•jwirtjiii ('.nprr* Tlir Wrnllici' HI* Mi»k»)p I In lift >, Snmr Sum* On Satnnliit IIiffh Trnf-l) Sw P»*f 3 . S-r* I fiw Sunday I ill), MSti IW ."io Vrni- Vol.. 51. No. 124 ~ 4'AST I. ANSI Mi. MHHUi.VN-MONHAV. .1A NT All V 25. I'M'.ii PRICK 5 CKNTS \o Deterrent Gap Senator French Rightists Riot in Algiers Says 'No Trusters Approve l)e(*nnll—Tnkinp Big Gap' with some «»l hi* ml Louih liourf Issue Pro\okes liloodhatli >'jSen. f.everett Sn!t«»n»tnll tK tUvlmvil Sun 1 «!•> not wriw that lliore i- thi* irreat nit<«ih> rap." nf (.en. |«ri|lli> M.*i**tl Nolo IPcli *1" Hull' ill Msl -th / *> •5■•#11, 'he Rrnuh \ «rn:nr S|i;ii'k- Oullirriik ill Vfricjin Pol l . • >n the Sftljtc \: Kennedy lliirli lb-licit Smith a> • in .. I »• !• »M • ««t i'ici rn n\ ;« • 1* .Ml nil", till hicb to > ' 11 4 Iim:'.11| if fjli'i «* 1 -Iil-'l ' £>p" 1n ,ov»--.i" |*s Dent Bimners / f - «l tl^l ll.i, I I, •' jnM 1.» |t? I .1 Mill " l »if ll » 4 length .<* «'i)?»M4ir .1 • ■ , \...t,.J.J,i!,r|,ff,i 1 y, , f 1* '« It.. .1 1 ,»• I t tl PUT* re ahead o' the K. • - 1 . I'M !?K (lie c l\ " • •" • . ! ill iinroni».-nii iinnilirt nf ftilif.a ,/-//on ie'e general noin'on .:i In *r*r» il rniir**. fill , • M'rt us of i« 'he "W'veto "u in Mir > ( \ « *,r •» '' M * • Irrm Msl , .Hi-* • o- 1 |.» Twill ires 1 * tll'V .. p,. • t .1 »C . . ■ •• . • I- i-i i » I... V , X«v* they ?i.. \ «• „ thrust <«>r*nei be* m « " t \. ■ V"' It. . . ! ' 1 I • '. I .. II Si .■ II. ' > ■ IHMI IVU T A". r • '5 '•*•••• Laniiillaml I »*•• I I f Ml tl i t" T " !"■* ".gil! MM- ■, • ' • • 4*144141444ft4*1 iii > pi | Xlcf'ia ifr. I iinl ihr uiillirrak In 4 t»ped nrfm InlrnirM : . !.' ! :| lM-' . , I • • c »••• * m••tin* m.i pl.k nf lirfio New* ( nnfereiu-r*. the K !"'a i, -i '■ he IT1' I"-. loo • M dr. 1 \l|lrr* 110 14,aril il I im | fmiirship a««ii hu«flt« Senator linlo!• Si'" S'u •l'- II*" ' I 1. »(♦'»*' ' '' .1 : aa 1* 4fiifiiiv,*.( nn ,11 14144111,11,iteation* . ..I of i^e XdminMi atioi* • dr- s. . •• •, • I»M > ' . . 'li I. * •?> • • . 4' . »».- if . \r»*« • mil. 1*1*..4.. II* al o.i.ii|| iii. i , fl.4444 thr 11111 111 iiil lit, I'.n.r plan* •* outlined in the r M f ' * ' 1 th-i t > Till II % It I HOI ail (.III .- | I I II nf th I iii* i m ..i I iff., hnricrl tor tiir tUral »ear \*llon*l It lllli of I»r11 oil HI* Ihc M-«l l.lrr (luh (4*r .1 .mufi'«l 'I'll' e 1 !•! .( hi Ho Lirlmi llll* 1 Hill S.lltnu-ti|| iiimiurl ,i. tunrrr of a *1 .» I enter line Ihr Iaaii illrrilnr* M*>l • •*!•.•! K . IotuuI 10 I ,• iinreil nhfl hr dr*crthrd .1* million Ivan »i iimrni inln l*re»idml loll 11 X lliiui.th 1»|-tiMlii\ Iti'laml I'rrl* r\i|iiite.i' pl.n - nn li 4 .-■-bo o* pulotio |i .InI'i nrglrrt in keeping thi¬ ... 1 ■ o. .»• e*l I .* o of re*rimr IwihK • lid rhmiKIn 411J m.tthem ilir* amin prepared In deal nilli ,1 . 11.1 • • •»nr **ilh It *ejr Irim ini| Ihr Iradlllonall* lirmlnrrd A hith Aioiied Hir. '« rrulied Vhc other w ith ?.t. lot a *?..y:mm»i» lirrrrnl.iir nf hilurr*. hill did Soli. il> Ikiekin^ In l.cllcr "I tvw.V, » ,n ■ in! in !«• limoln N4l10n.1l lifr ln«iir*nrr not mttt|i.iir Hie rilr* .«l Msl WiiMiUj T. »»* mmpan* I* |»iirrhA«int ill oi Hid Ms| *» : ».*u»ijrve*> * ;< »■■■ Family (irnnj) Sippnirls v.ii'.Atv*,.:: siii.f H Imlh l*»nr*. II. 'fnuu-ie ft.,. !.,>• ,j ,| • » « I,. ' •, o\ .1 (ill. !| . ?| M; ;. < UlO , ' .. ... ,, 11 s 1 ,45 be lH''un.l the re \'.'v* .. . • ' ' ' -.IMI ' I "4 1 li*- nu¬ IkMpiiml Basic BO FC • ■ ii' 1 1 •! . ' emnigh re*ev\«» . • > - ■ ■ • h. i-»!i, I. n*i 1 had • « .m.t whether !h. .V. t< r ll • \* 4 i • «oread on* t >« 1 I • . .. .4'\4 |*4 ! — t*c .in I T• . ; • ' »"•* '»• I ltd lie li, ftr«l, r: • . . \i 'i 1- l'i n.I t ilfi-r 1 .li triliuf i*• ■ !i ". • hi I' ■ • 111 uuom I ,)v r ln'i 'i . >«n;» i • f 4 '*"14* «or »i»i|tr r», iiiiI tii.it enough ■ '»«•!•-.. . I* 1 • H' lh.ru In (.mi in :i i'pm -oil v n-'.i n 'Hl'IT 01 ortr In, 1,11I1I1 11 to "Mtltrl . i ..p.; .0 004! . N f in*» Prank •. fv • . 1 1 o111101 -1 tpv iia i-.. \Iifliii an •44 III 4414,4 r 111,,11 thllt •.r.j'r sp.i"; \ ♦ r.-.u!'. .'.t . ill' 1..T!.. f Pf . • U i ... •» Ml T| "OilU 1>«'I ko.5 _ 11... • * ... ... . pi. then t»e -.napped that* in „ve hern tai-.-.i ivet -Ml*' "»r .uarvocn* The "* *111 • 14 • s r-'b . h, H U "• i .T I ■; tl. < |. I (• oil HOT! . I lii"t ret iis.,1 t„ immIhi ■ cut down the s./r *f Ki e o s ^ Itoman Cuttiof The bond Ihewrifed OmI an t .1 . It. >»■■'* .1!." \l t hui' It..UM w,th Ihr ri-hrlliiMi* I i,n,|,i'4ii ril U.i' •••in. .• n.nuH.-i " >: o.l (A { fx- T..U.I P-.Ml* I».V IflHI, ,.l'o. . " -a* -V 't A"'"' ■*% Vrofiedy. '4 JwloiiAil. II. so- «l may hare ferra rtapawlhle far II O-om U if • ' \ 1". < II • ' ' rir !■>, r I w« • ■ a W\ ;■ Humphrey < P-M.;,?: 1 n ■ p.' M v.".. . ! • ' IV. .n' *».d ' ir;e has !>•*-,■ , S", \ <- ' . "li . 1 ' i i Now .li-r-vx 11 ■* • mMOO . ,'M , I If c. • .4 'iv. ien- * t«> .. • \1« • u ' .1 v.i*'! 1 »un.i the ",*n Ir ■ i . - < - !• \, . Student Hurl \P>I' , .iiiii.' t,i ii'li' ■ i'li* c.crn;*-a';<»n !io "••• 1 ■ |.OHO |» v . " , , . '11 V'ftO (!rii?s|i (hi Mirliinjni Ill ii.inorilrr il> llll l|*l* >herl • N.I iru-sililr I llir ,11 AiltanAUll did not *41 whit lot. < 1 . I'lil.Hii i- priililrni tiiulrr tlie |iro v» Ivjai* «4« fi»r hi« belief lli.it A'1.41 !' liiixfl oi'Ai nii-llmd .1111I v .ii; lie i» no treal ml**llf s in Io- r.'lili 01 drni rliilinn «l Ihr propn-rd our- 'V the I niled "Alile* and \ irUi lerrn rri|iilrri| h4**ii' nririilalinii \| I ..M l, U»ia Nor dill he indnole roin-r is rr.iMUiN »*h* 'aierpl iVther he atrerd with Ihr I'M' 4tier of II11- ' \< .idrniii l ( iiiiiii-il s I fiM b* *» hirh *erretar* of .0.0 rrrnniinriiilali'Mi .it lhl<* liinr I* '»>n*r I linmi* (ulr* Jr. ron- '•!!(! Ill** '•«H llul "there i« no cap in New Buck rail IHISIIilllll J'hio Hook ha« :< ■ • 41*4hilit* In deter Huv.ii • «' f.*»« tlirtint a trneral war." •• C* <* n c re Halls Resent'.- It aa 4— o»»l known whether t hallr would j \ v.e-'k whr . ujit in, temper* ,■•■•■.■•nates of i>.\er s A n» Opi'i'si Ikilli'l >» I irluin home •*! ...i.l Kid let Ihr their oaau acrurd defi-itde,« r.i fi.v4rr.watd b' I'- - Imp' I.-II I>|ii'iii'r *» whi ther lie **i,ul'l •end troop* •m rmil tl,rn, mil uf their po-l- what the S v.e tio„- b* lone. .. .?>• would d>'. »i- " /- !)!' i '''l ' i ('> 1 ri*«»(« sfu- / fd -m in h ii" estimatinj S*'V-<*t «oii!;c Center r-s h'itlght iv 'I'. iv -'in Congress al« • .ill nod. h< fide - i the nwd tiir meti. . high r II# r rourt hp rnmpii-rd nf four olhrr II1111 lo tillIrons " .*irv Wiliidyi* suffered v;.«n h« hur 1 t..* oniv 1 ;u- • lira 11 Urn. Jaiirl Kmrn«rih. I'rrr> aiphomorr; Sharnii Irurt. Ilrtrait 4 .4 lytic via!*' CoHjii v A rhaoi'. i >« »i .< .. ■li! MOO- <•«•! :h« • • '.Ill, ,! , ••( o'm- J ft »'t '■ *' -.1! U .. ..-t •<— : •' •• nt.d • S Ml,. - „f.4 w'o! Junior; K. II* *rtiu%trrirk. f Irvrland lunint. and I'al llrflin Hiriii- Offu .i!- r,d lo/i l«r Majors vNipi.aW ti k.-.-e dj;» r in'tn^ throv.n to the "u "»i ii 1 Ot ;«-J11t loll Pi. It... *• ' -."ii.ii ,.i»I1 i injured. inuhani -etiMK .5 if.'! ! .ft'lVS 1 fio'd ef the 4.4; by :.ne impact, .... » »U? " ■ -roe for "Mi Ml "... t I.. If Honors Moi l ' 1 i»..',ie .. Difiau 1 '4.1 iwlice Jlud the i'liu XliiiiA IVi-niileiilial llii|ii'ful> W I'. • • . ! tthile the and il, lead¬ * ' - ,nnu#t Agricultural ■.'her ..ir contihut'.i r.s a* . ,4 .1 ■ I *"• 41111, " ' « '.mg the right hatid lane and er* tried dnrin* the entire ft a A : • wit! be pre**ftt- If omau in cam '«• keep order without mole-tine Slioe, Items iu Same Hoot ' then uwde a r.gbt turn i 3 Wednesday »n the a • r* the drwwivtratorv he *aid. "at a I>inan was licketevi to. e\- ; Key jpeaker will riirhtfjll the mulinau* who lint * crs-ive *peed for condition ,, aid Huff. new member • i-f v. ... f.• patienti, waited attai ked hi> car rivtived numerous dents . ... B-wr; of Trustees. WASHINGTON "P- Like the with'fpeak'-. 'iiitiima on #* . •. out Nimrtiiu and kirkinc hi*. • «• i#on- 1 ' • * mi' IK'> and abrasions, police said -.1 an. s.'l. ,!i ! .11 S'u'X and liod on the tone* o| lay*. '* pur;r,*e of the *» j vt.man v. ho bve'• - \ g»'»"».i f"• ?3^ cge of Agriculture A llirl Slii.l.'iil* 411-.-. ciindmate* they don't know i*aa* appiiiuec < iiK-keia re.'., !♦".! • V ,r from i oayvti at the H ide Vm IT' illlll I' 14 'tl — ID I« ' ' ' end of «-a n *pei .p.m ?m front of him, Tru- . N von. V. Mo .•'«.!tl.N io A-ard# will go to tie- Mwi. Kal. I.i-I. ii. Pi.-. ' * An ■ '■ 4\ • ' .Ml .. ri iK-'iicd I u. no *"•*« ruients. They will be Humphrey. 21 i:.4.M -aid h« i.ujW think of ;;. f Sen. h;»V;tig I cgirtH'.t • i M The\ gav^ ..onvincaiig proot of Stuart Sy-niri. yii i.Sl"! * vera I n iorc worthy of attcn- tioii cinche t :-%.nesA and farm or- Care to "Cuss aid Discuss"" "Lat SaturJa.. night as »he'y T? M t ■ Humphrey .* 1 ^Syunngton III \arirl> S|h#h departments within This is the innovation of Sigma ■ "A" ' . ,rev-• •: #•* 5i trotted out seven men who have S»-n Joh'i Ke.i " ' Msn- »■ I :hink we ought to tak« ,iun*.ion al, Nixon' r -n» and student wgam- Gamma Epe;!.>n, the earth s*.- ' ■ ■ .1 ;.ivr m.i i. \ ml it it hi* >«-!•# "In le-cl ') ''Zi'e-Ger era *civii»a.-i been mer"iom-d as possible p.-e- iwrnds -•k 4* then, too." he aid •.. an ,'iu',on#'- So Ffinard 'b* ence honorary, and the geoiog* . • • . J'.IU r». \j -uv P f ■ I vidert.a'. 1 an iidates. Aroun d Sen. hyiuiun sT# \ Th# candidate* OKI band amiled Nible Svrdng'.on ca.ied ii.m r it. ttirass. ~,r *e !r0™ certificates departmer. t 1500 Derri vraU kicked In SJOd M seconds and " * j,o' the 111.15.* ippliiUNe •1 '.on * -a»h. Highlight of the The group meets every Mon¬ A " : n \ *-fl •>be the presentation a plau- to watch the two-ring Gov (» Mfu.-ifti .V \ l.i. StevHUhori. the Den. • V ,, < .<•, <4 ''air ^*4mpl" of I n.on »V»-dr.. 1. Tb from 12-1 in 409 N'at Sci .- j ■ • day Mich) Brh .iarship Award to the show and neutral observers were . 12 s«'u;-., 1. .In' '-ri?v candidate since Tru¬ Uviiitii " *1 ti •> r Derrux'ra'.ir nUit's fr-»m . 'n ' The question arises, what Gov. Roix-rt r . ... . ■, • i ■: . . j rmntofi. mm •. * .about lunch? Weil, according to hoping for clues on who lea- Meytw (N'J> 11 man and :i man often mentioned *1>.. *.n. :o Dtre* '--r A Ks-t-r ^eat having !• •r. tiiev' midt • .»* the best four- i".!' • • p.pularity.. yeeondi. likely to win the nomination John-on vt.i out by saying p Varic'v Sr.-a. -< -• r4"* Uc average in the Joe Mar.cuso, chapter president, i i n- ti: 4 >•- ♦ • • • :: -•» .f» .vhere ' \ • ■ They were disappointed Gov. Ednnmd iP.m B:"vn again. Wasn't prcsont. He wa t*'.a iou.i to b«- Deri'o- »; I'nkitl H.'.o-: 'AV<-k. will •*** ?'Ma-hcw*. A*rieyl*-ure. you can bring vour lunch along i '!•'* .1 When it wa« ever. Sen lluberi 10 s«?t:<.ndN » off on a South American tout lb "'liten several rani \ and listen to the speaker. reason.- .il' ••. • ' » Na'.-m." • i* l*ct OS key sen- * "• *-\t as master of Mancuv. will g.ve tiiia week > Humphrey > Winn 1 *»* twins- A- >,-o4 can mi-, the *n4. Mexenvon *.t«le a similar shoi* {<»r tfjis' and wound Jip: r'.T-ni«i?.4! i." Tn-. • ing far arnand nn the HuUidr h mrhwi, and ..r.ytbmg f <• In Ney* f ork lavt month, hut If uiouvi t-t l,c of Feb 25 i;°r program. talk, which will be on the recent .1 nieu.oei' 4* yen . f ir . r.i •. track bat he was ahead only by iiap;ren when letter from him wa* party J j,;** do#' -r»'t 'practice All type- Tie t'iauiie hau brokun -if quantitative miner¬ a tin' a*d - «ii W.VX',r" c-csaning junior, advances in m neck. Not surprising l.v, the loudest read here last night it got only political birth control." invited to ,r.i K t- */*"*rr' Harrison. Middle- al identification made possible i. :. ar.ri " r , wevki-fHi at hrs •qn.rncr ri-,- by use of the reflecting micro¬ The crowd was s#3 large it had applause came when that old perfunrtory applause. It got the biggest laugh of the dy urges •*.ud«,.- ,vj -' or.: dence a'.^ Co!ombey-Iacs-Deux- MIIAVf ^*■11^"*' profram ^ scope. to be seated in two duung halls. wariwrw. Harry Truman, came Still, there wucu a few aUg- fdgiiU group* to try out toe *.:»€ sr.- - -. EgLses to return to :n« capitaL r 'Xoh It > J list ;\ (tf Wlioso Kind Of Pence" Part-Time Life Can Be . . . iMirlii^au Slxilt* News KOGAI.ES. Ariz. (Pi—Ped-o •x** 9 reached 171' when a park bench and h.x t Workers Cfilflviz found the city park Is a , Read Ptllr h* VM '« ?.YORH MUttonta and F*calt* bed the bankroll and »>> TV# i• .-h,k . . srji# V#»» i* rublwhrd : risky place to (lash money. i << *dx »'..•• ! < • »• • " •>• ' • • • « '■ He was counting hi* money o(T. 1- I* not the »--•.• ».m» «•.••- " •• •' " i ... ' .1 f winle r\ *e#kir,g iIm.'ht. ii. 1.- " »»>' »• I he i-fst 11 • :•'• •'. ■ "■ • - ' Z'u^rZ'J^" ' "'c\ ' ' ' Total 7,144 CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS . , . v.* A*** I » " • • •'• ^ « • • »" vr«** Stiiftont tvnrkrr^ nro hfjr _____ \o\. M. W. I'M Munlm, JansiMi \ tT':H:P Tv»o tnisitipj*N. Mi>t'p thnti ?1,sr»t»,- IIEADMNRM: I p.m. !»*y llefure Publleatlun far Tuea.. Oi'ii xvmi pniil «»ul 11» 7,1 II Thurs. and Irl Idlltans Deadline For Man. Fditian I pm |( i*tti«ti*nt.w workittjz for ihp Dills Parable R-ll and l-l Monday Ihrungh Frlda* Low-Budget Danee: iinivpr*it y on a part-IInto ha^ia in ItTiP. Thii was an asoratro of $2ti0 rarh Kl) 2-1511 EXT. 2fi15 HOUSING The Modern Trend AUTOMOTIVE \ great deal of the xtudent'. a i «• w orking part of tlieii >\vay Heal "W FOR RENT through college." according to n urr vnP1l«srt.F A P»fl,> Fsl«-«"i •'» Fmri lviri'« A. many fl.M'O sludrti's r.l !»»X ■>, Ihe Vet * «> tt-iee room* bi'iiiibed an* nnv.xte bath inihmi tflx n un.lrrfflkm h> the \ci.-F;in* A -. t1'- •V'-• 411 •,r'"'s work, during the peak employ¬ 11, r Sl'tdeMt S. rxlcc xi'tK'lessle i»rice* Mightlx- exei " untitle* im-lnded Ft) ?-i«M whether Mu'httan State really Mailt* dmI m '-'1 M iMtitmne ment period* at registration. The vnt K*WAGFN. rn 9-1471 ppRNtAiirn APARTMENT r«n normal xxecklv employment is fPfl 14- the lav'!•»'• ptvm-. r v the He" hc'woen '.vsna and .1.000, Wi'ji aurrsam n men tnrtilture «»nilen'« Two AI«o, uiininiUlieij hue; ,, - We already have limnl the first cn?v-. :.'»«•■• i .! II- v t-i these steady workers taking lox< for cniti'lr IV H-.b'Tl H nUAKFs roMPIFtF RFl tvtvr:, {5 fx por couple f's • r:>r n -hi -t ? , f -i ot.r • - * home the hulk of the hearts t'l AX i.^,| a'i.| i,r,'v up , XiliiiHi«we»i« •H.iirnilnn llr ikr Reltiv AVAtl.ARI.r NOW - «*Air :,n.t imIvv in eontlnot imr the ilanrc. Uxmillion dollar* the pax roll • rv 2>i|,i r; Ksiaiwayco, IV 4-HiiH. <> MKNt's close to ,'ixinnm. .. . ,. two bedioonis 1 • i,•'iti11-'• #*«' office gives out x early to undei- Popular x'.»mp-:unN o.uviu n the ,iv.p,.r4;i* •, " v adu-Pe . EMPLOYMENT refrlgrralo, and stove I'll • tm- •, ) v n:»nif orchestra'- for the luc ,iani r .-•••t t'-o t<»rtva. ROOMS (iradiiale stndenf*. assislatxls. at .pulation which came with the one *i..- ' Mi".' ^i« and full-time xx others faking less \\ At ASK A AMI At 11FRT A no station* i*on*ttnotion Micro t.on# t.ARfir ROOM lor t„ „ ... » , Offfpinir PAPtP KiipI I'nfprlrttnmi'nt :hhI t\ rh«»u«» '1 - than 13 credits are not included iid< "Onnatnictton New*." 'tV ;»nd men ti.iminp tn font anpvoved t'tiu k' n"i|e*' »tnmee x» tnS ■ Most of the students me pa'd XVF WtU't t> I.TWr »•» meet i n-inV - W'• on V'v . ?!•« r V.-.!. «p|>r. 1 0 t :« ix age scale set l\x the Sta'c ftnl tMOveiAtti cmi'V in«rte«'eil In noons row r tv» .'x*P hist tapal'io prnujv •c salary.'to $10.1. the most |i<>«!»• '•> '! »* up to xx ages paid to full-time r ART Ttltp WORK to fe vour help dothij comparable job* nut- »,tied.ile in.irrleit male f\ or "Id- ROOMS roil MFN « • ,. ' ^ \'P fii PPtOff Mf.'PiT.t XX :»< x*4 !! nvr'.x o.O IV..Vrt t;• • • I'ii - « oe the uuiversjtx, p, eonxpavc* n with i si lan«ina are* Ant'iv Pirkinp i'n|l Ted X'.'tr 11 X Mi 1 Ati, hie,in Avenue taname rxl tl«J 1 11 } 4.1*7 at'r x .hi "vr:a» Muv happx , f.ixorahlv with part-time xvages , tio e ,tui 111»- 'be dn\ _ f. the same job*. Pterson aa •) \mi. nrsrniK. riu r u i ? t ? . w i siiideni* earn 11 eenfs per FOR SALE LOST and FOUND of I ho affair x*a« P. ■ an increase in pax tn kl Oll per C'U'Hin \: . x PERSONAL 1 . \\ e* t > OS I tie- itaii. r . !v«" •••.., • • MT.i'S to tl*o a a. ' .\,v:p •» .ia'a. v« , , ■ If he complete* •. . avion- i nil 1 11 3-fiA.1l terri and returns foi a thir»i. he S»*(M S*»ir*» t • «•• i \t M Poliliml Kadialiou Assessed M-x H to thr )U!< nil; ' " -'I,, , - .. I -poO.a I r .1' he yranted a raise to $1 Oi £»• MvfH \ DAKFRV tlFl IW»t* artro m.irrio»l ': co)<*vo . xx <:i n !-r, rra, ,••* r . same condition* that govern- KWAST d'xtdnalb iic.naie.t ... •.■■ ■< i -?x> h;;t xxhoro maf a nmi poppa aro ir.-i i i-kr-'x !.< *.'"-:rX . i me raise hi the second term U#eff C»r» k -1 b v' t i ielxe >or S3 .'••• Phone IX' . i-fi •<> i f After IJnieanieral Bomhshel! ire I nm 'xx op hrfoiv sht V .w\' out P r t : v nn'n.l tsokrf-. ** . a'-o app'x to this raise . Ipim Skee* |' * - * - > • Students cannot lU'imahv earn ieiulsifd » i • 1 THE MERI VN t: ATT - on Mr xa'.ir coui»l a,si> n>pivspn? ilex! xx#M»k - pr.vi^tin. Tit A -itanceable nut*,, w t- lha' m.»re than the $1 01 nuivmitim A»ri«» !* s ■ ' band sound and feeuog Pb If « V\ hirJ f v p«» liiipoo xxoro hi-a I r-n oampu* xx hrrr a « .t Paiiitemonimn hroke loose as hoar i «*v what romehow mo # tdllwx No«r This U Ihc first Student, ix ho ate doing skilled a l*;o (ipitil netxsmrn st.xsrd a trantie A'l Colon At Jar iris V'» fss fvrap, Was 11,p ,il a v n . T .ii-a.ix ■ *;,a xx. .v. attfioau. *» in * series rf tixr xtlirlrx Hrjl xx-ork w tie!i the regular pax (.,; run on testis politii « that Sxiu- Much else xxa* said and faiih- ■ t iflirois *h.'XX i»x Tl ?>•. IT 1 \ ;.j X fl-.it t'l • •; tr.,. ' • •' »nc »»»lh the tcasihitili of a !*Hi"t:*xie jolxs iu more than the WINGED SPARTAN' iltt afternoon so that t o tn e flilts reported, almost xxholls in Fsslx b* 0'ci'S |s *» » onc-honsc Iftolilutr sxxlcm (or tuixersiti studetus shivt-tho-xx«»| )* ni\ p c xx..x- to xjuahtv iihtv;,: n «-n Pi..! Momtax mornint thrx xxoxibt he opposition to the one-house Idea, mnvumnn; Ihc slate of Xlh httxs > d > h.iv,» more than a u«u:;l It# C'lipM I c» t urioiislx. all the "anti" artu- set to niter x the professional .,"io.|Vi1 of tr.xpotissh.'ltx. such St>tlx I ' « < ments originated xx 11 h I n the It Plight htvor e tho Pic iw' . i : M i I'MTO p» I l\ stli rXRti potitirtans on (hints unicameral tho*c ,:i ,i *ui*eix xorx o.i|m, • x'.i r Miviitav mornsiH the-, ranks of |«*.\«»'* balile-srarred Hocitv Keii J ! St, Skc*» * «tuxl^ntn «rrx»-.i xxoii a« in t o nrx.i students who are doing *. *: antw.tXi .cscr. e tax-minded legistatlxe xeletans. . t spec »ured wotk in research »'« ! ' -.ii' xx a *o«i N.> iwe c*ni.-i But n.m !>•,.»: the initial shock ToboSSSSX « r % • • f 'a-«r ' " i . «no are assisting an mstructo ive kn.wx o. ,i'v* aWiip Ncbt a • ■ i,f the Siti;r c-house projKXSftl hj»v S.df-sii Sah . t 1 «* Ft* 01 the Held of kheir major, may New fif# few Ali«*liiuaii Slato Nox»«« he.t a rSnxnee '* xx«»a- * it •. * v.n:cs'.«ci.sl lefi\ii c tha i t a ■» f.-Hvl tfiix-.ernmen*'' teformer* app.v for an increased rate ■•■e or«»s •. t-xus.nt Hapr-v f- r Poi«> Pa' it# Sb«i» TCC - xx ha i seen a nr»M {<,r \^. - students are limited In a max¬ .X«l JW V, e« ,«\x MIV 1 s iij.tn'1 tt xia,' ;h# ruMlsV,e• ,«*e. .■•.ten - sen in tc-e states legialat-ve permission from the llean of •v.storv. the time i* ripe for bludents' office. I ititor in-i tuef It Prter W xlleo tire sue reform In most cases, the permission REAL ESTATE Price Xtaiiacme Mnsiness lilitor Mxnxtei sniantt John Miuphs 1 ajiilol taiiiiiiieut" xtennei! It nox% a pear a that William* will place his iiov. CI. wd'. i a* |»e « granted if the student two point average m FAST Hanch-tvpe LANSlvr. hou« am. I- ' 1 i trrniation Manatrr Paul t rsher 1 jtrcc l;»nd», aneil If ' xx eight behind the mxe-house • l»ove AFI.-C.IO Chief(tbji'd i »ir »e-»Ki .» xiii •«« i Xitlwt# |* *?*•">n I SFn RFFRIitF.WATlins <*»*l«- room tianen.int. xlen 1 '♦ • although he will have The written request should be M."< an«t ur> | 1 ail r>|» NtM Sindu lr|. cause, *«,» 1 v < y x-t'i tan r««# laoei t»r.« lrouble selling It to legislators aubmitted in duplicate. One copy ire .Serxw# bt««re 1110 I". Ml,!' t.FAVINf; STATE US' M 'Irr i »n»r. i* IV MilM »* ttharn new b«nne with • r • J»m xxatimtton I ' S K «l"l h!''. X inetr. within hi* party. of the form 1*, retatnM tn the < un»ider new m„u' ' 1 p '• i 71) s|M»rt% . Xi'KfiM# fXuntt ir»,of* H'.lrl, thiift *p«ri» It',,.: i diw'i l.irrt» |*irM(r i on mi »>"i ?M I M*r*. t' 11 X rwawi sl*n*i*r m Hinn '('.on•('.on"I'etiliim The *!«"•■•' hear xif Amenenn •.lent utiM George Homney's reaction x\*a.hn-f \o Motors Press, Dean's rexsTrda. and the other is sent to which then will pass paymen the payroll division, IK; HEAKFAST IONUS ftOOD ' r. nirnialnng* EE S-A1M'* SERVICE I'M*' tif. nl Minn » Iti.V »•'»:* i N,i ».i Hi'SI-X | «!; Hill Kifimsw I Dniii MiniCa j its join mrr% . i "he idea If Kotttney, ax cha.r- (or more than the maximum ratSM M »'. • f hour* of uvirk. y.K' .ii'o fn .re to ptvi'Xpr Sinisv from e.ran of the Citirena for Michigan QU'Ck ISnnrtl* k?#n»» Jjtnx H «,k ' In 'IS Nsi'nnai XAir.iiitmi Mxnu" 5TUDCNT IPfCiAi . ♦ *•1 \liki N'ifi i.cni|f XX It Sfil. 1 p jx'iurr.tor xxxvki'ttii , ommittee. hapten.* to join the The wages paid student la - kklional Xaterlj*,n» Xlsnsre* i-xx SPU0NUT SHO» Xnii Ran#t M»nk Hrititlrm. Ji'«' X«. I unicamerali*m fotvet, the clamor borer* ou campus were nrlgtual- r«» k »s. » i Itrnif i.iriili I'ii,, 1JJ MAC Op«s ii.s-ipe X»nkr>iXnn X»**sii.»a Xt»H*trt X'l.M* Utlharns. reeoinitinc the prac¬ »i. change could risich the ly determined by the rust of Ceoifslete T«e« up { N u tit sport* xa.ln** ».*»« ticalities of the situation and major issue atag# by eicvlion room and hoard.. Early in the j iMlliir r»l st»phrr,» Men: . time SKIT* ROSSKOI'F P AN'CF H o t--d I *•" l.V A popular trelint on the *uh)ech history of the nniverutty. the J' cri Willi x win.» Iwnili'ig* Aim Ws sitnrd stmplx he,-a use it xxas a This pr.s»j>e,-* makes a non¬ rate was close to ten rents an r,exet Kannne b«v>1» »,re 11 Worm Ca. WiC ; g*5 never „«e t , Kopii'.-. ca ••« we e occuivied went np. ether di-u. i >. x pastries Kxxast Bsk- Op* • " otx 0# a ■* go *1 xslTi « f S.v.untax x' :!i jv S'a'c v entral ful the one*house system really IV S-STAi »f A CROW ta-ih K The theory was that tjtree »iv i.XV" v>Vtx't vfch f x »— • " i • nxpoT'.s. xx hi. V en- has been i.n Nelxraska They unit hours of work a day would pax DAVIS TfXAxlx.' J Trnma XV: f%i X*! )S sea -x ^ c'f V" l .x't'jt 1 • r*e- : c IjCXgxte ih.4 JivxMpe* x >o haxe to c iwoier ^rether a for the student's casta of meal* which may serve an SllVtCI TMAt SATISFIES I JO l text st of Jiving in- WILLIAM H THCMPSOM electric vail Mrs machine at re,son*. - Piersma. ED oW hot »a bartie-* ».ar.( 42 H.at*.* atreed on the need for a con¬ c.eases over a long period of SPARTAN Mt*LTlUTHTN *». 17. V-.n r*. -# 45 R-a-..r of stitutional contention, there '.me, but ' n*»t required *0 TYPING service Ex* •41 S ST.irdx To b'. t e# Si !.*•# >'fS t># were dissenter* IHfWMATfON 1 • • c-.px Tpdax. u..:icing mere 1 y to defray the cost of eio- C*et#' oi igmal TYPING—TERM PAPER- Mrs Gn* up*# • ' < .*. X A -iff" , ■ f,: , t. !..> defeat .1* S ivn„ 08«B v'herrx l-ane, r.'igush class for foreign w ives Sifllil Sta ff F.ART LANRING—403 Virgin Txso- Phone Riding Ranch. IV now for tfse-va':, 3-4.527 - via ::i HlM K>rlmsn bcdriKvn b^tnaslos X'.Jhl > it; I of Automatic hrat. B- V , > -ajor. leocter Frar.k kNO-CAPb IniMaM roorp-Xnn (Xatirr fu'.l base-rent attic and garace IV- WONCH TYPING-OEESF- J I TftxiPi S MCATION Our IBM T>e. / ; . 1 Pca.i e >. K-S: Clair x se -.: a U'- 3 p.ni. Mtis.c Buiixting Wlff 1 HUM n-P S;a> Cer.rial MODERN TMREE-Rexltwwn rmm- type-bare produce- rr r_ »Vt'': -a'-c tr\- born# near WUliamaAon Newly oualitv offset copy »-.erict> « ■ ! T; > * i • ■ v'iiwarning that Rtputv- V.irp ,3" iv rfe-- irated. -ex* od turn joe ri#s bona. Call ED T-WML Axn^i, <■ :A-an around the aU'e linoleum Hardwood Berarv Hall. •I i 1 The petitions prepc-»e to elect B5 \r ^V5 ?w «AiCt l^w! used T.V aetg and antenr.ae*. ' Mcanxxhile. it appeared the tub# checking, tree parkine ' than rlertirj three delegate* SIX ROOM EVRNISHED house for state court, could hold • p.m. dalle. T.V Technic tar.# f< : * from earfc of the 34 senatorial the key supreme to the question. «* men student* over 31 and laundrv facilities. IV 3-5144. Parkin if 3022 F. Michigan IV 7-S&M '.i ' *?TT" dfsirirt* as ,s set forth in Mich¬ i. :r w> V. a pui>! r • statement Satu;- r I V E ROOM* CNTVRN1SHED. TYPIST ANN BROWN Pv ^e~ igan's censtilotNwv c '1. Jus', -e Euifene Black b'.a^ - available to »*\KJen** or profesaor*. I-3P50 Electric typewrtter •' paoert and thesis. a!*o general 1 Wf.fi** \ ^ r.D f-m$ or ED3-3SAJ tf " | - *vf *e- c i h;s coxleifuea for alow hannl- tng ♦ Vn "" : xsf the sUV sr" c ' APARTMENTS j.*.' j V J. 'ts Xi.i -i if a ca4 j w *4 ' ' - erne- . - - Utic* "r t • - < , . nal convention in , ntshed APARTMENT. EOt'R ROOMS fur- Private bath. F-xst side Lan- iw: i. y,CH,s»'> - t t' -J..-. ' - i-. • e Although a majority of thc^v amg. 10 minute* to MSU or cauitol D«0# OM fO« 11111"- ! |.*4 , ^ ■ —* pt-stp&T' the question favored Villi ties furnished ED 3-1445 17 FiK.iiied a,d D'» *T • ■: -A" esratdtiaa. '• APPROVED HOfSING One man SOCIALIZE IN D«C 1 - K.rf _ st mat time, a Convent- n to shar* aoartment Alio riouhie Wt ■ xV.iTgi' T. "ead of* C.:« v a* not he'd hectare of a 1945* »lee rung room- ED 3-4017 arter 5,v •UNCLES FOI STU0ENT- 1" b *• MJ- V.rhdtia tic Tv-esidem <, >v. *t ctecig.en • which • rqj«d t\at 14 H , »»t' } 4J» Ft v V~e: -sr. N! a riijor.tv of those votir j it ; ji JJ .V T NEWLY DECORATED THREE 5f v # CTB orgxv- WANTED . - - -^-v r» < was r.eceuisary. room anartment rural atmogphere f, i i ••• •t,gr rP;» wjk s s.jtt* ?-"*'• B'ack arllrvti the tour* sh?>v:' t re**,mable Call ED 3-1511 EXT- h ' ;*** 1 *X V • !- - .4>.-- .i . a+ "• 4 • .> *'S reverse v*&t ' < itve'f and taking t'hem- so long u irntafed 3-P4I. dava. Avatlable fcminediately j* nIDE Spartan COMMUTE B EJU Village five days a week. Have 'o b# a» *r ilAUl and * ' » eat est p » x AriMllj st » pen likely that so render a decs.on. •I • JR XV •*!«• AIWI $ »»■ ^ I»iiiii|>«t Pnwlicr' Mtnckcd liilfTiiiilitiiiul (Unit Dibt'iisbt't* Mil lllfiYN ATktr lanuars ?N. I!»«« MW1 I'agelhteg Sibils Show I iiwoiiUmI Driver iMsonlmsvPi4 l.ooil Will Ttmr n,e our-' " • U . I.mi filmpi' Slnlislirs Itrvi'iil Slmly "i - tig it rar «>n the hlehw.a* I, "• • . T"ip nf A .i t t! I'V-' meuvcr to lv Ithdn t»k.- i o . w Ith rx ft erne **:»t»t ■ <• • i; • \« < din will leqiute k»*|0 pan. i .hp-' I,.- Turkey, !*id.. \u • Sin-fit' in InlrrvHl • >. "• t'l.- fit .d v- p. (-., . „. . • I ;! load.* to ditching, ,«td.<. •«'1v nr. f'lS ill t! .I'll- ed W h'l.iir r 'he appro*. h- I ■ .-, . per. 08. ;»,t F' d 1" If \V W If) -'I I >1 rrovs-ns*. . alx r.v ui! up distance . . ii if* uf'cn associated won . n: vc> aitil hills In "u ,-ifv. . 1 • . , -d depot i I parsing maneuver. • -i8 too <*|.»rly. oi outlina safe sight distance im hi !»»• i wiM edge up a- i«> i sbirph. the iinpiop.'i recognition .'f HOW TV »*d»V to the >ir i "p .In I i o' rtf' r v otic of fir vi"!:iimn, tirv interAppling street o ,i so. ng . • . ' i ;

poster r:ni|>;i ifio tin the Milts* av. the Mfr dis¬ ' sti.il an Increase Is a natural Bui the error In this assump¬ I f oshiio V|Mill <»f ftitkev ."i% l •* tion is that th» cannot far Srlsliti chitlei Ii of Indlg be stated hi* position A* heiio: s .. iutioh of Chiefs of 1'oltpp «lo|iend on thr spent of all traf¬ a see «o it si ltisii els offering .special!red enough ahead. hecau«c their g in the ileli it* hi *t.|ling thai i "vkrptiral lot man being " lie Poller nfflrlth point out tint fic In the area—not just the professional training, hoi ralhcr sfew Is ol»striiiled b* the car ite belies ed President I isenlmn the I'lsriilmss el Irlp O "a much needle** p*«*iug l< Hour speed of the »a«* rruei.ll unlsetsllv rdtiegllntt." ear hrint passed ahead Suit* a driver doesn't er's visit |.| Indii mole lite tri« tidli dielln vimli mm hi inosI driver* Beside* tain* The hithei the Ion osend said. speed of all hegin lonsider «icht distant people feel "» little to • more i-nn •la'nert thai th* lour w a* done . it little time, frequent pmlnt tiaffle. the lunger Is the si«ht until he has attualla beg tin his sinerd (h it Hurt It * V* anted •on o" n - -II' " and Ibat Ti*en id H tiU ln weariness. Irritation ami distance the driver require* in passing nunrio cr—and ha then peace " h.nver did not hate time to talk per si • si. -taking. order to determine his propel It's eftro l<»o late to the oi din ti * people II* ru< M.'-en' '•Hp traffic rMC'*1oei. who Hi. inoiiU distance. |l I- ( i |, ait. t ' tie rr . questioned u bethel Hie eroUtl* f r.."i I a ' 'et •died the prnt'tpfu of highw The minimum aifhf di«'anr» \ t App'oaoH-ng u the purpose «f the was -v 11.i' *han ni ' ■".ptencv, knows thorp other lane often fotve* Pip pass- t'f.anlr d to 'he I'do-'im ,C t I ueir Hireling fnr %merr«. fnr . » required for pawing, a* recom¬ -.....»• t- 'he f g • >re efficient and rapid flow >' ••g Hvpt »"o despcatp action |nd a-, n-ndt i .•■uph Ike or Mist hrraiisr of Hie mil mended In safcti author ;'tos. . llo -uv 'ramp down on thr •-dr.- th, ilp lllell! a'ld hv.lt,-.| *loii lie also said lliat the lion iff;,-, if thr cars **:n rci-on- 1.600 f a' a speed of !Wl m a -era4 *i and pray. may lilt- \ • ,t'. Tit .t'l ' * a' •" •iitt* mas base been out of if i *pe» t tot a sv ar hero 11*1 •* practical approach do mp* M.'k p'tP Nn.i't-i-a ua- aiuaiii •■> in loirign latigitage inslrttclitm Ins u*»-,e. <>r *ic !T>» pjjoosp ho India n the hotdet dispiiie - . in ole il more iulrresllog. he- Placement Bureau ■i-.U*h on dure ifpsc a I'-C opjsisi?!.' Snip y'tinyap* hen l-*»n may pi collision. A" 11 1111 I tltWIIOt s( HI Hit \lltts Mint,1*1 w Rl.-it* New* Plnitn hi thih Mttnhl'dl etc tin Jim Ht-.l ed S'a'e*. China Cha'h-t p Veal purpose so Iwiug "Pie lh «. og.Tr i..n a*. I •' • *' • Silitl t- hiv t Ill- the fallowing emplnser* aaill Inters lew on the Indicated dates luliuslnn. Terry Nmilli, ptrshlrtil. (ienrtc llihlt.iid Men's HI* Isinn at- If you arc Interested report to the Placement Bureau at least two sp> ... is 'UP*"!* ' * ■ rprcsrnl.itis« and Boh skinner nalbmal president li di'v 's no' le« eti? till ) rur.d'ed school \| >},atnuied II oi ' Af^h ■ ... 437 St >-'in «h days In advance of Interview dale Woman also ma* in . c- ■ adequ*-.. lan. •, i., | iih-ov. \ i'H and 16! 1'iirifilitMiH' trraleaa , : with asletlsli f*» (B» ma lor* Bachelor's degree. tWl Masters, fit) lloctors Where no i'S •-•. vuimt I'Villei'ilils Ih-ilicidittu n ftis r-iin'n e. Iw-.ng ' " " degree Is Indlealed, at! degree levels are eligible lo interview p 3-lc.ld Flail I !s llanil , 'ed flic oisfan. -. HiPIAJcs, "• hid Itg an vc dawn Draws National. MSB Dioiiilari«> i a ha h Khiuvho 'ev and Bo tireeg. I'ylit;-, JAM ARY 26-if. 1*160 t rutin I liMimlt* iSiaginvwc I' • nlwrivr .C ■ianin visi'etl Afghanistan i and I'ortugu.v i onvalr - A strung title*; l » hv" B Ml-, h , F .y \| • T.VSCh "tig enough *•» The of final dodi,- Veterinary Mr k. ne IV • ist.'iii and. as Uanifi put P. v* n ill, | H81— '•• Pi miucti.U1 S itM*hoiiir f t a levin I y ' Mi ten o| th, Mrt'h »V Civil Funis. M.i'ii - Tkomy ('.ns AKMoulture. . p. - ■ ' S! i i ■ I. > B • It* should »Uis begin his |us« o.iai V .1 Ml • Mi t D » .V Phvsu-s i\t 11 > 'I, ii. stc?Os F ?■ "i.v 'He mv n« I John A Hannah FJeorge II h .uors for work in t.,-hit.-.-l K'lUvl lug nunciisrr finni well ha« k i !.Ic ■')" K *' M Is fil. He. ha d of M" m I »• \ ion. Mahol «<• thai •« hr passes the i at * is .•Ida, Omvnlt - Astron.oi'u fittidr | .imp l»iv ahead his speed ill he apprnsi \t . . i n I ,n' of r v r Old p, leis-oM .if the Women's p:y i conduct a scminoi Tin-- . ■ . •, p ss l aif - t.-l l»l -U: 1*. ; matrl* ten nolrs m hour faster alipontK of ' II rla-s of I'M.O • "M and Drsn o| SMilenfs Ti'ii cscnMig. JiUiu«r> ?n • P King. ' - - * "• pi,-,v. ,y p. . , thin thr rat being passed I- .Sodl.Wtlotl I |t lead Ity .t:» I'mon Bo-' • «i of thr Pi* I F.m \ t «•«.««. 1 Mi;Mic* i .a,. | • 'i i- - president int. et >f !H.- ,ftafrintl* an from H .10 to to At' p •• , i\ M .• Wnnrn SaHt I idt-ni t.■ 11 K'niih, Vi.v • \ n.:i . p. ' - - v J\M ARV |tt.o Pi •' ■ 1 Hi to.ir'-l •( flie drdir.ifi"" din- P»#-*idrnt Fduatd Ballon. K< . , 1 . Fw.ii.... M..H P, Y 8- 1 '• 1'iada, • O. • \ v. ii n' Skoin.M . V.- i Pit- • iiret Dm k Shrppard (i)rgnuii M' lie . ■ < n o fen' Nah-,. Sih1'«-t,irs-Treasurer Y ottihonse aiiiiotiiues an aii tor HesoArch .Mccti tic Darf Km* dr.. Dean and Mr* t rt,i:io« »'• nuitors '•■! » Vs, : Army tlrdttance >|issilr irsif-a'i' 1* * oil rr n'mt 5-!r« t * niu • Mil I II. FOIM a> i otnntand A National Acro- •r ,i ih.'i'>ngh esc cvjitvp a*'an t •. .uiifs Spacr AdmuiistrJiiou • St II Nt i ihoralories; i'ti< o- ; M i .• FOKl.I'MliMIIM M f iiHt Mt {111. M>. viM.itres iM> iic. A. Mr I il>> Fngv.s IMiSMfs tM> , Math M .VppliPil it)' no ft r".w# op 11'.s arts'*- tntc-f -et." »*tr. a..! latitat • IllsroltV OI Mil lilt. SN Stays moist and firm throughout your shave! fot Aci'OlMUtu .1* FtlK'M | Name (Motile i t NOW VI regular or new mentholated •p. l'tiMins w.'.h I h», h» - - Ihgii'c- mill aUo pPvi- 11 lake vottr choice III new, eonl ritenlli.'lafrd or regulai %dilie*« Ktnunlli Slnoe Itulh have g»«It. tliuL Did "spice qualil. SPARTAN BOOK STORE (its :,«! the alnc, «.» p. i e iMiinn t ompans lallo'f thai won't .Its lit Mr. J. It. I.iilslt-iii up Itelme v.oi «r hm-le d -lu-ihk- >M ti.-ni t , . ;•. •.. trplonirtrist R..1I1 soften sunt Ite.trP >.<• *! ..I M R %l. MOTORS « oKPORATION Tt JAM ARY 26 Spark Ting: KUnt 1; ^:* IfNiti J-Hop ' HAD. At Design in Mi^dc iiiiw. A Dcvice.s. Ailtomotisc Kloe- Mp.ii tB» Special jour de fete cr*. for Development in t)il V her Met. (Bi Engr*. fnr Handling M»:. Processes in Mfg Devel- Engineering Section. TUXEDO RENTALS te poment. Production Manage- A Business Administra- 7" • ' b'i majors for Training Kram leading to Production .,s*rvtslon, (entrat Foundry (ITefianer)t », f (B> Engrs. for Mamten- - A- Plant Engineering. This includes: IB) Engrs far Mam- ' ,.nce A Plant Engineermg Tut. Shirt, Slud, and ■ (Bi Engrs for Ijsb As- Cufflink*. Tir and Matchina .picnts Pr*»ductU>n Man- Cummerbund and Sunfmdcr* Lv M.onent (B) A Business Ad- irustration tB» wluction Superviawn. majors lor NOW...OWN YOUR OWN I960 n,m - ■ 4 *v V'N^I NOTICE i LARRY CUSHION J-HOP w SPORTING G000S Ni> mailer »hal th» ucra*mn . . l«u »ill alsai- he ID* bought out thr rumpletr •"ft of read., with a smartly tailored "AtTKIt-SI\-Tr\EltO." traphlea and pDques for all oceaalnn* In retent fealure arlit lt"*. I.II K and TIMK This Include* All Accessories frnm the Pig and Whistle iiiaga/ine« reported that: st *hop. block thr NEW STORK now on display priced at '55 o • "shirt Muds and C ufflinks • ^u*penders THE EVENT OF THE YEAR Lanin t'Mlay i-* nij,' iuiMinc-s, jo-rhap* the bigifPAt • Tie and Cummerbund in M2I VINE 1%' S'TIB ?hn daiit'e band '.sing of tho ihiimic trade. 4 i Block Heat of Scars Off Cllppert 'sperul Otter Uafc Ucfe lutrd. I'.rchi^ Elegant - - Spectacular - - Sensational In the wealthy ^trip of Eavtern Sfalwird where I.,*in in MMujiilv roarn*. tin- dnrnanti for hin -crvieen i>* tC-iw lit-ri-fiy competitive. He has solirl Itookins's as far WHAT IS QAM? [ "-" Jwm-ER "nlL _ _ _ Hi.--.- art- lint ..ni. a f.-n .if il„- many il«-*<-ri|ilh<- ahead a«s llhk'l. vernal ensraifemeiils up to 1%H. The mammas l«M»k him for their inlant datBrhterrt' apaN Ta»ok their in¬ yVMBLKGEK IRamseij's f± •iaiirr liial Hi. Iiiyan Male lia* »,-,-ii lim. far. lant soils for V.i.c On-the-sfMit recordings <>t his hand playing at dates ^ Aero*.- like the Tiffany Had in Xewjiort have been issued -.-k v - w i* 'Jim llMlkfr on the «llll rings ll«* took «ei»«nd. finishing i suttts "f the meet wi re In total They beaten iti h»taT Doint* on . MSli Wins tomplrli' Optical T •' M with a dnttMe flip dbmonnl. (he side horse and parallel hats competition I'm Spartan turned In a w iih i ri.K , , Srrricv i it-ivp Irani performance," Ttie Spartan g.Vmnasnc team poach flenrge srpula's com- will again meet Nlinni.-ota in a triple dual meet with Mniver- <• n ih« meet 2 Dirisions . I v.imhir.1 t|.>« )w-r! ot Miphwot* «';i« . i bouti The Snar- Office* ill Pi- I I hi>lie :in«< H Ho kw Hh. Optoimtti-K IrU wlnr "prrVtnn«ts hart heen i |Vi«„.r- of Detroit Titans Mtchipfin Stnte'i S»»m•'■ . . Saturday in their opening meet l.ins grabbed foi.p the ehue Detroit ours while Detroit *alv»ard pinneil f'ntir IViIh ni. , .. • v . r ' ed a Stjtli1 Sot11»*«l;tx, the u", i i . riper tetter •* -'b a big fae'oi "»ii two. hut that was enough I w,i* the fontth *t»rJ for Ibr f. i the vietory pits one inert liv Slnti > • ,, il leaders were Captain HOUR while the Spartan* were In p|ipp. 3 - Titan«, itiv« 'getting thefr feet on ' ac¬ cording to Coach Char lei S« li¬ t hnrtt Srhmlttrr, Jr.. with a 1-1 record. Itnui Jewell, «h« M plor" this -sejc-on, :m.| ■> ( en to fintt before I he home fnte; lull t he Ihiokev. n , mit let. and Nrt llnwd. who won two SHIRT LAUNDRY AND hunt« l'fl«rh Hchmttler «tlll feel* hU heA( balance Ia In epee IM Ihtihliny l.vltei'nan PieU 1 » V !e .".| DRY CLEANING SERVICE 10.0011 THRILLS! ncweotner Pi'! MiN.imv i »«eh 2-1 in toil. MoNaniiiru hid , ,iic divisions. io',m»; • some experience xeveral icar- IJO !l» and 177 «b ..... N. W* rSM. At »»(' I "n-thrtt ag.i in the «ervire and looUe.i S »[»,'''M"MC I '"I pOOndV't This wsek try our SERVICE . . . giNNl in hb first college meet JiORlHJN JttllNMIN. IM at'Olo <« ,,r "erlmiA II 'bb, otHsned the meet 1 >• • , Steve Arnest \va* top man tn Iruiihle a* Mike Harwell ef «vn| „t ...r», m w»r.s home Ids ad AY Mtlf »'< by Ijlp'-kty dispi-- UC. t »«!>(•»' with a 2-1 reeorrt IJon Hucks 1>"n Green In 1 You'll be Vantage. .Inhnaon, huvAever. Had lh« new Hand *'«"the maimII* glad you did , . . Johnson and Pat Mnldoon taeh nf |He match ft*, he dcrUlened n.r»e»M I t i.ipujded mabdt Arore r>c ti i had one win to two lo«ses r«- ■' years ago Green w the season opetnnt < 1 IVV.JJVI SI , t "M, i -mgui.i' To., nam. n. , It! || wean. • . H-.bbS neat mi-. N'U-v. S jb, ' •: • t~'t t, -?K_ >, ' I. itoli Mo-er S'hhltrr, aic! .! IV", ' i s i-l! ■ ,»( St,um alt felled the ' N \ s.-,, . k . Nod - w ■!., pins I M_. 1 ft . .• ll ,S \ ■ \ limit gained hl« pin In lh» 71*! • • 1" ?«Ytt» III III ili«H al flMIt IWlnnles oen tn Ihc seennd nnoul «oe« I oa ellelle « *•> « ri i •ugiwewl a derIdedlA weaker nppuncut rm i\ man- wt" ■< i -• '■ •• • • • " ■ tr mil tiiai'. :•> •• \ . . .m - o i c-ie.'l ' . n; pouMim .. . p.-d OS!' sMpi- >mmc 1» 4 \\< die ' "f t pinned -hif. II ' b 'I r , ,md i< ' SP , ' . ■ « M ne.rpo"' N > 1 S .Y k V.)h, } : :!,•!• ■ ' dw KtMckr . O- c/kv u '•» V» .» BIG TOP SPECIAL ,1'.K the p. fft his p. f'-i .x. |Mi. X -Sl 0 \\ healrt whtle walls, hcu- AISLTn Icemen f a* awH>*nermrvt lifwl nnditNw. Lose SulnnhiY TIM:. cf im)x>rta*ct ti> Michigan State's uer a tough M >hig.m Tex* , MALCOLM MILKS Houghton over the we» k nurnhri to Fast l^rnsip, engineering and b • MIS » Mil II UMIMi afier tying one and k to the lluskte*. physical science The Seartan.c fought '• n 3-3 overtime tie Fn.yc and ' »s-f. Saturdas' majors .v. r taking a one-g»t • H 3d of '.he firs! i*-.. J 1ST KKCLIVKI) - Nlorc wiim 4't? four m:uut«.N of limes jrlay to in ' ■ livklnvd M iu.i, t jiOit Spaoe Division e ens.yt.i irt one of the DntMon *;<• i NunnM.de v .ilitotni.'U on iho N,.n I tamiwo rout hroaJnt xpfvuwpA ot KtcsMiiie exploration in she country. The PettiiwuM. Keveaivh and development tacthliev are kvated m Hivmhh h.o tapahi.iiv ; on. »'on*cpt ;»< ojvration ihe Nianiotd Indus-,rial WW in Palo Alto and at Nan Num. in m« mo-e than 40 ot wiener m»i bvtVH*U>p the Nan 1 ernamio Yaiiiy ot Tits .Nrvgein Icvtmg t* conducted (iOAL COATS %;«•:»% ,'S w.vk in* Jo.'.' v.-. -.V uvopttaHMMtVe it Nania i t\n and Yandenhetg Al H. Calitornia; Cape rhfi eomputei oovtpn an.i bvuropmoru propttis p.- exotic fuel*. Canaveral, l lotida; and AUni.'gouio, Ne« Mexico now showing kp. .c phv*iei. hv»iroUr the ltt£h{ (wiener*,, space Together, the Dotvion's faetlmes \vcvtpv more than two metis '"i m Aimed xpget rehie V* Iflcmwr);flectiY>ftk*l applied mutton. vi\ hundred thiMtvand *«^iare leet of laboraton, engt h\*• -ZKKO KIM;" mi 11 nnii.ni m*ihem*hcv opera: Mru research .and artaiv vis xp.uv commum- ■ nee, tag. mant.:actuimg and oJhct space and provide the Lteo ri< n hi kim i -MR. ROntMTK rrcmr>. ttcs.pn, en\ironmcnta} and flight tot in technic:»1 cqu;pmen:. including one of the most rrnxlcrn PK4U11 I * Current mar.v p oiecu iuic -he \a \ computing centers tn the w orld \ rani).ii> i;\ v l aYtiTil.. - POl \Kii IX^ h !:vi»v \ ... Ine r the IMSv . t kt K r . og ist- i „ lf xiil \ \ Vcri- -n- and C r Mill\S „ -d OPPORTl MTII N I OH NlJWX t ll U»lt \TlO\ l or tho>e who desire to continue thetr education andNecure cur tony full It-null, innliiri.. sWihN^fiiiift, \u I orceX 7 and the Vmt KIN»vl IsHt K F'KOIl t I VIDAN ii an rarh Hamtng tnf.»>rr»J mmost. agimsf advanced degrees Lockheed maintains t»o programs. The Liraduate Study Program ptrmijs selected engineers and sci¬ GRMTCURnS H,misMif attacks, haied .an the im o: sWiduw PROJK'T entists to obtain advanced degrees at ihc company's expense roal * ill. In.);.' knit snNMV jv PrvigTMsi Jo th*. «Jek# usin:?"* a: LwiNeed • Hcau>juaiicr> tot the who art wsn kuig full umc il. .marl ou\ i: — YNTKLoi'K counts SPECIAL CAMPUS INTEMVIEWS okmhon Members of .^•liabk on campus our techruea! stsfl for pcrvvnaS inters lews w in be 4»n Lockheed "it trihliliiut .in rumi»i»" feb. 8-9 MISSILES AND SPACE DIVISION Tor appointment, picase see your |IA*YV»1.L PALO ALTO. VAN NWS SANTA e«CJ ASVTA MAN'S Tog Shop Placement Director now. CAPf CANAVENAc. PVA • ALAMO,SO*CS9 N M «»**'( U'CON THEATER HI.IN;. — EAST LANSING FCATIIU START AT- I:— - 3*ft - S IN - 7:ts - 9.4<» f*,'. . ■ " ' ■ , ■ f - I Fivslimaii (ivmntislic iriion Spartan Cagers Avenge State News t • I ■ ...pi if . V .I fir-1 li(mnms Iff/ leers; ' I ef«ter A Klrrhnff nn * ppf-r t» F. 5f«H I d/grrald •ad Ins Pelavrd lull Iliinlirc Till • it »««i I ilrHln SMlttlf A A' (»«« *»i»< »• ii »tli< y«fc»w» * i PECK . Infidel. Skeilafi I | mice Olson Gels IIeli> Form Tof 12ml l.ine . 1 I'mtflln .* A « Iloortr tt.o*lor.n Mlob|*»fl f-Oil 111 A k Innli't Pprrok v« v« 1|» I »»• DEBORAH Mr CHH miNftltll. «*o. " ftessooe KERR eg u .-or •» 7 A IHim* t I sh.|.|n>H o on II of the < iircer lliyli. .'Id p.e On.- m*Jnr to*mfi4 for uiwtpge in Alichignn S'atr t task h»' iiceo ma.ie unite a hit I A « W "kiilO. HliOIMtv A -teoklns *« n«. pa-der i*r.n.|=<» of I'ouinel and MHOP A SIpjpI I n. nr\i IIIBVS ho kev f-utpnes the past few W.i'Vs ran he *tti|buted Tiir<'o"e Vliehignn .S'a'e nrnv I 'i UO.Iirll A l*«4»t1»H» N*0*"0< A «n»r»i» »« /imiv w \i.i)'s| II t-.-elate *po»t* Iditor *«* a i » Ml Mmon A asnoAsrs *« pa >1 of sopiionioie forward* ha« 'wo fir-it line* A IHllOo i • .r.My e;mm Atidorsmi'H trim an pre. I he Pill ».*p»r» Joined the Spartan* tfps Claude F.oirnet and Heal BE19VEDINRDEL . ■» n ratrnr*! «HVP|»1 1»v Tip. oMp Sr.i'e star'rd the season with UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' SPECIAL •li.rlii." i'lllllU ! ^atiinlio 1»\ n HO HO fits' line, hut was la-k- tot rt Mtoiffc or iliimosGnrncr . s t.ue i'l/z t second r'ombinnfi"M _J.hr' 1'rlwe herf ope« face sandwteh an |||« * rili i large plate- Sp:it':»'i head »>'rtrM ioii!r| lake over Whctr the fli^l «hipped potato coffee or milk ^Ncitiilic.Woofl pre- . ii v ri k .•«•.. . !'«,•«• '(« hy P.ih Ai#r.»nr»i»i , iviipo floor, with strong vo-Hv action this term, roach lAXtt OlAtlN clttt. prepare* to set up s score in the first hilt A't.o Hessoue lo t tin time in 1 S'IPP"!' rmit of |oo Sahiriln sfternoon \llhnoeh he r*a\ plariui; 98c , of a i Miiigh Oip crowd oHlv With framing the sptikling pair with an Injured knee fllson serried his erreet hi«h of ,V. points . -rd T.iib, the MSP ,!t|U »d dutiue the game Mtown RiMidtng Olson art- fnoa's \olden hriiln •.i,n captain Terry Mnrnpey. i in catch fin fr f A,id hi* Imw had racked up a in the tough area amund M"»- "HOUSE OF IEEF" r,.tot lead hr Ihf half ««» Sparlaiis KtHiip. 7A al, pla.-e where fitfe play • . a NO I It I • All meal* seryeil hy IHe "House of llrrf " |,,.kri !•»■?* po arc 'ut'ied nil' everv yea. Ciime. Nothing hut the flues! for from -. -i | .am <-• cII -"M «• •• fteasoiie esplstned fhat com* you . EAST LANSING PHONE E0 228I4 Soph Suiiiiiiit'rs Star .■ err high hv (lumping lUntng the duo with senior Mor , , . rr "HOUSE OF BEEF , . . Hot ili'P Walket W is oner save h«dh * great deal of Sll.IITS K SI N. — UM I.TS 7l»r KIIIUIKS 20« Jit and he «•«« rin-' atsresslvewes* a* well •« esprr- irnee lo the line "Terry Ha* Ibe STAIUS 7 I' M. IKATI liK \T 7:M - «:W , 1 by 'he li 0 In f ii *-!%<» I. Mtch'Ran Slife'« siptio ,-otd «ef la*« «ol bv Mieh go' S t M ith 1 ♦> know-how lo «te*d? Ihem •* sodrnnK ''■ t»":'°'l their l.Tlrn'. i>i J»'4Ve '»!*l»F»ifee« 11.1 tv. MK IIIfitN AVI nlw.i ,.i»mmenVhmi1 I tie w atoi fine Mtin lo-at plsy," he wis "%nd Ihey wntk home with a dust meet record. Hours Alon Sal. ? nm. 9 pm. - . f n i of t i«» po 'M .estremelv well together." - — Nun II am 1 pm M imrs..^'* I Jopher* in Minora- t*lng I fsrih Morllne's ?:?!»! '(.in kr* rs pu'lnil m ith- Win n 'he Spartans left for specialising In roast beef, round heef. rhleken. iluek. steak*, ete pot is, 7.1-JI.1 mark ... .nS \« ''■* Mvo minute* M'chigan Toeh la*t week. Font- TtHil) VOH A I. WAYS HFMFMHFH t'oaidi fiirp'o* Mifaff, rw-. ...I* T'*e t t.rphei'« i n d i \ i dual n«>l had three goals and tin no jner«fed that he wasn't rnrirob U.Vr i» reserve. was Ihe c I'. t'»>ip fhpei«.-•«. tnogr assists tn his eredit for a to'al B;rli«fi(*»l, bu' that t»i< team woti his dual meci i.Hon! )M th« MIO- • cm pilar !•" the •l*«ln,r« of si* points Tuecotte had pick- rnaru of I he eto'e ones and iu k.mnl **n point* to take I'M' vanf tndivi.lusi medtry with * ed up two goals and one arsis' t,*ore■ Si mi tun action will I 1 I. H ishaw * in Ohio State «»« N«v. I.1IB ' •^iitpf>ii'» I I l HiillrlllrM I and t « i 4 Mrvsn I sort ' AM) 1'ltl.SMU'TIOA M KIIs V . • said. "We have an • «• o.»«e-il»le task « unrig I.VIM 1 4 « * it*!!'* t ami ' 1 ■ s ale ha# possibly the •> W aliaw I »»'»* * MONFY-SAVIV. I'ltlCFs . n»cl ill fie euuntrv. li * Is II I It It Y ! tow ■ . ,IT asam be placed < I t MollerfislH 7 sort I . • 1 and C»l'»liath n»i«v li I Itiun 1 iml I Cot :t pu*« « p> nimbly be the ta'.i- •!u»t we have met " I tAMi.NI IH.I.1S MAREK PRESCRIPTION CENTER TONY RANDALL-THFLMA R.HTER, — ki mm Mtcn nut mi* mm torn w W-«H wrm 's*»~v o n pstcnrwT* no oa*m* . l 1 s' 1 ' 1a ' oa ■ • . \ - *»»scior TASTY CREAM DONUT SNOPPE k OP tNg AMD MMrscno' A -a. ma 11.111 E. MICHIGAN All:. It i-l12.t \I.M) < WICHHIN ,\\D NflVKIsTV I.anting'* Finntl I'ntlry * IIKKAKFAST KOI.I.S * F'KKNCH I'ASIHV ^ : e«a«urC FRANK IMRVM. S 1KIF.I) CAKGH 0M.Y A FKW OF Ot'K WII1K * DANISH I'ASTIt* ASSOKTMKNTS | "HIGH 8QC1FTY" HEDRICK HOUSE OPEN SMOKER Complete SerrU r to tlffire and Dorm* MONDAY, JANUARY 2S || tinir for . . . ' V [J MID-WINTER IXI'IMT DRY (LEANING ! LUBE 7:30 p.m. WHIM. IEAUN.il I II VSI-I.I-K APPEARANCE COUNTS "II. IHANGE ' HUES CHECK There i* A o Subttilute for Hood Cleaning I STOP |\. SERVICE S ! 1< ! OCR PLEASURE ■ ■ College Cleaners 140 HASLETT STREET BUD'S laundry Service F Cask sad Carry 1 BLOCK EAST Of BERKEY Grand Mirer . | »D ?.||ft J 620 f. Mirhipn b«l Lansiug ED 2-4713 ha|s«i(IBIiaalllj Who ire You? I)r. HoheuvU MM tilt; AN SMI! MM* y.i.uitt !•»«« Piiae "JHOP" To insiver oI ( Inh loll» feitftire 1 f• tss fix \ ni l-.iir.v tf|<" ,i\ x» f•■ilfforni.i. hn^ oh TUX-RERTAL ill, | )•• xll ll'lll it j* il"IT XX • i>< VINO ft -illy !».<•»' IU47 !!•• ptii- iin l fdbft Pfxpln '»«. • , nu It. .11 «SRC Fnrlil'v fir • Shlrl . J.wtlry ttft' If v'f i !■' •< *i'h" ' IK i. F. Mr.iv. »)?%« spnut -i year 1 ftN t_.fi i! hp .x|! -i'll •! • Ciimmrrliiinil . Tla ;,i 'In! 1'uivemily nf l.niklnn. «'"l hi MiU'ti tloUr;!'f». fix ■ l»«-f-n »*ivi1»*rI fy In- » PVMnw • lux • Suaprndri« -i p .v ".III , I cm!-i fx- A't\:»»)•♦■•! ,t|M-|V - M"' ' ' "S Pvt.. N'i|-i•. !" t|. n--hnvixi:.l Selence* ix.-riif.,- .,1 (IIMI'I.KTb Ixi.v (-till) W- • '*»« I . - « "'• • N' Mi.fni'l MH hunk. "Thi' l . ,c, l.x-l ft" < :*-» Mill. I." Jlllh- f. IX it. I'ttixti' |'"V 'I ft * •».»!» ,'IU- I,. ,i I.v IV. i.- MxxkM. ivi 11 !«• $9 I ,U. ' In tjil*' T't« ' lit-'.1 ;.i i, Mc't'ol Ilx-qiUnl *!»•" l»vMfift xn in Mai'li "f H't® year. i, h.-!ii-»..u' 'hit- talk will P-.r.Mi n|| ht« nypi'l IlllI'Mf In ii|.i,»«h.»»!*."» |»i,t from t»- ."««* tnthiv . NfnvltiRmi nf ».,r i tr.MiU lri'«hHUH reriUtis »'f «ri»niU» unmot hr »r»» « nf etui «i»tii»B« " A A A DUAL FILTER liiislit'rs /{ci'cit /'/«•#/»«• Inviltilioiix In I'mI Itiishin!> r DOES IT! • • It. I IIWII W 71 Ml I h \rv\ Ai.riiA tmt \ eetivr Kith' l**ui. Antral. \ r , It filters as lutiler and nrtl kiiiiiiii rficrrlpailei. H-VIihiMm «Me /.arh»rlii«mi n* * • r ■ I , . i'iii.i it aftr* - «!.«• Irani* Itvil *Uie In* hern aerrplrd fur |»1«rla'fin' «mi»rlti filter can , • .... r ! «■ ■ .• ti. . • • . . ,. • < . for mild,full flavor! AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY y , •» it t mhfii iipiMK-.t Senior* inlet e«Tetl in «nle* Irnhtinu ttrtnttiim. Home II , . I M'ltnnl In \th;imnl l.llr I mlei w l ilinu, in ■ ■ ■ f iU..? »h.» t nffire ilmlinu I\*.tn1r I'lnnnlnii. Humim'** hiNumme. and t'eminn IMnnninu. Il|»en Milan Ixitttt*. hmitir* initilnltle in Sny inim lltn I'M*. MMiami, *nml Ml IMr.'lHiiMl , lltirilrii *»i-lntliir-lii|> fin |HMMimil interview utile: . )->•.* : f . «» I «»".V I .illli'lirlil «•- Will'.! ill MilllH'l . «■•■»»>'{ br complete (V,iUx Vld ! < I to diltie* rivr i Nil I . I.. IWIioh .■ Mil-til, table .!m - " •-ok. a".I nlPiU'r »"«-< i- 7IMI Si'iiml Ntiliuii.il II.ml, llltly. ivwi-n ecenin. v d'P. lei". ple»lfiV> \.MlU hp- !'«» Snjiinaii, Mit lii^.in n-fwl'i i . and Mi- " iU »n-1 a phmtant »»i mi t%% mi *a%» m nil n* mi %%* mi in Oplnmrtlht* ie |tette» *ci*c Vmu \rrd- Harold A. Shnidsr. 0. D. S TODAY! TODAY! 5 \ > 7urcylou Robert E. Barnos, O.D. • I • tr* l:\aniiittl*rw Man. Thur,, Irl Funlnr* "til * invi nnm Why hibernate when mat* than 50 tkl poilii in (oil and We«t Michigan a»e awaiting >«u' HIRE'S HOW THI PtIAt riLTER DOES IT: Sk.inq. Ski Inctiuchen, Rental , iquinment, Skating. Sleigh 1. It combine* a unique innei filter of ACTIVATED CHARCOAL...defb Ride* Dancing. Singing, In¬ tel toinment. Q& > Rfftvgd to mRbf, fbe >mobA of a i-jgarette miidjinrl.smooiti I HUM I Hint KKiai.VK MINK •V— All yawn at aaoy>tg-«et-ta 2. with an efficient pure white outer filter.* Together they bring you the Michigan obi |Mwk«. teal thing rnvoildnes* ami fine tobacco taste! ON I i | j .Wtet '«• *» t>*0 l«n». t VI K. Or, ; r»N B-'1 NEW J ,»nH tains thrra will lie Irtrnd- and kihmI limr- >nu will waul In look .at price* y*a wnn't belie* r luitk to. NitlioiiBl \iltrrli»t-IIO|> nv(f>llir*liM'kiii|i IK II ITl> Thr lkiai \\OI.\ KHINK with otrr UMNI pirturrw of oludml ill MIKKUS OK KK.IHCKII ■ artiiltii-. J.t.'iH >rnuir portrait- and four color n prod net km cap.urn, in Eitm and cop» thr hr-t of .our aaporioncf. Sociology Spin a plat KT... havr sorrw chattfr... liP TO 50% > * n al MSI Cirt jour* al . th» I'nion l>r*k 94 or in - jour living unit. S ■v ■ Hr- and sip that real prvat tasli- of Cofcp. SIR EAST • (.RAMS x Sum, you re« havr a party without hepordS Ikm'i lru*l ? jour nirmorj — C\va-Cola—but " w ho war.ta to! ; — \ , } RIVER " : BE REALLY REFRESHED i j H It - ,, - ■ s , ■■■ •