Tell I" llellll'ii tin. wpjiiimt Willjiim, Sl(!n* -Umw flurrih< enMer Itlllli i'm I lliifli TimIjiv * Hw i'lllll" I low Alnfifliiv ^ » Srrying MSI I VOL. 51, No. 128 CAST I.ANSlNi;, Mil Hli;AN~TIT'M'U. .l\Sl',M:v ■«. Pliirr. »' I '"17 IVew Kiliicntiou vr T vria Group Formed Students A ii noti new I Will Trv IVrs. Ilaimali Vppoinl* I'iinillv Advi*orv lln|-\ r |H Mil ft- I•»••'- j'li iif V jofl'mif •#'»• «»♦" the ftit ">■ J.dui V HfiMimV*' I «lp|" i»V r*-\ »•'<« if). -.iiv , 1 IlK-TlllioIlK I '.ri>WKl'Milll«' I Ih-mm' f«»»• Snmniri' N\ oi l, Mghiing ' H|»|OM;irlwa to till' MillM'llH'inril I a •< ;D 'M >< ■ , • NlV' l llrfril» ''<(» I | . ! 'o ii'iiiii ■ nl |M \|,- I ttnlrnl. lit, " (It |ii in) (hi im Mf.fhl "A\ I'M \ I - I.f Mil- " » ill i it ;« Jifll't lit I Ik 1 Ijiri ;M jun • • in .in I! -<■ in I 1 NEWS . i- UiMM »Mf .• ■ m. • „ itM'i'iii'if «m! I rhl ■.„! .. i U\ (m hi;jjifn nl fjcijii (Mi |,i t i ■ , M P'.;|l Mini - 1l "i IN BRIEF MS\ (fiveii u u il| MuM' ■ ■ , O.ntliii* nf f!)«> riinuiMMfC mi a. jo Mm a • »<» •l*t 11 if* ! l'Vllou*|ii|)> i. uiii niMiihrro from thr <«»i IU M)K\ >. .. nl Hie imlimlli thr pro •isi mil ft ifprt'sriMftHA *• frmii .of i.mipilft rilifftllnn Ihpx wr»i M"liil:|y 1 p. | . » < li lt 1 , .• H»»f/< / Offitittf* Ihtr IMS' Mi « X«!'M ' I • i. M. i -I i: , » ii" i-, i i ' .-!••• "Sdfl'l l » » • MMM I Ml , rft ; ' S'lil i .'■• '■ . . ,i ( ;iriiirn. Xlu»ml ' .... . i Ir»•»»f »| I lllllinuilK I «ll|» fltiin» t aliim I f n Ii r r Irninine fmir tin ,,M ■ i n. MI, *t w'Mi tiK Hire, it ill M ft ml him lr |iliv«i<- ' ,i|r ■.( .1 S, .• M. < \ 11 *x. r r . Mr p 1 i i ••M*f,4in ll»r «IU(lrtitv «»n Ihr llirr« im h' mill IihiIP hIIiiit Inn I X ?If » i-■, ii •i I F'llm ■ 11im, ■» • l»r<> w< I I lu xr |ihm HeM eritif* l ixt tru MXIM Mil S ' ' iff r Hi. tni'itilwr* i»rr i|it*o|iMrrt • nlftl •« MUX |r IImm ,|,|,,s „„ • i \! ,1 • . , i .' •. . u(f-< . « imr (mm nn n ml M Mmpiii M . ; Mi yi .11!mi ( Mii Mr-.' h-M'S". I * * * hit: ro.»!i • n I/.# II* • » l'* » f ' M i; -i« r of I hi- • • •• . I. '!•« I„,ll ... 1 .1 i • V IT ii on nunmiH. i tic Mi prrfiiriiMil'r tipi-iinl iI? •iv»l»i'C t'f M|«- ftitirt• t'l fiimr- « i "OHr ■. i i nnr nl \Ji«* I' • < »i« " ' Th:« fl ( !i;i !*??<• . , I h.( •• w or It i dun i nil Mitili Irril M ' Mi In a yvltfy lini.ole' nirnt Ml lli/1 I - "»»ri I ' Sir me ii the • • Vlll" .I- • . ,»f t ijr>, i j I'rrlrrrnrr xsill lie elvm 4|i|ili P,llti« nlitlv (nii'.t inMiin; vx i* Mi. lite I I Minns i ftfit* iiileirsfrd in rnllree Irm h lUm iiiF "f t i innic i Ml-ik ir • I KHI Me It '1,11 I nl I ,ff ,r ,,f ,, In? ilnir Mir |ini|iiisr nf Mil \ I iinirn Mi«, I* • ■ I',I- .llr-r < 1 <«l M|. , 1. In . • rii i.i i* In Inrreftve iinlvrrtitv inxtrni •I hill il "Hi 1. iifi'P 1 11... - .,i .„,|„(| Krllr y v^iil 7« M-l *ludenl* llir. mil (n rxtMinl iMilimlr I • " " r . Mir ilrooprr fi-r in nt nl! uriivrt .1st ' c 'I i »'M pr«n:r h'( .11 Spdrlit in r ,vt,.ni 1 h l'hi i sim ! ■ /" i !ii^ 'hi " . Sjnnlan In 1 Inl.r I n ii I'nrly DrliHlr AM I hi nl l/*/»emnnee If 'lilt • Hurly Ne.vf II rrl. >y»ilrli Elipilll- it' .. i . i i. I I IV y* " , r X pop » .ter • ll:l* I Ill jure* if " v w " '.f hp ;ir. i„ • • ' XVr Mil« ,i •,• v. • i • '•tl incl cnj'p?f .-j 1, f*. I* A I • o * f. V | | Tti'ih'h'iu.wl New Miieir I'rofeHMir It nl ii 11 ' '•••• . ( .! '.(• risMuies- Wha' in if A liins' T'i . I- .,?! MS' .1 el Hjllfli' 'I h> ie;ik '-'llfjlvitlft ;;!• illtoity i i r> H ft •< ■•"Mr?... !■'" t, { *«•.,! he 111* 'A i I fl H S-. .11,(1. , .ToA uiei" (.Ol'V I ' I't'iutr " -'yftftvi' 'he III t i: "i '.'I !»' Ill wh" no -.ijr y- . A ' m ' " i.e. M ; ft" Rubin, pr ife>M». of ' M - . r«.i - ; • ,i i."1 Iniiif 'o It ' iilSt VlTJ' ■ _ a«4 »•».- inker: So «r»m\ •f'.-i? fi !••• r.,.; - M" • O'.l.,. • f <1 I A" 1 >t ? i Tift r \l„iT V \ :•••'• ' l»> I'M - .1 t 11 ' 'If / '' iff fi'iff! 11 . ' ■ . . bt'itUn a new 'ftflci Iiit • • night !# . fts - up shi.' lau»r when SetiMsvihe. M.Y fi • ,-hi. ... . . •u.-.ii'i.-.k f,rat;de of the r;n Coed's Leap Year Riglite Si vied for Spin ,v\v \aroN oi*«—Of this, Eisvnhavkri uh> njr'• -lurir: l, / • iure; if D'A-ight Eis- for the vwe -it..* up k'-au that -n;ght 1 •aiu' docide to run quite imiKii'tant to ,»li inc.- C"'-1 .. work on K- 1 • - .'-tpnt, he would <« t tltd iai*e a point tf»*. mv.-n* «» llarri iniirr Hi''- Oecjuse tins vear there, are •» "1 * • etsanyp vwr. mind i .-i . fyci : (Ot*r> for '■ Dunn Judieiarii-* , ' i> >if on orte nf the )uvc bec-n ov^r'. ^.,*#>1 by lb-.*',*. Umits to their- Making your .man out. oiisUiuUonal binges in who renrxH'' 'he aonsSituJion NEW YORK #} Aitrwa p<,\vi ^ .-;rig;r-. of the ir:#d.t;ort-»i I> *i-ii.*.a I'rolilcm* •f» In abort, Eiaenh-ower mis hsa Il. j. Ra:r- ! 38. nrnj.-ap of making !'»vt. • T'•*. - pjopow rr.«.-- ■••''Wht himself suggcited it. so far a# eleen-tos i- But i eim , to one "of Americ a's This u one 6f those ><•»: i" year arc- or • : what if he ran t-rr rire pres . sreaicit theatrical tradition*. divisible by four tnai pci'n.•' i'xjp is thai the Itoman autron- • possibility at his C.a: v ' "Terence dent? And. if elected, cwa i z* ■ iw-i Monday night fie ladies to do the tour' 1 f*-' name for leap year, ft - K hn.«-.v Sunday. The' •• •• n ftep up -f '-he prt-j .dent were About two .car* ago. MU* they've been waiting three yc u i .-xtii'.- Yewr, was rninisUTju v < 1 pr.v.. tag • J.!.-.:-;,..,:-, -TV rtad5: > pr. only thing | know about Burrymore * autobiography was to do. as meaning "Two Sexes Yea ■-n; A . r-.n;: .-. -..yTcnus it P^Mdency the next time is, hairs \aniiitaiion Held ^ubjk'vcd. It wa* w recital of a Sq far not Vhi much hn.-v tvecn Tin- int'en>» ws< c-"'- hV '.'..o:",•- ; •A.kis, . : ■ ■mi- chang' on versity uIh-..year t 'V "">■ Hut career that began promisingly heard in the coed circles about struwl"ak giving the man's priv"- iVl'l !'}■> ft-:1: Vi" • •- Another Tkv belli • ■■MM, k» ,r • ■ . thr uuntlwi Uut M I WASH INCTON *"• — « ' bv't degenerated into drunkeness What plans are ■being made .'■<.• •lege of; on-tjoing during th"s- titled 'ii bcr. lit : c'er*;y 1. • MSF va. villeaueU 3fj rpu- r ' »>|»V huuM I mutlw- apd which she recently, the annual female uid dan * ears to the worn eh In r residence Gates "Jr.'s aom.nat.on as jeeee- . 1 .'■■■:■ v • ha;A. run (or vtrr prtiMul tarj of defense v.m held up i» reportedly had shunned. Spinster Spin. However the idea origin-.«'v,i, po&ai with Sligh*. >f V'ti'.j- ■■■■ i.C. '< Ox K . Tv V . J City, SKlU Senate Mabday as De»o- A maid found Miss Uarrynynre To you young inhibited fe'w* it found its way into the law¬ N'Tw ii is evident how Riueh Really it w jun'Mce of SiWw ..'if'e- , rniuht ut-m nUht {hi who cringe at the thought of ali book' of Scotland, Franc, cratic leadexi mounted »re»b at¬ dead in bed in late afternoon :c* proper llse Spin h. :K.z plan for toe ir-.' J*?' 4h""« I km MM. ■ «M> t ai the »ctrers' apartment. The the courage It will take you to Genoa and Florence and * w ..; ir The night >-ou have c. 1 of all th• A-a,, chairman,. Special. tacks on the Pentag o» new ., re aucgti; were Of icy Berrnr. Uns get thjfcnerve to ask that special universally accepted unwritten aor 1> a Uughinx• mail size up of- relative body hvls sent to Bellevue hos¬ here is information law .in England, waiting for h only' ooa leaving lit*.ie v ru-y-ruiA, Th.imut; Kan.srnier, Shgw aiv.**, " for everyone . knows jpower. pital for an autopsy. guy, some Xiwm -today, Feb, 2ti,. woman hi '-ake 1 eri. ~ . ' I "T* \ S* U of Oregon v1 Bailies Michigan Slale News INFORMATION It mil Hallr b? M't'i JVIHHt Wnirnti anil FifNlly • IT'MI N'TARI MUTATION The Michigan State Nvwt Is publishr*! by jdiulrnts of Michigan Slaty IThlvrrfilty, Knit L«n- nil IIIITA K%rv\ \st% l l I It It is not th" official vnlco of the unlvprsily or HVITA MIT* TI ROTC Ones! ion. Too Mich, without tlurvt faculty suppfvlnton. ■ ..iii.; V M.I Kilticnliun l»l«l|| Hie host intnvl' of, stan«t«i rca«lT to bat¬ M pin., Riva, i ..I lege of Mu¬ , «•; the vtu.icjit hmtv. i't.t white seeking to refve wi NTi Hex xx ill huXx .Jlib't nit rh tle which-uouht ilrtvo a woittc hptwcrn the ttvo whether it comes from within the nition lit t Jporge T*i»UUf XX (ft a"\ to«.\c *Ui»lrfit trmhtUH Nrxv inrm r» iir x.i rt% or from out nie Member of the Associated I've Inland Pally Press and Associated speak op "'Itie Scope and thir- b»t, xx ill br 'nkrli a ltd evi'iy- ("oUeglnte t'rrw ppre of Sox tet Kducatlon " H'.itmu mm iiil.' i*. xvrlcnmr on NovrMitri{ ». vi l*nir«* Two 4 TTIIOI If Ml HI XT iltlv ..!' t\( H'x' Tttesiln>, JjiutiHrv i!t». MMhi 11titi vim t i i it 111 t-iijtrp mvtnnirnx!p*l !»> 1' ««' tM:.t t!'< ■ • than ;t torn Vol M. No I V. ilhiiAM/MlilN 111 pill. FnlpslU I rtblli I'll mMXP.I l»rl!rt xx,!h x.«'ui'.!.ux »?«t h« follow «*•! I ho ■ \t «■;.*■ i!i1 I "♦ p in., I niholii Student «'en m.t I. WAIT M M llinsh'v will xprnk "ii «'offer hunt ^v.'vorv l.nv»*r-«iivis!i>n jMWLMttt I'M' i« t MxM.FSTin. MM I. .Ti Ltvompirn»liition ntiii vnfcil <■» » , roMtpnh-i" * iiliitn i•! t h. •More Kcjircseiilalhc* ,1-IHIT nii I i*n%THixH Itcptilrs of lt|r Smifjixxr*i MOR I Tit IIOIRH : . !'•••' m * f»"»u :» f.'it'tti mngn-.n llnnirl InviUaJ-hini t . !.-»i \ trniniib »vi|U»ri>nr!i ' J'» « " 1! «iixiMivn i p t*t :I,»H H*udriit Sn x it «'s JSebraskaiis t ww hi vara Ifly ♦v , . . l X-l M t f» l'i .<( Iiir.rlit M||r, 1 'nivrrsit\ »>{ Oro •>;< " . p m . ;«-» i I'HttHI N \IH Us i,.n c.itrs, IIh v *. -.! I,.- • r \l HI * III I I \ Till I % , p n. WIM ltl«l#* F Xrc H-iHltl • inn rise The vcs<»!ntion \* • ••«-"• 1 '• r»"« ' W •' J'.. !}.»..,• . . H p ii WIM lUilg I trip«.n«.tin | IftPinl isn't tv.*t|-ir.1 ||j- • it t rr Hi. . . m . . O'p ti.rultx V lb ' i r. ■>!" One-House Slate Legislature * • ■ .pf ,,'U ()(.<■ Il l INpil »l d! Ini" >•'»' 'Oil nui ent.-i tjirn , • 0 t . ,.n t!» >T' 1 . jt \ V|«al'!n>«'i : .>! I V!« n <• . ".'.Mi' )Ol NO Itl TI III It %NN rbinarv. IMH'I im r-t iirnf «• p.mi it \\ ' m hp rvfunvt h« .vU th»« ivmivittrr ! n-rrri p »», :t:t t m.»..i* ,,; ! ! 11 x: I • •I 11 • t M' \X|HI1 i I I IX .11 tvill sprak ?) r run «'* 11»i• !b » I t pii". 1 ,'i\i!i«lp and pr'0)tai..i*d illci' plan ♦tie 'a'c lb John Semtuis: ii-a.i , .til P IP r.\ I cm Mifilil Sin 11' ! x .''••m!,.! \ Hi* It • I III I OK S M»n 11ns I* t , . I II « I I ft proKlrm «>!" ♦;-..-) » *• I'm i .institutional initiative this '-ax in !!»4I American week x* ill the «ec.o»»| iitstaltiuenl In a sri * .. un. SI.* \i! Hull Folk Th< * obtained the needed slgna- ' While the legislators do not cu c.t \\p tor! tluil thi- .1 • .inn ! hr J * i •■• Irs iteallni with tlir two-neck ft!!• I <"i |*<»»tuK«l i "• 111and the proposal xx as pin - lax tiami to bemu experts, but oM |»iopo*«l that Michigan nisi plain, ordiiuu \ men. pexn i llltlNlt\S Si ll XI I intpni'1 :u.t the in neral election hall"' .«n f.vl* 1'«af K«»IN prnx i.t, .01 e l PtvMih'Hl \\ • it op I .1 silicic house letKlalnr* "teles* In reason of Hu rt i ilh Hltii \XI/ Hlitx • \ox ojuiu i pi.'H Their su ! t pr.»p« i aflet llir nnlcameral CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS • '•nsi>rv«*ir < f of fieri ■ Hr "fhr i I'! ■ pillrrurd I'tieilv of interests. Mieir wealth , p m r. opt. 1 too . *•••-■ was gcncvoits " \\ »l ..»n fit! ♦srnaic •»( Nehraska i institution f..»1 |»« LOtTrvfiX IV t»ut hp th:.f thr t in i. ni t>-« - ,'o'h .•oonnsttcr'. posils weir on the ballot. Our Ma' ' i III it Mb. I diliMMs Headline I mi x|mu I | pm | tl, . • 1 . se*shut after session, it t«*i I Iiiiis . .• ml I rl aulhotited pari nnilnel helline xirxxisi and until it h;.-. ! • ' ix.irs .» »• llipilt } XX lit '.peak !. ine ptis|M«sal lows that this small |io.lx <>f • ' • ItilU Tuxftlile K I' and 1-5 XHrndftv IhrMiieh Tridsv ' off, !!•«• ves of man* The other repealed probihlltoti » t.iop.s s\ i« woiM i legislators is neltialls more ten i:n I i:\T.l#c. in.I the M Ii; Inn- fa. u««. Itntli were approved xxllh llip losenffttive of the .'ale's in'eio utt . nu rmmi im hi hi . a'.< f of V pi oh i lit ion repeal leadlna I" thftfi ft b.klx tw ice its sire in otic il.d "Iftiisl Diiv" thru . ulunt eh an . nearlv a HA.IkMI majority. Tin' Senate d:vl. no! \ oP.nnnti of a hundred menil'et • " ration Tho sole on the one-house legist • not fee' tln.t it puiMnu'ai! kunther MiP|Ni»(rr. Hr I ane AUTOMOTIVE LOST ,*nd FOUND lit prpti line • ained a emwforlahle mi oinu-:ftee u,.- -'o-l • terrpj I ftiieftvter, prnfevviu of lot its of AhAJI and the pari i vc.1 he* ■ '• 1 Til i F PI A- •* 111' I't . oivc at I'nixersili uf Mr Childish ou»Mioti irienrr ».r(.. lent t he .vmp.; imitiirl amendment rame third sr, r. • Ta centip v ftgi I-. Miiil.l.iie htavkii. enmmented In lftj.1 -e ( • , . ' .tution to i ho": tile xsttli a h.l.h.xa malorils W ri e t hat K<) i'« a important m ... Xai'T'oWa i eta ins o • »> v. Win 'he. 'lie voters were m • luityed bx if-ual tesi* • ' and (■ i tie imix el s|| \ .Kresnou enough th.-r .»* :1 e yo\ifiimr'H ^ «'f ieei - .viauu -r • rlU"! , Michigan max ! * .»'.si b\ a deojs understandui.- must In* piotn>nneed e'* abb .i \ oiunta! * pro l«odi t-'ormal etluea'ic.n nnali v, mien J >. IJ..J we i ei 11 the change, in the genpial , Alicni|>i a u o* ; .something of value in ii caiionv xx e' e unusual'x high \ •. i." ,,■*. • * of mo - compos tton of Wseir legislatllie farmer* ' belliet 1'ie vote xx «s ft com Heprescntfttion .it Son-.e iu.t\ a«k tV't ro'.npu mu x , V ■ ixca'o tim! man* ef ic, w I of of the xx as greatci than the ax-rtage or • nti'u -'isi o. • ;s *v' prompted lb i) i It hunh-.o- %. o' i k.i : • < snei r.urni ui It'll t rr.e x* • • long temain in rtr all essiotts since I!M*H, contrai PERSONAL .•atixe attituiie to the mediotion to oppone"' Sivomtrnr iv-vtae ih t ton xx ho are ti .« I' . -.nt ,M t 1 !>•*»! put. ••* citainh ' .*x Hreckenridgc. many thousanda ■ ' who Ixelicvetl 'tie inftur ce <>' Trilr lliHidling NfW MflTlNx- Pa if . •.•.on tho-o vtii■ i.• ■ \ k ? * Nov* IV.iI Nc farmers would t.e greatly r. )1 ' ill have xx anted the * ill' 1 ft ,. ,, ... not m!ctvMp.t r' ■i the prom-- . I • «sk l illdtCft'es .1 comb ••«' oil k i.i , o? max hniifc svhidi was <•' tin r.i < If llniiih \\ in* ll I In •ah, the sijpp:* (actors «'• : i rfT.viisi |*as*ace . oi ti e el«*.%i |: * of m.i ' * ,* petition pmp-w- fried them iitlin- unquestnvi- ' I dml the result 1 EMPLOYMENT of lb i H' npt>« » stu.iehts a pin ant :a?e,l hx tnk'fi. advice of lilt i.'UI X and ou'x ' . 11 +> ' r o ... s. ii> '. . cnld In e ex|H**tcd xx ni l t» i Ilk l' i,. .,.r *; nate eonvn . • , •, x i r i - I arlxle llirekrn i * -...led tounseloi, Senaioi »' I»i \daiu (Irion t'liirlxMin I'mvfttsit, .»*«(.••' it.1 N .'iil.l' w : h s \ ohmt.ii» llilcr prnfessm of polttii .»I • >C ..»«• r ti . • . f. .! , Omfol ' fha' \ fourth faeultv memlie'c .. --a , »k ,ri of families »f llildd tfeftd mid ( MillP.IIIX x.l Ml . science «nei'.i 1 rottr-e . ' **lls these eonllihlittuc intlo pa I'.-'i* ' a' legisla' * < ten i is field, piofevsoi of taw U'hv iln nti'ii nitil Million^ I If .1-1.1 Vli.i. i, ft'.rl til 7 kin,' ' mis has c Km i . .pc'.u.ied ft d'*«'u aiii of Mi Microti Mail* I met aid in "line House for I'wo . s to i • XX lo kill oil!* it Mot Hi't 1 i IIt VI f II IN A I tic Mir ' • appros e P'.k anil cons of Uir system '> i^schotart* i lew of unteiiuiei al -.4 ■ a pnrtinilnrlx xx if It liu'i ino mi I'SRI II Ml XVOHK • r c pian,- («.,•. these W'OrdX' ism poidishrd in Itl'tft . *• •••• ,v .. r- 'N' v- - c.. . 'T a" \ .» intetpsf in one "It rerxxminends iivrlf fill yli'Hi Imnilxi, ,-t tit I vx hut hiift ..left A pp I Ii fx more drnin .ftaii A*-e«iie i e* s.; i .•»* . t ' • l*ec : I C . • ' . both •«? the othei pio|*»»*a! in.*tlx leasees. juils xx In'ti ilii'X filiiillx In! rrallr the funriion ef letls p-stvc*- V N-s\\ kASt - tlx Iiirsp l.ontli - *".f Iftlilig ix made nimpler hx the FOR SAIL 1*1 CI i * .Jill : 11 •* I he letls : uniramrral w*lrm Iftlufe is made a mete responsi¬ XX ••Xll-i I'M-. - (Mftipi,-* xx h.1 V* : -X T" I "f those seeking a delinile • ->k- ft'-t.Hn; '.lie i|iU".*inMv '- I \! XV v 1 \X KHl l IX'Vltl f *. ihr search ssilt he dis ble IhnIx <1- answer, appointing s.iss llierkenrtdcr Hi'- miu*e.t pow-bi'-.** of eovuph i M' te cftpatiic *». hi*. • > II <.*■ll(l" ft> t': . L x • !t, ■ nil* ,|;|S\* \\ i 1 IT XVI I eiiaiul* iin- detisinir dlsnused is 'v tftt.'i« are sis-tuext Kxpenncs of X'iftl K- ■ ••• S.l|*l>!li*« tie: *tn*; and priplesed mans political Whfti !ht ,tu!li'»r *l.*r xi; •» C* evperts Hut toslas llie 'evpeii lcg:*!.i!.ve ojietation are ie K VX' A IT HA KEN X" i .* i . "i i" .«"i!iM;c- .n ... ft-i.i a in.j 11A *Mt \vi a »| 1 .;.1«,.,||V ft." I the liial - tueui Ims survived tin. i Ii.-, otXei «»11«- ft" ! It,*' ■>! Norman X »ust;i> • he (•■. V? Mi I tlMC I'hc f.ivorabte cotisrusux -. c note* an erticiritcv mid «sotnv> • ft,! x . x M.'U'ti - p»x*tiilgftu.l«. I i' o *ie«' • »iou oner referred to H-Xt HIV I'llA': nr. I ir 1" •V'.hlHj; iifl'ogj- KK> Sh\\S' Vt .\V !<■■ M.- * '.-ii n- or » • KiOs \4... * X} ■ XX I Ht ?-?;•* i? Pi si^ir A TfAvAji . - Iter sxt has become, u sxouid now an- poses no panaceas, ma* offe a .soUtfnxti to man* iuoidon's I'll- I X 1 H'fyn< i |HN*pio prar » t«ar« of logistative tt.x.1;- M.W X .ft ■ ks u it >! '.unatc in * - slAV 1« lull MA I v .... I» X X » 'i.'n i«-as-.*nab?> siviuc i the piagueing Mu'tiigau ' xp..:, H« •) i;iyn Kl'X'.X - The third rtutatlmmt in this live of tiu* 1 Nh» b.o. b "•«"! state sx strnx of uo .tical utstmi- •erics w. 11 s-onsider the mer.ts ..fT ft i.» ■#Ie i ■.ir»h of •.•}* .- «:ul t il o nyi RKirit x 11 ui*. l,. !•• " Hre*-krn; l.lge sa» s of unicameral government a« fin* out iX'SUi* ioo'ft;. I.kc }..M ra-'Cf a'-.t l i - t.":- .mi ><*• i- REAL LSTATE T:e Nebraska sxsvem h*»< >»,»' .serv n-e Sloie. I lift I v found popultu ftuppot". among it> thev have apiw.itcd in Nebtaska IX JtlW F X* I I ANSlMi AMI A and ax the*- tntgiit l># applied to Tliei. are ,ov**ra! b ni jx|m • -I..' * aliinitiiiin -hIhiK s;,i en's for a numixet of rea¬ . 'he !*»>' IVIN l*i• drably to-' •i& latAkfAit SONUV • ?i Miiai'heeJ gur.aKe son* ' x>ne .-'ug-tinir o*K«crvc.. Michigan pohticx - ieeit« Mm*I lull* I'M! iir-tr.l' • ii'itvt.i'iiiiug i* the inn! GOOD • .iK.n.g area uieplftir . ■ guide s'yle of writ ng ItfSH * mil ill hile-lien ' ■ r- i. ••, ball- .Hid • »"• v. "$ll right.' he said "Well i ft.r.ueni nil vsi I'ftii • -■ Ix'ltei-s lo tin* Kilitor call don't *imi knwxx Mystery where brtftuse you rame xxe QUICK SRUONUT SHO^ . I4.V, FAST I.ANHMi i • •'<• R.i . i -!• |.e Iliii-c Xi - • from I hat will he tlixti for m MAC 0M.|.m|r t .('• >• land*. Mueil n" Unsigned Letter Questioned el. ti' ? ' Writer of short." I his is hardly the m»al- i.i..., bftwmrni i lib oRAtr.o « ALE- DELIVERED ilx of xx riling to he expected lie- i.irtb.lftx* Mao* LEAVING STATE VAi ' fiom i person —.the author of IM-uwv Hjt< *- ,ii c uex* home •• 'Hi r>. • . ■ IV i oi.vider new h.oi «• ' l». hxxoks — tackling such a sub¬ miuii.' ing# I E__xi M3l' other dance offer* fhe stiuien*. .< ject as this foifthtartanixnt. and thnse • * Mivr started a rash »>f tii the Vdilori- and w h.» believe in preserving the *.t* ."k The problem xx on • chonce t>* dres.* up fonuAl The a tune «ju*>'fti • • * *>*' . stkvici that satishis SERVICE Mr •\. r M " . d . N«» lilhcf dance ofTrrs decxu.x- l>x-»ii«i-pati ioti-' " iiecdnnts the* liaxe Inherited ed : of Miss CSarkv»n * «'..i * Q <*** "" , - at e as much entitled t«» protest • * • 'x»ur American Wax iions nude un «tn >n. h i large x what chftift. ;*•; ,/. s ttxe • i scale lo promole a pleasing al- - *• ,- >.■ ■ and letters praising ituDINT UK «. the oath as those who hnirf.1 xx : ■••!(' tKw»k - g ..',g i'-e N-M. V « * Mow '* *A..;. »», ma,\ The xi r nwxsphrrr No oilier d.xnce x»(*erx I'lv *ccoud majof f.iiii' is "Ie ' e w Y .from Ihr loan to approve tt the txpe of Uxors tlx a t are gixeii s *■•■•■• Hole \im. •iHv:i;ci!xg group of }w*u»ic Compiflf TwSr up v.dwx-r» *« i - ' '-e of ih:' ftti*e axxav at J-Hon J-Hop is com¬ Hi k s-.t njv p.,' s!'oxx>*b» oscape the r.uc. Slode--: x . -u t's- . • • -• should n,tf W .' uicsl bx- enu>- pletely different from the Hin¬ b. 'nilng of our ens', coax* l.e" , e. ,.U\. * > :> >nj. ranting We luu-e the >*ue terland Whirl in every respect. • d;j. vt»s ner 20th century 1 ft. • wiii>AM H Thompson Ca» Wa.H I , •va'.ir •. ex r: , The puce of J-Hop tickets .led x* ill. At leu*; ft nutti- . ■ ,'xs' IJiu's' i*»t\s" are a lisrmri \ K. '■ Campltls Teem) $»»*>«» \ ' ' • - JM' . m - mo ' ,i • * * pirci igence higher than !a.-t yea !■• P1.-. su .-.- ht-- wife. *n ftd'n.n -- .v-orr. i'.'es- I* op.x a prof.' has '-■• fo- 1 ... s >»,.V. 1 i 1 be g:\ e ". .*»* 'he . '• •«!.'i ot the AFX", and h.» •x.ic, ' a yigwarrxi 'be N* • made, .Siiue a bnutist uumbc- f.aadee C«"(tr • of i-'rl -gcncc no' fatuh ftr.*i c'Hinif v liovto' — ail of V . s* V.v.r «, ' - .. «»f tickets .< being >.»ur *.>> iivo.i rcib.njr' vj • :i*-ii bri'itiy articulate on she DAVE'S TEXACO Helen ( owner «xver-c r o xxr dCd CvHi iitions, ft vx ere!''re-, the hoxxs and why* did « • HOUSING • ' >U e * Jim Head higncr price has lo in' chargetl of tsuciear *\ 1101 tail &'a»d 9 " cr.i'i *" ft,»;*eat , • ^ M ?.'i cents itiic rise ox*er las? « * * Ihem talk reads like » speech of *oen he»>;-.*g cm. : > »i price) such a high l..mus PauliRg and tile last Civii foTmnt Monti ay? pxy for comfort* J Hop Cost • llesriijie builetin. FAST LANSING—5A3 Virgin Tv*o- Trrhapx yen tnOwedcrxtftnd >1 i, lauan The Winterland Whirl .* an bedroom huncato** AutcMiifttic beat SEAMSTRESS ALTK R * • ■ the funftien of ihe At h(, »«>m- Professor g hem I »i oig uxi/aUonal function J-Ho j It is not likelx that one would full havrnxent. attic and gftrftge. IV- AND repair* rea»onabir S-AH.X after S 30 |7 IV • "■: mix lee. •et Thev ate Using !• frr- out iHe facte from atl se«ree» . a a * Ih'fomled * t rot* >|o*v can any comparison made N tw»*cn the two? Arnie Roberts expert such people ax these to remain after all others wither. #v* SfX ROOM Ft'RNlSUrn house for men *»xiden«, oyer 21 Parking sewing TV 4fl» W. Iftioeer REPAIR BY MS' repmT whuh will radio, rabbi' ra; ■ and cenpilr a hrlp delernxine the viand of th. Don't Shoot lo the Id.lot t n-Chairman of J-llop Ibex are too mural — merely xelib Irs for a message. and laundry fa.ihties. IV S-SlM t( Portable in eh Muntft, per *j*)e IV ^ Hiodrnl 1 eixiirss \* urn tnwA '' M .* -Uuoge |.k«ncv V c FIVE ROOMS rNTYBNISHTD EXPERIENCED TVPls! ♦ ♦ ♦ available to students or proteseor«.. Trend " It :> ft: e to deliver messages location at » Santa VVNIKNT v • • •• •eaiire xir rinoet vuhpoenj. sen LD 7-ft.Xii or ED 3-35*3 M V*«ip isi'i!« tlic whole world. It is als Ruer All tvjms of x*. x ' g.dd' .Married Folk \ • ' » hr-tere the commit- r'frtrir ntartilee «t reavoift',' apm «r ' . t» •• ,/ ihe W - ift.,4 Whi.T tine to xcr.'.e n-ivei.-—gooS one* AfaKTMlNTS all Mrs Pier*ma. ED 2- hecr l lo the I ditor ■ M ,• ; *!i',ewdiat »itlc- I'. .s hard to ho either well, but " »em» Of seuf reason* foi or APARTMENT FOl'R ROOMS fur- SPARTAN MULT1LITM1 •gainst Ibe arttdaxrx or nftjr. -A Mvkxhi smvonant In* T« the t.ditar ;! ,5 even harder to combine the ixssiied Pm ce h.oii F n! '^r u,n- TYPING service Ever*' ».srosa*.;p Hooray for vou' lloorav for two a meaningful manner sine !0 mii'.ulck to MSI' or anginal. Mrs Goodwin ED let? letter on!' AXUgeslrd th^s in rtiiitie* turniseed ED 3-1445 tl the af.tdftxtl would disrwuratr In reference la the Whirl, I the VVt-v* It's ?. ,g!i fliue tlia: "The Last 'Day" »* one of those TYPING—TERM PAf'E.B- particularly' got a kick out «f. Somebody considered the fact attempts a't Uu> combination APPROVED ItOt'SING One man ir.Hc fa«t and accurate -L I omtnutiivu from m Mxtni lo share aoartment Aisn double Adams ED 3-f.Ml Brut PGpp ihfti comment, -Vet's represen¬ that married people like to which rails more than most. motif* from the I S go*err aiteeirur room. ED 2-4®I7 after 5 30 \ r-Tirs and sp. Art considered it luccrxx." *1 a nee, t tKi Mis.* Clark>*>n know# he: HAY RIDES - AT red ; ' *i mritt Hlut are the farts thai ts fix ex a through winter term tot 1 " v"' X ottgrrss \1 si, Hid expert them to say their The Whirl providod Just that on nuclear war # sen tosh to prrvenl lo eBhit" xou gourx* NEWLY DECORATED THREE groupa- Heated party man- «'•'*- dance failed? opixvrtumty along with ente"- xxvU Tcrhaps) her best outlet rrinn anartment rxiral .ytrnospbere Phone now for reserv «iw> er hs alwut IM purjwwrr of the nwT c •i reasonable ia!i ED 2-1511 EXT - Riding Ranch. IV 5-4527 •ainment Our budgcr easily met xxMfvng woxild be pamphlet- • affrdaxil" In respect lo your ccwnmrn!* for 2-egl. d*ss. Available irr.medtatelv 17 shcu.-i TYPING—OFFSET I I /V«/ lim its V,',. the $2.5(1 and babxsiHer charges WOVCH I M" X • A :• c .. r • on Me fina; pntlilcm that the and still staxed under a $6 75 Tanl Srotl I'NrrRVlSHED ArARTMENT »5 LICATION Our IBM E*eaPtvr f ' Q 4 " . . J-Hop offcrx to s'.ucenU. 1 xxouut Pnvaie wing to house, inrtudinc 17"' carruge and interchsnrejl wnrutt." e* kc ci;rt\-i your alien lion v dance fee two (itMftU bedrrtonxs ED 7-74H3. H tvoe-hara produces prorr**' j • .e lu'solntion * '■- e duality offset copy* v • ji.-u'xcv that AUSG heUI las! As for the dance being dnxxn- NOW APART" Call KD 7-»54l. Acrw-* " as-ra.;' Mi* .•> cMi-nifif Umi* • toxxn instead of at Kellogg or AVAILABLE - b.»n* 1- revealed '.hat a student MS2CTS clo-e to ramoxn. one and Berkev Hall A*s.a - ><»■ •Xlirliigan Slate Xr»» ' ?i. K»u.*'a - 5'.u-.-iert M-.r' two bedrooms l*nfumisheri except s.Hl 00 a term on clothing the And. again Hooray, it really :.i>a few p-tr'A. * .••*nnec?: -*n v loMhe I drtof -ih o- reinrerator and gtov* ED 2-4MF if TV AND RADIO wrvice >*"'1 • arc taken awa.*, seemed more like a night oat. student Servlres The MudeBM XM-v 4,f al o-e Does ih.s indicate a finan- HI low- ratew to student* New- •\t Csenr •! !"•' * '.,* * Get > "•»- ci democratic Mono.* ROOK4S used T V. set* and antennar- of tlx' A T > urobicn to. xtudenta? True, The Yets are to cummended Published on con days . far'.* strt'^rr : IXrf * aviihot " a* h,-> lUxcking tt.'u.ign Friday lncixudxr*. durine tall, tutrn checking, free parking » ' ■ • vt- $:«ac-nt J.*o- .• '* • Uf S6 ?5 m«y seem like a lot to pay for .their ability to put forth xolnter and snring term# ex rent NEAR CAMPCS. one or f o.m. daily. T.V Techntcuns ysvu r:U. Hr. ! AM Mhev-ft. i ROOM - W22 E. Michigan. IV 7-S5M nr«e to t«e Qje*- ' •>' •••* i.iw &' • .nsivl !?:.*• po.i: "*■•.- *j - for a dan** Bu', aren't the «tt>- enough effort and time to pro¬ hothtays: «era !v during mmnvr two working girl« or students. Home \drian J»fTe term and ore special fretnman issue ED 2-0772, the »c5,. ;* derM getting tired of going to vide entertainment acceotable to privilege* 1* ■}..*• > o "x h«i we*-') and fall iermv .ii* jrjp.t reevrs .Hr o:.oe a tew. Trof. of I nglish >ur I 'C-.'kt-*- ur*:>*.. but .fcftf * ,we be-"- afo;e wi> cicarjv yytiMpi.-t p..: . the same kind of dance, time af- The student body, man -d or F-tenn*l as second rian matter un¬ ROOMS FOR FIVE siudenta" Clean iisnet* and thesis. aKo genera der at' of March 3. ttls at the noxt a'«l neatly fumUhed: M per xreek 'x ■•* "-C S'.'.*' N i v. • *er time? Don't you think they s.niTlf i^y_ otiR>e as extreme a «,c.- . . wifi** rftst Lan-urg. Mill 514 S-'-epiierd IV 2-1*73 if m t Thoufhl coninit is an..instru¬ deserve a change once in a That precious checa only goes f e Associated Pre«s t# entitled >•••*.eirreme -'hat he v. a- ed a# research ' cour> - MrCarthyN oobrui <<• ment of all lotftlilarian societies xx briber of the right or of the Flag Waving wtule* Of course they do.' They say to themselves when they so far as any (51. can teJI you and speaking as a student's wife, •kcR'Slvety fo the use catuo of all ihe local news In ".his newoaiTr as for reoubi - xxeil pruned as alt haM tHWOO. TWO double FIXJCKS rp-,ra TO ramruv Parking. one ED- H WANTED -.••ei. mj that one dance is the game I feel a small portion of U wat, Mail aubscnrtions payable In ad¬ RIDE COMMUTE BET V T J h:? ctw-ffw Mia4. ?••!• • ,nt. left. *%e in this eovntry have al» To ihe I'*iitor: ROOMS FOR MEN «72 Gunton. Soartan Village <14041 arid U vance tor .uxe tenn. *3; for t«« read* traveled a lone x»a» jo "r cc* --n of Al'SG in regard the other Well this is where well spent Parkina- Call Ted Miller. IV, S-MII. Hve days a wee*. Have lo be ax * *4. rasterj .vr^o -fcfen*- J-Hop differs from the rest, Mr. *. c. •XL TW7. so Hin alias »Jk M •I D M. IV A-iaW aftet $ J). aat'.^dul CooH»ucig:r-. vt ward governnienl regimrnuiwui • ityf Fcacrai lux a;tj oata stir ill'. S v sf \ 11 \ iw « (iOiirl Agnrs c 1 lo Rule Seniors of the Week I'aris It 1 si1 inns I'nl Irreal l.iiiMr 1 *fl. !'t«0 Page Three Si/nart'ly. Daringly on S.v I *ii \l.ini' .Siiinl Slunk* llij» \lovir Men On Arkaiusas Law f'MHS =.i,o 1'' I' In.II .It1 f , II' iT .1 ,V W (f ii t ...., .. . ... -I', „v I II, ■* A<* • •.MM y • o' i ff io' ' , 'Hi ', .. Kv.i \l.ii -.f .S»»jh' l. 4' "fifl \r»ro Tnirlicrs Sin Lw, ,• M'.'ul. . f "lv r . , r 1 I , |' '.to. ... • ' jo: i'l .I •" W.I .'I to I I Iti'Miglit'd Again*! .S»r<»:ilioii " . 'I" Of ' -r 'ofigi|«» ,S"ti . . .«• MKvkn-t t.rfl,' If f O. III. I I., w,\SIII.V<;T«»N i.i-i Hi. * : fljn . 1,0 « f , ,| VJoM »|{i\ to rnlr ofi :ni At tain m 4 !, I'.' W III' •' ' 'TI'I loii In I ir ilr-ii!»»«'»I to did it Hmdii it "f'l » I J ' I '• ■' II" , ll Ml ' Hit , Hii tli:(l 2(i|\-i»rMlr 4 dt- » I'li'i1: tl lull Ch'Mar ' p... I iw . • fim I. -I In • ; •( I o, 'I 11 !•!' olifi l •: ' 11 1 1 . i \ y ehMMbirgers ..r I'... '! •(•< 1. • 1 I .- .. ' . M.. mi .:i .fijun ■ ■ 11 .. fit I (tiliilal Mahcs Oil 4futw Mor 1 . Of ..I, pi r. ♦, ft,.fit fltrv 11111; illl;,!,., 1,1V, 11V'.* I,.' ... llonib Search It:,- I'D ftl'Nftt I I, I'l I'M I IMfUMMtV Ml VI II At the right price . , . only 19c I'lppi', l il" -I fef - !H. ,i ptrinlirr of |rn| ' o. '! !■ fl.m. lloKii' ijjps ' roll till- t ■ , «f. t if • f,.M i' I of Oft iv«" . . . only 20c v >• phot 1111 I f»I tu. l ' * .I id Mil f. • t 1 pi5 ,! \ «1|| of lo.l.O ... , I 4 tit I. • ft • 1.. • . rill I " M I I tt ,"l . . M"'l'i . • , nm: of A'l.o ■■■•! V ( 'Mill- . Ml ttiM'td.t folio.. Otp Mil, .'I 'I I M. fiii . 1 -ml, Ill mill fi.ii tirpfi H T. KlirMim, Surn Imi Iipj til* little a pi.' 'It' • I 1 ! Oi l' .1 tlOMill In M Itfpii tl .ilio lirinini lit • 1 • 1 >11 v -Did (iirA • I III tAIION ti.ifk wlm a tit nit«I li.ilrliiilt l»rIt I.ill tlrllii, all'l ,ioi| Ovar "4 try "y combioolion of ptl' I'l . U.I J pi.HI' 1 ,pi ... ! 1 iln» niHft Hint Itr l>, l«,,,|.x In I If#- I I,. .... : M. .11,. 4 mrliitirr "f I iitoit 11",ml I ml Mild | x . allltttill . V \«ifil l tlinii fitf (Itr \>l I I •' • Ml' I .1.1 , tlMO, . Itr tt .ii a Hirudin »,f Imitoi 1 .nrrmritl ni I iilmnl I'riuilr. full O ' | " I f .1 • • " I H < ' ( iniiirtl anil ilnttiiiMii of .1 |l.n I;.., r ■ 1 r 1. 1 ■i'oi.pi of IM' ilr ttiril rilt|tlitt Itirfit fut lit' A tn;iDi oil t'l'iotl- • St IKM MM- MtVMIMIt.YI Laishl snabs. tt u Pill I Of Illl 11 i ' f* i,, no, a i'l, -i», . : •1 .'I M'ltitul In Ml tiremiii* Itr i r Mm* .1 M I ; I Ir tv"',',!.. of ,'l .. If<1 ' . 1 ,i I Hop, in,1 u> n ii• i'il In inbuilt 4 xl ilrmriil t lir alt tine 1, "I ittii pi iiir«. on ll • I■•' ''-.l I " . u . , p., |i»-,i| (ii,-, k \ • Ills If til V til tllflllt. \N ■ ip'liOtl .41 *| »• it l»'< i f'l Hi' •inr 11 "in llti rp.) unl .1 mil hi-1 "V" t|on«'f II )•;' It.' 'it-. I "I'll .1 M. triii ii throp-iiplci*- flit HI Die writ, xihritiilril Do i oippihrf nl I'M l\' Stipii.i, \ HfipnIi mnlor, with in .«ll- S«« yoc tonight ■ . 1 • . I • •. 'I Villi I III At k '!!>■■ III' (III! tilth tl |l l.l lllll It.I (lilts ' 11ll II ft .Mill I'l Mo \ |,.| rollrer nvriiur of I I, RiwIp I* Mt\\ \l , ' ! niiiMHiitioitii! 11v "f II,, 1 • l .iptlil 1.4ill tItr ulln l«|tiiili'l 1 ,1, 1 in P't'i 1,1 I' . I, of.* »l 11 I lirniftrnl of lirr anforifv, Nlfnil . . . J" fltr (."mil h.h • I1111 t«l (Itr (iliiiir H pi r ri ll' I v 1 -,'llMit of H i Hint opt'ffl It "Ml till t, fo.1 I'.Iii" K" ■' tl" "'i'i l "t I • . 1 • 1 li|"0,llft of 1'oU'Of SPARTAN BOOK STORE , , .li'lM" . • IP! ll , ! -O I.I 1.0..I ,, A' o v ID »T<' ton.. . ni :f. Dir llornfo'imiiig I!' i. In ij-jti fail- c 10N0AY I TUESOAY 111 ii«r» .l it \l UN \>ll FEBRUARY I I 2 * RAIN SOFT WATER - 1 u|> "iia|» |tri ln.ul 1 \\ v llt lio r I n ^ our Dnrin or hnttr THE GARRETT CORPORATION prttvitle In an a uiMtilcifnl itart r\cnint; of li tllet AiResearch Divisions Mary's I'i//» Cn |t»> nut* fine Mas toll Spituhelli will b« on campus to Intorvlow t«iant Italian Snntl« kIip* Illl I . LAUHDRCiiAI t.rii„il #iu r I ...l I .ill.ill); CASA NOVA ENGINEERING STUDENTS I \>l I WSJM. S Ol IU ST liZZMtl \ I II 1 tit.V, B.S. - M.S. • Ph.D. candidates Open i liDttt 0 tf tt v en il.n " ;i tt i fk Jll M.A ( . Idol I..titling and i:|l 7-!»hU I hr (ffirrHt (orfn(ration i- »,»»»• «»l the* m»»*t inrlti-1ri 11 luriMif hareero unl snrvi\ tf ti.vf-fse ft-<• trili, irtr' iritl n,.iini f '}1li|inieiit. a- H'-il I" -.t||»|iKifie -Jl»'x tin) 51 \i S i v f V. . . ! :: :-if8-havs a la*.tunii}.' i»r^i irii/.iii'Di-' IIIHsiJf HtifJ let I'rt»rn Atlh^eart h ll I ♦ ii taiff i'l- !»•- f.ilt. li t .- f-rvn e jr» the\. I'rrtjet .isfir.iifi#* tumjianie^, tu Jines I work ~ t** etiiirjtii tmi isv small anrl * OITW» fiir»fJ»'»T ties epijifiiefif- ui .nf r iff -«f 1*! jn.ii|tx »n whn ii ifffiivMjua) '•ffort 1% marr tniiMitn r ttrnpnfieiifx HMI -A -f♦-?- I <»«{.» • nnrklv 1 etit'jm/t'ii mil fipporturrlic* i«»f lUy>' nl t !i» .%»11 hi ■« t -; ? • it!* 'j ♦ • irrniDf ami niv ifft eiriefit are *-Mii4fitf«i. \iil— tfr'li f;i|.}iiiD'rtf. \\ lift ' fillip,IMV hliafH (,»l I- "I t Hit '* 'Hi Other I turret? tiivi.xtiiiix iijtj tex t ail I olllllDD: V'tlir efillt dlP/l» at, line f" t;'i atctreunn^d variety •>! [»r««iut K uu IikJih^ i»«»riii^ umvrr«tiie% * TYPICAL PROJECT ACTIVITIES riootronk «ir dola r/>m|itito»«. pf#x. ,ri» rtnn '141.. ointrot iv'trmN tor *artou« of (lii"!!, instfUfrirnta, rlriffMoi i»Mnn* ami ruot'if* S.r sod vapor w«ie rrf ripe rat ion tnrhinea, pnru* an>i f/riirmlorx. ma'irall* and merhanirally 'Irtven rompre«arira. I'roliminorv drxtgn, from onolvfiroi oiwt fho.irr»i t.a« fi.ri.iti^ eiijfinr sini ilhrr high i|f**-d rotafi'nf , rnl consider of torn, lor hijrh-le*ei fe»tfr»i< ai u ma'htMCfv flexiiin and an«iv«i« invnlving; ga* •••ffttlviioinif «, %trr»e Onalyis, iherrooilvnorn.o, ke«i n.^jors Servos Gas Turbine Engines Cr» ? AraiyS'S Cocnecting Nef*0r«t Stress and Vibration Anaiyt.s Con'fOi £ng.r*e"fg E ectromc Flight Data Sys»emi. Preliminary Design Computer Progromrrp»g Conr-O'S and Trvs.sto' Cucaitr/ Physics Space pnysics and ionno* on A>* and rteat Geor Design Sales Er,g.reer»ng Troniter t [ J ••••tooa *»• ♦. • ••■•••* »es» •. jfeut*io4 9l.o lo% a* as. catreonis/a The best tobacco makes the best smoke!S C..^,; *. I. T#t»**aU.. <* ir,.ica ¥Htm. Ted Williams IM Highlights ,'M ',v *'.'-i • V-'tithes U,.ko- |.i«t upek Sims Again vii. S 0tf« , iitty /•A - pinar-t h" iviMOeflt" I-.:' !<» In, • ' 4 - . \ IV s.v.w0 « , it „•» Hi .• dm ing Thm t KIP \> , ,, , NOW -t . ' -i nr.ii •'«iv* l>.Mi iturn. .Wires to ftp tl 5 ttM" hi junction Hold* I p Fro crisis from lis:lit r„ wv«,>\ - e v CAR' TONY NH.til- »V M N M>1 I IN KlimiKS 2(V GRANT-COSTS I lli>l MIOW r I'M -- I I' Ml HI. T ..ill • iHRii I -K111 \ > lit, Will MM. 14HI I Mtrhtcait I ,»n*tni iii MISIIMI . . . • wRANOAlL\*JP TK&MtRmtR t ;v ir\ \M» vpi » II l\ I I K I >MlNl M our blind date to chance ek 'its" picture in the WOLVERINE „ «nc crosby „ . cract kelly frank sinatra I i n Trnian* yi N uniter* iiioii sociKn IT A Mn|'»hi
  • d«y for \ MOM I IM. a ;i« eriean Football Lcagvn? ?; »"•* Stir* .•htses. . i-; > sh«* i a i 1-4 I *hj»» S A $ ttcproirotitlvM of boe > * s-a M *ha« T A $ will appear before AF1. ATHOUSANDandONEWOMIN l-S M S i A M Shaw I A 14 khsw I A * I'? W KhAW S A s A M ors opening a three-dav rr,' ihr of thp new professional >• DREAM Of HIS EMBRACE! 3-4 Ralhrr 2 A, R RUP. S-« lUlhor 4 A •> A thin! city bidding ? - ' " T-A Rilhrr | A ' final franchise in the e.*' i league, Miami, Flu, * tg.OOC BARBARIANS make a personal prcsete- -n, league commUtionrr J,*» I '" FEARED HIS | Mid Monday. A deetoleti mm which rli* H** STRENGTH the etrewlt prebahlt will mm# AND CALLED HIM iriMIbii Ikh week. There la a paaalhtllu U.r drri- A -eCUUH"! •kw will he w»e4e IoHa«. Television coversm» ^ 'I games' will be worked out •• the meetinir, he said. Unlike the Nation.d Fvfv. I league, Foss said, the AT. ha'l agreed that all fuwb .der.vetl from rlw tele vising of ^ f3 * 'I shall be divided eqi-a'-y aT v ik| teams at the end of 'he u** • I Sltvt (Narwlis) rmtbs AND THE BARBARIANS ; in- »i oiH'uiic na> complete picture coverage of uor- ,.0, i raterniues. and Sororities. LaaiTr t be half safe - check the WOLVERINE to be sure . . . ''..member, e\en *'* cur best friend won't tell *you. Start hit "KEWPEES" 0" sale in the » ■ Union 9 am-"pm, and-in a!! living units. LUCON for A Stringing Coffer Brtek IPOBTttTtS Den I State hoftlirrs llolllHT~^ \_r Ihiirfa'Xi'* it 7- 7J Nnwt roe Lealiv f I v. I l*» llo* 7Vo Saturday " im \ t ' ;• ', • i Mi.tttM"',. ••' It y "« • • ' 1 " "■ *••»«* Mops Austin '• .1. Moo" »• • ' vh'pjoHl t'1.1 ft/-'.'.' v. til Kfxi.t . | ifili.r lllkr MfivriI \| imnw' » Nigh Is Open * Ml \ Ml HI \< II »'"la I' Miiiijim 'ii. pif.0 fACB F ive ifl'il 'lii' 1 OM'irt ll|i JH'' l'i Ibmrs of i .oil ii-mr .Hid II - |o .... k, "> tii - " <• m" r t- i.." llipi k< .ki"" "p " o11in tw to • w me t hn ago I !'. I*ll» Honr i' ow nor (b'orgo II d i Still's .'ill I'oinls '»•" "M "t He IIM W II I IMilON ! . '.r»tl.-| Sl:»lr New* spoil» I illloi m Inn k of N'tv M o h-dl | .I'tf'll!.'' O ' •> Sllillh I'isl.Mts , I o.iIn for National Football I- I . ■ . !..»• It" 'Mill ■ "III Ml.l" XmIsIIV (lull. SpOfU-OI- III t lit* Ol»l I IMII'I . hi !»«'* v>;«1| Ml I oaeiio ' oimiii-'dufiio avail hmn.mpM p. w , iTH|»oU»lr«l to th«» of pooi pl.tim""- t ii.-.l p, od not lone hot'o Muifdnv i h^'iiiirrinf. *... i i i. (!| pirn' 1'iiliiinn Vlini 'il{»\. .I.iu, 'i VI.,, no? 1 ,i pi"ui'if-i y,vrfIiIum" n.miiI tlin( m ilif burnt nirM thnn I n " n "I . W , ' " ' : ipp.-: I I U" I '." PAY MORE? 1m- bfdtiT fur Itli' oil I Till" i • 1-Miiu i iil'.n s.titii.l c M.m.m ,k P.'/ \V. H., k t;ii:iv, ll also pmjnistnl thill fill' I'.-imi' bp p'mii pu.ii Ii, A 'i . WHAT FOR? •i Hip 10 rluuupiun Irffrlvtinni t . o»i«l fh.-if flu- I tie Wi Itrg All T# Now *«.'»!) It," |,w uiirlO achmbihmr mi rxpriimrnf f«» or h.m iiiant 11' . II '!» M'rr Ifrg. As '!*# Niicv $r#.f»f) iifs would rniii't lu a tjaiur plat ml nil I hat uirhf . i III * NOW Cell S.VVR" until I III ,1II Ural |I i'." M." '.»vr" 111 f \ !u- I'Npurinirnl u.•isn't too •»urt'i,«sf ill a unit "u-. Mr:n* .il« '.in ! M.rrr M.'OOIr"! ImhiTM •n tu rum I nnt (ah.- ,r igti v ft» pier' ,11" , •H|,"| I'lir *1* lot IN !' VARSITY SHOP Pv proved Hn n'l an Inr a< nntiiipatril IVtb ultnit p. O ft. . »rv»ii'ii| of ttu* I * FREE! i riiri.) lint shouldn't tho atuinni ilratt move |iro|»lr thin tivli. 'I \ r|n \« In it thi» Kinlav I fi. % iri'o home im-siui l"i 1 ■< . ■ 1 I* • 1». • w iflr It.tlr \ I k' M.llri 7. IC Purdue. Hi. u>• »u lii.h.'Mia > ." r II.. 1.*." JiiHllM.'l ?l I C|l'..ff> ; !v final opponent this fall i« flu- * nitoi ile ot tMioit .... MSI WIM ... wm. • M • .. iil. i o . I* VVMsH 1\ .* 1-itH ;»m III. on.. . w »,! J in 11 it it 1 1 it mt 111 . o inn .1 ii ji in iliiiim: iiio w s|.«w ih CI cc sh*.* «, *l n mant fails w ould rut hoi >»t in nunpat at it olv ttaiin • . ik Mil alfiii piii. tin pi.11 ti tiiillv in. I ml** I III.) k If V «l •> I* l« Cllfc* Stein HIT I* lao- . s.'ti I'iehlhoiiMO than in tho Novoinlnn oold to ttafrh i on », » ». . i I, i. M, | off. II* .11 Wt >■ • '«• Mn .1 1 littlern. like Ii.iv nil. Mi. ilp.i itii e 111 11 do f<•«n CC HI.... « I.I.II.I.nI«*.. I, *C CC Hh#w ' %l . ... |( •» iiii'ha probiihlt on to hi* sod Motroit tram ' ftiil v.0'I■. •piinlet . fvverilv five "HI n, Ii.h I) llnlir. llr I.I *, CC H.iMrrl IrlR C. •» with ' ..a l". Ill ll.i.ll (.1 .l||>|IO! t IIS I«• T ,i" lh» in .•* n » I mil ll,il»n«k 'I 4*4 mils ttu-, i>tn iit.piing •" iho ' ihmi 1111|«el h do si* Jilt'- ilnlii tilt)nl medley niefi do ii«*i ni » ti' MicQfaaWa ■ W I W *h»w I I' 11 IM 5 LWCIC. Mir hi pan Ion Aya-o who was lino t(tr JM lH.i t f 1111 .1 • y ISO's and lull lei fli et . do Iweitly "Ml lim I'll I III ix*'. I or# th»mn<'"i It HntlrrflrM i I'M lltill'MUM • If "take i hhi ciil tiiine coin riMiinmale. In ins this Is M"erna"sl .'III 1 111 "own ,1 the Week ((•lai'torbm It in, roarh for Iho Spartans l.».( the will ..limit innii and Htm « t.«|»w I'* H"4 Vnlmri * CC, IC.iOrfhrM ' M •' iulhnrof " t ll'm i T rrn ntjf I hint' "The If any mm tnrriiii l," llir rnarh Mimrili lie ilnlii I piuj'te.Ni' men m n»llrrfirM I a and n onIchor in j hall of '.li.Htfht ■.wimmiim. Met '.iffroe kmir < Uih 'te Hon r«ilm#n 'II /,«ry* 0/ thJhr litlha", >'• nienlinn II hut lie niislil have hern fhinkltit *d a »\- II ill. v 1. II fUllrv a. IM iviioit Tiger farm s\ flie inwip front Hit ait II til flril atlenrird fmdliall I'hr 1 mil h rnr t on. • a mi i. iv llr mn *. • t mark I'h.-e li-k lira, keif ill. I Mo Col. vis. lim < N | art Mrlnni I t aiiadiati pro club tii »t and A'ya-o brought the two t'i V , l|.-.|,,«i I'll i ! . ( II MM • . . V MM,| ... i I ire llr i an I llr i mi t II apparvi. oft proci.aims tiie m in an.I Mi. i iv i i.avr ».• "I*. u .1 •.«l peak I-> v.i 1 ■ We. If "hi: id .He .01.1 In, I - w»(i Hi lllkr AMI III l», I'rteiik I rwn »l •»a Tobitt Koto of tho topolhe? Arano didn't boprn 'I'.r 1...tut"* of vprittflT nre ..M w r ho * "nr- era.r. *#• will ».• aimther signal-calh i. i oarhmj; hoir tint d I Pali and iiiiifte* * Km nit itooiir in • 'i«-.|.|ifilf ..tit ttioliltik-- oul tihtmi nit'■ iiiirf puffing '•« »wtf (iHH'fJC l{|'(l\vil Dwcsn'l NlCfl Pills r Vicoh* new coach »■» irttiii ' last u'ju tta- I!»*»;; M'lNrilMI. Mil Ih'.ror filler" (nil ccl.iif "ur e (June I i|.«liMiii ni.«- I i-liiou, iiirtrlehl'»IIa 1* m.f :t« 'utoiv |»eoiile f.e|ir*« frh their pimohp* pi ri*s»M'iKd( ' I hewn I he hntioh's le:»i"tn: .te • u1 e 1 eyt'i v rt lee I •w !" . 11 , , iimIhhI v . I e Ii . no*.-,em .'" on" I . .ti!"n t Ie' tut fm . •> \too.iav Miffrltng fr<.,n ' » fu t",.in* (l»r!Mtir. >l.e **.»» .1 o'nl I'.ujjlt.f.wipinri who Itverf iiiiiye in PreMnti, Ontario, lot ied eourf eosfs of om r . ( , 1 hurry* Yen mi k tit ' ■ Pig "ll" w idle guarding lieu ot. I w.e. afraid I" 'akr it"|i|rti/.i. I hi* i* nn' ,-ni 'I l.i'/nlmtJ,|I»| time* noil, triifr-r-rf, I ligUli" '• wft stlv
  • " a! r >•> off hint '* llil'tltl i*'f|..U« I >.iru'E tl.e ifivnrt.'ft i-J tf,e biwrunfi Cniinrln. I iniite I wtiiirm t iiie.etujj; pi.m 1 tienige Hi own- . e.r e. •• •• a brawl during a game l»or IJ i tie judge said the amt eh.• e the Mi« "f I" ti.ifde" rite man w !io mi!scored ....I :» hill.If l.t" ^ mere, liulettere" rotjnfrv liirN nencad "c H VVF WI KAV) ill N VVF WI "te.VVI **« *.%VI: ess iVVF sc* ramiot p!a> again until a probate offirer peinnts if The 11.,; »00 "un'r Urowo. **hrtrp- rlofirtg 'lie tiivipTot., f a- ».f Hie* JNfmniteh • <) . m e mi link f, now. Untie; I up of tloiwf'-'in .'iino' oof "f ■' vvit'a » significance of the derision is that polire officers I- Crriuiilfi, r'toM iiii.Mil.lenr ygtrf lor." on (he whtfe elifTte nf fkm* i I ;h imu.m", "te uniiouN i' - 11»t.. a'v.i age n itirt' l, )"r» N'i'l f tiitte'l if.e »nle of lint fie h> rnllvuR the 'nkyihE rnomle nf TODAY! TODAY! •list hix'key players for fig tiling during a game . e'ii.'giale ha-• e tvovert tame "td nf d wilh h* ; u I'e 1. I he ll|iU*ii fleet »ith thli ktiTlM.g ("k-im »»i hel i(*'n'WII|X*l(i"*' ■ hockey player's lawter wilt appeal the conviction Ptowo |thiv> I n Ihnjoe 1 i; U-liilil fedoeeil. fs»?h kill" v i, tie r\pUtm>, "It. will had tt» pohro officiating iit V i' ..i" e" I ii, teg brur-ed. lie . •r. ' flnt i In wume.s." •frown rhicnl NnhertMin fur ! i p.iuri"- p.i hi nmio'ec 2 a !f» »i JI» /fn/ot" If niinules In lluuiiesur I nicer i. i-ie pre to. of Iveeioltu op > tiope this kind of ruling doo-n'i sptoad to (ho f'nitml '/«#!(/ /r/r.r riitlatt, 5(h«pardv silt s dml with I Inrlnnall Sal - ''.Is Ifoi'i : !' oli. from "J 5 ' H < mo ' '/'iifhr. » urdac and I.ihI 14 puundv lie .1 1 tht point"'' rod wide mn filed RuhrrtHiih hut I tlook it vva i partly .mm Smnnfi tfw SfytniMh^ a I ooIIkiII (loaeli (lulled On .itilHr.rtrsl him. IH-1.1. ( tnrinnali won. fH-'.ft- 11rove 'I and "I cc.i |»##11 o physical." caul f "i;h? ho» I vva* \ 5 .'•in/ 'hnrtumO. L/.iAr Vw# ronieh, lu tlir three years that tl-e.p ipotioiiaUy op f"« 'tie uaniw. 1 in Assist (lineiiiiiati IVaiiiiiig ititiiaiiiiii / Uf <1 hiifar m*nJ • t nnt a. I U»«ni 'Junrn cm; okh iiim. fir //mm, \\\Tt ' V' - Tfir of flisls' Sfoii'M • fowwf «r*. '/'"A UnO'l - • V VI VI f.RINIHNf. • Mount TI NT: I i* Ifiiis Agaai aro uo.nj* Nov g.iuiU'i" ■ 11 Mnki ' fie was JJ • Willi I. H VI VM IM# • vkmsorm.H I if 'hi! ,1rwwi • cPRIMlN • ■ll *. iomng cttofrv • t I:.- ( • HK VKI SI.KVICI i m nn f Jnil' I n CO *1 VII l'll*l A Ml I FLI K • W VSIIIM, I■ "ink '««# ffnff Ma lid got I Jain- 1'aiU A - Vluiwi.ty tiial Hat' !' « Hods . 1 N hi»N jeaeiie" 1 ft wt'.'l' lie ui charge of g' j'.n.-N „( uiMMv uilieldrr ■ I HUM I IIF.IIC KM" I. \K NllHk iir.U into nhtxi.-ai » •• Kd • K«. K .-h.jrt.Ni' !. ( • » Kilt FAST ltd \|i SFItVICF FALL LI) 7-tMitti • ■ spring ir*lning in. 1 • ode".' "i MU? holder las* m • • V\ . K. k • ho 1!KJ for !h« u ON GULF SERVICE; • lusm ill charge Ihd.N -n IK games la*' year. LAKKY'S Jy, ■ Your rompitte Optical Headquarter* . . • .lovnieiply located, ofirio.c rumpicte op'nal service* WALLACE OPTICIANS ■ (diuKonally (IN HAST VIICIIKi.CN arru-vs I rum Ileal St. cnlrMme) AT Mil ls ■ 11^ ■ SALE % llllllllllll I I I I I Knnch Of fire luppnMte — Vine at ( lipinfl Sear* in liawdorl HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! lit 1W iltiwaWIk r»e c\ a in inatiuns he llr. VV- C Jriisi-n. r«i»lrrr4 oplomrlrisl STOP TOURS MEN WOMEN CHN.DREN c. H rehatri '! u!.»t vei'e* C/Jieen K)l«i(»elh .I' her 1 I •.n.arle her f*e t luuie.-iie. :#ori gave her tha I'll. IV !l-277l student travel overseas rrooram \\e«t#Mr« Ueti.i'plji re esjejjt (htlufl,. f't" Ihii wtv not the e*- lllH Ktl Mm. Ibm. W»i,. $»t-. a mi", mi s i,as r !•'.! '.! I l «-hion'k M-r-H'-N ••• .cieen urirl rotjntry. In 1.>'J EUROPE 1960 9-j; Thar*. * frt.. t-» • im ,i\«'i,»e«l tl'e #"fE- I" lo'Hi. ;#ir»-. -la- u/0 itrre«t«el for jmv h* Nolo; .VII chiifc Ukr*ii from our regular clmk. No "Spf. ii an,J "iij,i.o.i,e»l ft it thirty year* in u Uutt oi uukiruwev. "Hon * CHOOSE ft Mi 12 DWIMNT Itinerants, Ustmg from SO to 84 i,.t. known iii Guy LHwkei lJ»y! rial Purrhanra" er Vlaiiufaclurer'S ( toce-lfuU. All Shey»- r !«. — from $1195 Ail expense — Near York to Ne* York— AH JUNE UNIVERSITY STUOENTS' SPECIAL flepjrtj'es Available to students exclusively (13 25 jffsj ard'n Quality Shuen Uken righl off ftur tebrlve* and going te (hit I bur* '• G t n« get l»rk to • pru.E ijaihu'U* r. c n+ jai|«ular again il»i- m-mi - tlar tartiigan (which, • • » !>oiil':i. ••* .!> n.imeri '".T G.rti (Virrilgah, who cerflhw Itim. brrf* , oprn f.r. .amlwirh an ju^— r*lr* yet plenty of free time too! f! ■ ' IP-.i prut*—roffrr or milk M,« l.ngli«h fleet aga.n*t t i •• >f«inoh AriniMl*. Tbd it ALL cf our itineraries cover Britain; the Continent extensively, plus Niilioiii.1 C.hrrlio.l >IIUk> IN WlUITIUN. sixru. I-IBI K II l » IKOM AM II* ALL «,weaier - only one (irraiuet rti fh»* fertile ftntoo'a imagination. e ther Scandinavia or Spain — and sometimes BOTH. 01 » M'ic iAL ArrtTizr.cs ((»• al«« tme!"etj fite ImlbjieeQ !>arjimer, the genuiU, an«i the Here is art example of a 70 DAY ITINERARY; ..i.-r-lli.—lo.'kin« IMM)'|'S 'molar, without which chewing, a* we know " hxJay, would noi SCCTLANP ... 4 em »<«diflf tdmburgh and the Scottish HigkiaRdv ' i* jte*»iWe;, t»0RM STI ULNTS: 98c Lmikint for a re*il> . fine meal Ibis LMwAku HOLLAND fRAkCL .... ... ... ' tovermg LorSon. ft* Shakesptar* Country and LrgitUi L«(t Oistnct Ir.Ui 4 fail days m London'. 3 dayi m Amsteidam and the Dutch countr/nde. 8 Sm witting Pans (4 full dayg and the h,*,era, h.c* and Mon'e Carlo. III MlKtllS Of I'AIKS KKIHCKII • Hut I rbgre*«. TI* rsrdig^-I -av. Will f>e hack, which *n a'T-e for P'joieing. Why? iJeiau'e the mrdigan ha* nice big fNa:keU in whieh to < arry your ( igarettei—and that, 50% ^undA> eveninc? Far the finest ruitine at Hard »• beat prieea g'rod huddle*, ic ample reaaon lor celebration, 'Do you flunk ^ sure to vbil . . . SPA.H i it)', in Barcelona and lovely Majorca bland. flavor went out when filter* came in? If «o, you've gut another ITALY 14 days including Rome, floranct, Yence, iconic Tuscany and NTiioke conuug. I mean*—all the rich, «mooth flavor "MUSE IF BEEF' SWITZIRIANO . legendary Capo. 4 days in Zurich and high u# m the mamMM m Pontresma. i/f prune tohacco* |4u« a filter that really filters. N> slip into your cardigan and hie yourwlf to your tohaeconkt for mm* J»IIU "•• 111 mr.u wrrr* kr Uir -■<»* •' ' »" BM AUSTRIA .... 6 days covering SaiAurg. Danube Rnrer crime, and Vienna. IpKel Mitrihor»'e T hey rorne in aoft |n#ck or flij>-tup ih»s. CaPii- Notkipp Pol Ikr flprkl lor TOO from ... GERMANY ... 10 days visiting last ar-d West Rerlm (for a peek Refund the Iron Curtain:, Munich. Wiesbaden and Rhine River. ItwiiA come in pink tor giri* ami blue for lioyu. DENMARK • • • 3 full days in Copenhagen. "HOUSE Of BEEF' III W. MICHIGAN INrxt lo Hotel OUO AVE. SWIM* .... 2 days m Stockholm. NORWAY.... IdaysCbMfiOg Oslo and the Fjords. ASK FOR DITAiUD FOiMAef II goti'rt n Mitt tmoAer, try Uar/boru*. If you r* • hm- Hilar *1 tinker, try Philip Morna, U you're m telniaion Kate her 'ry Max Shulmun'a "The Many Lorea uf Uuhie Gillit"— Hon..S.|. T om • I pm — *«»• II t- t pm. S.T.O.P. TOURS OPES WEDS. EVE. Tll.l. SISE Tueulmy niyhtt. CHS, tetlihtin. In: rno.1 lorl. rounp brrf. chlrkrn, pnrkotekkt. rte. 11)1 UMM ItiUt ' ... x ^_FTjQD YOU ALWAYS RE.MEMHEH'' 01 j.m it# uv# <•# m«« ##« i.i vn tn uvi <*< :iavn •## MM MMMV «Mir M MR I it rtt /WfM« ttiiiifi* fittmirv !«. tftftO (Trosjworti Puhli Ivonimh S|M»a! s StiHirmh in < hhivnr \ I si i I v l;i., hi" ' »' " »' *i ««♦«« ;>r. Ytmt-8 Host' t olril .s i iiroi ilv i'Ion it 1 . I '..I At ... t !«t»-*|'»M". 'ICMiMtt Ihnnpshirc .. . In INos AH (>i|.ntjM tots I I' l « • i, .< M,. t,.,. »if tf,,. ir... i .1? t'OIMMI'MM.t th» «o I'Uh I .. Aim I.... i ft I, . ». pr f•' • v t> ;'tt .'np • -i - '.i'i| M"M/lr'v .••••.- •- 'lit A*1 •• 1M >«i tl fl.l't :><» .m « if. tin- ,. tV-.f.l. e;« •' ».f >t>>- 1 1 1 frh i..,f •.. .i; | . -.i »,»♦»«- . !•. M fVI vi • V I Iniiitw No \ ii liii * fur llriiii- . i.. .11 1.. « t •• I,, MM- ... f>» '••• I i tr.fln! C flU DM iri'ltttP, t» \Yil.tif..I »»»»«• n 'i.i-t tt.'.i. ti?.-. ■> ' ♦.!.«»». il'.j t» piHiii f'lfl-l I- ;■ I i f -'t "• lit -... pMsM>Hi"i \u| \rlhi> in Mult- IViiuiMM - t t!f|l!r»«f..r..l t' In « i.i,t t( tlMiiinniil tt rc.-f t|,» ? • I I l IH \ nft if tl i: WH 'M it.' •' nit M V \« f 11 1 I ft. \ II » • I.. ......,»> ill M • *" AM '• ' I..* - • I. I, .1 M Hull I". t'. ■ til i . |»». 'i !H I', i -ii - ■ r «.'- 11 • - '■'■•ii .1 • I --.. I .'r.- . ill. I i I ;t f;ni ■ . nORAL GABLES' ' t w i -1 i ♦ i«- • „ «... 1. . ti,.| »»•»• H. . • i'. I". .• < . .. , 'U U •», i, . |»,. | > ILFORNO •• , A* I.. .. Ifl ■» Ihr". Mif.tiiin «t4ll*t|f*« iit'M Placcmcnl Bureau >11 i.-M.-t ft,M. • Itltll'N t.«t«-»t IM Mfft Mf t" 'mm iwil Wip l"-»-ft» *lltin'iri llw'f H»i |i., i.-li. .-1..- . i,,fl.n . ♦« llf Ittl.t'lu. mm fit. Im»Mi ilvil » »| I » l|r .■» -m lt... I » »I*«M l|» t"l I lir i hr*.| Mir- • • MI,H I \|!f|AIN • # • | . ...1 »• r i».i..4|rrf l.f'Mft ... t|'r I'lU'MMf.ll ll(t.MI) if !»•■»«♦ 1,1 W . » PfiHi'Mltt i iihim||(»m Hilt "III If 4 rr In . I.....I .1..^ »m «.!. tnrr ..I lulu»!•»•« tlilr MmtHH" -ii*" If. I \\l •• t» i.l , P»M MM M'f ft "111 fit f" HI If Ml « Hhv tninn' that nittiiv 1*9//, I fiintim* hi I on on,, i»v«l..»v ..III. ulriMk ('• •4 If"I'»|»lflr lint* l.f .. Itr«|,. t f|,|i. H'llmi , I'1 |l ». I.. i.m * .1...... .1(1 lli.lfii it" Mrtt'l"f« H1.MC MM Id b.i|. * ..til..*. «| flawi-t «it» trrt mi i*# - ■ I. Iit.llr In l"l" ' If" T~ ' * MM IIM t Mil r I ll ' 1' ■ 4 ■1 ' • I*.. If.ji l.ift... I •. • Stffili* # t lllfltl'fl • litfliitit tX Nf'ft I inula • ItWtl If • * I'" f,,. l|,fH||l ,. ||». « ♦; I MUM 'I'M f >l» * •»»« I Mr;, I I *t«l ».♦•» | ,.< " Mr 111 » » | m,. W"H yi,;.'i." • rT~~ r f -it"Imp l mil "ll MIMN " fl.,1 I,; CU-t. I* -I,t | itllll. 1 Mi l s Mill * t'Mitvf n»T mi t'rli il. .MM |. • p.".- im i i". • gi-*l-tf.-> • ftnl il >Mtt,l Hj. I'lfl. ~t * ?' i'li tt,t.ttv\y |"llfl Inn.Ill, lit llir llnlli.1,. II,- • *' . ... I. Mtfft. i. In jo. i«, > ,V !'• i h t' #*»* f - • .. . i . I" ..It. Mfllt 3 I I .I'." W "It i ■ • . , Qii,. . : i 1# 71 M I '•> IIM mi i* V" tt x ' I | M* .'."ll MM" It'll MM »••*♦* |t|\|H\ MMII"V 73" Xf .M.I Mr Mill I.I- .lr.'1-.l •• I "III'OII 1 M»»\ 3r " it ir t'rM' ' MniMlMrr '.I'M '« »« llt.«»-4'.t» 111" l-M I.. I' I »•' llilllll.' I "M'f'lt'i I'll • ' hi p.. .. t " t'1,. A Al,II, i.- '-U ».mI »IIM I" '• ln«l «»"r i" "»•>«. ... .... is I7 ■la ii r TT ll«|r |".4«l. » . , |) V. I» «*!. I .. a. r* » —. n Tf it >7 TT 1». Hrtt". III." I .• l«». i»ri«.iu in.ihm mii • rii. - .... »*» IIMI l« tl«M I'rlnlU fi'illfi |« S»H«"MMltl T'(I ir'H M.« Ili'f iiHt. "i |ijnmiii \'tl.'M»l | ihrtiitin 1 r „. II Mir Urti'rti I 'I lli'M.r I." iitih.."' 'I'll'..I . tloihi* Vim11 I'rt'tlit'lMMi: tl.-M.IU t'» 1'H'im. ll ii|nniii« |l ln*t t>i»r it"' llilfil IHllMMI I M. ...IU * \\ It Mil. , Mil I" I t'lil I-1 lM\|M*i*iin«kiiltil S|iittM' Tn|i- -WII5 \ NVtSt ll ♦ lv« Mm "ill mi >!.♦ #ut»rt it»u ti» «l tl4tttr « «r. I. ,l>tltti *i l'iwt« ♦ it'll' - |ntii) in llii \i"ii nl flit' Mit'll r III. plilff .I I luM:iti«".n Kii'iii \ ill IViMpIr- pi i'|>Im'Htr*-! Mniiil-n Doha Aliidyine for r*.iiii% lll trt'il* I 'In |IM Ml. <1,.. 4.1' M. < I nt '.lir Nfitlfi/ ,ilnt yiiu »... rt,. nMlm ynii want to //? // //' lliimicli study .-Hid exams' Ml ill' «»'•!»»»"« Ml' 1 ... J ( tUlfimif ll ».t f.ip.., • ,v i ( t |, | fx |i v p > II" I lit"* mmiiil , Vt IV t tt ' , « * \ I Mi« t . 1 V t" I I'm H"«" , . •• V - - ,t U- . I I mImm t 4'1'Mr Nhi Imi t «* i It U«"r tlirl' |"i'I'IM'i * In Ail " . ^ .. • . , • \ - ■ . t' • |«"t>f "I | I'lMfti"* t» « AIMM'il Ml V v I • » 4-1 ■ • !»»*» Bittthri. A I Hi"ia* It" Iff I r«|l» aI I" A * 1 9 ! ■ S 11 Im* iflfhiMfil | tl« I ' s\. v * ham; yoij heard!! . , • ..,^1 ■ ■ • ' 1. \i. a . ;« A « .v • l.i >'•-.• M. ,v. i t.l.'f. .In . ' >' • r I ">'■ ♦ • •. v p 1V ■ , ' V • "• •»< . I HI MM \ I '.i! I.... I I IN ll, SI \\ •' i If**--"i»'«H \ o«- I . a ' . I h. >.i i \t | I.. , 4 • .. H. • \ , ,M .V,S. . i . - ■CCCIAL OfffH... U ■# - * ' • . • • • ' " SAVE ON LAUNORY! IM\i:ksita Hi;\i ii \ h - ... ' ■••• - Fbr2Headed s vl.dn 12 Wash Panb 79(1 Pipe Collectors %it ('"inpi* i« U si'*«iiHi>i Mrt.iV. Sifr i . I W. iiltmil lite -iti'M'it'tvff iriliirlttE l,H»i» t I tulrr Kit.itl ■ ■ 0«nuin« imfiottitii hamt*i \ \ u \ : ■ (tltftrrywttori |Mp»» ■., ed" 2-1116 ™ IW« «l • . tlitng ha MiiiMlAM- .iii "Ihn W»«l r«Nilly «m«Mi«wi " . V-,X . V.VVM ih?v h"» pmt Huia^ a* man* \m\ nijili—(jm • llti* Mft^ttr two IH A.I.VI |"|«< I> A 111IIlitf. K'.sl • v*sn »m miM« UiMiii «Im tlr-aniMc «»i h mhii launtln.' * "Mil "wlflmlhw I'M"' A •MM'I * t«M Attn '-"II'VIMM'* M AIA'I tinni III 11 i n* nil: A 111 ■ 9" llw ll.'lin * ,M|" aim! liftkIk*| ■ LANSING LAUNDRY | ta'l.'f* s|,t»'su fhnm- «« »n s«\ »U "MM I IMA li-S« l.i, lot ^ V, VH ft jwti manil.v 1 I DRY CLEANERS £ A iamI ijiIIIC vluppo,! .iMt'i to it's IN...the tar out A"" |">W MAIA S. »M| I." I "a* HtNA'i'Nl |M|V ' BACK-LACED ECCT & I. «« ...n in M.U,mc;..ttt' « K'A K (.111 IT — THIS MOST TAl.KKO MUM T III. UK Olt IH'TTKHNl'T IMHIT IN SOFT l.KATHKKS IN I AN. 69: > - FAST LA.NSI.NH