrkalansrg II g# A M- HsrsMi rraysr or Mr ST. ANDREWS EASTERN EAST LANSING Csmmanlon. sermon and I# f-ttSI ar tfl 7.7ASI CRnrefe bcbool UNITY CENTER ClATUMlf LLt'R ORTHODOX CHURCH • :3# P-M- bnngav ?«TT *.r,r»k laM Atreee. HKDAT »l« «C«0LLf .'T. fonaing it lent I The Church f A « arnnr,| II MS a.SI ISUJ A.M. (iticferM Wall Parking I onfeaaiont linnalg I Ifri« — aotOK* Lot Heien « iarp — OeganiaS A:Jt A.M. Oivine Ltlursv in f.niinb and ' ion ManOr ,rd Wedsea- IS I# A.M. Ratiorflelg IS IS t# ># A.M. show Wall A.M. Meton Noll Parking Lot Parkin* Lol Of \our Choice Aiudenti Una rail: who Alaxnnte Marianne need transport.- Tkach. lit 1a, I Sitv aveiuagt at I us am. ler i Affiliated Actn—i lit *aniai». uith i Miatiamtf Mmaarl Returna lo *ame Point After la,l Lao don Hail. Ckurcb This Sunday BETHANY BAPTIST CENTRAL METHODIST OUVH BAPTIST INTER-CITY BIBLE CHURCH CHURCH CHURCH CHURCH t#f» » MK RK.AS ANOTHER CROLP TO l«.9i» nil l. MkiiiM R#.A'. Ii 1. IIINS IRA. PA AI OR Ofiana n i a Bitot Not. WUliani Rartmoa. Patter A 1.5 .A I WorMnp vinufi at » t5 and tt -ID Aundav Sehortl •L MrAA INCLUDED 4 15 P.M. ALL SHOE BOOTS • :45 am. Suntay Ribia SrRsol Training Lnim tMUs Arbooi « » Wj il 'is a.«. Morning Wor>ntp Paui Harmfta. »f*a, din* i « P-m. Threa Vouili Wsrabip !«.S5 A.M. it Vi# P.M. (.roup. fcros pa S3f£2" 5:15 Taacber Training Claaa sr. .Milton t owrry ' DRESS, CASUAL. TENNIS. AND SHOE Ma4l< tcoaol at A 45 u larstcs ' F -M. 7 .At p m. Lyentag Inaptratlsnai Servua * Affiliated slth the noutbern MIR-WbLR bERAICf. HOOTS IN THIS GROCP REDCCED Thsragny l.-tS P.M. Raptiat LoitventPin Central i* * fmndty Churca TranopnrUUon Isnving Interne- "A'Chriat-Ceniereg Ribla teaching Minutry'1 IN OCR SEMIANNUAL CLEARANCE notlsnnl Rosas t.J# a.m. lungay or Inr Tranapsrtatiss call I.O T-tMT roll fW 1-SlM fse a rtge. C|(M M campatl ... SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH HIST PRESBYTERIAN HOLY TRINITY GREER LANSM6 CENTRAL FREE •OL1M WASMIMiTO* AT M(M>RK| RIVI.R PRItL CHURCH I.A.N KING ORTHODOX CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH HOWARD f. AL'ODK.V, DO. PaMof OI.SMOND 4. Rtl.L. Altec, filter We*t Ottawa OAVID I. at NnrtR 15 %/ILU Minuter Cheitnat t Wavhmston at Mm |jBUK| ii! It A.M. RIRI.R SCHOOL ». AIU HARPKR. Mlsuter tb:bt A 11:34 Worahtp service* aundav Ac hoot: 14 »S A M. t letaaa far Toung Paapi# ang Voting Married* lt:«t * II.M f.burcb Scboot Ditiaa Liturgy: 1I M A M — it p.m. tl A.M. MORN I SO WORSHIP Mr. Harper preaching at iotn MfMMT' — It nJR. "Tbare a A wuemnn:" •arrtcsa. father kaaklakti rsRAlanba Z—.— - «#• P-">* ; .at p.m. <:R Snngnv evening Cabin Cluh iHfiriating ——— — I P.M. F.VKNI.NO AIR VICE (or etnele * uung adult* "Kept Out of Heaven" EAST LANSING Prase* Afggttwg Wet. #ra»inft:5# Mr. TapioU available for muncn- *'«r" Traoxportatiofi < ail Tb# chnrrb sf tna Light and |:Jt PJf. ADn.T VOL'IN PCLLOWPHIP ing Thurtday evening t« 1# P..M. George Ifivrni ID .'-.Mil Ufa Rosr" Can IV 2-tTtt lor Bus scbaguia 1 Furilirr *ISI' 1'itiirli Undefeated Wrestling Squad Michigan xtatf \nvs .nu*ry 5?. lofirt r*«e , M"r |1ii-» iii liriuiil llii|iiih SwimiiH'Ps First Rttatl Trip \Vill Itank on New Linrup Host to Buckeyes Saturday Mi l TifflSpaitftn S l,i in a 4'omlilion* (>mul It Mir hi nun Itrsorls l iMtlr, Mvimming n-iirh, «\|«m ed h>. The follouHii! ki rnnxiittoiK «\\MKflF.\i: •' i.' I p.i. k t Mbmondu'* varsity rrr- fill • • • •♦Cu ts ;»l llw rr»»'iV deii'h from f*.. S;-art an 'inkrr« gi» "ix Iifnk.n Ihi , • » 1.. i/i j'.iwU'i sknna nrd 440-yard frrmlyb* m. pervaded Wi-tn. mieM 't t thi k- in Ihi' rvia.k l>.«vjd run- tup • hunt «-f h., ,t 11j t is,.i . wn lo • Mtkfes If Pie Sparta-- wi . M i ll. IV •*. ,.i: nwt with Min- til tfn-s season, will ronlr'tiri • Mr MIK» NKINMN fbe other I'd. sax that Michigan •elected m . Hnl |>» i.ifihx. h «-f Grapd ; r... win in t:he*e *no'* thev v rh MT Mi ! V i. • ' ' " • « -xxiin o>,i. xvtth State's rlmtanr r men, Mrar k- Michigan State'* underpaid State has a slight edge " i tM'i'i 5 In a good • hi* Mirhtgtto f.-u: ! (."■nim il -!!.■« k 'lOg I V. .11.1)1 It.-qnd ntiat High School. i •* However he qillfM? fHilnfed position to r* I i r:x> »i • • Mo 'dgnn i, ("haiim-ey ,lnbi)M»n ur Dick giapplors play fmst In (Thin their third straight • in IIOYNK Mnrxr.MN H «:t SI'MMM' SKI SUV \ Skiing ;;ia-lu-ito .>f Mst? ■*>?'• I i. r'p.i Slate's Ruekeypn here Sal in da v nut thai fhe llilckrye* are well l.p-t xv k Pw'if «a|ilnin, plan j• *xx ki Stale's hopes i Ide «ii pnekcd h,1'r !•" Ill m -I'm' Slu¬ l\n Ill-Ht I'll 7 -dope first borne •tmkerl In Ihe IM th. and 177 .• ihw ■ Ha. h i f MSG from member i In,. IV r, rsr-ii .-fx th«* irtdi- Mi Caffi if r*pe«*N the 200- at H p.m. in their the performance* of I2.'t ing excellent Nifc'.l skill-.. «'VC« H« nt Ih. illvblmis. and Ihsl Ihcy were r im n-u. .Iii, k Uu ki ting x i-hinl miillrx -m i!.l! tr t>» break > ar«t biTastslniku In be a good match of the *ea*nn well iepre*enled h* a fwl enm- er < Icorge llohh*. N •» • II • xx i. a n a' e-m"' friroxt hi. •'•*11 jv-.d i'. i xar-itx- inark* i.i,. xitfi Minnnwla's Duane A*si«tani Spartan enarh Clale Young at I-T7 lbs., ft"i, m . Miktr* «aid that the I.M.'al force* ini ufipliomore in Ihe l!\7 Ih. M iif MSK an I »hi *\vmi-.m • »■. " C»arli Ibirlr* SlH'affree will i;ui pi•«»»•. who'* hren turning in the 157 Itr rlass. and ' annlher r!o*c mab-h. «umpelitinli. I af f i. , ml "Hi vx as pmnecr i'» |»r tr»in* f «• »ff»rl I'rlrrwiH* jj.h.iI tune-, pitied against MSU's c*ppct. weight John Haum V. Ft,ink Mrrdine ami Denny Hop- A«ked whether one team was Ihe pivnt.iJ mati'hps in the LARGEST DISCOUNT IN TOWN .'.-4 a ,, !"« n |ii •, «lifh' ii i | |n Vo \x -I'• n an iv >Ml. i rxtHIK l-iixur hi limine diffrrrnt men in ihr iiulii UtiMl ninltrv. si h<' pat f favnred i,>vcr 'he nlher he -aid. meet lie in 'he M", 147. and. 157 To dale llohhs ami ft« and Clark fTergrnnri • If I had to pick otic squad "ver Ui rInshe *»id Amnding haven't losi a match fihe« i„,x n- Mn spoil uud ximng a I, rnmiil tins mim two of fhree t hip \ three each r..i Minne Mta wdU be rneing. won I. Young I mil Ml I I I KIN Till I'll'Ks — KVIIXI ST I'll'KS |Wx«iMlitir* in Hair Hicrt. link won two and was tied nmr j ffr.irkrtl « ait *-h.Mf -.•.a n-« Hun fJairc* and .lack Tcuin Travels or Yfoser Has raptured |nn rousill s U WKS — I'AINTS — IIUI SIIKS IV t, is<>ii ■ »f >- adopt arid in thn Ihts \Vi. kerlng in the 200-yard bnek- s'M ke t am. x we- sprntul In i^ISIJ Horkcy and suffered one loss. M mckssoiiiks FOR Inn.v i-,« fi,,dx|. in I.ast season the Sn.< - for Dual Ihiltlc roMi'i i:ri; or WM'tinK I,air* tins ent In Ihr Mi' bigan meet, -id To Houghton f,ixi »*« .m shelled Ohio State 22 »). h . |H X r bin th»- ,ip.I Hergnian was first In Mln- px i s win twer fiustavuM Hueks placed ninth m n,- III meet, white Miehig.m ^ rnMri 111 SI'IONl, XI TO \>*v .V lirhiilll .vi «it• t nv EXTRA Sd'ilphim C"llr'ge Michigan State's hmkrv team trnx-eln imrfh In Hfiilghtuti Ihi- ' will in he ulli k three-year oiao George M r.'H" and 17" rnnked third. According h. - 1,1 \ss •i.i \i u viom xvet kend In battle the fniigb and |H in 20 game* morrow's card will in- hH- est showing XI. XXI \/Oll SI I'iiom: n mm:, CLASSIFIEOS against Ihe Spartans Friday and fit t place in' Ihe WCHA with and ft-3-1 mark Michigan N sec¬ This division has proved a trnr hie «po| during Ihe opening |xx Saturday nights will be one «f ond at 4 2. and Michigan '!>< h meets. Itic leu It,mill. Krlloct Ij'iilcr the finest prndnetlnn lines In Ihicd. f»»llowed by Colorado Col¬ In State's two. prevh-uy Teeh history—one lhal nnlehed li g.- a» ft « tfrls winter they have been Salurxliiv, 2.'t Jiili,, I'IMI M gnals last year. Michigan State ha* an rvcel- . er fortunate- lo cashing r, • a - So fAr this ieasnn. the Hus¬ tent opportunity t<> move abend their share of the brmxk*. i kies' renter Paul Cnppn n n> f of Idle Minnesota because 'he the Quadrangular T>»m: 11:1.V |i.m. liliiii-oi.iii S1.2.1 wingmen (Jerry Fahbro and Jnhn Spat tan lluskie aeries i* tfie on¬ with iVorthwestern, Mm-,i , Kosiancle have scorexl 22 gnal ly W( HA acimn scheduled. A anfl Purdue at Kvan«t<>n. I and totaled 41 points. Kosianeic pan of xx-iOT over T*«h would Jan. !#. the Spartan* upsc? s II KI .11 OX KK Thru. SAT. was an AII-American at right give llie Spartan* a 4 W-l mark lv favored Mifrnesot.i xvh- ESQUIRE W:< TIIIIXV MUST .IHIU' I M I'M. wing last year, C*op|>o and hnn- and would pu*h them into sixth Gophers lost two of tin • orahlp-mentlon AH-Anierlcan «.r- place, dropping Minnesota, at lam by injury and in. , , Ill, III ur I MIUI. KXMIKAT,: Til XT RIVAI.MI rxpnsi! lertlun, and Fabhrn. only a Jun¬ It .*t I. into tlix> cellar - Mst weekenvl ATSt' h (• • ior, an nutslandlnjf two-way MSt"* next home games are e,t Illinois 23-5, by ',xk ■ ., man. Fet> ,Y and f» against Michigan vantage of several IJIini ■•■ ' fii the nets for the Huskies Tx x». times. Illinois was w • services of three <»f • r . starters, one l>v Wm mcc - Mlehlgaa Rtolr I'nlyersll? • •fie with the ft ii and the :- who left school. IDRFIfiN HIM M llir* These breaks tleflr<<'<'. hi helpivl the Spartan-, keep r • 1W tnM hx> •emhnM •( RmwM Snrb'a winning track, but a- •«. kiUrwM IwlrWrlxc "WW".., C'lax'h Fcndley C'otlms p-.m'- llimMMtol mj', "the breaks Inv • • II T- but generally spcak most of our sune-.- ng • > ' (,a U 1' V J aggTessivenej,**,?iHf (,'toog :w t<» wrestlo.*' At ftioms Ylrfifl i n't IM Arciiu lilt tltltl JIUE llilllll I .. Int.. vh... .1 : M< A • Ml 11,1 XIIIXIII .1 HMIKIM — Hal M,»n I II l:tl ■ 4:11 . Ml . 7:11 - !•:!• MI I H.IM lllltlll III-M.IIIIIXI Setting for si \ x iioi.i; in Tilt: iii: xo* tiii niikkini; jkts ftiiiuNri !.r Gym Meet The Spartan gyntnas' • s 'c, i. xti: « oxii'i.kti: siioxx toniti; a sat. m » I'.m. r XIRCHII.n THI XTOr XdmlMlw: IH will meet Minnesota Sa'm-q.i in Ohe IM arena for i!% *cc n t TiiNiiaiT — i ki.. Jan. ; xnii » p.m. II I l< It V ! Big 10 meet of tin- season. State's gymnasts swarr ,ped Central Michigan and oh oS'a' I.XSI 2 PAYS in tnevlou* outings !)c* vca SIGNIFICANT SEEK AND SOLVE THE GLADMER The (ixrphcm have a l-l H-a - It m i ll ■ nan rixmrd. Coach George .Syvpiila was WITH AC ... IN MILWAUKEE! very pleased with the perform THEATKE • I'IIOM: IV. 2-9831 aureg given last week hi hi* men and hopes that they will • B^vOxitt of GM * large defrmr contribution toward technological superiority, AC accept* a challenge turn in as good or better per l« AC merited « cm a queit for significant scientific concept*. Dated on past otton»pinhflHwh-«iuch oi AQiiever guidaixa for Titan—AC will solve large problems. You may qualify for Our specially selected HELD OYER fnrmanrea In Saturday'* mecl. be in "Our beat team strength free exercisp, turol-i ; staff if jrcu hew related. experience plus a BS, MS of PhD in EE, Moth or Phytic** 2nd T II K I L 1.1 N(. U E E K ! and rebound tumbling.'• s-typu aaid. "Stan Tarvhix .,n the • AOVAMCfD SYSTIMS R A 0 — Curreit program* include interplanetary navigation and guidance, d-gita' REX """" KAY zontal bar ix a!wax ^ a s*;t computer development) advanced «r*1 navigation tyslemt, guuionce tystemi tuerbai *en*or*. passive electromagnetic detection, torvetHanc* for ballistic muple*, ifxice vehicles and aircraft. SYSTIMS CfiHY GRANT EVA MARIt SAINT HARRISON KENDALL SHOWS TOUAV AT • J. 1" MOOO uncus help " According Angie Festa to S.'x puia, (,i, is impr »v i 4 v JAMTS MASON skills rapidly and Is become ING4MBRS' Advaixest design ogiamnung research, ti-g-tal computation research mrmon 1 •-* ef IN Nnaal rebound learn* • .* II the Big ID. . esign. GYRO-PROIICT INGINIIIS s surer** ho* brought m eigtxf new project* Men or* neeaed r, 133 John Daniels is still undcf ».»•» MP sign antt nvalupte gy-s. .or* and occelerometers. .1 spenenc e in electronic*, elevtromagnehcs or cd In free exercise and ucn this season. According to S --.efs.-mec.homc..- crrv^- «* .-,"v abte PACIAGING INGINIIRS - Keseo'f to develop revolutiivw» pula, Daniels is one of Mr- pcxsaging' lechnigoe* ?.-• e'evt'y.c m.-n-atunied atsemblie* aivt sensing device* for use in space and strongest threats. Dick He- has returned to the Uncu:- * ■ad at on e > .v,w'» PRODUCT DISIGN INGINHRS-Oes gn development and test of electron* ro- it is hived that he will help • oonehr*. servo* o h? x-rcu'ts HILD INGINHRS — Emphasis on missile mertial guidaive equipment r e echicvii and mechanical equipment . CWSBT'KEUY petition. Although Larry Basset*, compete due ta tVGHSOCUnY be unable to *es gners mome:*-a» . a n. anti Qoai »v control engineers to perform design review project coo«itnot-or> injured hand, S*>»»ula teei# ■ pa'fs evafwotion, stot sr>col analyses afHt test planning to prxktuce suytenor prvxfuct. 9h*>rr, who mated first pi honors agaimt OSU on U-e i AC ALSO HAS OflNINGS »0R: INVlRTNMLNTAl TEST INGINIIRS • ThANSlSTOR APPLiCATlUN Celeste HOLMJohn LUND allel bars, la a good threat al¬ ibis week. |.NG NU«S • BQMB'Nu NAVIGATION COMPUHR SVSTEVS INGlNELHS • TiCHNlCAk IhRlTIRS "Tbia year Minnesota k » IN*>U»RL ALSO ABOUt POSITIONS .N BOSTON AND LOS ANGLLLS of the beat in the Big 10 ar- 4 CABTTWy thls meet should prove k> b- • SKK 101 It n.At KMKNT OKFICKR TO SCIIKDJ l.K *.. % I AI • i* Ax A IO.N ! very exciting one.'' was S - pula's comment when ques'i— (iKNKKAI. MOTORS 1NTKRVIKXV ON ed on hia team's proapects. JANUARY 29, 1180 PCISCNTS TNI BO10. BUMMG NOMA AT IASII M *Tt Hit AT • Ml TCP SPECIAL i Director of Oo4 OrveA StuwM^ onrf Pro'em'iv-o/ fmp/eyment. fkmi, loi 746, S. Afchxndee, AV. labe* AAen. the brothehs karamaiov mm s as I VIIL BRYNNER m Nmear Eastman COLOR t:lt t:lt HIS '11 row 71 Mu. A»l- —lilt Tn Im. yalnl. nAto * kctter. buMI SPARK PLUG THi (KCTIONICS DIVISION OS CINIIAl MOTQIS LEE J. COBB - ALBERT SALMI W noil ■ Ml .RICHARD BASEHART ffuu •gK MX iui e. mm LA.VMM' MICHIGAN htati: MWt \m \ <>hi.\|>;i|| timiii scl« i'hiitmt liMUiirv >1. I'iflh Pa*' H»* SeUmitter Loading Fencers Cagers Face l-r ,tst . I.f, 11 (Vl..., .;!» Its.. .n M.r SjH'f1 ....... ~! " '"I •• " it.fn (i • .i ''.a H»» Jiii.r'N '.'ill M. , IM ,"...(1.. ... ,.|i. • ,iui|»ti f Ififtftllii'ds . Hitch llmuler-hip After SirortF II it It I of I) be Monday « ''lung frnm m»"M from 4-'! m (V\ " ( Red-Hot Iowa Michigan H'*»r fr• ■'! fighting for a travel to f)«-«rin) S:i!i tr» fare thr C .f f» Titans i«- ?h'v til Itood and lltn Ciary plrle the rpee team t »"• t,'» •• ;«»! f .i| r»ick trio rom will include let- Lawless, and Hill be thrifty The sword, an ah'jent wr». M« N'int.ara and J"hn Holt, l»nt|| L(W)K WHAT I FOUND! cheek paperbacks Nationally Televised pon Inmbia. frnm the Re|>ubtir nf fn. egrhanfad hind® I > ' i i • ' .. e-miers i .a-a less Arrnrding f»» S' hmit- is improved over our bailie Here Saturday \ wtieu f »«»♦ r«»it in the Sparf.ins Ik-'a .-d thn njo' t in' M> i 1 -»• II season Amest, las' year eg-eaptain ami TOM'S MARKET IN A in i960 I aptaln t hneh Hrbmitter. Jr , f'.'ii'h j.tire rnednt winner in fir nrv kirns m ill be leadtnr the epee snuad. '»"• Pig if) last. venv. number Sports lititor l ast rear be enmplled an ad - ii .il, ■.», the -'(UH't i Di'irh Fordd.v Atwlnryon's twice brtH-pn catTcrs return to mtrahte Tt t rernrd in foil won a third nlaee mrdaf in Itig and H. .. Ft*'.:i .I • ... 1 I»a« I..imv Mold.e... Itncku Neil round NEW EQUATION! SPARTAN BOOK STORE c hi»me floor Saturday. Andersf»n hopes this and a strontr Id epee dueling. Itnug Jeurlt. .•■if Uie team spartan turnout will turn the tide in favor of State. If rou haven't discovered Tom's your game, which wdl t»e location Ion doors east nf the 1 plaee with a t-l rernrd while I HiM.ttXM |NMtRM\Tltt\ I \l l III » !Utl7 ed n« the '• lii|g to flame of t oral Guides, then ymt haven't MH|'. defending Big In rhsm* « Week." *tnr»s at 4 .40 p.m. m pious, dropped hark into litth discovered .hopping value* to Super Moriet For I'.ihieotion t..n Fleldhouse place hv losing a game Satur¬ match \ our pocket hook. Perhaps, r r »wn squads mc» l ist •' day. fit-kit. to Illinois State Has rou're planning ■ , City, In 'list 2 a me fh«* a forty foe the eves clowned the Spar'aus a inn percentage uith a 2-1 ret,. *pd ■ m — Tom'* market with a record. •i) wide food and heverogo oeleetton slme (hat dale the Iowa r.»f- flo'h feanis hav .nfTnel tunes wi'.hui the paif reek f*.- for every taste, nitl guarantee * »,« have moved ♦»»!«» serund mf.llts * si v. — mil i ts 7»r kiiii)ies 30r r.i|)t t,»ncr ()H"n anil I). ■»» successful tahfe appearanee, with Sent', MStf'a forward " »il, * d- *at i to i i'm 4mlt* t*r J-HOP - little effort on vnur part! the gam" IH Results fernd again*' Illinois in juries in k....... < l.rih.n 1 hi,i r mt _ km...ii-. * .. i i'm no «tow% K%ri*/t <». iirtt* Anderson indicated that the *»uxt% i 'it e»»t it MIiip I* Hnire Nnisei I* tun would he ready to start Sat¬ urday. (nidt Hharm Krbetter- now miowim. HUM svrC *' so for rin rxt r«. \ r n n lock It. Xnimr Victor » man can't say Ihe same for one < M\ l Ml V?. I"\tlMIIOI M ••, Weareer It; tarn Mammons of his top reserves. Mike Moods, imm .h.iM rut rwi it rmuros ti. wit4 a whn suffered mid-ueefc an eve iniurv practice session tn qualilx meats s esc 1 a 1. !•,« |i Vnlhamrr It Woods, '.vh'1 10 1 dkeunl beverages I,I i I I IM OH ! x ii. e \t ii h g.i** • S' • * ' r- u i.i- ri r-l ,i mi s nrowii *l i.UOl.t is Mslph Prrvholer a «lto »i «H»M t '.••.II .ig.un h. this ' e piooat.'. verdt x p *ar II » . ♦ "• your cnoice of ii rut si I •! W 111« c- .«• 'he »> .O apt II tMersiiil II If linlrtafelH •' •mfjoawp , • .,,1 n..1. tDeuner I SO I* M. t it lis an * S. S- pA.i.-in -I' fo» "... is a* ,I'.'l F* the guard's i . I nwmi—rwwaain lester lanin ustening l | II III KI M 't nr.i.ivkfiy seiivut: nmnnbhiiuu:- „..n(ra., phone ed 2-4614 - untra-ordinaiiy - complete snlncnon university students' special STARTIX. SIMIW AT 1 I'M. tin li ( IH tit I til n> I'rlme heef open fare sandwich an Ilia—extra tart* plate ~ RPCK, HUDSON r* "iho ikiolts has i in rngilar s3.98 albums is hipped potato—rnffre nr mtlk IN %l»r»ITIOV «s \ tll'l I llltl K\l I V I ROM %N V lilt M.I. dor's day r ■ ii 1iiiiai. gaiiixs" TOH'S Ml '» sfM hl XI I I ll/IHs».f.'»riM*CfC I andre's . . ... DoitXI H1I DIMS 98c looking for a realty fine meal this tony rahpatf. tmeimai MARKET hi so. washington i.ansimi xunihf evening? I nr the finest cuisine at hard l« heat prires lie sure In visit "house of beef' NO fit I: All meats served h» the "limine nf Beef" ate I *D% I'rlme. Nothing Init the finest fnr you from . "HOUSE OF BEEF" ^ - 7" / u 1 nZif /■ in w. micitir, \n wr. i Sent to lintel Oldst Honrs: Mmi-Hat. 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. — Hun II a.m. t pm nciMfif ro» SMor tuinc* specialising in roast heef. round heef. chicken. durk. steaks, etc. KtK)|) Yfltf ALWAYS IIK.MKMBKI! ' Hand-loomed Handsomeness sapar bargain day MICHIGAN All Day I'mut Distinguishes Imported Scottish SUE IIOTII KKATI RES NOW SHOWING ttavlii vmsanAtanatsaunr Tweed TJ «l 1:00. 5:10. 9:;'.-. IMINT MISS THIS EXCELLENT I'KOCIIAM TOPPERS^ starting tdday MMtrgf :«r« djk|. R.R at .1:10, 7:20,11:3.1 Chocks ana tol.d-toe# Hop Socks noad Mm GREGORY DEBORAH W lOOk .Of RECK KEFIR JERRY WALDS _«»oouawNor BEI9VED INHDEL I OS sale at *54.00 ' tka bitter- '•tit lota affair of f- stou fitigerald and h" bglovtd infidel, \i.xt David tltmftmw: Mitat kositchek ^•ilafc graham! a brothers MVEN • gatxot IIAPPV txmvlasair lit N. WASHINGTON MfrfVTT.%* STATE NEWS Trans World Airliner "Tough Fight' Viewpoint Slates 'Mark -Twain* r»tf sit Mark Train and the Heart of Viewpoint over WKAH Sunday American will be the topic for at 2 p.m. • Campus Claspiftafo . . . Low Coat Makes Safe Landing Ken nedy• Hu mpli rey | Vie in Wis. Primaries movable *top KANSAS CITY V \ T . Spartan (>al» and Ciiyn W.>rU Airlines plane , .irrvr ^ ;H per«»>n« \va< brought down safe¬ »h the plane's Wr'rr counting on yon r*;*orienrf\i as ly Thursday after a feme acini Mn.WAUKF.E ('Ti—Sen Jnbn position at the convention, and drama caused by a faulty n the j n«'.i land a? deservedly *o." EDUCATION-WISE l'r«>w*l« III* Priif-Whmtai Film st i Kennedy (P-Ma?s> agreed landing gear Kennedy said lie regarded The Surf Cnn-dcV-v, v . - 'Ptursdav to stake hix presiden¬ Johnson a* his principal advers¬ Funic . . . «liurc the nook "LA STNAIA" v ri pr.rtr i tial hope* admittedly clod the -v f • n«, ,• ' 'w \ lUnev rur,- on an ary at the present time. He Anil rciul the •uim- hours. and then mn.ic 1 ,y : • '•hazardous'' battle with Sen. based this, he said, on reports ,:<• mi a flight landing the I' s \.«v • \ Yn-k. turned HuImv: Humphrey (D-Minnt n that the Democratic fleorteader I'AI'EKIIAUk ROOK (ll.ilnn I aacnair — Kngli-h SuMilles) S',-.- •• nwt . «v \V:«eivn«in preferential pri- in the Senate has control of xvYnded and some 40rt-odd convention votes . Kan April 5 ni • : Mon- -.-.•x your llfst Inrrigit Film of 1R.*iti. I' was «' '!• -> a i• c i . ' t " i; Kennedy's willingness to e;;- The Wisconsin primary will bt» TWA Snp« ."■■•-■e"- rv.rty -«cv- strength between Mnrltel For F.ilunilion an -v-.rt ngo :\ what he rilled 'a very the Orst test of SI MUY. JANUARY 21. T:(M» P.M. '' .'4 ;'i fight- indua'^t he hopes these two Democratic contend* a vf;»Sign af. '• v--, ' . ■ • '.hi \ • bury Humphrey a- n presi- cr> New Hampshire's primary the Trans mp R.-'-ar f.: r \ in A% V S •••.-• df i' ai contender and then ba'« March fl is the nation's first but. IN RtHIM 32 UNION The vav.'^r ■ - v • ■ Sen t.vndon .Johnkon of Humphrey is not entered. wavhi- iit-m-lvmrm ?f.\ remained cah*n emergen * T'u- hv.'r-- !•"• , ■ v v v»». • mun'.eipiji pi'Viiv '>11 the IVmivrat-e N'a- ti.mal Convention fVV in July. I am fully aware of the risks Kngincrring llrim SPARTAN BOOK STORE No \ • - -v.- ut. and difficulties this course in- To Atlrml Mn'liiig **jiu*!ed and the pas^e*;.' <-n - \ \o." Kennedy told a new*, \ ■• ».< .MTICC Dean John Ryder of the Col¬ mvt em mvr iee axvi ees axvi: eee axvi' eei axx'k eee axxi ESE - xx i ... -xxi ,« axvi "< axxi: ««« sxvi ME axxi i changed v>ke- about the u.p<* conference announcing tils entry v p ut s.lvv ir.g Undine into 'he Wiaeonsin stakes "Hut lege of Engineering will attend - •.»* of a.r » meeting of the Michigan So¬ . IV.* 'V touchd -A • . ■ « •he Wi«eon«nn primary w ill have ,, - • made any ciety of Professionals tonight in re' •' * decisive eff«vt the winner e Airline TODAY!! TODAY!! TODAY!! ,v»h"■ Rpr-^v*"' ' tV"> * have an extremely atrong Detroit. pawengrr, put ' • > - • l.atvine are A • Your complete Optical Headquarter* . . . «e conveniently hvatest, offering complete optical aerviees for rl«»lli«'* lluil WALLACE OPTICIANS STUDENTS-FACULTY $AV», • l ook • \> I NK hi:ri I K hi m i; Rraneh Clfftee — Vine at I Upper! (opposite sear* in Ifandor) HOC 5 ar AND . C'- eye exanvtnattomv hy t IT |»t, IV C - .Ten«en. regi%trred optometrist M.S.U. PERSONNEL *i^ l»rrp vo»r PII. IV 9*2774 warrfmhr In per fret wot a*- Wen 1.*J Tae*. We«^ Pal^ »-J. Ttinr*. * rn., »-t •»h*pr. Krrutnr dr> eUaninff rnta clothes met, keeps a oil aNavx confidently CAMPUS STORE ONLY well-groomed! AETNA LIFE MSUNANCE COMPANY SHEPARD'S GREATEST SEMI ANNUAL Srniors inlrrr-lnl in unlr. trnimni; prnm.m llomr \J§uL DRY CLEANER 623 I. .v;n. KIVKK i:\si i vssix; nffirr orhnnl in Aritnnrrri I.if. Cndfrwrilinc. in- rlurtinc K.lnlr Plnnninn, llusinrss ln-ur«nrr. and IVn>inn I'lnnninc. Open «alnr> pill- hnnu.. Oppor- SALE! tunitir* niailnhtp in SAEinan. lUv I'll), Midland, OF FAMOUS NAME and Ml. I'lra-anl. FREE! h GALLON COKE I'nr prr-onal inlrriirn nrilr: SHOES FOR MEN . . . WOMEN . . . CHILDREN HOOT RKKR OR IIRIMiF FOR WOMEN for men W 1111 2 RF.f.l I.AK I ITKM l'l/VAs I- (>. I'airlirh • TWKKDIKS • drancei.o • f isiiion iirii.t • SIIIRTS in.sin mtut im i i in in • CONFETTI • kickerinos in freeman in IM.YMOITII ?IHI NnniiiiI Salional Rank lllilc. • FASHIONCRAFT • I'ENAI JO • MASTER FITTER • lil.l/./ARO ROOTS VARSITY DRIVE-IN Saginaw, Mirhigan • HANDLER OF •SIIFKI.INIi LINED 01 FREEMAN in HATES BOSTON OVER THE STOCK • IMNITXI XKER IUTI.I : FRY SERVICE F.n 2ac.i7 : INli HOOTS RA FREEMAN FOR CHILDREN •Jt MPINli JACK DIRTIES •JI MHNC. JACK SENIORS 0|h*ii Twla; ')i30 a.m. In 9 p.m. I'hnnf 1\ • LITTLE MISS SANDLER OF HUSTON •AMERICAN IIO> THEG 1'AKKINU...«/i to I hour.* of N«t«: All Shws Takm Fran Oar Raplar Slack frro jHtrkiiiii irlion tjnyfj you shop in most No "S|»eci»l l'urch»«*-" or "Manafarlnrrr'p CJwi*oul»." All Sh*|wrdV (Juilitv Shnr. Wkni right off nor ohfixm and Koine at ,m> IN naa'l ilountoun I joining stores... ask for hrioir ilrloils ir/icn you aro hit yinn. MEN'S SHOES GOING IN .1 SUPER SAVINGS GROUPS *YM - * 6.88 - *8M - *10.88 - *12.88 WOMEN'S HEELS JL... Popular Year Around Style ... All Siio. Hul Not in Ani On* Pattern. «hrr Son Cain, of XV omen'. Shoe* in All I am nil. N.imr \hlr-. Sir**! and llrr» Herb.. GOING IN 4 >J SUPER SAVINGS GROUPS 3.88-*6.88-" 8.88*10.88 Yaaag Wmh'i Spod M4 Iran Flats Oier s.VI Pair- of Drew C.v>ual, Taibirrd ('a-dift Sgort Airily Al lire— Flat,, and Wetiiie. GOING IN .1 SUPER SAVINGS I,KOI PS '2.88 ■ "3.88 - *9.88 Tuntaliiu's Hive LITTLE Mftl' ALL-FHRFCSI SCHOOL You PUT ^2 PRICE hisiil Slinuniiin I'ouvr LIMITED PAIRAGE ALSO AVAIL \HI.E IN TIE PATTERNS FOR HOVS •( f-\ Ijirxe Selection Hie Boyo' School and Ore— Shiww— l!i< Ih-n f,. Reduced lo Moxe Fa»l uri or • Hi-Matal \ -Top I un»-\ 31; EAST Short Will H* Thwe famous- under gar-.-, mis irirr. your,y cornf'..-rt v,aef red in fceluig «i«n your and ■»?r;svtlrfba!' hipi with the ,.%no%*_n**rr* mtetet vxoor in IAVC m UV« III IMS M< J.XV* til MVS HI 4-XX'rl Ml l.XV* (X 1AXV ts$ ux> (a UV, U( uit M UW Ml UW